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PAPERJuice is a drink product. This is a new product that has been

invented by which is the combination of paper bag and juice. The
business has identified its target market as the UITM Shah Alam in Seksyen 7
and the residents of the housing area within 15 kilometres of the business
location. There are two major market segments whthin the target area:
University students and family. The first group consists of about 1000 students
from UITM Shah Alam. The second group is made up of 4000 families living in the
15 kilometres radius area.
A survey of the two group showed that the students made purchases of
about RM750 a week or RM 3000 a month while the families spent an average of
RM 5000 a month on drink products. Based on this survey,
estimated the market size to be RM5000 from families.
The business then proceeded to estimate the potential sale for the year as
RM 96000 (RM 8000 x 12 month). Before estimating the final market size, the
business took into consideration factors that may affect sales such as the
semester breaks and the month of Ramadhan. Using this information, estimated the market size to be only RM50000.

Target market is group of customers that have needs and wants that can
be satisfied by the business through the supply of good and services. A target
market is a group of customers that the business has decided to aim its
marketing efforts and ultimately its merchandise towards. It also can be defined
as group of persons for whom a firm creates and maintains a product mix that
specially fits the needs and preferences of that group. It is important for
company in order to make proper marketing strategy and it will become easier to
manage and run our business since we know the market and the demand
customer. The marketing strategies can be done based on the demographic,
geographic and psychographic.
Geographic segmentation.
Our company makes ain to target the customer from area of Jalan
Plumbym, Shah alam and all customers from peninsular Malaysia. Area or our
premises consists of resident and offices area. This area is a congested area
which consists of resident, worker and student. Therefore, we choose to start our
business in this area since we believe that this area is suitable for the business.
We alse do believe that people from this area are afford to buy our product.
Demographic factors are mostly concern about the characteristic of
human population or specific part of population. Based on our product list plus
with relevant information through study that we conduct, we found that our
product will be market to customer based on certain element. Firstly, we target
out customer to come from family, worker and students. Customers may buy
PAPERJuice s a gift to others or to their neighbours. PAPERJuice also cn be done in
weeding ceremony and for condolences. Apart from that, we also target to sell
PAPERJuice during graduation days at nearby university since our targets are
students. Next, out target market under demographic

is to be supplier od

PAPERJuice for any kind of university event. This is one of the ways to increasing
and to provide variety service to our customer.

Pschographic segmentation.
People nowadays prefer something that are really unique and up to their
preference. Customer loves buy product which can be made according to their
personal taste. For instance, can buy PAPER juicesfor their families to fulfil
craving. Meanwhile, for students they usually prefer healthy drink since maybe
they are late for their classes when they are thirty. Our company will work hard
to ensure that all of this request by the customer will be fulfilled and the
customers are happy and satisfied over our food product.

We have done a survey on the current market price for our custom and it
was found that all the competitors ave the same average price or sometimes
they will increase the price slightly a little bit high only. This is because the
competitors already have regular customers hence they are not afraid losing
customers. By notice that the pricing strategies are important, then we decided
to set the same price a bit lower compare to the competitors and we also will
give special offer to attract customers. Our cheaper and affordable pricing for the
entire product is our stategy to attract customers and thus is a good strategy to
our company as we are still new in the market.
1. Direct to consumer
We have choosen Jalan Plumbum Shah Alam as our project site based on some

Near on two famous IPT;s in Shah Alam which is University Teknologi Mara,

Shah Alam and UNISEL.

The place also stated in developing area and at the point of community.
This place has been chosen because of the basic amenities which are

hospital and hotels.

It also suitable for supplier to supply raw materials to us as it is near to the
town of Shah Alam.

Our location is at Vg-24, Jalan Plumbum V 7/v, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul
Ehsan. We choose this location is because there are many potential customers
like students, workers and residents live nearby and tourists that came to Shah
In Shah Alam, there are colleges and Universities like the famous one
University Teknologi Mara (UITM) Shah Alam and many more which have
population of students. Most of the students are like to try something new
especially drink and beverages because they can lepak or doing assignment
Then, our location also near to many shops and hospitals also to the
shopping complexes that can make us noticeable to everybody and make it easy
for us to make sales and for the supplier to supply us with our raw materials.

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