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Abr. - Jun.

Vol. 11, N 2/ Apr. - June./ 1998


Boletn trimestral del Programa Regional para el Fortalecimiento de la Cooperacin entre Redes y Sistemas Nacionales
de Informacin para Amrica Latina y el Caribe Quarterly Newsletter of the Regional Programme for Strengthening
Co-operation among National Information Systems and Networks for Latin America and the Caribbean

La Divisin de Informacin e Informtica
de UNESCO para Amrica Latina y el
Caribe, en consonancia con el plan de
trabajo del presente bienio, contina
apoyando actividades sustantivas en la
regin, reflejadas este semestre en tres
reas especficas, estas son: el auspicio de
eventos para el desarrollo de las ciencias
de la informacin, las actividades de
capacitacin y la elaboracin de productos
de informacin.
Participacin y/o auspicio de eventos
V Encuentro de Educadores e
Investigadores en Bibliotecologa,
Archivologa y Ciencias de la Informacin
de Iberoamrica y el Caribe.
Este evento se realiz del 20 al 24 de abril
del ao en curso en la ciudad de Maracaibo,
Venezuela y cont con la organizacin de
la Escuela de Bibliotecologa de la
Universidad del Zulia y el patrocinio de
varias instituciones tales como: CONICIT,
UNESCO, Universidad Central de
Venezuela, Serbiluz, Asamblea Legislativa
del Estado Zulia, Fundacin Banco Mara,
Service entre otros.
Asistieron representantes de los siguientes
pases: Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Costa
Rica, Cuba, Espaa, Inglaterra, Mxico,
Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Uruguay y
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998


Noticias de INF LAC /INF LAC


Innovaciones en Ciencias de
la Informacin / Innovations in
Information Sciences

Eventos Futuros /
Forthcoming Events


Eventos Realizados / Past


En el marco de esta importante reunin,

realizada el pasado mes de mayo en la sede
de la Biblioteca Pblica Central de
Caracas, auspiciada por el Centro Regional
para el Fomento del Libro y la Lectura en
Amrica Latina y el Caribe (CERLALC),
la Biblioteca Nacional de Venezuela y la
Fundacin para el Fomento de la Lectura
(FUNDALECTURA), se present la
propuesta del Consejero Regional de
Informacin e Informtica de UNESCO
para Amrica Latina y el Caribe, Sr. Isidro
Fernndez-Aball, de crear una nueva
seccin sobre Normalizacin en
Bibliotecas Pblicas en el website de
INFOLAC, en el que se incluirn los
documentos normativos que sobre esta
materia ha producido la Biblioteca
Nacional de Venezuela, bajo la
coordinacin de la Dra. Luisa Villalba, lo
cual constituir una importante
contribucin para bibliotecas de la regin
vidas de normas, procedimientos,
polticas y orientaciones que sirvan de
marco de referencia para la optimizacin
de los servicios bibliotecarios pblicos.


Capacitacin / Training


Noticias de Asociaciones de
Bibliotecas / News from
Library Associations


Redes latinoamericanas de
Informacin / Latin American
Information Networks


Sistemas y Servicios de
Informacin / Information
Systems and Services


Sistemas y Servicios de
Informacin del Caribe /
Caribbean Information
Systems and Services


Organismos Regionales e
Internacionales / International
& Regional Organizations


Archivos / Archives




Bancos de Informacin / Data



Nuevas Tecnologas de
Informacin /New Information

Esta nueva seccin puede ser accesada en

la siguiente direccin: http:// Observatorio/ Noticias


Publicaciones Recientes /
Recent Publications



Focal Points

Para mayor informacin ver seccin de

Eventos realizados.
VI Reunin de expertos en polticas de
lectura y bibliotecas pblicas en
Amrica Latina.

Conferencia Informtica y
Telecomunicaciones: Plataforma
para la Transformacin
Este evento realizado en Santo Domingo,
Repblica Dominicana los das 25 y 26
de junio de 1998, fue organizado por la
Universidad de Puerto Rico y cont con el
patrocinio de varias instituciones tales
como: UNESCO, Universidad de
Antioquia, Columbus University, IBM,
CODETEL y el decidido apoyo del
gobierno dominicano.
El evento logr los objetivos propuestos
por la importancia de los temas tratados y
la riqueza de las discusiones que se
concretaron en un cuerpo de recomendaciones que ofreceremos en una prxima
Uno de los paneles en los que la contribucin
de la Divisin de Informacin e Informtica
de la UNESCO se hizo presente fue el
referido al de Redes de Amrica Latina y
el Caribe: Estado del Arte.
Para mayor informacin ver seccin de
Eventos realizados.

Actividades de Capacitacin
Gracias a la contribucin que el Gobierno
de Venezuela realiz al Programa
INFOLAC y en particular al aporte

efectuado por el CONICIT, se realiz el

pasado mes de mayo , un curso sobre
manejo de pginas web en la Universidad
de Colima en Mxico, en el que
participaron dos especialistas de la regin:
La Srta. Calista Pierre de (NALIS)
Trinidad & Tobago, el Sr. Robson Lpez
de Almeida (IBICT), Brasil y el Editor del
Boletn INFOLAC y Coordinador de la
pgina web de INFOLAC Sr. Ramn Parra.
Entre las actividades realizadas se destaca
la evaluacin de la pgina actual, la
elaboracin de pginas espejo en ingls y
portugus y la definicin de los procedimientos y la logistica necesaria para la
ubicacin de estas versiones en servidores
distintos localizados en Mxico ( versin
en espaol) Trinidad ( versin en ingls) y
Brasilia (versin en portugus) lo que
permitir rpidas actualizaciones a nivel
local en cada idioma y la garanta de que
la pgina siempre estar en lnea.
Cabe destacar la magnfica colaboracin
prestada por la Lic. Lourdes Feria,
Directora de los Servicios de Informacin
de la Universidad de Colima y la de su
eficiente equipo de trabajo quienes han
hecho posible la integracin de la regin
en materia de informacin en tres idiomas
de trabajo de la regin y en un foro como
INFOLAC que tiene como objetivo la

conjuncin los esfuerzos en funcin de un

promisorio porvenir para la comunidad
latinoamericana y caribea del sector
Expresamos nuestro agradecimiento, el
ms sincero, a la gente de COLIMA por el
insuperable apoyo que hemos recibido para
hacer posible lo que hasta ayer no pasaba
de ser un sueo y que esperamos seguir
concretando y mejorando da a da
Finalmente, queremos anunciar a nuestros
lectores que durante el tercer trimestre de
1998 estarn disponibles para su
distribucin y venta los siguientes
productos elaborados con el Centro Editor
de Discos Compactos de la Universidad de
CD-ROM : Bancos Bibliogrficos
Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, volumen
IV, Internet para Bibliotecarios,
Bibliografa Venezolana ( 17 volmenes),
Prensa Iberoamericana del Siglo XIX,
Fotografas de Latinoamrica y del Caribe
del Siglo XIX, en los que se incluyen bases
de datos y colecciones significativas de
instituciones pblicas y privadas de la
regin, que nos han confiado sus acervos
de informacin como una muestra
inequvoca del deseo de compartir y
cooperar en funcin de la integracin y
conocimiento mutuo.

The Information Revolution: In Search of the Common Good
by Philippe Quau
Director of Information and Informatics Division, UNESCO

Is globalization really global?

Glocalization. Towards the Common

One Globe, Lots of Tribes and Many
Is There a Pilot in the Global Plane?

The market vs. General interest. The

Need for Regulation.
Deregulation does not necessarily mean
more competition
Sharing the costs of international calls.
The case of Internet.
Price setting and regulation for

Proper competition vs. Fair

Public and Private. The crucial
importance of Public Domain
Is Information Society a Meaningful
New cognitive tools for a global
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

The role of UNESCO in the

Information Society
Globalization and Abstraction
In search of a global meaning

Is globalization really global?

Glocalization. The Common
Buzz phrases like global village or
global information society are
misleading. The concept of global is
not itself global, in other words
globalization is not universal, it does
not affect everybody in the same way.
Exactly like the very concept of
universality is not itself universal. I
am referring here to some Asian voices
raising concerns about the occidental
flavour of the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights and supporting the idea
that Asian values were not taken
properly into account and might even be
in contradiction with it (for instance the
confucean predominence of the Society
over the rights of the Person).
The global civilization concept is a
biased view, a partial dream of a very
privileged minority (the global
masters), a small subset of this planets
inhabitants. The overwhelming majority
does not live it, understand it and even
less benefit from this globalization, even
though they are in fact supporting its
consequences and are either directly or
indirectly but very effectively affected
by it. This is the result of glocalisation:
the local impact of global causes
enslaves people unable to understand the
real forces at work.
We risk endorsing biased views and
unsufficiently universal conceptions if
we stay hooked on a conception of
Information society that reflects infohaves needs. Can we build a really
universal understanding of what is
happening? The blue planet seen from
satellite appears united but fragile. The
Internet planet also appears united,
thanks to the universality of TCP/IP
protocol or the WWW. But the global
society consensus is far more fragile.
Who takes the most out of it? Who
profits most from the Information
For the techno-scepticists, new
information and communication
technologies (NICTs) should be seen as
mere tools. These tools may be put at
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

the service of a political will, provided

there is one available. But, they will not
bring miraculously ready-made solutions
to the global problems that plague the end
of this century: economic and financial
instabilities, social inequalities, growing
unemployment in developed countries,
planetary-wide environmental concerns,
widening gaps between North and South,
potentially leading to political turmoils.
For the techno-optimists, NICTs are not
just technologies. They are symptoms of a
deeper revolution, useful indicators of a
cultural and mental landslide, that will
ultimately lead us to a collective reshaping
of basic assumptions and values, such as
the notion of work in an automatized
production environment, the concept of
intellectual property in an economy of
ideas, the relevance of nation state in a
globalized world or the meaning of
general interest in a free-wheeling and
invisible-handed market. What is at stake
is in fact the emergence of a new
civilization, on the one hand certainly more
global, and presumably more virtual or
post-industrial, but on the other hand
globally more unstable, more and more
efficient for the super-rich and
unsympathetic to the needs of the poor,
excluded from the required efficiency of
the free market.

Both scepticists and optimists are

right in their own way.
Political will is a fundamental resource to
solve human problems. Yet the scale of the
problem might be bigger than the average
vision of political leaders.
What we need most is a political vision, a
really global vision able to subsume narrow
chauvinistic, nationalistic or culturally
biased political agendas. Because this
planet is shrinking rapidly, we need to start
thinking globally, not only from the
technological or economic vantage points,
but from the political, cultural, societal,
ethical viewpoints.
The fundamental questions that should be
addressed are:
What will be the real impact of the
Information revolution on the worlds
global imbalances? Will it aggravate
economic, cultural, societal gaps or tend
to reduce them? In other words will
globalization aggravate globalization or
humanize it?
What is the common good in this global
context? Is good what is good for the free
market and its invisible hands? Is good
what is good for the leading superpowers
technological and economic elites (the
symbol manipulators)? Or is there a
higher common good?


The Information Revolution. In search of the Common Good. ---------- pg. 2

Congreso Internacional de Informacin INFO 99 ----------------------- " 10
IV Encuentro de Educadores e Investigadores de Bibliotecologa,
Archivologa y Ciencias de la Informacin de Iberoamerica
y el Caribe. Conclusiones y Recomendaciones ----------------------------- " 13
Programa de Actividades acadmicas del CUIB - 2do. Semestre
de 1998 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " 16
ABINIA se prepara para su IX Asamblea General ------------------------- " 19

Vea adems / See also

Red Iberoamericana de Informacin Deportiva (SPORTCOM) --------- " 20
Se encuentra solo en la Red? ------------------------------------------------ " 34
Organization of American States, Columbus Memorial Library.
Collections and Services -------------------------------------------------------- " 34
Naciones Unidas en Feria Internacional del Libro en Montevideo -- " 35
Base de datos de INFOBILA ahora en INTERNET ----------------------- " 39

One Globe, Lots of Tribes and

Many Ghettos
The pervasiveness of digital
convergence now affects all aspects of our
societies. This phenomenon is furthermore
accelerated and facilitated by the general
trend towards economic globalization.
globalizations are in fact interlinked and
affect all countries, either directly or
Different types of globalizations (financial,
economic, technological) do flourish
coincidentally and accompany the
development of the global Information
Society, which in return facilitates
globalization. Technological globalization
relates to the spatial distribution of ideas,
methods, technologies or products. It is not
an universalization of meaning, but a
standardization of means.
Economic globalization takes the lead in a
context of laissez-faire and
deregulation, while global political
issues, such as reducing inequalities,
favourising social justice and economic
redistribution, are yet to be addressed. A
global overclass, disposing of mobile
global capitals, makes all the major
economic decisions, without much control
and countervailing power from relatively
weak political institutions, lacking of a
global clout and of a global policy, a global
vision adequate to our times.
Cultural, social, political and ethical
globalizations still lag behind.
Globalizations translates into political,
ethical, cultural relativism. Instead of
promoting universal values, and
universality as a value, globalization seems
to encourage relativism.
The nation-state sees its power, legitimacy
and scope for action seriously undermined
by transnational players and processes:
multinational corporations, the flow of
finance and information, environmental
phenomena, mafias, migrations. Often the
regional regulation is unsufficient. United
Nations are too weak.
The weakening of the state undermines its
capacity to stem the rise of poverty,
exclusion and unemployment and to work
for the improvement of education and
health systems. The Social contract in
each society is threatened by a blind and
borderless globalization with no interest for
collective societal projects. Confronted to
the power and the influence of the market,
the nation-state is weakened and it loses

its symbolic meaning, the very values that

made it possible and meaningful.

now take advantage from exploitation of

the global gaps.

Chances are, that in the absence of an

effective global political power, able to
redistribute the global wealth and to
guarantee justice and a sense of the
common good, the global Information
Society will not be as advantageous for all
countries. We know that in nearly all
societies, the needs and preferences of the
wealthy and powerful are generally more
respected and reflected in official goals and
priorities. Information Society per se will
not change this state of fact. It might on
the contrary just aggravate it. At least it is
a good point to debate. While one can
observe a certain widening of the access
to NICT, a closer look at it shows that
access is in fact reserved to the already

What should we do to prevent the

discrepancies and the inequalities that will
arise from these different types of
globalization and from the uneven
distribution of their effects among nations?
How could we contribute to the elaboration
of a concept of common good, of
humankinds general interest, in the
context of Information Society in its most
globalized phase?

Development Report 1998 published in
March 1998 by the International
Telecommunication Union said: There
remain vast pockets of humankind without
access to basic telecommunications
services. It is difficult to believe that this
is due to a shortage of funds: the
telecommunication industry has its most
profitable year ever in 1996. A shortage of
supply is also increasingly less of a reason
for a lack of access. The greatest danger to
improving access today appears to be
complacency. There is a tendency to
believe that a profitable industry with
expanding sources of supply will solve the
problem by itself.
In our view, it will not.
In other words, there will still be winners
and losers in the emerging Information
Society order. And the gap between them
will probably widen. The problem will not
be solved miraculously by the immanent
virtues of industry. Are there any ways to
use NICTs to bridge such a daunting gap
between rich and poor? How can NICTs
be of any help to the 4 billions people living
on less than 2$ a day? This is not just a
question of global justice. It is also in the
objective interest of the rich. What we
would like to stress is that even the winners
will ultimately be losers, too, if they let the
gap widen. For two reasons: i) they will
suffer from the political and social unrest
that the world-wide spectacle of this
growing gap will inevitably induce, ii)
raising the standards of living of world
population will profit ultimately to
everybody, except of course to those who

Is There a Pilot in the Global

As the representative of the people and the
guardian of democratic values, the state has
the right and responsibility to help integrate
cyberspace and society. But who
guarantees the integration of cyberspace
and global society? Our planet as a whole
is not yet democratically represented,
except maybe by international
organizations such as United Nations,
which notoriously lack of financial and
political means to effectively intervene on
core global issues.
Cyberspace is not a no mans land, any
more than fiscal paradises are. If the
governments of the world decided to unite
in order to clamp down all possibilities of
tax evasion or illegal money trafficking,
they could very well impose their will on
offshore fiscal and money laundering
paradises. Similarly, if sometimes in the
future, the governments of the world
decided to impose a strict reinforcement
of a future cyberlaw, this could very well
be done. After all, computers and networks
are still very material objects that are
needed by the immaterial cyberspace. And
police and justice may very well act on the
real estates of cyberspace.
Technology standards and privacy issues,
for example, are too important to be
entrusted to the marketplace alone.
Competing software firms have little
interest in preserving the open standards
that are essential to a fully functioning
interactive network. Markets encourage
innovation, but they do not necessarily
insure the public interest. Governments
could decide to encourage and support the
developments of public domain software
and freewares (such as LINUX, Apache).
This goal might appear absolutely vital in
a few years, when will appear the
importance to equip the schools of the
world with basic computer facilities. The
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

software side might wery well belong to

the world public domain.

reducing information access imbalances

and fighting global ecological concerns?

regulatory issues, the big players are going

straight to the politicians.

Privacy issues are also of strategic

importance. Commercial interests are
willing to keep a low profile and be left
hands-free to exploit powerful data-mining
resources for marketing research or for
information reselling to data brokers and
individual reference service industry.
They are not interested by hot questions
such as: should personal informations
copyright belong to the concerned persons
or to the data miners? What level of
anonymity and privacy protection is
desirable? It is essentially a philosophical
and political issue. US and EU differ
somewhat on the isues of transborders
dataflow. US accuses EU Parliaments
Directive on the protection of individuals
with regard to the processing of personal
data and on the free movement of such data
(October 1995) of being a non-tariff
commercial barrier to free trade. In effect,
Article 25 states that the transfer to a third
country of personal data which are
undergoing processing or are intended for
processing after transfer may take place
only if (...) the third country in question
ensures an adequate level of protection.
Since it remains to be seen if there is any
adequate level of protection in the US, the
question is still pending: who is going to
have the last word? The free market or the
privacy-conscious global citizen?

Market is based on competition: hence the

strongest emerge, with a non-linear effect:
the fall of weaker competitors (provoked
by the free market) creates monopolies or
oligopolies (which are contrary to general
interest). Problems of monopolies of
software (Microsoft/Netscape, Java/Active
X) are good examples.

Thus, following the new 1996 USA

telecom legislation liberalizing all telecom
markets, the first mergers involved the
regional Bell holding companies (RBHCs)
in defensive moves to strenghten their
monopoly positions in local telecom

The market vs. General interest.

Need for Regulation
The market is not concerned by social
redistribution. Important social issues
(such as basic education, basic health or
maintaining social or even international
peace) are left to the political sphere. The
market needs peace and also an educated
population to perform its own operations.
But peace and education must be taken care
of and also paid for it. By whom? It is not
sure that international peace for instance
receives all the credits that should be in
priority given to it.
Deregulation and globalisation have a taste
of free-wheeling market. But we need a reregulation at a higher level. We need a
global governance, i.e. a global
government with a global currency and a
global fiscality (such as the famous Tobin
Tax on all financial transactions proposed
by Nobel Prize James Tobin). Why not
imagine a global telecommunications
tax or a global energy tax to help
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

This is why regulators have still a role to

play, even in a free market.
What should be the new universal access
paradigm? Based on physical access?
Should it include access to content, for
instance public domain data? What should
be the minimum level of service for users?
Is it possible to cost obligations to the
public service mission in a meaningful
What should be the consumers rights?
Are these rights interfering with the
citizens rights, if they are limited by the
interest of the market ?
The regulators are also needed for a fair
allocation of resources (access to numbers,
availability of radio-frequency spectrum,
pricing the spectrum, frequency
The level of demand for spectrum is likely
to outstrip currently available frequency
resources. How to set up a pricing policy
of this public resource?

Deregulation does not necessarily

mean more competition
One of the principal failures of regulation
in Telecom can be summarized as follows:
the regulator never had the independance
to make professional decisions because of
undue influence either from politicians,
politically driven ministries, or the
regulated monopolies. Private monopoly
telecom operators overwhelm the
regulators and frequently prevent them
from applying effective standards of
consumer protection or economic
In recent years, telecom regulators in the
US, Canada and the UK have been
remarkably unsuccessful in restraining the
anti-competitive behaviour of the dominant
operators and promoting effective market
competition. For instance, the FCC
admitted its inability to regulate AT&T at
the time of AT&T divestiture. Today, in
nearly all countries, on the major

The public telecom operators (PTOs) stand

at the gateway of commerce and often
represent a bottleneck that can slow down
or even stop improvements, especially in
new service development. The PTOs have
a very powerful incentive to use their
monopoly power at the bottleneck of the
telecom value chain to capture as much as
possible of the efficiency and value-added
benefits being created in both the
equipment supply and service development
sectors. If policy makers and regulators
adopt a hands-off or laissez-faire position
on the issue of competition, most telecom
customers run a risk of being served in a
marketplace with a competition policy but
few real competitive options.

Sharing the costs of international

calls. The case of Internet
Accounting rates in the international
telecommunications traffic have a major
impact on the revenues and on the growth
of telecommunications in developing
countries. The full liberalisation of
telecommunications along with other
factors (advent of callback, Internet
telephony) raises serious concern on the
old way of sharing the cost of an
international call between countries. The
conventional Accounting Rate System
which has been in place for many years, is
a revenue sharing system established on
the basis of bilateral negociations.
International telecom carriers negociate
between themselves the price for handling
one minute of international telephone
service. The rate is usually divided 50/50
between the originating and terminating
carriers on a direct route between them. For
indirect routes, there is also a fixed transit
Since there is usually an imbalance, the
operator with the higher volume of minutes
pays a net settlement to the operator with
fewer minutes. As traffic volumes have
increased over the years, strong pressure
has been exerted by outpaying
administrations to reduce the settlement
rate to the level of actual costs for

terminating calls. Most Asia and Pacific

countries are developing countries and are
net receivers. Generally the cost of telecom
infrastructure in developing countries is
higher because economies of scale does not
compare with advanced countries which
have the advantage of local manufacturing
and high economies of scale. These
countries may be tempted to resist the
efforts of traffic originating countries to
exert a downward pressure on the rates.
Practices like call back can put further
pressures on the system. The Call back
operator attracts high value customers from
operators with higher collection rates. This
often means loss of business to operators
in developing countries. The recent United
States FCC Order aims at a huge
reductions in Settlement Rates. This has
been opposed by many countries, which
feel that the sole purpose of the FCC Order
is to benefit US carriers at the expense of
developing countries. Cost-based charging
is not easy to implement, and implies in
particular rebalancing of tariffs between
local, domestic long distance and
international. In effect, that diminishing
international settlement would ultimately
lead in lowering developing countries
revenues and telecommunications viability,
already threatened by the steady fall in their
call colection revenue due to the
proliferation of call back services.
Conventional telecom arrangements will
moreover be bypassed with carriage of
voice over Internet or Virtual Private
It is a global problem, but addressed at
mainly from the vantage point of the US
and call generating countries. FCC has
already taken unilateral actions (July
But the growth of international network
will be inefficient if facilities are not evenly
distributed in relation to usage patterns.
The principle of termination charge is
being explored. Telecom operators might
set up a standard and transparent charge
for incoming traffic based on cost and other
factors (such as interest charges on
development loans, and even cross-subsidy
elements...). It would be applicable
irrespective of the source of the calls and
would therefore eliminate the need to
workout bilateral settlements.
The case of Internet is very illustrative of
strong imbalances. Internet serves as an
information bank where non-US based
users access web-sites in the US and
download information. Traffic is almost all

one-way or asymmetrically from the US.

