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This document is provided to help newcomers to Canada find the information they require to settle in. It
is a collection of links to various Internet Websites grouped by topic.
These links are recommendations and do not constitute an endorsement of specific entities, institutions
or individuals. Keywords are highlighted for easy reference.
Various links are provided to federal, provincial and municipal government departments that are helpful
to newcomers. These links can help you find information regarding jobs, housing, schooling, banking,
etc., as well as where to seek help when required. Most government websites are translated into both
English and French.
Note: This is not an exhaustive list of Internet websites that provide information for newcomers. It is a
starting point. It cannot answer all the questions you may have about life in Canada. A further search
should be performed independently to answer specific queries.
Note: Website addresses may have changed after the printing of this document. Use the key words
highlighted in black to help you locate the information as specified. In some cases the information
may no longer be available. This resource is regularly updated, and can be accessed online at
Nouveaux arrivants au Canada
Recueil de ressources en ligne Dcembre 2014
Le prsent document est fourni aux nouveaux arrivants au Canada pour les aider trouver linformation
ncessaire leur tablissement. Cest un recueil de liens vers diffrents sites Internet regroups par
Ces liens ne sont que des recommandations et ne constituent aucunement le soutien ni la promotion de
certaines entits, institutions ou personnes spcifiques. Les mots-cls sont en caractres gras pour
faciliter la recherche.
Plusieurs liens sont fournis par les services du gouvernement fdral, provincial et/ou municipal. Ces
liens utiles peuvent aider les nouveaux arrivants trouver des renseignements sur le milieu du travail, les
emplois, le logement, lducation, les oprations bancaires, etc. de mme que sur les endroits o
chercher de laide, en cas de besoin. La plupart des sites gouvernementaux sont rdigs en anglais et en
franais, les deux langues officielles du Canada.
Note: Ce recueil ne constitue pas une liste exhaustive des sites Internet pouvant offrir des
renseignements pertinents aux nouveaux arrivants. Cest un point de dpart. Il ne peut rpondre
toutes les questions que les nouveaux arrivants peuvent avoir au sujet de la vie au Canada. Une
recherche plus approfondie devrait tre ralise de manire indpendante pour pouvoir rpondre aux
questions spcifiques.
Note: Les adresses des sites Internet prsents peuvent avoir chang aprs limpression du prsent
recueil. Utiliser les mots-cls en caractres gras pour aider localiser linformation recherche. Dans
certains cas, il est possible que linformation ne soit plus disponible en ligne. Ces ressources sont
continuellement mises jour et peuvent tre consultes en ligne

General Information


British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island


British Columbia
Newfoundland and Labrador


British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island


British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Northwest Territories and Nunavut
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island


British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island


British Columbia


New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island


International Organization for Migration (IOM) (Official website of the International Organization for Migration: who they are, what they do for
migration and development, facilitating migration, regulating migration, helping in cases of forced migration.) (Canadian Orientation Abroad: Helping immigrants adapt to life in Canada by providing predeparture orientation sessions.)

A Good Place to Start ( will become the single site for the Government of Canada taking advantage of new technology
and making it easier to find information online using any device.) (Citizenship and Immigration Canada / Citoyennet et Immigration Canada: screens and
approves for admission immigrants, foreign students, visitors and temporary workers who help Canadas social and
economic growth; resettles, protects and provides a safe haven for refugees; helps newcomers adapt to Canadian society
and become Canadian citizens; manages access to Canada to protect the security and health of Canadians and the
integrity of Canadian laws and helps Canadians and newcomers to participate fully in the economic, political, social and
cultural life of the country. The CIC website is a source of information linking immigration services with citizenship
registration, promoting the unique ideals all Canadians share and to help build a stronger Canada.) (The Living in Canada Tool from Citizenship and Immigration Canada. After
answering a few questions pertaining to your situation, this tool shows you where to get the help you need to settle in
Canada and learn all about living there.) (Citizenship and Immigration Canadas After you arrive:
Living in Canada checklist Establishing yourself when you first arrive in Canada can be difficult. You will have to
find a job and find somewhere to live, among other things. This checklist will help. It provides you with a list of things
you should know and shows you where you can go for more information and support.) (Job Bank is the Government of Canada's leading source for jobs and labour market information.
It offers users free occupational and career information such as job opportunities, educational requirements, main duties,
wage rates and salaries, current employment trends, and outlooks. The site can help people search for work, make career
decisions, see what jobs will be in demand, and much more.) (Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) is the department of the Government of
Canada responsible for developing, managing and delivering social programs and services.) (Service Canada: People serving people / Au service des gens. Here is the place
where Canadians go whether online, by phone, or in person to access the programs, services, and benefits they
need from the Government of Canada and its many partners.) (Before You Arrive in Canada. Video upload by Citizenship and
Immigration Canada. This video will help you get ready for your new life in Canada. It will explain some of the things you
should do before you leave your country of origin to make sure you are prepared when you arrive in Canada.) (Your First Two Weeks in Canada. Video upload by Citizenship and
Immigration Canada. This video will help you get ready for your new life in Canada. It will explain some of the things you
should do during your first two weeks in Canada to help make the transition easier. Topics include arriving at the airport,
finding support at an immigrant-serving organization, getting government documents, opening a Canadian bank account
and much more.) or (Publication: Welcome to Canada - What you should
know. Moving to Canada is an exciting opportunity but also a great challenge. Find what to expect in your first few
weeks of coming to Canada and learn how to find a place to live, get around your new city, work and go to school, and
connect with your community. You will also find information on Canadian laws, health care and how to get help settling in
Canada.) (Publication: Discover Canada - The Rights and Responsibilities
of Citizenship - The official study guide for the citizenship test. If you have applied for citizenship and are preparing for
the citizenship test, your primary resource should be the official study guide.) (Citizenship and Immigration Canada: Immigrant services
in your area Free services for immigrants to Canada include: language assessments and classes; help finding a job;
help with daily life such as finding a place to live and filling out forms and applications; information about community
services such as mentoring. An interactive map will help you to search for immigrant services in your area.) (from Settlement.Org: What are settlement
services? Settlement services are for newcomers to Canada. These services will help you settle and adjust to your new
life in Canada.) (Canadian Immigration Integration Project (CIIP)
which prepares newcomers for economic integration while still in their country of origin. CIIP provides free pre-departure
orientation to Federal Skilled Workers, Provincial Nominees, their spouses and adult dependents, while they are still
overseas during the final stages of the immigration process, and helps immigrants prepare for economic success by
providing information, planning and online support through partners in Canada.)

General Information of Interest to Migrants (Canada's International Gateway: Links and information for those going to
Canada to visit, study, immigrate, and more.) (Foreign Affairs, Trade and
Development Canada: Official Information on Countries - Canadas presence abroad includes embassies, consulates,
high commissions and trade offices. Canada also maintains a number of permanent missions to international
organizations.) (le portail de l'Immigration francophone au Canada: D'un bout l'autre du
pays, les collectivits francophones vivant en situation minoritaire sont engages pour recruter, accueillir, intgrer et
inclure les nouveaux arrivants d'expression franaise. Dcouvrez tout ce qui se fait dans nos communauts en matire
d'immigration et faites connaissance avec les Rseaux en immigration francophone (RIF) la grandeur du pays. Vous
trouverez aussi sur ce portail des renseignements sur comment immigrer au Canada.) (Citizenship and Immigration Canada: Links for new
immigrants - Apply for a permanent resident card or Canadian citizenship, find information about how to start your life
in Canada, or find out what services near you are available to help.) (Settlement.Org provides a lot of useful information and answers to those who will settle in
Ontario, Canada. Many topics apply equally well to those settling in other parts of Canada.) (from Settlement.Orgs Settlement
Workers in Schools (SWIS) Newsletter: Fourteen Things to do in Your First Weeks in Canada.) (Living in Canada Life in Canada: useful information on Canadian locations, life and
jobs; finding a job in Canada; the average salary in Canada; the climates of Canadas cities compared; and working in
Canada.) (Canadian Relocation, the Online Guide for people Relocating or Moving in Canada. Find
information about schools, post-secondary education, jobs, city contact information, day care & childcare, drivers license,
health care insurance, and much more.)

Provincial Information for Immigrants

Alberta ( is your place to find information and resources about doing business in
Alberta and moving to Alberta. Find important information and resources about living and working in Alberta, including
everything you need to know about the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program. For small and medium-sized businesses or
global corporations, Alberta is a centre for innovation that can expand your economic horizons. Explore Alberta's local and
international resources, learn more about its industries, and see why Alberta is such an exciting place to invest.) (Living in Alberta: with information about education, health
care, childcare and family, finding a place to live, transportation, laws and legal system.) (Publication: Welcome to Alberta - Information for
Newcomers: This guide for newcomers to Alberta provides useful information for settling, working and living in the
province. The publication covers a wide range of topics, including housing, employment, education, health care, climate,
banking, shopping, transportation, child care, the legal system and social customs. It also includes information for
Temporary Foreign Workers.) (L'Association canadienne franaise de l'Alberta : Destination Alberta : Ce site
fournit de l'information sur l'Alberta comme province d'immigration. L'Association canadienne franaise de l'Alberta
(ACFA) dfend les intrts des rsidents francophones de l'Alberta et dispense un enseignement de la langue franaise
la population francophone et veille ce que le patrimoine culturel francophone de l'Alberta soit prserv et transmis.)

British Columbia (The Government of British Columbia recognizes the important role that immigration plays in
helping to build a strong province. WelcomeBC helps ensure new British Columbians are able to settle, gain
employment, become active members of their communities, and contribute fully to the social and economic prosperity of
B.C.) (S.U.C.C.E.S.S. is one of the largest social service agencies in British Columbia, Canada. The
purposes of the agency is: to promote the well-being of Canadians and immigrants of Chinese and other ethnic origins,
and to encourage their full participation in community affairs in the spirit of multiculturalism; to assist in the settlement
and integration of immigrants and citizens of Chinese and other ethnic origins in Canada, particularly those who have
difficulties in English, by providing adequate information on the available public services, and facilitating the delivery of
such services when necessary; providing social, health, employment and business services and training; and fostering
mutual understanding and assistance among the diverse communities.) (The Active Engagement and Integration Project (AEIP) is the first overseas project from
S.U.C.C.E.S.S. It supports the settlement, adaptation and integration of skilled workers, members of the family class, and
live-in caregivers from South Korea and Taiwan into Canadian society.) (La Fdration des francophones de la Colombie-Britannique (FFCB) est lorganisme porte-parole
officiel de la communaut francophone de la province. Elle a pour mission de promouvoir, reprsenter et dfendre les
droits et intrts des francophones de la Colombie-Britannique et de prserver le patrimoine linguistique et culturel.) (Vivre en Colombie-Britannique: Depuis dix ans, la FFCB uvre promouvoir la ColombieBritannique comme destination de choix pour limmigration francophone et sassurer que notre communaut soit un
milieu accueillant et favorable lenracinement des personnes qui choisissent de sy tablir.)

Manitoba (Manitoba START is the community partner agency of the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program
that welcomes newcomers.) (Accueil francophone du Manitoba: l'tablissement des nouveaux arrivants
francophones au Manitoba. L'Accueil francophone accueille les nouveaux arrivants francophones, aide dans les dmarches
d'tablissement dans la communaut, informe et facilite l'accs aux services et aux programmes dans la communaut,
sensibilise la communaut d'accueil s'impliquer dans l'accompagnement des nouveaux arrivants.)

New Brunswick (New Brunswick is the official immigration website of the Government of New Brunswick.)
(Publication: Quick Reference Guide for Permanent Residents to New Brunswick a useful guide for
newcomers.) (Immigration Acadie: La Socit de l'Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick (SANB) est axe sur
l'ouverture et sur l'inclusion des diffrentes composantes de la communaut. Le site de la SANB vous aidera trouver des
agences d'aide l'tablissement pour les nouveaux arrivants et des associations multiculturelles se trouvant prs de chezvous.)

Newfoundland and Labrador ( is the official immigration website of the Government of Newfoundland

and Labrador.) (Publication: Newcomers Guide to
Services and Resources in Newfoundland and Labrador a comprehensive guide to settling in Newfoundland and
Labrador.) (The Association for New Canadians is a non-profit, community-based organization dedicated to the
provision of settlement and integration services for immigrants and refugees. The Association delivers programs and
services designed to support all aspects of newcomer integration, ranging from settlement information and orientation, to
language learning, skills development and employment.) (The Association for New Canadians has a number of
publications available online or in print that are designed to assist newcomers in the inclusion and integration process.
These include the Newcomers Guide to Services and Resources in Newfoundland and Labrador, An
Immigrant Parents Guide to the Newfoundland and Labrador School System, and Peace and Harmony: A
Society of Respect, among many others.) (La Fdration des
francophones de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador (FFTNL) est un organisme sans but lucratif qui travaille la dfense
et la promotion des droits et intrts de la communaut francophone et acadienne de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador.)

Northwest Territories (Northwest Territories Official Immigration Portal provides

a guide to immigrating to the Northwest Territories, including information on living and working.)

Nova Scotia (Immigrant Settlement & Integration Services, Nova Scotia: a leading community organization
that welcomes immigrants to Nova Scotia. Working in partnership, they offer services and create opportunities to help
immigrants to participate fully in Canadian life.) or (Nova Scotia Office of Immigration
recognizes the important social, economic and cultural contributions immigrants bring to our province. This website has a
wealth of resources available for prospective immigrants, newcomers, employers and communities.) (Immigration Francophone Nouvelle-cosse: projet de la Fdration

acadienne de la Nouvelle-cosse offrant des services d'tablissement et d'intgration aux immigrants d'expression
franaise de la province.)

Ontario (Newcomers and immigrants play a key role in making

Ontario strong and prosperous. Your contribution to Ontarios rich cultural diversity enriches Ontario residents social
and economic lives and enhances this provinces creativity, innovation and connection to global networks. Find out
more about: Newcomer settlement program; Ontario Bridge Training; Learn English or French; Global Experience
Ontario; Language interpreter services; Opportunities Ontario; Ontario Skills Passport; Ontario immigration.) (Welcome to Ontario: This section describes the many programs
and services available from the provincial government to help newcomers.)
(Publication - Welcome to Ontario: A Guide to Programs and Services for Newcomers to Ontario. It is available
in 17 languages.) (Guiding Newcomers to Ontario Lots to useful information for you to explore:
Before you arrive; After you arrive; Guides; Tools; Questions; About Ontario.) (Welcome Centre Immigrant Services provides a one-stop service designed to guide and
support immigrants through the maze of information and resources. Information is provided in 18 languages.) (Centre for Education & Training in Ontario - a not for profit, progressive corporation that enhances
the self-sufficiency and effectiveness of individuals and organizations by offering customized education, training and
career resource solutions. Settlement Information Services & Settlement Language Services are provided for newcomers.) (Settlement.Orgs My First Days: A
Guide to Your First Two Weeks in Ontario - The My First Days guide has useful information for a newcomers first
two weeks in Ontario.) (Vivre en franais en Ontario:
Information et ressources sur la culture francophone, lducation, les soins de sant, les services juridiques et les services
dtablissement en franais.)

Prince Edward Island (The PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada (PEI ANC) is a non-profit charitable organization
to provide short-term settlement services, and long-term inclusion and community integration programs for new
immigrants in the province of Prince Edward Island.) (Guide for Newcomers to Prince Edward Island is
intended for new immigrants settling in Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada. In the Guide you will find basic information
about: what should be the first steps to take when you have just arrived; essential Canadian documents and how to
obtain them; elementary aspects of everyday living in Canada and on the Island. This information will help you settle
easier and faster, so you can enjoy your new environment and participate in the society to your fullest potential.) (Publication: Prince Edward Island Newcomers Guide
This guide is written to help all newcomers to Prince Edward Island. Inside you will find contacts, phone numbers, tips
and information to help you learn the customs, laws, and way of life so you can enjoy life in Prince Edward Island.) (La Cooprative d'intgration francophone de l'le-du-Prince-douard (CIF) est lorganisme
daccueil et dtablissement des nouveaux arrivants francophones lle-du-Prince-douard. Nous organisons galement
des activits de sensibilisation portant sur la diversit culturelle. La CIF est responsable du dossier de croissance
dmographique francophone pour la Communaut acadienne et francophone de l'.-P.-.)

Qubec (Official site of the Government of Qubec / Site officiel du Gouvernement

du Qubec / Sitio oficial del Gobierno de Qubec. Information for newcomers is provided in English, Franais and
Espaol.) (Immigrating to Qubec English) (Immigrer au Qubec Franais) (Inmigrar a Qubec Espaol) (Ministre's partners - Partner organizations:
This section is intended for immigrants who wish to improve their command of the French language and access services
offered by the Ministrys partners.) (Partenaires du Ministre - Organismes
partenaires: Cette section est destine aux immigrants qui veulent se perfectionner en franais et accder des
services offerts par les partenaires du Ministre.) (Colaboradores del Ministre Organismos colaboradores: Esta seccin est destinada a los inmigrantes que quieren perfeccionarse en francs y
acceder a servicios ofrecidos por los colaboradores del Ministerio.)

Saskatchewan (The official website of Saskatchewan Immigration.) (Regional Newcomer Gateways - These are welcome
centres for newcomers arriving in Saskatchewan where you can get information and connect to your new community,
whether it is a city, a small centre or a rural area. They will support you in making informed decisions and taking
independent action with regard to your settlement and integration.) (Portail de lAssemble
communautaire fransaskoise pour aider les immigrants sintgrer la communaut franaise de la Saskatchewan.)

Yukon (The official website of Yukon Immigration.) (Association franco-yukonnaise, Direction Yukon - Ce site a t cr pour inciter les ventuels
immigrants francophones venir vivre et travailler au Yukon.)

Provincial Nominee Program (Provincial Nominees Program: Most of Canadas provinces and
territories can nominate people who have the skills, education and work experience that the province or territory needs to
contribute to their economy. You must be nominated by a specific Canadian province or territory, then apply to
Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) to become a permanent resident of Canada. Each participating province and
territory has its own nomination guidelines. Links are provided to each provinces program.)

Alberta (The Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program

(AINP) is an economic immigration program operated by the Government of Alberta with the Government of Canadas
department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). It supports Alberta's economic growth by attracting and
retaining work-ready immigrants to Alberta.)

British Columbia (The British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program

(BC PNP) is an economic immigration program. The program helps employers attract and retain qualified foreign workers
who have the skills and experience to contribute to the B.C. economy. The PNP is operated by the Province of B.C. in
partnership with the federal government.)

Manitoba (The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) is the government service
that selects skilled immigrants and their families to move to Manitoban communities.)

Newfoundland and Labrador (The Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Nominee Program (NLPNP) allows Newfoundland
and Labrador to nominate applicants who qualify under provincially established criteria for Permanent Resident Status.)

Northwest Territories (The Northwest Territories Nominee Program

(NTNP) is an immigration program operated by the Government of the Northwest Territories through an agreement with
Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). It allows qualified individuals, business owners and self-employed
professionals to obtain permanent residency in a shorter time than the regular process.)

Nova Scotia (The Nova Scotia Nominee Program (NSNP) is the first step in a two-step
application process for a permanent resident visa to Canada. It allows the Government of Nova Scotia to recruit and
select immigrants who intend to settle in the province, and have the skills, education, and work experience needed to
make an immediate contribution to labour market and economic needs.)

Ontario (Opportunities Ontario: Provincial Nominee Program is

an immigration program through which Ontario nominates individuals and their families for permanent resident status
based on a pre-approved job offer in the province. The Government of Ontario established Opportunities Ontario to help
employers succeed in the global competition for talent.)

Prince Edward Island (The Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program (PEI PNP) welcomes
newcomers wishing to embrace the opportunities presented by living in Canadas smallest province. The program
nominates individuals it deems likely to make a positive contribution to the province. Applicants are assessed on criteria
set by the Office of Immigration, Settlement and Population within the Labour Impact and Business Impact Categories.)

Saskatchewan (The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) can provide an

alternate and quicker means of entry into Canada. It allows Saskatchewan to nominate applicants, who qualify under
criteria established by the province for permanent residency.)

Yukon (The Yukon Nominee Program (YNP) was developed to allow the Government of
Yukon to nominate potential immigrants based on industrial and economic priorities and labour market conditions; and
who, based on Yukons assessment, have a strong likelihood of successfully establishing themselves in Yukon society.)

Refugee Resettlement to Canada (Citizenship and Immigration Canada - Refugees and persons in need of protection
are people within or outside Canada who fear persecution and going back to their home country. In keeping with its
humanitarian tradition and international obligations, Canada protects thousands of people each year. Canadian citizens
and permanent residents can also sponsor refugees from abroad who qualify to come to Canada.) (Citizenship and Immigration Canada: Financial
support for Government-Assisted Refugees.) (Citizenship and Immigration Canada: GovernmentAssisted Refugee Program - Government-assisted refugees are Convention Refugees Abroad whose initial
resettlement in Canada is entirely supported by the Government of Canada or Qubec. This support is delivered by
Citizenship and Immigration Canada supported non-governmental agencies.) (Citizenship and Immigration Canada: Financial
assistance Refugees - The Canadian government has several programs to help refugees establish themselves in their
new home.) (The Canadian Council for Refugees is a national non-profit umbrella organization committed to the rights
and protection of refugees and other vulnerable migrants in Canada and around the world and to the settlement of
refugees and immigrants in Canada. The membership is made up of organizations involved in the settlement, sponsorship
and protection of refugees and immigrants. The Council serves the networking, information-exchange and advocacy
needs of its membership.) (The Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture (CCVT) is a non-profit registered charitable
organization, founded by several Toronto doctors, lawyers and social service professionals, many of whom were
associated with Amnesty International.) (from Settlement.Org, publication: My First
Days: A Guide to Your First Two Weeks in Ontario topics covered: housing, health, employment, education,
community, legal services, daily life.) (from Settlement.Org - What assistance can
refugees get in Canada? The Canadian government has several programs to help refugees resettle in Canada.) (Canadian Red Cross: Migrant and Refugee
Services including Detention Monitoring Program; First Contact; First Aid Training; Disaster Preparedness.) (from Canadian
Immigrant: What Assistance Can Refugees Get in Canada?)

Caregivers (Citizenship and Immigration Canada: Caregiver
program Information on the three different pathways for the Caregiver Program: Live-in Caregiver Program, Caring for
Children Pathway, and Caring for People with High Medical Needs Pathway.) (Citizenship and Immigration Canada: Live-in Caregiver
Program - Live-in caregivers are individuals who are qualified to provide care for children, elderly persons or persons
with disabilities in private homes without supervision. Live-in caregivers must live in the private home where they work in
Canada. Both the employer and the employee must follow several steps to meet the requirements of the Caregiver
Program.) (Citizenship and Immigration Canada: Caring for

Children Pathway The Caring for Children Pathway is a path for permanent residency without the live-in requirement.
Both the employer and the employee must follow several steps to meet the requirements of the Caregiver Program.) (Citizenship and Immigration Canada: Caring for
People with High Medical Needs Pathway The Caring for People with High Medical Needs Pathway is a path for
permanent residency without the live-in requirement. Both the employer and the employee must follow several steps to
meet the requirements of the Caregiver Program.) (Canadian Border Services Agency: Visitors to Canada
and other Temporary Residents - This publication provides an overview of the laws, restrictions, entitlements and
obligations that apply to people who enter Canada as visitors, seasonal residents or temporary residents. For the purpose
of this publication, temporary residents are defined as individuals who enter Canada to work or to study for no more than
36 months.) (The Canadian Caregiver Coalition (CCC) is a virtual alliance of diverse partner organizations that
work collectively, and autonomously, to identify and respond to the needs of caregivers in Canada.) (MigrantWorkersRights is an open network of migrant workers, human rights
activists, trade unionists, researchers, journalists, community workers, institutional analysts, members of parliament, etc.
aiming at centralizing and making public all information (analysis, testimonies, statistics, etc.) relevant to the
international, national and/or local promotion and defense of the human rights of migrant workers with temporary or
other precarious legal status.) (INTERCEDE for the Rights of
Domestic Workers, Caregivers and Newcomers INTERCEDEs mandate is to support integration, provide services and
promote the rights of domestic workers, caregivers, temporary or migrant workers, their families and other newcomers.) (Caregiver Connections, Education and Support Organization (CCESO) is a
group of dedicated and caring volunteers serving caregivers and newcomers in Toronto.) (Kababayan Multicultural Centre is a non-profit agency providing settlement services.) (The Migrant Workers Alliance for Change is a coalition of national migrant
worker groups, grassroots organizations, unions, faith groups, activists and researchers that have come together to fight
for justice and dignity for migrant workers.) (The Workers Action Centre is a worker-based organization committed to
improving the lives and working conditions of people in low-wage and unstable employment.)

