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The Peshitta Aramaic English New Testament
An Interlinear Translation
Translated (with notes and commentary) by Rev. Glenn David Bauscher
Glenn David Bauscher
Lulu Publishing

The Peshitta Aramaic English New Testament

An Interlinear Translation
by Glenn David Bauscher
Copyright 2006 Lulu Publishing
6th edition 2012
Editor Timothy Mitchell, New South Wales Australia
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or retransmitted
in any manner whatsoever, except in the form of a review,without written permission from the publisher.
Lulu Publishing

Many thanks are due to Paul Younan for his interlinear of The Gospels and Acts 1 through 15, which I consulted, along
with George Lamsas and Murdocks translations of The Peshitta. This is not a revision of any previous translation,
however, but is a fresh word for word rendering and is distinct from all the above translations. I trust that the hand of Him
Who originally breathed out the word was upon me as I translated. To Him I am supremely grateful for His guidance and
inspiration, and for the original and infallible text which He has bequeathed to His church and for the world to hear and
read, for the salvation of all who will believe in Him,Whose story and Gospel is told herein.
asdwqd axwrlw axysm ewsy Nrmlw Nwba ahlad hmsl atxwbst
Glory to The Name of God our Father, our Lord Jesus The Messiah and The Spirit of Holiness.


Table of Contents
Preface .............................................................................................................................................................................................2
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
The Love Letter ...............................................................................................................................................................................7
Background ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
The Gospel of Matthew .............................................................................................................................................................. 10
The Gospel According To Mark. ............................................................................................................................................... 80
The Gospel According To Luke.................................................................................................................................................127
The Gospel Of John...................................................................................................................................................................202
The Acts of The Apostles ...........................................................................................................................................................271
Romans ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 341
1st Corinthians ........................................................................................................................................................................... 370
2nd Corinthians .......................................................................................................................................................................... 399
Galatians .................................................................................................................................................................................... 417
Philippians ................................................................................................................................................................................... 435
Colossians................................................................................................................................................................................... 441
1st Thessalonians ........................................................................................................................................................................447
2nd Thessalonians....................................................................................................................................................................... 453
1st Timothy ................................................................................................................................................................................. 456
2nd Timothy ................................................................................................................................................................................ 463
Titus ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 469
Philemon ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 472
Hebrews ......................................................................................................................................................................................474
James .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 494
1st Peter ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 501
2nd Peter ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 509
1st John ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 513
2nd John ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 520
3rd John ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 521
Jude ...............................................................................................................................................................................................522
Revelation ................................................................................................................................................................................... 524
Introduction to the Psalms .......................................................................................................................................................554
Introduction to Proverbs ..........................................................................................................................................................659
Ecclesiastes ...............................................................................................................................................................................714


Why do we need a translation of an Aramaic New Testament? Others have translated it in the past, and besides, the NT
was written in Greek, wasnt it? If I were convinced that The NT were written in Greek, I would not have undertaken to
make this translation. Simply put, The Peshitta Aramaic New Testament is the original New Testament, word for word,
almost letter for letter. I address that at length in the 600+ pages that follow and also in my book, Divine Contact. I
believe I have discovered scientific proof, as strong as scientific proof can ever be, that The Peshitta New Testament was
written by God and preserved perfectly in its original text until this time.
About five years ago I read a statement written by Josephus in the first century. Josephus was a Jewish historian born in
Israel AD 37. He was the most prolific writer of Israels history and was born son of Matthias, a priest, of a priestly line.
Josephus joined the sect of The Pharisees as a teenager. He was a highly educated scholar and activist in Israels affairs,
later commanding the Jewish army against Roman attacks in Galilee.
Josephus provides almost all the historical information of first century Israel available today. Every serious student of the
New Testament has consulted Josephus for background information on that time period in Israel.
This is the statement I read from Josephus: I have also taken a great deal of pains to obtain the learning of the Greeks,
and to understand the elements of the Greek language, although I have so accustomed myself to speak our own tongue,
that I cannot pronounce Greek with sufficient exactness. For our nation does not encourage those that learn the language

of many nations. On this account, as there have been many who have done their endeavors, with great patience, to obtain
the Greek learning, there have hardly been two or three who have succeeded herein, who were immediately rewarded for
their pains. Antiquities XX, XI 2.(published circa A.D. 93)

Josephus, a learned scholar of his time, wrote that he did not know Greek well enough to speak it fluently; he knew a few
who had learned it well. The main truth to be gleaned here is that Greek was not the language of Israel, nor a second
language. It had to be studied deliberately to be learned, and it was apparently discouraged by the Jews.
In A.D. 77, Josephus wrote his Jewish Wars in Aramaic and later translated it into Greek for the Greek speaking Roman

citizens. Even his later Antiquities, quoted above, shows that Josephus was not fluent enough in Greek to compose his
several volumes in that language. The Jewish rabbis of that time forbade the teaching of pagan tongues to their young
men. They taught that it was preferable to feed ones son the flesh of swine than to teach him Greek.
Josephus elsewhere wrote that he wrote his works in the language of his country and later translated his history into
Greek.This establishes that Greek was not the language of Israel.
This historical information is valuable in determining what the language of the original NT was. The New Testament
was written by Jews in Israel, for the most part, and to Jews originally, since they were the original Christians. Even the
church in Rome was established by Jewish converts who had been dispersed from Israel and spoke Aramaic.
Aramaic had been the language of the Holy Land and the Middle East since the 7th century BC. It was imposed on that
part of the world by The Assyrians when The Assyrian Empire ruled that area of the world in the ninth through seventh
centuries. Greek never supplanted Aramaic in that area.
Greek did spread in the western empires of Alexander The Great and the Caesars. That is why the Hebrew Old
Testament was commissioned by Greek King Ptolemy of Egypt around 285 BC to be translated into Greek, so he and
Greek speaking people of Alexandria, Egypt, could read the Jewish scriptures in their own language.

There is more than history to support the theory that The NT was originally written in Aramaic. This evidence is internal
within the text of The Aramaic NT itself. Actually there are many types of this internal evidence. I will mention the most
intriguing and unusual here.
When I read Josephus statement quoted above, I wrote to Roy Reinhold, distributor of Codefinder Bible code software
and colleague of Kevin Acres, its developer.I asked him if he could obtain The Peshitta version of The NT for the program,
so that I could search it for codes. He sent me a module of The Peshitta NT within a very short time; he had been working
on it prior to my request and I was one of three people in the world who had this version in searchable format for
Codefinder, as Codefinder had not been publicly distributed with this module, and has not been, as of this writing. The
Peshitta is the only complete Aramaic NT in existence that is held to be the original NT by any established Christian
church. That church is The Assyrian Church of The East. This church has a lineage going back to the first century, being
founded by the Apostle Thomas in ancient Persia, now Iraq and Iran. The Church of The East became the largest church
of the middle ages, spreading the gospel message and building churches as far away as India and China, with 100 million
members.The Muslim conquests and massacres of the seventh to the 11th centuries as well as the Mongols destruction of
Christians and churches left very few members of that great church remaining! This is history unknown to most in the
West. Eastern Christians have not forgotten. I am indebted to Paul Younan, a native Assyrian of Lebanon and member of
The Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of The East, for pointing this out and making available written accounts
of the history of this church and the Assyrian people. One such history is The Flickering Light of Asia, by Rev. Joel
Werda, 1924.
As soon as I received this electronic version for Codefinder, I searched the text for what are called Bible codes. These are
words and messages hidden and searched for by skipping a particular number of letters of text to find each letter of the
code. I searched Matthew first by itself, since there was other acknowledged Western church tradition supporting an
original Aramaic Matthew. The term I searched for first was Jesus Christ, just eight letters in Hebrew. Hebrew and
Aramaic have the same alphabet and letters. The term shows up one time in Matthew at a skip of 17,921. It goes through
the book twice in the search, since this is a toroidal search, connecting the end of Matthew with the beginning, making the
text an endless loop. The eight letter Name has a 1 in 21, or approx. a 5% chance of occurrence. That is not highly unusual.

What is highly unusual is an additional 53 Hebrew letters attached to this string of 8 letters, spelling out a 61 letter
message about the crucifixion which goes around Matthew. Here is the string of letters as they appear in the Codefinder
matrix, only turned horizontal from the vertical:

The above red letters are the same turned sideways, the top laid down to the right, reading toward the left, as Hebrew
reads right to left. It is left to the code searcher to decipher words by separating words with spaces to see if there is rhyme
or reason to the whole thing. This is what I found in the string, using every letter in the same order as above, only
separating them into words and spaces:

Hebrew English Interlinear:

His w omen guests while I made sick fr om Jah of light to cut Me a covenant Behold! garment He seize d

wtwnlw yalxb hym rn ytrkl Nh dm dkl

on a thick beam in blood Judging: In shadow steaming a delicacy

be Md Nd: lu tda gb

of travail on a pe destal while was baking Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) (was) terrible

dl Nda geb xysm ewsy arwn

Lod "Travail" Inf. Constr. Online Bible Heb. Lex. or Part. sing
dl Lod was the name of a city in Israel, meaning Travail or Labor pains. It comes from the Hebrew verb yalad,
meaning to give birth, to beget.
Note: ytrkl above translated, "to cut me a covenant" can also be translated, "for cottages". See Zeph. 2:6
Hebrew reads right to left.The translation follows.


He seized a garment, behold, to make Me a covenant of light from

JAH (Jehovah), while I made his women guests sick with a delicacy
steaming in the shadow; judging in blood on a thick beam was terrible
as Yeshua The Messiah was baking on a pedestal of travail.
Here is another code I discovered just after Christmas in the year

in a manger

Yeshua will blossom of God The Son where?

to lodge

owbyab ewsy Uyny la Nb yha Nlhl

Note: This code has been verified by an Hebrew scholar fluent in the language Dr. Nathan Jacobi.
This is an equidistant letter sequence ELS, found using the computer program Codefinder 1.22. It skips letters, searching
for a code; in this case, I entered the words Jesus in a manger, in Hebrew. It searched for the term in The Peshitta New
Testament, which uses the Hebrew alphabet in its Aramaic language The native tongue of Jesus and His countrymen.
The ELS reference is 18474 characters between rows.
There are 1 displayed terms in the matrix.
The matrix starts at 2 Peter Ch 1 V 2 Letter 13 and ends at Acts Ch 27 V 10 Letter 61.
The matrix spans 443377 characters of the surface text.
The matrix has 25 rows, is 1 columns wide and contains a total of 25 characters.Codefinder 1.22 found the term, starting at
2 Peter 1:2, letter 13 (James,1&2 Peter follow Acts in the Eastern canon order of books) by skipping 18,474 letters 24 times,
spells out exactly what I have printed above. It goes to the end of Revelation and wraps around to Matthew and continues
to Acts 27:10,letter 61, thus going through 96% of The New Testament.
If one letter of this 96% of The NT were deleted or one letter added to it, this Christmas code about The birth of Christ
would not exist!

What are the chances of finding this 25 letter message in this text?

Codefinder, using the frequency statistics for each letter of the code, calculates an R factor of 20, which essentially is the
number of zeros after the decimal point in the probability figure! 0.00000000000000000001 or 1 in
100,000,000,000,000,000,000. That is approximately 1 in 100 million trillions.
I could go on and on with more codes. These are the first I found. I have recently found a 191 letter code which is a string

with a message in Hebrew of 93 letters, then 77 of those letters also spell out an Aramaic message, and 23 of those also
spell out another Hebrew code backward! This code goes through the entire NT almost 16 times and has a skip # of

74,806. Its R Factor (exponent) is 177.

All these codes depend on the exact number and arrangement of letters in the search text, which for most of the searches,
is the entire NT. If one letter were added to the NT anywhere, all of the codes would disappear! If one letter were deleted,
the same would apply!
To test the hypothesis that God put codes into The Bible, I performed an extensive experiment. My hypothesis stated: If
God were to put codes in The Bible, He would also code the text with His Names and Titles as found in The Scriptures
in Hebrew and Aramaic,, as a sort of signature, fingerprint or Divine watermark, in such significant numbers that there
would be no doubt that He was the author of the text and codes. I tested 95 Names and Titles of the Godhead in Hebrew
and Aramaic and performed several experiments. The last one involved 367 searches in The Peshitta NT and also 367
searches in a control text, which is a scrambled Peshitta NT. The same names and skip ranges were used in both texts
and the results were analyzed statistically with the oversight of professional statistician and former fellow of Price Water
House Cooper, the worlds largest accounting firm, Ed Sherman.
Ed now hosts a web site and newsletter devoted to the research of Bible codes. He was once a skeptic, but is now
convinced by the mathematical odds against these being chance occurrences, that the Bible was coded by God thousands
of years ago.
Ed has published my findings in several articles of his newsletter, Bible Code Digest, at

The results of my experiment are quite compelling evidence and the odds against the Names found occurring
unintentionally in The ancient Peshitta NT at all skip numbers, from 1000 to 230,000, throughout the 27 books from
Matthew to Revelation those odds are enormous.
The average probability for one search of one Divine Name at an average skip range of 1000 to 40,000 skipped letters per
search is one in 1.64 million! The control text yields completely normal and predictable results. The average probability for
the same search in the control text is 1 in 2, or 50%, which is to be expected.
The cumulative results in The Peshitta NT for its 367 toroidal searches at all skip numbers above 1000 to 230,000 max.
yield a composite probability of 102100 to one!

If this is not enough, by using nine other methods of computer analysis of the respective texts, I have verified the
secondary premise that the Peshitta is not a translation, but that the Greek NT is translated from The Peshitta.
The above explains why I have proceeded with an interlinear translation of this most unusual text. I believe what I have in
my possession is the exact, word for word, letter for letter, original and Divinely authored New Testament! It contains no

errors of any kind historical, grammatical, orthographical, textual, geographical, scientific, or theological!

It answers to our Lords promise

Nrben al ylmw Nwrben aeraw ayms Matthew 24:35

Heaven and earth may pass away, but My words shall not pass away.
rbet aowmn Nm adx atwta wa Nwrben aeraw aymsd Nyd wh qysp Luke 16:17

And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away, than for one letter to pass from the law.
The Law is a term referring to the written word of God, as John 10:34 reveals, since Jesus refers to Psalm 86 as The
The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul:
the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.
ytp tmykxm hnman hwhy twde spn tbysm hmymt hwhy trwt Psalms 19:7

I this translation of The Aramaic New Testament to Him Who authored it and Who has perfectly preserved and revealed

it for us and all generations to come. May it accomplish His good pleasure and glorify The Name of The Savior of the
world, God His Father, and The Blessed Holy Spirit, for all time and eternity. Amen

The Love Letter

If you were in love, and your lover had died, and her love letters to you had been translated by request of a friend who
wished to write your story in Chinese, which would be more precious to you, the originals or the translations?
Suppose that someone had stolen the originals and for many years, all you had were the translations. Would you want
those originals back again?
You most likely would be unable to read Chinese, and so would have it translated back into your native English. Now you
have a translation of a translation, and you know much of the original power and meaning has been lost through
translation from English to Chinese,languages quite alien to each other, but then, the translation from Chinese back to
English at least doubles the dilemma, if not more so.
If those originals were to come back to you, you would read them through tears and embrace them, as if she had returned to
you. Every word would be perfect and alive!
This Aramaic gospel is what I have just described; It is the love letter and story of your Lover and it is the original.
It is in His native tongue and it is word for word what He had said and done; it is perfect and alive. We have read only
translations and translations of translations till now. I wanted and have searched long and hard for the originals, and now
I know I have found them for all His letters.
If you could read Aramaic, I believe you would weep upon reading these as I have. Much has been lost in translation &
much has been restored in this discovery, which is a long story (I have written much about the evidence at,
but the proof is in the letters themselves. This interlinear is the most reverent and precise form of translation possible, as it

gives a word for word English equivalent of the Aramaic, and it displays the original Aramaic text as well. I am convinced
that one of the reasons Mel Gibsons The Passion of The Christ was so powerful was that the script was in Aramaic,
the language of our Lord. It sounded authentic and true to life. Of course, the vivid visual depictions could only amplify the
Behind all of it, there is a revelation of a Love deeper than hell, higher than heaven, and wider than the universe!
John 15:13
(there is not) tyl (this) anh (than) Nm (greater) brd (love) abwx
(will lay down) Myon (his life) hspn (that a person) snad
(his friends) yhwmxr (for the sake of) plx
There is no greater love than this, that a person lay down his life for his friends.

Read this letter slowly and touch the words as you read. These are the original words of your Lover to your soul. Read it
and weep.


atsydq atrbo tylgna tyamra atjysp

aqs le aqs aqswp
The Peshitta Aramaic English Holy Gospels
An Interlinear Translation

The Aramaic Peshitta is displayed in the square Aramaic Hebrew script, according to the characters used in first century
Israel and Syria, with many textual notes and commentary, comparing Greek New Testament readings with the Aramaic
and forcefully demonstrating that the original Greek NT is translated from the Peshitta NT text, which Peshitta text is
the original and God breathed New Covenant, from Matthew to Revelation.
This conclusion is the subject of another book, Divine Contact The Original NT Discovered, authored by me. The
Peshitta itself is a miracle in many ways. It contains much coded information throughout,discoverable only by computer in
this century. Some of these I discuss and show in the above introduction. The above named book displays them in depth,
along with statistical analysis of their probabilities. I employed nine other proofs, primarily linguistic computer
analyses,which verify the above assertion that The Peshitta NT is Divinely authored.
I am an ordained Protestant minister since 1976 and have pastored several Baptist and non denominational independent
churches since that time. I have been a student of Koine Greek since 1974 and have a B.A. in Ministerial Studies from Bob
Jones University,, 1976. I also studied NT Textual Criticism and the Greek manuscripts independently while attending
that school and since graduation. I have also studied Greek and Hebrew over the past thirty years, having become quite
proficient in Greek and, in the last five years, with Aramaic especially; certainly proficient enough to read the Greek New
Testament and The Peshitta and translate them accurately into English.
I have searched long and hard for the original NT text, having been strongly convinced the Majority Greek text was the
closest to the original NT. That is essentially the Greek text the King James translators used for the NT. There is a
recognized problem with that position, however, when approaching the entire book of Revelation; It has no Majority text
for many readings! The manuscripts are divided up into several large groups, each supporting a different reading.That
fairly discredits the Majority Greek theory of reconstructing the original, though I believe that approach is far superior to
the Critical and Eclectic textual approach favored by many textual scholars of the past century, which produced the
Nestles Greek NT and the modern English versions, such as The NIV, RSV, ASV, The Living Bible, NASV, etc. All
those versions rely primarily on a few mss. for the NT text and ignore 95% of the 5000 Greek mss. which may support a
significantly different reading. That cannot be sound practice, as it overlooks the simple truth that the original readings
were bound to be reproduced in the largest numbers of manuscripts, not in just one or two. Nevertheless, the Greek
Textual theories all break down at some point. This, in my humblest opinion, though I think I have more than an opinion in
this matter, is because the original text was not Greek at all, but Aramaic. It had been long held, up until the end of the
19th century that The Peshitta was the 2nd century translation of The Greek NT, and that it was probably the best and
most ancient version. It was also generally recognized that it agreed with the traditional Greek text of The NT (also
called The Textus Receptus pronounced Rekeptus) or Received Text.
Once we understand that the Majority Greek tradition represents the earliest translation, certainly 1st century, of the
original autographs, and that the original was written in Aramaic, we can make progress in ascertaining the original itself.
This discovery for the Western world has been reserved for the 21st century the computer age.
The Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of The East has known this truth for almost 2000 years. They have been
copying the Peshitta mss. by hand all these centuries, counting the letters and words, keeping notes of the statistics in
what is called a Massora. They still do this by hand today. But Western arrogance and pride never thought to question
that Jesus Christ and His fishermen and tradesmen disciples spoke Greek a Semitic people in a fiercely Semitic culture
which had remained so for over 1200 years.They would have rather died than to discard their Semitic tongue (Aramaic had
been their language for seven centuries, and was the language of half the book of Daniel and several chapters of Ezra,
books of Holy Scripture).Never would they as a nation adopt the pagan Greek tongue as their own.
Aramaic and Hebrew are as similar as any two languages can be; they shared the same alphabet and characters in the first
century and earlier; their grammar is essentially the same as is the pronunciation of many words; many words are similar
in both languages.Personal names are usually identical. Jesus is Yeshua in Hebrew and Aramaic. Christ is
Meshikha in Aramaic Meshiakh in Hebrew.
For me, the words of The Peshitta itself are as powerful a proof as the scientific evidence of the codes and Aramaic Greek
word comparisons.This I discovered only by translating every word of the Gospels. To read the words of The Christ in
His native Aramaic, and as I believe, in written form exactly as He uttered them, is a life changing experience. I am lifted
out of myself by them, as was John The Apostle: Come up hither, and I shall show you things which must be hereafter.
Johns disciples came up behind The Son of God: And Jesus turned, and saw them coming after him, and he said to them:
What seek ye? They said to him: Our Rabbi, where stayest thou? He said to them: Come, and see. And they came and
saw where he lodged; and they were with him that day, for it was about the tenth hour.
According to ancient tradition of church fathers, (Origin especially stands out in my mind), the four beasts of

Revelation six represent the four Gospels: One with a lions face, one with a calfs head, another with a mans, and one
with an eagles. Matthew presents Christ as King of Israel (Lion of the tribe of Judah); Mark presents Him as the Servant
of Jehovah, in His many works of service to Israel, Luke presents The Son of Man, and John shows The Son of God, The
LORD of Heaven, represented by the eagle, the dweller of the heights.
Revelation has this phrase four times recorded: Come and see. Each invitation is spoken by one of these four beasts in
his order. I believe the Gospels invite us to Come and see the glory of Him Whom they present.
Isa 66:18 For I know their works and their thoughts: it shall come, that I will gather all nations and tongues; and they
shall come, and see my glory.

Come and see.

atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

aqs le aqs aqswp
The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament
An Interlinear Translation


The Gospel of Matthew

Chapter 1
Aramaic reads from right to left. The first Aramaic word is abtk.
To read the translation, read the parentheses w ith English words from rightmost parentheses first,then left of that, etc.. Each
Aramaic word is followed by its English equivalent. I have labeled the first verse example with the first, second, third, etc. w ord or

(The Messiah) axysm (of Yeshua) ewsyd (of The Genealogy) htwdylyd (Book) abtk
(of Abraham) Mhrbad (The Son) hrb (of David) dywdd (The Son) hrb
Book is word 1; of the genealogy is number 2; of Yeshua is number three; The Messiah is number 4; The Son is # 5; of
David is # 6; The Son is # 7; of Abraham is # 8.
The plain English prose translation would be the above eight numbered words and phrases arranged in order:
(Book) (of The Genealogy) (of Yeshua) (The Messiah) (The Son) (of David) (The Son) (of Abraham).
This is how one should read the interlinear throughout. Most verses will be understandable if read in this way, though there will be
exceptions due to different word order in Aramaic. Try the next verse.The geneaology is very simple to read in this way.
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd of The Genealogy htwdylyd Book 0btkof Abraham Mhrb0d The Son hrb of David
dywdd The Son hrb
Isaaq qxsy0 Isaaq qxsy0l begot dlw0 Abraham Mhrb0
his brothers yhwx0lw Yehuda 0dwhyl begot dlw0 Yaqob bwq(y Yaqob bwq(yl begot dlw0 &
from Nm & Zarah xrzlw Phares crpl begot dlw0 Yehuda 0dwhy
Aram Mr0l begot dlw0 Hetsron Nwrcx Hetsron Nwrcxl begot dlw0 Phares crp Tamarrmt
Aminadab bdnym(l begot dlw0 Aram Mr0
Salmon Nwmlsl begot dlw0 Nahshon Nw$xn Nahshon Nw$xnl begot dlw0 Aminadab bdnym(
Boaz z(b Rakhab bxr from Nm Boaz z(bl begot dlw0 Salmon Nwmls
Jesse y$y0l begot dlw0 Obayd dybw( Ruth tw(r from Nm Obayd dybw(l begot dlw0
The King 0klm David dywdl begot dlw0 Jesse y$y0
of Uria 0yrw0d the wife httn0 from Nm Solomon Nwmyl$l begot dlw0 David dywd
Rehoboam M(bxrl begot dlw0 Solomon Nwmyl$
Asa 0s0l begot dlw0 Abia 0yb0 Abia 0yb0l begot dlw0 Rehoboam M(bxr
Yehoshaphat +p$whyl begot dlw0 Asa 0s0
Uzzia 0yzw(l begot dlw0 Yoram Mrwy Yoram Mrwyl begot dlw0 Yehoshaphat +p$why
Yotham Mtwyl begot dlw0 Uzzia 0yzw(
Hezekiah 0yqzxl begot dlw0 Akhaz zx0 Akhaz zx0l begot dlw0 Yotham Mtwy
Menashe 0$nml begot dlw0 Hezekiah 0yqzx
Yoshiah 0y$wyl begot dlw0 Amon Nwm0 Amon Nwm0l begot dlw0 Menashe 0$nm
Yokania 0ynkwyl begot dlw0 Yoshiah 0y$wy
Of Babel lbbd in the captivity 0twlgb & his brothers yhwx0lw
Yokania 0ynkwy of Babel lbbd but Nyd the captivity 0twlg after rtb from Nm
Zorubabel lbbrwzl begot dlw0 Shelathiel ly0tl$ Shelathiel ly0tl$l begot dlw0
Abiud dwyb0l begot dlw0 Zorubabel lbbrwz

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Azor rwz(l begot dlw0 Eliakim Myqyl0 Eliakim Myqyl0l begot dlw0 Abiud dwyb0
Zadoq qwdzl begot dlw0 Azor rwz(
Eliud dwyl0l begot dlw0 Akin Nyk0 Akin Nyk0l begot dlw0 Zadoq qwdz
Eliazer rz(yl0l begot dlw0 Eliud dwyl0
Matthan Ntml begot dlw0 Eliazer rz(yl0
Yaqob bwq(yl begot dlw0 Matthan Ntm
the guardian hrbg Yoseph Pswyl begot dlw0 Yaqob bwq(y
was begotten dlyt0 her from whom hnmd of Maryam Myrmd
The Messiah 0xy$m Who is called 0rqtmd Yeshua (w$y
Abraham Mhrb0 from Nm generations 0tbr$ therefore lykh all Nyhlk
fourteen 0rs(br0 generations 0tbr$ David dywdl until 0md(
the captivity 0twlgl until 0md( David dywd & from Nmw
& from Nmw fourteen 0rs(br0 generations 0tbr$ of Babel lbbd
The Messiah 0xy$ml until 0md( of Babel lbbd the captivity 0twlg
fourteen 0rs(br0 generations 0tbr$
was 0wh thus 0nkh The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd but Nyd the birth hdly
His mother hm0 Maryam Myrm she was twh engaged 0rykm when dk
they would have a conjugal relation Nwptwt$n before 0ld( to Yoseph Pswyl
of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr from Nm pregnant 0n+b she was found txkt$0
was 0wh righteous 0n0k her lord hl(b but Nyd Yoseph Pswy
to expose her hysrpnd he wanted 0bc & not 0lw
he would divorce her hyr$n that secretly ty0y$+md was 0wh & considering y(rt0w
appeared yzxt0 he considered y(rt0 but Nyd these things Nylh as dk
in a dream 0mlxb of Jehovah 0yrmd The Angel 0k0lm to him hl
do not 0l of David dywdd son hrb Yoseph Pswy to him hl & said rm0w
your woman Kttn0 Maryam Myrml to take bsml be afraid lxdt
from Nm in her hb Who is begotten dlyt0d for ryg He wh
of Holiness 0$dwqd is wh The Spirit 0xwr
Yeshua (w$y His name hm$ & she will call 0rqtw a Son 0rb but Nyd she shall bear dl0t
their sins Nwhyh+x from Nm His people hm(l will save yhwyxn for ryg He wh
the thing Mdm that should be fulfilled 0lmtnd happened twhd all hlk but Nyd this 0dh
the prophet 0ybn by dyb Jehovah 0yrm from Nm that was spoken rm0t0d
& she shall bear dl0tw shall conceive N+bt the virgin 0tlwtb Behold 0hd
Emmanuail ly0wnm( His Name hm$ & they will call Nwrqnw a Son 0rb
our God Nhl0 is with us Nm( which is translated Mgrttmd
his sleep htn$ from Nm Yoseph Pswy but Nyd arose Mq when dk
him hl that which commanded dqpd according to 0nky0 he did db(
his wife httn0l & he took hrbdw of Jehovah 0yrmd The Angel hk0lm
she delivered Him htdlyd until 0md( he knew her sexually hmkx & not 0lw
Yeshua (w$y His name hm$ & she called trqw the firstborn 0rkwb her Son hrbl
The Gospel of Matthew
Chapter 2
Yeshua (w$y was born dlyt0 but Nyd when dk

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of Judea 0dwhyd in Bethlekhem Mxltybb

the King 0klm of Herod sdwrh in the days ymwyb
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l the East 0xndm from Nm the Magi 0$wgm came wt0
of the Judeans 0ydwhyd the King 0klm where is? wky0 & they were saying Nyrm0w
His star hbkwk for ryg we have seen Nyzx who has been born dlyt0d
Him hl to worship dgsml & we have come Nyt0w in the East 0xndmb
the King 0klm Herod sdwrh but Nyd heard (m$
with him hm( Jerusalem Ml$rw0 & all hlkw & he was troubled (yztt0w
of the people 0m(d & the scribes 0rpsw priests 0nhk the chief ybr all of them Nwhlk & he gathered $nkw
the Messiah 0xy$m would be born dlytm where? 0ky0d them Nwhl he was 0wh & asking l0$mw
of Judea 0dwhyd in Bethlekhem Mxltybb said wrm0 but Nyd those Nwnh
in the prophets 0ybnb it is written bytk for ryg thus 0nkh
the least 0rycb you were ytywh not 0l of Judea 0dwhyd Bethlekhem Mxltyb you ytn0 also P0
the King 0klm shall proceed qwpn for ryg from you yknm of Judea 0dwhyd among the kings 0klmb
Israel ly0rsy0 My people ym(l will shepherd yhwy(rn He Who whd
Herodus sdwrh then Nydyh
from them Nwhnm & learned Plyw the Magi 0$wgml called 0rq secretly ty0y$+m
the star 0bkwk to them Nwhl appeared yzxt0 time 0nbz at which 0ny0b
& said rm0w to Bethlekhem Mxltybl them Nwn0 & he sent rd$w
The Boy 0yl+ about l( inquire wbq( go wlz to them Nwhl
you*have found Him yhynwtxk$0d & when 0mw very carefully ty0+ypx
Him hl worship dwgs0 may go lz0 I 0n0 so that also P0d show me ynw0wx come wt
the king 0klm from Nm they heard w(m$ when dk but Nyd they Nwnh
that they had seen wzxd that wh star 0bkwk & behold 0hw they went wlz0
it 0wh went lz0 in the East 0xndmb
over l(l & stood Mq it came 0t0d until 0md( before them Nwhymdq
the Boy 0yl+ was yhwty0d where 0ky0 from Nm
the star 0bkwkl they saw it yhw0zx but Nyd when dk
very b+d great 0tbr with joy 0twdx they rejoiced wydx
The Boy 0yl+l & they saw yhw0zxw the house 0tybl & they entered wl(w
they worshipped wdgs & they fell wlpnw His mother hm0 Maryam Myrm with M(
their treasures Nwhtmys & they opened wxtpw Him hl
gifts 0nbrwq to Him hl & they offered wbrqw
& frankincense 0tnwblw & myrrh 0rwmw gold 0bhd
that not 0ld in a dream 0mlxb to them Nwhl & it appeared yzxt0w
& by a road 0xrw0bw Herod sdwrh to twl they should return Nwkphn
to their country Nwhrt0l they went wlz0 another 0trx0
The Angel 0k0lm appeared yzxt0 they went wlz0 but Nyd as dk
to him hl & said rm0w to Yoseph Pswyl in a dream 0mlxb of Jehovah 0yrmd
& His mother hm0lw The Boy 0yl+l take rbd arise Mwq
stay ywh & there Nmtw to Egypt Nyrcml & flee qwr(w
for ryg the same wh is going dyt( you Kl I 0n0 tell rm0d until 0md(
to destroy Him yhwydbwnd so as Ky0 The Boy 0yl+l to seek hy(bml Herod sdwrh
The Boy 0yl+l he took hlq$ arose Mq but Nyd Yoseph Pswy
to Egypt Nyrcml & fled qr(w in the night 0yllb & His mother hm0lw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the death htwml until 0md( there Nmt & he was 0whw
that was spoken rm0t0d the thing Mdm that it should be fulfilled 0lmtnd of Herod sdwrhd
that says rm0d through the prophets 0ybnb Jehovah 0yrm from Nm
My Son yrbl I have called tyrq Egypt Nyrcm from Nmd
that he was mocked xzbt0d he saw 0zx when dk Herodus sdwrh then Nydyh
greatly b+ he was enraged tmxt0 the Magi 0$wgm by Nm
all of them Nwhlk the boys 0yl+ & he killed l+q & he sent rd$w
its borders hymwxt & of all Nwhlkdw of Bethlekhem Mxl tybd
& under txtlw years Nyn$ two Nytrt son of rb from Nm
the Magi 0$wgm from Nm that he searched out bq(d the time 0nbz according to Ky0
that was spoken rm0t0d the thing Mdm was fulfilled ylmt0 then Nydyh
that says rm0d the prophet 0ybn Jeremiah 0ymr0 by dyb
great 00ygs & lamentation 0yl0w weeping 0ykb in Ramtha 0tmrb was heard (mt$0 a voice 0lq
& not 0lw her children hynb over l( weeping 0ykb Rachel lyxr
they are Nwhyty0 not 0ld because l+m to be comforted w0ybtml she is willing 0ybc
the King 0klm Herod sdwrh but Nyd died tym when dk
of Jehovah 0yrmd The Angel 0k0lm appeared yzxt0
in Egypt Nyrcmb to Yoseph Pswyl in a dream 0mlxb
The Boy 0yl+l takerbd arise Mwq to him hl & he said rm0w
of Israel ly0rsy0d to the land 0(r0l & go lzw & His mother hm0lw
that seeking Ny(bd those Nwnh for ryg to them Nwhl they have died wtym
of the boy 0yl+d the life h$pn were wwh
& His mother hm0lw The Boy 0yl+l took rbd arose Mq & Yoseph Pswyw
of Israel ly0rsy0d to the land 0(r0l & came 0t0w
was 0wh that Arkilaus sw0lkr0d he heard (m$ but Nyd when dk
Herod sdwrh in the place of Plx in Judea dwhyb the king 0klm
there Nmtl to go lz0nd he feared lxd his father yhwb0
in a dream 0mlxb to him hl & it appeared yzxt0w
of Galila 0lylgd to the region 0rt0l that he should go lz0nd
that is called 0yrqtmd in a city 0tnydmb to dwell rm( & he came 0t0w
that should be fulfilled 0lmtnd so Ky0 Natsareth trcn
by the prophet 0ybnb that was spoken rm0t0d the thing Mdm
He shall be called 0rqtn that a Nazarene 0yrcnd
The Gospel of Matthew
Chapter 3
the baptizer 0ndm(m John Nnxwy came 0t0 those Nwnh in days 0tmwyb but Nyd in them Nwhb
of Judea dwhyd in the desert 0brwxb he was 0wh & preaching zrkmw
it hl has come near tbrq repent wbwt & he said rm0w
of Heaven 0ym$d the Kingdom 0twklm
of whom was said rym0d he wh for ryg this is wnh
in the desert 0brwxb that cries 0rqd a voice 0lq the prophet 0ybn Isaiah 0y($0 by dyb
His paths yhwlyb$l & level ww$0w of Jehovah 0yrmd the way hxrw0 prepare wby+
of hair 0r(sd his garment h$wbl was 0wh it yhwty0 John Nnxwy and Nyd this wh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

his loins yhwcx on l( with leather 0k$md the loins 0cx & he girt rs0w of the camel 0lmgd
of the field 0rbd & honey 0$bdw locusts 0cmq & his food was htlwk0mw
Judea dwhy & all hlkw Jerusalem Ml$rw0 to him htwl was twh going out 0qpn then Nydyh
the Jordan Nndrwy which is around yrdxd region 0rt0 & the whole hlkw
in the Jordan Nndrwyb by him hnm they were wwh & being baptized Nydm(w
their sins Nwhyh+xb confessing Nydwm while dk river 0rhn
the Pharisees 0$yrp from Nm many 00ygs but Nyd he saw 0zx when dk
to be baptized dm(ml that came Nyt0d the Sadducees 0yqwdz & from Nmw
who? wnm of vipers 0ndk0d offspring 0dly to them Nwhl he said rm0
that is coming 0t0d the wrath 0zgwr from Nm to flee qr(ml instructed you Nwkywx
for repentance 0twbytl that is worthy Nyw$d fruit 0r0p therefore lykh producewdb(
in yourselves Nwk$pnb & say Nwrm0tw think Nwrbst & not 0lw
Abraham Mhrb0 to us Nl is ty0 that the father 0b0d
God 0hl0 can xk$md for ryg to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
stones 0p0k these Nylh from Nm
to Abraham Mhrb0l children 0ynb raise up wmqml
of the tree 0nly0d the root 0rq( on l( is laid Mys the axe 0grn but Nyd behold 0h
good 0b+ that fruit 0r0pd therefore lykh tree 0nly0 every lk
into the fire 0rwnb & falls lpnw is cut down qsptm has produced db( not 0l
for repentance 0twbytl in water 0ymb you Nwkl am 0n0 baptizing dm(m I 0n0
comes 0t0 Who after me yrtbd but Nyd He wh
worthy 0w$ for not 0ld is wh than I ynm He wh mightier Nysx
He wh to pick up lq$ml His sandals yhwnsm I am 0n0
& in fire 0rwnbw of Holiness 0$dwqd in The Spirit 0xwrb you Nwkl is to baptize dm(m
for the winnowing fan 0$prd is wh
& the wheat 0+xw His threshing floor yhwrd0 & He purges 0kdmw in His hand hdy0b
He will burn dqwm & the chaff 0nbtw into His barns yhwrcw0l He gathers $nk
extinguished 0k(d which is not 0ld in fire 0rwnb
Galila 0lylg from Nm Yeshua (w$y came 0t0 then Nydyh
by him hnm to be baptized dm(nd John Nnxwy unto twl to the Jordan Nndrwyl
Him hl had 0wh refused 0lk John Nnxwy but Nyd he wh
by You Knmd do 0n0 need qyns I 0n0 & he said rm0w
have come? tyt0 to me ytwl & You tn0w to be baptized dm(t0
to him hl & said rm0w answered 0n( Yeshua (w$y but Nyd He wh
for us Nl it is proper 00y for ryg this 0nkh now 0$h allow qwb$
he allowed Him hqb$ & then Nydyhw justice 0twn0k all hlk to fulfill 0lmnd
at once 0dxm Yeshua (w$y but Nyd was baptized dm( when dk
& were opened wxtpt0w the water 0ym from Nm He came up qls
of God 0hl0d The Spirit 0xwr & He saw 0zxw the Heavens 0ym$ to Him hl
upon Him yhwl( & coming tt0w a dove 0nwy like Ky0 descending 0txnd
the Heavens 0ym$ from Nm a voice 0lq & behold 0hw
My Son yrb This is wnh that said rm0d
I am delighted tyb+c0 in Whom hbd The Beloved 0bybx
The Gospel of Matthew

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Chapter 4
of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr from Nm was led rbdt0 Yeshua (w$y then Nydyh
The Devil 0crqlk0 by Nm to be tempted 0sntnd to the wilderness 0rbdml
& forty Ny(br0w days Nymwy forty Ny(br0 & He fasted Mcw
He was hungry Npk but Nyd afterward tyrx0 nights Nwlyl
to Him hl & he said rm0w Tempter 0snmd The wh & approached brqw
say rm0 of God 0hl0d You are tn0 The Son hrb if N0
bread 0mxl will become Nywhn stones 0p0k that these Nylhd
it was written bytk & said rm0w answered 0n( but Nyd He wh
a son of man 0$nrb lives 0yx only dwxlb by bread 0mxlb it was 0wh that not 0ld
the mouth hmwp from Nm that proceeds 0qpnd word 0lm by every lkb but 0l0
of God 0hl0d
holy 0$dwq to the city tnydml The Devil 0crqlk0 brought Him hrbd then Nydyh
of the temple 0lkyhd the pinnacle 0pnk on l( & stood Him hmyq0w
of God 0hl0d You are tn0 The Son hrb if N0 to Him hl & he said rm0w
for ryg it is written bytk down txtl Yourself K$pn cast yd$
& upon l(w concerning You Kyl( He will command dqpn His angels yhwk0lmld
You strike lqtt lest 0ld they will carry You Knwlq$n their hands Nwhydy0
Your foot Klgr on a stone 0p0kb
it is written bytk again bwt Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
your God Khl0 Jehovah 0yrml you will tempt 0snt not 0ld
high Mr very b+d to a mountain 0rw+l The Devil 0crqlk0 brought Him hrbd again bwt
& their glory Nyhxbw$w of the world 0ml(d the kingdoms 0twklm all Nyhlk & he showed Him hywxw
I shall give lt0 to You Kl all Nyhlk these things Nylh to Him hl & he said rm0w
me yl to worship dwgst You will fall down lpt if N0
Satan 0n+s you Kl depart lz Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0 then Nydyh
you will worship dwgst Your God Khl0 that Jehovah 0yrmld for ryg it is written bytk
you will serve xwlpt only yhwdwxlb & Him hlw
angels 0k0lm & behold 0hw The Devil 0crqlk0 left Him hqb$ then Nydyh
Him hl they were wwh & serving Ny$m$mw approached wbrq
that John Nnxwyd Yeshua (w$y but Nyd heard (m$ when dk
to Galila 0lylgl He hl departed yn$ had been delivered up Mlt$0
in Kapernakhum Mwxnrpkb to dwell rm( & came 0t0w Natsareth trcnl & He left hqb$w
& of Naphtaliyltpndw of Zebulon Nwlwbzd in the borders 0mwxtb of the sea 0my the side dy on l(
that was spoken rm0t0d the thing Mdm that it should be fulfilled 0lmtnd
that says rm0d the prophet 0ybn Isaiah 0y($0 by dyb
of Zebulon Nwlwbzd the land 0(r0
of the sea 0myd the way 0xrw0 of Naphtali yltpnd the land 0(r0
of the Gentiles 0mm(d Galila 0lylg of Jordan Nndrwyd the crossings yhwrb(
in the darkness 0kw$xb who sat btyd the people 0m(
& those Nyly0w have seen 0zx great 0br the light 0rhwn
& in the shadow 0ll+bw in the region 0rt0b who were sitting Nybtyd
to them Nwhl has dawned xnd the light 0rhwn of death 0twmd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

repent wbwt & to say rm0mlw to preach wzrkml Yeshua (w$y began yr$ then Nydyh from Nm
of the Heavens 0ym$d the Kingdom 0twklm for ryg it hl has come near tbrq
of Galila 0lylgd of The Sea 0my the side dy on l( He was walking Klhm & when dkw
who was called yrqt0d Shimeon Nw(m$ brothers Nyx0 two Nyrt He saw 0zx
his brother yhwx0 & Andraus sw0rdn0w The Rock 0p0k
into the sea 0myb a net 0tdycm for they were casting Nymrd
fishermen 0dyc for ryg were wwh they Nwhyty0
after Me yrtb come wt Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl & said rm0w
of men 0$n0 of children ynbd fishers 0dyc to become Nwwhtd & I shall make you Nwkdb(0w
after Him hrtb & they went wlz0w their net Nwhtdycm left wqb$ at once 0dxm but Nyd they Nwnh
two Nyrt brothers 0x0 other 0nrx0 He saw 0zx there Nmt from Nm He passed rb( & when dkw
Zebedee ydbz with M( in a boat 0pl0b his brother yhwx0 & John Nnxwyw of Zebedee ydbz son rb Jaqob bwq(y
them Nwn0 & He called 0rqw their nets Nwhtdycm who were setting in order Nynqtmd their father Nwhwb0
the boat 0pl0l left wqb$ at once 0dxm but Nyd they Nwnh
after Him hrtb & they went wlz0w & their father Nwhwb0lw
He 0wh & taught Plmw Galila 0lylg in all hlkb Yeshua (w$y was 0wh & traveling about Krktmw
of the kingdom 0twklmd the gospel 0trbs & was preaching zrkmw in their assemblies Nwht$wnkb
among the people 0m(b & disease Nhrwkw sickness b0k every lk & curing 0s0mw
Syria 0yrws in all hlkb His fame hb+ & was heard (mt$0w
who ill $ybd those Nyly0 all of them Nwhlk to Him hl & they brought wbrqw
& those Nyly0w various 0plx$m with diseases 0nhrwkb had become Nydyb( ill $yb
& the demon possessed ones 0nwydw with severe pain 0qyn$tb who were afflicted Nycyl0d
them Nwn0 & He healed ys0w & paralytics 0yr$mw & lunatics 0rg0 rbdw
& from Nmw Galila 0lylg from Nm great 00ygs crowds 0$nk after Him hrtb & went wlz0w
Judea dwhy & from Nmw Jerusalem Ml$rw0 & from Nmw The Ten Cities 0tnydm trs(
of the Jordan Nndrwyd the other side 0rb( & from Nmw

The Gospel of Matthew

Chapter 5
to a mountain 0rw+l He went up qls the crowds 0$nkl Yeshua (w$y but Nyd saw 0zx when dk
His disciples yhwdymlt to Him htwl came near wbrq He sat down bty & when dkw
& He said rm0w them Nwhl He was 0wh & teaching Plmw His mouth hmwp & He opened xtpw
in The Spirit xwrb who are poor 0nksml blessed are they Nwhybw+
of Heaven 0ym$d the Kingdom 0twklm is yh because theirs Nwhlydd
will be comforted Nw0ybtn for they Nwnhd who are mourning 0lyb0l blessed are they Nwhybw+
the earth 0(r0l will inherit Nwtr0n for they Nwnhd who are meek 0kykml blessed are they Nwhybw+
who hunger Nynpkd those Nyly0l blessed are they Nwhybw+
will be satisfied Nw(bsn for they Nwnhd for justice 0twn0kl & thirst Nyhcw
who show mercy 0nmxrml blessed are they Nwhybw+
mercies 0mxr there will be Nwwhn for upon them Nwhyl(d

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in their hearts Nwhblb who are pure Nykdd those Nyly0l blessed are they Nwhybw+
God 0hl0l shall see Nwzxn for they Nwnhd
peace 0ml$ that make ydb(l blessed are they Nwhybw+
they will be called Nwrqtn of God 0hl0d for the children yhwnbd
for the cause of l+m who have been persecuted wpdrt0d those Nyly0l blessed are they Nwhybw+
of Heaven 0ym$d the Kingdom 0twklm is yh for theirs Nwhlydd justice 0twn0k
you Nwkl & persecute Nypdrw you Nwkl they revile Nydsxmd whenever ytm0 blessed are you Nwkybw+
evil 0$yb word 0lm every lk against you Nwkyl( & they say Nyrm0w
in falsehood 0twlgdb for My sake ytl+m
in Heaven 0ym$b is great ygs because your reward Nwkrg0d & exult wzwrw rejoice wdx then Nydyh
were before you Nwkymdq those who Nmd the prophets 0ybnl they persecuted wpdr for ryg thus 0nkh
but Nyd if that whn0 of the earth 0(r0d the salt hxlm are Nwn0 you Nwtn0
with what? 0nmb becomes insipid hkpt salt 0xlmd
except 0l0 it is fit 0lz0 not 0l for a thing Mdml will it be salted xlmtt
people 0$n0 by Nm & be trodden $ydttw outside rbl to be thrown 0dt$td
it is possible 0xk$m not 0l of the world 0ml(d the light hrhwn are Nwn0 you Nwtn0
has been built 0ynb a mountain 0rw+ that upon l(d a city 0tnydm for you to hide 0$+td
it hl & set Nymysw a lamp 0gr$ they light Nyrhnm & not 0lw
a lampstand 0trnm on l( but 0l0 a basket 0t0s under tyxt
are Nwn0 who in the house 0tybbd those Nyly0 to all lkl & it gives light rhnmw
before Mdq your light Nwkrhwn will shine rhnn thus 0nkh
good 0b+ your works Nwkydb( that they may see Nwzxnd the children of men 0$nynb
Who is in heaven 0ym$bd your Father Nwkwb0l & may glorify Nwxb$nw
that I should revoke 0r$0d that I have come tyt0d think Nwrbst not 0l
not 0l The Prophets 0ybn or w0 The Torah 0swmn
that I should fulfill 0lm0d but 0l0 that I should revoke 0r$0d I have come tyt0
to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 ryg amen Nym0
& the earth 0(r0w Heaven 0ym$ will pass away Nwrb(nd that until 0md(d
from Nm will pass away rb(n not 0l Taag 0+rs one dx or w0 one 0dx Yodh dwy
will come to pass 0whn everything lkd until 0md( The Torah 0swmn
violates 0r$nd therefore lykh who Nm everyone lk
small 0rw(z these Nylh commandments 0ndqwp of Nm one dx
little 0rycb to the children of men 0$nynbl thus 0nkh & will teach Plnw
but Nyd everyone lk of Heaven 0ym$d in the Kingdom 0twklmb will be called 0rqtn
will be called 0rqtn great 0br the same 0nh & will teach Plnw who will do db(nd
of Heaven 0ym$d in the Kingdom 0twklmb
will increase rt0t that unless 0l0d for ryg to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
that of the Scribes 0rpsd than Nm more ryty your goodness Nwktwn0k
of Heaven 0ym$d the Kingdom 0twklml you will enter Nwl(t not 0l & The Pharisees 0$yrpw
murder lw+qt do not 0l to the ancients 0ymdql that it was said rm0t0d you have heard Nwt(m$
to judgment 0nydl that one is wh condemned byxm who will murder lw+qnd & everyone lkw
who Nm that everyone lkd to you Nwkl am 0n0 saying rm0 but Nyd I 0n0
without cause 0qy0 his brother yhwx0 against l( will be angry zgrnd
who will say rm0nd & everyone lkw before the judge 0nydl is wh condemned byxm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

before the assembly 0t$wnkl is wh condemned byxm I spit on you 0qr to his brother yhwx0l
of fire 0rwnd to Gehenna 0nhgl is wh condemned byxm fool 0ll will say rm0nd & whoever Nmw
unto l( your offering Knbrwq you tn0 bring brqmd therefore lykh do wh if N0
that holds dyx0d you remember rkdtt & there Nmtw the altar 0xbdm
any Mdm grudge 0tk0 your brother Kwx0 against you Kyl(
your offering Knbrwq there Nmt leave qwb$
first Mdqwl & go lzw the altar 0xbdm before Mdq
your brother Kwx0 with M( be reconciled 0(rt0
your offering Knbrwq bring brq come 0t & then Nydyhw
your plaintiff Knyd l(b with M( allied 0w0tm be tywh
on the street 0xrw0b you tn0 with him hm( while d( quickly lg(
& the judge 0nydw to the judge 0nydl deliver you Kml$n your plaintiff Knyd l(b lest 0mld
of prisoners 0rys0 into the house tyb & you fall lptw to the tax collector 0ybgl delivers you Kml$n
you will come out qwpt that not 0ld to you Kl I 0n0 say rm0 and truly Nym0w
the last 0yrx0 farthing 1/4th 0nwm$ you give lttd until 0md( there Nmt from Nm
you shall commit adultery rwgt not 0ld that it was spoken rm0t0d you have heard Nwt(m$
to you Nwkl am 0n0 saying rm0 but Nyd I 0n0
to lust for her hygrnd so as Ky0 a woman 0ttn0 looks at 0zxd who Nm everyone lkd
in his heart hblb commits adultery with her hrg at once 0dxm
you Kl stumbles 0l$km of the right side 0nymyd your eye Kny( but Nyd if N0
for you Kl it is profitable xqp from you Knm & cast it hyd$w pluck it out hycx
& not 0lw your member Kmdh one dx that be lost db0nd for ryg
into Gehenna 0nhgb should fall lpn your body Krgp entire hlk
stumbles 0l$km of the right 0nymyd your hand Kdy0 & if N0w
it is profitable xqp from you Knm cast it hyd$ cut it off qwsp you Kl
your members Kymdh of Nm one dx that be lost db0nd for ryg to you Kl
into Gehenna 0nhgb fall lpn your body Krgp entire hlk & not 0lw
divorces 0r$d that whoever Nmd it has been said rm0t0
of repudiation 0llwdd a writing 0btk her hl let Him give ltn His wife httn0
divorces 0r$d who Nm that everyone lkd to you Nwkl am 0n0 saying rm0 but Nyd I 0n0
He causes db( of fornication 0twynzd the report 0tlm from Nm apart rbl His wife httn0
& whoever Nmw that she will commit adultery rwgtd her hl
is committing adultery r0g her that is divorced 0tqyb$ takes lq$d
to the ancients 0ymdql that it was said rm0t0d you have heard Nwt(m$ again bwt
in your oath Ktmwmb you will lie lgdt that not 0ld
your oaths Ktmwm to the LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml but Nyd you will fulfill Ml$t
at all Ks you shall swear Nwm0t not 0l to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 but Nyd I 0n0
of God 0hl0d it is wh for the throne 0ysrwkd by Heaven 0ym$b not 0l
His feet yhwlgr under tyxtd it is yh for the stool 0$bwkd by the earth 0(r0b neither 0lw
the Great 0br of The King 0klmd it is yh for the city htnydmd by Jerusalem Ml$yrw0b nor 0lp0
because not 0ld shall you swear 0m0t by your head K$rb neither 0lp0
hair 0tnm in it hb make db(ml you tn0 can xk$m
white 0trwx or w0 black 0tmkw0 of the hairs 0r(sd a certain 0dx
No 0l & No 0lw Yes Ny0 Yes Ny0 your statement Nwktlm shall be 0wht but 0l0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

is wh the evil one 0$yb from Nm exceeds ryty these Nylh that Nmd anything Mdm
in exchange for Plx an eye 0ny(d that it was said rm0t0d you have heard Nwt(m$
a tooth 0n$ in exchange for Plx & a tooth 0n$w an eye 0ny(
you shall rise up Nwmwqt that not 0ld to you Nwkl am 0n0 saying rm0 but Nyd I 0n0
on l( you Kl strikes 0xmd whoever Nm but 0l0 an evil person 0$yb against lbqwl
the other 0nrx0 also P0 to him/her hl turn 0np0 of the right side 0nymyd your cheek Kkp
with you Km( to sue Nwdnd wants 0bcd & whoever Nmw
your cloak K+w+rm also P0 to him hl leave qwb$ your coat Knytwk & take lwq$nw
two Nyrt with him hm( go lz one dx to go mile 0lym you Kl compels rx$md whoever Nm
to him/her hl give bh you Kl asks l0$d whoever Nm
you shall refuse him yhwylkt not 0l from you Knm to borrow Pz0nd wants 0bcd & whoever Nmw
that it was said rm0t0d you have heard Nwt(m$
your enemy Kbbdl(bl & hate ynsw to your neighbor Kbyrql Show kindness Mxrd
your enemies Nwkybbdl(bl love wbx0 to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 but Nyd I 0n0
what is beautiful ryp$d & do wdb(w you Nwkl who curses +0ld the one Nml & bless wkrbw
those Nyly0 over l( & pray wlcw you Nwkl who hates 0nsd to the one Nml
you Nwkl & persecute Nypdrw by force 0ry+qb you Nwkl who take Nyrbdd
of your Father Nwkwb0d the children yhwnb you will become Nwwhtd So that 0nky0
His sun h$m$ for rises xndmd is wh Who in Heaven 0ym$bd
& descends txmw the evil 0$yb & upon l(w the good 0b+ on l(
the unjust 0lw( & on l(w the just 0n0k on l( His rain hr+m
you Nwkl who love Nybxmd those Nyly0l you Nwtn0 love Nybxm for ryg if N0
Behold 0h not? 0l to you Nwkl is it ty0 benefit 0rg0 what? 0nm
are doing Nydb( same thing 0dh that yh the tax collectors 0skm even P0
only dwxlb of your brethren Nwkyx0d the peace 0ml$b you are Nwtn0 invoking Nyl0$ & if N0w
are you Nwtn0 doing Nydb( excellent ryty what thing? 0nm
doing Nydb( same thing 0dhthat yh the tax collectors 0skm even P0 Behold 0h are not? 0l
just as 0nky0 perfect 0rymg you Nwtn0 therefore lykh shall be wwh
is wh perfect rymg Who is in Heaven 0ym$bd your Father Nwkwb0d
The Gospel of Matthew
Chapter 6
you do it hnwdb(t that not 0ld in your charity giving Nwktqdzb but Nyd pay attention wrwx
by them Nwhl you may be seen Nwzxttd so that Ky0 of men 0$n0 sons ynb before Mdq
in Heaven 0ym$bd your Father Nwkwb0 with twl for you Nwkl there is no tyl reward 0rg0 otherwise 0l0w
charity giving 0tqdz you tn0 do db(d therefore lykh when ytm0
like Ky0 before you Kymdq a trumpet 0nrq you shall blast 0rqt not 0l
in the synagogues 0t$wnkb [the pretenders] of faces 0p0b receivers ybsn do Nydb(d
of men 0$n0 sons ynb from Nm they may be glorified Nwxbt$nd so that Ky0 & in the streets 0qw$bw
their reward Nwhrg0 they have received wlbqd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 and truly Nym0w
charity giving 0tqdz you tn0 do db(d whenever 0m but Nyd you tn0
your right Knymy is doing 0db( what? 0nm your left Klms let know (dt not 0l

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& your Father Kwb0w in secret 0yskb your charity Ktqdz may be 0whtd so that Ky0
in public 0ylgb will reward you K(rpn He wh in secret 0yskb Who sees 0zxd
the pretenders 0p0b ybsn like Ky0 you will be 0wht not 0l you tn0 pray 0lcmd & when 0mw
& in the corners 0tywzbw in the synagogues 0t$wnkb to stand Mqml who like Nymxrd
of men 0$n0 to children ynbl that they appear Nwzxtnd to pray wylcml of the streets 0qw$d
their reward Nwhrg0 they have received wlbqd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 and truly Nym0w
your closet Knwtl enter lw( you tn0 pray 0lcmd when ytm0 but Nyd you tn0
Who is in secret 0yskbd to your Father Kwb0l & pray 0lcw your door K(rt & lock dwx0w
in public 0ylgb will reward you K(rpn in secret 0yskb Who sees 0zxd & your Father Kwb0w
verbose Nyqqpm you shall be Nwtywh not 0l you are Nwtn0 praying Nylcmd & whenever 0mw
for ryg they think Nyrbs the heathen 0pnx like Ky0
they are heard Ny(mt$m much 00ygs that by speaking 0llmmbd
knows (dy for ryg your Father Nwkwb0 to them Nwhl you shall be like Nwmdt therefore lykh not 0l
you ask Him yhynwl0$t before 0ld( to you Nwkl is needed 0(btm what? 0nm
you Nwtn0 pray wlc therefore lykh thus 0nkh
Your Name Km$ hallowed be $dqtn Who are in Heaven 0ym$bd our Father Nwb0
Your will Knybc let be done 0whn thy Kingdom Ktwklm let come 0t0t
in the earth 0(r0b also P0 in Heaven 0ym$bd just as 0nky0
today 0nmwy of our need Nnqnwsd the bread 0mxl to us Nl give bh
also P0d just as 0nky0 our debts Nybwx us Nl & forgive qwb$w
our debtors Nybyxl forgive Nqb$ we Nnx
evil 0$yb from Nm deliver us Ncp but 0l0 to temptation 0nwysnl lead us Nl(t & not 0lw
the Kingdom 0twklm is yh Yours Klydd because l+m
of ages Nyml( to an age Ml(l & the glory 0txwb$tw & the power 0lyxw
their faults Nwhtwlks the children of men 0$nynbl you forgive Nwqb$t for ryg if N0
Who is in Heaven 0ym$bd your Father Nwkwb0 you Nwkl also P0 will forgive qwb$n
the children of men 0$nynbl you will forgive Nwqb$t not 0l but Nyd if N0
your faults Nwktwlks you Nwkl has forgiven qb$ your Father Nwkwb0 neither 0lp0
be Nwwht not 0l you are Nwtn0 fasting Nymycd but Nyd when ytm0
for ryg they disfigure Nylbxm the pretenders 0p0b ybsn like Ky0 sad 0rymk
to the children of men 0$nynbl they may appear Nwzxtnd so that Ky0 their faces Nwhypwcrp
to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 and truly Nym0w to fast Nymycd
their reward Nwhrg0 that they have received wlbqd
you tn0 will fast M0cd whenever 0m but Nyd you tn0
your head K$r & anoint xw$mw your face Kyp0 wash gy$0
to the children of men 0$nynbl you may appear 0zxtt that not 0ld so Ky0
Who is in secret 0yskbd to your Father Kwb0l but 0l0 you are tn0 that fasting M0cd
will reward you K(rpn He wh in secret 0yskb Who sees 0zxd & your Father Kwb0w
on the earth 0(r0b treasures 0tmys for yourselves Nwkl you shall place Nwmyst not 0l
are disfiguring Nylbxm & corrosion 0lk0w moths 0ssd where rt0
& steal Nybngw break in Ny$lp thieves 0bngd & where 0ky0w
where 0ky0 in Heaven 0ym$b treasures 0tmys for yourselves Nwkl place wmys but 0l0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& where 0ky0w are disfiguring Nylbxm corrosion 0lk0 nor 0lw moths 0ss neither 0ld
steal Nybng nor 0lw break in Ny$lp neither 0l thieves 0bngd
your treasure Nwktmys is hyty0d for ryg where 0ky0
your heart Nwkbl also P0 is wh there Nmt
the eye 0ny( is hyty0 of the body 0rgpd the lamp 0gr$
sound 0+y$p shall be 0wht therefore lykh your eye Kny( if N0
will be wh illuminated ryhn your body Krgp whole hlk also P0
your body Krgp entire hlk evil 0$yb shall be 0wht your eye Kny( but Nyd if N0
that is in you Kbd the light 0rhwn therefore lykh if N0 will be 0whn darkness 0kw$x
will be 0whn how great! 0mk your darkness Kkw$x is wh darkness 0kw$x
to work xlpml masters Nwrm for two Nyrtl is able xk$m man $n0 no 0l
& the other 0nrx0lw he will hate 0nsn one dxl for ryg either w0
he will neglect +w$n & the other 0nrx0lw he will honor rqyn one dxl or w0 he will like Mxrn
& for money 0nwmmlw to work xlpml for God 0hl0l you are Nwtn0 able Nyxk$m not 0l
you should worry Nwpc0t not 0l to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 this 0nh because of l+m
neither 0lw you will drink Nwt$t or what? 0nmw you will eat Nwlk0t what? 0nm for yourselves Nwk$pnl
the soul 0$pn behold 0h not? 0l you will put on Nw$blt what? 0nm for your body Nwkrgpl
clothing 0$wbl than Nm & the body 0rgpw food 0trbys than Nm is greater 0ryty
do they sow Ny(rz that neither 0ld of the heavens 0ym$d the birds 0txrpb behold wrwx
do they gather Nylmx neither 0lw do they reap Nydcx nor 0lw
Who is in Heaven 0ym$bd & your Father Nwkwb0w into barns 0rcw0b
you Nwtn0 behold 0h not? 0l them Nwhl sustains 0srtm
than they Nwhnm are Nwtn0 better Nyrtym
worrying Pcy when dk from you Nwknm but Nyd who? wnm
one 0dx cubit 0tm0 his stature htmwq on l( to add wpswml is able xk$m
do you Nwtn0 worry Nypcy why? 0nm clothing 0$wbl & about l(w
they grow Nybr how 0nky0 of the field 0rbdd the lilies 0n$w$b consider wqbt0
weaving Nlz( neither 0lw laboring Ny0l without 0ld
Solomon Nwmyl$ that not even 0lp0d but Nyd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
of these Nyhnm one 0dx like Ky0 was clothed yskt0 his glory hxbw$ in all hlkb
is yhwty0 that today 0nmwyd of the field 0lqxd the grass 0rym(l but Nyd if N0
not? 0l clothes $blm thus 0nkh God 0hl0 into the oven 0rwntb will be cast lpn & tomorrow rxmw
of faith 0twnmyh little ones yrw(z to you Nwkl more ryty does He multiply ygs
you shall say Nwrm0t or w0 you shall worry Nwpc0t therefore lykh not 0l
will we wear 0sktn what? 0nm or w0 will we drink 0t$n what? 0nm or w0 will we eat lwk0n what? 0nm
things Nyhl seeking Ny(b are wh the Gentiles 0mm( these Nylh for ryg all Nyhlk
for you Nwkl that also P0d knows (dy Who is in Heaven 0ym$bd but Nyd your Father Nwkwb0
all Nyhlk these things Nylh are necessary Ny(btm
of God 0hl0d the Kingdom htwklm first Mdqwl but Nyd seek w(b
these things Nylh & all Nyhlkw& His righteousness htwqydzw
to you Nwkl will be added Npswttm
of tomorrow rxmd shall you worry Nwpc0t therefore lykh not 0l
of itself hlyd will worry Pcy tomorrow rxm for ryg it wh
its evil ht$yb for the day 0mwyl for it hl is sufficient qps

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

The Gospel of Matthew

Chapter 7
you should be judged Nwnydtt lest 0ld you will judge Nwnwdt not 0l
you will be judged Nwnydtt you Nwtn0 that judge Nynydd for ryg in the judgment 0nydb
to you Nwkl it will be measured lykttm you Nwtn0 that measure Nylykmd & with the measure 0tlykbw
that is in the eye hny(bd a chip 0lg you tn0 notice 0zx but Nyd why? 0nm
you tn0 observe rxb not 0l that is in your eye Kny(bd & the plank 0tyrqw of your brother Kwx0d
allow qwb$ to your brother Kwx0l you tn0 say rm0 How? 0nky0 or w0
is in your eye Kny(b a plank 0tyrq & behold 0hw your eye Kny( from Nm the chip 0lg me to cast out qp0
first Mdqwl cast out qp0 [pretender,hypocrite] of faces 0p0b receiver bsn
you Kl will observe rxbtn & then Nydyhw your eye Kny( from Nm the plank 0tyrq
of your brother Kwx0d the eye hny( from Nm a chip 0lg to cast out wqpml
you throw Nwmrt neither 0lw to dogs 0blkl a sacrifice 0$dwq give you Nwltt do not 0l
them Nyn0 they trample Nw$wdn lest 0mld wild boars 0ryzx before Mdq your pearls Nwktyngrm
to run you through Nwknw(zbn & they return Nwkphnw with their feet Nwhylgrb
& you will find Nwxk$tw seek w(b to you Nwkl & it will be given bhytnw ask wl0$
to you Nwkl & it will be opened xtptnw knock w$wq
finds xk$m & he who seeks 0(bdw receives bsn who asks l0$d for ryg everyone lk
to him hl it is opened xtptm who knocks $qnd & to the one 0ny0lw
son hrb whose will ask him yhwyl0$nd the man 0rbg among you Nwknm who is? wnm or w0
to him hl he hold out +$wm a stone 0p0k will? 0ml for bread 0mxl
to him hl he hold out +$wm a snake 0ywx will? 0ml he will ask him yhwyl0$n a fish 0nwn & if N0w
knowing Ny(dy are Nwtn0 who evil 0$ybd you Nwtn0 therefore lykh & if N0w
how much? 0mk to your children Nwkynbl to give ltml good 0tb+ gifts 0tbhwm you are Nwtn0
will give ltn Who is in Heaven 0ym$bd your Father Nwkwb0 more ty0ryty
Him hl who ask Nyl0$d to those Nyly0l good things 0tb+
to you Nwkl to do Nwdb(nd you Nwtn0 desire Nybcd whatever 0m everything lk
to them Nwhl dowdb( you Nwtn0 also P0 likewise 0nkh of men 0$n0 the children ynb
& the Prophets 0ybnw the Law 0swmn forryg this is wnh
is wh for wide 0tpd narrow 0cyl0 the gate 0(rtb enter wlw(
the road 0xrw0 & spacious 0xywr0w the gate 0(rt
are Nwn0 & many 00ygsw to destruction 0ndb0l leads 0lbwmd which 0dy0
in it hb who are going Nylz0d those Nyly0
the way 0xrw0 & is strict 0cyl0w the gate 0(rt is narrow Ny+q how! 0m
are Nwn0 & few 0rw(zw to life 0yxl that leads 0lbwmd
it hl who find Nyxk$md those Nyly0
in clothing 0$wblb to you Nwktwl who come Nyt0d false 0lgd prophets 0ybn of Nm beware wrhdz0
plundering 0pw+x wolves 0b0d they are Nwhyty0 but Nyd within wgl from Nm of lambs 0rm0d
they gather Ny+ql do? 0ml them Nwn0 you will know Nw(dt but Nyd their fruit Nwhyr0p by Nm
figs 0n0t thistles 0b+rwq from Nm or w0 grapes 0bn( thorns 0bwk from Nm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

produces db( good 0ryp$ fruit 0r0p good 0b+ tree 0nly0 every lk so 0nkh
produces db( bad 0$yb fruit 0r0p bad 0$yb but Nyd a tree 0nly0
to produce db(ml bad 0$yb fruit 0r0p good 0b+ a tree 0nly0 is able xk$m not 0l
to produce db(ml good 0b+ fruit 0r0p bad 0$yb a tree 0nly0 neither 0lw
good 0b+ fruit 0r0p does produce db( that not 0ld tree 0nly0 every lk
falls lpn & into fire 0rwnbw is cut down qsptm
them Nwn0 you will know Nw(dt their fruit Nwhyr0p by Nm therefore Nydm
my Lord yrm my Lord yrm to Me yl who says rm0d everyone lk it is 0wh not 0l
whoever Nm but 0l0 of Heaven 0ym$d the kingdom 0twklml who enters l0(
Who is in Heaven 0ym$bd of my Father yb0d the will hnybc does db(d
not? 0l my Lord yrm my Lord yrm day 0mwy in that whb to Meyl will say Nwrm0n many 00ygs
demons 0d0$ & in Your Name Km$bw have we prophesied Nybnt0 in Your Name Km$b
we have done Ndb( many 00ygs powerful works 0lyx & in your name Km$bw we have cast out Nqp0
to them Nwhl I will profess 0dw0 & then Nydyhw
I have known you Nwkt(dy not 0l the beginning of time Mwtm that from Nmd
of evil 0lw( workers yxlp from Me ynm yourselves Nwkl remove far wqxr0
these Nylh My words ylm who hears (m$d therefore lykh everyone lk
wise 0mykx to the man 0rbgl will be likened 0mdtn them Nyhl & does db(w
solid rock 0(w$ on l( his house htyb who built 0nbd he wh
the wind 0xwr & blew b$nw the floods 0twrhn & they came wt0w the rain 0r+m & descended txnw
it fell lpn & not 0lw that wh against house 0tybb against it hb & they rushed wyr+t0w
was ywh laid Nmys solid rock 0(w$ on l( for ryg its foundation yhws0t$
them Nyhl does db( & not 0lw these Nylh My words ylm hears (m$d who Nm & everyone lkw
sand 0lx on l( his house htyb who built 0nbd foolish 0lks to the man 0rbgl will be likened 0mdtn
the floods 0twrhn & came wt0w the rain 0r+m & descended txnw
& they rushed wyr+t0w the wind 0xwr & blew b$nw
great 0br its fall htlwpm & was twhw & it fell lpnw that wh against house 0tybb
these Nylh words 0lm Yeshua (w$y finished Ml$ when dkd & had 0whw
His teaching hnplwy at l( the crowds 0$nk were wwh marveling Nyryht
one having authority 0+l$m as Ky0 for ryg them Nwhl He was 0wh teaching Plm
& The Pharisees 0$yrpw their Scribes Nwhyrps as Ky0 & not 0lw
The Gospel of Matthew
Chapter 8
the mountain 0rw+ from Nm but Nyd He came down txn when dk
great 00ygs crowds 0$nk followed Him yhwpqn
& he said rm0w Him hl worshiping dgs came 0t0 a certain dx leper 0brg & behold 0hw
to purify me ytwykdml are tn0 able xk$m you are tn0 willing 0bc if N0 my Lord yrm
Yeshua (w$y His hand hdy0 & stretching out +$pw
be purified 0kdt0 I am 0n0 willing 0bc & said rm0w him hl he touched brq
his leprosy hbrg was purified ykdt0 in the moment 0t($b & in it hbw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Yeshua (w$y to him hl & said rm0w

go lz but 0l0 you tn0 say rm0 to a man $n0l that not 0ml take heed yzx
as Ky0 a gift 0nbrwq & bring brqw to the priest 0nhkl yourself K$pn show 0wx
for their testimony Nwhtwdhsl Moshe 0$wm commanded dqpd
approached brq to Kapernakhum Mwxnrpkl Yeshua (w$y but Nyd entered l( when dk
to Him hnm he 0wh & prayed 0(bw a certain dx centurion 0nwr+nq Him hl
in the house 0tybb is lying 0mr my boy yyl+ my Lord yrm & he said rm0w
is tormented qnt$m & badly ty0$ybw & is paralyzed yr$mw
& I shall heal him yhwys0w shall come 0t0 I 0n0 Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
worthy 0w$ not 0l my Lord yrm & he said rm0w that wh centurion 0nwr+nq answered 0n(
but 0l0 my roof yll+m under tyxt that You should enter lw(td I am 0n0
my boy yyl+ & will be healed 0s0tnw in a word 0tlmb say rm0 only dwxlb
am 0n0 a man 0rbg for ryg I 0n0 also P0
my hand ydy0 under tyxt & are ty0w authority 0n+lw$ under tyxtd
& he goes lz0w go lzd to this one 0nhl I 0n0 & say rm0w soldiers 0+wy+r+s0
& he comes 0t0w come 0td & to another 0nrx0lw
& he does db(w this 0dh that he does db(d & to my servant ydb(lw
He was amazed rmdt0 Yeshua (w$y but Nyd heard (m$ when dk
truly Nym0 with Him hm( to them who had come Nyt0dl & He said rm0w
in Israel ly0rsy0b not 0l that even P0d to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
faith 0twnmyh this 0dh like Ky0 have I found txk$0
that many 00ygsd but Nyd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
the East 0xndm from Nm will come Nwt0n
Abraham Mhrb0 with M( & will recline Nwkmtsnw the West 0br(m & from Nmw
of Heaven 0ym$d in the Kingdom 0twklmb & Yaqob bwq(yw & Isaac qxsy0w
to the darkness 0kw$xl will be cast out Nwqpn of the kingdom 0twklmd but Nyd the children hynb
of teeth 0n$ & gnashing qrwxw weeping 0ykb will be 0whn there Nmt outside 0yrb
that wh to centurion 0nwr+nql Yeshua (w$y & said rm0w
it will be done 0whn you have believed tnmyhd Just as 0nky0 go lz
in the hour 0t($b in it hb his boy hyl+ & was healed ys0t0w for you Kl
& saw 0zxw of Shimeon Nw(m$d to the house htybl Yeshua (w$y & came 0t0w
a fever 0t$0 her hl & had seized 0dyx0w who lay 0ymrd his mother in law htmxl
the fever 0t$0 & left her htqb$w her hand hdy0l & He touched brqw
Him hl she was twh & waiting on 0$m$mw & she arose tmqw
evening 0$mr but Nyd it was 0wh when dk
many 00ygs demon possessed 0nwyd before Him yhwmdq they brought wbrq
& all of them Nwhlklw with a word 0tlmb their demons Nwhywyd & He cast out qp0w
them Nwn0 He healed ys0 had wwh become Nydyb( ill ty0$ybd who Nyly0
by dyb that was said rm0t0d the thing Mdm that should be fulfilled 0lmtnd so Ky0
who said rm0d the prophet 0ybn Isaiah 0y($0
He will bear N(+n & our sicknesses Nynhrwkw our pains Nyb0k will take bsn He whd
surrounding Nyrydxd great 00ygs the crowds 0$nk Yeshua (w$y but Nyd saw 0zx when dk
to the shore 0rb(l that they go Nwlz0nd He ordered dqp Him hl
to Him hl & said rm0w one dx scribe 0rps came near brqw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

you tn0 go lz0d wherever rt0l after You Krtb I shall come 0t0 Rabbi ybr
to them Nwhl are ty0 lairs 0(qn for foxes 0l(tl Yeshua (w$y to Him hl said rm0
shelters 0ll+m of the heavens 0ym$d & for the birds 0txrplw
where 0ky0 for Him hl there is not tyl of Man 0$n0d but Nyd The Son hrb
His head h$r to lay Kwmsnd
to Him hl said rm0 His disciples yhwdymlt from Nm but Nyd another 0nrx0
my father yb0 I shall bury rwbq0 go lz0 first Mdqwl meyl allow sp0 my Lord yrm
after Me yrtb come 0t to him hl said rm0 but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
their dead Nwhytym bury Nyrbq the dead 0tyml & let qwb$w
into the ship 0tnypsl Yeshua (w$y came up qls & when dkw
His disciples yhwdymlt with Him hm( they came up wqls
in the sea 0myb was 0wh great 0br earthquake 0(wz & behold 0hw
would be covered 0sktt that the galley 0pl0d so 0nky0
was 0wh asleep Kymd Yeshua (w$y but Nyd He wh the waves 0llg from Nm
to waken Him yhwry(0 His disciples yhwdymlt & approached wbrqw
deliver us Ncp our Lord Nrm to him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w
we Nnx are being destroyed Nydb0
are you afraid Nyntlwxd why? 0nml Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
the wind 0xwrb & rebuked 00kw He arose Mq then Nydyh faith 0twnmyh of little yrw(z you Nwtn0
great 0br a calm 0yl$ & there was 0whw & the sea 0mybw
& they were saying Nyrm0w were shocked wrmdt0 but Nyd the men 0$n0
Him hl obey Ny(mt$m & the sea 0myw that the wind 0xwrd This 0nh Who is? wnm
to the region 0rt0l to the other side 0rb(l Yeshua (w$y came 0t0 & whendkw
demoniacs 0nwyd two Nyrt met Him yhw(r0 of the Gadarenes 0yrdgd
evil 0$yb of burials 0rwbq house tyb from Nm who came out Nyqpnd
road 0xrw0 on that yhb pass rb(n could xk$n man $n0 that no 0ld so as Ky0 very b+d
& they were saying Nyrm0w & they cried out w(qw
of God 0hl0d Son hrb Yeshua (w$y & to You Klw to us Nl what? 0m
to punish us Nqn$td the time 0nbz before Mdq here 0kl have You come? tyt0
from them Nwhnm far lhl but Nyd was 0wh there ty0
grazing 0y(rd many 00ygs of pigs 0ryzxd a herd 0rqb
from Him hnm they were wwh begging Ny(b demons 0d0$ but Nyd those Nwnh
us Nl allow sp0 us Nl you tn0 cast out qpm if N0 & they were saying Nyrm0w
of pigs 0ryzxd to the herd 0rqbl that we go lz0nd
& at once 0dxmw go wlz Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
& whole hlkw into the pigs 0ryzxb & they entered wl(w they came out wqpn
the cliff 0pyq$l over l(l went straight tcrt that yh herd 0rqb
in the water 0ymb & they died wtymw into the sea 0myb & they fell wlpnw
& they went wlz0w fled wqr( had been wwh who herding them Ny(rd but Nyd they Nwnh
that had happened 0whd everything Mdmlk & revealed wywxw to the city 0tnydml
demoniacs 0nwyd & of those Nwnhdw
city 0tnydm the whole hlk & came out tqpnw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

they saw Him yhw0zx & when dkw with Yeshua (w$yd to meet h(rw0l
their borders Nwhymwxt from Nm that He would depart 0n$nd from Him hnm they besought w(b
The Gospel of Matthew
Chapter 9
to His city htnydml He came 0t0 & crossing over rb(w into the ship 0pl0l & going up qlsw
a paralytic 0yr$m Him hl & they brought wbrqw
their faith Nwhtwnmyh Yeshua (w$y & saw 0zxw in a pallet 0sr(b he lay 0mr as dk
My son yrb take heart bblt0 paralytic 0yr$m to that whl & He said rm0w
your sins Kyh+x to you Kl are forgiven Nyqyb$
the Scribes 0rps from Nm but Nyd men 0$n0
blasphemes pdgm This One 0nh in themselves Nwh$pnb said wrm0
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w their thinking Nwhtb$xm knew (dy but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
in your heart Nwkblb evil things 0t$yb you Nwtn0 plot Nyb$xtm why? 0nm
are forgiven Nyqyb$d to say rm0ml is easier qy$p for ryg which? 0nm
walk Klh arise Mwq to say rm0ml or w0 your sins Kyh+x to you Kl
that authority 0n+lw$d but Nyd that you may know Nw(dtd
in the earth 0(r0b of Man 0$n0d to The Son hrbl is ty0
paralytic 0yr$m to this whl I say rm0 sins 0h+x to forgive qb$ml
to your house Ktybl & go lzw your pallet Ksr( take lwq$ stand up Mwq
to his house htybl & he went lz0 & he stood up Mqw
those Nwnh crowds 0$nk but Nyd saw wzx when dk
Who gave bhyd God 0hl0l & they glorified wxb$w they feared wlxd
to the children of men 0$nynbl this 0nh like Ky0d authority 0n+lw$
there Nmt from Nm Yeshua (w$y passed by rb( & when dkw
tax collection 0skm at a booth tyb who was sitting btyd a man 0rbg He saw 0zx
after Me yrtb come 0t to him hl & He said rm0w Matti ytm whose name was hm$d
after Him hrtb he went lz0 & rising Mqw
in the house 0tybb they reclined to eat Nykyms & when dkw
many 00ygs & sinners 0y+xw tax gatherers 0skm came wt0
His disciples yhwdymlt & with M(w Yeshua (w$y with M( they reclined to eat wkmts0
to His disciples yhwdymltl they were saying Nyrm0 The Pharisees 0$yrp saw wzx & when dkw
your Master Nwkbr eats s(l & sinners 0y+xw tax gatherers 0skm with M( why? 0nml
to them Nwhl He said rm0 heard (m$ when dk but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
a doctor 0ys0 for l( the healthy 0mylx have need Nyqyns do not 0l
have become Nydyb( who ill ty0$ybd those Nyly0 but 0l0
& not 0lw I 0n0 require 0(b mercy 0nnx what this is wnm learn wply go wlz
I have come tyt0 for ryg not 0l a sacrifice 0txbd
sinners 0y+xl but 0l0 the righteous 0qydzl to call 0rq0d
of Yohanan Nnxwyd the disciples yhwdymlt Him hl approached wbrq then Nydyh
are we Nnx why? 0nml & they were saying Nyrm0w
much ygs are Nnx fasting Nymyc & the Pharisees 0$yrpw
fast Nymyc not 0l & Your disciples Kydymltw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
of the bridal chamber 0nwngd the children yhwnb can Nyxk$m How? 0mld
but Nyd are coming Nyt0 is with them Nwhm( the groom 0ntxd as long as 0mk fast Mcml
the groom 0ntx from them Nwhnm will be taken lqt$n when dk the days 0tmwy
they will fast Nwmwcn & then Nydyhw
a patch of cloth 0t(qrw0 places 0mr man $n0 no 0l
tears Pwtt lest 0ld old 0ylb a coat 0txn on l( new 0tdx
coat 0txn that wh from Nm its fullness htwylm
greater 0ryty the rip 0(zb & would be 0whnw
old 0tylb in wineskins 0qzb new 0tdx wine 0rmx they put Nymr neither 0lw
is spilled d$0tm & the wine 0rmxw the wineskins 0qz burst Nyr+cm lest 0ld
they put Nymr but 0l0 are destroyed Ndb0 & the wineskins 0qzw
new 0ttdx in wineskins 0qzb new 0tdx wine 0rmx
are preserved Nyr+ntm & both Nwhyrtw
speaking llmm these things Nylh but Nyd when dk
a certain dx ruler 0nwkr0 came 0t0 with them Nwhm( He was 0wh
& he said rm0w to Him hl bowing dgs approached brq
but 0l0 has died ttym this hour 0$h my daughter ytrb
& she will live 0xtw on her hyl( Your hand Kdy0 lay Mys come 0t
after Him hrtb & they went wlz0w & His disciples yhwdymltw Yeshua (w$y & arose Mqw
her blood hmd had 0wh of whom flowed 0drd a woman 0ttn0 & behold 0hw
behind Him hrtsb from Nm she came tt0 twelve 0rs(trt years Nyn$
of His garment h$wbld the hem 0nrql & she touched tbrqw
only dwxlb even if Np0 in herself h$pnb for ryg she was twh saying 0rm0
I 0n0 shall be healed 0ys0tm I 0n0 may touch 0brq His clothes hn0ml
& He said rm0w seeing her hzx turned ynpt0 but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
your faith yktwnmyh My daughter ytrb take heart ybblt0 to her hl
that yh woman 0ttn0 & was healed tys0t0w has saved you yktyx0
moment 0t($ that yh from Nm
of the ruler 0nwkr0d to the house htybl Yeshua (w$y & came 0t0w
that was upset Ny$gt$md & a crowd 0$nkw chanters 0rmz & He saw 0zxw
not 0l for ryg the girl 0tyl+ you Nwkl leave wqwrp to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
at Him yhwl( they were wwh laughing Nykxgw she yh is asleep 0kmd but 0l0 has died ttym
the crowd 0$nkl He had sent out qp0 & when dkw
the girl 0tyl+ & arose tmqw by her hand hdy0b He took her hdx0 He entered l(
that yh land 0(r0 in all hlkb this 0nh report 0b+ & went out qpnw
there Nmt from Nm Yeshua (w$y passed through rb( & when dkw
who cried out Ny(qd two Nyrt blind men 0yms followed Him yhwqbd
of David dywdd Son hrb on us Nyl( have pity Mxrt0 & they were saying Nyrm0w
those Nwnh to Him hl came near wbrq to the house 0tybl He had come 0t0 & when dkw
you Nwtn0 are believing? Nynmyhm Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0 blind men 0yms
they were saying Nyrm0 to do db(ml this 0dh I am 0n0 that able xk$md
our Lord Nrm Yes Ny0 to Him hl

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& He said rm0w their eyes Nwhyny(l He touched brq then Nydyh
to you Nwkl let it be done 0whn you have believed Nwtnmyhd Just as 0nky0
& admonished 00kw their eyes Nwhyny( were opened xtpt0 & at once 0dxmw
will know it (dn man $n0 no 0l see that wzx & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y them Nwhb
went forth wqpn but Nyd they Nwnh
that yh area 0(r0 in all hlkb they announced it yhwb+0
to Him hl they brought wbrq Yeshua (w$y went out qpn & when dkw
a demon 0wyd upon him yhwl( who is ty0d a deaf mute 0$rx
spoke llm the demon 0wyd went out qpnd & when Nmw
the crowds 0$nk & were astonished wrmdt0w deaf mute 0$rx that wh
ever Mwtm not 0l & they were saying Nyrm0w
in Israel ly0rsy0b thus 0nkh has it been seen yzxt0
were wwh saying Nyrm0 but Nyd the Pharisees 0$yrp
demons 0wyd He casts out qpm of demons 0wydd by the prince 0$rb
all Nyhlk in the cities 0tnydmb Yeshua (w$y was 0wh & traveling about Krktmw
in their assemblies Nwht$wnkb He was 0wh & teaching Plmw & in the villages 0yrwqbw
of the kingdom 0twklmd the gospel 0trbs & preaching zrkmw
ailments Nyb0k & all lkw diseases Nynhrwk all lk & healing 0s0mw
He felt pity Mxrt0 the crowds 0$nkl Yeshua (w$y but Nyd saw 0zx when dk
& wandering nomads Nyr$w they were wwh for weary Ny0ld for them Nwhyl(
a shepherd 0y(r for them Nwhl without tyld sheep 0br( like Ky0
to His disciples yhwdymltl & He said rm0w
are few Nyrw(z & the laborers 0l(pw is great ygs the harvest 0dcx
of the harvest 0dcx The Lord 0rm of Nm therefore lykh beseech w(b
to His harvest hdcxl laborers 0l(p to send out qpnd
The Gospel of Matthew
Chapter 10
& He gave bhyw His disciples yhwdymlt twelve rs(rtl & He called 0rqw
filthy 0tpn+ spirits 0xwr over l( authority 0n+lw$ to them Nwhl
& disease Nhrwkw ailment b0k every lk & to heal wys0mlw to cast them out Nwqpnd
apostles 0xyl$ of the twelve rs(rtd but Nyd their Nwhlyd
the first of them Nwhymdq these Nylh were Nwhyty0 names 0hm$
The Stone 0p0k which is called 0rqtmd Shimeon Nw(m$
& Yaqob bwq(yw his brother yhwx0 & Andraus sw0rdn0w
his brother yhwx0 & Yohanan Nnxwyw Zebedee ydbz son of rb
& Thoma 0mw0tw & Bar Tolmay ymlwtrbw & Phillipus swpylypw
& Yaqob bwq(yw the tax collector 0skm & Mattai ytmw
Thadi ydt who was called ynkt0d & Lebai yblw Halphi yplx son of rb
Skariota 0+wyrks & Yehuda 0dwhyw the Zealot 0ynnq & Shimeon Nw(m$w
who betrayed Him hml$0d he wh
them Nwn0 & He commanded dqpw Yeshua (w$y sent rd$ twelve rs(rt these Nylhl
you shall go Nwlz0t not 0l of the heathen 0pnxd by a road 0xrw0b & He said rm0w
you shall enter Nwl(t not 0l of the Samaritans 0yrm$d & to a city 0tnydmlw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the sheep 0br( to twl especially ty0ryty but Nyd you Nwkl go wlz
of Israel lyrsy the house tyb from Nm that have been lost wdb0d
preach wzrk0 you Nwtn0 are going Nylz0 & when dkw
of Heaven 0ym$d the Kingdom 0twklm that has come near tbrqd & say wrm0w
purify wkd & the lepers 0brgw heal ws0 the sick 0hyrk
cast out wqp0 & demons 0wydw
give wbh freely Ngm you have received Nwtbsn freely Ngm
silver 0m0s neither 0lw gold 0bhd you shall retain Nwnqt not 0l
in your money bags Nwkysykb copper 0$xn nor 0lw
for the way 0xrw0l scrip 0lmrt neither 0lw
a staff 0+b$ nor 0lw shoes 0nsm neither 0lw coats Nynytwk two Nytrt nor 0lw
of his provisions htrbys a laborer 0l(p for ryg is wh worthy 0w$
village 0tyrq or w0 city 0tnydm but Nyd to whichever 0dy0l
worthy 0w$ who is? wnm ask wl0$ it hl you Nwtn0 enter Nyl0(d
you Nwtn0 leave Nyqpnd until 0md( stay wwh & there Nmtw in it hb
a household 0tybl you Nwtn0 enter Nyl0(d & when 0mw
of the househould 0tybd the peace hml$ invoke wl0$
household 0tyb is worthy 0w$d that wh & if N0w
upon it yhwl( will come 0t0n your blessing of peace Nwkml$
it is worthy 0w$ not 0l but Nyd if N0
will return 0npn unto you Nwkyl( your blessing of peace Nwkml$
you Nwkl does receive lbqm but Nyd not 0ld whoever Nm
you Nwtn0 depart Nyqpn when dk your words Nwkylm listens to (m$ neither 0lw
village 0tyrq from Nm or w0 the house 0tyb from Nm
your feet Nwkylgr from Nm the sand 0lx shake wcp that yh
for land 0(r0ld to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 and truly Nym0w
tranquil xyn it will be 0whn & of Ammora 0rwm(dw of Sadom Mwdsd
that yh for city 0tnydml rather than w0 of judgment 0nydd in the day 0mwyb
you Nwkl am 0n0 sending rd$m I 0n0 behold 0h
wolves 0b0d among ynyb lambs 0rm0 as Ky0
snakes 0twwx as Ky0 crafty 0mykx therefore lykh be wwh
doves 0nwy as Ky0 & innocent 0mymtw
the children of men 0$nynb from Nm but Nyd be on guard wrhdz0
of judgment 0nyd to the house tybl for ryg you Nwkl they will deliver Nyml$m
they will scourge you Nwknwdgnn & in their assemblies Nwht$wnkbw
you Nwkl they will bring Nybrqm & kings 0klmw governors 0nwmgh & before Mdqw
& that of the Gentiles 0mm(dw their Nwhlyd for testimony 0twdhsl for My sake ytl+m
you shall be anxious Nwpc0t not 0l they arrest you Nwknwml$nd but Nyd when ytm0
you will speak Nwllmt what? 0nm or w0 how? 0nky0
in that yhb for ryg to you Nwkl it will be given bhytm
you should speak Nwllmtd whatever 0m hour 0t($
speaking Nyllmm you Nwtn0 for ryg it will be 0wh not 0l

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

in you Nwkb speaking 0llmm of your Father Nwkwb0d The Spirit 0xwr but 0l0
to death 0twml his brother yhwx0l brother 0x0 but Nyd will deliver Ml$n
against l( children 0ynb & will rise Nwmwqnw his son hrbl & father 0b0w
them Nwn0 & they will put to death Nwtymnw their parents Nwhyhb0
because of l+m everyman $nlk of Nm hated Ny0yns & you will be Nwwhtw
the end 0trxl until 0md( will endure rbysnd but Nyd whoever 0ny0 My Name ym$
will be saved 0xn he wh
this 0dh in city 0tnydmb but Nyd you Nwkl they persecute Nypdrd when 0m
to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 for ryg truly Nym0 to another 0trx0l you Nwkl flee wqwr(
cities 0tnydm all Nyhlk these Nyn0 you will have finished Nwml$t that not 0ld
of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb will come 0t0nd until 0md( of Israel lyrsy0 of the house tybd
greater rytyd a disciple 0dymlt there is not tyl
his lord hrm than Nm a servant 0db( neither 0lw his master hbr than Nm
like Ky0 that he would be 0whnd for a disciple 0dymltl for him hl it is enough qps
his lord hrm like Ky0 & for a servant 0db(lw his master hbr
they have called wrq of the house 0tybd the lord hrml if N0
of his household htyb the children ynbl how much? 0mk more dx Beelzebub bwbzl(b
of them Nwhnm you shall be afraid Nwlxdt therefore lykh not 0l
that not 0ld covered 0skd anything Mdm for ryg there is not tyl
will be known (dytn that not 0ld & hidden y$+mdw will be revealed 0lgtn
in the darkness 0kw$xb to you Nwkl I 0n0 tell rm0d whatever Mdm
in the light 0ryhnb you Nwtn0 say it yhwrmw0
hear Ny(m$ that with your ears Nwkynd0bd & anything Mdmw
the rooftops 0rg0 on l( preach wzrk0 you Nwtn0
the body 0rgp who kill Nyl+qd those Nyly0 of Nm you shall be afraid Nwlxdt & not 0lw
but Nyd be afraid wlxd to kill l+qml are able Nyxk$m not 0l but Nyd the soul 0$pn
which can xk$md Him Nm of Nm rather ty0ryty
in Gehenna 0nhgb destroy dbwn & the body 0rgplw what is soulish 0$pnld
for a penny rs0b are sold Nnbdzm sparrows Nyrpc two Nytrt not 0l
your Father Nwkwb0 from Nm apart d(lb of them Nyhnm & one 0dxw
the ground 0(r0 on l( falls 0lpn not 0l
of your head Nwk$rd hairs 0nm also P0 but Nyd your Nwklyd
are Nyn0 numbered Nynm all Nyhlk
than Nm you shall be afraid Nwlxdt therefore lykh not 0l
you Nwtn0 are greater Nyrtym many 0t0ygs sparrows 0rpc
Me yb who will confess 0dwnd therefore lykh everyone $nlk
I shall confess 0dw0 children of men 0$nynb before Mdq
Who is in Heaven 0ym$bd My Father yb0 before Mdq I 0n0 also P0 him/her hb
children of men 0$nynb before Mdq Me yb will deny rwpknd but Nyd whoever Nm
I 0n0 also P0 him/her hb I shall deny rwpk0
in Heaven 0ym$bd My Father yb0 before Mdq
in the earth 0(r0b peace 0ny$ to bring 0mr0d that I have come tyt0d think Nwrbst not 0l
a sword 0brx but 0l0 peace 0ny$ to bring 0mr0d I have come tyt0 not 0l

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

against l( a man 0rbg to divide gwlp0d for ryg I have come tyt0
her mother hm0 against l( & a daughter 0trbw his father yhwb0
her mother in law htmx against l( & a daughter in law 0tlkw
of his household htyb will be the children ynb of a man 0rbgd & the enemies yhwbbdl(bw
mother 0m0 or w0 father 0b0 loves Mxrd whoever Nm
& whoever Nmw to Me yl is worthy 0w$ not 0l Me yld than Nm more ryty
Me yld than Nm more ryty daughter 0trb or w0 son 0rb loves Mxrd
to Me yl is worthy 0w$ not 0l
& come 0t0w his cross hpyqz take lq$ who does not 0ld & everyone lkw
to Me yl is worthy 0w$ not 0l after Me yrtb
will lose it hydbwn his life himself h$pn will find xk$0d whoever Nm
will find it hyxk$n for My sake ytl+m his life himself h$pn will lose dbwnd & whoever Nmw
receives lbqm Me yl you Nwkl receives lbqmd whoever Nm
receives lbqm Who sent Me ynxl$d Him Nml receives lbqm Me yld & whoever Nmw
of The Prophet 0ybn in the name M$b a prophet 0ybn receives lbqmd whoever Nm
& whoever Nmw receives bsn of The Prophet 0ybnd a reward 0rg0
of The Righteous One 0qydz in the Name M$b a righteous one 0qydz receives lbqmd
receives bsn of The Righteous One 0qydzd a reward 0rg0
who gives a drink 0q$md & everyone lkw
of cold water 0ryrqd a cup 0sk little ones 0rw(z these Nylh of Nm to one dxl
amen Nym0 of a disciple 0dymltd in the name 0m$b alone dwxlb
his reward hrg0 he will lose dbwn that not 0ld to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
The Gospel of Matthew
Chapter 11
chargingwdqpml Yeshua (w$y had finished Ml$ that when dkd & it was 0whw
there Nmt from Nm He moved yn$ His disciples yhwdymlt the twelve rs(rtl
in their cities Nwhtnydmb & to preach wzrkmlw to teach wplml
of prisoners 0rys0 in the house tyb He had heard (m$ when dk but Nyd * Yohanan Nnxwy
of his disciples yhwdymlt by the hand dyb he sent rd$ of the Messiah 0xy$md His works yhwdb(
Who comes 0t0d He wh are? wh you tn0 to Him hl & he said rm0w
we Nnxn0 expect Nyksm is He? wh another Nyrx0l or w0
relate w(t$0 go wlz to them Nwhl & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
& see Nyzxw you Nwtn0 that hear Ny(m$d those things Nyly0 to Yokhanan Nnxwyl
& lepers 0brgw walk Nyklhm & the lame 0rygxw see Nyzx the blind 0yms
& the dead 0tymw are hearing Ny(m$ & the deaf 0$rxw are purified Nykdtm
are given good news Nyrbtsm & the poor 0nksmw are rising Nymyq
by Me yb will be stumbled l$ktn not 0ld who 0ny0l & blessed is he yhwbw+w
Yeshua (w$y began yr$ they departed wlz0 but Nyd when dk
Yokhanan Nnxwy about l( to the crowds 0$nkl to say rm0ml
to see 0zxml to the wilderness 0brwxl did you go out Nwtqpn what? 0nm
is being shaken (yzttm the wind 0xwr that by Nmd a reed 0ynq
did you go out Nwtqpn what? 0nm & if not 0l0w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

wears? $ybl soft 0kykr who a long robe 0txnd a man 0rbg to see 0zxml
in the house tyb wear Ny$ybl who soft things 0kykrd those Nyly0 behold 0h
are Nwn0 of a king 0klm
a prophet? 0ybn to see 0zxml did you go out Nwtqpn what? 0nm otherwise 0l0w
a prophet 0ybn than Nm & more rytyw to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 yes Ny0
behold 0hd it is written bytk he about whom yhwl(d for ryg this is wnh
before Mdq My messenger yk0lm am 0n0 sending rd$m I 0n0
before You Kymdq the road 0xrw0 that he may prepare Nqtnd your presence Kpwcrp
has arisen Mq that not 0ld to you Nwkl I say 0nrm0 amen Nym0
than Nm one greater brd of a woman 0$n among them born ydylyb
but Nyd the little one 0rw(z The Baptizer 0ndm(m Yokhanan Nnxwy
than he hnm is wh greater br of Heaven 0ym$ in the kingdom twklmb
The Baptizer 0ndm(m but Nyd of Yokhanan Nnxwy the days ymwy from Nm
of Heaven 0ym$d the Kingdom 0twklm this hour 0$hl & until 0md(w
it hl are seizing Nyp+xm & the violent 0nry+qw is led 0rbdtm by force 0ry+qb
The Prophets 0ybn for ryg all of them Nwhlk
Yokhanan Nnxwyl until 0md( & The Torah 0tyrw0w
they prophesied wybnt0
you are Nwtn0 willing Nybc & if N0w
to come 0t0ml who was going dyt(d Elijah 0yl0 that he is wywhd accept wlbq
let him hear (m$n that will hear (m$nd an ear 0nd0 to him hl that is ty0d whoever Nm
this 0dh generation 0tbr$l shall I compare hymd0 but Nyd to what? Nml
sitting Nybtyd children 0yl+l it is like 0ymd
their playmates Nwhyrbxl & calling Ny(qw in the street 0qw$b
& not 0lw to you Nwkl we sang Nrmz & saying Nyrm0w
you were sad Nwtdqr0 & not 0lw to you Nwkl & we cried Nyl0w you danced Nwtdqr
& nothing 0lw ate lk0 who nothing 0ld Yokhanan Nnxwy for ryg came 0t0
in him hb is ty0 a demon 0wyd & they were saying Nyrm0w drank 0t$
& drinking 0t$w eating lk0 of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb came 0t0
a glutton 0lwk0 a man 0rbg behold 0h & they were saying Nyrm0w
& of sinners 0y+xdw of tax collectors 0skmd & friend 0mxrw of wine 0rmx & drinker 0t$w
its works hydb( by Nm wisdom 0tmkx & is justified tqddz0w
those Nyly0 cities 0tnydm to reproach wdsxml Yeshua (w$y began yr$ then Nydyh
they repented wbt & not 0lw many 00ygs His mighty works yhwlyx in them Nyhb where had happened wwhd
woe yw Korazin Nyzrwk to you ykl woe yw He 0wh & said rm0w
& in Tsidon Ndycbw in Tsur rwcb for if wl0d Bethsaida 0dyctyb to you ykl
in you Nykb that have happened wwhd those Nyly0 powerful works 0lyx had happened wwh
they would have repented wbt & in ashes 0m+qbw in sackcloth 0qsb but Nyd doubtless rbk
& for Tsidon Ndyclw that for Tsur rwcld to you Nykl I 0n0 say rm0 yet Mrb
for you Nykl rather than w0 of judgment 0nydd in the day 0mwyb tranquil xyn it will be 0whn

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

you were exalted ytmyrtt0 Heaven 0ym$l unto 0md(d which yh Kapernakhum Mwxnrpk & you ytn0w
had been done wwh in Sadom Mwdsb for if wl0d you will descend Nytxtt Sheol lwy$l unto 0md(
it would have twh remained 0myq in you ykb that were done wwhd those Nyly0 powerful works 0lyx
today 0nmwyl until 0md(
of Sadom Mwdsd that for the land 0(r0ld to you ykl I say 0nrm0 but Mrb
for you ykl rather than w0 of judgment 0nydd in the day 0mwyb tranquil xyn it will be 0whn
& said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n( time 0nbz at that whb
& of the earth 0(r0dw of Heaven 0ym$d Lord 0rm My Father yb0 you Kl I 0n0 thank 0dwm
& the intelligent 0ntlwksw the wise 0mykx from Nm these things Nylh that You have hidden tyskd
to infants 0dwlyl them Nyn0 & You have revealed tylgw
before You Kymdq desireable 0nybc it was 0wh for thus 0nkhd My Father yb0 Yes Ny0
My Father yb0 by Nm to Me yl has been given up Mlt$0 thing Mdm every lk
The Father 0b0 only N0 except 0l0 The Son 0rbl knows (dy man $n0 & no 0lw
The Son 0rb only N0 except 0l0 knows (dy a man $n0 The Father 0b0l not 0l also P0
to reveal Him 0lgnd The Son 0rb wants 0bcd & he to whom Nmlw
who labor 0y0l all of you Nwklk unto Me ytwl Come wt
shall give you rest Nwkxyn0 & I 0n0w burdens 0lbwm & are forced to bear ylyq$w
from Me ynm & learn wPlyw on you Nwkyl( My yoke yryn take wlwq$
in My heart yblb am 0n0 & meek Kykmw I 0n0 for peaceful xynd
for your souls Nwkt$pnl rest 0xyn you Nwtn0 & will find Nyxk$mw
is yh light 0lylq & My burden ylbwmw is wh pleasant Mysb for ryg My yoke yryn
The Gospel of Matthew
Chapter 12
on the Sabbath 0tb$b Yeshua (w$y was 0wh walking Klhm time 0nbz at that whb
were hungry wnpk & His disciples yhwdymltw of grain 0(rz in the place tyb
& they were eating Nylk0w the ears of grain 0lb$ plucking Nyglm & they began wyr$w
them Nwn0 they saw wzx when dk but Nyd The Pharisees 0$yrp
to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0
something Mdm are doing Nydb( Your disciples Kydymlt behold 0h
on The Sabbath 0tb$b to do db(ml is legal +yl$ that not 0ld
what? 0nm have you read Nwtyrq not? 0l to them Nwhl said rm0 but Nyd he wh
with him hm(d & those Nyly0w he was hungry Npk when dk David dywd did db(
the house 0tybl he entered l( How? 0nky0
of the table hrwtpd & the bread 0mxlw of God 0hl0d
legal +yl$ which not 0ld that wh he ate lk0 of Jehovah 0yrmd
for those Nyly0l neither 0lw to eat lk0ml for him hl was 0wh
only dwxlb for the priests 0nhkl rather N0 but 0l0 who were with him hm(d
that the priests 0nhkd in The Torah 0tyrw0b have you read? Nwtyrq not 0l or w0
the Sabbath 0tb$l it hl profane Nylxm in the temple 0lkyhb
are Nwn0 blame yld( & without 0ldw
but Nyd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
here 0krh is ty0 the temple 0lkyh than Nm One greater brd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

what this is? wnm you had Nwtywh known Ny(dy but Nyd if wl0
a sacrifice 0txbd & not 0lw I 0n0 want 0bc mercy 0nnx
those Nyly0l you would have Nwtywh condemned Nybyxm not 0l
are Nwn0 blame yld( who without 0ldd
of the Sabbath 0tb$d for ryg The Lord hrm
of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb is yhwty0
Yeshua (w$y there Nmt from Nm & departed yn$w
to their synagogue Nwht$wnkl & He came 0t0w
there Nmt was 0wh there ty0 one dx man 0rbgw
Him hl they were wwh & asking Nyl0$mw his hand hdy0 whose was withered 0$ybyd
on the Sabbath 0tb$b it legal +yl$ Is N0d & they were saying Nyrm0w
they might accuse Him yhwcrq Nwlk0nd so that Ky0 to heal wys0ml
who is? wnm to them Nwhl said rm0 Nyd He wh
to him hl who is ty0d the man 0rbg among you Nwknm
into a pit 0rbxb it falls lpn & if N0w one dx sheep 0br(
of The Sabbath 0tb$d on the day 0mwyb
it hl & lift out Myqmw he will take hold dx0 not 0l
a sheep 0br( than Nm a son of man 0$nrb greater is ryty but Nyd how much? 0mk
what is good ryp$d to do db(ml on the Sabbath 0tb$b it is wh legal +yl$ therefore Nydm
man 0rbg to that whl He said rm0 then Nydyh
his hand hdy0 & he stretched out +$pw your hand Kdy0 stretch out +w$p
his other htrbx like Ky0 & it was restored tnqtw
they took wbsn & counsel 0klmw The Pharisees 0$yrp & went out wqpnw
that they might destroy Him yhynwdbwnd so Ky0 against Him yhwl(
& went wlz0w there Nmt from Nm He hl & moved yn$w knew (dy but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
all of them Nwhlkl & He healed ys0w great 00ygs crowds 0$nk after him hrtb
they should reveal Him yhynwlgn that not 0ld them Nwhb & He warned 00kw
the thing Mdm that it should be fulfilled 0lmtnd
which says rm0d the prophet 0ybn Isaiah 0y($0 by dyb that was spoken rm0t0d
in Him hb in Whom I delight tyb+c0d My Servant ydb( behold 0h
My Soul y$pn for Him hb for Whom has longed txwsd My Beloved ybybx
upon Him yhwl( I shall put Mys0 My Spirit yxwr
He will preach zrkn to the nations 0mm(l & judgment 0nydw
nor 0lw will he cry out 0(qn neither 0lw He will dispute 0rxtn not 0l
in the streets 0qw$b His voice hlq will hear (m$n a man $n0
He will break off rbtn not 0l fractured 0(y(r a reed 0ynq
He will extinguish K(dn not 0l that flickers P+p+md & the lamp 0gr$w
of innocence 0twkzl the verdict 0nyd He will bring qpnd until 0md(
will hope Nwrbsn the nations 0mm( & in His Name hm$bw
mute $rxd a certain dx demoniac 0nwyd to Him hl they brought wbrq then Nydyh
so that 0nky0 & He healed him hys0w & blinded ryw(w
& could see 0zxnw could speak llmn & blind man 0ymsw the mute 0$rxd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the crowds 0$nk all of them Nwhlk they were wwh & astounded Nyrmdtmw
of David dywdd the Son hrb this is wnh not? 0mld & they were saying Nyrm0w
they were saying Nyrm0 they heard w(m$ when dk but Nyd the Pharisees 0$yrp
demons 0d0$ casts out qpm not 0l This One 0nh
of demons 0wydd the prince 0$r by Beelzebub bwbzl(bb except 0l0
their designs Nwhtb$xm knew (dy but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
that is divided glpttd kingdom wklm every lk to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
house yb & every lkw will be destroyed brxt itself h$pn against l(
will stand Mwqn not 0l itself h$pn against l( that is divided glptnd & city 0nydmw
casts out qpm Satan 0n+sl Satan 0n+s & if N0w
he has been divided glpt0 himself h$pn against l(
his kingdom htwklm will stand 0myq therefore lykh how? 0nky0
demons 0wyd am 0n0 casting out qpm by Beelzebub bwbzl(bb I 0n0 & if N0w
them Nwhl do they cast out Nyqpm by whom? 0nmb your sons Nwkynb
judges 0nyd to you Nwkl will be Nwwhn they Nwnh this 0nh because of l+m
of God 0hl0d by The Spirit 0xwrb & if N0w
has come near tbrq demons 0wyd am 0n0 casting out qpm I 0n0
of God 0hl0d the Kingdom 0twklm unto you Nwkyl( it hl
is able xk$m a man $n0 How? 0nky0 or w0
of a mighty man 0nysx the house tybl that he should enter lw(nd
unless 0l0 should plunder zwbn & his goods yhwn0mw
he would bind him yhwyrs0n first Mdqwl only N0
he may plunder zwbn his house htyb & then Nydyhw the mighty man 0nysxl
is wh against Me ylbqwl with Me ym( is 0wh not 0ld whoever Nm
is scattering rdbm to scatter wrdbm with Me ym( gathers $nk not 0ld & whoever Nmw
to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 this 0nh because of l+m
they will be forgiven Nwqbt$n & blasphemies Nypdwgw sins Nyh+x that all lkd
that is against l(d but Nyd the blasphemy 0pdwg to the children of men 0$nynbl
to the children of men 0$nynbl will be forgiven qbt$n not 0l The Spirit 0xwr
will say rm0nd who Nm everyone lkw
of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb against l( a word 0tlm
everyone lk to him hl it will be forgiven qbt$n
will talk rm0n of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr who against l(d but Nyd
this 0nh in world 0ml(b not 0l to him hl it will be forgiven qbt$n not 0l
that is being prepared dyt(d in the world 0ml(b & not 0lw
good 0ryp$ & its fruit yhwr0pw good 0ryp$ the tree 0nly0 makewdb( either w0
bad 0$yb & its fruit yhwr0pw bad 0$yb the tree 0nly0 makewdb( or w0
a tree 0nly0 known (dytm for ryg is wh its fruit yhwr0p from Nm
are able Nyxk$m how? 0nky0 of vipers 0ndk0d offspring 0dly
are Nwtn0 who evil 0$ybd to speak wllmml good things 0tb+ you Nwtn0
the mouth 0mwp speaks llmm for ryg of the heart 0bl the fullness yrtwt from Nm
good 0tb+ a treasure 0tmys from Nm good 0b+ a man 0rbg
evil 0$yb & a man 0rbgw good things 0tb+ brings qpm
evil things 0t$yb brings qpm evil 0t$yb treasure 0tmys from Nm
idle 0l+b word 0lm that every lkd for ryg to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

children of men 0$n0 ynb that will say Nwrm0nd

of judgment 0nydd in the day 0mwyb an answer for it hmgtp they will give Nwltn
you will be justified qddzt for ryg your words Kylm by Nm
you will be condemned byxtt your words Kylm & by Nmw
the Scribes 0rps of Nm some 0$n0 responded wn( then Nydyh
to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w the Pharisees 0$yrp & of Nmw
a sign 0t0 from you Knm to see 0zxnd we Nnx wish Nybc Teacher 0nplm
to them Nwhl & said rm0w answered 0n( but Nyd He wh
seeks 0y(b a sign 0t0 and adulterous 0trygw evil 0t$yb a generation 0tbr$
the sign ht0 except 0l0 to it hl will be given bhytt not 0l & a sign 0t0w
the prophet 0ybn of Yonan Nnwyd
of the fish 0nwnd in the belly hsrkb Yonan Nnwy was 0whd for ryg Just as 0nky0
nights Nwlyl & three 0tltw days Nymwy three 0tlt
The Son hrb will be 0whn thus 0nkh
of the earth 0(r0d in the heart hblb of Man 0$n0d
nights Nwlyl & three 0tltw days Nymmy0 three 0tlt
in the judgment 0nydb will arise Nwmwqn Ninevite 0ywnyn the men 0rbg
& will condemn it hnwbyxnw this 0dh generation 0tbr$ with M(
of Yonan Nnwyd at the preaching htwzwrkb repented wbt for they Nwnhd
is here Nnt Yonan Nnwy than Nm One greater brd & behold 0hw
in the judgment 0nydb will arise Mwqt of the South 0nmytd the queen 0tklm
from Nm for she came tt0d & will condemn it hybyxtw this 0dh generation 0tbr$ with M(
the wisdom htmkx that she might hear (m$td of the earth 0(r0d the ends hyrb(
is here 0krh Solomon Nwmyl$ than Nm One greater rytyd & behold 0hw of Solomon Nwmyl$d
goes out qwpt vile 0tpn+ a spirit 0xwrd but Nyd whenever ytm0
in places 0twrt0b it wanders about 0krktm a son of man 0$nrb from Nm
& it seeks 0y(bw in them Nwhb there is no tyl where water 0ymd
it does find 0xk$m & not 0lw rest 0xyn
to my house ytybl I shall return Kwph0 it says 0rm0 then Nydyh
& it goes 0yt0w I came out tqpnd where 0ky0 from Nm
& decorated tbcmw & swept Mymxw that it is empty qyrsd finding 0xk$m
other Nynrx0 spirits 0xwr seven (b$ with it hm( bringing 0rbd it goes 0lz0 then Nydyh
in it hb & they dwell Nrm(w & they enter Nl0(w worse N$yb than it hnmd
his beginning htymdq than Nm worse 0$yb that wh of man 0rbgd the end htrx & becomes 0ywhw
evil 0t$yb this 0dh to generation 0tbr$l to it hl it will be done 0whn thus 0nkh
to the crowds 0$nkl was speaking llmm but Nyd He wh when dk
outside rbl standing Nymyq & his brothers yhwx0w his mother hm0 they came wt0
with Him hm( to speak Nwllmnd & seeking Ny(bw
Your mother Km0 behold 0h a man $n0 but Nyd to Him hl said rm0
with You Km( to speak Nwllmnd & want Ny(bw outside rbl are standing Nymyq & brothers Kyx0w
Him hl who told rm0d to him Nml & said rm0w answered 0n( but Nyd He wh
My brothers yx0 are Nwn0 & who? Nmw My mother ym0 is yh who? Nm
& said rm0w His disciples yhwdymlt to twl His hand hdy0 & He stretched +$pw
My brothers yx0 & behold 0hw My mother ym0 behold 0h

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of My Father yb0d the will hnybc who does db(d for ryg everyone $nlk
& My mother ym0w & My sister ytxw My brother yx0 the same is wywh Who is in Heaven 0ym$bd
The Gospel of Matthew
Chapter 13
from Nm Yeshua (w$y went out qpn day 0mwy but Nyd in that whb
of the sea 0my the side dy by l( & He sat down btyw the house 0tyb
great 00ygs the crowds 0$nk unto him htwl & they were assembled w$nkt0w
in a ship 0pl0b Himself hl seating btn He embarked qsnd so that Ky0
were 0wh standing M0q the crowds 0$nk & all hlkw
by the sea 0my the beach rps on l(
in parables 0t0lpb with them Nwhm( He was 0wh speaking llmm & much ygsw
to sow (wrznd a sower 0(wrz went out qpn behold 0h & He said rm0w
the road 0xrw0 the side dy on l( fell lpnd some ty0 he sowed (rz & as dkw
& ate it htlk0w a bird 0txrp & came tt0w
the rock 0(w$ on l( fell lpn and others 0nrx0w
much 00ygs soil 0rdm was 0wh there not tyld where 0ky0
it sprouted xw$ an hour ht($ & son of rbw
of soil 0(r0d depth 0qmw( was 0wh there not tyld because l+m
it became hot Mx the sun 0$m$ but Nyd arose xnd when dk
it withered $by roots 0rq( to it hl was 0wh there not tyld & because l+mw
the thorns 0bwk among tyb fell lpn & others 0nrx0w
& they choked it yhwqnxw the thorns 0bwk & they came up wqlsw
fruit 0r0p & it yielded bhyw good 0tb+ in the ground 0(r0b fell lpn & others 0nrx0w
of thirty Nytltd & some ty0w of sixty Nyt$d & some ty0w of a hundred 00md some ty0
let him hear (m$n that hears (m$nd an ear 0nd0 to him hl is ty0d whoever Nm
to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w His disciples yhwdymlt & approached wbrqw
with them Nwhm( are you tn0 speaking llmm in parables 0t0lpb why? 0nml
it wh to you Nwkld to them Nwhl & said rm0w answered 0n( but Nyd He wh
of the Kingdom 0twklmd the secrets 0zr0 to know (dml has been given byhy
it has been given byhy not 0l but Nyd to them Nwnhl of Heaven 0ym$d
it hl that has ty0d for ryg to the one Nml
it hl & will increase rtytnw it hl will be given bhytn
he hl which has ty0d even that whw it hl that has not tyld & to the one Nmlw
this 0nh because of l+m from him hnm will be taken lqt$n
because l+m with them Nwhm( I am 0n0 speaking llmm in parables 0t0lpb
& those hearing Ny(m$w are seeing Nyzx also not 0lw they who see Nyzxd
understand Nylktsm nor 0lw hear Ny(m$ neither 0lw
that says rm0d of Isaiah 0y($0d the prophecy htwybn in them Nwhb & is fulfilled 0ml$w
you will understand Nwlktst & not 0lw you will hear Nw(m$t hearing 0(m$d
you will know Nw(dt & not 0lw you will see Nwzxt & seeing 0zxmw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

this 0nh of people 0m(d the heart hbl for ryg it hl has become dense yb(t0
they have heard w(m$ hardly ty0ryqy & with their ears Nwhynd0bw
with their eyes Nwhyny(b they would see Nwzxn lest 0ld they have shut wcm( & their eyes Nwhyny(w
& they would understand Nwlktsnw with their ears Nwhynd0b & they would hear Nw(m$nw
them Nwn0 & I would heal 0s0w & they would be converted Nwnptnw in their hearts Nwhblb
to your eyes Nwkyny(l blessings Nyhybw+ but Nyd your Nwklyd
for they are hearing N(m$d & to your ears Nwkynd0lw for they are seeing Nyzxd
& righteous ones 0qydzw prophets 0ybn that many 00ygsd to you Nwkl I say 0nrm0 for ryg amen Nym0
you are Nwtn0 that seeing Nyzxd the things Mdm to see Nwzxnd have yearned wgrgrt0
the things Mdm & to hear (m$mlw they saw wzx & not 0lw
they heard w(m$ & not 0lw you are Nwtn0 that hearing Ny(m$d
of the seed 0(rzd the parable 0ltm hear w(m$ but Nyd you Nwtn0
of the Kingdom 0twklmd the word 0tlm who hears (m$d everyone lk
The Evil One 0$yb comes 0t0 into him/her hb understands lktsm & not 0lw
in his/her heart hblb that was sown 0(yrzd the word 0tlm & snatches P+xw
was sown (rdz0 the road 0xrw0 the side dy that which upon l(d is wh this wnh
is wh was sown (rdz0 the rock 0(w$ which upon l(d but Nyd that wh
a moment ht($ & son of rbw the word 0tlm who hears (m$d the one wh
it hl he receives lbqm in joy 0twdxb
in him hb roots 0rq( but Nyd for him hl there are not tyl
there is 0whd & when 0mw he is wh temporal 0nbzd but 0l0
the word 0tlm because of l+m persecution 0ypwdr or w0 distress 0nclw0
he falls apart l$ktm immediately lg(
was sown (rdz0 the thorns 0bwk which among tybd Nyd that wh
the word 0tlm who hears (m$d the one wh is wh
of wealth 0rtw(d & the deception yy(w+w this 0nh of world 0ml(d & the cares 0ynrw
that one is 0ywh fruit 0r0p & without 0ldw the word 0tlml it hl choke Nyqnx
the ground 0(r0 which upon l(d but Nyd that wh
My word ytlm who hears (m$d he wh is wh was sown (rdz0 good 0tb+
& produces db(w fruit 0r0p & he yields bhyw & understands lktsmw
of sixty Nyt$d & some ty0w of a hundred 00md some ty0
of thirty Nytltd & some ty0w
to them Nwhl He parabled ltm0 the parable 0ltm another 0nrx0
of Heaven 0ym$d the Kingdom 0twklm that is likened 0ymd & He said rm0w
in his field htyrqb good 0b+ the seed 0(rz who sowed (rzd to the man 0rbgl
& sowed (rzw his enemy hbbdl(b came 0t0 men 0$n0 slept wkmd & when dkw
& he left lz0w the wheat 0+x among tnyb tares 0nzyz
fruit 0r0p it produced db(w the grass 0bs( sprouted 0(y but Nyd when dk
the tares 0nzyz also P0 appeared wyzxt0 then Nydyh
of the house 0tyb of the lord 0rmd his servantsyhwdb( & approached wbrqw
seed 0(rz behold 0h not? 0l our lord Nrm to him hl & they said wrm0w
where? 0kmy0 from Nm in your field Ktyrqb did you sow t(rz good 0b+
tares 0nzyz in it hb are ty0
to them Nwhl said rm0 but Nyd he wh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to him hl were saying Nyrm0 this 0dh has done db( an enemy 0bbdl(b a man 0rbg
them Nwn0 to select out 0bgn us to go lz0n do you tn0 want? 0bc his servants yhwdb(
you Nwtn0 collect Nybgm when dk is it not? 0mld to them Nwhl said rm0 but Nyd he wh
the wheat 0+x also P0 with them Nwhm( you would uproot Nwrq(t the tares 0nzyz
harvest 0dcxl until 0md( as one 0dxk0 both Nwhyrt grow Nybr let wqwb$
to the reapers 0dwcxl I 0n0 shall say rm0 of harvest 0dcxd & in the time 0nbzbw
to burn Nwdq0nd in bundles 0tyrs0m them Nwn0 & bind wrws0w the tares 0nzyz first Mdqwl select out wbg
to my granary yrcw0l them Nyn0 gather w$nk but Nyd the wheat 0+x
is likened 0ymd & said rm0w to them Nwhl He parabled ltm0 parable 0ltm another 0nrx0
of Mustard seed 0ldrxd to a grain 0tdrpl of Heaven 0ym$d the Kingdom 0twklm
in his field htyrqb sowing it h(rz a man 0rbg that had taken bsnd
but Nyd whenever 0m seeds 0nw(rz all Nwhlk of Nm is yh smallest 0yrw(z & this yhw
small herbs 0nwqry all Nwhlk of Nm it is yh greatest 0br it has grown tbrd
may come 0t0td so that Ky0 a tree 0nly0 & becomes 0ywhw
in its branches hykwsb settle Nqt of the sky 0ym$d a bird 0txrp
them Nwhl He told rm0 parable 0ltm another 0nrx0
to yeast 0rymxl of Heaven 0ym$d the Kingdom 0twklm is likened 0ymd
in three tltb & hid trm+ a woman 0ttn0 which took tlq$d that wh
had fermented (mx all of it hlkd until 0md( of meal 0xmqd measures Ny0s
to the crowds 0$nkl in parables 0t0lpb Yeshua (w$y spoke llm all Nyhlk these things Nylh
with them Nwhm( he was 0wh speaking llmm not 0l a parable 0t0lp & without 0ldw
the thing Mdm that should be fulfilled 0lmtnd so Ky0
I shall open xtp0 that says rm0d the prophet 0ybn by dyb that was spoken rm0t0d
things hidden 0tysk & I shall declare (b0w in parables 0ltmb my mouth ymwp
of the world 0ml(d the foundation htymrt before Mdq from Nmd
to the house 0tybl & came 0t0w the crowds 0$nkl left qb$ Yeshua (w$y then Nydyh
to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w His disciples yhwdymlt to him htwl & they came wbrqw
& the field 0tyrqdw of the tares 0nzyzd that wh parable 0ltm to us Nl explain q$p
he wh to them Nwhl & said rm0w answered 0n( but Nyd he wh
of Man 0$n0d the Son hrb is yhwty0 good 0b+ the seed 0(rz who sowed (rzd
the children hynb good 0b+ but Nyd the seed 0(rz the world 0ml( is hyty0 & the field 0tyrqw
are Nwhyty0 but Nyd the tares 0nzyz of the Kingdom 0twklmd are Nwn0
of The Evil One 0$ybd the children yhwnb
Satan 0n+s is yhwty0 them nwn0 who sowed (rzd moreover Nyd the enemy 0bbdl(b
of the world 0ml(d the end hmlw$ is yhwty0 but Nyd the harvest 0dcx
the angels 0k0lm & Nyd the reapers 0dwcx
the tares 0nzyz are gathered Nybgtmd therefore lykh just as 0nky0
thus 0nkh in the fire 0rwnb & burn Nydqyw
this 0nh of world 0ml(d in the end hmlw$b it will be 0whn
His angels yhwk0lm of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb will send rd$n
all of those Nwhlk His Kingdom htwklm from Nm & they will select Nwbgnw
of evil 0lw( doers ydb( & all those Nwhlkw stumbling blocks 0lw$km
of fire 0rwnd into the essence 0nwt0b them Nwn0 & they will cast Nwmrnw
of teeth 0n$ & gnashing qrwxw weeping 0ykb will be 0whn there Nmt

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the sun 0$m$ as Ky0 will shine Nwrhnn the righteous 0qydz then Nydyh
of their Father Nwhwb0d in the Kingdom htwklmb
let him hear (m$n that will hear (m$nd an ear 0nd0 to him/her hl has ty0d whoever Nm
to treasure 0tmysl of Heaven 0ym$d the Kingdom 0twklm is likened 0ymd again bwt
& hid hy$+w a man 0rbg found hxk$0d which yh in a field 0tyrqb that was hidden 0y$+md
selling Nbz he went lz0 his joy htwdx & from Nmw
that yh field 0tyrql & he bought hnbzw to him hl that is ty0d everything lk
to the man 0rbgl of Heaven 0ym$d the Kingdom 0twklm is likened 0ymd again bwt
precious 0tb+ pearls 0tyngrm was 0wh who searching for 0(bd a merchant 0rgt
obviously 0ymd was valuable tryqy a certain 0dx pearl 0tyngrm he found xk$0 but Nyd when dk
& bought it hnbzw to him hl that is ty0d whatsoever 0m everything lk selling Nbz he went lz0
a net 0tdycml of Heaven 0ym$d the Kingdom 0twklm is like 0ymd again bwt
it collected t$nk kind sng every lk & from Nmw into the sea 0myb that was cast tlpnd
of the sea 0my to the shore yrpsl they brought it up hwqs0 it was full tlm & when dkw
in vessels 0n0mb they placed wymr0 & the good 0b+w & selected out wybg & they sat wbtyw
out rbl they threw wd$ & the bad 0$ybw
the angels 0k0lm will go forth Nwqpn of the world 0ml(d in the end hmlw$b it will be 0whn thus 0nkh
the righteous 0qydz among ynyb from Nm the wicked 0$yb & they will separate Nw$rpnw
of fire 0rwnd into the essence 0nwt0b them Nwn0 & they will cast Nwmrnw
of teeth 0n$ & gnashing qrwxw weeping 0ykb will be 0whn there Nmt
these things Nylh all Nyhlk have you understood? Nwtlkts0 Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
our Lord Nrm yes Ny0 to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0
who is instructed dmlttmd scribe 0rps every lk this 0nh because of l+m to them Nwhl He said rm0
of the house 0tyb the lord 0rm the man 0rbgl is like 0md of Heaven 0ym$ for the kingdom twklml
& old things 0tqyt(w new things 0ttdx his treasure htmys from Nm who brings qpmd
Yeshua (w$y had finished Ml$ that when dkd & it was 0whw
there Nmt from Nm He departed yn$ these Nylh parables 0ltm
in their synagogues Nwht$wnkb them Nwhl He 0wh & taught Plmw to His city htnydml & He came 0t0w
& they would say Nwrm0nw they would marvel Nwrhtnd so that 0nky0
& the miracles 0lyxw this 0dh wisdom 0tmkx This One 0nhl to Him hl from where? 0kmy0
of the carpenter 0rgnd the son hrb This 0nh is 0wh not? 0l
Maryam Myrm is called 0yrqtm His mother hm0 not? 0l
& Yehuda 0dwhyw & Shimeon Nw(m$w & Yose 0swyw Yaqob bwq(y & His brothers yhwx0w
they are Nyn0 with us Ntwl behold 0h not? 0l all Nyhlk & His sisters htwx0w
all Nyhlk these things Nylh to This One 0nhl therefore lykh to Him hl from where? 0kmy0
by Him hb they were wwh & offended Nyl$ktmw
to them Nwhl said rm0 Yeshua (w$y but Nyd He wh
except 0l0 who is despised ry(cd a prophet 0ybn there is not tyl
& in his home htybbw in his city htnydmb
many 00ygs miracles 0lyx there Nmt He did db( & not 0lw
their trust Nwhtwnmyh dis 0l because of l+m
The Gospel of Matthew

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Chapter 14
Herodus sdwrh heard (m$ time 0nbz but Nyd at that whb
of Yeshua (w$yd the fame h(m$ the Tetrarch 0krr++
the Baptizer 0ndm(m Yokhanan Nnxwy This is wnh to his servants yhwdb(l & he said rm0w
of the dead 0tym house tyb from Nm has arisen Mq he wh
by Him hb are done Nyr(tsm miracles 0lyx this 0nh because of l+m
Yokhanan Nnxwyl had 0wh seized dx0 Herodus sdwrh for ryg that wh
of prisoners 0rys0 into the house tyb & cast him hymr0w & bound him hrs0w
his brother yhwx0 of Phillipus swpylyp wife ttn0 Herodia 0ydwrh because of l+m
Yokhanan Nnxwy for ryg to him hl had 0wh said rm0
the wife 0ttn0 to you Kl that she should be 0whtd it is lawful +yl$ that not 0ld
he was 0wh & afraid lxdw to kill him hl+qml had 0wh & he wanted 0bcw
him hl they were wwh they holding Nydyx0 prophetic 0ybnld who as Ky0d the people 0m( of Nm
of Herodus sdwrhd of the birth hdly at the house tyb but Nyd it was 0wh when dk
of Herodia 0ydwrhd the daughter htrb danced tdqr
the dinner guests 0kyms before Mdq
Herodus sdwrhl himself hl & she pleased trp$w
to her hl he swore 0my in an oath 0tmwmb this 0nh because of l+m
that she would ask l0$td anything Mdmlk her hl that he would give ltnd
she had been twh instructed 0plmd because l+m but Nyd she yh
give bh she had said trm0 by her mother hm0l
in a dish 0knypb here 0krh meyl
the Baptizer 0ndm(m of Yokhanan Nnxwyd the head h$r
but Nyd because of l+m the king 0klml him hl & it saddened tyrkw
to her hl that it be given bhytnd he commanded dqp & the guests 0kymsw the oath 0tmwm
of Yokhanan Nnxwyd the head h$r cutting off hqsp & he sent rd$w
of prisoners 0rys0 in the house tyb
in a dish 0knypb his head h$r & was brought yty0w
to the girl 0tyl+l & it was given bhyt0w
to her mother hm0l & she brought it htyty0w
his corpse hdl$ they took wlq$ his disciples yhwdymlt & they came wbrqw
Yeshua (w$yl they informed wywx & they came wt0w they performed a burial wrbq
there Nmt from Nm He departed yn$ heard (m$ when dk but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
desert 0brwx to a region 0rt0l by ship 0pl0b
they went wlz0 the crowds 0$nk heard w(m$ & when dkw alone yhwdwxlb
the cities 0tnydm from Nm by land 0$byb after him hrtb
great 00ygs the crowds 0$nk seeing 0zx Yeshua (w$y & came down qpnw
their sick Nwhyhyrk & He healed ys0w for them Nwhyl( & He was moved with pity Mxrt0w
to join Him htwl they came wbrq evening 0$mr but Nyd it was 0wh when dk
this is wh a desert 0brwx place 0rt0 to Him hl & they said wrm0w His disciples yhwdymlt
of people 0$n0d the crowds 0$nk dismiss yr$ it hl has passed rb( & the time 0nd(w
food 0trbys for themselves Nwhl & they will buy Nwnbznw to the villages 0yrwql so they will go Nwlz0nd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

for them Nwhl it is necessary 0(btm not 0l to them Nwhl said rm0 but Nyd He wh
to eat lk0ml you Nwtn0 them Nwhl give wbh to go lz0ml
to Him hl they said wrm0 but Nyd they Nwnh
fish Nynwn & two Nyrtw loaves Ncyrg five $mx but 0l0 here Nnt with us Nl there is nothing tyl
here 0krhl to Me yl them Nwn0 bring wty0 Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
the ground 0(r0 on l( to recline wkmtsml the crowds 0$nkl & He commanded dqpw
fish Nynwn & two Nyrtw loaves Nymxl five 0$mx those Nwnh & He took lq$w
& He gave bhyw & He broke 0cqw & He blessed Krbw in Heaven 0ym$b & gazed rxw
before the crowds 0$nkl placed wms the disciples 0dymlt & those things Nwnhw to His disciples yhwdymltl
the remainder 0rtwt & they collected wlq$w & were satisfied w(bsw all of them Nwhlk & they ate wlk0w
they were filled Nylm after dk baskets Nynypwq twelve rs(rt of the fragments 0ycqd
were wwh being Nywh who ate wlk0d men 0$n0 but Nyd those Nwnh
& children 0yl+w the women 0$n from Nm apart r+s five 0$mx thousand 0pl0
to embark Nwqsnd His disciples yhwdymltl He compelled cl0 & at once 0dxmw
to the other side 0rb(l before Him yhwmdq & they would go Nwlz0nw the ship 0tnypsl
the crowds 0$nkl He wh sent away 0r$ while d(
He went up qls the crowds 0$nkl He had sent away 0r$ & when dkw
& when dkw to pray wylcml alone yhwdwxlb to a mountain 0rw+l
there Nmt He was 0wh alone yhwdwxlb it was dark tk$x
many 00ygs furlongs 0twd+s0 land 0(r0 from Nm it was twh distant 0qyxr & the ship 0pl0w
the waves 0llg from Nm greatly ygs it was tossed 0$gt$m while dk
was twh against it hlbwql for ryg the wind 0xwr
unto them Nwhtwl came 0t0 of the night 0ylld fourth 0ty(ybr but Nyd in the watch 0tr+mb
the water 0ym on l( He was walking Klhm while dk Yeshua (w$y
the water 0ym on l( that He was walking Klhmd His disciples yhwdymlt & they saw Him yhw0zxw
they were wwh & saying Nyrm0w & they were alarmed w(yztt0w
false 0lgd it is wh that a vision 0wzxd
they cried out w(q their fear Nwhtlxd & from Nmw
& He said rm0w with them Nwhm( spoke llm immediately ht($rb Yeshua (w$y but Nyd He wh
you shall be afraid Nwlxdt not 0l I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0 take heart wbblt0
to Him hl & he said rm0w Keepha 0p0k & answered 0n(w
He wh You are tn0 if N0 my Lord yrm
the water 0ym on l( unto You Ktwl to come 0t0 me yl command dwqp
Keepha 0p0k & went down txnw come 0t to him hl said rm0 but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
the water 0ym on l( & he walked Klhw the ship 0pl0 from Nm
Yeshua (w$y to twl to come 0t0nd
he was afraid lxd was violent 0y$qd the wind 0xwr he saw 0zx & when dkw
his voice hlq & he raised Myr0w to sink (b+ml & he began yr$w
save me ynyqwrp my Lord yrm & he said rm0w
our Lord Nrm His hand hdy0 stretched out +$p a moment ht($ & son of rbw
of faith 0twnmyh O small rw(z to him hl & He said rm0w & He held him hdx0w
did you doubt tglpt0 why? 0nml
the wind 0xwr stopped tyl$ into the ship 0pl0l they came up wqls & when dkw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Him hl they worshipped wdgs who were in the ship 0pl0bd they Nwnh & they came wt0w
of God 0hl0d You are tn0 The Son hrb truly ty0ryr$ & they said wrm0w
of Genessar rsngd to the land 0(r0l & they came wt0w & they traveled wdrw
& they sent wrd$w that wh of place 0rt0d the men 0$n0 & recognized Him yhw(dwt$0w
to Him hl & they brought wbrqw around them Nwhyrdxd villages 0yrwq to all Nyhlkl
were Nydyb( very $yb who sick $ybd those Nyly0 all of them Nwhlk
to touch Nwbrqnd from Him hnm they were wwh & beseeching Ny(bw
of His garment h$wbld only dwxlb the edge 0pnkl even Np0
were healed wys0t0 who touched wbrqd & those Nyly0w
The Gospel of Matthew
Chapter 15
& the Scribes 0rpsw the Pharisees 0$yrp Yeshua (w$y unto twl came wbrq then Nydyh
& they were saying Nyrm0w Jerusalem Ml$rw0 who were from Nmd
of the elders 0$y$qd the tradition 0twnml$m against l( transgress Nyrb( Your disciples Kydymlt why? 0nml
bread 0mxl they eat Nylk0d whenever 0m their hands Nwhydy0 they wash Nygy$m & not 0lw
also P0 why? 0nml to them Nwhl & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
the commandment 0ndqwp against l( you Nwtn0 transgressing Nyrb( you are Nwtn0
your traditions Nwktwnml$m for the sake of l+m of God 0hl0d
& your mother Km0lw your father Kwb0l honor rqy said rm0 for ryg God 0hl0
let him die twmn to die tmm & his mother hm0lw his father yhwb0l reviles 0xcmd & whoever Nmw
will say rm0nd who Nm everyone lk are Nwtn0 saying Nyrm0 but Nyd you Nwtn0
my offering is ynbrwq to mother 0m0l or w0 to father 0b0l
from me ynm that you may profit 0nhttd anything Mdm
his mother hm0l or w0 his father yhwb0l he will honor rqyn & not 0lw
of God 0hl0d the word 0tlm & you nullify Nwtl+bw
your Nwklyd traditions 0twnml$m because of l+m
of persons 0p0b accepters ybsn
& said rm0w Isaiah 0y($0 against you Nwkyl( prophesied ybnt0 well ryp$
Me yl honoring rqym is wh with its lips htwpsb this 0nh people 0m(
from Me ynm is far qyxr very ygs but Nyd their heart Nwhbl
they teach Nyplm while dk Me yl they revere Nylxd & in vain ty0qyrsw
of the sons of men 0$nynbd of the commandments 0ndqwpd doctrines 0nplwy
to them Nwhl & said rm0w the crowds 0$nkl & He called 0rqw
& understand wlkts0w hear w(m$
a man 0$nrbl defiling bysm the mouth 0mwpl that enters l0(d the thing Mdm it is 0wh not 0l
that wh the mouth 0mwp from Nm that proceeds qpnd the thing Mdm but 0l0
a man 0$nrbl defiling bysm is wh
to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w His disciples yhwdymlt approached wbrq then Nydyh
saying 0tlm who heard w(m$d that The Pharisees 0$yrpd You tn0 know? (dy
were indignant wl$kt0 this 0dh
to them Nwhl & said rm0w answered 0n( but Nyd He wh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

has planted hbcn that not 0ld which 0dy0 plant 0tbcn every lk
will be destroyed rq(tt Who is in Heaven 0ym$bd My Father yb0
of the blind 0ymsd guides 0dwgn they are Nwn0 blind 0yms them Nwhl let alone wqwb$
leads rbdn if N0 a blind man 0ymsl but Nyd a blind man 0yms
will fall Nylpn into a pit 0cmwgb both Nwhyrt
& said rm0w Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$ & he answered 0n(w
this 0nh parable 0ltm to us Nl explain q$p my Lord yrm to Him hl
now 0$hl until 0md( to them Nwhl said rm0 but Nyd He wh
are Nwtn0 understanding Nylktsm not? 0l you Nwtn0 also P0
that enters l0(d that anything Mdmd you Nwtn0 knowing Ny(dy not? 0l
goes lz0 it wh to the belly 0srkl the mouth 0mwpl
out rbl is cast 0dt$m in excretion 0tykdtb there Nmt & from Nmw
proceeds qpn the mouth 0mwp that from Nmd but Nyd anything Mdm
& it is wywhw proceeds qpn the heart 0bl from Nm
the man 0$nrbl him hl defiling bysm
evil 0t$yb thoughts 0tb$xm proceed Nqpn for ryg that wh the heart 0bl from Nm
fornications 0twynz murders 0l+q adulteries 0rwg
blasphemies 0pdwg lying 0rqw$ testimonies twdhs thefts 0twbng
a man $n0 if N0 a son of man 0$nrbl they that defile Nbysmd are Nyn0 these things Nylh
his hands yhwdy0 washing Ng$m not 0l after dk will eat s(ln but Nyd
he is defiled bytsm not 0l
& came 0t0w Yeshua (w$y there Nmt from Nm went out qpnw
& of Tsidon Ndycdw of Tsur rwcd to the borders 0mwxtl
borders 0mwxt from Nm Canaanitess 0tyn(nk a woman 0ttn0 & behold 0hw
& she said 0rm0w crying out 0y(q while dk came forth tqpn those Nwnh
of David dywdd Son hrb my Lord yrm on me yl( have pity Mxrt0
a demon 0d0$ by Nm driven 0rbdtm badly ty0$yb my daughter ytrb
His disciples yhwdymlt & came wbrqw an answer 0mgtp returned her hynp not 0l but Nyd He wh
after us Nrtb for she cries 0y(qd send her away hyr$ & were saying Nyrm0w from Him hnm they asked w(b
to them Nwhl & said rm0w answered 0n( but Nyd He wh
but 0l0 I am sent trdt$0 not 0l
that have strayed w(+d the sheep 0br( to twl
of Israel lyrsy0 the house tyb from Nm
Him hl worshipped tdgs coming tt0 but Nyd she yh
help me ynyrd( my Lord yrm & she said trm0w
to take bsml it is good ryp$ not 0l to her hl He said rm0
to the dogs 0blkl & to cast it wymrmlw of the children 0ynbd the bread 0mxl
even P0 my Lord yrm yes Ny0 said trm0 but Nyd she yh
the crumbs 0twtrp from Nm eat Nylk0 the dogs 0blk
& they live Ny0xw of their master Nwhyrmd the table 0rwtp from Nm that fall Nylpnd
is yh great 0br woman 0ttn0 Oh! w0 Yeshua (w$y to her hl said rm0 then Nydyh
you ytn0 will 0ybcd as Ky0 to you ykl it will be done 0whn your faith yktwnmyh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

moment 0t($ that yh from Nm her daughter htrb & was healed tys0t0w
& He came 0t0w Yeshua (w$y there Nmt from Nm & departed yn$w
& He went up qlsw of Galila 0lylgd of the Sea 0my the side bng by l(
there Nmt & He sat down btyw a mountain 0rw+l
were wwh that ty0d many 00ygs the crowds 0$nk to Him htwl & they came near wbrqw
& crippled 0gy$pw & dumb 0$rxw & blind 0ymsw the lame 0rygx with them Nwhm(
at twl them Nwn0 & they laid wymr0w many 00ygs & others 0nrx0w
them Nwn0 & He healed ys0w of Yeshua (w$yd His feet yhwlgr
who saw Nyzxd those Nwnh the crowds 0$nk that would be amazed Nwrmdtnd so Ky0
& the crippled 0gy$pw who were speaking Nyllmmd the mutes 0$rx
who were walking Nyklhmd & the lame 0rygxw who were healed Nymlxtmd
of Israel lyrsyd the God 0hl0l & they glorified wxb$w who were seeing Nyzxd & the blind 0ymsw
to them Nwhl & said rm0w His disciples yhwdymltl called 0rq Yeshua (w$ythen Nyd He wh
this 0nh multitude 0$nk for l( I 0n0 am moved with pity Mxrtm
with Me ytwl they have remained wywq days Nymwy three 0tlt behold 0hd
that they may eat Nwlk0nd anything 0m for them Nwhl & there is not tylw
they are fasting Nymyc while dk them Nwn0 & to send away 0r$0dw
in the road 0xrw0b they should faint Nwpw(n lest 0mld I am 0n0 willing 0bc not 0l
His disciples yhwdymlt to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0
in the desert 0brwxb for us Nl where is? 0kmy0
entire hlk this 0nh crowd 0$nk that will satisfy (bsnd the bread 0mxl
how many? 0mk Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0 to you Nwkl are ty0 loaves Nymxl
small 0qdqd fish 0nwn & a few lylqw seven 0(b$
the ground 0(r0 on l( that they sit for a meal Nwkmtsnd the crowd 0$nkl & He ordered dqpw
& the fish 0nwnlw loaves Nymxl seven 0(b$ those Nylhl & He took up lq$w
to His disciples yhwdymltl & He gave bhyw & He broke 0cqw & He gave praise xb$w
to the crowd 0$nkl gave wbhy & the disciples 0dymltw
& were satisfied w(bsw all of them Nwhlk & they ate wlk0w
of fragments 0ycqd the remnants 0rtwt & they took up wlq$w
baskets Nydyrps0 seven 0(b$ filling 0lm
four 0(br0 they had wwh been Nywh that they ate wlk0d but Nyd they Nwnh
& children 0yl+w women 0$n from Nm apart r+s men 0rbg thousand Nypl0
the ship 0pl0l He embarked qls the crowds 0$nkl He sent away 0r$ & when dkw
of Magdo wdgmd to the border 0mwxtl & He came 0t0w
The Gospel of Matthew
Chapter 16
Him hl tempting Nysnm & the Sadducees 0yqwdzw the Pharisees 0$yrp & approached wbrqw
them Nwn0 to show 0wxnd Heaven 0ym$ from Nm a sign 0t0 Him hl & asking Nyl0$w
it is 0whd whenever 0m to them Nwhl & He said rm0w He answered 0n( but Nyd He wh
it wiil be wh fair weather 0wxc you Nwtn0 say Nyrm0 evening 0$mr
the sky 0ym$ for ryg is red tqms

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

a storm 0wts today 0nmwy you Nwtn0 say Nyrm0 & in the morning 0rpcbw
gloomily ty0rymk the sky 0ym$ for ryg is red tqms there will be wh
of the sky 0ym$d the face 0pwcrp of faces 0p0b accepters ybsn
that you should observe Nwqbtd you are Nwtn0 knowing Ny(dy
knowing Ny(dy not 0l this 0nh of time 0nbzd the signs 0twt0
that you should distinguish Nw$rptd you are Nwtn0
& a sign 0t0w seeks 0y(b a sign 0t0 & adulterous 0trygw wicked 0t$yb a generation 0tbr$
the prophet 0ybn of Yonan Nnwyd the sign ht0 but 0l0 to it hl is given 0bhytm not 0l
& departed lz0w them Nwn0 & He left qb$w
to the other side 0rb(l His disciples yhwdymlt they came wt0 & when dkw
bread 0mxl with them Nwhm( to take Nwbsnd they had forgotten w(+
of Nm beware wrhdz0 take heed wzx to them Nwhl said rm0 but Nyd He wh
& the Sadducees 0yqwdzdw of the Pharisees 0$yrpd the yeast 0rymx
among themselves Nwh$pnb they were wwh reasoning Ny(rtm but Nyd they Nwnh
they had taken wbsn not 0l it was because bread 0mxld & they were saying Nyrm0w
why? 0nm to them Nwhl & said rm0w knew (dy but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
among yourselves Nwk$pnb do you Nwtn0 think Nyb$xtm
you have taken Nwtlq$ not 0l it was because bread 0mxld of faith 0twnmyh little ones yrw(z
have you understood Nwtlkts0 now 0$hl until 0md( not? 0l
loaves Nymxl five 0$mx those Nwnhl do you Nwtn0 remember Nydh( not? 0l
you took up Nwtlq$ large baskets Nynypwq & how many? 0mkw thousand Nypl0 of the five 0$mxd
of the four 0(br0d loaves Nymxl seven 0(b$ those Nwnhl neither 0lw
you took up Nwtlq$ round baskets Nydyrps0 & how many? 0mkw thousand Nypl0
it was 0wh that not 0ld do you understand Nwtlkts0 not 0l how? Nky0
to beware Nwrhdztd but 0l0 to you Nwkl I spoke trm0 bread 0mxl about l(
& the Sadducees 0yqwdzdw of The Pharisees 0$yrpd the yeast 0rymx of Nm
He said rm0 that not 0ld they understood wlkts0 then Nydyh
of bread 0mxld the yeast 0rymx of Nm to beware Nwrhdznd
the teaching 0nplwy of Nm but 0l0
& of the Sadducees 0yqwdzdw of The Pharisees 0$yrpd
to the region 0rt0l Yeshua (w$y came 0t0 but Nyd when dk
His disciples yhwdymltl He 0wh asked l0$m of Caesarea Phillippi swpylypd 0yrsqd
people 0$n0 about Me yl( are saying Nyrm0 what is it? wnm & said rm0w
of Man? 0$n0d the Son hrb that I am yty0d
the Baptizer 0ndm(m Yokhanan Nnxwy say Nyrm0d some ty0 said wrm0 but Nyd they Nwnh
Yermiya 0ymr0 & others 0nrx0w Elia 0yl0 but Nyd others 0nrx0
the prophets 0ybn of Nm one dx or w0
that I am yty0d you Nwtn0 say Nyrm0 Who is it? wnm but Nyd you Nwtn0 to them Nwhl He said rm0
& said rm0w The Stone 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$ answered 0n(
The Living 0yx of God 0hl0d the Son hrb The Messiah 0xy$m are wh You tn0
Shimeon Nw(m$ you are blessed Kybw+ to Him hl & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
not 0l & blood 0mdw because flesh 0rsbd Bar Yona 0nwyd hrb
Who is in Heaven 0ym$bd My Father yb0 but 0l0 to you Kl has revealed this 0lg

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The Stone 0p0k are wh that you tn0d to you Kl am 0n0 saying rm0 I 0n0 also P0
My church ytd(l I shall build hynb0 stone 0p0k this 0dh & upon l(w
will withstand it hnwnsxn not 0l of Sheol lwy$d & the gates 0(rtw
of Heaven 0ym$d of the Kingdom 0twklmd the keys 0dylq I shall give lt0 to you Kl
in the earth 0(r0b that you will bind rws0td thing Mdm every lkw
& anything Mdmw in Heaven 0ym$b have been bound rys0 would 0whn
in Heaven 0ym$b have been released 0r$ would 0whn in the earth 0(r0b that you will release 0r$td
that a man $n0ld His disciples yhwdymltl He ordered dqp then Nydyh
the Messiah 0xy$m that He is wywhd they would tell Nwrm0n not 0l
Yeshua (w$y began yr$ then Nydyh & from Nmw
He was wh that prepared dyt(d His disciples yhwdymltl to inform wywxml
He would suffer $xn & many things ygsw to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l that He would go lz0nd
& the Scribes 0rpsw Priests 0nhk the Chief ybr & from Nmw the Elders 0$y$q from Nm
He would rise Mwqn third 0tltd & the day 0mwylw & He would be murdered l+qtnw
& he said rm0w Him hb to rebuke 00kml & he began yr$w Keepha 0p0k & took Him aside hrbdw
this 0dh to You Kl that should happen 0whtd my Lord yrm from You Kl far be it sx
to Keepha 0p0kl & said rm0w He turned ynpt0 but Nyd He wh
Satan 0n+s behind Me yrtsbl you Kl go lz
to Me yl you are tn0 a stumbling block 0tlqwt
but 0l0 of God 0hl0d you tn0 reason 0(rtm because not 0ld
of humans 0$n0 ynbd
to His disciples yhwdymltl Yeshua (w$y said rm0 then Nydyh
after Me yrtb to come 0t0nd wants 0bcd whoever Nm
his cross hpyqz & let him take up lwq$nw himself h$pnb let him deny rwpkn
after Me yrtb & let him come 0t0nw
will lose it hydbwn his life h$pn to save 0xnd for ryg wills 0bcd whoever Nm
will find it hyxk$n for Me ytl+m his life h$pn will lose dbwnd & whoever Nmw
the whole hlk if N0 a person 0$nrb benefits 0nhtm for ryg what? 0nm
he should lack rsxn & his soul h$pnw he gain 0nqn world 0ml(
of his soul h$pnd exchange 0pwlxt a person 0$nrb will give ltn what? 0nm or w0
to come 0t0nd of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb for ryg He wh is going dyt(
holy 0$ydq His angels yhwk0lm with M( of His Father yhwb0d in the glory 0txwb$tb
his works yhwdb( according to Ky0 a man $n0 a man $n0l He will repay (wrpn & then Nydyhw
men 0$n0 that there are ty0d to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 amen Nym0
death 0twm will taste Nwm(+n who not 0ld here Nnt who are standing Nymyqd
of Man 0$n0d The Son hrbl they will see Nwzxnd until 0md(
with His kingdom htwklmb Who comes 0t0d
The Gospel of Matthew
Chapter 17
& Yaqob bwq(ylw Keepha 0p0kl Yeshua (w$y took rbd days Nymwy six 0t$ & after rtbw
them Nwn0 & brought up qs0w his brother yhwx0 & Yokhanan Nnxwylw
by themselves Nwhydwxlb high 0mr to a mountain 0rw+l
before them Nwhymdq Yeshua (w$y & was transformed Plxt$0w
the sun 0$m$ like Ky0 His face hpwcrp & shone rhnw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

light 0rhwn like Ky0 became white wrwx but Nyd His garments yhwtxn
& Elia 0yl0w Moshe 0$wm to them Nwhl & appeared wyzxt0w
with Him hm( they were speaking Nyllmm as dk
to Yeshua (w$yl & said rm0w Keepha 0p0k but Nyd answered 0n(
we should be 0whn that here Nntd for us Nl it is wh beautiful ryp$ my Lord yrm
booths Nyl+m three tlt here Nnt we will make db(n You tn0 want 0bc & if N0w
for Elia 0yl0l & one 0dxw for Moshe 0$wml & one 0dxw for You Kl one 0dx
bright 0tryhn a cloud 0nn( behold 0h speaking llmm he was wh & while d(w
there was 0wh & a voice 0lqw them Nwhyl( overshadowed tl+0
The Beloved 0bybx My Son yrb This is wnh that said rm0d the cloud 0nn( from Nm
hear w(m$ Him hl I am well pleased tyb+c0 in Whom hbd
their faces Nwhyp0 on l( they fell wlpn the disciples 0dymlt heard w(m$ & when dkw
very b+ & they were afraid wlxdw
them Nwhl & He touched brqw Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhtwl & came near brqt0w
you shall be afraid Nwlxdt not 0l Arise wmwq & He said rm0w
they saw wzx not 0l & a man $n0lw their eyes Nwhyny( & they lifted wmyr0w
Himself alone yhwdwxlb Yeshua (w$yl only N0 except 0l0
the mountain 0rw+ from Nm they descended Nytxn & as dkw
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y them Nwn0 ordered dqp
this 0nh vision 0wzx you will tell Nwrm0t not 0l of a man $n0 in the presence Ny(l
the dead 0tym from Nm of Man 0$n0d the Son hrb will arise Mwqnd until 0md(
& they were saying Nyrm0w His disciples yhwdymlt & they asked Him yhwl0$w
the Scribes 0rps therefore lykh why? 0nm to Him hl
first Mdqwl come 0t0nd must 0lw that Elia 0yl0d are they saying Nyrm0
first Mdqwl comes 0t0 Elia 0yl0 & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
may end Ml$n thing Mdm that every lkd
behold 0hd but Nyd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
to him hb & they did wdb(w they have known him yhw(dy & not 0lw has come 0t0 Elia 0yl0
also P0 likewise 0nkh they wished wbcd whatever 0m everything lk
of them Nwhnm to suffer $xnd is going dyt( of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb
that about l(d the disciples 0dymlt understood wlkts0 then Nydyh
to them Nwhl He spoke rm0 The Baptizer 0ndm(m Yokhanan Nnxwy
the multitude 0$nk to twl they came wt0 & when dkw
his knees yhwkrwb on l( & knelt Krbw a man 0rbg to him hl came brq
my son yrb on me yl( have mercy Mxrt0 my Lord yrm to Him hl & said rm0w
has become dyb( & ill ty0$ybw a housetop 0rg0 son of rb to him hl who is ty0d
has fallen lpn in fire 0rwnb times Nynbz for ryg many 0mk
in water 0ymb times Nynbz & many 0mkw
to Your disciples Kydymltl & I brought him htbrqw
to heal him htwys0ml they were able wxk$0 & not 0lw
generation 0tbr$ Oh! Nw0 & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
& twisted 0tlq(mw faithfulness 0nmyhm without 0ld
with you Nwkm( shall I be 0wh0 when? ytm0l until 0md(

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

shall I endure you Nwkrbys0 when ytm0l & until 0md(w

to here 0kl to Me yl bring him yhyty0
the demon 0d0$ from him hnm & went out qpnw Yeshua (w$y it hb & rebuked 00kw
moment 0t($ that yh from Nm the boy 0yl+ & was healed ys0t0w
Yeshua (w$y to twl the disciples 0dymlt came near wbrq then Nydyh
were we Nnx why? 0nml to Him hl & they said wrm0w Himself alone yhwdwxlb
to heal him htwys0ml able Nxk$0 not 0l
your unfaithfulness Nwktwnmyh 0l because of l+m Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
in you Nwkb would be 0wht that if N0d to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 for ryg amen Nym0
you may say Nwrm0t of mustard seed 0ldrxd a grain 0tdrp like Ky0 faithfulness 0twnmyh
& it will move 0n$nw from here 0km move 0n$d this 0nh to mountain 0rw+l
will be difficult for you Nwknsxn no 0l & thing Mdmw
goes out qpn not 0l kind 0sng but Nyd this 0nh
& by prayer 0twlcbw by fasting 0mwcb except 0l0
in Galila 0lylgb but Nyd they were traveling Nykphtm when dk
Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
to be betrayed Mlt$nd of Man 0$n0d the Son hrb is wh going dyt(
of men 0$n0 of the sons ynb to the hands ydy0b
He will arise Mwqn third 0tltd & the day 0mwylw & they will murder Him yhynwl+qnw
greatly b+ them Nwhl & it grieved tyrkw
to Kapernakhum Mwxnrpkl they came wt0 & when dkw
two Nyrt the two Nyrt who take Nybsnd those Nwnh came wbrq
Keepha 0p0k to twl head 0$r of tax money Pskd 1/4 shekel Nyzwz
1/4 shekel yhwzwz the two Nyrt He gave bhy not? 0l your master Nwkbr to him hl & they said wrm0w
yes Ny0 to them Nwhl he said rm0
the house 0tybl Keepha 0p0k entered l( & when dkw
to him hl & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y anticipated him hmdq
Shimeon Nw(m$ to you Kl does it appear 0zxtm how? 0nm
taxes 0skm do they take Nybsn whom? Nm from Nm of the earth 0(r0d the kings hyklm
strangers 0yrkwn from Nm or w0 their children Nwhynb from Nm head 0$r & money Pskw
strangers 0yrkwn from Nm Shimeon Nw(m$ to Him hl said rm0
then Nydm Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
the children 0ynb are Nwn0 of freedom 0r0x sons ynb
to the sea 0myl go lz them Nwn0 we give offense l$kn but Nyd lest 0ld
that comes up qlsd first 0ymdq & the fish 0nwnw a fish hook 0(wlb & cast 0mr0w
a shekel 0rts0 & you will find xk$tw its mouth hmwp open xtp
& for you Kyplxw for Me yplx & give bhw take bs that yh
The Gospel of Matthew
Chapter 18
Yeshua (w$y to join twl the disciples 0dymlt approached wbrq hour 0t($ in that yhb
of Heaven 0ym$d in the Kingdom 0twklmb greatest br truly yk who is? wnm & they were saying Nyrm0w
in their midst Nwhtnyb & stood him hmyq0w a boy 0yl+ Yeshua (w$y & called 0rqw
to you Nwkl I say 0nrm0 truly Nym0 & He said rm0w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

children 0yl+ like Ky0 & you will become Nwwhtw you will be converted Nwkphtt that unless 0l0d
of Heaven 0ym$d the Kingdom 0twklml you will enter Nwl(t not 0l
boy 0yl+ this 0nh like Ky0 himself h$pn humbles Kkmmd therefore lykh whoever Nm
of Heaven 0ym$d in the Kingdom 0twklmb greatest br will be 0whn he wh
this 0nh boy 0yl+ such as Ky0 will receive lbqnd & whoever Nmw
receives lbqm Me yl in my Name ym$b
little ones 0rw(z these Nylh of Nm one dxl who commits an offense against l$knd & everyone lkw
for him hl it were 0wh profitable xqp in Me yb who are believing Nynmyhmd
on his neck hrwcb of a donkey 0rmxd a millstone 0yxr hung 0ylt that would be 0whtd
of the sea 0myd into the depths yhwqmw(b & he be sunk (b+mw
for ryg it is necessary 0qnn0 offenses 0lw$km because of Nm to the world 0ml(l woe yw
by whose hand hdy0bd to the man 0rbgl but Nyd woe yw offenses 0lw$km that will come Nwt0nd
the offenses 0lw$km will come Nwt0n
against you Kl commits an offense 0l$km your foot Klgr or w0 your hand Kdy0 but Nyd if N0
from you Knm & cast it hyd$w cut it off hyqwsp
lame sygx as dk life 0yxl that you enter lw(td for you Kl it is wh better b+
to you Kl are ty0 while dk & not 0lw maimed gy$p as dk or w0 you tn0
eternal Ml(ld into fire 0rwnb you would fall lpt feet Nylgr two Nytrt or w0 hands Nydy0 two Nytrt
commits an offense against 0l$km that your eye Kny(d it is wh & if N0w
from you Knm & throw it hyd$w pull it out hycx you Kl
life 0yxl you would enter lw(t eye 0ny( that with one 0dxbd for you Kl it is wh better b+
eyes Nyny( two Nytrt to you Kl there are ty0 while dk & not 0lw
of fire 0rwnd into Gehenna 0nhgb you would fall lpt
little ones 0rw(z these Nylh of Nm one dx l( you will despise Nwsbt not 0l take heed wzx
at all times Nbzlkb in Heaven 0ym$b that their angels Nwhyk0lmd for ryg to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
Who is in Heaven 0ym$bd of My Father yb0d the face hpwcrp are seeing Nyzx
has been 0wh lost dyb0d whatever Mdm to save 0xnd of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb for ryg has come 0t0
to a man $n0l there are Nwwhn if N0 to you Nwkl does it appear 0zxtm how? 0nm
of them Nwhnm one dx & will go astray 0(+nw sheep Nybr( a hundred 00m
& nine 0($tw the ninety Ny($t does he leave qb$ not? 0l
lost one 0(+d for that whl searching 0(b & go on lz0w in the mountain 0rw+b
to you Nwkl I say 0nrm0 certainly Nym0 he should find it hxk$n & if N0w
strayed w(+ that not 0ld & nine 0($tw in the ninety Ny($t than Nm more ryty in it hb that he rejoices 0dxd
Who is in Heaven 0ym$bd your Father Nwkwb0 before Mdq the will 0nybc it is not tyl just so 0nkh
these Nylh little ones 0rw(z of Nm one dx that should perish db0nd
go lz your brother Kwx0 you Kb wrongs lks0 but Nyd if N0
only dwxlb & him hlw between you Kynyb reprove him yhysk0
your brother Kwx0 you have gained trty he hears you K(m$ if N0
two Nyrt or w0 one dx with you Km( take rbd he hears you K(m$ & if not 0l0w
witnesses Nydhs three 0tlt or w0 of two Nyrt the mouth Mwp that in l(d
word 0lm every lk will be established Mwqt
the assembly 0td(l tell rm0 he will hear (m$n those Nwnhl not 0l also p0 but Nyd if N0
to you Kl let him be 0whn he will hear (m$n the assembly 0td(l not 0l also P0 but Nyd if N0
a heathen 0pnx & as Ky0w a tax gatherer 0skm as Ky0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

whatever 0m everything lkd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 and truly Nym0w
in Heaven 0ym$b have been bound rys0 will be 0whn in the earth 0(r0b you will bind Nwrs0td
in the earth 0(r0b that you will release Nwr$td & anything Mdmw
in Heaven 0ym$b have been released 0r$ will be 0whn
will agree Nwwt$n of you Nwknm two Nyrt that if N0d to you Nwkl I say 0nrm0 again bwt
it will be done 0whn they will ask Nwl0$nd matter wbc every lk about l( in the earth 0(r0b
Who is in heaven 0ym$bd of My Father yb0 The Presence twl from Nm for them Nwhl
in My Name ym$b are assembled Ny$ynk three 0tlt or w0 two Nyrtd for ryg where 0ky0
in the midst of them Nwhtnyb I am 0n0 there Nmt
my Lord yrm & he said rm0w Keepha 0p0k near him htwl approached brq then Nydyh
my brother yx0 against me yb will commit an offense lksn if N0 times Nynbz how many? 0mk
times Nynbz seven (b$l up to? 0md( him hl shall I forgive qwb$0
seven (b$l until 0md( to you Kl I 0n0 say rm0 not 0l Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
seven (b$ seven (b$ times Nynbz seventy Ny(b$l until 0md( but 0l0
to a man 0rbgl of Heaven 0ym$d the Kingdom 0twklm is compared tymdt0 this 0nh because of l+m
his servants yhwdb( of Nm an accounting 0nb$wx take bsnd who wanted 0bcd a king 0klm
to take it bsml he began yr$ & when dkw
talents Nyrkk ten thousand wbr who owed byxd one dx to him hl they brought wbrq
his lord hrm commanded dqp to pay (rpml with him hl there was nothing tyl & when dkw
& every lkw & his children yhwnbw & his wife httn0w he wh that be sold Nbdznd
& he would pay (wrpnw his hl that was ty0d thing Mdm
him hl worshiped dgs servant 0db( that wh & falling down lpnw
your spirit 0xwr concerning me yl( prolong rg0 my lord yrm & he said rm0w
you Kl I 0n0 shall pay (rp thing Mdm & every lkw
that wh of servant 0db(d his lord hrm & was moved with pity Mxrt0w
him hl forgiving qb$ & his debt htbwxw & he released him yhyr$w
& he found xk$0w that wh servant 0db( but Nyd went out qpn
had 0wh who owed byxd his associates htwnk of Nm one dxl
& choked qnxw & he seized him hdx0w a hundred 00m denarii 0rnyd him hl
to me yl give bh to him hl & he said rm0w him hl he 0wh
to me yl you tn0 which owe byxd that Mdm
his feet yhwlgr before l( associate htnk that wh & he fell lpnw
to him hl & saying rm0w of him hnm begging 0(b
you Kl I 0n0 & shall pay (rpw your spirit 0xwr concerning me yl( prolong rg0
went lz0 but 0l0 was willing 0bc not 0l but Nyd he wh
of prisoners 0rys0 into the house tyb & he cast him hymr0
to him hl he would give ltnd until 0md(
to him hl he owed byxd whatever 0m
had happened 0whd what Mdm their associates Nwhtwnk but Nyd they saw wzx when dk
& they came wt0w very b+ to them Nwhl it was grievous tyrk
that had happened 0whd everything lk to their lord Nwhrml they revealed w(dw0
to him hl & he said rm0w his lord hrm called him yhyrq then Nydyh
debt 0tbwx entire hlk that yh wicked 0$yb servant 0db(
of me ynm because you begged ty(bd you Kl I forgave tqb$

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to have mercy Nwxtd for you tn0 also P0 upon you Kl was it 0wh incumbant 0lw not? 0l
had mercy on you Ktnx I 0n0d Just as 0nky0 on your associate Ktnkl
until 0md( to the scourgers 0ndgnml & delivered him hml$0w his lord hrm & was angry zgrw
him hl that he owed byxd thing Mdm every lk he would pay (wrpnd
you forgive Nwqb$t unless 0l0 Who is in Heaven 0ym$bd My Father yb0 to you Nwkl will do db(n thus 0nkh
his offenses htwlks your heart Nwkbl from Nm his brother yhwx0l each $n0

The Gospel of Matthew

Chapter 19
these Nylh sayings 0lm Yeshua (w$y finished Ml$ that when dkd & it was 0whw
& came 0t0w Galila 0lylg from Nm He picked up lq$
of the Jordan Nndrwyd to the other side 0rb(l of Judea dwhyd to the borders 0mwxtl
there Nmt them Nwn0 & He healed ys0w great 00ygs crowds 0$nk after him hrtb & came wt0w
they were wwh & testing Nysnmw the Pharisees 0$yrp to Him htwl & came near wbrqw
it is legal +yl$ if N0 & they were saying Nyrm0w Him hl
cause 0l( for every lkb his wife httn0 to divorce 0r$nd for a man $n0l
have you read Nwtyrq not? 0l to them Nwhl & said rm0w answered 0n( but Nyd He wh
the beginning ty$rb from Nm Who made db(d that He whd
them Nwn0 made db( & female 0tbqnw male 0rkd
a man 0rbg shall leave qwb$n this 0nh because of l+m & He said rm0w
to his wife httn0l & shall cleave Pqnw & his mother hm0lw his father yhwb0l
flesh rsb one dx two of them Nwhyrt & they shall be Nwwhnw
flesh rgp one dx but 0l0 two Nyrt they were wwh not 0l therefore Nydm
has united gwz that God 0hl0d therefore lykh the things Mdm
let separate $rpn not 0l a son of man 0$nrb
Moshe 0$wm therefore lykh why? 0nml to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0
& send her away hyr$nw of divorce 0nqbw$d a writing 0btk to give ltnd commanded dqp
confronting lbqwl Moshe 0$wm to them Nwhl He said rm0
to divorce Nwr$td you Nwkl let sp0 of your heart Nwkbl the callousness twy$q
so 0nkh it was 0wh not 0l but Nyd the beginning ty$rb from Nm your wives Nwky$n
his wife httn0 divorces qb$d that whoever Nmd and Nyd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
commits adultery r0g another 0trx0 & will take bsnw adultery 0rwg apart from 0ld
commits adultery r0g her that is divorced 0tqyb$ will take bsnd & whoever Nmw
the accusations 0yld( are ty0 thus 0nkh if N0 His disciples yhwdymlt to Him hl were saying Nyrm0
a wife 0ttn0 to take bsml it is expedient xqp not 0l & a wife 0ttn0l a man 0rbg between ynyb
receive this hl can qps everyman $nlk not 0l to them Nwhl said rm0 but Nyd He wh
to him hl to whom it is given byhyd whoever Nm except 0l0 this 0dh saying 0tlml
the womb 0srk who from Nmd eunuchs 0nmyhm for ryg there are ty0
thus 0nkh were born wdlyt0 of their mother Nwhm0d
the sons of men 0$nynb who from Nmd eunuchs 0nmyhm & there are ty0w
eunuchs 0nmyhm & there are ty0w eunuchs 0nmyhm became wwh
eunuchs 0nmyhm themselves Nwh$pn have made wdb( those who Nwnhd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of Heaven 0ym$d the Kingdom 0twklm because of l+m

let him receive it qpsn receive it qpsnd can xk$md whoever Nm
children 0yl+ to Him hl they brought wbrq then Nydyh
& might pray 0lcnw upon them Nwhyl( His hand hdy0 that he might lay Mysnd
His disciples yhwdymlt them Nwhb & rebuked w0kw
the children 0yl+ let wqwb$ to them Nwhl said rm0 Yeshua (w$y but Nyd He wh
for ryg because of such Nyly0dd them Nwn0 forbid Nwlkt & not 0lw to Me ytwl come Nyt0
of Heaven 0ym$d the Kingdom 0twklm is hyty0 are Nwn0 these Nylh like Ky0d
there Nmt from Nm & went on lz0w upon them Nwhyl( His hand hdy0 & He laid Msw
good 0b+ Teacher 0nplm to Him hl & said rm0w came near brq one dx & came 0t0w
eternal Ml(ld life 0yx to me yl that there may be Nwwhnd shall I do db(0 good thing b+d what? 0nm
good 0b+ Me yl you tn0 call 0rq why? 0nm to him hl said rm0 but Nyd He wh
God 0hl0 one dx only N0 except 0l0 a good one 0b+ there is not tyl
the commandments 0ndqwp keep r+ life 0yxl to enter lw(td you tn0 want 0bc but Nyd if N0
which ones? Nyly0 to Him hl he said rm0
you shall murder lw+qt not 0ld to him hl said rm0 Yeshua (w$y but Nyd He wh
you shall steal bwngt & not 0lw you shall commit adultery rwgt & not 0lw
of falsehood 0rqw$ testimony twdhs you shall testify dhst & not 0lw
& your mother Km0lw your father Kwb0l & honor rqyw
yourself K$pn as Ky0 your neighbor Kbyrql & you shall love bxtw
I have kept tr+n all Nyhlk these Nylh young man 0myl( that wh to him hl said rm0
I 0n0 lack rysx what? 0nm my childhood ytwyl+ from Nm them Nyn0
to be 0whml perfect 0rymg you tn0 want 0bc if N0 Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
to you Kl & will be 0whtw to the poor 0nksml & give bhw your possessions Knynq sell Nbz go lz
after Me yrtb & come 0tw in Heaven 0ym$b treasure 0tmys
this 0dh saying 0tlm young man 0myl( that wh but Nyd heard (m$
to him hl it was grievous 0yrk as dk & he went away lz0w
many 00ygs possessions 0nynq for ryg to him hl were 0wh there ty0
to His disciples yhwdymltl said rm0 but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
for a rich man 0ryt(l it is yh that difficult 0l+(d to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 amen Nym0
of Heaven 0ym$ the kingdom twklml to enter lw(nd
for a camel 0lmgl it is wh that easier lyldd to you Nwkl I say 0nrm0 and Nyd again bwt
for a rich man 0ryt( than w0 of a needle 0+xmd into the eye 0rwrxb to enter l(ml
of God 0hl0d the Kingdom 0twklml to enter lw(nd
they were wwh amazed Nyryht they heard w(m$ when dk but Nyd the disciples 0dymlt
live 0xnd can xk$m then yk who? wnm & they were saying Nyrm0w greatly b+
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y upon them Nwhb gazed rx
is possible 0xk$m not 0l this 0dh the children of men 0$nynb with twl
is possible 0xk$m everything Mdmlk but Nyd God 0hl0 with twl
to Him hl & said rm0w Keepha 0p0k answered 0n( then Nydyh
everything Mdmlk have left Nqb$ we Nnxn0 behold 0h
for us Nl will be done 0whn then yk what? 0nm after You Krtb & we have come Nyt0w
to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 Amen Nym0 Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

after me yrtb who have come Nwtyt0d you Nwtn0d

sits btyd when 0m New 0tdx in The World 0ml(b
of His glory hxbw$d the throne swnrt on l( of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb
thrones Nwsrwk twelve rs(rt on l( you Nwtn0 also P0 you will sit Nwbtt
of Israel ly0rsy0d tribes 0+b$ the twelve rs(rt & you will judge Nwnwdtw
a brother 0x0 or w0 a house 0tb who leaves qb$d & everyman $nlkw
a wife 0ttn0 or w0 a mother 0m0 or w0 a father 0b0 or w0 a sister 0twx0 or w0
My Name ym$ because of l+m towns 0yrwq or w0 children 0ynb or w0
will inherit tr0n eternal Ml(ld & life 0yxw will receive lbqn a hundred fold 00mb each dx
last 0yrx0 who will be Nwwhnd are first 0ymdq but Nyd many 00ygs
will be the first 0ymdq & the last ones 0yrx0w
The Gospel of Matthew
Chapter 20
to the man 0rbgl of Heaven 0ym$d the Kingdom 0twklm for ryg is likened 0ymd
at dawn 0rpcb who went out qpnd of a house 0tyb the owner 0rm
for his vineyard hmrkl laborers 0l(p to hire rwg0nd
a denarius 0rnyd for Nm the laborers 0l(p with M( and Nyd he made an agreement cq
to his vineyard hmrkl them Nwn0 & He sent rd$w for the day 0mwyb
others 0nrx0 & saw 0zxw hour Ny($ at the third tltb & he went out qpnw
& were idle Nyly+bw in the market place 0qw$b who were standing Nymyqd
to the vineyard 0mrkl you Nwtn0 also P0 go wlz to them Nwhl & he said rm0w
to you Nwkl I 0n0 shall give bhy is appropriate 0lwd whatever Mdmw
again bwt & he went out qpnw they departed wlz0 but Nyd those Nwnh
likewise twkh & did db(w hours Ny($ & at the ninth ($tbw at the sixth t$b
he went out qpn hour Ny($ the eleventh 0rs(dx & to the face towards yp0lw
& were idle Nyly+bw who were standing Nymyqd others 0nrx0 & he found xk$0w
are you Nwtn0 standing Nymyq why? 0nm to them Nwhl & he said rm0w
& are idle Nyl+bw all hlk day 0mwy
has hired us Nrg0 man $n0 because no 0ld to him hl they were saying Nyrm0
to the vineyard 0mrkl you Nwtn0 also P0 go wlz to them Nwhl he said rm0
you Nwtn0 will receive Nybsn is appropriate 0lwd & whatever Mdmw
evening 0$mr but Nyd it was 0wh when dk
to his custodian htybrl of the vineyard 0mrk the owner 0rm said rm0
their wages Nwhrg0 to them Nwhl & give bhw the laborers 0l(p call yrq
the first ones 0ymdql & until 0md(w the last ones 0yrx0 from Nm & start 0r$w
hour Ny($ of the eleventh 0rs(dxd those Nwnh & came wt0w
a denarius each rnyd a denarius rnyd they received wbsn
they would receive Nylq$ that more rytyd they had hoped wrbs the first 0ymdq they came wt0 & when dkw
they Nwnh also P0 a denarius each rnyd a denarius rnyd & they received wlq$w
of the house 0tyb the owner 0rm to l( they complained wn+r they received wlq$ & when dkw
have worked wdb( hour 0($ one 0dx last ones 0yrx0 these Nylh & they were saying Nyrm0w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

with us Nm( them Nwn0 & you have made equal tyw$0w
& its heat hmwxw of the day 0mwyd the burden hrqwy who have borne Nlq$d
my friend yrbx of them Nwhnm to one dxl & said rm0w answered 0n( but Nyd he wh
for a denarius rnydb was it 0wh not? 0l to you Kb I 0n0 do evil lw(m no 0l
with me ym( you agreed tcq
but Nyd I 0n0 wish 0bc & go lzw yours Klyd take bs
to you Kld as Ky0 to give lt0 last group 0yrx0 that to this 0nhld
I shall do db(0 I 0n0 want 0bcd that whatever Mdmd for me yl is it lawful +yl$ not? 0l or w0
am 0n0 good b+ because I 0n0d is evil? 0$yb your eye Kny( or w0 with mine ylydb
last 0yrx0 & the first 0ymdqw first 0ymdq the last 0yrx0 will be Nwwhn thus 0nkh
are the chosen ones 0ybg & few Nyrw(zw the called 0yrq for ryg are Nwn0 many Ny0ygs
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l to go up qsnd Yeshua (w$y but Nyd was 0wh prepared dyt(
His disciples yhwdymlt twelve rs(rtl & He took aside rbdw
to them Nwhl & said rm0w in the road 0xrw0b & them Nwhlw between Him yhwnyb
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l we Nnx are going up Nyqls behold 0h
Priests 0nhk to the Chief ybrl will be delivered Mlt$m of Man 0$n0d & The Son hrbw
to death 0twml & they will condemn Him yhynwbyxnw to the Scribes 0rpslw
Him hb & they will mock Nwxzbnw to Gentiles 0mm(l & they will deliver Him yhynwml$nw
& they will crucify Him yhynwpqznw & they will scourge Him yhynwdgnnw
He will arise Mwqn third 0tltd & the day 0mwylw
of Zebedee ydbz of the sons ynbd the mother Nwhm0 to Him hl came near tbrq then Nydyh
Him hl & she worshipped tdgsw & her sons hynbw she yh
something Mdm Him hl she was twh & asking 0l0$w
you ytn0 do desire 0ybc what? 0nm to her hl said rm0 but Nyd He wh
that would sit Nwbtnd say rm0 to Him hl & she said 0rm0
Your right Knymy at Nm one dx my sons ynb two Nyrt these Nylh
in Your kingdom Ktwklmb Your left Klms at Nm & one dxw
& He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
you are Nwtn0 asking Nyl0$ what 0nm you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy not 0l
prepared dyt( that I am 0n0d the cup 0sk to drink 0t$ml you Nwtn0 are able? Nyxk$m
am 0n0 to be baptized in dm( that I 0n0d in the baptism 0tydwm(m or w0 to drink 0t$ml
we Nnx are able Nyxk$m to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0 to be baptized in Nwdm(t
you will drink Nwt$t My cup ysk to them Nwhl He said rm0
I am 0n0 baptized dm( in which I 0n0d & in the baptism 0tydwm(mw
My right ynymy at Nm but Nyd for you to sit Nwbttd you will be baptized Nwdm(t
except 0l0 that I may give lt0d Mine ylyd was twh not 0l My left ylms & at Nmw
My Father yb0 by Nm for whom it is prepared tby+t0d to those Nyly0l
the ten 0rs( heard w(m$ but Nyd when dk
brothers Nyx0 two Nyrt those Nwnh against l( they were angry wzgr
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y them Nwn0 & called 0rqw
of the Gentiles 0mm(d their rulers Nwhy$rd you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy
over them Nwhyl( have authority Ny+yl$ & their great ones Nwhynbrwrw are Nwn0 their lords Nwhyrm
among you Nwktnyb it will be 0whn so 0nkh not 0l
great 0br to be 0whnd among you Nwkb wants 0bcd whoever Nm but 0l0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

a minister 0n$m$m to you Nwkl let him be 0whn

first 0ymdq to be 0whnd among you Nwkb wants 0bcd & whoever Nmw
a servant 0db( to you Nwkl let him be 0whn
to be ministered to $mt$nd came 0t0 not 0l of Man 0$n0d The Son hrbd Just as 0nky0
Himself h$pn & to give ltndw to minister $m$nd but 0l0
the many 00ygs in the place of Plx a ransom 0nqrwp
Yerikho wxyry0 from Nm Yeshua (w$y went out qpn & when dkw
great 00ygs a crowd 0$nk after Him hrtb was 0wh coming 0t0
of the road 0xrw0 the side dy on l( were wwh sitting Nybty two Nyrt blind men 0yms & behold 0hw
a cry 0lq they gave wbhy was passing by rb( that Yeshua (w$yd they heard w(m$ & when dkw
of David dywdd Son hrb My Lord yrm on us Nyl( have mercy Mxrt0 & they were saying Nyrm0w
that they would be silent Nwqt$nd them Nwhb they were wwh rebuking Ny0k but Nyd the crowds 0$nk
& they were saying Nyrm0w their voice Nwhlq raised wmyr0 all the more ty0ryty & they Nwnhw
of David dywdd Son hrb on us Nyl( have mercy Mxrt0 our Lord Nrm
& He said rm0w them Nwn0 & He called 0rqw Yeshua (w$y & stopped Mqw
for you Nwkl Me to do db(0d you Nwtn0 do want Nybc what? 0nm
our eyes Nyny( that may be opened Nxtptnd our Lord Nrm to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0
Yeshua (w$y for them Nwhyl( & was moved with pity Mxrt0w
a moment ht($ & son of rbw their eyes Nwhyny(l & He touched brqw
after Him hrtb & they went wlz0w their eyes Nwhyny( were opened xtpt0
The Gospel of Matthew
Chapter 21
to BythPhage 0gptybl & came 0t0w Jerusalem Ml$rw0l He approached brq & as dkw
of Olives 0tyzd of the Mount 0rw+ the side bng by l(
His disciples yhwdymlt of Nm two Nyrt Yeshua (w$y sent rd$
that is opposite you Nwklbwqld this 0dh to village 0tyrql go wlz to them Nwhl & said rm0w
that is tied 0rys0d a donkey 0rmx you Nwtn0 will find Nyxk$m & at once 0dxmw
to me yl bring wty0 loose wr$ with her hm( & a colt 0ly(w
to him hl say wrm0 the thing Mdm to you Nwkl says rm0 a man $n0 & if N0w
they are needed Ny(btm that for our Lord Nrmld
here 0kl them Nwhl he will send rd$m & at once 0dxmw
was that should be fulfilled 0lmtnd that happened twhd but Nyd this 0dh
that says rm0d the prophet 0ybn by dyb that was spoken rm0t0d the thing Mdm
of Zion Nwyhc to the daughter trbl say wrm0
& riding bykrw meek Kykm to you ykl comes 0t0 your King ykklm behold 0h
a she ass 0nt0 son of rb a colt 0ly( & upon l(w a donkey 0rmx on l(
& did wdb(w the disciples 0dymlt & went wlz0w
Yeshua (w$y them Nwhl had commanded dqpd Just as 0nky0
on l( & they placed wmsw & the colt 0ly(lw the donkey 0rmxl & they brought wyty0w
Yeshua (w$y upon him yhwl( & rode bkrw their garments Nwhytxn the colt 0ly(
in the road 0xrw0b their clothes Nwhyn0m were wwh spreading Nyw$m of crowds 0$nkd & a multitude 00gwsw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

from Nm branches 0kws were wwh cutting down Nyqsp but Nyd others 0nrx0
in the road 0xrw0b & laying them Nymrw trees 0nly0
& coming Nyt0w before Him yhwmdq were wwh going Nylz0d which Nyly0 but Nyd the crowds 0$nk
Oshanna 0n($w0 & they were saying Nyrm0w were wwh crying out Ny(q after him hrtb
Who comes 0t0d is He wh blessed Kyrb of David dywdd to the Son hrbl
in the highest 0mwrmb Oshanna 0n($w0 of Jehovah 0yrmd in The Name hm$b
was troubled t(yztt0 Jerusalem Ml$rw0l He entered l( & when dkw
This 0nh Who is? wnm they were wwh & saying Nyrm0w city 0tnydm the whole hlk
This is wnh they were wwh saying Nyrm0 but Nyd the crowds 0$nk
of Galila 0lylgd Natsareth trcn Who is from Nmd the Prophet 0ybn Yeshua (w$y
& cast out qp0w of God 0hl0d the temple 0lkyhl Yeshua (w$y & entered l(w
& upset Pxsw in the temple 0lkyhb & bought Nynbzmw who sold Nynbzd all of them Nwhlkl
& the seats 0twsrwkw of money changers 0npr(md the tables 0rwtp
doves 0nwy who sold Nynbzmd of those Nwnhd
My house ytybd it is wh written bytk to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
you Nwtn0 will be called 0rqtn of prayer 0twlc the house tyb
of robbers 0y+sld a den 0tr(m you have made it yhynwtdb( but Nyd
& the lame 0sygxw the blind 0yms in the temple 0lkyhb to Him hl & they brought wbrqw
them Nwn0 & He healed ys0w
priests 0nhk the chief ybr but Nyd saw wzx when dk
that He did db(d the wonders 0trmdt & the Pharisees 0$yrpw
& saying Nyrm0w in the temple 0lkyhb shouting Ny(qd & the children 0yl+w
to them Nwhl it seemed evil $0bt0 of David dywdd to the Son hrbl Oshanna 0n($w0
to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w
these Nylh are saying Nyrm0 what? 0nm You tn0 heard (m$
antiquity Mwtm from Nm yes Ny0 Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
of children 0yl+d the mouth 0mwp that from Nmd have you read Nwtyrq not? 0l
a song of praise 0txwb$t You have composed tnqt & infants 0dwlydw
to the outside rbl & he went out qpnw them Nwn0 & He left qb$w
there Nmt & He spent the night tbw to Bythania 0yn(tybl the city 0tnydm of Nm
He was hungry Npk to the city 0tnydml He returned Kph when dk but Nyd at dawn 0rpcb
by the road 0xrw0b one 0dx fig tree 0tt & He saw 0zxw
anything Mdm in it hb He found xk$0 & not 0lw to it htwl & came 0t0w
not 0l to it hl & He said rm0w alone dwxlb leaves 0pr+ only N0 but 0l0
for all time Ml(l fruit 0r0p again bwt in you ykb there will be Nwwhn
that yh fig tree 0tt withered up t$by & at once 0dxmw
& they were saying Nyrm0w & they marveled wrhtw the disciples 0dymlt & saw wzxw
the fig tree 0tt withered up t$by a moment ht($ son of rb How! 0nky0
that if N0d to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 amen Nym0 to them Nwhl & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
only dwxlb not 0l you will doubt Nwglptt & not 0lw faith 0twnmyh in you Nwkb there shall be 0wht
this 0nh to mountain 0rw+l also if Np0 but 0l0 you will do Nwdb(t of the fig tree 0ttd this 0dh
it will be done 0wht into the sea 0myb & fall lpw be lifted up lqt$0d you will say Nwrm0t
in prayer 0twlcb that you will ask Nwl0$td thing Mdm & every lkw
you will receive Nwbst & you will believe Nwnmyhtw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to the temple 0lkyhl Yeshua (w$y came 0t0 & when dkw
& the Elders 0$y$qw Priests 0nhk the Chief ybr him hl approached wbrq
to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w He taught Plm when dk of the people 0m(d
you tn0 do db( these things Nylh authority N+lw$ by which? 0ny0b
this 0nh authority 0n+lw$ you Kl gave bhy & who? wnmw
to them Nwhl & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
& if N0w one 0dx matter 0tlm I 0n0 also P0 shall ask you Nwkl0$0
you Nwkl shall 0n0 tell rm0 I 0n0 also P0w Me yl you will tell Nwrm0t
I 0n0 do db( these things Nylh authority 0n+lw$ in which 0ny0b
is it? hyty0 from where? 0kmy0 of Yokhanan Nnxwyd the baptism htydwm(m
the children of men 0$nynb from Nm or w0 is it? yh Heaven 0ym$ from Nm
among themselves Nwh$pnb were wwh counseling Ny(rtm but Nyd they Nwnh
Heaven 0ym$ from Nm we say rm0n that if N0d & they were saying Nyrm0w
did you trust him yhynwtnmyh not 0l what? 0nm & upon l(w to us Nl He will say rm0
the children of men 0$nynb from Nm & that should we say rm0ndw
the crowds 0$nk of Nm we are Nnxn0 afraid Nylxd
a prophet 0ybn as Ky0 for ryg all of them Nwhlk
Yokhanan Nnxwyl him hl they were wwh holding Nydyx0
to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w they answered wn(
not 0l also P0 Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0 we know Nny(dy not 0l
authority 0n+lw$ by which 0ny0b you Nwkl am 0n0 telling rm0 I 0n0
I 0n0 do db( these things Nylh
to you Nwkl does it appear 0zxtm but Nyd how? 0nm
to him hl were wwh there ty0 a certain dx a man 0rbg
to him hl & said rm0w the first 0ymdq to twl & He came brqw two Nyrt sons 0ynb
in the vineyard 0mrkb work xwlp today 0nmwy go lz my son yrb
I 0n0 want 0bc not 0l & said rm0w he answered 0n( but Nyd he wh
& he went lz0w he was moved with regret ywtt0 but Nyd afterward 0trxb
likewise twkh to him hl & said rm0w the other 0nrx0 to twl & He came brqw
went lz0 & not 0lw my lord yrm I will 0n0 & said rm0w he answered 0n( but Nyd he wh
of their father yhwb0d the will 0nybc did db( two Nwhyrt these Nylh of Nm which? wnm
Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0 first 0ymdq the wh to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0
& prostitutes 0tynzw that tax collectors 0skmd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 amen Nym0
of God 0hl0d to the Kingdom 0twklml you Nwkl precede Nymdq
of justice 0twn0kd in the way 0xrw0b Yokhanan Nnxwy to you Nwktwl for ryg came 0t0
& prostitutes 0tynzw but Nyd tax collectors 0skm you did trust him yhynwtnmyh & not 0lw
you saw Nwtyzx when dk not 0l also P0 but Nyd you Nwtn0 trusted him yhwnmyh
in him hb to trust Nwnmyhtd afterward 0trxb were moved with remorse Nwtywtt0
was 0wh there ty0 certain dx a man 0rbg parable 0ltm another 0nrx0 hear w(m$
a vineyard 0mrk & he had planted bcnw a house 0tyb owner 0rm
in it hb & he had dug rpxw a fence 0gys & enclosed it hrdx0w
a tower 0ldgm in it hb & built 0nbw a wine press 0trc(m
& went abroad qzxw to laborers 0xlpl & gave its care hdxw0w
of fruit 0r0pd the season 0nbz had arrived 0+m but Nyd when dk
the laborers 0xlp to twl his servantsyhwdb(l he sent rd$

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of the vineyard hmrkd the fruit 0r0p from Nm to him hl that they would send Nwrd$nd
they beat him yhw0xmd & one ty0w his servantsyhwdb(l the laborers 0xlp & seized wdx0w
they killed him yhwl+qd & another ty0w they stoned him yhwmgrd & another ty0w
more Ny0ygsd servants 0db( other 0nrx0 he sent rd$ & again bwtw
to them Nwhl they did wdb( & likewise twkhw the first 0ymdq than Nm
his son hrbl to them Nwhtwl he sent rd$ but Nyd finally tyrx0
my son yrb of Nm they will be in awe Nwthbn doubtless rbk he said rm0 as dk
the son 0rbl saw yhw0zx when dk but Nyd the laborers 0xlp
the heir 0try this is wnh among themselves Nwhtnyb they said wrm0
his inheritance htwtry & seize dwx0nw let us kill him yhwyl+qn comewt
& killed him yhwl+qw the vineyard 0mrk of Nm outside rbl & led him yhwqp0 & they seized wdx0w
the lord hrm therefore lykh comes 0t0d whenever 0m
those Nwnh to laborers 0xlpl will he do db(n what? 0nm of the vineyard 0mrkd
them Nwn0 he will destroy dbwn very $yb badly $ybd to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0
laborers 0xlp to other 0nrx0l he will give its care dxwn & the vineyard 0mrkw
in their season Nwhnbzb the fruit 0r0p him hl will render Nybhyd who Nyly0
in the scriptures 0btkb have you read Nwtyrq ever Mwtmm not? 0l Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
the head 0$rl has become twh that yh the builders 0ynb that rejected wyls0d the stone 0p0kd
this 0dh was twh Jehovah 0yrm the presence of twl from Nm of the corner 0tywzd
in our eyes Nyny(b a wonder 0trwmdt & it is hyty0w
to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 this 0nh because of l+m
of God 0hl0d the Kingdom 0twklm from you Nwknm that will be taken lqt$td
fruit 0r0p who will produce db(d to a people 0m(l & will be given bhyttw
will be shattered ((rtn this 0dh stone 0p0k on l( falls lpnd & whoever Nmw
it will scatter him like dust yhwyrdt upon him yhwl( will fall lpt it yhd whomever Nm & everyone lkw
& the Pharisees 0$yrpw Priests 0nhk the Chief ybr heard w(m$ & when dkw
He had spoken rm0 that against them Nwhyl(d they knew w(dy His parables yhwltm
the crowds 0$nk of Nm & they were afraid wlxdw to seize Him hdx0ml & they sought w(bw
Him hl they were wwh holding Nydyx0 a prophet 0ybnld as Ky0d because l+m
The Gospel of Matthew
Chapter 22
& He said rm0w in a parable 0ltmb Yeshua (w$y again bwt answered 0n(w
of Heaven 0ym$d the Kingdom 0twklm is compared tymdt0
for his son hrbl a wedding feast 0twt$m who made db(d a king 0klm to a man 0rbgl
those invited 0nmzml to call Nwrqnd his servants yhwdb(l & He sent rd$w
to come 0t0ml they chose wbc & not 0lw to the wedding feast 0twt$ml
other 0nrx0 servants 0db( he sent rd$ again bwt
my banquet ytwr$ behold 0hd those invited 0nmzml tell wrm0 & he said rm0w
are killed Nyly+q & my fatlings ym+pmw & my oxen yrwtw is ready 0by+m
to the wedding feast 0twt$ml come wt is prepared by+m thing Mdm & every lkw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& they went wlz0w showed contempt wsb but Nyd they Nwnh
to his commerce htrwg0tld & one ty0w to his field htyrqld one ty0
& killed wl+qw & abused wr(cw his servants yhwdb(l seized wdx0 but Nyd the rest 0kr$
was angry zgr the King 0klm but Nyd heard (m$ when dk
those Nwnh murderers 0lw+ql he destroyed dbw0 his armies htwlyx & sending rd$w
he burned dqw0 & their city Nwhtnydmlw
is ready 0by+m the wedding feast 0twt$m to his servants yhwdb(l he said rm0 then Nydyh
were wwh worthy Nyw$ not 0l were wwh who invited Nynmzmd & those Nwnhw
of the roads 0txrw0d to the ends 0nqpml therefore lykh go wlz
to the wedding feast 0twt$ml call wrq you Nwtn0 find Nyxk$md whom Nm & everyone lkw
& they gathered w$nkw to the roads 0txrw0l those Nwnh servants 0db( & went out wqpnw
& was filled ylmt0w & good 0b+w evil 0$yb whom they found wxk$0d everyone lk
with guests 0kyms of the wedding feast 0twt$m the place tyb
& he saw 0zxw the guests 0kyms to see 0zxnd the king 0klm & entered l(w
wedding 0twt$md a garment 0$wbl was wearing $ybl who not 0ld a man 0rbg there Nmt
here 0kl entered you tl( how? 0nky0 my friend yrbx to him hl & he said rm0w
to you Kl there is not tyl wedding 0twt$md a garment 0txn when dk
he was speechless qtt$0 but Nyd he wh
his hands yhwdy0 bind wrws0 to the attendants 0n$m$ml the King 0klm said rm0 then Nydyh
there Nmt foreign 0yrb into darkness 0kw$xl & cast him out yhwqp0w & his feet yhwlgrw
of teeth 0n$ & gnashing qrwxw weeping 0ykb will be 0whn
the chosen 0ybg & few Nyrw(zw the called 0yrq for ryg are Nwn0 many Ny0ygs
counsel 0klm they took wbsn the Pharisees 0$yrp went wlz0 then Nydyh
in discourse 0tlmb they may capture Him yhynwdwcn that how 0nky0d
of Herodus sdwrh those of the house tybd with M( their disciples Nwhydymlt to Him htwl & they sent wrd$w
You are tn0 that true ryr$d we know Nny(dy Teacher 0nplm to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w
You tn0 teach Plm in justice 0t$wqb of God 0hl0d & the way 0xrw0w
for a man $n0d caution 0tpc You tn0 take lyq$ & not 0lw
of men 0$n0d the faces 0p0b You tn0 accept bsn for ryg not 0l
to You Kl appears it 0zxtm how? 0nky0 therefore lykh us Nl tell rm0
not? 0l or w0 to Caesar rsql the head 0$r tax Psk to give ltml is it lawful? +yl$
their evil Nwhtw$yb knew (dy but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
Me yl are you Nwtn0 testing Nysnm why? 0nm & He said rm0w
hypocrites of faces 0p0b accepters ybsn
head 0$r of the tax money Pskd a denarius 0rnyd show Me ynw0wx
a denarius 0rnyd to Him hl they brought wbrq and Nyd they Nwnh
Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl & said rm0w
& inscription 0btkw this 0nh image 0mlc of whom is? wnmd
to them Nwhl He said rm0 Caesars rsqd they were saying Nyrm0
to Caesar rsql what is Caesars rsqd therefore lykh give wbh
to God 0hl0l & what is Gods 0hl0dw
& departed wlz0w & they left Him yhwqb$w they were amazed wrmdt0 they heard w(m$ & when dkw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& they were saying Nyrm0w the Sadducees 0yqwdz approached wbrq day 0mwy in that whb
& they asked him yhwl0$w of the dead 0tym life tyx There is not tyl to Him hl
said rm0 Moshe 0$wm Teacher 0nplm to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w
there are not tyl while dk will die twmn a man $n0 that if N0d to us Nl
his wife httn0 his brother yhwx0 may take bsn sons 0ynb to him hl
to his brother yhwx0l seed 0(rz & raise Myqnw
seven 0(b$ brothers 0x0 to us Ntwl now Nyd were wwh there ty0
& he died tymw a wife 0ttn0 took lq$ the first 0ymdq
sons 0ynb to him hl were 0wh & there not tyldw
to his brother yhwx0l his wife httn0 He left hqb$
second Nyrtd the wh also P0 likewise twkh
the seven of them Nwhyt(b$l & unto 0md(w third 0tltd the wh & also P0w
the woman 0ttn0 also P0 died ttym all of them Nwhlkd but Nyd after 0trxb
seven 0(b$ these Nylh of Nm to which? 0ny0l therefore lykh in the resurrection 0tmyqb
had taken her hwbsn for ryg all of them Nwhlk the woman 0ttn0 will be 0wht
you Nwtn0 err Ny(+ to them Nwhl & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
the scriptures 0btk you Nwtn0 understand Ny(dy because not 0ld
of God 0hl0d the mighty work hlyx neither 0lw
wives 0$n they take Nybsn not 0l of the dead 0tymd for ryg in resurrection 0tmyqb
but 0l0 to men 0rbgl will be Nywh women 0$n neither 0lp0
they are Nwhyty0 in Heaven 0ym$b of God 0hl0d the angels 0k0lm like Ky0
you read Nwtyrq not? 0l of the dead 0tymd but Nyd resurrection 0tmyq concerning l(
Who said rm0d God 0hl0 from Nm to you Nwkl was spoken rm0t0d what Mdm
of Abraham Mhrb0d The God hhl0 I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0d
of Yaqob bwq(yd The God hhl0 of Isaac qxsy0d The God hhl0
of the living 0yxd but 0l0 of the dead 0tymd He is 0wh not 0l & The God 0hl0w
the crowds 0$nk heard w(m$ & when dkw
at His teaching hnplwyb they were wwh dumbfounded Nyhmttm
heard w(m$ when dk but Nyd the Pharisees 0$yrp
together 0dxk0 they assembled w$nkt0 the Sadducees 0yqwdzl that He had silenced qt$d
who knew (dyd of them Nwhnm one dx & asked Him hl0$w
Him hl testing 0snm while dk the Torah 0swmn
in the Torah 0swmnb is greatest br commandment 0ndqwp which? 0ny0 Teacher 0nplm
your God Khl0 Jehovah 0yrml You shall love Mxrtd to him hl said rm0 but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
your soul K$pn all hlk & from Nmw your heart Kbl all hlk from Nm
your mind Kny(r all hlk & from Nmw your power Klyx all hlk & from Nmw
& the first 0ymdqw the great 0br the commandment 0ndqwp this is wnh
it hl which is like 0mdd & the second Nyrtdw
yourself K$pn as Ky0 your neighbor Kbyrql you shall love Mxrtd
& The Prophets 0ybnw The Torah 0tyrw0 depend 0ylt commands Nyndqwp two Nyrt on these Nylhb

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Yeshua (w$y them Nwn0 asked l0$ the Pharisees 0$yrp but Nyd were assembled Ny$ynk as dk
the Messiah 0xy$m about l( you Nwtn0 are saying Nyrm0 what? 0nm & He said rm0w
David dywd the son of rb to him hl they were saying Nyrm0 whose? is He wnm Son rb
David dywd & how? 0nky0w to them Nwhl He said rm0
for ryg he said rm0 The LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm Him hl did call 0rq in The Spirit xwrb
You Kl sit bt to my Lord yrml The LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm said rm0d
I place Mys0d until 0md( My right ynymy at Nm
Your feet Kylgr under tyxt Your enemies Kybbdl(b
The LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm Him hl called 0rq David dywd therefore lykh if N0
is He wh his son hrb how? 0nky0
an answer 0mgtp Him hl give ltnd could xk$0 man $n0 & no 0lw
again bwt dared xrm0 man $n0 & no 0lw
to question Him htwl0$ml day 0mwy that wh from Nm
The Gospel of Matthew
Chapter 23
the crowds 0$nk with M( spoke llm Yeshua (w$y then Nydyh
His disciples yhwdymlt & with M(w
of Moshe 0$wmd the throne 0ysrwk on l( to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
& The Pharisees 0$yrpw the Scribes 0rps have sat wbty
to observe Nwr+td you Nwkl they will tell Nwrm0nd therefore lykh thing Mdm every lk
you should do Nwdb(t not 0l but Nyd their works Nwhydb( according to Ky0 & do wdb(w observe wr+
they are doing Nydb( & not 0lw for ryg they are saying Nyrm0
the shoulders 0tptk on l( & they place them Nymysw heavy 0tryqy burdens 0lbwm & they bind Nyrs0w
are willing Nybc not 0l with their fingers Nwh(bcb but Nyd they Nwnh of men 0$n0 of children ynbd
them Nyhl to touch Nwbrqnd
of men 0$n0 by the children ynbl that they may be seen Nwzxtnd they do Nydb( their works Nwhydb( & all Nwhlkw
& they extend Nykrwmw their phylacteries Nwhylpt for ryg they enlarge Nytpm
of their robes Nwhy+w+rmd the blue fringes 0tlkt
at feasts 0tym$xb places 0kms the first class $r & they love Nymxrw
in synagogues 0t$wnkb seats 0btwm & first class $rw
& to be Nwwhndw in the market places 0qw$b & greetings 0ml$w
Rabbi ybr people 0$n0 by Nm called Nyrqtm
Rabbi ybr you shall not be called Nwrqtt not 0l but Nyd you Nwtn0
are Nwtn0 brethren 0x0 you all Nwklk but Nyd you Nwtn0 your Rabbi Nwkbr for ryg is wh one dx
yourselves Nwkl you should call Nwrqt not 0l & Father 0b0w
Who is in Heaven 0ym$bd your Father Nwkwb0 for ryg is wh one dx in the earth 0(r0b
leaders 0nrbdm you will be called Nwrqtt & not 0lw
the Messiah 0xy$m your leader Nwknrbdm is wh one dxd because l+m
a servant 0n$m$m to you Nwkl will be 0whn among you Nwkb who is great brd but Nyd he wh
will be humbled Kkmtn himself h$pn will exalt Myrnd for ryg whoever Nm

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will be exalted Myrttn himself h$pn will humble Kmnd & whoever Nmw
of faces 0p0b accepters ybsn & Pharisees 0$yrpw Scribes 0rps to you Nwkl woe yw
of widows 0tlmr0d the houses 0tb you Nwtn0 who consume Nylk0d
your prayers Nwktwlc you Nwtn0 for chanting long Nykrwmd with an offering 0tl(b
greater 0ryty judgment 0nyd you will receive Nwlbqt this 0nh because of l+m
of faces 0p0b accepters ybsn & Pharisees 0$yrpw Scribes 0rps to you Nwkl woe yw
of men 0$n0 the children ynb before Mdq of Heaven 0ym$d the Kingdom 0twklm you Nwtn0 for shut Nydyx0d
are Nwtn0 entering Nyl0( not 0l for ryg you Nwtn0
to enter l(ml you Nwtn0 allow Nyqb$ not 0l who are entering Nyl0(d & those Nyly0lw
of faces 0p0b accepters ybsn & Pharisees 0$yrpw Scribes 0rps to you Nwkl woe yw
convert 0rwyg one dx to make Nwdb(td & land 0$byw sea 0my you Nwtn0 for travel around Nykrktmd
him hl you Nwtn0 make Nydb( it has occurred 0whd & when 0mw
that of yourselves Nwkyl( double 0p(0 of Gehenna 0nhgd the son hrb
that whoever Nmd you Nwtn0 for say Nyrm0d blind 0yms guides 0dwgn to you Nwkl woe yw
but Nyd whoever Nm anything Mdm it is 0wh not 0l by the temple 0lkyhb swears 0myd
is liable b0x in the temple 0lkyhbd by the gold 0bhdb swears 0myd
is greater br for ryg which? 0nm & blind men 0ymsw fools 0lks
the gold 0bhdl it hl sanctifying $dqm which is whd the temple 0lkyh or w0 gold 0bhd
anything Mdm it is 0wh not 0l by the altar 0xbdmb swears 0myd & whoever Nmw
he is liable b0x it hnm upon l(ld by the offering 0nbrwqb swears 0myd but Nyd whoever Nm
is greater br which? 0nm & blind men 0ryw(w fools 0lks
the gift 0nbrwql that hallows $dqmd the altar 0xbdm or w0 the gift 0nbrwq
swears 0my by the altar 0xbdmb therefore lykh swears 0myd whoever Nm
it hnm upon l(l that is ty0d thing 0m & by every lkbw by it hb
by it hb swears 0my by the temple 0lkyhb swears 0myd & whoever Nmw
in it hb dwells rm(d & by Whomever Nmbw
of God 0hl0d by the throne hysrwkb swears 0my by Heaven 0ym$b swears 0myd & whoever Nmw
it hnm upon l(l sits btyd & by Whomever Nmbw
of faces 0p0b accepters ybsn & Pharisees 0$yrpw Scribes 0rps to you Nwkl woe yw
& cummin 0nwmkw & dill 0tb$w mint 0(nn you Nwtn0 who tithe Nyrs(md
of the law 0swmnd the weighty things htryqy & you forsake Nwtqb$w
these things Nylh & faith 0twnmyhw & mercy 0nnxw judgment 0nyd
for you to do Nwdb(td it is 0wh necessary 0lw but Nyd
for you to forsake Nwqb$t not 0l & these things Nylhw
camels 0lmg & swallow Ny(lbw gnats 0qb who strain out Nyllcmd blind 0yms guides 0dwgn
of faces 0p0b accepters ybsn & Pharisees 0$yrpw Scribes 0rps to you Nwkl woe yw
of the cup 0skd the outside hrb you Nwtn0 who wash Nykdmd
& iniquity 0lw(w of plunder 0ypw+x are full Nylm but Nyd within wgl & of the dish 0rwbzdw
& dish 0rwbzdw the cup 0skd inside hwg first Mdqwl wash wkd blind 0ryw( Pharisees 0$yrp
clean 0kd their outside Nwhrb also P0 that may be 0whd
of faces 0p0b accepters ybsn & Pharisees 0$yrpw Scribes 0rps to you Nwkl woe yw
white 0$lkm tombs 0rbql you Nwtn0 who are like Nymdd
lovely 0ryp$ appear Nyzxtm the outside rbl that from Nmd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of the dead 0tymd of bones 0mrg are full Nylm but Nyd within wgl from Nm
corruption 0twpn+ & all hlkw
are Nwtn0 appearing Nyzxtm outside rbl from Nm you Nwtn0 also p0 thus 0nkh
within wgl & from Nmw righteous 0qydz as Ky0 of men 0$n0 to children ynbl
of faces 0p0b & acceptance bsmw with evil 0lw( you Nwtn0 are filled Nylm
of faces 0p0b accepters ybsn & Pharisees 0$yrpw Scribes 0rps to you Nwkl woe yw
you Nwtn0 & adorn Nytbcmw of the prophets 0ybnd the tombs 0rbq you Nwtn0 who build Nynbd
of the righteous 0qydzd of burial 0rwbq the houses tyb
of our forefathers Nyhb0 in the days ymwyb we had been Nywh if wl0d you Nwtn0 & say Nyrm0w
of the prophets 0ybnd in the blood 0mdb partakers 0ptw$ with them Nwhl have been Nywh we would Nywh not 0l
yourselves Nwk$pn against l( you Nwtn0 testify Nydhsm therefore Nydm
the prophets 0ybnl who murdered wl+qd of those Nwnhd you are Nwtn0 that children 0ynbd
of your forefathers Nwkyhb0d the standard 0txw$m fulfill wlm you Nwtn0 also P0w
of vipers 0ndk0d offspring 0dly snakes 0twwx
of Gehenna 0nhgd the judgment 0nyd from Nm will you escape Nwqr(t how? 0nky0
to you Nwktwl am 0n0 sending rd$m I 0n0 behold 0h this 0nh because of l+m
& scribes 0rpsw & wise men 0mykxw prophets 0ybn
you Nwtn0 & will crucify Nypqzw you Nwtn0 will murder Nyl+q some of them Nwhnm
in your synagogues Nwkt$wnkb you Nwtn0 will scourge Nydgnm & some of them NwhNmw
to city 0nydml city 0nydm from Nm them Nwn0 & you will persecute Nwpdrtw
of the righteous 0qydzd the blood 0md all hlk upon you Nwkyl( that may come 0t0nd so 0nky0
righteous 0qydz of Abel lybhd the blood hmd from Nm the earth 0(r0 on l( that has been shed d$0t0d
Barachiah 0ykrb son of rb of Zechariah 0yrkzd the blood hmdl & unto 0md(w
& the altar 0xbdml the temple 0lkyh between ynyb whom you murdered Nwtl+qd him wh
to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 amen Nym0
this 0dh generation 0tbr$ on l( all Nyhlk these things Nylh will come Nyt0nd
the prophets 0ybn you that murdered tl+q Jerusalem Ml$rw0 Jerusalem Ml$rw0
to it htwl who were sent Nyxyl$d those Nyly0l & stoned tmgrw
your children ykynb to gather $nk0d I desired tybc times Nynbz how many? 0mk
her wings hypg under tyxt her chicks hygwrp a hen 0tlwgnrt gathers 0$nkd as Ky0
you were willing Nwtybc & not 0lw
desolate 0brx your house Nwktyb to you Nwkl is left qbt$m behold 0h
until 0md( now 0$h from Nm you will see Me ynnwzxt that not 0ld for ryg to you Nwkl I say 0nrm0
of Jehovah 0yrmd in the Name hm$b Who has come 0t0d is He wh blessed Kyrb you will say Nwrm0td
The Gospel of Matthew
Chapter 24
to depart lz0ml the temple 0lkyh from Nm Yeshua (w$y went out qpnw
to Him hl they were wwh showing Nywxm His disciples yhwdymlt & approached wbrqw
of the temple 0lkyhd the buildings hnynb
behold 0h not 0l to them Nwhl said rm0 but Nyd He wh
amen Nym0 all Nyhlk these things Nylh you Nwtn0 see Nyzx
will be left qbt$t that not 0ld to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

will be pulled down rttst that not 0ld a stone P0k on l( a stone P0k here 0krh
of Olives 0tyzd The Mount 0rw+ on l( Yeshua (w$y sat bty also when dkw
& they were saying Nyrm0w His disciples yhwdymlt came wbrq
us Nl tell rm0 & to Him hlw among themselves Nwhynyb
the sign 0t0 is yh & what? 0nmw will be Nywhn these things Nylh when ytm0
of the world 0ml(d & of the end hmlw$dw of Your advent Ktyt0md
to them Nwhl & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
will deceive you Nwky(+n man $n0 no 0l beware wrhdz0
& they will say Nwrm0nw in My Name ym$b will come Nwt0n for ryg many 00ygs
they will deceive Nw(+n & many 00ygsw the Messiah 0xy$m I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0d
of wars 0brqd & reports 0(m$w battles 0sr0q to hear (m$ml but Nyd you Nwtn0 are going Nydyt(
that all these things Nyhlkd for ryg it is necessary 0lw you will be troubled Nwdwdtt not 0l take heed wzx
it is the end 0mlw$ quite lykd( not 0l but 0l0 should happen Nywhn
Kingdom 0twklm against l( & kingdom 0twklmw nation 0m( against l( nation 0m( for ryg will arise Mwqn
of places 0kwd in places 0kwdb & earthquakes 0(wzw & plagues 0ntwmw famines 0npk & there will be Nwwhnw
of sorrows 0lbxd are Nyn0 the beginning 0$r all Nyhlk but Nyd these things Nylh
& they will kill you Nwknwl+qnw to suffering 0nclw0l they will deliver you Nwknwml$n then Nydyh
the nations 0mm( all Nwhlk by Nm hated Ny0yns & you will be Nwwhtw
My Name ym$ because of l+m
many 00ygs will be subverted Nwl$ktn then Nydyh
another dxl one dx & will betray Nwml$nw another dxl one dx & they will hate Nwnsnw
false 0lgd prophets 0ybn & many 00ygsw
many 00ygsl & will deceive Nw(+nw will arise Nwmwqn
of many 00ygsd the love 0bwx will grow cold gwpn of evil 0lw( the abundance tw0ygs & because of l+mw
will have life 0xn that one wh the end 0trxl until 0md( but Nyd will persevere rbysnd whoever Nm
the world 0ml( in all hlkb of the Kingdom 0twklmd gospel 0trbs this 0dh & will be preached zrkttw
the end 0mlw$ will come 0t0n & then Nydyhw nations 0mm( of all Nwhlkd for the testimony 0twdhsl
of desolation 0brwxd desecrated 0tpn+ the sign 0t0 you see Nwtyzxd but Nyd whenever 0m
that stands 0myqd the prophet 0ybn by Daniel ly0yndb that was spoken rm0t0d
should consider lktsn who reads 0rqd that one wh of Holiness 0t$ydq in the place 0tkwdb
to the mountains 0rw+l should flee Nwqr(n are Nwn0 who in Judea dwhybd those Nyly0 then Nydyh
he wh on the roof 0rg0bd & the onewhw
what is in his house htybbd to take bsml should come down twxn not 0l
is wh who in the field 0lqxbd & he 0ny0w
his clothes h$bl to take bsml back hrtsbl should return Kphtn not 0l
to the pregnant women 0tn+bl but Nyd woe yw
days 0tmwy in those Nwnhb who are nursing Nqnymd & to those Nyly0lw
your escape Nwkyqwr( will be 0whn that not 0ld but Nyd pray wlc
on the Sabbath 0tb$b neither 0lw in winter 0wtsb
great 0br suffering 0nclw0 then Nydyh for ryg will be 0whn

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the origin hty$r from Nm was 0wh which not 0ld that 0ny0
will be 0whn neither 0lw now 0$hl even until 0md(w of the world 0ml(d
days 0tmwy are cut short wyrkt0 not 0l & if wl0w
body rsb every lk would 0wh live 0yx not 0l those Nwnh
those Nwnh days 0tmwy will be cut short Nwrktn but Nyd the chosen ones 0ybg because of l+m
is wh here 0krh behold 0h to you Nwkl will say rm0n a man $n0 if N0 then Nydyh
you should believe Nwnmyht not 0l there 0krh or w0 The Messiah 0xy$m
of lies 0twbdkd & prophets 0ybnw false 0lgd Messiahs 0xy$m for ryg there will arise Nwmwqn
great 0tbrwr signs 0twt0 & they will give Nwltnw
the elect 0ybgl even P0 it is possible 0xk$m if N0 to deceive Nw(+nd so as Ky0
you Nwkl I have told trm0 beforehand tmdq behold 0h
to you Nwkl they will say Nwrm0n therefore lykh if N0
you shall go out Nwqpt not 0l He is wh in the desert 0brwxb behold 0h
you shall believe Nwnmyht not 0l He is wh in an inner room 0nwtb behold 0hd or w0
the East 0xndm from Nm goes out qpn lightning 0qrbd for ryg Just as 0nky0
the West 0br(ml unto 0md( & appears 0zxtmw
of Man 0$n0d of the Son hrbd the advent htyt0m will be 0wht so 0nkh
the eagles 0r$n will be gathered Nw$nktn there Nmt the body 0rgp will be 0whn ever N0d where 0ky0
those Nwnh of days 0tmwyd the suffering 0nclw0 after rtb but Nyd at once 0dxm
its light hrhwn will show 0wxn not 0l & the moon 0rhsw will darken K$xn the sun 0$m$
the heavens 0ym$ from Nm will fall Nwlpn & the stars0bkwkw
will be disturbed Nw(yzttn of the heavens 0ym$d & the powers 0lyxw
in Heaven0ym$bof Man0$n0dof The Sonhrbd the sign h$yn will appear 0zxtn & then Nydyhw
of the earth 0(r0d the families 0tbr$ all Nyhlk will mourn Ndqrn & then Nydyhw
the clouds ynn( on l( Who comes 0t0d of Man 0$n0d The Son hrbl & they will see Nwzxnw
many 00ygs & praises 0xbw$w miracles 0lyx with M( of Heaven 0ym$
great 0br trumpets 0rwpy$ with M( His angels yhwk0lm & He will send rd$nw
His own hlyd elect 0ybgl & they will gather Nw$nknw
the ends Nwh$r from Nm the winds 0xwr four t(br0 from Nm
the ends Nwh$rl & unto 0md(w of the heavens 0ym$d
a parable 0t0lp learn wply but Nyd the fig tree 0tt from Nm
bow low Nkr its branches hykwsd that at once 0dxmd
summer 0+yq that has arrived 0+md you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy its leaves hypr+ & bud forth Ny(rpw
all Nyhlk these things Nylh you see Nwtyzxd whenever 0m you Nwtn0 also P0 thus 0nkh
the door 0(rtl at hl that He has approached t+md know w(d
will pass away rb(t that not 0ld to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 amen Nym0
will occur Nywhn all Nyhlk these things Nylhd until 0md( this 0dh generation 0tbr$
will pass away Nwrb(n & the earth 0(r0w Heaven 0ym$
will pass away Nrb(n not 0l & My words ylmw
that yh hour 0t($ & about l(w that wh but Nyd day 0mwy about l(
neither 0lp0 knows (dy not 0l a man $n0
alone dwxlb The Father 0b0 but 0l0 of Heaven 0ym$d the angels 0k0lm
thus 0nkh of Noah xwn the days ymwyd but Nyd Just as 0nky0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of Man 0$n0d of The Son hrbd the advent htyt0m will be 0wht
the flood 0npw+ before Mdq were wwh they Nwhyty0d for ryg Just as 0nky0
& they were drinking Nyt$w they were eating Nylk0
husbands 0rbgl & they were taking Nybhyw wives 0$n & they were taking Nybsnw
the ark 0lywkl Noah xwn that entered l(d the day 0mwyl until 0md(
they perceived w(dy & not 0lw
all of them Nwhlkl & took away lq$w the flood 0npw+ came 0t0d until 0md(
of Man 0$n0d of The Son hrbd the advent htyt0m will be 0wht thus 0nkh
in the field 0tyrqb will be Nwwhn two Nyrt then Nydyh
will be left qbt$n & one dxw will be taken captive rbdtn one dx
at the mill 0yxrb grinding Nnx+ will be Nywhn & two women Nytrtw
will be left 0qbt$m & one 0dxw will be taken captive 0rbdtm one 0dx
you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy for not 0ld therefore lykh wake up wry(tt0
your Lord Nwkrm comes 0t0 hour 0t($ in what 0dy0b
had 0wh known (dy that if wl0d know w(d but Nyd this 0dh
watch 0tr+m in what 0dy0b of the house 0tyb the owner 0rm
he would have 0wh been awake ry(ttm the robber 0bng would come 0t0
his house htyb to be broken into $lptnd he would have 0wh allowed qb$ & not 0lw
ready Nyby+m be wwh you Nwtn0 also P0 this 0nh because of l+m
you Nwtn0 are expecting Nyrbs in which not 0ld because the hour 0t($bd
of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb will come 0t0n
& wise 0mykxw faithful 0nmyhm the servant 0db( is yhwty0 then yk who? wnm
of his household htyb the children ynb over l( his lord hrm whom has appointed hmyq0d
in his time hnbzb food 0trbys to them Nwhl to give ltnd
is that wh servant 0db(l blessed yhwbw+
will find him yhwyxk$n his master hrm whom when will come 0t0nd
this 0nkh that he is doing db(d
to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 amen Nym0
to him hl that is ty0d everything lk over l( he will set him yhwymyqnd
that wh servant 0db( will say rm0n but Nyd if N0
to come 0t0ml delays rxwm my lord yrmd in his heart hblb evil 0$yb
his associates htwnk to beat 0xmml & will start 0r$nw
drunkards 0ywr with M( & drink 0t$w eat lk0 & will 0whnw
in the day 0mwyb that wh of servant 0db(d the lord hrm will come 0t0n
he is aware (dy in which not 0ld & in the hour 0t($bw he expects rbs that not 0ld
& he will cut him in half yhwyglpnw
of faces 0p0b accepters ybsn with M( his portion htnm & he will set Mysnw
teeth 0n$ & gnashing qrwxw weeping 0ykb will be 0whn there Nmt
The Gospel of Matthew
Chapter 25

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of Heaven 0ym$d the Kingdom 0twklm will be compared 0mdt then Nydyh
their lamps Nyhydpml who took bsnd the same Nynh virgins Nlwtb to ten rs(l
& the bride 0tlkw the groom 0ntx to meet (rw0l & went qpnw
were foolish Nlks & five $mxw were ywh wise Nmykx of them Nyhnm but Nyd five $mx
oil 0x$m with them Nyhm( took bsn & not 0lw their lamps Nyhydpml took bsn fools 0tlks & those Nynhw
oil 0x$m took bsn wise ones 0tmykx but Nyd those Nynh
their lamps Nyhydpml with M( in their vessels 0n0mb
& slept Kmdw all of them Nyhlk grew tired Mn the groom 0ntx but Nyd delayed rxw0 when dk
an outcry 0t(q there was twh of the night 0ylld & in the middle hglpbw
to meet him h(rw0l go out wqwp has come 0t0 the groom 0ntx behold 0h
their lamps Nyhydpml & trimmed Nqtw those Nylh virgins 0tlwtb all Nyhlk arose Mq then Nydyh
to us Nl give Nybh to the wise 0tmykxl fools 0tlks those Nynh but Nyd were saying Nrm0
our lamps Nydpml they Nwhl have gone out wk(d behold 0hd your oil Nykx$m from Nm
why? 0ml & they were saying Nrm0w the wise 0tmykx those Nylh answered yn(
& for you Nyklw for us Nl there is enough qpsn not 0l
for yourselves Nykl & buy Nynbzw who sell Nynbzmd those Nyly0 to twl go Nylz but 0l0
to buy Nbzml they went lz0 & when dkw
entered l( were ywh who ready Nby+md & those Nyly0w the groom 0ntx came 0t0
the door 0(rt & was barred dxtt0w of wedding 0lwlx the house tybl with him hm(
other 0tynrx0 virgins 0tlwtb those Nynh also P0 came yt0 but Nyd afterward 0trxb
to us Nl open xtp our lord Nrm our lord Nrm & they were saying Nrm0w
to them Nyhl & said rm0w answered 0n( but Nyd he wh
you Nykl I 0n0 know (dy that not 0ld to you Nykl I 0n0 say rm0 amen Nym0
you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy for not 0ld therefore lykh wake up wry(tt0
the hour 0t($l neither 0lw that wh day 0mwyl
who journeyed qzxd for ryg a man 0rbg as Ky0
his property hnynq to them Nwhl & delivered Ml$0w his servants yhwdb(l called 0rq
to whom two Nytrtd & another ty0w talents Nyrkk five $mx him hl to whom he gave bhyd one ty0
his power hlyx according to Ky0 each $n0 man $n0 to whom one 0dxd & another ty0w
immediately 0dxm & he went abroad qzxw
talents Nyrkk five $mx who received bsnd he wh but Nyd went lz0
others Nynrx0 five $mx & gained rtyw them Nyhb traded rgtt0
others Nynrx0 two Nytrt gained rgtt0 of the two Nytrtd he wh also P0 & so twkhw
went lz0 one 0dx who received bsnd but Nyd he wh
of his lord hrmd the money 0psk & buried y$+w in the ground 0(r0b dug rpx
their lord Nwhrm came 0t0 much 00ygs time 0nbz but Nyd after rtb
an account 0nb$wx of them Nwhnm & he took bsnw those Nwnh of servants 0db(d
& brought brqw talents Nyrkk five $mx had 0wh who received bsnd him wh & he called brqw
you gave tbhy talents Nyrkk five $mx my lord yrm & he said rm0w others Nynrx0 five $mx
on top of them Nyhyl( I have gained trgtt0 others Nynrx0 five $mx behold 0h to me yl

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& faithful 0nmyhmw good 0b+ servant 0db( well done wy0 his master hrm to him hl said rm0
you have been tywh faithful Nmyhm a little lylq over l(
of your lord Krmd the joy htwdxl enter lw( I shall set you Kmyq0 much ygs over l(
my lord yrm & he said rm0w his talents yhwrkk of two Nytrtd he wh & came brqw
others Nynrx0 two Nytrt behold 0h to me yl you gave tbhy talents Nyrkk two Nytrt
on top of them Nyhyl( I have gained trgtt0
& faithful 0nmyhmw good 0b+ servant 0db( well done wy0 his lord hrm to him hl said rm0
I shall set you Kmyq0 much ygs over l( you have been tywh faithful Nmyhm a little lylq over l(
of your lord Krmd the joy htwdxl enter lw(
my lord yrm & he said rm0w talent 0rkk one 0dx who had received bsnd he wh also P0 but Nyd came brq
you are tn0 & reaping dcxw hard 0y$q you are tn0 that a man 0rbgd you Kl I had tywh known (dy
you are tn0 & gathering $nkmw you have sown t(rz that not 0ld where 0ky0
you have threshed trdb that not 0ld where 0ky0 from Nm
in the ground 0(r0b your talent Krkk I buried it hty$+ & I went tlz0w & I was afraid tlxdw
yours Klyd to you Kl it is ty0 behold 0h
& lazy 0nnbxw evil 0$yb servant 0db( to him hl & said rm0w his master hrm answered 0n(
I had sown t(rz that not 0ld where 0ky0 I 0n0 that reaped dcxd you tywh knew (dy
I had threshed trdb that not 0ld where 0ky0 from Nm I 0n0 & gathered $nkmw
the exchange 0rwtp on l( my money ypsk to cast 0mrtd upon you Kl & it was 0wh incumbant 0lw
mine ylyd would have tywh & I required (btw I 0n0 would have been tywh & coming 0t0w
its interest htybr with M(
the talent 0rkk from him hnm therefore lykh take wbs
talents Nyrkk ten rs( to him hl who has ty0d to him whl & give it hwbhw
& it will be increased Pswttnw to him hl it will be given bhytn it hl has ty0d for ryg to whomever Nml
he hl which has ty0d that wh also P0w it hl who has not tyld but Nyd he whw to him hl
from him hnm will be taken lqt$n
into darkness 0kw$xl he cast him yhwqp0 worthless 0ly+b & the servant 0db(lw
teeth 0n$ & gnashing qrwxw weeping 0ykb will be 0whn there Nmt outer 0yrb
in His glory hxbw$b of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb but Nyd comes 0t0d whenever 0m
with Him hm( holy 0$ydq His angels yhwk0lm & all Nwhlkw
of His glory hxbw$d the throne swnrt upon l( He will sit btn then Nydyh
the nations 0mm( all of them Nwhlk before Him yhwmdq & will be assembled Nw$nktnw
another dx from Nm one dx them Nwn0 & He will separate $rpnw
goats 0ydg from Nm sheep 0br( who separates $rpmd a shepherd 0y(r as Ky0
His left hlms at Nm & the goats 0ydgw His right hnymy at Nm the sheep 0br( & He will place Myqnw
His right hnymy who are at Nmd to those Nwnhl the King 0klm will say rm0n then Nydyh
the Kingdom 0twklm inherit wtry of My Father yb0d His blessed ones yhwkyrb come wt
of the universe 0ml(d the foundation htymrt from Nm for you Nwkl was twh that prepared 0dyt(d
food lk0ml to Me yl & you gave Nwtbhyw for ryg I was hungry tnpk
& you gave Me drink ynnwtyq$0w & I was thirsty tyhcw
& you took Me in ynnwt$nkw I was tywh a stranger 0ynsk0
& you clothed Me ynnwtyskw I was tywh naked 0yl+r(
& you took care of Me ynnwtr(sw I was tywh sick hyrk

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to Me ytwl & you came Nwtyt0w I was tywh of prisoners 0rys0 & in the house tybw
the righteous 0qydz those Nwnh to Him hl will say Nwrm0n then Nydyh
& we fed You Knysrtw You were tn0 that hungry Npkd did we see You Knyzx when? ytm0 our Lord Nrm
& we gave you drinkKnyq$0w You were tn0 that thirsty 0hcd or w0
& we took You in Kn$nkw you were tn0 that a stranger 0ynsk0d did we see You Knyzx & when? ytm0w
& we clothed You Knyskw you were tn0 that naked yl+r(d or w0
sick 0hyrk did we see You Knyzx & when? ytm0w
to You Ktwl & we came Nyt0w of prisoners 0rys0 in a house tyb or w0
to them Nwhl & says rm0w the King 0klm & answers 0n(w
as much as 0mkd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 amen Nym0
My brothers yx0 these Nylh of Nm to one dxl you have done Nwtdb(d
you have done Nwtdb( that wh to Me yl little 0rw(z
His left hlms who are at Nmd to those Nwnhl also P0 He will say rm0n then Nydyh
eternal Ml(ld into fire 0rwnl cursed ones 0+yl from me ynm you Nwkl depart wlz
& for his angels yhwk0lmlw for The Devil 0crqlk0l which was prepared 0by+md that yh
food lk0ml to Me yl you gave Nwtbhy & not 0lw for ryg I was hungry tnpk
you gave Me drink ynnwtyq$0 & not 0lw & I was thirsty tyhcw
& naked 0yl+r(w you took Me in ynnwt$nk & not 0lw I was tywh & a stranger 0ynsk0w
I was tywh & sick 0hyrkw you clothed Me ynnwtysk & not 0lw I was tywh
you took care of Me ynnwtr(s & not 0lw I was tywh of prisoners 0rys0 & in a house tybw
when? ytm0 our Lord Nrm & they will say Nwrm0nw those Nwnh also P0 will answer Nwn(n then Nydyh
a stranger 0ynsk0 or w0 thirsty 0yhc or w0 hungry 0npk did we see You Knyzx
of prisoners 0rys0 in a house tyb or w0 sick 0hyrk or w0 naked 0yl+r( or w0
we ministered to You Kn$m$ & not 0lw
to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 amen Nym0 to them Nwhl & He will say rm0nw He will answer 0n(n then Nydyh
these Nylh of Nm to one dxl you have done Nwtdb( that which not 0ld as much as 0mkd
you have done Nwtdb( to Meyl not 0l also P0 little ones 0rw(z
eternal Ml(ld into torture 0qyn$tl these Nylh & will go Nwlz0nw
eternal Ml(ld into life 0yxl & the righteous 0qydzw
The Gospel of Matthew
Chapter 26
Yeshua (w$y had finished Ml$ that when dkd & it was 0whw
to His disciples yhwdymltl He said rm0 these Nylh words 0lm all Nyhlk
Passover 0xcp it is 0wh days Nymwy two Nyrt that after rtbd you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy
that He would be crucified pqdznd will be betrayed Mlt$m of Man 0$n0d & The Son hrbw
& the Elders 0$y$qw & the Scribes 0rpsw Priests 0nhk the Chief ybr were gathered w$nkt0 then Nydyh
Qaiapha 0pyq who is called 0rqtmd Priest 0nhk of the High brd to the court htrdl of the people 0m(d
that by deceit 0lknbd Yeshua (w$y about l( & they held a council wklmt0w
& they would murder Him yhynwl+qnw they would seize Him yhynwdx0n
during the feast 0d(d(b not 0l they were wwh & saying Nyrm0w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

among the people 0m(b a riot 0y$wg$ there be 0whn lest 0ld
in Bayth Ania 0yn(tybb Yeshua (w$y was 0wh & when dkw
the potter 0brg of Shimeon Nw(m$d in the house htybb
with her hyl( who had ty0d a woman 0ttn0 to Him hlcame near tbrq
expensive 0ymd very ygs of sweet spices 0msbd of oil 0x$md a vase 0tpy+$
He reclined Kyms as dk of Yeshua (w$yd His head h$r on l( & she poured it ht(p$0w
them Nwhl & it displeased $0bt0w His disciples yhwdymlt but Nyd & saw wzx
this 0nh waste 0ndb0 why? 0nml & they said wrm0w
for much ygsb this 0nh to sell Nbdznd for ryg it had been 0wh possible xk$m
to the poor 0nksml & to be given bhytnw
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w knew (dy but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
the woman 0ttn0l her hl you Nwtn0 trouble Ny0lm why? 0nm
for Me ytwl she has done tdb( beautiful 0ryp$ a deed 0db(
to you Nwkl are ty0 the poor 0nksm for ryg always Nbzlkb
to you Nwkl are ty0 always Nbzlkb not 0l but Nyd Me yl with you Nwkm(
this 0nh ointment 0msb who poured tymr0d but Nyd this one 0dh
she has done tdb( for My burial ynrbqmld so as Ky0 My body ym$wg on l(
that wherever 0ky0d to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 and amen Nym0w
the world 0ml( in all hlkb this 0dh My gospel ytrbs will be preached zrkttd
for her memorial hnrkwdl this one 0dh that has done tdb(d the thing Mdm also P0 will be told llmtn
who is called 0rqtmd the twelve rs(rt of Nm one dx went lz0 then Nydyh
Priests 0nhk the Chief ybr to twl Skariota 0+wyrks Yehuda 0dwhy
to me yl to give ltml are you Nwtn0 willing Nybc what? 0nm to them Nwhl & he said rm0w
but Nyd they Nwnh to you Nwkl Him hl shall 0n0 deliver Ml$m & I 0n0w
silver coins 0pskd thirty Nytlt to him hl they promised wmyq0
to betray Him yhwyml$nd opportunity 0(lp it hl he] 0wh sought 0(b then Nydyh & from Nmw
of unleavened bread 0ry+pd first 0ymdq but Nyd in the day 0mwyb
& they said wrm0w Yeshua (w$y to twl the disciples 0dymlt came wbrq
that we may prepare by+nd You tn0 do want 0bc where? 0ky0 to Him hl
the Passover 0xcp that You may eat s(ltd for You Kl
to the city 0tnydml go wlz to them Nwhl said rm0 but Nyd He wh
to him hl & say wrm0w a certain man Nlp to twl
it hl is come 0+m My time ynbz says rm0 our Rabbi Nbr
My disciples ydymlt with M( Passover 0xcp I 0n0 will perform db( in your presence Ktwl
Yeshua (w$y them Nwhl ordered dqpd Just as 0nky0 didwdb( & His disciples yhwdymltw
the Passover 0xcp & they prepared wby+w
reclined Kyms evening 0$mr it was 0wh & when dkw
His disciples yhwdymlt twelve rs(rt with M( He 0wh
to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 amen Nym0 He said rm0 they ate Nys(l & while dkw
Me yl will betray Ml$m from among you Nwknm that one dxd
to Him hl to say rm0ml & they began wyr$w greatly b+ them Nwhl & it grieved tyrkw
my Lord yrm I 0n0 is it? 0ml of them Nwhnm each dx one dx

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

dips (bcd whoever Nm & said rm0w answered 0n( but Nyd He wh
will betray Me ynml$n he wh in the dish 0tglb with Me ym( his hand hdy0
about Him yhwl( it is written bytkd Just as 0nky0 goes lz0 of Man 0$n0d & The Son hrbw
that wh to man 0rbgl but Nyd to him hl woe yw
is betrayed Mlt$m of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb by whose hand hdy0bd
that wh for man 0rbgl for him hl it would have been 0wh better xqp
he had been born dlyt0 not 0l if wl0
it wh I 0n0 is? 0mld & he said rm0w the traitor 0nml$m Yehuda 0dwhy answered 0n(
have said trm0 you tn0 Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0 Rabbi ybr
& blessed Krbw bread 0mxl Yeshua (w$y took lq$ they ate Nys(l but Nyd as dk
eat wlwk0 take wbs & said rm0w to His disciples yhwdymltl & He gave bhyw & broke 0cqw
My body yrgp this is wnh
to them Nwhl & He gave bhyw & He gave thanks ydw0w a cup 0sk & He took lq$w
all of you Nwklk from it hnm drink wt$0 take wbs & He said rm0w
new 0tdx of the covenant 0qtydd My blood ymd this is wnh
of sins 0h+xd for the release 0nqbw$l is shed d$0tm the many 00ygs that in exchange for Plxd
I shall drink 0t$0 that not 0ld but Nyd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
of the vine 0tpgd fruit 0dly this 0nh from Nm this hour 0$h from Nm
new 0tdx with you Nwkm( I shall drink it yhwyt$0 in which hbd the day 0mwyl until 0md(
of My Father yb0d in the Kingdom htwklmb
of Olives 0tyz to the Mount rw+l & they went out wqpnw & they sang praises wxb$w
all of you Nwklk you Nwtn0 Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0 then Nydyh
night 0yll in this 0nhb at Me yb will be offended Nwl$ktt
the Shepherd 0y(rl I shall smite 0xm0d for ryg it is written bytk
of His flock hn(d the sheep 0br( & will be scattered Nwrdbtnw
but Nyd I am 0n0 risen M0qd after rtb from Nm
to Galila 0lylgl you Nwkl I 0n0 shall go before Mdq
everyman $nlk even if Np0 to Him hl & said rm0w Keepha 0p0k answered 0n(
at You Kb I will be offended l$kt0 not 0l ever Mwtm I 0n0 at You Kb will be offended l$ktn
to you Kl I 0n0 say rm0 amen Nym0 Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
a cock 0lgnrt will crow 0rqnd before Mdq night 0yll that in this 0nhbd
Me yb you will deny rwpkt times Nynbz three tlt
with You Km( to die tmml for me yl it should be 0whn if N0 Keepha 0p0k to Him hl said rm0
said wrm0 the disciples 0dymlt all Nwhlk also P0 so twkhw You Kb I would deny rwpk0 not 0l
Yeshua (w$y with them Nwhm( came 0t0 then Nydyh
Gethsaymane Nmsdg that is called 0yrqtmd to the place 0tkwdl
here 0krh sit wbt to His disciples yhwdymltl & He said rm0w
I shall pray 0lc0 I shall go lz0 while d(
of Zebedee ydbz sons ynb & the two Nwhyrtlw Keepha 0p0kl & He took rbdw
& to be disheartened wq(tmlw to be sad wrmktml & He began yr$w
death 0twml until 0md( to My soul y$pnl to it hl is yh sorrow 0yrk to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
with Me ym( & keep watch wrh$w here 0krh for Me yl wait wwq

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

His face yhwp0 on l( & He fell lpnw a little lylq & He withdrew qrpw
My Father yb0 & He said rm0w He 0wh & prayed 0lcmw
this 0nh cup 0sk let pass by Me ynrb(n it is possible 0xk$m if N0
am 0n0 willing 0bc that I 0n0d as Ky0 not 0l however Mrb
You tn0d as Ky0 but 0l0
His disciples yhwdymlt to twl & He came 0t0w
to Keepha 0p0kl & He said rm0w they slept Nykmd as dk them Nwn0 & He found xk$0w
hour 0($ one 0dx could you Nwtxk$0 not? 0l thus 0nkh
with Me ym( that you keep watch Nwrh$td
into temptation 0nwysnl you enter Nwl(t lest 0ld & pray wlcw watch wry(tt0
is weak hyrk but Nyd the body 0rgp is ready 0by+m the spirit 0xwr
My Father yb0 & He said rm0w He prayed ylc time Nynbz the second Nytrtd going lz0 again bwt
I shall drink it htyt$0 if N0 unless 0l0 pass rb(nd cup 0sk this 0nh can xk$m not 0l if N0
thy will Knybc be done 0whn
they slept Nykmd while dk them Nwn0 He found xk$0 again bwt & coming 0t0w
were ywh heavy Nryqy for ryg their eyes Nwhyny(
time Nynbz the third tltd He prayed ylc again bwt & going on lz0w them Nwn0 & He left qb$w
He said rm0 the words 0tlml & to Him hlw
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w His disciples yhwdymlt to twl He came 0t0 then Nydyh
the hour 0t($ has come t+m behold 0h & rest wxyntt0w now lykm sleep wkmd
of sinners 0y+xd into their hands Nwhydy0b is betrayed Mlt$m of Man 0$n0d The Son hrbw
Me yl who betrays Ml$md he wh has arrived 0+m behold 0h let us go lz0n Arise wmwq
one dx the traitor 0nml$m Yehuda 0dwhy behold 0h was speaking llmm He wh & while d(w
great 00ygs with him hm( & a crowd 0$nkw came 0t0 the twelve 0trs(rt from Nm
the presence twl from Nm & clubs 0r+wxw swords 0rsps with M(
of the people 0m(d & the Elders 0$y$qw Priests 0nhk of the Chief ybr
the traitor 0nml$m Yehuda 0dwhy a sign 0t0 to them Nwhl had 0wh & given bhyw
seize wdwx0 Him hl is the One wywh I 0n0 Whom shall kiss q$nd Him whl & he had said rm0w
Yeshua (w$y to twl He came brq & at once 0dxmw
& he kissed Him hq$nw Rabbi ybr greetings Ml$ & said rm0w
to him hl said rm0 Yeshua (w$y but Nyd he wh
My friend yrbx have you come? tyt0d this yh to l(
their hands Nwhydy0 & they laid wymr0w they came wbrqt0 then Nydyh
& they took Him yhwdx0w Yeshua (w$y on l(
Yeshua (w$y who were with M(d those Nwnh of Nm one dx & behold 0hw
& struck yhyxmw a sword 0rsps & drew +m$w his hand hdy0 reached +$w0
his ear hnd0 & cut off hlq$w Priest 0nhk of the High brd the servant hdb(l
to its place htkwdl the sword 0rsps return Kph0 Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0 then Nydyh
they will die Nwtwmn by swords 0pysb swords 0pys who have taken wbsnd those Nwnh for ryg all of them Nwhlk
that not 0ld you tn0 think rbs or w0
& He would raise up Myqnw My Father yb0 of Nm ask 0(b0d I 0n0 can xk$m
of angels 0k0lmd legions Nynwygl twelve 0rs(trt than Nm more ryty now 0$h for Me yl

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

be 0whnd it must 0lw that thus 0nkhd the scriptures 0btk would be fulfilled Nwlmtn then lykh How? 0nky0
to the crowd 0$nkl Yeshua (w$y said rm0 hour 0t($ in that yhb
you have come out Nwtqpn a robber 0syg upon l(d as Ky0
to seize Me ynnwdx0td & with clubs 0r+wxbw with swords 0rspsb
& teaching Plmw I was tywh sitting bty in the temple 0lkyhb with you Nwktwl * every day Mwylk
you arrested Me ynnwtdx0 & not 0lw
of the prophets 0ybnd the scripture 0btk that may be fulfilled Nwlmtnd happened twhd but Nyd this 0dh
& fled wqr(w forsook Him yhwqb$ all of them Nwhlk the disciples 0dymlt then Nydyh
Qaipha 0pyq to twl led Him yhwlbw0 Yeshua (w$yl who arrested yhwdx0d & they Nwnhw
were wwh gathered Ny$ynk & Elders 0$y$qw the Scribes 0rpsd where 0ky0 Priest 0nhk the High br
a distance 0qxwr from Nm after Him hrtb was 0wh going lz0 Keepha 0p0k but Nyd Shimeon Nw(m$
& entering l(w Priest 0nhk of the High brd to the court htrdl until 0md(
the result 0trx to see 0zxnd the guards 0$xd with M( within wgl he sat down bty
all hlk & the Assembly 0t$wnkw & the Elders 0$y$qw but Nyd the Priests 0nhk Chief ybr
witnesses 0dhs Yeshua (w$y against l( were wwh seeking Ny(b
that they may put Him to death yhynwtymnd so Ky0
of lies 0rqw$d witnesses 0dhs many 00ygs & came wt0w they found them wxk$0 & not 0lw
two Nyrt came forth wbrq but Nyd finally tyrx0
destroy 0r$0d I 0n0 can xk$md said rm0 This One 0nh & they were saying Nyrm0w
I shall build it yhwynb0 days Nymwy & in three 0tltlw of God 0hl0d the temple 0lkyh
to Him hl & said rm0w Priest 0nhk the High br & stood Mqw
answer 0mgtp You tn0 return 0npm anything Mdm not? 0l
these Nylh against You Kyl( are testifying Nydhsm what? 0nm
the Priest 0nhk High br & answered 0n(w was 0wh silent qyt$ but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
The Living One 0yx by God 0hl0b You Kl I 0n0 adjure 0mwm to Him hl & said rm0w
of God 0hl0d The Son hrb Messiah 0xy$m the wh You are tn0 if N0 us Nl that You tell rm0td
but Nyd to you Nwkl I say 0nrm0 have said trm0 you tn0 Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
Who sits btyd of Man 0$n0d The Son hrbl you will see Him yhynwzxt this hour 0$h that from Nmd
of Heaven 0ym$ the clouds ynn( on l( & comes 0t0w of power 0lyxd the right hand 0nymy at Nm
behold 0h & said rm0w his garment yhwn0m ripped yrc the Priest 0nhk High br then Nydyh
witnesses 0dhs to us Nl are necessary Ny(btm now lykm why? 0nm He has blasphemed Pdg
His blasphemy hpdwg you have heard Nwt(m$ now 0$h behold 0h
you Nwtn0 think Nybc what? 0nm
death 0twm He wh deserves byx & they were saying Nyrm0w they answered wn(
they were wwh & beating His head Nyxpqmw in His face yhwp0b they spat wqr then Nydyh
Him hl were wwh striking Nyxm but Nyd others 0nrx0 it hl
Messiah 0xy$m to us Nl prophesy 0bnt0 & they were saying Nyrm0w
who hits You Kxmd is he wh who? wnm
in the courtyard 0trdb outside rbl had 0wh sat bty but Nyd Keepha 0p0k
to him hl & she said 0rm0w one 0dx maidservant 0tm0 to him htwl & came near tbrqw
the Nazarene 0yrcn were tywh Yeshua (w$y with M( you tn0 also P0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& said rm0w all of them Nwhlk before Mdq denied rpk but Nyd he wh
you are ytn0 saying 0rm0 what? 0nm I 0n0 know (dy not 0l
to the porch 0psl he went out qpn & when dkw
to them Nwhl & she said 0rm0w another maidservant 0trx0 saw him htzx
the Nazarene 0yrcn Yeshua (w$y with M( this one 0nh also P0 was 0wh there Nmtd
with an oath 0tmwmb he denied rpk & again bwtw
The Man 0rbgl Him hl I 0n0 know (dy not 0ld
those Nwnh came wbrq but Nyd a little lylq after rtb from Nm
to Keepha 0p0kl & they said wrm0w who were standing Nymyqd
are tn0 of them Nwhnm you tn0 also P0 certainly ty0ryr$
you Kl reveals (dwm for ryg your speech Kllmm also P0
& to swear 0m0mlw to curse wmrxml he began yr$ then Nydyh
the Man 0rbgl Him hl I know 0n(dy not 0ld
a cock 0lgnrt crowed 0rq in the moment 0t($b & in it hbw
him hl that He had told rm0d of Yeshua (w$yd the word 0tlm Keepha 0p0k & remembered rkdt0w
Me yb you will deny rwpkt times Nynbz three tlt a cock 0lgnrt will crow 0rqnd that before Mdqd
bitterly ty0ryrm he wept 0kb outside rbl & going forth qpnw
The Gospel of Matthew
Chapter 27
Yeshua (w$y against l( they took wbsn counsel 0klm dawn 0rpc it was 0wh but Nyd when dk
of the people 0m(d & the elders 0$y$qw the priests 0nhk chief ybr all of them Nwhlk
they would put Him to death yhynwtymnd how Ky0
& delivered Him yhwml$0w & they led Him yhwlbw0w & they bound Him yhwrs0w
the governor 0nwmgh to Pilatus sw+lypl
he saw 0zx when dk the traitor 0nml$m Yehuda 0dwhy then Nydyh
he was moved with regret ywtt0 Yeshua (w$y that was condemned byxt0d
pieces of silver 0pskd thirty Nytlt those Nylh he brought Kph0 & went on lz0w
& to the Elders 0$y$qlw the Priests 0nhk to Chief ybrl
innocent 0ykz blood 0md for I have betrayed tml$0d I have sinned ty+x & he said rm0w
are tn0 aware (dy you tn0 to us Nl what? 0m to us Nl to him hl they said wrm0 but Nyd those Nwnh
in the temple 0lkyhb the silver 0psk & he cast it yhyd$w
himself h$pn he hanged qnx & he went lz0w & he departed yn$w
& they said wrm0w the silver 0pskl took it yhwlq$ but Nyd the Priests 0nhk Chief ybr
of gifts 0nbrwq in the house tyb to put it yhwymrnd it is legal +yl$ not 0l
it is wh of blood 0md the price ymy+d because l+m
of a potter 0rxpd the field hsrwg0 with it hb & they bought wnbzw counsel 0klm & they took wbsnw
of strangers 0ynsk0d of burial 0rwbq for a house tybl
that wh field 0srwg0 it has been called yrqt0 this 0nh because of l+m
this day 0nmwyl until 0md( of blood 0mdd the field 0tyrq
that was spoken rm0t0d the thing Mdm was fulfilled ylmt0 then Nydyh
thirty Nytlt I took tbsnd who said rm0d of the prophet 0ybn by the hand dyb
of The Precious One 0ryqyd the price yhwmd of silver coins 0pskd
of Israel lyrsy0 the children ynb from Nm on which they had agreed wcqd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

for the field hsrwg0l them Nwn0 & I gave tbhyw
Jehovah 0yrm me yl commanded dqpd as Ky0 of the potter 0rxpd
the Governor 0nwmgh before Mdq stood Mq Yeshua (w$y but Nyd Himself wh
to Him hl & said rm0w the Governor 0nwmgh & asked Him hl0$w
of the Judeans 0ydwhyd the King 0klm are? wh You tn0
have said trm0 you tn0 Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
& The Elders 0$y$qw the Priests 0nhk Chief ybr accusation yhwcrq they had wwh made Nylk0 & when dkw
returned ynp not 0l He wh answer 0mgtp any Mdm
you tn0 have heard? (m$ not 0l Pilatus sw+lyp to Him hl said rm0 then Nydyh
against You Kyl( they testify Nydhsm how much 0mk
word 0lm in one 0dxb not even 0lw a response 0mgtp to him hl He gave bhy & not 0lw
greatly b+ he marvelled rmdt0 this 0dh & at l(w
was 0wh accustomed d(m but Nyd feast 0d0( at every lkb
one dx prisoner 0rys0 to release 0r$nd the Governor 0nwmgh
had wwh chosen Nybc they Nwnhd whomever 0ny0 to the people 0m(l
but Nyd to them Nwhl there was 0wh imprisoned rys0
Bar Abba 0b0rb who was called 0rqtmd notable 0(ydy a prisoner 0rys0
desire Nybc whom? Nml Pilatus sw+lyp to them Nwhl said rm0 they had been assembled Ny$ynk & when dkw
Bar Abba? 0b0rbl to you Nwkl that I shall release 0r$0d you Nwtn0
The Messiah 0xy$m Who is called 0rqtmd Yeshua? (w$yl or w0
they had delivered Him yhwml$0 jealousy 0msx that from Nmd Pilatus sw+lyp for ryg had 0wh known (dy
his own hlyd judgment seat Myb on l( the Governor 0nwmgh but Nyd sat down bty when dk
& that whlw to you Kl not 0l to him hl & she said 0rm0w his wife httn0 to him hl sent txl$
I have suffered t$x for ryg greatly ygs Righteous One 0qydz
for His sake htl+m today 0nmwy in my dream ymlxb
the crowds 0$nkl had persuaded wsyp0 & the Elders 0$y$qw but Nyd the Priests 0nhk Chief ybr
to destroy Nwdbwnd but Nyd Yeshua (w$yl Bar Abba 0b0rbl to ask for Nwl0$nd
you Nwtn0 want Nybc whom? Nml to them Nwhl & said rm0w the Governor 0nwmgh & answered 0n(w
the two Nwhyrt of Nm to you Nwkl me to release 0r$0d
Bar Abba 0b0rbl said wrm0 but Nyd they Nwnh
the Messiah 0xy$m Who is called 0rqtmd & Yeshua (w$ylw Pilatus sw+lyp to them Nwhl said rm0
let Him be crucified pqdzn all of them Nwhlk they were saying Nyrm0 to Him hl shall I do db(0 what? 0nm
has He done db( that is evil $ybd for ryg what? 0nm the Governor 0nwmgh to them Nwhl said rm0
let Him be crucified! pqdzn & they said wrm0w they cried out w(q increasingly ty0ryty but Nyd those Nwnh
availed rtwm not 0l that a thing Mdmd saw 0zx when dk but Nyd Pilatus sw+lyp
he washed gy$0 water 0ym he took lq$ there was 0wh a clamor 0bwr increasingly ty0ryty but 0l0
I 0n0 am free ysxm & he said rm0w of the crowds 0$nk before the eyes Ny(l his hands yhwdy0
will know it Nw(dt you Nwtn0 Righteous One 0qydz of This 0nhd the blood hmd from Nm
& they said wrm0w the people 0m( all hlk & answered wn(w
our children Nynb & upon l(w on us Nyl( His blood hmd
Bar Abba 0b0rbl to them Nwhl he released 0r$ then Nydyh
to be crucified pqdznd & delivered Him hml$0w Yeshua (w$yl with whips 0lgrpb & scourged dgnw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Yeshua (w$yl led Him yhwrbd of the Governor 0nwmghd the soldiers 0+wy+r+s0 then Nydyh
regiment ryps0 the whole hlkl around Him yhwl( & they gathered w$nkw to the Praetorium Nyrw+rpl
of scarlet 0tyrwxzd with a robe symlk & they clothed Him yhw$bl0w they stripped Him yhwxl$0w
& they placed wmsw of thorns 0ynzw(d a garland 0lylk & they wove wldgw
on l( & bowed wkrbw in His right hand hnymyb & a reed 0ynqw on His head h$rb
him hb they were wwh & mocking Nyxzbmw before Him yhwmdq their knees Nwhykrwb
of The Judeans 0ydwhyd King 0klm hail Ml$ & they were saying Nyrm0w
the reed 0ynq & they took wlq$w in His face hpwcrpb & they spat wqrw
His head h$r on l( Him hl they were wwh & hitting Nyxmw
of the robe symlk they stripped Him yhwxl$0 at Him hb they had mocked wxzb & when dkw
to be crucified pqdznd & led Him yhwlbw0w in His garments yhwtxn & they clothed Him yhw$bl0w
whose name hm$d Cyrenian 0ynyrwq a man 0rbg they found wxk$0 they went out Nyqpn & when dkw
His cross hpyqz to carry lwq$nd they compelled wrx$ this one 0nhl Shimeon Nw(m$
Gagultha 0tlwgg that was called 0yrqtmd to the place 0tkwdl & they came wt0w
a skull 0tpqrq which is interpreted 0q$ptmd that yh
that was mixed +ylxd vinegar 0lx to drink 0t$nd to Him hl & they gave wbhyw
to drink 0t$ml He wanted 0bc & not 0lw & He tasted M(+w with gall 0trrmb
by lots 0spb His garments yhwtxn they divided wglp they had crucified Him yhwpqz & when dkw
there Nmt for Him hl & keeping watch Nyr+nw they were wwh & sitting Nybtyw
in writing 0btkb of His death htwmd the cause 0tl( His head h$r at Nm over l(l & they placed wmsw
of the Judeans 0ydwhyd the King 0klm Yeshua (w$y This is wnh
robbers 0y+sl two Nyrt with Him hm( & were crucified wpqdz0w
His left hlms at Nm one dxw His right hand hnymy at Nm one dx
reviling Nypdgm were wwh who passing by Nyrb(d but Nyd those Nyly0
their heads Nwhy$r & shaking Nydynmw against him yhwl( were wwh
it hl & builds 0nbw of the temple 0lkyh he who destroys rts & they were saying Nyrm0w
of God 0hl0d you are tn0 The Son hrb if N0 yourself K$pn save 0cp days Nymwy in three 0tltl
the cross 0pyqz from Nm & come down twxw
were wwh mocking Nyxzbm the Priests 0nhk Chief ybr also P0 thus twkh
& the Pharisees 0$yrpw & the Elders 0$y$qw the Scribes 0rps with M(
He can xk$m not 0l Himself h$pn He saved yx0 others 0nrx0l & they were saying Nyrm0w
now 0$h let Him descend twxn of Israel lyrsy0d He is wh King hklm if N0 save wyxml
in Him hb & we will trust Nmyhnw the cross 0pyqz from Nm
He delights 0bc if N0 now 0$h let Him save Him yhwyqrpn God 0hl0 on l( He trusted lykt
of God 0hl0d I am 0n0 The Son hrbd for ryg He has said rm0 in Him hb
those Nwnh robbers 0syg also P0 thus twkh
Him hl they were wwh taunting Nydsxm with Him hm( who were crucified wpqdz0d
darkness 0kw$x there was 0wh but Nyd hours Ny($ six t$ from Nm
nine ($t the hour 0($l until 0md( earth 0(r0 the whole hlk over l(
loud 0mr with a voice 0lqb Yeshua (w$y cried 0(q hours Ny($ nine ($t & toward yp0lw
have You forsaken Me yntqb$ Why? 0nml O God ly0 O God ly0 & He said rm0w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

there Nmt were wwh who standing Nymyqd those Nwnh from Nm but Nyd the people Ny$n0
has called 0rq Elia 0yl0l This One 0nh they were wwh saying Nyrm0 they had heard w(m$ when dk
of them Nwhnm one dx ran +hr in the moment 0t($b & in it hbw
with vinegar 0lx & filled it hlmw a sponge 0gwps0 & took lq$w
to Him hl he 0wh & gave a drink 0q$mw on a reed 0ynqb & placed it hmsw
let Him alone wqwb$ they were wwh saying Nyrm0 but Nyd the rest 0kr$
to save Him hqrpml Elia 0yl0 comes 0t0 if N0 we shall see 0zxn
cried 0(q again bwt Yeshua (w$y but Nyd He wh
His Spirit hxwr & departed qb$w loud 0mr with a voice 0lqb
of the temple 0lkyhd entrance 0(rt the curtain yp0 & at once 0dxmw
bottom txtl unto 0md( top l(l from Nm in two Nyrtl was ripped yr+c0
were split yr+c0 & the rocks 0p0kw was shaken t(yztt0 the earth 0(r0w
were opened wxtpt0 of burial 0rwbq & houses tybw
arose wmq were wwh which sleeping Nybyk$d of the saints 0$ydqd many 00ygs & bodies 0rgpw
holy 0t$ydq the city 0tnydml they entered wl( His resurrection htmyq & after rtbw & they came out wqpnw
to many 00ygsl & they appeared wyzxt0w
Yeshua (w$yl were wwh who guarding Nyr+nd & those with him hm(dw but Nyd the centurion 0nwr+nq
very b+ they were afraid wlxd that happened ywhd & those things Nyly0w the quake 0(wz they saw wzx when dk
of God 0hl0d was 0wh The Son hrb This 0nh truly ty0ryr$ & they said wrm0w
many 0t0ygs women 0$n there Nmt also P0 but Nyd were ywh there ty0
a distance 0qxwr from Nm had ywh who seen Nyzxd
of Yeshua (w$yd after Him hrtb had ywh who come yt0d these Nynh
to Him hl had ywh & ministered N$m$mw Galila 0lylg from Nm
Magdalitha 0tyldgm Maryam Myrm of them Nyhnm of one 0dxd
& of Yose 0swydw of Yaqob bwq(yd the mother hm0 & Maryam Myrmw
of Zebedee ydbz of the sons ynbd & the mother of those Nwhm0w
Ramtha 0tmr from Nm rich 0ryt( a man 0rbg came 0t0 evening 0$mr but Nyd it was 0wh when dk
to Yeshua (w$yl had been 0wh a disciple dmltt0 he wh who also P0d Yoseph Pswy of the name hm$d
of Yeshua (w$yd the body hrgp & requested l0$w Pilatus sw+lyp to twl came brq this one 0nh
the body 0rgp to him hl that would be given bhytnd Pilatus sw+lyp & commanded dqpw
the body 0rgpl Yoseph Pswy & took it hlq$w
pure 0dqn of linen 0ntkd in a sheet 0cyxb & wound it hkrkw
his own hlyd new 0tdx of burial 0rwbq in a house tybb & he placed it hmsw
great 0tbr a stone 0p0k & they rolled wlg(w in stone 0p0kb that was cut ryqnd
& they departed wlz0w of burial 0rwbq of the house tybd the doorway 0(rt against l( they set it wymr0
Magdalitha 0tyldgm Maryam Myrm there Nmt but Nyd were ywh there ty0
the tomb 0rbqd opposite hlbwql were ywh who sitting Nbtyd the other 0trx0 & Maryam Myrmw
Friday sunset 0tbwr( after rtb which is yhwty0d that next rxmd but Nyd day 0mwyl
Pilatus sw+lyp unto twl & the Pharisees 0$yrpw the Priests 0nhk Chief ybr were gathered w$nkt0
said rm0 the deceiver 0ny(+m that He whd we recall Nrkdt0 our lord Nrm to him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w
0n0 shall arise M0q days Nymwy three 0tlt after rtb that from Nmd alive yx while dk he 0wh
the tomb 0rbqb to guard Nyrhdzm therefore lykh command dwqp

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& steal it yhynwbngn His disciples yhwdymlt should come Nwt0n lest 0mld days Nymwy three 0tltl until 0md(
0the dead tym among tyb that from Nmd to the people 0m(l & they will say Nwrm0nw in the night 0yllb
the first 0tymdq than Nm worse 0$yb the last 0tyrx0 the deception yy(w+ & will be 0whtw He has risen Mq
to you Nwkl there are ty0 Pilatus sw+lyp to them Nwhl said rm0
you Nwtn0 that know Ny(dyd just as 0nky0 guard it wrhdz0 go wlz guards 0rnw+sq
the tomb 0rbqb to guard wrhdz0 they went wlz0 but Nyd they Nwnh
the guards 0rnw+sq together with M( that yh stone 0p0k & they sealed wmtxw
The Gospel of Matthew
Chapter 28
in the week 0b$b first dx that was dawning hgnd in the Sabbath 0tb$b but Nyd in the evening 0$mrb
the other 0trx0 & Maryam Myrmw Magdalitha 0tyldgm Maryam Myrm came tt0
the tomb 0rbq that they may see Nyzxnd
of Jehovah 0yrmd for ryg The Angel 0k0lm there was 0wh great 0br an earthquake 0(wz & behold 0hw
the entrance 0(rt from Nm the stone 0p0k he rolled lg( & he came brqw Heaven 0ym$ from Nm descended txn
upon it hyl( he 0wh & sat btyw
lightning 0qrb like Ky0 his appearance hwzx but Nyd was 0wh it yhwty0
snow 0glt as Ky0 was 0wh white rwx & his clothing h$wblw
those Nyly0 were shaken w(yztt0 dread of him htlxd & from Nmw
dead men 0tym as Ky0 & they became wwhw were wwh who keeping watch Nyr+nd
be afraid Nlxdt not 0l you Nytn0 to the women 0$nl & said rm0w the Angel 0k0lm but Nyd answered 0n(
you are Nytn0 seeking Ny(b Who was crucified Pqdz0d that Yeshua (w$yld for ryg I 0n0 know (dy
He said rm0d just as 0nky0 for ryg He hl has risen Mq here Nnt He is 0wh not 0l
our Lord Nrm in it hb was 0wh in which laid Mysd the place 0tkwd see Nyyzx come Nyy0t
from Nm that He is risen Mqd to His disciples yhwdymltl say Nyrm0 quickly lg(b & go Nylzw
to Galila 0lylgl you Nwkl He goes before Mdq & behold 0hw the dead 0tym among tyb
you Nykl I have told trm0 behold 0h you will see Him yhynwzxt there Nmt
with fear 0tlxdb the tomb 0rbq from Nm quickly lg( & they went lz0w
His disciples yhwdymltl to tell Nrm0nd & they ran N+hrw great 0tbr & with joy 0twdxbw
to them Nyhl & He said rm0w them Nyhb met (gp Yeshua (w$y & behold 0hw
His feet yhwlgr they held dx0 came brq but Nyd they Nynh to you Nykl peace Ml$
Him hl & they worshipped Nydgsw
go Nylz but 0l0 be afraid Nlxdt not 0l Yeshua (w$y to them Nyhl said rm0 then Nydyh
they will see Me ynnwzxn & there Nmtw to Galila 0lylgl to go Nwlz0nd My brothers yx0l tell Nyrm0
those Nwnh guards 0rnw+sq from Nm the men 0$n0 came wt0 but Nyd they were going Nylz0 as dk
that had occurred 0whd thing Mdm every lk Priests 0nhk the Chief ybrl & they told wrm0w to the city 0tnydml
a council 0klm & they held wbsnw The Elders 0$y$q with M( & they gathered w$nkt0w
to the guards 0rnw+sql a few rw(z not 0l silver shekels 0psk & they gave wbhyw
that His disciples yhwdymltd say wrm0 to them Nwhl & they were saying Nyrm0w
we Nnx slept Nykmd while dk in the night 0yllb & stole it yhwbng came wt0
the governor 0nwmgh before Mdq this 0dh should be reported t(mt$0 & if N0w
him hl will Nnx persuade Nysypm we Nnx

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

we Nnx shall make Nydb( anxiety 0tpc without 0ld & you Nwklw
as Ky0 they did wdb( the silver coins 0psk they took wbsn when dk but Nyd they Nwnh
among tyb this 0dh story 0tlm & has gone out tqpnw them Nwn0 they had instructed wpl0d
this day 0nmwyl until 0md( the Judeans 0ydwhy
to Galila 0lylgl went wlz0 the eleven rs(dx but Nyd the disciples 0dymlt
Yeshua (w$y them Nwn0 had appointed d(wd where 0ky0 to the mountain 0rw+l
of them Nwhnm Him hl they worshipped wdgs they saw Him yhw0zx & when dkw
some had wwh doubted wglpt0 but Nyd
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w with them Nwhm( spoke llm Yeshua (w$y & He brqw
& in the earth 0(r0bw in Heaven 0ym$b authority N+lw$ all lk to Meyl has been given bhyt0
you Nwkl I am 0n0 sending rd$m My Father yb0 that has sent Me ynrd$d & in the manner 0nky0w
them Nwn0 & baptize wdm(0w the nations 0mm( all of them Nwhlk disciple wdmlt therefore lykh go you wlz
of Holiness 0$dwqd & The Spirit 0xwrw & The Son 0rbw The Father 0b0 in the Name of M$b
I have commanded you Nwktdqpd whatever 0m everything lk so that they keep Nwr+nd them Nwn0 & instruct wpl0w
the days 0tmwy all of them Nwhlk I 0n0 with you Nwkm( I 0n0 & behold 0hw
Amen Nym0 of the universe 0ml(d the end hmlw$l until 0md(

ytmd 0twzwrk 0$ydq Nwylgnw0 Ml$

The end of The Holy Gospel preaching of Matthew

The Gospel According To Mark

Chapter 1
of the gospel Nwylgnw0d The beginning 0$r
of God 0hl0d the Son hrb The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd
the prophet 0ybn in Isaiah 0y($0b it is written bytkd as Ky0
My messenger yk0lm I 0n0 shall send rd$m behold 0h
your way Kxrw0 to prepare Nqtnd your presence Kpwcrp before Mdq
prepare wby+ in the wilderness 0rbdmb that cries 0rqd A voice 0lq
His paths yhwlyb$ & make level ww$0w of The LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the way hxrw0
in the wilderness 0rbdmb Yohanan Nnxwy was 0wh
the baptism 0tydwm(m & preaching zrkmw baptizing dm(m
of sins 0h+xd for the release 0nqbw$l of repentance 0twbytd
to him htwl were twh & going out 0qpnw
& all Nwhlkw of Judea dwhyd the country rwk all hlk
them Nwhl he 0wh & baptized dm(mw of Jerusalem Ml$rw0 the children ynb
their sins Nwhyh+xb they confessed Nydwm when dk in the Jordan Nndrwyb
was 0wh clothed $ybl Yohanan Nnxwy but Nyd the same wh
of the camel 0lmgd of hair 0r(sd with clothing 0$wbl
at his waist yhwcxb of leather 0k$md with a belt 0tqr( he was 0wh & bound rys0w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of the field 0rbd & honey 0$bdw locusts 0cmq was twh it hyty0 & his food htlwk0mw
shall come 0t0 behold 0h & he said rm0w he was 0wh & preaching zrkmw
of Whom not 0ld is wh than I ynm He Who mightier Ntlyxd after me yrtb
of His sandals yhwnsmd the strap 0qr( to loose 0r$0 to stoop Nhg0d I am 0n0 worthy 0w$
He wh in water 0ymb have immersed you Nwktdm(0 I 0n0
of Holiness 0$dwqd in The Spirit 0xwrb will immerse you Nwkdm(n but Nyd
came 0t0 those Nwnh in days 0tmwyb & it was 0whw
of Galila 0lylgd Nazareth trcn from Nm Yeshua (w$y
Yohanan Nnxwy by Nm in the Jordan Nndrwyb & was immersed dm(t0w
the waters 0ym from Nm as He came up qlsd & at once 0dxmw
& The Spirit 0xwrw the heavens 0ym$ that were ripped opened wqdts0d He saw 0zx
upon Him yhwl( Who was descending ttxnd a dove 0nwy as Ky0
You tn0 the heavens 0ym$ from Nm there was 0wh & a voice 0lqw
I am delighted tyb+c0 with you Kb beloved 0bybx My Son yrb are wh
into the wilderness 0rbdml The Spirit 0xwr drove Him htqp0 & at once 0dxmw
days 0tmwy in the wilderness 0rbdmb there Nmt & he was 0whw
Satan 0n+s by Nm being tempted 0sntm when dk forty Ny(br0
the animals 0twyx with M( was 0wh & he yhwty0w
the angels 0k0lm to Him hl were wwh & ministering Ny$m$mw
Yohanan Nnxwy but Nyd was delivered up Mlt$0d after rtb
to Galila 0lylgl Yeshua (w$y to it hl came 0t0
of the kingdom htwklmd the gospel 0trbs was 0wh & preaching zrkmw
of God 0hl0d
time 0nbz of itself hl has come to an end Ml$ & He said rm0w
of God 0hl0d the kingdom 0twklm & has arrived t+mw
in the good news 0trbsb & believe wnmyhw repent wbwt
of Galila 0lylgd the Sea 0my around yrdx He walked Klhm & when dkw
who were casting Nymrd his brother yhwx0 & Andraeus sw0rdn0lw Shimeon Nw(m$l He saw 0zx
fishermen 0dyc for ryg were wwh they Nwhyty0 into the sea 0myb a net 0tdycm
after Me yrtb comewt Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl & said rm0w
of men 0$n0 of the children ynbd fishers 0dyc & I will make you Nwkdb(0w
after Him hrtb & they went wlz0w their nets Nwhtdycm they left wqb$ & at once 0dxmw
He saw 0zx a little lylq He passed by rb( & when dkw
& Yohanan Nnxwylw of Zebedee ydbz son rb Yaqob bwq(yl
in the ship 0tnypsb those Nwhl & also P0w his brother yhwx0
their nets Nwhtdycm who were setting in order Nynqtmd
Zebedee ydbzl they left wqb$ & at once 0dxmw them Nwn0 & he called 0rqw
the hired servants 0ryg0 with M( in the boat 0tnypsb their father Nwhwb0
after Him hrtb & they went wlz0w
at once 0dxm Kapernakhum Mwxnrpkl they entered wl( & when dkw
in their synagogue Nwht$wnkb on the Sabbath 0b$b He 0wh taught Plm
at His teaching hnplwyb they were wwh & dumbfounded Nyhymtw
for ryg them Nwhl He was 0wh teaching Plm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

their scribes Nwhyrps like Ky0 & not 0lw one having authority 0+l$m as Ky0
who had ty0d a man 0rbg in their synagogue Nwht$wnkb was 0wh & there ty0w
& he cried out 0(qw vile 0t0m+ a spirit 0xwr in him hb
Nazarene 0yrcn Yeshua (w$y & to You Klw to us Nl what? 0m & he said rm0w
Who Nm You Kl I 0n0 know (dy to destroy us Ntwdbwml have You come? tyt0
of God 0hl0d The Holy One h$ydq You are tn0
& said rm0w Yeshua (w$y him hb & rebuked 00kw
from him hnm & come out qwpw your mouth Kmwp shut rwks
& he cried out t(qw foul 0tpn+ the spirit 0xwr & threw him down htd$w
of him hnm & came out tqpnw loud 0mr in a voice 0lqb
they were wwh & inquiring Ny(bw all of them Nwhlk & were astonished wrmdt0w
is yh what? 0nmd & they were saying Nyrm0w another dx with M( one dx
new 0tdx this 0nh teaching 0nplwy & what is? wnmw this 0dh
foul 0tpn+ the spirits 0xwrl & even P0w for with authority 0n+lw$bd
Him hl & they obey N(mt$mw He commands dqp
His fame hb+ went out qpn & at once 0dxmw
of Galila 0lylgd region 0rt0 in the whole hlkb
& they came wt0w the synagogue 0t$wnk from Nm & they went out wqpnw
& Andraeus sw0rdn0dw of Shimeon Nw(m$d to the house htybl
& Yohanan Nnxwyw Yaqob bwq(y with M(
was twh lying ill 0ymr of Shimeon Nw(m$d & the Mother in law htmxw
about her hyl( Him hl & they told wrm0w with fever 0t$0b
& raised her up hmyq0w by her hand hdy0b took her hdx0 & he came near brqw
her fever ht$0 left her htqb$ & at once 0dxmw
on them Nwhl she was twh & waiting 0$m$mw
of the sun 0$m$ at the going down ybr(mb but Nyd in the evening 0$mrb
who Nyly0 all of them Nwhlk to Him htwl they brought wyty0
& the demon possessed 0nwydw had been Nydyb( ill ty0$ybd
the door 0(rt at l( was twh assembled 0$ynk whole hlk & the city 0tnydmw
become Nydyb( who ill ty0$ybd multitudes 00ygsl & He healed ys0w
& evil spirits 0wydw various 0plx$m with diseases 0nhrwkb had wwh
allow qb$ & not 0lw He cast out qp0 many 00ygs
to speak Nwllmnd the evil spirits 0wydl them Nwhl He did 0wh
Him hl they did wwh know Ny(dyd because l+m
& went on lz0w very b+ He arose Mq early Mdq & in the morning 0rpcbw
He 0wh prayed 0lcm & there Nmtw desolate 0brwx to a place 0rt0l
& His companions hm(dw Shimeon Nw(m$ for him hl were wwh & seeking Ny(bw
to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0 they found Him yhwxk$0 & when dkw
You Kl are seeking Ny(b the people 0$n0 all of them Nwhlk
to the villages 0yrwql walk wklh to them Nwhl He said rm0
so that also P0d near to us Nbyrqd & to the cities 0tnydmlw
I have come tyt0 for ryg because of this 0dhl I may preach zrk0 there Nmt

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

their synagogues Nwht$wnk in all Nyhlkb He was 0wh & preaching zrkmw
demons 0d0$ & casting out qpmw Galila 0lylg in all hlkb
His feet yhwlgr at l( & fell lpnw a leper 0brg to Him htwl & came 0t0w
to Him hl & said rm0w of Him hnm he 0wh & begged 0(bw
to make me clean ytwykdml You tn0 are able xk$m You tn0 are willing 0bc if N0
for him yhwl( was moved with compassion Mxrt0 Yeshua (w$y but Nyd Himself wh
him hl He touched brq His hand hdy0 & reaching out +$pw
be cleansed 0kdt0 I am 0n0 willing 0bc & He said rm0w
went lz0 in the moment 0t($b & in it hbw
& he was cleansed ykdt0w from him hnm his leprosy hbrg
& sent him out hqp0w him hb & He reproved 00kw
tell rm0 a man $n0l that not 0ml see yzx to him hl & He said rm0w
to the priest 0nhkl yourself K$pn show 0wx go lz but 0l0 you tn0
your being cleansed Ktykdt for the sake of Plx gifts 0nbrwq & bring brqw
for their testimony Nwhtwdhsl Moshe 0$wm commanded dqpd just as 0nky0
began yr$ he went out qpn when dk but Nyd he wh
the event 0tlml & he reported hb+0w much ygs preaching zrkm he 0wh
Yeshua (w$y was 0wh able xk$n that not 0ld so 0nky0
outside rbl but 0l0 the cities 0tnydml to enter lw(nd openly ty0ylg
they were wwh & coming Nyt0w deserted 0brwx in places 0rt0b He was 0wh
place 0kwd every lk from Nm to Him htwl
The Gospel According To Mark
Chapter 2
Kapernakhum Mwxnrpkl Yeshua (w$y again bwt & entered l(w
He is wh that in the house 0tybbd they heard w(m$ & when dkw for some days 0tmwyl
that not 0ld so 0nky0 many 00ygs were assembled w$nkt0
before Mdq not even 0lp0 them Nwn0 to hold dx0 it was able xk$0
the word 0tlm with them Nwhm( he was 0wh & speaking llmmw the door 0(rt
a paralytic 0yr$m to Him hl & brought wyty0w to Him htwl & they came wt0w
four men 0(br0 between tyb him hl they carried Nylyq$ as dk
to Him htwl to be brought near wbrqtml they were able wxk$0 & because not 0ldw
themselves Nwhl they went up wqls the crowds 0$nk because of l+m
the roof tiles 0lyl+t & removed wmyr0w to the roof 0rg0l
& they let down hwb$w Yeshua (w$y was 0wh where He yhwty0d of the place rt0d
the paralytic 0yr$m in it hb was 0wh where lying 0mrd the litter 0sr(
to him whl He said rm0 their faith Nwhtwnmyh Yeshua (w$y but Nyd saw 0zx when dk
your sins Kyh+x to you Kl are forgiven Nyqyb$ My son yrb the paralytic 0yr$m
& Pharisees 0$yrpw the Scribes 0rps from Nm there Nmt but Nyd they were wwh ty0
in their hearts Nwhblb were wwh & thinking Ny(rtmw who were sitting Nybtyd
who? wnm blasphemy 0pdwg speaking llmm this 0nh Who is? 0nmd
God 0hl0 alone dx N0 except 0l0 sins 0h+x to forgive qb$ml is able xk$m
that these things Nylhd in His Spirit hxwrb knew (dy but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
why? 0nm to them Nwhl & He said rm0w in themselves Nwh$pnb they were thinking Ny(rtm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

in your hearts Nwkblb these things Nylh you Nwtn0 reason Ny(rtm
to the paralytic 0yr$ml to say rm0ml is easier 0qy$p what? 0dy0
to say rm0ml or w0 your sins Kyh+x to you Kl are forgiven Nyqyb$d
& walk Klhw your litter Ksr( take lwq$ arise Mwqd
of Man 0$n0d the Son hrb is wh that authorized +yl$d but Nyd that you may know Nw(dtd
to the paralytic 0yr$ml He said rm0 sins 0h+x to forgive qb$ml in the earth 0(r0b
arise Mwq I 0n0 say rm0 to you Kl
to your house Ktybl & go lzw your bed Ksr( take up lwq$
his pallet hsr( & picked up lq$w that moment ht($ son of rb & he stood up Mqw
of all of them Nwhlk before the eyes Ny(l & went out qpnw
all of them Nwhlk were astonished Nwrmdtnd so that 0nky0
they were saying Nyrm0 as dk God 0hl0l & they glorified Nwxb$nw
such 0nkh have we seen Nyzx ever Mwtmm not 0ld
& all hlkw the sea 0my to twl again bwt & He went out qpnw
were wwh coming Nyt0 the crowds 0$nk
them Nwhl was 0wh & He teaching Plmw to Him htwl
Khalphi yplx son of rb Levi ywll He saw 0zx He passed rb( & when dkw
to him hl & He said rm0w of taxation 0skm in the house tyb sitting down btyd
after Him hrtb he went lz0 & rising Mqw after Me yrtb come 0t
in His house htybb He reclined at supper Kyms that when dkd & it was 0whw
reclining at supper Nykyms & sinners 0y+xw tax collectors 0skm many 00ygs
& with M(w Yeshua (w$y with M( were wwh
were wwh they Nwhyty0 His disciples yhwdymlt
after Him hrtb & they came wt0w many 00ygs for ryg
they saw Him yhw0zx when dk & the Pharisees 0$yrpw & the Scribes 0rpsw
& with M(w tax collectors 0skm with M( that He was eating s(ld
How is it? wnm to His disciples yhwdymltl they said wrm0 sinners 0y+x
& drinks 0t$w He eats lk0 & sinners 0y+xw tax collectors 0skm with M(
He said rm0 Yeshua (w$y but Nyd heard (m$ when dk
for l( the healthy 0mylx have need Nyqyns not 0l to them Nwhl
very ill $yb who ill $ybd those Nyly0 but 0l0 a physician 0ys0
to call 0rq0d I have come tyt0 not 0l have become Nydyb(
sinners 0y+xl but 0l0 the righteous 0qydzl
& the Pharisees 0$yrpw of Yohanan Nnxwyd but Nyd the disciples yhwdymlt
& they were saying Nyrm0w & they came wt0w had been wwh practicing fasting Nymyc
of Yohanan Nnxwyd the disciples yhwdymlt Why? 0nml to Him hl
& Your disciples Kydymltw do fast Nymyc & of the Pharisees 0$yrpdw
fast Nymyc not 0l Yours Klyd
the children yhwnb are able? Nyxk$m interog.? 0ml Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
with them Nwhm( the groom 0ntxd as long as 0mk of the bridal chamber 0nwngd
No! 0l to fast Nwmwcnd is wh
that when 0md the days 0tmwy but Nyd shall come Nwt0n
then Nydyh the groom 0ntx from them Nwhnm shall be taken lqt$0d
day 0mwy in that whb they shall fast Nwmwcn
new 0tdx a strip of cloth 0t(qrw0 places 0mr man $n0 no 0l

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

lest 0ld old 0ylb a garment 0n0m on l( & sews +0xw

from Nm of the new 0tdx that yh fullness htwylm takes 0bsn
more 0ryty rips 0qds & it 0whw the old 0ylb
in wineskins 0qzb new 0tdx wine 0rmx pours 0mr man $n0 & no 0lw
the wineskins 0qzl burst 0rcm the wine 0rmx lest 0ld in old 0tylb
is spilled d$0tm & the wine 0rmxw are destroyed Ndb0 & the wineskins 0qzw
new 0ttdx in skins 0qzb new 0tdx wine 0rmx one pours Nymr but 0l0
Yeshua (w$y went lz0 that when dkd & it was 0whw
His disciples yhwdymlt in a grain field 0(rz tyb on the Sabbath 0tb$b
the ears of wheat 0lb$ & picking Nyglmw were wwh walking Nyklhm
why? 0nm Behold yzx The Pharisees 0$yrp to Him hl & were saying Nyrm0w
is legal +yl$ that not 0ld a thing Mdm on the Sabbath 0tb$b are they doing Nydb(
have you read? Nwtyrq ever Mwtmm not 0l Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
he was in great need qnts0 when dk Dawid dywd did db( what? 0nm
& his companions hm(dw he wh & was hungry Npkw
of God 0hl0d the house htybl he entered l( Just as 0nky0
& the bread 0mxlw the priest 0nhk high br Abiathar was rtyb0 when dk
that not 0ld he wh ate lk0 of The LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd of the altar hrwtpd
for the priests 0nhkl except N0 0l0 to eat lk0ml was legal +yl$
were wwh who with him hm(d to those Nyly0l also P0 & he gave bhyw
man 0$nrb for the sake of l+m the Sabbath 0tb$d to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
the Sabbath 0tb$ because of l+m man 0$nrb was 0wh & not 0lw was created tyrbt0
also P0w therefore lykh is wh The Lord hrm
of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb of the Sabbath 0tb$d
The Gospel According To Mark
Chapter 3
& ty0w the synagogue 0t$wnkl Yeshua (w$y again bwt & entered l(w
his hand hdy0 whose was withered 0$ybyd a certain dx man 0rbg there Nmt there was 0wh
He would heal 0s0m so that if N0d Him hl they were wwh & watching Nyr+nw
they may accuse Him yhynwgr+qn in the Sabbath 0tb$b him hl
whose was withered 0$ybyd the man 0rbg to him whl & He said rm0w
in the center 0t(cmb stand Mwq his hand hdy0
is it legal? +yl$ to them Nwhl also P0 but Nyd He said rm0
or w0 what is good b+d to do db(ml on the Sabbath 0tb$b
to destroy wdbwml or w0 to save wyxml life 0$pn what is evil $ybd
were wwh silent Nyqyt$ but Nyd they Nwnh
to him hl it was sad 0yrk as dk in anger 0tmxb at them Nwhb & He gazed rxw
& He said rm0w of their hearts Nwhbl the callousness twy$q for l(
your hand Kdy0 stretch out +w$p man 0rbg to that whl
his hand hdy0 & was restored tnqtw & he reached out +$pw
with M( an hour ht($ son of rb the Pharisees 0$yrp & went forth wqpnw
they took wbsn & counsel 0klmw of Herod sdwrh some of the house tybd
they might destroy Him yhynwdbwnd how 0nky0 concerning Him yhwl(

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to it hl went lz0 His disciples yhwdymlt with M( & Yeshua (w$yw

many 00ygs & people 0m(w the sea 0my the presence of twl
Judea dwhy & from Nmw had 0wh gone out hpqn Galila 0lylg from Nm
the region 0rb( & from Nmw Edom Mwd0 & from Nmw Jerusalem Ml$rw0 & from Nmw
crowds 0$nk Tsidon Ndyc & from Nmw Tsor rwc & from Nmw of Jordan Nndrwyd
everything lk had wwh because they heard w(m$d great 00ygs
unto Him htwl they came wt0 that He had done db(d
Him hl they should bring Nwbrqnd His disciples yhwdymltl & He told rm0w
they would throng Him yhynwcbxn lest 0ld the crowds 0$nk because of l+m a ship 0tnyps
they would be Nwwhnd until 0md( He was 0wh healing 0s0m for ryg many 00ygs
Him hl they might touch Nwbrqtnd so that l+m upon Him yhwl( falling Nylpn
of spirits 0xwrd plagues 0twxm to them Nwhl were ywh who ty0d & those Nyly0w
they were wwh falling Nylpn they saw Him yhw0zxd whenever 0m filthy 0tpn+
of God 0hl0d the Son hrb are wh You tn0 & they were saying Nyrm0w & they cried out Ny(qw
they would reveal Him yhynwlgn lest 0ld them Nwhb He 0wh rebuked 00k & greatly ygsw
those Nyly0l & He called 0rqw a mountain 0rw+l & He went up qlsw
to join Him htwl & they came wt0w whom He wanted 0bcd
with Him hm( that they would be Nwwhnd twelve rs(rt & He chose 0bgw
that they would preach Nwzrknd them Nwn0 & that He would send rd$ndw
to heal Nws0nd authorized Ny+yl$ & that they would be Nwwhndw
demons 0wyd & to cast out Nwqpnw the sick 0hyrk
Keepha 0p0k the name 0m$ Shimeon Nw(m$l & He named ym$w
his brother yhwx0 & Yohanan Nnxwylw Zebedee ydbz son of rb & Yaqob bwq(ylw
Bnai Ragshi y$gr ynb the name 0m$ to them Nwhl He assigned Ms of Yaqob bwq(yd
of thunder 0m(r sons ynb which is yhwty0d
& Matthai ytmw & Bar Tolmay ymlwt rbw & Philipus swpylypw & Andraeus sw0rdn0w
& Thadi ydtw Khalpi yplx son of rb & Yaqob bwq(yw & Toma 0mw0tw
Qannia The Jealous 0ynnq & Shimeon Nw(m$w
who would betray Him hml$0d he wh Skariota 0+wyrks & Yehuda 0dwhyw
to the house 0tybl & they came wt0w
that not 0ld so 0nky0 again bwt the crowds 0$nk & assembled w$nkt0w
to eat lk0ml bread 0mxl they were wwh going to be able Nwxk$n
to take hold of Him hdx0ml & they went out wqpnw His relatives yhwnyx0 & heard w(m$w
He has gone out qpn His mind hnwh of Nmd for ryg they were wwh saying Nyrm0
Jerusalem Ml$rw0 from Nmd which Nyly0 & the scribes 0rpsw
in Him hb is ty0 Baelzebub bwbzl(b they were wwh saying Nyrm0 had come down wtxn
demons 0wyd He casts out qpm of demons 0wydd & by the ruler 0$rbw
to them Nwhl He said rm0 & in parables 0ltmbw Yeshua (w$y them Nwn0 & called 0rqw
to cast out wqpml Satan 0n+sl Satan 0n+s is able xk$m How? 0nky0
itself h$pn against l( for ryg a kingdom 0twklm if N0
that yh kingdom 0twklm to stand Mqml will be able 0xk$m not 0l will be divided glptt

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

not 0l will be divided glptn itself h$pn against l( a house 0tyb & if N0w
to stand Mqml that wh house 0tyb will be able xk$m
himself h$pn against l( were to rise up Mq who is of Satan 0n+sd he wh & if N0w
to stand Mqml he would able xk$m not 0l & were divided glpt0w
it would be yh his end htrx but 0l0
the house tybl to enter lw(nd is able xk$m a man $n0 not 0l
his valuables yhwn0m & to rob Pw+xnw of a mighty one 0nysx
the mighty one 0nysxl first Mdqwl if N0 except 0l0
he shall plunder zwbn his house htyb & then Nydyhw he shall bind rws0n
& blasphemies 0pdwgw sins 0h+x all of them Nwhlkd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 truly Nym0
to them Nwhl will be forgiven Nwqbt$n of men 0$n0 the sons ynb that will blaspheme Nwpdgnd
will blaspheme Pdgnd but Nyd whoever Nm
of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr against l(
ever Ml(l forgiveness 0nqbw$ to him hl there is not tyl
eternal Ml(ld of judgment 0nydl he wh is guilty byxm but 0l0
in Him hb is ty0 foul 0tpn+ a spirit 0xwrd they were wwh saying Nyrm0d because l+m
standing Nymyq & His brothers yhwx0w His mother hm0 & they came wt0w
to them Nwhl that they might call Him yhynwrqnd & they sent wrd$w outside rbl
the crowd 0$nk around Him yhwrdx but Nyd was 0wh sitting down bty
Your mother Km0 behold 0h to Him hl & they said wrm0w
You Kl are seeking Ny(b outside rbl & Your brothers Kyx0w
is yh who? Nm to them Nwhl & said rm0w & He answered 0n(w
My brethren yx0 are Nwn0 & who? Nmw My mother ym0
with Him htwl who were sitting Nybtyd on those Nyly0b & He looked rxw
My brethren yx0 & behold 0hw My mother ym0 behold 0h & He said rm0w
the will hnybc for ryg shall do db(nd whoever Nm
& My mother ym0w & My sister ytxw My brother yx0 is wywh of God 0hl0d
The Gospel According To Mark
Chapter 4
the side of dy on l( teaching Plm He 0wh began yr$ but Nyd again bwt
crowds 0$nk unto him htwl & were assembled w$nkt0w the sea 0my
Himself hl to sit btn He would go up qsnd so that Ky0 great 00ygs
standing M0q the crowd 0$nk & all hlkw in the sea 0myb on a boat 0tnypsb
of the sea 0my the side dy on l( the land 0(r0 on l( was 0wh
in the parables 0ltmb them Nwhl He was 0wh & teaching Plmw
in his teaching hnplwyb He 0wh & said rm0w many ygs
to sow (rzml a sower 0(wrz went out qpn behold 0h Listen w(m$
the side dy on l( that fell lpnd there was some ty0 he sowed (rz & when dkw
& ate it htlk0w a bird 0txrp & came tt0w of the road 0xrw0
the rock 0(w$ on l( fell lpn but Nyd other seed 0nrx0
soil 0(r0 there was not tyld where 0ky0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

because l+m it sprouted clb an hour ht($ & son of rbw much ygs
of soil 0(r0d depth 0qmw( was 0wh there not tyld
it was scorched 0mx the sun 0$m$ but Nyd arose xnd when dk
it dried up $by roots 0rq( to it hl were 0wh there not tyld & because l+mw
& came up wqlsw the thorns 0bwk among tyb fell lpn & another 0nrx0w
yielded bhy not 0l & fruit 0r0pw & they choked it yhwqnxw the thorns 0bwk
ground 0(r0 on l( fell lpn but Nyd another 0nrx0
fruit 0r0p & it yielded bhyw & grew 0brw & came up qlsw good 0tb+
of sixty Nyt$d & some ty0w of thirty Nytltd some ty0
of a hundred 00md & some ty0w
is ty0d whoever Nm He 0wh & said rm0w
let him hear (m$n that hear (m$nd ears 0nd0 to him hl
inquired of Him yhwl0$ by themselves Nwhydwxlb but Nyd they were wwh when dk
that wh about parable 0ltm the twelve htrs(rt with M( with Him hm(d those Nwnh
to know (dml it has been given byhy to you Nwkl Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl & said rm0w
but Nyd to outsiders 0yrbl of God 0hl0d of the kingdom htwklmd the secrets 0zr0
has been 0wh in parables 0ltmb thing Mdm every lk
& not 0lw they shall see Nwzxn seeing Nyzx so that when dkd
they shall hear Nw(m$n they are hearing Ny(m$ & when dkw they shall see Nwzxn
they shall be converted Nwnptn unless perhaps 0mld they shall understand Nwlktsn & not 0lw
their sins Nwhyh+x to them Nwhl & shall be forgiven Nwqbt$nw
parable 0ltml it hl you Nwtn0 knowing Ny(dy not 0l to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
shall you know Nw(dt the parables 0ltm all of them Nwhlk & how? 0nky0w this 0nh
sowed (rz the word 0tlm who sowed (rzd the sower 0(wrz
these Nylh of the road 0xrw0 the side dy upon l(d but Nyd these Nylh
& when 0mw the word 0tlm in them Nwhb who had been sown 0(rdzmd are they Nwn0
& took away lq$w Satan 0n+s came 0t0 at once 0dxm they heard w(m$d
in their hearts Nwhblb that was sown 0(yrzd the word 0tlml it hl
these Nylh were sown w(rdz0 the rock 0(w$ that upon l(d & those Nwnhw
the word 0tlm they have heard w(m$d who when 0md are they Nwn0
it hl receive Nylbqm in joy 0twdxb at once 0dxm
in themselves Nwh$pnb roots 0rq( to them Nwhl & there are not tylw
there is 0whd & when 0mw they abide Nwn0 of a time 0nbzd but 0l0
because of l+m persecutions 0ypwdr or w0 distress 0nclw0
they are offended Nyl$ktm quickly lg( the word 0tlm
these Nylh being sown Ny(rdzm the thorns 0bwk among tybd & they Nwnhw
the word 0tlm who have heard w(m$d those Nwnh are Nwn0
of wealth 0rtw(d & the deception yy(w+w this 0nh of world 0ml(d & the cares 0ynrw
are entering Nl0( other 0tynrx0 of desires 0tgygrd & the rest 0kr$w
it becomes 0ywh fruit 0r0p & without 0ldw the word 0tlml it hl choking Nqnx
these Nylh were sown w(rdz0 good 0tb+ that in the ground 0(r0bd & they Nwnhw
& yield Nybhyw & receive Nylbqmw the word 0tlm who are hearing Ny(m$d are they Nwn0
& a hundred fold 00mbw & sixty fold Nyt$bw thirty fold Nytltb fruit 0r0p

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

under tyxtd a lamp 0gr$ one brings 0t0 neg.? 0mld to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
not? 0l the bed 0sr( under tyxt or w0 to be put Mysttn a basket 0t0s
should be put Mysttn a lampstand 0trnm upon l(d it 0wh
shall be revealed 0lgtn that not 0ld that is covered 0$+d a thing Mdm for ryg there is not tyl
shall be discovered 0lgtm & not 0lw in secret 0y$w+b that is 0wh & nothing 0lw
let him hear (m$n so that he may hear (m$nd an ear 0nd0 to him hl is ty0 a man $n0 if N0
are hearing Ny(m$ what 0nm Take heed wzx to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
it is measured lykttm you are Nwtn0 measuring Nylykmd measure 0tlyk in that yhb you Nwtn0
who hear Ny(m$d to those Nyly0l to you Nwkl & it is increased Pswttmw to you Nwkl
& whoever Nmw to him hl it shall be given bhytn for ryg to him hl has ty0d whoever Nm
which he has ty0d that wh also P0 to him hl has not tyld
from him hnm shall be taken lqt$n it hl
the kingdom 0twklm is yh thus 0nkh He 0wh & said rm0w
a man $n0 like Ky0 of God 0hl0d
in the ground 0(r0b seed 0(rz who may cast 0mrnd
& the seed 0(rzw & by day 0mmy0bw by night 0yllb & arise Mwqnw & he shall sleep Kmdnw
is aware (dy not 0l he wh when dk & lengthens Kr0nw grows 0brn
fruit 0r0pl itself hl produces 0ytym for ryg the earth 0(r0
the ear 0lb$ & after it hrtbw the blade 0bs( shall be 0wh first Mdqwlw
in the ear 0lb$b the full 0tylm$m the wheat 0t+x but Nyd finally tyrx0
at once 0dxm the fruit 0r0p but Nyd ripens Nm$d whenever 0m
the harvest 0dcx because has arrived y+md the sickle 0lgm comes 0yt0
the kingdom 0twklml shall resemble hymdn what? 0nml & He said rm0w
shall it be analogized hyltmn parable 0ltm & in what? 0ny0bw of God 0hl0d
that yh of mustard seed 0ldrxd it is yh a grain 0tdrp like Ky0
least 0yrw(z in the ground 0(r0b it is sown t(rdz0d which when 0md
the earth 0(r0 on l(d the grain seeds 0nw(rz all of Nwhlk of Nm is yh
greater 0br & becomes 0ywhw it comes up 0qls it is sown t(rdz0d & when 0mw
great 0tbrwr branches 0kws & produces 0db(w small herbs 0nwqry all of them Nwhlk than Nm
to perch Nk$t the birds 0txrp in its shade hll+bd shall be able xk$td so that Ky0
speaking llmm these Nylh like Ky0d in parables 0ltmb
parables 0ltm with them Nwhm( Yeshua (w$y was 0wh
to hear (m$ml they were wwh able Nyxk$md such as Ky0
with them Nwhm( He was 0wh speaking llmm not 0l parables 0ltm & without 0ldw
expounded q$pm & them Nwhlw between Him yhwnyb but Nyd to His disciples yhwdymltl
all things Mdmlk He 0wh
day 0mwy in that whb to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
to the other side 0rb(l for us Nl let it pass over rb(n in the evening 0$mrb
in the ship 0tnypsb as dk & brought Him yhwrbdw the crowd 0$nkl & they left wqb$w
with them Nwhm( were ywh there ty0 other 0tynrx0 & boats 0nypsw He was wh
& the wind 0xwrw great 0tbr a storm 0l(l( & there was twhw
into the ship 0tnypsb were wwh beating Nylpn & waves 0llgw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to being filled 0lmttd it was twh & close 0byrqw

He was 0wh sleeping Kmd a pillow 0ydsb on l( Yeshua (w$y but Nyd He wh
awakened Him yhwmyq0 & they came wt0w of the ship 0tnypsd in the stern htrxb
our Master Nbr to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w
we Nnx that are perishing Nydb0d do you care? Kl ly+b not 0l
to the sea 0myl & said rm0w the wind 0xwrb & rebuked 00kw & He arose Mqw
the wind 0xwr & stopped tyl$w you tn0 shut up rygz stop yl$
great 0br calm weather 0xwn & there was 0whw
are you Nwtn0 fearful Nyntlwxd Why? 0nml to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
faith 0twnmyh in you Nwkb is there not tyl & why? 0nmlw so Nkh
& saying Nyrm0w great 0tbr with fear 0tlxd & they were afraid wlxdw
Who is? wnm to another dxl one dx they were wwh
& the sea 0myw that the wind 0xwrd This 0nh indeed yk
Him hl are obeying Ny(mt$m
The Gospel According To Mark
Chapter 5
of the sea 0myd to the other side 0rb(l & He came 0t0w
of the Gadarenes 0yrdgd to the region 0rt0l
the ship 0tnyps from Nm He went out qpn & when dkw
tombs 0rwbq among tyb from Nm with him hb met (gp
unclean 0tpn+ a spirit 0xwr in him hb who is ty0d a man 0rbg
& with chains 0tl$$bw the tombs 0rwbq among tyb he 0wh & dwelt rm(w
to bind him hrs0ml was 0wh able xk$m not 0l a man $n0
& in chains 0tl$$bw in shackles 0m+wsbd when ytm0 ever lkd because l+m
broken rbtm the chains 0tl$$ he had been 0wh bound rs0tm
he had 0wh cut apart qspm & the shackles 0m+wsw he had 0wh
to subdue him h$bkml was 0wh able xk$m man $n0 & no 0lw
in the night 0yllb time Nbz & in every lkbw
of tombs 0rwbq in the house tybb & in the daytime 0mmy0bw
& crying out 0(qw was 0wh he yhwty0 & in the mountains 0rw+bw
with a stone 0p0kb himself h$pn & he was cutting Plcmw was 0wh
from Nm Yeshua (w$yl but Nyd he saw 0zx when dk
himself hl & prostrated dgs he ran +hr a distance 0qxwr
& said rm0w loud 0mr in a voice 0lqb & he cried out 0(qw
Son hrb Yeshua (w$y & to You Klw to me yl what 0m
I 0n0 adjure 0mwm most high 0myrm of God 0hl0d
you will torture me ynqn$t that not 0ld by God 0hl0b you Kl
come out qwp for ryg to him hl He had 0wh said rm0
foul 0pn+ spirit 0xwr the son of man 0$nrb from Nm
to Him hl he said rm0 your name Km$ What is? 0nky0 & He had asked him hl0$w
we are Nnx many 00ygsd because l+m our name is Nm$ Legion Nwygl
that not 0ld much ygs of Him hnm he 0wh & begged 0(bw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the region 0rt0 of Nm outside rbl He would send him yhwyrd$n

the mountain 0rw+ near twl there Nmt but Nyd was 0wh there ty0
that were feeding 0y(rd of swine 0ryzxd great 0tbr a herd 0rqb
from him hnm were wwh & begging Ny(bw
unto l( send us Nyrd$ & they were saying Nyrm0w evil spirits 0d0$ those Nwnh
we may enter lw(n that in them Nwhbd swine 0ryzx those Nwnh
the spirits 0xwr & went out qpnw them Nwhl & He allowed sp0w
& ran t+hrw into the swine 0ryzxb & entered l(w foul ones 0tpn+ these Nylh
into the sea 0myb & fell tlpnw to a precipice 0pyq$l herd 0rqb that yh
in the sea 0ymb & they drowned wqnxt0w thousand Nypl0 two Nyrt about Ky0
& told it wrm0w fled wqr( them Nwhl were wwh who herding Ny(rd & they Nwnhw
& they went out wqpnw in the villages 0yrwqb also P0w in the city 0tnydmb
that had occurred 0whd the thing Mdm to see 0zxml
with him whl & they saw Him yhw0zxw Yeshua (w$y to twl & they came wt0w
he was clothed $ybl as dk whom the evil spirits had possessed yhwd0$d
who ty0d him wh & sitting btyw & reverent Pknmw
& they were afraid wlxdw Legion Nwygl in him hb had been 0wh
how 0nky0d who had seen wzxd those Nwnh to them Nwhl & they related wy(t$0w
whom the evil spirits had possessed yhwd0$d with him whl it had been 0wh
swine 0ryzx those Nwnh about l( & also P0w
that he would depart lz0nd of Him hnm asking Ny(b & they began wyr$w
their coast Nwhmwxt from Nm Himself hl
the ship 0tnypsl He embarked qls & after dkw
he wh of Him hnm was 0wh requesting 0(b
he would remain 0whn that with Him hm(d whom the evil spirits had possessed yhwd0$d
go lz to him hl said rm0 but 0l0 He allowed him hqb$ & not 0lw
to them Nwhl & relate 0(t$0w your people Ky$n0 to twl to your house Ktybl
The LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm for you Kl that has done db(d the thing Mdm
upon you Kyl( & that He has had compassion Mxrt0dw
in the ten cities 0tnydm trs(b preaching zrkm & began yr$w & He departed lz0w
for him hl that had done db(d the thing Mdm
were wwh astounded Nyhymt & all of them Nwhlkw Yeshua (w$y
in the ship 0tnypsb Yeshua (w$y crossed over rb( & after dkw
unto Him yhwl( were assembled w$nkt0 again bwt other side 0rb( to that whl
He was yhwty0 while dk great 00ygs the crowds 0$nk
of the sea 0my the side dy on l(
from Nm Yoaresh $r0wy of the name hm$d one dx & came 0t0w
he had seen Him yhyzx & when dkw of the synagogue 0t$wnk the rulers ybr
His feet yhwlgr at twl he fell lpn
& he said rm0w greatly ygs from Him hnm he was 0wh & begging 0(bw
has been made 0dyb( very sick ty0$yb my daughter ytrb to Him hl
& she will be healed Mlxttw upon her hyl( Your hand Kdy0 lay Mys come 0t
& she will live 0xtw
to Him hl was 0wh & close qybdw Yeshua (w$y with him hm( & went on lz0w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

upon Him hl they were wwh & pressing Nycbxw great 00ygs a crowd 0$nk
there was twh who hyty0d a certain 0dx but Nyd a woman 0ttn0
twelve 0rs(trt years Nyn$ of blood 0mdd with a flow 0tydrmb
physicians 0tws0 from Nm had suffered tlbs greatly ygsd who 0dy0
to her hl that was ty0d thing Mdm every lk & had spent tqp0w many 00ygs
even P0 but 0l0 had been helped trd(t0 not 0l & a thing Mdmw
she had been afflicted tcl0t0 more ty0ryty
Yeshua (w$y about l( she heard t(m$ when dk
from Nm of the crowd 0$nkd in the press 0cbxb she came tt0
His garment h$wbll she touched tbrq behind Him hrtsb
even if Np0d for ryg she had twh said 0rm0
I 0n0 shall live 0yx I 0n0 touch 0brq His garment h$wbll
& she sensed t$gr0w of blood hmdd the fount 0ny(m dried up t$by & at once 0dxmw
her plague htwxm from Nm that she was healed tys0t0d in her body hrgpb
in Himself h$pnb knew (dy at once 0dxm but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
to twl & He turned ynpt0w from Him hnm had gone out qpn that power 0lyxd
My garment yn0ml has touched brq who? wnm & said rm0w the crowds 0$nk
you tn0 see 0zx His disciples yhwdymlt to Him hl & were saying Nyrm0w
& say? rm0w You Kl that is pressing against Nycbxd the crowd 0$nkl
Me yl has touched Me brq who? wnm you tn0
had done db( this 0dh who wnm that He might see 0zxnd He was 0wh & gazing r0xw
& trembling 0tytrw because afraid 0lyxd when dk woman 0ttn0 but Nyd that yh
to her hl had happened 0whd what 0m for she knew t(dyd
& told trm0w before Him yhwmdq she fell down tlpn she came tt0
the truth 0rr$ all hlk Him hl
your faith yktwnmyh My daughter ytrb to her hl said rm0 but Nyd he wh
in peace 0ml$b go ylz has given you life yktyx0
your disease yktwxm from Nm whole 0mylx & be ytywhw
who were Nm they came wt0 was speaking llmm He wh & while d(w
of the assembly 0t$wnk of the ruler br of the house tybd
now lykm why? 0nml has died ttym your daughter Ktrbd & they were saying Nyrm0w
the teacher 0nplml you tn0 should trouble lm(m
which they spoke wrm0d the words 0tlml heard (m$ but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
of the assembly 0t$wnk the ruler br to him whl & He said rm0w
believe Nmyh only dwxlb you will fear lxdt not 0l
with Him hm( that he should go lz0nd a man $n0l allowed qb$ & not 0lw
& Yohanan Nnxwylw & Yaqob bwq(ylw Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$l but 0l0
of Yaqob bwq(yd the brother yhwx0
of the assembly 0t$wnk chief br of him who was whd to the house 0tybl & they came wt0w
& wailing Nyllymw & weeping Nykbw those who were disturbed Nybyhrd & He saw 0zxw
are you Nwtn0 disturbed Nybyhr why? 0nm to them Nwhl & He said rm0w & He entered l(w
she is yh sleeping 0kmd but 0l0 has died ttym not 0l the girl 0tyl+ & weeping Nykbw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

put out qp0 but Nyd He wh at Him yhwl( they were wwh & laughing Nykxgw
of the girl 0tyl+d the father hwb0l & He took rbdw all of them Nwhlkl
& entered l(w who were with Him hm(d & those Nwnhlw & her mother hm0lw
the girl 0tyl+ was twh where lying 0ymrd the place 0ky0l
of the girl 0tyl+d by her hand hdy0b & He took dx0w
arise ymwq little girl 0tyl+ to her hl & He said rm0w
the young girl 0tyl+ arose tmq the moment ht($ & son of rbw
for ryg was twh she hyty0 she was twh & walking 0klhmw
twelve 0rs(trt of years Nyn$ a daughter trb
great 0br with astonishment 0rmwd they were wwh & astounded Nyrmdtmw
a man $n0 that not 0ld strictly ygs them Nwn0 & He commanded dqpw
food s(lml her hl that they should give Nwltnd & He said rm0w this 0dh should relate (dn
The Gospel According To Mark
Chapter 6
& came 0t0w there Nmt from Nm & He went out qpnw
His disciples yhwdymlt to Him hl were wwh & staying close Nyqybdw to the city htnydml
He began yr$ the Sabbath 0tb$ it was twh & when dkw
who heard w(m$d & many 00ygsw in the synagogue 0t$wnkb to teach wplml
they were wwh & saying Nyrm0w were amazed wrmdt0
to this one 0nhl these things Nylh to Him hl from where? 0kmy0
to Him hl that is given tbhyt0d wisdom 0tmkx is this yh & what? 0dy0w
these Nylh like Ky0d that mighty works 0lyxd
should be done Nwwhn by His hands yhwdy0b
the carpenter 0rgn this 0nh was 0wh not? 0l
of Yaqob bwq(yd & brother yhwx0w of Mary Myrmd the son hrb
& of Shimeon Nw(m$dw & of Yehuda 0dwhydw & of Yose 0swydw
with us Ntwl here Nnt His sisters htwx0 are 0h & not? 0lw
of Him hb they were wwh & suspicious Nyl$ktmw
there is not tyl Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl & said rm0w
in his city htnydmb if N0 except 0l0 who is despised ry(cd a prophet 0ybn
& in his house htybbw his kindred yhwnyx0 & among tybw
there Nmt that He should do db(nd He was 0wh able xk$m & not 0lw
upon l(d only N0 except 0l0 powerful work 0lyx one dx not 0l even P0
& healed ys0w His hand hdy0 He laid Ms a few lylq sick ones 0hyrk
of their faith Nwhtwnmyh at the lack twrysxb He was 0wh & astonished rmdtmw
He taught Plm as dk in the villages 0yrwqb He was 0wh & going around Krktmw
that He would send rd$nd & He began yr$w His twelve htrs(rtl & He called 0rqw
to them Nwhl & He gave bhyw by two Nyrt two Nyrt them Nwn0
that they may cast out Nwqpnd filthy 0tpn+ spirits 0xwr over l( authority 0n+lw$
they may take Nwlq$n that not 0ld them Nwn0 & He commanded dqpw
a staff 0+b$ perhaps N0 except 0l0 on the road 0xrw0l anything Mdm
bread 0mxl & no 0lw bag 0lmrt no 0l only dwxlb
in their purses Nwhysykb copper 0$xn & no 0lw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& not 0lw sandals 0rl+ they would wear Nwn0sn but 0l0
tunics Nynytwk two Nytrt they should wear Nw$bln
house 0tyb into whatever 0ny0ld to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
until 0md( stay wwh there Nmt you are Nwtn0 that entering Nyl0(d
there Nmt from Nm you are Nwtn0 departing Nyqpnd
& not 0lw shall receive you Nwknwlbqn not 0ld whoever Nm & all lkw
from Nm you Nwtn0 leave Nyqpnd when 0m shall hear you Nwknw(m$n
of your feet Nwkylgrd that is on the soles 0ytxtbd the dust 0lx shake off wcp there Nmt
to youNwkl I 0n0 say rm0 and amen Nym0w for their testimony Nwhtwdhsl
in the day 0mwyb & for Emora 0rwm(lw for Sodom Mwdsl tranquil xyn that it shall be 0whnd
that yh for city 0tnydml rather than w0 of judgment 0nydd
that they should be converted Nwbwtnd & they preached wzrk0w they wwh & went out wqpnw
& anointing Nyx$mw they were wwh casting out Nyqpm many 00ygs & evil spirits 0d0$w
they were wwh & healing Nys0mw many 00ygs the sick 0hyrk with oil 0x$mb they were wwh
Yeshua (w$y about l( the king 0klm Herodus sdwrh & heard (m$w
& he said rm0w His name hm$ for ryg to him hl was 0wh known (dyt0
the baptizer 0ndm(m Yokhanan Nnxwy He was 0wh
because of l+m the dead 0tym among tyb from Nm he has risen Mq
by him hb are performed Nyr(tsm mighty works 0lyx this 0nh
were wwh saying Nyrm0 others 0nrx0
that a prophet 0ybnd & others 0nrx0w He is wh that Elia 0yl0d
the prophets 0ybn from Nm one dx like Ky0 He is wh
Yokhanan Nnxwy he said rm0 Herodus sdwrh but Nyd heard (m$ when dk
he wh His head h$r cut off tqsp whose I 0n0d He is wh
the dead 0tym among tyb from Nm has arisen Mq
Yokhanan Nnxwyl he seized hdx0 had 0wh sent rd$ Herodus sdwrh for ryg he wh
Herodia 0ydwrh for the sake of l+m of prisoners 0rys0 in the house tyb & bound him hrs0w
whom he had taken bsnd her yh his brother yhwx0 of Phillip swpylyp the wife ttn0
that not 0ld to Herodus sdwrhl Yokhanan Nnxwy for ryg had 0wh said rm0
of your brother Kwx0 the wife ttn0 that you take bstd for you Kl it is lawful +yl$
& willing Nybcw him hl was twh threatening 0myxl Herodia 0ydwrh but Nyd she yh
she was twh was able 0xk$m & not 0lw to kill him hl+qml she was twh
Yokhanan Nnxwy of Nm had been 0wh afraid lxd for ryg Herodus sdwrh
he was wh that a man 0rbgd he had 0wh known (dyd because l(
he 0wh & protected r+nmw & a holy one 0$ydqw a righteous one 0qydz
he had 0wh heard (m$ & many things 0t0ygsw him hl
him hl he 0wh heard (m$ & pleasantly ty0mysbw & did service db(w from him hl
in the house tybb Herodus sdwrh when dk notable 0(ydy a day 0mwy & it was 0whw
for his nobles yhwnbrwrl he 0wh made db( a supper 0tym$x of his birth hdly
of Galila 0lylgd & the leaders 0$rlw & for the captains 0krylyklw
she danced tdqr of Herodia 0ydwrhd the daughter htrb & entered tl(w
& those Nyly0lw Herodus sdwrhl him hl & she pleased trp$w
& said rm0w with him hm( who were reclining Nykymsd
of me ynm Ask yl0$ to the girl 0tyl+l the king 0klm
to you ykl & I shall give it lt0w you ytn0 that desire 0ybcd anything Mdm

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that you shall ask Nyl0$td anything Mdmd to her hl & he swore 0myw
of my kingdom ytwklmd the half hglpl up to 0md( to you ykl I shall give lt0
what? 0nm to her mother hm0l & she said 0rm0w went out tqpn but Nyd she yh
to her hl she said 0rm0 shall I ask him yhwyl0$0
the baptizer 0ndm(m of Yokhanan Nnxwyd the head h$r
with diligence 0twly+bb she entered tl( & at once 0dxmw
I 0n0 want 0ybc to him hl & she said 0rm0w the king 0klm to twl
on l( to me yl that you shall give lttd hour 0t($ in this 0dhb
the baptizer 0ndm(m of Yokhanan Nnxwyd the head h$r a dish 0knyp
because of l+m the king 0klml much ygs him hl & it grieved tyrkw
the dinner guests 0kyms & because of l+mw the oath 0tmwm but Nyd
that he should deprive her hyzlgnd he was willing 0bc not 0l
the executioner 0r+lqwps0 the king 0klm sent rd$ at once 0dxm but 0l0
the head h$r that he shall bring 0tynd & commanded dqpw
his head h$r he cut off hqsp & he went lz0w of Yokhanan Nnxwyd
of prisoners 0rys0 in the house tyb of Yokhanan Nnxwyd
to the girl 0tyl+l & he gave bhyw on a plate 0knypb & he brought yty0w
to her mother hm0l gave tbhy girl 0tyl+ and that yhw
they took wlq$ & they came wt0w his disciples yhwdymlt & heard w(m$w
of burial 0rwbq in a house tybb & they placed wmsw his corpse hdl$
Yeshua (w$y in the presence of twl the apostles 0xyl$ & were gathered w$nkt0w
whatever 0m everything lk Him hl & they told wrm0w
they had taught wpl0d whatever 0m & everything lkw they had done wdb(d
we shall go lz0n you Nwkl come wt to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
& rest yourselves wxyntt0w alone Nydwxlb to the country 0rbdl
who were going Nylz0d many 00ygs for ryg there were wwh ty0 a little lylq
for them Nwhl was 0wh & there not tylw & coming Nyt0w
to eat lk0ml not 0l even P0 a place 0rt0
desolate 0brwx to a place 0rt0l & they went wlz0w
by themselves Nwhydwxlb in a ship 0tnypsb
they were going Nylz0 as dk many 00ygs them Nwn0 & saw wzxw
from Nm they ran w+hr & on land 0$bybw them Nwn0 & they recognized w(dwt$0w
to that place Nmtl before Him yhwmdq the cities 0tnydm all Nyhlk
great 00ygs the crowds 0$nk seeing 0zx Yeshua (w$y & went forth qpnw
they were wwh for like Nymdd on them Nwhyl( & He was moved with pity Mxrt0w
& began yr$w a shepherd 0y(r for them Nwhl without tyld sheep 0br(l
many things 0t0ygs them Nwn0 to teach wplml He 0wh
to Him htwl came near wbrq advanced 00ygs the time 0nd( was 0wh & when dkw
that this 0nhd to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w His disciples yhwdymlt
is advanced ygs & the time 0nd(w is wh desolate 0brwx a place 0rt0
to the market 0srwg0l that they may go Nwlz0nd them Nwn0 dismiss yr$
also to the villages 0yrwqlw that they may go around Nyrdxd
there is not tyl bread 0mxl for themselves Nwhl & they shall buy Nwnbznw
to eat lk0ml anything Mdm for ryg to them Nwhl

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

them Nwhl give wbh to them Nwhl said rm0 but Nyd He wh
to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0 food s(lml you Nwtn0
of two hundred Nyt0md shall we buy? Nbzn shall we go? lz0n
to eat Nys(l to them Nwhl & give ltnw bread 0mxl denarii Nyrnyd
see wzx go wlz to them Nwhl said rm0 but Nyd He wh
& when dkw here 0krh to you Nwkl are ty0 loaves Nymxl how many 0mk
to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0 they looked wzx
fish Nynwn & two Nyrtw loaves Nymxl five 0$mx
everyone $nlkl that they seat Nwkmsnd them Nwhl & He commanded dqpw
the grass 0bs( on l( would be sitting Nykms those sitting Nykms
were sitting Nykms those sitting Nykms & they were seated wkmts0w
fifty Ny$mx & by fifty Ny$mxdw hundred 00m by hundred 00md
& two Nyrtw loaves Nymxl five 0$mx those Nwnh & He took bsnw
the bread 0mxl & He broke 0cqw & He blessed Krbw into heaven 0ym$b & gazed rxw fish Nynwn
before them Nwhl that they may set Nwmysnd to His disciples yhwdymltl & He gave bhyw
for all of them Nwhlkl they divided wglp fish Nynwn two Nyrt & those Nwnhw
& they were filled w(bsw all of them Nwhlk & they ate wlk0w
baskets Nynypwq twelve rs(rt the fragments 0ycq & they took wlq$w
the fish 0nwn & from Nmw they were filled Nylm when dk
who ate wlk0d but Nyd were wwh they Nwhyty0
men Nyrbg thousand Nypl0 five 0$mx the bread 0mxl
that they board Nwqsnd His disciples yhwdymltl He urged cl0 & at once 0dxmw
to the other side 0rb(l before Him yhwmdq & go Nwlz0nw the ship 0tnypsl
the multitude 0$nkl He wh sent away 0r$ while d( to Bayth Tsayda 0dyc tybl
He had sent away 0r$ & when dkw
to pray wylcml to a mountain 0rw+l He went lz0 them Nwn0
the boat 0tnyps become evening 0$mr but Nyd it had 0wh when dk
alone yhwdwxlb & He whw the sea 0my in the middle of t(cm was twh hyty0
land 0(r0 on l(
that thay were laboring Nyqnt$md them Nwn0 & He saw 0zxw
against them Nwhlbqwl for ryg the wind 0xwr they were rowing Nydr as dk
of the night 0ylld fourth 0ty(ybr in the watch 0tr+mbw it was twh
He was walking Klhm as dk Yeshua (w$y to join them Nwhtwl came 0t0
them Nwn0 to pass by rb(nd He 0wh & wanted 0bcw the sea 0ym on l(
on l( that He was walking Klhmd they saw Him yhw0zx but Nyd they Nwnh
that a vision 0wzxd to themselves Nwhl & they thought wrbsw the water 0ym
& they cried out w(qw false or public 0lgd He was wh
a moment ht($ & son of rbw & were afraid wlxdw saw Him yhw0zx for ryg all of them Nwhlk
take heart wbblt0 to them Nwhl & said rm0w with them Nwhm( He spoke llm
be afraid Nwlxdt not 0l I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0
the wind 0xwr & ceased tyl$w in the ship 0tnypsl to join them Nwhtwl & He came up qlsw
in their souls Nwh$pnb & wondered Nyryhtw they were wwh astonished Nyrmdtm & greatly b+w

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the bread 0mxl from Nm had wwh they recognized wlkts0 for ryg not 0l
was 0wh hardened yb(m their heart Nwhbld because l+m Him wh
the other side 0rb( they had crossed to wrb( & when dkw
of Genesar rsngd to the land 0(r0l they came wt0
the boat 0tnyps from Nm they went out wqpn & when dkw
of the place 0rt0 the men y$n0 recognized Him yhwlkts0 a moment ht($ son of rb
to bring wytyml & they began wyr$w that yh land 0(r0 in all hlkb & they ran w+hrw
them Nwhl they were carrying Nylyq$ as dk had become Nydyb( who sick ty0$ybd those Nyly0l
that He was yhwty0d they were wwh where hearing Ny(m$d to the place 0ky0l in litters 0tsr(b
or a city 0tnydmlw a village 0yrwql had 0wh He entered l0(d & wherever 0ky0w
were wwh & begging Ny(bw the sick 0hyrk they were wwh laying Nymys in the streets 0qw$b
they might touch Nwbrqn of His garment h$wbld the fringe 0pnkl even if Np0d from Him hnm
were wwh healed Nys0tm it hl were wwh who touching Nybrqd those Nyly0 & all Nwhlkw
The Gospel According To Mark
Chapter 7
& the Scribes 0rpsw The Pharisees 0$yrp around him htwl & they gathered w$nkw
Jerusalem Ml$rw0 from Nm who had come wt0d
His disciples yhwdymlt of Nm some Ny$n0 & they saw wzxw
when dk bread 0mxl who were eating Nylk0d
& they found fault wld(t0w their hands Nwhydy0 having washed Ng$m not 0l
& The Pharisees 0$yrpw the Judeans 0ydwhy for ryg all of them Nwhlk
wash Nygy$m not 0l who carefully ty0ly+bd are wh if N0
because l+m eat Nys(l not 0l their hands Nwhydy0
of the elders 0$y$qd the tradition 0twnml$m they keep Nydyx0d
they bathe Nydm( unless 0l0 the marketplace 0qw$ & from Nmw
are ty0 other things 0tynrx0 & many 0t0ygsw do eat Nys(l not 0l
the washings 0tydwm(m that they may keep Nwr+nd that they had received wlbqd those Nyly0
& of beds 0tsr(dw copper 0$xn & of vessels yn0mdw & of pots 0+sqdw of cups 0skd
& Pharisees 0$yrpw the Scribes 0rps & they asked Him yhwl0$w
do walk Nyklhm not 0l your disciples Kydymlt Why? 0nml
but 0l0 of the elders 0$y$qd the tradition 0twnml$m according to Ky0
bread 0mxl they are eating Nylk0 their hands Nwhydy0 having washed Ng$m not 0l while dk
prophesied ybnt0 beautifully ryp$ to them Nwhl said rm0 but Nyd He wh
pretenders 0p0b ybsn the prophet 0ybn Eshaia 0y($0 of you Nwkyl(
with its lips htwpsb this 0nh people 0m(d it is written bytkd just as Ky0
from Me ynm far qyxr very ygs but Nyd their heart is Nwhbl me yl honoring rqym is wh
they teach Nyplm as dk to Me yl they pay reverence Nylxd & in vain ty0qyrsw
of men 0$n0 of the children ynbd of the commandments 0ndqwpd doctrines 0nplwy
& keep Nydyx0w of God 0hl0d the commandments 0ndqwp for ryg you forsake Nwtqb$
washings 0tydwm(m of men 0$n0 of the sons ynbd the traditions 0twnml$m you Nwtn0
like Nymd these Nylhld such things Nyly0 & many 0t0ygsw & pots 0+sqdw of cups 0skd
the commandment 0ndqwp you Nwtn0 reject Nyml+ well ryp$ to them Nwhl He said rm0
your traditions Nwktwnml$m that you may establish Nwmyqtd of God 0hl0d

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& your mother Km0lw your father Kwb0l to honor rqyd said rm0 for ryg Moshe 0$wm
he shall die twmn the death 0twm & mother 0m0lw father 0b0l reviles 0xcmd & whoever Nmw
a man 0rbg shall say rm0n if N0 are Nwtn0 saying Nyrm0 but Nyd you Nwtn0
anything Mdm my offering is ynbrwq to his mother hm0l or w0 to his father yhwb0l
you shall gain rt0t that from me ynmd
that he should do db(nd him hl you Nwtn0 allow Nyqb$ & not 0lw
his mother hm0l or w0 for his father yhwb0l anything Mdm
because of l+m of God 0hl0d the word 0tlm you are Nwtn0 & rejecting Nylsmw
& that are like Nymddw that you deliver Nwtml$0d the traditions 0twnml$m
you are Nwtn0 doing Nydb( many things 0t0ygs these things Nylhl
& He said rm0w all hlk to the crowds 0$nkl Yeshua (w$y & called 0rqw
& understand wlkts0w all of you Nwklk hear Me ynw(mw$ to them Nwhl
a son of man 0$nrb of Nm outside rbld anything Mdm there is not tyl
defile bysm that can xk$md him hl also enters l0(w that wh
from him hnm that proceeds qpnd the thing Mdm except 0l0 him hl
of man 0$n0 a son rbl defiling bysm is wh that wh
let him hear (m$n that hears (m$nd an ear 0nd0 has hl ty0d whoever Nm
the house 0tybl Yeshua (w$y entered l( but Nyd when dk
His disciples yhwdymlt they asked Him yhwl0$ the crowds 0$nk from Nm
that wh parable 0ltm about l(
are? Nwtn0 stupid Nyl+( you Nwtn0 even P0 so 0nkh to them Nwhl He said rm0
outside rbl that from Nmd thing Mdm that every lkd you Nwtn0 knowing Ny(dy not? 0l
him hl defile bysm can xk$m not 0l of man 0$n0 a son rbl entering l0(
his belly hsrkl but 0l0 enters l0( his heart hbll it 0wh because not 0ld
which purifies 0ykdmd in excretion 0tykdtb & is discharged 0dt$mw
foods 0tlwk0m all hlk
a son of man 0$nrb from Nm that proceeds qpnd but Nyd the thing Mdm
of man 0$n0 a son rbl defiling bysm is wh that wh
of men 0$n0 of the children ynbd the heart 0bl from Nm for ryg within wgl from Nm
adultery 0rwg evil 0t$yb ideas 0tb$xm proceed Nqpn
murder 0l+q theft 0twbng fornication 0twynz
evil 0t$yb an eye 0ny( harlotry 0twnxc deceit 0lkn wickedness 0tw$yb greed 0twbwl(
senselessness 0twy+$ boasting 0twnrhb$ blasphemy 0pdwg
are wh within wgl from Nm evils 0t$yb all Nyhlk these Nylh
a son of man 0$nrbl him hl & are defiling Nbysmw proceeding Nqpn
of Tsur rwcd to the coast 0mwxtl & came 0t0w Yeshua (w$y arose Mq there Nmt from Nm
& not 0lw a certain dx house 0tybl & He entered l(w & of Tsidon Ndycdw
Him hb would know (dn that a man $n0d had 0wh He wanted 0bc
to be hidden 0$+nd He was able xk$0 & not 0lw
certain 0dx a woman 0ttn0 heard t(m$ for ryg at once 0dxm
a spirit 0xwr daughter htrbl had twh whose ty0d about Him htl+m
His feet yhwlgr before Mdq falling tlpn & she came tt0w unclean 0tpn+
from Nm a pagan 0tpnx was twh hyty0 a woman 0ttn0 but Nyd she yh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of Him hnm she was twh & begging 0y(bw of Surya 0yrwsd Phuniqa 0qynwp
her daughter htrb from Nm the demon 0d0$ that He would cast out qpnd
first Mdqwl Let yqwb$ Yeshua (w$y to her hl & said rm0w
right 0ryp$ for ryg it is twh not 0l the children 0ynb be filled Nw(bsnd
to the dogs 0blkl & throw it 0mrnw of the children 0ynbd the bread 0mxl to take bsnd
to Him hl & she said 0rm0w answered tn( but Nyd she yh
under tyxt from Nm the dogs 0blk even P0 my lord yrm Yes Ny0
from the children 0ynbd the crumbs 0twtrp eat Nylk0 the table 0rwtp
this 0dh because of l+m Go ylz Yeshua (w$y to her hl said rm0
your daughter yktrb from Nm the demon 0d0$ it hl has gone out qpn saying 0tlm
while dk her daughter htrb & she found txk$0w to her house htybl & she went tlz0w
the demon hd0$ from her hnm & had been cast out qypnw in bed 0sr(b lying 0ymr
of Tsur rwcd the coast 0mwxt from Nm Yeshua (w$y went out qpn again bwt
of Galila 0lylgd to the sea 0myl & He came 0t0w & Tsidon Ndycdw
of Ten Cities 0tnydm trs(d in the coast 0mwxtb
a deaf man 0$rx to Him hl & they brought wyty0w
& begged 0(bw who was dumb 0q0p a certain dx
hands 0dy0 upon him yhwl( that He would lay Mysnd Him hnm they wwh
& put ymr0w alone yhwdwxlb the crowd 0$nk from Nm & He drew him aside hdgnw
his tongue hn$ll & He touched brqw and spat qrw in his ears yhwnd0b His fingers ht(bc
& He groaned xntt0w into heaven 0ym$b & He gazed rxw
Be opened xtpt0 to him hl & He said rm0w
& was released yrt$0w his ears yhwnd0 were opened xtpt0 & in that moment 0t($b hbw
distinctly ty0qy$p & he spoke llmw of his tongue hn$ld a bond 0rs0
they should tell Nwrm0n not 0l that a man $n0ld them Nwn0 & He warned rhzw
them Nwhl He 0wh warned rhzm that which whd & as much as 0mkw
were wwh proclaiming it Nyzrkm the more ryty they Nwnh
& they were saying Nyrm0w they were wwh astonished Nyrmdtm & exceedingly ty0rytyw
He has done db( beautifully ryp$ thing Mdm that every lkd
to hear Nw(m$nd He has made db( the deaf 0$rxl
to speak Nwllmnd was speaking Nyllmm & him who not 0ldw
The Gospel According To Mark
Chapter 8
great 00ygs a crowd 0$nk when dk days 0tmwy but Nyd in those Nwnhb
anything Mdm was 0wh ty0 & not 0lw there was 0wh ty0
His disciples yhwdymltl He called 0rq for them to eat Nwlk0nd
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
this 0nh crowd 0$nk on l( I 0n0 have pity Mxrtm
they have continued wywq days Nymwy three 0tlt for behold 0hd
for them Nwhl & there is not tylw with Me ytwl
they may eat Nwlk0n something 0nm
when dk them Nwhl I 0n0 that send away 0r$d it is wh & if N0w

