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anne 2001-2002

leon 1 17

anne 2002-2003

leon 18 31

anne 2003-2004

leon 32 49

anne 2004-2005

leon 50

17 leons
14 leons
18 leons

anne 2005-

Leon 1

vendredi 28 septembre

never mind ! = tant pis !

to be bored =


the main aim = le but principal







a sponger = quelqu'un qui s'tale, qui prend de la place

drop in anytime ! = viens quand tu veux !
a drop = une goutte
a neighbour (bor) = un voisin
to be alone = tre seul
to be lonely
(notion de tristesse)
lonesome cowboy = cow boy solitaire

jolly jumper
(gai, sympa)

to bother = embter
I pity you ! je vous plains !
= gibier

pheasant = faisan
swine = sanglier
partridge = perdreau

to walk, to hike = faire de la randonne

to hitchike = faire du stop
you are feet = tu es en forme
to hack = pirater
to cry

to shout

to hijack = dtourner un avion

to yell

to sceam
hurler de terreur

that group is very nice = ce groupe est trs sympa

a tag = une tiquette
sensitive = sensible
sensible = raisonnable
rude = grossier

quiet = rough = restless

tranquille bagarreur

to get wild = s'agiter

be quiet ! = tiens-toi tranquille !
it's a big mess ! = c'est en dsordre !
out standing ! = hors norme !
I am an heavy smoker = je suis un gros fumeur
I have a bereavment = j'ai eu un deuil

Leon 2

Vendredi 19 octobre

I am cold = j'ai froid

I have got bleu eyes = j'ai les yeux bleus
the four letters words (fuck !) = les 5 lettres (merde !)
rag-head = enturbann

pjoratif !

dough (d) = pte

rag = chiffon
to make dough ! = faire du fric !

to share = partager
time share = tiempo compartido
quelque chose malheur est bon ! = it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good !
ill = malade, mauvais
l'avenir appartient ceux qui se lvent tt ! = the early bird catch the worm !

le ver
proud = fier

pride == fiert

napkin =

table cloth = nappe


to have a nap =

an apron = un tablier

faire la sieste

to skip a class
to skip a meal

bald = chauve
bold = audacieux

tous les deux jours

every other days

love at 1st sight

coup de foudre

I was civil servant = j'tais un fonctionnaire

the wedding = la crmonie
there is no cure !

il n'y a pas de remde !

don't club me !

ne me bastonne pas !

sheep = mouton
shepard = berger
the tide is low
the tide is high

club = massue

to send a letter mais to launch a satellit

to send, sent, sent
la mare

Leon 3

Vendredi 26 octobre

to gossip = cancaner
a gossiper = une commre
we can talk to this and that ! = nous pouvons parler de choses et d'autres !
friend = ami
pal = copain

(gb) my bloke
(am) my buddy

French puddle = le caniche

mon pote
a tortoise
a turtle

une tortue

the witch on a broom

la sorcire sur un balai
blind as a bat

aveugle comme une taupe


reward = recherch mais rewarding = gratifiant

le revers de la mdaille !

the other side of the coin !

to bridge the gap = combler le foss

mind the gap ! = attention l'espace !
to break, broke, broken
I am broken ! = je suis fauch !

( entendu dans le mtro Londres !!)

to split = diviser en deux, fendre
"banana splti" car la banane est coupe en deux !

as you like it ! = comme il vous plaira !

I don't give a dam ! = je m'en fiche !
to fit as a fiddle ! = se porter comme un charme !
to let = laisser, permettre

let it be ! = qu'il en soit ainsi !

let 's eat ! = mangeons !
let's go to the cinema !

Leon 4

Vendredi 7 novembre

it's pretty cold ! = it's quite cold !

blueberry = cassis
raspberry = framboise
strawberry = fraise
groseberry = groseille
to eat in china

a fiddle = un petit violon

il fait pas mal froid !

chesnut = marron

manger dans de la porcelaine

it's surprising ! = c'est tonnant !

from tonight, I will say "honey !" to my wife !
I put chickpeas in couscous

le gu des boeufs
bouillon de boeuf
the tail = la queue

providing = condition de
* college
* high school

college + lyce
aux USA

* primary school
graduation = baccalaurat


Massachusset Institut

of Technologie
melting pot = le creuset

to melt = fonder

W.A.S.P. white anglo saxon protestants

wap = rital
negroo = negger = spook
chink = slant = chinetoque

(les premiers colons arrivs aux


society of friends

leon 5

les quakers

vendredi 14 novembre

health is better than wealth !

richesse !

I am healthy ! = je suis en bonne sant !

white rage = colre noire

bachelor = single
dsordre = mess
quell dsordre ! = what a mess !

brothel = bordel
whore = pute

I was x-rayed this morning

je suis all passer une radio ce matin

a can = une cannette

to can = mettre en conserve

soft drinks
sparkling water = eau gazeuse

boozes = boissons alcoolises

beer, draft beer ( la pression), cider, wine

I am dizzy !

j'ai la tte qui tourne !

calf veal

the game = le gibier

= le jeu

sheep mutton
dans l'assiette
pig pork
(coq de bruyre)
chickpeas = pois chiche

leon 6

vendredi 7 dcembre

le nez qui coule

running nose
to spit = cracher
I am the spitting image of my father !
like father, like soon !
you look cute ! = tu parais jolie !
to look for
to look after
to look down


look out ! = watch out ! = beware !

(attention !)
la monnaie ne vaut plus rien

money isn't worth anything

the tube = le mtro

a worm = un ver
a silkworm
an earthworm

to mess around = faire l'imbcile

blind = aveugle
deaf = sourd

to go deaf = devenir sourd

I was a civil servant

j'tais un fonctionnaire
my first cousin
mon cousin germain
I am angry = je suis en colre
I am hungry = j'ai faim
the nature is amazing
to amaze = surprendre
a wizzard = a magician

I was a ladies killer !

j'tais un tombeur !

la nature est tonnante

a maze = un labyrinthe
un magicien
a ring = un anneau

to ring at the door

to ring , rang , rung
I blow my nose

je me mouche

to blow , blew , blown

to fly , flew , flown
to know , knew , known
to throw , threw , thrown
my mind is a blank


I blow a candle

sonner la porte
teindre une bougie

a blank = un blanc
a blank = un trou de mmoire

j'ai la tte vide

Vendredi 12 janvier
Leon 7

= sage femme
be quiet ! = sois sage !

the wise men

wise = sage

la galette des rois

out of work

heritage = patrimoine
world heritage of mankind
the under privileged

the pan = la casserole

holy = saint
= bnit

loot = butin
laisser quelqu'un mourir de faim

bien fait pour eux !

money isn't worth anything !

the pound is worth 10 francs
nearly = presque

le patrimoine de l'humanit

les pauvres

to loot = piller
loot = fric
I starve = je meurs de faim
to starve somebody to death
good for them !

en chomage

la monnaie ne vaut plus rien !

la livre vaut 10 francs

worth = la valeur

not nearly as talented as = loin dtre aussi dou que

holy picture = image pieuse

holy Mary, full of grace !

holy days
holydays !


to play a game = jouer un jeu

to act = jouer une pice de thtre
to spoil, spoilt
gter (des enfants)
New York city is a concrete jungle !


New York est une jungle en bton !

to prepare a couscous
first : We have to invite friends to savour that typical north African recipe ! That one is mam's
recipe !
second : buy tomatoes, onions, carrots , turnips , courgettes (or zucchinis, if you prefer),
marrows, cabbages, chickpeas and artichokes and don't forget raisins . Then, you choose
neck mutton (two bits by people) and thighs chicken..
third : peel the vegetables
fourth : In a stockpot, fry the onions, then add the vegetables and meat. Cover with water
and add salt and spices (pepper, saffron, cumin and "ras al hanout).
Less boil three hours !
five : prepare semolina like it's written on packet !
And savour that couscous !!

Vendredi 19 janvier
Leon 8
I am never late !

je ne suis jamais en retard !

I am seldom go

seldom if ever !

a white lie

un pieux mensonge

rarement, pour ne pas dire jamais !

I am guilty

je suis coupable

a rod = une tige, un bton, une canne pche

spare the rod and spoil the child !
qui aime bien chtie bien !
"pargne le bton et gte l'enfant"
a spare = une pice de rechange, une roue de secours
a spare moment = un moment de libre
I have got a spare ticket = jai un billet en trop
to spare no effort ! = faire tout son possible !
have my pen, Ive got one to spare ! = prends mon stylo, jen ai un autre !
she laid her hand on my forehead =

to lay, laid, laid

poser, disposer, taler

elle a pos sa main sur mon front

to lie, lay, lain

tre allong

he lays in bed all the morning !

to lie, lied, lied


to tell a lie
he looks
la vue = eyesight
l'odorat = sense of smell
he hears
l'oue = hearing

he smells

he tastes

le got = taste
le toucher = sens of touch

this music sounds terrible !

cette musique est horrible !
blade = lame (de couteau)
blade = brin

Lucky Luke has a blade of grass in his mouth

pile ou face

heads or tails ?

tit for tat!

un prt pour un rendu !

an old people home

tail = la queue
tails = pile

une maison de retraite

four years ago I went to the doctor's

il y a 4 ans je suis all chez le mdecin

leon 9

Vendredi 25 janvier

a date = un rendez-vous (d'amour)

date of birth
to have a rendezvous with somebody
an appointment = un rendez-vous (d'affaires)
to make an appointment
prendre rendez-vous
all every other month
a walk = une promenade
take a walk on a wild side

tous les deux mois

in the wild

en libert

to live in the wilds of Arizona
a hiking = une randonne

vivre dans

I have a stomach upset and I feel miserable !

j'ai trs mal l'estomac et je me sens trs mal !
to cause an upset

an upset

causer la surprise
to suffer an upset

les fins fonds de

une surprise
une peine
un revers

subir un evers struggle for

la lutte pour la vie
to beat, bat, bitten
if you can't beat them, join them !
il faut savoir hurler avec les loups !
to bit, bit, bitten
a bite = une bouche
= une piqre
= une morsure

"bait" "bit"
a bit = un peu
listen, this bit is brilliant !

coute, ce passage est gnial !

