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Cisco Examenes CCNA 1 Routing and

Switching v5 - Introduccion a Redes

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CCNA 1 Capitulo 1 v5.0 exam Respuestas


CCNA 1 Capitulo 2 v5.0 exam Respuestas

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CCNA 1 Capitulo 3 v5.0 exam Respuestas


CCNA 1 Capitulo 4 v5.0 exam Respuestas


CCNA 1 Capitulo 5 v5.0 exam Respuestas


CCNA 1 Capitulo 6 v5.0 exam Respuestas


CCNA 1 Capitulo 7 v5.0 exam Respuestas


CCNA 1 Capitulo 8 v5.0 exam Respuestas


CCNA 1 Capitulo 9 v5.0 exam Respuestas

CCNA 1 Capitulo 10 v5.0 exam Respuestas
CCNA 1 Capitulo 11 v5.0 exam Respuestas
CCNA1 Practica Final v5.0 exam Respuestas

CCNA 1 Examen Final v5.0 Respuestas


Sigue CCNA 2 Cisco Examenes CCNA 2

CCNA 1 Capitulo 5 v5.0 exam Respuestas

Espaol- English

1. Qu afirmacin es verdadera acerca de las direcciones MAC?

1. Los tres primeros bytes son utilizados por el proveedor asignado OUI.
2. direcciones MAC son implementadas por software.
3. La ISO es responsable de las direcciones MAC reglamentos.
4. una NIC slo necesita una direccin MAC si est conectado a una WAN.

2. Cul es una caracterstica de un mtodo de acceso basado en la contencin?

1. Es un mtodo no determinista.
2. Procesa ms sobrecarga de los mtodos de acceso controlado hacen.

3. Se escala muy bien en condiciones de uso de papel pesado.

4. Tiene mecanismos para el seguimiento de los turnos para acceder a los medios de comunicacin.

3. Qu dos afirmaciones describen las caractersticas o funciones de la subcapa de control de

enlace lgico en estndares de Ethernet? (Elija dos opciones).
1. control de enlace lgico se implementa en software.
2. La capa de enlace de datos LLC utiliza para comunicarse con las capas superiores de la suite de
3. La subcapa LLC interacta directamente con el software del controlador NIC.
4. La subcapa LLC es responsable de la colocacin y recuperacin de los marcos dentro y fuera de los
medios de comunicacin.
5. control de enlace lgico se especifica en el estndar IEEE 802.3.

4. Cul es el propsito de la exposicin de motivos en una trama de Ethernet?

1. se utiliza para la sincronizacin de la temporizacin
2. se utiliza para identificar la direccin de destino
3. se utiliza para identificar la direccin de origen
4. se utiliza como relleno para los datos

5. Cul es la direccin de Capa 2 de multidifusin MAC que corresponde a la capa 3 IPv4

direccin de multidifusin
1. 01-00-5E-0B-22-38

2. FE-80-00-0B 22-38
3. FF-FF-FF-0B-22-38
4. 00-00-00-0B 22-38
5. 01-5E 00-0B-22-38

6. Qu dos afirmaciones son correctas acerca de las direcciones MAC e IP durante la transmisin
de datos en caso de NAT no est involucrado? (Elija dos opciones).
1. destino y de origen direcciones MAC tienen importancia local y cambian cada vez que una trama va
de una LAN a otro.
2. direcciones IP de destino en un encabezado del paquete se mantienen constantes a lo largo de toda la
ruta a un host de destino.
Direcciones MAC 3. destino nunca va a cambiar en un marco que va a travs de siete routers.
4. Un paquete que ha cruzado cuatro routers ha cambiado la direccin IP de destino cuatro veces.
5. Cada vez que una trama se encapsula con una nueva direccin MAC de destino, se necesita una
nueva direccin IP de destino.

7. Cules son dos caractersticas de ARP? (Elija dos opciones).

1. Si un host est listo para enviar un paquete a un dispositivo de destino local y tiene la direccin IP,
pero no la direccin MAC del destino, genera una difusin ARP.
2. Si un dispositivo de recepcin de una solicitud ARP tiene la direccin IPv4 de destino, responde con
una respuesta ARP.
3. solicitud Un ARP se enva a todos los dispositivos de la LAN Ethernet y contiene la direccin IP del
host de destino y la direccin MAC de multidifusin.
4. Cuando un anfitrin se encapsula un paquete en una trama, se refiere a la tabla de direcciones MAC
para determinar la asignacin de direcciones IP en direcciones MAC.