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

they will faint Nypy( to their houses Nwhytbl they are fasting Nymyc
among them Nwhnm for ryg people 0$n0 in the road 0xrw0b
have come Ny0yt0 afar 0qxwr from Nm
His disciples yhwdymlt to Him hl were saying Nyrm0
in the desert 0brwxb here 0krh a man $n0 is able xk$m from where? 0kmy0
all of them Nwhlk for these Nylhl bread 0mxl to supply enough (bsnd
are ty0 loaves Nymxl how many? 0mk He wh them Nwn0 asked l0$w
seven 0(b$ to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0 to you Nwkl
on l( to recline Nwkmtsnd the crowds 0$nkl & He commanded dqpw
loaves Nymxl seven 0(b$ those Nwnh & He took bsnw the ground 0(r0
to His disciples yhwdymltl & He gave bhyw & broke 0cqw & blessed Krbw
to the crowd 0$nkl & they set them out wmsw that they may be set out Nwmysnd
over them Nwhyl( & also P0w a few lylq fish 0nwn & there were wwh ty0w
them Nwn0 that they may set out Nwmysnd & said rm0w He blessed Krb
& they took up wlq$w & they were filled w(bsw & they ate wlk0w
baskets Nydyrps0 seven 0(b$ of fragments 0ycqd the leftovers 0rtwt
men 0$n0 but Nyd there were wwh Nwhyty0
thousand Nypl0 four 0(br0 about Ky0 who ate wlk0d
at once 0dxm & came up qlsw them Nwn0 & He sent away 0r$w
& came 0t0w His disciples yhwdymlt with M( to the ship 0tnypsl
of Dalmanutha 0twnmldd to the region 0rt0l
to inquire 0(bml & they began wyr$w the Pharisees 0$yrp & they came out wqpnw
from Nm a sign 0t0 Him hl they were wwh & asking Nyl0$w with Him hm(
Him hl tempting Nysnm while dk heaven 0ym$
why? 0nm & He said rm0w in His Spirit hxwrb & He groaned xntt0w
amen Nym0 this 0dh generation 0tbr$ a sign 0t0 does seek 0y(b
shall be given bhytt that not 0ld to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
this 0dh to generation 0tbr$l a sign 0t0 to it hl
the ship 0tnypsl & boarded qlsw them Nwn0 & He left qb$w
other side 0rb( to that whl & they went wlz0w
for one 0dx & except 0l0w bread 0mxl to take Nwbsnd they had forgotten w(+w
in the ship 0tnypsb with them Nwhm( was 0wh there nothing tyl cake 0tcyrg
to them Nwhl & said rm0w them Nwn0 & He commanded dqpw
of the Pharisees 0$yrpd the leaven 0rymx of Nm beware wrhdz0 Behold wzx
of Herodus sdwrhd the leaven hrymx & of Nmw
another dx with M( one dx they were wwh & reasoning Nyb$xtmw
for us Nl there is not tyl it is because bread 0mxld & they were saying Nyrm0w
why? 0nm to them Nwhl & He said rm0w knew (dy but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
there is no tyl that bread 0mxld are you Nwtn0 considering Nynr
knowing Ny(dy now 0$hl until 0md( not? 0l for you Nwkl
are you Nwtn0 understanding Nylktsm & not? 0lw are you Nwtn0
to you Nwkl is ty0 hard 0y$q the heart 0bl still lykd(
you are Nwtn0 seeing Nyzx & not? 0lw with you Nwkl are ty0 & eyes 0ny(w
you are Nwtn0 hearing Ny(m$ & not? 0lw with you Nwkl are ty0 & ears 0nd0w

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

you are Nwtn0 remembering Nydh( & not? 0lw

I broke tycq loaves Nymxl five 0$mx those Nylh when dk
how many? 0mk thousand Nypl0 for the five 0$mxl
they were full Nylm after dk of fragments 0ycqd baskets Nynypwq
twelve rs(rt to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0 did you take up Nwtlq$
to the four 0(br0l the seven 0(b$ & when dkw to them Nwhl He said rm0
of fragments 0ycqd baskets Nydyrps0 how many? 0mk thousand Nypl0
did you take up Nwtlq$ they were full Nylm when dk
seven 0(b$ they were saying Nyrm0
not 0l How is it? wky0 to them Nwhl He said rm0
you are Nwtn0 understanding Nylktsm this hour 0$hl until 0md(
to Him hl & they brought wyty0w to Bayth Tsayda 0dyctybl & He came 0t0w
from Him hnm they were wwh & begging Ny(bw a blind man 0yms
him hl that He would touch bwrqnd
& took him hqp0w of the blind man 0ymsd the hand hdy0b & He grasped dx0w
in his eyes yhwny(b & He spat qrw the town 0tyrq of Nm outside rbl
he saw 0zx what 0nmd & He asked him hl0$w His hand hdy0 & laid on Msw
of men 0$n0 children ynb I 0n0 see 0zx & he said rm0w He gazed rx
that are walking Nyklhmd trees 0nly0 like Ky0
his eyes yhwny( on l( His hand hdy0 He laid Ms again bwt
clearly ty0ryhn thing Mdm every lk he 0wh & saw 0zxw & he was healed Nqtw
neither 0l P0 & He said rm0w to his house htybl & He sent him hrd$w
will you tell rm0t nor 0lw will you enter lw(t to the town 0tyrql
in the town 0tyrqb a person $n0l
to the villages 0yrwql & His disciples yhwdymltw Yeshua (w$y & went out qpnw
He was 0wh & asking l0$mw of Qasria DPhillipus swpylypd0yrsqd
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w in the road 0xrw0b His disciples yhwdymltl
Who I am yty0d the people 0$n0 about Me yl( are saying Nyrm0 what is it? wnm
the Baptizer 0ndm(m that Yokhanan Nnxwyd they said wrm0 but Nyd some Nwnh
& others 0nrx0w that Elia 0yl0d & others 0nrx0w
the prophets 0ybn of Nm one dx
what is it? wnm but Nyd you Nwtn0 Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl & said rm0
answered 0n( Who I am yty0d about Me yl( you Nwtn0 are saying Nyrm0
are wh You tn0 to Him hl & he said rm0w Shimeon Nw(m$
The Living One 0yx of God 0hl0d the Son hrb The Messiah 0xy$m
that to a person $n0ld them Nwhb & He admonished 00kw
about Him yhwl( they should speak Nwrm0n not 0l
that was prepared dyt(d them Nwn0 to teach wplml He 0wh & began yr$w
many things ygs that He would suffer $xnd of Man 0$n0d the Son hrb He wh
chief ybr & from Nmw the elders 0$y$q from Nm & that He would be rejected 0ltsndw
& He would be killed l+qtnw the scribes 0rps & from Nmw the priests 0nhk
He would rise Mwqn days Nymwy & in three 0tltlw
He was 0wh speaking llmm the word 0tlm in the open 0lgb & an eye Ny(w
Him hb to rebuke 00kml & he began yr$w Keepha 0p0k & took Him aside hrbdw

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

0lgb Ny( Ayn bgla eye in the open is an Aramaic idiom meaning publicly, openly, clearly.
at His disciples yhwdymltb & gazed rxw turned ynpt0 but Nyd He wh
go lz & said rm0w Shimeon Nw(m$b & rebuked 00kw
for not 0ld Satan 0n+s behind Me yrtsbl you Kl
of men 0$n0 of the children ynbd but 0l0 of God 0hl0d you tn0 reason 0nr
His disciples yhwdymlt with M( the crowds 0$nkl Yeshua (w$y & He called 0rqw
is willing 0bcd whoever Nm to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
himself h$pnb let him renounce rwpkn after Me yrtb that he shall come 0t0nd
after Me yrtb & let him come 0t0nw his cross hpyqz & let him take up lwq$nw
that he should save 0xnd for ryg is willing 0bcd whoever Nm everyone lk
his life h$pn who will lose dbwnd & everyone lkw will lose it hydbwn his soul h$pn
he will save it hyxn My gospel ytrbs & for l+mw for Me ytl+m
if N0 a son of man 0$nrb is benefited rd(tn for ryg How? 0nm
he should gain rt0n the whole hlk the world 0ml(
he should lose rsxn & his soul h$pnw
shall give ltn what? 0nm or w0
for his soul h$pnd exchange 0pwlxt a son of man 0$nrb
of Me yb who shall be ashamed thbnd for ryg everyone lk
this 0dh in generation 0tbr$b & of my words ylmbw
The Son hrb also P0w & adultery commiting 0trygw sinning 0ty+x
of him hb shall be ashamed thbn of Man 0$n0d
of His Father yhwb0d in the glory 0xbw$b He comes 0t0d whenever 0m
holy 0$ydq His angels yhwk0lm with M(
The Gospel According To Mark
Chapter 9
I 0n0 say rm0 amen Nym0 to them Nwhl He 0wh & said rm0w
who are standing Nymyqd men 0$n0 that there are ty0d to you Nwkl
until 0md( death 0twm shall taste Nwm(+n who not 0ld here Nnt
of God 0hl0d the kingdom htwklm they will behold Nwzxnd
with powerful works 0lyxb that is coming tt0d
Yeshua (w$y led rbd days Nymwy six 0t$ & after rtbw
& took up qs0w & Yokhanan Nnxwylw & Yaqob bwq(ylw Keepha 0p0kl
by themselves Nwhydwxlb high 0mr to a mountain 0rw+l them Nwn0
to their eyes Nwhyn(l & He was transfigured Plxt0w
& became white rwxmw His garment h$wbl was 0wh & shining rhzmw
of men 0$n0 the sons ynbd in a manner 0nky0 snow 0glt like Ky0 very b+
are not able Nyxk$m not 0l in the earth 0(r0b to whiten wrwxml
& Moshe 0$wmw Elia 0yl0 to them Nwhl & appeared wyzxt0w
Yeshua (w$y with M( they were speaking Nyllmm while dk
beautiful ryp$ Rabbi ybr Keepha 0p0k to him hl & said rm0w
we should be 0whn that here 0krhd to us Nl it is wh
one 0dx for You Kl tabernacles Nyl+m three tlt & let us make db(nw
one 0dx & for Elia 0yl0lw one 0dx & for Moshe 0$wmlw
what 0nm he 0wh knew (dy but Nyd not 0l

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

in awe 0tlxdb for ryg were wwh they Nwhyty0 he said rm0
about them Nwhyl( it was twh & a shelter 0l+mw a cloud 0nn( & there was twhw
My Son yrb This is wnh that said rm0d the cloud 0nn( from Nm & a voice 0lqw
hear w(m$ Him hl The Beloved 0bybx
the disciples 0dymlt gazed up wrx afterward dk the stillness 0yl$ & from Nmw
Yeshua (w$yl except 0l0 they saw wzx not 0l a man $n0l
with them Nwhm( alone yhwdwxlb
commanded dqpm the mountain 0rw+ from Nm they descended Nytxn & when dkw
anything Mdm they shall tell Nwrm0n not 0l that a man $n0ld to them Nwhl He 0wh
the Son hrb rises Mqd when 0m only N0 but 0l0 that they saw wzxd
the dead 0tym from Nm of Man 0$n0d
& inquiring Ny(bw in themselves Nwh$pnb the statement 0tlml & they seized hwdx0w
that when 0md statement 0tlm this 0dh is yh what? 0nmd they were wwh
the dead 0tym among tyb from Nm He rises Mqd
& they were saying Nyrm0w Him hl they were wwh & asking Nyl0$mw
the Scribes 0rps are saying Nyrm0 therefore lykh why? 0nm
first Mdqwl come 0t0nd must 0lw that Elia 0yl0d
first Mdqwl comes 0t0 Elia 0yl0 to them Nwhl He said rm0
& just as 0nky0w he may restore Nqtn that all things Mdmlkd
much ygsd of Man 0$n0d the Son hrb about l( it is written bytk
& he will be rejected 0ltsnw he will suffer $xn
that also P0d to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 but 0l0
to him hb & they did wdb(w has come 0t0 Elia 0yl0
Just as 0nky0 they wanted wbcd whatever 0m everything lk
about him yhwl( it is written bytkd
the disciples 0dymlt to twl He came 0t0 & when dkw
great 00ygs the crowds 0$nk among them Nwhtwl He saw 0zx
with them Nwhm( debating Ny$rd when dk & the Scribes 0rpsw
the crowds 0$nk all hlk a moment ht($ & son of rbw
& they ran w+hrw & they were astounded whwtw saw Him yhw0zx
peace hml$b they invoked wl0$
the scribes 0rpsl He was 0wh & asking l0$mw
with them Nwhm( are you Nwtn0 debating Ny$rd what? 0nm
& said rm0w the crowds 0$nk from Nm one dx answered 0n(w
who is ty0d unto You Ktwl my son yrb I brought tyty0 Teacher 0nplm
is speaking 0llmm that not 0ld a spirit 0xwr to him hl
him hl it throws 0+bx him hl it comes upon 0krdmd & whenever 0ky0w
& he wastes away $byw his teeth yhwn$ & he gnashes qrxmw & beats him t(rmw
that they might cast it out yhynwqpnd to Your disciples Kydymltl & I spoke trm0w
they were able wxk$0 & not 0lw
Oh! Nw0 to him hl & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
until 0md( faith 0nmyhm without 0ld generation 0tbr$
with you Nwktwl shall I be 0wh0 when? ytm0l
to Me ytwl bring him yhw0ty0 shall I endure you Nwkrbys0 when? ytm0l & until 0md(w
saw Him htzx & when dkw to Him htwl & they brought him yhwyty0w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& he fell lpnw he threw him ht+bx a moment ht($ son of rb the spirit 0xwr
he 0wh & was convulsed q(btmw the ground 0(r0 on l(
& he foamed t(rmw
how long? 0mkd his father yhwb0l Yeshua (w$y askedl0$w
it is wh that thus 0nkhd from Nm now 0h a time 0nbz to him hl
his childhood htwyl+ from Nm now 0h to Him hl he said rm0
into fire 0rwnb it has thrown him htymr0 many N0ygs & times Nynbzw
but 0l0 that it may destroy him yhwydbwtd & into water 0ymbw
help me ynyrd( you tn0 can do xk$md anything Mdm
on me yl( & have mercy Mxrt0w
you are tn0 able xk$m if N0 Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
can xk$m thing Mdm every lk that you shall believe Nmyhtd
who believes Nmyhmd to the one Nml happen 0whnd
of the boy 0yl+d his father yhwb0 cried out 0(q a moment ht($ & son of rbw
I 0n0 believe Nmyhm & said rm0w he wept 0kb while dk
of my faith ytwnmyh the lack twrysxl help rd( my lord yrm
the people 0m( that ran +hrd Yeshua (w$y but Nyd saw 0zx when dk
that yhb He rebuked 00k near Him htwl & gathered $nktmw
spirit 0xwr to it hl & He said rm0w unclean 0tpn+ spirit 0xwr
I 0n0 does speak 0llmm that not 0ld deaf 0t$rx
from him hnm go out yqwp you ykl am 0n0 commanding dqp
him hl you shall enter Nyl(t not 0l & again bwtw
& pounded him hqx$w greatly ygs that wh demon 0d0$ & screamed 0(qw
so Ky0 a dead person 0tym like Ky0 & he was 0whw & went out qpnw
he hl that was dead tymd were saying Nwrm0n many 00ygsd
take him hdx0 Yeshua (w$y but Nyd did wh
& raised him up hmyq0w by his hand hdy0b
Yeshua (w$y the house 0tybl but Nyd entered l( when dk
among themselves Nwhydwxlb His disciples yhwdymlt they asked Him yhwl0$
to cast it out htwqpml we were able Nxk$0 not 0l we Nnx Why? 0nml
in anything Mdmb sort 0sng this 0nh to them Nwhl He said rm0
except 0l0 come out qpml can xk$m not 0l
& by prayer 0twlcbw by a fast 0mwcb
passing through Nyrb( there Nmt from Nm He went out qpn & when dkw
wanted 0bc & not 0lw Galila 0lylgb they were wwh
Him hb would recognize (dn that a man $n0d He 0wh
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w His disciples yhwdymltl for ryg He was 0wh teaching Plm
into the hands ydy0b will be delivered Mlt$m of Man 0$n0d The Son hrbd
& when 0mw & they will kill Him yhynwl+qnw of men 0$n0
He shall rise Mwqn three 0tltd on day 0mwyb He has been killed l+qt0d
that hl were wwh understanding Ny(dy not 0l but Nyd those Nwnh
that they should ask Him yhynwl0$nd they were wwh & afraid Nylxdw saying 0tlml
they entered wl( & when dkw to Kapernakhum Mwxnrpkl & they came wt0w
What? 0nmd them Nwhl He 0wh asked l0$m to the house 0tybl
among yourselves Nwktnyb in the road 0xrw0b were you Nwtywh reasoning Nyb$xtm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

arguing wyrxt0 they were wwh silent Nyqyt$ but Nyd they Nwnh
one dx on the road 0xrw0b for ryg they had been wwh
among them Nwhb greatest br who is? wnmd another dx with M(
& said rm0w the twelve rs(rtl & He called 0rqw Yeshua (w$y & sat down btyw
last 0yrx0 shall be 0whn first 0ymdq to be 0whnd wants 0bcd He who Nm to them Nwhl
person $n0 of every lkd & a servant 0n$m$mw person $n0 of every lkd
in the midst 0t(cmb & stood him hmyq0w a certain dx a boy 0yl+ & He took bsnw
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w His shoulders yhw(rd on l( & took him hlq$w
such as Ky0 shall receive lbqnd whoever Nm everyone lk
receiving lbqm he is wh Me yl in My Name ym$b boy 0yl+ this 0nh
Me yl has 0wh not 0l receives lbqm Me yld & whoever Nmw
Who has sent Me ynrd$d Him Nml if not 0l0 received lbqm
Rabbi ybr Yokhanan Nnxwy to him hl said rm0
demons 0d0$ who was casting out qpmd a man $n0 we saw Nyzx
on the account l( & we forbade him yhynylkw in your name Km$b
with us Nl he went out Pqn that not 0ld
there is not tyl forbid him yhynwlkt do not 0l Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
in My Name ym$b a powerful work 0lyx who does db(d a man $n0 for ryg
badly $ybd about Me yl( speak rm0 soon lg( & can xk$mw
is wh for you Nwkyplx against you Nwklbqwl therefore lykh is 0wh not 0ld whoever Nm
of water 0ymd a cup 0sk who will give you to drink Nwkyq$nd but Nyd everyone lk
you are Nwtn0 that one who belongs to The Messiah 0xy$mdd in the name 0m$b only dwxlb
his reward hrg0 he shall lose dbwn that not 0ld to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 amen Nym0
little ones 0rw(z these Nylh from Nm one dxl shall stumble l$knd who Nm & everyone lkw
it were 0wh better xqp in Me yb who are believing Nynmyhmd
of a donkey 0rmxd a millstone 0yxr were twh set 0ymr if wl0 for him hl
in the sea 0myb & he were cast 0d$w around his neck hrwcb
better xqp cut it off hyqwsp your hand Kdy0 you Kl stumbles 0l$km but Nyd if N0
when dk than w0 The Life 0yxl that you enter lw(td maimed 0gy$p for you Kl it is wh
to Gehenna 0nhgl that you go lz0t hands Nydy0 two Nytrt to you Kl there are ty0
dies 0tym not 0l their worm Nwh(lwtd where 0ky0
is quenched 0k(d not 0l & their fire Nwhrwnw
better xqp cut it off hyqwsp you Kl stumbles 0l$km your foot Klgr & if N0w
when dk than w0 crippled 0sygx The Life 0yxl that you enter lw(td for you Kl it is wh
into Gehenna 0nhgb that you fall lpt feet Nylgr two Nytrt to you Kl there are ty0
dies 0tym not 0l their worm Nwh(lwtd where 0ky0
is quenched 0k(d not 0l & their fire Nwhrwnw
pluck it out hycx you Kl stumbles 0l$km your eye Kny( & if N0w
of your eyes Kny( that with one 0dxbd for you Kl it is wh better xqp
there are ty0 when dk than w0 of God 0hl0d the kingdom htwklml you enter lw(t
of fire 0rwnd in the Gehenna 0nhgb you fall lpt eyes Nyny( two Nytrt to you Kl
dies 0tym not 0l their worm Nwh(lwtd where 0ky0
is quenched 0k(d not 0l & their fire Nwhrwnw
will be seasoned xlmtn with fire 0rwnb for ryg everything lk

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

will be seasoned xlmtt with salt 0xlmb sacrifice 0txbd & every lkw
becomes tasteless hkpt salt 0xlm but Nyd if N0 salt 0xlm is yh excellent 0ryp$
in you Nwkb there shall be 0wht shall it be seasoned xlmtt with what? 0nmb
another dx with M( one dx be wwh & at peace 0ny$bw salt 0xlm
The Gospel According To Mark
Chapter 10
to the borders 0mwxtl & came 0t0w there Nmt from Nm & He arose Mqw
of The Jordan Nndrwyd to the crossing 0rb(l of Judea dwhyd
crowds 0$nk to join him htwl there Nmtl & they went wlz0w
them Nwhl He 0wh & taught Plmw great 00ygs
He had been 0wh accustomed d(md as Ky0 again bwt
Him hl tempting Nysnm the Pharisees 0$yrp & they approached wbrqw
it is lawful +yl$ if N0d & asking Nyl0$mw
his wife httn0 that he may divorce qwb$nd for a man 0rbgl
Moshe 0$wm has commanded you Nwkdqp what? 0nm to them Nwhl He said rm0
Moshe 0$wm were saying Nyrm0 but Nyd they Nwnh
that we may write bwtknd us Nl allowed sp0
& we may divorce 0r$nw of divorce 0nqbw$d a letter 0btk
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
he wrote btk of your heart Nwkbl the callousness twy$q confronting lbqwl
this 0nh commandment 0ndqwp you Nwkl
male 0rkd but Nyd the beginning ty$rb from Nm
God 0hl0 them Nwn0 made db( & female 0tbqnw
a man 0rbg shall leave qwb$n this 0nh because of l+m
his wife httn0l & shall cleave to Pqnw & his mother hm0lw his father yhwb0l
after that lykm flesh rsb one dx those two Nwhyrt & they shall be Nwwhnw
flesh rsb one dx but 0l0 two Nyrt they are wwh not 0l
therefore lykh that God 0hl0d the things Mdm
shall separate $rpn not 0l a son of man 0$nrb unites gwz
again bwt & they asked him yhwl0$w
this 0dh about l( in the house 0tybb His disciples yhwdymlt
divorces 0r$nd who Nm everyone lk to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
commits adultery r0g another 0trx0 & takes bsnw his wife httn0
her husband hl(b divorces 0r$t a woman 0ttn0 & if N0w
she commits adultery 0ryg to another man 0nrx0l & shall belong 0whtw
children 0yl+ to Him hl they were wwh & bringing Nybrqmw
His disciples yhwdymlt them Nwhl that He might touch bwrqnd
them Nylhb were wwh rebuking Ny0k but Nyd
them Nwhl who brought Nybrqmd
to Him hl & it was evil $0bt0w saw 0zx but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
come Nyt0 the children 0yl+ let wqwb$ to them Nwhl & He said rm0w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

them Nwn0 forbid Nwlkt & do not 0lw to Me ytwl

are Nwn0 these Nylh like Ky0d for ryg because belonging to those Nyly0dd
of God 0hl0d the kingdom 0twklm is hyty0
who not 0ld that everyone lkd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 amen Nym0
like Ky0 of God 0hl0d the kingdom 0twklm will receive lbqn
it hl will enter lw(n not 0l a child 0yl+
& He laid Msw His arms yhw(rd in l( them Nwn0 & He took up lq$w
them Nwn0 & He blessed Krbw upon them Nwhyl( His hand hdy0
one dx running +hr on the road 0xrw0b He traveled 0dr & when dkw
Him hl he 0wh & asked l0$mw his knees yhwkrwb on l( fell lpn
shall I do db(0 what? 0nm good 0b+ Teacher 0nplm & he said rm0w
eternal Ml(ld life 0yx that I may inherit rt0d
called 0rq why? 0nm Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
a good one 0b+ there is not tyl good 0b+ Meyl you tn0
God 0hl0 the one dx only N0 except 0l0
you shall commit adultery rwgt not 0l you tn0 know (dy the commandments 0ndqwp
you shall kill lw+qt not 0l you shall steal bwngt not 0l
false 0tlgd testimony 0twdhs you shall testify dhst & not 0lw
& your mother Km0lw your father Kwb0l honor rqy you shall cheat Mwl+t not 0l
Teacher 0nplm to Him hl & he said rm0w he answered 0n( but Nyd he wh
my childhood ytwyl+ from Nm these Nyn0 I have kept tr+n all of them Nyhlk these Nylh
& He said rm0w & He loved him hbx0w at him hb gazed rx but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
every lk sell Nbz go lz to you Kl is missing 0rysx one thing 0dx to him hl
to the poor 0nksml & give bhw to you Kl that is ty0d thing Mdm
in Heaven 0ym$b treasure 0tmys for you Kl & there shall be 0whtw
after Me yrtb & come 0tw the cross 0bylc & take bsw
this 0dh at saying 0tlmb was saddened rmkt0 but Nyd he wh
there ty0 in himself hl grieving 0qyy( while dk & he went on lz0w
much 00ygs wealth 0skn for ryg to him hl was 0wh
upon His disciples yhwdymltb Yeshua (w$y but Nyd gazed rx
for those Nyly0l it is hard 0l+( How! 0mk to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
wealth 0skn to them Nwhl who have ty0d
of God 0hl0d the kingdom 0twklml to enter Nwl(nd
were wwh astonished Nyrmdtm but Nyd the disciples 0dymlt
Yeshua (w$y again bwt & answered 0n(w His words yhwlm at l(
hard it is 0l+( How! 0mk sons ynb to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
their wealth Nwhyskn upon l( who rely Nylyktd for those Nyly0l
of God 0hl0d the kingdom htwklml that they should enter Nwl(nd
for a camel 0lmgl it wh easier qy$p
than w0 of a needle 0+xmd into the eye 0rwrxb that it may enter lw(nd
to enter l(ml of God 0hl0d to the kingdom htwklml a rich man 0ryt(
astonished Nyrmdtm the more ty0ryty but Nyd they Nwnh
among themselves Nwhynyb & they were saying Nyrm0w they were wwh
to be saved 0xml is able xk$m who is? wnm
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y on them Nwhb but Nyd gazed rx

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

not 0l this 0dh the sons of men 0$n0 ynb unto twl
God 0hl0 with twl except 0l0 is possible 0xk$m
God 0hl0 with twl is possible 0xk$m for ryg thing Mdm every lk
we Nnx behold 0h to say rm0ml Keepha 0p0k began yr$w
& cleaved to You Knpqnw thing Mdm every lk we have left Nqb$
I 0n0 say rm0 amen Nym0 & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
who has left qb$d a man $n0 there is not tyld to you Nwkl
father 0b0 or w0 sisters 0twx0 or w0 brothers 0x0 or w0 houses 0tb
children 0ynb or w0 wife 0ttn0 or w0 mother 0m0 or w0
My Gospel ytrbs & for the sake of l+mw for My sake ytl+m town 0yrwq or w0
by a hundred 00mb each dx shall receive lbqn & not 0lw
& brothers 0x0w houses 0tb this 0nh in time 0nbzb now 0$h
& towns 0yrwqw & children 0ynbw & mothers 0thm0w & sisters 0twx0w
& in the world 0ml(bw persecutions 0ypwdr with M(
eternal Ml(ld life 0yx that is coming 0t0d
are first 0ymdq but Nyd many 00ygs
first 0ymdq & last 0yrx0w last 0yrx0 who shall be Nwwhnd
on the road 0xrw0b but Nyd they were wwh going up Nyqls when dk
them Nwhl was 0wh in front of Mydq Yeshua (w$y he wh to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l
they were wwh & going Nylz0w they were wwh & they were amazed Nyhmttmw
His twelve htrs(rtl & He took rbdw they were in awe Nylyxd while dk after Him hrtb
the things Mdm them Nwhl to tell rm0nd & He began yr$w
to Him hl to happen 0whnd that were going dyt(d
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l we are Nnx going up Nyqls behold 0hd
to the chief ybrl will be delivered Mlt$m of Man 0$n0d & The Son hrbw
& they will condemn Him yhynwbyxnw & to the scribes 0rpslw priests 0nhk
to the Gentiles 0mm(l & they will deliver Him yhynwml$nw to death 0twml
& will scourge Him yhynwdgnnw Him hb & they will mock Nwxzbnw
& they will kill Him yhynwl+qnw in His face yhwp0b & they will spit Nwqrnw
He will rise Mwqn third 0tltd & the day 0mwylw
sons of Zebedi ydbz ynb & Yokhanan Nnxwyw Yaqob bwq(y near Him htwl & approached wbrqw
we Nnx desire Nybc Teacher 0nplm to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w
for us Nl You would do db(t that we will ask l0$nd that everything lkd
desire Nybc what? 0nm to them Nwhl He said rm0
for you Nwkl that I should do db(0 do you Nwtn0
shall sit btn that one dxd to us Nl give bh to him hl they were saying Nyrm0
in Your glory Kxbw$b Your left Klms at Nm & one dxw Your right Knymy at Nm
you do Nwtn0 know Ny(dy not 0l to them Nwhl said rm0 but Nyd he wh
are you? Nwtn0 able Nyxk$m you are Nwtn0 asking Nyl0$ what 0nm
that I 0n0d the cup 0sk that you should drink Nwt$td
& the baptism 0tydwm(mw am 0n0 drinking 0t$
to be baptized? Nwdm(t am 0n0 baptized dm( in which I 0n0d
to them Nwhl He said rm0 we are able Nnyxk$m to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0
you will drink Nwt$t I 0n0 that drink 0t$d the cup 0sk Yeshua (w$y
in which baptized dm(d & the baptism 0tydwm(mw
you will be baptized Nwdm(t I am 0n0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

not 0l My left ylms & at Nmw My right ynymy at Nm but Nyd that you should sit Nwbttd
who are prepared 0by+md to those Nyly0l except 0l0 to give ltml Mine ylyd was twh
they began wyr$ the ten 0rs( they heard w(m$ & when dkw
&Yokhanan Nnxwyw Yaqob bwq(y about l( complaining greatly Nyn+r
aware Ny(dy to them Nwhl & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y them Nwn0 & called 0rqw
rulers 0$r who are considered Nyrbtsmd that those Nyly0d you are Nwtn0
& their great ones Nwhynbrwrw are Nwn0 their lords Nwhyrm of the Gentiles 0mm(d
over them Nwhyl( have authority Ny+yl$
but 0l0 among you Nwktnyb it will be 0whn so 0nkh but Nyd not 0l
great 0br to be 0whnd among you Nwkb wants 0bcd whoever Nm
a servant 0n$m$m to you Nwkl will be 0whn
first 0ymdq to be 0whnd who wants 0bcd among you Nwknm & he 0ny0w
of everyone $nlkd a servant 0db( will be 0whn
not 0l of Man 0$n0d for ryg The Son hrb even P0
that He would be served $mt$nd came 0t0
& that He may give ltndw that He may serve $m$nd but 0l0
the many 00ygs in the place of Plx a ransom 0nqrwp His soul h$pn
from Nm Yeshua (w$y went out qpn & when dkw to Jerikho wxyry0l & they came wt0w
the many 00ygs & the crowds 0$nkw & His disciples yhwdymltw He wh Jerikho wxyry0
sitting bty a blind man 0yms son of Timai ymy+rb Timai ymy+
& begging rdxw of the road 0xrw0 the side dy on l( was 0wh
The Nazarene 0yrcn it was wh that Yeshua (w$yd & he heard (m$w
& to say rm0mlw to cry out 0(qml & he began yr$w
on me yl( have mercy Mxrt0 of David dywdd Son hrb
that he would be quiet qwt$nd many 00ygs him hb they were wwh & rebuking Ny0kw
& He said rm0w was 0wh crying out 0(q more ty0ryty but Nyd he wh
on me yl( have mercy Mxrt0 of David dywdd Son hrb
that they call him yhynwrqnd & commanded dqpw Yeshua (w$y & stood Mqw
to him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w the blind man 0ymsl & they called him yhw0rqw
you Kl He is calling 0rq arise Mwq take heart bblt0
his garment h$bl threw off 0d$ blind man 0yms but Nyd that wh
Yeshua (w$y to twl coming 0t0 & arose Mqw
do you tn0 want 0bc what? 0nm Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
blind man 0yms but Nyd that wh for you Kl I should do db(0
that I may see 0zx0d Rabbi ybr to Him hl said rm0
has saved you Ktyx0 your faith Ktwnmyh See yzx to him hl said rm0 & Yeshua (w$yw
on the road 0xrw0b he was 0wh & leaving lz0w to him hl it appeared yzxt0 & at once 0dxmw
The Gospel According To Mark
Chapter 11
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l He approached brq & when dkw
& Byth Ania 0yn(tybw of Byth Phage 0gptyb the side bng on l(
He sent rd$ of Olives 0tyzd The Mount 0rw+ to twl
His disciples yhwdymlt of Nm two Nyrt

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to village 0tyrql go wlz to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
a moment ht($ & son of rbw opposite us Nlbwqld that yh
will find Nyxk$m it hl you are Nwtn0 that entering Nyl0(d
that a man $n0d that is tied rys0d a colt 0ly( you Nwtn0
has ridden hbkr not 0l the children of men 0$nynb from Nm
bring him yhw0ty0 loose him wr$
doing Nydb( why? 0nm to you Nwkl shall say rm0n a man $n0 & if N0w
to him hl say wrm0 this 0dh are you Nwtn0
& at once 0dxmw he is required 0(btm that for our Lord Nrmld
here 0kl him hl he will send rd$m
the colt 0ly( they found wxk$0 & they went wlz0w
outside rbl the gate 0(rt on l( that was tied rys0d
him hl they untied Nyr$ & as dkw in the street 0qw$b
those Nyly0 among Nm people Ny$n0
what? 0nm to them Nwhl they said wrm0 who were standing Nymyqd
the colt 0ly( you are Nwtn0 that untying Nyr$d are you Nwtn0 doing Nydb(
according to Ky0 to them Nwhl they said wrm0 but Nyd they Nwnh
them Nwn0 & they allowed wqb$w Yeshua (w$y them Nwn0 what commanded dqpd
Yeshua (w$y to twl the colt 0ly(l & they brought it yhwyty0w
their garments Nwhyn0m upon it yhwl( & they threw wymr0w
Yeshua (w$y upon him yhwl( & rode bkrw
their coats Nwhytxn were wwh spreading Nyw$m but Nyd many 00ygs
branches 0kws were wwh cutting Nyqsp & others 0nrx0w in the road 0xrw0b
in the road 0xrw0b & were spreading them Nyw$mw trees 0nly0 from Nm
behind him hrtbd & those Nwnhw who were before Him yhwmdqd & those Nwnhw
Oshanna! 0n($w0 & they were saying Nyrm0w were wwh cheering Ny(q
of The LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd in His name hm$b Who comes 0t0d is He wh blessed Kyrb
that comes 0yt0d the kingdom 0twklm is yh blessed 0kyrbw
in the highest 0mwrmb Oshanna! 0n($w0 David dywd of our father Nwb0d
to the temple 0lkyhl to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l Yeshua (w$y & entered l(w
the time 0nd( but Nyd it was 0wh when dk everything Mdmlk & He saw 0zxw
the twelve rs(rt with M( to Byth Ania 0yn( tybl He went out qpn of evening 0$mrd
when dk the next 0nrx0 & on day 0mwylw
He was hungry Npk Byth Ania 0yn(tyb from Nm He went out qpn
on it hb that is ty0d a distance 0qxwr from Nm one 0dx fig tree 0tt & He saw 0zxw
He may find xk$n that perhaps N0d to it htwl & He came 0t0w leaves 0pr+
on it hb He found xk$0 not 0l He came 0t0 & when dkw something Mdm on it hb
the season 0nbz leaves 0pr+ only N0 except 0l0
of figs 0n0td it 0wh was 0wh not 0l for ryg
& forever Ml(lw from now lykm to it hl & He said rm0w
will eat lwk0n not 0l fruit 0r0p from you yknm a man $n0
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l & they came wt0w His disciples yhwdymlt & they heard w(m$w
of God 0hl0d to the temple 0lkyhl Yeshua (w$y & entered l(w
who bought Nynbzd those Nyly0l that He should cast out qpnd & He began yr$w
the tables 0rwtp & overturned Kphw in the temple 0lkyhb & sold Nynbzmw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& the seats 0twsrwkw of the money exchangers 0npr(md

doves 0nwy who were selling Nynbzmd of those Nwnhd
should carry rb(n that a man $n0d He 0wh allowed qb$ & not 0lw
the temple 0lkyh inside wgb merchandise 0n0m
is it written bytk not? 0l to them Nwhl & He said rm0w He 0wh & taught Plmw
it shall be called 0rqtn of prayer 0twlc a house tyb that My house ytybd
but Nyd you Nwtn0 the nations 0mm( for all of them Nwhlkl
of robbers 0y+sld a den 0tr(m you have made it yhynwtdb(
& the scribes 0rpsw of the priests 0nhk the chiefs ybr & they heard w(m$w
they might destroy Him yhynwdbwn how 0nky0d they were wwh & seeking Ny(bw
because l+m of Him hnm for ryg they were wwh afraid Nylxd
at His teaching hnplwyb were wwh awestruck Nyhymt the people 0m( all hlkd
evening 0$mr it was 0wh & when dkw
the city 0tnydm from Nm outside rbl they went out wqpn
fig tree 0tt they saw wzx passing by Nyrb( when dk & in the morning 0rpcbw
its roots hrq( from Nm it had dried up 0$yby after dk that yh
to Him hl & said rm0w Shimeon Nw(m$ & remembered rkdt0w
that yh fig tree 0tt behold 0h Rabbi ybr
has dried up t$by that You cursed t+ld
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y & answered 0n(w
of God 0hl0d the faith 0twnmyh in you Nwkb let there be 0wht
that whoever Nmd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 for ryg amen Nym0
that you be lifted up lqt$0d this 0nh to mountain 0rw+l shall say rm0nd
will doubt glptn & not 0lw into the sea 0myb & fall lpw
He 0whd shall believe Nmyhn but 0l0 in his heart hblb
shall be done 0whn that he says rm0d thing Mdm that wh
that he says rm0d anything Mdm to him hl
to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 this 0nh because of l+m
you are Nwtn0 that praying Nylcmd thing Mdm that every lkd
Believe wnmyh you are Nwtn0 & asking Nyl0$w
to you Nwkl & it shall be 0whnw you are Nwtn0 that receiving Nybsnd
forgive wqwb$ to pray wylcml you Nwtn0 stand Nymyqd & whenever 0mw
a man $n0 against l( to you Nwkl that is ty0d the thing Mdm
Who is in Heaven 0ym$bd your Father Nwkwb0 so that also P0d
your faults Nwktwlks to you Nwkl may forgive qwb$n
neither 0lp0 are Nwtn0 forgiving Nyqb$ not 0l you Nwtn0 but Nyd if N0
to you Nwkl will forgive qwb$n Who is in Heaven 0ym$bd your Father Nwkwb0
your faults Nwktwlks
& when dkw to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l again bwt & they came wt0w
they came wt0 in the temple 0lkyhb He 0wh was walking Klhm
& the Scribes 0rpsw of the priests 0nhk the chiefs ybr to Him htwl
& the Elders 0$y$qw
authority 0n+lw$ by which? 0ny0b to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w
to You Kl gave bhy & who? wNmw are you tn0 doing db( these things Nylh
you would do db(t that these things Nylhd this 0nh authority 0n+lw$

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

I will ask you Nwkl0$0 to them Nwhl said rm0 Yeshua (w$y but Nyd He wh
that you shall tell Nwrm0td one 0dx matter 0tlm I 0n0 also P0
by which 0ny0b to you Nwkl will 0n0 tell rm0 & I 0n0w Meyl
I am 0n0 doing db( these things Nylh authority 0n+lw$
where? 0kmy0 from Nm of Yokhanan Nnxwyd the baptism htydwm(m
the sons ynb from Nm or w0 Heaven 0ym$ from Nm is it yh
Me yl Tell wrm0 of men 0$n0
that if N0d & they said wrm0w in themselves Nwh$pnb & they reasoned wb$xt0w
He will say rm0 Heaven 0ym$ that from Nmd to Him hl we say rm0n
did you believe him yhynwtnmyh not 0l & Why? 0nmlw to us Nl
the sons of men 0$n0 ynb from Nm & that we shoud say rm0ndw
all of them Nwhlk the people 0m( of Nm there is yh fear 0tlxd
Yokhanan Nnxwyl him hl were wwh holding Nydyx0 for ryg
he is wh a prophet 0ybn that truly ty0ryr$d
to Yeshua (w$yl to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w & they answered wn(w
I 0n0 not 0l also P0 to them Nwhl He said rm0 we know Nny(dy not 0l
authority 0n+lw$ in which? 0ny0b to you Nwkl am I 0n0 telling rm0
I 0n0 do db( these things Nylh
The Gospel According To Mark
Chapter 12
in a parable 0ltmb with them Nwhm( to speak llmnd & He began yr$w
a vineyard 0mrk planted bcn certain dx a man 0rbg
in it hb & dug rpxw with a hedge 0gys & he enclosed it hrdx0w
in it hb & built 0nbw a wine press 0trc(m
to laborers 0xlpl & gave its care hdxw0w a tower 0ldgm
& he went abroad qzxw
his servant hdb( the workers 0xlp to twl & he sent rd$w
the fruits 0r0p that from Nmd in time 0nbzb
he might receive bsn of the vineyard 0mrkd
beat him yhw0xm but Nyd they Nwnh
empty qyps while dk & they sent him away yhwrd$w
servant 0db( to them Nwhtwl again bwt & he sent rd$w
threw rocks at him yhwmgr him whl & also P0w another 0nrx0
in shame 0r(cb & he sent him away yhwrd$w & cut him yhwplcw
also P0 another 0nrx0 again bwt & he sent rd$w
servants 0db( & many 00ygslw they murdered yhwl+q him whl
they beat wxm & some of them Nwhnmw he sent rd$ other 0nrx0
they murdered wl+q but Nyd some of them Nwhnm
beloved 0bybx a son 0rb one dx but Nyd finally 0trx
unto them Nwhtwl & he sent him hrd$w to him hl was 0wh that ty0
doubtless rbk for ryg he said rm0 afterward tyrx0
my son yrb before Nm they will be ashamed Nwthbn
in themselves Nwh$pnb they said wrm0 laborers 0xlp but Nyd those Nwnh
we will kill him yhwyl+qn Come wt the heir 0try this is wnh
the inheritance 0twtry ours Nlyd & will be 0whtw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& murdered him yhwl+q & they took wbsnw
the vineyard 0mrk of Nm outside rbl & they cast him yhwqp0w
of the vineyard 0mrk the lord 0rm will do db(n therefore lykh what? 0nm
laborers 0xlp those Nwnhl destroy dbwn he will come 0t0n
to others 0nrx0l the vineyard 0mrk & will give it yhwyltnw
have you read Nwtyrq this 0nh scripture 0btk & not even? 0lp0w
became twh it yh the builders 0ynb that rejected wyls0d the stone 0p0kd
of the corner 0tywzd to the head 0$rl
was twh of The LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm the presence twl from Nm
in our eyes Nyny(b wonderful 0trwmdt & it is hyty0w this 0dh
& they were afraid wlxdw to seize Him hdx0ml they were wwh & seeking Ny(bw
for ryg they ~the people~ knew w(dy the people 0m( of Nm
this 0nh parable 0ltm He had spoken rm0 that about them~the Jewish leaders Nwhyl(d
& they departed wlz0w & they left Him yhwqb$w
from Nm men 0$n0 unto Him htwl & they sent wrd$w
of Herodus sdwrh the house tybd & from Nmw the scribes 0rps
in His words 0tlmb that they might trap Him yhynwdwcnd
Teacher 0nplm & they asked Him yhwl0$w they came wt0 but Nyd those Nwnh
& not 0lw you are tn0 that true ryr$d we Nnx know Ny(dy
for ryg not 0l for a man $n0l by anxiety 0tpc you are tn0 taken lyq$
of men 0$n0 of the sons ynbd for the person 0pwcrpb you tn0 have regard r0x
of God 0hl0d the way 0xrw0 in truth 0rr$b but 0l0
money Psk to give ltml is it lawful? +yl$ you tn0 teach Plm
not 0l or w0 to Qaesar rsql head 0$r
shall we give? ltn not 0l or w0 shall we give? ltn
& He said rm0w their treachery Nwhlkn knew (dy but Nyd He wh
Me yl are you Nwtn0 tempting Nysnm why? 0nm to them Nwhl
I may see 0zx0 a penny 0rnyd to Meyl bring wty0
to them Nwhl He said rm0 it hl & they brought wyty0w
& writing 0btkw this 0nh image 0mlc whose is? wnmd
Qaesars rsqd said wrm0 but Nyd they Nwnh
to Qaesar rsql give wbh Qaesars rsqd Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
at Him hb they wwh & marveled whmtw to God 0hl0l & Gods 0hl0dw
who say Nyrm0d those Nwnh to Him htwl The Sadducees 0yqwdz & came wt0w
Him hl they were wwh & asking Nyl0$mw there is not tyl that a resurrection 0tmyqd
& they were saying Nyrm0w
that if N0d to us Nl wrote btk Moshe 0$wm Teacher 0nplm
a wife 0ttn0 & he leaves qb$w of a man $n0d the brother yhwx0 dies t0m
his brother yhwx0 shall take bsn leaves behind qb$ not 0l & children 0ynbw
for his brother yhwx0l seed 0(rz & shall raise Myqnw his wife httn0
were wwh there ty0 brothers Nyx0 seven 0(b$
a wife 0ttn0 took bsn the first 0ymdq
a son 0(rz left behind qb$ & not 0lw & he died tymw
not 0l also P0 when dk & he died tymw took her hbsn & the second Nyrtdw
likewise twkh & the third 0tltdw seed 0(rz had left qb$ he wh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

they took her hwbsn & the seven of them Nwhyt(b$w
after tyrx0 seed 0(rz they left wqb$ & no 0lw
woman 0ttn0 that yh also P0 she died ttym all of them Nwhlk
among them Nwhnm whose? 0ny0d therefore lykh in the resurrection 0tmyqb
they took her hwbsn for ryg the seven Nwhyt(b$ wife 0ttn0 will she be 0wht
not? 0l Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
you Nwtn0 err Ny(+ this 0dh because of l+m was it 0wh
nor 0lw the scriptures 0btk you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy because not 0ld
of God 0hl0d His mighty work hlyx
those who have died 0tym from Nm they have arisen wmqd for ryg whenever 0m
wives 0$n not 0l also P0 wives 0$n have they taken Nybsn not 0l
like Ky0 they are Nwhyty0 but 0l0 to men 0rbgl have been Nywh
in Heaven 0ym$bd the angels 0k0lm
Have you read? Nwtyrq not 0l that they rise Nymyqd but Nyd the dead 0tym about l(
the bush 0yns from Nm how 0nky0 of Moshe 0$wmd in the scripture 0btkb
God 0hl0 to him hl said rm0
I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0
& The God hhl0w of Abraham Mhrb0d The God hhl0
of Yaqob bwq(yd & The God hhl0w of Iskhaq qxsy0d
of the living 0yxd but 0l0 of the dead 0tymd God 0hl0 He was 0wh & not 0lw
are Nwtn0 erring Ny(+ greatly ygs therefore lykh you Nwtn0
& he heard (m$w the scribes 0rps from Nm one dx & approached brqw
that beautifully ryp$d & he saw 0zxw who were debating Ny$rdd them Nwn0
& he asked Him hl0$w an answer 0mgtp them Nwhl He had returned byt0
of all Nwhlkd the first 0ymdq the commandment 0ndqwp which is? wny0
all of them Nwhlk of Nm the first ymdq Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
The LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm Israel lyrsy0 hear (m$ the commandments 0ndqwp
He is wh One dx The LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your God Nhl0
your God Khl0 The LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml & you shall love Mxrtdw
& from Nmw your heart Kbl all hlk from Nm
& from Nmw your mind Kny(r all hlk & from Nmw your soul K$pn all hlk
the first 0ymdq the commandment 0ndqwp this is wnh your power Klyx all hlk
you shall love bxtd it hl that is like 0mdd & the second Nyrtdw
commandment 0ndqwp yourself K$pn as Ky0 your neighbor Kbyrql
there is not tyl these Nylh than Nm that is greater brd another 0nrx0
in truth 0rr$b Rabbi ybr excellent ryp$ Scribe 0rps that wh to Him hl said rm0
He is wh Because One dxd You have spoken trm0
of Him hnm outside rbl another Nyrx0 & there is not tylw
& from Nmw the heart 0bl all hlk from Nm a man $n0 & that shall love Him yhwymxrndw
& from Nmw the soul 0$pn all hlk & from Nmw the mind 0ny(r all hlk
himself h$pn as Ky0 his neighbor hbyrq & to love Mxrndw the power 0lyx all hlk
& sacrifices 0xbdw burnt offerings 0dqy all Nwhlk than Nm is yh more 0ryty
he had returned 0npm that wisely ty0mykxd seeing him yhyzx but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
to him hl & He said rm0w He answered 0n( an answer 0mgtp
of God 0hl0d the kingdom 0twklm from Nm far qyxr you have been tywh not 0l

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to question Him yhwyl0$nd dared xrm0 again bwt a man $n0 & not 0lw
in the temple 0lkyhb he taught Plm when dk & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y & answered 0n(w
that The Messiah 0xy$md the Scribes 0rps are saying Nyrm0 How? 0nky0
of David dywdd is wh the son hrb
of Holiness 0$dwqd in The Spirit 0xwrb said rm0 David dywd for ryg Himself wh
My right ynymy at Nm you Kl sit bt to my Lord yrml The LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm said rm0d
Your enemies Kybbdl(b I shall constitute Mys0d until when 0md(
Your feet Kylgr under tyxt as a footstool 0$bwk
my Lord yrm Him hl He called 0rq David dywd therefore lykh he wh
the crowd 0$nk & whole hlkw is He yhwty0 His son hrb & How? 0nky0w
with pleasure ty0mysb to Him hl was 0wh listening (m$
Beware wrhdz0 to them Nwhl He 0wh said rm0 & in his teaching hnplwybw
they walk Nwklhn that in robes 0l+s0bd who like Nybcd the Scribes 0rps of Nm
in the streets 0qw$b the greetings 0ml$ & love Nymxrw
in the synagogue 0t$wnkb the seats 0btwm & chief $yrw
at feasts 0tym$xb rooms 0kms & top $yrw
of widows 0tlmr0d the houses 0tb who devour Nylk0d they Nwnh
their prayers Nwhtwlc of prolonging Nykrwmd for an offering 0tl(b
the greater 0ryty the judgment 0nyd shall receive Nwlbqn those Nwnh
house tyb near lbqwl Yeshua (w$y sat down bty & when dkw
how 0nky0 he 0wh beheld r0x the treasure 0zg
of treasure 0zg in house tyb money 0nprw( cast Nymr the crowds 0$nk
much ygs they were wwh casting in Nymr rich men 0ryt( & many 00ygsw
poor 0tnksm one 0dx widow 0tlmr0 & came tt0w
a farthing ~ 0nwm$ that were Nwhyty0d minas Nynm two Nyrt she cast in tymr0
& He said rm0w His disciples yhwdymltl Yeshua (w$y & called 0rqw
to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 amen Nym0 to them Nwhl
more ryty poor 0tnksm widow 0tlmr0 that this 0dhd
who cast in Nymrd the men 0$n0 all Nwhlk than Nm
of treasure 0zg into the house tyb she has cast tymr0
the things Mdm from Nm for ryg all of them Nwhlk
to them Nwhl of the surplus rytyd
every lk her want htwrysx from Nm but Nyd this one 0dh they cast in wymr0
she cast in htymr0 to her hl was 0wh that ty0d thing Mdm
her possessions hnynq all hlk
The Gospel According To Mark
Chapter 13
the temple 0lkyh from Nm Yeshua (w$y went out qpn & when dkw
His disciples yhwdymlt of Nm one dx to Him hl said rm0
stones 0p0k what! Nyly0 see yzx behold 0h Teacher 0nplm
buildings 0nynb & what! Nyly0w
you tn0 see? 0zx to him hl said rm0 but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
will be left 0qbt$m not 0l great 0brwr buildings 0nynb these Nylh
a stone P0k on l( a stone P0k here 0krh

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had been pulled down 0rttsm that not 0ld

of Olives 0tyzd at the Mount 0rw+b Yeshua (w$y sat down bty & when dkw
they asked Him yhwl0$ the temple 0lkyh opposite lbqwl
& Yokhanan Nnxwyw & Yaqob bwq(yw Keepha 0p0k
alone Nwhydwxlb & Andraus sw0rdn0w
will be Nywhn these things Nylh when? ytm0 us Nl tell rm0
are approaching Nbyrqd when 0m the sign 0t0 & what is? 0nmw
to be fulfilled wmlt$ml all Nyhlk these things Nylh
to them Nwhl to say rm0ml began yr$ Yeshua (w$y but Nyd Himself wh
shall lead you astray Nwky(+n a man $n0 lest 0mld take heed wzx
& they will say Nwrm0nw in My Name ym$b will come Nwt0n for ryg many 00ygs
they will deceive Nw(+n & many 00ygslw I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0d
war 0brq you will hear Nwt(m$d but Nyd whenever 0m
you should fear Nwlxdt not 0l of battles 0sr0qd & reports 0b+w
yet lykd( not 0l but 0l0 to happen 0whnd that wh is going dyt(
the end is 0trx
nation 0m( against l( nation 0m( for ryg will arise Mwqn
there will be Nwwhnw kingdom wklm against l( & kingdom wklmw
places 0kwd in places 0kwdb earthquakes 0(wz
& sedition 0y$wg$w famines 0npk & there will be Nwwhnw
of the labor pains 0lbxd are Nyn0 the beginning 0$r these Nylh
to yourselves Nwk$pn you Nwtn0 but Nyd take heed wzx
& in their synagogues Nwht$wnkbw to judges 0nydl for ryg they will deliver you Nwknwml$n
& governors 0nwmghw kings 0klm & before Mdqw you will be scourged Nwdgntt
for a testimony to them Nwhtwdhsl for My sake ytl+m you will stand Nwmwqt
to be preached zrkttd is going 0dyt( but Nyd first Mdqwl
the nations 0mm( in all Nwhlkb My gospel ytrbs
to deliver you Nwknwml$nd but Nyd you Nwkl they bring Nybrqmd whenever 0m
that you will be anxious Nwpc0t you should go beforehand Nwmdqt not 0l
you will speak Nwllmt what? 0nm
except 0l0 you shall consider Nwnrt & not 0lw
to you Nwkl that is given bhytmd the thing Mdm
not 0l speak wllm it wh hour 0t($ in that yhb
speaking Nyllmm you Nwtn0 for ryg will have been 0wh
of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr but 0l0
his brother yhwx0l brother 0x0 but Nyd will deliver Ml$n
& will rise up Nwmwqnw his son hrbl & a father 0b0w to death 0twml
their parents Nwhyhb0 against l( children 0ynb
them Nwn0 & put to death Nwtymnw
everyone $nlk by Nm hated Ny0yns & you will be Nwwhtw
but Nyd whoever Nm My Name ym$ because of l+m
will be saved 0xn he wh the end 0trxl until 0md( will endure rbysnd
unclean 0tpn+ the sign 0t0 you see Nwtyzxd but Nyd whenever 0m
the prophet 0ybn by Daniel ly0yndb which was spoken 0rym0d that yh of desolation 0brwxd
who reads 0rqd he wh it ought 0lw that not 0ld where 0ky0 that is standing 0myqd
who in Judea dwhybd those Nyly0 then Nydyh let him perceive lktsn

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to the mountains 0rw+l should flee Nwqr(n are Nwn0

& not 0lw should come down twxn not 0l is wh on the roof 0rg0bd & whoever Nmw
his house htyb from Nm anything Mdm to take lq$ml should enter lw(n
not 0l is wh in the field 0lqxbd & whoever Nmw
his garment h$bl to take up lwq$nd to go back hrtsbl should turn Kphtn
& to those Nyly0lw to her who is pregnant 0tn+bl but Nyd woe yw
days 0tmwy in those Nwnhb who are nursing Nqnymd
in winter 0wtsb your flight Nwkyqwr( will be 0whn that not 0ld but Nyd pray wlc
distress 0nclw0 those Nwnh in days 0tmwyb for ryg will be 0whn
the beginning $yr from Nm like it htwk0 was 0wh that not 0ld
God 0hl0 which created 0rbd of the creation 0tyrb
will be 0whn & not 0lw now 0$hl until 0md(
days 0tmwy had shortened yrkd The LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm not 0l & if wl0w
rsb every lk would 0wh live 0yx not 0l those Nwnh
whom He has chosen 0bgd the chosen ones 0ybg because of l+m but 0l0 body
those Nwnh days 0tmwy He has shortened yrk
shall say rm0n a man $n0 if N0 then Nydyh
The Messiah 0xy$m is wh here 0krh behold 0hd to you Nwkl
you should believe Nwnmyht not 0l he is going there Nmtrh & behold 0hw
& prophets 0ybnw false 0twlgdd messiahs 0xy$m for ryg will arise Nwmwqn
& wonders 0trmdtw signs 0twt0 & they will give Nwltnw lying 0twbdkd
the chosen ones 0ybgl even P0 possible 0xk$m if N0 & they will deceive Nw(+nw
I have gone before tmdq behold 0h pay attention wrhdz0 but Nyd you Nwtn0
thing Mdm every lk you Nwkl I have told trm0
distress 0nclw0 after rtb days 0tmwy but Nyd in those Nwnhb
& the moon 0rhsw will darken K$xn the sun 0$m$ that wh
its light hrhwn will give ltn not 0l
the Heavens 0ym$ from Nm will fall Nwlpn & the stars 0bkwkw
will be shaken Nw(yzttn of the Heavens 0ym$d & the powers 0twlyxw
when dk of Man 0$n0d The Son hrbl they will see yhynwzxn & then Nydyhw
great 0br power 0lyx with M( in the clouds 0nn(b He comes 0t0
glory 0xbw$ & with M(w
His elect ones yhwbgl & gather $nknw His angels yhwk0lm He will send rd$n then Nydyh
of the earth 0(r0d the beginning h$r from Nm the winds 0xwr the four Nyhyt(br0 from Nm
of the Heaven 0ym$d the beginning h$rl & unto 0md(w
an allegory 0t0lp learn wply but Nyd the fig tree 0tt from Nm
& bud w(rpw its branches hykws are tender Krd that whenever 0md
Summer May 0+yq has arrived 0+md you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy its leaves hypr+
you see Nwtyzxd whenever 0m you Nwtn0 also P0 thus 0nkh
it is yh that near 0byrqd know w(d happen Nywhd these things Nylh
the door 0(rt at l(
that not 0ld to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 amen Nym0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

until 0md( this 0dh generation 0tbr$ will pass rb(t

will come to pass Nywhn all Nyhlk of these things Nylhd
will pass away Nwrb(n & the earth 0(r0w the Heavens 0ym$
will pass away Nrb(n not 0l & My words ylmw
that yh hour 0t($ & of l(w that wh day 0mwy Nyd of l(
the angels 0k0lm neither 0lp0 knows (dy not 0l a man $n0
The Father 0b0 only N0 except 0l0 The Son 0rb nor 0lw of Heaven 0ym$d
for ryg not 0l & pray wlcw watch wry(tt0 take heed wzx
time 0nbz that is wh when ytm0 you are Nwtn0 aware Ny(dy
who traveled abroad qzxd for ryg it is wh a man 0rbg like Ky0
authority 0n+lw$ & gave bhyw his house htyb & left qb$w
his work hdb( a man $n0 & to a man $n0lw to his servants yhwdb(l
watchful ry( that he should be 0whnd he commanded dqp & the gatekeeper 0(rtlw
for not 0ld therefore lykh watch wry(tt0
The Master hrm comes 0t0 when ytm0 you are Nwtn0 aware Ny(dy
night 0ylld at mid hglpb or w0 in evening 0$mrb of the house 0tybd
in the morning 0rpcb or w0 of the rooster 0lgnrt at the crowing 0rqmb or w0
& He finds you Nwkxk$nw the silence 0yl$ from Nm he will come 0t0n lest 0mld
you are Nwtn0 sleeping Nykmd when dk
I 0n0 say rm0 but Nyd that to you Nwkld the thing Mdm
watching Nyry( you be Nwtywh I 0n0 say rm0 the same wh to you all Nwklkl
The Gospel According To Mark
Chapter 14
Passover 0xcp was 0wh it 0wh days Nymwy two Nyrt but Nyd after rtb
the Priests 0nhk Chief ybr were wwh & seeking Ny(bw of unleavened bread 0ry+pd
they would seize Nwdx0n by treachery 0lknb how 0nky0 & the scribes 0rpsw
& they would kill Him yhynwl+qnw
during the feast 0d(d(b not 0l they were wwh & saying Nyrm0w
among the people 0m(b a tumult 0y$wg$ there be 0whn lest 0mld
in the house htybb in Byth Ania 0yn(tybb was yhwty0 He wh & while dkw
a woman 0ttn0 came tt0 reclining Kyms when dk the potter 0brg of Shimeon Nw(m$d
of ointment 0msbd an alabaster vase 0tpy+$ with her hyl( who had ty0d
& she opened it htxtpw costly 0ymd very ygs the best 0y$r of spikenard Nydrnd
of Yeshua (w$yd the head h$r on l( & poured it ht(p$0w
whom it displeased $0bt0d the disciples 0dymlt from Nm men 0$n0 but Nyd were wwh there ty0
was there 0wh Why? 0nmld & they said wrm0w in themselves Nwh$pnb to them Nwhl
ointment 0msb of this 0nhd the loss 0ndb0
for more ryty to sell wnbdzml for ryg it would have been 0wh possible xk$m
to the poor 0nksml & to be given wbhytmlw Danarii Nyrnyd 300 00mtlt than Nm
at her hb they were wwh & indignant Nyp(dzmw
troubling Nyrhm why? 0nm let her alone hwqbw$ said rm0 Yeshua (w$y but Nyd He wh
for Me ytwl she has done tdb( beautiful 0ryp$ a deed 0db( her hl are you Nwtn0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

with you Nwkm( to you Nwkl are ty0 the poor 0nksm for ryg at every time Nbzlkb
you are Nwtn0 able Nyxk$m you Nwtn0 desire Nybcd & whenever ytm0w
what is good ryp$d to them Nwhl that you may do Nwdb(td
with you Nwktwl am yty0 always Nbzlkb not 0l but Nyd I 0n0
she has done tdb( this 0dhl to her hl was 0wh which ty0d that wh
My body ym$wg she anointed tmsb for burial 0trwbqld so as Ky0 & she has gone before tmdqw
that every lkd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 & amen Nym0w
this 0dh My gospel ytrbs that will be preached zrkttd where 0ky0
that she has done tdb(d thing Mdm & also P0w the world 0ml( in all hlkb
in her memory hnrkwdl shall be spoken llmtn this 0dh
one dx Skariota 0+wyrks but Nyd Yehuda 0dwhy
to twl went lz0 the twelve rs(rt from Nm
to betray Him yhwyml$nd so as Ky0 the Priests 0nhk Chief ybr
Yeshua (w$yl to them Nwhl
they heard w(m$ when dk but Nyd they Nwnh
money 0psk & they promised wydwt$0w they rejoiced wydx
he 0wh & sought 0(bw to him hl they would give Nwltnd
to betray Him yhwyml$nd opportunity 0(lp it hl
of unleavened bread 0ry+pd first 0ymdq & on the day 0mwybw
the Passover lamb 0xcp the Jews 0ydwhy slaughter Nyxbd in which hbd
His disciples yhwdymlt to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0
that we shall go lz0nd do You tn0 want 0bc where? 0ky0
The Passover 0xcp that You may eat lwk0td for You Kl to prepare by+n
to them Nwhl & said rm0w His disciples yhwdymlt of Nm two Nyrt & he sent rd$w
a man 0rbg with you Nwkb will meet (gp & behold 0hw to the city 0tnydml go wlz
after him hrtb go wlz of water 0ymd a vessel 0n0m bearing lyq$d
of the house 0tyb to the lord 0rml say wrm0 he enters l0(d & in the place 0ky0lw
chamber 0yr$m the house tyb where is? wky0 says rm0 our Master Nbr
The Passover 0xcp My disciples ydymlt with M( I may eat lwk0d where 0ky0
great 0tbr an upper room 0tyl( to you Nwkl he will show 0wxm & behold 0hw
for us Nl make ready wnqt there Nmt & prepared 0by+mw which is laid out 0yw$md
& they came wt0w His disciples yhwdymlt & went out wqpnw
Just as 0nky0 & they found wxk$0w to the city 0tnydml
the Passover 0xcp & they prepared wby+w them Nwhl He told rm0d
evening 0$mr it was 0wh & when dkw
His twelve htrs(rt with M( He came 0t0
say rm0 amen Nym0 Yeshua (w$y said rm0 & ate Nys(lw they reclined Nykyms & as dkw
with Me ym( who eats lk0d of you Nwknm that one dxd to you Nwkl I 0n0
will betray Me ynml$n he wh
& they were saying Nyrm0w to lose heart Nyqy(ttm began wyr$ but Nyd they Nwnh
is it I? 0n0 an interrogative particle 0ml one dx each dx to Him hl
one dx to them Nwhl said rm0 but Nyd He wh
in the dish 0tglb with Me ym( who dips (bcd the twelve rs(rt of Nm
goes lz0 of Man 0$n0d & The Son hrbw
about Him yhwl( it is written bytkd Just as 0nky0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

that wh to man 0rbgl but Nyd woe yw

The Son hrb is betrayed Mlt$m by whose hand hdy0bd
for man 0rbgl for him hl it were 0wh better xqp of Man 0$n0d
had been begotten dlyt0 not 0l if wl0 that wh
Yeshua (w$y took bsn eating Nys(l they were Nwnh & while dkw
& He gave bhyw & He broke 0cqw & He blessed Krbw bread 0mxl
take wbs to them Nwhl & He said rm0w to them Nwhl
My body yrgp is yhwty0 this 0nh
& He blessed Krbw & He gave thanks ydw0w a cup 0sk & He took bsnw
all of them Nwhlk from it hnm & they drank wyt$0w to them Nwhl & He gave bhyw
New 0tdx of the Covenant 0qtydd My blood ymd this wnh to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
is shed d$0tm the many 00ygs which in exchange for Plxd
I shall drink 0t$0 not 0l that again bwtd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 amen Nym0
in which hbd that wh day 0mwyl until 0md( of the vine 0tpgd fruit 0dly from Nm
of God 0hl0d in the kingdom htwklmb anew ty0tdx I shall drink it yhwyt$0
of Olives 0tyz to the Mount rw+l & they went out wqpnw & they sang praises wxb$w
will be ashamed Nwl$ktt all of you Nwklkd Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl & said rm0w
for ryg it is written bytk night 0yll in this 0nhb of Me yb
The Shepherd 0y(rl I shall smite 0xm0d
His lambs yhwrm0 & will be scattered Nwrdbtnw
to Galila 0lylgl you Nwkl I 0n0 shall go before Mdq I am risen tmqd when 0m but 0l0
all of them Nwhlk if N0 Keepha 0p0k to Him hl said rm0
I shall 0n0 not 0l yet 0l0 will be ashamed Nwl$ktn
that you tn0d to you Kl I 0n0 say rm0 amen Nym0 Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
the rooster 0lgnrt will crow 0rqnd before Mdq this 0nh in night 0yllb today 0nmwy
Me yb you will renounce rwpkt thrice tlt times Nynbz two Nytrt
that if N0d was 0wh saying rm0 all the more ty0ryty but Nyd he wh
with You Km( to be put to death tmml to me yl it happens 0whn
My Lord yrm You Kb I shall renounce rwpk0 not 0l
they spoke wrm0 all of them Nwhlk also P0 & like him htwk0w
Gathseman Nmsdg is called 0yrqtmd which 0dy0 to the place 0tkwdl & they came wt0w
I 0n0 pray 0lcm while d( here 0krh sit wbt to His disciples yhwdymltl & He said rm0w
& Yokhanan Nnxwylw &Yaqob bwq(ylw Keepha 0p0kl with Him hm( & He took rbdw
& languid wq(ttmlw to be saddened wrmktml & He began yr$w
to my soul y$pnl to it hl is yh sadness 0yrk to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
& watch wry(tt0w here 0krh stay wwq death 0twml unto 0md(
the ground 0(r0 on l( & He fell lpnw a little lylq & he approached brqw
it were possible 0xk$m that if N0d He 0wh & prayed 0lcmw
the hour 0t($ from Him hnm would pass rb(t
My Father yb0 Father 0b0 & He said rm0w
You tn0 can do xk$m thing Mdm every lk
but 0l0 this 0nh cup 0sk from Me ynm let pass rb(0
Yours Klyd but 0l0 Mine ylyd My will ynybc not 0l

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

when dk them Nwn0 He found xk$0 & He came 0t0w

are you sleeping? tkmd Shimeon Nw(m$ to Keepha 0p0kl & said rm0w they were sleeping Nykmd
to watch wr(ttml hour 0($ one 0dx were you able txk$0 not? 0l you Kl
into temptation 0nwysnl you enter Nwl(t lest 0ld & pray wlcw watch wry(tt0
is weak hyrk the body 0rgp but 0l0 & prepared 0by+mw is willing 0ybc the spirit 0xwr
He said rm0 words 0tlm & the same yhw He prayed ylc again bwt & He went on lz0w
while dk them Nwn0 He found xk$0 again bwt He came 0t0 & returning Kphw
& not 0lw were ywh heavy Nryqy their eyes Nwhyny(d because l+m they were sleeping Nykmd
to Him hl they should say Nwrm0n what? 0nm they did wwh know Ny(dy
& He said rm0w time Nynbz a third tltd & He came 0t0w
& take rest wxyntt0w now lykm sleep wkmd to them Nwhl
the hour 0t($ & has come tt0w the end 0trx has arrived t+m
of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb is betrayed Mlt$m & behold 0hw
of sinners 0y+xd into the hands Nwhydy0b
Me yl who betrays Ml$md he wh approaches brq behold 0h we will go lz0n arise wmwq
Scariota 0+wyrks Yehuda 0dwhy came 0t0 was speaking llmm he wh while d(w
swords 0rsps with M( many 00ygs & people 0m(w the twelve rs(rt of Nm one dx
the Priests 0nhk Chief ybr the presence of twl from Nm & clubs 0r+wxw
& The Elders 0$y$qw & the Scribes 0rpsw
who betrayed Ml$md he wh the traitor 0nml$m a sign 0t0 to them Nwhl & he had given bhyw
seize Him yhwdxw0 is He wywh I 0n0 Whom shall kiss q$nd he wh & said rm0w
& bring Him yhwlbw0w securely ty0ryhz
to Him hl & he said rm0w he approached brq a moment ht($ & son of rbw
& he kissed Him hq$nw Rabbi ybr Rabbi ybr
& they seized Him yhwdx0w hands 0ydy0 upon Him yhwl( laid wymr0 but Nyd those Nwnh
drew +m$ who were standing Nymyqd those Nwnh from Nm but Nyd one dx
the servant hdb(l & hit yhyxmw a sword 0pys
his ear hnd0 & took off hlq$w Priest 0nhk of the high brd
against l(d as Ky0 to them Nwhl & said rm0w answered 0n( Yeshua (w$y but Nyd he wh
& with clubs 0r+wxbw with swords 0pysb have you gone out? Nwtqpn a band of robbers 0syg
that you might seize Me ynnwdx0td
I was tywh with you Nwktwl every day Mwylk
& not 0lw in the temple 0lkyhb I 0n0 taught Plm when dk
that may be fulfilled Nwml$nd but 0l0 you did seize Me ynnwtdx0
this 0dh has happened twh the scriptures 0btk
& they fled wqr(w His disciples yhwdymlt forsook Him yhwqb$ then Nydyh
after Him hrtb had 0wh come 0t0 one dx & young man 0myl(w
& they seized him yhwdx0w he was naked l+r( with a cloth 0nwds & he was clothed Py+(w
naked l+r( & fled qr(w the cloth 0nwds left qb$ but Nyd he wh
high br Qaiapha 0pyq to twl Yeshua (w$yl & they brought Him yhwlbw0w
all of them Nwhlk to Him htwl & gathered w$nkt0w the Priest 0nhk
& the Elders 0$y$qw & the Scribes 0rpsw the Priests 0nhk Chief ybr

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

coming 0t0 a distance 0qxwr from Nm but Nyd Shimeon Nw(m$

the courtyard 0trd within wgl until 0md( after Him hrtb was 0wh
with M( he 0wh & sat down btyw the Priest 0nhk of High brd
the fire 0rwn near lbqwl & warmed himself Nx$w the servants 0n$m$m
their assembly Nwh$nk & all hlkw but Nyd the Priests 0nhk Chief ybr
testimony 0twdhs Yeshua (w$y against l( were wwh seeking Ny(b
they were able wxk$0 & not 0lw that they might put Him to death yhynwtymnd
were wwh testifying Nydhsm for ryg many 00ygs while dk
their testimony Nwhtwdhs was ywh worthy Nyw$ not 0l against Him yhwl(
against Him yhwl( rose up wmq but Nyd people Ny$n0
& they said wrm0w of lies 0rqw$d testifying 0dhs
I 0n0d say rm0d we have heard Him yhyn(m$ we Nnxd
this 0nh temple 0lkyh shall 0n0 destroy 0r$
shall build 0nb days Nymwy & in three 0tltlw with hands 0ydy0b that is made dyb(d
with hands 0ydy0b is made dyb( that not 0ld another 0nrx0 I 0n0
their testimony Nwhtwdhs was twh worthy 0yw$ in like manner 0nkh but Nyd neither 0lp0w
& asked Him hl0$w in the center 0t(cmb the Priest 0nhk High br stood up Mqw
an answer 0mgtp you tn0 return 0npm not? 0l & said rm0w Yeshua (w$yl
these Nylh against You Kyl( are testifying Nydhsm why? 0nm
He answered him yhyn( not 0l & anything Mdmw was 0wh silent qyt$ but Nyd He wh
You tn0 & he said rm0w the Priest 0nhk High br asked Him hl0$ & again bwtw
of The Blessed One 0krbmd The Son hrb The Messiah 0xy$m are? wh
I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0 to him hl said rm0 Yeshua (w$y but Nyd he wh
sitting btyd of Man 0$n0d The Son hrbl & you shall behold Nwzxtw
of The Power 0lyxd the right hand 0nymy at Nm
of Heaven 0ym$ the clouds ynn( on l( & comes 0t0w
& he said rm0w his tunic hnytwk ripped in two 0rc but Nyd the Priest 0nhk high br
witnesses 0dhs for us Nl are required Ny(btm now lykm why? 0nm
How? 0nm the blasphemy 0pdwg you have heard Nwt(m$ His mouth hmwp from Nm behold 0h
judged wnd all of them Nwhlk but Nyd they Nwnh to you Nwkl does it appear 0zxtm
death 0twm He wh that deserved byxd
& covering Nypxmw in His face hpwcrpb spitting Nyqr the people Ny$n0 & began wyr$w
prophesy 0bnt0 & they were saying Nyrm0w Him hl & hitting Nyxpqmw His face yhwp0
His jaw yhwkp on l( Him hl were wwh hitting Nyxm & the guards 0$xdw
in the courtyard 0trdb underneath txtl Shimeon Nw(m$ & while dkw
the Priest 0nhk of High brd a certain 0dx handmaid 0tmyl( came tt0
& she said 0rm0w at him hb & she stared trxw that he warmed himself Nx$d she saw him htzx
The Nazarene 0yrcn were tywh Yeshua (w$y with M( you tn0 also P0w to him hl
I 0n0 know (dy not 0l & said rm0w denied rpk but Nyd he wh
& he went forth qpnw you are ytn0 saying 0rm0 what? 0nm
a rooster 0lgnrt & crowed 0rqw to the porch 0psl outside rbl
& she began tyr$w that yh handmaiden 0tmyl( again bwt & she saw him htzxw
that also P0d standing Nymyqd to those Nyly0l to say rm0td
is wh of them Nwhnm this one 0nh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

again bwt a little while lylq & after rtbw denied rpk again bwt but Nyd he wh
truly ty0ryr$ to Keepha 0p0kl said wrm0 who were standing Nymyqd they Nwnh
a Galilean 0ylylg for ryg also P0 you are tn0 of them Nwhnm
is similar 0md & your speech Kllmmw you are tn0
& swearing 0myw cursing Mrxm had 0wh begun yr$ but Nyd he wh
you Nwtn0 of whom speak Nyrm0d this 0nh man 0rbgl I 0n0 know (dy not 0ld
time Nynbz the second Nytrtd the cock 0lgnrt crowed 0rq in the moment 0t($b & in it hbw
Who said rm0d of Yeshua (w$yd of the word htlm Shimeon Nw(m$ & was reminded rkdt0w
a cock 0lgnrt shall crow 0rqnd before Mdqd to him hl had 0wh
Me yb you will deny rwpkt thrice tlt times Nynbz two Nytrt
to weep 0kbnd & he began yr$w
The Gospel According To Mark
Chapter 15
a counsel 0klm they made wdb( in the morning 0rpcb & at once 0dxmw
The Scribes 0rps & with M(w The Elders 0$y$q with M( Priests 0nhk the Chief ybr
Yeshua (w$yl & they bound wrs0w the Assembly 0t$wnk all hlk & with M(w
to Pilatus sw+lypl & delivered Him yhwml$0w & brought Him yhwlbw0w
The King 0klm are? wh You tn0 Pilatus sw+lyp & asked Him hl0$w
he answered 0n( but Nyd He wh of the Judeans 0ydwhyd
have said trm0 you tn0 to him hl & He said rm0w
of many things 0t0ygsb Priests 0nhk the Chief ybr & accused Him yhwcrq wwh Nylk0w
& said rm0w asked Him hl0$ again bwt Pilatus sw+lyp but Nyd he wh
an answer 0mgtp you tn0 return 0npm not? 0l to him hl
against You Kyl( are testifying Nydhsm how many 0mk see yzx
answer 0mgtp any Mdm Yeshua (w$y but Nyd He wh
Pilatus sw+lyp would wonder rmdtnd so that 0nky0 he gave bhy not 0l
to release 0r$ml feast 0d0( at every lkb but Nyd he 0wh set a time d(m
they requested Nyl0$d whomever 0ny0 one dx prisoner 0rys0 to them Nwhl
who was called 0rqtmd one dx was 0wh & there ty0w
them that made ydb( with M( was 0wh who bound rys0d Bar Abba 0b0 rb
commited wdb( in the sedition Nys+s0b who murder 0l+qd those Nwnh sedition Nys+s0
so that Ky0 to ask l0$ml & they began wyr$w the people 0m( & cried out w(qw
for them Nwhl had been doing db( he 0wh he would keep the custom d(md
& said rm0w answered 0n( Pilatus sw+lyp but Nyd he wh
that I release 0r$0 are you? Nwtn0 willing Nybc
of the Judeans 0ydwhyd the King 0klm to you Nwkl
envy 0msx that from Nmd Pilatus sw+lyp for ryg had 0wh known (dy
to them Nwhl Priests 0nhk the Chief ybr delivered Him yhwml$0
the crowd 0$nkl urged w+px all the more ty0ryty but Nyd Priests 0nhk the Chief ybr
to them Nwhl he would release 0r$n that Bar Abba 0b0 rbld
therefore lykh what? 0nm to them Nwhl said rm0 Pilatus sw+lyp but Nyd he wh
you Nwtn0 Whom called Nyrqd to this one 0nhl me to do db(0 you Nwtn0 do want Nybc

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of the Judeans 0ydwhyd The King 0klm

crucify Him yhypwqz cried out w(q again bwt but Nyd they Nwnh
evil $ybd for ryg what? 0nm to them Nwhl said rm0 Pilatus sw+lyp but Nyd he wh
crucify Him yhypwqz were wwh crying out Ny(q the more ty0ryty & they Nwnhw has He done db(
the will 0nybc to do db(nd wanted 0bc but Nyd Pilatus sw+lyp
to them Nwhl & released 0r$w of the crowds 0$nkl
Yeshua (w$yl to them Nwhl & delivered Ml$0w Bar Abba 0b0 rbl
to be crucified pqdznd He had been scourged dgnm after dk
within wgl led Him yhwlbw0 but Nyd The soldiers 0+wy+r+s0
Praetorium Nyrw+rp which is hyty0d the courtyard 0trd
company of soldiers ryps0 the whole hlkl & they called wrqw
& they wound wldgw in purple 0nwgr0 & they clothed Him yhw$bl0w
of thorns 0bwkd a crown 0lylk on Him hl & they placed wms
His peace hml$b to invoke l0$ml & they began wyr$w
of the Judeans 0ydwhyd King 0klm Hail Ml$
with a reed 0ynqb His head h$r on l( Him hl they were wwh & hitting Nyxmw
on l( they were wwh & bowing Nykrbw in His face yhwp0b they were wwh & spitting Nyqrw
Him hl & worshiping Nydgsw their knees Nwhykrwb
they stripped Him yhwxl$0 Him hb they mocked wxzb & when dkw
in His clothes yhwn0m & clothed Him yhw$bl0w of the purple 0nwgr0
to crucify Him yhynwpqznd & led Him yhwqp0w
Shimeon Nw(m$ was 0wh who passing by rb(d one dx & they detained wrx$w
the father yhwb0 the field 0tyrq from Nm had 0wh who come 0t0d Qurinia 0ynyrwq
His cross hpyqz to take up lwq$nd & of Rufus swpwrdw of Alexandrus swrdnskl0d
to Gagultha 0tlwggl & they brought Him yhwyty0w
The Skull 0tpqrq that is interpreted 0q$ptmd the place 0tkwd
that had been mixed +ylxd wine 0rmx to drink 0t$ml to Him hl & they gave wbhyw
would take bsn not 0l but Nyd He wh myrrh 0rwm with it hb
His garments yhwn0m they divided wglp they had crucified Him yhwpqz & when dkw
take bsn what? 0nm who would wnm lots 0sp for them Nwhyl( & cast wymr0w
they crucified Him yhwpqz when dk the third tlt hour 0($ but Nyd was 0wh it ty0
of His death htwmd the pretext 0tl( was twh & written 0bytkw
of the Jews 0ydwhyd The King 0klm This is wh this 0nh in writing 0btkb
one dx robbers 0y+sl two Nyrt with Him hm( & they crucified wpqzw
His left hlms at Nm & one dxw His right hnymy at Nm
that says rm0d the scripture 0btk & was fulfilled Ml$w
He was numbered b$xt0 wicked men 0lw( with M(d
blaspheming Nypdgm were wwh who passing Nyrb(d but Nyd those Nyly0 also P0w
their heads Nwhy$r & were shaking Nydynmw against Him yhwl( they were wwh
of the temple 0lkyh destroyer 0r$ O Nw0 & they were saying Nyrm0w
days Nymwy in three 0tltl it hl & the one who builds 0nbw
the cross 0pyqz from Nm & descend twxw Yourself K$pn save 0cp

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

they were wwh joking Nykxg priests 0nhk the chief ybr also P0 & likewise 0nkhw
& they were saying Nyrm0w & the Scribes 0rpsw another dx with M( one dx
to save wyxml He is able xk$m not 0l Himself h$pn He saved yx0 others 0nrx0
now 0$h let Him descend twxn of Israel lyrsy0d King hklm The Messiah 0xy$m
in Him hb & we will believe Nmyhnw that we may see 0zxnd the cross 0pyqz from Nm
with Him hm( were wwh who crucified Nypyqzd but Nyd they Nwnh & also P0w
Him hl they were wwh reviling Nydsxm
darkness 0kw$x was 0wh the hour Ny($ sixth t$ it was ywh & when dkw
ninth ($t the hour 0($l until 0md( the earth 0(r0 all hlk on l(
loud 0mr in a voice 0lqb Yeshua (w$y cried out 0(q the hour Ny($ & in ninth ($tbw
Shabaqthani yntqb$ lemana 0nml Eil ly0 Eil ly0 & He said rm0w
have You forsaken Me yntqb$ Why? 0nml My God yhl0 My God yhl0 which is hyty0d
who were standing Nymyqd those Nwnh among Nm who heard w(m$d & people Ny$n0w
He called 0rq to Elia 0yl0l they werewwh saying Nyrm0
with vinegar 0lx a sponge 0gwps0 & filled 0lmw one dx but Nyd ran +hr
& they said wrm0w to give Him a drink yhwyq$nd on a reed 0ynqb & tied it rs0w
Him hl to take down txm Elia 0yl0 comes 0t0 if N0 let us see 0zxn let Him alone wqwb$
& He expired Ml$w loud 0mr in a voice 0lqb cried 0(q Yeshua (w$y but Nyd He wh
was ripped yr+c0 of the temple 0lkyhd of the door 0(rt & the curtain yp0w
the bottom txtl unto 0md( the top l(l from Nm in two Nyrtl
was 0wh who standing M0qd that wh Centurion 0nwr+nq but Nyd saw 0zx when dk
& expired Ml$w He had cried out 0(q that thus 0nkhd with Him htwl
of God 0hl0d was 0wh The Son hrb man 0rbg this 0nh truly ty0ryr$ he said rm0
a distance 0qxwr from Nm women 0$n also P0 but Nyd were ywh there ty0
& Maryam Myrmw Magdalitha 0tyldgm Maryam Myrm were ywh who looking Nyzxd
& Shalom Mwl$w & of Yose 0swydw the small 0rw(z of Yaqob bwq(yd the mother hm0
to Him hl were ywh joined Npyqn in Galila 0lylgb He was wh who when dkd those Nynh
who gone up qlsd many 0t0ygs & others 0tynrx0w to Him hl & ministered N$m$mw
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l with Him hm( had ywh
of Friday 0tbwr(d the evening 0$mr it was 0wh & when dkw
The Sabbath 0tb$ before Mdq which is hyty0d
Ramtha 0tmr who was from Nmd that wh Yoseph Pswy came 0t0
was he wh also P0d who 0ny0 a Counsellor 0+wlwb honorable 0rqym
for the kingdom 0twklml was 0wh who waiting 0ksm
unto twl & entered l(w & ventured xrm0w of God 0hl0d
of Yeshua (w$yd the body hrgp & requested l0$w Pilatus sw+lyp
wondered hmt but Nyd Pilatus sw+lyp
He had died tym sufficient time wdk from Nm that if N0d
& asked him hl0$w the Centurion 0nwr+nql & he called 0rqw
He had died tym the time 0nd( before Mdq from Nm that if N0d
to Yoseph pswyl His body hrgp he gave bhy he learned Ply & when dkw
& took it down htx0w linen 0ntk Yoseph Pswy & bought Nbzw
in a tomb 0rbqb & placed it hmsw in it hb & wrapped it hkrkw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& rolled lg(w in the rock 0(w$b was 0wh that hewn out ryqnd
of the tomb 0rbqd the door h(rt against l( a stone 0p0k
that is yh & Maryam Myrmw Magdalitha 0tyldgm but Nyd Maryam Myrm
He had been laid Mystt0d where 0ky0 saw yzx mother of Yose 0swyd
The Gospel According To Mark
Chapter 16
Magdalitha 0tyldgm Maryam Myrm the Sabbath 0tb$ had passed trb( & when dkw
sweet spices 0mwrh they had bought Nbz & Shalom Mwl$w of Yaqob bwq(yd & Maryam Myrmw
to anoint Him yhynx$mn that they might come Nyt0nd
they came yt0 in the week 0b$b in the first day dxb but Nyd in the morning 0rp$b
the sun 0$m$ arose xnd when dk of burial 0rwbq to the house tybl
among themselves Nyh$pnb they were ywh & saying Nrm0w
the stone 0p0k for us Nl will roll lg( but Nyd who? Nm
of burial 0rwbq of the house tybd the door 0(rt from Nm
that yh that had been rolled away 0lg(md they saw yzx & looking rxw
very b+ for ryg it was twh great 0br stone 0p0k
of burial 0rwbq the house tybl & they entered Nyl(w
the right side 0nymy on Nm who sat btyd a young man 0myl( & they saw yzxw
& they were astonished hmtw white 0trwx a robe 0l+s0 & he was wearing Py+(w
be afraid Nlxdt do not 0l to them Nyhl said rm0 but Nyd he wh
Who was crucified Pqdz0d Him wh you are Nytn0 seeking Ny(b The Nazarene 0yrcn Yeshua (w$yl
here Nnt He is 0wh not 0l He hl has arisen Mq
He was 0wh laid Mysd where 0ky0 the place 0tkwd behold 0h
Behold 0hd & to Keepha 0p0klw to His disciples yhwdymltl say Nyrm0 go Nylz but 0l0
you will see Him yhynwzxt there Nmt to Galila 0lylgl you Nwkl He will go before Mdq
to you Nwkl He said rm0d Just as 0nky0
the tomb 0rbq from Nm & went out qpnw they fled qr( they heard (m$ & when dkw
& to a man $n0lw & trembling 0tytrw shock 0rht for ryg them Nyhl had 0wh seized dyx0
for ryg they were ywh afraid Nlyxd they were saying Nyrm0 not 0l anything Mdm
He arose Mq of the week 0b$b on the first day dxb but Nyd at dawn 0rp$b
Magdalitha 0tyldgm to Maryam Myrml first Mdqwl & appeared yzxt0w
from her hnm He had 0wh cast out qp0 demons Nyd0$ from whom seven 0(b$d her yh
who with Him hm(d to those Nwnhl she proclaimed the good news trbs went tlz0 & she yhw
& weeping Nykbw were wwh who mourning Nylyb0d were wwh
they were saying Nrm0d they heard w(m$ when dk & those Nwnhw
they Nyn0 believed wnmyh not 0l to them Nyhl & appeared yzxt0w that He was alive yxd
of them Nwhnm before two Nyrtl He appeared yzxt0 these things Nylh after rtb
they walked Nyklhm as dk another 0trx0 in form 0twmdb
to a village 0tyrql & they were going Nylz0w
the rest 0kr$l they told wrm0 went wlz0 & those Nwnhw
did they believe wnmyh them Nwnhl neither 0l P0
when dk to the eleven rs(dxl He appeared yzxt0 but Nyd afterward tyrx0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of their faith Nwhtwnmyh the lack twrysxl & He condemned dsxw they reclined at a meal Nykyms
who had seen Him yhw0zxd because them Nwnhld of their heart Nwhbl & the callousness twy$qlw
they had believed wnmyh not 0l before Mqd
all hlk to the world 0ml(l Go wlz to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
creation 0tyrb in all hlkb My Good News ytrbs & preach wzrk0w
lives 0yx & is baptized dm(w believes Nmyhmd Whoever 0ny0
is condemned byxtm believe Nmyhm does not 0ld & whoever 0ny0w
these Nylh who are believing Nynmyhmd these Nyly0l but Nyd signs 0twt0
they will cast out Nwqpn demons 0d0$ in My Name ym$b will accompany Npqn
they will speak Nwllmn new 0tdx & in languages 0n$lbw
of death 0twmd a poison 0ms & if n0w they will take Nwlq$n & snakes 0twwxw
them Nwn0 it will harm rhn not 0l they should drink Nwt$n
they will place Nwmysn & their hands Nwhydy0w
& they will be healed Nwmlxtnw the sick 0hyrk on l(
after rtb from Nm our Lord Nrm but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
He ascended qls to Heaven 0ym$l with them Nwhm( speaking llmd
of God 0hl0d the right side 0nymy at Nm & He sat down btyw
place 0kwd in every lkb & they preached wzrk0w went forth wqpn but Nyd they Nwnh
& confirming r$mw them Nwhl was 0wh helping rd(m & our Lord Nrmw
they were wwh that doing Nydb(d with the signs 0twt0b their words Nwhylm

swqrmd 0twzwrk 0$ydq Nwylgnw0 Ml$

The end of The Holy Gospel preaching of Mark

The Gospel According To Luke

Chapter 1
Verse 1
an account 0ty($t to write Nwbtknd were willing wbc many 00ygsd because l+m
are persuaded Nyspm of which we Nnxd those Nyly0 of the events 0nr(wsd
by them Nwhb we Nnx
who from Nmd those Nwnh to us Nl delivered wml$0d the things Mdm like Ky0
The Word 0tlmd of hlyd & servants 0n$m$mw eyewitnesses 0yzx were wwh the first Mydq
I had tywh approached byrqd because l+m to me yl also P0 He appeared yzxt0
in its order hsk+b thing Mdm that every lkd all of them Nwhlkl carefully ty0pycy
Theophila 0lypw0t excellent 0xycn to you Kl I should write bwtk0
of the words 0lmd the truth 0rr$ that you may know (dtd
by these things Nyhl of which you have been instructed tdmltt0d
of Judea 0dwhyd the King 0klm of Herod sdwrhd in the days htmwyb there was 0wh
the ministry 0t$m$t from Nm Zechariah 0yrkz was 0wh whose name hm$d one dx priest 0nhk
of Aaron Nwrh0d the daughters htnb from Nm & his wife httn0w of Abia 0yb0 of the house tybd
Elishaba (b$yl0 was 0wh her name hm$
God 0hl0 before Mdq were wwh righteous Nyqydz but Nyd both of them Nwhyrt
the commandments yhwndqwp in all Nwhlkb & they were walking Nyklhmw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

reproach yld( without 0ld of Jehovah 0yrmd & in the judgments htwn0kbw
Elishaba (b$yl0d because l+m to them Nwhl was 0wh there not tyl but Nyd a son 0rb
were wwh in their days Nwhtmwyb advanced y0ygs & both Nwhyrtw was twh infertile 0trq(
he was 0wh exercizing priestly function Nhkm while dk but Nyd was 0wh it 0wh
God 0hl0 before Mdq of his service ht$m$td in the order 0sk+b
it befell him yhy+m of the priesthood 0twnhkd in the custom 0dy(b
of Jehovah 0yrmd the temple hlkyhl & he entered l(w incense 0msb to offer Mysnd
praying 0lcm of the people 0m(d the crowds 0$nk & all hlkw
of incense 0msbd at the time 0nd(b outside rbl were 0wh
of Jehovah 0yrmd an angel 0k0lm to Zechariah 0yrkzl to him hl & appeared yzxt0w
of incense 0msbd of the altar 0xbdmd the right side 0nymy at Nm who stood M0qd
he saw him yhyzx when dk Zechariah 0yrkz & was troubled $gt$0w
upon him yhwl( fell tlpn & dread 0tlxdw
Zechariah 0yrkz fear lxdt not 0l the angel 0k0lm to him hl & said rm0w
your prayer Ktwlc has been heard t(mt$0d because l+m
a son 0rb you Kl will bear dl0t Elishaba (b$yl0 & your wife Kttn0w
Yokhanan Nnxwy his name hm$ & you shall call 0rqtw
& gladness 0zwr0w Joy 0twdx to you Kl & there will be 0whtw
at his birth hdlwmb will rejoice Nwdxn & many 00ygsw
Jehovah 0yrm before Mdq great br for ryg he will be 0whn
he will drink 0t$n not 0l & strong drink 0rk$w & wine 0rmxw
he will be filled 0lmtn of Holiness 0$dwqd & with The Spirit 0xwrw
of his mother hm0d in the womb 0srkb he is wh while d(
of Israel lyrsy0 the children ynb of Nm & many 00ygsw
their God Nwhhl0 Jehovah 0yrm to twl he will turn 0npn
of Elia 0yl0d & in the power 0lyxbw in the spirit 0xwrb before Him yhwmdq will go lz0n & he whw
the children 0ynb to l( of fathers 0hb0d the heart 0bl to turn 0npnd the prophet 0ybn
of the Just One 0n0kd to the knowledge 0t(dyl are persuaded Nysyp+tm who not 0ld & those Nyly0lw
perfect 0rymg a people 0m( for Jehovah 0yrml & he will prepare by+nw
this 0dh shall I know (d0 how? 0nky0 to the angel 0k0lml Zechariah 0yrkz & said rm0w
is yh in her days htmwyb advanced t0ygs & my wife yttn0w old 0bs am yty0 for ryg I 0n0
Gabriel ly0yrbg am 0n0 I 0n0 to him hl & he said rm0w the angel 0k0lm answered 0n(w
& I am sent txlt$0w God 0hl0 before Mdq am 0n0 who standing M0qd
these Nylh & to give you tidings Krbs0w with youKm( to speak llm0d
dumb qyt$ you will be 0wht henceforth lykm
to speak wllmml you will be able xk$t & not 0lw
will occur Nywhn that these things Nylhd the day 0mwyl until 0md(
these Nylh my words ylml you believed tnmyh not 0ld because l(
in their time Nyhnbzb which will be fulfilled Nylmtmd
for Zechariah 0yrkzl waiting 0ksmw were 0wh standing M0q but Nyd the people 0m(
in the temple 0lkyhbd his tarrying htrxwt at l( they were wwh & wondering Nyhymtw
Zechariah 0yrkz but Nyd came out qpn when dk
with them Nwhm( to speak llmnd he was 0wh able xk$m not 0l

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

in the temple 0lkyhb he had seen 0zx that a vision 0wzxd & they perceived wlkts0w
mute $rx still dk & he remained ywqw to them Nwhl was 0wh gesturing zmr making signs zmrm & he whw
to his house htybl he went lz0 of his service ht$m$td the days 0tmwy were fulfilled wylmt0 & when dkw
Elishaba (b$yl0 conceived tn+b those Nwnh days 0tmwy after rtb from Nm & it was 0whw
five 0$mx months 0xry herself h$pn she had twh & secluded 0y$+mw his wife httn0
she twh & said 0rm0w
in the days 0tmwyb Jehovah 0yrm for me yl has done db( these things Nylhd
my reproach ydsx to take away bsml me yb in which He regarded rxd
of men 0$n0 the children ynb that is among tybd
the angel 0k0lm Gabriel ly0yrbg was sent xlt$0 sixth 0t$d but Nyd in the month 0xryb
to Galila 0lylgl of God 0hl0 the presence twl from Nm
was Natsareth trcn whose name hm$d to the city 0tnydml
to a man 0rbgl who was engaged 0rykmd a virgin 0tlwtb to twl
Yoseph Pswy whose name hm$d of David dywdd the house htyb from Nm
Maryam Myrm for the virgin 0tlwtbl & the name hm$w
to you ykl peace Ml$ to her hl & he said rm0w the angel 0k0lm to her htwl & entered l(w
among women 0$nb you are blessed tkyrb is with you ykm( our Lord Nrm of grace 0twby+ full tylm
at his word htlmb she was alarmed tbhrt0 she saw tzx when dk but Nyd she yh
this 0nh greeting 0ml$ is wh what? 0nmd she was twh & reasoning 0b$xtmw
Maryam Myrm you should fear Nylxdt not 0l the angel 0k0lm to her hl & said rm0w
God 0hl0 with twl favor 0twby+ for ryg you have found ytxk$0
conception 0n+b you will receive Nylbqt for ryg behold 0h
Yeshua (w$y His Name hm$ & you shall call Nyrqtw to a Son 0rb & you will give birth Nydl0tw
He will be called 0rqtn of The Highest 0yl(d & The Son hrbw great br will be 0whn This One 0nh
His father yhwb0 of David dywdd the throne hysrwk God 0hl0 Jehovah 0yrm to him hl & will give ltnw
eternally Ml(l of Yaqob bwq(yd the house htyb over l( & He will reign Klmnw
there will be 0whn not 0l an end Pws & to His Kingdom htwklmlw
to the angel 0k0lml Maryam Myrm she said 0rm0
me yl has known Mykx not 0l for a man 0rbgd this 0dh will be 0wht How? 0nky0
to her hl & said rm0w the angel 0k0lm answered 0n(
will come 0t0t of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr
upon you ykyl( will rest Ngn of The Highest 0yl(d & the power hlyxw
will be wh holy 0$ydq in you ykb Who will be begotten dlytmd He wh this 0nh because of l+m
He will be called 0rqtn of God 0hl0d & The Son hrbw
has conceived 0n+b she yh also P0 your cousin yktnyx0 Elishaba (b$yl0 & behold 0hw
for her yhl it is hl sixth 0t$d the month 0xry & this 0nhw in her old age htwbysb a son 0rb
barren 0trq( who is called 0yrqtmd
anything Mdm to God 0hl0l is difficult l+( not 0ld because l+m
of Jehovah 0yrmd the handmaid htm0 I am 0n0 behold 0h Maryam Myrm she said 0rm0
your word Ktlm according to Ky0 to me yl let be done 0whn
her htwl from Nm the angel 0k0lm & departed lz0w
those Nwnh in days 0tmwyb among them Nwhb Maryam Myrm but Nyd arose tmq

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of Judea dwhyd to a city 0tnydml to the mountains 0rw+l instantly ty0ly+b & she went tlz0w
of Zechariah 0yrkzd the house htybl & she entered tl(w
of Elishaba (b$yl0d the peace hml$ & she invoked tl0$w
Elishaba (b$yl0 heard t(m$ that when dkd & it was 0whw
in her womb hsrkb the baby 0lw( leapt cd of Maryam Myrmd the greeting hml$
of Holiness 0$dwqd with the Spirit 0xwr Elishaba (b$yl0 & was filled tylmt0w
to Maryam Myrml & she said trm0w loud 0mr in a voice 0lqb & she cried t(qw
among women 0$nb you are ytn0 blessed 0tkrbm
that is in your womb yksrkbd the fruit 0r0p is wh & blessed Krbmw
is this 0dh to me yl from where? 0kmy0
to me ytwl would come 0t0t of my Lord yrmd that the mother hm0d
in my ear ynd0b of your greeting ykml$d the voice 0lq fell lpn when dk for ryg behold 0h
in my womb ysrkb the baby 0lw( leapt cd great 0tbr in Joy 0twdxb
who believed tnmyhd the one 0dy0l & blessed is she hybw+w
to those things Nyly0l a fulfillment 0mlw$ that there would be 0whd
Jehovah 0yrm the presence of twl from Nm with her hm( that were spoken llmt0d
The LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml my soul y$pn exalts 0brwm Maryam Myrm & said trm0w
my Savior ynyxm in God 0hl0b my spirit yxwr & rejoices tydxw
of His maidservant htm0d the lowliness 0kkwmb for He has regarded rxd
this hour 0$h from Nm for ryg behold 0h
all Nyhlk generations 0tbr$ to me yl they will ascribe Nltn blessedness 0bw+
Who is mighty Ntlyxd He wh great things 0tbrwr to me ytwl because He has done db(d
His Name hm$ & holy is $ydqw
& generations 0tbr$w to posterity 0rdl & His mercy hnnxw
Him hl who revere Nylxdd those Nyly0 is upon l(
with His arm h(rdb victory 0twkz He has wrought db(
of their heart Nwhbld with the opinion 0ty(rtb the proud yrytx & He has scattered rdbw
thrones 0twsrwk from Nm the mighty 0pyqt He has cast down Pxs
the lowly 0kykm & He has raised up Myr0w
with good things 0tb+ He has filled (bs the hungry 0npk
empty handed ty0qyps He has sent away 0r$ & the rich 0ryt(w
His mercy hnnx & he has remembered rkdt0w His servant hdb( Israel lyrsy0l He has helped rd(
our patriarchs Nyhb0 with M( He spoke llmd just as Ky0
eternally Ml(l his seed h(rz & with M(w Abraham Mhrb0 with M(
Elishaba (b$yl0 with twl Maryam Myrm but Nyd stayed tywq
to her house htybl & she returned tkphw three 0tlt months 0xry about Ky0
for her hl was 0wh it 0wh but Nyd Elishaba (b$yl0
a son 0rb & she bore tdlyw that she would bear dl0td time 0nbz
of her family hmhw+ & the children ynbw her neighbors hybb$ & they heard w(m$w
to her htwl His mercy hnnx God 0hl0 that had magnified ygs0d

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

with her hm( they wwh & rejoiced Nydxw

the boy 0yl+l to circumcise hrzgml & they came wt0w eighth 0ynmtd on the day 0mwyl & it was 0whw
Zechariah 0yrkz of his father yhwb0d by the name 0m$b him hl they were wwh & calling Nyrqw
to them Nwhl & she said 0rm0w his mother hm0 & answered tn(w
Yokhanan Nnxwy he will be called 0rqtn but 0l0 so 0nkh not 0l
a man $n0 there is not tyld to her hl & they said wrm0w
this 0nh by name 0m$b who is called 0rqtmd among your generations yktbr$b
to name him yhwym$nd he wanted 0bc that in which way? 0nky0d to his father yhwb0l & they signed wzmrw
& he said rm0w & he wrote btkw a tablet 0tyqnp he requested l0$w
everyone $nlk & was amazed wrmdt0w his name hm$ is wh Yokhanan Nnxwy
his mouth hmwp had been opened xtpt0 & at once 0dxmw
God 0hl0l & he blessed Krbw & he spoke llmw & his tongue hn$lw
their neighbors Nwhybb$ all of them Nwhlk on l( awe 0tlxd & there was twhw
were ywh being spoken Nllmtm these things Nylh of Judea dwhyd the mountains 0rw+ & in all hlkbw
in their heart Nwhblb were wwh contemplating Nyb$xtm who heard w(m$d & all those Nwhlkw
this 0nh the boy 0yl+ will be 0whn indeed yk what? 0nm & they were saying Nyrm0w
with him hm( was twh it ty0 of Jehovah 0yrmd & the hand hdy0w
of Holiness 0$dwqd with The Spirit 0xwr his father yhwb0 Zechariah 0yrkz & was filled ylmt0w
& he said rm0w & he prophesied ybnt0w
of Israel lyrsy0d the God hhl0 Jehovah 0yrm is wh blessed Krbm
redemption 0nqrwp for it hl & He has wrought db(w His nation hm( Who has visited r(sd
of redemption 0nqrwpd a trumpet 0nrq for us Nl & He has raised up Myq0w
His servant hdb( of David dywdd in the house htybb
by the mouth 0mwpb He spoke llmd just as Ky0
eternity Ml( that which is from Nmd holy 0$ydq of His prophets yhwybnd
our enemies Nybbdl(b from Nm that He would save us Nqrpnd
who hate us Ny0ns of all of them Nwhlkd the hand 0dy0 & from Nmw
our fathers Nyhb0 with M( His mercy hnnx & He has wrought db(w
holy 0t$ydq His covenants yhwqtydl & He has remembered dh(w
to Abraham Mhrb0l that He swore 0myd & the oath 0tmwmw
us Nl that He would grant ltnd our patriarch Nwb0
of our enemies Nybbdl(bd the hands 0dy0 from Nm that we would be saved qrptnd
before Him yhwmdq we should serve xwlpn fear 0lxd & without 0ldw
& in righteousness 0twqydzbw in justice 0twn0kb our days Ntmwy all of Nwhlk
you will be called 0rqtt of The Highest 0yl(d the prophet hybn boy 0yl+ & you tn0w
of Jehovah 0yrmd the Person hpwcrp before Mdq for ryg you will go lz0t
His way hxrw0 that you may prepare by+td
to His people hm(l of Life 0yxd the knowledge 0(dm that He may give ltnd
of their sins Nwhyh+xd in forgiveness 0nqbw$b

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of our God Nhl0d of the mercy 0nnxd in the compassion 0mxrb

Heaven 0mwr from Nm the Manifestation 0xnd will visit us Nr(sn in which Nwhbd
who in darkness 0kw$xbd those Nyly0l to enlighten wrhnml
are sitting Nybty of death 0twmd & in the shadow 0ll+bw
of peace 0ml$d in the path 0xrw0b our feet Nylgr that He may direct cwrtnd
in spirit 0xwrb & being strengthened lyxtmw was 0wh growing 0br but Nyd the boy 0yl+
the day 0mwyl until 0md( dwelt 0wh he yhwty0 & in the wilderness 0brwxbw
Israel lyrsy0 unto twld of his manifestation htywxtd
The Gospel According To Luke
Chapter 2
also went out qpnw those Nwnh in days 0tmwyb but Nyd it occurred 0wh
Qaesar rsq Augustus sw+swg0 from Nm a command 0ndqwp
of his empire hndxw0d nation 0m( every hlk that should be registered btktnd
was twh the first 0tymdq census 0twnbtkm this 0dh
in Syria 0yrwsb of Quraynus swnyrwqd in the government 0twnmghb
in his city htnydmb to be registered btktnd everyone $nlk was 0wh & going lz0w
Natsareth trcn from Nm Yoseph Pswy also P0 but Nyd had 0wh came up qls
of David dywdd to the city htnydml to Judea dwhyl of Galila 0lylgd a city 0tnydm
was 0wh he yhwty0d because l+m Bethlehem Mxltyb that is called 0yrqtmd
of David dywdd the lineage htbr$ & from Nmw the house htyb from Nm
she was pregnant 0n+b when dk his bride htrykm Maryam Myrm with M(
he might be registered btktn that there Nmtd
they were Nwn0 there Nmt that while dkd & it was 0whw
that she would give birth dl0td her days htmwy were completed wylmt0
firstborn 0rkwb her Son hrb & she brought forth tdlyw
in a manger 0yrw0b & she laid Him htymr0w in swaddling bands 0rwrz(b & she wrapped Him htkrkw
a place 0tkwd for them Nwhl was 0wh there not tyld because l+m
they might wwh lodge Nyr$d where 0ky0
who lodging Nyr$d in the region 0rt0b in it hb were wwh some ty0 but Nyd shepherds 0tw(r
of the night 0ylld the watch 0tr+m & they kept Nyr+nw there Nmt were wwh
their flocks Nwhty(rm over l(
to them Nwhtwl came 0t0 of God 0hl0d the angel 0k0lm & behold 0hw
upon them Nwhyl( shone trhn0 of Jehovah 0yrmd & the glory htxwb$tw
great 0tbr from fear 0tlxd & they were afraid wlxdw
fear Nwlxdt not 0l the angel 0k0lm to them Nwhl & said rm0w
great 0tbr joy 0twdx to you Nwkl I 0n0 proclaim rbsm for ryg behold 0h
universe 0ml( to the entire hlkl which will be 0whtd
The Savior 0qwrp today 0nmwy for ryg to you Nwkl has been born dlyt0
of David dywdd in the city htnydmb The Messiah 0xy$m Jehovah 0yrm Who is yhwty0d
the baby 0lw( you Nwtn0 will find Nyxk$m a sign 0t0 to you Nwkl & this is 0dhw
in a manger 0yrw0b & lying Mysw in swaddling bands 0rwrz(b wrapped Kyrkd
the angel 0k0lm with M( appeared wyzxt0 the silence yl$ & from Nmw
of Heaven 0ym$d great 00ygs the armies 0twlyx

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& they were saying Nyrm0w to God 0hl0l shouting praises Nyxb$m while dk
peace 0ml$ the earth 0(r0 & upon l(w in Heaven 0mwrmb to God 0hl0l glory 0txwb$t
of men 0$n0 to the children ynbl good 0b+ & news 0rbsw
to Heaven 0ym$l the angels 0k0lm among them Nwhtwl from Nm went wlz0 that as dkd & it was 0whw
& they were saying Nyrm0w another dx with M( one dx the shepherds 0tw(r spoke wllm
this 0dh event 0tlml & we shall see 0zxnw as Bethlehem Mxltybl as far 0md( let us proceed 0drn
to us Nl has revealed (dw0 Jehovah 0yrmd as Ky0 that has occurred twhd
& they found wxk$0w quickly ty0bhrsm & they came wt0w
in a manger 0yrw0b Who was lying Mysd & the Baby 0lw(lw & Yoseph Pswylw Maryam Myrml
the words 0tlml they made known w(dw0 they had seen wzx & when dkw
The Boy 0yl+ about l( about Him yhwl( with them Nwhm( that had been spoken tllmt0d
those things Nyly0 concerning l( marvelled wrmdt0 they who heard w(m$d & all Nwhlkw
the shepherds 0tw(r from Nm to them Nwhl that were spoken llmt0d
these Nylh words 0lm all Nyhlk was twh keeping 0r+n but Nyd Maryam Myrm
in her heart hblb & was pondering 0mxpmw
they glorified Nyxb$m as dk those Nwnh shepherds 0tw(r & returned wkphw
everything lk concerning l( God 0hl0l & praised Nyllhmw
& they had heard w(m$w because they had seen wzxd
with them Nwhm( it had been spoken llmt0d just as 0nky0
the boy 0yl+ that should be circumcised rzgtnd days Nymwy eight 0ynmt were full wlm & when dkw
the angel 0k0lm by Nm which He was called yrqt0d Yeshua (w$y His Name hm$ was called yrqt0
in the womb 0srkb He would have been conceived N+btnd before Mdq
that they should be purified Nwhtykdtd the days 0tmwy were fulfilled wylmt0 & when dkw
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l they carried Him yhwqs0 of Moshe 0$wmd the law 0swmn according to Ky0
Jehovah 0yrm before Mdq that they may present Him yhynwmyqnd
male 0rkd every lkd of Jehovah 0yrmd in the law 0swmnb it is written bytkd as Ky0
will be called 0rqtn of Jehovah 0yrmd a holy one 0$ydq the womb 0(brm who opens xtp
that which was said rym0d just like 0nky0 a sacrifice 0txbd & that they offer Nwltndw
of turtle doves 0nynpw$d a pair 0gwz of Jehovah 0yrmd in the law 0swmnb
doves 0nwyd young 0gwrp two Nyrt or w0
his name hm$ in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b was 0wh there ty0 one dx but Nyd a man 0rbg
& righteous qydzw was 0wh just Ny0k this 0nh & man 0rbgw Shimeon Nw(m$ was 0wh
of Israel lyrsy0d for the consolation h0ywbl he was 0wh & waiting 0ksmw
upon him yhwl( was twh He ty0 of Holiness 0$dwqd & The Spirit 0xwrw
of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr from Nm to him hl it was 0wh & told rym0w
death 0twm he would see 0zxn that not 0ld
of Jehovah 0yrmd The Messiah hxy$ml he would see 0zxnd until 0md(
to the temple 0lkyhl in The Spirit 0xwrb had 0wh come 0t0 this one 0nh he wh
the Boy 0yl+ Yeshua (w$yl His parents yhwhb0 Him hl brought Nyl(m & as dkw
in the law 0swmnb it was commanded dyqpd just as 0nky0 for Him yhwplx to do Nwdb(nd
& he said rm0w God 0hl0l & blessed Krbw his arms yhw(rd on l( he took Him hlbq
Your servant Kdb(l him hl You are tn0 sending 0r$ now lykm
in peace 0ml$b Your word Ktlm according to Ky0 my Lord yrm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Your mercy Knnx my eyes yny( have seen yzx behold 0hd
the peoples 0twm0 of all Nyhlkd in the sight 0pwcrpb Whom You have prepared tby+d Him wh
of the Gentiles 0mm(d for revelation 0nylgl the light 0rhwn
Israel lyrsy0 to Your people Km(l & the glory 0xbw$w
they were wwh marveling Nyhymt & His mother hm0w but Nyd Yoseph Pswy
about Him yhwl( were ywh that spoken Nllmtmd those things Nyly0 at l(
His mother hm0 to Maryam Myrml & said rm0w Shimeon Nw(m$ them Nwn0 & blessed Krbw
of many 00ygsd & the rise 0myqlw for the fall 0tlwpml is appointed Mys This One 0nh behold 0h
of contention 0nyrxd & for a sign 0t0lw in Israel lyrsy0b
a lance 0xmwr will pass through rb(t yours yklyd but Nyd & into your soul yk$pnbw
of many 00ygsd of hearts 0twbld the thoughts 0tb$xm may be revealed Nylgtnd so that Ky0
of Phanuel ly0wnpd daughter htrb the prophetess 0tybn but Nyd & Hannah 0nxw
was twh in her days htmwyb old t$y$q she yh also P0 of Ashayr ry$0d the tribe 0+b$ from Nm
her virginity htwlwtb from Nm she had lived tyx her husband hl(b with M( years Nyn$ & seven (b$w
& four (br0w eighty Ny0nmt years Nyn$ about Ky0 a widow 0tlmr0 & she had been twhw
the temple 0lkyh from Nm she had twh departed 0qrp & not 0lw
& with prayers 0twlcbw & with fastings 0mwcbw
& by night 0yllbw by day 0mmy0b she was twh serving 0xlp
in the hour 0t($b in it hb standing tmq she was yh also P0w
to Jehovah 0yrml & she gave thanks tydw0w
everyone $nlk with M( about Him yhwl( she was twh & speaking 0llmmw
of Jerusalem Ml$rw0d for the redemption hnqrwpl was 0wh who waiting 0ksmd
thing Mdm every lk they had finished wml$ & when dkw
of Jehovah 0yrmd that in the law 0swmnbd according to Ky0
their city Nwhtnydm to Natsareth trcnl to Galila 0lylgl they returned wkph
in Spirit 0xwrb & being strengthened lyxtmw was 0wh growing 0br but Nyd the boy 0yl+
with wisdom 0tmkx & He was being filled 0lmtmw
upon Him yhwl( was twh it ty0 of God 0hl0d & the grace 0twby+w
year 0n$ in every lkb & His people yhw$n0w
of Passover 0xcpd at the feast 0d(d(b to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l they were wwh going Nylz0
they went up wqls twelve 0rs(trt years Nyn$ a son of rb He was 0wh & when dkw
to the feast 0d(d(l they had been wwh accustomed Nyd(md just as 0nky0
but Nyd Yeshua (w$y they Nwhl were returning wkph the days 0tmwy had past wml$ & when dkw
& His mother hm0w & Yoseph Pswyw in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b He hl remained $p the Boy 0yl+
they knew w(dy not 0l
He was wh of their friends Nwhtywl the children ynb that with M(d for ryg they wwh were thinking Nyrbs
they looked for Him yhw0(b one dx of day 0mwy a journey 0drm they had come wt0 & when dkw
them Nwhl knew (dyd whomever Nm & among twlw their people Nwhtw$n0 among twl
they Nwhl & returned wkphw they found Him yhwxk$0 & not 0lw
Him hl they were wwh & seeking Ny(bw to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l again bwt
in the temple 0lkyhb they found Him yhwxk$0 days Nymwy three 0tlt after rtb & from Nmw
from them Nwhnm & He heard (m$w the teachers 0nplm in the midst of t(cm He sat bty as dk

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of them Nwhl & He was inquiring l0$mw

to Him hl were wwh who listening Ny(m$d those Nyly0 all Nwhlk they were wwh & astounded Nyhymtw
& at His discourses yhwmgtpbw at His wisdom htmkxb
His mother hm0 to Him hl & said trm0w they marveled whmt they saw Him yhw0zx & when dkw
so 0nkh to us Nl have You done tdb( why? 0nml my Son yrb
great 00ygs with anxiety 0prw+b & I 0n0w Your father Kwb0 behold 0hd
for You Kl were Nywh looking Ny(b
for Me yl were you Nwtywh looking Ny(b why? 0nm to them Nwhl He said rm0
of My Father yb0 that in the house tybd did you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy not? 0l
to be 0wh0d for Me yl it was fitting 0lw
to them Nwhl that He spoke rm0d the statement 0tlml understood w(dwt$0 not 0l but Nyd they Nwnh
to Natsareth trcnl & He came 0t0w with them Nwhm( & He went down txnw
to them Nwhl He was 0wh & submitted db(t$mw
in her heart hblb words 0lm all these Nyhlk she was twh keeping 0r+n but Nyd His mother hm0
& in His wisdom htmkxbw in stature htmwqb was 0wh growing 0br but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
& the children of men 0$nynbw God 0hl0 with twl & in favor 0twby+bw
The Gospel According To Luke
Chapter 3
of Tiberius swyrby+d of the kingdom htwklmd but Nyd fifteenth 0rs($mx in the year tn$b
in Judea dwhyb of Pontius Pilatus sw+lyp swy+npd in the government 0twnmghb Qaysar rsq
in Galila 0lylgb Herod sdwrh Tetrarch 0y(ybr 0$r when dk
in Ituria 0yrw+y0b Tetrarch 0y(ybr 0$r his brother yhwx0 & Phillip swpylypw
of Trakona 0nwkr+d & in the region 0rt0bw
of Abilina 0nylyb0d Tetrarch 0y(ybr 0$r & Lusania 0ynswlw
& of Qaiapha 0pyqdw of Hannan Nnxd priesthood 0twnhk in the high twbrb
Yokhanan Nnxwy upon l( of God 0hl0d the word 0tlm was twh
in the wilderness 0brwxb Zechariah 0yrkz son of rb
the Jordan Nndrwy which is around yrdxd region 0rt0 in the whole hlkb & he came 0t0w
of repentance 0twbytd a baptism 0tydwm(m he was preaching zrkm while dk
of sins 0h+xd for the forgiveness 0nqbw$l
in the book 0btkb it is written bytkd just as 0nky0
which says rm0d the prophet 0ybn of Isaiah 0y($0d of the words 0lmd
the way of hxrw0 prepare wby+ in the wilderness 0brwxb which cries 0rqd the voice 0lq
for our God Nhl0l a road 0lyb$ in the plain 0t(qpb & straighten wcwrtw of Jehovah 0yrmd
mountains 0rw+ & all Nwhlkw will be filled Nwlmtn the valleys 0lxn all of them Nwhlk
the rugged place 0mr( & will be 0whnw will be leveled Nwkkmtn & high places 0tmrw
a plain 0t(qpl difficult 0qs( & the region 0rt0w a smooth 0yp$l
of God 0hl0d The Life 0yx body rsb every lk will see 0zxnw
to him htwl were wwh who coming Nyt0d those Nyly0 to the crowds 0$nkl he 0wh & said rm0w
has instructed you Nwkywx who? wnm of vipers 0ndk0d offspring 0dly to be baptized dm(ml
that is coming dyt(d the wrath 0zgwr from Nm to flee qr(ml
& not 0lw for repentance 0twbytl worthy Nyw$d fruit 0r0p therefore lykh produce wdb(
to us Nl is ty0 that the father 0b0d within yourselves Nwk$pnb to say rm0ml start Nwr$t
these Nylh that from Nmd for ryg to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 Abraham Mhrb0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to Abraham Mhrb0l children 0ynb raise up wmqml God 0hl0 can xk$m stones 0p0k
of the tree 0nly0d the root 0rq( on l( is laid Mys the axe 0grn but Nyd behold 0h
producing db( not 0l good 0b+ fruit 0r0pd therefore lykh tree 0nly0 every lk
falls lpn & in the fire 0rwnbw is cut down qsptm
the crowds 0$nk him hl they were wwh & asking Nyl0$mw
shall we do db(n therefore lykh what? 0nm & they were saying Nyrm0w
to them Nwhl & he said rm0w & he answered 0n(
let him give ltn coats Nynytwk two Nytrt to him hl has ty0d whoever Nm
has ty0d & whoever Nmw to him hl has not tyld to whomever Nml
he should do db(n likewise 0nkh food 0trbys to him hl
to be baptized dm(ml tax collectors 0skm also P0 & they came wt0w
shall we do db(n what? 0nm Teacher 0nplm to him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w
seek Nw(btt not 0l to them Nwhl said rm0 but Nyd he wh
to seek (btml to you Nwkl is commanded dyqpd whatever 0m on top l( more ryty a thing Mdm
& they were saying Nyrm0w military 0y+r+s0 workers yxlp him hl were wwh & asking Nyl0$mw
man $n0b no 0l to them Nwhl he said rm0 we Nnx also P0 shall do db(n what? 0nm
do injustice Nwq$(t not 0l & to a man $n0lw harm Nwrg+tt
your wages Nwktynwsp0 for you Nwkl & let suffice Nqpsnw
Yokhanan Nnxwy about l( the people 0m( had been 0wh thinking rbsm but Nyd when dk
in their hearts Nwhblb they were wwh ponderingNyb$xtm & all Nwhlkw
the Messiah 0xy$m he were wywh whether 0mldd
to them Nwhl & said rm0w Yokhanan Nnxwy answered 0n(
in water 0ymb you Nwkl am 0n0 baptizing dm(m behold 0h I 0n0
than I ynm Who mightier Ntlyxd He wh but Nyd comes 0t0
that I may loose 0r$0d I am 0n0 worthy 0w$ of Whom not 0ld He wh
will baptize you Nwkdm(n He wh of His shoes yhwnsmd the straps 0qr(
& in fire 0rwnbw of Holiness 0$dwqd in The Spirit 0xwrb
in His hand hdy0b a winnowing fan 0$pr Who holds dyx0d he wh
His threshing floor yhwrd0 & purges 0kdmw
into His barns yhwrcw0l he gathers $nk & the wheat 0+xw
in fire 0rwnb He will burn dqwn & the chaff 0nbtw
is quenched 0k(d that not 0ld
taught Plm many things 0t0ygs but Nyd other 0tynrx0 also P0
to the people 0m(l & he preached good news rbsmw he 0wh
the Tetrarch 0krr++ but Nyd Herodus sdwrh
Yokhanan Nnxwy by Nm he had been 0wh reproved ssktmd because l+m
of Philipus swpylyp the wife ttn0 Herodia 0ydwrh on the account of l(
he had 0wh that done db(d the evil 0t$yb all Nyhlk & for l(w his brother yhwx0
all Nyhlk upon l( this 0dh also P0 he added Psw0
of prisoners 0rys0 in the house tyb Yokhanan Nnxwyl & he shut h$bxw
the people 0m( all hlk he had baptized dm( when dk but Nyd it happened 0wh
He prayed 0lcm & as dkw he baptized dm( Yeshua (w$y also P0w
the heavens 0ym$ were opened wxtpt0
of The Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr & was descending ttxnw
of a dove 0nwyd of a body 0m$wg in the form twmdb upon Him yhwl(

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

which said rm0d Heaven 0ym$ from Nm there was 0wh & a voice 0lqw
I am pleased tyb+c0 in Whom Kbd The Beloved 0bybx My Son yrb are wh You tn0
thirty Nytlt years Nyn$ son of rb about Ky0 was 0wh He yhwty0 Yeshua (w$y but Nyd This wh
Heli ylh son of rb Yoseph Pswy the son of rb He 0wh & was considered rbtsmw
Melki yklm son of rb Levi ywl son of rb Matthat tt+m son of rb
Yoseph Pswy son of rb Yannai yn0y son of rb
Amots cwm( son of rb Matatha 0ttm son of rb
Naggai ygn son of rb Hesli ylsx son of rb Nahum Mwxn son of rb
Shemei y(m$ son of rb Matath t+m son of rb Maath t0m son of rb
Yehuda 0dwhy son of rb Yoseph Pswy son of rb
Zorobabel lbbrwz son of rb Resa 0sr son of rb Yokhanan Nnxwy son of rb
Nari yrn son of rb Salathiel ly0tl$ son of rb
Qosam Mswq son of rb Addi yd0 son of rb Melki yklm son of rb
Ayr ry( son of rb Elmodad ddwml0 son of rb
Yoram Mrwy son of rb Eliezer rz(yl0 son of rb Yose 0swy son of rb
Levi ywl son of rb Mataytha 0tytm son of rb
Yoseph Pswy son of rb Yehuda 0dwhy son of rb Shimeon Nw(m$ son of rb
Eliaqim Myqyl0 son of rb Yonam Mnwy son of rb
Mainai yn0m son of rb Melia 0ylm son of rb
David dywd son of rb Nathan Ntn son of rb Mattatha 0t+m son of rb
Boaz z(b son of rb Obed dybw( son of rb Aishai y$y0 son of rb
Nahshon Nw$xn son of rb Salmon Nwmls son of rb
Hetsron Nwrcx son of rb Aram Mr0 son of rb Aminadab bdnym( son of rb
Yehuda 0dwhy son of rb Pharets crp son of rb
Abraham Mhrb0 son of rb Isaac qxsy0 son of rb Yaqob bwq(y son of rb
Nahor rwxn son of rb Terah xrt son of rb
son of rb Arau w(r0 son of rb Serug gwrs son of rb
Shalah xl$ son of rb Eber rb( son of rb Phaleg glp
Arphakshar r$kpr0 son of rb Qainan Nnyq son of rb
Lamek Kml son of rb Noah xwn son of rb Shaym My$ son of rb
Henok Kwnx son of rb Mathuselah xl$wtm son of rb
Qaynan Nnyq son of rb Mehalaleil ly0llhm son of rb Yared dry son of rb
Shayth ty$ son of rb Enosh $wn0 son of rb
God 0hl0 who was from Nmd Adam Md0 son of rb
The Gospel According To Luke
Chapter 4
of Holiness 0$dwqd of The Spirit 0xwr being full 0lm when dk but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
to the wilderness 0brwxl The Spirit 0xwr & led Him htrbdw the Jordan Nndrwy from Nm He returned Kph
The Devil 0crqlk0 by Nm that He would be tempted 0sntnd forty Ny(br0 days 0tmwy
days 0tmwy in those Nwnhb anything Mdm He ate s(l & not 0lw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

He was hungry Npk at the end 0trxl them Nwn0 He had finished Ml$ & when dkw
of God 0hl0d You are tn0 The Son hrb if N0 The Devil 0crqlk0 to him hl & said rm0w
bread 0mxl that it shall become 0whtd this 0dh to stone 0p0kl say rm0
is written bytk to him hl & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
it is 0wh that not 0ld it wh a son of man 0$nrb lives 0yx alone dwxlb by bread 0mxlb
of God 0hl0d statement Mgtp by every lkb but 0l0
high 0mr to a mountain 0rw+l Satan 0n+s & took Him up hqs0w
short 0rw(z in a time 0nd(b of the earth 0(r0d the kingdoms 0twklm all Nyhlk & he showed Him hywxw
all hlk this 0nh authority 0n+lw$ I shall give lt0 to You Kl The Devil 0crqlk0 to Him hl & said rm0w
it is delivered Ml$m for to me yld & its glory hxbw$w
it hl I 0n0 give bhy I want 0bc0d & to whomever Nmlw
all hlk will be 0whn Yours Klyd before me ymdq You will worship dwgst therefore lykh if N0
to him hl & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
you shall worship dwgst your God Khl0 that Jehovah 0yrmld it wh is written bytk
you shall serve xwlpt only yhwdwxlb & Him hlw
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l & he brought Him hyty0w
of the temple 0lkyhd the pinnacle 0pnk on l( & he stood Him hmyq0w
of God 0hl0d You tn0 The Son hrb if N0 to him hl & he said rm0w
down txtl from here 0km Yourself K$pn cast 0mr0
He will will command dqpn His angels yhwk0lmld for ryg it is written bytk
that they will protect You Knwr+nnd concerning You Kyl(
they will carry You Knwlq$n their arms Nwhy(rd & upon l(w
on a stone 0p0kb Your foot Klgr You should strike lqtt lest 0ld
it wh has been said rym0 to him hl & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y but Nyd answered 0n(
your God Khl0 Jehovah 0yrml you shall tempt 0snt that not 0ld
his temptations yhwnwysn all of them Nwhlk The Devil 0crqlk0 had finished Ml$ & when dkw
a time 0nbz until d( His presence htwl from Nm he departed qrp
to Galila 0lylgl of The Spirit 0xwrd in the power 0lyxb Yeshua (w$y & returned Kphw
around them Nwhyrdxd place 0rt0 in every hlkb a report 0b+ about Him yhwl( & went out qpnw
& being praised xbt$mw in their assemblies Nwht$wnkb was 0wh teaching Plm & He whw
person $n0 every lk by Nm He was 0wh
He had been raised ybrt0d where 0ky0 to Natsareth trcnl & He came 0t0w
the synagogue 0t$wnkl He was 0wh accustomed d(md just as 0nky0 & entered l(w
to read 0rqml & He stood up Mqw of the Sabbath 0tb$d on the day 0mwyb
the prophet 0ybn of Isaiah 0y($0d a scroll 0rps to Him hl & was given bhyt0w
the scroll 0rps Yeshua (w$y & opened xtpw
it is written bytkd where 0ky0 the place 0tkwd & He found xk$0w
He has anointed Me ynx$m this 0dh & because of l+mw is upon Me yl( of Jehovah 0yrmd The Spirit hxwr
to heal wys0ml & He has sent Me ynxl$w to the poor 0nksml to proclaim good news wrbsml
liberty 0nqbw$ to captives 0yb$l & to proclaim wzrkmlw hearts 0bl broken yrybtl
with forgiveness 0nqbw$b the depressed 0rybtl & to restore wrr$mlw vision 0yzx & to the blind 0ryw(lw
to Jehovah 0yrml acceptable 0tlbqm the era 0tn$ & to proclaim wzrkmlw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to the minister 0n$m$ml & He gave it hbhyw the scroll 0rps & He rolled up Krkw
who were in the synagogue 0t$wnkbd but Nyd all of them Nwhlk He sat down bty & He went lz0w
on Him hb they were ywh fixed Nryx their eyes Nwhyny(
to them Nwhtwl to say rm0ml & He began yr$w
in your ears Nwkynd0b this 0nh scripture 0btk is fulfilled Mlt$0 this day 0nmwyd
& amazed Nyrmdtmw all of them Nwhlk to it hl they were wwh & testifying Nydhsw
from Nm had ywh that come out Nqpnd of grace 0twby+d at the words 0lmb they were wwh
Yoseph Pswy the son of rb this 0nh is 0wh not? 0l they were wwh & saying Nyrm0w His mouth hmwp
to Me yl you will say Nwrm0t doubtless rbk Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
yourself K$pn heal 0s0 physician 0ys0 this 0nh proverb 0ltm
in Kapernakhum Mwxnrpkb that You have done tdb(d that we are hearing N(m$d & everything lkw
in Your town Ktnydmb here 0krh also P0 do db(
to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 amen Nym0 said rm0 but Nyd He wh
in his town htnydmb who is received lbqtmd a prophet 0ybn there is not tyld
widows 0tlmr0 that many ygsd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 for ryg truly 0rr$
the prophet 0ybn of Elia 0yl0 in the days ymwyb in Israel lyrsy0b were ywh there ty0
six 0t$ & months 0xryw three tlt years Nyn$ the heavens 0ym$ were shut wdxtt0 when dk
the land 0(r0 in all hlkb great 0br hunger 0npk & there was 0whw
Elia 0yl0 was sent rdt$0 not 0l of them Nyhnm one 0dx & unto twlw
a widow 0tlmr0 a woman 0ttn0 unto twl of Tsidon Ndycd to Tsarepta tprcl but 0l0
in the days ymwyb Israel lyrsy0 among tyb were wwh there ty0 lepers 0brg & many 00ygsw
was purified ykdt0 not 0l of them Nwhnm & one dxw the prophet 0ybn of Elisha ($yl0
The Aramaean 0ymr0 Naaman Nm(n only N0 but 0l0
they Nwnh these things Nylh they heard w(m$ & when dkw
all of them Nwhlk with rage 0tmx were filled wylmt0 who were in the synagogue 0t$wnkbd
the city 0tnydm from Nm outside rbl & they thrust Him yhwqp0 & they arose wmqw
that wh of the mountain 0rw+d the ridge 0nybgl unto 0md( & they brought Him yhwyty0w
upon it yhwl( had been twh built 0ynb on which the city Nwhtnydmd
the precipice 0pyq$ from Nm to cast Him yhynwd$nd
& He departed lz0w the midst of them Nwhtnyb passed through rb( but Nyd he wh
of Galila 0lylgd a city 0tnydm to Kapernakhum Mwxnrpkl & He went down txnw
on the Sabbath 0b$b them Nwhl He was 0wh & teaching Plmw
His word htlm was twh for of authority 0+l$md at His teaching hnplwyb they were wwh & astonished Nyhymtw
in him hb had 0wh who ty0d a man 0rbg in the synagogue 0t$wnkb was 0wh & there ty0w
loud 0mr in a voice 0lqb & he cried q(zw filthy 0pn+ of demons 0d0$d spirits 0xwr
Nazarene 0yrcn Yeshua (w$y & to You Klw to us Nl what 0m let us alone ynyqwb$ & he said rm0w
You Kl I 0n0 know (dy to destroy us Ntwdbwml have You come? tyt0
of God 0hl0d the Holy One h$ydq You are tn0 Who Nm
your mouth Kmwp shut rwks & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y it hb & rebuked 00kw
in the midst 0t(cmb the demon 0d0$ & threw him yhyd$w from him hnm & come out qwpw
any Mdm to him hb it did harm xrs not 0l while dk from him hnm & it came out qpnw
everyone $nlkl gripped dx0 great 0br & astonishment 0hmtw
one another 0ddx with M( they were wwh & speaking Nyllmmw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

this 0dh word 0tlm indeed yk is yh what? 0nm & they were saying Nyrm0w
He commands 0dqp & with power 0lyxbw for with authority 0n+lw$bd
& they come out Nqpnw foul 0tpn+ the spirits 0xwrl
a report 0b+ about Him yhwl( & went out qpnw
that was around them Nwhyrdxd region 0rt0 in the whole hlkb
the house htybl He entered l( the synagogue 0t$wnk from Nm Yeshua (w$y went out qpn & when dkw
was twh afflicted 0cyl0 of Shimeon Nw(m$d & the mother in law htmxw of Shimeon Nw(m$d
for her sake htl+m Him hnm & they besought w(bw great 0tbr with fever 0t$0b
& it left her htqb$w her fever ht$0b & He rebuked 00kw her hnm over l(l & He arose Mqw
them Nwhl she was twh & waiting on 0$m$mw she arose tmq & at once 0dxmw
those Nyly0 all of them Nwhlk but Nyd the sun 0$m$ was setting ybr(m
who were sick 0hyrk to them Nwhl had 0wh who ty0d
various 0plx$m with diseases 0nhrwkb of their sicknesses Nyhyrkd
one dx each dx on l( but Nyd He wh to Him htwl them Nwn0 they brought wyty0
them Nwhl He 0wh & healed 0s0mw He 0wh laid M0s His hand hdy0 of them Nwhnm
many 00ygs from Nm demons 0d0$ also P0 were wwh & going out Nyqpnw
& they were saying Nyrm0w they screamed Nyq(zm as dk
of God 0hl0d The Son hrb the Messiah 0xy$m are wh You tn0d
was 0wh allowing qb$ & not 0lw them Nwhb He was 0wh & rebuking 00kw
the Messiah 0xy$m that He was wywhd that they knew Ny(dyd to say Nwrm0nd them Nwhl
Himself hl He went lz0 He went out qpn of the day 0mwyd & at the dawn hrpclw
were wwh seeking Ny(b & the crowds 0$nkw deserted 0brwx to a place 0rt0l
to His Presence htwl unto 0md( & they came wt0w Him hl
He hl should depart lz0n that not 0ld & they held to Him yhwdx0w
their presence Nwhtwl from Nm
that also P0d to them Nwhl said rm0 Yeshua (w$y but Nyd Himself wh
upon Me yl it is incumbant 0lw other 0tynrx0 to cities 0tnydml
of God 0hl0d the Kingdom htwklm to proclaim wrbsml
I am sent trdt$0 it is wh this 0dh because for l(d
of Galila 0lylgd in the synagogues 0t$wnkb was 0wh preaching zrkm & He whw
The Gospel According To Luke
Chapter 5
the crowd 0$nk about Him yhwl( gathered $nk when dk but Nyd it happened 0wh
of God 0hl0d the word 0tlm to hear (m$ml
of Genesar rsngd The Lake 0tmy the side dy on l( was 0wh standing M0q & He whw
of the lake 0tmy the shore bng on l( that stood Nmyqd two Nytrt ships 0nyps He saw 0zx
from them Nyhnm who had came down wqlsd & the fishermen 0dycw
their nets Nwhtdycm & were washing Nygy$mw
Keepha 0p0k was twh of Shimeon Nw(m$d of them Nyhnm & one 0dxw
in it hb He sat down bty Yeshua (w$y & went up qlsw
a little lylq they should take it out hnwrbdnd & He said rm0w
He 0wh & sat down btyw into the water 0yml dry land 0$by from Nm
the crowds 0$nkl the ship 0tnyps from Nm & He taught Plmw
to Shimeon Nw(m$l He said rm0 His speaking hllmm from Nm He had ceased qt$ & when dkw
for a catch 0dycl your nets Nwktdycm & cast wmr0w to the deep 0qmw(l take wrbd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

all hlk night 0yll Rabbi ybr to Him hl & he said rm0w Shimeon Nw(m$ answered 0n(
we have taken Ndx0 not 0l & a thing Mdmw we have worked Ny0l
the net 0tdycm I 0n0 will cast 0mr but Nyd Your word Ktlm on l(
many 00ygs fish 0nwn they caught w$bx they had done wdb( this 0dh & when dkw
their net Nwhtdycm was twh & braking 0yr+cmw very b+d
another 0trx0 who were in a ship 0tnypsbd their partners Nwhyrbxl & they beckoned wzmrw
they filled wlm they came wt0 & when dkw them Nwn0 help Nwrd(n to come Nwt0nd
to sinking (b+ml they were ywh that near Nbyrqd so Ky0 two Nyhytrt ships 0nyps those Nyn0
the feet yhwlgr before Mdq fell lpn Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$ but Nyd saw 0zx when dk
My Lord yrm of you Knm I 0n0 beg 0(b to Him hl & he said rm0w of Yeshua (w$yd
a sinner 0y+x I am 0n0 for a man 0rbgd me ynm You Kl abandon qwrp
& all of them Nwhlklw had 0wh seized him hdx0 for ryg awe 0hmt
that they had caught wdcd of fish 0nwnd that wh catch 0dyc due to l( who were with him hm(d
& Yokhanan Nnxwylw Yaqob bwq(yl also P0 but Nyd so twkh
of Shimeon Nw(m$d partners 0ptw$ were wwh who Nwhyty0d of Zebedee ydbz sons ynb
this hour 0$h from Nm fear lxdt not 0l to Shimeon Nw(m$l Yeshua (w$y but Nyd said rm0
for salvation 0yxl catching d0c you will be 0wht of men 0$n0 sons ynb
to the land 0(r0l ships 0nyps those Nyn0 & they brought wbrqw
after Him hrtb & they came wt0w thing Mdm every lk & they left wqb$w
a man 0rbg came 0t0 the cities 0tnydm of Nm in one 0dxb Yeshua (w$y was 0wh & when dkw
& he fell lpnw Yeshua (w$yl he saw 0zx of leprosy 0brg entirely hlk who was full 0lmd
to Him hl & he said rm0w from Him hnm he 0wh & begged 0(bw his face yhwp0 on l(
purify Me ytwykdml you tn0 can xk$m you are tn0 willing 0bc if N0 my Lord yrm
him hl He touched brq Yeshua (w$y His hand hdy0 & reached +$pw
be purified 0kdt0 I am 0n0 willing 0bc to him hl & He said rm0w
his leprosy hbrg from him hnm went lz0 a moment ht($ & son of rbw
& he was purified ykdt0w
you shall tell rm0t no 0l man $n0ld & He commanded him hdqpw
to the priest 0nhkl yourself K$pn show 0wx go lz but 0l0
just as 0nky0 your cleansing Ktykdt for Plx & offer brqw
for their testimony Nwhtwdhsl Moshe 0$wm commanded dqpd
increasingly ty0ryty fame 0b+ about Him yhwl( & went out qpnw
from Him hnm to hear (m$ml many 00ygs people 0m( were 0wh & gathered $nktmw
their sicknesses Nwhynhrwk from Nm & to be healed wys0tmlw
& praying 0lcmw to the wilderness 0rbdl was 0wh departing 0n$m but Nyd He wh
Yeshua (w$y was 0wh teaching Plm when dk the days 0tmwy of Nm on one dxb & it happened 0whw
of the law 0swmn & teachers yplmw the Pharisees 0$yrp were wwh sitting Nybty
village 0yrwq every lk from Nm had wwh who come wt0d
& of Jerusalem Ml$rw0dw & of Judea dwhydw of Galila 0lylgd
to heal them Nwhtwys0ml was 0wh there yhwty0 of Jehovah 0yrmd & the power 0lyxw
a man 0rbg on a pallet 0sr(b brought wyty0 & men 0$n0w
to enter Nwl(nd they were wwh & seeking Ny(bw a paralytic man 0yr$m one dx
in front of Himyhwmdq to place him yhynwmysn
they might bring him in yhynwl(n which way 0nky0d they found wxk$0 not 0l & when dkw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

by themselves Nwhl they went up wqls of people 0m(d the crowd 00gws because of l+m
the pallet hsr( with M( & lowered him yhwb$w to the roof 0rg0l
of Yeshua (w$yd in front yhwmdq into the midst 0t(cml the tiles 0lyl+t from Nm
He said rm0 their faith Nwhtwnmyh Yeshua (w$y but Nyd saw 0zx when dk
your sins Kyh+x to you Kl are forgiven Nyqyb$ man 0rbg paralyzed man 0yr$m to that whl
to think Nyb$xtm & the Pharisees 0$yrpw the Scribes 0rps & started wyr$w
blasphemy 0pdwg Who speaks llmmd This 0nh Who is? wnm & they were saying Nyrm0w
only dwxlb God 0hl0 if N0 except 0l0 sins 0h+x to forgive qb$ml is able xk$m Who? wnm
& said rm0w He answered 0n(w their thoughts Nwhtb$xm knew (dy but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
in your heart Nwkblb by you Nwtn0 thoughts are entertained Nyb$xtm what? 0nm to them Nwhl
your sins Kyh+x to you Kl are forgiven Nyqyb$d to say rm0ml is easier 0qy$p which? 0dy0
& walk Klh arise Mwq to say rm0ml or w0
of Man 0$n0d Son hrb is wh that authorized +yl$d but Nyd that you may know Nw(dtd
sins 0h+x that He may forgive qwb$nd in the earth 0(r0b
I 0n0 say rm0 to you Kl to the paralyzed man 0yr$ml He said rm0
to your house Ktybl & go lzw your pallet Ksr( pick up lwq$ arise Mwq
his pallet hsr( & took up lq$w before their eyes Nwhyn(l he arose Mq & at once 0dxmw
God 0hl0l he praised xb$m as dk to his house htybl & he went on lz0w
God 0hl0l they were wwh & praising Nyxb$mw everyone $nlkl seized dx0 & astonishment 0hmtw
& they were saying Nyrm0w with awe 0tlxd & they were filled wylmt0w
wonders 0trmdt today 0nmwy we have seen Nyzxd
a tax collector 0skm & He saw 0zxw Yeshua (w$y went out qpn these things Nylh after rtb
of customs 0skm in the house tyb who sat btyd Levi ywl whose name hm$d
after Me yrtb come 0t to him hl & He said rm0w
after Him hrtb he went lz0 & rising Mqw thing Mdm every lk & he left qb$w
great 0br a reception 0lbwq in his house htybb Levi ywl for Him hl & made db(w
& of others 0nrx0dw of tax gatherers 0skmd great 00ygs a crowd 0$nk was 0wh & there ty0w
with them Nwhm( were wwh who reclining at dinner Nykymsd
& they were saying Nyrm0w & the Pharisees 0$yrpw the Scribes 0rps were wwh & complaining Nyn+rw
& sinners 0y+xw tax collectors 0skm with M( why? 0nml to His disciples yhwdymltl
& do drink Nyt$w you Nwtn0 do eat Nylk0
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y & answered 0n(w
for the healthy 0mylxl a doctor 0ys0 is sought 0(btm not 0l
or are becoming Nydyb( ill $yb who are ill $ybd for those Nyly0l but 0l0
the righteous 0qydzl that I may call 0rq0d I have come tyt0 not 0l
to repentance 0twbytl sinners 0y+xl but 0l0
to Him hl were saying Nyrm0 but Nyd those Nwnh
& do pray Nylcmw faithfully ty0nym0 do fast Nymyc of Yokhanan Nnxwyd the disciples yhwdymlt why? 0nml
& drinking Nyt$w are eating Nylk0 but Nyd yours Klyd of the Pharisees 0$yrpd also P0
the children yhwnbl you Nwtn0 are able Nyxk$m not 0l to them Nwhl said rm0 but Nyd He wh
is with them Nwhm( the groom 0ntxd as long as 0mk of the bridal chamber 0nwngd
that they shall fast Nwmwcnd that you shall make them Nwdb(td
The Groom 0ntx will be taken Myrttn when dk the days 0tmwy but Nyd will come Nwt0n

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

days 0tmwy in those Nwnhb they will fast Nwmwcn then Nydyh from them Nwhnm
a parable 0ltm them Nwhl & He told rm0w
new 0tdx a garment 0n0m from Nm a strip 0t(qrw0 tears d0q man $n0 no 0ld
worn 0ylb a garment 0n0m on l( & places it 0mrw
resembles 0ml$ not 0l also the worn 0ylblw he tear d0q the new 0tdxl lest 0ld
the new 0tdx that is from Nmd the strip 0t(qrw0
old 0tylb in skins 0qzb new 0tdx wine 0rmx places 0mr man $n0 & no 0lw
the skins 0qzl new 0tdx the wine 0rmx bursts (zbm not 0l but Nyd & if n0w
are ruined Ndb0 & the skins 0qzw is spilled d$0tm wine 0rmx & that whw
new 0ttdx in skins 0qzb new 0tdx wine 0rmx but 0l0
are preserved Nyr+ntm & both Nwhyrtw is placed Nymr
& at once 0dxmw old 0qyt( wine 0rmx drinks 0t$ man $n0 & no 0lw
is sweet Mysb the old 0qyt( for ryg he says rm0 the new 0tdx desires 0(b

The Gospel According To Luke

Chapter 6
Yeshua (w$y was walking Klhm when dk on the Sabbath 0tb$b but Nyd it was 0wh
the ears 0lb$ were wwh plucking Nyglm His disciples yhwdymlt the grain 0(rz among tyb
& eating Nylk0w in their hands Nwhydy0b & were rubbing Nykrpw
to them Nwhl were saying Nyrm0 the Pharisees 0$yrp of Nm but Nyd some Ny$n0
the thing Mdm you Nwtn0 are doing Nydb( why? 0nm
on the Sabbath 0tb$b to do db(ml is legal +yl$ that not 0ld
this 0dh & not? 0lw to them Nwhl & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
David dywd that did db(d the thing Mdm have you read Nwtyrq
who were with him hm(d & those Nyly0w he wh was hungry Npk when dk
& the bread 0mxlw of God 0hl0d the house htybl when he entered l(d
& he gave bhyw he ate lk0 he took bsn of Jehovah 0yrmd of the table hrwtpd
which not 0ld that wh who were with him hm(d to those Nyly0l
only dwxlb for priests 0nhkl except 0l0 to eat lk0ml was 0wh legal +yl$
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb of the Sabbath 0tb$d is wh The Lord hrmd
a synagogue 0t$wnkl He entered l( another 0trx0 on Sabbath 0tb$l but Nyd it happened 0wh
whose hand hdy0d a man 0rbg there Nmt was 0wh & there ty0w He was 0wh & teaching Plmw
was twh shriveled 0$yby of the right side 0nymyd
Him hl were wwh watching Nyr+n & The Pharisees 0$yrpw & the Scribes 0rpsw
on the Sabbath 0tb$b would heal 0s0md He wh whether N0d
to accuse Him yhwcrq Nwlk0n that they would be able Nwxk$nd
man 0rbg to that whl & He said rm0w their schemes Nwhtb$xm knew (dy but Nyd He wh
to the center t(cml you Kl come 0t stand Mwq whose hand hdy0 was shriveled 0$ybyd
& stood Mqw he came 0t0 & when dkw of the synagogue 0t$wnk
I ask you Nwkl0$0 Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
to be doing db(ml what is good b+d on the Sabbath 0tb$b is legal +yl$ what? 0nm
to destroy wdbwml or w0 to save wyxml life 0$pn what is evil $ybd or w0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to him hl & He said rm0w all of them Nwhlkb at them Nwhb & He gazed rxw
his hand hdy0 & was restored tnqtw & he stretched it +$pw your hand Kdy0 straighten +w$p
his other htrbx like Ky0
with jealousy 0msx were filled wylmt0 but Nyd they Nwnh
another dx with M( one dx they were wwh & speaking Nyllmmw
to Yeshua (w$yl to Him hl they should do Nwdb(n of what 0nmd
Yeshua (w$y went out qpn those Nwnh in days 0tmwyb but Nyd it occurred 0wh
He was 0wh waiting for morning hg0 & there Nmtw to pray wylcml to a mountain 0rw+l
of God 0hl0d in the prayer htwlcb
His disciples yhwdymltl He called 0rq it was dawn thgn & when dkw
whom apostles 0xyl$d those Nwnh twelve rs(rt from them Nwhnm & He chose 0bgw
them Nwn0 He named ym$
& Andraeus sw0rdn0w Keepha 0p0k whom He named ym$d him wh Shimeon Nw(m$
& Yokhanan Nnxwyw & Yaqob bwq(yw his brother yhwx0
Tolmai ymlwt son of rbw & Phillip swpylypw
Halphai yplx son of rb & Yaqob bwq(yw & Toma 0mw0tw & Mattai ytmw
the Zealot 0nn+ who is called 0rqtmd & Shimeon Nw(m$w
& Yehuda 0dwhyw Yaqob bwq(y son of rb & Yehuda 0dwhyw
the traitor 0nml$m who was 0whd he wh Skariota 0+wyrks
in the valley 0t(qpb & He stood Mqw Yeshua (w$y with them Nwhm( & descended txnw
of crowds 0$nkd & a multitude 00gwsw of His disciples yhwdymltd great 00ygs & a crowd 0$nkw
Jerusalem Ml$rw0 & from Nmw Judea dwhy all of hlk from Nm of the people 0m(d
& of Tsidon Ndycdw of Tsur rwcd the sea 0my coast rps & from Nmw
His message htlm to hear Nw(m$nd who came wt0d
their sicknesses Nwhynhrwk of Nm & to be healed Nws0tndw
by Nm who were afflicted Nycl0tmd & those Nyly0w
they were wwh & healed Nys0tmw unclean 0tpn+ spirits 0xwr
Him hl to touch wbrqtml were wwh seeking Ny(b the crowds 0$nk & all hlkw
from Him hnm was 0wh proceeding qpn for ryg power 0lyx
it was 0wh healing 0s0m & all of them Nwhlklw
His disciples yhwdymlt upon l( His eyes yhwny( & He lifted Myr0w
poor ones 0nksm blessed are you Nwkybw+ & He said rm0w
of God 0hl0d the Kingdom 0twklm is yh because yours Nwklydd
for you shall laugh Nwkxgtd now 0$h who weep Nykbdl blessed are you Nwkybw+
who hunger Nynpkd those Nyly0 blessed are you Nwkybw+
for you shall be satisfied Nw(bstd now 0$h
the children of men 0$nynb you Nwkl hate Nynsd whenever 0m blessed are you Nwkybw+
you Nwkl & they insult Nydsxmw you Nwkl & they separate Ny$rpmw
evil 0$yb as Ky0 your name Nwkm$ & they cast out Nyqpmw
of Man 0$n0d the Son hrb for the sake of Plx
& leap for joy wcwdw day 0mwy in that whb rejoice wdx
in Heaven 0ym$b is great ygs for your reward Nwkrg0d
to the prophets 0ybnl their fathers Nwhthb0 were wwh doing Nydb( for ryg thus 0nkh
rich men 0ryt( to you Nwkl woe! yw but Mrb

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

your comfort Nwk0ywb for you have received Nwtlbqd

for you shall hunger Nwnpktd satisfied ones 0(bs to you Nwkl woe yw
now 0$h who are laughing Nykxgdl to you Nwkl woe! yw
& you shall wail Nwlb0ttw for you shall weep Nwkbtd
concerning you Nwkyl( say Nyrm0 will Nwwhn when dk to you Nwkl woe! yw
for ryg thus 0nkh what is wonderful ryp$d of men 0$n0 the children ynb
their fathers Nwhthb0 false 0twlgdd to the prophets 0ybnl were wwh doing Nydb(
who are hearing Ny(m$dl I 0n0 say rm0 but Nyd to you Nwkl
what is wonderful ryp$d & do wdb(w your enemies Nwkybbdl(bl love wbx0
you Nwkl who hate Nynsd to those Nyly0l
over l( & pray wlcw you Nwkl who curse Ny+yld those Nyly0l & bless wkrbw
by force 0ry+qb you Nwkl who take away Nyrbdd those Nyly0
your cheek Kkp on l( you Kl & to him that strikes 0xmdlw
the other 0nrx0 him hl offer brq
your cloak K+w+rm takes lq$d whomever Nm & from Nmw
your coat Knytwk also P0 withhold 0lkt not 0l
to such hl give bh you Kl who asks l0$d to everyone lkl
demand (btt do not 0l what is yours Klyd takes lq$d whomever Nm & from Nmw
people 0$n0 ynb to you Nwkl to do Nwdb(nd you Nwtn0 desire Nybcd & just as 0nky0w
you Nwtn0 also P0 to them Nwhl do wdb( so twkh
you Nwkl who love Nybxmd those Nyly0l you Nwtn0 love Nybxm for ryg if N0
for ryg even P0 your goodness Nwktwby+ is yh what? 0dy0
love Nymxr them Nwhl who love Nybxmd those Nyly0l sinners 0y+x
what is good b+d you are Nwtn0 doing Nydb( & if N0w
you Nwkl who treat well Nyb0+md to those Nyly0l
your goodness Nwktwby+ is yh what? 0dy0
do Nydb( likewise 0nkh for ryg sinners 0y+x even P0
you Nwtn0 expect Nyrbsd to him Nml you Nwtn0 lend Nypzwm & if N0w
your goodness Nwktwby+ is yh what? 0dy0 from whom hnm you will be repaid Nw(rpttd
to be repaid Nw(rptn likewise twkhd lend Nypzwm to sinners 0y+xl for ryg sinners 0y+x even P0
those Nwhl & treat well wb0+0w your enemies Nwkybbdl(bl love wbx0 but Mrb
of a person $n0d the hope 0rbs cut off Nwqspt & not 0lw & lend wpzw0w
your reward Nwkrg0 great ygs & shall be 0whnw
because He whd of the Highest 0mrd the children yhwnb & you shall be Nwwhtw
the unbelievers 0rwpk & toward l(w the evil 0$yb toward l( is wh kind Mysb
also P0d just as 0nky0 benevolent 0nmxrm therefore lykh be wwh
is wh benevolent 0nmxrm your Father Nwkwb0
you Nwtn0 will be judged Nynydttm & not 0lw judge Nwnwdt not 0l
you Nwtn0 will be condemned Nybyxtm & not 0lw condemn Nwbyxt not 0l
& you will be let go Nwrt$tw let go wr$
good 0tb+ in measure 0tlykb to you Nwkl & it will be given bhytmw give wbh
in your lap Nwkybw(b they shall cast Nwmrn & overflowing 0t(p$mw & pressed down 0t(yqrw
you Nwtn0 with which measure Nylykmd measure 0tlyk for ryg with that yhb
to you Nwkl it shall be measured lykttm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

a parable 0ltm to them Nwhl He 0wh & told rm0w
to lead wrbdml a blind man 0ymsl for a blind man 0yms it possible xk$m is? 0ml
will fall Nylpn into a ditch 0cmwgb both of them Nwhyrt not? 0l
his mentor hbr than Nm greater rytyd a disciple 0dymlt there is not tyl
his mentor hbr like Ky0 shall be 0whn who is perfected rymgd for ryg everyone $nlk
a chip 0lg you tn0 observe 0zx but Nyd why? 0nm
of your brother Kwx0d that is in the eye hny(bd
that is in your eye Kny(bd but Nyd the plank 0tyrq
to you Kl is apparent 0yzxtm not 0l
to your brother Kwx0l say rm0ml you tn0 can xk$m how? 0nky0 or w0
your eye Kny( from Nm the chip 0lg me cast out qp0 let qwb$ my brother yx0
your own Klyd that is in your eye Kny(bd the plank 0tyrq for behold 0hd
to you Kl is visible 0yzxtm not 0l
your eye Kny( from Nm the plank 0tyrq first Mdqwl cast out qp0 of faces 0p0b accepter bsn
the chip 0lg to pull out wqpml to you Kl sight shall be given 0zxtn & then Nydyhw
of your brother Kwx0d the eye hny( from Nm
bad 0$yb fruit 0r0p that produces db(d good 0b+ a tree 0nly0 it is ty0 not 0l
good 0b+ fruit 0r0p that produces db(d bad 0$yb a tree 0nly0 neither 0l P0
known (dytm is wh its fruits yhwr0p by Nm for ryg tree 0nly0 every lk
from Nm not 0l also P0 figs 0n0t thorns 0bwk from Nm they pick Ny+ql for ryg not 0l
grapes 0bn( do they gather Nyp+q a bush 0yns
that is in his heart hblbd good 0tb+ the treasure 0tmys from Nm good 0b+ a man 0rbg
evil 0t$yb the treasure 0tmys from Nm evil 0$yb & the man 0rbgw good 0tb+ brings out qpm
evil 0t$yb brings out qpm that is in his heart hblbd
the lips 0twps are speaking Nllmm for ryg of the heart 0bl the fulness yrtwt from Nm
my Lord yrm my Lord yrm Meyl are you Nwtn0 calling Nyrq why? 0nm
you are Nwtn0 doing Nydb( not 0l I 0n0 say rm0d & whatever Mdmw
My words ylm & has heard (m$w to Me ytwl who comes 0t0d person $n0 every lk
he is like 0md what 0nml I shall show you Nwkywx0 them Nyhl & does db(w
& went deep qm(w & he dug rpxw a house 0tyb who built 0nbd a man 0rbgl he is like 0md
the rock 0(w$ on l( the foundation 0s0t$ & laid Msw
a flood 00lm but Nyd there was 0wh when dk
that wh on house 0tybb the flood 00lm beat yr+t0
shake it yhwy(yznd it could xk$0 & not 0lw
the rock 0(w$ on l( its foundation hts0t$ for ryg was twh founded 0mys
the man 0rbgl is like 0md did db( & not 0lw who heard (m$d & he whw
soil 0rp( on l( his house htyb who built 0nbd
on it hb beat yr+t0 & when dkw a foundation 0ts0t$ without 0ld
it fell lpn a moment ht($ son of rb the river 0rhn
that wh of house 0tybd great 0br the fall htlwpm & was twhw
The Gospel According To Luke
Chapter 7
all these Nyhlk words 0lm He had finished Ml$ & when dkw
of the people 0m(d before the audience ht(m$ml
Kapernakhum Mwxnrpkl Yeshua (w$y entered l(

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

ill ty0$yb had 0wh become dyb( one dx of centurion 0nwr+nqd but Nyd the servant hdb(
he had 0wh & been brought near byrqw to him yhwl( was 0wh precious ryqyd who 0ny0
to death tmml
elders 0$y$q to Him htwl & he sent rd$w Yeshua (w$y about l( & he had heard (m$w
so Ky0 from Him hnm he was 0wh & seeking 0(bw of the Jews 0ydwhyd
his servant hdb(l He would save the life of 0xn that He would come 0t0nd
they were wwh seeking Ny(b Yeshua (w$y to twl they came wt0 when dk but Nyd they Nwnh
& they were saying Nyrm0w diligently ty0ly+b from Him hnm
this 0dh for him hl that You do db(td he is wh worthy 0w$
our nation Nm(l for ryg he loves Mxr
for us Nl has built 0nb he wh of assembly 0t$wnk a house tyb also P0w
very ygs not 0l but Nyd when dk with them Nwhm( was 0wh going lz0 but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
the house 0tyb from Nm He was far qyxr
to Him hl & he said rm0w his friends yhwmxr the centurion 0nwr+nq to Him htwl sent rd$
You should trouble yourself lm(t not 0l my Lord yrm
my roof yll+m under tyxt that You should enter lw(td I am 0n0 worthy 0w$ for ryg not 0l
that unto you Ktwld I deserved tyw$ not 0l I 0n0 this wh because of l+m
my boy yyl+ & will be healed 0s0tnw in a word 0tlmb say rm0 but 0l0 I may come 0t0
am 0n0 who put db($md I 0n0 a man 0rbg for ryg I 0n0 also P0
soldiers 0+wy+r+s0 my hand ydy0 under tyxt & there are ty0w authority 0n+lw$ under tyxt
& to another 0nrx0lw & he goes lz0w go lzd to this one 0nhl I 0n0 & say rm0w
& he does db(w this 0dh do db( & to my servant ydb(lw & he comes 0t0w come 0td
at him hb He was amazed rmdt0 these things Nylh Yeshua (w$y but Nyd heard (m$ when dk
after Him hrtb that had come 0t0d to the crowds 0$nkl & He said rm0w & He turned ynpt0w
of Israel lyrsy0 in the house tyb not 0l that even P0d to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
faith 0twnmyh this 0dh like Ky0 have I found txk$0
to the house 0tybl who had been sent wrdt$0d those Nwnh & returned wkphw
well Mylx already dk had been 0wh who sick hyrkd that wh servant 0db(l & they found wxk$0w
to a city 0tnydml He 0wh went lz0 after it hrtbd the day 0mwyl & it happened 0whw
& the crowd 0$nkw with Him hm( & His disciples yhwdymltw Nain Ny0n whose name hm$d
great 00ygs
as dk He saw 0zx of the city 0tnydmd the gate 0(rtl He approached brq & when dkw
to his mother hm0l had been 0wh who the only son 0ydyxyd a dead man 0tym was escorted Nywlm
was twh a widow 0tlmr0 his mother hm0 & she yhw
with her hm( of the city 0tnydm of the children ynbd many 00ygs & had assembled 0$nkw
for her hyl( & He was moved with pity Mxrt0w Yeshua (w$y but Nyd saw her hzx
weeping Nykbt stop 0l to her hl & He said rm0w
were wwh who bearing Nylyq$d & those Nwnhw the pallet 0sr(l he touched brq & went on lz0w
arise Mwq I 0n0 say rm0 to you Kl young man 0myl( & He said rm0w they stood wmq it hl
to speak wllmml & he began yr$w who had died 0tym he wh & sat up btyw
to his mother hm0l & He gave him hbhyw
all of them Nwhlk the people 0$n0l awe 0tlxd gripped tdx0w
& they were saying Nyrm0w God 0hl0l they were wwh & glorifying Nyxb$mw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

among us Nb is arisen Mq great 0br a prophet0ybnd

His people hm(l God 0hl0 & has visited r(sw
Judea dwhy in all hlkb this 0dh word 0tlm about Him yhwl( & went out tqpnw
that was around them Nwhyrdxd the region 0rt0 & in all hlkbw
all Nyhlk these things Nylh his disciples yhwdymlt to Yokhanan Nnxwyl & revealed wy(t$0w
his disciples yhwdymlt from Nm to two Nyrtl Yokhanan Nnxwy & called 0rqw
& he said rm0w Yeshua (w$y to twl them Nwn0 & he sent rd$w
Who was coming 0t0d The One wh He wh are You? tn0
we Nnx waiting Nyksm are wh for another Nyrx0l or w0
to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w Yeshua (w$y to twl & they came wt0w
unto you Ktwl sent us Nrd$ the baptizer 0ndm(m Yokhanan Nnxwy
Who was coming 0t0d The One wh He wh are You? tn0 & he said rm0w
we Nnx waiting Nyksm are? wh for another Nyrx0l or w0
hour 0t($ in that yhb but Nyd in it hb
diseases 0nhrwk of Nm He healed ys0 many 00ygs
evil 0t$yb spirits 0xwr & from Nmw plagues 0twxm & from Nmw
sight 0zxml He 0wh gave bhy blind people 0yms & to many 00ygslw
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y & answered 0n(w
everything Mdmlk Yokhanan Nnxwyl tell wrm0 go wlz
& you have heard Nwt(m$w that you have seen Nwtyzxd
are seeing Nyzx that they who were blind 0ymsd
are walking Nyklhm & they who were lame 0rygxw
are cleansed Nykdtm they who were lepers 0brgw
are hearing Ny(m$ & they who were deaf 0$rxw
are raised Nymyq & they who were dead 0tymw
are given good news Nyrbtsm & those who were poor 0nksmw
at Me yb takes offense l$ktn not 0ld whoever Nml & blessed is he yhwbw+w
of Yokhanan Nnxwyd the disciples yhwdymlt they went wlz0 but Nyd when dk
Yokhanan Nnxwy about l( to the crowds 0$nkl to say rm0ml He began yr$
to see 0zxml to the wilderness 0brwxl did you go out Nwtqpn what? 0nm
is shaken (yzttm the wind 0xwr that by Nmd a reed 0ynq
to see 0zxml you go out Nwtqpn what? 0nm but 0l0w
is clothed $ybl soft 0kykr who in a garment 0txnd a man 0rbg
glorious 0xb$m who in clothing 0$wblbd those Nyly0 behold 0h
are Nwn0 of a King 0klm in a house tyb are Nwhyty0 & in luxury 0qnwpbw
yes Ny0 a prophet 0ybn to see 0zxml did you go out Nwtqpn what? 0nm otherwise 0l0w
a prophet 0ybn than Nm & more rytyw to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
it is written bytk he about whom yhwl(d this is wnh
My messenger yk0lm am 0n0 sending rd$m I 0n0 behold 0hd
before You Kymdq the way 0xrw0 to prepare Nqtnd Your face Kpwcrp before Mdq
a prophet 0ybn there is not tyld to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
who was greater brd of women 0$n among those born ydylyb
the baptizer 0ndm(m Yokhanan Nnxwy than Nm
of God 0hl0d in the Kingdom 0twklmb but Nyd a little one 0rw(z
than he hnm is wh greater br

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

who heard w(m$d the people 0m( & all hlkw

God 0hl0l justified wqdz the tax collectors 0skm also P0
of Yokhanan Nnxwyd of the baptism htydwm(m for they had been baptized wdm(d
in their souls Nwh$pnb rejected wml+ & the Scribes 0rpsw but Nyd the Pharisees 0$yrp
by him hnm they were baptized wdm(t0 because not 0ld of God 0hl0d the will 0nybc
shall I compare 0md0 therefore lykh to what? Nml
this 0dhof generation 0tbr$d the men 0$n0l
does it resemble Nymd & what? Nmlw
& calling Ny(qw in the street 0qw$b sitting Nybtyd boys 0yl+l it is like Nymd
to you Nwkl we sang Nrmz & they were saying Nyrm0w their friends Nwhyrbxl
you did cry Nwtykb & not 0lw to you Nwkl & we howled Nyl0w you did dance Nwtdqr & not 0lw
eating lk0 not 0l the baptizer 0ndm(m Yokhanan Nnxwy for ryg came 0t0
& were saying Nyrm0w wine 0rmx drinking 0t$ neither 0lw bread 0mxl
in him hb is ty0 a demon 0d0$ you Nwtn0
& drinking 0t$w eating lk0 of Man 0$n0d the Son hrb came 0t0
a man 0rbg behold 0h you Nwtn0 & were saying Nyrm0w
of wine 0rmx & a drinker 0t$w a glutton 0lwk0
& of sinners 0y+xdw of tax collectors 0skmd & a friend 0mxrw
its works hynb all of them Nwhlk from Nm wisdom 0tmkx & is justified tqddz0w
the Pharisees 0$yrp of Nm one dx from Him hnm asking 0(b but Nyd came 0t0
his house htybl & He entered l(w with him hm( to eat s(lnd
& He reclined Kmts0w that wh of Pharisee 0$yrpd
was twh she ty0 a sinner 0ty+x & a woman 0ttn0w
knew t(dy & when dkw that yh in the city 0tnydmb
was staying Kyms He wh of Pharisee 0$yrpd in the house htybbd
of ointment 0msbd an alabaster vase 0tpy+$ she took tbsn
His feet yhwlgr at twl behind Him hrtsb & she stood tmqw
with her tears hy(mdb & she began tyr$w she was twh & weeping 0ykbw
of her head h$rd & with the hair 0r(sbw His feet yhwlgr moistening 0(bcm
His feet yhwlgr she was twh & kissing 0q$nmw them Nyhl wiping Nyw$m
with ointment 0msb & anointing 0x$mw
who had invited Him yhyrqd that wh Pharisee 0$yrp but Nyd saw 0zx when dk
if wl0 This One 0nh & he said rm0w in his soul h$pnb he thought b$xt0
He would have 0wh known (dy he were 0wh a prophet 0ybn
for a sinner 0ty+xd her reputation hb+ & what 0mw she is yh who Nm
Him hl who touches tbrqd she is yh a woman 0ttn0 she is yh
to him hl& He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y but Nyd answered 0n(
you Kl to tell rm0d to Me yl is ty0 something Mdm Shimeon Nw(m$
Rabbi ybr say rm0 to him hl said rm0 but Nyd he wh
Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
debtor 0bwx land owner 0rm to one dxl were wwh there ty0 debtors 0byx two Nyrt
five hundred 00m$mx denarii 0rnyd had 0wh owed byx one dx
fifty Ny$mx denarii 0rnyd & the other 0nrx0w
he forgave qb$ both Nwhyrtl to pay (rpml to them Nwhl was 0wh & because there not tyldw
will love him yhwybxn more ryty of them Nwhnm therefore lykh which? 0ny0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

I 0n0 suppose rbs & he said rm0w Shimeon Nw(m$ answered 0n(
much ygs to him hl who was forgiven qbt$0d that he whd
you have judged tnd correctly ty0cyrt Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
to Shimeon Nw(m$l & said rm0w woman 0ttn0 that yh to twl & He turned ynpt0w
this 0dh the woman 0ttn0 you tn0 do see? 0zx
for My feet ylgrl water 0ym I entered tl( your house Ktybl
My feet ylgr with her tears hy(mdb but Nyd this one 0dh you gave tbhy not 0l
them Nyn0 she wiped tyw$ & with her hair hr(sbw she has washed t(bc
kissed Me yntq$n not 0l you tn0
when she entered tl(d from Nm behold 0h but Nyd this 0dh
to kiss wq$nml My feet ylgr she has ceased tyl$ not 0l
anointed tx$m not 0l My head y$rl with oil 0x$m you tn0
she has anointed tx$m My feet ylgr of ointment 0msbd with oil 0x$mb but Nyd this 0dh
that are forgiven Nyqyb$d to you Kl I 0n0 say rm0 this 0dh on account of Plx
much ygs she loved tbx0d because l+m many 00ygs her sins hyh+x to her hl
to him hl is forgiven qbt$m he who a little lylqd but Nyd he wh
loves bxm a little lylq
your sins ykyh+x to you ykl are forgiven Nyqyb$ woman 0ttn0 to that yhl & He said rm0w
in their souls Nwh$pnb saying Nyrm0 who were reclining Nykymsd they Nwnh but Nyd began wyr$
He forgives qb$ sins 0h+x that even P0d This 0nh Who is? wnm
woman 0ttn0 to that yhl said rm0 but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
in peace 0ml$b go ylz has given you life yktyx0 your faith yktwnmyh
The Gospel According To Luke
Chapter 8
traveling a circuit Krktm these things Nylh after rtb from Nm & it was 0whw
& in the villages 0yrwqbw in the cities 0tnydmb Yeshua (w$y was 0wh
of God 0hl0d the Kingdom 0twklm & announcing rbsmw He was 0wh & preaching zrkmw
were with Him hm( & His twelve htrs(rtw
who had been healed ys0t0d these Nylh & women 0$nw
evil 0t$yb spirits 0xwr & from Nmw sicknesses 0nhrwk from Nm
she yh Magdalitha 0tyldgm who is called 0yrqtmd Maryam Myrm
from her hnm had gone out wqpn demons Nyd0$ who seven 0(b$d
of Herodus sdwrhd the steward htybr of Kuza 0zwk the wife ttn0 & Yokhana Nxwyw
who ministering N$m$md those Nyly0 many 0t0ygs & others 0tynrx0w & Shushan N$w$w
their possessions Nyhynynq from Nm to them Nwhl were ywh
had 0wh gathered $nk great 00ygs a crowd 0$nk & when dkw
to Him htwl they were wwh coming Nyt0 cities Nnydm all lk & from Nmw
in a parable 0ltmb He said rm0
his seed h(rz to sow (rzml a sower 0(wrz went out qpn
of the road 0xrw0 the side dy on l( that which fell lpnd there was ty0 he sowed (rz & as dkw
a bird 0txrp & ate it htlk0w & it was trampled $ydt0w
it sprang up 0(y an hour ht($ & son of rbw the rock 0(w$ on l( fell lpn & other seed 0nrx0w
it dried up $by moisture 0twlylt for it hl was 0wh & because there not tyldw
thorns 0bwk among tyb fell lpn & other seed 0nrx0w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& they choked it yhwqnxw the thorns 0bwk with it hm( & sprang up w(yw
& excellent 0tryp$w good 0tb+ in the ground 0(r0b fell lpn & other seed 0nrx0w
in a hundred 00mb one dx fruit 0r0p & produced db(w & it sprang up 0(yw
He 0wh cried 0(q He had said rm0 when dk these things Nylh
let him hear (m$n that it will hear (m$nd an ear 0nd0 on him hl has ty0d whoever Nmd
this 0nh parable 0ltm what is? wnmd His disciples yhwdymlt & asked Him yhwl0$w
it has been given byhy it wh to you Nwkl to them Nwhl said rm0 but Nyd He wh
of God 0hl0d of the Kingdom htwklmd the secret 0zr0 to know (dml
it is spoken rm0tm in an allegory 0t0lpb the rest 0kr$ but Nyd to those Nwnhl
they will perceive Nwzxn not 0l seeing Nyzx that while dkd
they will understand Nwlktsn not 0l hearing Ny(m$ & when dkw
of God 0hl0d the word 0tlm is yhwty0 the seed 0(rz the parable 0ltm but Nyd this is wnh
of the road 0xrw0 the side dy upon l(d but Nyd they Nwnh
the word 0tlm who hear Ny(m$d they Nwnh are Nwhyty0
he takes lq$ the enemy 0bbdl(b & comes 0t0w
their heart Nwhbl from Nm the word 0tlm
& they should live Nwxnw they should believe Nwnmyhn lest 0ld
these Nylh the rock 0(w$ that upon l(d but Nyd these Nylh
they have heard w(m$d who when 0md are they Nwn0
the word 0tlml it hl receive Nylbqm with joy 0twdxb
is yh temporary 0nbzd but 0l0 to them Nwhl there is no tyl & root 0rq(w
they are subverted Nyl$ktm of temptation 0nwysn & in time Nbzbw their faith Nwhtwnmyh
thorns 0bwk among tyb which fell lpnd but Nyd that wh
the word 0tlm who hear Ny(m$d those Nyly0 are Nwn0 these Nylh
of the world 0ml(d & the desires htgygrbw & by riches 0rtw(bw & by cares 0tpcbw
they yield Nybhy not 0l & fruit 0r0pw they are choked Nyqnxtm
good 0tb+ which is in the ground 0(r0bd but Nyd that wh
pure 0yp$ who with a heart 0blbd those Nyly0 are Nwn0 these Nylh
& they hold onto it Nydx0w the word 0tlm hear Ny(m$ & good 0b+w
with patience 0twnrbysmb fruit 0r0p & they yield Nybhyw
with a vessel 0n0mb it hl & covers 0pxmw a lamp 0gr$ lights rhnm man $n0 no 0l
a bed 0sr( under tyxt it hl sets M0s or w0
a lamp stand 0trnm from Nm over l(l it hl sets M0s but 0l0
its light hrhwn may see 0zxn who enters l0(d that everyone lkd
will be revealed 0lgtn that not 0ld that is covered 0skd anything Mdm for ryg there is not tyl
will be known (dytn that not 0ld that is hidden y$+md neither 0lw
into the open 0ylgl & it will come 0t0nw
you hear Nwt(m$ how 0nky0 take heed wzx
to him hl it will be given bhytn for ryg it hl has ty0d whoever Nm
which he thinks rbsd that wh also P0 it hl has not tyld & whoever Nmw
from him hnm will be taken lqt$n it hl he has ty0d
& His brothers yhwx0w His mother hm0 to Him htwl but Nyd came wt0
with Him hm( to speak Nwllmnd they were wwh able Nyxk$m & not 0lw
the crowd 0$nk because of l+m
are standing Nymyq & Your brothers Kyx0w Your mother Km0 to Him hl & they said wrm0w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to see You Kyzxml & they desire Nybcw outside rbl

to them Nwhl & said rm0w answered 0n( but Nyd he wh
& My brothers yx0w My mother ym0 are Nwn0 these Nylh
of God 0hl0d the word 0tlm who are hearing Ny(m$d those Nyly0
it hl & are doing Nydb(w
the days 0tmwy of Nm on one dxb but Nyd it was 0wh
He sat down bty Yeshua (w$y went up qls
& He told rm0w & His disciples yhwdymltw He wh in the boat 0tnypsb
of the lake 0tmyd other side 0rb( to that whl let us cross rb(n them Nwhl
was wh Himself hl sleeping Kmd they journeyed Nydr & as dkw
on the lake 0tmyb of wind 0xwrd a tempest 0l(l( & there was twhw Yeshua (w$y
to sinking (b+ml the ship 0tnyps was twh & coming close 0byrqw
to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w they awakened Him yhwry(0 & they came wbrqw
we are being destroyed Nnydb0 our Master Nbr our Master Nbr
the wind 0xwrb & He rebuked 00kw arose Mq but Nyd He wh
a calm 0yl$ & there was 0whw & they ceased wxnw of the sea 0myd & the waves 0lw$xmbw
but Nyd they Nwnh your faith Nwktwnmyh is yh where? 0ky0 to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
they were wwh marveling Nyrmdtm being in awe Nylyxd while dk
This 0nh indeed yk Who is? wnm to another dxl one dx & they were saying Nyrm0w
& the waves 0lw$xmlw He commands dqp the wind 0xwrl that even P0d
Him hl & they obey Ny(mt$mw & the sea 0mylw
of the Gadarenes 0yrdgd to the region 0rt0l & they came wt0w & they sailed wdrw
Galila 0lylg next to lbqwl on the other side 0rb(b which is yhwty0d
Him hb met (gp to land 0(r0l He unboarded qpn & when dkw
who had ty0d the city 0tnydm from Nm one dx a man 0rbg
long 00ygs a time 0nbz from Nm a demon 0wyd in him hb
he was 0wh wearing $bl not 0l & clothes 0n0mw
he was 0wh dwelling rm( not 0l & in a house 0tybbw
0of burial 0rwbq among houses tybb but 0l0
he screamed 0(q Yeshua (w$yl but Nyd he saw 0zx when dk
loud 0mr & in a voice 0lqbw before Him yhwmdq & he fell lpnw
Yeshua (w$y & to You Klw to us Nl what? 0m he said rm0
The Most High 0myrm of God 0hl0d The Son hrb
punish me ynqn$t do not 0l of You Knm I 0n0 beg 0(b
vile 0pn+ the spirit 0xwrl Yeshua (w$y for ryg him hl had 0wh commanded dqp
the man 0$nrb from Nm to go out qpml
when possessed 0b$d from Nm a time 0nbz for ryg it was 0wh long ygs
in chains 0tl$$b he had been 0wh & bound rs0tmw him hl it had 0wh
& burst qspmw he had been 0wh kept r+ntm & in shackles 0lbkbw
he would be 0wh & driven rbdtmw his bonds yhwrws0 he would 0wh
to the desert 0brwxl the demon 0d0$ by Nm
your name Km$ what is? Nm Yeshua (w$y but Nyd asked him hl0$
many 00ygs demons 0wydd because l+m Legion Nwygl to Him hl he said rm0
him hb they had wwh entered Nylyl(
He would command dwqpn that not 0ld from him hnm they were wwh & begging Ny(bw
the abyss 0mwhtl to enter lz0ml them Nwhl

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

a herd 0rqb there Nmt but Nyd was 0wh there ty0
on the mountain 0rw+b grazing 0y(rd many 00ygs of swine 0ryzxd
to permit spnd from Him hnm they were wwh & begging Ny(bw
them Nwhl & He permitted sp0w they may enter Nwl(n that into the swine 0ryzxbd them Nwhl
the man 0rbg from Nm the demons 0d0$ & went out wqpnw
& went straight tcrtw the swine 0ryzxb & they entered wl(w
& they fell wlpnw to the precipice 0pyq$l whole hlk that yh herd 0rqb
& they drowned wqnxt0w into the lake 0tmyb
that occurred 0whd the thing Mdm the herdsmen 0tw(r but Nyd saw wzx when dk
& in the villages 0yrwqbw in the city 0tnydmb & they related it wy(t$0w they fled wqr(
the thing Mdm to see Nwzxnd men 0$n0 & went out wqpnw
Yeshua (w$y to twl & they came wt0w that had happened 0whd
that wh man 0rbgl & they found him yhwxk$0w
& sober Pknmw clothed $ybl while dk whose demons yhwd0$ had gone wqpnd
& they were in awe wlxdw of Yeshua (w$yd the feet yhwlgr at twl & sitting btyw
who saw wzxd those Nyly0 to them Nwhl & related wy(t$0w
demoniac 0nwyd that wh man 0rbg was healed ys0t0 how 0nky0
all hlk from Him hnm they were wwh & seeking Ny(bw
that would go lz0nd of Gadarenes 0yrdgd the crowds 0$nk
among them Nwhtwl from Nm He hl
them Nwn0 had seized tdx0 great 0tbr fear 0tlxdd because l+m
the ship 0tnypsl embarked qls Yeshua (w$y but Nyd He wh
among them Nwhtwl from Nm & returned Kphw
the demons 0d0$ from whom hnm had gone out wqpnd man 0rbg but Nyd that wh
he might 0whn that join Him htwld from Him hnm was 0wh beseeching 0(b
to him hl & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y & dismissed him yhyr$w
the thing Mdm & relate 0(t$0w to your house Ktybl return Kwph
God 0hl0 for you Kl that has done db(d
city 0tnydm in the whole hlkb he was 0wh & preaching zrkmw & he went on lz0w
Yeshua (w$y for him hl that had done db(d the thing Mdm
great 00ygs a crowd 0$nk received Him hlbq Yeshua (w$y but Nyd returned Kph when dk
they had been wwh looking Nyryx for Him hl for ryg all of them Nwhlk
head $yr Yorash $r0wy whose name was hm$d one dx & man 0rbgw
the feet yhwlgr before Mdq fell lpn of the synagogue 0t$wnk
of Him hnm he 0wh & begged 0(bw of Yeshua (w$yd
his house htybl to enter lw(nd
about Ky0 to him hl was twh there ty0 only 0tydyxy for ryg a daughter 0trb
to die tmml she was twh & about 0byrqw twelve 0rs(trt of years Nyn$ daughter trb
Yeshua (w$y He wh with him hm( went lz0 & when dkw
Him hl was 0wh pressing cbx great 00ygs a crowd 0$nk
whose blood hmd had 0wh flowed (yrtd a certain 0dx but Nyd woman 0ttn0
who among tybd was she yh twelve 0rs(trt years Nyn$
had spent tqp0 her property hnynq all hlk physicians 0tws0
be healed 0s0tt anyone $n0 by Nmd could txk$0 & not 0lw
behind Him hrtsb from Nm she approached tbrqt0
of His garment hn0md the fringe 0pnkl & she touched tbrqw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of her blood hmdd the flow 0tydrm stopped tmq & at once 0dxmw
all of them Nwhlk & when dkw Me yl touched brq who? wnm Yeshua (w$y & said rm0w
& those with him hm(dw Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$ to Him hl said rm0 denied Nyrpk
& they are pushing Nycbxw to You Kl are pressing close Nycl0 the crowds 0$nk our Master Nbr
Me yl touched brq who? wnm You tn0 & say? rm0w
Meyl has touched brq a person $n0 said rm0 but Nyd He wh
from Me ynm has gone out qpn that power 0lyxd do know t(dy for ryg I 0n0
she saw tzx when dk woman 0ttn0 but Nyd that yh
she came tt0 she had escaped His notice ht(+ that not 0ld
Him hl & she worshiped tdgs & she fell tlpnw trembling 0tytr when dk
all hlk of the people 0m( before the eyes Ny(l & she told trm0w
she had touched Him tbrq cause 0tl( what 0dy0 for l+m
she had been healed tys0t0 at once 0dxm & how 0nky0w
My daughter ytrb take heart ybblt0 to her hl said rm0 Yeshua (w$y but Nyd He wh
in peace 0ml$b go ylz has given you life yktyx0 your faith yktwnmyh
of the house tybd who Nm a man $n0 came 0t0 was speaking llmm He wh & while d(w
to him hl & he said rm0w of the assembly 0t$wnk of the leader br
The Teacher 0nplml trouble lm(t not 0l your daughter Ktrb she hl has died ttym
of the girl 0tyl+d to the father hwb0l & He said rm0w heard (m$ but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
& she will live 0yxw have faith Nmyh only dwxlb do be afraid lxdt not 0l
to the house 0tybl Yeshua (w$y but Nyd came 0t0
with Him hm( to enter lw(nd anyone $n0l He allowed qb$ & not 0lw
& Yokhanan Nnxwylw & Yaqob bwq(ylw Shimeon Nw(m$l except 0l0
& her mother hm0lw of the girl 0tyl+d & the father hwb0lw
over her hyl( & wailing Nydqrmw were wwh weeping Nykb but Nyd all of them Nwhlk
weeping Nwkbt stop 0l said rm0 but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
she is yh sleeping 0kmd but 0l0 she is dead ttym for ryg not 0l
she hl that had died ttymd for they knew Ny(dyd at Him yhwl( they were wwh & laughing Nykxgw
by her hand hdy0b & He held her hdx0w outside rbl everyone $nlkl sent qp0 but Nyd He wh
arise ymwq little girl 0tyl+ & He said rm0w & He called her hrqw
she arose tmq & at once 0dxmw her spirit hxwr & returned tkphw
food lk0ml her hl them to give Nwltnd & He commanded dqpw
them Nwn0 warned rhz but Nyd He wh her parents hyhb0 & were astonished whmtw
had happened 0whd what 0m to tell Nwrm0n not 0l anyone $n0ld
The Gospel According To Luke
Chapter 9
the twelve htrs(rtl Yeshua (w$y & called 0rqw
power 0lyx to them Nwhl & He gave bhyw
all of Nwhlk over l( & authority 0n+lw$w
to heal the sick wys0ml & diseases 0nhrwkw demons 0d0$
of God 0hl0d the Kingdom htwklm to preach wzrkml them Nwn0 & he sent rd$w
the sick 0hyrk & to heal wys0mlw
you shall take Nwlq$t not 0l a thing Mdm to them Nwhl & He said rm0w

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a money bag 0lmrt neither 0lw a staff 0+b$ not 0l for the road 0xrw0l
money 0psk nor 0lw bread 0mxl nor 0lw
with you Nwkl will be Nywhn tunics Nynytwk two Nytrt neither 0lw
stay wwh there Nmt it hl you Nwtn0 enter Nyl0(d house 0tyb & whatever 0ny0lw
go out wqwp there Nmt & from Nmw
you Nwkl receive Nylbqm does not 0ld & to whomever Nmlw
that yh city 0tnydm from Nm you Nwtn0 leave Nyqpnd whenever 0m
shake wcp your feet Nwkylgr from Nm the sand 0lx also P0
for a testimony 0twdhsl against them Nwhyl(
they were wwh & walking around Nykrktmw the apostles 0xyl$ & went out wqpnw
they were wwh & preaching the good news Nyrbsmw & in cities 0tnydmbw in villages 0yrwqb
place Kwd in every lkb & healing Nys0mw
all the things Nyhlk the Tetrarch 0krr++ Herodus sdwrh but Nyd heard (m$
he was 0wh & amazed rmdtmw by His hand hdy0b were ywh that being done Nywhd
had arisen Mq that Yokhanan Nnxwyd people Ny$n0 were wwh saying Nyrm0d because l+m
the dead 0tym among tyb from Nm
has appeared yzxt0 Elia 0yl0d were wwh saying Nyrm0 but Nyd others 0nrx0
had risen Mq ancient 0ymdq the prophets 0ybn from Nm that a prophet 0ybnd & others 0nrx0w
have cut off tqsp I 0n0 of Yokhanan Nnxwyd the head h$r Herodus sdwrh & said rm0w
about whom yhwl( I 0n0 have heard (m$ these things Nylhd this 0nh but Nyd who is? wnm
to see Him yhwyzxnd He 0wh & wanted 0bcw
to Yeshua (w$yl they were relating wy(t$0 the Apostles 0xyl$ returned wkph & when dkw
by themselves Nwhydwxlb them Nwn0 & He took rbdw they had done wdb(d everything Mdmlk
of Bayth Tsayda 0dyctybd deserted 0brwx to a region 0rt0l
after Him hrtb they went wlz0 they knew w(dy when dk but Nyd the crowds 0$nk
with them Nwhm( He was 0wh & speaking llmmw them Nwn0 & He received lbqw
of God 0hl0d the Kingdom 0twklm about l(
He 0wh healed 0s0m healing 0twys0 of l( were wwh who in need Nyqynsd & those Nyly0lw
His disciples yhwdymlt came wbrq to decline 0lcml the day 0mwy began yr$ but Nyd when dk
that they will go Nwlz0nd the crowds 0$nkl dismiss yr$ to him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w
in them Nwhb to lodge Nwr$nd & hamlets 0nwrpklw surrounding Nyrdxd to the villages 0yrwql
because l+m provisions 0trbys for them Nwhl & to find Nwxk$nw
we are Nyty0 deserted 0brwx in a place 0rt0bd
food lk0ml you Nwtn0 to them Nwhl you give wbh Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
with us Nl there is not tyl were saying Nyrm0 but Nyd they Nwnh
fish Nynwn & two Nyrtw loaves Nymxl five 0$mx than Nm more ryty
provisions 0trbys & we buy Nnbzw we go Nnlz0 if N0 unless 0l0
people 0m( entire hlk for this 0nhl
men Nyrbg thousand Nypl0 five 0$mx about Ky0 for ryg there were wwh remaining Nywh
by groups 0kms them Nwn0 make recline wkms0 Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
in a group 0kmsb people Ny$n0 fifty Ny$mx
all of them Nwhlkl & they made recline wkms0w the disciples 0dymlt so twkh & did wdb(w
fish Nynwn & two Nyrtw loaves Nymxl five 0$mx those Nwnh Yeshua (w$y & took bsnw
& He broke 0cqw & He blessed Krbw into the sky 0ym$b & He gazed rxw
before the crowds 0$nkl to set Nwmysnd to His disciples yhwdymltl & He gave bhyw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

fragments 0ycq they took up wlq$w & they were satisfied w(bsw all of them Nwhlk & they ate wlk0w
large baskets Nynypwq twelve rs(rt that remained wrtw0d the things Mdm
were with him hm( & His disciples yhwdymltw alone yhwdwxlb He was praying 0lcm & when dkw
about Me yl( were saying Nyrm0 who is it? wnm & He said rm0w them Nwn0 He asked l0$
that I am yty0d the crowds 0$nk
the Baptizer 0ndm(m that Yokhanan Nnxwyd to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w they answered wn(
one dx that a prophet 0ybnd but Nyd others 0nrx0 Elia 0yl0d & others 0nrx0w
has risen Mq ancient 0ymdq the prophets 0ybn from Nm
who is it? wnm but Nyd you Nwtn0 to them Nwhl He said rm0
that I am yty0d you Nwtn0 are saying Nyrm0
of God 0hl0d The Messiah hxy$m & he said rm0w Shimeon Nw(m$ answered 0n(
them Nwn0 & He warned rhzw them Nwhb admonished 00k but Nyd He wh
they should say Nwrm0n not 0l to a person $n0l that this 0dhd
of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb He wh was going dyt(d to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
& to be rejected 0ltsndw to suffer $xn of many things 0t0ygsd
& the Scribes 0rpsw the Priests 0nhk & Chief ybrw The Elders 0$y$q by Nm
He would arise Mwqn third 0tltd & on the day 0mwylw & they would murder Him yhynwl+qnw
everyone $nlk before Mdq He 0wh & said rm0w
after Me yrtb to come 0t0nd is willing 0bcd whoever Nm
every day Mwylk his cross hpyqz & let him take up lwq$nw himself h$pnb let him deny rwpkn
after Me yrtb & let him come 0t0nw
it hl destroys dbwm will be saved 0xn that his soul h$pnd wills 0bcd for ryg whoever Nm
for My sake ytl+m his soul h$pn will give up dbwnd but Nyd whoever Nm
it hl saves 0xm this one 0nh
man 0$n0 a son of rb would benefit rd(tn for ryg what? 0nm
whole hlk the world 0ml( to gain rt0nd
destroy dbwn but Nyd his soul h$pn
lose it rsxn or w0
& of My words ylmbw but Nyd of Me yb will be ashamed thbnd whoever Nm
of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb of that one hb will be ashamed thbn
of His Father yhwb0d in the glory 0xbw$b He comes 0t0d whenever 0m
holy 0$ydq His angels yhwk0lm with M(
you Nwkl I 0n0 tell rm0 the truth 0rr$
here 0krh who stand Nymyqd men 0$n0 there are ty0d
they behold Nwzxnd until 0md( death 0twm will partake of Nwm(+n who not 0ld
of God 0hl0d the Kingdom htwklm
days Nymwy eight 0ynmt about Ky0 these Nylh words 0lm after rtb but Nyd it happened 0wh
& Yaqob bwq(ylw Shimeon Nw(m$l Yeshua (w$y took rbd
to pray wylcml a mountain 0rw+l & He went up qlsw & Yokhanan Nnxwylw
of His face yhwp0d the appearance 0wzx was transformed Plxt0 prayed 0lcm He wh & as dkw
they were wwh & shining Nyqrbmw became white wrwx & His garments yhwtxnw
with Him hm( were wwh speaking Nyllmm men Nyrbg two Nyrt & behold 0hw
& Elia 0yl0w Moshe 0$wm who are Nwhyty0d
but Nyd they were wwh speaking Nyrm0 in glory 0txwb$tb who appeared wyzxt0d
was 0wh which going dyt(d His departure hnqpm about l(

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b to be fulfilled Mlt$nd

with sleep 0tn$b to them Nwhl they were wwh & dull wrqyw
with him hm(d & those Nwnhw Shimeon Nw(m$
His glory hxbw$ & they saw wzxw they awakened wry(tt0 & with difficulty Nsxmlw
with Him htwl were wwh who standing Nymyqd men Ny$n0 two Nyrt & those Nwnhlw
Shimeon Nw(m$ said rm0 from Him hnm to part $rpml they began wyr$ & when dkw
to be 0whn here 0krhd for us Nl it is wh beautiful ryp$ Rabbi ybr to Yeshua (w$yl
one 0dx for You Kl tabernacles Nyl+m three tlt & let us make db(nw
one 0dx & for Elia 0yl0lw one 0dx & for Moshe 0$wmlw
he said rm0 what 0nm he 0wh knew (dy & not 0lw
a cloud 0nn( there was twh these things Nylh he said rm0 & as dkw
about them Nwhyl( & it formed a tabernacle tl+0w
& Elia 0yl0lw Moshe 0$wml they beheld wzx when dk & they were afraid wlxdw
into the cloud 0nn(b who entered wl(d
that said rm0d the cloud 0nn( from Nm there was 0wh & a voice 0lqw
hear w(m$ Him hl The Beloved 0bybx My Son yrb This is wnh
alone yhwdwxlb Yeshua (w$y was found xkt$0 the voice 0lq had occurred 0wh & when dkw
in those Nwnhb they told wrm0 not 0l & a man $n0lw were silent wqt$ & they Nwnhw
that they had seen wzxd anything Mdm days 0tmwy
they descended Nytxn as dk after it hrtbd the day 0mwyl & it occurred 0whw
great 00ygs a crowd 0$nk them Nwhb met (gp the mountain 0rw+ from Nm
& he said rm0w called 0(q that wh crowd 0$nk from Nm one dx & man 0rbgw
my son yrb unto me yl( restore ynpt0 of you Knm I 0n0 beg 0(b Teacher 0nplm
to me yl he is wh the only child 0ydyxyd
upon him yhwl( suddenly comes 0yd( & a spirit 0xwrw
his teeth yhwn$ & gnashes qrxmw he screams 0(q the silence 0yl$ & from Nmw
from him hnm departs 0qrp & with difficulty Nsxmlw & becomes ill t(rmw
he attacks him htqx$d whenever 0m
to cast it out yhynwqpnd Your disciples Kydymlt of Nm & I begged ty(bw
they could wxk$0 & not 0lw
& said rm0w Yeshua (w$y but Nyd answered 0n(
& perverse 0tlq(mw faith 0nmyhm without 0ld generation 0tbr$ Oh! Nw0
& shall I endure you Nwkrbys0w with you Nwktwl shall I be 0wh0 when? ytm0l until 0md(
your son Krbl here 0kl bring yhybrq
that wh demon 0wyd threw him down hymr0 to him hl he came near brqm & when dkw
vile 0tpn+ that yh spirit 0xwrb Yeshua (w$y & rebuked 00kw & it convulsed him hs(mw
to his father yhwb0l & He gave him hbhyw the boy 0yl+l & He healed hys0w
of God 0hl0d at the majesty htwbrb all of them Nwhlk & were astonished wrmdt0w
was 0wh marveling rmdtm everyone $nlk & as dkw
to His disciples yhwdymltl He said rm0 Yeshua (w$y that did db(d everything lk at l(
in your ears Nwkynd0b these Nylh words 0lm you Nwtn0 lay up wmys
to be delivered Mlt$nd is going dyt( of Man 0$n0d for ryg The Son hrb
of men 0$n0 of the sons ynb into the hands ydy0b
because l+m this 0dh saying 0tlml understood hw(dwt$0 not 0l but Nyd they Nwnh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

they should perceive it hnw(dn lest 0ld from them Nwhnm it was twh hidden 0yskmd
about it hyl( to ask Him yhynwl0$nd they were wwh & afraid Nylxdw
this 0dh saying 0tlm about l(
a reasoning 0tb$xm into them Nwhb & entered tl(w
among them Nwhb great br then yk of who was wnmd
of their heart Nwhbld the thought 0tb$xm knew (dy but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
by Him htwl & He stood him hmyq0w a boy 0yl+ & He took bsnw
this one 0nh like Ky0 a boy 0yl+ receives lbqmd whoever Nm to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
receives lbqm Me yld & whoever Nmw receives lbqm that one wh Meyl in My Name ym$b
Who sent Me ynrd$d The One Nml receives lbqm
among you all Nwklkb is least rw(zd for ryg whoever 0ny0
great br will be 0whn this one 0nh
a man $n0 we saw Nyzx our Master Nbr & he said rm0w Yokhanan Nnxwy & answered 0n(w
& we forbade him yhynylkw in your name Km$b a demon 0wyd who cast out qpmd
after You Krtb with us Nm( comes 0t0 that not 0ld for l(
you shall forbid Nwlkt not 0l Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
is wh for you Nwkyplx you Nwkl against bqwl has been 0wh not 0ld for ryg whoever Nm
the days 0tmwy were fulfilled Nylmtm that when dkd & it was 0whw
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l to go lz0nd Himself hpwcrp He prepared Nqt0 of His ascent hqlwsd
& they went wlz0w His face hpwcrp before Mdq messengers 0k0lm & He sent rd$w
for Him hl to prepare Nwnqtnd so as Ky0 of Samaritans 0yrm$d a village 0tyrql they entered wl(
His Person hpwcrpd because l+m they received him yhwlbq & not 0lw
to go lz0ml was 0wh determined Mys to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l
His disciples yhwdymlt & Yokhanan Nnxwyw Yaqob bwq(y saw wzx & when dkw
us to speak rm0nd you tn0 want? 0bc our Lord Nrm to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0
them Nwn0 & it will consume Pystw Heaven 0ym$ from Nm fire 0rwn & will descend twxtw
did db( Elia 0yl0 also P0d as Ky0
& He said rm0w them Nwhb & He rebuked 00kw & He turned ynpt0w
Spirit 0xwr you are Nwtn0 of which 0dy0d you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy not 0l
lives 0t$pn to destroy wdbwml came 0t0 not 0l of Man 0$n0d for ryg The Son hrb
other 0trx0 to villages 0tyrql to them Nwhl & they went wlz0w to give life wyxml but 0l0
a man $n0 to Him hl said rm0 on the road 0xrw0b they were going Nylz0 & as dkw
my Lord yrm You tn0 to which go lz0d to the place rt0l after You Krtb I shall come 0t0
to them Nwhl have ty0 dens 0(qn foxes 0l(tl Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
shelters 0ll+m of the sky 0ym$d & birds 0txrplw
to Him hl there is not tyl of Man 0$n0d but Nyd The Son hrbl
His head h$r to lay Kwmsnd where 0ky0
after Me yrtb come 0t to another 0nrx0l & He said rm0w
first Mdqwl me yl permit sp0 my Lord yrm to Him hl said rm0 but Nyd He wh
my father yb0 bury rwbq0 to go lz0
their dead Nwhytym bury Nyrbq the dead 0tym let qwb$ Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
of God 0hl0d the Kingdom htwklm announce rbs go lz & you tn0w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

my Lord yrm after You Krtb I shall come 0t0 another 0nrx0 to Him hl said rm0
say goodbye Ml$0 to go lz0 me yl permit sp0 but Nyd first Mdqwl
& I shall come 0t0w of my house ytyb to my children ynbl
his hand hdy0 lays 0mr man $n0 no 0l Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
behind him hrtsbl & gazes r0xw of a yoke 0ndpd the plow 0brx on l(
of God 0hl0d for the kingdom htwklml & is fit x$xw
The Gospel According To Luke
Chapter 10
His disciples yhwdymlt from Nm Yeshua (w$y appointed $rp these things Nylh after rtb
by two Nyrt two Nyrt them Nwn0 & he sent rd$w seventy Ny(b$ another 0nrx0
& city 0nydmw place rt0 to every lkl His face hpwcrp before Mdq
to go lz0ml He was 0wh where prepared dyt(d
few Nyrw(z & the workers 0l(pw is great ygs the harvest 0dcx to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
of the harvest 0dcx The Lord 0rm from Nm therefore lykh pray w(b
to His harvest hdcxl workers 0l(p to send qpnd
you Nwkl am 0n0 sending rd$m I 0n0 behold 0h go wlz
wolves 0b0d among ynyb sheep 0rm0 as Ky0
wallets 0lmrt neither 0lw moneybags 0syk for you Nwkl you shall take Nwlq$t not 0l
of a man $n0d & the peace 0ml$bw sandals 0nsm nor 0lw
you shall invoke Nwl0$t not 0l on the road 0xrw0b
you Nwtn0 enter Nyl0(d house 0tyb & to whatever 0ny0lw
this 0nh to house 0tybl peace 0ml$ say wrm0 first Mdqwl
peace 0ml$ a son of rb there Nmt is ty0 & if n0w
your peace Nwkml$ upon it yhwl( shall rest xynttn
it will return Kwphn unto you Nwkyl( not 0l but Nyd if N0
stay wwh in the house 0tybb but Nyd in it hb
what is theirs Nwhlyd from Nm & drinking Nyt$w you are Nwtn0 eating Nys(l while dk
of his fare hrg0 the worker 0l(p for ryg is wh worthy 0w$
to house 0tybl house 0tyb from Nm move Nwn$t & not 0lw
you Nwkl & they receive Nylbqmw you Nwtn0 enter Nyl0(d city 0tnydm & whatever 0dy0lw
to you Nwkl that is offered Mysttmd anything Mdm eat ws(l
to them Nwhl & say wrm0w in it hb who are sick Nyhyrkd those Nyly0l & heal ws0w
of God 0hl0d the Kingdom htwklm unto you Nwkyl( has come near tbrq
you Nwtn0 enter Nyl0(d but Nyd city 0tnydm whichever 0dy0l
& say wrm0w to the street 0qw$l you Nwkl go out wqwp they will receive you Nwknwlbqn & not 0lw
on our feet Nylgrb to us Nl that cleaves qbdd the sand 0lx also P0w
know w(d this 0dh yet Mrb to you Nwkl we Nnx wipe off Nycpn your city Nwktnydm from Nm
of God 0hl0d the Kingdom htwklm unto you Nwkyl( it hl that has come near tbrqd
pleasant xyn it shall be 0whn that for Sodom Mwdsld to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
that yh city 0tnydml compared to w0 that wh in day 0mwyb
Bayth Tsayda 0dyctyb to you ykl woe! yw Korazin Nyzrwk to you ykl woe! yw
had occurred wwh & in Tsidon Ndycbw in Tsur rwcb because if wl0d
but Nyd of old rbk in you Nykb that have occurred wwhd the miracles 0lyx
they would have repented wbt & in ashes 0m+qbw in sackcloth 0qsb

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

better xyn it shall be 0whn & for Tsidon Ndyclw for Tsur rwcl yet Mrb
for you Nykl than w0 in the judgment 0nydb
Heaven 0ym$l that unto 0md(d she yh Kapernakhum Mwxnrpk & you ytn0w
you shall be debased Nytxtt Sheol lwy$l unto 0md( was exalted ytmyrtt0
listens (m$ to Me yl listens (m$ to you Nwkld whoever Nm
rejects Ml+ that one wh Me yl rejects Ml+ you Nwkld & whoever Nmw
Who has sent Me ynxl$d Him Nml rejects Ml+ rejects Ml+ Me yld & whoever Nmw
great 0tbr in joy 0twdxb whom He had sent rd$d seventy Ny(b$ those Nwnh & returned wkphw
the demons 0d0$ even P0 our Lord Nrm to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w
in Your Name Km$b to us Nl are subject Nydb(t$m
I was tywh beholding 0zx to them Nwhl said rm0 but Nyd He wh
Heaven 0ym$ from Nm lightning 0qrb like Ky0 who fell lpnd Satan 0n+sl himself hl
authority 0n+lw$ to you Nwkl I 0n0 have given bhy behold 0h
& scorpions 0brq(w snakes 0twwx tread on Ny$yd that you may Nwtywhd
of the enemy 0bbdl(bd the power hlyx & all hlkw
shall harm you Nwkrhn not 0l & a thing Mdmw
that demons 0d0$d you should rejoice Nwdxt not 0l in this 0dhb however Mrb
rejoice wdx but 0l0 to you Nwkl are subject Nydb(t$m
in Heaven 0ym$b are written wbtkt0 that your names Nwkyhm$d
of Holiness 0$dwqd in the Spirit 0xwrb Yeshua (w$y exulted zwr in the hour 0t($b in it hb
My Father yb0 You Kl I 0n0 thank 0dwm & He said rm0w
& of the earth 0(r0dw of Heaven 0ym$d Lord 0rm
& the learned 0ntlwksw the wise 0mykx from Nm these things Nylh that You have hidden tyskd
My Father yb0 yes Ny0 to infants 0dwlyl them Nyn0 & have revealed tylgw
before You Kymdq the will 0nybc it was 0wh for thus 0nkhd
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w His disciples yhwdymlt to twl & He turned ynpt0w
My Father yb0 from Nm to Me yl has been delivered Mlt$0 thing Mdm every lk
The Father 0b0 only N0 but 0l0 the Son 0rb Who is wnmknows(dy man $n0 & no 0lw
The Son 0rb only N0 but 0l0 The Father 0b0 & Who is wnmw
to reveal 0lgnd The Son 0rb will be pleased 0bcn to whomever N0d & he Nmlw
by themselves Nwhydwxlb His disciples yhwdymlt to twl & He turned ynpt0w
that are seeing Nyzxd eyes 0ny(l blessed are those Nyhybw+ & He said rm0w
are seeing Nyzx you Nwtn0d whatever Mdm
& kings 0klmw many 00ygs that prophets 0ybnd for ryg to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
you are Nwtn0 that seeing Nyzxd the thing Mdm to see Nwzxnd have desired wbc
they have seen them wzx & not 0lw
are hearing Ny(m$ that you Nwtn0d the things Mdm & to hear (m$mlw
they have heard w(m$ & not 0lw
& he said rm0w to test Him yhwysnnd arose Mq one dx scribe 0rps & behold 0hw
eternal Ml(ld life 0yx to inherit tr0d shall I do db(0 what? 0nm Teacher 0nplm
to him hl said rm0 Yeshua (w$y but Nyd He wh
you tn0 read 0rq how? 0nky0 is it written bytk how? 0nky0 in the law 0swmnb
to Him hl & he said rm0w he answered 0n(
your heart Kbl all hlk from Nm your God Khl0 the LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml you shall love Mxrtd
your strength Klyx all hlk & from Nmw your soul K$pn all hlk & from Nmw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

yourself K$pn as Ky0 & your neighbor Kbyrqlw your mind Kny(r all hlk & from Nmw
you have said trm0 correctly ty0cyrt Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
& you shall live 0xtw do db( this 0dh
himself h$pn to justify wqdzml he wanted 0bc as dk but Nyd he wh
my neighbor ybyrq & who is? wnmw to Him hl he said rm0
was 0wh going down txn certain dx a man 0rbg Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
robbers 0y+sl upon him yhwl( & fell wlpnw to Jeirikho wxyry0l Jerusalem Ml$rw0 from Nm
& left him yhwqb$w & beat him yhw0xmw & they plundered him yhwxl$w
& they departed wlz0w life 0$pn in him hb remained 0myq a little lylq when dk
that yh road 0xrw0b was 0wh going down txn a certain dx priest 0nhk & it happened $dgw
& he passed by rb(w & he saw him yhyzxw
at that yhl arrived 0+m coming 0t0 a Levite 0ywl also P0 & thus 0nkhw
& he passed by rb(w & he saw him yhyzxw place 0tkwd
he 0wh traveled 0dr as dk Samaritan 0yrm$ but Nyd a man $n0
he 0wh was yhwty0d where 0ky0 he came 0t0
on him yhwl( & took pity Mxrt0w & he saw him yhyzxw
on them Nyhyl( & poured lcnw his wounds htwxm & bound bc(w & he came brqt0w
& took him hyty0w his donkey hrmx on l( & set him hmsw & oil 0x$mw wine 0rmx
for him yhwl( he hl & cared l+bt0w to an inn 0qtwpl
denarii Nyrnyd two Nyrt he produced qp0 of day 0mwyd & at the break hrpclw
of him hlyd take care Pcy to him hl & he said rm0w to the inn keeper 0yqtwpl he gave bhy
whenever 0m you spend qpt more ryty anything Mdm & if N0w
to you Kl I 0n0 shall give it bhy I 0n0 return Kphd
to you Kl appears 0zxtm three 0tlt these Nylh of Nm therefore lykh who is it? wnm
of the robbers 0syg into the hands ydy0b who fell lpnd to him whl a neighbor 0byrq that he was 0whd
upon him yhwl( who took pity Mxrt0d he wh said rm0 but Nyd he wh
you tn0 also P0 go lz Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
doing db( you be tywh likewise 0nkh
on a road 0xrw0b traveling Nydr they were Nwnh that when dkd & it was 0whw
Martha 0trm whose name hm$d & woman 0ttn0w a certain 0dx village 0tyrql He entered l(
into her house htybb received Him htlbq
Maryam Myrm whose name hm$d a sister 0tx to her hl was twh & there ty0w
of our Lord Nrmd the feet yhwlgr at twl herself hl she sat tbty & she came tt0w
His words yhwlm she was twh & listening to 0(m$w
many things 0t0ygs with serving 0t$m$tb was twh busy 0yn( but Nyd Martha 0trm
my Lord yrm to Him hl & said 0rm0 & she came tt0w
that My sister ytxd You Kl does it concern ly+b not? 0l
me yl to help 0rd(m her hl tell rm0 to serve w$m$ml alone ydwxlb has left me yntqb$
Martha 0trm Martha 0trm to her hl & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y but Nyd answered 0n(
many things 0t0ygs about l( & are troubled ytbyhrw you take pains ytpcy
Maryam Myrm necessary 0y(btmd but Nyd is yh one thing 0dx
for herself hl has chosen tbg good 0tb+ the part 0tnm & Nyd
from her hnm will be taken bsntt which not 0ld that yh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

The Gospel According To Luke

Chapter 11
certain 0dx in a place 0tkwdb was praying 0lcm He wh that when dkd & it was 0whw
His disciples yhwdymlt of Nm one dx to Him hl said rm0 He had finished Ml$ when dk
to pray wylcml teach us Nypl0 our Lord Nrm
his disciples yhwdymltl taught Pl0 Yokhanan Nnxwy that also P0d Just as 0nky0
you Nwtn0 pray Nylcmd when ytm0 Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
Who are in heaven 0ym$bd our Father Nwb0 saying Nyrm0 you shall be Nwtywh thus 0nkh
Your Kingdom Ktwklm let come 0t0t Your Name Km$ hallowed be $dqtn
in the earth 0(r0b also P0 that in Heaven 0ym$bd as Ky0 Your will Knybc let be done 0whn
every day Mwylk of our need Nnqnwsd the bread 0mxl to us Nl give bh
we forgive Nqb$ for ryg we Nnxn0 even P0 our sins Nyh+x to us Nl & forgive qwb$w
to temptation 0nwysnl lead us Nl(t & not 0lw to us Nl who are indebted Nybyxd all lkl
the evil one 0$yb from Nm save us Nyqwrp but 0l0
among you Nwknm who is? wnm to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
a friend 0mxr to him hl who has ty0d
night 0yll at mid twglpb to him htwl & will go lz0nw
loaves Ncyrg three tlt lend me ynyl0$0 my friend ymxr to him hl & will say rm0nw
the road 0xrw0 from Nm to me ytwl has come 0t0 a friend 0mxrd because l+m
before him hl that I may set Mys0d anything Mdm to me yl & there is not tylw
to him hl & will say rm0nw will answer 0n(n within wgl from Nm his friend hmxr & he whw
is wh bolted dyx0 the door 0(rt for behold 0hd disturb me ynyrht not 0l
in bed 0sr(b with me ym( & my children ynbw
to you Kl & give lt0w arise Mwq0d I 0n0 can xk$m not 0l
friendship 0twmxr because of l+m that if N0d to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
his persistence htwpycx because of l+m to him hl he will give ltn not 0l
to him hl he needs 0(btmd as much as 0mk to him hl & he will give ltnw he will arise Mwqn
to you Nwkl & it shall be given bhytnw ask wl0$ to you Nwkl am 0n0 saying rm0 I 0n0 also P0
to you Nwkl & it will be opened xtptnw knock w$wq & you shall find Nwxk$tw seek w(b
receives bsn who asks l0$d for ryg everyone lk
finds xk$m & whoever seeks 0(bdw
to him hl it is opened xtptm & whoever knocks $qndw
is a father 0b0 of you Nwknm for ryg which? 0ny0
for bread 0mxl whose son hrb will ask him yhwyl0$nd
he will ask of him yhwyl0$n a fish 0nwn & if N0w him hl he hand +$wm a stone 0p0k will? 0ml
him hl he hand +$wm a snake 0ywx a fish 0nwn instead of Plx will? 0ml
he would ask of him yhwyl0$n an egg 0trb & if n0w
him hl hand +$wm a scorpion 0brq( he wh would? 0ml
you are Nwtn0 knowing Ny(dy are Nwkyty0 who evil 0$ybd you Nwtn0 & if n0w
to your children Nwkynbl to give ltml good 0tb+ gifts 0tbhwm
Heaven 0ym$ from Nm your Father Nwkwb0 more ty0ryty how much? 0mk
of Holiness 0$dwqd the Spirit 0xwr will give ltn
Him hl who ask Nyl0$d to those Nyly0l
making mute 0$rx that was yhwty0d a demon 0d0$ He was casting out qpm & when dkw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

mute 0$rx that wh spoke llm demon 0d0$ that wh went out qpn that when dkd it was 0wh
the crowds 0$nk & were astonished wrmdt0w
by Beelzebub bwbzl(bb said wrm0 among them Nwhnm but Nyd men 0$n0
devils 0wyd This One 0nh exorcizes qpm of devils 0wydd the chief 0$r
Him hl were testing Nysnm then dk but Nyd others 0nrx0
Him hl they were wwh asking Nyl0$ Heaven 0ym$ from Nm a sign 0t0
to them Nwhl He said rm0 their thoughts Nwhtb$xm He 0wh because knew (dyd but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
will be laid waste brxt itself h$pn against l( that is divided glpttd realm wklm every lk
falls lpn is divided glptm its nature hmwnq that against l(d & a home 0tybw
is divided glpt0 himself h$pn against l( Satan 0n+s & if N0w
his kingdom htwklm will stand Mwqt how? 0nky0
devils 0wyd I 0n0 cast out qpm that by Beelzebub bwbzl(bbd you Nwtn0 for say Nyrm0d
devils 0wyd am 0n0 exorcizing qpm by Beelzebub bwbzl(bb I 0n0 & if N0w
are they exorcizing Nyqpm by whom? 0nmb your children Nwkynb
judges 0nyd to you Nwkl will be Nwwhn they Nwnh this 0nh because of l+m
devils 0wyd I 0n0 cast out qpm of God 0hl0d by the finger 0(bcb but Nyd if N0
of God 0hl0d the Kingdom htwklm unto you Nwkyl( it hl has come near tbrq
armed Nyzm while dk a strong man 0nysxd whenever ytm0
his property hnynq is wh in peace 0ny$b his homestead htrd keeps r+n
to overpower him yhwykzn than he hnm who is stronger Nysxd one Nm will come 0t0n but Nyd if N0
on them yhwl( he was 0wh in which trusting lyktd he wh takes lq$ his weapons hnyz all hlk
he divides glpm & his spoil htzbw
is wh against Me ylbqwl with Me ym( was 0wh not 0ld whoever Nm
is scattering rdbm to scatter wrdbm with Me ym( gathers $nk not 0ld & whoever Nmw
man 0$n0 a son of rb from Nm it has gone out tqpnd whenever 0m vile 0tpn+ a spirit 0xwr
in places 0twrt0b traveling around 0krktm it goes 0lz0
in them Nwhb there is not tyl of which water 0ymd
it says 0rm0 it finds txk$0 not 0ld & whenever 0mw rest 0xyn for it hl to seek 0(btd
I came out tqpnd from where 0kmy0 to my house ytybl I shall return Kwph0
& decorated tbcmw swept Mymxd it finds it htxk$0 it comes tt0 & if N0w
other Nynrx0 spirits Nyxwr seven (b$ bringing 0rbd it goes 0lz0 then Nydyh
there Nmt & dwelling Nrm(w & are entering Nl0(w than it hnm which are more evil N$ybd
that wh of son of man 0$nrbd the end htrx & shall be 0ywhw
his beginning htymdq than Nm worse 0$yb
He was 0wh speaking llmm these things Nylh & while dkw
the crowd 0$nk from Nm her voice hlq one 0dx woman 0ttn0 raised tmyr0
that carried You Ktn(+d to the womb 0srkl its blessing hybw+ to Him hl & she said trm0w
that suckled You Kwqny0d & to the breasts 0ydtlw
to those Nyly0l their blessing Nwhybw+ He wh to her hl said rm0
it hl & keep Nyr+nw of God 0hl0d the word htlm who have heard w(m$d
to say rm0ml He began yr$ the crowds 0$nk were wwh assembling Ny$nktm & when dkw
seeks 0y(b a sign 0t0 wicked 0t$yb this 0dh generation 0tbr$
to it hl shall be given bhytt not 0l & a sign 0t0w
the prophet 0ybn of Yonan Nnwyd the sign ht0 but 0l0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to the Ninevites 0ywnynl a sign 0t0 Yonan Nnwy was 0whd for ryg Just as 0nky0
this 0dh to generation 0tbr$l of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb also P0 shall be 0whn thus 0nkh
with M( in judgment 0nydb shall stand Mwqt of the south 0nmytd the queen 0tklm
them Nwn0 & she shall condemn byxtw this 0dh of generation 0tbr$d the people 0$n0
of the land 0(r0d the far side hyrb( from Nm for she came tt0d
of Solomon Nwmyl$d the wisdom htmkx that she might hear (m$td
is here 0krh Solomon Nwmyl$ than Nm He Who is greater rytyd & behold 0hw
in judgment 0nydb will rise Nwmwqn the Ninevites 0ywnyn the men 0rbg
& they shall condemn it hnwbyxnw this 0dh generation 0tbr$ with M(
of Yonan Nnwyd at the preaching htwzwrkb because they repented wbtd
is here 0krh Yonan Nnwy than Nm He Who is greater rytyd & behold 0hw
in a hidden place 0yskb it hl & sets M0sw a lamp 0gr$ lights rhnm man $n0 no 0l
a lampstand 0trnm from Nm over l(l but 0l0 a bushel 0t0s under tyxt or w0
its light hrhwn may see Nwzxn who enter Nyl0(d that those Nyly0d
your eye Kny( is hyty0 of the body Krgpd the lamp hgr$
is clear 0+y$p your eye Kny(d therefore lykh when ytm0
illuminated ryhn shall be 0whn your body Krgp whole hlk also P0
evil 0$yb it should be 0wht but Nyd if N0
darkened Kw$x shall be 0whn your body Krgp also P0w
the light 0rhwn lest 0mld therefore lykh take care rhdz0
is wh darkness 0kw$x that is in you Kbd
in it hb & there is not tylw is enlightened ryhn entire hlk your body Krgp but Nyd if N0
entirely hlk shining rhnm it shall be 0whn darkened 0kw$x any Mdm part 0tnm
to you Kl gives light rhnm in its flame hqldb a lamp 0gr$d like Ky0
one dx Pharisee 0$yrp of Him hnm requested 0(b He was speaking llmm but Nyd while dk
He reclined Kmts0 & He entered l(w with him htwl that He would dine 0rt$nd
he was amazed rmdt0 he saw Him yhyzx when dk Pharisee 0$yrp but Nyd that wh
His dinner htwr$ before Mdq from Nm He washed dm( first Mdqwl that not 0ld
now 0$h Yeshua (w$y but Nyd to him hl said rm0
of the cup 0skd the outside hrb Pharisees 0$yrp you Nwtn0
are Nwtn0 cleansing Nykdm and the dish 0knypdw
& wickedness 0t$ybw of rape 0ypw+x are full 0lm but Nyd some of you Nwknm inside wgl
intellect 0ny(r ones lacking yrysx
the outside rbld Who made db(d The One Nm has 0wh not? 0l
made db( He wh also the inside wgldw
in alms 0tqdzb give it yhwbh you have ty0d whatever Mdm however Mrb
to you Nwkl is wh pure 0kd everything Mdmlk & behold 0hw
Pharisees 0$yrp to you Nwkl woe! yw but 0l0
herb qrwy & every lkw & dill 0ngpw mint 0(nn you Nwtn0 for tithe Nyrs(md
of God 0hl0d the love 0bwx & over l(w justice 0nyd over l( you Nwtn0 & pass on Nyrb(w
for you to do Nwdb(td it was 0wh necessary 0lw but Nyd these Nylh
you should forsake Nwqb$t not 0l & those Nylhw
you Nwtn0 who love Nymxrd Pharisees 0$yrp to you Nwkl woe! yw
in the streets 0qw$b & greetings 0ml$w in the synagogues 0t$wnkb seats 0btwm first class $yr

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of faces 0p0b accepters ybsn & Pharisees 0$yrpw Scribes 0rps to you Nwkl woe! yw
are known Ny(ydy that not 0ld tombs 0rbq as Ky0 who are Nwkyty0d
know Ny(dy & not 0lw over them Nwhyl( walk Nyklhm of men 0$n0 & children ynbw
to Him hl & he said rm0w the Scribes 0rps from Nm one dx & answered 0n(w
You tn0 insult r(cm us Nl also P0 You tn0 say rm0 these things Nylh when dk Teacher 0nplm
woe! yw Scribes 0rps to you Nwkl also P0 said rm0 but Nyd He wh
heavy 0tryqy with burdens 0lbwm of men 0$n0 the children ynbl you Nwtn0 for load Nyn(+md
your fingers Nwkt(bc of Nm with one 0dxb & you Nwtn0w
burdens 0lbwml those Nyhl you Nwtn0 touch Nybrq not 0l
of the prophets 0ybnd the tombs 0rbq are Nwtn0 who building Nynbd to you Nwkl woe! yw
them Nwn0 murdered wl+q for your fathers Nwkyhb0d
you Nwtn0 & approve Nybcw therefore lykh you Nwtn0 testify Nydhs
them Nwn0 murdered wl+q for they Nwnhd of your fathers Nwkyhb0d the deeds 0db(b
their tombs Nwhyrbq are Nwtn0 building Nynb & you Nwtn0w
said trm0 of God 0hl0d the Wisdom 0tmkx also P0 this 0nh because of l+m
& apostles 0xyl$w prophets 0ybn to them Nwhl am sending rd$0 I 0n0 behold 0hd
& they shall murder Nwl+qnw they shall persecute Nwpdrn some of them Nwhnm
the blood 0md so that shall be required (bttnd
that was shed d$0t0d the prophets 0ybn of all Nwhlkd
this 0dh generation 0tbr$ of Nm the world 0ml( when was created yrbt0d from Nm
of Zechariah 0yrkzd the blood hmdl unto 0md( of Abel lybhd the blood hmd from Nm
& the altar 0xbdml the temple 0lkyh between ynyb who was killed l+qt0d he wh
to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 yes Ny0
this 0dh generation 0tbr$ from Nm that it shall be required (bttmd
Scribes 0rps to you Nwkl woe yw
of knowledge 0t(dyd the keys 0dylq because you have taken Nwtlq$d
have entered Nwtl( not 0l you Nwtn0
you have hindered Nwtylk who were entering Nyl0(d & those Nyly0lw
to them Nwhl He 0wh said rm0 these things Nylh & when dkw
at them Nwhl to be offended $0btm & the Pharisees 0$yrpw the Scribes 0rps began wyr$
His words yhwlm & they disparaged Nysktmw & they were angered Nytmxtmw
in many things 0t0ygsb to Him hl & they acted deceitfully Nylknw
His mouth hmwp from Nm something Mdm to seize on dx0ml they sought Ny(b while dk
to accuse Him yhwcrq Nwlk0n so that they would be able Nwxk$nd

The Gospel According To Luke

Chapter 12
great 00ygs of crowds 0$nkd a multitude 0twbr were gathered w$nkt0 & when dkw
Yeshua (w$y began yr$ on another dxl one dx that they would tread Nw$ydnd so 0nky0
among yourselves Nwk$pnb beware wrhdz0 first Mdqwl to His disciples yhwdymltl to say rm0ml
faces 0p0b accepting bsm which is yhwty0d of the Pharisees 0$yrpd the yeast 0rymx of Nm
that not 0ld that is covered 0skd anything Mdm but Nyd there is not tyl
shall be known (dytn that not 0ld that is secret y$+md neither 0lw shall be revealed 0lgtn

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

you shall say Nwtrm0 that in the darkness 0kw$xbd for ryg everything lk
in an inner chamber 0nwtbd & whatever Mdmw shall be heard (mt$n in the light 0ryhnb
will be preached zrktn rooftops 0rg0 on l( you whispered Nwt$xl in an ear 0nd0b
fear Nwlxdt not 0l My friends ymxrl but Nyd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
after this Nkrtb & who Nmw the body 0rgp who kill Nyl+qd those Nyly0 from Nm
to do db(ml more ryty anything Mdm for them Nwhl there is not tyl
you should fear Nwlxdt whom Nm that one Nm but Nyd I shall show you Nwkywx0
he kills l+qd after rtb when from Nmd whomever wh that one Nm
into Gehenna 0nhgb to cast wymrml is authorized +yl$
be afraid wlxd this one 0nh of Nmd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 yes Ny0
assarii Nyrs0 for two Nyrtb are sold Nnbdzm sparrows Nyrpc five $mx not? 0l
God 0hl0 before Mdq is forgotten 0y(+ not 0l of them Nyhnm & one 0dxw
of your heads Nwk$rd of the hair 0r(sd the hairs 0nm also P0 but Nyd your Nwklyd
you shall fear Nwlxdt therefore lykh not 0l are Nyn0 numbered Nynm all Nyhlk
you are Nwtn0 better Nyrtym sparrows 0rpcd many 00gws because than Nmd
Me yb who will confess 0dwnd that everyone lkd but Nyd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
will confess 0dwn of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb also P0 children of men 0$nynb before Mdq
of God 0hl0d His angels yhwk0lm before Mdq him hb
children of men 0$nynb before Mdq Me yb denies rpkd but Nyd whoever 0ny0
of God 0hl0d His angels yhwk0lm before Mdq himself hb shall be denied rpktn
of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb against l( a word 0tlm who will say rm0nd & everyone lkw
to him hl it shall be forgiven qbt$n
will blaspheme Pdgn of Holiness 0$dwqd but Nyd The Spirit 0xwr against l(d whoever Nm
to him hl it shall be forgiven qbt$n not 0l
to assemblies 0t$wnkl but Nyd you Nwkl they bring Nybrqmd whenever 0m
& authorities 0n+yl$w rulers 0$r before Mdq
answer 0xwr you will give Nwqpt how 0nky0 you shall be concerned Nwpc0t not 0l
you will say Nwrm0t what 0nm or w0
hour 0t($ in that yhb shall teach you Nwkpln of Holiness 0$dwqd for ryg The Spirit 0xwr
that you will say Nwrm0td that it is necessary 0lwd the thing Mdm
crowd 0$nk that wh from Nm a man $n0 but Nyd to Him hl said rm0
the inheritance 0twtry with me ym( to divide glp my brother yx0l tell rm0 Teacher 0nplm
man 0rbg to him hl said rm0 but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
& a divider 0nglpmw a judge 0nyd over you Nwkyl( has set Me ynmyq0 who? wnm
covetousness 0twn(y all hlk of Nm beware wrhdz0 to His disciples yhwdymltl & He said rm0w
life 0yx is ty0 of riches 0sknd in the abundance 0twrytyb is 0wh that not 0ld because l+m
rich 0ryt( a certain dx man 0rbg to them Nwhtwl a parable 0ltm & He said rm0w
many 0t0ygs crops 0tll( his land h(r0 to him hl brought tl(0
shall I do db(0 what? 0nm & said rm0w to himself h$pnb he 0wh & thought b$xtmw
my crops ytll( to gather lwmx0d where? 0ky0 for me yl for there is no tyld
of storage yspq houses tyb I shall pull down rwts0 I shall do db(0 this 0dh & he said rm0w
there Nmt & I shall gather lwmx0w them Nwn0 & I shall enlarge brw0w & I shall build 0nb0w
& my goods ytb+w my produce yrwb( all hlk

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

goods 0tb+ to you ykl there are ty0 my soul y$pn to my soul y$pnl & I shall say rm0w
be contented yxyntt0 many 0t0ygs for years 0yn$l laid up Nmysd many 0t0ygs
be merry ymsbt0 drink yt$0 eat ylwk0
intellect 0ny(r one lacking rysx God 0hl0 but Nyd to him hl said rm0
from you Knm it hl will be required Ny(bt your soul K$pn night 0yll in this 0nhb
will they be Nywhn whose? Nml which you have prepared tby+d & these things Nylhw
for himself hl lays down M0sd whoever Nm is wh thus 0nkh
is rich ryt( not 0l & in God 0hl0bw treasure 0tmys
this 0nh because of l+m to His disciples yhwdymltl & He said rm0w
yourselves Nwk$pnl you shall take care of Nwpc0t not 0l I 0n0 say rm0 to you Nwkl
your bodies Nwkrgpl neither 0lw you will eat Nwlk0t what? 0nm
you will wear Nw$blt what? 0nm
food 0trbys than Nm is more important 0ryty for ryg the soul 0$pn
clothing 0$wbl than Nm & the body 0rgpw
do they reap Nydcx neither 0lw they sow Ny(rz that not 0ld the ravens 0b(nb consider wqbt0
of storage 0spq & house tybw an inner chamber 0nwt to them Nwhl & there is not tylw
therefore lykh how much? 0mk them Nwhl feeds 0srtm & God 0hl0w
than birds 0txrp than Nm you Nwtn0 more important Nyryty are Nwtn0
taking care Pcy while dk of you Nwknm but Nyd which? 0ny0
one 0dx cubit 0tm0 his height htmwq to l( add wpswml can xk$m
you Nwtn0 can do Nyxk$m the small thing 0trw(z not 0l even P0 but Nyd if N0
do you Nwtn0 take pains Nypcy the rest 0kr$ over l( why? 0nm
they labor Ny0l that not 0ld they grow Nybr how 0nky0 the lilies 0n$w$b consider wqbt0
but Nyd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 do they weave Nlz( neither 0lw
His glory hxbw$ in all hlkb Solomon Nwmyl$ not 0l that even P0d
these Nylh of Nm one 0dx like Ky0 was robed yskt0
in the field 0lqxb is yhwty0 that today 0nmwyd the grass 0rym(l but Nyd if N0
clothes $blm thus 0nkh God 0hl0 into a fire 0rwntb will fall lpn & tomorrow rxmw
of faith 0twnmyh little ones yrw(z to you Nwkl better is He ryty how much? 0mk
you will eat Nwlk0t what? 0nm shall seek Nw(bt not 0l you Nwtn0w
you will drink Nwt$t & what? 0nmw
in these things Nylhb your mind Nwkny(r shall wander 0hpn neither 0lw
are seeking Ny(b of the world 0ml(d the wh people 0mm( all Nyhlk for ryg these things Nylh
knows (dy your Father Nwkwb0 but Nyd for you Nwkl also P0
these things Nylh to you Nwkl that are necessary Ny(btmd
of God 0hl0d the Kingdom htwklm seek w(b however Mrb
to you Nwkl are added Npswttm all Nyhlk & these things Nylhw
little 0rw(z flock 0rzg fear lxdt not 0l
the Kingdom 0twklm to you Nwkl to give ltnd your Father Nwkwb0 for wills 0bcd
alms 0tqdz & give wbhw your possessions Nwknynq sell wnbz
wear out Nylb that not 0ld pouches 0syk for yourselves Nwkl make wdb(
in Heaven 0ym$b is diminished 0zyg that not 0ld & treasure 0tmysw
devours lbxm not 0l & a moth 0ssw comes brq not 0l a thief 0bngd where 0ky0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

your treasure Nwktmys is hyty0d for ryg wherever 0ky0
your heart Nwkbl also P0 shall be 0whn there Nmt
your lamps Nwkygr$ & burning Nyrhnmw your waist Nwkycx girded Nyrys0 let be Nwwhn
for their Lord Nwhrml waiting Nyksmd people 0$n0l like Nymd & be wwhw
of wedding 0twt$m the house tyb from Nm He will return 0npn when ytm0d
& knocks $qnw He comes 0t0d that whenever 0md
to Him hl they may open Nwxtpn at once 0dxm
when shall come 0t0nd which Nyly0 those Nwnh to servants 0db(l their blessings Nwhybw+
watching Nyry( while dk them Nwn0 also He shall find xk$nw their Lord Nwhrm
His waist yhwcx that He shall gird rws0nd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 Amen Nym0
& He shall go through rb(nw them Nwn0 & He shall make recline Kmsnw
them Nwn0 He shall wait on $m$n
He will come 0t0n the third tltd or w0 second Nytrtd in the watch 0tr+mb & if N0w
those Nwnh to servants 0db(l their blessings Nwhybw+ thus 0nkh & He will find xk$nw
of a house 0tyb the owner 0rm had 0wh known (dy that if wl0d know w(d but Nyd this 0dh
a thief 0bng would come 0t0 watch 0tr+m in which 0dy0b
he would have 0wh allowed qb$ & not 0lw he would have been 0wh awakened ry(ttm
his house htyb to be broken into $lptnd
hour 0t($ for in that yhbd ready 0by+m be wwh therefore lykh you Nwtn0 also P0
of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb comes 0t0 you are Nwtn0 expecting Nyrbs when not 0ld
to us Ntwl our Lord Nrm Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$ to Him hl said rm0
everyone $nlk to twl also P0 or w0 this 0nh parable 0ltml it hl You tn0 say? rm0
is ty0 indeed yk who? wnm Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
his Lord hrm whom will appoint yhwymyqnd & wise 0mykxw faithful 0nmyhm the steward 0tybr
in His time hnbzb a portion 0srp to give ltnd His servants ht$m$t over l(
his Lord hrm when shall come 0t0nd servant 0db( to that whl his blessing yhwbw+
so 0nkh that is doing db(d whom He shall find yhwyxk$n
to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 truly ty0ryr$
His possessions hnynq all hlk over l( that He shall appoint him yhwymyqnd
in his heart hblb that wh servant 0db( will say rm0n but Nyd if N0
& he should begin 0r$nw to come 0t0ml delays rxwm my Lord yrmd
of his Lord hrmd & the maids 0thm0lw the servants 0db(l to strike 0xmml
& to get drunk 0wrmlw & to drink 0t$mlw to eat s(lml & he should begin 0r$nw
in a day 0mwyb that wh of servant 0db(d his Lord hrm shall come 0t0n
he knows (dy when not 0ld & in an hour 0t($bw he expects rbs when not 0ld
& He shall appoint Mysnw & He shall cut him off yhwyglpnw
faithful Nynmyhm who are un 0ld those Nwnh with M( his portion htnm
of his Master hrmd the will 0nybc knew (dyd which 0ny0 but Nyd the servant 0db(
His will hnybc according to Ky0 for Him hl he prepared by+ & not 0lw
many times 0t0ygs he shall be beaten (lbn
knew (dy who not 0ld but Nyd he wh
of blows 0twxml worthy 0w$d something Mdm & did db(w
for ryg everyone lk few 0tyrw(z with blows 0twxm shall be beaten (lbn
from him hnm shall be required (bttn much ygs much ygs to whom hl is given bhyt0d

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

much ygs it hl they commit wl(g0d & to whomever whlw

from his hand hdy0b they shall require Nw(btn more ty0ryty
I 0n0 & wish 0bcw in the earth 0(r0b to set 0mr0d I have come tyt0 fire 0rwn
it were burning tbx now wdk from Nm Oh, if only wl0
in which I am to be baptized dm(0d to Me yl is ty0 & a baptism 0tydwm(mw
it is fulfilled 0lmt$td until 0md( I 0n0 am afflicted cyl0 & much ygsw
in the earth 0(r0b to bring 0mr0d I have come tyt0 that peace 0ny$d do you Nwtn0 think? Nyrbs
division 0twglp but 0l0 no 0ld to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
one dx in house 0tybb five 0$mx shall be Nwwhn for ryg now 0$h from Nm
three 0tlt against l( & two Nyrtw two Nyrt against l( three 0tlt who are divided Nygylpd
his son hrb against l( father 0b0 for ryg shall be divided glptn
her daughter htrb against l( mother 0m0 his father yhwb0 against l( & son 0rbw
her mother hm0 against l( & daughter 0trbw
her daughter in law htlk against l( mother in law 0tmx
her mother in law htmx against l( & daughter in law 0tlkw
a cloud 0nn( you see Nwtyzxd whenever 0m to the crowds 0$nkl & He said rm0w
you Nwtn0 say Nyrm0 at once 0dxm from the west 0br(m from Nm that rises 0xndd
so 0nkh & it is 0whw is coming 0t0 rain 0r+m
you Nwtn0 say Nyrm0 a south wind 0nmyt blows 0b$nd & when 0mw
& it is 0whw it will be 0wh hot 0mwx
of the earth 0(r0d the face 0pwcrp of faces 0p0b accepters ybsn
to discern Nw$rptd you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy & of the sky 0ym$dw
do you Nwtn0 discern Ny$rp not 0l how? 0nky0 this 0nh but Nyd time 0nbz
truth 0t$wq you Nwtn0 judge Nynyd not 0l yourselves Nwk$pn from Nm but Nyd why? 0nml
your accuser at law Knydl(b with M( you tn0 go lz0d for ryg whenever 0m
you are tn0 on the road 0xrw0b while d( the ruler 0nwkr0 to twl
from him hnm & be ransomed qrpttw merchandise 0trwg0t give bh
deliver you Kml$n & the judge 0nydw the judge 0nyd to twl he bring you Klbwn lest 0mld
should cast you Kymrn & the officer 0ybgw to the officer 0ybgl
of prisoners 0rys0 into the house tyb
there Nmt from Nm you shall go out qwpt that not 0ld to you Kl I 0n0 & say rm0w
last 0yrx0 the one quarter cent 0nwm$ you give lttd until 0md(
The Gospel According To Luke
Chapter 13
to Him hl they said wrm0 people Ny$n0 came wt0 time 0nbz but Nyd at that whb
whose blood Nwhmd mingled +lx Pilate sw+lypd those Nwnh Galileans 0ylylg about l(
their sacrifices Nwhyxbd with M(
you Nwtn0 think Nyrbs to them Nwhl & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y & answered 0n(w
than Nm moreso ryty were wwh sinners Nyy+x Galileans 0ylylg that these Nylhd
to them Nwn0 happened 0wh because this 0nkhd Galileans 0ylylg all Nwhlk
that also P0d but Nyd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 no 0l
you shall be destroyed Nwdb0t likewise 0nkh you repent Nwbwtt unless 0l0 all of you Nwklk
the tower 0ldgm upon whom Nwhyl( fell lpnd eighteen rs(tnmt those Nwnh or w0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

you Nwtn0 think? Nyrbs them Nwn0 & it killed l+qw in Shiloha 0xwly$b
all Nwhlk than Nm moreso ryty they were wwh that sinners Nyy+xd
in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b who dwell Nyrm(d the children of men 0$nynb
that unless 0l0d but Nyd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 no 0l
shall be destroyed Nwdb0t like them Nwhtwk0 all of you Nwklk you repent Nwbwtt
to a man $n0l was twh there ty0 a fig tree 0tt this 0nh parable 0ltm & He said rm0w
fruit 0r0p in it hb seeking 0(b & he came 0t0w in his vineyard hmrkb that had been planted 0bycnd
he found xk$0 & none 0lw
I 0n0 have come 0t0 years Nyn$ three tlt behold 0h to the cultivators 0xlpl & he saidrm0w
I 0n0 find xk$m & none 0lw this 0dh in fig tree 0ttb fruit 0r0p I am 0n0 seeking 0(b
the soil 0(r0 does it take away from 0l+bm why? 0nml cut it down hyqwsp
leave it hyqwb$ my lord yrm a cultivator 0xlp to him hl said rm0
year 0tn$ this 0dh also P0
& I shall manure it hylbz0w I shall cultivate it hyxlp0 while d(
fruit 0r0p it will have borne tdb( & perhaps N0w
you should cut it down hyqspt next year yxnml otherwise 0l0w
in the Sabbath 0tb$b Yeshua (w$y taught Plm but Nyd when dk
the synagogues 0t$wnk of Nm in one 0dxb
a spirit 0xwr to her hl was twh who ty0d a woman 0ttn0 there Nmt was twh there ty0
she was twh & bent over 0pypkw eighteen 0rs(nmt years Nyn$ of affliction 0nhrwkd
at all rmgl to be straightened +$pttd she had been twh able 0xk$m & not 0lw
to her hl & He said rm0w & He called her hrqw Yeshua (w$y but Nyd saw her hzx
your affliction yknhrwk from Nm you are released ytyr$ woman 0ttn0
she was straightened t+$pt0 & at once 0dxmw upon her hyl( His hand hdy0 & He laid Msw
God 0hl0l & she glorified txb$w
being angered tmxtm when dk of the synagogue 0t$wnk the leader br but Nyd answered 0n(
Yeshua (w$y on the Sabbath 0tb$b had healed ys0d because l(
days Nymwy there are Nwn0 six 0t$ to the gathering 0$nkl & he said rm0w
to work xlpml it is legal 0lw in which Nwhbd
be healed Nys0tm come Nyt0 you may Nwtywh in them Nwhb
of the Sabbath 0tb$d on the day 0mwyb & not 0lw
of faces 0p0b accepter bsn to him hl & said rm0w answered 0n( but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
release 0r$ does not? 0l on the Sabbath 0tb$b of you Nwknm one dx each dx
& waters it 0q$m & goes lz0w the stall 0yrw0 from Nm his donkey hrmx or w0 his ox hrwt
of Abraham Mhrb0d is yh a daughter htrbd but Nyd this 0dh
years Nyn$ eighteen 0rs(nmt behold 0h the Devil 0crqlk0 & has bound her hrs0w
bondage 0yrws0 this 0nh from Nm that she be released 0rt$td it 0wh is legal? 0lw il 0l
of the Sabbath 0tb$d on the day 0mwyb
they were wwh ashamed Nythb He had 0wh said rm0 these things Nylh & when dkw
against Him hlbwql had wwh who stood Nymyqd those Nyly0 all Nwhlk
were 0wh rejoicing 0dx the people 0m( & all hlkw
by His hand hdy0b were ywh that wrought Nywhd the miracles 0thymt at all Nyhlkb
is like 0ymd what? 0nml Yeshua (w$y but Nyd He 0wh said rm0
shall I compare it hymd0 & to what 0nmlw of God 0hl0d the Kingdom 0twklm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

a man 0rbg which took bsnd that yh of mustard seed 0ldrxd a grain 0tdrpl it is like 0ymd
great 0br a tree 0nly0 & it became twhw & it grew tbrw into his garden htngb & cast it hymr0
in its branches hykwsb nested tnq0 of the sky 0ym$d & a bird 0txrpw
shall I compare hymd0 to what? 0nml Yeshua (w$y said rm0 again bwt
of God 0hl0d the Kingdom 0twklml
she hid trm+ a woman 0ttn0 that took tbsnd yeast 0rymxl it is like 0ymd
3 gallon measures Ny0s of three tltd in flour 0xmqb
was fermented (mx all of it hlkd until 0md(
He taught Plm as dk & in cities 0tnydmbw in villages 0yrwqb He 0wh & traveled 0drw
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l & He went on lz0w
who have life Ny0xd those Nyly0 are Nwn0 few Nyrw(z if N0d a man $n0 but Nyd asked Him hl0$
to enter l(ml strive hard w$tkt0 to them Nwhl said rm0 but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
for ryg to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 narrow 0cyl0 the gate 0(rtb
they shall be able Nwxk$n & not 0lw to enter l(ml shall seek Nw(bn many 00ygsd
of the house 0tyb the Lord 0rm shall arise Mwqnd the hour 0t($ from Nm
outside rbl standing Nymyq & you shall be Nwwhtw the gate 0(rt & shall bolt dwx0nw
at the gate 0(rtb & knocking Ny$qnw
our Lord Nrm our Lord Nrm to say rm0ml & you shall begin Nwr$tw
He wh & shall answer 0n(nw to us Nl open xtp
to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 & He shall say rm0nw
are you Nwtn0 from where? 0kmy0 you Nwkl I 0n0 know (dy that not 0ld
& we drank Nyt$0w we ate Nlk0 before You Kymdq to say rm0ml & you shall begin Nwr$tw
You taught tpl0 & in our streets Nyqw$bw
you Nwkl I 0n0 know (dy that not 0ld to you Nwkl & He shall say rm0nw
from Me ynm yourselves Nwkl remove wqwrp are you Nwtn0 from where? 0kmy0
of lies 0rqw$ workers yxlp
teeth 0n$ & gnashing qrwxw weeping 0ykb shall be 0whn there Nmt
& Yaqob bwq(ylw & Isaac qxsy0lw Abraham Mhrb0l you shall behold Nwzxt when dk
of God 0hl0d in the Kingdom 0twklmb the prophets 0ybn & all Nwhlklw
outside rbl cast Nyqpm shall be Nwwht but Nyd you Nwtn0
the west 0br(m & from Nmw the east 0xndm from Nm & they shall come Nwt0nw
& they shall recline Nwkmtsnw the north 0ybrg & from Nmw the south 0nmyt & from Nmw
of God 0hl0d in the Kingdom 0twklmb
the first 0ymdq who shall be Nwwhnd the last 0yrx0 there are ty0 & behold 0hw
the last 0yrx0 who shall be Nwwhnd the first 0ymdq & there are ty0w
the Pharisees 0$yrp of Nm some 0$n0 approached wbrq day 0mwy in that whb in it hb
from here 0km You Kl go lz depart qwp to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w
to kill You Kl+qml wants 0bc Herodus sdwrhd because l+m
this 0nh fox 0l(tl tell wrm0 go wlz Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
today 0nmwy I 0n0 do db( & cures 0tws0w demons 0d0$ I 0n0 cast out qpm behold 0hd
I 0n0 shall be perfected 0lmt$m third 0tltd & on the day 0mwylw & tomorrow rxmw
I shall work rw(s0 & tomorrow rxmw that today 0nmwyd for Me yl it is right 0lw however Mrb
because l+m I shall go lz0 the next 0nrx0 the day 0mwylw
that a prophet 0ybnd it is possible 0xk$m not 0ld
Jerusalem Ml$rw0 of Nm outside rbl shall perish db0n

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the prophets 0ybn you have murdered tl+q Jerusalem Ml$rw0 Jerusalem Ml$rw0
to her htwl who were sent Nyxyl$d those Nyly0l & you have stoned tmgrw
your children ykynb to gather w$nkml I have desired tybc times Nynbz how many? 0mk
her wings hypg under tyxt her chicks hygwrp that gathers 0$nkd a hen 0tlwgnrt as Ky0
you were willing Nwtybc & not 0lw
desolate 0brx your house Nwktyb to you Nwkl is left qbt$m behold 0h
until 0md( you shall see Me ynnwzxt that not 0ld for ryg to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
Who comes 0t0d is He wh blest Kyrb you will say Nwrm0td
of Jehovah 0yrmd in the Name hm$b

The Gospel According To Luke

Chapter 14
of Nm of one dxd the house 0tybl He entered l( that when dkd & it was 0whw
bread 0mxl to eat lwk0nd of the Pharisees 0$yrpd the leaders 0$r
Him hl were wwh observing Nyr+n & they Nwnhw of the Sabbath 0tb$d on the day 0mwyb
with fluid 0ym was 0wh who swollen $ynkd one dx man 0rbg & behold 0hw
before Him yhwmdq was 0wh there ty0
& to the Pharisees 0$yrplw to the Scribes 0rpsl & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y & answered 0n(w
to heal wys0ml on the Sabbath 0tb$b it is legal +yl$ surely N0d
He wh & held him hdx0w were silent wqt$ but Nyd they Nwnh
& He dismissed him yhyr$w & He healed him hys0w
of you Nwknm who? wnm to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
in a pit 0rbb whose ox hrwt or w0 whose son hrb should fall lpnd
at once 0dxm & not 0lw of the Sabbath 0tb$d on the day 0mwyb
him hl & would lift up qsm would pull 0ld
this 0dh to l( an answer 0mgtp Him hl give ltml they could wxk$0 & not 0lw
there Nmt who were invited Nynmzmd those Nwnh to twl parable 0ltm He 0wh & said rm0w
who chose Nybgmd those Nwhl He 0wh when saw 0zxd upon l(
seats 0kms of the best $yrd places 0tykwd
banquet 0twt$m to a house tybl a man $n0 by Nm you are tn0 invited Nmdzmd when ytm0
lest 0mld seat 0kms at the best $yrb yourself Kl seat Kmtst go lz0t not 0l
than you Knm who is more honorable rqymd a man $n0 there Nmt he appoints Nmzm it may be 0whn
to you Kl & say rm0nw called 0rq & him hlw you Kld who Nm he wh & should come 0t0nw
& you will be ashamed thbtw to this one 0nhl the place 0tkwd give bhd
the last 0tyrx0 place 0tkwd you tn0 & take dx0w you tn0 stand M0q when dk
last 0trxb yourself Kl seat Kmts0 go lz you are invited tnmdz0d whenever 0m but 0l0
who called you Krqd he wh should come 0t0d that whenever 0md
& be seated Kmts0w up l(l come 0l(t0 my friend ymxr to you Kl he may say rm0n
all of them Nwhlk before Mdq glory 0txwb$t to you Kl & there shall be 0whtw
with you Km( who sit Nykymsd
shall be humbled Kkmtn himself h$pn who will exalt Myrnd everyone lkd because l+m
shall be exalted Myrttn himself h$pn who will humble Kmnd & everyone lkw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

who had invited Him yhyrqd to him whl also P0 but Nyd He said rm0
a supper 0tym$x0 or w0 a banquet 0twr$ you tn0 make db(d whenever 0m
your brothers Kyx0 neither 0lp0 your friends Kymxr call 0rq do 0wht not 0l
rich 0ryt( your neighbors Kybb$ nor 0lw your relatives Kynyx0 or w0
invite you Knwrqn they Nwnh also P0w lest 0mld
this 0nh a reward 0n(rwp to you Kl & would be 0whnw
a reception 0lbwq you tn0 make db(d whenever 0m but 0l0
the blind 0yms the maimed 0sygx the disabled 0pygs the poor 0nksml invite yrq
to repay you Knw(rpnd with them Nwhl for there is nothing tyld & you are blessed Kybw+w
of the Righteous 0qydzd in the resurrection 0myqb your reward Kn(rwp for ryg shall be 0whn
these things Nylh who were sitting Nykymsd those Nwnh of Nm one dx but Nyd heard (m$ when dk
who will eat lwk0nd to him Nml his blessing yhwbw+ to Him hl he said rm0
of God 0hl0d in the Kingdom htwklmb bread 0mxl
great 0tbr a supper 0tym$x0 made db( one dx man 0rbg Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
many 00ygsl & he called 0rqw
of the supper 0tym$x0d at the time 0nd(b his servant hdb( & he sent rd$w
behold 0h who were called Nyrqd to those Nyly0l to say rm0nd
come wt for you Nwkl is ready by+m everything Mdmlk
to make excuses wl0t$ml all of them Nwhlk each dx from Nm & they began wyr$w
I am 0n0 compelled cyl0w I have bought tnbz a field 0tyrq the first 0ymdq to him hl said rm0
of you Knm I 0n0 beg 0(b to see it hyzx0 to go qwp0d
I 0n0 that should excused l0t$md allow me ynyqwb$
I have bought tnbz of oxen 0rwt yoke Nygwz five 0$mx said rm0 another 0nrx0
of you Knm I 0n0 beg 0(b them Nwn0 to examine 0qb0d I 0n0 & am going lz0w
I 0n0 that should excused l0t$md allow me ynyqwb$
I have taken tbsn a wife 0ttn0 said rm0 & another 0nrx0w
come 0t0d I 0n0 can xk$m not 0l this 0dh & because of l+mw
these things Nylh to his employer hrml & he said rm0w servant 0db( that wh & came 0t0w
to his servant hdb(l & he said rm0w of the house 0tyb the owner 0rm was angry zgr then Nydyh
of the city 0tnydmd & to streets 0tyrblw to the market places 0qw$l quickly lg(b go out qwp
& the afflicted 0b0kmlw the poor 0nksml here 0kl & bring l(0w
& the blind 0ryw(lw & the feeble 0rgxmlw
you ordered tdqpd as Ky0 it is 0wh my lord yrm the servant 0db( & said rm0w
room 0rt0 there is ty0 & yet bwtw
to the streets 0txrw0l go out qwp to his servant hdb(l the owner 0rm & said rm0w
them to enter Nwl(nd & compel cwl0w of hedges 0gys & to the place tyblw
my house ytyb that should be filled 0lmtnd
men 0$n0 those Nwnh of Nm that one dxd for ryg to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
my supper ytym$x0 of Nm will partake Nwm(+n not 0l were wwh who invited Nyrqd
great 00ygs crowds 0$nk with Him hm( there were wwh going Nylz0 & when dkw
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w He turned ynpt0
his father yhwb0l hates 0ns & not 0lw to Me ytwl comes 0t0d whoever Nm
& his wife httn0lw & his sisters htwx0lw & his brothers yhwx0lw & his mother hm0lw
himself h$pnl & even P0w & his children yhwnblw
to Me yl be 0whnd can xk$m not 0l a disciple 0dymlt

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

after Me yrtb & comes 0t0w his cross hbylc takes lq$ not 0ld & whoever Nmw
to Me yl be 0whnd can xk$m not 0l a disciple 0dymlt
a tower 0ldgm to build 0nbnd who wants 0bcd among you Nwknm for ryg who is? wnm
its cost htqpn calculates b$x sits down bty first Mdqwl & not 0lw
to finish it htwml$ml he hl is ty0 if N0
finish wml$ml can xk$n & not 0lw the foundation 0ts0t$ he lays Mysn when dk lest 0ld
him hb mock Nyxzbm will Nwwhn who see Nyzxd all lk
to build 0nbml began yr$ man 0rbg this 0nhd & they will say Nyrm0w
finish wml$ml could xk$0 & not 0lw
to fight w$tktml to battle 0brql who goes lz0d the king 0klm who is? wnm or w0
whether N0d considers 0(rtm first Mdqwl & not 0lw his neighbor hrbx a king 0klm with M(
him whl confront (r0ml thousand Nypl0 with ten 0rs(b he can xk$m
thousand Nypl0 with twenty Nyrs(b against him yhwl( who comes 0t0d
from him hnm far qyxr he is wh while d( not 0l but Nyd & if N0w
peace 0ml$ for l( & pleads 0(bw envoys 0dgzy0 he sends rd$m
his possessions hnynq all hlk forsakes qb$ who not 0ld of you Nwknm everyone $nlk thus 0nkh
a disciple 0dymlt to Me yl be 0whnd can xk$m not 0l
becomes insipid hkpt salt 0xlm even P0 but Nyd if N0 salt 0xlm is yh excellent 0ryp$
will it be seasoned xlmtt with what? 0nmb
is it fit 0lz0 for manure 0lbzl nor 0lw for land 0(r0l not 0l
it hl they cast Nyd$ outside rbl
let him hear (m$n that hears (m$nd an ear 0nd0 to him hl has ty0d whoever Nm
The Gospel According To Luke
Chapter 15
to Him htwl but Nyd they were wwh approaching Nybrqtm
to hear Him yhynw(m$nd & sinners 0y+xw tax collectors 0skm
& they were saying Nyrm0w were wwh complaining Nyn+r & Pharisees 0$yrpw & Scribes 0rpsw
with them Nwhm( & He eats lk0w receives lbqm sinners 0y+xl This One 0nh
this 0nh parable 0ltm Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl & said rm0w
to him hl who has ty0d a man 0rbg among you Nwknm who is? wnm
of them Nwhnm one dx should be lost db0n & if N0w sheep Nybr( a hundred 00m
& would go lz0w in the wilderness 0rbdb & nine 0($tw ninety Ny($t would leave qb$ not 0l
he would find it yhwyxk$nd until 0md( which is lost db0d that one whl seek 0(b
he has found it hxk$0d & whenever 0mw
his shoulder htptk on l( it hl & he carries lq$w he rejoices 0dx
his friends yhwmxrl & he calls 0rqw to his house htybl & he comes 0t0w
with me ym( rejoice wdx to them Nwhl & says rm0w & his neighbors yhwbb$lw
was 0wh which lost dyb0d my sheep ybr( for I have found txk$0d
in Heaven 0ym$b joy 0twdx there shall be 0wht that like this 0nkhd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
more than w0 that returns Home b0td sinner 0y+x one dx over l(
righteous ones Nyqydz & nine 0($tw ninety Ny($t over l(
a Home coming 0twbyt for them Nwhl need 0y(btm who not 0ld

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to her hl which has ty0d the woman 0ttn0 is yh who? 0dy0 or w0
of them Nwhnm one dx & will lose dbwtw quarter shekels Nyzwz ten 0rs(
the house 0tyb & sweeps 0mxw a lamp 0gr$ lights 0rhnm & not 0lw
until 0md( carefully ty0ly+b it hl & searches 0y(bw
she finds it yhwyxk$td
her friends htmxrl she calls 0yrq she has found it htxk$0d & when 0mw
with me ym( rejoice Nyydx to them Nyhl & she says 0rm0w & her neighbors htbb$lw
was 0wh that lost dyb0d my shekel yzwz for I have found txk$0d
joy 0twdx there shall be 0wht that like this 0nkhd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
of God 0hl0d the angels yhwk0lm before Mdq
who returns home b0td sinner 0y+x one dx over l(
one dx man 0rbgl Yeshua (w$y again bwt to them Nwhl He 0wh & said rm0w
two Nyrt sons 0ynb to him hl were 0wh there ty0
to me yl give bh my father yb0 younger 0rw(z his son hrb to him hl & said rm0w
your estate Ktyb from Nm me yl that befalls 0y+md the portion 0twglp
his wealth hnynq to them Nwhl & he divided glpw
younger 0rw(z his son hrb he wh gathered $nk a few lylq days 0tmwy after rtb & from Nmw
to a country 0rt0l & he went lz0w that was coming to him yhy+md thing Mdm every lk
his wealth hnynq dissipated rdb & there Nmtw distant 0qyxr
wastefully ty0xrp living 0yx while dk
to him hl was 0wh that ty0d thing Mdm every lk he had spent rmg & when dkw
& he began yr$w that wh in country 0rt0b great 0br a famine 0npk there was 0wh
to him hl to be wanting rsx
of a city 0tnydm the sons ynb of Nm to one dxl himself hl he joined Pqn & going lz0w
pigs 0ryzx to herd 0(rml to a field 0tyrql sent him hrd$ & he whw that wh of country 0rt0d
from Nm his belly hsrk to fill 0lmml he 0wh & was made to desire grgrtmw
the pigs 0ryzx were wwh that eating Nylk0d those Nwnh carob pods 0bwrx
to him hl was 0wh giving bhy man $n0 & no 0lw
he said rm0 himself h$pn to twl he came 0t0 & when dkw
my fathers yb0 in house tyb are ty0 hired servants 0ryg0 now 0$h how many? 0mk
bread 0mxl for themselves Nwhl who have plenteous rytyd
am 0n0 dying db0 with my hunger ynpkl here 0krh & I 0n0w
to him hl & say rm0w my father yb0 to twl I shall go lz0 I shall arise Mwq0
& before you Kymdqw to Heaven 0ym$b I have sinned ty+x my father yb0
I should be called 0rqt0 that your son Krbd I 0n0 am worthy 0w$ from now lykm & not 0lw
your hired servants Kyryg0 of Nm one dx as Ky0 make me ynydb(
his father yhwb0 to twl he came 0t0 & rising Mqw
his father yhwb0 saw him yhyzx was distant qyxr he wh & while d(w
& he ran +hrw for him yhwl( & he was moved with compassion Mxrt0w
& he kissed him hq$nw his neck hrwc on l( he fell lpn
to Heaven 0ym$b I have sinned ty+x my father yb0 his son hrb to him hl & said rm0w
I am 0n0 worthy 0w$ & not 0lw & before you Kymdqw
I should be called 0rqt0 that your son Krbd
bring wqp0 to his servants yhwdb(l his father yhwb0 but Nyd said rm0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

a ring 0tqz( & put wmysw clothe him yhw$bl0 the best 0ty$r the robe 0l+s0
with shoes 0nsm & shoe him yhwn0s0w on his hand hdy0b
that is fattened 0m+pd the ox 0rwt & kill wlw+q & bring wty0w
& let us celebrate Msbtnw & let us eat lwk0nw
& he is alive 0yxw was 0wh dead 0tym my son yrb because this 0nhd
& he is found xkt$0w he was 0wh & lost 0dyb0w
to celebrate wmsbtml & they began wyr$w
was 0wh in the field 0tyrqb elder 0$y$q his son hrb but Nyd he wh
the house 0tyb to twl & he came near brqw he came 0t0 & as dkw
of many 00ygsd of singing 0rmz the sound lq he heard (m$
this 0nh what is? wnm & asked him hl0$w the boys 0yl+ of Nm one dxl & he called 0rqw
has come 0t0 your brother Kwx0 to him hl he said rm0
that was fattened 0m+pd the ox 0rwt your father Kwb0 & killed l+qw
he received him hlbq0 he is well Mylx because when dkd
to enter l(ml he 0wh did want 0bc & not 0lw & he was angry zgrw
with him hnm pleading 0(b his father yhwb0 & went out qpnw
years Nyn$ as many 0mk behold 0h to his father yhwb0l said rm0 but Nyd he wh
have I transgressed trb( ever Mwtmm & not 0lw servitude 0twdb( for you Kl I 0n0 worked xlp
to me yl you gave tbhy not 0l a goat 0ydg ever Mwtm & from Nmw your command Kndqwp
my friends ymxr with M( that I may celebrate Msbt0d
with M( your money Knynq he had wasted xrp when dk your son Krb but Nyd this 0nhl
fattened 0m+pd the ox 0rwt for him hl you slew tskn & he has come 0t0w whores 0tynz
always Nbzlkb you tn0 my son yrb his father yhwb0 to him hl said rm0
is wh yours Klyd mine ylyd & everything Mdmlkw are tn0 with me ym(
& to rejoice 0dxmlw for us Nl it was 0wh right 0lw but Nyd to celebrate Msbml
& he is alive 0yxw was 0wh dead 0tym your brother Kwx0 for this 0nhd
& he is found xkt$0w he was 0wh & lost 0dyb0w
The Gospel According To Luke
Chapter 16
a man 0rbg his disciples yhwdymlt to twl a parable 0ltm & He told rm0w
a steward 0tybr to him hl was 0wh & there ty0w rich 0ryt( was 0wh there ty0 certain dx
with accusing him yhwcrq to him hl & they were consumed wlk0t0w
he was squandering xrpm that his wealth hnynqd
to him hl & said rm0w his lord hrm & summoned him yhyrqw
about you Kyl( I 0n0 have heard (m$d this 0nh what is? wnm
of your stewardship Ktwtyb tbrd an inventory 0nb$wx to me yl give bh
from now lykm you tn0 can xk$m for ryg not 0l
for me yl be 0whtd steward 0tybr
shall I do db(0 what? 0nm to himself h$pnb steward 0tybr that wh said rm0
the stewardship 0twtyb tbr from me ynm it hl has taken lq$ for my lord yrmd
I am 0n0 ashamed thb & to beg rdxmlw I 0n0 can xk$m not 0l to dig rwpx0d
I am put out tqpnd that when 0md I shall do db(0 what? 0nm I know t(dy
into their houses Nwhytbb they may receive me ynnwlbqn the stewardship 0twtyb tbr from Nm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

his lord hrmd owed 0byx who Nm one dx each dx & he called 0rqw
to my lord yrml you tn0 owe byx how much? 0mk to the first 0ymdql & he said rm0w
he said rm0 of oil 0x$m baths Nyrtm a hundred 00m to him hl he said rm0
baths Nyrtm fifty Ny$mx write bwtk quickly lg(b & sit btw your book Kbtk take bs to him hl
to my lord yrml you tn0 owe byx what? 0nm & you tn0w to another 0nrx0l & he said rm0w
to him hl he said rm0 of wheat 0+x cors Nyrwk a hundred 00m to him hl he said rm0
cors Nyrwk eighty Ny0nmt write bwtk & sit btw your book Kbtk take lbq
who had done evil 0lw(d the steward 0tybrl our Lord Nrm & praised xb$w
he had acted db( because wisely ty0mykxd
are Nwn0 wiser Nymykx this 0nh of world 0ml(d for ryg the children yhwnb
this 0dh in their generation Nwhtbr$b of the light 0rhwnd the children yhwnb than Nm
to you Nwkl am 0n0 saying rm0 I 0n0 also P0w
friends 0mxr for yourselves Nwkl make wdb(d
of evil 0lw(d this 0nh Money 0nwmm from Nm
they may receive you Nwknwlbqn it has been spent rmgd that whenever 0md
eternal Ml(ld into their dwellings Nwhyl+mb
is wh faithful Nmyhm with much ygsb also P0 is faithful Nmyhm with little lylqbd whoever Nm
he wh does evil lw( with much ygsb also P0 does evil lw( with little lylqbd & whoever Nmw
you are Nwtywh not 0l faithful 0nmyhm of evil 0lw(d with the wealth 0nwmmb therefore lykh if N0
will commit Nmyhm who? wnm to you Nwkl the reality 0rr$
faithful 0nmyhm you are found Nwtxkt$0 not 0l is yours Nwklyd with what not 0ldb & if N0w
to you Nwkl will give ltn who? wnm yours Nwklyd
serve xlpml lords Nwrm two Nyrtl who can xk$md a servant 0db( there is not tyl
he will love Mxrn & the other 0nrx0lw he will hate 0nsn one dxl for ryg either w0
he will neglect +w$n & the other 0nrx0lw he will honor rqyn the one dxl or w0
& Money 0nwmmlw God 0hl0l serve xlpml you Nwtn0 can Nyxk$m not 0l
all Nyhlk these things Nylh they heard w(m$ when dk but Nyd the Pharisees 0$yrp
Him hb they were wwh mocking Nyqymm money 0psk they were wwh loving Nymxrd because l+m
are they Nwn0 you Nwtn0 to them Nwhl said rm0 but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
of men 0$n0 children ynb before Mdq themselves Nwh$pn who justify Nyqdzmd
your hearts Nwktwbl knows (dy but Nyd God 0hl0
the children of men 0$nynb among tyb that is exalted Mrd for the thing Mdmd
is wh disgusting dydn God 0hl0 before Mdq
then Nydyh from Nm Yokhanan Nnxwyl until 0md( & The Prophets 0ybnw The Law 0swmn
everyone lkw is announced 0rbtsm of God 0hl0d the Kingdom 0twklm
to enter it lw(nd is pushing cbx to it hl
would pass away Nwrb(n & earth 0(r0w that Heaven 0ym$d but Nyd it is wh easier qy$p
should pass away rb(t the law 0swmn from Nm one 0dx symbol 0twt0 than w0
another 0trx0 & takes bsnw his wife httn0 divorces 0r$d whoever Nm everyone lk
that takes bsnd whoever Nm & everyone lkw commits adultery r0g
commits adultery r0g her that is divorced 0tqyb$
was 0wh there ty0 rich 0ryt( certain dx but Nyd a man 0rbg
& purple 0nwgr0w fine white linen 0cwb he 0wh & wore $blw
luxuriously ty0y0g he 0wh celebrated Nymsbtm & every day Mwylkw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Lazar rz(l whose name hm$d was 0wh there ty0 certain dx & a poor man 0nksmw
rich man 0ryt( of that whd the gate h(rt at twl he 0wh & lay 0mrw
with abscesses 0nxw$b being stricken yxmm while dk
from Nm his belly hsrk to fill 0lmnd he 0wh & longed b0ytmw
rich man 0ryt( of that whd the table hrwtp from Nm that fell Nylpnd the fragments 0twtrp
his abscesses yhwnxw$ licking Nykxlm would wwh come Nyt0 dogs 0blk also P0 but 0l0
poor man 0nksm that wh died tymw but Nyd he 0wh
of Abraham Mhrb0d to the bosom hbw(l angels 0k0lm & brought him yhwlbw0w
& he was buried rbqt0w died tym rich man 0ryt( but Nyd that wh also P0
from Nm his eyes yhwny( he lifted Myr0 in Sheol lwy$b he suffered qnt$m & as dkw
in his bosom hbw(b & Lazar rz(llw Abraham Mhrb0l & he saw 0zxw far away 0qxwr
my father yb0 & he said rm0w loud 0mr in a voice 0lqb & he called 0rqw
Lazar rz(ll & send rd$w on me yl( have pity Mxrt0 Abraham Mhrb0
for me yl & moisten b+rnw in water 0ymb of his finger h(bc the tip $yr to dip (wbcnd
this 0dh in flame 0tybhl$b I am 0n0 suffering qnt$m for behold 0hd my tongue yn$l
remember rkdt0 my son yrb Abraham Mhrb0 to him hl said rm0
in your life Kyyxb your good things Ktb+ that you received tlbqd
here 0krh he is comforted xynttm behold 0h & now 0$hw his evil things ht$yb & Lazar rz(lw
are suffering qnt$m & you tn0w
stands 0mys great 0tbr an abyss 0twh all Nyhlk these things Nylh & with M(w
from here 0km who would Nybcd that those Nyly0d & you Nwklw between Nynyb
shall not be able Nwxk$n not 0l to you Nwktwl pass over Nwrb(nd
to us Ntwl to pass over Nwrb(n is there Nmt whoever Nmd & neither 0lp0w
my father yb0 of you Knm I 0n0 beg 0(b therefore Nydm to him hl he said rm0
of my father yb0 to the house tybl to send him yhwyrd$td
to testify to dhsn he should go lz0n to me yl are ty0 brothers Nyx0 for ryg five 0$mx
this 0dh to place 0tkwdl should come Nwt0n they Nwnh also P0 so that not 0ld them Nwn0
of torment 0qyn$td
to them Nwhl there is ty0 Abraham Mhrb0 to him hl said rm0
them Nwn0 let them hear Nw(m$n & the Prophets 0ybnw Moses 0$wm
Abraham Mhrb0 my father yb0 no 0l to him hl said rm0 but Nyd he wh
to them Nwhtwl will go lz0n the dead 0tym from Nm a man $n0 if N0 but 0l0
they will be converted Nybyt
& the Prophets 0ybnlw Moses 0$wml if N0 Abraham Mhrb0 to him hl said rm0
a man $n0 if N0 not 0l also P0 they hear Ny(m$ not 0l
him hl they would believe Nynmyhm should arise Mwqn the dead 0tym from Nm
The Gospel According To Luke
Chapter 17
to His disciples yhwdymltl Yeshua (w$y He 0wh & said rm0w
offenses 0lw$km shall come Nwt0n that not 0ld it is possible 0xk$m not 0l
they shall come Nwt0n by whose hand hdy0bd to him whl but Nyd woe! yw
of a donkey 0rmxd a millstone 0yxr if wl0 for him hl it were 0wh better xqp
into the sea 0myb & he were cast 0d$w on his neck hrwcb were hung 0ylt
little ones 0rw(z these Nylh of Nm one dxl that he stumble l$knd than w0

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

your brother Kwx0 should sin 0+xn if N0 your souls Nwk$pnb guard wrhdz0
him hl forgive qwb$ he repents b0t & if N0w him hb rebuke y0k
against you Kb he sins lksn in a day 0mwyb times Nynbz seven (b$ & if N0w
to you Ktwl returns 0nptn in the day 0mwyb times Nynbz & seven (b$w
him hl forgive qwb$ I am 0n0 sorry b0td & says rm0nw
faith 0twnmyh to us Nl increase Psw0 to our Lord Nrml the apostles 0xyl$ & said wrm0w
faith 0twnmyh to you Nwkl were twh there ty0 if N0 to them Nwhl He said rm0
you may Nwtywh say Nyrm0 of mustard seed 0ldrxd a grain 0tdrp like Ky0
in the sea 0myb & be planted bcnt0w be uprooted rq(t0d this 0nh to sycamore tree 0twtl
you Nwkl it 0wh & would obey (mt$mw
a servant 0db( to him hl who has ty0d among you Nwknm but Nyd who is it? wnm
sheep 0n( who tends 0(rd or w0 a plow 0ndp who drives rbdd
would say rm0 the field 0lqx from Nm he would come 0t0n & if N0w
recline for supper Kmts0 go on rb( at once 0dxm to him hl
whatever Mdm for me yl prepare by+ to him hl he says rm0 but 0l0
serve me yny$m$ your apron Kycx & put on rws0w I may eat M$x0d
& I shall have drunk 0t$0w I shall have eaten s(l0d until 0md(
& you will drink 0t$tw will eat s(lt you tn0 also P0 & after this Nkrtbw
did db(d servant 0db( because that whd acceptable lbqm his goodness htwby+ is? 0ml
I 0n0 think rbs not 0l to him hl that was commanded dqpt0d the thing Mdm
you have done Nwtdb(d whenever 0m you Nwtn0 also P0 thus 0nkh
Say you wrm0 to you Nwkl that were commanded Ndyqpd those things Nyly0 all Nyhlk
because that Mdmd unprofitable 0ly+b we are Nnx servants 0db(d
we have done Ndb( to do db(ml we were Nywh which obligated Nybyxd
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l Yeshua (w$y went lz0 that as dkd & it was 0whw
to Galila 0lylgl Samaritans 0yrm$ among tyb He 0wh passed through rb(
certain 0dx a village 0tyrql to enter l(ml He approached byrq & when dkw
far off 0qxwr from Nm & they stood wmqw lepers 0brg men Ny$n0 ten 0rs( met Him yhw(r0
& they were saying Nyrm0w their voices Nwhlq & they lifted up wmyr0w
on us Nyl( have mercy Mxrt0 Yeshua (w$y our Rabbi Nbr
to them Nwhl He said rm0 them Nwn0 He saw 0zx & when dkw
to the priests 0nhkl yourselves Nwk$pn show wwx go wlz
they were purified wykdt0 they were going Nylz0 & as dkw
that he was purified ykdt0d he saw 0zx when dk of them Nwhnm but Nyd one dx
praising xb$m loud 0mr & with a voice 0lqbw to Him hl he returned Kph
God 0hl0l he was 0wh
of Yeshua (w$yd the feet yhwlgr before Mdq his face yhwp0 on l( he fell lpnw
he was 0wh a Samaritan 0yrm$ this 0nh & one whw to Him hl he gave thanks 0dwm as dk
there 0wh not? 0l & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y but Nyd answered 0n(
the nine 0($t are Nwn0 where? 0ky0 who were purified wykdt0d those Nylh were Nywh ten 0rs(
to God 0hl0l glory 0txwb$t give Nwltn to come Nwt0nd they neglected w$rp have? 0ml
foreign 0yrkwn that is wh a people 0m( who from Nmd this one 0nh except 0l0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

has saved you Ktyx0 your faith Ktwnmyh go lz arise Mwq to him hl & He said rm0w
Pharisees 0$yrp some Nm Yeshua (w$yl asked him yhwl0$ & when dkw
He answered 0n( of God 0hl0d the Kingdom htwklm is coming 0yt0 when? ytm0
of God 0hl0d the Kingdom htwklm comes 0yt0 not 0l to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
with what is observed 0trw+nb
it is yh here 0krh behold 0h do they say Nyrm0 neither 0lw
it is yh to there Nmt here rh & behold 0hw
is yh some of you Nwknm within wgl of God 0hl0d the Kingdom htwklm for ryg behold 0h
the days 0tmwy shall come Nwt0n to His disciples yhwdymltl & He said rm0w
the days 0tmwy of Nm one dx to see 0zxml when you shall long Nwgrgrttd
you shall see Nwzxt & not 0lw of Man 0$n0d of The Son hrbd
He is wh here 0krh behold 0h to you Nwkl they will say Nwrm0n & if N0w
go Nwlz0t do not 0l He is wh & there Nmt here rh & behold 0hw
the sky 0ym$ from Nm flashes qrb lightning 0qrbd for ryg Just as 0nky0
shall be 0whn thus 0nkh is lit up rhnm the sky 0ym$ under tyxt & all hlkw
in His day hmwyb of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb
many things 0t0ygs to suffer $xnd He wh is going dyt( but Nyd first Mdqwl
this 0dh generation 0tbr$ by Nm & He shall be rejected 0ltsnw
of Noah xwnd in the days htmwyb it was 0whd & as 0nky0w
of Man 0$n0d of The Son hrbd in the days htmwyb shall it be 0whn thus 0nkh
wives 0$n & taking Nybsnw & drinking Nyt$w they were wwh for eating Nylk0d
Noah xwn that entered l(d the day 0mwyl until 0md( to men 0rbgl & giving Nybhyw
person $n0 every lkl & destroyed dbw0w the flood 0npw+ & came 0t0w the ark 0lywkl
of Lot +wld in the days htmwyb it was 0whd again bwt & just as 0nky0w
& selling Nynbzmw & buying Nynbzw & drinking Nyt$w they were wwh when eating Nylk0d
& building Nynbw they were wwh & planting Nybcnw
Sodom Mwds from Nm Lot +wl that went out qpnd but Nyd in the day 0mwyb
the sky 0ym$ from Nm & brimstone 0tyrbkw fire 0rwn Jehovah 0yrm caused to rain r+m0
all of them Nwhlkl & destroyed dbw0w
of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb when is revealed 0lgtmd in the day 0mwyb shall it be 0whn thus 0nkh
in the house 0tybb & his stuff yhwn0mw is wh on the roof 0rg0bd whoever Nm day 0mwy in that whb
& whoever Nmw them Nwn0 to take lwq$nd let him come down twxn not 0l
back hrtsbl let him turn Kphtn not 0l is wh in the field 0lqxbd
of Lot +wld the wife httn0l remember wrkdt0
shall lose it hydbwn his life h$pn to save 0xnd chooses 0bcd whoever Nm
shall find it hyxn his life h$pn will lose dbwnd & whoever Nmw
night 0yll in that whbd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
bed 0sr( in one 0dxb shall be Nwwhn two Nyrt
shall be left qbt$n & the other 0nrx0w shall be taken captive rbdtn one dx
grinding meal Nnx+ shall be Nywhn two women Nytrt
shall be led away captive rbdtt one 0dx together 0dxk0
shall be left qbt$t & the other 0trx0w

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

in a field 0lqxb shall be Nwwhn two Nyrt

shall be left qbt$n & the other 0nrx0w shall taken captive rbdtn one dx
our Lord Nrm to where? 0ky0l to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w & they answered wn(
the bodies 0rgpd wherever are 0ky0 to them Nwhl He said rm0
the eagles 0r$n shall be gathered Nw$nktn there Nmt
The Gospel According To Luke
Chapter 18
time Nd( that in every lkbd a parable 0ltm also P0 but Nyd them Nwhl He told rm0
to them Nwhl they should grow weary N0mt & not 0lw they should pray Nwlcn
one 0dx in city 0tnydmb was 0wh there ty0 certain dx a judge 0nyd
was 0wh reverent lxd not 0l God 0hl0 who toward Nmd
was 0wh respectful dxktm not 0l children of men 0$nynb & towards Nmw
that yh in city 0tnydmb was twh there ty0 certain 0dx but Nyd a widow 0tlmr0
vindicate me yny(bt & she was saying 0rm0w to him htwl she was twh & coming 0yt0w
of my law suit ynyd adversary l(b that 0wh of Nm
but Nyd after this Nkrtb many 00ygs times 0nbz he 0wh would 0bc & not 0lw
I am 0n0 reverent lxd not 0l God 0hl0 of Nm although N0 in himself h$pnb he said rm0
I am 0n0 respectful dxktm not 0l children of men 0$nynb & of Nmw
widow 0tlmr0 this 0dh meyl wearies 0y0lmd because l+m however Np0
she will be 0wht times Nd( at all lkb lest 0ld I shall avenge her hy(bt0
me yl annoying 0rhm coming 0yt0
evil 0lw(d the judge 0nyd said rm0 what 0nm hear w(m$ our Lord Nrm & said rm0w
vindication 0t(bt shall perform db(n all the more ty0ryty not? 0l but Nyd God 0hl0
& by night 0yllbw by day 0mmy0b to Him hl who cry Nyrqd for His elect yhwbgl
concerning them Nwhyl( His Spirit hxwr & delays rgmw
quickly lg(b their vindication Nwht(bt that He shall perform db(nd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb shall come 0t0n however Mrb
the earth 0(r0 on l( faith 0twnmyh then yk & will He find? xk$nw
those Nyly0 men 0$n0 against lbqwl this 0nh parable 0ltm He 0wh & told rm0w
righteous 0qydz that they were Nwhyty0d themselves Nwh$pn upon l( who trusted Nylyktd
everyone $nlk for l( & they held contempt Nysbw
to pray wylcml to the temple 0lkyhl went up wqls men Nyrbg two Nyrt
a tax collector 0skm & the other 0nrx0w a Pharisee 0$yrp one dx
by himself h$pnl alone yhwnyb was 0wh standing M0q Pharisee 0$yrp & the whw
You Kl I 0n0 thank 0dwm God 0hl0 was 0wh praying 0lcm & these things Nylhw
men 0$n0d other 0kr$ like Ky0 I am tywh that not 0ld
& adulterers 0rygw & oppressors 0bwl(w extortioners 0pw+x
tax collector 0skm this 0nh like Ky0 & not 0lw
in a week 0tb$b twice Nyrt I 0n0 fast M0c but 0l0
I 0n0 that possess 0nqd thing Mdm every lk I 0n0 & tithe rs(mw
a distance 0qxwr from Nm was 0wh standing M0q tax collector 0skm but Nyd that wh
to Heaven 0ym$l lift Myrn his eyes yhwny( not 0l even P0 he 0wh would 0bc & not 0lw
his chest hydx on l( he was 0wh smiting Pr+ but 0l0

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

a sinner 0y+xl have pity on me ynynwx God 0hl0 & he said rm0w
to his house htybl justified qdzm this one 0nh that went down txnd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
Pharisee 0$yrp that wh than Nm more so ryty
shall be humbled Kkmtn himself h$pn who exalts Myrnd for ryg man $n0 every lk
shall be exalted Myrttn himself h$pn who humbles Kmnd & everyone lkw
infants 0dwly also P0 but Nyd to him hl they wwh brought wbrq
them Nwhl that He might touch bwrqnd
them Nwhb & they rebuked w0kw His disciples yhwdymlt them Nwn0 & saw wzxw
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w them Nwn0 called 0rq Yeshua (w$y but Nyd Himself wh
refuse Nwlkt & not 0lw to Me ytwl come Nyt0 the children 0yl+ let wqwb$
these Nylh who like Ky0d for ryg because of those Nyly0dd them Nwn0
of Heaven 0ym$d the Kingdom 0twklm is yh theirs Nwhlyd are Nwn0
receives lbqn that not 0ld that whoever Nmd to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 amen Nym0
it hl shall enter lw(n not 0l a little boy 0yl+ as Ky0 of God 0hl0d the Kingdom 0twklm
to Him hl & he said rm0w was a noble 0n$r who Nm one dx & asked Him hl0$w
eternal Ml(ld life 0yx to inherit tr0d shall I do db(0 what? 0nm good 0b+ Teacher 0nplm
good 0b+ Me yl you tn0 call 0rq why? 0nm Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
God 0hl0 the one dx only N0 except 0l0 one good 0b+ there is not tyl
you shall murder lw+qt not 0l you tn0 know (dy the commandments 0ndqwp
you shall steal bwngt & not 0lw you shall commit adultery rwgt & not 0lw
of falsehood 0rqw$d a testimony 0twdhs you shall testify dhst & not 0lw
& your mother Km0lw your father Kwb0l honor rqy
these Nyn0 I have kept tr+n all Nyhlk these things Nylh to Him hl he said rm0
my childhood ytwyl+ from Nm
to him hl He said rm0 Yeshua (w$y these Nylh but Nyd heard (m$ when dk
thing Mdm every lk sell Nbz go lz to you Kl is lacking 0rysx one thing 0dx
to the poor 0nksml & give bhw to you Kl that is ty0d
in Heaven 0ym$b treasure 0tmys to you Kl & there shall be 0whtw
after Me yrtb & come 0tw
him hl it grieved tyrk these things Nylh he heard (m$ when dk but Nyd he wh
very b+ for ryg he was 0wh rich ryt(
He said rm0 him hl that it grieved tyrkd Yeshua (w$y saw 0zx & when dkw
wealth 0skn to them Nwhl who have ty0d for those Nyly0l hard it is 0l+( how! 0nky0
of God 0hl0d the Kingdom htwklml to enter Nwl(nd
of a needle 0+xmd that into the eye 0rwrxbd for a camel 0lmgl it is yh easier 0lyld
of God 0hl0d to the Kingdom htwklml a rich man 0ryt( than w0 to enter lw(n
those Nyly0 to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0
have life 0xml can xk$m & who? wnmw who heard w(m$d
of men 0$n0 children ynb which with twld those things Nyly0 said rm0 but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
happen 0whml can Nxk$m God 0hl0 with twl are possible Nxk$m not 0l
Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$ to Him hl said rm0
after You Krtb & we have come Nyt0w thing Mdm every lk have left Nqb$ we Nnx behold 0h
to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 truly Nym0 Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

parents 0hb0 or w0 house 0tb who has left qb$d a man $n0 there is not tyld
children 0ynb or w0 wife 0ttn0 or w0 brother 0x0 or w0
of God 0hl0d the Kingdom 0twklm for the sake of l+m
time 0nbz in this 0nhb great 00ygs in multiples 0p(0b shall receive lbqn & not 0lw
eternal Ml(ld life 0yx that is coming 0t0d & in the world 0ml(bw
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w His twelve htrs(rtl Yeshua (w$y & led rbdw
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l we are going up Nnyqls behold 0h
in The Prophets 0ybnb that is written Nbytkd all Nyhlk & shall be fulfilled Nmlt$mw
of Man 0$n0d the Son hrb about l(
Him hb & they shall mock Nwxzbnw to Gentiles 0mm(l for ryg He shall be delivered Mlt$n
in His face yhwp0b & they shall spit Nwqrnw
& they shall abuse Him yhynwr(cnw & they shall scourge Him yhynwdgnnw
He shall rise Mwqn third 0tltd & the day 0mwylw & they shall kill Him yhynwl+qnw
they understood wlkts0 not 0l these things Nylh of Nm one 0dx but Nyd they Nwnh
& not 0lw this 0dh saying 0tlm from them Nwhnm was twh hidden 0yskm but 0l0
with them Nwhm( that were spoken Nllmtmd these things Nylh they were wwh knowing Ny(dy
certain dx a blind man 0yms to Jericho wxyry0l they came near byrq & when dkw
& begging rdxw the road 0xrw0 the side dy on l( was 0wh sitting bty
that passed by rb(d of the crowd 0$nk the sound lq & he heard (m$w
this 0nh who is? wnmd he was 0wh & asking l0$mw
passes by rb( the Nazarene 0yrcn Yeshua (w$y to him hl they were saying Nyrm0
of David dywdd Son hrb Yeshua (w$y & he said rm0w & he cried out 0(qw
on me yl( have mercy Mxrt0
of Yeshua (w$yd in front yhwmdq they were wwh who were going Nylz0d & those Nyly0w
but Nyd he wh that should be quiet qwt$nd Him hb they were wwh rebuking Ny0k
he was 0wh crying out 0(q even more ty0ryty
on me yl( have mercy Mxrt0 of David dywdd Son hrb
to Him htwl to bring him yhynwtynd & He commanded dqpw Yeshua (w$y & stood still Mqw
He asked him hl0$ to Him htwl he came near brq & when dkw
for you Kl me to do db(0 you tn0 want 0bc what? 0nm to him hl & He said rm0w
that I may see 0zx0d my Lord yrm said rm0 but Nyd he wh
has saved you Ktyx0 your faith Ktwnmyh See yzx to him hl said rm0 & Yeshua (w$yw
after Him hrtb he was 0wh & coming 0t0w he saw 0zx a moment ht($ & son of rbw
the people 0m( & all hlkw God 0hl0l & he was praising xb$mw
to God 0hl0l glory 0xbw$ were] 0wh giving bhy who saw 0zxd
The Gospel According To Luke
Chapter 19
Jericho wxyry0b & passed through rb(w Yeshua (w$y entered l( & when dkw
Zakkai ykz whose name hm$d certain dx a man 0rbg
of tax collectors 0skm & chief brw he was 0wh a rich man 0ryt(

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

who He is wnmd Yeshua (w$yl to see 0zxnd he 0wh & wanted 0bcw
the crowd 0$nk from Nm he was 0wh able xk$m & not 0lw
Zakkai ykz was 0wh small rw(z in his stature htmwqbd because l+m
he hl & climbed qlsw to Yeshua (w$yl before Him hmdq & he ran +hrw
to see Him yhwyzxnd bare 0thykp a fig tree 0ttl
to pass by rb(nd he was 0wh going dyt( there twkhd because l+m
saw him yhyzx Yeshua (w$y place 0tkwd to that yhl He came 0t0 & when dkw
Zakkai ykz come down twx hasten bhrts0 to him hl & He said rm0w
I be 0wh0 in your house Ktybbd must 0lw for ryg today 0nmwy
rejoicing 0dx while dk & received Him hlbqw he came down txn & he made haste bhrts0w
they were wwh complaining Nyn+r all of them Nwhlk but Nyd saw wzx when dk
he lodged 0r$ He entered l( a sinner 0y+x a man 0rbg that with twld & they were saying Nyrm0w
my Lord yrm behold 0h to Yeshua (w$yl & he said rm0w Zakkai ykz but Nyd arose Mq
& to everyman $nlklw to the poor 0nksml I 0n0 give bhy my wealth yskn half twglp
I 0n0 repay (rp with four 0(br0b each dx that I have seized tzlgd anything Mdm
The Life 0yx has come wwh today 0nmwy Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
This One 0nh also P0d because l+m this 0nh to house 0tybl
of Abraham Mhrb0d is wh the Son hrb
to seek 0(bnd of Man 0$n0d the Son hrb for ryg has come 0t0
was 0wh which lost dyb0d thing Mdm that wh & to save 0xnw
to speak rm0ml He added Psw0 these things Nylh they were wwh hearing Ny(m$ & as dkw
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l He was 0wh nearing byrqd because l+m a parable 0ltm
hour 0t($ that in the same yhbd they were wwh & expecting Nyrbsw
of God 0hl0d the Kingdom htwklm to be revealed 0lgttd was going 0dyt(
great 0br descent 0mhw+ son of rb certain dx a man 0rbg & He said rm0w
to him hl to receive bsnd distant 0qyxr to a region 0rt0l went lz0
& to return Kwphnw a kingdom 0twklm
to them Nwhl & he gave bhyw his servants yhwdb( ten 0rs( & he called 0rqw
invest in trading wrgtt0 to them Nwhl & he said rm0w minas Nynm ten 0rs(
I 0n0 come 0t0 until d(
him hl were wwh hating Nyns but Nyd of his city htnydm the sons ynb
& they were saying Nyrm0w after him hrtb envoys 0dgzy0 & they sent wrd$w
this one 0nh over us Nyl( to reign Klmnd we Nnx want Nybc not 0l
& returned Kphw the kingdom 0twklm he had received bsn & when dkw
his servants yhwdb( those Nwnh to him hl to summon Nwrqnd he said rm0
money 0psk to whom Nwhl he had given bhyd
had traded rgtt0 of them Nwhnm each dx one dx every lk what? 0nm that he may know (dnd
my lord yrm & he said rm0w the first 0ymdq & came 0t0w
has gained rtw0 minas Nynm ten 0rs( your mina Kynm
good 0b+ servant 0db( excellent! wy0 to him hl he said rm0
faithful Nmyhm you are found txkt$0 for with a little lylqbd
fortress cities Nykrk ten 0rs( over l( a ruler +yl$ you shall be 0wht
my lord yrm & he said rm0w the second Nyrtd & came 0t0w
has made db( minas Nynm five 0$mx your mina Kynm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

ruler +yl$ shall be 0wht you tn0 also P0 to this one 0nhl also P0 he said rm0
fortress cities Nykrk five 0$mx over l(
behold 0h my lord yrm & he said rm0w another 0nrx0 & came 0t0w
in fine linen 0nwdsb is laid Mys now dk to me ytwl was 0wh that ty0d that wh mina Kynm
hard 0y$q you are tn0 for a man 0rbgd of you Knm for ryg I was afraid tlxd
you laid down tms that not 0ld the thing Mdm you tn0 & take up lq$w
you have sown t(rz that not 0ld the thing Mdm you tn0 & reap dcxw
I shall judge you Knwd0 your mouth Kmwp from Nm to him hl he said rm0
that a man 0rbgd me yl you had tywh known (dy evil 0$yb servant 0db(
I have laid down tms that not 0ld the thing Mdm I 0n0 & take up lq$w hard 0y$q I am 0n0
I have sown t(rz that not 0ld the thing Mdm I 0n0 & reap dcxw
the exchange 0rwtp upon l( my money ypsk did you put tbhy not 0l why? 0nml
its interest htybr with M( it hl to seek (bt would have tywh come 0t0 & I 0n0w
from him hnm take wbs he said rm0 before him yhwmdq who stood Nymyqd & to those Nwnhlw
minas Nynm ten 0rs( with him htwl who has ty0d to him whl & give wbhw the mina 0ynm
minas Nynm ten 0rs( with him htwl there are ty0 our lord Nrm to him hl they were saying Nyrm0
whoever Nm that everyone lkld to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 to them Nwhl he said rm0
it hl who has not tyld him wh & from Nmw it hl shall be given bhytn it hl has ty0d
from him hnm shall be taken bsntn to him hl which he has ty0d that wh even P0
my enemies ybbdl(b those Nwnhl however Mrb
over them Nwhyl( me to reign Klm0d wanted wbc not 0ld whoever Nyly0
before me ymdq them Nwn0 & kill wl+qw them Nwn0 bring wty0
Yeshua (w$y these things Nylh had said rm0 & when dkw
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l to go lz0nd to those going before Him yhwmdql He went out qpn
& Bayth Anya 0yn(tybw at Bayth Phage 0gptybl He arrived y+m & when dkw
Zaytha 0tyz DBayth tybd which is called 0rqtmd of the mount 0rw+ the side bng on l(
His disciples yhwdymlt of Nm two Nyrt He sent rd$
which opposite us Nlbwqld that is yh to the village 0tyrql go wlz to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
you Nwtn0 shall find Nyxk$m behold 0h it hl you Nwtn0 enter Nyl0( & when dkw
has ridden bkr not 0l ever Mwtmm that a man $n0d that is tied rys0d a colt 0ly(
bring Him yhw0ty0 loose wr$ upon him yhwl(
him hl are you Nwtn0 loosing Nyr$ why? 0nml you Nwkl asks l0$m a man $n0 & if N0w
he is needed 0(btm for our Lord Nrml to him hl say wrm0 thus 0nkh
& they found wxk$0w who were sent wrdt$0d they Nwnh & went wlz0w
to them Nwhl that He had said rm0d Just as 0nky0
the colt 0ly(l him hl they loosed Nyr$ & as dkw
why? 0nm his owners yhwrm to them Nwhl they were saying Nyrm0
that wh colt 0ly( are you Nwtn0 loosing Nyr$
he is needed 0(btm that for our Lord Nrmld to them Nwhl & they said wrm0w
the colt 0ly( on l( & they cast wymr0w Yeshua (w$y to twl & they brought him yhwyty0w
upon him yhwl( Yeshua (w$yl & set yhwbkr0w their garments Nwhyn0m

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

they were wwh spreading Nysrp He went lz0 but Nyd as dk

in the road 0xrw0b their garments Nwhyn0m
the descent 0ttxml he approached brq & when dkw
of Olives 0tyz of the house tybd of the Mount 0rw+d
rejoicing Nydx of disciples 0dymltd the crowds 0$nk all hlk began wyr$
all lk for l( loud 0mr with voices 0lqb God 0hl0l & praising Nyxb$mw
that they had seen wzxd the mighty works 0lyx
the King 0klm is wh blessed Kyrb they were wwh & saying Nyrm0w
of Jehovah 0yrmd in the Name hm$b Who comes 0t0d
in the highest Heaven 0mwrmb & glory 0xbw$w in Heaven 0ym$b peace 0ml$
the crowds 0$nk among ynyb from Nm Pharisees 0$yrp some Nm but Nyd men 0$n0
Your disciples Kydymltb rebuke y0k Rabbi ybr to Him hl were saying Nyrm0
to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 to them Nwhl He said rm0
would be crying out loud Ny(qn the stones 0p0k would be silent Nwqt$n these Nylh that if N0d
over it hyl( He wept 0kb the city 0tnydml & He saw hzxw He came near brq & when dkw
that are Nyhyty0d those things Nyly0 you had known yt(dy now yk if only wl0 & He said rm0w
but Nyd now 0$h your day ykmwy in this 0nhb even if Np0 of your peace ykml$d
your eyes ykyny( from Nm these things Nyhl are hidden yskt0
when shall surround you yknwrdxnd the days 0tmwy but Nyd to you ykl shall come Nwt0n
place 0kwd every lk from Nm & they shall press you in yknwcl0nw your enemies ykybbdl(b
within you ykwgb & your children ykynblw & they shall destroy you yknwpxsnw
a stone P0k on l( a stone P0k in you ykb they shall leave Nwqb$n & not 0lw
of your visitation yknr(wsd the time 0nbz you knew yt(dy that not 0ld because Plx
to cast out wqpml He began yr$ the temple 0lkyhl He entered l( & when dkw
& sold Nynbzmw in it hb who bought Nynbzd those Nyly0l
it is written bytk to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
is yhwty0 of prayer 0twlc the house tyb that My house ytybd
of robbers 0y+sld a den 0tr(m have made it yhynwtdb( but Nyd you Nwtn0
in the temple 0lkyhb day Mwy every lk was 0wh teaching Plm & he whw
& the Scribes 0rpsw but Nyd Priests 0nhk Chief ybr
to destroy Him htwdbwml were wwh seeking Ny(b of the people 0m(d & The Elders 0$y$qw
to Him hl they might do Nwdb(n what 0nm they were wwh finding Nyxk$m & not 0lw
to hear Him h(m$ml on Him hb were 0wh hanging 0lt the people 0m( for ryg all hlk
The Gospel According To Luke
Chapter 20
He was teaching Plm while dk the days 0tmwy of Nm in one dxb & it was 0whw
about Him yhwl( there stood wmq & proclaiming hope rbsmw the people 0m(l in the temple 0lkyhb
Elders 0$y$q with M( & Scribes 0rpsw Priests 0nhk Chief ybr
authority 0n+lw$ by which? 0ny0b us Nl tell rm0 to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w
to you Kl who has given bhyd he wh & who is? wnmw you tn0 do db( these things Nylh
this 0nh authority 0n+lw$
I shall ask you Nwkl0$0 to them Nwhl & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
Me yl & you answer wrm0w a question 0tlm I 0n0 also P0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

was it? twh Heaven 0ym$ from Nm of Yokhanan Nnxwyd the baptism htydwm(m
of men 0$n0 sons ynb from Nm or w0
among themselves Nwh$pnb they were wwh counseling Nyb$xtm but Nyd those Nwnh
to us Nl He will say rm0 Heaven 0ym$ from Nm we say rm0n that if N0d & they were saying Nyrm0w
did you believe him yhynwtnmyh not 0l what? 0nm & because of l+mw
the people 0m( us Nl will stone Mgr of men 0$n0 sons ynb from Nm we say rm0n but Nyd if N0
is wh a prophet 0ybn that Yokhanan Nnxwyd for ryg they are convinced Nyspm all hlk
it is yh where 0kmy0 from Nm we know Nny(dy Not 0ld to Him hl & they said wrm0w
to you Nwkl do 0n0 say rm0 I 0n0 neither 0lw Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
0n0 do db( these things Nylh authority 0n+lw$ by which 0ny0b
this 0nh parable 0ltm the people 0m(l to tell rm0nd & He began yr$w
a vineyard 0mrk planted bcn a certain dx man 0rbg
long 00ygs for a time 0nbz & went abroad d(b0w to laborers 0xlpl & handed it hdxw0w
the workers 0xlp to twl his servant hdb( he sent rd$ & at the season 0nbzbw
of the vineyard 0mrkd the fruits 0r0p from Nm to him hl to give Nwltnd
beat him yhw0xm but Nyd the workers 0xlp
stripped qyrs as dk & they sent him away yhwrd$w
they Nwnh another 0nrx0 his servant hdb(l & he sent rd$w & he added Psw0w
& they abused him yhwr(cw they beat him yhw0xm that one whl also P0 but Nyd
naked qyrs as dk & they sent him away yhwrd$w
also P0w but Nyd they Nwnh a third 0tltd & he sent rd$w & he added Psw0w
& they cast him out yhwqp0w wounded him yhwplc that one whl
shall I do db(0 what? 0nm of the vineyard 0mrk The owner 0rm said rm0
they will see him yhynwzxn doubtless rbk beloved 0bybx my son yrb I shall send rd$0
& they will be ashamed Nwdxktnw
counseling Nyb$xtm the workers 0xlp but Nyd they saw him yhw0zx when dk
the heir 0try this is wnh & they were saying Nyrm0w among themselves Nwh$pnb were wwh
ours Nlyd the inheritance 0twtry & shall be 0whtw let us kill him yhwyl+qn come wt
& they murdered him yhwl+qw the vineyard 0mrk of Nm outside rbl & they cast him out yhwqp0w
of the vineyard 0mrk the owner 0rm to them Nwhl will do db(n therefore lykh what? 0nm
those Nwnh workers 0xlpl & shall destroy dbwnw he shall come 0t0n
to others 0nrx0l the vineyard 0mrk & he shall give ltnw
this 0dh may be 0wht not 0l they said wrm0 but Nyd they heard w(m$ when dk
& He said rm0w upon them Nwhb gazed rx but Nyd He wh
that is written 0bytkd this yh is yh & what? 0nmw
was twh that yh the builders 0ynb which rejected wyls0d the Stone 0p0kd
of the corner 0tywzd corner 0nrq the head $yrl
shall be broken ((rtn stone 0p0k that yh on l( that falls lpnd & everything lkw
it shall scatter it yhwyrdt upon which yhwl( will fall lpt this yhd whatever Nm & everything lkw
& the Scribes 0rpsw Priests 0nhk Chief ybr but Nyd they were wwh seeking w(b
hour 0t($ in that yhb hands 0ydy0 upon Him yhwl( to lay Nwmrnd
that against them Nwhyl(d for ryg they knew w(dy the people 0m( of Nm & they were afraid wlxdw
this 0nh parable 0ltm He had told rm0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

righteous men 0qydzb who imitated Nymdtmd spies 0$w$g to Him htwl & they sent wrd$w
to the judge 0nydl & to deliver Him yhynwml$nw in discourse 0tlmb to catch Him yhynwdx0nd
of the governor 0nwmghd & to the authority hn+lw$lw
we know Nny(dy Teacher 0nplm to Him hl & were saying Nyrm0w & they asked Him yhwl0$w
& teaching Plmw You are tn0 speaking llmm that correctly ty0cyrtd
faces 0p0b You tn0 receive bsn & not 0lw
You tn0 teach Plm of God 0hl0d the way 0xrw0 in truth 0t$wqb but 0l0
not 0l or w0 to Qaesar rsql head 0$r money Psk to give ltnd for us Nl is it legal? +yl$
& He said rm0w their cunning Nwhtw(rx perceived lkts0 but Nyd He wh
Meyl are you Nwtn0 testing Nysnm why? 0nm
in it hb is ty0 of whom Nmd a denarius 0rnyd show me ynw0wx
Qaesars rsqd said wrm0 but Nyd they Nwnh & inscription 0tbytkw the image 0mlc
therefore lykh give wbh Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
to God 0hl0l & Gods 0hl0dw to Qaesar rsql Qaesars rsqd
a word 0tlm from Him hnm to lay hold of dx0ml they were able wxk$0 & not 0lw
His answer hmgtp at l( & they were amazed wrmdt0w the people 0m( before Mdq
& they kept silent wqt$w
those Nwnh the Sadducees 0yqwdz of Nm some Ny$n0 but Nyd came wbrq
& they asked Him yhwl0$w there is no tyl that resurrection 0tmyqd who say Nyrm0d
to us Nl wrote btk Moshe 0$wm Teacher 0nplm to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w
a wife 0ttn0 to him hl who has ty0d & his brother yhwx0 dies twmn a man $n0 that if N0d
his wife httn0 his brother yhwx0 shall take bsn sons 0ynb without 0ld
to his brother yhwx0l a son 0(rz & he shall raise up Myqnw
were wwh there ty0 brothers Nyx0 but Nyd seven 0(b$
sons 0ynb without 0ld & he died tymw the woman 0ttn0 took bsn the first 0ymdq
sons 0ynb without 0ld died tym & he 0nhw his wife httn0l the second Nyrtd & took her hbsnw
the seven of them Nwhyt(b$ also P0w & thus twkhw took her hbsn again bwt & the third 0tltdw
sons 0ynb they left wqb$ & not 0lw & they died wtymw
the woman 0ttn0 also P0 finally 0trxb & died ttymw
of them Nwhnm of which? 0ny0d therefore lykh in the resurrection 0tmyqb
married her hwbsn for ryg the seven of them Nwhyt(b$ the wife 0ttn0 shall she be 0wht
this 0nh of world 0ml(d the sons yhwnb Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
to men 0rbgl are given Nywh & women 0$nw women 0$n take Nybsn
& for the resurrection 0tmyqlw are worthy ww$ world 0ml( who for that whld but Nyd those Nwnh
women 0$n are taking Nybsn not 0l the dead 0tym among tyb from Nmd
to men 0rbgl are Nywh women 0$n not 0l also P0w
can they Nyxk$m die tmml again bwt for ryg neither 0lp0
for ryg they are Nwn0 the angels 0k0lm like Ky0
of God 0hl0d they are Nwhyty0 & children 0ynbw
of the resurrection 0tmyqd children 0ynb they were wwhd because l+m
declared qdb Moshe 0$wm also P0 those who have died 0tym but Nyd that rise Nymyqd
Jehovah 0yrm said rm0 when dk at the bush 0ynsb for ryg he recounts rkd0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of Isaaq qxsy0d & The God hhl0w of Abraham Mhrb0d The God hhl0
of Yaqob bwq(yd & The God hhl0w
of the dead 0tymd He was 0wh not 0l but Nyd God 0hl0
to Him hl were Nwn0 alive Nyyx for ryg all of them Nwhlk of the living 0yxd but 0l0
& they were saying Nyrm0w the Scribes 0rps of Nm some Ny$n0 & answered wn(w
You tn0 have spoken rm0 beautifully ryp$ Teacher 0nplm to Him hl
anything Mdm about l( to ask Him htwl0$ml they dared wxrm0 again bwt & not 0lw
The Scribes 0rps were saying Nyrm0 how? 0nky0 to them Nwhl He 0wh & said rm0w
of David dywdd He is wh that The Son hrbd The Messiah 0xy$m about l(
of Psalms 0rwmzmd in the book 0btkb said rm0 David dywd & he whw
My right ynymy at Nm Yourself Kl seat bt to my Lord yrml Jehovah 0yrm said rm0d
Your feet Kylgr under tyxt Your enemies Kybbdl(b I put Mys0d until 0md(
Him hl called 0rq my Lord yrm David dywd therefore lykh if N0
is He wh his son hrb how? 0nky0
to His disciples yhwdymltl said rm0 He 0wh heard (m$ the people 0m( all hlk & while dkw
in robes 0l+s0b to walk wklhml who like Nybcd the Scribes 0rps of Nm beware wrhdz0
seats 0btwm & first class $yrw in the markets 0qw$b greetings 0ml$ & love Nymxrw
at banquets 0tym$x0b rooms 0kms & first class $yrw in the synagogues 0t$wnkb
of widows 0tlmr0d the houses 0tb who consume Nylk0d they Nwnh
their prayers Nwhtwlc of chanting Nykrwmd for an offering 0tl(b
surpassing 0ryty a judgment 0nyd shall receive Nwlbqn those Nwnh
The Gospel According To Luke
Chapter 21
those Nyly0 at the rich 0ryt(b Yeshua (w$y but Nyd gazed rx
their offerings Nwhynbrwq of treasure 0zg in the house tyb were wwh who casting Nymrd
a certain 0dx a widow 0tlmr0 also P0 & He saw 0zxw
two Nyrt shemonas 0nwm$ who cast in tymr0d poor 0tnksm
widow 0tlmr0 that this 0dhd you Nwkl I 0n0 tell rm0 the reality 0rr$ & He said rm0w
anyone $nlk than Nm more ryty has cast in tymr0 poor 0tnksm
to them Nwhl was 0wh abundance rytyd whatever 0m from Nm these Nylh for ryg all of them Nwhlk
of God 0hl0d of offerings 0nbrwq to the house tyb they cast in wymr0
everything lk her want htwrysx from Nm but Nyd this one 0dh
she has cast in htymr0 she had twh that owned 0ynqd
the temple 0lkyh about l( people Ny$n0 were wwh saying Nyrm0 & when dkw
it was adorned tbcm & with gifts 0nbrwqbw beautiful 0tryp$ that with stones 0p0kbd
Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
the days 0tmwy shall come Nwt0n do you Nwtn0 see? Nyzxd these things Nylh
a stone P0k on l( a stone P0k shall be left qbt$t not 0l in which Nwhbd
shall be pulled down rttst that not 0ld
& they were saying Nyrm0w Him hl they were wwh & asking Nyl0$mw
the sign 0t0 is yh & what? 0nmw will occur Nywhn these things Nylh when? ytm0 Teacher 0nplm
to occurring Nywhnd these things Nylh are close Nbyrqd when 0m

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

you be deceived Nw(+t that not 0ml beware wzx to them Nwhl said rm0 but Nyd He wh
& they shall say Nwrm0nw in My Name ym$b shall come Nwt0n for ryg many 00ygs
is near brq & the time 0nbzw the Messiah 0xy$m AM God 0n0 I 0n0d
after them Nwhrtb go Nwlz0t but Nyd not 0l
& commotions 0y$wg$w wars 0brq you Nwtn0 hear Ny(m$d & whenever 0mw
first Mdqwl these things Nylh for ryg are Nyn0 going Ndyt( fear Nwlxdt not 0l
the end 0trx has arrived t+m yet lykd( not 0l but 0l0 to happen 0whml
nation 0m( against l( nation 0m( for ryg shall arise Mwqn
kingdom wklm against l( & kingdom wklmw
in places 0kwdb shall be Nwwhn great 0brwr & earthquakes 0(wzw
panics 0tlxd & there shall be Nywhnw & plagues 0ntwmw & famines 0npkw places 0kwd
shall appear Nyzxtn the sky 0ym$ from Nm great 0tbrwr & the signs 0twt0w & terror 0drwsw
there shall be Nwwhn great 0brwr & storms 0wtsw
all Nyhlk these things Nylh but Nyd before Mdq
& they shall persecute you Nwknwpdrnw hands 0ydy0 on you Nwkyl( they will lay Nwmrn
prison 0rys0 & to houses tyblw to councils 0t$wnkl & they shall deliver you Nwknwml$nw
& governors 0nwmghw kings 0klm before Mdq & they shall bring you Nwknwbrqnw
My Name ym$ because of l+m
for a testimony 0twdhsl but Nyd to you Nwkl it will happen 0ywh
in your hearts Nwkblb but Nyd settle wmys
an answer 0xwr to return qpml taught Nyplytm you will be Nwwht that not 0ld
& wisdom 0tmkxw a mouth 0mwp to you Nwkl I will give lt0 for ryg I 0n0
against it hlbwql to stand Mqml they shall be able Nwxk$n that not 0ld which 0dy0
your enemies Nwkybbdl(b all of them Nwhlk
& your brothers Nwkyx0w your parents Nwkyhb0 but Nyd shall deliver you over Nwknwml$n
some of you Nwknm & they shall put to death Nwtymnw & your friends Nwkymxrw & your relatives Nwkynyx0w
My Name ym$ because of l+m man $n0 every lk by Nm hated Ny0yns & you shall be Nwwhtw
shall be lost db0t not 0l your heads Nwk$r from Nm & a hair 0tnmw
your souls Nwk$pn you shall possess Nwnqt but Nyd by your perseverance Nwktwnrbysmb
Jerusalem Ml$rw0l you will see Nwtyzxd but Nyd whenever 0m
know w(d then Nydyh by armies 0lyx it hl being surrounded Nyrydxd
its destruction hbrwx to it hl that has come near brqd
to the mountains 0rw+l let them flee Nwqr(n are Nwn0 in Judea dwhybd those who Nyly0 then Nydyh
let them escape Nwqr(n are Nwn0 who within it hwgbd & those Nyly0w
it hl let them enter Nwl(n not 0l & who are in the villages 0yrwqbdw
of vengeance 0t(btd these Nylh are Nwn0 for the days 0tmwyd
is written bytkd whatever 0m everything lk to fulfill Ml$nd
who nurse Nqnymd & to those Nyly0lw who are pregnant Nn+bd to those Nyly0l but Nyd woe! yw
suffering 0nclw0 for ryg there shall be 0whn days 0tmwy in those Nwnhb
this 0nh people 0m( upon l( & wrath 0zgwrw in the land 0(r0b great 0br
of the sword 0brxd by the mouth 0mwpb & they shall fall Nwlpnw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

region rt0 to every lkl & they shall be led captive Nwbt$nw
the Gentiles 0mm( by Nm trodden 0$ydtm shall be 0wht & Jerusalem Ml$rw0w
of the Gentiles 0mm(d the time 0nbz will be finished Nwml$nd until 0md(
& in the stars 0bkwkbw & in the moon 0rhsbw in the sun 0$m$b signs 0twt0 & there shall be Nywhnw
of hands 0ydy0 & clasping K$wpw of nations 0mm(d suffering 0nclw0 & in the earth 0(r0bw
of the sea 0myd of the sound 0lqd alarm 0thwt from Nm
of the children of men 0$nynbd the souls 0t$pn which drives out qpmd & an earthquake 0(wzw
the earth 0(r0 on l( to come 0t0ml is going dyt(d of whatever Mdmd the terror 0tlxd from Nm
of Heaven 0ym$d the hosts 0lyx & shall be shaken Nw(yzttnw
Who comes 0t0d of Man 0$n0d The Son hrbl they shall see Him yhynwzxn & then Nydyhw
great 0br & praise 0xbw$w many 00ygs mighty works 0lyx with M( in clouds 0nn(b
take heart wbblt0 to happen Nywhnd these things Nylh begin yr$d but Nyd whenever 0m
your salvation Nwknqrwp it hl draws near brqd because l+m your heads Nwky$r & lift up wmyr0w
the fig tree 0ttl behold wzx a parable 0ltm to them Nwhl He 0wh & said rm0w
the trees 0nly0 & all of Nwhlklw
from them Nwhnm at once 0dxm they bud Ny(rpmd that when 0md
summer 0+yq it hl that approaches brqd you Nwtn0 understand Nylktsm
that occur Nywhd these things Nylh you see Nwtyzxd whenever 0m you Nwtn0 also P0 thus 0nkh
of God 0hl0d the Kingdom 0twklm is yh that near 0byrqd know w(d
this 0dh generation 0tbr$ shall pass rb(t not 0ld to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 amen Nym0
shall come to pass Nywhn all Nyhlk of these things Nylhd until 0md(
shall pass away Nwrb(n & earth 0(r0w Heaven 0ym$
shall pass away Nrb(n not 0l & My words ylmw
ever Mwtm that not 0ld in your souls Nwk$pnb but Nyd beware wrhdz0
& in drunkenness 0twywrbw with gluttony 0tw+ws0b your hearts Nwktwbl grow cold Nwrq0n
shall come 0t0n the stillness 0yl$ & from Nmw of the world 0ml(d & in the cares 0tpcbw
that wh day 0mwy upon you Nwkyl(
all of them Nwhlk upon l( it shall spring xpcn for ryg a trap 0txpc as Ky0
the earth 0(r0 of all hlkd the face hyp0 on l( dwell Nybtyd which Nyly0
& praying Nylcmw at all times Nbzlkb watching Nyrh$ therefore lykh be wwh
which are going Ndyt(d these things Nylh from Nm to escape qr(ml that you will be worthy Nww$td
of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb before Mdq & to stand Nwmwqtw to occur 0whml
& by night 0yllbw in the temple 0lkyhb He was 0wh teaching Plm but Nyd by day 0mmy0b
in the mount 0rw+b spending the night t0b He 0wh went out qpn
Zaytha 0tyz DByth tybd which is called 0rqtmd
to Him htwl were wwh coming early Nymdqm the people 0m( & all hlkw
His word htlm to hear (m$ml to the temple 0lkyhl
The Gospel According To Luke
Chapter 22
of unleavened bread 0ry+pd the feast 0d(d( but Nyd was 0wh nearing byrq
Passover 0xcp which is called 0rqtmd
& the Scribes 0rpsw the Priests] 0nhk Chief ybr were wwh & seeking Ny(bw
they might kill Him yhynwl+qn that how? 0nky0d

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the people 0m( of Nm for ryg they were wwh were afraid Nylxd
Skariota 0+wyrks who is called 0rqtmd Yehuda 0dwhyb Satan 0n+s but Nyd had 0wh entered l(
of the twelve rs(rtd the number 0nynm of Nm had 0wh he who been yhwty0d
& the Scribes 0rpsw the Priests 0nhk Chief ybr with M( he spoke llm & he went lz0w
of the temple 0lkyhd of the forces 0lyx & the commanders ybrw
to them Nwhl to deliver Him yhwyml$nd so as Ky0
money 0psk to him hl to give Nwltnd & they promised wmyq0w & they rejoiced wydxw
occasion 0(lp he was 0wh & seeking 0(bw with them Nwhl & he made an agreement ydwt$0w
gathering 0$nk any Nm without d(lb to them Nwhl to deliver Him yhwyml$nd
of Unleavened Bread 0ry+pd The Day 0mwy & arrived y+mw
the Passover lamb 0xcp for to be slain skntnd the custom 0dy( was 0wh it ty0 in which hbd
& Yokhanan Nnxwylw Keepha 0p0kl Yeshua (w$y & sent rd$w
to eat s(lnd the Passover 0xcp for us Nl prepare wby+ go wlz to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
us to prepare it by+nd You tn0 desire 0bc where? 0ky0 to Him hl said wrm0 but Nyd they Nwnh
the city 0tnydml you Nwtn0 enter Nyl0(d when 0m behold 0h to them Nwhl He said rm0
of water 0ymd a jug 0brg who bears lyq$d a man 0rbg you Nwkb shall meet (gp
after him hrtb go wlz
of the house 0tybd to the owner hrml say wrm0 he enters l0(d & wherever 0ky0w
of dwelling 0yr$m a place tyb is there? wny0 says rm0 our Rabbi Nbr
My disciples ydymlt with M( Passover 0xcp I may eat lwk0d where? 0ky0
to you Nwkl shall show 0wxm he wh & behold 0hw
prepare wby+ there Nmt that is furnished 0yw$md great 0tbr one 0dx upper room 0tyl(
them Nwhl He told rm0d as Ky0 & they found wxk$0 & they went wlz0w
the Passover 0xcp & they prepared wby+w
& He reclined Kmts0 Yeshua (w$y came 0t0 time 0nd( it was 0wh & when dkw
with Him hm( the apostles 0xyl$ & twelve rs(rtw
Passover 0xcp that this 0nhd I have desired yntgr desiring 0tgr to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
I shall suffer $x0d before Mdq with you Nwkm( I should eat lwk0
until 0md( I shall eat it yhwylk0 not 0l from now lykmd for ryg to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
of God 0hl0d in the Kingdom htwklmb it shall be fulfilled Ml$nd
& He said rm0w & He gave thanks ydw0w a cup 0sk & He took bsnw
among yourselves Nwktnyb & divide it wglpw this 0nh take wbs
I shall drink 0t$0 that not 0ld to you Nwkl for ryg I 0n0 say rm0
shall come 0t0td until 0md( of the vine 0tpgd the fruit 0dly from Nm
of God 0hl0d the Kingdom 0twklm
& He broke 0cqw & He gave thanks ydw0w bread 0mxl & He took bsnw
My body yrgp this is wnh & He said rm0w to them Nwhl & He gave bhyw
shall be given bhytm your persons Nwkyp0 which for the sake of l(d
to commemorate Me ynrkwdl doing Nydb( you shall be Nwtywh this 0dh
they had dined wm$x0d after rtb from Nm the cup 0sk about l( also P0 & thus twkhw
in My blood ymdb new 0tdx the covenant 0qtyd cup 0sk this 0nh He said rm0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

shall be shed d$0tm which for your sakes Nwkyplxd

of him who shall betray Me ynml$md the hand hdy0 behold 0h however Mrb
the table 0rwtp is on l(
it was appointed $rpt0d just as 0nky0 goes lz0 of Man 0$n0d & The Son hrbw
He shall be betrayed Mlt$m by whose hand hdy0bd man 0rbg to that whl woe! yw yet Mrb
indeed yk who? wnmd among themselves Nwhtnyb to inquire Nwbq(nd & they began wyr$w
to commit r(sml was going dyt( who this 0dhd he was wh of them Nwhnm
among them Nwhtnyb a dispute 0nyrx also P0 but Nyd there was 0wh
great brd among them Nwhb was ty0 of who Nmd
to them Nwhl said rm0 Yeshua (w$y but Nyd He wh
are Nwn0 their lords Nwhyrm of the nations 0mm(d the kings Nwhyklm
are called Nyrqtm of good 0tb+ doers ydb( over them Nwhyl( & they ruling Ny+yl$dw
among you Nwkb is great brd whoever 0ny0 but 0l0 so 0nkh not 0l but Nyd you are Nwtn0
chief 0$rd & whoever 0ny0w the small 0rw(z as Ky0 shall be 0whn
a waiter 0n$m$m shall be like Ky0 is wh
who serves dinner $m$md he wh or w0 who sits Kymsd he wh greater br for ryg who is? wnm
am yty0 but Nyd I 0n0 who sits Kymsd he wh is it 0wh not? 0l
who serves dinner $m$md He wh as Ky0 among you Nwktnyb
in My trials ynwysnb with Me ytwl they who have remained Nwtrtkd but Nyd are Nwn0 you Nwtn0
you Nwkl am 0n0 promising 0dwt$m & I 0n0w
a kingdom 0twklm My Father yb0 Me yl promised ydwt$0d as Ky0
the table 0rwtp at l( & you shall drink Nwt$tw that you shall eat Nwlk0td
thrones 0twsrwk on l( & you shall sit Nwbttw My ylyd of Kingdom 0twklmd
of Israel lyrsy0d the tribes 0+b$ twelve rs(rt & you shall judge Nwnwdtw
behold 0h Shimeon Nw(m$ to Shimeon Nw(m$l Yeshua (w$y & said rm0w
wheat 0+xld like Ky0 that he may sift you Nwkbwr(nd has requested l0$ Satan 0n+s
your faith Ktwnmyh shall fail rsxt that not 0ld for you Kyl( have prayed ty(b & I 0n0w
your brethren Kyx0 confirm rr$w it is restored ynpt0 in the time Nbzb you tn0 also P0
with You Km( my Lord yrm to Him hl said rm0 but Nyd Shimeon Nw(m$
& for death 0twmlw of prisoners 0rys0 even for the house tyblw I am 0n0 prepared by+m
Shimeon Nw(m$ to you Kl I 0n0 say rm0 Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
three tltd until 0md( today 0nmwy a rooster 0lgnrt shall crow 0rqn that not 0ld
Me yl you tn0 know (dy that 0ld you shall deny rwpkt times Nynbz
moneybag 0syk without 0ld I sent you Nwktrd$ when dk to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
there lacking rsx was? 0ml & shoes 0nsmw wallet 0lmrt & without 0ldw
anything Mdm & not 0lw to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0 anything Mdm to you Nwkl
to him hl has ty0d whoever Nm this hour 0$h from Nm to them Nwhl He said rm0
a wallet 0lmrt also P0 & thus 0nkhw should take it bsn a moneybag 0syk
his tunic htxn let him sell Nbzn a sword 0pys to him hl lacks tyld & whoever Nmw
a sword 0pys for himself hl & buy Nbznw
that is written 0bytkd this 0dh that also P0d for ryg to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0
He was numbered 0nmt0 evil doers 0lw( with M(d in Me yb be fulfilled 0lmttd must 0lw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

shall be fulfilled Mlt$0 that concerns Me yl(d for ryg all Nyhlk
behold 0h our Lord Nrm to Him hl were saying Nyrm0 & they Nwnhw
they are enoughNyqps to them Nwhl He said rm0 swords Nypys two Nyrt are ty0 here 0krh
he was 0wh accustomed d(md as Ky0 & He went on lz0w & He went out qpnw
Zytha 0tyz DByth tybd to the Mount 0rw+l
His disciples yhwdymlt also P0 after him hrtb & went wlz0w
to them Nwhl He said rm0 at the place 0tkwdl He arrived y+m & when dkw
temptation 0nwysnl you enter Nwl(t lest 0ld pray wlc
stones 0p0k a throw 0d$m about Ky0 from them Nwhnm withdrew qrp & He whw
He 0wh & prayed 0lcmw His knees yhwkrwb & He bowed Msw
let pass from Me ynrb(n You tn0 are willing 0bc if N0 Father 0b0 & He said rm0w
be done 0whn Yours Klyd but 0l0 My will ynybc not 0l however Mrb this 0nh cup 0sk
Heaven 0ym$ from Nm an angel 0k0lm to Him hl & appeared yzxt0w
Him hl who strengthened lyxmd
He 0wh prayed 0lcm urgently ty0bykt in fear 0tlxdb He was 0wh & as dkw
of blood 0mdd drops 0tl$ like Ky0 His sweat ht(wd & was twhw
the ground 0(r0 upon l( & He fell lpnw
His disciples yhwdymlt to twl & He came 0t0w His prayer htwlc from Nm & He arose Mqw
the anguish 0tq( from Nm they were sleeping Nykmd while dk them Nwn0 & He found xk$0w
are you Nwtn0 sleeping Nykmd why? 0nm to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
temptation 0nwysnl you enter Nwl(t lest 0ld pray wlc arise wmwq
& he whw a crowd 0$nk behold 0h was speaking llmm He wh & while d(w
came 0t0 the twelve rs(rt of Nm one dx Yehuda 0dwhy who is called 0rqtmd
& he kissed Him hq$nw Yeshua (w$y to twl & he came brqw he went before them Nwhymdq
to them Nwhl had 0wh given bhy a sign 0t0 for ryg this one 0dh
is He wywh I 0n0 kiss q$nd whomever 0ny0d
Yehuda 0dwhy Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
of Man 0$n0d The Son hrbl Him hl you tn0 betray Ml$m with a kiss? 0tq$wnb
who with Him hm(d those Nyly0 but Nyd saw wzx when dk
to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0 that occurred 0whd the thing Mdm
with swords 0pysb them Nwn0 shall we strike? 0xmn our Lord Nrm
The Priest 0nhk of High brd the servant hdb(l of them Nwhnm one dx & struck 0xmw
of his right side 0nymyd his ear hnd0 & took it off hbsnw
now 0dhl for 0md( enough wdk & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y but Nyd answered 0n(
& He healed him hys0w who was wounded (lbd of him whd the ear hnd0l & he touched brqw
upon Him yhwl( who had come wt0d to those Nwnhl Yeshua (w$y & said rm0w
of the army 0lyx & Commanders ybrw & Elders 0$y$qw Priests 0nhk Chief ybr
you went out Nwtqpn a robber 0y+sl upon l(d as? Ky0 of the temple 0lkyhd
to seize Me ynnwdx0td & with clubs 0r+wxbw with swords 0pysb for Me yl(
in the temple 0lkyhb I was tywh with you Nwkm( every day Mwylk
hands 0ydy0 against Me yl( you stretched forth Nwt+$w0 & not 0lw
of Darkness 0kw$xd & of the Prince 0n+lw$w your hour Nwkt($ is yh this 0dh but 0l0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Priest 0nhk of the High brd to the house htybl they brought Him yhwyty0 & they seized wdx0w
a distance 0qxwr from Nm after Him hrtb was 0wh coming 0t0 & Shimeon Nw(m$w
of the courtyard 0trd in the midst t(cm a fire 0rwn but Nyd they kindled wdxw0
also P0 was 0wh & sitting btyw around it hyrdx they were wwh & sitting Nybtyw
among them Nwhtnyb Shimeon Nw(m$ he wh
the fire 0rwn at twl as he sat btyd a certain 0dx a maidservant 0tmyl( & saw him htzxw
was 0wh with Him hm( this man 0nh also P0 & she said 0rm0w at him hb & she stared trxw
woman 0ttn0 & he said rm0w denied rpk but Nyd he wh
Him hl I 0n0 know (dy not 0l
to him hl & he said rm0w another 0nrx0 saw him yhyzx a little while lylq & after rtbw
I am tywh not 0l said rm0 but Nyd Keepha 0p0k are tn0 of them Nwhnm you tn0 also P0
was 0wh disputing 0rxtm another 0nrx0 one 0dx hour 0($ & after rtbw
also P0 was 0wh with Him hm( this man 0nh also P0 surely ty0ryr$ & he said rm0w
for ryg he is wh a Galilean 0ylylg
you are tn0 saying rm0 what? 0nm I 0n0 know (dy not 0l man 0rbg Keepha 0p0k said rm0
a rooster 0lgnrt crowed 0rq speaking llmm he was wh while dk & at once 0dxmw
at Keepha 0p0kb & He gazed rxw Yeshua (w$y & turned ynpt0w
of our Lord Nrmd the saying htlm Shimeon Nw(m$ & remembered rkdt0w
him hl He had 0wh that told rm0d
a rooster 0lgnrt shall crow 0rqnd that before Mdqd
times Nynbz three tlt Me yb you shall deny rwpkt
bitterly ty0ryrm he wept 0kb Shimeon Nw(m$ outside rbl & went out qpnw
Yeshua (w$yl were wwh who holding Nydyx0d & the men 0rbgw
Him hl they were wwh & covering Nypxmw Him hb were wwh mocking Nyxzbm
His face yhwp0 on l( Him hl they were wwh & striking Nyxmw
strikes You Kxm who? wnm prophesy 0bnt0 & they were saying Nyrm0w
they were wwh blaspheming Nypdgm many 0t0ygs & other things 0tynrx0w
against Him yhwl( & they were speaking Nyrm0w
day had dawned thgn & when dkw
& The Scribes 0rpsw The Priests 0nhk & Chief ybrw The Elders 0$y$q were gathered w$nkt0
of their assembly Nwht$wnk to the place tybl & they brought Him yhwqs0w
The Messiah 0xy$m are wh You tn0 if N0 to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w
you Nwkl I tell rm0 if N0 to them Nwhl He said rm0 us Nl tell rm0
you will believe Me ynnwnmyht not 0l
you Nwtn0 will return Nynpm not 0l I will ask you Nwkl0$0 & if N0w
Me yl you Nwtn0 will release Nyr$ nor w0 an answer 0mgtp to Meyl
sitting bty of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb shall be 0whn this hour 0$h from Nm
of God 0hl0d of the power 0lyxd the right side 0nymy at Nm
all of them Nwhlk but Nyd they were saying Nyrm0
of God 0hl0d The Son hrb therefore lykh are wh You? tn0
are Nwtn0 saying Nyrm0 you Nwtn0 Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
AM The Living God 0n0 that I 0n0d

