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Justification on Selection of Aladdin for Year 2

For this particular task I have selected the story of Aladdin, a fairy tales type of story,
as the literary material for the purpose of the teaching of language art in Year 2 ESL
classroom context. The story chose meet the needs for the development of Year 2 pupils in
the aspect cognitive, aesthetics, social and moral dimensions. Thus, this writing will
thoroughly elaborate the advantages of the story in the perspective of this four criteria.
Several criteria are deliberately incorporated as they are related to each other and easy to e
explained in one context.
It is widely believed that literature-based instruction can positively influence the
language development of primary school students (Morrow, 1992). Aladdin are filled with
many linguistic advantages such as simplicity of sentence structures and vocabulary used in
context and make learning of English language skills easy and simple. They help to improve
ESL learners vocabulary and motivate them to learn the four language skills namely
listening, speaking, reading and writing more effectively. Among the examples that can be
seen in the story are the several phrases used with the objectivity of enhancing the pupils
ability in using simple sentences in English. This form of sentences are used repetitively
throughout the story are perfect to drills the use of simple sentences to the pupils so as to
encourage its usage in their daily life. With each sentences, different grammar rules can be
introduces to the pupils in the subtlest way. Pupils who has difficulty in learning grammar in
direct method can also gains more by learning through this story. With proper activity
implemented, this drills can be use not only to boost their reading skills, they also can be
integrated to attack another language skills such as writing, listening and writing. Provide
below are the several phrases provided in the storybook:
a) Aladdin was playing with his friend.
b) Aladdin and the magician travelled together.
c) Aladdin lit a torch.
The story also contain authentic, contextualized, natural and simple dialogues which
can help ESL learners not only in understanding the usage of English in a better way but
also in using these dialogues and important structures in their own life. In second language
teaching situations like Malaysia, where learners often have negative attitudes towards
reading in English, short story like Aladdin, can lend themselves to capturing and holding the
attention spans of learners and can help in transforming these negative attitudes into
positive ones.
Social, Moral Dimensions and Aesthetics

The use of Aladdin as literary material has many social and moral dimensions
benefits as well. In a multicultural cultural country like Malaysia, most pupils are exposed to
the context of Arabian way of life through the Islamic belief practice by the Malay society
surround them. Hence, material that provides contextual experience is easy to be
recognized, learn and absorbed by other pupils as they have seen the culture with their own
eyes. Through activities like drama and role play, the teacher can take the culture one step
further as the pupils not only can also learn the culture, they also can enjoy and have fun
with it by physically and emotionally engaged in the context with the aids of realistic props,
costumes and setting.
Though the story emphasized mythical elements in it like genies, magic lamp and
such, the story actually has its own ways of conveying values and moralities. It should be
strongly noticed that the elements exists are meant to emit imaginative aspiration to the
children and holds no judgment in any way towards others belief. The values in the story
includes bravery, respect the elders, the righteous prosper, the wicked suffer and several
more. In this regard, Pathan (2013) also elaborates this argument for the use of short-stories
and stresses that in the modern, culturally barren, world of today, where cultural values are
degrading every day and many evils and tribulations are infecting our young generation with
unthinkable bad habits, immoral deeds, immodest behavior and horrific crimes in their early
tender age, stories can be the best method of inculcating healing cultural and moral values.
The best way of thinking when reading the story is positive way. The Malaysian learners
familiarity, with this story, will not only make their learning of English easy but will rejuvenate
their cultural and moral values and instill appreciation towards others as well. Thus, story will
not only help them in developing their foreign language skills but also their moral character.
The beauty of the story of Aladdin is that it provides a new perspective to the children
of other cultural views and ways of life. The story takes place in Arabian surrounding, on a
time setting that happens a long time ago. The portrayal of authentic Arabian culture back in
the day where technologies are not at its peak, provided the medium for the pupils to be
imaginative and creative and go beyond their way of life. The story provides opportunity for
the pupils to appreciate the culture of ancient times and encouraged them to learn more
about it. Galda and Cullinan (2002: 7) claim that literature entertains and informs and it
enables young people to explore and understand their world and enriches their lives and
widens their horizons and through literature children learn about people and places on the
other side of the world as well as ones down the street. They can travel back and forth in
time to visit familiar places and people, to meet new friends, and to see new worlds. The
story is selected to allow the twentieth century learners to engaged with history and to have
close, if not perfect, visual imagery of world around them.

In conclusion, the story has it benefits as well as its disadvantages as a literary

material. However, if implemented taught appropriately, understanding the levels and
perceptions of the learners, the can create miracles not only in developing language skill like
reading comprehension but also in developing socio-cultural, moral and other personal traits
needed for the ESL learners.

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