Hence, US carriers insisted that non-US
based carriers pay for the full circuit link
to US instead of the traditional
arrangements whereby each carrier would
pay for its own half circuit. Internet today
serves beyond its information provision
function. It is increasingly used as another
platform for international communication
(2-way traffic), e.g. e-mail, Internet
telephony, e-commerce.
The continuation of the existing
asymmetrical payment arrangement can no
longer be justified. It is unfair to non-US
based carriers and especially users because
US-based users are not paying for their
international Internet access. The revenue
benefits of Internet services around the
globe are directed toward US operators.
The US operators, content and database
business owners are getting full advantage
of inward traffic flow.

Price setting and regulation for

The practical problems of estimating the
relevant costs for a complex
telecommunication network system are
very difficult.
Statement by Commissioner Barrett of the
USAs FCC: Cost allocation will become
increasingly difficult and meaningless in
the future... Once the local exchange
carriers are transporting broadband and
video along their present voice services,
and wireless is used extensively for local
access, the allocation of costs will become
a nightmare with little meaning... To take
a simple example, consider how the cost
of a local loop will be allocated if that loop
was used to carry voice, broadband and
video simultaneously.
A concrete example:
In Japan, until recently, NTT charged its
own long-distance division 3.7 Yen (US 4
cents) per call for access (which constituted
about 4% of that divisions long distance
revenues), and charged its long distance
rivals over ten times as much (about 42 Yen
per call) taking up roughly 45% of these
rivalsrevenue. This access pricing policy
is attributed to have been a major factor
impeding the development of competition
in Japan (source: Price setting and
regulation for telecommunications in the
absence of reliable and detailed cost

Telecommunications Policy, Vol 21, N3,

pp213-233, 1997).
What we would like to stress out is that
there is no universally correct tariff
setting principles. Pricing policy is a means
of achieving desired objectives. The
question is therefore: who should decide
these objectives: the market, or the
regulator supposed to guarantee the
general interest?

Proper competition vs. Fair

competition: the case of Korea
In 1990, the Korean Ministry of
Information and Communication (MIC)
decided to introduce competition into the
international telecommunication service
market with a hope to strenghten the
competitiveness of the Korean
telecommunications industry. In 1991,
DACOM which had been providing
monopolistic data communication services,
entered into the market, so far dominated
by Korea Telecom (KT).
However, competition in the international
telephone service did not worked as hoped.
The competition failed to shift the demand
upward in spite of increased advertising
and new services. The MICs direct price
regulation hindered carriers from competing
in prices and induced the collusion of carriers
at the cost of consumers surplus. The
restricted price competition encouraged the
carriers to engage in abnormal advertising
competition and diminished incentives for
cost efficient investment. Knowing that the
price is not determined by their competitive
interactions but by the regulator, the
carriers did not need to pay attention to
In sum, these disappointing competition
experiences can be attributed to poor
competition environment. It was naive to
expect that competition would
automatically arise by allowing a firm into
an industry, without providing an
environment for effective competition
(which should have been MICs role). In
Korea, adding one more competitor only
led to tacit collusion against the original
intention of promoting competition.
This rather undesirable competition
experiment stemmed from a peculiar
concept of competition, that is, proper
competition. The MIC actively intervened
in the competition process, which lessened
the rivalry between carriers. MIC
established a controlled, not an effective,
competition system.
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

It is essential that the proper competition

concept be replaced with a fair
competition concept. Fair competition
regulation stresses the suppression of the
incumbents incentives to utilize its
advantages and to stage anti-competitive
behaviour such as predatory pricing,
unequal access arrangements and exclusive
possession of information. Under the fair
competition concept, the regulator should
not judge, control or modify the degree of
the competition. Rather the regulator
should confine its role to preparing
environment for active competition.
Competition is the most powerful
mechanism for maximizing customer
benefits and limiting monopoly power. The
core of competition is not the number of
competitors, but rivalry between them. The
regulator framework must be contrived to
facilitate rivalry. Unfortunately, the Korean
government failed to recognize this
important point and behaved in a traditional
way to control monopoly and suppressed
Regulators in the developing countries
should bear in mind that controlled
competition is no better than monopoly.
They should confine their role to protect
fair competition, which requires a vision
of the General Interest.

Public and Private. The crucial

importance of public domain
The primary concern of privately owned
media is to make money. The primary task
of public-interest oriented media is to foster
political and cultural development, at
national and international levels. Open
ended goals such as public interest or
cultural development are very difficult
to measure. Public interest is a much more
difficult issue to grasp than private interest.
It is more abstract, and in essence more
conflictual to define. It is scattered among
all the people, and thus nobody in particular
seems directly and personally concerned,
and eager to tackle with this vague and
global type of problems, left often to
anonymous bureaucracies. This problem is
another aspect of the tragedy of the
commons. When everybody is supposed
to take care of the commons, nobody in
particular feels urgently and primarily
concerned to do so. Somebody else will
care... And vested interests take advantage
of this public disinterest for public good
to lobby decision-makers for their own
specific needs. The more the problems
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

grow global and abstract, the more public

good seems to be left unattended and the
more private interests become efficient and
active at taking their own profit share out
of the public cake.
This universal mechanism will not be
stopped by the Information revolution. On
the contrary, it will be aggravated.
We need a deep understanding of what
actually is the common good at the
Information age? Is it universal access,
for instance? Or something more abstract
like equal oportunities for all in the
Information society?
A good start to think concretely over
public good is the question of public
At the height of economic bubble in
Japan, there was a tongue-in-cheek
proposition to give all land back to the
Emperor. This idea was not new. The
concept of commons existed a long time
ago, in the feudal times, in Europe, and
even earlier was conceptualized under the
political category of res publica. Now
the bubble has been somewhat deflated.
But the very concept of public domain
remains valid. The international sea zone,
the outerspace or the human genome
belong to the public domain, or the
inalienable human heritage.
In our globalized era, it is of vital and
strategic importance to recognize, promote
and strengthen the global public domain,
be it physical (such as radio spectrum) or
cultural and informational (such as
masterpieces of the past or the information
produced on public funds).
The hertzian spectrum belongs to the public
domain. Thus the public should benefit from
their use. The recent digital spectrum
giveaway to broadcasters underscores the
inefficient and biased misuse of public
resources. The citizenry should benefit and
profit from the use of public frequencies,
and should retain a portion of the spectrum
for educational, cultural, and public access
uses. We should demand more for private
use of public property.
Same problem with public domain data.
Masterpieces of the glorious past, stored
in public libraries and museums do not
belong to curators. They belong to the
public of a particular nation, and also to
human kind. If every nation decided to give
back to its own people free access to its
own memory, then not only everyone
would have access to its own cultural
treasures, but also to all other nations
cultural heritage.

Global regulation is indeed needed. But

above all, we need to find a new meaning
to our collective action. We need to
formulate a higher and wiser vision of what
we are heading at, as citizens of our global
society. We need new mental tools.

New cognitive tools for a global

Too much data is just noise. Information
is not knowledge and even less wisdom.
We need meaning not just information
means. We even more need wisdom.
Proliferation of information will not add
one minute in a humans day. In the
information overflow, we are not
necessarily doing any better than before.
On the contrary, we may simply lose
ground with reality, and human touch.
Information flood is a serious challenge,
requiring discipline, distance and
skepticism. We will need cognitive skills
of awareness, perception, reasoning, and
common sense judgement.
There is an atrophy of the sensus
communis (the common sense). The
sensus communis is the sense that can
give us a sense of the common good.
This sixth sense is pre-eminently the
political sense, the sense of judgement. To
judge implies always a form of distance,
of withdrawal, of retreat, of abstraction
from events and facts. To judge implies
also an attention to plurality, to diversity.
It implies a widened and enlightened way
of thinking, obtained by comparing ones
own personal judgement to others. It
implies the ability to put oneself at others
place, to understand other slants, other
vantage points. It implies a capacity to
distance oneself from oneself. It is an
aptitude to think as a person in the interest
of the community.
In a world driven by the flow of information,
the interfaces and the underlying code
that make information visible are becoming
enormously powerful social forces.
Understanding their strengths and
limitations, and even participating in the
creation of better tools, should be an
important part of being an involved citizen.
These tools affect our lives as much as laws
do, and we should subject them to a similar
We need to understand better the
underlying assumptions of the cognitive
tools (simulation models, computing and
conceptual models, cognitive schemes,
statistics) we are more and more using,

consciously or not. A new cognitive

enlightenment is necessary. We are still in
the Dark Ages of global governance and
we do not even know how far we still are
from acquiring minimal cognitive tools to
deal with globalization problems.
Wiring the schools will not be enough. We
need to know what kind of citizen we want
our children to become. We want our
children to grow happy and wise, not just
as egg heads, full of unnecessary volatile
data. We do not want our children to be
instrumentalized at the service of an
economico-techno-sphere devoid of any
real human vision. In brief, we need a
humanistic approach. NICTs should only
serve us, and not us serving the

For UNESCO, the Information Society

represents a challenge and a opportunity.
The challenge is that the Organization must
find an original and indisputable role in a
domain that is now covering the whole of
society, and that interests therefore many
other organizations. The opportunity is that
Information Society values and methods
will give UNESCO a unique chance to
fulfil one of its fundamental missions, as
stated in its Constitution, i.e. to develop
the free exchange of ideas and
UNESCOs strategy may be summarized
by two main ideas:
Given its intellectual and moral mandate,
UNESCO concentrates on the content
aspects of the Information Society,
including information access, training and
ethical issues.

info-ethics issues (access to

information, privacy, confidentiality,
security of information).

promotion of cultural and linguistic

pluralism in the Information Society,
including access to the virtual
Memory of the World
promotion of standards and cooperation
in information categorization, labelling
and filtering

training in the information age and in

the context of globalization, with
particular attention given to the needs
of information professionals and
trainers (journalists, librarians,
archivists, documentalists, computer
specialists), user communities
(educators, scientists, members of
social and cultural organizations) and

participation to the global cyberculture, with special attention to youth

needs, and

last but not least, a very active presence

of UNESCO on the Web, through the
Headquarters, field units and all
associated organizations Web sites.

The infostructure aspects of the strategy


supporting consistent national

information policies (in particular
appropriate telecommunications tariff
policies, and so-called universal
access policies, in a context of
deregulation and privatization )

networking of people and institutions

(with a view to sharing experience and
knowledge and avoiding duplication of

designing innovative, applicationoriented, pilot projects: virtual learning

communities, virtual laboratories,
virtual libraries, on-line governance,
multi-purpose community telecentres
in rural or disadvantaged areas,
information access for illiterate people,
user-friendly interfaces for all.

improving infrastructures: public

libraries, archives and documentation
centres serving as gateways to the
Information Society, information
services and networks.

As for the infrastructure of the Information

Society, UNESCO concentrates on
Infostructure (policies, networking and
applications) rather than on basic
telecommunication and informatics
The content aspects of this strategy
include :

fostering the access to diversified

contents for the info have-nots, by
developing a strong public domain
of information accessible on-line and
off-line: the Global Cyber Commons.

Hence the fundamental questions: what

kind of global civilization are we in fact
building? What kind of civilization should
we rather try to build? Then what NICTs
and tools are needed? What role for global
organizations like UNESCO?

The role of UNESCO in the

Information Society

observation of national information

policies and legal frameworks or codes
of practices.

Globalization and Abstraction

Information Society imposes a model
(cognitive, efficient, abstract, marketbased).
Some alternative values are emerging
(knowledge sharing, freeware, groupware,
new sense of global citizenship),but this is
possible only within a certain infostructure
and a level of literacy.
We need to define in a very deep way what
we expect from the emerging global
civilization. This should not be done under
pressure from the different globalizations,
but from a higher, wiser viewpoint.
Some anthropologists, like Andr LeroiGourhan, define the progress of
civilizations by their level of abstraction.
Classic examples are the tool which is an
abstraction for the claw or the hand, the
written word which is an abstract
equivalent of the oral word. If we follow
this view, we are indeed making a big leap
forward in abstraction, when we tend to
replace reality by virtuality in most of our
activities. We might then be tempted to
think that we are a civilization in progress.
Abstraction is not a progress of civilization.
It is, at most, a progress in the
instrumentalization of humanity put to
serve other rather narrow, unspecified,
unquestionned, non-humane goals.
The definition of another thinker (Teilhard
de Chardin) is more illuminating. He
defines progress as a capacity to go
toward and to understand other-ness.
The main risk of a global civilization is that
it may end up in limiting diversity and
other-ness, by imposing powerful norms
of conduct and standards of behaviour.
If that would happen, we would not be a
civilization in progress.
The foreigner, the alien are unforgettable
symbols of difference as such. They are
images of the other . But there are many
other others: the unemployed, the poor
or the illitterate. They are almost by nature
excluded from the Information society.
This is why, more than an Information
society, we need a Wisdom society, a
Meaningful society, a society of justice,
where all the others may find their place.

In search of a global meaning.

We need hope and meaning. How can we
develop not-for-the-profit activities in a
society which recognize individuals only
through the prism of their market value?
How can we give some human meaning to
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

globalization? How can we create a sense

of global solidarity?
For global problems, nations-states are too
small to be of any decisive influence.
United Nations Organization is far from
being recognized as a Global Governance
body. It is a kind of an abstraction. As citizen
of the world, we lack the communication
means to create an effective common
ground, a global public agora, where to
discuss and implement global policies. The
only truly international operators are the high
flying financiers, the global speculation
operators, the global information and
communication operators. But even these
have no real sense of the global common
good in mind. They tend to maximize their
own private, specific interests. And the
only criterium of success is the quantitative
return from the market.
A global public life has yet to be created.
What has been lost in the modern age, is
the very space where a public life could be
nurtured and developed.
We need urgently such a common world,
as opposed to the global world.
McLuhan spoke of the Global Village.
What we need now is the Common
House of this village.

The common good exists only if we talk

about it, if we discuss it, if we come to agree
with others on a common action about it.
Our globalized world has indeed a common
But it lacks of any common past, and has
no assured ground for a common future.
It shares the global instants of speculation,
it broadcasts the global tools of
standardization. But it lacks of any consensus
on the ultimate ends it seems to pursue.
The unity of mankind cannot be founded
on a unique religion, a unique philosophy
or even a unique form of government. It
should be founded on the paradoxical and
difficult assumption that diversity is in fact
more needed for unity than unity itself.
Multiplicity hides and reveals unity. But
multiplicity, like bio-diversity, is hard to
maintain in a globalized age. Hence, the
very basis for a profound unity (made
possible by the preservation of and the
attention to diversity) is radically
threatened by globalization, which imposes
its oversimplified unification.
We need a new philosophy for mankind,
the central concept of which should be
communication. Not in the sense of

mass communication or Information and

communication technologies, but in the
sense of : communication of the differences,
communication with different people and
communication with all what has been
thought at different times and places.
The word communication comes from
the latin cum (with) and munio (to build
fortified walls). It then means
etymologically: to build together a
common fortification. It reminds me of
the Preamble of the Constitution of
UNESCO: Since wars begin in the minds
of men, it is in the minds of men that the
defences of peace must be constructed.
Ignorance of each others ways and lives
has been a common cause of suspicion and
mistrust between the peoples of the world.
Communication should be viewed as a
method and a philosophy to build the
defences of peace. But lets never forget
that communication technologies do not
guarantee communication. They are just
means and have no meaning.
For more information please contact: INF/
UNESCO. Pars - Fax: (33-1) 45685583
Source: INF/UNESCO-Pars


Fecha: 4, 5 y 6 de junio de 1998
Sede: Matanzas

Fecha: 25 y 26 de junio de 1998


Objetivo del evento:


Realizar la segunda edicion de la Jornada

que tiene como uno de sus objetivos
fundamentales buscar un espacio de
concertacion nacional en el tema bibliotecario con nfasis especial en la concepcion de
la biblioteca de referencia electrnica.

Realizar un intercambio de ideas y criterios

alrededor del tema propuesto con el
objetivo de buscar un espacio de
concertacion nacional.


INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998


Fecha: Por definir (verano de 1998)

Objetivo del evento:

Dar continuidad a los eventos sobre
Gestin de la Informacin iniciados en
aos anteriores. Este encuentro estar
dedicado a los lderes jovenes.

Fecha: 23, 24 y 25 septiembre de 1998
Objetivo del evento:

Crear un espacio de confrontacion nacional

para el intercambio de ideas y criterios en
relacion con el tema.
Fecha: Del 26 al 30 de octubre de 1998
Sede: Por definir
Objetivo del evento:
Abordar en un foro de discusin estos dos
temas de forma particular con el objetivo
de confrontar experiencias, ideas y

Fecha: 25, 26 y 27 de noviembre de 1998
Objetivo del evento:
Buscar un espacio de concertacin nacional
que permita abordar este tema de vital
importancia para las organizaciones de
Fecha: Del 4 al 8 de octubre de 1999

Sede: Palacio de las Convenciones

Comenzar a preparar las condiciones
organizativas del referido evento durante
Para mayor informacin puede contactar
a: PROINFO/IDICT, Apartado 2019, La
Habana 10200, Cuba. Telf.: (53 7) 635500,
Fax: (53 7) 338237
Correo E: /


La Habana, Cuba, del 4 al 8 de octubre de 1999

El Instituto de Informacin Cientfica y

Tecnolgica, IDICT del Ministerio de
Ciencia, Tecnologa y Medio Ambiente de
la Repblica de Cuba, tiene el placer de
invitarlo a participar en el Congreso
Internacional de Informacin, INFO99
que se efectuar del 4 al 8 de octubre de
1999, bajo el lema LA INFORMACION
MILENIO, en el Palacio de las
Convenciones de La Habana, Cuba.
INFO99 organizar para usted:
Simultneamente con el Congreso se
organizar la Exposicin internacional
EXPOINFO99. En esta exposicin las
compaas, instituciones, y organizaciones
especializadas podrn mostrar sus
productos, equipos y softwares, as como
exhibir servicios de valor aadido.

* El uso y acceso a la informacin en

tiempos y escenarios diferentes.

Telf.: (53 7) 635500, (53 7) 603411, ext.

1142, Fax: 53 7 338237

* Los nuevos estilos de gestin de la

informacin como expresin del
reposicionamiento de los servicios de
* Las exigencias y retos que expondrn
a los profesionales de informacin en
los albores de un nuevo siglo.
* Las demandas y necesidades del
usuario como exponente de los niveles
de desarrollo de una nueva era.
* Las nuevas condiciones y los cambios
necesarios que tendrn que acometer
las instituciones de informacin.

Correo E.:

Los idiomas oficiales de INFO99 sern el

espaol y el ingls.
Si est interesado en recibir informacin
adicional sobre este Congreso, srvase
llenar el cupn adjunto y enviarlo a la
direccin del Comit Organizador.


Nombre y apellidos: __________________
Cargo: _____________________________
Especialidad: _______________________
Institucin: _________________________
Direccin: __________________________
Apartado Postal: ___ Cdigo Postal: ____


Ciudad: ______ Pas: ________________


Lic. Nicolas Garriga Mndez

Telf:/Fax: __________________________

* Las tecnologas de informacin y

comunicacin en el nuevo siglo.

IDICT/PROINFO, Apartado 2019, La

Habana 10200, Cuba.



Correo E.: __________________________

INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

Seventh International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics

University of Colima, Colima, Mexico
July 5-8, 1999
sponsored by the The International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics
Universidad de Colima
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
This is the seventh in a series of
increasingly successful biennial
conferences. The previous conferences
were held at the Limburgs Universitair
Centrum Diepenbeek, Belgium; at the
University of Western Ontario, Canada; at
the Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore;
at the Association for Science Studies,
Berlin; Rosary College, River Forest,
lllinois, and the Hebrew University of
The scope of the fields of Scientometrics
and Informetrics can be broadly defined
as those topics which treat in quantitative
fashion the creation, flow, dissemination,
and use of scholarly or substantive
information. Representative topics are:
informetric laws and distributions;
mathematical models of communication;
citation analyses; theory of document, text,

and information retrieval; information and

productivity; the quantitative sociology of
science and of other substantive
information-based activities; study of
aging and dispersion of scientific literature;
evaluation of databases; interdisciplinary
connections; application of informetrics to
file design, data compression; informetric
applications to policy analysis, R&D
If you are interested in receiving the call
for papers and other information on the
Conference, please contact the Conference
Organizers or visit our home page:
http ://
Chairman of the International Program
Cesar Macias-Chapula, PhD
Hospital General de Mxico

Apartado Postal 7-826,

06702 Mxico DF Mxico
Phone/Fax: (525) 578 05 22
cesarmch @ Iiceaga.facmed
Chairperson for Latin America and the
Jane M. Russell, M.Sc.
Centro Universitario de Investigaciones
Bibliotecolgicas (CUIB)
Universidad Nacional Autonma de
Mxico (UNAM)
Apartado Postal 22-060
14000 Mxico DF. Mxico
Phone: (525) 623 03 63
Fax: (525) 623 03 65
Fuente: Universidad de Colima - UNAM


1 Seminrio de Informao e Documentao Jurdica do Rio de Janeiro
1 Seminrio de Informao e
Documentao Jurdica do Rio de Janeiro
realizou-se de 5 a 7 de novembro de 1997.
Ao final de cada congresso, encontro ou
seminrio comum serem feitas
recomendaes para o prximo evento.
Ns, que participamos deste evento,
achamos por bem fazermos uma sntese das
palestras apresentadas.
A informao jurdica precisa uma
necessidade do mundo moderno e uma
reivindicao do cidado atual. o bem
mais precioso que podemos levar para o
prximo milnio.
O profissional da informao aquele que
transmite corretamente a informao e sua
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

fonte ao usurio certo, no tempo exato, pelo

meio mais adequado, por um custo que
justifique seu uso.
A modernidade exige uma nova viso dos
profissionais da Informao e a construo
de condies necessrias para a sua
criao de novos mecanismos de
tratamento da informao;
Organizao dos mecanismos de
buscas que possibilitem uma maior
relevencia/ pertinncia na recuperao
de acervos;
criao de instrumentos pblicos que
possibilitem a preservao de colees
que esto sendo digitalizadas;

implantao de polticas que obriguem

rgos pblicos, previamente
escolhidos, a manterem em bom estado
de conservao e acessveis pesquisa,
as publicaes oficiais;

temporalidade, ou, pelo menos, tabelas
de validao documental, sob pena de
num futuro bem prximo, sermos
responsabilizados por no tomarmos
atitude para impedir o descarte pelas

implantao nos rgos pblicos e nas

empresas privadas de uma poltica de
tratamento e de arquivamento de
documentos jurdicos;


conscientizao da impossibilidade de
se aplicar a informtica como soluo
para todos os problemas relacionados
ao gerenciamento da informao
conscientizao de que a qualidade por
si s, a agilizao e a facilidade de
armazenamento da informtica no
conseguida sem a necessria
interveno dos profissionais da rea
de informaco jurdica;
elaborao de rotinas em relao aos
direitos autorais, notadamente ao
direito da imagem .