5. Si no hay ningn dispositivo responde a la peticin ARP, a continuacin, el nodo de origen

transmitir el paquete de datos a todos los dispositivos en el segmento de red.


Consulte la presentacin. PC1 emite una peticin ARP porque se necesita enviar un paquete a la
PC2. En este escenario, qu pasar despus?

1. PC2 enviar una respuesta ARP con su direccin MAC.

2. RT1 enviar una respuesta ARP con su Fa0 / 0 de direcciones MAC.
3. RT1 enviar una respuesta ARP con la direccin MAC PC2.
4. SW1 enviar una respuesta ARP con su Fa0 / 1 direccin MAC.
5. SW1 enviar una respuesta ARP con la direccin MAC PC2.

9. Un host est tratando de enviar un paquete a un dispositivo en un segmento LAN remota, pero
actualmente no hay asignaciones en su cach ARP. Cmo ser el dispositivo de obtener una
direccin MAC de destino?
1. Se le enviar una solicitud ARP para la direccin MAC de la puerta de enlace predeterminada.
2. enviar una solicitud al servidor DNS para la direccin MAC de destino.
3. Se le enviar una solicitud ARP para la direccin MAC del dispositivo de destino.
4. Enviar el marco y utilizar su propia direccin MAC como destino.
5. enviar la trama con una direccin MAC de difusin.

10. Cules son dos posibles problemas de red que pueden resultar de funcionamiento de ARP?
(Elija dos opciones).

1. En grandes redes con poco ancho de banda, mltiples difusiones ARP podran causar retrasos en la
comunicacin de datos.
2. atacantes Red podran manipular la direccin MAC y asignaciones de direcciones IP en los mensajes
de ARP con la intencin de interceptar el trfico de red.
3. Mltiples respuestas ARP resultan en la tabla de direcciones MAC del switch que contiene entradas
que coincidan con las direcciones MAC de los hosts que se conectan al puerto del switch
4. Configuracin manual de asociaciones ARP estticas podra facilitar el envenenamiento ARP o
suplantacin de direcciones MAC.
5. gran nmero de transmisiones de peticin ARP podran causar la tabla de direcciones MAC del host
se desborde y evitar que el anfitrin de la comunicacin en la red.

11. Un administrador de red es conectar dos interruptores modernos utilizando un cable de

conexin directa. Los interruptores son nuevos y nunca han sido configurados. Qu tres
afirmaciones son correctas sobre el resultado final de la conexin? (Elija tres opciones).
1. El vnculo entre los switches funcionar a la velocidad ms rpida que con el apoyo de los dos
2. El enlace entre conmutadores funcionar como full-duplex.
3. La funcin de auto-MDIX configurar las interfaces eliminando la necesidad de un cable cruzado.
4. La conexin no ser posible a menos que el administrador cambia el cable a un cable cruzado.
5. La capacidad dplex tiene que ser configurado manualmente, ya que no se puede negociar.
6. Si ambos switches soportan diferentes velocidades, lo harn cada obra a su propia velocidad ms

12. un conmutador de capa 2 se utiliza para conmutar las tramas entrantes desde un puerto
1000BASE-T a un puerto conectado a una red 100Base-T. Qu mtodo de almacenamiento en

bfer de memoria que funciona mejor para esta tarea?

1. almacenamiento en bfer de memoria compartida
2. nivel de almacenamiento en bfer 1 cach
3. buffering configuracin fija
4. bfer basado en puerto

13 Cundo sera un rcord de interruptor varias entradas para un nico puerto del switch en
su tabla de direcciones MAC?
1. cuando otro conmutador est conectado al puerto del switch
2. cuando el conmutador est configurado para conmutacin Layer 3
3. cuando un router se conecta al puerto del switch
4. cuando mltiples difusiones ARP se han remitido


Consulte la presentacin. La exposicin muestra una pequea red de conmutacin y el contenido

de la tabla de direcciones MAC del switch. PC1 ha enviado una trama dirigida a PC3. Cul ser
el conmutador ver con el marco?
1. El interruptor se enva la trama a todos los puertos excepto el puerto 4.
2. El interruptor se enva la trama a todos los puertos.
3. El interruptor se enva la trama slo al puerto 2.
4. El conmutador descartar la trama.
5. El interruptor se enva la trama slo a los puertos 1 y 3.