CC image courtesy of Ankakay on Flickr

General Information (Library and Archives Canada: information service to provide links to information about Canada
from resources around the world. Their mandate is to preserve the documentary heritage of Canada for the benefit of
present and future generations; to be a source of enduring knowledge accessible to all, contributing to the cultural, social
and economic advancement of Canada as a free and democratic society; to facilitate in Canada co-operation among
communities involved in the acquisition, preservation and diffusion of knowledge; to serve as the continuing memory of
the Government of Canada and its institutions.) (Government of Canada - Arts, culture & heritage: Learn about Canada's
arts, cultures and heritage, its Aboriginal Peoples, official languages, geography, history, multiculturalism, celebrations
and commemorations, as well as funding opportunities available to Canadian artists, athletes and organizations.) (About is one of the premiere search and information website providing Guide sites on almost every
topic.) (Canada Online from A lot of useful information about Canada.) (Canada Facts with the Education Canada Network.) (Keep Exploring An official site of the Canadian Tourism Commission - to
promote the growth and profitability of Canada. Their mandate is to sustain a vibrant and profitable Canadian tourism
industry; market Canada as a desirable tourist destination, support a cooperative relationship between the private sector
and the governments of Canada, the provinces and the territories with respect to Canadian tourism; provide information
about Canadian tourism to the private sector and to the governments of Canada, the provinces and territories.) (LoonLounge is a place to meet people and learn about life in Canada and the Canadian
immigration experience. LoonLounge is a network of communities through which you can connect with people around the
world, share experiences and advice, ask questions, make friends, find a job in Canada and create a settlement plan.) (Canadian Foundation for Economic Education: Newcomers to Canada, DayPlanner,
etc. - quick and easy access to things you need to know as you build your new life in Canada.) (The World Factbook is a reference resource produced
by the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States with almanac-style information about the countries of the world.
Select the Country or Location from the drop down menu.) (Information about Canada in the World
Factbook.) (Infoplease is an encyclopedia of various information. Visit the section
on Canada.) (from Canadian Culture, Canada Photos Links to various sites that display
photos for Canada and Canadians.) (All About Canada, Knight's Canadian Info Collection written by a native-born
Canadian senior citizen who wanted to learn HTML as a hobby and developed this site as an educational tool.) (The Wall Street Journal and The Heritage Foundation: Index of
Economic Freedom, Canada.) (The Group of Twenty (G20) is the premier forum for international cooperation on the most important
issues of the global economic and financial agenda) (Industry Canada works with Canadians in all areas of the economy and in all parts of the country to
improve conditions for investment, enhance Canada's innovation performance, increase Canada's share of global trade
and build a fair, efficient and competitive marketplace.) (Statistics Canada collects, compiles, analyses, abstracts and publishes statistical information
relating to the commercial, industrial, financial, social, economic and general activities and conditions of the people of
Canada. Its objective is to provide statistical information and analysis about Canadas economic and social structure.) (Statistics Canada: monthly statistics
of the Gross domestic product at basic prices, by industry.) (Statistics Canada: Economic and
financial data updated daily correspond to the data described on the International Monetary Fund's Dissemination
Standards Bulletin Board.) (from Statistics Canada, monthly
report of Employment by major industry group, seasonally adjusted, by province.) (Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) seeks to enhance the responsible development and use of
Canadas natural resources and the competitiveness of Canadas natural resources products. NRCan is an established
leader in science and technology in the fields of energy, forests, and minerals and metals and uses their expertise in earth
sciences to build and maintain an up-to-date knowledge base of the Canadian landmass.) (All about Minerals and Metals from Natural Resources Canada
Canada is one of the leading mining nations in the world, producing more than 60 minerals and metals.) (Canadas Economic Action Plan
blog: Unleashing Canadas Natural Resource Potential 10 percent of Canadas population depends on natural
resources for their jobs.) (Public holidays that apply to all provinces and territories.) (Canadian Heritage, Major Events and Celebrations, Important Days with link
to further explain the importance of these days.) (Statutory Holidays in Canada - Holidays in Canada exist on the federal level and there
are additional holidays for each province and territory.) (Citizenship and Immigration Canada, publication Facts
and Figures 2012: Immigration OverviewPermanent and Temporary Residents, the annual intake of
permanent residents by category of immigration and of temporary residents by yearly status from 1988 to 2012.)

Facts About Canada History, Geography, Time Zones, etc. (Government of Canada Department of Canadian Heritage. Canadian Heritage is responsible for
national policies and programs that promote Canadian content, foster cultural participation, active citizenship and
participation in Canada's civic life, and strengthen connections among Canadians. Here you will find a complete
description of the Canadian Coat of Arms; the National Flag of Canada; the lyrics both in French and English of the
Canadian National Anthem, O Canada; as well as its history and much, much more.) (Origin of the Name Canada.) (The Maple Leaf and its importance to Canada.) (Electronic revised edition of the Symbols of Canada
publication. This publication contains colour illustrations of symbols that reflect the history, people, environment, and
traditions of Canada and its provinces and territories, as well as the Crown in Canada. It provides brief histories for each
area, along with maps, statistics, coats of arms, mottos, flags, and other symbols.) (Electronic revised edition of The Roadmap for Canada's Official
Languages 2013-2018 is the Government of Canada's official languages strategy. It is one of the many components
making up the Government of Canada's Official Languages Program.) (Natural Resources Canada: The Atlas of Canada, tell Canadas story with
maps.) (Canadian Geography and Maps page within search this
site for information pertaining to Canada.) (Royal Canadian Geographical Society. The Society is dedicated to imparting a broader knowledge
and deeper appreciation of Canada its people and places, its natural and cultural heritage and its environmental, social
and economic challenges.) (Canadian Geographic. The Canadian Geographic website and magazine are dedicated
to uncovering and communicating the stories about Canadian people, places, frontiers and issues (past and present). It is
owned by The Royal Canadian Geographical Society. It features the latest science, environment, travel and human and
cultural stories from across Canada.) (Canada Map Puzzle: Helping your child to learn with games,
software and educational activities from Owl and Mouse Educational Software. Learn the provinces and territories of
Canada and their capitals with this fun and educational puzzle game.) (Google Maps is a desktop and mobile web mapping service application and technology
provided by Google, offering satellite imagery, street maps, and street view perspectives, as well as functions such as a
route planner for traveling by foot, car, bicycle (beta test), or with public transportation.) (University of Guelphs CyberNatural Software Group: The Lakes of
Canada.) (World Resources Institute. Their mission is to promote ways in which human society can live in
harmony with the Earths environment and its capacity to provide for the needs and aspirations of current and future
generations. Search the site for Canada and get information about Canadas natural resources.) (National Research Council Canada: Time zones &
daylight saving time. Explains what the boundaries are and how they change.) (Comprehensive Web book about the Flags of Canada by Alistair B. Fraser.) (Directory of Canadian maps. Listings Canada is a Nova Scotian-based publisher of
online directories for Canada and The U.S.) (Canadian Geographic: Historical Maps of Canada) (CBCs Canada: A Peoples History: This series of videos tells the history of Canada through
the eyes of the people who lived it.) (Canadian History: A comprehensive site of Canadas political and cultural history.) (Statistics Canada: Population of
census metropolitan areas based on the 2013 census boundaries.) (Parliament Research Publications:
Canadas Aging Population and Public Policy with a section on Diversity of the Population.) (from Statistics Canada Population by year, by province and territory.) (Statistics Canada: Estimates of population in Canada,
provinces and territories.) (from Statistics Canada:
Population urban and rural, by province and territory.)
1&S=3&O=D&RPP=150 (Statistics Canada: Population and dwelling counts, for census metropolitan areas and
census agglomerations, 2011 and 2006 censuses.) (Demographia World Urban Areas, Built-Up Urban Areas or World
Agglomerations - 10th Annual Edition, May 2014 Revision is an annually published inventory of population,
corresponding land area and population density for urban areas with more than 500,000 population. Demographia World
Urban Areas applies a generally consistent definition to built-up urban areas.) (Citizenship and Immigration Canada: Facts and
Figures 2012: Immigration overview Permanent and temporary residents. Learn about new permanent residents
to Canada as well as temporary residents entering Canada to work or study, or for humanitarian and compassionate
reasons.) (Citizenship and Immigration Canada:
Permanent residents by source country.) (Canadian Heritage: Official Languages Support Programs - promote
French and English in Canadian society; encourage the development of Francophone and Anglophone communities in
minority situations.) or (from
Statistics Canada: Linguistic Characteristics of Canadians based on data collected during the 2011 census.) (Statistics Canada: Religion. Find the latest
information on religion from Statistics Canada, including tables and articles.)
SUB=0&Temporal=2013&THEME=95&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF= (Statistics Canada: From the 2011
National Household Survey - Data Table, Religion.) (Western Economic Diversification Canada - has been working to diversify the western
economy while improving the quality of life of western Canadians. They focus on business development, innovation and
community development.) (Immigrant Toolbox - The goal of this project is to help those who are helping
immigrants access the tools they need to work in their chosen field. The goal of Immigrant Toolbox is to bring together all
of these resources into one central location.)

Culture Shock (Wikipedia: Culture Shock is personal disorientation a person may feel when
experiencing an unfamiliar way of life due to immigration or a visit to a new country, a move between social
environments, or simply travel to another type of life.) (Worldwide Classroom Consortium for International
Education & Multicultural Studies: Culture Shock & the Problem of Adjustment to New Cultural Environments.) (Worldwide Classroom Consortium for International
Education and Multicultural Studies: Factors Important to Successful Intercultural Adjustments.) (A reprint of an article by
Kalervo Oberg Cultural Shock - Adjustment to New Cultural Environments.) (Centre for
Addiction and Mental Health Guide: Alone in Canada: 21 ways to make it better A Self-Help Guide for Single
Newcomers. In this book you will find suggestions that may help you to get to the good days as quickly as possible.
These 21 ways to make it better share the experience of people just like you learning to live in a new culture. Some tips
or exercises are provided to solve problems and to stay mentally and physically healthy.) (What is Culture Shock? from
Knowing what it is and where it comes from will help you identify it more easily and make your international move a little
easier.) (WikiWikiWebs entry on Culture Shock.) (Culture Shock explained from a teenage

Canadian Traits / Behaviour / Customs

Multiculturalism (Canadian Multiculturalism: An Inclusive Citizenship
- Canada was the first country in the world to adopt multiculturalism as an official policy.) (Multiculturalism - Through multiculturalism, Canada
recognizes the cultural heritage and the potential of all Canadians, encouraging them to integrate into Canadian society
and take an active part in its social, cultural, economic and political affairs.) or
(Canadian Multiculturalism Act.) (Library of Parliament Research Publications:
Multiculturalism: More than Cultural Diversity - Multiculturalism defines society as a mosaic of communities. It does
not provide recognition to the culture of the majority, or founding peoples.) (Library of Parliament Research
Publications: Canadian Multiculturalism - This study focuses on an analysis of Canadian multiculturalism both as a
sociological fact and as a federal public policy. It goes on to look at attitudes to multiculturalism, provincial and territorial
multiculturalism policies and parliamentary action. It also provides a chronology of federal policy on multiculturalism and
selected references.) (Classification of visible minority
from Statistics Canada - This category includes persons who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour and who do
not report being Aboriginal.)

Social Customs (from Canada Life and Living Guide to social
customs and life in Canada.) (Encyclopaedia Britannica includes
daily life and social customs.) (International Business Center: Canada Business Etiquette & Culture.) (Geert Hofstede Analysis of Canada Exploring Canadian culture through the
lens of Hofstedes model can provide a good overview of the deep drivers of Canadian culture relative to other world
cultures.) (from J.J.s Complete Guide to Canada: Culture of Canada - What does it mean
to be Canadian.) (from J.J.s Complete Guide to Canada: Canadian Manners and Etiquette.)

Living in Canada (from Moving to Canada: Cost of living in major cities.) (Hudsons Bay Company is North Americas longest continually operated company. HBC operates
Hudsons Bay, Canadas largest department store with 90 full-line locations and one outlet store as well as (Sears Canada Inc. offers Canadian consumers a diverse array of shopping options, with department
and specialty stores, Canadas most extensive general merchandise catalogue, a comprehensive website, and a broad
range of home-related services.) (YMCA Canada The YMCA is dedicated to the health of both individuals and communities. The YMCAs
focus on inclusiveness and accessibility means they serve people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities through all stages
of life.) (YWCA Canada YWCA Canada is the countrys oldest and largest women's multi-service organization.
Turning Point Programs for Women addresses personal safety, economic security and well-being. YWCA is the largest
national provider of shelter to women. It is the largest provider of literacy, life skills, employment and counselling
programs in the country, and the second largest provider of childcare services.) (The Canadian Parks and Recreation Association (CPRA) is a national organization dedicated to
realizing the full potential of parks and recreation as a major contributor to community health and vibrancy. Membership
includes the 13 provincial and territorial parks and recreation associations and their extensive networks of service
providers.) (The Canadian Museums Association (CMA) is the national organization for the advancement of
the Canadian museum sector, representing Canadian museum professionals both within Canada and internationally. CMA
members include non-profit museums, art galleries, science centres, aquaria, archives, sport halls-of-fame, artist-run
centres, zoos and historic sites across Canada. All are dedicated to preserving and presenting Canada's cultural heritage
to the public.) (Alberta Culture provides a listing in
alphabetical order of the many provincial historic sites, interpretive centres and museums.) (A Travel Guide to Museums in
Alberta. By clicking a location, a list of museums is presented.) (Destination British
Columbia marketing the Super, Natural British Columbia brand to the world Museums in British Columbia have
collections for all passions and interests: Aboriginal art, maritime history, railways, cowboys, gold rush relics, dinosaurs,
toasters and farming equipment.) (British Columbia Museums Association BCMA members range
from institutions, such as galleries, museums and heritage sites, to individuals working in the field of museology, to
commercial suppliers. The map with information bubbles shows the institutional members.) (Association of Manitoba Museums lists the
museums by name and provides general information and links to their websites.) (from Wikipedia a list of museums in Manitoba,
Canada (including non-profit organizations, government entities, and private businesses) that collect and care for objects
of cultural, artistic, scientific, or historical interest and make their collections or related exhibits available for public
viewing. Also included are non-profit art galleries and university art galleries.) (Museums, heritage
sites and historic sites tell the story of New Brunswick's colourful history and vibrant culture.) (The Museum Association of Newfoundland and Labrador is a non-profit, charitable organization
representing institutions and individuals interested in the preservation and promotion of the province's material and
cultural heritage. There are 160 regional listings and 445 thematic listings.) (Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism A perfect way
to experience Newfoundland and Labrador's extensive history is through a visit to one of its many museums. From
community and industrial museums to interpretation centres, they tend to be as diverse and unique as the stories and
memories contained within their walls.) (from Wikipedia a list of museums
in the Northwest Territories, Canada (including non-profit organizations, government entities, and private
businesses) that collect and care for objects of cultural, artistic, scientific, or historical interest and make their collections
or related exhibits available for public viewing. Also included are non-profit art galleries and university art galleries.) (Visit Yellowknife, Heritage & Culture a guide to the

cultural and art centres of Yellowknife.) (The Nova Scotia Museum includes 27 family-friendly museum sites where visitors of all ages
can enjoy exhibitions, programs, and activities that educate as well as entertain.) (The Association of Nova Scotia Museums divides the
province into four regions. Click on one of the regions to jump to the listing.) (Canada Travel Guide, Nunavut provides travel guide to Museum
in Iqaluit.) (Ontario Museum Association / Association des muses de l'Ontario is the leading
cultural organization ensuring a relevant and sustainable museum sector in the province for the benefit of Ontario
residents and the global community.) (Discover Ontario Museums / Dcouvrez Muses Ontario Ontarios approximately
700 museums, historic sites and related institutions play an invaluable and essential role in the province. Collectively they
comprise the core of the social, cultural, economic, and institutional memory of Ontario, and play a key role in collecting,
preserving and interpreting that heritage within the context of the 21st century information society.) (Community Museums Association of Prince Edward Island All publicly
owned museums in the province have membership in the Association. Membership includes various community museums,
educational institutions, museum professionals and volunteers, as well as interested individuals. The list is organized
alphabetically by county.) (The PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation is an integral part of the Prince Edward Island
community. They operate seven provincial museums and heritage sites in Prince Edward Island, providing Islanders and
visitors with an opportunity to discover Prince Edward Island heritage and culture.) (from Wikipedia a list of museums in
Prince Edward Island, Canada (including non-profit organizations, government entities, and private businesses) that
collect and care for objects of cultural, artistic, scientific, or historical interest and make their collections or related
exhibits available for public viewing. Also included are non-profit art galleries and university art galleries.) (Bonjour is the trademark under which the
Ministre du Tourisme du Qubec provides tourist services in Qubec. The mission of is to promote
and provide information on tourism in Qubec. Its museums and heritage sites paint a lively, colourful picture of how
this society has fared in the New World over the centuries, up until the dawn of this third millennium.) (Using a map, Museums Association of Saskatchewan provides links to more than
200 member museums.) (from Wikipedia a list of museums in
Saskatchewan (including non-profit organizations, government entities, and private businesses) that collect and care for
objects of cultural, artistic, scientific, or historical interest and make their collections or related exhibits available for public
viewing. Also included are non-profit art galleries and university art galleries.) (Yukon Museum Guide / Guide de Muse du Yukon a comprehensive list of the
Museums and Archives, Interpretive Centres, and First Nation Cultural Centres in Yukon.) (Employment and Social Development Canada: Well-being in
Canada: Canadians in Context - Households and Families. This section provides information on Households, Family
Structure, Family Composition, and Working Parents.) (Statistics Canada Families, households and housing some interesting statistics on Divorce and separation; Family history; Family
types; Household characteristics; Housing and dwelling characteristics; Living arrangements of individuals; Marriage and
common-law unions.) (Citizenship and Immigration Canada:
Community partners - Canadians have a long history of community involvement in assisting newcomers adapt to life in
Canada. The following information will assist community groups in learning more about the integration of newcomers into
Canadian society.)

Canadian Media
Newspapers and Magazines (Canadian Newcomer Magazine is an online magazine offering how-to information. The mission is to
connect the diverse ethnic communities in Canada using one voice and language by providing free information, advice,
entertainment and encouragement to new immigrants. The magazine is written in English, but the vocabulary and
grammar are kept as plain and simple as possible. Subjects covered include employment, housing, Canadian lifestyles,
health, finances, ethnic media and education. Canadian Newcomer Magazine releases 6 digital theme issues per year and
regular stories and features almost daily.) (The mission of Canadian Immigrant is to be the worlds number one online and print
resource for Canadian immigrants by helping them to settle in Canada successfully as they move through their immigrant

journey. Along with their national website, the Canadian Immigrant magazine is a monthly publication distributed in
Vancouver and Toronto.) (Newspapers Canada is a joint initiative of the Canadian Newspaper Association and
the Canadian Community Newspapers Association. The two associations represent over 830 daily, weekly, and community
newspapers in every province and territory in Canada. If you are looking for a daily or community newspaper in Canada,
browse their online database to find details about newspapers and their sites, contact information for key personnel and
mailing addresses.) (Index of Canadian newspapers by type (daily, non-daily, business, alternative,
specialty) and by province or territory. It provides links to the home page of each publication.) (The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation / Socit Radio-Canada is a Canadian crown corporation,
branded as CBC/Radio-Canada, serves as the national public radio and television broadcaster. It is the oldest existing
broadcasting network in Canada. CBC/Radio-Canada offers programming in English, French and eight Aboriginal
languages on its domestic radio service, and in five languages on its web-based international radio service.) ( is Canadas largest publisher by circulation of paid English-language daily newspapers and
including daily newspapers in cities across Canada as well as more than 50 destination websites.) (The Globe and Mail is a nationally distributed Canadian newspaper, printed 6 times per
week, based in Toronto and printed in six cities across the country. It is Canada's largest-circulation national newspaper.) (The National Post is a Canadian English-language national newspaper based in Don Mills,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The paper is owned by Postmedia Network Inc. and is published Mondays through Saturdays.) (Maclean's is a Canadian weekly news magazine, reporting on Canadian issues such as politics, pop
culture, and current events.) (La Presse est un quotidien canadien fond en 1884 Montral, au Qubec.)

Books,,5813,00.html (The Giller Prize recognizes excellence in Canadian fiction
long format or short stories and endows a cash prize annually.) (from Wikipedia A list of Canadian Literary
Awards.) (From the CBC A list of thought provoking Canadian Authors
from 2015.)

Travel Hints & First Time Travelers (Canadian Air Transport Security Authority information about packing your baggage
both carry-on and check-in; pre-board screening; things you can do before you go to the airport; dressing for travel;
permitted and non-permitted items; special needs.) (Canadian Air Transport Security Authority What can I bring - Complete item list
is provided on what is allowed and not allowed; limitations for carry-on baggage, including liquids, aerosols and gels;
duty-free purchases; guidelines for batteries; and create a packing to-do list.) (Citizenship and Immigration Canada Bringing goods to
Canada: What you can bring.) (Citizenship and Immigration Canada Crossing the
border: documents you need: If you wish to enter Canada, there are documents you must have in order to cross the
border. Without these documents, you will not be allowed into Canada.) (Transport Canada is responsible for transportation policies and programs. It promotes safe, secure,
efficient and environmentally-responsible transportation.) (Transport Canada is working to make improvements for a secure
Canadian aviation system. This menu provides links to various topics including Passenger's Luggage, Prohibited Items
List, Security measures for liquids, gels and aerosols, and Notice to Travellers.) (Transport Canada - Prohibited Items for Passengers on All
Flights.) (From about.coms Air Travel Assistance First-time
flyers and the fear of flying, when the fear of flying gets to you.) (from USA Today - Step-by-Step
First-Time Air Travel Guide. This article gives you some ideas of what to expect.) (First-Time Flying How To Prepare For Your First Flight.) (Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Travellers:
Arriving by Air: Welcome home. Welcome to Canada. CBSA helps ensure your smooth arrival, and protects the
integrity of Canada's customs, immigration and agriculture laws. In this website the arrival process is explained.)

Airlines & Baggage Restrictions

Search online for all the airlines you are traveling with. Within the website of the selected airline, click on the word
baggage or luggage for detailed rules and regulations imposed by the airline. The airline sites also provide
information about traveling with children, pets, musical instruments, dietary restrictions and much, much more. (Air Canada index to various information & services) (Air Canada: Find all the information you need
to prepare your checked and carry-on baggage including number of bags allowed, maximum size and weight,
restricted and prohibited items, sport equipment etc.) (Air Canada: Carry-on baggage allowance.) (Air Canada: Checked baggage including
information on additional fees for excess baggage, etc.) (Air Canada: Travelling with an
Infant or Child the policies, regulations, and tips to help you plan your trip with your infant or child.) (Air Canada: Special dietary needs.
In order to accommodate customers' special dietary needs, a choice of 17 special meals are offered. These special meals
must be ordered at least 18 hours before the first flight in your itinerary.) (Air Canada: Security Requirements &
Dangerous Goods.)

Immigration / Customs
General Immigration Information (Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada. To locate an Embassy or
Consulate go the Embassies and Consulates link within the Contact Us section at the bottom of the web page.) (The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) ensures the security and prosperity of Canada
by managing the access of people and goods to and from Canada. CBSA is responsible for border services (port of entry
services), customs and enforcement of some immigration laws in Canada.) (Immigrate to Canada is the index to information on how you can
immigrate to Canada, how to protect yourself from fraud and what to expect after you arrive in Canada.) (An index to the Fee Schedule for Citizenship and
Immigration Services.) (Citizenship and Immigration Canada: On-Line Services. Check the
status of your application, find a form, pay your fees, find out if you need a medical exam or police check, or apply online
to study, work or visit Canada.) (Comprehensive set of guides from the Canada Border
Services Agency for those immigrating or settling in Canada.) (Travellers Information for settling in Canada or
coming to Canada to study or work, from the Canada Border Services Agency.) (Moving Back to Canada is an index from Canada Border
Services Agency, with information if you are a resident of Canada who is returning to resume residence after an absence
of at least one year; or, a former resident of Canada who has been a resident of another country for at least a year.)