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

witnesses 0dhs to us Nl are needed Ny(btm again bwt why? 0nm they were saying Nyrm0
His mouth hmwp from Nm are hearing N(m$ for ryg we Nnx
The Gospel According To Luke
Chapter 23
Pilatus sw+lyp to twl & brought Him yhwyty0w their crowds Nwh$nk all hlk & arose wmqw
& they were saying Nyrm0w slandering Him yhwcrq being consumed with Nylk0 & they began wyr$w
our people Nm( seducing 0(+md we have found Nxk$0 This One 0nhl
to give ltn not 0l to Qaesar rsql head 0$r that money Pskd & He forbids 0lkw
The Messiah 0xy$m He is wh that King 0klmd Himself h$pn about l( & He has said rm0w
are wh You? tn0 to him hl & said rm0w asked Him hl0$ but Nyd Pilatus sw+lyp
He said rm0 of the Jews 0ydwhyd the King 0klm
have said trm0 you tn0 to him hl
& to the crowd 0$nklw the Priests 0nhk to Chief ybrl Pilatus sw+lyp & said rm0w
this 0nh man 0rbg about l( I 0n0 find xk$m not 0l fault 0tl( any Mdm I 0n0
& they were saying Nyrm0w they were wwh shouting Nyq(zm but Nyd they Nwnh
Judea dwhy in all hlkb He taught Plm when dk our people Nm(l that He stirred up h$g$d
here 0krhl & unto 0md(w Galila 0lylg from Nm & began yr$w
of Galila 0lylgd the name 0m$ he had heard (m$ when dk but Nyd Pilatus sw+lyp
a Galilean 0ylylg was wh The Man 0rbg if N0d he asked l0$
under tyxt that from Nmd he knew (dy & when dkw
of Herodus sdwrhd He was wh the authority 0n+lw$
because l+m of Herodus sdwrhd to the presence htwl he sent Him hrd$
days 0tmwy in those Nwnhb he was 0wh in Jerusalem Ml$rw0bd
very b+ he was glad ydx Yeshua (w$yl he saw yhyzx when dk but Nyd Herodus sdwrh
long 00ygs a time 0nbz for Nm to see Him hyzxml for ryg he had 0wh wanted 0bc
about Him yhwl( he had 0wh that heard (m$d because of l+m
he had 0wh & hoped rbsmw many things 0t0ygs
from Him hnm he would see 0zxn sign 0t0 that some Mdmd
Him hl he was 0wh asking l0$m many 0t0ygs & matters 0lmw
He brought him hbyt0 not 0l an answer 0mgtp any Mdm but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
& The Scribes 0rpsw The Priests 0nhk Chief ybr but Nyd they were wwh standing Nymyq
accusing Him yhwcrq they were wwh consumed with Nylk0 vehemently ty0zyz(w
& when dkw & his servants yhwxlpw he wh mocked Him h+$ but Nyd Herodus sdwrh
of purple 0tyrwxzd with a robe 0txn He clothed Him h$bl0 he had insulted Him xzbm
Pilatus sw+lyp to twl & he sent Him hrd$w
& Herodus sdwrhw Pilatus sw+lyp friends 0mxr became wwh day 0mwy & on that whbw
there had been twh enmity 0twbbdl(b each other 0ddx with M(
between them Nwhtnyb before Mydq from Nm for ryg
The Priests 0nhk Chief ybrl Pilatus sw+lyp but Nyd called 0rq
& the people 0m(lw & the Rulers 0nwkr0lw
This 0nh Man 0rbg to Me yl you have brought Nwtbrq to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
have examined Him htbq( I 0n0 & behold 0hw your people Nwkm( subverting Kphm as Ky0
This 0nh in Man 0rbgb I have found txk$0 not 0l any Mdm & fault 0tl(w in your sight Nwkyn(l
Him hb you are Nwtn0 which accusing Ny$rmd everything lk of Nm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& behold 0hw to him htwl for ryg I sent Him htrd$ Herodus sdwrh neither 0lp0 but 0l0
by Him hl has been commited ry(s for death 0twml worthy 0w$d anything Mdm not 0l
& I shall release Him yhwyqb$0w therefore lykh I shall discipline Him yhwydr0
that he would release 0r$nd was 0wh it ty0 for ryg the custom 0dy(
at the feast 0d(d(b one dx to them Nwhl
& they were saying Nyrm0w mob 0$nk the entire hlk but Nyd shouted w(q
Barabba 0b0rbl to us Nl & release yr$w This One 0nhl take away yhylwq$
in the city 0tnydmb which occurred twhd sedition sys+s0 because of l+md who 0ny0 he wh
of prisoners 0rys0 in a house tyb he was 0wh cast 0mr & murder 0l+qw
Pilatus sw+lyp with them Nwhm( spoke llm but Nyd again bwt
Yeshua (w$yl to release 0r$nd he wanted 0bc as dk
were wwh shouting Ny(q but Nyd they Nwnh
crucify Himyhypwqz crucify Him yhypwqz & they were saying Nyrm0w
to them Nwhl said rm0 time Nynbz a third tltd but Nyd he wh
fault 0tl( any Mdm This One 0nh has done db( that is evil $ybd for ryg what? 0nm
in Him hb I have found txk$0 not 0l death 0twml that deserves 0yw$d
& I shall release Him yhwyqb$0w therefore lykh I shall chastise Him yhwydr0
loud 0mr in a voice 0lqb were wwh urging Nybkt but Nyd they Nwnh
that they may crucify Him yhynwpqznd him hl they were wwh & demanding Nyl0$w
The Priests 0nhk & that of Chief ybrdw theirs Nwhlyd their voice Nwhlq it 0wh & prevailed N$(w
their demand Nwhtl0$ that should be done 0whtd commanded dqp but Nyd Pilatus sw+lyp
& murder 0l+qw sedition sys+s0 who for l+md him whl to them Nwhl & he released 0r$w
whom they demanded wl0$d him wh of prisoners 0rys0 into a house tyb had been 0wh cast 0mr
to their pleasure Nwhnybcl he delivered Ml$0 but Nyd Yeshua (w$yl
Shimeon Nw(m$l they seized wdx0 Him hl they brought Nylbwm & as dkw
they laid wmsw a village 0tyrq from Nm who came 0t0d a Cyrenian 0ynyrwq
Yeshua (w$yd after Him hrtb to carry N(+nd the cross 0pyqz upon him yhwl(
of people 0m(d a multitude 00gws after him hrtb there 0wh & came 0t0w
over Him yhwl( & howling Nyl0w were ywh who lamenting Ndqrmd those Nyly0 & women 0$nw
& He said rm0w to them Nyhtwl Yeshua (w$y & turned ynpt0w
for Me yl( weep Nykbt not 0l of Jerusalem Ml$rw0 daughters tnb
your children Nykynb & for l(w weep Nyykb yourselves Nyk$pn for l( but Mrb
they shall say Nwrm0n in which Nwhbd the days 0tmwy are coming Nyt0 behold 0hd
bore dly that not 0ld & the wombs 0tsrklw the barren 0trq(l blessed are they Nyhybw+
nursed wqny0 that not 0ld & the breasts 0ydtlw
to the mountains 0rw+l to say rm0ml you shall begin Nwr$t then Nydyh
cover us Nnyskd & to the hills 0tmrlw upon us Nyl( fall wlpd
they are doing Nydb( these things Nylh green 0by+r with wood 0syqb that if N0d
will happen 0whn what? 0nm with the dried 0$ybyb
others Nynrx0 two Nyrt with Him hm( were wwh & coming Nyt0w
to be killed Nwl+qtnd evil 0t$yb doers ydb(

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

that is called 0yrqtmd a certain 0dx to place 0tkwdl they came wt0 & when dkw
doers ydb( & those Nwnhlw there Nmt they crucified Him yhwpqz The Skull 0tpqrq
His left hlms at Nm & one dxw His right hnymy at Nm one dx evil 0t$yb
them Nwhl forgive qwb$ Father 0b0 was 0wh saying rm0 Yeshua (w$y but Nyd He wh
they are doing Nydb( what? 0nm they know Ny(dy for ryg not 0l
lots 0sp over them Nwhyl( & they cast wymr0w His garments yhwtxn & they divided wglpw
& watching 0zxw the people 0m( but Nyd were 0wh standing M0q
& they were saying Nyrm0w the leaders 0nwkr0 also P0 Him hb were wwh & mocking Nyqymmw
Himself h$pn let Him save 0xn He gave life yx0 to others 0nrx0l
of God 0hl0d The Chosen One hybg the Messiah 0xy$m He is wywh if N0
soldiers 0+wy+r+s0 also P0 at Him hb were wwh & scoffing Nyxzbmw
vinegar 0lx to Him hl & were offering Nybrqmw to Him htwl they came near Nybrq as dk
of the Jews 0ydwhyd the King 0klm are wh You tn0 if N0 to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w
Yourself K$pn save 0x0
that was written bytkd an inscription 0btk also P0 but Nyd was 0wh there ty0
& in Hebrew ty0rb(w & in Latin ty0mwhrw in Greek ty0nwy Him hnm over l(l
of The Judeans 0ydwhyd the King 0klm this is wnh
evil 0t$yb doers ydb( those Nwnh of Nm but Nyd one dx
Him yhwl( was 0wh blaspheming Pdgm with Him hm( were wwh who crucified Nybylcd
Yourself K$pn save 0cp the Messiah 0xy$m are wh You tn0 if N0 & he said rm0w
us Nl also P0 & save 0cpw
to him hl & he said rm0w his companion hrbx Him hb & rebuked 00kw
are you tn0 afraid lxd God 0hl0 of Nm not? 0l also P0
in condemnation 0nydb are tn0 with Him hb you tn0 for also P0d
we are Nywh because worthy Nyw$d so Ky0 justly ty0n0k & we Nnxw
we are repaid N(rpt0 what we have done Ndb(d according to Ky0w for ryg
by Him hl was done dyb( not 0l bad 0nsd anything Mdm but Nyd This One 0nh
when 0m my Lord yrm remember me ynyrkdt0 to Yeshua (w$yl & he said rm0w
in Your Kingdom Ktwklmb You tn0 come 0t0d
to you Kl I 0n0 say rm0 amen Nym0 Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
in Paradise 0sydrpb you shall be 0wht with Me ym( that today 0nmwyd
darkness 0kw$x & was 0whw the sixth t$ hour 0($ about Ky0 but Nyd was ywh it ty0
hour Ny($ the ninth ($tl until 0md( the earth 0(r0 all hlk upon l(
the curtain 0(rt yp0 & was ripped apart yr+c0w grew dark K$x & the sun 0$m$w
its middle ht(cm from Nm of the temple 0lkyhd
& He said rm0w loud 0mr in a voice 0lqb Yeshua (w$y & called out 0(qw
My Spirit yxwr I 0n0 lay down M0s into Your hands Kydy0b My Father yb0
& He expired Ml$w He said rm0 this 0dh
that happened 0whd the thing Mdm the centurion 0nwr+nq but Nyd saw 0zx when dk
Man 0rbg This 0nh truly ty0ryr$ & He said rm0w God 0hl0l he praised xb$
was 0wh The Righteous One 0qydz
had wwh gathered Ny$ynkd which Nyly0 the crowds 0$nk & all Nwhlkw
that happened 0whd the thing Mdm they saw wzx when dk this 0dh for spectacle 0tzxl
their chests Nwhydx on l( smiting Nypr+ while dk returned wkph

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

all of them Nwhlk afar 0qxwr from Nm they were wwh & standing Nymyqw
had ywh who come yt0d those Nyly0 & women 0$nw of Yeshua (w$yd the acquaintances yhw(wdy
these things Nylh they were wwh & beholding Nyzxw Galila 0lylg from Nm with Him hm(
a Sanhedrin member 0+wlwb Yoseph Pswy whose name hm$d certain dx but Nyd a man 0rbg
was 0wh a man 0rbg of Judea dwhyd a city 0tnydm Ramatha 0tmr from Nm
& just 0qydzw good 0b+
had 0wh consented Ml$ not 0l this one 0nh
& to their action Nwhnr(wslw to their decision Nwhnybcl
of God 0hl0d for the Kingdom 0twklml he was 0wh & waiting 0ksmw
Pilatus sw+lyp to twl came brq this man 0nh
of Yeshua (w$yd the Body hrgp & he requested l0$w
of linen 0ntkd in a winding sheet 0cyxb & wrapped it hkrkw & he took it down htx0w
that is wh cut out 0ryqn of burial 0rwbq in a house tybb & he placed it hmsw
in it hb having been 0wh placed Mystt0 yet lykd( anyone $n0 without 0ld
was twh beginning 0hgn & The Sabbath 0tb$w it was twh Friday 0tbwr( & the day 0mwyw
these Nylh women 0$n but Nyd were ywh approaching Nbyrq
the tomb 0rbql & they saw yhyyzxw Galila 0lylg from Nm with Him hm( who came yt0d
His body hrgp had been laid Mystt0 & in which way 0nky0w
& ointment 0msbw sweet spices 0mwrh preparing by+ & they returned Kphw
that which was commanded dyqpd according to Ky0 they rested yl$ & on The Sabbath 0tb$bw
The Gospel According To Luke
Chapter 24
it was dark Kw$x while d( at dawn 0rp$b but Nyd on Sunday 0b$b dxb
spices 0mwrh & they brought yty0w burial 0rwbq to the place tybl they came yt0
with them Nyhm( were ywh & there ty0w they had ywh that prepared by+d these Nylh
other 0tynrx0 women 0$n
burial 0rwbq the house tyb from Nm that was rolled 0lg(md the stone 0p0k & they found xk$0w
of Yeshua (w$yd the body 0rgpl they found yhyxk$0 & not 0lw & they entered Nyl(w
this 0dh at l( wondered Nhymt these Nynh that while dkd & it was 0whw
them Nyhnm over l(l stood wmq men Nyrbg two Nyrt behold 0h
their clothing Nwh$wbl was 0wh & shining qrbmw
to the ground 0(r0b their faces Nyhyp0 & they bowed ypkw in fear 0tlxdb & they were ywhw
The Life 0yx are you Nytn0 seeking Ny(b why? 0nm to them Nyhl & they were saying Nyrm0w
the dead 0tym among M(
remember Nydh( He hl has risen Mq here Nnt He is not yhwtyl
in Galilee 0lylgb He was wh as dk with you Nykm( when He spoke llmd
of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb is wh going dyt(d He 0wh & said rm0w
sinners 0y+x of men 0$n0 into the hands ydy0b to be delivered Mlt$nd
He shall arise Mwqn day Nymwy & the third 0tltlw & He shall be crucified bl+cnw
His words yhwlml remembered Nyrkdt0 & these women Nynhw
& they were saying Nyrm0w the tomb 0rbq from Nm & they returned Kphw
& to the rest 0kr$lw to the eleven rs(dxl all Nyhlk these things Nylh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& Yohanna Nxwyw Magdalitha 0tyldgm Maryam Myrm but Nyd were ywh they Nyhyty0
of Yaqob bwq(yd the mother hm0 & Maryam Myrmw
these things Nylh who were with them Nyhm(d & the rest 0kr$w
to the apostles 0xyl$l had ywh who told rm0d
insane 0tyn$ as Ky0 these Nylh words 0lm in their eyes Nwhyny(b & appeared yzxt0w
them Nyn0 they believed wnmyh & not 0lw
to the tomb 0rbql & ran +hrw arose Mq but Nyd Shimeon Nw(m$
by itself dwxlb that was placed Nymysd the linen 0ntk he saw 0zx & beholding qyd0w
in his soul h$pnb wondering rmdtm while dk & he went lz0w
had happened 0whd what Mdm over l(
were wwh going Nylz0 day 0mwyb on that hb of them Nwhnm two Nyrt & behold 0hw
is Emmaus sw0m( whose name hm$d to the village 0tyrql
sixty Nyt$ furlongs 0twd+s0 Jerusalem Ml$rw0 from Nm & it is distant 0qyrpw
these Nylh about l( another dx with M( one dx were wwh speaking Nyllmm & they Nwnhw
that had occurred $dgd all things Nyhlk
another dx with M( one dx & inquiring Ny(bw were talking Nyllmm they Nwnh & while dkw
them Nwn0 & He met y+mw Yeshua (w$y He wh came 0t0
with them Nwhm( He was 0wh & walking Klhmw
they would recognize Him yhynwlktsn lest 0ld had been ywh closed shut Ndyx0 & their eyes Nwhyny(w
these Nylh matters 0lm are Nyn0 what? 0nm to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
another dx with M( one dx you are Nwtn0 of which speaking Nyllmmd
you are Nwtn0 & gloomy Nyrymkw you are Nwtn0 walking Nyklhm as dk
Qliopa 0pwylq whose name hm$d of them Nwhnm one dx answered 0n(
by Yourself Kydwxlb indeed yk are? wh You tn0 to Him hl & He said rm0w
the thing Mdm You tn0 know (dy that not 0ld Jerusalem Ml$rw0 to Nm a foreigner 0yrkwn
days 0tmwy in those Nwnhb in it hb that occurred 0whd
to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0 what? 0nm to them Nwhl He said rm0
Natsareth trcn Who from Nmd He was wh Yeshua (w$y concerning l(
He was 0wh & mighty Ntlyxw The Prophet 0ybn Who was 0whd a Man 0rbg
God 0hl0 before Mdq & in deed 0db(bw in word 0tlmb
nation 0m( the whole hlwk & before Mdqw
& The Elders 0$y$qw the Priests 0nhk Chief ybr & delivered Him yhwml$0w
& they crucified Him yhwpqzw of death 0twmd to the sentence 0nydl
going dyt( that was wywhd had been Nywh hoping Nyrbs but Nyd we Nnx
days Nymwy it is three 0tlt & behold 0hw Israel lyrsy0l to deliver yhwyqrpnd He 0wh
occurred ywh all Nyhlk when these things Nylhd from Nm behold 0h
stupefied us Nhmt0 among us Nnm women 0$n also P0 but 0l0
of burial 0rwbq to the place tybl for ryg they had ywh gone before Mdq
us Nl they were telling Nrm0 they came yt0 His body hrgp they found xk$0 not 0l & when dkw
about Him yhwl( & they were saying Nyrm0w there Nmt we saw Nyzx that angels 0k0lmd
He is wh that alive yxd
of burial 0rwbq to the house tybl went wlz0 of us Nnm some 0$n0 also P0w
the women 0$n said rm0d what 0m according to Ky0 thus 0nkh & they found wxk$0w
they saw wzx not 0l but Nyd Him hl

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0 then Nydyh
to believe wnmyhml hearts 0bl & dull yryqyw minds 0ny(r deficient yrysx Oh! w0
the prophets 0ybn that spoke wllmd those things Nyly0 in all Nyhlkb
it 0wh necessary dyt( these things Nylh was 0wh not? 0l
His glory htxwb$tl & that He enter lw(ndw The Messiah 0xy$m that would endure rbysnd
The Prophets 0ybn all of Nwhlk & from Nmw Moshe 0$wm from Nm He 0wh & began yr$w
from Nm Himself h$pn about l( to them Nwhl He 0wh & expounded q$pmw
the scriptures 0btk all of Nwhlk
to which hl they were wwh going Nylz0d that yh at village 0tyrql they wwh & arrived wbrqw
to them Nwhl was 0wh announcing rbsm & He whw
He was 0wh going lz0 distant 0qyxr to a place 0kwdld how Ky0d
with us Ntwl stay $wp to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w & they constrained Him yhwcl0w
to become dark K$xml it hl is declining Nkr now 0$h the day 0mwyd because l+m
with them Nwhtwl to stay 0wqnd & He entered l(w
with them Nwhm( He reclined Kmts0 that when dkd & it happened 0whw
to them Nwhl & He gave bhyw & He broke 0cqw & He blessed Krbw bread 0mxl He took bsn
& they recognized Him yhw(dwt$0w their eyes Nwhyny( were opened xtpt0 & at once 0dxmw
from them Nwhnm Himself hl ascended lqt$0 & He whw
our heart Nbl was 0wh not? 0l to another dxl one dx they were wwh & saying Nyrm0w
with us Nm( He was speaking llmm when dk within us Nwgb it 0wh stupid ryqy
the scriptures 0btk to us Nl & He expounded q$pmw on the road 0xrw0b
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l & they returned wkphw hour 0t($b in that hb & they arose wmqw
who were assembled Ny$ynkd the eleven rs(dxl & they found wxk$0w
who were with them Nwhm(d & those Nyly0lw
our Lord Nrm has risen Mq truly ty0ryr$d they were saying Nyrm0 when dk
to Shimeon Nw(m$l & He has appeared yzxt0w
on the road 0xrw0b that occurred ywhd those things Nyly0 related wy(t$0 they Nwnh also P0w
the bread 0mxl He broke 0cq when dk to them Nwhl He was known (dyt0 & how 0nky0w
they were wwh speaking Nyllmm these things Nylh & when dkw
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w in their midst Nwhtnyb stood Mq Yeshua (w$y
be afraid Nwlxdt not 0l I AM the Living God 0n0 0n0 with you Nwkm( peace 0ml$
in fear 0tlxdb & they were wwhw were alarmed wbhrt0 & they Nwnhw
they were seeing Nyzx that a spirit 0xwrd for ryg they were wwh thinking Nyrbs
you Nwtn0 are shaken Ny(yztm why? 0nm Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl & said rm0w
your hearts Nwktwbl in l( imaginations 0tb$xm arise Nqls & why? 0nmw
& know w(dw touch Me ynnw$wg I 0n0 that It is 0n0d & My feet ylgrw My hands ydy0 see wzx
to it hl has not tyl & bones 0mrgw flesh 0rsb that a spirit 0xwrld
to Me yl that there are ty0d you Nwtn0 see Nyzxd as Ky0
He had said rm0 these things Nylh & when dkw
& His feet yhwlgrw His hands yhwdy0 them Nwn0 He showed ywx
believing Nynmyhm not 0l this moment 0$hl until 0md( & as dkw
they were wwh & astonished Nyhmttmw their joy Nwhtwdx from Nm they were wwh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to eat lk0ml anything Mdm here Nnt with you Nwkl is? ty0 to them Nwhl He said rm0
fish 0nwn of Nm a piece 0tnm to Him hl gave wbhy so Nyd they Nwnh
of honey 0$bdd a comb 0tyrkk & of Nmw that was roasted 0yw+d
in their sight Nwhyn(l He ate lk0 & He took bsnw
that I spoke tllmd the words 0lm are Nyn0 these Nylh to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
fulfilled Mlt$nd it wh that must be 0lwd I was tywhwith you Nwktwl when dk with you Nwkm(
of Moshe 0$wmd in the law 0swmnb that is written bytkd thing Mdm every lk
about Me yl( & in the Psalms 0rwmzmbw & in The Prophets 0ybnbw
the scriptures 0btk to understand wlktsml their mind Nwhny(r he opened xtp then Nydyh
righteous qdz & thus 0nkhw it is written bytk thus 0nkhd to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
from Nm & to arise Mwqndw for The Messiah 0xy$m to suffer $xnd it was 0wh
day Nymwy the third 0tltl the dead 0tym among tyb
a repentance 0twbyt in His Name hm$b & that would be preached zrktndw
the nations 0mm( in all of Nwhlkb of sins 0h+xd for the forgiveness 0nqbw$l
Jerusalem Ml$rw0 at Nm would be 0whn & the beginning 0yrw$w
of these things Nylhd witnesses 0dhs are Nwn0 & you Nwtn0w
of My Father yb0d the promise 0nklwm upon you Nwkyl( shall send rd$0 & I 0n0w
the city 0tnydm in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b stay wwq but Nyd you Nwtn0
on high 0mwr from Nm in power 0lyx you shall be clothed Nw$bltd until 0md(
BaythAnya 0yn(tybl unto 0md( them Nwn0 & He brought qp0w
them Nwn0 & He blessed Krbw His hands yhwdy0 & He lifted Myr0w
them Nwhl He blessed Krbm that as dkd & it was 0whw
to Heaven 0ym$l & He ascended qlsw from them Nwhnm He was separated $rpt0
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l & they returned wkphw Him hl worshipped wdgs but Nyd they Nwnh
great 0tbr in Joy 0twdxb
in the temple 0lkyhb were wwh they Nwhyty0 & at all times Nbzlkbw
Amen Nym0 God 0hl0l & they were blessing Nykrbmw they were praising Nyxb$m while dk
The Gospel Of John
Chapter 1
The Word 0tlm had been 0wh existing yhwty0 In the Origin ty$rb
God 0hl0 with twl had been 0wh existing yhwty0 Word 0tlm & That whw
Word 0tlm That wh was 0wh Himself yhwty0 & God 0hl0w
at the origin ty$rb was 0wh existing yhwty0 This One 0nh
God 0hl0 with twl
& without Him yhwd(lbw was 0wh in His hand hdy0b everything lk
that existed 0whd of the things Mdm existed twh one thing 0dx not even 0lp0
are Nwhyty0 & The Lives 0yxw was 0wh The Life 0yx in Him hb
of the children of men 0$nynbd The Light 0rhwn
Light 0rhwn & that whw
& the darkness 0kw$xw is shining rhnm in the darkness 0kw$xb
did overtake it hkrd0 not 0l

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

who was sent rdt$0d a son of man 0$nrb There was 0wh
John Nnxwy his name hm$ God 0hl0 from Nm
for a witness 0twdhsl came 0t0 this one 0nh
about l( that he should testify dhsnd
by him hdy0b should believe Nmyhn that everyone $nlkd the light 0rhwn
but 0l0 The Light 0rhwn he 0wh was wh not 0l
The Light 0rhwn about l( that he may testify dhsnd
of the Truth 0rr$d The Light 0rhwn for ryg He 0wh was yhwty0
into the world 0ml(l who comes 0t0d everyone $nlkl that enlightens rhnmd
& the world 0ml(w He was 0wh in the world 0ml(b
knew Him h(dy not 0l & the world 0ml(w was 0wh in His hand hdy0b
received Him yhwlbq not 0l & His own hlydw He came 0t0 to His own hlydl
He gave bhy that received Him yhwlbqd but Nyd those Nyly0
the authority 0n+lw$ to them Nwhl
they shall be Nwwhn of God 0hl0d that the children 0ynbd
in His name hm$b who are believing Nynmyhmd to those Nyly0l
from Nm nor 0lw blood 0md from Nm who neither wld those Nyly0
the will 0nybc from Nm nor 0lw of the flesh 0rsbd the will 0nybc
were begotten wdlyt0 God 0hl0 from Nm but 0l0 of a man 0rbgd
among us Nb & dweltng0w became 0wh flesh 0rsb & The Word 0tlmw
as Ky0 The Glory 0xbw$ His Glory hxbw$ & we saw Nyzxw
The Father 0b0 who is from Nmd of The Only Begotten 0ydyxyd
& Truth 0t$wqw Grace 0twby+ Who is full of 0lmd
& cried 0(qw concerning Him yhwl( testified dhs John Nnxwy
that after me yrtbd Who I said trm0d He wh this is wnh & said rm0w
was before me ymdq & yet hl 0whw would come 0t0
to me ynm He was wh precedent ymdqd because l+m
all Nlk we Nnx his fulness htwylm & from Nmw
grace 0twby+ in place of Plx & grace 0twby+w received Nbsn
was given bhyt0 Moses 0$wm by dyb the law 0swmnd because l+m
& grace 0twby+w but Nyd The Truth 0rr$
existed 0wh The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y by dyb
ever Mwtmm a man $n0 has seen 0zx not 0l God 0hl0
Who is yhwty0d He wh God 0hl0 The Only Begotten 0ydyxy
has declared Him y(t$0 He wh of His Father yhwb0d in the bosom 0bw(b
the testimony htwdhs is yh & this 0dhw
the Judaeans 0ydwhy to him htwl sent wrd$ when dk of John Nnxwyd
& Levites 0ywlw priests 0nhk Jerusalem Ml$rw0 from Nm
are tn0 who? Nm you tn0 that they should ask him yhynwl0$nd
& he confessed ydw0w denied rpk & not 0lw & he confessed ydw0w
The Messiah 0xy$m am 0n0 I 0n0 that not wld
therefore lykh what? 0nm again bwt & they asked him yhwl0$w
not 0l & he said rm0w are you? tn0 Elijah 0yl0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

No 0l & he said rm0w are you? tn0 a prophet 0ybn:I am yty0

you tn0 & who are? wnmw to him hl & they said wrm0w
a statement 0mgtp that we might give ltnd
that sent us Nwrd$d to those Nyly0l
yourself K$pn about l( you tn0 say rm0 what? 0nm
that cries 0rqd the voice 0lq I am 0n0 he said rm0
the way hxrw0 prepare ww$0d in the wilderness 0rbdmb
just as 0nky0 of Jehovah 0yrmd
the prophet 0ybn Isaiah 0y($0 that which said rm0d
that were sent wrdt$0d but Nyd they Nwnh
were wwh the Pharisees 0$yrp from Nm
why? 0nm to him hl & they said wrm0w & they asked him yhwl0$w
if N0 you tn0 are baptizing dm(m therefore lykh
The Messiah 0xy$m are Kyty0 not 0l you tn0
the prophet 0ybn & not 0lw Elijah 0yl0 & not 0lw
to them Nwhl & said rm0w John Nnxwy answered 0n(
in your midst Nwktnyb;in water 0ymb am 0n0 baptizing dm(m I 0n0
not 0l whom you Nwtn0d He wh is standing M0q but Nyd
Himself hl are Nwtn0 knowing Ny(dy
that after me yrtbd He wh This is wnh
before me ymdq Himself hl & was 0whw comes 0t0
am 0n0 worthy 0w$ not 0l of Whom I 0n0d He wh
of His sandals yhwnsmd a strap 0qr( that I should loose 0r$0d
were ywh in Bethany 0yn(tybb these Nylh
of Jordan Nndrwyd in the crossing 0rb(b
John Nnxwy was 0wh baptizing dm(md where 0ky0
John Nnxwy saw 0zx that was after it hrtbd & the day 0mwylw
Behold 0h & he said rm0w to him htwl Who came 0t0d Yeshua (w$yl
He is wh of God 0hl0d The Lamb hrm0
of the world 0ml(d the sins hty+x Who takes away lq$d
about him yhwl( said trm0 Who I 0n0d This One is wnh
Himself hl & he was 0whw a man 0rbg comes 0t0 that after me yrtbd
me ynm He wh precededymdqd because l+m before me ymdq
Him hl I was tywh knowing (dy not 0l & I 0n0w
that he should be manifested (dytnd but 0l0
have I come tyt0 this 0nh because of l+m to Israel lyrsy0l
I should baptize dm(0 that in water 0ymbd I 0n0
I saw tyzxd & said rm0w John Nnxwy & he testified dhs0w
Heaven 0ym$ from Nm Who was descending 0txnd The Spirit 0xwrl
upon Him yhwl( & remaining tywqw a dove 0nwy like Ky0
but 0l0 Him hl I was tywh knowing (dy not 0l & I 0n0w
sent me ynrd$d He Who Nm
in water 0ymb that I should baptize dm(0d
that He 0ny0d to me yl said rm0 He wh
The Spirit 0xwr descending 0txnd you tn0 on Whom see 0zxd
This is wnh upon him yhwl( & remaining 0ywqmw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of Holiness 0$dwqd in The Spirit 0xwrb The One Baptizing dm(m

& I have testified tdhs0w I have seen tyzx & I 0n0w
of God 0hl0d The Son hrb that This One is wnhd
standing M0q another 0nrx0 & a day 0mwylw
his disciples yhwdymlt from Nm & two Nyrtw John Nnxwy was 0wh
he was walking Klhm when dk at Jesus (w$yb & he gazed rxw
of God 0hl0d The Lamb hrm0 Behold 0h & he said rm0w
the two Nwhyrt & heard w(m$w
he spoke rm0 when dk of his disciples yhwdymlt
Yeshua (w$yd after hrtb themselves Nwhl & they went wlz0w
& He saw 0zxw Yeshua (w$y & turned ynpt0w
after him hrtb who were coming Nyt0d them Nwn0
are seeking Ny(b what? 0nm to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
to him hl they were saying Nyrm0 you Nwtn0
are you tn0 staying 0wh where? 0ky0 our Master Nbr
& see Nwzxtw come wt to them Nwhl He said rm0
where 0ky0 & they saw wzxw they came wt0 but Nyd those Nwnh
that wh day 0mwy they were wwh & with him htwlw He lived 0whd
the tenth rs( hour 0($ about Ky0 & it was ywh ty0w
who heard w(m$d those Nwnh from Nm but Nyd one dx
after hrtb & were going wlz0w John Nnxwy from Nm
was 0wh Himself yhwty0 Yeshua (w$yd
of Shimeon Nw(m$d the brother yhwx0 Andraeus sw0rdn0
his brother yhwx0 Shimeon Nw(m$l first Mdqwl saw 0zx This one 0nh
The Messiah 0xy$ml we have found Him yhynxk$0 to him hl & he said rm0w
& gazed rxw Yeshua (w$y to twl & he brought him hyty0w
Shimeon Nw(m$ are wh you tn0 & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y at him hb
Keepha 0p0k shall be called 0rqtt you tn0;son of Jonah 0nwydhrb
Yeshua (w$y wanted 0bc next 0nrx0 & the day 0mwylw
Phillip swpylypl & He met xk$0w to Galilee 0lylgl to depart qpml
after me yrtb Come 0t to him hl & He said rm0w
himself yhwty0 Phillip swpylyp but Nyd he wh
from Nm Bethsaida 0dyctyb from Nm was 0wh
& of Simon Nw(m$dw of Andraeus sw0rdn0d the city htnydm
Nathaniel ly0yntnl found xk$0 & Phillip swpylypw
of Whom wrote btkd Him wh to him hl & said rm0w
& in the Prophets 0ybnbw in The Torah 0swmnb Moses 0$wm about him yhwl(
:Who is Jesus (w$yd we have found Him yhynxk$0
Nazareth trcn from Nm Joseph Pswy the son of rb He is wh
Nazareth trcn from Nm Nathaniel ly0yntn to him hl said rm0
shall be 0whn that is good b+d anything Mdm Is it possible? xk$m
& see 0zxtw Come 0t Phillip swpylyp to him hl said rm0
Nathaniel ly0yntnl Yeshua (w$y & saw yhyzxw
about him yhwl( & said rm0w to him htwl he came 0t0 when dk
Israel lyrsy0 a son of rb truly ty0ryr$ Behold 0h

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in him hb there is not tyl of whom deceit 0lknd

Nathaniel ly0yntn to him hl said rm0
know (dy where? 0kmy0 from Nm
Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0:meyl you tn0
when dk Phillip swpylyp would have called you Kyrqn before 0ld(
I saw you Ktyzx you were tn0 the fig tree 0tt under tyxt
to Him hl & said rm0w Nathaniel ly0yntn answered 0n(
of God 0hl0d The Son hrb are wh You tn0 Rabbi ybr
of Israel lyrsy0d The King hklm are wh You tn0
because l( Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
that I saw you Ktyzxd to you Kl of what I said trm0d
are believing? Nmyhm the fig tree 0tt under tyxt
you shall see 0zxt these Nylh than Nm greater things Nbrwrd:you tn0
[Timeless Truth] Amen Nym0 Amen Nym0 to him hl He said rm0
this hour 0$h that from Nmd to you Nwkl I 0n0 speak rm0
Heaven 0ym$ you shall be seeing Nwzxt
that are being opened Nyxytpd
they ascend Nyqls as dk of God 0hl0d & the angels yhwk0lmw
of Man 0$n0d The son hrb unto twl & descend Nytxnw
The Gospel Of John
Chapter 2
there was twh third 0tltd & on the day 0mwylw
of Galilee 0lylgd a city 0tnydm in Qatna 0n+qb a wedding feast 0twt$m
was twh there Nmt of Jesus (w$yd & the mother hm0w
& his disciples yhwdymltw Yeshua (w$y Himself wh & also P0w
to the wedding banquet 0twt$ml to it hl were invited wyrqt0
to Him hl & said 0rm0w wine 0rmx It was 0wh & lacking rsxw
for them Nwhl there is not tyl wine 0rmx to Jesus (w$yl His mother hm0
& to you yklw to meyl what? 0m Yeshua (w$y to her hl said rm0
My hour yt($ has come tt0 quite lykd( not 0l woman 0ttn0
to the servants 0n$m$ml His mother hm0 said 0rm0
do wdb( to you Nwkl that He says rm0d anything Mdm
watercasks 0ng0 there Nmt But Nyd there were [ywh ty0]
that were set Nmysd six t$ of stone 0p0kd
that held Ndx0d of The Jews 0ydwhyd for the purifying 0tykdtl
three 0tlt or w0 nine gallon measures Ny(br each Nyrt two Nyrt
Fill wlm Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl Said rm0
the watercasks 0ng0l with water 0ym them Nyn0
the brim l(l up to 0md( them Nyn0 & they filled wlmw
& take wty0w henceforth lykm Draw out w(wlz to them Nwhl He said rm0
& they took wyty0w of ceremonies 0kms to the master $yrl
of ceremonies 0kms the master $yr that wh tasted M(+ & whendkw
that were become wwhd those Nwnh the waters 0ym

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from Nm he 0wh knew (dy & not 0lw wine 0rmx

but Nyd the servants 0n$m$m it was 0wh where? 0kmy0
were wwh knowing Ny(dy
with water 0yml them Nwn0 filled wlm for those Nwnhd
the master $yr called 0rq
the bridegroom 0ntxl of ceremonies 0kms
first Mdqwl man $n0 every lk to him hl & he said rm0w
& when 0mw summons 0tym good 0b+ the wine 0rmx
is inferior rycbd whatever 0ny0 then Nydyh they are drunk wywrd
you have kept yhytr+n but Nyd You tn0
now 0$hl until 0md( good 0b+ the wine 0rmxl
that did db(d first 0tymdq the sign 0t0 is yh This 0dh
& manifested (dw0w of Galilee 0lylgd in Qatna 0n+qb Yeshua (w$y
His disciples yhwdymlt in Him hb & believed wnmyhw His glory hxbw$
to Capernaum Mwxnrpkl He went down txn this 0dh after rtb
& His disciples yhwdymltw & his brothers yhwx0w & His mother hm0w He wh
the days 0tmwy a few lylq they were wwh & there Nmtw
of The Jews 0ydwhyd The Passover 0xcp was 0wh & drawing near byrqw
Yeshua (w$y to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l & He went up qlsw
those Nylhl in the temple 0lkyhb & He found xk$0w
& sheep 0br(w lambs 0rwt that were selling Nynbzmd
who were sitting Nybtyd & money exchangers 0npr(mlw & doves 0nwyw
a whip 0lgrp for himself hl & He made db(w
& all of them Nwhlklw rope 0lbx from Nm
& the sheep 0br(lw the temple 0lkyh from Nm He cast out qp0
& He poured out d$0w & the money exchangers 0npr(mlw & the lambs 0rwtlw
overturned Kph & their tables Nwhyrwtpw their money Nwhnprw(
doves 0nwy that had been selling Nynbzmd & to those Nwnhlw
& not 0lw from this place 0km these things Nylh Carry wlwq$ He said rm0
My Fathers yb0d house htybl make hnwdb(t
of commerce 0trwg0t a house tyb
His disciples yhwdymlt & called to mind wrkdt0w
The zeal hnn+d that which is written bytkd
has consumed me ynlk0 of Thy house Ktybd
& they said wrm0w The Jews 0ydwhy but Nyd answered wn(
sign 0t0 what? 0nm to him hl
you tn0 are showing 0wxm
you tn0 do db( that these things Nylhd to us Nl
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
& in three 0tltlw this 0nh temple 0lkyh Tear down wrwts
it hl am 0n0 raising Myqm I 0n0 days Nymwy
for forty Ny(br0l The Jews 0ydwhy to him hl were saying Nyrm0
temple 0lkyh has been being built ynbt0 years Nyn$ & six t$w
days Nymwy in three 0tltl & you tn0w this 0nh
it? hl are tn0 raising Myqm
concerning l( He 0wh said rm0 but Nyd This wh

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of His body hrgpd the temple 0lkyh

from Nm but Nyd He arose Mq when dk
were reminded wrkdt0 of death 0tym the house tyb
said rm0 that this 0dhd his disciples yhwdymlt
the scriptures 0btkl & they believed wnmyhw He 0wh
Yeshua (w$y that said rm0d & the word 0tlmlw
but Nyd was 0wh staying yhwty0 when dk
in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b Yeshua (w$y
many 00ygs during the feast 0d(d(b at Passover 0xcpb
because they saw wzxd in Him hb trusted wnmyh
that He performed db(d the signs 0twt0
Yeshua (w$y but Nyd He wh
to them Nwhl was 0wh entrusting Nmyhm not 0l
He whd because l+m Himself h$pn
all men $nlkl was 0wh knowing (dy
that a man $n0d He 0wh needed qyns & not 0lw
to him hl should testify dhsn
for ryg Himself wh man $nrb every lk about l(
in a man 0$nrbb is ty0 what 0nm He 0wh knew (dy
The Gospel Of John
Chapter 3
there Nmt but Nyd was 0wh living ty0
Nicodemus swmdqyn The Pharisees 0$yrp from Nm man 0rbg one dx
of The Jews 0ydwhyd a leader 0nwkr0 he was 0wh his name hm$
in the night 0yllb Yeshua (w$y to twl came 0t0 This one 0nh
Rabbi ybr to him hl & he said rm0w
God 0hl0 that from Nmd we do know Nny(dy
for ryg no 0l a teacher 0nplm You have been sent trdt$0
these Nylh is able xk$m man $n0
doing db( that you tn0d to do db(ml signs 0twt0
were with him hm( God 0hl0d because Nm unless 0l0 are tn0
to him hl & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
speak rm0 [Timeless Truth] Amen Nym0 Amen Nym0
a man $n0 that if N0d to you Kl I 0n0
it is impossible xk$m 0lagain $yrd Nm is born dlytm not 0l
of God 0hl0d the kingdom htwklm that he shall see 0zxnd
How? 0nky0 Nicodemus swmdqyn to him hl said rm0
a man 0rbg that shall be born dlytnd is it possible xk$m
again bwt Is it not impossible for him? [ xk$m 0mld] old 0bs
a second Nytrtd of his mother hm0d the womb 0srkl
& be born dlytnw to enter l(ml time Nynbz
to him hl & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
I 0n0 speak rm0 [Timeless Truth] Amen Nym0 Amen Nym0
not 0l a man $n0 that if N0d to you Kl
& the Spirit 0xwrw water 0ym from Nm is born dlytm
it is impossible xk$m 0l
of God 0hl0d the kingdom 0twklml that he shall enter lw(nd

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the flesh 0rsb from Nm that which is born [ dylyd Mdm]
from Nm & that which is born [ dylyd Mdmw ] is wh flesh 0rsb
is wh spirit 0xwr The Spirit 0xwr
that I said trm0d be surprised rmdtt do not 0l
that it is necessary 0lwd to you Kl
again $yrd Nm to be born wdlytml for you Nwkl
that it [He] will 0ybcd the place rt0 the wind [The Spirit] 0xwr
hear (m$ & its sound [& His voice] hlqw it blows [He breathes] 0b$n
from where 0kmy0 you tn0 know (dy not 0l but 0l0 you tn0
thus 0nkh it [He]goes 0lz0 & where 0ky0lw it [He] comes 0yt0
the wind [The Spirit] 0xwr from Nm who is born dylyd everyone $nlk is yhwty0
& said rm0w Nicodemus swmdqyn answered 0n(
How? 0nky0 to him hl
be 0whml these things Nylh can Nxk$m
& said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
of Israel lyrsy0d the teacher hnplm are wh you tn0 to him hl
you? tn0 know (dy not 0l & these things Nylhw
I 0n0 speak rm0 [Timeless Truth] Amen Nym0 Amen Nym0
the things Mdmd:to you Kl
are speaking Nyllmm We Nnx that know Ny(dyd
& the things Mdmw We Nnx
We Nnxn0 testify Nydhsm that We see Nyzxd
not 0l & Our testimony Ntwdhsw
you Nwtn0 accept Nylbqm
I have told trm0 that which in the earth 0(r0bd if N0
you are believing Nynmyhm & not 0lw you Nwkl
you Nwkl I tell rm0 if N0 How? 0nky0 you Nwtn0
shall you believe me ynnwnmyht that which is in Heaven 0ym$bd
has gone up qls a man $n0 & not 0lw
except 0l0 to Heaven 0ym$l
from Nm Who went down txnd He wh
of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb Heaven 0ym$
in Heaven 0ym$b Who is yhwty0d He wh
Moses 0$wm lifted up Myr0d & just as 0nky0w
is going dyt( thus 0nkh in the wilderness 0rbdmb the serpent 0ywx
of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb to be lifted up wmrttml
in Him hb who believes Nmyhmd man $n0 that every lkd
but 0l0 shall be lost db0n not 0l
for him hlthere shall be Nwwhn
eternal Ml(ld life 0yx
loved bx0 for ryg In this way 0nkh
the world 0ml(l God 0hl0
that His Son hrbld in what manner? 0nky0
that everyone lkd He would give up ltn The Only Begotten 0ydyxy
not 0l in Him hb trusts Nmyhmd who Nm
there shall be Nwwhn but 0l0 shall be lost db0n

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eternal Ml(ld life 0yx to him hl

His Son hrbl God 0hl0 sent rd$ for ryg not 0l
that He might condemn yhwynwdnd into the world 0ml(l
that He might give life 0xnd but 0l0 the world 0ml(l
in His hand hdy0b to the world 0ml(l
not 0l in Him hb believes Nmyhmd whoever Nm
believes Nmyhm not 0ld & whoever Nmw is being judged Nydttm
he believes Nmyh because not 0ld is wh judged Nyd already wdk Nm
of God 0hl0d The Son hrb of The Only Begotten 0ydyxyd in His name hm$b
has come 0t0 the Light 0rhwnd:the judgement 0nyd but Nyd this is wnh
the children of men 0$nynb & loved wbx0w into the world 0ml(l
The Light 0rhwnld than Nm more ryty the darkness 0kw$xl
evil 0$yb their works Nwhydb( for ryg were wwh they Nwhyty0
doing db( what is hated 0tynsd for ryg everyone lk
comes 0t0 & not 0lw the light 0rhwnl hates 0ns
his works yhwdb( be convicted Nwssktn lest 0ld to the light 0rhwnl
comes 0t0 The Truth 0rr$ who does db(d but Nyd he wh
that may be revealed Nw(dytnd the Light 0rhwn to twl
they are performed Nydyb( that by God 0hl0bd his works yhwdb(
came 0t0 these things Nylh after rtb
& his disciples yhwdymltw Yeshua (w$y
& there Nmtw of Judea dwhyd to the land 0(r0l
& baptized dm(mw with them Nwhm( he 0wh was employed Kphtm
was 0wh baptizing dm(m but Nyd John Nnxwy also P0
because l+m Shalim Myl$ the side of bng upon l(d in Ainion Nwyny(b
there Nmt were wwh ty0 the waters 0ymd
& were baptized Nydm(w were wwh also coming Nyt0w many 00ygs
had 0wh fallen lpn yet lykd( for ryg not 0l
into prison 0rys0 tyb John Nnxwy
for one dxl a dispute 0t(b but Nyd there twh was twh
of John Nnxwyd the disciples yhwdymlt from Nm
purification 0tykdt about l( certain dx a Judean 0ydwhy with M(
& they said wrm0w John Nnxwy to twl & they came wt0w
was 0wh who with you Km(d he wh our master Nbr to him hl
of whom you tn0d of Jordan Nndrwyd at the crossing 0rb(b
also P0 Behold 0h about him yhwl( testified tdhs
is baptizing dm(m He wh
to him htwl are coming Nyt0 & many 00ygsw
not 0l to them Nwhl & said rm0w John Nnxwy answered 0n(
from Nm receive bsml a son of man 0$nrb can xk$m
of himself h$pn the will twbc
it is given bhyt0 unless N0 0l0 anything Mdm
Heaven 0ym$ from Nm to him hl
to meyl are Nwtn0 bearing witness Nydhs you Nwtn0
The Messiah 0xy$m am tywh not 0l that I 0n0d that I said trm0d

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before Him yhwmdqd I am 0n0 one sent 0xyl$ but 0l0

the bride 0tlkto him hl is ty0d He who Nm
but Nyd the friend hmxr is wh the bridegroom 0ntx
who stands M0qd he wh of the bridegroom 0ntxd
great 0tbr in joy 0twdx to him hl & listens t0cw
the voice hlq because of l+m rejoices 0dx
therefore lykh this 0dh of the bridegroom 0ntxd
is full 0ylmm Behold 0h my ylyd joy 0twdx
it is necessary 0lw it wh for Him whl
to decrease rcbml & for me ylw increase 0brml
came 0t0 above l(l who from Nmd for ryg He wh
He is wh all lk higher than Nm l(l
the earth 0(r0 who is from Nmd & he whw
is wh the soil 0(r0 from Nm
is speaking llmm the earth 0(r0 & from Nmw
The Heavens 0ym$ who from Nmd is wh
is wh all lk higher than Nm l(l came 0t0
& he heard (m$w that he saw 0zxd & the thing Mdmw
& his testimony htwdhsw he was testifying dhsm
it wh is receiving lbqm a man $n0 not 0l
His testimony htwdhs who receives lbqd but Nyd He wh
is wh true 0ryr$ that God 0hl0d attests Mtx
has sent hrd$ God 0hl0d for ryg He Whom 0ny0
does speak llmm of God 0hl0d He wh the words 0lm
in a measure 0lykb for ryg it was 0wh not 0l
The Spirit 0xwr God 0hl0 has given bhy
things Mdm & all lkw The Son 0rbl loves bxm The Father 0b0
into His hands yhwdy0b He has given bhy
in The Son 0rbb is trusting Nmyhmd whoever Nm
eternal Ml(ld the life 0yx for him hl there is ty0
disobeys syp+tm 0ld & whoever Nmw
but 0l0 life 0yx shall see 0zxn not 0l The Son 0rbl
against him yhwl( shall stand 0wqn of God 0hl0d the rage hzgwr
The Gospel Of John
Chapter 4
that heard w(m$d Yeshua (w$y but Nyd knew (dy
He made db( many 00ygs that disciples 0dymltd Pharisees 0$yrp
John Nnxwy than Nm more ryty & was baptizing dm(mw
Yeshua (w$y Himself wh it was 0wh not 0l when dk
His disciples were yhwdymlt but 0l0 was 0wh baptizing dm(m
& went on lz0w Judea dwhyl & He left hqb$w
to Galilee 0lylgl again bwt Himself hl
but Nyd for him hl it was twh necessary 0db(m
pass beyond rb(n that He should come 0t0nd
of the Samaritans 0yrm$ the house tyb beyond l(

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Samaritan 0yrm$d to a city 0tnydml & He came 0t0w
on l( Shikar rk$ that is called 0yrqtmd
of the village 0tyrq the side bng
his son hrb to Joseph Pswyl Jacob bwq(y had 0wh that given bhyd
there Nmt & there was 0wh ty0w
of water 0ymd a spring 0ny(m
but Nyd it is wh of Jacob bwq(yd
was 0wh weary 00l Yeshua (w$y
of the road 0xrw0d the labor 0lm( from Nm
Himself hl he was 0wh & sitting down btyw
the spring 0ny(m at l(
hour Ny($ the sixth t$ & it was ywh ty0w
Samaria Nyrm$ from Nm a woman 0ttn0 & came tt0w
to her hl & said rm0w with water 0ym to fill up 0lmtd
to drink 0t$0 water 0ym meyl give bh Yeshua (w$y
they wwh they entered wl( for ryg His disciples yhwdymlt
that they could buy Nwnbznd the city 0tnydml
provisions 0trbys for themselves Nwhl
the woman 0ttn0 that yh to Him hl she said 0rm0
How is it? 0nky0 Samaritan 0tyrm$
are tn0 a Jew 0ydwhy you tn0
should ask l0$ also of me ynmw
of one who is yty0d to drink 0t$ml you tn0
for ryg not 0l Samaritan 0tyrm$ a woman 0ttn0
The Samaritans 0yrm$ with M( The Jews 0ydwhy do associate Nyx$xtm
& said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
what is ytywh you knew 0(dy If only wl0 to her hl
& Who is wnmw of God 0hl0d the gift 0tbhwm
to drink 0t$0 Me yl Give bh to you ykl Who says rm0d This One 0nh
His hl what is ytywh would have asked for 0l0$ you ytn0
living 0yx waters 0ym you ykl He 0wh & would have given bhyw
woman 0ttn0 to him hl said 0rm0
bucket 0lwd no 0l my Lord yrm this yh
is there for you Kl ty0
is deep 0qym( & the well 0rbw
living 0yx waters 0ym are for you Kl from where? 0kmy0
our Father Nwb0 than Nm you tn0 greater br are? tn0 0ml
to us Nl gave bhy who whd he wh Jacob bwq(y
he drank yt$0 from it hnm & he whw this 0dh well 0rb
& his flock hn(w & his children yhwnbw
to her hl & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
from Nm who shall drink 0t$nd everyone lk
shall thirst 0hcn again bwt waters 0ym these Nylh
from Nm who shall drink 0t$nd but Nyd everyone lk
to him hl I will give lt0 that I 0n0d the waters 0ym
the waters 0ym but 0l0 forever Ml(l shall thirst 0hcn not 0l
to him hl I 0n0 that give bhyd those Nwnh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of water 0ymd springs 0ny(m in him hb shall be Nwwhn

eternal Ml(ld to life 0yxl that spring up Ny(bnd
this yh woman 0ttn0 to him hl said 0rm0
give bh my Lord yrm
waters 0ym these Nylh from Nm meyl
& not 0lw I shall thirst 0hc0 again bwt that not 0ld
here 0krh from Nm drawing 0yld coming 0yt0 I am tywh
call yrq Go ylz Yeshua (w$y to her hl said rm0
here 0krhl & come ytw your husband ykl(bl
to him hl she said 0rm0
a husband 0l(b there is not to me yl tyl
Yeshua (w$y to her hl said rm0
you have said ytrm0 correctly ryp$
a husband 0l(b there is not to meyl tyld
there were wwh husbands Nyl(b for ryg five 0$mx
now 0$h with you ykl that is ty0d & this one 0nhw to you ykl
your husband ykl(b is 0wh not 0l
you have said ytrm0 truly 0tryr$ this 0dh
this yh to Him hl she said 0rm0
I perceive 0yzx my Lord yrm woman 0ttn0
you are tn0 that a prophet 0ybnd I 0n0
mountain 0rw+ in this 0nhb our fathers Nyhb0
saying Nyrm0 & you Nwtn0w worshipped wdgs
is wh that in Jerusalem Ml$rw0bd are Nwtn0
to worship dgsml it is necessary 0lwd the place where rt0
woman 0ttn0 Yeshua (w$y to her hl said rm0
the hour 0t($ that is coming 0yt0d Believe me ynynmyh
neither [0l P0w] mountain 0rw+ in this 0nhb that not 0ld
The Father 0b0l will you worship Nwdgst in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b
are Nwtn0 worshiping Nydgs you Nwtn0
you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy that not 0ld the thing Mdml
that 0ml are Nnx worshiping Nydgs but Nyd we Nnx
He Who is The Life 0yxd : we Nnx which know Ny(dyd
is Nwn0 The Jews 0ydwhy from Nm
& now 0$hw the hour 0t($ is coming 0yt0 but 0l0
true 0ryr$ the worshippers 0dwgsd when ytm0 is hyty0
The Father 0b0l shall worship Nwdgsn
& in The Truth 0rr$bw in The Spirit 0xwrb
such as Ky0d for ryg The Father 0b0 also P0
is seeking 0(b worshippers 0dwgs are wh these Nylh
God 0hl0 for ryg is wh The Spirit 0xwr
in The Spirit 0xwrb Him hl who worship Nydgsd & those Nyly0w
worship Nwdgsnd it is fitting 0lw & in The Truth 0rr$bw
this yh woman 0ttn0 to him hl said 0rm0
I 0n0 know 0(dy
is coming 0t0 that The Messiah 0xy$md
He comes 0t0d & when 0mw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

all things Mdmlk us Nl will teach Plm He wh

Yeshua (w$y to her hl said rm0
I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0
with you ykm( I 0n0 Who am speaking llmmd
came wt0 He was speaking llmm & when dkw
they were wwh & amazed Nyrmdtmw His disciples yhwdymlt
the woman 0ttn0 that with M(d
a man $n0 but Nyd not 0l He was speaking llmm
you tn0 are seeking 0(b what? 0nm said rm0
with her hm( you tn0 are speaking llmm why? 0nm or w0
her cruse htlwq & she left tqb$w
to the city 0tnydml & she went tlz0w the woman 0ttn0
to the men 0$n0l & she said 0rm0w
who told rm0d a man 0rbg see wzx Comewt
thing Mdm every lk me yl
The Messiah 0xy$m Is he? wywh 0ml that I have done tdb(d
the city 0tnydm from Nm the men 0$n0 & departed wqpnw
to Him htwl they wwh & came Nyt0w
they wwh were begging Ny(b these things Nylh & in the midst of tnybw
His disciples yhwdymlt of him hnm
Eat s(l our Master Nbr to him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w
to them Nwhl said rm0 but Nyd He wh
which 0dy0 to eat lwk0d food 0tlwk0m for me yl there is ty0
are Nwtn0 knowing Ny(dy not 0l you Nwtn0d
the disciples 0dymlt were saying Nyrm0
did someone bring him? hl yty0 $n0 0ml among themselves Nwhynyb
to eat lk0ml something Mdm
My food ytlwk0m Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
that I do db(0d is hyty0 belonging to Me ylyd
of Him Nmd the will hnybc
his work hdb(l & I shall finish yhwyml$0w Who has sent Me ynrd$d
say Nyrm0 do you Nwtn0 not? 0l
comes 0t0 months Nyxry four 0(br0 after rtbd
to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 Behold 0h the harvest 0dcx
the fields 0t(r0 & behold wzxw your eyes Nwkyny( lift up wmyr0d
even now wdk Nm to harvest 0dcxl & are ready y+mw that are white rwxd
wages 0rg0 reaps dcxd & whoever 0ny0w
for life 0yxl fruit 0r0p & he gathers $nkw receives bsn
& the sower 0(wrzw eternal Ml(ld
shall rejoice Nwdxn together 0dxk0 & the reaper 0dwcxw
of Truth 0rr$d a word 0tlm is hyty0 for ryg In this 0dhb
reaps dcx & another Nyrx0w sowing (rz is wh that one Nyrx0d
that not 0ld something Mdm to harvest dcxml sent you Nwktrd$ I 0n0
in it hb laboring Nwty0l you Nwtn0 were 0wh
& you Nwtn0w labored wy0l for ryg another 0nrx0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

their Nwnhd labors Nwhlm( upon l( have entered Nwtl(

but Nyd city 0tnydm that yh from Nm
in him hb believed wnmyh many 00ygs
the saying htlm because of l+m Samaritans 0yrm$
which she testified 0dhsmd that yh of the woman 0ttn0d
that I have done tdb(d everything Mdmlk meyl told rm0d He twh
those Nwnh to him htwl they came wt0 & when dkw
they requested w(b Samaritans 0yrm$
with them Nwhtwl that He would stay 0whnd from him hnm
days Nymwy two Nyrt with them Nwhtwl & he was 0whw
His word htlm because of l+m in Him hb believed wnmyh & many 00ygsw
to the woman 0ttn0l they were wwh & saying Nyrm0w
because of l+m it is 0wh not 0l that now lykmd that yh
we Nnx in him hb are Nnx believing Nynmyhm your word yktlm
that This One is wnhd & we know N(dyw we have heard N(m$ for ryg
of the world 0ml(d The Lifegiver hnyxm The Messiah 0xy$m truly ty0ryr$
Yeshua (w$y went out qpn days Nymwy two Nyrt & after rtbw
to Galilee 0lylgl & went on lz0w there Nmt from Nm
testifying dhs Yeshua (w$y for ryg had been wh
is honored rqytm not 0l in his city htnydmb that a prophet 0ybnd
to Galilee 0lylgl He came 0t0 but Nyd when dk
The Galilaeans 0ylylg received Him yhwlbq
the signs 0twt0 because they saw wzxd
in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b that He did db(d all lk
they had gone wt0 at the feast 0d(d(b
to the feast 0d(d(l they Nwnh also P0w for ryg were wwh
Yeshua (w$y again bwt but Nyd came 0t0
of Galilee 0lylgd to Qatna 0n+ql
the water 0ym He made db(d where 0ky0
in Capernakhum Mwxnrpkb there was 0wh & staying ty0w wine 0rmx
a certain dx of a king 0klm a servant db(
was 0wh ill hyrk whose son hrbd
from Nm Yeshua (w$y that came 0t0d heard (m$ this one 0nh
& he went on lz0w to Galilee 0lylgl Judea dwhy
was 0wh & imploring 0(bw to him htwl
and heal 0s0nw that he would come down twxnd him hnm
to dying tmml for ryg he was 0wh coming close: byrq his son hrbl
signs 0twt0 if N0 Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
you will see Nwzxt not 0l & wonders 0trmdtw
you will believe Nwnmyht not 0l
of the king 0klm servant db( that wh to him hl said rm0
the boy 0yl+ hl dies t0m or else 0ld( come down twx my Lord yrm
living yx your son Krb:Go lz Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
in the word 0tlmb the man 0rbg himself wh & believed Nmyhw is wh
& he went on lz0w Yeshua (w$y to him hl that said rm0d

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

was going down txn but Nyd when dk

his servants yhwdb( met him yhw(r0 he was 0wh
& they were saying Nyrm0w & they announced good news to him yhwrbsw
is saved 0yx your son Krb to him hl
time 0nd( in which 0ny0b them Nwn0 & he asked l0$w
yesterday ylmt0 to him hl they were saying Nyrm0 he was cured Mlxt0
the fever 0t$0 left him htqb$ hour Ny($ in the seventh (b$b
hour 0t($ that in this yhbd his father yhwb0 & knew (dyw
your son Krbd Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0 that in it hbd
he wh & believed Nmyhw: is saved 0yx
all hlk & his household htybw
Yeshua (w$y did db( second Nytrtd the sign 0t0 again bwt This is 0dh
to Galilee 0lylgl Judea dwhy from Nm He came 0t0 when dk
The Gospel Of John
Chapter 5
there was 0wh these things Nylh after rtb
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l Yeshua (w$y & went up qlsw of The Jews 0ydwhyd a feast 0d(d(
there Nmt but Nyd there was 0wh ty0
a certain 0dx place 0tkwd in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b
Byth Hesda 0dsxtyb in Hebrew ty0rb( called 0yrqtmd of baptism 0tydwm(md
porches Nyw+s0 five 0$mx in it hb & there were 0wh ty0w
were wwh lying Nymr & in these Nylhbw
who were ill 0hyrkd many 00ygs people 0m(
& malignant 0$ybyw & crippled 0sygxw & blind ones 0ymsw
of the water 0ymd the moving 0(wzl they were wwh & awaiting Nyksmw
from time to time Nbz Nbzb for ryg an angel 0k0lm
to the baptismal 0tydwm(ml to it hl was 0wh descending txn
the water 0yml for them Nwhl he 0wh & moved (yzmw
was 0wh descending txn whoever first 0ymdqd 0ny0w
of the water 0ymd the moving 0(wz after rtb Nm
of all lk himself 0wh was cured Mlxtm
to him hl there was 0wh ty0d whatever 0ny0 sickness 0b0k
who thirty Nytltd a certain dx man 0rbg there Nmt but Nyd there was 0wh ty0
in the disease 0nhrwkb was 0wh yhwty0 years Nyn$ & eight 0nmtw
& knowing (dyw lying 0mrd Yeshua (w$y saw 0zx this one 0nhl
upon him hl it is ty0 long 00ygs that a time 0nbzd
that you should be cured Mlxttd you tn0 Do want? 0bc to him hl & He said rm0w
& said rm0w the sick one 0hyrk he wh answered 0n(
but Nyd for meyl there is not tyl my Lord yrm Oh Ny0
the waters 0ym are moved w(yztt0d who when 0md a man $n0
while d( but 0l0 in the baptismal 0tydwm(mb shall lay me ynymrn
descends txn before me ymdq Nm another Nyrx0 am 0n0 coming 0t0 I 0n0
stand up Mwq Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
& walk Klhw your bed Ksr( pick up lwq$
that wh man 0rbg was healed Mlxt0 an hour ht($ & son of rbw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& he walked Klhw his bed hsr( took lq$ & he stood up Mqw
was it twh the Sabbath 0tb$ the day 0mwy was wh & it whw
The Jews 0ydwhy to him hl & were saying Nyrm0w
it is yh The Sabbath 0tb$ who was healed ys0t0d to him whl
your bed Ksr( that you carry lwq$td to you Kl it is permitted +yl$ not 0l
to them Nwhl & said rm0w answered 0n( but Nyd he wh
He wh well 0mylx The One who made me yndb(d He wh
& walk Klhw your bed Ksr( Take up lwq$d to me yl said rm0
Man 0rbg This 0nh Who is? wnm & they asked him yhwl0$w
& walk Klhw your bed Ksr( Take up lwq$d to you Kl Who said rm0d
was 0wh knowing (dy not 0l that was healed ys0t0d but Nyd he wh
had withdrawn yngt0 for ryg Yeshua (w$y Who is wnm
great 00ygs in the crowd 0$nkb Himself hl He 0wh
that yh in place 0tkwdb that was 0wh ty0d
in the temple 0lkyhb Yeshua (w$y found him hxk$0 a time Nbz after rtb
again bwt you are tn0 well Mylx Behold 0h to him hl & said rm0w
to you Kl shall happen 0whn lest 0mld sin 0+xt do not 0l
before 0ymdq worse than Nm $ybd something Mdm
to the Jews 0ydwhyl & said rm0w man 0rbg that wh & went on lz0w
Who had healed him hmlx0d He wh was wh that Jesus (w$yd
The Jews 0ydwhy were wwh pursuing Nypdr this 0dh & because of l+mw
to kill Him hl+qml they were wwh & seeking Ny(bw Y($hc0 (w$yl
on the Sabbath 0tb$b He 0wh did db( because these things Nylhd
My Father yb0 to them Nwhl said rm0 Y($hc0 (w$y but Nyd Himself wh
am 0n0 working db( I 0n0 also P0 is working db( this hour 0$hl until 0md(
were wwh seeking Ny(b especially ty0ryty this 0dh & because of l+mw
only dwxlb not 0l to kill Him hl+qml The Jews 0ydwhy
also P0 but 0l0 the Sabbath 0tb$ He 0wh because broke 0r$d
is yhwty0 His Father yhwb0d God 0hl0 because He alleged l(d
also equal 0w$mw He 0wh saying rm0
God 0hl0 with M( Himself h$pn was 0wh
to them Nwhl & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y but Nyd answered 0n(
you Nwkl I 0n0 tell rm0 [Timeless Truth] Amen Nym0 Amen Nym0
anything Mdm do db( the Son 0rb can xk$m that not 0ld
that He sees 0zxd the thing Mdm but 0l0 of Himself h$pn the will twbc from Nm
that the Father 0b0d for ryg those things Nyly0 is doing db(d The Father 0b0l
does db( like Him htwk0 The Son 0rb also P0 these Nylh does db(
His Son hrbl loves Mxr for ryg The Father 0b0
Him hl He shows 0wxm that He does db(d & everything Mdmlkw
He shows 0wxm deeds 0db( these Nylh than Nm & greater Nyrytydw
may be astonished Nwrmdtt that you Nwtn0d Him hl
the dead 0tym raises Myqm The Father 0b0d for ryg just as 0nky0
The Son 0rb also P0 thus 0nkh to them Nwhl & gives life 0xmw
He gives life 0xm whom He will 0bcd to those Nyly0l
a man $n0l Who judges N0d The Father 0b0 for ryg it is 0wh not 0l

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to The Son 0rbl He has given hbhy judgment 0nyd all hlk but 0l0
The Son 0rbl should honor rqyn that everyone $nlkd
is wh The Father 0b0l one honoring rqymd as Ky0
The Son 0rbl honoring rqym He who is not 0ld
Who sent Him hrd$d The Father 0b0l honoring rqym is not 0l
to you Nwkl I 0n0 speak rm0 [Timeless Truth] Amen Nym0 Amen Nym0
Him Who Nml & trusts in Nmyhmw My word ytlm hears (m$d that whoever Nmd
eternal Ml(ld The Life 0yx to him hlthere is ty0 has sent Me ynrd$d
but 0l0 he comes 0t0 not 0l & into judgment 0nydlw
into life 0yxl death 0twm from Nm he hl moves yn$
to you Nwkl I 0n0 speak rm0 [Timeless Truth] Amen Nym0 Amen Nym0
it is hyty0 this hour 0$h also P0 the hour 0t($ that is coming 0yt0d
the voice hlq shall hear Nw(m$n the dead 0tymd when ytm0
shall live Nwxn that hear Ny(m$d & they Nwnhw of God 0hl0d of the Son hrbd
The Life 0yx is ty0 with The Father 0b0ld for ryg just as 0nky0
also P0 He has given bhy thus 0nkh in His Person hmwnqb
in His Person hmwnqb The Life 0yx that He have Nwwhnd to The Son 0rbl
that He may be 0whnd & He has given Him authority h+l$0w
judgement 0nyd also P0 doing db(
of Man 0$n0d but Nyd He is wh Because the Son hrbd
that is coming 0yt0d at this 0dhb be astonished Nwrmdtt do not 0l
which Nyly0 all of them Nwhlkd when ytm0 the hour 0t($
His voice hlq shall hear Nw(m$n are Nwn0 in the graves 0rbqbd
good deeds 0tb+ who have done wdb(d those Nyly0 & shall come out Nwqpnw
& those Nyly0w of life 0yxd to the resurrection 0tmyql
of judgement 0nydd to the resurrection 0tmyql evil deeds 0t$yb who have done wdb(d
the will twbc from Nm anything Mdm I 0n0 can xk$m not 0l
according to 0nky0 but 0l0 do db(ml of myself y$pn
judge N0d I 0n0 that which heard (m$d
is wh just Ny0k & My judgment ynydw I 0n0
My will ynybc I am 0n0 seeking 0(b for ryg not 0l
has sent Me ynrd$d of Him Who Nmd the will hnybc but 0l0
Myself y$pn about l( am 0n0 testifying dhsm I 0n0 if N0
true 0ryr$ is twh not 0l My testimony ytwdhs
I 0n0 & know (dyw about Me yl( Who testifies dhsmd There is wh is wh Another Nyrx0
about Me yl( that He testifies dhsmd His testimony htwdhs is yh that true 0ryr$d
John Nnxwy to twl sent Nwtrd$ you Nwtn0
The Truth 0rr$ about l( & he testified dhs0w
was 0wh not 0l but Nyd I 0n0
receiving bsn a son of man 0$nrb from Nm
but 0l0 the testimony 0twdhs I 0n0
may live Nwxt that you Nwtn0d I 0n0 say rm0 these things Nylh
was 0wh a lamp 0gr$ he wh
were willing Nwtybc & you Nwtn0w & shining rhnmw blazing qldd
in his light hrhwnb of the time 0t($d to boast Nwrhbt$td

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testimony 0twdhs My yl is ty0 but Nyd unto Me yl
Johns Nnxwyd than Nm greater 0brd
that gave bhyd for ryg the works 0db(
them Nwn0 that I would finish Ml$0d My Father yb0 to Meyl
testify Nydhs I 0n0 that did db(d works 0db( those Nwnh
has sent Me ynxl$ that the Father 0b0d unto Me yl(
Who sent Me ynxl$d & The Father 0b0w
not 0l of Me yl( testifies dhs He wh
have you heard Nwt(m$ from eternity Mwtmm His voice hlq
have you seen Nwtyzx His appearance hwzx & not 0lw
because l+m in you Nwkb is abiding 0ywqm not 0l & His word htlmw
you Nwtn0 has sent rd$ Whom He whd in Him whbd
are Nwtn0 trusting Nynmyhm not 0l
are hoping Nyrbsm for in them Nwhbd the scriptures 0btk Search wcb
there is ty0 eternal Ml(ld life 0yxd you Nwtn0
concerning Me yl( are testifying Nydhs & they Nwnhw to you Nwkl
you are Nwtn0 willing Nybc & not 0lw
to Me ytwl that you should come Nwt0td
yours Nwkl should be Nwwhn eternal Ml(ld that life 0yxd
the children ynb from Nm glory 0xbw$
I 0n0 receive bsn not 0l of men 0$n0
that the love hbwxd I know you Nwkt(dy but 0l0
in you Nwkb is not tyl of God 0hl0d
of My Father yb0d in His name hm$b have come tyt0 I 0n0
& if N0w Me yl you are Nwtn0 receiving Nylbqm & not 0lw
of himself h$pn in the name M$b shall come 0t0n another Nyrx0
you shall receive Nwlbqt him whl
trust wnmyhml you Nwtn0 can Nyxk$m How? 0nky0
another dx from Nm one dx who glory 0xbw$d
& the glory 0xbw$w are Nwtn0 receiving Nylbqm
you are Nwtn0 seeking Ny(b not 0l God 0hl0 The One dx from Nmd
think Nyrbs Do? 0ml
before Mdq accusing you Nwkycrq am 0n0 lk0 that I 0n0d you Nwtn0
accuses you Nwkycrq lk0d one who Nm there is yhwty0 The Father 0b0
you hope Nwtrbs in whom hbd he wh Moses 0$wm
you have trusted Nwtnmyh Moses 0$wmb for ryg If wl0
you would be Nwtywh trusting Nynmyhm Me yb also P0
he wrote btk about Me yl( for ryg Moses 0$wm
believing Nynmyhm not 0l of him whd his writings yhwbtkl & if N0w
will you believe Nwnmyht My ylyd words ylml how? 0nky0 you are Nwtn0

The Gospel Of John

Chapter 6

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to the other side 0rb(l Yeshua (w$y went lz0 these things Nylh after rtb
of Tiberias swyrb+d of Galilee 0lylgd of the Sea 0myd
after him hrtb & were going wlz0w
were seeing Nyzxd because l+m great 00ygs crowds 0$nk
on the sick 0hyrkb He did db(d the miracles 0twt0 they wwh
there Nmtw to a mountain 0rw+l Yeshua (w$y & went up qlsw &
His disciples yhwdymlt with M( He 0wh sat down bty
but Nyd was 0wh drawing near byrq
)of The Jews 0ydwhyd of The Passover 0xcpd the feast 0d(d
crowds 0$nk & saw 0zxw Yeshua (w$y His eyes yhwny( & lifted up Myr0w
to him htwl that were coming 0t0d great 00ygs
from where? 0kmy0 to Phillip swpylypl & He said rm0w
these Nylh so may eat Nwlk0nd bread 0mxl shall we buy Nbzn
when dk He said rm0 but Nyd this 0dh
knew (dy for ryg He was wh him hl testing 0snm
to do db(ml He was going dyt( what 0nm He 0wh
Phillip swpylyp to Him hl said rm0
not 0l of bread 0mxl denarii Nyrnyd two hundred Nyt0md
a very lylq when dk for them Nwhl is enough qps
to each dx one dx little lylq
receives bsn from them Nwhnm
his disciples yhwdymlt from Nm one dx to him hl said rm0
Keepha 0p0k of Shimeon Nw(m$d brother yhwx0 Andraus sw0rdn0
upon him yhwl( who has ty0d one dx a boy 0yl+ here Nnt there is ty0
of barley bread 0r(sd loaves Ncyrg five $mx
what? 0nm these Nylh but 0l0 fish Nynwn & two Nyrtw
all of them Nwhlk to these Nylhl are they Nwn0
make wdb( Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
be seated Nwkmtsnd all of them Nwhlk the people 0$n0
)in place 0tkwdb in it hb there was 0wh much ygs but Nyd grass 0bs
they were seated wkmts0w that yh &
thousand Nypl0 five 0$mx in number 0nynmb the men 0rbg
the bread 0mxl Yeshua (w$y & took lq$w
distributed glpw & blessed Krbw &
who were seated Nykymsd to them Nwnhl
from Nm also P0 & thus 0nkhw
as they wanted wbcd as much 0mk the fish 0nwn
He said rm0 they were full w(bs & when dkw
gather w$nkto his disciples yhwdymltl
that are left over wrtyd the fragments 0ycq
anything Mdm should be lost db0n lest 0ld
twelve rs(rt & filled wlmw & they gathered w$nkw
which Nyly0 of fragments 0ycq large baskets Nynypwq
to them Nwnhl were left over wrtyd
the five 0$mx from Nm who ate wlk0d
of barley bread 0r(sd loaves Nymxl

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

who saw wzxd people 0$n0 but Nyd those Nwnh
Yeshua (w$y that did db(d the miracle 0t0
This is wnh truly ty0ryr$ were wwh saying Nyrm0
to the world 0ml(l Who is coming 0t0d The Prophet 0ybn
that they were prepared Nydyt(d knew (dy but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
make Him yhynwdb(nw seize Him yhynwp+xn to come Nwt0nd &
Himself hl & He withdrew yn$w King 0klm
alone yhwdwxlb that wh to mountain 0rw+l
evening 0$mr it was 0wh & when dkw
to the sea 0myl His disciples yhwdymlt went down wtxn
they were wwh & coming Nyt0w in the boat 0tnypsb & they sat wbtyw
it was twh & growing dark tk$xw to Kapernakhum Mwxnrpkl to the shore 0rb(l
had 0wh come yt0 & not 0lw hl
Yeshua (w$y unto them Nwhtwl
itself 0wh rose up Pqdz0 but Nyd the sea 0my
)a wind 0xwrd because l+m against them Nwhyl
was twh blowing tb$n great 0tbr
furlongs 0twd+s0 about Ky0 & they drove wrbdw
)thirty Nytlt or w0 & five 0$mxw twenty Nyrs
when dk Yeshua (w$yl & they saw wzxw
the lake 0tmy on l( He was walking Klhm
he drew near brq & when dkw
they were afraid wlxd the ship Nwhtnyps to twl
said rm0 Yeshua (w$y but Nyd Himself wh
be afraid Nwlxdt do not 0l I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0 to them Nwhl
into the boat 0tnypsb to receive Him yhynwlbqnd they wwh & wanted wbcw
boat 0tnyps & immediately 0t($b hbw
that yh the land 0(r0 at twl was twh that yh
hl they wwh to which were going Nylz0d
crowd 0$nk that wh after it hrtbd & the day 0mwylw
at the shore 0rb(b was 0wh that standing M0qd
boat 0tnypsd saw that wzx of the sea 0myd
there was 0wh not tyl another 0trx0
on which embarked wqlsd that yh except N0 0l0 there Nmt
had 0wh entered l( & that not 0ldwthe disciples 0dymlt hl
)with M( Yeshua (w$y with them Nwhm
into the boat 0tnypsl his disciples yhwdymlt
from Nm other 0tynrx0 ships 0pl0 but Nyd had ywh come yt0
+that yh of place 0tkwd the side bng on l( Tiberias swyrb
when dk the bread 0mxl hb in which they ate wlk0d
Yeshua (w$y blessed it Krb
the crowd 0$nk that wh saw 0zx & when dkw
Yeshua (w$y there Nmt was 0wh that not 0ld
they embarked wqls his disciples yhwdymlt neither 0lp0
to Kapernakhum Mwxnrpkl & they came wt0w ships 0pl0 these Nylhl
Yeshua (w$yl hl they were wwh & looking for Ny(bw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

at the other side 0rb(b they found Him yhwxk$0 & when dkw
to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0 of the sea 0myd
here 0krhl did you come tyt0 when? ytm0 our Master Nbr
)to them Nwhl & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n
I 0n0 speak rm0 [Timeless Truth] Amen Nym0 Amen Nym0
Meyl you Nwtn0 that seek Ny(bd to you Nwkl
because l+m it was 0wh not 0l
but 0l0 the signs 0twt0 you saw Nwtyzxd
you were full Nwt(bsw bread 0mxl because you ate Nwtlk0d &
that perishes 0db0d for food 0tlwk0m work Nwxlpt Do not 0l
to the Life 0yxl that endures 0ywqmd for food 0tlwk0m but 0l0
of Man 0$n0d the Son hrbd which 0dy0 eternal Ml(ld
This One 0nhl to you Nwkl shall give ltn
God 0hl0 has sealed Mtx The Father 0b0 for ryg
shall we do db(n what? 0nm to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0
of God 0hl0d the service 0db( that we may work xwlpnd
)this is wnh to them Nwhl & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n
)that you trust Nwnmyhtd of God 0hl0d the service 0db
has sent rd$ He whd in Him Whom Nmb
what? 0nm to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0
that we may see 0zxnd you tn0 will do db( sign 0t0
you tn0 will perform r(s what? 0nm in you Kb & we may believe Nmyhnw
in the wilderness 0rbdmb ate wlk0 manna 0nnm our forefathers Nyhb0
from Nm that bread 0mxld it is written bytkd just as 0nky0
$to eat lk0ml to them Nwhl He gave bhy Heaven 0ym
Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
speak rm0 [Timeless Truth] Amen Nym0 Amen Nym0
it was 0wh that not 0ld to you Nwkl I 0n0
from Nm the bread 0mxl you Nwkl giving bhy Moses 0$wm
$gave bhy My Father yb0 but 0l0 The Heavens 0ym
Heaven 0ym$ from Nm of Truth 0t$wqd the bread 0mxl you Nwkl
He wh is yhwty0 of God 0hl0d for ryg The Bread hmxl
Heaven 0ym$ from Nm Who descended txnd
to the world 0ml(l life 0yx & gave bhyw
our Lord Nrm to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0
this 0nh bread 0mxl to us Nl give bh always Nbzlkb
I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0 Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
to me ytwl comes 0t0d whoever Nm of Life 0yxd The Bread 0mxl
trusts Nmyhmd & whoever Nmw will hunger Npkn not 0l
for eternity Ml(l will thirst 0hcn not 0l in me yb
that you have seen Me ynnwtyzxd to you Nwkl I said trm0 but 0l0
you are Nwtn0 believing Nynmyhm & not 0lw
to meyl whom has given bhyd everyone lk
whoever Nmw will come 0t0n to me ytwl My Father yb0 &
outside rbl I shall cast hqp0 not 0l will come 0t0n to me ytwld

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

not 0l Heaven 0ym$ from Nm For I came down ttxnd

but 0l0 My will ynybc that I might do db(0d it was 0wh
sent Me ynrd$d of Him Who Nmd the will hnybc that I might do db(0d
sent Me ynrd$d of Him Who Nmd the will hnybc but Nyd this is wnh
not 0l to Me yl whom He gave bhyd that everyone lkd
I shall raise him yhwymyq0 but 0l0 from Him hnm I shall destroy dbw0
the last 0yrx0 in the day 0mwyb
that everyone lkd of My Father yb0d the will hnybc for ryg This is wnh
in Him hb & trusts Nmyhmw The Son 0rbl who sees 0zxd
eternal Ml(ld life 0yx to him hl there will be Nwwhn
the last 0yrx0 in the day 0mwyb shall raise Him yhwymyq0 & I 0n0w
about him yhwl( were wwh murmuring Nyn+r but Nyd The Jews 0ydwhy
The Bread 0mxl I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0d for saying rm0d
Heaven 0ym$ from Nm I Who have descended ttxnd
not 0l they were wwh & saying Nyrm0w
Yeshua (w$y this 0nh is? 0wh
him wh of Joseph pswyd The son hrb
his mother hm0lw his father yhwb0l know Ny(dy of whom we Nnxd &
does say rm0 & in which way? 0nky0w
I have come down ttxn Heaven 0ym$ that from Nmd this one 0nh
)to them Nwhl & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n
another dx with M( one dx mutter Nwn+rt Do not 0l
to Me ytwl come 0t0nd can xk$m a man $n0 not 0l
will draw him hdgn unless N0 0l0
Who has sent Me ynrd$d The Father 0b0
the last 0yrx0 in the day 0mwyb shall raise him yhwymyq0 & I 0n0w
in the prophets 0ybnb for ryg it is written bytk
of God 0hl0d taught 0plm all of them Nwhlk will be Nwwhnd
:has heard (m$d whoever Nm everyone lk
has learned Plyw The Father 0b0 from Nm therefore lykh &
to Me ytwl comes 0t0 from Him hnm
a man $n0 seen 0zxd has 0wh not 0l
He Who Nm but 0l0 the Father 0b0l
is yhwty0 God 0hl0 from Nmd
The Father 0b0l has seen 0zx He wh Himself wh
speak rm0 [Timeless Truth] Amen Nym0 Amen Nym0
in me yb trusts Nmyhmd that whoever Nmd to you Nwkl I 0n0
eternal Ml(ld life 0yx for him hl there is ty0
of Life 0yxd The Bread 0mxl I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0
Manna 0nnm ate wlk0 your Fathers Nwkyhb0
they died wtymw in the wilderness 0rbdmb &
The Bread 0mxl but Nyd This is wnh
Heaven 0ym$ from Nm that came down txnd
from it hnm a man $n0 that may eat lwk0nd
will die twmn & not 0lw

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

living 0yx The Bread 0mxl I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0
I have descended ttxn Heaven 0ym$ Who from Nmd
this 0nh from Nm will eat lwk0n a man $n0 & if N0w
the bread 0mxlw for eternity Ml(l he will live 0xn bread 0mxl &
is wh my body yrgp shall give lt0 which I 0n0d that 0ny0
I 0n0 give bhy of the world 0ml(d the life yhwyx that for the sake of yp0 l(d
one dx The Jews 0ydwhy but Nyd they were wwh arguing Nycn
)how? 0nky0 & they were saying Nyrm0w another dx with M
His body hrgp This one 0nh is able xk$m
to eat lk0ml to us Nl to give ltnd
Amen Nym0 Amen Nym0 Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl & said rm0w
[that unless 0l0d to you Nwkl I 0n0 speak rm0 [Timeless Truth
of Man 0$n0d of The Son hrbd the body hrgp you will eat Nwlk0t
there is not tyl His blood hmd & you will drink Nwt$tw
in yourselves Nwkmwnqb life 0yx for you Nwkl
from Nm but Nyd eats lk0d whoever Nm
my blood ymd from Nm & drinks 0t$w My body yrgp
eternal Ml(ld life 0yx for him hl there is ty0
the last 0yrx0 in the day 0mwyb will raise him yhwymyq0 & I 0n0w
food 0tlwk0m is yhwty0 truly ty0ryr$ for ryg My body yrgp
drink 0yt$m is yhwty0 truly ty0ryr$ & My blood ymdw
My blood ymd & drinks 0t$w My body yrgp eats lk0d whoever Nm
in Him hb & I 0n0w abides 0wqm in Me yb
The Living One 0yx The Father 0b0 has sent Me ynrd$d just as 0nky0
whoever Nmw The Father 0b0 because of l+m am 0n0 living yx & I 0n0w &
because of Me ytl+m will live 0xn he wh also P0 will eat me ynlk0nd
that came down txnd The Bread 0mxl This is wnh
it is 0wh not 0l Heaven 0ym$ from Nm
your fathers Nwkyhb0 ate wlk0d as Ky0
eats lk0d whoever Nm: & have died wtymw Manna 0nnm
for eternity Ml(l shall live 0xn bread 0mxl this 0nh
in the synagogue 0t$wnkb He said rm0 these things Nylh
in Kapernakhum Mwxnrpkb He taught Plm when dk
his disciples yhwdymlt among Nm who heard w(m$d & many 00ygsw
saying 0tlm is yh Hard 0y$q were saying Nyrm0
to hear it h(m$ml able xk$m who is? wnm this 0dh
in His Soul h$pnb knew (dy but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
this 0dh about l( that were murmuring Nyn+rd
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w His disciples yhwdymlt
you Nwkl stumbles? 0l$km this 0dh
therefore lykh you will see Nwzxt Truly N0
to the place rt0l ascending qlsd of Man 0$n0d The Son hrbl
the first Mydq from Nm He 0wh where was yhwty0d
the body 0rgp The Life Giver 0yxmd is yh The Spirit 0xwr
that I 0n0d the words 0lm anything Mdm benefit 0nhm does not 0l
are Nyn0 Spirit 0xwr with you Nwkm( speak tllm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

are Nyn0 & Life 0yxw

from you Nwknm men 0$n0 there are ty0 but 0l0
knew (dy are believing Nynmyhm that not 0ld
the first Mydq from Nm Yeshua (w$y for ryg Himself 0wh
whoever Nyly0 they were Nwn0 who Nm
were believing Nynmyhm not 0ld
Him hl who would betray Ml$md he wh & who was wNmw
this 0nh because of l+m to them Nwhl He 0wh & said rm0w
come 0t0nd can xk$m man $n0 that no 0ld to you Nwkl I said trm0
to him hl it has been given byhy unless 0l0 to me ytwl
My Father yb0 from Nm
saying 0tlm this 0dh because of l+m
back of them Nwhrtsbl went wlz0 His disciples yhwdymlt of Nm many 00ygs
with Him hm( were wwh walking Nyklhm & not 0lw
ml to the twelve htrs(rtl Yeshua (w$y & said rm0w0
to leave lz0ml you Nwtn0 desiring Nybc are? Nwtn0 also P0
)said rm0w Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$ answered 0n &
the words 0lm shall we go] lz0n whom? Nm to twl my Lord yrm
with You Kl are ty0 eternal Ml(ld of life 0yxd
that You tn0d & know N(dyw believe Nnmyh & we Nnxw
The Living 0yx of God 0hl0d The Son hrb The Messiah 0xy$m are wh
was it 0wh not? 0l Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
of you NwkNmw twelve rs(rtl have chosen you Nwktybg I 0n0 &
is wh a satan 0n+s one dx
Jehudah 0dwhy about l( but Nyd This 0wh He said rm0
Scariota 0+wyrks Shimeon Nw(m$ son of rb
he who would betray Him yhwyml$nd was 0wh going to be dyt( for ryg he wh
the twelve rs(rt from Nm one dx
The Gospel Of John
Chapter 7
was 0wh walking Klhm these things Nylh after rtb
wanted 0bc for ryg not 0l in Galilee 0lylgb Yeshua (w$y
because l+m in Judea dwhyb to walk wklhml He 0wh
to kill Him hl+qml were wwh seeking Ny(b The Judeans 0ydwhyd
of The Judeans 0ydwhyd of tabernacles 0l+md the feast 0d(d( was 0wh & near byrqw
His brothers yhwx0 to Him hl & said wrm0w
from here 0km yourself Kl remove 0n$ to Jesus (w$yl
that may see Nwzxnd to Judea dwhyl & go lzw
you tn0 that do db(d the works 0db( your disciples Kydymlt
anything Mdm doing db(d a man $n0 for ryg there is not tyl
openly 0ylgbd it wh & he wanted 0bcw in secret 0y$w+b
show 0wx you are tn0 doing db( these things Nylh if N0 done 0whn
to the world 0ml(l yourself K$pn

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

believing wnmyh His brothers yhwx0 for ryg not 0l also P0

in Jesus (w$yb hb were wwh
ylyd My time ynbz Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
not 0l this hour 0$hl until 0md(
Nwklyd but Nyd your time Nwknbz has come 0+m
is prepared by+m in every moment Nd( lkb
Me yl hate you Nwknsml the world 0ml( can xk$m not 0l
am 0n0 testifying dhsm I 0n0d because l+m it hates 0ns but Nyd
are Nwn0 evil Ny$yb that its servants,[works] yhwdb(d about it yhwl(
this 0nh to feast 0d(d(l go up wqs you Nwtn0
now 0$h am 0n0 going up qls not 0l I 0n0
because l+m this 0nh to feast 0d(d(l
yet lykd( not 0l my ylyd time 0nbzd
is finished Ml$
He said rm0 these things Nylh
in Galilee 0lylgb hl & He remained $pw
His brothers yhwx0 went up wqls but Nyd when dk
went up qls He wh also P0 then Nydyh to the feast 0d(d(l
secretly 0y$w+bd as Ky0 but 0l0 openly 0ylgb not 0l
were wwh seeking Ny(b but Nyd The Judeans 0ydwhy
& were saying Nyrm0w in the feast 0d(d(b Him hl
He wh where is? wky0 they wwh
ty0 because of Him htl+m much 00ygs & murmuring 0n+rw
there were wwh ty0 in the crowd 0$nkb there was 0wh
& others 0nrx0w He is wh good b+d those who said Nyrm0d for ryg
the people 0m(l He deceives 0(+m but 0l0 no 0l werewwh saying Nyrm0
was 0wh speaking llmm openly ty0ylg a man $n0 but Nyd not 0l
of The Judeans 0ydwhyd fear 0tlxd because of l+m about Him yhwl(
of the feast 0d(d(d the days 0tmwy they cut in half wglp but Nyd when dk
He 0wh & taught Plmw to the temple 0lkyhl Yeshua (w$y came up qls
The Judeans 0ydwhy were wwh & astonished Nyrmdtmw
knows (dy How? 0nky0 & they were saying Nyrm0w
He has learned ply not 0l when dk the scrolls 0rps This One 0nh
& said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
is 0wh not 0l My learning ynplwy
of Him Who sent Me ynrd$d that which is whd but 0l0 Mine ylyd
His will hnybc that he should do db(nd is willing 0bcd whoever Nm
God 0hl0 from Nm if N0 My teaching ynplwy understands lktsm
My own y$pn pleasure twbc from Nm I 0n0 or w0 it is wh
am 0n0 speaking llmm
of his mind hny(r the pleasure twbc from Nmd whoever Nm
is wh seeking 0(b for himself h$pnl glory 0xbw$ is speaking llmm
one seeking 0(b him who sent him hrd$d from Nmd the glory 0xbw$d but Nyd
is ty0 not 0l in his heart hblb & inequity 0lw(w is wh faithful ryr$

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Moses 0$wm was it 0wh not? 0l

the Torah 0swmn to you Nwkl who gave bhy
the Torah 0swmn keeps r+n among you Nwknm a man $n0 & not 0lw
answered 0n(:to kill Me ynl+qml you Nwtn0 are seeking Ny(b Why? 0nm
a demon 0wyd & they were saying Nyrm0w the crowd 0$nk
to kill you Kl+qml seeking 0(b who is? wnm in you Kl is ty0
one dx to them Nwhl & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
are Nwtn0 astonished Nyrmdtm & all of you Nwklkw I have done tdb( work 0db(
gave bhy Moses 0$wm this 0nh because of l+m
because l+m that 0wh not 0l circumcision 0trwzg to you Nwkl
but 0l0 Moses 0$wm from Nm it is yh from him hnmd
it is yh the forefathers 0thb0 from Nmd
a son of man 0$nrb you Nwtn0 circumcise Nyrzg & in the Sabbath 0tb$bw
of the Sabbath 0tb$d in the day 0mwyb is circumcised rzgtm a son 0$nrb if N0
the Law 0swmn should be broken 0rt$n not 0ld because l+m
that entirely hlkd you Nwtn0 complain? Nyn+r against Me yl(: of Moses 0$wmd
of the Sabbath 0tb$d in the day 0mwyb I have healed tmlx0 a son of man 0$nrb
faces 0p0b by receiving bsmb judging Nynyd be Nwwht not 0l
judge wnwd just 0n0k judgment 0nyd but 0l0
Jerusalem Ml$rw0 from Nm the men 0$n0 were wwh & saying Nyrm0w
to kill l+qml Whom they seek Ny(bd He wh Is This wnh not? wl
He speaks llmm openly ty0ylg & behold 0hw
to him hl they are saying Nyrm0 not 0l & anything Mdmw
the elders Ny$y$q know w(dy can? 0mld
The Messiah 0xy$m truly ty0ryr$ that This One is wnhd
from Nm we Nnx know Ny(dy This One 0nhl but 0l0
whenever ytm0 but Nyd The Messiah 0xy$m He is wh where 0kmy0
He is wh where 0kmy0 from Nm will know (dy man $n0 no 0l He comes 0t0d
in the temple 0lkyhb He taught Plm when dk His voice hlq Yeshua (w$y & lifted up Myr0w
where 0kmy0 & from Nmw you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy Me ylw & said rm0w
My own y$pn pleasure twbc & from Nmw you Nwtn0 know ny(dy I am 0n0
He is wh true ryr$ but 0l0 I have come tyt0 not 0l
not 0l Whom you Nwtn0d He wh has sent Me ynrd$d Who Nm
Him hl do Nwtn0 know Ny(dy
because from Nmd Him hl do 0n0 know (dy but Nyd I 0n0
has sent Me ynrd$ & He whw I am 0n0 union with Him htwl
a man $n0 & not 0lw to seize Him hdx0ml & they sought w(bw
because l+m hands 0ydy0 upon Him yhwl( laid ymr0
His hour ht($ had twh come tt0 yet lykd( not 0ld
in Him hb trusted wnmyh the crowds 0$nk from Nm but Nyd many 00ygs
comes 0t0d whenever 0m The Messiah 0xy$m & they were saying Nyrm0w
these Nylh than Nm more Nrytyd will? 0ml
has done db( This One 0nh He do db(d signs 0twt0
speaking Nyllmmd the crowds 0$nkl The Pharisees 0$yrp & heard w(m$w
they Nwnh & sent wrd$w these things Nylh about Him yhwl(

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

that they would seize Him yhynwdx0nd guards 0$xd & the chief priests 0nhk ybrw
with you Nwkm( time 0nbz more bwt a little lylq Yeshua (w$y & said rm0w
has sent Me ynrd$d Him Who Nm to join twl I 0n0 & go lz0w I am 0n0
& wherever 0ky0w you shall find Me ynnwxk$t & not 0lw & you shall seek me ynnw(btw
come 0t0ml you Nwtn0 can Nyxk$m not 0l am yty0 I 0n0d
where? 0ky0l among themselves Nwh$pnb The Judeans 0ydwhy were saying Nyrm0
that we are Nnxd to go lz0ml This One 0nh is prepared dyt(
is? 0ml with Him hl to be Nnx able Nyxk$m not 0l
of the Gentiles 0mm(d to a region 0twrt0l indeed yk
the pagans 0pnxl teach Plnw to go lz0nd He prepared dyt(
that He spoke rm0d statement 0tlm this 0dh is yh what? 0nm
you will find Me ynnwxk$t & not 0lw You will seek Me ynnw(btd
not 0l you Nwtn0 am yty0 I 0n0d & wherever 0ky0w
to come 0t0ml are Nwtn0 able Nyxk$m
which is yhwty0d the great 0br but Nyd in the day 0mwyb
did 0wh stand M0q of the feast 0d(d(d the last 0yrx0
is thirsty 0hc a man $n0 if N0 & said rm0w & He proclaimed 0(qw Yeshua (w$y
& let him drink 0t$nw to Me ytwl let him come 0t0n
in Me yb trusts Nmyhmd who Nm everyone lk
rivers 0twrhn the scriptures 0btk have said wrm0d just as 0nky0
within him hsrk from Nm shall flow Nwdrn living 0yx of water 0ymd
The Spirit 0xwr about l( He spoke rm0 but Nyd this 0dh
those who Nyly0 to receive wlbqml they were wwh Whom being prepared Nydyt(d
yet lykd( for ryg not 0l in Him hb were trusting Nynmyhmd
not 0ld because l+m The Spirit 0xwr had been twh given tbhyt0
Yeshua (w$y had been 0wh glorified xbt$0 yet lykd(
who heard w(m$d the crowds 0$nk from Nm but Nyd many 00ygs
were wwh saying Nyrm0 His words yhwlm
The prophet 0ybn truly ty0ryr$ This is wnh
were wwh saying Nyrm0 others 0nrx0
were saying Nyrm0 others 0nrx0 The Messiah 0xy$m This One is wnh
The Messiah 0xy$m come 0t0 Galilee 0lylg from Nm can? 0mld
from Nmd said rm0 the scripture 0btk has 0wh not? 0l
Bethlehem Mxltyb & from Nmw of David dywdd the seed h(rz
The Messiah 0xy$m is coming 0t0 of David dywdd hlyd the village 0tyrq
division 0twglp & there was twh twhw
because of Him htl+m among the crowd 0$nkb
among them Nwhnm people Ny$n0 there were wwh ty0w
but 0l0 to seize Him yhynwdx0nd were wwh who willing Nybcd
hands 0ydy0 on Him yhwl( put ymr0 man $n0 no 0l
the priests 0nhk chief ybr to twl those Nwnh guards 0$xd & came wt0w
the priests 0nhk to them Nwhl & said wrm0w & the Pharisees 0$yrpw
have you brought Him yhynwtyty0 not 0l Why? 0nml
the guards 0$xd to them Nwhl were saying Nyrm0
has spoken llm in this manner 0nkh never Mwtmm 0l

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

This 0nh Man 0rbg speaks llmmd like Ky0 a son of man 0$nrb
the Pharisees 0$yrp to them Nwhl were saying Nyrm0
been deceived Nwty(+ you Nwtn0 also P0 have? 0ml
the leaders 0$r from Nm men $n0 have? 0ml
in Him hb trusted wnmyh the Pharisees 0$yrp from Nm or w0
who not 0ld this 0nh people 0m( however N0 0l0
are Nwn0 damned Ny+yl The Torah 0swmn do know (dy
of them Nwhnm one dx Nicodemus swmdqyn to them Nwhl said rm0
0wh who came 0t0d he is wh
at night 0yllb Yeshua (w$y to twl
condemn byxm our Nlyd Torah 0swmn Does? 0mld
one shall hear (m$n unless N0 0l0 a son of man 0$nrbl
he has done db( what 0nm & shall know (dnw first Mdqwl from him hnm
? 0ml to him hl & were saying Nyrm0w they answered wn(
are tn0 Galilee 0lylg from Nm you tn0 also P0
that a prophet 0ybnd & see yzxw search ycb
arises M0q not 0l Galilee 0lylg from Nm
Here begins the Pericope de Adultera.The Peshitta mss. do not contain this passage Jn. 7:53 8:11. It is found in The Palestinian
Syriac 5th cent. AD and in most Greek mss., as well as in most ancient versions of John. The Palestinian Aramaic text follows:
Please refer to Appendix Pericope de Adultera.
John 7:53
to his house htybl everyone dxlk then lykh went lz0
The Gospel Of John
Chapter 8
dZaytay 0tyzd to Tura

0rw+l went lz0 but Nyd Yeshua (w$y

to the temple 0lkyhl came 0t0 again bwt but Nyd In the morning 0rpcb
He sat bty & when dkw to Him htwl came 0wh 0t0 the people 0m( & all hlkw
them Nwhl He was 0wh teaching Plm
& the Pharisees 0$yrpw the Scribes 0rps but Nyd they brought wyty0
in adultery 0rwgb who was seized tdxtt0d a woman 0ttn0l
in the midst 0t(cmb they stood her hwmyq0 & when dkw
woman 0ttn0 this 0dh Teacher 0nplm to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0
of adultery 0rwgd in the act 0nr(wsb in it hb openly ty0ylg was seized tdxtt0
he commanded dqp of Moshe 0$wmd but Nyd in the Torah 0swmnbw
we shall stone Mwgrn these Nylh that such as Ky0dld
You tn0 say rm0 What? 0nm therefore lykh You tn0
Him hl they were tempting Nysnm when dk they said wrm0 This 0dh
that they should accuse Him yhynwgr+qnd for them Nwhl that it may be 0whtd so that 0nky0
stooping Nhgt0 down txtl when dk but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
the ground 0(r0 upon l( He was 0wh writing btkm
He stood up +$pt0 Him hl asking Nyl0$m when dk they persisted wrtk but Nyd as dk
sin h+x without 0ld who is yhwty0d among you Nwknm who? 0ny0 to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
a stone 0p0k upon her hyl( let him cast 0d$n first 0ymdq

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the ground 0(r0 on l( He wrote 0wh

btk stooping Nhgt0 while dk & again bwtw

one dx one dx they were wwh exiting Nyqpn they heard w(m$ when dk but Nyd these Nwnh
& she was left tqbt$0w the elders 0$y$q from Nm they began wyr$ when dk
in the midst 0t(cmb she was hyty0 when dk alone hydwxl the woman 0ttn0
to the woman 0ttn0l to her hl said rm0 Yeshua (w$y He stood up +$pt0 But Nyd when
has condemned you? ykbyx man $n0 no 0l are they Nwhyty0 Where? 0ky0
LORD GOD 0yrm man $n0 even no 0lw said trm0 But Nyd she yh
you ykl I 0n0 condemning byxm am 0n0 neither 0lp0 Yeshua (w$y but Nyd said rm0
sin Ny+xt not 0l again bwt now 0$h & from Nmw Go ylz
Yeshua (w$y with them Nwhm( spoke llm but Nyd again bwt
of the world 0ml(d the Light hrhwn I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0 & said rm0w
shall walk Klhn not 0l comes 0t0 after Me yrtbd whoever Nm
of life 0yxd the light 0rhwn hl shall find xk$n but 0l0 in darkness 0kw$xb
about l( you tn0 the Pharisees 0$yrp to him hl were saying Nyrm0
are tn0 testifying dhsm yourself K$pn
true 0ryr$ is twh not 0l your testimony Ktwdhs
even if Np0 to them Nwhl & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
myself y$pn about l( am 0n0 testifying dhsm I 0n0
I 0n0 know (dyd because l+m My testimony ytwdhs is yh true 0ryr$
going lz0 & where 0ky0lw I have come tyt0 where 0kmy0 from Nm
are Nwtn0 knowing Ny(dy not 0l but Nyd you Nwtn0 I am 0n0
where 0ky0l & not 0lw I have come tyt0 where 0kmy0 from Nm
I 0n0 go lz0
I 0n0 are Nwtn0 judging Nynyd carnally ty0nrgp you Nwtn0
am 0n0 judging N0d not 0l a man $n0l
You are judging carnally; I am judging no one.
My judgment ynyd but Nyd I 0n0 judge N0d & if N0w
alone ydwxlb I am tywh not 0ld because l+m is wh true ryr$
Who has sent Me ynrd$d & My Father yb0w I 0n0 but 0l0
the testimony 0twdhsd it is written bytk also Nyd & in your Torah Nwkswmnbw
is yh true 0ryr$ men Nyrbg of two Nyrtd
Myself y$pn of l( I 0n0 Who testify dhsd I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0
of Me yl( has testified dhs Who has sent Me ynrd$d & My Father yb0w
where is? wky0 to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0
& said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(: your Father Kwb0
Me yl neither 0lw to them Nwhl
My Father yb0l nor 0lw do you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy
you had Nwtywh known Ny(dy Me yl if wl0
you would have Nwtywh known Ny(dy My Father yb0l also P0
when dk in the treasury 0zg tyb He spoke llm words 0lm these Nylh
seized Him hdx0 man $n0 & no 0lw in the temple 0lkyhb He taught Plm
His hour ht($ had come twh tt0 yet lykd( for ryg not 0l
I 0n0 Yeshua (w$y again bwt to them Nwhl spoke rm0
& you will seek Me ynnw(btw am 0n0 moving on lz0


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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

I 0n0d & where 0ky0w in your sins Nwkyh+xb & you shall die Nwtwmtw
to come 0t0ml are Nwtn0 able Nyxk$m not 0l you Nwtn0 am 0n0 moving on lz0
Himself h$pn now yk will? 0ml The Jews 0ydwhy were saying Nyrm0
goinglz0 I 0n0d where 0ky0d because he said rm0d He kill l+q
to come 0t0ml are Nwtn0 able Nyxk$m not 0l you Nwtn0 am 0n0
below txtld from Nm you Nwtn0 to them Nwhl & He said rm0w
am 0n0 above l(ld from Nm & I 0n0w are Nwtn0
are Nwtn0 this 0nh from Nm you Nwtn0
world 0ml( this 0nh from Nm am tywh not 0l I 0n0 world 0ml(
that you shall die Nwtwmtd to you Nwkl I said trm0
you shall believe Nwnmyht for ryg unless 0l0 in your sins Nwkyh+xb
in your sins Nwkyh+xb you shall die Nwtwmt that I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0d
Who? Nm you tn0 The Judeans 0ydwhy they were saying Nyrm0
:Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said: rm0 are tn0
with you Nwkm( to talk llm0d I have begun tyr$d even though Np0
to say rm0ml concerning you Nwkyl( for Me yl there are ty0 many things ygs
has sent Me ynrd$d He Who Nm but 0l0 & to judge Ndmlw
those things Nyly0 & I 0n0w is wh true ryr$
these Nylh from Him hnm that I have heard t(m$d
in the world 0ml(b I 0n0 speaking llmm am wh
to them Nwhl He spoke rm0 The Father 0b0 that about l(d they knew w(dy & not 0lw
: Yeshua (w$y again bwt to them Nwhl spoke rm0
of Man 0$n0d the Son hrbl you have lifted up hnwmyrtd when ytm0
that I Am The Living God 0n0 0n0d you shall know Nw(dt then Nydyh
of Myself y$pn the pleasure twbc from Nm & anything Mdmw
just as 0nky0 but 0l0 I 0n0 do db( not 0l
I 0n0 speaking llmm am wh so twkh My Father yb0 has taught Me ynpl0d
& not 0lw is yhwty0 with Me ym( has sent Me ynrd$d & He who Nmw
because l+m My Father yb0 alone ydwxlb has left Me ynqb$
to Him hl that is beautiful rp$d the thing Mdm I 0n0d
at all times Nbzlkb am 0n0 doing db(
And He Who has sent Me is with Me, and My Father has not left Me alone,
because I am doing always what is beautiful to Him.
He was 0wh speaking llmm these things Nylh when dk
in Him hb trusted wnmyh many 00ygs
who trusted wnmyhd Judeans 0ydwhy to those Nwnhl Yeshua (w$y & said rm0w
in My word ytlmb will continue Nwrtkt you Nwtn0 if N0 in Him hb
you are Nwtn0 My disciples ydymlt truly ty0ryr$
The Truth 0rr$ & you will know Nw(dtw
will set you free Nwkrrxn Truth 0rr$ & that whw
we are Nnx the seed h(rz to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0
to a man $n0l bondage 0twdb( & from antiquity Mwtm Nmw of Abraham Mhrb0d
say rm0 how? 0nky0 by us Nl has been served 0xylp not 0l
of liberty 0r0x children ynb you shall be Nwwhtd you tn0
Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
to you Nwkl I speak 0nrm0 [Timeless Truth] Amen Nym0 Amen Nym0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of sin 0ty+xd is wh a servant hdb( sin 0ty+x commits db(d whoever Nmlkd
forever Ml(l abides 0wqm not 0l & a servant 0db(w
abides 0wqm forever Ml(l but Nyd a son 0rb in a house 0tybb
will set you free Nwkrrxn that The Son 0rbd therefore lykh it is wh if N0
of liberty 0r0x the children ynb you shall be Nwwht truly ty0ryr$
of Abraham Mhrb0d you are Nwtn0 the seed h(rzd I 0n0 know (dy
you are Nwtn0 seeking Ny(b but 0l0
My word ytlmld because l+m to kill Me ynl+qml
you Nwtn0 comprehend Nyqps not 0l
that I have seen tyzxd the thing Mdm I 0n0
speaking llmm My Father yb0 with twl
the thing Mdm you Nwtn0w I am 0n0
your Father Nwkwb0 with twl that you have seen Nwtyzxd
you are Nwtn0 are doing Nydb(
our father Nwb0 to him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w they answered wn(
Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0 is wh Abraham Mhrb0 ours Nlyd
the works yhwdb( of Abraham Mhrb0d you were Nwtywh the children yhwnb if wl0
you would have been Nwtywh doing Nydb( of Abraham Mhrb0d
you are Nwtn0 seeking Ny(b Behold 0h but Nyd now 0$h
Who the truth 0tryr$d a man 0rbgl to kill Me ynl+qml
fromNm I have heard t(m$d which 0dy0 with you Nwkm( I have spoken tllm
did db( not 0l Abraham Mhrb0 this 0dh God 0hl0
the deeds 0db( you are Nwtn0 doing Nydb( but Nyd you Nwtn0
to him hl they were saying Nyrm0 of your father Nwkwb0d
were Nywh not 0l fornication 0twynz from Nm we Nnx
God 0hl0 ours Nl is ty0 father 0b0 one dx
God 0hl0 if wl0 Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
you would have been Nwtywh loving Nybxm your Father Nwkwb0 were 0wh
God 0hl0 from Nm for ryg I 0n0 Me yl
from Nm did 0wh & not 0lw & I have come tyt0w went forth tqpn
I have come tyt0 of Myself y$pn pleasure twbc
has sent Me ynrd$ He wh but 0l0
Jesus said done to them, If God were your father, you would have loved Me, for I have proceeded from God
not 0l My word ytlm why? 0nm For l+m
not 0ld because l( you Nwtn0 do understand Ny(dwt$m
My word ytlm hear Ny(m$ you Nwtn0 can Nyxk$m
are Nwkyty0 The Devil 0crqlk0 the father 0b0 from Nm you Nwtn0
willing Nybc of your father Nwkwb0d & the desire htgrw
he wh to do db(ml you are Nwtn0
men 0$n0 killing l+q the beginning ty$rb who from Nmd
does not 0l & in the Truth 0rr$bw is wh
Truth 0rr$d because l+m stand M0q
whenever ytm0 in him hb there is not tyl
from Nm a lie 0twbdk he speaks llmmd
because l+m speaks llmm he wh his own hlyd
its father hwb0 also P0 he is wh of falsehood 0lgdd
speaking llmm Who The Truth 0rr$d but Nyd I 0n0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Me yl you are Nwtn0 are believing Nynmyhm not 0l am 0n0

among you Nwknm who is? wnm
concerning l( Me yl convicting skm
The Truth 0rr$ & if N0w sin 0ty+x
why? 0nml you Nwtn0 I 0n0 speak llmm
Me yl do Nwtn0 believe Nynmyhm not 0l
the words 0lm is yhwty0 God 0hl0 from Nmd whoever Nm
this 0nh because of l+m hears (m$ of God 0hl0d
not 0ld because l+m you are Nwtn0 hearing Ny(m$ not 0l you Nwtn0
God 0hl0 from Nm you are Nwtywh
to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w The Jews 0ydwhy answered wn(
that a Samaritan 0yrm$d are we Nnxn0 saying Nyrm0 correctly ryp$ not? 0l
in You Kl is ty0 & a demon 0wydw You are tn0
Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
not 0l a demon 0wyd in Me yl
My Father yb0l but 0l0 is ty0
Me yl dishonor Nyr(cm & you Nwtn0w I 0n0 honor rqym
am 0n0 seeking 0(b not 0l but Nyd I 0n0
& judges N0dw One Who seeks 0(bd there wh is ty0 My glory yxbw$
I 0n0 speak rm0 [Timeless Truth] Amen Nym0 Amen Nym0
keeps r+n My word ytlmd that whoever Nmd to you Nwkl
in eternity Ml(l shall see 0zxn not 0l death 0twm
The Jews 0ydwhy to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0
in you Kl is ty0 that a demon 0wydd we know N(dy now 0$h
saying rm0 & you tn0w & the prophets 0ybnw is dead tym Abraham Mhrb0
not 0l death 0twm keeps r+n My words ytlmd whoever Nmd are tn0
for eternity Ml(l shall taste M(+n
than Nm you tn0 greater br you tn0 are? 0ml
who died tymd Abraham Mhrb0 our Father Nwb0
who have died wtymd the prophets 0ybn & than Nmw
yourself K$pn you tn0 making db( who are? wnm
I 0n0 if N0 Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
not 0l My glory yxbw$ Myself y$pn I 0n0 glorify xb$m
Who glorifies xb$md My Father yb0 it is yhwty0 anything Mdm is 0wh
He is wh our God Nhl0d you Nwtn0 of Whom say Nyrm0d He wh Me yl
know (dy but Nyd I 0n0 you know Him yhynwt(dy & not 0lw
I 0n0 had said rm0 & if N0w Him hl do 0n0
Him hl I 0n0 know (dy that not 0ld
but 0l0 like you Nwktwk0 a liar 0bdk Myself yl I 0n0 would have been 0wh
I 0n0 keep r+n & His word htlmw Him hl I 0n0 know (dy
desire xwsm your Father Nwkwb0 Abraham Mhrb0
& rejoiced ydxw & he saw 0zxw My day ymwy to see 0zxnd did 0wh
The Jews 0ydwhy to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0
years Nyn$ of fifty Ny$mx a son rb yet lykd(
You have seen? tyzx & Abraham Mhrb0lw You are tywh not 0l

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

[Timeless Truth] Amen Nym0 Amen Nym0 Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0

Abraham Mhrb0 would be 0whn before 0ld(d to you Nwkl I 0n0 speak rm0
AM yty0 I 0n0
to stone Him yhynwmgrnd stones 0p0k & they lifted up wlq$w
from Nm & went out qpnw hid Himself y$+t0 & Yeshua (w$yw
& moved on lz0w their midst Nwhtnyb & passed through rb(w the temple 0lkyh
The Gospel Of John
Chapter 9
blind 0yms a man 0rbg He saw 0zx He passed rb( & as dkw
his mothers hm0 womb srk from Nmd
& they were saying Nyrm0w his disciples yhwdymlt & asked Him yhwl0$w
had sinned 0+x who is it? wnm our Master Nbr
that as dkd his parents yhwhb0 or w0 this one 0nh
he would be born dlytn blind 0ms
he wh not 0l Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
but 0l0 his parents yhwhb0 nor 0lw had sinned 0+x
of God 0hl0d the works yhwdb( in him hb that may appear Nwzxtnd
of Him Who Nmd the works 0db( to do db(ml it is becoming 0lw for meyl
comes 0t0 it is wh day 0mmy0 while d( has sent Me ynrd$d
do work xlpml can xk$m not 0l in which a man $n0d the night 0yll
I am 0n0 in the world 0ml(bd as long as 0mk
of the world 0ml(d I am 0n0 The Light hrhwn
He spat qr these things Nylh He had said rm0 & when dkw
from Nm clay 0ny+ & formed lbgw the ground 0(r0 on l(
blind 0yms who is whd the eyes of him yhwny( on l( & smeared $+w His spittle hqwr
wash gy$0 go lz to Him hl & He said rm0w
& he went on lz0w of Shilokha 0xwly$d in the baptismal pool 0tydwm(mb
he saw 0zx when dk & was coming 0t0w he washed gy$0
him 0wh who saw 0zxd & those Nyly0w but Nyd his neighbors yhwbb$
was 0wh begging rdxd before Mydq who Nm to them Nwhl
this wnh was 0wh not? 0l they wwh were saying Nyrm0
& begged rdxw himself 0wh who sat btyd he wh
& some ty0w that it is he wywhd were wwh saying Nyrm0d some ty0
but 0l0 no 0l were wwh saying Nyrm0d
but Nyd he wh him hl like 0md someone 0mdm
am he 0n0 that I 0n0d was 0wh saying rm0
your eyes Kyny( were opened xtpt0 how? 0nky0 to him hl they were saying Nyrm0
a man 0rbg to them Nwhl & said rm0w he answered 0n(
& anointed $+w clay 0ny+ made db( Yeshua (w$y of the name hm$d
wash gy$0 go lz to meyl & said rm0w my eyes yny( on l( meyl
of Shilokha 0xwly$d in the water 0ymb
to me yl & it appeared yzxt0w I washed tgy$0 & I went tlz0w
where is He? wky0 to him hl they were saying Nyrm0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

I 0n0 know (dy not 0l to them Nwhl he said rm0

who from Nmd that one whl & they brought him yhwyty0w
the Pharisees 0$yrp to twl was 0wh blind 0yms before Mydq
when dk the Sabbath 0tb$ but Nyd it was twh hyty0
his eyes yhwny( for him hl & opened xtpw Yeshua (w$y clay 0ny+ made db(
the Pharisees 0$yrp asked him yhwl0$ & again bwtw
but Nyd it wh to you Kl appeared yzxt0 How? 0nky0
my eyes yny( on l( He put Ms clay 0ny+ to them Nwhl he said rm0
to me yl & it appeared yzxt0w & I washed tgy$0w
from Nm men 0$n0 were wwh & saying Nyrm0w
from Nm was 0wh not 0l Man 0rbg This 0nh the Pharisees 0$yrp
because the Sabbath 0tb$d He wh God 0hl0
saying Nyrm0 but Nyd others 0nrx0 keeps r+n not 0l
for a man 0rbg is it possible xk$m How? 0nky0 were wwh
to be doing db(ml signs 0twt0 these Nylh being a sinner 0y+x
among them Nwhtnyb there was twh ty0 & division 0twglpw
the one who was blind 0yms to him whl again bwt they were speaking Nyrm0
about him yhwl( you tn0 say rm0 what? 0nm you tn0
to them Nwhl he said rm0 your eyes Kyny( for you Kl who opened xtpd
He is wh a Prophet 0ybnd am 0n0 saying rm0 I 0n0
concerning Him yhwl( were wwh believing wnmyh but Nyd not 0l
he had been 0wh that blind 0ymsd The Judeans 0ydwhy
the parents yhwhb0l they called wrqd until 0md( & was seeing 0zxw
who was seeing 0zxd of him whd
your son Nwkrb this is wnh if N0 them Nwn0 & they asked wl0$w
saying Nyrm0 whom you Nwtn0d the same wh
he had been born dlyt0 blind 0ms that whereas dkd were Nwtn0
does he see 0zx now 0$h How? 0nky0
& said wrm0w his parents yhwhb0 but Nyd answered wn(
our son Nrb that this is wnhd we know Nny(dy
he was born dlyt0 blind 0ms & that being dkdw
he sees 0zx now 0$h but Nyd how? 0nky0
he who opened xtp who is? wnm or w0
not 0l his eyes yhwny( for him hl
has come l( he wh also P0 we know Nny(dy
him hl to his age yhwn$l hl
shall speak llmn himself h$pn for Plx he wh ask wl0$
his parents yhwhb0 said wrm0 these things Nylh
The Judeans 0ydwhy of Nm they were wwh afraid Nylxdd because l+m
that if N0d The Judeans 0ydwhy for ryg had wwh decided wqsp
that The Messiah 0xy$md him hb would confess 0dwn a man $n0
the synagogue 0t$wnk from Nm they would cast him out yhynwqpn He is wh
he has come l(d his parents yhwhb0 said wrm0 this 0nh because of l+m
ask wl0$ him hl of age yhwn$l hl
a second Nytrtd the man 0rbgl & they called yhw0rqw
he who had been 0wh yhwty0d whl time Nynbz

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

glorify xb$ to him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w blind 0yms
know Nny(dy for ryg we Nnx God 0hl0l
is wh a sinner 0y+x man 0rbg that this 0nhd
if N0 to them Nwhl & said rm0w he wh answered 0n(
one thing 0dx I 0n0 know (dy not 0l he is wh a sinner 0y+x
& now 0$hw I was tywh that blind 0ymsd I 0n0 know (dy but Nyd
I 0n0 see 0zx Behold 0h
what? 0nm again bwt to him hl they were saying Nyrm0
your eyes Kyny( for you Kl did he open xtp How? 0nky0 to you Kl did he do db(
They were saying to him again, What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes for you?
& not 0lw you Nwkl I told trm0 to them Nwhl he said rm0
you Nwtn0 do want Nybc again bwt why? 0nm you were listening Nwt(m$
disciples 0dymlt you Nwtn0 also P0 interrogative 0ml to listen (m$ml
to Him hl to become 0whml are? Nwtn0 willing? Nybc
& they were saying Nyrm0w were insulting him yhwyxc but Nyd they Nwnh
of Him whd a disciple hdymlt are wh you tn0 to him hl
of Moses 0$wmd are Nnx disciples 0dymlt for ryg we Nnx
God 0hl0 Moses 0$wm that with M(d & we know Nny(dyw
not 0l but Nyd This one 0nhl spoke llm
He is wh where 0kmy0 from Nm we know Nny(dy
& he said rm0w man 0rbg that wh answered 0n(
therefore lykh it is wh in this 0dhb to them Nwhl
are Nwtn0 aware Ny(dy not 0l that you Nwtn0d to be marvelled wrmdtml
He opened xtp my ylyd & eyes yny(w He is wh where 0kmy0 from Nm
to the voice 0lqb that God 0hl0d but Nyd we Nnx know Ny(dy
but 0l0 listens (m$ not 0l of a sinner 0y+xd
of Him hnm stands in awe lxdd to whomever Nml
hears (m$ He wh him whl His will hnybc & does db(w
that opened xtpd it has been heard t(mt$0 not 0l eternity Ml( from Nm
who was born dlyt0d of one blind 0ymsd the eyes 0ny( a man $n0
This One 0nh were 0wh God 0hl0 from Nm not 0l if wl0
to do db(ml this 0dh he would not have been 0wh able xk$m not 0l
If this one were not from God, he would not have been able to do this.
you tn0 to him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w they answered wn(
& you? tn0w you were born tdlyt0 in sins 0h+xb wholly Klk
outside rbl & they cast him yhwqp0w us Nl are tn0 teaching Plm
outside rbl that they cast him yhwqp0d Yeshua (w$y & heard (m$w
do? tn0 to him hl & said rm0w & He found him hxk$0w
of God 0hl0d in The Son hrbb you tn0 trust Nmyhm
& said rm0w who was healed ys0t0d he wh answered 0n(
in Him hb that I may trust Nmyh0d my Lord yrm who is He? wnm
He who had been healed answered and said, Who is He, my lord, that I may trust in Him?
you have seen Him yhytyzx Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
is He wywh with you Km( Who is speaking llmmd & He whw
my Lord yrm I 0n0 believe Nmyhm said rm0 but Nyd he wh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Him hl he worshipped dgs & falling down lpnw

of world 0ml(d for the judgment hnydl Yeshua (w$y & said rm0w
who do not 0ld that those Nyly0d I have come tyt0 this 0nh
who see Nyzxd & those Nyly0w may see Nwzxn see Nyzx
may be blind Nwmsn
The Pharisees 0$yrp of Nm & heard w(m$w
were wwh who with him hm(d those Nyly0
to him hl & they said wrm0w these things Nylh
we Nnx blind 0yms are? Nnx also P0 interrogative 0ml
blind 0yms if wl0 Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
to you Nwkl there had been twh not tyl you were Nwtywh
we see Nnyzxd you Nwtn0 say Nyrm0 but Nyd now 0$h sin 0ty+x
is yh standing 0myq your sin Nwkty+x this 0nh because of l+m
The Gospel Of John
Chapter 10
speak rm0 [Timeless Truth] Amen Nym0 Amen Nym0
that whoever Nmd to you Nwkl I 0n0
to the fold 0ry+l the gate 0(rt from Nm enters l0( not 0ld
place 0kwd from Nm comes up qls but 0l0 of the sheep 0n(d
& a robber 0sygw is wh a thief 0bng he wh another 0ynrx0
the gate 0(rt from Nm who enters l0(d but Nyd he wh
of the flock 0n(d is wh The Shepherd 0y(r
opens xtp of the gate 0(rt the keeper r+n & to this one 0nhlw
His voice hlq hears 0(m$ & the flock 0n(w the gate 0(rt hl
by their names Nwhyhm$b He calls 0rq & his sheep yhwbr(w
them Nwhl & leads out qpmw
before it hymdq His flock hn( He has brought forth qp0d & when 0mw
go Nylz0 His own hlyd & His sheep yhwbr(w He goes lz0
His voice hlq they know Ny(dyd because l+m after Him hrtb
not 0l but Nyd a stranger 0yrkwn after rtb
from him hnm flee 0qr( but 0l0 the flock 0n( goes 0lz0
of a stranger 0yrkwnd the voice hlq it knows 0(dy for not 0ld
to them Nwhl spoke rm0 allegory 0t0lp this 0dh
what 0nm knew w(dy not 0l but Nyd they Nwnh Yeshua (w$y
with them Nwhm( He spoke llm
Yeshua (w$y again bwt but Nyd to them Nwhl said rm0
to you Nwkl I 0n0 speak rm0 [Timeless Truth] Amen Nym0 Amen Nym0
of the flock 0n(d The Gate h(rt I am The Living God 0n0 0n0d
who came wt0d those Nyly0 & all Nwhlkw
but 0l0 & robbers 0sygw were Nwn0 thieves 0bng
the flock 0n( them Nwn0 heard t(m$ not 0l
if N0 & by Me ybw The Gate 0(rt I am The Living God 0n0 0n0
& shall enter lw(nw he shall live 0xn will enter lw(n a man $n0
shall find xk$n & the pasture 0y(rw & shall go out qwpnw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

that he may steal bwngnd but 0l0 comes 0t0 not 0l a thief 0bng
have come tyt0 I 0n0 & that he may destroy dbwndw & that he may kill lw+qndw
to them Nwhl shall be Nwwhn that life 0yxd
to them Nwhl may be 0whn abundant thing rytyd & whatever Mdmw
The Shepherd 0y(r I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0
Good 0b+ The Shepherd 0y(r Good 0b+
His flock hn( in place of Plx lays down M0s His life h$pn
is 0wh that not 0ld but Nyd a hired man 0ryg0
the sheep 0br( are Nwn0 his own hlyd and not wlw a shepherd 0y(r
is coming 0t0d a wolf 0b0d he sees 0zxd whenever 0m
a wolf 0b0d & comes 0t0w & flees qr(w the flock 0n( leaves qb$
the flock 0n(l it hl & scatters rdbmw snatches P+x
because l+m flees qr( but Nyd a hired man 0ryg0
he hl cares ly+b & not 0lw he is wh a hired man 0ryg0d
the flock 0n( about l(
know (dyw The Good 0b+ The Shepherd 0y(r I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0
mine ylyd by Nm I 0n0 & am known (dytmw mine ylydl I 0n0
My Father yb0 Meyl knows (dyd just as 0nky0
am 0n0 knowing (dy & I 0n0w
& My Soul y$pnw My Father yb0l
the flock 0n( for the sake of Plx I 0n0 lay down M0s
other 0nrx0 sheep 0br( also P0 but Nyd to meyl there are ty0
this 0nh fold 0ry+ from Nm were wwh not 0ld which Nyly0
they Nwn0 to bring wytyml for Me yl it is necessary 0lw them Nwhl & also P0w
& shall be 0whtw My voice ylq also shall hear Nw(m$nw
The Shepherd 0y(r & One dxw one 0dx entire hlk the fold 0n(
because I 0n0d Me yl delights in Mxr My Father yb0 this 0nh because of l+m
I shall take it hybs0 that again bwtd My Life y$pn am 0n0 laying down M0s
takes lq$ a man $n0 it 0wh not 0l
laying down M0s I 0n0 but 0l0 from me ynm it hl
I 0n0 am authorized +yl$ My will ynybc of Nm it hl am 0n0
that again bwtd I 0n0 & am authorized +yl$w to lay it down hymys0d for ryg
commandment 0ndqwp this 0nhd I shall take it hybs0
My Father yb0 from Nm I have received tlbq
among ynyb division 0twglp again bwt & there was twhw
these Nylh words 0lm because of l+m The Judeans 0ydwhy
many 00ygs were wwh & saying Nyrm0w
that a demon 0wydd among them Nwhnm
he is mad 0n$ & raving 0n$mw in Him hl is ty0
Him hl you Nwtn0 are listening Ny(m$ Why? 0nm
were wwh saying Nyrm0 but Nyd the others 0nrx0
are ywh not 0l words 0lm these Nylh
a demon 0wyd interrogative 0ml of one possessed 0nwydd
open wxtpml of the blind 0ymsd the eyes 0ny( can? xk$m
of dedication 0tdwxd the feast day 0d0( but Nyd it was 0wh
it was 0wh & winter 0wtsw in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Yeshua (w$y was 0wh & walking Klhmw
of Solomon Nwmyl$d in the porch 0w+s0b in the temple 0lkyhb
& they were saying Nyrm0w The Jews 0ydwhy & surrounded Him yhwrdxw
are taking bsn How long? ytm0l 0md( to Him hl
you tn0 if N0 our souls N$pn you tn0
openly ty0ylg us Nl tell rm0 The Messiah 0xy$m are wh
to them Nwhl & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
believing Nynmyhm & not 0lw you Nwkl I told trm0
am 0n0 doing db( that I 0n0d & the works 0db(w you are Nwtn0
of Me yl( testify Nydhs they Nwnh of My Father yb0d in the Name hm$b
are Nwtn0 believing Nynmyhm not 0l you Nwtn0 but 0l0
you are Nwtywh that not 0ld because l+m
to you Nwkl I said trm0d just as 0nky0 My sheep ybr( of Nm
& I 0n0w hear Ny(m$ My voice ylq My ylyd sheep 0br(
them Nwhl am 0n0 knowing (dy
after me yrtb come Nyt0 & they Nwnhw
eternal Ml(ld life 0yx to them Nwhl am 0n0 giving bhy & I 0n0w
a man $n0 & not 0lw forever Ml(l they shall perish Nwdb0n & not 0lw
My hand ydy0 from Nm them Nwn0 shall snatch pw+xn
than Nm to Me yl Who gives bhyd for ryg My Father yb0
& not 0lw is wh greater br all lk
a thing from Nmd is able xk$m a man $n0
to snatch pw+xn of My Father yb0d the hand hdy0
we are Nnx one dx & My Father yb0w I 0n0
The Judeans 0ydwhy again bwt & picked up wlq$w
to stone Him hmgrml stones 0p0k
works 0db( many 00ygs Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
My Father yb0 the presence twl from Nm excellent 0ryp$
works 0db( which? 0ny0 for l+m I have shown you Nwktywx
Me yl are you Nwtn0 stoning Nymgr among them Nwhnm
not 0l The Judeans 0ydwhy to Him hl were saying Nyrm0
stoning Nymgr excellent 0ryp$ works 0db( for l+m it is 0wh
You tn0 blaspheme Pdgmd because l+m but 0l0 You Kl we are Nnx
man 0$n0 a son of rb being Kyty0 & when dkw
God 0hl0 Yourself K$pn You tn0 make db(
is it 0wh not? 0l Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
in your Law Nwkswmnb written bytk thus 0nkh
you are Nwtn0 that gods 0hl0d have said trm0 I 0n0d
because l+m gods 0hl0 He called rm0 those Nwnhl if N0
of God 0hl0d the Word 0tlm was twh with them Nwhtwld
be destroyed 0rt$nd the scripture 0btk can xk$m & not 0lw
& sent Him hrd$w sanctified Him h$dq Whom The Father 0b0d the One 0ny0l
saying Nyrm0 you Nwtn0 into the world 0ml(l
I said trm0d because l( You tn0 blaspheme pdgmd are? Nwtn0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of God 0hl0d I am 0n0 The Son hrbd to you Nwkl

the works 0db( I 0n0 do db( if not 0l0
you should believe Me ynnwnmyht not 0l of My Father yb0d
not 0l Me yl even if Np0 I 0n0 do db( but Nyd if N0
deeds 0db(l those Nwhl you are Nwtn0 believing Nynmyhm
that you may know Nw(dtd believe wnmyh
that My Father yb0d & that you may believe Nwnmyhtw
in My Father yb0b & I 0n0w is in Me yb
to seize Him yhynwdx0nd again bwt they wwh & sought w(bw
their hands Nwhydy0 among tyb from Nm hl & He escaped qpnw
of The Jordan Nndrwyd to the crossing 0rb(l to it hl & went on lz0w
had 0wh been yhwty0d where 0ky0 to the place 0tkwdl
when dk before Mydq from Nm Yokhannan Nnxwy
there Nmt & He stayed 0whw he 0wh baptized dm(m
to Him htwl many 00ygs men 0$n0 & came wt0w
that Yokhannan Nnxwyd they were wwh & saying Nyrm0w
but Nyd everything Mdmlk did db( sign 0t0 one 0dx not 0l even P0
is wh true ryr$ This 0nh Man 0rbg about l( John Nnxwy that had said rm0d
in Him hb believed wnmyh & many 00ygsw
The Gospel Of John
Chapter 11
who was sick hyrkd a certain one dx but Nyd there was 0wh ty0
the village 0tyrq Byth anya 0yn( tyb from Nm Lazar rz(l
and of Martha 0trmdw of Miriam Myrmd the brother hwx0
she yh is hyty0 this 0dh but Nyd Mary Myrm
the feet yhwlgr with ointment 0msbb the one who anointed tx$md
the brother hwx0 with her hair hr(sb & wiped tyw$w of Jesus (w$yd
was 0wh who sick hyrkd Lazar rz(l of this one 0dhd was 0wh
to twl his sisters htwx0 two Nyhytrt & sent Nyrd$w
our Lord Nrm & they were saying Nrm0w Yeshua (w$y
is sick hyrk you tn0 whom love Mxrd he wh Behold 0h
not 0l sickness 0nhrwk this 0nh said rm0 but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
for Plx but 0l0 of death 0twmd was 0wh
that may be glorified xbt$nd of God 0hl0d the glory 0txwb$t
because of it htl+m of God 0hl0d The Son hrb
Yeshua (w$y He wh but Nyd did 0wh love bxm
& Lazar rz(llw & Mary Myrmlw Martha 0trml
He remained rtk that he was sick hyrkd He heard (m$ & when dkw
days Nymwy two Nyrt was 0wh where He yhwty0d in the place 0tkwdb
to his disciples yhwdymltl He said rm0 & after this Nkrtbw
to Judea dwhyl again bwt we shall go lz0n come wt
our Rabbi Nbr His disciples yhwdymlt to Him hl were saying Nyrm0
were wwh seeking Ny(b The Jews 0ydwhy now 0$h
there Nmtl you are tn0 going lz0 & again? bwtw to stone You Kmgrml

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

twelve 0rs(trt not 0l Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
a man $n0 & if N0w in a day 0mwyb are ty0 hours Ny($
he stumbles lqttm not 0l in daylight 0mmy0b walks Klhm
this 0nh of the world 0ml(d the light hrhwn he sees 0zxd because l+m
he shall walk Klhn in the night 0yllb but Nyd a man $n0 if N0
in him hb there is no tyl light 0ryhnd because l+m he stumbles lqttm
He said rm0 & afterwards Nkrtbw Yeshua (w$y said rm0 these Nylh
is resting bk$ our friend Nmxr Lazar rz(l to them Nwhl
that I may wake him yhwyry(0d I am 0n0 going lz0 but 0l0
His disciples yhwdymlt to Him hl were saying Nyrm0
he is recovering health Mlxtm he is sleeping Kmd if N0 our Lord Nrm
his death htwm about l( spoke rm0 Yeshua (w$y but Nyd He wh
lying down 0kmdm that about l(d thought wrbs & they Nwnhw
He had spoken rm0 of sleep 0tn$d that wh
plainly ty0qy$p Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0 then Nydyh
hl has died tym Lazar rz(l
I was tywh that not 0ld I 0n0 & am glad 0dxw
that you may believe Nwnmyhtd for your sakes Nwktl+m there Nmt
there Nmtl you go wklh but 0l0
The Twin 0m0t who is called rm0tmd Thoma 0mw0t said rm0
his fellow yhwrbx to the disciples 0dymltl
with Him hm( shall die twmn we Nnx also P0 let us go lz0n
& found xk$0w to Byth anya 0yn( tybl Yeshua (w$y & came 0t0w
being yhwty0d days Nymwy him hl four 0(br0d
in the tomb 0rwbq tybb
Jerusalem Ml$rw0 beside bng l( Byth anya 0yn(tyb but Nyd was twh hyty0
fifteen rs(t$mx furlongs 0twd+s0 about Ky0 from it hnm separated 0qyrp while dk
were wwh coming Ny0yt0 The Jews 0ydwhy of Nm & many 00ygsw
that they may comfort Nwlmnd & Mary Myrmw Martha 0trm to twl
their brother Nyhwx0 concerning l+m their hearts Nyhblb
that Jesus (w$yd she heard t(m$ when dk but Nyd Martha 0trm
to meet Him h(rw0l she went out tqpn had came 0t0
was twh sitting 0bty in the house 0tybb but Nyd Mary Myrm
my Lord yrm to Jesus (w$yl Martha 0trm & said trm0w
you had been tywh here Nnt if wl0
my brother yx0 would have 0wh died t0m not 0l
I 0n0 know 0(dy now 0$h even P0 but 0l0
You ask l0$td that as much as 0mkd
to you Kl He shall give bhy God 0hl0l
your brother ykwx0 shall rise M0q Yeshua (w$y to her hl said rm0
I know 0n0(dy Martha 0trm to Him hl & said 0rm0
last 0yrx0 in the day 0mwyb in the resurrection 0mxwnb that he shall rise M0qd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0 Yeshua (w$y to her hl said rm0
trusts Nmyhmd whoever Nm & The Life 0yxw The Resurrection 0mxwn
he shall live 0xn he dies twmn even if Np0 in Me yb
in Me yb & believes Nmyhmw who lives yxd & everyone lkw
this 0dh Do you believe? ytnmyhm shall die twmn not 0l to eternity Ml(l
my Lord yrm Yes Ny0 to Him hl & she said 0rm0
do 0n0 believe 0nmyhm I 0n0
The Son hrb The Messiah 0xy$m are wh that You tn0d
into the world 0ml(l that has come 0t0d of God 0hl0d
having gone tlz0 these things Nylh she had said trm0 & when dkw
& she said 0rm0w secretly ty0ysk her sister htx Mary Myrml she called trq
for you ykl & has called 0rqw has come 0t0 our Rabbi Nbr to her hl
quickly lg( she arose tmq heard t(m$ when dk & Mary Myrmw
to Him htwl was twh & coming 0yt0w
come 0t0 yet lykd( not 0l Yeshua (w$y but Nyd was wh
He was 0wh in it hb but 0l0 to the village 0tyrql had 0wh
Martha 0trm in which He met ht(r0d place 0tkwd in that yhb
who were wwh ty0d The Jews 0ydwhy but Nyd there were Nwnh also P0
who comforting Ny0ybmd in the house 0tybb with her hm(
Mary Myrml who saw wzxd her hl were wwh
themselves Nwhl they went wlz0 & go out tqpn rise tmq quickly lg(d
that to the tomb 0rbqld for ryg they thought wrbs after her hrtb
to weep 0kbml she went 0lz0
she came tt0 when dk Mary Myrm but Nyd she yh
& saw Him htzxw Yeshua (w$y was 0wh yhwty0d where 0ky0
His feet yhwlgr before l( she fell tlpn
here Nnt Oh that! wl0 to him hl & she said 0rm0w
died t0m not 0l my Lord yrm you were tywh
my brother yx0 would have 0wh
that she wept 0ykbd saw hzx when dk but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
with her hm( who came wt0d those Nwnh & Jews 0ydwhylw
in His Spirit hxwrb He was powerfully moved zz(t0 weeping Nykbd
His Soul h$pn & was moved (yz0w
have you laid him yhynwtms where? 0ky0 & He said rm0w
see yzx Come 0t our Lord Nrm to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w
of Jesus (w$yd the tears yhw(md did ywh & come Nyt0w
The Jews 0ydwhy were wwh & saying Nyrm0w
loved Mxr how much 0mk Behold wzx
him hl He 0wh
said wrm0 among them Nwhnm but Nyd the people Ny$n0
Who opened xtpd This One 0nh was 0wh able xk$m not? 0l
that he should cause db(n who is blind 0yms of him whd the eyes yhwny(
would die twmn not 0l this one 0nh that even p0d
He was powerfully moved zz(tm as dk but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
& that whw to the tomb 0rwbq tybl also came 0t0 hlw within Himself yhwnyb

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

was 0wh yhwty0 tomb 0rwbq tyb

and a stone 0p0kw a cave 0tr(m
its door way h(rt over l( was twh placed 0mys
stone 0p0k take away wlwq$ Yeshua (w$y & said rm0w
Martha 0trm to him hl said 0rm0 this 0dh
my Lord yrm who died 0tym of him whd the sister htx
on him hl it is putrid yrs now wdk by Nm
days Nymwy for ryg are upon it hl four 0(br0
not? 0l Yeshua (w$y to her hl said rm0
you would believe Nynmyht that if N0d to you ykl said I trm0
of God 0hl0d the glory hxbw$ you would see Nyzxt
& Himself whw that yh stone 0p0k & they took away wlq$w
& said rm0w above l(l His eyes yhwny( lifted Myr0 Yeshua (w$y
that You have heard Me ynt(m$d You Kl I 0n0 thank 0dwm Father 0b0
that always Nbzlkbd do 0n0 know (dy & I 0n0w
for the sake of l+m but 0l0 Me yl You tn0 hear (m$
these things Nylh I 0n0 said rm0 that is standing M0qd this 0nh crowd 0$nk
have sent Me yntrd$ that You tn0d that they may believe Nwnmyhnd
these things Nylh He had said rm0 & when dkw
out rbl come 0t Lazar rz(l loud 0mr in a voice 0lqb He cried 0(q
while dk who had died 0tym He wh & came out qpnw
& his feet yhwlgrw his hands yhwdy0 were bound Nrys0
was bound Nrys0 & his face yhwp0w in swathing bands 0tyqspb
Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0 in a turban 0rdwsb
go lz0 & let him wqwb$w unbind him yhw0r$
that came wt0d The Jews 0ydwhy of Nm & many 00ygsw
they saw wzx when dk Mary Myrm to twl
in Him hb believed wnmyh Yeshua (w$y did db(d the thing Mdm
the Pharisees 0$yrp to twl went wlz0 among them Nwhnm & people Ny$n0w
Yeshua (w$y did db(d the thing Mdm them Nwhl & they told wrm0w
& Pharisees 0$yrpw priests 0nhk the chief ybr & were gathered w$nkt0w
This 0nhd shall we do db(n What? 0nm they were wwh & saying Nyrm0w
is doing db( great 0t0ygs miracles 0twt0 Man 0rbg
thus 0nkh Him hl we Nnx allow Nyqb$ & if N0w
shall believe Nynmyhm the people 0$n0 all Nwhlk
taking away Nylq$ The Romans 0ymwhr & shall come Nyt0w in Him hb
& our nation Nm(w our position Nrt0
whose name was hm$d of them Nwhnm but Nyd one dx
thatyhd he was 0wh priest 0nhk the high br Qaipha 0pyq
you Nwtn0 to them Nwhl & he said rm0w year 0tn$
anything Mdm do Nwtn0 know Ny(dy not 0l
that it is profitable xqpd you Nwtn0 calculate Nyb$xtm & not 0lw
instead of Plx should die twmn man 0rbg that one dxd for us Nl
should perish db0n nation 0m( the whole hlk & not 0lw the nation 0m(
his own h$pn accord twbc from Nm but Nyd this 0dh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

priest 0nhk high brd because l+m but 0l0 said rm0 not 0l
that prepared dyt(d prophesied ybnt0 year 0tn$ that yhd he was 0wh
the nation 0m( for Plx that He should die twmnd Yeshua (w$y was 0wh
the nation 0m( in place of Plx only dwxlb & not 0lw
of God 0hl0d the children 0ynb so that also P0d but 0l0
into one 0dxl He should gather $nkn who had scattered Nyrdbmd
day 0mwy that wh & from Nmw
that they should kill Him yhynwl+qnd they were wwh calculating wb$xt0
walking Klhm not 0l Yeshua (w$y but Nyd He wh
The Jews 0ydwhy among tyb openly ty0ylg was 0wh
to a region 0rt0l there Nmt from Nm hl He went lz0 but 0l0
which is called 0rqtmd to a fortress city 0krkl the Arabah 0brwxl that is near byrqd
He 0wh was employed Kphtm & there Nmtw Ephraim Myrp0
His disciples yhwdymlt with M(
of The Jews 0ydwhyd The Passover 0xcp but Nyd was 0wh drawing near byrq
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l the villages 0yrwq from Nm many 00ygs & came up wqlsw
their souls Nwh$pn to purify Nwkdnd the feast 0d(d( before Mdq
they were wwh & saying Nyrm0w Yeshua (w$yl for hl they were wwh & seeking Ny(bw
what? 0nm in the temple 0lkyhb to another dxl one dx
to the feast 0d(d(l shall He come? 0t0 0ld do you Nwtn0 think Nyrbs
they wwh ordered wdqp & Pharisees 0$yrpw but Nyd the priests 0nhk chief ybr
where He is wky0 should know (dn a man $n0 that if N0d
they might sieze Him yhynwdx0nd so Ky0 them Nwhl he should show qdbn
The Gospel Of John
Chapter 12
days Nymwy six 0t$ before Mdq but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
where 0ky0 to Byth anya 0yn( tybl came 0t0 of the Passover 0xcpd
tyb from Nm whom raised Myq0d he wh Lazar rz(l was 0wh yhwty0d
Yeshua (w$y Himself wh the grave 0tym
& Martha 0trmw a supper 0tym$x there Nmt for Him hl & they made wdb(w
of Nm one dx & Lazar rz(lw was twh serving 0$m$m
with Him hm(d was 0wh the guests 0kyms
an alabaster vase 0tpy+$ took tlq$ but Nyd Mary Myrm
very ygs the best 0y$r of Indian Spikenard Nydrnd of ointment 0msbd
& she wiped tyw$w of Jesus (w$yd the feet yhwlgr & she anointed tx$mw precious 0ymd
& was filled ylmt0w His feet yhwlgr with her hair hr(sb
of the ointment 0msbd the fragrance hxyr from Nm the house 0tyb
of Nm the one dx Scariota 0+wyrks Judah 0dwhy & said rm0w
to betray Him yhwyml$nd was 0wh who prepared dyt(d he wh His disciples yhwdymlt
for three tltb this 0nh oil 0x$m was sold Nbdz0 not 0l Why? 0nml
to the poor 0nksml & given bhyt0w denarii Nyrnyd hundred 00m
because l+m was it 0wh not 0l he said rm0 but Nyd this 0dh
him hl it 0wh concerned ly+b the poor 0nksm about l(d
he was 0wh a thief 0bngd because l+m but 0l0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

was 0wh with him htwl & the money box 0mqswlgw
into it hb 0wh that which fell lpnd & anything Mdmw
did 0wh carry Ny(+ he wh
Let her alone hyqwb$ Yeshua (w$y but Nyd said rm0
she has kept it htr+n of my burial yrwbqd for the day 0mwyl
you have Nwkl ty0 the poor 0nksm for ryg in all times always Nbzlkb
not 0l but Nyd me yl with you Nwkm(
you have Nwkl ty0 in all times always Nbzlkb
The Jews 0ydwhy from Nm great 00ygs the crowds 0$nk & heard w(m$w
not 0l & they came wt0w Yeshua (w$y is wh that there Nmtd
but 0l0 only dwxlb Yeshua (w$y because of l+m
Lazar rz(ll that they may see Nwzxnd also P0
the grave 0tym tyb from Nm whom He had raised Myq0d him wh
so that also P0d the priests 0nhk chief ybr were wwh & determined wy(rt0w
they should kill him yhynwl+qn Lazar rz(ll
because of him htl+m The Judeans 0ydwhy of Nm many 00ygsd because l+m
in Jesus (w$yb & believing Nynmyhmw were wwh departing Nylz0
a great 00ygs crowd 0$nk next 0nrx0 & the day 0mwylw
when dk to the feast 0d(d(l had 0wh come 0t0d which 0ny0
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l had come 0t0 that Jesus (w$yd they had heard w(m$
of palm trees 0lqdd branches 0kws they took wlq$
were wwh & shouting Ny(qw to meet Him h(rw0l and went out wqpnw
He that comes 0t0d is wh Blessed Kyrb Hosanna 0n($w0 & saying Nyrm0w
of Israel lyrsy0d the King 0klm of Jehovah 0yrmd in the Name hm$b
& sat down btyw a donkey 0rmx Yeshua (w$y but Nyd found xk$0
it is written bytkd just as 0nky0 upon it yhwl(
of Zion Nwyhc Daughter trb Fear Nylxdt not 0l
to you ykl comes 0t0 your King ykklm Behold 0h
of a donkey 0nt0 a colt rb a foal 0ly( on l( & rides bykrw
His disciples yhwdymlt knew w(dy not 0l but Nyd these things Nylh
was glorified xbt$0 when dk but 0l0 time 0nbz at that whb
that these things Nylhd His disciples yhwdymlt were reminded wrkdt0 Yeshua (w$y
& these things Nylhw about Him yhwl( were ywh written Nbytk
to Him hl they did wdb(
this wh crowd 0$nk did 0wh & testify dhsw
Who called 0rqd was 0wh that with Him hm(d
& raised him hmyq0w the tomb 0rbq from Nm Lazar rz(ll
the dead 0tym among tyb from Nm
went out wqpn this 0dh & because of l+mw
great 00ygs crowds 0$nk in front of Him hlbwql
He did db( this 0dh that miracle 0t0d who heard w(m$d
to another dxl one dx were wwh saying Nyrm0 but Nyd the Pharisees 0$yrp
a thing Mdm are Nwtn0 gaining Nyrtwm not 0ld you Nwtn0 see Nyzx
whole hlk the world 0ml( behold 0hd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

after Him hrtb itself hl is moving lz0

from Nm also P0 but Nyd there were wwh ty0
among them Nwhb men 0$n0 the Gentiles 0mm(
at the feast 0d(d(b to worship dgsml who came up wqlsd
to twl approached wbrq came wt0 these Nylh
of Galilee 0lylgd Bythsaida 0dyctyb who was from Nmd he wh Phillip swpylyp
to him hl & were saying Nyrm0w & they asked him yhwl0$w
Yeshua (w$yl to see 0zxn we Nnx wish Nybc my Lord yrm
Andraeus sw0rdn0l & told rm0w Phillip himself swpylyp wh & came 0t0w
Yeshua (w$yl they told wrm0 & Phillip swpylypw & Andraeus sw0rdn0w
to them Nwhl & said rm0w answered 0n( but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb for to be glorified xbt$nd the hour 0t($ has come tt0
to you Nwkl I 0n0 speak rm0 [Timeless Truth] Amen Nym0 Amen Nym0
unless 0l0 of wheat 0t+xd that a grain 0tdrpd
it remains 0$yp alone hydwxlb in the ground 0(r0b & dies 0tymw falls 0lpn
it yields 0ytym much 00ygs fruit 0r0p it dies 0tym but Nyd if N0
shall destroy it hydbwn his life h$pn loves Mxrd whoever Nm
this 0nh in world 0ml(b his life h$pn hates 0nsd & whoever Nmw
eternal Ml(ld for life 0yxl shall keep it hyr+n
he shall come 0t0n serves $m$m a man $n0 meyl if N0
there Nmt am yty0 I 0n0d & where 0ky0w after me yrtb
to Me yld whoever Nm My servant yn$m$m also P0 shall be 0whn
The Father 0b0 shall honor him yhwyrqyn ministers $m$m
& what I? 0Nmw is troubled 0$yg$ Behold 0h My soul y$pn now 0$h
this 0dh from Nm deliver Me yncp My Father yb0 shall say rm0
because of l+m but 0l0 hour? 0t($
hour 0t($ to this 0dhl I have come tyt0 this 0nh
was heard (mt$0 & a voice 0lqw Your Name Km$ glorify xb$ Father 0b0
I 0n0 am glorifying xb$m & again bwtw I have glorified txb$ Heaven 0ym$ from Nm
heard w(m$ was 0wh that standing M0qd & the crowd 0$nkw
others 0nrx0 it was 0wh thunder 0m(r & were saying Nyrm0w
with Him hm( spoke llm an angel 0k0lm were saying Nyrm0 but Nyd
was 0wh not 0l to them Nwhl & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
for your benefit Nwktl+m but 0l0 this 0nh voice 0lq was 0wh for My benefit ytl+m
now 0$h this 0nh of world 0ml(d is wh the judgment hnyd now 0$h
outside rbl is hurled 0dt$m this 0nh of world 0ml(d the ruler 0nwkr0
from Nm I am lifted up tmyrtt0d whenever 0m & I 0n0w
to Me ytwl everyone $nlk I will draw dg0 the earth 0(r0
that He might show 0wxnd He said rm0 but Nyd this 0dh
He would die t0m death 0twm by which 0ny0b
we Nnx the crowds 0$nk to Him hl were saying Nyrm0
The Torah 0swmn from Nm have heard N(m$
abides 0wqm forever Ml(l that The Messiah 0xy$md

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

that prepared dyt(d you tn0 say rm0 How? 0nky0

of Man 0$n0d The Son hrb to be lifted up Myrttnd is wh
of Man 0$n0d Son hrb this 0nh who is? wnm
a little lylq Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
is wh with you Nwkm( the Light 0rhwn time 0nbz longer Nyrx0
with you Nwkl is ty0 while d( walk wklh
the darkness 0kw$x lest 0ld the Light 0rhwn
walks Klhmd & whoever Nmw overtakes you Nwkkrdn
he is going lz0 where 0ky0l knows (dy not 0l in the darkness 0kw$xb
The Light 0rhwn with you Nwkl is ty0 while d(
that the children yhwnbd in The Light 0rhwnb believe wnmyh
spoke llm these things Nylh: you may be Nwwht of The Light 0rhwnd
from them Nwhnm He hid Himself y$+t0 & departing lz0w Yeshua (w$y
miracles 0twt0 all Nyhlk these Nylh & whereas dkw
in Him hb they trusted wnmyh not 0l before them Nwhymdq He did db(
the Prophet 0ybn of Isaiah 0y($0d the word 0tlm that may be fulfilled 0lmttd
believing Nmyh who is? wnm my Lord yrm who said rm0d
is revealed ylgt0 to whom? Nml of Jehovah 0yrmd & the arm h(rdw our report N(m$l
to believe Nwnmyhnd they were wwh able Nyxk$m not 0l this 0nh because of l+m
Isaiah 0y($0 said rm0 again bwtd because l+m
& darkened wk$x0w their eyes Nwhyny( they have put out wrw(d
they shall see Nwzxn lest 0ld their hearts Nwhbl
in their hearts Nwhblb & understand Nwlktsnw with their eyes Nwhyny(b
them Nwn0 & I should heal 0s0w & should be converted Nwnptnw
He saw 0zx when dk Isaiah 0y($0 said rm0 these things Nylh
about Him yhwl( & spoke llmw His glory hxbw$
many 00ygs but Nyd the rulers 0$r among Nm also P0
The Pharisees 0$yrp because of l+m but 0l0 in Him hb believed wnmyh
they would end up Nwwhn lest 0ld they were wwh confessing Nydwm not 0l
the synagogue 0t$wnk of Nm outside rbl
of children of men 0$nynbd the praise 0xbw$ for ryg they loved wmxr
of God 0hl0d the praise hxbw$ than Nm more ryty
whoever Nm & said rm0w cried 0(q but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
in Me yb is 0wh not 0l in Me yb trustsNmyhmd
Who has sent Me ynrd$d in Him Nmb but 0l0 trusts Nmyhm
Who has sent Me ynrd$d Him Nml sees 0zx sees 0zx Me yld & whoever Nmw
that everyone lkd to the world 0ml(l have come tyt0 The Light 0rhwn I 0n0
in the darkness 0kw$xb shall abide 0wqn not 0l in Me yb believes Nmyhmd who Nm
keeps r+n & not 0lw my words ylm hears (m$d & whoever Nmw
him hl am 0n0 judging N0d not 0l I 0n0 them Nyhl
I have come tyt0 for ryg not 0l
but 0l0 the world 0ml(l that I should judge Nwd0d
to the world 0ml(l that I should give life 0x0d
receives lbqm & not 0lw Meyl rejects Ml+d whoever Nm
him hl judges N0dd one who Nm there is ty0 my words ylm

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that I have spoken tllmd the word 0tlm

last 0yrx0 in the day 0mwyb him hl shall judge 0nyd that yh
but 0l0 have spoken tllm not 0l Myself y$pn from Nm for I 0n0d
gave bhy He wh Who has sent Me ynrd$d The Father 0b0
commandments 0ndqwp me yl
will utter llm0 & what I 0Nmw will say rm0 what I 0nm
are Nwn0 lives 0yx that His commandments hndqwpd I 0n0 know (dyw
which am speaking llmmd therefore lykh these things Nyly0 eternal Ml(ld
I 0n0 speak llmm thus 0nkh My Father yb0 Me yl tells rm0d just as 0nky0 I 0n0

The Gospel Of John

Chapter 13
of Passover 0xcpd the feast 0d0( but Nyd before Mdq
the hour 0t($ that had arrived t+md Yeshua (w$y had 0wh known (dy
His Father yhwb0 to twl world 0ml( this 0nh from Nm that He would depart 0n$nd
who are in this 0nhbd His own hlydl & He loved bx0w
them Nwn0 He loved bx0 the end 0trxl & until 0md(w world 0ml(
Satan 0n+sl hl He 0wh cast 0mr supper 0tym$x it was twh & when dkw
Scariota 0+wyrks Shimeon Nw(m$ son of rb of Yehudah 0dwhyd into the heart hblb
so that he would betray Him yhwyml$nd
knew (dyd because l+m Yeshua (w$y but Nyd Himself wh
The Father 0b0 had given bhy thing Mdm every lkd He 0wh
He had gone out qpn God 0hl0 & that from Nmdw into His hands yhwdy0b
He would depart lz0 God 0hl0 & unto twlw
His robe yhwtxn & put off Msw supper 0tym$x from Nm arose Mq
around His waist yhwcxb tied 0xm a towel 0nwds & took up lq$w
& began yr$w in a wash basin 0tg$mb water 0ym & He took ymr0w
& wiped 0w$mw of his disciples yhwdymltd the feet 0lgr to wash wg$ml
around His waist yhwcxb that He had tied 0xmd with the towel 0nwdsb He 0wh
Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$ to twl He came 0t0 but Nyd when dk
my Lord yrm are? tn0 Shimeon Nw(m$ to Him hl said rm0
for me yl you tn0 washing gy$m My feet ylgr
to him hl & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
know (dy not 0l you tn0 I 0n0 that do db(d the thing Mdm
you will know (dt but Nyd after this Nkrtb now 0$h do tn0
to eternity Ml(l Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$ to Him hl said rm0
to him hl said rm0 my feet ylgr for meyl you tn0 do wash gy$m not 0l
you Kl I 0n0 do wash gy$m not 0l if N0 Yeshua (w$y
a part 0tnm with Me ym( for you Kl there is not tyl
Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$ to him hl said rm0
only dwxlb not 0l my Lord yrm therefore Nydm
but 0l0 for meyl wash gy$t my feet ylgr
my head y$r and P0 my hands ydy0 also P0

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who has bathed 0xsd he wh Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0

to wash gy$n only dwxlb his feet yhwlgr except 0l0 needs qyns not 0l
you Nwtn0 also p0 he is wh clean 0kd for ryg wholly hlk
all of you Nwklk not 0l but 0l0 are Nwtn0 clean 0ykd you entirely Nwklk
him whl Yeshua (w$y for ryg had 0wh known (dy
because of l+m him hl who would betray Ml$md
were 0wh that not 0ld He said rm0 this 0nh
you Nwtn0 clean 0ykd all of you Nwklk
their feet Nwhylgr He had washed gy$0 but Nyd when dk
& said rm0w & reclined at the table Kmts0w His robe yhwtxn He took up lq$
to you Nwkl I have done tdb( what 0nm you Nwtn0 do know? Ny(dy to them Nwhl
& our Lord Nrmw our Master Nbr Meyl do Nwtn0 call Nyrq you Nwtn0
for ryg I am yty0 you Nwtn0 say Nyrm0 & rightly ryp$w
have washed tgy$0 & your Master Nwkbrw your Lord Nwkrm therefore lykh I 0n0 if N0
ought Nybyx you Nwtn0 how much? 0mk your feet Nwkylgr for you Nwkl
of another dxd one dx the feet 0lgr to wash Nwgy$td you Nwtn0
that in which way 0nky0d to you Nwkl I have given tbhy example 0spw+ for ryg this 0nh
should do Nwdb(t you Nwtn0 also P0 to you Nwkl have done tdb( that I 0n0d
to you Nwkl I 0n0 speak rm0 [Timeless Truth] Amen Nym0 Amen Nym0
his master hrm greater than Nm brd a servant 0db( there is not tyld
who sent him hrd$d him Nm greater than Nm brd an apostle 0xyl$ & not 0lw
you are Nwtn0 blessed 0nbw+ you know Nw(dt these things Nylh if N0
them Nyn0 you shall do Nwdb(t if N0
know (dy I 0n0 spoke rm0 all of you Nwklk about l( it was 0wh not 0l
but 0l0 whom I have chosen tybgd those Nyly0l for ryg I 0n0
who eats lk0d that he whd may be fulfilled Ml$n that the scripture 0btkd
his heel hbq( against Me yl( has lifted up Myr0 bread 0mxl with Me ym(
you Nwkl I am 0n0 telling rm0 this hour 0$h from Nm
that when 0md it happens 0whnd before Mdq from Nm
that I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0d you shall believe Nwnmyht it has occurred 0whd
speak rm0 [Timeless Truth] Amen Nym0 Amen Nym0
receives lbqmd that whoever Nmd to you Nwkl I 0n0
Meyl I 0n0 that send rd$md Him Nml
receives lbqm Me yld & whoever Nmw receives lbqm
Who has sent Me ynrd$d Him Nml receives lbqm
& was powerfully moved zz(t0w Yeshua (w$y said rm0 these things Nylh
Amen Nym0 & said rm0w & He testified dhs0w in His Spirit hxwrb
that one dxd to you Nwkl I 0n0 speak rm0 [Timeless Truth] Amen Nym0
will betray Me ynml$n of you Nwknm
another dxb one dx the disciples 0dymlt but Nyd observed wrx
they wwh knew Ny(dy that not 0ld because l+m
He spoke rm0 whom wnm about l(d
one dx His disciples yhwdymlt of Nm but Nyd There was 0wh ty0
him wh in His bosom hbw(b was 0wh who supported Kymsd
Yeshua (w$y hl was 0wh whom loving Mxrd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to ask Him yhwyl0$nd Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$ gestured zmr to this one 0nhl
about him yhwl( of whom He spoke rm0d he wh who is? wnmd
of Yeshua (w$yd the breast hydx on l( disciple 0dymlt that wh & fell lpnw
this one 0nh who is? wnm my Lord yrm to Him hl & said rm0w
& said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
I 0n0 give bhy the bread 0mxl I 0n0 for whom dip (bcd it is wh he wh
& gave bhyw the bread 0mxl Yeshua (w$y & dipped (bcw to him hl
Scariota 0+wyrks Shimeon Nw(m$ son of rb to Yehudah 0dwhyl
was brought in ll(t0 then Nydyh the bread 0mxl & after rtbw
Yeshua (w$y to him hl & said rm0w Satan 0n+s into him hb
quickly lg(b do db( you tn0 do db(d the thing Mdm
knew (dy a man $n0 not 0l but Nyd this 0dh
l(d reclining 0kyms those Nwnh among Nm
to him hl He spoke rm0 why 0nm
because l+m thought wrbs for ryg the men Ny$n0
of Yehudah 0dwhyd was 0wh with him yhwd0c the money box 0mqswlgd
that he would buy Nbznd him hl He commanded dqp that He commanding dqpmd
or w0 for the feast 0d(d(l desired 0(btmd something Mdm
to the poor 0nksml something Mdm that he would give ltnd
the bread 0mxl took bsn Yehudah 0dwhy but Nyd he wh
outside rbl for him hl & went qpnw a moment ht($ son of rb
he left qpn when dk but Nyd it was 0wh night 0yll
The Son hrb is glorified xbt$0 now 0$h Yeshua (w$y & said rm0w
in Him hb is glorified xbt$0 & God 0hl0w of Man 0$n0d
in Him hb is glorified xbt$0 God 0hl0 & if N0w
in Himself hb Him hl glorifies xb$m God 0hl0 also P0w
Him hl glorifies xb$m & at once 0dxmw
I am 0n0 with you Nwkm( longer Nyrx0 a little lylq My children ynb
to the Jews 0ydwhyl I said trm0d & just as 0nky0w & you will seek Me ynnw(btw
you Nwtn0 am 0n0 departing lz0 to which I 0n0d that the place 0ky0ld
to come 0t0ml are Nwtn0 able Nyxk$m not 0l
now 0$h I 0n0 say rm0 to you Nwkl also P0w
be Nwtywhd to you Nwkl I 0n0 give bhy new 0tdx a commandment 0ndqwp
have loved you Nwktbx0 I 0n0d just as 0nky0 to another dxl one dx loving Nybxm
another dxl one dx shall love Nwbxt you Nwtn0 also P0
you are Nwtn0 that My disciples ydymltd man $n0 every lk shall know (dn in this 0dhb
the other dx to twl one dx in you Nwkb shall be 0whn love 0bwx if N0
Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$ to him hl said rm0
answered 0n( are you tn0 leaving lz0 to where? 0ky0l our Lord Nrm
not 0l I 0n0 go lz0d where 0ky0l to him hl & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y
come 0t0td now 0$h you tn0 can xk$m
you shall come 0t0t but Nyd at the end 0trxl after Me yrtb
my Lord yrm Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$ to him hl said rm0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

come 0t0d I 0n0 can xk$m not 0l Why? 0nml

I 0n0 will lay down M0s for Your sake Kyplx my life y$pn now 0$h after You Krtb
for my sake yplx your life K$pn Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
I 0n0 speak rm0 [Timeless Truth] Amen Nym0 Amen Nym0 you tn0 will lay down? M0s
until 0md( a rooster 0lgnrt shall crow 0rqn that not 0ld to you Kl
times Nynbz three tlt Me yb you deny rwpktd
The Gospel Of John
Chapter 14
your heart Nwkbl let be troubled dwdtn not 0l
believe wnmyh & in Me ybw in God 0hl0b believe wnmyh
of My Father yb0 in the house tyb lodgings 0nw0 there are Nwn0 many Ny0ygs
you Nwkl I would have tywh told rm0 & if not 0l0w
the place 0rt0 for you Nwkl that I may prepare by+0d I 0n0 because go lz0d
the place 0rt0 for you Nwkl I prepare by+0 going lz0 & if N0w
to join Me ytwl also I bring you Nwkrbd0w coming 0t0 again bwt
shall be Nwwht you Nwtn0 also P0 am yty0 that I 0n0d that where 0ky0d
know Ny(dy I am 0n0 going lz0d & where 0ky0lw
you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy & the path 0xrw0w you Nwtn0
we know Nny(dy not 0l our Lord Nrm Thoma 0mw0t to him hl said rm0
& How? 0nky0w you are tn0 going lz0 where 0ky0l
to know (dml the path 0xrw0 we Nnx are able Nyxk$m
I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0 Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
& The Life 0yxw & The Truth 0rr$w the Path 0xrw0
by Me yb only N0 except 0l0 My Father yb0 to twl comes 0t0 man $n0 no 0l
also P0 you had Nwtywh known Ny(dy Meyl If wl0
& from Nmw you would have Nwtywh known Ny(dy My Father yb0l
& you have seen Him yhynwtyzxw Him hl you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy this hour 0$h
our Lord Nrm Phillipos swpylyp to Him hl said rm0
for us Nl & it is enough wdkw The Father 0b0 show us Nwx
time 0nbz entire hlk this 0nh Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
Phillipa 0pylyp you have known Me ynt(dy & not 0lw I am 0n0 with you Nwkm(
The Father 0b0l has seen 0zx has seen 0zx Me yld whoever Nm
The Father 0b0 Show us Nwx do tn0 say rm0 you tn0 & how? 0nky0w
in My Father yb0b that I am 0n0d do you? tn0 believe Nmyhm not 0l
0n0d which Nyly0 the words 0lm in me yb & My Father yb0w
am speaking llmm not 0l Myself y$pn from Nm am 0n0 speaking llmm
Who in me ybd but Nyd My Father yb0 I 0n0
these Nylh works 0db( does db( He wh dwells rm(
& My Father yb0w in My Father yb0b that I am 0n0d believe wnmyh
believe wnmyh the works 0db( because of l+m even Np0 & if not 0l0w in Me yb
to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 [Timeless Truth] Amen Nym0 Amen Nym0
works 0db( in me yb believes Nmyhmd that whoever Nmd

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he wh also P0 have 0n0 done db( that I 0n0d those Nyly0

these Nylh than Nm & greater Nyrytydw shall do db(n
shall 0n0 go lz0 The Father 0b0 join twl because I 0n0d He will do db(n
I shall do db(0 in My Name ym$b that you will ask Nwl0$td & anything Mdmw
in His Son hrbb The Father 0b0 that will be glorified xbt$nd for you Nwkl
I shall do this 0ndb( I 0n0 in My Name ym$b you will ask Me ynnwl0$t & if N0w
keep wr+ My commands yndqwp Meyl you Nwtn0 love Nymxr if N0
& another 0nrx0w My Father yb0 from Nm shall request 0(b0 & I 0n0w
to you Nwkl He will give ltn Savior 0+lqrp
for eternity Ml(l with you Nwkm( that He will be 0whnd
Whom the world 0ml(d He is wh of The Truth 0rr$d The Spirit 0xwr
because l+m to receive Him htwlbqml is able xk$m not 0l
has it known Him h(dy nor 0lw has it seen Him yhyzx neither 0ld
Him hl do Nwtn0 know Ny(dy but Nyd you Nwtn0
He is wh & in you Nwkbw He dwells rm( for with you Nwktwld
as orphans 0mty you Nwkl I 0n0 shall leave qb$ not 0l
while Nyrx0 in a little lylq to you Nwktwl for ryg I 0n0 shall come 0t0
but Nyd you Nwtn0 Me yl will see 0zx not 0l & the world 0ml(w
will live Nwxt you Nwtn0 also P0 live yx because I 0n0d will see Me ynnwzxt
in My Father yb0b that I am 0n0d you will know Nw(dt day 0mwy in that whb
am 0n0 in you Nwkb & I 0n0w are Nwtn0 in Me yb & you Nwtn0w
them Nwhl & keeps r+nw My commands yndqwp has htwl ty0d whoever Nm
Me yl who loves Mxrd but Nyd he wh Me yl love bxm does wh he wh
My Father yb0 from Nm will be loved Mxrtn
Myself y$pn & I shall show him yhwywx0w shall love him yhwymxr0 & I 0n0w
Scariota 0+wyrks he was 0wh not 0l Judah 0dwhy to him hl said rm0
you are tn0 going dyt( to us Nl How is it? wnm my Lord yrm
to the world 0ml(l the same 0wh & not 0lw yourself K$pn to show wywxml
whoever Nm to him hl & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
& My Father yb0w keeps r+n My word ytlm Meyl loves Mxrd
We Nnx will come Nyt0 & to him htwlw will love him yhwymxrn
We Nnx will make Nydb( with him htwl & lodging 0nw0w
Me yl love Mxr who does not 0ld but Nyd he wh
this 0dh & word 0tlmw keeps r+n not 0l My word ytlm
but 0l0 Mine ylyd was twh not 0l you Nwtn0 that are hearing Ny(m$d
Who has sent Me ynrd$d The Fathers 0b0d
I have spoken tllm these things Nylh
I am yty0 with you Nwktwl while dk with you Nwkm(
of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr The Savior 0+lqrp but Nyd He wh
in My Name ym$b My Father yb0 Whom sends rd$md He wh
all things Mdmlk will teach you Nwkpln He wh
everything lk will remind you of Nwkdh(n & He whw
you Nwkl I 0n0 have told rm0d whatever 0m
to you Nwkl I 0n0 leave qb$ peace 0ml$

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

not 0l to you Nwkl I 0n0 give bhy My ylyd peace 0ml$

do 0n0 give bhy I 0n0 the world 0ml( gives bhyd as 0nky0 it is 0wh
let be troubled dwdtn not 0l to you Nwkl
do let it fear lxdn & not 0lw your heart Nwkbl
going lz0d to you Nwkl said trm0 that I 0n0d you have heard Nwt(m$
to you Nwktwl I 0n0 & coming 0t0w I am 0n0
Me yl you had Nwtywh loved Nymxr if wl0
to join twl I am 0n0 that going lz0d you would have Nwtywh rejoiced Nydx
than I ynm is wh greater br for My Father yb0d My Father yb0
it happens 0whn before 0ld( you Nwkl I have told trm0 Behold 0h & now 0$hw
you may believe Nwnmyht it has happened 0whd that when 0md
much 0t0ygs with you Nwkm( I am speaking llm0 not 0l After this lykm
& in Me ybw of the world 0ml(d the prince hnwkr0 for ryg is coming 0t0
a thing Mdm for him hl there is not tyl
the world 0ml( that may know (dnd but 0l0
My Father yb0l I 0n0 that love Mxrd
so twkh My Father yb0 has taught Me yndqpd & just as 0nky0w
from here 0km let us depart lz0n Rise up wmwq: I 0n0 have done db(
The Gospel Of John
Chapter 15
True 0rr$d The Vine 0tpg I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0
The Vine Dresser 0xlp is wh & My Father yb0w
yielding 0bhy not 0l fruit 0r0p in me ybd branch 0t$b$ every lk
fruit 0r0p which yields 0bhyd & that 0dy0w it hl He takes away lq$
it shall bring forth 0tyt much 00ygs that fruit 0r0pd it hl He purges 0kdm
are Nwtn0 purged Nykd now wdk from Nm you Nwtn0
with you Nwkm( that I have spoken tllmd the word 0tlm because of l+m
just as 0nky0 in you Nwkb & I 0n0w in me yb Remain wwq
from Nm fruit 0r0p yield lttd can 0xk$m not 0l the branch 0t$b$d
thus 0nkh in the vine 0tpgb it remains 0ywqm unless 0l0 itself h$pn
in Me yb you abide Nwwqt unless 0l0 do you Nwtn0 neither 0l P0
the branches 0t$b$ & you are Nwtn0w The Vine 0tpg I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0
in him hb & I 0n0w in Me yb remains 0wqmd whoever Nm
because l+m much 00ygs fruit 0r0p brings forth 0tym this one 0nh
anything Mdm to do db(ml you Nwtn0 are able Nyxk$m not 0l Me 0n0 without 0ldd
in Me yb abides 0wqm a man $n0 but Nyd unless 0l0
like Ky0 outside rbl he is thrown away 0dt$m
& they gather Ny+qlw shriveled up 0$byd a branch 0t$b$
to burn dq0td into the fire 0rwnb it hl throwing Nymr
in me yb you will abide Nwwqt but Nyd if N0
whatever 0m everything lk in you Nwkb will abide Nywqn & My words ylmw
for you Nwkl shall be done 0whn to ask l0$ml you desire Nwbctd
that fruit 0r0pd The Father 0b0 is glorified xbt$m in this 0dhb
My disciples ydymlt & you will be Nwwhtw you will bring forth Nwtyt much 00ygs
I 0n0 even P0 My Father yb0 has loved Me ynbx0d just as 0nky0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

mine ylyd in My friendship ytmxrb continue wwq have loved you Nwktbx0
you will remain Nwwqt you keep Nwr+t My commandments yndqwp if N0
have kept tr+n that I 0n0d just as 0nky0 My ylyd in love 0bwxb
in His love hbwxb I 0n0 & abide 0wqmw My Fathers yb0d commandments yhwndqwp
that My joy ytwdxd with you Nwkm( I have spoken tllm these things Nylh
your joy Nwktwdx & may be perfect 0lmt$tw in you Nwkb may be 0wht
one dx that you love Nwbxtd My commandment yndqwp this is wnh
have loved you Nwktbx0 I 0n0d just as 0nky0 another dxl
there is not tyl this 0nh than Nm greater brd love 0bwx
his friends yhwmxr for the sake of Plx will lay down Mysn his life h$pn that a person $n0d
all lk you will do Nwdb(t if N0 are Nwtn0 My friends ymxr you Nwtn0
you Nwkl I 0n0 that command dqpmd
servants 0db( you Nwkl I 0n0 call 0rq after this lykm not 0l
does db( what 0nm knows (dy not 0l a servant 0db(d because l+m
because l+m I have called you Nwktyrq but Nyd My friends ymxr his master hrm
I have taught you Nwkt(dw0 My Father yb0 from Nm that I have heard t(m$d all lkd
chosen Me ynnwtybg you Nwtn0 have 0wh not 0l
& appoint you Nwktmsw choose you Nwktybg do wh I 0n0 but 0l0
fruit 0r0p bring forth Nwtyt will go Nwlz0t you Nwtn0 so that also P0d
you will ask Nwl0$td that all lkd will remain Nwwqn & your fruit Nwkyr0pw
to you Nwkl He will give ltn in My Name ym$b My Father yb0l
you Nwkl I 0n0 command dqpm these things Nylh
another dxl one dx that you will love Nwbxtd
know w(d you Nwkl hates 0ns the world 0ml( & if N0w
it hated 0ns Me yl that before you Nwkymdqd
the world 0ml( you had been Nwtywh the world 0ml( from Nm & if wl0w
would have 0wh loved Mxr its own hlydl
I 0n0 the world 0ml( from Nm you were Nwtywh not al but 0l0
because of l+m the world 0ml( from Nm have chosen you Nwktybg for ryg
the world 0ml( you Nwkl hates 0ns this 0nh
to you Nwkl have spoken trm0 that I 0n0d the word 0tlm Remember wdh(
than Nm who is greater brd a servant 0db( that there is not tyld
you Nwkl also P0 they have persecuted wpdr Me yl if N0 his master hrm
they have kept wr+n My word ytlm & if N0w they will persecute Nwpdrn
they will keep Nwr+n yours Nwklyd also P0
they will do Nwdb(n all Nyhlk these things Nylh but 0l0
because not 0ld My ylyd My Name ym$ because of l+m among you Nwkb
Who has sent Me ynrd$d Him Nml they know Ny(dy
with them Nwhm( speaking tllm had come tyt0 not 0l I 0n0 if wl0
but Nyd now 0$h sin 0ty+x to them Nwhl there would have been twh not tyl
their sin Nwhty+x for the sake of yp0 l( a reason 0tl( to them Nwhl there is not tyl
hates 0ns My Father yb0l also P0w hates 0ns Me yld whoever Nm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

in their sight Nwhyn(l I had done tdb( not 0l the works 0db( & if wl0w
has done db( not 0l another Nyrx0 a man $n0d which Nyly0
sin 0ty+x to them Nwhl there would have been 0wh not tyl
& hated wnsw they have seen wzxw but Nyd now 0$h
My Father yb0l & even P0w Me yl also P0
that is written 0bytkd the word 0tlm that may be fulfilled 0lmttd
for nothing Ngm they hated Me ynw0nsd in their law Nwhswmnb
The Redeemer of the accursed 0+lqrp comes 0t0d but Nyd when 0m
to you Nwkl I 0n0 shall send rd$m Whom I 0n0d He wh
The Spirit 0xwr of My Father yb0 the Presence twl from Nm
He it is wh of The Truth 0rr$d
proceeds qpn of My Father yb0 the Presence twl Who from Nmd
concerning Me yl( shall testify dhsn He wh
are Nwtn0 testifying Nydhs you Nwtn0 also P0
are Nwtn0 with Me ym( the beginning 0yrw$ who from Nmd
The Gospel Of John
Chapter 16
I have spoken tllm these things Nylh
you would be offended Nwl$ktt that not 0ld with you Nwkm(
their assemblies Nwht$wnk from Nm for ryg they shall put you out Nwknwqpn
who will kill you Nwklw+qnd in which everyone lkd the hour 0t($ & shall come 0t0tw
to God 0hl0l he presents brqm that an offering 0nbrwqd will think rbsn
not 0ld because l+m they shall do Nwdb(n & these things Nylhw
Me yl nor 0lw My Father yb0l either 0lw they know w(dy
comes 0t0d that when 0md with you Nwkm( I have spoken tllm these things Nylh
them Nyn0 you will remember Nwdh(t their moments Nyhnd(
these things Nylh you Nwkl told trm0 that I 0n0d
not 0l the first Mydq from Nm but Nyd
I was tywh for with you Nwkm(d you Nwkl I told trm0
Him Who Nm to join twl I 0n0 am going lz0 but Nyd now 0$h
Me yl asks l0$m among you Nwknm man $n0 & no 0lw has sent Me ynrd$d
are You tn0 going lz0 Where? 0ky0l
these things Nylh for ryg to you Nwkl I have said trm0
your hearts Nwktwbl & has filled tlmw sadness 0twyrk & has come tt0w
you Nwkl do 0n0 tell rm0 the truth 0rr$ I 0n0 but 0l0
I 0n0 for ryg if N0 go away lz0 that I 0n0d for you Nwkl it is beneficial xqpd
will come 0t0 not 0l The Redeemer of the cursed 0+lqrp I 0n0 go away lz0 not 0l
to you Nwktwl I shall send Him yhwyrd$0 I depart lz0 but Nyd if N0 to you Nwktwl
He wh comes 0t0d & when 0mw
sin 0ty+x concerning l( the world 0ml(l He will correct yhwyskn
judgment 0nyd & concerning l(w righteousness 0twqydz & concerning l(w
in Me yb they are believing Nynmyhm for not 0ld sin 0ty+x concerning l(

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

My Fathers yb0 for to Presence twld but Nyd righteousness 0twqydz concerning l(
Me yl you Nwtn0 will see Nyzx again bwt & not 0lw I 0n0 will go lz0
of world 0ml(d because The Prince 0nwkr0d but Nyd judgment 0nyd about l(
is wh judged Nyd this 0nh
to you Nwkl to say rm0ml to Me yl is ty0 much ygs again bwt
now 0$h to grasp dx0ml you Nwtn0 are able Nyxk$m not 0l but 0l0
but Nyd He comes 0t0d whenever 0m
into the whole hlkb will lead you Nwkrbdn He wh of The Truth 0rr$d The Spirit 0xwr
will Ny(r from Nm He shall speak llmn for ryg not 0l Truth 0rr$
that He shall hear (m$nd everything lk but 0l0 His own h$pn
He shall reveal to you Nwk(dwn & the future 0tdyt(w He shall speak llmn that wh
because l+m shall glorify Me ynxb$n & He whw
& He shall show you Nwkywxnw He shall take bsn Mine ylyd that which is from Nmd
My Fathers yb0l that is ty0d thing Mdm every lk
to you Nwkl I have said trm0 this 0nh because of l+m is wh Mine ylyd
& He will show you Nwkywxnw He will take bsn Mine ylyd that which is from Nmd
a little while lylq & again bwtw you will see Me ynnwzxt & not 0lw a little while lylq
The Father 0b0 to twl I am 0n0 because going lz0d & you will see Me ynnwzxtw
to another dxl one dx His disciples yhwdymlt were wwh & saying wrm0w
to us Nl that He said rm0d this 0dh is yh what? 0nm
you will see Me ynnwzxt & not 0lw a little while lylqd
& you will see Me ynnwzxtw a little lylq & again bwtw
My Father yb0 to join twl I am 0n0 & because going lz0dw
a little while lylq this 0dh is yh what? 0nm they were wwh & saying Nyrm0w
He is uttering llmm what? 0nm we know Nny(dy not 0l that He says rm0d
they were wwh that wanting Ny(bd knew (dy but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
to them Nwhl & He said rm0w to ask Him htwl0$ml
with M( are you? Nwtn0 inquiring Ny(b this 0dh about l(
that a little while lylqd to you Nwkl because I said trm0d each other 0ddx
& you will see Me ynnwzxtw a little while lylq & again bwtw you will see Me ynnwzxt & not 0lw
to you Nwkl I 0n0 speak rm0 [Timeless Truth] Amen Nym0 Amen Nym0
& the world 0ml(w & mourn Nwl0tw you Nwtn0 shall weep Nwkbtd
but 0l0 you will sorrow 0rkt & to you Nwklw will rejoice 0dxn
shall be turned 0wht into joy 0twdxl your sorrow Nwktwyrk
in her hl she has sorrow 0yrk is giving birth 0dlyd when 0m a woman 0ttn0
when 0m of her delivery hdlwmd the day 0mwy because has arrived 0+md
not 0l a son 0rb but Nyd when she has borne tdlyd
because of l+m her distress hnclw0 she remembers 0dh(
into the world 0ml(b a son 0$nrb that has been born dlyt0d the joy 0twdx
but Nyd again bwt to you Nwkl you have sorrow 0yrk now 0$h you Nwtn0 also P0
your heart Nwkbl & shall rejoice 0dxnw I shall see you Nwkyzx0
from you Nwknm shall take bsn man $n0 no 0l & your joy Nwktwdxw
anything Mdm you will ask Nwl0$t not 0l Me yl day 0mwy & in that whbw
to you Nwkl I 0n0 speak rm0 [Timeless Truth] Amen Nym0 Amen Nym0
that you shall ask Nwl0$td thing Mdm that every lkd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to you Nwkl He shall give ltn in My Name ym$b My Father yb0l

anything Mdm you have asked Nwtl0$ not 0l this hour 0$hl until 0md(
& you will receive Nwbstw ask wl0$ in My Name ym$b
perfect 0ylm$m your joy Nwktwdx that may be 0whtd
I have spoken tllm in parables 0t0lpb these things Nylh
not 0ld when ytm0 the hour 0t($ but Nyd is coming 0yt0 with you Nwkm(
eye Ny( but 0l0 in parables 0t0lpb with you Nwkm( I shall speak llm0
The Father 0b0 about l( to you Nwkl I shall declare qdb0 in opened 0lgb
you will ask Nwl0$td day 0mwy in that whb
to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 & not 0lw in My Name ym$b
for you Nwkyl( The Father 0b0 from Nm shall request 0(b0 that I 0n0d
you Nwkl loves Mxr The Father 0b0 for ryg Himself wh
& have believed Nwtnmyhw have loved Me ynnwtmxr because you Nwtn0d
have gone forth tqpn God 0hl0 union with twl from Nm that I 0n0d
The Father 0b0 union with twl from Nm I have proceeded tqpn
I 0n0 leave qb$ & again bwtw into the world 0ml(l & have come tyt0w
The Father 0b0 to join twl Myself yl I am 0n0 & going lz0w the world 0ml(l
His disciples yhwdymlt to Him hl were saying Nyrm0
You are tn0 speaking llmm plainly ty0ylg now 0$h Behold 0h
You tn0 speak rm0 one 0dx also not 0lw & a parable 0t0lpw
that every lkd we are Nnx knowing Ny(dy now 0$h
You tn0 need qyns & not 0lw You tn0 know (dy thing Mdm
believing Nynmyhm in this 0dhb should ask You Kl0$n that anyone $n0d
You have proceeded tqpn God 0hl0 that from Nmd we are Nnx
Do you believe? wnmyh Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
it has come tt0 & now 0$hw the hour 0t($ comes 0yt0 behold 0hd
a man $n0 when you will be scattered Nwrdbttd
alone ydwxlb & you will leave Me ynnwqb$tw to his place hrt0l
is wh with Me ym( because The Father 0b0d alone ydwxlb I shall be tywh & not 0lw
that in Me ybd to you Nwkl I have spoken trm0 these things Nylh
in the world 0ml(b peace 0ml$ to you Nwkl shall be 0whn
take heart wbblt0 but 0l0 suffering 0nclw0 to you Nwkl there is 0wh
the world 0ml(l have overcome htykz I 0n0
The Gospel Of John
Chapter 17
to Heaven 0ym$l His eyes yhwny( & lifted Myr0w Yeshua (w$y spoke llm these things Nylh
the hour 0t($ has come tt0 My Father yb0 & said rm0w
may glorify You Kxb$n that Your Son Krbd Your Son Krb glorify xb$
authority 0n+lw$ to Him hl You have given tbhyd just as 0nky0
whatsoever 0m because everything lkd flesh rsb every lk over l(
He will give ltn to Him hl You have given tbhyd
eternal Ml(ld life 0yx to it [every flesh] hl
that is eternal Ml(ld life 0yx but Nyd are Nwn0 these things Nylh
of Truth 0rr$d The God 0hl0 are tn0 because You tn0d that they will know You Knw(dnd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& Him Whom Nmw You alone Kydwxlb

The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y You have sent trd$d
that wh the work 0db( in the earth 0(r0b have glorified You Ktxb$ I 0n0
I have finished it html$ that I should do db(0d to me yl You have given tbhyd
in union with yourself Ktwl My Father yb0 you tn0 glorify Me ynyxb$ now 0$hw
with me yl was 0wh that being ty0d glory 0xbw$ in that whb
a universe 0ml( there was 0whnd before Mdq from Nm in union with You Ktwl
those Nwnh of men 0$n0 to the children ynbl Your Name Km$ I have revealed t(dw0
the world 0ml( from Nm Me yl whom You have given tbhyd
them Nwn0 You have given tbhy & to Me ylw they were wwh Yours Klyd
Your word Ktlm & they have kept wr+nw
to Me yl You have given tbhyd whatever 0m everything lkd I know t(dy now 0$h
is wh your Presence Ktwl from Nm
I have given tbhy to me yl that You gave tbhyd for the words 0lmd
truly ty0ryr$ & they have known w(dyw they have received wlbq & them Nwnhw to them Nwhl
I have proceeded tqpn union with You Ktwl that from Nmd
have sent Me yntrd$ that you tn0d & they have believed wnmyhw
the world 0ml( over l( was 0wh not 0l I 0n0 pray 0(b over them Nwhyl( I 0n0
Me yl whom You have given tbhyd those Nwnh over l( but 0l0 I 0n0 praying 0(b
they are Nwn0 for Yours Klydd
is wh Yours Klyd is wh that Mine ylydd thing Mdm & every lkw
in them Nwhb I am 0n0 & glorified xb$mw is wh Mine ylyd & Yours Klydw
& these Nylhw in the world 0ml(b I shall dwell tywh not 0l from now on lykm
to join You Ktwl & I 0n0w are Nwn0 in the world 0ml(b
keep r+ Holy 0$ydq Father 0b0 am 0n0 coming 0t0
to Me yl which You have given tbhyd that wh in Your Name Km$b them Nwn0
We are Nnxd just as 0nky0 one dx that they shall be Nwwhnd
I 0n0 in the world 0ml(b I was tywh with them Nwhm( when dk
those Nyly0l: in Your Name Km$b them Nwhl did tywh keep r+n
I have kept tr+n Me yl whom You gave tbhyd
the son hrb but 0l0 has perished db0 not 0l among them Nwhnm & a man $n0w
the scripture 0btk that should be fulfilled 0lmtnd of destruction 0ndb0d
I 0n0 come 0t0 unto you Ktwl but Nyd now 0$h
in the world 0ml(b I am 0n0 speaking llmm & these things Nylhw
in them Nwhb complete 0ylm$m My joy ytwdx that shall be 0whtd
& the world 0ml(w Your word Ktlm to them Nwhl have given tbhy I 0n0
the world 0ml( from Nm they were wwh because not 0ld them Nwn0 has hated 0ns
the world 0ml( from Nm was tywh not 0l that I 0n0d just as 0nky0
them Nwn0 that You would take lwq$td it is 0wh not 0l
but 0l0 I 0n0 pray 0(b the world 0ml( from Nm
the evil 0$yb from Nm them Nwn0 that You would preserve r+td
just as 0nky0 the world 0ml( from Nm for ryg they were wwh not 0l
the world 0ml( from Nm was tywh not 0l I 0n0d
in Your Truth Krr$b them Nwn0 hallow $dq Father 0b0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

is yh The Truth 0rr$ Yours Klyd because Your Word Ktlmd

also P0 to the world 0ml(l You have sent trd$ Me yld just as 0nky0
to the world 0ml(l them Nwn0 have sent trd$ I 0n0
Myself y$pn I 0n0 hallow $dqm I 0n0 their sake Nwhyp0 & for l(w
in the truth 0rr$b becoming holy Ny$dqm they Nwnh also P0 that shall be Nwwhnd
those Nylh the sake of yp0 for l( have 0wh neither 0lw
the sake of yp0 for l( also P0 but 0l0 only dwxlb I 0n0 prayed 0(b
by their word Nwhtlmb in Me yb who are trusting Nynmyhmd these Nyly0
just as 0nky0 one dx will be Nwwhn that all of them Nwhlkd
in You Kb & I am 0n0w in Me yb My Father yb0 You are tn0d
will be Nwwhn one dx in Us Nb they Nwnh so that also P0d
so that will believe Nmyhnd
have sent Me yntrd$ that You tn0d the world 0ml(
Me yl that You have given tbhyd The Glory 0xbw$ & I 0n0w
one dx so that they will be Nwwhnd to them Nwhl I have given tbhy
are Nnx one dx we Nnxd just as 0nky0
in Me yb & you tn0w in them Nwhb I 0n0
& that will know (dndw as one dxl perfected Nyrymg that they will be Nwwhnd
& that You have loved tbx0dw have sent Me yntrd$ that you tn0d the world 0ml(
You have loved tbx0 Me yl also P0d just as 0nky0 them Nwn0
Me yl whom You have given tbhyd these Nwnh Father 0b0
will be Nwwhn they Nwnh also P0 I am 0n0d that where rt0d I 0n0 will 0bc
that wh My ylyd Glory 0xbw$ seeing Nyzx that they will be Nwwhnd with Me ym(
from Nm because You have loved Me yntbx0d Me yl which You have given tbhyd
of the world 0ml(d the foundation htymrt before Mdq
has not known You K(dy not 0l although the world 0ml(w Righteous 0n0k My Father yb0
& these Nwnhw I have known You Kt(dy but Nyd I 0n0
have sent Me yntrd$ that You tn0d have known w(dy
& revealing it (dwmw Your Name Km$ them Nwn0 & I have taught t(dw0w
with which You have loved Me yntbx0d that wh so that Love 0bwxd I am 0n0
in them Nwhb shall be 0wh0 & I 0n0w in them Nwhb shall be 0whn
The Gospel Of John
Chapter 18
& went forth qpnw Yeshua (w$y said rm0 these things Nylh
to the crossing 0rb(l His disciples yhwdymlt with M(
the place rt0 of Qedrown Nwrdqd of the torrent 0tlgrd
where 0ky0 a garden 0tng was twh that ty0d
& His disciples yhwdymltw He wh entered l(d
the traitor 0nml$m Yehudah 0dwhy also P0 but Nyd had 0wh known (dy
times 0nbz many ygsd because l+m that yh place 0tkwdl
His disciples yhwdymlt with M( Yeshua (w$y there Nmt had 0wh met $nk
also from Nmw a troop ryps0 ledrbd Yehudah 0dwhy therefore lykh wh
& Pharisees 0$yrpw the priests 0nhk chief ybr the presence of twl
there Nmtl & came 0t0w guards 0$xd he led rbd
& weapons 0nyzw & lamps 0dypmlw torches 0r+pn with M(

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

all lk He 0wh because knew (dyd but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
upon him yhwl( had come 0t0d things Mdm
are you Nwtn0 seeking Ny(b for whom? Nml to them Nwhl & said rm0w He went out qpn
The Nazarene 0yrcn for Yeshua (w$yl to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0
standing M0q I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0 Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
with them Nwhm( the traitor 0nml$m Yehudah 0dwhy also P0 but Nyd was 0wh
I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0d Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0 & when dkw
the ground 0(r0 on l( & they fell wlpnw backward Nwhrtsbl they went wlz0
are you Nwtn0 seeking Ny(b for whom? Nml Yeshua (w$y them Nwn0 asked l0$ again bwt
The Nazarene 0yrcn for Yeshua (w$yl said wrm0 but Nyd they Nwnh
to you Nwkl I have told trm0 Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl said rm0
seeking Ny(b Me yl & if N0w I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0d
be going Nylz0 these Nylhl let wqwb$ you are Nwtn0
that He spoke rm0d the saying 0tlm so that may be fulfilled Ml$td
not 0l Me yl whom You have given tbhyd those Nyly0d
one dx not even 0lp0 of them Nwhnm I have lost tdbw0
was 0wh there ty0 Keepha 0p0k but Nyd Shimeon Nw(m$
& struck yhyxmw & he drew it h+m$w a sword 0rsps on him yhwl(
his ear hnd0 & removed hlq$w priest 0nhk of the high brd the servant hdb(l
was Malka Klm of the servant 0db(d but Nyd the name hm$ of the right side 0nymyd
put Mys Keepha 0p0kl Yeshua (w$y & said rm0w
that gave bhyd the cup 0sk in its sheath htlxb the sword 0rsps
shall I drink it yhwyt$0 not? 0l My Father yb0 Me yl
& guards 0$xdw & captain of a thousand 0krylkw the troop ryps0 then Nydyh
& bound Him yhwrs0w Yeshua (w$yl seized Himself yhwdx0 of The Jews 0ydwhyd
first Mdqwl Hanan Nnx to the presence of twl & they brought Him yhwyty0w
he wh of Qaipa 0pyqd he was 0wh father in law yhwmxd because l+m
that yh of year 0tn$d priest 0nhk high br was 0wh who yhwty0d
The Jews 0ydwhyl counseled Klmd who wh Qaipha 0pyq but Nyd was 0wh it yhwty0
man 0rbg that one dxd that it is better xqpd
the people 0m( for the sake of Plx should die twmn
of Nm & one dxw Keepha 0p0k but Nyd Shimeon Nw(m$
coming Nyt0 other 0nrx0 the disciples 0dymlt
but Nyd to Him whl Yeshua (w$yd after Him hrtb were wwh
high br the hl had 0wh known (dy the disciple 0dymlt
to the courtyard 0trdl Yeshua (w$y with M( & he entered l(w priest 0nhk
the gate 0(rt near twl outside rbl was 0wh standing M0q but Nyd Shimeon Nw(m$
the other 0nrx0 disciple 0dymlt that wh & went out qpnw
& spoke rm0w the priest 0nhk high br him hl did 0wh who know (dyd
gate 0(rt keeper tr+n the maiden 0tmyl( but Nyd she said trm0
from Nm you tn0 also P0 interog.? 0ml to Shimeon Nw(m$l
man 0rbg of this 0nhd are? tn0 the disciples yhwdymlt
no 0l to her hl he said rm0
& setting Nymysw & the guards 0$xdw the servants 0db( were wwh & standing Nymyqw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

it was 0wh cold $yrqd because l+m to warm themselves Nwnx$nd a fire 0rwn they were wwh
Shimeon Nw(m$ also P0 but Nyd was 0wh standing M0q
& warming himself Nx$w with them Nwhm(
Yeshua (w$yl asked hl0$ but Nyd the priest 0nhk high br
His teaching hnplwy & about l(w His disciples yhwdymlt about l(
* in opening 0lgb eye Ny( I 0n0 Yeshua (w$y to him hl & said rm0w
& at all times Nbzlkbw the people 0m( with M( have spoken tllm
& in the temple 0lkyhbw in the synagogue 0t$wnkb I have taught tpl0
are assembled Ny$nktm The Jews 0ydwhy all of them Nwhlkd where 0ky0
I have spoken tllm not 0l in secret 0y$w+b & a thing Mdmw
who heard w(m$d those Nwnhl ask l0$ Me yl you tn0 ask l0$m why? 0nm
every lk know Ny(dy they Nwnh Behold 0h with them Nwhm( I spoke tllm what 0nm
that I have said trm0d thing Mdm
the guards 0$xd from Nm one dx said rm0 these Nylh & when dkw
Yeshua (w$yl the cheek hkp on l( struck Him yhyxm was 0wh who standing M0qd
give bhy thus? 0nkh to him hl & said rm0w
the priest 0nhk to high brl answer 0mgtp you tn0
to him hl & said rm0w Yeshua (w$y answered 0n(
the evil 0t$yb of l( testify dhs0 I have spoken tllm evil ty0$yb if N0
do you strike Me yntyxm why? 0nml correctly ryp$ but Nyd & if N0w
when dk Yeshua (w$yl sent rd$ but Nyd Hannan Nnx
the priest 0nhk high br Qaipa 0pyq to the presence of twl bound rys0
& warming himself Nx$w was 0wh standing M0q Keepha 0p0k & Simon Nw(m$w
are? tn0 also P0 interog.? 0ml to him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w
you tn0 His disciples yhwdymlt from Nm one dx
I am tywh not 0l & said rm0w denied rpk & he whw
of high brd the servants 0db( from Nm one dx to him hl said rm0
Shimeon Nw(m$ had 0wh of whom cut off qspd of him whd near kin hnyx0 the priest 0nhk
in the garden 0tngb with Him hm( did see you Ktyzx I 0n0 not? 0l his ear hnd0
& in it hbw Shimeon Nw(m$ denied rpk & again bwtw
a rooster 0lgnrt crowed 0rq the hour 0t($b
from Nm Yeshua (w$yl but Nyd they brought Him yhwyty0
& it yhwty0w to the Praetorium Nyrw+rpl Qaipha 0pyq the presence of twl
& they Nwnhw dawn 0rpc was 0wh
that not 0ld the Praetorium Nyrw+rpl entered wl( not 0l
the Passover 0xcp they had eaten Nylk0 until d( they would be defiled Nw$w+tn
to their presence Nwhtwl outside rbl Pilatus sw+lyp but Nyd went out qpn
is ty0 accusation 0crqlk0m what? 0nm to them Nwhl & said rm0w
This 0nh Man 0rbg against l( to you Nwkl
if wl0 to him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w they answered wn(
neither 0lp0 he were 0wh evil 0t$yb a doer db( not 0l
Him hl we would have Nywh delivered Nyml$m to you Kl
you Nwtn0 take Him yhwrbwd Pilatus sw+lyp to them Nwhl said rm0
were saying Nyrm0 your law Nwkswmn according to Ky0 & judge Him yhwnwdw
to us Nl it is permitted +yl$ not 0l The Judeans 0ydwhy to him hl

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

a man $n0l to kill l+qml

when dk Yeshua (w$y that said rm0d the saying 0tlm so that may be fulfilled Ml$td
to die twmnd He was going dyt( death 0twm by which 0ny0b He revealed (dwm
& he called 0rqw the PraetoriumNyrw+rpl Pilatus sw+lyp but Nyd entered l(
You tn0 to Him hl & said rm0w for Yeshua (w$yl
of The Judeans 0ydwhyd their king Nwhklm are? wh
from Nm Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
others 0nrx0 or w0 this 0dh have you said? trm0 yourself K$pn
about Me yl( to you Kl have spoken? wrm0
interog. 0ml Pilatus sw+lyp to Him hl said rm0
itself wh of Your nation Km( the children ynb I 0n0 a Jew 0ydwhy am? 0n0
have delivered You Kwml$0 priests 0nhk & high ybrw
have You done tdb( what? 0nm to me yl
Mine ylyd My kingdom ytwklm Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
from Nm if wl0 world 0ml( this 0nh from Nm is twh not 0l
My kingdom ytwklm this 0nh it were twh world 0ml(
that not 0ld My servants yn$m$m would wwh have been fighting Ny$tktm
now 0$h to the Judeans 0ydwhyl I would have been delivered up Mlt$0
from here 0km is twh not 0l Mine ylyd My kingdom ytwklm but Nyd
a king 0klm then Nydm Pilatus sw+lyp to Him hl said rm0
you tn0 Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0 You are? tn0
for this 0dhl I 0n0 am 0n0 that a king 0klmd have said trm0
to the world 0ml(l I have come tyt0 & for this 0dhlw I 0n0 was born dyly
is yhwty0d who Nm everyone lk The Truth 0rr$ of l( to testify dhs0d
My voice ylq hears (m$ The Truth 0rr$ from Nm
what is? wnm Pilatus sw+lyp to Him hl said rm0
he went out qpn this 0dh he had said rm0 & when dkw The Truth 0rr$
to them Nwhl & said rm0w The Judeans 0ydwhy to twl again bwt himself hl
in Him hb do 0n0 find xk$m fault 0tl( one 0dx not even 0lp0 I 0n0
I shall release 0r$0 that one dxd for you Nwkl it is ty0 but Nyd a custom 0dy(
therefore lykh you are? Nwtn0 desiring Nybc at Passover 0xcpb to you Nwkl
this one 0nhl to you Nwkl I release 0r$0
of The Judeans 0ydwhyd the king 0klm
& they were saying Nyrm0w all of them Nwhlk & cried out w(qw
was 0wh he yhwty0 Barabba 0b0rbl but 0l0 this one 0nhl not 0l
a robber 0syg Barabba 0b0rb this 0nh but Nyd
The Gospel Of John
Chapter 19
Yeshua (w$yl scourged hdgn Pilatus sw+lyp then Nydyh
from Nm a crown 0lylk twined wldg & the soldiers 0+wy+r+s0w
on His head h$rb it hl & they placed wmsw thorns 0bwk
of purple 0nwgr0d with a robe 0txn & clothed Him yhwyskw
hail Ml$ they were wwh & saying Nyrm0w
of The Jews 0ydwhyd King 0klm to you Kl

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

His cheeks yhwkp on l( Him hl they were wwh & hitting Nyxmw
outside rbl again bwt Pilatus sw+lyp & went out qpnw
Him hl I 0n0 shall bring forth qpm Behold 0h to them Nwhl & said rm0w
I 0n0 find xk$m that not 0ld that you may know Nw(dtd outside rbl to you Nwkl
cause 0tl( one 0dx not even 0lp0 occasion for complaint in him hrtb
is ty0 when dk outside rbl Yeshua (w$y & went forth qpnw
of thorns 0bwkd the crown 0lylk upon Him yhwl(
to them Nwhl & said rm0w of purple 0nwgr0d & the robe 0txnw
here is the Man 0rbg Behold 0h Pilatus sw+lyp
& the guards 0$xdw the priests 0nhk chief ybr saw Him yhw0zx but Nyd when dk
Crucify Him yhybwlc Crucify Him yhybwlc & they were saying Nyrm0w they cried out w(q
take wrbd Pilatus sw+lyp to them Nwhl said rm0
for ryg I 0n0 & crucify Him yhwpqwzw you Nwtn0
a fault 0tl( in Him hb I 0n0 find xk$m not 0l
to us Nl The Judeans 0ydwhy to him hl were saying Nyrm0
that in our Torah Nswmnbd & according to Ky0w to us Nl is ty0 the law 0swmn
because He made db(d to death 0twm He wh is condemned byx
of God 0hl0d The Son hrb Himself h$pn
Pilate sw+lyp but Nyd heard (m$ when dk
he was afraid lxd the more ty0ryty statement 0tlm this 0dh
& said rm0w the Praetorium Nyrw+rpl again bwt & he entered l(w
but Nyd Yeshua (w$y are You tn0 from where? 0kmy0 to Yeshua (w$yl
to him hl gave bhy no 0l answer 0mgtp
speaking llmm not? 0l with me ym( Pilatus sw+lyp to him hl said rm0
I am 0n0 that authorized +yl$d you tn0 know (dy not? 0l are you tn0
that I may crucify You Kpqz0d I am 0n0 & authorized +yl$w that I may release You Kyr$0d
there was 0wh not tyl Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
not 0l if wl0 one dx not 0l even P0 authority 0n+lw$ over Me yl( to you Kl
because of l+m above l(l from Nm to you Kl it had been 0wh given byhy
to you Kl delivered Me ynml$0d whoever Nm he wh this 0nh
yours Klyd than Nm the sin of him hty+x is yh greater 0br
did 0wh want 0bc this 0dh & because of l+mw
but Nyd The Yehudeans 0ydwhy to release Him yhwyr$nd Pilatus sw+lyp
release 0r$ This one 0nhl that if N0d were wwh crying out Ny(q
everyone lk of Qesar rsqd friend hmxr are tywh not 0l you tn0
king 0klm himself h$pnd for ryg who Nm
of Qesar rsqd is wh an adversary 0lbwqs makes db(
this 0dh Pilatus sw+lyp but Nyd heard (m$ when dk
& sat down btyw outside rbl Yeshua (w$yl he brought hqp0 statement 0tlm
that is called 0yrqtmd in the place 0tkwdb the judgment seat Myb on l(
in Hebrew ty0rb( dKeepha 0p0kd Rtsiftha 0tpycr
* Gpiptha 0tpypg it is called 0rm0tm but Nyd
ty0w of Passover 0xcpd it was twh & the eve 0tbwr(w
& he said rm0w sixth t$ the hour 0($ about Ky0 it was ywh
Here is Your King Nwkklm Behold 0h to the Judeans 0ydwhyl
take Him away yhylwq$ they were wwh crying out Ny(q but Nyd they Nwnh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to them Nwhl said rm0 crucify Himyhybwlc crucify Him yhybwlc take Him away yhylwq$
were saying Nyrm0 shall I crucify? Pwqz0 your King Nwkklml Pilatus sw+lyp
Qesar rsq if N0 but 0l0 a king 0klm to us Nl there is not tyl the priests 0nhk chief ybr
that they would crucify Him yhynwpqznd to them Nwhl he delivered Him hml$0 then Nydyh
& brought Him out yhwqp0w Yeshua (w$yl & they led Him yhwrbdw
to the place 0tkwdl His cross hpyqz He took up lyq$ when dk
but Nyd in Hebrew ty0rb(Qaraqpatha 0tpqrq that is called 0yrqtmd
Gagultha 0tlwgg it is called 0rm0tm
two Nyrt & with Him hm(w where they crucified Him yhwpqzd the place rt0
& one dxw on one side 0km one dx others Nynrx0
in the center 0t(cmb & Yeshua (w$ylw on the other side 0km
on l( & placed it Msw Pilatus sw+lyp a title 0xwl also P0 & wrote btkw
but Nyd it was 0wh written bytk His cross hpyqz
The Nazarene 0yrcn Yeshua (w$y this is 0nh thus 0nkh
of The Jews 0ydwhyd the King 0klm
from Nm many 00ygs tablet 0pd & this 0nhlw
near 0byrqd because l+m read it yhw0rq The Judeans 0ydwhy
the place 0tkwd to the city 0tnydml was twh
& written 0bytkw Yeshua (w$y in it hb in which was crucified Pqdz0d
& In Latin ty0mwhrw & in Greek ty0nwyw in Hebrew ty0rb( it was 0wh
write bwtkt not 0l to Pilatus sw+lypl the priests 0nhk chief ybr & said wrm0w
said rm0 that He whd but 0l0 of The Jews 0ydwhyd He is wh The King 0klmd
of The Jews 0ydwhyd I am 0n0 The King 0klmd
I have written tbtk that I have written tbtkd the thing Mdm Pilatus sw+lyp said rm0
they crucified Him yhwpqz when dk but Nyd the soldiers 0+wy+r+s0
His garments yhwtxn they took wlq$ Yeshua (w$yl
a part 0tnm parts Nwnm four (br0l & they made wdb(w
it hyty0 but Nyd His tunic hnytwk the soldiers 0+wy+r+s0 of Nm to each dxl
all of it hlk was woven 0tryqz the top l(l from Nm seam 0+yx without 0ld was twh
we shall tear it hyqdsn not 0l to another dxl one dx & they said wrm0w
to be 0wht whose wnmd it is allowed spm for it hyl( we shall cast lots spn but 0l0
they divided wglpd that says rm0d the scripture 0btk & was fulfilled Ml$w
My clothing y$wbl & for l(w among them Nwhtnyb My garment ytxn
the soldiers 0+wy+r+s0 did wdb( these things Nylh lots 0sp they cast wymr0
of Yeshua (w$yd His cross hpyqz at twl but Nyd were ywh standing Nmyq
of His mother hm0d & the sister htxw His mother hm0
Magdalitha 0tyldgm & Mary Myrmw of Qliopa 0pwylqd she who was yh & Mary Myrmw
& the disciple 0dymltlw His mother hm0l saw 0zx but Nyd Yeshua (w$y
& He said rm0w standing M0qd He 0wh whom loved Mxrd him wh
he is your son ykrb Behold 0h woman 0ttn0 to His mother hm0l
she is your mother Km0 Behold 0h that wh to disciple 0dymltl & He said rm0w
received her hrbd hour 0t($ that yh & from Nmw
to himself htwl that wh disciple 0dymlt
that everything Mdmlkd Yeshua (w$y knew (dy these things Nylh after rtb
& that may be fulfilled 0lmtndw had been finished Mlt$0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

I 0n0 thirst 0hc He said rm0 the scripture 0btk

of vinegar 0lx full 0lmd had been 0wh set Mys & a vessel 0n0mw
the vinegar 0lx from Nm a sponge 0gwps0 filled wlm but Nyd they Nwnh
His mouth hmwp to twl & they put it near wbrqw hyssop 0pwz on l( & they placed it wmsw
the vinegar 0lx He wh took lq$ but Nyd when dk
it is finished Ml$m Behold 0h said rm0 Yeshua (w$y
His Spirit hxwr & gave up Ml$0w His head h$r & He bowed Nkr0w
it was twh the evening 0tbwr(d because l+m but Nyd The Jews 0ydwhy
will pass the night Nwtwbn not 0l they were saying Nyrm0
their crosses Nwhypyqz on l( these Nylh bodies 0rgp
day 0mwy approaching 0hgn the Sabbath 0tb$d because l+m
it was yh of the Sabbath 0tb$d the day 0mwy great 0br for ryg was 0wh
that they break Nwrbtnd Pilatus sw+lyp from Nm & they sought w(bw
who had been crucified 0pyqz of those Nwnhd their legs Nwhyq$
they would be Nwn0 & taken away Nwtxnw
the legs yhwq$ & they broke wrbtw the soldiers 0+wy+r+s0 & came wt0w
with Him hm( who was crucified Pqdz0d the other 0nrx0 & of whdw of the first 0ymdqd
they saw wzx Yeshua (w$y to twl they came wt0 & when dkw
His legs yhwq$ they broke wrbt & not 0lw already wdk Nm He hl that had died tymd
struck Him yhyxm the soldiers 0+wy+r+s0 of Nm one dx but 0l0
& at once 0dxmw with a spear 0tykwlb in His side hnpdb
& water 0ymw blood 0md issued forth qpn
was yh & true 0ryr$w testified dhs0 who saw 0zxd & he Nmw
that the truth 0rr$d knows (dy & he whw his testimony htwdhs
may believe Nwnmyht you Nwtn0 so that also P0d he spoke rm0
that should be fulfilled 0lmtnd happened ywh for ryg these things Nylh
in Him hb will be broken rbttn not 0l a bone 0mrgd that says rm0d the scripture 0btk
another 0nrx0 scripture 0btk & again bwtw
Whom they pierced through wrqdd at Him Nmb they shall gaze Nwrwxnd that says rm0d
who was from Nmd he wh Joseph Pswy these things Nylh after rtb
because l+m Pilatus sw+lyp from Nm sought 0(b Ramtha 0tmr
of Yeshua (w$yd he was 0wh a disciple 0dymltd
of The Judeans 0ydwhyd fear 0tlxd from Nm it was 0wh & secretly 0$+mw
of Yeshua (w$yd the body hrgp that he might take lwq$nd
& he came 0t0w Pilatus sw+lyp & gave permission sp0w
of Yeshua (w$yd the body hrgp & took away lq$w
who come 0t0d he wh Niqodemus swmdqyn also P0 & came 0t0w
Yeshua (w$y to twl before Mydq from Nm had 0wh
with Him hm( & brought yty0w in the night 0yllb
of Myrrh 0rwmd spices 0t+nwx
pounds Nyr+yl a hundred 00m about Ky0 & Aloes ywl(dw
of Yeshua (w$yd the body hrgpl & they took away yhwlq$w
just as 0nky0 & in sweet spices 0msbbw in linen 0ntkb & wrapped it yhwkrkw
for burying Nwrbqnd to the Judeans 0ydwhyl the custom 0dy( is ty0d
place 0tkwd in that yhb but Nyd there was twh ty0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

a garden 0tng Yeshua (w$y in which hb was crucified pqdz0d

new 0tdx of burial 0rwbq a house tyb in the garden 0tngb & in it hbw
in it hb had been 0wh laid Mystt0 not 0l yet lykd( in which a man $n0d
because l+m Yeshua (w$yl there Nmt & they laid Him yhwmsw
was twh approaching 0l0( the Sabbath 0tb$d
the tomb 0rbq was 0wh near byrqd & because l+mw
The Gospel Of John
Chapter 20
came tt0 but Nyd in the week 0b$b in the first day dxb
while d( in the very early morning 0rpcb Magdalitha 0tyldgm Mary Myrm
the stone 0p0kl & she saw tzxw of burial 0rwbq to the house tybl it was dark Kw$x
the tomb 0rbq from Nm that had been removed 0lyq$d
Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$ to twl she came tt0 & she ran t+hrw
other 0nrx0 disciple 0dymlt that wh & to twlw
to them Nwhl & she said 0rm0w Yeshua (w$y had 0wh whom loved Mxrd
house tyb the wh from Nm our Lord Nrml they have taken away yhwlq$d
they have laid Him yhwms where 0ky0 I 0n0 know 0(dy & not 0lw of burial 0rwbq
disciple 0dymlt that whw Shimeon Nw(m$ & went out qpnw
of burial 0rwbq to the house tybl they wwh & came Nyt0w other 0nrx0
at once 0dxk0 both Nwhyrt they were wwh & running Ny+hrw
ran +hr disciple 0dymlt but Nyd that wh
& came 0t0w Shimeon Nw(m$l in front of hmdq
of burial 0rwbq to the house tybl first 0ymdq
they were lying Nymys where dk the linens 0ntk gazing on 0zx & he looked qyd0w
he entered l( not 0l but Nyd to enter l(m
to the house tybl & entered l(w after him hrtb Shimeon Nw(m$ but Nyd came 0t0
they were lying Nymys where dk the linens 0ntk & gazing on 0zxw of burial 0rwbq
had been 0wh bound qyzxd that wh & a grave cloth 0rdwsw
but 0l0 the linens 0ntk with M( not 0l about His head h$rb
side 0kwd in one 0dxb on the side r+sl & set Mysw it was wrapped Kyrk as dk
who came 0t0d disciple 0dymlt that wh also P0 entered l( then Nydyh
& he believed Nmyhw & he stared 0zxw of burial 0rwbq to the house tybl first 0ymdq
to their place Nwhtkwdl again bwt disciples 0dymlt those Nwnh & departed wlz0w
from Nm they were wwh knowing Ny(dy yet lykd( for ryg not 0l
the dead 0tym from Nm to rise Mqml He had been 0wh prepared dyt(d the scriptures 0btk
the tomb 0rbq at twl was twh standing 0myq but Nyd Mary Myrm
in the tomb 0rbqb she looked tqyd0 weeping 0ykb & while dkw & was weeping 0ykbw
sitting Nybtyd in white 0rwxb angels 0k0lm two Nyrt & she saw tzxw
& one dxw His pillow yhwds0 at Nm one dx
laid Mysd where 0ky0 the foot yhwlgr at Nm
of Yeshua (w$yd the body hrgp had been 0wh
why? 0nm woman 0ttn0 to her hl & they were saying Nyrm0w
to them Nwhl she said 0rm0 are you ytn0 weeping 0ykb

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

My Lord yrml they have taken away yhwlq$d

they have laid Him yhwms where 0ky0 I 0n0 know 0(dy & not 0lw
& saw tzxw behind her hrtsbl & turned tynpt0w she said trm0 this 0dh
she was twh knowing 0(dy & not 0lw Who was standing M0qd Yeshua (w$yl
he was wh that Yeshua (w$yd
why? 0nm woman 0ttn0 Yeshua (w$y to her hl said rm0
do you ytn0 seek 0y(b & Whom? Nmlw are you ytn0 weeping 0ykb
He was wh the gardener 0nngd thought trbs but Nyd she yh
you tn0 if N0 Sir yrm to Him hl & she said 0rm0w
you have laid Him yhytms where 0ky0 me yl tell rm0 have taken Him yhytlq$
take Him away yhwylq$0 I will go lz0
& she said 0rm0w & she turned tynpt0w Mary Myrm Yeshua (w$y to her hl said rm0
Teacher 0nplm which is called rm0tmd Rabbuli * ylwbr in Aramaic * ty0rb( to Him hl
Me yl touching Nybrqtt stop 0l Yeshua (w$y to her hl said rm0
I have ascended tqls yet lykd( for ryg not 0l
My brothers yx0 join twl but Nyd Go ylz My Father yb0 to join twl
to join twl I 0n0 ascend qls to them Nwhl & say yrm0w
& your God Nwkhl0w & My God yhl0w & your Father Nwkwb0w My Father yb0
Magdalitha 0tyldgm Mary Myrm came tt0 then Nydyh
our Lord Nrml I have seen tzxd to the disciples 0dymltl & announced trbsw
to her hl He had said rm0 & that these things Nylhdw
of the day 0mwyd evening 0$mr but Nyd it was 0wh when dk
& the doors 0(rtw in the week 0b$b first day dxd that wh
staying Nwhyty0d where 0ky0d they were wwh barred Nydyx0
of fear 0tlxd because l+m the disciples 0dymlt were wwh
stood Mq Yeshua (w$y came 0t0 of the Judeans 0ydwhyd
be with you Nwkm( peace 0ml$ to them Nwhl & said rm0w in their midst Nwhtnyb
& His side hr+sw His hands yhwdy0 them Nwn0 & He showed ywxw He said rm0 this 0dh
our Lord Nrml because they saw wzxd the disciples 0dymlt & rejoiced wydxw
Yeshua (w$y again bwt but Nyd to them Nwhl said rm0
My Father yb0 has sent Me ynrd$d just as 0nky0 be with you Nwkm( peace 0ml$
you Nwkl am 0n0 sending rd$m I 0n0 also P0
& said rm0w into them Nwhb He breathed xpn these things Nylh He had said rm0 & when dkw
of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr receive wlbq to them Nwhl
to a man $n0l sins 0h+x you will forgive Nwqb$t if N0
& if N0w to him hl they will be forgiven Nwqbt$n
they will be held Nydyx0 a mans $n0d you hold Nwdx0t
he wh the twelve 0trs(rt of Nm one dx but Nyd Thoma 0mw0t
there Nmt was 0wh not 0l the twin 0m0t who was called rm0tmd
Yeshua (w$y came 0t0 when dk with them Nwhm( he 0wh
the disciples 0dymlt to him hl & were saying Nyrm0w
to them Nwhl said rm0 but Nyd he wh our Lord Nrml we have seen Nyzx
in His hands yhwdy0b I 0n0 see 0zx unless 0l0
I 0n0 & shall put 0mrw of the nails 0ccd the places 0tykwd
my hand ydy0 I 0n0 & reach +$wmw my fingers yt(bc in them Nyhb

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

I 0n0 shall believe Nmyhm not 0l in His side hnpdb

inside wgl again bwt days Nymwy eight 0ynmt & after rtbw
with them Nwhm( & Thoma 0mw0tw the disciples 0dymlt were wwh
were barred Nydyx0 when dk Yeshua (w$y & came 0t0w
& said rm0w in the center 0t(cmb He stood Mq the doors 0(rt
be with you Nwkm( peace 0ml$ to them Nwhl
here 0krhl your finger K(bc put 0ty0 to Thoma 0mw0tl & said rm0w
and reach +$w0w your hand Kdy0 & put 0ty0w My hands ydy0 & behold yzxw
be 0wht & not 0lw into My side ybgb
a believer 0nmyhm but 0l0 a believer 0nmyhm un 0l
& my God yhl0w my Lord yrm to Him hl & said rm0w Thoma 0mw0t & answered 0n(w
now 0$h Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
blessed are they Nwhybw+ you have believed tnmyh that you have seen Me yntyzxd
& have believed wnmyhw have seen Me ynw0zx who not 0ld those Nyly0l
Yeshua (w$y did db( other 0tynrx0 signs 0twt0 but Nyd many 0t0ygs
are written Nbytk that not 0ld those Nyly0 his disciples yhwdymlt before Mdq
this 0nh in scripture 0btkb
are written Nbytkd but Nyd these things Nylh also P0
is wh that Yeshua (w$yd that you may believe Nwnmyhtd
you believe Nwtnmyhd & when 0mw of God 0hl0d The Son hrb The Messiah 0xy$m
eternal Ml(ld life 0yx in His Name hm$b to you Nwkl there shall be Nwwhn
The Gospel Of John
Chapter 21
Yeshua (w$y Himself h$pn again bwt showed ywx these things Nylh after rtb
of Tiberius swyrby+d The Sea 0my by l( to His disciples yhwdymltl
thus 0nkh but Nyd He appeared ywx
Shimeon Nw(m$ together 0dxk0 were wwh they Nwhyty0
who was called rm0tmd & Thoma 0mw0tw Keepha 0p0k
Qatna 0n+q who was from Nmd he wh & Nathaniel ly0yntnw The Twin 0m0t
& two Nyrtw of Zebedi ydbz & the sons ynbw of Galilee 0lylgd
the disciples 0dymlt of Nm others Nynrx0
Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$ to them Nwhl said rm0
they were saying Nyrm0 fish 0nwn to catch dwc0 I am 0n0 going lz0
& they went out wqpnw with you Km( coming Nnyt0 we are Nnx also p0 to him hl
night 0yll & in that whbw the ship 0tnypsl & they embarked wqlsw
they caught wdc not 0l a thing Mdm
Yeshua (w$y stood Mq dawn 0rpc it was 0wh but Nyd when dk
knew w(dy & not 0lw of the sea 0my the side dy on l(
He was wh that Yeshua (w$yd the disciples 0dymlt
is there? ty0 interog. 0ml Lads 0yl+ Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl & said rm0w
no 0l to Him hl they were saying Nyrm0 to eat s(lml anything Mdm to you Nwkl
from Nm your net Nwktdycm throw wmr0 to them Nwhl He said rm0
& will find Nyxk$mw of the ship 0tnypsd right 0nymyd the side 0bg
haul in hdgml they could wxk$0 & not 0lw & they threw wymr0w you Nwtn0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

it had caught tdx0d of the fish 0nwnd the multitude 00gws from Nm the net 0tdycml
whom loved Mxrd that wh disciple 0dymlt & said rm0w
to Keepha 0p0kl Yeshua (w$y him hl had 0wh
he heard_(m$ when dk but Nyd Shimeon Nw(m$ is wh our Lord Nrm this One 0nh
his tunic hnytwk he took bsn he was wh that our Lord Nrmd
naked 0yl+r(d because l+m his loins yhwcxb girding 0xm
himself h$pn & he threw 0d$w he was 0wh
Yeshua (w$y to twl to come 0t0nd in the sea 0myb
they came wt0 in the boat 0tnypsb disciples 0dymlt but Nyd the other 0nrx0
land 0(r0 from Nm very ygs they were wwh far Nyqyxr for ryg not 0l
cubits Nym0 two hundred Nyt0m about Ky0 but 0l0
with the fish 0nwnd that yh net 0tdycml it hl they were wwh & dragging Nydgnw
to the land 0(r0l they came up wqls but Nyd when dk
as dk & fish 0nwnw they had been set Nmys after dk burning coals 0rmwg they saw wzx
& bread 0mxlw on them Nyhyl( there were lying Mys
bring wty0 Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl & said rm0w
just now 0$h that you have caught Nwtdcd fish 0nwn those Nwnh from Nm
Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$ & came up qlsw
it was filled 0ylm as dk to land 0(r0l the net 0tdycml & dragged hdgnw
& three 0tltw fifty Ny$mxw a hundred 00m great 0brwr with fish 0nwn
was yh the net 0tdycm ripped tyr+c0 not 0l weight 0rqwy all hlk & with this 0nhbw
come wt Yeshua (w$y to them Nwhl & said rm0w
no 0l the disciples 0dymlt of Nm but Nyd man $n0 dine wrt$0
who He was wnmd to ask Him yhwyl0$nd had 0wh dared xrmm
He was wh that our Lord Nrmd they wwh for knew Ny(dyd
& took lq$w Yeshua (w$y but Nyd came near brq
to them Nwhl & gave bhyw & the fish 0nwnw the bread 0mxl
Yeshua (w$y appeared yzxt0 time Nynbz the third tltd this was 0dh
the dead 0tym among tyb from Nm He had risen Mq after dk to His disciples yhwdymltl
Yeshua (w$y said rm0 they had dined wyrt$0 but Nyd after dk
Bar Jonah 0nwyrb Shimeon Nw(m$ Keepha 0p0k to Shimeon Nw(m$l
more ryty Me yl Do you? tn0 love Mxr
to Him hl he said rm0 these Nylh than Nm
that love Mxrd do tn0 know (dy You tn0 my Lord yrm Yes Ny0
My lambs yrm0 for Me yl shepherd y(r to him hl He said rm0 You Kl I 0n0
time Nynbz a second Nytrtd again bwt to him hl He said rm0
he said rm0 Me yl you tn0 love Mxr Bar Jonah 0nwyrb Shimeon Nw(m$
that love Mxrd do tn0 know (dy you tn0 my Lord yrm yes Ny0 to Him hl
My sheep ybr( for Me yl shepherd y(r Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0 You Kl I 0n0
time Nynbz a third tltd to him hl He said rm0
Me yl do you? tn0 love Mxr Bar Jonah 0nwyrb Shimeon Nw(m$
that He said rm0d to Keepha 0p0kl to him hl & he was saddened tyrkw
do you? tn0 love Mxrd times Nynbz three tltd to him hl
thing Mdm every lk my Lord yrm to Him hl & he said rm0w Me yl
I 0n0 that love Mxrd do tn0 know (dy You tn0 do tn0 discern Mkx You tn0
My ewes ytwqn for Me yl shepherd y(r Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0 You Kl

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

that when dkd to you Kl I 0n0 tell rm0 [Timeless truth] Amen Nym0 Amen Nym0
you were tywh girding rs0 yourself K$pnl you tn0 you were tywh young 0l+
you wanted 0bcd where 0ky0l you were tywh & walking Klhmw your loins Kycx
your hands Kydy0 you shall reach out +w$pt you are old tb0sd but Nyd when 0m you tn0
& shall escort you Klbwnw your loins Kycx for you Kl shall gird rws0n & others Nyrx0w
you tn0 want 0bc that not 0ld to where 0ky0l
death 0twm by which 0ny0b that He may show 0wxnd he said rm0 but Nyd this 0dh
these things Nylh He said rm0 & after dkw God 0hl0l to glorify xb$nd he was going dyt(
after Me yrtb come 0t to him hl He said rm0
the disciple 0dymltl & saw 0zxw Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$ & turned around ynpt0w
who come 0t0d Yeshua (w$y had 0wh whom loved Mxrd that wh
at supper 0tym$xb had 0wh who lain lpnd had wh after Him hrtb
my Lord yrm & said rm0w of Yeshua (w$yd the breast hydx on l(
You Kl he that shall betray Ml$m who is? wnm
Keepha 0p0k saw 0zx when dk this one 0nhl
what? 0nm & of this one 0nhw my Lord yrm to Yeshua (w$yl he said rm0
want 0bc if N0 Yeshua (w$y to him hl said rm0
I 0n0 come 0t0d until 0md( this one 0nh that should remain 0wqnd I 0n0
after Me yrtb come 0t you tn0 to you Kl what is it? 0m to you Kl
the brethren 0x0 among tyb saying 0tlm this 0dh & went forth tqpnw
but Nyd Yeshua (w$y would die t0m not 0l disciple 0dymlt that this whd
said rm0 he would die t0m that not 0ld had 0wh not 0l
until 0md( this one 0nh to remain 0wqnd I 0n0 want 0bc if N0d but 0l0
to you Kl what is it? 0m to you Kl I 0n0 come 0t0d
who testified dhs0d the disciple 0dymlt this is wnh
them Nyn0 he wrote btk & also P0w all Nyhlk these things Nylh about l(
his testimony htwdhs is yh that true 0ryr$d we Nnx & know Ny(dyw
that did db(d many 0t0ygs other things 0tynrx0 also p0 but Nyd there are ty0
written Nbtktm one 0dx each 0dx if wl0d which things Nyly0 Yeshua (w$y
as Ky0 the world 0ml( is wh not 0l even p0 were to be ywh
would be 0wh sufficient qps I 0n0 suppose rbsd
would be wwh that written Nybtktmd for the books 0btkl

Nnxwyd 0twzwrk 0$ydq Nwylgnw0 Ml$

The end of The Holy Gospel preaching of John

0$ydq Nwylgnw0r++ 0nh 0btkb btkml Ml$

The end of the writing in this book of the four Holy Gospels

Nym0 Nyml0 Ml(lw Nbzlkw 0$h 0$dwqd 0xwrlw 0rblw 0b0l 0xbw$
Glory to The Father and to The Son and to The Holy Spirit, now, always
and for the eternity of eternities, amen!


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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

The Acts of The Apostles

Chapter 1
Theophila 0lypw0t Oh w0 I wrote tbtk first 0ymdq the book 0btk
our Lord Nrm began yr$d those Nyly0 all things Nyhlk about l(
& to teach wplmlw to do db(ml The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
He was taken up qlts0 in which hbd that wh day 0mwyl until 0md(
the Apostles 0xyl$l them Nwn0 He had 0wh that commanded dqpd after rtb from Nm
of Holiness 0$dwqd by The Spirit 0xwrb He had chosen 0bgd which Nyly0
alive yx as dk Himself h$pn to them Nwhl He showed ywx whom also P0d those Nwnh
forty Ny(br0 in days Nymwyb many 0t0ygs by signs 0twt0b He had suffered $xd after rtb from Nm
& He spoke rm0w to them Nwhl He was 0wh appearing 0zxtm when dk
of God 0hl0d the Kingdom 0twklm about l(
them Nwn0 He commanded dqp bread 0mxl with them Nwhm( He ate lk0 & while dkw
to wait Nwwqnd but 0l0 to depart Nwqrpn not 0l Jerusalem Ml$rw0 that from Nmd
from Me ynm which you have heard Nwt(m$d that wh of The Father 0b0d for the promise hydww$l
in water 0ymb baptized dm(0 for Yokhanan Nnxwyd
of Holiness 0$dwqd in The Spirit 0xwrb shall be baptized Nwdm(t & you Nwtn0w
many 00ygs days 0tmwy after rtb not 0l
they asked Him yhwl0$ they were assembled Ny$ynk when dk but Nyd they Nwnh
time 0nbz in this 0nhb if N0 our Lord Nrm to Him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w
to Israel lyrsy0l the kingdom 0twklm You tn0 are restoring 0npm
yours Nwklyd was twh not 0l that wh to them Nwhl He said rm0
The Father 0b0d which Nyly0 times 0nbz or w0 time 0nbz to know (dml this 0dh
of Himself h$pnd in the authority 0n+lw$b them Nwn0 has placed Ms
upon you Nwkyl( of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr will come 0t0t when dk but 0l0
witnesses 0dhs to Me yl & you shall be Nwwhtw power 0lyx you shall receive Nwlbqt
the Samaritans 0yrm$ among tyb & also P0w Judea dwhy & in all hlkbw in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b
of the earth 0(r0d the borders hypwsl & unto 0md(w
He was taken up qlts0 Him hl they saw Nyzx as dk He had said rm0 these things Nylh & when dkw
their eyes Nwhyny( from Nm & He was hidden yskt0w received Him htlbq & a cloud 0nn(w
into the sky 0ym$b they were wwh gazing Nyryx & when dkw
men Nyrbg two Nyrt were present wxkt$0 was 0wh going lz0 He wh as dk
white 0rwx in clothing 0$wblb with them Nwhtwl standing Nymyq
why? 0nm Galilean 0ylylg men 0rbg to them Nwhl & they were saying Nyrm0w
Yeshua (w$y this 0nh into the sky 0ym$b & gaze Nyryxw you Nwtn0 stand Nymyq
to Heaven 0ym$l from you Nwknm Who was taken up qlts0d
you have seen Him yhynwtyzxd when 0m as Ky0 He shall come 0t0n in this way 0nkh
into Heaven 0ym$l going up qlsd
from Nm to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l themselves Nwhl they returned wkph after this Nkrtb & from Nmw
on l( which is yhwty0d Zaytha 0tyz Bayth tybd which is called 0rqtmd the Mount 0rw+
to an upper room 0tyl(l themselves Nwhl they came up wqls they entered wl(d after rtb & from Nmw
& Yokhanan Nnxwyw Petros swr+p in which hb were wwh staying Nywhd that yh
& Philipus swpylypw & Andraeus sw0rdn0w & Yaqob bwq(yw
Halphai yplx Bar rb & Yaqob bwq(yw & Bar Tholmai ymlwtrbw & Matthai ytmw & Thoma 0mw0tw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Yaqob bwq(y Bar rb & Yehuda 0dwhyw the Zealot 0nn+ & Shimeon Nw(m$w
were wwh continuing Nynym0 as one 0dxk0 all of them Nwhlk these Nylh
Maryam Myrm & with M(w the women 0$n with M( soul $pn in one 0dxb in prayer 0twlcb
His brothers yhwx0 & with M(w of Yeshua (w$yd the mother hm0
Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$ stood Mq those Nwnh in the days 0tmwyb & among them Nwhbw
assembled 0$nk there Nmt but Nyd were 0wh there ty0 of the disciples 0dymlt in the midst t(cm
& he said rm0w & twenty Nyrs(w a hundred 00m about Ky0 men 0$n0d
the scripture 0btk that should be fulfilled 0lmtnd it was 0wh right qdz brethren Nyx0 men 0rbg
by the mouth hmwpb of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr said rm0 that before Mdqd which 0ny0
the guide 0nrbdm who was 0whd he wh Yehuda 0dwhy about l( of Dawid dywdd
Yeshua (w$yl who seized wdx0d to those Nwnhl
was 0wh & there ty0w with us Nm( he was 0wh numbered 0nmd because l+m
this 0dh in ministry 0t$m$tb a part 0sp to him hl
a field 0tyrq for himself hl he who purchased 0nqd this is wnh
his face yhwp0 on l( & he fell lpnw of sin 0ty+xd the reward 0rg0 from Nm
within him ht(cm from Nm & burst trpt0w the ground 0(r0 on l(
his insides hywg all hlk & poured out d$0t0w
in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b who live Nyrm(d to all of them Nwhlkl known t(dyt0 this 0dh & is yhw
in the language hn$lb that yh field 0tyrq was called tyrqt0 & so 0nkhw
its translation hmgrwt of which is yhwty0d Dama 0md Haqel lqx of the region 0rt0d
of Blood Md Field tyrwq
shall be 0wht his dwelling hrydd of Psalms 0rwmzmd in the book 0rpsb for ryg it is written bytk
& his ministry ht$m$tw in it hb shall be 0whn not 0l & an inhabitant rwm(w desolate 0brx
another Nyrx0 shall take bsn
men 0rbg these Nylh of Nm one dxl therefore lykh it is yh & right 0ylw
He came in l( in which hbd all hlk time 0nbz in this 0nhb with us Nm( who have been wwhd
Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm among us Nyl( & went out qpnw
the day 0mwyl until 0md( by Yokhanan Nnxwyd the baptizing htydwm(m from Nm beginning Pq0d
with us Nm( should be 0whn that he whd our presence Ntwl from Nm that He was taken up qlts0d
of His resurrection htmyqd a witness 0dhs
who is called 0rqtmd Yoseph Pswyl two Nyrt & they presented wmyq0w
& Matthaia 0ytmlw Yustos sw+swy who is named ymt$0d Barshaba 0b$rb
know (dy Jehovah 0yrm You tn0 they said wrm0 they had prayed wylc & when dkw
You tn0 have chosen 0bgd which 0ny0 the one dx show 0wx of all lkd what is in the hearts 0twblbd
two Nwhyrt these Nylh from Nm
& Apostleship 0twxyl$w of the ministry 0t$m$td a part 0sp would receive lbqn that he whd
that he should go lz0nd Yehudah 0dwhy withdrew qrp from which hnmd
to his place hrt0l to it hl
to Matthaia 0ytml & it came up tqlsw lots 0cp & they cast wymr0w
the Apostles 0xyl$ eleven rs(dx with M( & he was numbered ynmt0w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

The Acts of The Apostles

Chapter 2
of Pentecost 0+swq+npd the days 0tmwy were fulfilled wylmt0 & when dkw
as one 0dxk0 all of them Nwhlk they were wwh assembled Ny$ynk when dk
Ky0 a sound 0lq Heaven 0ym$ from Nm suddenly 0yl$ Nm there was 0wh
by it hnm was 0wh & filled ylmt0w mighty 0tzyz( a wind 0xwr like
they were wwh sitting Nybty in which hbd that wh house 0tyb the whole hlk
were wwh that divided Nyglptmd tongues 0n$l to them Nwhl & appeared wyzxt0w
of them Nwhnm one dx each dx on l( & they sat wbtyw fire 0rwn as Ky0
of Holiness 0$dwqd with The Spirit 0xwrb all of them Nwhlk & were filled wylmt0w
a language N$l in a language N$lb to speak wllmml they were wwh & proceeding wpq0w
to speak wllmml to them Nwhl was 0wh giving bhy The Spirit 0xwrd whatever 0m as Ky0
in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b who were dwelling Nyrm(d men 0rbg but Nyd were wwh there ty0
nations 0mm( all lk from Nm Jews 0ydwhy God 0hl0 of Nm who were fearers Nylxdd
the heavens 0ym$ that are under tyxtd
populace 0m( the entire hlk gathered $nk that wh noise 0lq occurred 0wh & when dkw
of them Nwhnm man $n0 each $n0 had 0wh that heard (m$d because l+m & it was agitated $gt$0w
in their languages Nwhyn$lb they were wwh that speaking Nyllmmd
& were amazed Nyrmdtmw all of them Nwhlk but Nyd they were wwh marvelling Nyryht
all of them Nwhlk these Nylh to the other dxl each dx they were wwh saying Nyrm0 as dk
are Nwn0 Galileans 0ylylg behold 0h not? 0l who are speaking Nyllmmd
man $n0 every $n0 we Nnx hearing Ny(m$ are Nnx how? 0nky0
we Nnx were born Nydyly in which hbd his language hn$l
who dwell Nyrm(d & those Nyly0w & Elanites 0ynl0w & Medes 0ydmw Parthians 0ywtrp
& who are from Nmdw & Qapodoqians 0yqdwpqw Judeans 0ydwhy in Bayth Nahrayn Nyrhntyb
& of Asia 0ys0dw of Pontus sw+npd the regions 0rt0
& of Pamphylia 0ylwpmpdw of the Phrygians 0ygwrpd the regions 0rt0 & from Nmdw
which are near Nybyrqd of Libya 0bwld & of the countries 0twrt0dw & of Egypt Nyrcmdw
& proselytes 0rwygw Jews 0ydwhy Rome 0mwhr from Nm who came wt0d & those Nyly0w to Cyrene 0nyrwql
we are Nnx hearing Ny(m$ behold 0h & Arabians 0ybr(w Qrete 0+rq & who were from Nmdw
our own Nlyd in languages Nyn$lb who are speaking Nyllmmd some of them Nwhnm
of God 0hl0d the wonders htrmdt
as dk & they were bewildered Nyrywtw all of them Nwhlk but Nyd they were wwh astonished Nyrmdtm
affair 0twbc this 0dh is yh what? 0nmd to another dxl one dx they were saying Nyrm0
while dk them Nwhb were wwh mocking Nyqymm but Nyd others 0nrx0
& have become drunk wywrw have drunk wyt$0 new wine 0tyr0m these Nylh they were saying Nyrm0
the Eleven rs(dx with M( Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$ arose Mq after this Nkrtb
men 0rbg to them Nwhl & he said rm0w his voice hlq & he lifted up Myr0w Apostles Nyxyl$

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b who dwell Nyrm(d & all Nwhlkw Jews 0ydwhy
my words ylm give attention to wtwcw to you Nwkl let be known (dytt this 0dh
are drunk Nywr these Nylh are thinking Nyrbs you Nwtn0d as 0nky0 for ryg not 0l
hours Ny($ are Nyn0 three tlt now 0$hl until 0md( for behold 0hd
the prophet 0ybn by Yoel ly0wyb what was spoken 0rym0d is yh this 0dh but 0l0
God 0hl0 says rm0 last 0yrx0 in the days 0tmwyb it shall be done 0whn
your sons Nwkynb & shall prophesy Nwbntnw body rsb every lk on l( My Spirit yxwr I shall pour out dw$0
shall see Nwzxn visions 0nwzx & your young men Nwkydwdgw & your daughters Nwktnbw
shall dream Nwmlxn dreams 0mlx & your elders Nwky$y$qw
My Spirit yxwr I shall pour dw$0 My handmaids ythm0 & upon l(w My servants ydb( & upon l(w
& they shall prophesy Nwbntnw those Nwnh in days 0tmwyb
the earth 0(r0 on l( & mighty deeds 0twrbgw in the heavens 0ym$b signs 0twt0 & I shall give lt0w
of smoke 0nntd & plumes 0r+(w & fire 0rwnw blood 0md
into blood 0mdb & the moon 0rhsw into darkness 0n+m(b shall be turned Plxtn the sun 0$m$
& awesome 0lyxdw great 0br of Jehovah 0yrmd the day hmwy will come 0t0n until 0ld(
shall receive life 0xn of Jehovah 0yrmd the Name hm$ who calls on 0rqnd everyone lk & it shall be 0whnw
The Nazarene 0yrcn Yeshua (w$y these Nylh words 0lm hear w(m$ of Israel lyrsy0 sons ynb men 0rbg
to you Nwktwl appeared yzxt0 God 0hl0 Who from Nmd The Man 0rbg
those Nyly0 & with miracles 0twrbgbw & with signs 0twt0bw with mighty works 0lyxb
you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy you Nwtn0d as Ky0 by His hand hdy0b among you Nwktnyb did db( that God 0hl0d
in prior twmdqmb for this 0dhl to Him hl was 0wh Who separated $yrpd This One 0nhl
you have betrayed Him yhynwtml$0 of God 0hl0d & will hnybcbw the knowledge ht(dy
& you murdered Nwtl+qw & you crucified Nwtpqzw of the wicked 0(y$r into the hands ydy0b
the destructions hylbx & He destroyed 0r$w raised Him hmyq0 but Nyd God 0hl0
it was twh possible 0xk$m because not 0ld because l+m of Sheol lwy$d
in Sheol lwy$b in it hb for Him to be held captive dxttnd
seeing 0zx I was tywh it was early Mdqm about Him yhwl( said rm0 for ryg Dawid dywd
was wh my right ynymy Who upon l(d always Nbzlkb my Lord yrml
I should be disquieted (wz0 that not 0ld
my glory ytxwb$t & celebrates tzwrw my heart ybl is delighted Msbt0 this 0nh because of l+m
hope 0rbs upon l( shall rest Ngn my body yrgp & also P0w
in Sheol lwy$b My soul y$pnl You tn0 left qb$ that not 0ld because l+m
destruction 0lbx to see 0zxnd to Your Pure One Kysxl You tn0 gave bhy & not 0lw

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of life 0yxd the way 0xrw0 to Me yl You have shown tylg
Your Presence Kpwcrp with M( O Gladness 0twmysb You shall fill Me ynylmt
unto you Nwktwl with open 0lgb eyes Ny( to speak rm0ml it is permitted spm brothers Nyx0 men 0rbg
he was buried rbqt0 & also P0w who died tymd Dawid dywd father 0thb0 the chief $yr about l(
today 0nmwyl until 0md( with us Ntwl is yhwty0 of his burial hrwbq & the house tybw
had sworn 0my an oath 0tmwmd he 0wh & knew (dyw for ryg he was 0wh a prophet 0ybn
of your body Ksrkd the fruit 0r0p One from Nmd God 0hl0 to him hl
your throne Kysrwk upon l( I shall seat btw0
of The Messiah 0xy$md the resurrection htmyq about l( & he spoke llmw he saw 0zx & before Mdqw
His body hrgp neither 0lp0 in Sheol lwy$b He shall be left qbt$0 that not 0ld
corruption 0lbx would see 0zx
His witnesses yhwdhs all of us Nlk & we are Nnxw God 0hl0 has raised Myq0 Yeshua (w$y This 0nhl
from Nm & He has received bsnw exalted Myrtt0 of God 0hl0d The One at the right hand hnymybd & He is wywhw
of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr which is about l(d a promise 0ydww$ The Father 0b0
which behold 0hd this 0dh gift 0tbhwm & has poured out d$0w
you are Nwtn0 & are hearing Ny(m$w you are Nwtn0 seeing Nyzx
to Heaven 0ym$l ascended qls Dawid dywd for ryg had 0wh not 0l
said rm0 he whd because l+m
My right ynymy at Nm You Kl sit bt to my Lord yrml Jehovah 0yrm said rm0d
for Your feet Kylgrl a footstool 0$bwk Your enemies Kybbdl(b I set Mys0d until 0md(
of Israel lyrsy0 house tyb the whole hlk let know (dn therefore lykh truly ty0ryr$
Yeshua (w$y this 0nhl God 0hl0 has made hdb( & The Messiah 0xy$mw that Jehovah 0yrmd
you have crucified Nwtpqz Whom you Nwtn0d
in their hearts Nwhblb they were stricken wxngt0 these things Nylh they heard w(m$ & when dkw
of the Apostles 0xyl$d & to the rest 0kr$lw to Shimeon Nw(m$l & they said wrm0w
brethren Nyx0 should we do db(n what? 0nm
every $n0 & be immersed wdm(w return to God wbwt Shimeon Nw(m$ to them Nwhl said rm0
for the release from Nqbw$l Yeshua (w$y of Jehovah 0yrmd in The Name hm$b of you Nwknm man $n0
of Holiness 0$dwqd of The Spirit 0xwrd the gift 0tbhwm that you may receive Nwlbqtd sin 0h+x
& to your children Nwkynblw the promise 0ydww$ was 0wh for ryg to you Nwkl
whom whd those Nyly0 who are far off Nyqyxrd those Nyly0 & to all Nwhlklw
them Nwn0 may call 0rqn God 0hl0
to them Nwhl he was 0wh testifying dhsm many 0t0ygs other 0tynrx0 & with words 0lmbw
from Nm be saved wyx he said rm0 as dk of them Nwhnm he was 0wh & beseeching 0(bw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

perverse 0tmq(m this 0dh generation 0tbr$

his word htlm they received wlbq readily ty0dyt( among them Nwhnm & people Ny$n0w
day 0mwy in that whb & were added wpswtt0w & they were immersed wdm(w & they believed wnmyhw
souls N$pn thousand Nypl0 three 0tlt about Ky0
of the Apostles 0xyl$d in the teaching 0nplwyb they were wwh & continuing Nynym0w
of the Eucharist 0y+srkw0d & in breaking 0ycqbw in prayer 0twlcb they were wwh & made partakers Nyptwt$mw
soul $pn to every lkl fear 0tlxd there was twh & occurring 0ywhw
were ywh occurring Nywh & miracles 0twrbgw many 0t0ygs & signs 0twt0w
in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b the Apostles 0xyl$ by the hand dyb
were wwh as one 0dxk0 had wwh who believed wnmyhd those Nyly0 & all Nwhlkw
was 0wh internal communal 0wgd to them Nwhl was 0wh that ty0d & everything Mdmlkw
a possession 0nynq to them Nwhl were 0wh who ty0d & those Nyly0w
man $n0 to each $n0l they were wwh & distributing Nyglpmw it hl they were wwh selling Nynbzm
was 0wh needed qynsd whatever Mdm according to Ky0
in the temple 0lkyhb they were wwh continuing Nynym0 & every day Mwylkw
loaves of bread 0tsyrp they were wwh breaking Nycq & in houses 0tybbw soul $pn in one 0dxb
they celebrated Nyzwr as dk food 0trbys they were wwh & receiving Nylbqmw
of their heart Nwhbld & in the simplicity 0twryrbbw
affection 0mxrb they were given Nybyhy as dk God 0hl0l they were wwh praising Nyxb$m
every day Mwylk was 0wh adding Pswm & our Lord Nrmw the people 0m( all hlk before Mdq
into the church 0td(b who were coming to life Ny0xd those Nyly0l
The Acts of The Apostles
Chapter 3
& Yokhanan Nnxwyw Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$ went up Nyqls that when dkd & he [was] 0whw 1
hour Ny($ ninth ($td of prayer 0twlcd at the time 0nd(b to the temple 0lkyhl together 0dxk0
his mothers hm0 the womb srk who from Nmd was crippled 0rygx one dx man 0rbg & behold 0hw 2
were wwh who keeping appointment Nyd(md those Nyly0 men 0$n0 were wwh carrying Nylyq$
of the temple 0lkyhd at the gate 0(rtb him hl & placing Nymysw bringing Nytym
charity 0tqdz asking l0$ to be 0whnd Shapira 0ryp$ which is called 0rqtmd
the temple 0lkyhl entering Nyl0(d those Nwnh from Nm
entering Nyl0(d & Yokhanan Nnxwylw Shimeon Nw(m$l he saw 0zx when dk this one 0nh 3
charity 0tqdz to him hl to give Nwltnd of them Nwhnm he was 0wh begging 0(b the temple 0lkyhl
& Yokhanan Nnxwyw Shimeon Nw(m$ at him hb & gazed wrxw 4
at us Nb look rwx to him hl & they said wrm0w
he had 0wh hoped rbs as dk at them Nwhb gazed rx but Nyd he wh 5
something Mdm from them Nwhnm to receive bsml
to me yl there is not tyl & silver 0m0sw Gold 0bhd Shimeon Nw(m$ to him hl said rm0 6
to you Kl I 0n0 give bhy to me yl that is ty0d the thing Mdm but 0l0
walk Klh stand up Mwq The Nazarene 0yrcn The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd in The Name hm$b
& raised him up hmyq0w the right 0nymyd his hand hdy0b & he seized hdx0w 7
& his feet yhwbq(w his legs yhwlgr were restored r$ at the moment 0t($b & in it hbw

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the temple 0lkyhl with them Nwhm( & entered l(w & walked Klhw stood Mq & he jumped rw$w 8
God 0hl0l & praising xb$mw & jumping rw$mw he was walking Klhm as dk
the people 0m( all hlk & saw yhw0zxw 9
God 0hl0l & praising xb$mw he was walking Klhm as dk
who sat btyd beggar 0rwdx that wh that he was wywhd & they knew w(dwt$0w 10
which is called 0rqtmd the gate 0(rt at l( alms 0tqdz & asked for l0$w every day Mwylk had 0wh
& wonder 0rmwdw with astonishment 0hmt & they were filled wylmt0w Shappira 0ryp$
that occurred 0whd the thing Mdm concerning l(
ran +hr & Yokhanan Nnxwylw Shimeon Nw(m$l he was 0wh holding to dyx0 & as dkw 11
to the porch 0w+s0l to them Nwhtwl marveling ryht while dk the people 0m( all hlk
Shlimons Nwmyl$d which is called 0rqtmd
to them Nwhl & said rm0w [he] answer[ed] 0n( Shimeon Nw(m$ saw 0zx & when dkw 12
at this 0nhb you Nwtn0 wonder Nyrmdtm why? 0nm of Israel lyrsy0 children ynb men 0rbg
our own Nlyd that by power 0lyxbd it was wh as if Ky0 you Nwtn0 gaze Nyryx why? 0nm Nb or w0
this one 0nh that would walk Klhnd this 0dh we have done Ndb( by our authority Nn+lw$b or w0
God 0hl0 & of Yaqob bwq(ydw & of Ishaq qxsy0dw of Abraham Mhrb0d The wh God hhl0 13
He wh Yeshua (w$y His Son hrbl has glorified xb$ of our Fathers Nthb0d
Him hb & you rejected Nwtrpkw handed over Nwtml$0 Whom you Nwtn0d
when dk of Pilatus sw+lypd the face yhwp0 before Mdq
to release Him yhwyr$nd had 0wh judged rightly qdz he wh
you rejected Nwtrpk & The Righteous One 0qydzw Of Holiness 0$ydqb but Nyd you Nwtn0 14
to you Nwkl to be given bhytnd murderer 0lw+q a man 0rbgl for you Nwkl & you asked Nwtl0$w
raised Myq0 Whom hld you killed Nwtl+q of life 0yxd The Ruler 0$r & Him whlw 15
His witnesses yhwdhs all of us Nlk & we are Nnxw the dead 0tym among tyb from Nm God 0hl0
you Nwtn0 whom see Nyzxd this one 0nhl of His Name hm$d & by faith 0twnmyhbw 16
& has healed ys0w has restored r$0 He wh you Nwtn0 & know Ny(dyw
health 0twmylx this 0dh to him hl has given tbhy in Him hbd & faith 0twnmyhw
you all Nwklk before Mdq
that by deception yy(w+bd I 0n0 know (dy my brothers yx0 now 0$h but Mrb 17
your rulers Nwky$r did wdb(d as Ky0 this 0dh you did Nwtdb(
in the mouth Mwpb preached zrk0 that before Mdqd the thing Mdm as Ky0 & God 0hl0w 18
thus 0nkh He has fulfilled ylm His Messiah hxy$m that would suffer $xnd the prophets 0ybn all of them Nwhlk
to be blotted out Nw+(tnd so 0nky0 & be converted wnpt0w therefore lykh repent wbwt 19
from Nm of rest 0txynd times 0nbz to you Nwkl & will come Nwt0nw your sins Nwkyh+x
of Jehovah 0yrmd the face hpwcrp before Mdq
for you Nwkl was 0wh Who prepared by+md The One 0ny0l to you Nwkl & He shall send rd$nw 20
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$yl
until 0md( receive Nwlbqnd Heaven 0ym$l must 0lw Whom hld 21
God 0hl0 of which spoke llmd those Nyly0 of all Nyhlkd of times 0nbzd the end 0ylwml
ancient times Ml( who were from Nmd holy 0$ydq of His prophets yhwybnd by the mouth 0mwpb
Jehovah 0yrm to you Nwkl shall raise Myqn a Prophet 0ybnd said rm0 for ryg Moshe 0$wm 22
thing 0m in every lkb hear w(m$ Him hl like me ytwk0 your brethren Nwkyx0 from Nm
with you Nwkm( He will speak llmnd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

will hear (m$t not 0ld which 0dy0 soul 0$pn every lk & it shall be 0whtw 23
his people hm( from Nm that yh soul 0$pn shall perish db0t that wh Prophet 0ybnl
& those Nyly0w Shamuil ly0wm$ from Nm all of them Nwhlk & the prophets 0ybnw 24
these Nwnh days 0tmwy of l( & preached wzrk0w have spoken wllm were wwh after him hrtb who from Nmd
& of the covenant 0qtyddw of the prophets 0ybnd the children Nwhynb are Nwn0 you Nwtn0 25
to Abraham Mhrb0l He said rm0 when dk to our fathers Nthb0l God 0hl0 appointed Msd which 0dy0
of the earth 0(r0d families 0tbr$ all Nyhlk shall be blessed Nkrbtn in your seed K(rzbd
God 0hl0 & sent rd$w He appointed Myq0 the first Mydq from Nm to you Nwkl 26
you are converted Nwnptt if N0 you Nwkl blessing Krbm as dk His Son hrbl
your evils Nwkt$yb from Nm & you return Nwbwttw

The Acts of The Apostles

Chapter 4
to the people 0m(l they were wwh speaking Nyllmm words 0lm these Nylh & when dkw 1
& the rulers 0nwkr0w & The Zaduqya 0yqwdzw the priests 0nhk against them Nwhyl( they arose wmq
of the temple 0lkyhd
the people 0m(l that they taught Nyplmd with them Nwhyl( they were wwh angered Nytmxtm as dk 2
the resurrection 0tmyq about l( by The Messiah 0xy$mb & were preaching Nyzrkmw
the dead 0tym among tyb from Nmd
to the day 0mwyl them Nwn0 & kept wr+nw hands 0ydy0 upon them Nwhyl( & they laid wymr0w 3
evening 0$mr it hl was 0wh approaching brqd because l+m the next 0nrx0
the word 0tlm had wwh who heard w(m$d & many 00ygsw 4
in number 0nynmb were wwh & they Nwhyty0w were wwh believing wnmyh
men Nyrbg thousand Nypl0 five 0$mx about Ky0
the Rulers 0nwkr0 gathered w$nkt0 next 0nrx0 & the day 0mwylw 5
& Scribes 0rpsw & Elders 0$y$qw
& Yokhanan Nnxwyw & Keepha 0pyqw Priest 0nhk High br Hannan Nnx & also P0w 6
from Nm were wwh who Nwhyty0d & those Nyly0w & Alexandrus swrdnskl0w
Priests 0nhk of the Chief ybrd the family 0tbr$
they were wwh asking Nyl0$m in the midst 0t(cmb them Nwn0 they set wmyq0 & when dkw 7
this 0dh you do Nwtdb( name M$ in what 0ny0b or w0 power lyx By what 0ny0bd them Nwhl
of Holiness 0$dwqd by The Spirit 0xwr was filled ylmt0 Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$ then Nydyh 8
& Elders 0$y$qw of the people 0m(d Rulers yhwnwkr0 to them Nwhl & said rm0w
Listen w(m$ of Israel lyrsy0 of the House tybd
the beautiful thing 0tryp$ on l( from you Nwknm we Nnx are judged Nynydtm today 0nmwy we Nnx if N0 9
he was healed ys0t0 this one 0nh by what means 0nmbd ill 0hyrk to a man 0$nrbl which happened twhd
of Israel lyrsy0d the people 0m( & to all hlklw to you Nwkl let be known (dytt this 0dh 10
Him wh The Nazarene 0yrcn The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd that in The Name hm$bd
God 0hl0 Whom raised Myq0d Him wh have crucified yhynwtpqz Whom you Nwtn0d
by Him whb in it hb the dead 0tym among tyb from Nm
whole Mylx as dk before you Nwkymdq this 0nh stands M0q behold 0h
builders 0ynb you Nwtn0 Which you rejected Nwtyls0d The Stone 0p0k This is wnh 11

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Corner 0nrq The Head $yrl is 0wh & He whw

is ty0 for ryg not 0l salvation 0nqrwp another Nyrx0 in man $n0b & there is not tylw 12
to the children of men 0$nynbl that given bhyt0d Heaven 0ym$ under tyxt another 0nrx0 Name 0m$
to live 0xml it is necessary 0lw by which hbd
& of Yokhanan Nnxwydw of Shimeon Nw(m$d the discourse htlm they heard w(m$ & when dkw 13
they knew Ny(dy that not 0ld they perceived wlkts0 they spoke it hwrm0 in the open 0lgb that eyes Ny(d
at them Nwhb & they were amazed wrhtw they were Nwn0 & unlearned 0+wydhw the scrolls 0rps
they had wwh lived Nykphtm Yeshua (w$y that with M(d them Nwn0 & recognized w(dwt$0w
he had been wh who crippled 0rygx with them Nwhm( he was 0wh standing M0qd they wwh & saw Nyzxw 14
they were wwh able Nyxk$m & not 0lw who was healed ys0t0d
against them Nwhlbqwl to say rm0ml anything Mdm
their assembly Nwh$nk from Nm them Nwn0 to remove Nwqpnd they ordered wdqp then Nydyh 15
to another dxl one dx they were wwh & saying Nyrm0w
for ryg behold 0h these Nylh the men 0rbgl to them Nwhl shall we do db(n what? 0nm 16
to all Nwhlkl by their hands Nwhydy0b that has occurred twhd open 0tylg a sign 0t0
deny rwpknd we can Nnyxk$m & not 0lw is known t(dyt0 of Jerusalem Ml$rw0d dwellers hyrwm(
among the people 0m(b may proceed qwpn more ty0ryty that not 0ld but 0l0 17
they speak Nwllmn not 0l that again bwtd them Nwhl let us threaten Mxltn this 0nh report 0b+
the children of men 0$nynb of Nm to a person $n0l this 0nh in Name 0m$b
that utterly rmgld them Nwn0 & ordered wdqpw them Nwn0 & they called wrqw 18
Yeshua (w$y in The Name M$b they should teach Nwpln neither 0lw they should speak Nwllmn not 0l
to them Nwhl & they said wrm0w & Yokhanan Nnxwyw Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$ answered wn( 19
rather ryty one shall listen (m$n that to you Nwkld God 0hl0 before Mdq it is right 0n0k if N0
you judge wnwd God 0hl0 than Nm
whatever 0md we Nnx are able Nyxk$m for ryg not 0l 20
we shall speak it yhwyllmn that not 0ld & we hear N(m$w we see Nyzxd
for ryg not 0l them Nwn0 & released wr$w them Nwhl & they threatened wmxlt0w 21
their heads Nwh$rb to pursue Nwmysnd a cause 0tl( for them Nwhl they found wxk$0
were 0wh praising xb$m for ryg everyman $nlk the people 0m( because l+m
that occurred 0whd the thing Mdm for l( God 0hl0l
was 0wh he yhwty0 years Nyn$ forty Ny(br0 son of rb than Nm for ryg more ryty 22
of healing 0twys0d sign 0t0 this 0dh to whom hb happened twhd that wh man 0rbg
their brethren Nwhyx0 to twl they came wt0 they were dismissed wyrt$0 & when dkw 23
whatever 0m everything lk to them Nwhl & they related wy(t$0w
& The Elders 0$y$qw The Priests 0nhk had said wrm0d
their voice Nwhlq they raised wmyr0 as one dxk0 they heard w(m$ when dk & they Nwnhw 24
God 0hl0 are wh You tn0 Jehovah 0yrm & they said wrm0w God 0hl0 to twl
& the seas 0mmyw & the earth 0(r0w the heavens 0ym$ Who made tdb(d
in them Nwhb that is ty0d & all lkw
The Spirit 0xwr by dyb Who spoke tllmd are He wh & you tn0w 25
Your servant Kdb( of Dawid dywd in the mouth Mwpb of Holiness 0$dwqd
& the peoples 0twm0w the nations 0mm( have raged w$gr Why? 0nml
nothingness 0twqyrs devise ynr
& the rulers 0n+yl$w of the earth 0(r0d the kings 0klm stood up wmq 26

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Jehovah 0yrm against l( as one 0dxk0 held counsel wklmt0w

His Messiah hxy$m & against l(w
against l( this 0dh in city 0tnydmb truly ty0ryr$ for ryg they gathered w$nkt0 27
anointed tx$m Whom You tn0d The One 0ny0 Yeshua (w$y Your Son Krb The Holy One 0$ydq
of Israel lyrsy0d & the mobs 0$nkw Gentiles 0mm( with M( & Pilatus sw+lypw Herodus sdwrh
& Your will Knybcw Your hand Kdy0d whatever 0m all lk to do db(ml 28
to happen 0whnd inscribed M$r before Mdq
their threats Nwhymxwll & see yzxw behold rwx Jehovah 0yrm now 0$h also P0w 29
in the open 0lgb that eyes Ny(d to Your servants Kydb(l & grant bhw
Your word Ktlm preaching Nyzrkm they would be Nwwhn
& for mighty acts 0twrbglw for healing 0tws0l You tn0 stretched +$wm Your hand Kdy0 as dk 30
Yeshua (w$y holy 0$ydq of your son Krbd in the Name hm$b to occur Nywhnd & for signs 0twt0lw
the place 0rt0 was shaken (yztt0 & made supplication wp$kt0w they prayed w(b & when dkw 31
all of them Nwhlk & they were filled wylmt0w they were wwh assembled Ny$ynk in which hbd
they were wwh & speaking Nyllmmw of Holiness 0$dwqd with The Spirit 0xwrb
of God 0hl0d the word 0tlm in the open 0lgb eyes Ny(
who believed wnmyhd those Nyly0 of people 0$n0d to crowds 0$nkl but Nyd was 0wh there ty0 32
of them Nwhnm man $n0 & no 0lw mind Ny(r & one dxw soul $pn one 0dx were wwh
his own hlydd was 0wh which he possessed 0nqd wealth 0skn about l( was 0wh saying rm0
were 0wh that ty0d things Mdm all lk but 0l0 they Nwn0
were 0wh common 0wgd to them Nwhl
those Nwnh were wwh testifying Nydhsm great 0br & with power 0lyxbw 33
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd the resurrection htmyq of l( Apostles 0xyl$
all of them Nwhlk with M( was twh there ty0 great 0tbr & favor 0twby+w
who was needy Kyrcd among them Nwhb was 0wh there not tyl & a man $n0w 34
selling Nynbzm & houses 0tbw fields 0yrwq had wwh who possessed Nynqd for ryg those Nyly0
that were sold Nbdzmd of the things Mdmd the proceeds 0ymd & bringing Nytymw were wwh
was 0wh & given bhytmw of the Apostles 0xyl$d the feet Nwhylgr at twl & laying Nymysw 35
was 0wh needed qynsd whatever Mdm according to Ky0 man $n0 to any $n0l
the Apostles 0xyl$ from Nm Bar Naba 0bnrb named ynkt0d was wh but Nyd Yosip Pswy 36
a Levite 0ywl of comfort 00ywbd son 0rb which is translated Mgrttmd
of Quprus srpwqd the country 0rt0 from Nm
& brought yty0w & he sold it hnbzw a field 0tyrq to him hl was 0wh there ty0 37
of the Apostles 0xyl$d the feet Nwhylgr before Mdq & laid Msw its price hymd

The Acts of The Apostles

Chapter 5
his wife httn0 with M( Khanan Yah 0ynnx was 0wh whose name hm$d one dx man 0rbgw 1
his field htyrq had 0wh sold Nbz Shapira 0ryp$ was 0wh whose name hm$d
of it hb was twh aware 0$ygr while dk & concealed it y$+w its price hymy+ from Nm & he took away lq$w 2
before Mdq & placed it Msw the money 0psk of Nm some of it hnm & he brought yty0w his wife httn0
of the Apostles 0xyl$d the feet Nwhylgr

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thus 0nkhd why? wnm Khanan Yah 0ynnx Shimeon Nw(m$ to him hl & said rm0w 3
of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwrb to cheat lgdtd your heart Kbl Satan 0n+s has filled 0lm
of the field 0tyrqd of the proceeds hymdd money 0psk some Nm & to hide 0$+tw
it was sold Nbdzt until 0ld( it was twh yours Klyd was 0wh not? 0l 4
were tywh authorized +yl$ you tn0 again bwt when it was sold tnbdz0d & from Nmw
to do db(td your heart Kblb have you set tms Why? 0nml its proceeds hymd over l(
God 0hl0b but 0l0 of men 0$n0 sons ynbb you have cheated tlgd not 0l this 0dh thing 0twbc
& died tymw he dropped lpn words 0lm these Nylh Khanan Yah 0ynnx heard (m$ & when dkw 5
who heard w(m$d these Nylh among all Nwhlkb great 0tbr fear 0tlxd & came twhw
& gathered him up yhw$nkw among them Nwhb young men Nymyl(d those Nyly0 & arose wmqw 6
& buried him yhwrbq & they took him out wqp0w
his wife httn0 also P0 hours Ny($ three tlt that passed ywhd after rtb & from Nmw 7
had happened 0wh what 0nm she had twh known 0(dy not 0l while dk entered tl(
proceeds 0ymd for these Nylhb if N0 me yl tell rm0 Shimeon Nw(m$ to her hl said rm0 8
proceeds 0ymd for these Nylhb Yes Ny0 said trm0 but Nyd she yh the field 0tyrq you sold Nwtnbz
to tempt wysnml you have agreed Nwtywt$0d because l+m Shimeon Nw(m$ to her hl said rm0 9
of the buriers yhwrwbqd the feet Nwhylgr behold 0h of Jehovah 0yrmd The Spirit hxwr
will take you out yknwqpn & they Nwnhw at the door 0(rtb of your husband ykl(bd
& died ttymw their feet Nwhylgr before Mdq she fell tlpn in the moment 0t($b & in it hbw 10
dead 0tym when dk & they found her hwxk$0w those Nwnh young men 0myl( & entered wl(w
her husband hl(b the side of bng at l( buried her hwrbq brought out wlbw0 & took up wspqw
church 0td( in the entire hlkb great 0tbr fear 0tlxd & was twhw 11
who heard w(m$d those Nwnh in all of them Nwhlkbw
the signs 0twt0 the Apostles 0xyl$ by the hand of dyb were ywh & there Nywhw 12
assembled Ny$ynk & they all Nwhlkw among the people 0m(b many 0t0ygs & mighty acts 0twrbgw
of Shlimon Nwmyl$d at the porch 0w+s0b together 0dxk0 were wwh
other 0nrx0 the people 0$n0 & of Nmw 13
near them Nwhtwl to approach brqtnd was 0wh daring xrmm not 0l a man $n0
the people 0m( them Nwhl were 0wh magnifying brwm but 0l0
were wwh who believing Nynmyhmd those Nyly0 were wwh added Npswttm & more rytyw 14
& of women 0$ndw of men 0rbgd crowds 0$nk in Jehovah 0yrmb
the sick 0hyrkl they were wwh bringing out Nyqpm in the streets 0qw$bd so that 0nky0 15
come 0t0 would 0whnd that when ytm0d in litters 0tsr(b they were wwh lying Nymr while dk
them Nwhyl( might overshadow Ngt his shadow htynl+ at least Np0 Shimeon Nw(m$
cities 0tnydm from Nm to them Nwhtwl many 00ygs but Nyd were wwh coming Nyt0 16
when dk Jerusalem Ml$rw0 which were around yrdxd other 0tynrx0
to them Nwhl had ywh who Nywhd & those Nyly0w the sick 0hyrk they were wwh bringing Nytym
all of them Nwhlk they were wwh & being healed Nymlxtmw unclean 0tpn+ a spirit 0xwr
& all Nwhlkw The Priest 0nhk High br with jealousy 0msx was 0wh & filled ylmt0w 17
of Zaduqya 0yqwdzd the doctrine 0nplwy of Nm were wwh who Nwhyty0d who with him hm(d
& bound wrs0 & seized wdx0w the Apostles 0xyl$ on l( hands 0ydy0 & they laid wymr0w 18
prisoner 0rys0 in a house tyb them Nwn0
the door 0(rt opened xtp of Jehovah 0yrmd The Angel 0k0lm in the night 0yllb then Nydyh 19

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to them Nwhl & he said rm0w them Nwn0 & brought out qp0w prisoner 0rys0 of the house tybd
to the people 0m(l & speak wllmw in the temple 0lkyhb stand wmwq go wlz 20
of life 0yxd these Nylh words 0lm all Nyhlk
the temple 0lkyhl & they entered wl(w of dawn 0rp$ the time Nd( & they went out wqpnw 21
with him hm(d & those Nyly0w but Nyd The Priest 0nhk High br they were wwh & teaching Nyplmw
of Israel lyrsy0d & The Elders 0$y$qlw their associates Nwhyrbxl they called wrq
of prisoners 0rys0 to the house tybl & they sent wrd$w
the Apostles 0xyl$l them Nwn0 to bring Nwtynd
from them Nwhnm who were sent wrdt$0d those Nyly0 went wlz0 & when dkw 22
they came wt0 & returned wkphw prisoner 0rys0 in the house tyb them Nwn0 found wxk$0 not 0l
which was locked dyx0d prisoner 0rys0 the house tyb we found Nxk$0 they were saying Nyrm0 23
Nxtpw the door 0(rt at l( standing Nymyqd by the guards 0rw+nl also P0w securely ty0ryhz
there Nmt we found Nxk$0 not 0l & a man $n0w
The Priests 0nhk Chief ybr words 0lm these Nylh heard w(m$ & when dkw 24
at them Nwhyl( they were wwh astonished Nyrywt of the temple 0lkyhd & The Leaders 0nwkr0w
this 0dh was yh what 0nmd they were wwh & considering Nyb$xtmw
them Nwn0 informing (dw0 a man $n0 & came 0t0w 25
prisoner 0rys0 in the house tyb whom you shut up Nwt$bxd men 0rbg the same Nwnhd
the people 0m(l & teaching Nyplmw in the temple 0lkyhb are standing Nymyq behold 0h
them Nwn0 to bring Nwtynd attendants 0$xd with M( The Leaders 0nwkr0 went wlz0 then Nydyh 26
lest 0mld for ryg they were wwh afraid Nylxd with force 0ry+qb not 0l
the people 0m( them Nwn0 would stone Mwgrn
them Nwn0 they stood wmyq0 them Nwn0 they brought wyty0 & when dkw 27
he 0wh & began Pq0w the council 0$nk whole hlk before Mdq
to them Nwhl to say rm0ml The Priest 0nhk High br
you Nwkl we have Nywh we commanded Ndqp commanding dqpm have 0wh not? 0l 28
behold 0h but Nyd you Nwtn0 This 0nh in Name 0m$b you teach Nwplt not 0l that a man $n0ld
& wish Nybcw your teaching Nwknplwy from Nm Jerusalem Ml$rw0l you have filled hnwtylm
this 0nh of man 0rbgd the blood hmd upon us Nyl( to bring Nwtytd you Nwtn0
to them Nwhl & said rm0w the Apostles 0xyl$ with M( Shimeon Nw(m$ answered 0n( 29
children of men 0$nynbld than Nm rather ryty to obey wsp+tml it is necessary 0lw God 0hl0l
The One 0ny0 Yeshua (w$yl raised Myq0 of our forefathers Nthb0d The God 0hl0 30
a tree 0syq on l( you hanged Him yhynwtylt when dk murdered Nwtl+q Whom you Nwtn0d
& The Lifegiver 0nyxmw The Head 0$r God 0hl0 appointed Myq0 This One 0nhl Him hl 31
repentance 0twbyt to give ltnd so as Ky0 at His right hnymyb & has exalted Him hmyr0w
to Israel lyrsy0l of sins 0h+x & forgiveness Nqbw$w
these Nylh of accounts 0lmd are Nnx witnesses 0dhs & we Nnxw 32
God 0hl0 Whom gives bhyd Him wh of Holiness 0$dwqd & The Spirit 0xwrw
in Him hb who are believing Nynmyhmd to those Nyly0l
enraged Nylzwgtm words 0lm these Nylh had wwh they heard w(m$ & when dkw 33
them Nwn0 killing l+qml they were wwh & considering Nyb$xtmw with a passion 0zgwrb they were wwh
was 0wh whose name hm$d The Pharisha 0$yrp of Nm one dx there 0wh & stood Mqw 34
the people 0m( all hlk of Nm & was honored rqymw the law 0swmn he taught Plm Gamaliel ly0ylmg
little 0rw(z a time 0nd( outside rbl the Apostles 0xyl$l them Nwn0 to take Nwqpnd & commanded dqpw

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of Israel lyrsy0 sons ynb men 0rbg to them Nwhl & he said rm0w 35
to do db(ml for you Nwkl is right 0lw what 0nm & see wzxw to yourselves Nwk$pnb take heed wrhdz0
men 0$n0 these Nylh concerning l(
there 0wh arose Mq time 0nbz this 0nh for ryg before Mdq from Nm 36
great br he was wh that something Mdmd himself h$pn of l( & said rm0w Theuda 0dwt
was killed l+qt0 & he whw men Nyrbg four hundred 00m(br0 about Ky0 after him hrtb went wlz0w
were scattered wrdbt0 after him hrtb were wwh who going Nylz0d & those Nyly0w
a thing Mdm not 0l as Ky0 & they were wwhw
in the days 0tmwyb the Galilean 0ylylg Yehuda 0dwhy after him hrtb from Nm & arose Mqw 37
& seduced y+s0w head 0$r in the tax Pskb people 0$n0 were wwh when registered Nybtktmd
& all Nwhlkw died tym & he whw after him hrtb many 00ygs people 0m(
were scattered wrdbt0 after him hrtb were wwh who going Nylz0d those Nyly0
these Nylh from Nm yourselves Nwkl separate wqwrp to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 & now 0$hw 38
children of men 0$nynb from Nmd this wh for if N0d them Nwhl & leave wqwb$w men 0$n0
work 0db( & this 0nhw counsel 0tb$xm this 0dh is hyty0
& they will pass away Nyrb(w they will dissolve Nyrt$m
it comes 0y+m not 0l it is wh God 0hl0 from Nm but Nyd if N0 39
you be found Nwxkt$t lest 0mld to destroy it yhynwl+btd into your hands Nwkydy0b
you Nwtn0 stand Nymyq God 0hl0 that against lbqwld yourselves Nwkl
the Apostles 0xyl$l them Nwn0 & called wrqw by him hl & they were persuaded wsyp+t0w 40
to be Nwwhn that not 0ld them Nwn0 & commanded wdqpw them Nwn0 & they scourged wdgnw
them Nwn0 & dismissed wr$w of Yeshua (w$yd in The Name 0m$b speaking Nyllmm
rejoicing Nydx while dk before them Nwhymdq from Nm & they departed wqpnw 41
to be disgraced Nwr(+cnd The Name 0m$ for l+m they were wwh that worthy ww$d
in the temple 0lkyhb to teach wplml every day Mwylk they were wwh ceasing Nyl$ & not 0lw 42
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm about l( & to evangelize wrbsmlw & in houses 0tybbw

The Acts of The Apostles

Chapter 6
the disciples 0dymlt multiplied wygs when dk they Nwnh in the days 0tmwyb & in them Nwhbw 1
the Hebraists 0yrb( against l( disciples 0dymlt Hellenist 0ynwy had wwh complained wn+r
of every day Mwylkd in the ministry 0t$m$tb their widows Nwhtlmr0 were ywh that disregarded Nysbtmd
the assembly 0$nk whole hlkl the Apostles 0xyl$ twelve rs(rt & called wrqw 2
acceptable ryp$ not 0l to them Nwhl & they said wrm0w of the disciples 0dymltd
tables 0rwtp & that we serve $m$nw of God 0hl0d the word 0tlm that we forsake qwb$nd
from you Nwknm men Nyrbg seven 0(b$ & choose wbgw my brothers yx0 therefore lykh search wcb 3
of The Spirit hxwr & are full Nylmw the testimony 0twdhs upon whom Nwhyl( is ty0d
matter 0twbc this 0dh over l( them Nwn0 we shall appoint Myqnw & wisdom 0tmkxw of Jehovah 0yrmd
of the word 0tlmd & in the ministry 0t$m$tbw in prayer 0twlcb continue Nynym0 shall 0whn & we Nnxw 4
the people 0m( all hlk before Mdq word 0tlm this 0dh & was pleasing trp$w 5
of faith 0twnmyh was 0wh who full 0lmd a man 0rbg Estephanos swnp+s0l & they chose wbgw
& Niqanor rwnqynlw Prokuros swrkrplw & Philippus swpylyplw of Holiness 0$dwqd & of The Spirit 0xwrw
Antiochene 0ykwy+n0 a proselyte 0rwyg & Niqolaos sw0lqynlw & Parmena 0nmrplw & Timon Nwmy+lw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the Apostles 0xyl$d before them Nwhymdq they stood wmq these Nylh 6
hands 0dy0 upon them Nwhyl( they placed wms they had prayed wylc & when dkw
was 0wh & multiplied 0gsw was twh magnified 0ybr of God 0hl0d & the word htlmw 7
greatly b+ in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b of disciples 0dymltd the number 0nynm
obeying (mt$m the Yehudeans 0ydwhy from Nm many 00ygs & people 0m(w
the faith 0twnmyhl were 0wh
& power 0lyxw of grace 0twby+ was 0wh full 0lm but Nyd Estephanos swnp+s0 8
among the people 0m(b & wonders 0trmdtw signs 0twt0 was 0wh & doing db(w
which was called 0yrqtmd the synagogue 0t$wnk from Nm men 0$n0 there wwh & arose wmqw 9
& Alexandria 0yrdnskl0w & Qurinaya 0ynyrwqw Libertinu wny+rbyld
they were wwh & disputing Ny$rdw Asia 0ys0 & from Nmw Cilicia 0yqylyq & from Nmdw
Estephanos swnp+s0 with M(
the wisdom 0tmkx against lbqwl to stand Mqml they were wwh able Nyxk$m & not 0lw 10
by him hb was twh Who speaking 0llmmd & The Spirit 0xwrw
to say Nwrm0nd them Nwn0 & instructed wpl0w men 0rbgl they sent wrd$ then Nydyh 11
of blasphemy 0pdwgd words 0lm say rm0d we have heard him yhyn(m$ we Nnxd
God 0hl0 & against l(w Moshe 0$wm against l(
& The Scribes 0rpslw & The Elders 0$y$qlw the people 0m(l & they stirred up w$g$w 12
& they seized wp+xw about him yhwl( & they stood wmqw & they came wt0w
The Council 0$nk to the center of t(cml & brought him yhwyty0
man 0rbg this 0nh who said Nyrm0d false 0lgd witnesses 0dhs & they had appointed wmyq0w 13
& against l(w The Torah 0swmn against lbqwl words 0lm speaking wllmml ceases 0l$ not 0l
holy 0$ydq this 0nh place 0rt0
that Yeshua (w$yd that he said rm0d we have heard yhyn(m$ for ryg we Nnx 14
this 0nh place 0rt0l will destroy yhwyr$n He wh The Nazarene 0yrcn this 0nh
Moshe 0$wm to you Nwkl that delivered Ml$0d the customs 0dy( & will change Plxnw
were wwh who sitting Nybtyd they Nwnh all of them Nwhlk at him hb & stared wrxw 15
of an angel 0k0lmd the face 0pwcrp like Ky0 his face hpwcrp & saw wzxw in the assembly 0t$wnkb

The Acts of The Apostles

Chapter 7
are Nyn0 so 0nkh that these things Nylhd it is wh if N0d The Priest 0nhk High br & asked him hl0$w 1
hear w(m$ & fathers Nthb0w brothers Nyx0 men 0rbg said rm0 but Nyd he wh 2
when dk Abraham Mhrb0 to our father Nwb0l appeared yzxt0 of glory 0txwb$td The God 0hl0
he would have come 0t0n not 0l while d( in Bayth Nahrayn Nyrhntyb was 0wh he yhwty0
in Kharan Nrxb to dwell rm(n
the presence twl & from Nmw your land K(r0 from Nm Depart qwpd to him hl He 0wh & said rm0w 3
I shall show you Kywx0d which 0dy0 to the land 0(r0l & come 0tw of your relatives Kmhw+ of the children ynb
of The Chaldeans 0ydlkd the land 0(r0 from Nm Abraham Mhrb0 went out qpn & then Nydyhw 4
his father yhwb0 died tym when dk there Nmt & from Nmw in Kharan Nrxb dwelt rm( & came 0t0w
today 0nmwy you Nwtn0 dwell Nyrm( in which hbd this 0dh to land 0(r0l God 0hl0 removed him hyn$
a footprint 0tkrwd not 0l also P0 in it hb an inheritance 0twtry to him hl he gave bhy & not 0lw 5
to inherit it htr0mld as Ky0 to him hl to give it hyltnd He 0wh & promised ydwt$0w of the foot 0lgrd

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a son 0rb for him hl there was 0wh not tyl when dk & for his seed h(rzlw for himself hl
to him hl He said rm0 when dk God 0hl0 with him hm( was 0wh & speaking llmw 6
foreign 0tyrkwn in a land 0(r0b a stranger 0btwt your seed K(rz Shall be 0whnd
years Nyn$ four hundred 00m(br0 him hl & they will afflict Nw$0bnw & they will enslave him yhynwdb($nw
I 0n0 shall judge it yhwynwd0 servitude 0twdb( whom they serve Nwxlpnd & that people 0m(lw 7
they shall go out Nwqpn these things Nylh after rtb & from Nmw God 0hl0 says rm0
this 0nh in place 0rt0b Me yl & they shall serve Nwxlpnw
& then Nydyhw of circumcision 0trwzgd the covenant 0qtyd him hl & he gave bhyw 8
eighth 0ynymt on the day 0mwyb & circumcised him hrzgw Ishaq qxsy0l begot dlw0
Yaqob bwq(yl begot dlw0 & Ishaq qxsy0w
our fathers Nthb0 twelve rs(rtl begot dlw0 & Yaqob bwq(yw
of Yoseph Pswyb were jealous wn+ our fathers Nthb0 & they Nwnhw 9
was 0wh with him hm( & God 0hl0w to Egypt Nyrcml & sold him yhwnbzw
his sufferings yhwnclw0 all of them Nwhlk from Nm He did 0wh & save him hqrpw 10
Pharoah Nw(rp before Mdq & wisdom 0tmkxw grace 0twby+ him hl & he gave bhyw
Egypt Nyrcm over l( The Ruler 0$r & appointed him hmyq0w of Egypt Nyrcmd The King 0klm
entire hlk his house htyb & over l(w
Egypt Nyrcm in all hlkb great 0br & distress 0nclw0w a famine 0npk & there was 0whw 11
to them Nwhl was 0wh & there not tylw of Canaan N(nkd & in the land 0(r0bw
our fathers Nthb0l to satisfy (bsml
in Egypt Nyrcmb produce 0rwb( that there was ty0d Yaqob bwq(y heard (m$ & when dkw 12
first Mdqwl our fathers Nthb0l he 0wh sent rd$
himself h$pn Yoseph Pswy made known (dw0 time Nynbz the second Nytrtd they went wlz0 & when dkw 13
of Yoseph Pswyd the family hmhw+ to Pharoah Nw(rpl & was made known (dyt0w to his brothers yhwx0l
Yaqob bwq(y his father yhwb0l & brought hyty0w Joseph Pswy did 0wh & send rd$w 14
they were wwh & being Nywhw his family hmhw+ & all hlklw
souls N$pn & five $mxw seventy Ny(b$ in number 0nynmb
& our fathers Nthb0w he wh there Nmt & died tymw to Egypt Nyrcml Yaqob bwq(y & went down txnw 15
in a tomb 0rbqb & was placed Mystt0w to Shekim Myk$l & he was moved ynt$0w 16
of Hamor rwmx sons ynb from Nm with silver 0pskb Abraham Mhrb0 had 0wh which bought Nbzd
had 0wh which promised ydwt$0d of that Mdmd the time 0nbz had 0wh arrived y+m & when dkw 17
the people 0m( had 0wh multiplied ygs to Abraham Mhrb0l God 0hl0 in an oath 0tmwmb
in Egypt Nyrcmb & had grown strong Pqtw
Egypt Nyrcm over l( another 0nrx0 king 0klm arose Mqd until 0md( 18
Yoseph Pswyl him hl had 0wh knew (dy that not 0ld who 0ny0
to our fathers Nthb0l & did evil $0b0w our race Nmhw+ toward l( he was crafty (n+c0w 19
their male infants Nwhydwly casting out Nydt$m to be Nwwhnd & commanded dqpw
they would live Nwxn that not 0ld
was 0wh & dear Myxrw Moshe 0$wm was begotten dlyt0 that wh in time 0nbzb in it hb 20
of his father yhwb0 in the house tyb three 0tlt months 0xry & was raised ybrt0w to God 0hl0l
his mother hm0 from Nm he was cast out ydt$0 & when dkw 21
son 0rbl for her hl & she raised him htybrw of Pharaoh Nw(rp the daughter trb found him htxk$0

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of the Egyptians 0yrcmd the wisdom 0tmkx in all hlkb Moshe 0$wm & was instructed ydrt0w 22
in his deeds yhwdb(b & also P0w in his words yhwlmb was 0wh & prepared dyt(w
it 0wh came up qls years Nyn$ forty Ny(br0 son of rb he was 0wh & when dkw 23
of Israel lyrsy0 children ynb his brethren yhwx0l to visit rw(snd his heart hbl upon l(
being compelled rbdtmd of his tribe htbr$ the sons ynb from Nm one dxl & he saw 0zxw 24
& killed him hl+qw justice 0nyd for him hl & executed db(w & avenged him h(btw by violence 0ry+qb
him hb had 0wh who wronged lksmd that wh Egyptian 0yrcml
of Israel lyrsy0 sons ynb his brethren yhwx0 that would have understood Nylktsmd & he had hoped rbsw 25
deliverance 0nqrwp them Nwhl would give bhy by his hand hdy0b that God 0hl0d
they understood wlkts0 & not 0lw
contended Nycn when dk to them Nwhl appeared yzxt0 another 0nrx0 & day 0mwylw 26
to them Nwhl he was 0wh & appealing sypmw another dx with M( one dx they Nwnh
you are Nwtn0 brothers 0x0 men 0rbg he said rm0 when dk to be reconciled Nwnyt$nd
another dxb one dx you Nwtn0 do wrong Nylksm of what? 0nm because l+m
thrust him away hqxd to his fellow hrbxb was 0wh who doing wrong lksmd but Nyd he wh 27
over us Nyl( appointed you Kmyq0 who? wnm to him hl & said rm0w him htwl from Nm
& the Judge 0nydw the Ruler 0$r
you killed tl+qd as Ky0 you tn0 wish 0(b to kill me ynl+qml interrogative 0mld 28
the Egyptian 0yrcml yesterday ylmt0
a traveler 0btwt & he was 0whw this 0dh at saying 0tlmb Moshe 0$wm & fled qr(w 29
sons Nynb two Nyrt to him hl & there were wwhw of Midian Nydmd in the land 0(r0b
years Nyn$ forty Ny(br0 there Nmt to him hl were fulfilled ylm & when dkw 30
Sinai ynys of the Mountain rw+d in the wilderness 0rbdmb to him hl appeared yzxt0
in a bush 0ynsb which burned 0dqyd in the fire 0rwnb of Jehovah 0yrmd The Angel hk0lm
& when dkw at the vision 0wzxb he marveled rmdt0 Moshe 0$wm saw 0zx & when dkw 31
in a voice 0lqb Jehovah 0yrm to him hl said rm0 to see 0zxnd he approached brqt0
of Abraham Mhrb0d The God hhl0 of your fathers Kyhb0d The God 0hl0 I Am The Living God 0n0 0n0 32
not 0l Moshe 0$wm was 0wh trembling tytr & as dkw & of Yaqob bwq(ydw & of Ishaq qxsy0dw
at the vision 0wzxb to gaze rwxnd he was 0wh daring xrmm
your feet Kylgr from Nm your shoes Kynsm loose yr$ Jehovah 0yrm to him hl & said rm0w 33
is yh holy 0$ydq on which hb you tn0 stand M0qd for ryg the ground 0(r0
who in Egypt Nyrcmbd of My people ym(d the suffering hnclw0 I have seen tyzx looking 0zxm 34
& now 0$hw them Nwn0 to save qwrp0d & I have come down ttxnw I have heard t(m$ & its groans htxntw
to Egypt Nyrcml I shall send you Krd$0 come 0t
Who wnmd they were saying Nyrm0 when dk him hb whom they rejected wrpkd Moshe 0$wm this 0nhl 35
God 0hl0 this one 0nhl to him hl & the Judge 0nydw the Ruler 0$r over us Nyl( appointed you Kmyq0
that wh of angel 0k0lm by the hand ydy0b to them Nwhl sent rd$ & deliverer 0qwrpw the ruler 0$r
at the bush 0ynsb to him hl who appeared yzxt0d
& wonders 0trmdtw signs 0twt0 he did db( when dk them Nwn0 he who sent out qp0d this is wnh 36
& at The Sea of Reeds Pwsd0mybw of Egypt Nyrcmd in the land 0(r0b & mighty works 0twrbgw
forty Ny(br0 years Nyn$ & in the wilderness 0rbdmbw
a prophet 0ybnd of Israel lyrsy0 to the children ynbl who said rm0d is he wh Moshe 0$wm this wnh 37
your brethren Nwkyx0 from Nm God 0hl0 Jehovah 0yrm to you Nwkl shall appoint Myqn

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you shall listen Nw(m$t to him hl like me ytwk0

the angel 0k0lm with M( in the wilderness 0rbdmb in the assembly 0t$wnkb who was 0whd this is wnh 38
in The Mountain 0rw+b our fathers Nthb0 & with M(w with him hm( had 0wh who spoken llmd him wh
he would give ltn which to us Nld living 0tyx the words 0lm receiving] lbqd & he was wywhw of Sinai ynysd
forsook him yhwqb$ but 0l0 our fathers Nthb0 him hl to obey wyndtml chose wbc & not 0lw 39
to Egypt Nyrcml them Nwhl they returned wkph & in their hearts Nwhtwblbw
to go Nwlz0nd gods 0hl0 for us Nl make db( to Ahron Nwrh0l they were saying Nyrm0 when dk 40
the land 0(r0 from Nm who brought us out Nqp0d Moshe 0$wm this 0nhd because l+m before us Nymdq
has become of him yhywh what? 0nm we Nnx know Ny(dy not 0l of Egypt Nyrcmd
& they sacrificed wxbdw those Nwnh in days 0tmwyb a calf 0lg( to them Nwhl & they made wdb(w 41
of their hands Nwhydy0 in the work db(b were wwh & delighting Nymsbtmw to the idol 0rktpl sacrifices 0xbd
them Nwn0 & handed over Ml$0w God 0hl0 & turned Kphw 42
of the heavens 0ym$d to the hosts 0twlyxl worshippers Nyxlp to become Nwwhnd
Why? 0ml of the prophets 0ybnd in the scriptures 0btkb it is written bytkd so as Ky0
sacrifices 0txbd or w0 animals 0tskn in the wilderness 0rbdmb years Nyn$ forty Ny(br0
of Israel lyrsy0 sons ynb to me yl have you brought Nwtbrq
& the star hbkwkw of Malkom Mwklmd the tabernacle hnk$m you carried Nwtlq$ but 0l0 43
to be Nwwhtd which you have made Nwtdb(d of images 0twmd of Rephan Nprd of the god 0hl0d
Babel lbb than Nm farther lhl I shall move you Nwkyn$0 them Nyhl worshiping Nydgs
in the wilderness 0rbdmb of our fathers Nthb0d of the testimony 0twdhsd the tabernacle 0nk$m behold 0h 44
with M( Who spoke llmd He wh commanded dqpd whatever 0m as Ky0 was 0wh being yhwty0
which He showed him hywxd in the fashion 0twmdb to make it hdb(ml Moshe 0$wm
our fathers Nthb0 & carried it yhwl(0 brought wl(m also P0 tabernacle 0nk$m the same 0nhl & it hlw 45
God 0hl0 to them Nwhl that gave bhyd to the land 0(r0l Yeshua (w$y with M(
which He drove out 0d$d those Nwnh nations 0mm( from Nm an inheritance 0ntrwy
of Dawid dywdd the days yhwmwyl until 0md( & it was carried lbyt0w before them Nwhymdq from Nm
Who is God 0hl0d before Him yhwmdq affection 0mxr who found xk$0d him wh 46
of Yaqob bwq(yd for The God hhl0l a tabernacle 0nk$m to find xk$nd & he asked l0$w
a house 0tyb for Him hl built 0nb but Nyd Solomon Nwmyl$ 47
dwell 0r$ not 0l & The Exalted One 0myrmw 48
The Prophet 0ybn says rm0d as Ky0 of hands 0ydy0 in the product db(b
My feet ylgr which under tyxtd the stool 0$bwk & the earth 0(r0w My throne ysrwk Heaven 0ym$d 49
Jehovah 0yrm says rm0 for me yl that you will build Nwnbtd the house 0tyb where is? wny0
of My rest ytxynd the place 0rt0 where is? wny0 or w0
all Nyhlk these things Nylh has made tdb( My ylyd hand 0dy0 behold 0h not? 0l 50
in their hearts Nwhblb are circumcised Nyryzg & who not 0ldw necks 0ldq stiff yy$q Oh! w0 51
against lbqwl always Nbzlkb you Nwtn0 & in their hearing Nwht(m$mbw
your fathers Nwkyhb0 as Ky0 are Nwtn0 standing Nymyq of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr
you are Nwtn0 also P0
have persecuted wpdr whom not 0ld the prophets 0ybn of Nm for ryg which? 0ny0l 52
searched out wqdb who before wmdqd those Nyly0l your fathers Nwkyhb0 & have murdered wl+qw
)Whom you Nwtn0d Him wh of The Righteous One 0qydzd the coming htyt0m concerning l
you have killed Him yhynwtl+qw you have betrayed Nwtml$0 &

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of angels 0k0lmd the visitation 0ndqwp by dyb The Law 0swmn & you have received Nwtlbqw 53
you have kept it yhynwtr+n & not 0lw
with rage 0tmx they were filled wylmt0 these things Nylh they had wwh heard w(m$ & when dkw 54
upon him yhwl( with their teeth Nwhyn$ they were wwh & gnashing Nyqrxmw in themselves Nwh$pnb
of Holiness 0$dwqd & The Spirit 0xwrw of faith 0twnmyh he was 0wh full 0lm when dk & he whw 55
of God 0hl0d the glory 0txwb$t & saw 0zxw into Heaven 0ym$b gazed rx
of God 0hl0d the right side 0nymy at Nm He stood M0q as dk & Yeshua (w$ylw
they open Nyxytp as dk the heavens 0ym$ I 0n0 see 0zx behold 0h & he said rm0w 56
of God 0hl0d the right hand 0nymy at Nm He stands M0q as dk of Man 0$n0d & The Son hrblw
loud 0mr with a voice 0lqb & they yelled w(qw 57
all of them Nwhlk upon him yhwl( & they rushed wmzgw their ears Nwhynd0 & they stopped up wrksw
the city 0tnydm of Nm outside rbl they brought him yhwqp0 & they seized wdx0w 58
against him yhwl( who testified wdhs0d & those Nyly0w him hl they were wwh & stoning Nymgrw
of a young man 0myl(d the feet yhwlgr at twl their robes Nwhytxn they placed wms
Shaul lw0$ who is called 0rqtmd one dx
he prayed 0lcm as dk Estephenos swnp+s0l him hl they were wwh & stoning Nymgrw 59
my spirit yxwr accept lbq Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm & said rm0w
loud 0mr in a voice 0lqb he cried out 0(q the knees 0krwb he set down Ms & when dkw 60
sin 0ty+x this 0dh against them Nwhl cause to stand Myqt not 0l our Lord Nrm & he said rm0w
he fell asleep bk$ he had said rm0 this 0dh & when dkw

The Acts of The Apostles

Chapter 8
in his murder hl+qb was 0wh & participating Ptw$mw was 0wh consenting 0bc but Nyd Shaul lw0$ 1
toward the church 0td(l great 0br persecution 0ypwdr day 0mwy in that whb was 0wh & there 0whw
into the villages 0yrwqb all of them Nwhlk & they were scattered wrdbt0w which in Jerusalem Ml$rw0bd
The Samaritans 0yrm$ among tyb also P0w of Judea dwhyd
only dwxlb the Apostles 0xyl$ of Nm outside rbl
believing 0nmyhm men 0rbg Estephanos swnp+s0l buried him yhwrbq & gathered up wspqw 2
greatly ty0brwr over him yhwl( & they grieved wlb0t0w
of God 0hl0d the church htd(l was 0wh persecuting Pdr but Nyd Shaul lw0$ 3
& women 0$nlw men 0rbgl & was dragging rgrgmw houses 0tbl he was 0wh entering l0( as dk
prisoner 0rys0 to the house tybl was 0wh & delivering Nyml$mw
were wwh traveling Nykrktm who were scattered wrdbt0d & those Nwnhw 4
of God 0hl0d the word 0tlm & preaching Nyzrkmw
of The Samaritans 0yrm$d to a city 0tnydml to it hl went down txn but Nyd Philipus swpylyp 5
The Messiah 0xy$m about l( to them Nwhl he was 0wh & preaching zrkmw
who were there Nmtd the children of men 0$nynb his message htlm were wwh hearing Ny(m$ & as dkw 6
by all lkl they were wwh & persuaded Nysyp+tmw to him hl were wwh listening Nytyc
they were wwh for seeing Nyzxd he had 0wh that said rm0d
he 0wh that did db(d the signs 0twt0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

foul 0tpn+ spirits 0xwr to them Nwhl were ywh who seized Ndyx0d for ryg many 00ygs 7
they were ywh & coming out Nqpnw loud 0mr in a voice 0lqb they were wwh screaming Ny(q
were healed wys0t0 & crippled 0rgxmw were paralytic 0yr$m & others 0nrx0w from them Nwhnm
city 0tnydm in that yhb was twh great 0tbr & Joy 0twdxw 8
Simon Nwmys whose name hm$d one dx man 0rbg there Nmt but Nyd was 0wh there ty0 9
great 00ygs time 0nbz in the city 0tnydmb in it hb there hl had 0wh who dwelt rym(d
of The Samaritans 0yrm$d the people 0m(l he had 0wh deceived 0(+m & by his sorceries yhw$rxbw
& said rm0w himself h$pn was 0wh magnifying brwm when dk
The Great 0br I am God 0n0 0n0d
all of them Nwhlk to him htwl they were wwh & praying Nylcw 10
they were wwh & saying Nyrm0w & common 0qdqdw noble 0brwr
of God 0hl0d great 0br the power hlyx this is wnh
times 0nbzd because l+m all of them Nwhlk by him hl they were wwh & persuaded Nysyp+tmw 11
them Nwn0 he had 0wh astonished hmt0 by his sorceries yhw$rxb many 00ygs
who proclaiming rbsmd Phillipus swpylypl they believed wnmyh but Nyd when dk 12
of our Lord Nrmd in The Name hm$b of God 0hl0d the kingdom 0twklm was 0wh
& women 0$nw men 0rbg they were wwh being baptized Nydm( The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
& joined Pyqnw & was baptized dm(w did 0wh believe Nmyh Simon Nwmys he wh also P0w 13
he 0wh saw 0zx & when dkw to Philipus swpylypl to him hl was 0wh
by his hand hdy0b were wwh that done Nywhd great 0brwr & the miracles 0lyxw the signs 0twt0
& was astonished rmdtmw he 0wh marveled hmt
that received wlbqd of Jerusalem Ml$rw0bd the Apostles 0xyl$ heard w(m$ & when dkw 14
to them Nwhtwl they sent wrd$ of God 0hl0d the word 0tlm of The Samaritans 0yrm$d the people 0m(
& Yokhanan Nnxwylw Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$l
so Ky0 over them Nwhyl( & they prayed wylcw & they went down wtxnw 15
of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr that they would receive Nwlbqnd
but Nyd only dwxlb yet lykd( of them Nwhnm one dx upon l( for ryg He was 0wh not tyl 16
Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd in The Name hm$b they had wwh been baptized Nydm(
hands 0dy0 upon them Nwhyl( they were wwh laying Nymys then Nydyh 17
of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr they were wwh & receiving Nylbqmw
of the Apostles 0xyl$d hands 0dy0 that by laying Mysbd Simon Nwmys saw 0zx & when dkw 18
silver 0psk to them Nwhl he brought brq of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr was given 0bhytm
this 0nh authority 0n+lw$ to me yl also P0 give wbh he said rm0 when dk 19
a hand 0dy0 upon him yhwl( I may place Mys0d that whomever 0ny0d
of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr receive lbqm he will 0whn
shall go lz0n with you Km( your silver Kpsk Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$ to him hl said rm0 20
of God 0hl0d that the gift htbhwmd you thought trbsd because l+m to destruction 0ndb0l
is acquired 0ynqtm of the world 0ml( with possessions Nynqb
this 0dh in faith 0twnmyhb an allotment 0sp neither 0lp0 a part 0tnm to you Kl there is not tyl 21
God 0hl0 before Mdq upright cyrt is 0wh not 0l your heart Kbld because l+m
God 0hl0 from Nm & request y(bw this 0dh your evil Ktw$yb from Nm turn bwt but Mrb 22
of your heart Kbld the treachery 0lkn to you Kl may be forgiven qbt$n perhaps 0mld

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of evil 0lw(d & in a knot 0r+qbw of bitterness 0tryrm for ryg in the anger 0dbkb 23
that you are Kyty0d I 0n0 see 0zx
for my sake yplx you Nwtn0 ask w(b & said rm0w Simon Nwmys answered 0n( 24
these things Nylh of Nm any Mdm upon me yl( shall come 0t0n that not 0ld God 0hl0 from Nm
which you have said Nwtrm0d
they Nwn0 had testified wdhs when dk & Yokhanan Nnxwyw but Nyd Shimeon Nw(m$ 25
themselves Nwhl they returned wkph of God 0hl0d the word 0tlm & taught wpl0w
of the Samaritans 0yrm$d many 0t0ygs & in villages 0yrwqbw to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l
they preached the Gospel wrbs
Phillipus swpylyp with M( of Jehovah 0yrmd The Angel 0k0lm & spoke llmw 26
desert 0tyrbdm by a road 0xrw0b to the south 0nmytl go lz arise Mwq to him hl & said rm0w
to Gaza 0zgl Jerusalem Ml$rw0 from Nm that goes down 0txnd
who come 0t0d one dx eunuch 0nmyhm & met him h(r0w to go lz0 & he arose Mqw 27
of the Cushites 0y$wkd Queen 0tklm of Qandeq qdnqd an official 0+yl$ Cush $wk from Nm had 0wh
& come 0t0w her treasury hzg all hlk over l( was 0wh authorized +yl$ & he whw
in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b to worship dwgsnd he had 0wh
he 0wh sat down bty to go lz0nd he turned Kph & when dkw 28
The Prophet 0ybn in Isaiah 0y($0b he was 0wh & reading 0rqw the chariot 0tbkrm on l(
the chariot 0tbkrml & join Pqw approach brqt0 to Phillipus swpylypl The Spirit 0xwr & said trm0w 29
The Prophet 0ybn in Isaiah 0y($0b what he read 0rqd he heard (m$ he approached brqt0 & as dkw 30
you tn0 read 0rq what? 0nm you tn0 understand lktsm If N0d to him hl & he said rm0w
unless 0l0 understand lkts0d I 0n0 can xk$m How? 0nky0 said rm0 & he whw 31
Phillipus swpylyp of Nm of him hnm & he asked 0(bw will instruct me ynytrn a man $n0 if N0
with him hm( & to sit btnw to come up qsnd
in it hb was 0wh that he read 0rqd of scripture 0btkd but Nyd the section 0qwsp 32
& as Ky0w He is led rbdt0 for sacrifice 0tsknl a lamb 0rm0 as Ky0 this 0nh was 0wh it yhwty0
also in this way 0nkhw is 0wh silent qyt$ the shearer 0zwzg before Mdq a ewe 0yqn
His mouth hmwp he opened xtp not 0l
He was led rbdt0 judgment 0nyd & from Nmw imprisonment 0y$wbx from Nm in His humility hkkwmb 33
the earth 0(r0 from Nm His Life yhwyx for is taken Nylqt$md will narrate 0(t$n who? wnm & His time hrdw
of you Knm I 0n0 beg 0(b to Phillipus swpylypl eunuch 0nmyhm that wh & said rm0w 34
himself h$pn about l( the prophet 0ybn this 0dh did say hrm0 whom? wnm about l(
another Nyrx0 man $n0 about l( or w0
from it hnm & began yr$w his mouth hmwp opened xtp Phillipus swpylyp then Nydyh 35
to him hl he preached rbsm scripture 0btk this 0nh from Nm
Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm about l(
they were wwh arriving wy+m on the road 0xrw0b were going Nylz0 they Nwnh & as dkw 36
that wh & said rm0w water 0ym in it hb that had ty0d one 0dx at the place 0tkwdl
to me being baptized dm(0d the hindrance 0tylk is yh what? 0nm water 0ym behold 0h eunuch 0nmyhm
all hlk from Nm you tn0 believe Nmyhm if N0 Phillipus swpylyp & said rm0w 37
do 0n0 believe Nmyhm I 0n0 & said rm0w & he answered 0n(w it is authorized +yl$ the heart 0bl
is wh of God 0hl0d The Son hrb The Messiah 0xy$m that Yeshua (w$yd
& they went down wtxnw the chariot 0tbkrm to stop Mwqtd he 0wh & commanded dqpw 38
Phillipus swpylyp & baptized him hdm(0w to the water 0yml the two of them Nwhyrt

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

that wh the eunuch 0nmyhml

The Spirit hxwr the water 0ym from Nm they came up wqls & when dkw 39
saw him yhyzx not 0l & again bwtw Phillipus swpylypl took up tp+x of Jehovah 0yrmd
rejoiced 0dx as dk on the road hxrw0b he 0wh went lz0 but 0l0 was wh the eunuch 0nmyhm
& from Nmw in Azotus sw+wz0b was found xkt$0 but Nyd Phillipus swpylyp 40
in the cities 0tnydmb & preaching rbsmw he was 0wh traveling Krktm there Nmt
to Qesaria 0yrsql he came 0t0d until 0md( all of them Nyhlk
The Acts of The Apostles
Chapter 9
of menace 0mxwl was 0wh full 0lm yet lykd( but Nyd Shaul lw0$ 1
of our Lord Nrmd the disciples yhwdymlt against l( of murder 0l+qd & the fury 0tmxw
The Priest 0nhk High br from Nm letters 0trg0 for himself hl & he asked l0$w 2
for the synagogues 0t$wnkl to Darmsuq qwsmrdl to him hl to give ltnd
way 0xrw0 in this 0dhb those following Nydrd to find xk$nd he were wh that if N0d
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l them Nwn0 he may bring 0tyn he may bind rws0n women 0$n or w0 men 0rbg
Darmsuq qwsmrdl to approach 0+mm & began yr$w he was 0wh going lz0 & when dkw 3
upon him yhwl( there was 0wh shining glz0 the stillness 0yl$ under tyxt from Nm
the heavens 0ym$ from Nm light 0rhwn
to him hl which said rm0d a voice 0lq & he heard (m$w the ground 0(r0 on l( & he fell lpnw 4
for you Kl it is wh hard 0$q Me yl you tn0 persecute Pdr why? 0nm Shaul lw0$ Shaul lw0$
the goads 0sqw(l to kick w+(bml
my Lord yrm are you tn0 who Nm & said rm0w he wh answered 0n( 5
Yeshua (w$y I Am The Living God 0n0 0n0 said rm0 & our Lord Nrmw
are tn0 persecuting Pdr Whom you tn0d Him wh The Nazarene 0yrcn
with you Km( it will be told llmtn & there Nmtw the city 0tnydml enter lw( arise Mwq but 0l0 6
to do db(ml for you Kl it is necessary 0lwd what 0m about l(
on the road 0xrw0b with him hm( were wwh who going Nylz0d & the men 0rbgw 7
only dwxlb a sound 0lqd because l+m they were amazed Nyhymt as dk they were wwh standing Nymyq
to them Nwhl was 0wh visible 0zxtm not 0l but Nyd The Man $n0 they were wwh hearing Ny(m$
seen 0zxtm & not 0lw the ground 0(r0 off Nm Shaul lw0$ & got up Mqw 8
were ywh opened Nxytp his eyes yhwny( while dk anything Mdm by him hl was 0wh
to Darmsuq qwsmrdl they brought him yhwl(0 his hands yhwdy0b they held Nydyx0 & while dkw
days Nymwy three 0tlt to him hl was 0wh visible 0zxtm & nothing 0lw 9
he drank yt$0 neither 0lw he ate lk0 & not 0lw
a disciple 0dymlt in Darmsuq qwsmrdb in it hb but Nyd was 0wh there ty0 10
to him hl said rm0 & Jehovah 0yrmw Khanan Yah 0ynnx was 0wh whose name hm$d one dx
my Lord yrm it is I 0n0 behold 0h & he said rm0w Khanan Yah 0ynnx in a vision 0wzxb
to the street 0qw$l go lz arise Mwq to him hl said rm0 & our lord Nrmw 11
of Yehuda 0dwhyd at the house 0tybb & inquire y(bw Straight 0cyrt which is called 0rqtmd
the city 0tnydm Tarsus swsr+ from Nm who is yhwty0d for Shaul lw0$l
prays 0lcm he wh while dk for ryg behold 0h
Khanan Yah 0ynnx whose name hm$d a man 0rbgl in a vision 0wzxb he sees 0zx 12
his eyes yhwny( will be opened Nxtptnd so that Ky0 a hand 0dy0 upon him yhwl( & lays Msw who enters l(d

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

many 00ygs from Nm I have heard t(m$ my Lord yrm Khanan Yah 0ynnx & said rm0w 13
he has inflicted lbs0 evil 0t$yb how much 0mkd this 0nh man 0rbg about l(
in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b on the saints Ky$ydql
from Nm authority 0n+lw$ to him hl is ty0 here 0krh also P0 & behold 0hw 14
all of them Nwhlkl to imprison rws0nd the Priests 0nhk Chief ybr
Your Name Km$ call Nyrqd those who Nyly0
to Me yl he is wh a vessel 0n0md because l+m go lz arise Mwq Jehovah 0yrm to him hl & said rm0w 15
& to kings 0klmbw to the Gentiles 0mm(b My Name ym$ to take lwq$nd chosen 0ybg
of Israel lyrsy0 the children ynb & among tybw
to suffer $xml he is going dyt( how much 0mk shall show him yhwywx0 for ryg I 0n0 16
My Name ym$ for l+m
upon him yhwl( & laid Msw to him htwl to the house 0tybl went lz0 Khanan Yah 0ynnx then Nydyh 17
Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm my brother yx0 Shaul lw0$ to him hl & said rm0w a hand 0dy0
you tn0 came 0t0 when dk on the road 0xrw0b to you Kl Who appeared yzxt0d He wh has sent me ynrd$
& you will be filled 0lmttw your eyes Kyny( would be opened Nxtptnd so that Ky0
of Holiness 0$dwqd with The Spirit 0xwr
things Mdm his eyes yhwny( from Nm fell lpn a moment ht($ & son of rbw 18
he was baptized dm( & he arose Mqw his eyes yhwny( & were opened xtpt0w scales 0plql that were like 0mdd
days 0tmwy & he was 0whw & was strengthened lyxt0w food 0trbys & he received lbqw 19
in Darmsuq qwsmrdb were wwh who ty0d those Nwnh the disciples 0dymlt with twl
in the synagogue 0t$wnkb he was 0wh preaching zrkm an hour ht($ & son of rbw 20
of God 0hl0d the Son hrb that He is wywhd Yeshua (w$y about l( of the Jews 0ydwhyd
him hl had wwh who heard Ny(m$d those Nyly0 all of them Nwhlk they were wwh & astounded Nyhymtw 21
all Nwhlkl was 0wh who persecuting Pdrd he wh this 0nh was 0wh not? 0l they were wwh & saying Nyrm0w
in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b This 0nh on Name 0m$l were wwh who calling Nyrqd those Nyly0
he is 0wh sent rd$m this 0dh for l( for it hyl( here 0krhl also P0
Priests 0nhk to the Chief ybrl them Nwn0 to convey lbwn to bind rws0nd so as Ky0
he was 0wh & agitating (yzmw was 0wh strengthened lyxtm more ryty but Nyd Shaul lw0$ 22
in Darmsuq qwsmrdb were wwh who dwelling Nyrm(d those Nwnh the Jews 0ydwhyl them Nwhl
The Messiah 0xy$m that This One is wnhd he was 0wh showing 0wxm as dk
produced wdb( the days 0tmwy there Nmt to him hl increased wygs & when dkw 23
to kill him yhynwl+qnd the Jews 0ydwhy a plot 0lkn against him yhwl(
that seeking Ny(bd the plot 0nsrp0 to Shaul lw0$l but Nyd to him hl it was shown qdbt0 24
the gates 0(rt they were wwh & watching Nyr+nw to him hl to do db(ml they were wwh
that they might kill him yhynwl+qnd & night 0yllw day 0mmy0 of the city 0tnydmd
in a basket 0dyrps0b the disciples 0dymlt placed him yhwms then Nydyh 25
by night 0yllb the wall 0rw$ from Nm & let him down yhwb$w
to join wpqntml he 0wh & wanted 0bcw to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l to it hl & he went on lz0w 26
of him hnm they were wwh afraid Nylxd & all Nwhlkw the disciples 0dymltl
he was wh that a disciple 0dymltd they were wwh believing Nynmyhm & not 0lw
the Apostles 0xyl$ to twl & brought him hyty0w took him hdx0 but Nyd BarNaba 0bnrb 27
Jehovah 0yrml he saw 0zx on the road 0xrw0b just how 0nky0 to them Nwhl & he related y(t$0w
in Darmsuq qwsmrdb & how 0nky0w with him hm( He spoke llm & that in the road 0nky0dw
of Yeshua (w$yd in The Name hm$b he spoke llm in the open 0lgb eye Ny(

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b & exiting qpnw with them Nwhm( he was 0wh & entering l0(w 28
in the open 0lgb eye Ny( of Yeshua (w$yd in The Name hm$b he was 0wh & speaking llmmw 29
were wwh who knowing Ny(dyd those Nyly0 the Jews 0ydwhy with M( he was 0wh & disputing $rdw
to kill him hl+qml were wwh seeking Nybc but Nyd those Nwnh Greek ty0nwy
by night 0yllb brought him yhwyty0 the brothers 0x0 knew w(dy & when dkw 30
to Tarsus swsr+l they sent him yhwrd$ there Nmt & from Nmw to Qesaria 0yrsql
& in Galila 0lylgbw Judea dwhy that in all hlkbd the church 0td( but Nyd however Mrb 31
edified 0ynbtm as dk peace 0ml$ in it hb was 0wh there ty0 & in Samaria Nyrm$bw
of God 0hl0 in the reverence tlxdb & was proceeding 0ydrw it was twh
it was twh growing 0ygs of Holiness 0$dwqd of The Spirit 0xwrd & in the comfort 00ywbbw
among the cities 0tnydmb Shimeon Nw(m$ was 0wh traveling Krktm that when dkd & it was 0whw 32
the city 0tnydm in Lud dwlb who dwelt Nyrm(d the holy ones 0$ydq to twl also P0 he came down txn
was 0wh who lying 0mrd Annis syn0 whose name hm$d one dx a man 0rbg & he found xk$0w 33
eight 0nmt years Nyn$ & was paralyzed yr$mw in bed 0sr(b
Annis 0yn0 Shimeon Nw(m$ to him hl & said rm0w 34
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y you Kl is healing 0s0m
he arose Mq a moment ht($ & son of rbw your bed Ksr( & make 0w$w stand Mwq
& in Sarona 0nwrsbw in Lud dwlb who dwelt Nyrm(d all of them Nwhlk & they saw yhw0zxw 35
God 0hl0 to twl & they turned wynpt0w
the city 0tnydm in Yoppa 0pwyb one 0dx a female disciple 0tdymlt but Nyd was 0wh there ty0 36
was twh rich 0ryt( this one 0dh Tabitha 0tyb+ was 0wh whose name hm$d
was twh which she doing 0db(d & in charity 0tqdzbw good 0b+ in works 0db(b
days 0tmwy in those Nwnhb in them Nwhb but Nyd she had been sick thrkt0 37
in an upper room 0tyl(b & they placed her hwmsw they washed her hwyxs0w & she died ttymw
that Shimeon Nw(m$d the disciples 0dymlt had wwh & heard w(m$w 38
Yoppa 0pwy the side of bng on l( which is hyty0d that yh city 0tnydm was wh in Lud dwlb
to ask Nw(bnd two Nyrt men 0rbg to him htwl they had wwh & sent wrd$w
with them Nwhyd0c to come 0t0nd this hl neglect N0mt Do not 0ld of him hnm
he came 0t0 & when dkw with them Nwhm( went lz0 Shimeon Nw(m$ & rising Mqw 39
they Nyhl stood Mq & were gathered $nkw to the upper room 0tyl(l they took him up yhwqs0
to him hl & showing Nywxmw weeping Nykb while dk the widows 0tlmr0 all Nyhlk around him yhwrdx
them Nyhl had twh which given 0bhyd these Nylh & the cloaks 0+w+rmw the coats 0tynytwk
she was alive 0yx when dk Tabitha 0tyb+
outside rbl the people 0$n0 all of them Nwhlkl sent out qp0 but Nyd Shimeon Nw(m$ 40
the corpse 0dl$ to twl & he turned ynpt0w & he prayed ylcw his knees yhwkrwb on l( & bowed d(qw
her eyes hyny( opened txtp but Nyd she yh get up ymwq Tabitha 0tyb+ & said rm0w
she sat up tbty Shimeon Nw(m$l she saw htzx & when dkw
& he called 0rqw & raised her up hmyq0w his hand hdy0 to her hl & he reached +$w0w 41
she was alive 0yx as dk to them Nwhl & he gave her hbhyw & the widows 0tlmr0lw the saints 0$ydql
city 0tnydm in the entire hlkb this 0dh & was made known t(dyt0w 42
in our Lord Nrmb believed wnmyh & many 00ygsw
a few Nyrw(z not 0l days 0tmwy in Yoppa 0pwyb in it hb but Nyd he was 0wh 43
a tanner 0ysrwb of Shimeon Nw(m$ in the house tyb he 0wh dwelt 0r$ when dk

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

The Acts of The Apostles

Chapter 10
a Centurion 0nwr+nq one dx man 0rbg was 0wh there ty0 but Nyd in Qesaria 0yrsqb 1
that yh the regiment 0ryps from Nm Qornelius swylnrwq was 0wh whose name hm$d
Italiqa 0qyl+y0 which is called 0yrqtmd
he wh God 0hl0 of Nm he was 0wh & a worshiper lxdw he was 0wh & righteous qydzw 2
great 0t0ygs charity 0tqdz he 0wh & did db(w whole hlk & his house htybw
God 0hl0 from Nm he was 0wh inquiring 0(b & always Nbzlkbw among the people 0m(b
plainly ty0ylg in a vision 0wzxb of God 0hl0d an angel 0k0lm saw 0zx this one 0nh 3
his presence htwl who entered l(d of the day 0mmy0b hour Ny($ ninth ($t before his face yp0l
Qornelia 0ylnrwq to him hl & he said rm0w
my lord yrm what? 0nm & said rm0w & was afraid lxdw at him hb gazed rx & he whw 4
has gone up qls & your charity Ktqdzw your prayer Ktwlc the angel 0k0lm to him hl & said rm0w
God 0hl0 before Mdq for a remembrance 0nrkwdl
the city 0tnydm to Yoppa 0pwyl a man 0rbg send rd$ & now 0$hw 5
Keepha 0p0k who is called 0rqtmd Shimeon Nw(m$l & bring 0ty0w
a tanner 0ysrwb of Shimeon Nw(m$d in the house htybb he dwells 0r$ behold 0h 6
the sea 0my the side of dy on l( which is yhwty0d that wh
with him hm( who spoke llmd the angel 0k0lm he hl went lz0 & when dkw 7
& servant 0xlpw of his household htyb the sons ynb of Nm two Nyrt he called 0rq
to him hl was 0wh agreeable 0ndtmd who 0ny0 God 0hl0l who worshipped lxdd one dx
that he saw 0zxd everything Mdmlk to them Nwhl & he related y(t$0w 8
to Yoppa 0pwyl them Nwn0 & he sent rd$w
on a road 0xrw0b were traveling Nydr they Nwnh when dk the next 0nrx0 & the day 0mwylw 9
to the roof 0rg0l Shimeon Nw(m$ went up qls to the city 0tnydml & came near Nybyrqw
hour Ny($ at the sixth t$b to pray 0lcnd
to eat s(lnd he 0wh & wanted 0bcw & he was hungry Npkw 10
for him hl were being purchased Nynqtm they Nwnh & as dkw
a trance 0hmt upon him yhwl( fell lpn
one dx & garment 0n0mw they were opened Nyxytp as dk the heavens 0ym$ & he saw 0zxw 11
great 0br a linen 0ntkl it was 0wh & like 0mdw corners Nnrq at four (br0b tied rys0 while dk
the earth 0(r0 unto l( Heaven 0ym$ from Nm it was 0wh & descending b0$w
feet 0lgr of four t(br0d the animals 0twyx all Nyhlk in it hb were 0wh & there ty0w 12
of the heavens 0ym$d & birds 0txrpw of the earth 0(r0d & creeping things 0$xrw
saying rm0d to him hl came 0t0 a voice 0lqw 13
& eat lwk0w slay swk arise Mwq Shimeon Nw(m$
because ever Mwtmmd my lord yrm Never! sx said rm0 & Shimeon Nw(m$w 14
& polluted 0m+w that is defiled bysmd anything] lk have I eaten tlk0 not 0l
to him htwl came 0wh a voice 0lq a time Nynbz second Nytrtd & again bwtw 15

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

are to defile byst not 0l you tn0 has purified ykd which God 0hl0d those Nyly0
it hl & was taken yl(t0w times Nynbz three tlt happened twh but Nyd this 0dh 16
to Heaven 0ym$l the garment 0n0m
the vision 0wzx what was wnmd in himself h$pnb Shimeon Nw(m$ wondered rmdtm & as dkw 17
who sent wrdt$0d those Nwnh men 0rbg arrived wy+m that he saw 0zxd
the house 0tyb for l( & they asked wl0$w Qornelius swylnrwq from Nm were wwh
& they stood wmqw & they came wt0w Shimeon Nw(m$ in which hb dwelt 0r$d
of the courtyard 0trdd the gate 0(rt at l(
Shimeon Nw(m$ Is? N0d & asking Nyl0$mw there Nmt they were wwh & calling Nyrqw 18
lodging 0r$ here 0krh Keepha 0p0k who is called 0rqtmd
to him hl said rm0 the vision 0wzxb was 0wh pondering 0nr Shimeon Nw(m$ & when dkw 19
you Kl are seeking Ny(b three 0tlt men 0rbg behold 0h The Spirit 0xwr
is doubting glptm not 0l while dk with them Nwhm( & go lzw go down twx get up Mwq 20
them Nwn0 I have sent trd$ am He wh I 0n0d because l+m your mind Kny(r
those Nwnh men 0rbg to twl Shimeon Nw(m$ went down txn then Nydyh 21
you Nwtn0 whom seek Ny(bd he wh I am 0n0 to them Nwhl & said rm0w
you have come Nwtyt0 for which htl+md the reason 0tl( is yh What? 0dy0
Qornelius swylnrwq whose name hm$d a certain dx man 0rbg to him hl they were saying Nyrm0 22
all hlk for him yhwl( & vouch dhsmw God 0hl0 of Nm a worshiper lxdd good 0n0k a centurion 0nwr+nq
an angel 0k0lm from Nm in a vision 0wzxb to him hl it was told rm0t0 of the Jews 0ydwhyd the people 0m(
& he will hear (m$nw to his house htybl to bring you Kl(n to send rd$nd holy 0$ydq
from you Knm the word 0tlm
them Nwn0 & received lbqw Shimeon Nw(m$ them Nwn0 & brought in l(0w 23
the day 0mwyd after it hrtbl & he arose Mqw he was 0wh lodging 0r$d where rk
men $n0 some $n0 with him hm( & they went wlz0w with them Nwhm( went lz0 & going out qpnw
of Yoppa 0pwyd the brothers 0x0 of Nm
but Nyd Qornelius swylnrwq Qesaria 0yrsql he entered l( next 0nrx0 the day 0mwylw 24
all of them Nwhlk to him hl were gathered Ny$nkm while dk for them Nwhl was 0wh waiting 0wqm
he hl had wwh whom ty0d beloved 0bybx friends 0mxr also P0w of relatives hmhw+ sons ynb
Qornelius swylnrwq met him h(r0 Shimeon Nw(m$ entered l0( & when dkw 25
at his feet yhwlgrl worshiping dgs & fell lpnw
you Kl stand Mwq to him hl & said rm0w raised him up hmyq0 & Shimeon Nw(m$w 26
am 0n0 a man 0$nrb I 0n0 also P0w
many 00ygs & found xk$0w he entered l( with him hm( he was speaking llmm & when dkw 27
there Nmtl they had wwh who come wt0d
is allowed spm that not 0ld do Nwtn0 knowing Ny(dy you Nwtn0 to them Nwhl & he said rm0w 28
is 0wh who not 0ld foreign 0yrkwn a person 0$n0l to join Pqnd of the Jews 0ydwhy a man 0rbgl
I should say rm0 that not 0ld has shown me ynywx God 0hl0 & to me ylw his race htbr$ son of rb
defiled bysm or w0 that he is unclean 0m+d a man $n0 about l(
you sent Nwtrd$ when dk I have come tyt0 readily ty0dyt( this 0nh because of l+m 29
what? 0nm for l+m you Nwkl I 0n0 ask l0$m however Mrb after me yrtb
after me yrtb you have sent Nwtrd$
it is ty0 days Nymwy four 0(br0 Qornelius swylnrwq to him hl said rm0 30

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

at the ninth ($tbw I 0n0 when was fasting M0cd from Nm behold 0h now 0$hl until 0md(
a certain dx man 0rbg stood Mq in my house ytybb I 0n0 was praying 0lcm while dk hour Ny($
in white 0rwx clothed $ybl being dk in front of me ymdq
your prayer Ktwlc is heard t(mt$0 Qornelius 0ylnrwq to me yl & he said rm0w 31
God 0hl0 before Mdq is 0wh a remembrance 0nrkwd & your charity Ktqdzlw
Shimeon Nw(m$l & bring 0ty0w city 0tnydm to Yoppa 0pwyl send rd$ however Mrb 32
in the house htybb he dwells 0r$ behold 0h Keepha 0p0k who is called 0rqtmd
the sea 0my the side of dy that upon l(d a tanner 0ysrwb of Shimeon Nw(m$d
with you Km( speak llmn will come 0t0n & he whw
well ryp$ & you tn0w unto you Ktwl I sent trd$ an hour ht($ & son of rbw 33
are before you Kymdq we all Nlk we Nnx & behold 0hw to have come tyt0d you have done tdb(
whatever 0m everything lk to hear (m$nd & we wish Nnybcw
God 0hl0 the presence of twl from Nm to you Kl is commanded dqpt0d
in truth 0rr$b & said rm0w his mouth hmwp Shimeon Nw(m$ but Nyd opened xtp 34
faces 0p0b accepting bsn is 0wh not 0l that God 0hl0d I understand tkrd0
him hnm worships lxdd whoever 0ny0 nations 0mm( among all of them Nwhlkb but 0l0 35
to Him htwl is wh acceptable lbqm righteousness 0twn0k & cultivates xlpw
& announced news rbsw of Israel lyrsy0 to the children ynbl that He sent rd$d for ryg the word 0tlm 36
This One is wnh The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y by dyb & tranquility 0ny$w peace 0ml$ to them Nwn0
of all lkd Jehovah 0yrm
that has been twhd of the word 0tlmb are Nwtn0 aware Ny(dy you Nwtn0 also P0w 37
after rtb Galila 0lylg from Nm that went out tpq0d Judea dwhy in all hlkb
Yokhanan Nnxwy that preached zrk0d the baptism 0tydwm(m
anointed Him hx$m Whom God 0hl0d Nazareth trcn Who from Nmd Yeshua (w$y about l( 38
traveling Krktmd & He was wywhw & with power 0lyxbw of Holiness 0$dwqd with The Spirit 0xwrb
The Evil One 0$yb by Nm injured wyknt0d those Nwnhl & healing 0s0mw he was 0wh
with Him hm( was 0wh God 0hl0d because l+m
He did db(d whatever 0m all lk concerning l( witnessed Him yhwdhs & we Nnxw 39
& of Jerusalem Ml$rw0dw of Judea dwhyd the land 0(r0 in all hlkb
a tree 0syq on l( the Jews 0ydwhy hanged Him yhw0lt This One 0nhl Him hl
& they murdered Him yhwl+qw
day Nymwy the third 0tltl God 0hl0 raised up Myq0 & Him hlw 40
in the public 0lgb eye Ny( to appear 0zxtnd & granted Him hbhyw
those Nyly0 to us Nl but 0l0 the people 0m( to all hlkl but Nyd not 0l 41
witnesses 0dhs to him hl to be 0whnd were chosen Nybgt0 God 0hl0 who from Nmd
His resurrection htmyq after rtb from Nm & we drank Nyt$0w with Him hm( we who ate Nlk0d
of the dead 0tym the place tyb from Nmd
to the people 0m(l & to testify dhsnw to preach zrknd & He commanded us Ndqpw 42
God 0hl0 by Nm He Who is appointed $rpt0d that This One is wnhd
& of the dead 0tymdw of the living 0yxd The Judge 0nyd
the prophets 0ybn all of them Nwhlk have borne witness wdhs0 & about Him yhwl(w 43
in His Name hm$b who believes Nmyhmd that everyone Nmlkd
of sins 0h+x forgiveness Nqbw$ will receive lbqn
words 0lm these Nylh he was 0wh speaking llmm Shimeon Nw(m$ he wh & when dkw 44

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

all of them Nwhlk on l( of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr rested tng0
the word 0tlm were wwh who hearing Ny(m$d
those Nwnh circumcised 0ryzg brothers 0x0 & they were astonished wrhtw & they were stupified whmtw 45
the gift 0tbhwm Gentiles 0mm( upon l( that also P0d with him hm( who came wt0d
rushed forth t(pt$0 of Holiness 0$dwqd of The Spirit 0xwrd
they were speaking Nyllmm while dk for ryg them Nwhl they were wwh hearing Ny(m$ 46
God 0hl0l they were wwh & magnifying Nybrwmw to language N$l in language N$lb
Shimeon Nw(m$ was 0wh & saying rm0w
that not 0ld refuse 0lk a man $n0 can xk$m water 0ym interrog. 0mld 47
they have received wlbq for behold 0hd those Nwnh be baptized Nwdm(n
we did Nnxd when 0m as Ky0 of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr
of our Lord Nrmd in The Name hm$b to be baptized Nwdm(nd them Nwhl he commanded dqp then Nydyh 48
he would stay 0wqnd so Ky0 from him hnm & they sought w(bw The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
days 0tmwy with them Nwhtwl
The Acts of The Apostles
Chapter 11
& by the brethren 0x0lw by the Apostles 0xyl$l it was twh & heard t(mt$0w 1
of God 0hl0d the word 0tlm received wlbq The Gentiles 0mm( that also P0d who in Judea dwhybd
contending Nynyd to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l Shimeon Nw(m$ came up qls & when dkw 2
circumcision 0trwzg who of Nmd those Nwnh with him hm( were wwh
men 0$n0 that to the presence of twld they were saying Nyrm0 while dk 3
with them Nwhm( & had eaten s(lw he had entered l( uncircumcised 0lrw(
in order rtb rtb Shimeon Nw(m$ was 0wh & interjecting himself Pq0w 4
to them Nwhl to say rm0ml
in a vision 0wzxb I saw tyzx in Yoppa 0pwyb I was tywh praying 0lcm When dkd 5
linen 0ntkl was 0wh like 0mdd which 0ny0 one dx garment 0n0m was 0wh descending txnd
from Nm it was 0wh & coming down b0$w corners htnrq at four (br0b was 0wh & tied rys0w
to me ytwl as far as 0md( & it came 0t0w the sky 0ym$
animals 0twyx in it hb that were ty0d beasts tywh & I saw 0zxw at it hb & I stared trxw 6
of the earth 0(r0d & creepers 0$xrw legs Nyhylgr of four t(br0d
of the sky 0ym$d birds 0txrp also P0w
to me yl was 0wh that saying rm0d a voice 0lq I had tywh & I heard t(m$w 7
& eat lwk0w slay swk arise Mwq Shimeon Nw(m$
has entered l( not 0l because ever Mwtmmd my Lord yrm never! sx & I said trm0w 8
or what is defiled bysmdw what is polluted 0m+d my mouth ymwpl
the heavens 0ym$ from Nm to me yl said rm0 a voice 0lq & again bwtw 9
shall defile byst not 0l you tn0 has purified ykd God 0hl0d whatever Mdmd
it hl & was taken up qlts0w times Nynbz three tlt happened twh this 0dh 10
to Heaven 0ym$l everything Mdmlk
to me ytwl who were sent wrdt$0d men Nyrbg three 0tlt in the moment 0t($b & in it hbw 11
& they stood wmqw they came wt0 Qesaria 0yrsq from Nm Qornelius swylnrwq from Nm
in it hb I was tywh where dwelling 0r$d of the courtyard 0trdd the gate 0(rt to l(

