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Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr.




Colegiul Teologic Sfntul Nicodim,
Trgu -Jiu

Theological College of St. Nicodemus,
Trgu - Jiu

Rezumat: Autismul infantil, o tulburarea

pervaziva de dezvoltare, de etiologie necunoscuta
creeaza uneori mari probleme unei parti a personalului
didactic. Dificultatea celor care lucreaza cu copiii care
sufera de autism provine, pe de o parte, din faptul ca
referirile la aceasta problema in publicatiile romanesti de
pedagogie sau chiar psihologie sunt practic inexistente.

Infantile autism, a pervasive
development disorder, of unknown etiology
sometimes create big problems to a part of the
teaching staff. The difficulty of working with
children with autism comes first, the fact that
references to the problem of Romanian
publications pedagogy or psychology are
practically nonexistent.

Cuvinte cheie: autism, copil, comunicare, terapii

1.Definiia i caracteristicile autismului

Termenul a fost definit n mod frecvent
ca un sindrom comportamental constnd n
refugiul subiectului n lumea sa interioar,
imaginar, prin excelen subiectiv, n refuzul
contactului cu persoane sau obiecte exterioare.
P. Popescu Neveanu precizeaz n
Dicionarul de psihologie c autismul
cunoate diverse grade de dezvoltare ntre
normal i patologic, fiind un termen aplicat
uneori situaiilor sau cazurilor de introversiune
accentuat, care se ntlnete destul de frecvent
n momentele critice ale psihogenezei (prima
copilrie i nceputul adolescenei) .
Dorind s punctez cteva din aspectele
caracteristice ale autismului infantil, n
accepiunea sa patologic, trebuie sa subliniem
o tulburare rar, social, comunicaional i
Copilul autist abandoneaz aciunea
gndurilor, ntorcnd spatele vieii reale,
umanitii, n ansamblul ei.
Dar, cu ct un individ se retrage mai
mult din realitate, cu att viaa sa interioar

Key words: autism, child, communication,


Definition and characteristics of

The term was frequently defined as a
behavioral syndrome consisting of refuge
subject to the inner world, imaginary,
subjective par excellence, in refusing
contact with people or objects outside.
P. Popescu Neveanu affirms in the
"Dictionary of Psychology that autism
has different degrees of development
between normal and pathological," a term
often applied to situations or cases of
pronounced introversion, which is seen
quite frequently in critical moments of
psychogenesis (early childhood and early
Wishing to emphasize some of the
characteristics of infantile autism in
acceptance to pathological, we must
emphasize first, that it is a rare
disorder, social, communicational and
Autistic child abandons directed
action, communicating feelings and
thoughts, turning back the real life,
humanity as a whole.

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 2/2010


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 2/2010

devine mai goal, mai stereotip, cu att

senzaiile sale devin mai vagi, iar personalitatea
sa mai puin structurat.
Asemenea sugarului, copilul autist nu
se intereseaz, n mod obinuit, de ceea ce se
petrece la o oarecare distan.
El se intereseaz eventual de propriul
su corp, sau de cteva obiecte pe care le
manipuleaz i le folosete ntr-o manier
Privirea vag, fr int are rolul de a-l
feri, de a-l ajuta s nege att lumea exterioar
care incit la aciune, ct i lumea interioar
care ar putea reaciona.
Pentru copilul autist timpul,
la fel ca i aciunea pare s distrug identitatea.
Definind cauzalitatea ca o succesiune n
timp, n care un eveniment l urmeaz pe altul
sau este provocat de altul i ntre care exist o
relaie, nelegem de ce pentru copilul autist
nici timpul, nici cauzalitatea nu au sens.
Ateptarea unui eveniment este la fel de
stresant ca orice schimbare exterioar.
Ambele apar ca terifiante, ca
ameninri la adresa identitii persoanei i
sfresc prin a fi negate.
Chiar i atunci cnd unii copii autiti
vorbesc despre evenimente petrecute n trecut,
folosind corect timpul verbului, exprimarea lor
este neltoare, fiindc pentru ei aceste
evenimente fac ntotdeauna parte din prezentul
ntr-unul din articolele sale, L. Kanner
descria cracteristicile autismului astfel:
retragerea puternic a tuturor contactelor cu
ceilali oameni, o dorin obsesiv de a-i
pstra identitatea, o anumit ndemnare n
utilizarea obiectelor, un mutism sau un tip de
limbaj care nu pare a fi pus neaparat n
serviciul comunicrii interpersonale.
Printr-un aspect important, acest
comportament difer de ritualul obsesiv
obinuit: copilul autist obliga indivizii din
jurul su s fie mai obsesivi, mai stereotipi n
aciuni dect el nsui.