15. Qu dos afirmaciones describen un conmutador Ethernet de configuracin fija? (Elija dos
1. Un conmutador de configuracin fija puede ser apilables.
2. El nmero de puertos del conmutador no se puede aumentar.
3. SVI no se puede configurar en el conmutador.
4. La densidad de puertos del conmutador se determina por la Cisco IOS.
5. El interruptor no se puede configurar con varias VLAN.

16 Cmo aadir una tarjeta de lnea Ethernet afecta el factor de forma de un switch?
1. Al expandir la densidad de puertos
2. mediante el aumento de la velocidad de conmutacin avin de vuelta
3. mediante la ampliacin de la capacidad de NVRAM
4. haciendo que el conmutador apilable

17 Un administrador de red emite los siguientes comandos en un conmutador de capa 3:

DLS1 (config) # interface f0 / 3
DLS1 (config-if) # no switchport
DLS1 (config-if) # ip direccin
DLS1 (config-if) # no shutdown
DLS1 (config-if) # end

Cul es la configuracin del administrador?

1. Un puerto enrutado
2. una instancia de Cisco Express Forwarding
3. una interfaz de troncal
4. una interfaz virtual conmutado

18 Qu direccin o combinacin de direcciones no una capa de uso de 3 interruptores para

hacer decisiones de envo?
1. direcciones MAC e IP
2. direccin MAC nica
3. MAC y direcciones de los puertos
4. slo direccin de puerto
5. Direccin IP nica

19. Qu declaracin ilustra un inconveniente del mtodo de acceso CSMA / CD?

1. colisiones pueden reducir el rendimiento de la red.
2. medios deterministas de acceso protocolos de actuacin de red lenta.
3. tecnologas CSMA / CD LAN slo estn disponibles a velocidades ms lentas que otras tecnologas
4. es ms complejo que los protocolos no deterministas.

20. llene el espacio. El nmero binario 0000 1010 puede expresarse como ______ en hexadecimal.



Abra la Actividad PT. Lleve a cabo las tareas en la instruccin actividad y luego responder a la
Qu direccin de destino ser PC1 incluir en el campo de direccin de destino de la trama
Ethernet que enva a PC2?
1. 0030.a3e5.0401
2. 00e0.b0be.8014
5. 0007.ec35.a5c6


1. Which statement is true about MAC addresses?
1. The first three bytes are used by the vendor assigned OUI.
2. MAC addresses are implemented by software.
3. The ISO is responsible for MAC addresses regulations.
4. A NIC only needs a MAC address if connected to a WAN.

2. What is a characteristic of a contention-based access method?

1. It is a nondeterministic method.
2. It processes more overhead than the controlled access methods do.
3. It scales very well under heavy media use.
4. It has mechanisms to track the turns to access the media.

3. Which two statements describe features or functions of the logical link control sublayer in
Ethernet standards? (Choose two.)
1. Logical link control is implemented in software.
2. The data link layer uses LLC to communicate with the upper layers of the protocol suite.
3. The LLC sublayer interacts directly with the NIC driver software.
4. The LLC sublayer is responsible for the placement and retrieval of frames on and off the media.

5. Logical link control is specified in the IEEE 802.3 standard.

4. What is the purpose of the preamble in an Ethernet frame?

1. is used for timing synchronization
2. is used to identify the destination address
3. is used to identify the source address
4. is used as a padding for data

5. What is the Layer 2 multicast MAC address that corresponds to the Layer 3 IPv4 multicast
1. 01-00-5E-0B-22-38
2. FE-80-00-0B-22-38
3. FF-FF-FF-0B-22-38
4. 00-00-00-0B-22-38
5. 01-5E-00-0B-22-38

6. Which two statements are correct about MAC and IP addresses during data transmission if
NAT is not involved? (Choose two.)
1.Destination and source MAC addresses have local significance and change every time a frame
goes from one LAN to another.
2.Destination IP addresses in a packet header remain constant along the entire path to a target
3. Destination MAC addresses will never change in a frame that goes across seven routers.

4. A packet that has crossed four routers has changed the destination IP address four times.
5. Every time a frame is encapsulated with a new destination MAC address, a new destination IP
address is needed.