Beware with your animals ! Here there isn't rabies (la rage)
funeral = l'enterrement

to look gloomy

faire une tte d'enterrement

a review = une critique

= un compte-rendu
it was a tough day today !
Lucien, you are a scholar ! (rudit)
sage comme une image
every body
every one
all the people

tout le monde

quiet like a mouse

each one = chacun

each time = chaque fois
each of you
chacun d'entre vous
on each side of the street

out of fashion = dmod

it's fashionable = c'est la mode
= c'est chic

poppy seeds = graines de coquelicot


spicy (hot)





a tin = une boite (en fer blanc)


a cat on a hot tin roof

leon 10

Vendredi 1er fvrier

faire la queue to queue up (GB)

to be in the lane
the handle
the cue
get in lane !
mettez-vous dans la file !

the tail
du chien
de la casserole
de billard
the stem
de la cerise

I polish my shoes
a sentence = une phrase
= une peine
to serve a sentence
purger une peine
a foreigner = un tranger
above == below

more than double

plus du double

two years in a row

deux ans la suite
six times in a row
six fois de suite
a row of cars
une file de voitures

leon 11

Vendredi 8 mars

from Montpellier to Paris

figures = les chiffres
cipher = le chiffre ( l'ambassade)

decipher = dchiffrer

chocolat noir = plain chocolate

to feel, felt, felt
sentir, ressentir
it feels soft
cela semble doux
fat = gras, matire grasse
to get fat
a lump of sugar
un morceau de sucre

it feels like leather

on dirait du cuir

il faut = you have to

= you must to
faudrait pas me prendre pour un imbcile !
do you think I am a fool ?

what size shoes ?

what size do you take ?

I am 1,76 m
I am born in Inkermann

to have a sweet toth

tre gourmand

naked = nu
stark naked = poil
a couch potato

teindre = to switch off

allumer = to switch
= to light
une bougue
= to strike
une allumette

un gros fainant

a piece of fruit = un fruit

a piece of toast = un toast
a bunch of grapes = une grappe de raisins
a bunch of keys = un trousseau de clefs
to have a nap
to have a breakfast
the neck
the nape
the skull
the brain


grapes = le raisin
raisins = raisins secs

faire une sieste

prendre un petit-djeuner

le cou
la nuque
le crne
le cerveau

leon 12

Friday, the 22nd of march

to have a nap
faire une sieste
to have a breakfast
prendre un petit-djeuner
the neck = le cou
the nape = la nuque
to throw
to cast

the skull = le crane

to cast light
to cast the dice

clairer la lumire
lancer les ds

to feed, fed, fed

se nourrir
I'm fed up !
j'en ai ras le bol !


the tip = le bout

= un pourboire
a tip = un tuyau (aux courses)
behalf = on the part of

to tiptoe = marcher sur la pointe des pieds

de la part de

soon of bitch !
fils de pute !
You can stick it up your asse !

well done

a tip

Tu peux te le mettre dans le cul !

(bien cuit)

to dig a hole
creuser un trou
a dig = un coup de coude
a cat on your lap
un chat sur tes genoux
lap = dessus des cuisses
une peluche = a plush = a stuffed animal (am.)
Lina is alergic to pollen of cypress
Snow White and the 7 dwarves a dwarf
to cry = crier
to yell = gueuler
to shriek = to sceam = hurler en grimaant
to bawl = brailler

Wednesday, the 5th of april

leon 13

to be worth

valoir la peine

I go to get Lina in Paris

je vais chercher Lina Paris

both of us = tous les deux

mon oeil ! = my foot !

to travel = voyager
a trip = a journey = a tour
some kind of

quelque chose de semblable

a cote les yeux de la tte !

it casts an arm an a leg !


gospel = parole de dieu = vangile

god' spell
a cemetery = un cimetire
a grave = une tombe
a grave yard = un parc avec des tombes
behond the grave = aprs la mort
she had a miscarriage
elle a fait une fausse couche
a miscarriage of justice = une erreur judiciaire
to be in the right place at the right time !

tre o il faut quand il faut !

Wednesday, the 26th of april

leon 14
soft money

l'argent au noir
a company

limited company
theatre company

une socit

compagnie de thtre

a firm
foreign countries


she is pregnant
elle est enceinte
the baby is in the womb (uterus)

she is 5 months pregnant

worst and worst

de mal en pis
do you worst ! = essaie un peu pour voir !
every other week = une semaine sur deux
every other day = un jour sur deux
I used to

j'avais l'habitude de

to get wild = a dgnre

in the wild = en libert
to grow in the wild = pousser l' tat sauvage
to deserve = mriter
a tail (d'un animal)
une queue

faire la queue = to queue up

a stem (d'une fleur)

to wander = errer, traner

to have a wander = to take a wander = faire une balade


although + subj. = quoique, bien que

mother's day = la fte des mres
to steal, stole, stolen

a widow = une veuve

a widower = un veuf

voler, drober

to blow in the wind = voler au vent

any minute now
d'une minute l'autre
up to the minute
dernier cri
fashionable = la mode
we have got all the time in the world !
on a tout notre temps !
leon 15

Friday june 21th

to get wild = a dgnre

in the wild = en libert
to grow in the wild = pousser l' tat sauvage
to deserve = mriter
a tail (d'un animal)
une queue

faire la queue = to queue up

a stem (d'une fleur)

to wander = errer, traner

to have a wander = to take a wander = faire une balade

although + subj. = quoique, bien que

mother's day = la fte des mres
to steal, stole, stolen

a widow = une veuve

a widower = un veuf

voler, drober

to blow in the wind = voler au vent

he is a jolly good fellow !
thats odd !

cest un bon vivant !

cest bizzare !

odd numbers = nombres impairs

even numbers = nombres pairs

a couple of days = deux ou trois jours

he is witty

il est spirituel

holy ghost = lesprit saint


leon 16

Friday, june 28th

a jalopy = una cachila = une guimbarde

to act a play = jouer une pice
to take an exam = passer un examen
to pass an exam = russir lexamen
a hook = un crochet

a hooker = a prostitute = a whore

memories = souvenirs (de jeunesse)

a mouse, mice (des souris)
a louse , lice (des poux)

Iam lousy !

je me sens vaseux !

a fan = un ventail, un ventilateur

leon 16

Friday, june 28th

a jalopy = una cachila = une guimbarde

to act a play = jouer une pice
to take an exam = passer un examen
to pass an exam = russir lexamen
a hook = un crochet

a hooker = a prostitute = a whore

memories = souvenirs (de jeunesse)

a mouse, mice (des souris)
a louse , lice (des poux)

Iam lousy !

je me sens vaseux !

a fan = un ventail, un ventilateur

and about time too !
to heal = gurir
to wound = blesser

ce n'est pas trop tt !

the heel = le talon
a eel = une anguille

to hurt = blesser, faire mal

la mode = fashionable, to be in fashion
tre vieux jeu = to be behind the times
the hands of the cloth = les aiguilles de la montre
to have time on yours hands
avoir du temps devant soi
a clockwatcher = qq. qui regarde sa montre au lieu de se concentrer sue son travail !

leon 17

Friday, june 28th

a jalopy = una cachila = une guimbarde

to act a play = jouer une pice
to take an exam = passer un examen
to pass an exam = russir lexamen
a hook = un crochet

a hooker = a prostitute = a whore

memories = souvenirs (de jeunesse)

a mouse, mice (des souris)
a louse , lice (des poux)

Iam lousy !

je me sens vaseux !

a fan = un ventail, un ventilateur

un fil (lectrique ) = a wire
un fil (pour coudre) = a thread
the man who whispered in the horses ear
lhomme qui murmurait
high noon (midi juste)
le train sifflera trois fois
for whom the bells toll ?
pour qui sonne le glas ?
a maze = un labyrinthe
to be amazed = tre tonn

leon 18

Friday, September 19th


to look = sembler, paratre

to look for = chercher
to look at the picture
to look after children

regarder l'image
surveiller les enfants

schedule = emploi du temps

I don't want to be introducing

a drop = une goutte

to drop = tomber
je ne veux pas tre indiscret

thanks to him = grce lui

to travel = voyager
a trip = a journey = a tour
to play = jouer
to play tenis
to gamble = jouer de l'argent
to earn money = gagner de l'argent
to earn a living = gagner sa vie
when you are abroad

to play a game
a play = une pice de thtre

quand vous tiez l'tranger

a compagny = une socit

high society = haute socit
average = la moyenne
to slip = glisser

slipering = glissant

ill = sick = malade

leon 19

Friday 27th of september

she is motived to speak english

have you got a car ?
avez-vous une voiture ?
my car is insurance on MAIF
to shift = dplacer

one hundred, two hundred

hundreds of people
back to front = l'envers
the figure = la silhouette
I can't figure out !
= le chiffre
people crippled
personnes handicapes
right == left
right == wrong
within two years


je ne peux pas m'imaginer !


the worst
the best

dans deux ans

a note = un billet
a coin = une pice
pound note = billet d'une livre
dollar bill = billet d'un dollar
money = l'argent
the change = la monaie
automatic teller = distributeur d'argent
when I go to the theater to see a performance I wear spectacles (or glasses)
to hire a car = to rent a car
a library = une bibliothque
a book shop = une librairie
to borrow = emprunter
to lend = prter

to lend, lent, lent

to annoy = agacer

to bore somebody = ennuyer quelqu'un

to go to the cinema = to go to the pictures to see a film

to go to the movies (am.)
the inn = l'auberge
an hostal = une auberge de jeunesse
the tube = underground = subway (am.)
I owe your respect

to be lame = boter


Friday the 4th of october

leon 20
beautician = esthticienne
it's damp in Tahiti
il fait humide (et chaud) Tahiti
a hug = un clin
data processing = informatique
computeur = ordinateur
screen = l'cran

this fit me = cela me va bien

it's fit you like a glove ! = cela te va comme un gant !
it's my size = c'est ma taille
it's suit = cela me sied
to suit = aller bien
the waist = la taille
how long is it ?
the length = la longueur
the wich = la largeur

big = large = grand

a couple of days = 2 ou 3 jours

a pair of heels (talons)

a pair of trousers = un pantalon

blouse = chemisier

shirt = chemise
long sleeves = manches longues
scarf, scarves = charpe(s)
headache = mal la tte
flat = apartment (am.)
mouse, mice
louse, lice

by the way = propos

I am lousy ! = je suis mal foutu !

public school = cole prive

leon 21
thanks !

