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"O Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God is coming."


By God's providence, Moses' words were em


in the the Old Testament

Book of Psalms.

We have In mind Psalm 90. Among other things, Mo

ses declares: "The length of our days is seventy
years or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their
span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass,
and we fly away... Teach us to number our days
aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom" (Ps.
Time is a precious commodity and one to be
used wisely. Time for us is short, even though, at
times, we would like to think otherwise. Compared to
eternity it is infinitesimal. And yet that minuscule pe
riod of time determines our eternal destiny. So
teaches Scripture. That being the case, how signifi
cant is Moses' prayer: "Teach us [Lord] to number
our days aright." Moses encourages us to consider
our ways, how we live our lives day in and day out.
Are we living prudently, preparing ourselves for eter
nity? Do we live for those things that matter the
most? Ask yourself, am I living for the Lord, for His
causes and concerns and, in so doing, for others

know this from Scripture but experience its reality

when we ourselves pass through moments of testing
and grief.
And what about the world "out there?" One has

only to read the newspaper to see that life for many

is nothing but trouble and sorrow. Consider the for
mer communistic states of Europe. Yes, political free
dom has come. But has the lot of the vast multitudes

improved? For the most part, it has not. In fact, in

some quarters things have worsened. What can we
do and tell those who experience new difficulties and
sorrows? Just as for ourselves, we point them to the
Lord. As the apostle Paul proclaims, true comfort and
help come from God Himself. But, also, we are en
couraged to "share with those in need" (Eph. 4:28).
We at GMRM, together in partnership with you, our
supporters, will continue to do this throughout 1994.

Lord, help us to number our days and gain your wis



around me?

"That we may gain a heart of wisdom..." asserts

the prophet. To live wisely, that's the point. And
where Is wisdom to be found? Job answers that

question unequivocally: "The fear of the Lord that

is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding" (Job
28:28). The person that fears God in a healthy
manner takes care to consider his or her ways and
live in obedience to the Lord. By avoiding evil with
God's help, such an individual gains a heart of wis

Moses, the psalmist, also enunciates another

reality that our lives are filled with trouble and sor
row. At some point In our lives we all have or will ex
perience difficulties and sadness. Are we prepared to
face them head on? The Christian possesses a sour
ce of comfort, strength and hope. The Apostle Paul
experienced it and wrote: "Praise be to the God and
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of com

passion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us

in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in
any trouble with tlie comfort we ourselves have re
ceived from God" (2 Cor. 1:3-4). We, as believers.

In each issue of the Cher, we like to remember

the names and lives of those who are so dear to us,

but who temporarily are not able to be with us, since

they are with the Lord.
We do envy them! But at the same time we hum
bly take our task of carrying the Gospel to the mil
lions who, as yet, do not know the Lord and are not
saved. Some live in Poland, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine
and here in North America, too. We believe that there

is only one way of salvation for all peoples, and that

Is through Jesus (Acts 4:12).
This month, in addition to our regular memorial
list, we would like to add the testimonies of a few

young individuals whose lives were affected by the

early death of Benjamin Peter Bajenski (February 16,
1989), George and Vera's son. We have followed the
lives of these individuals and now proudly present
them to you as a testimony that "Little is much when
God is in it."


NO. 4

It is very difficult for me to

think back to 1989. I should

have the perspective of it

being a year a friend of mine
went to go and see the Lord.,
to actually see and speaki to
Him. But in my humanness, I
remember a terrible year of
My only earthly expe
Erin Beettam

rience with Ben was when

we were in grade nine together at O'Neill Collegiate

High School. I remember Ben as a talented speaker,
a kind schoolmate, and a very normal, very funny,
and very intelligent friend. He always had a very
special air to him that I could not explain, but even
before I knew why, his life struck me as an example,
though I knew not what of.
When Ben was killed that February, it was
extremely devastating to me. It challenged my
reasons for existence and left me puzzled at the

by giving me a best friend who shares his faith with

me, and now his life. Together we have many hopes
and dreams. God has granted me experiences 1 ne
ver dreamed of like traveling to Poland in the sum
mer of 1992 on a short term missions project. I know
it is the happy, joy-filled moments we like to keep
which is why I like thinking about them so much. It is
difficult to remember that time when my life was
painful and frightening. But, it is important for me to
keep those moments still in my heart to appreciate all
the more what God has given me, the things He
gives gladly to His children. And so 1 can thank Him
with a grateful heart for what He will do in the future,
no matter what, because 1 have seen Him work all
things for good.

I am presently a junior at
Cincinnati Bible College in
Cincinnati, Ohio. It's hard to

put into words how Ben's life

and death have affected my
life and, more importantly,

usefulness of any of it, as if someone as promising

and interesting as Benjamin could be removed in an

my spiritual walk with God.

Ben is a very good friend of
mine, and 1 will never forget


Perhaps the most shocking thing for me was

experiencing Benjamin's funeral. As I sat in my
terribly selfish melancholy at the funeral, I saw a man
stand in the face of losing his only son and thank
God for giving Ben to him. 1saw him raise his face in
hope and announce, "The bells are ringing in heav
en, the Lord is coming soon." I met a sad and frail
woman In the receiving line with warm, moist eyes
hugging friends, and offering words to those who
were weeping. Surely, I wondered, this is an im
possible thing!

Then, I began to grow up. I became friends with

Vera and George because they drew me in so much,
by their lives and their never ending stories of Ben
jamin, whom, I know now, I knew so little of.
God moved into focus not as some far off Creator

for whom there are no guidelines but someone close,

loving and willing to endure for me. I ended my year
of 1989 by accepting Christ as my Saviour in a little
town in Michigan. Since then He has made my life a
blessing by keeping me always in His grip.
At times I have not felt this to be so. Sometimes,

his "dare-to-be-different"
Paul Dyke

lifestyle. He wasn't afraid to

be himself or of what others

thought about him. The only thing Ben was con

cerned about and focused his entire life around was

serving the Lord with all of his heart, strength, soul

and mind, in spite of what others thought! That's one
of the aspects of Ben that 1 really admired. The po
pular saying used to be, "1 want to be like Mike
(Michael Jordan)," but I would like to challenge
everyone who reads this, like I challenge myself, to
"be like Ben," in the way he dedicated his entire life
at such a young age to serving and following Christ
in ail he did.

Personally, Ben has been a life-changing

inspiration to me. He made me realize that God can
use anyone to do great things regardless of age, if
we just allow Him to use usl
Thanks, Ben, for your Christian example and your
friendship... 1 can't wait to see you again in heaven
some day!

He has allowed things to happen for my good that I

haven't liked, or that were difficult for me, but after 1

1 always recall Benjamin

whenever 1 give testimony
on how my decision to follow

have always been able to see where He was leading

me all along.

Now I write to you as I go to attend a student

leadership conference in Nova Scotia, for InterVarsity
Christian Fellowship, of which I'm part of at York Uni
versity in Toronto. Sitting next to me is my wonderful

Christ came about. While I

was growing up, I attended

Westway Christian Church.
From time to time I remem

fiance, Jonathan. I'm looking forward to the next year

as he's been placed as president of our chapter's
executive for the year and I plan to help him with
that. 1am so grateful for the joy God has given to me

ber seeing Ben. I noticed

that he had something diffe
rent in his life that mine was
Jeff Ponke

missing. He liad tlie confidence and peace tliat

comes from being right with God through Christ Je
sus. Although we never became good friends, Ben's
witness influenced me greatly.
Now it is difficult for me to explain alt of what
happened in my life after Ben's death. I know that, "in
all things God works for the good of those who love
Him, who have been called according to his purpose"
(Rom. 8:28). Ben's funeral has to be one of the most
moving experiences of my life. Through all the tears,
however, I recall the hope in George and Vera's
eyes. Like a light piercing through the darkness was
the hope of Christ Jesus in their lives piercing
through the sorrow.
"It is well with my soul, Ben. It is well with my
soul," said George Bajenski at the funeral. I knew
then that I needed this same hope that George, Vera
and Ben had. I needed Christ Jesus in my life.
Soon after, God's Word came alive in my life. The
words of the Bible seemed to jump out of the page at
me. On May 26, 1991, I was baptized into Christ Je

Over the past three summers, I have had the pri

vilege of going to Papua New Guinea, Jamaica, Po
land and Belarus on 3 short-term mission projects. I
am now at Johnson Bible College, Knoxville, Tennes
see, and hope to be a missionary to take the Good
News of Christ around the world so that others may
see the light of Christ Jesus and have the peace,
hope and forgiveness that He freely gives.