But, as an individual to withdraw

more than the reality, both inner life
becomes more naked, more stereotypical,
his feelings become even more vague and
less structured personality.
Such infants, autistic child is not
interested in what happens to some
remote location.
He is interested in any of his own
body, or a few objects they manipulate
and use them in a ritual manner.
Vague look, aimlessly aims of the
guard, to help deny the outside world so
that incite to action, and inner world
could react.
For autistic child while, just as the
action it seems to destroy the identity.
Defining causality as a time sequence
in which one event follows another, or is
it caused by another and between which
there is a relationship for the autistic
child understand why neither the time or
causality does not make sense.
Pending event is as stressful as any
exterior changes.
Both appear as terrifying as threats to
individual identity and training end up
being denied.
Even when some autistic children talk
about events that occurred in the past,
using correct tense, their expression is
misleading, because for them these events
are always part of their presence.
In one of his articles L. Kanner
described autism as: "strong withdrawal
of all contacts with other people, an
obsessive desire to keep their identity, a
certain skill in using objects, a silence or
a type of language seems not necessarily
put in the service of interpersonal
By important, this behavior differs
from usual obsessive ritual: the autistic
child force people around him to be more
stereotype itself.

2. Originile i cauzele autismului

Origins and causes of autism
Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 2/2010


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 2/2010

Prerile privind etiologia autismului

variaz de la un autor la altul. Astfel, n
lucrarea intitulat semnificativ La forteresse
vide, B. Bettelheim consider c autismul are
origini sociale i nu biologice.
Acesta afirma c Sistemul Nervos
Central al copiilor care sufer de autism este
normal dezvoltat.
O serie din aciunile, reaciile lor sau,
lipsa acestora nu vin dintr-un defect al
capacitii virtuale ci, din aceea c, dintr-un
motiv sau altul, ceea ce este virtual nu s-a
Aceste capaciti nu ajung s se
realizeze datorit unor piedici exterioare.
Spre deosebire de debili mintali,
reaciile sunt de asemenea primitive
comparativ cu vrsta lor, personalitatea copiilor
autiti se poate dezvolta i atinge o anumita
Dac acest lucru se produce, graie unui
tratament special, aceasta se ntmpla la o
vrst mai ntrziat dect cea normal, fiind
necesar parcurgerea tuturor etapelor de
dezvoltare ale personalitii, care au fost
C. Gillberg afirma deopotriv, c:
Autismul este generat de o serie de
mecanisme patogene specifice, presupunnd
disfuncia unor grupe de neuroni din sistemul
nervos central.
De aceea, diagnosticarea acestui
sindrom implic de regul investigaii
neurologice minuioase. Gillberg considera
fals mprirea n autism cu i fr probleme
organice, ntruct ambele au comportamente
La psihiatrul suedez, aa-zisul autism
fr probleme organice este autismul la care
bazele sale biologice nu au fost nc
Consider c, chiar dac se accept
multiple etiologii biologice retragerii autiste,
una dintre cauzele iniiale rmne interpretarea
corect pe care copilul o d afectelor negative
cu care este nconjurat de persoanele mai
importante din mediul su.
Acest lucru este posibil avnd n vedere

