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KIC grammar practice

1. Have just
2. Have been + ing
3. Learning to drive is harder than I thought = Belajar memandu adalah lebih sukar
daripada yang saya fikirkan.
4. They are having central heating installed = Mereka yang mempunyai sistem
pemanasan pusat dipasang
5. He had already gone home = Dia sudah pulang ke rumah.
6. Have to
7. Wasnt
8. Susan asked me if I could drive?
9. Ali used to work in an office.
10. Who do these books belong to?
11. I think I will, one day.
12. you belong to a football club, don't you = anda tergolong dalam kelab bola
sepak, tidak
13. we need to choose which hotel to stay at
14. either = sama ada
15. neither = tidak ex : neither of them have a swimming pool = keduaduanya tiday mempunyai kolam renang
16. soft-spoken person

17. wont = will not

18. youd = you had
19. gets to there = gets there
20. off to bed = ke katil
21. Do you think you could help me carry these books?
22. To live in
23. To see her off = berjumpa di luar
24. Whom = yang
25. Could you introduce yourself?
26. Try to have it
27. Nothing interesting about me?....thats still interesting bout you.
28. She doesnt like chocolate
29. Anyone feeling down?....feel sad
30. Are you happy with your way
31. Release it then u will be good at that
32. Do you have any digital camera?...yes I do
33. Mixed up
34. Not good enough
35. Proper grammar and manner
36. Winning peoples heart
37. When you speak as well
38. When we do have the confidence
39. He even looking at me
40. Put it clear
41. Have you notice that
42. Never figure it out
43. In question form = do use for two person and does use for 1 person
44. If doing something must use does...

45. If no action verb just use IS

46. Are you a teacher?...yes I am a teacher
47. Do = you
48. What else
49. From school ride up to university
50. Look it up
51. Fair and square
52. Wired family = very close to each other
53. He/she/it = does
54. They/we/you = do
55. Keen on = berminat untuk
56. Fond of = gemar
57. Fed up = bosan
58. Keep your voice done
59. Word forms = adjective, verb and noun
60. Fight = fought
61. Let = let
62. Do = did
63. Blow = blew
64. Wake = woke
65. Keep = kept
66. Fell = felt
67. Drive = drove
68. Lose = lost
69. Go = went
70. Write = written
71. Sing = sang
72. Bend = bent
73. Cost = cost
74. Freeze = froze
75. Hang = hung
76. Bid = bid
77. Become = became
78. As far as I am concerned ...

(to give a strong opinion)

79. As far as I can see...

(I think, but Im not totally sure)

80. As long as...

(while, on the condition of)

81. To be = she is able to speak French.

82. Be = she will be fine.
83. Being = being an athlete made him happy.
84. Been = shes been good today.
85. Dont you think the people basically selfish?
86. What makes you say that?
87. Whats your professional opinion, as a lawyer?
88. Can = present tense
89. Could = past tense
90. Do = present tense

91. Does = use for she he or it

92. Did = ask question is simple past tense
93. Splashing out = spending lots of money
94. Go dutch = share the cost
95. We havent done yet
96. How good are you in
97. Can I have a look?
98. That website that I chosen was...
99. Im in the wrong shoe
Past perfect tense = had
How you get there?
The things looking up = getting better
Put tht behind you = leave your past at behind
Infinite root stand on it own

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