Five years have passed

since the day when so sud
denly and unexpectedly God
took Ben from us to His

heavenly places. I do re
member this dreary day.! felt
as if I had lost an older

brother. I had so many won

derful moments with him. I

learned so much from him...
but even this is not the most important thing.
There is one much more important reason why
memories of Ben will never be erased from my heart.
It is the living testimony of his life. It follows him even
though he has left us. Thanks to it, I decided to give
my life to God and to serve Him with all that I have.
So today my greatest desire is to live in such a
way that the testimony that I leave behind me might
bring much praise and pleasure to God. I have
already learned that with the passing of time we for
get many things. But the example and life-giving tes
timony left for us by Ben that directed us to the Lord
will always be with us.
(Lukasz is the son of Andrew Bajenski who is the
pastor of the Warsaw Church. Lukasz was the first to
our knowledge who, after Ben's death, immediately
resolved to give his young life to Jesus. Lukasz is
now a sophomore in high school. He is an active
youth leader with our Warsaw church youth and one
of the founders of the champion "Pulawska Brothers"
basketball team of the Warsaw Church. His sports
hero is Michael Jordan.)

I have found God! And

now I am happy. I have

found Him to be my personal

Saviour. Now I do know the

reason why I am living and

where I am going. For me
Ben's death became the final

In February of 1989, by

contributing factor of my re
pentance and acceptance of
Lena Kravetz

the decision of the GMRM

Board of Directors, the Ben


We don't know how many days there are for us

on this earth. It may seem that we are young and that
we will live forever. Benjamin managed to accomplish
what is most important during his short life with us.
This should be true with all of us. We, too, should
come to know and remember our Saviour while we

are still young.

(Lena is Benjamin's second cousin living in
Minsk, Belarus. She was not raised in a Christian fa

mily but in an environment hostile to Christianity.

Benjamin met Lena and her family only one time, in
1988, but even this short visit left a lasting im
pression on the life of Lena and her mother, Tanya.
Both of them accepted the Lord last year and are
now exemplary Christians in a Minsk church.)

jamin Bajenski Memorial

Fund was established. This

Ben Bajenski

Fund is still alive and func

tioning to this day.

From this Fund in the past five years we were
able to grant scholarship assistance to Bible college
students preparing for Christian ministry, especially in
central and east Europe. We were able to give
scholarship grants to young people from Poland,
Belarus, and the Ukraine who desired to attend our
summer church camp in Poland. From special desig
nated donations we were also able to complete re
novations of the Memorial Chapel-Barn at the Ostruda Church Camp in Poland.
We thank ail of you who contributed to this Fund

and to all who still remember this on-going ministry

through GMRM the Benjamin Bajenski Memorial

In memory of: Olga Forsiuk

Walter & Edward Shawlinski
Tom Shawlinski
Joe & Tena Forsiuk
Fred Posnikoff


on One.



Given by: Nettie Forsiuk

In memory of: Mike Borlsenko
Given by: Mary Borlsenko

In memory of: Benjamin Bajenski

Given by: North Industry Christian Church
Gordon & Rebecca Souder

David & Kathryn Dyke


Charles Morris

George & Vera Bajenski

Eva Nourse

Fred & Pauline Nayduk

George & Lucille RepetskI
Hannah Fellowship, Springfield, OH
Wanda Isaac

\J J


In memory of: John Huk, Jr.


Given by: George & Vera Bajenski

In memory of: John K.,Sr. & Mary Huk
Given by: Fay Elenko

I am . . ,


In memory of: Rev. & Mrs. Ignat Sidorchuk

Given by: Sarah & Joseph Redlich

I have . . .

i ever hope to be

/ now and forever dedicate to the Lord Jesus Christ fur

His use and glory, absolutely, unconditionally, woiv and
forever. Romans 12:1,2: Proverbs 3:5,6: Phil. 2:12-15.

In memory of: Paul Nourse

Given by: Eva Nourse
In memory of: Katie Wandich
Given by: John & Helen Martin
Sarah & Joseph Redlich


George & Vera Bajenski

Witness _

Fred & Pauline Nayduk

Ron & Judy Nayduk


In memory of: Demid & Katherine Wandich

Given by: Olga & Willy Emter


Vera Bajenski
George Bajenski
Paul Diatel

George Repetski
Jacob Repetski

In memory of: Paul Brucki

Given by: Katherine Brucki

Office Assistant

Polish Ministry
Ukrainian Ministry
Russ/Belarusian Ministry
Belarusian Ministry

Our Mailing Address Is:

Global Missionary Radio Ministries
4141 Dixie Road, Box 20

In memory of: Harasim Sachar

Given by: Paul Sachar

Mississauga, Ontario

L4W 4X9

Tel. (905) 564-3578

Fax. (905) 564-6732

Box 104, Geneva, Ohio 44041

In memory of: Fred Posnikoff

Given by: Pauline Posnikoff and Family

Address Correction Requested

Published 6 times a year.

Printed in Canada.

"O Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God is coming."


"He is not here. He is risen. Just as he said!"

Ero Her 3Aecb; Oh BocKpec, KaK cKa3a;i!

(Matthew 28:6)
We have heard it said often: this is the time of

part this does not cause any particular difficulty.

opportunity for Christians to get involved in Russia

However, at times it does.

and other countries of the Commonwealth of Inde

Let me give you one small example. Russian

Christians find it strange when Christians from the
West conduct a Communion service with pieces of
crackers and little plastic cups or an everyday glass.

pendent States (CIS). This is true. And, indeed, ma

ny Christians and Christian organizations have en
tered Russia and, at different levels of service, they
are reaching out to the nations in this part of the
world. God has opened the doors to Eastern Europe

Before western missionaries came to Russia, this

practice was largely unknown to believers there.

that at one time were communistic and, therefore, no

Russians believe a loaf of bread that is broken must

true missionary effort from the West was allowed to

function. Now, praise God, there are many opportuni
ties for western Christians to actually live and work

be used. Also, a chalice with wine is proper. Why?

Because this act is not commonplace, but sacred. As
western believers we must be sensitive to such

for the Lord in these countries. Many have taken up

the challenge.
Because we of GMRM are of Slavic background,
it has been interesting to observe how the local peo

seemingly small issues.

Another issue. As individuals and Christian orga
nizations have gone to Russia, their efforts in evan

ple work with missionaries from western countries.

Usually the working relationship has been functioning

Christians. This is wonderful. Still, sometimes these

well. Russian believers, for example, show a great

appreciation for the service of fellow believers from

the West in their country. We feel that both western
and Russian Christians have something to learn from
one another. And when missionaries from the West

go to Russia therefore, the work of the Lord goes on

with heartening results.
Of course, here and there local believers tell us

of problem areas that do arise due to differences in

cultures and differing approaches in the conducting
of different ministries. It is our conviction that we from

the West need to go with the attitude that we are will

ing to learn. In other words, we go with the willing
ness to listen to our fellow believers that are already
there. Culture plays a very important role in reaching
the peoples of the world for Christ. In fact, sometimes
we go to other countries and simply use the same
methods in evangelism, in conducting services, in
preaching as we have done at home. For the most

gelism have caused many Russians to become

new believers know Christianity only through the
eyes of the western missionary. This point was driven
home to us when recently we met such an individual.
Yuri, a new Christian from Russia, came to Toronto

with a group of Bible college students from the USA

where he is presently studying. He became a Chris
tian through the efforts of American Christians in
Russia; he was baptized by some of them. Following
his conversion he spent time with western believers
in Russia and received some valuable instruction

from them. However, he was not introduced nor

encouraged to attend any Russian congregation

there. Thus, he knew Christianity through the efforts
and eyes of western spiritual mentors.
While he was recently in Toronto, we took him to
a local Russian congregation and, for the first time,
he heard a sermon preached in his language by
another Russian Christian. He was deeply touched
by this event. First, he was with his own people that


(continued on page 4)
NO. 2


One of GMRM's involvements in church life of

Central Europe is working with children and young

people through Christian youth camps. It all started in
1965 when George Bajenski, after completing his
study at Lincoln Christian College, returned to Poland
and, in his efforts to rejuvenate life in local congrega
tions, initiated special summer and winter programs
for churches across the country. Those were different
times in Europe. Communism was at its heyday.
Yes, we did face some opposition and there were
difficulties but God's truth prevailed. The Christian
camp movement was started in Poland. The powerful
message of the song "Ring the Bells...let the whole

Belarusian children at Ostruda Camp,

June 1993

world know..which became our theme song herald

ed the Good News of Jesus' victory throughout the
land. Hundreds and even thousands of young people
accepted the Lord Jesus as their personal Saviour.

duct a camp program for them right in their own

country. The time is right for it. If it will happen, then it
will be the first time ever that any Christian evangeli
cal or baptist church would have conducted an orga

Many responded to the challenge and entered fulltime Christian service. To this day many church pul
pits in Poland are being served by young preachers
whose first steps with Jesus were taken at camps
conducted by us.

nized church youth camp in the country of Belarus.

