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Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr.





Stefan Ghimisi,

Universitatea Constantin Brncui
din Trgu Jiu

Stefan Ghimisi Prof.dr.eng.,

Constantin Brncui University of
Trgu Jiu

Rezumat: Analiza cu metoda elementelor finite este o

metoda moderna pentru studiul contactelor in vederea
determinarii celor mai importanti parametrii. Se
considera contactul sfera-plan acesta reprezentand
materializarea contactelor punctiforme existente in
cadrul Standului Experimental pentru Studiul frettingului din cadrul laboratorului de Organe de masini

ABSTRACT: Analysis by finite element method is a

modern method for studying various contacts, allowing
the determination of important parameters for the
study of various contacts. We consider the sphere
plan contacts which represent the materialization of the
point contacts from Experimental Standfor the
fretting study which is in the Machine Elements



To better study the stress state at the

Pentru a putea studia mai bine starea contact level ,in the professional literature a
de tensiuni la nivelul contactului,n literatura number of criteria are introduced that allow a
de specialitate sunt introduse o serie de better assessment of the state of stress, being
criterii care permit o mai bun apreciere a able to make predictions about the probability
strii de tensiuni, putndu-se face predicii of occurrence of cracks in the contact.
privind probabilitatea de apariie a fisurilor la A first criterion can be deduced from the
nivelul contactului.Astfel un prim criteriu Von Mises criterion as the square root of
poate fi dedus din criteriul Von Mises ca second invariant of stress tensor. In
rdcina ptrat a celui de al doilea invariant rectangular form that can be written:
al tensorului tensiunilor. n form cartezian
acesta poate fi scris:
J 2 = p zy2 + p xz2 + p xy2 + ( p yy p zz ) + ( p zz p yy )

limita atingndu-se atunci cnd ( J 2 )

ajunge ntr-un punct la valoarea unei simple
fore tangeniale.
De asemenea pot fi folosite ca, criterii
de oboseal: criteriul plasticitii, criteriul
tensiunii de oboseal Tresca, Criteriul Dang
Starea de oboseal existent poate fi
investigat i prin metoda elementului finit,
astfel obinndu-se rezultate care nu ar fi fost
posibil de obinut prin metodele clasice.
Cunoaterea strii de tensiuni este
foarte important, ea oferind informaii
1/ 2

the limit is reached when

(J 2 )1/ 2

attains in

a point the simple tangential forces value a

simple tangential force[1]. It can also be
used as criteria of fatigue: plasticity criterion,
Tresca tension stress criterion, Dang Van
criterion. Existing fatigue state in a hertzian
contact can be investigated through the finite
element method, thus achieving results which
can not be achievable by conventional
The knowledge of fatigue state in a
hertzian contact is very important, it provides
information regarding the appearance of

Annals of the Constantin Brncui Universityof Trgu-Jiu,Engineering Series, Issue 2/2011


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 2/2011

privind apariia fisurilor n contact, astfel contact cracks , this fact contributing to to
putndu-se prezice apariia fisurilor, i deci, predict the appearance of the cracks, and
scoaterea din uz a contactului respectiv.
therefore the disposal of respective contact.

2. Stages of the finite element

method analysis

2. Etapele analizei metodei

elementului finit
Folosind un soft specializat pentru
analiza cu element finit (Cosmos, Ansys,
Nisa, Pro/MECANICA, etc.), se trece la
studiul structurilor care cuprinde etapele:
preprocesarea i postprocesarea.
Preprocesarea etapa iniial pentru
structur, n cadru creia se pot defini:
1 sistemul de uniti;
2 sistemul de referin;
3 geometria structurii;
4 materialul din care se va realiza
5 tipul de element folosit pentru
discredizarea structurii
6 analiza care se va efectua;
7 ncrcrile structurii;
8 condiiile de contur;
9 tipul de softwer folosit.
Realizarea geometriei sistemului a
fost fcut folosind programul Pro/
ENGINEER versiunea 2000i, iar analiza prin
metoda elementului finit a fost fcut
folosind programul Pro/Mechanica varianta
21 care lucreaz n mod integrat cu Pro/
ENGINEER, astfel reducndu-se erorile de
Pentru discretizarea structurii am
folosit metoda p-element metod care la
discretizarea suprafeelor circulare folosete
metoda blocului. Fineea discretizrii
depinde de gradul de interpolare al

