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Many Problems, One Solution


T his title may kindle your

curiosity, and some of you
may wonder how there can be
house and begin to feel hungry,
the hunger does not pose a
problem. There is food in the
a single solution to the variety kitchen; if not, you just go to a
of problems in the world. Let restaurant. But if you are in a
me warn you at the outset that remote place and food is not
I do not possess any magic available, or you don’t have
potion or instant cure. I can only enough money to buy food,
give you something to work on, then hunger becomes a pro-
the seeds of a solution. Once a blem, because you don’t know
hungry person went to a shop how to deal with it. Whenever
to buy apples. Instead of apples, there is an inability to handle
he was given the seeds that he the situation, then that situation
could plant, that would grow becomes a problem.
into trees yielding apples in If you don’t understand the
abundance. In the same way, I situation, it becomes a problem.
shall give you the seeds of If you understand it, but find
thought that can remove all no remedy, then again it
your problems if only you will becomes a problem. If the
work on it. remedy is there, but it isn’t
within reach, then also it
The Nature of Problems becomes a problem. If every-
thing is within reach, but you
Let us first focus on
don’t know how to make use of
problems. If we analyse and
it, then of course it remains a
observe, we will find that
situations in life are what
Human beings have a
become problems. If you are
peculiar ability – whatever we
comfortably sitting in your own
touch becomes a problem. It is
From talks delivered in Hyderabad and
the Midas touch – whatever he
Amritsar in 2007. touched turned into gold,

Tapovan Prasad 14 February 2008

whether it was his clothes, his to deal either with people who
food or even his own daughter. have difficulties or with people
Even the fulfillment of his wish who are difficult. Two friends
became a problem! had a conversation. One of them
asked, “Any new problems?”
Variety of Problems The other replied, “None, I am
married to one!”
There are problems at every At the physical level, we try
level – physical, financial, emo- to seek a remedy for our
tional, social, national, interna- ailments by gulping down
tional, political, etc. All people medicines, but the real solution
– children, students, teachers, is to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
parents, leaders, followers, Financially, people in trouble
doctors, and patients – have try to solve the problem by
problems. There is no dearth of borrowing money. This merely
it. Generally, it is the personal generates more problems. One
problems that seem to over- should try to work and earn
whelm individuals. During a well, and live within one’s
yajïa in Hyderabad, I met with means, without spending in-
different groups – homemakers, discriminately. One should also
professionals, industrialists and learn to be content. Gandhiji
businessmen. Though the topics said that there is always enough
were different, I was surprised for our need, but never enough
to note that all of them were for our greed. God has arranged
preoccupied with personal the world so that all our needs
problems, and not problems of are fulfilled with minimum
the society. expense. Goswami Tulsidas
It is interesting to see that says in his Dohavali that God
most of the problems are related has given us all the essential
to dealing with people. We have things like food, water and air

Tapovan Prasad 15 February 2008

free of cost. Inessential things plumber to repair a tap. He
like gold, diamonds, pearls and worked for 15 minutes and
jewels are expensive. After all, presented a bill for Rs. 500. “As
even a millionaire can eat only a lawyer I don’t earn that
a limited amount and wear only much,” the lawyer protested.
one set of clothes and one pair “As a lawyer I also did not earn
of shoes at a time. When people that much, that is why I
say that they do not have switched to plumbing,” rejoined
enough money, it is mostly with the plumber. Education has
reference to their artificial higher goals than just providing
needs. us with a job.
Our basic needs are few and Parenting is also becoming a
to enrich our inner life, no problem. Children grow out of
money is required. Inner life is their childhood, but parents do
enriched by values and virtues not seem to grow out of their
like love, compassion and right parenthood! Vedänta suggests
thinking, which do not require that after a certain stage, one
money. When we give more should move from gåhastha
importance to material things, äçrama to vänaprastha äçrama. But
then problems arise, leading to today an 80-year-old father
jealously and cut throat compe- expects his 60-year-old child to
tition. Young people work in obey him. All this is the result
call centres to earn quick of wrong thinking. Parents
money, but they lose their should learn to let go.
perspective on life and grow old
by the age of thirty. All this Right Thinking the
leads to the question whether Only Solution
we value values or valuables. If
values are lost, problems reign Thus there are many kinds
supreme. of problems, but Vedänta says
In the field of education there that all problems arise from lack
is a lot of frustration. People of right thinking alone. It
think that education is only to remains the root cause of all our
enable one to get a job. After bondage, sorrow and problems.
long years of study, when a It is said: ‘avicära kåto bandhaù
person cannot find a job, he vicäreëa nivartate – bondage
feels that the education has been caused by lack of thinking
futile. A lawyer called a (avicära), is removed by proper