Ostruda Camp, January 1994

During the month of January, I was personally

visiting churches in this area and, in the south-western part of the state near the city of Pinsk, we were
able to locate a beautiful camp site. A few years ago
this property belonged to a government-sponsored
communist youth organization called "Pioneers."
There they were also conducting youth camps, but
their programs were based on godless atheism. Now
it is in private hands and it can be rented for
Christian purposes (PTL). What a change! What an
opportunity! There are several evangelical and Chris
tian churches in this area and they would like us to
organize and, together with them, conduct a camp
program this summer. If we accept this challenge, it
will be a great witness for the children; everybody in
the whole area would observe us: government,
churches and local people. Many of them would
come and take part at our evening evangelistic ves
pers services. It would be a real time of revival.
What should we do? There is only one answer.
We of Global Missionary Radio Ministries are com-

As we are writing this report, it is still cold out

side. Nevertheless, we are already seriously thinking
about summer, and together with our partners and
local church leaders, we are preparing for another
busy camp program in Poland. We appreciate your
prayers, and we will be informing you a little later of
what is happening at Ostruda Camp this summer.
Today, however, we would like to share with you
a new challenge that God has put upon our hearts.
As some of you remember, last year at our Polish
camp we were happy to conduct a full camp program
for a larger group of Belarusian children. Now, as '94

summer is approaching, churches in Belarus would

like to send us their children again. We are ready to
accept them, however, after praying and discussing
this matter with several preachers, we came to the
conclusion that it would be more beneficial for church

life in general and for the children in particular to con-

George Bajenski with members of

Belarusian camp committee from Pinsk

mitting ourselves to this challenge. For this program

we are bringing in a team of experienced Polish
youth workers from Ostruda Camp. Together with
local believers the two of us, George Repetski and
George Bajenski, will, with God's help, conduct the
camp program. We would even like you, our friends,
to come and support our efforts. Bring a little joy and
laughter and life-changing Gospel to our new


Site where GMRM will conduct a Christian youth

camp program from June 1-12, 1994, for churches

in the south-western region of Belarus.

Belarusian friends who would come to this Christian

camp at a Pioneer village near Pinsk.

It would also be proper to mention that many chil
dren that would come to this camp would be coming
from areas affected by the harmful effects of the
Chernobyl nuclear accident. We would like to give
them special care, provide them with security and
comfort that only God can give any person. It would
be great if every camper could receive a Bible from
us, but also we would like to provide them with the
best possible physical care: healthy food, clean water
and pure air. The surroundings of this camp (as you
can see from the pictures) trees and lake answer to
some of these needs but the rest we have to provide
ourselves. We will see to it that there is sufficient

Entrance to main building with statue of young

communist pioneers of past times

food on the table for all with good nutritious value,

but it would also be beautiful to provide them with
some fruit and vitamins.Some of them might even
need medical aid (such as prescription drugs, aspirin,
Tylenol, etc.). We would like to be able to help them,
but it depends on finances.
In closing, I would simply like to say that we covet

your prayers and sincerely ask for your financial

assistance on behalf of this first-time Christian youth
camp that will be conducted by us near Pinsk, Bela
rus. Just keep in mind that:
$5 will pay one day for a camper
$60 will pay for a full camp program for one

$2.50 will pay for one Children's Bible

extra money will be needed to purchase
needed vitamins and medicines

You can be a vital part in this outreach to children

In Belarus by sending in your special donation for
this purpose. Please include a note stating that your
contribution is for the "Belarusian youth camp."V^e
will report on the camp in a later issue of the Crier.

Cabins for sleeping accommodations at the

camp site (wooded area)

"...suddenly Jesus was standing there

among them! After greeting them, he
showed them his hands and side. And

how wonderful was their joy as they

saw their Lord.

He spoke to them again and said,

"As the Father has sent me, even so I

am sending you."

Beach area of shallow lake with dock for swim

(John 20:19-21)

ming and canoeing, surrounded by birch trees

(continued from page 1)

possessed a faith that he now has. Second, he


heard a sermon by a Russian preacher who gave a

Bible lesson applying its teaching from the perspec
tive of Russian culture. That Scripture lesson came
to him with new freshness. Russian culture is the
one from which he came and to which he will return.

This whole experience struck a chord in his heart like

nothing else did.
Praise the Lord for the many wonderful opportu
nities to witness to Russians and other East Euro

pean peoples. But we must be sensitive to the partic

ulars of their cultures. As the song says: "We are one
in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord," yet we are dif

ferent and should keep that in mind, as we serve the

Lord in other lands.


In memory of Paul Nourse

Given by: Eva Nourse

In memory of Adam Sidorchuk

Given by: George & Halina Petelski
In memory of Nick & Ellen Zaiinko
Given by: Paul & Sophie Zaiinko

In memory of John & Mary Huk, Sr.

Given by: Paul and Sophie Zaiinko
In memory of David & Mary Maksimow
Given by: Nadia Maksimow
In memory of Sam & John Nayduk
Eunice Physk

Timothy Repetski

Katie Wandich

Given by: Madge llchyshyn

As families and a Christian mission, we are

happy to share with you that Timothy Repetski

(George and Lucille's son), who earlier accepted the
Lord, followed him in baptism March 27, 1994. It was
a happy occasion. Even heaven rejoices when we
obey the Lord and so do we. This year Timothy is
also completing his high school education.

In memory of Benjamin Bajenski

Given by: Eva Nourse
Nadine & James Ray
Irene Neville

Bob & Phyllis Walker

Lee & Velma Farrell

Joseph & Clara Smith

He heard much from his father about Belarus and

especially this year with so much going on there.

With two such important happenings in his life, Tim is
accepting another challenge and would like to go to
Belarus to work at the Belarusian youth camp.
He writes: "In the past month a great opportunity
has arisen for me to go to Belarus with my dad to
work at a youth camp there. I will be responsible to
run the games and other activities at the camp. I
know I will enjoy my time of service. I am excited
about going into a new culture and interacting with
fellow Christian youths in a completely different set
ting. 1 would appreciate your prayer and financial
support. Thank you. Tim."
We at GMRM are very happy to see Tim take up
this challenge and would invite you to help send him
to Belarus. You may send in your donation for him in
this adventure for Christ and be receipted by GMRM
for it. Please include a note that this is for Timothy

Repetski's summer youth camp ministry.

John & Sandra Brownlee

Sharron Carter
Alice Milloff

Roger & Kaye Beard


Vera Bajenski
George Bajenski
Paul Diatel
George Repetski
Jacob Repetski

Office Assistant
Pollsti Ministry
Ukrainian Ministry
Russ/Belarusian Ministry
Belarusian Ministry

Our Mailing Address is:

Global Missionary Radio Ministries
4141 Dixie Road, Box 20

Mississauga, Ontario


Tel. (905) 564-3578

Fax. (905) 564-6732

Box 104, Geneva, Ohio 44041

Address Correction Requested
Published 6 times a year.
Printed in Canada.


"O Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God is coming."