Using specialized software for finite element

analysis (Cosmos, Ansys, Nice, Pro / driver,
etc..) can proceed to study the structures
comprising the steps: preprocessing and
Preprocessing - initial stage for the structure
3 - the geometry of the structure;
4 the material that will make the structure;
5 item type used to structure the digitization
6 -the analysis will be performed;
7 - structural loads;
8 - the contour conditions;



For realizing the geometry of the system the

was used Pro / ENGINEER program, version
2000i and the analyse by finite element
method was done using Pro / Mechanica
version 21 - which working in an integrated
way with Pro / ENGINEER, thus reducing
transfer errors.
For digitization of the structure we
used the "p-element method which at the
circular surfece digitized use the block
method. The sensitivity of the digitization
depends of the interpolation degree of the

Annals of the Constantin Brncui Universityof Trgu-Jiu,Engineering Series, Issue 2/2011


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 2/2011

Fig.1. Eroarea de discretizare n funcie de numrul elementelor

Fig. 1. Digitization error based on the number of elements

3. Analiza tensiunilor de oboseal 3. Tension analysis in a sfere plan

Tresca i Von Mises ntr-o lamel contact
Se consider contactele sfer-plan ce
experimental pentru studiul frettingului
existent n cadrul Laboratorului de Organe de
Maini. Astfel s-a considerat modelul
geometric prezentat n fig.2.

We consider the sphere plan contacts

which represent the materialization of the
point contacts from Experimental Standfor
the fretting study which is in the Machine
Elements Laboratory[2].
Thus was considered the geometrical model
shown in fig.2.

Fig.2. Modelul teoretic sfer-plan

Fig.2. Theoretical sphere-plan model
Un prim model analizat este
reprezentat de o lamel elastic asamblat
prin intermediul a 8 bile de rulment de
diametru 19 mm, realizndu-se astfel 8
contacte punctiforme. Intr-un prim model
analizat lamela primete la captul liber, o
deplasare n sus de 20 mm. n zona de

A first analyzed model is represented

by an elastic lamella assembled through 8
bearings ball
19 mm diameter, thus
achieving eight point contacts. In this model
lamella receives at the free end, an upward
diplacement by 20 mm. The blade recess area
is based on a fix lower part, top part being

Annals of the Constantin Brncui Universityof Trgu-Jiu,Engineering Series, Issue 2/2011


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 2/2011

ncastrare lamela se sprijin pe o parte

inferioar fix, partea superioar fiind
ncrcat prin intermediul a 4 uruburi cu o
for uniform distribuit, de 200 N pe fiecare
Folosind metoda elementului finit am
determinat tensiunile de oboseal Von Mises
i Tresca acestea fiind date n fig.3 si fig.4.

loaded by 4 screws with an uniform

distributed force by 200 N on each screw.
Using the finite element method we
obtain the fatigue tensions Von Misses and
Tresca which are given in the fig. 3 and fig.4

Fig.3. Tensiunile de oboseal Tresca pentru lamel

Fig.3. Fatigue tensions Tresca for the lamella

Fig.4. Tensiunile Von Mises pentru lamel

Fig.4. Fatigue tensions Tresca for the lamella

Al doilea model analizat a presupus o

The second model examined involved

Annals of the Constantin Brncui Universityof Trgu-Jiu,Engineering Series, Issue 2/2011


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 2/2011

deplasare n jos a lamelei la captul liber cu

20 mm. n zona de ncastrare lamela se
sprijin pe o parte inferioar fix, partea
superioar fiind ncrcat prin intermediul a 4
uruburi cu o for uniform distribuit, de 200
N pe fiecare urub.
In acest caz tensiunile de oboseal
Tresca sunt date n fig.5 iar tensiunile Von
Mises in fig.6.