Opinions on the etiology of autism

varies from one author to another. So in
significant book entitled "The Empty
fortress, B. Bettelheim believes that
autism has biological rather than social
He says the central nervous system of
children who developed autism is normal.
Some of their reactions or lack of
actions do not come from a defect but the
virtual capacity that a reason which is
virtually not been performed.
These capabilities are unable to
achieve due to external constraints.
reactions are also compared with their
age, personality autistic children can
develop and achieve a certain richness.
If this occurs due to a special
treatment that happens at a later age than
normal delayed as needed through all
stages of personality development have
been abandoned.
C. Gillberg said that autism is caused
both by a series of specific pathogenic
mechanisms assuming dysfunction groups
of neurons in the CNS.
Therefore diagnosis of the syndrome
investigations. Gillberg considered false
sharing in autism with and without
organic problems because both have
similar behaviors.
At Swedish psychiatrist, so-called
organic smoothly autism is autism in the
biological bases have not yet been
I think even if it accepts multiple
organic etiologies autistic withdrawal
remains a correct interpretation of the
initial causes that give children a
negative affects which is surrounded by
important people in his environment.
This is possible considering that nonverbal communication prior and support
the emergence of verbal communication
will accompany further.

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 2/2010


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 2/2010

faptul c, comunicarea non-verbal precede i

susine apariia comunicrii verbale pe care ,
ulterior o va acompania.
Afectele negative ale adultului, n mod
special ale mamei, strnesc reaciile negative
ale copilului, care vor favoriza creterea
tensiunii i apariia sau accentuarea
Se tie c excesul de tensiune mpiedic
desfurarea normal a vieii psihice, el fiind
resimit ca neplcut.
Astfel, cu ct aciunile cu obiecte sau
persoane ale copilului sunt mai lipsite de
succes, cu att mai mare va fi tensiunea psihic
care se acumuleaz i care are un efect
distructiv asupra dezvoltrii personalitii sale.
n acest caz, echilibrul emoional este
tulburat datorit lipsei de afeciune a adultului
care nu-l ajuta pe copil sa-i dezvolte propriul
Ori ataamentul se construiete n timp
susine Patricia Regis-Faure de-a lungul mai
multor etape legate intre ele. Autoarea vorbete
de trei etape fundamentale:
I. De la natere pn la 12-15 luni,
copilul cunoate afeciunea cea mai puternic.
El este n faza caracteristic prin intimitate
maxim cu mama sa, faz care, constituie baza
relaiei simbolice dintre copil si mam.
El nu implic doar sugerea i nghiirea
hranei, ci i aspecte importante precum:
modalitatea n care sugarul e inut, suplu sau
rigid, sigur sau angoasant, cu cldura sau
Ca experien central, suptul este
punctul de plecare al sentimentelor noastre
Atunci cnd unii nou - nscui par s
ntoarc spatele snului matern, o serie de
mame neatente pot ndeprta uor copilul, iar
aceasta pare s fie, cum artam i mai sus,
sursa unor nencrederi de baz.
II. De la 15 la aproximativ 30 de luni
copilul afl c este separat de mediul
nconjurtor. El devine contient de sine insusi
si de vulnerabilitatea sa. Lumea nu i se mai

Adult negative affects specially from

the mother makes the child to evoke
negative reactions will increase tension
and promote the emergence or increased
It is known that excess of mental
tension prevent the normal course of life
and it is felt as unpleasant.
Such as actions with objects or
persons of the child are unsuccessful will
be even greater psychological tension that
builds up and has a destructive effect on
the development of his personality.
In this case, emotional balance is
disturbed because of lack of affection to
an adult who does not help the child to
develop his own attachment.
The attachment is built over time, says
through several stages. She speak about
three fundamental steps:
I. From birth to 12 to 15 months, the
child knows the strongest affection.
He is in phase with maximum privacy
feature by his mother, phase, which is
the 'symbolic relationship' between
child and mother.
It involves not only sucking and
swallowing food, but important issues
such as: how the baby is kept safe or
anguishing flexible or rigid, with heat or
As a central experience, sucking is
the starting point of our later feelings.
When some babies seem to turn back
womb, some inattentive mothers can
easily remove the child, and this seems to
be, and show how the above basic source
of mistrust.
II. From 15 to about 30 months that the
environment. He becomes aware of
himself and his vulnerability. The
world still does not even hold them.
It is the time when self-affirmation is
the need to oppose. This stage is
important to the extent that if everything
went well a child has acquired sufficient

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 2/2010


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 2/2010

supune, ba chiar i rezist.