Regulations and Forms

General Information or (Canada Border Services Agency:
E311 Declaration Card) (I Declare is a guide for residents of Canada returning
to Canada. This publication provides an overview of the laws, restrictions, entitlements and obligations of Canadian
residents returning from travel outside Canada.) or (Canada Border Services Agency: B4
Personal Effects Accounting Document - Settler, Former Resident, Seasonal Resident, or Beneficiary) or (Canada Border Services Agency: B4A
Personal Effects Accounting Document - list of imported goods.) or (Canada Border Services Agency: Settlers Effects. This
update clarifies which immigration documents issued to a traveller are to be cross-referenced with the Form B4,
Personal Effects Accounting Document. This memorandum outlines and explains the conditions under which a settler may
import goods into Canada for personal or household use without the payment of duties.)

Immigrants (Canada Border Services Agency: Immigrating or

Returning to Live in Canada. This publication provides an overview of the laws, restrictions, entitlements and
obligations that apply to people settling in Canada or moving back to Canada. This publication will be helpful if you are:
entering Canada with the intention of establishing, for the first time, a residence for a period of not less than one year;
coming to Canada for temporary employment for a period of more than three years; moving back to Canada to resume
residence after an absence of at least one year, or after being a resident of another country for at least one year.)

Refugees (Citizenship and Immigration Canada: Application for

Interim Federal Health Program coverage. This coverage provides limited, temporary, taxpayer-funded coverage of
health-care benefits to people in the following groups who are not eligible for provincial or territorial health insurance.) (Passport Canada: Travel Document and Certificate
of Identity. Refugee travel documents are issued to people in Canada with protected-person status, including
Convention refugees and persons in need of protection. Certificates of identity are issued to permanent residents of
Canada who are not yet Canadian citizens, and who, although not considered to have refugee status in Canada, are
otherwise stateless or unable, for a valid reason, to obtain a national passport or travel document from any source.)

Caregivers (An overview of the laws, restrictions, entitlements and

obligations that apply to people who enter Canada as visitors, seasonal residents or temporary residents.) (Processing times: Temporary Residence - This
information is updated weekly. It indicates the time (in calendar days) it takes to process an application after receiving a
complete application package. Processing times are subject to change.) (Extend your work permit Live-in Caregivers You are responsible for making sure that your live-in caregiver work permit is extended before the expiry date.
Instructions are provided here to do this.) (Government of Canada, Help Center - I am a livein caregiver. How and when should I apply for an open work permit?) (Government of Canada, Help Center - Does
Canada give open work permits to live-in caregivers as soon as they enter Canada?)

Food, Plants, Animals, etc. (The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) works towards protecting Canadians from
preventable health risks related to food and zoonotic diseases. Mitigating risks to food safety is the highest priority. The
economic prosperity of the Canadian agriculture and forestry sectors relies on a healthy and sustainable animal and plant
resource base. In an effort to protect the natural environment from invasive animal and plant diseases and plant pests,
the CFIA also performs extensive work related to the protection of environmental biodiversity.) (Canadian Food Inspection Agency: Food
Imports The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is responsible for the initial import inspection of food, agricultural
inputs and agricultural products. The CFIA sets the policies and regulations for these importations and they are enforced
by CBSA at Canadian entry points.) (Canadian Food Inspection Agency:
Animals The CFIA aims to mitigate risks to Canadas animal resource base, animal feeds and animal products, which
are integral to a safe and accessible food supply system as well as to public health.)
5/1326600500578 (Canadian Food Inspection Agency: Importing or Travelling with Pets The CFIA establishes
import requirements for all animals and animal products entering Canada-including domestic pets.) (Canadian Food Inspection Agency: Plants
The CFIA aims to mitigate risks to Canada's plant resource base, which is integral to a safe and accessible food supply,
as well as to public health and environmental sustainability.) (The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA): Food, Plant and
Animal Inspections. Travellers are required to properly declare any meats, fruits, vegetables, plants, animals, and plant
or animal products they bring into the country.) (The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA): Travellers
ensures the security and prosperity of Canada by managing the access of people and goods to and from Canada. This site
provides information for Canadian citizens and permanent residents on the CBSA's border services and Canadian border
information and services for non-residents visiting, settling, or doing business with Canada.) (The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA): Importing
a Vehicle into Canada.) (The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA):
Importation and Exportation of Human Remains and Other Human Tissues.) (The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA):
Information for Visitors to Canada and Seasonal Residents.)

Funds (Proof of funds: Federal skilled workers You must show
that you have enough money to support yourself and your family after you get to Canada. You cannot borrow this money
from another person. You must be able to use this money to pay the costs of living for your family.) (Crossing the border with $10,000 or more?
Money laundering and terrorist financing are international problems. You have to report to a border services officer
amounts equal to or greater than CAN$10,000. Links are provided to required forms.) (from Settlement.Org: How do I bring money into
Canada [proof of funds]?)

Library of Parliament Reading Room

CC courtesy of Alejandro Erickson on Flickr

Government in Canada (This is the primary source of information on the Government of Canadas information, services
and engagement. Its aim is to make on-line information readily available and easy to find.) (Government of Canada: Canada's System of
Government a democratic constitutional monarchy, with a Sovereign as head of State and an elected Prime Minister
as head of Government.) (Official Parliament of Canada website. Here you will find out how Parliament works; its art,
architecture and heritage; find facts about people and events that have shaped Parliament since Confederation and much
selves8.pdf (Downloadable book, How Canadians Govern Themselves by Senator Eugene Forsey. Helps one
understand the Canadian system of government.) (Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada: the federal government
departments responsible for meeting the Government of Canada's obligations and commitments to First Nations, Inuit
and Mtis, and for fulfilling the federal government's constitutional responsibilities in the North.) (from the role of the Governor General of Canada
Appointment and Duties of the Canadian Governor General.)

Permanent Residents & Citizenship (Government of Canada: Get a permanent resident card.
The PR card is the official proof that you are a permanent resident of Canada.) (Government of Canada: Understand permanent resident
status.) (Government of Canada: Permanent Resident Card:
How to apply. You do not need to apply for a PR card as it will be mailed to you after you get to Canada. If you do not
get one, refer to this site for the steps to follow.) (Citizenship Act) (Canadian citizenship: Here you will find out how to apply to
become a Canadian citizen, prepare for the citizenship test, and find out how you can resume or give up your Canadian
citizenship.) (Determine your eligibility to gain Canadian
citizenship.) (Citizenship test - you need to prepare for the test and know what
happens after you take it.) (Discover Canada: The Rights and
Responsibilities of Citizenship, a study guide to help you prepare for the citizenship test.) (Prepare for the citizenship ceremony, the final step to
becoming a Canadian citizen.) (Family sponsorship: Information is provided about the
sponsorship of spouse, partner or dependent children, parents and grandparents, adopted children and other eligible
relatives.) (Statistical publications of Citizenship and Immigration
Canada (CIC), which provide information on permanent and temporary residents as well as immigration and citizenship

Federal Laws
In Canada all laws whether they are federal, provincial or municipal must be made public.

General Information (Department of Justice official website: explains Canada's System of Justice; Family Law;
Criminal Justice; how it is funded; provides links to the consolidated Acts and regulations of Canada.) (Learn about the Canadian system of justice, how the courts are organized and
how to resolve disputes without going to court.) (An online source of all the consolidated Acts and Regulations of Canada.) or (Immigration and Refugee
Protection Act: An Act respecting immigration to Canada and the granting of refugee protection to persons who are
displaced, persecuted or in danger.) (Constitution Acts of Canada, 1867 to 1982.) (Official Languages Act) (Immigration and Refugee Protection Act) (Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and
Terrorist Financing Act) (Canadian Criminal Code)

Rights and Freedoms (Canadian Criminal Justice - The Department of Justice is committed to help keeping
Canadian families safe and secure, while supporting victims of crime. The Department of Justice works with organizations
in communities across the country to address victims' needs and to help youth who are in conflict with the law. The
Department also monitors trends in criminal law and develops options for law reform.) (Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms) (Canadian Human Rights Act) or
(Canadian Citizenship Act) (Citizenship and Immigration Canada:
Discover Canada - Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship - Canadian citizens have rights and responsibilities.
These come about from history, are secured by Canadian law, and reflect a shared traditions, identity, and values.) (from Settlement.Org: What are my rights and
responsibilities as a Canadian citizen? defines what they are and provides links to further information.) (Canadian Heritage: Human Rights Program promotes the awareness,
understanding, respect for and enjoyment of human rights in Canada.) (Canadian Human Rights Tribunal - The purpose of the Canadian Human Rights Act is to
protect individuals from discrimination. It states that all Canadians have the right to equality, equal opportunity, fair
treatment, and an environment free of discrimination. The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (CHRT) applies these
principles to cases that are referred to it by the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC).)

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) (LGBTQ Associations in Alberta [Calgary, Edmonton, Grande Prairie, Medicine Hat, Lethbridge,
Mountain Parks, Red Deer, Alberta-wide] with links to websites and resources.) (Rainbow Refugee Committee (RRC) is a Vancouver-based community group that
supports and advocates with people seeking refugee protection because of persecution based on sexual orientation,
gender identity, or HIV status. Rainbow Refugee Committee engages in outreach, advocacy and public education on
QLGBT/HIV+ refugee issues.) (Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services improves health
outcomes for the most vulnerable immigrants, refugees, and their communities. This is done by facilitating access to
services and addressing systemic inequities.) (Rainbow Resource Centre, a leader and an important resource for the gay and
lesbian community, providing community services, education, outreach and political awareness and activism in Manitoba.) (Rainbow Refugee Association of Nova Scotia (RRANS) is a grassroots, non-profit
organization established to advocate for, support, and privately sponsor LGBTQ refugees seeking to re-settle in Nova
Scotia.) (ADA [Au del de l'arc-en-ciel] is a Montreal community-based non-profit organization which
offers a range of hosting services and support to LGBT persons, regardless of age and ethnicity, in order to: facilitate
integration into Qubec society; defend their rights in a social development perspective; show local people the benefits of
the diversity of cultures and life experiences. The agency will assist those newly arrived and those struggling to live their
sexual difference in their community of origin.) (Egale Canada Human Rights Trust (ECHRT) is Canadas only national charity promoting lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and trans (LGBT) human rights through research, education and community engagement.) (Rainbow Health Ontario is a province-wide program designed to improve access to
services and to promote the health of Ontarios lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) communities.) (The Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Youth Line is a toll-free service provided by youth for youth. They
offer support, information and referrals specific to your concerns.) (Pride at Work Canada has a vision to improve the climate of inclusiveness for lesbian, gay, bisexual
and trans-identified (LGBT) employees in the workplace.) (LEGIT, Canadian Immigration for Same-sex Partners provides immigration information and
support to queer, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people while working to end discrimination in Canada's
immigration regulations.)

Assemble nationale du Qubec

Provincial Governments (The Government of Canada website provides links to the
official government websites of Canada's provinces and territories. Each provincial and territorial flag is shown
here.) (Alberta government) (British Columbia government) (Manitoba government) (New Brunswick government) (Newfoundland and Labrador government) (Northwest Territories government) (Nova Scotia government) (Nunavut government) (Ontario government) (Prince Edward Island government) (Qubec government) (Saskatchewan government) (Yukon government)

Provincial Laws (The Canadian Legal Information Institute (CanLII) is a non-profit organization managed by the
Federation of Law Societies of Canada. This website provides access to court judgments, tribunal decisions, statutes and
regulations from all Canadian jurisdictions.)

Alberta (Alberta Justice System information about Alberta's justice system, its major participants and
links to publications.) (Alberta government portal to view and order legislation.) (LawCentral Canada is a portal or collection of links to law-related information and
educational resources on justice and legal issues of interest to Canadians. Its purpose is to create an educated public who
understands their rights and responsibilities under the law, and who knows where to go for legal help and referral.)

British Columbia (British Columbia: Ministry of Justice link to all kinds of judicial information.) (BC Laws provides free public access to the early unofficial consolidation of British Columbia laws.)

Manitoba (Manitoba Justice is responsible for the administration of justice in Manitoba, under the
direction of the Minister of Justice and the Attorney General.) (Manitoba Laws a portal to acts, regulations, court rules and forms.)

New Brunswick (New Brunswick Justice and Attorney Generals portal.) (Official site for New
Brunswick Acts and Regulations.)

Newfoundland and Labrador (Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Justice. The Department of Justice

ensures the impartial administration of justice and the protection of the public interest through the dual offices of the
Attorney General and the Minister of Justice.) (Newfoundland and Labrador House of Assembly: Statutes & Regulations.)

Northwest Territories (Northwest Territories Department of Justices portal.) (Statutes and Regulations of the Northwest Territories.)

Nova Scotia (Nova Scotia Department of Justices portal.) (Laws of Nova Scotia.) (Consolidated Nova Scotia Regulations.)

Nunavut (Nunavut Court of Justice) (Web
page for the Legislation Division of the Justice Department of the Government of Nunavut.)

Ontario (Ontario Ministry of the Attorney Generals portal.) (e-Laws provides access to official copies of Ontario's statutes and regulations.)

Prince Edward Island (Prince Edward Island Department of Environment, Labour and Justice oversees
programs and activities in the areas of justice, public safety, environmental protection, enforcement and consumer and
corporate services.) (Legislative Counsel Office - Statutes of Prince Edward Island.)

Qubec (Justice Qubecs portal.) (Laws and Regulations of Qubecs portal.)

Saskatchewan (Saskatchewan: Ministry of Justice listing of the Ministry programs and services such as
mandate and operations, documents and publications, access to provincial Acts and Regulations administered by the
Ministry of Justice and Attorney General, Saskatchewan court system, and much more.) (The Saskatchewan Office of the Queen's Printer publishes and distributes the authoritative
versions of all Government of Saskatchewan legislation, regulations and other legislative publications.)

Yukon (Yukon: Justice System with links to the Acts and Regulations of both
Canada and the Yukon.)

Main Canadian Cities & Canadian Municipal Laws

Municipal laws can be found within the website of cities, municipalities, etc. Search the selected site for by-laws.
The first municipality named is the capital of the province or territory. After that, the list names the major
municipalities, and the cities, towns, etc., that are a part of them.

Alberta major cities (Edmonton, AB. The capital of Alberta. The Edmonton Capital Region is a conglomeration of
municipalities that includes 35 subdivisions: 5 cities [Edmonton, Fort Saskatchewan, Leduc, St. Albert, and Spruce Grove];
1 specialized municipality [Strathcona County, which includes the Sherwood Park urban service area]; 3 municipal districts
[Leduc County, Parkland County, and Sturgeon County]; 10 towns [Beaumont, Bon Accord, Bruderheim, Calmar, Devon,
Gibbons, Legal, Morinville, Redwater, and Stony Plain]; 4 villages [Spring Lake, Thorsby, Wabamun, and Warburg]; 8
summer villages [Betula Beach, Golden Days, Itaska Beach, Kapasiwin, Lakeview, Point Alison, Seba Beach, and
Sundance Beach]; and 4 Indian reserves for three First Nations [Alexander 134 of the Alexander First Nation, Stony Plain
135 of the Enoch Cree Nation, and Wabamun 133A and 133B of the Paul First Nation].) (Fort Saskatchewan, AB) (Leduc, AB) (St. Albert, AB) (Spruce Grove, AB) (Calgary, AB. Greater Calgary includes the following 9 municipalities: 2 cities [Airdrie and Calgary]; 1
municipal district [Rocky View County, including Langdon, a hamlet]; 4 towns [Chestermere, Cochrane, Crossfield, and
Irricana]; 1 village [Beiseker]; and 1 First Nations reserve [Tsuu T'ina Nation, including Redwood Meadows].) (Airdrie, AB) (Grande Prairie, AB) (Lethbridge, AB) (Medicine Hat, AB) (Red Deer, AB) (Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo including Fort McMurray, AB)

British Columbia major cities (Victoria, BC. The capital of British Columbia.) (Metro Vancouver, BC is a political body and corporate entity operating under provincial
legislation as a regional district and greater boards that deliver regional services, policy and political leadership on
behalf of 24 local authorities. Metro Vancouver comprises 22 municipalities [City of Abbotsford; Village of Anmore; Village
of Belcarra; Bowen Island Municipality; City of Burnaby; City of Coquitlam; Corporation of Delta; City of Langley;
Township of Langley; Village of Lions Bay; District of Maple Ridge; City of New Westminster; City of North Vancouver;
District of North Vancouver; City of Pitt Meadows; City of Port Coquitlam; City of Port Moody; City of Richmond; City of
Surrey; City of Vancouver; District of West Vancouver; City of White Rock], 1 electoral area [Electoral Area A], and 1
treaty First Nation [Tsawwassen First Nation].) (Abbotsford, BC) (Burnaby, BC) (Coquitlam, BC) (Delta, BC) (Langley, BC) (Maple Ridge, BC) (New Westminster, BC) (North Vancouver, BC) (Pitt Meadows, BC) (Port Coquitlam, BC) (Port Moody, BC) (Richmond, BC) (Surrey, BC) (City of Vancouver, BC) (West Vancouver, BC) (White Rock, BC) (Kamloops, BC) (Kelowna, BC) (Nanaimo, BC) (Prince George, BC)

Manitoba major cities (Winnipeg, MB. The capital of Manitoba. The Greater Winnipeg is comprised of 17 major districts
[St. Boniface, St. Norbert, St. Vital, Transcona, St. James-Assiniboia, Tuxedo, Fort Garry, Fort Rouge, River Heights,
Charleswood, North Kildonan, West Kildonan, East Kildonan, the North End, the West End, the Northwest, City Centre] +
11 rural municipalities [Springfield, St. Clements, Tach, East St. Paul, Macdonald, Ritchot, West St. Paul, Headingley,
Rosser, St. Franois Xavier] and 1 Treaty First Nations [Broken head 4].) (Brandon, MB)

New Brunswick major cities (Fredericton, NB. The Capital of New Brunswick.) (Moncton, NB) (Saint John, NB)

Newfoundland and Labrador major city (St Johns, NL. The capital of Newfoundland and Labrador.)

Northwest Territories major city (Yellowknife, NT. The capital of the Northwest Territories.)

Nova Scotia major cities (Halifax Regional Municipality, NS. The capital of Nova Scotia. Greater Halifax includes the Halifax
Metropolitan Area, the Dartmouth Metropolitan Area plus the suburban areas of Cole Harbour, Bedford, Lower Sackville
and Windsor Junction.) (Cape Breton Regional Municipality, NS. Cape Breton Regional Municipality includes the Municipality
of the County of Cape Breton, the City of Sydney, the Towns of Glace Bay, Sydney Mines, New Waterford, North Sydney,
Dominion and Louisbourg.) (Region of Queens Municipality, NS)

Nunavut major city (Iqaluit, NU. The capital of Nunavut.)

Ontario major cities (Ottawa, ON. The capital of Canada. The old city of Ottawa was amalgamated with the suburbs of
Nepean, Kanata, Gloucester, Rockcliffe Park, Vanier and Cumberland, and the rural townships of West Carleton, Osgoode,
Rideau and Goulbourn. National Capital Region is comprised of Ottawa, Ontario, the neighbouring city of Gatineau,
Qubec, and surrounding urban and rural communities.
Ontario Municipalities Adjacent to Ottawa: City of Clarence-Rockland, Township of Russell, The Nation Municipality,
Village of Casselman, Township of Alfred and Plantagenet, Township of North Grenville. Village of Merrickville-Wolford,
Township of North Dundas, Township of Montague, Township of Beckwith, Town of Carleton Place, Town of Mississippi
Mills, Town of Arnprior, Township of McNab/Braeside.
Qubec Municipalities Adjacent To Gatineau: MRC Les-Collines-de-lOutaouais, Municipalit de Denholm,
Municipalit de Low, Municipalit de Mayo, Municipalit de Mulgrave-et-Derry, Municipalit de Lochaber-Partie-Ouest, Ville
de Thurso, Municipalit de Val-des-Bois, Municipalit de Bristol, Municipalit de Alleyn-et-Cawood.) (Toronto, ON. The capital of Ontario. The City of Toronto is the amalgamation of the municipalities of
old City of Toronto, East York, Etobicoke, North York, Scarborough and York. The Greater Toronto Area, GTA, is defined
as the central City of Toronto, and the four regional municipalities that surround it: Durham, Halton, Peel, and York. List
of Townships (Municipalities) in the GTA: Ajax, Aurora, Bradford West Gwillimbury, Brampton, Brock, Burlington, Caledon,
Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation, Clarington, East Gwillimbury, Georgina, Halton Hills, King, Markham, Milton,
Mississauga, Mono, Newmarket, Oakville, Orangeville, Oshawa, Pickering, Richmond Hill, Scugog, City of Toronto,
Uxbridge, Vaughan, Whitby, Whitchurch-Stouffville.) (Ajax, ON) (Brampton, ON) (Burlington, ON) (Markham, ON) (Mississauga, ON) (Oakville, ON) (Oshawa, ON) (Richmond Hill, ON) (Vaughan, ON) (Whitby, ON) (Barrie, ON) (Brantford, ON) (Cambridge, ON) (Greater Sudbury, ON) (Guelph, ON) (Hamilton, ON) (Kingston, ON) (Kitchener, ON) (London, ON) (Niagara Falls, ON) (St. Catharines, ON) (Thunder Bay, ON) (Waterloo, ON) (Windsor, ON)

Prince Edward Island major city (Charlottetown, PE. The capital of Prince Edward Island.)

Qubec major cities (Qubec City, QC. The capital of Qubec. Qubec City is comprised of 35 districts in 6
boroughs: La Cit-Limoilou, Les Rivires, Sainte-FoySilleryCap-Rouge, Charlesbourg, Beauport, La Haute-Saint-Charles.
Municipalities making up the Greater Qubec City are: Beaupr, Boischatel, Chteau-Richer, Fossambault-sur-le-Lac,
Lac-Beauport, Lac-Delage, Lac-Saint-Joseph, L'Ancienne-Lorette, L'Ange-Gardien, Lvis, Qubec City, Sainte-Anne-deBeaupr, Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, Sainte-Brigitte-de-Laval, Sainte-Catherine-de-la-Jacques-Cartier, Saint-Louis-deGonzague-du-Cap-Tourmente, le d'Orlans, Saint-Ferrol-les-Neiges, Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier, Saint-Joachim, SaintTite-des-Caps, Shannon, Stoneham-et-Tewkesbury.) (Lvis, QC) (Montral, QC. The city of Montreal is composed of 19 large boroughs which are further
subdivided into smaller neighbourhoods. The boroughs are Ahuntsic-Cartierville, Anjou, Cte-des-NeigesNotre-Dame-deGrce, Lachine, LaSalle, Le Plateau-Mont-Royal, Le Sud-Ouest, L'le-BizardSainte-Genevive, MercierHochelagaMaisonneuve, Montral-Nord, Outremont, Pierrefonds-Roxboro, Rivire-des-PrairiesPointe-aux-Trembles, RosemontLa
Petite-Patrie, Saint-Laurent, Saint-Lonard, Verdun, Ville-Marie and VilleraySaint-MichelParc-Extension. Greater
Montral consists of the Island of Montral, Laval, Longueuil, Brossard, Saint-Lambert, Boucherville, the low-density
semi-rural municipalities located on the North Shore of the Mille-les River and on the South Shore that were never
included in the megacity of Longueuil, and on the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Peninsula.) (Laval, QC) (Longueuil, QC) (Terrebonne, QC) (Gatineau, QC) (Saguenay, QC) (Sherbrooke, QC) (Trois-Rivires, QC)

Saskatchewan major cities (Regina, SK. The capital of Saskatchewan. Greater Regina is made up of 5 zone boards: Central Zone
Board communities [Al Ritchie, Cathedral, Centre Square, Core, Eastview, North Central]; North Zone Board communities
[Uplands, North East, Argyle Park, Coronation Park]; South Zone Board communities [Albert Park, Hillsdale, Lakeview,
Whitmore Park]; East Zone Board communities [Arcola East, Boothill, Dewdney East]; West Zone Board communities
[Dieppe, McNab, Normanview West, Prairie View, Regent Park / Normanview, Rosemont / Mt. Royal, Sherwood /
McCarthy, Twin Lakes, Walsh Acres / Lakeridge / Gardenridge].) (Moose Jaw, SK) (Prince Albert, SK) (Saskatoon, SK)

Yukon major cities (Whitehorse, YK. The capital of the Yukon.)