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

without 0ld with them Nwhm( Go lzd The Spirit 0xwr to me yl & said rm0w 12
brothers Nyx0 six 0t$ these Nylh also P0 with me ym( & they came wt0w doubting 0glwp
of the man 0rbgd the house htybl & we entered Nl(w
an angel 0k0lm in his house htybb he saw 0zx how 0nky0 to us Nl & he related y(t$0w 13
the city 0tnydm to Yoppa 0pwyl Send rd$d to him hl & said rm0w who stood Mqd
Keepha 0p0k who is called 0rqtmd Shimeon Nw(m$l & bring 0ty0w
by which Nyhbd words 0lm with you Km( will speak llmn & he whw 14
your household Ktyb & all hlkw you tn0 you will receive life 0xt
to speak wllmml there Nmt I was tywh I continuing tpq0 & while dkw 15
when 0m as Ky0 upon them Nwhyl( of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr rested tng0
the first Mydq from Nm upon us Nyl(d
he had 0wh which said rm0d of our Lord Nrmd the word htlm & I was reminded of trkdt0w 16
shall be baptized Nwdm(t but Nyd you Nwtn0 in water 0ymb baptized dm(0 Yokhanan Nnxwyd
of Holiness 0$dwqd in The Spirit 0xwrb
The Gift 0tbhwm gave Him hbhy equally ty0yw$ God 0hl0 therefore lykh if N0 17
Yeshua (w$y in our Lord Nrmb who have believed wnmyhd those Nyly0 to Gentiles 0mm(l
am tywh who? Nm I 0n0 to us Nl also P0d as Ky0 The Messiah 0xy$m
God 0hl0l to forbid 0lk0d I would be tywh that qualified qps0d
them Nwhl they were silent wyl$ they heard w(m$ words 0lm these Nylh & when dkw 18
Perhaps rbkd they were wwh & saying Nyrm0w God 0hl0l & they praised wxb$w
to life 0yxl repentance 0twbyt has given bhy God 0hl0 to the Gentiles 0mm(l also P0
suffering 0nclw0 from Nm were wwh who scattered wrdbt0d but Nyd they Nwnh 19
they had wwh reached wy+m Estephanos swnp+s0 about l( was 0wh there 0whd
of Qupros swrpwqd the region 0rt0l also P0w Phoniqa 0qynwpl unto 0md(
they were wwh speaking Nyllmm not 0l a man $n0 with M( when dk & to Antiokia 0yky+n0lw
the Jews 0ydwhy with M( only dwxlb but 0l0 the word 0tlm
Qupros swrpwq from Nm of them Nwhnm men 0$n0 but Nyd were wwh there ty0 20
Antiokai ykwy+n0l had wwh they entered wl( these Nylh Qorina 0nyrwq & from Nmw
& preaching Nyrbsmw Greeks 0ynwy with M( they were wwh & speaking Nyllmmw
Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm concerning l( they were wwh
& many 00ygsw of Jehovah 0yrmd the hand hdy0 with them Nwhm( was twh & ty0w 21
Jehovah 0yrm to twl & they turned wynpt0w believed wnmyh
of the sons ynbd to the ears Nwhynd0l this 0dh that yh was twh & heard t(mt$0w 22
to the Antiokenes ykwy+n0l BarNaba 0bnrbl & sent wrd$w of Jerusalem Ml$rw0bd of the church 0td(
of God 0hl0d the grace htwby+ & saw 0zxw there Nmtl he came 0t0 & when dkw 23
their heart Nwhbl that with all hlkbd them Nwhnm he was 0wh & exhorting 0(bw he rejoiced ydx
to our Lord Nrml cleave Nypyqn they would Nwwhn
he was 0wh & filled ylm$mw good 0b+ he was 0wh a man 0rbgd because l+m 24
were 0wh & added Pswtt0w & with faith 0twnmyhbw of Holiness 0$dwqd with The Spirit 0xwrb
to our Lord Nrml many 00ygs a people 0m(
Shaul lw0$l to seek 0(bml to Tarsus swsr+l was 0wh going out qpn & he whw 25
to Antiokia 0yky+n0l with him hm( he brought him hyty0 he found him hxk$0 & when dkw 26
with the church 0td(b they were wwh assembling Ny$ynk as one 0dxk0 whole hlk & a year 0tn$w
first tymdq then Nydyh from Nm many 00ygs the people 0m( & they taught wpl0w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Kristiana 0ny+srk the disciples 0dymlt by Antiokenes ykwy+n0b were called wyrqt0
prophets 0ybn to there Nmtl Jerusalem Ml$rw0 from Nm came wt0 those Nwnh & in days 0tmwybw 27
Agabus swbg0 was 0wh whose name hm$d of them Nwhnm one dx & stood Mqw 28
would occur 0wh great 0br that a famine 0npkd by The Spirit xwrb them Nwn0 & instructed (dw0w
in the days ymwyb this 0nh famine 0npk & would be 0whw land 0(r0 in the entire hlkb
Qesar rsq of Qlaudius swydwlq
whatever 0m according to Ky0 the disciples 0dymlt but Nyd however Mrb 29
to send Nwrd$nd they set aside w$rp of them Nwhnm each $n0 to man $n0l was 0wh there ty0d
in Yehuda dwhyb who dwelt Nyrm(d those Nyly0 of the brethren 0x0d for the service 0t$m$tl
& Shaul lw0$w BarNaba 0bnrb by the hand of dyb & they sent wrd$w 30
who were there Nmtd to The Elders 0$y$ql

The Acts of The Apostles

Chapter 12
people Ny$n0 on l( hands 0ydy0 was 0wh laying ymr0 time 0nbz but Nyd in that whb 1
to them Nwhl to do evil $0bnd so as Ky0 who were in the churches 0td(bd
Agrippus swprg0 was 0wh who surnamed 0nktmd he wh the King 0klm Herodus sdwrh
of Yokhanan Nnxwyd the brother yhwx0 Yaqob bwq(yl with the sword 0pysb & he murdered l+qw 2
proceeding Psw0 the Judeans 0ydwhyl this 0dh that pleased trp$d he saw 0zx & when dkw 3
& they Nwhyty0w Keepha 0p0k Shimeon Nw(m$l also P0 to seize dx0ml he was 0wh
of unleavened bread 0ry+pd the days 0tmwy were wwh
& delivered Ml$0w prisoner 0rys0 in a house tyb & cast him hymr0w & he arrested him hdx0w 4
after rtb that from Nmd to guard him hnwr+nd soldiers Ny+w+r+s to sixteen rs(tt$ him hl
of Judea 0ydwhyd to the people 0m(l he would deliver him yhwyml$n Passover 0xcp
prisoner 0rys0 in the house tyb he was 0wh guarded r+ntm Shimeon Nw(m$ was wh & while dkw 5
the church 0td( by Nm was twh offered 0brqtm continual 0tnym0 prayer 0twlc
to God 0hl0l for him yhwplx
when toward dawn 0rpcld night 0yll in that whb & in it hbw 6
to hand him over yhwyml$nd he was 0wh going dyt(
two Nyrt between tyb Shimeon Nw(m$ was 0wh asleep Kmd while dk
chains Nl$$ in two Nytrtb he was 0wh & bound rys0w soldiers Ny+wy+r+s0
prisoner 0rys0 of the house tybd the gate 0(rt they were wwh keeping Nyr+n & the others 0nrx0w
him hnm over l(l stood Mq of Jehovah 0yrmd The Angel 0k0lm 7
& he jabbed him hrqdw place 0tyb in the entire hlkb shone glz0 & the light 0rhwnw
to him hl & he said rm0w & he raised him up hmyq0w in his side hbgb
his hands yhwdy0 from Nm the chains 0tl$$ & fell lpnw quickly lg( arise Mwq
around your waist Kycx wrap your garment rws0 The Angel 0k0lm to him hl & said rm0w 8
he said rm0 & again bwtw thus 0nkh & he did db(w your sandals Kyrl+ & put on N0sw
after me yrtb & come 0tw your cloak Ktyskt wrap P+(t0 to him hl
he knew (dy not 0l when dk after him hrtb he was 0wh & going lz0w & he went out qpnw 9
by the hand of dyb was twh which happening 0ywhd that yh was twh real 0ryr$d it was 0wh
he was 0wh seeing 0zx that a vision 0wzxd for ryg he 0wh thought rbs The Angel 0k0lm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

they came wt0 & the second Nytrtdw the first 0tymdq the watch 0tr+m they passed wrb( & when dkw 10
from Nm to them Nwhl & it opened xtpt0w of iron 0lzrpd the gate 0(rtl unto 0md(
one dx street 0qw$ & they passed wrb(w they went forth wqpn & when dkw its own h$pn will twbc
The Angel 0k0lm him htwl from Nm departed qrp
I know t(dy now 0$h & said rm0w Shimeon Nw(m$ realized (dwt$0 then Nydyh 11
& has saved me yn+lpw His Angel hk0lm has sent rd$ that Jehovah 0yrmd in truth 0t$wqb
the thing Mdm & from Nmw the King 0klm of Herodus sdwrhd the hand hdy0 from Nm
the Judeans 0ydwhy against me yl( were wwh that plotting Nyb$xtmd
of Mary Myrmd the house 0tybl to it hl he came 0t0 he considered lkts0 & as dkw 12
Marqus swqrm who was surnamed ynkt0d him wh of Yokhanan Nnxwyd the mother hm0
& praying Nylcmw were wwh gathered Ny$ynk there Nmt many 00ygs brethren 0x0d because l+m
to answer it yhwyn(td & went out tqpnw of the courtyard 0trdd at the door 0(rtb & he knocked $qnw 13
Roda 0dwr whose name was hm$d a girl 0tyl+
& in her joy htwdxbw of Shimeon Nw(m$d the voice hlq & she recognized t(dwt$0w 14
she returned tkph but 0l0 the door 0(rt to him hl she opened txtp not 0l
behold 0h Shimeon Nw(m$ to them Nwhl & saying 0rm0w while running 0+hrb
of the courtyard 0trdd the door 0(rt at l( he stands M0q
protesting 0yrxtm & she yhw you ykl are unstable yt(z (zm to her hl they were saying Nyrm0 15
to her hl they were saying Nyrm0 was yh so 0nkh that this 0dhd was twh
it is wh his messenger hk0lm perhaps rbk
& they went out wqpnw at the gate 0(rtb was 0wh knocking $qn & Shimeon Nw(m$w 16
among themselves Nwhl & they marveled whmtw they saw him yhw0zx
so as Ky0 with his hand hdy0 to them Nwhl he was 0wh & gesturing Pynmw 17
to them Nwhl & related y(t$0w & he entered l(w them Nwhl to silence Nwqt$nd
prisoner 0rys0 the house tyb from Nm brought him out hqp0 Jehovah 0yrm how 0nky0
to Yaqob bwq(yl these things Nylh relate w(t$0 to them Nwhl & he said rm0w
another Nyrx0 to place rt0l he hl went lz0 & he went out qpnw & to the brethren Nyx0lw
great 00ygs an uproar 0bwr was 0wh there 0wh morning 0rpc it was 0wh & when dkw 18
to him hl had happened 0wh what? 0nmd Shimeon Nw(m$ about l( the soldiers 0+wy+r+s0 among tyb
searched for him yhy(b when dk but Nyd Herodus sdwrh 19
the guards 0rw+nl them Nwn0 he judged Nd found him hxk$0 & not 0lw
he hl & went out qpnw to execute them Nwtwmnd & ordered dqpw
in Qesaria 0yrsqb he was 0wh & remaining yhwty0w Judea dwhy from Nm
the Tsurians 0yrwc against l( he was 0wh at enmity zygrd & because l+mw 20
to him htwl & they came wt0w they gathered w$nkt0 the Tsidonians 0yndyc & against l(w
the Chamberlain hnqnw+yq Blastus sw+slbl & they persuaded wsyp0w as one 0dxk0
for them Nwhl that there be 0whnd of him hnm & they asked wl0$w of The King 0klmd
of their countries Nwhrt0d the sustenance 0snrwpd because l+m a peace treaty 0ny$
of Herodus sdwrhd was 0wh the kingdom htwklm from Nm
clothing 0$wbl Herodus sdwrh was 0wh wearing $bl notable 0(ydy but Nyd on a day 0mwyb 21
& speaking llmmw the judgment seat Myb on l( & he sat down btyw of the kingdom 0twklmd
the crowd 0$nk with M( he was 0wh
these Nylh & said rm0w were 0wh crying out 0(q all hlk but Nyd the people 0m( 22
of children of men 0$nynbd are ywh & not 0lw are Nyn0 of God 0hl0d voice 0lq daughter tnb
to God 0hl0l the glory 0txwb$t he gave bhy that not 0ld & because Plxw 23

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of Jehovah 0yrmd The Angel hk0lm struck him yhyxm in the hour 0t($b in it hb
& he died tymw with worms 0(lwtb & he was infested tprw
& it grew 0ybrw was twh proclaimed 0zrktm of God 0hl0d & the gospel 0trbsw 24
Jerusalem Ml$rw0 from Nm returned wnp & Shaul lw0$w but Nyd BarNaba 0bnrb 25
their service Nwht$m$t they finished wml$d after rtb from Nm to Antiokai ykwy+n0l
Marqus swqrm who was surnamed ynkt0d he wh Yokhanan Nnxwyl with them Nwhm( & took wrbdw

The Acts of The Apostles

Chapter 13
prophets 0ybn of Antiokia 0yky+n0d in the church 0td(b but Nyd were 0wh there ty0 1
Niger rgyn who is called 0rqtmd & Shimeon Nw(m$w BarNaba 0bnrb & teachers 0nplmw
& Manael ly0nmw the city 0tnydm Qorina 0nyrwq who from Nmd & Luqius syqwlw
& Shaul lw0$w The Tetrarka 0krr++ of Herodus sdwrhd the rearers yhwnybrm son of rb
God 0hl0l & were supplicating Nyp$ktmw they were wwh fasting Nymyc they Nwnh & when dkw 2
to Me yl separate w$wrp of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr to them Nwhl said trm0
them Nwn0 have called tyrq to which I 0n0d that 0ny0 to the work 0db(l & BarNaba 0bnrblw Shaul lw0$l
upon them Nwhyl( they placed wms & prayed wylcw they fasted wmcd & after rtbw 3
them Nwn0 & they sent wrd$w hands 0dy0
of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr from Nm they were sent wxlt$0 when dk & they Nwnhw 4
they journeyed wdr there Nmt & from Nmw to Seluqia 0yqwlsl to them Nwhl they went down wtxn
Quprus swrpwql unto 0md( by the sea 0myb
they were wwh preaching Nyrbsm the city 0tnydm Salamna 0nmlsl they entered wl( & when dkw 5
of the Jews 0ydwhyd in the synagogues 0t$wnkb of our lord Nrmd the word htlm
to them Nwhl he was 0wh ministering $m$m & Yokhanan Nnxwyw
Paphos swppl unto 0md( island 0trzg to the whole hlkl they traveled hwkrkt0 & when dkw 6
who yhwty0d a Jew 0ydwhy a sorcerer 0$rx one dx man 0rbg they found wxk$0 the city 0tnydm
Bar Shuma 0mw$rb was 0wh whose name hm$d false 0lgd a prophet 0ybn was 0wh
who yhwty0d wise 0mykx a man 0rbgl was 0wh adhering qybd this one 0nh 7
Sergius swygrs he was 0wh & called 0rqtmw Proconsul sw+pwtn0 was 0wh
& BarNaba 0bnrblw Shaul lw0$l The Proconsul sw+pwtn0 he 0wh & called 0rqw Paulus swlwp
of God 0hl0d the word 0tlm from them Nwhnm to hear (m$nd he was 0wh & requesting 0(bw
sorcerer 0$rx this 0nh he wh them Nwhl against bqwl but Nyd he 0wh stood M0q 8
because l+m Alumas smwl0 his name hm$ which interpreted Mgrttmd Bar Shuma 0mw$rb
the faith 0twnmyh from Nm The Proconsul sw+pwtn0l to turn aside yhwymq(nd was 0wh wanted 0bcd
filled ylmt0 Paulus swlwp who was called yrqt0d was wh but Nyd Shaul lw0$ 9
at him hb & stared rxw of Holiness 0$dwqd with The Spirit 0xwrb he was 0wh
evils 0t$yb & all Nyhlkw treacheries Nylkn all lk one full of 0lmd Oh! w0 & he said rm0w 10
righteousness 0twn0k of all hlkd & enemy 0bbdl(bw of The Devil 0crq lk0d Son hrb
of Jehovah 0yrmd straight 0tcyrt the ways htxrw0 to twist wmq(ml you tn0 cease 0l$ not 0l
& you will be 0whtw is upon you Kyl( of Jehovah 0yrmd the hand hdy0 & now 0$hw 11
a time 0nbzl for 0md( the sun 0$m$ you will see 0zxt & not 0lw blind 0ms
& darkness 0kw$xw a blackness 0n+m( upon him yhwl( fell lpn in the moment 0t($b & in it hbw
his hand hdy0b to take dwx0n someone wnmd & was seeking 0(bw he was 0wh & going around Krktmw

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had happened 0whd what Mdm The Proconsul sw+pwtn0 saw 0zx & when dkw 12
of Jehovah 0yrmd in the teaching hnplwyb & he believed Nmyhw he was amazed rmdt0
Paphos swpp from Nm by sea 0myb they journeyed wdr & BarNaba 0bnrbw but Nyd Paulus swlwp 13
the city 0tnydm to Perga 0grpl to them Nwhl & they came wt0w the city 0tnydm
Yokhanan Nnxwy from them Nwhnm & separated $rpw of Pamphylia 0ylwpmpd
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l to it hl & he went on lz0w
to Antiokia 0yky+n0l & they came wt0w Perga 0grp from Nm went forth wqpn but Nyd they Nwnh 14
a synagogue 0t$wnkl & they entered wl(w of Pisidia 0ydysypd a city 0tnydm
of The Sabbath 0tb$w on the day 0mwyb & they sat down wbtyw
& The Prophets 0ybnw The Law 0swmn was read yrqt0d & after rtbw 15
& they said wrm0w of the synagogue 0t$wnkd The Elders 0$y$q to them Nwhl sent wxl$
a word 0tlm to you Nwkl is ty0d there wh if N0 brothers Nyx0 men 0rbg
the people 0m( with M( speak wllm of comfort 00ywbd
& said rm0w his hand hdy0 & lifted Pyn0w Paulus swlwp & stood Mqw 16
who are worshippers Nylxdd & those Nyly0w Israel lyrsy0 children of ynb men 0rbg
listen w(m$ God 0hl0 of Nm
& raised up Myr0w our fathers Nthb0l chose 0bg this 0nh of people 0m(d The God hhl0 17
in the land 0(r0b foreigners 0btwt they were wwh when dk them Nwn0 & multiplied brw0w
from it hnm them Nwn0 brought forth qp0 high 0mr & with an arm 0(rdbw of Egypt Nyrcmd
years Nyn$ forty Ny(br0 in the wilderness 0rbdmb them Nwn0 & He sustained ysrtw 18
of Kanaan N(nkd in the land 0(r0b nations Nymm( seven 0(b$ & He destroyed Mghw 19
for an inheritance 0ntrwyl their land Nwh(r0 to them Nwhl & he gave bhyw
he gave bhy years Nyn$ & fifty Ny$mxw hundred 00m & four (br0w 20
the Prophet 0ybn Shemueil ly0wm$l until 0md( judges 0nyd to them Nwhl
to them Nwhl & gave bhyw a king 0klm for themselves Nwhl they asked wl0$ & then Nydyhw 21
the tribe 0tbr$ from Nm a man 0rbg Qish $yq son of rb Shaul lw0$l God 0hl0
forty Ny(br0 years Nyn$ of Benyamin Nymynbd
The King 0klm Dawid dywdl to them Nwhl & raised up Myq0w & He took him hbsnw 22
the son hrb Dawid dywdl I have found txk$0d & said rm0w of him yhwl( & testified dhs0w
My desires ynybc all Nwhlk shall do db(n he wh My heart ybl like Ky0 a man 0rbg of Iyshay y$y0d
to Israel lyrsy0l God 0hl0 raised up Myq0 of this one 0nhd the seed h(rz from Nm 23
The Savior 0qwrp Yeshua (w$yl was promised ydwt$0d what 0m according to Ky0
His coming htyt0m before Mdq to preach zrknd Yokhanan Nnxwyl & He sent rd$w 24
of Israel lyrsy0d the people 0m( to all hlkl of repentance 0twbytd the baptism 0tydwm(m
he was 0wh saying rm0 his ministry ht$m$t Yokhanan Nnxwy had 0wh finished Ml$m & when dkw 25
but 0l0 I 0n0 am tywh not 0l that I am yty0d you Nwtn0 think Nyrbs who wnm
I 0n0 am worthy 0w$ Who not 0ld He wh after me yrtb comes 0t0 behold 0h
of His sandals yhwnsmd the strap 0qr( to loose 0r$0d
of Abraham Mhrb0d of the lineage htbr$ children ynb brethren Nyx0 men 0rbg 26
He wh to you Nwkl God 0hl0l with you Nwkm( who worship Nylxdd & those Nyly0w
of Life 0yxd The Word 0tlm is sent trdt$0
& their leaders Nwhyn$rw of Jerusalem Ml$rw0d inhabitants 0rwm( for ryg these Nylh 27
of the prophets 0ybnd the scriptures 0btkb neither 0lp0 Him hb perceived w$gr0 not 0l
they judged Him yhwnd but 0l0 Sabbath 0b$ on every lkb which are read Nyrqtmd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

which are written Nbytkd these things Nylh & they fulfilled wml$w
of death 0twmd cause 0tl( they found wxk$0 not 0l & when dkw 28
to kill Him yhynwl+qnd Pilatus sw+lyp of Nm they asked wl0$ any Mdm
was 0wh that written bytkd everything Mdmlk they fulfilled wml$ & when dkw 29
& laid Him yhwmsw the cross 0bylc from Nm they took Him down yhwtx0 about Him yhwl(
of burial 0rwbq in a place tyb
of the dead 0tym the place tyb from Nm raised Him hmyq0 but Nyd God 0hl0 30
who came up wqlsd to those Nyly0l many 00ygs days 0tmwy & He appeared yzxt0w 31
are Nwn0 & they Nwnhw to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l Galila 0lylg from Nm with Him hm(
the people 0m( to twl His witnesses yhwdhs now 0$h
to you Nwkl we preach good news Nnyrbsm behold 0h we Nnx also P0w 32
our fathers Nthb0 to twl which was 0whd the wh that promise 0ydww$d
their children Nwhynbl to us Nl God 0hl0 has fulfilled it hylm$ behold 0h 33
second Nyrtd in The Psalm 0rwmzmb it is written bytkd as Ky0 Yeshua (w$yl who raised Myq0d
I have begotten You Ktdly today 0nmwy I 0n0 you are tn0 My Son yrbd
of the dead 0tym the place tyb from Nm God 0hl0 raised Him hmyq0 & so 0nkhw 34
destruction 0lbx to see 0zxn He will return Kwphn not 0l that again bwtd
to you Nwkl I shall give lt0d it says rm0d as Ky0
faithful 0tnmyhm of Dawid dywdd the favor htwby+
another 0trx0 in place 0tkwdb it says rm0 & again bwtw 35
corruption 0lbx to see 0zxnd Your Pure One Kysxl You have given tbhy Not 0ld
of God 0hl0d the will hnybc served $m$ in his generation htbr$b for ryg Dawid dywd 36
corruption 0lbx & he saw 0zxw his fathers yhwhb0 unto l( & was added Pswtt0w & he fell asleep bk$w
corruption 0lbx saw 0zx not 0l God 0hl0 Whom raised Myq0d but Nyd This One 0nh 37
by This One 0nhb that by Him hbd brethren yx0 therefore lykh know w(d 38
of sins 0h+x the forgiveness Nqbw$ to you Nwkl is preached zrktm
of Moshe 0$wmd by the Law 0swmnb you can Nwtxk$0 that not 0ld all things lk & from Nmw 39
are justified qddzm who believe Nmyhmd all lk by This One 0nhb be justified Nwqddztd
will come 0t0n lest 0mld therefore lykh beware wrhdz0 40
in the prophets 0ybnb that is written bytkd the thing Mdm upon you Nwkyl(
& be corrupted Nwlbxttw & marvel Nwhmttw scorners 0nrsbm Behold wzxd 41
not 0ld which 0ny0 in your days Nwkymwyb I 0n0 do db( for a work 0db(d
to you Nwkl reports 0(t$m a man $n0 if N0 you will believe Nwnmyht
they asked w(b their presence Nwhyd0c from Nm they were wwh going out Nyqpn & when dkw 42
with them Nwhm( they would speak Nwllmn another 0trx0 that on Sabbath 0tb$ld of them Nwhnm
these Nylh words 0lm
Jews 0ydwhy many 00ygs the synagogue 0t$wnk when was dismissed tyrt$0d & from Nmw 43
God 0hl0 of Nm were wwh who worshippers Nylxdd foreigners 0rwyg also P0w after them Nwhrtb went wlz0
joined Nypyqn to be Nwwhnd them Nwhl & persuading Nysypmw were wwh speaking Nyllmm & they Nwnhw
of God 0hl0d to the grace htwby+l
city 0tnydm the whole hlk gathered t$nk another 0trx0 & Sabbath 0tb$lw 44
of God 0hl0d the word htlm to hear (m$ml

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they were filled wylmt0 great 00ygs the crowds 0$nk the Jews 0ydwhy saw wzx & when dkw 45
the words 0lm against lbqwl they were wwh & standing Nymyqw with anger 0msx
they were wwh & blaspheming Nypdgmw Paulus swlwp was 0wh which speaking rm0d
to you Nwkl in the public 0lgb eye Ny( & BarNaba 0bnrbw Paulus swlwp but Nyd said rm0 46
of God 0hl0d the word htlm that be spoken rm0ttd first tymdq was 0wh necessary 0lw it wh
from you Nwknm it hl you Nwtn0 drive away Nyxdd because l+m but 0l0
you Nwtn0 are worthy Nyw$ that not 0ld yourselves Nwk$pn against l( & you determine Nwtqspw
The Gentiles 0mm( to twl us Nl we turn Nnynptm behold 0h eternal Ml(ld for life 0yxl
it is written bytkd just as Ky0 our Lord Nrm commanded us Ndqp for ryg thus 0nkh 47
life 0yxl to be 0whtd to The Gentiles 0mm(l a light 0rhwn I have set you Ktmsd
of the earth 0(r0d the ends hypwsl unto 0md(
they were wwh rejoicing Nydx The Gentiles 0mm( were wwh hearing Ny(m$ & when dkw 48
those Nyly0 & believed wnmyhw God 0hl0l & glorifying Nyxb$mw
eternal Ml(ld to life 0yxl they were wwh that appointed Nymysd
region 0rt0 that wh in all hlkb was twh spoken 0llmtm of Jehovah 0yrmd & the word htlmw 49
of the cities 0tnydmd the leaders 0$rl stirred up wgrg but Nyd the Jews 0ydwhy 50
with them Nwhm( were ywh who worshiping Nlxdd those Nyly0 honorable 0tryt( & women 0$nlw
& against l(w Paulus swlwp against l( persecutions 0ypwdr & they raised wmyq0w God 0hl0l
their borders Nwhymwxt from Nm them Nwn0 they expelled wqp0w BarNaba 0bnrb
against them Nwhyl( they shook off wcpn they went forth wqpn & when dkw 51
themselves Nwhl & they came wt0w of their feet Nwhylgrd the dust 0lx
the city 0tnydm to Iqonion Nwnqy0l
with joy 0twdx were wwh filled Nylmtm & the disciples 0dymltw 52
of Holiness 0$dwqd & The Spirit 0xwrw
The Acts of The Apostles
Chapter 14
the synagogue 0t$wnkl themselves Nwhl & they entered wl(w & they came wt0w 1
with them Nwhm( they spoke wllm & thus 0nkhw of the Jews 0ydwhyd
Greeks 0ynwy & of Nmw Jews 0ydwhy of Nm many 00ygs believed Nwnmyhnd so Ky0
were wwh persuaded Nysyp+tm not 0ld who Nyly0 but Nyd the Jews 0ydwhy 2
the brothers 0x0l them Nwhl to harm Nw$0bnd the Gentiles 0mm(l stirred up wgrg
there Nmt they were wwh long 00ygs a time 0nbz & they Nwnhw 3
Jehovah 0yrm about l( they were wwh speaking Nyllmm in public 0lgb & the eye Ny(w
of His grace htwby+d the word 0tlm concerning l( He was 0wh testifying dhsm & He whw
& by the wonders 0trmdtbw by the signs 0twt0b
by their hands Nwhydy0b He was 0wh that doing db(d
was 0wh divided gylp of the city 0tnydmd multitude 0$nk & the whole hlkw 4
& some of them Nwhnmw the Jews 0ydwhy with M( were wwh there ty0 some of them Nwhnm
to the Apostles 0xyl$l were wwh joined Nypyqn
the Gentiles 0mm( from Nm a decree 0mzg against them Nwhyl( but Nyd there was 0wh 5
them Nwn0 to abuse Nwr(cnd & their leaders Nwhyn$rw the Jews 0ydwhy & from Nmw
with stones 0p0kb them Nwn0 & to stone Nwmgrnw
& they took refuge wswgt0w they departed wyn$ they knew w(dy & when dkw 6

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& Derbe 0brdw Lustra 0r+swl of Luqonia 0ynqwld in the cities 0tnydmb
that were around them Nyhyrdxd & villages 0yrwqw
they were wwh preaching the Good News Nyrbsm & there Nmtw 7
the city 0tnydm in Lustra 0r+swlb was 0wh sitting bty one dx & man 0rbgw 8
the womb srk from Nmd crippled 0rygx in his feet yhwlgrb was 0wh who lame Pygsd
had 0wh walked Klh not 0l who ever Mwtmmd of his mother hm0
Paulus swlwp saw him yhyzx & when dkw speaking llmmd Paulus swlwpl heard (m$ this one 0nh 9
to receive life 0xnd faith 0twnmyh in him hb that there was ty0d & it was known (dwt$0w
I 0n0 say rm0 to you Kl loud 0mr in a voice 0lqb to him hl he said rm0 10
stand Mwq The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd in The Name hm$b
& walked Klhw stood Mq & he jumped rw$w your feet Kylgr on l(
the thing Mdm they saw wzx when dk of the people 0m(d & the crowds 0$nkw 11
in the language hn$lb their voices Nwhlq they raised wmyr0 Paulus swlwp that did db(d
have become like wymdt0 gods 0hl0 & they were saying Nyrm0w of the country 0rt0d
to us Ntwl & have descended wtxnw men 0$n0 to sons of ynbb
of the gods 0hl0 The Lord 0rm BarNaba 0bnrbl were wwh & they naming wym$w 12
beginning 0r$m he whd because l+m Hermys symrh & Paulus swlwplw
the speech 0tlmb was 0wh
outside rbl was 0wh who ty0d he wh of the gods 0hl0 of The Lord 0rmd & the priest 0rmwkw 13
to the gates 0(rtl & garlands 0lylkw bulls 0rwt brought yty0 the city 0tnydm of Nm
he 0wh & wanted 0bcw they were wwh dwelling Nyr$d where rt0 of the courtyard 0trdd
to them Nwhl to sacrifice xbdnd
they heard w(m$ when dk & Paulus swlwpw but Nyd BarNaba 0bnrb 14
to them Nwhl & went out wqpnw & leaped wrw$w their robes Nwhytxn they tore wqds
they were wwh & crying out Ny(qw the mob swlk0 among twl
you Nwtn0 are doing Nydb( what? 0nm men 0rbg & they were saying Nyrm0w 15
like you Nwktwk0 of passions 0$w$x are Nnx children of men 0$nynb we Nnx also P0
worthless things 0tl+b these Nylh that from Nmd to you Nwkl we who preach Nnyrbsmd
the heavens 0ym$ Who made db(d He wh Living 0yx The God 0hl0 to twl you should turn Nwnptt
in them Nwhb that is ty0d & all lkw & the sea 0mmyw & the earth 0(r0w
them Nwn0 He was 0wh allowing qb$ the first 0ymdq Who in ages 0rdbd He wh 16
their own Nwh$pnd in way 0txrw0b to go Nwlz0nd nations 0mm( all of them Nwhlkl
testimony wdhs without 0ld Himself h$pn He left qb$ not 0l when dk 17
the heavens 0ym$ from Nm good 0tb+ to them Nwhl he was 0wh while giving db(db
& multiplying 0brmw rain 0r+m to them Nwhl He was 0wh & sending down txmw
He was 0wh & satisfying 0lmw in their times Nwhynbzb fruit 0r0p He was 0wh
their hearts Nwhtwbl & with gladness 0twmysbw with food 0ysrwt
in difficulty Nsxm while Nm they were wwh saying Nyrm0 these things Nylh & as dkw 18
to them Nwhl would sacrifice xbdn not 0l that a man $n0d the people 0m(l they restrained wlk
& from Nmw Iqonion Nwnqy0 from Nm the Jews 0ydwhy there Nmtl but Nyd came wt0 19
the people 0m(l against them Nwhyl( & stirred up w$g$w Antiokia 0yky+n0
the city 0tnydm of Nm outside rbl & dragged him yhwrgw Paulus swlwpl & they stoned him yhwmgrw
he hl that was dead tymd they were wwh thinking Nyrbsd because l+m
he entered l( & he stood up Mqw the disciples 0dymlt unto him yhwl( & gathered w$nkw 20

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there Nmt from Nm he hl went out qpn next 0nrx0 & the day 0mwylw the city 0tnydml
the city 0tnydm to Derbe 0brdl & they came wt0w BarNaba 0bnrb with M(
that yh of city 0tnydm to the people ynbl they were wwh preaching Nyrbsm & while dkw 21
themselves Nwhl they came wt0 & they returned wkphw many 00ygsl they wwh discipled wdmlt
& to Antiokia 0yky+n0lw & to Iqonion Nwnqy0lw the city 0tnydm to Lustra 0r+swll
of the disciples 0dymltd the souls Nwht$pn they were wwh confirming Nyrr$m when dk 22
in faith 0twnmyhb to continue Nwwqnd of them Nwhnm they were wwh & seeking Ny(bw
that by suffering 0nclw0bd to them Nwhl they were wwh & saying Nyrm0w
of God 0hl0d the kingdom htwklml to enter l(ml it is necessary 0lw much 00ygs
elders 0$y$q church 0td( in every lkb to them Nwhl & they appointed wmyq0w 23
& committing Nyl(gmw & prayed Nylcmw with them Nwhm( they were wwh fasting Nymyc while dk
in Whom hb they believed wnmyhd Him wh our Lord Nrml them Nwhl they were wwh
of Pisidia 0ydysypd in the country 0rt0b they traveled wkrkt0 & when dkw 24
to Pamphylia 0ylwpmpl themselves Nwhl they came wt0
the word 0tlm the city 0tnydm in Perga 0grpb they spoke wllm & as dkw 25
to Italia 0yl+y0l they Nwhl came down wtxn of Jehovah 0yrmd
they Nwhl & came wt0w by sea 0myb they journeyed wdr there Nmt & from Nmw 26
they were wwh committed Nyl(gm there Nmt that from Nmd because l+m to Antiokia 0yky+n0l
which they finished wml$d that wh to the work 0db(l of Jehovah 0yrmd to the grace htwby+l
they wwh related Ny(t$m church 0td( the whole hlk they gathered w$nk & when dkw 27
the door 0(rt & Who opened xtpdw God 0hl0 with them Nwhm( that did db(d everything Mdmlk
to the Gentiles 0mm(l of faith 0twnmyhd
the disciples] 0dymlt with twl there Nmt they were wwh much 00ygs & time 0nbzw 28

The Acts of The Apostles

Chapter 15
they were wwh & teaching Nyplmw Judea dwhy from Nm men 0$n0 but Nyd had wwh come down wtxn 1
you Nwtn0 are circumcised Nyrzg that not 0ld it is wh that if N0d the brethren 0x0l them Nwhl
have life 0xml you Nwtn0 can Nyxk$m not 0l of the Law 0swmnd in the custom 0dy(b
for Paulus swlwpl & debate 0t(bw great 00ygs tumult 0y$wg$ & there was 0whw 2
Paulus swlwp that would go up Nwqsnd & it happened twhw with them Nwhm( & BarNaba 0bnrblw
the Apostles 0xyl$ to twl with them Nwhm( & another 0nrx0w & BarNaba 0bnrbw
dispute 0t(b this 0dh because of l+m who in Jerusalem Ml$rw0bd & Elders 0$y$qw
they were wwh & traveling Nydrw the church 0td( them Nwn0 & sent trd$ & accompanied tywlw 3
when dk the Samaritans 0yrm$ among tyb also P0w Phoniqa 0qynwp in all hlkb
of the Gentiles 0mm(d the conversion 0ynwp about l( they were wwh recounting Ny(t$m
the brethren 0x0 to all Nwhlkl great 0tbr joy 0twdx they were wwh & creating Nydb(w
the church 0td( by Nm they were received wlbqt0 to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l they came wt0 & when dkw 4
to them Nwhl & they recounted wy(t$0w The Elders 0$y$q & by Nmw The Apostles 0xyl$ & by Nmw
God 0hl0 with them Nwhm( did db(d whatever 0m everything lk
had wwh who believed wnmyhd those Nyly0 men 0$n0 but Nyd were wwh they stood wmq 5
is necessary 0lwd & they were saying Nyrm0w of The Pharisha 0$yrpd the school 0nplwy from Nm
& to command Nwdqptw them Nwn0 to circumcise rzgml for you Nwkl it wh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of Moshe 0$wmd The Law 0swmn to keep Nwr+nd them Nwn0

& The Elders 0$y$qw The Apostles 0xyl$ but Nyd assembled w$nkt0 6
this 0dh matter 0tlm at l( to look Nwzxnd
Shimeon Nw(m$ arose Mq great 0t0ygs dispute 0t(b was twh & when dkw 7
are Nwtn0 aware Ny(dy you Nwtn0 brothers Nyx0 men 0rbg to them Nwhl & said rm0w
God 0hl0 chose 0bg mine ylyd my mouth ymwp from Nm first 0ymdq the days 0tmwy that from Nmd
& to believe Nwnmyhnw of the gospel 0trbsd the word 0tlm the Gentiles 0mm( to hear Nw(m$nd
about them Nwhyl( testified dhs0 what is in the hearts 0twblbd Who knows (dyd & God 0hl0w 8
to us Nld as Ky0 of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr to them Nwhl & gave bhyw
& them Nwhlw between us Nynyb distinguished $rp not 0l anything Mdmw 9
their hearts Nwhtwbl by faith 0twnmyhb He purified ykdd because l+m
God 0hl0l are Nwtn0 tempting Nysnm why? 0nm you Nwtn0 & now 0$hw 10
of the disciples 0dymltd the necks Nwhyrwc on l( a yoke 0ryn to put Nwmystd so as Ky0
to bear N(+ml were able Nxk$0 we Nnx neither 0lp0 our fathers Nthb0 not even 0lp0d which 0ny0
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd by the favor htwby+b but 0l0 11
as they Nwhtwk0 in order to have life 0xnd we believe Nnynmyhm
to Paulus swlwpl they were wwh & listening Ny(m$w the crowds 0$nk all hlk & were silent wqt$w 12
did db(d whatever 0m everything] lk were wwh who relating Ny(t$md & to BarNaba 0bnrblw
among the Gentiles 0mm(b & mighty deeds 0twrbgw signs 0twt0 by their hands Nwhydy0b God 0hl0
& said rm0w Yaqob bwq(y arose Mq they ceased wqt$d & after rtbw 13
hear me ynw(mw$ brothers Nyx0 men 0rbg
to choose 0bgml God 0hl0 began yr$ how 0nky0 to you Nwkl related y(t$0 Shimeon Nw(m$ 14
for His Name hm$l a people 0m( the Gentiles 0mm( from Nm
of the prophets 0ybnd the words Nwhylm consent Nml$ & to this 0dhlw 15
which is written bytkd that 0m just as Ky0
& I shall raise Myq0w I shall return Kwph0 these things Nylh after rtb From Nmd 16
& I shall build 0nb0w had fallen lpnd which 0ny0 of Dawid dywdd the tabernacle hnk$m
& I shall raise it up yhwymyq0w of it hnm which had fallen lpnd that Mdm
Jehovah 0yrml of children of men 0$nynbd the rest Nwhkr$ may seek Nw(bnd so Ky0 17
upon whom Nwhyl( My Name ym$ is called yrqt0d which Nyly0 the nations 0mm( & all Nwhlkw
all of them Nyhlk these things Nylh Who does db(d Jehovah 0yrm says rm0
of God 0hl0d the works yhwdb( eternity Ml( from Nm known Ny(ydy 18
those Nyly0l trouble Nyqx$ let us Nwwhn not 0ld I 0n0 say rm0 I 0n0 this 0dh because of l+m 19
God 0hl0 to twl are being turned Nynptm the Gentiles 0mm( who from Nmd
defilement 0tw0m+ from Nm separate Nyqyrp that they be Nwwhnd to them Nwhl let it be sent xlt$n but 0l0 20
what is strangled 0qynxd & from Nmw fornication 0twynz & from Nmw of sacrifices 0xybdd
blood 0md & from Nmw
town 0nydm in every lkb the first 0ymdq ages 0rd from Nm for ryg Moshe 0$wm 21
in synagogues 0t$wnkb heralds 0zwrk for him hl have been 0wh there ty0
him hl read Nyrq Sabbaths Nyb$ who on all lkbd
church 0td( the whole hlk with M( & Elders 0$y$qw the Apostles 0xyl$ then Nydyh 22
with M( to Antiokai ykwy+n0l & they sent wrd$w from them Nwhnm men 0rbg chose wbg

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

BarShaba 0b$rb who is called 0rqtmd Yehuda 0dwhyl & BarNaba 0bnrbw Paulus swlwp
among the brethren 0x0b among them Nwhb were wwh who the best 0$rd men 0rbg & Shila 0ly$lw
thus 0nkh with their own hands Nwhydy0b a letter 0trg0 & they wrote wbtkw 23
in Antiokai ykwy+n0b who are ty0d to those Nyly0l & brethren 0x0w & Elders 0$y$qw the Apostles 0xyl$
peace Ml$ the Gentiles 0mm( who are of Nmd brothers 0x0 & in Cilicia 0yqylyqbw & in Syria 0yrwsbw
& have alarmed you Nwkxldw went out wqpn from us Nnm that people Ny$n0d we Nl hear (ym$ 24
your souls Nwkt$pn & have subverted wkph0w with words 0lmb
the Law 0swmn & keep Nyr+nw circumcised Nyrzg be Nwwhtd they were saying Nyrm0 as dk
them Nwn0 we commanded Ndqp not 0l we Nnxd which Nyly0
we assembled Nny$ynk when dk we all Nlk we thought Nb$xt0 this 0nh because of l+m 25
Paulus swlwp with M( to you Nwktwl & we sent Nrd$w men 0rbg & we chose Nybgw
our beloved friends Nybybx & BarNaba 0bnrbw
for Plx themselves Nwht$pn who surrendered wml$0d men 0$n0 26
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd The Name hm$
& Shila 0ly$lw Yehuda 0dwhyl with them Nwhm( & we sent Nrd$w 27
things Nylh the same Nynh you Nwkl shall tell Nwrm0n by the word 0tlmb for they Nwnhd
of Holiness 0$dwqd of The Spirit 0xwrl the will 0nybc for ryg it was 0wh 28
a burden 0rqwy upon you Nwkyl( we would put Mysttn that not 0ld to us Nl also P0w
that are necessary Ncl0d these Nylh of Nm outside rbl greater 0ryty
what is sacrificed 0xybdd from Nm to abstain Nwqxrttd 29
what is strangled 0qynx & from Nmw blood 0md & from Nmw
yourselves Nwk$pn you keep Nwr+t that when dkd fornication 0twynz & from Nmw
in our Lord Nrmb faithful Nyryr$ be wwh you will be Nwwht well ryp$ these Nylh from Nm
& gathered w$nkw to Antikia 0yky+n0l came wt0 who were sent wxlt$0d but Nyd they Nwnh 30
the letter 0trg0 & gave wbhyw the people 0m( all hlk
& were comforted w0ybt0w they rejoiced wydx they read wrq & when dkw 31
the brethren 0x0l they strengthened wlyx bountiful 0tryt( & in the word 0tlmbw 32
& Shila 0ly$w of Yehuda 0dwhy who were followers tybd them Nwn0 & established wmyqw
were wwh prophets 0ybn they Nwnh that also P0d because l+m
the brothers 0x0 them Nwn0 dismissed wr$ a time 0nbz there Nmt they were wwh & when dkw 33
The Apostles 0xyl$ to twl in peace 0ml$b
there Nmt to remain 0wqnd of Shila 0ly$d the will hnybc it was 0wh however Mrb 34
in Antiokai ykwy+n0b did wwh remain wywq & BarNaba 0bnrbw but Nyd Paulus swlwp 35
with M( & preaching Nyrbsmw they were wwh & teaching Nyplmw
of God 0hl0d the word htlm many 00ygs others 0nrx0
let us return 0nptn to BarNaba 0bnrbl Paulus swlwp said rm0 days 0tmwy & after rtbw 36
we preached Nzrk0d city 0nydm who are in every lkbd the brethren 0x0l & visit rw(snw
they are doing Nydyb( how 0nm & see 0zxnw of God 0hl0d the word 0tlm in which hb
to take rbdnd had 0wh wanted 0bc but Nyd BarNaba 0bnrb 37
Marqus swqrm who was surnamed ynkt0d him wh Yokhanan Nnxwyl
with them Nwhm( to take him hrbdnd he did 0wh want 0bc not 0l but Nyd Paulus swlwp 38
they were Nwnh when dk them Nwn0 he had 0wh left qb$d because l+m
with them Nwhm( he went lz0 & not 0lw in Pamphylia 0ylwpmpb

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

another dx from Nm one dx they separated w$rp dispute 0nyrx this 0nh because of l+m 39
& went wlz0w in the sea 0myb & traveled wdrw Marqus swqrml took rbd BarNaba 0bnrbw
to Qupros swrpwql they Nwhl
& he went out qpnw Shila 0ly$l him hl chose 0bg but Nyd Paulus swlwp 40
of God 0hl0d to the grace 0twby+l the brethren 0x0 by Nm he was commended l(gm when dk
& in Cilicia 0yqylyqbw in Syria 0yrwsb he was 0wh & traveling 0drw 41
the churches 0td( & confirming Myqmw

The Acts of The Apostles

Chapter 16
at Derbe 0brdl he 0wh he arrived y+mw 1
& at Lystra 0r+swllw the city 0tnydm
there Nmt but Nyd was 0wh there ty0
whose name hm$d one dx a disciple 0dymlt
son hrb Timotheus sw0tmy+
a believer 0tnmyhm one 0dx of Jewess 0tydwhyd
was 0wh an Aramaean 0ymr0 & his father yhwb0w
who were from Nmd the disciples 0dymlt & all they Nwhlkw 2
Iconiun Nwnqy0 & from Nmw Lystra 0r+swl
about him yhwl( they were wwh were testifying Nydhsm
Paulus swlwp was 0wh wanting 0bc This one 0nhl 3
with him hm( to take him yhwyrbdnd
& circumcized him hrzg & he took bsnw
they are wwh that are ty0d The Jews 0ydwhy because l+m
were knowing Ny(dy in the place 0rt0b
all of them Nwhlk for ryg they wwh
he was 0wh that an Aramaean 0ymr0d his father yhwb0l
they were wwh were going Nylz0 & when dkw 4
preaching Nyzrkm among the cities 0tnydmb
that they should be Nwwhnd to them Nwhl & teaching Nyplmw they were wwh
those Nyly0 commandments 0ndqwp keeping Nyr+n
the Apostles 0xyl$ that had written wbtkd
who were in Jerusalem Ml$rw0bd & the Elders 0$y$qw
established Nmyqtm the churches 0td( yet Mrb 5
& growing Nygsw in the faith 0twnmyhb were ywh
every day Mwylk in numbers 0nynmb they were ywh
& in Galatia 0y+lgbw in Phrygia 0ygwrpb but Nyd they walked wklh 6
The Spirit 0xwr them Nwn0 & forbade tlkw the regions 0twrt0
they should speak Nwllmn that not 0ld of Holiness 0$dwqd
in Asia 0ys0b of God 0hl0d the word 0tlm
they came wt0 & when dkw 7
were desiring Nybc the region 0rt0 to Musia 0yswml
from Nm that they should go Nwlz0nd they were wwh
permitted tsp0 & not 0lw to Bithunia 0ynwtybl there Nmt
of Yeshua (w$yd The Spirit hxwr to them Nwhl

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

they went forth wqpn & when dkw 8

they went down wtxn Musia 0yswm from Nm
the region 0rt0 to Troas s0wr+l to them Nwhl
of the night 0ylld & in a vision 0wzxbw 9
a man 0rbg like Ky0 to Paulus swlwpl appeared yzxt0
who stood M0qd of Macedonia 0ynwdqm one dx
he said rm0 when dk of him hnm & begged 0(bw
& help me ynyrd(w to Macedonia 0ynwdqml Come 0td
this 0nh Paulus swlwp saw 0zx but Nyd when dk 10
to proceed qpml we were desiring Nybc at once 0dxm vision 0wzx
that we understood Nlkts0d because l+m to Macedonia 0ynwdqml
them Nwn0 to evangelize rbsnd called us Nrq that our Lord Nrmd
Troas s0wr+ from Nm & we traveled Nydrw 11
there Nmt & from Nmw to Samothracia 0qrtmsl we went straight Ncrtw
the city 0tnydm to Neapolis sylwp0nl we came Nyt0 after 0nrx0 the day 0mwyl
there Nmt & from Nmw 12
is yh which yhd to Phillipus swpylypl
of Macedonia 0ynwdqmd the chief 0$r
but Nyd we were Nywh a colony 0ynwlwq & it is hyty0w
notable 0(ydy days 0tmwy city 0tnydm in this 0dhb in her hb
outside rbl of the Sabbath 0tb$d in the day 0mwyb & we departed Nqpnw 13
the side dy on l( of the city 0tnydmd the gate 0(rt from Nm
was seen 0zxtm that there Nmtd because l+m of the river 0rhn
& when dkw of prayer 0twlc a house tyb it 0wh
with M( we Nywh were speaking Nyllmm we sat Nbty
there Nmt were ywh who gathered N$ynkd the women 0$n
of purple 0nwgr0 a merchant tnbzm one 0dx & the woman 0ttn0w 14
God 0hl0 of Nm she was twh who a worshipper 0lxdd
the city 0tnydm Thayatira 0ry+w0t from Nm Ludia 0ydwl was 0wh her name hm$
she was twh & listening to 0(m$w our Lord Nrm her heart hbl opened xtp of this one 0dhd
Paulus swlwp said rm0d what Mdm
of her house htyb & the children ynbw she yh was twh & she immersed tdm(w 15
of us Nnm she was twh & begging 0y(bw
that truly ty0ryr$d it is wh that if N0d & she was saying 0rm0w
in our Lord Nrmb that I have believed tnmyhd you Nwtn0 are confident Nylykt
she urged us Ntcl0 & much ygsw in my house ytybb yourselves Nwkl lodge wr$ come wt
that when dkd & it was 0whw 16
of prayer 0twlc to the house tybl we were going Nnylz0
had 0wh who ty0d one 0dx a girl 0tmyl( with us Nb there met t(gp
& was making 0db(w of divination 0mcqd a spirit 0xwr to her hl
great 0t0ygs a business 0trwg0t for her masters hyrml she was twh
she had been twh that divining 0mcqd in the divination 0mcqb
she was twh & coming 0yt0w 17
& crying 0y(qw & after us Nrtbw Paulus swlwp after rtb
men 0$n0 these Nylh & she was saying 0rm0w she was twh
the Highest 0myrm of God 0hl0d are Nwn0 servants yhwdb(
of life 0yxd the way 0xrw0 to you Nwkl & they are evangelizing Nyrbsmw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

many 00ygs days 0tmwy she was twh doing 0db( & thus 0nkhw 18
that yh to spirit 0xwrl to it hl & he said rm0w Paulus swlwp & was angered ryptt0w
in The Name hm$b you ykl I 0n0 command dqp
that you shall come out Nyqptd The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd
it came out tqpn in the moment 0t($b & in it hbw from her hnm
her masters hyrm they saw wzx & when dkw 19
the hope 0rbs from her hnm it hl that departed qpnd
Paulus swlwpl they seized him yhwdx0 of their business Nwhtrwg0td
they brought wyty0 & they dragged wdgnw & Shila 0ly$lw
to the marketplace 0qw$l them Nwn0
to the magistrates 0g+r+s0l them Nwn0 & they presented wbrqw 20
& they were saying Nyrm0w of the city 0tnydmd & to the chiefs 0$rlw
it hl are troubling Nyxldm men 0$n0 that these Nylhd they were wwh
they are Nwn0 that Jews 0ydwhyd because l+m our city Ntnydml
those which Nyly0 customs 0dy( to us Nl & are preaching Nyzrkmw 21
& to do db(mlw to receive wlbqml for us Nl are allowable spm that not 0ld
we are Nnx that Romans 0ymwhrd because l+m
then Nydyh upon them Nwhyl( were gathered w$nkt0 great 00ygs & crowds 0$nkw 22
& they commanded wdqpw their garments Nwhytxn tore wqds the magistrates 0g+r+s0
them Nwn0 to scourge Nwdgnnd
much ygs them Nwn0 they h0d scourged wdgn & when dkw 23
& they commanded wdqpw prison 0rys0 in the house tyb them Nwn0 they cast wymr0
securely ty0ryhz them Nwn0 to keep r+nd the prison 0rys0 of the house tyb the keeper r+nl
he received lbq when dk but Nyd he wh 24
them Nwn0 shut up $bx he brought in l(0 order 0ndqwp this 0nh
of the prisoners 0rys0 of the house tybd inner 0ywg in the room 0tybb
in the stocks 0dsb their feet Nwhylgr & bound rs0w
Paulus swlwp of the night 0ylld in the middle hglpbw 25
& singing Nyxb$mw they were wwh praying Nylcm & Shila 0ly$w
& listening Ny(m$w to God 0hl0l were wwh
the prisoners 0rys0 to them Nwhl were wwh
there was 0wh great 0br a quaking 0(wz the stillness 0yl$ & from Nmw 26
of the prisoners 0rys0 of the house tybd the foundation 0s0t$ & was shaken (yztt0w
all of them Nwhlk the doors 0(rt at once 0dxm & were opened wxtpt0w
were released wyrt$0 of all of them Nwhlkd & their chains Nwhyrws0w
the keeper r+n was awakened ry(tt0 & when dkw 27
& he saw 0zxw of the prisoners 0rys0 of the house tyb
of the house tybd the doors 0(rt that were open Nyxytpd
& sought 0(bw a sword 0rsps he took bsn of the prisoners 0rys0
thought rbsd because l+m himself h$pn to kill lw+qnd
the prisoners 0rys0 they Nwhl that had escaped wqr(d he 0wh
loud 0mr in a voice 0lqb Paulus swlwp & he called him yhyrqw 28
anything Mdm to yourself K$pnl do db(t not 0l to him hl & he said rm0w
are Nnx here 0krh we all Nlkd because l+m of harm $ybd
the lamp 0gr$ it hl & he lit rhn0w 29
& he fell lpnw trembling t0r while dk & entered l(w & he jumped rw$w
& of Shila 0ly$dw of Paulus swlwpd the feet Nwhylgr before l(

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& he said rm0w outside rbl them Nwn0 & he brought out qp0w 30
is necessary 0lw what? 0nm my lord yrm to them Nwhl he 0wh
that I may live 0x0d so Ky0 to be doing db(ml for me yl
to him hl were wwh saying Nyrm0 & they Nwnhw 31
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y in our Lord Nrmb trust Nmyh
& your household Ktybw you tn0 & you shall live 0xtw
of The LORD GOD 0yrmd the word 0tlm with him hm( & they spoke wllmw 32
of his house htyb the children ynb all of them Nwhlk & with M(w
in the night 0yllb in it hb in the hour 0t($b & in it hbw 33
their wounds Nwhdgn from Nm them Nwn0 he washed yxs0 he took rbd
& the children ynbw he wh was immersed dm( an hour ht($ & son of rbw
all of them Nwhlk of his house htyb
to his house htybl them Nwn0 he brought up qs0 & he led rbdw 34
he wh did 0wh & he rejoice zwrw a table 0rwtp for them Nwhl & he set Msw
of God 0hl0d in the faith 0twnmyhb of his house htyb & the children ynbw
the magistrates 0g+r+s0 sent wrd$ dawn 0rpc it was 0wh & when dkw 35
that they should say Nwrm0nd of rods 0+b$ the bearers ylq$l
men 0$n0 these Nylhl release yr$ of the prison 0rys0 to the chief brl
of the prisoners 0rys0 of the house tyb chief br heard (m$ & when dkw 36
to Paulus swlwpl the message 0tlm this 0dh is yh to him hl he said rm0 he entered l(
that you should be released Nwrt$td so Ky0 the magistrates 0g+r+s0 they have sent wrd$d
in peace 0ml$b go wlz depart wqwp & now 0$hw
they scourged us Nwdgn an offense wlks without 0ld Paulus swlwp to him hl said rm0 37
men 0$n0l all hlk of the world 0ml( to the eye Ny(l
prison 0rys0 in the house tyb & they cast us Nwymr0w Romans 0ymwhr
us Nl are releasing? Nyqpm secretly ty0y$+m & now 0$hw
they should release us Nnwqpn should come Nwt0n they Nwnh but 0l0 for ryg no 0l
of rods 0+b$ the bearers ylq$ & went wlz0w 38
these Nylh words 0lm to the magistrates 0g+r+s0l & they said wrm0w
they heard w(m$ & when dkw to them Nwhl that were spoken rm0t0d
they were afraid wlxd they were Nwn0 that Romans 0ymwhrd
to them Nwhtwl & they came wt0w 39
that they should go out Nwqpnd of them Nwhnm & they sought w(bw
the city 0tnydm from Nm to them Nwhl & they should depart Nwn$nw
from Nm they went out wqpn & when dkw 40
they returned wl( of prisoners 0rys0 the house tyb
the brethren 0x0l there Nmt & they saw wzxw Ludia 0ydwl to twl
& they left wqpnw them Nwn0 & they comforted w0ybw
The Acts of The Apostles
Chapter 17
the cities 0tnydm & Apollonia 0ynwlp0w Amphipolis sylwpypm0 unto l( & they passed wrb(w 1
was 0wh there ty0d where 0ky0 to Thessaloniqa 0qynwlstl & they came wt0w
of the Jews 0ydwhyd a synagogue 0t$wnk
with them Nwhtwl he was 0wh accustomed d(md just as 0nky0 Paulus swlwp & entered l(w 2

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the scripture 0btk from Nm with them Nwhm( he spoke llm third tlt & the Sabbath 0b$w
was 0wh that going dyt(d & showing 0wxmw he was 0wh expounding q$pm as dk 3
of the dead 0tym the place tyb from Nm & to rise Mwqndw to suffer $xnd The Messiah 0xy$m
to you Nwkl I 0n0 Whom evangelize rbsmd This One 0nh The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y He is wywhw
Paulus swlwpl & joined wpqnw believed wnmyh from them Nwhnm & people Ny$n0w 4
were wwh who worshipers Nylxdd those Nyly0 the Greeks 0ynwy from Nm & many 00ygsw & Shila 0ly$lw
a few Nyrw(z not 0l notable 0t(ydy women 0$n also P0w God 0hl0 of Nm
men 0$n0 to themselves Nwhl & drew wpq0w the Jews 0ydwhy were wwh envious wmsxw 5
& formed wdb(w of the city 0tnydmd the streets 0qw$ from Nm evil 0$yb
& they came wt0w the city 0tnydml they were wwh & terrorizing wxldw great 00ygs a mob swlk0
were wwh & seeking Ny(bw of Jason Nwsy0d the house htyb against l( them Nwhl & they raised wmqw
to the mob swlk0l them Nwn0 & to hand over Nwml$nw there Nmt from Nm them Nwn0 to bring out Nwqpnd
they had wwh dragged yhwrg there Nmt them Nwn0 they found wxk$0 not 0l & when dkw 6
there Nmt were wwh who ty0d & the brethren 0x0lw Jason Nwsy0l
the Governor 0$r to twl them Nwn0 & they brought wyty0w
are Nwn0 These Nylhd they were wwh crying out Ny(q as dk of the city 0tnydmd
have come wt0 here 0krhl again bwt & behold 0hw have terrified wxld the land 0(r0 all hlkld
oppose lbqwl these Nylh & all Nwhlkw Jason Nwsy0 this is wnh their host Nwhnlbqmw 7
they say Nyrm0 while dk abiding Nymyq of Qesar rsqd the commands yhwndqwp
Yeshua (w$y another 0nrx0 King 0klm that there is ty0d
of the city 0tnydmd the Governor 0$r but Nyd they were alarmed wxldt0 8
these things Nylh they heard w(m$ when dk the people 0m( & all hlkw
from Nm also P0w Jason Nwsy0 from Nm bail 0br( & they took wbsnw 9
them Nwn0 released wr$ & then Nydyhw the brethren 0x0
in the night 0yllb in it hb a moment ht($ son of rb but Nyd the brothers 0x0 10
the city 0tnydm to Berea 00wrbl & Shila 0ly$lw Paulus swlwpl sent wr$
they were wwh entering Nyl0( there Nmtl they came wt0 & when dkw
of the Jews 0ydwhyd a synagogue 0t$wnkl
than Nm who there Nmtd Jews 0ydwhy those Nwnh for ryg were wwh nobler Nyyr0x 11
& hearing Ny(m$w in Thessaloniqa 0qynwlstb were wwh who ty0d those Nwnh Jews 0ydwhy
gladly ty0ydx every day Mwylk the word 0tlm from them Nwhnm they were wwh
scripture 0btk from Nm they were wwh distinguishing Ny$rpm while dk
were Nyhyty0 so 0nkh these things Nylh whether N0d
also P0 & thus 0nkhw believed wnmyh of them Nwhnm & many 00ygsw 12
notable 0t(ydy & women 0$nw many 00ygs men 0rbg the Greeks 0ynwy of Nm
Thessaloniqa 0qynwlst who from Nmd Jews 0ydwhy those Nwnh knew w(dy & when dkw 13
Paulus swlwp by Nm was preached tzrkt0 of God 0hl0d that the word htlmd
there Nmtl also P0 they came wt0 the city 0tnydm in Berea 00wrbb
the populace 0tw$n0l & to alarm wxldmlw to stir w(zml ceased wyl$ & not 0lw
to the sea 0myl to it hl to go down twxnd the brethren 0x0 sent yhw0r$ & Paulus swlwplw 14
& Timotheos sw0tmy+w Shila 0ly$ that yh in city 0tnydmb in it hb did 0wh & remain ywqw
with him hm( came wt0 Paulus swlwpl him hl who accompanied wywlt0d & they Nwnhw 15
from Nm they left Nyqpn & when dkw the city 0tnydm Athnos swnt0l unto 0md(
Shila 0ly$ to twl a letter 0trg0 from him hnm they received wlbq his presence yhwd0c
to him htwl they should go Nwlz0n that quickly lg(bd & Timotheos sw0tmy+w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

in Athnos swnt0b he was 0wh remaining 0wqm while dk Paulus swlwp but Nyd he wh 16
he 0wh saw 0zx when dk in his spirit hxwrb he was 0wh provoked rmrmtm
idols 0rktp was full of 0ylm whole hlk that the city 0tnydmd
& with M(w the Jews 0ydwhy with M( in the synagogue 0t$wnkb he was 0wh & speaking llmmw 17
& in the market 0qw$bw God 0hl0 of Nm who were worshippers Nylxdd those Nyly0
every day Mwylk were wwh who gathered Nylbqtsmd those Nyly0 with M(
of Epiquros srwqyp0d the school hnplwy who from Nmd philosophers 0pwslyp also P0w 18
debating Ny$rd Stoaiqo wqy0w+s who were called Nyrqtmd & others 0nrx0w
they were wwh saying Nyrm0 of them Nwhnm & some $n0 $n0w with him hm( were wwh
of words 0lm collector +qlm this 0nh wants 0bc what? 0nm
he is preaching zrkm foreign 0yrkwn gods 0hl0d were wwh saying Nyrm0 & others 0nrx0w
to them Nwhl he was 0wh preaching zrkm & His resurrection htmyqlw Yeshua (w$yld because l+m
of judgment 0nyd to the place tybl & brought him yhwyty0w & they took him yhwdx0w 19
to him hl they were saying Nyrm0 as dk Arios Pagos swgp swyr0 which is called 0rqtmd
new 0tdx teaching 0nplwy this 0nh what is? wnm know (dml can we? Nnyxk$m
you tn0 which preach zrkmd
in our hearing Nt(m$mb you tn0 have sown (rz strange 0tyrkwn for ryg words 0lm 20
these things Nylh are Nyn0 what? 0nm to know (dml & we wish Nnybcw
there Nmtl who come Nyt0d & those Nyly0w all of them Nwhlk but Nyd Athenians 0ynt0 21
was it a concern ly+b not 0l another Nyrx0 thing Mdm about l( strangers 0yrkwn
new tdx something Mdm & to hear (m$mlw to speak rm0ml except 0l0 to them Nwhl
he said rm0 in Arios Pagos swgpswyr0b Paulus swlwp arose Mq & when dkw 22
that in all things Nyhlkbd you Nwkl I 0n0 see 0zx Athenians 0ynt0 men 0rbg
of demons 0d0$ in the worship tlxdb you Nwtn0 are excelling Nyryty
houses tyb I was tywh & beholding 0zxw I was tywh going around Krktm for ryg when dk 23
it was 0wh where written bytkd one 0dx altar 0tl( I found txk$0 of your worship Nwktlxd
Whom while dkd therefore lykh Him wh The Unknown 0zyng The God 0hl0d on it hyl(
Him hl you Nwtn0 worship Nylxd you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy not 0l
to you Nwkl I 0n0 proclaim rbsm I 0n0 This One 0nhl Him hl
whatever 0m & everything lkw the world 0ml( made db(d for ryg God 0hl0 24
& of the earth 0(r0dw of the heavens 0ym$d The Lord 0rm & He is wywhw in it hb that is ty0d
dwells 0r$ not 0l hands 0ydy0 which made db(d in temples 0lkyhb
of children of men 0$nynb the hands ydy0 by Nm He is served $mt$m & not 0lw 25
because l+m He has need qyns not 0l anything Mdm & for l(w
& a soul 0$pnw life 0yx everyone $nlkl gives bhy He whd
of humanity 0$nynbd whole hlk the world 0ml( He made db( blood Md one dx & from Nmw 26
& marked out $rpw whole hlk of the earth 0(r0 the surface yp0 on l( dweling Nyrm( to be Nwwhnd
the coasts 0mwxt & set Msw in His decrees hndqwpb the times 0nbz
of humanity 0$nynbd of the dwelling places 0rmw(d
& by Nmw & inquiring Nybq(mw God 0hl0l seeking Ny(b that they would be Nwwhnd 27
also P0d because l+m Him hl they may find Nyxk$m His creation htyrb
of us Nnm everyone lk from Nm far qyxr He is 0wh not 0l
& we exist Nyty0w & we move Nny(yzttmw we have life Nnyyx for ryg it is wh by Him hb 28
who were among you Nwktwld the wise 0mykx of Nm men 0$n0 also P0d so Ky0
our lineage Nmhw+ is wh from Him hnmd they said wrm0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

is wh God 0hl0 from Nm because our lineage Nmhw+d therefore lykh men 0$n0 29
stones 0p0kl or w0 silver 0m0sl or w0 that gold 0bhdld to think rbsml we ought Nnybyx not 0l
of a son of man 0$nrbd & by the knowledge 0t(dybw by the skill 0twnmw0b carved 0pylgd
The Godhead 0twhl0 is like 0ymd
this 0nh & at time 0nbzbw God 0hl0 has banished rb(0 of deception 0twy(+d for ryg times 0nbz 30
man $n0 that every lkd the children of men 0$nynb all of them Nwhlkl commands dqpm
shall repent bwtn place 0kwd in every lkb
in which hbd the day 0mwy He has appointed Myq0d because l+m 31
in righteousness 0twn0kb the whole hlk the earth 0(r0 to judge Nwdnd He is going dyt(
He designated $rpd Whom 0ny0 The Man 0rbg by dyb
to His faithfulness htwnmyhl man $n0 every lkl He has turned ynp0w
of the dead 0tym the place tyb from Nm in that He has raised Him hmyq0db
of the dead 0tym the place tyb from Nmd the resurrection 0tmyq they heard w(m$ & when dkw 32
saying Nyrm0 & some Nwhnmw were wwh mocking Nyqymm some of them Nwhnm
this 0dh about l( you Kl we shall hear Nny(m$ another Nyrx0 time Nbzb were wwh
among them Nwhtnyb from Nm Paulus swlwp went out qpn & so 0nkhw 33
& believed wnmyhw joined him yhwpqn of them Nwhnm & some Ny$n0w 34
Dionysius swyswnyd was 0wh he yhwty0 of them Nwhnm but Nyd one dx
one 0dx & woman 0ttn0w of Arios Pagos swgpswyr0d the Judges 0nyd from Nm
with them Nwhm( & others 0nrx0w Damaris syrmd was 0wh whose name hm$d

The Acts of The Apostles

Chapter 18
Athnos swnt0 from Nm Paulus swlwp went out qpn & when dkw 1
to Qorinthus swtnrwql to it hl he came 0t0
was 0wh whose name hm$d a Jew 0ydwhy one dx a man 0rbg there Nmt & he found xk$0w 2
the country 0rt0 Pontos sw+np from Nm was 0wh who yhwty0d Aqilos swlq0
of Italia 0yl+y0d the country 0rt0 from Nm had 0wh come 0t0 time 0nbz in that whb who in it hbd
Qlaudius swydwlq had 0wh ordered dqpd because l+m his wife httn0 & Prisqila 0lqsyrpw he wh
Rome 0mwhr from Nm the Jews 0ydwhy all Nwhlk to leave Nwqpnd Qesar rsq
to them Nwhtwl & he came brqt0w
stayed 0r$ he was 0wh of their craft Nwhtwnmw0 a son rbd & because l+mw 3
with them Nwhm( he was 0wh & working xlpw with them Nwhtwl he hl
they were wwh tentmakers 0rlwl for Nyd in their craft Nwhtwnmw0b
Sabbath 0b$ on every lkb in the synagogues 0t$wnkb he was 0wh & speaking llmmw 4
& pagans 0pnxlw the Jews 0ydwhyl he was 0wh & persuading sypmw
Shila 0ly$ Maqedonia 0ynwdqm from Nm had wwh come wt0 & when dkw 5
Paulus swlwp he wh in the word 0tlmb was 0wh constrained cyl0 & Timotheos sw0tmy+w
the Jews 0ydwhy against him hlbwql were wwh standing Nymyqd because l+m
to them Nwhl he was 0wh testifying dhsm when dk they were wwh & blaspheming Nypdgmw
The Messiah 0xy$m is wywh that Yeshua (w$yd
now 0$h from Nm to them Nwhl & said rm0w his clothes yhwn0m & he shook cpnw 6
the Gentiles 0mm( to twl myself yl I 0n0 go lz0 I 0n0 am clean 0kd I 0n0
of a man 0rbgd the house htybl & entered l(w there Nmt from Nm & he left qpnw 7

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

God 0hl0 of Nm was 0wh who a worshiper lxdd one 0ny0 Titus sw++ whose name was hm$d
to the synagogue 0t$wnkl was 0wh joined Pyqn & his house htybw
in our Lord Nrmb was 0wh trusting Nmyh of the synagogue 0t$wnk Leader br & Krispus swpsyrkw 8
& many 00ygsw all of them Nwhlk of his household htyb & the children ynbw he was wh
in God 0hl0b & were trusting Nynmyhmw were wwh listening Ny(m$ Qorithians 0ytnrwq
& they were being baptized Nydm(w
to Paulus swlwpl in a vision 0wzxb Jehovah 0yrm & said rm0w 9
be silent qwt$t & not 0lw speak llm but 0l0 be afraid lxdt do not 0l
harm you Ktwrhml can xk$m not 0l & a man $n0w am 0n0 with you Km( I 0n0d because l+m 10
this 0dh in city 0tnydmb for Me yl are ty0 many 00ygs & people 0m(w
six 0t$ & months 0xryw one 0dx year 0tn$ but Nyd he was 0wh sat bty 11
of God 0hl0d the word 0tlm them Nwhl he was 0wh & teaching Plmw in Qorinthus swtnrwqb
of Akaia 0y0k0d Proconsul sw+pwtn0 Galion Nwyl0g was 0wh there yhwty0 & when dkw 12
Paulus swlwp against l( the Jews 0ydwhy as one 0dxk0 gathered w$nkt0
the judgment seat Myb before Mdq & they brought him yhwyty0w
the Law 0swmn of Nm outside rbl This one 0nhd they were saying Nyrm0 as dk 13
God 0hl0l worshiping Nylxd to be Nwwhnd the children of men 0$nynbl persuades sypm
& speak llmnw his mouth hmwp to open xtpnd Paulus swlwp had 0wh requested 0(b & when dkw 14
of wickedness $ybd a matter Mdm about l( if wl0 to the Jews 0ydwhyl Galion Nwyl0g said rm0
you are Nwtywh accusing Nygr+qm hateful 0nsd or w0 of fraud lyknd or w0
you Nwkl I would tywh receive lbqm on the merit 0tylwb Jews 0ydwhy Oh! w0
or about l(w a discourse 0tlm about l( are Nwn0 the charges 0m+z but Nyd if N0 15
know Ny(dy you Nwtn0 your Nwklyd law 0swmn or about l(w names 0hm$
I 0n0 want 0bc not 0l for ryg I 0n0 among yourselves Nwktnyb do Nwtn0
matters 0twbc of these Nylhd judge 0nyd to be 0wh0d
his hlyd judgment seat Myb from Nm them Nwn0 & he expelled dr+w 16
an Elder 0$y$q Sosthenis syntswsl the pagans 0pnx all of them Nwhlk they were wwh & seizing wdx0w 17
before Mdq him hl were wwh & beating Nyxmw of the synagogue 0t$wnkd
these things Nylhb was 0wh overlooking 0mhm & Galion Nwyl0gw the judgment seat Myb
he bid bhy many 00ygs days 0tmwy there Nmt Paulus swlwp was 0wh & when dkw 18
to Syria 0yrwsl to go lz0nd in the sea 0myb & journeyed 0drw to the brethren 0x0l farewell 0ml$
he shaved rps when dk & Aqilos swlq0w Prisqila 0lqsyrp with him hm( & came wt0w
himself hl he had 0wh vowed rydn a vow 0rdnd because of l+m in Qenkreos s0rknqb his head h$r
the synagogue 0t$wnkl Paulus swlwp & entered l(w at Ephesus swsp0l & he arrived wy+mw 19
the Jews 0ydwhy with M( he was 0wh & speaking llmmw
from him hnm they were wwh & asking Ny(bw 20
he consented syp+t0 & not 0lw with them Nwhtwl to tarry rgnd
that comes 0t0d that feast 0d0(d always ty0nym0 for me yl it is necessary 0lwd said rm0 when dk 21
I shall return 0np0 wills 0bcn God 0hl0 & if N0w to observe yhwydb(0 in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b
in Ephesus swsp0b them Nwn0 he left qb$ & Prisqila 0lqsyrplw & Aqilos swlq0lw to you Nwktwl again bwt
to Qesaria 0yrsql & came 0t0w by the sea 0myb traveled 0dr & he whw 22
of the church 0td( of the sons ynbd the peace 0ml$b & invoked l0$w & came up qlsw
to Antiokai ykwy+n0l to it hl & he went on lz0w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

notable 0(ydy the days 0tmwy there Nmt he was 0wh & when dkw 23
in the countries 0rt0b after another rtb one rtb & traveled Krkt0w he went out qpn
establishing Myqm when dk & of Phrygia 0ygwrpdw of Galatia 0y+lgd
the disciples 0dymlt all of Nwhlkl he was 0wh
Apollo wlp0 was 0wh whose name hm$d one dx & man 0rbgw 24
Alexandria 0yrdnskl0 from Nm a native hmhw+ was 0wh who yhwty0d a Jew 0ydwhy
he was 0wh familiar qdmw in the word 0tlmb he was 0wh & instructed 0drw
to Ephesus swsp0l he came 0t0 with the scriptures 0btkb
of Jehovah 0yrmd the way hxrw0l had been 0wh taught dmltm this 0nh 25
& teaching Plmw he was 0wh & speaking llmmw in spirit xwrb he was 0wh & fervent xtrw
known (dy not 0l anything Mdm when dk Yeshua (w$y about l( thoroughly ty0ylm
of Yokhanan Nnxwyd the baptism 0tydwm(m only N0 but 0l0 he had 0wh
in the synagogue 0t$wnkb speaking llmm in the public 0lgb eye Ny( & he began yr$w 26
brought him yhwyty0 & Prisqila 0lqsyrpw Aqilos swlq0 they heard him yhw(m$ & when dkw
of Jehovah 0yrmd the way hxrw0 showed him yhwywx & thoroughly ty0ylmw unto them Nwhtybl
the brethren 0x0 they exhorted yhw+px to Akaia 0y0k0l to go lz0nd he wanted 0bc & when dkw 27
he went lz0 & when dkw to receive him yhynwlbqnd to the disciples 0dymltl & wrote wbtkw
the believers 0nmyhm all of Nwhlkl grace 0twby+ by dyb many ygs he helped rd(
the Jews 0ydwhy contrary to lbqwl he was 0wh instructing $rd for ryg powerfully ty0pyqt 28
scripture 0btk from Nm he was 0wh showing 0wxm while dk the crowds 0$nk before Mdq
He is wh that The Messiah 0xy$md Yeshua (w$y concerning l(
The Acts of The Apostles
Chapter 19
Paulus swlwp went about Krkt0 in Qorinthus swtnrwqb Apollo wlp0 was 0wh he yhwty0 & when dkw 1
was 0wh & questioning l0$mw to Ephesus swsp0l & came 0t0w upper 0yl( in the countries 0twrt0b
there Nmt whom he found xk$0d those Nyly0 the disciples 0dymltl
when you believed Nwtnmyhd from Nm Holy 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr you received Nwtlbq Have? N0d 2
there is ty0 if N0 Not even 0lp0w to him hl & they were saying Nyrm0w they answered wn(
by us Nl has been heard (ym$ Holy 0$dwqd a Spirit 0xwr
they were saying Nyrm0 were you baptized Nwtdm( & into what? 0nmbw to them Nwhl he said rm0 3
of Yokhanan Nnxwyd Into the baptism htydwm(mb
in the baptism 0tydwm(m baptized dm(0 Yokhanan Nnxwy Paulus swlwp to them Nwhl said rm0 4
he was 0wh telling rm0 while dk the people 0m(l of repentance 0twbytd
after him hrtb Who would come 0t0d in That One 0ny0b to believe Nwnmyhnd
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y Who is yhwty0d
in The Name hm$b they were baptized wdm( they heard w(m$ these things Nylh & when dkw 5
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd
of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr & came 0t0w Paulus swlwp a hand 0dy0 on them Nwhyl( & laid Msw 6
in various languages N$l N$lb they were wwh & speaking Nyllmmw upon them Nwhyl(
were wwh & prophesying Nybntmw
twelve rs(rt men 0$n0 all of them Nwhlk but Nyd were wwh they Nywh 7
he was 0wh & speaking llmmw the synagogues 0t$wnkl Paulus swlwp was 0wh & entering l(w 8
concerning l( he was 0wh & persuading sypmw three 0tlt months 0xry in the public 0lgb eye Ny(
of God 0hl0d the kingdom htwklm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& were disputing Nyrxtmw were wwh hardened Ny$qtm of them Nwhnm & some Ny$n0w 9
of Gentiles 0mm(d the assembly 0$nk before Mdq of God 0hl0d the way 0xrw0l & were reviling Nyxcmw
the disciples 0dymltl from them Nwhnm separated $rpw Paulus swlwp left qxr0 then Nydyh
in the school 0lwks0b with them Nwhm( he was 0wh speaking llmm & every day Mwylkw
Turanos swnrw+ whose name hm$d of a man 0rbgd
heard w(m$d until 0md( two Nytrt years Nyn$ continued twh & this 0dhw 10
in Asia 0ys0b who dwelt Nyrm(d all of them Nwhlk of Jehovah 0yrmd the word 0tlm
& The Aramaeans 0ymr0w The Jews 0ydwhy
of Paulus swlwpd by the hand hdy0b God 0hl0 was 0wh doing db( great 0brwr & miracles 0lyxw 11
his body hm$wg upon l(d the robe 0txn from Nm also P0d thus 0nkh 12
the sick 0hyrk on l( & placed Nymysw were wwh brought Nytym rags 0(qwr or w0 napkins 0rdws
the diseases 0nhrwk from them Nwhnm they were wwh & departing Nyqrpw
were wwh coming out Nyqpn demons 0d0$ also P0w
Jews 0ydwhy men 0$n0 also P0 but Nyd there were wwh some wbc 13
demons 0d0$ of l( & exorcists Nymwmw were wwh who going around Nykrktmd those Nyly0
those Nyly0 over l( Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd in The Name hm$b exorcizing Nwmwnd
they were wwh saying Nyrm0 as dk foul 0tpn+ a spirit 0xwr in them Nwhl had ywh who ty0d
of Yeshua (w$yd in The Name hm$b you Nwkl we exorcize Nnymwm
Paulus swlwp preaches zrkmd Whom 0ny0
one dx of man 0rbgd sons yhwnb seven 0(b$ but Nyd were 0wh there ty0 14
Sqewa 0wqs was 0wh whose name hm$d Priest 0nhk Chief br a Jew 0ydwhy
this 0dh were wwh who doing Nydb(d
to them Nwhl & said rm0w evil 0$yb this wh demon 0d0$ answered 0n(w 15
I 0n0 know (dy & Paulus swlwplw I 0n0 know (dwt$m Yeshua (w$yl
are Nwtn0 who? Nm but Nyd you Nwtn0
in him hb had 0wh who ty0d that wh man 0rbg upon them Nwhyl( & jumped rw$w 16
them Nwn0 & threw down lp$w them Nwhyl( & overpowered lyxt0w evil 0t$yb a spirit 0xwr
that wh house 0tyb from Nm they fled wqr( & wounded Ny(y(pw they were stripped Nyxyl$ & when dkw
& the Aramaeans 0ymr0w the Jews 0ydwhy to all of Nwhlkl became twh known t(dyt0 & this 0dhw 17
all of them Nwhlk upon l( fear 0tlxd & fell tlpnw in Ephesus swsp0b dwelling Nyrm(d
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our lord Nrmd The Name hm$ was 0wh & exalted Mrmrtmw
who believed wnmyhd those Nyly0 of Nm & many 00ygsw 18
their wrong doing Nwhtwlks & relating Ny(t$mw were wwh coming Nyt0
they were wwh that doing Nydb(d the things Mdmb & they were confessing Nydwmw
& brought wyty0w their books Nwhybtk gathered w$nk sorcerers 0$rx also P0 but Nyd many 00ygs 19
& they calculated wb$xw everyone $nlk before Mdq them Nwn0 they burned wdqw0
five x $mx 10,000 0twbr silver pieces 0psk & it came up qlsw their price Nwhymd
was twh increasing in power 0pqt great 0br with power 0lyxb & thus 0nkhw 20
of God 0hl0d the faith htwnmyh & growing 0ygsw
Paulus swlwp set Ms these things Nylh were done Mlt$0 but Nyd when dk 21
& in Akaia 0y0k0bw Maqedonia 0ynwdqm in all hlkb to journey Krktnd in his mind hny(rb
I have gone tlz0d When 0md & he said rm0w to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l & to go] lz0nw
I shall see 0zx0 Rome ymwhr that also P0d for me yl it is necessary 0lw there Nmtl
those Nwnh of Nm men Ny$n0 two Nyrt he 0wh &sent rd$w 22

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to Maqedonia 0ynwdqml to him hl were wwh who ministering Ny$m$md

in Asia 0ys0b a time 0nbz stayed ywq but Nyd he wh & Erastus sw+sr0lw Timotheos sw0tmy+l
great 00ygs commotion 0y$wg$ time 0nbz at that whb but Nyd was 0wh there 0wh 23
of God 0hl0d the way hxrw0 about l(
one dx silver 0m0s worker db( there Nmt but Nyd was 0wh there ty0 24
shrines 0swn was 0wh who making db(d Demetrius swyr+md was 0wh whose name hm$d
of his craft htwnmw0 the sons ynbl he was 0wh & enriching rtwmw for Artemis sym+r0l of silver 0m0sd
great 0br with profit 0nrtwy
all of them Nwhlk of his craft htwnmw0 sons ynbl them Nwn0 gathered $nk this one 0nh 25
to them Nwhl & said rm0w with them Nwhm( who worked Nyxlpd & those Nyly0lw
all hlk that our profit Ntrwg0td you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy men 0rbg
work 0nxlwp is yh this 0nh from Nm
are Nwtn0 & seeing Nyzxw are Nwtn0 hearing Ny(m$ you Nwtn0 also P0w 26
also P0 but 0l0 Ephesus swsp0 sons of ynbl alone dwxlb are 0wh that not 0ld
Paulus swlwp this 0nh has persuaded syp0 Asia 0ys0 of all hlkd the multitudes 00gwsl
those Nwnh are Nwn0 gods 0hl0 that not wld he said rm0 when dk & turned away Kph0w
are made Nydb(tm children of men 0$nynb which by hands of ydy0bd
& finished 0l+bw is exposed 0ysrptm only dwxlb matter 0twbc this 0dh neither wlw 27
great 0tbr the godess 0thl0 of Artemis sym+r0d the temple 0lkyh is wh also P0 but 0l0
godess 0thl0 this yh also P0w a thing Mdm not 0l as Ky0 to her hl is reckoned b$xtm
is despised 0+y$tm her hl worship Nydgs nations 0mm( & all Nwhlkw Asia 0ys0 whom all hlkd
with rage 0tmx they were filled wylmt0 these things Nylh they heard w(m$ & when dkw 28
of the Ephesians 0ysp0d Artemis sym+r0 is yh great 0br & were saying Nyrm0w were wwh & crying Ny(qw
& they went wlz0w as one 0dxk0 & they ran w+hrw city 0tnydm the entire hlk & was stirred up t$gt$0w 29
Gaius swy0gl with them Nwhm( they brought wlbw0 & took by force wp+xw to the theater Nwr+0tl
of Paulus swlwpd companions htywl sons of ynb Maqedonians 0ynwdqm men 0rbg & Aristarkus swkr+sr0lw
the theater Nwr+0tl to enter lw(nd had 0wh wanted 0bc & Paulus swlwpw 30
the disciples 0dymlt & restrained him yhw0lkw
they did wwh love him yhwmxrd because l+m of Asia 0ys0d the Rulers 0$r also P0w 31
himself h$pn to give ltn not 0ld of him hnm & begged w(b they sent wrd$
the theater Nwr+0tl to enter lw(nd
very b+ in the theater Nwr+0tb were wwh that ty0d but Nyd the crowds 0$nk 32
were wwh shouting Ny(q other 0tynrx0 & each 0nrx0w they were wwh chaotic Ny$yg$
were wwh knowing Ny(dy not 0l of of them Nwhnm for ryg many 00ygs
they had assembled w$nkt0 what? 0nm because of l+m
were wwh who ty0d of the Jews 0ydwhyd but Nyd the people 0m( 33
whose name hm$d a Jew 0ydwhy a man 0rbgl of them Nwhnm they put forth wmyq0 there Nmt
with his hand hdy0 he beckoned Pyn0 he arose Mq & when dkw Alexandrus swrdnskl0
to the people 0m(l a defense 0xwr to put forth qwpnd he 0wh & wanted 0bcw
all of them Nwhlk shouted w(q he was wh a Jew 0ydwhyd they knew w(dy & when dkw 34
Artemis sym+r0 is yh Great 0brd two Nytrt hours Ny($ about Ky0 voice 0lq in one dxb
of the Ephesians 0ysp0d
he said rm0 when dk of the city 0tnydmd the governor 0$r them Nwn0 pacified yl$w 35
the children of men 0$nynb of Nm for ryg who? wnm Ephesians 0ysp0 men 0rbg

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of the Ephesians 0ysp0d the city 0tnydml knows (dy who not 0ld
& the image hmlclw great 0tbr of Artemis sym+r0d is yh of the temple worship 0trmwkd
descended txn Heaven 0ym$ that from Nmd
can xk$m not 0l a man $n0 this 0dh against lbqwld therefore lykh because l+m 36
& not 0lw quiet Nyl$ to be Nwwhtd for you Nwkl it is necessary 0lw speak rm0ml
in haste 0bhrwsb anything Mdm do Nwdb(t
not 0l when dk these Nylh men 0rbgl for ryg you have brought Nwtyty0 37
our godess Nthl0l have reviled wyxc neither 0lw have robbed wclx temples 0lkyh
to them Nwhl are ty0 of his trade htwnmw0 & the fellows ynbw Demetrius swyr+md this 0nh but Nyd if N0 38
in the city 0tnydmb Proconsuls sw+pwtn0 behold 0h any $n0 with M( a judgment 0nyd
another dx with M( one dx & dispute Nwnwdnw let them approach Nwbrqn are Nwn0 skilled 0nmw0
you Nwtn0 seek Ny(b else Nyrx0 anything Mdmd there is wh & if N0w 39
the law 0swmn from Nm what is granted 0byhyd instead of 0tkwdb
shall be dismissed 0rt$m the assembly 0y$wnkl
we stand Nnymyq in danger swnydnqb now 0$h also P0d because l+m 40
we shall be able Nnyxk$m that not 0ld seditious 0$wg$ as Ky0 to be accused 0$rtnd
this 0nh which day 0mwyd the crowd 0$nk for l( a defense 0xwr to offer qwpnd
& we are in an uproar N$gt$0w uselessly ty0l+b because we have assembled N$nkt0d
a cause 0tl( without 0ld
the crowds 0$nkl he dismissed 0r$ he had said rm0 these things Nylh & when dkw 41
The Acts of The Apostles
Chapter 20
the disciples 0dymltl Paulus swlwp called 0rq the uproar 0y$wg$ ceased yl$d & after rtbw 1
& departing qpnw them Nwn0 & kissed q$nw them Nwn0 & comforted 0ybw
0to Maqedonia 0ynwdqml to it hl he went lz0
them Nwn0 & comforted 0ybw these Nylh regions 0twrt0l them Nwn0 he had traveled Krkt0 & when dkw 2
the country 0rt0 to Greece slhl to it hl he came 0t0 many 0t0ygs with words 0lmb
against him yhwl( but Nyd made wdb( months Nyxry three 0tlt there Nmt & he was 0whw 3
to leave lz0ml he was 0wh going dyt( when dk the Jews 0ydwhy a plot 0lkn
to Maqedonia 0ynwdqml to it hl to return Kwphnd & he planned b$xt0w for Syria 0yrwsl
who from Nmd Supatros swr+pws Asia 0ys0l unto 0md( with him hm( & went out wqpnw 4
& Sequndus swdnwqsw Aristarkus swkr+sr0w the city 0tnydm Berea 00wrb
the city 0tnydm Derbe 0brd who from Nmd & Gaios swy0gw Thessaloniqa 0qynwlst who from Nmd
Asia 0ys0 & from Nmw Lystra 0r+swl who from Nmd & Timotheos sw0tmy+w
& Trophimos swmypwr+w Tykiqos swqykw+
in Troas s0wr+b for us Nl & waited wywqw before us Nymdq went wlz0 these Nylh 5
of Maqedonia 0ynwdqmd the city 0tnydm Phillipus swpylyp from Nm departed Nqpn but Nyd we Nnx 6
& came Nyt0w by sea 0myb & went Nydrw of unleavened bread 0ry+pd the days 0tmwy after rtb
seven 0(b$ days 0tmwy there Nmt & remained Nywhw five 0$mx days 0tmwyl to Troas s0wr+l
to break 0cqnd we assembled Nny$ynk when dk in the week 0b$b first dxd & the day 0mwybw 7
Paulus swlwp with them Nwhm( was 0wh speaking llmm the Eucharist 0y+srkw0
to go out qwpnd he was 0wh going dyt( next 0nrx0 the day 0mwyld because l+m
night 0ylld mid hglpl until 0md( speaking wllmml he 0wh & prolonged rg0w himself hl

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of fire 0rwnd lamps 0d0pml there Nmt were 0wh & there ty0w 8
in it hb we were Nywh where gathered Ny$ynkd that yh in an upper room 0tyl(b many 00ygs
was 0wh whose name hm$d one dx a young man 0myl( was 0wh & sitting btyw 9
deep 0tryqy into sleep 0tn$b & he sank (b+w & he listened (m$w in a window 0twkb Eutikus swk+w0
fell lpn & in his sleep htn$bw Paulus swlwp in the message 0tlmb had 0wh prolonged rg0 when dk
dead tym as dk & was taken up lqt$0w stories Nyrydm three 0tlt from Nm he 0wh
& said rm0w & embraced him hqp(w him hnm over l(l & fell lpn Paulus swlwp & came down txnw 10
is yh in him hb his soul h$pnd because l+m be troubled Nw(yztt not 0l
speaking llmm & was 0whw & ate M(+w bread 0mxl he broke 0cq but Nyd he came up qls when dk 11
by land 0$byb to depart lz0nd went out qpn & then Nydyhw dawn 0rpc arose qlsd until 0md(
alive yx being dk the youth 0myl(l & they brought him yhwrbdw 12
greatly ty0brwr with him hb & they rejoiced wydxw
& we sailed Nydrw to the ship 0pl0l we went down Ntxn but Nyd we Nnx 13
there Nmt that from Nmd because l+m of Thesos swstd to the port 0d(wl
for ryg thus 0nkh Paulus swlwpl to receive yhwylbqnd were Nywh we prepared Nydyt(
by land 0$byb he wh had 0wh gone on lz0 when dk us Nl he 0wh commanded dqp
we took him yhynlq$ Thesos swst from Nm we received him yhynlbq but Nyd when dk 14
to Mitolina 0nylw+yml & we came Nyt0w into the ship 0pl0b
Kios swyk next to lbqwl we sailed Nydr next 0nrx0 the day 0mwyl there Nmt & from Nmw 15
to Samos swmsl we came Nyt0 next 0nrx0 the day 0mwyl & again bwtw the isle 0trzg
next 0nrx0 & the day 0mwylw in Trogulion Nwylgwr+b & we stayed Nywqw
to Miletus sw+ylyml we came Nyt0
to pass it hyrb(nd to Paulus swlwpl for ryg to him hl it was 0wh determined qysp 16
hurrying bhrsmd because l+m there Nmt he hl be delayed rxwt$n lest 0mld to Ephesus swsp0l
of Penteqosta 0+swq+npd the day 0mwy he were able 0xk$m that if N0d he was 0wh
he would keep it yhwydb(n in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b
sending rd$ Miletus sw+ylym from Nm & from it hnmw 17
of Ephesus swsp0d of the church 0td(d the Elders 0$y$ql he brought yty0
aware Ny(dy you Nwtn0 to them Nwhl he said rm0 to him htwl they came wt0 & when dkw 18
Asia 0ys0l when I entered tl(d first 0ymdq the day 0mwy that from Nmd are Nwtn0
the time 0nbz all hlk with you Nwkm( I have been tywh how 0nky0
much 0t0ygs in humility 0twkykmb God 0hl0l I 0n0 served xlp as dk 19
have wwh that come Nyd(d those Nyly0 & in trials 0nwysnbw & in tears 0(mdbw
of the Jews 0ydwhyd by the treachery Nwhylknb upon me yl(
was 0wh that useful xqpd anything Mdmb I have neglected tysb & not 0lw 20
& to teach Pl0w to you Nwkl to preach zrk0d for your souls Nwkt$pnl
& in houses 0tbbw in the marketplace 0qw$b
& to the Aramaeans 0ymr0lw to the Jews 0ydwhyl I was tywh testifying dhsm while dk 21
God 0hl0 which is in the presence of twld returning home 0twbyt about l(
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y which is in our Lord Nrmbd & faith 0twnmyhw
by The Spirit 0xwrb am 0n0 shackled rys0 I 0n0 & now 0$hw 22
I 0n0 know (dy & not 0lw to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l I 0n0 & go on lz0w
in it hb me yl will meet (r0 what? 0nm

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city 0nydm in every lkb of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr however Mrb 23
& afflictions 0nclw0w Chains 0rws0d & says rm0w to me yl He testifies dhsm
for you Kl are prepared Nydyt(
anything Mdm my life y$pn is considered 0by$x not 0l to me yl but 0l0 24
& the ministry 0t$m$tw my race course y+hr that I may finish Ml$0d so Ky0
Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm from Nm which I received tlbqd
of God 0hl0d of the grace htwby+d the Gospel 0trbs of l( to testify dhs0d
my face ypwcrp that again bwtd I 0n0 know (dy I 0n0 & now 0$hw 25
among whom I have gone tkrkt0d those Nyly0 all of you Nwklk you Nwtn0 will see Nyzx not 0l
the kingdom 0twklm to you Nwkl & I preached tzrk0
today 0nmwyd the day 0mwy to you Nwkl I 0n0 testify dhsm this 0nh & because of l+mw 26
of you all Nwklkd the blood 0md of Nm I 0n0 that am pure 0kdd
of God 0hl0d the will hnybc all hlk to show you Nwk(dw0d I have declined tl0t$0 for ryg not 0l 27
that yh flock 0ty(rm & to the whole hlkbw to yourselves Nwk$pnb therefore lykh pay attention wrhdz0 28
of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr in it hb which has appointed you Nwkmyq0d
of God 0hl0d the church htd(l to shepherd Nw(rtd Overseers 0pwqsp0
with His blood hmdb which He bought hnqd that yh
will enter Nwl(n I 0n0 go lz0d after rtb that from Nmd I 0n0 know (dy I 0n0 29
the flock 0ty(rm on l( have pity Nysyx that not 0ld powerful 0pyqt wolves 0b0d with you Nwkm(
speaking yllmm men 0rbg will arise Nwmwqn your own Nwklyd some of you Nwknm also P0w 30
after them Nwhrtb to go Nwlz0nd the disciples 0dymltl to turn Nwkphnd so as Ky0 perversions 0tmq(m
& remember Nydyh(w vigilant Nyry( you be Nwtywh this 0nh because of l+m 31
& by day 0mmy0bw by night 0yllb I have been silent tyl$ not 0l three tlt that years 0yn$d
of you Nwknm man $n0 each $n0l I 0n0 warning 0trm with tears 0(mdb while dk
& to the word 0tlmlw to God 0hl0l you Nwkl I 0n0 commit l(gm & now 0$hw 32
& to give 0bhyw you Nwkl to build up 0ynb able 0xk$m which is yhd of His grace htwby+d
the holy ones 0$ydq all of them Nwhlk with M( an inheritance 0ntrwy to you Nwkl
I have coveted tgr not 0l apparel 0txn or w0 gold 0bhd or w0 silver 0psk 33
& to those Nyly0lw that to my needs ytwqynsld do Nwtn0 know Ny(dy & you Nwtn0w 34
my hands ydy0 these Nylh have ministered $m$ with me ym( that are ty0d
that thus 0nkhd I have shown you Nwktywx & everything Mdmlkw 35
for those Nyly0d & to be concerned Pc0mlw to labor 00lml it is necessary 0lw
Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd the words yhwlm & to remember wdh(mlw who are weak Nyhyrkd
who gives bhyd to him 0ny0l His blessing yhwbw+d said rm0 He whd because l+m
who receives bsnd to him 0ny0 than Nm more ryty
his knees yhwkrwb on l( he knelt d(q he said rm0 these things Nylh & when dkw 36
with him hm( the men 0$n0 & all Nwhlkw & he prayed ylcw
among all of them Nwhlkb great 0tbr weeping 0tkb & there was twhw 37
him hl they were wwh & kissing Nyq$nmw & they embraced him yhwqp(w
word 0tlm that yh about l( they were wwh pained Nyqnt$m but Nyd all the more ty0ryty 38
to see Nwzxnd we are going Nydyt( again bwt that not 0ld which he said rm0d
the ship 0pl0l unto 0md( & they accompanied him yhwywlw his face hpwcrp
The Acts of The Apostles

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Chapter 21
to Qo wql straight ty0cyrt & we traveled Nydrw from them Nwhnm & we parted N$rpw 1
to Rodus swdwrl we came Nyt0 the next 0nrx0 & the day 0mwylw the isle 0trzg
to Patara 0r+0pl there Nmt & from Nmw
to Phoniqa 0qynwpl going 0lz0d a ship 0pl0 there Nmt & we found Nxk$0w 2
& we sailed Nydrw it hl & we boarded Nqlsw
& we left it hnqb$w the island 0trzg Qupros swrpwq to twl as far as 0md( & we came Ny+mw 3
there Nmt & from Nmw to Syria 0yrwsl & we came Nyt0w to the left 0lmsl
for it hl was 0wh it ty0 for ryg there Nmt at Tsor rwcl we arrived Ny+m
its cargo hn(+ to unload wxnml for the ship 0pl0l
with them Nwhtwl we stayed Nywq disciples 0dymlt there Nmt we found Nxk$0 & when dkw 4
every day Mwylk were wwh saying Nyrm0 & these Nylhw seven 0(b$ days 0tmwy
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l to go lz0n not 0ld by The Spirit xwrb to Paulus swlwpl
to go lz0nd we went out Nqpn days 0tmwy these Nylh after rtb & from Nmw 5
those Nwnh all of them Nwhlk us Nl they were wwh & following Nywlmw by a road 0xrw0b
of Nm the outside rbl unto 0md( & their children Nwhynbw & their wives Nwhy$nw
their knees Nwhykrwb on l( & they knelt wd(qw the city 0tnydm
& they prayed wylcw the sea 0my the side of dy by l(
the ship 0pl0l & we boarded Nqlsw one another 0ddxl & we kissed Nq$nw 6
to their homes Nwhytbl they Nwnh & returned wkphw
the city 0tnydm to Ako wk(l & we came Nyt0w Tsor rwc from Nm journeyed Nydr but Nyd we Nnx 7
there Nmtd to the brethren 0x0l greeting 0ml$ & we gave Nbhyw
one dx day 0mwy with them Nwhyd0c & we lodged Nyr$w
to Qesaria 0yrsql & came Nyt0w we departed Nqpn next 0nrx0 & the day 0mwylw 8
the evangelist 0nrbsm of Phillipus swpylypd in the house htybb we lodged Nyr$ & we entered Nl(w
the seven 0(b$ of Nm was 0wh who yhwty0d him 0ny0
four (br0 virgin 0tlwtb daughters 0tnb to him hl was ywh & there ty0w 9
did ywh who prophesy Nybntmd
had 0wh come down txn many 00ygs days 0tmwy there Nmt we were Nyty0 & when dkw 10
Agabus swbg0 was 0wh whose name hm$d one dx prophet 0ybn Judea dwhy from Nm
of the waist yhwcxd the leather tie 0tqr( & took away lq$w to us Ntwl & he entered l(w 11
& said rm0w & his hands yhwdy0w of himself h$pnd the feet 0lgr & tied rs0w of Paulus swlwpd
The man 0rbgd of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr says rm0 thus 0nkh
will bind him hnwrs0n thus 0nkh this 0dh of leather belt 0tqr(d owner hrm
the Gentiles 0mm( into the hands of ydy0b & deliver him hnwml$nw in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b the Jews 0ydwhy
of him hnm we begged Ny(b we heard N(m$ words 0lm these Nylh & when dkw 12
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l he would go] lz0n that not 0ld the place 0rt0 & the sons of ynbw we Nnx
what? 0nm Paulus swlwp & said rm0w answered 0n( then Nydyh 13
my heart ybll it hl you Nwtn0 & break Nyqx$w you Nwtn0 that weep Nykbd you Nwtn0 are doing Nydb(
also P0 but 0l0 I am 0n0 ready by+m only dwxlb to be bound rs0t0d am 0wh not 0l for ryg I 0n0
Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd The Name hm$ for Plx in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b to die twm0d
to us Nl we ceased Nlhb by us Nl he was persuaded syp+t0 not 0l & when dkw 14
be done 0whn of our Lord Nrmd The will hnybcd & we said Nrm0w

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we prepared Nby+t0 these Nylh days 0tmwy & after rtbw 15

to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l to us Nl & we went up Nqlsw
Qesaria 0yrsq from Nm disciples 0dymlt men 0$n0 with us Nm( did wwh & come wt0w 16
of Nm one dx brother 0x0 with them Nwhm( they took Nyrybd when dk
Mnason Nwsnm was 0wh whose name hm$d first 0ymdq the disciples 0dymlt
into his house htybb to receive us Nlbqnd Qupros swrpwq from Nm was 0wh & he yhwty0w
gladly ty0ydx the brethren 0x0 received us Nwlbq to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l we came Nyt0 & when dkw 17
Yaqob bwq(y unto twl Paulus swlwp with M( we entered Nl( next 0nrx0 & the day 0mwylw 18
The Elders 0$y$q all of them Nwhlk with him htwl were 0wh there ty0 when dk
Paulus swlwp to them Nwhl was 0wh reporting 0(t$mw greeting 0ml$ to them Nwhl & we gave Nbhyw 19
among the Gentiles 0mm(b God 0hl0 did db(d that 0m everything lk in order rtb rtb
by his ministry ht$m$tb
to him hl & they said wrm0w God 0hl0l they praised wxb$ they heard w(m$ & when dkw 20
in Judea dwhyb are ty0 tens of thousands Nwbr how many 0mk our brother Nwx0 you tn0 see 0zx
of the Law 0swmnd are Nwn0 zealous 0nn+ these Nylh & all Nwhlkw who believe wnmyhd those Nyly0
you tn0 that teach Plmd about you Kyl( but Nyd to them Nwhl it has been told rm0t0 21
the Jews 0ydwhy all of them Nwhlk Moshe 0$wm from Nm to separate Nwqrpnd
circumcise Nyrzg they should Nwwhn that not 0ld you tn0 say rm0 while dk of the Gentiles 0mm(bd
walk Nyklhm they should Nwwhn of the Law 0swmnd by the custom 0dy(b & not 0lw their sons Nwhynb
this yh is heard 0(mt$md therefore lykh because l+m 22
here 0kl that have come tyt0d to them Nwhl
with us Nl there are ty0 you Kl that we tell Nnyrm0d the thing Mdm do db( 23
to purify Nwkdtnd themselves Nwhl who have vowed rydnd four 0(br0 men 0rbg
& pay qp0w with them Nwhm( be purified 0kdt0 & go lzw them Nwn0 take rbd 24
their heads Nwhy$r to shave Nw(rgnd so as Ky0 the cost 0tqpn with them Nwhyl(
about you Kyl( was spoken rm0t0d that what Mdmd to everyman $nlkl & it will be known 0(dytmw
& keep r+nw you tn0 fulfill Ml$ the Law 0swmnl & you tn0w is wh false lgd
we Nnx the Gentiles 0mm( of Nm who believe wnmyhd but Nyd those Nyly0 on l( 25
from Nm themselves Nwh$pn keep Nyr+n that they would Nwwhnd have written Nbtk
strangled things 0qynx & from Nmw fornication 0twynz & from Nmw what is sacrificed 0xybdd
blood 0md & from Nmw
these Nylh men 0rbgl them Nwn0 took rbd Paulus swlwp then Nydyh 26
& went lz0 & entered l(w with them Nwhm( & was purified ykdt0w next 0nrx0 the day 0mwyl
of the days 0tmwyd the end 0ylwm them Nwhl showing (dwm when dk to the temple 0lkyhl
an offering 0nbrwq was offered brqt0d until 0md( of purification 0tykdtd
of them Nwhnm man $n0 of each $n0d
Asia 0ys0 of Nmd the Jews 0ydwhy seventh 0(b$d the day 0mwy arrived y+m & when dkw 27
the people 0m( against him yhwl( & they incited wyrgw in the temple 0lkyhb saw him yhw0zx
hands 0ydy0 upon him yhwl( & they laid wymr0w all hlk
of Israel lyrsy0 sons ynb men 0rbg & they were saying Nyrm0w they appealed Nyngbm as dk 28
teaching Plm our Nlyd people 0m( who opposes lbqwld the man 0rbg is wh this 0nh help wrd(
this 0nh place 0rt0 & against lbqwlw the law 0swmn & against lbqwlw place 0kwd in every lkb
place 0rt0l & has defiled hbysw to the temple 0lkyhl he brought l(0 an Aramaean 0ymr0l also P0w
holy 0$ydq this 0nh
Trophimus smypwr+l with him hm( seen wzx for ryg they had wwh before wmdq 29

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that with M(d they were wwh & supposing Nyrbsw in the city 0tnydmb an Ephesian 0ysp0
the temple 0lkyhl he had entered l( Paulus swlwp
the people 0m( all hlk & assembled w$nkt0w the city 0tnydm all hlk & was stirred up t$gt$0w 30
of Nm outside rbl & they dragged him yhwrgw Paulus swlwpl & they seized him yhwdx0w
the gates 0(rt were shut wdxtt0 a moment ht($ & son of rbw the temple 0lkyh
it was heard t(mt$0 to kill him hl+qml the crowd 0$nk was 0wh seeking 0(b & while dkw 31
the city 0tnydm that all hlkd of the regiment ryps0d by the Chiliarch 0krylkl
it hl had been disturbed t(yztt0
& soldiers 0+wy+r+s0lw a Centurion 0nwr+nql he took rbd a moment ht($ & son of rbw 32
the Chiliarch 0krylkl they saw wzx & when dkw unto them Nwhyl( & they ran w+hrw many 00ygs
Paulus swlwpl him hl they had wwh beating Nyxmd from Nm they ceased wlhb & the soldiers 0+wy+r+s0lw
& commanded dqpw & took him hdx0w the Chiliarch 0krylk to him htwl & came brqw 33
he was 0wh & asking l0$mw chains Nl$$ with two Nytrtb to bind him hnwrs0nd
he had done db( & what? 0nmw who he was? wnmd about him yhwl(
this Mdm the mob swlk0 from Nm men 0$n0 about him yhwl( were wwh & shouting Ny(qw 34
he was 0wh able xk$m not 0l their shouting Nwht(q & because of l+mw & that Mdm
he was 0wh & commanding dqpw the truth 0tryr$ was yh which 0dy0 to know (dml
to the encampment 0tyr$ml to bring him hnwlbwnd
carried him yhwn(+ the stairs 0grdl Paulus swlwp came to y+m & when dkw 35
of the people 0m(d the violence 0ry+q because of l+m the soldiers 0+wy+r+s0
many 00ygs the people 0m( after him hrtb for ryg were 0wh coming 0t0 36
hang him yhylwq$ & they were saying Nyrm0w they were wwh & shouting Ny(qw
Paulus swlwp he wh the encampment 0tyr$ml to enter l(ml he approached y+m & when dkw 37
with you Km( I shall speak llm0 me yl you tn0 allow spm if N0 to the Chiliarch 0krylkl said rm0
you? tn0 know (dy Greek ty0nwy to him hl said rm0 but Nyd he wh
these Nylh days 0tmwy who before Mdqd Egyptian 0yrcm that wh you tn0 are tywh not? 0l 38
thousand Nypl0 four 0(br0 to the wilderness 0rbdml & led tqp0w made a disturbance t(yz0
evil 0t$yb doers ydb( men 0rbg
a Jew 0ydwhy am 0n0 a man 0rbg I 0n0 Paulus swlwp to him hl said rm0 39
notable 0t(ydy the city 0tnydm of Qiliqia 0yqylyqd Tarsus swsr+ from Nm
of you Knm I 0n0 beg 0(b I 0n0 was born dyly in which hbd
to the people 0m(l speak wllmml me yl let sp0
the stairs 0grd on l( Paulus swlwp stood Mq him hl he allowed sp0 & when dkw 40
they were quiet wlhb & when dkw his hand hdy0 to them Nwhl was 0wh & motioning (yz0w
to them Nwhl & said rm0w in Aramaic ty0rb( with them Nwhm( he spoke llm

The Acts of The Apostles

Chapter 22
which is unto you Nwktwld my defense xwrb qpm hear w(m$ & fathers 0thb0w brothers 0x0 1
with them Nwhm( he was 0wh speaking llmm that Aramaic ty0rb(d they heard w(m$ & when dkw 2
to them Nwhl & he said rm0w they were quiet wlhb all the more ty0ryty
I 0n0 & was born

dylyw a Judean 0ydwhy am 0n0 a man 0rbg I 0n0 3


aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

I was raised tybrt0 of Qiliqia 0yqylyqd in Tarsus swsr+b

of the feet yhwlgr the side of bng by l( city 0tnydm in this 0dhb but Nyd
in the tradition 0swmnb perfectly ty0rymg & I was instructed tydrt0w of Gamaliel ly0ylmgd
of God 0hl0d zealous 0nn+ I am tywh & a being yty0w of our fathers Nthb0d
you are Nwkyty0 all of you Nwklk you Nwtn0 also P0d that 0m as Ky0
death 0twml unto 0md( I persecuted tpdr way 0xrw0 & this 0dhlw 4
to prison 0rys0 tybl I would tywh & deliver Ml$mw I would tywh bind rs0 as dk
& women 0$nw men 0rbg
& all Nwhlkw Priest 0nhk The High br of me yl( witnessed dhsd what 0m according to Ky0 5
to go lz0d warrants 0trg0 I received tlbq from whom Nwhnmd The Elders 0$y$q
those Nwnhl so that also P0d who are in Darmsuq qwsmrdbd the brethren 0x0 to twl
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l them Nwn0 I brought 0ty0 there Nmt were wwh who ty0d
capital 0$rb punishment Msm & they would receive Nwlbqnw prisoners Nyrys0 as dk
Darmsuq qwsmrdl I 0n0 approaching 0+mm & began tyr$w I was tywh going lz0 & when dkw 6
of Nm the quiet 0yl$ under tyxt from Nm day 0mwyd at mid hglpb
great 00ygs a light 0rhwn upon me yl( burst glz0 the Heavens 0ym$
to me yl was 0wh saying rm0d a voice 0lq & I heard t(m$w the land 0(r0 on l( & I fell tlpnw 7
Me yl you tn0 persecute Pdr why? 0nm Shaul lw0$ Shaul lw0$
my Lord yrm you tn0 who? Nm & I said trm0w I answered tyn( but Nyd I 0n0 8
the Nazarene 0yrcn Yeshua (w$y am wh I 0n0 to me yl said rm0 & he whw
are tn0 persecuting Pdr Whom you tn0d
the light 0rhwn they saw wzx with me ym( were wwh who ty0d & the men 0$n0w 9
with me ym( was 0wh speaking llmmd which whd they heard w(m$ not 0l but Nyd the voice 0lq
to me yl said rm0 & our Lord Nrmw my Lord yrm shall I do db(0 what? 0nm & I said trm0w 10
about l( with you Km( will be spoken llmtn & there Nmtw to Darmsuq qwsmrdl go lz rise Mwq
to do db(td to you Kl that will be commanded dqptmd thing Mdm every lk
because of l+m by me yl was 0wh seen 0zxtm nothing 0l & when dkw 11
by my hands ydy0b held me ynwdx0 that wh of light 0rhwnd the glory htxwb$t
to Darmsuq qwsmrdl & I went tl(w were wwh who with me ym(d they Nwnh
testifying Nydhsd as Ky0 in the Law 0swmnb righteous 0n0k Khanan Yah 0ynnx one dx & man 0rbgw 12
who were there Nmtd the Jews 0ydwhy all of them Nwhlk about him yhwl( they were wwh
brother yx0 Shaul lw0$ to me yl & said rm0w to me ytwl he came 0t0 13
were opened xtpt0 in the moment 0t($b in it hbw your eyes Kyny( open xtp
in it hb & I saw trxw my eyes yny(
to know (dml appointed you Kmyq0 of our fathers Nthb0d The God 0hl0 to me yl & said rm0w 14
& to hear (m$tw The Righteous One 0qydzl & to see 0zxtw His will hnybc
His mouth hmwp from Nm the voice 0lq
children of men 0$nynb all Nwhlk to twl a witness 0dhs to Him hl & you shall be 0whtw 15
& you have heard t(m$w you have seen tyzxd whatever 0m everything lwk about l(
be baptized dm( arise Mwq you tn0 wait rxwt$m why? 0nm now 0$hw 16
His Name hm$ you tn0 call 0rq while dk your sins Kyh+x from Nm & be cleansed 0kdt0w
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l here 0kl I came tyt0 & I returned tkphw 17
in the temple 0lkyhb & I prayed tylcw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to me yl he said rm0 as dk in a vision 0wzxb & I saw Him htyzxw 18

because l+m Jerusalem Ml$rw0 from Nm you Kl & depart qwpw hurry bhrts0
about Me yl(d your testimony Ktwdhs they receive Nylbqm that not 0ld
that I 0n0d know Ny(dy they Nwnh also P0 my Lord yrm said trm0 & I 0n0w 19
I have tywh & beaten 0xmw to prison 0rys0 tybl have tywh delivered Ml$m
in You Kb have wwh who believed Nynmyhmd those Nyly0l our synagogues N$wnk in all lkb
also P0w Your witness Kdhs of Estephanos snp+s0d the blood hmd was 0wh shed d$0tm & when dkw 20
to their will Nwhnybcl I was tywh & consenting Ml$w I was tywh standing M0q with them Nwhm( I 0n0
of those Nyly0d the garments 0n0m I was tywh & keeping r+nw who killed him yhwlw+qd
him hl were wwh who stoning Nymgrd
sending rd$m for I 0n0d go lz to me yl & He said rm0w 21
to the Gentiles 0mm(l to preach wzrkml far away 0qxwrl you Kl am 0n0
word 0tlm this 0dhl until 0md( Paulus swlwpl they heard him yhw(m$ & when dkw 22
the earth 0(r0 from Nm to lift up lqt$n & shouted w(qw their voice Nwhlq they raised wmyr0
to live 0xml for him hl it is right 0lw for ryg not 0l is wh who such 0nkhd one 0ny0
were wwh & throwing Nyd$mw they were wwh yelling Nyngbm & as dkw 23
toward Heaven 0ym$l dust 0lx they were wwh & casting up Nyqsmw their garments Nwhyn0m
to the encampment 0tyr$ml to take him hnwl(nd the Chiliarch 0krylk commanded dqp 24
to know (dnd so as Ky0 he be questioned l0t$n that by scourging 0dgnbd & ordered dqpw
against him yhwl( they were wwh crying out Ny(q cause 0tl( what? 0dy0 for l+m
Paulus swlwp he wh said rm0 with leather straps 0qr(b they had stretched him yhwxtm & when dkw 25
for you Nwkl is it allowed spm over him yhwl( was 0wh who standing M0qd to the Centurion 0nwr+nql
to scourge Nwdgntd condemned byxm who not 0ld a Roman 0ymwhr that a man 0rbgld
the Chiliarch 0krylk to twl he came brq The Centurion 0nwr+nq heard (m$ & when dkw 26
man 0rbg for ryg this 0nh you tn0 have done db( what? 0nm to him hl & said rm0w
is wh a Roman 0ymwhr
me yl tell rm0 to him hl & said rm0w The Chiliarch 0krylk to him htwl & came brqw 27
Yes Ny0 to him hl & he said rm0w you tn0 Roman 0ymwhr are? tn0
much 00ygs with money 0pskb I 0n0 & said rm0w The Chiliarch 0krylk & answered 0n(w 28
I 0n0 Paulus swlwp to him hl said rm0 Roman citizenship 0twymwhrl bought it htynq
I was born tdlyt0 with it hb also P0 but Nyd
who seeking Ny(bd those Nwnh from him hnm them Nwhl they withdrew wqrp & at once 0dxmw 29
when dk the Chiliarch 0krylk & was afraid lxdw to scourge him htwdgnml were wwh
had 0wh that he bound him hrkpd for l( he was wh that Roman 0ymwhrd he learned Ply
to know (dml he 0wh wanted 0bc next 0nrx0 & the day 0mwylw 30
against him yhwl( had wwh brought Nytymd the accusation 0twnrg+q was yh what? 0nmd truly ty0ryr$
Chief ybr to come Nwt0nd & he commanded dqpw & he released him yhyr$w the Jews 0ydwhy
& he led rbdw of their rulers Nwhy$rd the Council 0$nk & all hlkw Priests 0nhk
in the midst of them Nwhtnyb he stood him hmyq0 & brought him down tx0w Paulus swlwpl
The Acts of The Apostles
Chapter 23
brothers yx0 men 0rbg he said rm0 at the assembly Nwh$nkb Paulus swlwp gazed rx & when dkw 1
God 0hl0 before Mdq I have lived trbdt0 good 0tb+ conscience 0tr0t in all lkb I 0n0

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

today 0nmwyl until 0md(

who stood Nymyqd those Nwnhl commanded dqp the priest 0nhk & Khanan Yah 0ynnxw 2
his mouth hmwp on l( Paulus swlwpl to hit hnwxmnd the side hbg on l(
to strike you Kyxmnd God 0hl0 is wh going dyt( to him hl said rm0 & Paulus swlwpw 3
me yl you tn0 judge N0d are tn0 sitting bty & you tn0w whitened 0trwxm a wall 0ts0
the law 0swmn against l( you tn0 violate rb( when dk the law 0swmnbd according to Ky0
to strike me ynnwxmnd you tn0 & command dqpw
to him hl were saying Nyrm0 there Nmt were wwh who standing Nymyqd & those Nyly0w 4
you tn0 accuse 0xcm of God 0hl0d the priest 0nhkl
brothers yx0 I was tywh aware (dy not 0l Paulus swlwp to them Nwhl said rm0 5
The Ruler 0$rld for ryg it is wh written bytk he is wh that the Priest 0nhkd
curse +wlt not 0l of your people Km(d
was yhwty0 of the people 0m(d that some hnmd Paulus swlwp knew (dy & when dkw 6
in the council 0$nkb he was 0wh shouting 0(q of Pharisha 0$yrpd & some hnmw of Zadoqia 0yqwdzd
a Pharisha 0$yrp son of rb am 0n0 Pharisha 0$yrp I 0n0 brothers yx0 men 0rbg
I am 0n0 judged Nydtm of the dead 0tymd of the resurrection 0tmyqd the hope 0rbs & for l(w
upon another dxb one dx fell wlpn he said rm0 this 0dh & when dkw 7
the people 0m( & was divided glpt0w & Zadoqia 0yqwdzw Pharisha 0$yrp
angel 0k0lm neither 0lw resurrection 0tmyq there is no tyld were saying Nyrm0 for ryg Zadokia 0yqwdz 8
all of these Nyhlkb confess Nydwm but Nyd The Pharisha 0$yrp spirit 0xwr nor 0lw
the side 0bg of Nm scribes 0rps some 0$n0 stood wmqw great 0br noise 0lq & there was 0whw 9
& they were saying Nyrm0w with them Nwhm( they were wwh & contending Nycnw of the Pharisha 0$yrpd
man 0rbg in this 0nhb evil $ybd anything Mdm we find Nnyxk$m not 0l
with him hm( spoke llm an angel 0k0lm or w0 The Spirit 0xwr but Nyd if N0
in that 0dhb in it hb is there ty0 what? 0nm
afraid lxd among them Nwhtnyb great 0br an uproar 0y$wg$ there was 0wh & when dkw 10
Paulus swlwpl they would tear apart hnwx$pn lest 0mld the Chiliarch 0krylk was 0wh
their midst Nwht(cm from Nm snatch him hnwp+xn to go Nwt0nd Romans 0ymwhrl & he sent xl$w
to the encampment 0tyr$ml & bring him hnwl(nw
to Paulus swlwpl our Lord Nrm to him hl appeared yzxt0 the night 0yll he was 0wh & when dkw 11
of Me yl( you testified tdhs0d as Ky0d because l+m be strong lyxt0 to him hl & said rm0w
to testify dhst in Rome 0mwhrb also P0d you tn0 are going dyt( thus 0nkh in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b
the Jews 0ydwhy of Nm some Ny$n0 were wwh gathered w$nkt0 dawn 0rpc it was 0wh & when dkw 12
they would eat Nwlk0n that not 0ld upon themselves Nwhyl( & they put a curse wmrx0w
Paulus swlwpl they would kill him hnwl+qnd until 0md( would they drink Nwt$n neither 0lw
this 0nh in an oath 0tmwmb who established wmyq0d those Nwnh but Nyd were wwh there Nywh 13
men Nyrbg forty Ny(br0 than Nm more ryty covenant 0myq
& saying Nyrm0w The Elders 0$y$q & to twlw The Priests 0nhk to twl & they came wbrqt0w 14
not 0l that anything Mdmd upon us Nyl( we have cursed Nmrx0 A curse 0mrxd they were wwh
Paulus swlwpl we shall kill lw+qnd until 0md( we shall taste M(+n
of the Council 0t$wnkd & The Rulers 0$rw you Nwtn0 ask w(b & now 0$hw 15
seek Ny(b as if Ky0 to you Nwktwl to bring him yhwytynd The Chiliarch 0krylk from Nm
we are ready Nnyby+m & we Nnxw his conduct hnr(ws properly ty0ryr$ to examine Nwcbtd you Nwtn0
in your presence Nwktwl he arrives 0+mn before 0ld( to kill him yhwyl+qnd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

plot 0nsrp0 of Paulus swlwpd the sister htx son of rb had 0wh & heard (m$w 16
Paulus swlwpl & informed qdbw the encampment 0tyr$ml & he entered l(w this 0nh
the Centurions 0nwr+nq of Nm one dxl he called 0rq Paulus swlwp & sent rd$w 17
The Chiliarch 0krylk to twl this 0nh young man 0myl(l escort lbw0 to him hl & said rm0w
to him hl to say rm0nd something Mdm for ryg he hl has ty0
& brought him hl(0w the youth 0myl(l The Centurion 0nwr+nq & led him hrbdw 18
called me ynrq the prisoner 0rys0 Paulus swlwp & said rm0w The Chiliarch 0krylk to twl
who has ty0d unto you Ktwl young man 0myl( this 0nh to bring 0ty0d of me ynm & begged 0(bw
to you Kl to say rm0nd something Mdm to him hl
the youth 0myl(l The Chiliarch 0krylk by his hand hdy0b & held him hdx0w 19
him hl he was 0wh & asking l0$mw side 0bg to one dxl & drew him hdgnw
to me yl to say rm0td you Kl have ty0 What? 0nmd
have planned wb$xt0 the Judeans 0ydwhy the youth 0myl( to him hl & said rm0w 20
tomorrow rxm Paulus swlwpl to send down txtd of you Knm to entreat Nw(bnd
more ryty something Mdm they want Nybc as if Ky0 to their Council Nwh$nkl
from him hnm to learn Nwpl0nd
more ryty for ryg behold 0h them Nwhl believe syp+tt not 0l therefore lykh you tn0 21
for him hl are watching Nyr+n of them Nwhnm men Nyrbg forty Ny(br0 than Nm
that not 0ld themselves Nwh$pn on l( & have put a curse wmrx0w in ambush 0n0mkb
& behold 0hw they kill him hnwl+qnd until 0md( to drink Nwt$n nor 0lw to eat Nwlk0n
for your promise Kydww$l & waiting Nywqmw they are ready Nyby+m
a man $n0d he ordered hdqp as dk the youth 0myl(l The Chiliarch 0krylk & dismissed him yhyr$w 22
me yl you have shown tqdb that these things Nylhd would know (dn not 0l
go wlz to them Nwhl & said rm0w Centurions Nynwr+nq two Nyrtl & he called 0rqw 23
to Qesaria 0yrsql to go Nwlz0nd two hundred Nyt0m Romans 0ymwhr prepare wdt(
two hundred Nyt0m right handed 0nymyb & shooters yyd$w seventy Ny(b$ & horsemen 0$rpw
in the night 0yllb hour Ny($ third tlt from Nm to go out Nwqpnd
they may mount Nwbkrnd so Ky0 beasts of burden 0ry(b also P0 but Nyd prepare wby+ 24
The Governor 0nwmgh Filix sklyp to twl & let him escape hnw+lpnw Paulus swlwpl
thus 0nkh with him hb who were ty0d to them Nwhl he gave bhy a letter 0trg0 & he wrote btkw 25
Greeting Ml$ The Excellent 0xycn The Governor 0nwmgh to Filix sklypl Lusius swyswl Qlaudius swydwlq 26
the Judeans 0ydwhy seized wdx0 this 0nh man 0rbgl 27
the Romans 0ymwhr with M( I 0n0 & I helped tmqw to kill him hnwl+qnd so as Ky0
he is wh that Roman 0ymwhrd I learned tply when dk & I saved him htqrpw
for which htl+md the cause 0tl( to know (dml I had tywh sought 0(b & when dkw 28
to their Council Nwh$nkl I brought him down httx0 him hl they were wwh accusing Ny$r
they were wwh accusing Ny$r of their law Nwhswmnd charges 0m+z that about l(d & I found txk$0w 29
for death 0twml or w0 for imprisonment 0rws0l that worthy 0yw$d & a cause 0tl(w him hl
against him htwl was 0wh not tyl
that made wdb(d by ambush 0n0mkb a plot 0lkn to me yl it was shown qdbt0 & when dkw 30
to you Ktwl I sent him htrd$ at once 0dxm the Judeans 0ydwhy against him yhwl(
with him hm( & to speak Nwrm0nw to go Nwt0nd his accusers yhwnrg+ql & I ordered tdqpw
well Mylx be ywh before you Kymdq

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Paulus swlwpl brought him yhwrbd they were ordered wdqpt0d as Ky0 the Romans 0ymwhr then Nydyh 31
the city 0tnydm to Antipatris sr+py+n0l & brought him yhwyty0w in the night 0yllb
the horsemen 0$rp dismissed wr$ next 0nrx0 & the day 0mwylw 32
to camp 0tyr$ml to return Nwkphnd their comrades Nwhyrbx the foot soldiers 0lgrl
the letter 0trg0 & gave wbhyw to Qesaria 0yrsql & they brought him yhwyty0w 33
Paulus swlwpl before him yhwmdq & presented him yhwmyq0w to The Governor 0nwmghl
him hl he was 0wh asking l0$m the letter 0trg0 he read 0rq & when dkw 34
& when dkw he was yhwty0 province 0ykrpwh which? 0dy0 that from Nmd
Qiliqia 0yqylyq that from Nmd he learned Ply
whenever 0m you Kl I 0n0 shall hear (m$ to him hl he said rm0 35
to keep him hnwr+nd & he commanded dqpw your accusers Kynrg+q have came wt0d
of Herodus sdwrhd in The Praetorium Nyrw+rpb

The Acts of The Apostles

Chapter 24
High br Khanan Yah 0ynnx descended txn five 0$mx days 0tmwy after rtb & from Nmw 1
the orator 0r+hr Tertullos swl+r+ & with M(w The Elders 0$y$q with M( The Priest 0nhk
Paulus swlwp concerning l( The Governor 0nwmghl & they informed w(dw0w
Tertullos swl+r+ he was 0wh beginning Pq0 he was called yrqt0 & when dkw 2
we dwell Nnyrm( of tranquility 0ny$d in abundance 00gwsb & said rm0w him hl to accuse gr+qm
to people 0m(l is ywh much 0t0ygs & excellent stability 0tnqtw because of you Ktl+m
your care Kn(+ in receiving lq$b this 0nh
your grace Ktwby+ we receive Nnylbqm place Kwd in every lkb & we all Nlkw 3
Felix sklyp Excellent 0xycn
with many things 0t0ygsb we may weary you Ky0ln but Nyd that not 0ld 4
briefly 0tqyspb our lowliness Ntwkykml to hear (m$td of you Knm I 0n0 beg 0(b
a corruptor 0n+x$m who is yhwty0d this 0nh man 0rbgl for ryg we have found Nxk$0 5
the Jews 0ydwhy to all of them Nwhlkl of tumult 0y$wg$ & an arouser ry(mw
he is wh the leader 0$r land 0(r0 who are in every hlkbd
of The Nazarene 0yrcnd of the teaching 0nplwyd for ryg
we seized him yhyndx0 & when dkw to defile wbysml he wanted 0bc & our temple Nlkyhlw 6
what is in our Law Nswmnbd according to Ky0 to judge him yhwynwdnd we sought Ny(b
& with violence 0ry+qbw The Chiliarch 0krylk Lusias swyswl but Nyd came 0t0 7
sent him hrd$ & to you Klw snatched him hyd(0 our hands Nydy0 from Nm great 00ygs
you tn0 & can xk$mw unto you Ktwl to come Nwt0nd his accusers yhwngr+ql & he commanded dqpw 8
concerning l( from him hnm to learn Pl0td him hl you tn0 question l0$m when dk
him hl of which we accuse Nnygr+qmd these things Nylh all Nyhlk
Jews 0ydwhy those Nwnh also P0 concerning him yhwl( but Nyd cried out wbyr0 9
are Nyn0 so 0nkh These things Nylhd they were saying Nyrm0 as dk
to speak llmnd to Paulus swlwpl The Governor 0nwmgh & beckoned zmrw 10
I 0n0 know (dy many 0t0ygs years 0yn$ of Nm & said rm0w Paulus swlwp & answered 0n(w
& because of l+mw this 0nh of nation 0m(d The Judge 0nyd that you are Kyty0d

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

myself y$pn the sake of yp0 for l( a defense 0xwr I 0n0 render qpn gladly ty0ydx this 0nh
more ryty for me yl it is not tyld know (dml you tn0 may xk$m as dk 11
to worship dgsml to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l since I came up tqlsd days Nymwy twelve rs(rt than Nm
a man $n0 with M( I 0n0 that was speaking llmmd did they find me ynwxk$0 neither 0lw 12
I 0n0 that gathered $nkd a crowd 0$nk nor 0lp0w in the temple 0lkyhb
in the city 0tnydmb neither 0lw in their synagogues Nwht$wnkb not 0l
before you Kymdq into their hands Nwhydy0b has it come 0y+m to demonstrate Nwwxnd neither 0lw 13
me yl they accuse Nygr+qm of which now 0$hd anything Mdm concerning l(
in the same 0nhb that in it hbd I 0n0 confess 0dwm this 0dh but Nyd yet Mrb 14
The God 0hl0l I 0n0 serve xlp in it hb of which they speak Nyrm0d doctrine 0nplwy
all things Nyhlkl I 0n0 believe Nmyhm as dk of my fathers yhb0d
& in The Prophets 0ybnbw in The Law 0swmnb which are written Nbytkd
so also P0d which 0ny0 God 0hl0 upon l( hope 0rbs I yl have ty0 & while dkw 15
resurrection 0tmyq to be 0whtd that there is going 0dyt(d preach Nyrbsm these things Nylh they Nwnh
& of the evil 0lw(dw of the righteous 0n0kd of the dead 0tym the place tyb which is of Nmd
may be 0wht pure 0tykd that a conscience 0tr0td I 0n0 labor lm( also P0 this 0nh because of l+m 16
always ty0nym0 of men 0$n0 the sons ynb & before Mdqw God 0hl0 before Mdq to me yl
people 0m( the children of ynb to twl I have come tyt0 many N0ygs but Nyd years Nyn$l 17
gifts 0nbrwq & to offer brq0w charity 0tqdz to give lt0d my ylyd
I 0n0 was purified ykdm when dk in the temple 0lkyhb these men Nylh found me ynwxk$0w 18
with a tumult 0y$wg$b neither 0lp0 the crowds 0$nk with M( not 0l
who came wt0d the Jews 0ydwhy people Ny$n0 they stirred up w$g$d if N0 but 0l0 19
with me ym( to stand Nwmwqnd are 0wh who obligated 0lwd those Nyly0 Asia 0ys0 from Nm
they Nwhl have ty0d whatever Mdm & to bring charge Nwgr+qnw before you Kymdq
in me yb they have found wxk$0 what? 0nm let say Nwrm0n these Nylh they Nwnh or w0 20
their Council Nwh$nk before Mdq I stood tmq when dk offense 0twlks
stood M0q when dk which I cried ty(qd statement 0tlm one 0dx this 0dh only N0 except 0l0 21
I 0n0 am judged Nydtm of the dead 0tymd the resurrection 0tmyq that for l(d in their midst Nwhtnyb I 0n0
before you Nwkymdq today 0nmwy
fully ty0ylm this 0dh way 0xrw0l it hl he 0wh knew (dyd because l+m but Nyd Felix sklyp 22
comes 0t0d When 0md he said rm0 when dk them Nwn0 he deferred yht
between you Nwktnyb I 0n0 shall hear (m$ The Chiliarch 0krylk
Paulus swlwpl to guard him yhwyr+nd the Centurion 0nwr+nql & he ordered dqpw 23
would be forbidden 0lktn his acquaintances yhw(wdy of Nm a man $n0 & that not 0ldw at ease 0xynb
to him hl ministering $m$m to be 0whnd
& Dursila 0lsrwdw Felix sklyp sent rd$ days 0tmwy a few lylq after rtb & from Nmw 24
Paulus swlwpl him hl & they called wrqw a Jewess 0tydwhy was twh who hyty0d his wife httn0
of The Messiah 0xy$md the faith 0twnmyh concerning l( from him hnm & they heard w(m$w
righteousness 0twqydz of l( with them Nwhm( he was speaking llmm & when dkw 25
to be fulfilled ylmt0 that was going dyt(d judgment 0nyd & upon l(w holiness 0tw$ydq & upon l(w
& when ytm0w go lz now 0$hd & he said rm0w Filix sklyp was afraid 0tlxd
after you Krtb I shall send rd$0 a place 0rt0 to me yl there is 0whnd
to him hl would 0wh be given bhytm that a bribe 0dxw$d for ryg he had 0wh hoped rbs 26

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

sending rd$m continually ty0nym0 also P0 this 0dh because of l+m Paulus swlwp by Nm
with him hm( & speaking llmmw him hl to bring 0tym he was 0wh
Governor 0nwmgh the next 0nrx0 years Nyn$ two Nytrt to him hl were fulfilled ylm & when dkw 27
Porqius Festus sw+shp swyqrp was 0wh who called 0rqtmd in his place htkwdl was 0wh come 0t0
for the Jews 0ydwhyb a favor 0twby+ to do db(nd so as Ky0 but Nyd Filix sklyp
a prisoner rys0 as dk Paulus swlwpl he left him hqb$
The Acts of The Apostles
Chapter 25
three 0tlt after rtb to Qesaria 0yrsql Festus sw+shp came 0t0 & when dkw 1
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l he came up qls days Nymwy
of the Jews 0ydwhyd & the Rulers 0$rw Priests 0nhk The Chief ybr & informed him yhw(dw0w 2
of him hnm they were wwh & inquiring Ny(bw Paulus swlwp concerning l(
to bring him yhwytyn to send rd$nd favor 0twby+ this 0dh him hl they asked Nyl0$ when dk 3
an ambush 0n0mk they were wwh making Nydb( when dk to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l
to kill him yhynwl+qnd by the road 0xrw0b
is kept r+ntm that Paulus swlwpd answer 0mgtp returned ynp & Festus sw+shpw 4
to travel qwzx0d I 0n0 hurry bhrsm & I 0n0w in Qesaria 0yrsqb
among you Nwkb who are ty0d therefore lykh those Nyly0 5
with us Nm( to go down Nwtxn to their hands Nwhydy0b of whom it has come 0y+md
with him hb there is ty0d offense wlks every lk & upon l(w
to accuse Nwgr+qn with the man 0rbgb
ten 0rs( or w0 eight 0ynmt days 0tmwy there Nmt he was 0wh & when dkw 6
he sat bty next 0nrx0 & the day 0mwylw to Qesaria 0yrsql he hl went down txn
Paulus swlwpl to bring Nwtynd & commanded dqpw the judgment seat Myb on l(
from Nm who descended wtxnd the Jews 0ydwhy surrounded him yhwrdx he came 0t0 & when dkw 7
had wwh brought Nytym & hard things 0y$qw many 00ygs & the Leaders 0$rw Jerusalem Ml$rw0
to show Nwwxnd they were wwh able Nyxk$m that not 0ld those things Nyly0 after him hrtb
he had violated lks0 that not 0ld a defense 0xwr had 0wh rendered qpn Paulus swlwp & when dkw 8
the temple 0lkyhb neither 0lw of the Jews 0ydwhyd the Law 0swmnb not 0l anything Mdm
Qesar rsqb neither 0lw
a favor 0twby+ to confer 0$rnd he had 0wh wanted 0bcd because l+m but Nyd Festus sw+shp 9
you tn0 will 0bc to Paulus swlwpl to him hl said rm0 the Jews 0ydwhyb
before me ymdq be judged Nydtt these things Nylh on l( & there Nmtw to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l go up qstd
I 0n0 stand M0q of Qesar rsqd the judgment seat Myb on l( & said rm0w Paulus swlwp answered 0n( 10
a thing Mdm not 0l to be judged wndtml for me yl it is right qdz it is wh here 0krh
you tn0 know (dy you tn0 also P0d as Ky0 against the Jews 0ydwhyl have I sinned ty+x
worthy 0w$d anything Mdm or w0 by me yl was done 0dyb( an offense 0twlks & if N0w 11
there is not tyl but Nyd if N0 death 0twm from Nm I 0n0 excuse myself l0t$m not 0l of death 0twml
a man $n0 not 0l me yl that they accuse Nygr+qmd these things Nylh of Nm yd0c anything Mdm
I 0n0 invoke 0rq to Qesar rsqd an appeal yhwngb as a gift tbhwm to them Nwhl me yl will give bhy
& said rm0w of the kingdom hklm the sons ynb with M( spoke llm Festus sw+shp then Nydyh 12
you tn0 will go lz0 Qesar rsq to twl you have invoked tyrq of Qesar rsq an appeal Ngb
Agrippus swprg0 came down txn days 0tmwy passed wwh & when dkw 13
the welfare hml$ to inquire Nwl0$nd to Qesaria 0yrsql & Berniqa 0qynrbw the king 0klm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of Festus sw+shpd
Festus sw+shp related y(t$0 some days 0tmwy with him htwl they were wwh & when dkw 14
one dx man 0rbg he said rm0 when dk of Paulus swlwpd the case hnyd to The King 0klml
Filix sklyp the hands of ydy0 from Nm left qbt$0 a prisoner 0rys0
about him yhwl( me yl informed w(dw0 in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b I was tywh & when dkw 15
& requested w(bw of the Jews 0ydwhyd & Elders 0$y$qw Priests 0nhk The Chief ybr
of him hnm a judgment 0nyd for them Nwhl that I make db(0d
to give Nwltnd for the Romans 0ymwhrl the custom 0dy( it is not tyld to them Nwhl & I said trm0w 16
shall come 0t0nd until 0md( for slaughter 0l+ql as a favor tbhwm a son of man 0$nrb
& shall be given bhytnw to his face yhwp0b & shall blame him yhwysknw at law hnyd the adversary l(b
a defense 0xwrb to render qpml a place 0rt0 to him hl
of which he is accused 0$rtmd that 0m concerning l(
the day 0mwyl delay 0yhwt without 0ld here 0kl I had come tyt0 & when dkw 17
that they bring him yhynwtynd & I ordered tdqpw the judgment Myb on l( I sat tbty next 0nrx0
the man 0rbgl to me yl
any Mdm could wxk$0 & not 0lw his accusers yhwngr+q with him hm( & stood wmqw 18
that 0m like Ky0 against him yhwl( demonstrate Nwwxnd evil 0$yb indictment 0ny$r
I had tywh which supposed rbsd
their religion Nwhtlxd about l( or another Mdm one thing Mdm but Nyd inquiries 0m+z 19
Who had died tymd a Man $n0 Yeshua (w$y & about l(w with him htwl to them Nwhl is 0wh there ty0
He is wh that alive yxd Paulus swlwp was 0wh Whom saying rm0d He wh
inquiries 0t(b about l( I 0n0 was tywh established M0q not 0ld & because l+mw 20
you tn0 wish 0(b Do? N0d to Paulus swlwpl had tywh I said trm0 of these things Nylhd
these things Nylh on l( to be judged Nydtt & there Nmtw to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l to go lz0td
of Qesar rsqd for the judgment hnydl to be kept r+ntnd requested 0(b but Nyd he wh 21
Qesar rsq to twl I send him yhwyrd$0d until 0md( that he be kept r+ntnd & I ordered tdqpw
this 0nh man 0rbgl to hear him yhwy(m$0d I would tywh like 0bc Agrippus swprg0 & said rm0w 22
him hl you tn0 will hear (m$ Tomorrow rxmld said rm0 & Festus sw+shpw
& Berniqa 0qynrbw Agrippus swprg0 came 0t0 next 0nrx0 & the day 0mwylw 23
The Chiliarch 0krylk with M( judgment 0nyd the place of tybl & entered l(w great 00ygs with pomp 0xwzb
Paulus swlwp & came 0t0w Festus sw+shp & commanded dqpw of the city 0tnydmd & the leaders 0$rw
men 0rbg & all of you Nwklkw the King 0klm Agrippus swprg0 Festus sw+shp & said rm0w 24
you Nwtn0 whom see Nyzxd man 0rbg this 0nh concerning l( with us Nm( you who are Nwkyty0d
in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b complained to me ynlbq of the Jews 0ydwhyd the people 0m( all hlk
to live 0xnd this one 0nhl ought 0lw more bwt that no 0ld shouting Ny(q when dk & here 0krhw
for death 0twml that is worthy 0w$d that anything Mdmd I have found tkrd0 but Nyd I 0n0 25
to be kept r+ntnd asked 0(b he whd & because l+mw by him hl has been done ry(s not 0l
that he be sent rdt$nd I have commanded tdqp of Qesar rsqd for the judgment hnydl
to Qesar rsql about him yhwl( to write bwtk0 what? 0nm I 0n0 know (dy & not 0lw 26
before you Nwkymdq to bring him htwytyml I decided tybc this 0nh because of l+m
Agrippus 0prg0 King 0klm before you Kymdq & especially ty0rytyw
I shall write bwtk0 what 0nm I may find xk$0 his case hnyd is examined l0t$0d that when 0md
a man 0rbg we send Nnyrd$m that when dkd it is right 0lw for ryg not 0l 27
his offense htwlks we would write bwtkn that not 0ld a prisoner 0rys0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

The Acts of The Apostles

Chapter 26
to speak wllmml for you Kl it is allowed spm to Paulus swlwpl Agrippus swprg0 & said rm0w 1
his hand hdy0 stretched out +$p Paulus swlwp then Nydyh yourself K$pn behalf of yp0 on l(
& said rm0w a defense 0xwr he 0wh & offered qpnw
the Jews 0ydwhy by Nm I am 0n0 of which accused 0$rtmd whatever 0m everything lk concerning l( 2
I am 0n0 that blessed 0nbw+d myself y$pn of l( I 0n0 consider rbs Agrippa 0prg0 King 0klm
a defense 0xwr I 0n0 bring qpn today 0nmwy because before you Kymdqd
in all Nwhlkb you are tn0 that capable spmd I 0n0 know (dyd especially ty0ryty 3
I 0n0 ask 0(b this 0nh because of l+m of the Jews 0ydwhyd & the Law 0swmnw inquiries 0m+z
you will hear me yn(m$t of spirit 0xwr that with endurance trgmbd of you Knm
the Jews 0ydwhy those Nwnh also P0 for ryg are Nwn0 aware Ny(dy 4
my youth ytwyl+ that from Nmd my way of life yrbwd to testify of Nwdhsnd they wish Nybc if N0
& in Jerusalem Ml$rw0bw in my nation ym(b the beginning 0yrw$ from Nm to me yl that was wwhd
& know Ny(dyw of me yb they believe Nyspm a long time 0rgwn that from Nmd because l+m 5
I lived tyyx of the Pharisha 0$yrpd authorized 0y$r that in the doctrine 0nplwybd
was 0wh which 0whd of the promise 0ydww$d the hope 0rbs for l( now 0$hw 6
I am 0n0 & judged Nydtmw I 0n0 stand M0q God 0hl0 from Nm to our fathers Nthb0l
we hope Nrbsm our tribes Nbr$ the twelve 0rs(trt hope 0rbs this 0nh for unto l(d 7
& by night 0ylldw by day 0mmy0d diligent 0t+ypx by prayer 0twlcb to arrive N(nmnd
I am 0n0 accused 0$rtm hope 0rbs this 0nh for l( for it yhwl(w
Agrippa 0prg0 King 0klm the Jews 0ydwhy the agency of ydy0 by Nm
ought 0lw not? 0l you Nwtn0 judge Nynyd How? 0nm 8
the dead 0tym God 0hl0 that raises Myqmd we believe Nmyhnd
that contrary 0lbwqsd in my mind yny(rb had set tms before Mydq from Nm for ryg I 0n0 9
The Name hm$ against lbqwl I would commit rw(s0 many things 00ygs
The Nazarene 0yrcn of Yeshua (w$yd
many 00ygs & saints 0$ydqw in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b also P0 that I did tdb(d this 0dh 10
from Nm that I received tlbqd by authority 0n+lw$b prison 0rys0 into the house tyb I cast tymr0
they were wwh being killed Nyl+qtm & when dkw Priests 0nhk Chief ybr
them Nwn0 who condemned wbyxd those Nyly0l I took part with tptwt$0 of them Nwhnm
them Nwhb I was tywh torturing dnt$m synagogue 0$wnk & in every lkbw 11
The Name hm$b blaspheming Nypdgm to be Nwwhnd I was tywh pressing cl0 when dk
against them Nwhyl( I was tywh full 0lmd great 00ygs & with rage 0zgwrbw of Yeshua (w$yd
them Nwn0 to persecute Pdrml I was tywh going out qpn other 0tynrx0 to cities 0tnydml also P0
to Darmsuq qwsmrdl this 0dh because of l+m I was tywh going lz0 & while dkw 12
Priests 0nhk of The Chief ybrd & with the approval 0twnspmbw with the authority 0n+lw$b
the heavens 0ym$ from Nm I saw tyzx on the road 0xrw0b of the day 0mwyd at the middle hglpb 13
were wwh who with me ym(d all lk & upon l(w upon me yl( that burst glz0d King 0klm Oh w0
that of the sun 0$m$d than Nm that was greater rtymd a light 0rhwn
a voice 0lq & I heard t(m$w the ground 0(r0 on l( all of us Nlk & we fell Nlpnw 14
Shaul lw0$ Shaul lw0$ in Aramaic ty0rb( to me yl it said rm0 when dk

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

hard 0$q Me yl you tn0 persecute Pdr why? 0nm

the goads 0sqw(l to kick w+(bml for you Kl it is wh
said rm0 & our Lord Nrmw my Lord yrm are You tn0 who? Nm said trm0 & I 0n0w 15
are tn0 persecuting Pdr Whom you tn0d The Nazarene 0yrcn Yeshua (w$y am wh I 0n0 to me yl
this 0dh because of l+m your feet Kylgr to l( rise Mwq to me yl & He said rm0w 16
& a witness 0dhsw a minister 0n$m$m to appoint you Kmyq0d to you Kl I have appeared tyzxt0 for ryg
to see Me ynyzxtd you tn0 & that are going dyt(dw you have seen Me yntyzxd that Mdmd
of the Jews 0ydwhyd the people 0m( from Nm & I shall save you Kycp0w 17
you Kl I 0n0 am sending rd$m to which Nwhtwld other 0nrx0 the nations 0mm( & from Nmw
they shall turn Nwkphnd so Ky0 their eyes Nwhyny( that you will open xtptd 18
of Satan 0n+sd the authority hn+lw$ & from Nmw to the light 0ryhnl the darkness 0kw$x from Nm
sin 0h+x release from Nqbw$ & they shall receive Nwlbqnw God 0hl0 to twl
that is in Me ybd by the faith 0twnmyhb the holy ones 0$ydq with M( & a portion 0spw
Agrippa 0prg0 King 0klm this 0dh because of l+m 19
heavenly 0nym$ the vision 0wzx against lbqwl in dispute 0nyrxb I stood tmq not 0l
who in Darmsuq qwsmrdbd to those Nwnhl the first Nymdwql from Nm I preached tzrk0 but 0l0 20
of Judea dwhyd villages 0yrwq & who in all Nyhlkbdw in Jerusalem Ml$rw0bd & to those Nwnhlw
& to be converted Nwnptnw to return Nwbwtnd I preached tzrk0 to the Gentiles 0mm(l also P0w
of a return to God 0twbytl worthy Nyw$d deeds 0db( & to do Nwdb(nw God 0hl0 to twl
in the temple 0lkyhb the Jews 0ydwhy seized me ynwdx0 of these things Nylh the sake yp0 & for l(w 21
to kill me ynl+qml they were wwh & wanting Nybcw
& behold 0hw this 0nh day 0mwyl until 0md( God 0hl0 but Nyd helped me ynrd( 22
while dk & to great 0brlw to small 0rw(zl I 0n0 & testify dhsmw I 0n0 stand M0q
said rm0 not 0l & The Prophets 0ybnw Moshe 0$wm of Nm outside rbl anything Mdm
to be Nywhnd were going Ndyt(d said wrm0 which they Nwnhd those things Nyly0 except 0l0 I 0n0
The Origin 0ty$r & would be 0whnw The Messiah 0xy$m that would suffer $xnd 23
the dead 0tym the house of tyb from Nmd of the resurrection 0tmyqd
& to the Gentiles 0mm(lw to the people 0m(l light 0rhwn preach zrknd & would dyt(dw
the defense 0xwr Paulus swlwp has 0wh rendered qpn thus 0nkh & when dkw 24
Paul 0lwp you Kl are insane tyn$ loud 0mr in a voice 0lqb Festus sw+shp cried out 0(q
insane 0n$td has made you Kdb( much 00ygs study 0rps
Festus sw+shp excellent 0xycn I am insane tyn$ not 0l Paulus swlwp said rm0 25
I 0n0 am speaking llmm & integrity 0twnqtw truth 0rr$ words of ylm but 0l0
of such Nylhd of these Nyhyl( knows (dy especially ty0ryty Agrippus swprg0 King 0klm also P0w 26
before him yhwmdq I 0n0 speak llmm in the public 0lgb eye Ny( this 0nh & because of l+mw
I 0n0 think rbs not 0l matters 0lm these Nylh of Nm one 0dxd because l+m
they were done Nry(s in secret 0y$w+b were 0wh for not 0ld him hl escaped Ny(+d
Agrippa 0prg0 King 0klm you tn0 believe? Nmyhm 27
you tn0 that believe Nmyhmd I 0n0 know (dy The Prophets 0ybnl
bit Mdm in a little lylqb Agrippus swprg0 to him hl said rm0 28
a Christian 0ny+srk to become 0wh0d me yl you tn0 will persuade sypm
God 0hl0 from Nm I have tywh desired 0(b said rm0 Paulus swlwpw 29
only dwxlb for you Kl is it 0wh not 0l & very much ygsbw in a little lylqb
today 0nmwy me yl who are hearing Ny(m$d those Nyly0 all of Nwhlkl also P0 but 0l0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

these Nylh chains 0rws0 of Nm outside rbl like me ytwk0 to be Nwwhnd

& Berniqa 0qynrbw & The Governor 0nwmghw The King 0klm for him hl & stood Mqw 30
with them Nwhm( were wwh who sitting Nybtyd & those Nyly0w
they were wwh speaking Nyllmm there Nmt from Nm they withdrew wqrp & when dkw 31
of death 0twml worthy 0w$d A thing Mdmd & they were saying Nyrm0w another dx with M( one dx
this 0nh man 0rbg has done db( not 0l of imprisonment 0rws0l or w0
a man 0rbg have been 0wh could xk$m to Festus sw+shpl Agrippus swprg0 & said rm0w 32
he had invoked 0rq not 0l to Qesar rsq an appeal Ngb if wl0 released 0rt$nd this 0nh

The Acts of The Apostles

Chapter 27
Qesar rsq to twl to be sent rdt$nd Festus s+shp concerning him yhwl( & commanded dqpw 1
other 0nrx0 & the prisoners 0rys0lw Paulus swlwpl & he delivered hml$0w to Italia 0yl+y0l
the regiment ryps0 from Nm Centurion 0nwr+nq one dx to a man 0rbgl with him hm(
Yulius swylwy was 0wh whose name hm$d Sebasta 0+sbs
which hyty0d a ship 0pl0l we boarded Ntxn for us to journey 0drnd it was time twh & when dkw 2
it was twh & going 0lz0w a city 0tnydm Adramintius sw+nmrd0 from Nm was twh
the ship 0pl0l with us Nm( he 0wh & entered l(w of Asia 0ys0d to the region 0rt0l
city 0tnydm Thessaloniqa 0qynwlst who from Nmd a Maqedonian 0ynwdqm Aristarkus swkr+sr0
& behaved x$xt0w to Tsidon Ndycl we came Ny+m next 0nrx0 the day 0mwylw 3
Paulus swlwp toward twl with compassion 0twnmxrmb the Centurion 0nwr+nq
& be refreshed xynttnw his friends yhwmxr to twl to go lz0nd him hl & allowed sp0w
the wind 0xwrd & because l+mw we sailed Nydr there Nmt & from Nmw 4
Qupros swrpwq unto l( we went around Nkrkt0 was ywh against us Nlbwqs
& of Pamphulia 0ylwpmpdw of Qiliqia 0yqylyqd the sea 0my & we passed through Nrb(w 5
of Luqia 0yqwld a city 0tnydm at Mura 0rwml & we arrived Ny+mw
a ship 0pl0 the Centurion 0nwr+nq there Nmt & found xk$0w 6
to Italia 0yl+y0l was twh that going 0lz0d Alexandria 0yrdnskl0 from Nm
in it hb & he put us Nbtw0w
many 00ygs days 0tmwyl it was twh moving 0ydr hardly ty0ryqyd & because l+mw 7
& because l+mw the island 0trzg Qnidus swdynq next to lbqwl we came Ny+m laboring Nsxml
straight ty0cyrt us go lz0nd the wind 0xwr would twh let 0qb$ not 0ld
the city 0tnydm Salmona 0nwmls opposite lbqwl Qrete 0+rq unto l( we went around Nkrkt0
to a place 0tkwdl we came Ny+m around it hyrdx we sailed Nnydr as dk & laboring Nsxmlw 8
it was twh & near 0byrqw Beautiful 0ryp$ Harbor 0n0ml which is called 0yrqtmd
Lasea 00s0l whose name hm$d a city 0tnydm to it hl
also P0 had passed rb(d until 0md( a long 00ygs time 0nbz there Nmt & we were Nywhw 9
fear 0+nq for it hl & there was 0whw of the Jews 0ydwhyd of the fast 0mwcd the day 0mwy
Paulus swlwp them Nwhl was 0wh & counseling Klmw by the sea 0myb a man $n0 to travel 0drnd
that in calamity 0nclw0bd I 0n0 have seen 0zx men 0rbg & he said rm0w 10
only dwxlb not wl our voyage Ntydrm will be 0ywh great 00ygs & in loss 0nrswxbw
ours Nlyd to ourselves Nt$pnd also P0 but 0l0 of our ship Npl0d of cargo hlbwmd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of the ship 0pl0d & the Master hrmlw to the Helmsman 0+nrbwql but Nyd the Centurion 0nwr+nq 11
of Paulus swlwpd the words yhwlm than Nm more ryty was 0wh listening to (m$
to winter wytsml a port 0n0ml it wh was 0wh suitable Nh( that not 0ld & because l+mw 12
to journey 0drnd were wwh desiring Nybc of us Nnm many 00ygs the winter 0wts in it hb
& to winter Nwtsnw to arrive Nw(nmnd possible for us Nyxk$md & if it was whn0w there Nmt from Nm
& called 0rqtmw in Qrete 0+rqb was 0wh that which yhwty0d a certain dx in port 0n0mlb
to the south 0nmytl does 0wh & look r0xw Phoenix sknwp it is 0wh
to arrive Ny+mmd & they hoped wrbsw of the south 0nmytd the wind 0xwr blew tb$n & when dkw 13
Qrete 0+rq around yrdx they were wwh proceeding Nydr their desire Nwhnybc according to Ky0
a wind 0b$m upon us Nyl( went out qpn a little lylq after rtb & from Nmw 14
Euroqlydon Nwdylqrw0 Typhoniqos swqynpw+ which is called 0rqtmd of a hurricane 0l(l(d
stand Mwqtd could txk$0 & not 0lw the ship 0pl0 was carried by force tp+xt0w 15
of it yhd to the hands 0dy0l & we gave in Nbhyw the wind 0xwr against lbqwl
which is called 0yrqtmd certain 0dx an island 0trzg we passed Nrb( & when dkw 16
the lifeboat 0rwqrql to hold Ndx0 to be able Nxk$0 we labored Nsxml Qeuda 0dwq
it hl & we retained Nynqtmw we were Nywh girding Nycyxm we took it up hnlq$ & when dkw 17
lest 0mldd we were Nywh afraid Nylxdd & because l+mw to the ship 0pl0l
the sail Nwnmr0l we took down yhyntx0 of the sea 0myd in a declivity httxmb it would fall lpn
we were Nywh moving on Nydr & so twkhw
it was severe 0y$q the storm 0nwmyk upon us Nyl( it hl arose Mq & when dkw 18
into the sea 0myb goods Nyn0m we threw Nyd$ next 0nrx0 the day 0mwyl
of the ship 0pl0d its hlyd implements 0n0m third 0tltd & the day 0mwylw 19
we cast away Nyd$ with our hands Nydy0b
many 0ryty days 0tmwy the storm 0wts it hl held dx0 & as dkw 20
stars 0bkwk nor 0lw the moon 0rhs neither 0lw had 0wh appeared 0zxtm the sun 0$m$ & not 0lw
it hl was 0wh cut off qspt0 entirely hlk all lk of our lives Nyyxd the hope 0rbs
was 0wh able to endure rbytsm not 0l the matter Mdm a man $n0 & when dkw 21
if wl0 & said rm0w in their midst Nwhtnyb Paulus swlwp arose Mq then Nydyh
we would have Nywh sailed Nydr not 0l men 0rbg me yl you had believed Nwtsyp+t0
loss 0nrswx from Nm we would have been Nywh & preserved Nyksxtmw Qrete 0+rq from Nm
this 0nh suffering 0nclw0 & from Nmw
the life 0$pn harm 0q( without 0ld that we may be Nwwhtd I 0n0 counsel Klm & now 0$hw 22
the ship 0pl0 only N0 but 0l0 will be lost 0db0 not 0l one 0dx of you Nwknm for ryg
an angel hk0lm this 0nh in the night 0yllb for ryg to me yl appeared yzxt0 23
I 0n0 serve xlp & Whom hlw I am 0n0 Whose hlydd Him wh of God 0hl0d
for you Kl it wh will be dyt( Paul 0lwp fear lxdt not 0l to me yl & he said rm0w 24
as a favor 0tbhwm God 0hl0 you Kl gives bhy & behold 0hw Qesar rsq before Mdq to stand Mqml
with you Km( who travel Nydrd all lkl
in God 0hl0b for ryg I 0n0 believe Nmyhm men 0rbg take heart wbblt0 this 0nh because of l+m 25
with me ym( was spoken llmt0d what 0m according to Ky0 it is 0wh that thus 0nkhd
to be cast 0dt$nd for us Nl there was ty0 one 0dx island 0trzgl however Mrb 26
that we wandered Ny(+d days Nymwy fourteen rs(tbr0 after rtb & from Nmw 27

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

night 0ylld at mid hglpb The Sea 0my in Hadrius swyrdhb & we were buffeted Npr+t0w
they were wwh approaching Nybrqtm that land 0(r0ld the sailors 0xlm thought wrbs
twenty Nyrs( fathoms Nymwq & they found wxk$0w an anchor snyqw0 & they cast wymr0w 28
fifteen 0rs($mx fathoms Nymwq & they found wxk$0w they journeyed wdr a little lylq & again bwtw
we Nl would be found xkt$n lest 0mld we were Nywh afraid Nylyxd & when dkw 29
from Nm we cast wymr0 rocks 0(w$ in them Nyhb that have ty0d in places 0tykwdb
were wwh & praying Nylcmw four (br0 anchors snyqw0 of the ship 0pl0d the prow htrx
day 0mwy that would come 0whnd
from Nm from it hnm to flee qr(ml sought w(b but Nyd the sailors 0xlm 30
to the sea 0myl the lifeboat 0rwqrql from it hnm & they lowered wtx0w the ship 0pl0
on land 0(r0b the ship 0pl0l & tie hnwrs0nw in it hb to go Nwlz0nd in a pretext 0tl(b
the Centurion 0nwr+nql he told rm0 Paulus swlwp saw 0zx & when dkw 31
stay Nyrtkm not 0l in the ship 0pl0b these Nylh that if N0d & the soldiers 0+wy+r+s0lw
survive Nwxtd you Nwtn0 cannot Nyxk$m not 0l you Nwtn0
of the lifeboat 0rwqrqd the ropes hylbxl the soldiers 0+wy+r+s0 cut wqsp then Nydyh 32
adrift 0y(+ & they left it hwqb$w the ship 0pl0 from Nm
he was 0wh persuading sypm morning 0rpc it was 0whd until 0md( Paulus swlwp but Nyd he wh 33
behold 0h today 0nmwy to them Nwhl he said rm0 as dk food 0trbys to take Nwlbqnd all of them Nwhlkl
to you Nwkl tasted My(+ not 0l anything Mdm the danger 0+nq from Nm days Nymwy fourteen rs(tbr0
to take Nwlbqtd of you Nwknm I 0n0 beg 0(b this 0dh because of l+m 34
from Nm for ryg a hair 0tnm of your lives Nwkyyxd for the sustenance 0mywql food 0tlwk0m
will perish 0db0 not 0l of you Nwknm of one dxd the head 0$r
God 0hl0l & praised xb$w bread 0mxl he took bsn he had said rm0 these things Nylh & when dkw 35
to eat lk0ml & he began Pq0w & broke 0cqw all of them Nwhlk before Mdq
nourishment 0ysrwt & they received wlbqw all of them Nwhlk were comforted w0ybt0w 36
souls N$pn & six t$w & seventy Ny(b$w two hundred Nyt0m in the ship 0pl0b but Nyd were Nywh we Nyty0 37
the ship 0pl0 from Nm they lightened wlq0 with food 0tlwk0m they were filled w(bs & when dkw 38
into the sea 0myb & threw wd$w wheat 0+x & they took wlq$w
was yh what 0dy0 the mariners 0nps day 0mwy it was 0wh & when dkw 39
on l( they saw wrx but 0l0 knew w(dwt$0 not 0l the land 0(r0
of the sea 0myd certain 0dx a bay 0pnk the dry land 0$by the side of bng
it were possible 0xk$m whether N0d they were wwh considering Nynrd where 0ky0
the ship 0pl0l to drive it hnwxdn
in the sea 0myb them Nyn0 & they left wypr0w the ship 0pl0 from Nm the anchors snyqw0 & they cut wqspw 40
small 0rw(z the top sail Nwnmr0 they lifted wltw of the rudder 0nkwsd the rudderbands 0bkr & loosened wr$w
dry land 0$by to the face of yp0l they were wwh & sailing Nydrw to capture 0b$nd the wind 0xwrl
prominent 0mrd at a place 0tkwdb the ship 0pl0 & touched t$gw 41
of the sea 0myd deep channels Nyqmw( two Nyrt between tnyb
front 0ymdq its end hbg upon hyl( & stood Mqw in it hb & it was stuck tyrxt0w
was destroyed yrt$0 back 0yrx0 but Nyd its end hbg was 0wh moved (yzttm & not 0lw
of the waves 0llgd the force 0ry+q from Nm
the prisoners 0rys0l them Nwn0 to kill Nwl+qnd the soldiers 0+wy+r+s0 had wwh wanted wbcw 42
from them Nwhnm them Nwhl & escape Nwqr(nw swimming 0wxs they take Nwmrn lest 0ld

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

this 0dh of Nm them Nwn0 denied 0lk & the Centurion 0nwr+nqw 43
& those Nyly0lw Paulus swlwpl to save 0xnd he 0wh wanted 0bcd because l+m
them Nwhl he commanded dqp swimming 0wxs to take wymrml were wwh who able Nyxk$md
the land 0(r0l & to pass on Nwrb(nw to swim Nwxsn first 0ymdqbd
other 0nrx0 wood 0syq & upon l(w boards 0pd on l( & the rest 0kr$lw 44
all of them Nwhlk & thus 0nkhw them Nwn0 they sent wrb(0 of the ship 0pl0d
to land 0(r0l escaped wbzwt$0
The Acts of The Apostles
Chapter 28
we learned Nply after this Nkrtb & from Nmw 1
island 0trzg this yh was called 0yrqtm that Melita 0+ylmd
great 00ygs kindness 0mxr in him hb were wwh who dwelling Nyrm(d & Barbarians 0yrbrbw 2
to get warm Nx$nd us all Nlkl & called us Nw0rqw a fire 0rwn & kindled wdxw0w to us Ntwl showed wywx
there was 0wh that ty0d the cold 0$rwqw much 00ygs the rain 0r+m because of l+m
on l( & set Msw of sticks * 0bwbxd a bunch 00gws took lq$ & Paulus swlwpw 3
the heat 0xtr from Nm a viper 0ndk0 from them Nwhnm & came out tqpnw the fire 0rwn
his hand hdy0b & it bit ttknw of the fire 0rwnd
on his hand hdy0b it hanging 0yltd The Barbarians 0yrbrb saw hw0zx & when dkw 4
is wh a murderer 0lw+q man 0rbg this 0nh perhaps rbk they were wwh saying Nyrm0
live 0xnd let him htqb$ not 0l justice 0twn0k the sea 0my from Nm he escaped bzwt$0 who when dkd
the viper 0ndk0l & threw it hd$w his hand hdy0 shook Pyn0 Paulus swlwp but Nyd was wh 5
happened to him yhywh not 0l that was bad 0nsd & anything Mdmw into the fire 0rwnb
of an hour ht($ that son rbd the Barbarians 0yrbrb but Nyd they were wwh thinking Nyrbs 6
the ground 0(r0 on l( dead tym being dk & drop lpnw he would swell up 0smtm
bad 0nsd that an effect Mdmd & they saw wzxw they had waited wyks much 00ygs time 0nd( & when dkw
he is wh a god 0hl0d & said wrm0w their words Nwhylm they changed wplx$ occurred to him yhywh not 0l
one dx to a man 0rbgl place 0rt0 in that whb in it hb a village 0yrwq but Nyd was 0wh there ty0 7
of the island 0trzgd The Chief h$r was 0wh he who whd Puplios * swylpwp was 0wh whose name hm$d
joyfully ty0ydx days Nymwy three 0tlt into his house htybb & he received us Nlbqw
with fever 0t$0b of Puplios swylpwpd but Nyd the father yhwb0 8
his presence htwl & entered l(w he was 0wh ill hyrk of the intestines * 0y(m & with disease * b0kbw
& healed him hmlx0w his hand hdy0 upon him yhwl( & laid Msw & prayed ylcw Paulus swlwp
were wwh who ty0d those Nyly0 the rest 0kr$ also P0 this 0dh happened twh & when dkw 9
to him htwl were wwh coming Nybrq sick 0hyrk on the island 0trzgb in it hb
they were wwh & healed Nys0tmw
going out Nyqpn & when dkw they honored us Nwrqy great 0brwr & honor 0rqy0w 10
they loaded us with provisions Nwdwz there Nmt from Nm we were Nywh
in a ship 0pl0 & journeyed Nydrw three 0tlt months 0xry after rtb but Nyd we went out Nqpn 11
in the island 0trzgb in it hb had twh which wintered tyts0d Alexandrian 0tyrdnskl0
of the Twins 0m0td the sign 0t0 on it hyl( was twh & there ty0w
there Nmt & we remained Nywqw the city 0tnydm to Suraquse 0swqrsl & we came Nyt0w 12
three 0tlt days 0tmwy
to Region Nwygrl & we came N(nmw we traveled around Nkrkt0 there Nmt & from Nmw 13
the wind 0xwr for us Nl blew tb$n one dx day 0mwy & after rtbw the city 0tnydm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to Putielos sl0y+wpl we came Nyt0 days Nymwy & in two Nyrtlw of the south 0nmytd
of Italia 0yl+y0d a city 0tnydm
& we were Nywhw of us Nnm & they begged w(bw brethren 0x0 there Nmt & we found Nxk$0w 14
to Rome 0mwhrl we went on Nlz0 & then Nydyhw seven 0(b$ days 0tmwy with them Nwhtwl
to meet us N(rw0l they came forth wqpn there Nmtd brethren 0x0 heard w(m$ & when dkw 15
& unto 0md(w Apius Forus swrwp swyp0 which is called 0rqtmd the forum 0qw$l unto 0md(
Paulus swlwp them Nwn0 saw 0zx & when dkw Taverns Nwnx Three tltl
& he was encouraged lyxt0w God 0hl0l praised ydw0
Paulus swlwpl the Centurion 0nwr+nq & allowed sp0w Rome 0mwhrl & we entered Nl(w 16
him wh the soldier 0+wy+r+s0 with M( he wanted 0bcd where 0ky0 to dwell 0r$nd
him hl was 0wh who guarding r+nd
Paulus swlwp sent rd$ days Nymwy three 0tlt after rtb & from Nmw 17
they assembled w$nkt0 & when dkw of the Jews 0ydwhyd the rulers Nwhyn$rl called 0rq
I have stood tmq not 0l in a thing Mdmb when dk I 0n0 brothers yx0 men 0rbg to them Nwhl he said rm0
in bonds 0rws0b of my fathers yhb0d The Law 0swmnw the people 0m( against lbqwl
of the Romans 0ymwhrd into the hands 0dy0b Jerusalem Ml$rw0 from Nm I was handed over tmlt$0
because l+m to release me ynnwr$nd they wished wbc they examined me ynwl0$ when dk & they Nwnhw 18
death 0twml deserving 0w$d anything Mdm the rulers 0ny$r after me yrtb found wxk$0 that not 0ld
I was compelled tcl0t0 the Jews 0ydwhy against me ylbqwl were wwh standing Nymyq & as dkw 19
I yl had ty0 as if Ky0 not 0l to Qesar rsq an appeal Ngb to call for 0(q0d
my people ym( against the children of ynbl anything Mdmb to accuse gr+q0d
& I may see you Nwkyzx0w to come Nwt0td of you Nwknm I begged ty(b this 0nh because of l+m 20
for ryg the hope 0rbs because of l+m these things Nylh to you Nwkl & to relate 0(t$0w
this 0dh in chain 0tl$$b I am 0n0 bound rys0 of Israel lyrsy0d
not 0l about you Kyl( a letter 0trg0 we Nnx they Nwnh to him hl were saying Nyrm0 21
the brothers 0x0 from Nm a man $n0 neither 0lw Judea dwhy from Nm have we received Nlbq
about you Kyl( evil $ybd anything Mdm to us Nl said wrm0 Jerusalem Ml$rw0 from Nm who came wt0d
you tn0 think 0(rtmd what Mdm from you Knm to hear (m$nd but Nyd we desire Nnybc 22
anyone $n0 by l(d we know Nny(dy this 0nh teaching 0nplwyd because l+m
is acceptable lbqm not 0l
to him htwl & came wt0w & they gathered w$nkw a day 0mwy to him hl & they appointed wmyq0w 23
concerning l( to them Nwhl & he revealed 0lgw he was 0wh dwelling 0r$d where rk many 00ygs
them Nwhl & persuaded sypmw he testified dhsm as dk of God 0hl0d the kingdom 0twklm
The Prophets 0ybn & from Nmw of Moshe 0$wmd The Law 0swmn from Nm Yeshua (w$y about l(
evening 0$mrl & until 0md(w morning 0rpc from Nm
were wwh persuaded Nysyp+tm of them Nwhnm & some Ny$n0w 24
were wwh persuaded Nysyp+tm not 0l & others 0nrx0w by his words yhwlml
agreeing Nyml$ not 0l when dk his presence htwl from Nm & they were dismissed wyrt$0w 25
Paulus swlwp he wh to them Nwhl & said rm0w with one another 0ddxl
of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr spoke llm well ryp$ this 0dh saying 0tlm
your fathers Nwkthb0 against lbqwl the Prophet 0ybn of Isaiah 0y($0 by the mouth Mwpb
to them Nwhl & say rm0w this 0nh people 0m( to twl Go lzd he said rm0 when dk 26
you will understand Nwlktst & not 0lw you will hear Nw(m$t hearing 0(m$d
you will observe Nwrxbt & not 0lw & you will see Nwzxtw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

this 0nh of people 0m(d the heart hbl for ryg it hl has become hard yb(t0 27
have they shut wcm( & their eyes Nwhyny(w they have dulled wrqw0 & their hearing Nwht(m$mw
& hear Nw(m$nw with their eyes Nwhyny(b they shall see Nwzxn lest 0ld
in their hearts Nwhblb & understand Nwlktsnw with their ears Nwhynd0b
them Nwhl & I would forgive * qwb$0w to Me ytwl & turn Nwbwtnw
that to the Gentiles 0mm(ld this 0dh therefore lykh you Nwkl know (dytt 28
they Nwnh of God 0hl0d salvation 0nqrwp this 0nh sent rdt$0 it is wh
to it hl they are listening Ny(m$ also P0 for ryg
the Jews 0ydwhy went forth wqpn he said rm0 these things Nylh & when dkw 29
among them Nwhtnyb were wwh debating Ny$rd & many ygsw
house 0tyb his own hlyd from Nm Paulus swlwp himself hl & hired rg0w 30
there Nmt he was 0wh & receiving lbqmw years Nyn$ two Nytrt in it hb & he was 0whw
to him htwl were wwh who coming Nyt0d those Nyly0 all of them Nwhlkl
of God 0hl0d the kingdom htwklm about l( he was 0wh & preaching zrkmw 31
our Lord Nrm about l( in the public 0lgb eye Ny( he was 0wh & teaching Plmw
hindrance Nylk without 0ld The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y

Chapter 1
called 0yrq The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd a servant 0db( Paul swlwp 1
of God 0hl0d to the Gospel Nwylgnw0l who was separated $rpt0d & an apostle 0xyl$w
He promised Klm the first Mydq which from Nmd 2
holy 0$ydq in the scriptures 0btkb His prophets yhwybn by dyb
in the flesh rsbb Who was begotten dlyt0d He wh His Son hrb about l( 3
of David dywd of the house tybd the seed 0(rz from Nm
in power lyxb of God 0hl0d The Son 0rb & was revealed (dyt0w 4
of the dead 0tym house tyb from Nm Who arose Mqd Holy $wdq & by The Spirit xwrbw
our Lord Nrm The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
in all Nwhlkb & apostleship 0twxyl$w grace 0twby+ we have received Nbsn for in Him hbd 5
of His name hm$d the faith 0twnmyhl that they may obey Nw(mt$nd so that Ky0 the nations 0mm(
are Nwtn0 of them Nwhnm you Nwtn0 for also P0d 6
The Messiah 0xy$m by Yeshua (w$yb called 0yrq
of God 0hl0d beloved yhwbybx who are in Rome ymwhrbd to all Nwhlkl 7
with you Nwkm( & grace 0twby+w peace 0ml$ & holy 0$ydqw called 0yrq
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm & from Nmw our Father Nwb0 God 0hl0 from Nm
The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb my God yhl0l I 0n0 thank 0dwm first Mdqwl 8
is heard t(mt$0 because your faith Nwktwnmyhd all of you Nwklk for l(
world 0ml( in the whole hlkb
I 0n0 serve $m$m that Him hld God 0hl0 for ryg me yl is wh calling to testify dhs 9
ceasing 0wl$ that without 0ldd of His Son hrbd in the Gospel Nwylgnw0b in spirit xwrb
in my prayers ytwlcb of you Nwkl I am 0n0 reminded rkdtm in every time Nbzlkb
to me yl may be opened xtptt now wdk from Nm that if N0d I 0n0 & seek favor Nnxtmw 10

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to you Nwktwl that I may come 0t0d of God 0hl0d in the will hnybcb a way 0xrw0
to see you Nwkzx0d I 0n0 have desired 0ws greatly b+d because l+m 11
of The Spirit xwrd a gift 0tbhwm to you Nwkl & to give lt0w
you may confirmed Nwrrt$t that in Him hbd
& mine ylydw yours Nwklyd in faith 0twnmyhb we will be comforted 0ybtn & together 0dxk0w 12
many N0ygs that times Nynbzd you to know Nw(dtd my brothers yx0 but Nyd I 0n0 want 0bc 13
& I was prohibited tylkt0w to you Nwktwl to come 0t0d I have wanted tybc
there may be 0whn in you Nwkb that also P0d now 0$hl until 0md(
of the Gentiles 0mm(d that in others 0kr$bd like Ky0 fruit 0$d0 for me yl
& ignorant 0lksw wise 0mykx & Barbarians 0yrbrbw Greeks 0ynwy 14
to preach zrk0d I 0n0 owe a debt byx for to every person $nlkld
I 0n0 take pains +pxtm & so 0nkhw 15
I may preach the Good News rbs0 who are in Rome ymwhrbd to you Nwkl that also P0d
of the Gospel Nwylgnw0b of it hb I am 0n0 ashamed thb for ryg not 0l 16
of all lkd for the salvation 0yxl of God 0hl0d it is wh the power 0lyxd because l+m
first Mdqwl Judeans 0ydwhy of Nm whether N0 in it hb who believe Nynmyhmd
Aramaeans 0ymr0 of Nm or N0w
is revealed 0ylgtm in it hb of God 0hl0d for ryg the justice htwn0k 17
that which is written bytkd according to Ky0 to faith 0twnmyhl faith 0twnmyh from Nm
shall live 0xn faith 0twnmyh from Nm the just one 0n0kd
Heaven 0ym$ from Nm of God 0hl0d the rage hzgwr for ryg is wh revealed 0lgtm 18
of the children of men 0$nynbd & the wickedness Nwh($wrw the evils Nwhlw( all hlk against l(
are holding Nydyx0 in evil 0lw(b who the truth 0t$wqd those Nwnh
revealed 0ylg of God 0hl0d a knowledge htw(ydyd because l+m 19
to them Nwhb has revealed it hlg for ryg God 0hl0 to them Nwhb is yh
of the world 0ml(d the foundation htymrt from Nm of God 0hl0d for ryg the secrets htysk 20
& His power hlyxw are appearing Nyzxtm through intelligence 0lkwsb to His creatures htyrbl
a defense xwrb qpm without 0ld that they will be Nwwhnd eternal Ml(ld & His Godhead htwhl0w
God 0hl0ld as Ky0 & not 0lw God 0hl0l they knew w(dyd because l+m 21
they became destitute wqrts0 but 0l0 Him hl nor did they thank wydw0w they glorified Him yhwxb$
their heart Nwhbl & became dull K$xt0w in their reasoning Nwhtb$xmb
understanding lktsm without 0ld
in themselves Nwh$pnb they thought Nyrbs & when dkw 22
they Nwhl became insane w+$ they were Nwn0 that wise Nymykxd
corrupted lbxtm Who is not 0ld of God 0hl0d His glory htxwb$t & they changed wplxw 23
who is corrupted lbxtmd of a son of man 0$nrbd of the image 0mlcd into the likeness 0twmdb
footed animals hylgr & of four t(br0dw of birds 0txrpd & into the likeness 0twmdbw
of the earth 0(r0d & of creeping things 0$xrdw
God 0hl0 them Nwn0 handed over Ml$0 this 0nh because of l+m 24
to disgrace Nwr(cnd of their heart Nwhbld vile 0t0m+ to desires 0tgygrl
among themselves Nwhb their bodies Nwhyrgp
for lies 0twbdkb of God 0hl0d the truth hrr$ & they exchanged wplxw 25

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

created things 0tyrbl & they served w$m$w & they revered wlxdw
praises Nxb$t to Whom belong hld their Creator Nyhywrbld more than Nm b+
Amen Nym0 of eternities Nyml( to the eternity Ml(l & blessings Nkrwbw
God 0hl0 them Nwn0 handed over Ml$0 this 0nh because of l+m 26
for ryg their females Nwhtbqn of disgrace 0r(cd to diseases 0b0kl
their natural Nyhnykd need 0tx$x changed Plx
became accustomed x$xt0 is natural Nkm which not 0ld & with that Mdmbw
in this way 0nkh their males Nwhyrkd also P0 & again bwtw 27
natural 0nykd the need 0tx$x they abandoned wqb$
with desire 0tgrb & were ravished wxrt$0w for females 0tbqnd
male 0rkd for l( even male 0rkdw another dx for l( one dx
that is right qdzd & a reward 0n(rwpw they commited wdb( disgrace 0tthb
they received it yhwlbq in their persons Nwhmwnqb for their error Nwhtwy(+l there was 0wh
in themselves Nwh$pnb they decided wnd because not 0ld & as Ky0w 28
to a mind 0(dml God 0hl0 them Nwn0 handed over Ml$0 God 0hl0l to know Nw(dnd
whatever Mdm doing Nydb( so that they will be Nwwhnd of worthlessness 0twqyrsd
is appropriate 0lw not 0ld
& fornication 0twynzw injustice 0twlw( with every lk they are filled Nylm when dk 29
& envy 0msxw & greed 0twbwl(w & wickedness 0tw$ybw & bitterness 0twryrmw
wicked 0t$yb & reasoning 0tb$xmw & treachery 0lknw & contention 0nyrxw & murder 0l+qw
God 0hl0l & hating Ny0ynsw & slander 0crqlk0mw & murmuring 0n+rw 30
of evil 0t$yb inventors yxk$m boasters 0nrhb$ proud 0rytx insolent 0nr(cm
do obey Nysyp+tm not 0l who their parents Nwhyhb0ld reason 0ny(r lacking yrysx
love 0bwx neither 0lw to them Nwhl there is not tyl & because stability 0myqdw 31
in them Nwhb is ty0 compassion 0mxr nor 0lw peace 0ny$ nor 0lw
that those Nyly0ld of God 0hl0d the judgment hnyd they know Ny(dy who while dkd those Nyly0 32
are condemned byxm to death 0twml are committing Nyr(s these things Nylh who such as Ky0d
these things Nyhl doing Nydb( only dwxlb were 0wh not 0l
are doing Nydb( who these things Nylhd to those Nyly0l are attached Nyptwt$m also P0 but 0l0
Chapter 2
a defense 0xwrb qpm to you Kl there is not tyl this 0nh because of l+m 2:1
his neighbor hrbx judging N0d son of man 0$nrb Oh w0
your neighbor Krbx you tn0 which judge N0dd for ryg in that whb
for ryg you tn0 also P0 you tn0 are guilty byxm of that wh yourself K$pn
you tn0 employed Kphtm are wh in those things Nyhb are tn0 who judging N0dd
of God 0hl0d the judgment hnyd that exists yhwty0d & we know Nny(dyw 2
are employed Nykphtm who in these things Nylhbd those Nyly0 against l( in the truth 0t$wqb
son of man 0$nrb Oh w0 are you tn0 thinking b$xtm but Nyd why? 0nm 3
are occupied Nykphtm who in these things Nylhbd those Nyly0l are tn0 who judging N0dd
are tn0 employed Kphtm in them Nyhb you tn0 also P0 when dk
of God 0hl0d the judgment hnyd from Nm will escape qwr(t that you tn0d
& against l(w of His sweetness htwmysbd the wealth 0rtw( against l( or w0 4
to you Kl that He gave bhyd the place 0rt0 & against l(w of His Spirit hxwr the patience trgm
do you tn0 know (dy & not? 0lw do you? tn0 venture xrmm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of God 0hl0d that the sweetness htwmysbd

to you Kl bringing 0ytym is wh repentance 0twbytl
repents b0t that not 0ld of your heart Kbl the callousness twy$q because of l+m but 0l0 5
of anger 0zgwrd a treasure 0tmys for yourself Kl you tn0 lay up M0s
& the revelation 0nylglw of anger 0zgwrd for the day 0mwyl
of God 0hl0d just 0n0k of the judgment 0nydd
his works yhwdb( according to Ky0 every person $nlkl Who pays (rpd He wh 6
good 0b+ of works 0db(d who in the patience 0twnrbysmbd to those Nyly0l 7
are seeking Ny(b & indestructibility 0twnlbxtm 0lw & honor 0rqy0w glory 0txwb$t
eternal Ml(ld life 0yx to them Nwhl He gives bhy
but 0l0 the truth 0rr$l do obey Nysyp+tm & not 0lw who resist Nyc(d but Nyd those Nyly0 8
& fury 0tmxw anger 0zgwr them Nwn0 He will pay (wrpn obey Nysyp+tm evil 0lw(l
who cultivates xlpd person $nrb to every lkl & trouble 0prw+w & suffering 0nclw0w 9
& to the Aramaeans 0ymr0lw first Mdqwl to the Judeans 0ydwhyl wickedness 0t$yb
to everyone lkl & peace 0ml$w & honor 0rqy0w but Nyd glory 0txwb$t 10
& to the Aramaeans 0ymr0lw first Mdqwl to the Judeans 0ydwhyl good 0tb+ who cultivates xlpd
God 0hl0 with twl of faces 0p0b accepting bsm there is ty0 for ryg not 0l 11
sinned w+x The Written Law 0swmn who without 0ldd for ryg those Nyly0 12
they will be destroyed Nwdb0n The Written Law 0swmn without 0ld also P0
sinned w+x who with The Written Law 0swmnbd & those Nyly0w
will be judged Nwnydtn The Written Law 0swmn from Nm
righteous ones Nyn0k of The Written Law 0swmnd the hearers yhw(wm$ for ryg are 0wh not 0l 13
are justified Nyqddzm of The Written Law 0swmnd the doers yhwdwb( but 0l0 God 0hl0 before Mdq
to whom Nwhl there is not tyl The Written Law 0swmnd the Gentiles 0mm( for ryg if N0 14
& when dkd those things Nwnh of The Written Law 0swmnd would perform Nwdb(n their nature Nwhnyk from Nm
to them Nwhl was 0wh there not tyl The Written Law 0swmn
The Law 0swmn they are wwh to themselves Nwh$pnl
of The Written Law 0swmnd the work hdb( are showing Nywxm & those Nwnhw 15
their conscience Nwhtr0t for them Nwhyl( & testifies 0dhsmw their heart Nwhbl on l( it is written bytk as dk
each one 0ddxl defends 0xwr Nqpn or w0 rebukes Nnwkm their reasoning Nwhtb$xm while dk
of children of men 0$nynbd the secrets 0tysk God 0hl0 when judges N0dd in the day 0mwyb 16
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y by dyb my ylyd Gospel Nwylgnw0 according to Ky0
& comforted xynttmw you are tn0 called 0rqtm of The Judeans 0ydwhyd but Nyd you tn0 if N0 17
in God 0hl0b you tn0 & are boasting rhbt$mw The Written Law 0swmn upon l( you are tn0
what is right 0tylw you tn0 & discern $rpw His will hnybc you tn0 that know (dyd 18
The Written Law 0swmn from Nm you tn0 that were taught Pylyd
you are tn0 that a leader 0nrbdmd yourself K$pn in l( & you are confident tlktt0w 19
in darkness 0kw$xb who are Nwhyty0d of those Nyly0d & a light 0rhwnw of the blind 0ryw(d
of children 0yl+d & a teacher 0nplmw understanding 0ny(r of those lacking yrysxd & an instructor 0ywdrw 20
in The Written Law 0swmnb & of the truth 0rr$dw of knowledge 0t(dyd a model 0ymwd to you Kl & is ty0w
others 0nrx0l are tn0 who teaching Plmd therefore lykh you tn0 21
you tn0 & who are preaching zrkmdw you tn0 do teach Plm not 0l yourself K$pnl

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

are tn0 stealing bng you tn0 people shall steal Nwbngn that not 0ld
people shall commit adultery Nwrwgn that not 0ld you tn0 & who say rm0dw 22
are tn0 who despising +0$d & you tn0w are tn0 committing adultery r0g you tn0
holy 0$dqm the place tyb you tn0 plunder clxm idols 0rktp
in that whb in The Written Law 0swmnb are tn0 who boasting rhbt$md & you tn0w 23
The Written Law 0swmn against l( you tn0 which violate rb(d
you tn0 insult r(cm Himself wh God 0hl0l
blasphemed Pdgtm is wh because of you Nwktl+m of God 0hl0d for ryg The Name hm$ 24
what has been written bytkd according to Ky0 the Gentiles 0mm( among tyb
The Written Law 0swmn if N0 is beneficial 0ynhm for ryg circumcision 0trwzg 25
The Written Law 0swmn from Nm but Nyd you Kl will depart rb(t if N0 you will perfectly observe rwmgt
uncircumcision 0twlrw( for hl is twh your circumcision Ktrwzg
the commandments hndqwp will observe r+t uncircumcision 0twlrw(d but Nyd He wh if N0 26
behold 0h not? 0l of The Written Law 0swmnd
circumcision 0trwzg for hl is accounted 0b$xtm uncircumcision 0twlrw(
its nature hnyk that by Nmd the uncircumcision 0twlrw( & will judge Nwdtw 27
who with the scriptures 0btkbd you Kl The Written Law 0swmn perfectly observes 0rmg
The Written Law 0swmn against l( you tn0 violate rb( & with circumcision 0trwzgbw
Jew 0ydwhy the wh is wh who outwardly 0ylgbd he Nm for ryg it was 0wh not 0l 28
circumcision 0trwzg in flesh 0rsbb which is seen 0yzxtmd is that 0dy0 neither 0lp0
& circumcision 0trwzgw is wh in secret 0yskbd whoever 0ny0 a Jew 0ydwhy is wh he wh but 0l0 29
by the scriptures 0btkb & not 0lw in the spirit xwrb is yh which of the heart 0bldd that 0dy0
from Nm was twh not 0l whose glory htxwb$td that 0dy0
God 0hl0 from Nm but 0l0 of men 0$n0 children ynb

Chapter 3
of the Jews 0ydwhyd the excellence htwryty therefore lykh is yh what? 0nm 3:1
of circumcision 0trwzgd the advantage hnrtwy what? 0nm or w0
first Mdqwl thing Mdm in every lkb much ygs 2
of God 0hl0d with the words yhwlm that they were entrusted Nmyht0d
they believed wnmyh not 0l for ryg some of them Nwhnm if N0 3
they did believe wnmyh by that which not 0ldb did? 0mld
they nullify wl+b of God 0hl0d the faithfulness htwnmyh
lies lgd person $nrb & every lkw true 0ryr$ God 0hl0 for ryg is yhwty0 God forbid! sx 4
in Your words Kylmb just Ny0k You will be 0whtd that which is written bytkd just as 0nky0
You Kl they judge Nynyd when dk & You will be cleared 0kztw
establishes Myqm of God 0hl0d the justice htwn0k our evil Nlw( but Nyd if N0 5
God 0hl0 is wh doing evil lw( interrog. 0ml shall we say rm0n what? 0nm
I 0n0 speaking llmm am wh a son of man 0$nrb as Ky0 His rage hzgwr Who brings forth 0tymd
the universe 0ml(l God 0hl0 will judge Nwdn how? 0nky0 not 0l & if N0w God forbid! sx 6

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

by my lies ytwlgdb is made to superabound rtyt0 of God 0hl0d the truth hrr$ for ryg if N0 7
am 0n0 therefore lykh Why? 0nml His hlyd for His glory htxwb$tl
I 0n0 judged Nydttm a sinner 0y+x as Ky0
& they report Nyrm0w against us Nyl( they slander Nypdgmd as Ky0 is it? 0mld or w0 8
good 0tb+ that may come Nyt0nd evil 0t$yb let us practice db(nd that we say Nnyrm0d
for justice 0twn0kl is wh kept ry+n whose judgment Nwhnydd those Nwnh
because we have precedence? Nmdqd to be greater 0ryty are we held Nnydyx0 therefore lykh why? 0nm 9
Aramaeans 0ymr0 & about l(w Jews 0ydwhy about l( we have determined Nqsp
all of them Nwhlk they are Nwn0 sin 0ty+x that under tyxtd
one dx not even 0lp0 a just person 0n0k There is not tyld that is written bytkd as Ky0 10
God 0hl0l one who seeks 0(bd neither 0lw one who understands lktsmd neither 0lw 11
& they have been rejected wylts0w as one 0dxk0 they have turned away w+s all of them Nwhlk 12
one dx not even 0lp0 good 0tb+ one who does db(d & there is not tylw
& their tongues Nwhyn$lw their throats Nwhtrgg are opened 0xytp tombs 0rbq 13
their lips Nwhtwps is under tyxt of asps sps0d & the venom 0tmxw are deceitful Nyntlwkn
& bitterness 0trmw of curses 0t+wl is full 0lm their mouth Nwhmwp 14
blood 0md to shed d$0ml are swift Nlylq & their feet Nwhylgrw 15
are in their way Nwhtxrw0b & wretchedness 0nwwdw adversity 0qx$ 16
they have known w(dy not 0l of peace 0ml$d & the way 0xrw0w 17
their eyes Nwhyny( before Mdq is not tyl of God 0hl0d & the awesomeness htlxdw 18
The Written Law 0swmn has said rm0d that whatever things Mdmd but Nyd we know Nny(dy 19
it has said rm0 are Nwn0 who into The Written Law 0swmnbd to those Nyly0l
may be shut rktsn mouth Mwp that every lkd
before God 0hl0l may be guilty byxtn whole hlk & the universe 0ml(w
of The Written Law 0swmnd the works yhwdb( that from Nmd because l+m 20
before Him yhwmdq body rsb every lk are justified qddzm not 0l
sin 0ty+x has been made known t(dyt0 for ryg The Written Law 0swmn from Nm
The Written Law 0swmn without 0ld but Nyd now 0$h 21
has been revealed tylgt0 of God 0hl0d the righteousness htwn0k
& The Prophets 0ybnw The Law 0swmn are wh about it hyl( & testifying dhsmw
is yh faith 0twnmyh by dyb of God 0hl0d but Nyd the righteousness htwn0k 22
also P0 unto every person $nlkl The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd
in Him hb who believes Nmyhmd every person $nlk upon l(
a distinction 0n$rwp for ryg there is not tyl
they have sinned w+x all of them Nwhlkd because l+m 23
of God 0hl0d the glory htxwb$t of Nm & they were deprived Nyrysxw
without charge Ngm by grace 0twby+b & they are justified Nyqddzmw 24
The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb that exists yhwty0d & by the redemption 0nqrwpbw
as the atonement 0yswx God 0hl0 placed Him hms Whom before Mdqd This One 0nh 25
for the sake of l+m of His blood hmdd by the faith 0twnmyhb
we had sinned Ny+x formerly Mydq which Nmd our sins Nyh+x

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of His Spirit hxwr in the patience trgmb God 0hl0 us Nl that has given bhyd in the space 0rt0b 26
this 0nh which is in time 0nbzbd of His justice htwn0kd for the demonstration 0tywxtl
by justice 0twn0kb & He would justify qdznw The Just One 0n0k would be 0whn that He whd
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd is wh who in the faith 0twnmyhbd the one Nml
with Him hl it has been eliminated l+bt0 pride 0rhbw$ therefore lykh where is? wky0 27
of works? 0db(d law 0swmn by what? 0ny0b
of faith 0twnmyhd by the Law 0swmnb but 0l0 no 0l
justified qddzm is wh that by faith 0twnmyhbd therefore lykh we determine Nny(rtm 28
of The Written Law 0swmnd by works 0db(b & not 0lw a son of man 0$nrb
only dwxlb is He? wh of The Judeans 0ydwhyd God 0hl0 for ryg interrogative 0ml 29
of the Gentiles 0mm(d also P0 Yes Ny0 not? 0l & of the Gentiles 0mm(dw
the circumcision 0trwzg Who justifies qdzmd God 0hl0 there is wh that One dxd because l+m 30
by faith 0twnmyhb by it hb the uncircumcision 0twlrw( also P0 by faith 0twnmyhb
by faith 0twnmyhb we eliminating Nnyl+bm are? wh The Written Law 0swmn therefore lykh interrogative 0ml 31
we establishing Nnymyqm are wh The Written Law 0swmn but 0l0 God forbid! sx
Chapter 4
Abraham Mhrb0 about l( do we say Nnyrm0 therefore lykh what? 0nm 4:1
in the flesh rsbb that he had found xk$0d of the fathers 0thb0d the chief 0$r
were 0wh justified qddz0 works 0db( from Nm Abraham Mhrb0 for ryg if wl0 2
of God 0hl0 in the Presence twl not 0l but 0l0 a pride 0rhbw$ to him hl were 0wh it ty0
God 0hl0l Abraham Mhrb0 believed Nmyhd the scriptures 0btk say rm0 for ryg what? 0nm 3
for righteousness wqydzl to him hl & it was accounted tb$xt0w
to him hl is accounted b$xtm not 0l but Nyd who labors xlpd to the one Nml 4
but 0l0 that which is by a favor wby+bd as Ky0 ones wages hrg0
to him hl which is owed byxttmd that Nm as Ky0
but 0l0 labors xlp who not 0ld but Nyd to one whl 5
sinners 0y+xl Who justifies qdzmd in The One Nmb only dwxlb believes Nmyh
for righteousness wn0kl his faith htwnmyh to him hl is accounted 0b$xtm
of the man 0rbgd the blessedness hbw+ about l( said rm0 David dywd that also P0d just as 0nky0 6
righteousness 0twqydz to whom hl accounts b$x God 0hl0d him 0ny0
he said rm0 as dk works 0db( without 0ld
evils Nwhlw( them Nwhl whose are forgiven qbt$0d to those Nyly0l their blessings Nwhybw+d 7
their sins Nwhyh+x & are covered wyskt0w
to the man 0rbgl & his blessings yhwbw+w 8
his sins hty+x God 0hl0 to him hl will reckon bw$xn whom not 0ld
the circumcision 0trwzg on l( blessing 0bw+ therefore lykh this 0nh 9
for ryg we say Nnyrm0 the uncircumcision 0twlrw( on l( or w0 is? wh
for righteousness wn0kl his faith htwnmyh to Abraham Mhrb0l was accounted tb$xt0d
to him hl was it accounted tb$xt0 therefore lykh How? 0nky0 10
in uncircumcision 0twlrw(b or w0 in circumcision 0trwzgb
in uncircumcision 0twlrw(b but 0l0 in circumcision 0trwzgb it was 0wh not 0l

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& the seal 0mtxw circumcision 0trwzgl he received hlq$ for ryg is wh a sign 0t0 11
when in uncircumcision 0twlrw(bd of his faith htwnmyhd of the righteousness 0twn0kd
who believe Nynmyhmd those Nyly0 to all Nwhlkl the father 0b0 that he would be 0whnd
that it shall be reckoned b$xttd the uncircumcision 0twlrw( among Nm
for righteousness wn0kl to them Nwhl also P0
to those Nyly0l he was 0wh not 0l to the circumcision 0trwzgl & the father 0b0w 12
to those Nyly0l also P0 but 0l0 only dwxlb are Nwn0 the circumcision 0trwzg who from Nmd
of the uncircumcision 0twlrw(d of faith 0twnmyhd the steps 0tbq(l who follow Nyml$d
Abraham Mhrb0 of our father Nwb0d
the promise 0nklwm there was 0wh by The Written Law 0swmnb for ryg it was 0wh not 0l 13
to the universe 0ml(l the heir 0try that he would be 0whnd & his seed h(rzlw to Abraham Mhrb0l
of his faith htwnmyhd by the righteousness 0twn0kb but 0l0
the heirs 0try were wwh The Written Law 0swmn who of Nmd these Nylh for ryg if wl0 14
faith 0twnmyh would have been twh worthless 0qyrs
the promise 0nklwm would have 0wh & become void l+bmw
of rage 0zgwrd is wh the worker 0ndb(m for ryg The Written Law 0swmn 15
neither 0lp0 written Law 0swmn for ryg there is no tyld where rk
of The Written Law 0swmn is there a violation rb(
which is by grace 0twby+bd in faith 0twnmyhb this 0nh because of l+m 16
the promise 0nklwm sure ryr$ & will be 0whnw one will be justified qddzn
who of Nmd to the one 0ny0l not 0l his seed h(rz to all hlkl
who of Nmd to the one 0ny0l also P0 but 0l0 only dwxlb is wh The Written Law 0swmn
of us all Nlkd the father 0b0 who is yhwty0d of Abraham Mhrb0d is wh the faith 0twnmyh
the father 0b0 I have appointed you Ktmsd what is written bytkd just as 0nky0 17
the same wh God 0hl0 before Mdq of the nations 0mm(d to a multitude 00gwsl
the dead 0tym Who gives life to 0xmd in Whom hb you believed tnmyhd
they are Nwhyty0 as if Ky0 are Nwhyty0 who not 0ld those Nyly0l & He calls 0rqw
that he would be 0whnd he believed Nmyh hope 0rbsl hope 0rbs & without 0ldw 18
that is written bytkd as Ky0 of the nations 0mm(d to the multitude 00gwsl the father 0b0
your seed K(rz shall be 0whn Like this 0nkhd
he considered 0qbtm when dk in his faith htwnmyhb he failed hrkt0 & not 0lw 19
years Nyn$ of one hundred 00m a son rb for he was 0whd dead 0tym his body hrgpb
of Sara 0rsd dead 0tym & the womb 0(brmbw
he doubted glpt0 not 0l of God 0hl0d & the promise 0nklwmbw 20
in faith 0twnmyhb he was strengthened lyxt0 but 0l0 faith 0twnmyh lacking rysx as if Ky0
to God 0hl0l praise 0txwb$t & he gave bhyw
to him hl had promised Klmd that whatever Mdmd & he affirmed r$0w 21
to perform rmgml He was able xk$m God 0hl0
for righteousness wn0kl to him hl it was accounted tb$xt0 this 0nh because of l+m 22
this 0dh was written tbtkt0 only dwxlb for his sake htl+m it was 0wh & not 0lw 23
for righteousness wn0kl his faith htwnmyh that was accounted tb$xt0d
to reckon bw$xnd is wh He going dyt( for to us also Nlp0d for our sake Ntl+m also P0 but 0l0 24
our Lord Nrml Who raised Myq0d in The One Nmb we believe Nnmyhd who Nyly0
of the dead 0tym the house tyb from Nm The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

our sins Nyh+x because of l+m was handed over Mlt$0 Him Who whd 25
He would justify us Nqdznd so that l+m & He arose Mqw

Chapter 5
by faith 0twnmyhb therefore lykh we have been justified Nqddz0d because l+m 5:1
God 0hl0 with twl peace 0ml$ to us Nl there shall be 0whn
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y in our Lord Nrmb
by faith 0twnmyhb we have been brought near Nbrqt0 for in Him hbd 2
we stand Nnymyq in which hbd this 0dh to grace 0twby+l
of God 0hl0d of the glory htxwb$td in the hope 0rbsb & we glory Nnyrhbt$mw
we glory Nnyrhbt$m in afflictions Nynclw0b also P0 but 0l0 only dwxlb in this way 0nkh & not 0lw 3
in us Nb perfects rmg patience 0twnrbysm that affliction 0nclw0d for we know Nny(dyd
hope 0rbs & experience 0yqwbw experience 0yqwb & patience 0twnrbysmw 4
does make ashamed thbm not 0l but Nyd hope 0rbs 5
our hearts Ntwbl has entered l( overflowing (p$m of God 0hl0d the love hbwxd because l+m
to us Nl Who has been given tbhyt0d of Holiness 0$dwqd by The Spirit 0xwrb
our weakness Ntwhyrk because of l+m The Messiah 0xy$m but Nyd Truly N0 6
died tym the wicked 0(y$r for the sake Plx this 0nh at time 0nbzb
will die t0m the wicked 0(y$r for the sake of Plx a man $n0 for ryg hardly Nsxml 7
to die tmml a man $n0 may dare xrmm perhaps K+ however ryg the good 0b+ for the sake of Plx
that surely N0d that is for us Ntwld His love hbwx God 0hl0 demonstrates 0wxm here 0krh 8
died tym in our place Nyplx The Messiah 0xy$m were Nywh we being Nyty0 sinners 0y+x when dk
will we be justified qddzn all the more ty0ryty therefore lykh How much more? 0mk 9
wrath 0zgwr from Nm we will be saved 0cptn & by Him hbw by His blood hmdb now 0$h
God 0hl0 with us Nm( was reconciled y(rt0 enemies 0bbdl(b we were Nyty0 when dk for ryg if N0 10
all the more ty0ryty therefore lykh How much more? 0mk of His Son hrbd in the death 0twmb
by His Life yhwyxb shall we live 0xn in His reconciliation htw(rtb
also P0 but 0l0 only dwxlb in this way 0nkh & not 0lw 11
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm by dyb in God 0hl0b we glory rhbt$n
the reconciliation 0tw(rt we have received Nlbq now 0$h it is wh for in Him hbd
man 0$nrb one dx that by the hand of dybd for ryg just as 0nky0 12
death 0twm sin 0ty+x & by means of dybw the universe 0ml(l sin 0ty+x entered tl(
death 0twm passed rb( of men 0$n0 the children ynb into all Nwhlkb & in this way 0nkhw
have sinned w+x because all of them Nwhlkd by this yhb
sin 0ty+x The Written Law 0swmnl for ryg until 0md( 13
in the universe 0ml(b it was twh being hyty0 when dk
sin 0ty+x it was twh accounted 0by$x not 0l
The Written Law 0swmn was 0wh that there not tyld because l+m
Moses 0$wml & until 0md(w Adam Md0 from Nm death 0twm reigned Klm0 but 0l0 14
in the likeness 0twmdb they sinned w+x who not 0ld those Nyly0 over l( even P0
who was yhwty0d him wh of Adam Md0d of the Law hswmn of the violation rb(d

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Who was to come dyt(d of Him whd the image 0twmd

the gift 0tbhwm in this way 0nkh the fall 0t(rw$ as Ky0 was 0wh not 0l but 0l0 15
died wtym the many 00ygs of one dxd the fall ht(rw$ because of l+m for ryg if N0
of God 0hl0d the grace htwby+ all the more ty0ryty therefore lykh how much more? 0mk
man 0$nrb one dx because of l+m & His gift htbhwmw
shall superabound rtytt in the many 00ygsb The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
is the gift 0tbhwm in this way 0nkh of one dxd the offense 0twlks as is Ky0 & not 0lw 16
to pronouncing guilty verdicts 0bywxl one dx from Nm was 0whd for ryg the judgment 0nyd
to righteousness wn0kl was twh the many 00ygs the sins 0h+x from Nm but Nyd the gift 0tbhwm was 0wh
death 0twm reigned Klm0 of one dxd the offense 0twlks because of l+m for ryg if N0 17
of favor 0twby+d an abundance 00gws who receive wbsnd those Nyly0 all the more ty0ryty
shall reign Nwklmn in Life 0yxb of righteousness 0twn0kdw & of the gift 0tbhwmdw
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y One dx by the hand of dyb
of one dxd the offense 0twlks because of l+md therefore lykh in like manner 0nzk0 18
the children of men 0$nynb to all Nwhlkl a guilty verdict 0bywx there was 0wh
of One dxd the righteousness 0twn0k because of l+m in this way 0nkh
the children of men 0$nynb to all Nwhlkl for life 0yxl the triumph 0twkz shall be 0wht
of one dxd obedience htwn(mt$m dis 0l because of l+md for ryg just as 0nky0 19
also P0 in this way 0nkh became wwh the many 00ygs sinners 0y+x man 0$nrb
become Nywh just 0n0k the many 00ygs of One dxd the obedience htwn(mt$m because of l+m
to The Written Law 0swmnl there was 0whd but Nyd the introduction 0nl(m 20
sin 0ty+x increased tygsd & wherever rkw sin 0ty+x that would increase 0gstd
grace 0twby+ superabounded trtyt0 there Nmt
in this way 0nkh by death 0twmb sin 0ty+x reigned tklm0d that as Ky0d 21
eternal Ml(ld to life 0yxl by righteousness 0twn0kb grace 0twby+ shall reign Klmt
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm by dyb

Chapter 6
in sin 0ty+xb in it hb shall we dwell 0wqn shall we say rm0n therefore lykh what? 0nm 6:1
may abound rtytt that grace 0twby+d
to sin 0ty+xl of us who are dead Ntymd for ryg those Nyly0 God forbid! sx 2
again bwt in it hb shall we live 0xn how? 0nky0
of us who were baptized Ndm(d that those Nyly0d you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy not? 0l or w0 3
we baptized Ndm( were wh in His death htwmb The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb
for as 0nky0d to death 0twml in baptism 0tydwm(mb with Him hm( we were buried Nrbqt0 4
in the glory 0txwb$tb the dead 0tym among tyb from Nm The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y arose Mqd
we shall walk Klhn new 0tdx in Life 0yxb we Nnx also P0 in this way 0nkh of His Father yhwb0d
in the image 0twmdb with Him hm( we have been planted Nbcnt0 as one dxk0 for ryg if N0 5
we shall be 0whn in His resurrection htmyqb also P0 in this way 0nkh of His death htwmd
old 0qyt( that our person N$nrbd for ryg we know Nny(dy 6

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that shall be destroyed l+btnd with Him hm( was crucified Pqdz0
sin 0ty+xl we shall serve $m$n not 0l that again bwtd of sin 0ty+xd the body 0rgp
sin 0ty+x from Nm himself hl has been freed rrxt0 for ryg is dead tymd whoever 0ny0 7
The Messiah 0xy$m with M( we are dead Ntym therefore lykh if N0 8
we shall live 0xn The Messiah 0xy$m with M( that with Him hm(d let us believe Nmyhn
of the dead 0tym house tyb from Nm arose Mq that The Messiah 0xy$md for ryg we know Nny(dy 9
over Him hb has authority +lt$m no 0l & death 0twmw He shall die t0m not 0l & again bwtw
died tym He wh to sin 0ty+xl for ryg He who died tymd 10
to God 0hl0l He is wh living yx & because He lives yxdw time Nbz one 0dx
that dead 0tymd yourselves Nwk$pn consider wbw$x you Nwtn0 also P0 in this way 0nkh 11
to God 0hl0l you are Nwtn0 & living 0yxw to sin 0ty+xl you are Nwtn0
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y in our Lord Nrmb
dead 0tym in your body Nwkrgpb sin 0ty+x shall reign Klmt therefore lykh not 0l 12
its desires htgygrl that you would obey Nw(mt$td as if Ky0
of evil 0lw(d weapons 0nyz your members Nwkymdh present Nwby+t do not 0l & also P0w 13
to God 0hl0l yourselves Nwk$pn present wby+ but 0l0 for sin 0ty+xl
& your members Nwkymdhw are alive Nwtyyx the dead 0tym who from Nmd people 0$n0 as Ky0
of God 0hl0d for the justice htwn0kl shall be Nwwhn weapons 0nyz
for ryg not 0l over you Nwkyl( has authority 0+lt$m not 0l & sin 0ty+xw 14
grace 0twby+ under tyxt but 0l0 The Written Law 0swmn under tyxt you are Nwkyty0
under tyxt we are Nywh because not 0ld we shall sin 0+xn therefore lykh what? 0nm 15
God forbid! sx grace 0twby+ under tyxt but 0l0 The Written Law 0swmn
you Nwtn0 present Nyby+md that to whom Nmld you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy not? 0l 16
you are Nwtn0 His hlyd to bondage 0twdb(l it hl to obey Nw(mt$td yourselves Nwk$pn
to him hl you are Nwtn0 whom obeying Ny(mt$md of that one whd servants 0db(
of righteousness 0twn0kd ear 0nd0 to the hearing (m$ml or if N0w to sin 0ty+xl if N0
of sin 0ty+xd you were Nwtywh that servants 0db(d God 0hl0l but Nyd thank wby+ 17
of the teaching 0nplwyd the form 0twmdl the heart 0bl from Nm & you obeyed Nwt(mt$0w
to which hl you are devoted Nwtmlt$0d
sin 0ty+x from Nm you were freed Nwtrrxt0 & when dkw 18
to righteousness 0twn0kl you became servants Nwtdb(t$0
I 0n0 say rm0 of children of men 0$nynb of the house tybd as Ky0 19
you presented Nwtby+d that as 0nky0d of your flesh Nwkrsbd the weakness 0twhyrk because of l+m
& of evil 0lw(dw of defilement 0twpn+d to the servitude 0twdb(l your members Nwkymdh
to the servitude 0twdb(l your members Nwkymdh present wby+ now 0$h also P0 in this way 0nkh
of sin 0ty+xd for ryg you became Nwtywh servants 0db( when dk 20
from righteousness 0twn0kl you became Nwtywh free 0rrxm
which 0ny0 then Nydyh to you Nwkl was 0wh existing ty0 fruit 0$d0 & what? 0nmw 21
death 0twm is hyty0 for ryg its end htrx of it hb you are Nwtn0 ashamed Nythb of today 0nmwyd
sin 0ty+x from Nm because you have been freed Nwtrrxt0d & now 0$hw 22
fruit 0r0p to you Nwkl is ty0 to God 0hl0l servants 0db( & you are Nwtywhw
eternal Ml(ld life 0yx for the result of those is Nwhtrxd holy 0$ydq

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

is wh death 0twm of sin 0ty+xd but Nyd the merchandise 0trwg0t 23

eternal Ml(ld life 0yx of God 0hl0d & the gift htbhwmw
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y in our Lord Nrmb

Chapter 7
The Written Law 0swmn to those knowing y(dyl my brothers yx0 you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy not 0l or w0 7:1
is wh in authority +yl$ that The Written Law 0swmnd I 0n0 speak llmm for ryg
as he lives yxd as long 0mk a man 0rbg over l(
as long 0mk to her lord hl(bb is yh who bound 0rys0d a woman 0ttn0 as Ky0 2
her husband hl(b is dead tym but Nyd if N0 in The Written Law 0swmnb as he lives yxd
of her husband hl(bd The Written Law 0swmn from Nm she has been freed trrxt0
another Nyrx0 for a man rbgl she shall leave Pqt her lord hl(b lives yx while dk but Nyd if N0 3
her lord hl(b should die twmn but Nyd if N0 an adulteress 0tryg to him hl she was twh
an adulteress 0tryg is hyty0 & not 0lw The Written Law 0swmn from Nm she has been freed trrxt0
another 0nrx0 for a man 0rbgl she will be 0wht if N0
to The Written Law 0swmnl you have died Nwttym you Nwtn0 also P0 my brothers yx0 & now 0$hw 4
for Another Nyrx0l that you would be Nwwhtd of The Messiah 0xy$md with the body hrgpb
of the dead 0tym the house tyb from Nm Who arose Mqd The One 0ny0
to God 0hl0l fruit 0r0p that you would yield Nwlttd
of sin 0h+xd the diseases 0b0k for ryg we were Nywh in the flesh 0rsbb when dk 5
in the members Nymdhb were wwh working diligently Ny+pxtm that are by The Written Law 0swmnbd
to death 0twml we might yield ltn that fruit 0r0pd
The Written Law 0swmn from Nm we have been exempted Nl+bt0 but Nyd now 0$h 6
us Nl had 0wh which controlled dyx0d to that whl & we are dead Ntymw
of The Spirit 0xwrd in the newness 0twtdxb from now on lykm so that we shall serve $m$nd
of the scriptures 0btk in the antiquity twqyt(b & not 0lw
is? wh sin 0ty+x The Written Law 0swmn shall we say Nnyrm0 therefore lykh what? 0nm 7
except 0l0 I would have learned tply not 0l sin 0ty+xl but 0l0 God forbid! sx
I would have tywh known (dy lust 0tgr for ryg not 0l The Written Law 0swmn by dyb
lust grt do not 0ld that said rm0d The Written Law 0swmn not 0l if it were wl0
for itself hl found txk$0 commandment 0ndqwp in this 0nhbw 8
lust 0gr every lk in me yb & developed trmgw occasion 0tl( sin 0ty+x
was twh dead 0tym sin 0ty+x for ryg The Written Law 0swmn without d(lb
The Written Law 0swmn without 0ld I was tywh alive yx but Nyd I 0n0 9
but Nyd came 0t0 when dk the first Mydq from Nm
died ttym & I 0n0w lived tyx sin 0ty+x the commandment 0ndqwp
that wh commandment 0ndqwp for me yl & was found xkt$0w 10
for death 0twml of life 0yxd
for itself hl that it found txk$0d in the occasion 0tl(b for ryg sin 0ty+x 11
killed me yntl+q & with it hbw seduced me ynty(+0 the commandment 0ndqwp by dyb
is wh holy $ydq therefore Nydm The Written Law 0swmn 12
& good b+w & just Ny0kw is wh holy $ydq & the commandment 0ndqwpw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

was? twh it wh for death 0twml to me yl therefore lykh the good 0tb+ 13
that sin 0ty+xd that it may appear 0zxttd sin 0ty+x but 0l0 God forbid! sx
death 0twm in me yb perfected trmg by means of the good 0tb+bd it is yh
by the commandment 0ndqwpb sin 0ty+x would be condemned byxtt that all the more ty0rytyd
is wh of The Spirit xwrd that The Written Law 0swmnd for ryg we know Nny(dy 14
to sin 0ty+xl I am 0n0 & sold Nbzmw am 0n0 of the flesh rsbd but Nyd I 0n0
I 0n0 knew (dy not 0l for ryg I 0n0 that committed r(sd the thing Mdm 15
but 0l0 I 0n0 did db( I 0n0 that chose 0bcd anything Mdm was it 0wh neither 0lw
I was 0n0 doing db( that wh it was wh I 0n0 that hated 0nsd the thing Mdm
I 0n0 did db( I 0n0 wanted 0bc that not 0ld anything Mdm & if N0w 16
it is wh that excellent ryp$d The Written Law 0swmn of l( I 0n0 testify dhs
this 0dh am 0n0 committing r(s I 0n0 it is 0wh not 0l but Nyd now 0$h 17
in me yb that dwells 0rm(d sin 0ty+x but 0l0
this is wnh in me yb dwells 0rm( that not 0ld for ryg it is wh I 0n0 know (dy 18
in the good 0tb+b for ryg for me to delight 0bc0d good 0tb+ in my flesh yrsbb but Nyd
I 0n0 am able xk$m not 0l but Nyd for me to perform it hyr(s0d for me yl is easy qy$p
I 0n0 did db( to do db(0d I 0n0 that chose 0bcd the good 0tb+l for ryg was 0wh not 0l 19
I 0n0 did db( it hl to do db(0d I 0n0 wanted 0bc that not 0ld the evil 0t$yb but 0l0
it was 0wh not 0l I 0n0 did db( I 0n0 chose 0bc that not 0ld anything Mdm & if N0w 20
in me yb dwelling 0rm(d sin 0ty+x but 0l0 am 0n0 doing db( I 0n0
is wh with my conscience yny(rl that agreeing Ml$d a Law 0swmnl therefore lykh I 0n0 find xk$m 21
me yl is yh near 0byrq evil 0t$ybd because l+m good 0tb+ to do db(nd that choses 0bcd
inner wgld in the person 0$nrbb of God 0hl0d in the Law hswmnb for ryg I 0n0 rejoice 0dx 22
that makes war brqmd in my members ymdhb another 0nrx0 law 0swmn but Nyd I 0n0 saw 0zx 23
me yl & brings captive 0b$w of my conscience yny(rd the Law 0swmn against lbqwl
in my members ymdhb that is ty0d of sin 0ty+xd to the Law 0swmnl
will deliver me ynycpn who? wnm son of man 0$nrb I am 0n0 Wretched! 0ywd 24
of death 0twmd this 0nh body 0rgp from Nm
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm by dyb God 0hl0l I 0n0 thank 0dwm 25
of the Law 0swmnd am 0n0 a servant 0db( in my conscience yny(rb I 0n0 therefore lykh now 0$h
of sin 0ty+xd of the Law 0swmnd a servant 0db( I am yty0 but Nyd in my flesh yrsbb of God 0hl0d

Chapter 8
to those Nyly0l condemnation 0twbyx there is not tyl therefore lykm 8:1
The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb in the flesh rsbb are walking Nyklhm who not 0ld
The Messiah 0xy$m which is in Yeshua (w$ybd of Life 0yxd of The Spirit 0xwrd for ryg the Law 0swmn 2
& of death 0twmdw of sin 0ty+xd the Law 0swmn from Nm has freed you Krrx
the sickliness htwhyrk through dyb The Written Law 0swmn for ryg was 0wh weak lyxmd because l+m 3
of the flesh 0rsbd in the form 0twmdb His Son hrbl God 0hl0 sent rd$ of the flesh 0rsbd
in His flesh hrsbb sin 0ty+xl to condemn hybyxnd sin 0ty+xd because of htl+m of sin 0ty+xd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

would be fulfilled 0lmtt in us Nb of The Written Law 0swmnd that the righteousness 0twn0kd 4
in The Spirit xwrb but 0l0 we walk Nnyklhm in the flesh rsbb would 0wh that not 0ld
are governed Ny(rtm that wh of flesh rsbd are Nwn0 who in the flesh rsbbd for ryg those Nyly0 5
are governed Ny(rtm That wh of Spirit xwrd are Nwn0 who of The Spirit xwrdd & those Nyly0w
is wh death 0twm of the flesh 0rsbd for ryg the mind 0ty(rt 6
& peace 0ml$w life 0yx of The Spirit 0xwrd & the mind 0ty(rtw
God 0hl0 toward twl is yh hate 0twbbdl(b of the flesh 0rsbd the mind 0ty(rtd because l+m 7
it is subject 0db(t$m not 0l of God 0hl0d for ryg to the Law 0swmnl
that is possible 0xk$m not 0ld because l+m
are Nwn0 who in the flesh rsbbd & those Nyly0w 8
are able Nyxk$m not 0l to God 0hl0l to please rp$ml
in The Spirit xwrb but 0l0 in the flesh rsbb you have been Nwtywh not 0l but Nyd you Nwtn0 9
in you Nwkb dwells 0rm( of God 0hl0d The Spirit hxwr truly ty0ryr$ if N0
of The Messiah 0xy$md The Spirit hxwr in him hb there is not tyl a man $n0 but Nyd if N0
belonging to Him hlyd has been 0wh not 0l this one 0nh
is wh dead tym the body 0rgp is in you Nwkb The Messiah 0xy$m but Nyd & if N0w 10
is yh alive 0yx but Nyd The Spirit 0xwr sin 0ty+x for the cause of l+m
righteousness 0twn0k for the cause of l+m
Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrml raised Myq0d Who Nm of Him whd His Spirit hxwr & if N0w 11
Who Nm He wh in you Nwkb dwells 0rm( of the dead 0tym the house tyb from Nm The Messiah 0xy$m
also P0 of the dead 0tym the house tyb from Nm The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$yl raised hmyq0d
because of l+m He will give life 0xn dead 0tym to your bodies Nwkyrgpl
in you Nwkb Who dwells 0rm(d His Spirit hxwr
to the flesh 0rsbl not wl we are indebted Nnybyx my brethren yx0 now 0$h 12
we should walk Klhn that in the flesh rsbbd
are going Nydyt( you are Nwtn0 living Ny0x in the flesh rsbb for ryg if N0 13
of the body 0rgp the practices ykpwh in The Spirit xwrb & if N0w to die tmml are wh you Nwtn0
you Nwtn0 are living Ny0x you are Nwtn0 putting to death Nytymm
are led Nyrbdtm of God 0hl0d who by The Spirit 0xwrbd for ryg those Nyly0 14
of God 0hl0d are Nwn0 the children 0ynb these Nylh
again bwt of bondage 0twdb(d The Spirit 0xwr you have received Nwtbsn for ryg not 0l 15
The Spirit 0xwr you have received Nwtbsn but 0l0 to fear 0tlxdl
we cry Nnyrq by Whom hbd of children 0ynb of the placement tmysd
our Father Nwb0 Father 0b0
to our spirit Nxwrl testifies 0dhsm Spirit 0xwr & That yhw 16
of God 0hl0d children 0ynb that we are Nyty0d
of God 0hl0d heirs 0try heirs 0try also P0 children 0ynb & if N0w 17
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd of the inheritance htwtry & children ynbw
we shall be glorified xbt$n with Him hm( also P0 with Him hm( we suffer $xn for if N0d
the sufferings yhw$x are worthy Nyw$ that not 0ld for ryg I 0n0 give counsel 0(rtm 18
which 0dy0 to the glory 0txwb$tl this 0nh of time 0nbzd
in us Nb to be revealed 0lgttd is going 0dyt(d
hopes for 0rbsm creation 0tyrb for ryg the whole hlk 19

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of God 0hl0d of the children yhwnbd the revelation 0nylgl & expects 0yksmw
not 0l to futility 0twqyrsl has been subjected tdb(t$0 for ryg the creation 0tyrb 20
hope 0rbs upon l( Who subjected it hdb($d Him Nm because of l+m but 0l0 in its will hnybcb
the bondage 0twdb( from Nm shall be freed rrxtt creation 0tyrb that yh for also P0d 21
of God 0hl0d of the children 0ynbd of the glory 0txwb$td into the liberty 0rwrxb of destruction 0lbxd
created things 0tyrb that all Nyhlkd for ryg we know Nny(dy 22
today 0nmwyl until 0md( & are in labor Nlbxmw groan Nxnttm
in us Nb who are ty0d we Nnx also P0 but 0l0 those Nynh only dwxlb & not 0lw 23
in ourselves N$pnb we groan Nnyxnttm of The Spirit 0xwrd the first fruits 0ty$r
of children 0ynb the placement tmysl & we look for Nnyksmw
of our bodies Nyrgpd & the redemption 0nqrwplw
that appears 0zxtmd but Nyd hope 0rbs we live Nyyx that wh in hope 0rbsbd because l+m 24
it hl do we look for Nnyksm why? 0nm it hl we see Nnyzx for ryg if N0 hope 0rbs is 0wh not 0l
appears 0zxtm that not 0ld for the thing Mdml but Nyd if N0 25
we wait Nnywqm in patience 0twnrbysmb we hope Nnyrbsm
our weakness Ntwhyrkl helps 0rd(m Spirit 0xwr that yh also P0 in this way 0nkh 26
we know Nny(dy not 0l necessary 0lwd whenever 0m as Ky0 we should pray 0lcn for ryg what? 0nm
with groaning 0txntb for our sake Nyplx prays 0ylcm Spirit 0xwr That yh but 0l0
is spoken Nllmtm which not 0ld
knows (dy He wh hearts 0twbl but Nyd He Who searches $0md 27
of The Spirit 0xwrd the mind 0ty(rt is yh what? 0nm
of God 0hl0d that wh will hnybc for according to Ky0d
the saints 0$ydq for the sake of Plx He is praying 0ylcm
God 0hl0l who love Nybxmd that those Nyly0d but Nyd we know Nny(dy 28
those Nyly0l for good 0tb+l them Nwhl He helps rd(m thing Mdm in every lkb
called 0yrq to be Nwwhnd He ordained Ms whom before Mdqd
them Nwn0 also He fashioned M$rw them Nwn0 He knew (dy before Mdqwl & whom Nmw 29
would be 0whn that He whd of His Son hrbd of the image 0trwcd in the likeness 0twmdb
many 00ygs of brethren 0x0d The First Born 0rkwb
He called 0rq them Nwhl He fashioned M$r Whom before Mdqd but Nyd those Nyly0l 30
He justified qdz them Nwhl whom He called 0rqd & those Nyly0lw
He glorified xb$ them Nwhl whom He justified qdzd & those Nyly0lw
these things Nylh about l( shall we say rm0n therefore lykh what? 0nm 31
against us Nlbwqld who is? wnm is for us Nyplx God 0hl0 if N0
He showed pity sx not 0l His Son hrb upon l( & if N0w 32
He handed Him over hml$0 us all Nlk for the sake of Plx but 0l0
us Nl shall He give ltn with Him hm( thing Mdm every lk not 0l how? 0nky0
of God 0hl0d the elect 0ybg against l( shall accuse lwbqn who? wnm 33
is justifying qdzm God 0hl0
& He is risen Mqw has died tym The Messiah 0xy$m condemning byxm who is? wnm 34
for our sake Nyplx & He prays 0(bw of God 0hl0d the right hand 0nymy at l( & He is yhwty0w
of The Messiah 0xy$md the love hbwx from Nm will separate me yn$rpn what? wnm 35
persecution? 0ypwdr or w0 imprisonment? 0y$wbx or w0 suffering? 0nclw0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

sword? 0pys or w0 peril? swnydnq or w0 nakedness? 0twyl+r( or w0 famine? 0npk or w0

we are killed Nnytym every day Mwylk for Your sake Ktl+md it is written bytkd as Ky0 36
for slaughter 0tsknl sheep 0rm0 as Ky0 & we are accounted Nb$xt0w
we conquer Nnyykz all Nyhlk in these things Nylhb but 0l0 37
Who has loved us Nbx0d Him Nm by dyb
life 0yx neither 0lw death 0twm that not 0ld for ryg I am 0n0 convinced spm 38
army 0lyx nor 0lw authority 0n+lw$ nor 0lw angel 0k0lm nor 0lw
what will come Ndyt(d nor 0lw what is present Nmyqd nor 0lw
created thing 0tyrb neither 0lp0 depth 0qmw( nor 0lw height 0mwr nor 0lw 39
of God 0hl0d the love hbwx from Nm to sever me yn$rpt shall be able xk$t another 0trx0
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y which is in our Lord Nrmbd
Chapter 9
I 0n0 lie lgdm & not 0lw in The Messiah 0xy$mb I 0n0 say rm0 the truth 0t$wq 9:1
of Holiness 0$dwqd in The Spirit 0xwrb to me yl( testifies dhsm & my conscience yny(rw
great 0tbr to me yl that yh sorrow 0twyrkd 2
ceases 0l$ not 0l my heart ybl that is from Nmd & affliction 0b0kw
my essential self ymwnq that I 0n0d for ryg I have been tywh praying 0lcm 3
for the sake of Plx The Messiah 0xy$m from Nm may be 0wh0 destroyed 0mrx
who are in the flesh rsbbd & my kinsmen ynyx0w my brothers yx0
was twh whose Nwhlydd of Israel lyrsy0 the children ynb who are Nwhyty0d 4
& the covenant 0myqw & the glory 0txwb$tw of children 0ynb the placement tmys
& the promises 0nklwmw which is in it hbd & the ministry 0t$m$tw & The Written Law 0swmnw
in the flesh rsbb The Messiah 0xy$m appeared yzxt0 & from them Nwhnmw & the patriarchs 0thb0w 5
to Whom are hld all lk Who is over l(d The God 0hl0 Who is yhwty0d
Amen Nym0 of eternities Nyml( to the eternity Ml(l & blessings Nkrwbw praises Nxb$t
of God 0hl0d the word htlm had failed tlpn to fail lpm but Nyd it was 0wh not 0l 6
Israel lyrsy0 who from Nmd all of them Nwhlk for ryg it was 0wh not 0l
Israel lyrsy0 are Nwhyty0
of Abraham Mhrb0d are they Nwn0 his seed h(rz that from Nmd because l+m neither 0lp0 7
it was said rm0t0d because l+m children 0ynb all of them Nwhlk
the seed 0(rz to you Kl shall be called 0rqtn that in Isaaq qxsy0bd
of the flesh 0rsbd the children 0ynb that it were 0wh not 0l but Nyd this is wnh 8
of the promise 0nklwmd the children 0ynb but 0l0 of God 0hl0d the children 0ynb are Nwhyty0
for the seed 0(rzl are accounted Nyb$xtm
that in time 0nbzbd this 0dh word 0tlm is hyty0 for ryg the promise 0nklwmd 9
to Sara 0rsl a son 0rb & there will be 0whnw will come 0t0 this one 0nh
one dx with M( when dk Rebecca 0qpr also P0 but 0l0 only dwxlb this 0dh & not wlw 10
conjugal relations 0twptw$ to her hl was 0wh it ty0 Isaaq qxsy0 our father Nwb0
her children hynb would be born Nwdlytn before 0ld( 11
evil 0t$yb or w0 good 0tb+ they would do Nwr(sn or 0lw
of God 0hl0d the choice htwybg revealed t(dyt0 was before tmdq
would abide 0wqt that this yhd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Who called 0rqd Him Nm by dyb but 0l0 by works 0db(b not 0l
to the younger 0rw(zl servant 0db( shall be 0whn the elder 0$y$qd for ryg it was said rm0t0 12
I have loved tmxr Yaqob bwq(yld it is written bytkd as Ky0 13
I have hated tyns & Esau ws(lw
interrog. 0mld shall we say rm0n therefore lykh what? 0nm 14
God forbid! sx God 0hl0 with twl is ty0 evil? 0lw(
I shall show love Mxr0 He said rm0 to Moses 0$wml also P0 behold 0h 15
& I shall take pity Nwx0w I 0n0 love Mxrmd whomever 0ny0 on l(
I 0n0 pity N0xd on whomever 0ny0l
him who wills 0bcd of Nm by means ydy0b therefore lykh not 0l 16
but 0l0 him who runs +hrd of Nm by means ydy0b neither 0lw
The Merciful 0nmxrm of God 0hl0 in the hand ydy0b
for hld to Pharaoh Nw(rpl in the scriptures 0btkb for ryg He said rm0 17
My power ylyx with you Kb that I may show 0wx0d I raised you up Ktmyq0 this 0dhl
whole hlk in the earth 0(r0b My Name ym$ & that may be declared zrktndw
shows compassion Mxrm He wh He will 0bcd whomever Nm on l( so then Nydm 18
He hardens 0$qm He will 0bcd whomever Nm & l(w
does He find fault 0$r why? 0nmld you will say rm0t & doubtless rbkw 19
His will hnybc against lbqwl who stands Mwqnd for ryg who is it? wnm
son of man 0$nrb O w0 are tn0 who? Nm therefore lykh you tn0 20
interrog. 0mld you tn0 give bhy to God 0hl0l that an answer 0mgtpd
who formed it hlbgd to the one Nml the thing formed 0tlybg does say 0rm0
have you formed me yntlbg in this way 0nkh why? 0nmld
clay hny+ over l( a potter 0rxp is authorized +yl$ not? 0l or w0 21
one dx vessel 0n0m he will make db(n formed things 0tlybg some Nm that from it hnmd
for disgrace 0r(cl & one dxw for honor 0rqy0l
& to reveal (dwnw His rage hzgwr to show 0wxnd God 0hl0 was willing 0bc but Nyd if N0 22
His Spirit hxwr of long trgmd in a multitude 00gwsb He brought yty0 His power hlyx
for destruction 0ndb0l that were perfected Nyrymgd of rage 0zgwrd vessels 0n0m against l( rage 0zgwr
of compassion 0mxrd vessels 0n0m on l( His love yhwmxr & overflows (p$0w 23
for glory 0txwb$tl for God 0hl0l were wwh that prepared Nyby+md
from Nm only dwxlb is it 0wh not 0l called 0yrq we Nnx for we are Nyty0d 24
the Gentiles 0mm( from Nm also P0 but 0l0 the Jews 0ydwhy
it says rm0 in Hosea ($whb that also P0d just as 0nky0 25
My people ym( were wwh who not 0ld those Nyly0l I shall call 0rq0d
beloved tmxrt0 were beloved tmxrt0 & who not 0llw My ylyd people 0m(
they were wwh being called Nyrqtmd where rk in the place 0tkwdb for ryg it shall be 0whn 26
they shall be called Nwrqtn there Nmt My people ym( not 0l
Living 0yx to The God 0hl0l children 0ynb
of Israel lyrsy0 the children ynb against l( preached zrk0 but Nyd Isaiah 0y($0 27
of Israel lyrsy0 of the children ynbd the number 0nynm shall be 0whn that if N0d
shall be saved 0xn of them Nwhnmd a remnant 0nkr$ of the sea 0mybd the sand 0lx as Ky0

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& has cut off qspw He has cut short Mrg the matter 0tlm 28
the earth 0(r0 upon l( Jehovah 0yrm & shall do it hydb(nw
he wh said rm0 before Mdqd what Mdm & as Ky0w 29
us Nl had left rtw0 of hosts tw0bc Jehovah 0yrm not 0l if wl0d Isaiah 0y($0
we would have Nywh been Nywh Sodom Mwds as Ky0 survivors 0dyrs
we were Nywh like Nymdtm & Amora 0rwm(lw
that the Gentiles 0mm(d shall we say rm0n therefore lykh what? 0nm 30
righteousness 0twn0k after rtb were wwh running Ny+hr who not 0ld
the righteousness 0twn0k have obtained wkrd0
is yh faith 0twnmyh that from Nmd which 0dy0 but Nyd the righteousness 0twn0k
The Written Law 0swmn after rtb had 0wh that run +hrd but Nyd Israel lyrsy0 31
obtained Krd0 not 0l of righteousness 0twn0kd the Law 0swmnl of righteousness 0twn0kd
faith 0twnmyh from Nm it was 0wh that not 0ld because l+m what? 0nm because of l+m 32
of The Written Law 0swmnd the works yhwdb( from Nm but 0l0
of stumbling 0tlqwtd at the Stone 0p0kb for ryg they were stumbled wlqtt0
in Tsion Nwyhcb I 0n0 have laid down M0s that behold 0hd that is written bytkd as Ky0 33
of offense 0lw$kmd & a Stone 0p0kw of stumbling 0tlqwtd a Stone 0p0k
will be ashamed thbn not 0l will believe Nmyhn in Him hbd & whoever Nmw
Chapter 10
& my petition ytw(bw of my heart ybld the desire 0nybc my brothers yx0 10:1
that they might be saved Nwxnd is for their sake Nwhyplx God 0hl0 which is before twld
of God 0hl0d that zeal 0nn+d to them Nwhyl( for ryg I 0n0 bear witness dhsm 2
in knowledge 0t(dyb not wl but 0l0 in them Nwhb is ty0
but 0l0 they knew w(dy not 0l of God 0hl0d for ryg the righteousness htwn0k 3
to establish Nwmyqn of themselves Nwh$pnd the righteousness 0twn0kd they sought w(b
were submitted wdb(t$0 not 0l of God 0hl0d to the righteousness* htwn0kl this 0nh & because of l+mw
is wh The Messiah 0xy$m of The Written Law 0swmnd for ryg the consummation hks 4
who believes Nmyhmd to everyone lkl for righteousness 0twn0kl
of the righteousness 0twn0k wrote btk in this way 0nkh for ryg Moses 0$wm 5
in them Nyhb shall live 0xn these things Nylh shall do db(nd whoever Nmd in The Written Law 0swmnbd
says 0rm0 thus 0nkh that is in faith 0twnmyhbd but Nyd the righteousness 0twn0k 6
to Heaven 0ym$l ascended qls who? wnmd in your heart Kblb you shall sayrm0t that not 0ld
The Messiah 0xy$ml & sent down tx0w
of Sheol lwy$d to the abyss 0mwhtl went down txn & who? wnmw 7
the dead 0tym among tyb from Nm The Messiah 0xy$ml & brings up qs0w
the answer 0mgtp to you Kl is wh near byrq does it say rm0 what? 0nm but 0l0 8
the word 0tlm is yh this 0dh & to your heart Kbllw to your mouth Kmwpl
that we preach Nnyzrkmd of the faith 0twnmyhd
Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrmb with your mouth Kmwpb you will confess 0dwt & if N0w 9
has raised Him hmyq0 that God 0hl0d in your heart Kblb & you will believe Nmyhtw
you shall have life 0xt the dead 0tym among tyb from Nm
is justified qddzm in Him hb that believes Nmyhmd for ryg the heart 0bl 10

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lives 0yx Him hb that confesses 0dwmd & the mouth 0mwpw
in Him hb who believes Nmyhmd that everyone lkd the scriptures 0btk for ryg say rm0 11
shall be ashamed thbn not 0l
He makes distinction $rp not 0l & in this 0dhbw 12
for Aramaeans 0ymr0l neither 0lw for Jews 0ydwhyl not 0l
of all of them Nwhlkd Jehovah 0yrm for ryg He is wh One dx
to Him hl who calls 0rqd with everyone lkb Who is rich ryt(d
the Name hm$ who will call 0rqnd for ryg everyone lk 13
shall have Life 0xn of Jehovah 0yrmd
to This One 0ny0l would they call Nwrqn therefore lykh how? 0nky0 14
how? 0nky0 or w0 in Him hb they believed wnmyh unless 0ld
they heard Him yhw(m$ unless 0ld Him whl would they believe Nwnmyhn
a preacher 0nzrkm without 0ld would they hear Nw(m$n how? 0nky0 or w0
they will be sent Nwxlt$n not 0l if N0 will they preach Nwzrkn how? 0nky0 or w0 15
their feet Nwhylgr beautiful Ny0y how 0md it is written bytkd as Ky0
of good things 0tb+ & of a messenger yrbsmdw of peace 0ml$ of a messenger yrbsmd
the message 0trbsl have obeyed w(mt$0 all Nwhlk it was 0wh not 0l but 0l0 16
said rm0 for ryg Isaiah 0y($0 of the Gospel Nwylgnw0d
of our voice Nlq the daughter trbl believing Nmyh who is? wnm My Lord yrm
the ear 0nd0 hearing (m$m from Nm the faith 0twnmyh therefore lykm 17
of God 0hl0d the word 0tlm from Nm the ear 0nd0 & hearing (m$mw is yh
& behold 0hw have they heard w(m$ not? 0l interrog. 0mld I 0n0 said rm0 but 0l0 18
of their voices Nwhlq the daughter trb has gone out tqpn earth 0(r0 in the whole hlkb
Israel lyrsy0 knew (dy not? 0l interrog. 0mld I 0n0 said rm0 but 0l0 19
I shall make you jealous Nwkn+0 said rm0 thus 0nkh Moses 0$wm before 0ymdq
a people M( that is not 0ld by a people M(b
I shall anger you Nwkzgr0 is obedient syp+tm that not 0ld & by a people 0m(bw
to those Nyly0l I appeared tyzxt0d & he said rm0w was bold xrm0 but Nyd Isaiah 0y($0 20
by those Nyly0l & I was found txkt$0w sought Me ynw0(b who not 0ld
asked wl0$ not 0l who for Me yl(d
My hands ydy0 I reached t+$pd He said rm0 but Nyd to Israel lyrsy0l 21
obedient syp+tm & dis 0lw contentious 0rxtmd a people 0m( to twl all hlk day 0mwy
Chapter 11
His people hm(l God 0hl0 has thrust away it? hqxd interrog. 0mld I 0n0 said rm0 but 0l0 11:1
am 0n0 Israel lyrsy0 from Nm for ryg I 0n0 also P0 God forbid! sx
of Benjamin Nymynbd the tribe 0tbr$ from Nm of Abraham Mhrb0d his seed h(rz from Nm
the first Mydq from Nmd which 0ny0 His people hm(l God 0hl0 thrust away qxd not 0l 2
in the scriptures 0btkb you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy not? 0l or w0 to Him hl was 0wh known (ydy
to God 0hl0l he had 0wh complained lbq when dk said rm0 which 0nm that Elia 0yl0d
& said rm0w Israel lyrsy0 about l(
they have murdered wl+q Your prophets Kyybnl My Lord yrm 3
& I 0n0w they have toppled wpxs & Your altars Kyxbdmlw

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my life y$pnl & they seek Ny(bw am left trxt$0 alone ydwxlb am wh
that behold 0hd by revelation 0nylgb to him hl & it was said rm0t0w 4
those Nyly0 men Nyrbg thousand Nypl0 seven 0(b$ for myself y$pnl I have left tqb$
Baal 0l(bl worshipped wdgs nor 0lw knelt wkrb not 0l their knees Nwhykrwb who upon l(d
a remnant 0nkr$ time 0nbz in this 0nhb also P0 in this way 0nkh 5
of grace 0twby+d in the election 0tybgb left rxt$0 there is wh
work 0db( from Nm it was 0wh not 0l by grace 0twby+b but Nyd if N0 6
by work 0db(b but Nyd if N0 grace 0twby+ is hyty0 not 0l grace 0twby+ else 0l or N0w
work 0db( is yhwty0 not 0l work 0db( else 0l or N0w grace 0twby+ from Nm it was 0wh not 0l
Israel lyrsy0 was 0wh which seeking 0(bd that yh therefore lykh why? 0nm 7
has found txk$0 but Nyd the election 0tybg has it found xk$0 not 0l
in their hearts Nwhblb were blinded wrw(t0 but Nyd the rest of them Nwhkr$
God 0hl0 to them Nwhl that gave bhyd that is written bytkd just as 0nky0 8
will observe Nwrxbn that not 0ld & eyes 0ny(w of irritation 0tynr(dm the spirit 0xwr
of today 0nmwyd the day 0mwyl until 0md( will hear Nw(m$n that not 0ld & ears 0nd0w in them Nyhb
before them Nwhymdq their table Nwhrwtp shall be 0whn said rm0 again bwt & David dywdw 9
an offense 0tlqwtl & their reward Nwhn(rwpw a trap 0xpl
& their back Nwhcxw they will see Nwzxn lest 0ld their eyes Nwhyny( let be darkened Nk$xn 10
bent over Pypk shall be 0whn in every time Nbzlkb
did they stumble? wlqtt0 interrog 0mld but Nyd I 0n0 said rm0 11
by their offense Nwhtlqwtb but 0l0 God forbid! sx they would fall Nwlpnd so Ky0
to their envy Nwhnn+l to the Gentiles 0mm(l life 0yx there was wwh theirs Nwhlyd
to the world 0ml(l wealth 0rtw( was twh their offense Nwhtlqwt & if N0w 12
to the Gentiles 0mm(l wealth 0rtw( & their condemnation Nwhtwbyxw
their fullness Nwhylmw$ therefore lykh How much more? 0mk
to the Gentiles 0mm(l I 0n0 said rm0 but Nyd to you Nwkl 13
of the Gentiles 0mm(d the apostle 0xyl$ who am yty0d I 0n0
I 0n0 honor xb$m my ministry yt$m$tl
of my flesh yrsb the sons ynbl I may make jealous N+0 perhaps 0mld 14
of them Nwhnm some Ny$n0 & I may save 0x0w
the reconciliation 0tw(rt their rejection Nwhtwnyltsm for ryg if N0 15
their return Nwhynwp therefore lykh How much more? 0mk was twh for the world 0ml(l
of the dead 0tym the house tyb from Nmd life 0yx but 0l0
the substance 0tlybg also P0 are holy 0$ydq the first fruits 0ty$r but Nyd & if N0w 16
the branches 0kws also P0 is wh holy $ydq the root 0rq( & if N0w
are tn0 of an olive tree 0tyzd & you tn0w were cut off x$pt0 branches 0kws some Nm & if N0w 17
& you have become tywhw into their place Nyhtykwdb you were grafted tm(+t0 of the wilderness 0rbd
of the olive tree 0tyzd & of the fat hnmw$lw of the roots hrq(l a partaker 0ptw$
you tn0 boast rhbt$m but Nyd if N0 the branches 0kws against l( boast rhbt$t not 0l 18
by the root 0rq(l by it hl were supported lyq$ you tn0 was it 0wh not? 0l
by you Kl was supported lyq$ root 0rq( that wh rather than 0l0
that were cut off x$pt0d the branches 0kwsd you will say rm0t & doubtless rbkw 19
may be grafted M(+t0 in their place Nyhtykwdb that I 0n0d

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were cut off x$pt0 they believed Nmyh not 0ld because l+m these Nylh fine ryp$ 20
have stood tmq by faith 0twnmyhb but Nyd you tn0
fear lxd but 0l0 in your mind Kny(rb be lifted up Myrtt not 0l
their nature Nyhnyk that from Nmd the branches 0kws upon l( for ryg God 0hl0 if N0 21
He will show pity swxn upon you Kyl( neither 0lp0 surely 0mld showed pity sx not 0l
of God 0hl0d & the hardness htwy$qw the sweetness htwmysb therefore lykh Behold yzx 22
sweetness 0twmysb but Nyd on you Kyl( hardness 0twy$q who fell wlpnd those Nyly0 on l(
in sweetness 0twmysbb in Him hb you abide 0wqt if N0
will be cut off x$ptt you tn0 also P0 not 0l & if N0w
in the destitution twrysxb they continue Nwwqn not 0l if N0 & those Nwnhw 23
they will be grafted Nwm(+tn those Nwnh also P0 of their faith Nwhtwnmyh
them Nwn0 to graft M(+n again bwtd God 0hl0 for ryg is able xk$m
wild 0rbd are tn0 an olive tree 0tyz who from Nmd you tn0 for ryg if N0 24
you were cut off tx$pt0 because by your nature Knykbd that is wh
good 0b+ into the olive tree 0tyzb you were grafted tm(+t0 by your nature Knykb & who not 0ldw
to be grafted Nwm(+tn surely N0 are those Nwnh therefore lykh How many? 0mk
of their nature Nwhnykd into the olive tree 0tyzb
this 0nh mystery 0zr0 my brethren yx0 you to know Nw(dtd for ryg I 0n0 want 0bc 25
of yourselves Nwk$pn in the opinion Ny(rb wise Nymykx you will be Nwwht lest 0ld
to Israel lyrsy0l has come twh little lylq a time rt0 of Nm of the heart 0bl that blindness twryw(d
of the Gentiles 0mm(d the fullness 0ylwm will enter lw(nd until 0md(
shall have Life be saved 0xn Israel lyrsy0 all hlk & then Nydyhw 26
Tsion Nwyhc from Nm shall come 0t0nd that is written bytkd just as 0nky0
Yaqob bwq(y from Nm evil 0lw( & He shall turn away Kphnw The Savior 0qwrp
that from Nmd that is yh the covenant 0qtyd to them Nwhl will be 0wht & then Nydyhw 27
their sins Nwhyh+x to them Nwhl I shall have forgiven tqb$d whenever 0m My presence ytwl
for your sake Nwktl+m they are Nwn0 enemies 0bbdl(b but Nyd by the Gospel Nwylgnw0b 28
the patriarchs 0thb0 because of l+m they are Nwn0 beloved Nybybx & in the election 0twybgbw
& in His callings hnyrqbw in His gifts htbhwmb God 0hl0 changes 0kph for ryg not 0l 29
you were Nwtywh obeying Nysyp+tm not 0l you Nwtn0 that also P0d for ryg just as 0nky0 30
you have been favored Nwtnnxt0 & now 0$hw the first Mydq from Nm God 0hl0l
of those Nwnhd their obedience Nwhtwnsyp+tm dis 0l because of l+m
mercy 0mxrl now 0$h obeyed wsyp+t0 not 0l these Nylh also P0 in this way 0nkh 31
mercy 0mxr there shall be Nwwhn upon them Nwhyl( that also P0d that upon you Nwkyl(d
obedience 0twnsyp+tm in dis 0lb every person $nlkl God 0hl0 for ryg has confined $bx 32
He shall have mercy Mxrn person $n0 every lk that upon l(d
& knowledge 0(dmw & the wisdom 0tmkxw of the wealth 0rtw(d the depth 0qmw( O w0 33
His judgments yhwnyd has searched $m not 0l for man $n0d of God 0hl0d
are traced Nbq(tm not 0l & His ways htxrw0w
of Jehovah 0yrmd the mind hny(r has known (dy for ryg who? wnm 34
of counsel 0klm master l(b to Him hl has been 0wh who? wnm or w0
from Him hnm has received bsn & then Nkw to Him hl has given bhy first Mdq & who? wnmw 35

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is by His hand hdy0b & all lkw in Him hb & all lkw from Him hnm all lkd because l+m 36
Amen Nym0 of eternities Nyml( to the eternity Ml(l & blessings Nkrwbw praises Nxb$t that to Him hld
Chapter 12
of God 0hl0d by the mercies yhwmxrb my brethren yx0 of you Nwknm therefore lykh I beg 0n(b 12:1
living 0tyx sacrifices 0txbd your bodies Nwkyrgp that you present Nwmyqtd
logical 0tlylm by a service 0t$m$tb to God 0hl0l & acceptable 0tlbqmw & holy 0t$ydqw
be transformed wplxt$0 but 0l0 this 0nh world 0ml(l imitate you Nwmdtt & do not 0lw 2
which? 0ny0 distinguish Ny$rp & you shall Nwtywhw of your minds Nwkyny(rd by the renovation 0tdwxb
& perfect 0rymgw & acceptable 0lbqmw good 0b+ of God 0hl0d the will 0nybc is wh
to you all Nwklkl to me yl that is given tbhyt0d by the grace 0twby+b but Nyd I 0n0 say rm0 3
is necessary 0lwd what 0m of Nm outside rbl have self esteem Ny(rtm you should Nwwht that not 0ld
have self esteem Ny(rtm you should Nwwht but 0l0 to have self esteem Nw(rttd
God 0hl0 to him hl distributes glpd as Ky0 every person $nlk in modesty 0twpknb
by a measure 0txw$mb faith 0twnmyh
to us Nl are ty0 many 00ygs members 0mdh body 0rgp in one dxbd for ryg just as 0nky0 4
to them Nwhl ty0 function 0nr(ws one dx have 0wh not 0l members 0mdh & all of those Nwhlkw
body rgp we are Nnx one dx are Nnx who many 00ygsd we Nnx also P0 in this way 0nkh 5
of each other 0ddxd we are Nnx members 0mdh but Nyd of us Nnm one dx each dx in The Messiah 0xy$mb
of a variety 0tplx$m gifts 0tbhwm to us Nl there are ty0 but 0l0 6
us Nl that is given tbhyt0d the grace 0twby+ according to Ky0
of his faith htwnmyhd the measure 0txw$m according to Ky0 that of prophesy 0twybnd there is ty0
in his service ht$m$tb to one hl it is ty0 that of ministry 0t$m$td & there is ty0w 7
in his learning hnplwyb that is wh that of teacher 0nplmd & there is ty0w
in his comforting h0ywbb which is wh that of a comforter 0n0ybmd & there is ty0w 8
chief 0$rb & a leader M0qdw in generosity 0tw+y$pb & a giver bhydw
with cheerfulness 0twxycpb & that of caregiver Mxrmdw with diligence 0tw+ypxb
be you Nwtywh but 0l0 your love Nwkbwx deceitful lykn let be 0whn & not 0lw 9
the good 0tb+l & cleaving to Nypqntmw evil 0t$ybl hating Nyns
another dxl one dx & love Nybxmw to your brethren Nwkyx0l affectionate Nymxr be you Nwtywh 10
another dxl one dx honoring Nyrqym preferring Nymdqm be you Nwtywh
be lazy Nynnbx & do not 0lw diligent Ny+ypx be you Nwtywh 11
for your Lord Nwkrml working Nyxlp be you Nwtywh in spirit xwrb enthusiastic Nyxtr be you Nwtywh
enduring Nyrbysm be you Nwtywh in your hope Nwkrbsb rejoicing Nydx be you Nwtywh 12
in prayer 0twlcb persisting Nynym0 be you Nwtywh your afflictions Nwkynclw0
of the holy ones 0$ydqd with the needs 0twqynsl partakers Nyptwt$m be you Nwtywh 13
of strangers 0ynsk0 be friends Nymxr be you Nwtywh
curse Nw+wlt & do not 0lw bless wkrb your persecutors Nwkypwdrl bless wkrb 14
those who weep Nykbd with M( & weep wkbw those who rejoice Nydxd with M( rejoice wdx 15
yourselves Nwk$pn about l( you Nwtn0 esteem Ny(rtmd & whatever Mdmw 16
high 0mr opinions 0ny(r esteem you Nw(rtt & do not 0lw your brethren Nwkyx0 about l( do also P0

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wise Nymykx be you Nwtywh & not 0lw who are humble Nykykmd to those Nyly0l go out wpq but 0l0
of yourselves Nwk$pn in opinions Ny(rb
evil 0t$yb for Plx evil 0t$yb a person $n0l repay Nw(rpt & do not 0lw 17
good 0tb+ to do Nwdb(td you Nwkl it should concern l+btn but 0l0
all of them Nwhlk the children of men 0$nynb before Mdq
within you Nwktwl what is from Nmd according to Ky0 it is possible 0xk$m & if N0w 18
make wdb( peace 0ml$ every person $nrblk with M(
but 0l0 beloved ybybx yourselves Nwk$pn avenging you Ny(bt be you Nwtywh & not 0lw 19
you will execute db(t not 0l that if N0d for ryg it wh is written bytk to rage 0zgwrl place 0rt0 give wbh
God 0hl0 says rm0 your judgment Knyd I shall execute db(0 I 0n0 for yourself K$pnl judgment 0nyd
feed him yhylkw0 your enemy Kbbdl(b hungers Npk & if N0w 20
to him hl you do db(t these Nylh & if N0w give him drink yhyq$0 he thirsts 0hc & if N0w
his skull htpqrq on l( you will heap rbqt of fire 0rwnd coals 0rmwg
but 0l0 by evil 0t$yb be you overcome Nwkykzt not 0l 21
by good 0tb+b evil 0t$ybl overcome hw0kz
Chapter 13
be subject db(t$t of greatness 0twbrd to the authority 0n+lw$l soul $pn every lk 13:1
the same wh God 0hl0 from Nm has been 0wh that not 0ld authority 0n+lw$ for ryg there is not tyl
under orders Nydyqp are wh God 0hl0 from Nm who are Nwhyty0d authorities 0n+lw$ & those Nyly0w
the authority 0n+lw$ against lbqwl therefore lykh stands M0qd whoever Nm 2
stands M0q of God 0hl0d the commandments 0ndqwp against lbqwl
shall receive Nwbsn judgment 0nyd against them Nwhlbqwl who stand Nymyqd & these Nylhw
good 0b+ to the doer 0db(l a fear 0tlxd have been wwh not 0l for ryg judges 0nyd 3
therefore lykh do you? tn0 wish 0bc to the wicked 0$ybl but 0l0
the authority 0n+lw$ of Nm to be afraid lxdt not 0ld
from him hnm to you Kl will be 0wht & praise 0txwb$tw good 0tb+ do db(
for good 0tb+l to you Kl but 0l0 of God 0hl0d for ryg he is wh the minister 0n$m$m 4
be afraid lxd you tn0 have done db( evil 0t$yb & if N0w
a sword 0rspsl he wears rys0 in vain ty0qyrs for ryg it has been 0wh not 0l
of rage 0zgwrd & an avenger 0(wbtw of God 0hl0d for ryg he is wh a minister 0n$m$m
evil 0t$yb who do Nydb(d to those Nyly0l
to be subject db(t$nd for us Nl it is urgent 0cl0 this 0nh & because of l+mw 5
conscience Ntr0t for l+m also P0 but 0l0 only dwxlb the wrath 0zgwr due to l+m not 0l
you Nwtn0 pay Nybhy the head 0$r money Psk also P0 this 0nh because of l+m 6
of God 0hl0d for ryg they are Nwn0 the ministers 0n$m$m
are established Nymyq that these Nylhd because for these things Nyhyl(d
to him hl it is owed byxtmd as Ky0 every person $nlkl therefore lykh reward w(wrp 7
head 0$r money Psk head 0$r money Pskd to whomever Nml
& to whomever Nmlw a tribute tax 0skm a tribute tax 0skmd & to whomever Nmlw
honor 0rqy0 honor 0rqy0d & to whomever Nmlw reverence 0tlxd reverence 0tlxdd
another dxl one dx but 0l0 you shall owe Nwbwxt not 0l anything Mdm & to a person $n0lw 8
fulfills ylm the Torah 0swmn his neighbor hrbx for ryg loves bxmd whoever Nm to love wbxml

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you shall commit adultery rwgt that not 0ld that says rm0d for ryg this yh & also P0w 9
you shall covet grt & not 0lw you shall steal bwngt & not 0lw you shall murder lw+qt & not 0lw
saying 0tlm in this 0dhb another 0nrx0 commandment 0ndqwp there is ty0 & if N0w
yourself K$pn as Ky0 your neighbor Kbyrql you shall love Mxrtd it is consummated Mlt$m
commits r(s not 0l evil 0t$yb to its neighbor hbyrql love 0bwx 10
of The Written Law 0swmnd is wh the fulfillment hylwm love 0bwxd because l+m
it is yh & the hour 0t($w it is wh that the time 0nbzd know w(d this 0dh & also P0w 11
it is wh now 0$h our sleep Ntn$ from Nm to awake ry(tnd from now on lykm
we believed Nnmyh when dkd than Nm more ryty our Life Nyyx to us Nl has drawn near wbrqt0 for ryg
has arrived brq & the day 0mmy0w has passed rb( from now on lykm the night 0yll 12
of darkness 0kw$xd the works 0db( therefore lykh from us Nnm let us take off xynn
of light 0rhwnd the armor hnyz & let us put on $blnw
let us walk Klhn in a right manner 0mks0b those in the day 0mmy0bd & as Ky0w 13
in drunkenness 0twywrb & not 0lw in partying 0rmzb not 0l
in fighting 0nyrxbw in envy 0msxb & not 0lw 0pn+ in orgies 0kmdmb & not 0lw
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrml put on yhw$bwl but 0l0 14
for the lusts 0tgygrl of your flesh Nwkrsbd take you pains Nwpc0t & not 0lw

Chapter 14
to him hl give wbh in faith 0twnmyhb who is weak hyrkd but Nyd to the one 0ny0l 14:1
by your disputes Nwktb$xmb divided Nyglptm you shall be Nwwht & not 0lw the hand 0dy0
he may eat lwk0n that everything Mdmlkd he who believes Nmyhmd for ryg there is ty0 2
eats lk0 he wh vegetables 0qry & he who is weak hyrkdw
eats lk0 not 0ld whoever Nm him whl who eats lk0d but Nyd he wh 3
him whl eats lk0 not 0ld whoever Nm & he whw let him despise +w$n not 0l
has accepted him hbrq for ryg God 0hl0 let him judge Nwdn not 0l eats lk0d whoever Nm
a servant 0db(l are tn0 who judging N0dd are tn0 who? Nm you tn0 4
he stands M0q to his master hrml he stands M0q for if N0d is yours Klyd who not 0ld
but Nyd he wh standing Mqm he falls lpn to his master hrml he falls lpn & if N0w
to establish him yhwymyqnd of his master hrm into the hand ydy0b for ryg it has come 0+m stands M0q
a day 0mwy from Nm a day 0mwy one who distinguishes N0dd there is ty0 5
days 0tmwy all of them Nwhlk one who judges N0dd & there is ty0w
let be certain rrt$n of himself h$pnd in the mind 0(dmb but Nyd every person $nlk
he esteems 0(rtm to his Lord hrml whatever day 0mwyd esteems 0(rtmd whoever Nm 6
to his Lord hrml whatever day 0mwyd esteems 0(rtm who not 0ld & everyone lkw
he eats lk0 to his Lord hrml & the one who eats lk0dw esteems 0(rtm not 0l
eats lk0 & he who not 0ldw he gives thanks 0dwm & to God 0hl0lw
to God 0hl0l & he gives thanks 0dwmw he eats lk0 not 0l to his Lord hrml
he lives yx who to himself h$pnld of us Nnm a person $n0 for ryg there is not tyl 7
he dies t0m who to himself h$pnld a person $n0 & there is not tylw
we live Nny0x to our Lord Nrml we live Nny0x that if N0d because l+m 8
we die Nnytym it is wh to our Lord Nrml we die Nnytym & if N0w

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we die Nnytym or if N0w therefore lykh we live Nnyyx whether N0w

we are Nnx our Lords Nrmd
The Messiah 0xy$m also P0 this 0nh for cause l+m 9
He arose Mqw & lived again 0yxw died tym
Jehovah 0yrm would be 0whn that He whd
to the living 0yxlw to the dead 0tyml
your brother Kwx0l are tn0 judging N0d why? 0nm but Nyd you tn0 10
your brother Kwx0l are tn0 despising +0$ Why? 0nml you tn0 even P0 or w0
to stand Mqml we are going Nnydyt( for ryg all of us Nlk
of The Messiah 0xy$md the judgment seat Myb before Mdq
Jehovah 0yrm says rm0 I 0n0 As live yxd that is written bytkd as Ky0 11
knee Kwrb every lk shall bow Pwkt to Me yld
tongue N$l every lk shall swear 0dwn & to Me ylw
an account 0mgtp of us Nnm person $n0 every lk so then Nydm 12
to God 0hl0l gives bhy his soul h$pn for the sake of Plx
another dxl one dx let judge Nwdn from now on lykm not 0l 13
rather ty0ryty judge wnwd this 0dh but 0l0
you will lay Myst not 0l for your brother Kwx0l that a stumbling block 0tlqwtd
Yeshua (w$y by Jehovah 0yrmb I am 0n0 & persuaded spmw for ryg I 0n0 know (dy 14
there is not tyl His Presence htwl before Nm that is defiled bysmd that a thing Mdmd
to him whl impure 0m+d anything Mdm l( who regards 0nrd to the one 0ny0l but 0l0
impure 0m+ alone dwxlb it is wh
your brother Kwx0l you tn0 grieve qy(m food 0tlwk0m because of l+m but Nyd if N0 15
you are tn0 walking Klhm in love 0bwxb it has been 0wh not 0l
the one whl by your food Ktlwk0mb you shall destroy dbwt not 0l
The Messiah 0xy$m died tym for whose sake htl+md
our good Ntb+ let be insulted Pdgtt & not 0lw 16
drinking 0yt$mw eating 0lk0m is twh not 0l of God 0hl0d for ryg the kingdom htwklm 17 &
the joy 0twdxw & the peace 0ml$w the righteousness 0twn0k but 0l0 &
of Holiness 0$dwqd in The Spirit 0xwrb
The Messiah 0xy$ml serves $m$m for ryg in these things Nylhbd whoever Nm 18
$is approved 0qb children of men 0$nynb & before Mdqw to God 0hl0l is beautiful rp
let us run +hrn peace 0ml$ after rtb now 0$h 19
another dxd one dx building up 0nynb & after rtbw
of God 0hl0d a servant 0db( let us destroy 0r$n food 0tlwk0m because of l+m & not 0lw 20
it is wh evil $yb but 0l0 is wh pure 0kd for ryg everything Mdmlk
eats lk0 who with a stumbing block 0tlqwtbd to the son of man 0$nrbl
flesh 0rsb we shall eat lwk0n that not 0ld it is wh good ryp$ 21
wine 0rmx we shall drink 0t$n neither 0lw
our brother Nwx0 by which hb is subverted lqttmd anything Mdm neither 0lw
in your soul K$pnb faith 0twnmyh in you Kb who have ty0d you tn0 22
whoever Nml blessed is he yhwbw+ God 0hl0 before Mdq hold it hydwx0
which he designates $rpd in the thing Mdmb his soul h$pn judges Nd not 0ld

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to him hl is condemned byxt0 & eats lk0w is doubtful glptmd for ryg whoever 0ny0 23
thing Mdm every lk in faith 0twnmyhb that one is not wld because l+m
is wh sin 0ty+x faith 0twnmyh from Nm has been 0wh that not 0ld for ryg
Chapter 15
the infirmities 0nhrwkd the strong 0ntlyx we Nnx therefore lykh we are indebted Nnybyx 15:1
to please rp$n ourselves N$pnl & not 0lw to bear lwq$n of the weak 0lyxmd
let us please rp$n his neighbor hbyrql of us Nnm each $n0 but 0l0 2
for edification 0nynbld as Ky0 with good 0tb+b
pleasing rp$ Himself h$pnl was 0wh not 0l The Messiah 0xy$m that also P0d because l+m 3
the reproach 0dsxd what is written bytkd according to Ky0 but 0l0
on Me yl( fell lpn of Your revilers Kyndsxmd
has been written btkt0 ancient times Mydq that from Nmd for ryg thing Mdm every lk 4
that by patience 0twnrbysmbd has been written btkt0 our Nlyd is wh for teaching 0nplwyl
to us Nl shall be 0whn hope 0rbs of the scriptures 0btkd & by comfort 00ywbbw
to you Nwkl might give ltn & comfort 00ywbdw of patience 0twnrbysmd but Nyd God 0hl0 5
another dx with l( one dx you may value Nwb$xtt that with equality 0twyw$d
The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb
God 0hl0l you may glorify Nwxb$t mouth Mwp & with one dxbw mind Ny(r that with one dxbd 6
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd The Father yhwb0
each one 0ddxl & bear with Nyn(+w accept Nybrqm you shall wwh this 0dh because of l+m 7
has accepted you Nwkbrq The Messiah 0xy$m that also P0d just as 0nky0
of God 0hl0d to the glory htxwb$tl
ministered to $m$ The Messiah 0xy$m that Yeshua (w$yd but Nyd I 0n0 say rm0 8
so as 0nky0 of God 0hl0d the truth hrr$ for the sake of Plx the circumcision 0trwzg
of the fathers 0thb0d the promise 0nklwm to confirm r$nd
God 0hl0l shall glorify Nwxb$n & the Gentiles 0mm(w 9
upon them Nwhyl( that have been wwhd the mercies 0mxr for the sake of Plx
with the Gentiles 0mm(b to You Kl I shall give thanks 0dw0d that is written bytkd as Ky0
I shall sing praise rmz0 & to Your Name Km$lw
His people hm( with M( you Gentiles 0mm( be delighted wmsbt0 it says rm0 & again bwtw 10
nations 0mm( all of you Nwklk Jehovah 0yrml praise wxb$ it says rm0 & again bwtw 11
people 0twm0 all Nyhlk praise Him yhyxb$
of Jesse y$y0l a root 0rq( that there shall be 0whnd said rm0 Isaiah 0y($0 & again bwtw 12
for the nations 0mm(l the Ruler 0$r shall be 0whn to rise Mwqnd & Who Nmw
the nations 0mm( shall hope Nwrbsn & upon Him yhwl(w
& peace 0ml$w joy 0twdx with all hlk shall fill you Nwkylmn of hope 0rbsd but Nyd The God 0hl0 13
in His hope hrbsb that you shall superabound Nwrtyttd by faith 0twnmyhb
of Holiness 0$dwqd of The Spirit 0xwrd by the power 0lyxb
my brethren yx0 about you Nwkyl( am 0n0 also P0 but Nyd I 0n0 convinced spm 14
good 0tb+ with what is wh are Nwtn0 filled Nylm you Nwtn0 that also P0d
you are Nwtn0 & able Nyxk$mw knowledge 0t(dy with all hlkb & you are full Nwtylm$mw
to instruct wytrml others 0nrx0l also P0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

so as 0nky0 my brethren yx0 to you Nwkl I have written tbtk boldly ty0xrm but Nyd a little lylq 15
God 0hl0 from Nm to me yl that is given tbhyt0d by grace 0twby+b to remind you Nwkdh(0d
among the Gentiles 0mm(b The Messiah 0xy$m to Yeshua (w$yl a minister 0n$m$m that I may be 0wh0d 16
the offering 0nbrwq that may be 0whnd of God 0hl0d for the Gospel Nwylgnw0l & I may labor xwlp0w
of Holiness 0$dwqd by The Spirit 0xwrb & is sanctified $dqmw is accepted lbqm of the Gentiles 0mm(d
pride 0rhbw$ therefore lykh to me yl is ty0 17
God 0hl0 to twl The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb
that not 0ld anything Mdm to say rm0d I 0n0 dare xrmm for ryg not 0l 18
for the audience 0(m$ml The Messiah 0xy$m by me ydy0b has done r(s
& by works 0db(bw by word 0tlmb of the Gentiles 0mm(d
of The Spirit hxwrd & by the power 0lyxbw & of wonders 0trmdtdw of signs 0twt0d by the power 0lyxb 19
I have gone around Krkt0 Jerusalem Ml$rw0 that from Nmd just as 0nky0 of God 0hl0d
of The Messiah 0xy$md the Gospel htrbs & I have fulfilled 0lm0w Eluriqone Nwqyrwl0l until 0md(
where rk not 0l I shall preach the Good News rbs0 I 0n0 take pains +pxtm while dk 20
I build 0nb0 lest 0ld of The Messiah 0xy$md the Name hm$ is invoked yrqt0d
unusual 0tyrkwn a foundation 0ts0t$ on l(
it was told rm0t0 whom not 0ld those Nyly0d that is written bytkd just as 0nky0 but 0l0 21
they shall see Him hnwzxn about Him yhwl( to whom Nwhl
they shall be convinced Nwsyp+tn have heard w(m$ who not 0ld & those Nyly0w
many N0ygs times Nynbz I was hindered tsktt0 this 0nh because of l+m 22
to you Nwktwl when I would come 0t0d
in these Nylhb to me yl there is not tyl a place 0kwdd because l+m but Nyd now 0$h 23
many 0t0ygs years 0yn$ before Mdq from Nm I was tywh & desiring 0wsw regions 0twrt0
to you Nwktwl to come 0t0d
& to see you Nwkyzx0w to come 0t0d I 0n0 hope rbsm to Espania 0ynps0l I 0n0 go lz0d when 0m 24
many ygs of Nm a few lylqd when 0m there Nmtl you will accompany me ynnwwlt & you Nwtn0w
with seeing you Nwktzxb I shall have been delighted tmsbt0
to the saints 0$ydql to minister $m$0d to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l I 0n0 go lz0 but Nyd now 0$h 25
& in Akaia 0y0k0bw who are in Maqedonia 0ynwdqmbd these Nylh for ryg were willing wbc 26
saints 0$ydq the poor 0nksm with M( to them Nwhl there will be 0wht that a sharing 0twptw$d
in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b who are ty0d
to them Nwhl they are indebted Nybyx that also P0d because l+m they were willing wbc 27
with them Nwhm( they had been made partners wptwt$0 in the spiritual xwrdb for ryg if N0
in the physical rsbdb that also P0d are Nwn0 indebted Nybyx the Gentiles 0mm(
them Nwn0 they should serve Nw$m$n
to them Nwhl & I have ratified tmtxw I have finished trmgd when 0m therefore lykh this 0dh 28
to Espania 0ynps0l by you Nwkyl( I 0n0 pass rb( this 0nh fruit 0$d0
that wh in fullness 0ylwmb to you Nwktwl I 0n0 come 0t0d that when ytm0d but Nyd I 0n0 know (dy 29
I 0n0 shall come 0t0 of The Messiah 0xy$md of the gospel Nwylgnw0d of the blessing 0tkrwbd
my brethren yx0 of you Nwknm but Nyd I 0n0 beg 0(b 30
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y by our Lord Nrmb
that you labor Nwlm(td of The Spirit 0xwrd & by the love 0bwxbw
God 0hl0 to twl for me yplxd in prayer 0twlcb with me ym(

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

are obedient Nysyp+tm who not 0ld those Nyly0 from Nm that I be delivered 0cpt0d 31
to the saints 0$ydql I 0n0 that bring lbwmd & the ministry 0t$m$tw who are in Judea dwhybd
well ryp$ would be received lbqtt who are in Jerusalem Ml$rw0bd
in joy 0twdxb to you Nwktwl & I shall come 0t0w 32
with you Nwkm( & I shall be refreshed xyntt0w of God 0hl0d in the will hnybcb
Amen Nym0 all of you Nwklk with M( be 0whn of peace 0ml$d but Nyd God 0hl0 33

Chapter 16
our sister Ntx Phoebe 0bwpl but Nyd to you Nwkl I 0n0 entrust l(gm 16:1
of Qenkraus sw0rknqd of the church 0td(d a servant 0tyn$m$m who is hyty0d
for saints 0$ydql that is right qdzd as Ky0 in our Lord Nrmb that you accept her hnwlbqtd 2
because l+m her hl you will help Nwmwqt of you Nwknm that she seeks 0y(bd matter wbc & in any lkbw
to me yl also P0 to many 00ygsl was twh a helper 0tmwyq she yh that also P0d
& of Aqilos slq0dw of Priscilla 0lqsyrpd the peace 0ml$b invoke wl0$ 3
The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb who are with me ym(d laborers 0xlp
they yielded wbhy their necks Nwhyrwc of myself y$pn for the sake Plx same Nylh for those Nwnhd 4
I 0n0 thanking 0dwm alone ydwxlb I 0n0 have been 0wh & not 0lw
of the Gentiles 0mm(d the churches 0td( all Nyhlk also P0 but 0l0 them Nwhl
in their house Nwhtybb that is ty0d to the church 0td(l greetings 0ml$ & give wbhw 5
is yhwty0d who 0ny0 my beloved ybybx of Epentos sw+np0d the peace 0ml$b invoke wl0$
in The Messiah 0xy$mb of Akaia 0y0k0d the first fruits 0ty$r
of Maria 0yrmd the peace 0ml$b invoke wl0$ 6
among you Nwkb has labored ty0l much ygsd who 0dy0
my relatives ynyx0 & of Yunia or Junia 0ynwydw of Androniqus swqynwrdn0d the peace 0ml$b invoke wl0$ 7
by the apostles 0xyl$b were Nwn0 & known Ny(ydyw with me ym( captives 0yb$ who were wwhd
they were wwh before me ymdq & in The Messiah 0xy$mbw
in our Lord Nrmb beloved ybybx of Amphilius swylpm0d the peace 0ml$b invoke wl0$ 8
of Eurbanus swnbrw0d the peace 0ml$b invoke wl0$ 9
my beloved ybybx & Estakus swk+s0dw in The Messiah 0xy$mb who with us Nm(d a worker 0xlp
in our Lord Nrmb chosen 0ybg of Appela 0lp0d the peace 0ml$b invoke wl0$ 10
of Aristobulus swlwb+sr0d in the house htyb of the members ynbd the peace 0ml$b invoke wl0$
the peace 0ml$b invoke wl0$ my relatives ynyx0 of Herodion Nwydwrhd the peace 0ml$b invoke wl0$ 11
in our Lord Nrmb who are Nwhyty0d those Nyly0 of Narqisus swsqrnd of the house htyb of the members ynbd
& of Trupsa 0spwr+dw of Trupana 0npwr+d the peace 0ml$b invoke wl0$ 12
of Persis ssrpd the peace 0ml$b invoke wl0$ in our Lord Nrmb who labored Nyy0ld
in our Lord Nrmb labored ty0l much ygsd who 0dy0 my beloved ytbybx
in our Lord Nrmb chosen 0ybg of Ruphus spwrd the peace 0ml$b invoke wl0$ 13
& mine ylydw his hlyd & of his mother hm0dw
& of Plagon Nwglpdw of Asunqritus sw+rqnws0d the peace 0ml$b invoke wl0$ 14

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& of Harme 0mrhdw & of Petroba 0br+pdw & of Harma 0mrhdw

who are with them Nwhm(d & of the brothers 0x0dw
& of Nereus swr0ndw & of Julia 0ylwydw of Pillagus swgllypd the peace 0ml$b invoke wl0$ 15
with them Nwhm(d the saints 0$ydq & of all Nwhlkdw & of Alumpa 0pmwl0dw & of his sister htxdw
holy 0t$ydq with a kiss 0tq$wnb of another dxd one dx the peace 0ml$b invoke wl0$ 16
of The Messiah 0xy$md churches htd( all Nyhlk your peace Nwkml$b invoke Nl0$
those Nyly0 of Nm to beware Nwrhdztd my brethren yx0 of you Nwknm but Nyd I beg 0n(b 17
the doctrine 0nplwy of Nm outside rbl are causing Nydb( & subversion 0lw$kmw who division 0twglpd
from them Nwhnm to you Nwkl that you should stay away Nwqxrttd have learned Nwtply which you Nwtn0d
our Lord Nrml are serving Ny$m$m not 0l are Nwn0 who such 0nkhd for ryg those Nyly0 18
sweet 0tmysb & with words 0lmbw their belly Nwhsrkl but 0l0 The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
of the pure 0+y$pd the hearts 0twbl deceive Ny(+m & with blessings 0tkrwbbw
person $nrb to every lkl yours Nwklyd but Nyd your loyalty Nwktwn(mt$m 19
in you Nwkb therefore lykh I 0n0 rejoice 0dx has been made known t(dyt0
toward what is good 0tb+l wise Nymykx that you would be Nwwhtd I 0n0 & desire 0bcw
toward what is evil 0t$ybl & innocent Nymymtw
Satan 0n+sl soon lg(b shall crush yhwyqx$n of peace 0ml$d but Nyd The God 0hl0 20
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd the grace htwby+ your feet Nwkylgr under tyxt
with you Nwkm( will be 0wht
who is with me ym(d worker 0xlp Timotheos sw0tmy+ your peace Nwkml$b invoke Nyl0$ 21
my brothers ynyx0 & Sosipatros swr+pyswsw & Aison Nwsy0w & Luqios swyqwlw
Tertius swy+r+ am 0n0 your peace Nwkml$b I 0n0 invoking l0$ 22
in our Lord Nrmb the epistle 0trg0 who have written tbtkd
receiving me ynlbqm Gaius swy0g your peace Nwkml$b invokes l0$ 23
Aristus sw+sr0 your peace Nwkml$b invokes l0$ church 0td( & the whole hlkdw
a brother 0x0 & Quertus sw+r0wqw of the city 0tnydmd steward 0tybr
my ylyd in Gospel Nwylgnw0b to confirm you Nwkrr$nd Who is able xk$md Him wh but Nyd to God 0hl0l 24
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y about l( which has been preached zrkt0d that wh
of the world 0ml( the times ynbz that from Nmd of the mystery 0zr0d by the revelation 0nylgb
has been 0wh hidden yskm
the scriptures 0btk by dyb this 0nh in time 0nbzb but Nyd has been revealed ylgt0 25
eternal Ml(ld of The God 0hl0d & by the commandment hndqwpbw of the prophets 0ybnd
of faith 0twnmyhd for the hearing sense 0(m$ml the nations 0mm( to all Nwhlkl it has been taught (dyt0
in the hand dyb is the glory 0xbw$ alone yhwdwxlb wise 0mykx of Him Who is wywhd 26
Amen Nym0 for the eternity of eternities Nyml(ml(l The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$y
all of you Nwklk be with M( The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd the grace htwby+ 27
Amen Nym0


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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

1st Corinthians
Chapter 1
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd & an apostle 0xyl$w called 0yrq Paul swlwp 1:1
a brother 0x0 & Sosthenes sntswsw of God 0hl0d in the will hnybcb
called 0yrq which is in Qorinthus swtnrwqbd of God 0hl0d to the church 0td(l 2
is sanctified Ny$dqm The Messiah 0xy$m which is in Yeshua (w$ybd & holy 0$ydqw
of our Lord Nrmd the Name hm$ who call on Nyrqd those Nyly0 & all Nwhlklw
& ours Nlydw theirs Nwhlyd place rt0 in every lkb The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
our Father Nwb0 God 0hl0 from Nm & peace 0ml$w with you Nwkm( grace 0twby+ 3
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm & from Nmw
on your behalf Nwkyplx in every time Nbzlkb to my God yhl0l I 0n0 give thanks 0dwm 4
to you Nwkl that is given tbhyt0d of God 0hl0d the grace 0twby+ concerning l(
The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb
by Him hb you are enriched Nwtrt( thing Mdm for in every lkbd 5
knowledge 0t(dy & in all lkbw utterance 0lm in every lkb
of The Messiah 0xy$md the testimony htwdhsd as Ky0 6
in you Nwkb has been verified trrt$0
of Nm in one 0dxb you have been deprived Nwtrcbt0 because not 0ld 7
the revelation hnylgl you are Nwtn0 expecting Nyksm but 0l0 the gifts htbhwm
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd
at last 0tyrx0l until 0md( will confirm you Nwkrr$n for He whd 8
in the day hmwyb you will be Nwwht blame Ny$r that without 0ldd
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd
you were called Nwtyrqt0 for by Him hdy0bd God 0hl0 is wh faithful Nmyhm 9
our Lord Nrm The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of His Son hrbd to the fellowship 0twptw$l
of our Lord Nrmd in the Name hm$b my brethren yx0 of you Nwknm but Nyd I 0n0 request 0(b 10
speech 0tlm one 0dx that there will be 0whtd The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
you will be Nwwht but 0l0 divisions 0twglp among you Nwkb there will be Nywhn & not 0lw to you all Nwklkl
conscience 0ny(r & in one dxbw mind 0ty(rt in one 0dxb perfected Nyrymg
about you Nwkyl( for ryg to me yl they have sent wxl$ 11
of Kloe 00lk the house tyb from Nm my brothers yx0
among you Nwktnyb there is ty0 that contention 0nyrxd
some of you Nwknm that there are ty0d I 0n0 say rm0 but Nyd this 0dh 12
who say rm0d & there are ty0w am 0n0 of Paul swlwpd I 0n0 who say rm0d
am 0n0 of Keepha 0p0kd I 0n0 who say rm0d & there are ty0w am 0n0 of Apollo wlp0d I 0n0
am 0n0 of The Messiah 0xy$md I 0n0 who say rm0d & there are ty0w
The Messiah 0xy$m Himself hl has been divided? glpt0 interrog. 0mld 13
your persons Nwkyp0 for l( was crucified? Pqdz0 Paul swlwp interrogative 0ml or w0
were you baptized? Nwtdm( of Paul swlwpd in the name hm$b or w0
of you Nwknm that anyone $n0ld my God yhl0l I 0n0 thank 0dwm 14
& Gaius swy0glw Krispus swpsyrkl except 0l0 I baptized tdm(0 not 0l
I have baptized tdm(0 that in my name ym$bd would say rm0n anyone $n0 lest 0ld 15

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of Estaphana 0np+s0d the household htybl also P0 but Nyd I baptized tdm(0 16
I 0n0 know (dy not 0l but Nyd more bwt
I have baptized tdm(0 others Nyrx0 any $n0l if N0
to baptize wdm(ml The Messiah 0xy$m sent me ynrd$ for ryg not 0l 17
of words 0lm in wisdom tmkxb not 0l to preach the good news wrbsml but 0l0
of The Messiah 0xy$md the crucifixion hpyqz would be rejected qrtsn lest 0ld
is yh insanity 0twy+$ to the lost 0dyb0l of the crucifixion 0pyqzd for ryg the word 0tlm 18
of God 0hl0d it is yh the power 0lyx we who have life Nnyyxd to those Nyly0l but Nyd to us Nl
of the wise 0mykxd the wisdom 0tmkx I shall destroy dbw0d for ryg it is written bytk 19
of the intelligent 0ntlwksd the opinions 0ty(rt & I shall take away zwlg0w
the scribe 0rps is wh where? 0ky0 or w0 the wise 0mykx is wh where? 0ky0 20
this 0nh of world 0ml(d the debater 0$wrd is wh where? 0ky0 or w0
God 0hl0 has shown to be insane hy+$0 behold 0h not? 0l
this 0nh of world 0ml(d the wisdom htmkx
of God 0hl0d that in the wisdom htmkxbd for ryg because l+m 21
God 0hl0l by wisdom 0tmkxb the world 0ml( knew (dy not 0l
of preaching 0twzwrkd that by the insanity 0twy+$bd God 0hl0 was willing 0bc
who believe Nynmyhmd to those Nyly0l He shall give Life 0xn
ask for Nyl0$ signs 0twt0 The Judeans 0ydwhyd because l+m 22
seek Ny(b philosophy 0tmkx & The Aramaeans 0ymr0w
He was crucified Pyqz as dk The Messiah 0xy$m preach Nnyzrkm but Nyd we Nnx 23
madness 0twy+$ & to the Aramaeans 0ymr0lw to the Judeans 0ydwhyl an offense 0tlqwt
& Aramaeans 0ymr0w Judeans 0ydwhy who are called Nyrqd but Nyd to those Nwnhl 24
of God 0hl0d & the Wisdom 0tmkxw of God 0hl0d the power 0lyx The Messiah 0xy$m
humans 0$nynb than Nm is yh wiser 0mykx of God 0hl0d the madness htwy+$d because l+m 25
of men 0$n0 the children ynb than Nm is yh stronger 0yntlyx of God 0hl0d & the weakness htwhyrkw
my brethren yx0 your calling Nwktyrq also P0 for ryg see wzx 26
in the flesh rsbb are wise 0mykx among you Nwkb many Ny0ygs that not 0ld
mighty 0ntlyx among you Nwkb many Ny0ygs neither 0lw
great 0br of a family 0mhw+ children ynb among you Nwkb many Ny0ygs neither 0lw
of the world 0ml(d the foolish yhwlksl God 0hl0 has chosen 0bg but 0l0 27
of the world 0ml(d the weak yhwhyrk & He has chosen 0bgw the wise 0mykxl to shame thbnd
the mighty 0ntlyxl to shame thbnd
in the world 0ml(b families Nwhmhw+ of low rycbd those Nyly0l & He has chosen 0bgw 28
are Nwn0 who nothing tyld & those Nyly0lw & the rejects 0ylsmlw
who are Nwhyty0d those Nyly0l to nullify l+bnd
before Him yhwmdq body rsb every lk will boast rhbt$n that not 0ld 29
The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb are Nwtn0 from Him hnm but Nyd you Nwtn0 also P0 30
God 0hl0 of Nm The Wisdom 0tmkx for us Nl Who has become 0whd He wh
& The Redemption 0nqrwpw & The Holiness 0tw$ydqw & The Righteousness 0twqydzw
boasts rhbt$md that whoever Nmd that is written bytkd as Ky0 31
let him boast rhbt$n of Jehovah 0yrmb

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

1st Corinthians
Chapter 2
to you Nwktwl I came tyt0 when dk my brothers yx0 & I 0n0w 2:1
by scholarship 0tmkxb neither 0lp0 magnificent 0brwr by speech 0llmmb not 0l
of God 0hl0d of the mystery hzr0 did I proclaim to you the gospel Nwktrbs
among you Nwktnyb myself y$pn did I make a determination of tnd neither 0lw 2
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$yl only N0 but 0l0 I 0n0 knew (dy anything Mdmd as if Ky0
He was crucified Pyqz as dk Him hl even P0
with you Nwktwl I was tywh & in trembling 0tytrbw much 0t0ygs in fear 0tlxdb & I 0n0w 3
in the persuasiveness 0twnsypmb were twh not 0l & my preaching ytwzwrkw & my message ytlmw 4
in the demonstration 0tywxtb but 0l0 of philosophy 0tmkxd of the words 0lmd
& of power 0lyxdw of The Spirit 0xwrd
in the wisdom 0tmkxb your faith Nwktwnmyh would be 0wht that not 0ld 5
of God 0hl0d in the power 0lyxb but 0l0 of children of men 0$nynbd
with the perfect 0rymgb we speak Nnyllmm but Nyd wisdom 0tmkx 6
of the authorities yhwn+yl$d neither 0lp0 world 0ml( of this 0nhd not 0l wisdom 0tmkx
who are brought to nothing Nyl+btmd this 0nh of world 0ml(d
in a mystery zr0b of God 0hl0d the wisdom 0tmkx we speak Nnyllmm but 0l0 7
God 0hl0 set apart h$rp had 0wh & before Mdqw was twh which kept secret 0yskmd that yh
our Nlyd for glory 0xbw$l the world 0ml( before Mdq from Nm
this 0nh of world 0ml(d the rulers 0n+yl$ of Nm which one dxd that yh 8
they had known it hw(dy for ryg if wl0 knew it h(dy not 0l
they would have wwh crucified Nypqz of The Glory 0txwb$td The Lord hrml not wl
& an ear 0nd0w has seen tzx not 0l Eye 0ny(d that is written bytkd as Ky0 but 0l0 9
of a son of man 0$nrbd the heart 0bl & upon l(w has heard t(m$ not 0l
God 0hl0 that has prepared by+d anything Mdm has come up qls not 0l
Him hl who love Nymxrd for those Nyly0l
The Spirit 0xwr by His Spirit hxwrb God 0hl0 has revealed 0lg but Nyd to us Nl 10
of God 0hl0d the depths yhwqmw( even P0 searches into 0ycb everything Mdmlk for ryg
what is in a person 0$nrbbd who knows (dyd the son of man 0$nrb for ryg is wh who? 0ny0 11
that is in Him hbd of man 0$n0 of a son rbd the spirit 0xwr only N0 except 0l0
knows (dy not 0l a man $n0 what is in God 0hl0bd also P0 in this way 0nkh
of God 0hl0d The Spirit hxwr only N0 except 0l0
we have received Nbsn of the world 0ml(d The Spirit 0xwr was 0wh not 0l but Nyd we Nnx 12
that we may know (dnd God 0hl0 that is from Nmd The Spirit 0xwr but 0l0
to us Nl has been given bhyt0 God 0hl0 that from Nmd the gift 0tbhwm
in teaching 0nplwyb were 0wh not 0l we speak Nnyllmm that also P0d those things Nyly0 13
of the children of men 0$nynbd of the wisdom 0tmkxd of the words 0lmd
of The Spirit 0xwrd in the teaching 0nplwyb but 0l0
we compare Nnymxpm spiritual things 0tynxwr & to spiritual ones 0nxwrlw
who is in the soul self $pnbd for ryg a son of man 0$nrb 14
spiritual things 0tynxwr receive lbqm not 0l does wh
to him hl for ryg they are Nyn0 madness 0twy+$
to know (dnd he is able xk$m & not 0lw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

they are known Nydtm for by The Spirit xwrbd

judges N0d thing Mdm every lk but Nyd a spiritual man 0nxwr 15
is judged Nydtm not 0l a man $n0 from Nm & he whw
to teach Him yhwyplnd of Jehovah 0yrmd the mind hny(r has known (dy for ryg who? wnm 16
to us Nl is ty0 of The Messiah 0xy$md the mind 0ny(r but Nyd to us Nl
1st Corinthians
Chapter 3
with you Nwkm( to speak llm0d I have been able txk$0 not 0l my brothers yx0 & I 0n0w 3:1
carnal 0nrgp with M(d as Ky0 but 0l0 spiritual ones 0nxwr with M(d as Ky0
in The Messiah 0xy$mb to babies 0dwlyld & as Ky0w
I gave you to drink Nwktyq$0 milk 0blx 2
food 0tlwk0m to you Nwkl I gave tbhy & not 0lw
you were Nwtywh able Nyxk$m until now lykd( for ryg not 0l
you are Nwtn0 able Nyxk$m now 0$h neither 0lp0 but 0l0
wherever 0ky0 you are Nwtn0 in the flesh rsbb for ryg yet lykd( 3
& division 0twglpw & contention 0nyrxw envy 0msx among you Nwkb there is ty0d for ryg
you are Nwtn0 walking Nyklhm & in the flesh rsbbw are you Nwtn0 carnal 0nrgp behold 0h not? 0l
of you Nwknm man $n0 each $n0 for ryg says rm0d whenever 0m 4
am 0n0 of Apollo wlp0d I 0n0 says rm0 & another 0nrx0w am 0n0 of Paul swlwpd I 0n0
are you Nwtn0 carnal 0nrgp behold 0h not? 0l
Apollo wlp0 who is? wnm or w0 Paul swlwp for ryg who is? wnm 5
you have believed Nwtnmyh by whom Nwhydy0bd ministers 0n$m$m but 0l0
Jehovah 0yrm to him hl what gives bhyd according to Ky0 man $n0 & each $n0w
made it grow ybr God 0hl0 but 0l0 watered yq$0 & Apollo wlp0w planted tbcn I 0n0 6
anything Mdm is yhwty0 who plants bcnd he wh therefore lykh not 0l 7
who makes it grow 0brmd God 0hl0 but 0l0 who waters 0q$md he wh neither 0lw
they are Nwn0 one dx waters 0q$md & whoever Nmw but Nyd plants bcnd whoever Nm 8
receives lbqm his wages hrg0 his labor hlm( according to Ky0 & a man $n0w
& the crop 0nxlwpw we labor Nnyxlp for ryg God 0hl0 with M( 9
are Nwn0 you Nwtn0 of God 0hl0d & the building 0nynbw of God 0hl0d
to me yl that is given tbhyt0d of God 0hl0d the grace 0twby+ & according to Ky0w 10
wise 0mykx an architect 0lkdr0 as Ky0 the foundation 0ts0t$ I laid tms
built 0nb upon it hyl( but Nyd another 0nrx0
upon it hyl( builds 0nb how? Nky0 let pay attention 0zxn but Nyd every person $nlk
this 0dh than Nm other r+s another 0trx0 for ryg foundation 0ts0t$ 11
to lay Msml is able xk$m not 0l a man $n0 that is laid 0mysd
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y Which is hyty0d
foundation 0ts0t$ this 0dh on l( builds 0nb but Nyd a man $n0 & if N0w 12
precious 0tryqy stones 0p0k or w0 silver 0m0s or w0 gold 0bhd
stubble 0tbx or w0 hay 0rym( or w0 wood 0syq or w0
is revealed 0lgtm of every person $nlkd the work 0db( 13
it hl reveals 0lg that wh for ryg day 0mwy

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the work hdb(w is revealed 0lgtm that in fire 0rwnbd because l+m
will test it yhwy$rpt the fire 0rwn it is yhwty0 what sort 0nky0 of every person $nlkd
of the builder 0nbd that is wh work hdb( ever shall remain 0wqnd & whose 0ny0w 14
he shall receive lbqn his reward hrg0
he will suffer loss rsxn will burn up dq0n ever work hdb(d & whose 0ny0w 15
fire 0rwn that from Nmd as Ky0 but Nyd in this way 0nkh shall escape bzwt$n but Nyd He wh
of God 0hl0d you are Nwtn0 that the temple hlkyhd you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy not? 0l 16
in you Nwkb dwells 0rm( of God 0hl0d & The Spirit hxwrw
of God 0hl0d the temple hlkyh destroys lbxmd & whoever Nmw 17
of God 0hl0d for ryg the temple hlkyh God 0hl0 him hl destroys lbxm
are Nwn0 which you Nwtn0d is wh holy $ydq
ever thinks rbsd who Nm himself h$pn let deceive 0(+n not 0l a man $n0 18
him hl let be 0whn this 0nh in world 0ml(b he is wh that wise Mykxd among you Nwkb
wise 0mykx that he may be 0whnd fool 0lks
is yh nonsense 0twll this 0nh of world 0ml(d for ryg the wisdom htmkx 19
for ryg it wh is written bytk God 0hl0 to twl
in their craftiness Nwhtw(rxb the wise 0mykx He has seized dx0d
their reasonings Nwhtb$xm knows (dy Jehovah 0yrm & again bwtw 20
they are Nyn0 that worthless Nqyrsd of the wise 0mykxd
let glory rhbt$n a man $n0 not 0l this 0nh because of l+m 21
is wh yours Nwklyd for ryg everything Mdmlk in children of men 0$nynbb
the world 0ml( or N0w Keepha 0p0k or N0w Apollo wlp0 or N0w Paul swlwp if N0 22
things future Ndyt(d or N0w things present Nmyqd or N0w death 0twm or N0w life 0yx or N0w
is wh yours Nwklyd thing Mdm every lk
is Gods 0hl0d & The Messiah 0xy$mw The Messiahs 0xy$md & you are Nwtn0w 23
1st Corinthians
Chapter 4
ministers 0n$m$m as Ky0 to you Nwkl esteemed Nyby$x let us be Nywh in this way 0nkh 4:1
of God 0hl0d of the mysteries yhwzr0d of houses 0tb & masters ybrw of The Messiah 0xy$md
of houses 0tb in masters ybrb it is required 0(btm from now on lykm here 0krh 2
should be found xkt$n faithful Nmyhm that dk that a man $n0d
to me yl is yh a slight matter 0twrycb this 0dh but Nyd to me yl 3
of man $n0 son rb every lk from Nm or w0 I am judged Nydt0 that of you Nwknmd
am 0n0 judging N0d myself y$pn I 0n0 not even 0lp0 but 0l0
I am 0n0 afflicted $y$x in myself y$pnb anything Mdm for ryg not 0l 4
is wh Jehovah 0yrm for ryg my Judge ynyd am I justified tqddz0 by this 0dhb not wl but 0l0
judging Nynyd you should be Nwwht the time 0nbz before Mdq from Nm not 0l this 0nh because of l+m 5
the secrets htysk Who shall illuminate rhnmd He wh Jehovah 0yrm will come 0t0nd until 0md(
of the hearts 0twbld their imaginations Nwhtb$xm & reveal 0lgw of darkness 0kw$xd
God 0hl0 from Nm man $n0 to each $n0l praise 0xbw$ there shall be 0whn & then Nydyhw
I have established tms it is wh for your sakes Nwktl+m my brethren yx0 but Nyd these things Nylh 6
you may learn Nwpl0t that by us Nbd & of Apollo wlp0dw my ylyd person 0pwcrp concerning l(

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

is written bytkd whatever 0m than Nm more ryty to suppose Nw(rtt that not 0ld
should be lifted up Myrtn not 0l his fellowman hrbx against l( & a man $n0w
any man $n0 because of l+m
to you Kl is ty0 what? 0nm or w0 investigating you Kcb for ryg who is? wnm 7
you have received tbsn & if N0w you have received tbsn that not 0ld
are you tn0 boasting rhbt$m Why? 0nml
you have received tbsn that not 0ld it is wh as if Ky0
& you are made rich Nwtrt(w of yourselves Nwkl you have become full Nwt(bs now it is wdk from Nm 8
you had reigned Nwtklm0 but Nyd Oh that! Pwt$0 you have reigned Nwtklm0 & without us Nyd(lbw
with you Nwkm( might reign Klmn we Nnx that also P0d
at last 0yrx0 apostles 0xyl$l that we Nld for ryg I 0n0 think rbs 9
to death 0twmld as if Ky0 God 0hl0 appointed us Nms it is wh
for the universe 0ml(l a stage play Nwr+0t that we would be Nywhd
& for the children of men 0$nynblw & for angels 0k0lmlw
The Messiah 0xy$m because of l+m insane 0y+$ we are Nnx 10
in The Messiah 0xy$mb sensible 0mykx but Nyd you are Nwtn0
mighty 0ntlyx & you are Nwtn0w weak 0hyrk we are Nnx
despised Nyr(+cm & we are Nnxw praised Nyxbt$m you are Nwtn0
& we are thirsty Nnyhcw we are hungry Nnynpk hour 0t($ this 0dhl until 0md( 11
& we are abused Nnyxpqtmw & we are naked Nnyyl+r(w
for us Nl there is not tyl dwelling 0myq & a place tybw
us Nl they dishonor Nyr(cm with our hands Nydy0b we labor Nnyxlp when dk & we toil Nny0lw 12
& we endure Nnyrbysmw us Nl they persecute Nypdr & we bless Nnykrbmw
of them Nwhnm & we beg Nny(bw us Nl they accuse Nyxcm 13
we have been Nywh of the world 0ml(d the scum 0tpn as Ky0
now 0$hl until 0md( of every person $nlkd & the offscouring 0rpwkw
these things Nylh I 0n0 write btk to shame you Nwkthb0d as Ky0 it was 0wh not 0l 14
I 0n0 give admonition 0trm dear 0bybx to children 0ynbld as Ky0 but 0l0
in The Messiah 0xy$mb to you Nwkl shall be Nwwhn instructors 00rt ten thousand wbr for ryg if N0 15
The Messiah 0xy$m for ryg in Yeshua (w$yb fathers 0hb0 many 00ygs not 0l however 0l0
by the Gospel 0trbsb have begotten you Nwktdlw0 it is wh I 0n0
you would imitate Nwmdtt that me ybd of you Nwknm therefore lykh I 0n0 beseech 0(b 16
Timotheos sw0tmy+l to you Nwktwl I have sent trd$ this 0nh because of l+m 17
in Jehovah 0yrmb & faithful 0nmyhmw beloved 0bybx my son yrb who is yhwty0d
that are in The Messiah 0xy$mbd my ways ytxrw0 may relate to you Nwkdh(n that he whd
assemblies 0td( in all Nyhlkb I 0n0 that teach Plmd the things Mdm such as Ky0
to you Nwktwl I am 0n0 coming 0t0 that not 0ld but Nyd it is wh as if Ky0 18
of you Nwknm some 0$n0 have been boisterous wrtxt0
to you Nwktwl I 0n0 shall come 0t0 soon lg(b is willing 0bc Jehovah 0yrm if N0 but 0l0 19
whose are lifted up Nymyrmd of those Nylhd their words Nwhtlm not 0l & I shall know (d0w
their power Nwhlyx but 0l0 souls Nwh$pn
in word 0tlmb has been twh not 0l of God 0hl0d for ryg the kingdom htwklm 20
in power 0lyxb but 0l0
shall I come? 0t0 with a rod 0r+wxb you Nwtn0 do want it Nybc How? 0nky0 21

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of meekness 0tkykm & in a spirit 0xwrbw in affection 0bwxb or w0 to you Nwktwl

1st Corinthians
Chapter 5
fornication 0twynz among you Nwktnyb is reported 0(mt$m in short 0ks 5:1
fornication 0twynz this 0dh that such as Ky0dw
is named 0hmt$m pagans 0pnx among tyb not even 0lp0d which 0dy0
his fathers yhwb0 wife ttn0 a son 0rb that would take bsnd as far as 0md(
rather ty0ryty but Nyd & not 0lw are Nwtn0 inflated Nyrytx & you Nwtn0w 2
your midst Nwktnyb from Nm that he be taken lqt$nd in mourning 0lb0b you have sat Nwtbty
has committed r(s crime 0nr(ws this 0nhd whoever Nm he wh
from you Nwknm I 0n0 distant qyxr while dk for ryg I 0n0 3
in spirit xwrb to you Nwkl I 0n0 & near byrqw in body rgpb
with him whl present 0byrq as Ky0 I have judged tnd now wdk from Nm
has committed r(s this 0dhd whoever Nm
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd that in the Name hm$bd 4
in spirit xwrb with you Nwkm( & I 0n0w all of you Nwklk you shall assembleNw$nktt
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd the power hlyx with M(
to Satan 0n+sl this one 0nhl & you shall deliver him hnwml$tw 5
he may live 0xn that in spirit xwrbd of his body hrgpd for the destruction 0ndb0l
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd in the day hmwyb
you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy not? 0l your boasting Nwkrhbw$ is good ryp$ not 0l 6
ferments (mxm lump 0tlybg the whole hlk a little lylq that yeast 0rymxd
old 0qyt( the yeast 0rymx from you Nwknm purge wkd 7
new 0tdx a lump 0tlybg that you would be Nwwhtd
our Nlyd for ryg Passover 0xcp unleavened 0ry+p you are Nwkyty0d just as 0nky0
for our sake Nyplx Who was slain sknt0d is wh The Messiah 0xy$m
old 0qyt( with leaven 0rymxb not 0l a feast 0d(d( let us make db(n this 0nh because of l+m 8
or of bitterness 0twryrmdw that is in wickedness 0tw$ybd with yeast 0rymxb neither 0lw
& of Holiness 0tw$ydqdw of purity 0twykdd with the leaven 0rymxb but 0l0
in a letter 0trg0b to you Nwkl I have written tbtk 9
fornicators 0ynz with M( to mix Nw+lxtt that not 0ld
this 0nh who are in world 0ml(bd fornicators 0ynz about l( I 0n0 speak rm0 but Nyd not 0l 10
extortioners 0pw+x about l( or w0 the greedy 0bwl( about l( or w0
of idols 0rktp worshippers yxlp about l( or w0
you would have been Nwtywh obligated Nybyx not 0l & if N0w
to depart qpml the world 0ml( from Nm also P0
to you Nwkl that I have written tbtkd but Nyd this 0dh 11
a brother 0x0 one called 0rqtmd there is ty0 if N0 to mix Nw+lxtt that not 0ld
of idols 0rktp a servant xlp or w0 a greedy man 0bwl( or w0 a fornicator 0ynz & he is yhwty0w
whom 0ny0 with M( a robber Pw+x or w0 a drunkard ywr or w0 an abuser Nr(cm or w0
to eat lk0ml bread 0mxl not even 0lp0 you are wh that so 0nkhd
outsiders 0yrbl to judge Ndml for ryg am I yl what? 0m 12
judge wnwd the insiders wgldl you Nwtn0
judges N0d God 0hl0 but Nyd the outsiders 0yrbl 13

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

your midst Nwktnyb from Nm the evil one 0$ybl & remove him yhwlqw$w

1st Corinthians
Chapter 6
to him hl is ty0 when dk of you Nwknm anyone $n0 dare? xrmm 6:1
the evil 0lw( before Mdq to judge Nwdnd his brother yhwx0 with M( a dispute 0nyd
the holy 0$ydq before Mdq & not 0lw
shall judge Nwnwdn the universe 0ml(l that the saints 0$ydqd you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy not 0l or w0 2
is judged Nydtm by you Nwkb the universe 0ml( & if N0w
small 0qdqd disputes 0nyd to judge Ndml you Nwtn0 are worthy Nyw$ not? 0l
we judge Nnynyd that angels 0k0lmld you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy not? 0l 3
this 0nh are Nyn0 who of world 0ml(dd those Nyly0 How much? 0mk rather dx
a worldly matter 0ml(d concerning l( a judgment 0nyd to you Nwkl there is ty0 if N0 but 0l0 4
in the assembly 0td(b who are neglected Nysbd those Nyly0l
in judgment 0nydb for you Nwkl seat wbtw0
in this way 0nkh to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 but Nyd that wh to you now 0r0wkl 5
wise 0mykx one dx not even 0lp0 with you Nwkb is there not? tyl
& his brother yhwx0l a brother 0x0 between tyb to reconcile 0w$n who will be able xk$nd
disputes Nydtm his brother yhwx0 with M( brother 0x0 but 0l0 6
believe Nynmyhm who not 0ld those Nyly0 before Mdq & even bwtw
to you Nwkl you have condemned Nwtbx your persons Nwkmwnq therefore lykh now wdk from Nm 7
with you Nwkl are ty0 one dx with M( one dx because lawsuits 0nydd
are you Nwtn0 wronged Nybl(tm not 0l for ryg what? 0nm because of l+m
are you Nwtn0 cheated Nyzlgtm not 0l what? 0nm & because of l+mw
are Nwtn0 doing wrong Nybl( you Nwtn0 but 0l0 8
your brothers Nwkyx0l also P0 you are Nwtn0 & cheating Nyzlgw
the kingdom htwklm that evil men 0lw(d you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy not 0l or w0 9
be you deceived Nw(+t not 0l do inherit Nytry not 0l of God 0hl0d
of idols 0rktp worshippers yxlp neither 0lw fornicators 0ynz not 0l
sexual molestors 0lbxm neither 0lw adulterers 0ryg neither 0lw
males 0rkd with M( males lying down ybk$ neither 0lw
drunkards 0ywr neither 0lw thieves 0bng nor 0lw frauds 0bwl( neither 0lw 10
these Nylh extortioners 0pw+x neither 0lw the insolent 0nr(cm nor 0lw
do inherit Nytry not 0l of God 0hl0d the kingdom htwklm
of you Nwknm one $n0 in each $n0b had ywh been ty0 & these things Nylhw 11
& you are sanctified Nwt$dqt0w you are purified by baptism Nwtyxs but 0l0
of our Lord Nrmd in the Name hm$b & you are justified Nwtqddz0w
of our God Nhl0d & by The Spirit hxwrbw The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
for me yl is legal +yl$ everything lk 12
for me yl is useful xqp everything lk not 0l but 0l0
for me yl is legal +yl$ everything lk
will have dominion +lt$n not 0l a person $n0 over me yl( but 0l0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

for food 0tlwk0md & the belly 0srkw for the belly 0srkd food 0tlwk0m 13
brings to nothing l+bm both of them Nyhytrtl but Nyd God 0hl0
for fornication 0twynzl not 0l but Nyd the body 0rgp
for the body 0rgpl & our Lord Nrmw for our Lord Nrml but 0l0
has raised Myq0 even our Lord Nrmlw but Nyd God 0hl0 14
by His power hlyxb raises Myqm & us Nlw
members 0mdh that your bodies Nwkyrgpd you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy not? 0l 15
of The Messiah 0xy$md the member 0mdh shall we take bsn of The Messiah 0xy$md are Nwn0
God forbid! sx of a harlot 0tynzd the member 0mdh to make it yhwydb(n
to a harlot 0tynzl cleaves Pqnd that whoever Nmd you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy not 0l or w0 16
for ryg it is said rym0 body rgp is wh one dx
body rgp one dx both Nwhyrt that they will be Nwwhnd
to our Lord Nrml but Nyd has cleaved Pqnd whoever Nm 17
Spirit xwr of one 0dx with Him hm( has been 0wh
sin 0ty+x every lk fornication 0twynz from Nm flee wqwr( 18
is yh his body hrgp of Nm outside rbl a son of man 0$nrb that will do db(nd
sin 0+x does wh in his body hrgpb but Nyd fornicates 0nzmd whoever Nm
that your body Nwkrgpd you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy not 0l or w0 19
of Holiness 0$dwqd of The Spirit 0xwrd is wh the temple 0lkyh
you have received Nwtlbqd Whom yh in you Nwkb Who dwells 0rm(d
of yourselves Nwk$pnd you have been Nwtywh & not 0lw God 0hl0 from Nm
with a price 0ymdb for ryg you have been bought Nwtnbdz0 20
with your body Nwkrgpb God 0hl0l glorifying Nyxb$m therefore lykh be you Nwtywh
of God 0hl0d which are Nwhyty0d those Nwnh & with your spirit Nwkxwrbw
1st Corinthians
Chapter 7
but Nyd to me yl that you wrote Nwtbtkd those things Nyly0 about l( 7:1
to touch brqtn not 0l a woman 0ttn0ld for a man 0rbgl it is wh good ryp$
a woman httn0 a man $n0 fornication 0twynz because of l+m but 0l0 2
let take dwx0t her husband hl(bl & a woman 0ttn0w let take dwx0n
let bestow (wrpn that is owed byxttmd the love 0bwx to his wife httn0l a man 0rbg 3
to her husband hl(bl woman 0ttn0 that yh also P0 in this way 0nkh
her body hrgp over l( is authorized 0+yl$ not 0l a woman 0ttn0 4
a man 0rbg also P0 in this way 0nkh her husband hl(b but 0l0
his wife httn0 but 0l0 his body hrgp over l( is authorized +yl$ not 0l
another dxl one dx deprive you Nwzlgt therefore lykh not 0l 5
you will agree Nwwt$t you both Nwkyrtd when ytm0 except 0l0
& to prayer 0twlclw to fasting 0mwcl which you devote Nwn(ttd in a time Nbzb
you shall return Nwnptt to pleasure 0twbcl to it hl & again bwtw
Satan 0n+s tempt you Nwkysnn lest 0ld
of your bodies Nwkrgpd the desire 0tgr because of l+m
to the weak 0lyxmld as Ky0 I 0n0 say rm0 but Nyd this 0dh 6
a commandment 0ndqwp from Nm not wl
children of men 0$nynb that all Nwhlkd I 0n0 wish 0bc for ryg I 0n0 7

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

a gift 0tbhwm every person $nlk but 0l0 in purity 0twykdb may be Nwwhn like I ytwk0
God 0hl0 from Nm to him hl is given 0byhy
who in that way 0nkhd & one ty0w who in this way 0nkhd one ty0
that there is not tyld to those Nyly0l but Nyd I 0n0 say rm0 8
them Nwhl that it benefits xqpd & to widows 0tlmr0lw a woman 0$n to them Nwhl
like I ytwk0 they should remain Nwwqn if N0
it is beneficial xqp let them marry Nwgwdzn they endure Nyrbysm but Nyd not 0l if N0 9
with desire 0tgrb to burn dq0mld than Nm rather b+ a wife 0ttn0 to take bsml for ryg
not 0l I 0n0 command dqpm women 0$n to them Nwhl that are ty0d but Nyd to those Nyly0l 10
shall depart $wrpt not 0l her lord hl(b from Nm that a wife 0ttn0d My Lord yrm but 0l0 I 0n0
a man 0rbg without 0ld let her remain 0wqt she departs $wrpt & if N0w 11
let her be reconciled 0(rtt to her lord hl(bl or w0
let him forsake qwb$n not 0l his wife httn0l & a man 0rbgw
my Lord yrm not 0l am 0n0 I 0n0 saying rm0 but Nyd to others 0kr$l 12
a woman 0ttn0 to him hl who is ty0d a brother 0x0 there is ty0 if N0
with Him hm( to stay rm(td willing 0ybc & she is yhw is a believer 0nmyhm who not 0ld
let him leave her hyqb$n not 0l
a husband 0l(b to her hl ever is ty0d who 0dy0 & a wife 0ttn0w 13
with her hm( to stay rm(nd willing 0bc & he is whw is a believer Nmyhm who not 0ld
her husband hl(b let her leave qwb$t not 0l
is a believer Nmyhm ever not 0ld who 0ny0 man 0rbg for ryg that wh is sanctified $dqm 14
woman 0ttn0 that yh & is made holy 0$dqmw who believes 0nmyhmd by the wife 0ttn0b
who believes Nmyhmd by the husband 0rbgb is a believer 0nmyhm ever not 0ld who 0dy0
are Nwn0 defiled Ny0m+ their children Nwhynb not 0l & if N0w
they are Nwn0 pure Nykd but Nyd now 0$h
let him separate $wrpn separates $rp believes Nmyhm who not 0ld he wh but Nyd if N0 15
in such cases Nylhb a sister 0tx or w0 a brother 0x0 is in bondage db($m not 0l
God 0hl0 has called us Nrq it is wh to peace 0ml$l
woman 0ttn0 you ytn0 know 0(dy for ryg what? 0nm 16
you will save Nyxt your husband ykl(bl if N0
you tn0 know? (dy man 0rbg you tn0 or w0
you will save 0xt your wife Kttn0l if N0
Jehovah 0yrm to him hl distributes glpd as Ky0 man $n0 each $n0 but 0l0 17
let him walk Klhn thus 0nkh God 0hl0 ever calls him yhyrqd how Ky0 & a man $n0w
I 0n0 command dqpm so 0nkh the churches 0td( to all Nyhlkl & also P0w
to it hl let him return Kwphn not 0l was called yrqt0 a man $n0 circumcised ryzg when dk if N0 18
he was called yrqt0 in uncircumcision 0twlrw(b & if N0w to uncircumcision 0twlrw(l
let him be circumcised rwzgn not 0l
anything Mdm has been twh not 0l for ryg circumcision 0trwzg 19
but 0l0 uncircumcision 0twlrw( not 0l also P0
of God 0hl0d of the commandments yhwndqwpd the keeping 0trw+n
he shall continue 0wqn in it hb when he was called yrqt0d in the calling 0nyrqb every person $nlk 20
you Kl let it concern l+btn not 0l you have been called tyrqt0 a servant 0db( if N0 21
be freed wrrxtml you tn0 can xk$m also if Np0 but 0l0
to serve xwlptd for yourself Kl choose ybg

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

is called yrqt0 a servant 0db(d for ryg whoever 0ny0 22

also P0 in this way 0nkh of God 0hl0d is wh a freeman 0rrxm in our Lord Nrmb
is called yrqt0 of freedom 0r0x a son rbd whoever 0ny0
of The Messiah 0xy$md is wh a servant 0db(
you have been bought Nwtnbdz0 with a price 0ymdb 23
of people 0$nynbd servants 0db( you shall be Nwwht not 0l
brethren yx0 which he is called yrqt0d in that Mdmb every person $nlk 24
God 0hl0 with twl let him continue 0wqn in it hb
God 0hl0 from Nm a commandment 0ndqwp but Nyd virginity 0twlwtb about l( 25
as Ky0 I 0n0 give bhy but Nyd advice 0klm I 0n0 I have dyx0 not 0l
faithful Nmyhm to be 0wh0d God 0hl0 from Nm I who have received favor tnnxt0d a man 0rbg
is fair 0ryp$ that this 0dhd I 0n0 & think rbsw 26
of the time 0nbzd the distress 0qnn0 because of l+m
he should be 0whn that so 0nkhd for a son of man 0$nrbl for him hl that useful xqpd
a divorce 0yr$ seek 0(bt not 0l with a wife 0ttn0b are you? tn0 bound rys0 27
a wife 0ttn0 seek 0(bt not 0l a wife 0ttn0 from Nm you tn0 have divorced? 0r$
you tn0 will have sinned 0+x not 0l a wife 0ttn0 you will take bst & if N0w 28
she will be sinning 0y+x not 0l for a man 0rbgl will be 0wht a virgin 0tlwtb & if N0w
are Nwn0 who so 0nkhd to those Nyly0l has been 0wh in the body rgpb but Nyd suffering 0nclw0
I 0n0 show pity s0x for you Nwkyl( but Nyd I 0n0
it hl is short zhldz0 from now on lykm that time 0nbzd brethren yx0 I 0n0 say rm0 & this 0dhw 29
them Nwhl without tyld as if Ky0 shall be Nwwhn wives 0$n to them Nwhl who have ty0d for those Nyly0d
they weep Nykb not 0l as if Ky0 who weep Nykbd & those Nyly0w 30
they rejoice Nydx not 0l as if Ky0 who rejoice Nydxd & those Nyly0w
they acquire Nydqm not 0l as if Ky0 who buy Nynbzd & those Nyly0w
this 0nh world 0ml(b who use Nyx$xtmd & those Nyly0w 31
usage 0tx$xd the right 0qdz of Nm outside rbl not 0l
this 0nh of world 0ml(d the form hmks0 for ryg it hl is passing rb(
you will be Nwwht care 0tpc that without 0ldd I 0n0 want 0bc this 0nh because of l+m 32
a wife 0ttn0 to him hl ever has not tyld for ryg who 0ny0
his Lord hrml he may please rp$n that how? 0nky0d upon what is of his Lord hrmdb thinks 0nr
what is of the world 0ml(d cares for Pcy a wife 0ttn0 to him hl is ty0d whoever 0ny0w 33
his wife httn0l he may please rp$n how? 0nky0d
& a virgin 0tlwtbl a wife 0ttn0 between tnyb also P0 is ty0 but Nyd a distinction 0n$rwp 34
on her Lord hrmb thinks 0ynr has been twh not 0l ever with a husband 0rbgld she who 0dy0
& in her spirit hxwrbw in her body hrgpb holy 0$ydq that she may be 0whtd
of the world 0ml(d thinks 0ynr a husband 0l(b to her hl ever has ty0d & she who 0dy0w
her husband hl(bl she may please rp$t that so 0nky0d
I 0n0 say rm0 yours Nwklyd it is wh for your benefit Nwknrdw(l but Nyd this 0dh 35
onto you Nwkl I 0n0 cast 0mr a noose 0tyqwnxm it is 0wh not 0l
your Lord Nwkrm to twl faithful Nynym0 that you would be Nwwhtd but 0l0
to the world 0ml(b you are Nwtn0 attending Nynr not 0l while dk beautiful 0ryp$ in form 0mks0b
by his virgin htlwtbb that he is disgraced xzbtmd thinks rbs but Nyd a man $n0 if N0 36
to a man 0rbgl has given her hbhy & not 0lw her time hnbz who has passed rb(d

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to do db(n he chooses 0bcd as Ky0 to give her hyltnd & it is fitting 0ylww
she may be married gwdzt he sins 0+x not 0l
in his mind hny(rb determines qsp truly ty0ryr$d but Nyd he who 0ny0 37
his will hnybc over l( & has power +yl$w pleasure 0twbc to hl is pressured 0cl0 & not 0lw
he does db( well ryp$ his virgin htlwtb to keep r+nd in his heart hblb he judges Nd in this way 0nkhw
does db( well ryp$ his virgin htlwtb gives bhyd therefore lykh & he who 0ny0w 38
his virgin girl htlwtb gives bhy ever not 0ld & he who 0ny0w
does db( well ryp$ all the more ty0ryty
is yh bound 0rys0 her husband hl(b lives yxd as long as 0mk a wife 0ttn0 39
her husband hl(b should fall asleep Kmdn but Nyd if N0 by the written Law 0swmnb
in our Lord Nrmb only dwxlb whom she will 0ybcd for him Nml to be 0whtd she is yh free 0rrxm
she shall remain 0wqt in this way 0nkh if N0 but Nyd she is blessed hybw+ 40
I 0n0 also P0 but Nyd I 0n0 think rbs my ylyd my mind yny(r according to Ky0
in me yb is ty0 of God 0hl0d that The Spirit 0xwrd
1st Corinthians
Chapter 8
of idols 0rktpd but Nyd sacrifices 0xbd about l( 8:1
knowledge 0t(dy is ty0 that in us all Nlkbd we know Nny(dy
builds up 0nb but Nyd love 0bwx puffs up 0rtxm & knowledge 0t(dyw
anything Mdm that he knows (dyd thinks rbs but Nyd a man $n0 if N0 2
he knows (dy anything Mdm yet lykd( not 0l
to know (dml for him hl it is necessary 0lwd what 0m as Ky0
God 0hl0l loves bxm but Nyd a man $n0 if N0 3
of Him hnm is known (dyt0 this one 0nh
of idols 0rktpd of sacrifices 0xbdd therefore lykh food 0tlwk0m about l( 4
idol 0rktp the wh anything Mdm has been 0wh that not 0ld we know Nny(dy
god hl0 & that there is not tyldw in the universe 0ml(b
One dx only N0 but 0l0 another Nyrx0
gods 0hl0 what are called Nyrqtmd there are ty0 for ryg even though Np0 5
in earth 0(r0b or w0 in the sky 0ym$b whether w0
many 00ygs & lords 0twrmw many 00ygs gods 0hl0 there are ty0d as 0nky0
The Father 0b0 God 0hl0 is wh One dx ours Nlyd to us Nl but 0l0 6
in him hb & we are Nnxw is from Him hnm for all lkd
for all lkd The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y Jehovah 0yrm & One dxw
in His hand hdy0b we are Nnx & also P0w is by Him hdy0b
the knowledge 0t(dy in every person $nlkb has been 0wh not 0l but 0l0 7
now 0$hl until 0md( in whose conscience Nwhtr0tbd people 0$n0 for ryg there are some ty0
they eat Nylk0 what is sacrificed 0xybdd as Ky0 idols 0rktp that unto l(d
it is defiled 0$w+tm their conscience Nwhtr0t is weak 0hyrkd & because l+mw
to God 0hl0l us Nl brings 0brqm not 0l but Nyd food 0tlwk0m 8
we gain Nnyrtytm we eat Nnylk0 if N0 for ryg nothing 0l
we lose Nnyrcbtm we shall eat lwk0n not 0l if N0 & nothing 0lw
this 0nh your power Nwkn+lw$ lest 0mld but Nyd Take heed wzx 9
to the weak 0hyrkl a stumbling block 0tlqwt shall be 0whn

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

will see you Kyzxn for ryg a man $n0 if N0 10

you tn0 that recline Kymsd knowledge 0t(dy in you Kb who have ty0d you Kl
his conscience htr0t behold 0h not? 0l of idols 0rktp in the house tyb
will be encouraged 0rrt$m it is wh weak hyrkd because l+m
what is sacrificed 0xybdd to eat lk0ml
yours Klyd by your knowledge Kt(dyb he hl & is destroyed db0w 11
The Messiah 0xy$m died tym for whose sake htl+md is weak (rmd who 0ny0 he wh
your brethren Nwkyx0b you Nwtn0 subvert Nylksm in this way 0nkh & if N0w 12
of the sickly 0t(rm on their conscience Nwhtr0t you Nwtn0 & tread Nyxpqmw
you Nwtn0 commit an offense Nylksm it is wh against The Messiah 0xy$mb
my brother yx0l brings down 0l$km food 0tlwk0m if N0 this 0nh because of l+m 13
to my brother yx0l I bring sin l$k0 lest 0ld I shall eat lwk0 not 0l flesh 0rsb for eternity Ml(l
1st Corinthians
Chapter 9
of freedom 0r0x a son rb I have been tywh not? 0l interrogative 0ml 9:1
an apostle 0xyl$ I have been tywh not? 0l or w0
have I seen tyzx not? 0l our Lord Nrm The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$yl or w0
in my Lord yrmb my work ydb( you have been Nwtywh not? 0l or w0
an apostle 0xyl$ I was tywh not 0l to others 0nrx0l & if N0w 2
I am yty0 to you Nwkl but 0l0
are Nwn0 you Nwtn0 of my apostleship ytwxyl$d & the seal 0mtxw
it is this wnh me yl who judge Nynydd to those Nyly0l my answer yxwrb & I give qpmw 3
& to drink 0t$mlw to eat lk0ml for us Nl is it legal +yl$ not 0l why? 0ml 4
wife 0ttn0 a sister 0tx for us Nl is it legal +yl$ not? 0l & interrog. 0mlw 5
of the apostles 0xyl$d others 0kr$ as Ky0 with us Nm( to travel wkrkml
Keepha 0p0k & as Ky0w of our Lord Nrmd the brothers yhwx0 & as Ky0w
to us Nl there is not? tyl & Barnaba 0bnrbw only dwxlb I 0n0 or w0 6
we should labor xwlpn that not 0ld authority 0n+lw$
of himself h$pnd at expense 0tqpnb in a war 0twxlpb who fights xlpmd who is it? wnm 7
its fruits yhwr0p & from Nmw a vineyard 0mrk who plants bcnd who is it? wnm or w0
sheep 0n( that herds 0(rd who is it? wnm or w0 eats lk0 not 0l
consumes lk0 not 0l of his flock hty(rmd the milk 0blx & from Nmw
I 0n0 say rm0 these things Nylh a son of man 0$nrb as? Ky0 interrog. 0mld 8
says rm0 these things Nylh the written Law 0swmn also P0 behold 0h
of Moses 0$wmd in the written Law 0swmnb in it hb for ryg it is written bytk 9
that treads Krdmd the ox 0rwt muzzle Mwlbt not 0ld
God 0hl0l Himself hl does concern ly+b oxen 0rwt about? l( interrog. 0ml
He said rm0 it wh that for our sake Ntl+md it is understood 0(ydy but 0l0 10
because l+m it was written tbtkt0 for ryg & for our sake Ntl+mw
to the plougher 0bwrkl to him hl is incumbant 0lw it wh hope 0rbs for l(d
of a crop 0tll(d hope 0rbs for l( threshes Krdmd & whoever 0ny0w to plough bwrknd
in you Nwkb have sown N(rz of the Spirit 0xwrd we Nnx if N0 11
shall reap dwcxn of the body 0rgpd from you Nwknm we Nnx if N0 is it? yh a great thing 0br

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

over you Nwkyl( authority 0n+lw$ to them Nwhl is ty0 others 0nrx0l & if N0w 12
we have used Nx$xt0 not 0l but 0l0 all the more ty0ryty is it fitting 0lw to us Nl not? 0l
we have endured Nnyrbysm everything Mdmlk but 0l0 this 0nh authority 0n+lw$b
of The Messiah 0xy$md the Gospel htrbs we may impede sktn not 0l that in a thing Mdmbd
holy 0$dwq who in the house tybd that those Nyly0d you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy not 0l 13
are provided for Nyrbytsm holy 0$dwq the house tyb from Nm labor Nyxlp
share Nyglp the altar 0xbdm with M( serve Nyxlp who the altar 0xbdmld & those Nyly0w
that those Nyly0d commands dqp our Lord Nrm also P0 in this way 0nkh 14
shall live Nwxn His Gospel htrbs from Nm preach Nyzrkm who His Gospel htrbsd
these things Nylh of Nm to one 0dxb have been accustomed tx$xt0 not 0l but Nyd I 0n0 15
to me yl it shall be 0whn that thus 0nkhd have I written tbtk this 0dh for l+m neither wlw
I should die twm0 to die tmmd for ryg for me yl it were better xqp
would nullify qrsn my glory yrhbw$ that someone $n0d than 0lw
pride 0rhbw$ to me yl there is not tyl for ryg I 0n0 as preach Good News rbsmd also P0 16
but Nyd to me yl woe! yw on me yl( is laid Mys for ryg necessity 0ry+q
I shall preach the Good News rbs0 unless 0l0
to me yl is ty0 a reward 0rg0 I 0n0 do r(s this 0dh with my pleasure ynybcb for ryg if N0 17
I 0n0 entrusted Nmyhm am wh with a stewardship 0twtyb tbr my pleasure ynybcb without 0ld but Nyd if N0
I 0n0 evangelize rbsm that when dkd my reward yrg0 therefore lykh is wh what? 0ny0 18
of The Messiah 0xy$md the Gospel htrbsl I may make it hydb(0 expense 0tqpn without 0ld
in the Gospel Nwylgnw0b to me yl that He gives bhyd the authority 0n+lw$b I shall use x$xt0 & not 0lw
all things Nyhlk from Nm for ryg I am 0n0 free rrxm as dk 19
I may gain rt0 that the many 00ygsld myself y$pn I subjected tdb($ to every person $nlkl
a Judean 0ydwhy as Ky0 Judeans 0ydwhy with M( & I was tywhw 20
I may gain rt0 that Judeans 0ydwhyld
I was tywh are Nwn0 The written Law 0swmn those who under tyxtd & with M(w
The written Law 0swmn those who under tyxtd like Ky0
I may gain rt0 are Nwn0 The Written Law 0swmn who under tyxtd that those Nyly0ld
for whom Nwhl there is not tyl The written Law 0swmnd & to those Nyly0lw 21
The Law swmn without 0ld as Ky0 I was tywh
law swmn without 0ld to God 0hl0l I am yty0 not 0l while dk
of The Messiah 0xy$md in The Law hswmnb but 0l0
I may win rt0 are Nwn0 The written Law swmn who without 0ldd those Nwnhl that also P0d
I may gain rt0 that the weak 0hyrkld weak 0hyrk as Ky0 the weak 0hyrk with M( I was tywh 22
I may give life 0x0 that to every person $nlkld I was tywh everything lk to every person $nlkl
I 0n0 have done db( but Nyd this 0dh 23
of the Gospel 0trbsl an associate 0ptw$ I may be 0wh0d so that l+m
who in the stadium Nwyd+s0bd that those Nyly0d you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy not 0l 24
is he wh one dx but 0l0 run Ny+hr do wh all of them Nwhlk run Ny+hr
you may obtain Nwkrdtd so Ky0 run w+rh in this way 0nkh the victory 0twkz to him hl takes bsn
thing Mdm every lk from Nm does db( who competition 0nwg0d but Nyd man $n0 every lk 25
a crown 0lylk to receive Nwbsnd run Ny+hr & these Nylhw his mind hny(r restrains dx0
destructible is lbxtm what in 0ld but Nyd we Nnx that is destructible lbxtmd
do 0n0 run +hr in this way 0nkh therefore lykh I 0n0 26

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

known is (ydy that un 0ld something Mdm for l(d as if Ky0 it is 0wh not 0l
fights $tk who the air r00ld he wh as Ky0 not 0l I 0n0 contend $tktm & thus 0nkhw
I 0n0 & enslave it db($mw I 0n0 subdue $bk it is wh my body yrgp but 0l0 27
have preached tzrk0 who to others 0nrx0ld I 0n0 lest 0mldd
to me yl would be rejected 0lts0 myself ymwnq I 0n0
1st Corinthians
Chapter 10
my brothers yx0 that you will know Nw(dtd but Nyd I am 0n0 willing 0bc 10:1
were wwh a cloud 0nn( under tyxt all of them Nwhlk our fathers Nyhb0d
passed through wrb( in the sea 0myb & all of them Nwhlkw
& in the sea 0mybw in the cloud 0nn(b were baptized wdm( Moses 0$wm by dyb & all of them Nwhlkw 2
they ate wlk0 of The Spirit 0xwrd food 0tlwk0m one 0dx & all of them Nwhlkw 3
they drank wyt$0 of The Spirit 0xwrd drink 0yt$m one dx & all of them Nwhlkw 4
of The Spirit 0xwrd The Rock 0p0k from Nm for ryg they were wwh drinking Nyt$
with them Nwhm( was twh Which being 0yt0d
The Messiah 0xy$m was 0wh It wh That yh but Nyd Rock 0p0k
God 0hl0 pleased yb+c0 with the multitude of them Nwh0gwsb was 0wh not 0l but 0l0 5
in the wilderness 0rbdmb for ryg they fell wlpn
that not 0ld were wwh being wh to us Nl an example 0spw+ but Nyd these things Nylh 6
lusted wgr those Nwnhd just as 0nky0 evil 0t$yb lusting for Nygr we would be Nywh
of idols 0rktp servants yxlp we would be 0whn neither 0lp0w 7
that is written bytkd as Ky0 served wxlp some of them Nwhnm also P0d even as 0nky0
& to drink 0t$mlw to eat lk0ml the people 0m( sat btyd
to play games wy(t$ml & they arose wmqw
fornicated wynz some of them Nwhnmd as 0nky0 we should commit fornication 0nzn & neither 0lp0w 8
thousand Nypl0 & three 0tltw twenty Nyrs( day 0mwy in one dxb & they fell wlpnw
tempted wysn some of them Nwhnmd as 0nky0 The Messiah 0xy$ml we should tempt 0snn neither 0lw 9
serpents 0twwx them Nwn0 & destroyed wdbw0w
complained wn+r some of them Nwhnmd as 0nky0 should we complain Nwn+rt neither 0lp0w 10
the destroyer 0nlbxm by ydy0b & were destroyed wdb0w
were ywh for our example Nspw+l to them Nwhl that occurred $dgd all Nyhlk but Nyd these Nylh 11
our Nlyd admonition 0twdrm for l+m & it was written btkt0w
have arrived ty+m upon us Nyl( of the universe 0ml(d for the ends Nwhtrxd
that he stands Mqd thinks rbsd whoever Nm from now on lykm 12
he fall lpn lest 0ld let him beware rhdzn
of the children of men 0$nynbd except 0l0 has met you Nwky+m not 0l temptation 0nwysn 13
to be tempted Nwsnttd shall allow you Nwkyprn Who not 0ld God 0hl0 but Nyd is wh faithful Nmyhm
you are Nwtn0 able Nycmd whatever Mdm than Nm more ryty
an exit 0nqpm for your temptation Nwknwysnl shall make db(n but 0l0
endure wrbysml that you can Nwxk$td so 0nky0
of idols 0rktpd the service 0nxlwp from Nm flee wqwr( my beloved ybybx this 0nh because of l+m 14

