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Child: Group Story

Date: May 2015

Written by: T. Bushra and T. Natasha
After morning tea we had a
different type of librarian session
today. As the children were asked
to grab a chair and sit by our
monitor Aasma, Abdullahi, Alanzo
and Fawwaz asked why? T.
Natasha explained it was time for
our library session, again the
children asked why? Fawwaz
began explaining we need to sit
on the mat so everyone can see
the special stories, while Aasma

asked if we would be watching TV!

Luckily the Liberian arrived and
explained to the children she wanted
to use her i-pad to tell the stories this
time but there would be a problem
how could 17 children all see her
screen? Sibgha and Ebado had some
ideas and made suggestions, Zaina
responded asking how would they
see ALL of it? The Liberian then
explained she was going to connect it
to our large monitor which was
donated by Maryam and her mother
T. Noora. The children giggled in
delight as the story came alive on the
large screen. The children then had
the chance to interact with the story
by selecting things on the ipad which
would alter the story on the screen.
Everybody enjoyed having a turn,
making the story special for An-Nur.
Some children were very confident
with the technology, while some were
hesitant. When we asked the ones
who were hesitant they all were
worried they would break it as they
understood the value and importance
of technology. Our youngest friends
were the most confident, the sounds
and colours on the screen quickly
grabbing their interest.
Review of learning
It was lovely to see all of our children
respond with wonderment and awe as they
demonstrated courage, curiosity, trust and
playfulness by taking an interest and being
involved in this new experience.
A lot of our children were very confident as
they expressed their ideas, posed questions
and problems and
applied past knowledge
to this new situation.
Our children who were
unsure of this
technology handled
wonderfully while in

front of all of their peers!

All of the children were actively involved which required eye hand-coordination, strong fine motor
skills and the ability to think flexibly ka pai!
Where to next?
At An-Nur we strive to include a range of technology within our daily program and will add this to
our repertoire. We were impressed with how the children thought flexibly to problem solve
together. We will plan our upcoming teacher directed sessions to encourage a collaborative
approach and allow the children to lead the direction. This will support the children working on their
persistence, responsibility, confidence, problem solving and pro-social strategies.

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