No momento atual, com aproliferao de

softwares na rea da informao jurdica,
muito importante que o profisional de
documentao, no momento de deciso,
identifique que o objetivo principal a
recuperao da informao mais exata pelo

A evoluo da informtica uma forma

de facilitar e democratizar o acesso
informao e justia.

necessidade de ferramentas para seleco

das bases de dados, para poder recuperar
informaes de relevncia.

O Poder Pblico deve, seguindo uma

tendncia que j mundial, preocupar-se
muito mais em criar arquivos pblicos e
uma poltica de arquivamento e
recuperao das informaes do que
descartar seus documentos.

A biblioteca virtual pode ser no somente

uma porta, mas um grande porto de
acesso, pois rene vrios acervos em seus
prprios habitats.

O Poder Pblico, principalmente o Poder

Legislativo e o Poder Judicirio de alguns
estados, esto procurando dinamizar o
servio de documentao jurdica, para
levar a informao ao cidado,
concretizando uma norma da Constituio
Documentos gerados nos rgos pblicos
so a memria administrativa do Poder a
que os mesmos pertenecem.
A biblioteca serve como uma porta de
acesso informao pela Internet, que tem

Que o 2 Seminrio de Informao e

Documentao Jurdica do Rio de Janeiro
seja realizado em 1999, respeitando a
periodicidade do ENIDJ. Encontro
Nacional de Documentao e Informao
Para mayor informacin favor contactar a:
Ali Celestino M. Santos. Conselho
Regional de Biblioteconomia, 7a. regiao
Av. Rio Branco, 277. Sala 710. Cep.20040000. Rio de Janeiro RJ. Brasil Tel (21)
533.3609/3312. FAX: (021) 2404425
Fuente: Boletn CRB-7 V. 25, No. 3, jul/mar 1997

Como parte de la celebracin del Da
Internacional del Libro, la Asociacin
Sonorense de Bibliotecarios, ASBAC,
llev a cabo el Curso-Taller denominado
Fomento a la Lectura en Bibliotecas
Escolares, durante los das 7 y 8 de
noviembre pasado. El personal encargado
de impartir el curso cuenta con una gran
experiencia profesional especializada en
bibliotecas infantiles y escolares.
De esta manera, se cont con la
participacin de Susan Husband de Tucson
Pima Public Library-Valencia, Martha
Castro de la Universidad Autnoma de
Ciudad Jurez, Obdulia Gonzlez de
Tucson United School District; Martn
Rivera de Woods Branch Library (Tucson,
Az); Blanco Martnez, del Club Sonorense
de Lectura, A.C. y Mireya Lpez de la
El curso represent un acercamiento ms
entre la Arizona State Library Asociation
(ASLA) de la que ellos forman parte, y
ASBAC, en cumplimiento de un objetivo
comn: desarrollar y fomentar la lectura
en nuestras comunidades, propiciando el
uso adecuado de las bibliotecas.
En esta ocasin, el programa fue orientado
a las bibliotecas escolares, pues
consideramos fundamental apoyar al


personal que labora en este sector tan

importante de la educacin, ya que se trata
de la formacin de nuevos ciudadanos,
cuyas posibilidades de acceso a la
informacin, el conocimiento y el gusto por
la lectura enriquecern su desarrollo
Los asistentes al curso fueron 30, contando
primordialmente con la presencia de
bibliotecarios de las escuelas secundarias
enviados por la propia Secretara de
Educacin y Cultura del Gobierno del
Estado, y la Representacin de la SEP
estatal, as como con bibliotecarios y
maestros de escuelas particulares.
Las actividades desarrolladas se
encaminaron a motivar a los asistentes en
la realizacin de programas que estimulen
a los nios en la lectura. Aunque en
realidad al finalizar el evento, quienes
resultaron ms estimulados fueron los
propios bibliotecarios y maestros, ya que
el entusiasmo de los instructores logr
atraer, compenetrar y comprometer a los
asistentes en las actividades que pueden
generar para sus bibliotecas.
La experiencia de este Taller, nos dej
conocimientos importantes que nos
servirn, no slo como bibliotecarios sino
como padres de familia interesados en la

formacin cultural de nuestros hijos.

En general, las conclusiones determinadas
por los mismos asistentes, coincidieron en
la evaluacin del curso considerndolo:
muy productivo; interesante; calidad
excelente de los instructores, motivacin
e integracin al trabajo con los nios.
Como resultado inmediato del curso, en la
ASBAC se ha integrado un pequeo grupo
de personas que participaron para iniciar,
al interior de la Asociacin, sesiones con
los hijos de los socios, aplicando los
conocimientos adquiridos. Por otra parte,
existen bibliotecas como en el DIF Estatal
donde se ve reflejado ya el inters y actitud
positiva del personal mediante la
utilizacin de los materiales que le fueron
entregados. Se considera que los
resultados fueron muy favorables; esto nos
impulsa a continuar presentando eventos
de alta calidad que apoyen las actividades
cotidianas de la bibliotecas.
Para mayor informacin favor contactar a:
Asociacin Sonorense de Bibliotecarios c/
o AMBAC. Angel Urraza 817-A. Col. del
Valle CP. 03100, Mxico, D.F. Mxico
Tels. 575.1135/3396. Fax: 575.1135.
Fuente: Noticiero AMBAC, Oct - Dic 1997, N 114

INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

IV Encuentro de Educadores e Investigadores

de Bibliotecologa, Archivologa y Ciencias de la Informacin
de Iberoamrica y el Caribe
Maracaibo, Edo. Zulia, Venezuela, 20-24 abril 1998
A continuacin ofrecemos algunas de las
conclusiones y recomendaciones emanadas
de este evento y que se resumen en los
siguientes trminos:

Realizar eventos interinstitucionales,

relacionados con la formacin y la
investigacin, que se desarrollen en el marco
de paradigmas didcticos basados en la
integracin de pensamiento-efecto-accin.

Conclusiones y recomendaciones
de la Mesa 1.

Propiciar el desarrollo de investigaciones

sobre los nuevos paradigmas didcticos
orientados a la formacin en Ciencia de la

Formacin Profesional en el
Se constituye un Comit Permanente de
Pregrado integrado por los siguientes
subcomits: Planes de Estudio, Formacin
Docente, Apoyo a la Docencia.
El objetivo del Comit Permanente de
Pregrado es el de constituirse en grupo de
apoyo al Consejo Ejecutivo de la Asociacin
para el cumplimiento de sus funciones
respecto a la educacin bibliotecolgica en
el nivel de pregrado y en los siguientes
Generalidades de la educacin bibliotecolgica, planes y programas de estudio,
modalidades y estrategias de la enseanza,
usos de los medios electrnicos y tecnologa
de la informacin, promocin de la carrera
de Bibliotecologa, Archivologa y Ciencias
de la Informacin entre otras.

Que las Escuelas con postgrado evalen

su produccin e investigacin a fin de
seleccionar las de mayor calidad
cientfica y gestionar su publicacin en
revistas indizadas en el Social Science
Citation Index.

cologa, Archivologa y Ciencias de la

- Incentivar la cooperacin entre los
investigadores Iberoamericanos y del
Caribe, garantizando el registro de las
publicaciones en la base de datos ICBAL,
desarrollada por el CUIB/UNAM
- Que las revistas de la especialidad
publicadas en la regin incluyan
resumenes en espaol, portugus e ingls.
Para concluir y como parte de los incentivos
para la investigacin, el CUIB/UNAM
inform del avance de INFOBILA y de tres
investigaciones que abarcan a Amrica
Latina: el Tesauro en Bibliotecologa y
Ciencias de la Informacin, coordinado por
el CUIB en colaboracin con Venezuela y
Colombia; la investigacin sobre el
Comportamiento Bibliomtrico de la
Literatura Bibliotecolgica y Disciplinas
afines en Latinoamrica, y otra sobre la
influencia espaola en la Bibliotecologa

Que las Escuelas y centros de

investigacin asuman el compromiso de
establecer parmetros de calidad, que
garanticen la seleccin de los trabajos
ms relevantes y la entrega oportuna al
comit editorial responsable de la revista
correspondiente para la publicacin.

Para mayor informacin favor contactar: Prof.

Ruby Portillo de Hernndez. Escuela de
Bibliotecologa y Archivologa de la
Universidad del Zulia. Ncleo Humanstico. Av.
Guajira 16 A. Maracaibo - Zlia, Venezuela.
Telf. (58-61) 596273/74.

En relacin con la Mesa 3.

Investigacin y Postgrado
Se recomienda:
Area de publicaciones:

Area de investigacin:

Con respecto a la Mesa 2.

Paradigmas Didcticos

Se obtuvieron las siguientes conclusiones y

Que el nuevo profesional a ser formado
debera reunir entre otras las siguientes
caractersticas: Ser receptivo a nuevas ideas,
capaz de adaptarse al cambio de su
organizacin, habil difusor de servicios de
informacin, poseer destrezas para
desenvolverse en la esfera poltica.

Se recomend adems:
Impulsar el desarrollo de los programas de
Educacin a distancia como estrategia
didctica que facilita la ampliacin de
cobertura y el desarrollo social de la regin.
Utilizar las tecnologas de informacin, tanto
para mejorar o romper procesos tradicionales
como para crear nuevas estrategias en el
quehacer acadmico y profesional.
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

Que las Escuelas de Bibliotecologa,

Archivologa y Ciencias de la
Informacin establezcan mecanismos
que permitan detectar las investigaciones
culminadas y en curso- realizadas fuera
del mbito universitario, con la finalidad
de garantizar su registro en las bases de
datos existentes y de propiciar una visin
ms completa e integradora de la
investigacin generada en los pases
Iberoamericanos y del Caribe.
Que las Escuelas reformulen su diseo
curricular, orientndolo hacia la
investigacin como actividad esencial
para perfeccionar el ejercicio profesional
y ampliar las fronteras del conocimiento.

Recomendaciones finales:
- Incentivar la publicacin de los trabajos

de investigacin en revistas
Iberoamericanas y del Caribe.
Generar una lista confiable de las
publicaciones peridicas en Bibliote-

Fuente: Universidad del Zulia - Venezuela

El Taller Internacional de Lingstica aplicada
se desarroll en las instalaciones de la
Universidad de La Habana, entre el 9 y el 12 de
diciembre de 1997. Su objetivo fue el
intercambio de experiencias sobre las
tendencias ms actuales en la lingstica
aplicada y conocer el resultado de
investigaciones recientes.
Se intent, adems, derivar temas de inters para
la proyeccin de nuevos cursos, investigaciones
y proyectos de colaboracin, as como brindar
un espacio para la reflexin creativa y el
intercambio cientfico entre especialistas.
Para mayor informacin, dirigirse a la Facultad
de Lenguas Extranjeras, Universidad de La
Habana, 19 de Mayo No. 14, esq. a Ayestarn,
Municipio Plaza, Ciudad de La Habana, CP
10600. Cuba.
Fax: (53 7) 335930, 335774 y 335842.
Fuente: Informaciones SIIT, No. 44, Oct-Dic. 1997


VI Reunin de expertos en polticas de lectura y

bibliotecas pblicas en America Latina
Del 18 al 22 de mayo de 1998, se realiz
en la sede de la Biblioteca Pblica Central
de Caracas, Venezuela, la VI Reunin de
Expertos en Polticas de Lectura y
Bibliotecas Pblicas en Amrica Latina,
bajo el auspicio y coordinacin del
CERLALC, la Biblioteca Nacional de
Venezuela y la Fundacin para el Fomento
de la Lectura (FUNDALECTURA),
instituciones que adelantan programas de
distinta ndole desde diferentes espacios
gubernamentales en sus pases: Argentina,
Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Chile, Per,
Repblica Dominicana y Venezuela.
Entre los documentos resultantes del
evento se destaca la Carta de Caracas en la

que se reiteran las recomendaciones de

anteriores reuniones internacionales de
Polticas Nacionales de Lectura que han
sido convocadas por el CERLALC y otros
organismos de la Regin.

coordinado por Beatriz Len,

Direccin de la Red de Bibliotecas
Pblicas de Colombia.

Estudios comparados sobre las

bibliotecas a partir de la normalizacin,
coordinado por Martha Fernndez, de
la Biblioteca Nacional del Per.

Entre los trabajos presentados en el evento

y que generan acciones a ser acometidas
en el corto plazo se destacan:
Coedicin de una coleccin bsica para
facilitar la gestin en las bibliotecas y
garantizar un mnimo de unidad en todas
ellas, bajo la coordinacin de Luisa
Villalba, de la Biblioteca Nacional de

Coedicin del vdeo: servicios

bibliotecarios para el sector rural,

Para mayor informacin favor contactar a:

Dr. Alfonso Quintero. Director de
Cooperacin Internacional Biblioteca
Nacional de Venezuela. Telf. (582)
505.9153. Fax: (582) 505.9139

Fuente: Biblioteca Nacional de Venezuela

Informacin y Telecomunicaciones: plataforma para

la transformacin
Los das 25 y 26 de junio del presente
ao, se realiz en Santo Domingo,
Repblica Dominicana, una importante
reunin cuyo ttulo fue Informacin y
Telecomunicaciones: plataforma para la
transformacin la organizacin del
evento, estuvo a cargo de la Universidad
Interamericana de Puerto Rico y de la
Universidad del Caribe de la Repblica
Dominicana con el auspicio de la
Asociacin de Estados del Caribe (AEC),
UNESCO, IBM, Codetel, y el decidido
apoyo del gobierno de ese pas. Asistieron
representantes de varias universidades de
la regin tales como: la Universidad
Interamericana de Puerto Rico,
Universidad de Antioqua, Universidad de
Los Andes, (Mrida- Venezuela),
Columbus University (Panam),
Universidad de Costa Rica, Universidad
de Colima, (Mxico) University of West
Indies, entre otros.
Se lograron los objetivos que a
continuacin se mencionan:


Integrar a la alta gerencia universitaria en el desarrollo de la Informtica

y las Telecomunicaciones.
Exponer a los asistentes las distintas
opciones que ofrece las tecnologas

Informtica y las Telecomunicaciones

como instrumento de desarrollo de los
En el marco del evento se proyect la
video-conferencia: Informtica y
Telecomumicaciones: Plataforma para la
transformacin, a cargo del Dr. Federico
Mayor Zaragoza, Director General de la
Los temas tratados se describen a
Acto de instalacin del evento

Facilitar la colaboracin entre los

pases caribeos mediante el
establecimiento de proyectos

Fomentar el intercambio de
experiencias mediante convenios

Establecer parmetros para la

planificacin estratgica y la alineacin
con las nuevas tecnologas

El Lic. Jos Ramn Holgun, Rector de la

Universidad del Caribe pronunci las
palabras de bienvenida y el Presidente de
la Repblica, Sr. Leonel Fernndez , en su
mensaje de apertura enfatiz el papel de la

El tema denominado: Las redes en

Amrica Latina y el Caribe: estado del
arte, tuvo como moderador al Sr. Isidro
Fernndez-Aball, Consejero Regional
de la Divisin de Informacin e
Informtica de la UNESCO para
Amrica Latina y el Caribe y como
panelistas al Ing. Jess Martnez
Alfonso, Director del CENIAI, Cuba, a
la Lic. Lourdes Feria, Directora de
Tecnologa de Informacin, Universidad
de Colima, Mxico y el Dr. Jaime
Restrepo Cuartas, Rector de la
Universidad de Antioqua, Colombia
El jueves 25 de junio se realizaron dos
sesiones concurrentes, estas son:

Educacin virtual e Integracin

regional, coordinada por la
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

Universidad de West Indies, actu

como moderador Badri N. Koul,
Director del Centro de Educacin a
Distancia, University of West Indies.

Centros de Acceso a la Informacin:

Bibliotecas Virtuales, coordinada por
la Universidad de Colima, Mexico,
actu como moderadora la Lic.
Lourdes Feria, Directora de Tecnologa
de Informacin, Universidad de
Colima, Mexico.

El viernes 26 de junio se realizaron tres

actividades, estas son:

La videoconferencia interactiva:
Estrategia de integracin, a cargo de la
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto
Rico, bajo la coordinacin de la Prof.
Marilina Lucca Wayland, Rectora de
UIPR, Bayamn
Los multimedios y su aplicacin en el
aprendizaje, la cual estuvo coordinada
por el Ing. Jess Martnez Alfonso,
Director del CENIAI de Cuba.
La Sesin Plenaria. Informtica y
Telecomunicaciones: una visin
prospectiva fue presidida por el Dr. Jos

R. Gonzlez, Presidente de la
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto
Cabe destacar que las conclusiones y
recomendaciones del evento estarn
disponibles muy pronto y sern ofrecidas
en una prxima entrega.
Para mayor informacin favor contactar
a: Dr. Jos Gonzlez. Universidad
Internacional de Puerto Rico. Fax: (787)

Fuente: INF/LAC

IDAMS Events in 1997 and 1998

UNESCO International Training

Seminar in 1997
The International Training Seminar:
Introduction to IDAMS took place from
24 through 28 November 1997 at
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, gathering
8 participants from 6 countries and 4
participants from the International Labour
Organization. As it is a rule in IDAMS
training seminars, there was no registration
fee. All other costs (travel, board, lodging)
were at the charge of designating
institutions with the exception of four
participants from African countries who
received small grants from UNESCO to
cover their board and lodging expenses.
The extended course (five days instead of
three) provided better conditions for
individual and group-wise consultations on
national and international projects.

UNESCO International Training

Seminar in 1998
The basic part of the International Training
Seminar: Introduction to IDAMS will take
place from Monday 23 through Wednesday
25 November 1998 at UNESCO
headquarters. Paris. Its purpose is to
introduce the latest version of the IDAMS
software package. Participants who would
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

like to extend their knowledge and/or

perform more exercises could continue
individual work on 26 and 27 November.
The IDAMS development staff and
computer rooms will remain at their
disposal during this period.

him-her/me a personal invitation and

detailed information about the Seminar.

The overall structure of IDAMS, the

editors, graphical facilities and other
utilities offered by the package will be
presented, and also the interface with micro
CDS/ISIS. The Seminar is not meant to
train participants in statistical techniques.
The training sessions will comprise two
main components: lectures (oral
presentations) and exercises during which
participants will be guided and assisted in
their work. English will be the main
language of this Seminar although
explanations in French can also be
provided. Training material will be
available in both English and French.

Address (including Fax number and


There is no registration fee, but all other

costs (travel, board, lodging) are at the
charge of participants.
The following form may be used for
I would like to send a participant to / I
would like to participate in the 1998
UNESCO International Training Seminar:
Introduction to IDAMS at the
above-mentioned conditions. Please send

Name of participant: Ms / Mr
Name of person nominating the participant:
Name of institution:

Language: English / French

1, rue Miollis,75732 Paris Cedex 15,
Telephone: (33-1), and
Fax: (33-1) (specify
Internet e-mail: idams@unesco .org
Web site:
Note concerning the distribution of Micro
Micro CDS/ISIS is available from national
CDS/ISIS distributors whenever they exist,
or if not, from Mr. G. Del Bigio,
Programme Manager of Micro CDS/ISIS.
For more information please contact:
UNESCO, CII/INF. 1, rue Miollis, 75732
PARIS CEDEX 15, France
Internet e-mail:
Fuente:IDAMS News. Issue N 18, February 1998


Centro Universitario de Investigaciones
Bibliotecolgicas. (CUIB-UNAM-Mxico)

propiciar el intercambio de ideas en esta

lnea de investigacin.

medianas y grandes de algunos sectores

industriales del D.F. y el Estado de Mxico.

XV Coloquio de Investigacin
Bibliotecolgica: Internet, metadatos y
acceso a la informacin en bibliotecas y
redes en la era electrnica.
5 al 7 de agosto 1998
10:00 a 14:00 Hrs,

Coordinadores: Dr. Filiberto F. Martnez

Arellano y Lic. Lina Escalona Ros.

Mtra. Guadalupe Carrin Rodrguez

Objetivo: Discutir las tendencias, a nivel

internacional, sobre la organizacin de
informacin electrnica con el fin de

Objetivo: Ofrecer un panorama general

sobre la situacin que guardan los servicios
de informacin en y para empresas


Conferencia sobre Servicios

Informacin en el Sector Industrial.


20 de agosto - 9:00 a 13:00 Hrs.

Bibliotecolgica (Filosficos y Tericos).
24 al 28 de agosto - 9:00 a 14:00 Hrs.
Objetivo: Analizar los principales
problemas epistemolgicos de la
fundamentacin de la ciencia de la
bibliotecologa, y examinar algunas
respuestas a dicha problemtica con el

DOCUMENTUM. Sistema Integrado para la Gestin de Bibliotecas y Centros de Documentacin. Ha sido desarrollado
bajo la estructura de bases de datos CDS/ISIS, utilizando como lenguaje de programacin el Microsoft Visual Basic y las libreras
de programacin IsisDlls suministradas por BIREME/OPS que permite la gestin de bases de datos MicroIsis en ambiente
Windows. Las bases de datos manejadas por el sistema son totalmente compatibles con las versiones de CDS/ISIS 3.07, WINISIS
Publicaciones Peridicas o la Base de Datos de Prstamos.

Consta de los siguientes mdulos operativos:

Catalogacin: Mdulo principal del sistema, el cual

permite el registro de los materiales en la base de datos. El
ingreso puede realizarse bajo formato MARC, CEPAL, o
cualquier otro formato definido por el usuario.