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

I 0n0 say rm0d whatever Mdm you Nwtn0 judge wnwd I 0n0 speak rm0 to the wise 0mykxld as Ky0 15
has been 0wh not? 0l that we bless Nnykrbmd of thanksgiving 0tydwtd that wh cup 0sk 16
of The Messiah 0xy$md of the blood hmdd the Presence yhwty0 the partaking 0twptw$
our breaking of bread Nnycqd that wh & interrog. 0mxlw
the sharing in 0twptw$ has been 0wh not? 0l
of The Messiah 0xy$md of the Body hrgpd the Presence yhwty0
that wh bread 0mxl is wh one dxd just as 0nky0 17
body rgp are Nnx one dx we all Nlk thus 0nkh
that wh from Nm for ryg we all Nlk
we are receiving Nnybsn bread 0mxl one dx which is wh
which is in the flesh rsbbd Israel lyrsy0l Behold wzx 18
sacrifices 0xbd who eat Nylk0d those Nyly0 have been 0wh not? 0l
of the altar 0xbdml partakers 0ptw$ were Nywh
is yhwty0 anything Mdm that an idol 0rktpd I 0n0 do say rm0 therefore lykh what? 0nm 19
No! 0l is wh anything Mdm of an idol 0rktpd a sacrifice 0xbd or w0
the pagans 0pnx that sacrifice Nyxbdd thing Mdm that wh but 0l0 20
to God 0hl0l & not 0lw they sacrifice Nyxbd it is wh to demons 0d0$l
with demons 0d0$l sharers 0ptw$ you to be Nwwhtd I 0n0 want 0bc but Nyd not 0l
of our Lord Nrmd the cup 0sk to drink Nwt$td you are Nwtn0 able Nyxk$m not 0l 21
you are Nwtn0 able Nyxk$m & not 0lw of demons 0d0$d & the cup 0skw
of our Lord Nrmd in the table 0rwtpb to share Nwptwt$td
of demons 0d0$d & in the table 0rwtpbw
our Lord Nrml do we make envy Nnyn+m to make envious? wn+m interrog. 0mld or w0 22
than He hnm are we stronger? Nnynysx interrog. 0mld
to me yl is legal +yl$ thing Mdm every lk 23
is advantageous xqp thing Mdm every lk not 0l but 0l0
to me yl is legal +yl$ thing Mdm every lk
edifies 0nbm thing Mdm every lk not 0l but 0l0
seek 0(b should 0whn what is of himself h$pnd a man $n0 not 0l 24
what is his neighbors hrbxd also P0 every person $nlk but 0l0
in the butchers shop Nwlqmb that is sold Nbdzmd everything Mdmlk 25
conscience 0tr0t because of l+m inquiry 0bqw( without 0ld eat Nylk0 you may Nwtywh
with its fullness h0lmb The Earth 0(r0 for ryg is yh Jehovahs 0yrmd 26
you Nwtn0 & wish Nybcw you Nwkl invites 0rq a pagan 0pnx who Nm but Nyd a man $n0 if N0 27
before you Nwkymdq that is set Mystmd everything Mdmlk to go lz0ml
conscience 0tr0t because of l+m inquiry 0bqw( without 0ld eat wlwk0
has been sacrificed* 0xybdd This 0nhd to you Nwkl shall say rm0n but Nyd a man $n0 if N0 28
to you Nwkl which he said rm0d that wh because of l+m you shall eat Nwlk0t not 0l it wh
conscience* 0tr0t & because of l+mw
yours Nwklyd it is 0wh not 0l I 0n0 say rm0 but Nyd conscience 0tr0t 29
is judged 0nydtm my liberty ytwr0x for ryg Why? 0nml who told rm0d of him whd but 0l0
of others 0nrx0d the conscience 0tr0t from Nm
blasphemed Pdgtm why? 0nm I 0n0 behave x$xtm with grace 0twby+b I 0n0 if N0 30

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

am giving thanks 0n0dwm for which I 0n0d anything Mdm for l( am I 0n0
you Nwtn0 drink Nyt$ & if N0w therefore lykh you Nwtn0 eat Nylk0 if N0 31
everything Mdmlk you Nwtn0 do Nydb( anything Mdm & if N0w
do Nydb( you shall Nwtywh of God 0hl0d for the glory 0txwb$tl
to the Jews 0ydwhyl be wwh violation 0lqwt without 0ld 32
of God 0hl0d & to the church htd(lw & to the Aramaeans 0ymr0lw
I 0n0 please rp$ everyone $nlkl thing Mdm in every lkb I 0n0 that also P0d as Ky0 33
advantage xqp is my yld what Mdm I 0n0 seek 0(b & not 0lw
is advantageous xqp for the many 00ygsld whatever Mdm but 0l0
that they may have life Nwxnd
1st Corinthians
Chapter 11
The Messiah 0xy$mb I do 0n0 also P0d just as 0nky0 me yb imitate wmdt0 11:1
thing Mdm that in every lkbd my brethren yx0 but Nyd you Nwkl I 0n0 praise xb$m 2
to you Nwkl I have delivered tml$0d & just as 0nky0w me yl you Nwtn0 remember dh(m
you are Nwtn0 keeping Nydyx0 commandments 0ndqwp
you to know Nw(dtd but Nyd I 0n0 want 0bc 3
is wh The Messiah 0xy$m his Head h$r man rbg of every lkd
is wh man 0rbg of woman 0ttn0d & the head h$rw
is wh God 0hl0 of The Messiah 0xy$md & the Head h$rw
prophesies 0bntm or w0 who prays 0lcmd man 0rbg every lk 4
his Head h$r disgraces thbm his head h$r covering yskm while dk
prophesying 0ybntm or w0 praying 0ylcmd woman 0ttn0 & every lkw 5
her head h$r disgraces 0thbm her head h$r revealing 0lg while dk
whose head h$r is shaven (yrgd her yh with M( for ryg she is yh equal 0yw$
a woman 0ttn0 is covered 0ysktm not 0l for ryg if N0 6
she should be sheared rptst also P0
to a woman 0ttn0l it is wh a disgrace rk$m but Nyd if N0
let her be covered 0sktt to be shaven (rgml or w0 to be sheared wrptsml
his head h$r to cover 0sknd is obligated byx not 0l for ryg a man 0rbg 7
of God 0hl0d & the glory 0txwb$tw he is wh the image 0twmdd because l+m
of man 0rbgd is yh the glory 0txwb$t but Nyd woman 0ttn0
woman 0ttn0 from Nm man 0rbg is yhwty0 for ryg not 0l 8
man 0rbg is from Nm woman 0ttn0 but 0l0
woman 0ttn0 for the sake of l+m created yrbt0 man 0rbg for ryg & neither 0lp0w 9
man 0rbg for the sake of l+m woman 0ttn0 but 0l0
a woman 0ttn0 is obligated 0byx this 0nh because of l+m 10
the angels 0k0lm for the sake of l+m her head h$r over l( shall be 0whn that authority 0n+lw$d
woman 0ttn0 of Nm outside rbl man 0rbg not 0l but Nyd however Mrb 11
in our Lord Nrmb man 0rbg of Nm outside rbl woman 0ttn0 neither 0lp0
in this way 0nkh man 0rbg from Nm woman 0ttn0d for ryg just as 0nky0 12
is wh God 0hl0 from Nm but Nyd everything Mdmlk woman 0ttn0 is by dyb man 0rbg also P0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

is it right? 00y yourselves Nwk$pnl among you Nwkynyb judge wnwd 13

to God 0hl0l to pray 0lct her head h$r revealing 0lg who while dkd for a woman 0ttn0l
you Nwkl teaching Plm nature 0nyk is wh not even? 0lp0 14
to him hl it is wh a disgrace 0r(c his hair hr(s ever has grown M0qd when 0m that a man 0rbgd
to her hl it is yh glory 0txwb$t her hair hr(s ever grows ybrmd when 0m & a woman 0ttn0w 15
to her hl given bhyt0 is wh a covering 0tyskt for the sake Plx her hair hr(sd because l+m
these things Nylh against l( disputes 0rxtm but Nyd a man $n0 if N0 16
this 0nh like Ky0 a custom 0dy( there is not tyl for us Nl
of God 0hl0d for the church htd(l neither 0lw
you Nwkl I 0n0 praise xb$m as if Ky0 not 0l I 0n0 that command dqpmd but Nyd this 0dh 17
you have gathered Nwtyt0 to your advantage Nwkymdql it has been 0wh that not 0ld because l+m
you have descended Nwttxn it is wh to meanness 0twrycbl but 0l0
with the assembly 0td(b you Nwtn0 ever assemble Ny$nktmd when 0m for ryg first Mdqwl 18
among you Nwktnyb that there is ty0d I 0n0 have heard (m$ division 0twglp
I 0n0 believe Nmyhm things Mdm & certain Mdmw
that will be Nwwhnd contentions 0nyrx also P0 for ryg there are Nwn0 going to be Nydyt( 19
may be known Nw(dytn among you Nwkb who are approved Nyqbd that those Nyly0d among you Nwktnyb
you Nwtn0 assemble Ny$nktmd therefore lykh when 0m 20
what is fitting qdzd according to Ky0 not wl
& drink Nyt$w you Nwtn0 eat Nylk0 of our Lord Nrmd for the day hmwyl
by himself hl eats lk0 before Mdq his supper htym$x or another $n0 one $n0 but 0l0 21
is drunk 0wr & one dxw hungry Npk one dx & has been 0whw
& drink Nwt$tw in which to eat Nwlk0td to you Nwkl are there not? tyl houses 0tb interrog. 0mld 22
do you? Nwtn0 despise Nysb of God 0hl0d the church htd(b or w0
to them Nwhl that there is not tyld those Nyly0l you Nwtn0 & have shamed Nythbmw
I 0n0 praise xb$m not 0l in this 0dhb shall I praise you Nwkxb$0 to you Nwkl shall I say rm0 what? 0nm
you Nwkl that I handed tml$0d thing Mdm that wh our Lord Nrm from Nm received tlbq for ryg I 0n0 23
He was 0wh in which betrayed Mlt$md night 0yll in that whb Yeshua (w$y that our Lord Nrmd
bread 0mxl He 0wh took bsn
eat wlwk0 Take wbs & He said rm0w & He broke 0cqw & He blessed Krbw 24
is broken 0cqtm your persons Nwkyp0 that for l(d My body yrgp this is wnh
for My memorial ynrkwdl do Nydb( you shall Nwtywh thus 0nkh
He gave bhy the cup 0sk also P0 they had dined wm$x0d after rtb from Nm thus 0nkh 25
in My blood ymdb new 0tdx the covenant 0qtyd is yhwty0 cup 0sk this 0nh & He said rm0w
you Nwtn0 that drink Nyt$d time ytm0 every lk doing Nydb( you shall be Nwtywh so 0nkh
for My memorial ynrkwdl
this 0nh bread 0mxl you Nwtn0 that eat Nylk0d for ryg time ytm0 every lk 26
of our Lord Nrmd it is wh His death htwm this 0nh cup 0sk you Nwtn0 & drink Nyt$w
His coming htyt0ml until 0md( you Nwtn0 commemorate Nydh(m
of Jehovah 0yrmd the bread hmxl from Nm eats lk0d therefore lykh whoever 0ny0 27
is wh condemned byxm for it hl is worthy 0w$ & not 0lw His cup hsk from Nm & drinks 0t$w
& for His body hrgplw of Jehovah 0yrmd for the blood hmdl
his soul h$pn searching 0qb a man $n0 let be 0whn this 0nh because of l+m 28
this 0nh cup 0sk from Nm & drink 0t$w this 0nh bread 0mxl from Nm eat lk0 & then Nydyhw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

worthy 0w$ not 0l when dk from it hnm & drinks 0t$w for ryg ever eats lk0d who Nm 29
& drinks 0t$w eats lk0 to his soul h$pnl is wh a guilty verdict 0bywx
of Jehovah 0yrmd the Body hrgp distinguishing $rp for not 0ld
& sickly 0hyrkw are ill 0(rm among you Nwkb many Ny0ygs this 0nh because of l+m 30
are asleep Nykmdd & many 00ygsw
we would Nywh judged Nynydtm not 0l we would Nywh judge Nynyd ourselves N$pn for ryg if wl0 31
to be chastised wydrtm our Lord Nrm from Nm but Nyd we are judged Nnynydtm when dk 32
we would be condemned byxtn the world 0ml( with M( lest 0ld we are chastised Nnydrtm
you Nwtn0 assemble Ny$nktmd whenever ytm0 my brothers yx0 from now on lykm 33
for another dxl one dx wait Nywqm you shall Nwtywh to eat lk0ml
let him eat s(ln in his house htybb hungers Npkd but Nyd whoever Nm 34
assembling Ny$nktm you will be Nwwht to a guilty verdict 0twbyxl lest 0ld
I shall give you orders Nwkdqp0 I come tyt0d when 0m but Nyd the rest 0kr$ concerning l(
1st Corinthians
Chapter 12
that you will know Nw(dtd I 0n0 will 0bc my brethren yx0 but Nyd spiritual things 0tynxwr about l( 12:1
to them Nwhl which have not tyld those Nyly0 & idols 0rktplw you were Nwtywh that pagans 0pnxd 2
you were Nwtywh being led Nyrbdtm discrimination N$rwp without 0ld voice 0lq
a man $n0 that there is not tyld you Nwkl I 0n0 inform (dwm this 0nh because l+m 3
& says rm0w speaks llmm of God 0hl0d who by The Spirit 0xwrbd
say rm0ml can xk$m a man $n0 neither 0lp0w Yeshua (w$y is wh damned Mrxd
of Holiness 0$dwqd by The Spirit 0xwrb only N0 except 0l0 Yeshua (w$y is wh that Jehovah 0yrmd
there are Nwhyty0 of gifts 0tbhwmd but Nyd diversities 0glwp 4
The Spirit 0xwr is yh One 0dx but 0l0
there are Nwhyty0 of ministries 0t$m$td & diversities 0glwpw 5
Jehovah 0yrm is wh One dx but 0l0
God 0hl0 is wh One dx but 0l0 there is ty0 of miracles 0twlyxd & a diversity 0glwpw 6
in every person $nlkb all lk Who works db(md
the revelation 0nylg to him hl is given bhytm but Nyd man $n0 to each $n0l 7
Him hl it helps 0rd(d as Ky0 of The Spirit 0xwrd
a word 0tlm in The Spirit 0xwrb to him hl given 0byhyd there is ty0 8
of knowledge 0t(dyd a word 0tlm but Nyd to another 0nrx0l of wisdom 0tmkxd
by The Spirit 0xwrb in him hb
by The Spirit 0xwrb in him hb faith 0twnmyh to another 0nrx0l 9
by The Spirit 0xwrb in Him hb of healing 0twys0d the gift 0tbhwm to another 0nrx0l
prophecy 0twybn but Nyd to another 0nrx0l miracles 0lyx but Nyd to another 0nrx0l 10
of spirits 0xwrd discernment 0tw$wrp but Nyd to another 0nrx0l
of languages 0n$ld kinds 0ynz but Nyd to another 0nrx0l
of languages 0n$ld translation 0q$wp but Nyd to another 0nrx0l
does 0r(s Spirit 0xwr That yh One 0dx these Nylh but Nyd all Nyhlk 11
pleases 0ybc He yhd as Ky0 to every person $nlkl & distributes 0glpmw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

is wh one dx because the body 0rgpd for ryg in like manner 0nzk0 12
many 00ygs members 0mdh in it hb & there are ty0w
many 00ygs while dk of the body 0rgpd members 0mdh but Nyd all of them Nwhlk
The Messiah 0xy$m also P0 thus 0nkh body rgp are Nwn0 one dx they Nwhyty0
Spirit xwr by One 0dxb we all Nlk for ryg we Nnx also P0 13
Aramaeans 0ymr0 or N0w Judeans 0ydwhy if N0 are baptized Ndm( body rgp to one dxl
of freedom 0r0x children ynb or N0w servants 0db( or N0w
are caused to drink Nyt$0 The Spirit 0xwr One 0dx & we all Nlkw
one dx is 0wh not 0l for ryg the body 0rgp also P0 14
many 00ygs but 0l0 member Mdh
a foot 0lgr for ryg shall say rm0t if N0 15
a hand 0dy0 I am tywh that not 0ld that because l+md
the body 0rgp of Nm of it hnm I am tywh not 0l
the body 0rgp from Nm from it hnm is it not hytyl this 0dh because of l+m not? wl
an eye 0ny( I am tywh that not 0ld coming in l( an ear 0nd0 should say rm0t & if N0w 16
the body 0rgp from Nm from it hnm I am tywh not 0l
the body 0rgp from Nm from it hnm is it not hytyl this 0dh because of l+m not? wl
would be twh where? 0ky0 were 0wh an eye 0ny( the body 0rgp all hlk for ryg if wl0 17
were 0wh hearing 0t(m$m it all hlk & if wl0w the hearing 0t(m$m
is there 0wh smell xyrm how? 0nky0
each dx one dx every lk set Ms God 0hl0 but Nyd now 0$h 18
chooses 0bc He whd just as 0nky0 in the body 0rgpb the members 0mdh of Nm
were wwh one dx all of them Nwhlk but Nyd if wl0 19
the body 0rgp is 0wh where? 0ky0 member 0mdh
many 00ygs there are Nwhyty0 members 0mdh but Nyd now 0$h 20
the body 0rgp but Nyd is wh one dx
to the hand 0dy0l say rm0td the eye 0ny( can 0xk$m not 0l 21
to me yl you are ytn0 necessary 0y(btm not 0ld
to the feet 0lgrl say rm0nd can xk$m the head 0$r neither 0lp0
to me yl you are Nytn0 necessary Ny(btm not 0ld
members 0mdh those Nyly0 all the more ty0ryty but 0l0 22
needful 0nqnws are wh on the contrary Nwhyl( weak Nylyxmd that are considered Nyrbtsmd
in the body 0rgpb are Nwn0 shameful Nyr(cmd which we think Nnyrbsd & those Nyly0w 23
we increase Nnygsm greater 0ryty honor 0rqy0 to these Nylhl
are Nwn0 that contemptible 0pkwndd & those Nyly0w
for them Nwhl we make Nnydb( greater 0ryty attire 0mks0
with us Nb that are ty0d members 0mdh but Nyd those Nyly0 24
honor 0rqy0 to them Nwhl need 0(btm not 0l honored Nyrqymd
& He has given bhyw the body 0rgpl unites hgzm for ryg God 0hl0
are small rw(zd which 0ny0 to the members 0mdhl greater 0ryty honor 0rqy0
all of Nwhlk but 0l0 in the body 0rgpb divisions 0twglp will be 0wht lest 0ld 25
caring Nypcy shall be Nwwhn another dx for l( one dx equally ty0yw$ the members 0mdh
suffering b0k shall be 0whn member Mdh when one dxd that now ytm0d 26
member Mdh one dx rejoices xbt$m & if N0w share the pain Ny$x shall Nwwhn all of them Nwhlk
rejoice Nyxbt$m shall Nwwhn the members 0mdh all of Nwhlk

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of The Messiah 0xy$md are Nwtn0 the body hrgp but Nyd you Nwtn0 27
in your places Nwktkwdb & members 0mdhw
apostles 0xyl$ first Mdqwl in his church htd(b God 0hl0 for ryg set Ms 28
teachers 0nplm after them Nwhrtb prophets 0ybn after them Nwhrtb
gifts 0tbhwm after them Nwhrtb of miracles 0lyx workers ydb( after them Nwhrtb
of languages 0n$ld & kinds 0ynzw & leaders 0nrbdmw & helpers 0nrd(mw of healing 0twys0d
prophets 0ybn all of them Nwhlk interrog. 0mld apostles 0xyl$ all of them Nwhlk interrog. 0mld 29
miracles 0lyx workers yr(s all of them Nwhlk interrog. 0ml teachers 0nplm all of them Nwhlk interrog. 0ml
of healing 0twys0d gifts 0tbhwm to them Nwhl are? ty0 to all Nwhlkl interrog. 0ml 30
speaking Nyllmm with languages 0n$lb all of them Nwhlk interrog. 0ml
translating Nyq$pm all of them Nwhlk interrog. 0mld or w0
great 0tbrwr for gifts 0tbhwmb you are Nwtn0 are zealous Nyn+ but Nyd if N0 31
better 0rtymd a way 0xrw0 I shall show you Nwkywx0 again bwt I 0n0
1st Corinthians
Chapter 13
I shall speak llm0 human 0$nynbd language N$l with every lkb if N0 13:1
in me yb shall be 0whn not 0l & love 0bwxw & with angelic 0k0lmdbw
a cymbal 0lcc or w0 brass M0zd clanging 0$xn I yl shall be tywh
noise 0lq that gives bhyd
prophecy 0twybn in me yb there will be 0wht & if N0w 2
knowledge 0t(dy & all hlkw all of them Nwhlk mysteries 0zr0 & I shall know (d0w
faith 0twnmyh all hlk in me yb there will be 0wht & if N0w
in me yb there is not tyl & love 0bwxw I may remove 0n$0 that mountains 0rw+d so 0nky0
anything Mdm I would be tywh not 0l
to the poor 0nksml to me yl that is ty0d everything lk I should feed lkw0 & if N0w 3
& love 0bwxw to burn up dq0nd my body yrgp I should hand over Ml$0 & if N0w
I 0n0 gain rty not 0l anything Mdm in me yb shall be 0whn not 0l
love 0bwx & sweet Mysbw of its spirit hxwr is yh long 0rygn love 0bwx 4
is puffed up rtxtm & not 0lw is upset $gt$m not 0l love 0bwx envies Msx not 0l
seeks 0(b neither 0lw what is shameful 0tthbd commits r(s & not 0lw 5
evil $ybd entertains 0(rtm neither 0lw is provoked rypttm neither 0lw its own hlyd
in the truth 0t$wqb rejoices 0dx but 0l0 in evil 0lw(b rejoices 0dx not 0l 6
everything lk believes Nmyhm everything Mdmlk endures rbysm thing Mdm every lk 7
bears lbs everything lk hopes rbsm
shall cease Nl+btn for ryg prophesies 0twybn fails lpn not 0l ever Mwtmm love 0bwx 8
shall be nothing l+btt & knowledge 0t(dyw shall be silenced Nwqtt$n & tongues 0n$lw
we know Nny(dy much ygs of Nm for ryg it is wh a little lylq 9
we prophesy Nnybntm much ygs of Nm & a little lylqw
then Nydyh perfection 0twrymg will come 0t0td but Nyd when ytm0 10
was 0wh that partial lylqd thing Mdm that wh shall be nothing l+btn
I was tywh speaking llmm a child 0dwly as Ky0 I was tywh a child 0dwly when dk 11
a child 0dwly & as Ky0w I was tywh led 0(rtm a child 0dwly & as Ky0w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

a man 0rbg but Nyd I became tywh when dk I was tywh thinking b$xtm
childish 0twyl+d these things Nylh I ceased tl+b
in an allegory 0t0lpb we see Nnyzx in a mirror 0tyzxmbd as Ky0 now 0$h 12
face Nyp0 in front of lbqwl face Nyp0 but Nyd then Nydyh
much ygs of Nm little lylq I 0n0 know (dy now 0$h
I am known t(dyt0d when 0m as Ky0 I shall know (d0 but Nyd then Nydyh
that continue Nrtkmd three tlt for ryg there are Nyn0 these things Nylh 13
& love 0bwxw & hope 0rbsw faith 0twnmyh
is love 0bwx of these Nyhnm but Nyd that which is greatest brd
1st Corinthians
Chapter 14
for gifts 0tbhwmb & be zealous wn+w love 0bwx after rtb run w+rh 14:1
that you may prophesy Nwbnttd but Nyd all the more ty0ryty of The Spirit 0xwrd
in languages 0n$lb for ryg speaks llmmd whoever Nm 2
to God 0hl0l but 0l0 speaking llmm to children of men 0$nynbl has been 0wh not 0l
he speaks llmmd what Mdm understands (m$ person $n0 for ryg no 0l
he speaks llmm mysteries 0zr0 by The Spirit xwrb but 0l0
to children of men 0$nynbl who prophesies 0bntmd but Nyd he 0ny0 3
& comfort 00ywbw & encouragement 0bbwlw edification 0nynb speaks llmm
building up 0nb is wh himself h$pn in languages 0n$lb he who speaks llmmd 4
builds up 0nb the church 0td( & he who prophesies 0bntmdw
in languages 0n$lb may speak Nwllmt that you all Nwklkd but Nyd I 0n0 wish 0bc 5
that you may prophesy Nwbnttd but Nyd all the more ty0ryty
prophesies 0bntmd who 0ny0 for ryg he is wh greaterbr
he translates q$pm unless 0l N0 in languages 0n$lb who speaks llmmd he wh than Nm
he edifies 0nb the church 0td( he translates q$pm but Nyd if N0
to you Nwktwl I come 0t0 if N0 my brethren yx0 & now 0$hw 6
in languages 0n$lb with you Nwkm( & I shall speak llm0w
you Nwkl I 0n0 do benefit rtwm what? 0nm
in revelation 0nylgb either w0 with you Nwkm( I shall speak llm0 if N0 unless 0l0
in teaching 0nplwyb or w0 in prophecy 0twybnb or w0 in knowledge 0t(dyb or w0
in which Nyhb there is not tyld those Nyly0 for ryg things 0twbc even P0 7
harp 0rtyq or N0w a flute 0bwb0 if N0 sound 0lq & giving Nbhyw life 0$pn
a tone 0tnyq between tyb they make Ndb( not 0l a distinction 0n$rwp if N0
anything Mdm is known (dytm how? 0nky0 to another htrbxl
that is harped $qntmd anything Mdm or w0 that is played rmdzmd
is distinguished $yrp that not 0ld a sound 0lq call 0rqt a horn 0nrq & if N0w 8
for battle 0brql will be prepared by+tn who? wnm
in languages 0n$lb words 0tlm you will say Nwrm0t if N0 you Nwtn0 also P0 in this way 0nkh 9
anything Mdm is known (dytm how? 0nky0 translating 0q$pm you will be 0wht & not 0lw
yourselves Nwkl you will be Nwtywh you Nwtn0 that say Nyrm0d
you are Nwtn0 speaking Nyllmm the air r00 who with M(d one wh as if Ky0
in the world 0ml(b are ty0 many 00ygs of languages 0n$ld kinds 0sng for ryg behold 0h 10
sound 0lq without 0ld of them Nwhnm one dx & there is not tylw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of the sound 0lqd the import hlyx I 0n0 know (dy not 0l & if N0w 11
who speaks llmmd to him whl a foreigner 0yrbrb myself yl I 0n0 am 0wh
a foreigner 0yrbrb to me yl himself hl is 0wh who speaks llmmd he wh & also P0w
you are Nwtn0 zealous 0nn+d because l+m you Nwtn0 also P0 in this way 0nkh 12
of the church 0td(d for the edification 0nynbl of The Spirit 0xwrd of the gifts 0tbhwmd
to abound Nwrtyttd seek w(b
to translate q$pnd let him pray 0lcn in languages 0n$lb who speaks llmmd & he whw 13
in languages 0n$lb pray 0lcm I should tywhd for ryg it is wh if N0 14
praying 0ylcm is wh my spirit yxwr
is wh fruits Nyr0p without 0ld but Nyd my understanding y(dm
with my spirit yxwrb I shall pray 0lc0 shall I do db(0 therefore lykh what? 0nm 15
with my spirit yxwrb & I shall sing rmz0w with my understanding y(dmb also P0 & I shall pray 0lc0w
with my understanding y(dmb also P0 & I shall sing rmz0w
in the spirit xwrb you tn0 say a blessing Krbm if N0 otherwise 0l N0w 16
of the unlearned 0+wydhd the place htkwd who fills 0lmmd he wh
your Klyd your giving of thanks Ktydwt for l( Amen Nym0 shall he say rm0n how? 0nky0
he knew (dy not 0l you tn0 said rm0 what 0nmd because l+m
you tn0 bless Krbm well ryp$ for ryg you tn0 17
is edified 0nbtm not 0l your neighbor Krbx but 0l0
all of you Nwklk than Nm that more rytyd God 0hl0l I 0n0 thank 0dwm 18
in languages 0n$lb I am 0n0 speaking llmm
words Nylm that five $mxd I am 0n0 willing 0bc in the church 0td(b but 0l0 19
I may instruct Pl0 others 0nrx0 that also P0d I should speak llm0 in my understanding y(dmb
in languages 0n$lb words Nylm ten thousand wbr than Nm rather ryty
in your intellects Nwkyny(rb children Nyl+ be you Nwtywh not 0l my brothers yx0 20
infants 0dwly be wwh to evil 0t$ybl but 0l0
fully mature Nyrymg be wwh & in your intellects Nwkyny(rbw
foreign 0yrkwn with speech 0llmmbd it is written bytk in The Law 0swmnb 21
with it hm( I shall speak llm0 another 0nrx0 & with language 0n$lbw
shall they hear Me ynnw(m$n in this way 0nkh neither 0lp0 this 0nh people 0m( with M(
Jehovah 0yrm says rm0
established Nymys are wh for a sign 0t0l languages 0n$l so then Nydm 22
believe Nynmyhm who not 0ld for those Nyly0l but 0l0 for believers 0nmyhml not 0l
believe Nynmyhm who not 0ld to those Nyly0l was 0wh not 0l but Nyd prophecy 0twybn
who believe Nynmyhmd to those Nyly0l but 0l0
the church 0td( all hlk assemble $nkttd therefore lykh it occurs wh if N0 23
& shall enter Nwl(nw shall speak Nwllmn in languages 0n$lb & all of them Nwhlkw
believe Nynmyhm who not 0ld those Nyly0 or w0 the uninitiated 0+wydh
themselves Nwhl have gone insane wn$ that these Nylhd will they say Nyrm0 not? 0l
prophesy Nybntm you will Nwwht all of you Nwklk & if N0w 24
who not 0ld one Nm or w0 the unlearned 0+wydh to you Nwktwl & enter lw(nw
all of you Nwklk from Nm he is searched out 0cbtm believes Nmyhm
all of you Nwklk by Nm & they are reproved Nwktmw
are revealed Nylgtm of the heart hbld & the secrets 0tyskw 25
on his face yhwp0 on l( he will fall lpn & then Nydyhw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

truly ty0ryr$ & he will say rm0nw God 0hl0l & will worship dwgsnw
in you Nwkb is ty0 God 0hl0
that whenever ytm0d my brethren yx0 therefore lykh I 0n0 say rm0 26
has hl ever ty0d of you Nwknm to whom 0ny0l you Nwtn0 gather Ny$nktmd
has hl ever ty0d & who 0ny0w let him speak rm0n a psalm 0rwmzm
a revelation 0nylg has hl ever ty0d & who 0ny0w a teaching 0nplwy
ever ty0d & who 0ny0w a language 0n$l has hl ever ty0d & who 0ny0w
let be Nywhn for edification 0nynbl all things Nyhlk a translation 0q$wp has hl
let speak Nwllmn two Nyrt shall speak llmn men $n0 in languages 0n$lb & if N0w 27
let them speak Nwllmn one dx & each dxw three 0tlt more ygs & when dkw
let translate q$pn & one dxw
him hl let be silent qwt$n a translator q$pmd there is not tyl & if N0w 28
in a language 0n$lb who speaks llmmd him wh in the church 0td(b
let him speak llmn & to God 0hl0lw to himself h$pnl & only yhwnybw
let speak Nwllmn three 0tlt or w0 two Nyrt but Nyd the prophets 0ybn 29
let discern Nw$rpn & the others 0kr$w
while dk is revealed a thing 0lgtn to another 0nrx0l & if N0w 30
him hl let be quiet qwt$n the first 0ymdq sitting bty
one dx of each dxd all of you Nwklk for ryg you Nwtn0 can Nyxk$m 31
may teach Pl0n that every person $nlkd prophesy Nwbntt
may be comforted 0ybtn & every person $nlkw
of the prophet 0ybnd for ryg the spirit 0xwr 32
is subject 0db(t$m to the prophet 0ybnl
of tumult 0y$wg$d is 0wh not 0l God 0hl0d because l+m 33
that in all Nyhlkbd as Ky0 of peace 0ml$d but 0l0
of the saints 0$ydqd the assemblies 0td(
silent Nqyt$ let be Nywhn in the assemblies 0td(b your women Nwky$n 34
to speak Nllmnd for them Nyhl it is allowed spm for ryg not 0l
just as 0nky0 to be in subjection Ndb(t$nd but 0l0
says rm0 The written Law 0swmn also P0d
to learn Npl0nd they wish Nybc anything Mdm & if N0w 35
their husbands Nyhyl(bl let them ask Nl0$n in their houses Nyhytbb
in the assembly 0td(b that women 0$nd for ryg is yh a shame 0tthb
would speak Nllmn
came forth tqpn it wh from you? Nwknm interrog. 0mld or w0 36
arrived t+m only dwxlb it wh unto you Nwktwl or w0 of God 0hl0d the word htlm
he is wh that a prophet 0ybnd thinks rbs of you Nwknm but Nyd a man $n0 if N0 37
these things Nylh let him know (dn he is wh of The Spirit 0xwrd or w0
that the commandments 0ndqwpd to you Nwkl I 0n0 that write btkd
of our Lord Nrmd they are Nwn0
let him know (dn not 0l knows (dy not 0l but Nyd a man $n0 if N0 38
to prophesy wybntml my brothers yx0 therefore lykh be zealous wn+ 39
forbid Nwlkt not 0l in languages 0n$lb & to speak wllmmlw
let be done 0whn & with order 0sk+bw with decorum 0mks0b but Nyd everything Mdmlk 40

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

1st Corinthians
Chapter 15
the Gospel Nwylgnw0 my brethren yx0 but Nyd to you Nwkl I 0n0 teach (dwm 15:1
& you received it yhynwtlbqw that I preached to you Nwktrbsd
in it hb & you stand Nwtmqw
words 0tlm by those 0dy0b you Nwtn0 have life Ny0x & by it hbw 2
unless 0l N0 you Nwtn0 remember Nydh( if N0 I preached to you Nwktrbs
you have believed Nwtnmyh unworthily ty0qyrs it has happened 0wh
the first Mdqwl from Nm for ryg to you Nwkl I have delivered tml$0 3
died tym that The Messiah 0xy$md which I received tlbqd that Mdm according to Ky0
it is written bytkd just as 0nky0 our sins Nyh+x the sake of yp0 for l(
days Nymwy after three 0tltl & He arose Mqw & that He was buried rbqt0dw 4
that which is written bytkd as Ky0
to the twelve rs(rtl & after him hrtbw to Keepha 0p0kl & He has appeared yzxt0w 5
than Nm to more rytyl He appeared yzxt0 & after that Nkrtbw 6
as one 0dxk0 brethren Nyx0 five hundred 00m$mx
now 0$hl until 0md( are Nwn0 present Nymyq of whom Nwhnm many 00ygsd
have fallen asleep wkmd & some of them Nwhnmw
to Yaqob bwq(yl He appeared yzxt0 these things Nylh after rtb & from Nmw 7
all of them Nwhlk to the apostles 0xyl$l & after him hrtbw
to an aborted baby 0+xyld as if Ky0 of all of them Nwhlkd but Nyd to the last 0trxl 8
to me yl also P0 He appeared yzxt0
of the apostles 0xyl$d the least of them Nwhrw(z for ryg am 0n0 I 0n0 9
an apostle 0xyl$ to be called 0rqt0d I am 0n0 worthy 0w$ & not 0lw
of God 0hl0d the church htd( that I persecuted tpdrd because l+m
whatever Mdm I am yty0 of God 0hl0d but Nyd by the grace htwby+b 10
that is in me ybd & His grace htwby+w I am yty0d
worthless 0qyrs has been twh not 0l
I have labored ty0l all of them Nwhlk than Nm more ryty but 0l0
that is with me ym(d His grace htwby+ but 0l0 I 0n0 not 0l
those Nwnh or if N0w therefore lykh I 0n0 if N0 11
you have believed Nwtnmyh & in this way 0nkhw we preach Nnyzrkm in this way 0nkh
Who arose Mqd is preached zrktm The Messiah 0xy$m but Nyd if N0 12
among you Nwkb are there ty0 how? 0nky0 the dead 0tym among tyb from Nm
for the dead 0tym life tyx there is not tyl who say Nyrm0d persons 0$n0
there is not tyl for the dead 0tym Life tyx & if N0w 13
is risen Mq The Messiah 0xy$m not even 0lp0
worthless 0qyrs is risen Mq not 0l The Messiah 0xy$m & if N0w 14
your faith Nwktwnmyh also P0 is worthless 0qyrs our preaching Ntwzwrk is yh
lying 0lgd witnesses 0dhs also P0 but Nyd we are Nnx found Nyxkt$m 15
God 0hl0 of l( for we testified Ndhs0d of God 0hl0d

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

He raised Him Myq0 not 0l when dk The Messiah 0xy$ml that He raised Myq0d
live again Nymyq not 0l for ryg those who died 0tym if N0 16
lives Mq The Messiah 0xy$m not even 0lp0
is alive Mq not 0l The Messiah 0xy$m & if N0w 17
your faith Nwktwnmyh is yh empty 0l+b
you are Nwtn0 in your sins Nwkyh+xb & yet lykd(w
in The Messiah 0xy$mb who are asleep wkmdd those Nyly0 also P0 & doubtless rbkw 18
themselves Nwhl have perished wdb0
only dwxlb lives 0yx it is wh in these Nylhb & if N0w 19
so it is wh we are wretched Nnywd in The Messiah 0xy$mb we hope Nnyrbsm
children of men 0$nynb all Nwhlk more than Nm
The Messiah 0xy$m but Nyd now 0$h 20
of the dead 0tym the place tyb from Nm is risen Mq
of the sleeping ones 0kmdd The First Fruits 0ty$r & is 0whw
death 0twm was 0wh a man 0$nrb by dybd & just as 0nky0w 21
a Man 0$nrb by dyb also P0 in this way 0nkh
of the dead 0tym the life tyx was 0ywh
all of them Nwhlk by Adam Md0bd for ryg just as 0nky0 22
by The Messiah 0xy$mb also P0 in this way 0nkh die Nytym the children of men 0$nynb
shall live Ny0x all of them Nwhlk
The Messiah 0xy$m was 0wh The First Fruits 0ty$r in his order hsk+b person $n0 each $n0 23
at His arrival htyt0mb are Nwn0 who The Messiahs 0xy$mdd those Nyly0 after this Nkrtb
He will deliver Ml$md when 0m the end 0trx will be 0wht & then Nydyhw 24
The Father 0b0 to God 0hl0l the kingdom 0twklm
ruler $yr every lk He will destroy l+bd when 0m
powers Nylyx & all lkw authority N+lw$ & every lkw
will be set Mysnd until 0md( to reign Klmnd for ryg He is wh going dyt( 25
His feet yhwlgr under tyxt all of them Nwhlk His enemies yhwbbdl(b
death 0twm shall be destroyed l+btm enemy 0bbdl(b & the last 0yrx0w 26
His feet yhwlgr under tyxt He brought to submission db($ for ryg all lk 27
to Him hl are subjected db(t$m all things Mdmlkd but Nyd that says rm0d when 0m
all lk to Him hl Who subjected db($d Him wh for Nm that it is excepting r+sd it is understood 0(ydy
all lk to Him hl is subjected db(t$0d & when 0mw 28
to Him whl shall be subject db(t$n Son 0rb The wh then Nydyh
in all lkb all lk God 0hl0 that may be 0whnd all lk to Him hl Who subjected db($d
who are baptized Nydm(d those Nwnh shall do Nwdb(n what? 0nm otherwise 0l0w 29
live again Nymyq not 0l the dead 0tym if N0 the dead 0tym for the sake of Plx
the dead 0tym for the sake of Plx are they baptized Nydm( why? 0nm
hour 0($ in every lkb are we Nnx also P0 & why? 0nmlw 30
living Nnymyq in peril swnydnqb
for me yl that is ty0d my brothers yx0 by your boasting Nwkrhbw$b I 0n0 swear 0my 31
I 0n0 die t0m that every day Mwylkd The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y in our Lord Nrmb

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

I was cast tydt$0 of the people 0$nynb a citizen tybd as Ky0 if N0 32

have I gained tynht0 what? 0nm in Ephesus swsp0b to wild beasts 0twyxl
rise Nymyq not 0l the dead 0tym if N0
we die Nnytym for ryg tomorrow rxm & let us drink 0t$nw let us eat lwk0n
pleasant 0mysb minds 0ny(r corrupts Nlbxm be deceived Nw(+t not 0l 33
evil 0t$yb discourse 0ty(w$
sin Nw+xt & not 0lw justly ty0qydz your hearts Nwkbl awakenwry(0 34
of God 0hl0d whom the knowledge 0t(dyd some 0$n0 for ryg there are ty0
I 0n0 say rm0 that wh to your shame Nwktthbl in them Nwhb there is not tyl
the dead 0tym rise Nymyq how? 0nky0d of you Nwknm someone $n0 will say rm0n 35
do they come Nyt0 body 0rgp & in what? 0ny0bw
you tn0 that plant (rzd the seed 0(rz fools 0lks 36
it will live 0yx not 0l it dies t0m not 0l if N0
is 0wh not 0l you tn0 which sow (rzd thing Mdm & that whw 37
but 0l0 you tn0 sow (rz to be 0whml that is going dyt(d body 0rgp that wh
of barley 0r(sd or w0 of wheat 0+xd naked 0tyl+r( a grain 0tdrp
grains 0nw(rzd of other 0kr$d or w0
He chooses 0bcd just as 0nky0 a body 0rgp to it hl gives bhy but Nyd God 0hl0 38
of its nature hnykd a body 0rgp the grains 0nw(rz of Nm one dx & to each dxlw
to another Nyrx0 equal 0w$ body rgp every lk but Nyd was 0wh not 0l 39
& another Nyrx0w of man 0$n0 of a son rbd the body 0rgp for ryg there is wh
of a fish 0nwnd another Nyrx0w of a bird 0txrpd & another Nyrx0w of oxen 0ry(bd
heavenly 0nym$ a body 0rgp & there is ty0w 40
earthly 0yn(r0 a body 0rgp & there is ty0w
the glory 0xbw$ there is wh one Nyrx0 but 0l0
of the earthly 0yn(r0d & another Nyrx0w of the heavenly 0nym$d
of the sun 0$m$d the glory 0xbw$ is wh & one Nyrx0w 41
& another Nyrx0w of the moon 0rhsd glory 0xbw$ & another Nyrx0w
another star 0bkwk than Nm & one star 0bkwkw of a star 0bkwkd the glory 0xbw$
in glory 0xbw$b is wh greater rtym
for those who die 0tym is the life tyx also P0 thus 0nkh 42
with corruption 0lbxb they are sown Ny(rdzm
corruption 0lbx without 0ld they rise Nymyq
with glory 0xbw$b they rise Nymyq with disgrace 0r(cb they are sown Ny(rdzm 43
in power 0lyxb they rise Nymyq in weakness 0twhyrkb they are sown Ny(rdzm
animal 0yn$pn a body 0rgp they are sown Ny(rdzm 44
spiritual 0ynxwr a body 0rgp it rises M0q
animal $pnd a body 0rgp for ryg there is ty0
spiritual xwrd a body 0rgp & there is ty0w
it is written bytk also P0 thus 0nkh 45
living 0yx a soul $pnl the first 0ymdq man 0$nrb Adam Md0 was 0wh
The Life Giver 0tynyxm The Spirit 0xwrl The Last 0yrx0 & Adam Md0w
the spiritual 0ynxwr first Mdqwl was 0wh not 0l but 0l0 46
the spiritual 0ynxwr & then Nydyhw the animal 0yn$pn but 0l0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the ground 0(r0 that is from Nmd dust 0nrp( the first 0ymdq the man 0$nrb 47
Heaven 0ym$ from Nm Jehovah 0yrm second Nyrtd The Man 0$nrb
dusty 0nrp( is wh he who a being yhwty0d just as 0nky0 48
the dusty 0nrp( also P0 so 0nkh
Heaven 0ym$ Who from Nmd is wh He Who The Being yhwty0d & just as 0nky0w
the Heavenly 0nym$ also P0 so 0nkh
the dust 0rp( from Nmd of him whd the image 0twmd we have worn N$bld & as Ky0w 49
Heaven 0ym$ from Nmd of Him whd the image 0twmd we shall wear $bln thus 0nkh
my brethren yx0 I 0n0 say rm0 but Nyd this 0dh 50
of Heaven 0ym$d the kingdom 0twklm & blood 0mdw flesh 0rsbd
are able Nyxk$m not 0l to inherit tr0ml
destructibility 0twnlbxtm in 0l inherits try corruption 0lbx neither 0lw
shall sleep Kmdn all of us Nlk not wl a mystery 0zr0 to you Nwkl I 0n0 tell rm0 behold 0h 51
we shall be transformed Plxtn but Nyd all of us Nlk
of an eye 0ny( the blink Ppr like Ky0 suddenly ty0pyrx 52
last 0tyrx0 at the trumpet 0nrqb
the dead 0tym & shall rise Nwmwqnw it will sound 0rqt when dk
shall be transformed Plxtn & we Nnxw corruption 0lbx without 0ld
destructible lbxtmd this 0nh for ryg is wh going dyt( 53
mortal t0md & this 0nhw destructibility 0twnlbxtm in 0l to wear $blnd
mortality 0twtwym im 0l to wear $blnd
destructible lbxtmd this 0nh but Nyd puts on $bld whenever 0m 54
mortality 0twtwym im 0l mortal t0md & this 0nhw destructibility 0twnlbxtm in
that is written 0bytkd that yh word 0tlm will come to pass 0wht then Nydyh
by Victory 0twkzb death 0twm is swallowed (lbt0d


Death 0twm your sting Ksqw( where is? wky0 55

Sheol lwy$ your victory yktwkz is yh where? 0ky0 Oh! w0
is yh sin 0ty+x of death 0twmd but Nyd the sting hsqw( 56
is wh The Written Law 0swmn of sin 0ty+xd & the power 0lyxw
the victory 0twkz us Nl Who gives bhyd God 0hl0l but Nyd thank wby+ 57
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm by dyb
steadfast Nyrr$m be wwh & beloved ybybxw my brethren yx0 from now on lykm 58
abounding Nyrtytm be wwh but 0l0 shaken Ny(yztm be you Nwwht & not 0lw
of Jehovah 0yrmd in the work hdb(b in every time Nbzlkb
that your toil Nwklm(d you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy as dk
in Jehovah 0yrmb worthless qyrs has been 0wh not 0l
1st Corinthians
Chapter 16
for the saints 0$ydql collected $nktmd but Nyd things Mdm about l( 16:1
of Galatia 0y+lgd the church 0td(l I have commanded tdqpd just as 0nky0
do wdb( you Nwtn0 also P0 in this way 0nkh
of you Nwknm person $n0 each $n0 of the week 0b$b first day dx on every lkb 2
thing Mdm that wh & keep r+nw lay down M0s let him 0whn in his house htybb
I come tyt0d when 0m that not 0ld to his hand yhwdy0b that comes 0+md

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

collections 0tybg there will be Nywhn then Nydyh

you Nwtn0 whom elect Nybgd those Nyly0l I shall have come tyt0d & when 0mw 3
with a letter 0trg0b I shall send rd$0 them Nwhl
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l your gift Nwktwby+ to carry Nwlbwnd
I visit 0nr(ws it wh is appropriate 0w$ but Nyd if N0 4
they shall depart Nwlz0n with me ym( shall depart lz0 I 0n0 when also P0d
I have passed trb(d whenever 0m to you Nwktwl but Nyd I 0n0 come 0t0 5
to Maqedonya 0ynwdqml for ryg to it hl I 0n0 shall pass rb( the city 0ynwdqm from Nm
winter 0ts0 or w0 I shall remain 0wq0 with you Nwktwl also P0 & perhaps rbkw 6
I 0n0 go lz0d to where rt0l may accompany me ynnwwlt that you Nwtn0d with you Nwktwl
now 0$hd I 0n0 wish 0bc for ryg not 0l 7
to see you Nwkyzx0 the way 0xrw0 I pass rb( so as Ky0
a time 0nbz to tarry rxw0d for ryg I 0n0 hope rbsm
me yl permits spm My Lord yrm if N0 with you Nwktwl
Pentecost 0+swq+npl until 0md( in Ephesus swsp0b but Nyd I 0n0 remain 0wqm 8
to me yl is opened xtpt0 great 0br for ryg a gate 0(rt 9
many Ny0ygs & opponents 0lbwqsw with opportunities 0nr(ws that is filled 0lmd
Timotheus sw0tmy+ to you Nwkyd0c comes 0t0n but Nyd if N0 10
toward you Nwktwl he shall be 0whn fear 0lxd that without 0ldd see wzx
as do I ytwk0 he cultivates xlp of Jehovah 0yrmd for ryg the works 0db(
may despise him yhwy+w$n any $n0 therefore lykh lest 0ml 11
to join me ytwl that he may come 0t0nd in peace 0ml$b accompany him yhw0wl but 0l0
the brethren 0x0 with M( for ryg for him hl I 0n0 wait 0wqm
of Him hnm I have desired ty(b much ygs my brothers yx0 but Nyd Apollo wlp0 from Nm 12
the brothers 0x0 with M( to you Nwktwl to come 0t0nd
to you Nwktwl to come 0t0nd desire 0nybc he did 0wh not 0l & doubtless rbkw
time 0rt0 to him hl there will be 0whnd but Nyd when ytm0
to you Nwktwl he will come 0t0
in the faith 0twnmyhb & stand wmwqw be alert wry(tt0 13
be strong wnsxt0 be valiant wrbgt0
let be Nywhn with love 0bwxb your affairs Nwktwbc & all Nyhlkw 14
the house 0tyb concerning l( my brothers yx0 of you Nwknm but Nyd I 0n0 request 0(b 15
are Nwn0 that they Nwnhd you Nwtn0 know Ny(dyd because l+m of Estephana 0np+s0d
themselves Nwh$pn & they put wmsw of Akaya 0y0k0d the first generation 0ty$r
of the holy ones 0$ydqd into the service 0t$m$tl
to those Nyly0l listening Ny(mt$m you will be Nwwht you Nwtn0 that also P0d 16
& to every person $nlklw are Nwn0 who such 0nkhd
& helps rd(mw with us Nm( who toils 00ld
of Estephana 0np+s0d in the arrival htyt0mb but Nyd I 0n0 rejoice 0dx 17
& of Akayqus swqy0k0dw & of Fortunatus sw+nw+rpdw
have supplied wylm those Nwnh toward me ytwl which you lacked Nwtrcbd for things Mdmd
& yours Nwklydw my ylyd my spirit yxwr for ryg they have refreshed wxyn0 18
are Nwn0 who such 0nkhd those Nyly0l recognize Ny(dwt$m therefore lykh do you Nwtywh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

that are in Asia 0ys0bd all Nyhlk the assemblies 0td( your peace Nwkml$b invoke Nl0$ 19
& Prysqila 0lqsyrpw Aqulus swlq0 in our Lord Nrmb much ygs your peace Nwkml$b invoke Nyl0$
that is in their house Nwhtybbd the assembly 0td( with M(
all of them Nwhlk the brethren Nyx0 your peace Nwkml$b invoke Nyl0$ 20
holy 0t$ydq with a kiss 0tq$wnb of another dxd one dx the peace 0ml$b invoke wl0$
of Paul swlwpd my own ylyd hand 0dy0 in the writing tbtkb greetings 0ml$ 21
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrml loves Mxr not 0ld whoever Nm 22
has come 0t0 our Lord Nrm damned Mrx let be 0whn
is with you Nwkm( The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd the grace htwby+ 23
Yeshua (w$y in The Messiah 0xy$mb all of you Nwklk is with M( & my love ybwxw 24

2nd Corinthians
Chapter 1
of God 0hl0d in the will hnybcb The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd The apostle 0xyl$ Paul swlwp 1:1
that is ty0d of God 0hl0d to the assembly 0td(l a brother 0x0 & Timotheos sw0tmy+w
all hlk in Akaia 0y0k0b who are ty0d the holy ones 0$ydq & to all Nwhlklw in Qorinthus swtnrwqb
our Father Nwb0 God 0hl0 from Nm & peace 0ml$w with you Nwkm( grace 0twby+ 2
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm & from Nmw
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd The Father yhwb0 God 0hl0 is wh blessed Krbm 3
comfort 0ywb of every lkd & The God 0hl0w of mercy 0mxrd The Father 0b0
we Nnx that also P0d our afflictions Nynclw0 in all Nwhlkb us Nl Who comforts 0ybmd He wh 4
are Nwn0 our afflictions Nynclw0 who in all lkbd those Nyly0l comfort 0ybn can xk$n
God 0hl0 from Nm are comforted Nny0ybtm by which we Nnxd comfort 00ywb by that whb
of The Messiah 0xy$md the sufferings yhw$x in us Nb abound Nyrtytmd for ryg just as 0nky0 5
our comforts N0ywb also P0 abound rtytm The Messiah 0xy$m by dyb in this way 0nkh
it is wh your comfort Nwk0ywb the the sake of yp0 for l( we are afflicted Nnycl0tm but Nyd if also Np0 6
we are comforted Nny0ybtm & if N0w we are afflicted Nnycl0tm your life Nwkyyx the sake of yp0 & for l(w
diligence 0tw+ypx in you Nwkb & there may be 0whtw may be comforted Nw0ybtt you Nwtn0d so that l+m
such Nwhl we suffer Nny$x we Nnx that also P0d those Nwnh the sufferings 0$xl them Nwn0 to endure Nwrbystd
for ryg we know Nny(dy is wh sure ryr$ that for you Nwkyl(d & our hope Nrbsw 7
partners Nyptw$ in suffering 0$xb you are Nwtn0 partners Nyptw$ that if N0d
in comfort 00ywbb also P0 you are Nwtn0
the affliction 0nclw0 concerning l( brethren Nyx0 you to know Nw(dtd but Nyd we want Nnybc 8
we were afflicted Ncl0t0 that greatly ty0brwrd in Asia 0ys0b us Nl that was 0whd
to perish wql+tml our lives Nyyx were wwh about Nybyrqd until 0md( our power Nlyx beyond Nm ryty
to us Nl we would have 0whn that not 0ld of death 0twm we had passed a sentence Nqsp ourselves N$pn & about l(w 9

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the dead 0tym Who raises Myqmd He wh God 0hl0 upon l( but 0l0 ourselves N$pn upon l( trust 0nlkwt
has delivered us Nqrp violent 0nysx death 0twm Who from Nmd He wh 10
us Nl that He will deliver qrpd we hope Nnyrbsm & again bwtw
our persons Nyp0 that were for l(d of your prayers Nwktw(bd by the help 0twnrd(mb 11
that is done 0dyb(d a favor 0twby+ that is to us Ntwld His gift htbhwm that may be 0whtd
Him hl may confess Nwdwn & the many 00ygsw of the many 00ygs for the sake yp0b
our persons Nyp0 because of l(
of our conscience Nny(rd the testimony 0twdhs is this wnh for ryg our pride Nrhbw$ 12
of God 0hl0d & in the grace 0twby+bw & in purity 0twykdbw that in generosity 0tw+y$pbd
of the flesh 0rgpd in wisdom 0tmkxb & not 0lw in the world 0ml(b we have been employed Nkpht0
& yours Nwklyd with you Nwktwl & all the more ty0rytyw
those things Nyly0 but 0l0 to you Nwkl we write Nnybtk other things Nynrx0 there have been 0wh not 0l 13
you Nwtn0 acknowledge Ny(dwt$m also P0 you Nwtn0 that know Ny(dyd
you will acknowledge Nw(dwt$t the end 0tyrx0l that until 0md(d but Nyd I 0n0 trust lykt
much ygs from Nm a little lylq you have acknowledged Nwt(dwt$0 that also P0d just as 0nky0 14
ours Nlyd you are Nwtn0 that also P0d as Ky0 we are Nnx that your pride Nwkrhbw$d
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd in the day hmwyb
the first Mydq from Nm I was tywh willing 0bc trust 0nlkwt in this 0nhbw 15
grace 0twby+ you might receive Nwlbqt that doubly ty0py(0d to you Nwktwl to come 0t0d
Maqedonia 0ynwdqm from Nm & again bwtw to Maqedonia 0ynwdqml by you Nwkyl( & I shall pass rb(0w 16
to Judea dwhyl will accompany me ynnwwlt & you Nwtn0w I shall come 0t0 to you Nwktwl
that I purposed ty(rt0d therefore lykh this 0dh 17
did I purpose? ty(rt0 suddenly 0bhrsm as Ky0 interrogative 0ml
I 0n0 that plan 0(rtmd those things Nyly0 are Nyn0 of the flesh rsbd perhaps 0mld or w0
in them Nyhb for there to be 0whnd has been 0wh it necessary 0lwd so that l+m
No 0l & No 0lw Yes Ny0 Yes Ny0
our word Ntlm was twh that not 0ld God 0hl0 is wh trustworthy Nmyhm 18
& No 0lw Yes Ny0 that unto you Nwktwld
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of God 0hl0d for ryg The Son hrb 19
to you Nwkl was preached zrkt0 Who by us Ndy0bd He wh
& by Timotheos sw0tmy+bw & by Silvanus swnwlsbw by me yb
in Him hb was 0wh Yes Ny0 but 0l0 & No 0lw Yes Ny0 was 0wh not 0l
in Him hb of God 0hl0d the promises yhwnklwm for ryg all of them Nwhlk 20
this 0nh because of l+m were wwh Yes Ny0 in The Messiah 0xy$mb that is wh
of God 0hl0d to the glory htxwb$tl the Amen Nym0 we give Nnybhy by Him hdy0b
with you Nwkm( us Nl establishing rr$m but Nyd is wh God 0hl0 21
has anointed us Nx$m Who whd He wh in The Messiah 0xy$mb
the down payment 0nwbhr & He has given bhyw & He has sealed us Nmtxw 22
in our hearts Ntwblb of His Spirit hxwrd
my soul y$pn of l( am 0n0 testifying dhsm to God 0hl0l but Nyd I 0n0 23
to Qorinthus swtnrwql I came tyt0 not 0l for you Nwkyl( I 0n0 had pity s0xd that because l+md
we are Nnx of your faith Nwktwnmyh lords yrmd because l+m was 0wh not 0l 24
of your joy Nwktwdxd we are Nnx helpers 0nrd(m but 0l0
you Nwtn0 stand Nymyq for ryg it is wh by faith 0twnmyhb

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2nd Corinthians
Chapter 2
in myself y$pnb this 0dh but Nyd I decided tnd 2:1
to you Nwktwl I would come 0t0 in sorrow 0twyrkb again bwt that not 0ld
to gladden me ynydxn who is? wnm you Nwkl I 0n0 sadden 0rkm for ryg I 0n0 if N0 2
him hl sadden tyrk0 whom I 0n0d the one wh but 0l0
this 0dh is yh to you Nwkl & what I wrote tbtkdw 3
me yl would sadden Nwrkn I come 0t0 when dk lest 0ld
would gladden me ynnwdxn that those Nwnhd for them Nwhl was 0wh it fitting 0lwd who Nyly0 those Nwnh
is yh of you all Nwklkd that my joy ytwdxd all of you Nwklk in l( but Nyd I 0n0 do trust lykt
I wrote tbtk of the heart 0bld anguish 0yswn0 & from Nmw great 0br suffering 0nclw0 & from Nmw 4
so that l+m not 0l many 0t0ygs in tears 0(mdb these things Nylh to you Nwkl
you would know Nw(dtd so that l+m but 0l0 you Nwkl you would grieve 0rktd
for you Nwktwl with me yl that is ty0d abundant 0ryty the love 0bwx
he saddens yrk0 me yl it has been 0wh not 0l saddens me yrk0 a man $n0 but Nyd if N0 5
lest 0ld you all Nwklkl small lylq in a fashion 0rycb but 0l0
upon you Nwkyl( the statement 0tlm should weigh rq0t
the many 00ygs that is from Nmd rebuke 0t0k this 0nhl but Nyd for him hl is sufficient wdk 6
him hl to forgive Nwqb$td it is necessary 0lw on the contrary ty0ynrx0 & now lykmw 7
would be swallowed up (lbtn excessive 0tryty in grief 0twyrkb lest 0mld & to comfort him hnw0ybtw
is wh such 0nkhd one Nm who wh he hl
your love Nwkbwx to him hb to confirm Nwrr$td of you Nwknm I 0n0 beseech 0(b this 0nh because of l+m 8
by a test 0nysnb to know (d0d also P0 I have written tbtk for ryg this 0nh because of l+m 9
you are Nwtn0 obedient Ny(mt$m in everything Mdmlkb if N0
I am 0n0 also P0 are Nwtn0 forgiving Nyqb$ but Nyd whom you Nwtn0d the one Nml 10
to him Nml that I forgave tqb$d anything Mdm for ryg I 0n0 also P0
I forgave tqb$ that wh for your sakes Nwktl+m I forgave tqb$d
of The Messiah 0xy$md in the presence hpwcrpb
his devices htb$xm for ryg we know Nny(dy Satan 0n+s would overtake us Nbl(n lest 0ld 11
Greek mss. all have We are not ignorant of his devices.
of The Messiah 0xy$md with the Gospel htrbsb to Troas s0wr+l but Nyd I came tyt0 when dk 12
by Jehovah 0yrmb a door 0(rt to me yl & was opened xtpt0w
I found txk$0 for not 0ld in my spirit yxwrb rest 0xyn to me yl was 0wh not 0l 13
myself yl & I went out tqpnw them Nwn0 I left tyr$ but 0l0 my brother yx0 Titus sw++l
to Maqedonia 0ynwdqml
us Nl He makes db( a spectacle 0tzx times Nbz Who at all lkbd God 0hl0l but Nyd thank wby+ 14
of His knowledge ht(dyd the fragrance 0xyr by us Nb & reveals 0lgw in The Messiah 0xy$mb
place rt0 in every lkb
to God 0hl0l in The Messiah 0xy$mb sweet 0mysb for ryg we are Nnx the fragrance 0xyr 15
who perish Nydb0d & among those Nyly0bw who have life Ny0xd among those Nyly0b
& to the former Nyly0lw for death 0twml of death 0twmd the stench 0xyrd to the latter Nyly0l 16

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

will be worthy 0w$n who? wnm & for these things Nylhlw for life 0yxl of The Life 0yxd a fragrance 0xyrd
of God 0hl0d the words yhwlm who blend Nygzmmd others 0kr$ as Ky0 for ryg we have been Nywh not 0l 17
that from Nmd & according to Ky0w that in the truth 0rr$bd as Ky0 but 0l0
we speak Nnyllmm in The Messiah 0xy$mb God 0hl0 before Mdq God 0hl0
2nd Corinthians
Chapter 3
the first $yrd from Nm again bwt ourselves Nl do we begin Nnyr$m 3:1
or w0 we are Nnx what? 0nm to show you Nwkywxnd
that letters 0trg0d others 0nrx0 as Ky0 do we have need Nnyqyns interrog. 0mld
or w0 about us Nyl( to you Nwkl be written Nbtktn of commandments 0dqwpd
concerning us Nyl( to command Nwdqpt should write Nwbtkt that you Nwtn0d
are Nwn0 you Nwtn0 ours Nlyd but Nyd our letter Ntrg0 2
& read 0yrqtmw & known 0(ydyw in our heart Nblb that is written 0bytkd
everyone $nlk by Nm
of The Messiah 0xy$md you are Nwtn0 that His letter htrg0d for ryg you know Nwty(dy 3
in ink 0twydb not 0l which is written 0bytkd by us Nnm that is ministered t$mt$0d
The Living 0yx of God 0hl0d by The Spirit 0xwrb but 0l0
in tablets 0xwlb but 0l0 of stone 0p0kd in tablets 0xwlb not 0l
of flesh 0rsbd of the heart 0bld
God 0hl0 to twl in The Messiah 0xy$mb us Nl is ty0 in this way 0nkh but Nyd trust 0nlkwt 4
anything Mdm to think 0(rtnd are sufficient Nnyqps that we Nnxd not wl 5
is wh God 0hl0 from Nm our power Nlyx but 0l0 ourselves N$pn that from Nmd as Ky0
new 0tdx of the covenant 0qtydd ministers 0n$m$m to be 0whnd Who made us worthy Nyw$0d He wh 6
kills l+q for ryg the writing 0btk by The Spirit 0xwrb but 0l0 by writing 0btkb not 0l
gives life 0yxm but Nyd The Spirit 0xwr
in stone 0p0kb carved tm$rt0 in the writing 0btkb of death 0twmd the ministry 0t$m$t but Nyd if N0 7
of Israel lyrsy0 the children ynb would be able Nwxk$n that not 0ld so 0nky0 with glory 0txwb$tb was twhw
of his face hpwcrpd the glory 0xbw$ because of l+m of Moses 0$wmd at the face hpwcrpb to gaze rxml
which has been cancelled l+bt0d that wh
of The Spirit 0xwrd the ministry 0t$m$t therefore lykh How? 0nky0 8
with glory 0xbw$b will be 0wht all the more ty0ryty not 0l
one dx glory 0xbw$ was 0wh of a guilty verdict 0bywxd the ministry 0t$m$tl for ryg if N0 9
shall superabound rtytt How much more? 0mk
in glory 0xbw$b of righteousness 0twqydzd the ministry 0t$m$t
which was glorified txbt$0d that yh is glorious 0xb$m not even 0lp0d for ryg that wh as Ky0 10
excellent 0rtym glory 0xbw$ of that 0nhd by comparison 0mxwpb
has been 0wh with glory 0xbw$b that has been eliminated l+bt0d anything Mdm for ryg if N0 11
shall be 0whn with glory 0xbw$b remains 0wqmd that which 0ny0 all the more ty0ryty
hope 0rbs this 0nh therefore lykh to us Nl there is ty0d because l+m 12
we conduct ourselves Nnyrbdtm eye Ny( in open 0lgb all the more ty0ryty
over l( a veil 0typxt had 0wh who laid 0mrd Moses 0$wm as Ky0 & not 0lw 13
of Israel lyrsy0 the children ynb would gaze Nwrwxn that not 0ld his face yhwp0
which was ceasing l+btmd of that whd at the termination hmlw$b

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

today 0nmwyl for ryg until 0md( in their understanding Nwhy(dmb they were blinded wrw(t0 but 0l0 14
veil 0typxt that yh is yh is read 0yrqtm Old 0tqyt( The Testament 0qtydd whenever ytm0
that by The Messiah 0xy$mbd it is revealed 0ylgtm & not 0lw over them Nwhyl( remaining 0myq
is being abolished 0l+btm that wh
Moses 0$wm is read 0rqtmd whenever ytm0 today 0nmwyl & until 0md(w 15
is laid 0ymr their heart Nwhbl over l( the veil 0typxt
will be turned 0nptn of them Nwhnm anyone $n0d & whenever ytm0w 16
the veil 0typxt from him hnm is taken away 0lqt$m Jehovah 0yrm to twl
The Spirit 0xwr is wywh but Nyd Jehovah 0yrm 17
is yh freedom 0twr0x of Jehovah 0yrmd The Spirit hxwrd & wherever rt0w
unveiled 0tylg with faces 0p0b all of us Nlk but Nyd we Nnx 18
& into it hlw we see Nnyzx in a mirror 0tyzxmbd as Ky0 of Jehovah 0yrmd The glory htxwb$t
to glory 0xbw$l glory 0xbw$ from Nm we are changed Nnyplxt$m into the image 0twmdl
The Spirit 0xwr Jehovah 0yrm from Nmd as Ky0
2nd Corinthians
Chapter 4
to us Nl it is tiresome 0n0m not 0l this 0nh because of l+m 4:1
which we hold Nnydyx0d this 0dh in ministry 0t$m$tb
upon us Nyl( has been wwhd mercy 0mxr as Ky0
& not 0lw of shame 0tthbd the secrets htysk we reject Nnyls0 but 0l0 2
of God 0hl0d the word htlm deny we Nnylkn & not 0lw in craftiness 0tw(rxb we walk Nnyklhm
our souls N$pn we show Nnywxm of the truth 0rr$d in the revelation 0twylgb but 0l0
God 0hl0 before Mdq of children of men 0$nynbd minds 0ny(r to all Nwhlkl
our Nlyd Gospel Nwylgnw0 is wh hidden yskm but Nyd & if N0w 3
hidden yskm it is wh who are lost Nydb0d to those Nyly0l
has blinded rw( this 0nh of world 0ml(d whom the God hhl0d those Nyly0 4
should dawn xndn lest 0ld they believe Nynmyhm not 0ld because l( their intellects Nwhy(dm
of The Messiah 0xy$md of the glory hxbw$d of the Gospel Nwylgnw0d the light hrhwn to them Nwhl
of God 0hl0d The Image htwmd Who is wywhd
we preach Nnyzrkm ourselves N$pn for ryg it has been 0wh not 0l 5
our Lord Nrm Yeshua (w$y The Messiah 0xy$ml but 0l0
Yeshua (w$y for the sake of l+m we are Nnx who your servants Nwkydb(d but Nyd ourselves N$pnl
light 0rhwn darkness 0kw$x that from Nmd Who said rm0d He wh God 0hl0d because of l+m 6
that we would be enlightened rhntnd in our hearts Ntwblb has dawned xnd He wh shall shine xndn
of God 0hl0d of the glory hxbw$d with the knowledge 0t(dyb
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd in the face hpwcrpb
earthen 0pcxd in vessels 0n0mb this 0dh treasure 0tmys but Nyd us Nl is ty0 7
God 0hl0 from Nm of the power 0lyxd that the greatness 0twbrd
from us Nnm & not 0lw would be 0wht
but 0l0 we are squeezed Nnycl0tm for ryg in all things Mdmlkb 8
but 0l0 we are harassed Nnypr+tm we are strangled Nnyqnxtm not 0l
we are Nnx condemned Nybyx not 0l
we are forsaken Nnyqbt$m not 0l but 0l0 we are persecuted Nnypdrtm 9
we are defeated Nnydb0 not 0l but 0l0 we are cast down Nnypxtsm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

in our bodies Nyrgpb of Yeshua (w$yd the dying htwtym in every time Nbzlkb 10
of Yeshua (w$yd the life yhwyx that also P0d we bear Nnylyq$
may be revealed Nwlgtn in our bodies Nyrgpb
are delivered Nnymlt$m to death 0twml the living 0yx for ryg we are Nnx if N0 11
of Yeshua (w$yd the life yhwyx also P0 in this way 0nkh Yeshua (w$y for the sake of l+m
mortal t0md this 0nh in our body Nrgpb will be revealed Nwlgtn
in you Nwkb & life 0yxw labors +pxtm in us Nb death 0twm now 0$h 12
of faith 0twnmyhd spirit 0xwr that yh who one 0dxd therefore lykh we Nnx also P0 13
this 0nh because of l+m I believed tnmyhd it is written bytkd as Ky0 in us Nl is ty0
we speak Nnyllmm also P0 this 0nh because of l+m we believe Nnynmyhm I speak tllm also P0
Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrml raised Myq0d Who Nm that He whd & we know Nny(dyw 14
shall raise Myqn Yeshua (w$y by dyb us Nl also P0
to Him htwl with you Nwkm( & shall bring us Nbrqnw
& when dkd is wh for your sakes Nwktl+m for ryg everything Mdmlk 15
will abound 0gst many 00ygs by dyb grace 0twby+ abounds 0rtytm
of God 0hl0d to the glory hxbw$l thanksgiving 0tydwt
to us Nl it is tiresome 0n0m not 0l this 0nh because of l+m 16
is being destroyed lbxtm external 0yrb for ryg our person N$nrb if N0 even P0
day Mwy by Nm day Mwy is renewed tdxtm within wgl that from Nmd on the other hand 0l0
while dk this 0nh of time 0nbzd for ryg the suffering hnclw0 17
limits 0ks without 0ld great 0br glory 0xbw$ & swift lylqw small rw(z very b+
us Nl prepares by+m of eternities Nyml( to the eternity Ml(l
that are seen Nyzxtmd in these things Nylhb we rejoice Nnydx for not 0ld 18
are seen Nyzxtm that not 0ld in these things Nylhb but 0l0
that not 0ld those are Nyn0 are of time 0nbzd for ryg for things seen Nyzxtmd
2nd Corinthians
Chapter 5
this 0nh that in earth 0(r0bd our house Ntyb that if N0d for ryg we know Nny(dy 5:1
for us Nl there is ty0 but 0l0 will be destroyed 0rt$n of the body 0rgpd
the work db(b without 0ld a house 0tyb God 0hl0 that is from Nmd a building 0nynb
for eternity Ml(l in Heaven 0ym$b of hands 0ydy0
we are made to groan Nnyxnttm for ryg this 0dh concerning l( also P0 2
Heaven 0ym$ that is from Nmd our house Ntyb to wear $blnd & we long Nnywsw
we are clothed N$bld whenever 0m also P0 if not 0l0 3
naked l+r( to us Nl we shall be found xkt$n
house 0tyb in this 0nhb now 0$h for ryg we being Nyty0 when dk 4
its weight hrqwy from Nm we are made to groan Nnyxnttm
it hnm over l(l to put on $blnd but 0l0 to strip it hxl$ml we want Nnybc & not 0lw
by Life 0yxb its mortality htwtym that may be swallowed (lbttd
is God 0hl0 for this 0dhl for it hl us Nl & He Who prepares dt(mdw 5
of His Spirit hxwrd the down payment 0nwbhr us Nl Who gives bhyd it is wh He wh
as long as 0mkd & we are convinced Nnyspmw therefore lykh we know Nny(dyd because l+m 6
our Lord Nrm from Nm we are away from home Nnydyn( we dwell Nnyr$ in the body 0rgpbd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

by sight 0yzxb & not 0lw we walk Nnyklhm for ryg it is wh by faith 0twnmyhb 7
to depart dn(nd & we long Nnyxwsmw we trust Nnylykt this 0nh because of l+m 8
our Lord Nrm with twl & to be 0whnw the body 0rgp from Nm
we are Nnx away from home 0dwn( that if N0d we are diligent Nny+pxtmw 9
pleasing Nyrp$ we may be Nywh to Him hl an inhabitant 0rwm( or if N0w
before Mdq to stand Mqml we are going Nnydyt( for ryg we all Nlk 10
man $n0 each $n0 that will be paid (rptnd of The Messiah 0xy$md the throne Myb
of evil $ybd or if N0w of good b+d if N0 by him hl that was done dyb(d anything Mdm in his body hrgpb
of our Lord Nrmd the awesomeness htlxd therefore lykh we know Nny(dyd because l+m 11
we are revealed Nnylg but Nyd to God 0hl0l we persuade Nnysypm it is wh the children of men 0$nynbl
we are revealed Nnylg yours Nwklyd to your understanding Nwky(dml that also P0d but Nyd I 0n0 hope rbs
to you Nwkl we praise Nnyxb$m ourselves N$pn again bwt it has been 0wh not 0l 12
that you may be Nwtywhd to you Nwkl we give Nnybhy it is wh occasion 0tl( but 0l0
who in appearance 0p0bd those Nwnh in the presence of twl in us Nb boasting Nyrhbt$m
in the heart 0blb & not 0lw they are boasting Nyrhbt$m it is wh
for you Nwkl we are conventional Nnynqt & if N0w it is for God 0hl0l we are insane Nny+$ for ryg if N0 13
us Nl compels cl0 of The Messiah 0xy$md for ryg the love hbwx 14
died tym every person $nlk in the place of Plx that One dxd this 0dh that we reason Nnynrd
with Him hl died tym every person $nlk so then Nydm
who live Nyyxd that those Nyly0d died tym He wh every person $nlk & in the place of Plxw 15
for The One whl but 0l0 would live Nwxn for themselves Nwh$pnl not 0l
& arose Mqw died tym their persons Nwhyp0 Who for l(d Who 0ny0
we know Nny(dy not 0l by the body rgpb a person $n0l we Nnx & from now lykmw 16
The Messiah 0xy$ml in the body rgpb we have known N(dy & if N0w
we know Nny(dy not 0l now 0$h from Nm but 0l0
is wh which in The Messiah 0xy$mbd that Nm all lk 17
new 0tdx is wh the creation 0tyrb therefore lykh
with such Nyhl has passed away rb( the old order 0tqyt(
God 0hl0 from Nm new 0tdx has become 0wh thing Mdm & every lkw 18
us Nl & He has given bhyw by The Messiah 0xy$mb to Himself hl Who reconciled us Ny(rd He wh
of the reconciliation 0tw(rtd the ministry 0t$m$t
in The Messiah 0xy$mb for ryg was 0wh God 0hl0 19
His majesty htwbr with M( the universe 0ml(l Who reconciled y(rd He wh
their sins Nwhyh+x to them Nwhl accounted b$x & not 0lw
of the reconciliation 0tw(rtd message 0tlm our own Nlyd in us Nb & He has placed Msw
The Messiah 0xy$m in the place of Plx therefore lykh we are Nnx ambassabors 0dgzy0 20
by us Ndy0b of you Nwknm requested 0(b Who is God 0hl0d He wh & as if Ky0w
to God 0hl0l be reconciled w(rt0 we beseech Nny(b therefore lykh The Messiah 0xy$m in the place of Plx
sin 0ty+x had 0wh known (dy Who not 0ld for ryg He wh 21
made Himself hdb( sin 0ty+x in your place Nwktl+m
of God 0hl0d the righteousness 0twqydz by Him hb would become 0whn that we Nnxd
2nd Corinthians
Chapter 6

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of you Nwknm we beg Nny(b helpers 0nrd(m & as Ky0w 6:1

in you Nwkb may become worthless qrtst that not 0ld
that you received Nwtlbqd of God 0hl0d the grace 0twby+
I have answered you Ktyn( acceptable 0lbqm in a time 0nbzbd for ryg He said rm0 2
I have helped you Ktrd( of life 0yxd & in the day 0mwybw
is acceptable 0lbqm the time 0nbz now 0$h behold 0h
of life 0yxd the day 0mwy now 0$h & behold 0hw
occasion 0tl( a person $n0l should you give Nwltt in anything Mdmb Why? 0ml 3
in our ministry Nt$m$tb a defect 0mwm it will be 0whn lest 0ld of stumbling 0tlqwtd
ourselves N$pn we may show 0wxn thing Mdm in every lkb but 0l0 4
much 0t0ygs by patience 0twnrbysmb of God 0hl0d we are Nnx that ministers 0n$m$md
by imprisonments 0y$wbxb by distresses sqnn0b by sufferings 0nclw0b
in seditions 0y$wg$b in chains 0rws0b in scourgings 0dgnb 5
in fasts 0mwcb in vigils 0rh$b in toil 0tw0lb
of spirit 0xwr by duration twrygnb by knowledge 0t(dyb by purity 0twykdb 6
by love 0bwxb of Holiness 0$dwqd by The Spirit 0xwrb by kindness 0twmysbb
deceit 0lkn without 0ld
of God 0hl0d by the power 0lyxb of the truth 0t$wqd by the message 0tlmb 7
& on the left 0lmsbw that is on the right 0nymybd of righteousness 0twqydzd by the armor 0nyzb
& by reproach 0ynwgbw by praise 0slwqb & by disgrace 0r(cbw by glory 0xbw$b 8
& true 0ryr$w deceivers 0ny(+m as if Ky0
we are dying Nnytym as if Ky0 & we are known Nny(ydyw known 0(ydy not 0l as if Ky0 9
we are punished Nnydrtmd as if Ky0 we are Nnx we live Nyyx & behold 0hw
we are dying Nnytym & not 0lw
we rejoice Nnydx & always Nbzlkbw we Nl are sorrowing 0yrkd as if Ky0 10
we make rich Nnyrt(m & the many 00ygslw poor 0nksm as if Ky0
us Nl there is not tyl anything Mdmd as if Ky0
we possess Nnydyx0 thing Mdm & every lkw
Corinthians 0ytnrwq to you Nwktwl is wh opened xytp our mouth Nmwp 11
is enlarged xywr & our heart Nblw
by us Nb you are restricted Nwtycyl0 not 0l 12
in your affections Nwkymxrb but Nyd you are restricted Nwtycyl0
I 0n0 say rm0 but Nyd to children 0ynbld as Ky0 13
that is with you Nwktwld my remuneration ylbwx pay me ynw(rwp
to me ytwl your love Nwkbwx & enlarge wxwrw
to those Nyly0l of the yoke 0gwz children ynb you shall be Nwwht & not 0lw 14
partnership 0twptw$ for ryg what? 0dy0 are believers Nynmyhm who not 0ld
intimacy 0n+lwx what? 0ny0 or w0 evil 0lw( with M( righteousness 0twqydzl has ty0
darkness 0kw$x with M( light 0ryhnl has ty0
Satan 0n+s with M( The Messiah 0xy$ml has ty0 harmony 0twml$ what? 0dy0 or w0 15
believes Nmyhm him who not 0ld with M( one who believes Nmyhmdl has ty0 lot 0tnm what? 0dy0 or w0
of God 0hl0d to the temple hlkyhl has ty0 agreement 0twyw0 but Nyd what? 0dy0 16
of God 0hl0d you are Nwtn0 the temple hlkyh but Nyd you Nwtn0 demons 0d0$d with M(
in them Nwhb I shall dwell rm(0d it is said rym0d just as 0nky0 The Living 0yx

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

their God Nwhhl0 & I shall be 0wh0w in them Nwhb & I shall walk Klh0w
a people 0m( to Me yl shall be Nwwhn & those Nwnhw
among them Nwhtnyb from Nm come out wqwp this 0nh because of l+m 17
Jehovah 0yrm says rm0 from them Nwhnm & be separated w$rpt0w
shall receive you Nwklbq0 & I 0n0w you shall touch Nwbrqtt not 0l & the impure thing 00m+lw
to Me yl will be Nwwht & you Nwtn0w a Father 0b0l to you Nwkl & I shall be 0wh0w 18
holds dyx0 Who all lkd Jehovah 0yrm says rm0 & daughters 0tnblw sons 0ynbl

2nd Corinthians
Chapter 7
beloved ybybx promises 0nklwm these Nylh therefore lykh to us Nl there are ty0d because l+m 7:1
of the flesh 0rsbd impurity 0tw0m+ all hlk from Nm ourselves N$pn let us purify 0kdn
of God 0hl0d in the awe 0tlxdb holiness 0tw$ydq & let us cultivate xwlpnw & of the spirit 0xwrdw
we have done evil Nlw(0 not 0l to anyone $n0b brethren Nyx0 bear with us Nwrbys 2
we have cheated Nbl( not 0l anyone $n0l we have corrupted Nlbx not 0l anyone $n0l
for ryg I did before tmdq I 0n0 said rm0 to condemn you Nwktwbyxml was 0wh not 0l 3
& to live 0xmlw as one 0dxk0 to die tmml you are Nwtn0 that in our heart Nblbd I said trm0
to me yl is ty0 & much ygsw to you Nwktwl mine yl is ty0 great 0t0ygs frankness 0yshrp 4
& abundance 00gwsw with comfort 00ywb I am 0n0 & full 0lmw pride 0rhbw$ in you Nwkb
my afflictions ynclw0 in all Nwhlkb of joy 0twdx in me yb abounds 0rtytm
to Maqedonia 0ynwdqml for ryg when we came Nyt0d from Nm also P0 5
for our body Nrgpl there was 0wh relief xyn one dx not even 0lp0
we were tormented Ncl0t0 thing Mdm in every lkb but 0l0
fear 0tlxd within wgl & from Nmw combat 0brq outside rbl from Nm
the humble 0kykml Who comforts 0ybmd is He wh God 0hl0 but 0l0 6
of Titus sw++d with the coming htyt0mb comforted us N0yb
with his relief hxynb also P0 but 0l0 with his coming htyt0mb only dwxlb & not 0lw 7
by you Nwkb with which he was relieved xynt0d that wh
that is for us Ntwld your love Nwkbwx concerning l( for ryg he proclaimed to us Nrbs
our sake Nyp0 that was for l(d & your zeal Nwknn+w your grief Nwklb0 & concerning l(w
mine yl was twh great 0t0ygs joy 0twdx I heard t(m$ & when dkw
by an epistle 0trg0b you Nwkl I grieved tyrk0 for although Np0d 8
even though Np0 myself y$pn for me yl regret is 0ywt not 0l
epistle 0trg0 that the same yhd for ryg I 0n0 saw 0zx I was twh sorry 0ywt
you Nwkl grieved tyrk0 of the hour 0t($d though Np0
to me yl it gave tdb( great 0t0ygs joy 0twdx but 0l0 9
for yourselves Nwkl you grieved tyrkd because l( not 0l
brought you Nwktyty0 to homecoming 0twbytl your grief Nwktwyrkd because l+m but 0l0
by what is from God 0hl0db for ryg for yourselves Nwkl you grieved tyrk
by us Nnm you would be harmed Nwrsxt not 0l in anything Mdmbd so that 0nky0
regret twt God 0hl0 that is because of l+md for ryg grief 0twyrk 10
to life 0yxl & returns 0ynpmw reverses 0kph which not 0ld works 0db( of the soul 0$pn
works 0db( it wh death 0twm of the world 0ml(d but Nyd grief 0twyrk
that you were distressed Nwtqy(tt0d this 0dh has happened yh for ryg behold 0h 11

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I have effected tdb(0 how much more? 0mk God 0hl0 because of l+m
& apology 0xwrb qpmw diligence 0tw+ypx in you Nwkb
& vengeance 0t(btw & zeal 0nn+w & love 0bwxw & fear 0tlxdw & anger 0zgwrw
you are Nwtn0 that pure Nykdd yourselves Nwk$pn you showed Nwtywx & in all things Mdmlkbw
in the matter 0twbcb in it hb
to you Nwkl that I wrote tbtkd this 0dh but Nyd will be 0wht 12
him wh for l+m not 0l also P0 the wrong 0nlksm for l+m it was 0wh that not 0ld
might be known (dyttd so that l+m but 0l0 in it hb did wrong lksmd who Nm
that is for us Ntl+md your diligence Nwktw+ypx God 0hl0 in the presence of Mdq
our comfort N0ywb & with M(w we are comforted N0ybt0 this 0nh because of l+m 13
of Titus sw++d in the joy htwdxb we rejoice Nydx all the more ty0ryty
all of you Nwklk with M( spirit hxwr whose was refreshed txynt0d
to him hl ever I have boasted trhbt$0d because in what Mdmbd 14
I am ashamed tthb not 0l your persons Nwkyp0 over l(
the truth 0t$wq thing Mdm of every lkd as Ky0 but 0l0
also P0 in this way 0nkh with you Nwkm( we have spoken Nllm
was found xkt$0 in the truth 0t$wqb Titus sw++ unto twld our boasting Nrhbw$
for you Nwkyl( have increased wygs all the more ty0ryty his affections yhwmxr also P0 15
of you all Nwklkd the obedience 0twn(mt$m he remembers rkdtm as dk
you received him yhynwtlbq & trembling 0tytrbw that in fear 0tlxdbd
in you Nwkyl( I 0n0 trust lykt thing Mdm that in every lkbd I 0n0 rejoice 0dx 16

2nd Corinthians
Chapter 8
of God 0hl0d the grace htwby+ brethren Nyx0 but Nyd to you Nwkl we make known Nny(dwm 11
of Maqedonia 0ynwdqmd to the assemblies 0td(b that is given tbhyt0d
an abundance 0twryty of their afflictions Nwhnclw0d many 00ygs that in the trials 0yqwbbd 2
of their poverty Nwhtwnksmd & the depth 0qmw(w to their joy Nwhtwdxl there was twh
of their generosity Nwhtw+y$pd in the wealth 0rtw(b was made to superabound rtyt0
their power Nwhlyx that according to Ky0d for ryg I 0n0 testify dhs 3
of their soul Nwh$pn in the willingness Nybcb their power Nwhlyx than Nm & more rytyw
that they may share Nwptwt$nd much 0t0ygs with entreaty 0tw(bb of us Nnm they sought w(b 4
of the holy ones 0$ydqd of the ministry 0t$m$td in the grace 0twby+b
themselves Nwh$pn but 0l0 were Nywh we hoped Nyrbsd when 0m as Ky0 & not 0lw 5
of God 0hl0d in the will hnybcb to us Nl & also P0w to our Lord Nrml first Mdqwl offered wml$0
thus 0nkh he began yr$d that as Ky0d Titus sw++ from Nm would seek 0(bn that we Nnxd 6
this 0dh grace 0twby+ also P0 in you Nwkb he would finish Ml$n
in faith 0twnmyhb you Nwtn0 abound Nyrtytm in everything Mdmlkbd just as 0nky0 but 0l0 7
& in our love Nbwxbw diligence w+ypx & in all lkbw & in knowledge 0t(dybw & in the word 0tlmbw
you shall abound Nwrtytt grace 0twby+ in this 0dhb also P0 in this way 0nkh that is for you Nwktwld
to you Nwkl I 0n0 commanding dqp to command dqpm am 0wh not 0l 8
the truth 0rr$ of your companions Nwkyrbxd by the diligence 0tw+ypxb but 0l0
I 0n0 to test 0snm of your love Nwkbwxd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd the grace htwby+ for ryg you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy 9
when dk He became poor Nksmt0 Who for your sake Nwktl+md The Messiah 0xy$m
would become rich Nwrt(t by His poverty htwnksmb that you Nwtn0d rich 0ryt( He was yhwty0
you Nwkl to help 0rd(md this 0dh you Nwkl I 0n0 counsel Klm but Nyd to counsel Klmm 10
only dwxlb to purpose 0bcml not wl you began Nwtyr$ last year ydqt$0 that from Nmd because l+m
to do db(ml also P0 but 0l0
that you wanted Nwtybcd thing Mdm that wh in works 0db(b finish wml$ but Nyd now 0$h 11
to desire 0bcml eagerness 0xwws to you Nwkl that was 0whd that as 0nky0d
you Nwkl have ty0d what 0m from Nm you may complete Nwml$t in works 0db(b so 0nkh
he hl has ty0d what 0m according to Ky0 there is yhwty0 willingness 0nybc for ryg if N0 12
he hl has not tyld what 0m according to Ky0 it is 0wh not 0l it is accepted lbqtm so twkh
relief 0txwr would be 0wht that to others 0nrx0ld for ryg has been 0wh not 0l 13
distress 0nclw0 & to you Nwklw
that your abundance Nwktwrytyd this 0nh at time 0nbzb be wwh together 0twyw$b but 0l0 14
that these things Nylhd to their lack Nwhtwrysxl would be 0wht yours Nwklyd
would be 0wht that those things Nwnhd their abundance Nwhtwryty that also P0d
equality 0twyw$ that there would be 0whtd yours Nwklyd for your lack Nwktwrysxl
surplus rtyt0 no 0l took lq$ who increased ygs0d he whd that is written bytkd as Ky0 15
to him hl was deprived rcbt0 not 0l took lq$ who little lylqd & he whw to him hl
for you Nwkyplx this 0dh concern 0tw+ypx Who gave hbhyd God 0hl0l but Nyd thank wby+ 16
of Titus sw++d to the heart hblb
greatly b+d & because l+mw he accepted lbq for ryg our request Ntw(b 17
among you Nwkyd0c he went out qpn his desire hnybc from Nm to him hl was concerned ly+b
whose praise htxwb$td him 0ny0 our brother Nwx0l with Him hm( but Nyd we sent Nrd$ 18
the churches 0td( in all Nyhlkb is in the gospel Nwylgnw0b
the churches 0td( from Nm he was chosen 0bg to choose 0bgm also P0d in this way 0nkh 19
from us Nnm of ministry 0$mt$md this 0dh in grace 0twby+b with us Nm( to go out qwpnd
our own Nlyd & for our encouragement Nbbwllw of God 0hl0d His hlyd for the glory hxbw$l
a flaw 0mwm to us Nb may impute Mysn anyone $n0 lest 0ld in this 0dhb but Nyd we fear Nny+ynq 20
by us Nnm that is administered 0$mt$md abundance 0twbr in this 0dhb
God 0hl0 before Mdq not 0l what is right 0tryp$d for ryg we take care of Nnypycy 21
the children of men 0$nynb before Mdq also P0 but 0l0 only dwxlb
by us Nld who 0ny0 our brother Nwx0l also P0 with them Nwhm( but Nyd we sent Nrd$ 22
he is wh that diligent 0+ypxd in many things 0t0ygsb in every time Nbzlkb was proved 0qb
for you Nwkyl(d of many 00ygs by the trust 0nlkwtb is diligent +ypx all the more ty0ryty but Nyd now 0$h
among you Nwkb & helper 0nrd(mw my ylyd is wh partner 0ptw$ Titus sw++ therefore lykh if N0 23
of the churches 0td(d are Nwn0 apostles 0xyl$ other 0nrx0 our brethren Nyx0 & if N0w
of The Messiah 0xy$md of the glory hxbw$d
& our pride Nrhbw$w of your love Nwkbwxd the demonstration 0tywxt from now on lykm 24
all Nyhlk of the churches 0td( in the presence Pwcrpb show wwx among them Nwhb that is in you Nwkbd


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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

2nd Corinthians
Chapter 9
of the holy ones 0$ydqd but Nyd the ministration 0t$m$t about l( 9:1
to you Nwkl I 0n0 write btk if N0 I 0n0 make it db( superfluous 0tryty
this 0nh & because of l+mw of your minds Nwkny(rd the readiness hbyw+ for ryg I 0n0 knew (dy 2
was yh ready 0dyt( that Akaia 0y0k0d to the Maqedonians 0ynwdqml of you Nwkb I boasted trhbt$0
has excited grg many 00ygsl your Nwklyd & zeal 0nn+w last year ydqt$0 from Nm
our boasting Nrhbw$ would be empty qrtsn lest 0ld the brothers 0x0l but Nyd I sent trd$ 3
matter 0twbc this 0dh about l( in you Nwkb that we boasted Nrhbt$0d
prepared Nyby+m you will be Nwwht trm0d that as 0nky0d
& find you Nwknwxk$nw Maqedonia 0ynwdqm with me ym( come Nwt0n lest 0mld 4
we Nnx & be ashamed thbnw you Nwtn0 are prepared Nydyt( not 0l when dk
would be ashamed Nwthbt that you Nwtn0d we would say rm0n that not 0ld
which we boasted Nrhbt$0d that wh by boasting 0rhbw$b
to ask 0(b0d by me yl it has been taken care of l+bt0 this 0nh because of l+m 5
to you Nwktwl beforehand ymdq to come Nwt0nd these Nylh my brethren yx0 of Nm
you obeyed Nwt(mt$0 the first Mydq for from Nmd that yh blessing 0tkrwb & to prepare Nwdt(nw
a blessing 0tkrwb as Ky0 in this way 0nkh prepared 0by+m that it should be 0whtd
of greed 0twn(y as if Ky0 to be 0wh not 0l
reaps dcx frugally 0nswxb also P0 frugally 0nswxb sows (rzd whoever Nm but Nyd this 0dh 6
shall reap dwcxn with bounty 0tkrwbb with bounty 0tkrwbb sows (rzd & whoever Nmw
that from Nmd as Ky0 not 0l in his mind hny(rb he is ty0d as Ky0 man $n0 every lk 7
compulsion 0ry+q that from Nmd as Ky0 or w0 grief 0twyrk
God 0hl0 loves Mxr joyful 0ydx for ryg Himself wh the giver 0bwhyl
favor wby+ every lk of God 0hl0 by the hand ydy0b but Nyd that yh comes 0y+m 8
whatever 0m that wh in all things Mdmlkb that always Nbzlkbd in you Nwkb to increase rtynd
& you will superabound Nwrtyttw to you Nwkl shall be 0whn for you Nwkl is sufficient qpsd
good b+ work db( in every lkb
to the poor 0nksml & He has given bhyw He has dispersed rdbd that is written bytkd as Ky0 9
for eternity Ml(l stands 0myq & His righteousness htwqydzw
to the sower 0(wrzl seed 0(rz that He gives bhyd but Nyd He wh 10
your seed Nwk(rz & He shall multiply 0gsnw shall give ltn He wh for food 0tlwk0ml & bread 0mxlw
of your righteousness Nwktwqydzd the fruit 0r0p & increase 0brnw
right of an heir 0tw+y$p with the entire hlkb you may be enriched Nwrt(t things Mdm that in all lkbd 11
to God 0hl0l thanksgiving 0tydwt by us Ndy0b perfects 0rmg that which yhd
only dwxlb does 0wh not 0l this 0dh of service 0t$m$td the labor 0nxlwpd because l+m 12
abounds rtym also P0 but 0l0 satisfy 0lmm of the saints 0$ydqd the want 0twrysx
to God 0hl0l much 0t0ygs in thanksgiving 0tydwtb
this 0dh of service 0t$m$td for ryg the experience 0yqwb because of l+m 13
to the confession 0tydwtl that you submitted Nwtdb(t$0d they glorify Nyxb$m God 0hl0l
of The Messiah 0xy$md of the Gospel htrbsd
with them Nwhm( in your right of heirship Nwktw+y$pb & you became partners Nwtptwt$0w
every person $nlk & with M(w
of many 00ygs with love 0bwxb for you Nwkyplx they bring Nybrqm & prayer 0twlcw 14

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that is upon you Nwkyl(d of God 0hl0d of the grace htwby+d the abundance 00gws because of l+m
is utterable 0llmtm that un

0ld His gift htbhwm for l( God 0hl0l but Nyd thank wby+ 15
2nd Corinthians
Chapter 10

of you Nwknm I 0n0 beg 0(b Paul swlwp but Nyd I 0n0 10:1
of The Messiah 0xy$md & the gentleness htwkykmbw by the serenity htwxynb
with you Nwktwl I am 0n0 gentle Kykm is among faces Nyp0b when our face Np0d
toward you Nwkyl( I am 0n0 bold lykt I am 0n0 distant qyxr when dk but 0l0
I come tyt0d when 0m that not 0ld of you Nwknm but Nyd I 0n0 beg 0(b 2
to presume xy$0d to me yl that is ty0d by boldness 0nlkwtb it is necessary cl0t0
those Nyly0 persons 0$n0 against l( I 0n0 that give counsel 0(rtmd as Ky0
we walk Nnyklhm in the flesh rsbbd as if Ky0d us Nl who account Nyb$xd
we are Nnx walking Nyklhm for ryg in the flesh rsbb even if Np0 3
we war Nnyxlp that in the flesh 0rsbd has been 0wh not 0l on the other hand 0l0
of the flesh 0rsbd are 0wh not 0l of our war Ntwxlpd for ryg weapons 0nyz 4
& by it hbw of God 0hl0d of the power 0lyxd but 0l0
rebellious 0dyrm fortresses 0nsx we subdue Nny$bk
high thing 0mwr & every lkw reasonings 0tb$xm & we pull down Nnyrtsw 5
of God 0hl0d the knowledge ht(dy against lbqwl that is exalted Myrttmd
of The Messiah 0xy$md for the obedience ht(m$ml minds Ny(rt all lk & we take prisoner Nnyb$w
those Nyly0 of Nm the punishment 0t(bt to execute db(ml & we are prepared Nnyby+mw 6
your obedience Nwktwn(mt$m is fulfilled tylmt0d when 0m obey Ny(mt$m who not 0ld
himself h$pn upon l( trusts lykt a man $n0 if N0 you Nwtn0 gaze Nyryx at persons 0pwcrpb 7
his soul h$pn from Nm let him know (dn this 0nh he is wh that of The Messiah 0xy$mdd
we are Nnx also P0 in this way 0nkh of The Messiah 0xy$md he is whd that as Ky0d
authority 0n+lw$ of l( I boast rhbt$0 more ryty anything Mdm also P0 for ryg if N0 8
I 0n0 am ashamed thb not 0l our Lord Nrm to me yl that gives bhyd
to us Nl He gave bhy your Nwklyd it is wh for edification 0nynbld because l+m
for your destruction Nwkpxwsl & not 0lw
that wh as Ky0 it be supposed rbts0 lest 0ld but Nyd I 0n0 avoid it 0mhm 9
with my epistle ytrg0b you Nwkl I 0n0 terrify lxdm to terrify wlxdmd
who say Nyrm0d people 0$n0 there are ty0d because l+m 10
& are powerful Nnysxw are weighty Nryqy the letters 0trg0d
contemptible 0+y$ & his speech htlmw is weak hyrk bodily 0m$wgd but Nyd his coming hyt0m
speaks rm0 in this way 0nkhd who Nm let him consider 0(rtn this 0dh but 0l0 11
of our epistles Ntrg0d in the message 0tlmb we are Nyty0d that as 0nky0d
we are Nyty0 in this way 0nkh we are absent Nnyqyxr when dk
in deeds 0db(b we are present Nnybyrqd when 0m also P0
ourselves N$pn to compare Mxpnd or w0 to value bw$xnd we dare Nnyxrmm for ryg not 0l 12
but 0l0 themselves Nwh$pn who flaunt Nyrhb$md those Nwnh with M(
are wise Nylktsm not 0l comparing Nymxpm themselves Nwhl among them Nwhb those Nwnhd so l+m
our size Ntxw$m beyond Nm ryty we boast Nnyrhbt$m not 0l but Nyd we Nnx 13
God 0hl0 to us Nl that distributed glpd of the limits 0mwxtd in the measure 0txw$mb but 0l0
to you Nwktwl as far as 0md( also P0 to reach 0+mnd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to you Nwktwl we arrived Nny+mtm that not 0ld as if Ky0 for ryg was 0wh not 0l 14
to you Nwktwl for ryg as far as 0md( ourselves N$pn we joined Nnyxtm
of The Messiah 0xy$md with the gospel htrbsb we arrived Ny+m
our measure Ntxw$m of Nm outside rbl we glory Nnyrhbt$m & not 0lw 15
hope 0rbs us Nl is ty0 but 0l0 of others 0nrx0d in the labor 0lm(b
we shall be magnified brwrtn by you Nwkb your faith Nwktwnmyh increases 0ybr that when dkd
& we shall abound rtytnw our measure Ntxw$m according to Ky0
by the measure 0txw$mb not 0l to preach the gospel wrbsml from you Nwknm to beyond lhl also P0 16
shall we boast rhbt$n we have won Nnqtmd whomever Nyly0b of others 0nrx0d
let him boast rhbt$n in Jehovah 0yrmb who boasts rhbt$md but Nyd He wh 17
is wh who wh praises xb$m who himself h$pnd he Nm for ryg is 0wh not 0l 18
praises yhwyxb$n whom Jehovah 0yrmd he Nm but 0l0 approved 0qb
2nd Corinthians
Chapter 11
a little lylq with me yl you were Nwtywh patient Nyrbysm but Nyd would that! Pwt$0 11:1
you Nwtn0 patient Nyrbysm also P0 but 0l0 foolishly ty0hykp while I shall speak llm0d
with me yl are wh
of God 0hl0d in the jealousy 0nn+b over you Nwkb for ryg I am 0n0 jealous N0+ 2
pure 0tykd a virgin 0tlwtb One dx to Man 0rbgl for ryg I have betrothed Nwktrkm
to The Messiah 0xy$ml to present brq0d
Eve 0wxl the serpent 0ywx seduced y(+0d as Ky0 lest 0mld but Nyd I 0n0 fear lxd 3
your minds Nwkyny(r may be corrupted Nwlbxtn in this way 0nkh by his craftiness htwlyknb
The Messiah 0xy$m that is with twld the simplicity 0tw+y$p from Nm
another 0nrx0 to you Nwktwl who comes 0t0d he wh for ryg if N0 4
we preached Nzrk0 not 0l that we Nnxd whom 0ny0 to you Nwkl would preach zrk0 Yeshua (w$y
you have received Nwtbsn that not 0ld which 0dy0 you receive Nwtbsn another 0trx0 spirit 0xwr or w0
you have received Nwtlbq that not 0ld which 0dy0 another 0trx0 gospel 0trbs or w0
you may be Nwtywh persuaded Nysyp+tm well ryp$
I have come short trcb not 0l that in anything Mdmd for ryg I 0n0 think 0nr 5
excel Nyrtym who greatly b+d those Nyly0 apostles 0xyl$ of Nm
not 0l but 0l0 in my speech ytlmb I am 0n0 simple 0rwb for ryg even if Np0 6
to you Nwktwl we have been revealed Nylgt0 in all things Mdmlkb but 0l0 in my knowledge yt(dyb
have I offended? tlks0 to wrong you wlksm interrog. 0mld or w0 7
may be exalted Nwmyrtt that you Nwtn0d myself y$pn that I humbled tkkmd
of God 0hl0d the gospel htrbs to you Nwkl I may preach tzrk0 & without charge Ngmw
& I took tbsnw I robbed tclx other 0tynrx0 & assemblies 0td(w 8
your Nwklyd for ministration 0t$m$tl expenses 0tqpn
to me yl & there was want rsxw among you Nwkyd0c I came tyt0 & when dkw 9
of you Nwknm each $n0 upon l( I was a burden trqy not 0l
who came wt0d brethren 0x0 they satisfied wylm for ryg my want ytwqyns
myself y$pn I kept tr+n thing Mdm & in every lkbw Maqedonia 0ynwdqm from Nm
upon you Nwkyl( I may be a burden rq0 lest 0ld I 0n0 & shall keep r+nw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

boasting 0rhbw$ that this 0nhd of The Messiah 0xy$md the truth hrr$ in me yb is yhwty0 10
of Akaia 0y0k0d in the region 0twrt0b in me yb shall fail l+btn not 0l
knows (dy Himself wh God 0hl0 you Nwkl I 0n0 love bxm that not 0ld because l+m Why? 0nml 11
the wh to cut off qwsp0d I shall do db(0 also P0 I 0n0 that do db(d this 0dh but 0l0 12
thing Mdm so in that whbd a pretext 0tl( who seek Ny(bd of those Nyly0d accusations Nwhtl(
like us Ntwk0 they will be found Nwxkt$n which they brag Nyrhbt$md
false 0lgd apostles 0xyl$ these Nylh for ryg are Nwhyty0 13
themselves Nwh$pn & they liken Nymdmw treacherous 0lykn & workers 0l(pw
of The Messiah 0xy$md to apostles 0xyl$l
at this 0dhb to wonder wrmdtml & not tylw 14
of light 0rhwnd an angel 0k0lmb resembles 0mdtm who is Satan 0n+sd for ryg he wh if N0
his ministers yhwn$m$m also P0 if N0 a matter 0twbc great 0br has been twh not 0l 15
of righteousness 0twqydzd ministers 0n$m$mb imitate Nymdtm
their works Nwhydb( like Ky0 will be 0wht whose end Nwhtrxd those Nwnh
of me yl( should think rbsn man $n0 no 0ml I 0n0 say rm0 but Nyd again bwt 16
a fool 0lks as Ky0 even Np0 not 0l & if N0w I am 0n0 a fool 0lksd as if Ky0
I may brag rhbt$0 a little lylq I 0n0 that also P0d receive me ynwlbq
I 0n0 speak llmm by our Lord Nrmb it is 0wh not 0l I 0n0 that speak llmmd anything Mdm 17
of boasting 0rhbw$d occasion 0tkwd on this 0dhb in folly 0twhykpbd as Ky0 but 0l0
shall brag rhbt$0 I 0n0 also P0 in the flesh 0rsbb boast Nyrhbt$m many 00ygsd because l+m 18
listening w(mt$ml for ryg are? wh you Nwtn0 of those Nyxnm 19
are Nwtn0 wise 0mykx you Nwtn0 while dk intelligence 0ny(r to those lacking yrysxl
to you Nwkl who is subject db($md to the one Nml you Nwtn0 & submit? Nyndtmw 20
from you Nwknm who takes bsnd & to him Nmlw you Nwkl who embezzles lk0d & to him Nmlw
who strikes 0xmd & to him Nmlw over you Nwkyl( who exalts himself Myrtmd & to him Nmlw
your face Nwkyp0 on l( you Nwkl
it is wh as if Ky0 I 0n0 speak rm0 one in dishonor 0r(cbd as Ky0 21
of intelligence 0ny(r by lack twrysxb are wh poor Nnylyxm that we Nnxd
a man $n0 that presumes xrmmd that in all things Mdmlkbd I 0n0 say rm0
do 0n0 presume xrmm I 0n0 also P0
they are Nwn0 Israelites 0ylrsy0 if N0 I am 0n0 also P0 they are Nwn0 Hebrews 0yrb( if N0 22
I am 0n0 also P0 of Abraham Mhrb0d they are Nwn0 the seed h(rz if N0 I am 0n0 also P0
of The Messiah 0xy$md they are Nwn0 ministers 0n$m$m if N0 23
than they Nwhnm that greater rytyd I 0n0 say rm0 of intelligence 0ny(r by lack twrysxb
than they Nwhnm more ryty with wounds 0twxmb than they Nwhnm more ryty in toil 0tw0lb I am 0n0
many N0ygs times Nynbz in death 0twmb than they Nwhnm more ryty in chains 0rws0b
forty Ny(br0 times Nynbz five $mx the Judeans 0ydwhy from Nm 24
I have been whipped t(lb one 0dx lacking rysx forty Ny(br0
I have been scourged tdgnt0 with rods 0+b$b times Nynbz three tlt 25
shipwrecked 0gwwn I have been tywh times Nynbz three tlt I was stoned tmgrt0 time Nbz one 0dx
I have been tywh in the sea 0myb a ship 0tnyps without 0ld & a night 0yllw a day 0mmy0
of rivers 0twrhnd in dangers swnydnqb many 0t0ygs on journeys 0txrw0b 26
my kindred ymhw+ that from Nmd in dangers swnydnqb of robbers 0sygd in dangers swnydnqb
I was tywh in dangers swnydnqb the Gentiles 0mm( that from Nmd in dangers swnydnqb

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

in the desert 0brwxb I was tywh in dangers swnydnqb in the city 0tnydmb
false 0lgd brethren 0x0 that from Nmd in dangers swnydnqb in the sea 0myb in dangers swnydnqb
in hunger 0npkb many 00ygs in vigils 0rh$b & in fatigue 0tw0lbw in toil 0lm(b 27
& in nakedness 0twyl+r(bw in cold 0yr(b many 00ygs in fasts 0mwcb & in thirst 0yhcbw
who are with me yl(d & crowds 0y$wnkw many things 0tryty from Nm aside r+s 28
the churches 0td( all Nyhlk my person yp0 that is upon l(d & my care ytpcw of every day Mwylkd
am 0n0 suffering hrktm I 0n0 & not 0lw suffering hrktm who is? wnm 29
am 0n0 burning dqy I 0n0 & not 0lw stumbled l$ktm who is? wnm
I shall boast rhbt$0 in my sufferings ynhrwkb it is fitting 0lw to boast wrhbt$ml if N0 30
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd The Father yhwb0 God 0hl0 He wh knows (dy 31
I 0n0 lie bdkm that not 0ld of eternities Nyml( to eternity Ml(ld blessed 0krbm
the king 0klm of Aretus sw+r0d of the army 0lyx the leader br in Dramsuq qwsmrdb 32
to seize me yndx0ml of the Damascenes 0yqswmrdd the city 0tnydm was 0wh guarding r+n
they lowered me ynwb$ in a basket 0tgyrsb a window 0twk & from Nmw 33
their hands yhwdy0 from Nm & I escaped t+lpt0w a wall 0rw$ from Nm

2nd Corinthians
Chapter 12
is beneficial xqp not 0l but 0l0 is necessary 0lw to boast wrhbt$ml 12:1
of our Lord Nrmd & to revelations yhwnylglw to visions 0nwzxl for ryg myself yl I 0n0 have come 0t0
fourteen 0rs(br0 before Mdq from Nm in The Messiah 0xy$mb a man 0rbg I knew 0n(dy 2
I 0n0 know (dy not 0l a body rgp without 0ld or N0w but Nyd in the body rgpb whether N0 years Nyn$
this one 0nh he wh who was snatched up P+xt0d knows (dy Himself wh God 0hl0
the third 0tltd Heaven 0ym$ unto 0md(
in a body rgpb if N0 son of man 0$nrb this 0nhl him hl I 0n0 & knew (dyw 3
I 0n0 know (dy not 0l a body rgp without 0ld or if N0w but Nyd
knows (dy Himself wh God 0hl0
that un 0ld words 0lm & heard (m$w to Paradise 0sydrpl who was snatched up P+xt0d 4
are authorized +yl$ that not 0ld those Nyly0 speakable are Nllmtm
them Nyn0 to speak wllmml for a man 0$nrbl
I shall glory rhbt$0 not 0l but Nyd myself y$pn upon l( I shall glory rhbt$0 this one 0nh upon l( 5
in suffering 0nhrwkb only N0 except 0l0
misbehaving 0y+$ I 0n0 have been 0wh not 0l to boast rhbt$0d for ryg I have wished 0bc0 if N0 6
but Nyd I abstain 0ns0x I 0n0 say rm0 for ryg it is wh the truth 0rr$
he sees 0zxd what 0m than Nm more ryty of me yl( should think 0(rtn a man $n0 lest 0mld
from me ynm & that he hears (m$dw in me yl
of revelations 0nylgd by the abundance 0twrytyb I would be lifted up Myrt0 & lest 0ldw 7
of Satan 0n+sd an angel hk0lm to my flesh yrsbl a thorn 0yp$ to me yl was handed over Mlt$0
I be lifted up Myrt0 lest 0ld me yl buffeting xpqm to be 0whnd
times Nynbz three tlt this 0nh & about l(w 8
from me ynm to remove it qrpnd My Lord yrm of Nm I begged ty(b
My grace ytwby+ for you Kl is sufficient 0qps to me yl & He said rm0w 9

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perfected rmgtm is wh in weakness 0twhyrkb for ryg My power ylyx

in my sufferings ynhrwkb I shall boast rhbt$0 therefore lykh joyfully ty0ydx
of The Messiah 0xy$md the power hlyx upon me yl( that may rest Ngnd
in suffering 0nhrwkb I 0n0 am pleased 0bc this 0nh because of l+m 10
in persecution 0ypwdrb in distress 0nclw0b in disgrace 0r(cb
of The Messiah 0xy$m the Person yp0 that for l(d in imprisonment 0y$wbxb
I 0n0 strong Ntlyx am wh then Nydyh for ryg I 0n0 am weak hyrkd when ytm0
in my boasting yrhbw$b a mind 0ny(r lacking rysx I was tywh behold 0h 11
you were Nwtywh indebted Nybyx compelled me ynnwtcl0 because you Nwtn0d
because l+m for me yl( should testify Nwdhst that you Nwtn0d for ryg
those Nyly0 apostles 0xyl$ of Nm anything Mdm I lacked trcb that not 0ld
anything Mdm I was tywh not 0l even though Np0w excelled Nyrtym who greatly b+d
among you Nwktnyb I performed tdb( of an apostle 0xyl$d the signs 0twt0 12
& with heroic deeds 0twrbgbw patience wnrbysm with all lkb
& with miracles 0lyxbw & with wonders 0trmdtbw
other 0tynrx0 churches 0td( of Nm did you lack Nwtrcbt0 for ryg in what? 0nmb 13
upon you Nwkyl( was a burden trqy not 0l that I 0n0d in this 0dhb only N0 except 0l0
wrong doing 0twlks this 0dh me yl forgive wqwb$
I 0n0 that am ready by+md time Nynbz is yh the third tltd this 0dh behold 0h 14
upon you Nwkyl( I shall be a burden rq0 & not 0lw to you Nwktwl to come 0t0d
you Nwkl but 0l0 yours Nwklyd I 0n0 seek 0(b that not 0ld because l+m
for parents 0hb0l treasure 0tmys to lay up Msml children 0ynb ought Nybyx for ryg not 0l
for their children Nwhynbl parents 0hb0 but 0l0
my person ymwnq & also P0w I shall pay qp0 also expenses 0tqpnw cheerfully ty0ydx but Nyd I 0n0 15
the more ty0ryty when dk even though Np0 your souls Nwkt$pn the sake of yp0 for l( I would give lt0
me yl are Nwtn0 loving Nybxm the less ty0rycb you Nwtn0 you Nwkl I 0n0 love bxm
but 0l0 upon you Nwkyl( was a burden trqy not 0l I 0n0 & perhaps rbkw 16
I robbed you Nwktbng by treachery 0lknb crafty 0(rx a man 0rbg as Ky0
another Nyrx0 man $n0 by the hand of dyb interrogative 0ml 17
what was yours Nwkyl( I greedily desired tn(yt0 to you Nwktwl whom I sent trd$d
the brethren 0x0l with him hm( & I sent trd$w I asked ty(b Titus sw++ when Nm 18
Titus sw++ what was yours Nwkyl( was greedily desiring N(yt0 anything Mdm interrogative 0ml
steps 0tbq(b & in the same Nyhbw we walked Nklh Spirit 0xwr in the same 0dxb not? wl
we make excuses 0xwr Nnyqpn that to you Nwkld you Nwtn0 think Nyrbs again bwt interrogative 0ml 19
& all these things Nyhlkw we speak Nnyllmm in The Messiah 0xy$mb God 0hl0 before Mdq
your Nwklyd are wh edification 0nynb for l+m my beloved ybybx
to you Nwktwl I come 0t0 lest 0mld for ryg I 0n0 fear lxd 20
to you Nwkl & I be found xkt$0w I 0n0 wish 0bcd as Ky0 I shall find you Nwkxk$0 & not 0lw
contention 0nyrx lest there be 0mld you wish Nwtybc that not 0ld what 0m as Ky0 I 0n0 also P0
& murmuring 0n+rw & slander 0crq lk0mw & contention 0nyc(w & rage 0tmxw & envy 0msxw
& tumult 0y$wg$w & insolence 0twrytxw
will humble me ynkkmn to you Nwktwl I shall come 0t0 when dk lest 0mld 21
who Nyly0 many 00ygs over l( & I shall be grieved lb0t0w my God yhl0
defilement 0twpn+ from Nm have returned wbt & not 0lw who have sinned w+xd
which they have done wdb(d lewdness 0twzxp & from Nmw fornication 0twynz & from Nmw

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2nd Corinthians
Chapter 13
upon l(d to you Nwktwl am 0n0 I coming 0t0d time Nynbz is yh the third tltd this 0dh 13:1
word 0lm every lk shall be established Mwqt witnesses Nydhs or three 0tltw of two Nyrt mouth Mwp
beforehand Mdqm & again bwtw to you Nwkl I had tywh I said trm0 the first Mydq from Nm 2
time Nynbz a second Nytrt that also P0d as Ky0 to you Nwkl am 0n0 saying rm0 I 0n0
now 0$h & also P0w to you Nwkl I said trm0 with you Nwktwl when I was tywhd
who have sinned w+xd to these Nylhl I write 0nbtk I am 0n0 absent qyxr as dk
I shall spare swx0 not 0l again bwt I come 0t0 whom if N0d of others 0nrx0d & to the rest 0kr$lw
of The Messiah 0xy$md you seek Nwty(b proof 0yqwbd because l+m 3
among you Nwkb weak lyxm is 0wh who not 0ld he wh in me yb that He speaks llmmd
among you Nwkb is wh mighty Ntlyx but 0l0
in weakness 0twlyxmb for ryg He was crucified Pqdz0 although Np0 4
we Nnx & also P0w of God 0hl0d by the power 0lyxb He wh lives yx yet 0l0
with Him hm( are Nnx we living Nyyx but 0l0 with Him hm( are weak Nnylyxm
that is among you Nwkbd of God 0hl0d by the power 0lyxb
you Nwtn0 stand Nymyq in the faith 0twnmyhb in it hb if N0 examine wqb your souls Nwk$pn 5
that Yeshua (w$yd are you aware Nwty(dwt$m not 0l or w0 tend to ws0 your souls Nwk$pn
you are Nwtn0 worthless 0ylsm not 0l or if N0w is wh in you Nwkb The Messiah 0xy$m
worthless Nylsm are Nywh not 0l that we Nnxd that you will know Nw(dtd but Nyd I 0n0 hope rbsm 6
in you Nwkb shall be 0whn that not 0ld God 0hl0 of Nm but Nyd I 0n0 pray 0(b 7
but 0l0 may appear 0zxtn our Nlyd that the proofs Nyqwbd as Ky0 of evil $ybd anything Mdm
good 0tb+ doing Nyr(s you will be Nwwht that you Nwtn0d
worthless 0ylsm as Ky0 may be 0whn & we Nnxw
the truth 0t$wq against lbqwl anything Mdm do db(nd we can Nnyxk$m for ryg not 0l 8
the truth 0t$wq for the sake of Plx but 0l0
are strong Nyntlyx & you Nwtn0w are weak Nyhyrk we Nnxd whenever 0m but Nyd we rejoice Nnydx 9
you may be perfected Nwrmgtt that you Nwtn0d we pray Nnylcm also P0 for ryg this 0dh
I 0n0 write btk these things Nylh I am 0n0 absent qyxr when dk this 0nh because of l+m 10
the authority 0n+lw$ according to Ky0 I deal rw(s0 severely ty0y$q I come tyt0d when 0m lest 0ld
for your destruction Nwkpxwsl & not 0lw for your building up Nwknynbl My Lord yrm to me yl that gives bhyd
& be comforted w0ybt0w & be perfected wrmgt0w rejoice wdx my brethren yx0 from now on lykm 11
of love 0bwxd & The God 0hl0w in you Nwkb shall be 0whn & peace 0ny$w & harmony 0twyw0w
with you Nwkm( shall be 0whn & of peace 0twml$dw
holy 0t$ydq with a kiss 0tq$wnb of another dxd one dx peace 0ml$b invoke wl0$ 12
the saints 0$ydq all of them Nwhlk your peace Nwkml$b invoke Nyl0$ 13
of God 0hl0d & the love hbwxw The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd the peace hml$ 14
Amen Nym0 all of you Nwklk with M( of Holiness 0$dwqd of The Spirit 0xwrd & the fellowship 0twptw$w


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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Chapter 1
children of men 0$nynb from Nm not 0l an apostle 0xyl$ Paul swlwp 1:1
of a son of man 0$nrb by the hand dyb & not 0lw
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$y by the hand dyb but 0l0
Who raised Him hmyq0d He wh His father yhwb0 & God 0hl0w
the dead 0tym among tyb from Nm
who are with me ym(d the brethren 0x0 & all of them Nwhlkw 2
Galatya 0y+lgb that is ty0d to the assembly 0td(l
The Father 0b0 God 0hl0 from Nm & peace 0ml$w with you Nwkm( grace 0twby+ 3
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm & from Nmw
our sins Nyh+x for the sake of Plx Himself h$pn Who He gave bhyd He wh 4
evil 0$yb this 0nh world 0ml( from Nm to set us free Nycpnd
our Father Nwb0 of God 0hl0d the will hnybc according to Ky0
Amen Nym0 of eternities Nyml( to eternity Ml(l is the glory 0xbw$ to Whom hld 5
you Nwtn0 have been turned Nykphtm quickly lg(b how 0nky0 I 0n0 marvel rmdtm 6
by His grace htwby+b called you Nwkrqd He wh The Messiah 0xy$m from Nm
gospel 0trbs to another 0trx0l
there ty0 are wh some 0$n0 but 0l0 does exist hyty0 which not 0ld that 0dy0 7
to change Nwplx$nd & they wish Nybcw you Nwkl who trouble Nyxldd
of The Messiah 0xy$md the Gospel htrbs
will evangelize you Nwkrbsn Heaven 0ym$ from Nm an angel 0k0lm or w0 but Nyd we Nnx if N0 even P0 8
damned Mrx he would be 0whn we evangelized you Nwknrbsd what 0m from Nm outside rbl
I 0n0 say rm0 again bwt & now 0$hw I said trm0 the first Mdqwl that from Nmd just as 0nky0 9
what 0m of Nm outside rbl you Nwkl evangelizes rbsm anyone $n0 that if N0d
damned Mrx he shall be 0whn you have received Nwtlbqd
to God 0hl0l or w0 I 0n0 plead sypm is it? wh to the children of men 0$nynbl for ryg now 0$h 10
to please rp$0d I 0n0 do seek 0(b the children of men 0$nynbl or w0
pleasing rp$ the children of men 0$nynbl now 0$hl until 0md( for ryg if wl0
I have tywh been 0wh not 0l of The Messiah 0xy$md the servant 0db( I have been tywh
that the Gospel 0trbsd my brothers yx0 but Nyd to you Nwkl I 0n0 notify (dwm 11
a human 0$nrb from Nm was twh not 0l by me ynm that was evangelized trbts0d
& I learned it htplyw I received it htlbq a man 0$nrb from Nm I 0n0 for ryg neither 0lp0 12
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd in the revelation 0nylgb but 0l0
the first Mydq that from Nmd of my way of life ykpwh for ryg you have heard Nwt(m$ 13
I was tywh persecuting Pdr that greatly ty0rytyd that was in Judaism 0twydwhybd
it hl I was tywh & destroying brxw of God 0hl0d the church htd(
many 00ygs beyond Nm greatly b+ in Judaism 0twydwhyb I was tywh & surpassing rtytmw 14
& very ty0rytyw in my kindred ymhw+b were 0wh who being ty0d of years yn$ sons ynb
of my ancestors yhb0d in the teaching 0nplwyb I was tywh zealous N0+
separated me yn$rpd Who Nm He wh but Nyd chose 0bc when dk 15
in His grace htwby+b & called me ynrqw my mothers ym0 womb srk from Nm

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in me yb His Son hrb that He would reveal 0lgnd 16

among The Gentiles 0mm(b that I would proclaim Him yhwyrbs0d
& to blood 0mdlw to flesh 0rsbl I revealed it tylg not 0l of a moment ht($ son rb
the apostles 0xyl$ to twl to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l I went tlz0 neither 0lw 17
to Arabia 0ybr0l I went tlz0 but 0l0 before me ymdq who were from Nmd
to Darmsoq qwsmrdl I returned tkph & again bwtw
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l I went tlz0 years Nyn$ three tlt after rtb & from Nmw 18
Yaqob bwq(yl only N0 but 0l0 I saw tyzx not 0l the apostles 0xyl$ of Nm but Nyd another Nyrx0l 19
of our Lord Nrmd the brother yhwx0
God 0hl0 before Mdq behold 0h to you Nwkl I 0n0 that write btkd but Nyd these things Nylh 20
I 0n0 lie bdkm that not 0ld
I came tyt0 these things Nylh after rtb from Nm 21
& Qiliqya 0yqylyqdw of Surya 0yrwsd to the regions 0twrt0l
the churches 0td( by face Nyp0b me yl had ywh known N(dy & not 0lw 22
who are in The Messiah 0xy$mbd these Nylh that are in Judea dwhybd
they had wwh heard Ny(m$ only dwxlb this 0dh but 0l0 23
behold 0h now 0$h us Nl had 0wh persecuted Pdr the first Mydq who from Nmd that he whd
he had 0wh overthrown Pxsm times 0nbz earlier Mdq that from Nmd that yh faith 0twnmyh preaches rbsm
God 0hl0l for me yb were wwh & they praising Nyxb$mw 24
Chapter 2
I went up tqls years Nyn$ fourteen 0rs(br0 after rtb from Nm but Nyd again bwt 2:1
Titus sw++l with me ym( & I brought trbdw Barnaba 0bnrb with M( to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l
the Gospel 0trbs to them Nwhl & I revealed tylgw with the revelation 0nylgb but Nyd I went up tqls 2
to those Nyly0l & I showed it htywxw among The Gentiles 0mm(b I 0n0 which preach zrkmd
they were Nwhyty0 that something Mdmd were wwh who considered Nyrbtsmd
I 0n0 may run +hr or w0 I had run t+hr in vain ty0qyrs else Md & them Nwhlw between me ynyb
was 0wh who Aramaean 0ymr0d who was with me ym(d Titus sw++ also P0 3
to be circumcised rwzgnd was compelled sn0t0 not 0l
entering Nyl( who came in wl(d false 0lgd brothers 0x0 but Nyd because of l+m 4
The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb to us Nl that is ty0d the liberty 0twr0x to spy on Nw$gnd
to enslave me ynnwdb($nd so as 0nky0
to their oppression Nwhdb(w$l did we yield Nymrt0 a moment 0($ full 0lm neither 0lp0 5
with you Nwktwl may continue 0wqn of the Gospel 0trbsd that the truth hrr$d
anything Mdm that they were Nwhyty0d who were esteemed Nyrbtsmd but Nyd those Nwnh 6
to me yl is a concern ly+b not 0l they were Nwhyty0 but Nyd who Nm
accepts bsn not 0l of children of men 0$nynb the faces yp0b for ryg God 0hl0
to me yl added wpsw0 not 0l anything Mdm these Nylh but Nyd those Nwnh
the Gospel 0trbs that I was entrusted tnmyht0d for ryg they saw wzx on the contrary ty0ynrx0 but 0l0 7
with the circumscision 0trwzgb Keepha 0p0k was entrusted Nmyht0d as Ky0 of uncircumcision 0twlrw(d
of the circumcision 0trwzgd in apostleship 0twxyl$b Keepha 0p0kl Who encourages +pxd for ryg He wh 8

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of the Gentiles 0mm(d in apostleship 0twxyl$b me yl also P0 encourages +px

to me yl that is given tbhyt0d the grace 0twby+ they recognized w(dy & when dkw 9
& Yokhanan Nnxwyw & Keepha 0p0kw Yaqob bwq(y
pillars 0dwm( to be Nwhyty0d were wwh who esteemed Nyrbtsmd those Nwnh
& to Barnaba 0bnrblw to me yl they gave wbhy of fellowship 0twptw$d the right hand 0nymy
among the circumcision 0trwzgb & those Nwnhw among the Gentiles 0mm(b that we are Nnxd
we remember Nnydh( we would Nywh that the poor 0nksmld only dwxlb 10
to do hydb(0 this 0dh that yhd to me yl & it has been a concern l+bt0w
to his face yhwp0b to Antiokay ykwy+n0l Keepha 0p0k but Nyd came 0t0 when dk 11
by him hb they were wwh were stumbled Nylqttmd because l+m I rebuked him htsk0
of Yaqob bwq(y the presence twl from Nm persons 0$n0 would come Nwt0n for before 0ld(d 12
he 0wh withdrew dgn but Nyd they came wt0 when dk was 0wh he eating lk0 the Gentiles 0mm( with M(
he was 0wh afraid lxdd because l+m & separated $rpw himself h$pn
circumscision 0trwzg who of Nmd those Nwnh of Nm
of The Judeans 0ydwhyd others 0kr$ also P0 in this 0dhl with him hm( were wwh & yielded wymrt0w 13
their faces Nwhyp0b to accept bsml was 0wh led rbdt0 Barnaba 0bnrb that also P0d in this way 0nkh
they were going Nylz0 that not 0ld I saw tyzx & when dkw 14
of the Gospel Nwylgnw0d in the truth hrr$b uprightly ty0cyrt
of all of them Nwhlk to the eyes Ny(l to Keepha 0p0kl I said trm0
living 0yx as an Aramaean ty0mr0 are tn0 who a Jew 0ydwhyd you tn0 if N0
Gentiles 0mm(l you tn0 compel cl0 why? 0nky0 Jewish ty0dwhy & not 0lw you tn0
they should live Nwxn that Jewish ty0dwhyd
are Nnx Judeans 0ydwhy our nature Nnyk who from Nmd for ryg we Nnx 15
sinners 0y+x the Gentiles 0mm( from Nm we are Nywh & not 0lw
works 0db( from Nm a son of man 0$nrb is justified qddzm that not 0ld we know Nny(dyd because l+m 16
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd by the faithfulness 0twnmyhb but 0l0 of The Written Law 0swmnd
we believe Nnmyh The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb in Him hb we Nnx also P0
we shall be justified qddzn of The Messiah 0xy$md the faithfulness htwnmyh that from Nmd
works 0db( that from Nmd because l+m of The Written Law 0swmnd works 0db( from Nm & not 0lw
by The Messiah 0xy$mb to be justified qddznd we seek Nny(b when dk but Nyd if N0 17
sinners 0y+x we are Nnx also P0 to us Nl we are found Nxkt$0
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y so then Nydm
God forbid! sx of sin 0ty+xd is wh The Minister 0n$m$m
I 0n0 build 0nb these things Nyhl again bwt that I destroyed trtsd those things Nyly0l for ryg if N0 18
I 0n0 the covenant 0ndqwp against l( that violate rb(d myself y$pn about l( I have shown tywx
have died ttym to The Written Law 0swmnl by The Written Law 0swmnb for ryg I 0n0 19
I may live 0x0 that to God 0hl0ld
& from then on lykmw I 0n0 have been crucified Pyqz The Messiah 0xy$m & with M(w 20
The Messiah 0xy$m in me yb living yx but 0l0 myself 0n0 living yx I 0n0 it has been 0wh not 0l
that wh by faith 0twnmyhb in the flesh rsbb I 0n0 live yx that now 0$hd & this 0nhw
Who has loved us Nbx0d He wh I 0n0 live yx of God 0hl0d of The Son hrbd
for us Nyplx Himself h$pn & He has given bhyw
for ryg if N0 of God 0hl0d the grace htwby+ I 0n0 reject Ml+ not 0l 21
righteousness 0twqydz is yh The Written Law 0swmn by dyb
died tym for nothing Ngm The Messiah 0xy$m

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Chapter 3
you Nwkb rivals Msx who? wnm Galatians 0y+lg intelligence 0ny(r lacking yrysx Oh! w0 3:1
your eyes Nwkyny( before Mdq was 0wh The Artisan ryc portrayed was rcmd He wh as Ky0 for behold 0hd
He was crucified bylc when dk The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
of you Nwknm to know (d0d I 0n0 wish 0bc only dwxlb this 0dh 2
The Spirit 0xwr have you received Nwtbsn of The Written Law 0swmnd works 0db( from Nm
of faith 0twnmyhd the hearing 0(m$ from Nm or w0
in The Spirit 0xwrb that you began Nwtyr$d are you? Nwtn0 foolish Nylks in this way 0nkh 3
you Nwtn0 finish Nyml$m in the flesh rsbb & now 0$hw
you have endured Nwtrbys for nothing 0qy0 all Nyhlk these things Nylh 4
it were for nothing 0qy0 but Nyd & Oh that! Pwt$0w
The Spirit 0xwr among you Nwkb who gives bhyd therefore lykh is he? wh 5
works 0db( from Nm miracles 0lyx among you Nwkb & does r(sw
of the faith 0twnmyhd hearing 0(m$ from Nm or w0 of The Written Law 0swmnd
God 0hl0l Abraham Mhrb0 believed Nmyhd just as 0nky0 6
for righteousness wqydzl to him hl & it was accounted tb$xt0w
the faith 0twnmyh who from Nmd that those Nyly0d therefore lykh know w(d 7
of Abraham Mhrb0d children 0ynb are Nwn0 those Nwnh are Nwn0
that by faith 0twnmyhbd God 0hl0 knew (dy that before Mdqd for ryg because l+m 8
Abraham Mhrb0l evangelized rbs before Mdq the nations 0mm( are justified Nyqddzm it is wh
holy 0$ydq the scriptures 0btk that say rm0d as Ky0
the nations 0mm( all of them Nwhlk shall be blessed Nwkrbtn in you Kbd
the believer 0nmyhm with Abraham Mhrb0b blessed Nykrbtm are wh believers 0nmyhm so then Nydm 9
of The Written Law 0swmnd are Nwn0 works 0db( who from Nmd for ryg those Nyly0 10
for ryg it is written bytk are Nwn0 a curse 0t+wl under tyxt
shall do db(n who not 0ld everyone Nmlk is wh Cursed +yld
this 0nh in Law 0swmnb that is written bytkd all lk
by The Written Law 0swmnb a man $n0 is justified qddzm but Nyd that not 0ld 11
it is written bytkd because l+m is yh revealed 0ylg this 0dh God 0hl0 with twl
shall live 0xn by faith 0twnmyhb The just 0qydzd
faith 0twnmyh from Nm was 0wh not 0l but Nyd The Written Law 0swmn 12
those things Nyly0 shall do db(nd whoever Nm but 0l0
in them Nyhb shall live 0xn in it hb that are written Nbytkd
the curse 0t+wl from Nm redeemed Nnbz The Messiah 0xy$m but Nyd us Nl 13
a curse 0t+wl in our place Nyplx became 0wh & He whw of The Written Law 0swmnd
everyone Nmlk is wh Cursed +yld for ryg it is written bytk
on a tree 0syqb who is hanged 0lttmd
of Abraham Mhrb0d the blessing htkrwb will be 0wht that among the Gentiles 0mm(bd 14
the promise 0ydww$ may receive bsn & we Nnxw The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb
by faith 0twnmyhb of The Spirit 0xwrd
I 0n0 say rm0 children of men 0$nynb among tybd as Ky0 my brethren yx0 15
which is confirmed trrt$0d of a son of man 0$nrbd that a covenant 0qtydd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

anything Mdm in it hb changes Plx$m or w0 rejects 0lsm not 0l a man $n0

& to his seed h(rzlw the promise 0nklwm was promised Klmt0 but Nyd to Abraham Mhrb0l 16
to many 00ygsld as Ky0 To your seeds Ky(rzld to him hl He said rm0 & not 0lw
The Messiah 0xy$m Who is yhwty0d Him wh to One dxld as Ky0 to your seed K(rzl but 0l0
that the covenant 0qtydd I 0n0 say rm0 but Nyd this 0dh 17
was confirmed trrt$0 the first Mydq that from Nmd
after rtb from Nm that was 0whd that wh Written Law 0swmn in The Messiah 0xy$mb God 0hl0 from Nm
cast it away hylsnd can xk$m not 0l years Nyn$ & thirty Nytltw hundred 00m four (br0
the promise 0nklwm & cancel l+bnw
the inheritance 0twtry is yh The Written Law 0swmn from Nm but Nyd if N0 18
to Abraham Mhrb0l the promise 0nklwm from Nm it will be twh not 0l therefore lykm
God 0hl0 to him hl gave bhy it wh by the promise 0nklwmb but Nyd
it was added Pswtt0 apostasy 0twny+sm because of l+m The Written Law 0swmn therefore lykh why? 0nm 19
the promise 0ydww$ was 0wh to Whom hld Him wh The Seed 0(rz would come 0t0nd until 0md(
angels 0k0lm by dyb Written Law 0swmn that wh & was given bhyt0w
of a mediator 0y(cmd in the hand 0dy0b
is wh One dx but Nyd God 0hl0 of one dxd has been 0wh not 0l but Nyd a mediator 0y(cm 20
of God 0hl0d to the promise 0nklwmd is? wh contrary 0lbwqs therefore lykh The Written Law 0swmn 21
a law 0swmn was 0wh given bhyt0 for ryg if wl0 God forbid! sx
truly ty0ryr$ to give life wyxml was 0wh able xk$md which 0ny0
righteousness 0twqydz have been twh would 0ywh The Written Law 0swmn from Nm
sin 0ty+x under tyxt all things Mdmlk the scripture 0btk has closed off $bx but 0l0 22
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd by the faith 0twnmyhb that the promise 0nklwmd
who are believers Nynmyhmd to those Nyly0l would be given bhytn
us Nl had 0wh kept r+n The Written Law 0swmn the faith 0twnmyh would come 0t0t but Nyd until 0ld( 23
to be revealed wylgtml was twh that going 0dyt(d to the faith 0twnmyhl we were closed off Nny$ybx while dk
for us Nl was 0wh a guide 00rt therefore lykh The Written Law 0swmn 24
we would be justified qddzn the faith 0twnmyh that from Nmd The Messiah 0xy$m to twl
a guide 00rt under tyxt we were Nywh not 0l the faith 0twnmyh but Nyd came tt0 when dk 25
of God 0hl0d are Nwtn0 children 0ynb for ryg all of you Nwklk 26
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd by the faith 0twnmyhb
have been baptized Nwtdm( who into The Messiah 0xy$mbd for ryg those Nyly0 27
have put on Nwt$bl The Messiah 0xy$ml
servant 0db( there is neither tyl Aramaean 0ymr0 nor 0lw Jew 0ydwhy there is neither tyl 28
female 0tbqn nor 0lw male 0rkd there is neither tyl of liberty 0r0x son rb nor 0lw
The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb you Nwtn0 one dx for ryg all of you Nwklk
therefore lykm you are Nwtn0 of The Messiah 0xy$md & if N0w 29
by the promise 0nklwmb & heirs 0tryw of Abraham Mhrb0d you are Nwtn0 the seed h(rz
Chapter 4
is a child 0l+ that the heir 0tryd time 0nbz that as much 0mkd but Nyd I 0n0 say rm0 4:1
of all of them Nwhlkd he is wh lord 0rm while dk the servants 0db( from Nm distinct $yrp not 0l

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of houses 0tb & masters ybrw is yhwty0 guardians 0pwr+p0 under tyxt but 0l0 2
his father yhwb0 that appointed Msd the time 0nbzl until 0md(
we were Nywh children 0dwly when dk we Nnx also P0 in this way 0nkh 3
we were Nywh subject Nydb($m of the world 0ml(d the principles yhwskw+s0 under tyxt
His Son hrbl God 0hl0 sent rd$ of time 0nbzd the end hmlw$ but Nyd arrived 0+m when dk 4
The Written Law 0swmn under tyxt & He was 0whw a woman 0ttn0 from Nm & He was 0whw
He would redeem Nbzn are Nwn0 The Written Law 0swmn that under tyxtd that those Nyly0ld 5
of children 0ynb the position tmys & we would receive lbqnw
of His Son hrbd The Spirit 0xwr God 0hl0 has sent rd$ children 0ynb but Nyd because you are Nwkyty0dw 6
our Father Nwb0 Father 0b0 cries 0yrqd Who yh into your hearts Nwktwbll
children 0ynb but 0l0 servants 0db( you are Nwtywh not 0l therefore lykm 7
of God 0hl0d the heirs 0try also P0 children 0ynb & if N0w
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y by dyb
God 0hl0l you had Nwtywh known Ny(dy not 0l when dk for ryg then Nydyh 8
God 0hl0 were wwh not 0l their nature Nwhnyk that from Nmd those Nwnhl you served Nwtxlp
God 0hl0l that you have known Nwt(dyd but Nyd now 0$h 9
God 0hl0 by Nm that you are known Nwt(dyt0d & especially ty0rytyw
sick 0(rm principles 0skw+s0 those Nwnh to l( you Nwkl you have turned Nwtkph again bwt
to them Nwhl to be subject wdb(t$ml you wish Nwtybc the top $yrd & from Nmw & weak 0nksmw
you observe Nwtyr+n & years 0yn$w & times 0nbzw & moons 0xryw days 0mwy 10
among you Nwkb I have labored ty0l for nothing ty0qyrs lest 0mld I 0n0 fear lxd 11
I have been tywh like you Nwktwk0 I 0n0 that also P0d because l+m like me ytwk0 be wwh 12
me yb you have wronged Nwtlks0 anything Mdm not 0l of you Nwknm I 0n0 beg 0(b my brothers yx0
of my flesh yrsb in the illness twhyrkbd for ryg you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy 13
the first Mydq from Nm I have tywh I evangelized you Nwktrbs
you loathed Nwtdn & not 0lw you ridiculed Nwt+$ not 0l of my flesh yrsbd the trial 0nwysnw 14
you received me ynnwtlbq of God 0hl0d an angel 0k0lmld as Ky0 but 0l0
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$yld & as Ky0w
of you Nwkyl( for ryg I 0n0 testify dhs your blessedness Nwkbw+ therefore lykh where is? wky0 15
you would have Nwtywh plucked out Nycx your eyes Nwkyny( it were twh possible 0xk$m that if wl0d
to me yl & given Nybhyw
to you Nwkl have I become? tywh an enemy 0bbdl(b interrog. 0mld 16
the truth 0rr$ to you Nwkl because I have preached tzrk0d
for the excellence 0tryp$l is it 0wh not 0l you Nwkb they emulate Nymsx 17
that you Nwtn0d they want Nybc it is wh to oppress you Nwk$bxml but 0l0
them Nwhb emulate Nymsx you will Nwwht
excellence 0tryp$b that you would emulate Nwmsxttd but Nyd it is wh good ryp$ 18
only dwxlb I am 0n0 with you Nwktwld when ytm0 & not 0lw in every time Nbzlkb
in labor lbxm the top $yrd for whom from Nmd those Nyly0 children ynb 19
The Messiah 0xy$m in you Nwkb shall be formed rycttnd until 0md( I am 0n0
now 0$h with you Nwktwl to be 0wh0d but Nyd I have been tywh willing 0bc 20

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

at you Nwkb I am 0n0 dumbfounded hymtd because l+m my tone ylq trb & to change Plx$0w
to be Nwwhnd who wish Nybcd those Nyly0 you Nwtn0 me yl tell wrm0 21
you Nwtn0 do hear Ny(m$ not 0l The Written Law 0swmnl it hl The Written Law 0swmn under tyxt
to him hl were wwh sons Nynb two Nyrt Abraham Mhrb0ld for ryg it is written bytk 22
a free woman 0tr0x from Nm & one dxw a maid servant 0tm0 from Nm one dx
by the flesh rsbb the maid servant 0tm0 who from Nmd he wh but 0l0 23
is 0wh by the promise 0nklwmb the free woman 0tr0x who from Nmd but Nyd he wh was born dlyt0
covenants sqtyd of two Nytrtd illustrations 0t0lp are Nyhyty0 but Nyd these Nylh 24
to bondage 0twdb(l begets 0dly Sinai ynys Mount rw+ that is from Nmd one 0dx
Hagar rgh which is hyty0d
& agrees 0ml$w that is in Arabia 0ybr0bd Sinai ynysd is wh Mount 0rw+ for ryg Hagar rgh 25
& its children hynbw is yh bondage 0twdb( & serving 0xlpw Jerusalem Ml$rw0 with this 0dhl
our mother Nm0 which is hyty0d is yh free 0tr0x above 0tyl( Jerusalem Ml$rw0 but Nyd that yh 26
bears 0dly who not 0ld she yh barren one 0trq( rejoice ymsbt0d for ryg it is written bytk 27
because l+m gives birth 0lbxm who not 0ld she yh & call out y(gw & exult yxcpt0w
than Nm more ryty of the desolate 0tydcd children hynb have increased wygsd
of a wife 0tly(bd the children hynb
are Nnx of the promise 0nklwm children ynb Isaaq qxsy0 as Ky0 my brethren yx0 but Nyd we Nnx 28
by the flesh 0rsbb was 0wh who born dylyd he wh then Nydyhd & as Ky0w 29
it is now 0$h also P0 so 0nkh who was by The Spirit 0xwrbd him whl did 0wh persecute Pdr
the maidservant 0tm0l cast out hyqp0 the scriptures 0btk say rm0 what? 0nm but 0l0 30
of the maidservant 0tm0d the son hrb will inherit tr0n that not 0ld because l+m & her son hrblw
of the free woman 0tr0xd the son hrb with M(
are Nywh not 0l my brethren yx0 therefore lykh we Nnx 31
of the free woman 0tr0x children ynb but 0l0 of the maidservant 0tm0 children ynb
Chapter 5
freed us Nrrx in which The Messiah 0xy$md that yh in liberty 0twr0xb therefore lykh stand wmwq 5:1
of bondage 0twdb(d in a yoke 0rynb again bwt be yoked Nwndktt & not 0lw
to you Nwkl I 0n0 say rm0 Paul swlwp I 0n0 behold 0h 2
you Nwkl profits 0nhm not 0l a thing Mdm The Messiah 0xy$m you will be circumcised Nwrzgtt that if N0d
who is circumcised rzgtmd person $nrb to every lkl again bwt but Nyd I 0n0 testify dhsm 3
he should observe db(n The Written Law 0swmn that all hlkd he is wh that obligated byxd
those Nyly0 The Messiah 0xy$m from Nm to you Nwkl you have been destroyed Nwtl+bt0 4
you are justified Nwtyqddzm who by The Written Law 0swmnbd
you have fallen Nwtlpn grace 0twby+ & from Nmw
the faith 0twnmyh Who is from Nmd by The Spirit 0xwrb for ryg we Nnx 5
we wait Nnywqm of righteousness 0twqydzd for the hope 0rbsl
is hyty0 anything Mdm circumcision 0trwzg not 0l Yeshua (w$y for ryg in The Messiah 0xy$mb 6
in love 0bwxb that is perfected 0rmgtmd faith 0twnmyh but 0l0 uncircumcision 0twlrw( neither 0lw
agitated you Nwkdwd who? wnm you were Nwtywh running Ny+hr well ryp$ 7

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

you would obey Nwsyp+tt not 0l that the truth 0rr$ld

Who called you Nwkrqd Him wh from Nm is 0wh not 0l your persuasion Nwksyp 8
ferments (mxm lump 0tlybg the entire hlk a little lylq yeast 0rymx 9
other Nyrx0 that things Mdmd by our Lord Nrmb in you Nwkyl( do 0n0 trust lykt I 0n0 10
will bear yhwyrbysn he wh you Nwkl troubles xldd & whoever 0ny0w you will entertain Nwty(rtm not 0l
he is yhwty0d whoever Nm judgment 0nydl
I do tywh preach zrkm circumcision 0trwzg yet lykd( if wl0 my brothers yx0 but Nyd I 0n0 11
interrog. 0mld am I tywh persecuted Pdrtm Why? 0nml
of the crucifixion 0pyqzd the offense hl$k it hl has been eliminated? l+bt0
they would be cut down Nwqspn to cut down qspm also P0 but Nyd I would Pwt$0 12
you Nwkl who trouble Nyxldd those Nwnh
my brothers yx0 you are called Nwtyrqt0 it is wh to liberty 0twr0xl but Nyd you Nwtn0 13
of the flesh 0rsb an opportunity tl(l your liberty Nwktwr0x let be 0wht not 0l only dwxlb
another dxl one dx serving Nydb(t$m you should be Nwtywh by love 0bwxb but 0l0
saying 0tlm in one 0dxb The Written Law 0swmn for ryg all hlk 14
yourself K$pn as Ky0 your neighbor Kbyrql you shall love bxtd by this yhb is fulfilled 0lmtm
& you devour Nwtylk0w you bite Nwtytknm another dxl one dx but Nyd if N0 15
you be consumed Nwpwst another dx from Nm one dx lest 0mld beware wzx
walking Nyklhm you should be Nwtywh that in The Spirit 0xwrbd but Nyd I 0n0 say rm0 16
you will do Nwdb(t ever Mwtm from Nm not 0l of the flesh 0rsbd & the craving 0tgrw
The Spirit 0xwrl that opposes 0knd anything Mdm craves g0r for ryg the flesh 0rsb 17
the flesh 0rsbl opposes 0knd whatever Mdm craves 0gr & The Spirit 0xwrw
to another dxd one dx are Nwn0 contrary 0lbwqs & they both Nwhyrtw
doing Nydb( you will be Nwwht that you want Nwtybcd anything Mdm lest 0ld
you Nwtn0 are led Nyrbdtm in The Spirit 0xwrb but Nyd if N0 18
The Written Law 0swmn under tyxt you are Nwtywh not 0l
of the flesh 0rsbd the works yhwdb( for ryg are Nwn0 known Ny(ydy 19
whoredom 0twnxc impurity 0twpn+ fornication 0twynz which are Nwhyty0d
hate 0twbbdl(b witchcraft 0tw$rx of idols 0rktpd worship 0nxlwp 20
schisms 0qds dissensions 0twglp insolence 0nyc( rage 0tmx rivalry 0nn+ contention 0nyrx
like Nymd such things Nylhld & all lkw revelling 0rmz drunkenness 0twywr murder 0l+q envy 0msx 21
the first Mdqwl that from Nmd as Ky0 are committing Nyr(s that these things Nylhd & those Nyly0w
of God 0hl0d that the kingdom htwklmd I 0n0 say rm0 now 0$h also P0 to you Nwkl I said trm0
they inherit Nytry not 0l
peace 0ml$ joy 0twdx love 0bwx they are Nwhyty0 of The Spirit 0xwrd but Nyd fruits 0r0p 22
faith 0twnmyh goodness 0twb+ sweetness 0twmysb of spirit 0xwr patience trgm
is set Mys not 0l The Law 0swmn these Nylh against l( endurance 0twnrbysm humility 0twkykm 23
have crucified wpqz their flesh Nwhrsb are Nwn0 who of The Messiah 0xy$mdd but Nyd those Nyly0 24
& its cravings htgygrw its sicknesses yhwb0k all Nwhlk with M(
we shall surrender Ml$n & to The Spirit 0xwrlw in The Spirit 0xwrb therefore lykh we shall live 0xn 25
of glory 0xbw$ devoid yqyrs let us be 0whn & not 0lw 26

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

another dxb one dx & envy Nymsxw another dx against l( one dx who disparage Nylqmd
Chapter 6
by a fault 0twlksb should be overtaken Mdqtn of you Nwknm any $n0 if N0 my brethren yx0 6:1
in the spirit 0xwrb restore him yhwnqt0 are Nwtn0 who in The Spirit xwrbd those Nyly0 you Nwtn0
may be tempted Nwsntt you Nwtn0 also P0 lest 0mldd cautious Nyryhz & be Nwtywhw of humility 0tkykm
you fulfill Nwtylmm for in this way 0nkhd of one another 0ddxd burdens 0rqwy & bear wn(+w 2
of The Messiah 0xy$md The Law hswmn
something Mdm that he is yhwty0d thinks rbs a man $n0 for ryg if N0 3
he deceives 0(+m himself h$pn he is yhwty0 not 0l when dk
& then Nydyhw prove 0qb should 0whn his work hdb( a man $n0 but 0l0 4
in others 0nrx0b & not 0lw pride hrhbw$ there will be 0whn his soul h$pnl in himself yhwnyb
should carry lwq$n of himself h$pnd cargo 0lbwm for ryg every person $nlk 5
with him whl the word 0tlm who hears (m$d him wh but Nyd let share Ptwt$n 6
good 0tb+ in all things Nyhlkb to him hl preaches (m$md whoever Nm
is put to shame xzbtm not 0l God 0hl0 err Nw(+t not 0l 7
reaps dcx he wh that wh of man 0$n0 a son rb for ryg that sows (rzd anything Mdm
the flesh 0rsb from Nm sows (rz to the flesh rsbbd whoever Nm 8
sows (rz to The Spirit xwrbd & whoever Nmw reaps dcx he wh destruction 0lbx
shall reap dwcxn eternal Ml(ld life 0yx The Spirit 0xwr from Nm
to us Nl tedious 0n0m let it be twh not 0l what is good b+d we do Nnydb( & when dkw 9
us Nl it will tire N0mt & not 0lw that we reap dwcxnd time 0nbz for ryg there shall be 0whn
good 0tb+ let us work xwlpn to us Nl is ty0 time 0nbz while d( therefore lykh now 0$h 10
of faith 0twnmyhd of the household 0tyb children ynb to twl all the more ty0ryty every person $nlk to twl
with my hand ydy0b to you Nwkl I have written tbtk writings Nbytk these Nyly0 see wzx 11
you Nwkl urge Nycl0 those Nwnh in the flesh 0rsbb to boast Nwrhbt$nd who wish Nybcd those Nyly0 12
of The Messiah 0xy$md in the crucifixion hpyqzb for only dwxlbd to be circumcised Nwrzgttd
they would be persecuted Nwpdrtn not 0l
who are circumcised Nyrzgd such Nylh those Nwnh for ryg neither 0lp0 13
you to be circumcised Nwrzgttd they want Nybc but 0l0 The Written Law 0swmn keep Nyr+n
they may boast Nwrhbt$n yours Nwklyd that in your flesh Nwkrsbbd
in the crucifixion hpyqzb except 0l0 to boast rhbt$0d to me yl let be 0whn not 0l but Nyd to me yl 14
has been crucified Pyqz the universe 0ml( in Whom hbd The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd
to the universe 0ml(l I 0n0 have been crucified Pyqz & I 0n0w to me yl
anything Mdm is hyty0 circumcision 0trwzg for ryg not 0l 15
new 0tdx the creation 0tyrb but 0l0 uncircumcision 0twlrw( neither 0lw
peace 0ml$ agree Nyml$ path 0lyb$ who to this 0nhld & those Nyly0w 16
of God 0hl0d The Israel lyrsy0 & upon l(w & affection 0mxrw upon them Nwhyl( shall be 0whn
will put 0mrn not 0l trouble 0lm( a person $n0 on me yl therefore lykm 17
Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd the scars htmtwk for ryg I 0n0
I 0n0 have received lyq$ in my body yrgpb

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd the grace htwby+ 18
Amen Nym0 my brethren yx0 your spirit Nwkxwr is with M(

Chapter 1
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd an apostle 0xyl$ Paul swlwp 1:1
in Ephesus swsp0b who are Nwhyty0d to those Nyly0l of God 0hl0d in the will hnybcb
The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb & faithful 0nmyhmw holy 0$ydq
our Father Nwb0 God 0hl0 from Nm & grace 0twby+w with you Nwkm( peace 0ml$ 2
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm & from Nmw
of our Lord Nrmd The Father yhwb0 God 0hl0 is wh blessed Krbm 3
Who has blessed us Nkrbd He wh The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
in The Messiah 0xy$mb in Heaven 0ym$b of The Spirit xwrd blessings Nkrwb with all lkb
the foundation htymrt before Mdq from Nm in Him hb He chose us Nbg that before Mdqd just as 0nky0 4
before Him yhwmdq spot Mwm & without 0ldw holy 0$ydq that we shall be 0whnd of the universe 0ml(d
for Himself hl He ordained us Nm$r before Mdq & in love 0bwxbw
The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb children 0ynbl & established us Nmsw 5
to His will hnybcl that is pleasing rp$d as Ky0
of His grace htwby+d the glory 0xbw$ that may be praised xbt$nd 6
His Beloved One hbybx by dyb upon us Nyl( which overflows (p$0d that wh
& by His blood hmdbw redemption 0nqrwp to us Nl is ty0 for in Him hbd 7
of His grace htwby+d the wealth 0rtw( according to Ky0 of sins 0h+xd the forgiveness 0nqbw$
in us Nb which has superabounded trtyt0d That yh 8
intelligence lkws & in all lkbw wisdom 0mkx in all lkb
which before Mdqd that wh of His will hnybcd the mystery 0zr0 & He taught us N(dw0w 9
in Himself hb to do rw(snd ordained Ms He had 0wh
of the times 0nbzd of the end Nwhylwmd for the administration 0twnrbdml 10
would be made new tdxtn the top $yrd from Nm that all things Mdmlkd
& in earth 0(r0bw which are Heaven 0ym$bd by The Messiah 0xy$mb
He ordained us Nm$r that before Mdqd as Ky0 are chosen Nybgt0 we Nnx & in Him hbw 11
He would do r(s that all lkd He wh & willed 0bcw
of His will hnybcd the counsel 0ty(rt according to Ky0
we who first Nmdqd those Nyly0 we Nnx that would be 0whnd 12
of His glory htxwb$td to the honor 0rdhl in The Messiah 0xy$mb we hoped Nrbs
of truth 0t$wqd the word 0tlm you heard Nwt(m$ by Him hb you Nwtn0 that also P0d 13
you believed Nwtnmyh & in Him hbw of your salvation Nwkyyxd the Good News 0trbs which is hyty0d
was twh Who promised 0kylmd of Holiness 0$dwqd in The Spirit 0xwrb & you were sealed Nwtmtxt0w
to the redemption 0nqrwpl of our inheritance Ntwtryd The Pledge 0nwbhr is hyty0d Who yh 14
of His honor hrqy0d & for the glory 0xbw$lw who are saved Ny0xd of those Nyly0d
when I heard t(m$d from Nm behold 0h I 0n0 also P0 this 0nh because of l+m 15
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y which is in our Lord Nrmbd of your faith Nwktwnmyh
the holy ones 0$ydq that is for twld & your love Nwkbwxw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

your faces Nwkyp0 over l( to give thanks wydwml I 0n0 cease 0lt$m not 0l 16
in my prayers ytwlcb & to remember you Nwkdh(mlw
The Father 0b0 The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd that The God hhl0d 17
of wisdom 0tmkxd The Spirit 0xwr to you Nwkl would give ltn of glory 0txwb$td
with His knowledge ht(dyb & revelation 0nylgdw
that you will know Nw(dtd of your hearts Nwktwbld the eyes 0ny( & will be enlightened Nrhnnw 18
of the glory 0xbw$d the wealth 0rtw( & what is wnmw of His calling hnyrqd the hope 0rbs what is wnm
in the holy ones 0$ydqb of His inheritance htwtryd
in us Nb of His power hlyxd of the greatness 0twbrd the excellence 0twryty is yh & what? 0nmw 19
the action 0twndb(m according to Ky0 we who believe Nnynmyhmd in those Nyly0b
of His power hlyxd of the immensity 0pqwtd
& raised Him hmyq0w in The Messiah 0xy$mb which He performed db(d 20
in Heaven 0ym$b His right hnymy at Nm & set Him hbtw0w the dead 0tym among tyb from Nm
& powers 0lyxw & rulers 0n+lw$w principalities swkr0 all Nyhlk than Nm higher l(l 21
that is named hmt$md name M$ every lk than Nm & higher l(lw & lordships 0twrmw
in the one coming dyt(db also P0 but 0l0 this 0nh in universe 0ml(b only dwxlb not 0l
His feet yhwlgr under tyxt everything Mdmlk & He has put into subjection db($w 22
all lk than Nm higher l(l Who is yhwty0d & to Him hlw
to the church 0td(l as the Head 0$r He has given Him hbhy
of Him whd & the fullness 0ylmw$w His body hm$wg which is hyty0d 23
fills 0lm$m in all lkb Who all lkd
Chapter 2
in your sins Nwkyh+xb you were Nwtywh you who dead Nytymd you Nwkl & even fills P0w 2:1
& in your foolishness Nwktwlksbw
in them Nyhb you were Nwtywh you walked Nwtklh the first Mydq that from Nmd in these things Nylhb 2
the will hnybc & according to Ky0w this 0nh of world 0ml(d the secular life htwyml( according to Ky0
this 0dh & of spirit 0xwrdw of the air r00d of the authority 0n+lw$ of the Ruler $yrd
obedience 0twnsyp+tm without 0ld in the children 0ynbb which is diligent 0+pxtmd
in them Nwhb were employed Nkpht0 we Nnx that also P0d works 0db( in those Nwnhb 3
were Nywh & doing Nydb(w of our flesh Nrsbd in the desires 0tgygrb the first Mydq from Nm
& children 0ynbw & of our minds Nty(rtdw of our flesh Nrsbd the will 0nybc
the rest 0kr$ as Ky0 entirely ty0ylm of rage 0zgwrd were Nywh
in His compassion yhwmxrb Who is rich ryt(d but Nyd God 0hl0 4
in which He loved us Nbx0d great 00ygs His love hbwx because of l+m
in our sins Nyh+xb we were Nywh we dead Nytym when dk 5
He saved us Nqrp & by His grace htwby+bw The Messiah 0xy$m together with M( He gave us life Nyx0
in Heaven 0ym$b with Himself hm( & seated us Nbtw0w with Him hm( & He has raised us up Nmyq0w 6
The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb
of the wealth 0rtw(d the greatness 0twbr that are coming Nyt0d to the ages 0ml(l to show 0wxnd 7
upon us Nyl( which has come twhd & His sweetness htwmysbw of His grace htwby+d
The Messiah 0xy$m by Yeshua (w$yb

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

with faith 0twnmyhb we have been saved Nqrpt0 for ryg it is wh by His grace htwby+b 8
of God 0hl0d it is yh the gift 0tbhwm but 0l0 of you Nwknm was twh not 0l & this 0dhw
should boast rhbt$n a man $n0 lest 0ld works 0db( from Nm not 0l 9
who were created Nyrbt0d His hlyd for ryg we are Nnx creatures 0tyrb 10
those Nwnh good 0b+ for works 0db(l The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb
we should walk Klhn that in them Nwhbd God 0hl0 prepared by+ the first Mydq that from Nmd
Gentiles 0mm( that you Nwtn0d mindful Nydh( be you Nwtywh this 0dh because of l+m 11
you were Nwtywh of the flesh rsbd the first Mydq from Nm
uncircumcision 0twlrw( you were Nwtywh & called Nyrqtmw
circumcision 0trwzg which is called 0yrqtmd that yh by Nm
in the flesh 0rsbb of the hands 0ydy0 a work db( & is hyty0w
The Messiah 0xy$m without 0ld time 0nbz in that whb you were Nwtywh & you being Nwkyty0w 12
of Israel lyrsy0d the government 0rbwd from Nm you were Nwtywh & aliens Nyyrkwnw
& without 0ldw of the promise 0nklwmd to the covenant 0qtydl were wh & strangers 0ynsk0w
in the universe 0ml(b God hl0 & without 0ldw you were Nwtywh hope rbs
the first Mydq when from Nmd you are Nwtn0 The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb but Nyd now 0$h 13
of The Messiah 0xy$md by the blood hmdb you have Nwtywh come near 0byrq you were Nwtywh distant Nyqyxr
one 0dx the two Nyhytrt Who made db(d He wh our Peace Nny$ for ryg He is wywh 14
in the midst 0t(cmb was 0wh that standing M0qd the fence 0gys & He destroyed 0r$w
of command 0dqwpd & the Law 0swmnw by His flesh hrsbb & the hatred 0twbbdl(bw 15
that for the two Nwhyrtld He has cancelled l+b in His commandments yhwndqwpb
new 0tdx man 0$nrb one dxl in His Person hmwnqb He would create 0rbn
peace 0ny$ & He made db(w
God 0hl0 with M( body rgp in one dxb the two Nwhyrtl & He reconciled y(rw 16
the hatred 0twbbdl(b has killed l+q & in His crucifixion hpyqzbw
to you Nwkl of peace 0ml$ preaching the news rbs & He came 0t0w 17
& to those near 0byrqlw to the distant ones 0qyxrl
for us Nl has been 0wh there wh that in Him hbd because l+m 18
The Father 0b0 to twl Spirit xwr by One 0dxb both Nyrtl access 0brwq
guests 0btwt neither 0lw strangers 0ynsk0 you are Nwtywh not 0l therefore lykm 19
of The Holy One 0$ydqd of the city 0tnydm children ynb but 0l0
of God 0hl0d of the household htyb & children ynbw
& of the prophets 0ybndw of the apostles 0xyl$d the foundation 0ts0t$ on l( & you are built up Nwtynbt0w 20
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of the building 0nynbd of the corner 0nrq The Head $yr is 0wh & He whw
building 0nynb the whole hlk is constructed bkrtm & by Him hbw 21
in Jehovah 0yrmb holy 0$ydq to a temple 0lkyhl & grows 0brw
are Nwtn0 built Nynbtm by Him hb you Nwtn0 also P0 while dk 22
in The Spirit xwrb of God 0hl0d for the dwelling 0rm(ml

Chapter 3
I am 0n0 the prisoner 0rys0 Paul swlwp I 0n0 this 0nh because of l+m 3:1

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Gentiles 0mm( your sakes Nwkyp0 for l( The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd
of God 0hl0d of the grace htwby+d of the administration 0twnrbdm you have heard Nwt(m$ if N0 2
among you Nwkb to me yl that which is given tbhyt0d
the mystery 0zr0 to me yl was taught (dyt0 for by revelation 0nylgbd 3
briefly 0tyrw(zb to you Nwkl I have written tbtkd just as 0nky0
you Nwtn0 read Nyrq while dk you can Nwtyxk$md when 0m as Ky0 4
of The Messiah 0xy$md that is in the mystery hzr0bd my knowledge yt(dy understand wlktsml
was made known (dyt0 not 0l other 0nrx0 which in generations 0rdbd That wh 5
it is revealed ylgt0 now 0$hd as Ky0 to the children of men 0$nynbl
by The Spirit xwrb & to His prophets yhwybnlw holy 0$ydq to His apostles yhwxyl$l
of the inheritance htwtry children ynb the Gentiles 0mm( that would be Nwwhnd 6
& of the promise 0nklwmdw of his body hrgpd & members 0ptw$w
the Gospel Nwylgnw0 by dyb in Him hb that was given bhyt0d
a minister hn$m$m I have been tywh of which I 0n0d That wh 7
of God 0hl0d of the grace htwby+d the gift 0tbhwm according to Ky0
of His power hlyxd the action 0twndb(m from Nm to me yl which is given tbhyt0d
the holy ones 0$ydq of all of them Nwhlkd I am 0n0 who least 0rw(zd to me yl 8
among the Gentiles 0mm(b that I shall preach the Good News rbs0d this 0dh grace 0twby+ is given tbhyt0
is searched bq(tm which not 0ld that wh of The Messiah 0xy$md the wealth hrtw(
of the mystery 0zr0d administration 0twnrbdm that yh by 0dy0 every person $nlkl & I may enlighten rhn0w 9
The Creator 0rb of all lkd in God 0hl0b the world 0ml( from Nm was 0wh which hidden 0skd that wh
of God 0hl0d the wisdom htmkx would be known (dytt the church 0td( that by dybd 10
who are in Heaven 0ym$bd & to Rulers 0n+lw$lw to Principalities swkr0l & diverse 0n$rwp full tylm
eternity 0ml( from Nm had 0wh which He prepared dt(d that yh 11
our Lord Nrm The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb & He performed hdb(w
& access 0twbyrqw boldness 0yshrp to us Nl is ty0 by Whom hbd He wh 12
of his faith htwnmyhd in the confidence 0nlkwtb
of me yl you shall weary N0mt that not 0ld I request 0nl0$ this 0nh because of l+m 13
your glory Nwktxwb$t is yh for this 0dhd for you Nwkyp0 that are for l(d by my afflictions ynclw0b
The Father yhwb0 to twl my knees ykrwb & I bow 0np0kw 14
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd
fatherhood 0twhb0 every lk is named 0hmt$m from Whom hnmd Him wh 15
& in earth 0(r0bw that is in Heaven 0ym$bd
of His glory htxwb$td the wealth 0rtw( according to Ky0 to you Nwkl that He would give ltnd 16
in His Spirit hxwrb you may confirmed Nwrrt$t that by power 0lyxbd
inner wgld that in your person Nwk$nrbbd
& in your hearts Nwktwblbw by faith 0twnmyhb The Messiah 0xy$m may dwell rm(n 17
& your foundation Nwkts0t$w your root Nwkrq( confirmed ryr$ will be 0whn when dk by love 0bwxb
the holy ones 0$ydq all of them Nwhlk with M( discover wkrdml that you can Nwxk$td 18
& breadth 0ytpw & length 0krw0w & depth 0qmw(w the height 0mwr what is wnm
of the love hbwxd of the knowledge 0t(dyd the magnitude 0twbr & you may know Nw(dtw 19
of God 0hl0d fullness 0ylwm in all hlkb & you may be filled Nwlmttw of The Messiah 0xy$md

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

all lk than Nm more ryty in power 0lyxb Who is able 0cmd but Nyd to Him whl 20
or we imagine Nnynrw we ask Nnyl0$d what 0m than Nm & greater rytyw for us Nl to do db(ml
in us Nb that is active r(tsmd His power hlyx according to Ky0
The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb in his church htd(b glory 0txwb$t to Him hl 21
Amen Nym0 of eternities Nyml( of the eternity yml(d generations 0rd in all Nwhlkb
Chapter 4
in our Lord Nrmb a prisoner 0rys0 I 0n0 of you Nwknm therefore lykh I 0n0 request 0(b 4:1
in which you are called Nwtyrqt0d to the calling 0nyrql is suitable 00yd just as 0nky0 that you walk Nwklhtd
of spirit 0xwr & length twrygnw & quietness 0twxynw of mind 0ny(r humility twkykm in all hlkb 2
in love 0bwxb toward another dxl one dx patient Nyrbysm & you would be Nwtywhw
of The Spirit 0xwrd the harmony 0twyw0 to keep r+ml diligent Ny+ypx & be you Nwtywhw 3
of peace 0ml$d in the bonds 0qzxb
Spirit 0xwr & in One 0dxbw body 0rgp in one dxb that you would be Nwwhtd 4
of your calling Nwknyrqd hope 0rbs in one dxb you were called Nwtyrqt0d when 0m as Ky0
baptism 0tydwm(m & one 0dxw faith 0twnmyh & one 0dxw Jehovah 0yrm for ryg there is wh One dx 5
of all lkd The Father 0b0 God 0hl0 & one dxw 6
& in us all Nlkbw all lk & with dybw all lk & over l(w
grace 0twby+ is given tbhyt0 but Nyd of us Nnm one dx to each dxl 7
of the Messiah 0xy$md of the gift htbhwmd the size 0txw$m according to Ky0
to the heights 0mwrml He ascended qlsd it is said rym0 this 0nh because of l+m 8
to children of men 0$nynbl gifts 0tbhwm & He has given bhyw captivity 0tyb$ & brought captive 0b$w
if N0 but 0l0 is that yh what? 0nm but Nyd that He ascended qlsd 9
of the earth 0(r0d to the lower regions htytxtl first Mdqwl He descended txn that also P0d
higher l(l ascended qls Who also P0d The Same wh is He wywh Who descended txnd He wh 10
all things lk to restore Ml$nd Heavens 0ym$ all Nwhlk than Nm
who are prophets 0ybnd & some ty0w who are apostles 0xyl$d some ty0 gave bhy & He whw 11
who are pastors 0tw(rd & some ty0w who are evangelists 0nrbsmd & some ty0w
who are teachers 0nplmd & some ty0w
of the ministry 0t$m$td for the work 0db(l of the holy ones 0$ydqd for the perfecting 0rmgl 12
of The Messiah 0xy$md of the body 0rgpd for the building up 0nynbl
in faith 0twnmyhb thing Mdm one dx shall be 0whn we all Nlkd until 0md( 13
perfect 0rymg man 0rbg & one dxw of God 0hl0d of The Son hrbd & in knowledge 0t(dybw
of The Messiah 0xy$md of the maturity hylmw$d of the stature 0tmwqd with the dimensions 0txw$mb
& troubled Nynt$mw who are shaken Ny(z(dzmd children 0dwly we shall be 0whn neither 0lw 14
of children of men 0$nynbd crafty 0lykn of teaching 0nplwyd wind xwr for every lkl
to seduce Nw(+nd plot Ny(n+cm who in their cunning Nwhtw(rxbd those Nwnh
affairs Mdm that all lwkd in our love Nbwxb firm Nyryr$ we were Nywh but 0l0 15
The Head 0$r Who is wywhd in The Messiah 0xy$mb may increase 0brn our Nlyd
in every lkb & joined r+qtmw constructed bkrtm body 0rgp the whole hlk & from Him hnmw 16
member Mdh to every lkl in measure 0txw$mb given 0bhytmd a gift 0tbhwm according to Ky0 joint Nyr$

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

that in love 0bwxbd of body 0rgpd His hlyd for the growth 0tybrtl
His building hnynb may be completed Mlt$n
in Jehovah 0yrmb I 0n0 & testify dhsmw I 0n0 say rm0 but Nyd this 0dh 17
walking Nyklhm you should be Nwwht not 0l now 0$h that from Nmd
who walk Nyklhmd of the Gentiles 0mm(d others 0kr$ as Ky0
of their minds Nwhny(r in the emptiness twqyrsb
the Life yhwyx to Nm are Nwn0 & aliens Nyyrkwnw in their intellects Nwhy(dmb & they are dark Nykw$xw 18
knowledge 0t(dy in them Nwhb there is not tyld because l+m of God 0hl0d
of their heart Nwhbl the blindness twryw( & because of l+mw
their souls Nwh$pn & have handed over wml$0w their hope Nwhrbs who have cut off wqspd those Nwnh 19
in their greed Nwhtwn(yb impurity 0twpn+ of every hlkd & to the cultivation 0nxlwplw to lewdness 0twzxpl
The Messiah 0xy$ml you learned Him yhynwtply in this way 0nkh have 0wh not 0l but Nyd you Nwtn0 20
you have learned Nwtply & by Him hbw you have heard Him yhynwt(m$ truly ty0ryr$ if N0 21
is in Yeshua (w$yb the truth 0t$wq is yhwty0d whatever 0m as Ky0
first 0ymdq your way of life Nwkykpwh from you Nwknm that you should put aside Nwxyntd but 0l0 22
of deception yy(w+d by desires 0tgygrb who is corrupted lbxtmd old 0qyt( that wh man 0$nrbl
of your minds Nwky(dmd in the spirit 0xwrb & you should be made new Nwtdxttw 23
who in God 0hl0bd he wh new 0tdx the man 0$nrbl & you should put on Nw$bltw 24
of the truth 0t$wqd & in the purity 0twysxbw in righteousness 0twqydzb has been created yrbt0
the truth 0t$wq & speak wllmw lying 0twbdk from you Nwknm put aside wxyn0 this 0nh because of l+m 25
of another dxd one dx for ryg we are Nnx members 0mdh his neighbor hbyrq with M( a man $n0
let set br(n not 0l your anger Nwkzgwr on l( & the sun 0$m$w sin you Nw+xt & not 0lw be angry wzgr 26
to The Slanderer 0crq

lk0l a place 0rt0 you should give Nwltt neither 0lw 27

let him steal bwngn not 0l from now on lykm has 0wh stolen bngd & whoever 0ny0w 28
good 0tb+ & let him produce xwlpnw with his hands yhwdy0b let him toil 00ln but 0l0
who has need qynsd to the one Nml to give ltml to him hl that there will be 0whnd
let come out qwpt not 0l your mouth Nwkmwp from Nm hateful 0yns words 0lm any lk 29
for improvement 0nynbl & useful 0x$xw is good 0ryp$d whatever 0dy0 but 0l0
who hear Ny(m$d to those Nyly0l grace 0twby+ that you may give lttd
of God 0hl0d Holy 0t$ydq The Spirit 0xwrl grieving Nyqy(m be you Nwwht neither 0lw 30
of redemption 0nqrwpd to the day 0mwyl in Whom hb you have been sealed Nwtmtxt0d
& insults 0pdwgw & clamor 0bwrw & rage 0zgwrw & fury 0tmxw bitterness 0twryrm all hlk 31
wickedness 0tw$yb all hlk with M( from you Nwknm let be taken away Nlqt$n
& affectionate Nynmxrmw another dx to twl one dx sweet Nymysb & be you Nwtywhw 32
another dxl one dx forgiving Nyqb$ & be you Nwtywhw
us Nl has forgiven qb$ in The Messiah 0xy$mb God 0hl0d just as 0nky0

Chapter 5
of God 0hl0b imitators Nymdtm therefore lykh be you Nwtywh 5:1

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

beloved 0bybx children 0ynb as Ky0

loved us Nbx0 The Messiah 0xy$m also P0d as Ky0 in love 0bwxb & walk wklhw 2
the offering 0nbrwq our persons Nyp0 for l( Himself h$pn & handed over Ml$0w
sweet 0mysb for a fragrance 0xyrl to God 0hl0l & the sacrifice 0xbdw
& greed 0twbwl(w impurity 0twpn+ & all hlkw but Nyd fornication 0twynz 3
among you Nwktnyb should you name it hmt$t to be named whmt$m not even 0lp0
for holy ones 0$ydql is appropriate 00yd as Ky0
worthless 0twy+$d words 0lm neither 0lw abusive language 0tyxwc neither 0lw 4
are needed Ny(btm that not 0ld these things Nylh of nonsense 0y($d or w0 of disgrace 0xzbd or w0
thanksgiving 0tydwt these Nylh in place of Plx but 0l0
a fornicator 0ynz who is yhwty0d that every person $nlkd known Ny(dy you have Nwtywh but Nyd this 0dh 5
of idols 0rktp a servant xlp who is yhwty0d a greedy person 0bwl( or w0 impure 0pn+ or w0
in the kingdom htwklmb an inheritance 0twtry to him hl there is not tyl
& of God 0hl0dw of The Messiah 0xy$md
empty 0tqyrs with words 0lmb let deceive you Nwky(+n a man $n0 that not 0mld 6
the anger hzgwr comes 0t0 for ryg it is wh these things Nylh because of l+m
obedience 0twnsyp+tm without 0ld the children 0ynb on l( of God 0hl0d
partners 0ptw$ to them Nwhl you should be Nwwht therefore lykh not 0l 7
darkness 0kw$x the first Mdqwl from Nm for ryg you were Nwtywh you being Nwkyty0 8
in our Lord Nrmb you are Nwtn0 light 0rhwn but Nyd now 0$h
walk wklh in this way 0nkh therefore lykh of light 0rhwn children ynb as Ky0
in all hlkb of the light 0rhwnd for ryg the fruits yhwr0p 9
& truth 0t$wqw & righteousness 0twqydzw goodness 0twb+ are Nwn0
our Lord Nrm before Mdq is pleasing ryp$ what? 0nm distinguishing Ny$rp be you Nwtywhw 10
of darkness 0kw$xd the servants 0db( with twl fellowship Nyptwt$m you should Nwtywh neither 0lw 11
them Nwhl rebuke Nynwkm you should Nwtywh but 0l0 in them Nwhb there is not tyl because fruit 0r0pd
they do Nydb( that in secret yy$w+bd for ryg the thing Mdm 12
to mention it htwllmml also P0 is wh abomination dydn
the light 0rhwn from Nm are corrected Nwktm for ryg things Mdm all lk 13
is wh light 0rhwn that reveals 0lgd & everything Mdmlkw & are revealed 0lgtmw
& arise Mwqw who sleep 0kmd awake you ry(tt0d it is said rym0 this 0nh because of l+m 14
The Messiah 0xy$m you Kl & will illuminate rhnnw the dead 0tym among tyb from Nm
honorably ty0yhz you walk Nwklht just as 0nky0 therefore lykh see wzx 15
the wise 0mykx as Ky0 but 0l0 fools 0lks as Ky0 not 0l
are Nwn0 evil 0$yb the days 0tmwyd because l+m their opportunities Nwhsr0q who redeem Nynbzd 16
intelligence 0ny(r lacking yrysx be you Nwwht not 0l this 0nh because of l+m 17
of God 0hl0d the will hnybc what is? wnm understanding wlkts0 but 0l0
in which hbd with wine 0rmxb drunk Nywr be you Nwtywh neither 0lw 18
with The Spirit 0xwrb be filled wlmt0 but 0l0 debauchery 0tw+ws0 is ty0
& songs 0trymzbw & hymns 0txb$tbw in psalms 0rwmzmb yourselves Nwk$pn with M( & speak wllmw 19
to Jehovah 0yrml in your hearts Nwktwblb singing Nyrmz be you Nwtywh of The Spirit 0xwrd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of every person $nlk the face yp0 for l( in every time Nbzlkb giving thanks Nydwm be you Nwtywhw 20
The Father 0b0 to God 0hl0l The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd in the Name hm$b
of The Messiah 0xy$md in the love hbwxb to another dxl one dx subject Nydb(t$m be you Nwtywhw 21
to our Lord Nrmld as Ky0 to your husbands Nykyl(bl subject Ndb(t$m be you Nytywh wives 0$n 22
of the woman 0ttn0d is wh the head h$r the man 0rbgd because l+m 23
of the church 0td(d is wh The Head 0$r The Messiah 0xy$m that also P0d just as 0nky0
of the body 0rgpd The Savior 0nyxm & He is wywhw
to The Messiah 0xy$ml is subject 0db(t$m the church 0td(d just as 0nky0 but 0l0 24
in all things Mdmlkb to their husbands Nyhyl(bl wives 0$n also P0 in this way 0nkh
The Messiah 0xy$m that also P0d as Ky0 your wives Nwky$n love wbx0 men 0rbg 25
its sake hyp0 for l( handed over Ml$0 & Himself h$pnw His church htd(l loved bx0
& in the word 0tlmbw of water 0ymd in washing 0yxsb & purify it hykdnw to sanctify it hy$dqnd 26
glorious 0xb$m when dk for Himself h$pnl the church 0td( & He shall establish it hymyqnw 27
a wrinkle 0+mq neither 0lw a blemish 0$lw+ in it hb & there is not tylw
whatever 0md such things Nylhld any Mdm neither 0lw
a defect Mwm without 0ld holy 0$ydq it will be 0wht but 0l0
their wives Nwhy$n to love Nwbxnd men 0rbgl ought 0lw in this way 0nkh 28
loves bxm for ryg his wife httn0ld whoever Nm their bodies Nwhyrgpld as Ky0
loves bxm He wh himself h$pn
nourishes 0srtm but 0l0 his body hrgp hated 0ns ever Mwtmm a man $n0 for ryg not 0l 29
His church htd(d The Messiah 0xy$m that also P0d just as 0nky0 his own hlyd & cares for Pcyw it hl
His flesh hrsb & from Nmw of His body hrgpd we are Nnx members 0mdhd because l+m 30
His bones yhwmrg & from Nmw we are Nnx
& his mother hm0lw his father yhwb0l a man 0rbg shall leave qwb$n this 0nh because of l+m 31
flesh rsb one dx two of them Nwhyrt & they shall be Nwwhnw to his wife httn0l & shall cleave Pqnw
am 0n0 speaking rm0 but Nyd I 0n0 is wh great br mystery 0zr0 this 0nh 32
His church htd( & about l(w The Messiah 0xy$m about l(
of you Nwknm each dx one dx all lk you Nwtn0 also P0 yet Mrb 33
himself h$pnld as Ky0 his wife httn0 shall love Mxrn in this way 0nkh
her husband hl(b of Nm reverent 0lxd shall be 0wht but Nyd the woman 0ttn0
Chapter 6
in our Lord Nrmb your parents Nwkyhb0l obey w(mt$0 children 0ynb 6:1
is right 0n0k for ryg this 0dh
of a promise Kylmd first 0ymdq the commandment 0ndqwp & this is wnhw 2
& your mother Km0lw your father Kwb0l honor rqy
earth 0(r0 on l( your life Kyyx & shall be long Nwkr0nw well ryp$d for you Kl that it shall be 0whnd 3
them Nwn0 rear wbr but 0l0 your children Nwkynb anger Nwzgrt not 0l parents 0hb0 4
of our Lord Nrmd & in the teaching 0nplwybw in the discipline 0twdrmb
who are in the flesh rsbbd your masters Nwkyrml obey w(mt$0 servants 0db( 5
as Ky0 of heart 0bl & with simplicity tw+y$pbw & with trembling 0tytrbw in reverence 0tlxdb

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

The Messiah 0xy$mld

children of men 0$nynbld it is wh as if Ky0 of the eyes 0ny( in the sight 0zxmb not 0l 6
of The Messiah 0xy$md servants 0db( as Ky0 but 0l0 you Nwtn0 please Nyrp$
of God 0hl0d the pleasure 0nybc doing Nydb(d
your soul Nwk$pn all hlk from Nm them Nwn0 & serve w$m$w 7
children of men 0$nynbld as Ky0 & not 0lw our Lord Nrmld as Ky0 in love 0bwxb
that is pleasing ryp$d a man $n0 that does db(d anything Mdm it is whd you know Nwty(dy as dk 8
he is wh a servant 0db( if N0 our Lord Nrm from Nm will be paid (rptm he wh
of liberty 0r0x a son rb or if N0w
to your servants Nwkydb(l doing Nydb( be you Nwtywh in this way 0nkh masters 0yrm you Nwtn0 also P0 9
you Nwtn0 know Ny(dyd because l+m offenses 0twlks them Nwhl forgiving Nyqb$ be you Nwtywh
in Heaven 0ym$b is yhwty0 yours Nwklyd your Master Nwkrm that also P0d
with Him htwl there is not tyl of faces 0p0b & accepting bsmw
in our Lord Nrmb be strengthened wlyxt0 my brethren yx0 therefore lykm 10
of His power hlyxd & in the force 0pqwtbw
so that 0nky0 of God 0hl0d the armor 0nyz all hlk & put on w$blw 11
of The Devil 0crq lk0d the strategies ht(nc against lbqwl stand Mqml you can Nwxk$td
& blood 0mdw flesh 0rsb with M( has been 0wh not 0l your fight Nwk$wtktd because l+m 12
world 0ml( powers ydyx0 & with M(w rulers 0n+yl$ & with M(w principalities swkr0 with M( but 0l0
Heaven 0ym$ that are under tyxtd wicked 0t$yb spirits 0xwr & with M(w darkness 0kw$x of this 0nhd
of God 0hl0d the armor 0nyz all hlk put on w$bl this 0nh because of l+m 13
The Evil One 0$yb to confront Nw(r0t that you shall be able Nwxk$td
you shall stand Nwmwqt in all things Mdmlkb you are Nwtn0 ready Nydt(m & when dkw
with the truth 0t$wqb your waist Nwkycx & gird wqwzxw therefore lykh stand wmwq 14
of righteousness 0twqydzd the breastplate 0nyr$ & put on w$blw
of peace 0ml$d of the Gospel Nwylgnw0d with the readiness hbyw+ your feet Nwkylgrb & shoe wn0sw 15
that with it hbd of faith 0twnmyhd the shield 0rks to you Nwkl take wbs these Nylh & with M(w 16
to quench wk(dml the power 0lyx you may have Nwcmtt
of The Evil One 0$ybd burning 0dqy the bolts yhwr0g all of Nwhlk
the sword 0pys & grasp wdwx0w of salvation 0nqrwpd the helmet 0trwns & don wmysw 17
of God 0hl0d the word 0tlm which is yhwty0d of The Spirit 0xwrd
in every time Nbzlkb pray wlc desires Nw(b & in all lkbw prayers Nwlc & in all lkbw 18
at every moment Nd(lkb watching Nyrh$ be you Nwtywh in prayer 0twlcb in Him hbw in The Spirit xwrb
& make supplication Nyp$ktmw constantly ty0nym0 pray you Nwtylcm while dk
the holy ones 0$ydq all Nwhlk the sake of yp0 for l(
the word 0tlm to me yl that may be given bhyttd for me yl( also P0 19
I may preach zrk0 in the open 0lgb that eyes Ny(d my mouth ymwp in opening xtpmb
of The Gospel 0trbsd the mystery 0zr0
that in boldness 0yshrpbd in chains 0tl$$b an ambassador hdgzy0 of which I am 0n0d that wh 20
to speak it htwllmml for me yl it is necessary 0lwd as Ky0 I may speak it yhwyllm0
anything Mdm you Nwtn0 also P0 but Nyd that you will know Nw(dtd 21
you Nwkl will inform (dwm behold 0h I 0n0 that do r(sd & anything Mdmw that is with me ytwld
in our Lord Nrmb trustworthy 0nmyhm & minister 0n$m$mw beloved 0bybx brother 0x0 Tukiqos swqykw+

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

this 0dh for l( for it hyl( to you Nwktwl I shall send trd$ because him hld 22
your hearts Nwktwbl & he will comfort 0ybnw is with me ytwld what 0m that you will know Nw(dtd
God 0hl0 from Nm faith 0twnmyh with M( & love 0bwxw our brethren Nyx0 with M( peace 0ml$ 23
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm & from Nmw The Father 0b0
our Lord Nrml who love Nybxmd those Nyly0 all of them Nwhlk with M( grace 0twby+ 24
Amen Nym0 corruption lbx without 0ld The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
Chapter 1
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd servants 0db( & Timotheos sw0tmy+w Paul swlwp 1:1
The Messiah 0xy$m who are in Yeshua (w$ybd holy ones 0$ydq to all Nwhlkl
& the ministers 0n$m$mw the elders 0$y$q with M( in Philipus swpylypb who are ty0d
our Father Nwb0 God 0hl0 from Nm & peace 0ml$w with you Nwkm( grace 0twby+ 2
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm & from Nmw
constant 0nym0 the memory of you Nwkndhw( for l( my God yhl0l I 0n0 thank 0dwm 3
your faces Nwkyp0 that for l(d my prayers ytw(b for in all lkbd 4
I 0n0 make supplication P$ktm I 0n0 rejoice 0dx & while dkw
which is in the Gospel Nwylgnw0bd your partnership Nwktwptw$ for l( 5
now 0$hl & until 0md(w first 0ymdq the day 0mwy from Nm
that He whd this 0dh concerning l( I 0n0 trust lyktd because l+m 6
will accomplish Ml$n He wh good 0b+ works 0db( in you Nwkb began yr$d Who Nm
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd the day hmwyl until 0md(
to think wy(rtml for me yl it is right qdz for ryg in this way 0nkh 7
you are Nwtn0 placed Nymys in my heart yblbd because l+m all of you Nwklk about l(
the truth hrr$ that is for l(d in my spirit yxwrb & in going forth qpmbw & in my chains yrws0bw
in grace 0twby+b you are Nwtn0 for my partners yptw$d of The Gospel Nwylgnw0d
how much 0nky0d God 0hl0 for ryg my yl is wh witness dhs 8
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd with the affection yhwmxrb you Nwkl I 0n0 love bxm
& abound rtytnw may increase 0gsn that again bwtd I 0n0 pray 0lcm & this 0dhw 9
of The Spirit xwrd understanding lkws & in all lkbw in knowledge 0t(dyb your love Nwkbwx
that are suitable Nnh(d those things Nyly0 distinguish Ny$rp that you would Nwwhtd 10
of The Messiah 0xy$md in the day hmwyb an offense 0lqwt without 0ld pure Nykd & you may be Nwwhtw
which is in Yeshua (w$ybd of righteousness 0twqydzd with the fruit 0r0p & filled Nylmw 11
of God 0hl0d & for the honor 0rqy0lw for the glory 0xbw$l The Messiah 0xy$m
my brethren yx0 that you will know Nw(dtd but Nyd I 0n0 wish 0bc 12
came 0t0 all the more ty0ryty my ylyd that my condition ynr(wsd
the Gospel Nwylgnw0b to anticipate yhwmdql
by The Messiah 0xy$mb were revealed wylgt0 my chains yrws0 that also P0d in this way 0nkh 13
of everyone $nlkd & to the rest 0kr$lw the whole hlk in The Praetorium Nyrw+rpb
have been confident wlktt0 who are in our Lord Nrmbd of the brethren 0x0d a multitude 00gwsw 14
fear 0lxd without 0ld all the more ty0ryty & have been defiant wxy$0w my chains yrws0 because of l(
of God 0hl0d the word 0tlm to speak wllmml

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& contention 0nyrxw envy 0msx from Nm men $n0 & some $n0w 15
& in love 0bwxbw good 0b+ in will 0nybcb but Nyd men $n0 some $n0
are preaching Nyzrkm The Messiah 0xy$ml
a defense 0xwrb that to send qpmld they know Ny(dyd because l+m 16
I 0n0 am appointed Mys of The Gospel Nwylgnw0d
preach Nyzrkm The Messiah 0xy$ml who by contention 0nyrxbd but Nyd those Nwnh 17
they hope Nyrbsd but 0l0 sincerely ty0ykd it is 0wh not 0l
to my imprisonment yrws0l suffering 0nclw0 to add Nypswmd
way swrp that in every lkbd I 0n0 & do rejoice 0dxw I have rejoiced tydx & in this 0dhbw 18
will be preached zrktn The Messiah 0xy$m in the truth 0t$wqb or if N0w in pretence 0tl(b if N0
to me yl are found Nxkt$m for life 0yxl that these things Nylhd for ryg I 0n0 knew (dy 19
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd of The Spirit 0xwrd & in the gift 0tbhwmbw by your prayers Nwktw(bb
in anything Mdmbd I 0n0 & expect 0ksmw I 0n0 hope rbsmd just as 0nky0 20
always Nbzlkbd as Ky0 of face 0p0 in uncovering twylgb but 0l0 I shall be ashamed thb0 not 0l
in life 0yxb if N0 in my body yrgpb The Messiah 0xy$m will be magnified brwrtn now 0$h also P0
in death 0twmb or if N0w
is wh The Messiah 0xy$m my ylyd for ryg my life yyx 21
for me yl it is wh a gain 0nrtwy I shall die twm0 & if N0w
of the flesh 0rsbd life 0yx in this Nylhb also P0 but Nyd if N0 22
I 0n0 know (dy not 0l in my work ydb(b to me yl is ty0 fruit 0r0p
I yl shall choose 0bg0 what? 0nm
I 0n0 desire gygr to depart r+pml the two Nyhytrt for ryg to me yl are pressing Ncl0 23
I may be 0wh0 The Messiah 0xy$m that with M(d
for me yl would be twh better 0xqp much b+ & this 0dhw
is pressing 0cl0 in my body yrgpb to remain 0wq0d also P0 but 0l0 24
because of you Nwktl+m business 0twbc to me yl
I am 0n0 that remaining $0pd I 0n0 know (dy confidently ty0lykt & this 0dhw 25
& the growth 0tybrtlw your Nwklyd for joy 0twdxl I am 0n0 & dwelling 0wqmw
of your faith Nwktwnmyhd
by me yb will abound rtytn to you Nwktwl again bwt I come 0t0 & when dkd 26
alone dwxlb The Messiah 0xy$m which is in Yeshua (w$ybd your boasting Nwkrhbw$
be you Nwtywh of The Messiah 0xy$md to the Gospel htrbsl is suitable 00yd just as 0nky0 27
I 0n0 am absent qyrp or if N0w to see you Nwkyzx0 I come 0t0 that if N0d guided Nyrbdtm
spirit xwr in one 0dxb you Nwtn0 that stand Nymyqd about you Nwkyl( I may hear (m$0
as one dxk0 & you are celebrated Nwtyxcntmw soul $pn & in one 0dxbw
of the Gospel Nwylgnw0d in the faith 0twnmyhb
those Nwnh by Nm you Nwtn0 be shaken Ny(yzttm not 0l & in anything Mdmbw 28
of their destruction Nwhndb0d for a demonstration 0tywxtl against us Nlbwql who stand Nymyqd
your Nwklyd & for life 0yxlw
to you Nwkl given tbhyt0 is wh God 0hl0 from Nm & this 0dhw 29
in Him hb you should believe Nwnmyht believing wnmyhm only dwxlb that not 0ld
you should suffer Nw$xt His Face yhwp0 that for l(d also P0 but 0l0 in The Messiah 0xy$mb
in me yb which you have seen Nwtyzxd that wh as Ky0 struggles 0nwg0 & you should endure Nwrbystw 30
about me yl( you hear Nwty(m$ & now 0$hw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Chapter 2
in The Messiah 0xy$mb comfort 00ywb therefore lykh to you Nwkl there is ty0 if N0 2:1
communion 0twptw$ or if N0w with love 0bwxb of hearts 0blb filling up 0lmm or if N0w
& mercy 0mxrw tender care 0pxwr or if N0w of The Spirit 0xwrd
to you Nwkl shall be 0whn conscience 0ny(r that one dxd my joy ytwdx fulfill wml$ 2
intellect 0ty(rt & one 0dxw soul $pn & one 0dxw love 0bwx & one dxw
empty 0tqyrs in glory 0txwb$tb or w0 in contention 0nyrxb & anything Mdmw 3
of mind 0ny(r in humility twkykmb but 0l0 you shall do Nwdb(t not 0l
will esteem bw$xn than himself hnm more rtymd as Ky0 his neighbor hrbxl every person $nlk
let be concerned for Pc0n that of himself h$pnd a man $n0 neither 0lw 4
that of his neighbor hrbxd also P0 every person $nlk but 0l0
in yourselves Nwk$pnb reason w(rt0 & this 0dhw 5
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y which also P0d that yh
of God 0hl0d in the form 0twmdb He was yhwty0 Who while dkd He wh 6
this 0dh consider it hb$x spoil 0ypw+x did 0wh not 0l
of God 0hl0d The Equal 0mxp that He was yhwty0d
& was 0whw He took bsn of a servant 0db(d & the form 0twmdw stripped qrs Himself h$pn but 0l0 7
a man 0$nrb as Ky0 was found xkt$0 & in fashion 0mks0bw of children of men 0$nynbd in the form 0twmdb
death 0twml unto 0md( & He was obedient (mt$0w Himself h$pn & He humbled Kkmw 8
of being crucified 0pyqzd but Nyd the death 0twm
has exalted Him hmrmr greatly ygs0 God 0hl0 also P0 this 0nh because of l+m 9
names Nyhm$ all lk than Nm Which is greater rtymd The Name 0m$ to Him hl & He has given bhyw
shall bow Pwkt knee Kwrb every lk of Yeshua (w$yd that in The Name hm$bd 10
the earth 0(r0 from Nm & which is under txtldw & in the earth 0(r0bw which is in Heaven 0ym$bd
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y is wh that Jehovah 0yrmd shall confess 0dwn tongue N$l & every lkw 11
His Father yhwb0 of God 0hl0d to the glory 0xbw$l
you have obeyed Nwt(mt$0 at all times Nbzlkbd just as 0nky0 beloved ybybx therefore lykm 12
now 0$h but 0l0 only dwxlb to you Nwkl I am 0n0 nearby byrq when dk not 0l
in fear 0tlxdb all the more ty0ryty from you Nwknm I am 0n0 when far qyxrd
of your Life Nwkyyxd the service 0nxlwp do wxwlp & in trembling 0tytrbw
to desire 0bcml both P0 in you Nwkb carefully working +pxm for ryg is wh God 0hl0 13
you are Nwtn0 that desiring Nybcd thing Mdm that wh to do r(sml also P0
complaining 0n+r without 0ld doing Nydb( be you Nwtywh everything Mdmlk 14
division glwp & without 0ldw
children 0ynb as Ky0 blemish Mwm & without 0ldw perfect 0mymt that you would be Nwwhtd 15
& crooked 0mq(mw hard 0qs( in a generation 0rdb who dwell Nyrm(d of God 0hl0d purified 0ykd
in the world 0ml(b lights 0ryhn as Ky0 among them Nwhtnyb & appear wzxt0w
my ylyd for my boasting yrhbw$l of Life 0yx in the place tkwdb to them Nwhl for you are Nwkyty0d 16
I have run t+hr for nothing 0qy0 it was 0wh that not 0ld of The Messiah 0xy$md in the day hmwyb
I have labored tlm( worthlessly ty0qyrs neither 0lw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& service 0t$m$tw the sacrifice 0txbd on l( I 0n0 am offered 0qntm even if Np0 but 0l0 17
all of you Nwklk with M( I 0n0 & exult zwrw I 0n0 rejoice 0dx of your faith Nwktwnmyhd
with me ym( & exult wzwrw rejoice wdx you Nwtn0 also P0 in this way 0nkh 18
to you Nwktwl to send rd$0d Yeshua (w$y in our Lord Nrmb but Nyd I 0n0 hope rbsm 19
refreshing 0xyn to me yl it shall be 0whn to me yl that also P0d soon lg(b Timotheos sw0tmy+l
about you Nwktl+m I learn Pl0 when dk
here 0krh another Nyrx0 for ryg to me yl there is not tyl 20
what is yours Nwklyd is concerned for Pcy one who earnestly ty0pyk0d is wh myself y$pn who as Ky0d
seeking Ny(b are wh what is of themselves Nwh$pnd for ryg all of them Nwhlk 21
The Messiah 0xy$m what is of Yeshua (w$yd & not 0lw
a son 0rb that as Ky0d you know Nwty(dy of this one 0nhd but Nyd the proof hyqwb 22
in The Gospel 0trbsb with me ym( has worked xlp in this way 0nkh his father yhwb0 with M(
to you Nwktwl to send rd$0d I 0n0 hope rbsm this one 0nhl 23
is with me ytwld whatever 0m I shall have seen tyzxd whenever 0m soon lg(b
My Lord yrm upon l( I 0n0 & trust lyktw 24
to you Nwktwl am 0n0 coming 0t0 soon lg(b I 0n0 that also P0d
to you Nwktwl to send rd$0d a matter 0twbc urged me yntcl0 but Nyd now 0$h 25
& worker 0xlpw a helper 0nrd(m who is yhwty0d a brother 0x0 Epaphroditus s+ydwrpp0l
of my needs ytx$xd & a minister 0n$m$mw apostle 0xyl$ but Nyd your Nwklyd who is with me ym(d
you all Nwklkl to see 0zxml he was 0wh he longing 0wsd because l+m 26
that he was ill hrkt0d that you heard Nwt(m$d to know (dyd he was 0wh & grieved q(mw
God 0hl0 but 0l0 death 0twml unto 0md( for ryg he was ill hrkt0 also P0 27
only dwxlb upon him yhwl( but Nyd it was 0wh not 0l upon him yhwl( had compassion Mxr
sorrow 0q( upon l( sorrow 0q( to me yl would be 0wht lest 0ld upon me yl( also P0 but 0l0
to you Nwktwl I sent htrd$ therefore lykh diligently ty0+ypx 28
you will rejoice Nwdxt again bwt you will see him yhynwzxt that when dkd
rest 0$0pn shall be 0whn a little lylq & to me ylw
joy 0wdx in all lkb in Jehovah 0yrmb therefore lykh receive him yhwlbq 29
them Nwn0 hold wdwx0 with honor 0rqy0b are Nwn0 who such 0nkhd & those Nyly0lw
death 0twml unto 0md( of The Messiah 0xy$md for ryg the work 0db( because of l+m 30
what Mdm to fulfill 0lmnd his life h$pn l( & scorned rsbw he approached y+m
that was for me ytwld in the ministry 0t$m$tb you had Nwtywh you lacked Nwtrcbd

Chapter 3
these Nynh while dk those things Nynh in our Lord Nrmb rejoice wdx my brethren yx0 therefore lykm 3:1
they protect Nrhzm you Nwkld because l+m to me yl are tedious 0n0m not 0l to you Nwkl I write bwtk0d
evil 0$yb doers 0l(p of Nm beware wrhdz0 dogs 0blk of Nm beware wrhdz0 2
of flesh 0rsb cutters qsp of Nm beware wrhdz0
God 0hl0l we who serve Nnyxlpd those Nyly0 we are Nyty0 we Nnx for ryg the circumcision 0trwzg 3

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb & we glory Nnyrhbt$mw in The Spirit 0xwrb
the flesh 0rsb upon l( we trust Nnylykt & not 0lw
the flesh 0rsb on l( also P0 trust 0nlkwt to me yl it was 0wh there ty0 to me yl when dk 4
in the flesh 0rsbb in his trust hnlkwtd hopes rbs a man $n0 for ryg if N0
I 0n0 than he hnm more ryty do wh
of Israel lyrsy0d the family 0mhw+ from Nm days Nymwy of eight 0ynmt son rb circumcised 0ryzg 5
of a Hebrew 0yrb( son rb a Hebrew 0yrb( of Benyamin Nymynbd the tribe 0+b$ from Nm
a Pharisee 0y$yrp in The Written Law 0swmnb
& in righteousness 0twqydzbw of the church 0td(d a persecutor 0pwdr in zeal 0nn+b 6
I was tywh indictment Ny$r without 0ld of The Written Law 0swmnd
to me yl were ywh that advantages 0nrtwyd these Nylh but 0l0 7
The Messiah 0xy$m because of l+m them Nyn0 I accounted tb$x losses 0nrswx
for l+m a loss 0nrswx all Nyhlk these things Nyhl I 0n0 consider b$x also P0 8
My Lord yrm The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd of the knowledge ht(dyd the majesty 0twbr
a dung heap 0lbz & as Ky0w I have lost trsx everything Mdmlk for Whose sake htl+md Him wh
I may gain rt0 that The Messiah 0xy$mld I consider it tb$x
righteousness 0twqydz to me yl there is not tyl while dk in Him hb & I may be found xkt$0w 9
which is from Nmd that yh but 0l0 The Written Law 0swmn is that from Nmd which yh my own y$pnd
the righteousness 0twqydz which is hyty0d of The Messiah 0xy$md the faith 0twnmyh
God 0hl0 that is from Nmd
of His resurrection htmyqd & the power 0lyxlw Yeshua (w$yl I may know (dwt$0 that by it hbd 10
with His death htwmb & I may be conformed 0mdt0w in His sufferings yhw$xb & I may share Ptwt$0w
to the resurrection 0tmyql to come 0+m0 I shall be able xk$0 that perhaps 0mld 11
of the dead 0tym the place tyb that from Nmd
now wdk from Nm or w0 I have received it tbsn now wdk from Nm it has been 0wh not 0l 12
the thing Mdml I may obtain Krd0 that perhaps 0mld I 0n0 run +hr but 0l0 I am perfect trmgt0
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y apprehended me ynkrd0 for which htl+md
that I have obtained it tkrd0d I 0n0 think 0nr not 0l myself y$pn of l( I 0n0 my brethren yx0 13
I 0n0 have forgotten 0(+ that which is behind me yrtsbdd I 0n0 know (dy but Nyd one thing 0dx
I 0n0 reach out +$wt$m & before me ymdqlw
the victory 0twkz to take bs0d the goal 0$yn toward lbqwl I 0n0 & run +hrw 14
The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb of God 0hl0d from on high l(ld of the calling 0nyrqd
let be governed Nw(rtn by these things Nylh therefore lykh who are perfected Nyrymgd those Nyly0 15
you Nwtn0 are governed Ny(rtm otherwise ty0ynrx0 by anything Mdm & if N0w
to you Nwkl will reveal 0lgn God 0hl0 this 0dh also P0
that we may arrive Ny+md at this 0dhl however Mrb 16
accord 0twyw0 & in one 0dxbw let us follow Ml$n path 0lyb$ in one dxb
those Nyly0b observing Nyqbtm & be you Nwtywhw my brothers yx0 me yb imitate wmdt0 17
the pattern 0twmd according to Ky0 are walking Nyklhm who in this way 0nkhd
you have seen Nwtyzx that in us Nbd
are walking Nyklhm who differently ty0ynrx0d many 00ygs for ryg are ty0 18
about whom Nwhyl( to you Nwkl I have said trm0 many N0ygs times Nynbzd those Nwnh
enemies 0bbdl(bd those Nwnh I 0n0 say rm0 I 0n0 weep 0kb as dk but Nyd now 0$h
of The Messiah 0xy$md of the cross hpyqzd are Nwn0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

their belly Nwhsrk whose god Nwhhl0d those Nwnh is yh destruction 0ndb0 for their end Nwhtrxd 19
whose minds Nwhty(rtd these Nylh in their shame Nwhtthb & their glory Nwhtxwb$tw
are yh in the earth 0(r0b
there Nmt & from Nmw is wh in Heaven 0ym$b our business Nnxlwp but Nyd our Nlyd 20
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrml The Life Giver 0nyxml we look for Nnyksm
in the image 0twmdb to be 0whnd of our humiliation Nkkwmd the body 0rgp will transform Plxn for He whd 21
that wh great 0br His power hlyx according to Ky0 of His glory hxbw$d of the body 0rgpd
to Him hl is made subject db(t$0 everything lk by which hbd
Chapter 4
& dear 0myxrw beloved 0bybx my brethren yx0 therefore lykm 4:1
stand wmwq in this way 0nkh & my crown ylylkw & my joy ytwdxw
my beloved ybybx in our Lord Nrmb
Suntyka 0ky+nws & from Nmw I 0n0 seek 0(b Euodia 0ydhw0 from Nm 2
in our Lord Nrmb to them Nyhl shall be 0whn mind 0ny(r that one dxd
true 0ryr$ of my yoke ygwz son rb I 0n0 request 0(b of you Knm also P0 3
with me ym( labor y0l who Nynhd these Nyhl helping rd(m that you will be 0whtd
my helpers ynrd(md others 0kr$ & with M(w Qlemis symlq with M( in the Gospel Nwylgnw0b
of life 0yxd in the book 0btkb are written Nybytk whose names Nwhyhm$d those Nwnh
rejoice wdx I 0n0 say rm0 & again bwtw in every time Nbzlkb in our Lord Nrmb rejoice wdx 4
every person $nlk to twl let be known (dytt & your humility Nwktwkykmw 5
is wh near byrq our Lord Nrm
in prayer 0twlcb in every time Nbzlkb but 0l0 be concerned for Nwpc0t do not 0l anything Mdmd 6
your requests Nwktl0$ & with thanksgiving 0tydwtbw & in supplication 0tw(bbw
God 0hl0 before Mdq let be known N(dytn
mind (dm every lk than Nm which is greater brd that wh of God 0hl0d & the peace hml$w 7
The Messiah 0xy$m by Yeshua (w$yb & your minds Nwky(dmw your hearts Nwktwbl will keep r+nn
that are pious Npknd & those Nyly0w that are true Nryr$d those things Nyly0 my brethren yx0 therefore lykm 8
that are dear Nmyxrd & those Nyly0w that are pure Nykdd & those Nyly0w that are righteous Nn0kd & those Nyly0w
or of praise 0slwqdw of glory 0xbw$d works 0db( & those Nyly0w that are praiseworthy Nxyb$d & those Nyly0w
feed on w(rt0 these things Nylh
& you have received Nwtlbqw that you have learned Nwtplyd these things Nylh 9
do wrw(s these Nylh by me yb & you have seen Nwtyzxw & you have heard Nwt(m$w
with you Nwkm( shall be 0whn of peace 0ml$d & The God 0hl0w
in our Lord Nrmb I have rejoiced tydx but Nyd greatly ty0brwr 10
just as 0nky0 what is mine ylyd to be concerned for Pc0ml that you have come Nwtpq0d
you were Nwtywh enabled Nyqyps not 0l but 0l0 you were Nwtywh concerned Nypcy that also P0d
I 0n0 said rm0 to me yl there was want rsxd because l+m but Nyd was 0wh not 0l 11
for me yl enough qps that will be 0whnd I have learned tply for ryg I 0n0
to me yl that is ty0d anything Mdm it wh
what it is wh I 0n0 know (dy to be humbled Kkmt0d I 0n0 know (dy 12
things Mdm & in all lkbw in everything lkb to abound rtyt0d also P0
in hunger 0npkb also P0 in fullness 0(bsb also P0 I 0n0 learn $rdm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& in poverty 0twrysxbw in excess 0twxtr$mb

I 0n0 am a match 0cm things Mdm because for all lkd 13
me yl Who empowers lyxmd by The Messiah 0xy$mb in power 0lyx
my afflictions ynclw0l that you have shared Nwtptwt$0d you have done Nwtdb( well ryp$ however Mrb 14
that in the beginning 0yrw$bd Philippians 0yspylyp you Nwtn0 also P0 but Nyd you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy 15
one 0dx not even 0lp0 Maqedonia 0ynwdqm from Nm I went out tqpn when dk of the Gospel 0trbsd
& giving 0ltmw receiving 0bsm in an account Nb$wxb with me yl shared Ptwt$0 the churches 0td( of Nm
only dwxlb you Nwtn0 but 0l0
time Nbz one 0dx to Thessaloniqa 0qynwlstl that also P0d 16
to me yl you sent Nwtrd$ my necessities ytx$x & two Nytrtw
I 0n0 seek 0(b but 0l0 I 0n0 seek 0(b that gifts 0tbhwmd not wl 17
to you Nwkl may abound Nwgsn that fruit 0r0pd
I am 0n0 & full 0lmw to me yl & there is abundance rytyw I have received tlbq everything Mdmlk 18
Epaphroditus s+ydwrpp0 by dyb to me yl that you sent Nwtrd$d all lk & I took tbsnw
God 0hl0l that pleases rp$d acceptable 0lbqm & sacrifice 0xbdw sweet 0mysb a fragrance 0xyr
His riches hrtw( according to Ky0 your needs Nwktwqyns all hlk shall satisfy 0lmn & my God yhl0w 19
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd in the glory 0xbw$b
& the honor 0rqy0w is the glory 0xbw$ our Father Nwb0 but Nyd to God 0hl0l 20
Amen Nym0 of eternities Nyml( to the eternity Ml(l
the holy ones 0$ydq of all of them Nwhlkd the peace 0ml$b invoke wl0$ 21
The Messiah 0xy$m who are in Yeshua (w$ybd
who are with me ym(d the brothers 0x0 your peace Nwkml$b invoke Nyl0$
especially ty0ryty holy ones 0$ydq all of them Nwhlk your peace Nwkml$b invoke Nyl0$ 22
of Caesar rsqd the house htyb who from Nmd these Nylh
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd the grace htwby+ 23
Amen Nym0 all of you Nwklk be with M(

Chapter 1
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd an apostle 0xyl$ Paul swlwp 1:1
brother 0x0 & Timotheos sw0tmy+w of God 0hl0d by the will hnybcb
holy 0$ydq brethren 0x0 in Colossus swslwqb who are ty0d to those Nyly0l 2
The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb & believers 0nmyhmw
our Father Nwb0 God 0hl0 from Nm & grace 0twby+w with you Nwkm( peace 0ml$
of our Lord Nrmd The Father yhwb0 God 0hl0l we thank Nnydwm 3
for you Nwkyl( & we pray Nnylcmw in every time Nbzlkb The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
of your faith Nwktwnmyh when we heard N(m$d from Nm behold 0h 4
& your love Nwkbwxw The Messiah 0xy$m which is in Yeshua (w$ybd
the holy ones 0$ydq all of them Nwhlk that to twld
in Heaven 0ym$b for you Nwkl which is kept ry+nd that wh the hope 0rbs because of l+m 5
you have heard Nwt(m$ the first Mydq which from Nmd that wh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of the Gospel 0trbsd of the truth 0t$wqd in the word 0tlmb

the world 0ml( to all hlkl which also P0d as Ky0 to you Nwkl which was preached tzrkt0d that yh 6
the day 0mwy from Nm in you Nwkb that also P0d just as 0nky0 fruit 0r0p & yields 0bhyw & grows 0ybrw
in the truth 0t$wqb of God 0hl0d the grace htwby+ & you were taught Nwt(dwt$0w when you heard Nwt(m$d
Epaphra 0rpp0 from Nm you learned Nwtplyd what 0m according to Ky0 7
for you Nwkyplx is yhwty0 he who whd beloved 0bybx our companion Ntnk
of The Messiah 0xy$md trustworthy 0nmyhm a minister 0n$m$m
which is in The Spirit 0xwrbd your love Nwkbwx has made known to us N(dw0 & he whw 8
cease Nnyl$ not 0l when we heard N(m$d the day 0mwy from Nm we Nnx also P0 due to this 0nhl+m 9
with the knowledge 0t(dy that you be filled Nwlmttd & to request l0$mlw for you Nwkyl( to pray wylcml
wisdom 0mkx in all lkb of God 0hl0d of the pleasure hnybcd
of The Spirit xwrd understanding lkws & in all lkbw
God 0hl0l & you may please Nwrp$tw what is right qdzd according to Ky0 that you would walk Nwklhtd 10
fruit 0r0p & you would yield Nwlttw good Nyb+ works Nydb( in all lkb
of God 0hl0d in the knowledge 0t(dyb & you would increase Nwbrtw
the majesty 0twbr according to Ky0 you would be empowered Nwlyxtt strength lyx & in all lkbw 11
& in joy 0twdxbw of spirit xwr & in length trgmbw patience wnrbysm in all lkb of His glory hxbw$d
Who made us worthy Nyw$0d The Father 0b0 God 0hl0l thank Nwdwt 12
in the light 0rhwnb of the saints 0$ydqd of the inheritance 0twtryd for a part 0tnml
of darkness 0kw$xd the power hn+lw$ from Nm & He has saved us Nqrpw 13
Beloved 0bybx of His Son hrbd to the kingdom 0twklml & brought us Nyty0w
of sins 0h+xd & forgiveness 0nqbw$w salvation 0nqrwp to us Nl is ty0 in Whom hbd He wh 14
is seen 0zxtm Who not 0ld of God 0hl0d The Image 0twmd Who is wywhd He wh 15
created things 0tyrb of all Nyhlkd & is The Firstborn 0rkwbw
& in the earth 0(r0bw which is in Heaven 0ym$bd everything Mdmlk was created yrbt0 by Him hbw 16
thrones 0btwm if N0 is seen 0zxtm that not 0ld & everything lkw that is seen 0zxtmd everything lk
rulers 0n+lw$ or N0w principalities swkr0 or N0w dominions 0twrm or N0w
has been created yrbt0 & in Him hbw by His hand hdy0b everything Mdmlk
exist M0q by Him hb & all things Mdmlkw all lk is before Mdq The One Who Nmd & He is wywhw 17
which is the church 0td(d of the body 0rgpd the Head 0$r & He is wywhw 18
Who is from Nmd & The Firstborn 0rkwbw The Head 0$r for He is yhwty0d
in everything lkb The First ymdq that He would be 0whnd the dead 0tym among tyb
to dwell rm(ml Fullness 0ylwm All hlk has been pleased 0bc The wh for in Him hbd 19
all things Mdmlk to Himself hl to reconcile wy(rml & by Him hdy0bw 20
by His hands yhwdy0b of His crucifixion hpyqzd by the blood 0mdb & He made peace Ny$w
that are in Heaven 0ym$bd or N0w of things that are in earth 0(r0bd whether N0
you were Nwtywh aliens 0yrkwn the first Mydq who from Nmd you Nwkl also P0 21
because of l+m in your minds Nwkyny(rb & enemies 0bbdl(bw
now 0$h He has given you peace Nwkny$ evil 0$yb your works Nwkydb(
to establish you Nwkmyqnd & in His death htwmbw of His flesh hrsbd in the body 0rgpb 22
indictment Ny$r & without 0ldw blemish Mwm without 0ld holy ones Ny$ydq before Him yhwmdq
your foundation Nwkts0t$ is true 0ryr$ while dk in your faith Nwktwnmyhb you continue Nwwqt if N0 23

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of the Gospel Nwylgnw0d the hope 0rbs from Nm you are moved Nwty(yzttm & not 0lw
creation 0tyrb in all hlkb which was preached zrkt0d which you heard Nwt(m$d that wh
Paul swlwp of which I 0n0d that wh Heaven 0ym$ that is under tyxtd
its minister hn$m$m have become tywh
your sake Nwkyp0 that are for l(d in sufferings 0$xb I 0n0 & rejoice 0dxw 24
of The Messiah 0xy$md of sufferings yhwnclw0d the want 0twrysx I 0n0 & fill up 0lmmw
the church 0td( that being yhwty0d of His body hrgp for the sake Plx in my flesh yrsbb
according to Ky0 its minister hn$m$m have been tywh of which I 0n0d that yh 25
to me yl which is given tbhyt0d of God 0hl0d the administration 0twnrbdm
of God 0hl0d the word htlm that I would fulfill 0lm$0d among you Nwkb
the world 0ml( from Nm was 0wh which hidden yskmd that wh mystery 0zr0 26
to His holy ones yhw$ydql has been revealed ylgt0 but Nyd now 0$h generations 0rd & from Nmw
the wealth 0rtw( what is? wnm to make known (dwnd God 0hl0 that has chosen 0bcd to those Nyly0l 27
The Messiah 0xy$m which is wywhd among the nations 0mm(b this 0nh of mystery 0zr0d of the glory hxbw$d
of our glory Nxbw$d The Hope 0rbs Who is in you Nwkbd
& we teach Nnyplmw we preach Nnyzrkm Whom we Nnxd Him wh 28
person $nrb every lkl & we educate Nnylksmw
person $nrb every lkl to confirm Myqnd wisdom 0mkx in all lkb
The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb perfected rymg as dk
& fight $tktmw I 0n0 labor lm( also P0 for ryg He wh in this 0dhb 29
to me yl that is given bhytmd of the power 0lyxd with the help 0twnrd(mb I 0n0

Chapter 2
to me yl are ty0 struggles 0nwg0 what 0ny0 you to know Nw(dtd but Nyd I 0n0 want 0bc 2:1
others 0kr$ & for Plxw in Laodiqia 0yqydlbd those Nwnh & for Plxw for you Nwkyplx
in the flesh rsbb have seen wzx not 0l who my face ypwcrpd those Nyly0
& they may approach Nwbrqtnw their hearts Nwhtwbl that may be comforted Nw0ybtnd 2
& the understanding 0lkwslw of assurance 0sypd the wealth 0rtw( all hlkl in love 0bwxb
& of The Messiah 0xy$mdw The Father 0b0 of God 0hl0d of the mystery 0zr0d of the knowledge ht(dyd
treasures 0tmys all Nyhlk are hidden Nysk in Whom hbd Him wh 3
& knowledge 0t(dydw of wisdom 0tmkxd
you Nwkl deceive 0(+m should 0whn a man $n0 that not 0ld I 0n0 say rm0 but Nyd this 0dh 4
of words 0lmd in persuasiveness 0sypb
from you Nwknm I am 0n0 separated qyrp for ryg in the flesh rsbb though Np0 5
I 0n0 that see 0zxd I 0n0 & rejoice 0dxw I am 0n0 with you Nwkm( in spirit xwrb but 0l0
in The Messiah 0xy$mbd of your faith Nwktwnmyhd & the stability 0twryr$w your organization Nwktwsk+m
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$yl you have received Nwtlbqd therefore lykh just as 0nky0 6
walk wklh in Him hb our Lord Nrm
in Him hb you are Nwtn0 & being built up Nynbtmw your roots Nwkyrq( strengthening Nyrr$m as dk 7
that yh in faith 0twnmyhb you are Nwtn0 & being established Nymyqtmw
with thanksgiving 0tydwtb may you abound Nwrtytt in which hbd which you have learned Nwtplyd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

by philosophy 0twpslypb rob you Nwkclxn a man $n0 lest 0mld beware wrhdz0 8
the teaching 0nplwy according to Ky0 empty 0tqyrs & by deception 0twy(+bw
of the world 0ml(d the principles yhwskw+s0 & according to Ky0w of children of men 0$nynbd
The Messiah 0xy$m according to Ky0 & not 0lw
corporately ty0nm$wg of The Deity 0twhl0d The Fulness 0ylwm all hlk dwells rm( for in Him hbd 9
The Head 0$r is yhwty0 Who whd you completed Nwtylmt$m are Nwtn0 also P0 & in Him hbw 10
& Powers 0n+lw$w Principalities swkr0 of all Nyhlkd
by hands Nydy0b that is not 0ld by circumcision 0trwzg you were circumcised Nwtrzgt0 & in Him hbw 11
of The Messiah 0xy$md by the circumcision htrwzgb of sins 0h+xd the body 0rsb by putting off xl$b
& in it hbw in baptism 0tydwm(mb with Him hm( & you were buried Nwtrbqt0w 12
of God 0hl0d in the power 0lyxb because you believed Nwtnmyhd with Him hm( you arose Nwtmq
the dead 0tym among tyb from Nm Who raised Him hmyq0d
by your sins Nwkyh+xb you had Nwtywh who died Nytymd & you Nwklw 13
with Him hm( He has given you life Nwkyx0 in your flesh Nwkrsb & by the uncircumcision twlrw(bw
our sins Nyh+x all of them Nwhlk us Nl & has forgiven qb$w
of our debts Nybwx the bill r+$ by His authority yhwndqwpb & He has blotted out 0+(w 14
the midst 0t(cm from Nm & He took it hlq$w adverse to us Nlbwqs was 0wh which yhwty0d that wh
on His cross hpyqzb & He nailed it h(bqw
The Principalities swkr0l He stripped ysrp His body hrgp & by putting off xl$bw 15
by His Essential Self hmwnqb openly ty0ylg them Nwn0 & shamed thb0w & The Powers 0n+yl$lw
or about drink 0yt$mbw about food 0lk0mb let disturb you Nwkdwdn a man $n0 therefore lykh not 0l 16
& of Sabbaths 0b$dw of months 0xry & beginnings $yrdw of feasts 0d0(d in distinctions 0glwpb or w0
that were future Ndyt(d of those things Nyly0d shadows 0tynl+ because are Nyhyty0d these Nylh 17
is wh The Messiah 0xy$m but Nyd the body 0rgp
for your condemnation Nwktwbyxml of mind 0ny(r by humility twkykmb let wish 0bcn a man $n0 neither 0mlw 18
upon l( by which he presumes 0(sdb of angels 0k0lmd to the worship 0nxlwpl to subjugate you Nwdb(t$td
is puffed up rtxtm & emptily ty0qyrsw he sees 0zx that not 0ld something Mdm
of his flesh hrsbd in the mind 0ny(rb
body 0rgp the whole hlk from Whom hnmd the Head 0$r holding dx0 neither 0lw 19
& in the members 0mdhbw in the joints 0nyr$b & settled Myqtmw constructed bkrtm
of God 0hl0d with the growth 0tybrt & grows 0brw
The Messiah 0xy$m with M( you have died Nwttym for ryg if N0 20
it is wh as if Ky0 Why? 0nml of the world 0ml(d the principles yhwskw+s0 to Nm
are you Nwtn0 judged Nynydtm in the world 0ml(b you Nwtn0 that live Nyyxd
cleave Pqt neither 0lw taste M(+t neither 0lw touch bwrqt namely Ml not 0l 21
to be destroyed 0lbxtmd that need 0tx$x these things Nylh which are Nyhyty0d 22
of sons of men 0$nynbd & the teaching 0nplwyw are Nyn0 & commandments 0dqwpw
of wisdom 0tmkxd the word 0tlm in them Nyhb to have ty0d & they appear Nyzxtmw 23
of God 0hl0 & worship tlxdw of humility 0twkykm in the appearance Pwcrpb
of honor rqymd in things Mdmb not wl the body 0rgp of l( sparing Nysyx & without 0ldw
of the body 0rsbd are Nyn0 which the needs 0tx$xd in those things Nyly0b but 0l0
Chapter 3

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

The Messiah 0xy$m with M( you are risen Nwtmq therefore lykh if N0 3:1
sits bty where The Messiah 0xy$md the place rt0 seek w(b that which is above l(ld
of God 0hl0d the right side 0nymy on l(
that in the earth 0(r0bd & not 0lw feed on w(rt0 that which is above l(ld 2
are hidden Nysk & your lives Nwkyyxw for ryg to you Nwkl you have died Nwttym 3
in God 0hl0b The Messiah 0xy$m with M(
our Life Nyyx Who is wywhd is revealed 0lgtm The Messiah 0xy$md & whenever ytm0w 4
in glory 0xbw$b with Him hm( you will be revealed Nwlgtt you Nwtn0 also P0 then Nydyh
fornication 0twynz that are in earth 0(r0bd your members Nwkymdh therefore lykh kill wtym0 5
wicked 0t$yb & desires 0tgrw & diseases 0b0kw & impurity 0twpn+w
idol 0rktp worship tlxd is yh that which yhd & greed 0twbwl(w
of God 0hl0d the anger hzgwr comes 0t0 for ryg these things Nylh because of l+m 6
obedience 0twnsyp+tm of dis 0ld His children hynb upon l(
the first Mydq from Nm you walked Nwtklh you Nwtn0 also P0 & in these things Nylhbw 7
in these things Nyhb you were Nwtywh employed Nykphtm when dk
these things Nylh all Nyhlk from you Nwknm put off wxyn0 but Nyd now 0$h 8
impure 0pn+ speech 0llmm blasphemy 0pdwg wickedness 0tw$yb fury 0tmx anger 0zgwr
put him off yhwxlw$ but 0l0 with another dxb one dx lying Nylgdm you will be Nwwht neither 0lw 9
his ways yhwkpwh all of them Nwhlk with M( ancient 0qyt( the man 0$nrbl
in knowledge 0t(dyb who is made new tdxtmd the new 0tdx & put on w$blw 10
of his Creator hyrbd in the image 0twmdb
circumcision 0trwzg neither 0lw & Syrian 0ymr0w Jew 0ydwhy there is not tyld where rk 11
& Barbarians 0yrbrbw Greeks 0ynwy neither 0lw & uncircumcision 0twlrw(w
all lk but 0l0 & freeman 0r0xrbw servant 0db( neither 0lw
is wh The Messiah 0xy$m & in every person $nlkbw
holy 0$ydq of God 0hl0d the chosen ones 0ybg as Ky0 therefore lykh put on w$bl 12
& kindness 0twmysbw & compassion 0pxwrw mercy 0mxr & beloved 0bybxw
of spirit 0xwr & length twrygnw & gentleness 0twxynw of mind 0ny(r & humility twkykmw
another dxl one dx & forgiving Nyqb$w another dxl one dx forebearing Nyrbysm & be you Nwtywhw 13
just as 0nky0 outrage 0m(wr his neighbor hrbx against l( to anyone $n0l there is ty0 & if N0w
forgive wqwb$ you Nwtn0 also P0 in this way 0nkh you Nwkl has forgiven qb$ The Messiah 0xy$md
of perfection 0twrymgd the bond 0qzx which is wywhd love 0bwx all Nyhlk these things Nylh & with M(w 14
to which hld your hearts Nwktwbl will govern rbdn of The Messiah 0xy$md & the peace hml$w 15
The Messiah 0xy$ml thanking Nydwm & be you Nwtywhw body rgp in one dxb you are called Nwtyrqt0
wisdom 0mkx in all lkb richly ty0ryt( in you Nwkb may dwell rm(t that His word htlmd 16
in The Psalms 0rwmzmb your souls Nwk$pn & instructing Nydrw teaching Nyplm be you Nwtywhw
be you Nwtywh with grace 0twby+bw of The Spirit 0xwrd & in songs 0trymzbw & in praises 0txb$tbw
to God 0hl0l in your hearts Nwktwblb singing Nyrmz
& in works 0db(bw in words 0tlmb you Nwtn0 that perform Nyr(sd thing Mdm & every lkw 17
doing Nydb( be you Nwtywh The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd in The Name hm$b
The Father 0b0 to God 0hl0l by Him hdy0b giving thanks Nydwm & be you Nwtywhw
to your husbands Nykyl(bl be subject Nydb(t$0 wives 0$n 18

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

in The Messiah 0xy$mb that is right qdzd as Ky0

toward them Nyhyl( bitter Nyryrm be you Nwwht & not 0lw your wives Nwky$n love wbx0 husbands 0rbg 19
for ryg thus 0nkh in all things Mdmlkb your parents Nwkyhb0l obey w(mt$0 children 0ynb 20
our Lord Nrm before Mdq it is pleasing ryp$
they should lose heart Nwqy(ttn lest 0ld your children Nwkynb anger Nwzgrt not 0l parents 0hb0 21
of the body 0rgpd your masters Nwkyrml in all things Mdmlkb obey w(mt$0 servants 0db( 22
children of men 0$nynbl who please Nyrp$d those Nwnh as Ky0 of the eyes 0ny( in sight 0zxmb not 0l
of Jehovah 0yrmd & in the awe htlxdbw pure 0+y$p in a heart 0blb but 0l0
your souls Nwk$pn all hlk from Nm you are Nwtn0 that doing Nydb(d & all lkw 23
to children of men 0$nynbld as Ky0 & not 0lw that to our Lord Nrmld as Ky0 do wdb(
a reward 0n(rwp you will receive Nwtylbqm our Lord Nrm that from Nmd & know w(dw 24
you serve Nwtyxlp The Messiah 0xy$m for ryg Jehovah 0yrml in the inheritance 0twtryb
what Mdm according to Ky0 pays (rptm but Nyd the wrong doer 0nlksm 25
of faces 0p0b accepting bsm & there is not tylw he does wrong lks0d
Chapter 4
your servants Nwkydb( to twl & justice 0twn0kw equity 0twyw$ do wdb( masters 0yrm 4:1
in Heaven 0ym$b Lord 0rm The wh is ty0 to you Nwkl that also P0d aware Ny(dy & be you Nwtywhw
& be you Nwtywhw persevere wnm0t0 in prayer 0twlcb 2
& giving thanks Nydwmw in it hb you Nwtn0 watching Nyry(
the door 0(rt to us Nl would open xtpn that God 0hl0d for us Nyl( also P0 & praying Nylcmw 3
of The Messiah 0xy$md the mystery 0zr0 to speak wllmml of the word 0tlmd
I am 0n0 bound rys0 for Whose sake htl+md
for me yl it is necessary 0lwd just as 0nky0 & speak it yhwyllm0w that I may reveal it yhwylg0d 4
your opportunities Nwksr0q & buy wnbzw outsiders 0yrb toward twl walk wklh in wisdom 0tmkxb 5
should be 0wht with salt 0xlmbd as Ky0 with grace 0twby+b at all times Nbzlkb & your words Nwktlmw 6
how 0nky0 a man $n0 to each $n0l aware Ny(dy & be you Nwtywhw seasoned 0kdmm
an answer 0mgtp to give wbtml for you Nwkl it is appropriate 0lw
brother 0x0 Tukyqos swqykw+ will inform you Nwk(dwn but Nyd is with me ytwld whatever Mdm 7
in Jehovah 0yrmb & our companion Ntnkw trustworthy 0nmyhm & a minister 0n$m$mw beloved 0bybx
this 0dh for l( for it hyl( to you Nwktwl whom I sent trd$d this one 0nh 8
your hearts Nwktwbl & to comfort 0ybnw is with you Nwktwld whatever 0m to know (dnd
& beloved 0bybxw trustworthy 0nmyhm brother 0x0 Onesimus swmysn0 with M( 9
to inform you Nwknw(dwn those things Nwnh from you Nwknm who is yhwty0d he wh
is with us Ntwld whatever Mdm
who is with me ym(d captive 0yb$ Aristarkos swkr+sr0 your peace Nwkml$b invokes l0$ 10
of Barnaba 0bnrbd of paternal uncle hdd son rb & Marqos swqrmw
about him yhwl( whom you have been directed Nwtdqpt0d he wh
you should receive him yhynwlbqt to you Nwktwl he comes 0t0 that if N0d
who are Nwhyty0d these Nylh Yustus sw+swy who is called 0rqtmd he wh & Yeshua (w$yw 11
have helped me ynwrd( only dwxlb & those Nwnhw the circumcision 0trwzg from Nm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

comforts 00ywb to me yl were wwh & those Nwnhw of God 0hl0d in the kingdom htwklmb
a servant 0db( who is from you Nwknmd he wh Epaphra 0rpp0 your peace Nwkml$b invokes l0$ 12
in prayer 0twlcb for you Nwkyplx he labors lm( always Nbzlkb while dk of The Messiah 0xy$md
& complete 0ylm$mw perfect 0rymg that you may stand Nwmwqtd
of God 0hl0d pleasure hnybc in the whole hlkb
to him hl is ty0 much 00ygs that zeal 0nn+d about him yhwl( for ryg I 0n0 testify dhs 13
& in Airapolis sylwpry0bdw who are in Ladiqiya 0yqydlbd those Nwnh & for Plxw for your sake Nwkyplx
& Dema 0mdw our beloved Nbybx the physician 0ys0 Luqa 0qwl your peace Nwkml$b invokes l0$ 14
who in Ladiqiya 0yqydlbd of the brethren 0x0d the peace 0ml$b invoke wl0$ 15
which is in his house htybbd & of the church 0td(dw & of Numpha 0pmwndw
to you Nwktwl this 0dh letter 0trg0 is read tyrqt0d & whenever 0mw 16
it to be read 0rqtt of Ladiqiya 0yqydld in the church 0td(b also P0d cause wdb(
you Nwtn0 read it hw0rq Ladiqiya 0yqydl from Nm which was written tbtkt0d & that yhw
the ministry 0t$m$tb Remember rhdz0d Arkipus swpykr0l & tell wrm0w 17
it hl finish 0lm$m that you will 0whtd in our Lord Nrmb you received tlbqd that yh
who am Paul swlwpd my ylyd in hand 0dy0b this 0nh greeting 0ml$ 18
Amen Nym0 be with you Nwkm( grace 0twby+ my imprisonment yrws0l remember Nydh( do you Nwtywh

1st Thessalonians
Chapter 1
to the church 0td(l & Timotheos s0tmy+w & Silvanus swnwlsw Paulus swlwp 1:1
Yeshua (w$y & in our Lord Nrmbw The Father 0b0 in God 0hl0bd of Thessaloniqia 0yqynwlstd
& peace 0ml$w with you Nwkm( grace 0twby+ The Messiah 0xy$m
all of you Nwklk for l( in every time Nbzlkb God 0hl0l we thank Nnydwm 2
constantly ty0nym0 in our prayers Ntwlcb of you Nwkl & we are reminded Nnyrkdtmw
the works 0db( The Father 0b0 God 0hl0 before Mdq & we recall Nnydh(w 3
of your love Nwkbwxd & the labor 0lm(w of your faith Nwktwnmyhd
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y that in our Lord Nrmbd of your hope Nwkrbsd & the patience 0twnrbysmw
of God 0hl0d beloved yhwbybx my brethren yx0 your election Nwktwybg for ryg we know Nny(dy 4
only dwxlb in words 0lmb was 0wh not 0l our evangelism Ntwnrbsmd because l+m 5
of Holiness 0$dwqd & in The Spirit 0xwrbw in power 0lyxb also P0 but 0l0 to you Nwktwl it was twh
how 0nky0 you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy you Nwtn0 also P0 true 0ryr$ & in conviction 0sypbw
for you Nwktl+m among you Nwktnyb we were Nywh
the word 0tlm for you received Nwtlbqd & our Lord Nrmbw you imitated Nwtymdt0 us Nb & you Nwtn0w 6
of Holiness 0$dwqd of The Spirit 0xwrd & in joy 0twdxbw great 0br in affliction 0nclw0b
believers 0nmyhm to all Nwhlkl a model 0twmd & you were Nwtywhw 7
& in Akaia 0y0k0bw in Maqedonia 0ynwdqmb who are ty0d
of our Lord Nrmd the word htlm has been heard t(mt$0 for ryg from you Nwknm 8
place rt0 in every lkb but 0l0 & in Akaia 0y0k0bw in Maqedonia 0ynwdqmb only dwxlb not 0l
we shall need qntsn that not 0ld so 0nky0 is heard t(mt$0 which is in God 0hl0bd your faith Nwktwnmyh
anything Mdm about you Nwkyl( to say rm0nd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

for us Nl it was 0wh an introduction 0nl(m what 0ny0 relate Ny(t$m for ryg they Nwnh 9
the fear tlxd from Nm God 0hl0 to twl you were turned Nwtynpt0 & how 0nky0w to you Nwktwl
& True 0ryr$w The Living 0yx God 0hl0l that you would serve Nwxlptd of idols 0rktp
Yeshua (w$yl Heaven 0ym$ from Nm His Son hrbl you await Nwtyksm as dk 10
of the dead 0tym the house tyb from Nm Whom He raised Myq0d Him wh
that is coming 0t0d the fury 0zgwr from Nm us Nl delivers 0cpm He is The One Who whd

1st Thessalonians
Chapter 2
that our introduction Nnl(md my brothers yx0 you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy & you Nwtn0w 2:1
has been 0wh for nothing ty0qyrs it 0wh not 0l that was to you Nwktwld
you know Nwty(dyd as Ky0 & we were abused Nnr(+c0w we suffered Nn$x first Mdqwl but 0l0 2
with you Nwkm( we spoke Nllm great 0br in a struggle 0nwg0b & then Nydyhw in Philippus swpylypb
of The Messiah 0xy$md the Gospel htrbs of our God Nhl0d with the boldness 0yshrpb
deception 0twy(+ from Nm was 0wh not 0l for ryg our comfort N0ywb 3
by treachery 0lknb neither 0lp0 impurity 0twpn+ from Nm neither 0lp0
to be entrusted Nmyhttd by God 0hl0l we were approved Nnyqbd when 0m as Ky0 but 0l0 4
of men 0$n0 the children ynbld as if Ky0 not 0l we speak Nnyllmm so 0nkh with His gospel htrbs
our hearts Ntwbl Who proves 0qbd Him wh God 0hl0l but 0l0 we would please rp$n
solicitation 0ld$ speaking 0llmmb do we employ Nx$xt0 ever Mwtmm for ryg neither 0lp0 5
of greed 0twn(yd in pretext 0tl(b neither 0lw you Nwtn0 know Ny(dyd as Ky0
testifies dhs God 0hl0
from you Nwknm not 0l children of men 0$nynb from Nm glory 0xbw$ do we seek Ny(b neither 0lw 6
have been Nywh we could Nyxk$m when dk others 0nrx0 from Nm neither 0lw
of The Messiah 0xy$md apostles 0xyl$ as Ky0 to be 0whml honored 0ryqy
meek 0kykm among you Nwktnyb we were Nywh but 0l0 7
her children hynb who cherishes 0bbxmd a nursemaid 0tynybrm & as Ky0w
you Nwkl to give ltml & we long Nnyxwsmw we cherish Nnybbxm we Nnx also P0 in this way 0nkh 8
our lives N$pn also P0 but 0l0 of God 0hl0d the Good News htrbs only dwxlb not 0l
you are Nwtn0 our beloved Nybybxd because l+m
that toiling Ny0ld brethren Nyx0 for ryg you Nwtn0 remember Nydh( 9
by night 0yllb of our hands Nydy0 by works db(b & laboring Nylm(w we were Nywh
we may be a burden rq0n not 0l of you Nwknm one dx that upon l(d & by day 0mmy0bw
to you Nwkl we preached Nzrk0 how 0nky0 & God 0hl0w are witnesses Nydhs you Nwtn0 10
& rightly ty0n0kw purely ty0ykd of God 0hl0d the Good News htrbs
the believers 0nmyhm all of them Nwhlk toward twl we were Nywh fault Ny$r & without 0ldw
a father 0b0 as Ky0 of you Nwknm one dx each dx that from Nmd you Nwtn0 know Ny(dyd just as 0nky0 11
your hearts Nwkblb we are Nywh & filling Nylmw we have been Nywh pleading Ny(b his children yhwnb with Nm
you Nwkl & we charge Nnydhsmw
to God 0hl0l is suitable 00yd as Ky0 to walk Nwklhtd 12
& to His glory hxbw$lw to His kingdom htwklml Who called you Nwkrqd He wh
God 0hl0l constantly ty0nym0 we thank Nnydwm we Nnx also P0 this 0nh because of l+m 13

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

from us Nnm that you have received Nwtlbqd of God 0hl0d that the word 0tlmd
you received it hnwtlbq of the children of men 0$nynbd the word 0tlm as Ky0 it was 0wh not 0l
of God 0hl0d the word 0tlm truly ty0ryr$ it is hyty0d just as 0nky0 but 0l0
who believe Nynmyhmd in those Nyly0b among you Nwkb is working 0r(tsm by works 0db(b & which yhw
of God 0hl0d the churches 0td(l you imitated Nwtymdt0 my brethren yx0 but Nyd you Nwtn0 14
The Messiah 0xy$m who are in Yeshua (w$ybd these Nylh that are in Judea dwhybd
the children ynb from Nm you Nwtn0 also P0 you suffered Nwtrbys so Nkhd
The Judeans 0ydwhy of Nm they Nwnh also P0d just as 0nky0 of your nation Nwktbr$
murdered wl+q The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y who our Lord Nrmld those Nwnh 15
they have persecuted wpdr & us Nlw who were from them Nwhnmd & the prophets 0ybnlw
opposed 0lbwqs & have become Nydyb(w they please Nyrp$ not 0l & God 0hl0lw
of men 0$n0 children ynb to all Nwhlkl
the Gentiles 0mm( with M( to speak llmnd us Nl for they forbid Nylkd 16
in every time Nbzlkb their sins Nwhyh+x to fulfill wml$ml that they may live Nwxnd
the end 0trxl until 0md( fury 0zgwr upon them Nwhyl( but Nyd has arrived y+m
of an hour 0t($d a time 0nbz of you Nwknm bereaved 0mty we were Nywh brethren Nyx0 but Nyd we Nnx 17
to see 0zxml we took pains N+pxt0 & all the more ty0rytyw in our hearts Nblb & not 0lw in faces Nyp0b
much 00ygs in love 0bwxb your faces Nwkyp0
Paul swlwp I 0n0 to you Nwktwl to come 0t0nd & we wished Nybcw 18
Satan 0n+s & hindered me ynkw(w & twice Nytrtw time Nbz one 0dx
of our glory Nrhbw$d & crown 0lylkw & our joy Ntwdxw our hope Nrbs for ryg what is? wny0 19
at His coming htyt0mb Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm before Mdq you Nwtn0 only N0 but 0l0
& our joy Ntwdxw our glory Ntxwb$t for ryg are Nwn0 you Nwtn0 20
1st Thessalonians
Chapter 3
to remain $pml we chose Nybc we resisted Nnsmx not 0ld & because l+mw 3:1
by ourselves Nydwxlb in Athenos swnt0b
our brother Nwx0 Timotheos sw0tmy+l to you Nwktwl & we sent rd$nw 2
in the Good News htrbsb & our helper Nnrd(mw of God 0hl0d & a minister 0n$m$mw
of you Nwknm & inquire 0(bnw that he may strengthen you Nwkrr$nd of The Messiah 0xy$md
your faith Nwktwnmyh concerning l(
by suffering 0nclw0b to him hl should lose hope (+qtt of you Nwknm a man $n0 lest 0ld 3
we are appointed Nnymys it is wh that for this 0dhld are Nwtn0 aware Ny(dy for ryg you Nwtn0 such things Nylh
to you Nwkl we said Nrm0 we before Nmdq for ryg we were Nywh with you Nwktwl when dk also P0 4
it was 0whd you Nwtn0 know Ny(dyd just as 0nky0 be persecuted wcl0tml that we would Nnydyt(d
I sent trd$d so that 0md( I restrained tnsmx not 0l I 0n0 also P0 this 0nh because of l+m 5
The Tempter 0nysnm would tempt you Nwkysnn lest 0mldd your faith Nwktwnmyh to know (d0d
worthless 0qyrs our labor Nlm( & would be 0whnw
Timotheos sw0tmy+ to us Ntwl has come 0t0d since Nm but Nyd now 0$h 6
your faith Nwktwnmyh concerning l( & he gave us good news Nrbsw your midst Nwkyd0c from Nm
to you Nwktwl & that there is ty0dw your love Nwkbwx & about l(w
place Nd( in every lkb good 0b+ our commemoration Nndhw(
you Nwkl we Nnx that also P0d just as 0nky0 to see us Nyzxml you Nwtn0 & desire Nywsw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

brethren Nyx0 by you Nwkb we were comforted N0ybt0 this 0nh because of l+m 7
your faith Nwktwnmyh because of l+m & our afflictions Nynclw0w our adversities Ntq( all Nyhlk over l(
in our Lord Nrmb will abide Nwmyqtt you Nwtn0 if N0 we live Nnyyx it is wh & now 0$hw 8
on your behalf Nwkyplx pay (rpml can we Nnyxk$m thanks 0tydwt for ryg what? 0dy0 9
because of you Nwktl+m with which we rejoice Nnydxd joy 0twdx every lk for l( to God 0hl0l
we pray earnestly P$ktn all the more ty0ryty God 0hl0 that before Mdqd except 0l0 10
whatever 0m & perfect rwmgnw your faces Nwkyp0 to see 0zxnd & by day 0mmy0bw by night 0yllb
in your faith Nwktwnmyh is lacking 0rysxd
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y & our Lord Nrmw our Father Nwb0 God 0hl0 but Nyd He wh 11
to you Nwktwl our way Nxrw0 shall direct cwrtn
your love Nwkbwx & increase rtynw & may He multiply 0gsnw 12
every person $nlk & that to twldw another dx to twl of one dxd
you Nwkl we love Nnybxm we Nnxd just as 0nky0
in holiness 0tw$ydqb fault Ny$r without 0ld your hearts Nwktwbl & may He establish Myqnw 13
of our Lord Nrmd at the arrival htyt0mb our Father Nwb0 God 0hl0 before Mdq
His holy ones yhw$ydq all of them Nwhlk Who is with M(d The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
1st Thessalonians
Chapter 4
for you Nwkl & we pray earnestly Nnyp$ktmw of you Nwknm we beg Nny(b my brothers yx0 therefore lykm 4:1
of us Nnm you have received Nwtlbqd that as Ky0d Yeshua (w$y in our Lord Nrmb
that you should walk Nwklhtd for you Nwkl it is necessary 0lw how Nky0
you may grow Nwpswt that all the more ty0rytyd God 0hl0l & you should please Nwrp$tw
commandments 0ndqwp those Nyly0 for ryg you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy 2
Yeshua (w$y by our Lord Nrmb to you Nwkl we gave Nbhy
your holiness Nwktw$ydq of God 0hl0d the will hnybc for ryg this is wnh 3
fornication 0twynz all lk from Nm separate Nyqyrp & that you be Nwwhtdw
his/her vessel hn0m to possess 0nqml of you Nwknm person $n0 each $n0 know (dy & will 0whnw 4
& in honor 0rqy0bw in holiness 0tw$ydqb
of the Gentiles 0mm(d others 0kr$ as Ky0 of lust 0tgrd in passion 0$xb & not 0lw 5
God 0hl0l do know Ny(dy who not 0ld those Nwnh
to violate rb(ml presume Nyxy$m should you Nwwht neither 0lw 6
matter 0twbc in this 0dhb his brother yhwx0l a man $n0 & to take advantage of bl(mlw
all Nyhlk these Nylh of l( The Avenger 0(wbt He is wh our Lord Nrmd because l+m
we said Nrm0 times 0nbz before Mdq from Nm that also P0d just as 0nky0
& we testified Ndhsw to you Nwkl
to holiness 0tw$ydql but 0l0 to impurity 0twpn+l God 0hl0 has called you Nwkrq for ryg not 0l 7
he defrauds Ml+ a man 0$nrbl it is 0wh not 0l defrauds Ml+d whoever Nm therefore lykm 8
The Holy 0t$ydq His Spirit hxwr in you Nwkb Who gives bhyd Him wh God 0hl0l but 0l0
you need Nwtyqyns not 0l of brothers 0x0d but Nyd love 0bwx concerning l( 9
yourselves Nwkmwnq for ryg you Nwtn0 to you Nwkl to be written btkml
another dxl one dx to love Nwbxtd of God 0hl0d you are Nwtn0 taught 0plm
brothers 0x0 to all Nwhlkl so 0nkh you are Nwtn0 doing Nydb( also P0 10

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

but Nyd I 0n0 beg 0(b Maqedonia 0ynwdqm who are in all hlkbd
that you superabound Nwrtyttd my brothers yx0 of you Nwknm
& occupied Nyn(w peaceable Nyl$ that you would be Nwwhtd & be diligent Nw+pxttw 11
with your hands Nwkydy0b working Nyxlp be you Nwtywhw with your business Nwkynr(wsb
we commanded you Nwkndqpd just as 0nky0
in good form 0mks0b walking Nyklhm that you would be Nwwhtd 12
be you dependent Nwqntst not 0l a man $n0 & upon l(w outsiders 0yrb toward twl
my brethren yx0 you to know Nw(dtd but Nyd I 0n0 want 0bc 13
to you Nwkl sorrowing 0yrk you should be 0wht not 0l who sleep Nykmdd those Nyly0 that for l(d
to whom Nwhl there is not tyl hope 0rbsd of mankind 0$n0d the rest 0kr$ as Ky0
& arose Mqw died tym that Yeshua (w$yd we believe Nnynmyhm for ryg if N0 14
who have fallen asleep wkmdd those Nyly0l God 0hl0 also P0 in this way 0nkh
with Him hm( shall bring 0tym in Yeshua (w$yb
of our Lord Nrmd in the word htlmb to you Nwkl we say Nnyrm0 but Nyd this 0dh 15
of our Lord Nrmd at the coming htyt0mb we who remain Nnyrxt$md those Nyly0 that we Nnxd
who are asleep wkmdd those Nyly0l shall overtake Krdn not 0l we who have life Nnyyxd
& with the voice 0lqbw with a command 0ndqwpb our Lord Nrm He whd because l+m 16
of God 0hl0d & with a trumpet blast 0nrqbw Angel 0k0lm of the Head $yrd
who are in The Messiah 0xy$mbd & those who died 0tymw Heaven 0ym$ from Nm shall descend txn
first Mdqwl they shall arise Nwmwqn
we who have life Nnyyxd we who remain Nnyrxt$md those Nyly0 we Nnx & then Nydyhw 17
in clouds 0nn(b as one 0dxk0 with them Nwhm( we shall be carried away P+xtn
in every time Nbzlkb & in this way 0nkhw in the air r00b of our Lord Nrmd to a meeting h(rw0l
we shall be 0whn our Lord Nrm with M(
these Nylh with words 0lmb another dxl one dx comforting Ny0ybm therefore lykh be wwh 18

1st Thessalonians
Chapter 5
my brothers yx0 & seasons 0nd(w but Nyd the times 0nbz about l( 5:1
to you Nwkl to be written btkml you need Nwtyqyns not 0l
that the day hmwyd you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy truly ty0ryr$ for ryg you Nwtn0 2
comes 0t0 in this way 0nkh in the night 0yllb a thief 0bng as Ky0 of our Lord Nrmd
& quiet 0ny$w there is wh peace 0ml$d they will say Nwrm0n when dk 3
destruction 0ndb0 upon them Nwhyl( shall rise Mwqn from the silence 0yl$nm & then Nydyhw
they will escape Nwdmn & not 0lw a pregnant woman 0tn+b upon l( labor pains 0lbx as Ky0
you are Nwtywh not 0l my brothers yx0 but Nyd you Nwtn0 4
should overtake you Nwkkrdn a thief 0bng as Ky0 day 0mwy that the whd in darkness 0kw$xb
of day 0mmy0 & children ynbw are Nwtn0 of light 0rhwn children ynb for ryg all of you Nwklk 5
of darkness 0kw$x children ynb neither 0lw of night 0yll children ynb you are Nwtywh & not 0lw
the rest 0kr$ as Ky0 therefore lykh let us sleep Kmdn not 0l 6
& prudent Nynwhmw watchful Nyry( let us be Nywh but 0l0
are wh in the night 0yllb who sleep Nykmdd for ryg those Nyly0 7

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

drunk Nywr are wh in the night 0yllb who are drunk Nywrd & those Nyly0w sleeping Nykmd
vigilant Nyry( let us be Nywh are Nnx of the day 0mmy0 of the children ynbd but Nyd we Nnx 8
& of love 0bwxdw of faith 0twnmyhd the breastplate 0nyr$ & put on Ny$yblw in our minds Nny(rb
of Life 0yxd of the hope 0rbsd the helmet 0trwns & let us take Mysnw
to wrath 0zgwrl God 0hl0 has appointed us Nms that not 0ld because l+m 9
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y in our Lord Nrmb of Life 0yxd to the possession 0nynql but 0l0
we are awake Nnyry( that if N0d our sake Nyp0 for l( Who died tymd Him wh 10
we shall live 0xn with Him hm( as one 0dxk0 we sleep Nnykmd or if N0w
another dxl one dx comfort w0yb this 0nh because of l+m 11
you have done Nwtydb( that also P0d just as 0nky0 another dxl one dx & build up wnbw
those Nyly0l recognize Ny(dy that you will Nwtywhd my brethren yx0 of you Nwknm but Nyd we beg Nny(b 12
in our Lord Nrmb among you Nwkyp0b & have standing Nymyqw among you Nwkb who labor Ny0ld
you Nwkl & teach Nyplmw
greater 0ryty in love 0bwxb to you Nwkl esteemed Nyby$x that you let them be wwhd 13
with them Nwhm( be at peace wnyt$0 their works Nwhdb( & because of l+mw
wrongdoers 0nlksml correct wdr my brothers yx0 of you Nwknm but Nyd we beg Nny(b 14
of the weak 0lyxmd the burdens 0n(+ bear wbsw souls 0$pn the feeble yrw(zl & encourage wbblw
every person $nlk to twl in your spirit Nwkxwr & be long wrg0w
evil 0t$yb in place of Plx evil 0t$yb of you Nwknm anyone $n0 lest 0mld & beware wrhdz0w 15
good 0tb+ after rtb run w+rh in every time Nbzlkb but 0l0 may reward (wrpn
every person $nlk & to twlw each one 0ddx towards twl
in every time Nbzlkb rejoicing Nydx be wwh 16
ceasing 0wl$ without 0ld & pray Nylcmw 17
the will hnybc for ryg this is wnh giving thanks Nydwm be wwh thing Mdm & in every lkbw 18
in you Nwkb The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb of God 0hl0d
quench Nwk(dt not 0l The Spirit 0xwr 19
reject Nwlst not 0l prophecy 0twybn 20
hold wdwx0 & what is excellent ryp$dw explore wqb everything Mdmlk 21
flee wqwr( evil 0$yb matter wbc every lk & from Nmw 22
perfectly ty0rymg shall make you holy Nwk$dqn of peace 0ml$d The God 0hl0 but Nyd He wh 23
He shall keep r+nn & your body Nwkrgpw & your soul Nwk$pnw your spirit Nwkxwr & whole hlkw all of you Nwklkl
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd for the arrival htyt0ml faults Ny$r without 0ld
shall perform it db(n it is He Who whd has called you Nwkrqd Who Nm is He wh faithful Nmyhm 24
for us Nyl( pray wlc my brethren yx0 25
holy 0t$ydq with a kiss 0tq$wnb all of them Nwhlk of our brethren Nyx0d the peace 0ml$b invoke wl0$ 26
that will be read 0rqttd by our Lord Nrmb you Nwkl I 0n0 bind in an oath 0mwm 27
holy 0$ydq the brethren 0x0 to all Nwhlkl this 0dh letter 0trg0
Amen Nym0 with you Nwkm( The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd the grace htwby+ 28


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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

2nd Thessalonians
Chapter 1
to the church 0td(l & Timotheos sw0tmy+w & Silvanus swnwlsw Paul swlwp 1:1
& our Lord Nrmw our Father Nwb0 which is in God 0hl0bd of theThessalonians 0yqynwlstd
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
God 0hl0 from Nm & peace 0ml$w with you Nwkm( grace 0twby+ 2
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm & from Nmw our Father Nwb0
for you Nwkyl( we are indebted Nnybyx in every time Nbzlkb to God 0hl0l to give thanks wydwml 3
grows 0ybr that all the more ty0rytyd is necessary 0lwd what 0m as Ky0 my brothers yx0
of every person $nlkd of you all Nwklkd the love 0bwx & increases 0gsw your faith Nwktwnmyh
his neighbor hrbx to twl
boast Nyrhbt$m will 0whn in you Nwkb we Nnx that also P0d as Ky0 4
your faith Nwktwnmyh for l( of God 0hl0d in the assemblies 0td(b we Nnx
your persecutions Nwktwpydr that in all hlkbd your endurance Nwktwnrbysm & for l(w
you Nwtn0 that endure Nyrbysmd & your sufferings Nwkynclw0w
of God 0hl0d just 0n0k of the judgment 0nydd for a demonstration 0tywxtl 5
for His kingdom htwklml that you may be worthy Nww$td
you suffer Nwty$x sake hyp0 for whose l(d that yh
God 0hl0 before Mdq it is just 0n0k & if N0w 6
to your tormentors Nwkycwl0l suffering 0nclw0 to reward (wrpnd
with us Nm( He shall save 0xn you who are tormented Nwtycl0tmd & you Nwklw 7
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd by the revelation hnylgb
of His angels yhwk0lmd the armies 0lyx with M( Heaven 0ym$ Who is from Nmd
of the fire 0rwnd in blazing 0lzwgb vengeance 0t(bt He executes db(d whenever 0m 8
those Nwnh & on Nmw God 0hl0l knew w(dy who not 0ld those Nwnh on Nm
the Good News htrbsl have recognized w(dwt$0 who not 0ld
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd
eternal Ml(ld destruction 0ndb0 will be paid Nw(rptn in judgment 0nydb for those Nwnhd 9
of His power hlyxd the glory 0xbw$ & from Nmw of our Lord Nrmd the Face hpwcrp from Nm
& will show 0wxnw in His holy ones yhw$ydqb to be glorified xbt$nd He comes 0t0d whenever 0m 10
our testimony Ntwdhs because you believed Nmyhttd in His believers yhwnmyhmb His wonders htrmdt
day 0mwy in that whb that was for you Nwkyl(d
for you Nwkyl( we pray Nnylcm in every time Nbzlkb because of this 0nhl+m 11
& would fill you Nwkylmnw for your calling Nwknyrql God 0hl0 that would make you worthy Nwkyw$nd
in power 0lyxb of faith 0twnmyhd & works 0db(w of goodness 0tb+d the pleasure 0nybc wholly hlk
Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd the Name hm$ by you Nwkb that may be glorified xbt$nd 12
the grace htwby+ according to Ky0 by Him hb you Nwtn0 also P0 The Messiah 0xy$m
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y & our Lord Nrmw of our God Nhl0d
2nd Thessalonians
Chapter 2
the arrival htyt0m concerning l( my brothers yx0 of you Nwknm but Nyd we beg Nny(b 2:1

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& concerning l(w The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd
unto Him htwld our Nlyd assembling 0y$wnk
in your minds Nwkyny(rb you would be shaken Nw(yztt soon lg( that not 0ld 2
a spirit 0xwr from Nm neither 0lw word 0tlm from Nm not 0l be troubled Nwhwtt neither 0lw
it is yh us Ntwl from Nmd that as if Ky0d an epistle 0trg0 from Nm neither 0lw
of our Lord Nrmd the day hmwy has arrived y+m namely Ml that behold 0hd
means Nymks0 of Nm by any dxb will deceive you Nwky(+n man $n0 that no 0ml 3
a revolt 0twdwrm first Mdqwl will come 0t0t not 0l that surely N0d to the effect l+m
of destruction 0ndb0d the son hrb of sin 0ty+xd the man 0$nrb & will be revealed 0lgtnw
thing Nm every lk against l( & exalts himself 0l(t$mw is wh who opposing 0lbwqld he wh 4
also P0d just as 0nky0 & religion 0lxdw God hl0 that is called 0rqtmd
he will sit btn God 0hl0 as Ky0 of God 0hl0d in the temple 0lkyhb
he is wh God 0hl0d as if Ky0 himself h$pn concerning l( & he will show 0wxnw
I was tywh with you Nwktwl that when dkd you remember Nwtydh( do not? 0l 5
to you Nwkl I did tywh say trm0 these things Nylh
governs dyx0d what 0m you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy & now 0$hw 6
in his time hnbzb he wh that may be revealed 0lgtnd
has begun yr$ now wdk from Nm of evil 0lw(d for ryg the mystery 0zr0 7
governs dyx0 now 0$hd which 0m that wh surely N0 only dwxlb to work w+pxtml
the midst 0t(cm from Nm will be taken lqt$n
Yeshua (w$y whom our Lord Nrmd that wh Evil One 0lw( will be revealed 0lgtn & then Nydyhw 8
& He will destroy him yhwyl+bnw of His mouth hmwp with the breath xwrb will consume him yhwypysn
of His coming htyt0md by the revelation 0nylgb
of Satan 0n+sd is yh in the activity 0twndb(mb of that one whd for ryg the coming htyt0m 9
false 0tlgd & wonders 0trmdtw & signs 0twt0w power lyx in all lkb
in the perishing 0dyb0b that is 0ywhd of evil 0lw(d error yy(w+ & in all hlkbw 10
of the truth 0t$wqd the love 0bwx they received wlbq that not 0ld for l(
they would have life Nwxn in which hbd
the activity 0twndb(m God 0hl0 to them Nwhl sent rd$n because of this 0nhl+m 11
lies 0rqw$l that they may believe Nwnmyhnd of delusion yy(w+d
who not 0ld those Nyly0 all of them Nwhlk they will be judged Nwnydtnw 12
evil 0lw(b they chose wyb+c0 but 0l0 the truth 0t$wqb believed wnmyh
always Nbzlkb God 0hl0l to thank wydwml we are indebted Nnybyx but Nyd we Nnx 13
of our Lord Nrmd beloved yhwbybx brethren Nyx0 your persons Nwkyp0 for l(
for Life 0yxl the beginning 0ty$r from Nm God 0hl0 for has chosen you Nwkbgd
of the truth 0rr$d & in belief 0twnmyhbw of The Spirit 0xwrd in the sanctification 0tw$ydqb
our Nlyd by evangelism 0twnrbsmb has called you Nwkrq for ryg He wh to these things Nylhl 14
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y to our Lord Nrml glory 0txwb$t that you would be Nwwhtd
the commandments 0ndqwpb & hold fast wnsmxw be established wmyqt0 my brethren yx0 therefore lykm 15
our Nlyd in epistle 0trg0b or if N0w in the word 0tlmb if N0 that you have learned Nwtplyd
our Father Nwb0 & God 0hl0w The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm but Nyd He wh 16
eternal Ml(ld comfort 00ywb us Nl & has given bhyw Who has loved us Nbx0d He wh
by His grace htwby+b good 0b+ & hope 0rbsw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

words 0lm all lkb & may He be occupied in Myqnw your hearts Nwktwbl may He comfort 0ybn 17
good b+ work db( & every lkbw
2nd Thessalonians
Chapter 3
of our Lord Nrmd that the word htlmd for us Nyl( pray wlc brethren Nyx0 now on 0$h from Nm 3:1
with you Nwktwld as Ky0 place 0kwd in every lkb & be glorified 0xbt$mw running 0+hr will be 0wht
& vicious 0tn(w evil 0$yb men 0$nynb from Nm & that we will be saved 0cptndw 2
the faith 0twnmyh is yh of every person $nlkd for ryg not wl
will keep you Nwkr+nn He Who whd Jehovah 0yrm but Nyd is wh faithful Nmyhm 3
evil 0$yb from Nm & will deliver you Nwkbzw$nw
in our Lord Nrmb upon you Nwkyl( but Nyd we put trust Nnylykt 4
you have done Nwtdb( you Nwkl we command Nnydqpmd that whatever Mdmd
you will do Nwtydb( also P0
of God 0hl0d into the love hbwxl your hearts Nwktwbl will direct cwrtn & our Lord Nrmw 5
of The Messiah 0xy$md & to the evangelism htwnrbsmlw
of our Lord Nrmd in The Name hm$b my brothers yx0 but Nyd you Nwkl we command Nnydqpm 6
brother 0x0 every lk from Nm separate Nyqyrp that you be Nwtywhd The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
the commandments 0ndqwp according to Ky0 & not 0lw walks Klhm evil $yb wicked $ybd who 0ny0
from us Nnm that they received wlbqd
us Nb to imitate wymdtml it is right 0lw how 0nky0 you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy for ryg you Nwtn0 7
among you Nwktnyb evil $yb wicked $yb we have walked Nklh for not 0ld
of you Nwknm any $n0 from Nm have we eaten Nlk0 without charge Ngmd bread 0mxl neither 0lp0 8
we working Nyxlp & by day 0mmy0bw by night 0yllb & in toil 0tw0lbw with labor 0lm(b but 0l0
we would be a burden rq0n not 0l of you Nwknm anyone $n0 that upon l(d were Nywh
to us Nl there is authority +yl$ that not 0ld because l+m it was 0wh not 0l 9
an example 0spw+ to you Nwkl we might yield ltn that by our lives N$pnbd but 0l0
you may imitate Nwmdtt that us Nbd
we commanded Nydqpm this 0dh for ryg we were Nywh with you Nwktwl when dk also P0 10
to work xwlpnd is willing 0bc who not 0ld that everyone lkd you Nwkl had Nywh
should he eat s(ln neither 0lp0
some 0$n0 among you Nwkb that there are ty0d for ryg we hear Nny(m$ 11
labor at Nyxlp no 0l & thing Mdmw walk Nyklhm evil $yb who wicked $ybd
nothing 0tqyrs only N0 but 0l0
& beseech Nny(bw we command Nnydqpm to such Nylhl but Nyd to them Nwhl 12
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y in our Lord Nrmb of them Nwhnm
their bread Nwhmxl & eat Nylk0w work Nyxlp they shall Nwwhn that in quietness 0yl$bd
you Nwkl be weary N0mt not 0l my brethren yx0 but Nyd you Nwtn0 13
what is excellent ryp$d to do db(ml
these Nylh words Nylml obeys (mt$m not 0l a man $n0 & if N0w 14
this one 0nh from you Nwkl let be separated $rptn which are in this letter 0trg0bd
that he may be ashamed thbnd with Him hm( taking part Ny+lxtm be you Nwtywh neither 0lw
hold him hnwdx0t an enemy 0bbdl(b as Ky0 & not 0lw 15
a brother 0x0ld as Ky0 him hl admonishing Nytrm be you Nwtywh but 0l0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

peace 0ml$ to you Nwkl give ltn of peace 0ml$d The Lord hrm but Nyd He wh 16
all of you Nwklk with M( our Lord Nrm in everything Mdmlkb always Nbzlkb
Paul swlwp I 0n0 of my hand ydy0 in the writing tbtkb Greetings 0ml$ 17
my epistles ytrg0 which in all Nyhlkbd the sign 0t0 what is yhwty0d have written tbtk
I 0n0 write btk in this way 0nkh
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd the grace htwby+ 18
Amen Nym0 all of you Nwklk with M(

1st Timothy
Chapter 1
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd an apostle 0xyl$ Paul swlwp 1:1
of God 0hl0d by the commandment 0ndqwpb
our Hope Nrbs Yeshua (w$y & of The Messiah 0xy$mdw our Lifegiver Nnyxm
in faith 0twnmyhb true 0ryr$ a son 0rb to Timotheos sw0tmy+l 2
our Father Nwb0 God 0hl0 from Nm & peace 0ml$w & mercy 0mxrw grace 0twby+
our Lord Nrm Yeshua (w$y & The Messiah 0xy$mw
to Maqedonia 0ynwdqml I 0n0 went lz0 when dk of you Knm I was tywh requesting ty(b 3
men $n0 certain $n0l & that you command dqptw in Ephesus swsp0b that you remain 0wqtd
different 0plx$m teachings 0nplwy they teach Nwpln that not 0ld
& to accounts 0ty($tlw to fables 0ty(w$l they should give heed Nwmrtn & not 0lw 4
to them Nwhl there is not tyl of which an end 0ksd of genealogies 0tbr$d
all the more ty0ryty producing Ndb( are wh contentions 0nyrxd these things Nylh
of God 0hl0d in the faith 0twnmyhb edification 0nynb & not 0lw
a heart 0bl that from Nmd love 0bwx is yhwty0 of the commandments 0ndqwpd but Nyd the sum hks 5
true 0tryr$ faith 0twnmyh & from Nmw good 0tb+ a conscience 0tr0t & from Nmw pure 0ykd
have strayed w(+ these things Nylh from Nm & some of them Nyhnmw 6
empty 0tqyrs to words 0lml they have turned away w+sw people 0$n0
of The Written Law 0swmnd teachers 0nplm to be 0whml in that they seek w(bdb 7
that they speak Nyllmmd anything Mdm they understand Nylktsm not 0l while dk
they contend Nyrxtm about which yhwl(d anything Mdm neither 0lw
is wh good ryp$ that The Written Law 0swmnd but Nyd we know Nny(dy 8
by it hb will be led rbdtn The Written Law 0swmnd according to htwk0 a man $n0 if N0
was appointed Mys not 0l The Written Law 0swmn that for the righteous 0n0kld he knows (dy while dk 9
& for sinners 0y+xlw & for the wicked 0(y$rlw & for the rebellious 0dwrmlw for the evil 0lw(l but 0l0
are pure Nykd who not 0ld & to those Nyly0lw & for the vicious 0tn(lw
their fathers Nwhyhb0l who hit Nyxmd & to those Nyly0lw
& for murderers 0lw+qlw their mothers Nwhthm0l who hit Nyxmd & for those Nyly0lw
The Blessed 0krbm of God 0hl0d of the glory htxwb$td of the Good News Nwylgnw0d 11
have been entrusted tnmyht0 with which I 0n0d that wh
our Lord Nrml Who has empowered me ynlyxd Him hl I 0n0 & thank 0dwmw 12
trustworthy 0nmyhm Who accounted me ynb$xd The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

into His ministry ht$m$tl & He has put me ynmsw

& a persecutor Pwdrw I was tywh a blasphemer Npdgm the first Mydq who from Nmd to me yl 13
known (dy not 0l while dkd because l+m I obtained mercy tnnxt0 but 0l0 & abusive Nr(cmw
faith 0twnmyh without 0ld what I did tdb( I had tywh
of our Lord Nrmd the grace htwby+ but Nyd in me yb abounded tygs 14
The Messiah 0xy$m which are in Yeshua (w$ybd & love 0bwxw & faith 0twnmyhw
of its acceptance htwlbqml it is yh & worthy 0yw$w saying 0tlm is this yh trustworthy 0nmyhm 15
to the universe 0ml(l came 0t0 The Messiah 0xy$m that Yeshua (w$yd
am 0n0 I 0n0 of whom foremost Nwhymdqd sinners 0y+xl to save wyxml
first 0mdq that in me ybd to me yl( He showed mercy Mxr this 0nh because of l+m but 0l0 16
of His Spirit hxwr patience trgm all hlk The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y may show 0wxn
in Him hb to believe Nwnmyhnd who are going Nydyt(d of those Nyly0d for the example 0tywxtl
eternal Ml(ld to life 0yxl
to Him whl of the universe 0ml(d but Nyd to The King 0klml 17
God 0hl0 One dx Who is wywhd seen 0zxtm & not 0lw is destructible lbxtm Who not 0ld
Amen Nym0 of eternities Nyml( to the eternity Ml(l & glory 0txwb$tw honor 0rqy0
Timotheos sw0tmy+ my son yrb to you Kl I 0n0 commit l(gm decree 0ndqwp this 0nh 18
about you Kyl( that were ywhd former 0tymdq the prophecies 0twybn according to Ky0
excellent 0tryp$ this 0dh warfare 0twxlp by them Nyhb that you may war xwlptd
for ryg those Nyly0 good 0tb+ & in conscience 0tr0tbw in faith 0twnmyhb 19
from them Nwhnm have rejected wqxd who this 0dhld
have been emptied wqrts0 faith 0twnmyh of Nm
these Nylh & Alexandros swrdnskl0w Humenayus sw0nmwh like Ky0 20
that they may be instructed Nwdrtnd to Satan 0n+sl whom I delivered tml$0d
blaspheme Nypdgm they should Nwwhn that not 0ld

1st Timothy
Chapter 2
all things Mdmlk before Mdq that from Nmd of you Knm therefore lykh I 0n0 beg 0(b 2:1
& intercessions 0tnnxtw & prayers 0twlcw to God 0hl0l offer brqm you will 0wht supplications 0tw(b
the children of men 0$nynb all of them Nwhlk for the sake of Plx & thanksgiving 0tydwtw
quiet 0yl$ that a way of life 0rmw(d & rulers 0nbrwrw kings 0klm for the sake of Plx 2
& purity 0twykdw to God 0hl0 reverence tlxd in entire hlkb we may inhabit rm(n & tranquil 0xynw
our Lifegiver Nnyxm God 0hl0 before Mdq & acceptable 0lbqmw is pleasing 0ryp$ for ryg this 0dh 3
shall have life Nwxn the children of men 0$nynb that all of them Nwhlkd Who wills 0bcd He wh 4
of the truth 0rr$d to the knowledge 0t(dyl & they shall return Nwnptnw
of God 0hl0d The Mediator 0y(cm is wh & One dxw God 0hl0 for ryg is wh One dx 5
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y The Son of Man 0$nrb & of the sons of men 0$nynbdw
a ransom 0nqrwp Himself h$pn Who gave bhyd He wh 6
in its time hnbzb that has come tt0d a testimony 0twdhs person $n0 every lk in the place of Plx
of truth 0t$wq & apostle hxyl$w its preacher hzwrk I am appointed tmyst0 of which I 0n0d that yh 7

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of the Gentiles 0mm(d the teacher 0nplm that I am tywhd I 0n0 lie lgdm & not 0lw I 0n0 say rm0
of the truth 0rr$d in belief 0twnmyhb
men 0rbg pray Nylcm that would wwhd therefore lykh I am 0n0 willing 0bc 8
in purity ty0ykd their hands Nwhydy0 lifting Nymyrm while dk place 0kwd in every lkb
plots 0tb$xm & without 0ldw rage 0zgwr without 0ld
of dress 0$wbld shall be modest 0pkn in fashion 0mks0b the women 0$n also P0 in this way 0nkh 9
their adornment Nyhtybct shall be 0whn & in modesty 0twpknbw in bashfulness 0tcmxtb
with pearls 0tyngrmb or w0 & with gold 0bhdbw in braiding 0lwdgb not 0l
lovely 0ryp$ in robes 0txnb or w0
just as 0nky0 good 0b+ in works 0db(b but 0l0 10
of God 0hl0 worship tlxd who profess Nydwt$md for women 0$nl is suitable 00yd
submission db(w$ in all lkb learn 0ply let twh in silence 0yl$b a woman 0ttn0 11
I 0n0 allow spm not 0l to teach wplml because ryg for a woman 0ttn0l 12
quiet 0yl$b she should be 0wht but 0l0 a man 0rbg over l( to usurp wxrmml neither 0lw
Khawwa 0wx & then Nydyhw first Mdqwl was formed lbgt0 for ryg Adam Md0 13
was deceived t(+ but Nyd the woman 0ttn0 was deceived 0(+ not 0l & Adam Md0w 14
the command 0ndqwp against l( & violated trb(w
they continue Nwwqn if N0 her children hydly by dyb but Nyd she lives 0yx 15
& in modesty 0twpknbw & in holiness 0tw$ydqbw & in love 0bwxbw in faith 0twnmyhb
1st Timothy
Chapter 3
desires g0r a man $n0 that if N0d the saying 0tlm is yh trustworthy 0nmyhm 3:1
he desires g0r good 0b+ a work 0db( eldership 0tw$y$q
that a fault 0mwmd such 0ny0 an elder 0$y$q to be 0whnd but Nyd & ought 0lw 2
woman 0ttn0 of one 0dxd a husband 0l(b & be 0whw in him hb is found xkt$m not 0l
& loves Mxrw & orderly sk+mw & sober Pknw mind hny(r of vigilant ry(d which 0ny0
& is a teacher Nplmw strangers 0ynsk0
is swift 0+hr & not 0lw wine 0rmx concerning l( he transgresses rb( & not 0lw 3
humble Kykm should be 0whn but 0l0 to strike 0xmml his hand hdy0
money 0psk loves Mxr neither 0lw contentious ycn & not 0lw
his children yhwnb & holds dyx0w well ryp$ his house htyb & he leads rbdmw 4
purity 0twykd in all hlkb in subjection 0db(w$b
well ryp$ to lead rbdnd he knows (dy not 0l of himself h$pnd the house 0tyb for ryg if N0 5
lead rbdnd of God 0hl0d the church htd( can he xk$m how? 0nky0
of his discipleship hdmlwt a youth 0l+ shall he be 0whn neither 0lw 6
of Satan 0n+sd into the judgment hnydb & would fall lpnw he be lifted up Myrtn lest 0ld
to him hl be ty0 excellent 0tryp$ testimony 0twdhs that also P0d but Nyd & there ought 0lw 7
of Satan 0n+sd & into the trap 0xpbw into shame 0dsxb he fall lpn lest 0ld outsiders 0yrb from Nm
pure Nykd shall be Nwwhn in this way 0nkh ministers 0n$m$m & also P0w 8
shall they Nwwhn neither 0lw two things Nytrt should speak Nwllmn & not 0lw
defiled 0pn+ riches 0nrtwy love Nwmxrn nor 0lw much 00ygs to wine 0rmxl be inclined Nylc

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of the faith 0twnmyhd the mystery 0zr0 they should hold Nwdx0n but 0l0 9
pure 0tykd in a conscience 0tr0tb
& then Nydyhw first Mdqwl should be proved Nwqbtn such Nylh & those Nwnhw 10
fault Ny$r without 0ld they are Nwhyty0 when dk let them serve Nw$m$n
& will be 0whnw modest Npkn should be Nywhn wives 0$n also P0 in this way 0nkh 11
thing Mdm in every lkb faithful Nnmyhm & shall be Nywhnw in their minds Nyhny(r alert ry(
slanderers 0crq Nlk0 they should be Nywhn & not 0lw
woman 0ttn0 who one 0dxd he 0ny0 shall be Nwwhn ministers 0n$m$m 12
well ryp$ & his house htybw his children yhwnb & leads rbdw to him hl has twh
purchase Nynq good 0b+ a rank 0grd well ryp$ who serve w$m$d for ryg those Nyly0 13
much 00ygs of face 0p0 & opening 0lgmw for themselves Nwh$pnl
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd in the faith 0twnmyhb
to you Kl I 0n0 have written btk these things Nylh 14
to you Ktwl I 0n0 shall come 0t0 that soon lg(bd I 0n0 hope rbsm while dk
that you may know (dtd I 0n0 that delay rxwmd but Nyd it is wh & if N0w 15
of God 0hl0d in the household htybb to behave wkphtml it is necessary 0lw how 0nky0
The Living 0yx of God 0hl0d the church 0td( which is hyty0d
of the truth 0rr$d & foundation 0ts0t$w the pillar 0dwm(
of righteousness 0twn0kd this 0nh mystery 0zr0 is wh great br & truly ty0ryr$w 16
in The Spirit xwrb & was justified qddz0w in the flesh rsbb which was revealed ylgt0d
the nations 0mm( among tyb & was preached zrkt0w to angels 0k0lml & He appeared yzxt0w
into the glory 0xbw$b & He ascended qlts0w in the world 0ml(b & He was trusted Nmyht0w
1st Timothy
Chapter 4
last 0yrx0 that in the time 0nbzbd speaks 0rm0 plainly ty0qy$p but Nyd The Spirit 0xwr 4:1
& they shall go Nwlz0nw the faith 0twnmyh from Nm one by one $n0 $n0 they shall depart Nwqrpn
of demons 0d0$d teachings 0nplwy & after rtbw deceiving 0ty(+ spirits 0xwr after rtb
deceive Ny(+m false 0lgd who in form 0mks0bd these Nylh 2
their consciences Nwhtr0tb & sear Nywkw lies 0twbdk & speak Nyllmmw
foods 0tlk0m from Nm & abstain Nyqrpmw to be married wgwdzml & they forbid Nylkw 3
for use 0x$wxl which Nyn0 created 0rb that God 0hl0d those Nyly0
who believe Nynmyhmd to those Nyly0l & for thanksgiving 0tydwtlw
the truth 0rr$ & know Ny(dyw
is wh good ryp$ to God 0hl0l creation 0rbd that every lkd because l+m 4
that is rejected ylsmd anything Mdm & there is not tylw
it will be received bsntn in thanksgiving 0tydwtb if N0
& by prayer 0twlcbw of God 0hl0d by the word 0tlmb for ryg it is sanctified $dqtm 5
good 0b+ a minister 0n$m$m your brethren Kyx0l teach Plm you will 0wht if N0 these things Nylh 6
you tn0 are brought up 0brtm as dk The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd you will be 0wht
you tn0 that have been taught Pylyd good 0b+ & by the teaching 0nplwybw of faith 0twnmyhd by words 0lmb
of old women 0tbsd insipid 0thykp but Nyd fables 0ty(w$ from Nm 7
in righteousness 0twn0kb yourself K$pn & train $rdw abstain l0t$0
profits rtwm a little 0rw(z this wh time 0nbz of the body 0rgpd for ryg exercise 0$rwd 8

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

profits 0rtwm thing Mdm in every lkb but Nyd righteousness 0twn0k
& of the future dyt(dw this 0nh of time 0nbzd of life 0yxd a promise 0ydww$ for it hl & there is ty0w
for acceptance htwlbqml is yh & worthy 0yw$w saying 0tlm this is yh trustworthy 0nmyhm 9
& we are reproached Nnydsxtmw we toil Nny0l for ryg is wh this 0dh because of l+m 10
The Lifegiver 0nyxm Who is yhwty0d The Living 0yx in God 0hl0b because we hope Nnyrbsmd
of believers 0nmyhmd especially ty0ryty all of them Nwhlk of children of men 0$nynbd
& command dqpw teach Pl0 these things Nylh 11
your youth Ktwyl+ against l( let despise 0sbn a man $n0 & not 0lw 12
& in behavior 0kpwhbw in word 0tlmb to believers 0nmyhml an example 0twmd be ywh but 0l0
& in purity 0twykdbw & in faith 0twnmyhbw & in love 0bwxbw
in reading 0nyrqb be diligent +pxt0 I 0n0 come 0t0 until d( 13
& in teaching 0nplwybw & in prayer 0tw(bbw
in you Kb that is ty0d the gift 0tbhwmb despise 0sbt & not 0lw 14
to you Kl which is given tbhyt0d that yh
of the eldership 0tw$y$qd hands 0dy0 & in laying on Mysbw in prophecy 0twybnb
that you may be known (dyttd be ywh & in them Nyhbw meditate 0ght0 in these things Nylhb 15
you tn0 come 0t0 before whom Kymdqld to every person $nlkl
in them Nwhb & persevere Nsmxw & to your teachings Knplwybw to your soul K$pnb pay attention rhdz0w 16
& those Nyly0lw will live 0xt your soul K$pn you do db(t for ryg these things Nylh when dk
you Kl who hear Ny(m$d
1st Timothy
Chapter 5
as Ky0 petition him yhysyp0 but 0l0 rebuke rw(gt not 0l an elder 0$y$qb 5:1
your brothers Kyx0ld as Ky0 who are young Nyl+d & to those Nyly0lw a father 0b0ld
who are younger Nyl+d & those Nyly0lw mothers 0thm0 as Ky0 & elder women 0t$y$qlw 2
purity 0twykd in all hlkb your sisters Ktwx0ld as Ky0
indeed 0rr$b are Nyn0 who widows 0tlmr0d those Nyly0l you honor rqy widows 0tlmr0l 3
children 0ynb to her hl who has ty0d a widow 0tlmr0 there is ty0 & if N0w 4
first Mdqwl let them learn Nwpl0n of children 0ynb children ynb or w0
& they should pay Nw(rpnw they should be assigned Nwqddzn of their households Nwhtyb that with children ynbbd
God 0hl0 before Mdq is acceptable 0lbqm for ryg this 0dh to their parents Nwhyhb0l compensation 0lbwx
& alone 0tdxw$mw is yh a widow 0tlmr0 who truly ty0ryr$d but Nyd she 0dy0 5
in prayer 0twlcb & continues 0nym0w is wh God 0hl0 upon l( her hope hrbs this one 0dh
& by day 0mmy0bw by night 0yllb & in supplication 0tw(bbw
the Arena 0ynr+s0 who worships 0xlpd but Nyd she 0dy0 6
she lives 0yx while dk is yh dead 0tym
them Nyhl command dqpm you shall tywh these things Nylh 7
they may be Nywhn fault Ny$r that without 0ldd
& especially ty0rytyw are Nwn0 that his hlydd of those Nyly0d for ryg a man $n0 if N0 8
of faith 0twnmyhd of the household 0tyb children ynb are Nwhyty0d those who Nyly0d
the faith 0twnmyhb to himself hl has renounced rpk this one 0nh takes care of Pcy not 0l
are believers Nynmyhm who not 0ld those Nyly0 than Nm is wh & worse $ybw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

is not 0ld who 0dy0 a widow 0tlmr0 choose 0bg therefore lykh you shall tywh 9
had twh husband 0rbg the same wh one dxld who 0dy0 years Nyn$ sixty Nyt$ than Nm less 0rycb
good 0ryp$ of works 0db(d a testimony 0twdhs to her hl & is ty0w 10
strangers 0ynsk0 she has received tlbq if N0 children 0ynb she has raised tybr if N0
of the saints 0$ydqd the feet Nwhylgr she has washed tgy$0 if N0
she has walked tklh if N0 the afflicted 0cyl0l she has relieved txwr0 if N0
good b+ work db( in every lkb
avoid l0t$0 who are younger Nyl+d those Nyly0 but Nyd widows 0tlmr0 from Nm 11
The Messiah 0xy$m from l( for ryg these Nyhl separate Nyr+cm
a husband 0rbgl to have 0whml & seek Ny(bw
for they have rejected Ml+d is wh set Myq & their judgment Nyhnydw 12
former 0tymdq their faith Nyhtwnmyh
house tyb going around Nkrktm while dk laziness 0twnnbx also P0 but Nyd they learn Nply 13
to increase Nygsnd also P0 but 0l0 laziness 0twnnbx only dwxlb & not 0lw to house 0tb
whatever Mdm & to talk Nllmnw vanities 0tqyrs & to take up Nqrpnw talking 0llmm
is appropriate 0lw not 0ld
younger ones Nyl+d that those Nyly0d therefore lykh I am 0n0 willing 0bc 14
& not 0lw their homes Nyhytb & lead Nrbdnw children 0ynb & bear Ndl0nw may marry Ngwdzn
of abuse 0tyxwcd occasion 0tl( one 0dx not even 0lp0 to enemies 0bbdl(bl give Nltn
one by one $n0 $n0 they have begun wyr$ for ryg now 0$hd until l( 15
Satan 0n+s after rtb to turn 0+sml
widows 0tlmr0 to them Nwhl have ty0 female believers 0tnmyhm or w0 believers 0nmyhm man $n0 if N0 16
the church 0td( on l( let them burden Nrq0n & not 0lw them Nyn0 let them support Nwsrtn
it may have enough qpst truly 0rr$d are Nyn0 who widows 0tlmr0d that for those Nyly0ld
are leading Nyrbdtm that well ryp$d those Nyly0 elders 0$y$q 17
especially ty0ryty deserve Nww$n double 0pyp( honor 0rqy0l
& in teaching 0nplwybw in the word 0tlmb who toil Ny0ld those Nyly0
muzzle Mwlbt not 0ld the scriptures 0btk for ryg say rm0 18
his wages hrg0 laborer 0l(p the wh & deserves 0w$w while treading 0tkrdb the ox 0rwt
accept lbqt not 0l an accusation 0twnrg+q an elder 0$y$q against l( 19
witnesses Nydhs or three 0tltw of two Nyrt the mouth Mwp upon l( but 0l0
every person $nlk before Mdq who sin Ny+xd those Nyly0l 20
may fear Nwlxdn of the people 0$n0d the rest 0kr$ that also P0d rebuke Nwk
Yeshua (w$y & our Lord Nrmw God 0hl0 before Mdq to you Kl I 0n0 testify dhsm 21
you will observe r+t that these things Nylhd the chosen 0ybg & His angels yhwk0lmw The Messiah 0xy$m
for anything Mdml your mind Kny(r let be prejudiced Mdqtn & not 0lw
of persons 0p0b by accepting bsmb anything Mdm do rw(st & not 0lw
lay Myst not 0l a man $n0 on l( quickly lg(b hands 0dy0 22
of strangers 0yrkwn in the sins 0h+xb share Ptwt$t & not 0lw
in purity 0twykdb keep r+ yourself K$pn
drink 0t$t not 0l water 0ym & from now on lykmw 23
your stomach Kkmw+s0 because of l+m drink 0t$ do tywh a little lylq wine 0rmx but 0l0
chronic 0nym0 your illness Kynhrwk & because of l+mw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

are Nwn0 known Ny(ydy whose sins Nwhyh+xd children of men 0$nynb there are ty0 24
& are ty0w of judgment 0nyd to the house tybl them Nwhl & they precede Nymdqmw
go Nylz0 which after them Nwhrtbd
are Nwn0 known Ny(ydy good 0b+ works 0db( also P0 in this way 0nkh 25
they can Nyxk$m not 0l be concealed 0$+ml are Nwn0 that otherwise ty0ynrx0d & those Nyly0w
1st Timothy
Chapter 6
of bondage 0twdb(d the yoke 0ryn under tyxt who Nwhyty0d those Nyly0 6:1
shall be 0whn that not 0ld let hold Nwdx0n honor rqy0 in all lkb their masters Nwhyrml
blasphemed Pdgtm & His teaching hnplwyw of God 0hl0d the Name hm$
believers 0nmyhm masters 0yrm to them Nwhl who have ty0d but Nyd those Nyly0 2
they are Nwn0 their brothers Nwhyx0d because l( them Nwhb let them despise Nwsbn not 0l
they are Nwn0 that believers 0nmyhmd because l( them Nwn0 serve Nw$m$n rather ty0ryty but 0l0
in their service Nwht$m$tb by whom they are refreshed Nyxynttmd these Nylh & beloved 0bybxw
of them Nwhnm & request y(bw teach Pl0 these things Nylh
another 0nrx0 teaching 0nplwy who teaches Plmd a man $n0 there is ty0 but Nyd if N0 3
of our Lord Nrmd sound 0tmylx the words 0lml attain to brqtm & not 0lw
of God 0hl0 of the reverence tlxdd & the teaching 0nplwylw The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
he knows (dy not 0l a thing Mdm while dk is lifted up Myrtm this one 0nh 4
of words 0lmd & in debates 0t(bbw in disputes 0$rdb he is ineffective hyrk but 0l0
& contention 0nyrxw envy 0msx comes 0wh from which Nyhnmd
evil 0$yb a mind 0ny(rb & establishes Msmw & blasphemy 0pdwgw
their minds Nwhny(r corrupt lbxmd who Nyly0 of the children of men 0$nynbd & misery 0qx$w 5
that making money 0trwgtd & they think Nyrbsw the truth 0t$wq of Nm & they are cheated Nyzylgw
these things Nylh from Nm stay away qxrt0 but Nyd you tn0 of God 0hl0 the worship tlxd is yh
is yh great 0br ours Nlyd for ryg our profit Ntrwg0t 6
for we have enough Ntsmd in the necessities 0tx$xb of God 0hl0 the worship tlxd which is hyty0d
into the world 0ml(l have we brought Nl(0 not 0l for ryg anything Mdm 7
we are able Nnyxk$m from it hnm to take out qpnd that also nothing 0lp0d & we know 0(ydyw
& clothing 0tysktw food 0tlwk0m for us Nl is enough 0qps this 0nh because of l+m 8
into temptations 0nwysnb fall Nylpn to be rich rt(ml who desire Nybcd but Nyd those Nyly0 9
& harmful Npgsmw that are foolish Nlksd many 0t0ygs & in desires 0tgygrbw & into traps 0xpbw
& in destruction 0ndb0bw in corruption 0lbxb children of men 0$nynbl & they sink N(b+mw
of money 0psk the love tmxr is hyty0 evils 0t$yb of all these Nyhlwkd but Nyd the root 0rq( 10
the faith 0twnmyh & from Nmw it hl who have desired wgrgrt0d some 0$n0 & there are ty0w
many 00ygs miseries 0nw0dl have brought wl(0 & themselves Nwh$pnw have erred w(+
escape qwr( these things Nylh from Nm of God 0hl0d man 0$nrb Oh w0 but Nyd you tn0 11
faith 0twnmyh & after rtbw justice 0twn0k & after rtbw righteousness 0twqydz after rtb & run +rhw
humility 0twkykm & after rtbw patience 0twnrbysm & after rtbw love 0bwx & after rtbw
of faith 0twnmyhd good 0b+ in the contest 0nwg0b & fight $tkt0w 12
you are called tyrqt0 to which things Nwhld eternal Ml(ld life 0yx & seize Krd0w
many 00ygs witnesses 0dhs before Mdq good 0tb+ a profession 0tydwt & you have professed tydw0w
all lk Who gives life to 0xmd He wh God 0hl0 before Mdq to you Kl I 0n0 testify dhsm 13
Pontius Pilate sw+lyp swy+np before Mdq Who testified dhs0d He wh The Messiah 0xy$m & Yeshua (w$yw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

excellent 0tryp$ a testimony 0twdhs

defilement 0$lw+ without 0ld the commandments 0ndqwp that you keep yhwyr+td 14
the revelation hnylgl until 0md( blemish 0mwm & without 0ldw
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd
God 0hl0 to reveal yhwywxn in His time hnbzb Whom is going dyt(d Him wh 15
The Only yhwdwxlb & The Mighty One 0ntlyxw The Blessed One 0krbm
of power 0twrmd & The Lord 0rmw of kings 0klmd The King 0klm
in light 0rhwnb & dwelling rm(w corrupted lbxtm not 0l alone yhwdwxlb Who is whd He wh 16
& any $n0w to it hl to approach brqtnd it is possible xk$m not 0l that a human $n0d
see hyzxml can 0cm & not even 0lp0w has seen yhyzx not 0l children of men 0$nynb from Nm
Amen Nym0 of eternities Nyml( to eternity Ml(l & authority 0n+lw$w honor 0rqy0 to Whom hld Him wh
they be lifted up Nwmyrtn that not 0ld command dqp this 0nh of world 0ml(d the rich 0ryt(l 17
wealth 0rtw( upon l( they should trust Nwlkttn & not 0lw in their minds Nwhyny(rb
God 0hl0 upon l( but 0l0 certainty 0nlkwt upon it yhwl( because there is not tyld
for our comfort Nxynl richly ty0ryt( all lk us Nl Who gives bhyd He wh The Living 0yx
& they should be rich Nwrt(nw good 0b+ works 0db( & they should do Nwdb(nw 18
& to share wptwt$mlw to give ltml ready Nylyld & they should be Nwwhnw good 0ryp$ in deeds 0nr(wsb
good 0tb+ a foundation 0ts0t$ for themselves Nwh$pnl & they shall lay Nwmysnw 19
true 0ryr$ life 0yx that they may seize Nwkrdnd is future dyt(d for what Mdml
to you Kl which is committed l(gt0d that Mdmb guard rhdz0 Timothy 00tmy+ Oh w0 20
of emptiness 0tqyrs of the voice 0lq the daughters tnb from Nm & escape qwr(w
false 0tlgd of knowledge 0t(dyd the perversions 0tkph & from Nmw
themselves Nwhl have gone astray w(+ it hl who profess Nydwt$md for ryg those Nyly0 21
Amen Nym0 with you Km( grace 0twby+ the faith 0twnmyh from Nm
2nd Timothy
Chapter 1
of God 0hl0d by the will hnybcb The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd an apostle 0xyl$ Paul swlwp 1:1
The Messiah 0xy$m which is in Yeshua (w$ybd of life 0yxd & by the promise 0nklwmbw
& peace 0ml$w & love 0mxrw grace 0twby+ beloved 0bybx son 0rb to Timotheos sw0tmy+l 2
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm & from Nmw The Father 0b0 God 0hl0 from Nm
I 0n0 serve $m$m Whom hld Him wh God 0hl0l I 0n0 thank 0dwm 3
constantly ty0nym0d pure 0tykd in a conscience 0tr0tb my forefathers ythb0 from Nm
& by day 0mmy0dw by night 0ylld in my prayers ytwlcb you Kl I 0n0 remember rkdtm
to see you Kyzxml I 0n0 & long 0wsw 4
with joy 0twdx that I am filled 0lmt0d your tears Ky(md I 0n0 & remember rkdtmw
true 0tryr$ in your faith Ktwnmyhb to me yl that is 0whd by the recollection 0ndhw(b 5
Lois sy0wl of your mother Km0d in the mother 0m0b first Mdqwl began tr$d that yh
in you Kb that also P0d but Nyd I 0n0 am convinced spm Euniqay 0qynw0 & in your mother Km0bw
the gift 0tbhwm to rouse ry(td you Kl I 0n0 remind dh(m this 0nh because of l+m 6
hands ydy0 by laying on Mysb in you Kb which is ty0d that yh of God 0hl0d
of fear 0tlxdd a spirit 0xwr God 0hl0 us Nl gave bhy for ryg not 0l 7
& of instruction 0twnytrmdw & of love 0bwxdw of power 0lyxd but 0l0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of our Lord Nrmd of the testimony htwdhsb be ashamed thbt therefore lykh not 0l 8
the evil 0t$yb take lwq$ but 0l0 His prisoner hrys0b of me yb neither 0lp0
of God 0hl0d by the power 0lyxb the Gospel Nwylgnw0 with M(
holy 0$ydq in a calling 0nyrqb & has called us Nrqw Who has given us life Nyx0d He wh 9
His will hnybc according to Ky0 but 0l0 our works Nydb( according to Ky0 not wl
to us Nl which was given tbhyt0d that yh & the grace htwby+w
of the world 0ml(d the time 0nbz before Mdq from Nm The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb
of our Lifegiver Nnyxmd in the revelation hnylgb now 0$h & is revealed tylgt0w 10
death 0twml Who has destroyed l+bd The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
by the Gospel Nwylgnw0b destructibility 0twnlbxtm & in 0lw life 0yx & has displayed ywxw
a preacher 0zwrk I 0n0 by Him hb by Whom I am appointed tmystt0d He wh 11
of the Gentiles 0mm(d & a teacher 0nplmw & an apostle 0xyl$w
these things Nylh I 0n0 endure rbysm this 0dh because of l+m 12
for ryg I 0n0 know (dy I 0n0 am ashamed thb & not 0lw
I 0n0 & am convinced spmw I have believed tnmyh in Whom Nmb
my trust ynl(wg into His hands yhwdy0b that it has come 0y+md
that wh unto day 0mwyl for me yl to keep r+ml
sound 0tmylx of words 0lm the model 0rwx to you Kl let be Nywhn 13
& in the love 0bwxbw in the faith 0twnmyhb from me ynm that you have heard t(m$d
The Messiah 0xy$m which are in Yeshua (w$ybd
of Holiness 0$dwqd by The Spirit 0xwrb keep r+ good 0b+ the trust 0nl(wg 14
in us Nb dwells trm(d Who yh
all of them Nwhlk from me ynm that have turned wkphd this 0dh you tn0 know (dy 15
& Hermogenes swngmrhw Pugelos swlgwp of whom Nwhnm are Nwhyty0d who in Asia 0ys0bd those Nylh
of Onesiphorus swrwpysn0d to the house htybl compassion 0mxr our Lord Nrm may give ltn 16
of my bondage yrws0d & of the chains 0tl$$bw he refreshed me ynxyn0 many N0ygs who times Nynbzd
he was ashamed thb not 0l
to Rome ymwhrl he came 0t0 when dk also P0 but 0l0 17
& found me ynxk$0w he sought me yn(b with diligence 0tw+ypxb
mercy 0mxr to find xk$nd our Lord Nrm him hl may grant ltn 18
that ministered to me yn$m$d & how 0mkw that wh in day 0mwyb our Lord Nrm with twl
you tn0 know (dy especially ty0ryty in Ephesus swsp0b
2 Timothy
Chapter 2
be strengthened lyxt0 my son yrb therefore lykh you tn0 2:1
The Messiah 0xy$m which is in Yeshua (w$ybd in the grace 0twby+b
many 00ygs witnesses 0dhs by dyb from me ynm that you have heard t(m$d & those things Nyly0w 2
those Nyly0 trustworthy 0nmyhm to men 0$n0l I have entrusted l(g0 those things Nynh
to teach wplml others 0nrx0l also P0 into whose hands Nwhydy0b it has come 0y+md
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd good 0b+ a soldier 0xlp as Ky0 evils 0t$yb & endure rbysw 3
of the world 0ml(d in matters 0twbcb also is bound rkptmw a soldier xlp a man $n0 not 0l 4
has chosen him yhybgd who Nm him whl to please rp$nd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

he is crowned llktm not 0l a man $n0 competes $tktm & if N0w 5

competes $tktm not 0l by the rules hswmnb if N0
to him hl it is fitting 0lw who toils 00ld to the ploughman 0rk0l 6
to be sustained rbytsn his crop yhwr0p of Nm first 0mdqd
I 0n0 say rm0d what Mdm consider lkts0 7
thing Mdm in every lkb wisdom 0tmkx our Lord Nrm to you Kl may give ltn
Who arose Mqd The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$yl call to mind rkdt0 8
from Nm Who is yhwty0d He wh of the dead 0tym the place tyb from Nm
my ylyd Gospel Nwylgnw0 according to Ky0 of David dywdd the seed 0(rz
chains 0rws0l unto 0md( evils 0t$yb I 0n0 suffer lbs in which hbd 9
is chained 0rys0 not 0l of God 0hl0d the word htlm but 0l0 evil 0t$yb a doer db( as if Ky0
the elect ones 0ybg for l+m I 0n0 endure rbysm everything Mdmlk this 0nh because of l+m 10
The Messiah 0xy$m which is in Yeshua (w$ybd The Life 0yx may find Nwxk$n those Nwnh that also P0d
eternal Ml(ld the glory 0xbw$ with M(
with Him hm( we have died Ntym for ryg if N0 the word 0tlm is yh trustworthy 0nmyhm 11
we shall live 0xn with Him hm( also P0
with Him hm( we shall reign Klmn also P0 we shall suffer rbysn & if N0w 12
us Nb will reject rwpkn He wh also P0 Him hb we reject rwpkn but Nyd if N0
He wh in Him hb we shall have believed Nmyhn not 0l & if N0w 13
for ryg to reject rwpknd continues 0wqm in His faithfulness htwnmyhb
He is able xk$m not 0l Himself h$pnb
our Lord Nrm before Mdq & charging dhsmw them Nwhl reminding dh(m be tywh these things Nylh 14
profit Nrtwy without 0ld about words 0lmb disputing Nyrxtm they shall be Nwwhn that not 0ld
such things Nyhl who hear Ny(m$d of those Nyly0d to the overthrow 0pxwsl
yourself K$pn that you present Myqtd of yourself Kl & take care l+btnw 15
shame 0tthb without 0ld a laborer 0xlp God 0hl0 before Mdq perfectly ty0rymg
of truth 0rr$d the word 0tlm straightforwardly ty0cyrt who preaches zrkmd
avoid l0t$0 benefit wx$x in which Nyhb there is not tyld empty 0tqyrs words 0lm & from Nmw 16
their wickedness Nwh($wr upon l( will they add Nwpswn for ryg all the more ty0ryty
in them Nyhb who converse Nyn(d those Nwnh
many 00ygsb will seize dwx0t consuming 0mwn a cancer 0tydlx as Ky0 & their speech Nwhtlmw 17
Philetus sw+lyp another 0nrx0w Humenayus sw0nmwh of them Nwhnm one dx but Nyd there is yhwty0
saying Nyrm0 while dk the truth 0rr$ from Nm who have wandered w(+d these Nylh 18
it hl has occurred twh of the dead 0tymd the resurrection 0tmyqd
overthrow Nykphm man $n0 of each $n0d & the faith 0twnmyhw
that yh stands 0myq of God 0hl0d firm 0tryr$ but Nyd the foundation 0ts0t$ 19
Jehovah 0yrm & knows (dyw this 0nh the seal 0mtx to it hl & is ty0w
evil 0lw( from Nm & let separate qwrpnw are Nwn0 who His hlydd those Nyly0l
of Jehovah 0yrmd The Name hm$l who calls on 0rqd everyone lk
only dwxlb of gold 0bhdd vessels 0n0m is it 0wh not 0l great 0br but Nyd in a house 0tybb 20
of wood 0syqd also P0 but 0l0 in it hb are ty0 of silver 0m0sd or w0
for dishonor 0r(cl & some Nwhnmw for honor 0rqy0l some of them Nwhnm of pottery 0rxpd also P0
these Nylh from Nm himself h$pn will purify 0kdn therefore lykh a man $n0 if N0 21

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

for the use 0x$wxl that is suitable Nh(d for honor 0rqy0l pure 0ykd a vessel 0n0m he is 0wh
good b+ work db( for every lkl & ready by+mw of his Lord hrmd
& run +rhw escape qwr( of youth 0twyl+d lusts 0tgygr all Nyhlk from Nm 22
& peace 0ml$w & love 0bwxw & faith 0twnmyhw righteousness 0twn0k after rtb
pure 0ykd in a heart 0blb our Lord Nrml who call on Nyrqd those Nyly0 with M(
are Nwn0 instruction wdrm that without 0ldd those Nyly0 of fools 0lks the disputes 0nyrx 23
for ryg you tn0 know (dy from them Nwhnm abstain l0t$0
they generate Nydlwm that conflict 0$wtktd
to fight w$tktml ought byx not 0l of our Lord Nrmd but Nyd a servant hdb( 24
& instructive Nplmw every person $nlk to twl humble Kykm to be 0whnd but 0l0
in his spirit hxwr & long 0rygnw
against him hlbwql who dispute Nyrxtmd those Nyly0l instruct 0dr that he may 0whnd 25
God 0hl0 to them Nwhl will give ltn perhaps 0mld in humility 0twkykmb
the truth 0rr$ & they shall know Nw(dnw repentance 0twbyt
& they will break loose Nwqrpnw their souls Nwh$pn & they will remember Nwdh(nw 26
by whom hbd of Satan 0n+sd the trap hxp from Nm
for his pleasure hnybcl they were captured wdyctt0
2 Timothy
Chapter 3
know (dy you should tywh but Nyd this 0dh 3:1
hard 0y$q times 0nbz will come Nwt0n last 0yrx0 that in the days 0tmwybd
of themselves Nwh$pn lovers ymxr children of men 0$nynb & shall be Nwwhnw 2
blasphemers 0npdgm proud 0mr boasters 0nrhb$ of money 0psk & lovers ymxrw
of grace 0twby+b rejecters yrpk are loyal Nysyp+tm not 0l who to their people Nwhy$n0ld
wicked ones 0(y$r
cruel 0yryr(b to desire 0tgrl captives ydb($m slanderers 0crq ylk0 3
of the good 0tb+ haters yyns
lust 0tgygr loving ymxr arrogant 0rytx impulsive 0bhrsm traitors 0nml$m 4
of God 0hl0d the love hbwx than Nm better b+
of God 0hl0 of respect tlxdd a form 0mks0 to them Nwhl there is ty0d 5
are Nwn0 who such 0nkhd those Nyly0 they are far Nyqyxr His power hlyx & from Nmw
from you Knm them Nwn0 remove qwxd
to house 0tb house tyb who crawl Nydlxmd these Nylh for ryg are Nwn0 some of them Nwhnm 6
in sins 0h+xb who are buried Nrym+d women 0$n & capture Nyb$w
various 0tplx$m to lusts 0tgygrl & are led Nrbdtmw
of the truth 0rr$d to the knowledge 0t(dyl & ever Mwtmmw learn Nply who always Nbzlkbd 7
are able Nyxk$m not 0l to come 0t0ml
Moshe 0$wm against lbqwl rose wmq & Yambris syrbmyw Yanes snyd but Nyd just as 0nky0 8
the truth 0rr$ against lbqwl stood Nymyq those Nwnh also P0 in this way 0nkh
faith 0twnmyh from Nm & are rejected Nylsw their minds Nwhny(r who corrupt lbxmd persons 0$n0
to their advancement Nwhymdql they will go Nwt0n not 0l but 0l0 9
to every person $nlkl is yh known 0(dytm for ryg their madness Nwhtwy+$
was known t(dyt0 theirs Nwnhd that also P0d just as 0nky0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

my teaching ynplwy after rtb have gone tyt0 but Nyd you tn0 10
my desire ynybc & after rtbw my customs yrbwd & after rtbw
my love ybwx & after rtbw my endurance ytwnrbysm & after rtbw
of my spirit yxwr length twrygn & after rtbw my faith ytwnmyh & after rtbw
my suffering y$x & after rtbw my persecutions ytwpydr & after rtbw 11
in Antiokaya 0yky+n0b I endured trbys those things Nyly0 you tn0 & know (dyw
persecutions 0twpydr what 0dy0 & in Lustra 0r+swlbw & in Aiqoniown Nwnqy0bw
My Lord yrm delivered me ynycp all of them Nyhlk & from Nmw I endured trbys
of God 0hl0 in the worship tlxdb who choose Nybcd those Nyly0 but Nyd & all Nwhlkw 12
are persecuted Nypdrtm The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb to live Nwxnd
will add Nwpswn & deceivers 0ny(+mw evil 0$yb but Nyd men 0$nynb 13
& deceive Ny(+mw they go astray Ny(+ as dk their evils Nwhtw$yb to l(
that you have learned tplyd in those things Nyly0b abide 0wq but Nyd you tn0 14
you have learned tply whom wnm from Nm for ryg you tn0 know (dy & are assured trrt$0w
you tn0 were taught Pyly holy 0$ydq the books 0rps your childhood Ktwyl+ & that from Nmdw 15
in the faith 0twnmyhb unto the life 0yxl make you wise Knwmkxnd which can Nyxk$md
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd
is wh profitable 0nrtwm written btkt0 which is by The Spirit 0xwrbd writing btk every lk 16
& for direction 0crwtlw & for correction 0nwwklw for teaching 0nplwyl
in righteousness 0twn0kbd & for a course 0twdrmlw
of God 0hl0d the man 0$nrb perfect rymg that will be 0whnd 17
a perfecter Nml$m good b+ work db( & for every lklw

2 Timothy
Chapter 4
& our Lord Nrmw God 0hl0 before Mdq you Kl I 0n0 charge dhsm 4:1
the living 0yx to judge Ndml Who is going dyt(d He wh The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
of His kingdom htwklmd at the revelation 0nylgb & the dead 0tymw
in time 0nbzb with diligence 0tw+ypxb & stand Mwqw the word 0tlm preach zrk0 2
& rebuke Nwkw reprove sk0 time 0nbz & without 0ldw
& teaching 0nplwyw of spirit 0xwr length trgm in all hlkb
sound 0mylx when teaching 0nplwyld a time 0nbz for ryg there will be 0whn 3
their desires Nwhtgygr according to Ky0 but 0l0 they will obey Nw(mt$n not 0l
teachers 0nplm to themselves Nwh$pnl they will multiply Nwgsn
of their sense of hearing Nwht(m$md with the itching 0txtwxb
their ears Nwhnd0 they will turn Nwkphn the truth 0rr$ & from Nmw 4
they will turn aside Nw+sn but Nyd to fables 0ty(w$l
evils 0t$yb & endure rbysw in all things Mdmlkb watchful ry( be tywh but Nyd you tn0 5
fulfill Ml$ & your ministry Kt$m$tw of an evangelist 0nrbsmd do db( work 0db(w
am 0n0 offered as a sacrifice 0qntm therefore lykm for ryg I 0n0 6
has arrived 0+m of release 0rt$0d & the time 0nbzw
I have finished tml$ & my race y+hrw I have fought t$tkt0 excellent 0ryp$ a contest 0nwg0 7

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

I have kept tr+n & my faith ytwnmyhw

of righteousness 0twn0kd a crown 0lylk for me yl is kept ry+n now 0$h & from Nmw 8
that wh in day 0mwyb My Lord yrm to me yl that shall award yhwy(rpnd
to me yl only dwxlb but Nyd not 0l the just 0n0k judge 0nyd when He shall wywhd
His revelation hnylgl who will have loved wbx0d to those Nyly0l also P0 but 0l0
quickly lg(b to me ytwl to come 0t0td to you Kl let it be a concern l+btn 9
this 0nh world 0ml( & loves bx0w has abandoned me ynqb$ for ryg Dema 0md 10
to Galatia 0y+lgl Qrisqus swqsrq to Thessaloniqa 0qynwlstl to it hl & he has gone lz0w
to Dalmatia 0y+mldl Titus sw++
with me ym( only yhwdwxlb is wh Luqa 0qwl 11
with you Km( bring him yhyty0w take rbd Marqus swqrml
for the ministry 0t$m$tl because ryg to me yl he is suitable Nh(
to Ephesus swsp0l I sent trd$ but Nyd Tukiqus swqykw+l 12
Qarpus swprq with twl in Troaus sw0wr+b that I left tqb$d but Nyd book 0btk the case tyb 13
& the books 0btkw bring it yhyty0 you tn0 come 0t0d when 0m
of parchments 0lgmd the scrolls 0krk especially ty0ryty
showed me ynywx great 0t0ygs evil 0t$yb the blacksmith 0ynyq Aleksandrus srdnskl0 14
his works yhwdb( according to Ky0 our Lord Nrm him hl may pay (rp
of him hnm beware rhdz0 but Nyd you tn0 also P0 15
our words Nylm against lbqwl he is arrogant Pyqz for ryg very b+
with me ym( was 0wh a man $n0 not 0l first 0ymdq at my defense yxwrb qpmb 16
this 0dh to them Nwhl may be accounted b$xtt not 0l abandoned me ynwqb$ all of them Nwhlk but 0l0
& empowered me ynlyxw for me yl stood Mq but Nyd My Lord yrm 17
may be fulfilled Mlt$t the preaching 0twzwrk that by me ybd
all of them Nwhlk the Gentiles 0mm( & would hear Nw(m$nw
of the lion 0yr0d the mouth 0mwp from Nm that I was delivered tycpt0d
evil $yb work db( every lk from Nm My Lord yrm & will deliver me ynycpnw 18
which is in Heaven 0ym$bd in His kingdom htwklmb & will give me life ynyxnw
Amen Nym0 of eternities Nyml( to the eternity Ml(l is the glory 0xbw$ for to Him hld
& to Aqilos swlq0lw to Prisqila 0lqsyrpl greeting 0ml$ give bh 19
of Onesiphorus swrwpysn0d & to the house 0tyblw
in Qorinthus swtnrwqb him hl stopped $p Erastus sw+sr0 20
he was sick hyrk while dk I left him htqb$ but Nyd Trophimus swmypwr+
the city 0tnydm in Miletus sw+ylymb
to come 0t0t winter 0wts before Mdqd to you Kl let it be a concern l+btn 21
& Linus swnylw & Pudas sdwpw Eubulus swlwbw0 your peace Kml$b invokes l0$
all of them Nwhlk & the brothers 0x0w & Qlaudia 0ydwlqw
your spirit Kxwr is with M( The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm 22
Amen Nym0 with you Km( grace 0twby+


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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Chapter 1
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd & apostle hxyl$w of God 0hl0d a servant hdb( Paul swlwp 1:1
of God 0hl0d of the chosen 0ybgd in the faith 0twnmyhb
of God 0hl0 which is in the reverence tlxdbd of the truth 0rr$d & of knowledge 0t(dyw
The True 0ryr$ God 0hl0 that promised Klmd eternal Ml(ld of life 0yxd the hope 0rbs upon l( 2
of the world 0ml(d the times yhwnbz before Mdq
our preaching Ntwzwrk by dyb in His time hnbzb His word htlm & He has revealed 0lgw 3
by the commandment 0ndqwpb I 0n0 with which was entrusted tnmyht0d that yh
our Lifegiver Nnyxm of God 0hl0d
inner 0wgd in the faith 0twnmyhb true 0ryr$ a son 0rb to Titus sw++l 4
The Father 0b0 God 0hl0 from Nm & peace 0ml$w grace 0twby+
our Lifegiver Nnyxm The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm & from Nmw
in Qrete 0+rqb I had tywh I left you Ktqb$ it is wh because of this 0nhl+m 5
elders 0$y$q & ordain Myqtw you may set right Nqtt that are deficient Nrysxd that those things Nyly0d
I ordered you Ktdqpd just as 0nky0 by city 0nydm in city 0nydmb
the husband 0l(b & has been 0whw is wh fault Ny$r who without 0ldd one 0ny0 6
believing 0nmyhm children 0ynb to him hl & is ty0w wife 0ttn0 of one 0dxd
subjection db(w$ without 0ld they are Nwhyty0 & not 0lw are abusive Nyxcm who not 0ld
in immorality 0tw+ws0b
faults Ny$r without 0ld to be 0whnd an elder 0$y$q for ryg is wh obliged byx 7
governed rbdtm to be 0whn & not 0lw of God 0hl0d a steward 0tybr as Ky0
bad tempered Ntmx to be 0whn neither 0lw his own h$pn by mind Ny(rb
wine 0rmx with l( excessive rb( to be 0whn neither 0lw
to strike 0xmml his hand hdy0 quick 0+hr should be 0wht neither 0lw
filthy 0pn+ riches 0nrtwy loving Mxr to be 0whn neither 0lw
goodness 0tb+ love Mxr & should 0whnw strangers 0ynsk0 love Mxr he should 0whn but 0l0 8
& should be 0whnw just Ny0k & should be 0whnw modest Pkn & should be 0whnw
lusts 0tgygr from Nm himself h$pn & keeps Kyblw holy 0ysx
of faith 0twnmyhd of the word 0tlmd the teaching 0nplwy for l( to him hl & it is a concern ly+bw 9
sound 0mylx by his teaching hnplwyb to comfort w0ybml also P0 to be able xk$nd
who are contentious Nyrxtmd those Nyly0l & to rebuke wskmlw
are submissive Nydb(t$m who not 0ld many 00ygs for ryg there are ty0 10
of children of men 0$nynbd minds 0ny(r & they deceive Ny(+mw their words Nwhylm & are empty Nqyrsw
are Nwn0 the circumcision 0trwzg who from Nmd those Nyly0 especially ty0ryty
their mouths Nwhmwp to stop up wrksml it is necessary 0lwd those Nwnh 11
they destroy Nylbxm many 00ygs for ryg households 0tb
filthy 0pn+ riches 0nrtwy for l+m is right 0lw that not 0ld what Mdm & they teach Nyplmw
their own Nwhlyd a prophet 0ybn from them Nwhnm a man $n0 said rm0 12
wicked 0t$yb beasts 0twyx are Nwn0 liars Nylgd always Nbzlkb of Qrete 0+rq sons ynbd
idle 0tly+b & bellies 0tsrkw
this 0nh because of l+m this 0dh testimony 0twdhs he has brought hyty0 & truly ty0ryr$w 13

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

in faith 0twnmyhb sound Nymylx that they will be Nwwhnd them Nwhl rebuke skm do tywh severely ty0y$q
of the Jews 0ydwhyd fables 0ty(w$l should yield to Nwmrtn & not 0lw 14
to the pure 0ykdl is wh pure 0kd for ryg everything Mdmlk 15
believing Nynmyhm & not 0lw who are defiled Nybysmd but Nyd to those Nyly0l
to them Nwhl there is not tyl that is pure 0kdd anything Mdm
& their conscience Nwhtr0tw their mind Nwhny(r is wh defiled bysm but 0l0
God 0hl0l that they know Ny(dyd & they profess Nydwmw 16
Him hb they reject Nyrpk but Nyd by their works Nwhydb(b
obedience syp & without 0ldw enemies 00yns & they are Nwhyty0w
good b+ work db( to every lkl & rejected 0ylsmw
Chapter 2
sound 0mylx for teaching 0nplwyl is fitting 00yd what Mdm speak llm but Nyd you tn0 2:1
in their minds Nwhyny(rb watchful Nyry( elders 0$y$q that should be Nwwhnd & teach Pl0w 2
in faith 0twnmyhb sound Nymylx & to be Nwwhnw pure Nykd & to be Nwwhnw modest Nypkn & to be Nwwhnw
& in patience 0twnrbysmbw & in love 0bwxbw
fitting 00yd in appearance 0mks0b to be Nywhnd in this way 0nkh elder women 0t$y$q & also P0w 3
slanderers 0crq Nlk0 to be Nywhn & not 0lw of God 0hl0 for the worship tlxdl
much 00ygs to wine 0rmxl subservient Ndb($m to be Nywhn neither 0lw
of excellence 0tryp$ teachers Nplm & to be Nywhnw
who are young women Nyl+d those Nyly0l & chasten Npknmw 4
& their children Nyhynbw their husbands Nyhyl(b to love Nmxrnd
good ryp$ taking caring Npcy & to be Nywhnw & holy N$ydqw chaste Npkn & to be Nywhnw 5
their husbands Nyhyl(bl & obeying Ndb(t$mw of their households Nyhytbd
of God 0hl0d the word htlm against l( blaspheme Pdgn anyone $n0 lest 0ld
serious Nypkn to be Nwwhnd beseech y(b in this way 0nkh young men Nyl+d those Nyly0 & of Nmw 6
show 0wx yourself K$pnb a model 0twmd but Nyd in all things Mdmlkb 7
& in your teaching Ktwnplmbw good 0b+ works 0db( in all lkb
wholesome 0tmylx speech 0tlm your Kl let be 0wht
it hl let despise rsb a man $n0 & not 0lw corrupt 0lbxm & not 0lw that is serious 0pknd 8
may be ashamed thbn against us Nlbwql who stands M0qd that he 0ny0d
adverse 0nsd anything Mdm against us Nyl( to say rm0nd he will be able xk$n not 0l as dk
in all things Mdmlkb let be subject Nwdb(t$n to their masters Nwhyrml servants 0db( 9
resist Nyc(m let them wwh & not 0lw & be pleasing Nwrpt$nw
good 0b+ their loyalty Nwhrr$ let them show Nwwxn but 0l0 steal Nybng let them wwh neither 0lw 10
the doctrine hnplwy in all things Mdmlkb to adorn Nwtbcnd in all things Mdmlkb
our Lifegiver Nnyxm of God 0hl0d
of God 0hl0d the grace htwby+ for ryg has been revealed tylgt0 11
all of them Nwhlk the children of men 0$nynbl all lk giving life to tyxm
of the world 0ml(d & lusts 0tgygrbw wickedness 0($wrb to reject rwpknd us Nl & it leads 0ydrw 12
& in righteousness 0twn0kbw in purity 0twpknb this 0nh in world 0ml(b & to live 0xnw
of God 0hl0 & in the worship tlxdbw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of the glory htxwb$td & the revelation 0nylglw blessed 0kyrb the hope 0rbsl we look for Nnyksm while dk 13
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y & our Lifegiver Nnyxmw The Great 0br of God 0hl0d
evil 0lw( all lk from Nm to redeem us Nqrpnd in our place Nyplx Himself h$pn gave bhy Who whd 14
new 0tdx a people 0m( for Himself h$pnl & to purify Nykdnw
good 0b+ of works 0db(b which is zealous Msxd
authority Ndqwp with all lkb & rebuke Nwkw & seek y(bw speak llm these things Nylh 15
you Kb let despise 0sbn a man $n0 & not 0lw
Chapter 3
to obey Nw(mt$n & authorities 0n+yl$lw that rulers 0$rld them Nwhl charging dh(m & be tywhw 3:1
good b+ deed db( for every lkl ready Nydyt( & to be Nwwhndw & to submit Nwdb(t$nw
they shall insult Nwpdgn not 0l a person $n0 & against l(w 2
humble Nykykm they shall be Nwwhn but 0l0 contending Ny$tktm shall they be Nwwhn neither 0lw
their sweetness Nwhtwmysb they shall show Nwwxn & in all things Mdmlkbw
the children of men 0$nynb all of them Nwhlk to twl
were Nywh intelligence 0ny(r without 0ld the first Mydq from Nm for ryg we Nnx also P0 3
& servants Nydb($mw we were Nywh & deceived Ny(+w conviction 0syp & without 0ldw
& in envy 0msxbw & in wickedness 0tw$ybbw changing 0tplx$m to lusts 0tgygr0l we were Nywh
we were Nywh & despicable Ny0ynsw we were Nywh employed Nykphtm
we were Nywh hating Nyns another dxl one dx also P0
His sweetness htwmysb was revealed tylgt0 but Nyd when dk 4
our Lifegiver Nnyxm of God 0hl0d & the loving kindness htwnmxrmw
that we have done Ndb(d of righteousness 0twqydzd by works 0db(b not 0l 5
He gave us life Nyx0 His own hlyd by His love yhwmxrb but 0l0
the top $yrd that is from Nmd of the birth 0dlwmd by the washing 0txsb
of Holiness 0$dwqd of The Spirit 0xwrd & by the renewing 0tdwxbw
richly ty0ryt( upon us Nyl( whom He poured d$0d The One yh 6
our Lifegiver Nnyxm The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y by dyb
heirs 0try & we would be 0whnw we would be justified qddzn that by His grace htwby+bd 7
eternal Ml(ld in Life 0yxb by hope 0rbsb
I 0n0 want 0bc & in these things Nylhbw the saying 0tlm is yh trustworthy 0nmyhm 8
to them Nwhl that it will be a concern l+btnd them Nwhl assuring rr$m to be tywh you tn0 that also P0d
in God 0hl0b who have believed wnmyhd those Nyly0 good 0b+ works 0db( to cultivate xlpml
for children of men 0$nynbl & beneficial Nrtwmw good Nb+ are Nyn0 these things Nylh
of genealogies 0tbr$d tales 0ty($t & from Nmw foolish 0tlks but Nyd debates 0t(b from Nm 9
abstain l0t$0 of the scribes 0rpsd contests 0$wtkt & from Nmw contentions 0nyrx & from Nmw
these are Nyn0 & worthless Nqyrsw in them Nyhb there is not tyl for ryg profit Nrtwy
time Nbz one 0dx after rtb from Nm a heretic 0+wysrh man 0rbg from Nm 10
avoid l0t$0 him hl you tn0 admonitions 0trmd & two Nytrtw
is wh perverse Mq(m is wh who is such 0nkhd that he Nmd aware (dy & be tywhw 11
of himself h$pn is condemned byx & he whw & a sinner 0+xw
Tukiqus swqykw+l or w0 Artima 0m+r0l to you Ktwl I have sent trd$d when 0m 12
to Niqopolis sylwpqynl to me ytwl to come 0t0td to you Kl let it be a concern l+btn
to winter 0ts0d my mind yny(rb I have set tms for ryg there Nmt

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Apollo wlp0 & concerning l(w the Scribe 0rps but Nyd Zena 0nz concerning l( 13
well ryp$ them Nwn0 to attend to 0wltd you Kl let it concern l+btn
to them Nwhl there will be lacking rsxn not 0l that anything Mdmd
are Nwn0 who ours Nlydd those Nyly0 also P0 & they will teach Nwpl0nw 14
of distress Ncl0d in matters 0twbcb good 0b+ works 0db( cultivating Nyxlp to be Nwwhnd
fruit 0r0p without 0ld they should be Nwwhn lest 0ld
are Nwn0 who with me ym(d those Nyly0 all of Nwhlk your peace Kml$b invoke Nyl0$ 15
us Nl who love us Nymxrd those Nyly0 of all of them Nwhlkd the peace 0ml$b invoke l0$
Amen Nym0 all of you Nwklk be with M( grace 0twby+ in faith 0twnmyhb

brother 0x0 & Timotheos sw0tmy+w The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd a prisoner hrys0 Paul swlwp 1:1
our companion Nm(d & a laborer 0xlpw beloved 0bybx to Philemon Nwmlypl
& to Arkippus swpykr0lw our beloved Ntbybx & to Aphia 0yp0lw 2
that is in your house Ktybbd & to the church 0td(lw our companion Nm(d a laborer 0xlp
our Father Nwb0 God 0hl0 from Nm & peace 0ml$w with you Nwkm( grace 0twby+ 3
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm & from Nmw
in every time Nbzlkb my God yhl0l I 0n0 thank 0dwm 4
in my prayers ytwlcb you Kl I 0n0 & remember rkdtmw
to you Kl that is ty0d & love 0bwxw of your faith Ktwnmyh when I heard t(m$d from Nm behold 0h 5
the holy ones 0$ydq all of Nwhlk & toward twlw Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm toward twl
in works 0db(b fruit 0r0p producing 0bhy of your faith Ktwnmyhd the sharing 0twptw$ that will be 0whtd 6
The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb to you Nwkl that is ty0d good Nb+ of every lkd & in knowledge 0t(dybw
& comfort 00ywbw to us Nl is ty0 great 0t0ygs for ryg joy 0twdx 7
of the saints 0$ydqd the affections 0mxr have been refreshed wxyntt0 your love Kbwx for by dybd
to me yl is ty0 great 0t0ygs freedom 0yshrp this 0dh because of l+m 8
that are right Nqdzd those things Nyly0 you Kl to command dwqp0d in The Messiah 0xy$mb
of you Knm I 0n0 beg 0(b it is wh begging 0(bm but Nyd the love 0bwx because of l+m 9
you tn0 that know (dyd as Ky0 the elder 0bs who am yty0d Paul swlwp I 0n0
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd prisoner 0rys0 also P0 but Nyd now 0$h
whom I begat tdlyd him 0ny0 my son yrb concerning l( of you Knm I 0n0 & beg 0(bw 10
Onesimus swmysn0 in my bondage yrws0b
usefulness wx$x in him hb for you Kl there was 0wh not tyl who at times Nbzbd he wh 11
he is useful x$x very b+ to me yl and P0 to you Kl also P0 but Nyd now 0$h
my ylyd son 0dlyld as Ky0 but Nyd you tn0 to you Kl & I sent him htrd$w 12
receive him yhylbq in this way 0nkh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

I would keep him yhwydx0 that with me ytwld for ryg I was tywh willing 0bc 13
on your behalf Kyplx to me yl ministering $m$m to be 0whnd
of the Gospel Nwylgnw0d in the bondage 0rws0b
anything Mdm I wanted tybc not 0l but Nyd your counsel Kklm without d(lb 14
your benefit Ktb+ would be 0wht by necessity 0ry+qbd as Ky0 that not 0ld to do db(ml
by your will Knybcb but 0l0
he departed yn$ this 0dh because of l+m also P0 but Nyd perhaps rbk 15
you may keep him yhwydx0t that for eternity Ml(ld for a time 0t($d
a servant 0db( than Nm more ryty but 0l0 a servant 0db( as Ky0 from now on lykm not 0l 16
yours Klyd how much more? 0mk one dx my ylyd beloved 0bybx brother 0x0
& in our Lord Nrmbw both in the flesh rsbbw
a partner 0ptw$ to me yl you are Kyty0 therefore lykh if N0 17
mine yld as Ky0 receive him yhylbq
this one 0dh owes a debt byx or w0 you lack Krsx anything Mdm & if N0w 18
account it bw$x to me yl(
I myself 0n0 will pay (rp I 0n0 with my hand ydy0b have written tbtk Paul swlwp I 0n0 19
to me yl you tn0 owe byx your soul K$pn that also P0d to you Kl saying rm0 without 0ld
in our Lord Nrmb by you Kb am refreshed xyntt0 I 0n0 my brother yx0 Yes Ny0 20
in The Messiah 0xy$mb my love ymxr satisfy xyn0
to me yl you tn0 that will listen (m$d I 0n0 trust lyktd because l+m 21
what 0m than Nm that more rytyd I 0n0 & know (dyw to you Kl I have written tbtk
you tn0 will do db( I 0n0 that said rm0d
a dwelling 0yr$m a place tyb for me yl prepare by+ also P0 but Nyd together 0dxb 22
to you Nwkl I 0n0 am given bhytm that by your prayers Nwktwlcbd for ryg I 0n0 hope rbsm
fellow ym(d a captive 0yb$ Epaphra 0rpp0 your peace Kml$b invokes l0$ 23
The Messiah 0xy$m in Yeshua (w$yb
my helpers ynrd(m & Luqa 0qwlw & Dema 0mdw & Aristarkus swkr+sr0w & Marqus swqrmw 24
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd the grace htwby+ 25
Amen Nym0 your spirits Nwkxwr with M(


