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Name: Yee Kai Mun

ID: 15025844
Date: 09.04.15
Title: Ideal Gas Law : Finding Percentage H2O2 with Yeast.
To determine the percentage of hydrogen peroxide in a commercially available in hydrogen
peroxide solution.
Presence of catalase affects the duration of reaction.
Material and Apparatus:
10ml and 100ml measuring cylinders, 250ml and 600 ml beakers, 250 ml conical flask,
stopper with hole, U-tube, glass stopper tube, latex tube, rubber band, pipette, stirring rod,
thermometer, retort stand, stopwatch, 3g of Bakers yeast, 5ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide,
distilled water and warm water (45).

1. The apparatus is set up. One end of the rubber hose is attached to a U-tube and
another end to the glass topper tube.
2. The stopper is fits to the conical flask to prevent oxygen that obtained from leaking.
3. A 600ml beaker is filled with approximately 400ml of distilled water
4. A 100ml of measuring cylinder is filled with distilled water slightly over 100ml mark.
5. The temperature of the water in 600ml beaker and barometric pressure in the room is
6. 100ml of warm water and 3g of yeast is mixed well with a stirring rod till the yeast is
completely dissolved.
7. 5ml of HO is measured out using a 10ml of measuring cylinder and pipette. Then it
is poured into the conical flask and the stopper tube is placed on top of it.
8. 10ml of measuring cylinder is cleaned with distilled water at least 3 times and the
rinse is disposed down the drain.
9. The opening of the measuring cylinder is covered with 3 fingers (with gloves) and is
quickly up sided into a 600ml of beaker. The fingers is removed when the opening is
fully submerged into the water.
10. The end of the U-tube is inserted into the measuring cylinder.
11. The upside down measuring cylinder is then secured with a retort stand with clamp
12. The volume of air trapped in the measuring cylinder is then recorded.
13. Pipette and rinsed measuring cylinder is used to measure 3ml of yeast solution, then is
poured into the conical flask with the stopper firmly secured on it.
14. The stopwatch was started and the conical flask is swirl continuously.
15. The conical flask is swirled consistently till no more air bubbles were formed.
16. Time and volume of air the measuring cylinder is recorded as soon as the reaction
Water temperature ( )
Barometric pressure (mb)
Initial volume of air (mL)
Final volume of air after reaction (mL)
Volume of O2 collected (mL)
Reaction time (s)


1. Amount of yeast affects the volume of oxygen obtained.
2. The rate of reaction increase as the yeast added into the hydrogen peroxide.


1. Number of moles of oxygen can be calculated by formula of n= RT

0.996 atm ( 0.112 L )

L atm
( 296.5 K )
mol K

n =0.00458 mol
2. The theoretical moles of oxygen is
1.02 g 1mol 1
5 mL

=0.075 mol
34 g 2
3. The percentage of hydrogen peroxide is
100 =6.1
4. The rate of reaction is
112 mL
=0.72 mL /s
155 s

Hydrogen peroxide decomposing to water and oxygen, but under normal conditions, the
decomposition goes very slowly. In this reaction, yeast catalysed the decomposition, making
the reaction go much more quickly .The presence to yeast accelerated the rate of reaction.
Hence the hypothesis is accepted.

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