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IJSTE - International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering | Volume 1 | Issue 11 | May 2015

ISSN (online): 2349-784X

Planning of River Inter- Linking Canal System

Between Shetrunji River and Dhatarwadi River,
Saurashtra, India, using Remote Sensing and GIS
Akruti K Patel
M.E Student
L.D College of Engineering, Ahmedabad

Dr. N.P Singh

Associate Professor
L.D College of Engineering, Ahmedabad

Indra Prakash
BISAG, Gandhinagar and Ph.D Supervisor, GTU, Ahmedabad

River Linking means linking two or more rivers by creating a network of manually created canals, and providing land areas that
otherwise does not have river water access. It is based on the assumptions that surplus water in some rivers can be diverted to
deficit Rivers by creating a network of canals to interconnect the rivers. In Bhavnagar district (India) the Shetrunji dam was built
for irrigation on river Shetrunji.The surplus water availability in the dam is high as dam overflows quite often .Water deficiency
analysis is also done on the basis of yearly availability of water in the Dhatarwadi II dam, Rajula Taluka, Amreli district (India)
.Dhatarwadi dam was constructed on Dhatarwadi river.So surplus water diversion is possible through canal to feed the dam
having deficiency of water. The present study is to deal with the surplus water diversion via canal along with consideration of
various ground features, contours and slope of the study area using GIS and Remote Sensing. Location of canal falls and location
of cross drainage work is also presented in the present study.
Keywords: Canal system, GIS, Remote Sensing, River Interlinking

Water is very important natural resource; it is the most basic human need and a valuable national asset The Inter-linking of
Rivers in India proposal has a long history. In 1980, Indias Ministry of Water Resources came out with a report entitled
National Perspectives for Water Resources Development. This report split the water development project in two parts the
Himalayan and Peninsular components. Even in Gujarat the same concept was applied due to scarcity of water in its various
parts like Saurastara,North Gujarat and Kutch. Gujarat State has only 2% of surface water of the available water of the country
where as it covers 5% population of the country. Average rainfall varying throughout state from 35 cm. per annum to 114 cm.
per annum.There is uneven & erratic rainfall pattern in various regions of Gujarat State. 71% area of Gujarat is water deficit
area.29% area of South and Central Gujarat has surplus water.To fulfill the water requirement of 71% of water scarce area needs
to divert excess water from surplus basin. As per International standards if per capita availability of water is less than 1700
m3/year, the region is water stressed, and if less than 1000 m3/year, the region is water scarce.Saurashtra, North Gujarat and
Kutch region are water scarce in which per capita water availability is 540,343 and 719 m3/year respectively. These situation
demands an efficient and judicious management of available water resources for optimum utilization and their sustainability for
human development.. The purpose of such schemes can be to alleviate water shortages in the receiving source.


A. Geography:
Bhavnagar is a coastal city on the eastern coast of Saurashtra, located at 21.77N 72.15E. It has an average elevation of
24 metres (78 ft). It occupies an area of 138 km. The general slope dips towards the north-east at the apex of Gulf of Khambhat.
Amreli is a small city in kathiyawar in Gujarat. The Kathiawar, peninsula of western India, is in Gujarat State. The peninsula
extends southwest into the Arabian Sea and is bounded on the northwest by the Gulf of Kachchh and on the southeast by the
Gulf of Khambhat area about 60,000 km (about 23,000 sq mi). It has Coordinates: 21.62N 71.23E . It has an average elevation
128m (420 ft)

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Planning of River Inter- Linking Canal System Between Shetrunji River and Dhatarwadi River, Saurashtra, India, using Remote Sensing and GIS
(IJSTE/ Volume 1 / Issue 11 / 038)

Fig. 1: Location Map of Bhavnagar District and Amreli District with Location of the Dams