Tapovan Prasad 16 February 2008

thinking.’ It is the one solution problem to find a solution. They
for all our problems. begin to think, but end up
wishing that the problem would
Three Kinds of Avicära solve itself.
1. Lack of thinking. Avicära 3. Erroneous thinking.
means absence of thinking or Avicära also means virodhi
absence of enquiry. If you don’t (opposite) or erroneous think-
think, ignorance continues. ing. Some are habituated to
Ignorance is not bliss or joy; it negative thinking and others are
is only suffering. Often we get experts in wrong thinking. In
into trouble because of lack of this context, I am reminded of a
thinking. We have heard it said, story I heard in my childhood.
“A moment’s thought would There was a man who noticed a
have shown him a solution. But buffalo with round horns and
a moment is a long time and was fascinated by it. He kept
thinking a difficult process!” A staring at it every day on his
mother went on an errand way to the temple. One day,
leaving her child asleep. When people heard him screaming,
she returned, she saw a “Save me! Save me!” When they
mongoose in the doorway with rushed to the spot, they found
blood on its mouth. Presuming him stuck between the horns of
that it had hurt her child, she the buffalo. After rescuing him,
killed it. Then she walked into they were curious and asked
the house only to find a dead him how he managed to get
snake lying next to her child stuck there. He explained that
who was unharmed. She he himself had stuck his head
realised that the mongoose must between the buffalo’s horns. On
have killed the snake and saved being chided for his foolishness,
her child. She could never he said that for the past fifteen
forgive herself for her thought- days he had only been thinking
less action. of how to get between the
2. Inadequate thinking. buffalo’s horns! Many of us
Some people think, but get tired invite problems by our thinking.
of it soon, and give up half way
without thinking the problem
Categorising the Problem
through. People are generally Firstly, see the given situa-
allergic to serious or deep think- tion objectively and assess why
ing. They don’t thrash out the it is a problem for you. At this

Tapovan Prasad 17 February 2008

stage we may find that the 6. Allow it to happen –
situation is simply a situation implement it.
and not a problem at all. For example, if you want to
However, if it still continues to go from Hyderabad to Mumbai,
appear as a problem, proceed to list out the alternative ways of
categorise it. It could be any of travel – by air, foot, road or rail.
the following kinds: Strike out the impractical ones
l A factual problem like a such as travelling by foot. If air
financial crisis, a disease of travel does not fit your budget,
the body, or even a leaking strike it out. Now your alterna-
roof. tives are down to road and rail,
l An imaginary problem like and you can choose based on
the fear of a car crash, a bleak availability, personal comfort,
view of one’s career, or timing, etc.
imagining a serious illness Once you have found a
from the symptoms of a solution, relax and allow it to
common cold. happen. There are some people
l A subjective thinking who worry even after they are
problem based on strong seated in the plane: “I hope the
likes and dislikes, prejudices, pilot is well trained. I hope there
attachments etc. are no hijackers. The weather
seems bad. What if there is a
Identifying the Solution storm?” There is no point in
The next step is to find the worrying about things over
solution. If it is a factual which we have no control.
problem, you can do the Dispel these worries and relax.
following: If it is an imaginary problem,
1. Sit quietly with a paper and right thinking will reveal that it
pen. is not a problem at all. It simply
2. Write down the situation that dissolves into thin air! The fear
is posing the problem. of a car crash or ill health is only
3. Jot down all possible in our minds. I alone can
solutions for it. remove the problem from my
4. Shortlist the most practical mind with the help of right
solutions. thinking.
5. Further shortlist and pick the If it is a problem born out of
solution that it is within your subjective prejudices, attach-
capability to implement. ments and the like, we have to

