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The purpose of this thread is to provide tips and techniques regarding manifesting

your dream life.

The first two things to always remember are:

1) Anything and Everything is possible. Literally. The only blockades are the ones
that you yourself create. If you find yourself approaching your desire as
"impossible", just realize you are making it impossible by continuously choosing
to view it as such. It's not impossible. Nothing is. Take a breath, remember
anything is possible. Anything.
2) You are manifesting 24/7. There is never ever a time when you aren't
manifesting. Reality is the mirror for your consciousness. Whatever state your
consciousness is in, is reflected in your reality. Paying attention to your attitude,
your thoughts and your feelings will allow you to see that your reality is in fact
reflecting everything, everything going on inside of you. Always.

---------------------------------------------------------------FIGURE OUT, EXACTLY WHAT IT IS THAT YOU WANT/WANT

You may already know, you may not already know. Sometimes the best way to
figure it out, is to pay attention to the negative judgments you make about
yourself and your life. Write down absolutely everything you want in a journal. Do
it from the positive. Don't write "I don't want to be fat anymore!" Write "I have a
great body!" Don't write "I don't want to be socially awkward!" write "I am a fun,
social person". Figuring out exactly what you want is the first step to controlling
your life and getting the life of your dreams.


Day dreaming is picturing your desire happening in the future. This is not what
you want to do. As we've already established, reality is the mirror for your state
of consciousness. Seeing it in the future will only reflect exactly that back to you:
Your desire existing in the future! And not now! And the longer you do that, the
longer your desire will stay in the future! You want your desire right now don't
"Want" will also be reflected back to you, as you "Wanting" your desire, meaning
that you don't have it.
Visualizing is different. The purpose behind visualization is perceiving yourself to
already BE exactly what you want to be. It's perceiving yourself as having right
now exactly what you want to have. Your mirror will then reflect that back to you!
PLAY PRETEND for 15 minutes a day. Pretend to already be that person, right
now. FEEL IT! Pretend to already have those things that you want, RIGHT NOW.
Feel it to be real right now! What would it feel like if you had that one million
dollars right now? There'd be no worries about whether or not it was coming your
way, because you'd already have it! Those worries regarding your intention
wouldn't be there, because you'd already have it. And your mirror will reflect this.
The best times to do this, are in the morning immediately after waking up, as

you're falling asleep at night, and after meditation, while you're still in that
meditative state.


Spend 5 minutes a day, having a little mini celebration for how terrific of a
manifestor you are. Even if you are only manifesting negative things into your
life, CELEBRATE manifesting, and you're amazing manifesting powers. Do some
activity purposely designated for celebrating your manifestation powers. Once a
week, do it on a larger scale. Treat yourself to something, like a glass of wine, or
something that you enjoy, and remember that you are doing it to celebrate your
manifestation powers. This will super charge your manifesting, because like we've
established, reality is your mirror. Celebrating how awesome you are at
manifesting will be reflected back to you, especially if you are the type of person
that is used to beating themselves up for your desires not manifesting. Celebrate


Be like an expecting mother, arranging her unborn child's bedroom. Painting the
walls, building a crib, filling the room with stuffed animals, hanging cartoon
paintings on the get the idea. Prepare your environment and yourself
for your intention to manifest. What can you do to make space and to prepare
your environment for your desire? If you are trying to manifest a new car, clean
out your garage. Are you trying to manifest one million dollars? Well, how about
researching different banks? Go down to the mall, and find all the things you are
going to buy as soon as your "baby" arrives.
Actions like preparing your environment for your desires arrival act as triggers for
your desires to manifest in the physical realm. Literally, any action could be used
as a trigger for your intentions, as long as you believed in what you were doing.
You could hop up and down 25 times after telling yourself "Hopping up and down
25 times will trigger the manifestation of my desire." As long as you believe in it
fully and confidently, that action will be a trigger. I personally find it's best to keep
the action tied to the desire some how, because it's easier to be confident in the
action. So go clean that garage! Your new car is coming and it needs some space!
Go research what banks would be best to hold your large sum of money!