B. Climate:
Bhavnagar has a hot semi-arid climate with hot, dry summers from March to mid-June, the wet monsoon season from mid-June
to October during which the city receives around 550 mm of rain on average, and mild winters from November to February.
Climate of Amreli is tropical. There is more rainfall in the winter than in the summer in Amreli. The average annual
temperature in Amreli is 26.2 C. Precipitation here averages 572 mm
C. Geology:
The region as a whole and the area around Bhavnagar in particular has been tectonically unstable, as revealed by the earthquakes
that have taken place in the region in the recent and historic past. Amreli has variety of lands like Medium black, loamy, sandy,
rocky inferior and saline
D. Soil:
Coastal area of Bhavnagar district is strong to very sever saline, some interior parts of Amreli and Bhavnagar district, having
slight sodicity in soils
E. Shetruji River:
The Shetrunji is one of the major rivers of Saurashtra. The Shetrunji basin is the Eastern most basin of Saurasthra and is situated
in between 2100 to 2147 North latitude and 7050 to 7210 East longitude. The river Shetrunji originates at Chchai hills in
Gir forest of Junagadh district at R.L. 380m above m.s.l and flows towards East direction till its confluence with Gulf of
Khambhat near Santrampur port. Khodiyar dam & Shetrunji dam are located on Shetrunji river at 55 km. & 160 km. distance
respectively having catchment area 384 & 4317 respectively. Gross storage capacity of the Shetrunji dam is 415.41
Mm3 and effective storage capacity of the dam is 374 Mm3
F. Dhtarwadi River:
Dhatarwadi river has number of tributaries on its way. The river Surajwadi is one of the major tributaries which meets river
Dhatarwadi just upstream of dam The average rainfall in the Dhatarwadi river basin is 565 mm. There are two Irrigation schemes

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Planning of River Inter- Linking Canal System Between Shetrunji River and Dhatarwadi River, Saurashtra, India, using Remote Sensing and GIS
(IJSTE/ Volume 1 / Issue 11 / 038)

on this river named Surajwadi water resource scheme and Dhatarwadi water resource scheme. The Dhatarwadi Irrigation scheme
is situated on river Dhatarwadi near village Khakhbai of Rajula Taluka of Amreli District. The latitude and longitude of the site
are 71 26 and 2118.Purpose of the scheme is Irrigation. Gross storage capacity of the reservoir is 10.19 million cubic meters
and Effective storage capacity is 7.49 million cubic meters.


A. Data Collection:
Satellite (IRS P-6) LISS-III image (2013) data and Geo spatial data like Land Use map are studied from Bhsakaracharya Institute
for Space Application and Geo-Informatics, (BISAG), Gandhinagar, Gujrat, India. Water use data, overflow data and available
storage data from Bhavnagar Irrigation Division, Bhavnagar and Amreli Irrigation Division, Amreli.
B. Data Generation:
The digital elevation model (DEM) was registered with IRS-P6 LISS-III digital data. From this DEM data contour of 10m
intervals and Slope Map is generated. Contour map and Slope map provides terrain conditions along with undulations which help
in identifying the areas which should be avoided for canal alignment. Along with the slope map and contour maps various
thematic layers of road network, railway network, forest, river bodies and built-up areas are prepared to decide suitable
alignment of canal

1) Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS P-6) LISS-III digital data used and the same IRS P-6 digital data were georeferenced.
2) Then with the study area shape file and satellite images various maps like land use map and thematic layers of transport
network, water bodies ,village boundaries are digitised with the use of arc map software of ARC GIS by visual
interpretation technique
3) Contour map with 10m contour interval and slope map is prepared with ArcGIS from (DEM) data with 30m resolution.
4) After preparation of necessary thematic layers the canal alignment is proposed with specific criteria
5) Layer of water bodies and rivers is overlaid on proposed canal alignment to locate cross drainges
6) Finally canal falls are located on proposed canal alignment at suitable chainages along with ground level and bed level of
canal according to design of canal
A. Criteria for Selection of Alignment:
1) Based upon slope and contour derived from DEM data, the area having natural gradients is identified so that the water
flows with the gravity level.
2) Too many curves, populated areas and build-up areas are avoided.
3) Alignment is set in such a way so that there are minimum cross drainage works.
4) The alignment is provided in such a way so that the canal crosses the natural stream at its narrowest point in the vicinity.
5) Alignments is passed in the vicinity of major reservoir so that it can feed them if there is any future requirement

Following map shows the alignment of canal to transfer water from Shetrunji dam to Dhatarwadi II dam with layers of Roads,
Ralways,forests, and buitup areas.

