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1 ) Can we take source with out Data store Connection?

2 ) Can we take source with out Data store Table Connection? no
3 ) Can we generate the date from DG Transform From the year 1800 ? No 1900
4 ) On which date the record is loaded into the table?
5 ) What is schema remapping? 1
6 ) Diff between Key generation and row generation transform?
7 ) How can we use DB Functions in our Query transform?
8 ) what is from in query transform?
9 ) I want to move the records only subscriber no=10 in query how is it.
10 ) what is update schema in sql transform.
11 ) Difference b/n Query and SQL Transform ?
12 ) Difference b/n schema remapping and update schema ?
13 ) what is the schema structure of SQL Transform ?
14 ) how can we recognise that how many columns got changed if changes occures i
n the SQL Transform ( SQL Query ) of input schema ?
15 ) Can we write an ETL Job with out Transform ?
16 ) What are ways in avoiding the duplicates in SAP BODS ? 4 ways
17 ) Can we develope ETL with out the .
18 ) what is the diff b/n external meta data and repository meta data?
19 ) how can we come to know that the edw schema got changed and how can we know
about the changed tables ?
20 ) what will happen if we disable first check mark in case transform ?
21 ) what will happen if we dont have the default records in the source if we en
able the first check mark in case transform ?
22 ) How can i take a back up for the DF ?
23 ) Can we go through case , merge transform with out having same schema of sou
rce and target ?
25 ) what is diff b/n gen_row_num() function and row generation transform . when
should we use fun and when should we use row generation transform ?
26 ) How can we generate XML from the Target Data Base ?
27 ) What is the Diff b/n case and validation ?
28 ) How can we identified that on which clumn we put validation rule ?
29 ) Why we need to convert columns to rows ( Pivot ) ?

30 ) what is the default out put schema of pivot ? 3 COLUMNS PIVOTSEQ COLUMN,PIV
31 ) why should we go for pivot sets ?
32 ) What are the column values of DI_ERRORACTION and DI_ERRORCOLUMNS of validat
ion transform and is the purpose of that column values?
33 ) what is annotation?
34 ) what are the re usable objects in ds?
35 ) can we chage the PIVOT_SEQ , PIVOT_DATA , PIVOT_HEADER column names of Piv
ot ?
36 ) what is the data type of the PIVOT_SEQ column in Pivot Transform ? INT 1 TO
37 ) how can we caliculate the PIVOT_SEQ column value in pivot Transform?
38 ) How many records can we get if we have 4 records and 4 pivot columns ? ans
: 4 * 4 = 16
39 ) what is no of pivot seq number if we have two sets of pivot sets?
40 ) how many times the job got executed in a day ?
41 ) how can we find that repository is on which data base ?
how can we know that on which job server the job is running ?
43 ) how to convert temparary table into perminent table ?
44 ) what is reconcile ?
SCDs Interview Questions:
-----------------------45 ) what is SCD Type 0 , Type 1 , Type 2.
46 ) what is the ready made logics to implement SCD Type 0 , Type 1 , Type 2?
45 ) Can we convert SCD Type 1 to Type 2 ?
46 ) have you implemented surrogate key ?
47 ) What is the role of surrogate key ? to avoid unique constraint error.
48 ) To convert from 0 to 1 is DB level changes required ? No DB level , ETL cha
nges required.
49 ) To convert from 0 to 2 is DB level changes required ? Yes. DB level and ETL
changes required.
50 ) To convert from 1 to 2 is DB level changes required ? Yes. DB level and ETL
changes required.

51 ) How can we maintain the record modes in Table Comparision ?

52 ) what is the out put schema of table comparision ?
53 ) can we convert from scd type 1 to scd type 0 ? yes
54 ) In how many ways , we can run the job ?
55 ) what is auditing ?
Recovery Mechanisam :
------------------56 ) What is recovery mechanisam and why we should go for recovery mechanisam ?
57 ) how many we can enable the recovery mechanisam ?
58 ) how can we recognise that recovery is enabled or not if some is run the job

idoc modes display mode or change mode in bd64

tidal or flux or Contol m
is the 3rd party tool to run the job

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