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Media Studies

Jared Bowley

Film Trailer Deconstruction All Relative

To start this deconstruction the
first few seconds of the trailer it
shows what company made
that film. Filmbuff is not a very
popular rated filming
organization but have produced
many other film trailers such as
Knuckleball. The practicality of
me and Adam creating
something like this is realistic,
as we have produced
This is the first scene shown in this
movie trailer and I can be seen by 2
points of view. It can one be seen as an
establishing shot, almost setting the
scene even though the picture is still in
the trailer and two it can be seen as
how these two character first meet.
When looking at the picture the woman
is wearing a bright red dress almost as if
she is putting herself out there to
people. The sounds played in this scene
are diegetic sounds as I believe that
they have produced the sounds while

These two scenes are played on after each other, the picture on the right is like
illustrating the trailer as well as a mans voice over played over the top. They have
not done anything special to the shot of the writing because they have kept it plain
and simple, they have also decided not to change the font size or design so that it
is easier for the audience to read it. In the screenshot on the left they have used a
mid-shot angle, this is appropriate for this scene as there is not much drama going
on apart from the two characters showing their passion for each other. Not
specifically through this scene but they have used calm and upbeat non-diegetic
music so that once again it signifies which genre this film is. During the trailer
continuity editing is most regularly used, and example of this would be the scene of
the screenshot on the left. There is a shot reverse shot sequence which goes from
the woman talking to the man and then a view of the man replying to the woman as

Media Studies
Jared Bowley





The Characters
are happy and
look like theyre
People go bowling
to enjoy
themselves so it
can be seen as a
source of
The guy has
something on his
mind, its shows
that hes worried
or even nervous.
There is a lot of
anger, as this is a
complicated and
Happiness round
the dinner table.
Everyone is being
sociable which
shows a strong
family connection
as well as a bond.


Camera W


A variety of clo
and mid shots
when they are
bowling and w
the guy goes b
the girls paren

There are loads

of shot reverse
shot sequences
for a trailer.

There are a va
establishing sh
before each sc
starts so that
audience know
where the loca

Loads of mid s
when around t
dinner table, t
have used this
because it wou
look as good i
used shot reve
shot because
would be no n
so many angle

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