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Planning of River Inter- Linking Canal System Between Shetrunji River and Dhatarwadi River, Saurashtra, India, using Remote Sensing and GIS
(IJSTE/ Volume 1 / Issue 11 / 038)

Fig. 2: Alignment of Canal to Transfer Surplus Water from Shetrunji Dam to Dhatarwadi II Dam


Cross drainage works are required to provide when canal come across natural stream. Proposed alignment of canal passes from
three talukas named Palitana (Dist: Bhavnagar), Mahuva (Dist: Amreli) and Rajula (Dist: Amreli).There are three manor rivers
come across the canal named Bagad river, Malan river and Zolapur river. Therefore three cross drainages are located as shown in
figure.Figure shows the the locations of cross drainages along with chainage of the alignment. Ground level and bed level of the
chainage are also shown in figure.

Fig. 3: Location of Cross Drainage Along With Chiange, Ground Level and Bed Level of Canal

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Planning of River Inter- Linking Canal System Between Shetrunji River and Dhatarwadi River, Saurashtra, India, using Remote Sensing and GIS
(IJSTE/ Volume 1 / Issue 11 / 038)


Generally, the slope of the natural ground surface is not uniform throughout the alignment. Sometimes, the ground surface may
be steep and sometimes it may be very irregular with abrupt change of grade. In such cases, a canal fall is provided to step down
the canal bed and then it is continued with permissible slope until another step down is necessary. This is done to avoid
unnecessary huge earth work in filling.

Fig. 4: Location Of Canal Falls ( Chainage 0 Meter To 20,000Meter)

Fig. 5: Location Of Canal Falls ( Chainage 21,000 Meter To 40,000Meter)

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Planning of River Inter- Linking Canal System Between Shetrunji River and Dhatarwadi River, Saurashtra, India, using Remote Sensing and GIS
(IJSTE/ Volume 1 / Issue 11 / 038)

Fig. 6: Location of Canal Falls (Chainage 41,000 Meter to 62,000Meter)


Remote Sensing and GIS is highly useful in study and planning of alignment of canals network system. This alignment is given
from the Shetrunji Dam to Dhatarwadi II Dam. Canal based upon this alignment will supply surplus water from Shetrunji dam to
Dhatarvadi II dam.
Details of the proposed Canal
Start PointNanirajsthali Village, PalitanaTaluka,Bhavnagar(2127N, 7154E)
End Point: Rajula Village, RajulaTaluka,AmreliDistrict(2101N,7125E)
Total length: 62 Km
Discharge adopted: 2.0578 m3/s
Velocity adopted: 0.75 m/s
Bed slope of the Canal: 0.00017619 m
Cross drainages: 3 (Bagad River, Malan River, Zolapur River)
Road Crossings (Major):7Road Crossings (Major) :( 1 SH 35{MahuvaKundala Road}, 3 MDR, Mahuva and 2 SH 107
{HindornaDedankatar Road}, 1 MDR {SomnathBhavnagr Road}, Rajula)
Railway Crossing: 2(VillageRingaliyanamota{2100N,7027}),(Village Rajula{2102N,7126E})

The present study on Planning of River Inter- Linking Canal System between Shetrunji River and Dhatarwadi River,
Saurashtra, India, Using Remote Sensing and GIS uses Indian Remote Sensing Satellite digital Data and geo-informatics
technology. This study helps to plan interlinking of river Shetrunji and dhatarwadi via canal system. Also it will help to locate
cross drainages and canal fall on the proposed canal alignment.

Authors are thankful to the Director, BISAG and his technical staff, especially to Mr. Khalid Mahmood, Project Manager for
providing support and guidance in this study. Authors are also thankful to the Head of the Civil Engineering Water Resources
Department, LD. Engineering College and his faculty members for valuable guidance. Authors also wish to thank Irrigation
Department, GOG for sharing the data.

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Planning of River Inter- Linking Canal System Between Shetrunji River and Dhatarwadi River, Saurashtra, India, using Remote Sensing and GIS
(IJSTE/ Volume 1 / Issue 11 / 038)


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