Kardex de Publicacin Peridicas: Permite el manejo

detallado de las revistas y sus existencias.

Diseminacin Selectiva de Informacin: Facilita la

definicin de perfiles de usuario, a ser utilizados
posteriormente en la Base de Datos de los materiales de
inters de acuerdo a los parmetros definidos para cada

Circulacin y Prstamo: El sistema de prstamo se apoya

en las Bases de Datos: Bibliogrfica, de Usuarios y de
Prstamo. La operatividad de este mdulo se adapta a la
poltica de prstamos de la biblioteca.

Gestin de Tesauro, Bases de Datos de Terminologa y

Listas de Autoridades: Este mdulo facilita al usuario el
mantenimiento de la terminologa a ser aplicada sobre las
Bases de Datos.

Acceso Remoto (WWW): Las bases de datos definidas en

el sistema pueden ser consultadas a travs del WWW
utilizando un motor de bsqueda elaborado con el

Estadsticas: Este mdulo, totalmente parametizable,

permite al usuario definir las estadsticas que requiera tanto
sobre la Base de Datos Bibliogrfica, el Kardex de

Multimedium Sistemas de Informacin, C.A. - Calle Neveri, Qta. Maita, Colinas de Bello Monte. Caracas, Venezuela
Telf. / Fax. : (58 2) 751.13.81 (58 2) 751.97.28;, E-Mail:: http: //


INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

propsito de delimitar un marco terico

para la investigacin en la disciplina.
Dr. Miguel Angel Rendn Rojas
Costo: $ 800
Seminario Internacional sobre Control
Bibliogrfico Universal.
El Control Bibliogrfico en Amrica Latina
y El Caribe hacia el Tercer Milenio.
21 al 23 de Septiembre
9:00 a 13:00 Hrs.
15:00 a 17:00 Hrs.
Objetivos: Conocer, en el marco de la
cooperacin y las tecnologas de
informacin y comunicacin, las
tendencias en el Control Bibliogrfico
Universal. Analizar la situacin del control
bibliogrfico en Amrica Latina y El
Caribe a fin de identificar problemas de
investigacin relacionados con el uso de
normas, formatos bibliogrficos y
tecnologas de informacin y comunicacin, formular propuestas encaminadas
a fortalecer el control bibliogrfico de
Amrica Latina y El Caribe con el
propsito de coadyuvar a una mayor
cooperacin bibliogrfica en la regin.
Coordinador: Mtro. Roberto Garduo Vera,
con la participacin de reconocidos
especialistas nacionales y extranjeros.
Costo: $ 1,000.00

Investigacin de Mercados en Bibliotecas

y Unidades de Informacin.
30 de Septiembre al 2 de Octubre
9:00 a 14:00 Hrs.
Objetivos: Ofrecer a los participantes
conceptos fundamentales de la
mercadotecnia. Proporcionar informacin
sobre la importancia de la investigacin de
mercado en bibliotecas y unidades de
informacin. Asimismo, informacin sobre
los aspectos a considerar para el diseo de
investigacin de mercado. Herramientas
para realizar estudios de mercado.

Mtra. Patricia Hernndez Salazar

Costo: $ 900.00
Mtodos para detectar las Necesidades de
Informacin de los Usuarios.
26 al 30 de octubre
10:00 a 14:00 Hrs.
Objetivo: Analizar los diferentes mtodos
y tcnicas que se pueden emplear para
detectar las necesidades de informacin de
los usuarios en bibliotecas universitarias y

Mtra. Guadalupe Carrion Rodrguez

Costo: $ 900.00

Coordinador: Mtro. Juan Jos Calva

Costo: $ 800,00

La Formacin de Usuarios y las Nuevas

19 - 23 Octubre
9:00 a 13:30 Hrs.

Los usos de la Lectura y la Representacin

30 de noviembre al 4 de diciembre
9:00 a 13:00 Hrs.

Objetivo: Que el personal que labora en

unidades de informacin analice el uso de
las nuevas tecnologas de la informacin
en el diseo y funcionamiento de sistemas
de informacin y la relacin que guarda
con el proceso denominado formacin de
usuarios, con el fin de resolver problemas
relacionados con el acceso a la informacin
electrnica propios de alguna unidad o
servicio, mediante la problematizacin por
parte del participante.

Objetivos: Que los asistentes al seminario

aprecien la complejidad de la prctica de
la lectura actuando en su realidad nacional.
Que comprendan la historicidad de los usos
de la lectura as como las pugnas sociales
que se han dado en y a partir de ellos.
Para mayor informacin favor contactar a:
Elsa Margarita Ramirez Leyva. Direccin

IV Simposio Internacional Informacion y Redes

del Conocimiento de Cara al Nuevo Milenio
CGI/Universidad de Camagey- CUBA

El Centro de Gestin de Informacin de la

Universidad de Camagey tiene el gusto
de comunicarle que del 29 de marzo al 2
de abril de 1999 se celebrar en la
Universidad de Camagey el IV Simposio
Internacional Informacin y Redes del
Conocimiento de Cara al Nuevo Milenio.
Estimamos que su presencia enriquecer
las actividades y ser una excelente
oportunidad para que disfrute de las
bellezas de la ciudad de Camagey.

Rita Raposo Villavicencio, Secretaria

Miriam Figueredo Conde, Tesorera

INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

Desarrollar redes de conocimientos y

vnculos de cooperacin internacional
alrededor de las temticas abordadas.

Intercambiar experiencias de biblioteclogos, especialistas de informacin y
acadmicos que laboran en el sector, en
funcin de:

Comprender los nuevos escenarios y

cambios derivados del desarrollo
impetuoso de las nuevas tecnologas de
informacin y las telecomunicaciones.

Definir las estrategias conducentes a

perfeccionar la gerencia de informacin
en una sociedad cada vez ms basada
en el conocimiento.

Comit Organizador
Angel Vega Garca, Presidente
Sara Artiles Visbal, Vicepresidente
Fidel Garca Gonzlez, Programa


Modelos de cambio para bibliotecas y

centros de documentacin de cara al
tercer milenio.
Gerencia de informacin y produccin
de conocimientos. Redes de informacin digital y de transferencia de
Los ambientes virtuales en la biblioteca
y el aula.
La industria de la informacin en la
academia y la empresa.


Implicaciones sociales, econmicas y

legales del auge de las autopistas de

Impacto de Internet en una sociedad del



Ingeniera de productos basados en


Servicios de informacin en ambientes

de redes de alcance global.

Proyectos de redes de conocimiento y

produccin cooperada de servicios de

Conferencias magistrales

Dr. Ann Seror. La transferencia de

tecnologas de informacin en el
desarrollo de una tecnoestructura
institucional. Casos de Tnez, Vietnam
y Cuba
Dr. Jos Vicente Muoz. El ingeniero
de la informacin: Un profesional del
tercer milenio.
Dr. Fidel Garca Gonzlez: Gerencia
del conocimiento en el sector

Competitividad y mercados para

productos de informacin y

Cursos Posteventos

Reingeniera de procesos
organizaciones de informacin.


Las redes globales de informacin

digital y los ambientes virtuales.

Mesas Redondas

Estrategias de modernizacin de los

sistemas de informacin en la academia
y la empresa.
La nueva cultura del tercer milenio:
retos para la academia y las unidades
de informacin.

No deben exponerse trabajos que se hayan

publicado ni presentados en eventos
similares. Su extensin ser de diez
cuartillas como mximo, escrito a dos
espacios y con un margen de 3 cm por cada
lado, las ponencias debern incluir
bibliografa, resumen no mayor de una
cuartilla, curriculum abreviado de los

autores, debern enviarse impresas y en

versin electrnica utilizando los
siguientes procesadores: Microsoft Word
o Word Perfect. Las tablas y grficas se
anexarn por separado.
Cada trabajo deber incluir en la primera
hoja: Temtica en la que participar, ttulo
de la ponencia, autores, nombre, domicilio,
telfono, fax y correo electrnico.
La fecha limite para la presentacin de los
trabajos es el 15 de enero de 1999.
Cuotas de participacin
Delegados USD 85.00
Acompaantes USD 45.00
Estudiantes USD 45.00
Los ponentes recibirn un 40 % de
descuento. La cuota de participacin
incluye las actividades del programa oficial
y refrigerios durante las sesiones del
Para mayor informacin favor contactar a:
Centro de Gestin de Informacin.
Universidad de Camaguey.
Fuente: CGI


Asociacin Mexicana de Bibliotecarios A.C.
Programa de Trabajo 1997-1999
El presente plan de trabajo representa la
suma de ideas, propuestas y uno que otro
sueo de los integrantes de la Mesa y las
Comisiones correspondientes al bienio
1995-1997 y la nueva Mesa Directiva
1997-1999. En particular, se ha integrado
el proyecto de trabajo del Prof. Nahm
Prez Paz, nuestro Vicepresidente, ya que
consideramos conveniente que se realice
de manera coordinada con el fin de pensar
en programas un poco ms amplios que
logran consolidar metas, as como dar la


posibilidad de que el Prof. Prez Paz cuente

con elementos y bases que le permitan
desarrollar su programa de trabajo.
Nuestras metas estn enfocadas a:
A. Fortalecer a la AMBAC en cuanto a
membresas. Incrementar el nmero de
socios personales e institucionales,
considerando que nuestra Asociacin
debera, contar cuando menos con
1.000 socios, no disminuir de ese
nmero y buscar un incremento.

Ello implica desarrollar programas

dirigidos a formular ofertas de
actividades y servicios que aporten
beneficios a los socios personales e
institucionales y a los organismos
involucrados en funciones bibliotecarias y de otras reas relacionadas
con nuestro campo.
Estas ofertas estaran dirigidas a:
La actualizacin o educacin continua
y capacitacin mediante cursos,
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

talleres, reuniones, produccin de

literatura u otros medios, etc.
Crear instrumentos de informacin
relacionados con el sector bibliotecario
tales como, directorios, guas,
catlogos de informacin, etc.
Apoyos e incentivos que les permitan
participar en eventos nacionales e
internacionales (premios, becas,
Establecer vnculos de comunicacin
y colaboracin con asociaciones,
secciones y comunidades bibliotecarias
del pas y del extranjero.
B. Presencia y reconocimiento social. La
Asociacin debe empezar a trabajar
para ganar ms espacios en el sector
poltico, social, cultural y productivo e
instancias relacionadas con el
desarrollo bibliotecario y de
informacin del pas y en medios de
Por lo que se dirigirn los esfuerzos a:
1. Establecer vnculos que permitan
contribuir a la legislacin, normatividad bibliotecaria y a la cultura
nacional de informacin con las
Cmaras de Diputados y Senadores;

instancias gubernamentales; instituciones educativas, culturales y civiles;

con la industria editorial y de la
informacin; medios de comunicacin,
radio, televisin, as como con
organismos internacionales.
2. Buscar para la AMBAC apoyos
econmicos, de servicios y de
colaboracin. Para ello, ser necesario
desarrollar una propuesta para que la
Asociacin obtenga recursos y apoyos
dirigidos a proyectos para beneficio de
nuestra comunidad bibliotecaria.
C. Organizacin interna de la AMBAC

1. Reglamento
En este perodo se pretende lograr que
el instrumento que rija nuestra
Asociacin no slo se actualice, sino
que permita fortalecer su carcter
nacional y desde luego, beneficie el
desarrollo de nuestros socios, de la
profesin y de la sociedad.

un mejor manejo y racionalizar los

recursos econmicos para hacer ms
eficiente la administracin de las
actividades del personal de la Sede, y
que existan lineamientos debidamente
regulados a fin de evitar que en cada
gestin se tengan que crear nuevos, ello
no limita a que cada Mesa busque

3. Comisiones
Con el fin de cumplir con la misin de
la Asociacin en este nuevo contexto
actual se propondr la creacin y
reestructuracin de Comisiones y
Comits de apoyo de carcter
permanente o temporal, para ello se
realizar un anlisis y fundamentacin.
Para mayor informacin favor contactar a:
Elsa Ramrez Leyva. Noticiero AMBAC.
Angel Urraza 817-A. Col. del Valle CP.
03100, Mxico, Mxico. D.F. Tels.
575.1135/13396. Fax: 575.1135.

2. Finanzas
Es indispensable establecer polticas e
instrumentos de control que permitan

http: //

Fuente: Noticiero AMBAC, Oct - Dic 1997, N 114

ABINIA se prepara para su IX Asamblea General

El Consejo de Directores de ABINIA,
integrado por representantes de las
Bibliotecas Nacionales de: Brasil, Chile,
Espaa, Per y Repblica Dominicana, se
reunieron en Venezuela el 19 de junio del
ao en curso, en la sede de la Biblioteca
Pblica Central de Caracas.
Se trataron los puntos que a continuacin
se mencionan:
Analizar el proceso que actualmente se
sigue para lograr el reconocimiento de
ABINIA como organismo internacional
Conocer y pronunciarse sobre el
proyecto de Agenda de la prxima
Asamblea General de la Asociacin,
que tendr lugar en Caracas del 28 al
30 de octubre del ao en curso.
Estudiar el anteproyecto de presupuesto
de la Asociacin para 1999, elaborado
por el Secretario Ejecutivo, y formular
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

los cambios o ajustes que se consideren


cooperacin entre ABINIA y el Programa


En relacin con el cambio de status de

ABINIA con el propsito de convertirla en
la Asociacin de Estados Iberoamericanos
para el Desarrollo de las Bibliotecas
Nacionales de la Regin, cabe destacar que
sern los Estados Iberoamericanos los que
suscribirn el convenio mediante sus
correspondientes representantes plenipotenciarios, de all la necesidad de haber
cambiado la denominacin de la asociacin, la cual continuar identificndose con
las siglas de ABINIA, dentro de esta nueva
concepcin de convenio y en consonancia
con las previsiones de la nueva acta
estatutaria, la condicin de miembros de
la Asociacin slo corresponde a los
Estados Ibero-americanos.

El objetivo del mismo se resume en el

deseo de ambos organismos de realizar
programas, proyectos y actividades
conjuntas a nivel regional, en cinco (5)
reas especficas: Gestin institucional,
desarrollo profesional, especialistas y
consultores, productos y servicios, y

Otro aspecto relevante a ser tratado se

refiere a la firma del acuerdo de

En sta reunin, que tiene un carcter

preparatorio, de la IX Asamblea General
de ABINIA, se concretar la estrategia a
seguir para gestionar el reconocimiento de
la Asociacin como organismo
internacional, accin que se realizar por
va diplomtica de una manera conjunta
entre ABINIA, las Cancilleras y las
Bibliotecas Nacionales de los distintos
pases donde funciona la Asociacin.


ABINIA gestiona un cambio de

status jurdico
Una de los acuerdos ms relevantes de la V
Asamblea General de ABINIA, realizada
en Santaf de Bogot, Colombia en
diciembre de 1996, fue sin lugar a dudas,
procurar el reconocimiento de ABINIA
como organismo internacional.
En tal sentido es de mencionar que, en la
pasada Asamblea de ABINIA realizada en
Buenos Aires, Argentina, del 26 al 28 de
noviembre de 1997, se aprob una reforma
del acta estatutaria de la Asociacin, la cual
servir de base para gestionar ante los
gobiernos de la Regin tal reconocimiento.
Las gestiones en referencia ya han dado
buenos resultados en Venezuela donde la

Cancillera ha manifestado su respaldo

total a esta iniciativa y se dispone a
presentar una propuesta de adhesin a la
misma ante los cancilleres de
Cabe sealar que Venezuela fue ratificada
como sede permanente de la Asociacin,
donde tambin funciona la Secretaria
Ejecutiva de la misma desde noviembre
de 1997, ubicada en la sede de la
Biblioteca Nacional de Venezuela.
El Secretario Ejecutivo de la Asociacin,
Dr. Alfonso Quintero, ha iniciado
gestiones ante los Embajadores de varios
pases Iberoamericanos acreditados en
Venezuela en accin conjunta con los
Directores de las Bibliotecas Nacionales
de la Regin en procura del apoyo de los

diferentes gobiernos a la propuesta de

convertir a ABINIA en un organismo
Se aspira concretar esta iniciativa,
obtenidos los respaldos necesarios, en
ocasin de la prxima Asamblea General
de la Asociacin, a realizarse en Caracas
del 28 al 30 de octubre de 1998.
Para cualquier informacin favor contactar
a: Dr. Alfonso Quintero. Secretario
Ejecutivo de ABINIA. Biblioteca Nacional
de Venezuela. Apdo. Postal 6525. Caracas
1010-A. Telf. (582) 505.9553. Fax: (582)
Fuente: ABINIA - Secretaria Ejecutiva


Red Iberoamericana de Informacin Deportiva (SPORTCOM)
La red SPORTCOM fue fundada en 1993,
en Costa Rica. Es una organizacin no
lucrativa, cuyo fin es facilitar el acceso a
la documentacin cientfica deportiva en
y sobre los pases de habla hispana de
Amrica y Europa.
La red se constituye sobre la base de la
aceptacin expresa de cada miembro de
participar en el proyecto SPORT/IASI, y
de usar el software CDS/ISIS a travs de
su aplicacin en ISISport, empleando el
formato de registro documental que se
utiliza en el proyecto internacional.
Constituir centros de documentacin
deportiva en Iberoamrica.
Constituir con ellos una red internacional
SPORTCOM - de centros de
documentacin deportiva en espaol.


Dotarlos de equipamiento (hardware,

software y manuales) informtico y
proporcionar formacin permanente en
tcnicos y usuarios.
Automatizar la red y conectar todos los
centros por va telemtica.
Fomentar la constitucin de redes
Fomentar la participacin activa y
permanente de los centros de SPORTCOM
en el proyecto internacional SPORT/IASI
y en sus bases de datos.

publicaciones editadas en nuestro idioma

se incorporen al fondo comn internacional
a travs de las bases de datos, centro de
documentacin y asociaciones que se
encargan de divulgar tales documentos y
Para conseguir la mxima eficacia de la
red, se trata de que todos sus miembros se
conecten entre s mediante sistemas
telemticos y se integren activamente en
el foro acadmico internacional que ofrece

La red SPORTCOM promociona la

cooperacin entre los distintos pases
Iberoamericanos que se expresan en
espaol, en el campo de la documentacin

La red plantea la formacin y actualizacin

de los conocimientos de sus centros
integrantes mediante la celebracin de
cursos y reuniones de perfeccionamiento.
Tambin se esforzar en formar a los
usuarios de sus servicios.

Se plantea como meta fundamental el que

todos los trabajos de investigacin y las

Como requisito previo, todos los miembros

de SPORTCOM lo son adems de la
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

Asociacin Internacional de Informacin

(IASI), y se constituyen en centros
encargados de aportar las referencias
bibliogrficas de las publicaciones editadas
en su propio pas al acervo comn que
constituye la base de datos SPORT/IASI,
la mayor del mundo en el campo de la
documentacin cientfica deportiva.

Catlogos colectivos de publicaciones

iberoamericanas en bases de datos

Directorios de centros de documentacin deportiva.

Quin es quien en la informacin

deportiva en Iberoamrica.

Cursos de iniciacin y perfeccionamiento para documentalistas o para

usuarios de documentacin.

Es una persona que utiliza o trabaja
en el campo de la informacin o
documentacin deportiva.


Es responsable de la administracin
pblica deportiva de cualquier nivel.





Es responsable de la planificacin,
direccin o gestin de deporte.





Trabaja en una universidad, escuela o

instituto del deporte o la educacin

Costa Rica






Es tcnico, preparador o entrenador

deportivo, o practica algn deporte.


Puerto Rico

El Salvador

Rep. Dominicana

Es profesor, estudiante, investigador de

alguna de las ciencias del deporte o de
la educacin fsica.





Es periodista o informador-deportivo.


Y se expresa habitualmente en espaol

* Documentacin deportiva

Entonces debe saber que SPORTCOM

puede serle de utilidad


Un foro de encuentros para el debate

sobre la informacin y documentacin
deportiva en espaol.

Facilidades para acceder a la documentacin deportiva dentro o fuera de su


Un boletn internacional de informacin deportiva - documentacin

deportiva en espaol - con su versin
telemtica por correo electrnico.

Una lista electrnica a travs de la cual

puede contactar con otros tcnicos e
investigadores del deporte.

El apoyo al desarrollo de centros de

documentacin y bases de datos sobre
el deporte en espaol.
La presencia de referencias bibliogrficas iberoamericanas en bases de datos

INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

Cuadernos Tcnicos del Deporte


Deporte y Documentacin (Serie)


Calendario de Conferencias, Congresos,

Cursos, Encuentros, Jornadas y

de artculos publicados en 2.000

revistas sobre medicina deportiva,
fisiologa, biomecnica, psicologa,
entrenamiento, reglas, doping, etc.
Correo electrnico
Fotocopias de artculos
El Atletismo
La Montaa
La Gimnasia
La Piscina
La Rueda
La Pesca
El Ritmo

La Red
El Caballo
El Tiro
La Navegacin
La Nieve
El Aire

** Por convenio con el Comit Olmpico

Internacional y la Confederacin
Sudamericana de Deportes en la UPCH
funciona el Centro Antidoping para

Para mayor informacin favor contactar a:

Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia.
Oficina de Informacin Cientfica y
Tecnolgica. Centro de Informacin. Av.
Honorio Delgado 430. Urb. Ingeniera Lima 31. Telf: (511) 483-2201 (511) 4824541.
Fuente: UPCH

Informacin Bibliogrfica
CD ROM SPORT 350.000 referencias

Promocionar las suscripciones del

entre sus colegas y amigos, es una forma efectiva
de apoyar nuestro esfuerzo editorial
Contamos contigo



INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998


Servicios de Informacin de la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
El Centro de Informacin de la
Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
pone a disposicin de sus usuarios el
servicio de Bsqueda Bibliogrfica
Automatizada en CD-ROM (Discos
Compactos), que orienta a quien lo utiliza
hacia las fuentes originales que contienen
artculos sobre un tema especfico.
Cada CD-ROM contiene una o ms Bases
de Datos especficas que pueden ser
consultadas fcilmente mediante temas y
subtemas, as como tambin relacionarlos
lgicamente a fin de obtener en forma
rpida y eficiente la informacin deseada.
Adems el contenido est separado por
aos, lo que permite una bsqueda mas
Los datos bibliogrficos del artculo, autor,
fuente, resumen, palabras claves (palabras
seleccionadas de un vocabulario
controlado que describen el o los temas de
que trata el artculo), se almacenan en la
memoria ptica de una base de datos, que
puede ser consultada fcilmente.
Consiste en encontrar correspondencia
entre los trminos solicitados y los
trminos almacenados en la base de
datos, que describen un artculo o


rea Latinoamericana
ARTEMISA. Artculos publicados en
revistas de Salud de Mxico

LATBOOK. Libros de Latinoamrica y

LILACS. Literatura Latinoamericana en
Ciencias de la Salud


Drogas, narcticos, legislacin


ABSTRACTS. Tecnologa farmacutica,
costos, calidad, clnica y teraputica

USP. Publicaciones Univ. Sao Paulo, Brasil

ISSN. Directorio 540.000 revistas

rea Iberoamericana
BANTE. Terminologa Arquitectura e
CSIC. Artculos en: Ciencias Sociales,
Educacin, Economa, Salud, etc.
Publicados en revistas espaolas
rea Mundial
ADONIS. Biomedicina publicaciones
AIDS. Artculos sobre Sida


BIRD. Salud del nio y adolescente


CCINFO. Salud Ambiental, Ocupacional,
Seguridad, Toxicologa
Tpicos clnicos


datos de Ciencia y Tecnologa


Directorio 700.000 mdicos

BANCOS BIBLIOGRAFICOS MEXICANOS. Educacin, Biomedicina, Psicologa,

Veterinaria , Zootecnia etc.