Friday the 10th of October

thanks to you !

are you registred ?


we are a flood = nous avons une inondation

je suis dbord de travail
I am whelned with work
a male and a female = a man and a woman
to apply = faire une demande
I take the same exam as Benedicte

to take an exam = passer un examen

to pass = russir
to fail = chouer

sick leave = cong de maladie

a physician = un mdecin
G.P. = general practice = mdecin gnraliste
a prescription = une ordonnance
his contract is over = is finish
to remind = se rappeler
to remember = se souvenir
to feel, felt, felt

sentir, ressentir

a ticket = un PV

a fine = une amende

when I attend a performance, I wear spectacles

des lunettes
lens(es) = lentilles (de vue)
lentils = lentilles

quand j'assiste un spectacle, je porte

what else ? = quoi encore ?

sunny spells = claircies
the weather is good today
snow I was drenched = j'tais tremp
frog = brouillard humid = humide (frache)
frost = givre
damp = humide (chaude)
he did me a trick !

il m'a jou un tour !

I peel vegetables for couscous

turnips = navets
chickpeas = pois chichegrapes = raisins
pumpkin = citrouille raisins = raisins secs
hallow = saint

halloween = la toussaint

velvet = velours
le rythme = pace
I walk at my pace
rhythm (danse classique)
beat (du rock, par exemple)
leon 22
Friday 10th of november

what time is it ?
half past six = six heures et demi
eight sharp ! = huit heures pile !
twenty five to seven = sept heures moins vingt-cinq
quarter past five = cinq heures et quart
gun and bullets

fusil et balles

I have difficulties to find a job !

I have difficulties for fiding a job !

to pull the weeds of the garden = arracher les herbes du jardin

sea-weeds = les algues
house warning party = pendaison de crmaillre
I have a scarface = j'ai une cicatrice
a screw = une vis
a screwdriver = un tournevis
la cuisinire = the cooker
le four = the even
ashes = les cendres

ashtray = cendrier

an ordeal = une preuve

une ordalie, au moyen-ge
a lecture = une confrence

leon 23

Friday, november 17th

it drizzles = il bruine

the custody of children = la garde des enfants

(aprs un divorce)
to rape = violer a raper = un violeur
grated carrots = carottes rapes
I can't bear her !
je ne peux la supporter !
to bear a burden = porter un fardeau
she has good maners

elle est bien leve

bien instruite
bon caractre

the sleeping beauty = la Belle au bois dormant

a pain in the neck = un casse-pieds
there is a shortage of nanies

il y a pnurie de nounous

Friday, December 7th

leon 24

a fan = un ventilateur un ventail

a bee = une abeille

a wasp = une gupe

I return at home
je retourne chez moi
make yourself at home !
fais comme chez toi !
the rain drops from the sky
a drop = une goutte

la pluie tombe du ciel

do you want a wisky ? yes, just a lace ! (une goutte)

every other week

une semaine sur deux

the good old days

le bon vieux temps

I used to live there

autrefois, j'habitais l
she used to go out to walk in the afternoo
elle avait l'habitude de se promener l'aprsmidi
terrific! = magnifique !
terrible ! = affreux !

awful ! = horrible !

this girl is pretty !

he is able to sell coal in Newcastle !

a tramp = un vagabond, un clochard
c'est aussi le nom donn des cargos
qui naviguent au hasard des affrtements

cette fille est terrible ! (superbe)

the crowd = la foule

to crowd into = s'entasser
to crowd around = s'attrouper

to be narrow minded = to be strait laced

avoir l'esprit troit

strait = dtroit
lacer = attacher deux parties avec un lien
I lace up my shoes
somebody to a stake
attacher qq. un

narrow = troit
to tie
right == left
right == wrong

all right ! = OK ! = fine !

straight on = tout droit

telephon directory = annuaire tlphonique

= agenda tlphonique
a mock = un examen blanc
blanc = white

to moke somebody

page blanche = blank page

blanc de poulet = chicken breast
laisser en blanc = to leave blank
blanc de l'il = white of the eye

se moquer de quelqu'un
breast = sein, poitrine

flu = grippe
un gros rhume = a bad cold
to fall sleep = s'endormir
I am sick and tired
the sick = les maladies
to be sick = vomir
sick = ill = malade

j'en ai ras le bol

through the centeries = travers les sicles

to look through telescope = regarder avec un tlescope
to look through the window = regarder travers la fentre
to fly through the clouds = voler au milieu des nuages
to leap through the trees = sauter de branche en branche
through illness = pour cause de maladie
no through road = voie sans issue


Friday, January 17th

leon 25
an only child = fils unique
alone = seul
lonely = solitude
lonesome = solitaire

I am a lonesome cow-boy

top and bottom

le bas et le haut (pour une caisse)
bottom = le fond (de la mer)
bottom = dernire place ou dernier rang to be bottom of the class
bottoms pyjama = pantalon de pyjama
bikini bottoms = le slip du bikini
bottoms up ! = cul sec (sant !)
ace (au tennis)
ace = as (carte)
an ace driver = un as du volant

ass = bottom = arse

le cul
ass hole
trou du cul
to get moving ! se bouger le cul !

du you like something else ?

voulez-vous quelque chose d'autre ?
now, what else ?
maintenant, quoi d'autre ?
some people are drug-addict to chocolate
I want to wash my hands

manire polie de demander o sont les toilettes

a slide door = une porte coulissante

a slide window
a slide = une lame pour microscope

a slide = une dia-po.

a blade of knife = une lame de couteau

a blade of grass = un brin d'herbe
to shear = tondre (les moutons)
to clip = tondre (la barbe)
to mow = tondre (la pelouse)
to smell = sentir
I can smell a rate

il y a anguille sous roche

his phone works = son tlphone marche

he is stingy = he is cheap = il est radin
to be cheap = tre bon march
it's cheap and nasty ! = c'est de la camelote !
this man turns nasty ! = cet homme devient mchant !

quand les poules auront des dents !!

when the pigs will fly !!

leon 26

Friday, January 23rd

to swell, swelled, swollen (ou swelled)

to have a swollen head
my knee started to swell, I put on ointment
mon genou se mit enfler, j'ai mis de la pommade dessus

avoir la grosse tte

my buddy = my chap = mon pote

I don't care ! = je m'en fiche !
to start

to begin

to keep

to finish

to end well / badly

se terminer bien / mal

to keep doing

to bargain = marchander
a bargain = une affaire
a purchase = un achat

to keep indoors
rester l'intrieur

to keep down
rester allong

to get a bargain = faire une bonne affaire

a task = une tche, un travail

to give way = laisser la priorit








(un peu) (beaucoup)

to mean = signifier
the mean = la moyenne
a waiter = un garon (de caf)

un plateau (pour servir) = a tray

a chunk = un morceau
pineapple chunks = ananas en morceaux
a huge piece of cake = un norme morceau de gteau
to have (or to take) a good look at something = jeter un coup d'oeil sur qq. chose
this girl is so cute ! = cette fille est trs mignonne !

to get cute

faire le malin

it's obvious ! = c'est evident !

obviously ! = videmment !
to give evidence = apporter une preuve
tab = languette, tiquette, onglet
to pick up the tab = to pay the tab = to pay the bill
to keep tabs on somebody = tenir quelqu'un l'oeil
to swear, swore, sworn
to swear on the bible = jurer sur la bible
to be bothered = ennuyer
don't bother your neighbour !
he's not bothered about money !

to annoy = agacer
n'embte pas ton voisin !
a ne l'interesse pas d'avoir de l'argent !

public school = cole prive

universit (US)
to go to medical school
a demonstration = une manifestation
to demonstrate = manifester
out of my sight, out of my mind !
(doublure d'argent)

no school to day !
the mob = la foule, la populace
the Mob = la Mafia

loin des yeux, loin du coeur !

leon 27

Friday, February 6th

I am cold ! = j'ai froid !

I have a cold = je suis enrhum
lectrique = a bulb
buvable = a phial
au pied = a blister

une ampoule

to blow my nose = me moucher

to have sore throat = avoir mal la gorge

a sore = une plaie

sore (adj.) = endolori


I have a head ache

a stomach ache
a tooth

j'ai mal la tte

you have to go to your G.P. (general practice)
(mdecin gnraliste)

zero = cipher = nought = love = nil

seafood = fruits de mer
shells = les coquillages
scallops = coquilles st Jacques
un caprice = a whim

mussels = moules
oysters = hutres
shrimps = crevettes

on a whim

sur un coup de tte

heaven = le paradis
tax heaven = paradis fiscal
an atomic shed = un abri atomique
tomb = la tombe
date of arival
to set a date = fixer une date
to make a date for monday
deadline = date limite

womb = l'utrus
what date is your birday ?
prendre rendez-vous pour lundi

a date = un rendez-vous (amoureux)

an appointment = un rendez-vous (de travail)

leon 28

Friday, February 14th

an assignment = un devoir
= un poste (diplomatique ou militaire)
= une affectation
what time is it ?

the tense = le temps (de la conjugaison)

to tense = se raidir
to make somebody tense
rendre quelqu'un nerveux
the issue = le problme, la question
to make an issue of
faire une histoire de
I must take issue with on that !
je dois te signifier mon dsaccord sur ce point !
the issue = le numro (d'un journal)

= la descendance
la colre = the anger

without issue = sans laisser de descendance

to be angry with = tre en colre
to get angry with = se metre en colre
he was in a rage = il tait dans une colre noire

to be hungry = avoir faim

Worship = Monsieur ou Madame (avec emphase)
his Worship the mayor = Monsieur le maire
worship = dvotion, culte
place of worship = lieu de culte
to give evidency = donner la preuve
it's works ! = a marche !
to pick up the weeds = ramasser les mauvaises herbes
weed ! = mauviette !
to weed = dsherber
I weed out my domestic employee
je me dbarrasse de mon employ
seeds = les graines, les ppins
= tte de srie (en sport)

the top seed = la tte de srie n1

a seeded player = une tte de srie

a drill = une perceuse, un trpan

to drill for something = faire des forages pour trouver quelque chose
to drill a well = forer un puits
well, better, the best
to feel well = se sentir bien
that boy will do well ! = ce garcon ira loin !
well done ! = bravo !
to speak well of somebody = dire du bien de quelqu'un

well == bad
good = well

bad, worse, worst

to be bad at = tre mauvais en
it looks bad for = cela s'annonce mal pour
too bad ! = pas de chance !
it will look bad = cela fera mauvais effet
to have a bad back = souffrir du dos
comedie square = place de la comdie
main square = grand-place
a square = un carr (en math)
to divide a page up into squares = quadriller une feuille
an area four squares meters = une surface de quatre mtres carrs
to water = arroser
to sprinkle = asperger

at high water = mare haute


= saupoudrer

to sprinkle a pie with sugar

give me a hug ! = serre-moi dans tes bras !