Writing Is a powerful tool to change

the minds of men and women. Napoleon knew it. He reportedly stated:

ournalist is agrumbler, acensurer,
^ a giver of advice, a regent of soverHHI ^1 eigns, a tutor of nations. Four hostile

newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand

bayonets." The printed word can be harnessed to

change people toward good or evil. The Bible, God's

by many nonbelievers about the reasonableness of

Biblical Christianity. Also, just recently GMRM spon
sored the printing of several thousand copies of a
12-page tract entitled, How to Become a Christian
According to the New Testament. Fellow believers in
the CIS are distributing this booklet privately and
offering it to those who attend evangelistic meetings.
GMRM sponsored the reprinting and distribution
of the New Testament in Belarusian. Some time after

word to humanity, is the supreme example of being a

literary tool to point us to good, to God himself and to
a joyous eternal destiny. Ezra Pound once wrote:
"Great literature is simply language charged with
meaning to the utmost possible degree." The Bible
fulfills this goal as no other book in the world today.
Because the Bible gives ultimate meaning to life,

living entitled, New Life in Christ. This also appeared

in the Belarusian language. We typeset New Life... in
Canada and had it published in Warsaw, Poland,
from where our co-workers transported copies of the
book to Belarus. Work is now under way to have it

many books have been written about it and on

es and given for a nominal fee to educational institu

themes found in it.

tions that will be willing to accept it.

Part of GMRIVl's ministry is to provide Bibles and

Bible helps to those to whom we minister. Certainly
the spreading of God's Word throughout the world
must be uppermost in our efforts of evangelism. But
also printed materials on the Word of God carry with
them a potency that, perhaps, surpasses the influen
tial and necessary value of the spoken word. Once
printed and distributed, Christian books remain for
many decades to be read repeatedly. One book can
be read and reread by many individuals. Its message
can affect the lives of many people in different gener

this it had a book printed on the basics of Christian

reprinted in Minsk and distributed throughout church

Part of GMRM's literature outreach includes the

production of songbooks. Before his death, the late

John K. Huk, Sr., assisted by John Huk, Jr., worked
on putting together a songbook that included many of
John K. Huk, Sr.'s translations of English Christian

songs into Russian. Both Johns died before they

could complete the job and we had the privilege of
completing it for them. We printed the book in War
saw, Poland, under the title. Songs of Victory. All
copies have now been distributed throughout the


With this in mind, GMRM purchases Bibles and

distributes them throughout Eastern European coun
tries. The mission also presently involves itself in the
production of Christian literature in Slavic languages.
We would like to give you a review of some literature

projects that GMRM initiated and continues today.

During January of this year Literature and Teach
ing Ministries of Joplin, Missouri, printed Arlie Hoov
er's book, Dear Agnos, in Russian translation. The
printing took place in Moscow and this book on
Christian apologetics is being distributed to Russians
today. We prepared the translation and typeset the
book on one of our computers in our Mississauga

office. Dear Agnos {Agnos = agnostic) will speak to

many Russians that were steeped in atheism; it will
provide answers to the intellectual questions posed


Some of the literature produced

and distributed by GMRM
NO. 3

tied, In the Meantime, with appropriate words of dedi

cation by George and Vera Bajenski. Also, we are
currently translating Arlie Hoover's book, Dear Agnos, into Polish.

Christian literature continues to speak to many

peoples. And unless the Lord comes quickly, it will far


outlive any of us on planet earth. We intend to use it

in outreach to the peoples of the east Slavic world.

We appreciate your continued interest, encourage

ment and financial assistance in our literature min


George Repetski
Letters In response to
radio and literature ministry

CIS. Russian Christians now praise the Lord using

songs that we here in Canada and the USA grew up
with in our churches. Paul Diatel has also compiled
some 80 songs that he translated from English and
Spanish into the Ukrainian language. We are now
looking at ways to have the music and words typeset,
perhaps right in the Ukraine, and distributed among

I am currently translating a work into Belarusian

that was originally published in a Russian periodical
under the title of Heros of the Faith. Its author is Vla

dimir Kanatush, a respected preacher who lives in

Minsk, Belarus. In this work Brother Kanatush does

an in-depth study of the heros of faith mentioned in

the 11th chapter of Hebrews. He gleans lessons from
the different personalities' lives mentioned in Heb
rews and the Old Testament for today's belfever. A
unique thing about this book is that a Russian
preacher who lives in the CIS wrote this work and

presents his material in a way that is very under

standable to the reader in that part of the world. With
the Lord's help I intend to complete the translation
and typeset the book in our office in Canada. We will

trust the Lord to provide sponsors to have this fine

piece of Christian literature printed in Belarus in the
not-too-distant future.

Following Benjamin Bajenski's death we printed

an encouraging and uplifting booklet in Polish enti-


It must have been an exciting and

\ > soul-stirring time on May 1st of this

"r f year in Moscow and across the whole


vast land of the previously-known

Soviet Union. For 70 years it was a
mr highly celebrated day, a workers' or
proletariat day, as it was called
throughout the communist world. Streets were filled

with people. These people were "properly" motivated

by their political leaders who were actively present
everywhere: at work, at school, in the city and rural
areas. They carried their flags with that prominent
red colour, singing patriotic songs, praising the moth
erland and their political leaders.
This year, however, something different hap
pened, and it was not only because of the diminished
popularity or even the collapse of communism.
This year May 1st was celebrated in Moscow and

throughout the independent states of the previous

Soviet empire in a completely different manner.
Instead of communistic theories on the lips of millions
of believers, the first words spoken by many on this
day were: "Christ arose! Christ arose! Christ arose!"
and each time the reply was: "Indeed, He arose!"

Bells rang out, people rushed to the churches to sing

praises to God.
You see, in their traditional Orthodox church cal

ender the first day of May was the date to celebrate

Easter this year. What a coincidence! If any?! What a

beautiful reminder of God's ruling the nations. He de

sires that all peoples could come to know His saving

power through Jesus Christ, His only Son.

May 15th George Bajenski left for Poland where

throughout the rest of the spring and summer months

he will be working with local churches, youth camps

and several radio stations that broadcast our

Christian programs. One of the first major involve

ments will be a 12-day Gospel tour with a Christian
GMRM board member, Alan Dunbar,
handing over Bibles to preacher In CIS

choir from Moscow that will be singing and sharing

the Gospel with people living in the eastern part of

Poland and in Warsaw.

(continued on page 4)


April 11,1994

Dear Friends of GMRM;

For more than 30 years, it has been my privilege to witness the life and ministry of the dedicated staff of this
mission to the Slavic peopie. I am a businessman and a member of the Global Missionary Radio Ministries
board. Brother John K. Huk, Sr. one of the original ministers of the mission, his family and I attended the same
church in Toronto for many years.

In the mid 80's there was a certain pessimism, even hopelessness to ministries that attempted to reach
eastern European communist countries with the gospel. Communism ruled with the proverbial iron fist mocking
the gospel and those who believed. Most of us showed little faith in the gospel of Christ to break down the ga
tes of hell.

Yet, there was a band of committed Christians, headquartered in Toronto, who, along with many others be
lieved that God would touch lives through the power of his word as well as preserving the saints living under
tremendous oppression.

Their faith has been rewarded as we have been privileged to witness. Communism not only crumbled from
within because of the spiritual vacuum it created, but it also exploded from the spiritual forces that it tried to

cap. Eastern Europe opened as winds of the Spirit blew through Timisoara, Rumania, Eastern Germany, Cze
choslovakia and Russia.

Wails fell and doors opened. Evidence of a great spiritual movement are everywhere. The response to the
gospel (and many false religions) is unprecedented in history.

It has been a delight to see the new opportunities for GMRM as country after country opens up. It has also
been thrilling to begin to hear from the brothers and sisters who have suffered so long, as to what the ministries
of radio, literature, personal encouragement, church planting and camps have meant to so many over the

My work in the business world and in full-time mission endeavours has taken me regularly to over 50 coun
tries of the world. It has been a great privilege to be able to see first-hand the amazing things God is doing in
our time. The missionary movement has been the most successful movement in human history. There is not a
country without the witness of the gospel. Church growth is unparalleled. Churches are exploding in communist
countries, in musiim countries and those places where we once looked at as mission fields now send Christian
missionaries around the globe.