ADMINISTRATION. Administracin en

INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

salud, seguros, control de calidad, atencin


Bioqumica, Entomologa, Gentica,
Ecologa, Inmunologa, Microbiologa,
Virologa, etc.
MEDLINE. Enfermera, Medicina,
SURVEY. Estadsticas y demografa
Neurologa, Neurociruga, Psicologa





POLTOX. Contaminacin, Toxicologa,
Aspectos legales y socioeconmicos
POPLINE. Estudios de poblacin
Prctica clnica mdica
SPORT. Medicina Deportiva
Publicaciones desde 1842
MEDICINE. Texto completo revista
UNESCO. Ciencias Sociales, Recursos



Directorio 12.000 universidades

provee en papel continuo (hasta 50

referencias) o en diskette (nmero

30.742 imgenes anatmicas a color

Consiste en la ubicacin y recuperacin de
artculos de publicaciones en salud en el
mbito local, nacional y mundial, va
modem, BITNET (nodo BIREME) e
Somos Centro Coordinador Nacional de la
Red Peruana de Bibliotecas en Salud
(REPEBIS) y de la Red Peruana de

Profesionales de la salud.


Instituciones de salud

Industria y empresa.

* Para el interior del pas no se considera

la demora desde el CCN al usuario

Consultar e incluir gastos de fax/e-mail/


Interior del pas, gastos de correo segn


Srvase depositar en Cta. Cte. Banco

de Crdito No. 026550-0-81 a nombre


CD-Multimedia y Video Disc

Bsqueda en CD-ROM

ADAMS. Anatoma humana

BASSET ATLAS. Anatoma monoscpica
y esterescopica
HEAD TO TOE. Examen fsico del

Alum. UPCH






S/.3.0 + (1)
S/.5.0 + (1)
S/.6.0 + (1)


imgenes anatmicas digitalizadas a color

(1)=(S 0.05x=kbytes)


coronales, sagitales y axiales a Color del
cuerpo humano


ACAL. Directorio Instituciones Cientficas
de Amrica Latina y Caribe
CDDATA. Directorio Instituciones Ciencia
y Tecnologa (UNESCO)
LIPECS. Literatura Peruana en Ciencias de
la Salud

Conmutacin Bibliogrfica
(Solicitud de fotocopias de artculos cientficos)

VIDEOTECA. Videos sobre Ciencias,

Tecnologa, Enfermera, Medicina,



$ 5.0
$ 12.0
$ 3.0
$ 30.0
$ 40.0
$ 35.0
$ 50.0


1 da

Artculo <25 pg
72 Horas
Artculo <25 pg.
Artculo >25 pg
Artculo <25 pg.
Artculo >25 pg.

15 - 20 das
20 - 40 das
15 - 20 das
15 - 20 das.
72 Horas
72 Horas

Personalmente, por carta, telfono, fax, email, al Centro de Informacin o por
intermedio de los Centro Cooperantes de
la REPEBIS de todo el pas.
Por autor, por tema, por ttulo del
documento, por pas de publicacin, etc.

Informacin de Emergencias y Desastres


de la Universidad Peruana Cayetano


Latinoamericano y del Caribe de
Informacin en Ciencias de la Salud y a la
Red Iberoamericana de Informacin
Deportiva (SPORT COM)

Para mayor informacin favor contactar a:

Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia.
Oficina de Informacin Cientfica y
Tecnolgica. Centro de Informacin. Av.
Honorio Delgado 430 Urb. Ingeniera Lima 31. Telf: (51) (1) 483-2201.
Fax (51) (1) 482-4541.



Contiene: Ttulo, autor, idioma original,

revista donde se public, nmero de
pginas y un resumen. El resultado se


Docentes y alumnos de la UPCH y

otras universidades del pas.

Fuente: UPCH

INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

INTERNET, aliado para enverdecer el Mundo

El trabajo que varios pases e instituciones
vienen realizando para tener un mundo ms
verde, aprovechando la literatura gris,
cuenta ahora con un fuerte aliado: Internet.
En su penltima fase, este proyecto -cuyo
fin es establecer una red de informacin
sobre manejo de recursos naturales
generada en los pases de Amrica tropicalubic un sitio en el ciberespacio para
facilitar los contactos entre investigadores,
estudiantes, instituciones de desarrollo y
comunidades interesadas en esta tarea.
La direccin electrnica es:
greylit, con la cual se puede obtener
informacin relacionada con el proyecto,
los beneficiarios, la metodologa del
trabajo, las temticas. Asimismo, permite
consultar una base de datos con ms de 13
mil referencias, y tener acceso a
documentos fuente y a un boletn sobre
manejo de recursos naturales y agricultura
sostenible en los ecosistemas de laderas,
en las sabanas y mrgenes de bosques de
Amrica tropical. Todo esto es el producto

de este proyecto colaborativo financiado

por la Fundacin W.K. Kellogg.
Por esta misma va, los interesados pueden
registrarse y, adems, consultar la base de
datos de contactos con instituciones o
personas que han contribuido con
documentos al proyecto o que trabajan en
reas relacionadas.
Se conoce como literatura gris la
informacin que nunca ha sido publicada
o que lo fue de manera no convencional,
como tesis, informes anuales, encuestas,
documentos de trabajo, memorias,
informes estadsticos, mapas, etc.
La coordinacin general del proyecto est
a cargo del Centro Internacional de
Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), en Cali,
Colombia, a travs de su Unidad de
Informacin y Documentacin. En
Amrica Central, el coordinador es el
Centro Agronmico Tropical de
Investigacin y Enseanza (CATIE) en
Costa Rica.

Desde un comienzo, en 1996, el proyecto

se bas en el principio de participacin
cuya premisa fundamental es compartir
recursos, y as ha continuado, dice
Elizabeth Goldberg, Jefe de la Unidad de
Informacin y Documentacin del CIAT.
Forman parte de la red instituciones de
Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica,
Honduras, Nicaragua, Per y Venezuela,
cuyos contactos tambin se pueden hacer
a travs de la pgina electrnica de Internet.
Contactos: Elizabeth Goldberg, Jefe
Unidad de Informacin y Documentacin,
CIAT, A A 6713, Cali, Colombia
Telf.: (57-2)4450000 (ext. 3034)
Fax (57-2) 4450073
Correo electrnico:
Laura Coto, Directora Biblioteca
Conmemorativa Orton, IICA/CATIE,
Turrialba, Costa Rica.
Telf.: (506) 560501. Fax (506) 560501,
correo electrnico:
Fuente: CIAT/UC

Se encuentra solo en la Red?

Despus de haber estirado su presupuesto
de medios y de haber dedicado varias horas
extras a explorar la Red, usted ya logr
desarrollar por completo su pgina Web.
Lo nico que esperaba ahora es cubrirse
de gloria con todos los beneficios que trae
el nuevo medio. Pero slo hay un pequeo
problema: adems de sus amigos,
familiares y compaeros de trabajo, nadie
ms ha visitado la pgina de su empresa
en Internet.
Ya hemos escuchado toda la bulla acerca
de la Web, acerca de cmo es una aldea
electrnica que conecta a millones de
extraos alrededor del mundo. Pero
seamos realistas: es un mundo solitario
para muchas pginas web. Por cada site
exitoso, existen muchos oscuros,
desconocidos y, sobre todo, no rentables.
Afortunadamente, existen varias formas
sencillas de promocionar su pgina web.
Por ejemplo, ingresar en los motores de
bsqueda y directorios. Si est dispuesto
a invertir un poco ms de tiempo (y dinero)
usted puede hacer pruebas con banners,
intercambios de links y otras ideas ms
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

que le puedan ayudar en su batalla por dar

a conocer su pgina web.
El mundo fuera de lnea tambin es una
fuente valiosa de publicidad; muchas
publicaciones hacen recomendaciones de
sitios en la Red que pueden servir como
notas de prensa positivas para su pgina
web. Y la promocin correcta en su propia
pgina web es la mejor forma de mantener
a los visitantes volviendo por ms.
Al final del camino, la calidad de su pgina
web determinar su xito o fracaso. Pero
el mundo en lnea no puede juzgar su site
si ni siquiera lo ha conocido. Para darse
un chance de entrar en la pelea, usted
necesitar envolverse en algunas relaciones
pblicas virtuales. Para ayudarle a
empezar su misin de promocionar su
pgina web, a continuacin siguen unas
lneas sobre cmo atraer y mantener trfico
til y atractivo en su web site.
La forma ms fcil y rpida para empezar
a atraer atencin a su site es registrarse

en los motores de bsqueda y directorios

ms populares. Puede comenzar con
Altavista (, Yahoo
( y Chvere
Los motores de bsqueda usan software
automatizados (conocidos como robots o
araas) para seguir los hyperlinks,
acumulando la informacin que consiguen
mientras trabajan, cuando alguien solicita
una bsqueda, el motor devuelve una lista
de sites, rankeados por su relevancia
a las palabras que el usuario utiliz para
realizar la bsqueda. El cmo cada motor
de bsqueda accede a su pgina es difcil
de predecir, ya que frecuentemente
depende de cmo trabaja cada motor de
bsqueda en especfico.
Los directorios tienen la modesta funcin
de ser las pginas amarillas de la Red. A
diferencia de los motores de bsqueda, que
pueden conseguir un site que no est
registrado si las otras pginas estn
linkeadas con l, los directorios listan su
site slo despus de que usted ha
registrado por completo su pgina web.


No hay forma de garantizar que su site

saldr primero en una bsqueda o que se
sobresaldr en un directorio, pero estos tips
seguro hacen que su site salga en todas
las bsquedas que sean posibles.
Existe una forma tradicional de hacer
publicidad de Internet, que es a travs de
los banners las carteleras digitales que
adornan las partes superiores, inferiores o
laterales de muchas pginas web. Cuando
la gente habla de la inversin publicitaria
en la Red, usualmente se refiere a aquellas
llamativas tiras de 400 por 40 pixels que
invitan a los usuarios a clickear aqu.
Muchas compaas que desarrollan
contenido para Internet, como la misma
Yahoo, dependen primordialmente de los
banners para generar ingresos.
En sus inicios, los banners se
encontraban slo en sites de alto perfil,
promocionando productos de compaas
con bolsillos muy profundos. Pero en la
actualidad, los banners se encuentran en
todas partes y, a veces, hasta son gratis.
Por supuesto, los banners no son la nica
manera de conseguir links desde otros
sites. Las pginas de noticias y premios
pueden enviar miles de visitantes a su
site, al igual que las redes de intercambio.
Si quiere hacer un buen mercado, entonces
tomar ventaja de todas las oportunidades
promocionales posibles.
Si usted tiene un presupuesto para hacer
publicidad en Internet, puede segmentar
sus mensajes audiencias especficas a
travs de paginas web establecidas que
disfruten de un gran trfico. Los banners
son vendidos generalmente por la cantidad
de visitas que recibe la pgina, algunas
veces representando un costo muy
competitivo comparado con otros medios.
Al igual que en los avisos impresos, no
todos los espacios para banners son
iguales. Usted puede pagar entre 20.000 y
500.000 bolvares mensuales -y a veces
ms de eso- por publicar un banners. Los
sities que pueden ofrecer un nicho
valioso demandan un precio ms alto que
otros sites con menos ventajas y

Catapulte las visitas a su pgina a

travs de los banners
Los archivos o log files de los servidores
pueden decirle a un anunciante cuntas


veces fue visitada su pgina por cada

banner publicado, al igual que cuntas
veces fue visto su banner en la pgina
donde lo public.
Varias estrategias que pueden impulsar la
efectividad de sus banners.
1. Mantenga su mensaje corto.
2. Use palabras que atrapen rpidamente,
como gratis.
3. Dgale a los usuarios qu tienen que
hacer, coloque haga click aqu en sus
4. Cmbielos peridicamente, mantngalos frescos en contenido o cree
varias versiones y rtelos.
5. Cree animaciones gifs, o mini juegos
en jav que llamen la atencin del
usuario (no ms de 15K).

su audiencia. Podr personalizar su pgina

para las necesidades y deseos especficos
de los usuarios, lo que har que vuelvan
con frecuencia.
Pero mientras muchas personas
simplemente quieren sentir que pertenecen,
otros no van a entrar sin algn beneficio
concreto. Algunas veces los ganchos
tradicionales son los mejores.

Un sitio que a veces no se usa para
promocionar la pgina es la pgina misma.
Una cosa es correr la voz para que la gente
entre por primera vez en el site y otra
convencer a los usuarios para que vuelvan
con frecuencia a la pgina. Afortunadamente, existen varias tcnicas que se
pueden usar para lograr este objetivo.

Comience una conversacin

Use el feedback y las FAQ

Usted se puede beneficiar del hecho de que
a todo el mundo le gusta que le pidan
recomendaciones. Pregunte a su visitantes
lo que les gusta y disgusta de la pgina (sea
especfico al preguntar), y ofrezca una
planilla o un e-mail para que la gente
pueda responder. Si es posible, trate de
que las respuestas a sus visitantes sean
personales, agradecindoles sus sugerencias
y despus aplique esas sugerencias. Trate
de convertir ese dilogo en una lista de
Preguntas Frecuentes (FAQ).

Cree miembros
No se conforme con tener visitantes en su
pgina, tenga miembros. Al ofrecerles a
sus visitantes una planilla fcil de llenar,
podr aprender instantneamente acerca de

Riegue las noticias

Cuando la gente se convierte en miembro
de su pgina, puede recibir correos
electrnicos con noticias y promociones de
su organizacin. La ventaja es que la
informacin llega directamente al inbox
de cada usuario, recordndole visitar su

La gente volver a su pgina si puede

contar con una conversacin til o
entretenida, si tiene los recursos para
construir y mantener esa conversacin, al
igual que chats en vivo, carteleras
virtuales o cualquier otro elemento similar,
entonces selo, ya que sern sumamente
tiles. Si esas tecnologas estn fuera de
su alcance, entonces cree su lista de emails y mantenga la conversacin de esa
forma. Mientras ms especficos sean los
intereses de una audiencia, ms valiosa es
para el promotor de una pgina que est
tratando de atraer a una clientela particular.
Finalmente, lo importante es tener en
mente que el usuario desea recibir un valor
agregado al entrar en una pgina web. Por
eso es necesario trabajar sobre el contenido
que se publica en Internet, tratando de
actualizarlo con la mayor frecuencia
posible. Recuerde que si usted no le da a
sus clientes lo que ellos desean, alguien
mas lo har. Y su cliente potencial siempre
estar a un click de distancia de irse a la
pgina de la competencia.
Para mayor informacin favor contactar a:
Orlando M. Carvallo.
Fuente: El Nacional - Economa E/7 - 10-8-1997

Mecanismo de concertacin
para programas, proyectos
y sistemas de informacin de
Amrica Latina y el Caribe.
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

Centro Argentino de Informacin Cientfica y Tecnolgica

Los servicios del CAICYT tienen como finalidad asistir
a la comunidad cientfica, educativa y productiva -oficial
y privada- en sus requerimientos de informacin, actuando
como Centro multidisciplinario de Referencias y
Documentacin especializado en el conocimiento
cientfico y tecnolgico. Los servicios que hoy se brindan
son los siguientes:
* Consultas en Bases de Datos (Dialog y CDs)
* Catlogo Colectivo de Publicaciones Peridicas
* ISSN (Cdigo internacional de revistas)

* Fotocopias y Lectoimpresora de Microfichas

* Programa Nacional de Adquisicin de Revistas
* Documentacin de los investigadores del CONICET
(Ciencias Sociales, Humanidades y Ciencias de la
Los servicios del CAICYT se brindan tanto a quienes
concurren personalmente a su nueva sede, en calle
Saavedra 15, primer piso (Capital Federal) como a quienes
los solicitan por cualquiera de los siguientes medios:
Correo Postal, Telfono, Fax y/o Correo Electrnico.

* Provisin de documentos y artculos (del exterior y

del interior del pas)

Para mayor informacin favor contactar a: Dr. Tito Suter.

Director CAICYT-CONICET. Saavedra 15, 1er piso, 1083
Buenos Aires. Argentina. Telfs.: (541) 951-6975 y 9545467.

* Traducciones especializadas


* Biblioteca especializada en Ciencias de la

Informacin, Documentacin y Actividades CyTs


Redesigning a Financial Information Centre; the Library
of the Central Bank of Barbados in the 21st Century
Libraries as organizations are
undergoing a metamorphosis into libraries
of the 21st Century - libraries that will offer
easy access to the vast resources of the
world. At times, the challenge to create and
implement information services and
programs for our clients seems no less than
creating information order out of
information chaos. 1

approach the start of a new century and the

major challenges we face. Libraries as
information resource centres have
traditionally comprised a collection of
resources housed internally. However, in
the dawn of a new era prescribed by images
of Star Trek, and instant information
supplied by omnipresent computers, the
scene has changed.

This quotation summarizes very clearly the

change in the role of libraries as we

Libraries and information centres are no

longer restricted to internal resources and

INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

users are not confined by closing hours.

The virtual library has largely arrived and
the result is creating major challenges for
the staff of these institutions. Even in the
Caribbean where the progress of libraries
has been restricted by the lack of funding
for development, changes in the mode of
access are becoming evident. In Barbados
access to the Dialog Information Service
was introduced in the 1980s. In the l990s
access to the Internet has spread and the


resources of the world have come right to

our doorstep. However, like a butterfly
fighting its way out of its cocoon, the
transition has not been easy.

the demand for speedier access and

greater depth.

This paper explores the challenges faced

by the Library of the Central Bank of
Barbados as it adapts to the changing
environment, internally and externally. In
the second part of the paper it discusses
some steps taken by the staff to address
these challenges and discusses the possible
role that new concepts such as knowledge
management and the Intranet will have on
the development of the Library.

For her, the quest was to establish respect

and confidence in the Library through the
provision of current and reliable
information. This, the Senior Librarian and
her small staff achieved with great success,
but on the verge of the 21st Century the
Library still faces a number of challenges.
Some of these are a continuation of those
Mrs Williams encountered, and others are
a direct result of the dramatic changes in
technology and information outflow that
characterize the end of the 20 century.



The Central Banks Library was

established in 1974 as a library specializing
in economics, banking, monetary affairs
and finance. Its main function is to cater
to the needs of the staff of the Bank
especially those of the Research

Traditional challenges facing many special

libraries are the questions of space, funding
and staff size. The Central Banks Library
is not exempt, it has a finite space
constrained by architecture. It runs with a
small staff of four, necessitating occasional
extra help to deal with the constant inflow
of mail, much of it unsolicited. The staff
of two professionals, one para-professional
and one secretary are kept fully occupied,
but still must find time to deal with
developmental work. Funding, although
adequate, has to support the upward spiral
in the cost of serials and the innovative
pricing systems of CD-ROMS. The cost
of many commercial CD-ROMS means
that they remain unaffordable.

It has over its 24 years of existence

provided information to a wide variety of
clients ranging from staff to government
planners, bankers, and bona fida
researchers. It also exists as a backup
resource to other economic libraries in
Barbados and the region.
The Library offers material largely in a
print format but there is an increasing
collection of CD-ROMS. Services include
access to online databases from the
DIALOG Corporation and the services of
the Internet. Document delivery is also
offered through the services of the British
Library Document Supply Centre. Most of
the Librarys operations have been
computerized for many years and staff had
access to the Librarys catalogues from
their desks using the CDS/ISIS software
produced by UNESCO.
In a paper written as part of the 25th
Anniversary of the Bank in 1997 its first
Librarian Mrs Maxine Williams described
the challenges faced in establishing an
institution of this nature. She describes
them as:
1) The challenge faced in suppling
available information. This involved
the identification of information
sources internally, locally, regionally
and internationally.
2) The challenge of providing access and
delivery of information. This included


Perhaps these challenges are common to

many libraries world wide, but as a
Caribbean special library there are some
additional challenges that are peculiar to
the region. These include:
1) Difficulty with the flow of information
locally and regionally often the result
of poor attitudes to information access.
There are in the region few territories
that have freedom of information acts
and Barbados is no exception.
2) Language barriers, regional distrust and
the differing modes and levels of
technology all contribute to a situation
where the knowledge of what is being
produced regionally is often
Cooperation between regional central
banks has always been exceptional and a
good working relationship with other
regional central bank libraries has
alleviated some of these problems for the
Library of the Central Bank of Barbados.
In addition, valuable work has been done
in some areas, for example in Trinidad, to
index the conference papers of the

Caribbean Centre for Monetary Studies.