Este momentul afirmrii de sine, din
nevoia de a se opune. Aceast etap este
important n msura n care, dac totul a trecut
cu bine, copilul a achiziionat o ncredere
suficient n anturajul su i n lumea
ncrederea i securitatea sunt eseniale
pentru viaa sa relaional viitoare.
n decursul primelor doua etape, copilul
triete experiene ntr-o mare msur mai
intense dect ale copilului mai mare sau ale
De aceea, el trebuie nconjurat cu mai
mult tandree i atenie, pentru a se putea
integra n mediul su.
III. A treia etapa cuprins ntre 3-4 ani
i pn la 7 ani. Copilul triete acum
experiena relaiei triunghiulare tata-mamacopil.
Orice aciune a copilului va trebui sa fie
aprobat nu numai de mama, dar i de tata.
triunghiulare, Rose Vincent sublinia: prinii
comunic verbal, dar n aceasta comunicare
ntrebuineaz uneori i semne care difer mult
de cele folosite de copil pentru a se face neles
de mama.
El trebuie sa adopte acest sistem de
comunicare pentru a ptrunde n lumea
adulilor i a le mprti iubirea.
Copilul se confrunt cu dreptul de a
iubi si de a fi iubit. El experimenteaz
rivalitatea i gelozia prin opoziie cu atracia
fa de printele de sex opus.
Trebuie precizat c dac un mare
numr de psihologi considerau sntoas i
necesar pentru echilibrul copilului o
difereniere net a celor doua roluri, alii n
lucrri mai recente vorbesc de prini ca de
o unitate, ntr-o perspectiv n care conflictul
oedipian ocup un loc din ce n ce mai mic.
Bruno Bettelheim afirma c n cadrul
acestor etape mari exist momente critice
hotrtoare pentru dezvoltarea ulterioar a
activitii psihice a copilului. Ele trebuie
nelese ca perioade mult mai sensibile, n

confidence in his entourage and the

outside world.
Trust and security are essential for
future relational life.
During the first two stages, then child
lives more intense experience than the
older child or adult. Therefore, it should
be surrounded with more tenderness and
care, in order to integrate in his
III. The third stage between 3-4 years
and up to seven years. The child is now
relationship" father-mother-child.
Any action the child will be approved
not only by the mother, but also by
Admitting the existence of "triangular
relationship", Rose Vincent pointed out:
"parents communicate verbally, but in
this communication which uses signs
sometimes differ much from those used
by children to make mom understood.
He should adopt this system of
communication to penetrate the adult
world and share their love.
Child has the right to love and be
loved. He experimented with rivalry and
jealousy by opposition attraction of the
opposite sex parent.
Should be noted that "if a large
number of psychologists considered
healthy and necessary for a child's
balance net difference of the two roles,
others in more recent works speak of "
parents" as a unit in a perspective that
takes an Oedipus conflict plays an
increasingly smaller.
Bruno Bettelheim says that there are
large steps in these critical moments
decisive for further development of the
child's mental activity. They must be
understood as more sensitive periods,
during which, specific experiences can be
more decisive and radical and lasting
effect. The first critical period of the
stage "symbiotic relationship" between
mother and child, between 6 and 9

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 2/2010


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 2/2010

cadrul crora, experienele specifice sunt mai

decisive si pot avea un efect radical si de
durat. Prima perioad critic, din cadrul etapei
relaiei simbiotice dintre mama si copil, este
cuprins ntre 6 si 9 luni, iar cea de-a doua, din
etapa afirmrii de sine ntre 18 si 24 luni. B.
Bettelheim susine c retragerea autist se
profileaz n decursul acestor perioade.
3. Posibiliti terapeutice
n problema posibilitilor de tratament,
studiul lucrarilor destinate autismului releva
existenta unei atitudini destul de pesimiste la
majoritatea autorilor, indiferent dac sunt
adepii ipotezei psihogene sau a celei organice
privind originea bolii.
Manifestndu-se specific de la un caz
la altul, autismul nu cunoate o singur cale
de tratare.
Un copil cu retard psihic sever nu se
poate atepta s beneficieze de un tratament
similar celui destinat unui copil autist cu un
intelect relativ dezvoltat.
De asemenea, programele de tratament
par a fi mai eficiente n cazul copiilor care
utilizeaz limbajul dect n cazul celor care nu
Tratamentul trebuie adaptat n funcie de
forma de autism ntlnit.
Autorul Fortreei vide este de prere
c pesimismul asupra posibilitilor de
ameliorare este nejustificat i trebuie pus pe
seama faptului c prea puine eforturi
terapeutice au fost suficient de intensive i
La cei mai muli copii cu autism, cauza
care le-a provocat boala nu este precis, dar
chiar i n extrem de puinele cazuri cnd
etiologia bolii este cunoscut, nu toi pot spera
la tratament, din simplul motiv c nu avem nc
metode terapeutice eficiente (cum este cazul
celor cu scleroza tuberculoasa sau cu
sindromul X).
Cel mai adesea tratamentul se aplic n
afara familiei, prin internarea ntr-o clinic
n familie, copilul ar putea fi expus