A Place to Begin (Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) is the department of the Government of
Canada responsible for developing, managing and delivering social programs and services.) (The Labour Program within Employment and Social Development Canada protects the rights and
well-being of both workers and employers in federally regulated sectors. It promotes safe, healthy, cooperative and
productive workplaces that benefit all. Canadians are entitled to be treated fairly on the job and, through legislation,
programs and services, the Labour Program foster good working conditions, constructive labour-management relations
and workplaces free from discrimination.) (Citizenship and Immigration Canada: Planning to work
in Canada? An essential workbook for newcomers - This workbook was created for internationally trained
individuals who are considering moving to Canada or who have recently arrived. Please note that being accepted to come
to Canada does not guarantee you employment in Canada in your preferred job or any other job. However, using this
workbook will allow you to obtain the greatest benefit from your experience and education.) (Get help finding a job. In this website, you will get useful
links to information that helps a newcomers with their job search. Getting valuable work experience can be challenging. It
may take time to find a job. But the more you know about job search skills, how to get a job, Canadian workplace culture
and what Canadian employers want, the easier it will be.) (from Settlement.Org: Employment - It is challenging to find work,
especially when you are new to Canada. Learn what to expect, where to find information about jobs in Ontario, and who
to talk to if you want help.)

Social Insurance Number (Find a Service Canada Office close to your
home.) (Service Canada: The Social Insurance Number is a nine-digit number that
you need in order to work in Canada or to have access to government programs and benefits. This website provides you
with the information you may need about the S.I.N.) or (Service Canada: Application for a
Social Insurance Number.) (Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada: Fact Sheet
Social Insurance Number.)

Minimum Wage
General Information (Government of Canada: Labour Program promotes safe, healthy, cooperative
and productive workplaces that benefit all. Canadians are entitled to be treated fairly on the job and, through legislation,
programs and services, the Labour Program foster good working conditions, constructive labour-management relations
and workplaces free from discrimination.) (Government of Canada: Labour Program,
Minimum Wage Database.) (Government of Canada: Labour Program, Current
and Forthcoming Minimum Hourly Wage Rates for Experienced Adult Workers in Canada.) (Government of Canada: Labour Program, Current
and Forthcoming Minimum Hourly Wage Rates for Young Workers and Specific Occupations.) (Canada Online from Minimum Wage in Canada.)

Provincial Ministries of Labour

Alberta (Alberta Human Services to assist Albertans in creating the conditions for safe and
supportive homes, communities and workplaces so they have opportunities to realize their potential. Its core business is

to work collaboratively with community partners to deliver citizen-centered programs and services that improve quality of
life for Albertans.) (The minimum wage in Alberta as set out in the
Employment Standards Regulation.)

British Columbia (British Columbia: Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training.) (British Columbia: Ministry of Technology, Innovation and Citizens' Services.) (British Columbia: Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training
Minimum Wage Factsheet.)

Manitoba (Manitoba Labour and Immigration.),minimum-wage,factsheet.html (Manitoba: Employment Standards
Factsheet on What is Minimum Wage?)

New Brunswick or (New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education,

Training and Labour Its branches include: Employment Standards, Industrial Relations, Employers' Advocate, Workers'
Advocate, etc.) (New Brunswick: Employment Standards Act includes the Minimum Wage.) (New Brunswick: Flier, Employment Standards, for general information.)

Newfoundland and Labrador (Newfoundland & Labrador Labour Relations Agency works with employees
and employers to support and foster positive employment relations throughout Newfoundland and Labrador.) (Newfoundland & Labrador Labour Relations Board an independent, quasi-judicial
body which contributes to and promotes harmonious labour relations in the Province by adjudicating and mediating a
variety of employment and labour relations matters under a number of statutes.) (Newfoundland & Labrador: Increases to Minimum
Wage Benefit Residents While Providing Certainty for Employers.) (Newfoundland & Labrador Labour Standards Frequently Asked

Northwest Territories (Northwest Territories Department of Education, Culture and Employment Mandate is to invest
in and provide for the development of the people of the Northwest Territories, enabling them to reach their full potential,
to lead fulfilled lives and to contribute to a strong and prosperous society.) (Northwest Territories Employment
standards providing information and education on the rights of employees and the responsibilities of employers under
the jurisdiction of the Employment Standards Act.) (Northwest Territories Minimum Wage.)

Nova Scotia (Nova Scotia Labour and Advanced Education The Department of Labour and Advanced Education
works to provide fairness, safety and prosperity for all Nova Scotians by helping them live, learn and work to their highest
potential.) (Nova Scotia Minimum Wage)

Nunavut (Nunavut Labour Standards Compliance Office is responsible for administration of the Labour
Standards Act.)

Ontario (Ontario Ministry of Labour - Established to develop and enforce labour legislation, whose
mission is to advance safe, fair and harmonious workplace practices that are essential to the social and economic wellbeing of the people of Ontario.) (Ontario Minimum Wage)

Prince Edward Island (Prince Edward Island Department of Environment, Labour and Justice The Labour
Relations Division is mandated to promote an environment of industrial peace and harmony by ensuring uninterrupted
production of goods and services.) (Prince Edward Island Minimum Wage)

Qubec (Qubecs Commission des normes du travail) the Commission promotes fair and balanced
labour relations between employers and employees in compliance with the Act respecting labour standards.) (Qubecs Commission des normes du travail:

Saskatchewan (Saskatchewan Labour Relations and Workplace Safety.) (Saskatchewan Minimum Wage)

Yukon (Yukon Department of Community Services: Services and information on the

Employment Standards Act.) (Yukon Minimum wage.)

Canadian Experience (How do I get Canadian Work Experience? Newcomers
may face challenges finding a job in Canada. Statistics Canada identifies four labour market challenges faced by newcomers to
Canada. One challenge is work experience.) (International Experience Canada: Through bilateral youth mobility
arrangements and agreements with different countries around the world, Canadians and non-Canadians can travel and
work in each others countries for up to one year. From this web page click on For Non-Canadians - Travel and Work in
Canada where you will get more specific information.) (from "Canadian Experience" For Immigrants and Newcomers. Employers look for Canadian workplace
experience so that employees are familiar with workplace culture, social cues, and expectations. This article has some
good pointers.) (from Getting a job without having any Canadian work experience.) (Canadian Newcomer
Magazine, Issue 2 Jobs: Top 10 Ways to Get Canadian Experience.) (The Ontario Human Rights
Commission (OHRC) Removing the "Canadian experience" barrier, brochure. On the left sidebar there are lots of
useful links relating to human rights.)

National Occupational Classifications (Employment and Social Development Canada: The National
Occupational Classification (NOC) provides a standardized language for describing the work performed by Canadians
in the labour market. It gives statisticians, labour market analysts, career counselors, employers and individual job
seekers a consistent way to collect data and describe and understand the nature of work.) (Human Resources and Skills Development Canada:
Welcome to the National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2011, the authoritative resource on occupational
information in Canada. It organizes over 40,000 job titles into 500 occupational group descriptions. The NOC provides a
standardized framework for organizing the world of work in a coherent system.) (Human Resources and Skills Development
Canada: Occupational Structure by Skill Type. Select the desired skill type to access the detailed Occupational
Structure. Drill down to get more detailed description of the selected occupation.) (Human Resources and Skills Development Canada: The
NOC 2011 Matrix provides an overview of the entire occupational classification structure based on Skill Levels and Skill
types. Skill Types are represented in the columns while the Skill Levels are found in rows.)

Credential Assessment (The Foreign Credentials Referral Office (FCRO) provides
internationally trained individuals with the information, path-finding and referral services to have their credentials
assessed and recognized.) (If you obtained your education, work experience or
professional credentials outside Canada, you will need to get your credentials assessed. There are two types of
occupations in Canada: regulated (including trades) and non-regulated.) (The website provides the steps (with links to more
detailed information) required in getting your credentials recognized to work in Canada.) (Foreign Credential Recognition (FCR) is the process of
verifying that the education and job experience obtained in another country are equal to standards in Canada. Workers
should have the freedom to practice their occupation wherever opportunities exist, whether they were certified in Canada
or in another country.) (Settlement.Org Evaluate My Credentials page
answers questions on whether or not you need to get your credentials evaluated, and if so, how and where to get your
credentials evaluated.) (JobBank: How do I get my skills recognized?) (Canadian Information Centre for
International Credentials: Accredited Professional Programs in Canada. This list is maintained in consultation with
the appropriate accrediting agencies. In Canada, accreditation is generally defined as a process of quality assurance
through which it is ascertained that a program of study complies with standards of education established by professional
authorities, with the goal of ensuring that graduates from such programs meet the academic and registration
requirements established by the profession.) (Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada (ACESC) is made up of credential
assessment services from across Canada. Alliance members offer fair, credible and standardized assessment of
international academic credentials to help you make informed decisions regarding applications for employment, education
and professional membership. It provides contact information for member associations.) (University of Toronto's
Comparative Education Service (CES) can provide you with an expert assessment report that compares your
academic achievements earned outside of Canada to credentials earned in Canada.) (International Credential Assessment Service of Canada - A Canadian federally incorporated
company, committed to providing reliable information that will help individuals achieve personal, career and educational
goals and help employers, education institutions, immigration authorities, community agencies and other organizations to
understand international credentials.) (British Columbia Institute of Technology: International Credential Evaluation Service (ICES)
evaluates the credentials of people who have studied in other provinces or countries and determines comparable levels in
British Columbia and Canadian terms. The results of an ICES assessment are provided in evaluation reports that are
objective, consistent, and reliable.) (Alberta Government:
International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS) assesses international educational credentials and
compares them to educational credentials in Canada.) (Immigration,
Diversit, Inclusion Qubec: Obtaining a comparative evaluation. It compares the educational benchmarks (or main
diplomas) and areas of training of Qubecs education systems with studies done outside Qubec.) (World Education Services (WES) is a non-profit organization that provides research about
international education and trends and offers expert credential evaluation services.) (Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials (CICIC) provides information and
referral services to individuals and organizations on the recognition of academic and occupational credentials for working
and studying in Canada and abroad.) (Canadian Information Centre for International
Credentials: Foreign Qualification Evaluation and Recognition in Canada - Whether you want to study in Canada
or work in Canada, CICIC will assist and inform you about foreign credential recognition and the assessment of diplomas
and qualifications in Canada.) (Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials
provides comprehensive list of links to National Professional Organizations & Provincial and Territorial
Professional Organizations.) (Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials: Fact
sheet - Assessment and recognition of credentials for the purpose of employment in Canada.) (Canadian Information Centre for International

Credentials: Credential Evaluation, Assessment and Qualification Recognition Services.) (Roadmap to Engineering in Canada: Tools for getting foreign engineering
credentials recognized, and getting a job in Canada.) (Internationally Educated Health Professionals self-assessment readiness
tools: Atlantic Connection offers online tools to assess health care professionals credentials, and offers guides on how to
become a registered health care professional in Canada.) (Publication: Planning to work in Canada? An
essential workbook for newcomers - using this workbook will allow you to obtain the greatest benefit from your
experience and education.) (Publication: Planning to work in British Columbia, Canada?
An essential workbook for newcomers.) (Publication: Planning to work in Yukon, Canada? An
essential workbook for newcomers.) (Canadian Foundation for Economic Education: Potential to Prosperity helps newcomers
to Canada learn how to get their foreign credentials assessed and to work towards employment in their chosen
profession: Chartered Accountants, Engineer, Engineering Technologists/Technicians, Geoscientist, Licensed / Registered
Practical Nurse, Medical Laboratory Technologist, Medical Radiation Technologist, Occupational Therapist, Pharmacist,
Physiotherapist, Registered Nurse.)

Job Search Strategies (What are regulated professions and trades?
Some professions and trades are regulated in Canada to protect public health and safety. That means you must have a
licence or certificate to work in these professions and trades.) (Canada's Top 100 Employers is a national competition to determine which employers
lead their industries in offering exceptional workplaces for their employees. Employers are evaluated based on Physical
Workplace; Work Atmosphere & Social; Health, Financial & Family Benefits; Vacation & Time Off; Employee
Communications; Performance Management; Training & Skills Development; and Community Involvement.) (from Career Planning tips on getting ready to start a new job.) (from Career Planning, Self-Assessment Your skills,
interests, personality, and values play an important role in your career choice. Find out what effect they have and learn
about the various self-assessment tools, also called career assessment tools that help with the career planning process.) (from Career Planning,
Transferable Skills: Bringing Your Skills to a New Career Transferable skills are the skills you have gathered through
various jobs, volunteer work, hobbies, sports, or other life experiences that can be used in your next job or new career.) (from Job Searching Tips and useful information when searching for work.) (Canada InfoNet Mentoring, Information and Networking Services - Canada InfoNet
is an online forum providing mentoring and access to resources and other services that help internationally educated,
business and trades people integrate into Canadian society and find jobs in their chosen profession.) (Skills for Change provides programs that respond to shifting immigration and workplace
trends and lead to employment. A range of accelerated programs are offered to fit the needs of the people arriving from
all parts of the world. Services offered include information and referral, French and English language assessment, English
language instruction, integrated language / skills training, employment preparation, business skills, mentoring and
settlement services.) (Canadian Newcomer
Magazine, Issue 5: Job Search Strategies: Searching the Smarter Way - Job search methods are different from
country to country. It is very important to learn the local job search strategies as quickly as possible. Some suggestions
are provided.) (from
Stafflink: 7 Job Search Strategies for Newcomers to Canada.) (My Canada Plan: Volunteering as part
of your Canadian job-search strategy - few tips about how to get involved.)
_canadian_job_market.html (HEC Montral: 10 Tips to Understanding the Canadian Job Market - Practical
guidelines to help you acquire necessary knowledge and skills to be successful in your job search.) (LMIworks, Labour Market & Career

Information for Newfoundland and Labrador: Job Search Strategies - The job search process is often considered to be
a job in itself. It takes time, effort and commitment. It is a process that requires a great deal of dedication, research,
networking and perseverance. Topics covered are Manage the job search process; Market yourself; Selfemployment/entrepreneurship; and Links to related online resources.) (Quintessential Careers is a career, job, and college site, offering comprehensive free expert
career and job-hunting advice through articles, tools, tips, samples, and tutorials, as well as serving as a directory of links
to all the best job sites. Special sections for teens, college students, and all other job-seekers, by industry, geography,
and job-seeker type, make this site a comprehensive resource for all.) (The website provides businesses with the tools and resources they need
to better recruit, retain and promote skilled immigrants. The site also profiles good examples and innovative practices of
employers across the country. The purpose of this site is to assist in sourcing, selecting, developing and welcoming skilled
immigrants as creative contributors to your workforce.) (Information about Jobs and Employment in
Ontario) (How hard is it to find work in Ontario? It is not
easy to find work in Canada that corresponds with your skills and experience. You need to find out what employers
expect, in your specific occupation or industry, in the city where you plan to settle.) (How can I work in my trade in Ontario? If you
just arrived in Ontario and want to get back into your trade, here are some first steps you can take.) (Qubec Portal giving a portrait
of Qubec and its economy.) (What are bridging programs for internationallytrained professionals and tradespeople? Bridging programs can help you if you have education and work
experience, and you want to work in your field in Ontario.) ( Career and employment information for Canadians.) (Canadian Career Development Foundation (CCDF) is a non-profit organization that works to advance
career services and the capacity of the profession to respond with empathy and skill to their clients and stakeholders in
an ever-changing work environment.) (The Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers (CACEE) is a national non-profit
partnership of employer recruiters and career services professionals. Their mission is to provide authoritative information,
advice, professional development opportunities and other services to employers, career services professionals, and

Looking for Work

A place to start looking for employment (Job Bank is the Government of Canada's leading source for jobs and labour market
information. It offers users free occupational and career information such as job opportunities, educational
requirements, main duties, wage rates and salaries, current employment trends, and outlooks. Links are provided to other
popular job banks in Canada) (Workopolis is one of Canada's largest online job sites. It is 100% Canadian owned and
operated. Workopolis reaches people with opportunities across the web through exclusive partnerships and community
sites as well as through social networking sites and mobile device functionality.) (Monster Canada is one of Canada's leading online career resources portal. It is headquartered in
Montral and is part of Monster, the global careers and recruitment resource online.) (Canada jobs provide job posting throughout Canada and other useful information) ( is career resource on the internet for jobseekers. With links to 5,000 career
related websites in their career resource section, this is a good place for job seekers to begin their job search.) (Volunteer Canada is the national voice for volunteerism in Canada, committed to increasing and
supporting volunteerism and civic participation. They collaborate closely with volunteer centres, local organizations and
national corporations to promote and broaden volunteering. Their programs, research, training, tools, resources and
national initiatives provide leadership on issues and trends in Canadas volunteer landscape.) (Career Edge provides career-minded Internationally

Qualified Professionals with Canadian work experience through meaningful, professional-level paid internships with
reputable companies in Canada.) (, an on-line tool that unites pre-screened, internationally
educated professionals with employers who need their skills.) (Manpower Canada is dedicated to enriching people's lives with meaningful employment and
development opportunities, and providing companies with innovative workforce solutions that help them increase agility,
improve productivity and boost the bottom line.) (The Public Service Commission of Canada (PSC) is an independent agency responsible for
safeguarding the values of a professional Public Service: competence, non-partisanship and representativeness. Through
this website you can find careers in the federal public service.) (The National Job Fair & Training Expo is a multi-sector recruitment event presented
twice a year. Aimed at stimulating employment in a dynamic and proactive environment, the fair was quick to attract
recruiters from Ontario, across Canada and abroad to become Ontario's largest, most established and comprehensive
recruitment event open to the general public.) (Job Expo and Career Fair Resources and Tools for JobSeekers Job and career fairs are great places for job-seekers to learn of job openings, network, and more -- but you
should only attend when prepared. Here are the best resources and tools to help you succeed.)

Provincial Labour Market (Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC): Labour Market
Bulletins provide an analysis of the local labour market and an assessment of local employment-related events.)

Alberta (Government of Albert Jobs. Find information about where to look for jobs, job fair locations,
training and other tips on finding work in Alberta.) (Alberta Learning Information Service (ALIS) is the provincial gateway to help Albertans plan and
achieve educational and career success! It provides information for career planning, post-secondary education and
training, educational funding, job search, labour market trends, and workplace issues.)

British Columbia (WorkBC is the provincial government's access point to the world of work in British Columbia. It
was created to help all British Columbians to successfully navigate B.C.s labour market.)

Manitoba (Manitoba WorkinfoNET is a non-profit, charitable organization that hosts a family of websites
which acts as an Internet directory that provides information on different aspects of the Manitoba labour market. These
websites connect you to the most up to date information on employment, learning, and career planning in Manitoba.)

Newfoundland and Labrador ( is Newfoundland and Labrador's job search and posting website.) ( is a labour market information tool that provides one-stop access to the latest
and most complete set of employment and career information resources available in Newfoundland and Labrador.)

Ontario (The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities can help you
get the education and training you need to build a rewarding career after high school. Employment Ontario connects
people looking for work with employers looking for workers. It's your one-stop source of information about jobs, job
search skills, training, education, and other services for employees and employers.) (Ontario workinfonet, OnWIN specializes in providing links to work and career-related websites in

Qubec (Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit sociale: Portal of employment related

information such as: Finding a job; Organize your job search; Student jobs; Labour market information; Developing your
skills and having them recognized; Obtaining Financial Assistance.) (The Qubec Labour Market Information (LMI) site provides
information about wages, working conditions, occupations in demand, training and careers, job prospects, growing
sectors of activity, potential employers, available manpower and other labour market topics.) (Placement at Emploi-Qubec is the provinces place to view Qubecs job

Saskatchewan (The SaskNetWork website is a career development website helping the people of
Saskatchewan connect to the resources they need in the areas of jobs, work, education and training, career planning,
self-employment, labour market information, financial help and the workplace.) ( is the Government of Saskatchewans job bank.)

Some Specific Occupations (At Media Job Search, search for media-related jobs at companies
across Canada.) (Welcome to the City of Toronto Internet Job Board.)

Getting the Job

First Steps in Getting a Job (JobBank: How do I search for jobs? Service Canada
provides job search tools and resources to help you find a job, create a rsum, choose a career, assess your skills and
more. You need to have an account in order to use the tools available on this site: Job Match, Job Alert, Rsum Builder
and the Career Navigator.) (The Ontario Skills Passport (OSP) provides clear descriptions of Essential Skills and work
habits important for success in work, learning and life. Learners can use the OSP tools and resources to assess, build,
document and track their skills in classroom, cooperative education and other experiential learning opportunities,
volunteer and extracurricular activities. This information can help them develop their Individual Pathways Plan (IPP) as
they answer the questions: Who am I? What are my opportunities? Who do I want to become? What is my plan for

achieving my goals?) (University of Manitoba: Student

Affairs Career Services: Job Search Workbook An effective job search is critical for career success. This workbook is
designed to help you find the job you want. These guidelines apply to students and graduates from across all disciplines it doesnt matter if you are looking for a part-time job, a summer position, or permanent work. But be prepared, looking
for employment is a full-time job in itself think of yourself as self-employed because you will need to invest a
significant amount of time and energy each week!) (Ontario Prospects is an annual career planning guide for students
in grades 7 to 12, educators, job counsellors and others seeking career information. Ontario Prospects celebrates and
promotes student success in Ontario and includes information on self-assessment, job search preparation, the labour
market and postsecondary destinations.) (, The City of Calgary Youth Employment Centre: Take the Steps to
Career Success: Step 1, Career Planning; Step 2, Job Seeking; Step 3, Career Maintenance.)

Rsum (from, Career Planning,
Resume Formats: Choosing the Right One for Your Experience and Job Search Needs.) (from Job Searching: Top 10 Resume
Writing Tips: Resume Writing Advice and Suggestions.) (Services for Youth: Writing a rsum Good tips regardless of
age. Your rsum is one of the most important tools you have when looking for a job. This site will help you choose the
right type of rsum for your situation. It will also provide you with tips to help you tailor your rsum to the job youre
applying for, and to make sure it stands out in a crowd for all the right reasons.) (Quintessential Careers Resume Tutorials for All Job-Seekers: Expert
Tips and Tools for Developing, Writing, and Polishing Your Job-Search Rsum.) (, Rsum Builder Creating your
rsum is the first step to getting a job. Learn exactly what goes into this important document, and start your career
search off on the right foot by creating your own rsum easily online.)
(, Rsums and Cover Letters Rsum and cover letters are an essential part of your job-hunting tool
kit. They are the most common instruments job seekers use to get their foot in the employer's door. No matter what type
of initial contact you make with an employer -- whether it is in-person, through the mail, over the phone or via the
Internet, you will want to leave the person with some written reminder of who you are and why you are interested in his
or her company or business.) (Resumes Illustrated: Resume Recommendations Some points about Writing a Quality
Rsum & sample Rsum Critiques.) (University of
Manitoba: Student Affairs Career Services: Resume Workbook Whether you are writing a rsum for the first time or
tailoring your existing rsum for a career-related position, the Resume Workbook can offer ideas and suggestions to
make your rsum the professional job search document it needs to be! The Workbook will assist students with the
rsum writing process step by step and offer suggestions and style tips.) (University of Waterloo, Centre for Career Action: Career Development eManual contains
detailed advice on writing a rsum. You need to sign in to view it.) (Canadian Resume Writing Service sells strategic rsums writing
and career management services, working one-on-one with new graduate to senior executive clients from a wide range of
professions.) (, International Job Search Online Canadian Rsum
Writing Guide) (Damn Good Resume Guide sells books and catalogs to help with rsum writing as well as
provides some free rsum tips, rsum samples, and rsum help) ( publishes rsum writing information on the web. The site
provides free helpful advice to people searching for jobs and who need help preparing rsums.) ( Rsum Samples,
Chronological rsum.) ( Rsum Samples, Functional

Covering Letter / Email (University of Manitoba: Student Affairs
Career Services: Cover Letter Workbook The Cover Letter should always accompany your rsum or curriculum vitae,
and it is the first impression that an employer has of your skills and experience. The Cover Letter Workbook will teach you
how to write an outstanding cover letter that will market your skills and create a professional first impression.) (from Job Searching: Top 10 Cover
Letter Writing Tips: Advice for Writing Cover Letters for Rsums.) (Services for Youth: Writing a cover letter Include a cover letter
with your rsum when you apply for a job. This site will help you write a strong cover letter and provide you with tips,
examples, and templates to help you get closer to the job youre looking for.) (Virginia Tech, Cover letters: types and
samples some good advice.)