We sometimes harbor fears towards our desires and the manifestation of our
desires. Classic LOA material has convinced us to ignore those dirty negative
feelings/thoughts and stay focused on our desires. But this doesn't help. Ignoring
our negative thoughts and feelings does not make them go away, it simply keeps
us willfully ignorant to their existence. By facing, and paying attention to those
fears and negative feelings/thoughts, we gain understanding as to why exactly we
have that fear, and we begin to understand how that fear has been manifesting
into our reality. Feeling it dissolves the feeling, sheds light on the conditioned
thought cycles that created and sustained that feeling, and it allows us move
beyond it. Ignoring the fear will not get rid of it, nor will it stop it from
manifesting into your reality, it only serves to keep you ignorant of your fear.
Spend some time thinking about your desire, and see how it feels to you. If you
desire money, meditate on "money" for a little while and pay attention to the
feelings focusing on "money" produces. The way you feel towards money, is
exactly what your experience of money is. So figure out how you really feel about

money, and why you feel that way. This will help you bring to light thoughts that
may be contradicting your intentions, and therefor keeping them from
manifesting. Remember, anything is possible.
Let's say you want to manifest money. If you find yourself worrying where the
money is going to come from, it's because you are afraid the money won't
manifest, so then it won't. If you want to win the lottery, and you avoid checking
the results of the drawings, it's because you are afraid of being let down by not
winning. If you want a girlfriend/boyfriend but you are afraid to ask anybody out,
it's because you're afraid they will say no. These fears make us stand in place in
regards to manifesting our desires. The only way to break on through, is to face
those fears, as scary as it might be. Meditate on them, pay attention to them,
feel them, bring them from the darkness and into the light and dissolve them!
You can't fight your fears! You have to face them if you no longer want to lug
them around, and have them reflect back to you in your mirror.


This goes back to visualization. Let's say you want to manifest a new car. So you
do the visualizations of having it right now and already being there. A helpful
visualization exercise is to think and make plans FROM that state, of having a
new car. Think about what you would say to your friends or family about your
new car, and events that would immediately follow you getting that new car. Who
are you planning on driving around? Since you already have that car, what do you
plan on doing with it? Any road trips? If so, where to? Think forward FROM the
state of being that you desire. Feel that state of being as being real, right now, as
having already obtained it, and make plans FROM that state.
A good technique for visualization, is to see yourself right now as having your
complete dream life, then "remember" things that led up to that moment. Try and
remember talking to the car salesmen. What did he/she look like? Start from your
dream life, and remember backwards to your state now. Some of these invented
memories, will actually be the way things happen when your desire manifests.
How does it feel to be sitting in your dream car right now? Now think backwards
FROM there. "Remember" being at the dealership, seeing the people there. Let's
say you're intending for a new house. See yourself as having it RIGHT NOW, then
think backward. See the realitor who helped you find the house, remember taking
a tour of it....think backwards and build memories.
(this will be updated tomorrow/ anybody can contribute any techniques that have
worked for them and are encouraged to do so.)

How do you really view reality? I'm not asking how you want to view reality, I'm
asking how do you really view it? There is a massive difference. It's very easy to
want this subjective reality stuff to be real, so you convince yourself that you
believe it when you actually don't. This goes back to facing the fear, because
what's happening is you are just covering up your actual beliefs and feelings.
When you think about subjective reality/LOA/IM, how does it feel? Does it feel
comfortable, or does it feel desperate? Our conditioned views on reality don't go
away by covering them up with what we hope to be true, what we desperately
want to be true.
Pay attention to how you actually feel towards all of this. What are your true
feelings towards reality? Is it a stone, an unchangeable object that exists outside
of you? Are you afraid of truly committing to LOA/SR in fear of being crazy, or
judged by the people in your life? If deep down, you don't believe reality to be
malleable, then your reality will always reflect that back to you, regardless of how
much desperate dirt of wanting SR to be true, you shovel on top of it. You will
never get anywhere if you delude yourself into think you believe something that
you actually don't.
Pay attention to how you actually believe reality to be, and feel the feelings
associated with it. This turns that stone rock into sand. Refusing to pay attention
to your actual feelings keeps them solid, and in place. Having the strength and
the will to face them will help you get past them. Pay attention to how it feels,
and once you feel better about it all, let it go! See it for the illusion that it is, and
choose to see reality the way you truly want to. Face that fear of being judged
and let it go! A wave of peaceful euphoria rushes over me when I do this, and I
can calmly choose a new perspective, that doesn't feel desperate, or as if I am
trying to force it to be true, because there aren't contradicting beliefs existing
beneath it anymore.
This alone will help super charge your manifestations. Seriously, you want see
some immediate results when you examine your actually beliefs on reality and
decide to let them go, or transform them, or whatever you'd like to call it. When I
had first done this, it was literally like BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! just a series of
manifestations, that allowed me to truly see that infact these old, stale believes
were in fact holding me back.