These changes have brought great changes in how missions are carried out, a "new paradigm" is the po
pularway of expressing it. This "new" way revolves around enabling national leaders in their own countries, in

their own culture and language to bring the good news and plant churches. This "new way" has been practised
by the leaders of GMRM in a quiet way for decades. The effectiveness of the work they have done and that of
those they have supported will only be known in eternity.
I would like to say that the job is done and we can sit back and celebrate the achievements of the church of
Christ and rejoice in the victories won. However, the job Is not done. There are countless millions who still die in

ignorance of the wonderful news of Jesus Christ. I believe, too, that we are entering the most dangerous and
critical last days of history as Satan's forces will launch the last desperate battle against humankind and the
children of God. We are warned about the great apostasy. We see how quickly the doors can close in eastern
Europe. We see how quickly freedom turns to license. We witness the destruction of nationalistic forces in the

(continued on next page)

2655 North Sheridan Way, #280, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L5K 2P6 Phone: (905) 855-2500 Fax: (905) 855-2725

(continued from page 3)

There is an urgency to the work of GMRM as

there should be with every Christian who wants to be
a disciple of Christ. We are exhorted by Scripture to
"work while it is day for the night comes when no one
can work." The Slavic people have been deprived for
decades of the things we take for granted the fel
lowship of believers, freedom to worship, teaching,
trained leadership and skills to share the good news
of Jesus Christ.

It is a delight and privilege to do whatever I can to

help the cause of Christ through the work of GMRM.
GMRM cannot do everything, but pray with us that
George Repetski preaching
in park, Asipovichy, Belarus

the Lord of the harvest would lead us into those

activities which honour him and are most effective for

the proclamation of the gospel.

Phil Dempster

(continued from page 2)

Then from June 1 we will be leading the first

Christian youth camp ever within the territory of the
sovereign state of Belarus. For this purpose we are


arranging the best possible team of Christian work

ers from Poland and Canada. George and Tim
Repetski, Lynda Wood (camp nurse) and Kevin Boldt
will join George Bajesnki and a group of Polish camp
personnel at the end of May and together will travel

to Belarus.

We anticipate close to 200 local children, many

of whom will come from the areas affected by the
Chernobyl nuclear power station accident. On behalf
of Tim Repetski we thank ail of you who, to this point,
have encouraged him by your interest, prayers and
special contributions covering his travel and camp

In memory of Benjamin Bajenski

Given by: Roger & Rama Beard
R. D. & Carmen Marmion
Mr. & Mrs. John Davis
Luise Buller
Eva Nourse


For your information, to date we have received

approximately $2,500 toward the cost of the camp.
We would like to stress that all necessary expenses
(rental of facilities, food) will cost GMRM over

$10,000 US. We do not have, as yet, this amount,

but we see the need, we see open doors and we
have faith that the Lord will provide. Also, we should
add that we have asked the local churches in the

area to pay for 10% of the cost. This is a sacrifice on

their part given the hyper-inflation that Belarus is
experiencing today. This shows their commitment to
this first camp program. We will encourage them to
think in terms of having an annual camp program for
their children of Belarus.

We would ask you to consider this worthy cause

of sharing the Gospel of Christ with Belarusian chil>
dren through us in June. It will cost $5 US per day for
each child. Would you consider sponsoring a child?
The camp runs from June 1 to 12 in the former
Pioneer village near the city of Pinsk in south-western Belarus. Please send in your contribution to

GMfl/W witti a special designation for the "Belaru

sian camp." We will be most thankful to you, but
more importantly, so will the
children of Belarus.

Wayne & Ruth Wells

In memory of John Naydiuk
Sam & Olga Naydiuk
Eunice Physk
Given by: Lucas & Sadie Naydiuk
In memory of Paul Nourse
Given by: Eva Nourse
In memory of Rodney Shakotko
Given by: Peter & Zeena Naydiuk


Vera Bajenski
George Bajenski
Paul Diatel
George Repetski
Jacob Repetski

- Office Assistant
- Polish Ministry
> Ukrainian Ministry

- Russ/Belarusian Ministry
- Belarusian Ministry

Our Mailing Address Is:

Global Missionary Radio Ministries
4141 Dixie Road. Box 20

Mississauga, Ontario


Tel. (905) 564-3578

Fax. (905) 564-6732

Box 104, Geneva, Ohio 44041

Address Correction Requested

Published 6 times a year.

Printed in Canada.


"O Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God is coming."


What an exciting day June 1, 1994! It seemed

as if it was mayhem in front of the Evangelical
Christian Church in the city of Pinsk, Belarus. Kids
came from different parts of the city and from other
cities of Belarus and gathered in front of the church
to travel to a Christian children's camp that was to
take place 35 kilometers from Pinsk. It seemed like
confusion because there were 155 kids plus coun
selors. All totaled there must have been somewhere

around 170 of us that had to pack ourselves and all

our gear into three buses. We finally were off and
running. You could feel the excitement in the raised
voices of the children. It was their first experience of
attending a Christian camp.
The trip to the camp facility took an hour. Every
one was assigned his or her living quarters. Shortly
thereafter we all had our first meal together in the
dining hall. A Christian choir under the leadership of
Alexander Karakouts from Moscow also traveled with

us from Pinsk. They had just returned from an evan

gelistic trip to Poland with G. Bajenski and were on
their way back to Moscow. That evening they presen
ted a rich program of Christian songs and musical
numbers. This provided us with a perfect beginning
to the camp program.
The next morning the children lined up in their six
teams in front of the dining hall for breakfast. The
daily schedule was launched for the rest of the week.
Under the leadership of George Bajenski of GMRM
and Alena Lewczuk, an experienced camp worker
from Poland, each day consisted of the following
activities: brief morning devotions in groups, break
fast, Bible lessons in groups, organized game time,
lunch, rest time, competitive sports and free time,
supper, one hour free time and evening vespers ser

the local athletic director, Andrew, in planning games

that are well known throughout Christian camps in
Canada and the USA. These games were new to the
children of Belarus. From the campers' expressions
and comments it was obvious that they enjoyed them

to the fullest extent. Through the efforts of Lynda

Wood, a Christian nurse from Toronto, who also

came with us to provide medical help in caring for the

children, we were able to provide greatly needed
medicines to the local Christian doctor at the camp.
By the end of the camp all antibiotics brought from
Canada were used to treat various illnesses.

The weather, for the most part, cooperated with

us. A couple of days turned out to be rather windy
and wet but this did not dampen our spirits. The
counselors found ways of keeping the children busy
indoors both in study and play. Toward the close of
the camp program, the Lord provided us with a per
fect day for all the children to take a boat trip to the
city of Pinsk along the river. They spent time enjoying
amusement rides in the city park of Pinsk.
Another significant time was our two services in
the village next to the camp ground. The local col
lective farm director allowed us the use of the "House
of Culture" to conduct Christian services. The first

time was during Sunday morning for worship service.

At that time only a few of the local villagers came.

Mrs. Lewczuk and her assistants from Poland

prepared materials for daily Bible lessons that took

place. The counselors greatly appreciated this orga
nized teaching material and taught it with great en

Tim Repetski (George Repetski's son) and his

cousin from Western Canada, Kevin Boldt, guided

G. Repetski preaching at evening service


NO. 4

The second sen/ice was on a Thursday. This time

many of the villagers came and listened with avid at
tention. The children and camp staff presented a pro
gram of Christian testimony to them. One of the staff
members, for the first time, told her story of how she
found the Lord and how, as a result, her life dramati

cally changed for good. At the conclusion of the ser

vice several local women remained behind to ask

probing questions of this staff member and pray with

her for their own spiritual welfare. Praise the Lord for
this opportunity of Christian witness. Many took

Christian literature.

The most meaningful moments came during the

evening services. The first part of each service was
devoted to singing favorite songs. You should have
heard how the children sang choruses with enthusiasm and fervor. Some evenings included story time.
Mrs. Lewczuk told stories that illustrated Bible truths.

George Repetski preached the Gospel each evening.