to hug = serrer dans ses bras
= raser, longer
youngsters = des jeunes, des enfants
to throw, threw, thrown
to throw up = vomir
I proposed Lina

lancer, jeter

= j'ai demand Lina en mariage

You have a love affair in London with

affaires = business

wed lock = les liens du mariage

the newly weds = les jeunes maris
to wed = se marier
wedded bliss = bonheur conjugal
a church wedding = un marriage religieux

leon 29

Friday, March 14th

a lecture = une conference

a reading = une lecture
a writing = une criture

to attend a lecture = assister une

reading, writing and reckoning (compter)

French into English = du franais l'anglais

what a mess ! = quelle pagaille !
you cut your hair = tu t'es coup les cheveux
she had her hair cut = elle s'est fait couper les cheveux
I cut my white beard myself
to beard = affronter
to wage a war = engager la guerre
to be raped = tre viole
I have a desk in my office

stars and stripes


c'es le drapeau tats-uniens

a mole = un grain de beaut

= une taupe
steel = acier
iron = fer
steamiron = fer vapeur
horse shoe = fer cheval
cuivre = copper (rouge)
= brass (jaune)
aluminium = aluminium
stainless = sans tache
to move stains = enlever les taches
every other days

tous les deux jours

when I was younger = quand j'tais plus jeune

I have 5 years ahead me = j'ai 5 ans devant moi
let there be light ! = que la lumire soit !
and there was light !
a louce, lice
un pou, des poux

I am lousy ! = je me sens vaseux !

I have lice = j'ai des poux

Friday march 28th

leon 30

je n'ai pas le moral ! = I am not in good spirit !

issue = le n (d'un journal, d'un magazine)
an award = une rcompense
Mickael Moore (director of "Bowling to Colombine") is comitted
I listen to the radio = j'ai entendu la radio
to fast = jener

to break fast = casser le jene

breakfast = petit-djeuner

dans le bon vieux temps ! = in the good old days !


to hike = faire une randonne

a seed = une graine
I am not on duty ! = je ne suis plus en service !
it's up to you ! = a dpend de vous !
I have got other fish to fry !!

j'ai d'autres chats fouetter !!

when it pours there are puddles

il pleut verses
quit smoking ! = cessez de fumer !
she stoped drinking = elle s'est arrte de boire !
she stops to drink = elle s'arrte pour boire !

Friday june 27th

leon 31

to guess = deviner

guess what !

to plug fan = brancher le ventilateur

the shadow of a man
the shade of a tree
a poor sight = une mauvaise vue
a scale = une chelle
scales = une balance

the sales = les soldes

what a sin ! = quel pch !

to cast, cast, cast

jeter loin

British Broadcasting Corporation

large diffusion

cable tv



un tuyau
un tuyau (pour arroser le jardin)
un tuyau (une information) = a tip

un tuyau crev = a lousy tip

infect minable
to feel lousy = tre mal fichu

leon 32

Monday october 6th

out of my sight, out of my mind !

loin des yeux, loin du coeur !

don't be shy ! ne sois pas timide !

to wage a war = faire la guerre
Bush wages a war against Irak
never mind ! = tant pis !
a rib (d'agneau)
une cte
a coast (du rivage)

that's awfully ! = c'est terrible !

on purpose ! = exprs !
for the purpose of doing
= dans le but de faire

glasses = spectacles = des lunettes

lenses = des lentilles
to split

se diviser
se sparer
se fendre

to split in two = se diviser en deux

to divorce = divorcer
tempratures de l'eau
burning hot






dogs days = des jours de canicule

motel (US)
hostal (auberge de jeunesse)
inn (auberge)
and breakfast
to go to bed to be in bed
to give somebody a bed for a night

speakink of TV
speakink of wolf
an ad (une affiche sur un support fixe)
une pub.
a commercial (une annonce publicitaire la tl, au cinma)
lady bird = la coccinelle
I am in charge of = je suis en charge de
film = picture (gb)
movie (us)
to starve = mourir de faim

to starve out somebody = affamer quelqu'un

book shop = librairie

library = bibliothque (en ville)
book shelf = une bibliothque ( la maison)

shelf = une tagre

to attend a lecture = assister une confrence

to attend a performance = assister un spectacle
to put on a performance = monter un spectacle

leon 33

Monday october 13th

the big cats = les grands flins

l' oeil = eye
to squint = loucher

acheter qq. chose les yeux ferms = to buy something with

complete confidence
coup d'oeil = a glance (regard rapide)
cela vaut le coup d'il = it worth seeing
= a view (vue)
attendant = gardien, ouvreuse, pompiste
flight attendant = steward, htesse
medical attendant = member du personnel mdical
thirty = 30
thirtieth = le 30me
aujourd'hui, nous sommes le 13 octobre
to day, we are the thirteenth of October
I guess it takes time

je devine que cela prend du temps

le que n'est pas exprim en anglais !

pter, lcher un pet = to fart

pter le feu, tre en forme
I am full of beans !

to be full of beans

j'ai la pche !

a chip = une puce (sur une carte de crdit)

a flea = une puce (un pou)
a louse, many lice
lousy = mauvais, minable
I am lousy = je suis vaseux
to feel lousy = tre mal fichu
(US) to do lousy = se dbrouiller comme un manche
to have a blank in his head
avoir un trou de mmoire
to blank out
a blank = une balle blanc
= une fiche vierge (US)

a blank paper = un papier blanc

to feel, felt, felt

sentir, prouver
how do you feel ? = que ressens-tu ?
how do you feel about marriage ? = que penses-tu du mariage ?
she isn't feeling herself today ! = elle n'est pas dans son assiette aujourd'hui !
the house feels empty = la maison semble vide
I feel like a drink = je prendrais bien un verre
to feel up to do something ! = se sentir d'attaque !
to fill = remplir

I fill my class
I fill a form
to fill in for somebody = remplacer quelqu'un
to fill on somebody = mettre quelqu'un au courant
to fill out = prendre du poids

to drive = prendre la voiture

to fly = prendre l'avion
it's nice ! = il fait beau !
it's sunny ! = il fait du soleil !
a ticket for London = un aller pour Londres
GB a return = un aller-retour
US a round trip =
to eat, ate, eaten


by the way ! = propos !

to eat out = manger au restaurant

I ate fish monday

the cat ate a mouse yesterday

present perfect

I have eaten fish all my life

the cat has eaten mice all his life

I had eaten fish, so I was sick

j'avais mang du poisson, alors j'ai t malade

the mouse was eaten by the cat

I am full of beans ! = j'ai la pche !

Monday october 20th

leon 34

I am Caucasian = je suis une personne de race blanche

do you a favor ! = fais-moi plaisir !
the guts = les boyaux
gut = bide
to have the guts = avoir du cran
beer gut = brioche (d'un buveur de
he sings with his guts = il chante avec ses tripes
Bush is a coward = he is a chicken
poule mouille
it's six of one and half a dozen of other

come on, chicken ! = viens ici,

mon poussin !
blanc bonnet, bonnet blanc !

I am frozen to the marrow !


baby marrow = courgette

to be sloane = tre bcbg

a shortcut = un raccourci
department = rayon
personnel department = service du personnel

to take shortcuts = bcler

department = dpartement
(en gographie)

electrical department = rayon lectricit

peak hour = rush hour = heure de pointe
in the good old days

au bon vieux temps

loud = bruyant, criard, exubrant

can you speak louder ?
pouvez-vous parler plus fort ?
loud and clear = clairement
a lodge = un pavillon, un bungalow
to lodge somebody = loger quelqu'un
to lodge a complaint = porter plainte

to lodge with my parents = habiter chez mes ..

a sharp knife = un couteau aiguis

a sharp eye = il de lynx
he is sharp ! = il est vif !
he has to dress = il doit s'habiller

to dress a suit = metre un costume

to dress down = s"habiller dcontract

I lived in Algeria for 30 years

I was in Paris for two weeks
to be away fir one year
tre absent pendant un an
it's time for bed !

leon 35

Monday December 2nd

my knee keeps on hurting = mon genou continue me faire mal

was anybody hurt ? = y-a-t-il eu des blesses ?
you are hurting my arm = vous me faites mal au bras
my throat hurts = j'ai mal la gorge
the true often hurts = la vrit est souvent cruelle
on the back of the hand !

al dedillo !

the rag man's son = le fils du chiffonnier

to fight like cat and dog
a prejudice = un prjug
an harm

se battre comme des chiffoniers

to harm somebody = porter prjudice quelqu'un


un prjudice
a damage

a serious damage = un grave prjudice

injuste = unfair
quitable == fair
a chore = une corve

to do the chores = faire le mnage

the shore = la cte, le rivage, la rive

off shore = au large de mais
on shore = terre
this lady is a knocker ! = cette femme est canon !
a fly = une mouche
a dragonfly = une libellule
to snore = ronfler
to fart = pter
cracher = to spit out

to fly = piloter

the piloy flew the plane to

to spit out blood

she is the spitting image of her mother

the "Sun" and "Minute" are gutter press (presse de caniveau)

gutter = caniveau, gouttire
an alley cat = un chat de gouttire

Income tax : impt sur le revenu
Excise tax : taxes indirectes
the stars twinkle
the diamond sparkles



les toiles scintillent

le diamant scintille

nobody respects speed limit !

to tease = taquiner

la hauteur
to book accomodations

rserver des chambres

to let = laisser
to let out = louer
a board = un panneau
= une planche

full board = pension

to get on board = monter bord

to check into = senregistrer

to check out = payer la note
the inhabitants = les habitants
its very popular !

cest la mode !
cest plaisant !
like = pareil

unlike = diffrent
unlikly = peu probable
spring = printemps
= source
= ressort
to rent = louer

to hire = engager (une personne)

to let = louer (le propritaire loue)

to rest = se reposer
to stay = rester

rest in peace !

guest (qui est reu)

host (qui reoit)
a clue = un indice

green flag

toad == frog

drapeau vert

to have a bath in a tub

to bathe in the sea

a parasol
the shade of a tree
the shadow of Lucky Luke
a cat
its about time ! = cest presque lheure !
its time to go ! = cest lheure dy aller !

leon 36

Monday december 8th

not yet ! = pas encore !


there is no more to do !== il ny a plus rien faire !