a down displacement at the open end with 20

mm. The blade recess area is based on a
lower part fixed, top loaded by 4 screws with
an evenly distributed force of 200 N on each
In this case the fatigue tension Fresca
are given in the fig.5 and Von Mises tensions
in fig. 6

Fig.5. Tensiunile Tresca pentru lamel

Fig.5. Tresca tensions for the lamella

Fig.6. Tensiunile Von Mises pentru lamel

Fig.6. Von Mises tensions for the lamella

innd seama de cele dou modele se

pot face consideraii privind reprezentarea
tensiunilor de oboseal Tresca i Von Mises
n lungul lamelei. Pentru aceasta am folosit
datele extrase n urma analizei contactului cu
programul Pro/MECHANICA pe care le-am
prelucrat i reprezentat cu ajutorul
programului STATISTICA v.5.0.
Reprezentrile obinute sunt date n
fig.7, 8, pentru tensiunile Tresca i fig.9, 10
pentru tensiunile Von Mises

Taking into consideration the two

models it can be donwe considerations
regarding the representation of the fatigue
tensions Tresca and Von Mises along the
lamella .For this reperesentation we utilised
the dates following the contact analysis with
Pro/MECHANICA program ,dates which has
been representated with STATISTICA
v.5.0.program. The obtained reperesentations
are given in fig.7, 8, for the Tresca tensions
and fig.9, 10, Von Mises tensions

Fig.7. Tensiunile Tresca n lungul lamelei-jos (fa)

Fig.7. Tresca tensions along the lamella down (front)

Fig.8. Tensiunile Trescan lungul lamelei-sus (fa)

Fig.8.Tresca tensions along the lamella up (front)

Annals of the Constantin Brncui Universityof Trgu-Jiu,Engineering Series, Issue 2/2011


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 2/2011

Fig.9. Tensiunile Von Mises n lungul lamelei-jos

Fig.9. Von Mises tensions along the lamella down

Fig.10. Tensiunile Von Mises n lungul lamelei-sus

Fig.10. Von Mises tensions along the lamella up

4. Concluzii

4. Conclusions

Analiza prin metoda elementului finit,

reprezint o metod modern pentru studiul
diferitelor contacte, permind determinarea
unor parametrii importani pentru studiul
diferitelor contacte. n cazul contactelor
hertziene sunt obinute informaii exacte
privind starea de tensiuni la nivelul
contactului. Analiza contactului punctiform
folosind metoda clasic (Teoria Hertz) nu
permitea obinerea unor rezultate de o
asemenea precizie.Determinarea tensiunilor
Von Mises si Tresca permite o analiza a stari
de tensiune din lamele permitand astfel o
cuantificare corecta a acestei stari i
posibilitatea identificarii deteriorarilor ce

Analysis by finite element method is a

modern method for studying various contacts,
allowing the determination of important
parameters for the study of various contacts.
In case of hertzian contact are obtained
precise informations regarding the state of
deformation at the contact level, it can be
obtained information about the state of the
existing tension at the contact level. Analysis
of the point contact using the classical
method (Hertz theory) does not permit to to
achieve the results of such precision .The
determination of Von Mises an Tesca
tensions permits a proper analysis of a
tension state from the lamella, in this way can
be daine a correct cuantification of this state
and give the possibility to identify the
eventual deteriorations.


1.Hertz,H. Uber die Beruhrung fester
elastischer Korper . On the contact of elastic
solids. J reine une angewandth, Mathematik n
92,p.156-171, London: Macmillan, 1896,
2.Ghimisi Stefan, Contribuii privind
studiul uzrii prin fretting cu aplicaii la
asamblrile elastice-Tez de doctorat,
Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti, 2000.

1.Hertz,H. Uber die Beruhrung fester

elastischer Korper . On the contact of elastic
solids. J reine une angewandth, Mathematik n
92,p.156-171, London: Macmillan, 1896,
regarding the wear by fretting
applications at the elastic assembling.Tez de
doctorat, Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti,

Annals of the Constantin Brncui Universityof Trgu-Jiu,Engineering Series, Issue 2/2011


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