During the first couple evening sessions no formal
invitation was given but he challenged each camper
to think seriously about his or her relationship to the
Lord and be prepared to make an appropriate
response to the Lord's calling. Later in the week we
invited the children to come fonward, express their
needs and pray for those needs. Many came to per
sonally repent and ask the Lord to become their
Savior and Lord. By the end of the camp some 60
children took this initial step of faith and obedience. It
was thrilling to see such a number respond. Once the
evening program was over, those that stepped for
ward stayed behind to speak and pray further with
their group counselors. Their prayers and sincerity

T. Repetski with campers on boat ride

into words some of my impressions and feelings
about the whole trip.
My very first sight of eastern Europe was at the
Warsaw airport in Poland. To my North American
eyes everything looked very dark and dreary, but I
soon got accustomed to the different atmosphere. I
was surprised to see that the cab drivers would push
their cars instead of starting them while waiting for a
customer. It took both Kevin and me a few days to
get used to driving on Belarusian roads - not just the
potholes, but the drivers! We were also glad to see
that the Lada (the most popular Russian car) didn't
have any seat belts!
We spent only a few hours in Warsaw before we
had to take a train to neighboring Belarus. The train
was a new experience for Lynda, Kevin and me. We
had to shove all of our luggage (and we had a lot)

through the windows into our compartment, hoping

touched us all.

the train wouldn't leave on us.

The children that came to the camp were from

Christian and non-Christian homes alike. We ask you

of our relatives, usually spending the night. I began

to pray for those that did respond to the invitation,

especially for those who came from non-believing
families that they will continue to attend church
services in their home town, that they will all be bap
tized and step out with a clear Christian testimony
before their parents and friends, that they will grow in
their Christian lives. We believe that decisions were

made which will last a lifetime and throughout eter



(by Tim Repetski)

Greetings from the Christian youth in Belarus! As
most of you know, from May 30 to June 21 I was in
Poland and Belarus along with my dad, cousin Kevin
Bolt, and a family friend, Lynda Wood. It was an awe
some experience, to say the least, but I will try to put

We stopped off in different cities and saw some

to see that the average living conditions of the
Belarusian people were far below our standards of
living. People told us stories of not being paid for
months, but not quitting their jobs because there
wouldn't be any work anywhere else. Inflation is hit
ting them harder than ever before. In spite of this,
everyone we stayed with gave us their best and
made sure we didn't go hungry.
Having visited our relatives in Brest, Belarus, we
traveled to the city of Pinsk. The camp was about an
hour's ride out of Pinsk by bus. The night before,
while in Pinsk, I got to speak for the very first time in
a small typical church. However, that night there was
a music group performing at the church, so it was

packed. My dad translated as I shared my testimony

with the crowd. I was very nervous at first, but as I
got relaxed, I began to enjoy it. Little did I know I
would be speaking a great deal more.
We arrived at the camp at around 12:00 noon the

tennis balls and balloons seemed to fascinate the

G. Bajenski organizing meai line-up

children, so we took advantage of this, and played

games with such props. The kids gave us a mar
velous response.
We also had fun with the kids during the day. A
moment wouldn't pass where you didn't have a trail
of children running after you, wanting to play "keep
away" or "everybody jump on Tim." I personally had
the pleasure of introducing the revolutionary "thumb
war" game to Belarus. We had the whole camp say
ing: "Un tvo sree fowe, I declara a sump wor!" (i.e.
"One two three four, I declare a thumb war"). Kevin
and I were always hamming it up during sports. At
the end of the camp there probably wasn't one child I
hadn't come in contact with.

next day, and were amazed at what we found. The

camp had been used by the "Pioneers" or young
communists. There was a beachfront "hotel" (trust
me, not like a North American resort hotel), a volley
ball court, tennis courts (which we used for most of
our group games), and a mess hall with waitresses.
Both Kevin and I didn't even think this sort of thing
existed in Belarus, and we were even more surprised
that the local children couldn't believe their eyes
either! Since this was the first Christian camp in that
area since 1926, the leaders and youth leaders were
kind of rusty, but as the camp went on, the program
started to run more smoothly.
Kevin and I were excited and prepared to do the
games. We had prizes upon prizes to give away, and
we were eager to do so. A couple from our church
gave us half a suitcase full of prizes, and we provid
ed the second half. With the prizes we had at the end
of the camp, we were able to give a small bag of
three different items to each child.

Kevin and I were responsible for providing from

one to one and a half hours per day of games, which
usually took place at 11:30 in the morning. We
planned in advance what games we would do,
weather permitting. Unfortunately, it rained quite a
bit, and we couldn't implement all of our summer out

On the other side of things, the camp wasn't all

just fun. For me, it was an eye opener to just see
how poor some of these kids are, but yet they still
remain happy. The camp was also spiritually uplifting.
Part of the Belarusian culture includes reciting
Christian poetry. This is done also by the very young
children. Countless children, maybe 10 years old,
would recite 5 minutes of poetry, totally memorized
that afternoon. The children would pray from their
heart, with tears running down their cheeks. I was
amazed at how sincere and mature these young chil
dren were about their commitment to Jesus Christ. If
one child out of the 150 would have come to know

Christ through the camp It would have been worth it,

but praise God, 60 children gave their lives to Christ
during the 10 days of camp. Kevin and I were sad to
leave the camp and the kids, but it was time to move
on. Back in Pinsk, children some with tears in their

eyes said "goodbye" and "thank you."

After the camp we boarded a train to Minsk, the
capital of Belarus. We spoke in many churches, and
visited the downtown area everyday. We even got to
see a Christian Belarusian wedding on the last day

I was praying about the train trip back towards

door water games. In spite of this, the kids absolutely

loved the games Kevin and 1 put forward. The one

they seemed to enjoy the most was a game where

everybody takes off their shoes, and puts them in a
pile (that's 300 shoes for our group). Then, each
team has to go up one player at a time, and find his
or her shoe, and race back. They loved it!
Kevin and I just loved planning games. We found
a great youth leader named Andre, and got him to
implement the games for us. Because he had no lan
guage barrier to cross, he could get the kids all riled
up to play the game. Kevin and I would laugh our
selves silly watching these "new" games being
played by young children. Such ordinary things like

Enthusiastic campers (maidng

a Joyful noise unto the Lord)

Warsaw. Just the three of us Lynda, Kevin and I

would be traveling, and we didn't speak any
Russian or Polish. We had to go through four cus
toms officials on our overnight train trip. We had
passed through three of them by morning, and on
the fourth one of my fears became reality. Customs
officers aren't known for their patience and under
standing, to say the least. On the fourth customs offi
cial we got the shock of our lives. This final official
had the power not to let us back into the country. As
it turned out, at the very beginning of our trip, the
customs official had taken both copies of our visas,
instead of just one. We didn't have a visa to get back
into Poland. As the color drained from my face, the
official walked out of our compartment. I was positive
it was to get his rifle from his truck! But, in a few min
utes, he came whistling back, and continued to whis
tle while he backdated some forms, stamped the
approval himself, and handed us our ready-made
visas. Whoa. Heavy. Prayer answered.
1want to thank all of you who supported me both
financially or in prayer. I appreciated all the faithful
ness you have shown to furthering God's work in Be
larus. Oh yeah, and one more thing: the kids thank
you too!

and help us free up funds for other ongoing efforts of

GMRM? We are trusting that the Lord will lead you,

His people, to assist us at this time so that other
evangelistic programs of GMRM will not be curtailed.
We thank you ahead of time.
For all we experienced and observed, we thank
the Lord and you.

In memory of Mike Borisenko

Given by: Mary Borisenko
In memory of Ann Petelski
Andy Kudrick
Mom & Dad Kudrick

Given by: Nellie Kudrick

In memory of Olga Shwetz Hicks
Given by: Dora & Tatiana Shwetz
In memory of Benjamin Bajenski
Given by: John & Helen Martin
Nellie Kudrick

Margaret & David Eubanks

Lucas & Sadie Naydiuk

For those of you that gave financially and sup

ported the Belarusian camp effort by your prayers,
we say "thank you" and can report that the Lord
heard your prayers. It was a worthwhile effort. Lives
were affected for God's glory and for eternity by
those souls that responded to the Lord's call. It is our
prayer and hope that such a camp will continue on
an annual basis in future years. At the end of the
camp we shared this vision with the counselors and

In memory of John K. Huk, Sr.

Given by: Nellie Kudrick
Antonio & Linda Albis

Lucas & Sadie Naydiuk

In memory of Mary Huk
Given by: Nellie Kudrick
Lucas & Sadie Naydiuk
In memory of John Huk, Jr.
Given by: Nellie Kudrick
Lucas & Sadie Naydiuk

local church leaders. We challenged them to take up

the cause.