This, combined with the regular exchange
of material between the CARICOM central
banks, provides us with a good grasp of
English-speaking Caribbean. However, in
the age of the Internet, traditional means
of communication such as the printed List
of Additions, remain common. In addition
many regional serials have deadline
difficulties and this is an ongoing problem.
Internally, staff at the Bank have embarked
on training programmes to upgrade their
language skills and there is increased
contact with persons from non-English
territories, through travel. However,
official contact between different language
groupings in the region remain perhaps
more limited than it should be.
Increase in Information, changes in
Technology and Professional Roles
The major challenges in 1998 are the
dramatic increase in available information,
the rapid nature of technological changes
and the great demand for increased access.
These have changed the role of the Library
In past years, information in this library
was available largely in print formats, in
the form of books and serials. Online data
searches were done primarily in
bibliographic databases and referred the
user back to print sources. Up to three years
ago there were just a few CD-ROMS in
the library. Now the number has increased,
many arriving with books and some annual
reports have started to come with or
entirely in CD formats. Access to full text
databases is increasing. Technology now
allows us to download into a searchable
database the CANA Financial Newswire
items that are received on a subscription
basis. The use of the Internet has tripled
and quadrupled the amount of information
available, but the information accessed
often remains disappointing because of the
Internets poorly designed search engines
and the suspect nature of some of the data
The rapid changes in technology have left
us struggling to keep up. We have in a short
space of time moved from Telnets to
Internets and Intranets, from 51/4 diskettes
to 31/2 diskettes and to CD-ROMS. We are
now hearing of Extranets and
DVD-ROMS. Windows 95 has become the
operating standard and just as we became
comfortable with WordPerfect 7,
WordPerfect 8 was released. With all of
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

this we have also had to factor in peoples

natural resistance to change.
What is the role of the Library
professional? We are librarians,
information resource managers and now
knowledge managers. We manage books,
serials, databases, Internet sites, Intranet
sites and corporate records. For a Central
Bank librarian in the Caribbean, the
question of who we are, what we do, the
technology we use, and the level of access
we can provide are just as relevant and
challenging as it is to any other Library
professional anywhere in the world.

number of ways. Central to this was the

development of a Strategic Plan. A well
written plan had been produced in 1994
and included a staff manual. This initial
plan contained goals for the period 1995
1996. At the end of this period the goals
were reviewed and revised to cover the
period 1998-2000. The overall Strategic
Plan is now in the process of being revised.
The following are a summary of the revised


Acquiring the latest information and

data in various subject areas relevant
to the Bank through constant
monitoring of new sources, staff
recommendations and online

Acquiring archival material (back

issues of journals, statistical runs etc)
on microforms, CD-ROMS or any
other technology that develops. This
will also assist in easing the problems
of space that presently exist in the

Organizational changes
In addition, the Central Bank of Barbados
also has challenges based on internal
structural changes as well as changes in
focus and staffing, as the organization
prepares itself for the 21st century. The
Library now finds it necessary to forge
stronger partnerships with other
departments such as the computer
department known as the Management of
Information Systems Department (MISD).
As the information resource centre, the
Library has traditionally been highly
regarded in the Bank, but must now prepare
itself for a changing role as information
becomes more freely available through
sources such as the Internet.
This means that the Library has to find new
ways of doing old things to meet the needs
of a changing generation of staff. Barbados
has a growing population of individuals
whose computer skills are well developed,
and who are now entering the workplace.
These persons display differing
expectations of the departments and they
exhibit changing styles of researching
information, preferring computer based
technologies. The Library has also
benefitted from their expertise on an adhoc
basis. Possibilities exist to make greater use
of their abilities and enthusiasm by forming
teams to execute projects. Changes within
the organization will further modify their
research habits. Plans to physically relocate
the Research Department will see the
Library separated from its main clientele
by two floors. Library staff are looking at
ways of increasing the number of resources
that can be routed to their desk via the local
computer networks.
We have therefore set about to redesign the
Library to face these challenges in a
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998


Use of in-house Catalogues,

CD-ROMS and other multimedia
documents to be accessed through the
Central Banks Intranet.


Creating and maintaining a database of

working papers, books and serials.

Opening access to library materials e.g:

catalogues, full text and other
multimedia documents through the
creation of Intranet library site.
Offering filtered access to Internet sites
through this medium also.

Providing access of specific material

to the Government of Barbados, related
institutions and other researchers.

Managing the Internet site of the

Central Bank of Barbados.


(A project to explore the use of the Inmagic

DB/Text software for document
management. It is expected to concentrate

on the Librarys documents during the

To achieve these goals it was felt that the
first thing necessary was to consolidate
management functions with the aid of one
software package. Initially, several
software packages were in use, CDS/ ISIS
for cataloguing, DBASE for circulation and
orders management and WordPerfect for
data processing. The data was not
transferable. It was re-keyed at each stage.
CDS/ISIS was chosen originally because
it was widely distributed among libraries
in the region. However it was disliked by
staff who considered it not user friendly.
Even though staff throughout the Bank had
access to the Librarys catalogues from
their desk, few used it, preferring instead
to call the Library. The decision was made
to discontinue the use of CDS/ISlS and
transfer the data to a new software package.

A network version of the Inmagic DB/
Textworks and the Library Guide, a
windows based application programme
designed for libraries, was chosen. This
package was previously used in the Library
before the introduction of CDS/ISIS. At that
time it was not as versatile as it is now.
The Inmagic Library Guide includes a
series of formats written for cataloguing,
orders management, circulation and serials
management. It is user friendly,
progressive and has the advantage that the
formats and structures can be easily
modified. The original databases were
converted with little assistance from MISD
technical staff and the problems that were
experienced were not insurmountable.
However the process was long as
differences in the various databases and the
complications of conversions took its toll.
Inmagic was also chosen since it is a
progressive software that is constantly
updated. A companion product called DB/
Text WebPublisher designed to facilitate
the publication of databases to the Internet
and Intranets is also being investigated for
use in the library.
The major advantage of the introduction
of this software has been improved
bibliographic control and management as
one database is used for both ordering and
cataloguing and is referenced by the
circulation and serials management
databases. Duplication of data entry has
therefore been eliminated. These modules


were brought on stream gradually over a

period of time.
The decision was made to split the database
into two for easier organization:
1) A catalogue of books, serials
2) A catalogue of research papers,
speeches, lectures or any other analytic
entry considered important.
The latter includes over 800 items written
by the staff of the Bank. Also coming out
of this has been a project to publish an
extensive bibliography of Central Banks
research publications. This venture is
presently in the editing stage and the end
result may well be a specialized database
of Central Bank material that could be
shared with other libraries or become
available via the WWW. Other databases
maintained are a database of borrowers and
an archive of CANA newswire items
commencing January 1998.
At present this system is available to the
librarys staff and there is limited access
to the desks of some persons throughout
the Bank. It is expected to spread the access
throughout the Bank but this has been put
on hold as the MISD plans the introduction
of an Intranet / Lotus Notes system later
this year.
Interprets and Intranets
Another feature which has made a direct
impact on the Library was the arrival of
the World Wide Web application of the
Internet. Caribsurf, the Internet subsidiary
of the Barbados External Telecommunications (BET) was launched in
mid 1995. Its arrival in the Library was
heralded in the Bank as Hurricane Marilyn
roared across the Leeward Islands. Staff
were invited to come and see the
hurricane as we displayed the extensive
meteorological sites. The response was
overwhelming. The Library has now
become the focal point of Internet access
to general staff throughout the Bank, while
the MISD continues to make plans to
extend desktop access directly to the staff.
During 1996 the Library conducted
continuous demonstrations and training for
staff in the use of the Internet and training
remains an important part our duties. The
Librarians have been invited from time to
time to participate in in-house seminars by
conducting demonstrations or training on
the use of new economic information


The Librarys proactive approach has taken

it a step further. In 1996 the Bank launched
its first Internet site with the Library
coordinating the information and the
establishment of the site. Technical work
was contracted out. The following year a
second site was launched for the
International Symposium on Economic
Forecasting held in Barbados in June 1997.
This was cosponsored by the Bank. The
experience was enlightening. Internet sites
are very time consuming and no provision
was built into this original project for
updating. This year a new site was
redesigned and completely updated. This
will be put up on the net. This time,
provision has been made for maintenance.
In March 98 the Library collaborated with
the MISD to design a pilot Intranet site for
an exhibition they were hosting. Intranets,
the private networks that operate like
miniature WWW sites utilize popular
Internet browser software and offer internal
information in an attractive, easily
accessible manner. They offer tremendous
potential for the provision of access to
internal information such as organizational
policies, notices, job opportunities or any
other information of importance to the
organization. This project saw the Library
staff design and write several pages
themselves. The site was enthusiastically
received at the exhibition. We await
MISDs decision on a final start up date.
These actions take place against a backdrop
of maintaining regular duties with four
members of staff. However it has
introduced a whole new scope to the work
of staff and a subtle difference in the way
information will have to be handled in the
Initially users came to the Library and
requested information on a given topic and
we provided it. Now Librarians must
anticipate needs more than ever before and
route information before it is requested in
formats that allow the user to access it
directly from their work stations, or home,
or country.
We must cater to the information flow
inward to staff and often outward from the
Bank to the public as well . Librarians are
ideally placed to deal with this since they
are often at the frontline of request for data.
However the subtle changes in role have
resulted in Library staff having to consult
and coordinate more often with other
departments such as Research, Public
Relations and MISD personnel.

Much of this is what we have always done.

The change is in the way we are doing it,
and the technology we are using. In many
respects we do not fully understand the
changes that are propelling us forward.
Like the rest of the world responding to
globalization we are being swept along. We
consider certain strategies important in
helping us to deal with these challenges.
1) Staying abreast with the goals, plans
and changes within the organization
and tailoring the librarys goals and
plans to suit. This may well result in
further changes such as news
management styles and new alignments
with other departments. Approaches
such as the team approach where staff
are assigned to work directly with
specific research projects or teams can
be investigated.
2) Becoming more pro-active. The
Library staff have to establish their role
in this changing order by taking charge
of areas within their expertise. We have
also started to market ourselves using
flyers and the use of the Library Logo.
3) Taking every advantage of
opportunities for professional
advancement. Events such as ACURIL
and access to professional literature
have always been extremely valuable.
The library receives publications such
as Information Outlook, the monthly
journal of the Special Libraries
Association of the USA. Other
periodicals such as Online, Database,
Computers in Libraries and Managing
Information produced by the
Management (ASLIB) have also been
very useful
4) Maintaining and establishing further
contacts with professionals especially
in the region.
5) Becoming more comfortable with all
available technologies.
New Concepts
But as we struggle with the realities of
tracking serials, designing new databases
and establishing further pro-active roles,
the concepts that drive the profession are
changing around us. In an effort to remain
current and to adapt, we have to come to
terms very quickly with new concepts and
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

the implications for information resource

The latest buzz word is knowledge
management. Although a definition of this
concept still seems elusive, its relationship
to the development of Intranets is
becoming obvious. As Intranets have
benefits for the management of internal
information, knowledge management
attempts to identify and manage formal and
informal sources of knowledge within the
organization. There is an obvious link with
document management. Many institutions
such as special libraries / Information
centres and documentation centres are
seeing their roles expanded to include
responsibility for archival information.
However the three categories; information
management, knowledge management and
records management are not exactly the
same. Librarians or Information Resource
Managers (IRMs) have the skill to
categorize and classify and a knowledge
of the types of information often required
by individuals. Records management
utilizes these skills in the management of
internal documents and records.
Knowledge management however tries to
capture and categorize the human capital
which is categorized as the experience,
expertise and skills of individuals. How do
we do this? and are we ready to try?
Perhaps in an informal manner, we already
do when we refer queries to a member of
staff we believe might know the answer.
We quickly learn who has the answers in
the organization. How do we catalogue and
classify this? The answers to these
questions remain uncertain.

What are the implications of this for the
Library of the Central Bank of Barbados.
Already we have explored the
establishment of an Intranet. It is obvious
that regardless of what structure that will
be set up to run it, the Information Resource
Managers (Librarians), will be
instrumental in sifting through the staff
policies, organizational notices, press
releases, etc. that it will contain. In doing
this some of the infrastructure for
document management will be established.
At some point staff will be encouraged to
contribute in the process, utilizing their
skills, experiences, resources and
essentially their knowledge. Maybe, in
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

tackling one facet, without realizing it, the

structure is put in place for another. In the
next ten or twenty years these different
branches may all merge just as the
television, telephone and computers are
starting to merge before our eyes.
How far in the continuum is the Central
Banks Library? At the introduction stage
of an intranet, with a second generation
internet site, a pilot records management
project for library documents that is yet to
be started and of course our regular duties.
Just as the technology is evolving, so are
our roles. We are becoming team/project
leaders, strategists, people managers and
innovators. Often we must demonstrate the
skills of diplomats and politicians. In
essence the Library of the Central Bank of
Barbados is about to launch into 21st
Century, a little apprehensively perhaps,
but with a sense that we are about to
boldly go where no man has gone before.

1. Virginia Steel and C. Brigid Welch, eds,
Introduction to The Future of Information
Services (New York: Haworth Press, 1995),
p 6.
2. Maxine Williams. Challenges to
information provision: the Library Central
Banking in Barbados: reflections and
challenges. (Bridgetown: Central Bank of
Barbados, 1997 pp 195 - 204)
3. Nick Willard, Knowledge Management:
what does it imply for IRM?, Managing.
Information, vol 4, no 8 (1997) p 31

Aarons, John A. Challenges in information
provision Working Papers B-6a, 23rd
Annual Conference of ACURIL, Sam Lords
Castle May 22 - 28, 1993. 10 p
Adourian, Armig and Schweyer, Kitty.
Intranets and the proactive librarian
Information Outlook, the Monthly
Magazine of the Special Libraries
Association Vol. 1, no. 7, July 1997, pp 19
- 22
Central Bank of Barbados Library. Proposed
Plans 1997 - 2000. Bridgetown, Central
Bank of Barbados, 1998. 7 p .
Chambers, Audrey. Access to print and
electronic resources for resource sharing
Documento de Trabajo B-11, 259 Annual
Conference of ACURIL June 4 - 10, 1995,
San Juan, Puerto Rico. 14 p.
Fisher, Anne. Knowledge management: so
what is the big fuss about The Library

Association Record, Vol. 100, no. 4, April

1998. pp 190 - 191
Future of Information Services. Eds. Steel,
Virginia and Welch, C. Brigid. London:
Haworth Press, 1995. 196 p.
Pantry, Sheila, Whither the information
professional? challenges and opportunities;
the cultivation of information professionals
for the new millennium. ASLIB
Proceedings, Vol. 49, no. 6, June 1997. pp
Saunders, Muriel and Wood, Celeste. Central
Bank data sources and resources: the
challenges. Central Bankina in Barbados:
reflections and challenges. Bridgetown:
Central Bank of Barbados, 1997. pp 205-212
Senese, Diane. The information experience,
Information Outlook: the monthly magazine
of the Special Libraries Association, vol. 1
no. 10, October 1997. pp 29 - 33
Stewart, Chrissie. Knowledge management:
building the desktop environment The
Library Association Record, Vol. 100, no.
4, April 1998. p.192
Skyrme, David J. Knowledge management:
oxymoron or dynamic duo? Managing
Information Vol. 4, no. 7, September 1997.
pp 24 - 26.
Willard, Nick. Knowledge management: what
does it imply for IRM, Managing;
Information Vol 4, no 8, Oct 1997. pp 31-32
Williams, Maxine. Challenges to Information
Provision: the Library, Central Banking in
Barbados: reflections and challenges.
Bridgetown: Central Bank of Barbados,
1997. pp 195 - 204.

For more information please contact:

Angela Skute, Librarian, Central Bank of
Barbados P.O. BOX 1016. Bridgetown,
Barbados. Telf. (242) 436.6879. Fax: (246)
Source: Central Bank of Barbados.



Pu blicidad


INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998


Library Twinning
The IFLA Twinning Database, established
in August 1996, was created to act as a
focal point to which all libraries can turn
when seeking partners for a twinning
arrangement. There has been an enormous
amount of interest in the project and out of
103 initial enquiries 50 completed
questionnaires have been received. The
interest has been shown by various types
of libraries from many parts of the world,
especially from less developed regions.
From the applications 10 twinnings have
been identified and contact details sent to
each library, together with a brief
description of the other libraries activities.
It is then up to the libraries themselves to
decide whether a suitable library has been
chosen with which they might wish to
pursue a relationship. However, the Office
still maintains the details on file and will
send a follow-up letter if no information
has been received from either library in the
ensuing months.
On the basis of its initial success the Office
is seeking more funding as maintaining
and adding to the database involves a
considerable amount of staff time. If more
time could be allocated to the project, not
only would it improve the efficiency of the
current management of the database but
there is also huge potential for promoting
it even further. Meanwhile, we shall be
delighted to hear from any library
interested in forming links with another
library, particularly with one from a less
developed country.


The final progress report on the IFLA
Voucher Scheme was presented to the
Conference of Directors of National
Libraries (CDNL) recently, this brings the
two-year trial period to a formal close, and
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

CDNL, were asked to approve the

continuation of the voucher Scheme in its
present format. We are delighted to
confirm that the voucher Scheme will
continue to operate and there are no plans
to change any part of its operation. The
number of participating libraries continues
to grow, and much interest was expressed
recently at both the IFLA General
Conference and the 5th Interlending and
Conference, at which a paper about the
Scheme was presented.

The Muriel (Multimedia Education System
for Librarians Introducing Remote
Interactive Processing of Electronic
Documents) Project was set up to create,
demonstrate and evaluate a multimedia
interactive training system for librarians
and librarianship students Courseware has
been produced on two topics - Library
Ethics and Libraries and the Internet. This
courseware has been integrated into the
software, which has been designed for the
training of librarians. International field
trials of the software have been held. The
results of these are being evaluated and
exploitation plans for the software are
being drawn up. The project ends afther
the Final Review with the Commission in
mid-October. After that it is envisaged that
the software will be available for purchase
by the library community, to be used to
develop and host in-house courseware.
Information about the project is available
from the Office or on:
COPERARMS (Co-ordinating Project
form Electronic Authors-Rights
Management Systems).
The next COPERARMS SIG and
Workshop will be held in Athens in

October. The underlying theme of both

events is whether or not electronic
copyright management systems help or
hinder the availability of electronic
information. There will also be
presentations from COPEARMS Partners
concerning the help they can give to other
projects developing ECMS. It is always
useful to hold SIGs and workshops in
conjunction with other events so if anyone
is planning anything over the next twelve
months and would be interested in a
COPEARMS presence please contact Judy
Watkins at the usual address (unfortunately
we are limited to EU countries).
The ECMS Conference, planned to be held
in London in November, has been postponed
until next year. Anyone interested should
contact Judy Watkins or Pauline Connolly
for details of the date and venue.

The COPYSMART project, in which the
Office participates wearing its British
Library Copyright Office hat, has suffered
delays in the delivery of the software. Our
role is to carry out user trials which have
only just begun, so more information
should be available next issue.

Two projects were identified by this
Committee for action. One is the design
and supply of packaging for interlibrary
loan of fragile and rare books. The second
is to provide a comprehensive list of codes
to reply to unfulfilled interlibrary loan
requests. Much of the latter has already
been done through the ILL protocol but the
list will be reviewed and translations into
various languages prepared.


A complete list of current publications for
sale may be requested from the Office. In
addition, the following titles are available
free of charge:
National Libraries of the World: and
address list (updated regularly)
IFLA Fax Guidelines
The Office has also continued to publish
semi-annual reviews and bibliographies in
Interlending and Document Supply. It has
also continued to compile the Miscellany
section of the journal.

A chapter on National Libraries,

comprising a review of the years literature,
has been written for Librarianship &
Information Work Worldwide and will be
published shortly.
The Office is fully linked to the Internet
system. All staff can be reached on a
general Email address and
individual members of the team can be
reached by using the formula:
firstname.lastname@bl.ujk. The General
Office telephone number is +44 1937
546255 (which is also the number form
Judy Watkins). Other numbers are: 546123
(Graham Cornish); 546124 (Sarah Keates);

546465 (Louise Huddlestone); and 546254

(Sarah Gould and Pauline Connolly)
The UAP Office has a home page on the
WWW at
The UAP newsletter can be received
electronically. Contact Pauline Connolly
at the address above.
For more information please contact: Sara
Keates. IFLA/UAP.
Tel. +44 1937 546124. Fax: 44 1937
Source: UAP Newsletter, number 24, oct. 1997

Organization of American States. Columbus Memorial Library.

Collections and Services
In 1889-1890 delegates from the nations
of the Americas assembled in Washington,
D.C. for the First International Conference
of American States. Most of the session
held on 10 April 1890 was given over to
debate on the creation of what would be a
fitting memorial of the first gathering of
representatives from the American nations.
The distinguished and eloquent Delegate
from Colombia. Ambassador Carlos
Martnez Silva, stated his views in the
following manner:

on 27 October 1890, was Delmar`s

Classified Trades Directory, 1889-1890,
published by Belford, Clark and Company
of Chicago.

...the memorial to be erected ought to be

something at once useful and made up of
elements, to which each government might
contribute independently, (and) it occurred
to me that the only plan which would satisfy
all these requirements was the establishment
in Washington of a Memorial Library, to
which each government could send, on its
own account, the most complete collection
possible of historical, literary, and
geographical works, laws, official reports,
maps, etc., so that results of intellectual and
scientific labor in all America might be
collected together under a single roof... That
would be a monument more lasting and more
noble than any bronze or marble.

Under authority of the Governing Board

of the International Union of the American
Republics, and as a division of the Bureau
of said Republics, a Latin American
Library, to be known as the Columbus
Memorial Library is hereby established...

The formal establishment of the library as

the Columbus Memorial Library occurred
on 24 January 1902, when the Second
International American Conference,
meeting in Mexico, adopted a resolution
on the reorganization of the Bureau. In
part, this resolution read as follows.

By a unanimous vote the motion was


On 7 April 1902, the Governing Board

appointed as first Librarian, Dr. Jos
Ignacio Rodrguez, noted Cuban scholar
and book collector. He guided the affairs
of the Library in its infancy, never ceasing
until his death to work for its constructive
organization. One of his endeavors was to
see the fulfillment of the project mentioned
in the following resolution of the Rio de
Janeiro Conference held in 1906.

Almost immediately thereafter the

collection of books and provision for
reading and housing them were provided
by the Director of the Bureau of the
American Republics. The first book
actually registered in the Accessions
Catalogue of the Library of the Bureau,

The Third International American

Conference resolved... to express its
gratification that the project to establish a
permanent center of information and of
interchange of ideas among the Republics
of this Continent, as well as the erection
of a building suitable for the Library in
memory of Columbus, has been realized...


This permanent center of information was

located in the Pan American Union
Building, which was constructed through
the largesse of Mr. Andrew Carnegie, who
gave $ 750,00 for the erection of the
Building. The Columbus Memorial Library
prospered and grew in this location until
the size of the collections far exceeded the
space available for housing them in the
In 1982 the Librarian recommended that
the collections and staff of the Columbus
Memorial Library be relocated to the
Administrative Service Building in order
to increase shelf space and provide
additional space for readers. Upon
approval by the Permanent Council, the
renovation of the Basement and Ground
Floor of the Building was initiated. The
Columbus Memorial Library inaugurated
services in its new quarters on 15 January
1988 continuing the mandates of the
farsighted delegates to the First
International Conference of American


Among the collections are:
1. The General Collection
This collection of printed works related
to Latin America and the Caribbean
consists of both monographs and serials
and also includes a large number of
titles about Spain, Portugal, France and
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

the United States. The works are

grouped according to country and treat
subjects such as law, political science,
art, technology, economics, rural and
urban development, music, education,
human rights, history, geography, etc.
2. Organization of American States
This is the most complete collection of
the printed documentation of the OAS
and its predecessor organizations in
existence. It includes copies of the
Official Records, the information and
Technical Publications and Technical
3. Documents of the Inter-American.
Specialized Organization Collection
The collection of printed works for
intergovernmental agencies established
by multilateral agreements with
specific functions on technical matters
of common interest to the American
States contains documentation by and
about the Pan American Health
Childrens Institute, Inter-American
Commission of Women, Pan American
Institute of Geography and History,
Inter American Indian Institute, InterAmerican Institute for Cooperation on
Commission on Human Rights, InterAmerica Nuclear Energy Commission
and the Inter-American Drug Abuse
Control Commission.

