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In the study of International Relations " Conflict Resolution " Here I

want to discuss about " The conflict is useful for System " and its relation to "
The Function of Social Conflict " which was popularized by Louis Coser.
In a survey on civilians , conflict can be said in general is a divergence
of interests between the two sides. The simplest definition is a coercive
minimal interaction between two or more markers in order to achieve the
goals and wishes of each .
In everyday life , for most people often synonymous with violent conflict ,
conflict , hostility , and will always carry an element of catastrophe for
mankind . Though different meanings conflict with the things above . Conflict
can be manifested in many forms and one of them is unsure above ( So is
wrong to say conflict = violence and always bring negative elements ) .
Then , here I will discuss whether proper conflict always bring negative
elements that bring misfortune ?
Before entering into the theory of " The Function of conflict " said 7 preposition about
the origins of the conflict according to Wehr ( The Origin of Conflict ) . And in it is included on
the topic I want to raise is that conflicts occur because it is useful for the social system for human
Figures that corroborate the statement is Lewis Coser in his theory of "The Function of
Social Conflict " . Theory of conflict arises from the reality that there are social problems , for
Marx , social conflict is between the layers of society to fight valuable assets .
Theory of conflict also arises because of the reaction of the theory of structural functionalism .
Actually, what is meant by the theory of conflict ? Conflict theory is a view in the community as
a social system which consists of parts that have different interests , where these components are
mutually subjugating one another to gain an advantage for themselves or group interests .

Conflict theory is at the root of the works of Karl Marx that the class struggle and alienation and
materialism . Marx 's theory developed by figures of modern sociology .
From there comes the Louis Coser phenomenal with his theory that The Functions of Social
Conflict . In the work it contains about 16 propositions of the quote Georg Simmel which later
developed into an interesting explanation as well Coser Georg Simmel criticized the proposition
by connecting development and phenomenal fact that long before Georg Simmel life and not
infrequently compared with the classical notion sociologist sociologist .
The themes Coser very focused , both internal and external level conflict , Coser can explain in
detail both inside and outside the conflict , Coser efforts to integrate functionalism with conflict
mengekombinasi even more powerful than stand alone .
In addition , thought Coser also motivated by the sociologist Georg Simmel , namely the
classical sociologists and Sigmund Freud , Coser criticized exposition development sharper in
fregmentasinya of Simmel and add to the idea of the psychology of Freud .

Coser argued that conflict is part of the social life of the community even more fundamental and
more important to explain the conflict rather than consensus , it relates to the criticism of
American sociology started to forget about the problems of conflict and busy to develop
functionalism . Why this is happening because of the conflict is to be avoided dysfunction and
more interested in the theme applied . Coser also did not forget to criticize the idea of Parsons
which refers to efforts to maintain balance and consensus rather than peeling deeper into conflict.
Menurut Ruth Wallace dan Alison Wolf dalam Contemporary Sociological Theory: Continuing
The Classical Tradition,yang mengatakan Coser adalah sosiolog yang setia atas kajian konfik
dan di kaji 2 hal yang penting yaitu: Pertama konflik dapat mempererat kooperasi masyarakat
secara bersama-sama. Kedua, konflik dapat menggerakkan konfrontasi dan perjuangan

Here can be seen some ideas Coser to confirm the theory of " The Function of Social conflict "
Proposition 1 : Conflict between groups strengthening internal cohesion .
In this case Coser has predikisi different from the idea that the conflict Simmel making groups
and individuals are more aware of the bonds as well as community participation . Simmel idea
that the conflict leads to a form of war while the war is another form of conflict and the
conclusion is untenable
Proposition 2 : Group Binding Functions of Conflict ( Group Binding Functions Conflict ) ,
which criticized the idea of George Coser Simmel which lies in obscurity among hostile adannya
-konflik -legitimasi and Simmel failure is not differentiate between hostile feelings and
conflicts , while the conflict is located in social interaction either two people or more , hostile
actions is vulnerable to the conflict .
Proposition 3 : Reality and Conflict unrealistic
Coser divide it in three things: realistic conflict , the conflict is not realistic and possible mix .
The short explanation is more realistic conflict arises from frustration , conflict is also a tool to
get certain results , the conflict would stop if the actor find a balanced opponent , conflict
realities are functional choices as a means to an end . While conflict is not realistic involve two
or more people and do not end with hostility from opponents . Possibility mixture is non realistic
conflict meruapakan change of hatred realistic .
Proposition 4 : Group Functions maintains the conflict and the significance of an Institution
Coser Simmel still criticize the idea that conflict is not all negative meaningful and actions do
not conflict with the same hostility . It says the conflict can be a positive and important for a
kelompong to classify in advance ( functional or dysfunctional )

