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Tiger 1 stephen black

If an Asian-American ivory tower had a garage sale, this would be it.

For those who like jam sessions and doodles, for those who like
blueprints more than finished buildings and for those who almost enjoy
seduction more than consummation.
Short stories, art, novels and texts of various kinds- none of which
can be said to be completely completed. I do value your time and hope
that the contents of Tiger interest you. With time, they will become
less raw. All comments are welcome.
Do check out the free samples of other Book Merah e-books.

Tiger 1 (February 2010)

An email critique about Contact With Shadow
You know what
Notes from ISEA 08
okay, so first off:
- the descriptions of old singapore remind me of being a kid there in the 60s
- i've always loved the area around armenian st and fort canning
- i think the history of armenians in asia is fascinating
- i work in publishing/my mum's family were printers
- i like food

so, i'm kind of a target audience ...

apart from finding the material interesting what i liked was:

• the writing reads smoothly and it's nicely written. there seems to be a fairly even
style despite the mix of material
• it conjures up a vivid picture of singapore
• it feels like it connects with your other art stuff and i can hear/see you in the
• it's sweet and serious and a bit freaky all at once, which i liked

some things that could be worked on?:

• visual flow and coherance, as i mentioned before. it would be nice to skim

through and immediately be able to recognise individual parts/threads (through
chapter headings/fonts...?) ... i think readers will forgive many kinds of
randomness/weirdness if the layout is pretty and invites 'dipping in and out'. at the
moment, what makes this a little confusing is that it appears random/collage like
(ie, seems to invite dipping in), but actually has to be tackled from start to finish
in order to make most sense.
• some material/pages a little confusing (e.g. the credit pages, some of the
photocopied material placed oddly ... but this also fits with your collage-type art
stuff so might be the effect you're aiming for ...)
• i didn't really understand the 'symbols' page or why it came when it did
• the 'background' pages ... this section felt a bit flat (but not finished?) ... maybe it
needs to be in another place? or split into smaller sections and scattered
• recipe pages ... could improve layout
• p32 a bit random? p83 could come later?

is it all your own words? best to make sure you credit all pics/words/quotes that are not

overall, i actually found it surprisingly easy to follow. not too weird, not too esoteric. but
i did read it in sequence. and my taste might be skewed.
Worse than the tropical, sunny asphalt on its belly,
and much worse than the SMSing driver,
was the terrorfact that
the python knew it was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
It tried to cross like a small magic river in a hurry
then coiled and launched what was left of itself
and I could hear it scream.

Try to imagine Pegasus mating with a unicorn and the creature that
they give birth to. I somehow tame it and ride it into the sky in the
clouds and sunshine and rainbows. That’s what it feels like.
Graham Watanabe., American skateboarder, on representing his country at
the Winter Olympics
Straits Times, February 21, 2010

Lion dance, lion dance.

Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang. clang.
I gave my art to a woman at a lion dance. I said throw it away and she
threw it away.
I gave her another little piece of my art and said maybe throw it away
and maybe she did.
Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang clang.
It was real loud.

NOTES FROM ISEA 2008, Singapore

There were many excellent speakers and most of these notes are other
people’s words. I jotted them hapahazardly and apologize for not
giving proper accreditation.
Feelings vs: information, data, commercialization, software/technology

Virtual worlds are theatre

Academics have their head up their elbows.ivory tower
Van Gogh martyrs- think it is glorious to be misunderstood lack of
talent and organizational skills can achieve this result
Organized Sound Cambridge University Press
Neoteny : Desire to be loved, juvenile traits in adults, avoids
Japan Media Arts Festival

Feelings as tools
The more technology we have, the more we need the human touch
Feelings are hidden structures
Feelings are molecules
Google searches 2-3% of the internet
The dark charming power of viruses
Write a virus= be a popstar
The virus of “lovers” which remakes language; contamination
Search engine artist
Vicon 2 viruses Yosha and plus plus
Facebook love and friends
Art is moving from object based to experience based
Relational aesthetics

Blast Theory
Drew Hemment
Venzha Christ
Hamilton, Southern and St. Amand
Hirakawa Norimachi
Tsuda Michiko
Maebayashi Akitsugu

stylus poetry
How is a great artist defined
Engineers, scientists, artists use technology not only as consumers but
as creators
Empirical senses
Art as a give-away
Art = science + technology
SB art = code
Not just ideas, but the execution of ideas
Why should flies be without art?
Virtual pets-tamaguchi
A swarm of angels
Engage the viewer, display the self
The Eiffel Tower
Keio Crimsonroom toshimitsu takagi

Five seconds of fun; dopamine

Creative industry vs. Cultural industry

Garage/hackers/students purity –the future

The best art will always generate FEELINGS confusion, love. Loss

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