Tapovan Prasad 18 February 2008

think deeply, detach ourselves of his experience, what he
from the situation and view the thinks is right. Young people
problem objectively with a think that they alone are right
holistic vision. A narrow vision and their parents don’t know
can make a mountain out of a anything. It is said that by the
molehill. A narrow vision may time a man thinks that perhaps
be due to insufficient informa- his father was right after all, he
tion, limited thinking, a partial already has a son who thinks
view, personal idiosyncrasies, or he is wrong!
even sheer selfishness. A Many people are proud of
solution arising from a narrow the fact that they are very ratio-
vision can never be the right nal and intellectual, but actually
solution to the problem. For fall far short of it. Taittiriya
example, that which benefits Upanishad gives the anatomy or
man, but harms other living structure of the intellect:
beings and the environment, l Çraddhä or faith is the head
proves to be harmful even to or the crown of the intellect.
man ultimately. l Åtam is its right hand.
Satyam is its left hand.
Methods of l

Yoga is its middle, the trunk.

Right Thinking

l Total intellect or Mahat is its

What is right thinking? Every feet.
person, even a terrorist, thinks Çraddhä is made up of the
that he is right! The capitalist words ‘çradh’ and ‘dhä’. Çradh
and the communist – both think means ’Truth’ and dhä means
they are right. The one who ‘that which holds’. Thus çraddhä
believes in God thinks he is is that which holds the Truth.
right and an atheist also sees This word has very deep
only his viewpoint as correct. significance. It can encompass
The old man thinks that because our entire value system. It

Tapovan Prasad 19 February 2008

implies that our thinking must a true intellectual. There are so
be rooted in faith. According to many intellectuals who are
the Bhagavad Gita there is no one thoroughly conversant with
without faith. Is it not true that various philosophies and can
even a rationalist has faith in his write and speak eloquently on
own sense organs and intellect? all of them. But on enquiry, we
But our rational thinking must may find that they have no
be based on faith. Mere logic conviction in any of the philoso-
cannot lead us anywhere. Cer- phies they speak about. They
tain basic premises have to be know no peace despite their
accepted before we proceed vast knowledge.
with our enquiry. We must have Individual thinking must be
faith in the valid means of rooted in the totality, called
knowledge. If we do not believe mahat. You must be identified
in anything, our thinking will with the welfare of the whole.
go haywire. If the head of the family thinks
With çraddhä as the founda- only of himself, his own food
tion, when we enquire deeply and drink, and never about the
and arrive at an understanding needs of the members of the
of the Truth, it is called åtam. family, his thinking is not right
Åtam should be followed by because he is not able to iden-
satyam, the manifestation of that tify with the entire family unit.
Truth in our lives. Yoga here When I am contesting in the
means absorption; the mind elections from a particular con-
should be absorbed in that stituency, I should think well
Truth; there should be a deep about its welfare. If I become
conviction that guides our lives. the chief minister of the state, I
Only a person who has convic- can no longer afford to think
tion enough to apply the results only about my own constitu-
of his enquiry in his daily life is ency, because then the whole

Tapovan Prasad 20 February 2008

state becomes my responsibility. money, then they will be
But my state is only a part of defective. In my individual life,
the entire nation. Therefore my I must integrate all aspects of
decisions must be taken in such my personality. Then my think-
a way that the welfare of the ing will be right. In the society,
entire nation is not harmed in if I identify with all the people
any way. around me, my thinking will be
In the same manner, the right.
whole world is my family. One may think that this is a
When I am able to identify with very difficult thing to do. God
the totality, my thinking will be has made us in such a way that
right. My individuality must be when we do wrong things, we
merged with the totality. From have an inner voice that tells us
that level if I think, then my that we are wrong, but we tell
actions will be right, and what- it to shut up. Learn to listen to
ever be my personal beliefs, I the inner voice.
will not do anything that hurts
the totality. Conclusion
Gandhiji said that when rules To sum up, we face different
are made for the people, the situations in life. When we don’t
poorest man must be kept in understand them properly, or
mind. But in practice, we find are unable to deal with them,
that our laws always protect the they become problems. All we
rich more than the poor. We have to do is utilise our think-
must learn to look at life as a ing faculty in the proper way.
whole and live a whole life. If We must cultivate right think-
my thinking is based only on ing, rooted in çraddhä, åtam,
one aspect, it will be faulty. For satyam, yoga and mahat. Right
instance, if my actions are thinking is the only solution to
motivated only by the desire for all our problems.

Tapovan Prasad 21 February 2008

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