months, and the second stage of selfaffirmation between 18 and 24 months. B.

Bettelheim says is autistic withdrawal
emerging during these periods.
Therapeutic possibilities
The problem of possibilities of
treatment for autism research papers
reveal a rather pessimistic attitude to
most authors, whether followers of the
organic or psychogenic hypothesis of the
origin of disease.
Manifesting specific to one case to
another, autism knows not only one way
of treatment.
retardation can not expect to receive
similar treatment easy for a child with
autism a relatively developed intellect.
Also, treatment programs seem more
effective in children using language than
those who do not speak.
according to the form of autism.
The author of "empty fortress"
unjustifiable and should be on that too
few therapeutic efforts were sufficiently
intense and prolonged.
In most children with autism, case
which caused the disease is not accurate,
but even in very few cases when disease
etiology is known, not all can hope for
treatment, simply because we do not have
effective therapeutic methods (such as
those with tuberculosis sclerosis or
syndrome X).
Most often the treatment is applied
outside the family through internment in
a special clinic.
In family child could be exposed to
pressures of anxious parents eager to see
their child as quickly progressing.
Thus effective treatment of children
remaining in family or simultaneous
treatment of mother and child where

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 2/2010


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 2/2010

presiunilor nerbdtoare ale prinilor, dornici

s-i vad copilul ct mai repede progresnd.
De aceea, eficiena tratamentului aplicat
copilului rmas n familie sau tratarea
simultan a mamei si copilului, acolo unde este
cazul, este discutabil.
Tratarea simultan, n mediul familial
apare ca posibil atunci cnd copilul este foarte
mic i dac forma autismului nu este grav.
Una din cele mai vechi metode de
tratament psihiatric, socul este n continuare
invocat, n principal pentru c d rezultate.
Faptul c, pe aceasta cale bolnavul i
pierde i ultimul dram de umanitate care i-a
mai rmas, conteaz uneori mai puin.
O alt metod utilizat este cea a
ns, obinerea unor reacii condiionate
la copilul autist, nu numai c nu rezolv nimic,
dar mai poate adauga un nou simptom celor
deja existente.
Astfel, dresarea copilului care nu
vorbete sau a celui care a renunat s
vorbeasc n scopul restituirii unor sunete poate
duce uneori la ecolalie, la repetarea cuvintelor
i gesturilor interlocutorului, fr ca
semnificaia lor s fie cunoscut.
C.Gillberg arat c orice tratament poate
cuprinde trei aspecte eseniale:
I. o evaluare complet a diagnosticului.
II. un program special de educatie a
copiilor si prinilor.
III. un ajutor social si eficienta ingrijirii
celor spitalizati pe termen lung sau scurt.
Oprindu-ne asupra celui de-al doilea
aspect, se poate arta c programul de educaie
special a copiilor autiti include, la rndul su,
cteva elemente eseniale: raportul terapeutcopil este de 1 la 3 dar, n funcie de handicap,
el poate fi de 1 la 1, necesitile variaz n
acord cu vrsta i nivelul dezvoltrii copilului
autist, continuitatea terapeutului n munca lui
cu copilul, n aceeai camera i la ore exacte,
este deosebit de important.
Continuitatea presupune deci, c acelai
terapeut va ncerca s antreneze, s nvee
acelai lucru, pe acelai copil, n acelai loc, n