This was a costly effort. We requested that the

parents of the children who attended pay for part of
the camp's cost. Right now people in Belarus are
struggling financially. Given today's situation, they
were able to pay only 10% of the total cost. GMRM
paid 90% of the remainder.
To date about $6,000 of designated funds have
come in for the camp, but the cost to GMRM for run
ning the camp turned out to be about $11,000. We
simply had to dip into our general fund to pay for this
effort. The summer is upon us and our funds are
quite low. Would you kindly consider sending in
some contribution to help cover the cost of the camp


Vera Bajenski
George Bajenski
Paul Diatel

George Repetski
Jacob Repetski

Office Assistant

Polish Ministry
Ukrainian Ministry
Russ/Belarusian Ministry
Belarusian Ministry

Our Mailing Address Is:

Global Missionary Radio Ministries

4141 Dixie Road, Box 20

Mississauga, Ontario


Tel. (905) 564-3578

Fax. (905) 564-6732

Box 104, Geneva. Ohio 44041

Address Correction Requested

Published 6 times a year.

Printed in Canada.


"O Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God is coming."

"The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved"
(Jeremiah 8:20)
Harvest Time

Global Missionary Radio Ministries is the legal

name of our mission incorporation in Canada and the
United States. It clearly states a major part of our
missionary involvement which is preparing and
broadcasting Christian radio programs in Poland, Be
larus, Ukraine and Russia. However, our second ma
jor involvement in the life of the local church in these
countries is youth ministry. We have just ended one
of the busiest and most encouraging summer sche
dules of church camp activities here in Central and
Eastern Europe.
Yes, GMRM assisted in organizing, conducting
and sponsoring this summer's fourteen weeks of
church camp activities in three different countries:
Poland, Belarus and the Ukraine. Over 1500 people
attended these camps, and around 600 decisions
and commitments for the Lord have been made. This

is not our doing, but we believe that God himself has

sent a time of spiritual refreshing and opportunity in
this part of the world. This was done so that hund
reds and even thousands of people who were pre
viously deprived of hearing the Gospel might hear
about his dear Son, Jesus. We are witnesses of such

great things. We are coworkers in God's field, and we

thank you, dear friends, who did remember us this
summer and who help us financially to make this mi
nistry a success.

Some of you possibly heard from our past news

letter about the joys and inspiration of our first Beiarusian youth camp conducted by us this summer in a
pioneer village near the city of Pinsk. It was a me
morable experience for all of us: young people, local
churches and church leaders and many people in

Christians who were harassed at one time by this

particular individual were with us during the camp
program. We sang, prayed and praised God together
for only he could have arranged such an unexpected
meeting. Indeed, God's love is greater than we can
comprehend it. He loves us all, and he is not willing
that any should perish. He is patient and giving us
more time for repentance (II Peter 3:9).
Another first for us this summer was our invol

vement in a Christian youth camp in the Ukraine. We

were able to help a group from the city of Lutsk who
gathered at beautiful Lake Switezh near the Polish
border for a week of Bible study and inspiration.
However, most of our time and mission invol

vement took place this summer at Ostruda Camp in

Poland. From the middle of June until the middle of

September there were constant activities: Bible

teaching, recreation, inspiration, children and young
people, students' oral youth activities, church con
ferences and Christian Bible Institute classes, even a
special session for Polish Bible translators. Our place

of meeting and our time were used to the fullest.

God's name was praised and lifted high, and many,
many good things happened. Eternity will tell us all
about it, but now maybe even these few pictures will
show you some of the things that took place. We
trust you will enjoy them and rejoice with us for what
has been accomplished.

surrounding communities. But it was especially

meaningful for one man who was'not part of the staff

but who, nevertheless, was with us at the camp just
about every day. It was one of the directors of this
particular camp site. Today he is a friendly and cor
dial director, but a few years back the same person
was a harsh member of the local police squad that
often dismissed similar Christian gatherings and
youth meetings in this area. Actually, some young

Some members of Ostruda

Christian Camp Directors


NO. 5



1 9 9 4



Preparing material for building of

a new cabin at Ostruda Camp

One of many childrens' camp meetings

at Ostruda camp this summer

A favourite spot at Ostruda Camp: playing and

singing making joyful noise to the Lord

George Bajenski with guest from

Belarus at Ostruda Camp


One of many weeks of camp at Ostruda Camp: group of junior

campers beside a newly constructed summer cabin

Campers with som

at our first Belaru







As you can see, good things are happening in

church life in Poland and other neighbouring coun
tries, thanks to the ministry of the Ostruda Camp.
Until this year, we were only using these facilities dur
ing the warm summer season. But now, because of
the active involvement of TCM's educational outreach

ministry and the Polish Christian Bible institute, we

will be able to use the Ostruda Camp for year-round
activities. During the summer camps offseason the
Bible Institute will be using the facility. Major con
struction has been completed, but funds have run out

before full completion. We still need to improve roof

Campers pray in Belarusian camp after
evening service in own group witti counselors

conditions on the main building, change the plumbing

in the kitchen and washrooms and be connected to

the city sewer system. This is still a large job and at

today's prices it will cost approximately $30,000US.

We sincerely appeal to you, friends, to help us
complete this project so that the Ostruda Camp can
fully function and that the Bible Institute can use this
facility for God's glory. Please send any designation
for the "Ostruda Camp" to our address:

4141 Dixie Road, Box 20

Mississauga, Ontario
Canada L4W 4X9

Chlidren at Ostruda Camp departing for

home after a week's session

e staff and guests

sian Youth Camp

Group of children from Ukraine with

Christian teachers from Lutsk at Lake Switezh


ancient Israel: "Celebrate the Feast of Harvest with


the firstfruits of the crops you sow in your field" (Ex.

23:16). Later in Biblical history this was named The
Feast of Weeks. It was celebrated annually during
the time of wheat harvest.

Russian believers have adopted this celebration

as a regular part of their thanks to God. Special
emphasis is given to the fact that God has provided
during the year. Thus, special thanks is offered to the
Lord for his physical care of his children. A spiritual
application is also drawn out, namely, that we, as
believers, must be fruitful bringing others to Christ.
As the one grand old hymn states it: "We shall come
rejoicing bringing in the sheaves." This song is well
known in Russia and sung without fail in virtually all

Christian congregations at this time of the year.

Andrew, Urszula, Luke and Ola Bajenski
at Pacific Christian College
Andrew Bajenski, with his wife Urszula, son
Luke, and daughter Ola, from Warsaw, Poland, have

safely arrived in southern California for one year of

graduate studies at Pacific Christian College. And
rew is in his 13th year of ministry with the Pulawska
Street Christian Fellowship Church in Warsaw.
Many of you, our friends and partners of GMRM,
know Andrew and have possibly been in the Warsaw

We, too, at GMRM feel compelled to thank the

Lord for his care of us and many provisions. All good

things come from God, James tells us. We also

thank him for friends who undergird us in the many

different ministries that we do. What a privileged
people we are to serve the Lord together in
partnership with you and our fellow believers in the
CIS and Poland. All praise for this to the Lord.

Church. By sharing this information with you we

would like to give you the opportunity to remember
them in your prayers during this time when they are
out of their home environment, away from their home
church and maybe even at times feeling homesick.
We are sure they would be very happy to hear
some encouraging words from their friends. Also, we
would like to say that their 10-month stay at Pacific

Christian College very much depends upon our

prayers and financial support. Their present address

In memory of John & Mary Melashenko

Given by: Walter & Margaret Friesen
In memory of Benjamin Bajenski
Given by: Elkhart Christian Church
Philathea Class, Springfield, OH

and phone number are;

In memory of Ruth F. Brown

Andrew Bajenski
4360 Casa Grande Circle

Apt. 287
Cypress, California 90630

Phone/fax: (714) 826-7576

To date Russia and other East European

countries do not have a day called Thanksgiving.
This does not mean, however, that Christians do not

celebrate it. Quite the contrary. During these days

churches everywhere throughout Russia and other
East European states celebrate a Sunday chosen by
the local congregation that they call IHan/est Festival.
The term itself is taken from the Bible. In Exodus we

read about it as a command given to the nation of

Given by: Sunday School Class, Panama, NY

Glenn & Eleanor Styers

Vera Bajenski
- Office Assistant
George Bajenski - Polish Ministry

Paul Diatel
Ukrainian Ministry
George Repetski - Russ/Beiarusian Ministry
Jacob Repetski - Belarusian Ministry
Our Mailing Address is:
Global Missionary Radio Ministries
4141 Dixie Road, Box 20

Mississauga, Ontario

L4W 4X9

Tel. (905) 564-3578

Fax. (905) 564-6732

Box 104, Geneva, Ohio 44041

Address Correction Requested

Published 6 times a year.
Printed in Canada.