I ask that lady = je parle cette femme
to entertain = recevoir, divertir, occuper
dips = sauces froides
nibble = kmia
starters = hors doeuvre
side salad = salade (pour accompagner
un plat)
a rabbit = un lapin
a hare = un livre

to nibble = grignoter
the mouse nibbles at cheese

to have several irons in the fire

courir plusieurs
livres la fois

whiplash = le coup du lapin

mussels et muscles se prononcent de la mme manire
les moules
coquillages = shells
hutres = oysters

raw oysters cooked oysters

in the raw = naked

salt = sal
bland = fade
hot = trs pic
pepper = poivre
hot pepper = piment
mouse, mice
goose, geese
tooth, teeth
louse, lice
I am lousy = je suis vaseux
bread crumbs = chapelure
grated cheese = fromage rap
continental toast = biscotte
to toast somebody = porter un toast en lhonneur
de quelquun

leon 37
flu = grippe
a cold = un rhume
a bad cold = un gros rhume
to cough = tousser
to be cold = avoir froid

Monday december 15th

to have a cold = tre enrhum

to catch a cold


I was a wreck ! = I was exhausted ! = jtais crev !

a germ = un microbe
a virus
to stop smoking = arrrter de fumer
to begin
to start

to keep

quit smoking ! = arrte de fumer !

to stop
to quit

she trips over the cat = elle trbuche sur le chat

la cuisse = the thigh (fa)
le genou = the knee
la rotule = the knee cap
le mollet = the soft leg = the calf
la cheville = the ankle
le pied = the foot
les orteils = the toes

Monday january 5th

leon 38
best wishes for new year !
I have a stiff neck = jai un torticolis
anxious = trs inquiet

anxious about = inquiet propos de

for =

anxious = trs dsireux de

I am very anxious to do that !
each year = chaque anne
an itch = une dmangeaison
I had an itch to travel = lenvie de voyager me dmangeait
to honk = klaxonner
to heal = cicatriser, gurir
a healer = un gurisseur
it doesnt matter ! = a na pas dimportance !
never mind ! = tant pis !
any way ! = de toute manire !
cartes = cards
couper = to trump

to play cards
the trump = latout

pique = spade
coeur = heart
carreau = diamond
trfle = club
four-leaf clover

(symbole de l'Irlande) shamrock = trfle

its about time ! = cest presque lheure !

its time to go ! = il faut y aller !
guest (qui est reu)
host (qui reoit)

Monday january 25th

leon 39

muslim women wear a veil

brass = bronze
copper = cuivre
steel = acier
gold = or
silver = argent

stainless steel = acier inoxydable

a needle = une aiguille

hot flashes = bouffes de chaleur
I need to see a doctor immediately !

a nurse = une infirmire

a man nurse
a midwife = une sage femme

une sorcire sur son balai

a witch on her broom
eventually = finalement
jai mis un pansement sur la brlure
I have put a dressing on the burn

a prescription = une ordonnance

dressing = sauce (de salade)

sauce = sauce (de tomate)

a dressing = un pansement
a plaster = un pansement (petit)

une de perdue, dix de retrouves !

shes not the only pebble on the beach !

ce nest pas le seul galet sur la plage !

stone = pierre

pebble = galet
rock = rocher

a blister = une cloque

= une ampoule

your foot is very swollen

Monday February 2nd

leon 40
I am happy to be with you !
I am going home

je vais la maison

eventually = finalement
to do something eventually = finir par faire quelque chose
a shot = une piqre
to shoot, shot, shot

to sting = piquer

I was a bit down !

jtais un peu plat !

a while = un moment
a moment = un instant

just a moment, please !

my old car broke down again !

ma vieille voiture est encore tombe en panne !

can you pick up me at eight ?

(me prendre)
can you turn the radio up ?
peux-tu augmenter le son de la radio ?
you must
you have to
to lie = tre tendu
aux cartes : cur =
pique =
trfle =



you need not

you neednt

you must not

you musnt

to have a lie in
= diamond

faire la grasse matine

atout = trump
le mort = the dummy

a place = un endroit
a square = une place (publique)

un peigne = a comb
une brosse = a brush

une verrue = a wart

the issue = le n (du journal)
= le problme

its painfull !
petrol = essence
gas =

leon 41

Monday February 23rd

sest prsente
Caroline introduced herself to Igor
to mend, mended
to fix
to prepare

to fix dinner

thirsty = soif
hungry = faim
angry = colre

to pour = verser
to fill = remplir
to feel = sentir

how about going to the cinema ?

why not go to the cinema ?
shall we go to the cinema ?

et si on allait au cinma ?

this knife is very sharp (aiguis)

this boy is very sharp (brillant)

a thorn = une pine

a bowl = un bol
a salad bowl = un saladier
I relax = je me relaxe

to help = aider
in order of survive

le maillon faible = the weak link

I am fed up !

prparer le repas

afin de survivre

weak == strong

jen ai marre !

a spare keys = un double des clefs


leon 42

Monday march 1st

especially = surtout

150 a month

on my lap = sur mes genoux

des cuisses)

to heat = chauffer
water heater = chauffe-eau

costume dhomme
tailleur de femme
while = pendant
meanwhile = pendant ce temps

suitcase = valise

to bite, bit, bitten

to grabe a bite
manger un morceau
on top

150 par mois

a little bit = un petit peu

upper room = la chambre du dessus

this morning, it was 2 below 0

to lie, laid, laid

tre tendu
to lie, lied
to lay, laid, laid

to get on well = bien sentendre

to rob somebody

to burglar = cambrioler
to steal something

when I make up, I get up

Monday march 8th

leon 43
holy Joe = grenouille de bnitier
holy picture = image pieuse

guess what happened yesterday ?

I wonder = je me demande si
wonder = merveille
to wander = errer

devine ce qui m'est arrive hier ?

wonderfull = merveilleux

the wandering jew = le juif errant

to snore = ronfler
a snore = un ronflement
to sneeze = ternuer
to sniff = renifler, sentir, renifler (for a dog)
to dream = rver
to have nightmare = faire un cauchemar

a mare = une jument

une anesse

the profits = les bnfices

this meeting is bored
ce meeting est ennuyeux
you ennoy me ! = tu mennuies !
les racines de larbre = trees roots
prendre racine = to take root
the profits = les bnfices
les pertes
upset = bouleversement, revers, peine
to cause an upset = causer la surprise
to suffer an upset = subir un revers
to have a stomach upset = avoir un problme destomac
rate = rythme, taux, tarif,
at a terrifc rate = toute vitesse
hourly rate = salaire horaire
at any rate = en tout cas
for all the tea in China

rates = impts

pour tout l'or du monde

the weak link = le maillon faible

in a weak moment = dans un moment de faiblesse
I watch TV and I listen to the radio
to stab = donner un coup de poignard
to stab oneself = se blesser avec un couteau
to stab somebody in the back = poignarder quelqu'un dans le dos
to give a blow = donner un coup de poing

le lit = the bed

au lit ! = bedtime !
les draps = the sheets
se metre dans de beaux draps = to land oneself in a fine mess
les couvertures = the blankets
l'oreiller = the pillow
to win
(une comptition, une guerre, un procs)
to earn
to earn a living
gagner sa vie
to gain
to gain time, to gain weight

Monday march 15th

leon 44
a surrogate teacher = un remplaant

midi = noon , midday, twelve o'clock

what are we having to luch ? = que mange-t-on midi ?

minuit = midnight

a training period = un stage

Lina is fifty something = lina a la cinquantaine
I'm up to my eyes in work = I have a tight schedule = j'ai normment de travail
schedule = programme, horaire
to arrive on schedule = arriver l'heure
to schedule = prvoir, programmer
the time is scheduled to arrive at 2.00
raisins = raisins secs
grapes = raisins
don't forget to drive on the left when you get off the ferry !
to queue up (GB) = tobe on the lane (US)
le guichet = the ticket office, the box office
the play is sold out = la pice se joue guichets ferms
stop complaining ! = arrte de te plaindre !
to rave = dlirer
a rave review = une critique dithyrambique
a rave = une bringue branche
the guy = le type

hey, you, guys ! = eh ! les gars ! ou eh ! les filles !


a chap = un gars
my old chap = mon vieux copain

a nice chap = un chouette type

terrific = merveilleux
terrible = horreur
to swerve = faire faire un cart un vhicule
to swerve off the road = sortir de la route

a swerve = un cart

stuff = truc, chose, machin

that cement stuff = cette espce de ciment
who wrote this stuff ? = qui a crit a ? qui a crit cette chose ?
there's some good stuff in this article ! = il y a de bonnes choses dans cet article !
a bit of stuff ! = une gonzesse ! pjoratif
to stuff
to stuff something up one's jumper = cacher quelque chose sous son pull
I go either Castelnau or Beziers
I was expecting him either Tuesday or Wednesday
either you finish your job or you will be punished !
it's either him or me !

either of the two is possible !

les deux sont possibles !

neither tea nor coffe

she speaks neither English nor French
I have neither the time nor the money

neither of them came

ni l'un ni l'autre n'est venu
which one is responsible ? neither !
qui est responsable ? ni l'un ni l'autre !

_ if I were your wife I would put some poison in your tea !

_ if I were your husband I would drink it !
to be witty = tre spiritual

Oscar Wilde was very witty

I resist every thing exept tentation

no performance tonight ! = pas de spectacle ce soir !
to put on a performance = monter un spectacle
the interval = l'entracte, la pause, la mi-temps, l'intervalle
the frame

la charpente
le sommier
le cadre (du tableau)

the frames la monture (des lunettes)


to avoid = viter
to avoid doing = viter de faire
to hit = frapper, cogner contre
his father used to hit him = son pre le battait
to hit a good shot = frapper une bonne balle

hit the road ! = casse-toi !

deputy mayor = maire-adjoint

deputy sheriff
deputy director

Monday march 29th

leon 45


to win (un match)

every one a winner ! = tous les coups on gagne !
to earn (sa vie)
he earns 1000 a month
to gain (reputation, avantage)
to gain time

never mind ! = tant pis ! a ne fait rien !

