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WECAN - Vacancy

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SUPPORT STAFF Vacancy Details:

Vacancy ID:
Position Title:

Building Engin eer 2
Green Bay Area Public School District
Lombardi IVliddle School

Openings: I
Terms/Schedule: 7:00 am to 3:30 am
Wage: $28.26
Question Set: The Custodial/l\IIaintenance Question Set is Required for this Vacancy.
- You must answer the questions before you can apply.
- To answer the questions,. click on the "Question Sets" link from your mainmenu

Online Cover
Required - Click on "Online Cover Letters" from your main menu AFTER you have applied
Description: 1. Operates hot water or low pressure steam. boilers as large as 10,000,000

BTU, chilled water

cooling systems incorporating compressors as large as 200 HP and associated cooling towers,
filtration and chemical feed systems associated with large air conditioning equipment.
2. Tests cooling tower water for alkalinity and algae, treats with chemicals and adjusts bleedo ff and re lated con ti::ols to m.ain tain cooling towei:: s at design efficiency.
3. Pei::foi::ms the i::outine maintenance and i::epaii:: of heating/cooling system, including coils, ducts,
insulation, etc. Tests and i::eplaces steam. ti::aps, tempei::atui::e conti::ols, di::ive belts, couplei::s,
and the multitude of i::elated mechanical devices that ai::e associated with the opei::ation,
maintenance and i::epaii:: of mechanical systems.
4. Opei::ates fans,, aii:: handling systems, adjusts and calibi::ates tempei::atui::e conti::ols to
maintain a comfoi::table envii::onm.ent foi:: building occupants, within the design limitations of
the systems. Implements oi:: develops a pi::eventive maintenance schedule f oi:: theii:: facility.
Follows Disti::ict enei::gy policy i::egai::ding building opei::ation.
S. Pei::foi::ms twice daily tests of pH and chloi::ine levels and adjusts chemical feed equipment to
maintain optimum. watei:: quality, in schools with swimming pools. the pool may also be
a pai::t of the duties of this individual.
6. Repaii::s a vai::iety of building equipment and items such as; desks, lockei::s, dooi:: hai::dwai::e,
glass i::eplacement and othei:: objects comm.only associated with building and equipment
7. Pei::foi::m.s the woi::k necessai::y to keep the boilei:: i::oom and othei:: associated ai::eas in a clean and
oi::dei::ly condition.
8. Assists with custodial woi::k as necessai::y.
9. Receives genei::al insti::uctions with i::espect to the details of most assignments and is expected
to develop theii:: own woi::k sequences within established pi::ocedui::es, methods and policies.
10. Pei::foi::ms all othei:: duties as assigned by supei::visoi::.

Qualifications: Qualifications Re quii::e d:

- Class 4 Boilei:: Opei::atoi:: License

- Successful completion of an acci::edited appi::enticeship pi::ogi::am oi:: equivalent foi::malized
ti::aining and expei::ience.
- Five yeai::s building mechanical maintenance expei::ience
- Valid Wisconsin Di::ivei::'s License
Qualifications Desii::ed:
- Leadei::ship skills - self-dii::ected and self-motivated
Pneum.atic and/oi:: DDC conti::ol expei::ience
Ability to analyze system ftmctions and exhibit ci::itical thinking skills
Expei::ience maintaining aii:: conditioning systems and chillei::s
Baseline qualifications will be detei::mined thi::ough cei::tifications, i::esum.e of woi::k expei::ience,
backgi::ound i::efei::ence checks, woi::k assignments, intei::view and/oi:: wi::itten testing

Begin Date: July 2015

Apply By: 07-07-2015 (3 59 pm)
Date Entered: 07-01-2015 Up dated: 07-01-2015
Contact: :Michael Stangel, Director of Facilities Planning & Maintenance
Green Bay Area Public School District

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WECAN - Vacancy

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200 South Broadway

Green Bay, WI 54303

Phone: 920.448.2145
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7/5/2015 10:07 AM

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