Interview (from Settlement.Org, How do I prepare for a job
interview? It is a good idea to practice your interview techniques before you go to an interview. Depending on the
job, you might have to prepare some work to bring to the interview, or be ready to demonstrate a skill.) (from Job
Searching: Top 10 Interview Questions and Best Answers There are questions that employers commonly ask at job
interviews and it's important to be prepared to respond to those interview questions.) (from Job
Searching: Most Common Interview Mistakes) (University of Manitoba: Student
Affairs Career Services: Interview Workbook The key to a successful interview is preparation and practice. The
Interview Preparation booklet will teach you about what to expect in job interviews and how to successfully prepare for
them.) (JobBank: How do I prepare for an interview? To
prepare, learn about interviews according to four steps: Planning; Interview materials; Interview; After the interview) (Workopolis:
100 job interview dos and donts a good checklist of what to do and not do during an interview.)
(, Interviews! Interview preparation activities.) (, International Job Search Online Canadian Job
Interview Tips.) (from Bhuvana Sundaramoorthys Blog 50
Common Interview Questions and Answers.) (from Ten Steps to
Interview Success.)

Unlawful Interview Questions (from Canada Human Resources Centre: Interview
Questions: Legal vs. Illegal.) (from Career Link, The Interview Game: Illegal Questions.) (from
TalentEgg: 8 types of illegal interview questions and how to avoid them.) (Alberta Government, Learning Information Service: Tip Sheets
Human Rights and You: What Can Employers Ask?) (from Monster Canada: Recruiting and Hiring Advice, Keep the Interview
Legal.) (from the Globe and Mail: How do I handle personal questions
at a job interview?) (from Ryerson University: Are your
Interview Questions Illegal? Exploring Prohibited Grounds.) (Community Employment Services, Woodstock, Ontario
Illegal Questions.)

Workplace Culture & Working Environment or (Canada Labour Code) (Canadian Labour: Acts and Regulations The Labour
Program administers or is governed by, in whole or in part, other Acts and Regulations in fulfilling its mandate. Links are
provided to the Acts and Regulations that are within their mandate.) (Labour Program: Health and Safety - Ensuring that
workplaces are safe is important to the well-being of everyone and to the performance of the country's economy. The
Government of Canada protects workplace safety through legislation, programs and services designed to prevent
accidents and injuries on the job.) (Labour Program: Standards and Equity - Employment
standards are essentially the foundation for creating productive workplaces. They help protect the rights of workers,
foster cooperative relationships between employers and workers, and provide the necessary conditions for a productive
economy. Equal opportunity for all of Canada's diverse population is essential to creating a motivated and innovative
workforce in a 21st century economy.) (from YouTube: Video - In depth analysis of the Canadian labour market
and the challenges that people face when moving to Canada. Dr. Lionel Laroche - Hard skills vs. soft skills, at the IEP
conference Toronto, Feb 10 2012.) (from Settlement.Org: What do I need to
know about work before I come to Canada? Links are provided to related articles: What is Canadian etiquette at
work? What do Canadian employers want? What is networking? How do I keep my job? How hard is it to find work in
Ontario? How important is Canadian experience? Professional Immigrant Networks (PINs) How to Quit Your Job? The
Value of Networking.) (from Settlement.Org: What is Canadian
etiquette at work? Every workplace has its own culture. Canadian workplaces may be different than what you are used
to. Observing and asking is the easiest way to figure out what that culture is.) (from eHow: Canadian Workplace
Culture - Canadian companies or organizations observe a set of rules that help employees function harmoniously with
each other.) (The Skills Connect for Immigrants Program:
Workplace Culture - Every workplace has its own culture, and they all fit within the Canadian expectations of work.
Here are a few general tips to help you fit in at work.) (Canadian Newcomer Magazine, Issue 6: Jobs: Rules at
Work - This article focuses on the rules at work in Ontario as an example of the types of workplace rules throughout

Starting a Business in Canada

Federal Programs (Citizenship and Immigration Canada: The
Entrepreneur Program seeks to attract experienced business persons who will own and actively manage businesses in
Canada that contribute to the economy and create jobs.) (Service Canada, Starting a Business provides links to a
variety of information for those about to start their own business in Canada.) (Government of Canada, Canada Business Network is a gateway to government
information for business. This site provides information on starting, planning, financing, managing and growing a business
in Canada and what Government services, programs and regulations one should know about.) (Government of Canada: Industry Canada works with Canadians to improve conditions for investment,
enhance Canada's innovation performance, increase Canada's share of global trade and build a fair, efficient and
competitive marketplace.) (Business Development Bank of Canada, a financial institution wholly owned by the Canadian
Government: dedicated exclusively to entrepreneurs in all industries and stages of development, with a focus on small
and medium-sized enterprises helping these businesses grow and succeed through flexible financing, business consulting
and venture capital.) (Working in Canada, Starting Your Own
Business provides links to relevant resources and guides for starting a business.) (Canadian Newcomer Magazine, Issue 8 is dedicated to starting your own business in
Canada.) (CanadaOne is dedicated to helping people start, run and grow successful businesses in
Canada, from high-growth start-ups to home-based business owners. They have a library of over 900 business articles,
to help small businesses access the information they need.) (Canada Revenue Agency: Small businesses and selfemployed. This site will introduce you to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) programs you need to know about, and
give an overview of your obligations and entitlements under the laws CRA administers.) (The Canadian Chamber of Commerce is the primary and vital connection between business and
the federal government. It continually demonstrates impact on public policy and decision-making to the benefit of
businesses, communities and families across Canada.) (The Canadian Youth Business Foundation is a national non-profit organization dedicated to helping
aspiring young entrepreneur, aged 18 to 39. They provide with pre-launch coaching, business resources, start-up
financing and mentoring to help them launch and sustain successful businesses.) (Canadian Foundation for Economic Education works to promote and assist the enhanced economic
capability of Canadians.) (Canadian Foundation for Economic Education, Mentors, Ventures and Plans: a site for young

Provincial Programs
Alberta (Government of Alberta, Doing business in Alberta includes

topics on Business Planning and Startup, Self-Employment / Entrepreneur, Buying a Business or Franchise, Financing and
Investments, Licensing and Permits, Startup Marketing.) (The Business Link, Albertas Business Information Service is a not-for-profit
organization supported by the Government of Canada (through Western Economic Diversification) and the Government of
Alberta (through Alberta Enterprise and Advanced Education). They work with a network of business development centres
across the province to ensure you have access to resources in your region.)

British Columbia (Government of British

Columbia. Provides links to information and resources for business owners and investors in British Columbia.) (Small Business BC is a resource centre for knowledge-based business products and
services supported by funds from Western Economic Diversification Canada and the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills
Training. They are mandated to provide entrepreneurs and small business with products and services that will assist their

Manitoba (Government of Manitobas business portal helps one find a variety of

business resources with links to help start or grow your business.) (Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre. Starting a business in Manitoba.)

New Brunswick
(Setting up a business in New Brunswick.)
rt.html (Ministry of Economic Development is a portal with links to Starting a Business in New Brunswick.)

Newfoundland and Labrador (Newfoundland and Labradors Department of Innovation, Business and Rural

Development Starting a Business.)

Northwest Territories (Northwest Territories Business Development and

Investment Corporation provides a guide to How to start a business in the Northwest Territories.)

Nova Scotia (Access Nova Scotia provides a wide range of services to meet your
business needs.)

Nunavut (Department of Economic Development & Transportations guide to

starting a business in Nunavut.) (Department of Economic Development & Transportation, Seven Steps to
Help You Start Your Business: A Popular Guide to help you Start a Business in Nunavut.)

Ontario (Government of Ontarios business portal.) (Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, Employment
Ontario with links to a variety of resources to Starting a Business.) (Ontario Network of Entrepreneurs is a collaborative network built to
help your business succeed. It provides links to a variety of resources including topic such as Starting a Business, Youth
Entrepreneurship, Growing Your Business, Financing Your Business and more.)

Prince Edward Island (Starting a Business in Prince Edward Island.) (The Government of Prince Edward Island with
links to information to plan and start your business as well as other information.)

(Government of Qubec, Finding out about Qubec and the business environment.) (Government of Qubecs portal for
starting a business with links to useful information.) (Emploi-Qubec, Support for Self-Employment.)

Saskatchewan (The Government of Saskatchewan, Starting a Business in


Yukon (Starting a Business in Yukon.)

Laws, Wages, and Deductions

Labour Laws or (Canada
Labour Code, full text.) (The sectioni of the Canada Labour Code dealing with wage
payments and deductions.)

Income Tax
In Canada, taxes, tariffs, and duties are collected by different levels of government to fund their programs and
services. The three levels of taxation are: Federal, through the Canada Revenue Agency; Provincial/Territorial,
through respective provincial/territorial finance or revenue departments; and Municipal, through local government. or (Canadian
Income Tax Act.) (Canada Revenue Agency - The CRA administers tax laws for the Government of Canada and for
most provinces and territories; and various social and economic benefit and incentive programs delivered through the tax
system.) (Canadian income tax rates for Individuals - current and
previous years The current federal and provincial tax rates, with a calculator.) (Income Tax Rates for Qubec The
current income tax rates for the province of Qubec, updated yearly.) (Canada Revenue Agencys index to tax-related information of
interest to Individuals and Families.) (Canada Revenue Agency - tax information for Newcomers
to Canada. This pamphlet will introduce you to the Canadian tax system and help you to complete your first income tax
and benefit return as a resident of Canada.) (Canada Revenue Agency: Determining your residency
status - Under Canada's tax system, your income tax obligations to Canada are based on your residency status.
You need to know your residency status before you can know what your tax responsibilities and filing requirements to
Canada are. An individual's residency status is determined on a case by case basis and the individual's whole situation
and all the relevant facts must be considered.) (Canada Revenue Agency - A set of videos for newcomers to
Canada to learn about the Canadian tax system.) (Canada Revenue Agency - An online course is
designed for anyone who wants to learn about Canada's tax system and how to prepare a simple income tax and benefit
return.) (from Personal Income Taxes in Canada - Find
what you need to file your personal Canadian income tax returns, including information on electronic filing, the income
tax package, forms and schedules, and supplementary information on income tax benefits and deductions.) (Canada Revenue Agency: Newcomers to Canada Information for the first tax year that you are a new resident of Canada for income tax purposes.) (Canada Revenue Agency - Links are provided to the forms and
publications that you require.) (Tax packages for individuals - Each package includes the
guide, the return, related schedules, and the provincial or territorial schedules, information, and forms (except Qubec)
for the year indicated.) (Canada Revenue Agency - answers to frequently asked
questions pertaining to taxes by individuals.)

Sales Tax (Wiki Answers: Sales taxes in Canada. This site
provides an overview of the GST, PST and HST) (from Canadian Sales Tax
Rates In Canada, sales taxes are applied in three different ways - at the federal level through the Goods and Services
Tax (GST), at the provincial level through a provincial sales tax (PST), sometimes called the retail sales tax, or through
the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), a single tax combining the GST and PST.) (Canada Revenue Agency: Changes to the Harmonized Sales

Tax, HST.) (Canada Revenue Agency: Goods and services tax/Harmonized
sales tax (GST/HST) credit The GST/HST credit is a tax-free quarterly payment that helps individuals and families
with low or modest incomes offset all or part of the GST or HST that they pay.) (Canada Revenue Agency: GST/HST - General
information Basic information on how GST/HST works, what is HST, what is meant by taxable, zero-rated, and
exempt supplies, place of supply rules, importing and exporting, and buying or selling a business.)

An Overview of Canadian Benefits (Canada Benefits connects you to government benefits. It is a one-stop shop from
Service Canada to help you locate federal, provincial and territorial programs and services.) (Canada Benefits website: Benefits Finder
Through a number of questions, the Benefits Finder will customize your search results to match your particular situation
and help connect you with appropriate programs and services.) (Canadian Social Research Links is a virtual resource centre for Canadian social
program information.)

Caregiver Benefits (As a caregiver, you may be eligible for various
forms of assistance from the Government of Canada. Service Canada offers the following information to help you
prepare for this role.)

Employment Insurance (from Employment Insurance in Canada - If you lose your job in
Canada, you're probably eligible for Employment Insurance. Here's information on the requirements, benefits, rules, and
how to apply.) or
(Canadas Employment Insurance Act.) (Service Canada: Employment Insurance - EI provides
temporary financial assistance to unemployed Canadians who have lost their job through no fault of their own, while they
look for work or upgrade their skills. Canadians who are sick, pregnant, or caring for a newborn or adopted child, as well
as those who must care for a family member who is seriously ill with a significant risk of death or who must provide care
or support to their critically ill or injured child may also be assisted by Employment Insurance.) (Employment and Social Development Canada: Information on
Employment Insurance (EI) Economic Regions links are provided to the EI rate for a specific region.) (Map of Canada's Employment Insurance Economic
Regions - Using the map you can pinpoint your region and from there, view the Unemployment Rate & Benefit Table.) (Employment Insurance Program Characteristics for the
current period within the Employment Insurance Regions: Unemployment Rate of the Region, Number of Insured Hours
Required to Qualify for Regular Benefits, Minimum Number of Weeks Payable for Regular Benefits, Maximum Number of
Weeks Payable for Regular Benefits.) (Employment Insurance Reconsideration Process - If Service Canada makes a decision on your
application for EI benefits that you do not agree with, such as benefits being refused, a request for repayment of
benefits, or a warning letter has been issued or a penalty imposed, you can request a reconsideration of that decision.
This process is mandatory prior to lodging any appeals to the Social Security Tribunal General Division.) (Employment Insurance Maternity and
Parental Benefits Employment Insurance (EI) provides Maternity and Parental Benefits to individuals who are
pregnant, have recently given birth, are adopting a child, or are caring for a newborn.)

Workers Compensation
Overview of Workers Compensation (from a Guide to Workers'
Compensation Insurance: It answers questions of how Workers' Compensation Insurance benefits employers such as
why you must register your business for Workers' Compensation Insurance and the cost of Workers' Compensation
Insurance. Links are provided to other useful information.) (The Association of Workers' Compensation Boards of Canada is a national resource of
information about workers compensation with links to the provincial workers compensation boards / commissions.)

Provincial Compensation Boards

Alberta (Workers Compensation Board Alberta administers a system of workplace insurance for the
workers and employers of the province of Alberta. The organization is employer-funded to provide cost-effective disability
and liability insurance. It compensates injured workers for lost income, health care and other costs related to a workrelated injury.)

British Columbia (British Columbia Workers' Compensation Board, Work Safe BC dedicated to promoting
workplace health and safety for the workers and employers and to enforce the Occupational Health and Safety
Regulation. In the event of work-related injuries or diseases, works with the affected parties to provide return-to-work
rehabilitation, compensation, health care benefits, and a range of other services.) (British Columbia Workers Compensation Act:
Occupational Health and Safety Regulation.)

Manitoba (Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba: promotes safe and healthy workplaces, facilitates
recovery and return to work, provides compassionate and supportive compensation services for workers and employers,
and ensures responsible financial stewardship.)

New Brunswick (WorkSafe New Brunswick a.k.a. Travail Scuritaire NB WorkSafeNB is a Crown

corporation charged with overseeing the implementation and application of the New Brunswick Occupational Health and
Safety Act, the Workers' Compensation Act of New Brunswick, the Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation
Commission Act of New Brunswick, and the Firefighters' Compensation Act. It administers no-fault workplace accident and
disability insurance for employers and their workers, funded solely through employer assessments. WorkSafeNB is
committed to preventing workplace injuries and illness through education and the enforcement of the Occupational
Health and Safety Act.)

Newfoundland and Labrador (Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission of Newfoundland & Labrador
an employer-funded no fault insurance system that promotes safe and healthy workplaces, provides return-to-work
programs and fair compensation to injured workers and their dependents.)

Northwest Territories and Nunavut (Workers' Safety and Compensation Commission of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut
Its ultimate goal is to eliminate workplace diseases and injuries.)

Nova Scotia (Workers Compensation Board of Nova Scotia The WCB provides workplace injury insurance
across the province. It sets the standard for workplace injury insurance. It informs and inspires Nova Scotians in the
prevention of workplace injury; but if it occurs, they support those whose lives it touches by championing a timely return
to safe and healthy work.)

Ontario (Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board For employers, provide no-fault collective
liability insurance and access to industry-specific health and safety information; For workers, provide loss of earnings
benefits and health care coverage; Both workers and employers help and support when its time to go back to work after
an injury.)

Prince Edward Island (Workers Compensation Board of Prince Edward Island provides workplace injury and illness
insurance for Island workers; liability protection for Island employers; occupational health and safety services for Island

Qubec or (Commission de la sant et

de la scurit du travail du Qubec The Office qubcois de la langue franaise requires that all CSST
communications with employers, suppliers and partners be in French only. Workers may have access to CSST services in
English, in particular for all matters regarding their rights and obligations.)

Saskatchewan (Saskatchewans Workers' Compensation Board protects registered employers from lawsuits
when a workplace injury happens and provides guaranteed benefits and programs to injured workers in industries
covered by the Act.) (Work Safe Saskatchewans with a goal of zero injuries, zero deaths, zero suffering.)

Yukon (Yukon Workers' Compensation, Health and Safety Board Their job is to prevent disability by
providing compensation, service and support to Yukon workers injured on the job, promoting workplace safety through
training, inspection and compliance and investigations.)

Canada Child Tax Benefit (Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), Child and Family Benefits: provides
links to programs and benefits such as Canada child tax benefit (CCTB), Universal child care benefit (UCCB), GST/HST
credit, Working income tax benefit (WITB), Provincial and territorial programs, Children's special allowances (CSA).) (Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), Canada Child Tax Benefit - The
CCTB is a tax-free monthly payment made to eligible families to help them with the cost of raising children under age 18.) (Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), Canada Child Tax Benefit
CCTBs Application and Eligibility.) (Employment and Social Development Canada:
Universal Child Care Plan - The Universal Child Care Plan is a combination of two components: the Universal Child
Care Benefit (UCCB) and the creation of child care spaces. The UCCB provides financial support to help all Canadian
families with young children choose the child care option that best suits their families needs.) (Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), Universal Child Care
Benefit (UCCB) - The UCCB is designed to help Canadian families, as they try to balance work and family life, by
supporting their child care choices through direct financial support.)

Retirement Benefits - CPP / QPP / RRSP / Old Age Security Pension (Canada's Economic Action Plan. In
keeping with commitments made in Canadas Economic Action Plan 2011, the federal government has eliminated the
mandatory retirement age for federally regulated employees.) (Employment and Social Development Canada: Retirement Pensions and
Benefits links are provided to more detailed information about Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security,
International Benefits, and Disability Benefits.) or (Canadian Old Age
Security Act.) (Service Canada - The Old Age Security
program is the Government of Canada's largest pension program. It is funded out of the general revenues of the
Government of Canada.) (Service Canada - The Old Age
Security (OAS) pension is a monthly payment available to most people 65 years of age and older who meet the
Canadian legal status and residence requirements. Note: the age of eligibility for the Old Age Security pension and the
Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) will gradually increase from 65 to 67 by 2029.) (Service Canada: Canada Pension Plan

(CPP) - Almost all individuals who work in Canada contribute to the CPP. The CPP provides pensions and benefits when
contributors retire, become disabled, or die. Links are provided to get more detailed information about the Retirement
pension, Post-retirement benefit, Disability benefits, Survivor benefits, Pension sharing, Credit splitting for divorced or
separated couples.) (Qubec Pension Plan (QPP) - The Rgie des rentes du Qubec (RRQ) is responsible for
applying the Act respecting the Qubec Pension Plan, applying the Supplemental Pension Plans Act and administering the
refundable tax credit for child assistance. The Rgie also acts as the liaison agency with respect to the social security
agreements negotiated with several countries.) (Rgie des rentes du Qubec (RRQ), Planning
your retirement links are provided to obtain useful information: Sources of retirement income, Do the math!,
Financial planner, and Savings vehicles, RRQ experts share their thoughts, and planning tools.) (Rgie des rentes du Qubec (RRQ), Retirement links you
to: Financial planning for retirement, Sources of income at retirement, Phased retirement, A retirement pension under the
Qubec Pension Plan, Income from a supplemental pension plan, Voluntary Retirement Savings Plans (VRSPs), Income
from an LIRA or LIF, Retiring as a couple, Your situation changes, Information sessions on retirement.) (Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), RRSPs and
related plans - links provide information for annuitants, contributors, or beneficiaries of registered plans for retirement,
buying or building a qualified home, or continuing education.) (Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), Registered
Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) - An RRSP is a retirement savings plan that you establish, that CRA registers, and to
which you or your spouse or common-law partner contribute. Deductible RRSP contributions can be used to reduce your
income tax.) (Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), RRSPs and Other Registered
Plans for Retirement a comprehensive guide to the various retirement plans. Use this guide if you want information
about registered pension plans (RPPs), registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs), registered retirement income funds
(RRIFs), registered education savings plans (RESPs), specified pension plans (SPPs), pooled registered pension plans
(PRPPs) and accumulated income payments (AIP).)

Education Overview (Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), Information
for Newcomers, Education in Canada - In Canada, the government provides an education for every child free of
charge. Public education is paid for through taxes and is administered by the provinces and territories in cooperation with
local school boards.) (Study in Canada - Find the right university, college, career-college,
language school, secondary (high) school or elementary school. Students interested in learning English as a second
language can find out about ESL and TOEFL scores. Post-secondary programs such as MBA, computer science,
engineering and business are also featured. Learn about visas, tuition, application requirements and learn about Canada
and Canadian education.) (Canadian School Boards Association (CSBA) - The CSBA members are provincial school boards
associations that represent just over 250 school boards serving more than three million elementary and secondary school
students across Canada. The CSBA advocates educational success for each and every student and promotes the value of
locally elected school boards.) (The Canadian Council on Learning (CCL) is an independent, non-profit corporation that promotes
and supports research to improve all aspects of learning, across the country and across all walks of life.)

Ministries of Education (The Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC) is an intergovernmental body funded by
ministers of education to serve as: a forum to discuss policy issues; a mechanism through which to undertake activities,
projects, and initiatives in areas of mutual interest; a means by which to consult and cooperate with national education
organizations and the federal government; and an instrument to represent the education interests of the provinces and
territories internationally. CMEC provides leadership in education at the pan-Canadian and international levels and
contributes to the exercise of the exclusive jurisdiction of provinces and territories over education.)

Alberta (Alberta Education supports students, parents, teachers and administrators from Early
Childhood Services (ECS) through Grade 12. The Ministry has the following responsibilities: Develops curriculum and sets
standards; Evaluates curriculum and assesses outcomes; Teacher development and certification; Supports special needs
students; Funds and supports school boards; Aboriginal and francophone education; Oversees basic education policy.) (Alberta Innovation and Advanced Education aligns economic development activities in the province
with post-secondary education, entrepreneurship, industry training, research and innovation. Alberta Innovation and
Advanced Education is cultivating the knowledge-inspired economy in the province by aligning initiatives that strengthen
the provinces skilled workforce, increase business start-ups, support the commercialization of technology, and focus on
solving the worlds biggest challenges through a world-class research and innovation system.)

British Columbia (British Columbia Ministry of Education) (British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education)

Manitoba (Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning)

New Brunswick (New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood

Development) (New Brunswick Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour)

Newfoundland and Labrador (Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Education is responsible for early childhood
learning, the K-12 school system, and public libraries in Newfoundland and Labrador. The Department of Education
provides citizens with the values, knowledge and skills necessary to be productive and contributing members of society.)

