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These researches are done for the better of human resource which is the most precious
resource. In this essay I shall elaborate as to why use of animals in scientific research
should be acceptable.
Majority of the human population eats meat products in a daily basis day, yet no one
argues that this is "cruel". If animal testing was not used, the second alternative would
be testing on human. It is proven fact that a human life is by far more valuable than that
of an animal.
There are various categories of the animals. Firstly the Pet animals this may include,
Cow, Buffalo, Goats, Camels, Bullocks, Donkeys, Horses and Zebras. These animals
are used by human beings for getting milk, farming and transportation. Conversely Goat
meat is consumed by men as food too. Secondly other pet animals are the cock, hen,
fish, prawns, crabs etc. Cock and hen are used in poultry farming industry. Chicken
meat, eggs, fish, prawns and crabs are used as food for human.
In the study of medical science and research the animals like frogs, earthworm, and
cockroach are used to teach the medical students in medical colleges. Rats and mice are
used by drug companies to see the effect of new drug. These are such animals that
create nuisance and unhealthy living conditions for human. If mice are found in the
house, shop or offices they are poisoned and killed. Now there is nothing wrong if those
unwanted species are used for scientific research.
Summarizing, I feel there is nothing wrong to use of animals in scientific research to a
reasonable limit of Rats, Mice, cockroaches and earthworms etc. This research work is
for the better of human lives.


These researches are done for the better of human resource which is the most precious
resource. In this essay I shall elaborate as to why use of animals in scientific research
should be acceptable.
Majority of the human population eats meat products in a daily basis day, yet no one
argues that this is "cruel". If animal testing was not used, the second alternative would
be testing on human. It is proven fact that a human life is by far more valuable than that
of an animal.
There are various categories of the animals. Firstly the Pet animals this may include,
Cow, Buffalo, Goats, Camels, Bullocks, Donkeys, Horses and Zebras. These animals
are used by human beings for getting milk, farming and transportation. Conversely Goat
meat is consumed by men as food too. Secondly other pet animals are the cock, hen,
fish, prawns, crabs etc. Cock and hen are used in poultry farming industry. Chicken
meat, eggs, fish, prawns and crabs are used as food for human.
In the study of medical science and research the animals like frogs, earthworm, and
cockroach are used to teach the medical students in medical colleges. Rats and mice are
used by drug companies to see the effect of new drug. These are such animals that
create nuisance and unhealthy living conditions for human. If mice are found in the
house, shop or offices they are poisoned and killed. Now there is nothing wrong if those
unwanted species are used for scientific research.
Summarizing, I feel there is nothing wrong to use of animals in scientific research to a
reasonable limit of Rats, Mice, cockroaches and earthworms etc. This research work is
for the better of human lives.

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