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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Chapter 1
God 0hl0 spoke llm forms Nwmd & by all lkbw parts Nwnm in all lkb 1:1
the first Mydq from Nm by the prophets 0ybnb our fathers Nyhb0 with M(
by His Son hrbb with us Nm( He has spoken llm last 0yrx0 days 0tmwy & in these Nylhbw 2
of all things Mdmlkd the Heir 0try He ordained Ms Whom hld
the universe 0ml(l He made db( & by Him hbw
of His Being htwty0d & The Image 0mlcw of His glory hxbw$d The Brilliance 0xmc for He is wywhd 3
in His Person hmwnqb & He whw of His word htlmd by the power 0lyxb all things lk & upholding dyx0w
& He sat down btyw of our sins Nyh+xd the purification 0ykwd has accomplished db(
on High 0mwrmb of the Majesty 0twbrd the right 0nymy at l(
the angels 0k0lm than Nm is greater bry altogether hlk & This One 0nhw 4
The Name 0m$ excellent is rtymd how much more 0m according to Ky0
theirs Nwhlyd than Nm Which He possesses tryd
God 0hl0 said rm0 ever Mwtmm the angels 0k0lm of Nm for ryg to which one 0ny0l 5
have begotten You Ktdly today 0nmwy I 0n0 You are tn0 My Son yrbd
The Father 0b0l to Him hl shall be 0wh0 I 0n0d & again bwtw
The Son 0rbl to Me yl shall be 0whn & He whw
into the universe 0ml(l The Firstborn 0rkwb He brings l(md when ytm0 but Nyd again bwt 6
of God 0hl0d the angels 0k0lm all of them Nwhlk shall worship Nwdgsn Him hld He says rm0
He spoke rm0 in this way 0nkh but Nyd the angels 0k0lm about l( 7
spirit xwr His angels yhwk0lm He makes db(d
burning 0dqy fire rwn & His ministers yhwn$m$mw
Oh God 0hl0 yours Klyd Your throne Kysrwkd He said rm0 but Nyd The Son 0rb concerning l( 8
of Your kingdom Ktwklmd the scepter 0+b$ straight 0+y$p a scepter 0+b$ of eternities Nyml( to eternity Ml(l
evil 0lw( & You have hated tynsw righteousness 0twn0k You have loved tmxr 9
God 0hl0 has anointed You Kx$m this 0nh because of l+m
Your companions Kyrbx than Nm more ryty of joy 0twdxd with the oil 0x$m Your God Khl0
of the earth 0(r0d the foundation hys0t$ laid tms the origin ty$yrb from Nm You tn0 & again bwtw 10
are Nwn0 of Your hands Kydy0 the work db( & the heavens 0ym$w
are tn0 remaining Myq & You tn0w shall pass away Nwrb(n those Nwnh 11
shall wear out Nwlbn a robe 0txn as Ky0 & they all Nwhlkw
will be changed Nwplxtn those Nwnh them Nwn0 You shall fold Pw(t a cloak 0tyskt & as Ky0w 12
shall end Nrmgn not 0l & Your years Kyn$w Yourself tn0 are Kyty0d as Ky0 & You tn0w
said He rm0 ever Mwtmm the angels 0k0lm of Nm but Nyd to which? Nml 13
Your enemies Kybbdl(b I put Mys0d until 0md( My right ynymy at Nm sit btd
Your feet Kylgr under tyxt a footstool 0$bwk
of service 0t$m$td spirits 0xwr are Nwhyty0 all of them Nwhlk behold 0h not? 0l 14
those Nyly0 for the sake of l+m in the service 0t$m$tb who are sent Nyrdt$md
life 0yx to inherit tr0ml who are going Nydyt(d


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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Chapter 2
that all the more ty0rytyd we are indebted Nnybyx this 0nh because of l+m 2:1
we fall lpn lest 0ld we have heard N(m$d to whatever Mdmb attentive Nyryhz we should be 0whn
was established trrt$0 the angels 0k0lm by dyb that was spoken tllmt0d a word 0tlm for ryg if N0 2
by justice 0twn0kb a reward 0n(rwp received lbq it hyl( & violated rb(w who heard it h(m$d & everyone lkw
those things Nyly0 l( we despise 0sbn if N0 shall escape qwr(n we Nnx how? 0nky0 3
our Lord Nrm from Nm which began wyr$d those things Nwnh our life Nyyx are Nwn0 which Nwnhd
heard w(m$ who from Him hnmd those Nyly0 & from Nmw to be spoken wllmtml
& were confirmed wrrt$0 among us Nb
& in wonders 0trmdtbw with signs 0twt0b God 0hl0 for them Nwhyl( testified dhs while dk 4
of Holiness 0$dwqd of The Spirit 0xwrd & by distributions 0glwpbw various 0plx$m & by miracles 0lyxbw
His will hnybc according to Ky0 which were given wbhyt0d
future dyt(d the world 0ml( He subjected db($ to angels 0k0lml for ryg it was 0wh not 0l 5
we are speaking Nnyllmm about which yhwl(d
& says rm0w the scripture 0btk testifies dhsmd as Ky0 but 0l0 6
of man 0$n0d & the son hrbw that You remember him yhytdh(d man 0rbg what is? wnm
that You care for him yhytr(sd
his feet yhwlgr under tyxt You have subjected tdb($ things Mdm & all lkw 8
to him hl He subjected db($ thing Mdm every lkd but Nyd by this yhb
but Nyd now 0$h is subjected db($m that not 0ld anything Mdm it leaves qb$ not 0l
to him hl is subjected db($m thing Mdm that every lkd we see Nnyzx yet lykd( not 0l
the angels 0k0lm than Nm a little lylq Who was lower Kmd but Nyd He wh 9
of His death htwmd the suffering 0$x for l+m Yeshua (w$y that He is wywhd we see Nnyzx
on His head h$yrb are placed Mys & honor 0rqy0w & glory 0txwb$tw
God 0hl0 by His grace htwby+b for ryg Himself wh
by His hand hdy0b Who all lkd for Him whl for ryg it was 0wh fitting 00y 10
bringing l(0 many 00ygs & children 0ynbw for His sake htl+m & all lkw
by His suffering h$xb of their Life Nwhyyxd that The Prince 0$yrld to the glory 0txwb$tl
would perfect Himself yhwyrmgn
who are made holy w$dqt0d & those Nwnhw Who makes holy $dqd for ryg He wh 11
this 0nh because of l+m all of them Nwhlk are Nwn0 One dx of Nm
His brothers yhwx0 them Nwn0 to call 0rqnd He is ashamed thb not 0l
to My brethren yx0l Your Name Km$ I shall announce rbs0 He said rm0 when dk 12
I shall glorify You Kxb$0 the church 0td(d & within it hwgbw
& again bwtw upon Him yhwl( trusting lykt shall be 0wh0 I 0n0d & again bwtw 13
God 0hl0 to Me yl whom has given bhyd & the children 0ynbw I 0n0 behold 0h
& blood 0mdw in flesh 0rsbb shared wptwt$0 the children 0ynbd for ryg because l+m 14
in these things Nylhb with them Nyhb shared Ptwt$0 in the form 0twmdb in it hb He wh also P0
He would destroy l+bn that in His death htwmbd
of death 0twmd the authority 0n+lw$ which had held dyx0d the one Nml

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Satan 0n+s who is yhwty0d

of death 0twmd by fear 0tlxdbd who Nyly0 those Nwnhl & He would free 0r$nw 15
to bondage 0twdb(l were wwh subjected Nydb($m their lives Nwhyyx in all Nwhlkb
was 0wh authorized +l$m the angels 0k0lm over l( for ryg it was 0wh not 0l 16
of Abraham Mhrb0d the seed h(rz over l( but 0l0 death 0twm
it was 0wh authorized +l$m
things Mdm that in all lkbd it was 0wh right qdz this 0nh because of l+m 17
compassionate 0nmxrm that He would be 0whnd His brethren yhwx0l He would become like 0mdtn
in what is Gods 0hl0db trustworthy 0nmyhm priest 0rmwk & a high brw
of the people 0m(d the sins yhwh+x for l( make atonement 0sxm & would 0whnw
& was tempted ysnt0w has suffered $x that He whd for ryg in this yhb 18
who are tempted Nysntmd those Nyly0l help rd(nd He can xk$m
Chapter 3
with a calling 0nyrqb who are called Nwtyrqt0d holy 0$ydq my brothers yx0 therefore lykm 3:1
Apostle 0xyl$ this 0nhl consider yhw0zx Heaven 0ym$ that is from Nmd
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our confession Ntydwtd Priest 0rmwk & High brw
Who appointed Him hdb(d to The One Nml who is faithful Nmyhmd 2
in his household htyb in whole hlkb Moses 0$wm as Ky0
of This One 0nhd His glory htxwb$t for ryg is yh greater 00ygs 3
the honor 0rqy0 much ygsd just as 0nky0 of Moses 0$wmd more than Nm much b+
his building hnynb more than Nm much b+ of the house 0tybd of the builder hynbd
is built 0nbtm is wh a man $n0 from Nm for ryg house 0tyb every lk 4
is wh God 0hl0 all lk who built 0nbd but Nyd He wh
all hlk with the house 0tybb was entrusted Nmyht0 a servant 0db( as Ky0 & Moses 0$wmw 5
were ywh that going Ndyt(d of those things Nyly0d for the testimony 0twdhsl
by him hdy0b to be spoken wllmtml
His house htyb over l( The Son 0rb as Ky0 but Nyd The Messiah 0xy$m 6
we will hold dwx0n the end 0trxl until 0md( if N0 we Nnx His house htyb & is yhwty0w
of His Gospel hrbsd & pride 0rhbw$w of face 0p0 with openness twylg
today 0nmwyd of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr said trm0d because l+m 7
you will hear Nw(m$t of His voice hlqb if N0
to anger Him* htwzgrml your hearts Nwktwbl harden Nw$qt not 0l 8
of temptation 0nwysnd the day 0mwy & as Ky0w the rebellious 0nrmrmm as Ky0
in the wilderness 0rbdmbd
& they proved wqbw your fathers Nwkyhb0 when tempted Me ynwysnd 9
years Nyn$ forty Ny(br0 My works ydb( they saw wzx
that wh with generation 0rdb to Me yl I was weary tn0m this 0nh because of l+m 10
heart Nwhbl whose errs 0(+d that is wh a people 0m(d & I said trm0w
My ways ytxrw0 they have known w(dy not 0l & those Nwnhw
My rest ytxynl they shall enter Nwl(n not 0ld in My anger yzgwrb I swore tymyd & as Ky0w 11
of you Nwknm in any $n0b there be 0whn lest 0mld my brothers yx0 therefore lykh beware wrhdz0 12

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& you would depart Nwqrptw is faithful Nmyhm that not 0ld evil 0$yb an heart 0bl
The Living 0yx God 0hl0 from Nm
the days 0tmwy all of Nwhlk yourselves Nwk$pn of Nm inquire w(b but 0l0 13
be hardened 0$qtn lest 0ld Today 0nmwy that is called 0rqtmd the day 0mwyl until 0md(
of sin 0ty+xd by the deception 0twy(+b of you Nwknm a man $n0
The Beginning 0ty$yr from Nm if N0 The Messiah 0xy$m with M( for ryg we have been joined N+lxt0 14
we shall hold fast Nsmxn true 0ryr$ this 0nh to covenant 0myqb to it hb The End 0tyrx0l & unto 0md(w
of His voice hlq daughter trb if N0 that today 0nmwyd what is said rym0d just as 0nky0 15
to anger Him htwzgrml your hearts Nwktwbl harden Nw$qt not 0l you will hear Nw(m$t
& angered Him yhwzgr0w who heard w(m$d those Nwnh for ryg are Nwn0 who? Nm 16
Moses 0$wm by dyb Egypt Nyrcm from Nm who went out wqpnd these Nylh all of Nwhlk not? 0l
years Nyn$ forty Ny(br0 He hl was wearied tn0m & with whom Nyly0bw 17
in the wilderness 0rbdmb fell wlpn & their bones Nwhymrgw who sinned w+xd with them Nwnhb but 0l0
His rest htxynl they would enter Nwl(n that not 0ld He swore 0my whom Nyly0 & about l(w 18
were convinced wsyp+t0 who not 0ld those Nwnh about l( but 0l0
enter l(ml they could wxk$0 that not 0ld we see Nnyzxw 19
they believed wnmyh that not 0ld because l+m
Chapter 4
the promise 0nklwm stands Myq while dk lest 0mld therefore lykh let us fear lxdn 4:1
of you Nwknm a man $n0 should be found xkt$n into His rest htxynld of entrance 0tl(md
entering l(mld of Nm come short $0pd
those Nwnh that also P0d as Ky0 we were evangelized Nrbts0 for ryg we Nnx also P0 2
that heard w(m$d the word 0tlm thoseNwnhl them Nwn0 benefited trtw0 not 0l but 0l0
who heard it hw(m$d to those Nwnhl with faith 0twnmyhb it was twh joined 0gzmm that not 0ld because l+m
we who believe Nnmyhd who Nyly0 are Nnx into rest 0txynl but Nyd we entering Nnyl0( 3
in my anger yzgwrb I swore tymyd as Ky0 He said rm0 but Nyd just as 0nky0
of God 0hl0d the works yhwdb( for behold 0hd My rest ytxynl they shall enter Nwl(n that not 0ld
have been wwh of the world 0ml(d the foundation hyrw$ from Nm
God 0hl0 rested xynt0d The Sabbath 0tb$ about l( what He said rm0d according to Ky0 4
all of them Nwhlk His works yhwdb( from Nm seventh 0y(yb$ on the day 0mwyb
My rest ytxynl they shall enter Nwl(n that not 0ld He said rm0 again bwt & here 0krhw 5
man $n0 that each $n0d a place 0rt0 has 0wh there existed ty0d therefore lykh because l+m 6
entered wl( not 0l first 0ymdq who were evangelized wrbts0d & those Nwnhw himself hl may enter lw(n
they were convinced wsyp+t0 in that not 0ldb
many 00ygs times 0nbz after rtb from Nm He appointed M0s another 0nrx0 day 0mwy again bwt 7
David dywd that said rm0d it is written bytk above l(l that from Nmd just as 0nky0
your hearts Nwktwbl harden Nw$qt not 0l you will listen Nw(m$t to His voice hlqb if N0 today 0nmwyd
them Nwn0 had 0wh given rest xyn0 Nun Nwn son rb Yeshua (w$y for ryg if wl0 8
another 0nrx0 day 0mwy about l( afterward Nkrtb from Nm He would have 0wh spoken rm0 not 0l
of God 0hl0d for the people hm(l to keep the Sabbath wtb$ml it wh remains Myq so then Nydm 9

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

has rested xyntt0 His rest htxynl enters l(d for ryg whoever 0ny0 10
His own hlyd from Nm God 0hl0d as Ky0 his works yhwdb( from Nm he wh also P0
rest 0txyn to that yhl to enter lw(nd therefore lykh let us take pains +pxtn 11
were persuaded wsyp+t0 who not 0ld of those Nwnhd in the manner 0twmdb we fall lpn lest 0ld
efficient 0r(s & all lkw of God 0hl0d the word htlm for ryg that yh is living 0yx 12
mouthed hymwp double Nyrtd a sword 0rsps than Nm much b+ & sharper 0pyrxw
& of spirit 0xwrdw of soul 0$pnd the separation 0n$rwpl unto 0md( pierces 0l0(w
the reasoning 0tb$xm & judges 0nydw & of bones 0mrgdw & marrow 0xwmdw & of joints 0tyr$dw
of the heart 0bld & conscience 0ty(rtw
before Him hymdq from Nm that is hidden 0y$+d a created thing 0tyrb & there is not tylw 13
the eyes yhwny( before Mdq & open 0lgw is naked l+r( thing Mdm every lk but 0l0
an account 0mgtp we give Nnybhy of Him to Whom hld
great 0br a priest 0rmwk high br therefore lykh to us Nl there is ty0d because l+m 14
to Heaven 0ym$l Who has ascended qlsd of God 0hl0d The Son hrb The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
to His confession htydwtb let us hold fast Nsmxn
suffer $xnd can 0cm Who not 0ld a High Priest 0rmwkbr for us Nl He is ty0 for ryg not 0l 15
like us Ntwk0 in all things Mdmlkb Who was tried ysnmd but 0l0 our weaknesses Ntwhyrk with M(
sin 0ty+x from Nm apart r+s
to the throne 0ysrwkl eyes Ny( with open 0lgb therefore lykh let us come brqtn 16
& we shall find xk$nw mercy 0mxr to receive bsnd of His grace htwby+d
of suffering 0nclw0d in a time 0nbzb to help 0nrdw(l grace 0twby+
Chapter 5
was 0wh children of men 0$nynb who from Nmd for ryg priest 0rmwk High br every lk 5:1
are Nyn0 that of God 0hl0dd the things Nyly0 over l( is appointed M0q men 0$nynb for the sake of Plx
sin 0h+x for the sake of Plx & sacrifices 0xbdw offerings 0nbrwq to present brqnd
those Nyly0 with M( & suffer $xnw himself h$pn humble Kmnd who can xk$md he 0ny0 2
that also P0d because l+m & the erring Ny(+w know Ny(dy who not 0ld
is clothed $ybl in weakness 0twhyrk he wh
people 0m( for the sake of Plxd that as 0nky0d he wh owes a debt byx for his sake htl+mw 3
his sins yhwh+x for l( to present brqn himself h$pn for the sake of Plx also P0 in this way 0nkh
the honor 0rqy0 took bsn a man $n0 for himself h$pnl it was 0wh & not 0lw 4
Aaron Nwrh0d just as 0nky0 God 0hl0 from Nm who was called 0rqtmd he 0ny0 but 0l0
glorify xb$ His Soul h$pn did 0wh not 0l The Messiah 0xy$m also P0 so 0nkh 5
to Him hl Who said rm0d He wh but 0l0 Priest 0rmwk High br to be 0whnd
I have begotten You Ktdly today 0nmwy I 0n0 You are tn0 My Son yrbd
He said rm0 another 0trx0 in place 0tkwdb that also P0d as Ky0 6
of Melkizedeq qdzyklmd in the image htwmdb to eternity Ml(l a Priest 0rmwk are wh You tn0d
& supplications 0tp$ktw prayers 0tw(b He was 0wh clothed $ybl in flesh 0rsb while dk also P0 7
He 0wh offered brq & in tears 0(mdbw strong 0tyntlyx in shouting 0t(gb
to give Him life yhwyxnd death 0twm from Nm was 0wh Who able xk$md to Him Nml
& He was obeyed (mt$0w
the fear 0tlxd from Nm He is yhwty0 The Son 0rb although b+ & while dkw 8

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

obedience 0twn(mt$ml He learned hply which He endured lbsd & the suffering 0$xw
those Nyly0 to all Nwhlkl & became 0whw He was perfected rmgt0 & in this way 0nkhw 9
eternal Ml(ld of life 0yxd The Cause 0tl( Him hl who obey Ny(mt$md
Priest 0rmwk High br God 0hl0 from Nm & He was named hmt$0w 10
of Melkizedeq qdzyklmd in the image htwmdb
to us Nl are yh much 00ygs Melkizedeq qdzyklm this 0nh about l( but Nyd about Him yhwl( 11
to explain it htwq$pml & it is hard 0qs(w to say hrm0ml discourse 0tlm
in your hearing Nwkt(m$mb infirm 0hyrk to you Nwkl you are Nwtywhd because l+m
of the time 0nbzd because l+m to be 0whml teachers 0nplm for ryg you Nwtywh ought Nybyx 12
you Nwtn0 need Nyqyns again bwt but Nyd now 0$h in the teaching 0nplwyb to you Nwkl
of the first $yrd primer 0tymdq the letters 0tbytk which are Nyn0 those things Nyly0 to learn Nwpl0td
in need 0qyns to you Nwkl & you were Nwtywhw of God 0hl0d words yhwlm
solid 0tryr$ food 0tlwk0m of l( & not 0lw milk 0blx of l(
is acquainted spm not 0l is wh milk 0blx whose food htlwk0md but Nyd every person $nlk 13
he is wh an infant 0rb$d because l+m of righteousness 0twn0kd in the word 0tlmb
those Nyly0 solid 0tryr$ food 0tlwk0m but Nyd is yh for the mature 0rymgd 14
in their senses Nwhy$gr are instructed wqpnt0 they practice Ny$rdmd who because l+md
& evil 0t$ybw good 0tb+ to distinguish $rpml
Chapter 6
the beginning 0yrw$ let us leave qwb$n this 0nh because of l+m 6:1
to perfection 0twrymgl & let us go 0t0nw of The Messiah 0xy$md of the word htlmd
another 0trx0 foundation 0ts0t$ again bwt interrog. 0ml or w0
dead 0tym works 0db( from Nm for conversion 0twbytl are you laying? Nwtymrm
which is in God 0hl0bd & for faith 0twnmyhlw
hands 0dy0 & of the laying on Mysdw of baptism 0tydwm(md & for the teaching 0nplwylw 2
the dead 0tym among tyb that is from Nmd & for the resurrection 0tmyqlw
eternal Ml(ld & for judgment 0nydlw
this 0dh we shall do db(n permits spm Jehovah 0yrm if N0 3
to baptism 0tydwm(ml time Nbz who one 0dxd those Nwnh are able Nyxk$m not 0l but 0l0 4
Heaven 0ym$ that is from Nmd a gift 0tbhwm & tasted wm(+w descended wtxn
of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr & received wbsnw
of God 0hl0d good 0tb+ the word 0tlm & have tasted wm(+w 5
that is future dyt(d of the world 0ml(d & the power 0lyxw
to conversion 0twbytl to be renewed Nwtdxtn the top $yrd from Nmd they would sin Nw+xn who again bwtd 6
& to become contemptible Nwr(cnw of God 0hl0d The Son hrbl to crucify Nwpqzn the top $yrd & from Nmw
many N0ygs times Nynbz to it hl that comes 0t0d rain 0r+m drinks tyt$0d for ryg the earth 0(r0 7
to those Nwnhl that is useful x$xd vegetation 0bs( & makes grow ty(w0w
God 0hl0 from Nm blessing 0tkrwb it receives 0lbqm it is cultivated 0xlptm for whom Nwhtl+md
& thistles 0rdrdw thorns 0b+rwq that should produce qptd but Nyd it is wh if N0 8
curses 0t+wl from Nm is far 0qyxr & not 0lw rejected 0tylsm to him hl it would be 0ywh
is wh burning 0ndqy its end htrx but 0l0
my brothers yx0 concerning you Nwkyl( but Nyd we are persuaded Nnysypm 9

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

life 0yxl & that accompany Nbyrqw that are excellent Nryp$d those things Nyly0
we speak Nnyllmm in this way 0nkh even though Np0
your works Nwkydb( that He would disregard 0(+nd God 0hl0 is evil lw( for ryg was 0wh not 0l 10
that you have ministered Nwt$m$d in His Name hm$b which you showed Nwtywxd that wh & your love Nwkbwxw
& you do minister Nwty$m$mw to the saints 0$ydql
this 0dh is yh of you Nwknm man $n0 of each $n0d but Nyd we desire Nnybc 11
the end 0trxl until 0md( of your hope Nwkrbsd for the perfection 0ylmw$l to be 0wxn diligence 0tw+ypx
that you would be Nwwhtd but 0l0 to you Nwkl you should faint (+qtt & that not 0ldw 12
& in patience 0xwr twrygnbw who in faith 0twnmyhbd of those Nwnhl imitators 0nyrmm
of the promise 0nklwmd heirs 0try have become wwh
God 0hl0 to him hl made a promise Klm when dk for ryg to Abraham Mhrb0l 13
than He hnm greater brd to Him hl was 0wh there not tyld because l+m
by Himself h$pnb He swore 0my by Whom hb to swear 0m0nd
I shall multiply you Kygs0 & to multiply wygsmw I shall bless you Kkrb0 to bless wkrbmd & He said rm0w 14
the promise 0nklwm & he received lbqw he was patient hxwr rg0 & in this way 0nkhw 15
they swear Nymy than they Nwhnm by that which is greater brdb for ryg among children of men 0$nynb 16
among them Nwhtnyb that has been 0whd dispute Nyrx every lk & about l(w
to it hl has been 0wh by an oath 0tmwmb sure 0ryr$ an end 0mlw$
God 0hl0 was willing 0bc all the more ty0ryty this 0nh because of l+m 17
that His declaration hydww$d of the promise 0nklwmd the heirs 0tryl to show 0wxnd
in an oath 0tmwmb & He bound it h$bxw would change Plxt$m not 0l
are changed Nplxt$m that not 0ld matters Nwbc that by two Nytrtbd 18
in them Nyhb lie lgdnd God 0hl0 can xk$m because not 0ld
in Him hb we who have sought refuge Nswgt0d to us Nl would be 0whn great 0br comfort 00ywb
to us Nl which was promised Kylmd the hope 0rbs & we may seize dwx0nw
in our soul N$pnb that holds fast Kybld an anchor 0nyqw0 as Ky0 to us Nl Who is yhwty0d He wh 19
the veil 0(rt yp0 of Nm inside wgl & has entered l0(w will be moved (yztt that not 0ld
Yeshua (w$y for our sake Nyplx entered l( that before Mdqd where rk 20
to eternity Ml(l The Priest 0rmwk & has become 0whw
of Melkizedeq qdzyklmd in the image htwmdb
Chapter 7
of Salim Myl$ king Klm is yhwty0 Melkizedeq qdzyklm but Nyd this 0nh 7:1
Abraham Mhrb0l met h(r0 & he whw Most High 0myrm of God 0hl0d priest 0rmwk
& he blessed him hkrbw of kings 0klmd the massacre 0brx from Nm he returned Kph when dk
everything Mdmlk of Nm a tenth 0rs(m Abraham Mhrb0 distributed $rp & to him hlw 2
his name hm$ but Nyd is interpreted q$ptm with him hm( was 0wh that ty0d
of Salim Myl$ king Klm & again bwtw of righteousness 0twn0kd king 0klm
of peace 0ml$d king 0klm which is yhwty0d
his mother hm0 & without 0lw his father yhwb0 without 0ld 3
of his days yhwmwyd beginning 0ty$yr neither 0lw in the genealogies 0tbr$b being written wbtkt0
of God 0hl0d of The Son hrbd in the likeness 0twmdb but 0l0 of his life yhwyxd end 0mlw$ nor 0lw
for eternity Ml(l his priesthood htwrmwk remains 0ywqm

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chief $yr than Abraham Mhrb0d is this one 0nh greater br how much? 0mk but Nyd wzx 4
of the best 0ty$rd the tithe 0rs(m he gave bhy to him hl of the fathers 0thb0
priesthood 0twrmwk have wwh who received Nylbqmd of Levi ywl the sons ynb of Nm for ryg those Nyly0 5
of The Written Law 0swmnd to them Nwhl was 0wh there ty0 a commandment 0ndqwp
their brethren Nwhyx0 of Nm those Nwnh the people 0m( from Nm a tenth part 0rs(m to take Nwbsnd
had come forth wqpn of Abraham Mhrb0d the loins hcx from Nm those Nwnh also P0 as dk
a tithe 0rs(m in their genealogies Nwhtbr$b is written bytk who not 0ld but Nyd this one 0nh 6
the promise 0nklwm who received lbqd him whl & blessed him hkrbw Abraham Mhrb0 from Nm received lq$
who is lesser rycbd he wh but Nyd dispute 0nyrx without 0ld 7
than he hnm who is greater rtymd him wh of Nm is blessed Krbtm
tithes 0rs(m receive Nybsn who die Nytymd the children of men 0$nynb & here 0krhw 8
the scriptures 0btk about whom yhwl( testify dhs0d he wh but Nyd there lhl
he wh that lives yxd
Levi ywl also P0 Abraham Mhrb0 by dyb let us say rm0n a man $n0 & as Ky0w 9
was caused to tithe rs(t0 He wh also P0 was 0wh receives bsn who tithes 0rs(md he wh
of his father yhwb0d he was 0wh in the loins hcxb for ryg yet lykd( 10
Melkizedeq qdzyklml he met him h(r0 when dk
of Levi 0ywld the priesthood 0twrmwk by dyb perfection 0twrymg therefore lykh if is wl0 11
to the people 0m(l the written Law 0swmn was established Mys for by it hbd was twh it hyty0
another 0nrx0 priest 0rmwk was 0wh needed 0(btm Why? 0nml
of Melkizedeq qdzyklmd in the image htwmdb to arise Mwqnd
he would be 0whn of Aaron Nwrh0d that in the image htwmdbd but Nyd does it say? rm0
in the priesthood 0twrmwkb a change 0plxw$ there was 0whd just as 0nky0 but 0l0 12
in the law 0swmnb also P0 a change 0plxw$ there was 0wh in this way 0nkh
these words Nylh about him yhwl( of whom were said rm0t0d for ryg he wh 13
is born dlyt0 another 0trx0 is wh tribe 0tbr$ from Nm
at the altar 0xbdmb ministered $m$ not 0l from it hnm ever Mwtmm that a man $n0d
our Lord Nrm arose xnd Yehuda 0dwhy that from Nmd for ryg it is yh revealed 0ylg 14
Moses 0$wm about which hyl( spoke rm0 that not 0ld a tribe 0tbr$ from Nm
priesthood 0twrmwk concerning l( anything Mdm
by this yhb it is apparent 0(ydy again bwt & moreover ty0rytyw 15
of Melkizedeq qdzyklmd that in the image htwmdbd that He said rm0d
another 0nrx0 Priest 0rmwk arises M0q
carnal 0ynrgp of commandments 0ndqwpd by The Law 0swmnb was 0wh who not 0ld He wh 16
is destroyed Nyrt$m that not 0ld of Life 0yxd by the power 0lyxb but 0l0 was 0wh
The Priest 0rmwk are wh You tn0d about Him yhwl( for ryg He testified dhsm 17
of Melkizedeq qdzyklmd in the image htwmdb for eternity Ml(l
first 0ymdq to the order 0ndqwpl there was 0whd but Nyd a change 0plxw$ 18
in it hb was 0wh there not tyl & benefit Nrtwydw its impotence htwlyxm because of l+m
The Written Law 0swmn perfects rmg not 0l for ryg anything Mdm 19
hope 0rbs in its place yhwplx but Nyd entered l(
to God 0hl0l we approach Nnybrqtm in which hbd than it hnm which is greater rtymd
by an oath 0tmwmb to us Nl & He confirmed it hrr$w 20

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priests 0rmwk were wwh an oath 0tmwm without 0ld for ryg those Nwnh 21
David dywd by dyb to Him hl He said rm0d as Ky0 with an oath 0tmwmb but Nyd This One 0nh
Priest 0rmwk are wh that You tn0d will lie lgdn & not 0lw Jehovah 0yrm has sworn 0myd
of Melkizedeq qdzyklmd in the image htwmdb to eternity Ml(l
this 0dh covenant 0qtyd is better 0rtym all hlk this 0nh 22
Yeshua (w$y The Guarantor 0br( by which hb is 0whd
they were wwh dying Nytymd because l+m many 00ygs priests 0rmwk were wwh & those Nwnhw 23
to continue Nwwqnd were wwh allowed Nyqbt$m & not 0lw
He is Myq eternal Ml(ld because l+m but Nyd This One 0nh 24
His priesthood htwrmwk passes away 0rb( not 0l
who come near Nybrqtmd to those Nyly0l for eternity Ml(l give life wyxml & He can xk$mw 25
in every time Nbzlkb for ryg He wh lives yx to God 0hl0l by Him hdy0b
in our place Nwhyplx prayers 0twlc & He offers qsmw
for us Nl was 0wh right qdz also P0 Priest 0rmwk for ryg This 0nh that as Ky0d 26
defilement 0$lw+ & without 0ldw malice w$yb without 0ld pure 0ykd
sin 0h+x from Nm Who is separate qyrpd
Heaven 0ym$ than Nm higher l(l & exalted Myrmw
every day Mwylk compulsion 0nclw0 to Him hl & there is not tylw 27
his sins yhwh+x because of Plx first Mdqwld The Priests 0rmwk Chief ybr as Ky0
the people 0m( for Plx & then Nydyhw sacrifice 0xbd to offer brqn
which He offered brqd in His Life h$pnb time Nbz one 0dx did it hdb( for ryg This One 0dh
priests 0rmwk establish Myqm weak 0hyrk does wh men 0$nynb for ryg The Law 0swmn 28
The Law 0swmn after rtb that was twhd of the oath 0tmwmd but Nyd the word 0tlm
into eternity Ml(l perfect 0rymg The Son 0rb
Chapter 8
The Priest 0rmwk High br ours Nl that is ty0 of all Nyhlkd but Nyd the chief part 0$yr 8:1
of the throne 0ysrwkd the right side 0nymy on Nm sits btyd Who 0ny0
in Heaven 0ym$b of The Majesty 0twbrd
of Holiness 0$dwq of the house tybd The Minister 0n$m$m & He is 0whw 2
God 0hl0 which set up (bqd that wh of the truth 0rr$d & the tabernacle 0nk$mdw
a son of man 0$nrb & not 0lw
gifts 0nbrwq to offer brqnd is appointed M0qd for ryg priest 0rmwk high br every lk 3
for This One 0nhl also P0 it was twh right 0qdz this 0nh because of l+m & sacrifices 0xbdw
to offer brqnd something Mdm for Himself hl having ty0 to be 0whnd
a priest 0rmwk not even 0lp0 He were 0wh in earth 0(r0b & if wl0w 4
priests 0rmwk have been wwh there Nwhyty0d because l+m be 0wh He would 0wh
what is in The Law 0swmnbd according to Ky0 gifts 0nbrwq have been wwh who offering Nybrqmd
of these things Nylhd & the shadow 0tynl+lw the form 0twmdl who serve Ny$m$md those Nwnh 5
to Moses 0$wml was said rm0t0d as Ky0 that are in Heaven 0ym$bd
everything Mdmlk & do db(w see yzxd the tabernacle 0nk$m he 0wh made db( when dk
on the mountain 0rw+b to you Kl appeared tyzxt0d that yh by the image 0twmdb
that yh than Nm which is better 0rtymd a ministry 0t$m$t but Nyd now 0$h 6

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is better 0rtymd as that 0mk0 The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y has received lbq
Mediator 0y(cm in it hb that of which He is made dyb(d that yh covenant 0qytyd also P0
it is given tbhyt0 that yhd than Nm better Nyrtymd & with promises 0ydww$bw
fault Ny$r without 0ld the first one 0tymdq had twh been hyty0 for ryg if wl0 7
second one Nytrtd for this 0dhl a place 0rt0 had been 0wh there not tyl
& He said rm0w for ryg with them Nwhl He found fault 0$r 8
Jehovah 0yrm says rm0 are coming Nyt0 the days 0tmwy Behold 0hd
Israel lyrsy0 of the house tybd the family 0tyb for l( & I will perfect rwmg0w
new 0tdx a covenant 0qtyd of Yehuda 0dwhy of the house tybd the family 0tyb & for l(w
to their fathers Nwhyhb0l that I gave tbhyd covenant 0qtyd that yh like Ky0 not 0l 9
them Nwn0 & I brought tqp0w their hands Nwhdy0b when I took tdx0d in the day 0mwyb
continued wywq not 0l those Nwnhd because l+m of Egypt Nyrcmd the land 0(r0 from Nm
Jehovah 0yrm says rm0 them Nwhb rejected tysb I 0n0 also P0 My ylyd in covenant 0qtydb
Israel lyrsy0 of the house tybd to the family 0tybl that I shall give lt0d covenant 0qtyd but Nyd this 0dh 10
My law yswmnl I shall put yhwylt0 Jehovah 0yrm says rm0 those Nwnh days 0tmwy after rtb
I shall write it yhwybtk0 their hearts Nwhtwbl & upon l(w in their minds Nwhy(dmb
a people 0m( to Me yl shall be Nwwhn & those Nwnhw God 0hl0 I 0n0 to them Nwhl & shall be 0wh0w
his brother yhwx0l neither 0lp0 of his city htnydm a citizen rbl a man $n0 will teach Pln & not 0lw 11
shall know Me ynnw(dn all of them Nwhlkd because l+m Jehovah 0yrml know (dd & say rm0nw
their elders Nwh$y$ql & unto 0md(w their little ones Nwhrw(z from Nm
their evils Nwhlw( of Nm them Nwn0 & I shall purge 0sx0w 12
them Nwhl I shall remember rkdt0 not 0l again bwt & their sins Nwhyh+xw
He made old hqt(0 the first 0tymdql new 0tdx He said rm0d in that yhb 13
destruction 0lbxl is wh near byrq & old b0sw which is outdated qt(d & that 0ny0w
Chapter 9
an order 0dqwp in it hb was 0wh there ty0 but Nyd in the first 0tymdqb 9:1
worldly 0ynml( of Holiness 0$dwq & the house tybw of ministry 0t$m$td
in it hb was 0wh there ty0 that was made db(t0d the first 0ymdq for ryg tabernacle 0nk$m 2
of the presence 0p0 & the bread Mxlw & the table 0rwtpw the Manorah 0trnm
holy 0$dwq the place tyb was 0wh & it called 0rqtmw
the veil 0(rt yp0 from Nm within wgld inner 0ywg but Nyd the tabernacle 0nk$m 3
of holies 0$dwq holy $wdq was 0wh called 0rqtm the second Nyrtd
of gold 0bhdd of incense 0msb the place tyb in it hb was 0wh & there ty0w 4
with gold 0bhdb all hlk overlaid 0myrqd of the covenant 0qtydd & the ark 0twbqw
was 0wh which ty0d that yh of gold 0bhdd a pot 0+sq in it hb & is ty0w
which budded (rp0d that wh of Aaron Nwrh0d & the rod 0+b$w manna 0nnm in it hb
of the covenant 0qtydd & the tablets 0xwlw
over l( which shrouded Nyl+md of glory 0xbw$d the Cherubim 0bwrk it hnm & above l(lw 5
that wh time 0nbz but Nyd there is 0wh not 0l the mercy seat 0yswx
these things Nylh of Nm one 0dx each 0dx about l( we may speak rm0nd
were ywh fashioned Nnqtm that in this way 0nkhd
entering Nyl0( in every time Nbzlkb outer 0yrb & the tabernacle 0nk$mlw 6
their ministry Nwht$m$t were wwh & performing Nyml$mw the priests 0rmwk were wwh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

in a year 0tn$b it wh once 0dx of it hnm inner wgld but Nyd the tabernacle 0nk$ml 7
with blood 0mdb the High Priest 0rmwkbr would 0wh enter l0( by himself yhwdwxlb
his soul h$pn in the place of Plx was 0wh offering brqmd he wh
of the people 0m(d the evil doing htwlks & in the place of Plxw
of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr had twh taught 0(dwm but Nyd in this 0dhb 8
of Holiness 0$ydqd a way 0xrw0 yet lykd( had been revealed tylgt0 that not 0ld
the first 0ymdq tabernacle 0nk$ml standing 0myq was 0wh that ty0d a time 0nbz as long 0mk
gifts 0nbrwq in which hbd that wh for time 0nbzl this 0nh a symbol 0ltm was 0wh & it yhwty0w 9
were wwh able Nyxk$m that not 0ld those Nyly0 were wwh offered Nybrqtm & sacrifices 0xbdw
them Nwhl who offers brqmd of him Nmd the conscience htr0t to perfect rmgml
& in washing 0tydwm(mbw only dwxlb & in drink 0yt$mbw in food 0lk0mb but 0l0 10
of the flesh 0rsbd ordinances 0dqwp that are Nyhyty0d kinds Nynz of various Nynzd
of reformation 0crwtd the time 0nbzl until 0md( that are established Nymysd
The High Priest 0rmwkbr has become 0wh Who has come 0t0d but Nyd The Messiah 0xy$m 11
great 0br the tabernacle 0nk$ml & He entered l(w that He did r(sd of the good things 0tb+d
with hands 0ydy0b is made dyb( that not 0ld & perfect 0nml$mw
& of calves 0lg(dw of yearling goats 0yrpcd with blood 0mdb He entered l( & not 0lw 12
time Nbz one 0dx He entered l( of Himself h$pnd with the blood 0mdb but 0l0
eternal Ml(ld redemption 0nqrwp & He has achieved xk$0w holy 0$dqm the place tybl
& ashes 0m+qw & of calves 0lg(dw of kids 0yrpcd the blood 0md for ryg if N0 13
those Nyly0 on l( were 0wh sprinkled ssrtm of an heifer 0tlg(d
them Nwhl & it sanctified $dqmw were wwh who defiled Ny0m+tmd
of their flesh Nwhrsbd for the purifying 0ykwdl
of The Messiah 0xy$md the blood hmd more ty0ryty therefore lykh How much? 0mk 14
offered brq Himself h$pn Eternal Ml(ld Who by The Spirit 0xwrbd
our conscience Ntr0t will purify 0kdn to God 0hl0l blemish Mwm without 0ld
The Living One 0yx God 0hl0l that we may serve $m$nd dead 0tym works 0db( from Nm
new 0tdx of a covenant 0qtydd The Mediator 0y(cm was 0wh He wh this 0nh because of l+m 15
to those Nyly0l salvation 0nqrwp was 0wh He wh for in His death htwmbd
first 0tymdq the covenant 0qtyd against l( who violated wrb(d
the promise 0nklwm that we may receive Nwbsnd
eternal Ml(ld to inheritance 0twtryl who were called wyrqt0d those Nyly0
a testament 0qtyd there is ty0d for ryg where 0ky0 16
who made it hdb(d of him whd shows 0ywxm it wh the death 0twm
it is valid 0rrt$m only dwxlb but Nyd a dead one 0tym concerning l( 17
who made it hdb(d he wh lives yxd as long as 0mkd because l+m
use wx$x in it hb there is no tyl
the first 0tymdq not even 0lp0 this 0nh because of l+m 18
was established trrt$0 blood 0md without 0ld
the ordinance 0ndqwp all hlk for ryg had been commanded dqpt0 when dk 19
take bsn in The Law 0swmnb all hlk to the people 0m(l Moses 0$wm from Nm
& water 0ymw of an heifer 0tlg(d the blood 0md Moses 0$wm did 0wh
& sprinkled srw & hyssop 0pwzw of scarlet 0tyrwxzd with wool 0rm(b
all hlk the people 0m( & upon l(w the scrolls 0rps upon l(
of the covenant 0qtydd the blood 0md is wh this 0nh to them Nwhl & he said rm0w 20

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God 0hl0 from Nm to you Nwkl was commanded tdqpt0d that yh

the vessels 0n0m all of Nwhlk & upon l(w the tabernacle 0nk$m on l( also P0 21
he sprinkled sr the blood 0md from Nm from it hnm of the ministration 0t$m$td
in The Written Law 0swmnb purged 0kdtm are wh by blood 0mdb all things Mdmlkd because l+m 22
forgiveness 0nqbw$ there is not tyl of blood 0md shedding (pw$ & without 0ldw
are Nyn0 that symbols 0twmdd that these things Nylhd for ryg it is yh necessary 0qnn0 23
are purified Nykdtm by these things Nylhb of the heavenly 0tynym$d
these Nylh than Nm better Nyrtymd by sacrifices 0xbdb heavenly 0tynym$ but Nyd these Nylh
by hands 0ydy0b made dyb(d holy 0$dqm the place tybl for ryg was 0wh not 0l 24
the symbol 0twmd that being yhwty0d The Messiah 0xy$m entered l(
He entered l( Heaven 0ym$l to it hl but 0l0 real one 0ryr$ of that whd
for our sake Nyplx of God 0hl0d the face hpwcrp before Mdq to appear 0zxtnd
many 0t0ygs times 0tnbz Himself h$pn that He should offer brqnd & not 0lp0 25
& entered l0(w The Priest 0rmwk High br was 0wh doing db(d as Ky0
was his hlyd that not 0ld with blood 0mdb Holy 0$dqm The Place tybl year 0n$ in every lkb
many 0t0ygs times 0tnbzd He 0wh ought byx not 0l & if N0w 26
but Nyd now 0$h of the world 0ml(d the beginning hyrw$ from Nm to have suffered $xn
Himself h$pn has offered brq time Nbz He wh one 0dx of the world 0ml(d in the end htrxb
sin 0ty+xl to destroy hyl+bnd in His sacrificing htwxybdb
time Nbz that one 0dxd to the children of men 0$nynbl is appointed Mysd & just as 0nky0w 27
the judgment 0nyd their deaths Nwhtwm after rtb & from Nmw they would die Nwtwmn
was offered brqt0 time Nbz one 0dx The Messiah 0xy$m also P0 in this way 0nkh 28
of the many 00ygsd for the sins 0h+x He sacrificed xbd & His Person hmwnqbw
our sins Nyh+x without 0ld time Nynbz but Nyd the second Nytrtd
Him hl who expect Nyksmd of those Nyly0d for the life Nwhyyxl He appears 0zxtm
Chapter 10
in it hb was 0wh it ty0 a shadow 0tynl+ for ryg The Written Law 0swmn 10:1
the essence 0mwnq it was 0wh not 0l that were coming Ndyt(d of good things 0tb+d
year 0n$ in every lkb when dk this 0nh because of l+m matters 0twbcd of their Nyhlyd
they were wwh offering Nybrqtm sacrifices 0xbd those Nwnh when dk those Nwnh
them Nwhl who offer Nybrqmd those Nyly0l perfect Nwrmgnd they could wxk$0 ever Mwtmm not 0l
they would have ceased wxyntt0 but Nyd doubtless rbk they were wwh perfecting Nyrmg for ryg if wl0 2
buffeted 0yr+ therefore lykm that not 0ld because l+m their offerings Nwhynbrwq from Nm
to those Nyly0l in sin 0h+xb their conscience Nwhtr0t them Nwhl would have twh
in themselves Nwhl they had been purged wykdt0 time Nbz when one 0dxd
they remember Nyrkdm by sacrifices 0xbdb by them Nwhb but 0l0 3
year 0n$ in every lkb their sins Nwhyh+x
& of yearling goats 0yrpcdw of oxen 0rwtd the blood 0md it is possible xk$m for ryg not 0l 4
sins 0h+x to purge wykdml
the universe 0ml(l He entered l0( when dk this 0nh because of l+m 5
You wanted tybc not 0l & offerings 0nbrwqw with sacrifices 0xbdb He said rm0
You have clothed Me ynt$bl0 but Nyd with a body 0rgp

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You have asked tl0$ not 0l sins 0h+x for Plxd of peace 0ml$ & burnt offerings 0dqyw 6
do 0n0 come 0t0 I 0n0 Behold 0hd I said trm0 then Nydyh 7
of Me yl( it is written bytk of The Writings 0btk because in the beginning $yrbd
O God 0hl0 Your will Knybc to do db(0d
& offerings 0nbrwqw sacrifices 0xbdd He said rm0 above l(l from Nm 8
You wanted tybc not 0l sins 0h+x for Plxd peace 0ml$ & burnt offerings 0dqyw
by The Written Law 0swmnb were wwh that offered Nybrqtmd those Nwnh
I 0n0 have come 0t0 Behold 0hd He said rm0 & afterward hrtbw 9
the first 0tymdql He abolishes l+b in this 0dhb O God 0hl0 Your will Knybc to do db(0d
the second Nytrtdl to establish Myqnd
in the offering 0nbrwqb we are made holy N$dqt0 His will hnybc for ryg in this 0nhb 10
time Nbz one 0dxd The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd of the body hrgpd
& serves $m$mw has 0wh who stood M0qd for ryg Priest 0rmwk High br every lk 11
those Nyly0 was 0wh offering brqm sacrifices 0xbd in those Nwnhb those Nwnh everyday Mwylk
sins 0h+x to purge wykdml were wwh able Nyxk$m not 0l old times Mwtm that from Nmd
sins 0h+x for the sake of Plx He offered brq sacrifice 0xbd one dx but Nyd this 0nh 12
for eternity Ml(l of God 0hl0d the right side 0nymy at l( & He sat btyw
His enemies yhwbbdl(b are put Nwmysttnd until 0md( therefore lykm & He remains 0wqmw 13
His feet yhwlgr under tyxt as a footstool 0$bwk
those Nyly0l He has perfected rmg offering 0nbrwq for ryg by one dxb 14
for eternity Ml(l by it hb who are sanctified Ny$dqtmd
of Holiness 0$dwqd The Spirit 0xwr also P0 but Nyd to us Nl testifies 0dhs 15
Who says trm0d
them Nwhl that I shall give lt0d the covenant 0qtyd is yh this 0dh 16
Jehovah 0yrm says rm0 those Nwnh days 0tmwy after rtb from Nm
into their minds Nwhy(dmb My Law yswmnl I shall give yhwylt0
I shall write it yhwybtk0 their hearts Nwhtwbl & upon l(w
them Nwhl I shall remember rkdt0 not 0l & their sins Nwhyh+xw & their evils Nwhlw(w 17
of sins 0h+xd forgiveness 0nqbw$ there is ty0d but Nyd where 0ky0 18
sins 0h+x for Plxd an offering 0nbrwq is needed 0(btm not 0l
of face 0p0 openness twylg brothers yx0 therefore lykh to us Nl there is ty0 19
of Yeshua (w$yd by the blood hmdb holy 0$dwq of the place tybd in the entrance 0nl(mb
us Nl Who renewed tdxd of The Life 0yxd & the way 0xrw0w 20
His flesh hrsb which is yhwty0d the veil 0(rt within yp0b now 0$h
Great 0br The Priest 0rmwk for us Nl & there is ty0w 21
of God 0hl0d the house htyb over l(
true 0ryr$ with a heart 0blb therefore lykh let us approach bwrqn 22
in our hearts Ntwbl sprinkled Nysysr while dk of faith 0twnmyhd & confidence 0nlkwtbw
wicked 0t$yb a conscience 0tr0t from Nm & purified Nykdw
pure 0ykd in water 0ymb our bodies Nrgp & bathing yxsmw
of our hope Nrbsd the confession 0tydwtb & let us grasp firmly Nsmxnw 23
us Nl promised Klmd Who Nm for ryg He is wh faithful Nmyhm let us waver 0l+cn & not 0lw

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by encouragement 0grwgb another dxb one dx & let us pay attention to rwxnw 24
good 0b+ & of works 0db(dw of love 0bwxd
the custom 0dy( is ty0d as Ky0 our meetings Ny$wnk forsaking Nyqb$ we should be 0whn & not 0lw 25
all the more ty0ryty another dx of Nm one dx look for w(b but 0l0 person $n0 for each $n0l
that wh day 0mwy that draws near brqd you see Nwtyzxd as long as 0mk
receiving lbqd after rtb from Nm a man $n0 shall sin 0+xn by his will hnybcb for ryg if N0 26
afterward lykm there is not tyl of the truth 0rr$d the knowledge 0t(dy
sins 0h+x in the place of Plx to be offered brqttd a sacrifice 0txbd
of fire 0rwnd & zeal 0nn+w terrible 0lyxd judgment 0nyd that wh is ready dyt( but 0l0 27
the enemies 0bbdl(bl which consumes lk0d
of Moses 0$wmd The Law 0swmn against l( violated rb(d any 0ny0 for ryg if N0 28
witnesses Nydhs or three 0tltw of two Nyrt the mouth Mwp by l(
he would die t0m mercy Nymxr without 0ld
he will receive lbqn chief 0$rb the decree Msm more ty0ryty you Nwtn0 think Nyrbs How much? 0mk 29
the blood 0md & esteemed b$xw of God 0hl0d The Son hrbl who trampled upon h$dd he 0ny0
was made holy $dqt0 who by it hbd that of every person $nlkd like Ky0 His hlyd of covenant 0qtydd
of grace 0twby+d The Spirit 0xwrl & he has despised r(cw
vengeance 0t(bt is yh mine ylydd Who said rm0d Him whl we know Nny(dy 30
His people hm(l Jehovah 0yrm will judge Nwdnd & again bwtw shall give payment (wrp0 & I 0n0w
to fall lpml very 0tbr it is yh terrible 0tlxd 31
The Living 0yx of God 0hl0d into the hands yhwdy0b
those Nwnh first 0ymdq the days 0tmwyl therefore lykh remember wrkdt0 32
great 0br & a contest 0nwg0w baptism 0tydwm(m you received Nwtlbq in which Nwhbd
& affliction 0nclw0bw with shame 0dsxb of suffering 0$xd you endured Nwtrbys
you were made associates Nwtptwt$0 & also P0w a spectacle 0nwzx & you became Nwtywhdw 33
endured wrbys who these things Nylhd with people 0$n0l
who were imprisoned Nyrys0d those Nyly0 concerning l( to you Nwkl & it was grievous b0kw 34
you endured Nwtrbys with joy 0twdxb of your possessions Nwkysknd & the robbery 0ypw+xw
in Heaven 0ym$b a possession 0nynq to you Nwkl there is ty0d you Nwtn0 know Ny(dyd because l+m
it passes away rb( & not 0lw is wh which greater rtymd
of face 0p0 openness twylg throw away Nwdbwt therefore lykh not 0l 35
great 00ygs a reward 0rg0 for it hl for there is coming dyt(d to you Nwkl that is ty0d
for you Nwkl necessary 0y(btm for ryg is wh patience 0twnrbysm 36
the promise 0nklwm & receive Nwbstw of God 0hl0d the will 0nybc to do Nwdb(td
little rw(z & very b+w time 0nbz there is wh little lylqd because l+m 37
will delay rxwn & not 0lw Who comes 0t0d He wh when will come 0t0nd
This verse is a quote from Habakkuk 2:3. It does not follow The Peshitta OT or the Massoretic Hebrew text.
shall live 0xn My ylyd faith 0twnmyh from Nm but Nyd the righteous one 0n0k 38
My soul y$pn with him hb is pleased 0ybc not 0l it hl he gives up 0(+qtm & if N0w
which leads 0lbwmd of despondency 0(+wqd are Nywh not 0l but Nyd we Nnx 39
our soul N$pn to us Nl that imparts 0ynqmd of the faith 0twnmyhd but 0l0 to destruction 0ndb0l


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Chapter 11
those things Nyly0 concerning l( the conviction 0syp faith 0twnmyh but Nyd is hyty0 11:1
in action 0nr(wsb these things Nyhl were ywhd it wh as if Ky0 in hope 0rbsb that are Nyhyty0d
are seen Nyzxtm that not 0ld of those things Nyly0d & the revelation 0nylgw
the ancients 0$y$q for l( a testimony 0twdhs there has been twh & by this 0dhbw 2
the worlds 0ml( were fashioned wnqtt0d we understand Nnylktsm for ryg by faith 0twnmyhb 3
that are seen Nyzxtmd & these things Nylhw of God 0hl0d by the word 0tlmb
are seen Nyzxtm that not 0ld those Nyly0 from Nm exist ywh
much b+ that is better 0rtymd a sacrifice 0txbd Abel lybh offered brq by faith 0twnmyhb 4
about him yhwl( has been twh & because of it htl+mw to God 0hl0l Qains Ny0qd than Nm
God 0hl0 his offering hnbrwq about l( & testifies dhsw he is wh that righteous 0n0kd a testimony 0twdhs
he is speaking llmm he is dead tyym while dk also P0 & because of it htl+mw
he tasted M(+ not 0l & death 0twmw Henok Kwnx was transported away ynt$0 by faith 0twnmyhb 5
God 0hl0 transported him away hyn$d because l+m was he found xkt$0 neither 0lw
about him yhwl( there was twh for ryg He was to transport him yhwyn$nd before Mdq from Nm
God 0hl0l that he pleased rp$d the testimony 0twdhs
God 0hl0l please rp$nd can xk$m man $n0 no 0l but Nyd faith 0twnmyh without 0ld 6
God 0hl0 to twl is brought near brqtmd whoever Nm for ryg is wh indebted byx
Him hl who seek Ny(bd & to those Nyly0lw that He is yhwty0d to believe Nmyhnd
The Rewarder 0(wrp He is 0wh
with Him hm( it was spoken llmt0 when dk Noah xwn by faith 0twnmyhb 7
had been ywh seen Nyzxtm that not 0ld those things Nyly0 about l(
for the life 0yxl the ark 0twbq for himself hl & he made db(w he worshipped lxd
the world 0ml(l he condemned hbyx by which hbd in his household htyb of his children ynbd
which is in faith 0twnmyhbd of the righteousness 0twn0kd the heir 0try & he became 0whw
obeyed (mt$0 he was called yrqt0 when dk Abraham Mhrb0 in faith 0twnmyhb 8
to receive bsnd he was 0wh that going dyt(d that wh to place 0rt0l to go out qwpnd
he 0wh knew (dy not 0l when dk & he went out qpnw for an inheritance 0twtryl
he was going lz0 where 0ky0l
that yh in land 0(r0b an inhabitant 0btwt he became 0wh by faith 0twnmyhb 9
in a foreign land 0tyrkwnbd as Ky0 to him hl which was promised tklmt0d
& Yaqob bwq(yw Isaaq qxsy0 with M( he dwelt rm( & in tents 0nk$mbw
of the promise 0nklwmd his hlyd of inheritance 0twtry children ynb
which foundations 0ts0t$d the city 0tnydml for ryg he was 0wh looking 0ksm 10
is wh God 0hl0 & its Maker hdwb(w whose Builder hnmw0d to it hl are ty0
power 0lyx received tbsn was twh who sterile 0trq(d Sara 0rs also P0 in faith 0twnmyhb 11
of her years hyn$d in the time 0nbzb & who was not 0ldw seed 0(rz to conceive lbqtd
He is wh that Who faithful Nmyhmd she was sure tr$0d for l( gave birth tdly
her hl He Who promised Klmd was wh
in old age 0twbysb who was failing l+bd one dx from Nm this 0nh because of l+m 12
in the heavens 0ym$bd the stars 0bkwk as Ky0 the many 00ygs were born wdlyt0
of the sea 0myd the shore htps that upon l(d the sand 0lx & as Ky0w
they received wbsn & not 0lw all of them Nwhlk these Nylh they died wtym in faith 0twnmyhb 13

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

they saw it yhw0zx a distance 0qxwr from Nm but 0l0 their promise Nwhnklwm
they were Nwn0 that foreigners 0ynsk0d & confessed wydw0w in it hb & they rejoiced wydxw
in the earth 0(r0b & nomads 0btwtw
show Nywxm say Nyrm0 that these things Nylhd but Nyd those Nyly0 14
they seek Ny(b that their city Nwhtnydmld
they were wwh seeking Ny(b from it hnm which they left wqpnd that yh city 0tnydml & if wl0w 15
to it hl to go Nwlz0n they may return Nwkphn that again bwtd time 0nbz for them Nwhl was 0wh there ty0
than it hnm that for a better 0b+dld it is apparent 0(ydy but Nyd now 0$h 16
in Heaven 0ym$b which is hyty0d for that yhl were wwh they longing Nygr
their God Nwhhl0d God 0hl0 is ashamed Pkn not 0l this 0nh because of l+m
a city 0tnydm for ryg for them Nwhl He has prepared by+ to be called 0rqtn
in his temptation hnwysnb Isaaq qxsy0l Abraham Mhrb0 offered brq by faith 0twnmyhb 17
on the altar 0xbdml laid qs0 & his only son hdyxylw
by the promise 0nklwmb had 0wh whom he received lbqd him whl
for ryg to him hl it was 0wh said rm0t0 18
the seed 0(rz to you Kl shall be called 0rqtn in Isaaq qxsy0bd
to the hand yhwdy0b that it was come 0y+md in his soul h$pnb he was 0wh & reconciled y(rt0w 19
to raise wmqml the dead 0tym from Nm also P0 of God 0hl0d
to him hl he was given bhyt0 in a simile 0ltmb this 0nh & because of l+mw
was 0wh going to be dyt(d of whatever Mdmd by faith 0twnmyhb 20
& Esau ws(lw Yaqob bwq(yl Isaaq qxsy0 blessed Krb
he blessed Krb Yaqob bwq(y was dying t0m when dk by faith 0twnmyhb 21
of Yoseph Pswyd of the sons yhwnb of Nm each dx one dx every lkl
of his staff hr+wx the top $yr on l( & he bowed dgsw
the exodus 0tqpml related dh( he was dying t0m when dk Yoseph Pswy by faith 0twnmyhb 22
his bones yhwmrg about l( & gave orders dqpw of Israel lyrsy0 of the children ynbd
hid him yhwy$+ of Moses 0$wmd the parents yhwhb0 by faith 0twnmyhb 23
three 0tlt months 0xry he was born dlyt0 when dk
the boy 0yl+ was 0wh that beautiful ryp$d when they saw wzxd
of the king 0klmd the command 0ndqwp of Nm they were afraid wlxd & not 0lw
a man 0rbg he became 0wh when dk Moses 0$wm by faith 0twnmyhb 24
the son 0rb he would be called 0rqtn that not 0ld renounced rpk
of Pharoah Nw(rpd to the daughter htrbl
the people hm( with M( that in affliction 0nclw0bd for himself hl & he chose 0bgw 25
sin 0ty+xb to enjoy Msbtn short rw(z for a time Nbzd & not 0lw to be 0whn of God 0hl0d
of the reproach hdsxd wealth 0rtw( that wh greater rtymd & he considered y(rt0w 26
of Egypt Nyrcmd the treasures htmys than Nm much b+ of The Messiah 0xy$md
of the reward 0rg0 to the payment N(rwpb for ryg he was 0wh attentive r0x
was afraid lxd & not 0lw Egypt Nyrcml he forsook hqb$ by faith 0twnmyhb 27
& he endured rbysw of the king 0klmd the rage htmx of Nm
is seen 0zxtm Who not 0ld God 0hl0l had 0wh seen 0zxd he wh as if Ky0
the blood 0md & sprinkled ssrw Passover 0xcp he observed db( by faith 0twnmyhb 28
the firstborn 0rkwb was 0wh who destroying lbxmd he wh them Nwhl should touch brqtn lest 0ld

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

as Ky0 The Sea of Reeds Pwsd 0my they passed through wrb( by faith 0twnmyhb 29
Egyptians 0yrcm were swallowed up w(lbt0 & by it hbw dried 0t$yby land 0(r0 upon l(d
they entered it yhwl( they were daring wxrm0 when dk
fell wlpn of Yerikho wxyry0d the walls hyrw$ by faith 0twnmyhb 30
days Nymwy seven 0(b$ when it was surrounded wkrkt0d from Nm
those Nwnh with M( perished tdb0 not 0l the harlot 0tynz Rahab bxr by faith 0twnmyhb 31
in peace 0ml$b the spies 0$w$gl for she received tlbqd obeyed w(mt$0 who not 0ld
time 0nbz for ryg to me yl there is wh little rw(z shall I say rm0 again bwt & what? 0nmw 32
Samson Nw$m$ & about l(w Baraq qrb & about l(w Gideon Nw(dg about l( to recount 0(t$0d
Samueil ly0wm$ & about l(w of David dywd & about l(w Napathakh xtpn & about l(w
of the prophets 0ybnd others 0kr$ & about l(w
justice 0twn0k & wrought wxlpw kingdoms 0twklml conquered wkz who by faith 0twnmyhbd those Nyly0 33
of lions 0twyr0d the mouths 0mwp & shut wrksw promises 0nklwm & they received wlbqw
from Nm & were delivered wycpt0w of fire 0rwnd the power 0lyx & they quenched wk(dw 34
sickness 0nhrwk out of Nm & were strengthened wlyxt0w of the sword 0pysd the mouth 0mwp
of enemies 0bbdl(bd the camps 0tyr$m overturned wpxsw in battle 0brqb strong 0ntlyx & became wwhw
their children Nyhynb to women 0$nl & they gave wbhyw 35
& others 0nrx0w of the dead 0tymd a resurrection 0tmyq from Nm
to be delivered wycptml they expected wyks & not 0lw they died wtym by torture 0dn$b
to them Nwhl would be 0wht better 0trtym that a resurrection 0tmyqd
entered wl( & scourgings 0dgnlw mockings 0xzbl but Nyd others 0nrx0 36
were handed over wmlt$0 & to cells 0y$wbxlw to chains 0rws0l others 0nrx0
were sawn in half wrsnt0 others 0nrx0 were stoned wmgrt0 others 0nrx0 37
died wtym of the sword 0pysd by the mouth 0mwpb others 0nrx0
of sheep 0rm0d skins 0k$m wearing Ny$ybl while dk traveled wkrkt0 others 0nrx0
& beaten Nypr+mw & afflicted Nycyl0w & were needy Nyqynsw & of goats 0z(dw
the world 0ml( for them Nwhl was 0wh worthy 0w$ of whom not 0ld persons 0$n0 38
& in mountains 0rw+bw in deserted places 0brwxb wanderers 0y(+ as Ky0 & they were wwhw
of the earth 0(r0d & caverns hyr(pbw & in caves 0r(mbw
about whom Nwhyl( there is twhd all of them Nwhlk & these Nylhw 39
the promise 0nklwm received wlbq not 0l by their faith Nwhtwnmyhb a testimony 0twdhs
ours Nlyd our help Nnrdw(b saw rx before Mdq God 0hl0d because l+m 40
they would be perfected Nwrmgtn without us Nyd(lb that not 0ld
Chapter 12
to us Nl who have ty0d we Nnx also P0 this 0nh because of l+m 12:1
us Nl surround Nyrydx clouds 0nn( who like Ky0d witnesses 0dhs all of them Nwhlk these Nylh
the sin 0ty+x also P0 weights Nyrqwy all lk from us Nnm let us throw off 0d$n
& in patience 0twnrbysmbw for us Nl is yh ready 0by+m that always Nbzlkbd
for us Nl that is set Mysd this 0nh race 0nwg0l let us run yhwy+hrn
& The Perfecter 0rwmgw The Author 0$yr is 0wh Him Who whd at Yeshua (w$yb & let us gaze rwxnw 2
He hl had 0wh that ty0d the joy 0twdx Who for Plxd of our faith Ntwnmyhl
He ignored rsm0 the shame 0tthb & l(w the cross 0bylc endured rbys

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

He sits bty of God 0hl0d of the throne hysrwkd the right side 0nymy & upon l(w
sinners 0y+x from Nm He endured rbys how much 0mk therefore lykh behold wzx 3
to their souls Nwh$pnl opponents 0lbwqs were wwh who themselves Nwnhd those Nwnh
in yourselves Nwkl you become careless N0mt that not 0ld
your soul Nwk$pn weaken you 0prtt neither 0lw
to blood 0mdl as far as 0md( you have come Nwty+m until now lykd( not 0l 4
sin 0ty+x against lbqwld in the struggle 0nwg0b
to sons 0ynbld as Ky0d which 0ny0 the teaching 0nplwyl & you have strayed from yhynwty(+w 5
of Jehovah 0yrmd the course htwdrm from Nm turn away 0mht not 0l My son yrb to you Nwkl says rm0
you are tn0 rebuked Nwktm by Him hnmd when ytm0 your soul K$pn slacken 0prt neither 0lw
him hl He instructs 0dr Jehovah 0yrm for ryg whom loves Mxrd whomever Nml 6
in whom Nwhb is pleased 0bc He whd those Nyly0 children 0ynbl & He draws aside dgnmw
because l+m the discipline 0twdrm therefore lykh endure wrbys 7
God 0hl0 with you Nwkyd0c deals r(s children 0ynb with twld as Ky0d
his father yhwb0 whom hl disciplines 0dr not 0ld the son 0rb for ryg who is? wny0
in which hbd are yh you Nwtn0 discipline 0twdrm without 0ld & if N0w 8
you have been Nwtywh every person $nlk is disciplined 0drtm
children 0ynb & not 0lw strangers 0yrkwn to you Nwkl
us Nl have wwh disciplined Nydr who are in the flesh 0rsbd our fathers Nyhb0 & if N0w 9
therefore lykh How much more? 0mk them Nwhnm we did Nywh & revere Nythbw
& we would live 0xnw of spirits 0txwrd to The Father Nyhwb0l to submit db(t$nd are we indebted Nnybyx
they wwh pleased Nybcd as Ky0 short rw(z that wh for time Nbzl for ryg those Nwnh 10
for our benefit Nnrdw(l but Nyd God 0hl0 us Nl have wwh disciplined Nydr
His holiness htw$ydql that we may share in Ptwt$nd
seems 0rbtsm not 0l in its time hnbzb but Nyd discipline 0twdrm all lk 11
at the end 0trxl sorrowful 0twyrkd but 0l0 it is yh that joyful 0twdxdd
it yields 0bhy & of righteousness 0twqydzdw of peace 0ml$d the fruit 0r0p but Nyd
have been trained w$rdt0 who by Him hbd to those Nyly0l
strengthen 0tyr$m your hands Nwkydy0 this 0nh because of l+m 12
set firmly wrr$ shaky 0tl(r & your knees Nwkykrwbw
for your feet Nwkylgrl make wdb( straight 0cyrt & paths 0lyb$w 13
it may be healed 0s0tn but 0l0 may fail $(+n not 0l that is lame rygxd that the member 0mdhd
holiness 0tw$ydq & after rtbw man $n0 every lk with M( peace 0ml$ after rtb run w+rh 14
will see 0zx not 0l our Lord Nrml a man $n0 without which hyd(lbd
among you Nwkb be found xkt$n a man $n0 lest 0mld watchful Nyryhz & be Nwtywhw 15
a root 0rq( lest 0mld or w0 of God 0hl0d the grace 0twby+ of Nm lacking rysxd
& harm you Nwkrhnw vines 0ypw( produce qpn of bitterness 0rrmd
be defiled Nwbytsn many 00ygs & by it hbw
a fornicator ynzd among you Nwkb be found xkt$n a man $n0 lest 0ml or w0 16
his birthright htwrkwb sold Nbz meal 0tlwk0m who for one 0dxbd Esau ws( as Ky0 or debauched 0prw
he was 0wh desiring 0bc afterward Nkrtb from Nm that also P0d for ryg you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy 17
for restitution 0twbytl for ryg a place 0rt0 & was rejected ylts0w the blessing 0tkrwb to inherit tr0nd
he sought it h(b in tears 0(mdb while dk he found xk$0 not 0l

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that burned 0dqyd the fire 0rwnl you have approached Nwtbrqt0 for ryg not 0l 18
& the dark fog 0lpr(lw to the darkness 0kw$xl neither 0lp0 & was tangible 0$gtmw
& the tempest 0rwr(lw
that wh of the words 0lmd & the voice 0lqlw of the trumpet 0nrqd the sound 0lql & not 0lw 19
it be added Pswttn lest 0ld refused wl0t$0 who heard it yhw(m$d which those Nwnhd
with them Nwhm( to be spoken llmtn
anything Mdm to endure wrbysml they were wwh able Nyxk$m for ryg not 0l 20
would approach brqtt an animal 0twyx that if even Np0d that was commanded wdqpt0d
it would be stoned Mgrtt the mountain 0rw+ to twl
said rm0 that Moses 0$wmd the sight 0wzx was 0wh terrible lyxd & so 0nkhw 21
am 0n0 & fainthearted tytrw I 0n0 afraid lyxdd
of Tsion Nwyhcd to The Mountain 0rw+l you have come Nwtbrqt0 but Nyd you Nwtn0 22
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l The Living 0yx of God 0hl0d & to The City 0tnydmlw
of angels 0k0lmd of myriads 0twbrd & to the assembly 0$nklw which is in Heaven 0ym$bd
in Heaven 0ym$b who are written Nybtktmd of the firstborn 0rkwbd & to the church 0td(lw 23
& to the spirits 0txwrlw of all lkd The Judge 0nyd & to God 0hl0lw
who are made perfect wrmgt0d of the righteous 0n0kd
new 0tdx of the covenant 0qtydd The Mediator 0y(cm & to Yeshua (w$ylw 24
of Habil lybhd that wh than Nm better b+ which speaks llmmd of blood hmd & to sprinkling ssrlw
Him Nm you refuse Nwl0t$t lest 0mld therefore lykh beware wrhdz0 25
were saved wycpt0 not 0l those Nwnh for ryg if N0 with you Nwkm( speaks llmd Who Nm
on earth 0(r0b with them Nwhm( who spoke llmd him Nm who refused wl0t$0d
speaks llmd Who Nm Him Nm we shall refuse l0t$n if N0 are we Nnx how much less? 0mk dx
Heaven 0ym$ from Nm with us Nm(
shook (yz0 the earth 0(r0 voice hlqd Whose 0ny0 26
& said rm0w He has promised Klm but Nyd now 0$h
I shall shake (yz0 I 0n0 time Nbz one 0dx again bwtd
Heaven 0ym$ also P0 but 0l0 earth 0(r0 only dwxlb not 0l
indicates 0ywxm time Nbz one 0dx that He said rm0d but Nyd this 0dh 27
that are shaken Ny(yztmd of those things Nwnhd the change 0plxw$
they are Nwn0 made 0dyb(d because l+m
are shaken Ny(yztm that not 0ld those Nwnh that may remain Nwwqnd
the kingdom 0twklm we have received Nlbqd therefore lykh because l+m 28
by which hbd grace 0twby+ we shall receive dwx0n is shaken 0(yztm that not 0ld
& in worship 0tlxdbw in awe 0tcmxtb God 0hl0l & we shall please rp$nw we shall serve $m$n
consuming 0tlk0 is wh fire 0rwn for ryg our God Nhl0 29
Chapter 13
among you Nwkb let continue rtkn of brothers 0x0d the love 0bwx 13:1
for ryg in this 0dhb forget Nw(+t not 0l to strangers 0ynsk0d & kindness 0tmxrw 2
aware Ny$ygr not 0l who while dkd some 0$n0 were worthy ww$
angels 0k0lm to receive Nwlbqn
that with them Nwhm(d it were wh as if Ky0 who are imprisoned Nyrys0d those Nyly0l remember wdh( 3

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who are afflicted Nycyl0d those Nyly0l call to mind wrkdt0 you were Nwtn0 imprisoned Nyrys0
you are Nwtn0 wear Ny$ybl who their bodies 0rsbd the people 0$n0 as if Ky0
is yh pure 0ykd & their bed Nwhsr(w with all lkb marriage 0gwwz is wh honorable rqym 4
God 0hl0 judges N0d & adulterers 0ryglw but Nyd fornicators 0ynzl
your mind Nwkny(r money 0psk loved Mxr has 0wh not 0l 5
to you Nwkl is ty0d whatever Mdm for you Nwkl let suffice qpsn but 0l0
I shall forsake you Kqb$0 not 0ld has said rm0 Jehovah 0yrm for ryg He wh
the hand 0ydy0 of you Kb shall I let go 0pr0 neither 0lw
is my Helper ynrd(m my Lord yrm confidently ty0lykt to say rm0nd for us Nl & it is ty0w 6
a human 0$nrb to me yl does db( what? 0nm I shall fear lxd0 not 0l
toward your guides Nwkynrbdml mindful Nydh( be you Nwtywh 7
of God 0hl0d the word 0tlm with you Nwkm( who have spoken wllmd those Nyly0
their faith Nwhtwnmyhb & imitate wrmw of their conduct Nwhyrbwdd the results 0mlw$b consider wqbt0
& to eternity Ml(lw He is wywh & today 0nmwyw yesterday ylmt0 The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y 8
be led Nwrbdtt not 0l & changeable 0plx$mw strange 0yrkwn to teaching 0nplwyl 9
our hearts Ntwbl we may strengthen rr$n that by grace 0twby+bd for ryg it is wh good ryp$
they have been helped wrd(t0 that not 0ld because l+m with foods 0tlk0mb & not 0lw
in them Nyhb who have walked wklhd those Nyly0
authority +yl$ without 0ld an altar 0xbdm but Nyd to us Nl there is ty0 10
minister Ny$m$m who in the tabernacle 0nk$mbd for those Nwnhl from it hnm to eat lk0ml
whose blood Nyhmd has 0wh brought l(md these Nylh for ryg animals 0twyx 11
sins 0h+x for the sake of Plx holy 0$dqm to the place tybl The Priest 0rmwk High br
the camp 0tyr$m of Nm outside rbl was 0wh burned dqy their flesh Nyhrsb
His people hm(l to sanctify $dqnd Yeshua (w$y also P0 this 0nh because l+m 12
He suffered $x the city 0tnydm of Nm outside rbl by His blood hmdb
to Him htwl should go out qwpn therefore lykh we Nnx & also P0w 13
His shame hdsx we bear Nnylyq$ while dk the camp 0tyr$m of Nm outside rbl
here 0krh that abides 0ywqmd a city 0tnydm for ryg for us Nl there is not tyl 14
we look for Nnyksm which is coming 0dyt(d that 0dy0l but 0l0
of praise 0txwb$td sacrifices 0xbd let us offer qsn & through Him hdy0bw 15
of the lips 0twpsd the fruit 0r0p which is hyty0d to God 0hl0l in every time Nbzlkb
to His Name hm$l giving thanks Nydwmd
with the poor 0nksmd & sharing 0twptw$w charity 0twnmxrm forget Nw(+t & not 0lw 16
God 0hl0l a man $n0 pleases rp$ sacrifices 0xbd for ryg with these Nylhb
to them Nwhl & submit w(mt$0w your leaders Nwkynrbdml obey wsyp+t0 17
your souls Nwkt$pn for the sake of Plx watch Nyrh$ for ryg those Nwnh
that in joy 0twdxbd an account Nwknb$wx who give Nybhyd persons 0$n0 as Ky0
because l+m with groans 0txntb & not 0lw this 0dh doing Nydb( they may be Nwwhn
to you Nwkl it is advantageous 0xqp not 0ld
good 0tb+ that a conscience 0tr0td for ryg we trust Nnylykt for us Nyl( pray wlc 18
to conduct ourselves rbdtn well ryp$d we want Nnybc for in all things Mdmlkbd to us Nl is ty0
of you Nwknm I 0n0 seek 0(b especially ty0ryty 19
to you Nwkl I may return 0npt0 that quickly lg(bd this 0dh to do Nwdb(td

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

from Nm Who brought forth qs0d He wh of peace 0ml$d but Nyd The God 0hl0 20
of the flock 0ty(rmd Great 0br The Shepherd 0y(rl of the dead 0tym the place tyb
Yeshua (w$y Him Who is yhwty0d eternal Ml(ld of the covenant 0qtydd by the blood 0mdb
our Lord Nrm The Messiah 0xy$m
His will hnybc to do Nwdb(td good b+ work db( in every lkb will perfect you Nwkrwmgn He wh 21
before Him yhwmdq is excellent ryp$d whatever Mdm in us Nb will perform rw(sn & He whw
is glory 0xbw$ to Whom hld The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y by dyb
Truly Nym0 of eternities Nyml( to eternity Ml(l
to be patient Nwrgtd my brothers yx0 of you Nwknm but Nyd I 0n0 beseech 0(b 22
of exhortation 00ywbd with the word 0tlmb in your spirit Nwkxwr
to you Nwkl I have written tbtk it is wh with brevity 0tyrw(zbd because l+m
is released yrt$0d Timotheos sw0tmy+ our brother Nwx0l but Nyd know w(d 23
I shall see you Nwkyzx0 with Him hm( he comes 0t0n soon lg(b & if N0w
your leaders Nwkynrbdm of all of Nwhlkd the peace 0ml$b invoke wl0$ 24
all of them Nwhlk your peace Nwkml$b invoke Nyl0$ the holy ones 0$ydq & of all of Nwhlkdw
Italy 0yl+y0 who are from Nmd
Amen Nym0 all of you Nwklk with M( grace 0twby+ 25

Chapter 1
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y & of our Lord Nrmdw of God 0hl0d the servant hdb( Yaqob bwq(y 1:1
peace Ml$ among the nations 0mm(b which are scattered N(yrzd the tribes Nbr$ to twelve 0rs(trtl
my brethren yx0 to you Nwkl let there be 0wht joy 0wdx every lk 2
& many 00ygsw various 0plx$m temptations 0nwysnl you will enter Nwl(t when dk
of faith 0twnmyhd that the trial 0yqwbd for ryg you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy 3
patience 0twnrbysm to you Nwkl imparts 0nqm
for it hl shall be 0whn patience 0twnrbysml but Nyd itself hl 4
perfected Nyrymg that you would be Nwwhtd complete 0ylm$m a work 0db(
lacking Nyrysx you would be Nwtywh not 0l & anything Mdmbw & complete Nynml$mw
wisdom 0tmkx of Nm is lacking rysx of you Nwknm but Nyd anyone $n0 if N0 5
simply ty0+y$p to all lkl Who gives bhyd God 0hl0 from Nm let him ask l0$n
to him hl & it will be given 0bhytmw reproaches dsxm & not 0lw
wavering glptm not 0l while dk in faith 0twnmyhb but Nyd let him ask l0$n 6
of the sea 0myd the waves 0llgl is like 0md who wavers glptmd for ryg he wh
the wind 0xwr them Nwhl which troubles 0$g$d
to receive bsnd son of man 0$nrb that wh let think rbsn & not 0lw 7
Jehovah 0yrm from Nm anything Mdm
his ways htxrw0 in all Nyhlkb & is troubled $yg$w in his mind hny(rb ever wavers gylpd who 0ny0 8
in his exaltation hmrmwrb poor 0kykm the brother 0x0 but Nyd let boast rhbt$n 9

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

a blossom 0bbh that as Ky0d because l+m in his humiliation hkkwmb & the rich man 0ryt(w 10
passes away rb( in this way 0nkh of the grass 0bs(d
the grass 0bs(l it hl & shrivels $bwmw in its heat hmwxb the sun 0$m$ for ryg rises xnd 11
of its appearance hwzxd & the beauty 0rpw$w falls lpn & the blossom hbbhw
in his ways yhwkpwhb fades 0mx the rich man 0ryt( also P0 in this way 0nkh is destroyed db0
temptation 0nwysn who endures rbysmd to the man 0rbgl his blessing yhwbw+ 12
which wh of life 0yxd a crown 0lylk he will receive bsn he is tested rxbt0d for when 0md
Him hl who love Nymxrd to those Nyly0l God 0hl0 promised Klmd
from Nmd he is tempted 0sntm when dk a man $n0 should say rm0n not 0l 13
is acquainted ysnm not 0l for ryg God 0hl0 I 0n0 am tempted 0sntm God 0hl0
tempts 0snm not 0l man $n0l & he whw with evil 0t$ybb
tempted 0sntm is wh his desire htgr from Nm man $n0 each $n0 but 0l0 14
& he is seduced dgntmw & he lusts grgrtmw
sin 0ty+x & gives birth to 0dlyw becomes pregnant 0n+b desire 0tgr & this 0dhw 15
death 0twm gives birth to 0dly it has developed trmgt0d when 0m but Nyd sin 0ty+x
beloved 0bybx my brothers yx0 do be led astray Nw(+t not 0l 16
descends 0txn above l(l from Nm & perfect 0tylm$mw good 0tb+ gift 0tbhwm every lk 17
change 0plxw$ with Whom htwl is not tyld Him wh of light 0ryhnd The Father 0b0 from Nm
of variation 0yngw$d a shadow 0tynl+ neither 0lp0 any Mdm
of the truth 0t$wqd by the word 0tlmb & He gave birth to us Ndlyw willing 0bc He was wywh 18
of His creation htyrbd the first fruits 0ty$r that we would be 0whnd
of you Nwknm every person $nlk beloved 0bybx my brethren yx0 & you Nwtn0w 19
to speak wllmml & slow rxwmw to hear (m$ml quick bhrsm shall be 0whn
to be angry zgrml & slow rxwmw
performs db( not 0l of God 0hl0d the righteousness 0twqydz of man 0rbgd for ryg the rage hzgwr 20
abomination 0twpn+ all hlk from you Nwknm put away wqxr0 this 0nh because of l+m 21
the word 0tlm accept wlbq & in humility 0twkykmbw of evils 0tw$ybd & the multitude 00gwsw
able 0xk$m which is yhd in our nature Nnykb which is planted 0bycnd
your souls Nwkt$pn these Nyn0 to save 0xtd
only dwxlb a hearer 0(wm$ & not 0lw of the word 0tlmd a doer 0dwb( but Nyd be wwh 22
yourselves Nwkt$pn deceive Nw(+t & not 0lw
of the word 0tlmd a hearer h(wm$ shall be 0whn for ryg a man $n0 if N0 23
him whl is like 0md this one 0nh its doer hdwb( & not 0lw
in a mirror 0tyzxmb his face yhwp0 who sees 0zxd
he was 0wh how 0nky0d & forgets 0(+w & passes by rb(w himself h$pn for ryg sees 0zx 24
perfect 0nml$m into The Law 0swmnb who gazes rxd but Nyd everyone lk 25
a hearer 0(wm$ is 0wh not 0l in it hb & continues ywqw of liberty 0twr0xd
of the works 0db(d a doer 0dwb( but 0l0 what is forgotten 0(+tmd who heard 0(m$d
in his work hdb(b shall be 0whn blessed 0nbw+ & this one 0nhw
God 0hl0l that he serves $m$md thinks rbs a man $n0 & if N0w 26
it hl deceives 0(+m but 0l0 his tongue hn$l holds dx0 & not 0lw
his service ht$m$t is yh worthless 0qyrs of this one 0nhd the heart hbl

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

The Father 0b0 God 0hl0 before Mdq & holy 0t$ydqw pure 0tykd for ryg ministry 0t$m$t 27
in their affliction Nwhynclw0b & widows 0tlmr0w orphans 0mty to visit r(sml is yh this 0dh
defilement 0$lw+ without 0ld the world 0ml( from Nm his soul h$pn a man $n0 & to keep r+mlw
Chapter 2
be Nwwht of faces 0p0b with acceptance bsmb not 0l my brothers yx0 2:1
of our Lord Nrmd of the glory htxwb$td the faith 0twnmyhl holding Nydyx0
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
of gold 0bhdd a ring htqz(d a man $n0 your assembly Nwkt$wnkl will enter lw(n for ryg if N0 2
dirty 00c in clothing 0n0mb a poor man 0nksm & will enter lw(nw is fine 0ryp$ his clothing yhwn0md or w0
fine 0ryp$ clothing 0n0m wearing $ybld for him whb & you have regard Nwrwxtw 3
well ryp$ sit bt here 0krh you tn0 to him hl & you say Nwrm0tw
there lhl stand Mwq you tn0 to him hl you say Nwrm0t & to the poor 0nksmlw
of our feet Nylgrd the stool 0$bwk before Mdq here 0krh you Kl sit bt or w0
in your souls Nwk$pnb to you Nwkl are you divided Nwtglpt0 behold 0h not? 0l 4
wicked 0t$yb of reasonings 0tb$xmd expositors 0n$rpm & you have become Nwtywhw
the poor 0nksml has it been 0wh not? 0l beloved 0bybx my brothers yx0 hear w(m$ 5
God 0hl0 has chosen 0bg in faith 0twnmyhb however Nyd rich 0ryt( of the world 0ml(d
that yh in kingdom 0twklmb the heirs 0try that they will be Nwwhnd
Him hl who love Nymxrd to those Nyly0l God 0hl0 which promised Klmd
behold 0h not? 0l the poor 0nksml you have despised yhynwt+$ but Nyd you Nwtn0 6
you Nwkl drag Nydgn & they Nwnhw over you Nwkyl( have dominion Nyl(t$m the rich 0ryt(
of judgment 0nyd to the place tybl
against l( slander Nypdgm those Nwnh behold 0h not 0l 7
upon you Nwkyl( which is called yrqt0d Good 0b+ The Name 0m$
it is written bytkd as Ky0 you fulfill Nwtyml$m in this 0dhb of God 0hl0d The Written Law 0swmn & if N0w 8
you Nwtn0 are doing Nydb( well ryp$ yourself K$pn as Ky0 your neighbor Kbyrql you shall love Mxrtd
you Nwtn0 are doing Nydb( sin 0ty+x you Nwtn0 accept Nybsn faces 0p0b but Nyd if N0 9
The Written Law 0swmn from Nm you Nwtn0 & are reproved Nynwktmw
The Written Law 0swmn against l( violators yrb( as Ky0
keeps r+n The Written Law 0swmn all hlkd for ryg whoever 0ny0 10
he is condemned byxt0 Written Law 0swmn by the entire hlkl he slips (r$ & in one thing 0dxbw
said rm0 He wh you shall commit adultery rwgt not 0ld Who said rm0d for ryg He wh 11
you tn0 are committing adultery r0g not 0l but Nyd if N0 you shall murder lw+qt not 0ld
to you Kl it is tywh you tn0 have murdered l+q but 0l0
The Written Law 0swmn against l( a violation rb(
be you Nwtywh & so 0nkhw speaking Nyllmm be you Nwtywh so 0nkh 12
who by The Written Law 0swmnbd a person 0$n0 as Ky0 acting Nyr(s
to be judged wndtml you Nwtn0 are going Nydyt( of liberty 0twr0xd
him wh against l( mercy 0mxr without 0ld is 0wh for ryg the judgment 0nyd 13
you Nwtn0 have dominion Nyl(t$m mercy 0mxr practices db( who not 0ld
judgment 0nyd over l( with mercy 0mxrb
says rm0 a man $n0 if N0 my brothers yx0 good is it 0nynh what? 0nm 14
to him hl there are not tyl & deeds 0db(w faith 0twnmyh to me yl there is ty0d

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to give him life yhwyxtd his faith htwnmyh is able 0xk$m interrog. 0mld
naked Nyyl+r( shall be Nwwhn a sister 0tx or w0 a brother 0x0 & if N0w 15
of the day 0mwyd food 0trbys & lacking Nyrysxw
of you Nwknm any $n0 to them Nwhl & will say rm0nw 16
you would give Nwltt & not 0lw be full w(bsw be warm wnx$ in peace 0ml$b go wlz
good is it 0nynh what? 0nm of the body 0rgpd the necessities htwqyns to them Nwhl
by itself hydwxlb is yh dead 0tym works 0db( without 0ld faith 0twnmyh also P0 so 0nkh 17
& to me ylw faith 0twnmyh to you Kl is ty0 to you Kl a man $n0 for ryg says rm0 18
works 0db( without 0ld your faith Ktwnmyh show me ynwx works 0db( to me yl is ty0
my deeds ydb( from Nm my faith ytwnmyh to you Kl am 0n0 showing 0wxm & I 0n0w
God 0hl0 is wh that One dxd you tn0 believe Nmyhm 19
& trembling Nyl(rw are believing Nynmyhm the demons 0d0$ also P0 you tn0 do db( well ryp$
feeble 0$lx man 0$nrb Oh w0 to know (dtd but Nyd are you? tn0 willing 0bc 20
is yh dead 0tym works 0db( without 0ld that faith 0twnmyhd
justified qddz0 works 0db( from Nm was 0wh not? 0l Abraham Mhrb0 our Father Nwb0 21
the altar 0xbdm upon l( his son hrb Isaaq qxsy0l when brought up qs0d
his deeds yhwdb(l upheld t(ys that his faith htwnmyhd you tn0 see? 0zx 22
was perfected trmgt0 his faith htwnmyh deeds 0db( & from Nmw
that said rm0d the scripture 0btk & was fulfilled Ml$w 23
in God 0hl0b Abraham Mhrb0 believed Nmyhd
for righteousness wqydzl to him hl & it was accounted tb$xt0w
he was called yrqt0 of God 0hl0d & the friend 0mxrw
is justified qddzm works 0db( that from Nmd you tn0 see 0zx 24
only dwxlb faith 0twnmyh from Nm it is 0wh & not 0lw a son of man 0$nrb
works 0db( from Nm was it 0wh not? 0l the harlot 0tynz Rahab bxr also P0 in this way 0nkh 25
the scouts 0$w$gl when she received tlbqd she was made righteous tqddz0
them Nwn0 she sent tqp0 another 0trx0 & by a way 0xrw0bw
is wh dead tym the spirit 0xwr without 0ld a body 0rgpd just as 0nky0 26
is yh dead 0tym works 0db( without 0ld faith 0twnmyh also P0 so 0nkh
Chapter 3
my brothers yx0 among you Nwkb shall be Nwwhn teachers 0nplm many 00ygs not 0l 3:1
we would incur Nnybyx greater 0ryty that judgment 0nydd know Ny(dy you shall Nwtywh but 0l0
all of us Nlk we stumble Nny(rt$m for ryg much 0t0ygs 2
man 0rbg is yhwty0 this 0nh slips (r$ not 0l who in word 0tlmbd everyone lk
his body hrgp whole hlk also P0 subject db($n who can xk$md perfected 0rymg
we put Nnymr of horses 0$krd in the mouths 0mwpb a bridle 0dwgp for ryg behold 0h 3
we turn Nnykphm their bodies Nwhm$wg & whole hlkw to us Nl that they submit Nwdb(t$nd as Ky0
by the wind 0xwr these Nyhl are steered Nrybd as dk mighty 0tny$( ships 0pl0 also P0 4
to wherever rt0l they are driven Nptntm small 0rw(z wood 0syq of Nm & a hard piece 0ty$q
helmsman rbdmd of the whd the will hnybc determines r0xd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

small 0rw(z is wh a member 0mdh the tongue 0n$l also P0 in this way 0nkh 5
kindles 0dqwm great 00ygs forest 0b( small 0trw(z a fire 0rwn also P0 & has dominion 0l(t$mw
it is wh a jungle 0b( like Ky0 of sin 0ty+xd & a world 0ml(w is wh a fire 0rwn & the tongue 0n$lw 6
itself hl defiles Mtkm among the members Nymdhb it is yhwty0 while dk tongue 0n$l & that whw
of generations Ntbr$d the successions 0lbwy & sets on fire dqwmw our body Nrgp whole hlkl
with the fire 0rwnb it [the tongue] is wh also P0 & burning dqyw wheels 0lgyg as Ky0 which roll on Ny+hrd
& of birds 0txrpdw of animals 0twyxd natures 0nyk for ryg all Nwhlk 7
& of the land 0$bydw of the sea 0myd & creeping things 0$xrw
of humanity 0tw$n0d by the nature 0nykl are tamed Nydb(t$m
to tame it yhwy$bknd is able xk$0 not 0l man $n0 but Nyd the tongue 0n$l 8
is controlled 0skttm which not 0ld this 0dh evil 0t$yb
of death 0twmd of the poison 0ms it is wh full 0lm
& The Father 0b0w Jehovah 0yrml we bless Nnykrbm with it hb 9
children of men 0$nynbl we curse Nny+yl with it hbw
are made Nydyb( of God 0hl0d who in the image 0twmdbd
& cursing 0t+wlw blessing 0tkrwb proceeds Nqpn the mouth 0mwp from Nm hnmw 10
to be done Nr(tsn so 0nkh that these things Nylhd my brothers yx0 it ought 0lw not 0l
spring 0(wbm one dx that from Nmd is it possible? 0xk$m interrog. 0mld 11
& bitter 0ryrmw sweet 0ylx waters 0ym go out Nwqpn
produce db(t olives 0tyzd my brother yx0 a fig tree 0tt can? 0xk$m interrog. 0mld or w0 12
salt 0xylm waters 0ym not 0l also P0 in this way 0nkh figs 0n0t a vine 0tpg or w0
sweet 0ylx to be made Nwdb(tnd happen Nyxk$m
his works yhwdb( let him show 0wxn & instructed 0drw is wise Mykxd of you Nwknm who? wnm 13
of meekness 0tkykm in wisdom 0tmkxb beautiful 0ryp$ in a way of life 0kpwhb
contention 0nyrx or w0 in you Nwkb is ty0 bitter 0ryrm envy 0msx but Nyd if N0 14
& lie Nwlgdtw the truth 0t$wq against l( be puffed up Nwrtxtt not 0l in your hearts Nwkyblb
above l(l from Nm wisdom 0tmkx this 0dhd because l+m 15
earthly 0tyn(r0 is hyty0 but 0l0 descends ttxn not 0l
demons 0d0$ & from Nmw of the self 0$pnd thoughts 0b$wx from Nm
& contention 0nyrxw envy 0msx there is ty0d for ryg where 0ky0 16
evil $ybd & everything Mdmlkw chaos 0yxwld also P0 there Nmt
is yh pure 0ykd above l(l that is from Nmd but Nyd the wisdom 0tmkx 17
& attentive 0yn(mt$mw & meek 0kykmw peace 0ml$ & filled 0ylmw
division 0twglp & without 0ldw good 0b+ & fruit 0r0pw love 0mxr & filled 0ylmw
accepts 0bsn not 0l & faces 0p0bw that yh
in peace 0ny$b of righteousness 0twqydzd but Nyd fruits 0r0p 18
peace 0ml$ making Nydb(d by those Nyly0l are sown Ny(rdzm
Chapter 4
& contention 0twcmw war 0brq among you Nwkb is ty0 where? 0ky0 from Nm 4:1
in your members Nwkymdhb which fight Nbrqmd lusts 0tgygr from Nm is it 0wh not? 0l
& murder Nyl+qw to you Nwkl & there is not tylw you Nwtn0 desire earnestly Nygrgrtm 2
into your hands Nwkydy0b it comes 0yt0 & not 0lw you Nwtn0 & envy Nyn+w you Nwtn0

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

you Nwtn0 are doing Nydb( & battle 0brqw you Nwtn0 & fight Nycnw
you Nwtn0 ask Nyl0$ not 0ld because l+m to you Nwkl & there is not tylw
you Nwtn0 receive Nybsn & not 0lw you Nwtn0 ask Nyl0$ 3
you Nwtn0 ask Nyl0$ wickedly ty0$ybd because l+m
your lusts Nwktgygr that may be fed Nwsrttd so Ky0
this 0nh of world 0ml(d the love htmxrd you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy not 0l adulterers 0ryg 4
chooses 0bcd therefore lykh whoever 0ny0 of God 0hl0d that yh the hatred 0twbbdl(b
of God 0hl0l is 0wh an enemy 0bbdl(b this 0nh of world 0ml(d a friend 0mxr to be 0whnd
you Nwtn0 think Nyrbs worthlessly ty0qyrs perhaps 0mld or w0 5
the spirit 0xwr lusts 0gr with jealousy 0nn+bd the scriptures 0btk that say rm0d
in us Nb that dwells 0rm(d
our Lord Nrm us Nl gives bhy more 0tryty but Nyd grace 0twby+ 6
the proud 0mrl humbles Kkmm God 0hl0d He said rm0 this 0dh because l+m
grace 0twby+ He gives bhy & to the humble 0kykmlw
Satan 0n+s against lbqwl & stand up wmwqw to God 0hl0l therefore lykh submit wdb(t$0 7
from you Nwknm & he will flee qr(w
you Nwkl & He will approach brqtnw God 0hl0 to twl & approach wbwrqw 8
your hearts Nwktwbl sanctify w$dq sinners 0y+x your hands Nwkydy0 purify wkd
souls 0$pn doubting ygylp
& your laughter Nwkkxwgw & make lamentation wlb0t0w be humble wkkmt0 9
to grief 0tq(l & your joy Nwktwdxw let be turned Kphtn to mourning 0lb0l
& He will exalt you Nwkmrmrnw Jehovah 0yrm before Mdq be humble wkkmt0 10
my brothers yx0 each other 0ddx against l( speaking Nyllmm you shall be Nwwht not 0l 11
his brother yhwx0l judges N0d or w0 his brother yhwx0 against l( who speaks llmmd for ryg he wh
The Written Law 0swmnl & judges N0dw The Written Law 0swmn against l( speaks llmm
you are tywh not 0l you tn0 judge N0d The Written Law 0swmnl & if N0w
its judge hnyd but 0l0 of The Written Law 0swmnd a doer hdwb(
the judgment 0nydw The Written Law 0swmn lays down M0s He is wh one dx 12
but Nyd you tn0 & to destroy dbwnw to give life 0xnd able xk$m Who is whd
your neighbor Kbyrql him hl are tn0 who judging N0dd are tn0 who? Nm
those Nyly0 about l( also P0 shall we say rm0n but Nyd what? 0nm 13
to a city 0tnydml we shall go Nnylz0 tomorrow rxm or w0 Today 0nmwyd who say Nyrm0d
one 0dx year 0tn$ there Nmt also we shall work Nnydb(w where yhd which 0dy0
& we shall make profits Nnyrtyw & we shall earn wages Nnyrgttmw
tomorrow rxm it is 0wh what? 0nm they know Ny(dy & not 0lw 14
vapor 0ghl only N0 but 0l0 our lives Nyyx for ryg are Nwn0 what? 0nm
& passes away 0pwmw & vanishes ql+w appears 0zxtm that a little while lylqd
Jehovah 0yrm that if N0d that they should say Nwrm0nd because of Plx 15
that yh or w0 this 0dh we shall do Nnydb( & we shall live 0xnw pleases 0bcn
boasting 0rhbw$ all lk in their pride Nwhtwrytxb they boast Nyrhbt$m 16
is wh evil 0$yb this 0nh that like Ky0d
it hl does db( & not 0lw good 0tb+ knows (dyd & whoever 0ny0w 17
to him hl it is 0wh sin 0h+x

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Chapter 5
the miseries 0nwwd over l( & weep wkbw wail! wlly0 rich men 0ryt( Oh! w0 5:1
upon you Nwkyl( which are coming Nyt0d
& stinks yrsw is decayed lbxt0 for ryg your wealth Nwkrtw( 2
moths 0ss of Nm are eaten wlk0t0 & your garments Nwkyn0mw
itself hl has rusted tx$0 & your silver Nwkm0sw & your gold Nwkbhdw 3
against you Nwkyl( for a witness 0twdhsl will be 0ywh & their rust Nwhtxw$w
your flesh Nwkrsb to consume lwk0td going 0dyt( & it is yhw
last 0yrx0 for the days 0tmwyl to yourselves Nwkl you have gathered Nwt$nk fire 0rwn
your land Nwkt(r0 who reaped wdcxd of the laborers 0l(pd the payment 0rg0 behold 0h 4
of the reapers 0dwcxd & the call 0t(gw cries out 0(q which you swindled Nwtml+d that wh
has entered tl( of hosts tw0bc of Jehovah 0yrmd into the ears yhwnd0l
& you have been gluttons Nwtb(lt0w earth 0(r0 on l( for ryg you have made merry Nwtmsb 5
of slaughter 0tsknd for a day 0mwyld as Ky0 your bodies Nwkyrgp & you have nourished Nwtysrtw
The Righteous One 0qydzl & you have murdered Nwtl+qw you have condemned Nwtbyx 6
against you Nwklbqwl He has stood Mq & not 0lw
of your spirit Nwkxwr be long wrg0 my brothers yx0 but Nyd you Nwtn0 7
a farmer 0rk0 like Ky0 of Jehovah 0yrmd the coming htyt0ml until 0md(
of the ground h(r0d precious 0ryqy the crops 0r0pl who waits for 0ksmd
the rain 0r+m when He receives bsnd until 0md( over them Nwhyl( in his spirit hxwr & is long rgmw
& late 0y$yqlw early 0yrykb
in your spirit Nwkxwr be long wrg0 you Nwtn0 also P0 in this way 0nkh 8
strengthen wrr$ & your hearts Nwktwblw
of our Lord Nrmd the coming htyt0m for ryg it hl draws near tbrq
lest 0ld my brothers yx0 another dx against l( one dx groan Nwxntt not 0l 9
stands M0q the gate 0(rt before Mdq The Judge 0nyd for ryg behold 0h you be judged Nwnydtt
my brothers yx0 to you Nwkl take wbs of the prophets 0ybnl the example 0twmd 10
of your afflictions Nwkynclw0d of spirit 0xwr for length trgml
of Jehovah 0yrmd in The Name hm$b who spoke wllmd those Nwnh
who endured wrbysd to those Nyly0l blessing 0bw+ we give Nnybhy for ryg behold 0h 11
& the end 0trxw of Yob bwy0d the endurance htwnrbysm you have heard Nwt(m$
you have seen Nwtyzx Jehovah 0yrm for him hl that made db(d
& caring Npxrmw Jehovah 0yrm is wh merciful Nmxrmd because l+m
my brothers yx0 but Nyd thing Mdm every lk above Mdq 12
by earth 0(r0b neither 0lw by Heaven 0ym$b not 0l swearing vows Nymy be you Nwtywh not 0l
your word Nwktlm let be 0wht but 0l0 another 0trx0 by oath 0tmwmb neither 0lp0
judgment 0nyd under tyxt you be condemned Nwbyxtt lest 0ld no 0l & no 0lw yes Ny0 yes Ny0
in suffering 0nclw0b shall be 0whn of you Nwknm any $n0 & if N0w 13
singing psalms rmzm let him be 0whn rejoicing 0dx & if N0w praying 0lcm let him be 0whn
of the church 0td(d the Elders 0$y$ql let him call 0rqn one is ill hyrk & if N0w 14
& anoint him hnwx$mnw over him yhwl( & let them pray Nwlcnw
of our Lord Nrmd in The Name hm$b with oil 0x$m

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the one whl him hl heals 0mlxm of faith 0twnmyhd & the prayer 0twlcw 15
our Lord Nrm him hl & raises up Myqmw who is ill hyrkd
to him hl they are forgiven Nyqbt$m by him hl were done Nydyb( sins 0h+x & if N0w
to another dxl one dx your offenses Nwktwlks confessing Nydwm but Nyd be you Nwtywh 16
to be healed Nws0ttd another dx for l( one dx praying Nylcm & be you Nwtywhw
which 0dy0 of prayer 0twlcd the power hlyx for ryg is wh great br
himself hl prays 0lcm a righteous one 0qydzd
like us Ntwk0 subject to suffering 0$w$x was 0wh a man 0$nrb Elia 0yl0 also P0 17
the land 0(r0 on l( rain 0r+m would descend twxn that not 0ld & he prayed ylcw
months Nyxry & six 0t$w years Nyn$ three tlt it descended txn & not 0lw
rain 0r+m gave wbhy & the skies 0ym$w he prayed ylc & again bwtw 18
its fruits hyr0p yielded tbhy & the land 0(r0w
the way 0xrw0 from Nm will stray 0(+n of you Nwknm a man $n0 if N0 my brothers yx0 19
his error htwy(+ from Nm a man $n0 & will restore him yhwynpnw of truth 0t$wqd
a sinner 0y+xl who turns Kphmd that he whd let him know (dn 20
his soul h$pn gives life to 0xm of his way hxrw0d the error 0twy(+ from Nm
of his sins yhwh+xd the multitude 00gws & blots out 0+(w death 0twm from Nm

1st Peter
Chapter 1
to the chosen ones 0ybgl The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd an apostle 0xyl$ Petros swr+p 1:1
& in Galatia 0y+lgbw in Pontus sw+npb who are scattered Ny(yrzd & pilgrims 0btwtw
& in Bythunya 0ynwtybbw & in Asia 0ys0bw & in Qapadoqya 0yqdwpqbw
knowledge ht(dy in the prior twmdqmb who have been chosen wybgt0d those Nyly0 2
of The Spirit 0xwrd in sanctification 0tw$ydqb The Father 0b0 of God 0hl0d
of the blood hmd & for sprinkling ssrlw for obedience 0t(m$ml that they will be Nwwhnd
to you Nwktwl be multiplied 0gsn & peace 0ml$w grace 0twby+ The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd
Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd His father yhwb0 God 0hl0 He wh Blessed Krbm 3
the top $yrd from Nm begot us Ndlw0 great 00ygs who in His pity hnnxbd He wh The Messiah 0xy$m
of life 0yxd to the hope 0rbsl The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd by the resurrection htmyqb
defiled 0pn+tm neither 0lw is destroyed 0lbxtm that not 0ld & to an inheritance 0twtrylw 4
in Heaven 0ym$b for you Nwkl which is prepared 0by+md that yh withers 0ymx neither 0lw
& in the faith 0twnmyhbw of God 0hl0d by the power 0lyxb you Nwtn0 are kept Nyry+n while dk 5
last 0yrx0 to the time 0nbzl to be revealed Nwlgtnd ready Nyby+md for the lives 0yxl
time 0nbz in this 0nhb although Np0 for eternity Ml(l you shall rejoice Nwdxt in which lives Nwhbd 6

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

various 0plx$m with temptations 0nwysnb you Nwtn0 are wearied Nyqy(ttm a little lylq
upon you Nwkyl( that come suddenly Nyd(d
may appear 0zxtn of your faith Nwktwnmyhd that the proof 0nrxwbd so 0nky0 7
in fire 0rwnb which is tried yqbt0d refined 0nyns gold 0bhd than Nm which is worth more rtymd
& praise 0slwqlw & honor 0rqy0lw for glory 0txwb$tl
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd in the revelation hnylgb
Him hl you Nwtn0 & love Nybxmw you have seen yhynwtyzx Whom not 0ld Him wh 8
glorious 0txb$m with joy 0twdxb you Nwtn0 rejoice greatly Nyzwr & by His faith htwnmyhbw
is spoken 0llmtm that not 0ld
of your souls Nwkt$pnd the life 0yx of your faith Nwktwnmyhd the reward 0n(rwp that you may receive Nwlbqtd 9
about them Nwhyl( they had wwh which investigated wbq(d lives 0yx those Nwnh 10
the grace 0twby+ about l( they prophesied wybnt0 when dk the prophets 0ybn
to you Nwkl to be given bhyttd was twh that going 0dyt(d
The Spirit hxwr & testifies 0dhsmw He shows 0ywxm time 0nbz in what? 0ny0bd & they searched wcbw 11
the sufferings yhw$x that were coming Nydyt(d in them Nwhb Who dwelt 0rm(d of The Messiah 0xy$md
after that Nkrtb that was from Nmd & His glory htxwb$tw of The Messiah 0xy$md
were wwh who searching Nycbd all lk to them Nwhl & it was revealed ylgt0w 12
for us Nl but 0l0 they were wwh seeking Ny(b for themselves Nwh$pnl not wld because l+m
to you Nwkl is revealed ylgt0 now 0$hd those Nyly0 they were wwh prophesying Nybntm ours Nlyd
of Holiness 0$dwqd by The Spirit 0xwrb who evangelized you Nwknrbsd those Nyly0 by dyb
long Nygrgrtm these things Nylhb into which Nyhbd Heaven 0ym$ from Nm Who is sent rdt$0d
to gaze Nwqydnd the angels 0k0lm also P0
of your mind Nwkty(rtd the loins 0cx gird up wqwzx this 0nh because of l+m 13
the joy 0twdx for l( & hope wrbsw perfectly ty0rymg & be attentive wry(tt0w
in the revelation hnylgb to you Nwkl that is coming 0yt0d
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd
again bwt be you partaking Nwptwt$t & not 0lw obedient 0n(mt$m children 0ynb as Ky0 14
you were Nwtywh that lusting Nygrd those Nyly0 former 0tymdq of your lusts Nwktgygrl
knowledge 0t(dyb without 0ld
your way of life Nwkykpwh in all Nwhlkb holy ones Ny$ydq be wwh but 0l0 15
called you Nwkrqd Who Nm He is wh holy $ydqd as Ky0
holy ones Ny$ydq be you Nwtywhd it is written bytkd because l+m 16
I am 0n0 holy $ydq I 0n0 also P0d just as 0nky0
without tyld Him wh you Nwtn0 call on Nyrq that The Father 0b0d it is wh & if N0w 17
every person $nlkl & judges N0dw of faces 0p0b accepting bsm before Him yhwmdq
be led wrbdt0 in reverence 0tlxdb his works yhwdb( according to Ky0
of your pilgrimage Nwktwbtwtd this 0nh in time 0nbzb
which wears out 0lbd with silver 0pskb that not 0ld you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy when dk 18
your works Nwkydb( from Nm you were redeemed Nwtqrpt0 with gold 0bhdb & not 0lw
your fathers Nwkyhb0 from Nm that you received Nwtlbqd those Nwnh worthless 0qyrs
of The Lamb 0rm0d precious 0ryqy with the blood 0mdb but 0l0 19
in Him hb there is not tyl & defilement 0$lw+w Who blemish 0mwmd
The Messiah 0xy$m Who is yhwty0d
before Mdq from Nm to this 0dhl appointed $yrp was 0wh before Mdqmd He wh 20
& was manifested ylgt0w of the world 0ml(d the foundation htymrt

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

for you Nwktl+m of the times 0nbzd in the last Nwhtyrx0b

Who raised Him hmyq0d Him wh in God 0hl0b you believed Nwtnmyh who by Him hdy0bd those Nyly0 21
the glory 0xbw$ to Him hl & He has given bhyw of the dead 0tym the place tyb from Nm
God 0hl0 upon l( would be 0whn & your hope Nwkrbsw that your faith Nwktwnmyhd
of the truth 0rr$d in obedience htwn(mt$mb your souls Nwkt$pn sanctified N$ydq would be Nywhn as dk 22
of faces 0p0b accepting bsm without 0ld with love 0bwx filled Nylm & they may be Nywhnw
another dxl one dx loving Nybxm you will be Nwwht & perfect 0rymgw pure 0ykd the heart 0bl that from Nmd
you were born Nwtdlyt0 the top $yrd that from Nmd persons 0$n0 as Ky0 23
fails 0lb not 0ld what 0ny0 from Nm but 0l0 which fails 0lbd the seed 0(rz from Nm not 0l
for eternity Ml(l Who stands 0myqd of God 0hl0d living 0tyx by the word 0tlmb
grass 0rym( flesh rsb all lkd because l+m 24
of the field 0lqxd the blossom 0ypw( as Ky0 its beauty htwy0y & all hlkw
the blossom 0ypw( & fades 0mxw grass 0rym( withers $by
for eternities Nyml(l stands 0myq of our God Nhl0d & the word htlmw 25
by which you are evangelized Nwtrbts0d that yh word 0tlm is yh & this 0dhw
1st Peter
Chapter 2
wickedness 0tw$yb all hlk from you Nwknm therefore lykh put away wxyn0 2:1
& envy 0msxw of faces 0p0b & accepting bsmw treachery 0lkn & all hlkw
& slander 0crq lk0mw
for it hl & yearn wgrgrt0w infants 0rb$ sucklings 0dwly as Ky0 & be wwhw 2
by which hbd & spiritual 0nxwrw pure 0dqn for milk 0blxld as Ky0 for the word 0tlml
for life 0yxl you shall grow strong Nwbrtt
Jehovah 0yrm is wh that good b+d & you have seen Nwtyzxw you have tasted Nwtm(+ if N0 3
Living 0yx The Stone 0p0k Who is yhwty0d you are Nwtn0 drawing near Nybrqtm to Whom hld He wh 4
God 0hl0 to twl & precious rqymw & is chosen 0bgw of men 0$n0 the children ynb Whom rejected yhwyls0d
are built wnbt0 living 0tyx stones 0p0k as Ky0 you Nwtn0 & also P0w 5
to offer wqsml holy 0$ydq & priests 0nhkw spiritual 0nxwr a temple 0lkyh & have become wwhw
by dyb God 0hl0 before Mdq acceptable Nylbqmd spiritual 0nxwr sacrifices 0xbd
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
I 0n0 lay down M0s Behold 0hd in the scriptures 0btkb for ryg it is wh said rym0 6
of the corner 0tywz at the head $yrb & precious 0tryqyw approved 0tryxb a stone 0p0k in Tsion Nwyhcb
will be ashamed thbn not 0l in Him hb believes Nmyhmd & whoever Nmw
honor 0rqy0 this 0nh is given bhyt0 therefore lykh to you Nwkl 7
but Nyd to those Nwnhl who believe Nynmyhmd to those Nyly0l
are obedient Nysyp+tm who not 0ld
of offense 0l$kd & rock 0nb0w of stumbling 0tlqwtd He is wh a stone 0p0k 8
they obey Nysyp+tm in that not 0ldb on it hb & they stumble Nylqttmw
they were appointed Nymys for to this 0dhld the word 0tlml
who serve as priests 0nhkmd chosen 0tybg are Nwtn0 race 0tbr$ but Nyd you Nwtn0 9
redeemed 0qyrp assembly 0$nk holy 0$ydq a people 0m( for the kingdom 0twklml
called you Nwkrqd of Him Who whd the praises htxb$t you should proclaim Nwrbst
excellent 0rtym to His light hrhwnl darkness 0kw$x from Nm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

you were Nwtywh considered Nyby$x not 0l the first Mydq who from Nmd those Nyly0 10
mercies 0mxr neither 0lp0 of God 0hl0d the people 0m( but Nyd now 0$h a people 0m(
mercies 0mxr upon you Nwkyl( are poured w(pt$0 but Nyd now 0$h upon you Nwkyl( were wwh being ty0
wayfarers 0cr( as Ky0 of you Nwknm I 0n0 beg 0(b beloved ybybx 11
desires htgygr all Nyhlk from Nm depart wqrpt0 foreigners 0btwt & as Ky0w
the soul 0$pn against lbqwl war 0brq that make Ndb(d these Nylh of the body 0rgpd
all of them Nwhlk before Mdq your way of life Nwkykpwh beautiful Nyryp$ & let be Nwwhnw 12
about you Nwkyl( who speak Nyllmmd those Nyly0 of men 0$n0 children ynb
beautiful 0ryp$ your works Nwkydb( may see Nwzxn wicked 0t$yb words 0lm
of examination 0nrxwbd in the day 0mwyb God 0hl0l & may praise Nwxb$nw
of men 0$n0 children ynb to all Nwhlkl submitting Nydb(t$m be you Nwtywhw 13
their authority Nwhn+lw$ because of l+m to kings 0klml God 0hl0 for the sake of l+m
they are sent Nyrdt$m from Him hnmd because l+m & to judges 0nydlw 14
& for the praise 0txwb$tlw of wrongdoers 0nlksmd for the punishment 0t(btl
good 0tb+ of doers ydb(d
of God 0hl0d the will 0nybc it is wh for in this way 0nkhd 15
the mouth 0mwp you may shut Nwrkst excellent 0ryp$ that by your works Nwkydb(bd
God 0hl0l know Ny(dy who not 0ld those Nwnh of fools 0lksd
persons 0$n0 as Ky0 & not 0lw free 0r0x children ynb as Ky0 16
a cloak 0typxt their liberty Nwhtwr0x for themselves Nwhl who make 0dyb(d
of God 0hl0d servants yhwdb( as Ky0 but 0l0 for their evil Nwhtw$ybl
love wbx0 your brethren Nwkyx0l honor wrqy every person $nlkl 17
honor wrqy & kings 0klmlw be in awe wlxd God 0hl0 & of Nmw
among you Nwkb who are ty0d servants 0db( & those Nyly0w 18
in reverence 0tlxdb to your masters Nwkyrml submit wdb(t$0
& to the meek 0kykmlw to the good 0b+l only dwxlb not 0l
& to the perverse 0qs(lw to the severe 0y$ql also P0 but 0l0
God 0hl0 before Mdq grace 0twby+ to them Nwhl there is ty0 for ryg to these Nylhl 19
endure Nyrbysm excellent 0tryp$ conscience 0tr0t who because of l+md to those Nyly0l
by The Evil One 0lw(b upon them Nwhyl( that come Nyt0d distresses 0tq(
their foolishness Nwhtwlks who because of l+md but Nyd those Nyly0 20
to them Nwhl is it 0ywh glory 0txwb$t what? 0dy0 suffering 0nclw0 endure Nyrbysm
you Nwkl & they afflict Nycl0w what is good ryp$d you Nwtn0 are doing Nydb(d when 0m but 0l0
God 0hl0 with twl your glory Nwktxwb$t it magnifies 0bry then Nydyh you Nwtn0 & endure Nyrbysmw
died tym The Messiah 0xy$m for also P0d you are called Nwtyrqt0 for ryg to this 0dhl 21
example 0spw+ this 0nh us Nl & left qb$w for our sake Nyplx
you would walk Nwklht in His steps htbq(b that you Nwtn0d
sin 0ty+x did db( Who not 0ld He wh 22
in His mouth hmwpb was found xkt$0 deceit 0lkn neither 0lp0
insulted 0xcm & not 0lw was 0wh Who insulted 0x+cmd He wh 23
He 0wh handed over Ml$m but 0l0 threatened Mxltm & not 0lw He 0wh & suffered $0xw
of righteousness 0twn0kd to The Judge 0nydl His judgment hnyd
them Nwn0 & lifted qs0w all of them Nwhlk our sins Nyh+x & He took lq$w 24
to sin 0ty+xl we are dead Nnytym & when dkd to the cross 0bylcl in his body hrgpb
we shall live 0xn His hlyd in righteousness 0twqydzb

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

you are healed Nwtys0t0 for ryg by His scars htmw$b

& you have returned Nwtynpt0w sheep 0br( as Ky0 you had Nwtywh for gone astray Ny(+d 25
of your souls Nwkt$pnd & The Caregiver 0rw(sw The Shepherd 0y(r to twl now 0$h

1st Peter
Chapter 3
to your husbands Nykyl(bl submit Nydb(t$0 women 0$n you Nytn0 also P0 in this way 0nkh 3:1
the word 0tlml obey Nysyp+tm who not 0ld that those Nyly0d
them Nwn0 may win Nynqt labor 0lm( without 0ld beautiful 0ryp$ in your way of life Nykyrbwdb
& with discretion 0twpknbw that in reverence 0tlxdbd they see Nyzx when dk 2
you Nytn0 conduct yourselves Nrbdtm
outward 0yrb with ornaments 0tbcb be you adorned Ntb+ct & not 0lw 3
of gold 0bhdd of jewelry 0tl$xd or w0 of your hair Nykyr(sd of braids 0lwdgd
fine 0rtym clothing 0$wbld or w0
of the heart 0bld secret 0ysk in the person 0$nrbb be adorned Nytb+c0 but 0l0 4
an ornament 0tbc is corruptible 0lbxtm that not 0ld humble 0tkykm in a spirit 0xwrb
God 0hl0 before Mdq excellent rtymd
holy 0t$ydq women 0$n the first Mydq from Nm also P0 for ryg in this way 0nkh 5
in God 0hl0b were ywh who hoping Nrbsmd those Nyly0
their souls Nyht$pn were ywh adorning Ntbcm
to their husbands Nyhyl(bl were ywh & submitted Ndb(t$mw
to Abraham Mhrb0l was twh subject 0db(t$m Sara 0rsd just as 0nky0 6
to her hl you Nytn0 whose are Nywhd she yh my lord yrm him hl was twh & calling 0yrqw
you Nytn0 are shaken N(yzttm not 0l when dk good 0b+ by works 0db(b daughters 0tnb
fear 0lxd any lk with Nm
your wives Nwky$n with M( dwell wrm( in this way 0nkh men 0rbg & you Nwtn0w 7
weaker 0lyxm vessels 0n0mld & as Ky0w by knowledge 0t(dyb
those Nynh also P0d because l+m them Nyn0 hold wdwx0 in honor 0rqy0b
eternal Ml(ld of life 0yxd the gift 0tbhwm inherit Ntry with you Nwkm(
in your prayers Nwktwlcb stumble Nylqttm you will Nwwht that not 0ld
in harmony 0twyw0b all of you Nwklk that you would be Nwwhtd but Nyd the conclusion is 0mlw$ 8
who suffer Ny$xd those Nyly0 with M( suffering Ny$x & be you Nwtywhw
& humble Nykykmw merciful Nyntmxr & be you Nwtywhw another dxl one dx & love Nymxrw
evil 0t$yb in exchange for Plx evil 0t$yb & to a person $n0lw 9
insults 0tyxwc in exchange for Plx insults 0tyxwc neither 0lp0w you should pay Nw(rpt not 0l
blessing Nykrbm be you Nwtywh of these things Nylhd to the contrary 0lbwqld but 0l0
you would inherit Nwtr0t that the blessing 0tkrwbd you are called Nwtyrqt0 for ryg to this 0dhl
good 0b+ days 0tmwy & loves Mxrw life 0yx therefore lykh desires 0bcd whoever Nm 10
& his lips htwpsw evil 0t$yb from Nm his tongue hn$l let him keep r+n to see 0zxml
deceit 0lkn should speak Nllmn not 0l
good 0tb+ & let him do db(nw wickedness 0t$yb from Nm let him pass rb(n 11
after it hrtb & let him run +hrnw peace 0ml$ & let him seek 0(bnw
the righteous 0qydz upon l( of Jehovah 0yrmd the eyes yhwny(d because l+m 12

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of Jehovah 0yrmd & the face yhwp0w them Nwn0 to hear (m$ml & His ears yhwnd0w
the evil 0$yb against l(
evil 0t$yb to you Nwkl to do db(nd & who is? wnmw 13
of good 0tb+d zealous 0nn+ you will be Nwwht if N0
of righteousness 0twn0k the sake yp0 for l( you suffer Nw$xtd He wh & if N0w 14
those Nyly0 of Nm be afraid Nwlxdt & not 0lw you are blessed Nwkybw+
be provoked Nw$gt$t & not 0lw you Nwkl who terrorize Nylxdmd
The Messiah 0xy$m Jehovah 0yrml in your hearts Nwktwblb hallow w$dq but 0l0 15
a defense 0xwrb to return qpml ready Nyby+m & be you Nwtywhw
about l( a statement 0tlm of you Nwkl who requests (btd to everyone lkl
& in reverence 0tlxdbw in meekness 0twkykmb of your faith Nwktwnmyhd the hope 0rbs
just as 0nky0 good 0tb+ a conscience 0tr0t to you Nwkl is ty0 while dk 16
evil 0$yb people 0$n0 against l(d as Ky0 against you Nwkyl( who speak Nyllmmd that those Nwnhd
your way of life Nwkyrbwdl who reject Nyml+d people 0$n0 as Ky0 may be ashamed Nwthbn
which is in The Messiah 0xy$mbd beautiful 0ryp$
you Nwtn0 doing Nydb( that when dkd for ryg to you Nwkl it is yh an advantage 0rd( 17
in this way 0nkh if N0 evil 0t$yb you suffer Nwlbst good 0b+ works 0db(
evil 0t$yb you Nwtn0 are doing Nydb( when dk & not 0lw of God 0hl0d the will 0nybc it is wh
died tym time Nbz one 0dx The Messiah 0xy$m that also P0d because l+m 18
sinners 0y+x for the sake of Plx The Righteous One 0qydz our sins Nyh+x because of Plx
in Spirit xwrb & lived 0yxw in body rgpb & He died tymw to God 0hl0l to bring you Nwkbrqnd
in Sheol lwy$b were ywh who held Ndyx0d those Nyly0 to souls 0t$pnl & He proclaimed zrk0w 19
were ywh convinced syp+t0 not 0l the first Mydq who from Nmd these Nylh 20
of God 0hl0d the longsuffering hxwr trgm when dk of Noah xwnd in the days htmwyb
the hope 0rbs upon l( an ark 0twbq that there be 0whtd commanded tdqp
it hl entered Nyl( souls N$pn only dwxlb & eight 0nmtw of their repentance Nwhtwbytd
by the waters 0ymb & were kept alive yyxw
you Nwtn0 are saved Nyyx simile 0spw+ by that whb in Him hb you Nwtn0 For also P0d 21
you Nwtn0 wash Nygy$m the body 0rgp when dk not wl by baptism 0tydwm(mb
God 0hl0b you Nwtn0 confess Nydwm when dk but 0l0 impurity 0t0c from Nm
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd & by the resurrection htmyqbw pure 0tykd with a conscience 0tr0tb
upon l( & He is yhwty0w into Heaven 0ym$l Who has been escorted yl(t0d He wh 22
the Angels 0k0lm to Him hl & are subjected wdb(t$0w of God 0hl0d the right side 0nymy
& The Powers 0twlyxw & The Principalities 0n+yl$w

1st Peter
Chapter 4
in the flesh rsbb in your place Nwkyplx suffered $x therefore lykh The Messiah 0xy$m if N0 4:1
be equipped wnydz0 mind 0ny(r in this 0nhb in Him hb you Nwtn0 & also P0w
he hl has ceased yl$ in his body hrgpb for ryg who has died t0md everyone Nmlk
sins 0h+x all Nwhlk from Nm
of children of men 0$nynbd for the desires 0tgygrl therefore lykm for not 0ld 2
in the body 0rgpb that is yhwty0d the time 0nbz as during 0mk he shall live 0xn
of God 0hl0d for the will 0nybcl but 0l0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

in which hb you served Nwtxlpd passed rb(d that wh the time 0nbz for ryg was enough qps 3
& drunkenness 0twywrbw in debauchery 0tw+ws0b of the pagans 0pnxd the pleasure 0nybc
of demons 0d0$d & in worship 0nxlwpbw & in orgies 0rmzbw & in whoredom 0twnxcbw
you Nwkyl( & insult Nypdgmw they marvel Nyrmdtm now 0$h & behold 0hw 4
in this yhb with them Nwhm( you run riot Nwtyxrt$m in that not 0ldb
former 0tymdq debauchery 0tw+ws0
to God 0hl0l account 0mgtp who are giving Nybhyd those Nwnh 5
& the living 0yxw the dead 0tym to judge Ndml Who is going dyt(d Him wh
to the dead 0tyml also P0 He preached the news rbts0 for ryg this 0nh because of l+m 6
in the flesh rsbb children of men 0$nynb as Ky0 that they would be judged Nwnydtnd
in spirit xwrb by God 0hl0b & they would live Nwxnw
this 0nh because of l+m of all lkd The End 0trx but Nyd He hl has arrived ty+m 7
to prayer 0twlcl & wake up wry(tt0w be ashamed wpknt0
each other 0ddx to twl severe 0pyrx a love 0bwx thing Mdm every lk & before Mdqw 8
of sins 0h+xd a multitude 00gws covers 0pxm for ryg love 0bwx to you Nwkl let be 0whn
murmuring 0n+r without 0ld strangers 0ynsk0 loving Nymxr & be you Nwtywhw 9
God 0hl0 from Nm he has received lbqd the gift 0tbhwm of you Nwknm & every person $nlkw 10
good 0b+ of the houses 0tb heads ybr as Ky0 his neighbor yhwrbxl him hb let serve $m$n
of God 0hl0d unique 0t$rpm of the grace 0twby+d
of God 0hl0d the word 0tlm according to Ky0 who speaks llmmd everyone Nmlk 11
what Nmd according to Ky0 who ministers $m$md & everyone Nmlkw let speak him llmn
you Nwtn0 do Nydb(d that in all lkbd to him hl gives bhy which God 0hl0d that wh power 0lyx
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y by dyb God 0hl0 may be glorified xbt$n
truly Nym0 of eternities Nyml( to the eternity Ml(l & honor 0rqy0w glory 0txwb$t that yh Whose hlydd is wh
to you Nwkl that will come Nywhd at the temptations 0nwysnb be astonished Nwrmdtt not 0l beloved ybybx 12
your proving Nwknrxwbld for l+m to you Nwkl happened $dg strange yrkwn something Mdmd as if Ky0
they are Nywh that wh
of The Messiah 0xy$md the sufferings yhw$xl you Nwtn0 that share Nyptwt$md rejoice wdx but 0l0 13
you shall rejoice Nwdxt of His glory htxwb$td in the revelation 0nylgb also P0 for in this way 0nkhd
& you shall be jubilant Nwzwrtw
the Name hm$ the sake of yp0 for l( you Nwtn0 are reproached Nydsxtm & if N0w 14
glorious 0txb$m because The Spirit 0xwrd you are blessed Nwkybw+ of The Messiah 0xy$md
upon you Nwkyl( rests 0xynttm of God 0hl0d
a murderer 0lw+q as Ky0 of you Nwknm a man $n0 not 0l only dwxlb 15
suffer $0x let him 0whn evil 0t$yb a doer db( as Ky0 or w0 a thief 0bng as Ky0 or w0
let him be ashamed thbn not 0l a Christian 0ny+srk as Ky0 one suffers $0x but Nyd if N0 16
Name 0m$ in this 0nhb in it hb God 0hl0l let him praise xb$n but 0l0
the judgment 0nyd that will begin 0r$nd it is wh time 0nbzd because l+m 17
it begins 0r$m from us Nnm but Nyd if N0 of God 0hl0d the house htyb from Nm
are convinced Nysyp+tm who not 0ld of those Nyly0d the end 0trx is yh what? 0dy0
of God 0hl0d of the Good News htrbsl
live 0yx to be in hardship Nsxml the righteous 0qydz & if N0w 18
is found xkt$m Where? 0ky0 & sinner 0y+xw the evil 0(y$r

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

according to Ky0 who suffer Ny$xd those Nyly0 this 0nh because of l+m 19
their souls Nwht$pn to Him hl let them commit Nwl(gn of God 0hl0d the will hnybc
faithful 0nmyhm to a Creator 0ywrbld as Ky0 excellent 0ryp$ by works 0db(b
1st Peter
Chapter 5
among you Nwkb who are ty0d the elders 0$y$q of Nm but Nyd I 0n0 beg 0(b 5:1
of The Messiah 0xy$md of the sufferings yhw$xd & witness 0dhsw your fellow Nwkrbx elder 0$y$q I 0n0
to be revealed 0lgtnd is going dyt(d which wh of His glory hxbw$d & sharer 0ptw$w
you Nwkl that follow 0ml$md of God 0hl0d the flock 0ty(rm shepherd w(r 2
with pleasure 0nybcb but 0l0 by compulsion 0ry+qb not 0l spiritually ty0nxwr & take care wrw(sw
your heart Nwkbl all hlk from Nm but 0l0 defiled 0pn+ by profit 0nrtwyb not 0l
as Ky0 but 0l0 of the flock 0ty(rmd lords 0yrm as Ky0 not 0l 3
excellent 0tryp$ examples 0twmd to them Nwhl that you would be Nwwhtd
Shepherd 0tw(r The Chief br will be revealed 0lgtn & when dkd 4
fades 0mx that not 0ld of glory 0xbw$d a crown 0lylk from Him hnm you shall receive Nwlbqt
to your elders Nwky$y$ql submit wdb(t$0 younger 0myl( & you Nwtn0w 5
each one 0ddx to twl of mind 0ny(r humility twkykm closely ty0cyx & be clothed wp+(t0w
who are proud Nymyrttmd to those Nyly0d is wh opposed 0lbwqs God 0hl0d because l+m
grace 0twby+ He gives bhy & to the humble 0kykmlw
mighty 0tpyqt the hand hdy0 under tyxt therefore lykh be humbled wkkmt0 6
that is right qdzd in the time 0nbzb may exalt you Nwkmyrt that it yhd of God 0hl0d
God 0hl0 on l( cast wd$ all hlk & your cares Nwktpcw 7
of you Nwkyl( takes care ly+b for He hld
Satan 0n+s your enemy Nwkbbdl(bd because l+m & be reflective wdh(w be alert wry(tt0 8
to devour (lbn whom wnmld & seeks 0(bw & walks Klhmw roars Mhn a lion 0yr0 as Ky0
you Nwtn0 are firm Nyrr$m while dk against him hlbwql therefore lykh stand wmwq 9
your brethren Nwkyx0 against l( that also P0d & know w(dw in the faith 0twnmyhb
occur Nycr( sufferings 0$x these Nylh those Nwnh in the world 0ml(bd
eternal Ml(ld to His glory hxbw$l Who called us Nrqd He wh of grace 0twby+d but Nyd The God 0hl0 10
we shall endure rbysn that while dkd us Nl Who gives bhyd He wh The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y by dyb
& confirmed rrt$nw to be empowered lyxtnd small 0rw(z afflictions 0nclw0 these Nylh
to eternity Ml(l in Him hb & established Myqtnw
& the honor 0rqy0w & the power 0ndxw0w the glory 0xbw$ for to Him hld 11
truly Nym0 of eternities Nyml( to the eternity Ml(l
to you Nwkl I have written tbtk I 0n0 think rbsd as Ky0 few things 0tyrw(z these Nylh 12
I 0n0 & am convinced spmw trustworthy 0nmyhm brother 0x0 Sylvanus swnwls by dyb
of God 0hl0d true 0tryr$ the grace 0twby+ is yh that this 0dhd I 0n0 & testify dhsw
in it hb you Nwtn0 which stand Nymyqd this 0dh
chosen 0tybg the church 0td( your welfare Nwkml$ invokes 0l0$ 13
my son yrb & Marqus swqrmw which is in Babel lbbbd
holy 0t$ydq with a kiss 0tq$wnb of another dxd one dx the welfare 0ml$b invoke wl0$ 14
Amen Nym0 are Nwn0 who in The Messiah 0xy$mbd those Nyly0 all of them Nwhlk with M( peace 0ml$

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

2nd Peter
Chapter 1
The Epistle of 2nd Peter is not included in The Peshitta; neither is 2nd John, 3rd John, Jude or Revelation. Those books are supplied
in John Gwynns edition of the General Epistles from The Crawford Aramaic manuscript and others of these books. These books
have been included in the Western Canon of The Syrian Orthodox Church, The Maronite Church and others which use the
Aramaic NT, however, the General Epistles in those churches have been based on The Harklean Syriac Version, which is a
translation from the Greek NT into Aramaic done in AD 616. The text used by John Gwynn is not The Harklean Version. The
texts of the two editions are quite diverse in many places.
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd & an apostle 0xyl$w servant 0db( Petros swr+p Shimeon Nw(m$ 1:1
in honor 0rqy0b equal tyw$ who for the faith 0twnmyhld to those Nyly0l
of our Lord Nrmd by the righteousness 0twqydzb were worthy wywt$0 with us Nm(
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y & our Savior Nqwrpw
by the teaching 0(dww$b to you Nwkl be multiplied 0gsn & peace 0ml$w grace 0twby+ 2
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd
of the power 0lyxd that are Nyhyty0d those things Nyly0 Who all Nyhlkd The One Nm as Ky0 3
by dyb has given bhy of God 0hl0 & the worship tlxdw the life 0yx with twl Divine 0yhl0
us Nl Who has called 0rqd of Him whd the teaching 0(dww$
& majesty 0twrtymw His hlyd into glory 0txwb$tb
gave bhy to you Nwkl & precious 0ryqyw great 0brwr declarations 0ydww$ Who by these Nyhydy0bd 4
of the nature 0nykd sharers 0ptw$ you will be Nwwht these Nylh that by dybd
the corruption 0lbx from Nm you Nwtn0 flee Nyqr( when dk Divine 0yhl0
which are in the world 0ml(bd of desires 0tgygrd
all hlk diligently 0n(+lq$ when dk this 0dh but Nyd & there is yhw 5
virtue 0twrtym your faith Nwktwnmyh onto l( add wpsw0 you Nwtn0 bring Nyl(m
knowledge 0t(dy virtue 0twrtym but Nyd onto l(
perseverance 0twnnsmxm but Nyd onto l( perseverance 0twnnsmxm knowledge 0t(dy but Nyd onto l( 6
for God 0hl0 the reverence tlxd patience 0twnrbysm but Nyd onto l( patience 0twnrbysm
of the brotherhood 0twx0 love tmxr for God 0hl0 reverence tlxd but Nyd onto l( 7
love 0bwx of the brotherhood 0twx0 affection tmxr but Nyd onto l(
& abound Nrytyw with you Nwkl are found Nxyk$ when dk for ryg these Nylh 8
fruit 0r0p without 0ld neither 0lp0 void 0ly+b they are 0wh not 0l
of our Lord Nrmd in the teaching h(dww$b you Nwkl they establish Nmyqm
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
is yhwty0 blind 0yms these things Nylh with him hl is found Nxyk$ who not 0ld for ryg he wh 9
former 0ymdq of his sins yhwh+xd the purification 0ykwd that he has forgotten 0(+d he sees 0zx because not 0ld
take pains wpcy my brothers yx0 all the more ty0ryty that yh & about l(w 10
sure 0trr$m & your election Nwktybgw your calling Nwktyrq good 0b+ your deeds Nwkydb( that by dybd
you Nwtn0 doing Nydb( these things Nylh for ryg when dk you shall make Nwdb(t
you Nwtn0 will fall Ny(rt$m ever Mwtm not 0l
an entrance 0tl(m to you Nwkl is given 0bhytm richly ty0ryt( for ryg in this way 0nkh 11
& our Savior Nqwrpw of our Lord Nrmd eternal Ml(ld of the kingdom 0twklmd
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
you Nwkl am 0n0 reminding dh(md from Nm I 0n0 weary N0mm not 0l this 0dh & about l(w 12
you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy also P0 well b+ when dk these things Nylh of l( truly ty0nym0
this 0nh truth 0rr$ upon l( you Nwtn0 & are established Nykymsw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

that as long as 0mkd to me yl it seemed trbts0 but Nyd that just 0n0kd 13
in memory 0ndhw(b to awaken you Nwkry(0 this 0nh in body 0rgpb I am yty0d
is 0wh soon lg(b from my body yrgpd that the departure 0ndnw(d I 0n0 know (dy as dk 14
informed me yn(dw0 The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm that also P0d just as 0nky0
to you Nwkl it ty0 is 0wh constantly ty0nym0 that also P0d but Nyd I 0n0 take pains Pcy 15
a record 0ndhw( my ylyd departure 0nqpm after rtb from Nm that also P0d
making Nydb( you will be Nwwht of these things Nylhd
craftily 0twnmw0b made Nydyb(d fables 0ltm after rtb when dk for ryg was 0wh not 0l 16
& the coming htyt0mw the power hlyx to inform you of Nwkn(dw0 we have gone Nnylz0
while dk but 0l0 The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd
His hlyd of majesty 0twbrd we were Nywh eye witnesses 0yzx
honor 0rqy0 The Father 0b0 God 0hl0 from Nm He received bsn for ryg when dk 17
that as Ky0d to Him hl came 0t0 the voice 0lq when dk & glory 0txwb$tw
in His majesty htwbrb splendid ty0p the glory 0txwb$t from Nm this 0nh
I am delighted tyb+c0 in Whom hbd He wh Beloved 0bybx The wh My Son yrb This is wnhd
Heaven 0ym$ from Nm we heard Nn(m$ voice 0lq this 0nhl it hl we Nnx also P0 18
with Him hm( were Nywh we being Nyty0 when dk to Him hl which came 0t0d
holy 0$ydq in the mountain 0rw+b
of prophesy 0twybnd the word 0tlm also P0 what is true 0ryr$d to us Nl & there is ty0w 19
at it hb when dk you Nwtn0 do Nydb( which excellent ryp$d that yh
dark 0+wm( in a place 0rt0b that shines rhnmd at a lamp 0gr$bd as Ky0 you Nwtn0 gaze Nyryx
in your hearts Nwktwblb will rise xndn & the sun 0$m$w will shine rhnn the day 0mmy0d until 0md(
prophesy 0twybn that every lkd you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy first Mdqwl this 0dh while dk 20
is 0ywh not 0l its own hlyd of writing 0btkd an exposition 0yr$
come tt0 of man 0$nrbd by the will 0nybcb for ryg has 0wh not 0l 21
The Spirit 0xwr from Nm when dk but 0l0 the prophesy 0twybn ancient times Mwtm from Nm
of God 0hl0d men 0$nynb holy 0$ydq spoke wllm being compelled Nydgntm Holy 0$ydq
2 Peter
Chapter 2
that also P0d as Ky0 among the people 0m(b lying 0lgd prophets 0ybn also P0 but Nyd were wwh 2:1
heresies sysrh who bring Nyl(md those Nyly0 lying 0lgd teachers 0nplm shall be Nwwhn among you Nwkb
they deny Nyrpk them Nwn0 Who bought Nbzd & The Lord 0rmbw of destruction 0ndb0d
speedy 0bhrsm destruction 0ndb0 themselves Nwh$pn upon l( bringing Nytym while dk
their Nwhlyd abominations 0twpn+ after rtb will go Nwlz0n & many 00ygsw 2
will be blasphemed Pdgtt of truth 0rr$d the way 0xrw0 because of whom Nwhtl+md these Nylh
they will make profit Nwrgttn of babbling 0ydbd & by words 0lmbw & by greed 0twbwl(bw 3
the first Mydq from Nm whose judgment Nwhnydd these Nylh among you Nwkb
sleeps M0n not 0l & their destruction Nwhndb0w is idle l+b not 0l
had pity sx not 0l who sinned w+xd the angels 0k0lm upon l( God 0hl0 for ryg if N0 4
into the depths 0tytxtb them Nwn0 He cast down Ng( of darkness 0n+m(d in chains 0tl$$b but 0l0
of torment 0qnw$d for judgment 0nydl to be kept Nwr+ntnd them Nwn0 & handed over Ml$0w
Noah xwnl but 0l0 had mercy sx not 0l first 0ymdq the world 0ml( & upon l(w 5
He preserved r+n of righteousness 0twn0kd preacher 0zwrk the eighth 0ynmtd
He brought yty0 of the wicked 0(y$rd the world 0ml( over l( a flood 0npw+ when dk

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

He burned dqw0 & of Amora 0rwm(dw of Sodom Mwdsd the city 0tnydml & when dkw 6
an example 0tywxt when dk them Nyn0 condemned byx & in an overturning 0ykwphbw
He set Ms to be Nwwhnd who were going Nydyt(d to the wicked 0(y$rl
had 0wh who suffered indignity xpqtmd the righteous 0qydz Lot +wll also P0 7
that these Nylhd which is in abominations 0twpn+bd the way of life 0kpwh from Nm
He delivered ycp were wwh they Nwhyty0 law 0swmn who without 0ldd
was 0wh dwelling rm( when dk & while hearing 0(m$bw for ryg while seeing 0tzxb 8
righteous 0tqydz his soul h$pnl day Mwy from Nm day Mwy among them Nwhtnyb he wh the just 0n0k
had 0wh tormented qn$m law swmn without 0ld by deeds 0db(b
those Nyly0l suffering 0nclw0 from Nm to deliver qwrpnd Jehovah 0yrm He wh knows (dy 9
of judgment 0nydd for the day 0mwyl but Nyd the evil 0lw(l Him hl who reverence Nylxdd
keeps r+n they are being tormented Nyqnt$m while dk
in desire 0tgrb the flesh 0rsb who after rtbd those Nyly0l but Nyd especially ty0ryty 10
they preach Nyrsbm authority 0twrm & against l(w they go Nylz0 of defilement 0tw0m+d
they are shaken Ny(yz not 0l the glory 0txwb$t who from Nmd & proud 0lq$mw insolent 0xrm
they blaspheme Nypdgm when dk
& strength 0n$w(bw who in power 0lyxbd the angels 0k0lmd whereas 0ky0 11
against them Nwhyl( bring Nytym not 0l than they Nwhnm are greater Nybrwr
of blasphemy 0pdwgd a judgment 0nyd Jehovah 0yrm from Nm
are wwh dumb 0t$rx animals 0twyx who as Ky0d but Nyd these Nylh 12
that not 0ld in those things Nyly0b as dk & destruction 0lbxlw for the knife 0brxl by nature 0nykb
they will be destroyed Nwlbxtn their Nwhlyd by corruption 0lbxb they slander Nypdgm they know Ny(dy
of evil 0lw(d the payment 0rg0 evil 0lw( with whom Nwhb is 0whd those Nyly0 when dk 13
in the daytime 0mmy0b that is 0whd a banquet 0mswb by them Nwhl is considered by$x pleasure 0twynh
they celebrate Nymsbtm & when dkd with defects 0mwm & they are filled yylmw of defilement 0mtkm
they indulge themselves Nyqnptm in their love feasts Nwhtxynb
& sins 0h+xw of adultery 0rwg full Nylmd to them Nwhl are ty0 eyes 0ny( when dk 14
souls 0t$pnl they seduce Nyld$m as dk come to an end Nypwm that not 0ld
in greed 0twbwl(b that is trained $rdmd & a heart 0blw are stable Nkyms who not 0ld
of the curse 0t+wld children 0ynb to them Nwhl is ty0
straight 0tcyrt the way 0xrw0 they abandoned wqb$ & when dkd 15
Beor rw(b son of rb of Balaam M(lbd in the way 0xrw0b & went wlz0w they strayed wg$
loved bx0 of evil 0lw(d who the wages 0rg0d him wh
to his violation htwnrb(tml to him hl that was twhd but Nyd the reproof 0twnskm 16
of children of men 0$nynbd which in a voice 0lqbd voice 0lq without 0ld a donkey 0nt0
of the prophet 0ybnd the madness htwy+$l restraining tlk spoke tllm
clouds 0nn( water 0ym without 0ld fountains 0ny(m are Nwn0 these Nylh 17
which gloom 0n+m(d these Nylh are driven Npdrtm a hurricane 0l(l( which from Nmd
for them Nwhl is kept ry+n of darkness 0kw$xd
they seduce Nyld$m they utter Nyllmm empty 0twqyrsd horrors 0xnwg for ryg when dk 18
a few lylq who by words 0lmbd those Nyly0l of the flesh 0rsbd filthy 0tpn+ by desires 0tgygrb
were employed Nykphtm who in deception 0twy(+bd those Nyly0 from Nm were escaping Nyqr(
are Nwhyty0 servants 0db( those Nwnh when dk they promise Nydwt$m to them Nwhl & liberty 0twr0xw 19
is conquered 0kz of which anyone $n0d thing Mdm for ryg that whl of corruption 0lbxd
he is serving db($m also P0 this 0nhl it hl

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of the world 0ml(d the abominations htwpn+ from Nm they have fled wqr( when dk for ryg if N0 20
& our Savior Nqwrpw The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd by the teaching h(dww$b
again bwt they are entangled Nylzr(tm when dk in these things Nylhb in them Nyhb
the beginning 0tymdq than Nm worse 0$ybd their end Nwhtrx it hl is twh they are overcome Nykdzm
the way 0xrw0l to have known Nw(dwt$n not 0ld for ryg for them Nwhl it were 0wh better xqp 21
afterward 0rtbl they perceived w(dwt$0 that when dkd than w0 of righteousness 0twqydzd
to them Nwhl that was delivered Mlt$0d holy 0$ydq the decree 0ndqwp from Nm they would turn away Nwkphn
true 0ryr$ of the proverb 0ltmd these things Nylh but Nyd to them Nwhl have happened $dg 22
that was washed txsd & the sow 0tryzxw its vomit hbwyt to l( that returned Kphd the dog 0blkd
of the mud 0nysd to the wallowing 0lgrw(b

2 Peter
Chapter 3
I 0n0 write btk second Nytrtd epistle 0trg0 beloved ybybx now wdk even Nm this 0dh 3:1
by memory 0ndhw(b I 0n0 awaken ry(m by which Nyhbd these Nylh to you Nwkl
pure 0yp$ your minds Nwkny(rl
from Nm were spoken rm0t0 that before Mdqd the words 0lml that you may remember Nwdh(ttd 2
of our Lord Nrmd & the commandments hndqwplw holy 0$ydq the prophets 0ybn
the apostles 0xyl$ which were through dybd & our Savior Nqwrpw
in the end 0trxb that will come Nwt0nd you Nwtn0 knew Ny(dy first Mdqwl this 0dh as dk 3
lusts 0tgygr according to Ky0 while dk who scoff Nyxzbmd scoffers 0nxzbm of days 0tmwyd
they walk Nyklhm their own Nwhlyd
of His coming htyt0md the promise 0nklwm is yhwty0 Where? 0ky0d & they say Nyrm0w 4
in this way 0nkh everything Mdmlk fell asleep wbk$ our forefathers Nthb0 for ryg when dk from Nm
of creation 0tyrbd the beginning hyrw$ from Nm continue rtkm
that the heavens 0ym$d they choose Nybc when dk this 0dh for ryg they Nwhl disregard 0y(+ 5
& the land 0(r0w the first Mydq from Nm were wwh they Nwhyty0
of God 0hl0d by the word 0tlmb arose tmq water 0ym & by dybw waters 0ym from Nm
in water 0ymb lay P+ which then was Nydyhd the world 0ml( by which Nwhydy0bd these Nylh 6
& was destroyed db0w
His hlyd by word 0tlmb & the earth 0(r0w which now are 0$hd but Nyd the heavens 0ym$ 7
of judgment 0nydd for the day 0mwyl they are kept Nyr+ntm for fire 0rwnl as dk are stored up Nynys0
wicked 0(y$r of children of men 0$nynbd & of the destruction 0ndb0dw
day 0mwy that one dxd beloved ybybx you shall disregard Nwky(+t not 0l one 0dx but Nyd this 0dh 8
years Nyn$ & a thousand Pl0w is yhwty0 years Nyn$ a thousand Pl0 as Ky0 to Jehovah 0yrml
one dx day 0mwy as Ky0
delay 0rxww$ people Ny$n0d as Ky0 in His promises yhwnklwmb Jehovah 0yrm delays rxwt$m not 0l 9
because of you Nwktl+m of His Spirit hxwr is long rgm but 0l0 consider Nyrbsm
every person $nlk but 0l0 would perish db0n that a person $n0d He is willing 0bc in that not 0ldb
would come 0t0n to conversion 0twbytl
He wh a thief 0bng as Ky0 of Jehovah 0yrmd the day hmwy but Nyd comes 0t0 10
but Nyd the elements 0skw+s0 pass away Nyrb( stillness yl$ from Nm the heavens 0ym$ in which hbd
& the works 0db(w & the earth 0(r0w shall be destroyed Nwrt$n set on fire Nydqy when dk

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

shall be discovered xkt$t that are in it hbd

are destroyed Nyrt$m all of them Nwhlk these things Nylh therefore lykh when dk 11
that you would be Nwwhtd for you Nwkl is right qdz what? Nyly0 that as Ky0d
of God 0hl0 & in the worship tlxdbw holy 0$ydq in your way of life Nwkykpwhb
the coming 0tyt0ml you Nwtn0 & eagerly desire Nyxwsw you Nwtn0 expect Nyksm while dk 12
the heavens 0ym$ in which hbd that wh of God 0hl0d of the day hmwyd
& the elements 0skw+s0w shall be dissolved Nwrt$n by fire 0rwnb tested Nyrxbtm when dk
they shall melt Nwxw$n set on fire Nydqy when dk
His hlyd promise 0nklwm according to Ky0 new 0tdx & earth 0(r0w new 0tdx but Nyd heavens 0ym$l 13
dwells 0rm( righteousness 0twqydz in which Nwhbd these Nylh we look for Nnyksm
you Nwtn0 expect Nyksm these things Nylhl as dk beloved ybybx this 0nh because l+m 14
to Him hl defect 0mwm & without 0ldw spot 0mtwk that without 0ldd take pains wpcy
in peace 0ml$b you shall be found Nwxkt$t
is salvation 0nqrwp of Jehovah 0yrmd of The Spirit hxwr & the patience trgmlw 15
Paul swlwp beloved 0bybx our brother Nwx0 that also P0d just as 0nky0 you shall consider Nwb$xt
to you Nwkl he wrote btk to him hl that is given tbhyt0d the wisdom 0tmkx according to Ky0
these Nylh about l( in them Nyhb he spoke llm his letters htrg0 in all of them Nyhlkbd just as 0nky0 16
for the intellect 0lkwsl that are difficult qys(d things Mdm in them Nyhb that are ty0d those Nyly0
are Nwn0 teaching 0nplwy who without 0ldd that those Nyly0d these Nylh
these Nylhl also P0d as Ky0 those things Nyhl pervert Nymq(m are stable Nykyms & not 0lw
their own Nwhlyd destruction 0ndb0 to twl remaining 0kr$d scriptures 0btk
know Ny(dy you Nwtn0 beforehand Nymdq as dk beloved ybybx therefore lykh you Nwtn0 17
the deception 0twy(+ after rtb you Nwtn0 depart Nylz0 as dk lest 0mldd yourselves Nwk$pn keep wr+
you should fall Nwlpt are Nwn0 The Law swmn who without 0ldd of those Nyly0d
your own Nwklyd stability 0kms from Nm
& in the knowledge 0t(dybw in grace 0twby+b growing Nybrtm but Nyd you be Nwtywh 18
The Father 0b0 & of God 0hl0dw The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y & our Savior Nqwrpw of our Lord Nrmd
& always Nbzlkbw now 0$h also P0 the glory 0txwb$t to Whom hld
Amen Nym0 of eternity 0ml( & to the days ymwylw

1st John
Chapter 1
the beginning ty$rb from Nm was 0wh Which yhwty0d That whl to you Nwkl we evangelize Nnyrbsm 1:1
we perceived Nyzx with our eyes Nyny(b & we have seen It yhynyzxw Which we have heard N(m$d that wh
of Life 0yxd The Word 0tlm Which is yhwty0d That wh with our hands Nydy0b & we have touched N$gw
& we testify Nnydhsw & we perceived Nyzxw were revealed wylgt0 & the Lives 0yxw 2
those Nwnh eternal Ml(ld The Lives 0yx to you Nwkl & we proclaim Nnyzrkmw
to us Nl & were revealed wylgt0w The Father 0b0 with twl were wwh which being Nwhyty0d
to you Nwkl also P0 we disclose Nny(dwm & we heard N(m$w Which we saw Nyzxd & the thing Mdmw 3
& our communion Ntwptw$w with us Nm( communion 0twptw$ to you Nwkl that there will be 0whtd
His Son hrb & with M(w The Father 0b0 with M( is hyty0 ours Nlyd but Nyd
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

that our joy Ntwdxd to you Nwkl we write Nnybtk & these things Nylhw 4
complete 0ylm$m may be 0wht that is in you Nwkbd
from Him hnm that we have heard N(m$d the Good News 0trbs is yh & this 0dhw 5
is wh light 0rhwn that God 0hl0d to you Nwkl & we evangelize Nnyrbsmw
in Him hb there is not tyl at all hlk any lk & darkness 0kw$xw
& we walk Nnyklhmw with Him hm( to us Nl is ty0 that communion 0twptw$d we say Nnyrm0 & if N0w 6
we are informed Nnydr in the truth 0rr$b & not wlw we Nnx are lying 0lgd in darkness 0kw$xb
in the light 0rhwnb is yhwty0 He whd as Ky0 we walk Nnyklhm in the light 0rhwnb but Nyd if N0 7
of Yeshua (w$yd & the blood 0mdw each other 0ddx with M( communion 0twptw$ us Nl there is ty0
our sins Nyh+x all of them Nwhlk from Nm us Nl purges 0kdm His Son hrb
sin 0ty+x to us Nl that there is not tyld we shall say rm0n & if N0w 8
in us Nb is not tyl & the truth 0rr$w we deceive Nny(+m ourselves N$pn
& righteous qydzw He wh is faithful Nmyhm our sins Nyh+xb we confess Nnydwm but Nyd if N0 9
our evil Nlw( all hlk from Nm & He will purge us Nykdnw our sins Nyh+x us Nl to forgive qwb$nd
we have sinned Ny+x that not 0ld we say Nnyrm0 & if N0w 10
with us Ntwl is not tyl & His word htlmw a liar 0lgd Him hl we make Nnydb(
1st John
Chapter 2
you will sin Nw+xt that not 0ld to you Nwkl I 0n0 write btk these things Nylh children ynb 2:1
The Redeemer from the curse 0+lqrp to us Nl there is ty0 will sin 0+xn a man $n0 & if N0w
The Righteous One 0qydz The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y The Father 0b0 with twl
& not wlw our sins Nyh+x the sake of yp0 Who is for l(d the atonement 0yswx for ryg He is wywh 2
the universe 0ml( all hlk in the place of Plx also P0 but 0l0 only dwxlb ours Nlyd in our place Nyplx
that we know Him yhyn(dyd we sense Nny$grm & by this 0dhbw 3
His commandments yhwndqwp we keep Nnyr+n if N0
I know Him ht(dyd who says rm0d for ryg he wh 4
is wh lying 0lgd keeps r+n not 0l & His commandments yhwndqwpw
in him hb is not tyl & the truth 0rr$w
truly ty0ryr$ is perfected Ml$m in this one 0nhb His word htlm who keeps r+nd but Nyd he wh 5
we are Nnx that in Him hbd we know Nny(dy for ryg in this 0dhb of God 0hl0d the love hbwx
for him hl it is necessary 0lw I am yty0 in Him hbd who says rm0d He wh 6
he should walk Klhn His hlyd His walking htklh that according to Ky0d
to you Nwkl I 0n0 write btk new 0tdx a commandment 0ndqwp not wl beloved ones ybybx 7
to you Nwkl was 0wh which being ty0d that wh ancient 0qyt( a commandment 0ndqwp but 0l0
old 0qyt( but Nyd the commandment 0ndqwp the beginning ty$rb from Nm
which you have heard Nwt(m$d that yh word 0tlm is yhwty0
to you Nwkl I 0n0 write btk new 0tdx a commandment 0ndqwp again bwt 8
for the darkness 0kw$xd & in you Nwkbw in Him hb true 0ryr$ which is yhwty0d that wh
to appear 0zxtm begins yr$ true 0ryr$ the light 0rhwnw it hl has passed rb(
in the light 0rhwnb that he is yhwty0d therefore lykh says rm0d whoever Nm 9
now 0$hl until 0md( is yhwty0 in darkness 0kw$xb his brother yhwx0l & hates 0nsw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

dwells rtkm in light 0rhwnb his brother yhwx0l who loves bxmd but Nyd he wh 10
in him hb there is not tyl & offense 0l$kw
is yhwty0 in darkness 0kw$xb his brother yhwx0l who hates 0nsd but Nyd he wh 11
he goes lz0 where 0ky0l knows (dy & not 0lw walks Klhm & in darkness 0kw$xbw
his eyes yhwny( them Nyn0 has blinded yms the darkness 0kw$xd because l+m
that are forgiven wqbt$0d children 0ynb to you Nwkl I 0n0 write btk 12
His Name hm$ because of l+m your sins Nwkyh+x to you Nwkl
The One whl that you have known Him yhynwt(dyd fathers 0hb0 to you Nwkl I 0n0 write btk 13
to you Nwkl I 0n0 write btk the beginning ty$rb from Nm was 0wh Who being yhwty0d
the Evil One 0$ybl that you have conquered him yhynwtykzd young men 0myl(
The Father 0b0l that you have known Nwt(dyd boys 0yl+ to you Nwkl I have written tbtk
Him whl that you have known Nwt(dyd fathers 0hb0 to you Nwkl I have written tbtk 14
young men 0myl( to you Nwkl I have written tbtk the beginning ty$rb Who is from Nmd
in you Nwkb dwells 0yr$ of God 0hl0d & the word htlmw you are Nwtn0 that strong 0ntlyxd
The Evil One 0$ybl & you have conquered yhynwtykzw
in it hb that are ty0d the things Mdml neither 0lw the world 0ml(l love Nwmxrt not 0l 15
in him hb is not tyl of The Father 0b0d the love hbwx the world 0ml(l loves Mxrd for ryg whoever Nm
in the world 0ml(b in it hb that is ty0d for ryg thing Mdm every lk 16
& the pride 0rhbw$w of the eyes 0ny(d & the lust 0tgrw of the body 0rgpd the wh desire 0tgr
The Father 0b0 from Nm have been ywh that not 0ld these Nylh of temporal life 0ml(d
the world 0ml( from Nm these are Nyn0 from it hnm but 0l0
but Nyd he wh & its lust htgrw is wh the world 0ml( passing rb(w 17
to eternity Ml(l continues 0wqm of God 0hl0d the will hnybc who does db(d
you have heard Nwt(m$d what Mdm & as Ky0w an end 0yrx0 it is wh a time 0nbz my children ynb 18
to them Nwhl have been wwh & now 0$hw false 0lgd The Messiah 0xy$m that comes 0t0d
we know Nny(dy this 0dh & from Nmw false 0lgd messiahs 0xy$m many 00ygs
an end 0yrx0 it is wh that a time 0nbzd
they were wwh from us Nnm not wl but 0l0 they went out wqpn from us Nnm 19
they would have been wwh remaining Nyrtkm with us Ntwl they were wwh from us Nnm for ryg if wl0
they were wwh from us Nnm that not wld to disclose (dyttd from us Nnm they went out wqpn but 0l0
The Holy One 0$ydq from Nm to you Nwkl is ty0 an anointing 0twxy$m & you Nwtn0w 20
person $n0 every lkl do wh you Nwtn0 & distinguish Ny$rpw
you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy because not 0ld to you Nwkl I have written tbtk not 0l 21
it hl you Nwtn0 because know Ny(dyd but 0l0 the truth 0rr$l it hl
the truth 0rr$ from Nm from it hnm is twh not 0l lie 0twlgd & that every hlkdw
that Yeshua (w$yd denies rpkd whoever 0ny0 only N0 except 0l0 a liar 0lgd who is? wnm 22
false 0lgd The Messiah 0xy$m is wh this one 0nh The Messiah 0xy$m is 0wh not 0l
The Son 0rbb also P0 denies rpk The Father 0b0b who denies rpkd he wh
believes Nmyhm in The Father 0b0b also not 0lp0 The Son 0rbb who denies rpkd & he whw 23
confesses 0dwm The Father 0b0b also P0 The Son 0rbb confesses 0dwmd whoever Nm
let remain 0wqn the first Mydq from Nm that you heard Nwt(m$d anything Mdm & you Nwtn0w 24
which you heard Nwt(m$d that Mdm with you Nwktwl remains 0wqm for ryg if N0 with you Nwktwl
& in The Son 0rbbw in The Father 0b0b are Nwtn0 remaining Nywqm you Nwtn0 also P0 the first Mydq from Nm
eternal Ml(ld life 0yx us Nl which He has promised ydwt$0d the promise 0ydww$ & this is wnhw 25

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to you Nwkl I have written tbtk but Nyd these things Nylh 26
you Nwkl who seduce Ny(+md those Nyly0 because of l+m
The Anointing 0twxy$m with you Nwktwl will remain 0wqt if N0 you Nwtn0 & also P0w 27
that anyone $n0d you Nwtn0 need Nyqyns not 0l from Him hnm Which you received Nwtlbqd
God 0hl0 from Nm Who is hyty0d The Anointing 0twxy$m as Ky0 but 0l0 will teach you Nwkpln
is yh & true 0ryr$w everything Mdmlk about l( you Nwkl teaching 0plm is yh
He has taught you Nwkpl0d & as Ky0w falsehood 0twlgd in Him hb & there is not tylw
in Him hb abide wwq
1st John
Chapter 3
to us Ntwl of The Father 0b0d the love hbwx abounds ygs how much 0mkd & behold wzxw 3:1
this 0nh because of l+m He has made us Ndb( also P0 He has called us Nrq that children 0ynbd
it knows (dy Him hl neither 0lp0d because l+m us Nl knows (dy not 0l the world 0ml(
was it revealed ylgt0 & not 0lw of God 0hl0d we are Nnx children yhwnb now 0$h beloved ybybx 2
but Nyd we know Nny(dy to be 0whnd we are going Nnydyt( what? 0nm now 0$hl until 0md(
we shall be Nnywh in His likeness htwmdb He has been revealed ylgt0d that when 0md
He is yhwty0d what Mdm as Ky0 Him hl & we shall see Nnyzxw
hope 0rbs this 0nh upon Him yhwl( to Him hl that is ty0d who 0ny0 & everyone lkw 3
is wh pure 0kd He whd as Ky0 himself h$pn purifies 0kdm
commits r(s evil 0lw( sin 0ty+x does db(d but Nyd whoever Nm 4
is yh evil 0lw( entirely hlk for ryg sin 0ty+x
our sins Nyh+x to take away bsnd was revealed ylgt0d that He whd you Nwtn0 & know Ny(dyw 5
there is not tyl in Him hb & sin 0ty+xw
sins 0+x not 0l remains 0wqm who in Him hbd & everyone lkw 6
has he known Him h(dy neither 0lw has seen Him yhyzx not 0l who sins 0+xd & everyone lkw
righteousness 0twqydz who does db(d he wh let deceive you Nwky(+n anyone $n0 not 0l children ynb 7
righteous 0qydz is yhwty0 The Messiah 0xy$m He wh also P0d as Ky0 is wh righteous 0qydz
is wh Satan 0n+s from Nm sin 0ty+x who commits r(sd he wh 8
is wh a sinner 0y+x Satan 0n+s he wh the beginning 0ty$r from Nmd because l+m
of God 0hl0d The Son hrb appeared yzxt0 this 0nh & because of l+mw
of Satan 0n+sd the works yhwdb( to destroy 0r$nd
does db( not 0l sin 0ty+x God 0hl0 from Nm who is begotten dlyt0d everyone lk 9
to sin 0+xml he is able xk$m & not 0lw is yhwty0 in him hb his seed h(rzd because l+m
he has been begotten dlyt0 God 0hl0 because from Nmd
of God 0hl0d the children yhwnb are distinguished Ny$rptm in this 0dhb 10
righteousness 0twqydz does db( who not 0ld everyone lk of Satan 0n+sd the children yhwnb from Nm
God 0hl0 from Nm is not yhwtyl his brother yhwx0l loves bxm neither 0lw
the first Mydq from Nm that you have heard Nwt(m$d the commandment 0ndqwp for this is wnhd 11
another dxl one dx that you shall love Nwbxtd
The Evil One 0$yb from Nm was 0wh who being yhwty0d He wh Qayn Ny0q as Ky0 not wl 12
he murdered him hl+q what? 0nm & because of l+mw his brother yhwx0l & murdered l+qw
righteous Nyqydz & that his brothers yhwx0dw his works yhwdb( were wwh evil Ny$ybd because l+m but 0l0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the world 0ml( you Nwkl hates 0ns if N0 my brothers yx0 be surprised Nwrmdtt & not 0lw 13
to life 0yxl death 0twm from Nm that we have departed Nnyn$d we know Nny(dy we Nnx 14
loves bxm who not 0ld he wh the brethren Nyx0l that we love Nnybxmd in this 0dhb
in the death 0twmb remains 0wqm his brother yhwx0l
does wh a person 0$n0 murder l+q his brother yhwx0l who hates 0nsd for ryg every lk 15
a person 0$n0 who murders l+qd that everyone lkd you Nwtn0 & know Ny(dyw
eternal Ml(ld lives 0yx in him hb abide Nywqm can Nyxk$m not 0l
that is toward us Ntwld His love hbwx we know Nny(dy by this 0dhb 16
it is right qdz we Nnx & also P0w in our place Nyplx His Life h$pn gave bhy for He whd
our lives Nt$pn we would give ltn our brothers Nyx0 the sake of yp0 that for l(d for us Nl
& will see 0zxnw of the world 0ml(d possessions 0nynq to him hl has ty0d & whoever? 0ny0w 17
from him hnm his compassion yhwmxr & will withhold dwx0nw who has a need qynsd his brother yhwx0l
of God 0hl0d the love hbwx in him hb is ty0 how? 0nky0
in words 0lmb another dxl one dx let us love bxn not 0l children ynb 18
& in truth 0rr$bw in deeds 0db(b but 0l0 & in tongue 0n$lbw
we are Nyty0 the truth 0rr$ that from Nmd we are made known Nny(dwt$m & by this 0dhbw 19
our hearts Nbl we assure Nnysypm He wh comes 0t0nd & before Mdqw
how much? 0mk us Nl condemns rsb our heart Nbl it is wh for if N0d 20
all things Mdmlk & He knows (dyw our heart Nbl than Nm greater is brd God 0hl0
us Nl condemns rsb not 0l our heart Nbl if N0 beloved ybybx 21
God 0hl0 before Mdq our faces Nyp0 are Nyn0 open Nylg
from Him hnm we shall receive Nnybsn that we ask Nnyl0$d & all things Mdmlkw 22
His commandments yhwndqwp we keep Nnyr+nd because l+m
before Him yhwmdq we do Nnyr(s & good 0tryp$w
of His Son hrbd in The Name 0m$b that we believe Nmyhnd His commandment hndqwp is wh & this 0nhw 23
He commanded us Ndqpd as Ky0 another dxl one dx & we should love bxnw The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y
is kept r+ntm by Him hb His commandments yhwndqwp keeps r+nd & whoever 0ny0w 24
in us Nb that He lodges 0r$d we perceive Nnylktsm & by this 0dhbw in him hb lodges 0r$ & He whw
to us Nl Whom He gives bhyd That One yh His Spirit hxwr from Nm

1st John
Chapter 4
be you Nwtywh but 0l0 believe Nwnmyht spirits Nyxwr all lkl not 0l beloved ybybx 4:1
they are Nyhyty0 God 0hl0 from Nm whether N0 the spirits 0xwr distinguishing Ny$rp
into the world 0ml(b into it hb have gone out wqpn false 0lgd prophets 0ybn many 00ygsd because l+m
who confesses Nydwmd spirit 0xwr every lk of God 0hl0d The Spirit hxwr is known 0(dytm by this 0dhb 2
is yh God 0hl0 from Nm in the flesh rsbb has come 0t0 The Messiah 0xy$m that Yeshua (w$yd
in the flesh rsbb has come 0t0 that Yeshua (w$yd confesses 0ydwm that not 0ld spirit 0xwr & every lkw 3
False 0lgd is that yh Messiah 0xy$m from Nm this 0dh but 0l0 God 0hl0 from Nm is not hytyl
in the world 0ml(b & now 0$hw that he comes 0t0d whom you have heard Nwt(m$d him wh
now wdk from Nm he is yhwty0
children 0ynb are Nwkyty0 God 0hl0 from Nm but Nyd you Nwtn0 4

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Who is in you Nwkbd is He wh greater brd because l+m them Nwn0 & you have conquered Nwtykzw
who is in the world 0ml(bd is he wh than Nm
this 0nh because of l+m are Nwn0 the world 0ml( from Nm & these Nylhw 5
listens (m$ to them Nwhl & the world 0ml(w they speak Nyllmm the world 0ml( from Nm
God 0hl0l who knows (dyd & he whw are Nnx God 0hl0 from Nm but Nyd we Nnx 6
to us Nl listens (m$ not 0l God 0hl0 from Nm is yhwty0 who not 0ld & he whw to us Nl listens (m$
of Truth 0rr$d The Spirit 0xwrl we perceive Nnylktsm by this 0dhb by it hb
of deception 0twny(+md & the spirit 0xwrlw
is wh God 0hl0 from Nm love 0bwxd because l+m another dxl one dx let us love bxn beloved ybybx 7
God 0hl0l & knows (dyw is born dyly God 0hl0 from Nm loves bxmd who Nm & everyone lkw
& everyone lkw is wh love 0bwx God 0hl0d because l+m 8
God 0hl0l knows (dy not 0l loves bxm who not 0ld
for His Son hrbld to us Ntwld of God 0hl0d the love hbwx is known (dyt0 in this 0dhb 9
by Him hdy0b that it shall live 0xnd to the world 0ml(l God 0hl0 sent rd$ The Only One 0ydyxy
God 0hl0l we loved Nbx0 that we Nnxd was it 0wh not 0l love 0bwx is yhwty0 in this 0nhb 10
the atonement 0yswx His Son hrbl & He sent rd$w loved us Nbx0 He wh but 0l0
our sins Nyh+x the sake of yp0 for l(
we Nnx also P0 God 0hl0 loves us Nbx0 in this way 0nkh if N0 beloved ybybx 11
to love wbxml another dxl one dx we are indebted Nnybyx
we love bxn but Nyd if N0 has seen yhyzx not 0l a man $n0 ever Mwtmm God 0hl0l 12
in us Nb is fulfilled 0lmt$m & His love hbwxw abides 0wqm in us Nb God 0hl0 another dxl one dx
in us Nb abides 0wqm & He whw we abide Nnywqm that in Him hbd we know Nny(dy & by this 0dhbw 13
to us Nl He has given bhy His Spirit hxwr because of Nmd
His Son hrbl sent rd$ that The Father 0b0d & we testify Nnydhsmw have seen Nyzx & we Nnxw 14
for the universe 0ml(l The Savior 0qwrp
of God 0hl0d The Son hrb that He is wywhd Yeshua (w$yb who confesses 0dwmd everyone lk 15
in God 0hl0b dwells 0wqm & he whw dwells 0wqm in him hb God 0hl0
God 0hl0l to him hl that is ty0d the love 0bwx & we know N(dyw we believe Nnmyh & we Nnxw 16
in love 0bwxb who dwells 0wqmd & everyone lkw is wh love 0bwx for ryg God 0hl0 for us Nyd0c
dwells 0wqm in God 0hl0b
with us Nm( love hbwx is fulfilled Mlt$m & by this 0dhbw 17
to us Nl will be 0wht of face 0p0 that openness twylgd
as Ky0d because l+m of judgment 0nydd in the day 0mwyb
world 0ml( in this 0nhb we are Nyty0 we Nnx also P0 in this way 0nkh He wh is 0whd
perfect 0ylm$m love 0bwx but 0l0 there is not tyl in love 0bwxb because fear 0tlxd 18
fear 0tlxdd because l+m fear 0tlxdl it hl casts 0d$ outside rbl
in love 0bwxb is developed ylm$m not 0l who fears lxdd but Nyd he wh is hyty0 in suspicion 0+nqb
loved us Nbx0 first tymdq He whd because l+m God 0hl0l shall love bxn therefore lykh we Nnx 19
hates 0ns & his brother yhwx0lw God 0hl0l I 0n0 love bxmd will say rm0n a man $n0 but Nyd if N0 20
loves bxm not 0l who is seen 0zxtmd who his brother yhwx0ld for ryg he wh he is wh lying 0lgd
he would love bxnd it is possible xk$m how? 0nky0 is seen 0zxtm Who not 0ld Him wh God 0hl0l
from Him hnm we have received Nlbq commandment 0ndqwp & this 0nhw 21

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his brother yhwx0l also P0 shall love bxn God 0hl0l who loves bxmd that everyone lkd
1st John
Chapter 5
The Messiah 0xy$m is yhwty0 that Yeshua (w$yd who believes Nmyhmd everyone lk 5:1
the parent 0dwlyl who loves bxmd & everyone lkw is born dyly God 0hl0 from Nm
of him hnm who is begotten dlyt0d the one whl also P0 loves bxm
of God 0hl0d the children yhwnbl that we love Nnybxmd we know Nny(dy & in this 0dhbw 2
His commandments yhwndqwp & we do Nnydb(w we love Nnybxm God 0hl0ld whenever 0m
His commandments yhwndqwp to keep r+nd of God 0hl0d the love hbwx for ryg is wh this 0nh 3
are burdensome Nyryqy not 0l & His commandments yhwndqwpw
conquers 0kz God 0hl0 from Nm who is born dylyd everyone lkd because l+m 4
the victory 0twkz is yh & this 0dhw the universe 0ml(l for himself hl
our faith Ntwnmyh the universe 0ml(l that conquers htkzd
the universe 0ml(l for himself hl he who conquers 0kzd for ryg who is? wnm 5
of God 0hl0d is wh The Son hrb that Yeshua (w$yd who believes Nmyhmd he wh but 0l0
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y & blood 0mdw water 0ym by dyb Who came 0t0d This is wnh 6
& blood 0mdw by water 0ymb but 0l0 only dwxlb by water 0ymb was 0wh not 0l
The Truth 0rr$ is hyty0 The Spirit 0xwr because yhd testifies 0dhsm & The Spirit 0xwrw 7
& the blood 0mdw & the water 0ymw The Spirit 0xwr testifying Nydhs three 0tlt & they are Nwhyty0w 8
are Nwn0 in one dxb & the three of them Nwhytltw
how much? 0mk one dx we receive Nnylbqm of men 0$nynbd the testimony 0twdhs if N0 9
is yh & this 0dhw is yh greater 0brd of God 0hl0d the testimony htwdhs
His Son hrb about l( which He witnesses dhs0d of God 0hl0d the testimony htwdhs
to him hl there is ty0 of God 0hl0d in The Son hrbb who believes Nmyhmd everyone Nmlk 10
God 0hl0l believes Nmyhm who not 0ld everyone lk in his soul h$pnb witness 0twdhs this 0dh
the testimony 0twdhsl he believes Nmyh because not 0ldb makes Him hdb( a liar 0lgd
His Son hrb concerning l( God 0hl0 that testifies dhs0d
God 0hl0 us Nl gave bhy eternal Ml(ld that lives * 0yxd the testimony 0twdhs is yh & this 0dhw 11
are * Nwhyty0 in His Son hrbb lives * 0yx & those * Nwnhw
Life 0yxl also P0 lays hold of dyx0 The Son 0rbl who lays hold of dyx0d everyone lk 12
of God 0hl0d The Son hrbl lays hold of dyx0 who not 0ld & everyone lkw
Life 0yx to him hl there is not tyl
eternal Ml(ld that life 0yxd that you will know Nw(dtd to you Nwkl I have written tbtk these Nylh 13
you who believe * Nwtnmyhd to those Nyly0l to you Nwkl is ty0
of God 0hl0d of The Son hrbd in The Name hm$b
toward Him htwl to us Nl is ty0 the confidence 0yshrp & this 0dhw 14
us Nl He hears (m$ His will hnybc according to Ky0 Him hl that we ask Nnyl0$d that all lkd
whatever Mdm about l( us Nl that He hears (m$d we are convinced Nnyspm & if N0w 15
now wdk even Nm that we receive Nlbqd we trust Nnylykt from Him hnm we ask Nnyl0$d
from Him hnm that we ask Nl0$d our objects of desire Ntl0$
a sin 0h+x who sins 0+xd his brother yhwx0l sees 0zxn a man $n0 if N0 16
life 0yx to him hl & is given Nybhytmw let him ask l0$n to death 0twml is condemned byxm that not 0ld

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

sinning Ny+x to death 0twmld as Ky0 are 0wh who not 0ld for those Nyly0l
this 0nh for l( it is 0wh not 0l of death 0twmd sin 0h+x for ryg there is ty0
the man $n0 that should pray 0(bnd I 0n0 say rm0
a sin 0h+x & there is ty0w is wh sin 0ty+x for ryg evil 0lw( every lk 17
it wh of death 0twmd is 0wh that not 0ld
sins 0+x not 0l God 0hl0 from Nm who is born dylyd of everyone lkd & we know Nny(dyw 18
his soul h$pn keeps r+n God 0hl0 from Nm who is born dylyd for ryg he wh
it hl touches brqtm not 0l & The Evil One 0$ybw
we are Nnx God 0hl0 that from Nmd we know Nny(dy 19
lies Mys that wh in Evil One 0$ybb all hlk & the world 0ml(w
us Nl & He has given bhyw has come 0t0 of God 0hl0d that The Son hrbd & we know Nny(dyw 20
in The True One 0ryr$b in Him hb & to be 0whnw The True One 0ryr$l to know (dnd a mind 0(dm
The True 0ryr$ God 0hl0 is wh This One 0nh The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y in His Son hrbb
Eternal Ml(ld & The Life 0yxw
of idols 0rktp the worship tlxd from Nm yourselves Nwk$pn keep wr+ my children ynb 21

2nd John
& her children hynblw Lady 0yrwq to the Elect 0tybgl The Elder 0$y$q 1:1
in the truth 0rr$b I 0n0 love bxm whom I 0n0d those Nyly0
those Nyly0 all of Nwhlk but 0l0 only ydwxlb I 0n0 but Nyd it has been 0wh not 0l
the truth 0rr$l who know yhw(dyd
in us Nb dwells 0wqmd which 0ny0 of the truth 0rr$ because l+m 2
to eternity Ml(l is yhwty0 & with us Nm(w
& peace 0ml$w mercy 0mxrw grace 0twby+ with us Nm( let there be 0wht 3
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y our Lord Nrm & from Nmw The Father 0b0 God 0hl0 from Nm
& in love 0bwxbw in truth 0rr$b of The Father 0b0d The Son hrb
who are walking Nyklhmd your children ykynb some of Nm when I found txk$0d much ygs I rejoiced tydx 4
The Father 0b0 from Nm we have received Nnbsn the commandment 0ndqwpd according to 0nky0 in truth 0rr$b
according to Ky0 it is 0wh not 0l Lady 0yrwq you ykl I 0n0 persuade sypm & now 0$hw 5
that wh but 0l0 to you ykl I 0n0 wrote btk new 0tdx the commandment 0ndqwp
another dxl one dx that we love bxnd the beginning 0yrw$ from Nm to us Nl was 0wh which ty0d
His commandment yhwndqwp according to Ky0 that we walk Klhnd love 0bwx is yhwty0 & this 0nhw 6
you heard Nwt(m$d what 0m according to Ky0 is yhwty0 commandment 0ndqwp this 0nh
walking Nyklhm you have been Nwtywh in which hbd the beginning 0yrw$ from Nm
into the world 0ml(b in it hb have gone out wqpn deceivers 0ny(+m many 00ygsd because l+m 7
has come 0t0 The Messiah 0xy$m that Yeshua (w$yd confess Nydwm who not 0ld those Nyly0
& Antichrist * sw+syrky+n0w a deceiver 0ny(+m is yhwty0 this 0nh in the flesh rsbb
anything Mdm you lose Nwdbwt lest 0ld to your souls Nwk$pnb pay attention wrhdz0 8
you may receive Nw(rptt full 0nml$m a reward 0rg0 but 0l0 that you have cultivated Nwtxlpd
in the teaching hnplwyb continues 0wqm & not 0lw is a violator rb(d who 0ny0 everyone lk 9
who continues 0wqmd he wh in him hb is not tyl God 0hl0 of The Messiah 0xy$md
to him hl is ty0 & The Son 0rblw also The Father 0b0lw this one 0nh in His teaching hnplwyb
the teaching 0nplwy & this 0nhw to you Nwktwl comes 0t0 a man $n0 if N0 10

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

into the house 0tybb do receive him yhynwlbqt not 0l brings 0tym not 0l
to him hl you shall speak Nwrm0t not 0l to you Kl & welcome ydxw
to you Kl welcome ydx to him hl that says rm0d for ryg He wh 11
evil 0$yb with his deeds yhwdb(l is wh a partaker Ptw$m
to you Nwkl to write btkml for me yl was 0wh there ty0 much 0t0ygs when dk 12
& ink 0twydw parchment 0sy+rk that by dybd I wanted ty(b not 0l
mouth 0mwp to twl & mouth 0mwpw to you Nwktwl to come 0t0d I 0n0 hope rbsm but 0l0
complete 0ylm$m will be 0wht our Nlyd that joy 0twdxd we shall speak llmn
Amen Nym0 elect 0tybg of your sister yktxd the children 0ynb your peace ykml$ invoke Nyl0$ 13

3 John
the beloved bybx to Gaius swy0gl The Elder 0$y$q 1:1
in truth 0rr$b do 0n0 love bxm whom I 0n0d to him whl
for you Kyl( I 0n0 pray 0lcm in all things Mdmlkb our beloved Nbybx 2
your soul K$pn prospers 0xlcmd as 0m just Ky0 well Mylx & be 0whtw that you prosper xlctd
& testified Nydhsw the brethren 0x0 that came Nyt0d much ygs for ryg I rejoiced tydx 3
do tn0 walk Klhm in the truth 0rr$b you tn0d as 0m just Ky0 your faithfulness Krr$ about l(
that I hear (m$0d to me yl there is not tyl joy 0twdx this 0dh than Nm for greater 0brd 4
are walking Nyklhm in the truth 0rr$b my ylyd that children 0ynbd
you tn0 do r(sd which 0m that wh you tn0 do db( in faith 0twnmyhb our beloved Nbybx 5
strangers 0ynsk0 those who are Nwhyty0d & especially ty0rytyw the brethren 0x0 to twl
the church 0td( all hlk before Mdq your love Kbwx of l( who testified wdhs0d those Nyly0 6
you tn0 which supplied dwzmd you tn0 did db( good ryp$ to those Nwnhl
to God 0hl0l is becoming 00pd as 0m just Ky0 to them Nwhl
while dk they went out wqpn His Name hm$ for ryg for the sake Plx 7
the Gentiles 0mm( from Nm they received wbsn not 0l anything Mdm
such as Ky0dl to receive wlbqml we are indebted Nnybyx therefore lykh we Nnx 8
for the truth 0rr$l we may be 0whn that helpers 0nrd(md these Nylh
who loves Mxrd he wh but 0l0 to the assembly 0td(l to write bwtk0 I had tywh sought * 0(b 9
us Nl receives lbqm not 0l Diotrephys sypr+wyd their Nwhlyd foremost 0ymdq to be 0whnd
his works yhwdb( I shall remember * dh(0 that I come * 0t0d it is wh if N0 this 0nh because of l+m 10
us Nl he slandered rts wicked 0t$yb which in words 0lmbd which he did db(d those Nwnh
received lbqm he wh not 0l these Nylh to him hl it was enough qps not 0l & when dkw
he forbids 0lk who receive Nylbqmd & those Nyly0lw the brethren 0x0l
the church 0td( from Nm & throws out qpmw
the good 0tb+b but 0l0 evil 0t$ybb imitate 0mdtt not 0l our beloved Nbybx 11
the one wh is yhwty0 God 0hl0 from Nm good 0tb+ who does db(d the one wh
God 0hl0l has seen Him yhyzx not 0l evil 0t$yb who does db(d
everyone $nlk from Nm a testimony 0twdhs he * wh has ty0 Demetrius swyr+ymd about l( 12
of the truth 0rr$d & from that hnmw of the assembly 0td(d & from that hnmw
you * tn0 & know (dyw we testify Nnydhs but Nyd we Nnx also P0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

is yh true 0ryr$ ours Nlyd that testimony 0twdhsd

not 0l but 0l0 to you * Kl to write btkml for me yl has been 0wh is ty0 much 0t0ygs 13
to you Kl to write bwtk0 & reed pen 0ynqw ink 0twyd that with dybd I 0n0 desired 0(b
I shall see you Kyzx0 that soon lg(bd but Nyd I 0n0 hope rbsm 14
we shall speak llmn mouth 0mwp to twl & mouth * 0mwpw
the friends 0mxr your peace Kml$ invoke Nyl0$ with you Km( be 0whn peace 0ml$ 15
by his name hm$b each person $nlkd of the friends 0mxrd the peace 0ml$ invoke l0$
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd the servant 0db( Yehuda 0dwhy 1:1
by God 0hl0bd called 0yrq to the Gentiles 0mm(l of Yaqob bwq(yd but Nyd brother 0x0
kept Nyry+n The Messiah 0xy$m & by Yeshua (w$ybw beloved ones Nymyxr The Father 0b0
to you Nwkl be multiplied 0gsn & love 0bwxw & peace 0ml$w mercy 0mxr 2
to write btkml I 0n0 did db( diligence 0twpycy all hlk when dk beloved ybybx 3
for me yl is ty0 necessary 0qnn0 common 0wgd our Nlyd life 0yx about l( to you Nwkl
you may do Nwdb(t competition 0nwg0d I am 0n0 to persuade sypm as dk to you Nwkl to write btkml
time Nbz one 0dxd which 0dy0 the faith 0twnmyh for the sake of Plx
to the holy ones 0$ydql was delivered tmlt$0
who from Nmd those Nyly0 entrance 0twnl(m men Ny$n0 for ryg have obtained wnq 4
this 0nh with guilty verdict 0bywxb written wbtkt0 were before wmdq the beginning 0yrw$
pervert Nykphm of our God Nhl0d who the grace htwby+ld evil 0(y$r men 0$n0
Lord 0rm the only yhwdwxlb Who is yhwty0d & Him whbw to an abomination 0twpn+l
they deny Nyrpk The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y & our Lord Nrmw God 0hl0
you Nwtn0 know Ny(dy as dk I 0n0 wish 0bc but Nyd to remind you Nwktwdh(ml 5
Egypt Nyrcm from Nm the people 0m(l time Nbz one 0dx when dk that God 0hl0d all Nyhlk
He destroyed dbw0 believed wnmyh who not 0ld those Nyly0l second time Nytrtd that yh removed qrp
their principality Nwhtwn$yr kept wr+n who not 0ld those Nyly0 & the angels 0k0lmlw 6
of the day 0mwyd to judgment 0nydl their own Nwhlyd way of life 0rmw( they abandoned wqb$ but 0l0
He has kept r+n darkness 0n+m( under tyxt known 0(ydy not 0l in chains 0rws0b great 0br
in which hbd surrounding them Nyhyrdxd & the cities 0tnydmw & Amora 0rwm(w Sodom Mwdsd just as 0nky0 7
other 0nrx0 flesh 0rsb after rtb & went lz0w committed fornication ynz of these Nylhd in the likeness 0twmdb
eternal Ml(ld of fire 0rwnd for demonstrations 0tywxt beneath tyxt are placed Nmys
to judgment 0nydl they are condemned Nbyxm as dk
they lust Nygrgrt$m who in dreams 0mlxbd these Nylh also P0 in the likeness 0twmdb in it hb 8
they reject Nyml+ but Nyd Dominions * 0twrml they defile Nypn+m who Nm flesh 0rsbl
they slander Nypdgm & The Glory 0txwb$tlw
The Devil 0crqlk0 who with M(d he wh Angel 0k0lm The Chief $yr but Nyd Mikail ly0kym 9
of Moses 0$wmd the body hrgp about l+m he was 0wh speaking llmm that if N0d while dk
of slander 0pdwgd a judgment 0nyd against him yhwl( to bring 0tynd he spoke to him xrm0 not 0l
Jehovah 0yrm you Kb will rebuke rw(gnd he said rm0 but 0l0
slander Nypdgm they know Ny(dy whom not 0ld those Nyly0b but Nyd these Nylh 10
dumb 0t$rx animals 0twyx as Ky0 which naturally ty0nykd but Nyd in those things Nyly0b
they will be destroyed Nylbxtm in them Nyhb they desire Nyspm
& after rtbw have gone wlz0 of Qayn Ny0qd who in the way hxrw0bd to them Nwhl Woe yw 11

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

were ravished in joy wxrt$0 for wages 0rg0b of Balaam M(lbd the deception htwy(+
they perished wdb0 of Qorah xrwqd & in the rebellion htwyyc(bw
are defiled Nymtkm while dk who in their feasts Nwhtxynbd those Nyly0 are Nwhyty0 these Nylh 12
they feed Ny(r themselves Nwh$pn fear 0tlxd without 0ld while dk they run riot Ny(prptm
wander Nyhp the wind 0xwr that from Nmd rain 0r+m without 0ld clouds 0nn(
fruit 0r0p without 0ld that are Nwhyty0d their fruit Nwhb0 whose has died ypw0d trees 0nly0
their roots Nwhyrq( from Nm & they have pulled up wqlsw twice twnynt that have died wtymd
their froth Nwht(wr that by dybd of the sea 0myd strong 0zyz( surges 0llg 13
to these Nylhl wandering 0ny(+m stars 0bkwk their shame Nwhtthb show Nywxm
is kept ry+n to them Nwhl to eternity Ml(l of darkness 0kw$xd for whom the gloom 0n+m(d
who is yhwty0d he wh to these Nylhl also P0 but Nyd prophesied ybnt0 14
he said rm0 as dk Henok Kwnx Adam Md0 from Nm seventh 0(b$d
of His holy ones 0$ydqd with myriads 0twbrb comes 0t0 Jehovah 0yrm Behold 0hd
souls * 0t$pn all lkl & to reprove wskmlw all lk on l( judgment 0nyd to do db(nd 15
who did wickedness w($r0d those Nyly0 works 0db( all their Nwhlk because of l+m
have spoken wllmd which Nyly0 hard 0ty$q the words 0lm all Nyhlk & because of l+mw
wicked 0(y$r sinners 0y+x
matter Nwbc in every lkb & complaining Nyld(w those murmuring Nyn+rmd are Nwn0 these Nylh 16
& their mouth Nwhmwpw they walk Nyklhm their Nwhlyd desires 0tgygr according to Ky0 while dk
profit 0nrtwy for l+m persons 0pwcrpl & they flatter Nyxb$mw guilt 0txyng speaks llmm
that before Mdqd those Nyly0 words 0lml remember wrkdt0 beloved ybybx but Nyd you Nwtn0 17
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd the apostles yhwxyl$ from Nm were spoken rm0t0
shall be Nwwhn time 0nbzd in the last 0trxbd to you Nwkl they wwh which said Nyrm0d 18
their own Nwhlyd desires 0tgygr who by Ky0d who mock Nyxzbmd those Nyly0
wickedness 0($wr after rtb they go Nylz0
the animal life 0yn$pn who distinguish Ny$rpmd those Nyly0 are Nwhyty0 these Nylh 19
with them Nwhl is not tyl because The Spirit 0xwrd
holy 0t$ydq your Nwklyd in faith 0twnmyhb beloved ybybx but Nyd you Nwtn0 20
praying Nylcm while dk Holy 0$ydq by The Spirit 0xwrb the top * $yrd from Nm be encouraged wnbt0
let us keep r+n of God 0hl0d in the love 0bwxb but Nyd ourselves * N$pn 21
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd the mercy hnnxl we look for Nnyksm as dk
eternal Ml(ld our Nlyd to life 0yxl
snatch wpw+x the fire 0rwn are from Nm who Nm & some of them Nwhnmlw 22
with respect 0tlxdb upon them Nwhyl( show pity wmxrt0 they repent Nywttm but Nyd when dk 23
is defiled 0mtkmd the flesh 0rsb that from Nmd the tunic 0nytwkl also P0 you Nwtn0 hate Nyns while dk
offense 0t(rw$ without 0ld us * Nl keep r+nnd Who can xk$md but Nyd to Him whl 24
a flaw 0mwm without 0ld & we shall stand Myqnw defilement 0mtwk & without 0ldw
our Lord Nrm The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y by dyb our Savior Nqwrp God 0hl0 He alone is yhwdwxlb 25
& dominion 0ndxw0w is the praise 0xbw$ to Him hl in joy 0twdxb His glory htxwb$t before Mdq
Amen Nym0 ages 0ml( & into all Nwhlkbw now 0$h even P0 & majesty 0twbrw & honor 0rqy0w


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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Chapter 1
God 0hl0 to Him hl that gave bhyd The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd the revelation 0nylg 1:1
soon lg(b to occur 0whml had been given byhyd what 0m His servants yhwdb(l to show wywxml
His angel hk0lm by dyb He sent xl$ when dk & He symbolized (dw$w
Yokhanan Nnxwy to His servant hdb(l
& the testimony htwdhslw of God 0hl0d the word 0tlml who witnessed dhs0d he wh 2
he saw 0zxd whatever 0m all lk The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd
the words 0lm who hear Ny(m$d & to those Nyly0lw who reads 0rqd to the one Nml his blessing yhwbw+ 3
in it hb that are written Nbytkd those things Nyly0 & they keep Nyr+nw this 0dh of prophecy 0twybnd
is near brq for ryg the time 0nbz
to you Nwkl grace 0twby+ that in Asia 0ys0bd assemblies 0td( to seven (b$l Yokhanan Nnxwy 4
& is coming 0t0w has 0wh & been yhwty0w Who is yhwty0d Him wh from Nm & peace 0ml$w
His throne hysrwk Who are before Mdqd those Nyly0 The Spirits 0xwr seven (b$ & from Nmw
trustworthy 0nmyhm The Witness 0dhs The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y & from Nmw 5
of The Earth 0(r0d of the kings 0klmd & The Ruler 0$rw of the dead 0tymd The First Born 0rkwb
by His blood hmdb our sins Nyh+x from Nm us Nl & has loosed 0r$w us Nl Who loves bxmd Him wh
& His father yhwb0w to God 0hl0l priestly 0tynhk the kingdom 0twklm us Nl & He has made db(w 6
truly Nym0 of eternities Nyml( to the eternity Ml(l & political power 0ndxw0w glory 0txwb$t & to Him hlw
eye 0ny( every lk & shall see Him yhynyzxnw clouds 0nn( with M( He comes 0t0 behold 0h 7
for Him yhwl( & they shall mourn Ndqrnw who pierced Him yhwrqdd those Nyly0 & also P0w
& Amen Nym0w Yes Ny0 of The Earth 0(r0d the families 0tbr$ all lk
God 0hl0 Jehovah 0yrm says rm0 & Tau wtw Alap Pl0 I 0n0 8
& He is coming 0t0w He has 0wh & been yhwty0w Who is yhwty0d He wh
all lk Who holds dyx0d He wh
your companion Nwkptw$ & son rbw your brother Nwkwx0 am wh Yokhanan Nnxwy I 0n0 9
I was tywh which is in Yeshua (w$ybd & in the patience 0twnrbysmbw in suffering 0nclw0b
the word 0tlm because of l+m Patmos swm+p that is called 0yrqtmd in the island 0trzgb
The Messiah 0xy$m of Yeshua (w$yd the testimony 0twdhs & because of l+mw of God 0hl0d
first of the week 0b$bdxd in the day 0mwyb in spirit xwrb & I was tywhw 10
a trumpet 0rwpy$ like Ky0 great 0br a voice 0lq behind me yrtsb from Nm & I heard t(m$w
in a book 0btkb write bwtk which you have seen tyzxd those things Nyly0 which said rm0d 11
& to Zmurna 0nrwmzlw to Ephesus swsp0l assemblies 0td( to seven (b$l & send rd$w
& to Sardis sydrslw & to Thautyra 0ry+w0tlw & to Pergamos swmgrplw
& to Ladiqia 0yqydllw & to Philadelphia 0ypldlyplw
with me ym( which spoke llmd that 0ny0 voice 0lq to know (dml & I turned tkphw 12
of gold 0bhdd menorahs Nrnm seven (b$ I saw tyzx I turned around tp+( & when dkw
the likeness 0twmd as Ky0 of the menorahs 0trnmd & in the midst 0t(cmbw 13
& was girded rys0w an ephod 0dwp0 & he wore $yblw of a son of man 0$nrbd
golden 0bhdd a wrap 0rs0 His chest yhwdt around dyc
wool 0rm( as Ky0 was white rwx & His hair hr(sw but Nyd His head h$r 14
of fire 0rwnd flames 0tybhl$ like Ky0 & His eyes yhwny(w snow 0glt & like Ky0w
of Lebanon 0ynbl of brass 0$xnd in the likeness 0twmdb & His feet yhwlgrw 15

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& His voice hlqw in a furnace 0nwt0b which is heated Mxmd

many 00ygs of waters 0ymd the sound 0lq as Ky0
stars Nybkwk seven 0(b$ of the right 0nymyd in His hand hdy0b to Him hl & there is ty0w 16
& I saw Him htzxw sharp 0tpyrx a lance 0xmwr proceeded 0qpn His mouth hmwp & from Nmw
in its strength hlyxb appearing 0ywxm the sun 0$m$ as Ky0
a dead man 0tym as Ky0 His feet yhwlgr at l( I fell tlpn I saw Him htyzx & when dkw 17
be afraid lxdt not 0l saying rm0ml that is the right 0nymyd His hand hdy0 on me yl( & He laid Msw
& The Last 0yrx0w The First 0ymdq am yty0 for I 0n0d
I am tywh & He Who died 0tymdw & He Who lived yxdw 18
truly Nym0 of eternities Nyml( to the eternity Ml(l I am yty0 alive 0yx & behold 0hw
& of Sheol lwy$dw of Death 0twmd the key 0dylq to me yl & is ty0w
that are Nyhyty0d & those Nyly0w you have seen tyzxd whatever 0m therefore lykh write bwtk 19
these things Nylh after rtb to be 0whml & are going Ndyt(w
which you saw tyzxd those Nyly0 stars Nybkwk of seven 0(b$d the mystery 0zr0 20
menorahs 0trnm & seven (b$w My right hand ynymy on l(
are Nwhyty0 assemblies 0td( of seven (b$d messengers 0k0lm stars Nybkwk seven 0(b$
which you saw tyzxd those Nyly0 of gold 0bhdd seven (b$ & the menorahs 0trnmw
assemblies 0td( are Nyn0 seven (b$
Chapter 2
write bwtk of Ephesus swsp0d of the assembly 0td(bd & to the messenger 0k0lmlw 2:1
in His hand hdy0b stars Nybkwk seven 0(b$ Who holds dyx0d He wh says rm0 thus 0nkh
of gold 0bhdd the menorahs 0trnm among tnyb Who walks Klhmd He wh
& your patience Ktwnrbysmw & your toil Klm(w your works Kydb( I 0n0 know (dy 2
& you have tested tysnw evil ones 0$ybl bear N(+ml you can tycm & that not 0ldw
they are Nwhyty0 that apostles 0xyl$d themselves Nwh$pn who claim Nyrm0d those Nyly0l
false 0lgd them Nwn0 & you have found txk$0w & they are not Nwhytylw
& you have endured tn(+w to you Kl is ty0 & patience 0twnrbysmw 3
you have tired ty0l & not 0lw My Name ym$ because of l+m
against you Kyl( to me yl is ty0 but 0l0 4
you have left tqb$ former 0ymdq because your love Kbwxd
the works 0db( & do db(w you have come out tqpn where 0ky0 from Nm remember rkdt0 5
I 0n0 & shall move (yzmw against you Kyl( I 0n0 come 0t0 not 0l but if Nydn0w former 0ymdq
you repent bwtt unless 0l0 your menorah Ktrnm
the works 0db( that you hate tynsd to you Kl is ty0 this 0dh but 0l0 6
I 0n0 hate 0ns which I 0n0d those Nyly0 of Naqolayta 0+ylwq0nd
speaks llmm The Spirit 0xwr what 0nm let hear (m$n ears 0nd0 to him hl who has ty0d he wh 7
of life 0yxd the tree 0syq from Nm I shall give lt0 & to the victor 0kzdlw to the assemblies 0td(l
of God 0hl0d in The Paradise 0sydrpb which is yhwty0d that wh to eat lk0ml
says rm0 thus 0nkh write bwtk of Zmurna 0nrwmzd of the assembly 0td(d & to the messenger 0k0lmlw 8
& lives 0yxw dead 0tym Who was 0whd He wh & The Last 0yrx0w The First 0ymdq
you are tn0 rich 0ryt( but 0l0 & your poverty Ktwnksmw your suffering Knclw0 I 0n0 know (dy 9
themselves Nwh$pn who call Nyrm0d those Nyly0 that is from Nmd & the blasphemy 0pdwglw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

they are Nwhyty0 not 0l when dk of the Judeans 0ydwhy Jews 0ydwhy
of Satan 0n+sd the company 0t$wnk but 0l0
you tn0 that will dyt(d those things Nyly0 of Nm be afraid lxdt not 0l in anything Mdmb 10
some of you Nwknm throw 0mrnd The Devil 0crqlk0 will dyt( behold 0h suffer $xml
to you Nwkl & there will be 0whnw to be tested Nwsnttd of imprisonment 0y$wbx into the house tybb
death 0twml until 0md( faithful 0nmyhm be wwh ten 0rs( days Nymwy suffering 0nclw0
of life 0yxd a crown 0lylk to you Nwkl & I shall give lt0w
what 0nm let him hear (m$n an ear 0nd0 to him hl he who has ty0d 11
overcomes 0kzd Whoever 0ny0d to the assemblies 0td(l says llmm The Spirit 0xwr
the second 0nynt death 0twm from Nm will be hurt rhn not 0l
write bwtk of Pergama 0mgrpd who is in the assembly 0td(bd & to the messenger 0k0lmlw 12
sharp 0tpyrx a sword 0brx to Him hl that is ty0d He wh says rm0 thus 0nkh
edges hymwp of two Nyrtd
of Satan 0n+sd of The Throne hysrwkd the place rt0 you dwell trm( where 0ky0 I 0n0 know (dy 13
you have denied trpk not 0l & My faith ytwnmyhbw My Name ym$b you tn0 & keep dyx0w
faithful 0nmyhm My ylyd & witness 0dhsw you contended tyrxt0 & in the days 0tmwybw
faithful 0nmyhm My ylyd witnesses 0dhs of all lkd for the sake l+m
was murdered l+qt0 among you Nwknmd he 0ny0
for there are ty0d a few things 0tyrw(z against you Kyl( to me yl is ty0 but 0l0 14
of Balaam M(lbd the doctrine 0twnplm those who hold Nydyx0d there Nmt to you Kl
a stumbling block 0l$k to cast 0mrnd Balaq qlbl who taught Pl0d him wh
sacrifices yxbd to eat lk0ml of Israel lyrsy0 the children ynb before Mdq
& to commit fornication wynzmlw of idols 0rktp
the doctrine 0nplwy those holding Nydyx0d to you Kl also P0 are ty0 so 0nkh 15
likewise twkh of Naqolayta 0+ylwq0nd
upon you Kyl( I 0n0 shall come 0t0 not 0l but if Nydn0w therefore lykh return bwt 16
of My mouth ymwpd with the sword 0brxb with them Nwhm( & I shall make war brq0w at once 0dxm
what 0nm let him hear (m$n an ear 0nd0 to him hl & he who has ty0dw 17
to the one who is victorious 0kzdld to the assemblies 0td(l speaks llmm The Spirit 0xwr
which is hidden y$+md that wh manna 0nnm from Nm I shall give lt0
the pebble 0nb$wx & upon l(w white 0rwx a pebble 0nb$wx to him hl & I shall give lt0w
knows (dy man $n0 that no 0ld of writing 0btkd new 0tdx a name 0m$
who receives bsnd he wh except 0l0
that in Thautayra 0ry+w0tbd who is in the assembly 0td(bd & to the messenger 0k0lmlw 18
to Him hl Who has ty0d He wh of God 0hl0d The Son hrb says rm0 thus 0nkh write bwtk
of Lebanon 0ynbl brass 0$xn as Ky0 & His feet yhwlgrw of fire 0rwnd flames 0tybhl$ as Ky0 eyes 0ny(
& your faith Ktwnmyhw & your love Kbwxw your works Kydb( I 0n0 know (dy 19
latter 0yrx0 & your works Kydb(w & your patience Ktwnrbysmw & your service Kt$m$tw
the first 0ymdq than Nm are Nwn0 more 00ygs
your wife Kttn0l because you allow tqb$d much ygs against you Kyl( to me yl is ty0 but 0l0 20
she is yh that a prophetess 0tybnd herself h$pn about l( who says 0rm0d she yh Jezebel lbzy0
to commit fornication wynzml My servants ydb(l & seduces 0y(+mw & teaches 0plmw
of idols 0rktp sacrifices yxbd & to eat lk0mw
for repentance 0twbytl time 0nbz her hl & I gave tbhyw 21
her fornication htwynz from Nm to turn btml she chose 0ybc & not 0lw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& those Nyly0lw into a coffin 0sr(b her hl I 0n0 shall cast 0mr behold 0h 22
great 0br into suffering 0nclw0b with her hm( who commit adultery Nyrygd
their deeds Nwhydb( of Nm they repent Nwwttn unless 0l0
& will know N(dyw in the death 0twmb I shall kill lw+q0 & her children hynblw 23
& the heart 0blw the kidneys 0tylwk search 0cb do 0n0 that I 0n0d the assemblies 0td( all Nyhlk
your works Nwkydb( according to Ky0 to everyone $nlkl to you Nwkl & I shall give lt0w
who in Thautayra 0ry+w0tbd & to the rest 0kr$l I 0n0 say rm0 to you Nwkl 24
this 0nh doctrine 0nplwy to whom Nwhl there is not tyld those Nyly0 all of them Nwhlk
of Satan 0n+sd the depths htqym( have known w(dy who not 0ld those Nyly0
another 0nrx0 burden 0rqwy upon you Nwkyl( I shall lay 0mr0 not 0l they say Nyrm0d as Ky0
hold fast wdwx0 to you Nwkl that is ty0d therefore lykh that wh 25
I 0n0 come 0t0d until 0md(
to him hl I shall give lt0 my works ydb( & keeps r+nw & he who is victorious 0kzdw 26
the nations 0mm( over l( authority 0n+lw$
vessels yn0m & as Ky0w of iron 0lzrpd with a rod 0+b$b them Nwn0 to shepherd 0(rml 27
for ryg in this way 0nkh you shall shatter them Nwqx$t of a potter 0rxp
My Father yb0 from Nm have received tbsn also I 0n0w
of the dawn 0rpc the star bkwkl to him hl & I shall give lt0w 28
what 0nm let him hear (m$n an ear 0nd0 to him hl he who is ty0d 29
to the assemblies 0td(l is speaking llmm The Spirit 0xwr

Chapter 3
write bwtk of Sardis sydrsd who is in the assembly 0td(bd & to the messenger 0k0lmlw 3:1
of God 0hl0d Spirits Nyxwr The Seven (b$ to Him hl Who has ty0d He wh says rm0 thus 0nkh
to you Kl that is ty0d & the name 0m$w your works Kydb( I 0n0 know (dy stars 0bkwk & seven 0(b$w
you are tn0 & that dead 0tymdw you are tn0 & that alive 0yxdw
that ready dyt(d of those Nyly0d what remains 0kr$d & confirm Myqw vigilant 0ry( & be ywhw 2
that perfect Nylm$md I have found you Ktxk$0 for ryg not 0l to die tmml have been tywh
God 0hl0 before Mdq your works Kydb(
& you have received tbsnw you have heard t(m$ how Nky0 remember rkdt0 3
you wake up ry(tt not 0l but if Nydn0w & return bwtw take heed rhdz0
you will know (dt & not 0lw a thief 0bng as Ky0 upon you Kyl( I 0n0 shall come 0t0
upon you Kyl( I shall come 0t0 hour 0t($ what 0dy0
those Nyly0 in Sardis sydrsb names 0hm$ a few lylq to Me yl is ty0 but 0l0 4
before Me ymdq & they walk Nyklhmw their garments Nwhyn0m have defiled w$w+ who not 0ld
are Nwn0 & they worthy Nyw$w in white 0rwxb
white 0rwx in a garment 0n0m is garbed P+(tm in this way 0nkh he who overcomes 0kzd 5
of life 0yxd the book 0rps from Nm his name hm$ I shall blot out 0xl0 & not 0lw
My Father yb0 before Mdq his name hm$b & I shall confess 0dw0w
His angels yhwk0lm & before Mdqw
let him hear (m$n an ear 0nd0 to him hl has ty0d whoever 0ny0 6
to the assemblies 0td(l speaks llmm The Spirit 0xwr what 0nm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

write bwtk of Philadelphia 0ypldlypd of the assembly 0td(d & to the messenger 0k0lmlw 7
to Him hl Who has ty0d He wh The True One 0ryr$ The Holy One 0$ydq says rm0 thus 0nkh
a closer dx0d & there is not tylw Who opens xtpd The One 0ny0 of Dawid dywdd the key 0dylq
an opener xtpd & there is not tylw & He shuts dx0w
before you Kymdq I have set tbhy & behold 0hw your works Kydb( I 0n0 know (dy 8
shut hdx0ml can 0cm a man $n0 not 0ld which 0ny0 opened 0xytp a door 0(rt
to you Kl is ty0 power 0lyx that a little lylqd because l+m
you have denied trpk not 0l & My Name ym$bw you have kept tr+n & My word ytlmw
of Satan 0n+sd of the synagogue 0t$wnk some Nm I 0n0 devote bhy & behold 0hw 9
that Jews 0ydwhyd themselves Nwh$pn about l( who say Nyrm0d those Nyly0 of Nm
they are lying Nylgdm but 0l0 they are Nwhyty0 & not 0lw they are Nwn0
& to worship Nwdgsnw to come Nwt0nd them Nwhl I shall make db(0 behold 0h
love you Ktbx0 that I 0n0d & to know Nw(dnw your feet Kylgr before Mdq
of My patience ytwnrbysmd the word 0tlm that you have kept tr+nd because l( 10
to come 0t0nd that is going dyt(d the trial 0nwysn from Nm shall keep you Kr+0 also I 0n0w
to test 0snnd the inhabited world lyb0t all hlk over l(
of The Earth 0(r0d the inhabitants hyrwm(l
to you Kl is ty0d whichever 0m that wh hold fast dwx0 at once 0dxm I 0n0 come 0t0 11
your crown Klylk take bsn a man $n0 lest 0ld
of God 0hl0d in the temple 0lkyhb a pillar 0dwm( I shall make him hdb(0 & the overcomer 0kzdw 12
upon Him yhwl( & I shall write bwtk0w again bwt he will go out qwpn not 0l & outside rblw
of the city 0tnydmd & The Name 0m$w of My God yhl0d The Name 0m$
My God yhl0 from Nm descends 0txnd which 0dy0 Jerusalem Ml$rw0 New 0tdx
New 0tdx My ylyd & Name 0m$w
what 0nm let hear (m$n an ear 0nd0 to him hl & the one who has ty0dw 13
to the assemblies 0td(l speaks llmm The Spirit 0xwr
of the Laydiqyans 0yqydy0ld of the assembly 0td(d & to the messenger 0k0lmlw 14
trustworthy 0nmyhm The Witness 0dhs Amen Nym0 says rm0 thus 0nkh write bwtk
hot 0mymx neither 0lw you are tn0 cold 0ryrq not 0l your works Kydb( I 0n0 know (dy 15
hot 0mymx or w0 you will be 0wht cold 0ryrq that either w0d it is 0wh because necessary 0lwd
hot 0mymx neither 0lw cold 0ryrq & not 0lw lukewarm 0rw$p & you are Kyty0w 16
My mouth ymwp from Nm to vomit you Ktwbtml I 0n0 am going dyt(
& I have prospered trt(w you are tn0 that rich 0ryt(d you said trm0d because l+m 17
you tn0 know (dy & not 0lw I 0n0 am deprived qyns not 0l anything Mdm & of l(w
& naked 0yl+r(w & poor 0nksmw & wretched 0ywdw sick 0lyxm are wh that you tn0d
gold 0bhd from Me ynm to buy Nbztd you Kl I 0n0 counsel Klm 18
that you may prosper rt(td the fire 0rwn from Nm that is proved ryxbd
the shame 0tthb be revealed 0lgtt lest 0lw to put on wp+(tml white 0rwx & garments 0n0mw
that you may see 0zxtd to anoint lwxk & eye salve 0py$w of your nakedness Ktwyl+r(d
I 0n0 & discipline 0drw I 0n0 rebuke skm I 0n0 whom love Mxrd those Nyly0l I 0n0 19
& return bwtw therefore lykh be zealous N+
& I shall knock $wq0w the door 0(rt at l( I have stood tmq behold 0h 20
the door 0(rt & will open xtpnw to My voice ylqb listens (m$ a man $n0 if N0
with Me ym( & he whw with Him hm( & I shall have supper M$x0w also I shall enter lw(0w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

with Me ym( to sit btml to him hl I shall give lt0 & the overcomer 0kzdw 21
have overcome tykz I 0n0d just as 0nky0 My ylyd throne 0ysrwk on l(
His hlyd throne 0ysrwk on l( My Father yb0 with M( & I sit tbtyw
let him hear (m$n an ear 0nd0 to him hl has ty0d whoever Nm 22
to the assemblies 0td(l speaks llmm The Spirit 0xwr what 0nm
Chapter 4
opened 0xytp a door 0(rt & behold 0hw I saw tyzx these Nylh after rtb from Nm 4:1
a trumpet 0rwpy$ like Ky0 which I heard t(m$d that wh & a voice 0lqw in Heaven 0ym$b
here 0krhl come up qs saying rm0ml with me ym( speaking llm
to happen 0whml is granted byhyd whatever 0m & I shall show you Kywx0w
these things Nylh after rtb
a throne 0ysrwk & behold 0hw in The Spirit xwrb I was tywh & at once 0dxmw 2
sat He bty The Throne 0ysrwk & upon l(w in Heaven 0ym$b fixed Mys
of the appearance 0wzxd the likeness 0twmd was as Ky0 & He Who sat btydw 3
& a rainbow 0t$qw & of Red & White Sardius Nwdrsdw of Jasper Red Quartz hp$yd of stone 0p0kd
was like twmd which throne 0ysrwkd which encircled it yhwrdxd of the clouds 0nn(d
of an emerald 0dgrmzd the appearance 0wzx
& four 0(br0w twenty Nyrs( thrones 0twsrwk The Throne 0ysrwk & around rdxw 4
& four 0(br0w twenty Nyrs( which thrones 0twsrwkd but Nyd upon them Nwhyl(w
white 0rwx garments 0n0m who wore Nypy+(d who sat Nybtyd Elders Ny$y$q
of gold 0bhdd crowns 0lylk their heads Nwhtpqrq & upon l(w
& voices 0lqw & lightnings 0qrbw thunders 0m(r proceed Nyqpn The Throne 0twsrwk & from Nmw 5
which Throne 0ysrwkd before it yhwmdq burning Nydqyd lamps 0ryhn & seven 0(b$w
of God 0hl0d Spirits Nyxwr The Seven (b$ that are Nwhyty0d those Nyly0
a likeness 0ymwd as Ky0 of glass 0tygwgzd a sea 0my The Throne 0ysrwk & before Mdqw 6
& around it yhwrdxw The Throne 0ysrwk & in the midst of t(cmbw of crystal 0dylgd
of eyes 0ny( that were full Nylmd Beasts Nwyx four (br0 which Throne 0ysrwkd
behind them Nyhrtsb & from Nmw in front of them Nyhymdq from Nm
second Nytrtd & the beast 0twyxw a lion 0yr0l was like 0ymd first 0tymdq the beast 0twyx 7
to him hl had ty0 third tltd & the beast 0twyxw of a calf 0lg(d the likeness 0twmd
fourth (br0d & the beast 0twyxw a son of man 0$nrbd like Ky0 a face 0p0
flying xrpd of an eagle 0r$nd the likeness 0twmd
stood 0myq of them Nyhnm each one 0dxlk Beasts 0twyx these four Nyhyt(br0 8
wings Nypg six 0t$ & over it l(lw its appendages hyrp+ from Nm to it hl & there was ty0w
eyes 0ny( they are full of Nylm within wgl & from Nmw surrounding ty0nrdwx
saying rm0ml & night 0yllw day 0mmy0 to them Nyhl there is not tyl & silence 0yl$w
all lk holding dyx0 God 0hl0 Jehovah* 0yrm holy $ydq holy $ydq holy $ydq
& is coming 0t0w & is yhwty0w was 0wh Who being yhwty0d He wh
& honor 0rqy0w glory 0txwb$t Beasts 0twyx these four Nyhyt(br0 give bhyd & when 0mw 9
The Throne 0ysrwk on l( to Him sitting btydl of grace 0twby+ & acceptance lbwqw
truly Nym0 of eternities Nyml( to the eternity Ml(l & to Him Who lives yxdlw
in front Mdq The Elders Ny$y$q & four 0(br0w twenty Nyrs( fall down Nwlpn 10
& worship Nwdgsnw The Throne 0ysrwk on l( Him sitting btyd of Nm
Living yxd The One Nml truly Nym0 of eternities Nyml( to the eternity Ml(l
saying Nyrm0 while dk The Throne 0ysrwk before Mdq their crowns Nwhylylk & will cast Nwmrnw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the glory 0txwb$t to receive bsml & our God Nhl0w our Lord Nrm are wh You worthy tyw$d 11
all things lk have created tyrb You tn0d because l+m & the power 0lyxw & the honor 0rqy0w
& were created yrbt0w they exist ywh Your pleasure Knybc & by dybw
Chapter 5
The Throne 0ysrwk on l( Who sits btyd of Him whd the right hnymy upon l( & I saw tyzxw 5:1
outside rbl & from Nmw inside wgl from Nm inscribed My$rd a scroll 0btk
seven 0(b$ with seals 0(b+ & sealed (yb+w
preaching zrkmd mighty 0ntlyx angel 0k0lm another 0nrx0 & I saw tyzxw 2
the scroll 0btk to open xtpml is worthy 0w$ Who? Nm loud 0mr with a voice 0lqb
its seals yhw(b+ & to loosen 0r$mlw
in Earth 0(r0b nor 0lw in Heaven 0ym$b any able ycmt0d & there was not tylw 3
the scroll 0btkl to open xtpml The Earth 0(r0 from Nm any under txtld nor 0lw
& to look upon it hyzxmlw its seals yhw(b+ & to open 0r$mlw
was found xkt$0d that not tyld because l+m much ygs I was tywh weeping 0kbw 4
its seals yhw(b+ & to loosen 0r$mlw the scroll 0btkl to open xtpml one worthy 0w$d
behold 0h weep 0kbt not 0l to me yl said rm0 The Elders 0$y$q of Nm & one dxw 5
of Judah 0dwhyd the tribe 0+b$ from Nm The Lion 0yr0 has prevailed 0kz
& its seals yhw(b+w the scroll 0btk to open xtpn of Dawid dywdd The Root 0rq(
Beasts Nwyx & of the four (br0dw The Throne 0ysrwk in the midst of t(cmb & I saw tyzxw 6
It were slain 0sykn as if Ky0 Which was M0qd A Lamb 0rm0 & of The Elders 0$y$qdw
seven (b$ & eyes 0ny(w seven (b$ horns 0tnrq to It hl & there are ty0w
of God 0hl0d Spirits 0xwr The Seven (b$ which are Nyhyty0d those Nyly0
Earth 0(r0 to the whole hlkl sent Nrdt$md
the hand hdy0 from Nm the scroll 0btk & took bsnw & He came 0t0w 7
The Throne 0ysrwk on l( Who sat btyd of Him whd
The Beasts Nwyx four (br0 the scroll 0btkl He received it hlq$ & when dkw 8
The Lamb 0rm0d before Him yhwmdq fell down wlpn The Elders Ny$y$q & four 0(br0w & twenty Nyrs(w
a stringed instrument 0rtyq of them Nwhnm each dx to everyone dxlkl there was ty0 while dk
sweet spices 0msb full of 0ylmd of gold 0bhdd & a vessel 0rwbzw
of the holy ones 0$ydqd the prayers 0twlc which are Nyhyty0d those Nyly0
& they were saying Nyrm0w new 0tdx a hymn of praise 0txwb$t who sing Nyxb$md 9
its seals yhw(b+ & to loose 0r$mlw the scroll 0btkl to take yhwybsml are wh you worthy tyw$
by Your blood Kmdb & You have redeemed us Ntnbzw that You were slain tsknt0d because l(
& people 0twm0w & nation 0mm(w tribe 0tbr$ every lk from Nm to God 0hl0l
a kingdom 0twklm to our God Nhl0l them Nwn0 & You have made tdb(w 10
The Earth 0(r0 over l( & they shall reign Nwklmnw & kings 0klmw & priests 0nhkw
many 00ygs of angels 0k0lmd the voices 0lq as Ky0 & I heard t(m$w & I saw tyzxw 11
& of The Elders 0$y$qdw & of the Beasts 0twyxdw The Throne 0ysrwk around yrdx
ten thousands Nwbr ten thousand wbr the number of them Nwhnynm was 0wh & being yhwty0w
thousands Nypl0 & a thousand Pl0w
The Lamb 0rm0 is wh worthy tyw$ loud 0mr in a voice 0lqb & they were saying Nyrm0w 12
& strength 0n$w(w & wisdom 0tmkxw & wealth 0rtw(w power 0lyx to receive bsml slain 0sykn
& blessing 0tkrwbw & glory 0txwb$tw & honor 0rqy0w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& in Earth 0(r0bw which is in the heavens 0ym$bd creature 0tyrb & every lkw 13
is hyty0 & that in the sea 0mybdw The Earth 0(r0 from Nm & that under txtldw
that they were saying Nyrm0d & I heard t(m$w that is in them Nwhbd & all lkw
blessing 0tkrwbd & to The Lamb 0rm0lw The Throne 0ysrwk on l( to Him sitting btydl
of eternities Nyml( to the eternity Ml(l & dominion 0ndxw0w & glory 0txwb$tw & honor 0rqy0w
Amen Nym0 when they said Nrm0d the Beasts Nwyx & four (br0w 14
& worshipped wdgsw fell down wlpn The Elders 0$y$qw
Chapter 6
the seven 0(b$ of Nm one dx The Lamb 0rm0 opened xtp when dk & I saw tyzxw 6:1
Beasts Nwyx the four (br0 of Nm one 0dxl & I heard t(m$w seals Ny(b+
& see yzxw come 0t of thunder 0m(rd the sound 0lq like Ky0 speaking 0rm0d
white 0rwx a horse 0ysws & behold 0hw & I saw tyzxw & I heard t(m$w 2
& was given bhyt0w a bow 0t$q to him hl is ty0 upon it yhwl( & he who sat btydw
he gave victory ykz & he went out qpnw a crown 0lylk to him hl
& to conquer 0kzndw & was conquering 0kzw
second Nyrtd the seal 0(b+ He opened xtp & when dkw 3
come 0t which said 0rm0d second Nytrtd the beast 0twyxl I heard t(m$
upon it yhwl( & to him who sat btydlw red 0qmws a horse 0ysws & went out qpnw 4
The Earth 0(r0 from Nm peace 0ml$ to take bsml to him hl it was given bhyt0
great 0tbr a sword 0brx to him hl & was given tbhyt0w to kill Nwsknn each one 0ddxld
the beast 0twyxl I heard t(m$ third 0tltd the seal 0(b+ He opened xtpt0 & when dkw 5
& he who sat btydw black 0mkw0 a horse 0ysws & behold 0hw come 0t saying 0rm0d third tltd
in his hand hdy0b a balance scale 0ts0m had ty0 upon Him yhwl(
that said rm0d the beasts 0twyx among tyb from Nm a voice 0lq & I heard t(m$w 6
two quart measures Nybq & three 0tltw for a denarius 0rnydb of wheat 0+xd a two quart measure 0bq
you shall harm rht not 0l & the oil 0x$mlw & the wine 0rmxlw for a denarius 0rnydb of barley 0r(sd
fourth 0(br0d the seal 0(b+ He opened xtp & when dkw 7
come 0t saying 0rm0d of a beast 0twyxd the voice 0lq I heard t(m$
on it yhwl( who sat btyd of him whd & its name hm$w pale 0qrwy a horse 0ysws & I saw tyzxw 8
to him hl & was given bhyt0w him hl joined 0pyqn & Sheol lwy$w Death 0twm
with a sword 0brxb to kill l+qnd of The Earth 0(r0d a fourth h(bwr over l( authority 0n+lw$
of The Earth 0(r0d & by the animals 0twyxbw & with Death 0twmbw & with starvation 0npkbw
under txtl I saw tyzx fifth 0$mxd the seal 0(b+l He opened xtp & when dkw 9
of those murdered l+qt0d the souls 0t$pnl the altar 0xbdm from Nm
& because of l+mw of God 0hl0d the word 0tlm because of l+m
to them Nwhl was 0wh which being ty0d that yh of Yeshua (w$yd the testimony 0twdhs
& they were saying Nyrm0w great 0br with a voice 0lqb & they cried w(qw 10
& true 0ryr$w holy 0$ydq Jehovah 0yrm when? ytm0l until 0md(
our blood Nmd & do You avenge t(btw do You judge tnyd not 0l
of The Earth 0(r0d the inhabitants hyrwm( of Nm
white 0trwx a robe 0l+s0 of them Nwhnm each dx to everyone dxlkl & was given tbhyt0w 11
little rw(z of time Nbz a season Nd( for d( they should rest Nwxynttnd & it was said rm0t0w
& their brothers Nwhyx0w their companions Nwhtwnk also P0 are perfected Nylmt$md until 0md(

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

those Nwnh even P0d like Ky0 to be killed wl+qtml are going Nydyt(d who Nyly0
& an earthquake 0dwnw sixth 0t$d the seal 0(b+ He opened xtp when dk & I saw tyzxw 12
of hair 0r(sd sackcloth 0qs as Ky0 & the sun 0$m$w there was 0wh great 0br
blood 0md as Ky0 to it hl was 0wh all hlk & the moon 0rhsw was 0wh blackened Mkw0
The Earth 0(r0 above l( fell wlpn of the heavens 0ym$d & the stars 0bkwkw 13
a wind 0xwr from Nm its figs hy(wqp which casts 0yd$d a fig tree 0tt as Ky0
it is shaken 0(yzttmd when 0m strong 0tny$(
were rolled up wkrkt0 scrolls 0btk & like Ky0w were parted $rpt0 & the heavens 0ym$w 14
were moved w(yztt0 their places Nwhtkwd from Nm islands 0trzg & all lkw hill rw+ & every lkw
of a thousand 0pl0 & captains y$yrw & princes 0nbrwrw of The Earth 0(r0d & the kings 0klmw 15
free 0r0x & children ynbw servant 0db( & every lkw & the mighty 0twlyxw & the rich 0ryt(w
of the mountains 0rw+d & in the rocks 0(w$bw in caves 0r(mb themselves Nwh$pn hid wy$+
& rocks 0(w$w to the mountains 0rw+l & they were saying Nyrm0w 16
of The Lamb 0rm0d the faces yhwp0 before Mdq from Nm us Nl & hide w$+w on us Nyl( Fall wlpd
of their anger Nwhzgwrd great 0br the day 0mwy has come 0t0d because l+m 17
to stand Mqml able xk$m & who is wnmw

Chapter 7
standing Nymyq angels Nyk0lm four 0(br0 I saw tyzx this 0dh after rtb & from Nmw 7:1
& holding Nydyx0w of The Earth 0(r0d corners htywz the four (br0 over l(
Earth 0(r0 on l( the wind 0xwr may blow b$n that not 0ld winds 0xwr the four t(br0l
tree Nly0 any lk on l( neither 0lw the sea 0my on l( neither 0lw
the dawning yxndm from Nm ascending qlsd angel 0k0lm another 0nrx0 & I saw tyzxw 2
The Living 0yx of God 0hl0d the seal 0mtx to him hl & is ty0w of the sun 0$m$
the angels 0k0lm to four 0(br0l loud 0mr with a voice 0lqb & he cried 0(qw
& the sea 0mylw The Earth 0(r0l to harm Nwrhnd to whom Nwhl was given bhyt0d those Nwnh
trees 0nly0l nor 0lp0w the sea 0myl neither 0lw the land 0(r0l harm Nwrht not 0l & he said rm0w 3
of their eyes Nwhyny( in the place tyb of God 0hl0d the servants yhwdb(l we seal Mwtxnd until 0md(
& forty Ny(br0w one hundred 00m who were sealed 0mytxd the number 0nynm & I heard t(m$w 4
of Israel ly0rsy0d the tribes Nbr$ all lk from Nm thousand Nypl0 & four 0(br0w
the tribe htbr$ from Nm thousand Nypl0 twelve rs(rt of Yehuda 0dwhyd the tribe htbr$ from Nm 5
of Gad dgd the tribe htbr$ from Nm thousand Nypl0 twelve rs(rt of Rubil lybwrd
thousand Nypl0 twelve rs(rt
the tribe htbr$ from Nm thousand Nypl0 twelve rs(rt of Ashyr ry$0d the tribe htbr$ from Nm 6
of Menashe 0$nmd the tribe htbr$ from Nm thousand Nypl0 twelve rs(rt of Naphthali yltpnd
thousand Nypl0 twelve rs(rt
thousand Nypl0 twelve rs(rt of Shimeown Nw(m$d the tribe htbr$ from Nm 7
thousand Nypl0 twelve rs(rt of Issakar rksy0d the tribe htbr$ from Nm
thousand Nypl0 twelve rs(rt of Levi ywld the tribe htbr$ from Nm
thousand Nypl0 twelve rs(rt of Zebulon Nwlwbzd the tribe htbr$ from Nm 8
the tribe htbr$ from Nm thousand Nypl0 twelve rs(rt of Yoseph Pswyd the tribe htbr$ from Nm
sealed 0mytx thousand Nypl0 twelve rs(rt of BenyamaynNymynbd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

which 0ny0 many 00ygs multitudes 0$nk I saw tyzx after this Nkrtb 9
people M( all lk from Nm it was 0wh possible 0cmd not tyl to count hnynmld
The Throne 0ysrwk before Mdq standing Nymyqd & languages Nyn$lw & communities Nwm0w & generations 0br$w
white 0trwx garments 0l+s0 & wearing Nyp+(mw Who is The Lamb 0rm0d & before Him yhwmdqw
palms 0lqd & in their hands Nwhydy0bw
& they were saying Nyrm0w great 0br in a voice 0lqb & they shouted Ny(qw 10
The Throne 0ysrwk on l( & to Him sitting btydlw to our God Nhl0l salvation 0nqrwp
& to The Lamb 0rm0lw
around it yhwrdx were wwh standing Nymyq the angels 0k0lm & all of them Nwhlkw 11
& they fell wlpnw beasts Nwyx & the four (br0dw & The Elders 0$y$qdw The Throne 0ysrwkd
their faces Nwhyp0 on l( the throne 0ysrwk before Mdq
& blessing 0tkrwbw glory 0txwb$t Amen Nym0 they were saying Nyrm0 as dk 12
& power 0lyxw & honor 0rqy0w of grace 0twby+ & acceptance lbwqw & wisdom 0tmkxw
Amen Nym0 of eternities Nyml( to the eternity Ml(l for our God Nhl0l & strength 0n$w(w
to me yl & he said rm0w The Elders 0$y$q of Nm one dx & responded 0n(w 13
are Nwn0 who? Nm white 0trwx garments 0l+s0 wearing Nypy+(d these Nylh
have they come wt0 where? 0ky0 & from Nmw
to me yl & he said rm0w do tn0 know (dy you tn0 my lord yrm to him hl & I said trm0w 14
great 0br suffering 0nclw0 from Nm who came wt0d those Nyly0 are Nwn0 these Nylh
them Nyn0 & whitened wrwxw their garments Nwhyl+s0 & they have purified wllxw
of The Lamb 0rm0d in the blood 0mdb
of God 0hl0d throne 0ysrwk before Mdq they are Nwhyty0 this 0nh because of l+m 15
in the temple hlkyhb & night 0yllw day 0mmy0 Him hl & they serve Ny$m$mw
with them Nwhyl( will dwell Ngn The Throne 0ysrwk on l( & He Who sits btydw
them Nwhyl( & the sun 0$m$w will they thirst Nwhcn nor 0lw they will hunger Nwnpkn not 0l 16
heat 0bw$ any lk neither 0lw will assail lpn not 0l
The Throne 0ysrwk Who is in the midst of t(cmbd The Lamb 0rm0d because l+m 17
life 0yx beside dyc them Nwn0 & will lead lb$nw them Nwn0 will shepherd 0(rn
& He will wipe away 0xlnw of water 0ymd fountains 0tny( & beside dycw
their eyes Nwhyny( from Nm tear 0(md every lk
Chapter 8
seventh 0(b$d the seal 0(b+ He opened xtp & when dkw 8:1
hour 0($ a half twglp as Ky0 in Heaven 0ym$b stillness 0qt$ was 0wh
God 0hl0 who before Mdqd those Nyly0 angels Nyk0lm seven 0(b$l & I saw tyzxw 2
trumpets Nyrwpy$ seven 0(b$ to them Nwhl whom were given wbhyt0d were wwh standing Nymyq
the altar 0xbdm over l( & he stood Mqw came 0t0 angel 0k0lm another 0nrx0w 3
to him hl & was given bhyt0w of gold 0bhdd a censer 0mryp to him hl & is ty0w
the holy ones 0$ydq of all Nwhlkd with the prayers 0twlcb to offer ltnd much 00ygs incense 0msb
The Throne 0ysrwk that before Mdqd the altar 0xbdm on l(
with the prayers 0twlcb of the incense 0msbd the smoke 0r+( & went up qlsw 4
God 0hl0 before Mdq of the angel 0k0lm the hand dy from Nm of the holy ones 0$ydqd
the fire 0rwn from Nm & filled it yhylmw the censer 0mrypl the angel 0k0lm & took bsnw 5

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& there were wwhw The Earth 0(r0 over l( & cast ymr0w the altar 0xbdm that upon l(d
& earthquakes 0dwnw & lightnings 0qrbw & voices 0lqw thunders 0m(r
the trumpets Nyrwpy$ seven 0(b$ with whom Nwhyl(d angels Nyk0lm seven 0(b$w 6
to sound wq(zml themselves Nwh$pn prepared wby+
& fire 0rwnw hail 0drb & there was 0whw sounded q(z0 first 0ymdq & the whw 7
Earth 0(r0 on l( & were cast wymrt0w with water 0ymb that were mixed Nykytpd
burned dqy of trees 0nly0d & a third 0tlwtw burned dqy of The Earth 0(r0d & a third htlwtw
burned dqy of The Earth 0(r0d grass 0bs( & all lkw
great 0br a mountain 0rw+ as Ky0 & there was 0whw sounded q(z & the second Nyrtdw 8
blood 0md of the sea 0myd a third htlwt & became 0whw in the sea 0myb fell lpn burning dqyd
that was in the sea 0mybd creature 0tyrb of every lkd a third 0tlwt & died tymw 9
was destroyed lbxt0 of ships 0pl0d & a third 0tlwtw breath 0$pn in it hb that is ty0d
great 0br a star 0bkwk the sky 0ym$ from Nm & fell lpnw sounded q(z & the third 0tltdw 10
a third 0tlwt on l( & it fell lpnw a blaze 0tybhl$ like Ky0 burning dqyd
of water 0ymd springs 0tny( & upon l(w of rivers 0twrhnd
a third Nwhtlwt & became 0whw Apsythna 0ntysp0 is called rm0tm of the star 0bkwkd & the name hm$w 11
died wtym of children of men 0$nynbd & a multitude 00gwsw Wormwood Nytnsp0 as Ky0 of the water 0ymd
the waters 0ym were made bitter wrmrmt0d because l+m
of the sun 0$m$d a third htlwt & devoured (lbw sounded q(z & the fourth 0(br0dw 12
of the stars 0bkwkd & a third 0tlwtw of the moon 0rhsd & a third htlwtw
a third htlwt appeared ywx not 0l & the day 0mwyw a third Nwhtlwt & they became dark wk$xw
likewise twkh & the night 0yllw
that said rm0d in the sky 0ym$b flying xrpd one dx an eagle 0r$nl & I heard t(m$w 13
the sound 0lq from Nm of The Earth 0(r0d to the inhabitants hyrwm(l woe! yw woe! yw woe! yw
to sound wq(zml who are going Nydyt(d angels Nyk0lm of three 0tltd of the trumpets 0rwpy$d

Chapter 9
that fell lpnd a star 0bkwk & I saw tyzxw sounded q(z & the fifth 0$mxdw 9:1
the key 0dylq to it hl & was given bhyt0w The Earth 0(r0 on l( the sky 0ym$ from Nm
of the Abyss 0mwhtd of the pit yhwr0bd
the smoke 0nnt as Ky0 the pit 0r0b from Nm smoke 0nnt & came up qlsw 2
the sun 0$m$ & was darkened K$xw which was heated rgt$md great 0br of a furnace 0nwt0d
of the pit 0r0bd the smoke 0nnt from Nm & the air r00w
The Earth 0(r0 over l( locusts 0cmq went out wqpn the smoke 0nnt & from Nmw 3
power 0n+lw$ to them Nwhl & was given bhyt0w
of The Earth 0(r0d for scorpions 0brq(l which is ty0d
of The Earth 0(r0d the grass hbs(l to harm Nwrhn not 0ld to them Nwhl & it was told rm0t0w 4
children of men 0$nynbl only N0 but 0l0 trees 0nly0l neither 0lp0 greenery qrwy or any lklw
of God 0hl0d the seal 0mtx to them Nwhl that there is not tyld those Nyly0
their eyes Nwhyny( between tyb
them Nwn0 to kill Nwl+qn not 0ld to them Nwhl & it was given bhyt0w 5
& their torment Nwhqyn$tw five 0$mx months 0xry they would suffer pain Nwqnt$n but 0l0
a man $n0 against l( it attacks 0lpnd when 0m of a scorpion 0brq(d the torment 0qyn$t as Ky0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

death 0twml the children of men 0$nynb will seek Nw(bn those Nwnh & in days 0tmwybw 6
to die tmml & they will long Nwgrgrtnw they will find it yhynwxk$n & not 0lw
from them Nwhnm death 0twm & will flee qwr(nw
of horses 0$krd the form 0twmd as Ky0 of the locusts 0cmqd & the form 0twmdw 7
crowns 0lylk as Ky0 their heads Nwhy$r & upon l(w for battle 0brql prepared Nyby+md
of men 0$n0d the faces 0p0 as Ky0 & their faces Nwhyp0w of gold 0bhdd of the likeness 0twmdd
of women 0$nd the hair 0r(s as Ky0 to them Nwhl is ty0 & hair 0r(sw 8
of lions 0twyr0d as Ky0 & their teeth Nwhyn$w
breastplates 0nyr$ like Ky0 breastplates 0nyr$ to them Nwhl was 0wh & is ty0w 9
the sound 0lq as Ky0 of their wings Nwhypgd & the sound 0lqw of iron 0lzrpd
to battle 0brql running Ny+hrd many 00ygs of horses 0$krd of chariots 0tbkrmd
of scorpions 0brq(d the likeness 0twmd as Ky0 tails 0tybnwd to them Nwhl & are ty0w 10
& their authority Nwhn+lw$w in their tails Nwhtybnwdb but Nyd & the sting 0sqw(w
five 0$mx months 0xry people 0$nynbl is to hurt wrhml
whose name hm$d of the Abyss 0mwhtd the angel hk0lm a king 0klm over them Nwhyl( & is ty0w 11
Shra 0r$ is ty0 to him hl the name 0m$ & in Aramaic ty0mr0w Abdo wdb( in Hebrew ty0rb(
woes yw two Nyrt come Nyt0 again bwt behold 0h is gone lz0 one dx Woe yw 12
sounded q(z sixth 0t$d the angel 0k0lm these things Nylh after rtb 13
the horns htnrq four (br0 from Nm one dx voice 0lq & I heard t(m$w
God 0hl0 that is before Mdqd of gold 0bhdd of the altar 0xbdmd
to him hl that is ty0d sixth 0ytyt$ to the angel 0k0lml that said rm0d 14
angels 0k0lm the four 0(br0l loose yr$ a trumpet 0rwpy$
Euphrates trp great 0br the river 0rhn at l( imprisoned Nyrys0d
those Nyly0 angels Nyk0lm four 0(br0 & were released wyrt$0w 15
& for a month 0xrylw & for a day 0mwylw for an hour 0t($l who were prepared Nyby+md
of the children of men 0$nynbd a third 0tlwt to kill Nwl+qnd & for a year 0tn$lw
10,000 wbr two Nytrt of the horsemen 0$rpd of the army 0twlyxd & the number 0nynmw 16
their number Nwhnynm I heard t(m$ 10,000s Nwbr
& those sitting Nybtydlw in the vision 0wzxb the horses 0$kr I saw tyzx & in this way 0nkhw 17
& chalcedony 0ndkrqw of fire 0rwnd breastplates 0nyr$ had ty0 upon them Nwhyl(
the heads 0tpqrq as Ky0 of the horses Nwh$krd & the heads 0tpqrqw of brimstone 0tyrbkd
fire 0rwn proceeded 0qpn their mouths Nwhmwp & from Nmw of lions 0twyr0d
& smoke 0nntw & brimstone 0tyrbkw
a third 0tlwt were killed wl+qt0 scourges Nwxm three tlt these Nylh & from Nmw 18
brimstone 0tyrbk & from Nmw fire 0rwn from Nmw of the children of men 0$nynbd
their mouths Nwhmwp from Nm that proceeded qpnd smoke 0nnt & from Nmw
in their mouths Nwhmwpb of the horses 0$krd the power 0n+lw$d because l+m 19
in their tails Nwhtybnwdb & also P0w
were killed wl+qt0 who not 0ld of the children of men 0$nynbd & the rest 0kr$w 20
of their hands Nwhydy0 the work db( from Nm turned wbt neither 0lw these Nylh by scourges 0twxmb
of gold 0bhdd & idols 0rktplw devils 0wydl to worship Nwdgsn not 0ld
those Nyly0 & of stone 0p0kdw & of wood 0syqdw & of brass 0$xndw & of silver 0m0sdw
to walk wklhml or w0 are able Nycm to hear (m$ml nor 0lw to see 0zxml that not 0ld

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

their murders Nwhyl+q from Nm they turned wbt & not 0lw 21
their fornication Nwhtwynz & from Nmw their witchcraft Nwhy$rx or from Nmw
Chapter 10
Heaven 0ym$ from Nm who descended txnd angel 0k0lm another 0nrx0 & I saw tyzxw 10:1
his head h$r on l( of the sky 0ym$d & a rainbow 0t$qw a cloud 0nn( & he wore P+(mw
& his legs yhwlgrw the sun 0$m$ like Ky0 & his appearance hwzxw
of fire 0rwnd pillars 0dwm( as Ky0
opened 0xytp a small scroll 0nwbtk in his hand hdy0b to him hl & is ty0w 2
the sea 0my on l( right 0nymyd his foot hlgr & he placed Msw
the land 0(r0 on l( but Nyd the left 0lmsd
roaring rsgd a lion 0yr0 as Ky0 loud 0mr in a voice 0lqb & he shouted 0(qw 3
with theirs voices Nwhylqb thunders Nym(r seven 0(b$ spoke wllm he shouted 0(q & when dkw
I was tywh ready by+m the thunders Nym(r seven 0(b$ spoke wllm & when dkw 4
The Seventh 0(b$d Heaven 0ym$ from Nm a voice 0lq & I heard t(m$w to write btkml
thunders Nym(r the seven 0(b$ spoke wllmd which 0m that wh seal Mwtx that said rm0d
write it yhwybtkt & not 0lw
the sea 0my on l( was standing M0qd I saw tyzxd whom wh & the angel 0k0lmw 5
to Heaven 0ym$l his hand hdy0 raising Myr0d dry land 0$by & upon l(w
of eternities Nyml( to the eternity Ml(l Who lives yxd by Him whb & he swore 0myw 6
& The Earth 0(r0lw & that in it hbdw Heaven 0ym$l Who created hrbd Him wh
shall be 0whn not 0l time 0nbz that again bwtd & that in it hbdw
when 0m seventh 0(b$d of the angel 0k0lmd in the days 0tmwyb but 0l0 7
of God 0hl0d the mystery hzr0 also is completed Mlt$0w sound q(zml he will dyt(d
the prophets 0ybn to His servants yhwdb(l He evangelized rbsd which wh
with me ym( speaking llmmd again bwt Heaven 0ym$ from Nm I heard t(m$ & a voice 0lqw 8
of the angel 0k0lmd that in the hand hdy0bd the little scroll 0nwbtkl take bs go lz & it said rm0w
the sea 0my & upon l(w the land 0(r0 on l( who stands M0qd
to him hl I 0n0 said rm0 as dk the angel 0k0lm to twl & I went tlz0w 9
take bs to me yl & he said rm0w the little scroll 0nwbtkl to me yl to give ltml
your belly Ksrk to you Kl & it will be bitter rmnw & eat it yhylwk0w
honey 0$bd as Ky0 it will be 0whn in your mouth Kmwpb but 0l0
of the angel 0k0lmd his hand hdy0 from Nm the little scroll 0nwbtkl & I took tbsnw 10
sweet 0ylx honey 0$bd as Ky0 in my mouth ymwpb was 0wh & it ty0w & I ate it htlk0w
my belly ysrk was bitter trm I ate it htlk0 & when dkw
to prophesy wybntml time 0nbz again bwt to you Kl is given byhy to me yl & he said rm0w 11
many 00ygs & kings 0klmw & languages 0n$lw & peoples 0twm0w the nations 0mm( unto l(
Chapter 11
a rod 0+b$d like 0twmd a reed 0ynq to me yl & was given bhyt0w 11:1
& measure xw$mw rise Mwq & he said rm0w an angel 0k0lm was 0wh & standing M0qw
in it hb who worship Nydgsd & those Nyly0lw & the altar 0xbdmlw of God 0hl0d the temple 0lkyhl
leave qp0 the temple 0lkyh of Nm inner wgld & the court 0trdlw 2

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

that is given tbhyt0d because l+m measure it hyx$mt & not 0lw outside rbl from Nm
they will trample Nw$wdn Holy 0t$ydq & The City 0tnydmlw to The Gentiles 0mm(l
two Nyrtw forty Ny(br0 months 0xry
days Nymwy to prophesy wybntml my witnesses ydhs two Nyrtl & I shall grant lt0w 3
sackcloth 0qs wearing Nypy+( when dk & sixty Nyt$w & two hundred Nyt0mw a thousand Pl0
menorahs Nrnm & the two Nytrtw olive trees Nytyz the two Nyrt are Nwn0 these Nylh 4
stand Nymyq Earth 0(r0 of the whole hlkd The Lord 0rm who before Mdqd
fire 0rwn comes out 0qpn them Nwn0 to harm rhnd seeks 0(bd & whoever Nmw 5
& those 0ny0lw their enemies Nwhybbdl(bl & consumes 0lk0w their mouth Nwhmwp from Nm
to be killed wl+qtml to them Nwhl it is given byhy so Nkh them Nwn0 to harm rhnd that choose 0bcd
the sky 0ym$l to close up Nwdx0nd authority 0n+lw$ to them Nwhl have ty0 & these Nylhw 6
of their prophecy Nwhtwybnd in the days 0tmwyb the rain 0r+m descend twxn that not 0ld
to blood 0mdl water 0ym to change Nwkphnd authority 0n+lw$ for them Nwhl & there is ty0w
they wish Nwbcnd as much as 0mk plagues Nwxm with all lkb The Earth 0(r0l & to smite Nwxmndw
that will ascend 0qlsd the beast 0twyx their testimonies Nwhtwdhs are complete wylm$d & when 0mw 7
them Nwn0 & will conquer 0kztw war 0brq with them Nwhm( will make db(t the sea 0my from Nm
them Nwn0 & it will kill lw+qtw
great 0tbr of the city 0tnydmd the street 0qw$ came into l( & their corpses Nwhydl$w 8
& Egypt Nyrcmw Sodom Mwds spiritually ty0nxwr is called 0yrqtmd which 0dy0
was crucified bl+c0 their Lord Nwhrmd where 0ky0
& languages 0n$lw & generations 0tbr$w the peoples 0twm0 from Nm & they will look Nyzxw 9
& a half hglpw days Nymwy three 0tlt upon their corpses Nwhydl$l & nations 0mm(w
in tombs 0rbqb to be placed wmsttml they will allow Nwqb$n not 0l & their corpses Nwhydl$lw
over them Nwhyl( will rejoice Nwdxn of The Earth 0(r0d & the inhabitants hyrwm(w 10
to each other 0ddxl they will send Nwrd$n & gifts 0tbhwmw & they will celebrate Nwxcptnw
who tormented wqn$d prophets Nyybn the two Nyrt because of l+m
of The Earth 0(r0d the inhabitants hyrwm(l
living 0tyx a spirit 0xwr & a half hglpw days Nymwy three 0tlt after rtb & from Nmw 11
their feet Nwhylgr on l( & they stood wmqw into them Nwhb entered tl( God 0hl0 from Nm
great 0tbr & fear 0tlxdw upon them* Nwhyl( fell* tlpn of Life* 0yxd & The Spirit 0xwrw
them Nwhl who saw Nyzxd those Nyly0 over l( came twh
that said rm0d Heaven 0ym$ from Nm great 0br a voice 0lq & they heard w(m$w 12
in a cloud 0nn(b to Heaven 0ym$l & they went up wqlsw here 0kl come up wqs to them Nwhl
their enemies Nwhybbdl(b at them Nwhb & gazed Nydcmw
ten 0rs( of Nm & one dxw great 0br an earthquake 0(wz was 0wh that yh & in hour 0t($bw 13
names 0hm$ in The earthquake 0(wzb & were killed wl+qt0w fell wlpn of cities 0tnydmd
in fear 0tlxdb were wwh & of the rest 0kr$dw seven 0(b$ thousand 0pl0 of men 0rbgd
Who is in Heaven 0ym$bd to God 0hl0l glory 0txwb$t & they gave Nwbhyw
& behold 0hw are gone wlz0 woes yw two Nyrt behold 0h 14
at once 0dxm comes 0t0 the third 0tltd woe yw
great 0brwr voices 0lq & there were wwhw sounded q(z seventh 0(b$d & the angel 0k0lmw 15
of the world 0ml(d the kingdom htwklm has become twh that said Nyrm0d in Heaven 0ym$b
of eternities Nyml( to the eternity Ml(l & He shall reign Klm0w & His Messiahs hxy$mdw our Gods Nhl0d
God 0hl0 who before Mdqd those Nyly0 The Elders 0$y$q & four 0(br0w & twenty Nyrs(w 16

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

their faces Nwhyp0 on l( fell wlpn their thrones Nwhtwsrwk on l( sit Nybty
God 0hl0l & worshipped wdgsw
all lk holding dyx0 God 0hl0 Jehovah 0yrm You Kl we thank Nnydwm saying rm0ml 17
for You have taken tbsnd has 0wh & been yhwty0w Who is yhwty0d
& You have reigned tklm0w great 0br Your power Klyxb
Your anger Kzgwr & has come 0t0w were angry wzgr & the nations 0mm(w 18
reward 0rg0 & You shall give lttw to be judged Nwnydtnd of the dead 0tymd & the time 0nbzw
& to the saints 0$ydqlw the prophets 0ybn to Your servants Kydb(l
the great 0brwr with M( to the small 0rw(zl Your Name Km$ & to those who reverence ylxdlw
The Earth 0(r0l who have corrupted wlbxd those Nyly0l & You shall destroy lbxtw
the ark 0twbyq & appeared tyzxt0w in Heaven 0ym$b the temple 0lkyh & was opened xtpt0w 19
lightnings 0qrb & there were wwhw in the temple 0lkyhb His hlyd of the covenant 0qtydd
large 0br & hail 0drbw & earthquakes 0dwnw & voices 0lqw & thunders 0m(rw
Chapter 12
a woman 0ttn0 in Heaven 0ym$b appeared tyzxt0 great 0tbr & a sign 0t0w 12:1
her feet hylgr under tyxt & the moon 0rhsw the sun 0$m$ who was wearing 0py+(d
her head h$r on l( twelve rs(rt of stars 0bkwkd & a crown 0lylkw
& was in labor Nlbxmw & she cried out 0y(qw & she was pregnant 0n+bw 2
to give birth dl0td she was anguished 0qnt$m also P0
a Dragon 0nynt & behold 0hw in Heaven 0ym$b another 0trx0 sign 0t0 & appeared tyzxt0w 3
heads Ny$r seven 0(b$ to him hl that has ty0d of fire 0rwnd great 0br
diadems Nyg0t seven 0(b$ its heads yhw$r & upon l(w horns 0tnrq & ten rs(w
that in the heavens 0ym$bd of the stars 0bkwkd the third 0tlwtl dragged 0$rg & its tail hbnwdw 4
was 0wh standing M0q the Dragon 0nyntw The Earth 0(r0 upon l( them Nwn0 & cast ymr0w
that when 0md to give birth dl0td who was ready 0dyt(d woman 0ttn0 before Mdq
her Son hrbl he would devour yhwylk0n she had delivered tdlyd
Him wh male 0rkd The Son 0rb & she delivered tdlyw 5
the nations 0mm( all Nwhlkl to shepherd 0(rml Who was going dyt(d
her Son hrb & was caught up P+xt0w of iron 0lzrpd with a rod 0+b$b
His throne hysrwk & to twlw God 0hl0 to twl
was 0wh there ty0d where rt0 to the wilderness 0brwxl fled tqr( & The Woman 0ttn0w 6
God 0hl0 by Nm prepared 0by+md the place 0tkwd there Nmt for her hl
& 60 Nyt$w & 200 Nyt0mw 1000 Pl0 days Nymwy that she would be sustained hnwsrtnd
& his angels yhwk0lmw Mikail ly0kym in Heaven 0ym$b war 0brq & there was 0whw 7
& the Dragon 0nyntw the Dragon 0nynt with M( fighting Nybrqm
fought wbrq0 & its angels yhwk0lmw
a place 0rt0 neither 0lw prevailed wycmt0 & not 0lw 8
in Heaven 0ym$b for them Nwhl was found xkt$0
The Chief 0$r Serpent 0ywx that wh Great 0br The Dragon 0nynt & was cast down ymrt0w 9
which deceives y(+0d it wh & Satan 0n+sw The Devil 0crqlk0 which is called 0rqtmd it wh
The Earth 0(r0 unto l( & it was cast down ymrt0w The Earth 0(r0 all hlkl
were cast down wymrt0 with it hm( & its angels yhwk0lmw
that said rm0d Heaven 0ym$ from Nm great 0br a voice 0lq & I heard t(m$w 10

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& the kingdom 0twklmw & the power 0lyxw the deliverance 0bzww$ is 0wh now! 0h
it wh of our brethren Nyx0d The Accuser 0rwsm for is cast down ymrt0d of our God Nhl0d
our God Nhl0 before Mdq & day 0mmy0w night 0yll them Nwhl has 0wh which accused rsmd
of The Lamb 0rm0d by the blood 0mdb were victorious wkz & those Nwnhw 11
of His testimony htwdhsd the word 0tlm & by dybw
death 0twml unto 0md( their lives Nwh$pn they loved wbx0 & not 0lw
dwell Nyr$ who in them Nwhbd & those Nyly0w celebrate wxcpt0 heavens 0ym$ therefore 0nhl+m 12
The Devil 0crqlk0 that has descended txnd for l( & to the sea 0mylw to The Earth 0(r0l woe! yw
great 0tbr fury 0tmx to it hl which has ty0d to them Nwhtwl
it hl has ty0 time 0nbz that little lylqd it knows (dy as dk
The Earth 0(r0 on l( that it had been cast down ymrt0d The Dragon 0nynt saw 0zx & when dkw 13
The Male 0rkd had given birth to tdlyd who 0dy0 The Woman 0ttn0l it persecuted Pdr
great 0br of an eagle 0r$nd wings Nypg two Nyrt to The Woman 0ttn0l & were given bhyt0w 14
there Nmt to be sustained wysrttml to her place htkwdl to the wilderness 0brwxl to fly yxrptd
of The Serpent 0ywxd the face yhwp0 before Mdq from Nm a time Nd( & half twglpw times Nynd( a time Nd(
waters 0ym The Woman 0ttn0 after rtb its mouth hmwp from Nm The Serpent 0ywx & cast ymr0w 15
to cause her hydb(n by the waters 0ym that she would have been taken tlyq$d a river 0rhn as Ky0
The Earth 0(r0 & opened txtpw The Woman 0ttn0l The Earth 0(r0 & helped trd(w 16
The Dragon 0nynt which cast ymr0d that wh river 0rhnl & swallowed ht(lbw its mouth hmwp
its mouth hmwp from Nm
& it went lz0w The Woman 0ttn0 against l( The Dragon 0nynt & raged zgrw 17
of her Son h(rzd the remnant 0kr$ with M( war 0brq to make db(ml
of God 0hl0d the commandments yhwndqwp who keep Nyr+nd these Nylh
of Yeshua (w$yd the testimony htwdhs to them Nwhl & have ty0w

Chapter 13
ascending 0qlsd & I saw tyzxw of the sea 0myd the sand 0lx on l( & I stood tmqw 13:1
horns Nnrq ten rs( to him hl that has ty0d the sea 0my from Nm a beast 0twyx
diadems Nyg0t ten 0rs( its horns htnrq & upon l(w heads Npqrq & seven (b$w
of blasphemy 0pdwgd the name 0m$ its heads htpqrq & upon l(w
a leopard 0rmnd was twh like 0twmd I saw tyzxd that yh & the beast 0twyxw 2
of lions 0twyr0d as Ky0 & its mouths hmwpw of a wolf 0bdd as Ky0 & its feet hylgrw
& its throne hysrwkw its power hlyx The Dragon 0nynt to it hl & gave bhyw
great 0br & authority 0n+lw$w
to death 0twml crushed 0t(y(p as if Ky0 its heads htpqrq of Nm & one 0dxw 3
& marveled trmdt0w was healed tys0t0 mortal htwmd & its wound 0twxmw
The Beast 0twyx after rtb The Earth 0(r0 all hlk
to The Beast 0twyxl authority 0n+lw$ that gives bhyd The Dragon 0nyntl & they worshipped wdgsw 4
one like 0mdd who is? wnm saying rm0ml The Beast 0twyxl & they worshipped wdgsw
with it hm( to war wbrqml able xk$m & who is wnmw this 0dh Beast 0twyxl
great things 0tbrwr that speaks llmmd a mouth 0mwp to it hl was given bhyt0w 5
to work db(ml authority 0n+lw$ to it hl & was given bhyt0w & blasphemy 0pdwgw
& two Nyrtw forty Ny(br0 months 0xry

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

God 0hl0 before Mdq to blaspheme wpdgml its mouths hmwp & it opened txtpw 6
of those Nyly0d & The Dwelling 0yr$mbw The Name 0m$b to blaspheme ypdgtd
in Heaven 0ym$b who dwell Nyr$d
the holy ones 0$ydq with M( war 0brq to make db(ml to it hl & it was given bhyt0w 7
authority 0n+lw$ to it hl & was given bhyt0w them Nwn0 & to conquer 0kzmlw
& nations 0mm(w & languages 0n$lw & peoples 0twm0w generations 0tbr$ all Nyhlk over l(
of The Earth 0(r0d the inhabitants hyrwm( all of them Nwhlk it hl & will worship Nwdgsnw 8
in the book 0btkb are written Nybytk not 0ld who Nyly0 those Nwnh
before Mdq slain 0ly+q of The Lamb 0rm0d that wh of Life 0yxd
of the world 0ml(d the foundation htymrt
let him hear (m$n an ear 0nd0 to him hl who has ty0d the one Nm 9
goes lz0 into captivity 0yb$b leads lbwm into captivity 0yb$bd whoever Nm 10
will be killed l+qtn with a sword 0brxb murder l+q who with a sword 0brxbd & those 0ny0w
of the holy ones 0$ydqd & the endurance 0twnrbysmw faith 0twnmyh is yh here 0krh
the ground 0(r0 from Nm that ascended 0qlsd another 0trx0 beast 0twyx & I saw tyzxw 11
The Lamb 0rm0l & was like 0ymdw horns Nnrq two Nytrt to it hl had 0wh & it ty0w
The Dragon 0nynt as Ky0 was twh & speaking 0llmmw
it will exercise db(t all hlk former 0tymdq of the beast 0twyxd & the authority 0n+lw$w 12
in it hb & those living Nyrm(dlw The Earth 0(r0l & will make db(tw before Him yhwmdq
whose was healed tmlxt0d that yh the first 0tymdq beast 0twyxl also to worship Nwdgsnw
mortal htwmd wound 0twxm
to make db(t fire 0rwnd so 0nky0 great 0tbrwr signs 0twt0 & it will perform db(tw 13
the people 0$nynb before Mdq Earth 0(r0 on l( heaven 0ym$ from Nm to descend txml
signs 0twt0 by dyb Earth 0(r0 on l( those living Nyrm(dl & it will seduce 0(+tw 14
The Beast 0twyx before Mdq to perform db(ml to him hl that were given bhyt0d
an image 0mlc to make db(ml Earth 0(r0 on l( dwellers Nyrm(dl to tell rm0ml
the wound 0twxm to him hl had ty0d which 0dy0 to The Beast 0twyxl
& lived tyxw by the sword 0brxd
to the image 0mlcl spirit 0xwr to give lttd to him hl & it was given bhyt0w 15
it hl will worship Nwdgsn who not 0ld that all lkd & to cause db(tw of The Beast 0twyxd
would be murdered Nwl+qtn of The Beast 0twyxd the image 0mlcl
& poor 0nksmw rich 0ryt( & great 0brwrw small 0rw(z all Nwhlkl & it will cause db(tw 16
a mark 0m$wr to them Nwhl to be given bhytnd & servants 0db(w masters 0yrm
their eyes Nwhyny( between tyb on l( or w0 right 0nymyd their hands Nwhydy0 on l(
one who 0ny0 except 0l0 again bwt may sell Nbzn or w0 may buy Nbzn a man $n0 that not 0ld 17
of The Beast 0twyxd of the name 0m$d a mark 0m$wr upon him yhwl( has ty0d
of its name hm$d the number 0nynm or w0
a mind 0nwh in him hb & whoever has ty0dw wisdom 0tmkx is hyty0 here 0krh 18
for ryg is wh the number 0nynm of The Beast 0twyxd the number 0nynml let calculate yhwyb$xn
& six t$w & sixty Nyt$w six hundred 00mt$ of a man 0$nrbd
Chapter 14
The Mount 0rw+ on l( standing M0q The Lamb 0rm0 & behold 0hw & I saw tyzxw 14:1
1000s Nypl0 & 4 0(br0w & 40 Ny(br0w 100 00m & with Him hm(w of Tshion Nwyhcd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of His Father yhwb0d & The Name 0m$w His Name hm$ upon them Nwhyl( who have ty0d
their eyes Nwhyny( between tyb on l( written bytk
the sound 0lq as Ky0 Heaven 0ym$ from Nm a sound 0lq & I heard t(m$w 2
great 0br of thunder 0m(rd the sound 0lq & as Ky0w many 00ygs of waters 0ymd
a harpist 0dwrtyq as Ky0 I heard t(m$d which 0ny0 a sound 0lq
on his harp yhwrtyqb playing $qnd
new 0tdx a hymn of praise 0txwb$t as Ky0 & they sang Nyxb$mw 3
& before Mdqw The Beasts Nwyx four (br0 & before Mdqw The Throne 0ysrwk before Mdq
the hymn 0txwb$tl to learn hpl0ml was able ycmt0 a man $n0 & not 0lw The Elders 0$y$q
thousand Nypl0 & four 0(br0w & forty Ny(br0w one hundred 00m only N0 but 0l0
The Earth 0(r0 from Nm redeemed ynybz
have been defiled w$w+t0 not 0l women 0$n who with M(d those Nyly0 are Nwn0 these Nylh 4
The Lamb 0rm0l who cleave to yhwpqnd these Nylh they are Nwhyty0 for ryg virgins 0lwtb
men 0$n0 from Nm were redeemed wnbdz0 these Nylh that He goes lz0nd where rk every lk
& to The Lamb 0rm0lw to God 0hl0l the first fruits 0ty$r
falsehood 0twlgd is found txkt$0 not 0l for in their mouths Nwhmwpbd 5
they are Nwn0 for ryg fault Mwm without 0ld
Heaven 0ym$ in the midst of t(cm flying xrpd angel 0k0lm another 0nrx0 & I saw tyzxw 6
to preach wrbsml eternal Ml(ld the Good News 0trbs with him yhwl( he hl & had ty0w
& nations Nwm0w people M( all lk & unto l(w Earth 0(r0 dwellers ybty unto l(
& languages N$lw & generations Nbr$w
God 0hl0 of Nm stand in awe wlxd great 0br in a voice 0lqb saying rm0ml 7
the hour 0t($ has come tt0d because l+m glory 0txwb$t Him hl & give wbhw
the heavens 0ym$ Him Who made db(dl & worship wdwgsw of His judgment hnydd
of water 0ymd & the springs 0tny(w & the sea 0myw & The Earth 0(r0w
& said rm0w him hl was 0wh following Pyqn second Nyrtd another 0nrx0w 8
the passion 0tmx from Nmd which 0dy0 The Great 0tbr Babylon lybb fallen tlpn fallen tlpn
the nations 0mm( all Nwhlkl she gave to drink tyq$0 of her fornication htwynzd
saying rm0ml them Nwhl followed Pqn third 0tltd angel 0k0lm another 0nrx0w 9
& its image hmlclw The Beast 0twyxl worshipped dgsd whoever 0ny0 great 0br in a voice 0lqb
his eyes yhwny( between tyb its mark hm$wr & received lq$w
of Jehovah 0yrmd of the passion htmxd the wine 0rmx from Nm will drink 0t$n he wh also P0 10
of His rage hzgwrd in the cup 0skb dilution 0+lx without 0ld which is mixed gyzmd
the angels 0k0lm before Mdq & brimstone 0tyrbkw by fire 0rwnb & he will be tormented qnt$nw
The Lamb 0rm0 & before Mdqw holy 0$ydq
ascends qsn of eternities Nyml( to eternity Ml(l of their torment Nwhqyn$td & the smoke 0nntw 11
& night 0yllw day 0mmy0 rest 0$0pn for them Nwhl & there is not tylw
& its Image hmlclw The Beast 0twyxl who worship Nydgsd those Nyly0
of its name hm$d the mark 0m$wr who takes lq$d & to him Nmlw
those Nyly0 of the holy ones 0$ydqd the patience 0twnrbysm is hyty0 here 0krh 12
of Yeshua (w$yd & the faith htwnmyhw of God 0hl0d the commands yhwndqwp who keep wr+nd
write bwtk that said rm0d Heaven 0ym$ from Nm a voice 0lq & I heard t(m$w 13
in our Lord Nrmb who have departed wdn(d those Nyly0 to the dead 0tyml their blessings Nwhybw+
they rest Nwxynttnd because l+m The Spirit 0xwr says rm0 Yes Ny0 now 0$h from Nm
their labors Nwhylm( from Nm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the likeness 0twmd sat bty the cloud 0nn( & upon l(w white 0trwx a cloud 0nn( & behold 0hw 14
of gold 0bhdd a crown 0lylk his head h$r on l( to him hl & is ty0w of a man 0$nrbd
sharp 0tpyrx a sickle 0tlgm his hand hdy0 & in l(w
the temple 0lkyh from Nm went out qpn angel 0k0lm & another 0nrx0w 15
the cloud 0nn( on l( to him sitting btydl great 0br in a voice 0lqb & shouted 0(qw
has come tt0d because l+m & reap dwcxw your sickle Ktlgm send rd$
to reap dcxml the hour 0t($
his sickle htlgm the cloud 0nn( on l( who sat btyd he wh & thrusted ymr0w 16
The Earth 0(r0 & was reaped tdcxt0w The Earth 0(r0 unto l(
the temple 0lkyh from Nm went out qpn angel 0k0lm another 0nrx0w 17
sharp 0tpyrx a sickle 0tlgm was ty0 & with him yhwl(w which in Heaven 0ym$bd
who had ty0d the altar 0xbdm from Nm went out qpn angel 0k0lm another 0nrx0w 18
great 0br in a voice 0lqb & he shouted 0(qw fire 0rwn over l( authority 0n+lw$ to him hl
your sickle Ktlgm you tn0 send rd$ sharp 0tpyrx the sickle 0tlgm with him hl to him having ty0dl
of The Earth 0(r0d of the vineyards hmrkd the clusters 0lwgsl & gather Pw+qw sharp 0tpyrx
its grapes yhwbn( are large ybrd because l+m
The Earth 0(r0 unto l( his sickle htlgm the angel 0k0lm & thrust ymr0w 19
& cast ymr0w of The Earth 0(r0d the vines hmrkl & he gathered P+qw
of God 0hl0d of the passion htmxd great 0tbr into the winepress 0trc(mb
the city 0tnydm from Nm outside rbl the winepress 0trc(m & was trodden t$ydtt0w 20
the bridle 0dwgpl unto 0md( the winepress 0trc(m from Nm blood 0md & came out qpnw
stadia Nwd+s0 & 200 Nyt0mw 1000 Pl0 for l( of horses 0$krd

Chapter 15
& wonderful 0thymtw great 0tbr in Heaven 0ym$b sign 0t0 another 0trx0 & I saw tyzxw 15:1
last 0tyrx0 seven (b$ plagues 0twxm upon them Nwhyl( that had ty0d angels 0k0lm
of God 0hl0d the anger htmx is finished tylmt$0 for in them Nyhbd
with fire 0rwnb mingled 0kytpd of glass 0tygwgzd a sea 0my as Ky0 & I saw tyzxw 2
its image hmlc & over Nmw The Beast 0twyx over Nm & those who were victorious wkzdlw
over l(l who stood Nymyqd of its name hm$d the number 0nynm & over Nmw
with them Nwhyl( & there were ty0w of Glass 0tygwgzd the Sea 0my from Nm
of God 0hl0d the stringed instruments yhwrtyq
of God 0hl0d the servant hdb( of Moses 0$wmd the song 0txwb$t & they sang Nyxb$mw 3
& marvelous Nyhymtw great Nybrwr & they were saying Nyrm0w of The Lamb 0rm0d & the song 0txwb$tw
all lk holding dyx0 God 0hl0 Jehovah 0yrm Your works Kydb(
of the universe 0ml(d King 0klm Your works Kydb( & true Nyryr$w just Nyn0k
Your Name Km$l & glorify xb$nw Jehovah 0yrm You Kl will reverence lxdn not 0l who? Nm 4
therefore l+m holy 0ysx only dwxlb are wh You tn0d because l+m
before You Kymdq & will worship Nwdgsnw will come Nwt0n the nations 0mm( all of them Nwhlkd
You are tn0 True cyrtd because l+m
The Temple 0lkyh & was opened xtpt0w I looked tyzx these things Nylh after rtb & from Nmw 5
in Heaven 0ym$b of The Testimony 0twdhsd of the Tabernacle 0nk$md
those Nwnh The Temple 0lkyh from Nm angels Nyk0lm seven 0(b$ went out wqpnw 6
linen 0ntk wearing Ny$ybl while dk plagues Nwxm seven (b$ with them Nwhyl( who have ty0d

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of gold 0bhdd a wrap 0rs0 their chest Nwhyydx around l( & bound Nyrys0w & bright 0ryhnw pure 0ykd
angels Nyk0lm to the seven 0(b$l gave tbhy Beasts 0twyx The four (br0 of Nm & one 0dxw 7
of God 0hl0d of the anger htmx full Nylmd vessels Nyrwbz seven (b$
Amen Nym0 of eternities Nyml( to the eternity Ml(l The Life 0yx Who is yhwty0d
of God 0hl0d of the glory htxwb$td the smoke 0nnt of Nm The Temple 0lkyh & was full ylmt0w 8
the temple 0lkyhl to enter l(ml was 0wh one able 0cmd & not tylw His power hlyx & of Nmw
angels Nyk0lm of the seven 0(b$d plagues Nwxm the seven (b$ would be finished Nylmt$nd until 0md(

Chapter 16
that said rm0d the Temple 0lkyh from Nm great 0br a voice 0lq & I heard t(m$w 16:1
vessels Nyrwbz the seven (b$ & pour out wdw$0w go wlz angels Nyk0lm to the seven 0(b$l
The Earth 0(r0 on l( of God 0hl0d of the anger htmxd
The Earth 0(r0 on l( his vessel hrwbz & poured d$0w the first 0ymdq & went lz0w 2
the people 0$n0 over l( & painful 0nb0kw severe 0$yb absesses 0nxw$ & it was 0whw
of The Beast 0twyxd the mark 0m$wr on them Nwhl who have ty0d
its Image hmlcl who worship Nydgsd & those Nyly0w
& became 0whw into the sea 0myb his vessel hrwbz poured d$0 second Nyrtd & the angel 0k0lmw 3
in the sea 0myb died ttym living 0tyx animal 0$pn & every lkw dead 0tym as Ky0 the sea 0my
in the rivers 0twrhnb his vessel hrwbz poured d$0 third 0tltd & the angel 0k0lmw 4
blood 0md & they became wwhw of water 0ymd & in the springs 0tny(bw
saying rm0d of the waters 0ymd the angel 0k0lml & I heard t(m$w 5
have 0wh & existed yhwty0w Who are yhwty0d are wh You tn0 righteous qydz
You have decreed tnd Who these things Nylhd & are holy 0ysxw
they have shed wd$0 & of the saints 0$ydqdw of the prophets 0ybnd the blood 0mdd because l+m 6
they Nwn0 are worthy Nyw$ to drink 0t$ml them Nwhl You have given tbhy & blood 0mdw
God 0hl0 Jehovah 0yrm Yes Ny0 saying rm0d the altar 0xbdml & I heard t(m$w 7
Your judgments Kynyd & righteous Nyqydzw true Nyryr$ all lk holding dyx0
the sun 0$m$ over l( his vessel hrwbz poured d$0 fourth 0(br0d & the angel 0k0lmw 8
with fire 0rwnb children of men 0$nynbl to scorch Mxnd to him hl & it was given bhyt0w
great 0br with heat 0mwxb the children of men 0$nynb & were scorched wmmxt0w 9
authority 0n+lw$ to Him hl Who has ty0d of God 0hl0d The Name 0m$l & they blasphemed wpdgw
glory 0txwb$t Him hl to give ltml they repented wbt & not 0lw these Nylh plagues 0twxm over l(
The Throne hysrwk over l( his vessel hrwbz poured d$0 fifth 0$mxd & the angel 0k0lmw 10
darkness 0tkw$x its kingdom htwklm & became twhw of The Beast 0twyxd
the pain 0b0k from Nm their tongues Nwhyn$l they were wwh & gnawing Nys(lmw
of Heaven 0ym$d of God 0hl0d The Name 0m$l & they blasphemed wpdgw 11
their sores Nwhynxw$ & due to Nmw their pains Nwhyb0k due to Nm
their works Nwhydb( of Nm they repented wbt & not 0lw
The River 0rhn over l( his vessel hrwbz poured d$0 sixth 0t$d & the angel 0k0lmw 12
that may be prepared by+ttd its waters yhwm & dried up w$byw Euphrates trp great 0br
sun 0$m$ the rising yxndm from Nm of the kings 0klmd the way 0xrw0

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the mouth hmwp & from Nmw of The Dragon 0nyntd the mouth hmwp from Nm & I saw tyzxw 13
False 0lgd of The Prophet 0ybnd the mouth hmwp & from Nmw of The Beast 0twyxd
frogs 0(drw0 as Ky0 clean 0tykd un 0l three tlt spirits 0xwr
who perform Ndb(d those Nyly0 of demons 0d0$d spirits 0xwr for ryg they are Nyhyty0 14
of the habitable Earth lyb0td the kings 0klm unto l( which go Nlz0d signs 0twt0
great 0br that wh of day 0mwyd to the war 0brql them Nwn0 to gather w$nkml
all lk holding dyx0 of God 0hl0d
who watches ry(d to him whl his blessing yhwbw+ a thief 0bng as Ky0 I come 0t0 behold 0h 15
he walk Klhn naked l+r( lest 0ld his garments yhwn0m & keeps r+nw
his shame htthb & they see Nwzxnw
to the place 0rt0l them Nwn0 & He shall gather $nknw 16
Megiddo wdgm in Hebrew ty0rb( called 0rqtmd
into the air r00b his vessel hrwbz poured d$0 seventh 0(b$d & the angel 0k0lmw 17
The Temple 0lkyh from Nm great 0br a voice 0lq & went out qpnw
it is done 0wh that said rm0d The Throne 0ysrwk before Mdq from Nm
there was 0wh & an earthquake 0dwnw & thunders 0m(rw lightnings 0qrb & there were wwhw 18
when there have been wwhd from Nm has been 0wh not 0l like which htwk0d great 0br
Earth 0(r0 on l( children of men 0$nynb
was it 0wh great br so 0nkh earthquake 0(wz this 0nh that like Ky0d
& the cities 0tnydmw parts Nwnm three tltl Great 0tbr the City 0tnydm & became twhw 19
was remembered trkdt0 The Great 0tbr & Babylon lybbw they fell ylpn of the nations 0mm(d
of the wine 0rmxd the cup 0sk to it hl to give ltml God 0hl0 before Mdq
& of His rage hzgwrdw of His passion htmxd
were found wxkt$0 not 0l & the mountains 0rw+w fled tqr( island 0trzg & every lkw 20
the sky 0ym$ from Nm fell txn a talent 0rkk as Ky0 great 0br & hail 0drbw 21
children of men 0$nynb & cursed wpdgw the children of men 0$nynb on l(
great 0brd because l+m of hail 0drbd the plague 0twxm over l( God 0hl0l
very b+ His plague htwxm was yh

Chapter 17
with them Nwhyl( who had ty0d angels 0k0lm the seven 0(b$ of Nm one dx & came 0t0w 17:1
after me yrtb come 0t saying rm0ml with me ym( & spoke llmw vessels Nyrwbz seven (b$
of The Harlot 0tynzd the judgment 0nyd I shall show you Kywx0
many 00ygs waters 0ym on l( who sits 0btyd
& have been drunk wywrw of The Earth 0(r0d kings hyklm fornicated wynz for with her hm(d 2
of her fornication htwynzd the wine 0rmx of Nm of The Earth 0(r0d dwellers hyrwm( all of them Nwhlk
a woman 0ttn0 & I saw tyzxw in spirit xwrb to the wilderness 0brwxl & he brought me ynqp0w 3
of blasphemy 0pdwgd of names 0hm$ full 0ylmd blood red 0tqmws a beast 0twyx on l( who sat 0btyd
ten rs( but Nyd horns 0tnrq seven 0(b$ heads 0$r to it hl which had ty0d
purple 0nwgr0 wearing 0p+(md was 0wh she ty0 & The Woman 0ttn0w 4
precious 0tb+ & stones 0p0kw in gold 0bhdb gilded Nbhdmd & scarlet 0tyrwxzw
her hand hdy0 in l( of gold 0bhdd a cup 0sk to her hl & had ty0w & pearls 0tyngrmw
of her fornication htwynzd & filth 0bywsw abominations 0tw0m+ & it was full of 0lmw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Babylon lybb Mystery 0zr0 was written bytk her eyes hyny( between tyb & upon l(w 5
of The Earth 0(r0d & of the filth hybywsdw of harlots 0tynzd The Mother 0m0 The Great 0tbr
of the saints 0$ydqd the blood 0md from Nm who was drunk 0ywrd The Woman 0ttn0 & I saw tyzxw 6
of Yeshua (w$yd of the witnesses yhwdhsd the blood 0md & from Nmw
I saw her htyzx when dk great 0br with astonishment 0rmwd & I was astonished trmdt0w
are you astonished trmdt0 Why? 0nml the angel 0k0lm to me yl & said rm0w 7
& of The Beast 0twyxdw of The Woman 0ttn0d the mystery 0z0r you Kl shall 0n0 tell rm0 I 0n0
horns Nnrq & ten rs(w heads Ny$r seven 0(b$ to it hl that has ty0d her hl that bears 0ny(+d
& is not hytylw had twh been hyty0 which you saw tyzxd The Beast 0twyx 8
is going 0lz0 & to destruction 0ndb0lw the sea 0my from Nm to come up qstd is about 0dyt(
Earth 0(r0 on l( the inhabitants yrm( & will marvel Nwrmdtnw
of Life 0yxd in The Book 0rpsb their names Nwhyhm$ are written Nybytk whose not 0ld those Nwnh
The Beast 0twyx when they see Nyzxd of the world 0ml(d the foundation htymrt from Nm
& is approaching tbrqw & is not hytylw was twh which hyty0d
wisdom 0tmkx to him hl for the one having ty0dl the meaning 0nwh here is 0krh 9
sits 0btyd where 0ky0 mountains Nyrw+ are Nwn0 seven 0(b$ heads Ny$r the seven 0(b$
upon them Nwhyl( The Woman 0ttn0
is yhwty0 & one dxw have fallen wlpn five 0$mx there are Nwn0 seven 0(b$ & kings 0klmw 10
he comes 0t0d & when 0mw come 0t0 yet lykd( not 0l another 0nrx0 there is wh
to remain wrtkml to him hl is given byhy a little time lylq
& it is yhw & is not hytylw which it brought* hyty0d that yh & Beast 0twyxw & the Dragon* 0nyntw 11
is going 0lz0 & to destruction 0ndb0lw is yh the seven 0(b$ & of Nmw the eighth 0ynmtd
are Nwn0 kings Nyklm ten 0rs( of The Beast tyzxd horns Nnrq & ten rs(w 12
have received wbsn yet lykd( not 0l who the kingdom 0twklmd those Nyly0
take Nylq$ hour 0t($ one 0dx king 0klm as Ky0 authority 0n+lw$ but 0l0
The Beast 0twyx with M(
to them Nwhl have ty0 will 0nybc one dx these Nylh 13
give Nybhy to The Beast 0twyxl their Nwhlyd & authority 0n+lw$w & power 0lyxw
them Nwn0 will conquer 0kzn & The Lamb 0rm0w will war Nwbrqn The Lamb 0rm0 with M( these Nylh 14
of kings 0klm & The King Klmw of lordship 0twrmd He is wh The Lord 0rmd because l+m
& faithful 0nmyhmw & chosen 0ybgw are called 0yrq & because His people hm(dw
that you saw tyzxd the waters 0ym to me yl & He said rm0w 15
the nations, 0mm( The Harlot 0tynz sat 0bty upon which Nwhyl(d
they are Nwhyty0 & languages 0n$lw & peoples 0twm0w & multitudes 0$nkw
on the Beast 0twyxl that you saw tyzxd horns 0tnrq & the ten rs(w 16
& naked 0tyl+r(w & desolate 0tbrxw The Harlot 0tynzl will hate Nynsn these Nylh
in fire 0rwnb & will burn her hnwdqwnw will devour Nwlk0n & her flesh hrsbw will make her hnwdb(n
to perform Nwdb(nd into their hearts Nwhtwblb gave bhy for ryg God 0hl0 17
& will give Nwltnw one dx their purpose Nwhnybc & to do Nwdb(nw His pleasure hnybc
are fulfilled Nylmt$nd until 0md( that yh to Beast 0twyxl their kingdom Nwhtwklm
of God 0hl0d the words yhwlm
that 0dy0 great 0tbr the city 0tnydm you saw tyzxd which 0dy0 & The Woman 0ttn0w 18
of The Earth 0(r0d the kings hyklm over l( the rule 0twklm for itself hl which has ty0d

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Chapter 18
angel 0k0lm another 0nrx0 I saw tyzx these things Nylh after rtb & from Nmw 18:1
great 0br authority 0n+lw$ to him hl who had ty0d Heaven 0ym$ from Nm txnd
his glory htxwb$t from Nm was brightened trhn & The Earth 0(r0w
Great 0tbr Babylon lybb fallen tlpn fallen tlpn great 0br in a voice 0lqb & he shouted 0(qw 2
to every lkl & a prison 0trw+nw for demons 0d0$l the abode 0rm(m & it is become twhw
& detestable 0tynsw pure 0tykd im 0l spirit 0xwr
she mixed tgzm of her fornication htwynzd the wine 0rmx from Nmd because l+m 3
with her hm( of The Earth 0(r0d & the kings hyklmw the nations 0mm( for all Nwhlkl
of The Earth 0(r0d & the merchants 0rgtw fornicated wynz
have become rich wrt( of her infatuation hyn$d the power 0lyx from Nm
that said rm0d Heaven 0ym$ from Nm voice 0lq another 0nrx0 & I heard t(m$w 4
you share Nwptwt$t lest 0ld My people ym( within her hwg from Nm come out wqwp
her plagues htwxm from Nm you receive Nwbst that not 0mld in her sins hyh+xb
to Heaven 0ym$l unto 0md( the sins 0h+x in her hb have touched wqbdd because l+m 5
her evil hylw( God 0hl0 & has called to mind rkdt0w
to her hl & double wpw(w has payed t(rp she yh also P0d just as 0nky0 pay her hw(rwp 6
which she mixed tgzmd that wh in cup 0skb her deeds hydb( for l( double 0p(0
a double 0p(0 to her hl mix wgwzm
& exalted herself tyl(t$0w herself h$pn in which she glorified txb$d that Mdm for l( 7
give l+m & sorrow 0lb0w suffering 0qnw$ such Nkh that as Ky0d
& a widow 0tlmr0w a queen 0tklm I 0n0 sit 0btyd she said 0rm0 for in her heart hblbd
I shall see 0zx0 not 0l & sorrow 0lb0w I am not ytyl
plagues 0twxm upon her hyl( will come Nyt0n day 0mwy in one dxb for this 0nhl+m 8
she will burn dq0t & in fire 0rwnbw & starvation 0npkw & sorrow 0lb0w death 0twm
Who judges her hndd Jehovah 0yrm powerful Ntlyxd because of l+m
of The Earth 0(r0d the kings hyklm concerning her hyl( & will wail Nwdqrnw & will weep hnwkbnw 9
when 0m & exalted themselves wyl(t$0w with her hm( who fornicated wynzd those Nwnh
of her burning hndqyd the smoke 0nnt they see Nyzxd
of her punishment hqyn$td fear 0tlxd from Nm opposite lwbq from Nm they stand Nymyq when dk 10
Babylon lybb Great 0tbr The City 0tnydm woe! yw woe! yw woe! yw & will say Nwrm0nw
your judgment yknyd has come 0t0 hour 0($ in one 0dxbd because l+m mighty 0tny$( The City 0tnydm
over her hyl( & grieve Nwlb0tnw will weep Nwkbn of The Earth 0(r0d the merchants 0rgtw 11
again bwt one who buys Nbzd there is not tyl & their cargo Nwhlbwmw
precious 0tryqy & stones 0p0kdw & of silver 0m0sdw of gold 0bhdd cargo 0lbwm 12
& silk 0yr0$w & purple 0nwgr0dw & fine linen 0cwbdw & of pearls 0tyngrmdw
vessel N0m & every lkw fragrant 0msbd wood syq & every lkw of scarlet 0tyrwxzd
& brass 0$xnw precious 0ryqy of wood 0syqd vessel N0m & every lkw of ivory 0n$d
& marble 0$y$w & iron 0lzrpw
& frankincense 0tnwblw & ointments Nwrwmw & spices 0msbw & cinnamon Nwmynwqw 13
& horses 0$krw & sheep 0br(w & fine wheat flour 0dymsw & oil 0x$mw & wine 0rmxw
of children of men 0$nynbd & souls 0t$pnw & the bodies 0rgpw & chariots 0tbkrmw
from you yknm have gone lz0 your own yk$pnd pleasant 0tgr & your fruits ykb0w 14
from you yknm is gone lz0 & splendid xyb$w luxurious Nym$d & everything lkw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

them Nwn0 you will see Nyzxt again bwt & not 0lw
of these things Nylhd the merchants 0rgt them Nwn0 will find Nwxk$n & not 0lw 15
will stand Nwmwqn opposite lwbq from Nm from her hnm who grew rich wrt(d
& lamenting Nylyb0w weeping Nykb while dk of her punishment hqnw$d fear 0tlxd from Nm
Great 0tbr The City 0tnydm Alas! yw Alas! yw & they were saying Nyrm0w 16
gilt Nbhdmd & scarlet 0tyrwxzw & purple 0nwgr0w fine linen 0cwb that wore 0p+(md
& pearls 0tyngrmw precious 0tryqy & stones 0p0kw in gold 0bhdb
the wealth 0rtw( is lost qrts0 hour 0($ in one 0dxbd because l+m 17
passenger ylz0 & every lkw ship 0pl0 navigator yrbdm also every lkw this 0nh for as Ky0d
& everyone lkw & ship captain 0rpl0w to places 0tykwdl in a ship 0pl0b
stood wmq a distance 0qxwr from Nm works Nyxlp who at sea 0mybd
of her burning hndqyd the smoke 0nnt they saw Nyzx when dk & they lamented her hw0kbw 18
Great 0tbr The City 0tnydml like 0ymdd is yh who? Nm & they were saying Nyrm0w
they wept Nykb as dk & shouted w(qw their heads Nwhy$yr on l( earth 0rp( & they cast wymr0w 19
Great 0tbr City 0tnydm Alas! yw Alas! yw & they were saying Nyrm0w & lamented Nylyb0w
to them Nwhl who had ty0d those Nyly0 grew rich wrt( by which hbd that 0dy0
her magnificence hrqy0 from Nm in the sea 0myb ships 0pl0
is destroyed tbrx hour 0($ which in one 0dxbd
& apostles 0xyl$w & holy ones 0$ydqw Heaven 0ym$ over her hyl( rejoice wxcpt0 20
from her hnm your judgment Nwknyd God 0hl0 has judged Ndd because l+m & prophets 0ybnw
stone 0p0k a mighty 0ntlyx the angels 0k0lm of Nm one dx & took lq$w 21
& said rm0w into the sea 0myb & cast it ymr0w a millstone 0yxr as Ky0 great 0tbr
Babylon lybb will be thrown down 0dt$t with violence 0p0xb in this way 0nkh
again bwt will exist xk$t & not 0lw Great 0tbr The City 0tnydm
singers 0rmz & of various ynzdw & of trumpets 0rwpy$dw of stringed instruments 0rtyqd & the sound 0lqw 22
again bwt in you ykb will be heard (mt$n not 0l & of shouting 0qw(zmdw
again bwt to you ykl will appear 0zxtn not 0l of a lamp 0gr$d & the light 0rhwnw 23
will be heard (mt$n not 0l of a bride 0tlkd & the voice 0lqw of a groom 0ntxd & the voice 0lqw
great ones hynbrwr had wwh been ty0 your merchants ykyrgtd because l+m again bwt in you ykb
by your sorceries yky$rxbd because l+m of The Earth 0(r0d
the nations 0mm( all Nwhlkl you deceived yty(+0
& holy men 0$ydqw of prophets 0ybnd the blood 0md was found xkt$0 in her hbw 24
Earth 0(r0 on l( who were murdered Nyly+qd

Chapter 19
great 0br a sound 0lq I heard t(m$ these things Nylh after rtb & from Nmw 19:1
Hallelujah 0ywllh saying Nyrm0d in Heaven 0ym$b many 00ygs of multitudes 0$nkd
to our God Nhl0l & power 0lyxw & glory 0txwb$tw redemption 0nqrwp
He judged Ndd because l+m His judgments yhwnyd & just Nyn0kw true Nyryr$d because l+m 2
The Earth 0(r0l corrupted tlbxd who 0dy0 Great 0tbr The Whore 0tynzl
of His servants yhwdb(d the blood 0md & He has required (btw with her whoredom htwynzb
her hand hydy0 from Nm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

ascends qls & her smoke hnntw Hellelujah 0ywllh they said wrm0 again Nytrtd 3
of eternities Nyml( to the eternity Ml(l
Beasts Nwyx & the four (br0w Elders Ny$y$q & four 0(br0w twenty Nyrs( & fell wlpnw 4
the throne 0ysrwk on l( Who sits btyd our God Nhl0l & worshipped wdgsw
Hallelujah 0ywllh Amen Nym0 & they were saying Nyrm0w
our God Nhl0l praise wxb$ that said rm0d the throne 0ysrwk from Nm & a voice 0lqw 5
of His Name hm$ & worshippers ylxdw His servants yhwdb( all of them Nwhlk
great 0brwr with M( small 0rw(z all of them Nwhlk
many 00ygs that of multitudes 0$nkd like Ky0 sound 0lq & I heard t(m$w 6
the sound 0lq & as Ky0w many 00ygs of waters 0ymd a sound 0lq & as Ky0w
Hallelujah 0ywllh saying Nyrm0d mighty 0ntlyx of thunders 0m(rd
all lk holding dyx0 God 0hl0 Jehovah 0yrm reigns Klm0d because l+m
glory 0txwb$t Him hl we give ltn & we celebrate Nnyxcptmw we rejoice Nnydx 7
of The Lamb 0rm0d the wedding htwt$m has come tt0d because l+m
herself h$pn has prepared tby+ & His woman httn0w
& bright 0ryhnw pure 0ykd fine linen 0cwb to wear P+(ttd to her hl & it was given bhyt0w 8
of the holy ones 0$ydqd these are Nyn0 the uprightness 0tcyrt for ryg the fine linens 0cwb
to those Nyly0l blessings Nwhybw+ write bwtk to me yl & they said wrm0w 9
are Nwhyty0 of The Lamb 0rm0d of the wedding htwt$md who to the supper 0tym$xld
the words 0lm these Nylh to me yl & one said rm0w called 0yrq
are Nyhyty0 of God 0hl0d true Nryr$d
him hl & I worshipped tdgsw his feet yhwlgr before Mdq & I fell tlpnw 10
& of your brothers Kyx0dw I am yty0 your fellow servant Ktnk no! 0l to me yl & he said rm0w
of Yeshua (w$yd the testimony 0twdhs to them Nwhl who have ty0d these Nylh
of Yeshua (w$yd for ryg the testimony 0twdhs rather ty0ryty worship dwgs God 0hl0l
of prophecy 0twybnd the spirit 0xwr is hyty0
white 0rwx a horse 0ysws & behold 0hw opened xytpd Heaven 0ym$ & I saw tyzxw 11
& true 0ryr$w trustworthy 0nmyhm is called 0rqtm upon it yhwl( & He Who sat btydw
& He makes war brqmw He judges N0d & in righteousness 0twn0kbw
His head h$yr & upon l(w of fire 0rwnd flames 0tybhl$ as Ky0 but Nyd His eyes yhwny( 12
written 0bytk The Name 0m$ to him hl & He has ty0w many 00ygs diadems 0g0t
He wh only N0 but 0l0 one knew (dy not 0ld which 0ny0
with blood 0mdb soaked (ylzd a garment 0n0m & He wore P+(mw 13
of God 0hl0d The Word 0tlm His Name hm$ & is called 0rqtmw
to Him hl were wwh joined Nypyqn of Heaven 0ym$d & the army 0twlyxw 14
& pure 0ykdw white 0rwx linen 0cwb & were wearing Ny$yblw white 0rwx horses 0$kr on l(
by which hbd sharp 0tpyrx swords 0brx come out 0qpn their mouths Nwhmwp & from Nmw 15
with a rod 0+b$b them Nwn0 will shepherd 0(rn & He whw the nations 0mm(l they will kill Nwl+qn
of the rage hzgwrd the winepress 0trc(m treads $0d & He whw of iron 0lzrpd
all lk holding dyx0 of God 0hl0d
The Name 0m$ His thigh htm+( over l( His garment yhwn0m on l( to him hl & is ty0w 16
of lordship 0twrmd & The Lord 0rmw of kings 0klmd The King 0klm written 0bytk
& crying 0(qw in the sun 0$m$b standing M0qd angel 0k0lm another 0nrx0 & I saw tyzxw 17
flying 0xrpd to the birds 0txrpl & he said rm0w loud 0mr in a voice 0lqb

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of God 0hl0d great 0tbr to the supper 0tym$xl Gather w$nkt0 come wt the sky 0ym$ in the midst of t(cm
of thousands 0pl0 of captains y$rd & the flesh 0rsbw of kings 0klmd the flesh 0rsb to eat Nwlk0td 18
sitting Nybtyd & of those Nyly0dw of horses 0$krd & the flesh 0rsbw of warriors 0ny$(d & the flesh 0rsbw
& of servants 0db(dw of freemen 0r0xd & the flesh 0rsbw upon them Nwhyl(
& of great 0brwrdw & of small 0rw(zdw
of The Earth 0(r0d & kings 0klmw & its armies htwlyxlw The Beast 0twyxl & I saw tyzxw 19
Him wh with M( war 0brq to make db(ml who gathered Ny$nkmd & their soldiers Nwhyxlplw
His soldiers yhwxlp & with M(w the horse 0ysws on l( Who sat btyd
with Him hm( False 0lgd & The Prophet 0ybnw The Beast 0twyx & was captured tdyctt0w 20
those Nyly0l he seduced y(+0 by which Nyhbd before it hymdq signs 0twt0 who did db(d he wh
who worshipped wdgsd & those Nyly0lw of The Beast 0twyxd the mark 0m$wr who received wbsnd
into the lake 0tmyb & were cast wymrt0w both Nwhyrt & descended wtxnw its image hmlcl
also with brimstone 0tyrbkdw that burns 0dqyd of fire 0rwnd
sitting btyd of Him whd with the sword hbrxb were killed wl+qt0 but Nyd of the rest 0kr$dw 21
His mouth hmwp from Nm which proceeded 0qpnd by that 0dy0b the horse 0ysws on l(
their flesh Nwhrsb from Nm were filled t(bs birds of prey 0ry+ & all hlkw
Chapter 20
Heaven 0ym$ from Nm txnd angel 0k0lm another 0nrx0 & I saw tyzxw 20:1
of The Abyss 0mwhtd the key 0dylq with Him yhwl( who had ty0d
in his hand hdy0b great 0tbr & a chain 0tl$y$w
ancient 0ymdq The Serpent 0ywx The Dragon 0nyntl & he seized hkblw 2
& Satan 0n+sw The Devil 0crqlk0 which is yhwty0d that wh
years Nyn$ a thousand Pl0 & bound him hrs0w
& sealed (b+w & shut dx0w into The Abyss 0mwhtb & he cast him hymr0w 3
he would seduce 0(+n again bwt that not 0ld of it hnm the top l(l
it is given byhy these years Nylh after rtb the nations 0mm( all Nwhlkl
time 0nbz a little lylq to release him hyr$ml
was given bhyt0 & judgment 0nydw upon them Nwhyl( & they sat wbtyw seats 0btwm & I saw tyzxw 4
the testimony 0twdhs for l+m who were cut off qspt0d these Nylh & souls 0t$pnw to them Nwhl
not 0ld & because these Nyly0dw of God 0hl0d the word 0tlm & for l+mw of Yeshua (w$yd
received wbsn nor 0lw its image hmlcl neither 0lw The Beast 0twyxl worshipped wdgs
their hands Nwhydy0 on l( or w0 their eyes Nwhyny( between tyb on l( a mark 0m$wr
years Nyn$ 1000 Pl0 The Messiah 0xy$m with M( & reigned wklm0w they lived wyxd
the first 0tymdq the resurrection 0tmyq is yh & this 0dhw 5
part 0tnm to him hl has ty0d whoever Nm & holy 0$ydqw is he wh blessed 0nbw+ 6
authority 0n+lw$ has not tyl these Nylh & over l(w resurrection 0tymdq in the first 0tmyqb
of God 0hl0d priests 0nhk they shall be Nwwhn but 0l0 the second 0nynt death 0twml
years Nyn$ 1000 Pl0 with Him hm( & they shall reign Nwklmnw & of The Messiah 0xy$mdw
years Nyn$ 1000 Pl0 are finished Mlt$0d & whenever 0mw 7
his imprisonment hy$wbx from Nm Satan 0n+s will be released 0rt$n
in the four (br0b the nations 0mm( all Nwhlkl to seduce wy(+ml & he will go forth qwpnw 8
them Nwn0 to gather w$nkmlw & Magog gwgmlw Gog gwgl of The Earth 0(r0d corners htywz
of the sea 0myd the sand 0lx as Ky0 whose number Nwhnynmd those Nyly0 to war 0brql

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of The Earth 0(r0d an open place hytp upon l( & they went to war wqlsw 9
of the holy people 0$ydqd of the camp 0tyr$md The City 0tnydml & surrounded hwrdxw
Heaven 0ym$ from Nm fire 0rwn & descended ttxnw Beloved 0tbybx & The City 0tnydmlw
them Nwn0 & consumed tlk0w God 0hl0 from Nm
of Fire 0rwnd into the Lake 0tmyb was cast ymrt0 their Seducer Nwhny(+m & The Devil 0crqlk0w 10
False 0lgd & The Prophet 0ybnw The Beast 0twyxd where 0ky0 & Brimstone 0tyrbkw
of eternities Nyml( to the eternity Ml(l & night 0yllw day 0mmy0 & they shall be tormented Nwqnt$nw
& Him sitting btydlw white 0rwx great 0br a throne 0ysrwk & I saw tyzxw 11
His face yhwp0 before Mdq Whose from Nmd Him wh of it hnm at the top l(l
for them Nwhl was found xkt$0 not 0l & a place rt0w & Heaven 0ym$w Earth 0(r0 fled tqr(
who stood wmqd & small 0rw(zw great 0brwr the dead 0tyml & I saw tyzxw 12
were opened wxtpt0 scrolls 0rpsw the throne 0ysrwk before Mdq
of Judgment 0nydd which is yhwty0d was opened xtpt0 scroll 0rps & another 0nrx0w
that are written Nbytkd those things Nyly0 from Nm the dead 0tym & were judged wnydt0w
their works Nwhydb( according to Ky0 in the scrolls 0rpsb
& Sheol lwy$w & Death 0twmw who in it hbd the dead 0tym the sea 0my & yielded bhyw 13
& was judged Nydt0w who were with them Nwhydy0cd the dead 0tym yielded wbhy
their works Nwhydb( according to Ky0 of them Nwhnm one dx each dx
of Fire 0rwnd into The Lake 0tmyb were cast wymrt0 & Sheol lwy$w & Death 0twmw 14
The Second 0nynt Death 0twm that is yhwty0d this 0nh
in the book 0btkb who was inscribed My$rd was found xkt$0 not 0ld & whoever 0ny0w 15
of Fire 0rwnd into The Lake 0tmyb was cast ymrt0 of Life 0yxd

Chapter 21
New 0tdx & Earth 0(r0w New 0ttdx Heavens 0ym$ & I saw tyzxw 21:1
had departed wlz0 the former 0tymdq & Earth 0(r0w the former 0tymdq for ryg Heavens 0ym$
anymore bwt it was not yhwtyl & the sea 0myw
I saw it htyzx New 0tdx Jerusalem Ml$rw0 Holy 0t$ydq & The City 0tnydmlw 2
God 0hl0 beside dyc from Nm Heaven 0ym$ from Nm descending 0txnd
for her husband hl(bl adorned 0ttbcm a bride 0tlk as Ky0 prepared 0by+md
behold 0h that said rm0d Heaven 0ym$ from Nm great 0br a voice 0lq & I heard t(m$w 3
children of men 0$nynb with M( of God 0hl0d The Tabernacle 0yr$m
shall be Nwwhn His hlyd people 0m( & those Nwnhw with them Nwhm( & He dwells 0r$w
God 0hl0 to them Nwhl & will be 0whnw is with them Nwhm( God 0hl0 & The Same whw
their eyes Nwhyny( from Nm tear 0(md every lk shall wipe away 0xln & He whw 4
grieving 0lb0 neither 0lw from now on lykm shall be 0whn not 0l & death 0twmw
His sake hyp0 for l( there shall be 0whn again bwt disease 0b0k nor 0lw clamor 0bwr neither 0lw
the throne 0ysrwk on l( He Who sat btyd to me yl & said rm0w & I walked tlz0w 5
Write bwtk to me yl & He said rm0w all lk I 0n0 make db( new 0tdx behold 0h
are Nyhyty0 & true 0tryr$w trustworthy 0tnmyhm words 0lm these Nylh
Tau wt & I am 0n0w Alap Pl0 I am 0n0 they are done ywh to me yl & He said rm0w 6
shall give lt0 I 0n0 to the thirsty one 0hcdl & The Fulfillment 0mlw$w The Origin 0ty$yr
without charge Ngm of life 0yx of the Water 0ymd the Fountain 0ny( from Nm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

these things Nylh shall inherit tr0n he wh & he who is victorious 0kzdw 7
a son 0rb to me yl & he will be 0whnw God 0hl0 to him hl & I shall be 0wh0w
& the evil 0lw(w believers 0nmyhm & un 0lw but Nyd to the timid 0nt+wnql 8
& fornicators 0ynzw & sorcerers 0$rxw & murderers 0lw+qw & the defiled 0bysmw
in the lake 0tmyb their part Nwhtnm liars 0lgd & all Nwhlkw idol 0rktp & worshippers yxlpw
the second 0nynt death 0twm is hyty0d which 0dy0 & brimstone 0tyrbkw of fire 0rwnd burning 0tdqy
upon them Nwhyl( who had ty0d those Nyly0 angels Nyk0lm seven 0(b$ of Nm one dx & came 0t0w 9
last 0tyrx0 plagues 0twxm seven (b$ full of Nylmd vessels Nyrwbz seven (b$
The Bride 0tlkl I shall show you Kywx0 come 0t saying rm0ml with me ym( & he spoke llmw
of The Lamb 0rm0d The Wife httn0
& high 0mrw great 0br to a mountain 0rw+l in spirit xwrb & he carried me ynlbw0w 10
coming down 0txnd Jerusalem Ml$rw0 Holy 0t$ydq The City 0tnydml & showed me ynywxw
God 0hl0 the presence of dyc from Nm Heaven 0ym$ from Nm
& its light hrhwnw of God 0hl0d the glory 0txwb$t to it hl & it had ty0w 11
precious 0tryqy of stones 0p0kd the likeness 0twmd as Ky0
of crystal swl+swrqd the appearance 0ymwd as Ky0 Jasper Red Quartz hp$y as Ky0
to it hl & had ty0w & high 0mrw great 0br a wall 0rw$ to it hl & it had ty0w 12
twelve rs(rt angels 0k0lm the gates 0(rt & at l(w twelve rs(rt gates 0(rt
the names 0hm$ which are Nwhyty0d those Nyly0 written 0bytk & their names Nwhyhm$w
of Israel lyrsy0d tribes 0+b$ of twelve rs(rtd
the North 0ybrg & from Nmw three 0tlt gates 0(rt the East 0xndm from Nm 13
three 0tlt gates 0(rt the South 0nmyt & from Nmw three 0tlt gates 0(rt
three 0tlt gates 0(rt the West 0br(m & from Nmw
twelve 0rs(trt foundations 0s0t$ to it hl has ty0 of The City 0tnydmd & the wall 0rw$w 14
of The Son 0rbd of The Apostles yhwxyl$d names 0hm$ twelve rs(rt & on them Nyhyl(w
upon him yhwl( did 0wh have ty0 with me ym( was 0wh who speaking llmmd & he whw 15
& its wall hrw$lw The City 0tnydml to measure hx$mml of gold 0bhdd measuring 0txw$md reed 0ynq
its width hytp as Ky0 & its length hkrw0w was laid out 0mys four sided ty0(brm & The City 0tnydmw 16
1000 Nypl0 twelve rs(rt with l( with the reed 0ynqb The City 0tnydml & he measured it hx$mw
are Nwn0 equal Nyw$ & its height hmwrw & its width hytpw its length hkrw0 stadia 0twd+s0
cubits Nym0 & four (br0w & forty Ny(br0w one hundred 00m its wall hrw$l & he measured hx$mw 17
of the angel 0k0lmd which is hyty0d that 0dy0 of a man 0$n0d by the measure 0txw$mb
of gold 0bhdd & The City 0tnydmw Jasper Quartz hp$y of the wall hrw$d the building 0smwdw 18
pure 0tykd of glass 0tygwgzd in the likeness 0twmdb pure 0ykd
precious 0tryqy with stones 0p0kb of The City 0tnydmd of the wall 0rw$d & the foundation 0s0t$w 19
Jasper Red Blue Yellow Quartz hp$y first 0tymdq & the foundation 0ts0t$w is adorned Ntbcm
white chalcedony 0ndkrq & the third tltdw sapphire 0lyps & the second Nytrtdw
emerald 0dgrmz & the fourth (br0dw
the sixth t$dw & banded onyx 0rp+w red & white sardius Nwdrs & the fifth $mxdw 20
& the eighth 0nmtdw of gold 0bhd stone P0k & the seventh (b$dw red & white sardius Nwdrs
green gold chrysoprasus 0srpswrk & the tenth rs(dw topaz Nwydnpw+ & the ninth ($tdw beryl 0lwrb
amethyst sstwm0 the twelfth 0rs(trtd dark blue jacinth swtnkwy the eleventh 0rs(dxd
one 0dx pearls 0tyngrm & twelve 0rs(trtw the gates 0(rt & twelve rs(rtw 21
one 0dx from Nm was 0wh it ty0 the gates 0(rt of Nm & everyone dxlkw to each 0dxl

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

pure 0ykd of gold 0bhdd of The City 0tnydmd but Nyd & the street 0qw$w pearl 0tyngrm
in it hb is ty0 glass 0tygwgz as if Ky0
for ryg Jehovah 0yrm in it hb I saw tyzx not 0l & the Temple 0lkyhw 22
its Temple hlkyh is yhwty0 He wh all lk holding dyx0 God 0hl0
the sun 0$m$ is needed 0(btm not 0l & for The City 0tnydmlw & for The Lamb 0rm0lw 23
for ryg the glory htxwb$t it hl to illuminate Nwrhnnd the moon 0rhs neither 0lw
The Lamb 0rm0 is yhwty0 & its Lamp hgr$w illuminates it htrhn0 of God 0hl0d
& the kings 0klmw in its light hrhwnb the nations 0mm( & walk Nyklhmw 24
glory 0txwb$t to it hl bring Nytym of The Earth 0(r0d
by day 0mmy0b shall be shut Nwdxttn not 0l & its gates hy(rtw 25
there Nmt shall be 0whn not 0l for ryg night 0yll
of the nations 0mm(d & the honor 0rqy0w the glory 0txwb$t to it hl & they shall bring Nwtynw 26
or one who makes db(dw defiled 0m+ any lk there Nmt shall be 0whn & not 0lw 27
who are written Nbytkd those Nyly0 only N0 but 0l0 or lies 0twlgdw pollution 0twbysm
of The Lamb 0rm0d in the book hbtkb
Chapter 22
pure 0ykd of life 0yx of water 0ymd a river 0rhn & he showed me ynywxw 22:1
the throne hysrwk from Nm & it went out qpnw crystal 0dylg as Ky0 clear 0ryhn also P0
& of The Lamb 0rm0dw of God 0hl0d
the river 0rhn on l( & on that 0kmw on this side 0km of the street hyqw$ & in the center t(cmw 2
twelve rs(rt fruits 0r0p which produces db(d of life 0yxd the tree 0syq
& its leaves yhwpr+w its fruits yhwr0p gives bhy month xry & in every lkbw
of the peoples 0mm(d for the healing 0twys0l
of God 0hl0d & the throne hysrwkw there Nmt shall be 0whn not 0l curse 0mrx & any lkw 3
shall serve Him yhynw$m$n & His servants yhwdb(w shall be 0whn in it hb & of The Lamb 0rm0dw
their eyes Nwhyny( between tyb on l( & His Name hm$w His face yhwp0 & they shall see Nwzxnw 4
will be needed 0(btn neither 0lw there Nmt shall be 0whn not 0l & night 0yllw 5
because l+m of the sun 0$m$d or light hrhwnw or lamps 0gr$w lights 0rhwn for them Nwhl
& is their King Nwhklmw to them Nwhl gives light rhnm God 0hl0 Jehovah 0yrmd
of eternities Nyml( to the eternity Ml(l
& true Nryr$w trustworthy Nnmyhm words 0lm these Nylh to me yl & he said rm0w 6
holy 0$ydq of the prophets 0ybnd of the spirit 0txwrd God 0hl0 & Jehovah 0yrmw
is given byhyd what 0m His servants yhwdb(l to show wywxml His angel hk0lml has sent rd$
soon lg(b to happen 0whml
blessings his yhwbw+ soon lg(b I 0n0 come 0t0 & behold 0hw 7
this 0nh of book 0btkd of the prophecy 0twybnd the words 0lm who keeps r+nd to the one Nml
these things Nylh & heard (m$w who saw 0zxd Yokhanan Nnxwy I am 0n0 8
before Mdq to worship dgsml I fell tlpn & I heard t(m$w I saw tyzx & when dkw
these things Nylh to me yl who shows 0wxmd of the angel 0k0lmd the feet yhwlgr
I am yty0 your fellow servant Ktnk no! 0l Seer yzx to me yl & he said rm0w 9
who observe Nyr+nd & of those Nyly0dw the prophets 0ybn & of your brothers Kyx0dw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

worship dwgs God 0hl0l this 0nh of book 0btkd words 0lm these Nylh
the words 0lm seal Mwtxt not 0l to me yl & he said rm0w 10
is near brq for ryg the time 0nbz this 0nh of book 0btkd of the prophecy 0twybnd
& he who is foul (cdw will do evil lw(n again bwt & he who does evil lw(mdw 11
will do db(n again bwt & the righteous 0qydzw will be befouled (c(+cn again bwt
will be sanctified $dqtn again bwt & the holy 0$ydqw righteousness 0twqydz
with Me ym( & My reward yrg0w at once 0dxm I 0n0 come 0t0 behold 0h 12
his work hdb( according to Ky0 to every person $nlkl & I shall give lt0w
& The Last 0yrx0w The First 0ymdq Tau wt & I am 0n0w Alap Pl0 I am 0n0 13
& The Fulfillment 0mlw$w & The Origin 0yrw$w
His commands yhwndqwp to those doing Nydb(dl their blessings Nwhybw+ 14
of Life 0yxd The Tree 0syq over l( their authority Nwhn+lw$ shall be 0whn
The City 0tnydml they shall enter Nwl(n & by the gates 0(rtbw
outside rbl idol 0rktp & worshippers yxlpw & murderers 0lw+qw & fornicators 0ynzw 15
of lies 0twlgd & workers ydb(w seers yyzx & all lkw & sorcerers 0$rxw & the defiled 00m+w
among you Nwkb to testify dhsnd My angel yk0lml I have sent trd$ Yeshua (w$y I 0n0 16
I AM The Living God 0n0 0n0 the assemblies 0td( before Mdq these things Nylh
& his Companion hm(w of David dywdd & The Offspring htbr$w The Root 0rq(
Bright 0ryhn Morning 0rpc & The Star bkwkw
Come 0t are saying Nyrm0 & The Bride 0tlkw & The Spirit 0xwrw 17
& he who thirsts 0hcdw Come 0t let him say rm0n & he who hears (m$dw
without charge Ngm of life 0yx the water 0ym & let him take bsnw let him come 0t0n
the word 0tlm who hears (m$d to everyone lkl I 0n0 testify dhsm 18
will place Mysnd whoever 0ny0d this 0nh of book 0btkd of the prophecy 0twybnd
the plagues 0twxm God 0hl0 upon Him yhwl( shall place Mysn upon these things Nyhyl(
this 0nh in book 0btkb which are written Nbytkd
of the scripture 0btkd the words 0lm from Nm subtracts rcbmd & whoever 0ny0w 19
his part htnm God 0hl0 shall subtract rcbn this 0dh of prophecy 0twybnd
Holy 0t$ydq The City 0tnydm & from Nmw of Life 0yxd The Tree 0syq from Nm
this 0nh in book 0btkb that are written Nbytkd those things Nyly0
Yes Ny0 these things Nylh He testified dhsm when dk He said rm0 20
Yeshua (w$y Jehovah 0yrm Come 0t soon lg(b I 0n0 come 0t0
The Messiah 0xy$m Yeshua (w$y of our Lord Nrmd the grace htwby+ 21
Amen Nym0 His holy ones yhw$ydq all of them Nwhlk with M(

0tdx 0qtyd Ml$

The End of The New Testament

0$dwqd 0xwrlw 0xy$m (w$y Nrmlw Nwb0 0hl0d hm$l 0txwb$t

Glory to The Name of God our Father, our Lord Jesus The Messiah and The Spirit of Holiness.


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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

The 1st Century Aramaic English Interlinear Bible

The Psalms & Proverbs
According to The Peshitta
translated from the original Aramaic
Glenn David Bauscher
Copyright 2009 1st edition ; Copyright 2010 2nd edition
A literal translation of the Aramaic Old Testament in interlinear form from the ancient Peshitta Bible text

The Peshitta Bible is an amazing and intriguing collection of ancient manuscripts of Old Testament, Apocrypha and
New Testament books, written in Aramaic, whose nature and origins have remained shrouded in obscurity for at least 15
In my publication of The Aramaic English Interlinear New Testament, and The Original Aramaic New Testament in
Plain English, I abundantly document and illustrate the first century A.D. origin of the Peshitta Aramaic New
Testament and its primacy as the original of all Gospels and Epistles of The New Testament, and all the Greek
manuscripts as translations of The Peshitta Aramaic originals. As more attention and study is devoted to the Aramaic
language and, more especially, to The Peshitta New Testament, the light will begin to dawn more and more upon the
minds of scholars who seek the original inspired New Covenant writings of the Apostles and Evangelists. As it is now,
very few seminaries and theological schools even offer separate courses in Aramaic, and practically none teaches Aramaic
primacy an Aramaic original of the New Testament scriptures. I have also written Divine Contact Discovery of The
Original New Testament, which documents my discovery of the Peshitta N.T. as the God written original New
Covenant. Another book, Jegar Sahadutha Heap of Witness , is my early compilation of evidences for Peshitta primacy
from my interlinear.
As far as I am concerned, Greek primacy of the N.T. is dead. I have studied Greek since 1974 at the University level and
as a pastor and Bible scholar ever since, with a special interest in Textual Criticism and in reading the Greek uncials and
cursive mss. for myself, comparing all the Greek editions and English translations available, as well as The Latin Vulgate
and French versions, Peshitta NT and others. I have translated the entire Aramaic Peshitta New Testament and
published an interlinear and plain English translation, as well as an Aramaic English dictionary. Greek primacy is
unviable; it cannot be supported in light of all the evidence I and others have unearthed, when compared to The Peshitta
N.T. For more information, I invite the reader to my web site:
The Peshitta Old Testament, unlike the Peshitta New Testament, is a translation of the original Hebrew Bible. What is
especially interesting and valuable about the Peshitta Old Testament is that it is the oldest Semitic version of the
complete Old Testament extant. It is commonly believed by scholars to be a 2nd century AD translation. I believe that it
is older than that, based on its readings and also on many of the headings of the Psalms in Eastern Codex Ambrosianus of
the 6th century, several of which actually date the original text in the 1st century A.D. I have not included these headings
in my translation, only the scripture text itself. I hope to include these in a future edition, as they are fascinating evidence
for dating and locating the original work, as well as the Christian faith of the translators. There is controversy concerning
the origin of the Peshitta OT, and I cannot be dogmatic about its origin in the first century, though I have done some
preliminary computer word analysis and comparisons with the Peshitta N.T. , and it appears that three name spellings of
Israel and alternate spellings of other words occur in the same ratios in Peshitta O.T. mss. as in the critical Peshitta
NT which is based on comparisons of 77 Aramaic N.T. mss.. Many readings of the Great Isaiah Dead Sea Scroll approx.
120 BC that differ from the standard Massoretic Hebrew text are supported by The Peshitta OT; indeed, of 24 places in
Isaiah where the Sopherim professional Hebrew scribes record in the Massorah notes that the sacred Name YHWH
Jehovah was changed to Adonaimy Lord, The Great Isaiah Scroll retains the original YHWH in 11 of those places;
The Peshitta has MarYa LORD JEHOVAH in all 24 places! MarYa always translates YHWH and never Adonai.

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

I have grey highlighted and bold typed the Peshitta reading MarYa LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm only in those places
where the Sopherim changed the original YHWH to Adonai. Please see the appendix for the complete list of such
changes in the O.T. The Divine Name occurs 740 times in this Psalms edition. There are 134 places where the Sopherim
Hebrew Scribes altered the Divine Name YHWH to Adonai My Lord; 49 are in the Psalms, which references I
have highlighted in grey where The Peshitta has 0yrm Marya Lord JAH, the Aramaic version of YHWH in 36 of
the 49 places. Apparently most of the alterations of the Hebrew Bible were made after the Peshitta Psalms were written.
Thirteen of them existed at the time. Compare those statistics with the Hebrew Dead Sea Scrolls of the Psalms, in which
2 of the 7 places observable of the 49 Sopherim alterations have the original YHWH.
If my theory is correct, the Peshitta is the worlds first Christian Bible and is a first century production the earliest
complete Semitic text and witness to the complete Hebrew and Aramaic original Bible known in the world today. The
Septuagint was translated around 285 BC, but it is Greek, which is alien to Hebrew and Aramaic. A 2000 year old
Semitic translation like the Peshitta OT should be much more reliable as a witness to the Hebrew Bible read in 1st century
Israel synagogues and the original Hebrew Bible than even the Septuagint is. The Peshitta N.T. is the original N.T., in
my opinion; I have provided abundant supporting evidence for this premise in my Aramaic English Interlinear New
Testament and in The Original Aramaic New testament in Plain English, as well as in my book, Divine Contact The
Discovery of the Original New Testament, and in Jegar Sahadutha Heap of Witness; if so, we should not need to study
Greek to ascertain the original readings, though the Greek can sometimes provide valuable verification of the Peshitta
readings, and Greek can help in deciding which among Eastern & Western Peshitta readings is original, in those very few
places where they differ.
It is quite feasible that The Peshitta Old Testament provides an invaluable tool by which to correct Hebrew Massoretic
readings and ascertain the original text, unlike any other such tool available. The author is unaware of any other interlinear
of the Peshitta Psalms available in print. I have displayed the Aramaic text in Ashuri script, which is the standard
Hebrew script long ago borrowed by the Hebrews from the Aramaeans and the Aramaic script used in Aramaic writing
Ashuri means Assyrian. The actual font is OLBHEB from Online Bibles Hebrew font used for the their Hebrew
Old Testament module. First century Aramaic looked more like Ashuri:
0d Nm 0d Nyn$ 0my Nm Nqls Nbrbr Nwyx (br0w Daniel 7:3, than Estrangela, in which the oldest Peshitta
manuscripts are written:
a0d Nm a0d Nyn$ a0my Nm Nqlos Nbrbr Nwyx e9br0aw Estrangela was used after the first century A.D.
Ashuri is by far the most familiar font of the two and is close enough to Herodian to represent the original 1st century text
in the interlinear. It is also the script used in the Old Testament, both in Hebrew and Aramaic portions, as in the Daniel
7:3 verse shown above, which is an Aramaic original, since Daniel 2:4 7:28 is Aramaic, not Hebrew. Several chapters in
Ezra are also Aramaic, as is Jeremiah 10:11.
This translation does not give English equivalents for Aramaic idioms; it is strictly a word for word rendering, not phrase
by phrase or thought for thought. In my Aramaic English Interlinear New Testament, I often explain the idioms in
English and in The Original Aramaic New Testament in Plain English I render Aramaic idioms in plain English. In the
future I hope to publish a plain English translation of the Psalms alongside the interlinear translation, which will be
idiomatic in rendering. One can see from my Interlinear NT color edition the purple colored idioms and how they are
translated in John 1 10 & 17, where I have the plain English below each interlinear verse. I highly recommend the New
Testament interlinear be used with this Psalms interlinear. The vocabulary and syntax of each is very similar to the other.
Notwithstanding the above caveat, this interlinear is fairly easy to read. Aramaic, like Hebrew, reads right to left, so if
you start with the right and read the words in parentheses, then proceed to the next set of parentheses, etc., you will get
the meaning of the verse.
The Aramaic text of this interlinear was derived from the Peshitta Leiden electronic text found online at Comprehensive
Aramaic Lexicon CAL. The entire Peshitta is available there in individual books. Instead of reproducing the Peshitta
Leiden Institutes text, I have edited it to represent the 5th century Codex Ambrosianus as a base text, with readings from
Lees 1816 edition of the Peshitta displayed in many places. Lees edition is based on three Peshitta mss. for most books, so
this interlinear edition is based on four Peshitta manuscripts. The Peshitta Leiden edition has many hundreds of variant
readings in the Psalms, most of which are not reflected in the 1816 edition of Lee and the ancient Codex Ambrosianus.
This interlinear edition has 118 variants listed from Lees edition. Peshitta Leidens edition is also based on the Codex
Ambrosianus, which codex is also available online. The codex contains the complete Old Testament, the Apocrypha, and
Josephus Wars, book six. I have digital copies of the entire codex, as well as printed volumes of Lees 1816 edition in the
1979 United Bible Societys Syriac Bible. I have presented the Aramaic text in Ashuri script to approximate what
Aramaic looked like in the first century and also to present it in the most readable Aramaic script, used in Hebrew writing
for the past 2400 years and found in the Aramaic portions of the Old Testament. This involved changing the Estrangela
script used in Ambrosianus into Ashuri square Aramaic letters. Ashuri is the script I used in which to print my interlinear
New Testament Peshitta text. Most Psalms are numbered by including the scribal notes at the heading as verse one.
Consequently, verse numbers often start with 2, since the notes are not part of the Psalms. Simply subtract one from the
verse number to get the Hebrew verse equivalent or the English version equivalent. I have given the verse numbers as
found in Peshitta Leiden & Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicons web site has them. It would have been too tedious to
change every one of them for 150 Psalms. I think the text of this Peshitta interlinear is very close to the Eastern Peshitta
edition which I have in print, published by the Church of the East in 1982 in New York City; it seems to follow Lees
The text of The Peshitta Psalms generally follows the Massoretic Hebrew Bible text, though with quite a number of
interesting differences. Some of these are due, no doubt, to differences in the Hebrew text which was originally translated
2000 years ago; others are translational variations of particular Hebrew words in Aramaic; some seem to be Christian
Messianic interpretations of certain Psalms, which demonstrate the Christian theological viewpoint of the translators.
Vocabulary and syntax seem generally akin to the New Testament Peshitta. It is as if the translator was familiar with the
N.T. Peshitta. One key difference that seems to reflect Christian influence is the fact that The Savior Pruqa occurs
33 times in the Peshitta Psalms, whereas the Hebrew cognate, Moshia Savior occurs only three times in the Hebrew
Psalms! Another example is Ps. 69:27, where the Peshitta has an apparent singular reference to the death of Messiah not
found in the Hebrew text: They added sorrow to him who was put to death; this is only 5 verses away from, in my
thirst they gave me vinegar to drink, in a Psalm which is generally considered a Messianic Psalm. Psalm 69:22 is quoted

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

in the NT as referring to Jesus The Messiahs crucifixion; other parts are quoted, referring to Judas Iscariots betrayal of
Jesus Yeshua The Messiah.One other example of apparent NT influence is Psalm 17:7, where The Pure One Khasya
& The Savior occur together and Khasya refers to The Messiah according to The NT book of Acts, which actually
quotes Psalm 16:8 10; the term The Pure One refers to The Messiah, and is found in The Peshitta Psalms 16:8 & 17:7.
There are other indications in The Peshitta book of Hebrews that the Apostle Paul may have quoted the Peshitta Psalms,
as Hebrews seems to have taken its OT quotes almost entirely from The Peshitta OT verbatim. That would place the
Peshitta Psalms which are apparently quoted verbatim in Peshitta Hebrews before Paul wrote Hebrews, which was before
AD 67. It may be that the Psalms were written prior to AD 67 but after the Gospels and Acts AD 37 and that the
headings to the Psalms were added shortly after AD 70. This is all conjecture at this point, but there is some evidence to
support this time frame.
The Peshitta Bible is a hidden treasure to be revealed to the Western world. It includes the entire Hebrew Old Testament
canon, and eleven books of the Apocrypha.The New Testament is, as I have demonstrated in voluminous notes in my
New Testament translations, the original New Covenant scripture written by the Apostles and Evangelists.
The Peshitta Old Testament is approximately as old as the New Testament of the 1st century A.D. The Peshitta Psalms
have superscriptions at the head of each Psalm describing and sometimes expounding on the spiritual meaning of the
Psalm. Many of these make references to the NT and to The Messiah, His disciples, and to the new Christian people
by name. Are these notes original to the Peshitta translation? There are some that would seem to defy explanation as
anything but the comments of the original translator:
And again the words of the imprisonment of the city of the Jews, in the 40th year after the ascension, by Vespasian the

elder and Titus his son, who killed myriads of Jews and put Jerusalem to his sword, and has taken away the Jews until

The above quote is found at Psalm 74 as a heading in Lees edition of the Peshitta. The writer speaks of Titus and
Vespasian as if they were still alive. Along with the superscription at Psam 23, the strong impression is given that the
writer was alive in the first century:
To David or Davids about the communion table of the kingdom, and to us spiritually, the introduction of the Christian
people recently.
In a future edition I also hope to translate all the superscriptions in the Psalms. They support the theory that a Christian
translator produced the Psalms portion of the Peshitta. He may have been a Jew from Israel who had converted to the faith
of Yeshua Meshiakha Jesus The Messiah. Others think the Peshitta OT was produced by Assyrians or Syrians in
Bayth Nahrayn Mesopotamia at an early date, even before the 1st century A.D.
This is the 1st edition. There are undoubtedly various and sundry errors to be expected. I had no other interlinear with
which to compare, as this is the only Peshitta interlinear of the Psalms of which I am aware.
I commend it to God and to the world for the greater glory of His Kingdom and the spiritual edification of His church and
the salvation of His lost sheep.
Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not. And
this spake he not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation; And not
for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad.
Gospel of John chapter 11, verses 50 52
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. Gospel of John chapter 17, verse 17

The Psalms 0rwmzm

Psalm 1
of the evil 0lw(d which in the way 0xrw0bd to the man 0rbgl his blessing yhwbw+ 1:1
stands Mq not 0l of sinners 0y+xd & in the counsel 0ny(rbw walks Klh not 0l
. sits bty not 0l of mockers 0nqymmd the seat 0btwm & upon l(w
his pleasure hnybc of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd in The Torah hswmnb but 0l0 1:2
& night 0yllw day 0mmy0 he will meditate 0ghtn & in his Torah hswmnbw
a stream 0pt upon l( that is planted bycnd a tree 0nly0 like Ky0 he shall be 0whn 1:3
& its leaves yhwpr+w in its time hnbzb it gives bhy its fruit yhwr0p of waters 0ymd
he accomplishes Ml$m that he does db(d all lk shall wither Nyrtn not 0l
the chaff 0rw( like Ky0 but 0l0 the wicked 0(y$r so 0nkh not 0l 1:4
the wind 0xwr that drives away 0yrdd
will stand Nwmwqn not 0l this 0nh because of l+m 1:5
in the judgment 0nydb the wicked 0(y$r
in the assembly 0t$wnkb sinners 0y+x not 0l also P0
of the righteous ones 0qydzd
The way 0xrw0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm he wh knows (dyd because l+m 1:6
of the wicked 0(y$rd & the way 0xrw0w of the righteous ones 0qydzd
will be destroyed db0t

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the nations 0mm( have raged w$gr why? 0nml 2:1

futility 0twqyrs plot ynr & the peoples 0twm0w
& counseled wklmt0w & Rulers 0n+yl$w of Earth 0(r0d Kings 0klm stood up wmq 2:2
his Messiah hxy$m & against l(w LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm against l( one 0dx as Ky0
their yoke Nwhryn from us Nnm & cast 0r$nw their bands Nwhyqnx let us cut qspnd 2:3
& LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmw will laugh Kxgn in Heaven 0ym$b he who sits btyd 2:4
them Nwhb will mock qymn
in his passion hzgwrb against them Nwhyl( he will speak llmn but Nyd this yh 2:5
them Nwn0 he will trouble xldn & in his anger htmxbw
my King yklm I have set tmyq0 I 0n0 2:6
of my holiness y$dwqd the mou
ntain 0rw+ Zion Nwyhc on l(
said rm0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm my covenant ymyq concerning l( to declare 0(t$nd 2:7
I have begotten you Ktdly today 0nmwy & I 0n0w you are tn0 my Son yrbd to me yl
to you Kl & I shall give lt0w from me ynm ask l0$ 2:8
for your inheritance Ktwtryl the nations 0mm(
of the Earth 0(r0d the ends hyrb( & your empire Kyndxw0w
of iron 0lzrpd with a sceptre 0+b$b them Nwn0 you shall shepherd 0(rt 2:9
them Nwn0 you will shatter cpnt potter 0rxp vessels yn0m & like Ky0w
judges 0nyd & be instructed wdrt0w be wise wlkts0 Kings 0klm now 0$h 2:10
of Earth 0(r0d
in awe 0tlxdb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml serve wxwlp 2:11
with trembling 0tytrb & hold to him yhynwdxw0w
Lees 1816 edition: The Son 0rb kiss wq$n instead of Ambrosianus: discipline 0twdrm accept dwx0 2:12
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm be angry zgrn lest 0ld
his way hxrw0 from Nm & you be destroyed Nwdb0tw
his wrath hzgwr burns dqy a little lylq ever d(d because l+m
upon him yhwl( who trust Nylyktd to all lkl & their blessings Nwhybw+w
my oppressors ycwl0 have increased wygs how! 0m LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 3:1
against me yl( rose up wmqd many 00ygs
to my soul y$pnl to it hl who say Nyrm0d many 00ygs 3:2
in your God ykhl0b salvation 0nqrwp to you ykl there is not tyld
& my honor yrqy0w my helper yn(ysm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm you are tn0 3:3
of my head y$yrd & the lifter hnmrmrmw
I cried tyrq to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml with my voice ylqb 3:4
holy 0$ydq his mountain hrw+ from Nm & he answered me ynn(w
& I was awakened try(tt0w & I slept tkmdw lay down tbk$ I 0n0 3:5
kept me ynkms LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd because lw+m
10,000s htwbr of Nm I will be afraid lxd0 not 0l 3:6
against me yl( & stood wmsw who surrounded me ynwrdxd of people 0m(d
. because l+m & save me ynyqwrpw my God yhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm arise Mwq 3:7
my enemies ybbdl(b all of them Nwhlwkl have struck tyxm you tn0d
you have broken trbt of the wicked 0(y$rd & the teeth 0n$w their cheeks Nwhykp on l(
salvation 0nqrwp is wh for LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd 3:8
to eternity Ml(l your blessing Ktkrwb your people Km( & upon l(w
my God yhl0 you answered me yntyn( I called you Ktyrq when dk 4:1
in my sufferings ynclw0b of my righteousness ytwqydzd & The Savior 0qwrpw
upon me yl( show mercy Mxr me yl you inspired txwr0
my prayer ytwlc & hear (m$w
obscure Nypxm my honor yrqy0 when? ytm0l unto 0md( men 0$n0 sons of ynb 4:2
& seek Ny(bw futility 0twqyrs you Nwtn0 & love Nymxrw you. Nwtn0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

for eternities.Nyml(l lies 0twlgd you Nwtn0

the chosen one 0ybg LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to him hl that set apart $rpd know w(d 4:3
I shall call him yhwyrq0 when dk will hear (m$n LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm with wonders 0trwmdtb
in your hearts Nwkyblb speak wrm0 you shall sin Nw+xt & not 0lw tremble in awe wzgr 4:4
meditate wnr your beds Nwkybk$m & upon l(w
in LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmb & hope wrbsw of righteousness 0twqydzd sacrifices 0xbd sacrifice wxbd 4:5
good 0b+ will show us Nywxn who? wnm who say Nyrm0d many 00ygs 4:6
of his face hpwcrpd the light 0rhwn upon us Nyl( & will spread swrpnw
more than Nm in my heart yblb your joy Ktwdx you have given tbhy LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 4:7
& that their wine Nwhrmxdw that their grain Nwhrwb(d the time 0nbz
one 0dx like Ky0 in peace 0ml$b increased wygs & that their oil Nwhx$mdw
& I shall sleep Kmd0w I shall lie down bk$0 & I 0n0w 4:8
myself alone ydwxlb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm you tn0d because l+m
you will make me dwell ynrm(t in stillness 0yl$b
my meditation.yyghb & consider lkts0w LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm give ear to twc my words ylm 5:1
& my God yhl0w my King yklm of my cry yt(gd the voice 0lql give ear to twc 5:2
I 0n0 pray 0lcm it is wh to you Ktwld because l+m
my voice ylq you will hear (m$t at dawn 0rpcb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 5:3
to you Kl & I shall appear 0zxt0w I shall be ready by+t0 & at dawn 0rpcbw
evil 0($wr desire 0bc & not 0lw you are tn0 God 0hl0d because l+m 5:4
the evil one 0$yb with you Km( will dwell rm(n & not 0lw
your eyes Kyny( in front of Mdq the proud 0nrhb$ will stand Nwmwqn neither 0lw 5:5
falsehood 0rqw$ workers of ydb( all lkl you have hated tyns
shedding d$0 to the man 0rbgl lies 0twlgd speakers of yllmml & you will destroy dbwtw 5:6
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm will reject him yhwylsn & the deceiver 0ntlwknw blood 0md
your house Ktybl I shall enter lw(0 of your kindness Ktwby+d in the multitude 00gwsb & I 0n0w 5:7
of your holiness K$dwqd in the temple 0lkyhb & I shall worship dwgs0w
& in your righteousness Ktwqydzbw lead me ynyrbd LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm in your awe Ktlxdb 5:8
your road Kxrw0 in front of me ymdq straighten cwrt my enemies ybbdl(b because of l+m
righteousness 0twn0k in their mouths Nwhmwpb there is not tyld because lw+m 5:9
tombs 0rbq & like Ky0w within them Nwhwgb evil 0lw( but 0l0
subvert Nykphm & their tongues Nwhyn$lw their throats Nwhtrgg opened 0xytp
from Nm & they will fall Nwlpnw God 0hl0 them Nwn0 will condemn byxn 5:10
cast out qwxd of their evils Nwhlw(d & in the multitude 00gwsbw their counsels Nwhynklwm
they provoked you Kwrmrmd because l+m them Nwn0
in you Kb who hope Nyrbsmd all lk will rejoice Nwdxn 5:11
in them Nwhb & you will dwell rm(tw they will praise you Knwxb$n & to eternity Ml(lw
your Name Km$ lovers of ymxr all lk in you Kb & will be strengthened Nwn$(tnw
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm the righteous ones 0qydzl will bless Krbt you tn0d because l+m 5:12
you will cover me ynp+(t acceptable 0tlbqm a shield 0rks like Ky0

rebuke me ynskt in your wrath Kzgwrb not 0l LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 6:1
discipline me.ynydrt in your anger Ktmxb not 0l also P0
sick hyrkd because l+m LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm upon me yl( have mercy Mxr 6:2
are troubled w(zd because l+m LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm heal me yns0 I am 0n0
my bones ymrg
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & you tn0w very b+ is troubled t(yztt0 & my soul y$pnw 6:3
when? ytm0l until 0md(
& save me ynyqwrpw my soul y$pnl & deliver hcpw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm return Npt0 6:4
your kindness Ktwby+ because of l+m
in death 0twmb there is not tyld Lee:because l+m / Ambros.:because lw+m 6:5

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to you Kl gives thanks 0dwm who? wnm & in Sheol lwy$bw your remembrance Knrkwd
every lkb & I have watered t(bcw with my groanings ytxn0tb I am weary ty0l 6:6
I wash tysm0 my mattress ytyw$t & in my tears yt(mdbw my bed ysr( night 0lyl
& I am troubled txldt0w my eye yny( grief 0zgwr from Nm is weak tb0k 6:7
my enemies ybbdl(b all Nwhlk by Nm
lies 0rqw$ workers of ydb( all lk Lee: from me ynm from Nm [Lee:]depart [w]qwrp 6:8
of my weeping ytkbd the voice 0lq LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm heard (m$d because l+m
my request ytw(b LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm heard (m$ 6:9
has accepted lbq my prayer ytwlc LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
all Nwhlk well b+ & shall be defeated Nwrbttnw shall be ashamed Nwthbn 6:10
they shall be turned back Nwkphn my enemies ybbdl(b
the stillness 0yl$ from Nm & they shall be destroyed Nwdb0nw

From the stillness men shelya is an idiom meaning, suddenly.

