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Programando el Power Drive

1. Realizar las conexiones en Superficie:

Quitar la tuerca de Tapon en el Tope de la Unidad de Control, para eso debe
usarse la llave en forma de barra corta.
Conectar el cable de prueba en la Unidad de Contro .El tapn en TSIM (135MA)
2. Alinear para determinar el Tool Face de la herramienta:
Conecte el alineador en la BIAS UNIT
Gire suavemente en el sentido contrario de las agujas del reloj hasta que se nivele
la gota en el nipple alineador.
3. Encienda el TSIM power Then Tool Power, los interruptores debajo del
interruptor de encendido deben estar en la posicion Loopback y Comm. Port

Primer Paso
Chequear La Unidad de Control y que exista comunicacion con la herramienta y el TSIM
(Dentro de la Unidad)
Check el comms (V3.31) y Sensor (V1.91) con OST o Sticker
Check los tamaos de los Datos. Inicialice (1 minuto)
Check el Voltaje de la batera (3.6v + / - 1v)

Segundo Paso
Editar el SCB de la herramienta para revisar la programacion que trae del laboratorio
Utilities SCB Editor

Edit Control RPM Threshold levels zero (0) for both. Job / Run
Number OK SCB Window.
Edit Logging. Default Values OK. SCD Window.
Edit Navigation --- Proportional Control Cycle time (300secs) --- Set tool
mode (4 pulse = less than 5deg. Inclination // 3 pulse more than 5deg.) --Default tool face phase shift (105deg) --- Neutral Phase DEFAULT OK
SCB Window.

Edit Downlink --- Mud flow parameters --- Mud Flow = Normal drilling
flow --- Low Flow = 20% to 30% lower than normal flow.--- NB. Low flow
must be higher than minimum flow by 10gpm to avoid tool reset. --- RTC and
FTC = 30secs. --- Pulse width time --- Min = digit time 10secs --- Max = digit
time X 1.4. --- Pulse height threshold = 90% OK SCB Window.
Edit Uplink. --- DEFAULT VALUES OK SCB Window.
Edit Mechanical --- Control Unit is high side --- RUN --- Stop --- Copy high
side to SCB OK SCB window.
FILE Save As --- Select name and directory --- SAVE.
Transfer Write SCB to tool --- both modules --- Select file just saved --open. --- continue if correct --- Exit --- SCB window --- Print copy for later
Exit SCB Editor File Exit Toolscope Window.

Tercer Paso
Registrar la Operacion de Funcionamiento

Communications Terminal mode --- check data sizes? --- Initialize log
memory (1min). Exit Tool scope window.
Diagnostics Acquisition --- Start --- 15minutes minimum --- Stop OK
Toolscope window.
Communications Terminal mode --- check data sizes? --- Initialize log
memory (1min). Exit Tool scope window.

Cuarto Paso
Chequear que se Cargara Correctamente el SCB File

Process Dump Memory SCB Comms module.--- Save as --- Continue.

Process Dump Memory SCB Sensor module.--- Save as --- Continue.
Utilities SCD Editor File Open --- Saved Comms Module retrieved
from tool --- Check with printed copy. OK.
Utilities SCD Editor File Open --- Saved Sensor Module retrieved
from tool --- Check with printed copy. OK.

4. Apagar el poder de la herramienta. --- Apagar el poder de TSIM.


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