appropriate is debatable.
Simultaneous treatment in the family
environment appears to be possible when
the baby is small and if autism is not so
One of the oldest methods of
psychiatric treatment shock is still relied
mainly because it gives results.
The fact that this way the patient
loses and the last touch of humanity that
has left some less than matter.
Another method used is that of
conditioning by reward or punishment.
But obtaining conditioned reactions
to the autistic child not only solves
nothing, but may add a new symptom of
existing ones.
Such "training of" the child who does
not speak or who gave the talk in order to
refund some sounds can sometimes lead
to echolalia, repeating words and gestures
to the other party, without their
significance to be known.
C. Gillberg show that any treatment
can include three essential aspects:
I .complete diagnostic evaluation
II. a special education children
and parents
efficiency of hospitalized long-term care
or short.
Stopping on the second point, it may
look like special education program
includes children with autism, in turn,
some essential elements: therapist-child
ratio is 1-3, but the disability, it may be
1-1, "needs vary according to age and
level of development of autistic children,
continuing his work with the child
therapist, in the same room and the exact
hours, is very important.
Continuity implies that the same
therapist will try to train, to learn the
same thing on the same child in the same
place at the same time of day.
A good treatment can lead to
obtaining positive effects on child
behavior and skills.

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 2/2010


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine ale Educaiei, Nr. 2/2010

aceeai perioad a zilei.

Un bun tratament poate conduce la
comportamentul i priceperile copilului.
Rezultatele bune sunt posibile atunci
cnd ntre educator i copil se stabilete o
legtur afectiv, aceasta putnd deschide
poarta spre dezvoltarea mental a copilului.
Reuita aciunii educative depinde n
mod esenial de terapeut, de calitatea
interaciunii lui cu copilul, de preocuparea lui
pentru nevoile psihice ale acetuia, de
sensibilitatea i felul de a fi profund uman.
Terapeutul trebuie s-l nvee pe copilul
autist s triasc experiena plcut, s
contientizeze c ntmplrile din jurul lui au o
istorie, o cauz sau un nceput, ca i o soluie
sau un sfrit.
n concluzie, pentru a mpiedica
rmnerea unora dintre copii n zona obscur a
psihicului uman trebuie s fim contieni de
nsemntatea contactului pe care copilul l
stabilete, nc de la natere, cu cei din jur i n
special cu mama sa, pentru dezvoltarea sa
Pentru a se dezvolta normal, copilul
trebuie s gseasc la cei din jurul su, prini
sau terapeut-educatori, suficient afeciune i
Altfel, pericolul auto-abandonrii devine
mai amenintor.
1. Cucuruz, D., Autism. Cartea pentru prini,
Editura Publishing, Bucureti, 2004.
2. Murean, C., (2002), Comportamentele
stereotipe ca mecanisme de aprare n
autismul infantil, Societate i handicap, 1.
3. P.Popescu Neveanu, Dicionar de
psihologie, Editura Albatros,Bucureti, 1978.
4. R. Vincent, Cunoaterea copilului, Editura
didactic i pedagogic, Bucureti,1972, pp.
5. Verza, E. (1993), Delimitri conceptuale n
autism, Revista de educaie special, 2.

Good results are possible between

teacher and child when a link is affected,
this can open the door to the child's
mental development.
Successful educational action depends
essentially on the therapist, the quality of
interaction with the child's concern for
the psychological needs of his sensitivity
and profound way of being human.
The therapist should teach him to live
pleasant experience autistic child, to
realize that the happenings around him
have a history, a cause or a beginning, as
a solution or an end.
In conclusion, to prevent some
children staying in the murky area of the
human psyche must be aware of the
significance of contact that a child sets,
since its birth, with others and especially
his mother, for its future development.
To develop normally, the child must
find the people around him, parents or
therapists, educators, enough affection
and understanding.
Otherwise, the danger of selfabandonment becomes more threatening.

1. Cucuruz, D., Autism. Cartea pentru
prini, Editura Publishing, Bucureti,
2. Murean, C., (2002), Comportamentele
stereotipe ca mecanisme de aprare n
autismul infantil, Societate i handicap,
3. P.Popescu Neveanu, Dicionar de
psihologie, Editura Albatros, Bucureti,
4. R. Vincent, Cunoaterea copilului,
Bucureti,1972, pp. 127-128.
conceptuale n autism, Revista de
educaie special, 2.

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Education Sciences Series, Issue 2/2010


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