I have hope trbs in you Kb my God yhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 7:1
save me yncp my persecutors ypwdr all lk & from Nmw redeem me ynyqwrp
my soul y$pnl they tear apart rbtml a lion 0yr0 like Ky0 lest 0mld 7:2
& delivers 0cpmw who saves qrpd & there is none tylw
this 0dh I have done tdb( if N0 my God yhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 7:3
in my hands.ydy0b evil 0lw( is ty0 & if N0w
evil 0t$yb to me yl who did db(d him Nml I paid t(rp & if N0w 7:4
for nothing ty0qyrs my enemies ybbdl(bl I afflicted tcl0 & if N0w
. & let him seize it hykrdnw my soul y$pnl the enemy 0bbdl(b may persecute Pwdrn 7:5
into the ground 0(r0b my life yyx & let him tread $wdnw
may he destroy 0r$n into the dust 0rp(b & my honor yxbw$w
& I shall be lifted up lqt$0w in your wrath Kzgwrb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm arise Mwq 7:6
awaken ry(tt0 of my enemies ybbdl(bd the neck 0ldq above l(
that you commanded tdqpd the judgment 0nydb for me yl(
will surround you Krdxt of the peoples 0twm0d & the congregation 0td(w 7:7
you shall return Kpht on high 0mwrml its sake hyp0 & for l(w
judge me ynynwd the nations 0mm( shall judge Nwdn LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 7:8
& according to Ky0w my righteousness ytwqydz according to Ky0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
my perfection ytwmymt
the wicked 0(y$r upon l( evil 0t$yb let be spent rmgt 7:9
hearts 0bl proving rxb the righteous ones 0qydzl & establish Nqttw
The Righteous 0qydz God 0hl0 & kidneys 0tylwkw
heart 0bl the upright ycyrtl who saves qrpd God 0hl0 my helper yn(ysm 7:10
every day Mwylk is angry zgr not 0l of truth 0t$wqd the judge 0nyd God 0hl0 7:11
his bow ht$q he sharpens $+l his sword hpys he returns Kph if not 0l0 7:12
he has made ready Nqt0 he has bent xtm
of wrath 0zgwrd the instruments 0n0m for himself hl & he prepares Nqtmw 7:13
burning Nydqydl he makes db( his arrows yhwr0g
lies 0rqw$ & conceived N+bw the evil one 0lw( is corrupt lbxd because l+m 7:14
evil 0lw( & gave birth to dlyw
& he has digged it h+xw he has dug rpx a pit 0r0b 7:15
that he made db(d into the ditch 0cmwgb & he has fallen lpnw
& upon l(w on his head h$yrb his evil hlw( will return Kwphn 7:16
will descend twxn his evil hlw( his desire ht(b
my righteousness ytwqydz according to Ky0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml I shall confess 0dw0 7:17
The Highest 0myrm of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd to the Name hm$l & I shall sing praise rmz0w
your Name Km$ glorious is xb$m how! 0m our Lord Nrm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 8:1
Heaven 0ym$ above l( your glory Kxbw$ for you have set tbhyd the Earth 0(r0 in all hlkb

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

you prepared tnqt & of boys 0yl+dw of young men 0myl(d the mouth 0mwp from Nm 8:2
your enemies Kybbdl(b because of l+m your song Ktxwb$t
who avenges Mqntmd the enemy 0bbdl(b to destroy l+btn
your Heavens Kym$ they saw wzxd because l+m 8:3
of your fingers Kt(bcd the work 0db(
you have prepared tnqt & the stars 0bkwkw the moon 0rhs
that you remember him yhytrkdt0d man 0rbg what is? wnm 8:4
that you visit him yhytdqpd & a son of man 0$nrbw
the Angels 0k0lm than Nm a little lylq you made him lower yhytrcb 8:5
you have clothed him yhytp+(0 & in glory 0xbw$bw in honor 0rqy0b
your hands Kydy0d over the work 0db(b & you have authorized him yhyt+l$0w 8:6
his feet yhwlgr under tyxt you have set tms & all lkw
of the wilderness 0rbdd animals 0twyx also P0 all these Nyhlk & oxen 0rqbw sheep 0n( 8:7
of the Sea 0myd & the fish 0nwnw in the sky 0ym$bd & the fowl 0rpcw 8:8
of the seas 0mmyd in the paths 0lyb$b that pass through Nyrb(d
glorious is xb$m how! 0m our Lord Nrm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 8:9
the Earth 0(r0 in all hlkb your Name Km$

my heart ybl whole hlk from Nm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml I will praise 0dw0 9:1
O Most High 0myrm your wonders Ktrmdt all these Nyhlk I shall tell 0(t$0w
in you Kb & I shall be glad zwr0w I shall rejoice 0dx0 9:2
O Most High 0myrm your Name Km$l & I shall praise rmz0w
my enemies ybbdl(b shall turn back Nwkphn when dk 9:3
& be destroyed Nwdb0nw they will stumble Nwlqttn their behind Nwhrtsbl
before you Kymdq from Nm.
& my judgment ynydw my right yn(rwp you have kept tdb(d because l+m 9:4
righteous 0qydz The Judge 0nyd the throne 0ysrwk on l( & you sat tbtyw
the wicked 0(y$rl & you destroyed tdbw0w the Gentiles 0mm(b you rebuked ty0k 9:5
of eternities Nyml( to eternity Ml(l you have blotted out ty+( & their names Nwhyhm$w
by the sword 0pysb are finished wrmg my enemies ybbdl(b 9:6
you ripped out trq( cities 0yrwq to eternity Ml(l
their memorial Nyhnrkwd & you destroyed tdbw0w
endures Myq to eternity Ml(l & LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmw 9:7
for judgment 0nydl his throne hysrwk & prepares Nqtmw
in truth 0t$wqb the world lybt for he shall judge Nwdnd 9:8
in uprightness 0twcyrtb & the nations 0mm(lw
refuge 0swg a place of tyb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm shall be 0whn 9:9
of suffering 0nclw0d in times 0nbzb & their helper Nwhnrd(mw for the poor 0nksml
because l+m your Name Km$ knowing y(dy all lk in you Kb & will hope Nwrbsnw 9:10
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm you Kl who seek Ny(bd those Nyly0l you tn0 forsake qb$ not 0ld
. in Zion Nwyhcb who dwells rm(d to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml sing wrmz 9:11
his skills ht(nc among the nations 0mm(b & show wwxw
their blood Nwhmd to require (btml he has remembered rkdt0d because l+m 9:12
of the poor 0nksmd the cry ht(g he forgets 0(+ & not 0lw
my oppression ydb(w$ & see yzxw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm upon me yl( show mercy Mxr 9:13
of death 0twmd the gates yhw(rt from Nm my Exalter ynmrmrm hates me y0ns by him who Nmd
your wonders Ktrmdt all these Nyhlk I shall tell 0(t$0d because l+m 9:14
of Zion Nwyhc of the daughter trbd in the gates hy(rtb
in your salvation Knqrwpb I shall exult cwd0
they have made wdb(d into the ditch 0cmwgb the Gentiles 0mm( have sunk w(b+ 9:15
their feet Nwhlgr are caught tdxtt0 they have hid wrm+d & in the net 0tdycmbw
that he does db(d the judgment 0nyd LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm makes known (dwm 9:16
the wicked 0(y$r is caught dxttm of his hands yhwdy0 & by the work db(bw

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& all Nwhlkw to Sheol lwy$l the wicked 0(y$r shall turn back Nwkphn 9:17
God 0hl0l that forget Ny(+d the peoples 0mm(
the poor 0nksm he forgets 0(+tm to eternity Ml(l not 0ld because l+m 9:18
to eternity Ml(l you will destroy dbwt not 0l of the poor 0nksmd & the hope 0rbsw
man 0$n0 son rb shall be strengthened N$(tn & not 0lw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm arise Mwq 9:19
your faces Kyp0 in front of Mdq the nations 0mm( shall be judged Nwnydttn
Law 0swmn Giver M0s for them Nwhl establish Myq0 9:20
they are Nwn0 men 0$n0 that the children of ynbd the nations 0mm( who shall instruct Nw(dnd
at a distance 0qxwrb do you stand tmq LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm why? 0nml 10:1
of trouble 0nclw0d in times 0nbzb your gaze Kryx & have withdrawn tymh0w
the poor 0nksm he consumes dqy of the wicked man 0(y$rd in the pride hrhbw$b 10:2
they have contrived wb$xt0d which yh in the mindset 0ty(rtb they will be caught Nwdxttn
in the lusts 0tgygrb the wicked 0(y$r boasts rhbt$md because l+m 10:3
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & is angry zgrw is blessed Krbtm the evil one 0lw( of his soul h$pnd
makes inquiry bq(m not 0l in his pride htwmrb & the wicked 0(y$rw 10:4
his thoughts hty(rt in all Nyhlwkb God 0hl0 & there is no tylw
& enters yl(mw always Nbzlkb his ways htxrw0 & are dissolute Nyr$w 10:5
& all Nwhlklw against him hlbwql from Nm your judgment Knyd
he despises +0$ his enemies yhwbbdl(b
I shall move (wz0 not 0ld in his heart hblb he said rm0 10:6
upon evil 0t$ybb he thinks 0nr for a generation of generations Nyrdrdl
& deceit 0lknw fraud 0kwt his mouth hmwp fills 0lm & a curse 0t+wlw 10:7
& depravity 0t(w evil 0lw( his tongue hn$l under tyxt
& in a secret place 0y$w+bw in a dwelling 0rydb in ambush 0n0mkb he sits bty 10:8
gaze upon Nqyd the afflicted one 0$ybl his eyes yhwny( the righteous 0qydzl he murders l+q
the poor 0nksml to plunder P+xml & he lies wait Nmkw 10:9
of his net htdycmd in the snare 0dgnb
& in his bones yhwmrgbw & fall lpnw will be humbled Kkmtn he wh 10:10
& pain 0b0kw sickness 0nhrwk
& turns ynp0w God 0hl0 that forgets 0(+d in his heart hblb he has said rm0 10:11
to eternity Ml(l sees 0zx & not 0lw his faces yhwp0
your hand Kdy0 & lift Myr0w my God yhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm arise Mwq 10:12
the afflicted one 0$ybl forget yhwy(+t & not 0lw
God 0hl0l the sinner 0y+x angers zgr0 Why? 0nml 10:13
. you will require (bt not 0ld in his heart hblb & says rm0w
evil 0lw( that there is ty0d you tn0 see 0zx 10:14
that he will be given over Mlt$nd you tn0 & behold r0xw & wrath 0zgwrw
will be left qbt$n upon you Kyl( into your hands Kydy0b
are wh you tn0 & of the orphan 0mtydw the afflicted one 0$yb
his helper hrwd(
& of the evil 0$ybdw of the sinner 0y+xd the arm h(rd shatter rbt 10:15
. it shall be found xkt$t & not 0lw his sin hty+x you shall seek it h(btt
of eternities Nyml( to eternity Ml(l he is wh King 0klm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 10:16
his land h(r0 from Nm the Gentiles 0mm( are destroyed wdb0
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm you tn0 have heard (m$ of the poor 0nksmd the hope 0rbs 10:17
your ear Knd0 has heard twct of their heart Nwhbld & the preparation 0byw+w
he will add Pswn that not 0ld & the evil 0$yblw the orphans 0mtyl to judge Ndml 10:18
the Earth 0(r0 from Nm the children of men 0$nynb to destroy wdbwml again bwt
I have hoped trbs in LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmb 11:1
to my soul y$pnl you Nwtn0 say Nyrm0 How? Nky0
a bird 0rpc like Ky0 the mountains 0rw+ on l( & dwell ynk$w escape ydwn
the bow 0t$q they drew wlm sinners 0y+x behold 0hd because l+m 11:2

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the string 0rty upon l( their arrows Nwhyr0g & they readied wnqt0w
hearts 0bl at the upright ycyrtb in thick darkness 0n+m(b to shoot 0d$ml
they have overthrown wpxs that you prepared tdt(d that thing Mdmd because l+m 11:3
does.db( What? 0nm but Nyd the righteous one 0qydz
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm of his holiness h$dwqd in the temple 0lkyhb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 11:4
examine Nyrxb his eyelids yhwrmtw see Nyzx his eyes yhwny( his throne hysrwk in Heaven 0ym$b
man 0$n0 the children ynbl
the evil 0lw(l the righteous ones 0qydzl examines rxb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 11:5
his soul h$pn has hated tns of evil 0lw( & lovers ymxrlw
rain 0r+m like Ky0 snares 0xp the wicked 0(y$r upon l( have come down wtxn 11:6
of disease 0twxmd & a spirit 0xwrw & brimstone 0tyrbkw fire 0rwn
of their cup Nwhskd the portion 0tnm
& righteousness 0twqydzw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh righteous qydzd because l+m 11:7
his faces yhwp0 have seen Nyzx & integrity 0twcyrtw he loves Mxr

the good man 0b+ is finished rmgd because l+m LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm save qwrp 12:1
the Earth 0(r0 from Nm faith 0twnmyh & has ceased tl+bw
speak Nyllmm emptiness 0twqyrs of men 0$n0 the children ynb 12:2
with lips 0twpsb his neighbor hrbx with M( & a man 0rbgw
they speak Nyllmm & in heart 0blbw in heart 0blb duplicitous 0tglpm
lips 0twps all Nyhlwk LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm will destroy dbwn 12:3
proud things 0tbrwr that speak Nyllmmd & tongues 0n$lw duplicitous 0tglpm
will prevail brwn our tongue Nn$l who said wrm0d 12:4
our Lord Nrm are Nyn0 our Nlyd lips 0twps
& groans 0tqn0w of the poor 0nksmd the robbery 0tzb because of l+m 12:5
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm says rm0 I shall arise Mwq0 therefore lykm of the ill 0$ybd
openly ty0ylg salvation 0nqrwp & I shall work db(0w
silver 0m0s pure 0ykd are wh words 0rm0m of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the words hrm0m 12:6
in sevens 0(b$b each dx & purified ykdmw in earth 0(r0b in a furnace ryxbd choice 0ybg
& save me yncpw redeem me ynybzw$ them Nwn0 will keep r+t LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & you tn0w 12:7
to eternity Ml(l this 0nh generation 0rd from Nm
the pride 0mwr according to Ky0 & walk Nyklhmw the wicked 0(y$r go around Nykyrk 12:8
of Edom Mwd0 of the sons ynbd contemptible 0lylz

Edom was used by Jewish writers to refer to Rome. See Jastrows Targum Dictionary.

will you ignore me yny(+t when? ytm0l until 0md( 13:1

when? ytm0l until 0md( to eternity? Ml(l LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
from me ynm your faces Kyp0 will you turn Kpht
in my soul y$pnb sorrow 0tyrkt will you put Myst when? ytm0l unto 0md( 13:2
until 0md( every day Mwylk in my heart yblb & misery 0nww0dw
against me yl( my enemies ybbdl(b will be exalted Myrttn to when? ytm0l
& enlighten rhn0w my God yhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & answer me ynyn(w look rwx 13:3
to death 0twml I would sleep Kmd0 lest 0ld my eyes yny(
I have beaten him htykzd my enemy ybbdl(b shall say rm0n & not 0lw 13:4
I am moved (wz0 when dk against me yl they rejoice Nwdxn & in my afflictions ycwl0w
I have trusted tlktt0 your kindness Ktwby+ on l( but Nyd I 0n0 13:5
in your salvation Knqrwpb my heart ybl will exult zwrn
who has delivered me ynqrpd LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml & I shall glorify xb$0w 13:6
God 0hl0 there is no tyld in his heart hblb the evil one 0lw( said rm0 14:1
in their schemes Nwht(ncb & they are defiled wpn+t0w they are corrupted wlbxt0
good 0tb+ who does db(d & there is none tylw
upon l( Heaven 0ym$ from Nm looked out qyd0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 14:2

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

if N0 to see 0zxnd the children of men 0$nynb

God 0hl0l & seeking 0(bw of understanding Ntlwksd there is any ty0
& they have been rejected wylts0w one 0dx as Ky0 have gone astray w+s all Nwhlk 14:3
one dx not 0l even P0 good 0tb+ who does db(d & there is not tylw
consuming ylk0 evil 0lw( workers of ydb( all lk have known w(dy & not 0lw 14:4
they called wrq not 0l & LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmlw bread 0mxl consuming lk0m my people ym(l
of God 0hl0d because l+m awe 0tlxd they awed wlxd there Nmt 14:5
of the righteous ones 0qydzd is wh in the generation 0rdb
they shamed wthb0 of the poor 0nksmd the counsel hty(rt 14:6
. his trust hnlkwt is wh LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd because l+m
to Israel lyrsy0l salvation 0nqrwp Zion Nwyhc from Nm will give ltn who Nm 14:7
of his people hm(d the captivity 0tyb$ LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm turns back Kphmd when 0m
Israel lyrsy0 & will rejoice 0dxnw Yaqob bwq(y will leap for joy cwdn

is wh & who? Nmw your tent Knk$mb will inhabit rm(n who? wnm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 15:1
holy 0$ydq in your mountain Krw+b going to dwell 0r$n
& does db(w blemish Mwm without 0ld walks Klhmd one who 0ny0 15:2
in his heart hblb the truth 0t$wq & speaks llmmw righteousness 0twqydz
he does db( & not 0lw with his tongue hn$lb is deceitful Ntlwkn & not 0lw 15:3
against l( & a bribe 0dxw$w evil 0t$yb to his neighbor hrbxl
accepts lbqm not 0l his neighbor hbyrq
the quarrelsome 0nzgrm in his eyes yhwny(b & are despised ylsmw 15:4
he honors rqym of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd & the worshipers yhwlxdlw
lies lgdm & not 0lw to his neighbor hrbxl he swears 0my
against l( & a bribe 0dxw$w gives bhy not 0l for interest 0tybrb & his money hpskw 15:5
these Nylh who does db(d the one Nm takes bsn not 0l the innocent 0ykz
to eternity Ml(l is moved (yzttm & not 0lw is wh just Ny0k
I have trusted tlktt0 upon you Kyl(d because l+m God 0hl0 keep me ynyr+n 16:1
you are tn0 my Lord yrmd to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml I have said trm0w 16:2
is yh your presence Ktwl from Nm & my goodness ytb+w
who in Earth 0(r0bd for the holy ones 0$ydql also P0 16:3
in whom Nwhb my pleasure ynybc who all hlkd & the glorious 0xb$mw
of the rest 0yrx0 their sorrows Nwhyb0k will be multiplied Nwgsn 16:4
their oblation Nwhyqwn I shall pour 0qn0 for not 0ld quickly lg(b
in my lips ytwpsb their names Nwhyhm$ I shall remember rkdt0 & not 0lw blood 0md of Nm
& of my cup yskdw of my inheritance ytwtryd the portion 0tnm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 16:5
my inheritance ytwtry to me yl returning 0npm you are tn0
also P0 in the best 0qr+b to me yl fell wlpn the cords 0lbx 16:6
me yl has pleased trp$ my inheritance ytwtry
also P0 who counsels me ynklmd LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml I shall bless Krb0 16:7
my kidneys ytylwk teach me ynydr in the nights 0twlylb
at every lkb in front of me ylbqwl LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml I have set tms 16:8
I shall move (wz0 that not 0ld my right ynymy at Nm & he has been 0whw time Nbz
& exulted cdw my heart ybl rejoiced ydx this 0nh because of l+m 16:9
in tranquility 0yl$b will dwell 0r$n my flesh yrsb also P0 my glory yrqy0
in Sheol lwy$b my soul y$pnl you have left tqb$ not 0ld because l+m 16:10
your Pure One Kysxl you have given tbhy & not 0lw
destruction 0lbx to see 0zxnd
& I shall be full (bs0w of life 0yxd your path Kxrw0 you will show me ynywxt 16:11
the sweetness 0twmysb & from Nmw of your face Kpwcrpd the joy htwdx of Nm
of your right hand Knymyd of the victory 0twkzd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

at my request ytw(bb & look rwxw holy 0$ydq LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm hear (m$ 17:1
deceitful 0tyntlwkn lips 0twps from Nm that not 0ld my prayer ytwlc & give ear to twcw
& your eyes Kyny(w will come forth qwpn my judgment ynyd before you Kymdq from Nm 17:2
uprightness 0twcyrt will see Nyzxn
in the night 0yllb & you have visited me yntr(sw my heart ybl you have proven trxb 17:3
evil 0lw( in me yb you have found txk$0 & not 0lw & you have tested me yntyqbw
the works 0db( my mouth ymwp upon l( passed wrb( & not 0lw
of the children of men 0$nynbd
but 0l0 of the lips 0twpsd in speech 0llmmb 17:4
evil 0t$yb the ways 0txrw0 from Nm you have kept me yntr+n
in your paths Kylyb$b my goings ytklh you have supported tkms 17:5
my steps yt(sp would slip N(wzn that not 0ld
God 0hl0 you answered me yntyn(d because l+m I called you Ktyrq I 0n0 17:6
my words ylm & hear (m$w to me ytwl your ear Knd0 incline ylc
your Pure One Kysxl a wonder 0trwmdt & make him yhydb(w 17:7
in you Kb who hope Nyrbsmd of those Nyly0d & The Savior 0qwrpw
your right hand Knymy against lbqwl who stand Nymyqd those Nyly0 from Nm

Verse 7 is quite different from the Hebrew text. The Pure One is mentioned in 16:8 10 also, which was quoted by Peter at
Pentecost Acts 2:25 27 as a prophecy referring to The Messiah. 17:7 calls Him The Savior of those who hope in you,
which further validates Yeshua Meshiakha Jesus The Messiah as the One referred to here.
of the eye 0ny(d the pupil 0tbb like Ky0 keep me ynyr+n 17:8
hide me ynyrts of your wings Kypnkd & in the shadow 0ll+bw
who plunder ynwzbd these Nylh sinners 0y+x in front of Mdq from Nm 17:9
against me yl( who are set wmsd of my soul y$pnd & the enemies hybbdl(bw
boasting 0twnrhb$ for they spoke wllmd their mouths Nwhmwp shut rwks 17:10
they set wms they have surrounded me ynwkrk & now 0$hw they praised me ynwxb$ 17:11
into the ground 0(r0b to cast me down ynnwmrnd their eyes Nwhyny(
& like Ky0w to tear apart rbtml which seeks 0(bd a lion 0yr0l they are like Nymd 17:12
in a secret place 0y$w+b who sits btyd of a lion 0yr0d a whelp 0yrwg
their faces Nwhyp0 in front of Mdq LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm arise Mwq 17:13
the wicked 0(y$r from Nm my soul y$pnl save it hcpw them Nwn0 & make bow down Krb0w
the sword 0brx & from Nmw
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your hands Kydy0 from Nm who die Nytymd the dead 0tym & from Nmw 17:14
them Nwn0 you will divide glpt of the pit 0rpxd the dead 0tym & from Nmw
their belly Nwhsrk fills ylm & your treasure Ktmysw among the living 0yxb
& they will leave Nwqb$nw the children 0ynb will be satisfied Nw(bsn
to their children Nwhynbl the remainder 0kr$
your faces Kyp0 I shall see 0zx0 in righteousness 0twqydzb but Nyd I 0n0 17:15
your faith Ktwnmyh is awakened try(tt0d when 0m & I shall be satisfied (bs0w
my power ylyx LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm I shall love you Kmxr0 18:1
my deliverer ynycpm of my refuge yswg & the house tybw & my trust ynlkwtw 18:2
my helper yn(ysm upon him yhwl( I 0n0 whom trust lyktd The Mighty One 0pyqt God 0hl0
glorious 0xb$m of my refuge yswg & the house tybw of my salvation ynqrwpd & the horn 0nrqw
to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml I shall cry 0rq0 18:3
I shall be saved qrpt0 my enemies ybbdl(b & from Nmw
the destructions 0lbx surrounded me ynwrdxd because l+m 18:4
Lees 1816 edition: & torrents 0tlgrw instead of Ambros.:& treachery 0twlgdw of death 0twmd
troubled me ynxld of evil ones 0lw(d
surrounded me ynwkrk of Sheol lwy$d the destructions 0lbxw 18:5
of death 0twmd the snares yhwxp & were before me ynwmdqw
to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml I cried tyrq in my suffering ynclw0b 18:6
his temple hlkyh from Nm & he heard (m$w I cried tyrq & to my God yhl0lw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

came before him yhwmdq & my shout yt(gw my voice ylqb

his ears yhwnd0b & entered tl(w
the Earth 0(r0 & shook t(zw trembled txldt0 18:7
& were split yxltt0w shook y(z of the mountains 0rw+d & the foundations 0s0t$w
against them Nwhyl( he was furious tmxt0d because l+m
his face hpwcrp from Nm & fire 0rwnw in his wrath hzgwrb smoke 0nnt went up qls 18:8
from him hnm are kindled Nbx & coals 0rmwgw he was inflamed tlzwgt0
& thick darkness 0lpr(w & came down txnw Heaven 0ym$ he bent Nkr0 18:9
his feet yhwlgr was under tyxt
& he flew s+w & flew xrpw Cherubim 0bwrk on l( he rode bkr 18:10
of the wind 0xwrd the wings hypnk upon l(
& around him hkrkw for his refuge hyngl darkness 0kw$x he set Ms 18:11
of the air r00d in clouds 0nn(b of waters 0ymd & darkness 0kw$xw his tabernacle hll+m
of his clouds yhwnn( of the tabernacle hll+md the brightness 0rhz from Nm 18:12
of fire 0rwnd & coals 0rmwgw hail stones 0drb he made db(
& The Highest 0yl(w LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm in Heaven 0ym$b & thundered M(rw 18:13
of fire 0rwnd & coals 0rmwgw hail stones 0drb his voice hlq gave bhy
his lightnings yhwqrb them Nwn0 & scattered rdbw his arrows yhwr0g he sent rd$ 18:14
them Nwn0 & troubled xldw increased ygs0
& were revealed ylgt0w of waters 0ymd the springs 0(wbm & appeared wyzxt0w 18:15
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your rebuke Kt0k from Nm of the world lybtd the foundations hys0t$
of your wrath Kzgwrd of the Spirit 0xwrd the breath 0tm$n & from Nmw
& he took me out ynlbqw & he pulled me out ynl$w on high 0mwrm from Nm he sent rd$ 18:16
many 00ygs waters 0ym from Nm
my enemies ybbdl(b from Nm & he delivered me ynycpw 18:17
than I ynm who were stronger wn$(d those hating me y0ns & from Nmw mighty 0ny$(
of my adversity ytq(d in the day 0mwyb he went before me ynwmdq 18:18
The Savior 0qwrp LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to me yl & has been 0whw
& delivered me ynycpw to an expanse 0txwr0l & he brought me out ynqp0w 18:19
with me yb he was pleased 0bcd because l+m
my righteousness ytwqydz according to Ky0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & rewarded me yn(rpw 18:20
he repaid me ynml$ of my hands ydy0d the purity 0twykd & according to Ky0w
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the ways htxrw0 I have kept tr+nd because l+m 18:21
my God yhl0 from Nm I have rebelled tdrmt0 & not 0lw
before me ylbqwl his judgments yhwnyd all Nwhlkd because l+m 18:22
from me ynm I have put away trb(0 not 0l & his laws yhwswmnw
with him hm( blemish Mwm without 0ld & I have been tywhw 18:23
my sins yh+x against Nm & I have been on guard trhdz0w
my righteousness ytwqydz according to Ky0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm rewarded me yn(rpw 18:24
. his eyes yhwny( before Mdq of my hands ydy0d the purity 0twykd according to Ky0w
you will be 0wht pure 0ysx the pure 0ysx with M( 18:25
you will be perfect Nmtt the perfect one 0mymt & with M(w
& with M(w you will be elect 0bgtt the elect one 0ybg & with M(w 18:26
you will be perverse ltptt the crooked 0myq(
you will save qwrpt the poor 0nksm people 0m( you tn0d because l+m 18:27
will be humbled Kkmt the lofty 0tmr & the eyes 0ny(w
my lamp ygr$ you will light rhnt you tn0 18:28
my darkness ykw$x will enlighten rhnn my God yhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
a band of robbers 0syg over l( I shall run +hr0 in you Kbd because l+m 18:29
. a wall 0rw$ I shall leap rw$0 & by my God yhl0bw
the word hrm0m his way hxrw0 blemish Mwm who without 0ldd God 0hl0 18:30
& a helper rd(mw is proven 0qb of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd
upon him yhwl( who trust Nylyktd to all lkl
outside rbl God 0hl0 there is not tyld /Lee 1816 because l+m /Ambros.because lw+m 18:31
my God yhl0 like Ky0 strong Pyqtd & there is none tylw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm of Nm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& gives bhyw in power 0lyx who girds me ynqzxd God 0hl0 18:32
my way yxrw0 blemish Mwm without 0ld
& upon l(w the hart 0ly0d like Ky0 my feet ylgr he makes db( 18:33
he sets me ynmyq0 Lees 1816 edition: a high place 0mwr instead of Ambros.:high places ymwr
& strengthens rr$w to war 0brql my hands ydy0 he teaches Pl0 18:34
my arms y(rd of brass 0$xnd a bow 0t$q like Ky0
of salvation 0nqrwpd a shield 0rks to me yl you have given tbhy 18:35
will make me great ynybrt & your discipline Ktwdrmw will comfort me yn(yst your right hand Knymy
under me ytwxt my steps yt(sp you made room for txwr0 18:36
my ankles ylcrwq may be moved Nw(wzn that not 0ld
& I shall overtake Krd0w my enemies ybbdl(b I shall pursue Pwdr0 18:37
them Nwn0 I finish rmg0d until 0md( I shall return Kwph0 & not 0lw them Nwn0
& not 0lw them Nwn0 I shall assault 0xm0 18:36
my feet.ylgr under tyxt & they will fall Nwlpnw to stand Mqml they will be able Nwxk$n
& you will make bow Krbtw in war 0brqb with power 0lyx you have girded me ynqzxt 18:39
under me ytwxt against me yl( those who stand Nymyqdl
in front of me ymdq you will break rbtt & my enemies ybbdl(blw 18:40
them Nwn0 I shall silence qt$0 & those who hate me y0nslw
a savior 0qwrp for them Nwhl there shall be 0whn & not 0lw they will wail Nw(gn 18:41
them Nwn0 he will answer 0n(n & not 0lw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm of Nm they will beg Nw(bn
the face yp0 upon l( the dust 0rp( like Ky0 them Nwn0 I shall pulverize qwx$0 18:42
them Nwn0 I shall tread upon $wd0 of the street 0qw$d mud 0nys like Ky0w of the wind 0xwr
of the people 0m(d the judgments yhwnyd from Nm you will deliver me ynycpt 18:43
a people 0m( to the nations 0mm(l leader 0$yr & you will make me yndb(tw
will serve me ynnwxlpn I have known t(dy that not 0ld
they will listen to me ynnw(m$n the ear 0nd0 & hearing (m$mw 18:44
to me yl will submit themselves Nwdb(t$n foreigners 0yrkwn children 0ynb
& will be impeded Nwrgxtnw will trust Nwlktn foreigners 0yrkwn children 0ynb 18:45
their paths Nwhylyb$ from Nm
he who wh & blessed is Kyrbw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh living yx 18:46
& my Savior yqwrpw my God yhl0 is exalted Myrtt0 strengthens me ynlyxm
vengeance 0t(bt to me yl gives bhyd God 0hl0 18:47
under me ytwxt the peoples 0mm(l & he subdued db($w
those Nyly0 & from Nmw my enemies ybbdl(b from Nm & he delivered me ynycpw 18:48
& from Nmw he lifted me up ynymyr0 against me yl( who stand Nymyqd
. you will deliver me ynycpt evil 0lw( men 0rbg
among tyb to you Kl I shall confess 0dw0 this 0nh because of l+m 18:49
. I shall sing praise rmz0 & to your name Km$lw my Lord yrm the Gentiles 0mm(
he performs db(w of his king hklmd salvation 0nqrwp magnificent brwm 18:50
& to his seed h(rzlw to Daweed dywdl to his anointed hxy$ml grace 0twby+
eternity Ml(l unto 0md(
of God 0hl0d the glory hxbw$ makes heard Ny(t$m Heaven 0ym$ 19:1
the firmament 0(yqr0 shows 0wxm of his hands yhwdy0 & the work db(w
the night 0yll speech 0rm0m pours forth (bm to day 0mwyl day 0mwy 19:2
knowledge 0(dm shows 0wxm to night 0ylll
words 0lm not 0l also P0 speech 0rm0m there is not tyl 19:3
in their voice Nwhlqb will be heard (mt$n which not 0ld
their Gospel* Nwhtrbs went forth tqpn Earth 0(r0 in all hlkb 19:4
the sun 0$m$ & for l(w their words Nwhylm of the world lybtd & in the ends hypwsbw
in them Nwhb his tabernacle hnk$m He pitched $qn

This reading sevarthhown their Gospel looks like a Christian interpretation, based on the Peshitta NT reading in
Romans 10:16 18, where this Psalm text is quoted. The Aramaic reading there is not sevarthhown their Gospel, but
Barth qalhoon the daughter of their voice an idiom meaning, a report, but Romans 10:16 sets the topic context as

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

sevartha d'eunglyon the message of the Gospel, and Paul then quotes Isaiah and Psalm 19 as references to the Gospel
in prophecy. This would place the date of the Psalm after the writing of Aramaic Romans.
who goes forth qpnd a bridegroom 0ntx like Ky0 & it is whw 19:5
a mighty Man 0rbng like Ky0 he will leap for joy cwdn of the bridal bed 0nwng place tyb from Nm
his course hxrw0 to run +hrml
brings him out hqpm of Heaven 0ym$ the ends ypws & from Nmw 19:6
& there is not tylw of Heaven 0ym$ the ends ypws upon l( & makes him recline hkmsmw
its heat hghl from Nm hidden 0$+d
blemish Mwm without 0ld of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd The Torah hswmn 19:7
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the testimony htwdhs the soul 0$pn & converts 0npmw
infants 0dwly & makes wise 0mkxmw is trustworthy 0nmyhm
are right Nycyrt of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the commandments yhwndqwp 19:8
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the commandment hndqwp to the heart 0bl & give joy Nydxmw
the eyes 0ny( & makes shine rhnmw is precious 0bg
& stands 0myqw is pure 0ykd of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the awe htlxd 19:9
in truth 0t$wqb of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the judgments yhwnyd to eternity Ml(l
thing Mdm in every lkb & are just Nyn0kw
stones 0p0k & than Nmw gold 0bhd more than Nm they are desirable Nygygrw 19:10
honeycomb 0tyrkk & than Nmw honey 0$bd than Nm & sweeter Nylxw precious 0tb+
in them Nwhb will be warned rhdzn your servant Kdb( & also P0w 19:11
much ygs he shall be rewarded (rptn them Nwn0 he keeps r+n if N0
understands lktsm who? wnm /Lees 1816:in offenses 0t(r$b instead of offenses 0t(r$ 19:12
acquit me ynkz secret things 0ty$+ & from Nmw
lest 0ld your servant Kdb(l spare him yhykwsx evil 0lw( from Nm also P0 19:13
the evil ones 0$yb over me yb have dominion Nw+lt$n
my sins yh+x from Nm & I shall be purged 0kdt0w
of my mouth ymwpd the words yhwlm for your pleasure Knybcl let be Nywhn 19:14
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm before you Kymdq of my heart ybld & the meditation hynrw
& my Savior yqwrpw my helper yrwd(
of trouble 0nclw0d in a day 0mwyb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm will answer you Kyn(n 20:1
of Yaqob bwq(yd of The God hhl0d The Name 0m$ & will help Krd(nw
his holy place h$dqm from Nm help 0nrdw( you Kl he will send rd$n 20:2
he will strengthen you K(ysn Zion Nwyhc & from Nmw
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm for you Kl will remember rkdtn 20:3
will accept Nhdn he wh & your burnt sacrifices Kydqyw your offerings Kynbrwq all Nwhlk
your heart Kbl according to Ky0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to you Kl will give ltn 20:4
. he will fulfill 0lm$n your counsel Kty(rt whole hlk & according to Ky0w
of our God Nhl0d & in the name hm$bw in your salvation Knqrwpb & we will glory xb$nw 20:5
your pleasure Knybc all hlk LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm will perform db(n we will be lifted up Myrttn
his anointed hxy$ml God 0hl0 that saved qrpd this is yh known 0(ydy therefore lykm 20:6
of his holiness h$dwqd the Heaven 0ym$ from Nm & answered him yhyn(w
. of his right hand hnymyd of the salvation 0nqrwpd in the power 0lyxb
on horses 0$krb & those Nylhw in chariots 0tbkrmb these Nylh 20:7
we will prevail N$(n our God Nhl0 of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd in the name hm$b & we Nnxw
we stood Nmq & we Nnxw & they fell wlpnw bowed wkrb they Nwnh 20:8
& we are ready Nby+t0w
will answer us Nyn(n & our king Nklmw will save us Nqrpn LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 20:9
. that we will call him yhwyrqnd in the day 0mwyb
The King 0klm will rejoice 0dxn in your power Klyxb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 21:1
greatly ty0brwr he will leap for joy cwdn & in your salvation Knqrwpbw
to him hl you have given tbhy of his heart hbld the desire 0tgr 21:2
you denied him yhytylk not 0l of his lips htwpsd & the preparation 0byw+w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Lee 1816:went before him yhytmdqd instead of Ambros.:covered him yhytmrqd because l+m 21:3
on his head h$yrb & you have set tmsw good 0tb+ blessing 0tkrwb
precious 0xb$m a crown 0lylk
& you have given tbhyw he asked you Kl0$ life 0yx 21:4
eternities Nyml( to eternity Ml(l of days 0tmwyd the length 0rgwn to him hl
in your salvation Knqrwpb his glory hxbw$ is great bry 21:5
upon him yhwl( you have set tms & brightness 0wyzw glory 0xbw$
blessing 0tkrwb you have made him yhytdb(d because l+m 21:6
& you have made him glad yhytydxw eternities Nyml( to eternity Ml(l
of your face Kpwcrpd with the joy htwdxb
in LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmb hopes rbsm the King 0klmd because l+m 21:7
. he will be moved (yzttn not 0l of The Highest 0myrmd in the grace htwby+b
your enemies Kybbdl(b all Nwhlkl your hand Kdy0 will find xk$t 21:8
those hating you Ky0nsl will find xk$t & your right hand Knymyw
of fire 0rwnd a furnace 0rwnt like Ky0 them Nwn0 you will make db(t 21:9
of wrath 0zgwrd for the time 0nbzl
you will destroy dbwt Earth 0(r0 from Nm & their fruit Nwhyr0pw 21:10
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm of man 0$n0 the children ynb from Nm & their seed Nwh(rzw
fire 0rwn them Nwn0 & will devour lwk0tw them Nwn0 will burn dqwn in his wrath hzgwrb
evil 0t$yb against you Kyl( they prayed wlcd because l+m 21:11
in power 0lyx were able wycmt0 & not 0lw a scheme 0ty(rt & they have conceived wb$xt0w
establish Nqtt & your preparation Kbyw+w a scar 0mtwk in them Nwhb put Myst 21:12
their faces Nwhypwcrp against l(
in your might Kn$w(b LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm be lifted up Myrtt0 21:13
your heroism Ktwrbng & praise xb$nw we will sing rmzn
have you left me yntqb$ why? 0nml my God yhl0 my God yhl0 22:1
my salvation ynqrwp from me ynm & you have removed tqxr0w
of my folly ytwlksd in the words 0lmb
you answer me ynyn(t & not 0lw in the day 0mmy0b I call you Kyrq0 my God yhl0 22:2
with me yl you will stay rtkt & not 0lw & in the night 0yllbw
Israel lyrsy0 in your glory Kxbw$b & sits btyw holy $ydq you are tn0 22:3
they hoped wrbs my fathers yhb0 hoped wrbs in you Kb 22:4
them Nwn0 & you delivered tycpw in you Kb
in you Kb & they were saved wycpt0w they cried w(g to you Ktwl 22:5
were disappointed wthb & not 0lw they hoped wrbs
a reproach 0dsx a man 0$nrb & not 0lw am 0n0 a worm 0(lwt I 0n0 22:6
of the people 0m(d & despised hnlwsw of men 0$n0 of the children ynbd
they shot out wr+p0 at me yb mocked wqym who saw me ynw0zxd all lk 22:7
. their heads Nwhy$yrb & they shook wdyn0w with their lips Nwhtwpsb
to save him yhwycpnd LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm upon l( he was confident lktt0 22:8
in him hb he delights 0bc if N0 & let him set him free yhwy+lpnw
birth 0(brm from Nm my trust ynlkwt are wh you tn0d because l+m 22:10
Lees 1816 edition: from Nm instead of Ambros.:upon l( & my hope yrbsw
of my mother ym0d the breasts hydt
birth 0(brm from Nm I was cast tydt$0 upon you Kyl( 22:10
you are tn0 my God yhl0 of my mother ym0d the womb hsrk & from Nmw
is near brq trouble 0nclw0d because l+m from me ynm be far qxrt not 0l 22:11
a helper rd(md & there is not tylw
many 00ygs bulls 0rwt have surrounded me ynwkrkt0 22:12
have circled me ynwrdx of Bayshan N$ybd & young bulls 0nwr0w
their mouths Nwhmwp against me yl( they have opened wxtp 22:13
& plunders P+xw that roars Mhnd a lion 0yr0 like Ky0
I am poured out td$0t0 waters 0ym like Ky0w 22:14
my bones ymrg all Nwhlk & are pulled out of joint wrdbt0w

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

wax 0tw($ like Ky0 my heart ybl & has been 0whw
my bowels y(m within wgb & are rotted wysmt0w
my power ylyx of a potter 0rxpd a clay vessel 0pcx like Ky0 & has dried up $byw 22:15
of my palate ykx to the roof ym$l is stuck qbd & my tongue yn$lw
you cast me yntyd$ of death 0twmd the dust 0rp( & upon l(w
& the assembly 0t$wnkw dogs 0blk surround me ynwrdxd because l+m 22:16
surrounded me ynwkrk of the evil 0$ybd
& my feet ylgrw my hands ydy0 they have pierced w(zb
my bones ymrg all of Nwhlwk wailed wlly0 & wailed wlly0w 22:17
at me yb & looked wzxw stared wrx they Nwnh
my garments ytxn & they divided wglpw 22:18
a lot 0sp they cast wymr0 my clothes y$wbl & upon l(w between them Nwhtnyb
be far qxrt not 0l LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & you tn0w 22:19
abide rtk to help me ynrdw(l God ly0 God ly0 !from me ynm
my soul y$pnl the sword 0brx from Nm & save him hcpw 22:20
my Only One ytwdyxy of dogs 0blkd the hand 0dy0 also from Nmw
of the lion 0yr0d the mouth hmwp from Nm save me ynyqwrp 22:21
my humility ykkwm of pride 0tmr the horn 0nrq & from Nmw
& within wgbw to my brethren yx0l your Name Km$ that I may proclaim rbs0d 22:22
I may praise you Kxb$0 the assembly 0t$wnk
& all hlkw praise him yhwxb$ of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd worshipers yhwlxd 22:23
all hlk him hnm & fear wlxdw honor him yhwrqw0 of Yaqob bwq(yd the seed h(rz
of Israel lyrsy0d the seed h(rz
the cry ht(g despised yls0 & not 0lw he mocked +$ not 0ld because l+m 22:24
from him hnm his face yhwp0 turned Kph0 & not 0lw of the poor 0nksmd
he heard him h(m$ unto him htwl he cried 0(g when dk
in the congregation 0td(b my praise ytxwb$t is yh before you Kymdq from Nm 22:25
his worshipers yhwlxd in front of Mdq I shall fulfill Ml$0 my vows yrdn the great 0tbr
& will praise Nwxb$nw & will be satisfied Nw(bsnw the poor 0nksm will eat Nwlk0n 22:26
& will live 0xnw him hl who seek Ny(bd those Nyly0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml
for eternities Nyml(l their heart Nwhbl
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to twl & will turn Nwnptnw will remember Nwrkdtn 22:27
& before him yhwmdqw of the Earth 0(r0d the ends hyrb( all Nwhlk
. of the nations 0mm(d the generations 0tbr$ all these Nyhlk will worship Ndgsn
the kingdom 0twklm is yh of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmdd because l+m 22:28
the nations 0mm( over l( the Ruler +yl$ & he is wywhw
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm in front of Mdq & they will worship Nwdgsnw they will eat Nwlk0n 22:29
will kneel Nwkrbn & before him yhwmdqw of the Earth 0(r0d the hungry hynpk all Nwhlk
living 0yx is wh to him hl my soul y$pn to the dust 0rp( descenders ytxn all lk
his generation hrd will proclaim rbsn that will serve him yhwyxlpnd the seed 0(rz 22:30
his righteousness htwqydz & will show Nwwxnw they will come Nwt0n 22:31
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm which has done db(d who are born dlytmd to the people 0m(l
not 0l & a thing Mdmw will Shepherd me yny(rn LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 23:1
to me yl shall be lacking rsxn
will make me lie ynyr$n lush 0n$w(d pastures 0grm & upon l(w 23:2
He will lead me ynrbdn restful 0xyn waters 0ym & by l(w
in the paths ylyb$b & He leads me ynrbdw He brings back ynp0 my soul y$pn 23:3
your Name Km$ because of l+m of truth 0t$wq
of shadows yll+ in the valleys ylxnb I shall walk Klh0 even if Np0 23:4
I will be afraid lxd0 not 0l of death 0twm
with me ym( you are tn0d because l+m evil 0t$yb of Nm
comfort me ynw0yb they Nwnh & your staff Kr+wxw your rod K+b$
tables 0rwtp in front of me ymdq you have prepared trds 23:5

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

with oil 0x$mb my head y$yr you have anointed tnhd0 my enemies ybbdl(b opposite lbqwl
it lives 0yx as if Ky0 overflows 0wrm & my cup yskw
pursue me ynwpdr & your mercies Kymxrw your kindness Ktwby+ 23:6
in his house htybb that I may dwell rm(0d of my life yyxd the days 0tmwy all Nwhlk
of the days 0tmwyd the length 0rgwn of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd
in its fulness h0lmb The Earth 0(r0 is yh of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd 24:1
its inhabitants hyrwm( & all Nwhlkw the world lybt
its foundations hys0t$ he set Ms in the sea 0myb it whd because l+m 24:2
it was prepared hnqt0 & in the rivers 0twrhnbw
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the mountain hrw+l shall ascend qsn who? wnm 24:3
holy 0$ydq in his mountain hrw+b he shall stand Mwqn
in his heart hblb & chooses 0bgw his hands yhwdy0 purifies Nykdd he who 0ny0 24:4
with deceit 0lknb swears 0my & not 0lw with lies 0twlgdb in his soul h$pnb swears 0my & not 0lw
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm from Nm blessing 0tkrwb shall receive lbqn this one 0nh 24:5
our Savior Nqwrp God 0hl0 from Nm & righteousness 0twqydzw
& hopes rbsmw which seeks 0(bd the generation 0rd this is wnh 24:6
Yaqob bwq(yd God hhl0 of your faces* Kyp0d for the Persona 0pwcrpl

yp0 Aphi is literally Faces, but usually has the singular meaning; it is always used in the plural form, like Shemaya
Heaven and Khaya Life.

O gates 0(rt be lifted up wmyrtt0 your heads Nwky$yr O gates 0(rt lift up wmyr0 24:7
of glory 0rqy0d The King 0klm shall enter lw(n eternity Ml( which are of Nmd
powerful 0ny$( LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm. of glory 0rqy0d King 0klm this 0nh who is? wnm 24:8
& The Warrior 0ntbrqw The mighty Man 0rbng LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & The Mighty Man 0rbngw
be lifted up wmyrtt0 your heads Nwky$yr O gates 0(rt lift up wmyr0 24:9
The King 0klm that shall enter lw(nd eternity Ml( which are of Nmd O gates 0(rt
of glory 0rqy0d
of glory 0rqy0d King 0klm this 0nh who is? wnm 24:10
to eternity Ml(l The Venerable 0rqym King 0klm he is wywh of Hosts 0ntlyx LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
I have lifted tmyr0 my soul y$pn LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to you Ktwl 25:1
I shall be ashamed thb0 not 0l I have hoped trbs in you Kb my God yhl0 25:2
my enemies ybbdl(b against me yl( will boast Nwrhbt$n not 0ld
shall be ashamed Nwthbn not 0l in you Kb who hope Nyrbsmd all lk also P0 25:3
of their nothingness Nwhtwqyrsb the evil 0lw( shall be ashamed Nwthbn
teach me yny(dw0 & your paths Kylyb$w show me ynwx LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your way Ktxrw0 25:4
you tn0d because l+m & teach me ynypl0w in your truth Kt$wqb lead me ynyrbd 25:5
all day Mwylkb I have waited tyks for you Klw & my Savior yqwrpw my God yhl0 are wh
your mercies Kymxr LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm remember rkdt0 25:6
& your favors Ktwby+w eternity Ml( which of Nmd
not 0l of my youth ytwyl+d & the foolishness 0twlksw 25:7
me.yl Lees 1816 edition: remember rkdtt instead of Ambros.:remember rkdt
of your mercies Kymxrd the multitude 00gwsaccording to Ky0 but 0l0
God 0hl0 your kindness Ktwby+ because of l+m let me be remembered ynyrkdt0
this 0nh because of l+m LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & upright cyrtw is wh good b+ 25:8
in the way 0xrw0b sinners 0y+xl he corrects crt
in judgment 0nydb the meek 0kykml & he leads rbdmw 25:9
his way hxrw0 the poor 0nksml & he teaches Plmw
grace 0twby+ of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the ways htxrw0 all Nyhlk 25:10
& his testimony htwdhsw his covenant hmyq who keep Nyr+nd to those Nyly0l & truth 0t$wqw
pardon me ynsx LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your Name Km$ because of l+m 25:11
it is wh for great brd my evil ylw( from Nm
of Nm who is in awe lxdd the man 0rbg who? wnm 25:12
. that he chooses 0bgd the way 0xrw0 he will teach him yhwypln LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
in grace 0twby+b will lodge twbt his soul h$pn 25:13
the Earth 0(r0 will inherit tr0n & his seed h(rzw

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

his worshipers yhwlxd upon l( of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the counsel hty(rt 25:14
them Nwn0 he will teach (dw0 & his covenant hmyqw
because l+m LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm unto twl always Nbzlkb my eyes yny( 25:15
my feet ylgr the net 0tdycm from Nm removes qpm he whd
to me yl( & show mercy Mxrw to me yl( return Npt0 25:16
& afflicted 0$ybw I am 0n0 alone 0ydyxyd because l+m
multiply ygs of my heart ybld the griefs htq( 25:17
take me ynyqp0 my griefs ytq( & from Nmw
& forgive qwb$w & my labor ylm(w my oppression ydb(w$ see yzxw 25:18
my sin yty+x all of hlk me yl
my enemies ybbdl(b that have increased wygsd see yzxw 25:19
who hate me ynw0ns of the evil ones 0lw(d & the hatred 0t0nsw
I have hoped trbs in you Kbd because l+m & save me yncpw my soul y$pn keep r+ 25:20
because l+m me yl joined wpqn & the upright 0crtw the perfect 0mymt 25:21
. I have waited tyks for you Kld
his oppressors yhwcwl0 all Nwhlwk from Nm Israel lyrsy0l God 0hl0 save qrp 25:22
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm Lees 1816 edition: judge me ynynwd instead of Ambros.:me yl judge Nwd 26:1
in LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmb I have walked tklh in my perfection ytwmymtb I 0n0d because l+m
I shall move (wz0 not 0l I have hoped trbs
& search yqbw & test me ynsnw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm prove me ynyrwxb 26:2
. & my heart yblw my kidneys ytylwk
my eyes yny( opposite lbqwl of your compassions Kymxrd because l+m 26:3
in sweetness 0twnmysb I have walked tklh
fools 0y+$ & with M(w the evil 0$yb with M( I sat tbty & not 0lw 26:4
I entered tl( not 0l
of the evil 0$ybd the assembly 0t$wnk I have hated tyns 26:5
I have sat tbty not 0l the wicked 0(y$r & with M(w
I have gone around tkrkt0w my hands ydy0 purely ty0ykd I have washed tgy$0w 26:6
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your altar Kxbdml
& I shall tell 0(t$0w of your glory Kxbw$d the voice hlq for I have heard (m$0d 26:7
your wonders Ktrmdt all Nyhlk
of your house Ktybd the service ht$m$t I have loved tmxr LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 26:8
of your glory Kxbw$d of the dwelling hyr$md & the place 0rt0w
& with M(w the sinners 0y+x with M( destroy me ynydbwt not 0l 26:9
my life yyx of blood 0mdd men 0rbg
& their right hand Nwhnymyw deceit 0lkn in whose hands Nwhydy0bd 26:10
a bribe 0dxw$ is full of 0ylm
I have walked tklh in my perfection ytwmymtb but Nyd I 0n0 26:11
upon me yl( & have compassion Mxrw save me ynyqwrp
& in the congregation 0td(bw in uprightness 0twcyrtb has stood tmq & my foot ylgrw 26:12
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml I shall bless Krb0
whom? Nm of Nm & my salvation ynqrwpw my light yrhwn LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 27:1
of my life yyxd the strength 0n$w( LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm shall I be afraid lxd0
I 0n0 shaken (0z am wh whom? Nm of Nm
my flesh yrsb to consume lk0ml the evil 0$yb me yl approached wbrq when dk 27:2
& they fell wlpnw they stumbled wpxts0 one 0dx as Ky0 & my haters y0nsw my enemies ybbdl(b
is afraid lxd not 0l an army 0tyr$m against me yl( encamps 0r$t if N0 27:3
war 0brq against me yl( shall rise Mwqn & if N0w my heart ybl
I am 0n0 confident lykt in this 0dhb
it is wh & to him hlw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm from Nm I have requested tl0$ because one 0dxd 27:4
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd in the house htybb that I may dwell rm(0d I 0n0 pray 0(b
the sweetness htwmysbb & see 0zx0w of my life yyxd the days 0tmwy all Nwhlk
his temple hlkyh & to order dwqp0w of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

in day 0mwyb in his shelter hrtsb he will hide me yny$+nd because l+m 27:5
of his tabernacle hnk$md in the shadow 0ll+b & he will hide me yny$+nw the evil 0$yb
he shall lift me up ynmyrn a rock 0(w$ & upon l(w
my enemies ybbdl(b over l( my head y$yr shall lifted up Myrttn now 0$h from Nm 27:6
in his tabernacle hnk$mb & I shall offer xbd0w who are around me ynwrdxd
to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml & sing rmz0w I shall glorify xb$0 of praise 0xbw$d sacrifices 0xbd
I call you Ktyrqd when 0m my voice ylq LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm hear (m$ 27:7
& answer me ynyn(w upon me yl( show mercy Mxr
your faces Kyp0l my face yp0 & seeks Ny(bw my heart ybl said rm0 to you Kl 27:8
Lees 1816 edition: you tn0 be ywh /Ambros.: you have been tywh/ my helper yrwd(
from me ynm your faces Kyp0 turn Kpht not 0l LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 27:9
your servant Kdb(l in anger 0zgwrb afflict yhwycl0t & not 0lw
you shall abandon me ynqb$t & not 0lw you shall cast me out ynyd$t not 0l
& my Savior yqwrpw my God yhl0
abandoned me ynwqb$ & my mother ym0w my father yb0d because l+m 27:10
took me up ynlmx & LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmw
your way Kxrw0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm teach me ynypl0 27:11
straight 0cyrt in your paths Kylyb$b & lead me ynyrbdw
stood up wmqd because l+m to my enemies ybbdl(bl hand me over ynml$t & not 0lw 27:12
evil 0lw( & they spoke wllmw of lies 0rqw$d witnesses 0dhs against me yl(
the goodness htb+b that I shall see 0zx0d have believed tnmyh but Nyd I 0n0 27:13
of the living 0yxd in the land 0(r0b of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd
your hearts Nwkbl & will be strengthened lyxtnw in LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmb hope wrbs 27:14
in LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmb hope wrbs
my God yhl0 I cried tyrq LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to you Kl 28:1
to me ynm you are silent qwt$t lest 0mld to me ynm be silent qwt$t not 0l
the pit 0bwg those who go down ytxn with M( & I shall be handed over Mlt$0w
& when dkw to you Ktwl I cry 0(g0 when dk of my prayer ytw(bd the voice 0lq hear (m$ 28:2
holy 0$ydq to your temple Klkyhl my hands ydy0 I shall lift Myr0
& with M(w the wicked 0(y$r with M( number me ynynmt not 0l 28:3
peace 0ml$ who speak Nyllmmd evil 0lw( servants ydb(
in their hearts Nwhblb & evil 0t$ybw their companions Nwhyrbx with M(
& according to Ky0w their works Nwhydb( according to Ky0 them Nwn0 pay (wrp 28:4
their evils Nwhtw$yb
the works yhwdb(b they understood wlkts0 not 0ld because l+m 28:5
he will overthrow Pwxsn of his hands yhwdy0 & the work db(bw of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd
them Nwn0 will build up 0nbn & not 0lw them Nwn0
who heard (m$d LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh blessed Kyrb 28:6
of my prayer ytw(bd the voice 0lq
for upon him yhwl(d & my protector yn(ysmw my helper yrwd( LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 28:7
& in glory 0txwb$tbw my flesh yrsb & thrills xw$w my heart ybl was confident lktt0
him hl I shall confess 0dw0
of his people hm(d he is wh the power 0lyx LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 28:8
of his Anointed One hxy$md & the Savior 0qwrpw the Protector 0n(ysm.
your inheritance Ktwtryl & bless Krbw your people Km(l save qwrp 28:9
eternity Ml(l unto 0md( them Nwn0 & lead rbdw them Nwn0 & shepherd y(rw
bring wty0 of rams 0rkd sons ynb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml bring wty0 29:1
& honor 0rqy0w glory 0xbw$ LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml
to his name hm$l honor 0rqy0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml bring wty0 29:2
of his holiness h$dwqd in the court 0trdb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml worship wdwgs
God 0hl0 the waters 0ym upon l( of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the voice hlq 29:3

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the many 00ygs waters 0ym upon l( LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm thundered M(r glorious 0xb$m
in power 0lyxb of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the voice hlq 29:4
in glory 0xbw$b of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd & the voice 0lqw
Lee 1816: breaks Ptxmd / Ambros.: pulls up P+xmd of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the voice hlq 29:5
of Lebanon Nnbld the cedars 0zr0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & shatters rbtw. cedars 0zr0
calves 0lg( like Ky0 them Nwn0 he makes skip dqr 29:6
. a wild bull 0myr the children of ynb like Ky0 & Senir* rynslw Lebanon Nnbll

See Deuteronomy 3:9, where the Sidonian name for Mt Hermon is Sirion and the Amorite name is Senir.
that cut off qspd of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the voice hlq 29:7
of fire 0rwnd the flame 0tybhl$
the wilderness 0rbdm that shakes (yzmd of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the voice hlq 29:8
of Qadesh $dqd the wilderness 0rbdm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & shakes (yzmw
/ Ambros.:the bushes 0tly0 that shakes (yzmd of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the voice hlq 29:9
& in his temple hlkyhbw forests 0b( & uproots rq(mw Lees 1816 edition: the bushes 0tlly0
glory 0xbw$ says rm0 everyone $nlk
turns back Kph0 the flood 0lwmm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 29:10
to eternity Ml(l he is wh The King 0klm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm sits bty
to his people hm(l power 0lyx will give ltn LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 29:11
with peace 0ml$b his people hm(l will bless Krbn LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm .

for you have exalted me yntmyr0d LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm I shall bless you Kmrmr0 30:1
my enemies ybbdl(bl against me yb you have gladdened tydx & not 0lw
& you healed me yntys0w of you Knm I begged ty(b my God yhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 30:2
& you have saved me yntyx0w my soul y$pnl Sheol lwy$ from Nm & you raised up tqs0w 30:3
to the pit 0bwg descenders ytxn from Nm
& give thanks wdw0w his elect ones yhwbg to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml sing wrmz 30:4
of his holiness h$dwqd for the remembrance 0nrkwdl
& life 0yxw in his passion hzgwrb rebuke 0t0kd because l+m 30:5
weeping 0tkb will spend the night twbt in the evening 0$mrb in his pleasure hnybcb
joy 0twdx & in the morning 0rpcbw
not 0ld in my quietness ytwyl$b have said trm0 I 0n0 30:6
to eternity Ml(l I shall move (wz0
my glory yxbw$ upon l( you established tmyq0 in your pleasure Knybcb God 0hl0 30:7
& I was shaken t(zw your faces Kyp0 & you turned tkph0w power 0lyx
I have besought ty(b my Lord yrm & of you Knmw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & I called you Ktyrqw 30:8
that I would descend twx0d in my blood ymdb is ty0 profit 0nrtwy What? 0nm 30:9
dust 0rp( to you Kl gives thanks 0dwm not 0l to destruction 0lbxl
your faithfulness Ktwnmyh shows 0wxm neither 0lw
to me yl( & show mercy Mxrw God 0hl0 hear (m$ 30:10
a helper 0rwd( to me yl has been 0wh LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
to joy 0twdxl my griefs ytdqrm for you turned tkph0d 30:11
in joy 0twdx & you clothed me yntnbk0w my sackcloth yqs you took off tyr$
praise 0xbw$ to you Kl I shall sing rmz0 this 0nh because of l+m 30:12
to eternity Ml(l my God yhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm I shall be silent qwt$0 & not 0lw
you Kl I shall confess 0dw0
I shall be disappointed thb0 not 0l I have hoped trbs LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm in you Kb 31:1
deliver me yny+lp in your righteousness Ktwqydzb to eternity Ml(l
answer me ynyn( & quickly lg(bw your ear Knd0 to me ytwl incline ylc 31:2
& the house of tybw The Helper 0nrd(m God 0hl0 to me yl be ywh
& save me ynyqwrpw refuge 0swg
you tn0 my refuge yswg & the house tybw my strength yn$w(d because l+m 31:3
comfort me yny0yb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your Name Km$ for the sake of l+m are wh
for me yl they have hid wrm+d this 0dh net 0tdycm from Nm & take me ynyqp0w 31:4
my protector yn(ysm are wh you tn0d because l+m

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

my spirit yxwr I have committed tr+0 & to you Klw 31:5

of truth 0t$wqd God 0hl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & you have saved me yntqrpw
worship 0tlxd who observe Nyr+nd those Nyly0l you have hated tyns 31:6
I have hoped trbs LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm in you Kb & I 0n0w. empty 0tqyrs
for you have seen tyzxd in your kindness Ktwby+b & I shall rejoice 0dx0w I shall exult cwd0 31:7
of my soul y$pnd the affliction hnclw0b & you have known t(dyw my affliction ykkwmb
of my enemies ybbdl(bd into the hand 0dy0b you delivered me yntml$0 & not 0lw 31:8
my feet ylgr in an expanse 0txwr0b you have set tmyq0
to me yl grief tq(d because l+m LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm upon me yl( show mercy Mxr 31:9
& my belly ysrkw my soul y$pn in grief 0zgwrb my eye yny( is troubled txldt0
in misery 0nww0db my life yyx is consumed wrmgd because l+m 31:10
in poverty 0twnksmb my power ylyx is weakened hrkt0 in sighings 0txntb & my years yn$w
my bones ymrg & were troubled wxldt0w
a reproach 0dsx I have been tywhw my enemies ybbdl(b all of them Nwhlwk of Nm 31:11
& those Nyly0w me yl who know Ny(dyd to those Nyly0l & dread 0tlxdw to my neighbors ybb$l
turning away Nydn in the street 0qw$b me yl have been wwh who seeing Nyzxd
from me ynm they have been wwh
the heart 0bl from Nm one dead 0tym like Ky0 I am forgotten ty(+t0 31:12
lost 0dyb0 an item 0n0m like Ky0 & I have been tywhw
when dk of many 00ygsd the thought 0ynr I heard t(m$d because l+m 31:13
& they have conceived wb$xt0w one 0dx as Ky0 against me yl( they counseled wklmt0
my life y$pnl to take Nwbsnd
I have trusted tlktt0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm upon you Kyl( but Nyd I 0n0 31:14
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm you are tn0 my God yhl0d & I have said trm0w
from Nm save me ynyqwrp the times 0nbz are Nwn0 & in your hands Kydy0bw 31:15
me yl who persecute Nypdrd those Nyly0 & from Nmw my enemies ybbdl(b
your servant Kdb( upon l( your faces Kyp0 shine rhn0 31:16
in your kindness Ktwby+b & save me ynyqwrpw
that I called you Ktyrqd I shall be ashamed thb0 not 0l LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 31:17
to Sheol lwy$l & they shall descend Nwtxnw the wicked 0(y$r shall be ashamed Nwthbn
of the evil 0lw(d their lips Nwhtwps & shall be stopped Nrktsnw 31:18
& insanity 0twy+$w lies 0rqw$ the righteous 0qydz against l( for they speak Nyllmmd
you tn0 that keep r+nd your kindness Ktwby+ great 00ygs how? 0m 31:19
in you Kb for them who hope Nyrbsmdl for your worshipers Kylxdl
children of men 0$nynb in front of Mdq
of your presence Kpwcrpd in the shelter hrtsb them Nwn0 you will hide 0skt 31:20
them Nwn0 you will hide 0skt of the children of men 0$nynbd the trouble 0yxwld from Nm
strife 0nyrx from Nm in your shadow Kll+b
for Himself hl who has chosen 0bgd LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh blessed Kyrb 31:21
strong 0tny$( in the city 0tyrqb the elect ones 0ybg
from Nm I am destroyed tdb0d in my haste ytwbhrsmb have said trm0 I 0n0 31:22
of my prayer ytw(bd the voice 0lq & you heard t(m$w your eyes Kyny( in front of Mdq
I cried out to you Ktyrq when dk
his righteous ones yhqydz LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml love wmxr 31:23
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm keeps r+n & the faithful 0nmyhmlw
their works Nwhydb( to the evil 0lw(l & he pays (rpw
all lk your hearts Nwkbl & will be strengthened N$(tnw be strong wlyxt0 31:24
in LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmb who hope Nyrbsmd
his evil hlw( to him hl is forgiven qbt$0d whose Nml his blessing yhwbw+ 32:1
. his sins yhwh+x for him hl & have been covered wyskt0w
to him hl will account bw$xn not 0ld the son of man 0$nrbl his blessing yhwbw+ 32:2
in his heart hblb deceit 0lkn & there is not tylw his sin hty+x LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
my bones ymrg are worn out wylb you have been silent tqt$d because l+m 32:3

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

all hlwk day 0mwy I have been tywh roaring Mhn as dk

against me yl( has been heavy trqy & day 0mmy0w night 0ylld because l+m 32:4
to kill me ynl+qml pain 0b0k into my breast yydxb & returned Kpht0w your hand Kdy0
& my crimes ytwlksw I confessed to you Kt(dw0 my sins yh+x 32:5
that I shall confess 0dw0d I have said trm0 from you Knm I have hidden tysk not 0l
my crimes ytwlks concerning l( to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml
my sins yh+x all Nwhlk me yl you tn0 forgave qb$ & you tn0w
everyone lwk to you Kl will pray 0lcn this 0nh because of l+m 32:6
acceptable 0lbqm in the time 0nbzb you Kl choose 0bgd whom Nm
& to his presence htwlw many 00ygs of waters 0ymd but Nyd a flood 0p0x
it shall come near Nwbrqtn not 0l
my enemies ybbdl(b & from Nmw my hiding place ynyrts you are tn0 32:7
will surround me ynykrk0 & salvation 0nqrwpw praise 0xbw$ protect me ynyr+n
The way 0xrw0 I shall make known to you K(dw0 for I shall teach you Klkts0d 32:8
upon you Kyl( my eyes yny( & I shall set Mys0w in it hb to go lz0td
a mule 0yndwk & like Ky0w a horse 0ysws like Ky0 you shall be Nwwht not 0l 32:9
for them Nwhl are tamed Ny$bkm which with a bit 0tdwgpbd are wise Nymykx that not 0ld
its presence htwl they go near Nybrq & not 0lw their youth Nwhtwyl+ from Nm
& he who 0ny0w of the evil one 0lw(d the afflictions yhwb0k many Ny0ygs 32:10
will surround him yhwyrdxt grace 0twby+ in LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmb hopes rbsmd
in LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmb & be delighted wmsbt0w righteous ones 0qydz rejoice wdx 32:11
in heart 0bl upright ones ycyrt all lk & praise him yhwxb$w
& for upright ones 0cyrtlw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml righteous ones 0qydz praise wxb$ 33:1
praise 0txwb$t fitting 0y0y is wh
with harp 0rnkb to him hl Give thanks wdw0 33:2
to him hl sing wrmz strings Nynm of ten rs(d & on guitar 0rtyqbw
new 0tdx a song 0txwb$t to him hl sing wxb$ 33:3
with the voice 0lqb beautifully ryp$d & speak wrm0w & sing wrmzw
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the answer hmgtp is wh upright cyrtd because l+m 33:4
in faithfulness 0twnmyhb his works yhwdb( & all Nwhlkw
the grace htwby+ & judgment 0nydw righteousness 0twqydz he loves Mxr 33:5
the Earth 0(r0 fills 0ylm of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd
the Heavens 0ym$ were made wdb(t0 of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd by The Word htlmb 33:6
his hosts htwlyx all Nwhlk of his mouth hmwpd & by The Breath,Spirit 0xwrbw
The Word is capitalized here, because it is the same Aramaic word used in John 1:1, a name for The Son of God 0tlm
Miltha; also, The Breath is capitalized, because the Aramaic word here is 0xwr Rukha literally, The Spirit.

Leiden: of the Sea 0myd the waters 0ym waterskins 0qzbd like Ky0 he gathered $nk 33:7
the deep 0mwht in storehouses 0rcw0b & set Msw. Ambrosianus & Lees 1816 edition: of the seas 0mmyd
the Earth 0(r0 all hlk LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm of Nm they shall stand in awe Nwlxdn 33:8
all of them Nwhlwk before him yhwmdq from Nm & will tremble Nw(wznw
of the world lybtd the inhabitants hyrwm(
& they existed wwhw he spoke rm0 he whd because l+m 33:9
& it was established Myq0w he commanded dqp
of the nations 0mm(d the counsel 0klm nullifies l+bm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 33:10
of the peoples 0mm(d their strategies Nwhtb$xm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & nullifies l+bmw
stands 0myq to eternity Ml(l of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the counsel hty(rt 33:11
to generation of generations Nyrdrdl of his heart hbld & the thought 0tb$xmw
whose LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd to the people 0m(l his blessing yhwbw+ 33:12
whom he has chosen 0bgd the people 0m( its God hhl0 is wh
for his inheritance 0twtryl for himself hl
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm looked out qyd0 Heaven 0ym$ from Nm 33:13
the children of men 0$nynb all Nwhlkl & saw 0zxw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

its inhabitants hyrwm( all Nwhlkl he sees 0zx his seat hbtwm & from Nmw 33:14
of the earth 0(r0d
& he discerns Nybtmw their heart Nwhbl as one 0dxk0 for he formed lbgd 33:15
their works Nwhydb( all Nwhlkb
of an army 0lyxd by a multitude 00gwsb is saved qrptm not 0l a King 0klm 33:16
is delivered 0cptm a mighty Man 0rbng not 0l also P0
of his power hlyxd by the multitude 00gwsb
of a horse 0yswsd the salvation hnqrwp is wh false lgd 33:17
his rider hbkrl he delivers 0cpm not 0l of his power hlyxd for in the greatness 00gwsbd
the righteous ones 0qydz upon l( of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd his eyes yhwny( 33:18
his kindness htwby+l who expect Nyksmd
their souls Nwht$pn for he will deliver 0cpnd 33:19
in famine 0npkb to them Nwn0 & he will give life 0xnw death 0twm from Nm
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml has expected tyks but Nyd our soul N$pn 33:20
& our shield Nn(ysmw our helper Nnrd(m he is wywhd because l+m
our heart Nbl will rejoice 0dxn it is wh & in him hbw 33:21
we hope Nrbs holy 0$ydq for in his name hm$bd
upon us Nyl( your kindness Ktwby+ let be 0wht 33:22
you Kl we wait for Nnyksd just as 0nky0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
& always Nbzlkbw always Nbzlkb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml I shall bless Krb0 34:1
in my mouth ymwpb his praises htxb$t
my soul y$pn will boast rhbt$t in LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmb 34:2
& they will rejoice Nwdxnw the poor 0nksm will hear Nw(m$n
his name hm$ let us lift up Nyrnw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml with me ym( exalt brw0 34:3
as one 0dxk0
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm of Nm I have begged ty(b 34:4
saved me ynycp my troubles ynclw0 all Nwhlk & from Nmw & He answered me ynn(w
& your faces Nwkyp0w in him hb & hope wrbsw unto him htwl gaze wrwx 34:5
will be disappointed Nrpxn not 0l
& he heard him h(m$w who called him yhyrqd the poor one 0nksm this is wnh 34:6
he saved him hycp his afflictions yhwnclw0 all Nwhlk & from Nmw
surrounds 0rydx of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd of the Angels yhwk0lmd the army 0tyr$m 34:7
them Nwhl Lee 1816: & delivers 0cpmw /Ambrosianus: & delivers 0ycpmw /his worshipers yhwlxdl
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh that good b+d & see wzxw taste wm(+ 34:8
upon him yhwl( who trust Nylyktd to all lkl & their blessings Nwhybw+w

Nwhybw+ Toovayhoon lit.Their blessings, is an idiom meaning they are blessed.

& they were hungry wnpkw have been made poor wnksmt0 the rich 0ryt( 34:9
seek Ny(b who LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmld & those Nyly0w 34:10
a good thing 0tb+ to them Nwhl will lack rsxt not 0l
& I shall teach you Nwkpl0w hear me ynw(mw$ children 0ynb come wt 34:11
of God 0hl0d the worship htlxd
life 0yx who desires 0bcd the man 0rbg who is? wny0 34:12
to see 0zxml good 0b+ days 0tmwy & loves Mxrw
& your lips Ktwpsw evil 0t$yb from Nm your tongue Kn$l keep r+ 34:13
deceit 0lkn will speak Nllmn not 0l
good 0tb+ & do db(w evil 0t$yb from Nm pass rb( 34:14
after it hrtb & run +rhw peace 0ml$ seek y(b
the righteous ones 0qydz upon l( of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the eyes yhwny( 34:15
them Nwn0 to hear (m$ml & his ears yhwnd0w
the evil 0$yb against l( of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the face yhwp0 34:16
their remembrance Nwhnrkwd Earth 0(r0 from Nm to blot out 0+(nd
& LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmw the righteous ones 0qydz cried out w(g 34:17
them Nwn0 & delivered ycpw them Nwn0 heard (m$
in heart 0bl the broken ones yrybtl LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh near byrq 34:18

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

he saves qrp in spirit 0xwr & the meek ykykmlw

of the righteous one 0qydzd the afflictions ht$yb many N0ygs 34:19
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm him hl & he delivers 0cpm all of them Nyhlwk & from Nmw
his bones yhwmrg all Nwhlkl & he will keep r+nw 34:20
will be broken rbttn not 0l of them Nwhnm that one dxd
& the haters yhw0nsw evil 0t$yb the wicked 0(y$rl kills 0l+q 34:21
will come to an end Nwpwsn of the righteous 0qydzd
of his servants yhwdb(d the souls 0t$pn LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm will redeem qwrpn 34:22
in him hb who hope Nyrbsmd all lwk will be condemned Nwbyxtn & not 0lw
against M( & fight $tkt0w my judgment ynyd LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm judge Nwd 35:1
against me ym( who fight Ny$tktmd those Nyly0
for my help ynrdw(b & stand up Mwqw & a shield 0rksw a supply of arms 0nyz take dwx0 35:2
against lbqwl & cause it to flash qrb0w a sword 0rysps draw out +wm$ 35:3
your Savior ykqwrp am wh I 0n0d to my soul y$pnl & say rm0w my persecutors ypwdr

0qwrp Pruqa Savior is found about 33 times in the Peshitta Psalms & is so translated 33 times in this edition. The
Hebrew Psalms has ($y Yasha Very close to Yeshua Savior once! This is another sign that the Peshitta was
probably translated by Christian Israelites who saw Yeshua The Messiah throughout the Psalms as the Salvation spoken
of in the Hebrew Bible.
those Nyly0 & they shall be put to shame Nwrpxnw they shall be ashamed Nwthbn 35:4
they shall turn Nwkphn my soul y$pnl who seek Ny(bd
& they shall be put to shame Nwrpxnw their behind Nwhrtsbl
evil 0t$yb against me yl( who have plotted wb$xt0d those Nyly0
the wind 0xwr before Mdq dust 0xyxd like Ky0 they shall be Nwwhn 35:5
them Nwn0 will persecute Pwdrn of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd & The Angel hk0lmw
in it hb & they shall be Nywhnw their way Nwhxrw0 will be dark K$xt 35:6
them Nwn0 will persecute Pwdrn of God 0hl0d & the Angel hk0lmw a slippery place 0ty(wr$m
snares 0xp for me yl they have hid wrm+d because l( 35:7
for my life y$pnl they spread wsrp & the net 0tdycmw
the stillness 0yl$ from Nm evil 0t$yb against them Nwhyl( let come 0t0t 35:8
them Nwn0 will take dwx0t that they have hid wrm+d & the net 0tdycmw
in it hb they will fall Nwlpn they dug wrpxd & the ditch 0cmwgw
in God 0hl0b will exult zwrt but Nyd my soul y$pn 35:9
in his salvation hnqrwpb & will delight Msbttw
like you Ktwk0 who is? wnm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm will say Nwrm0n my bones ymrg & all Nwhlkw 35:10
& the poor 0nksmlw his enemy hbbdl(b from Nm the afflicted 0$ybl you tn0 for deliver 0cpmd
by force 0ry+qb him hl who plunders P+xd him Nm from Nm & the afflicted 0$yblw
that not 0ld & something Mdmw of evil 0lw(d witnesses 0dhs stood up wmq 35:11
they questioned me ynwl0$ I have tywh known (dy
& destroyed wdbw0w good 0tb+ for Plx evil 0t$yb they paid me ynw(rp 35:12
man 0$n0 the children of ynb from Nm my life y$pn
sackcloth 0qs I wore t$bl in their sicknesses Nwhtwhyrkb & I 0n0w 35:13
& my prayer ytwlcw by fasting 0mwcb my soul y$pn & was humbled tkkmw
returned tkph to my bosom ybw(l
I have been tywh walking Klhm a brother 0x0 & like Ky0w a friend 0mxr like Ky0 35:14
I was saddened tywdt0 in mourning 0lb0b he who sits btyd am wh & like Ky0w
over me yl & they rejoiced wydxw they gathered w$nkt0 in my suffering y$xb 35:15
I knew t(dy & not 0lw a long time 0rgwn against me yl( they gathered w$nkt0
& in their scorning Nwhxzwbbw in their boasting Nwhrhbw$b 35:16
with their teeth Nwhyn$ against me yl( they gnashed wqrx
return Kph0 you have seen tyzx they have lied wdk my Lord yrm 35:17
my Only One ytwdyxy the lions 0twyr0 & from Nmw their troubles Nwhy$wg$ from Nm my soul y$pn
great 0tbr in the congregation 0td(b you Kl I shall confess 0dw0 35:18
to you Kl I shall sing rmz0 many 00ygs & among the nations 0mm(bw
my enemies ybbdl(b over me yl will rejoice Nwdxn for not 0ld 35:19
with their eyes Nwhyny(b who wink Nyzmrmd without cause Ngm me yl who hate Nynsd & liars 0rq$w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the meek 0kykm & against l(w they speak Nyrm0 not 0l & peace 0ml$w 35:20
they conceive Nyb$xtm deceit 0lkn of Earth 0(r0d
their mouths Nwhmwp against me yl( they have opened wxtp 35:21
our eyes Nny( it hb have seen tzx aha 0h0 aha 0h0 & they said wrm0w
will be silent qwt$t & not 0lw God 0hl0 you have seen tyzx 35:22
from me ynm be far qxrt & not 0lw my Lord yrm
my God yhl0 for my judgment ynydl awake ry(tt0 35:23
the defrauding of me ynblw( & see yzxw & my Lord yrmw
your righteousness Ktwqydz according to Ky0 judge me ynynwd 35:24
over me yl they rejoice Nwdxn lest 0ld LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
in their heart Nwhblb they say Nwrm0n lest 0lw 35:25
& we have buried him hyn(b+w our soul N$pn is contented txyntt0d
& they shall be put to shame Nwrpxnw let them be ashamed Nwthbn 35:26
& those Nyly0w my affliction yt$ybl who seek Nybcd those Nyly0 as one 0dxk0
shame 0tthb will wear Nw$bln against me yl( who magnify themselves Nybrwrtmd
who seek Nybcd those Nyly0 & will rejoice Nwdxnw will praise Nwxb$n 35:27
great brd always Nbzlkb & they will say Nwrm0nw my victory ytwkzl
of his servant hdb(d in the peace 0ml$b who is pleased 0bcd LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh
your righteousness Ktwqydzb will confess 0dwn my tongue yn$l 35:28
your praises Ktxb$tb day 0mwy & all hlkw
Ambros.: because lw+m in his heart hblb the evil 0($wr evil 0lw( conceives b$xtm 36:1
of God 0hl0d the awe htlxd there is not tyld Lee 1816: because l+m
his eyes yhwny( before lbqwl
in his eyes yhwny(b it is yh hateful 0ynsd because l+m 36:2
them Nwn0 & to hate 0nsnw his sins yhwh+x to forsake qwb$nd
& deceit 0lknw disease 0b0k of his mouth hmwpd the answer 0mgtp 36:3
good 0tb+ to do db(ml he desires 0bc & not 0lw
& walks Klhmw his bed hbk$m upon l( he conceives b$xtm disease 0b0k 36:4
that he may do evil $0bnd beautiful 0ryp$ not 0ld which 0dy0 in the way 0xrw0b
& your faithfulness Ktwnmyhw your mercies Kymxr in Heaven 0ym$b LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 36:5
of Heavens 0ym$ the Heaven ym$l unto 0md(
God 0hl0 the mountains 0rw+ like Ky0 & your righteousness Ktwqydzw 36:6
great 0br the abyss 0mwht like Ky0 & your judgments Kynydw
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm you tn0 save qrp & beast 0ry(bw of man 0$n0 the children ynb
God 0hl0 your compassions Kymxr abundant Ny0ygs how 0m 36: 7
will be sheltered Nwsktn of your wings Kypnkd in the shadow 0ll+b men 0$n0 & the children ynbw
of your house Ktybd the fatness hnmw$ from Nm & they will feed Nwwznw 36:8
them Nwn0 you will give drink 0q$t sweet 0mysb your torrent Klxn & from Nmw
is wh with you Km( of life 0yxd the fountain 0(wbmd because lw+m 36:9
light 0rhwn we see Nnyzx it is wh & in your light Krhwnbw
for those near you Kybyrql your mercies Kymxr keep r+ 36:10
of heart 0bl for the upright ones ycyrtl & your righteousness Ktwqydzw
violent 0tny$( the foot 0lgr upon us Nyl( let come 0tyt not 0l 36:11
will move us N(yzt not 0l of the wicked 0(y$rd & the hand Nwhdy0w
workers of ydb( all lwk fall Nylpn there Nmtd because l+m 36:12
to stand Mqml they are able Nyxk$m & not 0lw & they are overthrown Nypxtsmw lies 0rqw$
envy N+t & not 0lw the wicked 0(y$rb emulate Msxt not 0l 37:1
evil 0lw( workers of ydb(b
they dry up Ny$by quickly lg(b straw 0lg like Ky0d because l+m 37:2
they wither Nymx grass 0bs(d green 0qrwy & like Ky0w
good 0tb+ & do db(w in God 0hl0b hope rbs 37:3
faithfulness 0twnmyh & seek y(bw in the land 0(r0b dwell rm(
you Kl & he will give ltnw in LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmb hope rbs 37:4

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of your heart Kbld the requests htl0$

your road Kxrw0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm in front of Mdq straighten cwrt 37:5
will do it db( & he whw in him hb & hope rbsw
your righteousness Ktwqydz light 0rhwn like Ky0 & he will bring forth qpmw 37:6
the noon 0rh+ like Ky0 & your judgments Kynydw
before him yhwmdq & pray 0lcw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm from Nm seek y(b 37:7
his way hxrw0 & prospers 0xlcmw evil 0lw( who does db(d a man 0rbgb envy Msxt & not 0lw
passion 0zgwr from Nm & rest xyntt0w anger 0tmx from Nm rest xyntt0 37:8
evil 0t$yb the doer db(ml envy Msxt & not 0lw
who hope Nyrbsmd & those Nyly0w are destroyed Nypys the wicked 0$ybd because l+m 37:9
the Earth 0(r0 inherit Nytry in LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmb
the wicked 0(y$rl him hl you tn0 will seek 0(b little 0rw(z in a time 0nbzb 37:10
into his place htkwdb you tn0 & gaze r0xw & he is not yhwtylw
it shall be found xkt$m & not 0lw
& will enjoy Nymsbtmw the Earth 0(r0 inherit Nytry & the poor 0nksmw 37:11
abundant 00ygs peace 0ml$b
the righteous one 0qydz against l( the wicked one 0(y$r rages tmxtm 37:12
upon him yhwl( his teeth yhwn$ & gnashes qrxmw
because l+m at him yhwl( will laugh Kxgn & LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmw 37:13
his day hmwy that is coming 0+md he knows (dyd
& they have bent wxtmw the wicked 0(y$r have drawn w+m$ the sword 0pys 37:14
& the afflicted 0$yblw the poor 0nksml to kill Nwl+qnd the bow 0t$q
their ways Nwhtxrw0 whose upright Ncyrtd & those Nyly0lw
& their bows Nwhtt$qw their heart Nwhblb shall enter lw(n their sword Nwhpys 37:15
will be broken Nrbttn
the possessions 0nynq than Nm the righteous has 0qydzl a little lylq is better xqp 37:16
of the wicked 0(y$rd many 00ygs
of the wicked 0(y$rd their arms Nwhy(rdd because l+m / because lw+m 37:17
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm the righteous ones 0qydzl supports Kmsm will be broken Nwrbttn
of the perfect 0mymtd the days Nwhtmwy LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm knows (dyw 37:18
will be 0wht to eternity Ml(l & their inheritance Nwhtwtryw
evil 0t$yb in the time 0t($b they will be ashamed Nwthbn & not 0lw 37:19
they will be satisfied Nw(bsn of famine 0npkd & in days 0tmwybw
& the enemies yhwbbdl(bw perish Nydb0 the wicked 0(y$rd because l+m 37:20
are finished Nyrmg fattened 0m+pm of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd
they disappear Nypys smoke 0nnt & like Ky0w
& the righteous 0qydzw pays (rp & not 0lw the wicked 0(y$r borrows Pzy 37:21
& gives bhyw shows mercy Mxrm
inherit Nytry of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the blessed yhwkyrbd because l+m 37:22
will come to an end Nwpwsn & his cursed ones yhw+ylw the Earth 0(r0
are set in order Nnqtm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm before Mdq from Nm 37:23
. set in order Nqtm is wh & his way hxrw0w of a man 0rbgd the steps htklh
he is harmed rhm not 0l he falls lpn if N0d because l+m 37:24
his hand hdy0b holds dyx0 for LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd
I have seen tyzx & not 0lw & I am old tbsw I have been tywh young 0l+ 37:25
his seed h(rz not 0l also P0 who is forsaken qbt$0d a righteous one 0qydz
bread 0mxl which seeks 0(bd
& lends Pzwmw he shows mercy Mxrm the day 0mwy all hlk but 0l0 37:26
is blessed Krbtm & his seed h(rzw
for eternity Ml(l rest xyntt0 good 0tb+ & do db(w evil 0t$yb from Nm pass rb( 37:27
loves Mxr judgment 0nyd LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd because l+m 37:28
to eternity Ml(l but 0l0 his righteous ones yhwqydzl forsakes qb$ & not 0lw
he destroys dbwm of the wicked 0(y$rd & the seed Nwh(rzw them Nwhl keeps r+nm
& dwell Nyr$w the Earth 0(r0 inherit Nytry & the righteous ones 0qydzw 37:29
to eternity Ml(l upon it hyl(

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of the righteous 0qydzd the mouth hmwp attends to 0nr wisdom 0tmkx 37:30
judgment 0nyd speaks llmm & his tongue hn$lw
& not 0lw in his heart hblb of God 0hl0d The Torah hswmn 37:31
his steps htkrwd are moved N(yz
for the righteous 0qydzl the wicked 0(y$r lies in wait 0ksm 37:32
to kill him hl+qml & seeks 0(bw
in his hands yhwdy0b will leave him yhwyqb$n not 0l & LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmw 37:33
in judgment 0nydb he will condemn him yhwybyxn neither 0l0
his way hxrw0 & keep r+w in LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmb hope rbs 37:34
are destroyed Nypysd when 0m the Earth 0(r0 to inherit tr0ml & he will exalt you Kmyrnw
you shall see 0zxt the wicked 0(y$r
who are boasting Nyrhbt$md the wicked 0(y$r I have seen tyzxd because l+m 37:35
of the forest 0b(d trees 0nly0 like Ky0 & are lifted up Nymyrttmw
& I looked for him hty(bw he was not yhwtyl I passed by trb( when dk 37:36
I found him htxk$0 & not 0lw
uprightness 0twcyrt & choose ybgw perfection 0twmymt keep r+ 37:37
of peace 0ml$d to men 0rbgl good 0tb+ an end 0trx there is ty0d because l+m
one 0dx like Ky0 will come to an end Nwpwsn sinners 0y+xw 37:38
for destruction 0ndb0l of the wicked 0(y$rd & the end 0trxw
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm of the righteous ones 0qydzd The Savior 0qwrp 37:39
of trouble 0tq(d in the time 0nbzb for them Nwhl a helper rd(m iswh
them Nwhl & delivers 0cpmw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm for them Nwhl a helper rd(m 37:40
& saves qrpw the wicked 0(y$r from Nm them Nwhl & delivers 0cpmw
in him hb they hope wrbsd because l+m them Nwhl
rebuke me ynskt in your wrath Kzgwrb not 0l LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 38:1
discipline me.ynydrt in your anger Ktmxb not 0l also P0
your arrows Kyr0gd Lee: because l+m / Ambros.: because lw+m 38:2
against me yl( your hand Kdy0 & has pressed txyntt0w in me yb have stuck w(bqt0
for my flesh yrsbl peace 0ml$ & there is not tylw 38:3
peace 0ml$ & there is not tylw your anger Ktmx before Mdq from Nm
my sins yh+x before Mdq from Nm for my bones ymrgl
my head y$yrl Lee: passed above yrb( / Ambros.:passed above rb( my crimes ytwlksd for l+m 38:4
to me yl is heavy rqy heavy 0tryqy cargo 0lbwm & like Ky0w
my wounds ytrbx & rot me ysmt0w defile me yrs 38:5
my crimes ytwlks before Mdq & from Nmw
I have walked tklh in sadness 0twrymkb day 0mwy & all hlkw very b+ I was agitated t(z 38:6
with shaking 0t(wz have been filled wylmt0 my ankles ylcrwqd because l+m 38:7
for my flesh yrsbl peace 0ml$ & there is not tylw
I have been tywh & groaning ghnw very b+ & I was saddened tywdt0w I shook t(z 38:8
of my heart ybld the moaning htmhn from Nm
my desire ytgr all hlk is yh before you Kymdq LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 38:9
are hidden Ny$+m not 0l from you Knm & my sighs ytxn0tw
has left me ynqb$ & my power ylyxw is cast down Kpht0 my heart ybl 38:10
with me ytwl has been 0wh not 0l of my eyes yny(d & the light 0rhwnw
my sorrow yb0k in front of lbqwl & my neighbors yrbxw my friends ymxr 38:11
they have been wwh staying Nymyq distant 0qxwrb & my relatives ybyrqw they stood wmq
my life y$pnl who seek Ny(bd those Nyly0 & took me ynwdx0w 38:12
& deceit 0lknw lies 0rqw$ & they spoke wllmw my affliction yt$ybl & seek Nybcw
they have been wwh meditating Nynr all hlk day 0mwy
Lees 1816 edition: a deaf man 0gwd /Ambrosianus: a deaf mute 0$rx like Ky0 but Nyd I 0n0 38:13
Ambrosianus: a deaf mute 0gwd/ & like Ky0w I have tywh heard (m$ not 0l
my mouth ymwp I opened txtp not 0l Lees 1816 edition: a dumb man 0q0p /
hears (m$ that not 0ld a man 0rbg like Ky0 & I have been tywhw 38:14
in his mouth hmwpb rebuke 0twnskm & there is no tylw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm I have waited tyks for you Kld because l+m 38:15
my God yhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & you answered me yntyn(w
let them rejoice Nwdxn not 0ld I have said trm0d Lee: because l+m / Ambros.:because lw+m 38:16
against me yl( let them be exalted Nwmyrttn & not 0lw against me yl
of my feet ylgrd in the shaking 0t(wzb
I am 0n0 prepared by+m for suffering 0$xl I 0n0d because l+m 38:17
always Nbzlkb is wh in front of me ylbqwl & my sorrow yb0kw
my wrong doing Kywx0 I shall declare to you Kywx0d Lee: because l+m / Ambros.:because lw+m 38:18
my sins yh+x from Nm & I shall be purged 0kdt0w
& have seen wzxw have been strengthened wn$(t0 my enemies ybbdl(b 38:19
lying 0rqw$d my haters y0ns & have increased wygsw
good 0tb+ for Plx evil 0t$yb they paid me ynw(rp 38:20
good 0tb+ I have sought ty(bd because l( & they regarded me with malice ynwrqsw
my God yhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm do abandon me ynqb$t not 0l 38:21
from me ynm be far qxrt & not 0lw
& save me ynyqwrpw for my help ynrdw(l stay rtk but 0l0 38:22
my way yxrw0 that I would keep r+0d I have said trm0 39:1
my mouth ymwp I shall keep r+0 with my tongue yn$lb I shall sin 0+x0 & not 0lw
who before me ylbqwld the wicked 0(y$r because of l+m evil 0lw( from Nm
& I was saddened tywdt0w & I was sorrowful trmkt0w I was dumb t$rx 39:2
was agitated xldt0 & my sorrow yb0kw good 0tb+ by Nm
is renewed tdx0 & in my body ym$wgbw within me ywgb my heart ybl is hot Mx 39:3
with my tongue yn$lb I meditated tynr fire 0rwn
of my days ymwyd & the measure 0txw$mw my end ytrx LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm show me ynywxw 39:4
I 0n0 remain $0p why? 0nml that I may know (d0d it is yh What? 0nm
my days ymwy you have given tbhy in a measure 0txw$mb behold 0hd 39:5
before you Kymdq it is wh thing Mdm no 0l like Ky0 & my delay y$wpw
remain Nymyq they Nwn0 vapor 0ghl like Ky0 children of men 0$nynb all Nwhlkd because l+m
a man 0rbg walks Klhm in an image 0mlcbd because l+m 39:6
treasures 0tmys he lays by M0s he fades away 0mx a vapor 0ghl & like Ky0w
them Nyhl he gathered lmx for whom wnml knows (dy & not 0lw
except 0l0 my hope yrbs what is? wnm therefore lykm 39:7
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm you tn0 only N0
& a reproach 0dsxw save me yncp my crimes ytwlks all these Nyhlk & from Nmw 39:8
make me yndb(t not 0l to the evil 0lw(l
my mouth ymwp I opened txtp & not 0lw I am dumb t$rx 39:9
you have done tdb( you tn0d because l+m
the blows 0twxm & from Nmw your scourges Kdgn from me ynm remove rb(0 39:10
of your hands Kydy0d
of my sins yh+x faces yp0 for l(d by rebuke 0twnskmb I am spent trmg 39:11
& you have put away trb(0w a man 0rbg you have chastised tydr
his desires htgygr stubble 0tbx like Ky0
children of men 0$nynb all Nwhlk are Nwn0 a vapor 0ghl & like Ky0w
& my request ytw(bw my prayer ytwlc LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm hear (m$ 39:12
be silent qwt$t & not 0lw to my tears yt(mdl & give heed twcw
Lee: because l+m / Ambros.:because lw+m
& a pilgrim 0btwtw with you Km( I am 0n0 an inhabitant 0rwm(d
my fathers yhb0 all Nwhlk like Ky0
I 0n0 depart lz0 lest 0ld( & I shall rest xyntt0w save me ynyqwrp 39:13
I shall be yty0 not 0l & again bwtw
for he turned ynpt0d in LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmb I have hoped trbs hoping wrbsm 40:1
my prayer ytw(b & he heard (m$w toward me ytwl
of misery 0nww0dd the pit 0bwg from Nm he brought me up ynqs0w 40:2

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

a rock 0(w$ upon l( he set Myq0 of destruction 0lbxd the mire 0nys & from Nmw
my ways ytklh & he has made ready Nqt0w my feet ylgr
to God 0hl0l glory 0txwb$t new 0tdx a song 0txwb$t in my mouth ymwpb he gave bhy 40:3
& they will rejoice Nwdxnw many 00ygs for will see Nwzxnd
in LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmb & they will hope Nwrbsnw
his name hm$ who upon l(d man 0$n0 to The son rbl his blessing yhwbw+ 40:4
to futility 0twqyrsl has returned 0np & not 0lw trusts lykt of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd
false 0lgd to speech 0llmml not 0l also P0
our God Nhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm that you have done tdb(d are Nyn0 many N0ygs 40:5
& there is none tylw concerning us Nyl( & your thoughts Ktb$xmw your wonders Ktrmdt
& more N0ygsw & I have said trm0w I have shown tywx like you Ktwk0
computation 0nynm than Nm are they Nyn0
you have been pleased tybc not 0l & in offerings 0nbrwqbw in sacrifices 0xbdb 40:6
for me yl you have pierced tbqn but Nyd the ears 0nd0
you requested tl0$ not 0l sin 0h+x instead of Plxd peace 0ml$ & burnings 0dqyw
in the first $yrbd I have come tyt0 behold 0hd I have said trm0 then Nydyh 40:7
about me yl( it is written bytk of The Writings 0btk
I have desired tybc God 0hl0 your pleasure Knybc to do db(ml 40:8
my belly ysrk within wgb & your law Kswmnw
* The Hebrew Scriptures are arranged into The Law, The Prophets Major & Minor and The Writings. The
Writings Mybwtk Kethuvim start with The Psalms.There are twelve books in the Hebrew reckoning in The
Writings.This verse is a quotation from Psalms 40:7 9, which is from the first of the five books comprising the Psalms.
The Aramaic word for this section of The Old Testament is 0btk Kthavay.
The Greek phrase in this reading is kefalidi Bibliou In the heading of the book which really does not make
sense with regard to this quotation; neither does the translation In the volume of the book fare much better.
great 0tbr in the congregation 0td(b your righteousness Ktwqydz I have preached trbs 40:9
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm I have restrained tylk not 0l & my lips ytwpsw
are tn0 knowing (dy you tn0
my heart ybl within wgb your righteousness Ktwqydz I have hidden ty$+ for not 0ld 40:10
I have told trm0 & your faithfulness Ktwnmyhw your salvation Knqrwp but 0l0
your kindness Ktwby+ I have hidden ty$+ & not 0lw
great 0tbr the congregation 0td( from Nm & your faithfulness Ktwnmyhw
from me ynm restrain 0lkt not 0l LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm you tn0 also P0 40:11
& your faithfulness Ktwnmyhw your mercies Kymxr but 0l0 your mercies Kymxr
let keep me ynnwr+nn time Nbz in every lkb
number Nynm without 0ld evils 0t$yb surround me ynrdxd because l+m 40:12
to see 0zxml I was able txk$0 & not 0lw my sins yh+x & have overtaken me ynwkrd0w
the hairs 0r(s more than Nm & they have increased wn$(w
has left me ynqb$ & my heart yblw of my head y$yrd
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to deliver me Ntwycpml LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm be pleased ybc 40:13
stay rtk to help me ynrdw(l
those Nyly0 & they shall be put to shame Nwrpxnw they shall be ashamed Nwthbn 40:14
their behind Nwhrtsbl they shall turn Nwkphn my soul y$pnl to kill l+qml who seek Ny(bd
my affliction yt$ybl who seek Nybcd those Nyly0 & they shall be put to shame Nwrpxnw
of their shame Nwhtthbd repeatedly 0yntb let them be ashamed Nwhmtn 40:15
aha! 0h0 aha! 0h0 against me yl( who have said wrm0d those Nyly0
you Kl who seek Ny(bd all lk in you Kb they will rejoice Nwdxn 40:16
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh great brd time Nbz at every lkb & they will say Nwrm0nw
your salvation Knqrwp who love Nymxrd those Nyly0
my Lord yrm & afflicted 0$ybw am 0n0 poor 0nksm & I 0n0w 40:17
you are tn0 my helper ynrd(m against me yl( they have plotted wb$xt0
delay rxwt not 0l my God yhl0 & my deliverer ynycpmw
for in the day 0mwybd the poor 0nksmb who regards r0xd to him Nml his blessing yhwbw+ 41:1
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm will set him free yhwy+lpn of evil 0t$ybd
& will give him life yhwyx0nw will keep him yhwyr+nn LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 41:2

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Ambrosianus: & will bless b0+nw

in the Earth 0(r0b him hl Lees 1816 edition: & will bless b+0nw
to his enemies yhwbbdl(bl will hand him over yhwyml$n & not 0lw
the bed 0sr( upon l( will sustain him yhwykmsn LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 41:3
in his sickness hnhrwkb change Kph his bed hbk$m & all hlkw of his afflictions yhwb0kd
on me yl( have mercy Mxr my Lord yrm are wh that you tn0d have said trm0 I 0n0 41:4
against you Kl I have sinned ty+xd because l+m my soul y$pnl & heal hs0w
evil 0t$yb against me yl( speak wrm0 my enemies ybbdl(b 41:5
his Name hm$ & perish db0w does he die tym but Nyd when? ytm0
lies 0twlgd to see me ynyzxml they have wwh come Nyt0d when? ytm0 41:6
planning Nyl$x & in their heart Nwhblbw they have been wwh speaking Nyllmm
to the street 0qw$l they have been wwh going out Nyqpn evil 0t$yb they have been wwh
& speaking Nyllmmw
those hating me y0ns all Nwhlk one 0dx as Ky0 against me yl( they whispered w$xlt0 41:7
evil 0t$yb against me yl( & they have conceived wb$xt0w
now lykm they have been.wwh meditating Nynr of evil 0lw(d on a word 0tlmb 41:8
to rise Mqml continues Pswm not 0l that he lies down bk$d
I 0n0 whom trusted lyktd my peace yml$ invoking l0$ a man 0rbg also P0 41:9
upon him yhwl( I 0n0 for trusted lyktd my bread ymxl he ate lk0 upon him yhwl(
against me yl( was treacherous lknt0 very ygs
upon me yl( show mercy Mxr LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & you tn0w 41:10
them Nwn0 that I may pay (wrp0d & raise me up ynymyq0w
with me yb you are tn0 that pleased 0bcd I have known t(dy in this 0dhb 41:11
my enemy ybbdl(b me yl harms $0bm not 0ld because l+m
you have supported me yntkms in my perfection ytwmymtb but Nyd to me yl 41:12
to eternity Ml(l before you Kymdq & you have established me yntmyq0w
of Israel lyrsy0d God 0hl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh blessed Kyrb 41:13
eternity Ml(l & unto 0md(w eternity Ml( from Nm
& Amen Nym0w Amen Nym0
the brook 0dycp over l( that bellows 0(gd a stag 0ly0 like Ky0 42:1
bellows 0y(g my soul y$pn also P0 so 0nkh of waters 0ymd
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm for you Ktwl
living 0yx God 0hl0 my soul y$pn for you Kl is yh thirsty 0yhc 42:2
God 0hl0 your faces Kyp0 & see 0zx0w will I come 0t0 when? ytm0d
food 0tlwk0m my tears yt(md to me yl have been twh 42:3
they have been wwh saying Nyrm0 when dk & by night 0yllbw by day 0mmy0b
your God Khl0 where is? wky0d every day Mwylk to me yl
my soul y$pn & was troubled tpr+t0w I remembered trkdt0 these things Nylh 42:4
into your shelter Krtsb I shall enter rb(0d because l+m
of God 0hl0d the house htybl unto 0md( strong 0ny$(
rejoice Nydx many 00ygs & of thanksgiving 0tydwtdw of praise 0txwb$td with the voice 0lqb
why? 0nmlw my soul y$pn am I troubled tpr+tm why? 0nml 42:5
because l+m God 0hl0l wait for yks have you perplexed me ythymt
of my face yp0d I shall praise 0dw0 again bwtd
& my God yhl0w The Savior 0qwrpl him hl
was troubled tpr+t0 my soul y$pn against me yl( 42:6
I have remembered you Ktrkdt0 this 0nh because of l+m
Hermon Nwmrx & from Nmw of Jordan Nndrwyd the land 0(r0 from Nm
little 0rw(z the mountain 0rw+ & from Nmw
the voice 0lq calls 0rq to the abyss 0mwhtl the abyss 0mwht 42:7
of your fountains Kyksnd of the waters 0ymd to the voice 0lql
& your waves Kyllgw your storms Kylw$xm all Nwhlk
passed wrb( over me yl(
his mercies yhwmxr LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm will command dwqpn in the day 0mmy0b 42:8

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

prayer 0twlc with me ym( his songs htxb$t & in the night 0yllbw
living 0yx to the God 0hl0l is wh
have you forgotten me ynty(+ why? 0nmld to God 0hl0l I have said trm0 42:9
of my enemies ybbdl(bd in distress 0nclw0b sadly ty0rymk I 0n0 walk Klhm & why? 0nmlw
my enemies ybbdl(b reproached me ynwdsx of my bones ymrgd in the breaking 0rbtb 42:10
day Mwy every lwk to me yl they have been wwh saying Nyrm0 as dk
your God Khl0 where is? wky0
& why? 0nmlw my soul y$pn have you agitated me ytpr+tm why? 0nml 42:11
again bwtd because l+m God 0hl0l look for yks have you perplexed me ythymt
& my God yhl0w of my face yp0d The Savior 0qwrpl him hl I shall praise 0dw0
my plea yt(bt & plead (btw my judgment ynyd Oh God 0hl0 judge Nwd 43:1
men 0rbg & from Nmw mercy Nmxrm without 0ld the people 0m( from Nm
save me yncp & deceivers 0ntlwknw evil 0lw(
& why? 0nmlw of my power ylyxd the God 0hl0 are wh you tn0d because l+m 43:2
sadly ty0rymk I 0n0 walk Klhm & why? 0nmlw have you forgotten me ynty(+
of my enemies ybbdl(bd in distress 0nclw0b
& comfort me ynnw0ybnw & your truth Ktwnmyhw your light Krhwn send rd$ 43:3
& to your tent Knk$mlw holy 0$ydq to your mountain Krw+l & they will bring me ynnwtynw
God 0hl0 & to twlw Gods 0hl0d altar hxbdm to twl & I shall come 0t0w 43:4
on the harp 0rnkb you Kl I shall praise 0dw0 my youth ytwyl+ who gladdens 0dxmd
my God yhl0 God 0hl0
my soul y$pn have you agitated me ytpr+tm why? 0nml 43:5
have you perplexed me ythymt & why? 0nmlw
I shall praise 0dw0 again bwtd because l+m God 0hl0l look for yks
& my God yhl0w of my faces yp0d The Savior 0qwrpl him hl

in our ears Nynd0b we have heard Nn(m$ God 0hl0 44:1

to us Nl they related wy(t$0 our fathers Nyhb0 also P0
former 0ymdq in the days 0tmwyb in their days Nwhymwyb you did tdb(d what Mdm
them Nwn0 & you planted tbcnw Gentiles 0mm(l destroyed tdbw0 your hand Kdy0 44:2
them Nwn0 & you established trr$w the kingdoms 0twklml & you afflicted t$0b0w
they inherited wtry by their sword Nwhbrxb it was 0wh not 0ld because l+m 44:3
but 0l0 them Nwn0 saved qrp that their arm Nwh(rd not 0l also P0 the land 0(r0
of your face Kyp0d & the light 0rhwnw & your arm K(rdw your right hand Knymy
with them Nwhb for you were pleased tybcd
for you commanded tdqpd my King yklm God 0hl0 are wh you tn0 44:4
of Yaqob bwq(yd the salvation hnqrwp concerning l(
our enemies Nybbdl(bl we shall wound rqdn by you Kb 44:5
our haters Ny0nsl we shall tread upon $wdn your Name Km$ & because of l+mw
we trust Nnylykt our bows Ntt$q upon l( it has been 0wh not 0ld because l+m 44:6
. to save us Nqrpnd our armor Nnyz upon l( not 0l also P0
our haters Ny0ns from Nm saved us Ntqrp have wh you tn0 44:7
our enemies Nybbdl(bl you have put to shame tthb0w
day 0mwy every hlwk God 0hl0 we glorify you Knxb$ 44:8
we shall confess 0dwn to eternity Ml(l & your name Km$lw
& you have shamed us Ntthb0w you have forgotten us Nty(+ now 0$h 44:9
with our army Nlyxb you tn0 go forth qpn & not 0lw
our behind Nrtsbl you have turned us Ntkph0 but 0l0 44:10
our enemies Nybbdl(b & have plundered us Nwzbw
for food 0tlwk0ml sheep 0n( like Ky0 you have given us Ntbhy 44:11
the Gentiles 0mm( among tyb & you have scattered us Ntrdbw
a price 0ymd without 0ld your people Km(l you have sold tnbz 44:12

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

their exchange Nwhplwx you have made a gain tygs0 & not 0lw
a mockery 0qywm to our neighbors Nybb$l a reproach 0dsx you have made us Ntdb( 44:13
are Nwn0 who around us Nyrdxd to those Nyly0l & a laughing stock 0xzwbw
the Gentiles 0mm( among tyb a proverb 0ltml you have made us Ntdb( 44:14
. among the peoples 0twm0b of the head 0$yrd & a shaking 0dynw
is yh in front of me ymdq my shame ytthb day 0mwy & all hlkw 44:15
has covered me yntysk of my face yp0d & the shame 0tthbw
& insults Pdgmw that reproaches dsxmd the voice 0lq from Nm 44:16
who avenges Mqntmd the enemy 0bbdl(b in front of Mdq & from Nmw
& not 0lw to us Nl heaped up y$dg all these things Nyhlk these Nylh 44:17
we have dealt falsely Nnlgd & not 0lw we have forgotten you Kny(+
in your covenant Kmyqb
our back Nrtsbl we have turned Nkph0 & not 0lw 44:18
your road Kxrw0 from Nm our steps Nylyb$ we have turned Nkph0 & not 0lw
of dragons 0nynt in the place 0rt0b you have humbled us Ntkkmd because l+m 44:19
of death 0twm with the shadows yll+b & you have covered us Ntyskw
of our God Nhl0d the name hm$ we forget Ny(+ & not 0lw 44:20
foreign 0yrkwn gods 0hl0 to twl our hands Nydy0 we have stretched N+$p & not 0lw
he whd because l+m this 0dhl itself hl searching into 0cb is wh God 0hl0 44:21
of the heart 0bld the purposes htb$xm knows (dy
day Mwy all lk we are being killed Nl+qt0 for your sake Ktl+m 44:22
Lee 1816:lambs 0rm0 instead of Ambrosianus sheep 0n( like Ky0 & we are accounted Nb$xt0w
for slaughter 0tsknl
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm sleep Kmdt & not 0lw awake ry(tt0 44:23
forget us Ny(+t & not 0lw remember us Nydh(
from us Nnm your faces Kyp0 turn Kpht & not 0lw 44:24
& our afflictions Nynclw0w our humiliation Nkkwm forget 0(+t & not 0lw
the dust 0rp( upon l( is humbled tkmd because l+m 44:25
to the Earth 0(r0l our belly Nsrk & has cleaved tqbdw our soul N$pn
& save me ynyqwrpw help me ynyrd( arise Mwq 44:26
your love Kymxr because of l+m
good 0b+ accounts 0mgtp my heart ybl brings forth (b0 45:1
my tongue yn$l The King 0klm the deeds of ydb( & tells rm0w
ready 0ryhm of a scribe 0rpsd the pen hynq
men 0$n0 the children of ynb than Nm in his appearance hwzxb more beautiful ryp$d 45:2
your lips Ktwps upon l( mercy 0mxr has been poured wksnt0
to eternity Ml(l God 0hl0 has blessed you Kkrb this 0nh because of l+m
Mighty Man 0rbng on your waist Kycxb the sword 0pys gird 0mr0 45:3
& your Honor Kxbw$w your Excellency Krdh
the word 0tlm upon l( ride bkr is victorious 0kz & your Honor Kxbw$w 45:4
your law Kswmn of righteousness 0twqydzd humility 0kkwm of truth 0t$wqd
of your right hand Knymyd in the awe 0tlxdb
will fall Nwlpn & the nations 0mm(w are sharp Nynyn$ your arrows Kyr0g 45:5
of The King 0klmd of the enemies yhwbbdl(bd in the heart 0blb under you Kytwxt
Ambros.: of God 0hl0d the throne hysrwk / Lee: O God 0hl0 your throne Kysrwk 45:6
the sceptre 0+b$ straight 0+y$p a sceptre 0+b$ of eternities Nyml( to eternity Ml(l
of your kingdom Ktwklmd
evil 0lw( & you have hated tynsw righteousness 0twqydz you have loved tmxr 45:7
your God Khl0 O God 0hl0 anointed you Kx$m this 0nh because of l+m
your companions Kyrbx than Nm more ryty of joy 0twdxd with the oil 0x$m
make fragrant Nymsbm & storax 0+q+s0w & cassia 0ysqw myrhh 0rwm 45:8
excellent 0y$yr the temple 0lkyh from Nm your garments Ky$wbl all Nwhlk
they have gladdened you Kwydx my presence ytwl & from Nmw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

stood tmq in glory 0xbw$b of The King 0klm the daughter trb 45:9
in clothing 0$wblb your right hand Knymy from Nm & the Queen 0tklmw
of Ophir rypw0d of gold 0bhdd
your ear yknd0 & incline ylcw & see yzxw my daughter ytrb hear y(m$ 45:10
your fathers ykwb0 & house tybw your people ykm( & forget y(+w
with your beauty ykrpw$l The King 0klm for will be ravished grgrtnd 45:11
him hl worship ydwgs your Lord ykrm he is wywhd because l+m
with offerings 0nbrwqb him hl shall worship dwgst of Tsor rwc & the daughter trbw 45:12
of the people 0m(d the rich yhwryt( will seek Nw(bn your faces ykyp0
within wgl from Nm the Kings 0klm of daughter trbd the glory 0xbw$ & all hlwkw 45:13
fine 0b+ in gold 0bhdb her clothing h$wbl & she has woven tbcmw
& will bring Nlbwnw to The King 0klml she will go lz0t with offerings 0nbrwqb 45:14
after her hrtb her train htrbx the virgins 0tlwtb
& they will enter Nl(nw & in sweetness 0twmysbbw in joy 0twdxb & they will go Nlz0nw 45:15
of The King 0klmd the temple hlkyhl
your sons ykynb shall be Nwwhn your fathers ykyhb0 instead of Plx 45:16
the Earth 0(r0 in all hlkb rulers 0+yl$ them Nwn0 he made db(
your Name Km$ for will be remembered rkdtnd 45:17
generation & generation rdw rd in every lkb
the nations 0mm( you Kl shall confess Nwdwn this 0nh because of l+m
eternities Nyml( to eternity Ml(l
& our helper Nnrd(mw strong 0ny$( our refuge Nswg house tyb our God Nhl0 46:1
always Nbzlkb for us Nl is found txkt$0 of trouble 0nclw0d in times 0nbzb
the Earth 0(r0 quakes 0(yzd when 0m we fear Nnylxd not 0l this 0nh because of l+m 46:2
of the seas 0mmyd in the heart 0blb the mountains 0rw+ & quake Ny(yzw
& be moved Nw(wznw & shall return Nwkphtnw their waters Nwhyym shall be troubled Nwxldtn 46:3
by his strength hn$w(b the mountains 0rw+
in his city htnydmb will rejoice Nwdxn of the rivers 0twrhnd streams 0pt 46:4
of The Highest 0myrmd the dwelling hyr$m place tyb it is wh holy $ydq of our God Nhl0d
will help it hyrd(n it will shake (wzt not 0l is within it hwgb God 0hl0 46:5
the morning 0rpc in time Nd(b God 0hl0
the kingdoms 0twklm & moved y(zw the nations 0mm( raged w$gt$0 46:6
the Earth 0(r0 & shook t(zw his voice hlq he raised Myr0
& our helper Nnrd(mw with us Nm( of Hosts 0ntlyx LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 46:7
of Yaqob bwq(yd the God hhl0
of God 0hl0d the works yhwdb( behold wzx come wt 46:8
in the Earth 0(r0b wonders 0trmdt who does db(d
of the Earth 0(r0d the ends hypws from Nm wars 0brq he stops l+bm 46:9
spears 0kzyn & breaks rbtmw he breaks rbtm the bows 0tt$q
fire 0rwnb he burns dqwm & chariots 0tbkrmw
God 0hl0 AM 0n0 that I 0n0d & know w(dw return wnpt0 46:10
among the nations 0mm(b I am exalted tmyrtt0
in the Earth 0(r0b & I am exalted tmyrtt0w
& our helper Nnrd(mw with us Nm( of Hosts 0ntlyx LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 46:11
of Yaqob bwq(yd The God hhl0
& sing wxb$w hands 0pk clap w$wq peoples 0mm( all of you Nwklwk 47:1
of praise 0xbw$d in a voice 0lqb to God 0hl0l
& awesome 0lyxdw is exalted 0myrm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd because l+m 47:2
the Earth 0(r0 whole hlk over l( great 0br The King 0klm he is wywh
under us Nytwxt the nations 0mm( for us Nl for he subdued db($d 47:3
our feet Nylgr under twxt & the peoples 0twm0w
& the honor hrqy0w his inheritance htwtry he has chosen us Nybg0 47:4
whom he loved Mxrd of Yaqob bwq(yd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm in glory 0xbw$b God 0hl0 went up qls 47:5
of the trumpet 0nrqd with the sound 0lqb
. to our King Nklml sing wrmz in glory 0xbw$b to God 0hl0l sing wrmz 47:6
God 0hl0 the Earth 0(r0 of whole hlkd The King 0klmd because l+m 47:7
praise 0xbw$ to him hl sing wrmz he is wh
the nations 0mm( over l( God 0hl0 reigns Klm0 47:8
holy 0$ydq his throne hysrwk upon l( sits bty God 0hl0
they were turned wnpt0 of the nations 0mm(d the Rulers 0n+yl$ 47:9
Gods 0hl0dd because l+m of Abraham Mhrb0d the God hhl0 to twl
of Earth 0(r0d the dominions hyndxw0 are Nwn0
He is exalted Nyrtt0 & greatly b+w
greatly ty0brwr & to be praised xb$mw our Lord Nrm is wh great br 48:1
holy 0$ydq & in his mountain hrw+bw of our God Nhl0d in the city htyrqb
mountain 0rw+ the Earth 0(r0 in all hlkb the joy 0twdx & glorious 0xb$mw 48:2
north 0ybrg that in the slopes ylwp$bd of Zion Nwyhcd
. great 0br of The King 0klmd is yh the City htyrq
his strength hn$w( makes known (dwm within her walls htrxsb God 0hl0 48:3
were prepared wby+t0 Kings 0klm behold 0hd because l+m 48:4
one 0dx as Ky0 & they passed by wrb(w
& they shook w(zw & they marvelled whmtw saw wzx they Nwnh 48:5
of labor 0tdlyd as Ky0 & pains 0lbxw them Nwn0 seized dx0 & trembling 0tytr0w 48:6
of Tarshish $y$rtd the ships 0pl0 will be broken Nrbttn mighty 0tny$( with a wind 0xwrb 48:7
in the city htyrqb we have seen Nyzx so Nkh we have heard N(m$d as Ky0 48:8
of our God Nhl0d in the city htyrqb of Hosts 0ntlyx of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd
eternity Ml(l unto 0md( shall establish it hynqtn God 0hl0
your kindness Ktwby+l O God 0hl0 we have proclaimed Nrbs 48:9
your temple Klkyhd within hwgb
unto 0md( your praises Ktxb$t so 0nkh God 0hl0 your Name Km$ as Ky0 48:10
your right hand Knymy fills 0ylm righteousness 0twqydz of the Earth 0(r0d the ends hypwsl
& will be glad Ncwdnw Zion Nwyhcd Mount 0rw+ will rejoice 0dxn 48:11
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your judgment Kynyd because of l+m of Yehuda 0dwhy the daughters tnb
its towers hyldgm & count wnmw & go around it hwrdwxw Zion Nwyhcl surround hwkrkt0 48:12
its power hlyx upon l( your hearts Nwkbl establish wmys 48:13
that you may tell Nw(t$td her palaces htrxs & pull down wrwq(w
after 0yrx0 to the generation 0rdl
* pull down wrwq(w is probably an incorrect reading. The Hebrew reading,pasag,means divide or escape & occurs
nowhere else in the OT. wrwq( is almost identical to wdwq( a 1 letter difference to coil, orbit, go around, which makes
much better sense of the passage.
& to eternity Ml(lw to eternity Ml(l our God Nhl0 God 0hl0 for this is wnhd 48:14
Lees 1816 edition: will lead me ynrbdn /Ambrosianus: will lead us Nrbdn & he whw of eternities Nyml(
death 0twm than Nm higher l(l
& obey wtwcw nations 0mm( you all Nwklk this 0dh hear w(m$ 49:1
the Earth 0(r0 inhabitants ybty all lk
one 0dx as Ky0 & children of men 0$nynbw Earth 0(r0 children of ynb 49:2
& the poor 0nksmw the rich 0ryt(
& the meditation hynrw wisdom 0tmkx will speak llmn my mouth ymwp 49:3
intelligence 0lkws of my heart ybld
to parables 0ltml my ears ynd0 I shall turn 0lc0 49:4
my riddles ytdxw0 on harps 0rnkb I shall speak llm0w
evil 0$yb in the days 0tmwyb I 0n0 fear lxd not 0l 49:5
surrounds me ynkrk of my enemies ybbdl(bd the evil 0lw(
their power Nwhlyx upon l( who trust Nylyktd all lk 49:6
of their riches Nwhrtw(d in the abundance 00gwsb & are boasting Nyrhbt$mw
gives bhy not 0l & a man 0rbgw saves qrp not 0l a brother 0x0 49:7

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

his redemption hnqrwp to God 0hl0l

of their souls Nwh$pnd the salvation 0nqrwp is wh precious ryqy 49:8
for eternity Ml(l it labors y0l
of eternities Nyml( to eternity Ml(l that you shall live 0xtd 49:9
destruction 0lbx you shall see 0zxt & not 0lw
who die Nytymd the wise 0mykx you shall see 0zxt when dk 49:10
minds 0ny(r & feeble yrysxw fools 0lks together 0dxk0
to others 0nrx0l their possessions Nwhnynq & leave Nyqb$w who are perishing Nydb0d
& their dwelling Nwhrm(mw to eternity Ml(l their houses Nwhytb their graves Nwhyrbq 49:11
in the ground 0(r0b the names 0hm$ & they read Nyrqw to a generation of generations Nyrdrdl
ends up Mlt$0 but 0l0 is sustained Nybt0 not 0l in his honor hrqy0b a man 0$nrb 49:12
one hl & resembles ymdt0w an animal 0ry(bl
to their souls Nwh$pnl a subversion 0tlqwt their way Nwhlyb$ this is wnh 49:13
sheep 0n( like Ky0 they shall feed Nw(rn with their mouth Nwhmwpb & in the end tyrx0w
& death 0twmw they will be given up Nwmlt$n to Sheol lwy$l 49:14
over them Nwhb & will rule Nw+lt$nw them Nwn0 will feed on 0(rn
Sheol lwy$ will consume 0lbt & their form Nwhtrwcw in the morning 0rpcb the upright 0cyrt
they shall be cast out Nwqxdtn their glory Nwhtxb$t & from Nmw
the hand 0dy0 & from Nmw my soul y$pnl will redeem hyqrpn God 0hl0 49:15
he will raise me up ynqsn of Sheol lwy$d
a man 0rbg is made rich rt(d when 0m fear lxdt not 0l 49:16
of his house htybd the honor 0rqy0 & increases 0gsw
he will take bsn not 0ld Lees 1816 edition:because l+m Ambros. because lw+m 49:17
in his death htwmb anything Mdm
his glory hxbw$ after him hrtb descends txn not 0l also P0
in his life yhwyxb blesses Krbm he wh his soul h$pnd because l+m 49:18
Ambros you will treat well b0+t when dk you Kl he will acknowledge 0dwn
him hl Lees 1816 edition:you bless b+t
of his fathers yhwhb0d the generation 0rdl unto 0md( & you will bring him yhwy+mtw 49:19
light 0rhwn he will see 0zxn not 0l eternity Ml(l unto 0md(
but 0l0 is sustained Nybt0 not 0l who is in his honor hrqy0bd a man 0$nrb 49:20
it hl & resembles ymdt0w an animal 0twyxl ends up Mlt$0
has spoken llm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm gods Nyhl0 The God of hl0 50:1
of the sun 0$m$d the risings yhwxndm from Nm the Earth 0(r0l & called hrqw
its settings yhwbr(ml & unto 0md(w
has shown ywx God 0hl0 glorious 0xb$m a crown 0lylk Zion Nwyhc from Nm 50:2
& fire 0rwnw will be silent qwt$n & not 0lw God 0hl0 will come 0t0n 50:3
before him yhwmdq will devour lwk0t
greatly b+ it will storm lzwgtt & around it yhwrdxw
& Earth 0(r0w above l(l from Nm Heaven 0ym$l He shall call 0rqn 50:4
his people hm( to judge Ndml
who establish Nymyqmd his elect ones yhwbg unto him htwl gather w$nkt0 50:5
sacrifice 0txbd by l( his covenant hmyq
because l+m his righteousness htwqydz Heaven 0ym$ will show Nwwxn 50:6
The Judge 0nyd is wh God 0hl0d
& Israel lyrsy0w to you Kl & I shall speak rm0w my people ym( hear (m$ 50:7
I shall testify to you Kdhs0
your God Khl0 God 0hl0 I AM 0n0 0n0 50:8
& your offerings Ktwl(w I shall rebuke you Ksk0 your sacrifices Kyxbd about l( not 0l
always Nbzlkb are Nyn0 in front of me ylbqwl
bulls 0rwt your house Ktyb from Nm I shall take bs0 not 0l 50:9
goats 0ydg your fold Krzg from Nm not 0l also P0
of the wilderness 0rbdd animals 0twyx all hlk are yh mine ylydd because l+m 50:10
& bulls 0rwtw that are on the hills 0rw+bd & cattle 0ry(bw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of the sky 0ym$d bird 0txrp every hlwk I 0n0 know (dy 50:11
is yh mine ylyd of the wilderness 0rbdd & the animal 0twyxw
you Kl would tell rm0 not 0l I am 0n0 hungry Npk if N0 50:12
in its fulness h0lmb the world lybt is yh mine ylydd because l+m
of calves 0nwr0d the flesh 0rsb I 0n0 eat lk0 not 0l 50:13
I.0n0 drink 0t$ not 0l of goats 0ydgd & blood 0mdw
to The Highest 0myrml & fulfill Ml$w thanksgiving 0tydwt to God 0hl0l offer xbd 50:14
your vows Kyrdn
I shall strengthen you Kn$(0 of trouble 0nclw0d in the day 0mwyb call upon me ynyrqw 50:15
& you will glorify me ynxb$tw
to you Kl how? 0m God 0hl0 to him hl said rm0 to the sinner 0y+xl 50:16
that you have taken tlq$d of my commandments yndqwpd & the books 0btklw
in your mouth Kmwpb my covenant ymyq
my instruction ytwdrm you have hated tyns but Nyd you tn0 50:17
behind you Krtsbl my words ylm & you have cast tyd$w
you have tywh run +hr a thief 0bng you have been tywh seeing 0zx if N0 50:18
you have tywh put M0s your lot Ktnm an adulterer 0ryg & with M(w with him hm(
wickedness 0t$yb has 0wh spoken llmm your mouth Kmwp 50:19
deceit 0lkn spoken llmm & your tongue Kn$lw
against your brother Kwx0b & plot 0nrw you have tywh sat bty 50:20
you have been tywh mocking qymm your mother Km0 against the son of rbbw
& I have been silent tqt$w you have done tdb( all these Nyhlk these Nylh 50:21
I would be 0wh0 like you Ktwk0d evil 0lw( you hoped trbs to you Kl
to your eyes Kyn(l them Nyn0 & I shall set in order rwds0w but Nyd I shall rebuke you Ksk0
God 0hl0l who forget Ny(+d those Nyly0 in this 0dhb understand wlkts0 50:22
one to deliver 0cpmd & there is not tylw you will be crushed Nwkrbtn lest 0mld
will glorify me ynxb$n it is wh thanksgiving 0tydwt offers xbdd he who 0ny0 50:23
of our God Nhl0d of the salvation hnqrwpd the way 0xrw0 I shall show him yhwywx0 there Nmt
according to Ky0 God 0hl0 upon me yl( show mercy Mxr 51:1
of your mercies Kymxrd the multitude 00gws & according to Ky0w your kindness Ktwby+
my sins yh+x Ambros.:cancel y+( /Lee 1816:blot out yxl
my evil ylw( from Nm wash me ynygy$0 completely 0gs0 51:2
purge me ynkd my sins yh+x & from Nmw
I 0n0 know (dy my crimes ytwlksd because l+m 51:3
always Nbzlkb are Nwn0 in front of me ylbqwl & my sins yh+xw
& wickedness 0t$ybw I have sinned ty+x you alone Kydwxlb to you Kl 51:4
because l+m Lees 1816 edition: I have committed tr(s /Ambros.: I have done tdb( before you Kymdq
in your judgment Kynydb & you shall conquer 0kztw in your word Ktlmb you shall be just qddztd
I was formed in the womb tn+bt0 in evil 0lw(bd because l+m 51:5
my mother ym0 conceived me yntn+b & in sin 0h+xbw
have desired tybc the truth 0t$wqb but Nyd you tn0 51:6
you have shown me ynt(dw0 of your wisdom Ktmkxd & hidden things 0tyskw
& I am pure 0kdt0w with hyssop 0pwzb me yl( sprinkle swr 51:7
I shall be whiter rwx0 snow 0glt & than Nmw in it hb wash me ynyllx
& your joy Ktwdxw in your sweetness Kmswb satisfy me yny(bs0 51:8
humble 0kykm my bones ymrg & shall rejoice Nwdxnw
& all these Nyhlkw my sins yh+x from Nm your faces Kyp0 turn Kph0 51:9
Lee: erase yxl/ Ambros.:cancel y+( my crimes ytwlks
in me yb create yrb pure 0ykd a heart 0bl 51:10
within me ywgb renew tdx right 0tnqt & your Spirit Kxwrw God 0hl0
before you Kymdq from Nm cast me ynyd$t not 0l 51:11
from me ynm take bst not 0l holy 0$ydq & your Spirit Kxwrw
& your salvation Knqrwpw your sweetness Kmswb to me yl return Kph0 but 0l0 51:12
will uphold me ynkmst glorious 0txb$m & your Spirit Kxwrw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

your road Kxrw0 the evil 0lw(l for I shall teach Pl0d 51:13
will turn Nwnptn to you Ktwl & sinners 0y+xw
my God yhl0 blood 0md from Nm save me yncp 51:14
Lee 1816: of my salvation ynqrwpd / Ambros:of my righteousness ytwqydzd The God 0hl0
your righteousness Ktwqydz my tongue yn$l & will praise xb$nw
& my mouth ymwpw my lips ytwps to me yl open xtp LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 51:15
your glories Ktxb$t Lees 1816 edition: will sing rmzn /Ambros: will bring forth qpn
sacrifices 0xbdb you have desired tybc not 0ld because l+m 51:16
you have desired ty(rt0 offerings 0ml$ burnings 0dqyb neither 0lp0
humble 0tkykm are yh a spirit 0xwr of God 0hl0d the sacrifices yhwxbd 51:17
rejects 0lsm not 0l God 0hl0 broken 0qyx$ a heart 0bl
to Zion Nwyhcl in your pleasure Knybcb do good b0+0 51:18
of Jerusalem Ml$rw0d the walls hyrw$ & build ynbw
with sacrifices 0xbdb you will be pleased 0b+ct but Nyd it is yh 51:19
offerings 0ml$ & in burning 0dqybw of righteousness 0t$wqd
your altar Kxbdm upon l( bulls 0rwt they will offer Nwqsn but Nyd it is yh
mighty man 0rbng in evil 0t$ybb you tn0 boast rhbt$m why? 0nml 52:1
every day Mwylk the innocent 0ysxm & against l(w
a razor 0ykdm & like Ky0w your tongue Kn$l conceives b$xtm evil 0lw( 52:2
deceit 0lkn you have worked tdb( sharpened $y+ld
& lying 0twlgdw good ones 0tb+ more than Nm evil ones 0t$yb you have loved tmxr 52:3
of righteousness 0twqydzd speaking 0llmm more than Nm
evil 0lw( speaking Nyllmmd all lkl you have loved tmxr 52:4
deceitful 0ntlwkn & tongues 0n$llw
/Ambros.:will root him out yhwyrq(n God 0hl0 this 0nh because of lw+m 52:5
Ambros.:& will overthrow him yhwypxsnw Lee 1816: will root you out Krq(n /
Ambros.: his dwelling hnk$m from Nm for eternity Ml(l Lees 1816 edition: will overthrow you Kpxsn /
Lees 1816 edition:& root you Krq(w /Ambros.:& root him hrq(w Lee 1816: your dwelling Knk$m/
of the living 0yxd the land 0(r0 from Nm
& they will rejoice Nwdxnw the righteous 0qydz for they will see Nwzxnd 52:6
in LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmb & they will hope Nwrbsnw
that not 0ld the man 0rbg that this is wnhd & we shall say Nwrm0nw 52:7
trusted lktt0 but 0l0 his trust hnlkwt God 0hl0l made db(
of his wealth hrtw(d the multitude 00gws upon l(
by his possessions hnynqb & is lifted up Myrtt0w
in the house htybb glorious 0xb$m an olive tree 0tyz like Ky0 & I 0n0w 52:8
to eternity Ml(l of God 0hl0d in the grace htwby+b I have hoped trbs of God 0hl0d
eternities Nyml( & to eternity Ml(lw
what you have done tdb(d to eternity Ml(l to you Kl I shall confess 0dw0 52:9
to a generation of generations Nyrdrdl your Name Km$ & I shall proclaim rbs0w
your righteous ones Kyqydz before lbqwl
God 0hl0 there is no tyld in his heart hblb the evil 0lw( said rm0 53:1
in their evil Nwhlw(b & they are defiled wpn+t0w they are corrupted wlbxt0
good 0tb+ one doing db(d & there is not tylw
children of men 0$nynb upon l( Heaven 0ym$ from Nm looked out qyd0 God 0hl0 53:2
God 0hl0l & did seek 0(bw intelligent Ntlwksd any was ty0 if N0 to see 0zxnd
& were corrupted wpn+t0w as one 0dxk0 have gone astray w+s all Nwhlk 53:3
& they have been rejected wylts0w
who eating Nylk0d those Nyly0 evil 0lw( workers of ydb( all lk know w(dy & not 0lw 53:4
& God 0hl0lw of bread 0mxld food 0tlwk0m my people ym(l have been wwh
one dx not 0l even P0 good 0tb+ does db(d & none tylw they called wrq not 0l
there not tyld where rt0 fear 0tlxd they feared wlxd there Nmt 53:5
would scatter rdbn God 0hl0d because l+m fear 0tlxd was 0wh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of man 0$n0 the children ynbl who are pleasing Nyrp$d of those Nyly0d their bones Nwhymrg
them Nwn0 despised yls0 God 0hl0d because l+m they were ashamed wthb
to Israel lyrsy0l salvation 0nqrwp Zion Nwyhc from Nm will give ltn who? Nm 53:6
of his people hm(d the captivity 0tyb$ LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm returns Kphmd when 0m
Israel ly0rsy0 & will rejoice 0dxnw Yaqob bwq(y will leap for joy cwdn
& in your power Ktwrbngbw save me ynyqwrp by your name Km$b God 0hl0 54:1
Ambros.:me yl judge Nwd/ Lees 1816 edition:judge me ynynwd
& give ear to twcw my prayer ytwlc hear (m$ God 0hl0 54:2
of my mouth ymwpd the words yhwlml these Nyn0
& the mighty 0ny$(w against me yl( stood up wmq foreigners 0yrkwnd because l+m 54:3
God 0hl0 have considered you Kwb$x & not 0lw my soul y$pnl they have sought hw0(b
my soul y$pnd sustains hnkmsm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm my helper ynrd(m God 0hl0 54:4
& by your truth Kt$wqbw my enemies ybbdl(b upon l( evil 0t$yb bring 0ty0 54:5
them Nwn0 stop qt$
to you Kl shall sacrifice xbd0 separately 0n$rwpb & I 0n0w 54:6
it is wh because good b+d LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your name Km$l & I shall praise 0dw0w
you have delivered me yntycp troubles Nq( all lk for from Nmd 54:7
my eye yny( has perceived tzx & my enemy ybbdl(bbw
reject 0mht & not 0lw my prayer ytwlc O God 0hl0 give ear to twc 55:1
my prayer ytw(b from Nm
to my crying yt(gl & turn Npt0w & answer me ynyn(w hear me yny(m$ 55:2
& hear me yny(m$w
the affliction hnclw0 & because of l+mw my enemies ybbdl(b because of l+m 55:3
the evil 0lw( against me yl( they prayed wlcd because l+m of the evil 0lw(d
& they regarded me with malice ynwrqsw
awe 0tlxd upon me yb & has fallen tlpnw 55:4
death 0twm shadows yll+ & covered me ynwyskw 55:5
would have given bhy but Nyd who Nm & I said trm0w 55:6
& I had rested tnk$w I had flown txrp a dove 0nwyd like Ky0 wings 0pg to me yl
I had flown txrp & I had gone far away tqxr0w 55:7
in the wilderness 0rbdmb & I had dwelt tyr$w
from Nm me yl who delivers 0cpmd for him Nml & I had waited trtkw 55:8
of hurricanes 0l(l(d wind 0xwr
the way of life 0kpwh Peshitta Leiden: LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm/ my lord yrm drown (b+ 55:9
fighting 0nyrx I have seen tyzxd because l+m of their tongues Nwhyn$ld
in the city 0tyrqb & judgment 0nydw
its walls hyrw$l they go around Nykyrk & by night 0yllbw by day 0mmy0b 55:10
& deceit 0t(w are within it hwgb & lies 0rqw$w evil 0lw( 55:11
& deceit 0lknw fraud 0kwt its streets hyqw$ from Nm depart dn( & not 0lw
reproaching me yndsx my enemy ybbdl(b for ryg it was 0wh not 0l 55:12
was lifted up Myrtt0 one hating me y0ns not 0l also P0 that I may endure rbys0d
from him hnm that I would hide 0$+0d against me yl(
like me ytwk0d a man 0$nrb it is wh for ryg you tn0 55:13
& my friend ymxrw my neighbor ybyrq
in the house htybb a meal 0twr$ we ate Ns(l one 0dx for as Ky0d 55:14
in agreement 0twyw0b we were Nywh walking Nyklhm when dk of God 0hl0d
Lee 1816:the plague 0ntwm/Ambros.:death 0twm against them Nwhyl( bring 0ty0 55:15
because l+m to Sheol lwy$l alive Nyyx when dk & they shall descend Nwtxnw
within them Nwhwgb is ty0 evil 0t$ybd
will save me ynqrpn & God 0hl0w I shall call 0rq0 to God 0hl0l but Nyd I 0n0 55:16
& at noon 0rh+bw & at dawn 0rpcbw at evening 0$mrb 55:17
my voice ylq & I shall make heard (m$0w & I shall speak rm0w I shall meditate 0nr0
to me yl who are wise Nymkxd those Nyly0 from Nm my soul y$pnl save it hcp 55:18

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

with me ym( they have been wwh in contention 0nyrxbd because l+m
who is yhwty0d he wh them Nwn0 & will humble Kkmnw God 0hl0 will hear (m$n 55:19
for them Nwhl there is not tyl the ages 0ml( before Mdq from Nm
God 0hl0 of Nm they were afraid wlxd & not 0lw a substitute 0pwlxt
his companion hbyrq against l( the hand 0dy0 they stretched forth w+$w0 55:20
his covenant hmyq & they smeared w$w+w
of his faces yhwp0d the passion 0zgwr by Nm they were troubled wxldt0 55:21
his words yhwlm soft Nkykr of his heart hbld the anger 0tmx & from Nmw
as spear heads 0tylwl & useful Nynhw oil 0x$m more than Nm
& he whw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm upon l( your cares Ktpc cast yd$ 55:22
to eternity Ml(l he will give ltn & not 0lw will support you Kysrtn
to his righteous ones yhwqydzl terror 0t(wz
to the pit 0bwgl them Nwn0 sent down tx0 God 0hl0 but Nyd you tn0 55:23
shedders of yd$0 men 0rbgl of destruction 0ndb0d
they shall fulfill Nwml$n & not 0lw deceitful 0lkn & deceivers ylknw blood 0md
in you Kb I shall trust rbs0 & I 0n0w their days Nwhtmwy
has trodden upon me yn$dd because l+m God 0hl0 upon me yl( show mercy Mxr 56:1
has persecuted me yncl0 the warrior 0ntbrq all hlk & day 0mwyw man 0$nrb
against me yl( are risen up Myrtt0 of warriors 0ntbrqd a multitude 00gwsd because l+m
day 0mwy all hlk my enemies ybbdl(b have trodden upon me ynw$d 56:2
because l+m I will be afraid lxd0 not 0l in the day 0mmy0b 56:3
I 0n0 trust lykt it is wh upon you Kyl(d
not 0l I have hoped trbs in God 0hl0b I shall triumph xbt$0 in God 0hl0b 56:4
a son of man 0$nrb to me yl does db( What? 0nm I will be afraid lxd0
against me yl( they have been wwh conspiring Nyklmtm day 0mwy all hlk 56:5
evil 0t$yb against me yl( they have been wwh & plotting Nyb$xtmw
& those Nwnhw & they will stay Nwrm(nw they will lie in wait Nw$+n 56:6
for my life y$pnl they lay wait wyksd as Ky0 will watch Nwr+n my steps ybq(
a Savior 0nycpm to him hl there is not tyld & they said wrm0w 56:7
O God 0hl0 them Nwn0 judge Nwd of the Gentiles 0mm(d in the wrath 0zgwrb
put Mys I have shown to you Ktywx my confession ytydwt 56:8
& in your book Krpsbw before you Kymdq my tears y(md
my enemies ybbdl(b shall turn Nwkphn then Nydyh 56:9
for me yl is ty0 that God 0hl0d & I shall know (d0w their backside Nwhrtsbl
I shall praise xb$0 of God 0hl0d the word htlml 56:10
I shall fear lxd0 not 0l I 0n0 trust lykt in God 0hl0b 56:11
a son of man 0$nrb to me yl he does db( What 0nm
my vows yrdn I shall fulfill Ml$0 God 0hl0 to you Kl 56:12
to you Kl I shall offer xbd0 & thanksgiving 0tydwtbw
death 0twm from Nm my soul y$pn you delivered tycpd because l+m 56:13
before you Kymdq to be pleasing rp$0d slipping 0t(rw$ from Nm & my feet ylgrw
of the living 0yxd in the land 0(r0b God 0hl0
it is wh in you Kbd because l+m God 0hl0 upon me yl( show mercy Mxr 57:1
of your wings Kypnkd & in the shadow 0ll+bw my soul y$pn hopes 0rbsm
trouble 0yxwld passes rb(nd until 0md( I shall have refuge rtts0
my Savior yqwrp & to God 0hl0lw The Highest 0myrm to God 0hl0l I shall call 0rq0 57:2
& he saved me ynqrpw Heaven 0ym$ from Nm for he sent rd$d 57:3
God 0hl0 sent rd$ my enemies ybbdl(bl & he has reproached dsxw
& his truth ht$wqw his grace htwby+
when dk & I slept tkmdw dogs 0blk from Nm my soul y$pn & he saved qrpw 57:4
their teeth Nwhyn$ children of men 0$nynb I 0n0 was troubled xyld
sharp 0pyrx sword 0pys like Ky0 & their tongue Nwhn$lw & arrows 0r0gw spears 0kzyn
& over l(w God 0hl0 Heaven 0ym$ over l( is lifted up Myrtt0 57:5

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

your honor Krqy0 the Earth 0(r0 whole hlk

for my feet ylgrl they prepared wnqt the net 0tdycm 57:6
for my soul y$pnl they have dug wrpx & a ditch 0cmwgw
within it hwgb & they fell wlpnw
is wh ready Nqtm God 0hl0 my heart ybl is wh ready Nqtm 57:7
in my honor yrqy0b & I shall sing rmz0w I shall praise xb$0 my heart ybl
& harp 0rnkw psaltery 0rtyq awake ry(tt0 my harp yrnk awake ry(tt0 57:8
in the morning 0rpcb shall awake ry(tt0 & I 0n0w
God 0hl0 among the nations 0mm(b to you Kl I shall confess 0dw0 57:9
among the peoples 0twm0b I shall sing rmz0 to your name Km$lw
your kindness Ktwby+ Heaven 0ym$l unto 0md( is exalted tmyrtt0d because l+m 57:10
your faithfulness Ktwnmyh of Heaven 0ym$ the roof ym$l & unto 0md(w
God 0hl0 Heaven 0ym$ above l( be lifted up Myrtt0 57:11
your honor Krqy0 the Earth 0(r0 whole hlk & over l(w
truly ty0ryr$ Lees 1816 edition:Whether Ny0/Ambros.:Whether N0 58:1
judge Nynyd & uprightness 0twcyrtw you Nwtn0 are speaking Nyllmm righteousness 0twqydz
of man 0$n0 children ynb you Nwtn0
in the Earth 0(r0b you are Nwtn0 speaking Nyllmm evil 0lw( you all Nwklk behold 0h 58:2
your hands Nwkydy0 are defiled Nlzr(m & with evil 0lw(bw
the belly 0srk from Nm the evil ones 0lw( are set apart w$rpt0 58:3
lies 0twlgd speaking Nyllmmd the womb 0(brm from Nm & have gone astray w(+w
a cockatrice 0nmrx a snake 0ywxd like Ky0 their venom Nwhtmx 58:4
his ears hynd0 that covers 0rksmd deaf 0t$rx an asp sps0d & like Ky0w
of a charmer 0$wxld the voice 0lq will hear (m$t that not 0ld 58:5
& of wise man 0mykxdw & of a conjuror 0rbxdw
in their mouths Nwhmwpb their teeth Nwhyn$ will shatter rbtn God 0hl0 58:6
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm pulls out rq( of the lions 0twyr0d & the fangs Nwhybynw
that are thrown out Nyd$0tmd waters 0ym like Ky0 they will be rejected Nwltsn 58:7
they will end Nwpwsnd until 0md( his arrows yhwr0g & will shoot 0d$nw
in front of Mdq from Nm & falls 0lpnw is melted 0r$ptmd wax 0tw($ like Ky0 58:8
fire 0rwn has fallen tlpn they will be destroyed Nwbrxtn the fire 0rwn
they perceived wlkts0 & not 0lw & the sun 0$m$w they have seen wzx & not 0lw
brambles 0++h their thorns Nwhybwk let be Nwwhn 58:9
them Nwn0 will trouble xldn & wrath 0zgwrw
the vengeance 0n(rwp who see 0zxd the righteous 0qydz will rejoice 0dxn 58:10
of the wicked 0(y$rd in the blood hmdb he will wash gy$n & his hands yhwdy0w
truly yk there is ty0 a son of man 0$nrb shall say rm0n 58:11
. for the righteous 0qydzl a reward 0r0p
in the Earth 0(r0b them Nwn0 who shall judge Nwdnd God 0hl0 it is ty0
God 0hl0 my enemies ybbdl(b from Nm save me yncp 59:1
lift me up ynymyr0 against me yl( who stand Nymyqd those Nyly0 & from Nmw
lies 0rqw$ workers of ydb( from Nm save me yncp 59:2
save me ynyqwrp blood 0md shedders yd$0 men 0rbg & from Nmw
& prevailed wn$(0w for my soul y$pnl lay in wait wnmk those Nwnhd because l+m 59:3
by my crimes ytwlksb not 0l their evils Nwhtw$yb against me yl(
my Lord yrm by my sins yh+xb & not 0lw
against me yl( they have run w+hr in foolishness 0twlksb that not 0ld 59:4
& see yzxw awake ry(tt0 against me yl( & were prepared wby+t0w
God hhl0 of Hosts 0ntlyx God 0hl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm you are tn0 59:5
& not 0lw the nations 0mm( all Nwhlkl & order dwqpw awake ry(tt0 of Israel lyrsy0d
the evil ones 0lw( all Nwhlkl forgive qwb$t
& they will growl Nww(nw in the evening 0$mrb they shall be turned back Nwkphn 59:6

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the city 0tnydm & will surround Nwkrktnw dogs 0blk like Ky0
in their lips Nwhtwpsb a sword 0rysps of their mouths Nwhmwpd the speech 0rm0m 59:7
hears (m$ who? wnmd & they say Nyrm0w
at them Nwhyl( laugh Kxg LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & you tn0w 59:8
. the nations 0mm( all Nwhlk at l( & mock qymw
you tn0d because l+m I shall praise xb$0 you Kl God 0hl0 59:9
. God 0hl0 my refuge yswg the place tyb are wh
will go before me ynmdqt your kindness Ktwby+ God 0hl0 59:10
of my enemies ybbdl(bb avenge me ynwx God 0hl0
but 0l0 my people ym(l they will forget Nw(+n lest 0ld them Nwn0 kill lw+qt not 0l 59:11
them Nwn0 & chase dyn0w by your power Klyxb them Nwn0 shake (yz0
my trust ynlkwt LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
rejoice Nwdxttn their lips Nwhtwps speaks llm of their mouths Nwhmwpd the sin 0ty+x 59:12
they tell Ny(t$m & lies 0twlgdw a curse 0t+wld because l+m in their boasting Nwhrhbw$b
destroy dbw0 in your wrath Kzgwrb them Nwn0 destroy dbw0 59:13
that God 0hl0d that they may know Nw(dnd they will be found Nwxkt$n & not 0lw them Nwn0
of the Earth 0(r0d the ends hyrb( & over l(w Yaqob bwq(y over l( the Ruler +yl$
in the evening 0$mrb they shall be turned back Nwkphn 59:14
the city 0tnydm & will surround Nwkrktnw dogs 0blk like Ky0 & they will growl Nww(nw
will be satisfied Nw(bsn & not 0lw to eat lk0ml they will beg Nw(bn 59:15
they will spend the night Nwtwbn & not 0lw
at dawn 0rpcb & I shall praise xb$0w your power Klyxl shall praise xb$0 & I 0n0w 59:16
a place tyb to me yl you have been tywhd because l+m your kindness Ktwby+l
of affliction 0nclw0d in the day 0mwyb & Savior 0nycpmw refuge 0swg
are wh you tn0d because l+m I shall sing rmz0 to you Kl God 0hl0 59:17
of my grace ytwby+d & God 0hl0w of my refuge yswg of the house trbd God 0hl0
Ambros. & Leiden: you have forgotten me ynty(+/Lee 1816:you have forgotten us Nty(+ God 0hl0 60:1
/Ambros.: & you have been angry tzgrw & you have driven us out Ntqxdw
with us Nyl( Lee 1816: & you have provoked tzgr0w
& you have opened it htxtpw the Earth 0(r0l you have shaken it ht(yz0 60:2
it is weakened thrkt0d because l+m its breaks hrbt breaching bwc(
hardships 0ty$q your people Km(l them Nwn0 you have shown tywx 60:3
. foul 0ry+t wine 0rmx them Nwn0 & you made drink tyq$0w
that not 0ld a sign 0t0 your worshipers Kylxdl you have given tbhy 60:4
your archer K0t$q in front of Mdq from Nm they will flee Nwqr(n
your beloved ones Kybybx they will be equipped Nwnydznd so that l+m 60:5
& answer me ynyn(w by your right hand Knymyb save me ynyqwrp
in his holiness h$dwqb has spoken llm God 0hl0 60:6
Shecheem Myk$l I shall divide glp0w I 0n0 I shall be strong lyxt0
I shall measure xw$m0 of Succoth twksd & the valley 0qmw(lw
Manassheh 0$nm is wh mine ylydw Gilead d(lg is wh mine ylyd 60:7
my King yklm Yehuda 0dwhy of Captains y$yrd the champion hnn$(m Ephraim Myrp0
of my feet ylgrd the washing 0tgy$ & Moab b0wmw 60:8
my shoes ynsm I shall take off 0r$0 Edom Mwd0 over l(
I shall shout 0(q0 Palestine t$lp & against l(w
Lee 1816:& who is? wnmw Edom Mwd0l unto 0md( going to lead me ynrbdn Who is? wnm\ 60:9
mighty 0tny$( to the city 0tyrql will escort me ynlbwn Ambros.:who? wnm /
Lee 1816:you have forgotten us Nty(+ God 0hl0 you tn0 behold 0hd 60:10
with our armies Nlyxb you tn0 go forth qpn & not 0lw Ambros.:you have forgotten me ynty(+/
because l+m our enemies Nybbdl(b against l( help 0nrdw( to us Nl Give bh 60:11
of man 0$nrbd the salvation hnqrwp is wh false lgdd
The Hebrew has another verse 12 not found in the Peshitta:Through God we will do valiantly, for it is He who shall
tread down our enemies.


aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

my prayer ytw(bl & give ear to twcw my prayer ytwlc God 0hl0 hear (m$ 61:1
I 0n0 call 0rq it is wh to you Kl of Earth 0(r0d the ends hypws from Nm 61:2
a rock 0p0k upon l(d of my heart ybld in the agitation hprw+b
& you have comforted me ynt0ybw you have raised me yntmyr0
refuge 0swg a house tyb to me yl you have been tywhd because l+m 61:3
my enemies ybbdl(b in front of Mdq from Nm high 0mr & tower 0ldgmw
for eternities Nyml(l in your tent Knk$mb for I shall dwell rm(0d 61:4
of your wings Kypnkd in the shadow 0ll+b & I shall have refuge rtts0w
my vows yrdn heard t(m$ God 0hl0 you tn0d because l+m 61:5
your Name Km$ to worshippers of ylxdl an inheritance 0ntrwy & you have given tbhyw
of The King 0klmd the days htmwy upon l( days 0tmwy & you have added tpsw0w 61:6
an inheritance 0ntrwy for a generation of generations Nyrdrdl & his years yhwn$w
grace 0twby+ God 0hl0 in front of Mdq to eternity Ml(l that be established Nyqtnd 61:7
will keep him hyr+n which wnm & truth 0t$wqw
of eternities Nyml( to eternity Ml(l your name Km$l I shall praise rmz0 so Nkh 61:8
day Mwy from Nm day Mwy my vows yrdn I fulfill Ml$0 when dk
my salvation ynqrwp is wh from whom hnmd my soul y$pn waits 0yksm for God 0hl0l 62:1
of my refuge yswg & the place tybw & my Savior yqwrpw my God yhl0 he is wywhw 62:2
I shall be moved (wz0 that not 0ld great 0br
a man 0rbg over l( yourselves Nwtn0 provoke Nygrgtm when? ytm0l until 0md( 62:3
abandoned qyxdd a hedge 0gys & like Ky0w fallen t+md a wall 0ts0 like Ky0 to kill Nwl+qtd
to cast him out hyxdml they thought wy(rt0 his honor hrqy0 from Nm also P0 but 0l0 62:4
in their mouths Nwhmwpb with lies 0twlgdb & they have run w+hrw
they curse Ny+yl & in their heart Nwhblbw they bless Nykrbm
my salvation ynqrwp is wh from whom hnmd my soul y$pn looks for yks God 0hl0l 62:5
my refuge yswg & the place tybw & my Savior yqwrpw my God yhl0 & he is wywhw 62:6
I shall move (wz0 that not 0ld
my foundation ypqwt & my honor yrqy0w my salvation ynqrwp is wh in God 0hl0b 62:7
is wh God 0hl0 & my hope yrbsw & my helper yrwd(w
& pour out wdw$0w people 0m( hour 0($ in every lkb in him hb hope wrbs 62:8
our Nlyd refuge 0rts is wh God 0hl0d because l+m your hearts Nwkbl before him yhwmdq
men 0$n0 the children of ynb all Nwhlk are Nwn0 a vapor 0ghl & like Ky0w 62:9
as one 0dxk0 & are worthless Nyqyrsw are placed Nyl(m who in a balance 0ts0mbd false 0lgd
love Nwmxrt not 0l & rape 0ypw+xw oppression 0ymwl+ upon l( trust Nwlktt not 0l 62:10
let rejoice 0dxn not 0l it has increased 0gsd when 0m property 0nynq
your hearts Nwkbl in it hb
& twice Nytrtdw God 0hl0 that said rm0d this yh once 0dx 62:11
is wh of God 0hl0d strength 0n$w(d because l+m I have heard t(m$ these Nylh
you tn0d because l+m grace 0twby+ LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & to you Klw 62:12
his works yhwdb( according to Ky0 a man 0rbgl are tn0 rewarding (rp
for you Kl I shall wait 0ks0 you are tn0 my God yhl0 my God yhl0 63:1
my flesh yrsb for you Kl & looks 0ksmw my soul y$pn for you Kl is yh thirsty 0yhc
waters 0ym that seeks 0y(bd & troubled 0tpr+mw thirsty 0tyhc land 0(r0 like Ky0
in the truth 0t$wqb I have gazed upon you Ktrx as Nkh 63:2
& your honor Krqy0w your might Kn$w( that I may see 0zx0d
than Nm your mercies Kymxr are better Nyb+d because l+m 63:3
shall praise you Knxb$n & my lips ytwpsw life 0yx
& in your name Km$bw in my life yyxb I shall bless you Kkrb0 so Nkh 63:4
my hands ydy0 I shall lift Myr0
my soul y$pn will grow fat Nhdt by oil 0brt & as Ky0w by fat 0nmw$ as Ky0 63:5
my mouth ymwp will praise you Kxb$n of praise 0xbw$d & with the lips 0twpsbw

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

my bed ytyw$t upon l( I have remembered you Ktrkdt0 63:6

on you Kb I meditated tynr & in the nights 0twlylbw
& in the shadow 0ll+bw a Helper 0nrd(m to me yl you have been tywhd because l+m 63:7
I shall triumph xbt$0 of your wings Kypnkd
after you Krtb my soul y$pn has gone forth tqpn 63:8
your right hand Knymy has rested tkms & upon me yl(w
they will enter Nwl(n my soul y$pnl to destroy Nwdbwnd have sought w(b they Nwnh 63:9
of the Earth 0(r0d into the lower parts htytxtb
& food 0tlwk0mw to the sword 0brxl they are given up Nwmlt$n 63:10
they shall be Nwwhn for foxes 0l(tl
& will boast rhbt$nw in God 0hl0b will rejoice 0dxn & the King 0klmw 63:11
will be stopped up rktsnd because l+m by him hb. who swear 0myd all lk
of liars 0lgdd their mouths Nwhmwp
I have made supplication P$kt0 when dk my voice ylq God 0hl0 hear (m$ 64:1
keep me ynyr+n of my enemies ybbdl(bd fear 0tlxd & from Nmw to you Kl
of the evil one 0$ybd the evil hlw( from Nm hide me ynyrts 64:2
evil 0lw( of the doers ydb(d the way of life 0kpwh & from Nmw
a sword 0pys like Ky0 their tongue Nwhn$l they sharpened w$+ld 64:3
an arrow 0r0g like Ky0 & their words Nwhtlmw
at the perfect one 0mymtb in a secret place 0y$w+b to shoot 0d$ml 64:4
at him hb they will shoot Nwd$n the stillness 0yl$ from Nm
they will be seen Nwzxtn & not 0lw
& they have conceived wb$xt0w evil 0t$yb their words Nwhtlm & prevailed wn$(0w 64:5
us Nl sees 0zx who? wnmd & they said wrm0w snares 0xp to bury rm+ml
& they are consumed wpsw evils 0lw( they have conceived wb$xt0 64:6
man 0$n0 a son of rbd within hwg from Nm evil 0lw( searching 0cbml
the depth 0qym( his heart hbl & from Nmw
at them Nwhb & will shoot 0d$nw God 0hl0 will rise up Myrttn 64:7
stillness 0yl$ from Nm an arrow 0r0g
their tongues Nwhyn$l & will become diseased Nwhrktnw 64:8
them Nwhl who see Nyzxd all lk & shall fear Nwlxdnw
man 0$n0 the children of ynb all lk & they will be afraid Nwlxdnw 64:9
& the work db(bw of God 0hl0d the works yhwdb( & they will show Nwwxnw
they will consider Nwrwxn of his hands yhwdy0
in LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmb the righteous ones 0qydz will rejoice Nwdxn 64:10
& they will glorify him yhynwxb$nw upon him yhwl( & they will trust Nwlkttnw
of heart 0bl the upright ones ycyrt all lk
in Zion Nwyhcb O God 0hl0 praise 0txwb$t is fitting 0y0y for you Kl 65:1
a vow 0rdn is paid (rptm & to you Klw
will come 0t0n everybody rsblk to you Ktwl my prayer ytwlc hear (m$ 65:2
than I ynm are stronger Nyn$( of the evil 0lw(d the words 0lm 65:3
them Nwn0 will cover 0sxt you tn0 & my sins yh+xw
in him hb you are tn0 whom pleased 0bcd to him Nml his blessing yhwbw+ 65:4
to dwell rm(nd him hl you tn0 & bring near brqmw
the goodness htb+ from Nm & he will be satisfied (bsnw in your dwelling Krydb
of your temple Klkyhd the holiness htw$ydq & from Nmw of your house Ktybd
God 0hl0 answer me ynyn( terrible 0tlyxd your righteousness Ktwqydz & from Nmw 65:5
of the Earth 0(r0d the ends hypws of all Nwhlkd the hope 0rbs our Savior Nqwrp
far away 0qyxr & of the peoples 0mm(dw
by his power hlyxb the mountains 0rw+ he establishes Nqtm 65:6
in his manliness htwrbngb & is strong N$(tmw
& the sound 0lqw of the seas 0mmyd the storms 0lw$xm he stops qt$m 65:7
the nations 0mm( shall be troubled Nwxldtn of their waves Nwhyllgd

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of the Earth 0(r0d the inhabitants hyrwm( & will be afraid Nwlxdnw 65:8
of dawn 0rpc the goings forth yqpm & of Nmw your signs Ktwt0 of Nm
in glory 0xbw$b & the evening 0$mrw
you calmed it htyl$0 the Earth 0(r0l you remembered it htrkdt0 65:9
of God 0hl0d the streams 0pt you enriched it htrt(0 & in abundance 00gwsbw
their food Nwhtlwk0m you have prepared tby+ of waters 0ym are full Nylm
you established it htnqt when dk
its fruit hyr0p to multiply Nwbrtnd you have watered tywr0 its plowed fields hybrk 65:10
you will bless Krbtt & its growth hty(wmw you will increase 0brtt in gentle showers 0sysrb
with your kindness Ktwby+b of the year 0tn$d the crown 0lylk bless Krb 65:11
with sprouting grass 00dt will be filled Nw(bsn & your calves Kylg(w
of the wilderness 0rbdmbd pastures 0ryd from Nm & they will be satisfied Nw(bsnw 65:12
will be girded Nqzxtn the hills 0tmr in glory 0xbw$b
& the vales 0qmw(w of sheep 0n(d the fat 0nym$ & they will wear Nw$blnw 65:13
& they will sing praise Nwxb$nw & they will rejoice Nwzwrnw with grain 0rwb( will be filled Nwlmtn
the Earth 0(r0 whole hlk God 0hl0l praise wxb$ 66:1
of his name hm$d the honor 0rqy0l sing wrmz 66:2
of his glory htxwb$td the honor 0rqy0l sing wrmz
your works Kydb( awesome Nylyxd how! 0m to God 0hl0l say wrm0 66:3
/Ambros.:will be enlisted Nwbtktn of your might Kn$w(d in the greatness 00gwsb
your enemies Kybbdl(b to you Kl Lees 1816 edition:they will be proven false Nwbdktn/
& they will sing Nwrmznw you Kl they will worship Nwdgsn the Earth 0(r0 in all hlkb 66:4
for eternities. Nyml(l your name Km$l & will glorify Nwxb$nw to you Kl
of God 0hl0d the works yhwdb( behold wzx come wt & they will say Nwrm0nw 66:5
man 0$n0 the children of ynb upon l( his wonders htrmdt who multiplies 0ygsd
& the river 0rhnlw to dry land 0$byl the sea 0my for he turned Kphd 66:6
Ambros.: foot lgr by Nm\ they crossed it yhwrb(
in him hb we shall rejoice 0dxn there Nmt.Lee 1816:on foot lgrb/
to eternity Ml(l in his manliness htwrbngb the Ruler +yl$d from Nm 66:7
& rebels 0dwrmw gaze Nryx among the nations 0mm(b his eyes yhwny(
to eternity Ml(l they shall be exalted Nwmyrttn not 0l
/Ambros.:& hear (m$w God 0hl0l the peoples 0mm( bless wkrb 66:8
of his praise hxbw$d the voice 0lq Lee 1816:& make heard w(m$0w/
in life 0yxb our soul N$pn who sets Msd 66:9
to shaking 0t(wzl our feet Nlgr gives bhy & not 0lw
God 0hl0 you have tried us Ntrxbd because l+m 66:10
silver 0m0sl is tried Nyqbd like Ky0 & you have proven us Ntyqbw
into the net 0tdycmb you have brought us Ntl(0 66:11
on our loins Nycxb affliction 0nclw0 & you have appointed tdb(w
our head N$yr over l( a son of man 0$nrb you have made to ride tbkr0 66:12
& into waters 0ymbw into fire 0rwnb you have brought us Ntl(0
/ Lees 1816 edition: NT spelling:to an expanse 0txwrl & you have brought us out Ntqp0w
.Ambros.:to an expanse 0txwr0l/
in honor 0rqy0b to your house Ktybl I shall go 0t0 66:13
my vows yrdn & I shall pay K(rp0w
in the speaking hllmmb my lips ytwps that opened xtpd the thing Mdm 66:14
in trouble 0nclw0b of my mouth ymwpd
I shall offer qs0 of fat 0nym$ burnings 0dqy 66:15
. of rams 0rkdd the savor 0tws with M( to you Kl I shall offer qs0 to you Kl
& goats 0ydgw bulls 0rwt & I shall offer db(0w
the works yhwdb( you all Nwklk you Nwkl & I shall tell 0(t$0w hear w(m$ come wt 66:16
for my soul y$pnl that he has done db(d the thing Mdm of God 0hl0d
& he answered me ynn(w I called him htyrq with my mouth ymwpb 66:17
with my tongue yn$lb & I extolled him htmrmrw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Ambros.:save me ynqrpt not 0l in my heart yblb you have seen tyzx if N0 evil 0lw( 66:18
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm Lees 1816 edition:you will save me ynyqwrpt/
of my prayer ytw(bd the voice 0lq God 0hl0 heard (m$ then Nydyh 66:19
has turned away rb(0 who not 0ld LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh blessed Kyrb 66:20
from me ynm & his grace htwby+w my prayer ytwlc
he will bless us Nkrbn upon us Nyl( will show mercy Mxrn our God Nhl0 67:1
on us Nb his faces yhwp0 & shine rhnnw
& in all Nwhlkbw his way htxrw0 in Earth 0(r0b to make known (dnd 67:2
his salvation hnqrwp the nations 0mm(
shall confess Nwdwn O God 0hl0 the nations 0mm( to you Kl shall confess Nwdwn 67:3
all Nwhlk the nations 0mm( to you Kl
you tn0 for judge N0dd the kingdoms 0twklm & shall praise Nxb$nw shall rejoice Nydxn 67:4
& the kingdoms 0twklmlw justly ty0cyrt the nations 0mm(l
in the Earth 0(r0b you tn0 govern rbdm
shall confess Nwdwn O God 0hl0 the nations 0mm( to you Kl shall confess Nwdwn 67:5
all Nwhlk the nations 0mm( to you Kl
its fruit hyr0p has given tbhy Earth 0(r0 67:6
our God Nhl0 God 0hl0 shall bless us Nkrbn
of him hnm & shall be in awe Nwlxdnw God 0hl0 & shall bless us Nkrbnw 67:7
of the Earth 0(r0d the ends hyrb( all Nwhlk
his enemies yhwbbdl(b all Nwhlk & let be scattered Nwrdbtnw God 0hl0 let arise Mwqn 68:1
before him yhwmdq from Nm his haters yhw0ns & will flee Nwqr(nw
they will vanish Nwql+tn smoke 0nnt vanishes ql+tmd & like Ky0w 68:2
in front of Mdq from Nm wax 0tw($ is melted 0r$ptmd & like Ky0w
God 0hl0 before Mdq from Nm the wicked 0(y$r they shall be destroyed Nwdb0n fire 0rwn
& they will be strengthened Nwn$(tnw will rejoice Nwdxn & the righteous ones 0qydzw 68:3
in his sweetness hmswbb & they will rejoice Nwdxnw God 0hl0 in front of Mdq
praise wxb$ his name hm$l & praise wxb$w to God 0hl0l sing wrmz 68:4
his Name hm$ Lees 1816 edition:is wh LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to the West 0br(ml him who rides bykrdl
before him yhwmdq be courageous wn$(t0
of widows 0tlmr0d & Judge 0nydw of the orphans 0mtyd Who is The Father 0b0d 68:5
holy 0$ydq in his dwelling hrm(mb God 0hl0
& he sends out qpmw in a house 0tybb the only child 0ydyxy sets btwm God 0hl0 68:6
& the rebels 0dwrmw into prosperity 0twry$kb prisoners 0rys0
burial 0rwbq in houses tyb will dwell Nwr$n
your people Km( in front of Mdq you went forth tqpn when dk God 0hl0 68:7
in the deserts Nwmy$0b you passed through trb( & when dkw
dropped wp+n the Heavens 0ym$ & also P0w shook t(z Earth 0(r0 68:8
the mountain 0rw+ this 0nh God 0hl0 in front of Mdq from Nm
of Israel lyrsy0d his God hhl0 God 0hl0 in front of Mdq from Nm of Sinai ynysd
to your inheritance Ktwtryl God 0hl0 you have given tbhy willingly 0nybcd rain 0r+m 68:9
have strengthened it htpqt & you tn0w for it was weakened thrkt0
you have strengthened tpqt in it hb dwell yrm( & your living creatures Ktwyxw 68:10
O God 0hl0 the afflicted 0$ybl by your grace Ktwby+b
of The Gospel 0trbsd the word 0tlm will give ltn LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 68:11
great 0br in power 0lyxb

Verse 11 is unique to the Peshitta in its phrase the gospel in great power. The Massoretic Hebrew has literally: the
feminine proclaimers of the tidings are a great host., which is a feminine participle and possibly a strange clue that the
Hebrew reading is a reconstruction of another Hebrew reading very like the Peshittas, which has the feminine word for
the Gospel, found many times in the New Testament Peshitta 0trbs sevartha.
& the beauty[best] hrpw$w will assemble Nw$nktn of armies 0twlyxd Kings 0klm 68:12
the loot 0tzb will divide glpn of your house Ktybd

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of a dove 0nwyd the wings 0pg sharpened spikes 0yp$ between tyb you sleep Nwkmdt if N0 68:13
refined 0nyns in gold 0bhdb & its feathers hyrb0w in silver 0pskb overlaid Nymyrqd
to himself hb a King 0klm God 0hl0 set apart $rp when dk 68:14
in Salmon Nwmlcb it became white as snow tglt0
of Bayshan N$ybd the mountains 0rw+ of God 0hl0d the mountain hrw+ 68:15
of Bayshan N$ybd the mountains 0rw+ ridged Nynbgd the mountains 0rw+
ridged Nynbgd in the mountains 0rw+b you Nwtn0 seek Nybc What? 0nm 68:16
in it hb to dwell btml God 0hl0 to him hl that has chosen 0bgd the mountain 0rw+
to eternity Ml(l in it hb will encamp 0r$n LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
of hosts 0lyxd & in 1000s 0pl0bw in 10,000s 0twbrb God 0hl0 he rides bkr 68:17
in his holiness h$dwqb of Sinai ynys among them Nwhb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
captivity 0tyb$ & you have captured tyb$w on high 0mwrml you have ascended tqls 68:18
of man 0$n0 to the children ynbl gifts 0tbhwm & you have given tbhyw
God 0hl0 in front of Mdq they will dwell Nwrm(n not 0l rebels 0dwrm also P0
who has chosen us Nybg0d day Mwy every lkb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh blessed Kyrb 68:19
delivers us Nnycpm God 0hl0 our Savior Nqwrp God 0hl0 his inheritance htwtry
is The Way Out 0nqpm of death 0twmd The Lord hrm God 0hl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 68:20
of his enemies yhwbbdl(bd the head 0$yr will cut off qwspn God 0hl0 but Mrb 68:21
in their sins Nwhyh+xb who walk Nyklhmd of those Nyly0d of the hair 0r(sd & the scalp 0t(ybw
the peaks 0n$ among tyb from Nmd LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm said rm0 68:22
of the Sea 0myd the depths yhwqmw( from Nm & I shall lead Kph0w I shall bring forth qp0
in blood 0mdb your foot Klgr you will dip (b+ctd because l+m 68:23
your enemies Kybbdl(b of Nm of your dogs Kyblkd & the tongue 0n$lw
the steps htklh God 0hl0 your goings Ktklh they have seen wzx 68:24
holy 0$ydq & my King yklmdw of my God yhl0d
the singers 0nxb$m after rtb princes 0nbrwr preceded wmdq 68:25
on tambourines 0glpb striking N$qnd the young girls 0tmyl( among tnyb
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml bless wkrb & in the assemblies 0t$wnkbw 68:26
of Israel lyrsy0d the Springs 0(wbm who is Nm The God 0hl0
in silence 0yl$b little 0rw(z Benjamin Nymynb there Nmt 68:27
& their rulers Nwhyn+yl$w of Yehuda 0dwhyd princes 0nbrwr
of Naphtali yltpnd & princes 0nbrwrw of Zebulon Nwlwbzd princes 0nbrwr
& strengthen N$(0w your might Kn$w( God 0hl0 command dwqp 68:28
for us Nl that you have prepared tdt(d this 0dhl God 0hl0
will bring Nwtyn to you Kl in Jerusalem Ml$rw0l your temple Klkyh from Nm 68:29
offerings 0nbrwq kings 0klm
the assembly 0t$wnk of the rushes 0ynqd the beasts 0twyxb rebuke y0k 68:30
in silver 0m0sb overlaid Nymyrqd of the Gentiles 0mm(d calves 0lg( of cattle 0nwr0d
war 0brq who seek Nybcd the peoples 0mm( scatter rdb
& Cush $wkw Egypt Nyrcm from Nm ambassadors 0dgzy0 they will come Nwt0n 68:31
to God 0hl0l the hand 0dy0 will yield Ml$t
to God 0hl0l sing praises Nyxb$ of Earth 0(r0d the kingdoms 0twklm 68:32
to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml sing wrmz
the East 0xndm from Nm of Heavens 0ym$ in Heaven ym$b for he rides bykrd 68:33
strong 0ny$( the voice 0lq his voice hlq he gives bhy
& Israel lyrsy0w to God 0hl0l glory 0txwb$t give wbh 68:34
Heavens 0ym$ in the Heaven of ym$b of his strength hn$w(d the magnificence 0twy0y twbr
your holy place K$dqm from Nm God 0hl0 you are tn0 awesome lyxd 68:35
& strength 0n$w(w power 0lyx will give ltn he wh of Israel lyrsy0d God hhl0
God 0hl0 is wh blessed Kyrb to his people hm(l
waters 0ym have come w+md because l+m God 0hl0 save me ynyqwrp 69:1
the soul 0$pnl unto 0md(
in it hb & there was not tylw profound 0tqym( in an abyss 0twhb I have sunk t(b+ 69:2
of waters 0ymd the depth 0qmw(l I entered tl( standing 0myq a place tyb

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

had sunk me ynt(b+ & a whirlpool 0trmcw

my throat ytrgg & is dry trxw by my crying yrqb I am weary ty0l 69:3
for my God yhl0l I 0n0 wait 0ksm as dk my eyes yny( are bereaved yzg
of my head y$yrd the hairs 0r(s than Nm they are more wygs 69:4
my bones ymrg than Nm & are harder wn$(w who without cause Ngmd my enemies ybbdl(b
I defrauded tml+ which not 0ld that Mdm lying 0rqw$d my enemies ybbdl(b
I have tywh returned 0npm
my crimes ytwlks do tn0 know (dy you tn0 God 0hl0 69:5
have been covered wyskt0 not 0l from you Knm & my sins yh+xw
in you Kb who hope Nyrbsmd those Nyly0 of me yb shall be ashamed Nwthbn not 0l 69:6
of me yb they shall be ashamed Nwrpxn & not 0lw of Hosts 0ntlyx God 0hl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
of Israel lyrsy0d God hhl0 you Kl who seek Ny(bd those Nyly0
& has covered tyskw reproach 0dsx I have borne tlbq for your sake Ktl+mm 69:7
my face yp0l shame 0tthb
to my brethren yx0l I have been tywh & a stranger 0yrkwnw 69:8
my mother ym0 to the children of ynbl & a foreigner 0ynsk0w
has consumed me ynlk0 of your house Ktybd the zeal hnn+d because l+m 69:9
upon me yl( has fallen lpn of those reproaching you Kyndsxmd & reproach 0dsxw
in fasting 0mwcb my soul y$pn was humbled tkkm 69:10
reproach 0dsxl to them Nwhl & I have been tywhw
sackcloth 0qs my clothes y$wbl I have made tdb( 69:11
a proverb 0ltml to them Nwhl & I have been tywhw
in the gate 0(rtb who sit Nybtyd those Nyly0 against me yb & have schemed wnrw 69:12
liquor 0rk$ who drink Nyt$d those Nyly0 against me yb & plotted wnrw
before you Kymdq have prayed tylc & I 0n0w 69:13
in the abundance 00gwsb God 0hl0 acceptable 0lbqm in a time 0nbzb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
of your salvation Knqrwpd & in the abundance 00gwsbw answer me ynyn( of your grace Ktwby+d
I would drown (b+0 that not 0ld the mud 0nys from Nm save me yncp 69:14
the waters 0ymd deep 0qmw( & from Nmw my haters y0ns from Nm & I shall be saved 0cpt0w
neither 0lw of waters 0ymd a whirlpool 0trmc will sink me yn(b+t that not 0ld 69:15
upon me yl( will shut dwx0t & not 0lw the mire 0twh will swallow me yn(lbt
its mouth hmwp a well 0r0b
your grace Ktwby+ is yh good 0b+d because l+m LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm answer me ynyn( 69:16
to me yl( return Npt0 of your mercies Kymxrd & in the multitude 00gwsbw
your servant Kdb( from Nm your faces Kyp0 turn Kpht not 0l 69:17
answer me ynyn( quickly lg(b to me yl adversity tq(d because l+m
because of l+m your salvation Knqrwpl my soul y$pn bring brq 69:18
save me ynyqwrp my enemies ybbdl(b
my reproach ydsx do tn0 know (dy you tn0 69:19
my enemies ybbdl(b all of them Nwhlwk is before lbqwl & my shame ytthbw
& bind up bwc(w of my heart ybld the breaking hrbt heal 0s0 69:20
& there is none tylw for it hl to grieve 0rktd for one Nml I have waited tyks
I have found txk$0 & not 0lw & for a comforter 0n0ybmlw
bitter herbs 0rrm in my food ytlwk0mb they gave wbhy 69:21
they gave me to drink ynwyq$0 vinegar 0lx & for my thirst yyhclw
a snare 0xp before them Nwhymdq their table Nwhrwtp let be 0whn 69:22
a stumbling block 0tlqwtl & their reward Nwhn(rwpw
they will see Nwzxn that not 0ld their eyes Nwhyny( will be darkened Nk$xn 69:23
stooped Pypk will be 0whn always Nbzlkb & their back Nwhcxw
& the heat 0tmxw your wrath Kzgwr upon them Nwhyl( pour out dw$0 69:24
them Nwn0 let tread upon Krdt of your wrath Kzgwrd
desolate brx their dwelling Nwhrm(m the house tyb let be 0whn 69:25
an inhabitant rm(d let be 0whn not 0l & in their tents Nwhynk$mbw
they persecuted wpdr have stricken tyxm whom you tn0d one Nmld because l+m 69:26
who is put to death* 0ly+qd his sorrow hb0k upon l( & they added wpsw0w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

that not 0ld their evil Nwhlw( upon l( evil 0lw( place bh 69:27
your righteousness Ktwqydzb they will enter Nwl(n
of life 0yxd your book Krps from Nm let them be blotted out Nw+(tn 69:28
let them be written Nwbtktn not 0l your righteous ones Kyqydz & with M(w
& suffering 0b0kmw am 0n0 poor 0nksm & I 0n0w 69:29
will help me ynrd( God 0hl0 your salvation Knqrwp
in song 0txwb$tb of God 0hl0d the name hm$ I shall praise xb$0 69:30
in thanksgiving 0tydwtb I shall magnify him yhwybrw0w
fattened 0m+pm bulls 0rwt beyond Nm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml I shall please rp$0 69:31
& hooved 0nsrpw horned 0nnrq
your hearts Nwkbl & will live 0xnw & rejoice wdxw poor ones 0nksm see wzx 69:32
the poor 0nksml LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm hears (m$d because l+m 69:33
. he despises +0$ not 0l & his prisoners yhwrys0lw
& Earth 0(r0w Heaven 0ym$ they will glorify him yhynwxb$n 69:34
in them Nwhb that swarms $xrd & everything lkw & the seas 0mmyw
& builds 0nbmw Zion Nwyhcl saves qrp God 0hl0d because l+m 69:35
his servants yhwdb( in it hb for will dwell Nwbtnd of Yehuda 0dwhyd the cities 0yrwql
in it hb will dwell Nwr$n his name hm$ & the lovers of ymxrw 69:36
abide rtk for my help ynrdw(l LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm save me yncp God 0hl0 70:1
those Nyly0 & they shall be put to shame Nwrpxnw they shall be ashamed Nwthbn 70:2
their behind Nwhrtsbl they shall turn Nwkphn my soul y$pnl who seek Ny(bd
my harm yt$ybl who seek Nybcd those Nyly0 & they shall be put to shame Nwrpxnw
of their disgrace Nwhtthbd in the repetition 0yntb they will be ashamed Nwhmtn 70:3
aha! 0h0 aha! 0h0 against me yl( who say wrm0d those Nyly0
who seek Ny(bd all lk in you Kb they will rejoice Nwdxn 70:4
is wh that great brd always Nbzlkb & they will say Nwrm0nw you Kl
who love Nymxrd those Nyly0./Ambros.:LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm/Lee 1816:God 0hl0
your salvation Knqrwp
with me yl stay rtk O God 0hl0 & afflicted 0$ybw am 0n0 poor 0nksm & I 0n0w 70:5
my God yhl0 & my deliverer ynycpmw you are tn0 my helper ynrd(m
delay rxwt not 0l
I have hope trbs LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm in you Kb 71:1
to eternity Ml(l I shall be ashamed thb0 not 0l
incline ylc save me yncp in your righteousness Ktwqydzb 71:2
& save me ynyqwrpw your ear Knd0 to me yl
dwelling 0rm(m an house tyb to me yl be ywh 71:3
. to save me ynqrpml & command dwqpw always Nbzlkb it hl that I may enter lw(0d
citadel ydrm & house tybw my refuge yswg house tyb are wh you tn0d because l+m
of the wicked 0(y$rd the hand hdy0 from Nm save me yncp God 0hl0 71:4
of the evil one 0$yb of evil 0lw(d the hand hdy0 & from Nmw
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm my hope yrbs are wh you tn0d because l+m 71:5
my youth ytwyl+ that from Nmd my trust ynlkwt God 0hl0
the womb 0(brm from Nm I have been sustained tkmts0 for upon you Kyl(d 71:6
my trust ynlkwt are wh you tn0 of my mother ym0d the bowels hy(m & from Nmw
. always Nbzlkb I am praising txb$ you Kl
for you tn0d to many 00ygsl I have been tywh & a wonder 0rmwdw 71:7
strong 0ny$( my confidence ynlkwt are wh
with your song Ktxwb$t my mouth ymwp let be filled 0lmtn 71:8
with your greatness Ktwbr day 0mwy & all hlkw
of old age 0twbysd at the time 0nbzb cast me off ynyd$t not 0l 71:9
leave me ynqb$t not 0l my power ylyx fails rmgd & when 0mw
my enemies ybbdl(b against me yl( speak wrm0d because l+m 71:10
one 0dx as Ky0 against me yl( counseled wklmt0 my soul y$pnl who watch Nyr+nd & those Nyly0w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

pursue him yhwpdwr has forsaken him hqb$ God 0hl0 & they said wrm0w 71:11
a Savior 0nycpm to him hl there is not tyld because l+m & take him yhwdxw0w
God 0hl0 from me ynm be far qxrt not 0l God 0hl0 71:12
abide rtk for my help ynrdw(l
those Nyly0 & they shall be put to shame Nwrpxnw they shall be ashamed Nwthbn 71:13
those Nyly0 in shame 0tthb let be clothed Nwp+(tn my soul y$pnl who shut up Nyrqsd
my affliction yt$ybl who seek Nybcd
concerning l( & I shall magnify Psw0w I shall pray 0lc0 always Nbzlkb but Nyd I 0n0 71:14
your glory Ktxb$t
day 0mwy & all hlkw your righteousness Ktwqydz will proclaim rbsn my mouth ymwp 71:15
book writing 0twrps I have known t(dy not 0ld because l+m in your glory Ktxb$tb
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd into the manliness htwrbngb I shall enter lw(0 71:16
I alone ydwxlb your righteousness Ktwqydz & I shall mention dh(0w
& until 0md(w my youth ytwyl+ which from Nmd my learning ynplwy God 0hl0 71:17
your wonders Ktrmdt shall I show 0wx0d when? 0$hl
leave me ynqb$t not 0l & seniority 0tw$y$qlw old age 0twbysl unto 0md( 71:18
& your power Ktwrbngw your arm K(rd I may show 0wx0d until 0md(
coming 0t0d to the generation 0rdl
the highest 0mwrml unto 0md( God 0hl0 & your righteousness Ktwqydzw 71:19
like you Ktwk0 who is? wnm God 0hl0 for you have done tdb(d great things 0tbrwrw
& evil 0t$ybw great 00ygs trouble 0nclw0 for you have shown me yntywxd 71:20
from Nm & also P0w & you have saved me yntyx0w & you have returned tkphw
you will raise me up ynqst you will return Kpht of Earth 0(r0d the depths hymwht
& you have returned tkphw my greatness ytwbr you have increased tygs0 71:21
& you have comforted me ynt0ybw
with the harp 0rnkb you Kl shall praise 0dw0 I 0n0 also P0 71:22
to you Kl I shall sing praise rmz0 God 0hl0 I shall sing rmz0 & your truth Kt$wqlw
of Israel lyrsy0d Holy One 0$ydq with the harp 0rnkb
to you Kl I shall sing praise rmz0 when dk my lips ytwps & will glory Nxb$nw 71:23
which you have saved tqrpd & my soul y$pnw
your righteousness Ktwqydzb will confess 0dwn day 0mwy all hlk & my tongue yn$lw 71:24
& they shall be disgraced Nwrpxnw they will be ashamed Nwthbnd because l+m
my affliction yt$ybl who seek Nybcd those Nyly0
to The King 0klml your judgment Knyd Give bh God 0hl0 72:1
The King 0klm to The Son rbl & your righteousness Ktwqydzw
in righteousness 0twqydzb your people Km(l that he shall judge Nwdnd 72:2
in judgment 0nydb & your poor ones Kynksmlw
to your people Km(l peace 0ml$ the mountains 0rw+ will bring Nwlq$n 72:3
of your righteousness Ktwqydz & the Hill 0tmrw
& he will save qwrpnw of the people 0m(d the poor 0nksml for he will judge Nwdnd 72:4
the oppressors 0mwl+l & he will abase Kkmnw the afflicted 0$yb the children ynbl
& in front of Mdqw the sun 0$m$ with M( you Kl they shall revere Nwlxdn 72:5
to the generation of generations Nyrdrdl the moon 0rhs
& like Ky0w the grass 0tzg upon l( rain 0r+m like Ky0 he will descend twxn 72:6
the Earth 0(r0 upon l( that descend Nytxnd gentle showers 0sysr0
the righteous 0qdz in his days htmwyb shall spring up xw$n 72:7
the moon 0rhs passes away rb(nd until 0md( of peace 0ml$d & the abundance 00gwsw
& from Nmw to sea 0myl sea 0my from Nm he shall rule dwx0n 72:8
of the Earth 0(r0d the ends hypwsl unto 0md( the rivers 0twrhn
& his enemies yhbbdl(bw the islands 0trzg shall bow Nkrbn before him yhwmdq 72:9
will lick up Nwxkln the dust 0rp(
offerings 0nbrwq & of the islands 0trzgdw of Tarshish $y$rtd Kings 0klm 72:10
offerings 0nbrwq & of Seba 0bsdw of Sheba 0b$d Kings 0klm him hl will bring Nwtyn

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

.Lee 1816 adds: him hl shall bring Nwbrqn

Peshitta Leiden adds: of Earth 0(r0d Kings 0klm all Nwhlk him hl & they will worship Nwdgsnw 72:11
shall serve him yhynwxlpn the nations 0mm( & all Nwhlkw
him who Nm from Nm the afflicted 0$ybl he delivers 0cpmd because l+m 72:12
a helper 0nrd(m to him hl without tyld & the poor 0nksmlw than him hnm is stronger Ny$(d
the afflicted 0$yb & upon l(w the poor 0nksm upon l( he shows pity s0x 72:13
he saves qrp of the poor 0nksmd & the souls 0t$pnw
he redeems qrp evil 0lw( & from Nmw fraud 0kwt from Nm 72:14
in his eyes yhwny(b their blood Nwhmd is wh precious ryqy their souls Nwht$pn
of Sheba 0b$d gold 0bhd from Nm to him hl & will be given bhytnw he shall live 0x0n 72:15
they shall bless him yhwykrbn day 0mwy & all hlkw always Nbzlkb to him yhwl( & we shall turn 0lcnw
in the Earth 0(r0b of grain 0rwb(d the abundance 00gws like Ky0 he shall be 0whn 72:16
its fruit yhwr0p will spring up xw$n of the mountains 0rw+d & in the top 0$yrbw
the city 0tnydm from Nm & they will sprout 0(wnw. Lebanon Nnbld like Ky0
of the Earth 0(r0d grass 0bs( like Ky0
the sun 0$m$ & before Mdqw to eternity Ml(l his name hm$ & shall be 0whnw 72:17
the nations 0mm( all Nwhlk in him hb they will be blessed Nwkrbtn his Name hm$ is yhwty0
they will glorify him yhynwxb$n & all of them Nwhlkw
of Israel lyrsy0d God 0hl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh blessed Kyrb 72:18
he alone yhwdwxlb great 0tbrwr wonders 0trmdt who does db(d
to eternity Ml(l of his honor hrqy0d The Name 0m$ is wh & blessed Kyrbw 72:19
. & Amen Nym0w Amen Nym0 the Earth 0(r0 all hlk his honor hrqy0 let fill 0lmtt

to Israel ly0rsy0l good b+ God 0hl0 73:1

of heart 0bl & to those in a natural state yryrblw
my feet ylgr had ywh declined Nyl+cm a little lylq unto d( & I 0n0w 73:2
my steps ytklh had been ywh cast out Nd$0tm thing Mdm no 0l & like Ky0w
I had been tywh seeing 0zx when dk the evil 0lw(b I envied tn+d because l+m 73:3
to the wicked 0(y$rl peace 0ml$
of their death Nwhtwml an expectation 0ks there is not tyld because l+m 73:4
their insanity Nwhtwy+$ is yh & great 00ygsw
they are Nwn0 not tyl of men 0$n0d in toil 0lm(b 73:5
they are taken aside Nydgntm not 0l men 0$n0 the sons ynb & with M(w
contempt 0twnrsbm them Nwn0 has seized tdx0 this 0nh because of l+m 73:6
& their wickedness Nwh($wrw their evil Nwhlw( & is covered yskt0w
& they have done wdb(w their evil Nwhlw( grease 0brt like Ky0 & comes through qpnw 73:7
of the heart 0bld the thought 0ty(rt according to Ky0
evil 0t$yb & have spoken wllmw they have conceived wb$xt0 73:8
they spoke wllm The Highest 0myrm against l( & oppression 0ymwl+w
& their tongue Nwhn$lw in the sky 0ym$b their mouths Nwhmwp they set wms 73:9
in the dirt 0(r0b walks Klhm
. here 0krhl my people ym( will return Kwphn this 0nh because of lw+m 73:10
for them Nwhl they will find Nwxk$n & abundantly ty0ylmw
& is ty0w God 0hl0 knows (dy How? Nky0 & they will say Nwrm0nw 73:11
in The Highest 0myrmb knowledge 0t(dy
in the world 0ml(b are prosperous Nynyhk the wicked 0(y$r these Nylh behold 0hd 73:12
in power 0lyxb & strong Nyny$(w
my heart ybl have purified tykd I alone ydwxlb & I 0n0w 73:13
in purity 0twykdb my hands ydy0 & I have washed tgy$0w
& my reproof ytwnskmw day 0mwy all hlk the plague 0twxml & I have had tywhw 73:14
Lee 1816:the morning 0rpcl Ambros.:in the morning 0rpcb
as they Nwhtwk0 I shall do db(0d I have said trm0 if N0 73:15
in my eyes yny(b it is wh evil 0lw( 73:16

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

A sentence seems to be missing v.16 which occurs in Hebrew, but not The Peshitta: When I thought to know this, it was
too painful for me.
of God 0hl0d the holy place h$dqml I would enter lw(0d until 0md( 73:17
their end Nwhtrxb & I would discern Nybt0w
them Nwhl you will appoint Myst their foolishness Nwhlkn according to Ky0 73:18
they are exalted Nwmyrttn when dk them Nwn0 & you will cast down 0mrtw
stillness 0yl$ from Nm to insensibility 0hmtl they wwh How! Nky0 73:19
tumult 0yxwld by Nm & they are finished wrmgw they have come to an end wps
a dream 0mlx seeing 0zxd when 0m waking up ry(ttmd he is wh like Ky0 73:20
you will despise +w$t their image Nwhmlc at cockcrow 0tyrqb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
my heart ybl am troubled xldt0 & I 0n0w 73:21
rage against me ynt$0 & my kidneys ytylwkw
knowing (dy & not 0lw I have been tywh simple ryrb & I 0n0w 73:22
with you Km( I have been tywh & a beast 0ry(bw
. your honor Krqy0 & after rtbw comfort me yny0yb in your counsel Kty(rtb 73:24
lead me ynyrbd
with you Km( in Heaven 0ym$b Lees 1816 edition: for me yl is ty0 Who? 0nm 73:25
in the Earth 0(r0b have I desired tybc & Whom? 0nmw
of the right 0nymyd my hand ydy0 for you have held tdx0d
& the strength hn$w(w & my flesh yrsbw my heart ybl & fails rmgw 73:26
to eternity Ml(l is yh in God 0hl0b my portion ytnm of my heart ybld
shall be destroyed Nwdb0n your distant ones Kyqyxr behold 0hd because l+m 73:27
to eternity Ml(l from you Knm who go astray Ny(+d all lwkl & you shall destroy dbwtw
to God 0hl0l to draw near brqt0d have desired tybc I 0n0 73:28
my trust ynlkwt LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your name Km$ to me yl is good b0+
your wonders Ktrmdt all these Nyhlk that I may tell 0(t$0d

to eternity Ml(l you have forgotten me ynty(+ why? 0nml God 0hl0 74:1
of your pasture Kty(rmd against the sheep 0n(b your wrath Kzgwr& you have hardened tn$(0w
that you have possessed tynqd your congregation Ktd( remember rkdt0 74:2
of your inheritance Ktwtryd the tribe 0+b$ & you have saved tqrpw the first Mydq from Nm
in it hb which you dwelt tyr$d this 0nh of Zion Nwyhcd the mountain 0rw+
those Nyly0 above l( your servants Kydb( lift Myr0 74:3
by your might Kn$w(b who are taken Nylqt$md
to your holiness K$dwql the enemy 0bbdl(b who harm $0bmd all lk
your assembly day Kd0( within wgb your enemies Kybbdl(b are boisterous wrhbt$0 74:4
the ensigns 0twt0 their signs Nwhtwt0 they made wdb(
above l(ld The Exalted One 0yl(m as Ky0 & you know t(dyw 74:5
with axes 0qlpb as one 0dxk0 the doors 0(rt they hewed down wxlc 74:6
with axes 0grnb of trees 0syqd a forest 0b( like Ky0
& with hammers 0blwkbw
your holy place K$dqm in fire 0rwnb & burned wdqw0w they took wymr0 74:7
of your Name Km$d the tabernacle 0nk$m in the land 0(r0b & they defiled w$w+w
as one 0dxk0 them Nwn0 we will destroy dbwnd in their heart Nwhblb they said wrm0 74:8
of God 0hl0d the feast days yhwd0(d( all Nwhlk & we will destroy dbwnw
the Earth 0(r0 from Nm
any more bwt there is not tyl they have seen wzx not 0l their signs Nwhtwt0 74:9
a wise man 0mykx with us Nm( is ty0 not 0l also P0 a prophet 0ybn
the enemy 0bbdl(b reproaches dsxm God 0hl0 when? ytm0l unto 0md( 74:10
to eternity? Ml(l against your Name Km$l & rages zgrmw
& your right Knymyw your hand Kdy0 have you turned tkph0 why? 0nml 74:11
your assembly Kd0( within wg from Nm
/is wh King 0klm our God Nhl0 74:12
Lee 1816: from Nm for you commanded tdqpd

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Lee 1816: of Yaqob bwq(yd the salvation hnqrwp about l( the first Mydq
Ambros.: of the earth 0(r0d in the midst ht(cmb salvation 0nqrwp who performs db(d
the sea 0mmy separated t$rp in your might Kn$w(b you tn0 74:13
of the dragons 0nyntd their heads Nwhy$yr & you will break trbtw
in the waters 0ymb
of Leviathan Ntywld the heads yhw$yr you have broken tccr you tn0 74:14
strong 0ny$( to the people 0m(l food 0tlwk0m & you have given yhytbhyw
in the valleys 0lxnb the springs 0(wbm quaked t(zb you tn0 74:15
mighty 0ny$( the rivers 0twrhn you dried up t$bw0 you tn0
the night 0yll is wh & yours Klydw the day 0mmy0 is wh yours Klyd 74:16
& the sun 0$m$w the light 0rhwn have prepared tnqt you tn0
of the Earth 0(r0d the boundaries hymwxt all Nwhlk have set tmyq0 you tn0 74:17
them Nwn0 you have created tyrb you tn0 & winter 0wtsw summer 0+yq
of the enemy 0bbdl(bd the reproach hdsx LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm has remembered rkdt0 74:18
your Name Km$l angered zgr0 a foolish 0lks people 0m(
you Kl that confesses 0ydwmd the soul 0$pn to breaking 0rbtl give ltt not 0l 74:19
to eternity Ml(l forget 0(+t not 0l of your poor ones Kynksmd & the souls 0t$pnw
are filled ylmt0d because l+m at your covenant Kmyqb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm look rwx 74:20
& evil 0lw(w with darkness 0kw$x of Earth 0(r0d the dwellings 0ryd
ashamed tyhb when dk the poor 0nksm let remain btn not 0l 74:21
your Name Km$l let praise Nwxb$n & the poor 0nksmw the afflicted 0$yb
& remember rkdt0w your judgment Kynyd & judge Nwdw God 0hl0 arise Mwq 74:22
day Mwy every lkd the fools 0lks that from Nmd your reproach Kdsx
of your enemies Kybbdl(bd the voice 0lq forget 0(+t & not 0lw 74:23
who stand Nymyqd of those Nyly0d & the tumult 0yxwldw
in all times Nbzlkb that rises up qlsd against you Kyl(
you Kl we praise Nnydw0 God 0hl0 you Kl we praise Nnydw0 75:1
your wonders Ktrmdt all Nyhlk & we have narrated Ny(t$0w your Name Km$ & we call Nyrqw
& I 0n0w the time 0nbz I shall take bs0d because l+m 75:2
I shall judge Nwd0 in integrity 0twcyrtb
its inhabitants hyrwm( & all Nwhlkw Earth 0(r0 will be humbled Kkmtt 75:3
its inhabitants hyrwm(l fashioned tnqt you tn0
be fools Nw+$t do not 0ld to the fools 0y+$l you have said trm0 you tn0 75:4
the trumpet 0nrq lift up Nwmyrt do not 0ld & to the wicked 0(y$rlw
your trumpet Nwknrq to The Highest 0mwrml lift up Nwmyrt & not 0lw 75:5
high 0mr with a neck 0rwcb & speak Nwllmtw
the West 0br(m from Nm proceeds 0qpm not 0ld because l+m 75:6
of the mountains 0rw+d the wilderness 0rbdm from Nm neither 0lp0
this one 0nhl the judge 0nyd is wh God 0hl0d Ambros.: because lw+m /Lee 1816: because l+m 75:7
he raises Myrm & that one 0nhlw he brings down lp$m
& full 0lmw of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd in his hand hdy0b a cup 0skd because l+m 75:8
this one 0nh from Nm he lets down Nkr0 the dregs 0ry+t of wine 0rmxd a mixture 0gzm
all of them Nwhlwk & they will drink Nwt$nw they will drain Nwcmn his dregs hr+t to this one 0nhl
of the Earth 0(r0d the wicked 0(y$r
of Yaqob bwq(yd to The God hhl0l & I shall sing rmz0w to eternity Ml(l shall live 0x0 & I 0n0w 75:9
I shall dash in pieces Mdg0 of the wicked 0(y$rd trumpets 0tnrq all these Nyhlkw 75:10
of the righteous ones 0qydzd the trumpets Nwhtnrq & will be lifted up Nmyrttnw
his Name hm$ great br & in Israel lyrsy0bw God 0hl0 in Yehuda 0dwhyb is known (ydy 76:1
in Zion Nwyhcb & his dwelling hrm(mw his tabernacle hll+m in Shaleem Myl$b shall be 0whn 76:2
the supply of arms 0nyz of the bows 0tt$qd the arms 0(rd he shattered rbt there Nmt 76:3
in war 0brqb & the sword 0pysw
mighty 0ny$( your mountain Krw+ from Nm & Anointed xy$mw you are tn0 shiningryhn 76:4

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Which Person qualifies as the Anointed God? The Hebrew Bible lacks this word, Meshiakh Anointed
& have slept wkmdw in heart 0bl foolish ones ylks all Nwhlk were troubled wxldt0 76:5
they found wxk$0 & not 0lw mighty ones 0ntlyx the men 0rbg their sleep Nwhtn$
their hands Nwhydy0
of Yaqob bwq(yd God hhl0 your rebuke Kt0k from Nm 76:6
horses 0$kr the riders of ybkr slumbered wmn
will stand Mwqn who? wnm are tn0 fearful lyxd & you tn0w 76:7
wrath 0zgwr in this 0nhb before you Kymdq
Lee 1816: you caused to be heard t(m$0/ Ambros.:you heard t(m$ Heaven 0ym$ from Nm 76:8
& was afraid tlxdw saw tzx the Earth 0(r0 judgment 0nyd
& to save qrpmlw to judge Ndml God 0hl0 arose M0qd when 0m 76:9
of the Earth 0(r0d the poor 0nksm all Nwhlkl
will praise 0dwt of the son of man 0$nrbd the counsel hty(rtd because l+m 76:10
Lee 1816: you will take away qrpt of his anger htmxd & the remainder 0kr$w you Kl
Ambros.: wrath 0zgwr take away qwrpt/
all lwk your God Nwkhl0 to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml & fulfill wml$w vow wrwdn 76:11
to The Awesome One 0lyxdl offerings 0nbrwq they shall bring Nwlbwn him hl around Nyrydxd
of Rulers 0n+yl$d the spirit 0xwr for he shall humble Kkmmd 76:12
of the Earth 0(r0d the Kings 0klm by l( & he is feared lyxdw
& He heard me yn(m$w I cried tyrq God 0hl0 to twl with my voice ylqb 77:1
& He answered me ynn(w unto him htwl my voice ylqb & I have lifted tmyr0w
I prayed ty(b to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml of my suffering ynclw0d in the day 0mwyb 77:2
I was silent tyl$ & not 0lw drew me yntdgn in the night 0yllb & his hand hdy0w
for my soul y$pnl a comforter 0n0ybm & there was not tylw
& I meditated tynrw & I was disturbed txldt0w God 0hl0 I remembered trkdt0 77:3
my spirit yxwr & was troubled tpr+t0w
by my eyes yny(b dizziness 0nrwc & seized me ynwdx0w 77:4
I spoke tllm & not 0lw I was dumb t$rx
& the years 0yn$w before Mdq which from Nmd the days ymwy I have considered tb$xw 77:5
ages Nyml( which from Nmd
& in my heart yblbw in the night 0yllb I meditated tynr I have remembered trkdt0 77:6
& I have said trm0w my spirit yxwr & I examined tycbw I meditated tynr
& not 0lw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm has forgotten me yn(+ eternally Ml(ld 77:7
with me yb to be pleased wyb+cml again bwt continues Pswm
passes away rb(m to eternity Ml(l not? 0mld or w0 77:8
is finished Ml$m or w0 from me ynm his grace htwby+
to a generation of generations Nyrdrdl his word htlm
or w0 to love wmxrml God 0hl0 forgets? 0(+ or w0 77:9
in his wrath hzgwrb his mercies yhwmxr withholds he lmx
it is yh my sickness ytwhyrkd I have said trm0 77:10
of The Exalted One 0yl(d of the right hand hnymyd is Nyn0 & the narrative 0yntw
from Nm I have remembered trkdt0d because l+m 77:11
your wonders Ktrmdt the first Mydq
your works Kydb( on all Nwhlkb & I meditated tynrw 77:12
I meditated tynr & on your skills Kt(ncbw
& there is none tylw is yh holy 0$ydq your way Kxrw0 God 0hl0 77:13
our God Nhl0 like Ky0 who is great brd
for you have done tdb(d God 0hl0 are wh you tn0 77:14
your might Kn$w( among the nations 0mm(b & you have shown tywxw wonders 0trmdt
your people Km(l with your arm K(rdb & you have saved tqrpw 77:15
& Joseph Pswyw Yaqob bwq(y the children of ynbl
the waters 0ym saw you Kw0zx God 0hl0 the waters 0ym saw you Kw0zx 77:16
shook w(z the depths 0mwht also P0 & they feared wlxdw
the skies ym$ a sound 0lq gave wbhy waters 0ym rained Pzr & clouds 0nn(w 77:17

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

fly Nyxrp your arrows Kyr0g also P0 of Heaven 0ym$

in the sphere 0lgygb of your thunders Kym(rd & the voice 0lqw 77:18
the world lybtl your lightnings Kyqrb lit up wrhn0
the Earth 0(r0 & shook t(zw was disturbed txldt0
in the waters 0ymb & your steps Kylyb$w your path Kxrw0 in the sea 0myb 77:19
are known (dyt0 not 0l & your footprints Ktbq(w many 00ygs
a flock 0n( like Ky0 your people Km(l for you led trbd 77:20
& of Aaron Nwrh0dw of Moses 0$wmd by the hand 0dy0b
& incline wlcw & be persuaded wsyp+t0w my Law yswmn give ear to twc my people ym( 78:1
of my mouth ymwpd to the words yhwlml your ears Nwkynd0
in proverbs 0ltmb my mouth ymwp I shall open xtp0 for ryg behold 0h 78:2
former time Mydq which of Nmd parables 0t0lp & I shall speak rm0w
those Nyly0 also P0 them Nyn0 we have known N(dy that we have heard N(m$d those Nyly0 78:3
to us Nl they related wy(t$0 that our fathers Nyhb0d
their children Nwhynb from Nm we will hide 0skn not 0ld 78:4
Lee 1816: another 0nrx0 / Ambros.: after 0yrx0 to the generation 0rdl but 0l0
& his power hlyxw of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the praises htxb$t we shall tell 0(t$n
that he did db(d & his wonders htrmdtw
& his Law hswmnw in Yaqob bwq(yb his testimony htwdhs for he established Myq0d 78:5
our fathers Nyhb0l he commanded dqpd as Ky0 in Israel lyrsy0b he set Ms
to their children Nwhynbl to make known Nw(dwnd
the generation 0rdl that they shall instruct Nw(dnd 78:6
who are born Nydlytmd the children 0ynb /Lee 1816:another 0nrx0/ Ambros.:after 0yrx0
their children Nwhynbl to tell Nw(t$nd & remain Nymyqw
they will forget Nw(+n & not 0lw in God 0hl0b their hope Nwhrbs that would be 0whnd 78:7
they will keep Nwr+n & his commandments yhwndqwpw of God 0hl0d the works yhwdb(
a generation 0rd their fathers Nwhyhb0 like Ky0 they shall be Nwwhn & not 0lw 78:8
has set right Nqt0 that not 0ld a generation 0rd & rebellious 0nrmrmmw evil 0$yb
whose spirit hxwrd in God 0hl0b trusted Nmyh & not 0lw its heart hbl
when they were attacked wxtmd of Ephraim Myrp0d his children yhwnb 78:9
& they turned back wkphw the bow 0t$qb & they cast away wd$w strung 0rty
of war 0brqd in the day 0mwyb
of God 0hl0d his covenant hmyq they kept wr+n not 0ld for l( 78:10
to walk wklhml they chose wbc not 0l & in his Law hswmnbw
& his wonders htrmdtw his works yhwdb( & they forgot w(+w 78:11
them Nwn0 that he had shown ywxd
wonders 0trmdt when he did db(d their fathers Nwhyhb0 in front of Mdq 78:12
of Zoan N(cd & in the fields 0tlqxbw of Egypt Nyrcmd in the land 0(r0b
them Nwn0 & made pass over rb(0w the sea 0my he split (rt 78:13
waterskins 0qzbd like Ky0 the waters 0ym & stood Myq0w
with a cloud 0nn(b by day 0mmy0b them Nwn0 he led rbd 78:14
of fire 0rwnd in brightness 0rhzb night 0yll & all hlkw
& he gave drink yq$0w in the wilderness 0rbdmb the flint 0nr+ he breached (rt 78:15
. great 0br the depths 0mwht from Nmd as Ky0 to them Nwn0
& flowed wdrw the rock 0p0k from Nm streams 0ydr he brought out qp0 78:16
rivers 0twrhn like Ky0 waters 0ym
to sin 0+xml the people 0m( again bwt & they continued wpsw0w 78:17
in thirst 0yhcb The Highest 0myrml & to bitterly provoke wrmrmmlw
asking l0$ml in their heart Nwhblb God 0hl0l & they tempted wysnw 78:18
for themselves Nwh$pnl food 0tlwk0m
Interog. 0mld & they said wrm0w God 0hl0 against l( & they complained wn+rw 78:19
in the wilderness 0rbdmb tables 0rwtp for us Nl arrange rdsml God 0hl0 can? xk$m
& torrents 0tlgr0w waters 0ym & flowed wdrw the flint 0nr+l he struck 0xm if N0 78:20
to give ltml is he able xk$m bread 0mxl also P0 not? 0mld he made flow ydr0

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to his people hm(l food 0tlwk0m prepared by+m or w0 to us Nl

& he was angry zgrw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm heard (m$ this 0nh because of l+m 78:21
Yaqob bwq(yb seized tdx0 & fire 0rwnw
. in Israel lyrsyb came up qls wrath 0zgwr also P0
in God 0hl0b they trusted wnmyh not 0ld for l( 78:22
. his salvation hnqrwpl were convinced of wrbs & not 0lw
above l(l from Nm the clouds 0nn(l & he commanded dqpw 78:23
were opened wxtpt0 of Heaven 0ym$d & the doors 0(rtw
to eat lk0ml Manna 0nnm for them Nwhl he sent down tx0 78:24
to them Nwhl he gave bhy of Heaven 0ym$d & the bread 0mxlw
man 0$n0 son of rb ate lk0 of Angels 0k0lmd the bread 0mxl 78:25
to be satisfied (bsml for them Nwhl he sent rd$ & game 0dycw
& he led rbdw in the sky 0ym$b the wind 0xwr he made blow b$0 78:26
the south 0nmytl Leiden: the sky 0ym$l by his strength hn$w(b
dust 0rp( like Ky0 flesh 0rsb for them Nwhl he sent down tx0 78:27
Lees 1816 edition: of the sea 0myd /Ambros.:of the seas 0mmyd sand 0lx & likeKy0w
of the wing 0pgd birds 0txrp
. their tents Nwhynk$m around yrdx in their camps Nwhtyr$mb & they fell wlpnw 78:28
& their desire Nwhtgygr0w very b+ & were satisfied w(bsw they ate wlk0 78:29
them Nwhl he gave bhy
& while d(w their lust Nwhtgygr from Nm they departed wqrp & not 0lw 78:30
in their mouths Nwhmwpb their food Nwhtlwk0m
some Nm & he killed l+qw among them Nwhb went up qls of God 0hl0d the wrath hzgwr 78:31
he prostrated Krb0 of Israel lyrsy0d & the elect ones 0ybglw their rich Nwhyryt(
& again bwtw they sinned w+x all these Nyhlk in these Nylhb 78:32
. in his wonders htrmdtb they believed wnmyh not 0l
their days Nwhymwy in futility 0twqyrsb they spent wrmg 78:33
hastily ty0bhrsm & their years Nwhyn$w
him hl they were wwh seeking Ny(b them Nwhl was 0wh he killing l+qd when 0m 78:34
his presence htwl & were coming before Nymdqmw they were wwh returning Nykph
their helper Nwhrwd( is wh that God 0hl0d they remembered wdh( 78:35
their Savior Nwhqwrp the Highest 0myrm & God 0hl0w
& with their tongue Nwhn$lbw in their mouths Nwhmwpb they loved him yhwmxr 78:36
him hb they angered wbdk
with him hm( was made right wnqt0 not 0l their heart Nwhbl 78:37
in his covenant hmyqb they believed wnmyh & not 0lw
sins 0h+x & he forgives qb$w merciful Nmxrm & he is whw 78:38
his wrath hzgwr to turn away wkphml he proceeded 0gsm destroys lbxm & not 0lw
his anger htmx all hlk aroused ry(m & not 0lw
a wind 0xwr they were Nwn0 that flesh 0rsbd he remembered rkdt0 78:39
returns 0kph & not 0lw that goes 0lz0d
in the wilderness 0rbdmb they bitterly provoked him yhwrmrm they Nwnh 78:40
in the deserts Nwmy$0b & they angered him yhwzgr0w
God 0hl0l & they tempted wysnw & they turned back wkphw 78:41
they provoked wgrg of Israel lyrsy0d & The Holy One 0$ydqlw
the day 0mwy his hand hdy0 they remembered wrkdt0 & not 0lw 78:42
the oppressor 0cwl0 from Nm them Nwn0 when he saved qrpd
& his wonders htrmdtw signs htwt0 in Egypt Nyrcmb when he did db(d 78:43
of Zoan N(cd in the fields 0tlqxb
to blood 0mdl their rivers Nwhtwrhn for he turned Kphd 78:44
waters 0ym they would drink Nwt$n that not 0ld & their streams Nwhydrw
them Nwn0 & consumed lk0w swarms of insects 0+wlx against them Nwhyl( he sent rd$ 78:45
them Nwn0 & destroyed lbxw & frogs 0(drw0w
their crops Nwhtll( to locusts 0cmql he gave bhy 78:46
to the crawling locust 0lxzl & their produce Nwhtw0lw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

their vines Nwhynpwg with hail stones 0drbb he broke rbt 78:47
. with ice 0dylgb & their fig trees Nwhyn0tw
their cattle Nwhry(b to hail stones 0drbl he gave over Ml$0 78:48
to burning 0ndqyl & their possessions Nwhnynqw
the heat 0tmx of his wrath hzgwrd the heat 0tmx against them Nwhyl( he sent rd$ 78:49
evil 0$yb of the angel 0k0lm by the hand dyb he sent rd$ & trouble 0nclw0w & wrath 0zgwrw
from Nm spared Ksx & not 0lw the evil 0$yb the path 0lyb$ & he breached (rtw 78:50
he delivered Ml$0 to death 0twml & their animals Nwhtwyxw their souls Nwht$pn death 0twm
the first $yr of Egypt Nyrcmd the firstborns 0rkwb all lk he killed l+q 78:51
of Ham Mxd in the tents 0nk$mb their children Nwhdly of all hlk
& led rbdw sheep 0n( like Ky0 his people hm(l he bore lq$0 78:52
in the wilderness 0rbdmb a flock 0rzg like Ky0 them Nwn0
they feared wlxd & not 0lw in hope 0rbsb them Nwn0 he led yr$0 78:53
the sea 0my covered ysk & their enemies Nwhybbdl(blw
this 0nhl of his holiness h$dwqd to the border 0mwxtl them Nwn0 he brought yty0 78:54
his right hand hnymy that possessed tnqd the mountain 0rw+
the Gentiles 0mm( before them Nwhymdq from Nm he destroyed dbw0 78:55
of his inheritance htwtryd in lots 0lbxb them Nwn0 & he cast ymr0w
of Israel lyrsy0d the tribes 0+b$ in their tents Nwhynk$mb & they dwelt wr$w
The Highest 0myrm God 0hl0l & they bitterly provoked wrmrmw & they tempted wysnw 78:56
they kept wr+n not 0l & his testimony htwdhsw
their fathers Nwhyhb0 like Ky0 & they lied wlgdw & they turned back wkphw 78:57
deceitful 0tlykn a bow 0t$q like Ky0 & they were turned wkpht0w
& by their idols Nwhyrktpbw by their sacrifices Nwhtwl(b & they angered him yhwzgr0w 78:58
they made him jealous yhwn+0
very b+ & was angry zgrw & was provoked tmxt0w God 0hl0 & heard (m$w 78:59
Israel lyrsy0 over l(
of the camp 0r$d the tent 0nk$m of Shiloh wly$d the tent 0nk$ml & he forgot 0(+w 78:60
. children of men 0$nynb among tyb
& his glory htxwb$tw his people hm( to captivity 0tyb$l he gave bhy 78:61
of the oppressor 0cwl0d into the hand 0dy0b
to the sword 0brxl his people hm( he gave over Ml$0 78:62
his inheritance htwtry from Nm & he turned away ymh0w
the fire 0rwn consumed tlk0 their boys Nwhydwdgl 78:63
were abused Pr+t0 & their virgins Nwhtlwtbw
by the sword 0brxb they fell wlpn & their priests Nwhynhkw 78:64
wept ykbt0 not 0l & their widows Nwhtlmr0w
one lying down 0kmd like Ky0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm awakened ry(tt0 78:65
his wine hrmx who would save himself from hcpnd a man 0rbg & like Ky0w
behind him hrtsbl his enemies yhwbbdl(bl he struck 0xm 78:66
them Nwhl he gave bhy eternal 0ml(d & reproach 0dsxw
& the tribe 0+b$bw of Joseph Pswyd the tent 0nk$ml he despised yls0 78:67
he shepherded y(rt0 not 0l of Ephraim Myrp0d
of Yehuda 0dwhyd the generation 0tbr$l he has chosen 0bg 78:68
that he loved Mxrd of Zion Nwyhcd the mountain 0rw+l
& in Earth 0(r0bw his holy place h$dqm the height 0mwr upon l( he built 0nb 78:69
for eternity Ml(l he prepared it hnqt0
& led him hrbdw his servant hdb( Daweed dywdl Ambros.: him yh he has chosen 0bg 78:70
of sheep 0n(d a flock 0rzg from Nm
that nurse 0qnymd sheep 0n( following rtsb & from Nmw 78:71
his inheritance htwtry & Israel ly0rsy0lw his people hm( Yaqob bwq(yl to feed 0(rml
of his heart hbld in the perfection 0twmymtb them Nwn0 & he shepherded 0(rw 78:72
them Nwn0 he led rbd of his hands yhwdy0d & in the understanding 0lkwsbw
your inheritance Ktwtryl the Gentiles 0mm( have entered wl( God 0hl0 79:1

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

holy 0$ydq your temple Klkyhl & they have defiled it yhw0m+w
desolate 0tbrx Jerusalem Ml$rw0l they have made it hwdb(
food 0tlwk0m of your servants Kydb(d the corpses 0dl$ they gave wbhy 79:2
of your righteous ones Kyqydzd & flesh 0rsbw of the sky 0ym$d for birds 0txrpl
of the Earth 0(r0d to animals 0twyxl
waters 0ym like Ky0 their blood Nwhmd they shed wd$0 79:3
a burier rbqd & there is not tylw Jerusalem Ml$rw0d around hyrdx
to our neighbors Nybb$l a reproach 0dsx we were Nywh 79:4
& a laughing stock 0xzwbw a mockery 0qywm
are Nwn0 who around us Nyrdxd to those Nyly0l
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm are you tn0 angry zgr when? ytm0l until 0md( 79:5
your wrath Kzgwr fire 0rwn like Ky0 burns dqyw to eternity? Ml(l
those Nyly0 the Gentiles 0mm( upon l( your wrath Kzgwr pour out dw$0 79:6
the kingdoms 0twklm & upon l(w have known you Kw(dy who not 0ld
have called yrq not 0l who in your Name Km$bd those Nyly0
& his dwelling hrydlw Yaqob bwq(yl they have consumed him yhwlk0d because l+m 79:7
they made desolate wbrx
former 0ymdq our sins Nyh+x to us Nl remember rkdtt not 0l 79:8
let precede us [Lee], [Ambros.]: let precede me ynnwmdqn quickly lg(b
very b+ we are humbled Nkkmt0d because l+m your mercies Kymxr
because of l+m our Savior Nqwrp God 0hl0 help us Nyrd( 79:9
Lee: & save us Ncpw /Ambros.: & save me yncpw pardon ynsx of your Name Km$d the honor 0rqy0
your Name Km$ because of l+m our sins Nyh+x from Nm
the Gentiles 0mm( they say Nwrm0n lest 0ld 79:10
let be known (dytt Lees 1816 edition:your God Nwkhl0 /.Ambros.:their God Nwhhl0 where is? wky0
of the blood 0mdd the vengeance 0t(bt to our eyes Nyny(l among the Gentiles 0mm(b
that is shed d$0t0d of your servants Kydb(d
of the prisoners 0rys0d the groaning htqn0 before you Kymdq let enter lw(t 79:11
death 0twm from Nm the children 0ynb release yr$ of your arm K(rdd in the greatness 0twbrb
into their bosom Nwhbw(b in sevens 0(b$b each dx our neighbors Nybb$l & pay (wrpw 79:12
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm of those reproaching you Kwdsxd the reproach 0dsx
of your pasture Kty(rmd & the sheep 0n(w your people Km( & we are Nnxw 79:13
& to a generation of generations Nyrdrdlw to eternity Ml(l we will confess 0dwn
your wonders Ktrmdt we shall tell 0(t$n
give ear twc of Israel lyrsy0d Shepherd hy(r 80:1
Joseph Pswyl a flock 0n( like Ky0 & lead rbdw
be revealed ylgt0 the Cherubim 0bwrk upon l( sitting bty
& Manassheh 0$nmw & Benjamin Nymynbw Ephraim Myrp0 in front of Mdq 80:2
for our salvation Nnqrwpl & come 0tw your power Ktwrbng show 0wx
& make shine rhn0w restore us Nnp0 of Hosts 0ntlyx God 0hl0 80:3
& we will be saved qrptnw your faces Kyp0
when? ytm0l until 0md( of Hosts 0ntlyx God 0hl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 80:4
of your servant Kdb(d the prayer htwlc against l( you are tn0 angry zgr
with tears 0t(mdb bread 0mxl them Nwn0 you fed tlkw0 80:5
tears 0t(mdb them Nwn0 & you made drink tyq$0w
to our neighbors Nybb$l a mockery 0ynr you have made us Ntdb( 80:6
at us Nb have mocked wqym & our enemies Nybbdl(bw
your faces Kyp0 & shine rhn0w restore us Nnp0 of Hosts 0ntlyx God 0hl0 80:7
& we shall be saved qrptnw
you destroyed tdbw0 Egypt Nyrcm from Nm you brought out tqp0 a vine 0tpg 80:8
& you planted it htbcnw the Gentiles 0mm(
its roots hrq( & you have planted tbcnw in it hb you dug trx 80:9
by it hnm the land 0(r0 & was filled tlmw
its shade hll+ from Nm the mountains 0rw+ & have been covered wyskt0w 80:10

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of God 0hl0d the cedars yhwzr0 upon l( its shoots hypw(w

the sea 0myl unto 0md( its tendrils hydyg it sent td$ 80:11
its shoots hyqn( the rivers 0twrhn & upon l(w
the hedge hgys you have broken down t(rt why? 0nml 80:12
the way 0xrw0 passers by yrb( all lwk they trampled it hw$dw
of the forest 0b(d the boar 0ryzx & consumed it hlk0w 80:13
feed on it hy(r of the wilderness 0rbd & the wild beasts 0twyxw
from Nm & look rwxw return Npt0 of Hosts 0ntlyx God 0hl0 80:14
this 0dh vine 0tpgl & visit hydwqpw & see yzxw Heaven 0ym$
your right hand Knymy that has planted tbcnd & the vine 0tslw 80:15
for yourself Kl that you made strong tlyxd & the son of man 0$nrblw
its shoots hyqwb$ in a fire 0rwnb he consumed dqw0 80:16
they shall be destroyed Nwdb0n of your face Kyp0d the reproof 0t0k & from Nmw
. the man 0rbg upon l( right 0nymyd your hand Kdy0 let be 0wht 80:17
for youself Kl whom you strengthened tlyxd the son of man 0$nrb & upon l(w
but 0l0 from you Knm we will turn Kwphn that not 0ld 80:18
. we will call 0rqn & on your Name Km$bw Lee: give us life Nx0 /Ambros.: give me life ynx0
restore us Nnp0 of Hosts 0ntlyx God 0hl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 80:19
& we shall be saved qrptnw your faces Kyp0 & shine rhn0w
our champion Nnn$(m God 0hl0l praise wxb$ 81:1
of Yaqob bwq(yd to The God hhl0l & cry w(qw
with M( & pleasing ones 0mysbw & lyres 0rnkw tambourines 0glp take wlwq$ 81:2
harps 0rtyq
of the month 0xry at first $yrb with the trumpets 0tnrqb call wrq 81:3
of feasts 0d0(d(d in days 0tmwyb & at full moon 00skbw
of Israel lyrsy0l that wh the law 0swmnd because of l+m 81:4
of Yaqob bwq(yd of the God hhl0l & the judgment 0nydw
he went forth qpn when dk he appointed hms in Joseph Pswyb a testimony 0twdhs 81:5
he knew (dy that not 0ld a language 0n$l of Egypt Nyrcmd to the land 0(r0l
heard (m$ he has 0wh
his shoulder hptk from Nm the burden 0ryn I took trb(0 81:6
I freed tyr$ baskets 0yrws0 from Nm & his hands yhwdy0w
of testing 0nyrxd at waters 0ymb
& I saved him htycpw he called me ynrq in trouble 0nclw0b 81:7
& I tested him htrxbw glorious 0xb$m my ylyd in refuge 0rtsb & in secret htyskw
& I shall speak llm0w my people ym( hear (m$ 81:8
of you Kb I shall testify dhs0 & Israel lyrsy0w
you will hear me yn(m$t if N0
strange yrkwn a god hl0 to you Kl there shall be 0whn not 0l 81:9
another 0ynrx0 to serve 0lxdl you shall worship dwgst & not 0lw
your God Khl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm I am the Living God* 0n0 0n0 81:10
of Egypt Nyrcmd the land 0(r0 from Nm who brought you out Ktqs0d
& I shall fill it yhwylm0w your mouth Kmwp open xtp

Aramaic 0n0 0n0 ena na,I AM is a divine utterance in 217 98% of its 221 occurrences in The Peshitta O. T.

& Israel lyrsy0w to my voice ylqb listened (m$ not 0l & my people ym(w 81:11
by me ynm was persuaded wsyp+t0 not 0l
in the desire 0nybcb they walked wklh but 0l0 81:12
of their souls Nwh$pnd & in the counsel 0ty(rtbw of their heart Nwhbld
& Israel lyrsy0w had heard me yn(m$ my people ym( if wl0 81:13
had walked Klh in my ways ytxrw0b
their enemies Nwhybbdl(bl I would have tywh destroyed dbwm a little lylq till d( 81:14
my hand ydy0 I would have tywh turned Kphm their haters Nwhy0ns & upon l(w
him hb have angered wbdk of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd his haters yhw0ns 81:15
for eternity Ml(l their quaking Nwh(wz & he is 0whw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of the wheat 0t+xd the fatness 0nmw$ from Nm he fed him hlkw0 81:16
satisfied him h(bs honey 0$bd the rock 0p0k & from Nmw
of the Angels 0k0lmd in the assembly 0$nkb stands Mq God 0hl0 82:1
he will judge Nwdn the Angels 0k0lm & within wgbw
evil 0lw( you Nwtn0 vindicate Nynyd when? ytm0l until 0md( 82:2
you Nwtn0 accept Nybsn of the wicked 0(y$rd & the faces 0p0bw
& the afflicted 0$yblw the orphans 0mtyl judge wnwd 82:3
justify wkz & the meek 0kykmlw & the poor 0nksmlw
& the afflicted 0$yblw the poor 0nksml save wcp 82:4
of the wicked 0(y$rd the hand 0dy0 from Nm
they are wise wlkts0 & not 0lw they have known w(dy for not 0ld 82:5
& are moved y(zw they have been wwh walking Nyklhm for in darkness 0kw$xbd
of the Earth 0(r0d the foundations hys0t$ all these Nyhlk
you are Nwtn0 gods Nyhl0d have said trm0 I 0n0 82:6
you all Nwklk of The Highest 0myrmd children yhwnbw
& like Ky0w you will die Nwtwmt children of men 0$nynb like Ky0 therefore lykm 82:7
you will fall Nwlpt the Princes 0nbrwr of Nm each dx
the Earth 0(r0l & judge it hynwdw God 0hl0 arise Mwq 82:8
the nations 0mm( all Nwhlkl you will inherit tr0t you tn0d because l+m
be silent qwt$t not 0l to you Kl like 0mdd who is? wnm God 0hl0 83:1
God 0hl0 be still 0l$t & not 0lw
are enraged Ny$grtm your enemies Kybbdl(b behold 0hd because l+m 83:2
your people Km( against l( the head 0$yr lift up wmyr0 & your haters Ky0nsw
a secret 0z0r they forged wl$x in their craftiness Nwhtw(rxb 83:3
your holy ones Ky$ydq against l( & counseled wklmt0w
the nation 0m( from Nm them Nwn0 we will destroy dbwn come wt & they said wrm0w 83:4
of Israel lyrsy0d the name hm$ again bwt will be remembered rkdtn & not 0lw
as one 0dxk0 in their heart Nwhblb they plotted wy(rt0d because l+m 83:5
a covenant 0myq they established wmyq0 & against you Kyl(w
& of Moab b0wmdw & of Arabians 0ybr(dw of Edom Mwd0d the tents 0nk$m 83:6
& of the Gadarenes* 0yrdgdw
& of the Philistines t$lpdw & of Amalek qylm(dw of Amon Nwm(d the borders 0mwxt 83:7
Tsor rwc the inhabitants of ybty with M(
with them Nwhm( have made agreement ywt$0 the Assyrians 0yrwt0 also P0 83:8
Lot +wl to the sons of ynbl a help 0nrdw( & they have been wwhw
to Sisera 0rsysld & like Ky0w to Midian Nydmld as Ky0 to them Nwhl do db( 83:9
of Qishon Nw$yqd in the valley 0lxnb to Nabin Nybnld like Ky0w
at Endor rwdny(b who were exterminated wbrxt0d 83:10
in the ground 0(r0b dung 0lbz & they became wwhw
Aureeb byrw(ld like Ky0 them Nwn0 & destroy dbw0w them Nwn0 cut off bwrx 83:11
Tsalmunna (nmlc & like Ky0w Zebakh xbz & like Ky0w Zeeb byz & like Ky0w
their rulers Nwhyn+yl$ all of them Nwhlk
of God 0hl0d the city htyrq for us Nl we will inherit tr0n for they said wrm0d 83:12
a wheel 0lgyg like Ky0 them Nwn0 make db( God 0hl0 83:13
the wind 0xwr in front of Mdq a straw 0lg & like Ky0w
in a forest 0b(b that is left 0qbt$md fire 0rwn like Ky0w 83:14
the mountains 0rw+ that burns 0dqwmd the flame 0tybhl$ & like Ky0w
in your hurricane Kl(l(b them Nwn0 chase Pwdr so 0nkh 83:15
them Nwn0 trouble xld & in your whirlwinds Kyxrqbw
Ambros.: that they will seek Nw(bnd with shame 0r(c their faces Nwhyp0 fill ylm 83:16
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your Name Km$l Lees 1816 edition:to make known Nw(dnd /
to eternity Ml(l & they shall be troubled Nwxldtnw they shall be ashamed Nwthbn 83:17
& they shall be destroyed Nwdb0nw they shall be put to shame Nwrpxn of eternities Nyml(

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh that your Name Km$d & they shall know Nw(dnw 83:18
the Earth 0(r0 in all hlkb are exalted Mr you alone Kydwxlb
of Hosts 0ntlyx LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your tabernacles Kynk$m beloved Nybybx how 0m 84:1
for his courts yhwrdl & has lusted tgrgrt0w my soul y$pn has waited tyks 84:2
living 0yx God 0hl0l praise wxb$ & my flesh yrsbw my heart ybl of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd
a house 0tyb for it hl has found txk$0 the sparrow 0rpc also P0 84:3
chicks 0gwrp they have raised wybr makes a nest 0nq & the pigeon 0nynpw$w
of Hosts 0ntlyx LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm of your altar Kxbdm the side bng on l(
& my God yhl0w my King yklm
in your house Ktybb to dwellers Nyrm(dl their blessing Nwhybw+ 84:4
to eternity Ml(l they shall praise you Knwxb$n
his helper hn(ysm are wh whose you tn0d to the son of man 0$nrbl his blessing yhwbw+ 84:5
in his heart hblb & your ways Kylyb$w
& they have made it yhwdb(w of weeping 0tkbd the valley 0qmw(b they passed by wrb( 84:6
The Law 0swmn The Giver M0s will cover P+(tn blessing 0tkrwb also P0 dwelling 0rm(m a place tyb
& will be seen 0zxtnw to power 0lyxl power 0lyx from Nm they will go Nwlz0n 84:7
in Zion Nwyhcb gods Nyhl0 The God of hl0
my prayer ytwlc hear (m$ of Hosts 0ntlyx God 0hl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 84:8
of Yaqob bwq(yd God hhl0 & give ear twcw
& look rwxw our shield Nn(ysm God 0hl0 you tn0 & see yzxw 84:9
your Anointed Kxy$m at the face of yp0b
in your court Krydb day Mwy one dx is wh better b+d because l+m 84:10
in his house htybb to dwell rm(ml I have desired tybc 1000 Pl0 than Nm
of the wicked 0(y$rd in a tent 0nk$mb to dwell rm(mld than Nm more b+ of God 0hl0d
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & our helper Nrd(w our sustainer Nnysrtmd because l+m 84:11
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm will give ltn & honor 0rqy0w love 0mxr God 0hl0 is wh
those Nyly0 from Nm his good things htb+ will he withhold 0lkn & not 0lw
in perfection 0twmymtb who walk Nyklhmd
of Hosts 0ntlyx God 0hl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 84:12
in you Kb who hopes rbsmd to the son of man 0$nrbl his blessing yhwbw+
& you have turned tynp0w in your land K(r0b LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm you have delighted tybc 85:1
of Yaqob bwq(yd his captivity htyb$
of your people Km(d his evil hlw( Lees 1816 edition: him hl you have forgiven tqb$ 85:2
Lee 1816: your people Km(l/
their sins Nwhyh+x all Nwhlk & you have covered tyskw
& you turned tkph0w your anger Ktmx all of it hlk & you removed trb(0w 85:3
of your wrath Kzgwrd the heat 0tmx
from us Nnm your wrath Kzgwr & cancel l+bw our Savior Nqwrp God 0hl0 restore us Nnp0 85:4
keep r+t & not 0lw against us Nyl( be angry zgrt to eternity Ml(l & not 0lw 85:5
to a generation of generations Nyrdrdl your wrath Kzgwr
Ambros.:& give me life ynx0w restore me ynnp0 you tn0 but 0l0 85:6
in you Kb will rejoice Nwdxn & your people Km(w Lee:& give us life Nx0w restore us Nnp0 /
your kindness Ktwby+ LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm Lee: show us Nwx /Ambros.:show me ynwx 85:7
to us Nl Give bh & your salvation Knqrwpw
our God Nhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm speaks llmm what 0nm that we may hear (m$nd 85:8
his people hm( Lees 1816 edition: with M( /Ambros.:unto l( peace 0ml$ who speaks llmmd
they shall turn Nwkphn lest 0ld his righteous ones yhwqydz & with M(w
their back Nwhrtsbl
to his worshipers yhwlxdl his salvation hnqrwp is wh near byrq 85:9
in our land N(r0b his honor hrqy0 will encamp 0r$n
are reconciled ynw(r0 & truth 0t$wqw favor 0twby+ 85:10
will kiss Nwq$nn & peace 0ml$w righteousness 0twqydz
& righteousness 0twqydzw the Earth 0(r0 from Nm will sprout 0(0t faith 0twnmyh 85:11

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Heaven 0ym$ from Nm looked out tqyd0

his precious things htb+ will give ltn LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm also P0 85:12
its harvests htll( will give ltt & Earth 0(r0w
he will walk Klhn before him yhwmdq & the righteous one 0qydzw 85:13
his steps htklh in the Earth 0(r0b & he will establish Mysnw
& answer me ynyn(w your ear Knd0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm incline ylc 86:1
& afflicted 0$ybw I am 0n0 poor 0nksmd because l+m
deliver qwrp you are tn0 good b+d because l+m my soul y$pnl keep r+n 86:2
in you Kb who hopes rbsmd God 0hl0 you tn0 your servant Kdb(l
to you Ktwld because l+m LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to me yl( show mercy Mxr 86:3
every day Mwylkb I shall call 0rq0
to you Ktwld because l+m of your servant Kdb(d the soul h$pn make glad 0dx 86:4
my soul y$pn I have lifted tmyr0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
are tn0 good b+ LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm you tn0d because l+m 86:5
to you Kl who call Nyrqd to all lkl your kindness Ktwby+ Lees 1816 edition: is yh & great 00ygsw
& hear (m$w my prayer ytwlc O LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm give ear to twc 86:6
of my the voice 0lqb
& you answered me yntyn(w I called you Ktyrq of my suffering ynclw0d in the day 0mwyb 86:7
our God Nhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm like you Ktwk0 there is none tyl 86:8
your works Kydb( like Ky0 & there are none tylw
they will come Nwt0n whom you have made tdb(d the nations 0mm( all Nwhlk 86:9
& they will praise Nwxb$nw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm you Kl & they will worship Nwdgsnw
your Name Km$l
you are tn0 great brd Lees 1816 edition: because l+m / Ambros.: because lw+m 86:10
you alone Kydwxlb God 0hl0 you are tn0 wonders 0trmdt you are tn0 doing db(
& I shall walk Klh0w your road Kxrw0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm show me ynwx 86:11
with those Nyly0b my heart ybl rejoice 0dxn in the truth 0t$wqb
of your Name Km$l who are in awe Nylxdd
my God yhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to you Kl I shall confess 0dw0 86:12
to eternity Ml(l your Name Km$ & I shall glorify xb$0w my heart ybl whole hlk from Nm
& you delivered tycpw upon me yl( is great tygs your kindness Ktwby+d because l+m 86:13
lowest 0tytxt Sheol lwy$ from Nm my soul y$pn
& the assembly 0t$wnkw against me yl( stood up wmq the evil 0lw( God 0hl0 86:14
my soul y$pnl they seek hw0(b of mighty ones 0ny$(d
they have remembered you Kwrkdt0 & not 0lw
are compassionate 0nmxrm God 0hl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & you tn0w 86:15
& truth 0t$wqw grace 0twby+ & abound in ygsw in spirit 0xwr long rygn & hovering 0npxrmw
Give bh to me yl( & show mercy Mxrw unto me yl( return Npt0 86:16
your maid servant Ktm0 The son of rbl & save qwrpw to your servant Kdb(l power 0lyx
my haters y0ns that will see Nwzxnd good 0tb+ a sign 0t0 with me ym( do db( 86:17
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm for you tn0d & they will be ashamed Nwthbnw
& you have comforted me ynt0ybw have helped me yntrd(
holy 0$ydq in his mountain hrw+b his foundations yhws0t$ 87:1
of Zion Nwyhcd the gates hy(rtl LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm loves Mxr 87:2
of Yaqob bwq(yd his tents yhwnk$m all Nwhlk than Nm more b+
of our God Nhl0d his city htyrq in you ykb are spoken yllmt0 glories 0tryqy 87:3
my doctrines yt(dy & Babel lbblw Rakhab bxrl remember rkdt0 87:4
& the people 0m(w & Tsor rwcw Philistines 0yt$lp behold 0h
there Nmt was born dlyt0 this one 0nh of the Cushites Ethiopians 0y$wkd
mighty man 0rbng a man 0rbg let be said rm0t0 & to Zion Nwyhclw 87:5
will prepare it hnqt0 & he whw in it hb was born dlyt0
for the peoples 0mm(l in the book 0btkb will number 0nmn LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 87:6
there Nmt was born dlyt0 this one 0nh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

they will rejoice Nwdxn in you ykb who dwell Nyrm(d princes 0nbrwr 87:7
in you ykb who were humbled wkkmt0d & all lkw
of my salvation ynqrwpd God 0hl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 88:1
before you Kymdq & in the night 0yllbw I have cried ty(g in the day 0mmy0b
my prayer ytwlc before you Kymdq will enter lw(t 88:2
to my prayer ytw(bl your ear Knd0 & bend Nkr0w
with evils 0t$yb my soul y$pn has been filled t(bsd because l+m 88:3
has arrived wy+m to Sheol lwy$l & my life yyxw
the pit 0bwg those descending ytxn with M( I am counted tb$xt0 88:4
helper 0ly0 to him hl who is not tyld a man 0rbg like Ky0 & I have been tywhw
of liberties 0r0x a son rb the dead 0tym among tyb 88:5
in the graves 0rbqb sleeping Nybyk$d the slain 0ly+q like Ky0
them Nwn0 you remember trkdt0 not 0l whom again bwtd those Nyly0
were destroyed wdb0 your hands Kydy0 by Nm & those Nwnhw
into darkness 0kw$xl deepest 0ytxt into the pit 0bwgl you laid me ynttx0 88:6
of death 0twm & the shadows yll+lw
& all of them Nwhlwkw your wrath Kzgwr rests Kms & over me yl(w 88:7
against me yl( you have brought tyty0 your storms Kylw$xm
my acquantainces y(dy from me ynm you have removed tqxr0 88:8
I am prohibited tylkt0 unclean 00m+ to them Nwhl & you have made me yntdb(w
I may come out qwp0 that not 0ld
& I called you Ktyrqw affliction ykkwm from Nm have melted tbd & my eyes yny(w 88:9
to you Ktwl my hands ydy0 & have stretched forth t+$pw every day Mwylkb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
wonders 0trmdt you tn0 work db( to the dead 0tyml behold 0h 88:10
you Kl & shall confess Nwdwnw will stand Nwmwqn & mighty ones 0rbngw
your kindness Ktwby+ that in tombs 0rbqbd & they will tell Nw(t$nw 88:11
in destruction 0ndb0b & your faithfulness Ktwnmyhw
your wonders Ktrwmdt in darkness 0kw$xb will be known (dytt 88:12
that was forgotten ty(+t0d in the land 0(r0b & your righteousness Ktwqydzw
& at dawn 0rpcbw I have cried ty(g LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to you Ktwl & I 0n0w 88:13
your presence Ktwl will come before Mdqt my prayer ytwlc
& not 0lw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm my soul y$pnl forget 0(+t not 0l 88:14
from me ynm your faces Kyp0 turn Kpht
my youth ytwyl+ from Nm & weary 0y0lw I am 0n0 afflicted 0$yb 88:15
& I have been confounded trwtw & I have been humbled tkkmt0w I was exalted tmyrtt0
& your tumult Kyxwldw your wrath Kzgwr passed rb( & over me yl(w 88:16
has silenced me ynqt$
all hlwk waters 0ym like Ky0 they have surrounded me ynwkrkt0 88:17
one 0dx like Ky0 against me yl( & stood wmsw day 0mwy
& my neighbors yrbxw my friends ymxr from me ynm you have removed tqxr0 88:18
from me ynm you have caused to depart tqrp0 & my acquantainces y(dyw

I shall sing rmz0 to eternity Ml(l of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd his grace htwby+ 89:1
in my mouth ymwpb his faithfulness htwnmyh I will teach (dw0 & for generation of generations Nyrdrdlw
will be built 0nbtn in grace 0twby+b the world 0ml(d I shall say rm0d therefore l+m 89:2
your faithfulness Ktwnmyh will establish Nqtt & Heaven 0ym$w
for my chosen yybgl I have established tmyq0 a covenant 0myq 89:3
my servant ydb( to Daweed dywdl & I have sworn tymyw
your seed K(rz I shall establish Mqt0 eternity Ml(l unto 0md(d 89:4
your throne Kysrwk to a generation of generations Nyrdrdl & I shall build 0nb0w
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your wonders Ktrmdt the Heavens 0ym$ shall confess Nwdwn 89:5
of the holy ones 0$ydqd in the congregation 0td(b & your faithfulness Ktwnmyhw
of Heavens 0ym$ in the Heaven ym$b to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml equal to Mxpd who is? wnm 89:6

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Angels 0k0lm among the children of ynbb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml & like 0mddw
great br of the holy ones 0$ydqd in the congregation 0td(b stands Mq God 0hl0 89:7
who are around him yhwrdxd all Nwhlk above l( & awesome lyxdw
strong 0ny$( like you Ktwk0 who is? wnm of Hosts 0ntlyx God 0hl0 O LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 89:8
is around you Kyrdx your faithfulness Ktwnmyh
of the Sea 0myd in the magnificence htwy0gb are tn0 the Ruler +yl$ you tn0 89:9
stop qt$m you tn0 of its waves yhwllgd & the tumult 0yxwldw
the slain 0ly+qld like Ky0 the proud 0nrhb$l do tn0 humble Kkmm you tn0 89:10
your enemies Kybbdl(bl you have scattered trdb strong 0ny$( with your arm K(rdb
the Earth 0(r0 is yh & yours Klydw the Heavens 0ym$ are Nwn0 yours Klyd 89:11
you have prepared tnqt you tn0 in its fulness h0lmb the world lybt
have created tyrb you tn0 & the south 0nmytlw the north 0ybrgl 89:12
they sing Nyxb$m it is wh your Name Km$l & Hermon Nwmrxw Tabor rwbt
the might 0twrbng is yh & yours Klydw the arm 0(rd is wh yours Klyd 89:13
your right hand Knymy & you will lift up Myrttw your hand Kdy0 will prevail N$(t
your throne Kysrwk is established Nqtm & in judgment 0nydbw in righteousness 0twqydzb 89:14
your face Kyp0 before Nymdqm & in truth 0t$wqbw in grace 0twby+b
that knows (dyd to the people 0m(l his blessing yhwbw+ 89:15
in the light 0rhwnb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your glory songs Ktxb$t
they will walk Nwklhn of your face Kyp0d
all day Mwylk they will leap for joy Nwcwdn & in your Name Km$bw 89:16
they will be exalted Nwmyrttn & in your righteousness Ktwqydzbw
are wh you tn0 of our strength Nn$w(d the glory 0txwb$td because l+m 89:17
our horn Nnrq will be lifted up Myrtt & in your pleasure Knybcbw
our trust Nnlkwt is wh LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd because l+m 89:18
our King Nklm of Israel lyrsy0d & The Holy One 0$ydqw
his righteous ones yhwqydz with M( in visions 0nwzxb he spoke llm then Nydyh 89:19
& I have raised tmyr0w for a man 0rbgl help 0nrdw( I have set tmsd & he said rm0w
the people 0m( from Nm the chosen one 0ybg
my servant ydb( Daweed dywdl & I have found txk$0w 89:20
I have anointed him htx$m of my holiness y$dwqd with the oil 0x$m
gave him power hlyx my arm y(rd also P0 has helped him htrd( my hand ydy0 89:21
his enemy hbbdl(b a thing Mdm has availed ynh0 & not 0lw 89:22
humbles him hkkm not 0l of evil 0lw(d & the son hrbw
his enemies yhwbbdl(bl before him yhwmdq from Nm I shall destroy dbw0 89:23
I shall defeat rbt0 & his haters yhw0nslw
& in my Name ym$bw with him hm( & my grace ytwby+w my faithfulness ytwnmyh 89:24
!his trumpet hnrq will be lifted up Myrtt
on the sea 0myb his hand hdy0 I shall put Mys0 89:25
. his right hand hnymy & on the rivers 0twrhnbw
you are tn0 my Father yb0 will cry to me ynyrqn he wh 89:26
mighty 0pyqt & my Savior yqwrpw my God yhl0
I shall make him yhwydb(0 firstborn 0rkwb I 0n0 also P0 89:27
of the Earth 0(r0d the Kings 0klm above l( & I shall exalt him yhwymyr0w
my favor ytwby+ for him hl I shall keep r+0 & to eternity Ml(lw 89:28
with him hb will be steadfast Nmyhtn & my covenant ymyqw
& his throne hysrwkw his seed h(rz to eternity Ml(l I shall establish Mys0 89:29
of Heaven 0ym$d the days 0tmwy like Ky0
& in my commands yndqwpbw my Law yswmn his children yhwnb will forsake Nwqb$n if N0 89:30
they will walk Nwklhn not 0l

The Peshitta lacks verse 31 as found in the Hebrew text: If they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments;
& with a scourge 0twxmbw their evil Nwhlw( with a sceptre 0+b$b I shall adjudge dwqp0 89:32
their sins Nwhyh+x
from him hnm I shall take rb(0 not 0l & my grace ytwby+w 89:33
in my faith ytwnmyhb I shall be false lgd0 & not 0lw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

that is gone forth qpnd & a thing Mdmw my covenant ymyq I shall reject 0ls0 & not 0lw 89:34
I shall change Plx$0 not 0l my lips ytwps from Nm
in my holiness y$dwqb I have sworn tymy once 0dx 89:35
I shall lie bdk0 & not 0lw to Daweed dywdl
& his throne hysrwkw will be 0whn to eternity Ml(l for his seed h(rzd 89:36
before me ylbqwl the sun 0$m$ like Ky0
for eternity Ml(l he will be established Nqtn the moon 0rhs & like Ky0w 89:37
faithful Nmyhm in Heaven 0ym$b a witness 0dhs
you have despised me yntyls0w you have forgotten me ynty(+ & you tn0w 89:36
of your Anointed Kxy$md the faces yhwp0 & you turned away tkph0w
of your servant Kdb(d his covenant hmyq & you have despised tyls0w 89:39
his crown hlylk on the ground 0(r0b & you have cast tmyr0w
his hedge yhwgys you have broken down tmgh 89:40
his fortresses yhwnsx & you have pulled down tpxsw
the way 0xrw0 passers by yrb( all lk & they trampled him yhw$dw 89:41
to his neighbors yhwbb$l a reproach 0dsx & he has been 0whw
of his enemies yhwbbdl(bd the right hand 0nymy & you have lifted tmyr0w 89:42
his haters yhw0ns all Nwhlkl & you have gladdened tydxw
of his sword hryspsd the aid 0nrdw( & you turned away tkph0w 89:43
in war 0brqb you upheld him yhyt(ys & not 0lw
his justifiers yhwnykzm & you have destroyed tl+bw 89:44
you have pulled down tpxs to the ground 0(r0l & his throne hysrwkw
of his youth htwyl+d the days 0tmwy & you have diminished trcbw 89:45
in shame 0tthb & you have clothed him yhytp+(0w
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm are you tn0 angry zgr when? ytm0l until 0md( 89:46
your wrath Kzgwr fire 0rwn like Ky0 & burns dqyw to eternity? Ml(l
Lee 1816: because l+m /Ambros.:because lw+m the pit 0rpx from Nm remember me ynyrkdt0 89:47
you have created tyrb for nothing ty0qyrs it has been 0wh not 0ld
. children of men 0$nynb all Nwhlkl
death 0twm will see 0zxn & not 0lw who will live 0xnd the man 0rbg who is? wnm 89:48
of Sheol lwy$d the hand 0dy0 from Nm his soul h$pn & will save 0cpnw
former 0tymdq LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your favors Ktwby+ are Nyn0 where? 0ky0 89:49
in faithfulness 0twnmyhb to Daweed dywdl that you have sworn tymyd
of your servant Kdb(d the reproach hdsx LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm remember rkdt0 89:50
. of the peoples 0mm(d their mockery Nwhynr whole hlk in my life yyxb that I have carried tlq$d
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your enemies Kybbdl(b have reproached me ynwdsx 89:51
of your Anointed Kxy$md the steps yhwbq( & have they reproached wdsxw
. & Amen Nym0w Amen Nym0 to eternity Ml(l LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh blessed Kyrb 89:52
to us Nl you have been tywh dwelling 0rm(m a place tyb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 90:1
for a generation of generations Nyrdrdl
the mountains 0rw+ would have been conceived Nwn+btn before 0ld( 90:2
the Earth 0(r0 you would bring forth lbxt not 0l & ever d(w
eternity Ml( from Nm the world lybt would have been acquired ynqtt not 0l & ever d(w
God 0hl0 are wh you tn0 eternity Ml(l & unto 0md(w
humility 0kkwml unto 0md( man 0$nrbl because you turn yhytkph0d 90:3
of man 0$n0 children ynb return wbwtd & you have said trm0w
in your eyes Kyny(b years Nyn$ a thousand Pl0d because l+m 90:4
when it is past rb(d that is finished ylmt0d a day 0mwy is like Ky0
of the night 0ylld a watch 0tr+m & like Ky0w
& at dawn 0rpcbw shall be Nywhn a sleep 0tn$ their generations Nwhtbr$ 90:5
it shall change Mlxt a flower 0ypw( like Ky0
& changes Plxmw sprouts 0(y which at dawn 0rpcbd 90:6
& dries up $byw it withers 0mx & in the evening 0$mrbw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

with your wrath Kzgwrb we are consumed Nrmgd because l+m 90:7
we are agitated Nxldt0 & by your anger Ktmxbw
before you Klbwql our sins Nyh+x you have set tms 90:8
of your faces Kyp0d in the light 0rhwnb [Ambros.]: my lifetime, [Lee]: our lifetimes ynyml(
are consumed wrmg our days Nymwy all Nwhlkd because l+m 90:9
spiders ygwg like Ky0 our years Nyn$ & spent rmgw in your passion Kzgwrb
years Nyn$ seventy Ny(b$ in them Nwhb of our years Nyn$ the days Nymwy 90:10
most of them Nyhgws years Nyn$ eighty Ny0nmt & being stronger Nsxmlw
affliction 0kkwm upon us Nyl( comes 0t0d for l+m & pains 0b0kw toil 0lm(
& we are buffeted Npr+t0w
of your passion Kzgwrd the power 0n$w( knows (dy who? Nm 90:11
of your passion Kzgwrd & the awesomeness 0tlxdw
of our days Nymwyd the number 0nynm teach [Lee]: us,[Ambros.]: me yny(dw0 90:12
of wisdom 0tmkxd the heart 0bll that we may enter lw(nd
unto 0md( LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm return Npt0 90:13
your servants Kydb(l you tn0 comfort 00ybm not 0l how long? ytm0l
your kindness Ktwby+ at dawn 0rpcb satisfy [Lee]: us,[Ambros.]: me yny(bs 90:14
our days Ntmwy all Nwhlk & rejoice 0dxnw we shall praise xb$n
our wickedness Nlw( has died tymd because l+m gladden us Ndx 90:15
evil 0t$yb in which Nyhb we have seen Nyzxd & the years 0yn$w
your works Kydb( to your servants Kydb(l let appear Nwzxtn 90:16
their children Nwhynb to l( & your excellence Krdhw
our God Nhl0 of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the sweetness htwmysb let be 0wht 90:17
he has fashioned Nqt0 of his hands yhwdy0 because the work db(d upon us Nyl(
he formed us Nnqt of his hands yhwdy0 & among the work db(bw for us Nyl(
of The Highest 0myrmd in the shelter hrtsb He sits bty 91:1
is glorified xbt$m of God 0hl0d & in the shadow hll+bw
my refuge yswg the place tyb my trust ynlkwt to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml He said rm0 91:2
upon him yhwl( I 0n0 trust lyktd God 0hl0
the snare 0xp from Nm shall deliver you Kycpn He is the One Who whd 91:3
. worthless 0twqyrsd speech 0llmm & from Nmw of scandal 0tlqwtd
his wings yhwpnk & under tyxtw he shall deliver you Kycpn in his feathers yhwrb0b 91:4
shall surround you Krdxn a supply of armor 0nyz you shall have refuge rttst
his truth ht$wq
of the night 0ylld the dread htlxd of Nm you shall be afraid lxdt not 0l 91:5
by day 0mmy0b that flies xrpd the arrow 0r0g & of Nmw
in darkness 0kw$xb that walks 0klhmd the account 0tlm & from Nmw 91:6
at noonday 0rh+b that devastates 0dy$d a spirit 0xwr & of Nmw
& 10,000 0twbrw thousands 0pl0 your side Kr+s from Nm they will fall Nwlpn 91:7
they shall come near Nwbrqtn not 0l & to you Ktwlw your right hand Knymy from Nm
the reward Nwhn(rwpb you shall see 0zxt alone dwxlb in your eyes Kyny(b but 0l0 91:8
you shall see 0zxt of the wicked 0(y$rd
my trust ynlkwt LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm are wh you tn0d because l+m 91:9
your dwelling Krm(m you have set tms for on high 0mwrmbd
evil 0t$yb to you Kl shall come near bwrqt not 0l 91:10
your dwellings Knk$ml shall come near brqtt not 0l & disease 0twxmw
concerning you Kyl( he will command dqpn his angels yhwk0lmld because l+m 91:11
your ways Ktxrw0 in all these Nyhlkb to keep you Knwr+nnd
they shall take you up Knwlq$n their arms Nwhy(rd & upon l(w 91:12
your foot Klgrb you strike lqtt lest 0ld
you shall tread Kwrdt the cockatrice 0nmrx & upon l(w the viper 0srg upon l( 91:13
& The Dragon 0nyntw the Lion 0yr0 & you shall trample $wdtw
I shall save him yhwycp0 he seeks 0(b me yld because l+m 91:14
my Name ym$ he knows (dyd because l+m. & I shall strengthen him yhwyn$(0w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

I am 0n0 with him hm( & I shall answer him yhwyn(0w he will call me ynyrqn 91:15
& I shall honor him yhwyrqy0w I shall strengthen him yhwyn$(0 in trouble 0nclw0b
I shall satisfy him yhwy(bs0 of the days 0tmwyd the length 0rgwn 91:16
my salvation ynqrwp & I shall show him yhwywx0w
& praise rmzmlw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml to thank wydwml good b+ 92:1
Most High 0myrm your Name Km$l
& your faithfulness Ktwnmyhw your kindness Ktwby+ at dawn 0rpcb to show wywxml 92:2
in the nights 0twlylb
& I shall play $wq0w of ten strings rs(d on the harp 0rnkb I shall play $wq0 I 0n0 92:3
on the psaltery 0rtyqb
by your works Kydb(b LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm you have gladdened me yntydxd because l+m 92:4
I shall triumph xbt$0 of your hands Kydy0 & in the work db(bw
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your works Kydb( great Nybrwr how? 0m 92:5
your thoughts Ktb$xm deep Nqym( & very b+w
& a fool 0lksw knows (dy not 0l mindless 0y+$ a man 0rbg 92:6
this 0dhb understands lktsm not 0l
grass 0bs( like Ky0 the wicked 0(y$r spring up Ny(rpd when 0m 92:7
it is that they shall be destroyed Nwdb0nd evil 0lw( workers of ydb( all lk & sprout Nyxw$w
eternities Nyml( to eternity Ml(l
to eternity Ml(l The Highest 0myrm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & you are tn0w 92:8
evil 0lw( the workers of ydb( all lk & let be scattered Nwrdbtnw
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your enemies Kybbdl(b behold 0hd because l+m 92:9
they shall be destroyed Nwdb0n your enemies Kybbdl(b behold 0hd because l+m
a wild ox 0myrd like Ky0 my horns ytnrq You have raised tmyr0 92:10
fragrant 0msbm with oil 0x$mb & you have moistened me ynt(bcw
among my enemies ybbdl(bb my eyes yny( & see yzxw 92:11
my ears ynd0 will hear N(m$n against me yl( who stand Nymyqd & among the evil 0$ybbw
will flourish (rpn a palm tree 0lqd like Ky0 the righteous 0qydz 92:12
will spring up xw$n of Lebanon Nnbld the cedars 0zr0 & like Ky0w
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd in his house htybb those that are planted Nybycnd 92:13
will flourish Nw(rpn of our God Nhl0d & in his courts yhwrdbw
in old age 0twbysb they will increase Nwbrtnw moreover bwt 92:14
they will be Nwwhn & sweet 0mysbw Heavenly 0nym$
strong 0ny$( LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh that upright cyrtd & they will show Nwwxnw 92:15
evil 0lw( in him hb & there is not tylw
he wears $bl & majesty 0twy0gw reigns Klm0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 93:1
& is strengthened N$(t0w strength 0n$w( LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm he wears $bl
it will be moved (wzt that not 0ld the world lybtl & he set it in order hnqt0w
the first Mydq from Nm your throne Kysrwk he wh sets in order Nqtm 93:2
are wh you tn0 eternity Ml( & from Nmw

LORD JEHOVAH sets your throne in order you are from eternity; then LORD JEHOVAH is named in v.3 as the
one addressed here!
have raised wmyr0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm the rivers 0twrhn were risen wmyrtt0 93:3
. in purity 0twykdb the rivers 0twrhn were raised wmyrtt0 their voice Nwhlq the rivers 0twrhn
the many 00ygs of waters 0ymd the voice 0lq than Nm 93:4
of the Sea 0myd the storms yhwlw$xm are stronger Nyny$(
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm in high places 0mwrmb is glorious xb$m
are trustworthy Nnmyhm very b+ & your testimonies Ktwdhsw 93:5
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm holiness 0tw$ydq is fitting 0y0y & for your house Ktyblw
of days 0tmwyd the length 0rgwn
God 0hl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm of vengeance 0(wbt God 0hl0 94:1
. be revealed ylgt0 of vengeance 0(wbt

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of the Earth 0(r0d his Judge hnyd be lifted up Myrtt0 94:2

those Nyly0 upon l( vengeance 0n(rwp & return Kph0w
who are pompous Ny0gtmd
when? ytm0l unto 0md( LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm the wicked 0(y$r when? ytm0l unto 0md( 94:3
are boasting Nyrhbt$m the wicked 0(y$r
& say Nyrm0w evil 0lw( & speak Nyllmmw they vomit Nysg 94:4
evil 0lw( workers of ydb( all lk
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your people Km(l who have humbled wkkmd 94:5
they have subdued wdb($ & your inheritance Ktwtrylw
they have killed wl+q & inhabitants 0rwm(lw widows 0tlmr0l 94:6
. they have ravaged wbrx & orphans 0mtylw
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm sees 0zx not 0ld & they said wrm0w 94:7
of Yaqob bwq(yd the God hhl0 understands lktsm & not 0lw
idiots 0lks of the people 0m(d fools 0y+$ be wise wlkts0 94:8
you Nwtn0 understand Nylktsm not 0l when? ytm0l how long? 0md(
he wh hear (m$ not 0l not? 0mld the ears 0nd0 who planted bcnd he wh 94:9
he understand lktsm not 0l does? 0mld eyes 0ny( who created 0rbd
he rebuke skm not 0l does? 0mld the nations 0mm( who chastises 0drd he wh 94:10
. knowledge 0t(dy man 0$n0 a son of rbl who teaches Plmd he wh
the reasonings Nwhtb$xm knows (dy LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 94:11
they are Nwn0 vapor 0ghld because l+m of children of men 0$nynbd
you tn0 whom you will chasten yhwydrtd to the son of man 0$nrbl his blessing yhwbw+ 94:12
you will teach him yhwyplt your law Kswmn & from Nmw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
until 0md( evil 0$yb the days 0tmwy from Nm & you will give him rest yhwyxyntw 94:13
a pit 0cmwg for the wicked 0(y$rl when he will dig rpxtnd
his people hm(l LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm abandons 0prm not 0ld because l+m 94:14
has forsaken qb$ not 0l & his inheritance htwtrylw
the righteous 0qydz after rtbd because l+m 94:15
of heart 0bl the upright ycyrt all Nwhlk & after him hrtbw judgment 0nyd returns Kph
& who? wnmw the evil 0$yb with M( for me yl shall stand Mwqn who? wnm 94:16
evil 0lw( workers of ydb( with M( for me yl shall be ready by+tn
a helper 0rwd( to me yl had been 0whd LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm not 0l if not wl0 94:17
in misery 0nww0db my soul y$pn had been twh dwelling 0yr$ a little lylq ever d(
& your grace Ktwby+w my feet ylgr have slipped y+md I have said trm0 I 0n0 94:18
has supported me yntkms LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
of my heart ybld of afflictions yhwb0kd in the multitude 00gwsb 94:19
my soul y$pnl have redeemed it hwqrp your comforts Ky0ywb
the throne 0ysrwk with you Km( will have fellowship rbxn not 0l 94:20
your law Kswmn against l( evil 0lw( who have formed wlbgd of the evil ones 0lw(d
of the righteous 0qydzd his soul h$pn to trap dcml & they lay wait Nylcw 94:21
they condemn Nybyxm of the innocent 0ykzd & his blood hmdw
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to me yl & has been 0whw 94:22
The Helper 0nrd(m The Mighty One 0pyqt God 0hl0 Savior 0qwrp the defender 0nn$(m
& their companions Nwhyrbxbw their evil Nwhlw( against them Nwhyl( return Kph0 94:23
Lee 1816: & in their evils Nwht$ybbw/ Ambros.:& in their wickedness Nwhtw$ybbw
our God Nhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm them Nwn0 he silences qt$ them Nwn0 he silences qt$
& we will sing rmznw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml we will glorify xb$n come wt 95:1
The Savior 0qwrp to our God Nhl0l
with thanksgiving 0tydwtb his faces yhwp0 let us come before Mdqn 95:2
we will glorify him yhwyxb$n & with songs 0trymzbw
The King 0klm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm great 0br is wh God 0hl0d because l+m 95:3
gods 0hl0 all Nwhlk above l( who is great brd
its foundations hys0t$ are Nyn0 for in his hands yhwdy0bd 95:4
of the mountains 0rw+d & the height 0mwrw of the Earth 0(r0d

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

made it hdb( & he whw the sea 0my is wh his hlyd 95:5
formed lbg his hands yhwdy0 & the dry land 0t$ybyw
& we shall bless him yhwykrbnw him hl & we shall worship dwgsnw we will bow kwrbn come wt 95:6
who made us Ndb(d LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml
& sheep 0n(w his hlyd people 0m( & we are Nnxw our God Nhl0 he is wywhd because l+m 95:7
you will hear Nw(m$t his voice hlqb if N0 today 0nmwy of his pasture hty(rmd
to anger him htwzgrml your hearts Nwktwbl you will harden Nw$qt not 0l 95:8
of temptation 0nwysnd the day 0mwy & like Ky0w the rebels 0nrmrmm like Ky0
that in the wilderness 0rbdmbd
your fathers Nwkyhb0 for they tempted me ynwysnd 95:9
my works ydb( they saw wzx & they proved wqbw
with generation 0rdb myself yl I was wearied tn0m years Nyn$ forty Ny(br0 95:10
their heart Nwhbl that forgets 0(+d it is wh a people 0m(d & I have said trm0w that wh
my ways ytxrw0 have known w(dy not 0l & those Nwnhw
my rest ytxynl they will enter Nwl(n not 0ld in my anger yzgwrb I have sworn tymyd as Ky0 95:11
new 0tdx a song 0txwb$t to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml sing wxb$ 96:1
the Earth 0(r0 all hlwk to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml sing wxb$
announce wrbs his name hm$l & bless wkrbw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml praise wxb$ 96:2
his salvation hnqrwp to day Mwyl day Mwy from Nm
his honor hrqy0 among the nations 0mm(b & declare w(t$0w 96:3
his works yhwdb( peoples 0mm( & among all Nwhlkbw
very b+ & glorious xb$mw our Lord Nrm is wh great brd because l+m 96:4
gods 0hl0 all Nwhlk above l( & is feared lyxdw
of the Gentiles 0mm(d gods 0hl0 all Nwhlkd because l+m 96:5
are Nwn0 worthless Nyqyrs
made db( Heaven 0ym$ & LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmw
strength 0n$w( are before him yhwmdq & glory 0xbw$w brightness 0wyz 96:6
in his holy place h$dqmb & glory 0txwb$tw
of the nations 0mm(d the generations 0tbr$ LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml give wbh 96:7
& honor 0rqy0w glory 0txwb$t LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml give wbh
to his name hm$l honor 0rqy0 to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml give wbh 96:8
his courts yhwrdl & enter wlw(w offerings 0nbrwq take wlwq$
of his holiness h$dwqd in the court 0trdb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml worship wdwgs 96:9
the Earth 0(r0 all hlwk before him yhwmdq from Nm will shake (wzt
reigns Klm0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the nations 0mm( among tyb say wrm0 96:10
it will move (wzt that not 0ld the world lybtl & was prepared hnqt0w
in uprightness 0twcyrtb the nations 0mm(l he shall judge Nwdn
& will be glad cwdtw Heaven 0ym$ will rejoice Nwdxn 96:11
in its fulness h0lmb the sea 0my will exult zwrn the Earth 0(r0
& all lkw the fields 0tlqx Lees 1816 edition: will be lush Nn$(tn/Ambros.: will be lush Nn$(n 96:12
all Nwhlk will sing Nwxb$n but Nyd that yh in them Nyhb that is ty0d
of the forest 0b(d trees 0nly0
to judge hndml for he comes 0t0d LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm in front of Mdq 96:13
in righteousness 0twqydzb the world lybt he judges N0d the Earth 0(r0l
in faithfulness 0twnmyhb & the peoples 0mm(lw
the Earth 0(r0 will be glad cwdt reigns Klm0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 97:1
many 0t0ygs the islands 0trzg shall rejoice Nydxn
in righteousness 0twqydzb surround him yhwrdx & thick darkness 0lpr(w clouds 0nn( 97:2
his throne hysrwk is established Nqtm & in judgment 0nydbw
his enemies yhwbbdl(bl & will burn dqwtw before him yhwmdq will devour lwk0t fire 0rwn 97:3
saw tzx the world lybtl his lightnings yhwqrb lit up wrhn0 97:4
the Earth 0(r0 & was troubled txldt0w
in front of Mdq from Nm melted wr$pt0 wax 0tw($ like Ky0 & the mountains 0rw+w 97:5

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the Earth 0(r0 of all hlkd The Lord 0rm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
all Nwhlk & beheld wzxw his righteousness htwqydz Heaven 0ym$ has shown wywx 97:6
his honor hrqy0 the people 0mm(
& are boasting Nyrhbt$mw idols 0rktp who serve Nydb(d all lk shall be ashamed Nwthbn 97:7
his angels yhwk0lm all of them Nwhlwk him hl worship wdwgs in carvings 0pylgb
& will be glad Ncwdnw Zion Nwyhc & will rejoice 0dxtw will hear (m$t 97:8
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your judgments Kynyd because of l+m of Yehuda 0dwhy the daughters tnb
the Highest 0myrm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm are wh you tn0d because l+m 97:9
you are exalted tmyrtt0 & greatly b+w the Earth 0(r0 whole hlk over l(
gods 0hl0 all Nwhlk over l(
& he will keep r+nw evil 0t$ybl hate Nyns of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd his lovers yhwmxr 97:10
& from Nmw of his righteous ones yhwqydzd the souls 0t$pn
them Nwn0 he will save 0cpn of the wicked 0(y$rd the hand 0dy0
& to the upright ycyrtlw to the righteous ones 0qydzl because shines xndd light 0rhwn 97:11
joy 0twdx heart 0bl
& give thanks wdw0w in LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmb righteous ones 0qydz rejoice wdx 97:12
of his holiness h$dwqd for the remembrance 0nrkwdl
new 0tdx a song 0txwb$t to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml sing wxb$ 98:1
he has done db( wonders 0trwmdtd Lees 1816 edition: because l+m /Ambros.: because lw+m
holy 0$ydq & his arm h(rdw his right hand hnymy has saved him htqrp
to the eyes Ny(lw his salvation hnqrwp LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm showed ywx 98:2
his righteousness htwqydz he revealed 0lg of the peoples 0mm(
& his faithfulness htwnmyhw his grace htwby+ he has remembered rkdt0 98:3
the ends hyrb( all Nwhlk & have seen wzxw of Israel lyrsy0 to the house tybdl
his salvation hnqrwp of the Earth 0(r0d
exult wxcpt0 the Earth 0(r0 all hlk LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml praise wxb$ 98:4
our God Nhl0d & glorify wxb$w & sing wrmzw
of singing 0rmzd & in the voice 0lqbw with harps 0rnkb to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml sing wrmz 98:5
in front of Mdq praise wxb$ of trumpets 0tnrqd & in the sound 0lqbw 98:6
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm the King 0klm
the world lybt in its fulness h0lmb the sea 0my let be shaken (wzn 98:7
Lee 1816: its inhabitants hyrwm( & all Nwhlkw / Ambros.: & its inhabitants hyrwm(w
as one 0dxk0 hands 0pk will clap Nw$qn the rivers 0twrhn 98:8
will sing Nwxb$n & the mountains 0rw+w
Earth 0(r0l to judge hndml because he comes 0t0d LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm in front of Mdq 98:9
Lee 1816: in truth 0t$wqb / Ambros.: in righteousness 0twqydzb the world lybt He will judge N0d
in uprightness 0twcyrtb & the peoples 0mm(lw
the nations 0mm( will be moved Nw(wzn reigns Klm0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 99:1
the Earth 0(r0 will shake (wzt the Cherubim 0bwrk above l( He sits bty
above l( & high Mrw in Zion Nwyhcb great br LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 99:2
the peoples 0mm( all Nwhlk
& awesome 0lyxdw great 0br your Name Km$l they shall confess Nwdwn 99:3
it is wh for holy $ydqd
justice 0nyd loves Mxr of the King 0klmd his strength hn$w( 99:4
& judgment 0nydw integrity 0twcyrt prepared tnqt you tn0
you have performed tdb( you tn0 in Yaqob bwq(yb & righteousness 0twqydzw
& worship wdwgsw our God Nhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml exalt wmrmr 99:5
he is wh holy $ydq of his feet yhwlgrd at the stool 0$bwkl
& Samuel ly0wm$w among his priests yhwrmwkb & Aaron Nwrh0w Moses 0$wm 99:6
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml for they called wrqd his Name hm$ among those crying yyrqb
them Nwn0 & he answered 0n(w
. with them Nwhm( he spoke llm of cloud 0nn(d & in a column 0dwm(bw 99:7

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

them Nwhl that he gave bhyd & the covenant 0myqw his testimony htwdhs they kept wr+n
God 0hl0 them Nwn0 you answered tyn( you tn0 our God Nhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 99:8
them Nwn0 pay (wrp to them Nwhl you have been tywh vengeance 0(wbt
. their works Nwhydb( according to Ky0
at his mountain hrw+l & worship wdwgsw our God Nhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml exalt wmrmr 99:9
our God Nhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh holy $ydqd because l+m holy 0$ydq
the Earth 0(r0 all hlk LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml praise wxb$ 100:1
in joy 0twdxb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml serve wxwlp 100:2
in praise 0txwb$tb before him yhwmdq enter wlw(
our God.Nhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm that he is wywhd know w(d 100:3
we Nnx it was 0wh & not 0lw has made us Ndb( & it is he wywhw
of his pasture hty(rmd & the sheep 0n(w we are Nnx his people hm(
& his courts yhwrdlw in thanksgiving 0tydwtb into his gates yhw(rtb enter wlw( 100:4
his name hm$l & bless wkrbw to him hl Give thanks wdw0 in praise 0xbw$b
& to eternity Ml(lw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh good b+d because l+m 100:5
his faithfulness htwnmyh & for a generation of generations Nyrdrdlw his grace htwby+
I shall sing rmz0 & judgment 0nydw grace 0twby+ 101:1
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm I shall glorify xb$0 & you Klw
blemish Mwm without 0ld in your road Kxrw0b I shall walk Klh0 101:2
I have walked tklh to me ytwl will you come 0t0t when? ytm0l unto 0md(
my house ytyb within wgb of my heart ybld in the perfection htwmymtb
of evil 0lw(d a matter 0tlm my eyes yny( opposite lbqwl I have set tms & not 0lw 101:3
to me yl he will cling Pqn & not 0lw you have hated tyns evil 0t$yb he who does db(dl
from me ynm has passed rb( evil 0$yb a heart 0bl 101:4
I have known t(dy not 0l & evil 0t$ybw
his neighbor hrbxd ridiculing 0crq who consumes lk0d him Nml 101:5
his eyes yhwny( lofty Nmrdl I am tywh destroying dbwm in secret 0rtsb
not 0l with him hm( in his heart hbl & the enlarged xywrw
I have been tywh eating lk0
for they will dwell Nwbtnd of Earth 0(r0d with the faithful 0nmyhmb my eyes yny( 101:6
defect Mwm without 0ld in the way 0xrw0b he who walks Klhmd with me ym(
will serve me yn$m$n he wh
deceit 0lkn he who works db(d my house ytyb within wgb will sit btn & not 0lw 101:7
my eyes yny( in front of Mdq will be established Nqtn not 0l lying 0bdk & speaks 0llmmw
of the Earth 0(r0d the wicked 0(y$r all Nwhlkl I shall silence qt$0 at dawn 0rpcb 101:8
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd his city htnydm from Nm & I shall destroy dbw0w
evil 0lw( workers of ydb( all Nwhlkl
my prayer ytwlc hear (m$ LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 102:1
will enter lw(t to your presence Ktwl & my cry yt(gw
in the day 0mwyb from me ynm your faces Kyp0 turn Kpht not 0l 102:2
your ear Knd0 to me yl bend Nkr0 but 0l0 of my affliction ynclw0d
answer me ynyn( & quickly lg(bw that I call you Kyrq0d in the day 0mwyb
Ambros.: in smoke 0nntb are finished wrmgd because l+m 102:3
were white wrwx & my bones ymrgw my days ymwy Lees 1816 edition: in smoke 0nnwtb/
they were burnt 0dqwm like Ky0
& has dried up $byw grass 0bs( like Ky0 my heart ybl withers 0mx 102:4
of my bread ymxld the food htlwk0m I have forgotten ty(+d because l+m
is stuck qbd of my groanings ytxn0td the voice 0lq from Nm 102:5
to my bones ymrgl my flesh yrsb
that in the wilderness 0rbdmbd a pelican 0qql I have been like tymdt0w 102:6
in the desert 0tbrxb an owl 0dw( like Ky0 & I have been tywhw
a sparrow 0rpc like Ky0 I alone ydwxlb & I have been tywhw I am terrified tdrs 102:7

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

. the rooftops 0rg0 upon l( that flies 0xrpmd

& my praisers ynxb$mw my enemies ybbdl(b reproached me ynwdsx day 0mwy all hlk 102:8
are sworn wmy against me yb
I have eaten ts(l bread 0mxl like Ky0 ashes 0m+qd because l+m 102:9
I have mixed tgzm with weeping 0tkbb & my drink yt$mw
& your passion Kzgwrw your anger Ktmx in front of Mdq from Nm 102:10
& you have cast me down yntyd$w for you have exalted me yntmyr0d
have declined wnkrt0 the shadow 0ll+ like Ky0 my days ymwy 102:11
the grass 0bs( like Ky0 have withered t$by & I 0n0w
you tn0 endure Myq to eternity Ml(l LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & you tn0w 102:12
to a generation of generations Nyrdrdl & your remembrance Knrkwdw
Zion Nwyhc upon l( & show love Mxrw arise Mwq you tn0 102:13
. upon it hyl( to show love wmxrml the time 0nbz is coming 0+md because l+m
your servants Kydb( they delight wbcd because l+m 102:14
they love wmxr & its dust hrp(lw in its stones hyp0kb
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your Name Km$l the nations 0mm( shall worship Nwlxdn 102:15
your honor Krqy0l of Earth 0(r0d the Kings 0klm & all Nwhlkw
Zion Nwyhcl LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm builds 0nbd because l+m 102:16
in his glory hxbw$b & he shall appear 0zxtmw
of the poor 0nksmd the prayer 0twlc unto l( & he turns 0nptmw 102:17
their prayer Nwhtwlc he despises +0$ & not 0lw
Ambros.: after 0yrx0 for the generation 0rdl this 0dh will be written btktt 102:18
to be created 0rbtmd the people 0m( Lee 1816:another 0nrx0
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml will glorify xb$n
of his holiness h$dwqd the high place 0mwrm from Nm he looked out qyd0d because l+m 102:19
looked out qyd0 to the Earth 0(r0l Heaven 0ym$ from Nm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
& to release 0r$mlw of the prisoners 0rys0d the groaning htqn0 to hear (m$ml 102:20
death 0twm from Nm the children 0ynb
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd his name hm$ in Zion Nwyhcb that they may tell Nw(t$nd 102:21
in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b & his praises htxb$tw
as one 0dxk0 the nations 0mm( gather w$nkt0d why? 0m 102:22
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml to serve xlpml & the kingdoms 0twklmw
in the Earth 0(r0b Ambros.: my life yyx/ Lees 1816 edition: my power ylyx they humbled wkkm 102:23
of my days ymwyd & the shortage 0twrycbw
in the middle of twglpb you will raise me ynqst not 0l to me yl he said rm0 102:24
your years Kyn$ & for a generation of generations Nyrdrdlw my days ymwy
& made db(w you have prepared tnqt Earth 0(r0 the first Nymdwql from Nm 102:25
Heaven 0ym$ your hands Kydy0
& all of them Nwhlkw you tn0 endure Myq & you tn0w pass away Nyrb( they Nwnh 102:26
. they are changed Nyplxtm a cloak 0+w+rm & like Ky0w worn out Nylb clothing 0$wbl like Ky0
& your years Kyn$w you tn0 you are Kyty0d as Ky0 & you tn0w 102:27
do end Nrmg not 0l
in the Earth 0(r0b will dwell Nwr$n your servants Kydb( & sons of ynbw 102:28
will be established Nqtn before you Kymdq & their seed Nwh(rzw
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml my soul y$pn bless ykrb 103:1
holy 0$ydq his Name hm$l my bones ymrg & all Nwhlkw
forget Ny(+t & not 0lw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml my soul y$pn bless ykrb 103:2
his rewards yhwn(rwp all Nwhlk
your evil yklw( all hlk you ykl who forgives qb$d 103:3
. your diseases ykyb0k all Nwhlk & heals 0s0mw
he supports Kmsm destruction 0lbx from Nm you ykl he saves qrp 103:4
. & in compassions 0mxrbw in grace 0twby+b you ykl
your body ykm$wg with precious things 0tb+b he satisfies (bsm 103:5

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

. your youth yktwmyl( the eagle 0r$nd like Ky0 is renewed tdxm
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm righteousness 0twqydz he does db( 103:6
. the oppressed 0myl+ to all Nwhlkl & judgment 0nydw
& to the sons of ynblw to Moses 0$wml his way htxrw0 he shows 0wxm 103:7
his works yhwdb( Israel ly0rsy0
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm cherishing Npxrmw he is wh compassionate Nmxrm 103:8
his grace htwby+ & abundant 00ygsw his Spirit hxwr long 0rygn
& not 0lw to eternity Ml(l he harbors ill will Ml0 not 0ld because l+m 103:9
his wrath hzgwr will keep r+n to eternity Ml(l
our sins Nyh+x according to Ky0 it has been 0wh not 0ld because l+m 103:10
. he rewarded us N(rp our evil Nlw( according to Ky0 neither 0lp0 to us Nl he has done db(
the Earth 0(r0 than Nm Heaven 0ym$ is higher Nymrd as Ky0d because l+m 103:11
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd his grace htwby+ has prevailed tn$( so Nkh
his worshipers yhwlxd upon l(
the West 0br(m from Nm the East 0xndm is far 0qyxrd & as Ky0w 103:12
our evil Nlw( from us Nnm will be far qxrn so Nkh
the children 0ynb upon l( a father 0b0 shows compassion Mxrmd & as Ky0w 103:13
his worshipers yhwlxd upon l( LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm shows compassion Mxrm
our form Ntlybg knows (dy he whd because l+m 103:14
. we are Nnx that dust 0rp(d he has remembered rkdt0
his days yhwmwy the grass 0rym( like Ky0 a son of man 0$nrb 103:15
. he springs up 0(y so Nkh of the field 0lqxd a flower 0ypw( & like Ky0w
it is not yhwtyl the wind 0xwr on it hb has blown tb$nd for when 0md 103:16
his place htkwd is known 0(dytm neither 0lp0
it is yh eternity Ml( from Nm of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd his grace htwby+ 103:17
his worshipers yhwlxd upon l( to eternity Ml(l & until 0md(w
their children Nwhynb to the children of ynbl & his righteousness htwqydzw
& remember Nyrkdtmw his covenant hmyq who keep Nyr+nd to those Nyly0l 103:18
them Nwhl & they do Nydb(w his commandments yhwndqwp
his throne hysrwk establishes Nqtm in Heaven 0ym$b LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 103:19
is authorized 0+yl$ over all lkb & his kingdom htwklmw
who are able Nycmd his angels yhwk0lm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml bless wkrb 103:20
his commandments yhwndqwp & they do Nydb(w in power 0lyxb
his hosts htwlyx all Nwhlk LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml bless wkrb 103:21
his will hnybc who do Nydb(d & his servants yhwn$m$mw
his servants yhwdb( all of them Nwhlwk LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml bless wkrb 103:22
bless ykrb his dominion hn+lw$ the Earth 0(r0 who in all hlkbd
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml my soul y$pn
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml my soul y$pn bless ykrb 104:1
he wears $bl & glory 0rdhw brightness 0wyz very b+ is great bry my God yhl0
a cloak 0+w+rm like Ky0 in light 0rhwn he is covered yskt0 104:2
a curtain 0t(yry like Ky0 Heaven 0ym$ he has stretched xtm
& sets Msw his lofty dwellings yhwrydm in the waters 0ymb he makes db( 104:3
upon l( & he walks Klhmw his chariot htbkrm the clouds 0nn( above l(
of the wind 0xwrd the wings hypnk
& his ministers yhwn$m$mw the wind xwr his angels yhwk0lm he makes db( 104:4
burning 0dqy fire 0rwn
its foundations hynqtm upon l( Earth 0(r0 he has made ready Nqt0 104:5
eternities Nyml( for eternity Ml(l it will move (wzt that not 0ld
& above l(w its covering yhytysk a cloak 0+w+rm like Ky0 the abyss 0mwht 104:6
the waters 0ym stood up wmq the mountains 0rw+
& from Nmw they fled Nyqr( your rebuke Kt0k from Nm 104:7
they hasten Nybhrtm of your thunders Kym(rd the voice 0lq
the valleys 0t(qp & have come down wtxnw the mountains 0rw+ they went up wqls 104:8

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

for them Nwhl that you prepared tnqtd into the place 0rt0b
that not 0ld for them Nwhl you have set tms borders 0mwxt 104:9
the Earth 0(r0l & cover hnwsknw they will cross Nwrb(n
the springs 0(wbm Ambros.: he sent rd$ / Lees 1816 edition:you sent trd$ 104:10
they walk Nyklhm the mountains 0rw+ & among tnybw into the valleys 0lxnb
of the wilderness 0rbdd animals 0twyx all hlk & they give drink to Nyq$mw 104:11
that thirst Nyhcd the wild donkeys 0dr( & satisfy Ny(bsw
alight 0nk$ upon them Nwhyl( of Heaven 0ym$d & the birds 0txrpw 104:12
a sound 0lq they give Nybhy the mountains 0rw+ among tnyb from Nm
his lofty dwellings yhwrydm from Nm the mountains 0rw+ he waters 0q$m 104:13
the Earth 0(r0 you will satisfy (bst your works Kydb( the fruits of yr0p from Nm
& green plants 0bs(w for the beasts 0ry(bl grass 0rym( he makes sprout 0(wm 104:14
bread 0mxl to bring forth wqpml of man 0$nrbd for the service hnxlwpl
the Earth 0(r0 from Nm
& brightens xcpmw of son of man 0$nrbd his heart hbl gladdens 0dxm wine 0rmx 104:15
sustains Kms bread 0mxl with oil 0x$mb his faces yhwp0
man 0$n0 of son of rbd his heart hbl
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the trees yhwnly0 will be satisfied Nw(bsn 104:16
that he has planted bcnd of Lebanon Nnbld & the cedars 0zr0w
& the stork 0brwxw the fowl 0rpc have made a nest Nq0 there Nmt 104:17
in the cypress 0nywr$b nests itself hnq
& cliffs 0pyq$w for mountain goats 0cydl high 0mr the mountains 0rw+ 104:18
for the conies 0sgxl a refuge 0rts
knows (dy & the sun 0$m$w for times 0nbzl the moon 0rhs he made db( 104:19
of its settings yhwbr(md the time 0nbz
the night 0yll & there was 0whw darkness 0kw$x he made db( 104:20
all Nyhlk Lees 1816 edition: dwell Nrb( /Ambros.: were dwelling Nrm( & in it hbw
. of the forest 0b(d the wild beasts 0twyx
& to seek 0(bmlw to tear apart rbtml roar Nymhn the lionesses 0twyr0 104:21
their food Nwhtlwk0m God 0hl0 from Nm
they are gathered Nylmxtm the sun 0$m$ at sunrises of yxndmb 104:22
they lie down Ny(br & in their dwellings Nwhyrm(mbw
to his work hdb(l a son of man 0$nrb goes forth qpn 104:23
evening 0$mrl unto 0md( & for his service hnxlwplw
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your works Kydb( many Ny0ygs how 0m 104:24
you have made tdb( in wisdom 0tmkxb & all Nwhlkw
with your possessions Knynq the Earth 0(r0 & you have filled tlmw them Nwn0
round about 0ydy0d & an expanse 0txwr0w great 0br the sea 0my this is wnh 104:25
number Nynm without 0ld swarming things 0$xr are ty0 in which hbd
the small 0tqdqd with M( great 0tbrwr creatures 0twyx
this 0nh Leviathan Ntywl ships 0nyps traveling Nklhm is wh & in it hbw 104:26
in it yhwl( to be merry Kxgml that you have created tyrbd
expecting Nyksm are wh to you Kl all Nwhlk 104:27
in their times Nwhnbzb food 0tlwk0m to them Nwhl that you will give lttd
open xtp & they are fed Nysrttmw to them Nwhl you tn0 give bhy 104:28
. & they are satisfied Ny(bsw your hand Kdy0 you tn0
& they are disturbed Nyxldtmw your faces Kyp0 you tn0 turn Kphm 104:29
& to their dust Nwhrp(lw & they die Nytymw their spirit Nwhxwr you tn0 take lq$
they return Nykph
& they are created Nyrbtmw your Spirit Kxwr you tn0 send rd$m 104:30
of the Earth 0(r0d the faces hyp0 you tn0 & renew tdxmw
to eternity Ml(l of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the glory hxbw$ shall be 0whn 104:31
in his works yhwdb(b LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm will rejoice 0dxn
& he rebukes 00kw & it quakes 0(yzw at the Earth 0(r0b for he looks r0xd 104:32
. & they smoke Nyntw the mountains 0rw+b

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

I shall sing praise rmz0w in my life yyxb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml I shall praise xb$0 104:33
I 0n0 endure Myq as long as d( to my God yhl0l
my praise ytxwb$t him hl will delight Msbt 104:34
in LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmb I shall rejoice 0dx0 & I 0n0w
& the evil 0lw(w the Earth 0(r0 from Nm sinners 0y+x & will cease Nwpwsnw 104:35
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml my soul y$pn bless ykrb in it hb will be seen Nwrxt$n not 0l
& show wwxw his Name hm$ & call wrqw to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml Give thanks wdw0 105:1
his works yhwdb( among the nations 0mm(b
& declare w(t$0w to him hl & sing wrmzw praise him yhwxb$ 105:2
. his wonders htrmdt all these Nyhlk
will rejoice 0dxn of his holiness h$dwqd The Name 0m$l praise wxb$ 105:3
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml who seek Ny(bd of those Nyly0d their heart Nwhbl
& be strengthened wlyxt0w LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml seek w(b 105:4
always Nbzlkb his faces yhwp0 seek w(bw
that he made db(d his wonders htrmdt remember rkdt0 105:5
of his mouth hmwpd & the judgment 0nydw his wonders htrmdt
& the children of ynbw his servant hdb( of Abraham Mhrb0d his seed h(rz 105:6
his elect ones yhwbg Yaqob bwq(y
the Earth 0(r0 whose in all hlwkbd our God Nhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm he is wywh 105:7
his judgments yhwnyd
the word 0tlm his covenant hmyq to eternity Ml(l he remembers rkdtm 105:8
. generations Nyrd to a thousand Pl0l that he commanded dqpd
Abraham Mhrb0 with M( his covenant hmyq who established Myq0d 105:9
Isaaq qxsy0 with M( & his oaths htmwmw
He establishes 0myq Yaqob bwq(y with M( & his testimony htwdhsw 105:10
to eternity Ml(l to Israel lyrsy0l
of Canaan N(nkd the land 0(r0 I shall give hylt0 to you Kld & he said rm0w 105:11
of their inheritance Nwhtwtryd the lines 0lbx
small lylq in number 0nynmb they were Nwtywh few Nyrw(z when dk 105:12
in it hb they were Nwtywh & inhabitants 0rwm(w they were Nwtywh
to nation 0m(l nation 0m( from Nm they walked wklh 105:13
. another 0nrx0 to people 0m(l kingdom 0twklm & from Nmw
them Nwn0 to do wrong Mwl+nd a son of man 0$nrbl he allowed qb$ & not 0lw 105:14
. their faces Nwhyp0 for l( Kings 0klm he rebuked sk0
my anointed yxy$ml you shall touch Nwbrqtt not 0ld 105:15
. you shall harm Nw$0bt not 0l & my prophets yybnlw
& all hlkw the land 0(r0 upon l( a famine 0npk & he called 0rqw 105:16
he broke rbt of their grain Nwhrwb(d the stalks 0ynq
a man 0rbg before them Nwhymdq he sent rd$ 105:17
Yoseph Pswy he was sold Nbdz0 to slavery 0twdb(l
his feet yhwlgr in shackles 0m+wsb & they bound wrs0w 105:18
he himself h$pn was put tl( & in irons 0lzrpbw
. his word htlm was proven tr$d until 0md( 105:19
tried him yhyqb of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd his speech hrm0m
he made him hdb( & he released him yhyr$w the King 0klm sent rd$ 105:20
his people hm( over l( a prince 0+yl$
& Ruler 0+yl$w his house htyb over l( Lord 0rm 105:21
his possessions hnynq all hlk over l(
he pleased 0bcd as Ky0 rulers 0+yl$ that he instruct 0drnd 105:22
he would teach wisdom mkxn & the Elders 0$y$qlw
& Yaqob bwq(yw to Egypt Nyrcml Israel lyrsy0 entered l( 105:23
of Ham Mxd in the habitation 0nk$mb dwelt rm(
& strengthened him hn$(0w his people hm( well b+ he multiplied ygs0 105:24
. his enemies yhwbbdl(b than Nm more ryty

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

his people hm(l to hate it hynsml their heart Nwhbl & they turned back wkphw 105:25
his servants yhwdb( against l( & to deal treacherously wlkntmlw
. whom he chose 0bgd & Aaron Nwrh0lw his servant hdb( Moses 0$wml he sent rd$ 105:26
& his wonders htrmdtw his signs htwt0 among them Nwhb he did db( 105:27
of Ham Mxd in the land 0(r0b
& it became dark K$x0w darkness 0kw$x he sent rd$ 105:28
his Word htlm & they bitterly provoked wrmrmw
& killed tym0w to blood 0mdl their waters Nwhyym he turned Kph 105:29
their fish Nwhynwn
frogs 0(drw0 in their land Nwh(r0b swarmed $xr0 105:30
of their kings Nwhyklmd & in the inner chambers 0nwwtbw
a swarm of insects 0+wlx & there was yty0w he spoke rm0 105:31
. their borders Nwhmwxt in all hlkb & lice 0mlqw
& fire 0rwnw hail 0drb their rain Nwhr+m he made db( 105:32
in their land Nwh(r0b burned 0lzwgt0
& he shattered rbtw & their fig trees Nwhyn0tw their vines Nwhynpwg he struck 0xm 105:33
. of their boundaries Nwhymwxtd the trees 0nly0
the locust 0cmq Lees 1816 edition: & came 0t0w/ Ambros.: & he brought yty0w he spoke rm0 105:34
their land Nwh(r0 in all hlkb number Nynm without 0ld & the crawling locust 0lxzw
of their lands Nwht(r0d & fruit 0r0pw grass 0bs( all hlk it ate lk0 105:35
of Egypt Nyrcmd firstborns 0rkwb all lk he killed l+q 105:36
their offspring Nwhdly all of hlwk the first $yr
& with gold 0bhdbw with silver 0m0sb them Nwn0 he brought out qp0 105:37
. one who was weak hyrkd among their generations Nwhtbr$b & there was not tylw
because l+m at their exodus Nwhtqpmb Egypt Nyrcm was glad tydx 105:38
upon them Nwhyl( their fear Nwhtlxd had fallen tlpnd
them Nwn0 & he shaded ll+w a cloud 0nn( before them Nwhyl( he spread srp 105:39
in the night 0yllb to give light wrhnml & fire 0rwnw
& the bread 0mxlw food 0tlwk0m to them Nwhl & he brought yty0w they asked wl0$ 105:40
them Nwn0 filled (bs of Heaven 0ym$d
the waters 0ym & flowed wdrw the flint 0nr+ he opened xtp 105:41
. thirsty 0yhc in the place 0rt0b the waters 0ym & they walked wklhw
of his holiness h$dwqd the word 0tlm he has remembered rkdt0d because l+m 105:42
his servant hdb( of Abraham Mhrb0d
in joy 0twdxb his people hm(l he brought out qp0 105:43
his young men yhwdwdgl & with praise 0txwb$tbw
of the Gentiles 0mm(d lands 0t(r0 to them Nwhl he gave bhy 105:44
they inherited wtry of the peoples 0twm0d & the toil 0lm(w
his commandments yhwndqwpb that they would heed Nwrhdznd 105:45
. they would keep Nwr+n & his laws yhwswmnw
he is wh because good b+d to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml Give thanks wdw0 106:1
his grace htwby+ & to eternity Ml(lw
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the wonders htrmdt will tell 0(t$n who? wnm 106:2
his praises htxb$t all Nyhlwk & will proclaim (m$nw
his judgments yhwnyd who keep Nyr+nd to those Nyly0l their blessing Nwhybw+ 106:3
at all times Nbzlkb his righteousness htwqydz & they do Nydb(w
of your people Km(d in the pleasure hnybcb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm remember me ynyrkdt0 106:4
in your salvation Knqrwpb & save me ynyqwrpw
of your chosen ones Kybgd the good 0tb+b that I may see 0zx0d 106:5
in your inheritance Ktwtryb & I shall be glorified xbt$0w in your joy Ktwdxb I shall rejoice 0dx0
& we have gone astray Nlks0w our fathers Nyhb0 with M( we have sinned Ny+x 106:6
& we have done wickedness N($r0w
your wonders Ktrmdt understood wlkts0 not 0l in Egypt Nyrcmb our fathers Nyhb0 106:7
of your graces Ktwby+d the multitude 00gws remembered wrkdt0 & not 0lw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of Reeds Pwsd at the Sea 0myb the waters 0ym by l( when they contended wyrxt0d
his Name hm$ because of l+m them Nwn0 he saved qrpw 106:8
his manliness htwrbng to show 0wxnd
he walked Klh & it dried up $byw of Reeds Pwsd the Sea 0myb he rebuked 00k 106:9
in the wilderness 0rbdmbd as Ky0 in the abyss 0mwhtb them Nwn0
of the enemy 0bbdl(bd the hand 0dy0 from Nm them Nwn0 & he saved qrpw 106:10
of the oppressor 0cwl0d the hand 0dy0 from Nm them Nwn0 & delivered ycpw
their oppressors Nwhycwl0l the waters 0ym & covered wyskw 106:11
remained rxt$0 not 0l of them Nwhnm & one dxw
his praises htxb$t & sang wxb$w his words yhwlmb they believed wnmyh 106:12
trusted wrbs & not 0lw God 0hl0l & they forgot w(+w they made haste wbhrts0 106:13
his counsel hty(rtl
& they tempted wysnw in the wilderness 0rbdmb lust 0tgr they lusted wgr 106:14
in the desert Nwmy$0b God 0hl0l
& sent rd$w their requests Nwhtl0$ them Nwhl he gave bhy 106:15
to their souls Nwht$pnl fulness 0(bs
in the camp 0tyr$mb of Moses 0$wmb they were envious wn+ 106:16
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the holy one h$ydq & of Aaron Nwrh0bw
Dathan Ntdl & swallowed t(lbw the Earth 0(r0 was opened txtpt0 106:17
of Abiram Mryb0d the assembly ht$wnk over l( & buried tyskw
& a flame 0tybhl$w in their assemblies Nwht$wnkb fire 0rwn was kindled tbx 106:18
the evil ones 0lw(l burned up tdqw0
in Khoreeb byrwxb a calf 0lg( they made wdb( 106:19
the molten image 0kysnl & worshiped wdgsw
of an ox 0rwtd into the likeness 0twmdb their glory Nwhrqy0 & they changed wplxw 106:20
grass 0bs( eating lk0d
them Nwn0 who saved qrpd God 0hl0l & they forgot w(+w 106:21
in Egypt Nyrcmb great things 0tbrwr who did db(d
& awesome deeds 0tlyxdw of Kham Mxd in the land 0(r0b & wonders 0trmdtw 106:22
of Reeds Pwsd in the Sea 0myb
Moses 0$wm not 0l if not wl0 them Nwn0 that he would destroy dbwnd & he said rm0w 106:23
before him yhwmdq in the gap 0t(rwtb had stood Mqd his chosen hybg
them Nwn0 he would destroy lbxn lest 0ld his wrath hzgwr & turned back Kph0w
of desire 0tgrd the land 0(r0l they despised hwylys0w 106:24
his word htlml they believed wnmyh & not 0lw
they heard w(m$ & not 0lw in their tents Nwhynk$mb & they complained wn+rw 106:25
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the voice hlqb
them Nwn0 to destroy dbwnd against them Nwhyl( his hand hdy0 & he lifted Myr0w 106:26
among the Gentiles 0mm(b
among the Gentiles 0mm(b their seed Nwh(rz & he will scatter rdbnw 106:27
in the lands 0t(r0b them Nwn0 & he will destroy dbwnw
of Peor rw(pd to the idols 0rktpl they joined themselves wpqnt0d for l( 106:28
of the dead 0tymd the sacrifices 0xbd & they ate wlk0w
by their works Nwhydb(b & they angered him yhwzgr0w 106:29
they made him jealous yhwn+0 & by their idols Nwhyrktpbw
against them Nwhyl( Lees 1816 edition: & he strengthened N$(0w /Ambros.: & prevailed N$(w
the stillness 0yl$ from Nm the plague 0ntwm
& prayed ylcw Phinehas sxnyp stood up Mq 106:30
the plague 0ntwm & was restrained ylkt0w
victory 0twkz to him hl & it was accounted tb$xt0w 106:31
to eternity Ml(l unto 0md( to generation of generations Nyrdrdl
of strife 0nyrxd the waters 0ym concerning l( & they angered him yhwzgr0w 106:32
because of them Nwhtl+m Moses 0$wml & he afflicted $0b0w
his spirit hxwr they bitterly provoked wrmrmd because l+m 106:33
by his lips htwpsb & they spoke wllmw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the nations 0mm(l they destroyed wdbw0 & not 0lw 106:34
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to them Nwhl of which had spoken rm0d
with the Gentiles 0mm(b they were mixed w+lxt0 but 0l0 106:35
their works Nwhydb( & they learned wplyw
& they were wwhw their idols Nwhyrktpl & they feared wlxdw 106:36
a stumbling block 0tlqwtl to them Nwhl
& their daughters Nwhtnbw their sons Nwhynb for they sacrificed wxbd 106:37
to demons 0d0$l
blood 0md innocent 0ykz the blood 0md & they shed wd$0w 106:38
& of their daughters Nwhtnbdw of their sons Nwhynbd
of Canaan N(nkd to the idols 0rktpl whom they sacrificed wxbd
in blood 0mdb the land 0(r0 & was defiled tpn+t0w
by their works Nwhydb(b they were defiled wpn+t0 106:39
with their inventions Nwht(ncb & they committed fornication wynzw
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the wrath hzgwr & was provoked tmxt0w 106:40
his inheritance htwtryl & he despised yls0w his people hm( upon l(
of the Gentiles 0mm(d into the hand 0dy0b them Nwn0 & he gave over Ml$0w 106:41
their haters Nwhy0ns over them Nwhb & were authorized w+lt$0w
their enemies Nwhybbdl(b them Nwn0 & they subdued wdb($w 106:42
their hands Nwhydy0 under twxt & they were subject wdb(t$0w
them Nwn0 he delivered ycp many 0t0ygs times 0tnbz 106:43
in their minds Nwhty(rtb they bitterly provoked him yhwrmrm & those Nwnhw
in their evil Nwhlw(b & they were humbled wkkmt0w
their prayer Nwhtw(b & he heard (m$w in their affliction Nwhnclw0b & he saw 0zxw 106:44
& he has shown mercy Mxrw his covenant hmyq & he has remembered rkdt0w 106:45
according to Ky0 them Nwn0 & led rbdw upon them Nwhyl(
of his grace htwby+d the abundance 00gws
affection 0mxrb them Nwn0 & he gave bhyw 106:46
their captors Nwhyb$ all lwk in front of Mdq
Lee:gather us, [Ambros.:me] yny$nkw our God N0hl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm save us Nyqwrp 106:47
holy 0$ydq your Name Km$l that we may confess 0dwnd the nations 0mm( from Nm
in your inheritance Ktwtryb & we shall be glorified xbt$nw
of Israel lyrsy0d God 0hl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh blessed Kyrb 106:48
& shall say rm0nw eternity Ml(l & unto 0md(w eternity Ml( from Nm
& Amen Nym0w Amen Nym0 the people 0m( all hlwk
because good b+d to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml Give thanks wdw0 107:1
his grace htwby+ & to eternity Ml(lw he is wh
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd who are redeemed yhwqyrp they will say Nwrm0n 107:2
of the oppressor 0cwl0d the hand 0dy0 from Nm them Nwn0 that he saved qrpd
them Nwn0 he gathered $nk lands 0t(r0 all these Nyhlk & from Nmw 107:3
the north 0ybrg & from Nmw the West 0br(m & from Nmw the East 0xndm from Nm
the sea 0my & from Nmw
of the deserts Nwmy$0d in the wilderness 0rbdmb & they were lost w(+w 107:4
they found wxk$0 not 0l inhabited 0btyd of the city 0tyrqd & the way 0xrw0w
& they were thirsty wyhcw they were hungry wnpk 107:5
were agitated tpr+t0 & their souls Nwh$pnw
in their sufferings Nwhynclw0b LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm of Nm they begged w(b 107:6
them Nwn0 he brought out qp0 their griefs Nwhtq( & from Nmw
of truth 0t$wqd in the way 0xrw0b them Nwn0 he walked Klh 107:7
inhabited Nbtyd to cities 0yrwql to go lz0ml
his righteous ones yhwqydz LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml shall thank Nwdwn 107:8
man 0$n0 sons of ynb upon l( for his mercies yhwmxrd
the afflicted 0tpr+m the souls 0t$pn he satisfies (bsd because l+m 107:9
he fills 0lm hungry 0tnpk & the soul 0$pnw

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

death 0twm & in shadows yll+bw in darkness 0kw$xb who sit Nybtyd those Nyly0d 107:10
& in irons 0lzrpbw in poverty 0twnksmb & are bound Nyrys0w
of God 0hl0d the Word htlm they bitterly provoked wrmrmd because l+m 107:11
rejected wyls0 of The Highest 0myrmd & the counsel hty(rtw
& they were sick whrkt0w their heart Nwhbl with toil 0lm(b he broke rbt 107:12
for them Nwhl a helper rd(md & there is not tylw
in their adversity Nwhtq(b LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to twl & they prayed wylcw 107:13
them Nwn0 he saved qrp their adversity Nwhynclw0 & from Nmw
shadows yll+ & from Nmw darkness 0kw$x from Nm them Nwn0 he brought out qp0 107:14
he cut qsp & their bonds Nwhyqnxw death 0twm
his righteous ones yhwqydz to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml shall confess Nwdwn 107:15
children of men 0$nynb upon l( that his mercies yhwmxrd
of brass 0$xnd the gates 0(rt he shattered rbtd because l+m 107:16
he has cut down Mdg of iron 0lzrpd & the bars 0lkwmw
of their sins Nwhyh+xd the way 0xrw0 from Nm them Nwn0 he helped rd( 107:17
they were humbled wkkmt0 their evils Nwhlw( & from Nmw
their soul Nwh$pn has hated tns food 0lk0m all lk 107:18
of death 0twm to the gates y(rtl unto 0md( & has arrived wy+mw
in their sufferings Nwhynclw0b LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm from Nm they begged w(b 107:19
them Nwn0 he brought out qp0 their adversity Nwhtq( & from Nmw
them Nwn0 & delivered ycpw them Nwn0 & he healed ys0w his word htlm he sent rd$ 107:20
destruction 0lbx from Nm
his righteous ones yhwqydz LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml shall confess Nwdwn 107:21
! men 0$n0 the children of ynb upon l( for his mercies yhwmxrd
praise wxb$ of praise 0xbw$d sacrifices 0xbd to him hl sacrifice wxbd 107:22
with his wonders htrmdtb his works yhwdb(
in ships 0pl0b the sea 0my those going down to ytxn 107:23
Ambros.:crossing 0rb( & they cross yrb(w Lees 1816 edition: work 0db( & they do ydb(w/
great 00ygs in the waters 0ymb
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd his works yhwdb( have seen wzx they Nwnh 107:24
of the sea 0myd in the depths yhwqmw(b & his wonders htrmdtw
of hurricanes 0l(l(d the wind 0xwr for he established Myq0d 107:25
of the sea 0myd the waves yhwllg & were lifted up wmyrtt0w
to the abyss 0mwhtl & went down Nytxnw to Heaven 0ym$l they went up Nyqls 107:26
staggered 0pr+tm in them Nwhb & their soul Nwh$pnw
drunkards 0ywr0 like Ky0 & were agitated wdnw they shook w(z 107:27
came to nothing tdb0 their wisdom Nwhtmkx & all hlkw
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to twl they cried w(g 107:28
them Nwn0 he brought out qp0 their adversity Nwhtq( & from Nmw in their sufferings Nwhynclw0b
& they stopped wqt$w hurricanes 0l(l( he calmed yl$0 107:29
of the Sea 0myd the waves yhwllg & were quieted wxyntt0w
they stopped wqt$ when dk & they rejoiced wydxw 107:30
that they chose wbcd to the haven 0n0mll them Nwn0 he led rbd
his righteous ones yhwqydz LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml shall thank Nwdwn 107:31
the children of men 0$nynb upon l( for his mercies yhwmxrd
of the nations 0mm(d in the congregation 0td(b praise him yhwxb$ 107:32
exalt him yhwmrmr of the Elders 0bsd the seat 0btwm & upon l(w
the wilderness 0rbdm like Ky0 the rivers 0twrhn for he makes db(d 107:33
thirsty 0yhcl of waters 0ymd & the springs 0(wbmw
to a salt pit 0txlml its fruit hyr0p has given tbhy the land 0(r0 107:34
who inhabit it hybtyd the evil ones 0$yb their works Nwhydb( from Nm
of waters 0ymd pools 0mg0l the wilderness 0rbdm for he makes db(d 107:35
of waters 0ymd into springs 0(wbml thirsty 0tyhc & land 0(r0w
the hungry 0npk there Nmt he makes dwell btw0 107:36
in them Nyhb & have dwelt wbtyw cities 0yrwq & they have built wnbw

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

vineyards0mrk & they planted wbcnw fields 0tlqx they sowed w(rz 107:37
of their crops Nwhtll(d the fruit 0r0p from Nm & they ate wlk0w
much b+ & they multiplied wygsw them Nwn0 he blessed Krb 107:38
he diminished r(z0 not 0l & their cattle Nwhry(bw
& they were humbled wkkmt0w & they decreased wr(zw 107:39
Ambros.: & of misery 0nww0ddw of evil 0t$ybd in the abundance 00gwsb
.Lee 1816: & misery 0nwwdw/
& makes wander y(+0w rulers 0+yl$ upon l( evil 0t$yb he casts ymr0 107:40
a road 0xrw0 without 0ld in a trackless waste 0$wtb them Nwn0
& he made db(w the poor 0nksml & he strengthened N$(0w 107:41
their families Nwhtbr$ flocks 0n( like Ky0
& they will rejoice Nwdxnw the righteous ones 0qydz that will see Nwzxnd 107:42
their jaws Nwhkx will shut Nwrksn the evil ones 0lw( & all Nwhlkw
these things Nylh will keep r+n who is wise Mykxd the one Nm 107:43
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the mercy hdsx & will make known (dnw
my heart ybl is wh ready by+m God 0hl0 my heart ybl is wh ready by+m 108:1
in my honor yrqy0b & I shall sing praise rmz0w I shall glorify xb$0
awake ry(tt0 my harp yrnk awake ry(tt0 108:2
Ambros.: & psaltery 0rtyqw harp 0rnk / Lees 1816 edition:& harp 0rnkw psaltery 0rtyq /
in the morning 0rpcb shall awake ry(tt0 & I 0n0w
Oh God 0hl0 among the peoples 0mm(b to you Kl I shall confess 0dw0 108:3
among the peoples 0twm0b I shall sing praise rmz0 & to your Name Km$lw
the sky 0ym$l unto 0md( your kindness Ktwby+ is yh great 0brd because l+m 108:4
of Heaven 0ym$ Heaven ym$l unto 0md( & your faithfulness Ktwnmyhw
Oh God 0hl0 Heaven 0ym$ above l( be lifted up Myrtt0 108:5
your honor Krqy0 the Earth 0(r0 whole hlk & above l(w
that may be delivered Nwqrptnd for the cause l+m 108:6
& answer me ynyn(w by your right hand Knymyb save me ynyqwrp your beloved ones Kybybx
I 0n0 I shall glory xb$0 in his holiness h$dwqb has spoken llm God 0hl0 108:7
of Succoth twksd & the valley 0qmw(lw Shecheem Myk$l & I shall divide glp0w
. I shall measure xw$m0
Manassheh 0$nm is wh mine ylydw Gilead d(lg is wh mine ylyd 108:8
my King yklm Yehuda 0dwhy of my head y$yrd the defender hnn$(m Ephraim Myrp0
of my washing ytgy$d the pot 0sdq Moab b0wm 108:9
my sandals ynsm I shall cast 0r$0 Edom Mwd0 over l(
I shall shout 0(q0 Palestine t$lp & over l(w
& who? wnmw strong 0tny$( into the city 0tyrql will escort me ynlbwn who? wnm 108:10
Edom Mwd0l unto 0md( will lead me ynrbdn
you have forgotten us Nty(+ God 0hl0 you are tn0 behold 0hd 108:11
with our armies Nlyxb you tn0 go forth qpn & not 0lw
Lees 1816 edition: help 0nrdw(/Ambros.: power 0lyx us Nl Give bh 108:12
is wh worthless qyrsd because l+m our enemies Nybbdl(b against l(
of a son of man 0$nrbd the salvation hnqrwp
will tread upon $wdn & he whw power 0lyx will confer to us Nynqn God 0hl0 108:13
our enemies Nybbdl(bl
be silent qwt$t not 0l of my praise ytxwb$td God 0hl0 109:1
& the mouth hmwpw of the wicked 0(y$rd the mouth hmwpd because l+m 109:2
with me ym( they spoke wllm against me yl( is opened xtpt0 of the deceiver 0ntlwknd
false 0lgd in a language 0n$lb
they have contended w$tkt0w of hatred 0t0nsd & in the voice 0lqbw 109:3
for nothing ty0qyrs with me ym(
& I 0n0w they regarded me with malice ynwrqs my love ytmxr & in place of Plxw 109:4

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

for them Nwhyl( I have been tywh praying 0lcm

good 0tb+ for Plx evil 0t$yb they paid me ynw(rp 109:5
love 0tmxr for Plx & hatred 0t0nsw
evil 0lw( against them Nwhyl( command dwqp 109:6
their right hand Nwhnymy at Nm shall stand Mwqn & Satan 0n+sw
they will go out Nwqpn they are judged Nynydtmd & when 0mw 109:7
sin 0ty+x shall be 0wht & their prayer Nwhtwlcw they are condemned Nybyx when dk
& whatever Mdmw small,few Nyrw(z their days Nwhymwy shall be Nwwhn 109:8
will take Nwbsn others 0nrx0 for them Nwhl is kept r+md
& their wives Nwhy$ynw orphans 0mty their children Nwhynb shall be Nwwhn 109:9
widows 0tlmr0

Verse 10 is missing in the Peshitta.

of debt 0bwx the Master 0rm will seize Mwqn 109:11

to them Nwhl that is ty0d all lk upon l(
their power Nwhlyx foreigners 0yrkwn Lee:& will investigate Nwcbnw /Ambros.:& will weaken Nwc(bw
& not 0lw a compassionate one 0nmxrm to them Nwhl shall be 0whn & not 0lw 109:12
their orphans Nwhymty unto l( one to show mercy Mxrmd there shall be 0whn
& the generation 0rdlw destruction 0ndb0l their end Nwhtrx shall be 0wht 109:13
their name Nwhm$ will be blotted out 0+(tn Lees 1816 edition: another 0nrx0/ Ambros.:the next 0yrx0
of their fathers Nwhyhb0d the evil 0lw( will be remembered rkdtn 109:14
Lee 1816:of their people Nwhtwm0d /Ambros.:of their mothers Nwhthm0d & sins 0h+xw
let be blotted out Nw+(tn not 0l
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm in front of Mdq they shall be Nwwhn but 0l0 109:15
their memory Nwhnrkwd Earth 0(r0 from Nm & he will destroy dbwnw at all times Nbzlkb
Lee 1816: to do wdb(ml/Ambros.: to do db(ml they remembered wdh( not 0ld because l( 109:16
& the afflicted 0$yblw the poor 0nksml & they persecuted wpdrw good 0tb+
to death 0twml whose heart hbl & that grieves b0kmdlw
blessings 0tkrwbb they chose wbc & not 0lw curses 0t+wl they loved wmxr 109:17
a supply of arms 0nyz like Ky0 curses 0t+wl & they wore w$blw 109:18
waters 0ym like Ky0 into them Nwhb they entered wl(
. into their bones Nwhymrgb oil 0x$m & like Ky0w
a cloak 0+w+rm like Ky0 for them Nwhl it shall be 0wht 109:19
always Nbzlkb of the waist 0cx a belt rs0 & like Ky0w that covers them Nysktmd
who regard as evil Nyrqsd of those Nyly0d the work 0db( this is wnh 109:20
& of those Nyly0dw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml
my soul y$pn against l( evil 0t$yb who speak Nyllmmd
because of l+m with me ym( work db( LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & you tn0w 109:21
save me yncp your kindness Ktwby+ is yh good 0b+d because l+m your Name Km$
& afflicted 0$ybw I am 0n0 poor 0nksmd because l+m 109:22
within me ywgb is troubled xldt0 my heart ybl
my steps ytklh have declined Nkrt0 the shadow 0ll+ & like Ky0w 109:23
locusts 0cmq like Ky0 & I am driven tcpnt0w
fasting 0mwc from Nm are weakened hrkt0 & my knees ykrwbw 109:24
fat 0x$m of Nm grows lean bxn & my flesh yrsbw
a reproach 0dsxl for them Nwhl I have been tywh & I 0n0w 109:25
their heads Nwhy$yrb & they shook wdyn0w they saw me ynw0zx
& save me ynyqwrpw my God yhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm help me ynyrd( 109:26
your kindness Ktwby+ according to Ky0
Ambrose: that yours Klydd that they may know Nw(dnd 109:27
you did it htdb( & you tn0w this 0dh is yh Lee 1816: of your hand Kdy0d/
you will be blessed Krbtt & you tn0w they Nwnh they will be cursed Nw+yltn 109:28
will rejoice 0dxn & your servant Kdb(w
those Nyly0 in shame 0tthb they will be clothed Nw$bln 109:29
& were covered by it hnwp+(tnw me yl they have wwh who regarded as evil Nyrqsd
a mantle 0syrp like Ky0

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& among tnybw with my mouth ymwpb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml I shall confess 0dw0 109:30
I shall glorify him yhwyxb$0 many 00ygs
of the afflicted 0$ybd the right hand hnymy at Nm he stood Mqd because l+m 109:31
judgment 0nyd from Nm his soul h$pn to save qrpml
you Kl sit btd to my Lord yrml LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm said rm0 110:1
your enemies Kybbdl(b I put Mys0d until 0md( my right ynymy at Nm
for your feet Kylgrl a stool 0$bwk
will send rd$n of power 0n$w(d the sceptre 0r+wx 110:2
Zion Nwyhc from Nm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to you Kl
your enemies Kybbdl(b over l( & he will rule +lt$nw
of power 0lyxd in the day 0mwyb glorious 0xb$m your people Km( 110:3
the first Mydq from Nm the womb 0(brm from Nm of holiness 0$dwq in the glories yrdhb
I have begotten you Ktdly0 boy 0yl+ you Kl
you tn0d will lie bdkn & not 0lw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm swore 0my 110:4
of Melkizedek qdzyklmd in the likeness htwmdb to eternity Ml(l Priest 0rmwk are wh
your right hand Knymy upon l( LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 110:5
kings 0klm of his wrath hzgwrd in the day 0mwyb shattered rbt
Ambros.: & count 0nmnw / Lees 1816 edition:& fill 0lmnw the nations 0mm(l he will judge Nwdn 110:6
of many 00ygsd the head 0$yr & he will cut off qwspnw the corpses 0dl$
in the Earth 0(r0b
he will drink 0t$n in the way 0xrw0b the valley 0lxn & from Nmw 110:7
his head h$yr will be lifted up Myrttn this 0nh because of l+m
my heart ybl whole hlk from Nm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml I shall confess 0dw0 111:1
in the assembly 0td(b who are upright 0cyrtd among Kings 0klmb
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the works yhwdb( great Nybrwr 111:2
them Nwhb who desire Nybcd by all lkl & are sought Ny(btmw
his works yhwdb( & great Nybrwrw praiseworthy Nyxb$m 111:3
to eternity Ml(l stands 0myq & his righteousness htwqydzw
merciful Nmxrm to his wonders htrmdtl he gave bhy remembrance 0ndhw( 111:4
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & cherishing Npxrmw he is wh
& he remembers rkdtmw to his worshipers yhwlxdl he gives bhy food 0tlwk0m 111:5
his covenant hmyq to eternity Ml(l
he showed ywx which in his works yhwdb(bd power 0lyx 111:6
of the nations 0mm(d the inheritance 0twtry them Nwhl to give ltnd to his people hm(l
& judgment 0nydw truth 0t$wq of his hands yhwdy0 the work db( 111:7
of eternities Nyml( to eternity Ml(l & they stand Nymyqw
his commandments yhwndqwp all Nwhlk & are sure Nyrr$mw 111:8
& in truth 0t$wqbw in righteousness 0twqydzb & they are done Nydyb(w
to his people hm(l Lees 1816 edition:LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm sent rd$ salvation 0nqrwp 111:9
he is wh holy $ydq his covenant hmyq to eternity Ml(l & he remembers rkdtmw
his Name hm$ & is feared lyxdw
the awesomeness htlxd of wisdom 0tmkx the beginning $yr 111:10
to his servants hydwb(l good 0b+ & understanding 0lkwsw of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd
to eternity Ml(l stands 0myq & his glory htxwb$tw
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm of Nm who is in awe lxdd to the man 0rbgl his blessing yhwbw+ 112:1
to his commandments yhwndqwpb & takes heed ryhzw
in the Earth 0(r0b his seed h(rz mighty Ntlyx shall be 0whn 112:2
of the righteous ones 0qydzd in the generation 0rdb & he will be blessed Krbtnw
in his house htybb will increase 0gsn & riches 0rtw(w possessions 0nynq 112:3
to eternity Ml(l will abide Mwqt & his righteousness htwqydzw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to the upright 0cyrtl in darkness 0kw$xb the light 0rhwn shines xnd 112:4
the righteous ones 0qydz upon l( & he shows love Mxrmw
& lends Pzwmw who shows mercy Mxrmd the man 0rbg is wh blessed b+ 112:5
in judgment 0nydb his words yhwlm & he proclaims rbysmw
the remembrance 0nrkwd will be shaken (wzn not 0l & to eternity Ml(lw 112:6
. for the righteous 0qydzl it shall be 0whn to eternity Ml(l
he will be afraid lxdn not 0l evil 0$yb a report 0b+ & of Nmw 112:7
God 0hl0 upon l( trusting lykt his heart hbl for is established Mqtmd
is afraid lxd & not 0lw his heart hbl & he strengthens rr$mw 112:8
upon his enemies yhwbbdl(bb he gazes 0zxd until 0md(
to the afflicted 0$ybl & he gives bhyw he disperses rdb 112:9
of eternities Nyml( to eternity Ml(l stands 0myq & his righteousness htwqydzw
in glory 0xbw$b will be lifted up Myrtt & his trumpet hnrqw
& his teeth yhwn$w & will be angry zgrnw will see 0zxn & the evil one 0lw(w 112:10
Lee 1816: & will vanish ql+tnw / Ambros.:& will be troubled xldtnw he will gnash qrxn
will be destroyed db0t of the wicked 0(y$rd & the desire 0tgrw

of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd servants yhwdb( praise wxb$ 113:1

of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the Name hm$l praise wxb$
blessed Krbm of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd The Name hm$ shall be 0whn 113:2
eternity Ml(l until 0md(w eternity Ml( from Nm
its settings yhwbr(ml unto 0md( of the sun 0$m$d the risings yhwxndm from Nm 113:3
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the name hm$ is wh great br
the nations 0mm( all Nwhlk over l( high Mrw 113:4
his honor hrqy0 Heaven 0ym$ & over l(w LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm like Ky0 who? wnm 113:5
in the high place 0mwrb he who sits btyd our God Nhl0
& in the Earth 0(r0bw in Heaven 0ym$b in the depths 0qmw(b & he sees 0zxw 113:6
the afflicted 0$ybl a dung hill 0tlqq from Nm he raises Myrm 113:7
of the people 0m(d the rulers 0nbrwr with M( that he would settle him yhwybtwnd 113:8
in a household 0tybb a sterile woman 0trq( he puts btwm 113:9
. cheerful 0ydx when dk of children 0ynbd & a mother 0m0w
Egypt Nyrcm from Nm Israel lyrsy0 went forth qpn when dk 114:1
. of a foreign language 0zw(l the people 0m( from Nm Yaqob bwq(y & of the house tybdw
his glory htxwb$t & Israel lyrsy0w his holiness h$dwq Yehuda 0dwhy was 0wh 114:2
its backside hrtsbl turned Kph & Jordan Nndrwyw & fled qr(w saw him yhyzx the sea 0my 114:3
. stags 0ly0 like Ky0 skipped wdqr the mountains 0rw+ 114:4
of sheep 0n(d flocks 0rm0 like Ky0 & the hills 0tmrw
& Jordan Nndrwyw that you have fled tqr(d sea 0my to you Kl what? 0m 114:5
your behind Krtsbl that you turned tkphd
stags 0ly0 like Ky0 that you skipped Nwtdqrd Oh mountains 0rw+ 114:6
of sheep 0n(d flocks 0rm0 like Ky0 & hills 0tmrw
the Earth 0(r0 shook t(z LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm before Mdq from Nm 114:7
of Yaqob bwq(yd the God hhl0 before Mdq & from Nmw
of waters 0ymd into pools 0mg0l the flint 0nr+ who turned Kphd 114:8
of waters 0ymd into springs 0(wbml solid 0tryr$ & the stone 0p0kw
to your Name Km$l but 0l0 to us Nl not 0l LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to us Nl not 0l 115:1
your truth Kt$wq & because of l(w your kindness Ktwby+ because of l( honor 0rqy0 Give bh
their God Nwhhl0 where is? wky0 the nations 0mm( they say Nwrm0n lest 0ld 115:2
he is wh in Heaven 0ym$b our God Nhl0 115:3
he has done db( that he pleased 0bcd & all lkw
& gold 0bhdw silver 0m0s of the nations 0mm(d the idols 0rktp 115:4

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of man 0$nrbd of the hands 0ydy0 the work db(

they speak Nyllmm & not 0lw to them Nwhl is ty0 a mouth 0mwp 115:5
they see Nyzx & not 0lw to them Nwhl are ty0 eyes 0ny(
they hear Ny(m$ & not 0lw to them Nwhl are ty0 ears 0nd0 115:6
they smell Nyxyrm & not 0lw to them Nwhl are ty0 noses 0ryxn
& with their feet Nwhylgrbw they feel Ny$ym not 0l & with their hands Nwhydy0bw 115:7
with their throats Nwhtrgygb they speak Nyllmm & not 0lw they walk Nyklhm not 0l
their makers Nwhydwb( they shall be Nwwhn like them Nwhtwk0 115:8
upon them Nwhyl( who trust Nylyktd & all lkw
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm upon l( trust Nylykt of Israel lyrsy0 for the house trbd 115:9
& their support Nwhn(ysmw their helper Nwhrwd( he is wywh
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm upon l( trust Nylykt Aaron Nwrh0 for the house of trbd 115:10
& their support Nwhn(ysmw their helper Nwhrwd( he is wywh
upon l( trust Nylykt of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd his worshipers yhwlxd 115:11
& their support Nwhn(ysmw their helper Nwhrwd( he is wywh LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
& has blessed us Nkrbw has remembered us Ndh( LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 115:12
Israel lyrsy0 of the house of tybdl he will bless Krbn
Aaron Nwrh0 of the house of tybdl he will bless Krbn
his worshipers yhwlxdl LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm will bless Krbn 115:13
the great 0brwr with M( the small 0rw(z
upon you Nwkyl( LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm upon you Nwkyl( will increase Pswn 115:14
your children Nwkynb & upon l(w
who made db(d he wh by LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml you are Nwtn0 blessed Nykyrb 115:15
& Earth 0(r0w Heaven 0ym$
is yh of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd of Heavens 0ym$ the Heaven ym$ 115:16
man 0$n0 to the children of ynbl he has given hbhy & the Earth 0(r0w
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml will praise Nwxb$n the dead 0tym not 0l 115:17
into darkness 0kw$x the descenders ytxn all lk not 0l also P0
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml will bless Krbn but Nyd we Nnx 115:18
to eternity Ml(l & until 0md(w from now lykm
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm who will hear (m$nd I have loved tmxr 116:1
of my prayer ytw(bd the voice 0lq
in the day 0mwyb to me ytwl his ear hnd0 & he will incline 0lcnw 116:2
when I shall call him yhwyrq0d
of death 0twmd the pains 0lbx surrounded me ynwrdxd because l+m 116:3
had arrived ynwy+m of Sheol lwy$d & the afflictions 0nclw0w
. I found txk$0 /Lee 1816: & misery 0nwwdw /Ambrosianus:/ & misery 0n0ww0dw affliction 0nclw0
I called tyrq of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd & the name hm$bw 116:4
my soul y$pnl save it hcp LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm Oh! Nw0
& righteous qydzw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm you are tn0 merciful Nmxrm 116:5
compassionate 0nmxrm you are tn0 & God 0hl0w
he humbled me ynkkm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm the young children 0rb$l keeps r+n 116:6
. & he saved me ynqrpw
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd because l+m to your rest ykxynl my soul y$pn return ynpt0 116:7
death 0twm from Nm my soul y$pn you have saved tycpd because l+m 116:8
dislocations 0t(r$ from Nm & my feet ylgrw
Ambros.: LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm before you Kymdq I shall be pleasing rp$0d 116:9
of the living 0yxd in the land 0(r0b /Lee 1816: God 0hl0 /
very b+ & I have been humbled tkkmt0w & I have spoken tllmw I have believed tnmyh 116:10
. is false lgd man $nrb every lkd in my agitation ytwly(rb I have said trm0 I 0n0 116:11
for all Nwhlkd LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml shall I pay (wrp0 What? 0nm 116:12
unto me yl( his rewards yhwn(rwp
& in his name hm$bw I shall take lbq0 of salvation 0nqrwpd the cup 0sk 116:13
. I shall call 0rq0 of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

all hlk in front of Mdq I shall pay (wrp0 to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml my vows yrdn 116:14
people 0m(
the death 0twm of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd in his eyes yhwny(b is wh precious ryqy 116:15
people 0m( of his righteous yhwqydzd
your servant Kdb( your servant Kdb( I am 0n0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm Oh! w0 116:16
of your maid servant Ktm0d the son hrbw I am 0n0
my shackles yrws0 from me ynm you took off tyr$
of praise 0xbw$d sacrifices 0xbd I shall offer xbd0 to you Kl 116:17
. I shall call 0rq0 of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd & in his name hm$bw
I shall pay (wrp0 to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml my vows yrdn 116:18
his people hm( all hlwk in front of Mdq
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd of the house htybd in the court 0rdb 116:19
Jerusalem Ml$rw0 & within you ykwgbw
peoples 0mm( all you Nwklk LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml praise wxb$ 117:1
peoples 0twm0 all these Nyhlk praise him yhyxb$
his grace htwby+ upon us Nyl( has prevailed tn$(d because l+m 117:2
to eternity Ml(l is wh LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm truly ty0ryr$
he is wh because good b+d to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml Give thanks wdw0 118:1
his mercies yhwmxr & to eternity Ml(lw
his mercies yhwmxr to eternity Ml(ld Israel lyrsy0 let say rm0n 118:2
Aaron Nwrh0 of the house trbd let say Nwrm0n 118:3
his mercies yhwmxr to eternity Ml(ld
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd his worshipers yhwlxd let say Nwrm0n 118:4
his mercies yhwmxr to eternity Ml(ld
& answered me ynn(w to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml I cried tyrq trouble 0nclw0 from Nm 118:5
Lee 1816: in an expanse 0txwrb/ Ambros.:in an expanse 0txwr0b LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
What? 0nm I shall fear lxd0 not 0l my helper ynrd(m LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 118:6
man 0$n0 a son of rb to me yl does db(
I shall gaze 0zx0 & I 0n0w my helper ynrd(m LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 118:7
on those hating me y0nsb
than Nm better b+ LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm upon l( to trust wlkttml good b+ 118:8
a man 0$nrb upon l( to trust wlkttmld
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm upon l( to trust wlkttml good b+ 118:9
a prince 0+yl$ upon l( to trust wlkttmld than Nm better b+
circled me ynwrdx the nations 0mm( all Nwhlk 118010
them Nwn0 I have destroyed tpys0 of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd & in the name hm$bw
& have circled me ynwrdxw they surrounded me ynwkrkt0 118:11
them Nwn0 I have destroyed tpys0 of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd & in his name hm$bw
& were extinguished wk(dw wasps 0rwbd like Ky0 they surrounded me ynwrdx 118:12
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd & in the name hm$bw of grass 0lgd fire 0rwn like Ky0
them Nwn0 I destroyed tpys0
& I may fall lp0w that I may be overthrown Pxts0d I was cast out tyxdt0 118:13
helped me ynrd( & LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmw
is wh LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & my praise yxbw$w my power ylyx 118:14
The Savior 0qwrp to me yl has been 0wh & he whw
in the tent 0nk$mb & of salvation 0nqrwpdw of praise 0xbw$d the voice 0lq 118:15
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd The Right Hand hnymy of the righteous ones 0qydzd
miracles 0lyx has performed tdb(
has exalted me yntmyr0 of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd The Right Hand hnymy 118:16
miracles 0lyx has performed tdb( of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd The Right Hand hnymy
I shall live 0x0 but 0l0 I shall die twm0 & not 0lw 118:17
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd his works yhwdb( & I shall narrate 0(t$0w
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm has instructed me yndr the instructor 0drm 118:18