3rd term = 3me mandat
to give up (renoncer, se retirer de)
to leave (quitter qq. ou un lieu)
to forsake
to reply to the invitation = rpondre une invitation
thank you for your kind invitation
a ladder

to climb a ladder

une chelle
a scale
to rise up the social scale
heaven = ciel

this map is on a scale of 1:5000

l'enfer = the hell

even = rgulier, constant, quitable, pair

we are even ! = nous sommes quittes !
to be even = tre galit

it's a hell of a party !

c'est une une soire d'enfer !

even numbers =/= odd numbers


instead of = la place de

slide windows = vitres coulissantes

to slide down = dvaler
to slide out of = se glisser hors de

a slide = une dia-po, un trombone coulisse, un toboggan

you can count me out ! = tu ne comptes pas pour moi !
a couple of dogs = deux ou trois chiens
Paulette talks nineteen to the dozen ! = Paulette est un moulin paroles !
the fare = le prix du ticket

to pay for the fare

taxi fare
half fare

a fair = une foire

fair = quitable, loyal, beau, bon, favorable, clair, blond
the fair sex = le beau sexe
fair and square = indiscutablement
there is not evidence = il n'y a pas de preuve
it's obvious ! = c'est vident !
short =/= tall
short time ago = il y a peu de temps
a tall story = une histoire dormir debout
what a mess ! = quel dsordre !
my hair is a mess = je suis compltement dcoiff
my life is a mess ! = ma vie est un dsastre !
he's a mess ! = il est dans un sale tat !
dog mess = crotte de chien
it's easy like one, two, three = c'est simple comme bonjour !
two-time somebody = tromper qq.

leon 46

Monday May 3th

to go on spa = aller en cure

jouer aux cartes = to play cards
to put one's cards on the table

pique = spade

coeur = heart
carreau = diamond
trfle = clubs
a spade = une pelle, une bche
to call a spade a spade = appeler un chat un chat
une pe = a sword

un poignard = a dagger

to stab = poignarder, donner un

coup de couteau

a waste = gaspillage
a waste of effort = un effort inutile
it was a complete waste of effort = c'est un coup d'pe dans l'eau
I go from Montpellier to Castelnau
I work from 10: till 12:
mostly = surtout, pour la plupart
he composes mostly for the piano
mostly we travelled by train
2000 people, mostly Belgians
data processing = informatique
un deput = m. P. (member of Parliament) GB
a teeny-weeny = a itsy-bitsy = minuscule
plain = ordinaire
plain chocolate
a plain man = un homme simple
sucreries = sweets (GB)

candy (US)

a tail = une queue

the tail of a car = le hayon du coffre
tails = pile
heads or tails ? = pile ou face ?
slang = l'argot
he his sick = il est malade
you make me sick ! = tu m'coeures !

to feel sick = ne pas se sentir bien

= avoir mal au cur
to sick up = vomir

I don't get it ! = je ne comprends pas !

a cheat = un tricheur
to cheat at cards = tricher aux cartes

to cheat in exam = tricher un examen

to cheat on somebody = tromper quelqu'un

Monday May 10th

leon 47
froncer les sourcils = to frown
froncer le nez = to wrinkle one's nose
a copycat = un plagiat, un copieur
the cat walk = le podium (pour les mannequins)
preserve fruits = fruits en conserve
ville jumelle = sister city
2 pounds 50 = two pounds fifty
one hundred and seventy = 170
mille = a thousand = one thousand
je ne gagne pas des mille et des cents !

deux cents = two hundred

trois mille = three thousand
I don't earn very much !

a worm = un ver, un virus

I have a worm in my computer
to worm one's way = se faufiler
a flea = une puce
the cheap = la puce (de la carte bancaire)
off age =/= under age

fleamarket = march aux puces

to be of school age = tre en ge d'aller l'cole
to come of age = atteindre la majorit
for ages = depuis une ternit
to age well = bien vieillir

do tou fancy a coke ? no !

as-tu envie de prendre un coca ? non !
what do tou fancy for lunch ? = qu'est-ce qui te plairait poutr djeuner ?
to take a fancy to somebody = s'enticher de quelqu'un
a file = un dossier, une chemise, un classeur, un fichier
= une file
in single file = en file indienne
a queue GB
une file d'attente
a lane US
get in lane ! = mettez-vous sur la bonne file !

a lane = un chemin, une petite route

a line = une ligne, un trait
you are next in line = a va tre ton tour
to be on line on somebody = tre en ligne avec quelqu'un
the line is dead = il n'y a pas de tonalit
you are way out of line ! = franchement, tu exagres !
Jack the Ripper = Jack l'ventreur
a rip = un accroc
to rip = dchirer
to rip off = arnaquer

to rip a hole in something = faire un trou dans quelque chose

she is sensible = elle est raisonnable

a sensitive person = une personne sensible
to be sensitive = avoir le cur sensible
to be susceptible to somebody's charm = tre sensible aux charmes de quelqu'un
to put off = couper l'apptit
to throw up = vomir
a trail = a track = a path
un sentier
to stand in somebody's path = barrer le chemin quelqu'un
dog-racing track = cynodrome

track = voie
track = traces, empreintes

to trail = suivre la piste

to trail one's hand in yhe water = laisser sa main trainer dans l'eau
a trailer = un gros camion, une remorque, une caravane
a trailer = une bande-annonce

leon 48

Monday May 17th

she looks good enough to eat ! = elle est belle croquer !

we eat at eight = nous dnons 8 heures
a tooth, teeth
a set of teeth = un dentier
incisive = incisor
canine = canine
wise teeth = dent de sagesse
molaire = molar
gencive = gum
wise = sage
the wisdow = la sagesse

take off your cardigan ! = enlve ton gilet !
to kick the ball = donner un coup de pied dans le ballon
to kick somebody = donner un coup (de pied) quelqu'un
to give a blow = doner un coup (de poing)
a string = une ficelle
stain = tache

stainless = sans tache, inoxydable

acier = steel
stainless steel
fer = iron
steam iron = fer repasser vapeur
aluminium = aluminium
cuivre (rouge) = copper
cuivre (jaune) = brass
or = gold
it's huge ! = c'est immense !
argent = silver
cire, cerumen

to wax = cirer, piler

(the moon)
to wean =/= to wax
I am almost sure = je suis presque sr
if I were you = si j'tais toi
to spoil = gcher, abimer, gter
the spoils = le butin, les gains, les profits
to be, I was, been
I was
you were
he was
we were
you were
they were

I were



you are getting too big for your boots ! = tu as la grosse tte !
when are we going to have dinner together ?
to have dinner = prendre un repas
the last weeks = les dernires semaines

old people home = maison de retraite

every other day = tous les deux jours
to faint = s'vanouir

to feel faint = se sentir mal

it's high time to left !

il est grand temps de partir !
only time will tell !
seul l'avenir le dira !
doesn't time fly !
comme le temps pass vite !
a race against time
une course contre la montre
it's pig's work !

c'est un travail de cochon !

se maquiller

to make up

to make up with = se rconcilier

to make up to = faire de la lche
I make up my mind = je me dcide

Monday June 7th

leon 49

the frame

la monture (des lunettes)

la charpente, le chassis
le cadre (du tableau)

manteau = coat
tank top = dbardeur
jupe = skirt
robe = dress
evening dress
gown = robe d'avocat
chemise de nuit = night gown
slip = pants, panties
underpants (pour les hommes)
pantalon = trousers (GB), pants (US)
veste = jacket
chemise = shirt
cravate = tie

mais, to make a slip = faire une erreur

a slip of paper = un bout de papier

acheter un pantalon = to buy a pair of trousers

sweat = sueur
(US) sweats = survtement
no sweat ! = pas de problme !
to slip a disk = avoir une hernie discale

to present = faire un cadeau

I will not be here = je ne serai pas prsent
there peut tre traduit par l
near there = prs de l

put them there ! = mettez-les l !

ou par voil
there's my watch = voil ma montre
ou encore par il y a
there is a village nearby = il y a un village ct
et aussi par y
we went there last year
the butler = le matre d'htel
(le tarif) the fare =/= fair (blond)
(GB) car park = parking lot (US)

leon 50

Monday September 27th

to cheer = soutenir, encourager
I cheer Lina up = je remonte le moral Lina
cheers ! = sant ! la tienne ! merci !
a pound note = a dollar bill = un billet de banque
coins = pieces de monnaie
almost = presque
we are almost ready
avec un verbe au pass il est traduit par faillir
I almost forgot = j'ai failli oubli
quite = assez, suffisamment

it's almost dark


be quiet ! = tiens-toi tranquille !

leek = poireau
trfle 3 feuilles = clover
thistle = chardon
grouse = coq de bruyre
(marque de bourbon)
at cockcrow = au chant du coq
weathercock = coq de clocher
the local Casanova = le coq du village

shamrock = trfle ( 4 feuilles) Irlande

cock = coq

Afrique du sud

trfle = club
carreau = diamond
cur = heart
pique = spade

a spade = une bche, une pelle

waste = gaspillage
bookshop = librairie
library = bibliothque

public library = bibliothque municipale

a forward = un avant (dans le sport)

forward (comme adjectif) = avant, avanc, terme
forward pass = en-avant
to be too far forward = tre trop en avant
cheville = ankle
genou = knee
orteils = toes
talon = heel
cuisse = thigh
les genoux

avoir les chevilles qui enflent = to get big-headed

mais the eel = l'anguille
mais des cuisses de grenouille = frogs' legs
tre genoux = to be in one's lap
sur les genoux = on lap

un tour de piste
to be on the last lap = faire le dernier tour
a part with my car, a part walking = une partie en voiture, le reste pied
there's so much to do that = il y a tant faire que
he was so ashamed that he left the room = il quitta la pice tant il se sentait honteux
to like nothing so much as = n'aimer rien tant que
I won't leave until he's given me an appointment
tant pis pour moi ! = too bad for me !
tant mieux pour toi ! = good for you !

never mind !

a place = un endroit
a square = une place
it coats me an arm and a leg ! = a me cote les yeux de la tte !
the trade = le commerce
to do a good trade = faire de bonnes affaires
to trade = changer

a trader = un commerant
= un oprateur boursier

home made = fait maison

home body = casanier
though = quoique, bien que
the cough = la toux

to have a tough = tousser

a finger = un doigt
le pouce = the thumb
l'index = the index
le majeur = middle finger
l'annulaire = ring finger
l'auriculaire = little finger, pinkie

Monday October 11th

leon 51
on sunday in the morning = dimanche matin
every morning = tous les matins
every other day = tous les deux jours

come on my lap ! = viens sur mes genoux !

