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Magnetism ~ The Energy Sea We Live In

Magnetic fields are electrically charged lines of force that stream out from all
objects. The earths magnetic fields pour out from the North and South
Poles. These fields run north and south and are everywhere and all pervasive
~ some are trunk lines many feet wide that stream out from the earth;
some lines are only a thousandth of an inch wide. Sensitive people are able
to see these "energy" lines ~ what is seen are particles of energy, called
prana. We absorb prana from the food we eat ~ the Sun and atmosphere
also provide us with prana we pick up through interacting with the magnetic
fields of the earth.

The earth's energy body absorbs Solar rays (l); Earth's magnetic field flows from North to South Pole (r)

The sun's magnetic field envelops the entire solar system in a bubble that
scientists call the "heliosphere." The heliosphere extends 50 to 100
astronomical units (AU) beyond the orbit of Pluto. Inside it is the solar
system ~ outside is interstellar space.
Changes in the sun's magnetic field are carried outward through the
heliosphere by the solar wind. Because the sun rotates (once every 27
days), solar magnetic fields corkscrew outwards in the shape of an
Archimedian spiral. Far above the poles the magnetic fields twist around like
a child's Slinky toy.

Steve Suess (NASA/MSFC) prepared this figure, which shows the Sun's spiraling magnetic fields.

The magnetic fields that surround humans constantly change due to a wide
variety of influences. When solar flares (*) occur on the Sun the incoming
charged particles disrupt the Earths magnetic field which, in turn, affects
the human fields. On a daily basis Earths magnetic field reverses four times
and, of course, affects our magnetic polarity as well. Even our clothing
changes our magnetic field. As you may have already noticed, a nylon
blouse feels very different from one made from cotton, or silk, linen, etc.
This is more than merely a tactile sensation ~ certain fabrics "breathe" while
others dont because of their ability to hold a charge. Wearing metal such as
watches or jewelry, as well as being inside anything metal (a car or an
elevator, for instance), will also change your magnetic field. Large steel
buildings, even areas with large iron deposits in the ground, will change
peoples fields.
Magnetism isnt just a hidden force we interact with. The shape and
structure of all things is governed by the magnetic field that underlies it. The
forms of plants coincide with the field lines coming out of the earth where
they grow. This energy (which is collected from the sun) pours out from the
earths surface in varying degrees of intensity. Where little or too much
energy flows (such as in the desert, the planets poles, high mountaintops),
it is difficult for life to be sustained. Places where the fields energy pours out
of cracks and fissures are populated by trees, bushes and shrubs. The field
typically doesnt rise up and become biologically useful after about seven to
eight thousand feet, also known as the timberline. Perhaps the magnetic
field or prana is used up by that time. Granite tends to knock out magnetic
fieldsbecause of this you will find very few trees growing around large
areas of granite.
So the magnetic fields carry the prana, and we interact with these fields
everywhere we turn. We find that green park areas that feel so healing and
nurturing are filled with prana. The prana comes out of the green plants and
it feels good to us. This certainly feels different than spending time in a city,
paved over with cement! Our bodies take in prana, located on our left side a
few inches above the hip bone. If you have a damaged or blocked spleen,
complete prana absorption will be difficult or impossible.

Joseph Parker, from Iasos Visionary Artists Gallery

We can see how the magnetic field resembles a physical energy web we live
in which has its own unique frequency. Other webs exist, however, in
tandem with our physical world. All of humanity is linked up in a web of
thought consciousness ~ the mental plane ~ which has a specific unique
frequency. The emotional plane, or astral plane, also has its own frequency
or wavelength. These are all magnetic and there is a different prana or
energy flowing through each and every different level or plane. Some say
that the goal of humanity is to become one with the level of consciousness
on a particular prana plane ... to merge and become one with all the energy
available on that plane. Love is an outstanding example of one kind of
particular prana.
Magnetism is not confined to only physical plane matter. There is an
emotional magnetism that exists in all emotions or ideals, a mental
magnetism that exists in all ideas, and a physical magnetism that exists
between you and all physical objects. This is maya, a natural physical
magnetism that occurs between you and all physical things including people,

and is felt as either attraction or repulsion.

Not only do humans absorb prana, we also give it away. Prana exchange is
such a common occurrence, most people are completely unaware it is
happening. We all know people who, through interaction with them, will
deplete us of our energy. These people have taken prana from us; from this
is where the concept of parasite is derived. Most do it unconsciously and
operate from the same principle as a battery draining another battery so it
can be charged or kept alive. We eat and this is a similar parasitical process.
All of us rob other life forms from their prana.
We parasitically eat off of each other in an energy way all the time. On
physical levels, this takes the form of actually taking in prana from another,
through close proximity. On emotional levels this occurs through a needy
person getting some kind of reassurance or attention from a friend or lover,
which leaves that person a little bit drained (as anyone will tell you who
deals with emotionally upset people). Just throwing ideas around or teaching
a class can take a tremendous amount of energy out of individuals. We all
take and give.
Our bodies have their own magnetism and also hold charges ~ different
parts of our bodies hold different charges. Illness and disease occur when
too much charge or energy or too little is present in the area of difficulty. All
cancer occurs because a gigantic amount of energy is held in a specific
location for too long. The same is true with heart conditions ~ energy
accumulates and the artery hardens. The life flow is literally blocked off.
Electrical charges can change and heal all of these conditions. Acupuncture
with electricity running through the needles will shrink tumors. One subject
reported 20 percent shrinkage of a tumor after each treatment.
People in health fields who do healing work for their clients find it essential
to clear away congested parts of the patients body that have become
magnetized and are holding onto large amounts of other peoples energies.
Any kind of fear, anxiety, depression, worry, doubt and dread is congestion.
These old pranic energies need to be removed. Smudging with
incense, sage, or any kind of smoke is helpful, as is washing the area with
cold water ~ not hot, as heat assists absorption! Please be aware, health
practitioners, of the need to remove the residual energies that have built up
in your field from close contact with your patients.
If you are already in a weakened state, say depressed or anxious, and find
congestion building up inside of you, you are probably being tapped off by
someone. When this happens try this visualization: flush such strong energy

through you that the congestion is actually blown out. Perhaps gentle energy
feels more appropriate to you. Thats fine ~ this will break up the
congestion, but usually takes longer.
In todays fast paced and stressful world, it is essential we learn how to
realign ourselves and establish the best possible energy flow. You always
have the ability to recharge and magnetize yourself correctly. The Soul is
your absolute best energy source; it knows how to magnetize you just right.
Visualize a golden yellow ball or sun of energy above your head. See a
stream of this energy light pour down into the top of your head then feel
the light cascade down all around and through you, rejuvenating and
revitalizing every cell in your body.
All religious admonitions to meditate, to be Christ-like, or Buddha (or any
other enlightened being), are really reminders to fill up, to find your own
best energy source. Normally we fill our energy needs in the form of food,
but when your hunger cant be satisfied in any usual form, go to your Soul,
or Higher Self. It knows what you need and will give it to you.

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