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

handed me over ynml$0 not 0l & to death 0twmlw

of righteousness 0twqydzd the gates 0(rt to me yl open xtp 118:19
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml & praise 0dw0w in them Nwhb that I shall enter lw(0d
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd his gate h(rt this is wnh 118:20
into it hb enter Nyl0( that the righteous ones 0qydzd
for you answered me yntyn(d you Kl I shall praise 0dw0 118:21
The Savior 0qwrp to me yl & you have been tywhw
has become twh that yh the builders 0ynb which rejected wyls0d the stone 0p0k 118:22
of the building 0nynbd the head h$yrl
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm before Mdq from Nm 118:23
in our eyes Nyny(b it is yh & a wonder 0trwmdtw this 0dh has been twh
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm that made db(d the day 0mwy this is wnh 118:24
in him hb & rejoice 0dxnw we will leap for joy cwdn come wt
Oh! w0 save me ynyqwrp LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm Oh! w0 118:25
deliver me yncp LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd in The Name hm$b he who comes 0t0d is wh blessed Kyrb 118:26
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the house htyb from Nm we have blessed you Nwknkrb
& bind rws0w to us Nl shine rhn0 our God Nhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 118:27
of the altar 0xbdmd the horns htnrql unto 0md( in chains 0tl$$b our feasts Nyd0(d(
my God yhl0 you Kl I shall confess 0dw0 you are tn0 my God yhl0 118:28
I shall praise you Kxb$0 you are tn0
he is wh because good b+d to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml Give thanks wdw0 118:29
his grace htwby+ & to eternity Ml(lw
those Nwn0 blemish Mwm without 0ldd to those Nyly0l their blessing Nwhybw+ Aleph 119:1
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd in The Torah hswmnb & they walk Nyklhmw in the way 0xrw0b
his testimony htwdhs who keep Nyr+nd to those Nyly0l their blessing Nwhybw+ 119:2
him hl they seek Ny(b their heart Nwhbl & with all hlkbw
in his ways htxrw0b & they have walked wklhw evil 0lw( they have done wdb( not 0l 119:3
your commandments Kyndqwp us to keep Nwr+nd you commanded tdqp you tn0 119:4
excellently ty0brwr
my ways ytxrw0 were fashioned Nnqtm but Nyd Oh that! Pwt$0 119:5
your commandments Kyndqwp that I would keep r+0d
I have kept tr+nd when 0m I shall be ashamed thb0 & not 0lw 119:6
your commandments Kyndqwp all of them Nwhlwk
of my heart ybld in his uprightness htwcyrtb you Kl I shall praise 0dw0 119:7
of your righteousness Ktwqydzd the judgments 0nyd I have learned tplyd when 0m
leave me ynyprt not 0l I have kept tr+n your commandments Kyndqwp 119:8
!to eternity Ml(l
his way hxrw0 a boy 0yl+ purifies 0kdm with What? 0nmb Beth 119:9
your commandments Kyndqwp to keep r+nd
lead me astray yny(+t not 0l I have sought you Ktbq( my heart ybl in all hlkb 119:10
your commandments Kyndqwp from Nm
your words Kylm I have hidden ty$+ in my heart yblb 119:11
to you Kl I shall sin 0+x0 that not 0ld
teach me ynypl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm you are tn0 blessed Kyrb 119:12
your commandments Kyndqwp
all Nwhlk I rehearsed tynt with my lips ytwpsb 119:13
of your righteousness Ktwqydzd the judgments 0nyd
I have loved tmxr of your testimonies Ktwdhsd The way 0xrw0l 119:14
riches 0rtw( all hlk than Nm more b+
& I have known t(dyw I have meditated tynr in your commandments Kyndqwpb 119:15
your ways Ktxrw0
I would forget 0(+0 that not 0ld I meditated tynr in your law Kswmnb 119:16

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

!your words Kylm

that I may live 0x0d your servant Kdb(l answer yn( Gimel 119:17
your words Kylm & I may keep r+0w
that I may see 0zx0d my eyes yny( open ylg 119:18
that are in your law Kswmnbd the wonders 0trmdt
from me ynm hide 0$+t not 0l with you Km( I am 0n0 an inhabitant 0rwm( 119:19
your commandments Kyndqwp
& has lusted tgrgrt0w my soul y$pn has desired tbc 119:20
always Nbzlkb for your judgments Kynydl
those Nyly0 them Nwn0 & they curse Ny+ylw the nations 0mm(b you rebuked ty0k 119:21
your commandments Kyndqwp from Nm that stray Ny(+d
the reproach 0dsx from me ynm take rb(0 119:22
your testimonies Ktwdhsd Lees 1816 edition: because of l+m /Ambros.: because lw+m
I have kept tr+n
they have been wwh & meditating Nynrw the evil 0lw( have been wwh sitting Nybty 119:23
I have been tywh meditating 0nr in your commandments Kyndqwpb & I 0n0w with me yb
!good 0tb+ & in your counsel Kty(rtbw I meditated tynr in your testimonies Ktwdhsb 119:24
give me life ynx0 to the dust 0rp(l my soul y$pn cleaved tpqn Daleth 119:25
your word Ktlm according to Ky0
& you answered me yntyn(w I have shown to you Ktywx my ways ytxrw0 119:26
your law Kswmn teach me ynypl0
show me ynwx of your commandments Kyndqwpd The way 0xrw0 119:27
on your wonders Ktrmdtb & I shall meditate 0nr0w
in thought 0ynrb my soul y$pn was troubled tpr+t0 119:28
your word Ktlm according to Ky0 give me life ynx0
from me ynm take rb(0 of the evil 0lw(d The way 0xrw0 119:29
teach me ynypl0 & your law Kswmnw
I have chosen tybg of your faithfulness Ktwnmyhd The way 0xrw0 119:30
I have desired tybc & your judgments Kynydbw
to your testimonies Ktwdhsl I have cleaved tpqn 119:31
put me to shame ynythbt not 0l LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
I have walked tklh of your commandments Kyndqwpd in The way 0xrw0b 119:32
!you have gladdened me yntydxd because l+m
The way 0xrw0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm teach me ynypl0 He 119:33
them Nwn0 & I shall keep r+0w of your commandments Kyndqwpd
your law Kswmn that I would keep r+0d make me understand ynylks 119:34
my heart ybl whole hlk from Nm & I shall keep it yhwyr+0w
of your commandments Kyndqwpd in the path 0lyb$b walk me ynyklh 119:35
I have delighted tybc in it hbd because l+m
.to fables 0ltml & not 0lw to your testimonies Ktwdhsl my heart ybl turn 0np0 119:36
they will see Nyzxn that not 0ld my eyes yny( take away rb(0 119:37
give me life ynx0 & in your way Ktxrw0bw falsehood 0twlgd
to your servant Kdb(l your word Ktlm confirm r$0 119:38
you Kl who fears lxdd
because l+m reproach 0dsx from me ynm take rb(0 119:39
are Nwn0 excellent Nyryp$ your judgments Kynydd
your commandments Kyndqwpb I have desired tybc 119:40
give me life ynx0 & in your righteousness Ktwqydzbw
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your mercies Kymxr upon me yl( they will come Nwt0n Waw 119:41
that you have spoken trm0d & your salvation Knqrwpw
to my reproacher yndsxml the answer 0mgtp & I shall give lt0w 119:42
I have trusted tlktt0d Lees 1816 edition: because l+m /Ambros.:because lw+m
your word Kylm upon l(
the word 0tlm my mouth ymwp from Nm will cease dn(t not 0l 119:43
I have waited tyks for your judgments Kynydld because l+m of truth 0t$wqd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

eternities Nyml( to eternity Ml(l your law Kswmn I shall keep r+0 119:44
Lee: in an open space 0txwrb /Ambros.: in an open space 0txwr0b & I shall walk Klh0w 119:45
I have desired tybc your commandments Kyndqwpbd because l+m
in front of Mdq in righteousness 0twqydzb I shall speak llm0 119:46
I shall be ashamed thb0 & not 0lw Kings 0klm
which I have loved tmxrd your commandments Kyndqwpb I shall meditate upon 0nr0w 119:47
your commandments Kyndqwp to twl my hands ydy0 & I shall lift Myr0w 119:48
in them Nwhb & I shall meditate 0nr0w which I have loved tmxrd
in your faith Ktwnmyhb & I shall be glorified xbt$0w in your commandments Kyndqwpb
to your servant Kdb(l your word Ktlm remember dh( Zayin 119:49
which I trusted yhytlkt0d that is yh
in my affliction ykkwmb I have been comforted ty0ybt0 & in it hbw 119:50
has given me life ynyx0 your word Krm0md because l+m
your law Kswmn & from Nmw have afflicted me ynwcl0 the evil 0lw( 119:51
I have turned aside ty+s not 0l
which from Nmd LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your judgments Kynyd I have remembered trkdt0 119:52
& they have been wwhw & I have been comforted ty0ybt0w eternity Ml(
for instruction 0twdrml to me yl
sinners 0y+x from Nm has seized me yntdx0 sadness 0twrymk 119:53
your law Kswmn who have forsaken wqb$d
your commandments Kyndqwp to me yl have been wwh a song 0trymz 119:54
of my pilgrimage ytwbtwt in the house tyb
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your Name Km$ in the night 0yllb I have remembered tdh( 119:55
your law Kswmn & I have kept tr+nw
because l+m & I am comforted ty0ybt0w 119:56
!your commandments Kyndqwp I have kept tr+nd
I have meditated tynr of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd in the volume htwglpb Kheth 119:57
your commandments Kyndqwp that I would keep r+0d
whole hlk from Nm for your faces Kyp0l I have waited tyks 119:58
your word Ktlm according to Ky0 give me life ynx0 my heart ybl
& I turned tkph0w my ways ytxrw0 I considered tb$xt0 119:59
to your steps Kylyb$l my feet ylgr
I delayed trxwt$0 & not 0lw I have prepared tby+t0 119:60
your commandments Kyndqwp that I would keep r+0d
your law Kswmn & from Nmw entangled me ynwlzr( of the evil 0lw(d the cords 0lbx 119:61
I have turned aside ty+s not 0l
for l( you Kl to thank 0dw0d I stood tmq of the night 0ylld in the middle hglpb 119:62
righteous 0qydz your judgments Kynyd
of all Nwhlkd I am 0n0 a friend 0mxr 119:63
your commandments Kyndqwp who keep Nyr+nd & of those Nyly0dw your worshippers Kylxd
the Earth 0(r0 fill 0ylm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your mercies Kymxr 119:64
your commandments Kyndqwp teach me ynypl0
your servant Kdb( with M( do db( good 0tb+ Teth 119:65
you have said trm0d as Ky0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
because l+m teach me ynypl0 & knowledge 0(dmw & favor 0twby+w experience 0m(+ 119:66
in your commandments Kyndqwpb I have believed tnmyhd
I believed tnmyh I had been humbled tkkmt0 before 0ld( 119:67
. I have kept tr+n & your word Krm0mw
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm you are tn0 good b+ 119:68
your commandments Kyndqwp teach me ynypl0 & are doing good b0+mw
& I 0n0w of the proud 0nrhb$d the evil 0lw( is multiplied ygs 119:69
your commandments Kyndqwp I have kept tr+n my heart ybl with all hlkb
& I 0n0w milk 0blx like Ky0 their heart Nwhbl is curdled Nbgt0 119:70
your law Kswmn I have kept tr+n
to learn Pl0d that I have been humbled tkkmt0d for me yl good b+ 119:71

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

your commandments Kyndqwp

of your mouth Kmwpd The Law hswmn to me yl is better b0+ 119:72
& of silver 0m0sdw of gold 0bhdd thousands 0pl0 than Nm
& have restored me ynnqt0w have made me yndb( your hands Kydy0 Yodh 119:73
your law Kswmn teach me ynypl0
& they will rejoice Nwdxnw your worshipers Kylxd for will see Nwzxnd 119:74
I have hoped trbs that for your word Ktlmld & they shall know Nw(dnw
your judgments Kynyd are Nwn0 that right Nyqydzd I have known t(dy 119:75
has humbled me yntkkm & your faithfulness Ktwnmyhw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
for my comfort y0ywbl your mercies Kymxr shall be Nwwhn 119:76
to your servant Kdb(l you have said trm0d as Ky0
& I shall live 0x0w your mercies Kymxr upon me yl( let come Nwt0n 119:77
I have been taught tplyt0 in your law Kswmnbd Lee: because l+m / Ambros.because lw+m
they humbled me ynwkkm for by evil 0lw(bd the evil 0lw( shall be ashamed Nwthbn 119:78
in your commandments Kyndqwpb I meditated tynr & I 0n0w
your worshipers Kylxd to me ytwl will turn Nwnptn 119:79
your testimonies Ktwdhs who know Ny(dyd & those Nyly0w
in your commandments Kyndqwpb my heart ybl will meditate 0nrn 119:80
.!I shall be ashamed thb0 & not 0lw
for your salvation Knqrwpl my soul y$pn has lusted tgr Kaph 119:81
I have hoped trbs & for your word Ktlmlw
when? ytm0d your word Krm0ml my eyes yny( look for yks 119:82
will you comfort me yny0ybt
in a frost 0dylg0b a wineskin 0qz like Ky0 I have been tywhd because l+m 119:83
I have forgotten ty(+ not 0l & your commandments Kyndqwpw
& when? ytm0w of your servant Kdb(d the days htmwy are Nwn0 How many? 0mk 119:84
my persecutors ypwdr from Nm justice 0nyd for me yl you tn0 will perform db(
the evil 0lw( a ditch 0cmwg for me yl they have dug wrpx 119:85
your law Kswmn from Nm which not 0ld
are faithful Nynmyhm your commandments Kyndqwp all Nwhlk 119:86
pursue me ynwpdr & the evil 0lw(w
in the Earth 0(r0b me yl they had wwh destroyed Nydbwm a bit lylq in d( 119:87
your commandments Kyndqwp I have forsaken tqb$ not 0l & I 0n0w
that I may keep r+0d give me life ynx0 your kindnesses Kymxr according to Ky0 119:88
of your mouth Kmwpd the testimony htwdhs
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm are wh you tn0 to eternity Ml(l Lamed 119:89
in Heaven 0ym$b stands 0myq & your word Ktlmw
your faithfulness Ktwnmyh & for a generation of generations Nyrdrdlw 119:90
& established it htmyq0w Earth 0(r0 you fashioned tnqt
the meditation 0ynr to me yl had been 0whd your law Kswmn not 0l if wl0 119:92
in my affliction ykkwmb I had been tywh I would perish db0
your commandments Kyndqwp I shall forget 0(+0 not 0l to eternity Ml(l 119:93
my lives yyx are Nwn0 in them Nwhbd because l+m
your commandments Kyndqwpd because l+m save me yncp I am 0n0 yours Klyd 119:94
. I have kept tr+n
to destroy me ynnwdbwnd the evil 0lw( they lay wait wyks against me yl( 119:95
I understand tlkts0 & your testimonies Ktwdhsw
I have seen tyzx the end 0pws of all lkl 119:96
!your commandment Kndqwp enlarged xywr & greatly b+w the end 0cq
day 0mwy & all hlwkw your law Kswmn I have loved tmxr how! 0m Mem 119:97
my meditation yynr it is wywh
my enemies ybbdl(b than Nm make me wiser ynymkx 119:98
I have kept tr+n your commandments Kyndqwpd because l+m
educate me ynylks my teachers ynplm all Nwhlk more than Nm 119:99
meditation 0ynr to me yl have been twh your testimonies Ktwdhsd because l+m

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

I understand tlkts0 the Elders 0$y$q than Nm more ryty 119:100

I have kept tr+n your commandments Kyndqwpd because l+m
I have restrained tylk evil 0t$yb way 0xrw0 every hlk from Nm 119:101
your commandments Kyndqwp that I would keep r+0d my feet ylgr
I have departed ty+s not 0l your judgments Kynyd from Nm 119:102
have taught me yntpl0 you tn0d because l+m
better b+ of my palate ykx to the roof ym$l your words Kylm sweet Nylx 119:103
to my mouth 0mwpl honey 0$bd than Nm
this 0nh because of l+m I meditated tynr in your commandments Kyndqwpb 119:104
!evil 0lw(d way 0xrw0 every hlwk I have hated tyns
to my feet ylgrl your word Ktlm is yh a lamp 0gr$ Nun 119:105
to my path ylyb$l & a light 0rhwnw
& I was steadfast tr$0w I have sworn tymy0 119:106
of your righteousness Ktwqydzd the judgments 0nyd that I would keep r+0d
give me life ynx0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm greatly ty0brwr I have been humbled tkkmt0 119:107
your word Ktlm according to Ky0
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm be pleased ybc of my mouth ymwpd with the words yhwlmb 119:108
teach me ynypl0 your judgments Kynyd & from Nmw
& your law Kswmnw always Nbzlkb is yh in your hands Kydy0b my soul y$pn 119:109
I have forgotten ty(+ not 0l
snares 0xp sinners 0y+x for me yl they set wms 119:110
I have departed ty+s not 0l your commandments Kyndqwp & from Nmw
therefore l+m to eternity Ml(l your testimonies Ktwdhs I have inherited ttry 119:111
of my heart ybld is yh gladness 0mswbd
to do db(0d my heart ybl I have inclined tynp0 119:112
! in truth 0rr$b to eternity Ml(l your commandments Kyndqwp
I have loved tmxr & your law Kswmnw the evil 0lw(l I have hated tyns Samekh 119:113
are wh you tn0 of my refuge yswg & the house tybw my shelter yrts 119:114
I have hoped trbs & for your word Ktlmlw
that I may keep r+0d evil ones 0lw( from me ynm depart wrb( 119:115
of my God yhl0d his commandments yhwndqwp
& not 0lw & I shall live 0x0w in your word Ktlmb lead me ynyr$0 119:116
my hope yrbs of Nm you will disappoint me ynythbt
& I shall be taught Plyt0w & I shall be saved qrpt0w help me yny(ys 119:117
always Nbzlkb in your commandments Kyndqwpb
who stray Ny(+d all lkl you have rejected tyls0 119:118
their meditation Nwhynr is wh evil 0lw(d because l+m from you Knm
& I shall meditate 0nr0w & I shall be saved qrpt0w sustain me ynykms 119:119
in your commandments Kyndqwpb time Nbz at every lwkb
your awe Ktlxd from Nm my flesh yrsb order dwpq 119:120
!I am afraid tlxd your judgments Kynyd & of Nmw
& righteousness 0twqydzw judgment 0nyd he does db( Ayin 119:121
of my oppressors ymwl+d in the hand 0dy0b leave me ynyqwb$t not 0l
& not 0lw in goodness 0tb+b your servant Kdb(l delight him yhymsb 119:122
the proud 0nrhb$ let slander me ynnwq$(n
& the word 0rm0mlw your salvation Knqrwpl look for yks my eyes yny( 119:123
of your righteousness Ktwqydzd
your mercies Kymxr according to Ky0 to your servant Kdb(l do db( 119:124
your law Kswmn & teach me ynypl0w
give me understanding ynylks I am 0n0 your servant Kdb( 119:125
your testimonies Ktwdhs & I shall know (d0w
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml to serve hxlpml it is wh the time 0nbz 119:126
your law Kswmn they have cancelled wl+b & now 0hw
your commandments Kyndqwp I have loved tmxr this 0nh because of l+m 119:127
precious 0tb+ stones 0p0k than Nm & more b+w gold 0bhd than Nm more b+

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& all hlkw I have loved tmxr your commandments Kyndqwp all Nwhlk 119:128
!I have hated tyns of the evil 0lw(d the way 0xrw0
this 0nh because of l+m your testimonies Ktwrhs are Nyn0 great Nbrwr Pe 119:129
my soul y$pn them Nyn0 has kept tr+n
& give understanding lksw & shine rhn0w your word Ktlm open xtp 119:130
to young children 0rb$l
& I inhaled tqsw I opened txtp my mouth ymwp 119:131
your command Knqrwpl & I have awaited tyksw The Spirit 0xwr
upon me yl( & show mercy Mxrw to me yl( return Npt0 119:132
your Name Km$ I have loved tmxrd Lees 1816 edition: because l+m /Ambros.: because lw+m
in your paths Kylyb$b my goings ytklh prepare Nqt0 119:133
evil 0lw( over me yb let rule +lt$n & not 0lw
of man 0$nrbd the injustice hymwl+ from Nm save me ynyqwrp 119:134
your commandments Kyndqwp that I may keep r+0d
your servant Kdb( upon l( your faces Kyp0 shine rhn0 119:135
your law Kswmn & teach me ynypl0w
my eyes yny( from Nm ran wt0 of waters 0ymd streams 0pt 119:136
!your law Kswmn they kept wr+n not 0ld for l(
& greatly b+w LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm you are tn0 righteous qydz Tsadhe 119:137
of your law Kswmn your judgments Kynyd are upright Nycyrt
in righteousness 0twqydzb your testimonies Ktwdhs you commanded tdqp 119:138
& in faithfulness 0twnmyhbw
because l+m always Nbzlkb zeal 0msx has tormented me ynqn$ 119:139
your enemies Kybbdl(b your word Ktlm they have forgotten w(+d
your word Ktlm is yh chosen 0ybg 119:140
has loved it hmxr & your servant Kdb(w good b+
Lees 1816 edition: I 0n0 / & despised +y$w I am 0n0 small rw(z 119:141
I have forgotten ty(+ not 0l & your commandments Kyndqwpw
to eternity Ml(l stands 0myq your righteousness Ktwqydz 119:142
in the truth 0rr$b & your law Kswmnw
have befallen me ynwy+m & trouble 0tq(w affliction 0nclw0 119:143
I meditated tynr & in your commandments Kyndqwpbw
to eternity Ml(l your testimony Ktwdhs is yh righteous 0qydz 119:144
!& I shall live 0x0w educate me ynylks
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm my heart ybl whole hlk from Nm I called on you Ktyrq Qoph 119:145
your commandments Kyndqwp & I shall keep r+0w answer me ynyn(
your testimonies Ktwdhs & I shall keep r+0w save me ynyqwrp I called upon you Ktyrq 119:146
for your word Ktlml & I waited tyksw & I cried ty(gw dawn 0rpcb I preceded tmdq 119:147
a watch 0tr+ml my eyes yny( is in front of Mdq 119:148
in your word Ktlmb that I shall meditate 0nr0d
according to Ky0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm my voice ylq hear (m$ 119:149
I shall live ynx0 & in your judgments Kynydbw your mercies Kymxr
evil 0lw(d my persecutors ypwdr approached wbrq 119:150
they are far wqxrt0 your law Kswmn & from Nmw
& all Nwhlkw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm you are tn0 near byrq 119:151
in the truth 0t$wqb your commandments Kyndqwp
your testimony Ktwdhs I have known t(dy the first Mydq from Nm 119:152
!you have established it htnqt eternity Ml( from Nmd because l+m
because l+m & save me yncpw my affliction ykkwm see yzx Resh 119:153
I have forgotten ty(+ not 0l your law Kswmnd
give me life ynx0 & in your word Ktlmbw & save me yncpw my judgment ynyd judge Nwd 119:154
because l+m the evil ones 0lw( from Nm salvation 0nqrwp is wh far qyxr 119:155
your commandments Kyndqwp they sought w(b not 0ld
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your mercies Kymxr are Nwn0 many Ny0ygs 119:156
give me life ynx0 & in your judgment Kynydbw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& my enemies ybbdl(bw my persecutors ypwdr have increased wygs 119:157

I have departed ty+s not 0l your testimonies Ktwdhs & from Nmw
& I have known t(dyw the evil ones 0lw(l I have seen tyzx 119:158
they have kept wr+n not 0l that your word Krm0md
your commandments Kyndqwp that I have loved tmxrd see yzx 119:159
give me life ynx0 in your kindness Ktwby+b LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
The Truth 0t$wq of your Word Ktlm The Origin $yr 119:160
.!of your righteousness Ktwqydzd the judgments 0nyd all Nwhlk & to eternity Ml(lw
& of Nmw in vain ty0qyrs pursue me ynwpdr princes 0nbrwr Shin 119:161
my heart ybl is in awe lxd your word Ktlm
who finds xk$0d he wh like Ky0 in your word Krm0mb I am gladdened tydx 119:162
much 0t0ygs loot 0tzb
& your law Kswmnw & I have despised tyls0w I have hated tyns evil 0lw( 119:163
I have loved tmxr
have I praised you Ktxb$ in a day 0mwyb seven times (b$ 119:164
righteous 0qydz your judgments Kynyd for l(
who love Nymxrd of those Nyly0d the peace 0ml$ is wh great ygs 119:165
sickness 0twhyrk to them Nwhl & there is not tylw your law Kswmn
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm for your salvation Knqrwpl I have hoped trbs 119:166
I have done tdb( & your commandments Kyndqwpw
your testimony Ktwdhs my soul y$pn has kept tr+n 119:167
greatly ty0brwr & I have loved it htmxrw
& your testimonies Ktwdhsw your commandments Kyndqwp I have kept tr+n 119:168
!are before you Klbwql my ways ytxrw0 & all these Nyhlkw
before you Kymdq my praise ytxwb$t will enter lw(t Tau 119:169
give me life ynx0 & in your word Ktlmbw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm before you Kymdq my prayer ytw(b will enter lw(t 119:170
save me yncp & in your word Ktlmbw

verses 171 & 172 are in reversed order, compared to Hebrew mss. This is true in Lees edition and Ambrosianus.
all Nwhlkd because l+m your word Krm0m my tongue yn$l will request (bn 119:171
in righteousness 0twqydzb your commandments Kyndqwp
when dk your praises* Ktxb$t my lips ytwps will speak Nllmn 119:172
your commandments Kyndqwp you teach me ynyplt
I have desired tybcd because l+m your hand Kdy0 will help me ynrd(t 119:173
your commandments Kyndqwpb
for your salvation Knqrwpl my soul y$pn has waited tyks 119:174
I have meditated tynr & in your law Kswmnbw
& your glory Kxb$tw my soul y$pn shall live 0xt 119:175
will help me ynrd(n that wh & your judgment Knydw
a sheep 0br( like Ky0 I have strayed ty(+t0 119:176
your servant Kdb(l seek him yhwy(b lost 0dyb0
not 0l your commandments Kyndqwpd because l+m
I have forgotten ty(+

& He answered me ynn(w I cried tyrq in my suffering ynclw0b to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml 120:1
my soul y$pnl & he saved it hcpw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 120:2
of the evil 0lw(d the lips 0twps from Nm
deceitful 0ntlwkn the tongue 0n$l & from Nmw
to you Kl will we give Nwltn what? 0nm 120:3
tongue 0n$l to you Kl will we add Nwpswn & What? 0nmw
deceitful 0ntlwkn
sharp Nynyn$ of a mighty man 0rbgd his arrows yhwr0g 120:4
of oak 0+wlbd burning coals 0rmwg like Ky0
is long trg0 that my pilgrimage ytwbtwtd to me yl woe yw 120:5
of Qedar rdqd in a tent 0nk$mb & I have dwelt tyr$w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

my soul y$pn has dwelt trm( the greater part 00gws 120:6
peace 0ml$ who hate Nynsd those Nyly0 with M(
& those Nwnhw I have been tywh speaking llmm peace 0ml$ & I 0n0w 120:7
with me ym( they have been wwh fighting Ny$tktm
from where? 0kmy0 to the hills 0rw+l my eyes yny( I shall lift Myr0 121:1
my helper ynrd(m will come 0t0n
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm in front of Mdq from Nm my help ynrdw( 121:2
& the Earth 0(r0w Heaven 0ym$ who made db(d he wh
to shake 0t(wzl your foot Klgr he will give ltn not 0l 121:3
he will keep you Krw+n he will slumber Mwnn & not 0lw
sleeps Kmd & not 0lw he slumbers M0n for ryg not 0l 121:4
of Israel lyrsy0d the keeper hrw+n
your keeper Krw+n is wh LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 121:5
will give l+n LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
of the right 0nymyd in his hand hdy0b to you Kl
also P0 will smite you Kykn not 0l the sun 0$m$ in the day 0mmy0b 121:6
at night 0yllb the moon 0rhs not 0l
all these Nyhlk from Nm will keep you Kr+nn LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 121:7
your soul K$pn he will keep r+n evils 0t$yb
& your entering Kl(mw your exiting Kqpm will keep r+n LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 121:8
to eternity Ml(l & until 0md(w from now lykm
to me yl they were wwh saying Nyrm0 when dk I was gladdened tydx 122:1
we are going Nnylz0 of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd to the house htybl
my feet ylgr had been ywh standing Nmyq 122:2
Jerusalem Ml$rw0 inside your gates yky(rtb
a city 0tnydm like Ky0 a building 0tynbm Jerusalem Ml$rw0 122:3
. a wall 0rw$ to it hl that is surrounded Kyrkd
the tribes 0tbr$ they went up wqls there Nmtl 122:4
to Israel lyrsy0l a testimony 0twdhs of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the tribes htbr$
thrones 0twsrwk they set up wymr0 there Nmtd because l+m 122:5
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the Name hm$l to thank wydwml for judgment 0nydl
of Daweed dywd of the house tybd thrones 0twsrwk
of Jerusalem Ml$rw0d the peace hml$b invoke wl0$ 122:6
your friends ykymxr prosperous Nynyhk shall be Nwwhn
in your power yklyxb peace 0ml$ there will be 0whn 122:7
within your walls yktrxsb & prosperity 0twnyhkw
I shall speak llm0 & my friends ymxrw my brothers yx0 because of l+m 122:8
peace 0ml$ upon you ykyl(
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the house htyb because of l+m 122:9
for your good yktb+b I shall seek 0(b0 our God Nhl0
of Heaven 0ym$d dweller 0rwm( my eyes yny( I have lifted tmyr0 to you Ktwl 123:1
& like Ky0w their masters Nwhyrm to twl of servants 0db( the eyes yny( as Ky0 123:2
our eyes Nyny( so Nkh her mistress htrm to twl of an handmaiden 0tm0d the eyes hyny(
upon us Nyl( you have mercy Mxrtd until 0md( our God Nhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to you Ktwl
upon us Nyl( show mercy Mxr LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm upon us Nyl( show mercy Mxr 123:3
/Ambros.:of madness 0twy+$d of the multitude 00gwsd because l+m
we have heard Nn(m$ Lees 1816 edition:of contempt 0tw+y$d
with mockery 0qywm our soul N$pn has filled t(bs & the multitude 00gwsw 123:4
Lees 1816 edition: & contempt 0tw+y$w / Ambros.: & madness 0twy+$w of mockers 0nxzbmd
of the proud 0nrhb$d
for us Nl who stood Mqd LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm not 0l if wl0 124:1
Israel lyrsy0 shall say rm0n

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

for us Nl who stood Mqd LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm not 0l for if it was wl0d 124:2
children of men 0$nynb against us Nyl( stood up wmq when dk
& when dkw us Nl they had wwh swallowed Ny(lb alive tyx 124:3
upon us Nyl( their rage Nwhzgwr was provoked tmxt0
the stream 0tlgr0 us Nl would have wwh overwhelmed Ny(b+m waters 0ymb 124:4
our soul N$pn over l( had passed trb(
our soul N$pn over l( passed wrb( many 00ygs & waters 0ymw 124:5
has given us Nbhy who not 0ld LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh blessed Kyrb 124:6
for their teeth Nwhyn$l food 0tlwk0m
a snare 0xp from Nm escaped t+lpt0 a sparrow 0rpc like Ky0 our soul N$pn 124:7
were delivered Nycpt0 & we Nnxw was broken rbtt0 the snare 0xp of prey 0dycd
who made db(d is wh of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd in his name hm$b & our help Nnrdw(w 124:8
& Earth 0(r0w Heaven 0ym$
in the mountain 0rw+b in LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmb who hope Nyrbsmd those Nyly0 125:1
will dwell Nwbtn to eternity Ml(l but 0l0 will be moved Nw(wzn not 0l of Zion Nwyhcd
& LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmw it hl surround Nykyrk the mountains 0rw+ Jerusalem Ml$rw0 125:2
eternity Ml(l & until 0md(w from now on lykm his people hm(l surrounds Kyrk
of the evil 0lw(d the sceptre 0+b$ will rest xynttn not 0ld because l+m 125:3
will reach Nw+$wn & not 0lw of the righteous ones 0qydzd on the portion 0tnmb
into evil 0lw(b their hands Nwhydy0 the righteous ones 0qydz
to the good 0b+l LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm do good b0+0 125:4
in their heart Nwhblb who are right Nycyrtd those Nyly0l
their paths Nwhylyb$ who pervert Nymq(md & those Nyly0w 125:5
evil 0lw( workers of ydb( with M( LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm them Nwn0 will lead rbdn
Lee: to Israel ly0rsy0l / Ambrose: to Israel lyrsy0l peace 0ml$
of Zion Nwyhcd the captivity 0tyb$ LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm reverses 0npm when dk 126:1
who rejoice Nydxd those Nwnh like Ky0 we will be Nywh
& our tongue Nn$lw laughter 0kxwg our mouth Nmwp will fill 0lmtn then Nydyh 126:2
of the Gentiles 0mm( in the place tyb they will say Nwrm0n then Nydyh praise 0txwb$t
these Nylh with M( works db(ml LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm greatly ygs0d
works db(ml LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm greatly ygs0 126:3
in joy 0twdxb & we are Nywhw for us Nl
like Ky0 our captivity Ntyb$ LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm return Kph0 126:4
of the south 0nmytbd the streams 0dycp
will reap Nwdcxn in joy 0twdxb in tears 0t(mdb who sow Ny(rzd those Nyly0 126:5
he who 0ny0 & weeping 0kbw walking Klhm they walked wklhm 126:6
such 0ny0 in joy 0twdxb comes 0t0 coming 0t0m the seed 0(rz who carries lyq$d
sheaves 0pk who carry lyq$d
a house 0tyb builds 0nb not 0l LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm if N0 127:1
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & if N0w its builders yhwynb they labor Ny0l worthlessly ty0qyrs
its keepers hyrw+n wake up Nyrh$ worthlessly ty0qyrs the city 0tyrq keeps r+n not 0l
rise Mqml who early Nymdqmd those Nyly0 are Nwn0 worthless Nyqyrs 127:2
in sorrows 0b0kb bread 0mxl eating ylk0 sit btml & late Nyrxwmw
sleep 0tn$ his beloved ones yhwbybxl he will give ltn so Nkh
are Nwn0 children 0ynb of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd for ryg his inheritance htwtry 127:3
Lee:of the womb 0(brmd / Ambros.: that in the womb 0(brmbd of fruits 0r0pd a reward 0rg0
of a warrior 0ntlyxd in the hand hdy0b the arrow 0r0g like Ky0 127:4
the youth 0twmyl( the children of ynb are Nwn0 so Nkh
his quiver hqr+q who will fill 0lmnd to the man 0rbgl his blessing yhwbw+ 127:5
speaking Nyllmm when dk they will be ashamed Nwthbn & not 0lw with them Nwhnm
in the gate 0(rtb the enemy 0bbdl(b with M(
of Nm who is in awe lxdd to everyone lkl his blessing yhwbw+ 128:1

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

in his steps yhwlyb$b & walks Klhmw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm

you will eat lwk0t when dk of your hands Kydy0d the toil 0lm( 128:2
to your soul K$pnl & goodness 0tb+w happy are you Kybw+ O son of man 0$nrb
glorious 0txyb$ a vine 0tpg like Ky0 your wife Kttn0 128:3
of your house Ktyb on the outsides ylwp$b
of olive trees 0tyzd plants 0tbcn like Ky0 your children Kynb
your table Krwtpl they go around Nykyrk
who is in awe lxdd a man 0rbg will be blessed Krbtn so Nkh 128:4
Zion Nwyhc from Nm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm will bless you Kkrbn 128:5
of Jerusalem Ml$rw0d the good htb+b & you shall see 0zxtw
of your lives Kyyx the days ymwy all lk
to your children Kynbl the children 0ynb & you shall see 0zxtw 128:6
Israel ly0rsy0 upon l( & peace 0ml$w
my youth ytwyl+ from Nm my torturers ycwl0 have increased wygs 129:1
Israel lyrsy0 will say rm0n
my youth ytwyl+ from Nm my torturers ycwl0 have increased wygsd 129:2
my power ylyx they prevailed over wycmt0 & not 0lw
scourgers dgn they scourged wdgn my back ycx upon l( 129:3
their affliction Nwhkkwm & prolonged wrg0w
& cuts off x$pmw is righteous qydz LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 129:4
of the evil ones 0lw(d their expectations Nwhykws
all of them Nwhlk their backside Nwhrtsbl they shall turn Nwkphn 129:5
. of Zion Nwyhcd the haters hy0ns
of the rooftop 0rg0d the grass 0rym( like Ky0 shall be Nwwhn 129:6
it pulls out Pl$ the wind 0xwr on it hb has blown tb$nd that when 0md
& dries up $byw
also P0 the reaper 0dwcx his palm hpk from it hnm he fills 0lm & not 0lw 129:7
the binder of sheaves 0nrbqm strips it hlpq not 0l
his blessing htkrwbd who pass through Nyrb(d those Nyly0 said wrm0 & not 0lw 129:8
we have blessed you Nwknkrb upon you Nwkyl( of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd in his name hm$b
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm I called you Ktyrq the deep 0qmw( from Nm 130:1
your ears Kynyd0 shall be Nywhn my voice ylqb & you heard t(m$w 130:2
of my supplication yp$wkd to the voice 0lql listening to us Ntyc
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm you tn0 keep r+n sins 0h+x if N0 130:3
to stand Mqml able xk$m who is? wnm
forgiveness 0nqbw$ is wh your presence Ktwl from Nmd because l+m 130:4
& waited tyksw in LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmb I have hoped trbs 130:5
for his word htlml my soul y$pn
the watch 0tr+m from Nm for LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml I have waited tyks 130:6
of the morning 0rpcd the watch 0tr+ml & unto 0md(w of dawn 0rpcd
because l+m LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml Israel lyrsy0 let expect 0ksn 130:7
compassions 0mxr are Nwn0 his presence htwl from Nmd
salvation 0nqrwp in his presence htwl & is great ygsw
his evil hlw( all hlk from Nm Israel lyrsy0l will save him yhwyqrpn & he whw 130:8
my heart ybl is lifted up Myrtt0 not 0l LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 131:1
& not 0lw my eyes yny( were lifted up Myrtt0 & not 0lw
than I ynm in things greater Nbrwrdb I have walked tklh
one weaned 0lysx like Ky0 my soul y$pn was humbled tkkm but 0l0 131:2
is twh one weaned 0lysx & like Ky0w his mother hm0 of l(
my soul y$pn of me yl(
from now lykm for LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml Israel lyrsy0 let hope 0ksn 131:3

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

eternity Ml(l & until 0md(w

Daweed dywdl LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm remember rkdt0 132:1
his affliction hkkwm & all hlklw
& vowed rdnw to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml for he swore 0myd 132:2
of Yaqob bwq(yd to the God hhl0l
of my house ytybd to the roof hll+ml I shall enter lw(0 not 0ld 132:3
of my bed ysr(d to the mattress htyw$tl I shall ascend qs0 & not 0lw
to my eyes yny(l sleep 0tn$ I shall give lt0 & not 0lw 132:4
to my eyebrows ynybgl slumber 0tmwn not 0l also P0
for LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml a place 0rt0 that I shall find xk$0d until 0md( 132:5
of Yaqob bwq(yd for The God hhl0l & a tent 0nk$mw
in Ephrata 0trp0b we heard it hn(m$ behold 0h 132:6
in the fields 0tlqxb & we found it hnxk$0w
& we shall worship dwgsnw his tabernacle hnk$ml we shall enter lw(n 132:7
of his feet yhwlgrd at the stool 0$bwkl
you tn0 to your rest Ktxynl LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm arise Mwq 132:8
of your might Kn$w(d & the ark 0twbqw
righteousness 0twqydz will wear Nw$bln your priests Kynhk 132:9
glory 0xbw$ & your righteous ones Kyqydzw
your servant Kdb( Daweed dywd because of l+m 132:10
of your Anointed Kxy$md his faces yhwp0 turn away Kpht not 0l
to Daweed dywdl LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm has sworn 0my 132:11
he will turn Kwphn & not 0lw in truth 0rr$b
your loins Ksrk the fruits of yr0p someone from Nmd from it hnm
your throne Kysrwk upon l( I shall set btw0
testimony 0twdhs my covenant ymyq your sons Kynb they will keep Nwr+n if N0 132:12
their children Nwhynb some of Nm also P0 them Nwhl I 0n0 that teach Plmd this 0dh
your throne Kysrwk upon l( of eternities Nyml( to eternity Ml(l will dwell Nwbtn
in Zion Nwyhcb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm pleased 0bcd because l+m 132:13
dwelling 0rm(m an house tybl it hl & chose hbgw
here 0krh eternities Nyml( to eternity Ml(l my rest ytxyn is yh this 0dh 132:14
I desired it htgrd because l+m I shall sit bt0
& her poor ones hynksmlw I shall bless Krb0 & her game hydyclw 132:15
with bread 0mxl I shall satisfy (bs0
I shall clothe with $bl0 her priests hyrmwkl 132:16
in glory 0xbw$ & her righteous ones hyqydzlw salvation 0nqrwp
of Daweed dywdl the trumpet 0nrq I shall make shine xnd0 there Nmt 132:17
for his anointed hxy$ml the lamp 0gr$ & I will shine rhn0w
in shame 0tthb I shall clothe $bl0 & his enemies yhwbbdl(blw 132:18
my holiness y$dwq will flourish 0p(n & upon him yhwl(w
beautiful ryp$ & how 0mw good b+ how 0m 133:1
one 0dx as Ky0 they dwell Nyrm(d when 0m for brothers 0x0l
the head 0$yr upon l( descends txnd oil 0x$m like Ky0 133:2
that descends txnd of Aaron Nwrh0d the beard hnqd the beard 0nqd & upon l(w
of his garment hnytwkd the collar 0rwc rb upon l(
of Hermon Nwmrxd Lees 1816 edition: the dew 0l0+ / Ambros.: the dew 0l+ like Ky0 133:3
there Nmtd because l+m of Zion Nwyhcd the mountain 0rw+ upon l( that descends] txnd
& the life 0yxw blessing 0tkrwb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm commanded dqp
eternity Ml(l unto 0md(
his servants yhwdb( all you Nwklk LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml bless wkrb 134:1
in his house htybb who stand Nymyqd those Nyly0 of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd
in the nights 0twlylb of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd of his house htybd & in the courts 0rdbw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to holiness 0$dwql your hands Nwkydy0 lift up wmyr0 134:2

LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml & bless wkrbw
. Zion Nwyhc from Nm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm he will bless you Kkrbn 134:3
& Earth 0(r0w Heaven 0ym$ who made db(d he wh
praise wxb$ of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the Name hm$l praise wxb$ 135:1
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the servants yhwdb(
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd in the house htybb who stand Nymyqd those Nyly0 135:2
of our God Nhl0d of his house htybd & in the courts 0rdbw
he is wh good b+d because l+m LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml praise wxb$ 135:3
it is wh sweet Mysbd because l+m to his Name hm$l sing wrmz
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to himself hl he has chosen 0bg Yaqob bwq(yld because l+m 135:4
for his congregation h$nkl Lee: & Israel lyrsy0lw / Ambros.: & Israel lyrsy0w
is wh that greater brd I 0n0 know (dy I 0n0d because l+m 135:5
gods 0hl0 all Nwhlk than Nm our Lord Nrm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
he does db( LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm that pleases 0bcd & all lkw 135:6
& in the seas 0mmybw & in Earth 0(r0bw in Heaven 0ym$b
the depths 0mwht & in all Nwhlkbw
of the land 0(r0d the ends hypws from Nm clouds 0nn( he brings up qsm 135:7
he will bring forth qpm he made db( for the rain 0r+ml & lightnings 0qrbw
storehouses 0rcw0 from Nm the winds 0xwr
of Egypt Nyrcmd the first born ones 0rkwbl for he struck 0xmd 135:8
the animals 0ry(bl & unto 0md(w of men 0$n0 the children ynb from Nm
within it hwgl & his wonders htrmdtw his signs htwt0 he sent rd$ 135:9
Pharoah Nw(rp upon l( mighty 0ny$( of Egypt Nyrcmd
his servants yhwdb( all Nwhlk & upon l(w
Kings 0klm & killed l+qw many 00ygs peoples 0mm(l who struck 0xmd 135:10
& Og gw(lw of the Amorites 0yrwm0d King 0klm Sihon Nwxysl 135:11
. of Canaan N(nkd the kingdoms 0twklm & all these Nyhlklw of Bayshan N$ybd King 0klm
Ambros.: an inheritance 0ntrwy / Lee 1816 : an inheritance 0twtry their land Nwh(r0 he gave bhy 135:12
his people hm( to Israel lyrsy0l
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to eternity Ml(l your Name Km$ LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 135:13
for a generation of generations Nyrdrdl your remembrance Knrkwd
his people hm(l LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm judges N0dd because l+m 135:14
is comforted 00ybtm & in his servants yhwdb(bw
& gold 0bhdw silver 0m0s of the Gentiles 0mm(d the idols 0rktp 135:15
of man 0$nrbd of the hands 0ydy0 the work db(
eyes 0ny( they speak Nyllmm & not 0lw to them Nwhl is ty0 the mouth 0mwp 135:16
they have seen Nyzx & not 0lw to them Nwhl are ty0
they hear Ny(m$ & not 0lw to them Nwhl are ty0 the ears 0nd0 135:17
in their mouths Nwhmwpb breath 0xwr & there is not tylw
their makers Nwhydwb( shall be Nwwhn like them Nwhtwk0 135:18
upon them Nwhyl( who trust Nylyktd & all lwkw
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml bless wkrb Israel lyrsy0 of the house trbd 135:19
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml bless wkrb Aaron Nwrh0 of the house trbd
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml bless wkrb Levi ywl of the house trbd 135:20
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml bless wkrb of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd worshipers yhwlxd
Zion Nwyhc from Nm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh blessed Kyrb 135:21
in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b who dwells rm(d he wh
he is wh because good b+d to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml Give thanks wdw0 136:1
his mercies yhwmxr & to eternity Ml(lw
eternal Ml(ld gods Nyhl0 to The God of hl0l Give thanks wdw0 136:2
his mercies yhwmxr
eternal Ml(ld of dominions 0twrm to The Lord 0rml Give thanks wdw0 136:3

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

his mercies yhwmxr

great 0tbrwr wonders 0trmdt to him who does db(dl 136:4
his mercies yhwmxr eternal Ml(ld he alone yhwdwxlb
in his wisdom htmkxb Heaven 0ym$ to him who made db(dl 136:5
his mercies yhwmxr eternal Ml(ld
the waters 0ym upon l( Earth 0(r0 to him who spread out (qrdl 136:6
his mercies yhwmxr eternal Ml(ld
great 0brwr lights 0ryhn to him who made db(dl 136:7
his mercies yhwmxr eternal Ml(ld
of the day 0mmy0d for a ruler 0n+lw$l the sun 0$m$ 136:8
his mercies yhwmxr for to eternity Ml(ld
of the night 0ylld for rulers 0n+lw$l & the stars 0bkwkw the moon 0rhs 136:9
his mercies yhwmxr eternal Ml(ld
of Egypt Nyrcmd the firstborn ones 0rkwbl to him who struck 0xmdl 136:10
his mercies yhwmxr for to eternity Ml(ld
the midst of them Nwhtnyb from Nm Israel lyrsy0l & he brought out qp0w 136:11
his mercies yhwmxr for to eternity Ml(ld
high 0mr & by an arm 0(rdbw strong 0tny$( by a hand 0dy0b 136:12
his mercies yhwmxr eternal Ml(ld
for to eternity Ml(ld of Reeds * Pwsd the Sea 0my to him who divided glpdl 136:13
his mercies yhwmxr

LXX has Red Sea. Peshitta did not get Sea of Reeds from LXX.

into it hwgb Israel lyrsy0l & he made pass rb(0w 136:14

his mercies yhwmxr for to eternity Ml(ld
Pharoah Nw(rpl Lees 1816 edition: to him who struck Pr+dl / Ambros.: & he struck Pr+w 136:15
his mercies yhwmxr for to eternity Ml(ld of Reeds* Pwsd in the Sea 0myb & his army hlyxlw

See above note at v. 13

his people hm( to him who led rbddl 136:16

his mercies yhwmxr for to eternity Ml(ld in the desert 0rbdmb
great 0brwr Kings 0klml to him who struck 0xmdl 136:17
his mercies yhwmxr for to eternity Ml(ld
mighty 0ny$( Kings 0klm & he killed l+qw 136:18
his mercies yhwmxr for to eternity Ml(ld
of the Amorites 0yrwm0d King 0klm Sihon Nwxysl 136:19
his mercies yhwmxr for to eternity Ml(ld
of Bayshan N$ybd King 0klm & Og gw(lw 136:20
his mercies yhwmxr for to eternity Ml(ld
an inheritance 0ntrwy their lands Nwh(r0 & he gave bhyw 136:21
his mercies yhwmxr for to eternity Ml(ld
his servant hdb( to Israel lyrsy0l an inheritance 0twtry 136:22
his mercies yhwmxr for to eternity Ml(ld
to him who remembered us Nrkdt0dl 136:23
his mercies yhwmxr for to eternity Ml(ld in our humiliation Nkkwmb
our enemies Nybbdl(b from Nm & he saved us Nqrpw 136:24
his mercies yhwmxr for to eternity Ml(ld
to all flesh rsblwkl food 0tlwk0m to him who gives bhydl 136:25
his mercies yhwmxr for to eternity Ml(ld
Who is in Heaven 0ym$bd to The God 0hl0l Give thanks wdw0 136:26
his mercies yhwmxr for to eternity Ml(ld
we sat Nbty there Nmt of Babel lbbd the rivers 0twrhn by l( 137:1
Zion Nwyhcl we remembered hnrkdt0 when dk & we wept Nykbw
our harps Nyrnk we hung Nylt within it hwgbd the willows 0br( upon l( 137:2
the words 0lm they wanted Nyb$ they asked Nwl0$ there Nmtd because l+m 137:3
sing wxb$ to us Nl they said wrm0 & those leading us Nyrwbdw of songs 0txb$td
. of Zion Nwyhcd the songs htxb$t from Nm to us Nl

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the praises htxb$t to you Nwkl will we sing xb$n How? 0Nky0 137:4
foreign 0tyrkwn in a land 0(r0b of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd
let forget me yny(+t Jerusalem Ml$rw0 I forget you yky(+0 if N0 137:5
my right hand ynymy
my palate ykx to the roof of ym$l my tongue yn$l & let cleave qbdnw 137:6
to Jerusalem Ml$rw0l I shall go up hyqs0 unless 0l0 I remember you ykrkdt0 unless 0l0
my joy ytwdx in the chief $yrb
Edom Mwd0 the children of ynbl LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm has remembered rkdt0 137:7
lay it bare wlg lay bare wlg when they said Nyrm0d of Jerusalem Ml$rw0d in the day hmwyb
its foundations hys0t$l unto 0md(
his blessing yhwbw+ destroyer 0tzwzb of Babel lbb daughter trb 137:8
the reward 0n(rwp who will pay you yk(rpnd to him Nml
Codex Ambrose : which you paid it yhwyt(rpd/Lees 1816 edition: which you paid us Nyt(rpd/
your infants ykydwly who will seize dwx0nd to him Nml his blessing yhwbw+ 137:9
the rock 0p0kl & will dash Pq$nw
Lee: to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml/ LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm you Kl I shall confess 0dw0 138:1
kings 0klm & in front of Mdqw my heart ybl whole hlk from Nm
to you Kl I shall sing praise rmz0
of your holiness K$dwqd in the temple 0lkyhb I shall worship dwgs0 138:2
your kindness Ktwby+ for l( your Name Km$l & I shall confess 0dw0w
you have extolled tbrw0d because l+m your truth Kt$wq & for l(w
your Word Krm0m name M$ every lk above l(
you answered me yntyn( that I called you Ktyrqd in the day 0mwyb 138:3
of my soul y$pnd the strength hn$w( & you have increased tygs0w
Kings 0klm all Nwhlk LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to you Kl shall confess Nwdwn 138:4
the speech hrm0m they have heard w(m$d because l+m of the Earth 0(r0d
of your mouth Kmwpd
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the way htxrw0 & they will praise Nwxb$nw 138:5
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the honor hrqy0 is wh great brd because l+m
sees 0zx who in the deep 0qmw(bd LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh & high Mrw 138:6
knows (dy far away 0qxwr from Nm is exalted Myrttmd & he who 0ny0w
in the anger 0zgwrb you will save me ynyx0t in trouble 0nclw0b I walk Klh0 if N0 138:7
& will save me ynqrptw your hand Kdy0 you will reach +$wt of my enemies ybbdl(bd
your right hand Knymy
your mercies Kymxr LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm upon me yl( abide Ng0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 138:8
desert 0prt not 0l of your hands Kydy0 & the work db(w to eternity Ml(l
. & you have known me ynt(dyw you have searched me yntycb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 139:1
& my rising ymqmw my sitting ybtwm you tn0 know (dy you tn0 139:2
the high place 0mwr from Nm my reasonings ytb$xm you have understood tlkts0
Lee: high place 0mwrm/
you tn0 know (dy & my steps ylyb$w my way yxrw0 139:3
you have investigated tbq( my ways ytxrw0 & all Nyhlwkw
you tn0 in my language yn$lb an alteration 0plxw$ there is ty0 if N0 139:4
all these Nyhlk you tn0 know (dy LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
you have formed me yntlbg & to the end 0trxlw the first Mydq for from Nmd 139:5
your hand Kdy0 upon me yl( & you have set tmsw
& the wonder 0trwmdtw the knowledge 0t(dy has been twh than I ynm 139:6
in power 0lyx I 0n0 was able 0cm & not 0lw was stronger tylyxt0
your Spirit Kxwr from Nm shall I go lz0 where? 0ky0l 139:7
before you Kymdq from Nm shall I hide 0$+0 & where? 0ky0w
you are tn0 there Nmt to Heaven 0ym$l I shall ascend qs0 if N0 139:8
you are Kyty0 there Nmt also P0 to Sheol lwy$l I would descend twx0 & if N0w
an eagles 0r$ynd like Ky0 my wings ypnk I shall lift Myr0 & if N0w 139:9

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of the sea 0myd in the end htrxb & I dwell 0r$0w

will hold me yndx0t your hand Kdy0 there Nmt also P0 139:10
your right hand Knymy & will lead me ynrbdtw
will shine rhnn the darkness 0kw$xd you have said trm0 139:11
upon my face yp0b will shine rhnn & the night 0yllw to me yl
from you Knm will darken K$xn not 0l & the darkness 0kw$xw 139:12
will shine rhnn the day 0mmy0 like Ky0 & the night 0yllw
the light 0ryhn as Ky0 & the darkness 0kw$xw
my kidneys ytylwk prepared tnqt you tn0d because l+m 139:13
of my mother ym0d the womb hsrk from Nm & you have carried me yntlbqw
the wonders 0trwmdt because of l+m to you Kl I shall give thanks 0dw0 139:14
your works Kydb( for ryg are Nwn0 exalted Nymrmrm that you have done tdb(d
knows 0(dy well b+ & my soul y$pnw
from you Knm my bones ymrg were covered Nysk & not 0lw 139:15
I went down* ttxn in secret 0rtsb when I was made tdb(d
of the Earth 0(r0d to the lower parts htytxtl

See Ephesians 4:9. No O.T. version has this reading: When I was made, I went down to the lower parts of the earth. It
reads like a prophecy of the incarnation of The Messiah,here in the Peshitta. In the Hebrew it is quite different: I was
formed in secret in the lower parts of the earth.

your writings Kybtk upon l( my eyes yny( saw yzx & my germination yn(rwpw 139:16
were cut short wyrkt0 the days 0tmwy behold 0h were written Nbtktn all these Nyhlk
a man $n0 in them Nwhb & there was not tylw
God 0hl0 your compassions Kymxr precious wrqy very b+ but Nyd to me yl 139:17
their rulers Nwhyn+yl$ they have strengthened wn$( & greatly b+w
the sand 0lx than Nm & more rytyw them Nwn0 I shall count 0nm0 139:18
I am 0n0 with you Km( & again bwtw I awoke try(tt0 they will be multiplied Nwgsn
the sinners 0y+xl Oh God 0hl0 you will kill lw+qt surely N0 139:19
from me ynm they will pass Nwrb(n of blood 0mdd & men 0rbgw
& they have taken wbsnw they have spoken against you Kwllmd because l+m 139:20
your city Ktnydm without cause 0twqyrsb
those Nyly0 & against l(w I hate tyns LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm those hating you Ky0nsl 139:21
I am enraged ttmxt0 against you Klbwql who stand Nymyqd
them Nwn0 I have hated tyns complete 0tylm$m hatred 0t0ns 139:22
enemies 0bbdl(b to me yl & they have been wwhw
my heart ybl & know (dw God 0hl0 search me ynycb 139:23
. my steps ytklh & know (dw & prove me ynyrwxbw
of lies 0rqw$d a way 0xrw0 in me yb is ty0 if N0 & see yzxw 139:24
eternal Ml(ld in your road Kxrw0b lead me ynyrbd
the evil one 0$yb of man 0$n0 son rb from Nm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm save me yncp 140:1
keep me ynyr+n evil 0lw( men 0rbg & from Nmw
in their heart Nwhblb evil 0t$yb for they have conceived wb$xt0d 140:2
disputes 0trh they have provoked wgrg day 0mwy & all hlkw
a snake 0ywxd like Ky0 their tongue Nwhn$l who sharpened w$+ld 140:3
their tongue Nwhn$l under tyxt of an asp sps0d & the venom 0tmxw
Lee: their lips Nwhtwps
of the evil 0lw(d the hand 0dy0 from Nm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm keep me ynyr+n 140:4
who have schemed wb$xt0d keep me ynyr+n extortionists 0pw+x men 0rbg & from Nmw
my steps ytklh to overthrow 0xdml
snares 0xp the proud 0nrhb$ for me yl & they have hid wrm+w 140:5
they spread wsrp of their nets Nwhtdycmd & the cords 0lbxw
over me yl( they cast wd$ & nets 0tdycmw my path ylyb$ upon l(
you are tn0 my God yhl0d to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml I have said trm0 140:6
of my prayer ytw(bd to the voice 0lql give ear to twc
the shelter hll+m mighty 0ny$( my Savior yqwrp LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 140:7
of war 0brqd in the day 0mwyb of my head y$yrd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

his lust htgr LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm give ltt not 0l 140:8
for my head y$yrl exalt qst not 0l & his plot hty(rtw to the evil 0lw(l
of their lips Nwhtwpsd the evil 0lw( them Nwn0 will cover 0skn 140:9
coals 0rmwg upon them Nwhyl( & will come down Ntxnw 140:10
to rise Mqml they will be able Nwxk$n & not 0lw into fire 0rwnb & let them fall Nwlpnw
will be established Myqtn not 0l talkative 0nn$l a son of man 0$nrb 140:11
evil 0t$yb evil 0lw( a man 0rbg in the Earth 0(r0b
to destruction 0ndb0l will hunt him yhwydwct
the judgment 0nyd LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm that does db(d I have known t(dy 140:12
of the afflicted 0$ybd & the judgment 0nydw of the poor 0nksmd
your Name Km$l shall confess Nwdwn the righteous ones 0qydz but Mrb 140:13
your face Kyp0 in front of Mdq the upright ones 0cyrt & will dwell Nwbtnw
answer me ynyn( you tn0 I called you Ktyrq LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 141:1
& accept lbqw my words ylm give ear to twc
came before you Kymdq incense 0r+( like Ky0 my prayer ytwlc 141:2
like Ky0 of my hands ydy0d an offering 0nbrwq
evening 0$mrd the offering 0nbrwq
at my mouth ymwpl a guard 0rw+n LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm set Myq0 141:3
for my lips ytwpsl & a guard 0rw+nw
evil 0t$yb to a word 0tlml my heart ybl will turn aside 0+sn that not 0ld 141:4
men 0rbg with M( of evil 0lw(d works 0db( & I would do db(0w
with them Nwhm( I would eat salt xlmt0 not 0l wicked 0(y$r
& will rebuke me ynsknw the Righteous One 0qydz will teach me ynpln 141:5
will anoint Nhdn not 0l my head y$yrl of the wicked 0(y$rd the oil 0x$m
their companions Nwhyrbx their evil Nwhtw$yb against l( my prayer ytwlcd because l+m
of The Stone 0p0kd by the hand 0dy0b & were restrained wylkt0w 141:6
for they are sweet Nmysbd my words ylm & they heard w(m$w their judges Nwhynyd

Ps. 118:22 & Isaiah 28:16 are both quoted in the NT referring to Yeshua The Messiah as The Stone. The Hebrew text
literally has: Their judges have been made to fall by the hands of a rock... There are other possible translations, but the
Hebrew & Aramaic agree fairly well here. The Peshitta text seems to reflect the NT Messianic interpretaion of The
Stone Keepha even here.

the Earth 0(r0 tears open 0yrcd a ploughshare 0tks like Ky0 141:7
of Sheol lwy$d the mouth hmwp over l( their bones Nwhymrg are scattered wrdbt0
my eyes yny( I have lifted tmyr0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to you Ktwl & I 0n0w 141:8
my soul y$pnl cast out hyd$t not 0l I have trusted tlktt0 & upon you Kyl(w
of the boastful 0nrhb$d the hand 0dy0 from Nm keep me ynyr+n 141:9
snares 0xp for me yl for they have hid wrm+d
into their nets Nwhtdycmb as one 0dxk0 the evil 0lw( they will fall Nwlpn 141:10
I 0n0 I shall pass by rb(0d until 0md(

I cried tyrq to LORD JEHOVAH /0yrml with my voice ylqb 142:1

I made supplication tp$kt0 to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml with my voice ylqb
my supplication ytp$kt before him yhwmdq & I poured tymr0w 142:2
I have shown tywx before him yhwmdq & my affliction ynclw0w
knew (dy you tn0 my spirit yxwr was troubled tpr+t0 when dk 142:3
of my steps ytklhd in the way 0xrw0b my path ylyb$ you tn0
. snares 0xp for me yl they have hid wrm+
& there was not tylw & I have seen tyzxw to the right hand 0nymyl I looked trx 142:4
refuge 0qr(m a place tyb from me ynm was lost db0 me yl one to advise Mkxd
for my soul y$pnl an avenger 0(wbt & there was not tylw
you tn0d & I have said trm0w LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to you Ktwl & I have cried ty(gw 142:5
of lives 0yxd in the land 0(r0b & my portion ytnmw my hope yrbs are wh
I have been humbled tkkmt0d because l+m my request ytw(bl give ear to twc 142:6
because l+m my persecutors ypwdr from Nm save me yncp very b+
than I ynm they were stronger wn$(d

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of imprisonment 0y$wbx a place tyb from Nm my soul y$pn bring out qp0 142:7
your Name Km$l for I shall praise 0dw0d
you reward me yn(rpt when dk your righteous ones Kyqydz will wait Nwksn & for me ylw
to my request ytw(bl & give ear twcw my prayer ytwlc LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm hear (m$ 143:1
& in your righteousness Ktwqydzbw answer me ynyn( in your speech Krm0mb
into judgment 0nydb your servant Kdb(l bring yhwyl(t not 0l 143:2
who lives yxd anyone lk before you Kymdq is innocent 0kz not 0ld because l+m
& he humbled Kkmw my soul y$pnl the enemy 0bbdl(b pursues Pdrd because l+m 143:3
in darkness 0kw$xb he made me dwell ynbtw0 in the Earth 0(r0b my life yyx
for eternity Ml(l the dead 0tym like Ky0
my heart ybl & is moved (zw my spirit yxwr against me yl( is troubled tpr+t0 143:4
within me ywgb
the first Mydq from Nm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & I have remembered you Ktrkdt0w 143:5
& I meditated tynrw your works Kydb( on all Nwhlkb & I meditated tynrw
of your hands Kydy0 on the work db(b
my soul y$pn to you Ktwl my hands ydy0 & I have stretched forth t+$pw 143:6
the ground 0(r0 like Ky0 for you Kl is yh thirsty 0yhc
is spent trmgd because l+m LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm quickly lg(b answer me ynyn( 143:7
that not 0ld from me ynm your faces Kyp0 turn Kpht not 0l my spirit yxwr
to the pit 0bwg the descenders ytxn with M( I shall be handed over Mlt$0
because l+m your kindness Ktwby+ at dawn 0rpcb make me hear yny(m$0 143:8
your road Kxrw0 show me ynwx I 0n0 trust lykt it is wh upon you Kyl(d
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to you Ktwld because l+m in it hb that I may go lz0d
my soul y$pn I have lifted tmyr0
my enemies ybbdl(b from Nm save me yncp 143:9
you tn0d because l+m your pleasure Knybc to do db(ml & teach me ynypl0w 143:10
is sweet 0tmsbm your Spirit Kxwr my God yhl0 are wh
of life 0yxd in the way 0xrw0b you will lead me ynrbdt
comfort me yny0yb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm your Name Km$ because of l+m 143:11
my soul y$pn bring out qp0 your righteousness Ktwqydz & because of l+mw
trouble 0nclw0 from Nm
& destroy dbw0w those hating me y0nsl stop qt$ & in your kindness Ktwby+bw 143:12
your servant Kdb( am 0n0 I 0n0d because l+m of my soul y$pnd the enemies hybbdl(bl
who teaches Pl0d LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh blessed Kyrb 144:1
for battle 0brql & my fingers yt(bcw for war 0brql my hands ydy0
my helper yn(ysm & my deliverer ynycpmw of my refuge yswg the house tyb 144:2
Ambros.:: I 0n0 trust lykt Lee: I trust 0nlykt /upon whom yhwl(d
under me ytwxt /Lee: the people 0mm(l/Ambros.: the people 0twm0/& subdues db($w /
that you know him yhyt(dyd man 0$nrb who is? wnm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 144:3
that you think much of him yhytb$xd & man 0$nrbw
& his days htmwyw is like 0md a vapor 0ghll a son of man 0$nrb 144:4
smoke 0ll+ like Ky0 pass away Nyrb(
& come down twxw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm Heaven 0ym$ bend Nkr0 144:5
& they will reduce to smoke Nwntnw the mountains 0rw+b & rebuke severely y0kw
send rd$ them Nwn0 & trouble xldw your lightnings Kyqrb cause to flash qrb0 144:6
them Nwn0 & scatter rdbw your arrows Kyr0g
the high place 0mwrm from Nm your hand Kdy0 reach +$w0 144:7
many 00ygs waters 0ym of Nm & draw me out ynyl$w
of the evil ones 0lw(d the hand 0dy0 & from Nmw
emptiness 0twqyrs speak llmm for their mouths Nwhmwpd 144:8
of evil 0lw(d is yh the right hand 0nymy & their right hand Nwhnymyw
to you Kl I shall sing xb$0 new 0tdx a song 0txwb$t God 0hl0 144:9
to you Kl I shall sing praise rmz0 strings Nynm of ten rs(d & with the harp 0rnkbw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& he delivered ycpw to the King 0klml salvation 0nqrwp for he gave bhyd 144:10
of evil 0t$yb the sword 0brx from Nm his servant hdb( Daweed dywdl
of the evil 0lw(d the hand 0dy0 from Nm save me yncp 144:11
futility 0twqyrs speak llmm whose mouths Nwhmwpd
of evil 0lw(d is yh the right hand 0nymy & their right hand Nwhnymyw
that grows Nybrtm a plant 0tbcn like Ky0 our sons Nynb 144:12
like Ky0 & our daughters Ntnbw their youth Nwhtwyl+ from Nm
of temples 0lkyhd in the likeness 0twmdb who are adorned Ntbcmd brides 0tllk
full Nylm Lees 1816 edition: their garners Nwhynwt /Ambros.: our garners Nynwwt 144:13
may bear young Ndly our sheep Nn( one dxl each dx & overflowing Nyd$0tmw
in our market places Nyqw$b & increase Nybrmw
& there is none tylw increase Nny$( our herds Nyrqb 144:14
ruin 0t(rwt there is not tyl sterile Nrq(d in them Nyhb
in our streets Nyqw$b outcry 0tlly0 neither 0lp0
to it hl is ty0 that thus Nkhd to the people 0m(l his blessing yhwbw+ 144:15
of whom LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd to the people 0m(l his blessing yhwbw+
his God hhl0 is wh
The King 0klm my Lord yrm I shall exalt you Kmrmr0 145:1
eternities Nyml( to eternity Ml(l your Name Km$ & I shall bless Krb0w
& I shall glorify xb$0w I shall bless you Kkrb0 day Mwy every lkb 145:2
eternities Nyml( to eternity Ml(l your Name Km$
very b+ & glorious xb$mw our Lord Nrm is wh great br 145:3
to his greatness htwbrl an end 0ks & there is not tylw
your works Kydb( they will tell Nw(t$n to generation 0rdl generation 0rd 145:4
they will show Nwwxn & your heroism Ktwrbngw
they will relate Nwrm0n of your awesomeness Ktwlyxdd & the might 0n$w(w 145:5
they will tell Nw(t$n & your greatness Ktbrwrw
they will say Nwrm0n of your might Kn$w( & the awesomeness twlyxdw 145:6
I shall tell 0(t$0 Lees 1816 edition: your greatness Ktbrwr / & your greatness Ktwbrw
many 0t0ygs of your favors Ktwby+d Lee:[&] the remembrance 0nrkwdw 145:7
. & they will find Nwxk$nw your righteous ones Kyqydz they will seek Nw(bn

The righteous will seek and will find the remembrance of your favors.This reading is not in the Hebrew text, yet reminds
us of Jesus words, Seek and ye shall find Matthew 7:7. There are other examples of this in The Peshitta OT.
& cherishing Npxrmw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh merciful Nmxrm 145:8
his grace htwby+ & abundant 00ygsw his Spirit hxwr long 0rygn
& his mercies yhwmxrw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh good b+ 145:9
his works yhwdb( all Nwhlk upon l(

His mercies are upon all his works The Aramaic yhwdb( avedwee can mean his works or his servants; Hebrew
hashis works, thus deciding the matter.
your servants Kydb( LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to you Kl shall confess Nwdwn 145:10
shall praise you Knwxb$n & your righteous ones Kyqydzw
of your kingdom Ktwklmd the glory 0xbw$ 145:11
they will speak Nwllmn & by your might Kn$w(bw they will tell Nwrm0n
your heroism Ktwrbng men 0$n0 the sons of ynbl to show Nwwxnd 145:12
of your kingdom Ktwklmd & the glory 0xbw$w
ages Nyml( of all lk a kingdom twklm your kingdom Ktwklm 145:13
the generation of generations Nyrdrd into all lkb & your authority Kn+lw$w
& righteous qydzw in his words yhwlmb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh faithful Nmyhm
his works yhwdb( in all Nwhlkb

The grey shaded text above is not present in the Hebrew Bible, which is an acrostic Psalm in Hebrew, where each verse
starts with a different sequential Hebrew letter, of which there are 22 in the Hebrew alphabet. The letter Nun is missing
in this acrostic Psalm, which would be found after verse 1 3, which starts with the letter Mem and verse 14 starts with the
letter Samekh, which comes after the letter Nun in the alphabet.The Hebrew verse does occur in some Hebrew mss. and
starts with the word, "Neeman", which means, "faithful" and starts with the letter "Nun".The Latin Vulgate & The LXX
also have this sentence.
who fall Nylpnd all lkl LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm sustains Kms 145:14

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

who are stooped Nypypkd all lkl & he straightens crtw

are raised Nylt to you Ktwl of everyone $nlkd the eyes 0ny( 145:15
in their times Nwhnbzb food 0tlwk0m them Nwhl you tn0 give bhy
you tn0 & satisfy (bsmw your hand Kdy0 you tn0 open xtp 145:16
who lives yxd of everyone lkd the desire 0nybc
his ways htxrw0 in all Nyhlkb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh righteous qydz 145:17
his works yhwdb( in all Nwhlkb & compassionate Nmxrmw
who call Nyrqd to those Nyly0l LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh near byrq 145:18
in truth 0t$wqb to him hl
he hears (m$ of his worshipers yhwlxdd the desire 0nybc & he performs db(w 145:19
them Nwhl & he saves qrpw their prayer Nwhtw(b
his worshipers yhwlxd all Nwhlkl LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm keeps r+n 145:20
he destroys dbwm the evil ones 0lw( & all Nwhlklw
I shall speak llm0 of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd & the praises htxb$t 145:21
of flesh 0rsb the children ynb all lk & will bless Nwkrbnw with my mouth ymwpb
of eternities Nyml( to eternity Ml(l of his holiness h$dwqd The Name 0m$l
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml my soul y$pn praise yxb$ 146:1
in my life yyxb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml I shall glorify xb$0 146:2
I 0n0 endure Myq while d( to my God yhl0l & I shall sing praise rmz0w
a prince 0+yl$ upon l( trust Nwlktt not 0l 146:3
salvation 0nqrwp in his hand hdy0b for there is not tyld a son of man 0$nrb & upon l(w
to his earth h(r0l & he returns Kphw his spirit hxwr for goes out 0qpnd 146:4
his thoughts htb$xm all Nyhlwk are destroyed Ndb0 day 0mwy & in that whbw
of Yaqob bwq(yd of The God hhl0d to him Nml his blessing yhwbw+ 146:5
his God hhl0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm upon l( & his hope hrbsw in his help hrd(b
& the seas 0mmyw & the Earth 0(r0w Heaven 0ym$ who made db(d 146:6
for eternity Ml(l truth 0t$wq he keeps r+n in them Nwhb that is ty0d & all lkw
he gives bhy for the oppressed 0myl+l judgment 0nyd & he executes db(w 146:7
prisoners 0rys0 releases 0r$ LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to the hungry 0npkl bread 0mxl
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm the blind eyes 0ryw( opens xtp LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 146:8
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm the stooped ones 0pypk straightens crt
the righteous ones 0qydz loves Mxr
he nourishes 0srtm the poor 0nksml also keeps r+nmw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 146:9
of the evil 0lw(d & the way 0xrw0w & widows 0tlmr0lw the orphans 0mtyl
he drowns (b+m
& your God ykhl0w to eternity Ml(l LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm reigns Klm0 146:10
for a generation of generations Nyrdrdl Oh Zion Nwyhc
& sweet Mysbw to our God Nhl0l to sing rmzml it is good b+ 147:1
praise 0txwb$t fitting 0y0y it is wh & for him hlw
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm Jerusalem Ml$rw0l built 0nb 147:2
he gathered $nkm of Israel ly0rsy0d & the scattered ones 0rdbmlw
hearts 0bl the broken yrybtl he heals 0s0m 147:3
their sorrows Nwhyb0k & he binds up bc(w
& all of them Nwhlklw of the stars 0bkwkl the number 0nynm he counts 0nm 147:4
names 0hm$ he calls 0rq
his power hlyx & strong Ny$(w our Lord Nrm is wh great br 147:5
to his understanding hlkwsl an end 0ks & there is not tylw
the poor 0nksml LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm raises Myrm 147:6
the dirt 0(r0l unto 0md( the evil 0lw(l & humbles Kkmmw
sing wrmz with glory 0xbw$b LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml praise wxb$ 147:7
with harps 0rnkb to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml
rain 0r+m he gives bhy with clouds 0nn(b Heaven 0ym$ who hides 0skmd 147:8

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the grass 0rym( & he makes sprout 0(wmw the Earth 0(r0 upon l(
the mountains 0rw+ upon l(
& young ynblw food 0tlwk0m beasts 0ry(bl & he gives bhyw 147:9
that cry Nyrqd ravens 0b(n
in the power hlyxb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm delights 0bc not 0l 147:10
in the legs yhwq$b not 0l also P0 of a horse 0yswsd
he delights 0bc of a mighty Man 0rbngd
in his worshipers yhwlxdb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm delights 0bc but 0l0 147:11
his grace htwby+l who expect Nyksmd & those Nyly0bw
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml Oh Jerusalem Ml$rw0 praise yxb$ 147:12
Oh Zion Nwyhc your God ykhl0l praise yxb$
the bars 0lkwm he strengthened wn$(d because l+m 147:13
within you ykwgb your sons ykynbl & blessed Krbw of your gates yky(rtd
& with the fatness 0nmw$bw in peace 0ml$b your borders ykymwxt he established Ms 147:14
he satisfied you yk(bs of wheat 0+xd
the Earth 0(r0 upon l( his word htlm he sends rd$m 147:15
his answer hmgtp runs +hr & quickly lg(bw
Ambrose: & frost 0dylg0w / wool 0rm( like Ky0 snow 0glt he gives bhy 147:16
he scatters rdbm ashes 0m+q like Ky0 /Lee: & fog 0lpr(w
morsels 0tp like Ky0 ice 0dylg0 he casts 0mr 147:17
his cold hyr( & in front of Mdqw to stand Mqml able xk$m who is? wnm
he makes blow b$m them Nwhl & melts r$pmw his word htlm he sends rd$m 147:18
the waters 0ym & flow Nydrmw the winds 0xwr
his laws yhwswmn in Yaqob bwq(yb his word htlm he shows 0wxm 147:19
in Israel lyrsy0b & his commandments yhwndqwpw
the nations 0mm( to all Nwhlkl so Nkh he has done db( not 0l 147:20
them Nwn0 he has shown ywx not 0l & his judgments yhwnydw
Heaven 0ym$ from Nm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml praise wxb$ 148:1
in high places 0mwrmb praise him yhwxb$
his angels yhwk0lm all Nwhlk praise him yhwxb$ 148:2
his armies htwlyx all Nwhlk praise him yhwxb$
all lk praise him yhwxb$ & moon 0rhsw sun 0$m$ praise him yhwxb$ 148:3
& lights 0rhwnw stars 0bkwk\
waters 0ym of Heavens 0ym$ Heaven ym$ praise him yhwxb$ 148:4
the Heavens 0ym$ than Nm higher l(ld
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the Name hm$l let them praise Nwxb$n 148:5
& they existed wwhw spoke rm0 he whd because l+m
& they were created wyrbt0w commanded dqp & he whw
of eternities Nyml( for an eternity Ml(l them Nwn0 he established Myq0 148:6
it passes rb( & not 0lw he gave bhy the law 0swmn
the Earth 0(r0 from Nm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml praise wxb$ 148:7
the depths 0mwht & all Nwhlkw dragons 0nynt
wind 0xwr & ice 0dylgw & snow 0gltw & hail stones 0drbw fire 0rwn 148:8
of his word htlmd servants 0db( & hurricanes 0l(l(w
trees 0nly0 hills 0tmr & all these Nyhlkw the mountains 0rw+ 148:9
cedars 0zr0 & all Nwhlkw of fruit 0r0pd
creeping things 0$xr cattle 0ry(b & all hlkw animals 0twyx 148:10
& birds 0txrpw & flying things 0ry+w
peoples 0twm0 & all Nyhlkw of Earth 0(r0d Kings 0klm 148:11
of the Earth 0(r0d judges 0nyd & all Nwhlkw princes 0nbrwr
& young men 0myl(w old men 0bs & virgins 0tlwtbw boys 0dwdg 148:12
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the Name hm$l let them praise Nwxb$n 148:13
it alone yhwdwxlb his name hm$ is wh great brd because l+m
& in the sky 0ym$bw in Earth 0(r0b his glory hxbw$

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of his people hm(d the trumpet 0nrq he raises Myrm 148:14

to all Nwhlkl Lees 1816 edition: in praise 0txwb$tb/ Ambros.:& praise 0txwb$tw
a people 0m( Israel ly0rsy0 & to the children ynblw his righteous ones yhwqydz
to him hl that is near byrqd

Here, God praises all His righteous people and the children of Israel with a trumpet! The LXX says He raises the horn of
his people, a hymn to all his saints and to the sons of Israel.
new 0tdx a song 0txwb$t to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml sing wxb$ 149:1
of the righteous ones 0qydzd in the congregation 0td(b his glory htxwb$t
in his maker hdwb(b Israel ly0rsy0 let rejoice 0dxn 149:2
in their king Nwhklmb let rejoice Nwzwrn of Zion Nwyhc & the children ynbw
with tambourines 0glpb his Name hm$l & they will praise Nwxb$nw 149:3
to him hl let them sing Nwrmzn & with harps 0rnkbw & with timbrels 0(ybr0bw
in his people hm(b LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is pleased 0bcd because l+m 149:4
Lee: salvation 0n(rwp /Ambros.: his salvation hnqrwp the poor 0nksml & he gives bhyw
in honor 0rqy0b the righteous ones 0qydz let be strengthened Nwn$(tn 149:5
their beds Nwhtsr( upon l( & they will praise him yhynwxb$nw
a sword 0pys in their throats Nwhtrgygb God 0hl0l they will exalt Nwmrmrn 149:6
in their hands Nwhydy0b mouths yhwmwp of two Nyrtd
vengeance 0n(rwp Lees 1816 edition: to seek (btml/to exact db(ml 149:7
the peoples 0twm0 from Nm & reproof 0twnskmw the Gentiles 0mm( from Nm
in shackles 0m+wsb their kings Nwhyklm to bind rs0ml 149:8
of iron 0lzrpd in chains 0tl$$b & their honorable ones Nwhyryqyw
that is written bytkd the judgment 0nyd for them Nwhl to do db(ml 149:9
his righteous ones yhwqydz to all Nwhlkl glory 0xbw$
praise him yhwxb$ in his holiness h$dwqb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml praise wxb$ 150:1
of his strength hn$w(d in the firmament 0(yqr0b
in his power htwntlyxb praise him yhwxb$ 150:2
of his greatness htwbrd in the multitude 00gwsb praise him yhwxb$
of the horn 0nrqd in the sound 0lqb praise him yhwxb$ 150:3
& with lyres 0rnkbw with harps 0rtyqb praise him yhwxb$
& with timbrels 0(ybr0bw with tambourines 0glpb praise him yhwxb$ 150:4
sweet 0tylx with strings 0nmb praise him yhwxb$
loud 0(m$ with cymbals ylccb praise him yhwxb$ 150:5
& in shouting 0t(qbw with the voice 0lqb praise him yhwxb$
praise xb$t breathing 0m$n everything lk 150:6


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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

The 1st Century Aramaic English Interlinear Bible

The Psalms, Proverbs & Ecclesiastes
According to The Peshitta
Glenn David Bauscher


aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

The 1st Century Aramaic English Interlinear Bible

The Psalms & Proverbs
According to The Peshitta
translated from the original Aramaic
Glenn David Bauscher
Copyright 2009 1st edition ; Copyright 2010 2nd edition
A literal translation of the Aramaic Old Testament in interlinear form from the ancient Peshitta Bible text

The Aramaic text of this interlinear was derived from the Peshitta Leiden electronic text found online at
Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon CAL. The entire Peshitta is available there in individual books. Instead of reproducing
the Peshitta Leiden Institutes text, I have edited it to represent the 5th century Codex Ambrosianus as a base text, with
readings from Lees 1816 edition of the Peshitta displayed in many places. Lees edition is based on three Peshitta mss. for
most books, so this interlinear edition is based on four Peshitta manuscripts. The Peshitta Leiden edition has many
variant readings in Proverbs, many of which are not reflected in the 1816 edition of Lee and the ancient Codex
This interlinear edition of Proverbs has 74 variants listed from Lees edition. Peshitta Leidens edition is also based on the
Codex Ambrosianus, which codex is also available online. The codex contains the complete Old Testament, the
Apocrypha, and Josephus Wars, book six. I have digital copies of the entire codex, as well as printed volumes of Lees 1816
edition in the 1979 United Bible Societys Syriac Bible. I have presented the Aramaic text in Ashuri script to approximate
what Aramaic looked like in the first century and also to present it in the most readable Aramaic script, used in Hebrew
writing for the past 2400 years and found in the Aramaic portions of the Old Testament. This involved changing the
Estrangela script used in Ambrosianus into Ashuri square Aramaic letters. Ashuri is the script I used in which to print my
interlinear New Testament Peshitta text.
The text of The Peshitta Proverbs generally follows the Septuagint a 2300 year old Greek version type text, though with
quite a number of interesting differences. Some of these are due, no doubt, to differences in the Hebrew text which was
originally translated 2000 years ago; others are translational variations of particular Hebrew words in Aramaic. Some have
postulated that the Peshitta was revised to conform to the LXX version, but that conclusion is unwarranted, in this
authors opinion. The LXX type text is represented in Hebrew Dead Dea Scrolls 2100 years old, along with Massoretic
type scrolls of the same age, so the LXX is merely one representative of a Hebrew Bible text that goes back at least to the
third century B.C. and is also represented in the Peshitta translation in varying degrees from book to book.
Many readings in the Peshitta are found neither in the LXX nor in the Hebrew Bible Massoretic. This is generally what
we find in the Peshitta NT quotations of the Old Testament; it is a hybrid text type somewhere between LXX and
Masoretic readings, or distinct from both. There is no reason to assume that an Aramaean of the first century or earlier
had any interest in Greek or a Greek Bible when it was his aim to translate the Hebrew original into Aramaic; nor is there
any reason to suppose the early Aramaean Christian church would have considered the Greek language a relevant vehicle
to convey the message of sacred scripture, which originated in two sacred tongues Hebrew and Aramaic. Not one word of
Greek was ever used in the Old Testament originals! Ezra and Daniel had written extensively in Aramaic, but no Jewish
Prophet had ever written Gods words in Greek, because God had never delivered them in Greek. Why then resort to a
Greek translation when translating the original Hebrew into pure Aramaic? The very idea is ridiculous.
This translation is a very literal one, based as it is on my Interlinear translation. Like my Plain English New Testament,
it retains the Aramaic word order and a word for word translation for most verses. Aramaic idioms are translated less
literally, to convey the original sense while retaining as much word for word equivalence as possible. I was more concerned
with accuracy than with literary English style and perfect English grammar, though the grammar and style are acceptable
and much more poetic when original Semitic word order is retained in translation.
The Peshitta Bible is a hidden treasure to be revealed to the Western world. It includes the entire Hebrew Old Testament
canon, and eleven books of the Apocrypha. The New Testament is, as I have demonstrated in voluminous notes in my
New Testament translations, the original New Covenant scripture written by the Apostles and Evangelists. The
Peshitta Old Testament is approximately as old as the New Testament of the 1st century A.D.
The concept of evil is critical to the Proverbs message of wisdom. Consider the following statistics:
Righteous 0qydz zdyqa occurs 81 times in the Peshitta Proverbs; Evil 0lw( awala and bysha 0$yb occurs
230 times. Wisdom consists in a strong warning, knowledge of and defense against evil. The religious seem to avoid
serious study of evil; many are in almost total denial of the rampant evil in the world, and use more polite terms:
Ignorance, weakness, mistakes, human imperfection, misguided, mental illness ;these terms are often
substituted for what is truly evil, and there is no excuse for such avoidance and denial of evil. If we are ignorant of evil, we
will be overcome by it, but to be forewarned is to be forearmed, so Proverbs is essential for our spiritual training, as it
mentions and describes evil more than any book in the Bible almost once every three verses! This is more than the first four

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

books of the Bible combined, more than the Psalms and more than Jeremiah, and Jeremiah is an attack against the evil of
Israels corruption, idolatry and false prophets!
The Peshitta NT says :But whoever does sin commits evil, for sin is entirely evil. 1 John 3:4
Think long and hard on this, and read the rest of the passage:

5. And you know that He was revealed to take away our sins and there is no sin in Him.
6. Everyone who remains in him does no sin, and no one who sins has seen Him, neither has he known Him.
7. Children, let no one deceive you; he who does righteousness is righteous even as The Messiah also is righteous.
8. He who commits sin is from Satan, because Satan is a sinner from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this
reason: To destroy the works of Satan.
9. Everyone who is begotten from God does not sin, because his seed is in him and he is not able to sin because he has been
begotten from God.
10. By this the children of God are distinguished from the children of Satan: Everyone who does not do righteousness,
neither loves his brother,is not from God.

The key to righteous living is identifying evil and guarding against it and obeying Gods Laws. Solomon identifies evil in
Proverbs in a very practical way, and warns his sons that a righteous man will not partake in evil at all. This teaching has
been ignored, if not lost altogether. Consider the above NT verse in conjunction with Proverbs 14:32 35:

32. The evil one is overthrown by his evil, and he that trusts that he has no sin is righteous.
33. In the heart of the righteous dwells wisdom, and in the heart of fools it will not be known.
34. Righteousness will exalt the people and sin diminishes a people.
35. The pleasure of the King is with an understanding Servant, and by the wisdom of his soul evil is overthrown. He that
trusts that he has no sins is righteous, but passion will destroy even wise men.

Strangely, the Hebrew Bible has entirely different readings in three of these four verses, and so do most English
translations, since they are based on the Hebrew Bible. But there are many readings in the Peshitta not found in the
Hebrew; some readings involve whole sentences not found in the Hebrew, but often found in the very ancient LXX Greek
Version.Frankly, I have come to believe that the Hebrew scribes of Jesus days in Israel had corrupted many of the Hebrew
scriptures to conform them to their own doctrines. Consider our Lords words in Marks Gospel from the Peshitta:
Mark 7:7 13.And in vain they pay reverence to me as they teach doctrines of commandments of the sons of men. You

forsake the commandments of God and you keep the traditions of the sons of men:
washings of cups and pots and many such things like these.He said to them, "Well you reject the commandment of God
that you may establish* your traditions." For Moses said, "Honor your father and your mother, and Whoever reviles*
father and mother shall die the death. But you say, "If a man shall say to his father or to his mother, My offering is
anything that you shall gain from me. Then you do not allow him to do anything for his father or his mother. And you
reject the word of God for the traditions that you deliver, and many things like these you do. The Original Aramaic New
Testament in Plain English
There was mischief afoot by the Hebrew scribes of that time. Jesus harshest language was reserved for them and the
Pharisees, as recorded by Matthew in his Gospel, chapter 23. The primary function of the Scribes was to copy the Hebrew
Scriptures as accurately as possible and to teach them to the people. They were strictly trained for this task in their
schools of the Scribes, adhering to a discipline that had been passed down for centuries from Moses time 1500 B.C.. Here
is a taste of what Jesus Yeshua said to the Scribes of His day:

Matthew 23:14 Woe to you, Scribes and Pharisees, pretenders, for you shut the Kingdom of Heaven before the children of
men, for you are not entering, and those who are entering you do not permit to enter! 15 Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees,
phonies! For you travel around sea and land to make one convert, and when it has happened, you make him doubly the son
of Gehenna that you are! 25 Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees,pretenders, who wash the outside of the cup and of the dish,
but within are full of plunder and evil*! 27 Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees,pretenders, who are like white tombs, which
from the outside appear lovely, but from within are full of the bones of the dead and all corruption! 28 So also you from the
outside appear to the children of men as righteous, and from within are filled with evil and hypocrisy. 29 Woe to you
Scribes and Pharisees, phonies, who build the tombs of The Prophets and adorn the tombs of the righteous! 30 And you
say, If we had been in the days of our forefathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of The
Prophets. 31 Therefore you testify against yourselves that you are the children of those who murdered The Prophets. 32 So
fulfill the standard of your forefathers. 33 Snakes! Offspring of vipers! How will you escape from the judgment of
Gehenna? 34 Because of this behold, I am sending to you Prophets and wise men and scribes; some of them you will
murder and you will crucify, and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues and you will persecute them from city
to city 35 So that all the blood of the righteous may come upon you that has been shed upon the earth, from the blood of
righteous Abel, even unto the blood of Zechariah the son of Barachiah, whom you murdered in the midst of The Temple
and the altar. 36 Amen, I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation.
The Scribes were not safe spiritual guides for the people, to say the least. They shut the Kingdom of Heaven against men
and would not enter themselves. Yeshua called them Benay Gehenna Children of Hell, as most translations have it;
not quite flattering terminology! The evil the Scribes wreaked at that time is still with us today and with every Hebrew
Bible and every translation of their Hebrew Bible produced since the first century A,D.
That is not to say that we cannot use the Hebrew Bible for good, or that it is completely unreliable; far from it! But the
problem is finding where the mischief was done and the Bible was changed by these evil men, by comparing the Dead Sea
Scrolls, the LXX and The Peshitta Version, to see what the original readings were in places like Isaiah 7:14, Psalms 22:16,
and many others. Another tool we have is the Massorah notes of the Massorete Scribes preserved in the margins of the
Hebrew manuscripts. They at least recorded many of the deliberate changes made to the text, so that we could decipher
and restore the original in those places.Using this with the other aforementioned tools in conjunction with the Hebrew
manuscripts, we can be assured that we have the original words of Moses and the Prophets as God delivered them. The
Peshitta O.T. is, I believe, the most valuable single tool available to us by which we can ascertain the original Hebrew
Old Testament readings. I am not saying The Peshitta O.T. supercedes the Massoretic Hebrew Bible, or that The
Peshitta is the original. The Hebrew Bible best represents the original text as the original was mostly Hebrew with some
Aramaic sections also, but The Peshitta O.T. translation and it is a only a translation of the Hebrew Aramaic Bible is the

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

single most valuable tool available by which to ascertain the original Hebrew Aramaic Bible, first, because it is the oldest
Semitic translation of the Hebrew Bible, having been completed, by all accounts, by the second century A.D. or earlier,
and second,
it is embodied in the oldest Semitic manuscript of the complete Old Testament known Codex Ambrosianus,
of the 5th or 6th century AD. The oldest known dated manuscript of The Bible is a Peshitta manuscript of Deuteronomy
dated AD 464.
Solomon was the wisest man ever born before Yeshua The Messiah, and he wrote under the power and guidance of The
Spirit of Holiness. His words have all the authority of The Living God Himself, and they are very practical and necessary
for Life. We should read them and make them our meditation every day. All who are in the awe of LORD JEHOVAH
will keep these words as the word of Life.
Proverbs 13:13. He that has contempt against the word will be destroyed by it, and he that is in awe of the commandment

will be saved.

This is the 1st edition. There are undoubtedly various and sundry errors to be expected. I had no other interlinear with
which to compare, as this is the only Peshitta interlinear of the Proverbs of which I am aware.
I commend it to God and to the world for the greater glory of His Kingdom and the spiritual edification of His church and
the salvation of His lost sheep.
Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not. And
this spake he not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation; And not
for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad.
Gospel of John chapter 11, verses 50 52
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. Gospel of John chapter 17, verse 17

Proverbs 0ltm
Chapter 1
Codex Ambrosianus :of Shleemown Nwmyl$d of The Wisdom 0tmkxd another 0nrx0 book 0btk\ #Scribal Title
of Hosanna 0n($w0d in the week 0b$b of the first dxd a lesson 0nyrq
new 0tdx in the week 0b$b & first dxw

Translated in plain English: Another book of The Wisdom of Solomon: A lesson for Palm Sunday and the New
Resurrection Sunday.
Lees Edition 1816: of Israel lyrsy0d King 0klm Daweed dywd son rb Shleemown Nwmyl$d wisdom 0tmkx
Daweed dywd son rb of Shleemown Nwmyl$d Proverbs yhwlt*m 1:1
of Israel lyrsy0d King 0klm
& to notice wnybtmlw & instruction .0twdrmw wisdom 0tmkx to know (dml 1:2
of intelligence .0lkwsd the words 0lm*b
& righteousness 0twqydzw & awe .0tlxdw instruction 0twdrm to receive wlbqmlw 1:3
& uprightness .0twcyrtw & judgment 0nydw
cunning .0twmyr( children 0r*b$l to give ltml 1:4
& intelligence .0ty(rtw knowledge 0t(dy & to boys 0yl+lw*
.his wisdom htmkx upon l( & will add Pswnw a wise man 0mykx will listen (m$n 1:5
will gain .0nqn leadership 0twnrbdm & the intelligent 0ntlwksw
.& parables 0t0*lpw proverbs 0lt*m to perceive (dwt$nd 1:6
.& their riddles Nwhtdx*w0w of the wise 0mykx*d & the words 0lm *w
of LORD JEHOVAH .0yrmd the awe htlxd wisdom 0tmkx the chief $yr 1:7
the evil .0lw*( despise Ny+y$ & instruction 0twdrmw but Nyd knowledge 0t(dy
of your father Kwb0d the law 0swmn my son yrb hear (m$ 1:8
of your mother Km0d the law 0swmn forget 0(+t & not 0lw
your head K$yrl for ryg they are Nwn0 beauty 0twy0y 1:9
for your neck Krwcl & a necklace 0kynmhw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

.consent syp+t not 0l sinners 0y+x* entice you Knwld$n if N0 my son yrb 1:10
let us lay wait Nmkn with us Nm( come 0t to you Kl they say Nwrm0n & if N0w 1:11
in depravity .0t(b for the innocent 0ykzl & hide 0$+nw for blood .0mdl
.the living 0yxl Sheol lwy$ like Ky0 & we will swallow him yhwy(lbnw 1:12
the pit .0bwg those descending to ytx*n like Ky0 blemish Mwm & one without 0ldlw
.we will find xk$n & his stuff hrqy0w his wealth hrtw( all hlk 1:13
. with loot 0tzb our houses Nyt*b & fill 0lmnw
& money bag 0sykw .with us Ntnyb cast 0mr0 your lot Ktcp 1:14
.for all of us Nlkl shall be 0whn each dx
but 0l0 in the way .0xrw0b with them Nwhm( go lz0t not 0l my son yrb 1:15
. their paths Nwhyly *b$ from Nm your foot Klgr withhold ylk
run .N+hr* do wh to evil 0t$ybl their feet Nwhylgr*d because l+m 1:16
.innocent 0ykz blood 0md to shed d$0ml & hasten Nybhr *tsmw
nets 0tdy*cm are spread nysr*p it is wh in deceit 0t(bw 1:17
a bird .0txrp for l(
themselves .Nwht$*pn & hide Ny$+mw for blood 0mdl & they lay wait Nynmkw 1:18
.evil 0lw( who do Nydb(d of all lkd the ways 0txr *w0 are Nyn0* so 0nkh 1:19
.of their masters Nyhyr*md the lives 0t$*pn & take Nybsnw
.is praised 0xbt$m in the the street 0qw$*b wisdom 0tmkx 1:20
.her voice hlq raises 0myrm & in the street 0qw$*bw
.she preaches 0zrkm streets 0tyr*b in the chief $yrbw 1:21
of the city 0kr*kd of the gates 0(r *td & in the entrances 0nl(m*bw
.she speaks 0rm0 her words hylm *
you Nwtn0 love Nymxr* children 0r*b$ to when? ytm0l how long? 0md( 1:22
desire Nygr*& mockers 0nqym*mw .childishness 0twrb$
& fools 0lk*sw .mockery 0twnqymm you Nwtn0
.knowledge 0t(dy you Nwtn0 hate Nyns
I shall bring forth (b0 .to my reproof ytwnskml you turn Nwnptt if N0 1:23
.my word ytlm & I shall show you Nwk(dw0w my spirit yxwr to you Nwkl
.you believed Nwtnmyh & not 0lw I cried tyrqd for l( 1:24
.you listened Nwt(m$ & not 0lw my voice ylq & I have lifted tmyr0w
.my counsels yty(r*t all Nyhlk & you despised Nwt+$w 1:25
.you were pleased Nwtybc not 0l & with my reproof ytwnskmbw
your destruction.Nwkrbt over l( I shall laugh Kxg0 I 0n0 also P0 1:26
tumult 0yxwld upon you Nwkyl( comes 0t0d when 0m & I shall rejoice 0dx0w
the stillness .0yl$ from Nm & destruction 0ndb0w
.will come 0t0n a hurricane 0l(l( like Ky0 & your destruction Nwkrbtw 1:27
.& adversity 0tq(w trouble 0nclw0 against them Nwhyl( comes 0t0d & when 0mw
them .Nwn0 I shall answer 0n(0 & not 0lw they will call me ynnwrqn then Nydyh 1:28
& not 0lw to my presence ytwl & they will come early Nwmdqnw
.they will find me ynnwxk$n

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& the awe htlxdw .knowledge 0t(dy they hated wnsd because l( 1:29
.they chose wbg not 0l of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd
.my counsel yty(r*tb they chose wbc & not 0lw 1:30
my reproof ytwnskm all hlk & they have rejected wyls0w
of their ways.Nwhtxr*w0d the fruit 0r*0p of Nm & they will eat wlk0w 1:31
.they will be filled w(bs their counsels Nwhty(rt & of Nmw
the turning away 0twnkphm this 0nh because of l+m 1:32
& the error yy(w+w them .Nwn0 will kill lw+qt of the children 0r*b$d
them .Nwn0 will destroy dbwt minds 0ny(r of feeble yr*ysxd
.in hope 0rbsb will dwell 0r$n me yl who hears (m$d & he Nmw 1:33
.of evils 0t*$ybd the multitude 00gws from Nm & will be quiet 0l$nw
Chapter 2
.my words ylm* you will receive lbqt if N0 my son yrb 2:1
in your heart Kblb you will hide 0$+t & my commandments yndq*wpw
& turn 0nptw to wisdom .0tmkxl your ear knd0 & you will incline 0lctw 2:2
to understanding .0lkwsl your heart Kbl
you exalt Myrt & to intelligence

0lkwslw to understanding 0lkwsl & call 0rqtw 2:3

your voice Klq
silver .0m0s as Ky0 & you will seek it yhwy(btw 2:4
.treasure 0tmys as Ky0 & you will search it out yhwycbtw
the awe htlxd you will understand lktst /Ambros.:but Nyd then Nydyh 2:5
of God.0hl0d the knowledge ht(dy & you will find xk$tw of LORD JEHOVAH .0yrmd
wisdom.0tmkx gives bhy he wh LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd because l+m 2:6
& understanding.0lkwsw knowledge 0t(dy his mouth hmwp & from Nmw
who are upright .Nycyrtd for those Nyly0l hope 0rbs & he keeps r+nw 2:7
blemish Mwm without 0ld who walk Nyklhmd those Nyly0l & helps (ysmw
of justice .0nydd the ways 0txr*w0 & he keeps r+nw 2:8
.he will preserve r+nn of his pure ones yhwys*xd the ways 0txr*w0
& justice.0nydw righteousness 0twqydz you will understand lktst then Nydyh 2:9
.excellent 0r*yp$ ways 0lyb$*of all Nwhlkd & uprightness 0twcyrtw
your heart Kbll wisdom 0tmkx will enter l(t when dk 2:10
will be sweet Msbt to your soul K$pnl & knowledge 0t(dyw
will keep you Kr+nt good 0tb+ a mind 0ty(rt 2:11
will deliver you Kbzw$n of the good 0n0*kd & the intelligence 0lkwsw

.0t$*yb ways 0txr*w0 from Nm that you may be delivered 0cpttd 2:12
contradictions 0tky*ph speaking Nyllmmd men 0r *bg & from Nmw

& they walk Nyklhmw .upright 0tcyrt the way 0xrw0 who leave Nyqb$d 2:13
of darkness .0kw$xd in the way 0xrw0b
& they exult Nycydw evil .0t$yb to do db(ml & they rejoice Nydxw 2:14
of the evil .0t*$ybd in the lifestyle 0kpwhb
& crooked Nyltpmw are perverted Nmq*(m their ways Nwhtxr*w0 2:15
.their paths Nwhyly*b$
a woman 0ttn0 from Nm wisdom 0tmkx will deliver you Kycpt 2:16

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.by her words hylm* who subverts 0kphmd estranged 0tyrkwn

.of her childhood htwyl+d the rearing 0nybrm who has left tqb$d 2:17
of her God .hhl0d the covenant 0myq & has forgotten t(+w
.of her house htybd the doorposts 0tpks0*she has forgotten t(+ 2:18
of her paths .hyly*b$d & the steps 0tklh*w
return .Nykph not 0l unto her htwl who enter Nyl0(d all lk 2:19
!of life 0yx*d the way 0xrw0 remember Nyrkdtm & not 0lw
.of the good 0b*+d in the way 0xrw0b therefore lykh walk Klh 2:20
.of the righteous ones 0q*ydzd the way 0xrw0 & keep r+w
in the land .0(r0b dwell Nyr*m( the upright 0cyr *td because l+m 2:21
in it.hb spared Nyrxt$m are Nwn0 blemish mwm without 0ldd & those Nyly0w
the Earth.0(r0 from Nm are consumed Nypys & sinners 0y+x*w 2:22
from it .hnm are uprooted Nyrq(tm & the evil 0lw*(w

Chapter 3
.my law yswmn forget 0(+t not 0l my son yrb 3:1
your heart Kbl let keep r+n my commandments yndq*wpw
the days 0tm*wyd the length 0rgwnd because l+m 3:2
to you Kl they will add Nps*wttn of life 0yx*d & the years 0yn$*w
let forsake you Knwqb$n not 0l & truth 0t$wqw & favor 0twby+w & peace 0ml$w 3:3
them Nwn0 & write bwtkw on your neck Krwcb them Nwn0 bind rw+q but 0l0
of your heart Kbld the tablet 0xwl upon l(
& intelligence.0lkwsw & grace 0twby+w mercies 0mxr* that you find xk$td 3:4
& in front of Mdqw God 0hl0 in front of Mdq
!of men 0$n0 the children yn*b
your heart Kbl whole hlk from Nm in LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmb hope rbs 3:5
.trust lktt not 0l of your soul K$pnd the wisdom 0tmkx & upon l(w
your ways Ktxr*w0 in all Nyhlkb know him yhy(d 3:6
your paths Kyly*b$ straightens crt & he whw
but 0l0 of your self K$pn in the eyes yn*y(b wise Mykx be 0wht not 0l 3:7
evil .0t$yb from Nm & depart y+sw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm of Nm be in awe lxd
to your flesh Krsbl healing 0twys0 that may be 0whtd 3:8
to your bones Kymr*gl & fatness 0nhwdw
your possessions Knynq from Nm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml honor rqy 3:9
your increase Ktll(* all Nyhlk the best $yr & from Nmw
.fulness 0(bs your barns Kyr *cw0 & will be filled Nwlmtnw 3:10
!wine 0rmx will pour forth N(b*n & your wine presses Ktr*c(mw
.reject 0lst not 0l of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the discipline htwdrm my son yrb 3:11
.in his admonition htwnskmb to you Kl neglect N0mt & not 0lw
such hl whom he loves Mxrd to the one Nmld because l+m 3:12
a father 0b0 as Ky0 such.hl disciplines 0dr LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

.!his son hrbl disciplines 0drd

wisdom.0tmkx who finds xk$0d to the son of man 0$nrbl his blessing yhwbw+ 3:13
understanding .0lkws who finds xk$0d & the son of man 0$nrblw
its merchandise htrwg0t is yh better 0b+d because l+m 3:14
gold 0bhd & than Nmw of silver.0m0sd the merchandise 0trwg0t than Nm
.its increase htll(*the excellencies Nr *tym refined 0nyns
precious.0tb*+ stones 0p0*k than Nm for ryg it is yh more valuable 0ryqy 3:15
to it .hl is comparable Mxp not 0l & a thing Mdmw
.in her right hand hnymyb of days 0tm*wyd the length 0rgwn 3:16
.in her left hlmsb & honor 0rqy0w & wealth 0rtw(w
are Ny*n0 the ways 0txr*w0 her ways htxr*w0 3:17
peace.0ml$ her paths hylyb$* & all Nwhlkw of sweetness.0tmy*sb
who hold fast Nynsm *xmd to those Nyly0l of life 0yx*d it is yh a tree 0nly0 3:18
.!their blessings Nwhybw+ it hl who look for Nyksmd & those Nyly0w it.hb
the foundations hys0*t$ laid Ms in his wisdom htmkxb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 3:19
the Heavens 0ym$ & were established Mqt0w of the Earth.0(r0d
.in his understanding hlkwsb
were broken up w(zbt0 & in his knowledge ht(dybw 3:20
.dew 0l+ sprinkle sr & the clouds 0nn*(w the depths.0mwh*t
in your eyes Kyn*y(b shall depart lzn not 0l my son yrb 3:21
.& my counsels yty(r*tw my teaching ynplwy to keep r+ml
to your soul K$pnl the Life 0yx* & shall be Nwwhnw 3:22
to your neck Krwcl & grace 0pxwrw
.in hope 0rbsb in your ways Ktxr*w0b you will walk Klht & then Nydyhw 3:23
.you will stumble lqtt not 0l & by your foot Klgrbw
you will be afraid.lxdt & not 0lw & you will sleep Kmdtw 3:24
your sleep Ktn$ to you Kl & will be sweet Msbtw & you will lie down bk$tw
trouble 0yxwld of Nm you will be afraid lxdt & not 0lw 3:25
of sinners 0y+x*d the rush 0p0x & from Nmw the stillness .0yl$ which of Nmd
.it comes 0t0d when 0m
with you Km( shall be 0whn LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd because l+m 3:26
.it would be caught dyctt that not 0ld your foot Klgr & will keep r+nnw
what is excellent ryp$d to do db(ml refrain 0lktt not 0l 3:27
to do .db(ml in your hands Kydy0*b there is ability 0qpsd as long as 0mk
say rm0t not 0l to you Kl there is ty0 & when dkw 3:28
tomorrow rxm again bwt & come 0tw Go lzd to your neighbor Krbxl
to you Kl & I shall give lt0w
your neighbor Krbx against l( evil 0t$yb devise b$xtt not 0l 3:29
in the quiet .0yl$b with you Km( who sits btyd
in deceit 0t(b a son of man 0$nrb with M( judge Nwdt not 0l 3:30
& not 0lw evil .0lw( a man 0rbgb envy N+t & not 0lw 3:31
his ways .htxr*w0 all Nyhlkb desire 0bct

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LORD JEHOVAH.0yrm before Mdq the evil one 0lw( is wh defiled 0m+d because l+m 3:32
the upright.0cyr*t are with M( of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd & the discourses hty(w *$w
in their houses Nwhyt *bb of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the curse ht+wl 3:33
& their dwellings Nwhrydw of the evil ones .0lw *(d
he will bless Krbn of the righteous ones 0qydzd
& over l(w .mockers 0nqy*mml & he will overthrow Pwxsnw 3:34
.he will hover Pxrn the wise 0my*kx
the wise.0my*kx they will inherit Nwtr0n honor 0rqy0 3:35
disgrace!0r(c they will receive Nwlbqn & fools 0lk*sw
Chapter 4
of a father.0b0d the instruction htwdrm children 0ynb* hear w(m$ 4:1
& understanding .0lkwsw knowledge 0t(dy & listen to wtwcw
you.Nwkl I have given tbhy good 0b+ teaching 0nplwyd because l+m 4:2
forsake.Nwqb$t not 0l my law yswmn
.to my father yb0l I have been tywh for ryg a son 0rb 4:3

/Ambros.:& the only child 0ydyxyw/Lee:& the only child 0dyxyw delightful 0qnpm
my mother .ym0 in front of Mdq

my word ytlm confirm lyxtt to me .yl & he said rm0w & he taught me ynpl0w 4:4
.& live yyxw my commandments yndq*wp keep r+ in your heart Kblb
of the eyes.0ny(d the pupils 0tbb like Ky0 & my law yswmnw
understanding .0lkws & get ynqw wisdom 0tmkx get ynq 4:5
of my mouth.ymwpd the sayings hrm0m from Nm turn aside 0+st & not 0lw
that she may keep you Kr+ntd forsake her hyqb$t not 0l 4:6
that she may deliver you Kbzw$td love her hymxr
wisdom.0tmkx get ynq wisdom 0tmkx the summit $yr 4:7
understanding.0lkws purchase ynq your possessions Knynq & with all hlkbw
& embrace her hyqp(w that she may exalt you Kmrmrtd love her hybbx 4:8
that she may honor you Krqytd
of grace.0pxwrd the beauty 0twy0y on your head K$yrb & she will put Mystw 4:9
she will satisfy you!K(bst of glory 0xbw$d & with a crown 0lylkbw
.my words ylm* & receive lbqw my son yrb hear (m$ 4:10
of your life Kyy*xd the years 0yn$* & will be many Nygs*nw
I have taught you Ktpl0 of wisdom 0tmkxd the ways 0txr*w0 4:11
straight.0cyr*t in the paths 0lyb$*b & I have led you Ktklhw
will quake N(*wzn not 0l you tn0 walk Klhmd & when 0mw 4:12
not 0l you tn0 run +hr & if N0w your walking Ktklh
.you will stumble lqtt
.forsake her hyqb$t & not 0lw my instruction ytwdrmb hold fast Nsmx 4:13
your life Kyy*x is yh she yhd because l+m keep her hyr+
. go lz0t not 0l of sinners 0y+x*d in the way 0xrw0b 4:14
of the evil .0$*ybd the way 0xrw0b envy N+t & not 0lw

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pass rb(t not 0l where they dwell Nyr$d & in the place 0rt0bw 4:15
from it .hnm & pass rb(w turn aside y+s but 0l0 through it .hb
evil.0t$yb they do Nydb(d until 0md( they sleep Nykmd for ryg not 0l 4:16
they do Nydb(d until 0md( their sleep Nwhtn$ is yh & fleeing away 0dyrpw
their desires.Nwhnybc
of evil.0lw(d is yh food 0tlwk0m their food Nwhtlwk0md because l+m 4:17
they drink.Nyt$ of depravity 0t(d & the wine 0rmxw
light 0rhwn like Ky0 of the righteous ones 0q*ydzd but Nyd The way 0xrw0 4:18
its light hrhwn & progresses lz0w .shining 0rhzm
.the day 0mwy is established Nqtd until 0md(
is.yh darkness 0kw$x of the wicked 0(y$r*d but Nyd the way 0xrw0 4:19
they stumble.Nylqttm on what 0nmb they know Ny(dy & not 0lw
& to my speech yrm0mlw my words.ylm*give ear to twc my son yrb 4:20
your ear Knd0 incline Nkr0
but 0l0 in your eyes Kyn*y(b let depart Nlzn*not 0l 4:21
your heart Kbld within hwgb them Nyn0* keep r+
them.Nyhl who finds xk$md to him Nml is Nyn0* life 0y*xd because l+m 4:22
.healing 0s0m all hlk & in his flesh hrsbw
your heart Kbl keep r+ caution rhwz with all lkb 4:23

.of life 0y*xd the outgoing 0nqpm is wh from it hnmd because l+m
perverse 0myq( the mouth 0mwp from you Knm cause to pass rb(0 4:24
your lips Ktwps*from Nm put far qxr0 of depravity 0t(d & the thought 0ynrw
let behold.Nrwxn in uprightness 0twcyrtb your eyes Kyn*y( 4:25
before you Klbwql let be straight Nwcrtn & your eyelashes Kyr *mtw
evil.0$*yb streets 0lyb$from Nm your foot Klgr let pass rb(0 4:26
will be established.Nnq*tn your ways Ktxrw0 & all Nyhlkw
.or to the left 0lmslw to the right 0nymyl turn aside 0+st not 0l 4:27
!evil 0t$yb from Nm your foot Klgr remove rb(0 but 0l0
Chapter 5
Lee:& to my sayings yrm0mlw .to my wisdom ytmkxl give ear twc my son yrb 5:1
your ear Knd0 incline Nkr0 /3 Ambros.:& to my understanding ylkwslw/
counsel .0ty(rtb so that you heed rhdztd 5:2
will keep .Nr+nn your lips Ktwp*s & knowledge 0t(dyw
dripping Np+m* are wh honey 0$bdd because l+m 5:3
.of an estranged woman 0tyrkwnd the lips htw*ps
.her words hylm *oil 0x$m than Nm & are softer Nkykr*w
Lee:wormwood 0dd*g /Ambros.:want 0dr*g of Nm & their end Nyhtrxw 5:4
a sword 0pys than Nm for ryg they are yh sharper 0pyrx bitter.0ryrm
.mouthed yhwm*wp double Nyr*td
.to death 0twml marry Ntx*m & her legs hylgr*w 5:5

.causes to recline 0kmsm her walk htk*lh in Sheol lwy$

Lee:in the road 0xrw0b she treads 0krd & not 0lw 5:6

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of life .0yx*d /Ambros.:in the land 0(r0b/

her paths hyly*b$ for ryg them Nwn0 lead astray 0$wt
they are known Ny(ydy & not 0lw
& not 0lw .hear me ynw(mw$ children 0yn*b therefore lykm 5:7
of my mouth .ymwpd the words hrm0m from Nm turn away Nw+st
& not 0lw your road Kxrw0 from her hnm make far qxr0 5:8
of her house .htybd the door 0(rtl go near brqtt
your power Klyx to others 0nr*x0l you give ltt lest 0ld 5:9
who are merciless.Nynmxrm 0ld to those Nyly0l & your years Kyn$w
with your power Klyx foreigners 0yr*kwn & will be filled Nw(bsnw 5:10
.of strangers 0yr*kwnd the house 0tybl will enter l(t & your labor Ktw0lw
your soul K$pn moves you to regret Kywtt & in your old age Ktwbysbw 5:11
of your body Km$wgd the flesh 0rsb is wasted rmgd when 0m
instruction.0twdrm I have hated tyns for ryg why? 0nmld & you will say rm0tw 5:12
.my heart ybl despised yls0 & reproof 0twnskmw
.of my teachers ynplm*d to the voice 0lql I have listened t(m$ & not 0lw 5:13
.my ear ynd0 I turned tylc not 0l & to my instructors yn(m$*mlw
to me yl I have been tywh it is 0wh a little lylq ever d( 5:14
.& in the congregation !0td(bw in the assembly 0t$wnkb evils.N$*yb in all lkb
your well Krb from Nm waters 0ym*drink yt$0 5:15
your spring Kny(m from Nm & running waters 0ydr*w
in your streets Kyqw$*b your waters Ky*m & let overflow Nw(pt$nw 5:16
let them travel.Nwdrn & in your streets Kyqw$*bw
you alone Kydwxlb to you Kl & let them be Nwwhnw 5:17
with you Km( let be sexual partners Nwptwt$n not 0l & estranged males* 0yrkwnw

Compare verse 3, where the feminine form is used 0tyrkwn estranged woman, whereas here, it is the masculine
gender, referring to males. Any homosexual male would have been considered strange or estranged in ancient
Israel. Here, Solomon warns his son against sexual relations with another male, as well as against fornication with a
woman in the preceding passage.
your fountain K(wbm blessed Kyrb & shall be 0whnw 5:18
of your youth Ktwyl+ the wife ttn0 with M( & rejoice ydxw
.of affection 0tmxrd & mountain goat 0tcydw of affection 0tmxrd a hind 0tly0 5:19
time Nbz in every lkb learn Ply her ways htxr*w0
.think y(r & on her love htmxrbw
.with the estranged woman 0tyrkwnb my son yrb go astray 0(+t & not 0lw 5:20
of an estranged woman.0tyrkwnd the bosom hbw( embrace qp(t not 0l & also P0w
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd are Nyn0*his eyes yhwny*( in front of Mdqd because l+m 5:21
his paths yhwly*b$ & all Nwhlkw .of a man 0rbgd the ways htxr *w0
.before him yhwmdq are open Nylg
the evil man.0lw( will be held captive dxttn in his debts yhwbwx*b 5:22
.he will be bound rkptn of his sins yhwh+x*d & in the cords 0lbxbw
.instruction wdrm without 0ld he will die twmn he wh 5:23
he will be led astray!0(+tn of his error htwy(+d & in the abundance 00gwsbw

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Chapter 6
for your friend Krbxl you are security tbr( if N0 my son yrb 6:1
.to a stranger 0yrkwnl your hand Kdy0 you have yielded tml$0

/Ambros.:you are trapped tdyct0/Lee:you are trapped tdyctt0 6:2

& you are taken tdxtt0w of your mouth Kmwpd by the saying 0rm0mb
of your lips Ktwps*d by the speech 0llmmb
because l+m & be delivered 0cpt0w my son yrb thus 0nkh do db( 6:3
your are surety trb( of your friend Krbx the face yp0* for l(d
of your enemy Kbbdl(b into the hands ydy0b you have fallen tlpn
your friend Krbx therefore lykh coax grg
for him.yhwl( of whom you are security tbr(d
to your eyes Kyn*y(l sleep 0tn$ you shall give ltt & not 0lw 6:4
to your eyelids Kyn*ybgl slumber 0tmwn not 0l also P0
a net 0b$n from Nm a deer 0yb+ like Ky0 that you be delivered 0cpttd 6:5
.a snare 0xp from Nm a bird 0rpc & like Ky0w
& learn Plyw her ways .htxr*w0 & see yzxw the ant 0nm$w$l be like 0mdt0 6:6
.a harvest 0dcx to her hl for there is not tyld
a Ruler 0+yl$ than her hnm higher l(l & there is not tylw 6:7
her .hl that drives Pk0d one Nm not 0l & also P0w .
her bread.hmxl summer 0+yq from Nm for herself hl & she prepares by+mw 6:8
her food.htlwk0m in harvest 0dcxb & she stores spqw
sluggard 0nnbx you tn0 sleep Kmd until when? ytm0l how long? 0md( 6:9
will you arise Mwqt your sleep Ktn$ from Nm when? ytm0
you will sleep Kmdt & a little lylqw you will slumber Mwnt a little lylq 6:10
your chest Kydx upon l( your hand Kdy0 you will put Myst & a little lylqw
& will overtake you Kkrdtw poverty 0twnksm upon you Kyl( will come 0t0t 6:11
/vigorous 0ry$k a man 0rbg like Ky0 .want 0twkyrc
./Leiden:a running courier 0rlb+
evil 0lw( a man 0rbg .foolish 0lks of men 0*$n0 a son rb 6:12
.in rebellion 0twqy$(b walks Klhm
.with his feet hlgrb & strikes sktw with his eyes yhwny*(b he winks zmr 6:13
with his fingers ht(b*cb & he signals zmrw
evil 0t$yb & devises l$xw in his heart.hblb & he is turned backward Kphtmw 6:14
two .Nyrt between tyb & he stirs up strife $g$w .always.Nbzlkb
will come 0t0n the stillness 0yl$ from Nm this 0nh because of l+m 6:15
.he will be broken rbttn the stillness 0yl$ & from Nmw .his ruin hrbt
!a remedy 0twys0 to him hl will be 0wht & not 0lw
LORD JEHOVAH .0yrm that hates 0nsd are they Nyn0* six t$ 6:16
his soul .h$pn has despised tyls0 & a seventh (b$dw
false.0lgd & a tongue 0n$lw lofty 0tmr eyes 0ny( 6:17
.innocent 0ykz blood 0md that shed Nd$0*d & hands 0ydy0*w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of depravity.0t(d plans 0tb$x*m that plans b$xtmd & a heart 0blw 6:18
to evil .0t$ybl to run +hrml that hasten 0bhrtsmd & feet 0lgrw
.lies 0twbdk who speaks llmmd false 0lgd & a witness 0dhsw 6:19
.brothers 0x0*among tyb & deception 0mrdlw
of your father Kwb0d the commandment 0ndqwp my son yrb keep r+ 6:20
of your mother Km0d the law 0swmn forget 0(+t & not 0lw
.permanently ty0nym0 in your heart Kblb them Nwn0 fasten (wbq 6:21
your neck Krwcb them Nwn0 & coil around Kwrkw
to you Kl them Nwn0 make cleave Pq0 you .tn0 walk Klhmd & whenever 0mw 6:22
them Nwn0 keep r+ .they will be Nwwhn & with you Km(w
you are awakened try(tt0d & when 0mw that they may keep you Knwr+nnd
.a meditation 0ynr to you Kl will be Nwwhn those Nwnh
light 0rhwn & the Law 0swmnw the commandment 0ndqwp for ryg is wh a lamp 0gr$ 6:23
& instruction .0twdrmw reproof 0twnskm of life 0yx*d & the way 0xrw0w
evil .0t$yb a woman 0ttn0 from Nm to keep you Kr+ntd 6:24
the ridicule 0crq consuming lk0m & from Nmw
.of the estranged woman 0tyrkwnd of the tongue hn$ld

0crq lk0m Makel Qartsa Consuming ridicule is an idiom for slander and accusation. In The N.T. it is the name
of The Devil.

be ensnared dyctt & not 0lw in your heart Kblb her beauty hrpw$ desire grt not 0l 6:25
.with her eyelids hyr *mtb let her capture you Kyb$t & not her eyes hyn*y(b
a harlot 0tynz of a woman 0ttn0d for ryg the appearance hymwd 6:26
of a man 0rbg & a wife ttn0w of bread.0mxld a loaf 0tcyrg like Ky0
.hunts 0dyc precious 0tryqy the soul 0$pn
in his bosom hbw(b fire 0rwn a son of man 0$nrb put M0s does? 0mld 6:27
.burn dqwm not 0l & his garments yhwtx*nw
coals 0r*mwg upon l( a man 0rbg walk Klhm does? 0mld or w0 6:28
are harmed .Nywkt*m not 0l & his feet yhwlgr*w of fire 0rwnd
the wife ttn0 upon l( who goes in l0(d he Nm so 0nkh 6:29
not 0l her hl & touches brqw .of his neighbor hrbx
.will be innocent 0kzn
at one 0ny0b /Ambros.:to wonder wrmdttml/Lee:to wonder wrmdtml/ not 0l 6:30
for ryg because he steals bngd .stealing bngd who is caught dxttmd
when he is hungry .0npkd himself h$pn to satisfy (bsnd
.sevenfold 0(b$b each dx he pays (rp stealing bngd he is caught dxttm & if N0w 6:31
.he gives bhy of his house htybd the possessions 0nynq & all hlkw

with a woman 0ttn0 but Nyd he who commits adultery r0gd 6:32
his soul .h$pn & is destroying lbxmw he wh intelligence 0ny(r lacks rysx
disgrace 0r(c to himself hl to bring bwrqnd working db( & he is wywhw 6:33
.will be forgotten 0(+tn not 0l & his shame hdsxw .& it apprehends him yhwykrdnw
of jealousy.0nn+ is full 0ylmd therefore l+m of a man 0rbgd for ryg the anger htmx 6:34
.of vengeance 0n(rwpd in the day 0mwyb he has pity s0x not 0l
.of a gift 0nbrwqd faces 0p0*b he accepts bsn & not 0lw 6:35

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

bribes 0*dxw$ to him hl you increase 0gst when dk consents syp+tm & not 0lw
Chapter 7
my words.ylm *keep r+ my son yrb 7:1
in your heart Kblb hide 0$+0 & my commandments yndq*wpw
& my law yswmnw .& live yyxw my commandments yndq*wp keep r+ 7:2
.of the eye 0ny(d the pupil* 0tbb like Ky0

The pupil of the eye 0ny(d 0tbb is a Hebraism, and is found in the Hebrew of Zechariah 2:8 in almost identical
form. 0ny(d 0tbb also is found in Proverbs 4:4 of The Peshitta.

upon l( them Nwn0 & write bwtkw on your neck Krwcb them Nwn0 tie
of your heart Kbld the tablets 0x*wl

rw+q 7:3

.you are ytn0 my sister ytx to wisdom 0tmkxl & say rm0w 7:4
of knowledge .0(dm my expounder yrq & to understanding 0lkwslw
the woman 0ttn0 from Nm for it will keep you Kr+nnd 7:5

.her words hylm* whose seduce Nynld$*md estranged 0tyrkwn

The last two Aramaic words are idiomatic & are highlighted; they mean: whose words seduce.
of her house htybd a window 0twk from Nmd because l+m 7:6
.she looked out tqyd0 the balcony Nwr+ssk & from Nmw
on the boys.0yl+b* & gazed trxw children 0r *b$ & she saw tzxw 7:7
minds 0ny(r & on feeble yr *ysxbw
upon l( in the street .0qw$b who pass by Nyrb(d 7:8
of her house .htyb of the road yly*b$d the corner 0t*ywz the side bng
the sun.0$m$ at setting ybr*(mb at evening 0$mrb 7:9
.& in thick darkness 0n+m(bw of the night 0ylld in darkness 0kw$xb
to meet him h(rw0l a woman 0ttn0 & went forth tqpnw 7:10
to make flutter 0drpmd .of a harlot 0tynzd in the attire 0myks0b
of the young men .0myl(*d their hearts Nwhbl
& in her house htybbw .& a prodigal 0y+ws0w & she is rebellious 0ydwrmw 7:11
rest .Nyl$*not 0l her feet hylgr*
.she wanders 0yhp outside rbl at a time Nbzb but 0l0 7:12
& on the corners 0tywzb*w in the streets 0qw$*b & at a time Nbzbw
she lies in wait.0nmk
& she kissed him.htq$nw & she caught him htdx0w 7:13
to him .hl & she said trm0w her face hyp0*& was bold tpcx0w
today 0nmwy .peace 0ml$*there are Nwn0 sacrifices 0x*bd 7:14
.my vows yr*dn I have paid t(rp
I went out tqpn this 0nh because of lw+m 7:15
I have been tywh for waiting 0yksmd to meet you K(rw0l
& I have found you Ktxk$0w to see you Kyzxml
my bed .ysr( I have spread tyw$ on a carpet 0tyw$tb 7:16
.I have spread it htmrq Egyptian 0yr*cm & with bedspreads 0mr*qbw
myrrh 0rwm my bed.ysr( upon l( & I have sprinkled tsrw 7:17
& cinnamon.0mnwqw & saffron crocus 0mkrwkw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the morning 0rpcl until 0md( in love 0tmxrb let us delight Msbtn come 0t 7:18
.in desire 0tgrb other dxl each dx & we shall embrace qp(nw.
my husband.yrbg in the house 0tybb for ryg has been 0wh not 0l 7:19
.far off 0tqyxr on a road 0xrw0b himself hl he has gone lz0
he has taken lq$ of money 0pskd & a money bag 0rrcw 7:20
it will be wh & for days 0tmwy*lw in his hand.hdy0b
to his house .htybl he will come 0t0 many 00ygs*
.of her words hylm*d with the multitude 00gwsb & she deceived him hty(+0w 7:21
she enticed him.htptn unto him htwl of her lips htwps*d & in the flattery 0ldww$bw
.a child 0rb$ like Ky0 after her hrtb did 0wh go lz0 & he whw 7:22
.a butcher 0xb+ with twl that goes lz0d a bull 0rwt & like Ky0w

./Lee:to captivity 0yrws0l/to a chain 0rws0l a dog 0blk & like Ky0w
.into its liver hdbkb an arrow 0r0g when flies xrpmd a stag 0ly0 & like Ky0w 7:23
.to a snare 0xpl bird 0pnk a living twyxlike Ky0 & he hastens bhrtsmw
it is wh that to the death 0twmld he knows (dy & not 0lw
.he goes lz0 of his soul h$pnd
the words yhwlm* & obey wtwcw .hear me ynw(mw$ children 0ynb*therefore lykm 7:24
of my mouth .ymwpd
to her ways .htxr*w0l your heart Kbl incline 0l+cn not 0l 7:25
.in her paths hylyb$*b go astray 0(+t & not 0lw
.she has cast down tymr0 of the slain 0ly+q*d a multitude 00gwsd because l+m 7:26
.have been killed by her hyly+q* all of them Nwhlwk & mighty ones Nyn*y$(w
are Ny*n0 the paths 0txr *w0 of her house htybd the paths 0txr*w0 7:27
.!of death 0twmd to the chambers 0nwtl of those descending Ntxnd.of Sheol lwy$d
Chapter 8
& understanding 0lkwsw preaches zrk0 wisdom 0tmkx this 0nh because of l+m 8:1
will answer you Kyn(n
wisdom .0tmkx is hyty0 for ryg the high places 0tmr*top $yr on l( 8:2
the side dy & upon l(w the roads 0txr*w0 & between tybw
she stands .0myq of the paths 0ly*b$
.she calls 0yrq with her mouth hmwpb the gates 0(r*t & over l(w 8:3
of the gates 0(r *td & in the entrances 0nl(m*bw
.glorious 0xbt$m of the city 0krkd
I.0n0 call 0yrq men 0r*bg to you Nwkl & she says 0rm0w 8:4
of man .0$n0 the children yn*b upon l( & my voice ylqw
subtlety .0twmyr( children 0r*b$ that may understand Nwlktsnd 8:5
may understand Nwlktsn / minds 0ny(r & the feeble yr*ysxw
in their heart .Nwhblb /Lee:may know Nw(dn
I .0n0 speak 0llmm it is wh truth 0tryr$d because lw+m hear me ynw(mw$ 8:6
in uprightness .0twcyrt my mouth ymwp & opens xtpmw
my mouth .ymwp ruminates 0nr for ryg it is wh truth 0t$wq 8:7
lying.0t*lgd the lips 0tw *ps in front of me ymdq & unclean N0m*+w
the words ylm * all these Nyhlk are Nyn0*& in righteousness 0twqydzbw 8:8

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

perversion 0ltwp in them Nyhb & there is not tylw of my mouth .ymwp
& crookedness .0mqw(w
them .Nyhl who perceives (dwt$md to him 0ny0l are Nyn0*plain Ny*lg & all these Nyhlkw 8:9
!them Nyn0*to know (dml who chooses 0bcd to him 0ny0l they are Ny *n0 & right Ncyr *tw
& choose wbgw silver.0psk & not 0lw discipline 0twdrm receive wlbq 8:10
.refined 0nyns gold 0bhd than Nm rather b+ knowledge 0t(dy for you Nwkl
than Nm better b+ wisdom 0tmkx is yh good 0b+d because l+m 8:11
.precious 0t*b+ stones 0p0*k than Nm & it is better b+w .refined 0nyns gold 0bhd
to it .hl compares Mxp not 0l & a thing Mdmw
cunning .0twmyr( have created tyrb wisdom 0tmkx I 0n0 8:12
.own 0ynq I 0n0 & reason 0ty(rtw & knowledge 0t(dyw
evil 0t$yb is hating 0yns of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the awe htlxd 8:13
& a mouth 0mwpw evil .0t$yb & the way 0xrw0w & pride 0twmrw & pomp 0twy0gw
I .0n0 hate 0yns perverse 0kyph
& instruction.0nplwyw reason 0ty(rt is yh mine ylyd 8:14
understanding 0lkws is wh mine ylyd
.manly strength 0twrbng is yh & mine ylydw
rule .Nyklmm Kings 0klm*because of me ytl+m 8:15
righteousness .0twqydz search out Nyqdb & Rulers 0n+yl$*w
& nobles 0nbrwr *w are authorized .Ny+lt$m Rulers 0n+yl$ because of me ytlw+m 8:16
of righteousness .0twqydzd Judges 0n*yd & all Nwhlkw

.my friends ymxr*I 0n0 love 0mxr I 0n0 8:17

.will find me ynnwxk$n me yl who seek Ny(bd & those Nyly0w
are .wh mine ylyd & honor 0rqy0w riches 0rtw( 8:18
& righteousness .0twqydzw & old age 0qyt( & possessions 0nynqw
.refined 0nyns gold 0bhd than Nm are Nwn0 better Nyb+ & my fruits yr*0pw 8:19
.choice 0ybg silver 0m0s than Nm & my produce ytll(*w
I.0n0 walk 0klhm of righteousness 0twqydzd in the way 0xrw0b 8:20
of judgment .0nydd the streets 0ly*b$ & within wgbw
Ambros.:that I may honor tbrw0d/ Lee:that I may leave an inheritance trw0d\ 8:21
. I shall fill 0lm0 & their treasures Nwhtm*ysw .hope 0rbs to my friends ymxr*l
.of his creation htyr *b at the beginning $yrb created me ynrb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm 8:22
all of them .Nwhlk his works yhwdb*( before Mdq & from Nmw

Created me Branee is a translation of the Hebrew Qanah, which can mean, create or possess; the
latter is the proper sense here, as Divine wisdom is uncreated and eternal, of necessity. Otherwise, we have the
prospect of a God without wisdom, before he created it! The Peshitta has it wrong here, as Bra cannot mean,
possess, so the Hebrew should be followed here to correct this Peshitta mistranslation.The Septuagint LXX also has
the reading of The Peshitta ektisen created.

.he was possessed by me ynnqt0 the world 0ml(*before Mdq & from Nmw 8:23
he would establish Nqtnd before Mdq & from Nmw the beginning 0ty$r & from Nmw
the Earth.0(r0 /Lee:he would make db(nd/
.I was born tdlyt0 the depths 0mwh*t would be Nwwhn before 0ld( 8:24
.in springs 0(wbm*b waters 0ym * would be Nwwhn & before 0ld(w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the mountains .0r *w+ would be established Nwnqtn & before 0ld(w 8:25
I was formed in the womb .tn+bt0 the hills 0tmr* & before Mdqw
.& the floods 0lx*nw Earth 0(r0 he would make db(n before 0ld( 8:26
of the world.lybtd of the dust hrp( & the beginning $yrw
I was .tywh with him hm( the Heavens 0ym$ were established Nqtm when dk 8:27
.of the depths 0mwh*t the face yp0* over l( a circle 0tgwx he made db( & when dkw
above .l(l from Nm the clouds 0nn*( he empowered N$(0 & when dkw 8:28
.of the depths 0mwh*td the springs 0(wb*m he strengthened N$(0 & when dkw
& waters 0ym*w .for the sea 0myl the law 0swmn he set Ms when dk 8:29
he made db( & when dkw his mouth.hmwp they would disobey Nyrb( not 0l
of the Earth.0(r0d the foundations hys0*t$
I was .tywh fashioning 0nqtm with him hm( 8:30
day Mwy all lk he was 0wh rejoicing 0dx in me yb
I have been.tywh rejoicing 0ydx before him yhwmdq & always.Nbzlkbw
.of his earth h(r0 in the world lybtb I have been tywh rejoicing 0ydx 8:31
of man .0$n0 in the sons ynb*b I have been tywh & glorying 0xbt$mw

.Lee:hear me ynw(m$/hear me ynw(mw$ children 0yn*b therefore lykm 8:32

.my ways ytxr *w0 who keeps r+nd to him Nml his blessing yhwbw+
& receive wisdom wmkxt0w instruction 0twdrm hear w(m$ 8:33
go astray .Nw(+t & not 0lw
.who will listen to me yn(m$nd to a son of man 0$nrbl his blessing yhwbw+ 8:34
& guards r+nw all day Mwylkb my gates y(r*t upon l( & will keep watch rh$nw
.of my gates y(r*td the posts 0tpks0*
are Nwn0 the goings forth 0nq*pm my goings forth ynq*pmd because l+m 8:35
LORD JEHOVAH .0yrm of Nm the will 0nybc & goes forth qpnw of Life .0yx*d
harm.Nykn their soul Nwh$pn against me yl( who sin Ny+xd & those Nyly0w 8:36
of death .0twmd are Nwn0 friends 0mxr *hating me y0ns* & all Nwhlkw
Chapter 9
& she has set tmyq0w a house.0tyb has built tnb wisdom 0tmkx 9:1
pillars.Nydwm( seven 0(b$ in it hb
.her sacrificial victim htskn & she has killed tsknw 9:2
her wine hrmx & she has mingled tgzmw
.her table hyr*wtp & she has prepared tby+w
to call Nwrqnd her servants hyd*b( & she has sent trd$w 9:3
.& they will say Nwrm0nw the hills 0tmr*upon l(
to me.ytwl let him come 0t0n simple minded rb$d who is? wnm 9:4
to him .hl & he said* rm0w his mind hny(r & whoever lacks rysxdw

He said rm0 is masculine, whereas all previous verb predicates of Wisdom are feminine, to agree with Wisdom
0tmkx, a feminine noun.The Hebrew text has the feminine verb hrm0 she said.The reader should know that the
feminine gender of the noun, khekemta wisdom and the feminine verb gender says nothing about the gender of the
person speaking here, which may be masculine. Most abstract nouns, such as wisdom, knowledge,
righteousness, are feminine in Aramaic and Hebrew, as well as in Greek and other languages. The he said here in
the Peshitta may indicate that the translator was a Christian, aware of the Christian interpretation of Proverbs 8 as the
speech of The Messiah, The Word and Wisdom of God, according to John 1:1, Colossians 1:24, etc..

.my bread ymxl of Nm eat wlwk0 come wt 9:5


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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

that I have mingled.tgzmd the wine 0rmx of Nm & drink wt$0w

of your mind Nwkny(r the deficiency twrysx from you Nwknm & put off wxyn0w 9:6
.agree with w(rt0 of uprightness 0tcyrt & the way 0xrw0w .& live wyxw

.disgrace 0r(c him hl gives 0bhy to an evil person 0$ybl discipline 0twdrm 9:7
.his vice hmwm the evil one 0lw(l & rebukes skmw
he will hate you Kynsn that not 0ld the evil one 0$ybl rebuke skt not 0l 9:8
for he will love you Kmxrnd the wise one 0mykxl rebuke sk0 but 0l0
that again bwtd to a wise man 0mykxl opportunity 0tp0 give bh 9:9
the righteous 0qydzl & teach (dw0w he may learn wisdom Mkxtn
his teacher!hnplwy beyond l( that he may progress Pswnd
of LORD JEHOVAH .0yrmd the awe htlxd of wisdom 0tmkx the beginning $yr 9:10
understanding .0lkws of the righteous ones 0q*ydzd & the knowledge 0t(dyw
your days Ktm *wy will be multiplied Nwgsn by it hbd because l+m 9:11
of life .0yx*d years 0yn$*to you Kl & will be added Npswttnw
for yourself K$pnl you are.tn0 wise Mykx if N0 my son yrb 9:12
you will be 0wht & if N0w & for your friends Kymxr*lw you are tn0 wise Mykx
such Nyn0* will draw out 0ldt you alone Kydwxlb .evil $yb
falsely.ty0lgd who denies brsd the one 0ny0 your evils Kt$yb
of the sky.0ym$d fowl 0pw( & pursues Pdrw.the winds Nyxwr * feeds on 0(r
.his service hnxlwp for ryg he has forsaken qb$
water .Nym *without 0ld in the desert 0brwxb to travel 0drml
of his vineyard.hmrkd of the way 0xrw0 the side 0dy0 & from Nmw
that are trodden 0$yrdd the paths ylyb$ & he forgets 0(+w
he wh also P0 .in thirst 0yhcb he travels 0dr
a thing! Mdm not 0l he will gather $nkn
.is alluring 0ynld$m in mind 0ny(r deficient trysx a woman 0ttn0 9:13
.shame 0tthb she knows 0(dy & not 0lw
of her house .htybd the door 0(rt at l( she sits 0bty 9:14
.high 0mr a seat 0ysrwk upon l(
the way 0xrw0 passers by yr*b(l & she calls 0yrqw 9:15
.& she says 0rm0w on their ways Nwhtxr*w0 who go straight Ncyr*td
to me.ytwl let him come 0t0n that is simple rb$d who is it? wnm 9:16
to her .hl & one says rm0w in his mind hny(r & one who is deficient rysxdw
are sweet.Nylx stolen 0by*ng waters 0ym * 9:17
is pleasant Mysb secret 0y$+m & bread 0mxlw
in her presence htwl that mighty men 0r *bngd he knows (dy & not 0lw 9:18
of Sheol lwy$d & in the depths 0qmw(bw perish .Nydb0
& not 0lw$ but 0l0 to her.hl who are summoned Nynmdzmd all lk
by her hb let be caught dct & not 0lw that.wh in place 0rt0b tarry rxwt$t
the waters 0ym*pass by rb(t for ryg so 0nkh your eye Kny(
& from Nmw .of foreigners 0yr*kwn & a river 0rhnw .of strangers 0yr*kwn
drink.0t$t not 0l of foreigners 0yr*kwn waters 0ym*
of life 0yx*d & years 0yn$*w of days 0tm *wyd a multitude 00gwsd so that l+m
!to you Kl will be added Npsw*ttn

The shaded sections represents text not found in the Hebrew Bible. The LXX has these passages, which leads some to
believe the Peshitta was translated in part from the LXX, however, an examination of the Peshitta and LXX shows too

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

many differences in overall readings between the two, for that to be the case. The LXX mss. and some of the Dead Sea
Scrolls are testament to the fact that there was an alternate Hebrew text of the Old Testament underlying the LXX
translation; The Peshitta is also a witness to this, not only in the Old Testament, but also in its NT quotations of the
Old Testament.
Chapter 10
.his father yhwb0l gladdens 0dxm wise 0mykx a son 0rb 10:1
.his mother hm0l shames thbm in mind 0ny(r deficient rysx & a son 0rbw
of evil .0lw(d in the treasures htmys*b a profit Nrtwy there is not tyl 10:2
death .0twm from Nm saves 0ycpm but Nyd righteousness 0twqydz
the soul h$pn LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm will famish Npkm for ryg not 0l 10:3
& the property 0nynqw .of the righteous 0qydzd
.he demolishes Pxsm of the evil 0lw*(d
.a man 0rbgl humbles 0kkmm poverty 0twnksm 10:4
make rich.Nr*t(m of the diligent 0r*y$kd but Nyd the hands 0ydy0*
he is wh a son 0rb in summer 0+yqb he that works xlpd 10:5
a son 0rb in harvest 0dcxb & he who sleeps Kmddw .understanding 0ntlwks
.bringing shame 0nthbm he is wh
will be 0wht blessing 0tkrwb 10:6
.of the righteous 0qydzd his head h$yr upon l(
evil.0lw( will conceal 0skn of the evil 0lw*(d & the mouth 0mwplw
of the righteousness 0qydzd the memory hndhw( 10:7
& the name 0m$w for blessing .0tkrwbl
will be extinguished K(dn of the evil 0lw*(d
.a commandment 0ndqwp will receive lbqn to his heart hbl for the wise Mykxd 10:8
is caught .dxttm by his lips htwps*& he who is insane Ny+$*dw
/Lee:goes lz0/will go lz0n in perfection 0twmymtb he that walks Klhmd 10:9
.will be known (dytn his ways htxr *w0 & he who perverts Nm*q( hope 0rbsb
in deceit 0lknb with his eyes yhwny*(b he who winks zmrd 10:10
openly ty0ylg & he who reproves skmdw .sorrow 0b0k gives bhy
.peace 0ml$ makes db(
the mouth hmwp of life 0y*xd a fountain 0(wbm 10:11
of the evil 0lw*(d & the mouths Nwhmwplw .of the righteous 0qydzd
evil.0lw( will hide 0skn
& all Nwhlklw judgment.0nyd stirs up grgt hatred 0t0ns 10:12
.shame 0tthb will cover 0skt the evil ones 0lw*(
wisdom .0tmkx brings forth qpm his lips htwps*ever from Nmd who Nm 10:13
a heart.0bl lacking rysx the man 0rbgl beats Pq$ with a staff 0+b$b
& the mouth 0mwpw.knowledge 0t(dy will conceal Nw$+n the wise 0mykx* 10:14
.breaking 0rbtl is wh near byrq hasty 0bhrsm
.mighty 0ny*$( fortress cities 0krk of the rich 0r*yt(d the property 0nynq 10:15
their poverty .Nwhtwnksm of the poor 0nks*md & the breaking 0rbtw

0krk fortress cities can also mean scrolls; coupled with the following word,mighty 0ny*$(, we have an
interesting combination: mighty scrolls, which happens to be the meaning of the Aramaic word,Nwylgnw0 eunglion
Gospel, literally mighty scroll. It is true that the Gospel Truth of The Messiah is the true wealth of those who
possess it. The Gospel is the great equalizer between the rich and the poor who believe it, and reverses the status of the
poor who believe it and the rich who do not.
for life.0yx*l of the Righteous One 0qydzd the work hdb( 10:16

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

.to sin 0ty+xl of the Evil One 0lw(d & the fruits htll(*w
instruction .0twdrm preserves 0r+n of life 0yx*d The way 0xrw0 10:17
/Ambros.:goes astray 0(+/ rebuke 0twnskm & he who hates 0nsdw
./Lee:is wh a fool 0lks /
.of the evil 0lw*(d the lips 0twps*in hostility 0twbbdl(b lie in wait Nnmkm * 10:18
!is wh a mind 0ny(r deficient rysx a curse 0t+wl & he that brings forth qpmdw
the evil.0lw( is saved 0cptm not 0l of words 0lm*d in the multitude 00gwsb 10:19
.is intelligent Ntlwks his lips htwps*& he who restrains Ksxdw
.of the righteous 0qydzd the tongue hn$l choice 0ybg silver 0m0s 10:20
is.wh bitterness 0trm of the evil 0lw*(d & the heart 0blw
compassion.Nynmxrm multiply ygs of the righteous 0qydzd the lips htwps* 10:21
will die.Nwtwmn of their mind Nwhny(r in the deficiency twrysxb & the insane 0y+$*w
.makes rich 0rt(m of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the blessing htkrwb 10:22
with it .hm( shall be 0whn not 0l & sorrow 0b0kw
evil.0t$yb he does db( making merry Kxg when dk a fool 0lks 10:23
.of his intelligence hlkws to the man 0rbgl & wisdom 0tmkxw
.is dragged g(ntm to destruction 0ndb0l the evil one 0lw( 10:24
.to the righteous 0q*ydzl is given bhytm & hope 0rbsw
the tornado 0l(l( passes 0rb( the stillness 0yl$ from Nmd as Ky0 10:25
shall be found xkt$n & not 0lw the evil one 0lw( will be destroyed db0n so 0nkh.
His foundation yhws0*t$ will be laid Nmys*ttn but Nyd The Righteous One 0qydz .
to eternity Ml(l
& smoke 0nntw hurt Nyk*n teeth 0n$*l unripe grapes 0r *sbd as 0nky0 10:26
those practicing it.yhwdwb*(l evil 0lw( hurts 0kn so 0nkh the eyes .0ny*(l
will add Pswt of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the awe htlxd 10:27
will be subtracted .Nr*cbtn of the evil ones 0lw *(d & their years Nwhyn$*w days.0tm*wy
in joy.0twdxb of the righteous ones 0qy*dzd their hope Nwhrbs 10:28
.will perish db0n of the evil 0lw*(d & the hope 0rbsw
.to the perfect 0mym*tl of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the way hxrw0 power 0n$(m 10:29
evil .0lw( to doers ydb*(l & ruin 0rbtw
will be moved.(wzn not 0l to eternity Ml(l the righteous 0qydz 10:30
in the Earth .0(r0b will dwell Nwrm(n not 0l & the evil 0lw*(w
wisdom.0tmkx speaks llmm of the righteous 0qydzd the mouth hmwp 10:31
.will be cut out qsptn perverted 0kyph and the tongue 0n$lw
.goodness 0twby+ know N(*dy of the righteous 0qydzd the lips htwps* 10:32
.are perverted 0tkyph* of the evil 0lw*(d & the mouths Nwhmwpw
Chapter 11
LORD JEHOVAH.0yrm despises 0lsm of deceit 0lknd scales 0t0*sm 11:1
he is pleased 0bc correct 0cyr*t & with scales 0lqt*mbw
enters l0( corruption 0twlylz enters 0l0(d where rt0 11:2
wisdom .0tmkx & to the humble 0ky*kmlw .disgrace 0r(c

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

.will be built up 0nbtn of the upright 0cyr *td the hope 0rbs 11:3
.will be overthrown Pxtst of the evil 0lw*(d & the pride 0twmrw
of wrath.0zgwrd in the day 0mwyb wealth 0rtw( is useful 0nhm not 0l 11:4
death.0twm from Nm saves 0ycpm but Nyd righteousness 0twqydz
straightens cwrtt of the perfect one 0mymtd the righteousness htwqydz 11:5
the evil one .0lw( has fallen lpn & in his evil hlw(bw his way .hxrw0
them .Nwn0 will save 0cpt of the upright 0cyr*td their righteousness Nwhtwqydz 11:6
they will be captured .Nwdxttn in their evil Nwhlw(b & the evil 0lw*(w
his hope.hrbs has perished db0 evil 0lw( a man 0rbg ever has died tymd when 0m 11:7
perishes .db0 of the evil 0$*ybd & the hope Nwhrbsw
.is delivered 0cptn trouble 0nclw0 from Nm the righteous 0qydz 11:8
.in his place yhwplx the evil one 0lw( & will enter lw(nw
.his neighbor hrbx destroys lbxm by his mouth hmwpb an evil one 0lw( 11:9
.shall be strengthened Nwn$(tn by knowledge 0t(dyb & the righteous ones 0q*ydzw
of the righteous ones 0q*ydzd by their blessing Nwhtb*+b 11:10
& in their destruction Nwhndb0bw .the city 0tnydm will be strong N$(t
.it will rejoice 0dxt of the evil 0lw*(d
will be exalted Myrtt the upright 0cyr*t in their blessings Nwhtkr*wbb 11:11
of the evil 0lw*(d & by their mouth Nwhmwpbw.the city 0tnydm
.it will be overthrown Pxtst
deficient rysx his neighbor hrbxl he that despises +0$d 11:12
understanding 0ntlwks & a man 0rbgw is .wh in mind 0ny(r
.dwells rm( in silence 0qt$b
.a secret 0zr0 reveals 0lg an adversary 0crqlk0 11:13
.the matter 0tlm will hide 0sk in his spirit hxwrb & he who is faithful Nmyhmdw
to it hl there is not tyl that leadership 0nrbdmd a people 0m( 11:14
.much 00ygs in counsel 0klmb & its salvation hnqrwpw will fall .lpn
.the righteous 0qydzl he meets (r0d when 0m does evil $0bm the evil one 0$yb 11:15
.good news 0rbsl those who await Nyksmdl he hates 0nsd because l+m
honor 0txwb$t upholds 0kmsm loving 0tynmxrm a woman 0ttn0 11:16
the woman 0ttn0 of disgrace 0r(cd but Nyd a throne 0ysrwk.for the husband 0rbgl
in their wealth Nwhrtw(b also P0 lazy men 0nnb*x.the truth 0rr$ has hated tyns
.knowledge 0t(dy uphold Nykmsm & strong men 0ny$*(w needy.Nykyrc are Nywh
good 0b*+ a reward 0lbwx*for his soul h$pnl lays down 0mr pure 0ysx a man 0rbg 11:17
is merciful Mxrm that not 0ld a man 0rbg his body hrgp & destroys dbwmw .
of depravity.0t(d works 0db*( he does db( the wicked 0(y$r 11:18
.his reward hrg0 is wh truth 0t$wq righteousness 0twqydz & he who sows (rzdw
.has life 0y*xl of righteousness 0twqydzd a son 0rb 11:19
.has death 0twml evil 0t$yb & he who does db(dw
/Lee:deep yqy*m(l/the perverse ymyq*(l LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm despises 0lsm 11:20
blemish Mwm who without 0ldd in those Nyly0b & delights 0bcw in heart.0bl
in the path .0xrw0b are Nwn0

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

his neighbor hrbx against l( his hand hdy0 he who reaches +$wmd 11:21
& the seed 0(rzw evil.0t$yb of Nm will be innocent 0kzn not 0l
.will be delivered 0cptn of the righteous ones 0q*ydzd
in the snout hryxnb of gold 0bhdd a nose ring 0$dq as Ky0 11:22
beautiful 0tryp$ a woman 0ttn0 is yh so 0nkh.of a pig 0tryzxd
.discretion 0m(+ who has turned from tyrs
with excellent things.0tb*+b of the righteous ones 0q*ydzd the desire 0tgr 11:23
in sensual passion.0zgwrb of the evil ones 0lw(d & the hope Nwhrbsw
seed (rz one who distributes hlydd there is ty0 11:24
who not 0ldd & there is ty0w .brings in l(m & much ygsw
his .hl is wh & little rw(zw gathers $nkm his own hlyd
will grow fat.Nhdt blessed 0tkyrb the soul 0$pn 11:25
.will be cursed +ylttn again bwt & an accursed one 0+ylw
in affliction 0nclw0b produce 0rwb( he that withholds 0lkd 11:26
.to his enemies yhwbbdl(b*l they will send away yhwyqb$n.
the head h$r upon l( will be 0wht & blessing 0tkrwbw
.that sells Nbzmd of him 0ny0d
.delight 0nybc seeks 0(b good 0tb+ he that seeks 0(bd 11:27
upon him.yhwl( it will come 0t0t evil 0t$yb & he that seeks 0(bdw
he will fall.lpn his wealth hrtw( upon

l( he that trusts lyktd 11:28

.they will bud Nw(rpn leaves 0pr*+ like Ky0 & the righteous ones 0q*ydzw
will leave qwb$n with depravity.0t(b his house htyb he that builds 0nbd 11:29
remains quietly $0k he that not 0ld .groanings 0tx*nt to his children yhwnb*l
the winds .0xwr * to his children yhwnbl will distribute glpn in his house.htybb
to the wise one .0mykxl servant 0db( will be 0whn & the fool 0lksw

.of Life 0yx*d a tree 0nly0 of the righteous 0qydzd his fruit yhwr *0p 11:30
of the evil.0lw*(d the souls 0t*$pn & will be removed Nr*dbtmw

lives.0yx in hardship Nsxml the righteous 0qydz if N0 11:31

.will be found xkt$m where? 0ky0 & the sinner 0y+xw the wicked 0(y$r

The Peshitta NT in 1 Peter 4:18 is identical to this verse of Proverbs 11:31. Here, The LXX is based on the same Hebrew
text type as The Peshitta Version, which LXX is also the model for the Greek NT quotes of the OT.
Chapter 12
.knowledge 0t(dy loves Mxr discipline 0twdrm he that loves Mxrd 12:1
is .wh a fool 0lks reproof 0twnskm & he that hates 0nsdw
the will hnybc who keeps r+nd for the man 0rbgl it will be well b0+n 12:2
.will be condemned byxtn evil 0lw( & a man 0rbgw of LORD JEHOVAH .0yrmd
.in evil hlw(b man 0$n0 a son rb will be established Nqtn not 0l 12:3
.will move (wzn not 0l of the righteous ones 0q*ydzd & the root 0rq(w
.of her husband hl(bd she is yh a crown 0lylk valiant 0tynrbg a wife 0ttn0 12:4
.in wood 0syqb & a worm 0(lwtw a boring worm 0ty+lb & as Ky0w
the woman 0ttn0 a man 0rbgl she destroys 0dbwm so 0nkh
!evil things 0t$*yb that does tdb(
justice.0nyd of the righteous ones 0q*ydzd their purposes Nwhtb$*xm 12:5

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

deceit .0lkn of the evil 0lw*(d & their way of life Nwhkpwhw
for blood .0mdl lie in ambush Nnmk of the evil 0lw *(d the words 0lm* 12:6
them.Nwhl delivers 0cpm of the upright 0cyr *t & their mouth Nwhmwpw
they will be found.Nwxkt$n & not 0lw the evil 0lw*( will be overthrown Nwkphtn 12:7
will be established Myqtn of the righteous ones 0q*ydzd & the house 0tybw
the children yn*b praise Nyxb$m of understanding 0ntlwks the mouth 0mwpl 12:8
Lee:will be despised +y$ttn his mind hny(r & he who lacks rysxdw of men.0$n0
./Ambros.:will be despised +y$tn/
himself h$pn who serves $m$md poor 0nksm a man 0rbg is wh better b+ 12:9
one who boasts rhbt$md is wh than Nm Lee:better b+>.
bread .0mxll & lacks Kyrcw
the soul 0$pn of Nm is aware (dy a righteous one 0qydz 12:10
& the evil ones 0lw*(w .of his animal hry(bd
their compassions.Nwhymxr*withhold Nydyx0

with bread.0mxl will be filled (bsn the soil 0(r0b he that cultivates xlpd 12:11
.futility 0twqyrs after rtb & he that runs +hrdw
is.wh a mind 0ny(r lacking rysx

evil.0t$yb to do db(ml the evil 0lw( lusts g0r 12:12

.will sprout xw$n of the righteous ones 0q*ydzd & the root 0rq(w
the evil one.0$yb is caught dxttm of his lips htwp*sd in evil 0lw(b 12:13
.trouble 0nclw0 from Nm the righteous 0qydz & escapes +lpw
of his mouth hmwp the fruit yr *0p from Nm good 0b+ a man 0rbg 12:14
according to Ky0 of man $n0 son rb & every lkw .will be satisfied (bsn
.he is rewarded (rptm of his hands yhwdy0* the work db(
in his eyes yhwn*y(b is yh beautiful 0ryp$ of the fool 0lksd the way hxrw0 12:15
is .wh wise 0mykx to counsel 0klml & he that listens (mt$mdw .
his wrath .hzgwr makes known (dwm of his day hmwy son rb a fool 0lks 12:16
.his insult hr(c hides 0$+m & a cunning one 0myr(w
the righteous .0qydz speaks llmm that is seen 0yzxtmd faithfulness 0twnmyh 12:17
is .wh deceit 0ntlwkn of the evil 0lw(d & the testimony 0dhsw
.stabbing 0$gd a sword 0rsps those that speak Nyrm0d there are ty0 12:18
.heals 0s0m of the wise 0myk*xd but Nyd the tongue 0n$l
& a witness 0dhsw are right.Ncyr*t of truth 0t$wqd the lips 0twps 12:19
.with his tongue hn$l he wh does evil lw( hasty 0bhrsm
devises l$x of the evil one 0$ybd in the heart hblb deceit 0lkn 12:20
peace 0ml$ that counsel Nyklmtmd & those Nyly0w evil.0t$yb
joy.0twdx to them Nwhl will be 0wht
a thing Mdm righteous 0qydz to the man 0rbgl beautiful ryp$ not 0l 12:21

with evils .0t$*yb are filled Nylm & the evil ones 0lw*(w of depravity .0t(d
LORD JEHOVAH.0yrm despises 0lsm false 0tlg*d lips 0twps* 12:22
faith.0twnmyh who practice Nydb(d in those Nyly0b & he delights 0bcw
.of knowledge 0t(dyd is wh a seat 0ysrwk cunning 0myr( of man 0$n0 a son

rb 12:23

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

evil.0t$ybl proclaims 0rq of fools 0lks*d & the heart 0blw

will rule .+lt$t of the mighty 0ny*$(d the hand 0dy0 12:24
.unto tribute 0t0dml will be Nwwhn & the deceitful 0ly*knw
of a man 0rbgd the heart hbl fearful 0tlyxd the word 0tlm 12:25
it .hl gladdens 0ydxm good 0tb+ & a word 0tlmw troubles.0xld
good 0b+ counsel 0klm counsels Klm the righteous 0qydz 12:26
of the evil 0lw*(d & the way Nwhxrw0w .to his friend hmxrl
them.Nwn0 will mislead 0(+t
.deceitful 0lykn for the man 0rbgl prey 0dyc will be taken lbqtsn not 0l 12:27
.is choice 0ybg of man 0$n0 of a son rb precious 0ryqy & a possession 0nynqw
.life 0y*x of righteousness 0twqydzd in the way 0xrw0b 12:28
.unto death 0twml of the angry 0ntk0*d & the way 0xrw0w
Chapter 13
.his father yhwb0l hears (mt$m wise 0mykx a son 0rb 13:1
receives lbqm that not 0ld evil 0$yb & a son 0rbw
.will perish db0n reproof 0t0k
of his mouth hmwp the fruit yr*0p from Nm good 0b+ a man 0rbg 13:2
of the evil 0lw*(d & their souls Nwht$*pnw .will be satisfied (bsn
will be destroyed .Ndb0*n
of his soul.h$pnb takes care rhdzm his mouth hmwp he that keeps r+nd 13:3
to his soul.h$pnl shipwreck 0rbt he works db( his lips htwp*s & he that opens xtpdw
Ambros.:is cast down 0mr0Lee:falls 0mr into lusts 0tgygr*b always.Nbzlkb 13:4
does.db( not 0l that work 0db(d a son of man 0$nrb
!will grow fat Nhdt of the strong 0ny *$(d & the soul 0$pnw
of lying .0rqw$d a word 0tlm hates 0ns the righteous 0qydz 13:5

.& will be put to shame rpxnw will be disgraced thbn & the evil 0lw(w
who is perfect Nymtd him 0ny0l will keep r+nt righteousness 0twqydz 13:6
.his sin hty+x will destroy him yhwydbwt & the sinner 0y+xlw in his way .hxrw0b
themselves .Nwh$pn those who enrich Nyr *t(md there are ty0 13:7
& there is ty0w to them .Nwhl there is not tyl & a thing Mdmw
.abundance 00gws & possesses 0nqw himself h$pn one who makes poor Nksmmd
.his wealth hrtw( of a man 0rbgd of the soul h$pnd salvation 0nqrwp 13:8
.censure 0t0k accepts lbqm not 0l & the poor 0nksmw
will exult.zwrn of the righteous ones 0q*ydzd the light 0rhwn 13:9
will be put out K(dn of the evil 0lw*(d & the lamp 0gr$w
evil.0t$yb does db( in disgrace 0r(cb evil 0$yb a son of man 0$nrb 13:10
are .Nwn0 wise 0mykx* who are counseled Nyklmtmd & those Nyly0w
.will decrease r(zn evil 0lw( that from Nmd property 0nynq 13:11
/Lee:& he that gathers $nkmdw/& that gathered $nktmdw
.will multiply 0gsn in righteousness 0twqydzb
who begins 0r$md of man 0$n0 a son rb is wh better b+ 13:12
with hope.0rbsb that props up 0ltd he wh than Nm better b+ to help.wrd(ml

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

.hope 0rbs brings 0tym of life 0yxd & the tree 0nly0w
will be destroyed lbxtn the word 0tlm against l( he that has contempt 0sbd 13:13
a commandment 0ndqwp of Nm & he that is afraid lxddw from it .hnm
not 0l deceitful 0ntlwkn to the man 0rbgl .will be saved bzwt$n
wise 0mykx & a man 0rbgw .favor wby+ to him hl will be 0wht
his way hxrw0 also P0 .his works htdyb( whose are upright Ncyr*td
!the head $yrl will lift up qst
a fountain 0(wbm of wisdom 0tmkxd the law 0swmn 13:14
to those Nyly0l of life .0yx*d it is wh
of death.0twmd the snares 0x*p from Nm who turn Ny+sd
compassion 0mxr* gives bhy good 0b+ understanding 0lkws 13:15
.is unto destruction 0ndb0l of the evil 0lw*(d & the way 0xrw0w
.is in knowledge 0t(dyb a wise one 0myr( that does db(d everything lk 13:16
emptiness 0tqyr*s speaks llmm & a fool 0lksw
into evil.0t$ybb falls lpn evil 0lw( a messenger 0dgzy0 13:17
is.wh a healer 0ys0 trustworthy 0nmyhm & a messenger 0dgzy0w
instruction.0twdrm nullify Nyl+bm & shame 0r(cw poverty 0twnksm 13:18
.will be praised xbt$n reproof 0twnskm & he that keeps r+ndw
to the soul.0$pn will be sweet Msbt honorable 0ty0y a desire 0tgr 13:19
of the evil 0lw*(d & defilement 0tw0m+w
.knowledge 0t(dy from Nm is yh removed 0qyrp
wise Mykx he shall be 0whn the wise 0mykx with M( he that walks Klhmd 13:20
to himself .hl will do harm $0bn a fool 0lks with M( & he that walks Klhmdw
& the righteous ones 0qy*dzw evil.0t$yb will pursue Pwdrt sinners 0y+x*l 13:21
precious things.0tb*+l they will be given Nwmlt$n

of his sonsyhwn*b to sons y*nbl gives inheritance trwm good 0b+ a man 0rbg 13:22
.of sinners 0y+xd the wealth hrtw( for the righteous 0qydzl & is kept r+ntmw .
.the way of life 0rmw( for themselves Nwhl see 0zx that not 0ld those Nyly0 13:23
.wealth 0rtw( have destroyed wdbw0 many 0t*0ygs years 0yn$*
.utterly ty0rymg are destroyed wdb0 & men Ny$*n0w
his rod h+b$ concerning l( that spares s0xd everyone lk 13:24
his son hrbl & he that loves Mxrdw .his son hrbl hates 0ns
him.hl disciplines 0dr earnestly ty0+ypx
his soul .h$pn & satisfies 0(bsw eats lk0 the righteous 0qydz 13:25
will want.rsxt of the evil 0lw*(d & the belly 0srkw
Chapter 14
.a house 0tyb builds tnb wise 0tmykx a woman 0ttn0 14:1
.destroys it htpxs with her hands hydy0*b & the fool 0tlksw
LORD JEHOVAH .0yrm of Nm is in awe lxd in uprightness 0twcyrtb he that walks Klhmd 14:2
him .hl despises +0$ in his way hxrw0b & he that is shifty qy$(dw
.& disgrace 0r(cw provocation 0tqz of the fool 0lksd in the mouth hmwpb 14:3
them .Nwn0 will preserve Nr*+nn of the wise 0mykx*d & their lips Nwhtwps*w
.the stalls 0twr*w0 are clean Nykd oxen 0r *wt there are not tyld where rt0 14:4

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

.of the ox 0rwtd by the power hlyxb of crops 0tll(*d & the abundance 00gwsw
is false bdktm not 0l trustworthy 0nmyhm a witness 0dhs 14:5
.false 0lgd is wh a witness 0dhs falsehood 0twbdk & he that speaks llmmdw
.will find it hyxk$n & not 0lw wisdom 0tmkx seeks 0(b the evil one 0$yb 14:6
.found 0xyk$ to the understanding one 0ntlwksl & knowledge 0t(dyw
against 0lbwqs thing Mdm every lk foolish 0lks to the man 0rbgl 14:7
of knowledge 0t(dyd & a supply of arms 0nyzw him.hl is wh
.of the wise 0my*kxd the lips 0tw *ps
his way.hxrw0 understands lktsm in his wisdom htmkxb a cunning one 0myr( 14:8
.in error 0twy(+b of fools 0lks*d & the way 0xrw0w
are begging for Ny(b rightly ty0cyrt of the evil 0lw*(d the households Nwhyt*b 14:9
of the righteous 0q*ydzd & the households Nwhyt*bw .cleansing 0ykwd
are acceptable.Nylbqm
sins.0h+x*commit Nydb( fools 0lks*14:10
.are willing 0nybc upright 0cyr*t & the children yn*bw
is wh sorrow 0twyrk /Ambros.:+always.Nbzlkb understanding 0nt(wdy the heart 0bl 14:11
.a stranger 0yrkwn will share +lxtn not 0l & its joy htwdxbw to his soul .h$pnl
.will be destroyed db0n of the evil 0lw*(d the household 0tyb
will exult.zwrn of the upright 0cyr*t & the tent 0nk$mw
of men 0$n0 sons y*nb that think Nyrbsd a way 0xrw0 there is ty0 14:12
the ways 0txr*w0 & its ways htxr*w0w it is.yh that right 0cyrtd
of death .0twmd are Nyn0*
the heart.0bl will sorrow b0kn in laughter 0kxwgb also P0 14:13
.grief* 0tnw0 of its joy htwdxd & the end 0trxw

.Grief 0tnw0 according to Smiths Compendious Syriac Dictionary, is not found in other Syriac lit. but is Chaldean
older Babylonian Aramaic and Hebrew.

who is rash xrmd he who Nm will be filled (bsn his ways htxr*w0 from Nm 14:14
will be filled (bsn good 0b+ & a man 0rbgw in his heart.hblb
of his soul.h$pnd the awe 0tlxd from Nm

& a cunning one 0myr(w .word 0lm every lkl believes Nmyhm a child 0rb$ 14:15
.evil $yb from Nm good b+ distinguishes $rp
evil.0t$yb from Nm & departs 0+sw is afraid lxd a wise one 0mykx 14:16
.confidently ty0lykt in it hb partakes +lxtm & a fool 0lksw
not 0l thing he does db(d every lwk a hasty one 0lylq 14:17
.is temperate symr wise 0mykx & a man 0rbgw is advised Klmtm
& intelligent ones 0myr*(w .madness 0twy+$ fools 0lks*inherit Nytr*y 14:18
. knowledge 0t(dy distribute Nyglpm
.the good 0b*+ in front of mdq the evil 0$*yb they will fall Nwlpn 14:19
.of the righteous 0qydzd to the door h(rtl will come Nwt0n & the evil 0lw*(w
the poor.0nksm is hated 0ns to his neighbors yhwr*bxl also P0 14:20
are many .Ny0ygs* of the rich 0ryt(d & the friends yhwmxr*w
.sins 0+x his neighbor hrbxl he that despises +0$d 14:21
is blessed.yhwbw+ the poor 0nksm upon l( & he that shows mercy Mxrmdw

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& the compassionate 0nmxr*mw evil .0t$*yb doing Nydb(d go astray Ny(+ the evil 0lw*( 14:22
good things .0tb*+ all Nyhlk do Nydb( & the righteous ones 0q*ydzw
.they will understand Nwlktsn not 0l & faith 0twnmyhw mercy 0mxr* evil 0t$*yb doers ydb*(
are .yh good 0tb+ doers ydb( with M( & faith 0twnmyhw but Nyd compassion 0twnmxrm
one thing 0dx you tn0 that concerns Pcyd in all lkb 14:23
who is diminished rycbd & he 0ny0w profitable .0rtwmd is yh
will be 0whn & pleasant 0mysbw is quiet 0xyn .in his way of life hrmw(b
& the speech 0llmmw .heals 0s0m LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm sickness b0k every lk
them .Nwhl damages rsxm of the evil 0lw(d of their lips Nwhtwpsd
their wealth .Nwhrtw( of the wise 0mykxd a crown 0lylk 14:24
their insanity.Nwhtwy+$ of fools 0lksd & the way of life 0kpwhw
of truth.0t$wqd a witness 0dhs the soul 0t$pn delivers 0cpm 14:25
.false 0lgd a witness 0dhs deceit 0lkn & speaks llmmw
is strong .Ny$( in hope 0rbsb of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the awe htlxd 14:26
.a protector 0nrtsm he will be 0whn & to his children yhwnblw
of life .0yxd is yh a fountain 0(wbm of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the awe htlxd 14:27
of death.0twmd the snares 0xp from Nm that turn Ny+sd to those Nyly0l
the King .0klm is honored rydh many 00ygs with people 0m(b 14:28
the King .0klm is shattered rbttm of the people 0m(d & in the end hpwsbw
is wise Mykx very ygs his spirit hxwr he that is long 0rygnd 14:29
.is foolish lks very b+ his spirit hxwr & he that is short 0yrkdw
A long spirit is an idiom meaning patient; A short spirit is impatient.
of his soul h$pnd is wh healer 0ys0 his anger htmx he that cools gypmd 14:30
is.wh envy 0nn+ of the bones 0mrgd & the decay 0ssw ./Lee:of his heart hbld/
.evil $yb is evil $yb the poor 0nksml he that oppresses rbdd 14:31
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml & he that honors rqymdw.who made him hdb(d him Nml he angers zgrm
./Lee:the afflicted 0$yb*/the poor 0nksm upon l( shows mercy Mxrm
* Hebrew has Nwyb0 ebyown, which can mean, poor or needy or subject to abuse; Apparently the manuscripts of

Lees edition represent an alternate translation of some Hebrew words from that of Codex Ambrosianus.
the evil one.0lw( is overthrown Pxtsm /Lee: by his evil ht$ybbby his evil htw$ybb 14:32
is.wh righteous 0qydz sin 0h+x* to him hl that there is not tyld & he that trusts lyktdw
wisdom .0tmkx dwells 0r$t of the righteous 0n0kd in the heart 0blb 14:33
.it will be known (dytt not 0l of fools 0lksd & in the heart 0blbw
a people 0m(l will exalt Nrmrt righteousness 0twqydz 14:34
sin .0h+x* the people 0twm*0 & diminishes Nyr(zmw
understanding 0ntlwks in a servant 0db(b of the King 0klmd the pleasure hnybc 14:35
the evil .0lw( is overthrown Pxtsm of his soul h$pn & in wisdom tmkxbw .
is .wh righteous 0qydz sins 0h+x* to him hl that there are not tyld he that trusts lyktd
.destroys dbwm the wise 0mykx*l even P0 but Nyd passion 0zgwr

Chapter 15
. anger 0tmx turns away 0kphm soft 0tkykr a word 0tlm 15:1

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wrath .0zgwr arouses 0ry(m hard 0ty$q & a word 0tlmw

. knowledge 0t(dy adorns rp$m of wisdom 0mykx*d /Ambrose:+ but Nyd/ a tongue 0n$l 15:2
a curse .0t+wl vomits 0sg of fools 0lk*sd & the mouth 0mwpw
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the eyes yhwny*( place rt0 in every lkb 15:3
.& on the evil ones 0$y*bbw on the good ones 0b+b* gaze .Nr*yx
of life .0yx*d is yh a tree 0nly0 of the tongue 0n$ld healing 0twys0 15:4
its fruit yhwr*0p from Nm /Lee: & he eats lk0w Ambros.:& he that eats lk0dw
from it .hnm will be filled (bsn
.of his father yhwb0d at the instruction 0twdrmb mocks qymm a fool 0lks 15:5
.reproof 0twnskm keeps r+n & he that is cunning Myr(dw
power .0lyx much 0gs of the righteous 0qydzd in his house htybb 15:6
will be destroyed .Ndb0*n of the evil 0lw*(d & the produce Nwhtll(*w
. knowledge 0t(dy speak Nllm *m of the wise 0mykx*d the lips 0twps* 15:7
are righteous .Nyn0*k not 0l of fools 0lks*d & the hearts 0twb*lw
LORD JEHOVAH .0yrm despises 0lsm of the evil 0lw*(d the sacrifices 0xb*d 15:8
his pleasure .hnybc of the upright ones 0cyr*t & in the prayer 0twlcbw
.LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm despises 0lsm of the evil 0lw*(d/ Ambros.: the ways 0txrw0 /Lee: the way 0xrw0 15:9
righteousness 0twqydz who practices db(d to him 0ny0l & he shows mercy Mxrw
evil 0t$yb know Ny(dy who not 0ld of those Nyly0d the instruction 0twdrm 15:10
will die .Nwtwmn reproof 0twnskm that hate Nynsd & those Nyly0w is.yh revealed 0ylg
are .Nwn0 LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm in front of Mdq & destruction 0ndb0w Sheol lwy$ 15:11
of men .0$n0 of the children yn*bd the hearts 0tw *bl & also P0w
him .hl that rebukes skmd him Nml the evil one 0$yb loves Mxr not 0l 15:12
he walks .!Klhm not 0l the wise 0mykx* & with M(w
.the body 0m$wg improves rp$m glad 0ydx a heart 0bl 15:13
the spirit .0xwr saddens b0km depressed 0byk & the heart 0blw
. knowledge 0t(dy seeks 0(b of the righteous 0n0*kd the heart 0bl 15:14
evils .0t$*yb speaks llmm of the evil 0lw*(d & the mouth 0mwpw
are poor.Ny$*yb of the poor 0nksmd the days htm*wy all Nwhlk 15:15
. always .Nbzlkb are calm Nyl$ & sweet ones 0my*sbw
a little .lylq LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml to fear lxdml better b+ 15:16
of the evil ones .0lw *(d great 0tbrwr* treasures 0tmy *s than Nm better b+
. of The Name 0m$d & love 0bwxw of vegetables 0qryd a meal 0twr$ is yh better 0b+ 15:17
.with hatred 0t0nsb fattened 0m+pm* oxen 0r *wt than Nm better b+
& a man 0rbgw .a brawl 0trh provokes grgm angry 0ntmx a man 0rbg 15:18
it .hl extinguishing K(dm a dispute 0ywh reproves 0ld( of spirit .0xwr long rygn
.with sorrows 0bw*k are filled Nylm* of the lazy 0nnbx*d their ways Nwhtxr*w0 15:19
are clear N*yp$* of the upright 0cyr*t & their ways Nwhtxr*w0w
.his father yhwb0l gladdens 0dxm wise 0mykx a son 0rb 15:20
.of his mother hm0d he is wh a shame 0tthb fool 0lks & a son 0rbw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

is .wh heart 0bl lacking rysx that is foolish lksd a man 0rbg 15:21
walks Klhm justly ty0cyrt understanding 0ntlwks & a man 0rbgw
.the assembly 0t$wnk who honor Nyr*qymd those Nyly0 ideas 0tb$*xm they bypass Nyrb(m 15:22
is established Myqtt advice 0klm of advisors yklm*d & by the multitude 00gwsbw
of his mouth .hmwpd the word 0tlm to a man 0rbgl joy 0twdx 15:23
for him .hl it is good ryp$ in his time hnbzb & he that speaks llmmdw
.to the understanding 0ntlwksl is yh an ascent 0nqsm of life 0yx*d the way 0xrw0 15:24
.beneath 0tytxt Sheol lwy$ from Nm to turn away 0+snd
LORD JEHOVAH .0yrm breaks down rq( of the proud 0nr*hb$d the house 0tyb 15:25
. he strengthens rr$m of the widows 0tlmr*0d & the border 0mwxtw
ideas 0tb$x*m LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm in front of Mdq are Ny*n0 detestable Nyls*m 15:26
.are sweet 0tmys*b words 0lm* & pure Ny*kdw evil .0t$*yb
.a bribe 0dxw$ that accepts lbqmd he 0ny0 his soul h$pn destroys dbwm 15:27
Ambros.:will live 0xn/Lee:lives 0yx /a bribe 0dxw$ taking bsml & he that hates 0nsdw
upon the faith .0twnmyhb he meditates 0nr of the righteous 0qydzd the heart hbl 15:28
evil things .0t$*yb speaks llmm of the evil 0lw*(d & the mouth 0mwpw
the evil ones .0lw*( from Nm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm is wh far qyxr 15:29
he hears .(m$ of the righteous ones 0qy *dzd & the prayer 0twlcbw
the heart .0bl gladdens Msbm of the eyes 0ny *(d the light 0rhwn 15:30
the bones .0mr *g fattens Nm$m good 0b+ & the heart 0blw
of life .0yx*d the reproof 0twnskm that hears 0(m$d the ear 0nd0 15:31
.will lodge twbt the wise 0mykx*among tny*b
his soul .h$pn hates 0ns discipline 0twdrm the one that detests 0lsmd 15:32
!wisdom 0tmkx possesses 0nq correction 0twnskm & the one that hears (m$dw
of Life .0yx*d is yh the instruction 0nplwy of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the awe htlxd 15:33
.before him yhwmdq goes 0lz0 of the meek one 0kykmd & the glory htxwb$tw

Chapter 16
.of the heart 0bld the thought 0ty(rt a son of man 0$nrb from Nm 16:1
of the tongue 0n$ld the speech 0llmm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & from Nmw
are Nyn0* pure Ny*kd of a man 0rbgd the ways htxr*w0 all Nyhlk 16:2
his path !hxrw0 orders Nqtm & LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmw of his soul .h$pn in eyes yn*y(b
your thoughts Ktb*$xm & he will establish Nqtnw your works Kydb*( to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml show ylg 16:3
for those Nyly0l of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd his works yhwdb*( all of them Nwhlwk 16:4
evil .0$yb for the day 0mwyl are kept ry+n & the evil 0lw(w to him .hl that submit Ny(mt$md
in his heart .hblb that is exalted Mrd everyone lk LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm in front of Mdq is wh defiled 0m+ 16:5
his neighbor hrbx against l( his hand hdy0 & he that stretches +$wmdw
!evil 0t$yb from Nm will be spared 0sxtn not 0l
the evil one .0lw( will be forgiven qbt$m & by truth 0t$wqbw by grace 0twby+b 16:6
evil .0t$yb from Nm turns aside 0y+sm of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd & the awe htlxdw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

.of a man 0rbgd the ways htxr*w0 of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd by the pleasure hnybcb 16:7
he will pay (wrpn his enemies yhwbbdl(b*l also P0
than Nm in righteousness .0twqydzb a little lylq is wh better b+ 16:8
by justice .0nydb that not 0ld of gain 0tll(*d a multitude 00gws
his ways .htxr*w0 plans b$xtm of man 0$n0 of a son rbd his heart hbl 16:9
.his steps htklh* orders Nqtm & LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmw
of the King .0klmd his lips htw*ps upon l( an oracle 0mcq 16:10
his mouth .hmwp will err 0(+n not 0l & in judgment 0nydbw
of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the judgment hnyd of a balance 0t0smd a weight 0lqtm 16:11
of truth .0t$wqd weights 0lq*tm all Nwhlk & his works yhwdb*(w
evil .0lw( that do Nydb(d Kings 0klm* are Nwn0 defiled Ny0m+ 16:12
.the throne 0ysrwk established Nqtm is wh in righteousness 0twqydzbd because lw+m
.of the righteous 0qydzd the lips htwps* of the King 0klmd the pleasure hnybc 16:13
he loves Mxr of the upright 0cyr*t & the word 0tlmw
are Nwn0 messengers 0k0*lm of a King 0klmd the anger htmx 16:14
.will assuage it hyk(dn wise 0mykx & a man 0rbgw of death .0twmd
life .0yx* of the King 0klmd of the face hpwcrpd in the light 0rhwnb 16:15
early .0tyrykb a cloud 0nn( like Ky0 & his pleasure hnybcw
gold .0bhd than Nm itself hl is yh better 0b+ wisdom 0tmkx possessing 0nqd 16:16
silver .0m0s than Nm itself hl is wh better rtym understanding 0lkws & possessing 0nqdw
evil .0t$yb from Nm turns 0+sm of the upright 0cyr *t the path 0lyb$ 16:17
his way .hxrw0 keeps r+n to his soul h$pnb & he that pays attention ryhzdw
.disgrace 0r(c shipwreck 0rbt is before Mdq 16:18
of spirit .0xwr pride twmr sickness 0nhrwk & before Mdqw
eyes .0ny*( & lowly Kykmw spirit 0xwr the humble Kykm is wh better b+ 16:19
. the mighty 0ny*$( with M( loot 0tzb that divides glpmd he wh than Nm
good .0tb+ finds xk$m the word 0tlm he that understands lktsmd 16:20
.is blessed yhwbw+ LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm upon l( & he that trusts lyktdw
.understanding .0lkws knows (dy of heart 0bl the wise Mykx 16:21
learning 0nplwy /Lee:.will increase Pswn/increases Pswm his lips/ htwps* & he whose sweet Nylx*dw
it .hl that know Ny(dyd to those Nyly0l is wh understanding 0lkws of life 0yx*d the fountain 0(wbm 16:22
is .yh /Lee: madness 0twy+$ /contempt 0tw+y$/of fools 0lks*d & the instruction 0twdrmw
of its mouth .hmwpd the speech 0rm0m knows (dy wise 0mykx the heart 0bl 16:23
.learning 0nplwy it adds Pswm its lips htwps* & upon l(w
of the wise .0mykxd the speech hrm0m of honey 0$bdd honeycomb 0tyrkk 16:24
& healing 0twys0w to his soul h$pnl it is yh /Lee:& sweet 0ylxw/& sweetness 0twylxw
.to his bones yhwmr*gl it is yh
of men 0$n0 of children yn*b in the eyes yn*y(b that seems 0yzxtmd a way 0xrw0 there is ty0 16:25
of death 0twmd are Nyn0* the ways 0txr*w0 & its ways htxr*w0w / it is .yh that right 0cyrtd
Lee: of death .0twmd are Nwn0 the paths 0lyb*$ & its paths hylyb*$w /
himself .hl sickens him hyb0*k of a sick man 0tb0km the soul 0$pn 16:26

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

.destruction 0ndb0 to him hl comes 0t0 of his soul h$pnd the mouth 0mwp & from Nmw
fire .0rwn burns 0dqy his mouth hmwp & from Nmw evil .0t$yb forges l$x evil 0lw( a man 0rbg 16:27
judgment .0nyd provokes grgm evil 0lw( a man 0rbg 16:28
his friends .yhwmxr* he persecutes Pdr & without cause 0qyrsw

hl & leads lbwmw .his neighbor hrbx entices ld$m evil 0lw( a man 0rbg 16:29
.is good 0ryp$ that not 0ld in the way 0xrw0b

& devises b$xtmw with his eyes yhwny(b* /Lee: & he winks zmrw/& he winks zmrmw 16:30
with his lips htwps*b & plans 0(rtmw ./Lee: perversions 0tyk*ph/destruction 0tky*ph
evil .0t$yb & perfects rmgw
old age .0twbys of glory 0txwb$td a crown 0lylk 16:31
.is praised 0xbt$m of righteousness 0twqydzd & the way 0xrw0bw
a mighty man .0rbng than Nm the spirit 0xwr long rygn is wh better b+ 16:32
.a city 0tnydm that seizes dyx0d he wh than Nm his soul h$pn & he that subdues $bkmdw
his portion .htcp falls 0lpn of the vicious 0tn(d into the breast hbw(b 16:33
.his judgment hnyd goes forth qpn LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm in front of Mdq & from Nmw

Chapter 17
better b+ in quietness .0yl$b dry 0$yby bread 0mxl is wh better b+ 17:1
of judgment .0nydd of sacrifices 0x*bd that is full 0lmd the house 0tyb than Nm
.disgraceful 0nthbm over a son 0rbb will be authorized +lt$n intelligent 0ntlwks a servant 0db( 17:2
/Lee:property 0ntrwy 2/profit .0nrtwy he will divide glpn brothers 0x0* & among tny*bw
gold .0bhdl & a furnace 0rwkw silver .0m0sl proves 0qb a refining pot 0prc 17:3
the heart .0bl tests rxb & LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmw
.of the wicked 0tn*(d the lips 0twps*l listens to t0c evil 0$yb a man 0rbg 17:4
.of the wicked 0tn*(d the tongue 0n$ll hears (m$ not 0l & the righteous 0qydzw
.his Creator hyrbl angers zgrm the poor 0nksm against l( he that laughs Kxgd 17:5
!will be spared 0sxtn not 0l for ruin 0rbtl & he that rejoices 0dxdw
are .Nwn0 of children 0yn*b the children yn*b of old men 0bs*d a crown 0lylk 17:6
their fathers .Nwhyhb0* of children 0yn*bd & the glory 0txwb$tw
.trustworthy 0tnmyhm an utterance 0tps to a fool 0lksl becoming 0y0y not 0l 17:7
.false 0tlgd an utterance 0tps to a righteous one 0qydzl not 0l also P0
in the eyes yn*y(b is yh beautiful 0ryp$ precious 0mxr*d a stone 0p0k 17:8
ever it turns 0ynptmd & to where rt0lw it is .yh him whose hlydd of Nm
it is .yh a recognition 0lkws
friendship !0twmxr seeks 0(b an evil 0lw( he that conceals 0skmd 17:9
.separates $rp & an inhabitant 0rwm(w a friend 0mxr from Nm .to conceal wskml & he that hates 0nsdw
of the wise .0mykxd the heart hbl breaks qx$ a rebuke 0mxwl 17:10
he is aware $gr & not 0lw a fool 0lks is whipped dgntm a reproof 0t0k & instead of


& is sent rdt$mw evil .0t$yb seeks 0(b contentious 0yyrx a man 0rbg 17:11
to him .hl there are not tyl who mercies Nymxr *d a messenger 0k0lm upon him yhwl(

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

wise .0mykx to a man 0rbgl & fear 0tlxdw anxiety 0ynr falls lpn 17:12
.in his insanity htwy+$b & to a fool 0lkslw
good .0tb+ for Plx evil 0t$yb he that pays (rpd 17:13
his house .htyb from Nm evil 0t$yb will depart dn(t not 0l
. a ruler 0+yl$ before Mdq provokes grgm judgment 0nyd blood 0md he that sheds d$0d 17:14
. the righteous 0qydzl & condemns byxmw the evil 0lw(l he that justifies 0kzmd 17:15
LORD JEHOVAH .0yrm in front of Mdq is wh defiled 0m+
.to a fool 0lksl property 0nynq to him hl goes lz0 why? 0nml 17:16
wisdom .0tmkx to possess 0nqml a heart 0bl to him hl when there is not tyld
is .wh beloved Myxr a friend 0mxr time Nbz in every lkb 17:17
is born .dlytm for trouble 0nclw0l & a brother 0x0w
.his bounty hdy0 hands over Ml$m foolish 0lks of man 0$n0 a son rb 17:18
.as security 0twbr( for his neighbor hrbxl that he pledges br(d
.& brawling 0trhw fraud 0t( loves Mxr evil 0lw( he that loves Mxrd 17:19
for his soul .h$pnl ruin 0rbt seeks 0(b his gate h(rt & he that exalts Myrmdw
good .0tb+ will find xk$n not 0l in his heart hbl he that is perverse qy$(d 17:20
into evil .0t$ybb falls lpn his tongue hn$l & he that perverts Kphdw
his own .h$pnd to his shame 0tthbl a fool 0lks he that begets dlwmd 17:21
.his father yhwb0 in him hb will rejoice 0dxn & not 0lw
.the body 0m$wg improves rp$m merry 0ydx a heart 0bl 17:22
the bones .0mr*g dries 0$bym that is depressed 0bykd & a spirit 0xwrw
is .wh evil 0lw( a bribe 0dxw$ that takes bsnd he Nm 17:23
of justice .0nydd the way 0xrw0 for ryg he turns aside 0lc
wisdom .0tmkxb observes Nryx of an intelligent one 0ntlwksd the face yhwp0* 17:24
of the Earth !0(r0d in the depths hyqmw(b*of a fool 0lksd & the eyes yhwn*y(w
.a fool 0lks a son 0rb his father yhwb0l angers zgrm 17:25
.her that bore him htdlyl Lee: & makes bitter rmrmw / & makes bitter rmmw\
not 0l also P0 .is good ryp$ not 0l the righteous 0qydzl to harm Ktml 17:26
correct things .0tcyr*t who speak Nyrm0d the righteous ones 0q*ydzl to beat 0xmml
. knowledge 0t(dy knows (dy his words yhwlm*he that spares Ksxd 17:27
wise .0mykx is wh a man 0rbg his spirit hxwr & the prolonged 0rygndw
is considered b$xtm a wise one 0mykx as Ky0 who is silent qyt$d a madman 0y+$ 17:28
.is considered b$xtm intelligent 0ntlwks his lips htw*ps & he that keeps silent Nyl$*dw

Chapter 18
. on lust 0tgrb one meditates upon 0nr & in his idleness htwqyt$bw 18:1
good 0b+ at instruction 0nplwyb & mocks qymmw
because l+m in wisdom .0tmkxb delights 0bc not 0l a fool 0lks 18:2
. upon madness 0twy+$b his heart hbl that meditates 0nrd
of evils .0t$*ybd to the depth 0qmw(l an evil one 0lw( comes 0t0d & when 0mw 18:3

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& reproach .0dsxw & dishonor 0r(cw madness 0twy+$ upon him yhwl( comes 0yt0
.of a man 0rbgd of the mouth hmwp the words ylm* deep 0qym*( waters 0ym* 18:4
of wisdom .0tmkxd the fount 0(wbm that flows (bnd & a torrent 0lxnw
.is good ryp$ not 0l of the evil 0lw(d among faces 0p0*b to accept bsml 18:5
a righteous one .0qydz upon l( judgment 0nyd to pray 0lcml not 0l also P0
into judgment .0nydb bring Nl0( of a fool 0lksd the lips htwps* 18:6
. to death 0twml him hl brings 0+mm & his mouth hmwpw
to his soul.h$pnl is wh ruin 0rbt of a fool 0lksd the mouth hmwp 18:7
his soul .h$pn is caught d0c & by his lips htwps*bw
into evil .0t$ybb him hl cast Nymr of the lazy 0nnbxd the words yhwlm* 18:8
him hl /Ambros.:bring Nty*m/Lee: lower Ntx*m / & they Nynhw
.of Sheol lwy$d to the inner chamber 0nw*tl
.in his work hdb(b his hands yhwdy0* that is slack 0prmd & he 0ny0w 18:9
!a destroyer 0nlbxm of a man 0rbgd he is wh his brother yhwx0
of LORD JEHOVAH .0yrmd The Name hm$ strong 0ny$( is wh a tower 0ldgm 18:10
& is strengthened .0ny$(w the righteous 0qydz will run +hrn & to him hlw
of his strength .hn$w(d the city 0tnydm & wealth 0rtw(w honor 0rqy0 18:11
.his dwelling hyr$m is strengthened 0ny$( & by a city wall 0rw$bw
.of a man 0rbgd the heart hbl will be lifted up Myrttn ruin 0rbt before Mdq 18:12
humility 0kkwm honor 0rqy0 & before Mdqw
he hears .(m$n before 0ld( an answer 0mgtp he that gives bhyd 18:13
& is shamed 0dsxmw he is wh a fool 0lks
.his suffering h$x endures 0rbysm of a man 0rbgd the spirit hxwr 18:14
will endure it .hyrbysn /Lee:.who? wnm/who? Nm suffering 0tb0km & a spirit 0xwrw
wisdom .0tmkx possesses 0nq ordered 0nqt an heart 0bl 18:15
. knowledge 0t(dy listens to 0tyc of the wise 0tmykx & the ear 0nd0w
to him .hl give space Nxwrm of a son of man 0$nrbd the gifts 0tbh*wm 18:16
him .hl stand Nmy*qm great ones 0nbrwr*& in front of Mdqw
.in his judgment hnydb a son of man 0$nrb is wh innocent ykz 18:17
him .hl he examines qdb his neighbor hrbx ever comes 0t0d & when 0mw
.divide 0$rp the strong 0ny$(* & between tny*bw a dispute .0nyrx dissolve 0yr$ lots 0tcp 18:18
a city 0tnydm like Ky0 .his brother yhwx0 by Nm helped rd(tmd a brother 0x0 18:19
/& they held it hydx0*w .its fortress hnsx by Nm
.of a fortress 0nsxd the bars 0rkws like Ky0 /Ambros.:& it held .hdx0w
his belly .hsrk will be filled (bst of a man 0rbgd of the mouth hmwp the fruit yr *0p from Nm 18:20
of his lips htwps*d /Ambros.:.the produce 0tll(* & from Nmw/Lee:& the produce 0tll(*w
.he will be satisfied (bsn
is .wh of the tongue 0n$l in the hand dyb & life 0yx*w death 0twm 18:21
its fruit .yhwr*0p from Nm will eat lwk0n it hl & he that loves Mxrdw
good .0tb+ finds xk$m good 0tb+ a wife 0ttn0 he that finds xk$md 18:22
& he that puts away qpmdw LORD JEHOVAH .0yrm of Nm the will 0nybc & receives lbqmw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

!his house htyb from Nm good 0tb+ puts away qpm good 0tb+ a wife 0ttn0
.humbly 0tkykr* speaks llmm the poor 0nksm 18:23
.hard things 0tny*$( speaks llmm & the rich 0ryt(w
are .Nwn0 who friends 0mxr *d friends 0mxr* there are ty0 18:24
a brother .0x0 than Nm more ryty that cleaves Pqnd a friend 0mxr & there is ty0w

Chapter 19
.in integrity 0twmymtb that walks Klhmd the poor 0nksm is wh better b+ 19:1
/Ambros.:the fool 0lks/Lee:the rich 0ryt( /than Nm more ryty
his ways.htxr*w0 that perverts Nmq(md
for him .hl it is good ryp$ not 0l his soul h$pn knows (dy that not 0ld he Nm 19:2
.sins 0+x with his feet yhwlgr *b & he that is hasty lylqdw
his ways .htxr *w0 perverts 0mq(m of a man 0rbgd the madness htwy+$ 19:3
in his heart .hblb he is enraged M(rtm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & against l(w
& the poor 0nksmw many .00ygs* friends 0mxr* add Pswm possessions 0nynq 19:4
his friends .yhwmxr * from Nm /Ambros.:is separated $yrp/Lee:separates $rp
& he that speaks llmmdw .will be spared 0sxtn not 0l false 0lgd a witness 0dhs 19:5
.will be saved 0cptn not 0l falsehood 0twlgd
. the prince 0br in front of Mdq that serve Ny$m$md many 00ygs* 19:6
.gifts 0tbh*wm he gives bhy & to the evil Ny$ybdlw
him .hl hate Nyns of the poor one 0nksmd the brethren yhwx0* all Nwhlk 19:7
/Lee: are removed far Nyqxrtm/Ambros.: go far Nyqyxr his friends yhwmxr* & also P0w
is trustworthy .ryr$ not 0l in his words yhwlm*b that is malicious Nkr+d he 0ny0 .from him hnm
his soul .h$pn loves Mxr wisdom 0tmkx & he that gets 0nqdw 19:8
good .0tb+ finds xk$m the faith 0twnmyh he that keeps r+nd
.will be spared 0sxtn not 0l false 0lgd & a witness 0dhsw 19:9
.will be destroyed db0n /Lee:lies 0tl*gd/Ambros.:falsehood 0twlgd & he that speaks llmmdw
.delicacy 0qnwp for a fool 0lksl fitting 00y not 0l 19:10
.among princes 0nbrwrb to rule +lt$nd for a servant 0db(l not 0l also P0
is .yh of his spirit hxwr the endurance twrygn of a man 0rbgd the intelligence hlkws 19:11
of evil .0lw( the passing away 0rb(m & his glory htxwb$tw
of the King .0klmd the wrath hzgwr a lion 0yr0 like Ky0 roars Mhn 19:12
his pleasure .hnybc the grass 0bs( upon l( dew 0l+ & like Ky0w
.fool 0lks a son 0rb to a father 0b0l is wh a disgrace 0tthb 19:13
.of a wife 0ttn0d the anxiety hynr that drops abundantly P+nd a dropping 0pld & like Ky0w
is wh /Ambros.: the profit .0nrtwy/Lee:the inheritance 0ntrwy /& property 0nynqw a house 0tyb 19:14
.to a man 0rbgl a woman 0ttn0 betrothed 0rkmtm is wh LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & from Nmw of a father .0b0d
will suffer hunger .Npkt proud 0tmr & the soul 0$pnw sleep .0tn$ gives 0bhy slumber 0tmwn 19:15
his soul .h$pnb takes care of rhdzm the commandment 0ndqwp he that keeps r+nd 19:16
.will be killed l+qtn his ways htxr*w0 & he that despises +0$dw
the poor .0nksm upon l( shows mercy Mxrm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml he that follows 0wltmd 19:17

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

he is rewarded .(rptm his works yhwdb*( & according to Ky0w

there is ty0d because l+m your son Krb Lee: lead ydr /Ambros.: chastise ydr0 19:18
your soul K$pn cast out 0mrt not 0l & to his shame hr(clw .hope 0rbs
.injury 0kwt receives lbqm angry 0ntmx a man 0rbg 19:19
.it increases Pswm his care hn(+ by l( as he brings in 0l(md & as much 0mkw
instruction .0twdrm & receive lbqw counsel 0klm hear (m$ 19:20
in your ways Ktxrw0b that you may become wise Mkxttd so Ky0
.of a man 0rbgd in the heart hblb the thoughts 0tb$*xm many N0ygs 19:21
will be confirmed Myqtt of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd & the counsel 0ty(rtw
is wh & better b+w his favor .htwby+ of man 0$n0 of a son rbd the lust htgr 19:22
. that lies lgdmd rich 0ryt( a man 0rbg than Nm the poor 0nksm
unto The Life .0yx*l of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the awe htlxd 19:23
evil.0t$yb he will visit dwqpn & not 0lw will live twbn that is filled with it h(bsd & he Nmw
.in his breast hbw(b his hands yhwdy0* that hides 0$+md a lazy one 0nnbx 19:24
them .Nyn0 will bring brqn to his mouth hmwpl not 0l also P0
pays attention .rhdzm the wise 0mykx ever he is whipped dgntmd when 0m a fool 0lks 19:25
. knowledge 0t(dy he perceives lktsm the wise 0mykxl you rebuke skt & if N0w
.his mother hm0l & grieves qy(mw his father yhwb0l he that plunders z0bd 19:26
.& shameful 0nrpxmw disgraceful 0nthbm he is wh a son 0rb
instruction 0twdrm & hear (m$w my son yrb wait $wp 19:27
. of knowledge 0t(dyd the speech 0rm0m forget 0(+t & not 0lw

in judgment .0nyd is loud N$(m evil 0lw( a witness 0dhs 19:28

him.hl swallows up (b+m of the evil one 0lw(d & the mouth hmwpw
that are loud Nyn$(md for those Nyly0l pains 0b0*k are prepared Nyby+m 19:29
.foolish 0lks for people 0m(l & affliction 0twxmw in judgment .0nyd
Chapter 20
is disgraceful 0ynr(cm & drunkenness 0twywrw wine 0rmx is wh strong Ny$( 20:1
wise Mykx is 0wh not 0l in it hb that is excessive xrt$md & everyone lkw .
of the King .0klmd the wrath hzgwr a lion 0yr0 like Ky0 roars Mhn 20:2
himself .h$pn against l( sins 0+x him hl & he that angers tmxmdw
when 0m of a man 0rbgd the glory htxwb$t 20:3
.mocks it qymm fool lksd & every lkw a dispute .0nyrx ever he separates qrpmd
.he keeps silent qt$ & not 0lw a lazy man 0nnbx is reproached dsxtm 20:4
water .0ym* & there is no tylw in harvest 0dcxb & he begs l0$w
of the King .0klmd in the heart hblb the word 0tlm deep 0qym( 20:5
.will draw it out hyldn wise 0mykx & a man 0rbgw
compassionate 0nmxr*m men 0r*bg are called Nyrqtm of men 0$n0 of sons ynb*d a multitude 00gws 20:6
. finds xk$m who? wnm trustworthy 0nmyhm but Nyd a man 0rbg .
in integrity .0twmymtb that walks Klhmd a righteous one 0qydz 20:7
.after him hrtb from Nm to his children yhwn*bl their blessing Nwhybw+

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of judgment .0nydd the throne 0ysrwk upon l( sits bty the King 0klm 20:8
the wicked ones .0t *$yb all Nyhlk before him yhwmdq from Nm & are scattered Nr*dbtmw
. my heart ybl you are tn0 innocent ykzd will say rm0n who Nm 20:9
sin .0h+x* from Nm & I am purified tykdt0w
.& a measure 0tlykw a measure 0lyk .& a weight 0lqtmw a weight 0lqtm 20:10
the two of them .Nwhyr*t LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm in front of Mdq are Nwn0 despised Nylsm

The 1st line is a Semitic idiom, meaning, different weights & different measures.

pure 0kd if N0 a boy .0yl+ is known (dytm in his works yhwdb*(b also P0 20:11
his works .yhwdb*( are right Nycyrt & if N0w he is wh
that sees 0yzxd & the eye 0ny(w that hears 0(m$d the ear 0nd0 20:12
them .Nyn0 has made db( LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
you become poor .Nksmtt lest 0ld sleep 0tn$ love Mxrt not 0l 20:13

with bread .0mxl & be satisfied (bsw your eyes Kyny( open xtp but 0l0
to his companion hrbxl may say rm0n a friend 0mxr 20:14
he will be praised .xbt$n & then Nydyhw I have acquired wealth .tynqd
of stones 0p0*kd & a multitude 00gwsw gold 0bhd here is ty0d but let him say rm0nw 20:15
. of knowledge 0t(dyd also the lips 0twps*w valuable 0r*yqy & vessels 0n0*mw precious .0tb*+
.for a foreigner 0yrkwnl one that pledges security br(d that of Nmd his cloak h+w+rm take wbsn 20:16
.his pledge hnk$m take wbsn of foreigners 0yr*kwn the faces yp0* & for l(w
.deceitful 0lgd with bread 0mxlb to a man 0rbgl he pledges security br( 20:17
.with pebbles 0ccx* his mouth hmwp will be filled 0lmtn then Nydyh & after rtbw
is acquired .0nqtm in the mind 0ty(rtb counsel 0tb$xm 20:18
war .0brq is made db(tm & in provocation 0grwgbw

.is a slanderer 0crqlk0 a secret 0zr0 he that reveals 0lgd 20:19

a matter .0tlm hides 0sk in his spirit hxwrb & he that is faithful Nmyhmdw
.associate +lxtt not 0l his lips htwps* whose are hasty Nbhrsmd one Nm & with M(w


.& his mother hm0lw his father yhwb0l he that curses +0ld 20:20
dark .0tkw$x pupils* 0tbb as Ky0 .his lamp hgr$ will extinguish K(dn
0tbb Babetha kheshuktha is darkened pupils, or it can be Bbaytha kheshuktha in dark houses. The

Hebrew Bible has dark pupils.

.in its beginning htymdqb that is hasty 0bhrsmd an inheritance 0twtry 20:21
will be blessed Krbtt not 0l in its end htyrx0b
. good .0tb+ instead of Plx evil 0t$yb I shall pay (wrp0d say rm0t not 0l 20:22
that he may save you Kqrpnd LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml wait for 0ks but 0l0
.& weights* 0lqt*mw weights 0lq*tm LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm in front of Mdq are Nwn0 defiled Ny0m+ 20:23
are good .Nryp$ not 0l of deceit 0lknd & scales 0t0*smw

See note at v. 10 above

.of a man 0rbgd the steps htklh* LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm /Lee:before Mdq from Nmfrom Nm 20:24
his way .hxrw0 that will order Nqtnd /Lee:the man 0rbg/the man 0$nrb /& who is? wny0w
holiness .0$dwql who vows rdnd to a son of man 0$nrbl it is wh a snare 0xp 20:25
his soul .h$pn for it hl is sorry 0ywt that he vows rdnd after rtb & from Nmw
wise .0mykx the King 0klm evil ones 0lw*(l scatters rdbm 20:26
.a wheel 0lgyg over them Nwhyl( & turns Kphmw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of the children yn*bd is yh the soul 0tm$n of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the lamp hgr$ 20:27
of the belly .0srkd the inner rooms 0nw*t all Nwhlk & it searches 0ycbw of men .0$n0
the King .0klml keep Nyr+n & truth 0t$wqw grace 0twby+ 20:28
. by grace 0twby+b his throne hysrwk & is established Nqtmw
their strength .Nwhlyx of young men 0dw*dgd the glory 0txwb$t 20:29
.old age 0twbys of elder men 0$y*$qd & the excellence 0rdhw
the evil .0$*ybb fall upon (gp & torment 0qnw$w misery 0qx$ 20:30
.of the belly Nwhsrkd into the inner rooms 0nw*tl & affliction 0twxmw
Chapter 21
of the King 0klmd his heart hbl of waters 0ym*d a stream 0pt like Ky0 21:1
& to the place rt0lw of God .0hl0d in the hands yhwdy0*b
it .hl he turns Nkrm that he chooses 0bcd
in eyes yn*y(b are Nyn0 right Ncyr*t of a man 0rbgd the ways htxr*w0 all Nyhlk 21:2
the heart .0bl orders Nqtm & LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmw his own .h$pn
chosen 0bg & judgment .0nydw righteousness 0twqydz ever does db(d who Nm 21:3
sacrifice .0txbd by Nm to LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml is wh
.of the heart 0bld & the spirit 0txwrw of the eyes 0ny *(d /Lee: the light 0rhwn/ pride 0mwr 21:4
sin .0ty+x of the evil 0lw*(d & the lamp 0gr$w
are trusting .Nnmyhm of the elect one 0ybgd the thoughts htb$*xm 21:5
they cause want Nr*sxm & of the evil one 0$ybdw
.lying 0lgd by a tongue 0n$lb of a treasure 0tmysd the effect 0twndb(m 21:6
. death 0twml that seek Ny(bd those Nyly0 they will be overthrown Nwpxtsn even to destruction 0ndb0lw
upon them .Nwhyl( will come 0t0n of the evil 0lw*(d the shipwreck 0rbt 21:7
justice .0nyd to do db(ml they chose wbc that not 0ld because l(
.strange 0yrkwn is wh a man 0rbg his way hxrw0 he that perverts Kphd 21:8
his works .yhwdb*( are right Nycyrt that is pure 0kdd & he 0ny0w
of the roof .0rg0d the corner 0nrq upon l( to sit btml it is better xqp 21:9
.contentious 0tycn a woman 0ttn0 with M( to dwell rm(mld than Nm
of his neighbors .yhwr*bx in the eyes yn*y(b is seen 0yzxtm not 0l of the evil 0lw(d the soul h$pn 21:10
.the child 0rb$ is made wise Mkxtm of the evil 0$ybd & by the injury hkwtbw 21:11
.knowledge 0t(dy receives lbqm by his reflection hty(rtb & the wise 0mykxw
of the evil .0lw*(d their heart Nwhbl a righteous one 0qydz understands lktsm 21:12
unto affliction .0t$ybl the evil 0lw*(l & he drives out qxdw
the poor .0nksml he will hear (m$n that not 0ld his ears yhwnd0*he that shuts rksmd 21:13
.he will answer him yhwyn(n & not 0lw to God 0hl0l will call 0rqn he wh also P0
wrath .0zgwr removes 0qrpm that in secret 0y$w+bd a gift 0tbhwm 21:14
anger .zgwr arouses ry(m giving ltml & he that spares s0xdw
& ruin 0rbtw justice 0nyd works 0db( of the righteous 0qydzd the joy htwdx 21:15
evil .0lw( to workers ydb*(l
of understanding .0lkwsd the way 0xrw0 from Nm who strays

0(+d a son of man 0$nrb 21:16

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

.will descend xnttn of Earth 0(r0 the children yn*b with M(

& loves Mxrw himself hl that is wanting rysxd a man 0rbg 21:17
will be rich .rt(n not 0l & pleasure 0msbw & wine 0rmxw joy 0twdx
the evil .0lw( of the righteous 0qydzd an exchange hpwlxt 21:18
.a liar 0lgd the upright 0cyrt & instead of Plxw
of wilderness .0rbdmd in the land 0(r0b to stay btml better b+ 21:19
& angry .0tynzgrmw contentious 0tycn a woman 0ttn0 with M( to dwell rm(mld than Nm
/Ambros.:in a house 0tybb/ Lee: in a dwelling 0rydb /& oil 0x$mw coveted 0tgygr treasure 0tmys 21:20
.will consume it hy(lbn of man 0$n0 of the children yn*bd & the intelligent 0lkwsw the wise man .0tmkx
. & grace 0twby+w righteousness 0twqydz he that seeks 0(bd 21:21
. & glory 0txwb$tw & righteousness 0twqydzw life 0y*x finds xk$m
a wise man .0mykx went up qls of a mighty man 0rbngd to the city 0tnydml 21:22
.of its trust hnlkwtd the fortress 0nsx & conquered $bkw
. & his tongue hn$lw his mouth hmwp he that keeps r+nd 21:23
. trouble 0nclw0 from Nm his soul h$pn keeps r+n
his name .hm$ who strong Ny$(d an insolent one 0xrm 21:24
.in his wrath htk0b evil 0lw( does db(
because l+m him .hl kills 0l+q of the lazy one 0nnbxd the lust htgr 21:25
.work 0db( his hands yhwdy0* that will work Ndb(nd he chooses 0bc not 0ld
.lust 0tgr he lusts g0r day 0mwy all hlkw 21:26
spares .s0x & not 0lw gives bhy the righteous 0qydz
.LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm before Mdq is wh detested 0m+ of the evil 0lw *(d & the sacrifice 0xbdw 21:27
it .hl they bring Nytym in evil 0lw(bd because l+m
.will be destroyed db0n false 0lgd a witness 0dhs 21:28
speaks .llmm justly ty0cyrt attentive 0(wm$ & a man 0rbgw
& he 0ny0w evil .0lw( of a man 0rbgd the faces yhwp0* shameless Npycx 21:29
of his soul .h$pnd the ways 0txr *w0 establishes Nqtm is wh who upright cyrtd
& also P0w intelligence .0lkws not 0l also P0 wisdom 0tmkx there is not tyl 21:30
that of LORD JEHOVAH .0yrmd like Ky0 thought 0ty(rt not 0l
of war .0brqd for the day 0mwyl is prepared by+m a horse 0ysws 21:31
salvation .0nqrwp is wh & of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmdw
Chapter 22
.great 00ygs wealth 0rtw( than Nm The Name 0m$ is wh better rtym 22:1
silver 0m0s & than Nmw gold 0bhd than Nm compassion 0twnmxrm & better 0b+w
on one .dxb one dx meet w(gp & the poor 0nksmw the rich 0ryt( 22:2
.Ambros.:+ them Nwn0/ made db( LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & both of them Nwhyrtlw
that is being scourged dgntmd an evil one 0$yb sees 0zx a cunning one 0myr( 22:3
they have passed by wrb( but Nyd fools 0lks*.is instructed ydrt0 & strongly ty0ny$(w
.& have suffered damage wrsxw upon him yhwl(
of LORD JEHOVAH .0yrmd the awe htlxd of humility 0twkykmd the pursuit hyb*q( 22:4

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& the life .0yx*w & honor 0rqy0w & wealth 0rtw(w
perverse .0tqs( in the way 0xrw0b & snares 0x*pw nets 0b$*n 22:5
from them .Nwhnm will be far qxrtn his soul h$pn that keeps r+nd & he Nmw
of his way .hxrw0d his mouth hmwp concerning l( a boy 0yl+l he that reproves skmd 22:6
.!from it hnm he will turn away 0+sn not 0l he becomes old $qn even if Np0
the poor one 0nksm by him hb will be authorized +lt$n a rich man 0ryt( 22:7
to him .hl has been 0wh that lending Pzwmd to him Nml will lend Pzwn & the servant 0db(w
& the sceptre 0+b$w fraud .0t( will reap dwcxn evil 0lw( he that sows (rzd 22:8
.will be destroyed rwmgn of his anger htk0d
because l+m will be blessed Krbtn is wh his eye hny( ever good 0b+d who Nm 22:9
to the poor .0nksml his bread hmxl from Nm he gives bhyd
./Ambros.:contention 0nyrxl/Lee: the contentious 0yyrxl /& cast out qp0w the evil one 0$ybl destroy dbw0 22:10
in the assembly 0t$wnkb one will sit btn if N0 lest 0ld .& shame 0r(cw judgment 0nyd & abolish l+bw
he will shame .r(cn all of you Nwklkl
& shows love Mxrmw in his heart .hblb that is pure 0kdd him 0ny0l God 0hl0 loves Mxr 22:11
of the King .0klmd of the friends yhwmxr*d the lips 0twps* upon l(
. knowledge 0t(dy they preserve Nr+n of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the eyes yhwn*y( 22:12
.of liars 0lg*d the words 0lm * & they destroy Ndbwmw
.he was sent rdt$md when 0m the lazy man 0nnbx said rm0 22:13
in the streets 0qw$b a killer 0l+q & look 0hw in the road 0xrw0b a lion 0yr0
.of an estranged woman 0tyrkwnd the mouth hmwp deep 0qym( a ditch 0cmwg 22:14
there .Nmt falls lpn LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm against him yhwl( that angry zgrd & he 0ny0w
& a rod 0+b$w of a boy.0yl+d the heart hbl disturbs 0drpm senselessness 0twy+$ 22:15
from him .hnm puts far qxrm of discipline 0twdrmd
.his own affliction ht$yb increases 0gsm the poor 0nksml he that harms K0td 22:16
to his soul .h$pnl it is wh a loss 0nrswx to the rich 0ryt(l & he that gives bhydw
of the wise .0mykxd the words 0lm* & hear (m$w your ear Knd0 bend Nkr0 22:17
to knowledge .yt(dyl your heart Kbl & apply Mysw
in your gut Ksrkb them Nyn0 keep r+ they are .Ny*n0 that sweet Nmysbd because lw+m 22:18
your lips Ktwps* upon l( one 0dx as Ky0 & they will form Nnqtnw
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm upon l( your trust Knlkwt that shall be 0whnd 22:19
today .0nmwy I have made known to you Kt(dw0
times .Nynbz three tlt for l( to you Kl these Nyn0 I have written tbtk & look 0hw 22:20
& stillness 0yl$w .& knowledge 0t(dyw counsel 0klm that I may make known to you K(dw0d 22:21
of truth 0t$wqd the word 0tlm that you may return Kphtd of truth .0t$wqd & the words 0lm *w
that sends you Krd$d to him Nml
he is .wh that poor Nyksmd because l+m the poor 0nksml oppress Kwtt not 0l 22:22
.in the gate 0(rtb the afflicted one 0$ybl humiliate Kkmt & not 0lw
their judgment .Nwhnyd decides N0d LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd because l+m 22:23
of their souls .Nwh$pnd the humiliation 0nblw( & is repaid (rptmw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

.angry 0ntmx to a man 0rbgl a friend 0mxr you shall be 0wht not 0l 22:24
.enter lw(t not 0l with passion 0zgwr that is filled 0lmd a man 0rbg & with M(w
.his laws yhwswm*n /Lee: + from Nm /you will learn Pl0t lest 0ld 22:25
to your soul K$pnl a scandal 0tlqwt & you will find xk$tw
.for security 0twbr(l yourself K$pn give ltt not 0l 22:26
faces .0pwcr *p of Nm you are tn0 in that ashamed thbdb
to pay .(wrptd opportunity rt0 any Nm for ryg to you Kl there is not tyl if N0 22:27
under you Kytwxt from Nm the bed 0tyw$t they will take Nybsn
old Ml( which of Nmd the border 0mwxt remove 0n$t not 0l 22:28
your fathers Kyhb0* they have made wdb(d
.in his work hdb(b that is skilled ryhmd a man 0rbg you have seen tyzx if N0 22:29
he will stand Mwqn & not 0lw he will stand Mwqn Kings 0klm*in front of Mdq
.obscure ones 0ky$x in front of Mdq

Chapter 23
. a ruler 0+yl$ with M( to dine wm$xml you tn0 sit bty if N0 23:1
before you Kymdq that is set Nysd the thing Mdm perceive (dwt$0
to your mouth Kmwpb a dagger 0nyks you put Myst that not 0ld 23:2
that breathes $ypnd a man 0rbg you are ty0 if N0
because l+m .his food htlwk0m for Nm lust grt not 0l 23:3
of lies .0twlgdd is wh the bread 0mxl his bread hmxld
in wisdom 0tmkxb but 0l0 .to a rich man 0ryt(l come near brqtt not 0l 23:4
from him .hnm /Ambros.: come near brqt0/Lee:separate qrpt0
he appears 0zxtm not 0l on him hb your eye Kny( for ryg you fix dct if N0 23:5
like Ky0 wings 0pg for him hl he makes db(d because l+m to you Kl
to Heaven .0ym$l & he flies xrpw an eagle 0r$nd
.gluttonous 0rwx a man 0rbg with M( dine M$xt not 0l 23:6
his food .htlwk0m for Nm lust grt & not 0lw
so 0nkh .a bristle hair 0tpz swallows (lb a man $n0d for ryg just as 0nzk0 23:7
with you Ktwl is 0wh not 0l & his heart hblw with him .hm( & drink 0t$w you tn0 eat lk0
it .hl you tn0 vomit bytm you tn0 that eat lk0d & the bread 0mxlw 23:8
.sweet 0tmys*b your words Kylm* you tn0 & spoil lbxmw
speak .llmt not 0l a fool 0lks in front of Mdq 23:9
your words Kylm *l /Ambros.:these NylhlLee:them Nyhl he despises +0$d because l+m
old Ml( which of Nmd the boundary 0mwxt remove 0n$t not 0l 23:10
.enter lw(t not 0l of orphans 0mt*yd & into the field 0lqxbw
is .wh strong Pyqt their Savior Nwhqwrpd because lw+m 23:11
with you Km( their judgment Nwhnyd shall judge Nwdn & he whw
to instruction .0twdrml your heart Kbl bring l(0 23:12
.of knowledge 0t(dyd to the speech 0rm0ml & your ear Knd0w
a boy .0yl+ from Nm instruction 0twdrm withhold 0lkt not 0l 23:13

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

.he dies t0m not 0l him hl you tn0 strike 0xm that if N0d because l+m
with a rod .0+b$b him hl you tn0 strike 0xm for ryg you tn0 23:14
!you tn0 deliver 0cpm Sheol lwy$ from Nm & his soul h$pnw
.will rejoice 0dxn my ylyd my heart ybl also P0 your heart Kbl is wise Mykx if N0 my son yrb 23:15
ever speak Nllmmd when 0m my kidneys ytylwk*& will be glad Ncwdnw 23:16
uprightness .0twcyrt your lips Ktwps*
. sinners 0y+x*b your heart Kbl will envy N+n /Ambros.: if N0/Lee: not 0l 23:17
day Mwy all lk of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the awe htlxdb but 0l0
.will end rmgn not 0l & your hope Krbsw the end 0trx to you Kl for it will be 0whtd 23:18
Lee: & set up cwrtw/ Ambros.: & rejoice cwdtw /wise Mykx & be ywhw my son yrb hear (m$ 23:19
in your heart Kblb my doctrine yty(rt
.with wine 0rmxb drunk ywr be 0wht not 0l 23:20
with meat .0rsbb a glutton +ws0 be 0wht & not 0lw
of meat 0rsbb & the glutton +ws0w with wine 0rmxb he that is drunk ywrdd because l+m 23:21
.horse cloth 0t(drb he will wear $bln & he that sleeps Kmddw .will be destroyed db0n
who begot you Kdlw0d your father Kwb0l hear (m$ 23:22
of your mother Km0d the old age htwbys despise +w$t & not 0lw
wisdom 0tmkx sell Nbzt & not 0lw .buy ynq truth 0t$wq 23:23
& understanding .0lkwsw & instruction 0twdrmw
.of the righteous 0qydzd the father yhwb0 & he will leap for joy cwdnw will exult zwrn 23:24
.his father yhwb0 in him hb & he will rejoice 0dxnw a wise son 0mykx & he that begets dlwnw
& your mother Km0w your father Kwb0 in you Kb & they will rejoice Nwdxnw 23:25
that bore you Ktdly & she will rejoice cwdtw
your heart Kbl my son yrb to me yl give bh 23:26
will keep .Nr*+n my ways ytxr*w0 & your eyes Kyny(w

.a whore 0tynz deep 0qym( for ryg she is yh a ditch 0cmwg 23:27
.an estranged woman 0tyrkwn of distress 0nclw0d & a well 0rbw
& sons of men 0$n*ynbw .she destroys 0dbwm stillness 0yl$ & from Nmw 23:28
!multiply Nygsm evil 0lw( many 00ygs*
judgment 0nyd & to whom? Nmlw .trouble 0dwwd & to whom? Nmlw woe 0yw to whom? Nml 23:29
.without cause Ngmd wounds 0tplw*c & to whom? Nmlw afflictions .0t*$yb & to whom? Nmlw
. his eyes yhwny*( red N0nqm & to whom? Nmdw
& track down Nybq(mw at the wine .0rmxb that linger Nyrxwmd for those Nyly0d but 0l0 23:30
drunk ywr you shall be 0wht not 0l .drinking 0yyt$m a house tyb there is ty0d where? 0ky0
with M( speak llm but 0l0 .with wine 0rmxb
walking Klhm & be tywhw righteous ones .0q*ydz men 0$n0
& talking .llmmw with them Nwhm(
on the wine 0rmxb Lee: your eyes Kyny( fix dc0t /Ambros.:your eye Kny( fix dct not 0l 23:31
on righteousness .0twqydzb meditate ynr but 0l0 on the cup .0skb his eye hny( that is red 0grzd
a wound 0twxm like Ky0 of the wine 0rmxd its end htrxd because l+m 23:32
that flies .xrpd a cockatrice 0nmrx & like Ky0w .of a serpent 0ywxd that is yh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

at an estranged woman .0tyrkwnb gaze rxd when 0m your eyes Kyn*y( 23:33
perverse things .0tkyph* speaks llmm your heart Kbl then Nydyh
that lies down byk$d he wh like Ky0 to you Kl you tn0 & are 0whw 23:34
.great 0br in a storm 0lw$xmb a sailor 0xlm & like Ky0w .of the Sea 0myd in the heart hblb
I suffered .t$x & not 0lw they hit me ynw0xmd & you will say rm0tw 23:35
I .tywh knew (dy & not 0lw against me yb they were wwh abusive Nyxzbmw
.I shall seek it hy(b0 & I go out lz0w I am awake ry(tt0 when ytm0

Chapter 24
evil .0$*yb among men 0r*bgb envy N+t not 0l 24:1
.with them Nwhm( to be 0whml lust grt & not 0lw
their heart .Nwhbl devises 0nr it is wh evil 0t$ybd because l+m 24:2
their lips .Nwhtwps* speak Nllmm & evil 0lw(w
.a house 0tyb is built 0nbtm by wisdom 0tmkxb 24:3
it is in good order .Nqt entirely hlk & in understanding 0lkwsbw
.the inner chambers 0nww*t are filled Nylmtm & in knowledge 0t(dybw 24:4
.& delight 0mswbw & honor 0rqy0w possession 0nynq every lk
the strong .0ny$( than Nm the wise 0mykx is wh better b+ 24:5
of power .0lyx a mighty man rbng than Nm of knowledge 0t(dyd & a man 0rbgw
war .0brq is made db(tm in provocation 0grwgb 24:6
of counsel .0klmd in the abundance 00gwsb & salvation 0nqrwpw
.the fool 0lksl casts out 0ymr wisdom 0tmkx 24:7
his mouth .hmwp he opens xtp not 0l & in the gate 0(rtbw
.is called 0rqtm evil 0lw( a man 0rbg to do evil w$0bml he that devises b$xtmd 24:8
.is sin 0ty+x of the fool 0lksd & the counsel hty(rtw 24:9
is evil .0t$yb of a son of man 0$nrbd & the defilement htw0m+w
.of distress 0nclw0d in the day 0mwyb them Nwn0 will drive rbdt affliction 0t$yb & to the evil 0lw*(lw 24:10

. to death 0twml that are being led Nyrbdtmd those Nyly0l deliver 0cp 24:11
.spare swxt not 0l to kill 0l+ql that are held Nydxttmd those Nyly0l & to redeem Nbzmlw
that the thought 0ty(rtd know (d I .0n0 knew (dy not 0ld you say rm0t & if N0w 24:12
that wh your soul K$pn & he that keeps r+ndw .examines 0cb <Lee: it wh> God 0hl0 of the heart 0bld
his works .yhwdb*( according to Ky0 of man 0$n0 the son rbl & rewards (rpw .he knows (dy
it is .wh that good b+d because l+m honey 0$bd my son yrb eat lwk0 24:13
to your palate Kkxb is sweet 0tylx & honeycomb 0tyrkkw
.you will find xk$t to your soul K$pnl wisdom 0tmkx also P0 so 0nkh 24:14
.will be cut off qsptn not 0l & your hope Krbsw the end 0trx for you Kl & it will be 0whtw
.of the righteous 0qydzd in the dwelling hrydb evil 0lw( plot Nmkt not 0l 24:15
.of his dwelling hyr$m the place tyb plunder zwbt & not 0lw
the righteous 0qydz falls lpn times Nynbz seven (b$d because l+m 24:16
is overthrown .Nwpxtsn by evil 0t$ybb & the wicked 0(y$r*w & he rises M0qw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

.rejoice 0dxt not 0l your enemy Kbbdl(b has fallen lpnd when 0m 24:17
your heart Kbl let leap for joy cwdn not 0l he is overthrown Pxtsmd & when 0mw
. in his eyes yhwn*y(b & it is evil $0btnw LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm see 0zxn /Lee:lest 0mld / lest 0ld 24:18
from him .hnm his wrath hzgwr & he turn Kphnw
the evil .0lw*(b envy N+t & not 0lw evil ones .0$yb*b emulate Msxt not 0l 24:19
.an end 0trx for them Nwhl there is 0ywh not 0l for the evil 0$*ybld because l+m 24:20
will be extinguished K(dn of the evil 0lw*(d & the lamp 0gr$w
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm of Nm my son yrb stand in awe lxd 24:21
.mingle +lxtt not 0l fools 0y+$* & with M(w & give counsel Klm0w
comes 0t0 for ryg the stillness 0yl$ from Nm 24:22
knows .(dy who? wnm of their years Nwhyn$d & the end 0pwsw their shipwreck .Nwhrbt
among faces 0p0*b to accept bsml I .0n0 say rm0 to the wise 0mykx*l these things Nylh 24:23
is good .ryp$ not 0l in judgment 0nydb
you are .tn0 righteous qydzd to the evil 0lw(l to say rm0ml not 0l also P0 24:24
the peoples .0twm0* & will revile him hnyxcnw the nations 0mm*( will curse him hnw+wln
will be delighted .Nwmsbtn /Lee: & the reprovers 0n*skmw /Ambros.: & the poor 0nk*smw 24:25
good .0tb+ a blessing 0tkrwb will come 0t0t & upon them Nwhyl(w
that reprove .Nynskmd those Nyly0d will kiss Nwq$nn & the lips 0twps*w 24:26
& make ready dt(w your works Kydb*( in the outdoors 0qw$b prepare by+ 24:27
your house Ktyb build 0nbt & after that Nkrtbw in your field Klqxb
your neighbor Krbx against l( false 0lgd a witness 0dhs be 0wht not 0l 24:28
with your lips Ktwps*b tear him to pieces yhwytptpt & not 0lw
he does db(d as Ky0 to him hl I shall do db(0d say rm0t & not 0lw 24:29
his works .yhwdb*( according to Ky0 & I shall pay him yhwy(rp0w to me .yl
.I passed trb( lazy 0nnbx of a man 0rbgd the field hlqx by l( 24:30
heart .0bl lacking rysx of a son of man 0$nrbd the vineyard hmrk & by l(w
.a tangle of thorns 0r(y filled ylmt0 all of it hlk & went up qlsw 24:31
.of the gates 0dlwx* the faces yhwp0* & they covered wyskw
. my heart yblb & I have set tmsw I 0n0 & I have seen tyzxw 24:32
instruction .0twdrm & I received tlbqw
you sleep Kmdt & a little lylqw you slumber Mwnt a little lylq & if N0w 24:33
your chest Kydx upon l( your hand Kdy0 you put Myst & a little lylqw
& will overtake you Kkrdtw poverty .0twnksm before you Kymdq will walk lz0t 24:34
a runner .0rlb+ a man 0rbg like Ky0 .want 0twkyrc
Chapter 25
.deep 0qym*( of Shleemown Nwmyl$d the Proverbs yhwltm* these Nylh also P0 25:1
of Judah .0dwhyd King 0klm of Hezekiah 0yqzxd the friends yhwmxr*that wrote wbtkd
the word .0tlm which hides 0$+md that Nm of God 0hl0d the glory htxwb$t 25:2
the word .0tlm which seeks for 0cbd that Nm of a King 0klmd & the glory htxwb$tw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

.deep 0qym( & Earth 0(r0w are high .Nymr Heavens 0ym$ 25:3
.searchable 0cbtm not 0l of a King 0klmd & the heart hblw
silver .0m0s from Nm dross 0n0lws select wbg 25:4
pure .0kd when dk an item 0n0m that may come forth qwpnd
from Nm the evil ones 0lw*( /Lee: will be scattered Nwrdbtn/Ambros.:will be broken Nwrbttn 25:5
in righteousness.0twqydzb his throne hysrwk & he will establish Nqtnw the King .0klm in front of Mdq
the King .0klm in front of Mdq boast rhbt$t not 0l 25:6
stand Mwqt not 0l of great ones 0nbrwr*d & in the place 0tkwdbw
up l(l come brqt0 to you Kl that one will say rm0nd for ryg it is wh good ryp$ 25:7
a Ruler 0+yl$ in front of Mdq that you be humbled Kkkmnd than Nm better b+
.tell rm0 that wh your eyes Kyn*y( that see yzxd the thing Mdm
when dk lest 0ld .hastily ty0bhrsm for anything Mdml go out qwpt & not 0lw 25:8
your friend Kmxr will revile you Kdsxn at the end 0tyrx0b you bring a law suit Nwdt
& a secret 0z0rw your neighbor Krbx with M( judge Nwd your judgment Knyd 25:9
reveal .0lgt not 0l of another 0nrx0
will revile you Kdsxn that hears (m$d he Nm lest 0ld 25:10
many .00ygs* against you Kb & complain Nwnrnw
of silver 0m0sd in a beaten vessel 0dwgnb of gold 0bhdd an apple 0rwzx 25:11
the word .0tlm he that speaks llmmd
the reproof 0twnskm so 0nkh precious.0b+ & sardius Nwdrsw of gold 0bhdd an earring 0$dq 25:12
./Lee:of the hearers 0(w*m$d /Ambros.:of the hearer 0(m$d to the ear 0nd0l of the wise 0mykx*d
snow 0glt ever descends txnd when 0md as 0nzk0 25:13
a messenger 0dgzy0 so 0nkh .the heat 0mwx cools gypm of harvest 0dcxd in a day 0mwyb his senders yhwnr*d$ml/ Lee:to his senders yhwr*d$ml faithful 0nmyhm
returns Kphm of his masters yhwr*md & the soul 0$pnw
.there is not tyl & rain 0r+mw & wind 0xwrw clouds 0nn*( there are ty0d when 0md so 0nzk0 25:14
false .0tlg*d in gifts 0tbhwm*b that boasts rhbt$md a man 0rbg is wh so 0nkh
. a ruler 0+yl$ soothe ld$m of spirit 0xwr in duration twrygnb 25:15
.bones 0mr*g break rbt soft 0kykr & with a tongue 0n$lbw
.eat lwk0 enough for you Ktsm honey 0$bd ever you have found txk$0d when 0m 25:16
.you vomit it yhwybytt you are full (bst when dk lest 0ld
of your friend Kmxr at the house tybl your foot Klgr frequent bktt not 0l 25:17
& he will hate you Kynsnw he will be weary of you K(bsn lest 0ld
a man 0rbg is wh so 0nkh .sharp 0nyn$ & an arrow 0r0gw & a sword 0pysw a club 0(wdp like Ky0 25:18
.his neighbor hrbx against l( false 0tlgd a testimony 0twdhs that testifies dhsmd
.disjointed 0t(zm a foot 0lgr & like Ky0w that is bad 0$ybd a tooth 0n$ like Ky0 25:19
/Ambros.: of an evil one .0lw(d/ Lee:of liar 0lgdd /his trust hnlkwt is wh so 0nkh
. of trouble 0nclw0d in the day 0mwyb
.of cold 0trqd in the day 0mwyb his neighbor hrbx from Nm the cloak 0+w+rm that takes lq$d he Nm 25:20
& to chastise Prcmw .wealth 0rty upon l( gravel 0lx that casts 0mrd he wh is wh like Ky0
to a garment 0n0ml a moth 0ss like Ky0 .grieved 0byk the heart 0bll
.to a tree 0syql a boring worm 0ty+lb & like Ky0w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

.of a man 0rbgd the heart hbll harms 0rhm sadness 0twyrk so 0nkh
feed him .yhylkw0 your enemy Kbbdl(b hungers Npk if N0 25:21
.give him drink yhyq$0 he thirsts 0hc & if N0w
of fire 0rwnd coals 0r *mwg to him .hl you do db(t these Nylh & when dkw 25:22
you Kl rewards (rp & LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmw his head .h$yr upon l( you tn0 welcome * 0dx

welcome 0dx appears to be translated from htx take hold of, seize in the Hebrew text; the cognate in Aramaic is
0dx0 seize, take hold of. It seems one letter was dropped in translation, so 0dx0 is probably the correct reading. At
least one Peshitta ms. has 0bx ignite.
. rain 0r+m gives birth to 0n+b North 0ybrg the wind 0xwrd like Ky0 25:23
.lurking 0y$+m & a tongue 0n$lw evil 0t$*yb faces 0p0* so 0nkh
of the roof .0rg0d the corner 0nrq on l( to dwell rm(ml better ryp$ 25:24
contentious 0tycn a woman 0ttn0 with M( to dwell rm(mld than Nm
.of divisions 0twglp*d & in a house 0tybbw
.thirsty 0tyhc to the soul 0$pnl cold 0ryr*q waters 0ym*d as 0nz like Ky0 25:25
distant .0tqyxr a land 0(r0 from Nm that comes 0t0d good 0ryp$ news 0b+ is wh so 0nkh
of waters 0ym*d & a flow 0nqpmw .a fountain 0(wbm a certain $n0 is stopped up rksd like Ky0 25:26
he falls lpnd when 0m a righteous one 0qydz is wh so 0nkh corrupt .lbxm
an evil one .0lw( in front of Mdq
.is good ryp$ not 0l much ygs honey 0$bd to eat lk0ml 25:27
.of praises 0txb$*m words 0lm* to seek 0cbml not 0l also P0
. a wall 0rw$ to it hl that not tyld breach 0t(yrt a city 0tnydm like Ky0 25:28
his spirit .hxwr is long 0rygn that not 0ld a man 0rbg is wh so 0nkh
Chapter 26
.in harvest 0dcxb rain 0r+m & like Ky0w in summer 0+yqb snow 0glt like Ky0 26:1
for a fool 0lksl honor 0rqy0 is fitting 00y not 0l so 0nkh
that flies Nxr*pd winged 0pnk & a living creature twyxw a bird 0rpc like Ky0 26:2
.wanders 0yhp empty 0tqyrs a curse 0t+wl so 0nkh .in the air r00b
.for a donkey 0rmxl & a goad 0tqzw for a horse 0yswsl a whip 0+w$ 26:3
fool .0lks for the man 0rbgl a rod 0tqz also P0 so 0nkh
.his foolishness htwlks according to Ky0 to a fool 0lksl answer 0mgtp give ltt not 0l 26:4
him .hl be like 0mdtt you tn0 also P0 lest 0ld
your wisdom Ktwmykx according to Ky0 a fool 0lks with M( speak llm but 0l0 26:5
he is.wh that wise Mykxd in his soul h$pnb he think rbsn lest 0ld
evil .0lw( he drinks 0t$ his feet hlgr under tyxt from Nm 26:6
.a fool 0lks by the hand dyb the word 0tlm that sends rd$md he Nm

The first line is an idiom meaning, to damage ones own cause, according to George Lamsa.
The LXX version, which seems to follow a similar Hebrew text, has procures for himself reproach for his own ways, for
this idiom.
.to the cripple 0rygxl walking 0tklh you give ltt if N0 26:7
of a fool .0lksd the mouth hmwp from Nm the Word 0tlm you will receive lbqt
a fool .0lksl that praises xb$md he Nm so 0nkh .in a sling 0(lqb a stone 0p0k like Ky0 26:8

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

.of a drunkard 0ywrd in the hand hdy0b are sprung up w(y thorns 0b*wk 26:9
.of a fool 0lksd in the mouth hmwpb & madness 0twy+$w
.of a fool 0lksd the flesh hrsb suffers $0x much ygs 26:10
the sea .0my crosses rb( & a drunkard 0ywrw
.its vomit hbwyt unto l( that returns Kphd a dog 0blk like Ky0 26:11
.in his foolishness htwlksb that is insane 0+$d a fool 0lks is wh so 0nkh
in the eyes yn*y(b that is wise Mykxd a man 0rbg you have seen tyzx if N0 26:12
!than he hnm more b+ a fool 0lks useful xqp his own .h$pn
a lion 0yr0 .ever he is sent rdt$md when 0m the lazy 0nnbx says rm0 26:13
of the streets .0qw$* in the midst tyb & a lion 0yr0w in the road 0xrw0b
.its hinges htryc upon l( that swings around Krktmd a door 0(rt like Ky0 26:14
.on his bed hsr(b turns Kphtm the lazy man 0nnbx so 0nkh
.in his chest hbw(b his hands yhwdy0* that hides 0$+md the lazy one 0nnbx 26:15
to his mouth .hmwpl them Nyn0 to bring lbwnd he will labor 00ln
of himself .h$pn in eyes yn*y(b is wise Mykx the lazy man 0nnbx 26:16
.sense 0m(+ making ybh*y seven 0(b$ than Nm more b+
.is his hlyd that not 0ld in judgment 0nydb he that meddles +lmd 26:17
of a dog .0blkd by his ears yhwnd0*b that takes dyx0d he wh is wh like Ky0
words 0lm* casts Nyd$m one that boasts 0nr*hb$d as 0nz just Ky0 26:18
of death .0twmd sharp 0ny*n$ arrows 0r *0g like Ky0
.his neighbor hrbxl that deceives lknd a man 0rbg is wh so 0nkh 26:19
.I was joking tkxg joking Kxgm says rm0 ever he is perceived yhwlkts0d & when 0mw
the fire .0rwn extinguished 0k(d wood 0s*yq there is not tyld when 0m 26:20
strife .0twcm is silenced 0yl$ a troublesome one 0$wg$ there is not tyld & where rt0w
for fire .0rwnl & wood 0s*yqw for coals 0r *mwgl a gridiron lq+r+ 26:21
.dispute 0trh provokes grgm malicious 0nkr+ & a man 0rbgw
stir up strife .N$g$ of the malicious 0nkr+d the words yhwlm * 26:22
of the heart .0bld to the inner chambers 0nww*tl & they go down Ntxnw
a clay vessel .0pcx over l( that is plated Myrqd tried 0ylsm silver 0m0s like Ky0 26:23
evil .0$yb & an heart 0blwfiery Ndq*yd lips 0twps*so 0nkh
.the hater 00ns is known (dytm the lips htwps*from Nm 26:24
. an ambush 0n0mk he plots Nymk & within him hwgbw
.believe him yhwynmyht not 0l his voice hlq he makes meek Kmm & if N0w 26:25
within him hwgb are ty0 evils N$yb that seven (b$d because l+m
in his heart .hblb hatred 0t0ns he that hides 0skmd 26:26
in the assembly .0t$wnkb his evil ht$yb will be revealed 0lgtt
into it .hb he will fall lpn a ditch 0cmwg he that has dug rpxd 26:27
it will return Kwpht upon him yhwl( a stone 0p0k & he that rolls lg(mdw
the truth .0t$wq hates 0ns lying 0lgd a tongue 0n$l 26:28
trouble .0y$wg$ works db( malicious 0nkr+ & the mouth 0mwpw
Chapter 27

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

.tomorrow rxmd for the day 0mwyl boast rhbt$t not 0l 27:1
it brings forth .dly what 0nm you tn0 know (dy for ryg not 0l
your mouth Kmwp & not 0lw a stranger 0yrkwn may praise you Kxb$n 27:2
your lips Ktwps* & not 0lw & another 0nrx0w
.sand 0lx & is weighty l+nw stone 0p0k is heavy 0ryqy 27:3
the two of them .Nwhyrt than Nm is heavier ryqy of a fool 0lksd & the wrath hzgwrw
passion .0zgwr & impetuosity 0p0xw rage 0tmx is yh presumption 0twxrm 27:4
envy .0nn+ in front of Mdq shall stand mwqn & who? wnmw
secret 0y$+md love 0twmxr than Nm public .0ylgd rebuke 0twnskm is yh better 0b+ 27:5
.of a friend 0mxrd the wounds htwx*m better Nryp$ 27:6
of an enemy 0bbdl(bd the kisses htq$*wn than Nm /Ambros.:better b+/
& the soul 0$pnw .honeycombs 0tyr*kk treads on 0$yd that is full 0(bsd the soul 0$pn 27:7
to him .hl are Nyn0 sweet Nylx* bitter things 0tryr*m even P0 that hungers 0tnpk
.its nest hnq that leaves 0yn$md a bird 0rpc like Ky0 27:8
.his place htkwd from Nm that is moved (0zd a man 0rbg is wh so 0nkh
to the heart .0bl give joy Nydxmd & fragrances 0ms*bw oil 0x$m like Ky0 27:9
to his neighbor hrbxl is sweet Msbmd who Nm is he wh so 0nkh
of his soul .h$pnd in the counsel 0klmb
.forsake qwb$t not 0l of your father Kwb0d & the friend hmxrw your friend Kmxr 27:10
of your brokenness Krbtd in the day 0mwyb enter lw(t not 0l of your brother Kwx0 & the house tyblw
.that is distant qyxrd a brother 0x0 than Nm that is near byrqd a neighbor 0bb$ is wh better b+
. my heart ybl & gladden 0dxw my son yrb be made wise Mkxt0 27:11
of those reproaching me .yndsx*md the reproach 0dsx from me ynm & remove l+bw
.& he is hidden y$+t0w evil 0t$yb sees 0zx a cunning man 0myr( 27:12
by it hyl( have passed wrb( but Nyd /Lee:fools 0lk*s/Ambros.:children 0r*b$
& they have suffered loss .wrsxw
.for a stranger 0yrkwnl that is security br(d of him Nmd his cloak h+w+rm is taken bsntm 27:13
Lee: he pledges it .hnk$m /Ambros.:accepts him .hnp$m/of a stranger 0yrkwn the faces yp0* & upon l(w
in flattery 0twnrpw$b his neighbor hrbxl he that blesses Krbmd 27:14
different $yrp is 0wh not 0l .loud 0mr with a voice 0lqb
that pronounces a curse .+0ld him wh from Nm
.of heavy rain 0rgsd in a day 0mwyb that drips abundantly P+nd a dripping 0pld like Ky0 27:15
contentious .0tycn a woman 0ttn0 is yh so 0nkh
.is severe 0y$q North 0ybrg the wind 0xwr 27:16
it is called .0yrqtm of the right 0nymyd & in the name 0m$bw

The LXX has: The north wind is sharp, but it is called by name propitious.This is probably an accurate representation of
the Peshitta reading, as it comes from a similar Hebrew text, and translates the Semitic idioms quite well.
.sharpens $+l iron 0lzrpl iron 0lzrp 27:17
of his neighbor .hrbxd the person 0pwcrp sharpens $+l & a man 0rbgw
.its fruit hyr*0p from Nm will eat lwk0n a fig tree 0tt he that keeps r+nd 27:18
.will be praised xbt$n of his master hrmb & he that is watchful ryhzdw

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

to faces .0pwcr*pl faces 0pwcr*p are like Nymd not 0ld like Ky0 27:19
to hearts .0tw*bll hearts 0twb*l are like Nymd not 0l so 0nkh
are full .Ny(bs not 0l & destruction 0ndb0w Sheol lwy$ 27:20
of the children yn*bd their eye Nwhny( also P0 so 0nkh
is satisfied .0(bs not 0l of men 0$n0
gold .0bhdl & a furnace 0rwkw silver 0m0sl proves 0qb a refining pot 0prc 27:21
of the evil 0lw*(d the heart 0bl .of his praisers yhwnxb$*md the mouth 0mwp from Nm & a man 0rbgw
. knowledge 0t(dy seeks 0(b of the pure 0n0*kd & the heart 0blw evil.0t$yb seeks 0(b
a thing Mdm .the assembly 0t$wnk within wgb a fool 0lksl you tn0 strike 0xm if N0 27:22
his foolishness !htwlks you tn0 remove rb(m not 0l also P0 .him hl you tn0 benefit rtwm not 0l
the faces yp0* know (d you .tn0 ever shepherd 0(rd when 0m 27:23
your flock Krzg upon l( your heart Kbl & set Msw of your sheep Kn(
.power 0ndxw0 for eternity Ml(l is 0wh that not 0ld because l+m 27:24
to generation .0rdl generation 0rd is it delivered Ml$m neither 0lp0w
.new grass 00dt & appears yzxt0w grass 0rym( sprouts xw$ 27:25
of the mountains .0r*w+d the green herb 0bs( & is gathered $nkt0w
for your food Ktlwk0ml & kids 0y*dgw for your clothes K$wbll lambs 0r*m0 27:26
of your house Ktybd & for the food 0tlwk0mlw for your food Ktlwk0ml of goats 0z(*d & milk 0blxw 27:27
Chapter 28
them .Nwhl one chasing Pdrd there is no tyl when dk the evil 0lw*( will flee Nwqr(n 28:1
are confident .Nwlkttn a lion 0yr0 like Ky0 & the righteous ones 0qy*dzw
.its rulers hyn+yl$* many are Nygs of the earth 0(r0d in the evil hlw(b 28:2
righteousness 0twn0k who know Ny(dyd the righteous ones 0q*ydz of men 0$n0 & the children yn*bw
.Ambros.:their days .Nwhtm *wy /they endure Nwrgn
the poor .0nksml that harms K0td poor 0nksm a man 0rbg 28:3
gain .Nrtwy in it hb without tyld beating 0+ybx rain 0r+m like Ky0
evil .0lw(b praise Nyxbt$m the Law 0swmn that leave Nyqb$d those Nyly0 28:4
their souls .Nwh$pn strengthen Nyn$(m the Law 0swmn that keep Nyr+nd & those Nyly0w
judgment .0nyd understand Nylktsm not 0l evil 0$y *b men 0r *bg 28:5
good things .0tb*+ all Nyhlk know Ny(dy LORD JEHOVAH 0yrml & they that seek Ny(bdw
.in integrity 0twmymtb walks Klhm the poor 0nksm 28:6
his way .htxr*w0 perverts Nmq(m & the rich 0ryt(w
. intelligent 0ntlwks is wh a son 0rb the Law 0swmn he that keeps r+nd 28:7
/ Ambros.: worthless things 0tqyr *s/Lee: worthlessness 0twqyrs/ & he that serves xlpdw
.his father yhwb0l shames thbm
.usury 0tybr & from Nmw contract 0ccq from Nm his property hnynq he that increases 0gsmd 28:8
the poor .0nks*m upon l( that shows mercy Mxrmd to him Nml will leave it yhwyqb$n
the Law .0swmn he will hear (m$n that not 0ld his ears yhwnd0*he that shuts rksmd 28:9
is .yh defiled 00m+ his prayer htwlc even P0
evil 0t$yb in the way 0xrw0b an upright one 0cyrt he that leads astray 0(+md 28:10

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

good things .0tb*+ will inherit Nwtr0n & the innocent ones 0mym*tw he will fall .lpn into a ditch 0cmwgb
of himself .h$pn in the eyes yn*y(b is wise Mykx rich 0ryt( a man 0rbg 28:11
him.hl condemns rsb intelligent one 0ntlwks & a poor 0nksmw
.glory 0txwb$t increases 0ygs of the righteous ones 0qy*dzd in the strength 0n$w(b 28:12
it is diminished .0rcbtm of the evil 0lw*(d & in the rise 0mwqbw
.will succeed xlcn not 0l his evil hlw( that will hide 0skmd of man 0$n0 a son rb 28:13
from them .Nwhnm & passes rb(w to his sins yhwh+x*b & he that confesses 0dwmdw
God .0hl0 upon him yhwl( will be moved with compassion Mxrtn
. always .Nbzlkb that senses awe lxdd to a son of man 0$nrbl his blessing yhwbw+ 28:14
into evil .0t$ybb will fall lpn his heart hbl that hardens 0$qmd & he who 0ny0w
.a sound 0lq has given tbhy & a bear 0bdw roars Mhn a lion 0yr0 28:15
poor .0nksm people 0m( over l( an evil one 0lw( because rules +lt$0d
.his griefs yhwk*wt many are Ny0ygs a mind 0ny(r lacking rysx a Ruler 0+yl$ 28:16
.his days htm*wy prolongs Nwrgn deceit 0lkn ever hates 0nsd & he who 0ny0w
of a soul .0$pnd of blood 0mdb that is guilty $y$xd a son of man 0$nrb 28:17
.they will help him hnwrd(n & not 0lw will flee qwr(n the elect ones 0yb*gl unto 0md(
will be redeemed .qrptn blemish Mwm without 0ld he that walks Klhmd 28:18
into a pit 0cmwgb will fall lpn his ways htxr*w0 & he that perverts Nmq(mdw
with bread .0mxl will be satisfied (bsn in the soil 0(r0b he that cultivates xlpd 28:19
/Ambros.: worthless things 0tqyr*s/Lee: worthlessness 0twqyrs / after rtb & he that runs +hrdw
poverty 0twnksm will be filled with (bsn
.his blessings htkr *wb many are N0ygs faithful 0nmyhm a man 0rbg 28:20
will be spared .0sxtn not 0l in his evil hlw(b & an evil one 0$ybw
.is good ryp$ not 0l among faces 0p0*b that accepts bsnd a man 0rbg 28:21
a man .0rbg he betrays Ml$m of bread 0mxld for ryg with a fragment 0ycqb
.his eye hny( that evil 0$ybd a man 0rbg to made rich rt(ml hastens bhrtsm 28:22
upon him .yhwl( has come 0t0 that loss 0nrswxd he knows (dy & not 0lw
. finds xk$m favor 0mxr* a son of man 0$nrbl he that rebukes skmd 28:23
. with his tongue hn$lb that is duplicitous glpmd he wh than Nm more b+
& says rm0w his mother hm0 & from Nmw his father yhwb0 from Nm he that plunders P+xd 28:24
evil .0lw( of a man 0rbgd he is wh a partner 0ptw$ sin .0h+x* to me yl there is not tyld
./Ambros.:a dispute 0trh/Lee: contention 0nyrx /stirs up grgm covetous 0n(y a man 0rbg 28:25
. will grow fat Nhdn LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm by l( & he that is assured lkttmdw
is .wh a fool 0lks his heart hbl upon l( he that trusts lyktd 28:26
. will be delivered 0cptn in integrity 0twmymtb & he that walks Klhmdw
it .hl will lack rsxn not 0l to the poor 0nksml he that gives bhyd 28:27
.his curse ht+wl will increase 0gst the poor 0nksm from Nm his eyes yhwny*( & he that turns Nkrmdw
a son of man .0$nrb is hidden 0$+tm of the evil ones 0lw*(d in the rise 0mwqb 28:28
. the righteous ones 0qy*dz will be multiplied Nwgsn & in their destruction Nwhndb0bw


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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Chapter 29
.his neck hldq & hardens 0$qw rebuke 0twnskm receives lbqm that not 0ld a man 0rbg 29:1
healing 0twys0 to him hl there shall be 0wht & not 0lw will be ruined rbttn quickly lg(b
people 0m( increase 0gs of the righteous ones 0q*ydzd in the multitude 00gwsb 29:2
.the people 0m( will groan xnttn of the evil 0lw*(d & in the authority 0n+lw$bw
his father .yhwb0l gladdens 0dxn wisdom 0tmkx that loves Mxrd a man 0rbg 29:3
.his possessions hnynq will destroy dbwn with prostitution 0twynzb & he that traffics 0(rdw
the land .0(r0 establishes Myqm in judgment 0nydb the King 0klm 29:4
it .hl deprives rsxm /Lee:& the evil one 0lw(w/Ambros.: evil 0lw( & a man 0rbgw/
his neighbor .hrbx with l( that is duplicitous glptmd a man 0rbg 29:5
.his steps htklh* for l( spreads srp a net 0tdycm
.is caught dycttm in his evil hlw(b evil 0$yb a man 0rbg 29:6
& will rejoice .0dxnw will sing xb$n & the righteous 0qydzw
of the poor .0nks*md the justice 0nyd knows (dy for ryg the righteous one 0qydz 29:7
.knowledge 0t(dy recognizes lktsm not 0l & the evil 0lw(w
.fortress cities 0kr*k burn up Nydqwm mockers 0nqy*mm men 0r*bg 29:8
wrath .0zgwr turn back Nykphm & the wise 0my*kxw
.a fool 0lks a man 0rbg with M( debates N0d wise 0mykx a man 0rbg 29:9
/Lee: is enraged rypttm /Ambros.:is enraged ryptm & not 0lw & laughs Kxgw & is angry zgrw
. The Pure One 0ysxl hate Nyns blood 0md shedders yd$*0 men 0r*bg 29:10
him .hl love Nymxr & the righteous ones 0q*ydzw
.the fool 0lks expresses qpm whole hlk his anger htmx 29:11
.he thinks b$xtm with his mind hny(rb & the wise 0mykxw
of lies .0tlgd a word 0tlm that hears (m$d a prince 0+yl$ 29:12
are .Nwn0 evil Nylw( his servants yhwxlp*all Nwhlk
other.dxb each dx have met w(gp & the oppressor 0b0kmw the poor 0nksm 29:13
of them both .Nwhyr*td the eyes 0ny*( enlightens rhnm & LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmw
in truth .0t$wqb that judges N0dd the King 0klm 29:14
will be established .Nqtn in justice 0nydb his throne hysrwk
wisdom .0tmkx give Nybhy & reproof 0twnskmw a rod 0+b$ 29:15
./Ambros.:his father yhwb0l/Lee:his mother hm0l /shames thbm discipline 0dr without 0ld & a boy 0yl+w
evil .0lw( increases 0gs of evil ones 0l*w(d in the abundance Nwh0gwsb 29:16
in their fall .Nwhtlwpmb will rejoice Nwdxn & the righteous ones 0qy*dzw
your soul K$pn & he will delight Msbnw & he will comfort you Kxynnw your son Krb discipline ydr 29:17
the people 0m( is breached (rttm of the evil ones 0lw*(d in the multitude 00gwsb 29:18
.is blessed yhwbw+ the Law 0swmn & he that keeps r+ndw
.a servant 0db( is instructed 0drtm not 0l in words 0lm*b 29:19
he will be beaten .(lb that not 0ld for ryg he knows (dy
in his words .yhwlm *b that is hasty bhrsmd a man 0rbg you have seen tyzx if N0 29:20
a fool.lks than he hnm is wh that better b+d know (d

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

.will be 0whn a servant 0db( his childhood htwyl+ from Nm he that is pampered qnptmd 29:21
he will groan .xnttn & at his end htyrx0bw
judgment .0nyd stirs up grgm angry 0ntmx a man 0rbg 29:22
evil .0lw( increases 0gsm furious 0ntzwgr & a man 0rbgw
.will humiliate him yhwykkmt of man 0$n0 of a son rbd the pride htwmr 29:23
!honor 0rqy0 to him hl will increase 0gst & his humility htwkykmw
his soul .h$pn hates 0ns a thief 0bng with M( he that partakes glpd 29:24
Ambros.:a favor 0tbhwmLee:an oath 0tmwm upon him yhwl( & they decree Nyqspw
0he confesses 0dwm & not 0lw
a scandal .0tlqwt him hl makes db( of a man 0rbgd the evil hlw( 29:25
.will prevail N$(n LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm upon l( & he that trusts lyktdw

. of a Ruler 0+yl$ the face yp0* seek Ny(bd many 00ygs* 29:26
.of a man 0rbgd the judgment hnyd /Lee: proceeds qpn / is wh /LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm & from Nmw
evil .0lw( a man 0rbg to the righteous 0qydzl is wh defiled 0m+ 29:27
!to the evil ones 0lw*(l is yh defiled 00m+ right 0tcyrt & the way 0xrw0w

Chapter 30
.Yaqay yqy son of rb of Agur rwg0d his words yhwlm* 30:1
by power .0lyx & was visited ycmt0w a prophecy 0twybn who received lbqd
.to Ithliel ly0ylt0l & he said rm0w
in me yb & there is not tylw my thoughts y*ny(r are wh deficient rysxd because l+m 30:2
of man .0$n0 of the children yn*bd the understanding 0lkws
wisdom .0tmkx I have known t(dy & not 0lw 30:3
of The Holy Ones .0$*ydqd knowledge 0t(dy I have learned tply & not 0lw
& came down .txnw to Heaven 0ym$l went up qls who? wnm to me yl He said rm0 30:4
in his palms .yhwnpwx*b the wind 0xwr /Ambros.: holding dyx0/Lee:holding dx0 /& who is? wnmw
.in a napkin 0p$w$b waters 0ym* has bound rc /Lee:& who? Nmw/& who is? wnmw
of the Earth .0(r0d the ends hyr*b( all Nwhlk established Myq0 & who? wnmw
of his Son hrbd The Name 0m$ & what is? wny0w his Name hm$ what is? wny0
you .tn0 know (dy if N0
are chosen .Nybg of God 0hl0d his words yhwr*m0m all Nwhlk 30:5
upon him .yhwl( that trust Nylyktd those Nyly0l & he helps (ysmw
his words .yhwlm * upon l( add Pswt not 0l 30:6
& you be proven false .bdkttw he rebuke you Kskn lest 0ld
of you Knm I have requested tl0$ two things Nytrt 30:7
.I shall die twm0 before 0ld( from me ynm deny 0lkt not 0l
lying .0bdk & speech 0llmmw emptiness 0twqyrs from me ynm take far qxr0 30:8
to me .yl give ltt not 0l & wealth 0rtw(w & poverty 0twnksmw
.sufficient for me ytsm a living 0rmw( to me yl give bh
LORD JEHOVAH .ayrm who is? wnm & say rm0w & I shall lie .bdk0w I shall be filled (bs0 lest 0ld 30:9
of my God .yhl0d in The Name hm$b & I swear 0m0w .& I steal bwng0w I become poor Nksmt0 & lest 0ldw
.to his master yhwr*ml a servant 0db( hand over Ml$t not 0l 30:10

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

.& you be condemned byxttw he curse you K+wln lest 0ld

.will revile 0xcn that its fathers yhwhb0*d to a generation 0rdl 30:11
will bless Krbn not 0l & its mother hm0lw
its own .h$pn in eyes yn*y(b that is pure 0kdd a generation 0rd 30:12
is washed gy$tt0 not 0l its filthiness ht0c & from Nmw
raised .lq$m & its eyelids yhwr*mtw its eyes yhwny*( haughty Nmrd how? 0m a generation 0rd 30:13
.its teeth yhwn*$ are Nyn0 whose swords 0r *spsd a generation 0rd 30:14
of Earth 0(r0d the poor 0nks*m to consume lk0ml .its molars yhwby*n & daggers 0ty*nyksw
of men .0$ny*nbd & the afflicted 0$*ybw
three tlt beloved.Nby*bx daughters Nnb to it hl are ywh* three tlt leeches 0qwl(l 30:15
.it is enough wdk says 0rm0 not 0l & a fourth (br0dw are full .N(b*s that not 0ld are Nyn0
.its womb hymxr* /Lee: & shut tdyx0w / Ambros.:& shut tdx0w / Sheol lwy$ 30:16
& fire 0rwnw waters .0ym *filled with 0(bs not 0l & the Earth 0(r0w
it is enough.wdk says 0rm0 not 0l
& despises 0+y$w its father hwb0 at l( that laughs 0kxgd the eye 0ny( 30:17
ravens 0br*w( will tear it out hnwcxn .of its mother hm0d the old age 0twbys
eagles !0r$n the young yn*b & will eat it hnwlk0nw .of the valley 0lxnd
from me .ynm that are hidden Nyskd are Nyn0 three tlt 30:18
.there is Nyn0 I have known t(dy not 0l & a fourth (br*0dw
in the sky .0ym$b of an eagle 0r$nd the way 0xrw0 30:19
a rock .0(w$ upon l( of a snake 0ywxd & the way 0xrw0w
.of the sea 0myd in the heart hblb of a ship 0pl0d & the way 0xrw0w
in his youth .htwmyl(b of a man 0rbgd & the way 0xrw0w
adulteress .0tryg of a woman 0ttn0d the way hxrw0 is yh so 0nkh 30:20
her mouth .hmwp & she wipes 0rpkmw she eats 0lk0
.I have done tdb( not 0l a thing Mdm & she says 0rm0w
the Earth .0(r0 quakes 0(yz three tlt under tyxt 30:21
endure .wrbysml it can 0xk$m not 0l four (br*0 & under tyxtw
he will reign Klmn when dk a servant 0db( under tyxt 30:22

with bread .0mxl when he is filled (bsd a fool 0lks & under tyxtw
to a man .0rbgl that is married 0ywhd a hateful woman 0t0wns & under tyxtw 30:23
.her mistress htrml that dismisses 0qpmd a maidservant 0tm0 & under tyxtw
in the Earth .0(r0b small Nyrw(zd are Nyn0 four (br*0 30:24
the wise .0mykx* than Nm wiser Mmykx*& those Nynhw
in them .Nwhb there is not tyl that power 0lyxd ants 0nm$w$* 30:25
their bread .Nwhmxl summer 0+yq from Nm & they prepare Nyby+mw
in power .0lyxb that are lacking Nyrycbd & conies 0sg*xw 30:26
in the rocks .0(w$*b houses 0t*b for them Nwhl & make Nydb(w
Lee: that a King 0klmd/Ambros.: that a kingdom wklmd / & locusts 0cm*qw 30:27
one .0dx like Ky0 all Nwhlk & they assemble Ny$nktmw to them .Nwhl there is not tyl
.with its hands hydy *0b that clings 0kbsmd & the lizard 0tqm0w 30:28
of Kings .0klm *d in houses 0tb*b & dwells 0rm(w

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

their walking .Nyhtklh*that right Ncyrtd are Nyn0 three tlt 30:29
walking .Nklh*m is beautiful ryp$ & a fourth (br*0dw
. beasts 0ry(b all hlk of Nm he is wh champion rbng of a lion 0yr0d the whelp 0yrwg 30:30
. beast 0ry(b any hlwk from Nm turns Kph & not 0lw is afraid lxd & not 0lw
.hens 0tlgnr*t among tn*yb that struts lkrdzmd & a rooster 0kb0w 30:31
.of the flock 0rzg at the head $yrb that goes lz0d & the he goat 0$ytw
. the peoples 0mm*( among tyb that speaks llmmd & a King 0klmw
.you be despised r(+ct lest 0ld covet grt not 0l 30:32
in depravity .0t(b to your mouth Kmwpl your hand Kdy0 stretch +$wt & not 0lw
butter .0tw0x comes forth 0qpn of the milk 0blxd the fat hnmw$ from Nm 30:33
wheat 0t+x upon l( your hand Kdy0 you squeeze $wbkt & if N0w
contention 0nyrx from Nm so 0nkh blood .0md will come forth qwpn
judgment .0nyd goes forth qpn of faces 0p0*d

Chapter 31
.the Prophet 0ybn the King 0klm of Moayl ly0wmd the words yhwlm* 31:1
to him .hl & she said trm0w his mother hm0 which taught him htdrd
.of my vows yr*dn son rb & Oh! yyw of my body ysrk son rb & Oh! yyw my son yrb Oh! yy 31:2
& your ways Ktxr *w0w .to women 0$*nl your strength Klyx give ltt not 0l 31:3
of Kings .0klm*d to provisions 0tlk0*ml
Kings 0klm* of Nm beware .rhdz0 Moayl ly0wm Kings 0klm*of Nm 31:4
.strong drink 0rk$ that drink Nyt$d Rulers 0n+yl$*& of Nmw wine .0rmx that drink Nyt$d
The Prophet .0nqdbml & you forget 0(+tw you drink 0t$t lest 0ld 31:5
poor .0*nks*m children yn*b of all Nwhlkd the judgment 0nyd & you forget 0(+tw
.to mourners 0lyb0*l strong drink 0rk$ is given bhytm 31:6
souls .0$pn to bitter yryr*ml & wine 0rmxw
. their sorrows Nwhyb0k & they may forget Nw(+nw that they may drink Nwt$nd 31:7
would be remembered .Nwrkdtn not 0l again bwt & their miseries Nwhtq(w
of truth .0t$wqd in the word 0tlmb your mouth Kmwp open xtp 31:8
evil .0lw*( sons 0yn*b all Nwhlkl & judge Nwdw
righteous .0qydz in judgment 0nydb your mouth Kmwp open xtp 31:9
& the afflicted .0$*yblw the poor 0nks*ml & judge Nwdw
. finds xk$m who? wnm diligent 0try$k a woman 0ttn0 31:10
precious 0tb*+ stones 0p0*k beyond Nm for ryg she is yh precious 0ryqy
to them .Nyhl nothing tyl which compare* Nymdd

This last line is an idiom meaning incomparable.

.of her husband hl(bd the heart hbl in her hyl( & trusts lyktw 31:11
to her .hl is lacking rsx not 0l & provision 0ns0w
good things 0tb*+ for him hl she has done tdb( 31:12
.of her life yhwyx*d the days 0tm *wy all Nwhlk bad things .0t*$yb & not 0lw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

.& fine linen 0ntkw wool 0rm( she has sought t(b 31:13
his pleasure .hnybc according to Ky0 her hands hydy0* & have worked db(w
of a merchant .0rgtd a ship 0pl0 like Ky0 she has been twh 31:14
.its merchandise htrwg0t brings 0yt0 far away 0qxwr that from Nmd
food 0tlwk0m & has given tbhyw in the night .0yllb & she has risen tmqw 31:15
to her girls .hty*l+l & work 0db(w in her house htyb to the children yn*bl
& has bought it .htnbzw at a field 0nxlwpb & she has looked trxw 31:16
a vineyard .0mrk she has planted tbcn of her hands hydy0*d the fruit 0r*0p & from Nmw
.her arms hy(r*d & she has strengthened trr$w in strength 0n$w(b her waist hycx*& she has girt trs0w 31:17
.her merchandise htrwg0t is yh that good 0b+d & she has tasted tm(+w 31:18
its entire .hlk the night 0yll her lamp hgr$ has 0wh gone out K(d & not 0lw
in diligence 0twry$kb she has stretched out t+$w0 her arms hy(r *d 31:19
to the spindle .0lz(wml & her hands hydy0*w
to the poor .0nksm*l she has stretched t+$p her hands hydy0* 31:20
to the afflicted .0$*ybl she has stretched out t+$w0 & her arms hy(r*dw
in her house htyb the children yn*b they have been wwh afraid Nylxd & not 0lw 31:21
scarlet .0tyr *wxz are wwh wearing Ny$ybl all of them Nwhlkd because lw+m the snow .0glt of Nm
for herself .hl she has made tdb( a carpet 0tyw$t 31:22
& of purple .0nwgr0dw of fine white linen 0cwbd & a robe 0tx*nw
.the cities 0tn*ydm among tn*yb her husband hl(b has been 0wh known (ydy 31:23
/Lee: among tnyb/Ambros.: in the house tyb has been 0wh he sitting bty as dk
of the land .0(r0d the Elders 0bs*
.& she has sold tnbzw she has made tdb( fine linen 0ntk 31:24
to the Canaanites .0yn(*nkl she has given tbhy of waists 0cx* & binding rs0w
.her clothing h$wbl & excellence 0rdhw strength 0n$w( 31:25
. last 0yrx0 in the day 0mwyb & she will rejoice 0dxtw
in wisdom .0tmkxb she opened txtp her mouth hmwp 31:26
.her tongue hn$l upon l( of compassions 0mxr*d & the law 0swmnw
of her house .htybd the ways 0txr*w0 & are open Nylgw 31:27
she has eaten .tlk0 not 0l of laziness ty0nnbx the bread hmxl
.blessings 0bw+ to her hl & give wbhyw her children hy*nb have stood up wmq 31:28
has praised her .hxb$ & her husband hl(bw
.wealth 0rtw( retain ynq* of her daughters htnb*d & many 00gwsw 31:29
all these .Nyhlk beyond l( have surpassed ytrb( & you ytn0w
.grace 0rpw$ is wh & empty qyrsw beauty 0twy0y is yh false 0lgd 31:30
.will be praised xbt$t she yh LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm of Nm that is in awe 0lxdd & a woman 0ttn0w
.of her hands hydy0*d the fruits 0r*0p from Nm to her hl give wbh 31:31
in the gate .0(rtb her deeds hydb*( & will praise her hnwxb$nw
/Ambros.: of Shleemown Nwmyl$d The Proverbs yhwltm* to The Book btkml the end Ml$\ 31:Scribal Post Script
/ Lee: Daweed dywd son rb of Shleemown Nwmyl$d of the Wisdom 0tmkx ending tml$
of Israel ly0rsy0d King 0klm

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

End of Proverbs


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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

another 0nrx0> book 0btk <3 wisdom 0tmkx again bwt > ::
Shleemown Nwmyl$ who is whd the Preachers tlhwqd 2
<3 of Israel lyrsy0d The King 0klm Daweed dywd son of rb
Chapter 1
of the Preacher tlhwqd the sayings yhwmgt*p 0101
of Jerusalem Ml$rw0d King 0klm of Daweed dywd son rb
.The Preacher tlhwq says rm0 futilities Nylbhfutility lbh 0102
futility .0lbh thing Mdm every lk futilities .Nylbh* futility lbh
toil 0lm( in all lkb to a son of man 0$nrbl profit 0nrtwy What 0nm 0103
./2 Ambros.: Heaven 0ym$/Lee 1816:the sun 0$m$ under tyxt toils lm( that he whd
comes .0t0 & a generation rdw goes lz0 a generation rd 0104
stands .0myq to eternity Ml(l & Earth 0(r0w
& to the place rt0lw the sun .0$m$ & sets br(w the sun 0$m$rises xnd 0105
there Nmt that from Nmd returning b0t it is wh where it rises xndd
.it will return xndn again bwt
to the North.0ybrgl & is circled Krktmw to the South 0nmytl it goes lz0 0106
the wind.0xwr & goes lz0w Lee 1816: it is circled Krktm /Ambros. they are circled wkrktm
the wind.0xwr returns b0t /Lee: & to its extremity htrxlw Ambros. & to its circuits htrdxlw

.is filled 0lmtmnot 0l & the sea 0myw into the sea 0myb run Nymr rivers 0lx*nalllk 0107
return Nybyt they Nwnh there Nmtl.the torrents 0lx*n which they depart Nylz0d to the place rt0l
to speak.wllmmla man 0rbg will be satisfied (bsn not 0l are wearisome Ny0laccounts 0mgt*pall Nwhlk 0108
is filled ya lm& not 0lw .to see 0zxml the eye 0ny( is satisfied 0(bs& not 0lw
to hear .(m$ml the ear 0nd0
is done.db(tm that wh was done db(t0d & what 0mw .is 0wh it wh .ever was 0whd what 0m 0109
the sun .0$m$ under tyxt new tdx a thing Mdm & there is not tylw
is.wh new tdx this 0nh see yzx & will say rm0nw who will speak llmnd everyone lk 0110
before us .Nymdwql which from Nmd the ages Nyml( from Nm it was 0wh surely rbk
for later things 0yr*x0l & neither 0lp0w .for former things 0ym*dql memory Nrkwd there is not tyl 0111
who are Nywhd those Nyly0 with M( memory Nrkwd for them Nwhl there is not tyl .that are Nywhd
.afterwards 0tyrx0l
in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b Israel lyrsy0 over l( King 0klm I have been tywh The Preacher tlhwq I 0n0 0112
by wisdom .0tmkxb & to understand wnybtmlw to seek 0(bml my heart ybl I have given tbhy 0113
./3 Ambros. the heaven,sky .0ym$/Lee: the sun 0$m$ /under tyxt that is done db(t0d all lk unto l(
to the children yn*bl LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm gives bhy evil 0$yb a task 0nyn(
in it.hb to practice Nwn(tnd of men 0$n0
under tyxt that is done db(t0d the work 0db( all lk I have seen tyzx 0114
of spirit.0xwrd & agitation 0prw+w futility 0lbh thing Mdm every lk & behold 0hw the sun.0$m$
.be set in order Nqtml can xk$m not 0l the disturbed 0dwdm 0115
./3 filled wylmtml/ Lee 1816: be numbered wynmtml can xk$m not 0l& the lacking 0rysxw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

I am great tbry behold 0h I 0n0 .saying rm0ml my heart ybl with M( I 0n0 I spoke tllm 0116
before me ymdq who have been wwhd all lk above l( wisdom.0tmkx & I have increased tpsw0w
of wisdom 0tmkxd the multitude 00gws saw 0zx & my heart yblw in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b
./3Lee 1816: & knowledge 0t(dy0w/ Ambros.& of knowledge 0t(dy0dw
& proverbs 0lt*mw & knowledge 0t(dy0w wisdom 0tmkx to know (dml my heart ybl & I gave tbhyw 0117
/ agitation 0prw+\this 0nh that also P0d & I have known t(dyw .& understanding 0twntlwksw
of spirit.0xwrd /2 another ancient ms.: & agitation 0prw+w futility 0lbh/is wh
wisdom 0tmkxthat in abundance tw0ygsbd because l+m 0118
knowing (dml & he that increases Pswmdw grief.0zgwr /3 Lee: much t0gws/Ambros.abundance tw0ygs
.sorrow 0b0k increases Pswm
Chapter 2
prove yourself Kyqb0 come 0t .to my heart ybll I 0n0 & I said trm0w 0201
.futility 0lbh this 0nh also P0 & behold 0hw good .0tb+ & see yzxw with joy 0twdxb
& to joy .0twdxlw are these .Nynh What 0nm I said.trm0 to laughter 0kxwgl 0202
that I would quiet $y$0d I 0n0 & I turned tkphw >/ .have you done ytdb( what? wnm
< heart ybl Accusative Particle ty *

ty Pronounced, eeth occurs 11 times in Peshitta Ecclesiastes. It is a transliteration of the Hebrew particle eth,
signifying a direct object follows it in the sentence. Genesis Peshitta has two of these; Song of Songs has 5; this does not
occur in most Peshitta OT books and in no Peshitta NT book.
my flesh .yrsb in wine 0rmxb to take pleasure wmsbml in my heart yblb I thought tynr 0203
& held dyx0w in wisdom 0tmkxb meditated 0nr & my heart yblw
good b+ what 0ny0 I would see 0zx0d until 0md( .to understanding 0twntlwksb
the sun .0$m$ under tyxt that they may do Nwdb(nd men 0$n0 for the children yn*bl
of their lives .Nwhyyx of days ym*wy the number Nynm
for myself yl I built tynb .servants ydb*( <3 Lee: to myself yl >I multiplied tygs0 0204
.vineyards 0mr*k for myself yl I planted tbcn . houses 0t *b
& paradises, parks .0sydr*pw gardens 0n*g for myself yl I made tdb( 0205
fruit .Nyr0p of all lwkd trees Nynly0 in them Nwhb & I planted tbcnw
to water wyq$ml of waters .0ym *d pools 0tm*my for myself yl I made tdb( 0206
trees .0nly *0 of fruit (rpmd the woods 0b( from them Nyhnm
& children yn*bw & female servants 0th*m0w male servants 0db*( for myself yl I got tynq 0207
& also P0w .a multitude 00gws to me yl were wwh of houses 0tyb
to me yl was 0wh more ygs & of sheep.0n(dw of bulls 0r*wtd property 0nynq
in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b before me ymdq who have been wwhd all lk than Nm
of Kings 0klm*d & the property 0nynqw & gold .0bhdw silver 0psk also P0 to me yl I gathered t$nk 0208
male singers 0nx*b$m to me yl I made tdb( .& of cities 0tn*ydmdw
of man.0$n0 among the children yn*bb & the sweetness 0twmysbw .& female singers 0tynxb$*mw
& female cupbearers .0tyq$*w male cupbearers 0twq$*for myself yl I have made tdb(
that have been wwhd all lk than Nm more ryty & I had gained tpsw0w & I was great tbryw 0209
to me.yl remained tmq my wisdom ytmkx & also P0w in Jerusalem Ml$rw0b before me ymdq
from them Nyhnm I have withheld tylk not 0l my eyes yn*y( that asked l0$d & all lkw 0210
joy .0wdx any lk from Nm my heart ybl I withheld tylk & not 0lw .
.of my labors ylm *( in all lwkb rejoiced ydx my heart ybld because l+m
my labor .ylm( all hlk of Nm my part ytnm has been twh & this 0dhw
my hands.ydy0* that had made db(d the work 0db( at all lkb I 0n0 & I gazed trxw 0211
& behold 0hw to make.db(ml that I had labored tlm(d the labor 0lm( & at all lkbw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

of spirit 0xwrd & agitation 0prw+w futility 0lbh thing Mdm every lk
the sun.0$m$ under tyxt profit Nrtwy & there is not tylw
/Ambros.:& vice 0twnrb(tmw wisdom 0tmkx to see 0zxml I 0n0 & I gazed trxw 0212
./2& intelligence 0twntlwksw /& folly 0twlksw /3 Lee: & vice 0twnrb(tmlw
that shall enter lw(nd the man 0rbg who is? wnmd for l+m
.who made him hdb(d him Nm with M( afterward Nk into judgment .0nydb the King 0klm after rtb
more ryty in wisdom 0tmkxb profit Nrtwy that there is ty0d & I have seen tyzxw 0213
darkness 0kw$x than Nm light 0rhwn is greater rytyd as Ky0 foolishness 0twlks than Nm
goes lz0 in darkness 0kw$xb & a fool 0lksw in his head h$yrb his eyes yhwny*( a wise man 0mykx 0214
to them all .Nwhlkl happens $dg certain dx that chance, mishap 0$dgd I 0n0 & I have known t(dyw .
the mishap 0$dg according to Ky0 surely N0 . in my heart yblb I 0n0 I said trm0w 0215
I 0n0 am I wise tmkxt0 & why? 0nmlw .it will occur $dgn to me yl also P0 of a fool 0lksd
is .wh futility 0lbh this 0nh that also P0d in my heart yblb <2 Ambros.:I 0n0>& I said tllmw .more ty0ryty
there is not tyld because l+m speaks .llmm excess ryty from Nm the fool 0lksd because l+m 0216
days 0tm*wy like Ky0 for eternity Ml(l the fool 0lks with M( of the wise 0mykxl memory 0nrkwd
.are forgotten 0(+tm & all lkw are coming Nyt0 already wdk which Nmd
.the fool 0lks with M( the wise 0mykx will die twmn & so 0nky0w
the work 0db( to me yl( that evil $ybd because l+m life .0yx*l I 0n0 & hated tynsw 0217
futility 0lbh thing Mdm every lkd because l+m the sun .0$m$ under tyxt that is done db(t0d
of spirit .0xwrd & agitation 0prw+w
the sun .0$m$ under tyxt have labored tlm( that I 0n0d my labor ylm( all lk I 0n0 hated tynsw 0218
.after me yrtb from Nm that was 0whd to the man 0rbgl it hl I 0n0 that leave qb$d because l+m
.a fool lks or if N0w he shall be 0whn wise Mykx if N0 will know (dn & who Nmw 029
that I 0n0d /that I labored tlm(d my labors ylm*( in all lkb & he will be authorized +lt$nw
the sun .0$m$ under tyxt & when I was made wise tmkxt0dw
.futility 0lbh this 0nh & also P0w
my heart ybl <3other mss.:Heb. accusative particle ty > to convince wspml I 0n0 & turned tkphw 0220
that I labored tlm(d labor 0lm( Lee: every lk Ambros.: every lwk aboutl(
the sun.0$m$ under tyxt
& in knowledge 0t(dybw in wisdom 0tmkxb whose labor hlm(d a man 0rbg there is ty0d because l+m 0221
him hl he gives bhy in it hb labors lm( who not 0ld & a man 0$n0lw .& in success 0twry$kbw
.great 0tbr & evil 0t$ybw is futility 0lbh this 0nh & also P0w .his portion htnm
his labor hlm( in all lkb for son of man 0$nrbl is 0wh & What? 0nmw 0222
the sun .0$m$ under tyxt labored lm( that he whd of his heart hbld & in the desire 0nybcbw
.his work hnyn( & grief 0zgwrw sorrow 0b0k his days yhwm *wy that all lkd because l+m 0223
futility .0lbh this 0nh & also P0w his heart .hbl lies down bk$ not 0l the night 0yllb & also p0w
& to drink .0t$ndw to eat lwk0nd but 0l0 to a man 0rbgl that good b+d there is not tyl 0224
I have seen tyzx this 0dh also P0 .in his work hlm(b to his soul h$pnl good 0tb+ & to show 0wxndw
of LORD JEHOVAH .0yrmd it is yh the hand 0dy0 that from Nmd
from him .hnm apart rbl will drink 0t$n & who? wnmw going to eat lwk0n who is? wnmd because l+m 0225
he gives bhy advanced him .yhwmdq whom good b+d to the man 0rbgld because l+m 0226
he gives bhy & to sinners 0y+x*lw & joy .0twdxw & knowledge 0t(dyw wisdom 0tmkx
what is good b+dl & to give ltmlw .& to gather w$nkmlw to increase wpswml the task 0nyn(
of spirit !0xwrd & agitation 0prw+w futility 0lbh this 0nh & also P0w LORD JEHOVAH .0yrm before Mdq

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the sun .0$m$ under tyxt desire wbc to every lkl & a time 0nbzw a time 0nbz thing Mdm to every lkl 0301
to plant bcml the time 0nbz .to die tmml & the time 0nbzw to be born dl0ml the time 0nbz 0302
the plant .0bycn to uproot rq(ml & the time 0nbzw
a time 0nbz .to give life wyxml & a time 0nbzw to kill l+qml a time 0nbz 0303
to build .0nbml & a time 0nbzw to tear down rtsml
to dance wdqrml a time 0nbz to laugh Kxgml & a time 0nbzw to weep 0kbml a time 0nbz 0304
.to mourn wdqrml & a time 0nbzw
stones .0p0*k to gather w$nkml & a time 0nbzw stones 0p0*k to cast away wymrml a time 0nbz 0305
/3to refrain wqxrml/to refrain wqxrtml & a time 0nbzw to embrace qp(ml a time 0nbz
.embracing 0yqwp( from Nm
to bind up r+qml a time 0nbz .to seek 0(bml & a time 0nbzw to lose wdbwml a time 0nbz 0306
to loose .0r$ml & a time 0nbzw
to be silent qt$ml a time 0nbz .to sew +xml & a time 0nbzw to rip 0rcml a time 0nbz 0307
to speak .wllmml & a time 0nbzw
.to hate 0nsml & a time 0nbzw to love Mxrml a time 0nbz 0308
.of peace 0ml$d & a time 0nbzw of war 0brqd a time 0nbz
in the work 0db(b man0$n0 to a son rbl profit Nrtwy What 0nm 0309
the sun .0$m$ under tyxt labors lm( that he whd
men 0$n0 to the children yn*bl LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm that gives bhyd the task 0nyn( I have seen tyzx 0310
in it .hb to be employed wyn(tml
.in its time hnbzb /3beautiful ryp$/that is beautiful ryp$d that he does db(d all lwk 0311
so Ky0 in their heart .Nwhblb he gives bhy 3the world 0ml(/labor 0lm( /3& accus. part. tyw/& also P0w
a man 0$n0 will find xk$n that not 0ld LORD JEHOVAH .0yrm that he does db(d the work 0db(
./2 the end 0trx0l/the latter 0tyrx0l & until 0md(w the beginning 0ty$r from Nm
in them .Nwhb that good b+d that there is not tyld I have known t(dyw 0312
in their lives .Nwhyy*xb what is good b+d & do db(mlw to gladden 0dxml but 0l0
good 0tb+ & see 0zxnw .& drink 0t$nw that he may eat lwk0nd man $n0 every lk & also P0w 0313
of LORD JEHOVAH .0yrmd is yh the gift 0tbhwm this 0dh .his work hlm( in all lkb
it wh LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm that does db(d /3 everything lk/that everything lkd I have known t(dy 0314
nothing tyl & from it hnmw .to add wpswml there is nothing tyl upon it yhwl( to eternity Ml(l shall be 0whn
works db( & LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmw ./3to subtract wrcbml/to subtract rcbml
./3him hl/of him hnm that they shall be in awe Nwlxdnd
ever shall be 0whnd what 0m & all lkw .is yhwty0 enough wdk from Nm ever has been 0whd what 0m 0315
.who is driven away Pdrtmd the persecuted 0pydrl will seek 0(bn & God 0hl0w has been 0wh much ygs from Nm

The two idioms above in purple color edition enough wdk from Nm & much ygs from Nm, mean, already & a long time,
the sun .0$m$ under tyxt I have seen tyzx & again bwtw 0316
& the place rt0w evil .0($wr there Nmt of judgment 0nydd the place rt0
evil .0lw( there Nmt of righteousness 0qdzd

& + accus. particle tyw righteous 0qydz accus. particle ty .in my heart yblb I 0n0 I have said trm0w 0317
desire wbc to every lkl time 0nbzd because l+m judges N0d God 0hl0 the wicked 0(y$r
there .Nmt work db( & every lklw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

The accusative particle ty , occurs 11 times in Ecclesiastes; this is a distinctive Hebrew construction; it is strong evidence
that the Peshitta was translated directly from Hebrew,not from the LXX Greek, as some have suggested. The Greek LXX
has no such accusative particle.
of children yn*bd speech 0llmm about l( . in my heart yblb I 0n0 I said trm0 0318
as Ky0 that they Nwnhd & to show wywxmlw God .0hl0 them Nwn0 whom created 0rbd men 0$n0
are .Nwn0 beasts 0ry(b
of beasts 0ry(bd & mishap 0$dgw men 0$n0 the children yn*bd mishap 0$dg meets 0+m them Nwhl 0319
of this 0nhd the death htwm like Ky0 to all .Nwhlkl occurs $dg one dx mishap 0$dg .
& the superiority htwrtymw to them all .Nwhlkl spirit 0xwr & the same 0dxw this 0nh also P0 dies t0m so 0nkh
is not tyl 3 beasts 0ry(bd/ beasts 0ry(b compared to Nm of a son of man 0$nrbd
was 0wh every one lk one .dx to place 0rt0l go lz0 all lk 0320
to dust .0rp(l returns Kph & each lkw dust .0rp( from Nm
futility .0lbh thing Mdm every lkd because l+m .
of men 0$n0 the children yn*b spirit xwr if N0 knows (dy & who wnmw 0321
it yh descends 0txn of beasts 0ry(b & the spirit xwrw above .l(l ascends 0qls
./3in the earth 0(r0b /the ground 0(r0l under txtl
that rejoice 0dxnd but 0l0 in them .Nwhb better b+d there is nothing tyld I have seen tyzxw 0322
.his portion htnm is yh that yhd because l+m in his works .yhwdb*(b a man $n0
that will be 0whnd all lkb to see 0zxml will bring him yhwytyn who? wnmd because l+m
.after him hrtb from Nm
Chapter 4
that are done Nydb(tmd oppressions 0ymw*l+ all lk accus. part. ty I have seen tyzxw I .0n0 & I turned tkphw 0401
& there is not tylw .of the oppressed 0m *yl+d the tears 0(m *d behold 0hw the sun .0$m$ under tyxt
of their oppressors Nwhymw*l+d the hand 0dy0 from Nm a comforter 0n0ybm for them Nwhl
a helper 0nrd(m for them Nwhl & there is not tylw power 0lyx./3 0nycpm/
/3 who already wdk NmdLee 1816:who may rbkd /the dead 0tym*l I 0n0 & praised txb$w 0402
until 0md( are alive Nyyx those who Nwnhd the living 0y*x more than Nm have died .wtym
now .0$hl
is .0wh not 0l ever yet lykd(d who Nm these .Nylh the two of them Nwhyrt than Nm but Nyd better b+ 0403
work 0db( sees 0zx /30lw/ not 0ld because l+m\
the sun .0$m$ under tyxt that is done db(t0d the evil 0$yb
/2of the owners 0twr*y/successes 0r *$k & all lkw the labors 0lm*( all lk I 0n0 I have seen tyzxw 0404
.his neighbor hrbx more than Nm of a man 0rbgd the zeal hnn+d because l+m .of a work 0db(d
of spirit .0xwrd & agitation 0prw+w is wh futility 0lbhw this 0nh & also P0w
.his flesh hrsb & eats lk0w his hands yhwdy0*clasps qp(m the fool 0lks 0405
than Nm quiet .0xyn a hollow of the hand 0l(w$ full 0lm better b+ 0406
of spirit .0xwrd & agitation 0prw+w toil .0lm( a hollow of the hand 0npwx* full 0lm
the sun .0$m$ under tyxt futility 0lbh & I saw tyzxw I 0n0 & turned tkphw 0407
a son 0rb & also P0w\two .Nyr*t & there are not tylw one dx there is ty0 0408
end Pws & there is not tylw to him .hl there is not tyl & a brother 0x0w /3& a son 0rbw/
wealth .0rtw( satisfies 0(bs not 0l his eyes hny( & also P0w his labor .hlm( to all lkl
good .0tb+ ofNm my soul y$pn & deprive rsxmw labor lm( I 0n0 & for whom? Nmlw
evil .0$yb & business 0nyn(w is wh futility 0lbh this 0nh & also P0w


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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

for there is ty0d one .dx than Nm two Nyr*t better Nyb+ 0409
in their labor .Nwhlm(b good 0b+ a reward 0rg0 to them Nwhl
/3 grieve ywd/Woe! yw .his companion hrbx him hl lifts Myqm one dx falls lpn for if N0d 0410
one Nm there is not tyl he falls lpn for if N0d who is alone .dxl <3 but Nyd> for him hl
to lift him up .yhwymyqnd
they will get warm .Nwnx$n two Nyrt will lie down Nwbk$n & if N0w 0411
will he be warm .Nx$n /3how? Nky0/how? 0nky0 & one dxw
will stand Nwmwqn two of them Nwhyr*t one dx will prevail N$(n & if N0w 0412
.is broken qsptm quickly lg( not 0l threefold 0tltd & a cord 0+wxw against him .hlbwql
than Nm & wise Mykxw who is poor Nyksmd a boy 0yl+ better b+ 0413
/3& not 0lw/who not 0ld who is foolish .lksd old 0bs a King 0klm
still .bwt to take warning wrhdzml knows (dy
he goes forth qpn of prisoners 0r*ys0 the housetyb from Nmd because l+m 0414
poor .Nyksm he was born dlyt0 in his kingdom htwklmb also P0d because l+m .to reign wklmml
the sun .0$m$ under tyxt that walk Nyklhmd living 0y*x all lwk <3 I 0n0> I have seen tyzxw 0415
.in his place yhwplx that will arise Mwqnd the second 0nynt the young man 0myl( with M(
before it .yhwmdq who have been wwhd to all Nwhlkl the people 0m( to all lkl end Pws & there is not tylw 0416
this 0nh even P0d because l+m in it .hb they will rejoice Nwdxn not 0l the latter ones 0yr*x0 & also P0w
of spirit !0xwrd & agitation 0prw+w futility 0lbh
Chapter 5
of God .0hl0 to the house tybl you tn0 go lz0d when 0m your foot Klgr /3for keep r+d/keep r+ 0501
the offerings 0x*bdd\ gifts 0tbh*wm than Nm better b+ to hear .(m$ml & come near bwrqw
they know Ny(dy not 0ld because l+m ./3 0xb*d of fools 0lk*sd/ of fools 0lk*sd
!what is good b+d to do db(ml
will be quick bhrtsn not 0l & your heart Kblw with your mouth Kmwpb be quick bhrtst not 0l 0502
in Heaven 0ym$b God 0hl0d because l+m God .0hl0 in front of Mdq a word 0tlm to send out wqpml
few .Nyrw(z your statements Kym*gtp they shall be Nwwhn this 0nh because of l+m in the Earth .0(r0b & you tn0w
.of business 0nyn( /3tw0ygsb/in a multitude t0gwsb a dream 0mlx comes 0t0d because l+m 0503
of statements .0mgt*p /3 tw0ygsb/in a multitude t0gwsb of a fool 0lksd & the voice hlqw
to God .0hl0l a vow 0rdn you tn0 vow rdnd when ytm0 0504
pleasure 0nybc there is no tyld because l+m .its accomplishment htwml$ml delay rxwt$t not 0l
pay .(wrp you tn0 that vow rdnd the thing Mdm <3 Lee: but Nyd > you tn0 .in fools 0lks*b
that you vow rwdtd than Nm you vow rwdt that not0ld <3 Lee: is wh> better b+ 0505
you will fulfill !Ml$t & not 0lw
your flesh Krsb to cause to sin wy+xml your mouth Kmwp you shall give ltt not 0l 0506
it is .yh my error yy(w+d God 0hl0 in front of Mdq you should say rm0t & not 0lw
& he will destroy lbxnw your voice Klq against l( God 0hl0 will be angry zgrn lest 0mld
of your hands Kydy0*d the work 0db(
dreams 0mlx* /3Lee: that in many tw0ygsbd/Ambros.:that in a multitude t0gwsbd because l+m 0507
.<3Lee: of deception yy(w+d> many 00ygs* & answers 0m*gtpw & empty things 0lb*hw
.worship lxd God 0hl0l you tn0
& judgment 0nydw & rape 0ypw+xw of the poor 0nks*md defrauding 0nblw( & if N0w 0508

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

.at the matter 0twbcb at it hb marvel hmtt not 0l .in the city 0tnydmb you shall see 0zxt
watches .r+n the high 0mr than Nm above l(l he who is higher 0mrd because l+m
against them .Nwhyl( & they are set Nymrw
cultivates.xlpm a field 0lqxl a King 0klm is wh with all lkb of Earth 0(r0d & the profit 0nrtwyw 0509
& he that loves Mxrdw .with silver 0psk will be satisfied (bsn not 0l silver 0psk he that loves Mxrd 0510
futility .0lbh this 0nh & also P0w .will keep it yhwydqn not 0l money 0nwmm
its consumers .hylwk0* have increased wygs of good 0tb+d in the abundance 00gwsb 0511
.to its owner hynql /3the profit 0ry$k & has been twhw/ profit 0nrtwy & what 0nmw\
. of his eyes yhwny*(d the sight 0tzx only N0 except 0l0
much ygs & if N0w little rw(z if N0 to a laborer 0xlpl sleep 0tn$ sweet 0ylx 0512
to sleep Kmdml him hl allows qb$ not 0l of the rich man 0ryt(l & the fulness 0(bsw .he eats lk0
of evil 0t$ybl a disease 0nhrwk there is ty0 0513
wealth 0rtw( the sun .0$m$ under tyxt that I have seen tyzxd
to his harm .ht$ybl for its owner hrml that is kept r+ntmd
a son 0rb he that begets dlw0d evil .0$yb in business 0nyn(b is wh wealth 0rtw( & is lost db0w 0514
a thing Mdm in his hand hdy0b there is ty0 & not 0lw
.of his mother hm0d the belly 0srk from Nm he goes forth qpnd just as 0nky0 0515
he will return Kwphn naked l+r(
among his labor hlm(b he will take bsn not 0l & a thing Mdmw he came 0t0d as Ky0 to go lz0ml
in his hand.hdy0b to go lz0nd
evil 0$yb a disease 0nhrwk this 0nh & also P0w 0516
in all lkb profit 0nrtwy & what 0nmw he goes lz0 so 0nkh he comes 0t0d for ryg as 0nky0
for the wind .0xwrl that he labored lm(d
& in anger 0zgwrbw he eats lk0 in darkness 0kw$xb his days yhwm*wy over l( & also P0w 0517
/.Ambros. & in rage 0tmxbw /& in disease 0nhrwkbw & in mourning 0lb0bw & in rage 0tmxbw much 00ygs
is wh good b+ .the Preacher tlhwq I 0n0 I have seen tyzxd thing Mdm this 0nh 0518
good 0tb+ & to see 0zxmlw .& to drink 0t$mlw to eat lk0ml & excellent ryp$w
the sun .0$m$ under tyxt that he labored lm(d his labor hlm( in all lkb
the days ymw*y/ of his life yhwyx*d of the days 0tm*wy the numbers Nynm
his portion .htnm that is wywhd because l+m LORD JEHOVAH .0yrm to him hl gives bhyd
LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm him hl to whom gives bhyd man $n0 every lk & also P0w 0519
to consume lk0ml & authorizes him h+l$0w .& property 0s*knw wealth 0rtw(
& to rejoice 0dxmlw his portion htnm & to take bsmlw from it hnm
of God .0hl0d is yh the gift 0tbhwm this 0dh also P0 .in his work hlm(b
of his life.yhwy*xd the days 0tm*wy he will remember dh(n much ygs not wld because l+m 0520
of his heart!hbld with the joy 0twdxb him hl occupies 0n(m that God 0hl0d because l+m
the sun .0$m$ under tyxt that I have seen tyzxd evil 0t$yb there is ty0 0601
of man .0$n0 the children yn*b upon l( that is yh & great 00ygsw
& honor.0rqy0w & goods 0s*knw wealth 0rtw( God 0hl0 to whom hl that will give ltnd a man 0rbg 0602
ever he desires .g0rd what 0m all lk of Nm a thing Mdm his soul h$pnl lacks rysx & not 0lw
a stranger yrkwn a man rbg but 0l0 from it .hnm to eat lk0ml God 0hl0 authorizes him h+l$0 & not 0lw
futility 0lbh this 0nh .after him hrtb who Nm will eat it yhwylk0n
this is .yh /3Lee: & a disease 0twhyrkw/Ambros.: & his disease htwyrkw

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

he will live .0xn many N0ygs & years Nyn$*w .1000 00m a man 0rbg will beget dlwn if N0 0603
it will be satisfied (bst not 0l & his soul h$pnw .of his years yhwn$*d the days 0tm*wy will be multiplied Nwgsnw
to him .hl will be 0wht not 0l a burial 0trwbq & also P0w precious things .0tb*+ from Nm
a miscarriage .0+xy than he hnm is wh that better b+d I have said trm0
he will go lz0n & in darkness 0kw$xbw he came 0t0 that in futility 0lbhbd because l+m 0604
will be hidden .0sktn his name hm$ & in darkness 0kw$xbw .
he knows.(dy & not 0lw he sees 0zx not 0l the sun 0$m$ also P0 0605
that to the other .0nhld than Nm more b+ to this one 0nhl rest xyn
times Nynbz of two Nytrtd years Nyn$ a thousand Pl0 he lives 0yx & if wl0w 0606
place 0rt0 to one dxl it is 0wh not 0l interog. 0mld .he sees 0zx not 0l & good 0tb+w
all.0lwk go lz0
is full .0ylm not 0l & his soul h$pnw into his mouth .hmwpb a man 0$n0 that labors lm(d all lk 0607
than to the fool 0lksld more Nm to the wise 0mykxl profit 0nrtwy there is ty0d because l+m 0608
to The Life .0yx*l to go lz0ml does know (dy the poor one 0nksmd why? 0nml .
the going 0tklh than Nm of the eyes 0ny*(d the sight 0wzx better b+ 0609
& agitation 0prw+w futility 0lbh this 0dh & also P0w of the soul .0$pnd
of the soul 0$pnd
its$ is read yrqt0 the first Mydq from Nm ever has been 0whd what Mdm 0610
& not 0lw a son of man .0$nrb that he is whd & it is known (dyt0w
than he .hnm ever is stronger Pyqtd whom Nm with M( judge Ndml he can xk$m
futility .0lbh that increase Nygsmd many 00ygs* accounts 0m*gtp there are ty0d because l+m 0611
to a son of man .0$nrbl profit 0nrtwy What 0nm
for son of man 0$nrbl good b+ What 0nm knows (dy who? wnmd because l+m 0612
.of his futility hlbh of life yyx* the days ym*wy the numbers Nynm in his life .yhwyx*b
a son of man 0$nrbl will show 0wxn who? wnm .a shadow 0ll+ as Ky0 them Nwn0 & he passes rb(w
the sun .0$m$ under tyxt after him hrtb from Nm will be 0whn What 0nm

Chapter 7
good. 0b+ oil 0x$m than Nm <3 Lee: better 0b+> a name 0m$ good b+ 0701
.of birth 0twdyly0d the day 0mwy than Nm better b+ of death 0twmd & the day 0mwyw
to go lz0mld than Nm weeping .0kb*to the house tybl to go lz0ml better b+ 0702
of all Nwhlkd the end 0trx is yh this 0dhd because l+m .banquet 0twt$m to the house tybl
to his heart .hbll good 0tb+ gives bhy & The Living One yxdw of man .0$n0 the children yn*b
that in the affliction tw$ybbd because l+m .laughter 0kxwg than Nm grief 0zgwr better b+ 0703
the heart .0bl will improve b0+n of faces 0p0*
.mourning 0lb0 in the house tybb of the wise 0mykx*d the heart 0bl 0704
of joy .0twdx in the house tyb of fools 0lk*sd & the heart 0blw
of the wise .0mykx*d the reproof 0t0k to hear (m$ml better b+ 0705
.of fools 0lks*d the song 0rmz that hears (m$d a man 0rbg than Nm
.a metal pot 0sdq under tyxt of thorns 0bw*kd the sound 0lq that like Ky0d for lw+m 0706
.futility 0lbh this 0nh & also P0w of fools .0lks*d their laughter Nwhkxwg so 0nkh

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

the heart 0bll & destroys 0dbwmw the wise .0mykxl destroys dbwm that slander 0yqw$(d because lw+m 0707
.a gift 0tbhwm
its beginning .htymdq than Nm of a discourse 0mgtpd the end htyrx0 is yh better 0b+ 0708
of spirit .0xwr elevation twmr than Nm of spirit 0xwr patience twrygn is yh & better 0b+w
because l+m to be angry .zgrml in your spirit Kxwrb be quick bhrtst not 0l 0709
rests.xynttn of fools 0lks*d in the breast 0bw(b that anger 0zgwrd
they have been wwh better Nyb+ former 0ym*dq that the days 0tm*wyd .is it 0wh Why? 0nm say rm0t not 0l 0710
you tn0 ask l0$ in wisdom 0tmkxb it is 0wh not 0ld because l+m these .Nylh than Nm
these .Nylh about l(
than Nm wisdom 0tmkx is yh better 0b+ 0711
the sun .0$m$ for those seeing yyzx*l & it is greater rytyw . of a supply of arms 0nyz armor yn0*m
the shade 0ll+ like Ky0 of wisdom 0tmkxd the shade 0ll+d because l+m 0712
that wisdom 0tmkxd of knowledge 0t(dy0d & the profit 0twrytyw of silver.0pskd
its owner.hrm will save 0xt
who? Nmd because l+m of God .0hl0d the work 0db( see yzx 0713
is .wh that disturbed dwdmd him Nml to restore wnqtml able xk$m is wh
of evil 0t$ybd & in the day 0mwybw in prosperity.b+b be ywh of goodness 0tb+d in the day 0mwyb 0714
God .0hl0 does db( this 0nh opposite lbqwl this 0nh also P0 your soul K$pn look after yzx
after him.hrtb a thing Mdm a son of man 0$nrb will find xk$n not 0ld speech 0llmm so that l(
there is ty0 .futility ylbh in the days ymwy*b I have seen tyzx thing Mdm every lk 0715
in his righteousness .htwqydzb who is destroyed db0d a righteous one 0qydz
in his evil ht$*ybb who is prolonged rg0d an evil one 0(y$r & there is ty0w
excessively .ygs righteous qydz you shall be 0wht not 0l 0716
.you be stupid hmtt lest 0ld excessively ryty be wise Mkxtt & not 0lw
greatly .ygs you be hated 0ntst that not 0ld greatly.ygs you shall be irreverent ($rt not 0l 0717
in your time Knbzb when not 0ld you die twmt lest 0mld .foolish lks you shall be 0wht not 0l
let go 0prt not 0l this 0nh from Nm & also P0w .of this 0nhb that you take hold dwx0td good b+ 0718
to all these .Nyhlkl will cling Pqn of God 0hl0l ever is in awe lxdd who Nmd because l+m your hand Kdy0
more b+ the wise .0mykx*l strengthens 0n$(m wisdom 0tmkx 0719
in the city.0tnydmb that are ty0d rulers Nyn+yl$ ten 0r*s( than Nm
who will do .db(nd in Earth 0(r0b righteous qydzd a man $n0 there is not tyld because l+m 0720
will sin.0+xn & not0lw what is good b+d
not 0l the wicked 0(y$r* that will utter Nwllmnd statements Nym *gtp to all lwkl & also P0w 0721
you Kl who insults 0xcmd to your servant Kdb(l you shall listen (m$t not 0l your heart Kbl give ltt
also P0d your heart Kbl knows (dy many N0ygs times Nynbzd because l+m 0722
others Nynr*x0l have insulted tyxc you tn0
I said trm0 by wisdom .0tmkxb I tested tysn these things Nylh all Nyhlk 0723
from me .ynm was yh far removed 0qyxr & this yhw I shall be wise Mkxt0d
distant .0qxwr that is 0whd all lk than Nm beyond ryty 0724
will find it.yhwyxk$n who? Nm of depths 0qmw(*d & the depth 0qmw(w
& to seek 0(bmlw .& to perform r(smlw to know (dml & my heart yblw I 0n0 have traveled about tkrkt0 0725
of the fool .0lksd the wickedness htw(y$r & to know (dmlw .& calculation 0nb$wxw wisdom 0tmkx

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

& crime.0twnrb(tmw & foolishness 0twlksw

whose yhd .a wife 0ttn0 death 0twm than Nm that more bitter ryrmd & I have found txk$0w 0726
him Nm her hands hydy0* have bind trs0 her heart .hbl & net 0tdycmw a snare 0xp is hyty0
from her .hnm is delivered bzwt$m God 0hl0 in front of Mdq who is good b+d he Nm who is good .b+d
by her .hb is caught dxttm that sins 0+xd & he Nmw
says rm0 that I have found txk$0d this 0nh see yzx 0727
reasons.0tb$*xm to find wxk$ml to one 0dxl one 0dx .the Preacher tlhwq
one dx man 0$n0 . I have found txk$0 & not 0lw my soul y$pn sought t(b & again bwtw 0728
. I have found txk$0 not 0l among all these Nyhlkb & a woman 0ttn0w . I have found txk$0 1000 0pl0 of Nm
God 0hl0 that has made db(d . that I have found txk$0d this 0nh see yzx however Mrb 0729
many. 0t0ygs* devices 0tb$*xm they have sought w(b & those Nwnhw upright .0cyr *t men 0$n0l
Chapter 8
knows (dy & who? Nmw The Wise One 0mykx like Ky0 who is? wnm 0801
will enlighten rhnt of a man 0rbgd the wisdom htmkx .of the word 0tlmd the interpretation hr$p
will be hated .0ntsn his faces yhwp0* & him whose shameless Npycxdw his faces .yhwp0*
a word tlm & concerning l(w .keep r+ of a King 0klmd the mouth hmwp 0802
be hasty bhrtst not 0l of God .0hl0d of oaths 0tm*wm
stand Mwqt & not 0lw go.lz before him yhwmdq from Nm .0803
he will do .db(n that he will desire 0bcnd all lkd because l+m .evil $yb in a matter Mgtpb
.he is authorized +yl$ the King 0klm has spoken llmmd just as 0nky0 0804
you. tn0 do db( What 0nm to him hl will say rm0n & who wnmw
evil .0t$yb a matter 0tlm knows (dy not 0l the commandment 0ndqwp he that keeps r+nd 0805
of the wise .0mykxd the heart hbl knows (dy & judgment 0nydw & the time 0nbzw
& judgment .0nydw a time 0nbz there is ty0 desire wbc for every lkld because l+m 0806
upon him .yhwl( is great 00ygs of man 0$nrbd the affliction ht$ybd because l+m
will be 0whn & what 0nmw .has been 0whd what 0ml one who knows (dyd there is not tyld because l+m 0807
him .hl shows 0wxm who? wnm after him hrtb from Nm <3 Lee: to him hl>
to withhold 0lkml over the wind 0xwrb who is authorized +yl$d man $n0 there is no tyl 0808
of death .0twmd in the day 0mwyb authority 0n+lw$ & there is no tylw the wind .0xwr
of war .0brqd in the day 0mwyb escape 0+lwp & there is no tylw
its owners.yhwr*ml evil 0($wr saves bzw$m & not 0lw
to know (dml my heart ybl & I have given tbhyw I have seen .tyzx this 0nh all lk & accus. particle tyw 0809
when is authorized +lt$0d & the time 0nbzw the sun .0$m$ under tyxt that is done db(tmd work db( all lk
him .hl to afflict w$0bml over a son of man 0$nrbb a man 0$n0 rb
& they came .Nyt0w being buried Nyrybqd the wicked 0(y$r* I saw tyzx & then Nydyhw 0810
in the city 0tnydmb & were forgotten wy(+t0w .they went wlz0 of holiness 0$dwqd the place 0rt0 & from Nmw
is futility .0lbh this 0nh & also P0w they have done wdb( where thus 0nkhd
evil 0t$*yb doers ydb*( of Nm punishment 0t(bt is done 0db(tm not 0ld because l+m 0811
the heart 0bl is filled ylmt0 this 0nh because of l+m quickly lg(b
what is evil.$ybd to do db(ml in them Nwhb of sons of men 0$nyn*bd
himself .hl & prolongs rgmw 100 00m evils 0t$*yb he does db( ever sins 0+xd who Nm 0812
of Lord Yah 0yrmd for the worshipers yhwlx*dl good b+ that it will be 0whnd I 0n0 & know (dyw
before him .yhwmdq from Nm who will stand in awe Nwlxdnd

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

days 0tm*wy he will lengthen rgn & not 0lw to the wicked one .0(y$rl will be 0wht not 0l & good 0tb+w 0813
before Mdq from Nm in awe lxd he is yhwty0 not 0ld because lw+m .a shadow 0ll+ like Ky0
God !0hl0
Earth .0(r0 upon l( /3 Lee: that is done dyb(d/Ambros.: that is done db(t0d /futility 0lbh there is ty0 0814
the work 0db( as Ky0 to them Nwhtwl that happens 0+md righteous ones 0q*ydz there are ty0d because l+m
to them Nwhtwl that happens 0+md the wicked 0(y$r* & there are ty0w of the wicked.0(y$r*d
this 0nh that also P0d & I said trm0w .of righteous ones 0qyd *zd the work 0db( like Ky0
futility .0lbh
for there is not tyld joy .0twdx Heb. accusative particle ty I 0n0 & I praised txb$w 0815
the sun .0$m$ under tyxt for a son of man 0$nrbl /3Lee: good b+/Ambros.: good b+d
.& to rejoice 0dxmlw & to drink 0t$mlw to eat lk0ml but 0l0
of his life yhwy *x the days ymw*y all lk .in his labor hlm(b him hl accompanies 0wl & thiswhw
the sun .0$m$ under tyxt God 0hl0 to him hl that gives bhyd
wisdom .0tmkx to know (dml my heart ybl I have given tbhy this 0nh because of l+m 0816
because l+m Earth .0(r0 upon l( that is done db(t0d the business 0nyn( & to see 0zxmlw
he sees.0zx not 0l with his eyes yhwny*(b sleep 0tn$ & in the night 0yllbw that in the day 0mmy0bd
not 0ld for l+m of God .0hl0d the work 0db( all lk I 0n0 & I have seen tyzxw 0817
Ambros.: that is done db(t0d/ the work 0db( Heb. accusative particle ty a son of man 0$nrb will master 0cmtn
that toils lm(d all lk the sun .0$m$ under tyxt/3 Lee: that is done dyb(d/
he will find xk$n not 0l that he may seek0(bnd son of man 0$nrb
to know.(dml The Wise One 0mykx that will say rm0nd & everyone lkw .
to find.wxk$ml will prevail 0cmtn not 0l
Chapter 9

. into my heart yblb I have given tbhy these Nylh all lk Heb. accusative particle tyd because l+m 0901
of the righteous ones 0q*ydzd this.0nh all lk Heb. accusative particle ty saw 0zx & my heart yblw
of God .0hl0d in the hand 0dy0b & their works Nwhydb(w & the wise 0mykx*w
a son of man .0$nrb knows (dy not 0l hatred 0t0ns also P0 love 0tmxr also P0
futility .0lbh that is before him yhwmdqd everything lk
happens 0$dg .that to all lkld /Lee: all like Ky0lk/Ambros.: like Ky0 all lk 0902
& to the evil .0$*yblw to the good 0b+*l & to the wicked .0(y$r*lw to the righteous ones 0qy*dzl one thing dx
.sacrificer xbdm & to the non 0ldlw to the sacrificer xbdmdl & to the defiled.00m*+lw to the pure 0yk*dl
the oath taker 0ymy like Ky0 the sinner 0y+x also P0 the good 0b+ like Ky0
fears.lxd oaths 0tmwm* of one who Nmd he is wh <3Lee: also P0 >
under tyxt ever is done db(t0d what 0m in all lkb evil 0$yb this 0dh 0903
to them all .Nwhlkl one thing dx happens 0$dgd because l+m the sun .0$m$
of evil 0t$yb is full ylmt0 of man 0$nrbd the heart 0bl & also P0w
& in their lives Nwhyy*xbw in their heart Nwhblb evil 0t$yb & the error 0twyhpw
the dead.0ty*m with twl & their end Nwhtrxw
trust.0nlkwt there is ty0 the living 0yx* to all lkl who will be joined Ptwt$nd everyone lk 0904
that is dead. tyymd a lion 0yr0 than Nm is wh better b+ living yxd a dog 0blkd because l+m
not 0l & the dead 0ty*mw that they are dying .Nytymd know Ny(dy the living 0yx*d because l+m 0905
a reward.0rg0 again bwt for them Nwhl & there is not tylw a thing Mdm know Ny(dy
their memory .Nwhnrkwd is forgotten y(+t0d because l+m
their envy Nwht0nq & also P0w their hatred .Nwht0ns also P0 their love .Nwhtmxr also P0 0906
again bwt for them Nwhl there is not tyl & a portion 0tnmw is destroyed .tdb0 now wdk from Nm
the sun .0$m$ under tyxt ever is done db(t0d what 0m in all lkb for eternity Ml(l

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The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

good 0b+ with a heart 0blb & drink yt$0w your bread Kmxl with joy 0twdxb eat lwk0 come 0t 0907
with your works Kydb*(b God 0hl0 is pleased yb+c0d because lw+m your wine Krmx
white .Nyr *wx let be Nwwhn your garments Kytx*n time Nd( at every lkb 0908
let lack.rsxn not 0l your head K$yr of Nm & oil 0x$mw
the days ym*wy all lk whom you have loved tmxrd the wife 0ttn0 with M( life 0yx* & see yzxw 0909
in life .0yx*b your lot Ktnm is yh she yhd because l+m of your futility Klbh of life yy*x
the sun .0$m$ under tyxt labor lm( that you tn0d & in your labor Klm(bw
do .db( in your power Klyxb to do db(ml your hand Kdy0 that finds xk$td all lk 0910
& wisdom.0tmkxw & knowledge 0t(dy0w & reasoning 0tb$xmw work 0db( there is not tyld because l+m
there .Nmtl are tn0 going lz0 because you tn0d in Sheol lwy$b
that not 0ld the sun .0$m$ under tyxt & I saw tyzxw I turned tkph 0911
& not 0lw the battle .0brq to a mighty man 0r*bngl & not 0lw .runner 0+hr to the swift 0lylq*l
& not 0lw .riches 0rtw( to the learned 0ntlkws*l & not 0lw bread .0mxl to the wise 0mykx*l
& mishap 0(gpw time 0nbzd because lw+m glory.0xbw$ to the intelligent 0nt(w*dyl
to them all Nwhlkl happens $dg
his time .hnbz a son of man 0$nrb knows (dy not 0ld because l+m 0912
/3 other mss.:that are caught Nydycttmd /that are seized Nydxttmd fish 0nw*n like Ky0
the fowl 0r*pc like Ky0w evil .0t$yb in a net 0tdycmb
the children of yn*b are taken Nydxttm so 0nkh in a snare 0xpb that are taken Ndxttmd
the stillness. yl$ from Nm upon them Nwhyl( when it will fall lpnd evil 0$yb in a time 0nbzb man .0$n0
the sun .0$m$ under tyxt wisdom 0tmkx I have seen tyzx this 0dh also P0 0913
to me .ytwl it is yh & great 0brw
of man 0$n0 & the children yn*bw small.0trw(z a city 0tnydm 0914
great 0br a King 0klm to it hyl( & came 0t0w few.Nyr *w(z that in it hbd
bulwarks.0mwqlq* against it hyl( & he built 0nbw .& he surrounded it hrdxw
wise .0mykx poor 0nksm a man 0rbg in it hb & was found xkt$0w 0915
/Ambros.: by his wisdom htwmykxb /the city 0tnydm poor man 0nksm that wh & delivered bzw$w
poor .0nksm that wh man 0rbgl remembered dh( not 0l & a person $n0w !/3 Lee: by his wisdom htmkxb
is yh /3Lee: better 0b+/Ambros.:better 0b+d <3 in my heart yblb> I 0n0 & I said trm0w 0916
of the poor 0nksmd & the wisdom htmkxw .might 0twrbng than Nm wisdom 0tmkx
are heeded .Ny(mt$m not 0l & his statements yhwmgt*pw is .yh despised 0+y$
are heeded .N(mt*$m in quiet 0xynb wise 0mykx* words ylm* 0917
./3Lee: a fool 0lks/Ambros.:among fools 0lks*b /of a prince 0+yl$d the shout 0tq(z moreso than Nm
instruments yn0*m than Nm wisdom 0tmkx is yh better 0b+ 0918
many.0t0ygs* good things 0t *b+ destroys 0dbwm one 0dx & sin 0ty+xw of war .0brq
Chapter 10
of oil 0x$md a vessel 0n0m putrifies Nyrsm that die Nytymd flies 0bb*d <3Lee: like Ky0> 10:1
& than Nmw wisdom 0tmkx than Nm <3Lee: is yh> weightier 0ryqy sweet 0mysb
a little lylq foolishness 0twlks glory 0txwb$t great t0gws
./3 Lee: at his right hand hnymyb/Ambros.:to his right hand hnymyl /of the wise 0mykxd his heart hbl 10:2
./3Lee: at his left hlmsb/Ambros.:to his left hlmsl /of a fool 0lksd & the heart hblw
lacks.rysx his heart hbl on the road 0xrw0b ever he goes lz0d when 0m a fool 0lks & also P0w 10:3
is.yh foolishness 0twlks that he thinks b$xtmd & all lkw

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

against you Kyl( rises qst of a prince0+yl$d the spirit 0xwr if N0 10:4
Ambros. passes over 0rb( that healing 0twyprmd\ because lw+m .leave qwb$t not 0l your place Krt0
many !00ygs* sins 0h+x*/3Lee: forgives 0qb$ healing 0twys0d /
the sun .0$m$ under tyxt I have seen tyzxd an evil 0t$yb there is ty0 10:5
. a ruler 0+yl$ before Mdq that goes forth tqpnd an error yy(w+ like Ky0
.mighty .0ny$( in high place 0mwrb a fool 0lks for sits btyd 10:6
will be seated Nwbtn in humility 0kkwmb & the rich 0r*yt(w
horses 0$kr* upon l( servants 0db*( I have seen tyzx 10:7
the Earth .0(r0 upon l( servants 0db*( like Ky0 walking Nyklhmd & Rulers 0n+yl$*w .
a hedge 0gys & he that breaks (rtdw he will fall.lpn in it hb a pit 0cmwg he who has dug rpxd 10:8
.a snake 0ywx will bite him yhwytkn
by them .Nyhb will be hurt b0ktn stones 0p0*k he that removes 0n$md 10:9
. by it Nwhb is wearied 00l wood 0s*yq & he that splits xlcmdw
. is troubled xld the face 0p0* & is whw .the iron 0lzrp dull 0hq if N0 10:10
wisdom.0tmkx for diligent ones 0r*y$kl & profit 0nrtwyw .it multiplies 0gsm & those killed 0ly+q*w
a charm 0t$xwl without 0ld a snake 0ywx will bite tkn & if N0w 10:11
in a charmer. 0$wxlb profit Nrtwy there is no tyl
. glory 0txwb$t of the wise one 0mykxd the mouth hmwp the words ylm * 10:12
him .hl ruin N(b*+m of a fool 0lksd & the lips htwps*w
foolishness .0twlks of the mouth hmwp the words ylm* the beginning $yr 10:13
evil .0$yb shame 0ysrwp of his mouth hmwpd & the end 0trxw
a son of man 0$nrb knows (dy not 0l words .Nylm* multiplies 0gsm & a fool 0lksw 10:14
him .hl shows 0wxm who? wnm after him hrtb from Nm will be 0whnd & what 0mw has been.0whd what 0m
for l+m them .Nwhl wearies 00lm of fools 0lks*d their labors Nwhlm( 10:15
to the city. 0tnydml to go lz0ml they know w(dy not 0ld
a boy.

0l+ when your King ykklmd Oh City 0tnydm to you ykl woe! yw 10:16
they eat .Nylk0 at dawn 0rpcb & your princes ykynbrwr*w

of the free .Nyr*0x a son rb when your King ykklmd Oh City 0tnydm your blessing ykybw+ 10:17
& not 0lw with diligence 0twry$kb eat .Nylk0 in their time Nwhnd(b & your Princes ykynbrwr*w
with drunkenness.0yt$mb
.a roof 0lyl+t will be lowered Kkmtn by slackness 0twlp$b 10:18
a house. 0tyb will drop Pldn of hands 0ydy0*& by slackness twlp$bw
that gladdens Nwdxnd & oil 0x$mw & wine 0rmxw bread 0mxl are made Nydyb( for joy 0twdxl 10:19
in all things .lkb them Nwhl & seduces 0(+mw humbles Kkmm & money 0pskw life .0yx*l
& in the bedroom Nw+yqbw revile .0xct not 0l the King 0klml in your mind K(dmb & also P0w 10:20
of the sky 0ym$d a bird 0pw(d because lw+m .a rich man 0ryt(l insult 0xct not 0l in your sleep Kbk$m
your statement Kymgt*p will show 0wxn of the bird 0pw( & the Lord 0rmw your voice Klq will transmit lbwn
Chapter 11

of the waters .0ym* the face yp0* upon l( your bread Kmxl send rd$ 1101

/3Lee 1816: for an multitude tw0ygsld/Ambros.:that for a multitude t0gwsld /because l+m
you will find it.yhwyxk$t of days 0tm*wy

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

not 0ld because l+m .to eight 0ynmtl even P0 to seven 0(b$l a portion 0tnm give bh 1102
Earth .0(r0 upon l( may be 0wht evil 0t$yb what 0nm you will know (dt
they will cast .Nd$0*n Earth 0(r0 upon l(. rain 0r+m clouds yn*n( will fill Nylmn if N0 1103
unto the place 0rt0b or w0 unto the South 0nmytb a tree 0syq has fallen lpn & if N0w
it will be .0whn there Nmt the tree 0syq has fallen lpnd where rt0 of the North .0ybrgd
sows.(rz not 0l the wind 0xwrl he that watches r+nd 1104
reaps. dcx not 0l the clouds 0nn*(l & he that observes r0xdw
what 0nm you tn0 know (dy not 0ld because l+m 1105
Lee:as the way 0nzk0 /Ambros.:the way 0nz as Ky0 of the wind .0xwrd the way 0xrw0 is yh
not 0l so 0nkh .of conception 0n+bd of she who is pregnant 0tn+bd <3Lee: for ryg>
that he made .db(nd all lk of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrmd the works yhwdb*( you will know (dt
not 0l & at evening 0$mrbw your seed K(rz sow (wrz Ambros. underlined: at dawn 0rpcb every lk 1106
will prosper r$kn what 0ny0 you tn0 know (dy not 0ld because l+m your hand Kdy0 remove qwb$t
are good .Nyb+ one dx as Ky0 both Nwhyrt & if N0w this .0nh or w0 this 0nh or w0
Ambros.: to see 0zxml /for the eyes 0n*y(l & good b+w the light 0rhwn sweet 0lx 1107
the sun .0$m$ /3Lee: to see yy *zxl & better rytyw/
of man 0$n0 a son rb will live 0xn many N0ygs years Nyn$* if N0d because l+m 1108

of darkness .0kw$x of the days ym *wy & be reminded rkdtnw may he rejoice.0dxn in all these Nyhlkb
futility .0lbh that comes 0t0d all lk they will be.Nwwhn many 00ygs*d for l+m

& it will be well b0+nw .young man 0myl( rejoice ydx of your youth Ktwmyl( in the days ymwy*b 1109
of your eyes Kyn*y(d & in the vision 0wzxbw of your heart Kbld in the ways 0txr*w0b & walk Klhw for you Kl
you Kl brings l(m all these Nyhlk that in these Nylhbd & know (dw
into judgment .0nydb LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm
& separate qrp0w your heart Kbl from Nm anger 0zgwr remove rb(0 1110
childhood 0twyl+d because l+m your flesh Krsb from Nm evil 0t$yb
futility .0lbh knowledge 0t(dy0 & non 0lw
Chapter 12

of your youth Ktwmyl( in the days ymwy*b your Creator Kyrbl remember dh(w 1201

the years 0yn$* & will approach Nbrqnw evil 0t$yb the days ymw*y will come Nwt0n until 0ld(
. my pleasure ynybc in them Nyhb to me yl that not tyld when you say rm0td
of the moon 0rhsd & the light 0rhwnw the sun .0$m$ will darken K$xn until 0ld( 1202
& return Nkphtnw ./3Lee: & of the stars 0bkw*kdw/Ambros.:& the stars 0bk*wkw
. the rain 0r+m after rtb the clouds 0nn*(
& are agitated Nwdwdtnw house .0tyb the keepers yr *w+n when will shake Nw(yztnd in the day 0mwyb 1203
they are few.r(zd because l+m the grinders 0tnx*+ & will fail Nl+btnw of power .0lyx the Masters yr*m
in the windows .0wkb* the watchers 0tyzx* & will grow dark Nk$xnw
in the streets 0qw$*b the gates 0(r*t & will be shut Nwdxttnw 1204
of a bird. 0rpcd to the voice 0lql & he will rise Mwqnw .of the grinders 0tnx*+d of the sound 0lqd
of song .0xbw$ the daughters tn*b all lk & will be brought low Nkkmtnw
by feebleness 0twlp$b /of the streets 20qw$*d/
& he will shake (yztnw he will be afraid lxdn height 0mwr of Nm & also P0w 1205
.wakefulness 0rh$ for him yhwl( & will seek (bnw in his ways .htxr*w0b
Lee: the bitter almond 0dr$ & will bud (rpnw \
<3Ambros. the locust.0cmq like Ky0>/ Lee: the locust 0cmq & will multiply 0gsnw

aqs le aqs aqswp atdx aqtyd tylgna-tyamra atjysp

The Peshitta Aramaic-English New Testament - An Interlinear Translation

Lee:& it will cease yl+btw henna plant rpq & will be scattered rdbttw
a son of man 0$nrb goes lz0d because l+m / Lee: evil 0twn$yb
./3 other mss.:his eternity hml( the house tyb / Lee: his labor hlm( to the house tybl\
/3Ambros.: evil.0t$yb/./3Ambros.: & will cease l+bttw
Lee: mourners.0ndqrm in the streets 0qw$b & go about wkrkt0w /2 Ambros. the lily 0tn$w$ & will sprout xw$tw
Ambros.the bitter almond. 0dr$ will bud (rpn until 0ld(
Ambros.: henna plant rpq & will be scattered rdbttw the lily 0tn$w$ & will sprout xw$tw
gold .0bhd the bowl rwzx & will be shattered qxt$nw .silver 0psk the cord lbx is cut qsptn until 0ld( 1206
the wheel 0lgyg & will run +hrtw the fountain.0(wbm over l( the pitcher 0tlwq & will be shattered rbttw
the well .0rb over l(
it was.0whd like Ky0 to Earth 0(r0l the dust 0rp( & will return Kwphnw 1207
who gave it.hbhyd LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm to twl will return Kwpht & the spirit 0xwrw

of futilities Nylbh futility lbh the Preacher.tlhwq says rm0 of futilities Nylbh futility lbh 1208
futility.0lbh thing Mdm every lk

had been 0wh who teaching Plmd wise .0mykx the Preacher tlhwq because was 0whd & moreover rytyw 1209
& he has set in order Nqt0w & he investigated qdbw & he listened tcw to the people 0m(l knowledge 0t(dy0
many .00ygs*proverbs 0ltm*
statements 0mgt *p to find wxk$ml the Preacher tlhwq sought 0(b much ygs 1210
Ambros.the truth 0rr$ /& he wrote btk0w .of pleasure 0nybcd
of truth .0t$wq statements ymgt*p 3Lee 1816: in truth, truly 0t$wqb/
& like Ky0w .goads 0twq*z like Ky0 of the wise 0mykx* the words ylm* 1211
they are given wbhyt0 door posts 0tpks*0 Masters yr *m that nail.N(yb*qd nails 0ks*
one.dx Shepherd 0y(r from Nm
to write btkml .pay attention rhdz0 my son yrb of them Nwhnm & especially ty0rytyw 1212
much 00ygs & speaking 0llmmw .an end Pws there is not tyl many 00ygs* scrolls 0r*ps
of the flesh .0rsbd is yh weariness 0tw0l
hear (m$ all lk .in its sum hksb of the answer 0mgtpd the end htyrx0 1213
keep r+ & his commandments yhwndq*wpw .stand in awe of lxd of LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm thing Mdm & that Nmw
Ambros.:every lk /is given bhyt0 one dx Craftsman 0nmw0 that of Nmd is wh this 0nhd for l+m
person.$n0 /3Lee: to every lkl/
into judgment .0nydb brings l(m LORD JEHOVAH 0yrm works 0db*( all lkld because l+m 1214
that good b+d if N0 & is revealed .0lgw that is hidden 0skd all lk concerning l(
.that evil $ybd & if N0w
2Ambros.of the Preacher:tlhwq to writing btkml/Lee: of the Preacher tlhwqd the book 0btk\ the end Ml$ 9999
! of Israel lyrsy0d King 0klm of Daweed dywd son rb


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