Northwest Territories (Northwest Territories, The Department of Education, Culture and Employment (ECE) is to
provide residents of the Northwest Territories with access to quality programs, services and support to assist them in
making informed and productive choices for themselves and their families with regard to education, training, careers,
employment and labour, child development, languages, culture and heritage. They are also responsible for assisting
individuals to meet their basic financial needs.)

Nova Scotia (Nova Scotia Education and Early Childhood Development - The departments mandate is
carried out through the provision of a publicly funded school system with: high quality educational programs and student
services in both of Canadas official languages; strong assessment and evaluation services; a focus on developing cultural
proficiency throughout the system to support student learning; a progressive and responsive policy environment; effective
financial management, facilities planning and comptrollership.) (Nova Scotia Labour and Advanced Education - The department is responsible for delivering
effective and efficient regulatory management for the protection of the health and safety of Nova Scotians. The areas
under its responsible include workplace safety, fire safety, pensions, apprenticeship, adult education, and many other
facets of everyday life.)

Nunavut (Nunavut Department of Education works collaboratively to build a seamless learning

environment that is accessible to learners of all ages, inspires excellence among learners and educators, and promotes
personal and community well-being.) (Nunavut Department of Education, with all of the different education
programs available.)

Ontario (Ontario Ministry of Education - administers the system of publicly funded elementary and
secondary school education in Ontario.) (Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities - The Ministry can help you get the
education and training you need to build a rewarding career after high school. You can choose from university and college
programs, apprenticeships and many other kinds of training and education.)

Prince Edward Island (Prince Edward Island Department of Education and Early Childhood

Development - The department provides high quality programs and services so that all P.E.I. children can enjoy positive
learning and development experiences.)

(Government of Qubecs School system - The Qubec school system is comprised of: a public education network
ranging from preschool to university; private education institutions, recognized by the Ministre de lducation, du Loisir
et du Sport, that teach official school programs.) (Qubecs Ministre de l'ducation, du Loisir et du Sport)

Saskatchewan (Saskatchewan Education - The Ministry provides leadership and direction to the early
learning and child care, Kindergarten through Grade 12 education, literacy, and library sectors. The Ministry supports the
sectors through funding, governance, and accountability, with a focus on improving student achievement. The Ministry is
committed to improving the learning success and well-being of all Saskatchewan children and youth, and the
enhancement of literacy for all Saskatchewan people.)

Yukon (Yukon Education encompasses the public schools, advanced education and immigration
branches, as well as the delivery of education support programs and services.)

Child Care (Canadian Child Care Federation is committed to best practice in early childhood education.
The organization is about the value of children. In order to protect and enhance children, to promote their safety and
their healthy growth and development, the Canadian Child Care Federation is committed to providing Canadians with the
very best in early learning and child care knowledge and best practices.) (Canadian Relocation Systems: Day Care and Child Care - Find Provincial &
National Child Care and Day Care information.) (The Childcare Resource and Research Unit is an early childhood education and child care
(ECEC) policy research institute with a mandate to further ECEC policy and programs in Canada.)

Schooling (from Settlement.Org: How is my child assessed to
start school in Ontario? - Generally, secondary school students who have recently arrived from other countries may
have an initial assessment before they can enter a school. Usually, elementary school students are placed in a grade
according to age.) (from Settlement.Org: Education You can find many educational opportunities in Ontario. Find information about how to continue your education, improve
your English skills, and help your children succeed in school.) (The Star, Toronto information about schooling in the Greater
Toronto Area. These articles are constantly changing.) (Special Needs Ontario Window (SNOW) is the branch of the Inclusive Design Research Centre at
OCAD University that focuses on inclusive education and learning. The goal is to provide information and training for
educators, parents and students with disabilities on technologies for learning both in and out of the classroom as well as
promote understanding of inclusive practices. Their resources are free whenever possible and SNOW focuses on providing
open source tools that can be adapted and used freely.) (from Statistics Canada report: French immersion 30
years later.) (People for Education: is an independent organization working to support public
education in Ontarios English, Catholic and French schools. They believe that well-equipped publicly funded schools, with
a well-rounded curriculum, provide young people with the best chance for a bright future.) (People for
Education: Tip Sheets for Parents - The tip sheets will help you understand the school system and how you can help
your child succeed. The tip sheet can be viewed in several languages including: English, Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, French,
Hindi, Korean, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil, Urdu. Topics included:
Education Equality and Accountability Office (EQAO) testing; Health and physical education & daily physical activity at
school; High school courses and choices; Homework help for parents; Parent involvement that makes a difference;
Parent-teacher interviews; Safe Schools Act; Special education; Solving problems at school; Starting school; Who does
what in education?)

Post-Secondary Education (Canadian Information
Centre for International Credentials (CICIC): Directory of Universities, Colleges and Schools in the Provinces and
Territories of Canada - This online directory is maintained in consultation with the provincial/territorial ministries and
departments responsible for education. The list of recognized and authorized postsecondary institutions in one website is
the only authoritative list of all postsecondary institutions (including ACCC's and AUCC's member institutions) that are
recognized by the competent jurisdictional authorities. The Directory also includes career colleges listed on provincial and
territorial websites, as well as selected language schools (public and private) that are members of Languages Canada.) (The Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan) is the national, voluntary membership
organization representing colleges and institutes in Canada and internationally.) (Colleges and Institutes Canada: Member
Colleges and Institutes sorted by province, links are provided to colleges, institutes, polytechnics, cgeps and
universities.) (Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) - As the national voice for Canadian
universities, AUCC represents public and private not-for-profit universities and university degree-level colleges.) (Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada: Our
Universities - In order to help you choose a university, take a look at the profiles of the member institutions. Here you
will find an overview of the university, the number of students enrolled, tuition fees, links to the university websites and
more.) (education411, Canadas Education Network To assist those seeking an education in
Canada, find your education solution by category, which directs you to the University and College.) ( is a resource for students, parents and counsellors to explore postsecondary options. provides detailed information on schools, programs, prerequisites, costs and
application deadlines. In addition, they highlight hot careers as it relates to post-secondary programs, and upcoming
school events such as open houses, fairs and school visits.) ( is a comprehensive resource and information guide for current /
prospective university and college students.) ( Higher Education Information to help you select the
best opportunity by providing a directory of Canadian universities and colleges, Graduate Schools, and Distance

Education. Provides tips on choosing the right school and increasing your chances of admittance. Information and
resources for international students interested in studying in Canada.) (The Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada
(IAB) is the national voice and de facto thought leader for the Interactive marketing industry in Canada, and is a not-forprofit association representing over 225 of Canadas most well-known and respected Advertisers, Agencies, Media
Companies, Service Associates, Educational Institutions and Government Organizations. Guide To Canadian Colleges
+ Universities Featuring Interactive Advertising Courses + Curriculum. Colleges and Universities from across
Canada have been reviewed by IAB Canada with respect to the availability of the Courses that they offer in 10 key
Interactive advertising industry areas.) (Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC), central bureau for processing of applications for
admission to the Ontarios universities.) or (The Toronto Star, 2009 Edition, A digital Insiders
Guide in Greater Toronto: Colleges & Universities.)

Apprenticeship (Apprenticeship programs are
designed for people who are interested in working in a trade. While some of the program will be spent in-class study,
most of the instruction is on the job. Apprentices usually "earn while they learn". For more information links are provided
to: Apprenticeship Incentive Grant (AIG), Apprenticeship Completion Grant; Canadian Apprenticeship Forum; Provincial /
Territorial Red Seal Apprenticeship Contacts; Canadian Council of Directors of Apprenticeship Offices.)

Alberta (Albertas Apprenticeship and Industry Training System is driven by a partnership

between industry and government. Apprentices, trainers, employers and government work together to create a training
system that is industry-focused, resulting in a highly skilled, internationally competitive workforce.)

British Columbia (The British Columbias Industry Training Authority (ITA) leads and coordinates skilled trades
system. ITA works with employers, employees, industry, labour, training providers and government to issue credentials,
manage apprenticeships, set program standards, and increase opportunities in the trades.)

Manitoba (Manitoba Apprenticeship - Here you will find the information to get
started as an apprentice, register for technical training, implement an apprenticeship program in your workplace,
challenge the exam for your Certificate of Qualification and much more.)

New Brunswick
tion.html (New Brunswick: Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour: Apprenticeship and Occupational
Certification Apprenticeship is a long-standing part of the training and education system in New Brunswick. It is a
structured training program that requires the committed participation of three partners: the apprentice, the employer and
the government represented by Apprenticeship and Occupational Certification.)

Newfoundland and Labrador (Newfoundland and Labrador: Department of Advanced Education and Skills:

Apprenticeship and Trades Certification Division Links to lots of useful information related to Apprenticeship.)

Northwest Territories (Northwest
Territories Apprenticeship, Trades and Occupation Certification - Education, Culture and Employment supports
the development, maintenance and delivery of designated trade and occupation training programs that contribute to the
development of a skilled northern workforce. The Apprenticeship, Trade and Occupation Certification Board (ATOCB)
provides advice and is the link between the department and industry, facilitating a strong partnership leading to qualified
apprentices and a skilled workforce. There are also five Trades Advisory Committees for the carpentry, plumbing,
electrical, heavy equipment technician and housing maintainer trades.)

Nova Scotia (Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Training Division is responsible to provide a relevant and
responsive apprenticeship training and certification system that meets Nova Scotias needs for skilled trades

Nunavut (Nunavut Training and Apprenticeship Opportunities - encourages and supports

the delivery of training and apprenticeship opportunities for people in Nunavut.)

Ontario (Employment Ontario has services across Ontario that

can help you become an apprentice.)

Prince Edward Island (Prince Edward Island Apprenticeship, Training,

and Certification - Apprenticeship is a method of learning the skills and knowledge necessary to become a skilled
worker and a certified journey person. Apprenticeship combines on-the-job training under the supervision of a qualified
tradesperson and classroom training at a training establishment.)

Qubec (Qubec Vocational Qualification - The compulsory qualification process generally involves three
steps. You may be exempted from one or more apprenticeship program requirements if you hold a valid certificate of
qualification or have pertinent training, experience or skills.)

Saskatchewan (Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission manages the

Apprenticeship and Trade Certification system. The Commission designates trades for apprenticeship training and
certification; generates, retains and expends revenues; registers apprentices and journey people, monitoring their training
and providing certification of skill levels achieved; determines and charges fees for products and services; enters into
agreements for training delivery; and represents Saskatchewan on interprovincial initiatives.)

Yukon (Yukon Apprenticeship Training is a

program that combines both on-the-job and in-school technical training. Employers provide employee apprentices with
hands-on trade experience under the supervision of a certified tradesperson. Advanced Education Branch provides for the
registration, monitoring, arranging of in-school technical training, and coordination of an individual's apprentice training in
any of the apprenticeship occupations in Yukon.)

Distant Learning (Canadian Network for Innovation in Education (CNIE) is a national organization of
professionals committed to excellence in the provision of distance education in Canada. The Canadian Network of
Innovation in Education is the voice for Canada's distance and open education communities. CNIE connects educators,
administrators and practitioners in a bilingual, pan-Canadian network. The group promotes research and advances
practice in both open and distance education and the use of educational technologies. CNIE addresses all educational
contexts, including K-12, post-secondary, and private sector.) (The Learn4Good Directory provides
information on educational, employment & travel resources worldwide. Their objective has been to provide a highly
professional service to students, parents, schools, colleges, employers, jobseekers, international organizations & travelers.
It links to Colleges and Universities in Canada as well as other countries that provide distance learning.) (Canadian Virtual University Education Online from Canada's Leading Universities - CVU is an
association of Canada's leading universities specializing in online and distance education. Their goal is to help students in
Canada and around the world quickly find quality-assured online education.) (Independent Learning Centre (ILC) Ontario's Designated Provider of Distance Education.)

Language Training (From Wikipedia: Official Bilingualism in Canada.) (Canadian Heritage: Official Language Support Programs goal is to promote
French and English in Canadian society, and to encourage the development of Francophone and Anglophone communities
in minority situations.) (The Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks (CCLB) is the centre of expertise in support of
the national standards in English and French for describing, measuring and recognizing second language proficiency of
adult immigrants and prospective immigrants for living and working in Canada.) (The Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) are the national standards used throughout Canada
for describing, measuring and recognizing second language proficiency of adult immigrants and prospective immigrants
for living and working in Canada. The CLB-OSA is an online self-assessment tool for people who are interested in
assessing their English as a Second Language (ESL). These tests are based on the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB)
and will assess your language proficiency in reading and listening.) (Service Canada The Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) Program provides free basic French and English
language courses to adult permanent residents.) (The ESL in Canada Directory has educational articles, addresses, links,
contact and reference information to the many different services and resources that are available for students, visitors
and new Canadians to study and learn ESL "English as a Second Language" for communication with English speakers
for school, work and personal interests.) (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) The Government of Canada, in cooperation with local school boards, community colleges, immigrant and community
organizations, offers French and English language training across Canada. The LINC assessment centres across Canada
can assess your French and English language training needs and refer you to LINC ESL English and French classes from
benchmark levels 1 to 5.) (from Settlement.Org: What is the Language
Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) program? The LINC program is funded by Citizenship and
Immigration Canada. You do not have to pay for LINC classes.) (French as a Second Language in Ontario - Since French is
one of Canada's two official languages, students in Ontario's publicly funded English-language schools are required to
study FSL from Grades 4 to 8, and earn at least one credit in FSL in secondary school to obtain the Ontario Secondary
School Diploma.) (Learning French in Qubec In Qubec, courses in French as a second language are available free of charge in several formats. Financial aid is
granted by the Ministre de lImmigration, Diversit, et Inclusion (MIDI) under certain conditions.)

Financing Education ( provides Canadians with the information and services they need to decide what and
where to study and how to cover the costs. Their goal is to provide all the necessary resources (from interactive tools to
information about education savings programs, student loans and scholarships) to Canadians facing important decisions
about what to study, where to study and how to save for and pay for education after high school. The CanLearn site is
developed by the Department of Employment and Social Development Canada in collaboration with provincial and
territorial governments and Canadian learning and career development organizations.) (Registered Education Savings Plans RESPs
are a means of saving funds towards the future educational needs.)

Libraries (The Canadian Library Association / Association canadienne des bibliothques (CLA) is a non-profit
voluntary organization whose members work in college, university, public, special (corporate, non-profit and government)
and school libraries. Others sit on boards of public libraries, work for companies that provide goods and services to
libraries, or are students in graduate level or community college programs.) (Library and Archives Canada: A list of Canadian Public
Libraries and links to their website.)

Other Training (Canadian Foundation for Economic Education - works to promote and assist the enhanced
economic capability of Canadians that is, to increase the extent to which Canadians assume their economic roles, and
make economic decisions, with competence and confidence.)

Health Care in Canada or (Canada Health Act) (Citizenship and Immigration Canada: Health care - All
Canadian citizens and permanent residents are eligible for health insurance in Canada. An overview of the Canadian
health system is provided with links to the provincial and territorial health care services.) (Canadian Health Care - Canada's health care system is a group of socialized health
insurance plans that provides coverage to all Canadian citizens. It is publicly funded and administered on a provincial or
territorial basis, within guidelines set by the federal government.) (Health Canada is the federal department responsible for helping Canadians maintain and improve
their health, while respecting individual choices and circumstances.) (Health Canada: Health Care System, Medicare
explained - Canada's national health insurance program, often referred to as "Medicare", is designed to ensure that all
residents have reasonable access to medically necessary hospital and physician services, on a prepaid basis.) (Health Canada publication: Canadas Health Care
System.) (The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) is an independent, not-for-profit organization
that develops and maintains comprehensive and integrated health information, enabling sound policy and effective health
system management that improve health and health care. CIHI works with stakeholders to create and maintain a broad
range of health databases, measurements and standards.) (9-1-1 is the emergency telephone number for the North American Numbering Plan.
Dialing "9-1-1" from any telephone will link the caller to an emergency dispatch center which can send emergency
responders to the caller's location in case of an emergency.) (211 is the source Canadians trust when seeking information and services to deal with lifes challenges. 211s
telephone help line (2-1-1) and website provide a gateway to community, social, non-clinical health and related
government services. 211 helps to navigate the complex network of human services quickly and easily, 24 hours a day, 7
days a week, in over 100 languages. 211 connects people to the right information and services, strengthens Canadas
health and human services, and helps Canadians to become more engaged with their communities.)

Provincial Health Plans

Alberta (Alberta Health is the ministry that sets policy, legislation and standards for the health system
in Alberta. The ministry allocates health funding and administers provincial programs such as the Alberta Health Care
Insurance Plan and provides expertise on communicable disease control.) (Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) - All new
and returning Alberta residents must register for Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) coverage to receive insured
hospital and physician services.)

British Columbia (British Columbia Ministry of Health Services) (British Columbia Ministry of Health Services - Health Insurance BC administers
the Medical Services Plan (MSP) and PharmaCare programs on behalf of the B.C. government. Health Insurance BC's
responsibilities include: Administration of MSP and PharmaCare business services (including registration for MSP and
processing applications for Premium Assistance and Fair PharmaCare); and, Registration of health care providers and
payment of medical and pharmacy claims.) (British Columbia Ministry of Health Services - The Medical Services Plan (MSP)
insures medically required services provided by physicians and supplementary health care practitioners, laboratory
services and diagnostic procedures.) (British Columbia Ministry of Health Services: BC PharmaCare helps B.C.
residents with the cost of eligible prescription drugs and certain medical supplies.)

Manitoba (Manitoba Health - Manitoba Health is a department within the Government of Manitoba
that operates under the provisions of the legislation and responsibilities of the Minister of Health. The legislation, as well
as emerging health and health care issues, guides the planning and delivery of health care services for Manitobans.
Manitoba Health also manages the insured benefits claims payments for residents of Manitoba related to the cost of
medical, hospital, personal care, Pharmacare and other health services. Most direct services are delivered through
regional health authorities, and other health care organizations.) (Manitoba Health - A Manitoba health card allows you to see a

doctor, get a prescription, visit a hospital emergency room or use most other health services. If you dont already have
one, registering for a health card is your first step.) (Manitoba Health - Register for health coverage in Manitoba by using
the eRegistration Form. Just click on the link and follow instructions. See FAQ at for more information.)

New Brunswick (New Brunswick Health - main portal to health related


Newfoundland and Labrador (Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Health and Community Services

provides a leadership role in health and community services programs and policy development for the province. This
involves working in partnership with a number of key stakeholders including regional health authorities, community
organizations, professional associations, post-secondary educational institutions, unions, consumers and other
government departments.) (The Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Care Plan (MCP) is a
comprehensive plan of medical care insurance designed to cover the cost of physician services for residents of the
province.) (The Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Care Plan (MCP):
Registration - To apply for coverage, complete an Application Form found at and mail, fax, or bring it to Medical Care Plan
(MCP)'s office, along with the appropriate identification and citizenship / immigration documents [photocopies are

Northwest Territories (Northwest Territories Health and Social Services - Promotes, protects, and provides for the
health and well-being of the people of the NWT. Health is a complete state of physical, mental, social and emotional wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Social Services encourage healthy choices, support mental
wellness, protect children and others at risk, and help families and communities to increase wellness.) (Northwest Territories Health and Social Services: NWT Health
Care Plan - Under the Canada Health Act, the NWT health care system guarantees that all eligible residents of the NWT
receive universal access to medically necessary hospital and physician services based on need, not ability to pay. The
NWT health care system also provides a range of services beyond the Act's basic requirements. If you are a new or
returning NWT resident, you must register for the NWT Health Care Plan.) (Northwest Territories Health and Social Services: You can
register by completing the Health Care Coverage Registration Form (downloaded from and submitting it with
all supporting documents either by mail or fax to the Health Services Administration Office in Inuvik.)

Nova Scotia (Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness - The DHW supports programs and services
that protect and promote health, and treat illness for Nova Scotians and their families.) (Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness - Nova Scotia's Health Insurance
Programs are designed to provide eligible residents with coverage for medically required hospital, medical, dental and
optometric services with some restrictions. The Medical Services Insurance Programs are administered by Medavie
Blue Cross on behalf of the Nova Scotia government.) (Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness: MSI - Health Cards.
Applications are assessed on an individual basis and proof of Citizenship or Immigration documentation is required. Once
the application is processed, health cards are issued for each family member. Health cards must be presented to health
care providers before receiving insured health services. To register for a Health Card in Nova Scotia, you must call the
MSI Registration to start the application process. Blank applications are not available.)

Nunavut (Nunavut, Department of Health - The Department of Health is responsible for health
services and social programming in Nunavut.) (Nunavut, Department of Health: Health Insurance - The
Department of Health offers insurance programs to help Nunavummiut pay the costs of insured medical treatment,
prescription drugs, medical supplies and medical travel. Every Nunavut resident is covered under the Nunavut Health Care
Plan when they meet the eligibility criteria. The Nunavut Health Care Plan also offers an additional insurance plan called
Extended Health Benefits which may help pay for any prescriptions, medical travel costs or medical supplies and
equipment needs.) (Nunavut, Department of Health: Nunavut Health Care

Plan - Every person enrolled in the Nunavut Health Care Plan is given a Health Care Card with their own unique nine digit
number. To cover the costs of health services, the card must be shown at hospitals, health centres, nursing stations,
public health offices or doctors offices in and out of Nunavut.) (Nunavut, Department of Health: Applying for Health Care - To
register for the Nunavut Health Care Plan, you must fill out an Application for Nunavut Health Care Coverage form
found at Mail your form along with
copies of your identification to Nunavut Health Insurance Programs Office.)

Ontario (Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care is working to establish a patient-focused,
results-driven, integrated and sustainable publicly funded health system. Its plan for building a sustainable public health
care system in Ontario is based on helping people stay healthy, delivering good care when people need it, and protecting
the health system for future generations.) (Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care: Ontario Health
Insurance Plan - If you live in Ontario, many of the health care services you need are publicly funded. This means that
the government pays all or part of the cost for you. Services include visits to your family doctor and specialists as well as
most basic and emergency health care services, including surgery and hospital stays.) (Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care - A resident of Ontario
must have a health card to show that he or she is entitled to health care services paid for by OHIP. To apply for OHIP
coverage, you must go in person to a Service Ontario Centre.)

Prince Edward Island (Prince Edward Island Department of Health and Wellness) (Health PEI is responsible for the operation and delivery of publicly funded health services in Prince
Edward Island.) (Online Guide for Newcomers to Prince Edward
Island - It is important to take care of your health and the health of your family. In order to do this, you should stay
informed about which health care services are available and how to access them. To access the free basic health care
services in PEI, each family member has to have a PEI Health Card.) (The Prince Edward Island Health Card is designed to provide eligible residents with
coverage for basic hospital and medical treatment. You should apply for your PEI Health Card as soon as possible after
you arrive in PEI. Each person has to have an individual card. In order to get your PEI Health Card you must fill in a
Personal Health Card Application form found at You only need to fill in
one form for yourself and any family members living with you.)

Qubec (Rgie de l'assurance maladie du Qubec (RAMQ) - Under the authority of the Minister of
Health and Social Services, the Rgie is directly associated with the major health care issues and plays an essential role
vis--vis the public. The Rgie de l'assurance maladie du Qubec administers the public health and prescription drug
insurance plans. RAMQ informs the public, manages the eligibility of persons, remunerates health professionals and
ensures the secure flow of information.)
(Rgie de l'assurance maladie du Qubec - Immigrants and foreign workers or students: coverage under the
Health Insurance Plan has been compulsory for every resident or temporary resident of Qubec who fulfills the conditions
provided for by law. The medical services covered by the Health Insurance Plan are those that are medically necessary
and rendered by a general practitioner (also called a "family doctor") or a medical specialist. These services include:
medical examinations, consultations, diagnostic procedures, therapeutic procedures, psychiatric treatments, surgery,
radiology, and anesthesia.)
(Rgie de l'assurance maladie du Qubec: Immigrants and foreign workers or students Registration. Persons arriving
in Qubec to take up residence must register for the Health Insurance Plan. It is very important to call the Rgie or visit
an office of the Rgie upon your arrival in Qubec to obtain a registration form and submit your application as soon as
possible. This will avoid delaying the effective date of your coverage.) (Rgie de l'assurance maladie du Qubec: Public Prescription Drug Insurance
Plan - Everyone who has taken up residence in Qubec and who is eligible for health insurance, whether an adult or
child, must be covered by prescription drug insurance at all times.)