I will come on monday October the 11th
I will come on the 11th of October
what do you do at week-end ?
I look at the blackboard
a board = une planche
fullboard = pension complte
to go on board = monter bord
pictures (GB) = movies (US)

le cinema

a picture = une image, une photo

the weather was terrible = le temps tait affreux
it's terrible having to do that ! = it's awful ! = c'est terrible de devoir faire a !
that film is terrific ! = ce film est magnifique !
that's not a great film ! = ce film n'est pas terrible !
I had a lie in bed = j'ai fait la grasse-matine
I had a nap = j'ai fait un petit somme
afternoon nap = sieste
I stay home
je reste la maison

I go home
je vais la maison


grand fathers
my grand daughter
father in law = beau-pre




child, children

we are a childless couple


to vanish = disparatre to vanish into the air = se volatiliser

to faint = s'vanouir
thin = mince, fin, troit
the ice is fine = la couche glace n'est pas paisse
I get thin on the top = je me dgarnis
to hack = pirater
a hacker
to harm =

to hack = tailler
to hack a path though the jungle

to hurt = blesser, faire mal

I play golf in Castelnau

I stay at home
I stay at Montpellier
library =/= bookshop (bookstore)
we are in a broom-closet = nous sommes dans un placard balais
you should go to Rome = vous devriez aller Rome

the dollar crumbles down

to crumble = mietter

= le dollar s'effrite

Monday October 18th

leon 52

idle = lazy
idle = oisif
idleness is the root of evil = l'oisivet est la mre de tous les vices
evil = le mal
the evils of racism = les maux du racisme
to give somebody the evil eye = jeter quelqu'un le mauvais il
money is the root of all evil = l'argent est source de tous les maux
the adjective evil = malfaisant, diabolique, nausabond
devil = le diable
speak of the devil ! = quand on parle du loup (on en voit la queue) !
to have the luck of the devil = avoir une veine de cocu
presently = currently

present, bientt

actually = en fait, vraiment, exactement

their profits have actually risen = en fait, leurs bnfices ont augment
yes, it actually happened ! = mais oui, c'est vraiment arriv !
what actually happened ? = que s'est-il exactement pass ?
a maze = un labyrinthe
amazing = extraordinaire, surprenant

to amaze = surprendre, stupfier

to sue = intenter un procs

to sue somebody for divorce = demander le divorce quelqu'un
a trial = un procs
= un essai
= une preuve sportive
a watch dog = un chien de garde

take it on trial ! = prenez-le l'essai !

you lucky dog ! = sacr veinard !


to spend, spent, spent

to spend money

to spend time = perdre du temps
boot (GB)

la malle (de la voiture)

se faire la malle = to clear off

trunk (US)

a hammer = un marteau
a screwdriver = un tournevis
a saw = une scie

to saw through, down, off


I finished that book that I have started yesterday

lap = le dessus des cuisses

on my lap = sur mes genoux

to have a bath

to bathe = laver, se baigner, prendre un bain (US)

to bathe in swimming-pool
to tan = to get a tan = bronzer
slot = fente, rainure
ne pas confondre avec
to slot something into a machine
insrer quelque chose dans une machine

slut ! = salope !, trane !

D.A.B. = E.T.M.
distributeur automatique de billets
headache = mal la tte
to ache = avoir mal
tooth ache a pain = une douleur
to ache all over = avoir mal partout
where is the pain ? = o as-tu mal ?
he's a pain in the neck = c'est un casse-pieds
for example = par exemple

an ache = une douleur

an affair = une affaire, une liaison

it's my affair !
a love affair = une histoire d'amour
business = les affaires
to spare = pargner
spare time = temps de loisir
spare water ! = conomise l'eau !
spare wheel = roue de secours

to eat chinese

do it yourself

shelf, shelves
to be left on the shelf = rester vieille fille
to leave, left, left

partir, laisser, abandonner

to share = partager
time share = tiempo compartido
a share = une part, une action
the share = le soc (de la charrue)
Lina is very anxious about her mother = Lina est trs inquiete au sujet de sa mre
I am anxious to do that work = je suis trs dsireux de faire ce travail
the frame of this painting is very dirty
painting = tableau, peinture, toile, portrait
I wear sunglasses on the seaside
I can't wear lenses Esa sold his law of primogeniture for
I push the armchair against the door
to insure against theft (le vol)
their garden is next to mine
he changes his shirt for a sweatshirt
come to me !
au bridge

a lentils dish

on the other hand = par contre


to wear, wore, worn

porter, mettre, s'habiller
I like wear in black
she has not got a thing to wear = elle n'a rien se mettre
he's worn very well ! = il est encore bien pour so ge !

I am on holiday


to take a vacation = prendre des vacances

to run = courir
to go for a run = aller courir
to take the dog for a run = aller faire courir le chien
to run away = s'enfuir
she ran a very fast time = elle a fait un trs bon temps (en courant)
who runs me to the station ? = qui me conduit la gare ?
he leaves the engine running = il laisse le moteur tourner
the road runs north for about ten kimometers = la route va vers le nord sur dix kms
to steal, stole, stolen
voler, drober
our loggages were stolen from the car = on nous a vol nos bagages dans la voiture
to steal a kiss
to steal a few minutes sleep = s'offrir en douce quelques minutes de sommeil

to rob somebody = voler, dvaliser quelqu'un

to burglar = cambrioler
a burglar = un cambrioleur
un voleur = a thief, a swindler
se sauver comme un voleur = to slip away like a thief in the night
to slip = glisser, mettre

to slip something into his pocket

she slipped the shirt over her head

to slip out = enlever

to slip off = partir discrtement
(GB) petrol = essence
(US) gas

it's exciting ! = c'est enthousiasment !

my car runs out of petrol = ma voiture est tombe en panne

they look similar = ils se ressemblent

I am the spitting image of my father
it's exciting ! = c'est passionnant !
a cluster of grapes = une grappe de raisins

Monday November 8th

leon 53

to wash = se laver
to have a quick wash = faire un brin de toilette
frequent wash shampoo = shampoing pour lavages frquents
to wash one's hand = se laver les mains
to wash the dish = faire la vaisselle
she washed out of college = elle s'est fait recaler aux examens d'entre en fac
slim = mince
I slimmed down = j'ai perdu du poids
I'm slimming = je fais un rgime pour maigrir
maigre = skinny, thin
maigre comme un clou = as thin as a rake
fat = gras, gros

a rake = un rateau

to get fat = grossir

to bother = ennuyer, tracasser, dranger, embter

oh stop bothering me ! = mais arrte de m'embter la fin !
it bothers me that = cela m'ennuie que
to bore = ennuyer
to be bored = s'ennuyer

mais aussi to bore = percer, creuser


to bear, bore, borne

porter, apporter
I bear a resemblance to my father = je ressemble mon pre
I can't bear to watch = je ne veux pas voir a
ad. = advertisement = advertising
to advertise = faire de la pub
a commercial = annonce publicitaire
to leave, left, left
to live = vivre

pub = publicit
a TV commercial
a beer commercial

partir, quitter
Franoise and Lucien live together at number 3
Lina and Bernard live in jeans = sont toujours en jean
mamie lived to be ninethy four
long live democracy ! = vive la dmocratie !
come on ! live a little ! = allez viens ! laisse-toi vivre !
to live it up = faire la fte

to climb = grimper
to clim down = descendre
rock climbing = escalade
to climb into the car = monter dans la voiture
to climb into the bed = se mettre au lit
a comb = un peigne
a brush = une brosse
a pet = un animal de compagnie
the teacher pet = le chouchou

no pets ! = les animaux ne sont pas accepts !

a no-smoking place
a non-smoking man

I fly = je prends l'avion

I'm in my early sixties

to care
s'occuper de , s'intresser
I don't care = I don't mind
a m'est gal
widow, widower = veuf, veuve
the will = la volont
I am always willing to learn

quand tu veux, tu peux = where there is a will,

there is a way

to share = partager

a share = une action, une part

strong =/= weak

the weak link = le maillon faible

jolly = joyeux, enjou

Jolly jumper

what a jolly time we had ! = qu'est-ce qu'on s'est bien amus !


well off people = les gens riches

midwife = sage-femme

to ban = to forbid
to ban somebody to drive God forbid ! = Dieu m'en garde !

I listen to wireless (TSF)

wire = fil (lectrique)
thread = fil
to be hanging by a thread = ne tenir qu' un fil
[] = fil coudre
to sew = coudre
otherwise = autrement
to do orherwise = faire autrement
I know otherwise = je sais que ce n'est pas le cas
no woman, married or otherwise = aucune femme, marie ou non
William otherwise know as Bill = William qu'on connat aussi sous le nom de Bill
mind = esprit, intelligence, avis, raison
peace of mind = tranquillit d'esprit
with the mind of a two-year-old = avec l'intelligence d'un enfant de deux ans
I have a logical mind = j'ai un esprit logique
broad minded =/= narrow minded (esprit troit)
I can't get my father out of my mind = je n'arrive pas oublier mon pre
I bought this ring with Lina in my mind = j'ai achet cet anneau en pensant Lina
I don't mind the cold = le froid ne me drange pas
I don't mind ! = a m'est gal !
flower et flour ont la mme prononciation

leon 54

Monday November 15th

safety agent = security

I am safe = je suis en scurit
safe belt = ceinture de scurit
a safe = un coffre
le coffre (de la voiture) = the boot (GB) the trunk (US)
un coffre (meuble) = a chest
avoir du coffre = to have a powerful voice
coffrer quelqu'un = to put somebody inside
a diary = un agenda, journal intime
are you doing anything ?
I have got something to do

to be about to do = tre sur le point de

at about 8 pm = vers 20h
there is a lot of flu about = il y a beaucoup de grippes en ce moment
Primo Levi wrote a book about the horror of concentration camps
ta wander about the streets = errer dans les rues
what about some tea ? = et si on prenait un th ?
what about opening the door ?
what about you ? = et toi ?
about time too ! = ce n'est pas trop tt !
we speak about grammar = nous parlons de grammaire
can we have a bigger room ?
pal = copain, copine, pote

mate = copain, pote (GB)

to hug = serrer (dans ses bras)

a hug = une treinte

cliner = to cuddle
to pamper = choyer, dorloter
mail box = post box
to bake = mettre quelque chose au four
to cook = cuisiner

a baker = un boulanger
a cook = un cuisinier

yes, walking is fine for me ! having a nap is good too !