7. What are two features of ARP? (Choose two.)

1.If a host is ready to send a packet to a local destination device and it has the IP address but not
the MAC address of the destination, it generates an ARP broadcast.
2.If a device receiving an ARP request has the destination IPv4 address, it responds with an ARP
3. An ARP request is sent to all devices on the Ethernet LAN and contains the IP address of the
destination host and its multicast MAC address.
4. When a host is encapsulating a packet into a frame, it refers to the MAC address table to determine
the mapping of IP addresses to MAC addresses.
5. If no device responds to the ARP request, then the originating node will broadcast the data packet to
all devices on the network segment.


Refer to the exhibit. PC1 issues an ARP request because it needs to send a packet to PC2. In this
scenario, what will happen next?

1. PC2 will send an ARP reply with its MAC address.

2. RT1 will send an ARP reply with its Fa0/0 MAC address.
3. RT1 will send an ARP reply with the PC2 MAC address.
4. SW1 will send an ARP reply with its Fa0/1 MAC address.
5. SW1 will send an ARP reply with the PC2 MAC address.

9. A host is trying to send a packet to a device on a remote LAN segment, but there are currently
no mappings in its ARP cache. How will the device obtain a destination MAC address?
1. It will send an ARP request for the MAC address of the default gateway.
2. It will send a request to the DNS server for the destination MAC address.
3. It will send an ARP request for the MAC address of the destination device.
4. It will send the frame and use its own MAC address as the destination.

5. It will send the frame with a broadcast MAC address.

10. What are two potential network problems that can result from ARP operation? (Choose two.)
1. On large networks with low bandwidth, multiple ARP broadcasts could cause data
communication delays.
2. Network attackers could manipulate MAC address and IP address mappings in ARP messages
with the intent of intercepting network traffic.
3. Multiple ARP replies result in the switch MAC address table containing entries that match the MAC
addresses of hosts that are connected to the relevant switch port.
4. Manually configuring static ARP associations could facilitate ARP poisoning or MAC address
5. Large numbers of ARP request broadcasts could cause the host MAC address table to overflow and
prevent the host from communicating on the network.

11. A network administrator is connecting two modern switches using a straight-through cable.
The switches are new and have never been configured. Which three statements are correct about
the final result of the connection? (Choose three.)
1. The link between the switches will work at the fastest speed that is supported by both switches.
2. The link between switches will work as full-duplex.
3. The auto-MDIX feature will configure the interfaces eliminating the need for a crossover cable.
4. The connection will not be possible unless the administrator changes the cable to a crossover cable.
5. The duplex capability has to be manually configured because it cannot be negotiated.
6. If both switches support different speeds, they will each work at their own fastest speed.

12. A Layer 2 switch is used to switch incoming frames from a 1000BASE-T port to a port
connected to a 100Base-T network. Which method of memory buffering would work best for this
1. shared memory buffering
2. level 1 cache buffering
3. fixed configuration buffering
4. port-based buffering

13. When would a switch record multiple entries for a single switch port in its MAC address
1. when another switch is connected to the switch port
2. when the switch is configured for Layer 3 switching
3. when a router is connected to the switch port
4. when multiple ARP broadcasts have been forwarded


Refer to the exhibit. The exhibit shows a small switched network and the contents of the MAC
address table of the switch. PC1 has sent a frame addressed to PC3. What will the switch do with
the frame?
1. The switch will forward the frame to all ports except port 4.
2. The switch will forward the frame to all ports.
3. The switch will forward the frame only to port 2.
4. The switch will discard the frame.
5. The switch will forward the frame only to ports 1 and 3.

15. Which two statements describe a fixed configuration Ethernet switch? (Choose two.)
1.A fixed configuration switch may be stackable.
2.The number of ports on the switch cannot be increased.

3. An SVI cannot be configured on the switch.

4. The port density of the switch is determined by the Cisco IOS.
5. The switch cannot be configured with multiple VLANs.

16. How does adding an Ethernet line card affect the form factor of a switch?
1. By expanding the port density
2. by increasing the back plane switching speed
3. by expanding the NVRAM capacity
4. by making the switch stackable

17. A network administrator issues the following commands on a Layer 3 switch:

DLS1(config)# interface f0/3
DLS1(config-if)# no switchport
DLS1(config-if)# ip address
DLS1(config-if)# no shutdown
DLS1(config-if)# end

What is the administrator configuring?