"O Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God is coming."



us a Son is given and

the government will be

David's throne and


on His shoulders and



He will be called Won

establishing and up

derful Counselor, Mighty

God, Everlasting Father,

holding it with justice

and righteousness

Prince of Peace. Of the

from that time on and

increase of His govern

ment and peace there


will be no end...

saiah 9:6-7



NO. 6

We do thank God for His matchless love

for He did it all for us.
We thank Him for His Master Plan in
which He included us and all of His creation.
We thank Him that Heaven is a real

place for real people and that Benjamin and

a multitude of God's cfiildren are already
enjoying this place, God's paradise.
We thank Him that He is so faithful and

true and that soon we, too, shall see Him.

We thank Him that He did not abandon

us or leave us as orphans but sent the

Comforter, His Holy Spirit.
We thank him for his Living Word that Is

We, George and Vera Bajenski, wish

you happiness during this season when tradi
tionally all of us think and talk more about the
humble birth of Jesus. We would like to share

with you our secret, simply telling you what

keeps us happy during these days.
Possibly some of you still remember our
son, Benjamin, who, one morning five years
ago, left for school and did not return to us,
but went straight up to be with the Lord.

a lamp to our feet and a li^ht for our path.

We thank Him for His unspeakable gift,

eternal life through Christ Jesus.
We thank Him for friends and family of
which you are a part.
What else could we ask for Christmas?

This list could be much longer, but the real

truth is that in Him we have everything!
We wish you, friends, the same for this

There is sadness that does not leave our

earthly bodies, especially as we remember

the days when we were together shopping,
cooking, decorating and celebrating Christ
mas. It hurts that this cannot be repeated. At
the same time we thank the Lord that He put
something beautiful and more permanent in
this tender place in our lives.
You see, with all due respect for tradition,
from this time we stopped singing lullabys for
the "the sweet little Jesus boy," for He is not
little any more. We still like the sound of the
"the little drummer boy," and many other
such stories. But since we were touched by
the Lord's mighty hand, a new source of
peace and joy started to flow in us, not only
because of Bethlehem but also because of

Calvary and because of the firm promise of

Jesus' second coming. We cannot separate
these events anymore.
The personal testimony of the apostle
Paul, saying: "When I was a child, I spoke
and thought and reasoned as a child does.
But when I became a man my thoughts grew
far beyond those of my childhood..This has
deep spiritual application and we thank the
Lord for it.

Though we cannot fully understand every

thing about Jesus' birth, death and resurrec

Paul and Lydia Diatel wish you a

Blessed Christmas, peace and blessings
from the Lord. Another year is coming to its
end. We do not know what the future will

bring, although we can be sure of one thing

that, according to Holy Scripture, the end
of all things is nearing and the Lord will soon
appear to take his own from this sad earth.
There is still time to work for Him in His vine-

yard while it is day. We will continue to

watch, work and wait for His coming.
As your coworker in the preaching of
Christ's Gospel, according to opportunities
that God gives, 1 continue to prepare ser
mons for use in radio broadcasts in the

Ukraine. Along with this, I am working on

new translations of Christian songs that I
trust will be published with the help of our
mission in the not-too-distant future.

in daily life there have been few changes

with the exception that our eldest son, fvlark.
was married. Also, my wife, who had not
seen her parents for eight years, took the
opportunity to visit them in Argentina for a six
week period of time. Our younger son, Paul,
continues his university studies in the city of
Hamilton, Ontario. Keeping in mind the
upcoming Christmas and New Year celebra
tions, we wish you happy holidays in cele
brating Christ's birth and in meeting the New

Year. We wish you God's richest blessings In

all the days of your life.

in our minds and hearts the great truth of

God putting on human flesh and becoming
like us. "The Word was God... the Word

became flesh and made his dwelling among

us... full of grace and truth" (John 1:1-14). In
this life we need God's grace for living and
His truth for guidance. In Christ we have that
today and we hope you are experiencing it.

God's enabling grace flowed to us in mi

nistry during 1994. For example, take the
camp with children that we enjoyed in June
in southwestern Belarus. God provided
funds, personnel, a place, and eager cam
pers that heard the claims of Christ in rela
tion to their lives. But there were other such

opportunities in Poland and the Ukraine.

Commitments were made that will last a life

time and into eternity.

We were given ample opportunity to
share the Gospel through the spoken word in
churches, homes, on the street or in vehicles

of public transportation. We saw those who

have responded by prayer, repentance, pub
lic confession of Christ as Lord and Saviour

and baptism. We have seen people mature

In Christ with each passing day and month.
This is the result of God's grace and truth in

Radio programs have gone out to a pub

lic that, for the most part, does not know the
Saviour. We receive reports that many listen
and respond. One listener recently wrote: "I
often listen to your broadcast over radio. I
like it a lot. Thank you very much for it... 1
really do want to believe in Jesus Christ and
love Him. But my faith is still so small and I
want to believe in God with my whole heart,
and not doubt in my faith. Therefore, I try to
listen and watch broadcasts about Him. I

read my New Testament. But I would like to

know more about God. Please send me
some literature about Jesus Christ."

Christmas is many things to us: family

traditions, the joy of giving and, let's be hon
est, receiving, Christmas carols, special
meals with friends and family (with that feel
ing of being too full) and special programs at
school and church. As one song says it: "It's

the hap... happiest time of the year." In many

cases it is that. I know for us Repetskis it wi I
be that. For us as believers, though, Christ
mas is a time of remembering and reviewing

The Lord's grace was poured out to us in

providing opportunities to have Christian lit
erature produced in various parts of the East
European world. Dear Agnos by Professor
Arlie Hoover in Russian translation (a book
on Christian apologetics) appeared in Mos
cow. My book New Life in Christ in the
Belarusian language has now been printed in
Minsk. These were originally done in
GMRM's office. Now they are being read by

many and their message continues to affect

lives for eternity.

Yes, we have been blessed by God

becoming man. The Word in the person of
Jesus Christ has affected us so that we can

affect others with His message. We, the

Repetskis (George, Lucille, Tim and Ian),
wish you the fullest realization of God's
grace and His truth in your lives during your
celebration of Christmas.

In memory of: Oiga Forsiuk
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Forsiuk

Given by: A. Nellie Forsiuk

In memory of: Fred Posnikoff
Given by: The Posnikoff Family

in memory of: Benjamin Bajenski

Given by: Rudy & Evelyn Penner
Bill & Helen Ponke

Andrzej, Urszula, Luke and Ola Bajenski wish you all joyous celebrations of
Christ's birth and the meeting of a New Year.
A year ago together with Urszula, we,
with hesitation, asked God whether after 13
years of ministry I could have some time free
from daily responsibilities in order to study, to
reflect, and to get a new perspective on our
present and future ministry.
Eight months ago we began to ask some
of our friends whether they would be willing

to help us come to the USA to spend this

time in study at the School of Church
Dynamics at Pacific Christian College.
Three months ago we arrived in southern

In memory of: Harasim Sachar

Given by: Paul Sachar
In memory of: Fred Shakotko
Given by: Olga Shakotko


Vera Bajenski
George Bajenski
Paul Diatel

George Repetski
Jacob Repetski

Office Assistant

Polish Ministry
Ukrainian Ministry
Russ/Belarusian Ministry
Belarusian Ministry

California and began our absolutely new life

in a new culture, with new friends and
churches, in new schools where no one
speaks Polish, and new stores where they

have everything but Polish bread!

Today we thank God and all those who
have helped us to have this wonderfully diffi
cult time of study, and reflecting and building
stronger fellowship with God and enjoying
closer family relationships, and a time for
growing for future ministry.

Our Mailing Address Is:

Global Missionary Radio Ministries
4141 Dixie Road, Box 20

Mississauga, Ontario


Tel. (905) 564-3578

Fax. (905) 564-6732

Box 104, Geneva, Ohio 44041

Address Correction Requested

Published 6 times a year.

Printed in Canada.

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