Saskatchewan (Saskatchewan Health) (Saskatchewan Health System - The Saskatchewan health care system is made up
of many provincial, regional and local organizations working together to ensure the province has healthy people in healthy

communities. Most services are delivered through the province's regional health authorities (health regions), their
affiliated organizations, and the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency.) (Saskatchewan Health System - Health Services Card
Application - All new Saskatchewan residents must register themselves and their dependents for a Saskatchewan health
services card in order to be eligible for health benefits.)

Yukon (Yukon Health and Social Services - The mission of the Department of Health and Social
Services commits the department and its employees to quality health and social services for Yukoners. This is achieved by
helping individuals acquire the skills to live responsible, healthy and independent lives; and, providing a range of
accessible, affordable services that assist individuals, families and communities to reach their full potential.) (Yukon Health and Social Services: Insured
Health & Hearing Services - Insured Services ensures delivery of health care benefits as set out in the Health Care
Insurance Plan, the Hospital Insurance Services Plan, and the Travel for Medical Treatment Act. Programs offered under
insured services are: Children's Drug & Optical Program; Chronic Disease Program; Extended Health Care Benefits to
Seniors; Medical Travel; Health Care Insurance Registration; Pharmacare.) (Yukon Health and Social Services: Health Care Card, Apply - You
must register in person at the Insured Health Services office in Whitehorse, or, if in rural communities, application forms
are available at all Territorial Agents.)

Telehealth (COACH: Canada's Health Informatics Association provides access to a diverse community of
accomplished, influential professionals who work passionately to make a difference in advancing health care through
information technology. The field of health informatics (HI) is the intersection of clinical, IM/IT and management practices
and is helping to modernize health care.) (COACH: Canada's Health Informatics
Association: The CTF: Canadian Telehealth Forum brings together the many key stakeholders involved and interested
in furthering the development and implementation of telehealth practices. It acts as a major resource for information and
knowledge sharing, contributes to telehealth policy and standards development, and is the Canadian voice for telehealth
both in Canada and internationally.) (Ontario Telemedicine Network helps Ontarians get more out of the health care system by bridging the
distance of time and geography to bring more patients the care they need, where and when they need it. Using
innovative technology, OTN streamlines the health care process, while also expanding the way knowledge is shared and
how the medical community interacts with each other and with patients. An independent, not-for-profit organization,
OTN is funded by the Government of Ontario.)

Public Health
Overview (Public Health Agency of Canada - The role of the Public Health Agency of Canada is to:
Promote health; Prevent and control chronic diseases and injuries; Prevent and control infectious diseases; Prepare for
and respond to public health emergencies; Serve as a central point for sharing Canadas expertise with the rest of the
world; Apply international research and development to Canadas public health programs; and Strengthen
intergovernmental collaboration on public health and facilitate national approaches to public health policy and planning.) (The Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) is the national, independent, not-for-profit,
voluntary association representing public health in Canada. CPHAs members believe in universal and equitable access to
the basic conditions which are necessary to achieve health for all Canadians.) (Canadian Public Health Association Links are provided to
the Provincial/Territorial Public Health Associations.)

Alberta (The Alberta Public Health Association is a provincial not-for-profit association focused on
promoting and protecting the health of the public through advocacy, partnerships and education.)

British Columbia (The Public Health Association of BC (PHABC) is a voluntary, non-profit, non-government

organization whose mission is to preserve and promote the public's health. The Association works toward this mission

through its activities in disease and injury prevention, health promotion, health protection, and advocacy for healthy
public policy.)

Manitoba (Manitoba Public Health Association - The

mission of the Manitoba Public Health Association (MPHA) is to work with many sectors to influence emerging and reemerging health, social, environmental and economic policy decisions to improve the quality of life and well-being of

New Brunswick/Prince Edward Island (New Brunswick / Prince Edward Island

Branch, CPHA - The NB/PEI Branch-CPHA members believe in universal and equitable access to the basic conditions that
are necessary to achieve health for all. The Branchs mission is to advocate for the improvement and maintenance of
personal and community health according to the public health principles of disease prevention, health promotion and
protection, and healthy public policy.)

Newfoundland and Labrador (The Newfoundland & Labrador Public Health Association (NLPHA) is an independent, voluntary,
non-profit provincial advocacy group comprised of health professionals, community members, and affiliated organizations
who promote and support public health.)

Northwest Territories and Nunavut (The Northwest Territories and Nunavut

Public Health Association (NTNUPHA) is a voluntary, not-for-profit association with a community health perspective.
NTNUPHA represents leaders in public health interested in the strengthening and shaping of public health practices and
policies in the North and in Canada: educators, health and social workers, interested community members, policy and
decision makers, public health safety workers, researchers.)

Nova Scotia (The Public Health Association of Nova Scotia PHANS is a voluntary not-for-profit organization,
affiliated with the Canadian Public Health Association. It monitors social, political, economic and environmental
developments that may influence public health; advocates for policy change on issues that affect health; responds to
community health issues and concerns; Raises public and professional awareness of health issues; encourages individual
and community action; liaises with other voluntary agencies and government departments; and, participates in
government committees examining health policy.)

Ontario (The Ontario Public Health Association - OPHA is a not-for-profit organization that provides a strong,
unified, independent voice for all citizens, public-health professionals and volunteers committed to improving the health of

Qubec (Association pour la sant publique du Qubec / Public Health Association of Qubec - ASPQ
is an multidisciplinary non-profit association that helps promote, improve and maintain the health and well-being of

Saskatchewan (Saskatchewan Public Health

Association, Inc. - To promote the health of Saskatchewan people and their environment through education, advocacy
and empowerment.)

Some Interesting Topics in Public Health (Cigarette prices in Canada by province as of
April 2013. From the Non-Smokers' Rights Association/Smoking and Health Action Foundation.) (Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care: Smoke-Free
Ontario.) (Immunize Canada is a coalition of national non-governmental, professional, health, consumer,
government and private sector organizations with a specific interest in promoting the understanding and use of vaccines
recommended by the National Advisory Committee on Immunization. The goal of Immunize Canada is to contribute to the

control / elimination / eradication of vaccine-preventable diseases in Canada by increasing awareness of the benefits and
risks of immunization for all ages via education, promotion, advocacy and media relations) (Public Health Agency of Canada: Canadian Immunization
Guide - links are provide to Key Immunization Information; Vaccine Safety; Vaccination of Specific Populations; Active
Vaccines; Passive Immunizing Agents; Abbreviations for Products Available in Canada; and Recommendations from the
National Advisory Committee on Immunization - NACI.) (From the Canadian Encyclopedia: Birth Control, an
explanation.) (Women's College Hospital is an independently governed hospital. They are
exploring new and better ways to provide care to women and their families throughout every phase of their lives. They
are also the first and only independent, academic, ambulatory care hospital in Ontario with a primary focus on the health
of women.) (Women's College Hospital: Sexual &
Reproductive Health They have empowered hundreds of thousands of women to take control over their reproductive
health. Their abiding commitment to a women's right to information, access and service remains the cornerstone of their
care.) (The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) is
comprised professional members, including gynaecologists, obstetricians, family physicians, nurses, midwives and allied
health professionals. A leading authority on reproductive health care, the SOGC produces national clinical guidelines
for both public and medical education on important womens health issues. This index provides links to guidelines on
womens health issues) (The Canadian Federation for Sexual Health (CFSH) is a voluntary, charitable organization. They
promote sexual and reproductive health and rights in Canada and abroad. They support access to comprehensive sexual
health education, information and services in every community.) (Public Health Agency of Canada: Sexual Health and
Sexually Transmitted Infections - an index to information related to this topic.) (Health Canada: HIV and AIDS explained with links to pertinent

Private Health Insurance (from Settlement.Org: Do I need private health
insurance? Important information for new immigrants to Ontario regarding private health insurance) (Settlement.Org: Private Health Insurance for New
Immigrants - Where can I buy private health insurance for newcomers and visitors to Canada?) (The Interim Federal Health Program
(IFHP) provides limited, temporary, taxpayer-funded coverage of health-care benefits to people in the following groups
who are not eligible for provincial or territorial health insurance: protected persons, including resettled refugees; refugee
claimants; and certain other groups. Assistance is provided during their settlement period in Canada, prior to their
qualification for provincial health care coverage) (The Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA) is a voluntary non-profit association with
member companies accounting for 99% of Canadas life and health insurance business.)
752?OpenDocument (Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association links are provide to the websites of the
member insurance companies.) (from Travel Canada: Travel insurance - Your
Canadian insurance is not valid outside Canada. Useful information such as selecting travel health insurance) (KANETIX is an advocate and champion for choice, offering not only the freedom to compare quotes
for all your insurance needs but also offering financial services that make shopping online feel as easy as it is
empowering. As Canada's online comparison site for insurance, mortgages and credit cards, they help you compare more
quotes quickly so that you can secure rates from many of the nation's top providers with ease.) ( offers Canadians online health insurance and travel insurance quotes and
enrolment. You can shop for your insurance online in a secure, convenient manner. Compare plans at your leisure and
save your money!) ( provides information to consumers about insurance products in
Canada. It provides links to providers, news, and general information relating to insurance for Canadians. Materials
related to specific types of insurance are posted in their respective sections.) (Blue Cross member plans operate on a not-for-profit basis in every region of Canada, making
coverage available to eligible residents in each province. Offerings include group and individual health and dental
benefits, as well as travel health insurance.) (Ontario Blue Cross: Immigrant Visitors to Canada Plan - The Immigrant Visitors to
Canada plan provides insurance coverage for non-Canadians seeking lawful immigration into Canada. This plan is ideal for
those awaiting provincial health coverage.) (CoverMe from Manulife Financial offers a comprehensive selection of insurance
solutions to meet the emerging health care needs of Canadians. Travel insurance includes plans for travelling Canadians
and plans for visitors to Canada, including immigrants awaiting provincial / territorial health insurance plans.) (RSA
Travel Insurance Inc. is one of Canadas leading providers of specialized travel and health insurance products and
services. RSA Travel Insurance offers a full range of travel and health insurance products to students, groups, individuals
and expatriates. These products are sold and marketed to the end-consumer through insurance brokers, travel agents,
consultants and third party administrators.) (Pucher Insurance, Travel Medical Insurance Broker provides emergency medical
coverage for sickness and accident. New immigrants, until they are covered under a government plan, can purchase
insurance before or after arrival in Canada.) (Expatriate Insurance Services - An independent broker for expatriate health
insurance, travel insurance, term life insurance, income protection insurance, short term medical insurance.)

Public Transportation (from Citizenship and Immigration Canada:
Transportation including information on air, rail, bus, ferry, car, public transit, transportation for people with physical
disabilities, taxis, walking and cycling.) (Transport Canada - Transport Canada is responsible for transportation policies and programs. It
promotes safe, secure, efficient and environmentally-responsible transportation.) (Canada Revenue Agency Tax Credit for Public
Transit Passes - a non-refundable public transit tax credit based on the cost of monthly public transit passes for travel.) (The Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA) represents the public transit community in
Canada. It is a leader and active partner in national and international education and outreach initiatives, designed to
strengthen the industry and build support for public transit. The vast majority of urban transit systems in Canada, from
Victoria and Vancouver to Halifax and St. John's are CUTA members.) (from Wikipedia: Rapid transit in Canada.)

Provincial / Municipal Transportation Systems

Alberta (Edmonton Transit System (ETS)

includes buses and Light Rail Transit - LRT.) (Calgary Transit - buses, BRT (Bus Rapid Transit), LRT known as CTrain.) (Grande Prairie Transit - buses) (Lethbridge Transit - buses) (Medicine Hat Transit - buses) (Red Deer
Transit - buses) (Wood Buffalo Transit System, including Fort McMurray - buses)

British Columbia (BC Transit connects over 50 million customers in communities across the province every year. It
provides planning, marketing, fleet and funding support for all transit services in BC, except for the Greater Vancouver
region. Select a municipality to get details in your area.) (Victoria Regional Transit System) (TransLink is responsible for various modes of transportation in the Metro Vancouver region and
major roads and bridges. This includes: Buses, SkyTrain, SeaBus, and West Coast Express.) (Kamloops Transit System) (Kelowna Regional Transit System) (RDN Transit System, Nanaimo) (Prince George Transit System)

Manitoba (Winnipeg Transit - buses) (Brandon Transit - buses)

New Brunswick (The City of Fredericton Transit Division operates 28

buses on nine routes.) (Moncton Transit- provides residents including the City of Dieppe and the Town of Riverview
with a safe, efficient urban public transportation service - buses.) (Saint John Transit Commission buses)

Newfoundland and Labrador (St. John's Transportation Commission - Offers public transit service in the greater St. John's

Northwest Territories (Yellowknife Transit has three regular and two express bus transit

Nova Scotia (Halifax Regional Municipality Metro Transit - buses, ferries, MetroLink, commuter
rail) (Cape Breton Transit - buses)

Ontario (from Settlement.Org: How can I travel within

Ontario? Buses, trains and airlines go to many places in Ontario. All cities are connected by paved highways.) (Ontario Ministry of
Transportation, Municipal Transit Systems in Ontario - Municipal public transit services generally include
conventional and specialized services. Conventional public transit systems serve the general public and operate mainly
fixed routes and schedules. Specialized public transit services provide door-to-door transportation services to individuals
with disabilities who meet eligibility requirements created by the municipality. Links are provided to the municipal transit
systems in Ontario.) (OC Transpo, Ottawa's public transit system consists of buses and trains. The O-Train, Light
Rail Rapid Transit, is fully integrated with OC Transpo's bus service.) (Toronto Transit Commission includes Subway/RT, rapid transit, buses, streetcars.)
(Toronto Islands & Ferries including information on Licensed Water Taxis.) (GO Transit is the regional public transit service for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area,
with routes extending to communities across the Greater Golden Horseshoe. GO Transit is an extensive network of train
lines and bus routes. GO provides its passengers with safe, fast, reliable, comfortable service to downtown Toronto and
other urban centres.) (Barrie Transit - The City of
Barrie offers both conventional bus service with Barrie Transit & Specialized Transit Services for people with mobility
restrictions.) (Brantford Transit buses) (Grand River Transit provides bus services throughout the cities of Cambridge,
Kitchener and Waterloo on a fixed route schedule.) (Greater Sudbury Transit - Public transportation includes both
conventional transit (buses) and the transportation of persons with physical disabilities.) (Guelph Transit - buses) (Hamilton Street Railway - buses) (Kingston Transit provides conventional bus service within the urban area
of the City of Kingston and, under contract, to the neighbouring community of Amherstview.) (London Transit - buses) (Niagara Falls Transit - buses) (Niagara Region Transit is provided to link Niagara Falls - Welland - St.
Catharines - Port Colborne - Fort Erie year round. For one low fare, you can travel throughout the region.) (St. Catharines Transit Commission - buses) (Thunder Bay Transit - buses) (Windsor Transit operates the public transit service for the
municipality of the City of Windsor, as well as direct service to downtown Detroit, Comerica Park and Ford Field via the
Windsor-Detroit tunnel.)

Prince Edward Island (TRIUS Transit - Buses servicing Charlottetown, Cornwall, and Stratford.)

Qubec (Qubec City Rseau de transport de la Capitale - buses, ferries) (Socit de transport de Montral provides buses, mtro, and paratransit service.) (Gatineau Socit de transport de l'Outaouais - buses) (Saguenay Transport STS - buses) (Socit de transport de Sherbrooke - buses) (Socit de transport de Trois-Rivires - buses)

Saskatchewan (Regina Transit Services - buses) (City of Moose Jaw Transit Division - buses) (Prince Albert Transit Service - buses)
(Saskatoon Transit - buses)

Yukon (City of Whitehorse Transit Department - Whitehorse Transit

provides bus service to outlying Whitehorse residential areas, connecting through the Downtown core.)

Driving in Canada
Drivers Licence (Drivers Licences in Canada
from (Service Canada: Driver's Licence with
links to provincial or territorial websites for more information.) (Citizenship and Immigration Canada:
Driving in Canada with links to the website for the motor vehicle licencing agency in your province or territory.) (from Settlement.Org: What should I think about
when buying a car?) (from Settlement.Org: What do I need to know
about vehicle licensing?)

Provincial Ministries of Transportation

Alberta (Government of Alberta: Ministry of Transportation) (Government of Alberta: Ministry of Transportation Driver
Licensing) (Government of Alberta: Driver's
Licence) (Service Alberta: Driver's Licence) (Service Alberta: New Canadian and Alberta Residents Applying for an
Alberta Drivers Licence.)

British Columbia (British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure) (The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia is a
provincial Crown corporation established to provide universal auto insurance to B.C. motorists. They are also responsible
for driver licensing, and vehicle licensing and registration.) (Government of British Columbia,
Welcome BC: Drivers Licence) (Government of British
Columbia: BC Driver's Licence & Services Card)

Manitoba (Manitoba Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation) (Manitoba Public Insurance: Driver Licensing. Manitoba
Public Insurance is a non-profit Crown Corporation that provides basic automobile coverage. Driver and vehicle licensing
services are available at Autopac brokers around the province.)

New Brunswick (Government of New Brunswick, Services

Driving and Vehicles. This is a portal to Information about driving needs, such as licences, permits, insurance, road
conditions and safety. This also includes vehicles and related needs, such as registrations, importing, fuel and vehicle
html (Government of New Brunswick, Services Driver's Licences for New Residents) (Government of New Brunswick,

Services Driver's Licences)

Newfoundland and Labrador (Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Service Portal) (Government of
Newfoundland and Labrador, Service Newfoundland and Labrador: Driver Licencing)

Northwest Territories (Government of Northwest Territories:

Department of Transportation - The NWT Drivers Licence)

Nova Scotia (Government of Nova Scotia: Registry of Motor Vehicles

Drivers Licence) (Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations - Registry of Motor
Vehicles Driver's Licence)

Nunavut (Government of Nunavut: Department of

Economic Development and Transportation: Motor Vehicles)

Ontario (Ontario Ministry of Transportation)'s-Licence.aspx (DriveTest, is a private
company licenced by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario to operate Driver Examination Centres and Travel Points
spread across Ontario. Obtaining a Drivers Licence Introduction to Driving in Ontario.) (Government of Ontario, Ministry of Transportation Drivers and
Vehicles) (Government of Ontario, Ministry of
Transportation New Ontario residents)

Prince Edward Island (Government of Prince Edward Island, Department

of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal: Highway Safety Division Driver Licensing)

Qubec (Province of Qubec, Ministry of Transport / Transports Qubec) (Socit de l'assurance automobile du Qubec: Drivers
Licence) (Socit de l'assurance automobile du Qubec:
New Residents of Qubec and Holders of a Driver's Licence Issued Outside Qubec.)

Saskatchewan (Government of Saskatchewan: Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure) (Saskatchewan Immigration: Getting Your Driver's Licence) (Saskatchewan Government Insurance: The Saskatchewan
Auto Fund is the province's compulsory auto insurance program, operating the driver licensing and vehicle registration
system - Driver licensing.)

Yukon (Government of Yukon, Department of Highways and Public Works: Secure

Driver's Licence & General Identification Card.)

Provincial / Territorial Photo ID

For those residents who do not or cannot hold a valid drivers licence, a provincial photo ID is obtained for
identification purposes.

Alberta (An Alberta Photo Identification Card (ID card) is available to Alberta
residents who do not or cannot hold a valid Alberta operator's licence. The ID card is clearly marked for identification
purposes only and does not entitle the person to operate a motor vehicle under any circumstances.)

British Columbia (BC Services Card Proving

your identity is required for many day-to-day activities like completing an application, cashing a cheque or renting a hotel
room. B.C. residents should have a government-issued ID and know how to keep their personal identity safe. The new BC
Services Card will provide secure access to provincial government services.)

Manitoba (The Manitoba Identification Card is a voluntary,

government-issued photo identification card that you can use to prove your identity, age and Manitoba residency.)

New Brunswick (A New Brunswick

Photo ID Card is available to residents of New Brunswick for use as identification when they do not hold a valid drivers

Newfoundland and Labrador (A Newfoundland & Labrador Identification Card is

accepted for all purposes for which proof of identification is required under any act of this province, such as purchase of
liquor, cigarettes, etc.)

Northwest Territories (If you don't have a driver's

Licence card from the Northwest Territories, you need to get another piece of identification with a photo. You can
apply for a General Identification Card at the same place that issues driver's Licences.)

Nova Scotia (Nova Scotia Photo Identification Card is issued to anyone in Nova

Scotia (including children) who wants proof of age or an identity card with a photo.)

Nunavut (The Government of Nunavut, through the Motor

Vehicles Division of the Department of Economic Development & Transportation, issues Nunavut ID Cards to Canadian
Citizens who present at least two pieces of acceptable identification. You must be a resident of Nunavut in order to be
issued a General Identification Card.)

Ontario (An Ontario Photo Card is a wallet-sized card that provides

government-issued identification to those Ontarians who do not have a drivers licence, making it easier for them to do
things such as open a bank account, and perform any other activities that require official identification.)

Prince Edward Island (Prince Edward Island Voluntary Identification

Cards are for people (adults or children) who need proof of their identity; are residents of PEI; and do not have a PEI
Driver's Licence.)

Saskatchewan (A Saskatchewan Photo ID card is available

for all non-drivers.)

Yukon (The Yukon General Identification Card is government-issued photo

identification for Yukon residents of all ages, especially those who do not have a drivers licence. The new identification
card provides an option for those who want a secure proof-of-age card without applying for a secure drivers licence.)

Renting / Buying: What You Should Know (Citizenship and Immigration Canada: Housing, Finding a
place to live.) (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) is Canadas national housing agency.
CMHC is Canadas premier provider of mortgage/loan insurance, mortgage-backed securities, housing policy and
programs, and housing research.) (CMHC is the Government of Canada's national housing agency and the go-to resource
to better help you settle in Canada. CMHC provides you with housing information to help you make decisions and find a
safe, affordable home for your family. Select between 8 languages before proceeding.) (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation: Renting a Home If you are a
tenant, a landlord or property manager, CMHC can offer you information on tenant and landlord rights, responsibilities
and rental practices across the country.) (Canada Mortgage and Housing
Corporation, Newcomers Guide to Canadian Housing How to find, rent or buy a home in Canada although this
guide is a bit dated it still contains a lot of useful information.) (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Publication: Renting Your First
Home in Canada: What Newcomers Need to Know Looking for your first home in Canada? CMHC has advice in
English, French, Mandarin, Tagalog, Urdu, Punjabi, Spanish and Arabic on important things you need to consider when
renting a Canadian home. Read about what to look for in potential rentals and the different types available (privatelyowned, shared accommodation, and subsidized housing), plus responsibilities of tenants and landlords, lease agreements,
and things to keep in mind when moving in or out.) (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Publication: Buying Your
First Home in Canada: What newcomers Need to Know If you are new to Canada and are interested in buying
your first home, CMHC has a guide, available in English, French, Mandarin, Tagalog, Urdu, Punjabi, Spanish and Arabic,
that covers the important things you need to consider. Get information about financing, types of Canadian homes
available, how to determine affordability, where and how to look, what to look for, how to make an offer to purchase,
where to find assistance and support, and more.) (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Publication: Homebuyers
Checklist A Newcomers' Guide and Workbook A one-stop online source for housing-related information for
newcomers to Canada, covering home purchase and maintenance. Available in English, French, Mandarin, Punjabi,
Tagalog, Urdu, Arabic and Spanish, this online guide provides useful worksheets for each step in the process of buying
and maintaining a home, including estimating costs, budgeting, choosing a home-buying professional, planning a move
and creating a maintenance calendar.) (Canada Mortgage and Housing
Corporation, The Rental Agreement In this section, you will learn about the "rental agreement", which may be a
written lease or a verbal rental agreement. Topics covered: How Rental Agreements Are Governed; Agreement in Writing;
The Rental Agreement: What to Expect; Rules About Pets and Smoking; When There Is a Problem.) (Canada Mortgage and Housing
Corporation, Landlord and Tenant Responsibilities In all provinces, landlords are legally obliged to ensure that the
rental unit complies with the rules and regulations pertaining to minimum health, safety, housing and maintenance
standards. It is the landlord's responsibility to ensure that the place does not deteriorate below these standards.) (Canada Mortgage and Housing
Corporation: Rental Deposits. Depending on where you rent, the allowable deposit varies. In most jurisdictions,
landlords can ask for a security deposit.) (National (Canada-wide) Renting
Information Fact Sheet For further information on renting in Canada, links are provided to Co-operative Housing
Federation of Canada (CHFC); Legal Aid Offices across Canada; Pest Control Canada; Plex Realty: Toolkit; Apartments
Living/Rental; Tenant Verification Service Inc.) (from Settlement.Org: Housing Which city will you live in?
Do you want a house or an apartment? What can you expect as a tenant or a homeowner? Learn about your options and
how to find a home that's right for you. Follow the three (3) steps by clicking the topic of interest) (from Settlement.Org: What should I look for in an
apartment / rental home?) (Canadian Relocation Systems, the Online Guide for people Relocating or Moving in

Landlord and Tenant Laws

Alberta (Service Alberta, Landlords & Tenants, oversees and

enforces Albertas Residential Tenancies Act, the legislation that sets out the rights and responsibilities of landlords and
tenants in Alberta.) (Alberta Residential Tenancies Act) (Alberta Fact Sheet: Renting a Home.)

