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GROUP__Scranton_______________ LEVELS _Independent- K/ Instructional- L________________


Month Y
Skills/ Intro to new book. Review Problem Start with question- Intro to new book. Review problem
Behaviors: (talk about the Phonics- review Phonics- doubling game Phonics- e drop with ed/ Phonics- e drop
Phonics- e visually impaired) doubling Context- skip a word and ing with ed/ing cont.
drop and Phonics- start with Context- use the come back Context- picture as clue Context- using
doubling doubling words around (does Comprehension- Comprehension- picture cont.
Word Attack- Context- skip a it makes sense) What is the authors message problem Comprehension-
Context Clues word and come back Comprehension- in this story Solution/ message
Comprehensi Comprehension- Solution/ story map of story
on- problem
Skills/ Intro to new book. Review. Continue with book Intro to new book. Review
Behaviors: Phonics- compound Phonics- compound Phonics- compound words Phonics- compound words Phonics-
Phonics- words words Chunking- words inside of Chunking- words inside compound words
compound Chunking- parts of Chunking- parts of other words words Chunking- review
words words words Comprehension- making a Comprehension- all
Word Attack- Comprehension- Comprehension- prediction and providing Guessing/ thinking what Comprehension-
Chunking Using background Drawing conclusions evidence something might mean in Using background
Comprehensi knowledge to make about what I read the text knowledge to
on- predictions make predictions
Skills/ Intro to new book. Phonics- long vowel Phonics- long vowel sounds Intro to new book Phonics- long
Behaviors: Phonics- long vowel sounds in stressed in stressed syllable Phonics- long vowel vowel sounds in
Phonics- long sounds in stressed syllable Word Attack check the sounds in stressed syllable stressed syllable
vowel sounds syllable Word Attack check picture Work Attack- check the Word Attack
Word Attack- Word Attack- check the picture Comprehension- picture check the picture
Check the the picture Comprehension- Making text to world Comprehension- Comprehension-
picture Comprehension- Making text to self connections Making text to world Making text to text
Comprehensi Making text to self connections connections
on- connections

Skills/ Intro to new book. Phonics- plurals (es) Phonics- plurals (ies) Phonics- plurals (ies) Phonics- plurals
Behaviors: Phonics- plurals (s) Word Attack- make Word Attack- make Word Attack- make (review of all)
Phonics- Word Attack- make connections with connections with other connections with other Word Attack-
plurals connections with other words words words make connections
Word Attack- other words Comprehension- Comprehension- Comprehension- with other words
Similar Word?? Comprehension- Character study Character study Character study Comprehension-
Comprehensi Character study Character study -

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