Sometimes while intending and manifesting, we might intend for a desire to
manifest that includes other people. Sometimes this works, but a lot of times it
doesn't, and will only hinder your manifestation. Well, why is that? Look at your
perceptions of the people in your life. You see them as having their own lives,
goals, and desires, correct? Now, if we are intending to start a successful
business with all of our friends, this might not manifest. Why? Well it's because
we know inside, that Tom is actually a painter and he has aspirations of spending
his life painting and going in that direction, and Jill loves penguins and she wants
to go and spend time with penguins and do work there. So intending to start a
business with Tom and Jill won't manifest, because in our minds, we know they
have a different path to take, even though we may really really want them there
with us. Sometimes your intentions are just that...YOUR intentions. Not Jill's, not
Tom's. You are doing this for you. You want to start that business and the more
dependent this desire is on other people, whose life path's contradict your

intention in your mind, the longer you will wait for it to come into fruition.
Realize this is your path, and sometimes we have to walk our paths alone. While
it might be fun to have all 42 of our friends working in a bakery, the reality is we
perceive 38 of those 42 friends to have different desires, different intentions, and
different destinies than we have.
"Well what about those 4 of the 42? Can we still intend for them to be there with
us in that bakery?"
Yes and no. It truly depends on where you personally view those 4 people going
with their lives. The best way to manifest this type of desire, is to intend it solely
for yourself, not for them but for you. Always remember that just because you
are intending it solely for yourself, doesn't mean that you can't tell them about it,
and invite them to join you once the wheels start moving. But this is your life,
you manifest for yourself. Making your manifestations dependent on others is not
a good idea, especially if your views of those other people contradict your
intention right from the get-go. This isn't a selfish idea. You can still invite Tom
and Jill to run that bakery with you, but don't make your entire intention
DEPENDENT on it happened to you and all of your friends, or your family, because
it won't manifest. You make the decision in your head that this is what you are
doing. You are starting that bakery. You are moving to Buenes Aires. You are
going to start a band. You are going to be a millionaire. Be independent and now
where you are going. Decide that your intention is what you are doing. It's harder
to do this when that intention is wrapped around 42 other peoples' lives, who
each have their own paths to take. This is your path. Take it.
And you can always invite your friends and family along later, once it's happened.


Practice all of this on stupid, little, insignificant, things that you don't really care
about. Intend to manifest something small that you don't care about. For
instance, I manifested a really rare film, that I hadn't seen in a while. I didn't
care if it manifested or not, so there wasn't much "trying" to get it to work. There
were no desperate feelings attached to the film, and whether or not it would
manifest. I didn't care if it did or not. I flipped on the television guide, and turns
out that film, which hadn't been on television in a long while, was starting right
then and there. The craziest, eye opening part of this all, was that the time
wasn't on the hour or half hour. It was 6:45, and the film was starting at...6:45.
An awkward and rarely used time for programs to air on television, right? Seeing
the stupid little things manifest will boost your confidence for the "bigger" things
to manifest.
So spend time intending for small stupid things to manifest. A certain drink or
soda, a specific song, a get the idea. Just something dumb that you
don't really care if it manifests or not.


If you constantly view your desires as "big" or "hard" to manifest, they will be. If
you change it up and decide it's easy and no sweat, than it will be. This is true
with everything. If you're playing basketball against another team, they will be as

hard or as easy to beat as you believe they will be. If it's all no sweat, than it'll all
be no sweat! These words "big" "small" "easy" "hard" are simply labels that don't
really exist. You give these words their meanings. Nothing is ever hard, or easy,
but we simply choose to view them that way. Start becoming more aware of the
way you actually view things!
Every time you think "I can't", you make it true. Every time you think "This is a
big desire, it's going to be hard to manifest" you make it true. Every time you
think your desire will take a long amount of time to manifest, you make it true.
Be aware of your reactions and judgments of things in your life!

The key to all of this is consciousness, because manifestation is simply the
transformation of your consciousness. You are choosing a different state for your
consciousness to assume, and your reality reflects that. The key to understanding
your consciousness is honesty. You can't live in delusion, you need to be honest
with yourself. That's how you succeed in this game, by being honest with
yourself. By being honest with yourself, you allow yourself to see your own
psychological make up, and how that is constantly reflected back to you by your
reality. You need to be able to truly let yourself feel what you are honestly feeling.
You need to understand what thoughts are in your head. You can't lie to yourself
and say "I think I'm a millionaire!" when you have countless thoughts in your
head that say otherwise. This isn't about delusion. This is about being 100%
honest with yourself, to promote greater self understanding, personal growth, and
taking the reigns of your life by understanding the thought cycles that hold you
back, and transforming them into cycles that guide you where you want to go.
BE HONEST! It's easy!


Pay attention to how you feel about yourself right now. Not in a day dreamy type
of way, but honestly. Are you happy with yourself? Do you judge yourself? In
what ways do you judge yourself? What aspects of your life do you struggle?
Pay attention to it, and realize that you can feel great about yourself RIGHT NOW,
so do it! Warm up to who you are! You are awesome. When we feel about about
who we are, it changes the way our energy oscillates (you never lose or gain any
energy, just change the oscillation of it). When you feel great about you, your
reality changes drastically for the better to reflect that!

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