British Columbia (British Columbia: Office of Housing and Construction Standards: The Residential Tenancy
Branch provides landlords and tenants with information and dispute resolution services. The information on this website
will help you understand your rights and responsibilities under British Columbia's Residential Tenancy Act and
Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act.) (Publication: Residential Tenancy Act: A Guide for
Landlords & Tenants in British Columbia.) (British Columbia Fact Sheet: Renting a

Manitoba (Manitoba Residential Tenancies Branch The Residential Tenancies Branch administers
or is responsible for The Residential Tenancies Act, The Life Leases Act and The Condominium Act in Manitoba.) or (Manitoba Residential Tenancies Act) (Manitoba Residential Tenancies Amendment Act) or (Manitoba Condominium Act) (Manitoba Fact Sheet: Renting a Home)

New Brunswick (New Brunswick: Office of the Rentalsman - The Office of

the Rentalsman, now part of Service New Brunswick, is a government service that provides information on rental
obligations and rights, and helps landlords and tenants resolve problems without going to court. Services provided are
governed by the Residential Tenancies Act. The Office of the Rentalsman also holds all security deposits.) (New Brunswick Residential Tenancies Act) (New Brunswick Fact Sheet: Renting a

Newfoundland and Labrador (Newfoundland and Labrador Residential Tenancies

Act) (Service Newfoundland and Labrador:
Residential Tenancies (Landlords and Tenants) useful information about renting for both tenants and landlords) (Newfoundland and Labrador Fact Sheet:
Renting a Home)

Northwest Territories (Northwest Territories Justice: Rental

office A Source of Information for Landlords and Tenants) (Northwest
Territories Residential Tenancies Act) (Northwest Territories: Residential Tenancies
Act - Residential Tenancies Regulations) (Northwest Territories Fact Sheet: Renting
a Home)

Nova Scotia (Nova Scotia Residential Tenancies - The

Residential Tenancies program helps landlords and tenants understand their rights, and exercise those rights when
necessary.) (Nova Scotia Residential Tenancies Act) (Nova Scotia Fact Sheet: Renting a Home)

Nunavut (Nunavut Consolidation of

Residential Tenancies Act) (Nunavut Fact Sheet: Renting a Home)

Ontario (The Ontario Landlord and Tenant Boards role is to provide information about the
Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) and to resolve disputes between most residential landlords and tenants.) (Ontario: The Law Links are provided to: The Act and
Regulations; Rules of Practice; Interpretation Guidelines; Selected Decisions; Redacted Orders.) (Ontario Residential Tenancies
Act) (Ontario Fact Sheet: Renting a Home)

Prince Edward Island (Prince Edward Island Office of the Director of Residential Rental Property - What you
should know about entering into a Rental Agreement in Prince Edward Island: A Useful Guide for Landlords and Tenants.) (Prince Edward Island Consolidation Landlord and Tenant Act) (Prince Edward Island Rental of Residential Property Act) (Prince Edward Island Fact Sheet: Renting
a Home)

Qubec (Qubec: Rights

and obligations of the tenant and the landlord an overview.) (Qubec: Obligations and Rights links are provided to: Main
obligations of the tenant; Main obligations of the landlord; The lease; Laws and Regulations.) (Qubec Acts, Rules and Regulations regarding tenancy.)
R8_1_A.htm (Qubec Act Respecting the Rgie du logement) (Qubec Fact Sheet: Renting a Home)

Saskatchewan (Saskatchewan Office of Residential Tenancies (Rentalsman) Here you will find
information about the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants.) (Saskatchewan: The Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 and Regulations and
Important Changes Links are provided to: The Residential Tenancies Act, 2006; The Residential Tenancies
Regulations, 2007; Standard Conditions; Legislative and Regulatory Amendments - November, 2012) (Saskatchewan Fact Sheet: Renting a Home)

Yukon (Yukon Landlord and Tenant Responsibilities legislation

that benefits landlords and tenants and promotes a healthy private rental market.) (Yukon Landlord and Tenant Act) (Yukon Fact Sheet: Renting a Home)

Realtors in Canada (The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) is one of Canada's largest single-industry trade
Associations. Their membership includes more than 100,000 real estate brokers, agents and salespeople, working through
100 real estate Boards and Associations across Canada.) (Canadian Real Estate Association Statistics CREA compiles and analyzes numerous factors affecting
the real estate market for the public, REALTORS and governments. With the accurate, up-to-date information that CREA
provides: The public gets a snapshot of the Canadian housing market; REALTORS can knowledgeably advise their
clients; and Politicians and government policymakers can craft more effective legislation and regulations.) (Canadian Real Estate Association National Average Price Map
The Canadian Real Estate Association compiles monthly statistics on activity over Multiple Listing Service Systems of
Canadian Real Estate Boards and Associations.)
In addition to buying and selling, real estate companies also list rental properties. (The Canadian Real Estate Association: REALTORS across Canada MLS, Multiple Listing Service,
a summary of property information with an interactive map. Enlarge map until you get the location you are looking for.
You can also fill in information in the boxes shown to narrow your search.) (Canadian Yellow Pages, Real Estate an interactive way of locating real estate for
rent or purchase near you.) (Classified Extra - Canadian site of classified ads.) (Sutton one of the largest real estate companies with over 8,700 REALTORS and 200 offices
across Canada that provides highly personalized relationships between the REALTOR and their customers.) (Royal LePage Canada Since 1913, Royal LePage has been helping Canadians buy and sell
their homes and supporting communities. They have over 15,000 agents in more than 600 locations from coast-to-coast.) (RE/MAX Canada sells real estate and operates brokerages through over 18,500 RE/MAX agents in
over 700 offices across Canada.) (Century 21 Canada a global real estate company with offices throughout Canada.) (Coldwell Banker Canada a full-service real estate provider with a national network of
267 independently owned offices operating in every province across Canada, except Qubec, and also in the Yukon and
Northwest Territories.) (Kijiji is one of Canadas popular free, local classifieds site where people can connect with others in their
community to buy, sell, trade and help each other out in areas such as goods, cars, services, housing and jobs. Click on
Real Estate or one of the subcategories and fill in the blanks.) (Craigs List a centralized network of online communities, featuring free online classified
advertisements with sections devoted to jobs, housing, personals, for sale, services, community, gigs, rsums, and
discussion forums.) (National Post: Classifieds) or (Apartments Canada and
Canadian Residential Rentals showcase rental properties across Canada. Apartments Canada is part of the My Ideal
Home Rental Network, a group of over 100 rental website portals partnered with college & universities, property
management associations and large and small landlords form coast-to-coast. Its database contains listings in Toronto,
Vancouver, London, Edmonton and other cities across Canada.) (RentCanada, Canada's Internet Apartment Guide RentCanada features apartments, condos,
furnished suites, and temporary corporate housing in cities across Canada from leading property management firms.) ( allows property owners and managers to advertise their vacancies to hundreds of thousands
of renters across Canada.) (Places4Rent One of the largest rental directory and services portals on the web, collecting rental
listings from nearly every rental website in Canada and the United States.) ( Online tool to find apartments, houses, townhomes, and condos for rent in
Toronto, Hamilton, Ottawa, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver and most other Canadian cities.) ( provides a largest active list of apartments, houses and townhouses for rent in
Canada.) ( displays apartment listings that match your specific criteria,
including everything from building amenities to your desired price range.) (Apartment Corner shows you apartments for rent in only three pages! They try to
provide as much information as possible on all apartments listed on Apartment Corner.) (Boardwalk Rental Communities has apartments for rent in major Canadian cities. It is an
operator of rental apartments across Canada.) (Renters Hotline offers rental services to rental agents, private property owners, landlords
and rental managers.)

Telecommunications and Post (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, an administrative tribunal that
regulates and supervises broadcasting and telecommunications in the public interest.) (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Choosing a
Local Home Phone Service. Use the links provided under Who are the local telephone service providers? To find the
communication service in your area.) (Canada Post provides physical and electronic delivery solutions.)

Canadian Climate (from Canada Travel - Canada's
Four Seasons: Canada has four distinct seasons that vary depending on where you are. Canada has winter, spring,
summer and fall. However the climate and intensity of these seasons varies across the country.) (from Canada Travel Weather in Canada: An overview of weather in Canada) (Environment Canadas business is protecting the environment, conserving the country's natural
heritage, and providing weather and meteorological information to keep Canadians informed and safe.) (from Environment Canada: Weather and Meteorology Provides official online meteorological
information, current weather conditions and forecast on an hourly basis.) (The Climate
Prediction Center's (CPC) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Regional Climate Maps: Canada) (From trail Canada: Climate and weather in Canada providing Weather
Forecast for Canada and the Average Annual Weather by Region.) (from Canada Travel Average Canada Temperature by Month and City.) (from Statistics Canada: Weather
conditions in capital and major cities, Temperatures.) (from Environment Canada: Canadian Climate Normals &
Averages from 1961 to 2010.) (From Living in Canada: The Climates of Canadas Cities
Compared: Average Daily Maximum/Minimum, Sunshine, Rainy days, Snow days, Snow depth, Wind speed.) (Environment Canada: Winter Weather
Spending time outdoors in the winter season is good for your health, and can be a lot of fun. But you need to be aware
and prepared for Canadas cold and severe winter weather. In an average year, more Canadians die from exposure to
winter cold than from lightning, wind storms and tornadoes combined.) (Environment Canada: Canadas Wind
Chill Index Canadians are well aware of how much misery the wind chill can add to an already frigid day in winter.
Knowing the wind chill is in fact an essential part of Canadas weather forecasts, as it provides everyone with the
knowledge they need in order to stay safe in the worst weather. ) (Environment
Canada: Spring and Summer Weather Hazards From hail and heat waves, to thunderstorms and tornadoes, severe
weather in Canada takes many different forms in the summer months. It is by knowing what to expect and how to
prepare for it, that you will be able to protect yourself, your family and your property from summer weather hazards.

Driving in Winter (Weather Channel: How NOT to Drive on Ice! Meteorologist Jen
Carfagno shares some safe winter driving tips to keep you from crashing like the drivers in this video.) (Midas Canada Police Chase Commercial good for a chuckle.)

Climate Change (Canadian Environmental Protection Act) (Canada's Action on Climate Change The Government of Canada's approach to
climate change is focused on delivering environmental and economic benefits for all Canadians.) (Natural Resources Canada: Climate Change Climate is a major
influencing factor on forests, and forests in turn influence climate. Read about Canadas position on this topic.) (Environment Canada: Climate change The Government of
Canada supports an aggressive approach to climate change that achieves real environmental and economic benefits for
all Canadians.)

Dressing for the Cold Winter Weather (from Citizenship and Immigration Canada: Prepare for
winter: Enjoying winter in Canada; Dressing for winter; Layers keep you warm.) (from Sports Medicine How
to Dress for Winter Exercise: What to wear for cold weather exercise.) (From Settlement.Org:
Dressing for Winter In winter, the temperature can drop below -30, which is cold enough to be dangerous. You
should be careful if you have young children. Children should wear warm dry clothes when they go outside in winter. Play
safe, dress warm, and enjoy your first winter in Canada! A film clip is also included.) (from Public Safety Canada: Seven steps to cold
weather safety make sure you're ready for cold weather.) (from a Canadian blog: Dressing For Winter) (from a Canadian blog: Dealing With The Cold) (Welcome to Winter! Dressing for Winter. This blog is written by librarians and provides information
and resources to new residents of Canada settling around Toronto.) (Canada Travel and Vacation
Planner from Dress to Keep Warm in Winter, a few important tips to survive chilly or downright frigid
weather.) (from WikiHow: How to Dress for the Cold Dress for the weather is an
important element of dealing with cold winter weather. Pictures and tips are also included.) (The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario: About Kids Health Dressing for the Cold there is no
bad weather, just bad clothing.)

Immigrant Family Sculpture in Toronto, Ontario

Family Life (From Citizenship and Immigration Canada: Family life Canada respects all types of families.) (Employment and Social Development Canada: Family Life Overview.)
l (from Family facts - Latest trends and statistics from the Vanier Institute.) (from Gender roles around the house are changing - Men taking on more household chores.) (The Vanier Institute of the Family is an independent, national, bilingual, non-profit
organization committed to promoting the well-being of Canadian families.) (Service Canada: Getting Married a checklist to help
you get all your documents in order.) (Marriage Requirements in
Canada Under the Solemnisation of Marriage Act, it is necessary to get a marriage licence or certificate before getting
married. Marriage licences are provincial or territorial and it is necessary to apply to the relevant provincial/territorial
municipal office or Department of Vital Statistics in order to get a marriage licence.) (from Wikipedia: Marriage in Canada - The Government of Canada has
exclusive authority governing marriage and divorce in Canada under section 91(26) of the Constitution Act, 1867.
However section 92(12) of the Act gives the provinces the power to pass laws regulating the solemnization of marriage.) (from Wikipedia: Common-law marriage, Canada - In
Canada, the legal definition and regulation of common law relationships fall under provincial jurisdiction.) (from Wikipedia: Same-sex marriage in Canada Canada is the fourth country in the world, and the first country outside Europe, to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide
with the enactment of the Civil Marriage Act which provided a gender-neutral marriage definition.) (Department of Justice: Family Law - Divorce and separation are some of the most
stressful situations a family can experience. With complete information and support, you can get your situation under
control.) (Canada Youth Criminal Justice Act) (Canadas Privacy Act)

Family Violence (Public Health Agency of Canada: National Clearinghouse on
Family Violence (NCFV) is a resource centre for information on the prevention of violence and abuse within the family.) (The Public Health Agency of Canada: National
Clearinghouse on Family Violence provides access to many publications on behalf of the Family Violence
Initiative, including overview papers, reports, discussion papers and handbooks on family violence issues. Topics
included are: Abuse of Older Adults; Child Abuse & Neglect; Child Sexual Abuse; Intimate Partner Abuse Against Women;
Intimate Partner Abuse Against Men; Family Violence.) (Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta: Canadian Law & Modern Day Foreign
Brides - Information on issues facing foreign brides and generally their wish to enter Canada via sponsorship in the
family class.) (Department of Justice: Family Violence is considered to be any form of abuse,
mistreatment or neglect that a child or adult experiences from a family member, or from someone with whom they have
an intimate relationship. Information is provided about family violence, the laws relating to family violence and the kind of
help that is available to someone experiencing family violence.) (Department of Justice: Family Violence Initiative:
Abuse is wrong in any language. This booklet (also available in PDF format) contains information about family
violence and abuse. It also contains suggestions about how to get help. It is available in several languages including:
Arabic, Chinese (traditional), Dari, Korean, Punjabi, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Tamil, and Urdu. Topics included are:
definition of abuse including Physical abuse, Sexual abuse, Emotional abuse, Financial abuse, Neglect, Intimate partner
violence, Elder abuse, Child abuse; and getting help.) (Department of Justice: Family Violence Initiative:

Abuse is Wrong - This booklet is for anyone who is suffering from abuse in a relationship or in a family. Anyone
man or woman, adult or child who is suffering from abuse or who is acting in a violent way is encouraged to get help.
This booklet is a starting place to answer your questions and to provide information about other resources.) (Department of Justice: Family Violence Initiative:
Child Abuse is Wrong: What Can I Do? - This booklet is for the parents or guardians of children. It talks about child
abuse in families. It answers questions about the law on child abuse in Canada. This booklet may also be useful even if
you are not a parent, but you believe a child you know is being abused.) (Your Legal Rights provides free legal information for people in Ontario and is funded by the
Law Foundation of Ontario.) (Your Legal Rights: Abuse and Family Violence Child Abuse and Neglect with links to more information and resources.) (Department of Justice: Family Violence: Get help with family
violence Information on what kind of help is available and where to get it in your community.)

Baby Sitting (Canadian
Red Cross: Babysitting - Basic first aid and caregiving skills for youth 1115 years old. Participants learn how to
provide care to younger children in a variety of age groups, and how to prevent and respond to emergencies. Course also
offers youth the training to promote themselves as a babysitter to prospective parents.) (Canada Safety Council: Babysitters Training
Course - The Babysitters Training Course is aimed at young people turning 12 years of age within the calendar year or
older who want to demonstrate their capabilities by completing the course under responsible direction.) (St.
John Ambulance: Family, Children & Youth Courses - St. John Ambulance offers training for the young and the
young at heart. Get information on programs / courses for elementary school students, potential babysitters as well as
certificate and non-certificate courses for the rest of the family.)

Parenting & Child Discipline (Health Canadas publication Just for You Parents, with links to
more detailed topics.) (from Settlement.Org, LINC-Parenting Program: Manual and
Curriculum Guidelines topics covered are Growth and Development, Nutrition, Health and Safety, Discipline, Childcare
Options, and much, much more.) (Canadian Council on
Learning Report: Parenting styles, behaviour and skills and their impact on young children.) (from Canadian Immigrant:
Choosing your parenting style in a new country.) (Canadian Paediatric Society: Effective discipline for
children - Reviews the issues concerning childhood discipline and offers practical guidelines for effective discipline.) (Public Health Agency of
Canada: What's Wrong with Spanking? - Discipline is defined, explains why spanking doesn't work and gives
suggestion of what does work.) (The Canadian Medical Association: Positive parenting, not physical

Food and Healthy Living (Food and nutrition - Healthy eating is
fundamental to good overall health. It is also important for healthy development, from the prenatal and early childhood
years to later life stages. Healthy eating is equally important in reducing the risk of many nutrition-related chronic
diseases.) (Health Canada: Canada's Food Guide purpose of
guiding food selection and promoting the nutritional health of Canadians.) (Public Health Agency of Canada - Physical Activity

plays an important role in the health, well-being and quality of life of Canadians. People who are physically active live
longer, healthier lives. Active people are more productive, and more likely to avoid illness and injury.) (Wikipedia: Canadian cuisine varies widely depending on the regions of
the nation. The four earliest cuisines of Canada have First Nations, English, Scottish and French roots, with the traditional
cuisine of English Canada closely related to British and Scottish cuisines, while the traditional cuisine of French Canada
has evolved from French cuisine and the winter provisions of fur traders. With subsequent waves of immigration in the
19th and 20th century from Central, Southern, and Eastern Europe, South Asia, East Asia, and the Caribbean, the
regional cuisines were subsequently adopted as well.) (Food in Canada: a bit of history and some recipes.) (from Statistics Canada: Food in Canada an
interesting article.) (a blog that talks about Canadian Foods.) (from Macleans
magazine: 12 foods Canada has given the world, besides poutine.) (from Statistics Canada: Food and
other selected items, average retail prices a comparison of prices from 2011-2014.) (from Living in Canada: Canadian Food Prices comparing
2011 to 2013.) (Canadian Living is a food and lifestyle magazine great Canadian recipes to try.)

Other related topics or (Canadian Civil
Marriage Act It includes a section on the Dissolution of Marriage for Non-Resident Spouses.) (Department of Justice: Age of Consent to Sexual
Activity - The age of consent, also known as the "age of protection", refers to the age at which a young person can
legally consent to sexual activity. Any sexual activity without consent, regardless of age, is a criminal offence.) (Department of Justice: Polygamy and Canada's
Obligations under International Human Rights Law - In Canada, polygamy is an indictable offence under the
Criminal Code of Canada. Everyone who practices or enters into any form of polygamy, or any kind of conjugal union
with more than one person at the same time is guilty of the offence. Everyone who celebrates, assists or is a party to a
rite, ceremony, contract or consent that purports to sanction [polygamy] is also guilty of an offence.) (The Canadian Children's Rights Council, is a non-profit, non-governmental educational
and advocacy organization concerned with Canadian children's human rights and responsibilities. They provide
information, education and critical analysis of Canadian laws and the implementation of child rights across Canada as
expressed in the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child.) (Wikipedia: Abortion in Canada - Canada is one of only a few nations
with no legal restrictions on abortion. Regulations and accessibility vary between provinces.)

Old Royal Bank of Canada in Winnipeg, MB

CC courtesy of AJ Batac on Flickr

Banking / Money (Canadian Bankers Association works on behalf of domestic banks, foreign bank subsidiaries and
foreign bank branches operating in Canada and their employees to provide governments and other interested parties with
a centralized contact to all banks on matters relating to banking in Canada.) (Canadian Bankers Association:
Explains the difference between Schedule I, Schedule II and Schedule III Banks Operating in Canada and provides a
link to each. Most newcomers will be interested mainly in the Schedule I banks.) (Canadian Bankers Association: Consumer Information - learn more about
banks and banking in Canada and financial issues.) (Canadian Bankers
Association: Opening a Bank Account.) (BMO, Bank of Montreal Financial Group, one of the top 5 banks in Canada.) (CIBC, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, one of the top 5 banks in Canada.) (RBC, Royal Bank of Canada, one of the top 5 banks in Canada.) (Scotiabank, Bank of Nova Scotia, one of the top 5 banks in Canada.) (TD, Toronto Dominion Canada Trust, one of the top 5 banks in Canada.) (Credit Union Central of Canada, National Trade Association for Canada's Credit Unions is the
national trade association for the Canadian credit union system that provides a National Forum, a National Voice and
National Services to support and expand the Canadian credit union system.) (Credit Union Central of
Canada: Explains what a Credit Union is.) (Credit Union Central of Canada: The Credit Union Locator, using a map or list, provides
address and contact details of credit unions near you.) (Desjardins Group is the largest association of credit unions in North America.) (The Bank of Canada is the nation's central bank. They have responsibilities for Canada's
monetary policy, bank notes, financial system, and funds management. Their role is to promote the economic and
financial welfare of Canada.) (The Bank of Canada is responsible for supplying Canadians with bank notes.
Links are provided to all the Canadian bank notes issued since 1935) (The Royal Canadian Mint produces circulation and non-circulation coins (for Canada and other
countries), manages the domestic coinage system, and provides advice to the Minister of Finance on all matters related to
coinage.) (The Royal Canadian Mint:
Coins in Circulation) (Bank of Canada: Daily Currency
Converter) (Foreign Exchange Currency Converter) (Universal Currency Converter) (Bank of Canada Act) (Financial Consumer Agency of Canada is an independent body working to protect and
inform consumers of financial products and services. They are established to strengthen oversight of consumer issues and
expand consumer education in the financial sector and the oversight of payment card network operators and their
commercial practices.) (Financial Consumer Agency of Canada: Links to a great
variety of information of interest to consumers to help them better understand the different financial products available
on the market and pick the ones that best meet your needs. Topics include Banking, Insurance, Credit Cards, etc.) (Financial Consumer Agency of Canada: Know Your
Rights and Responsibilities when dealing with a bank or a federally regulated trust, loan or insurance company.) (Canadian Newcomer Magazine - Financial: Provides links to a variety of articles related
to financial matters that could be of interest to a new Canadian.) (Financial Planning from includes topics: Budgeting, Retirement Planning,
Personal Finance, etc.) (Citizenship and Immigration Canada: Money &
Budgeting.) (Financial Planning from Budget Worksheet
for Personal Budgets.) (Canadian Foundation for Economic Education works to promote and assist the enhanced economic
capability of Canadians.) ( Automated Teller Machine, ATM

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