Proposition 5 : The impact of the conflict in the structure and function of the group , in this case
focusing Coser two types of conflict is the conflict that different types of problems , and conflicts
of different types of structures . Coser also stated there are two forms of conflict that is non communal conflict ( community does not bind between groups in conflict and there is no
compromise results when done ) and communal conflicts ( conflicts are integrasif or based on a
general admission )
Proposition 6 : Hostility and close social relationships .
In this case , Coser criticized Homans and Simmel , Homans did not see that joy will come
together hatred , Simmel simple idea can be developed by Freud as a show feelings of
ambivalence that is the antithesis ( affection and hatred ) , Coser also stated that the behavior of
hostility more ready occurs in close social relationships ,
Proposition 7 : Conflict and Ideology
Coser says that group consciousness can be likened to a class consciousness that is the
transformation of each individual with life circumstances that are specific to represent the group
consciousness . Coser reveal the role of the intellectual , because intellectuals have an interest in
the role of social movements in transforming objectify interest groups in the ideological
movement .

Conflict Analysis Lewis Coser

Coser see conflict as a mechanism of social change and adjustment, can provide positive role and
function not only negative wrote (in the community of course) view Coser theory basically join
the new venture and functional theory of conflict, it is seen from the focus of attention of the
integrative function of conflicts in the social system , Coser agreed on the function of social
conflicts in the social system, more specifically in relation to the rigid institutional, technical

developments, and productivity, and then concerned with the relationship between conflict and
social change.
Coser give attention to the source of social conflict, as did most of Simmel, that there is a sense
of hostility in people, and he noticed that the intimate relationship and closed, between love and
hate is present. So that people will always have a situation of conflict, because it Coser
distinguish two basic types of a conflict (Wallace & Wolf, 1986: 124), which is realistic and nonrealistic. Coser itself heavily influenced by George Simmel. Simmel and Coser is the realists
who see the conflict and integration as the two sides mutually strengthen or weaken each other.
Realistic conflict has a concrete source or material, such as disputes economic resources or
territory. If they have obtained the source of the dispute, and when it can be obtained without a
fight, then the conflict will soon be resolved properly. Non-realistic conflict is driven by an
irrational desire and tend to be ideological, these conflicts as conflicts between ethnic, religious
and other beliefs. The conflict between first and second, non realistiklah conflicts tend to be
difficult to find a resolution of the conflict or the difficulty of achieving consensus and peace.
For Coser very possible that both types of conflicts spawned is once again in conflict situations
are the same.

Of the theories put forward Coser , I concluded , at least the conflict could cause
awareness / consciousness to one or both sides to prevent similar conflicts do not
recur . Conflicts can also reinforce and strengthen social relationships (dating ,
friendship ) , trigger cooperation , encourage timbulya new ideas , especially
regarding the new settlement mechanism , increase social sensitivity towards
others and also can increase self reformation .

Thus , the conflict is not always bad and should be avoided , sometimes conflict
actually required for the creation of progress in a system . The best way to deal
with it is to find a way to solve it . Conflict resolution is a way to create a
mechanism that can penetrate the roots of the conflict, as well as the change from
the destructive situation into a constructive
Lewis Coser, Social Conflict and The Theory of Social Change, British Journal of Sociology 8:3
(Sept. 1957).
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The Industrial Connection: Achievement and the Family in Developing Societies, Bernard C.
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