4. Official Gazette Collection

The official gazettes of the Member
States Collection contains thousands of
issues of serials relating to laws,
modification of regulations, treaty
agreements, executive orders, etc.
5. United Nations Collection
The Library is a depository of the
United Nations and receives its
documentation in both Spanish and
6. League of Nations Collection
A small, but comprehensive collection
of the League of Nations consisting of
documents and serials is maintained by
the Library.
7. Microform Collection
A large number of monographs and
serials are available in microform.
These include select newspapers,
government documents, periodicals
and technical reports.
8. International Organization Collection
The Library acquires official papers,
reports and publications from such
agencies as: the International labor
Development Bank, Food and
Agricultural Organization, the
International Monetary Fund, the
World Bank, the Organization for
Development, etc.

9. Maps and Atlas Collection

The Library has a collection of maps
and atlas, primarily historical,
pertaining to Latin America and the
10. Rare Book Collection
This collection of almost 10.000
volumes contains the oldest books in
the Library relating to Latin America
and the Caribbean.
11. Photographs Collection
This collection consists of almost
50.000 black and white photographs
about the OAS and the Member States.
12. Leo Station Rowe Collection
The Library is the custodian of many
of the personal papers of Dr. Leo S.
Rowe, Director General of the Pan
American Union, 1920-1946.
Archives of the General Secretariat
Housed in the Records Management
Center this collection consists of almost
430 million original documents produced
by the Pan American Union and the
General Secretariat.
For more information please contact:
Columbus Memorial Library. Organization
of American States. 19th and Constitution
Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 200064499. USA. Telf. (1202) 458-6037
Source: OSA/Columbus Memorial Library

Naciones Unidas en Feria Internacional del Libro

en Montevideo
Por segundo ao consecutivo el sistema
de Naciones Unidas en su conjunto
participa con un stand en la Feria
Internacional del Libro en Montevideo,
organizada por la Cmara del Libro del
Uruguay (6 al 23 de noviembre de 1997).
Se trata de un espacio de exhibicin y no
de venta. Se busca propiciar la difusin de
los ideales y objetivos de las Naciones
Unidas y las actividades de las Agencias
del sistema en el Uruguay. Bsicamente el
pblico que ms se beneficia e interesa son
los maestros, docentes del interior del pas
y capital y los estudiantes. Cada Agencia
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

aporta sus publicaciones y se imprime para

la oportunidad un folleto especial con la
informacin de cada una de ellas en el
Uruguay, y en la regin, si se trata de
oficinas regionales.
Se obsequian posters, folletera,
calendarios, adhesivos. Tambin se
exhiben videos sobre los diferentes temas
del Sistema -salud, infancia, educacin,
alimentacin, etc.- La atencin voluntaria
del stand es realizada fundamentalmente
por la Asociacin de Ex-funcionarios de
las Naciones Unidas en Uruguay (AFICS).
La Feria del Libro constituye una instancia
de trabajo colectivo realizada por los

funcionarios del Sistema con buenos

resultados a nivel de difusin externa y de
conocimiento interno.
Para mayor informacin favor contactar a:
Oficina Regional de Ciencia y Tecnologa
para Amrica Latina y el Caribe.
UNESCO. Casilla de Correo 859. 11000
Montevideo. Uruguay. Tel.: 707.2023.
Fax: 707.2140

Fuente: Boletn UNESCO. Montevideo 2. Ao 1,

No. 2, Nov 1997 -Feb. 1998


Recomendaciones del Comit de Expertos sobre

la libre circulacin del Libro en Iberoamrica
El Comit de expertos sobre libre
circulacin del libro en Iberoamrica,
reunido en Santaf de Bogot, los das 9,
10 y 11 de diciembre de 1997, convocado
por el CERLALC para cumplir con el
encargo formulado por la reunin de
Ministros de Cultura y Reponsables de
Polticas Culturales de Iberoamrica,
realizada en octubre de 1997, en la Isla de
Margarita, Venezuela.
Tomando en consideracin la voluntad
poltica expresada por los seores ministros
de explorar vas y mecanismos que
permitan concretar la libre circulacin en
el rea de Iberoamrica.
Teniendo en cuenta los compromisos
multilaterales de carcter econmico y
cultural adquiridos por los diversos estados
que conforman la regin lingstica
hispanolusitana y el contexto de
globalizacin e integracin regional en que
se desarrollan las industrias culturales en
esta rea.
Con el nimo de contribuir con elementos
de carcter tcnico a que se cristalice en
normatividad positiva la voluntad poltica
expresada por los seores ministros de
garantizar la libre circulacin del libro en
espaol y portugus.
Habiendo analizado a la luz del mandato
ministerial los diversos instrumentos
internacionales que se relacionan con la
libre circulacin del libro tanto en el mbito
universal, como regional y subregional.
Habiendo identificado la existencia de
obstculos a la libre circulacin en la regin
ya mencionada tanto de carcter
arancelario, como para-arancelario.1
a) En relacin con los obstculos de
carcter arancelario:
1. A los Estados Iberoamericanos, adherir
al Acuerdo para la importacin de
objetos de carcter educativo,
cientfico o cultural, denominado
"Acuerdo de Florencia" (1950) y su
Protocolo (Nairobi, 1976), en
consideracin a su carcter universal y
como instrumento facilitador en el
proceso de homologacin de las
directivas nacionales.
2 A la UNESCO que solicite a la OMC
el estudio de la inclusin del Acuerdo


de Florencia dentro de los tratados que

debern ser observados por las partes
contrates de la OMC.
3. A la Asociacin Latinoamericana de
Integracin, ALADI, que continue con
el proceso de perfeccionamiento del
Acuerdo regional de cooperacin e
intercambio de bienes en las reas
cultural, educacional y cientfica, con
el fin de eliminar las ambigedades de
interpretacin que origina el texto
actual y que pueden dificultar la libre
4. A los Estados Iberoamericanos que
vinculen en forma ms efectiva a las
organizaciones no gubernamentales,
representativas de las industrias
culturales de la Regin, en la
formulacin de las polticas de
desarrollo de tales industrias y de la
libre circulacin de sus productos.
Asimismo, que gestionen la
colaboracin y el apoyo de otros
organismos internacionales como el
Banco Mundial; la Organizacin de
Estados Americanos, (OEA); el Banco
Interamericano de Desarrollo, (BID);
la Comisin Econmica para Amrica
Latina y el Caribe, (CEPAL); el
Sistema Econmico Latinoamericano,
(SELA) y la Coordinacin Educativa
y Cultural Centroamericana, CECC,
entre otros, con el fin de incentivar la
produccin intelectual y el impacto
econmico de tales industrias.
5. A los gobiernos de la Regin, que con
el fin de enriquecer y armonizar el
anlisis de los aspectos tales como el
derecho de distribucin y sus
problemas de territorialidad de cara a
la libre circulacin, y con el fin de
armonizar una posicin conjunta de los
Estados Iberoamericanos ante las
instancias internacionales de la
propiedad intelectual y del comercio,
se vincule a los Ministerios de Cultura,
Economa y Comercio al tratamiento
de tales cuestiones.
b) En relacin con los obstculos para
1. Al CERLALC, estructurar un
programa destinado a prestar asistencia
individual a cada uno de sus Estados
miembros, con el fin de eliminar

progresivamente las trabas que

subsisten a la libre circulacin de los
libros, descrita en el documento
2. Al CERLALC, incluir en el documento
referido anteriormente otro tipo de
trabas para arancelarias, tales como: los
plazos de extincin de los derechos post
mortem, el dominio pblico pagante,
el depsito legal a los libros
importados, etc.
3. Al CERLALC y al Grupo
Interamericano de Editores, GIE,
actualizar peridicamente el estudio
sobre los obstculos a la libre
circulacin del libro en Iberoamrica y
garantizar la difusin de esa
4. Al CERLALC y el GIE, continuar el
apoyo de recoleccin de informacin
estadstica sobre la produccin y el
comercio de libros y ampliarlos al
comercio de derechos de propiedad
intelectual. Y a los gobiernos que
susciten y apoyen la recoleccin de las
estadsticas como instrumento
indispensable en la formulacin de las
polticas de desarrollo de las industrias
5. Al CERLALC, elaborar y difundir un
modelo de contrato de edicin y de
cesin de derechos que contemplen
explcitamente el aspecto de la
territorialidad, que sirva como
instrumento a los editores para
enfrentar el problema de las
importaciones paralelas.
6. Al CERLALC, continuar con la
produccin del Repertorio Integrado
de Libros en Venta en Iberoamrica.
Para mayor informacin favor contactar a:
CERLALC. Apdo. Aereo 57348.
Fax: 3217503.

1. No arancelarios, medidas de cierto
equivalente al arancel
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

Eliminacin de factores biolgicos dainos
en archivos
Un medio ambiente en malas condiciones
es la causa inicial de la aparicin y
desarrollo de los agentes biolgicos que
deterioran el material de archivo. Si no
existe control sobre estos aspectos, los
tratamientos curativos solamente sern
detecciones temporales del problema.
Se puede hablar de medidas preventivas
antes de que la documentacin presente
biodeterioro y de medidas correctivas una
vez establecido ste. Las medidas
preventivas tales como niveles ptimos de
humedad y temperatura, ventilacin
adecuada, programas de limpieza y
revisiones peridicas, tienden a proteger
los materiales de posibles ataques. Una
vez detectada la presencia de stos, es
necesario tomar una serie de medidas
correctivas que tienen como objetivo detener
o erradicar los organismos deteriorantes.
Estas medidas tienen en cuenta, en primera
instancia, la intensidad y origen de la
alteracin y, en segundo trmino, la
cantidad o volumen de material afectado.
Lo ideal en la conservacin de soportes
documentales sera un tratamiento qumico
previo contra cualquier dao por
organismos. A nivel prctico esto
representa altos costos de inversin en la
industria y problemas de biodegradabilidad
de materiales. A pesar de esto, el papel
que se utiliza para libros y documentos que
es necesario conservar a largo plazo, deber
ser elaborado de material estable.
Son dos los caminos que permiten llegar a
un papel estable ante una posible accin
bitica. El primero consiste en buscar
fibras resistentes de naturaleza sinttica
mezclada con celulosa, y segundo, una
perfecta proteccin qumica.
Ejemplo de fibras sintticas originadas a
partir de la transformacin de sustancias
orgnicas, tenemos las fibras de celulosa
transformada de uso principal en papeles
tcnicos y fibras de triacetato de celulosa,
de aplicacin en procesos de restauracin
de papel
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

A pesar de ser usual el empleo de

insecticidas y germicidas en los diferentes
procesos de fumigacin, los serios
problemas de seguridad y toxicidad, el
limitado espectro de accin y, algunos
efectos colaterales sobre los soportes, han
orientado las recientes investigaciones a la
bsqueda de mtodos no qumicos que
garanticen mayor efectividad en los
En este campo, recientes investigaciones
han demostrado que el efecto de
reemplazar el oxgeno del aire por un gas
inerte, como el nitrgeno o el argn,
produce un efecto letal en todas las fases
de desarrollo de ciertas especies de insectos
y microorganismos deteriorantes. Por lo
tanto, en la actualidad, es considerado
como un mtodo alternativo de
desinsectacin y como un proceso de
estabilizacin de problemas por mohos,
hongos y bacteria.
El Archivo General de la Nacin de
Colombia, con el propsito de dar a
conocer estos nuevos mtodos, public en
Con-Tacto No. 2 el artculo Tratamientos
no Txicos de Desinsectacin con Gases
Inertes escrito por la Doctora Nieves
Valentn, cientfico de la conservacin del
Instituto de Conservacin y Restauracin
de Bienes Culturales de Madrid (Espaa).
En este se describe el mtodo prctico de
desinsectacin utilizando gases inertes en
bolsas de plstico de baja permeabilidad,
se dan las especificaciones tcnicas
correspondientes y el equipo y materiales
necesarios para el tratamiento.

mtodo de desinsectacin con atmsferas

modificadas lo constituye la barrera
plstica utilizada para construir la cmara
donde son tratados los documentos. Se
disearon pruebas para determinar la
permeabilidad al oxgeno de algunos
plsticos de fcil consecucin en el
mercado, como el poliestireno y el PVC
plastificado; con las lminas de plstico a
analizar, se fabricaron bolsas de un
volumen aproximado de 0,5 m3, de unin
por termosellado.
Se utiliz como gas inerte el Nitrgeno,
con un flujo inicial de 10 lts/min y posterior
de 7 lts/min hasta conseguir niveles de
oxgeno cercanos al 0%. El monitoreo de
la concentracin de oxgeno al interior de
la bolsa fue realizado mediante un
Oxmetro marca ESD modelo 600 con una
sensibilidad de 0,1%.
De los plsticos analizados el Polietileno
fue el de mayor permeabilidad al Oxgeno
externo, sobrepas en las 60 horas de
tratamiento (menos de tres das) el 1,0%
de Oxgeno; por el contrario las bolsas
fabricadas con PVC, registraron menor
permeabilidad a la entrada de oxgeno
externo manteniendo niveles inferiores al
1,0% durante un perodo entre 7 y 12 das.
El calibre de las lminas de PVC
plastificado, result ser inversamente
proporcional a la permeabilidad al
oxgeno, a mayor espesor, menor entrada
de oxgeno externo a las bolsas de
tratamiento. El PVC de 300 micras de
espesor, present menor permeabilidad al
oxgeno manteniendo niveles inferiores al
1,0% durante 158 horas de tratamiento, que
representan aproximadamente 12 das.

El Laboratorio de Restauracin con miras

a implementar estas nuevas tcnicas para
el control del problema de deterioro por
insectos en material documental, ha
empezado a experimentar con productos
nacionales que puedan suplir los materiales
de importacin, y as favorecer su
aplicacin en cualquier archivo del pas
donde sea requerido.

El tiempo de tratamiento de desinsectacin

con atmsferas modificadas dependen, entre
otras variables, de la especie de insecto a
erradicar. De los ensayos hasta ahora
realizados, la especie de mayor resistencia
corresponde a los escarabajos del tabaco
Lasioderma serricorne F., con 192 horas
de exposicin a menor de 0,1% de oxgeno,
para un nivel de mortalidad del 100% de
todas las fases de su ciclo de vida.

Quizs el material ms importante para el

montaje y adecuado funcionamiento del

Para un proceso de desinsectacin por

anoxia, se puede utilizar una pelcula


semirgida de PVC de 300 o ms micras

de espesor. Con miras a mantener niveles
de oxgeno inferiores al 0,1% se puede
realizar inyecciones peridicas de
Nitrgeno con un flujo de 10 lts/min cada
cinco das hasta alcanzar un nivel de
mortalidad del 100%.
Las lminas de PVC plastificado, se
pueden conseguir en el comercio con el
producto elaborado por Filmtex S.A. con
distribuidores en todo el pas.
Para el montaje del tratamiento de anoxia
en el control de insectos en material
documental, es importante contar con la

asesora de personal especializado en

dichos procedimientos.

Aereo 37555. Santaf de Bogot.

Colombia Telf. 337.3111 al 49.

El Laboratorio de Restauracin del Archivo

General de la Nacin seguir evaluando
nuevos materiales industriales que
podamos apropiar en la implementacin de
nuevos mtodos de control biolgico para
la conservacin de material documental.

Fax: 3372019
Fuente: CONTACTO. Nrs 4 y 5. Octubre 1996


KRAEMER, G. Tratado de la Prevencin

del Papel y de la Conservacin de
Bibliotecas y Archivos. Madrid, 1973

RUSK K., Michael, et al. The Feasibility

of using modified atmospheres to control
insect pests in museums.

por: Helbert Guerrero F. Bilogo




Para mayor informacin favor contactar a:

Dra. Myriam Meja. Archivo General de
la Nacin . Carrera 6. No. 6-91. Apdo.


Jornadas Nacionales de MICROISIS. Argentina
Organizadas por el Centro Regional de
Investigacin y Desarrollo de Santa Fe.
CONIVEY-SECYT. Auspiciadas por el
Ministerio de Educacin de la Provincia de
Santa F, se llevaron a cabo en la ciudad de
Santa Fe ente el 22 y 24 de octubre de 1997.
Las Jornadas pretenden constituirse en un
foro de debates de ideas, innovaciones en
lo referente a las nuevas tecnologas
informticas y de comunicaciones
enmarcadas en el uso de MicroISIS.

La versin definitiva de WINISIS, (tal

como anunci Ernesto Spinak durante las
Jornadas), incluir el bloqueo necesario
para trabajar en red.
WINISIS tiene dos opciones:
a) menes de bsqueda solamente
b) menes de acceso completo.
Los dos son totalmente configurables por
el administrador de la base.

funciones de ISIS.DLL pueden coexistir

con otras aplicaciones que utilizan software
Para el mejor aprovechamiento de su poder
es indispensable un conocimiento de ISIS.
Los programadores con previos
conocimientos de ISIS Pascal o de la
Interfase CISIS no tendrn dificultades en
el uso de ISIS.DLL.
El ISIS.EXE es un Gestor de bases de
datos; ISIS.DLL y el lenguaje de
programacin nos permiten desarrollar
diversos sistemas de gestin bibliotecaria,
estadsticas, administrativa, contable, etc.



Es el paquete distribuido por UNESCO, en

reemplazo de la versin ISIS DOS. Esta
versin beta -o sea, a prueba, para que el
usuario descubra los errores y notifique los
mismos a los programadores- tiene todas
las funciones de la versin DOS ms
nuevos formatos de visualizacin que la
hacen mucho ms amigable y le dan todas
las ventajas del entorno Windows.

ISIS DLL es al entorno WINDOWS como

ISIS PASCAL es al entorno DOS,
prcticamente sin limitaciones. Una DLL
(dynamic link library) es una biblioteca (de
archivos) de vnculos dinmicos que
permite realizar cualquier operacin que
cumpla MicroISIS.

En el caso de la gestin bibliotecaria, se

pueden desarrollar mdulos de prstamo,
adquisicin de material, carga controlada,
bsqueda, definicin de bases, kardex,
estadsticas, etc.

Es una herramienta para el desarrollo de

aplicaciones ISIS de interfase grfica en
entorno MS Windows versin 3.1, MS
Windows 3.11, Windows 95 y Windows
NT. Para esto se debe contar con un
lenguaje de programacin que soporte
DLLs, por ejemplo: Visual Basic, Delphi,
C, C++.

Es un utilitario armado por Bireme, que

permite realizar operaciones de carga y
bsqueda en Bases de Datos ISIS por
intermedio de INTERNET en WEB. Para
poder implementarlo es necesario tener
conocimientos de CGI y HTML.

Existen nuevas funciones en el formato de

pantalla que permiten el llamado a
aplicaciones de Windows, otras bases en
ISIS, imgenes, sonido, etc. Esto nos
posibilita realizar bases de datos
multimedia. Winisis, adems, es capaz de
abrir ms de una base de datos
simultneamente; hacer impresiones con
las facilidades que brinda Windows, y hasta
previsualizar el impreso.


ISIS.DLL es totalmente compatible con los

sistemas standard de CDS/ISIS, versin
3.07 para DOS y 1.0 para Windows. De
esta manera, las aplicaciones que usan


Es una DLL desarrollada por Bireme para
poder trabajar las bases de datos ISIS con
el lenguaje de programacin JAVA.
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

Abel Packer coment en el curso que, en

versiones futuras, ISIS ser un Gestor de
bases de datos orientado a objetos. Esto
pone a ISIS una vez mas a la vanguardia
de los Gestores de Bases de Datos
Para cualquier duda o consulta enviar un
mensaje a la lista.
Rosengerg, Alberto - Ugobono, Mnica Voena, Cristina
Centro de Documentacin e Informacin
Ministerio de Economa y Obras y
Servicios Pblicos

Ernesto Spinak (Uruguay)
Seminario de Bibliometra
Ernesto Spinak (Uruguay)
Sistema de gestin de prstamos y
reservas para MicroISIS.
Gloria Cardozo (Uruguay)
Interfaz amigable para bsquedas en
Paulo Cattelan (Brasil)
Breves nociones de cmo un usuario no
experto puede armar su home page
Eduardo Bogliolo (Argentina)

Isis y la transicin hacia la Biblioteca
Abel Packer (Brasil) (BIREME - OPS/
Isis y publicaciones cientficas
Abel Packer (Brasil) (BIREME - OPS/
Desarrollo de Interfaz para usuarios en
Eduardo Pablo Giordanino (Argentina)
La Biblioteca conviviendo en redes
mixtas con Unix y Novell
Eduardo Bogliolo (Argentina ) (USA)
Winisis para administracin de

Sistemas de Bsqueda interactiva para

Internet sobre bases de MicroISIS
Alejandro Ferreira Marcelo Kruk Capote
Carga controlada bajo Windows de
documentos (Base CEPAL)
Oscar Santomero (Argentina)
Carga controlada bajo Windows de
publicaciones CEPAL
Oscar Santomero (Argentina)
Winisis para Catlogos colectivos
Ernesto Spinak (Uruguay)
ECOSOC: Base de Datos Bibliogrfica
de Economa y Ciencias Sociales en CDRom utilizando una Interfaz en Visual
Basic y otra en Isis Pascal.
Cristina Voena - Alberto Rosemberg

(MEyOSP) - Oscar Santomero (Argentina)

Sistema de Prstamos, realizado en
Visual Basic 4 de 32 bits.
Oscar Santomero (Argentina)
Sistema de Estadsticas (Grfico y
Oscar Santomero (Argentina)
Norberto Manzano (Argentina)
Biblioteca Interactiva va Internet
Eduardo Bogliolo (Argentina)
Sistema de compra de material bajo
Oscar Santomero (Argentina)
CDS/ISIS Clearing House
Alejandra Chvez - Blanca Mateos
(Argentina) (CNEA)
Intranet y MicroISIS: desarrollo de
Eduardo Pablo Giordanino - Leonor Plate
(Argentina) (CPCECF)
Generador de pgina WEB a partir de
una base de datos ISIS
Norberto Manzano (Argentina)
Para mayor informacin favor contactar a:
Rodolfo Lhe. Universidad Argentina de
la Empresa. Biblioteca Central. Tel. (541)
3797513. Fax: (541) 3813859.
Fuente: : NOTIRED No. 6, junio-dic. 1997



Base de datos de INFOBILA ahora en INTERNET
Se informa a nuestros lectores que ya se
puede acceder a la Base de Datos
INFOBILA del Centro Universitario de
Investigaciones Bibliotecolgicas,
(CUIB) por intermedio del website de esta
institucin, ubicado en la siguiente

constituida como un Proyecto de Red

Regional de Cooperacin, y cuenta con la
participacin de los siguientes pases
latinoamericanos: Argentina, Brasil,
Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile,
Mxico, Panam, Per, Puerto Rico y

INFOBILA ofrece informacin sobre

informacin, archivonoma y temas

La base de datos de INFOBILA est

INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

relacionados. Actualmente cuenta con 1118

referencias, aproximadamente.
Por el momento su consulta y recuperacin
es en forma gratuita.
Para mayor informacin dirigirse a: Lic.
Emma Romero Tejeda. Co-responsable de
INFOBILA. Correo electrnico:
Tel.: (525) 6230369
Fuente: CINDOC



Este nuevo producto de UNIRED contiene:
DISCO 1. Bases de datos bibliogrficos
que rene mas de 600.000 registros
DISCO 2. Informacin institucional. Un
interesante recorrido en multimedia por
cada una de las bibliotecas que integran la
Una valiosa fuente de referencia para
investigadores, consultores, docentes y
estudiantes universitarios.
Realizado por el Ministerio de Economa
y Obras y Servicios Pblicos, este CD
ROM es el resultado del trabajo

cooperativo de 96 bibliotecas de
instituciones del sector pblico y privado
y de organismos internacionales que, mas
all de polticas y temticas, han decidido
aunar esfuerzos para registrar y difundir
los documentos que poseen. Los
participantes corresponden a: Buenos Aires
12, Capital Federal 61, Chubut 1, Crdoba
11, La Pampa 1, Mendoza 3, Neuqun 2,
Ro Negro 3, San Juan 1, Santa Fe 2.

sus bases de datos.