1. A routed port
2. a Cisco Express Forwarding instance
3. a trunk interface

4. a switched virtual interface

18. Which address or combination of addresses does a Layer 3 switch use to make forwarding
1. MAC and IP addresses
2. MAC address only
3. MAC and port addresses
4. port address only
5. IP address only

19. What statement illustrates a drawback of the CSMA/CD access method?

1. Collisions can decrease network performance.
2. Deterministic media access protocols slow network performance.
3. CSMA/CD LAN technologies are only available at slower speeds than other LAN technologies.
4. It is more complex than non-deterministic protocols.

20.Fill in the blank. The binary number 0000 1010 can be expressed as ______ in hexadecimal.

21. Match the characteristic to the forwarding method

A store-and-forward switch always stores the entire frame before forwarding, and checks its
CRC and frame length. A cut-through switch can forward frames before receiving the destination

address field, thus presenting less latency than a store-and-forward switch. Because the frame
can begin to be forwarded before it is completely received, the switch may transmit a corrupt or
runt frame. All forwarding methods require a Layer 2 switch to forward broadcast frames.


Open the PT Activity. Perform the tasks in the activity instruction and then answer the question.
What destination address will PC1 include in the destination address field of the Ethernet frame
that it sends to PC2?
1. 0030.a3e5.0401
2. 00e0.b0be.8014

5. 0007.ec35.a5c6


OTHER version of questions:

1. Why is UDP well suited as the transport layer protocol for video applications?
UDP has low overhead.

2. Which scenario describes a function provided by the transport layer?

A student has two web browser windows open in order to access two web sites. The transport
layer ensures the correct web page is delivered to the correct browser window.

3. What is a function of the transport layer?

It segments data from the application layer into manageable pieces.

4. What happens if part of an FTP message is not delivered to the destination?

The part of the FTP message that was lost is re-sent.

5. What type of port number is assigned by IANA to commonly used services and applications?
well-known port

6. Which type of applications are best suited to use UDP as the transport layer protocol?
applications that require minimal transmission delay

7. What protocol header information is used at the transport layer to identify a target application?
port number

8. What is a socket?
the combination of a source IP address and port number or a destination IP address and port

9. Which two flags in the Layer 4 PDU header are set by a client and server to terminate a TCP
conversation? (Choose two.)

10. Which transport layer feature is used to guarantee session establishment?

TCP 3-way handshake

11. How does the transport layer provide end-to-end guaranteed data transmission?
TCP retransmits data whenever an ACK flag is not received.

12. Which two flags in the TCP header are used in a TCP three-way handshake to establish connectivity
between two network devices? (Choose two.)

13. Refer to the exhibit. A TCP segment was sent by PC1 to the web server via port 80. Because of an
unexpected network failure, the data was forwarded by R1 but was not received by R2. Which
statement is correct about this scenario?
The web server will not acknowledge this segment. The PC1 timer will expire and PC1 will
resend the segment.

14. A PC is downloading a large file from a server. The TCP window is 1000 bytes. The server is
sending the file using 100-byte segments. How many segments will the server send before it requires
an acknowledgment from the PC?
10 segments

15. A host begins a TCP session with a sequence number of 1000 and sends 10 segments of 1200 bytes
each. The last acknowledgement the host receives has an ACK with a sequence number of 7001. What
action will the host take next as part of the TCP session?
The host retransmits unacknowledged segments.

16. During a TCP session, a destination device sends an acknowledgment number to the source device.
What does the acknowledgment number represent?
the next byte that the destination expects to receive

17. Refer to the exhibit. In the partial Wireshark capture of a packet, which Layer 4 protocol is being
used to send data?

18. How does a client computer determine what source port number to assign to a UDP header?
The port number is random within the range of dynamic port numbers.

19. Fill in the blank.

The layer in the TCP/IP model that links the application layer to the internet layer is called the layer.

Publicado hace por Pruebero Testo

Etiquetas: CCNA 1 Capitulo 5 v5.0

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Anonymous11 de julio de 2015, 12:54 p. m.
se le agradece mucho por haber creado este blog me ha sido muy til. El nico inconveniente
hasta el momento es que desde el examen 5 las imgenes no cargan.

Object 6


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