I am bald and I have a white beard
a spin = un tour, une pirouette
You give a top a spin = tu fais tourner une toupie
to put spin on a ball = donner de l'effet une balle
to spin = lancer, tourner
to spin a coin = tirer pile ou face
the tourists car spun off the road = la voiture est alle valser dans la nature
my head is spinning
the car spun = la voiture a fait un tte--queue
we both like books
to blow, blew, blown
vent violent
it's blowing a gale = il y avait de la tempte
I blow my nose = je me mouche
the blow in the wind = la plume vole au vent
blew me away = j'en suis rest baba
yesterday she blew the candle = elle a teint hier la chandelle
to read by candlelight = lire la lueur d'une
(GB) to joke = to kid(US)
no kidding ! = sans blague !
a kid = un enfant

= un chevreau
to take off = dcoller
to land = atterrir
a winner =/= a loser
to lose, lost, lost

to fly = piloter


which of these cakes do you prefer ? neither one nor the other !
the box you put the bottles in is red = the box which you put the bottles in is red
= the box in which you put the bottles is red
in which of these box did you put the bottles ?
he gave the package to the receptionist who gave it to me
the friend to whom you wrote
the people against whom they were fighting
the people whose house we went to
which of your friends did you write to ?
to attend a ceremony = assister une crmonie
to attend a lecture = assister une confrence
to give a lecture = donner une confrence
it's my favourite reading = c'est ma lecture prfre
post world war II (W.W. II) = aprs la 2me guerre mondiale
B.C. (before Christ) = aprs Jesus Christ
A.D. (ano domini) = aprs Jesus Christ
cheap =/= expensive
a chip = un jeton, une puce, une frite
to fit (tre la taille)
aller bien
to suit (plaire)
a case = une valise, une caisse, un tui
a suit = un costume
a suit case = une valise
a pencil case = une trousse
a vanity case = une trousse de toilette

leon 55
birds of a feather flock together
qui se ressemble s'assemble

Monday November 22th

to flock = affluer
to flock together = se rassembler
a flock = un troupeau, une foule

you are a feather head = tu es une tte de linotte


a beat = un battement, une pulsation

75 beats per minute

to the beat of the drum = au son du tambour

to beat, beat, beaten

battre, marteler
to beat time = battre la mesure
to beat somebody with a whip = donner des coups de fouet quelqu'un
to beat somebody black and blue = rouer quelqu'un de coups
to make a cake I have to beat eggs, sugar and flour into milk
I want to walk at my pace
to have a natural sense of rhythm
school timetables
(dfaut) I am nosy = je suis fouineur
(qualit) I am curious = je suis curieux
un enfant gt = a spoiled boy
un fruit gt = a sploiled fruit
I am divorced from Danile and I am married to Lina
in laws = belle-famille
a widow = une veuve
a widower
wife and husband
grand daughter
niece and nephew
uncle an aunt
and Bob is my uncle ! = en deux coups de cuiller pot !
a bargain = un march (a deal), une bonne affaire
to bargain with = ngocier avec quelqu'un, marchander
my foot ! = mon oeil !
to blend = mlanger
to pull one's leg = se foutre de quelqu'un
to cost an arm and a leg = coter les yeux de la tte
a gossip = un potin
I wait for a bus

Lina and Franoise often gossip (cancanner)

I expect for a good time

(attendre et esprer)

memory, memories = mmoire, souvenir(s)

I have good memories of Inkermann = j'ai de bons souvenirs d'Inkermann
I have a good memory and also a long memory = j'ai une bonne mmoire et je suis
a souvenir = un cadeau
perhaps = may be

they married and lived happily ever after !

ils se marirent et eurent beaucoup d'enfants !
be quiet as a mouse ! = tre muet comme une carpe
be quiet = tais-toi !
quiet, please ! = silence, svp !
in a quiet voice = voix basse

Monday November 22nd

leon 55
a pain = une douleur
where is the pain ? = o avez-vous mal ?
it's a real pain ! = c'est trs enquiquinant !
he's a pain in the neck ! = c'est un casse-pieds !
I am going to clean the windows tomorrow
tomorrow will be a difficult day
see you tomorrow ! = demain !

le maillon faible = the weak link

my leg pains me a little = ma

me fait un peu mal
tomorrow is an other day = demain
il fera

I will go saturday the 10th

you will put water bottles in the refrigerator
shall we go to the cinema ?
la forme interrogative, toujours shall
it's exciting ! = c'est enthousiasmant !
miserable = malheureux, misrable
I feel miserable = j'ai le cafard
to beg = demander
to beg for = mendier
I beg your pardon
a five-course meal = un repas avec 5 plats
starter = hors d'oeuvre
main course = plat principal
the menu = la carte
the dessert = le dessert
I like this dish = j'aime ce plat
a dish = une assiette, un plat
= une antenne parabolique
what a dish ! = quel beau mec ! quelle belle fille !
to do the dishes = faire la vaisselle
the stage = l'tape
= la scne
the backstage = the wings = les coulisses

to gather = se runir
family gathering = fte de famille
what a wonderful atmosphere ! = quelle bonne ambiance !
the john = les chiottes
to settle
to rest = se reposer
to stay = rester
the fee = le tarif, les honoraires, le droit d'entre
the fare = le prix du ticket
taxi fare = prix de la course
the lawn = la pelouse
the grass = l'herbe
the weed = la mauvaise herbe
pot = hash = "herbe"
a flower pot
a sheet = un drap, une feuille
shit ! = merde !
a shit = une merde, une crotte
bullshit = des conneries
la recette du couscous = the recipe couscous
la sauce

tomatoe sauce
gravy (du jus de viande)
dressing (de la salade)

a plain = une plaine

plain = simple, uni, vident, franc
to be plain as day = tre clair comme de l'eau de roche
to dress = s'habiller
a dress = une robe, une tenue

plain chocolate = chocolat noir

plain water = eau plate

to dress up = s'habiller (pour sortir)

= se dguiser

to lock = fermer clef, enfermer

I lock my passport into a drawer = j'ai enferm mon passeport dans un tiroir
yesterday, before I go out I locked my door
a lock = une serrure
= une cluse
= une mche
curly locks = cheveux boucls
before = avant, prcdent

the day before yesterday = avant-hier

the day before the exam = la veille de
I was there the week before last = j'y tais il y a deux semaines
before long it will be the winter = ce sera bientt l'hiver
not before time ! = ce n'est pas trop tt !
(US) ten before six = six heures moins dix
before our very eyes = sous nos propres yeux
boy friend, girl friend
(pour les jeunes)


partner (pour les vieux)

how long ? = combien de temps ?

he is tart ! = c'est un pd !
she is tart ! = c'est une pute !
a freezer = un rfrigrateur
a deep freezer = un conglateur

a flea = une puce

ma puce ! = my pet !

une puce (lectronique) = a chip



simple present


action finie

present perfect

continuous present

relation avec le prsent

have + ed

I'm working tomorrow

I'm going to work

je travaille demain
je vais travailler (maintenant)

I will work je travaillerai
I'll work
I will go saturday the 10th
you will put water bottles in the refrigerator
shall we go to the cinema ?
la forme interrogative, toujours shall

Preterit : action commence dans le pass et termine

Present perfect : action commence dans le pass et qui continue aujourd'hui

For, since, ago

They had been in Gibraltar for 200 years

Ils sont Gibraltar depuis 200 ans

I've lived in Montpellier for 6 years

I've lived in Montpellier since 1998

for, since


I've been a teacher since 1962

three weeks ago
we got married 17 years ago today

il y a

not long ago il y a peu de temps

how long ago ?


to make dough ! = faire du fric !

the four letters word (fuck !) = les 5 lettres (merde !)
blind as a bat

aveugle comme une taupe

I am fed up !

jen ai marre !

to have several irons in the fire

on the back of the hand !

courir plusieurs livres la fois

al dedillo !

it's six of one hand and half a dozen of other

I have got other fish to fry !!

j'ai d'autres chats fouetter !!

out of my sight, out of my mind !

to keep tabs on somebody !
I am sick and tired !

blanc bonnet, bonnet blanc !

loin des yeux, loin du coeur !

avoir quelqu'un l'oeil !

j'en ai ras le bol !

to talk nineteen to the dozen ! = tre un moulin paroles !

it's easy like one, two, three = c'est simple comme bonjour !
to call a spade a spade = appeler un chat un chat
it was a complete waste of effort = c'est un coup d'pe dans l'eau
je ne gagne pas des mille et des cents !

I don't earn very much !

you are getting too big for your boots ! = tu as la grosse tte !
avoir les chevilles qui enflent = to get big-headed
it coats me an arm and a leg ! = a me cote les yeux de la tte !
to give somebody the evil eye = jeter quelqu'un le mauvais il
money is the root of all evil = l'argent est source de tous les maux

speak of the devil ! = quand on parle du loup (on en voit la queue) !

to have the luck of the devil = avoir une veine de cocu
idleness is the root of evil = l'oisivet est la mre de tous les vices
to be left on the shelf = rester vieille fille
birds of a feather flock together = qui se ressemble s'assemble
and Bob is my uncle ! = en deux coups de cuiller pot !
tomorrow is an other day ! = demain il fera jour !
to be plain as day = tre clair comme de l'eau de roche

Verbes irrguliers

to be
to bear
to beat
to blow
to eat
to feel
to fly
to forbid
to forsake
to grow
to know
to lay
to leave
to lie
to lose
to ring
to run
to sell



porter, apporter
sentir, prouver
piloter, faire voler
cultiver, laisser pousser
poser, taler
partir, laisser, abandonner
tre allong

to send
to shoot
to spend
to spin
to steal
to swear
to throw
to wear
to win
to write



tourner, lancer
voler, cambrioler
porter, s'habiller, user


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