Se recibieron numerosas notas de
Para mayor informacin favor contactar a:
Leonor Plate. REDICSA.Centro de
Informacin Bibliogrfica. Viamonte
1549, piso 6. 1055 Buenos Aires.
Argentina. Tel/fax: 811-0050/59, int. 357.

El disco fue distribuido en Septiembre por

Araceli Garca Acosta (Ministerio de
Economa y Obras y Servicios Pblicos) a
todas las bibliotecas que participaron con

Fuente: NOTIRED, No. 6. jul-dic. 1997


La drglementation et la privatisation des
tlcommunications et de l'audiovisuel se
poursuivent en Amrique Latine. Attirs par
de forts potentiels de croissance, les
investisseurs trangers, notamment NordAmricains, mettent profit une lgislation
plus favorable pour dvelopper une offre le
plus souvent globale.
Quelles sont les relles opportunits
d'investissement dans les marchs SudAmricains?
Comment ces derniers se structurent-ils?

Audiovisuel & Tlcoms

enjeux, marchs, acteurs
en Amrique Latine

Une seule tude pour traiter et des tlcommunications et de

Iaudiovisuel sur un march en forte croissance: IAmrica Latine
A single study dealing with telecoms and audiovisual in a fast growing .
Market: Latin America
analytiques / analytics

Des donnes a la fois...

Giving at the same time...

Quelles sont les forces et les faiblesses des

acteurs en prsence?
En rponse toutes ces interrogations,
l'IDATE publie en versions anglaise,
espagnole et franaise, l'tude multiclient:
Audiovisuel & Tlcoms: enjeux,
marchs, acteurs en Amrique Latine
En s'intressant la fois aux secteurs des
tlcommunications et de l'audiovisuel, ce


Audiovisual & Telecoms

issues involved, markets, players
in Latin America

les enjeux: croissance, globalisation,

convergence/ the stakes: growth,
globalisation, convergence

le jeu des acteurs en prsence, locaux et

internationaux/ the interaction of opposing
players, local and international

quantitatives / quantitatives
La structuration des marchs: tous les chiffrescls, la radiographie de 22 pays latino
The market structure: all the key figures

Les monographies des 33 principaux acteurs locaux

Monograph of the 33 main local players
Les enjeux - Issues involved
Libralisation, concurrence
et investissements

Liberalisation, competition
and foreign investment

INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

rapport est l'une des rares tudes qui permet

aujourd'hui d'apprhender, dans leur
globalit, ces marchs en pleine mutation.

Louverture des marchs

La privatisation des oprateurs historiques.
La fin de monopoles de la tlvision
Larrive des oprateurs satellite.
Les nouveaux oprateurs du mobile.
Naissance dun march pan.amricain?

Opening up of markets
Privatisation of traditional operators.
End of monopolies on terrestrial
Arrival of satellite operators.
New mobile operators.
Birth of a Pan-American market?

La croissance
Le dynamisme du march des mobiles.
Cble, le cas particulier argentin.
Quels vecteurs pour la tlvision payante?
Exception culturelle et achat de
programmes amricains.

Dynamism of the mobile market.
Cable: Argentina as a special case
Vehicles for pay-TV.
Cultural exception and purchase of
American programmes.

Les investissements trangers

Limplantation des oprateurs europens
de tlcommunications.
Cble: prise de contrle par les groupes
Quels groupes pan-amricains?
Alliances nord-sud.

Foreign investments
Establishment of European telecoms
Cable: in the hands of American groups?

Il constitue galement l'une des rares

rfrences pour mieux connatre les acteurs
Vous trouverez ci-joint une description
dtaille de cette tude, commercialise au
tarif de 10.000 FRF HT.
Pour tout complment d'information, je reste
naturellement votre disposition. Vous
pouvez galement contacter le responsable
de ce rapport, Gilles Fontaine, Directeur du
dpartement Economie des mdias (tl: +33
(0) 467 14 44 40: email:
Latin America: Galaxy latin America, Sky
Latin America, Argentina: Cablevision-TCI,

Les marchs
Une radiographie des marchs des
tlcommunications et de l'audiovisuel
de chaque pays
Donnes de synthse

Data summaries.

Environnement rglementaire

Regulatory environment.

Tlvision hertzienne.

Terrestrial TV.

March du cable et du satellite

Cable and satellite markets.

Cinma et vido

Cinema and video.


Des panoramas
complets pour:

surveys to:


Donnes de synthse

Data summaries.

Environnement rglementaire

Regulatory environment.

Le tlphone de base

Basic telephony

Les communications mobiles.

Mobile telecommunications

Les services valeur ajoute

Value-added services

Les acteurs des monographies prsentant les

activits,les stratgies et, quand ils sont
disponibles, les rsultats financiers de ...

available in CD-Rom and paper formats Web


An X-ray ot the telecommunications and
audiovisual markets in each country

What Pan-american groups?

North-South alliances.

monographs comprising activities,
strategies and, where available,
financial results of...

comprendre la
situation actuelle
au travers de tous
les chiffres-cls,
prende du recul
pour mieux
apprhender le
des marchs, des
produits et
analyser les
en cours,
mettre en
perspective le jeu
des acteurs

understand the
situation with
the help of all
the key figures.
Stand back so
as to foresee
of markets, new
products or
analyse the
programmes of
re- organisation
in progress,
put players
activities into

Clarin, Grupo Federal de Comunicaciones.

Just published

Imagen Satelital, Telecom Argentina,

Telefnica de Argentina. Bolivia: Entel,
Brazil: Abril, Globo, Rede Brasil Sul,
Rede Bandeirantes de Televiso, Sistema
Brasileiro de Televiso, Telebras. Chile:
CTC, Entel, VTR Celular. Colombia:
Telecom Colombia. Costa Rica: ICE,
Ecuador: Emetel, Guatemala: Guatel,
Honduras: Hondutel. Mxico: Azteca,
MVS Multivisin, Televisa, Telmex.
Paraguay: Antelco. Per: Delgado-Parker,
Telefnica del Per. Venezuela: Cisneros,
Empresas 1-BC, CANTV

Le march mondial de l'audiovisuel et du


Institut de l'Audiovisuel et de
Tlcommunications en Europe - BP 4167 FR-34092 Montpellier Cedex 5

The World Film and Television Market.

Tel: 33 (0) 4 67 14 44 44

INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998




World Tlcom Operators.

Les marchs mondiaux des quipements de
World Tlcom Equipment Markets
2 tudes disponibles en version CD-Rom ou
papier. Actualisation sur le Web / 2 studies

Fax: 33 (0) 467 14 44 00

E-mail: -
Para mayor informacin favor contactar a:
Pascale VITALIS. Responsable du Marketing
et Communication. Tel. +33467144444. Fax:
467 144400.
Fuente: IDATE


O BIMA composto de informaes
textuais e visuais sobre produtos com
design relevante e desenvolvidos
prioritariamente no Brasil. Para participar
basta solicitar uma Ficha de
Arregimentao de Imagem, nos contatos
indicados abaixo. A imagem do produto,
deve ser enviada juntamente com a ficha
devidamente preenchida e assinada.
Para maiores informaes: Federao e
Centro das Indstrias do Estado de So
Paulo. Departamento de Tecnologia. Av.
Paulista, 1313 - 5o. andar - sala 510 01211923 So Paulo - SP. Brasil. Fone: (011)
Fax: 0112524633.


BIMA is made up of text and visual
information about products with
relevant design and developed
primarily in Brazil. In order to
participate of this service, just request
an Image Registration Form, contacting
the below-mentioned address. The
image of the product must be sent with
the form duly filled out and signed.

For further information, contact:

Federao e Centro das Indstrias do
Estado de So Paulo. Departamento de
Tecnologia. Av. Paulista, 1313 - 5o.
andar - sala 510 01211-923 So Paulo SP. Fone: (011) 252.4474/4400/4404.
Fax: 0112524633.
Source: IBICT

Fuente: IBICT

An Electronic Journal
The definitive on-line source of
information for electronic additions to your
library. View example reviews at the
journal homepage on:
The editor is Norman Desmarais,
Acquisition Librarian at Providence
College, Rhodes Island, USA. Norman has
20 years experience in the field of Library
and Information Management. He is
former Editor of CD-ROM Librarian and
CD-ROM World and has authored two
books on the subject of electronic media
along with many articles and reviews about
electronic material for a variety of


Reviews are written by librarians and
content comprises five core elements
which are used to describe each product.
Installation - Concerns all aspects
covering the installation of the product, e.g.
disk space.
Content - Is a product description, it
concerns product suitability for intended
audience, how comprehensive it is.
Search Engine - For on-line products only
Navigability - Concerning how easy they
are to move around.
User Information - Details the type of
documentation provided with the product.
Evaluation - Outlines the scale of product
For further information contact Gillian
Crawford, e-mail:
or log on to the Internet at:
Source: ET Newsletter. vol. 19, issue 3, autumn

Reference and Collection Development: a
Bibliography, which can be found on the
World Wide Web at:
Topics covered include:
Reference and Collection Development
Remote Users
Intellectual Control of Electronic
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

Education and Training of Reference

Altering the Organizational Structure of
As the bibliography contains many
references to current materials on the topic
of collection development for electronic
resources, it may prove to be especially
useful to librarians with collection
development responsibilities.
This work forms part of a Web site for the
1997 ALA Reference and User Services
Association Presidents Program for the
1997 ALA Annual Conference in San
Francisco, Towards a New Vision of
Reference: Kaleidoscopic Collections and
-Real Librarians
The site contains some other resources that
might be useful for librarians with
collection development responsibilities,
including a page of links to collection
development policies for electronic
For further information contact: Robert C.
Richards, Jr. M.A., M.S.L.I.S. Technical
Services Librarian. University of Colorado
Law Library. Campus Box 402, Boulder,
Colorado 80309-0402. USA
Telephone: (303) 492-7535
Fax: (303) 492-2707
E-mail: rrichard@stripe.Colorado.EDU

Para mayor informacin favor contactar a:

Unin Latina. Apdo. Postal 086-Z Santo
Domingo. Repblica Dominicana. Telf.
(1809) 6880901 - 6876790.
Fax (1809) 686.3673.
Fuente: Terminmetro No. 24, junio 1997

MULTIMDIA audiovisuel,
tlcommunications de
Jacques Notaise, Jean Barda
et Olivier Dusanter
El multimedia -que se encuentra en la
confluencia de campos sumamente
diversos- emplea un vocabulario especfico
que a veces resulta poco claro para los
nefitos. Este diccionario es un manual de
referencia que no presenta un cmulo de
consideraciones tcnicas sino que expone
los conocimientos bsicos necesarios para
dominar el vocabulario del multimedia.
Las entradas vienen acompaadas de sus
equivalencias en ingls y de definiciones
precisas. Se le ha dado a algunos trminos
un segunda definicin, de carcter ms
Para mayor informacin favor contactar a:
Unin Latina. Apdo. Postal 086-Z Santo
Domingo. Repblica Dominicana. Telf.
(1809) 6880901 - 6876790.
Fax (1809) 686.3673.
Fuente: Terminmetro No. 24, junio 1997


La edicin del presente glosario, fruto de

la cooperacin entre la CMTI (Comisin
ministerial de terminologa informtica, en
Francia) y la Afnor, se ha llevado a cabo
en el marco de la actividad de enriquecimiento de los vocabularios tcnicos en
lengua francesa. Su publicacin fue posible
gracias al apoyo financiero prestado por la
DGLF (Dlgation gnrale la langue
franaise) y el CNET (Centre national
dtudes des tlcommunications). Las
entradas en francs, van seguidas de su
equivalencia en ingls y de una definicin.
INFOLAC, Vol. 11, N 2, 1998

Para mayor informacin favor contactar a:

Unin Latina. Apdo. Postal 086-Z Santo
Domingo. Repblica Dominicana. Telf.
(1809) 6880901 - 6876790.
Fax (1809) 686.3673.
Fuente: Terminmetro No. 24, junio 1997

Source: ET Newsletter. vol. 19, issue 3, autumn 1997



remiten a las pginas del corpus del lxico

para facilitar la consulta.

Franais - Anglais - Arabe

Editado por Abdelkader Fassi Fehri
Publicado, bajo la autoridad de la Rint, por
el Institut dEtudes et de Recherches pour
lArabisation (IERA) de Rabat, Marruecos,
este lxico trilinge ha sido elaborado por
un equipo pluridisciplinario formado
principalmente por terminlogos,
lingistas e informticos. Los trminos de
la nomenclatura han sido seleccionados
partiendo de varios bancos de datos, entre
los que consta el BTQ, y de diccionarios
de informtica de gran difusin, en las tres
lenguas. El corpus del lxico est
compuesto por trminos en francs
ordenados alfabticamente y seguidos de
sus equivalencias en ingls y rabe. Al final
del libro, un ndice de los trminos en
ingls y otro con los trminos en rabe

Brasil: Marco legal e

Institucional das Atividades
de Informao Cientfica e
We inform that IBICT has put out the
document Brasil: Marco legal e
Institucional das Atividades de Informao
Cientfica e Tecnolgica, written by Maria
Dias Bicalho and Luiz Antonio G. da Silva,
which is available, as a whole, at the
following electronic address:
bibvirtu/marco with the respective contact
with the authors.
For more information please contact: Jos
Rincn Ferreira. IBICT. Director. Telf. (5561) 217-6350.
Source: IBICT

Depsito Legal N 88-341 / ISSN

Publicado bajo el auspicio de la
Divisin de Informacin e Informtica de la UNESCO. Caracas
y de la Biblioteca Nacional de Venezuela. Published under the
auspices of the Information and
Informatics. Division of UNESCO-Caracas and the National
Library of Venezuela.
Comit Editorial/Editorial
Committee: Isidro FernndezAball / Ramn Parra Useche /
Elena Sosnowski.
Diagramacin, Montaje e Impresin/Artistic conception, layout
and printing : Unidad de Artes
Grficas e Impresin UNESCOCRESALC.



1. Miembros del
Consejo de
Luis Vidal, Asesor, Biblioteca
Nacional de Argentina (1045) Agero
2502 - 1er. piso. Buenos Aires.
Telf.: (54.1) 806.61551.
Fax: (54.1) 806.6157
Annette Smith, Deputy Director
National Library Service, Coleridge
Street, Bridgetown. Phone: (1246)
4366081. Fax: (1246) 4361501
Joy Isaguirre. Director. National
Library Service. P.O. Box 287 Belize
City. Belize. Phone: (501) 2.34248/9.
Fax: (501) 2.34246,
Ren Arze Aguirre, Director,
Biblioteca Nacional de Bolivia
Casilla Postal 793, Sucre
Telf.: (591-64) 51481; 52.986; 52246;
Fax: (591-64) 61208
Jos Rincn, Director. Instituto
Brasileiro de Informao em Ciencia y
Tecnologa (IBICT) SAS QUADRA 5.
Lote 6. Bloco H. 70070-914 Brasilia.
DF. Telf: (55.61) 321.5894. Fax:
(55.61) 2262677
Mauricio Rojas Giraldo, Jefe Div.
Sistemas de Informacin
Transversal 9, N 133-28, Apartado
Areo 0511580. Bogot, D.E. Telf.:
(571) 2169800. Fax: (571) 6251788
Max Cerdas Lpez, Director de
Informacin Consejo Nacional de
Investigaciones Cientficas y
Tecnolgicas (CONICIT)
75 mts. este de la Retonda de Zapote,
Apdo Postal 10318, 1000 San Jos
Telf.: (506) 224.4172. Fax: 2252673
Humberto Arango Sales, Director de
Relaciones Internacionales, Ministerio
de Ciencia, Tecnologa y Medio
Ambiente. Prado y San Jos. Capitolio
Nacional. Apdo. Postal 4017. La
Habana 4, Telf: (537) 626606.
Fax: (537) 338054.


Ana Mara Prat Trabal, Jefe Depto.
Informacin, Comisin Nacional de
Investigacin Cientfica y Tecnolgica CONICYT.. Canad 308, Casilla 297V, Correo 21, Santiago, Chile
Telf. (562) 2744537; Fax: (562)
Francisco Salgado, Decano
Facultad de Investigacin
Universidad del Azuay. Av. 24 de
Mayo. 7-77. Cuenca, Ecuador
Tel: (5937) 881333
Fax: (5937) 815997
Helen Guardado de Del Cid, Directora
Bibliotecas y Archivo. COLCULTURA
San Salvador, El Salvdor. Tel. (503)
2216312, 2715661. Fax: (503) 2218847
Dina Jimenez de Chang. Universidad
de San Carlos de Guatemala, Calle 15,
4-47. Zona 1, Guatemala. Telf.: (5022)
4769577. Fax: (5022) 4768906.
Mario Ramrez, Jefe
Departamento de Informtica
Secretara de Educacin
2da. y 4ta. Avenida, 1ra. calle,
Comayagela, Honduras
Fax: (504) 381666
John Aarons, Director
National Library of Jamaica
12 East Street. P.O. Box 823
Kingston. Jamaica, W.I.
Tel: (876) 9672494, 9672496, 9672516
Fax: (876) 9225567
German Osornio, Coordinador General
de Informacin. Subsecretara de

Educacin Superior e Investigacin

Cientfica. SEP, San Fernando N 1,
Col Toriello Guerra. Delegacin
Tlalpan, Mxico DF. Telef.: (525)
723.6717. Fax: (525) 723.6729.
E-mail: gosornio@titan.sep.gob.mex

Office of the Prime Minister

P.O. Box 547
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad
Tel: (1868)624.5835/623.6137

Jimmy Alvarado, Director
Biblioteca Nacional Ruben Dario
Apartado Postal 101. Managua,
Nicaragua. Tel: (505)2897517/8
Fax: (505) 2894387

Ernesto Spinak Fontn
Casilla de Correo 1258
Correo Central
Montevideo, Uruguay
Tel.: (5982) 623791
Fax: (5982) 623352

Dalila Rienzzi, Coordinador, Centro de
Documentacin, Secretara Tcnica de
Planificacin, Palacio de Gobierno.
Pte. Franco y Ayolas, Edif. Ayfra, Piso
3, Asuncin. Paraguay. Telf.: (595-21)
491159; Fax: (595-21) 491159
Alberto Cceda Farfn, Director.
Centro Nacional de Documentacin e
Informacin. Cientfica y Tecnolgica
Calle del Comercio 197, Lima 41
Apartado Postal 1984. Lima 100. Lima
Per. Telf. (511) 225.1143
Fax.: (511) 475.6928/225.1145,
Hctor Bez, Secretara de Estado de
Educacin, Bellas Artes y Culto.
Director General de Informtica. Av.
Mximo Gomez N 2. Santo Domingo,
Repblica Dominicana. Tel.: (809)
221.8421 Fax.: (809) 686.0405
Naula Williams, Director of Library
Services. Central Library
P.O. Box 103. The Morne, Castries
Tel.: (758)4522875
Fax: (758) 4527053
Pamella Benson, Director
Library Services Division

Alfonso Quintero R., Director de
Cooperacin Internacional. Biblioteca
Nacional de Venezuela. Foro
Libertador. Cuerpo 3, AP-4.
Altagracia. Caracas - Venezuela.
Telf. (582) 505.9153
Fax: (582) 505.9139

2. Miembros del
Comite Ejecutivo
Son miembros electos del Comite Ejecutivo los integrantes del Consejo de
INFOLAC, correspondientes a los siguientes pases: Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Cuba, Mxico, Per, Trinidad
y Tobago.

3. Secretara
Isidro Fernndez-Aball, Consejero Regional, de la Divisin de Informacin
e Informtica de UNESCO para Amrica Latina y el Caribe.Calle Acueducto c/Av. Los Chorros, Edif. Asovincar,
Altos de Sebucn, Apdo. 68394, Caracas 1062, Venezuela. Telf.: (582)
286.0721; 286.0555
Fax: (582) 286.04.60

Para mayor informacin dirigirse a/For further information: Isidro Fernndez

Aball o Ramn Parra. Divisin de Informacin e Informtica (INF/LAC)
UNESCO/Caracas. Apartado 68394, Caracas, 1062-A Venezuela. Telfonos:
(58.2) 286.07.21/05.55 Fax: (58.2) 286.04.60

U N E S C O / I N F / L A C . C INFOLAC,
A R Vol.
A 11,CN 2,A1998S

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