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As per the standard definition, Milk is a lacteal secretion from the mammary glands of a healthy
Milk animal free from Colostrum.

Alwar Dairy is a dairy registered under Rajasthan cooperative act and is owned by thousand of
its milk producers members. It works on world famous amul pattern. As all other cooperative
dairies, Alwar Dairy is a part of three tier structure i.e. Dairy cooperative society at village level
which form district level milk producer union which are further federated in state level
federation. All three entities are autonomous and linked to each other by provisions of their bye

Milk has got mainly three constituents fat (3 to 6%, snf comprising of proteins, lactose,
minerals etc (8 9 %) and water (85%). Due to the calving cycle, cow / buffalo remain in milk
for 8-9 month in a year. The high yielding and low yielding period is different in case of cow or
buffalo, but generally winters are called flush season due to high production of milk whereas
summers are called lean season when production is less. On the other hand, the demand is almost
constant through out the year. Hence during flush season, fat part of milk is preserved in form of
white butter and snf in form of powder after evaporating water. These two constituents are mixed
and processed during lean season to meet the demand. So powder is nothing but preserved snf /
fat of milk.


Milk is Natures perfect food for all ages. It has almost all the vital nutrients needs for growth
Milk is the richest natural source of calcium and essential amino acids. It is good for bone
formation. It is particularly beneficial for people recovering from sickness, for sportsmen , for
old people, for pregnant women and for growing children. The doctor recommends a minimum
daily intake of 250ml. Or one and a half glass of milk for every person.
Normal cow milk has 4% fat and buffalo milk 6% fat. There is another important constituent of
milk- solids not fats these solids not (fat or SNF, as it is commonly called) comprise of proteins,
minerals, carbohydrates and vitamins. For milk to be nutritionally balanced, it has to contain










Milk is available in Alwar city in Gold Shakti, Tazza and smart verities. Milk strictly conforms to
PFA standards to comply with the legal requirement and to provided wholesome nutritive food to
our consumers. This means when you are buying saras milk, you are sure you are getting value
for your money. You are sure you are getting the natures perfect food your family you are sure
you getting your full 500 ml, in every pack. You are sure you of getting a milk which has longer
The loose milk available from local vendors in Alwar city often does not conform to PFA
standards. It has fat and less solid-not-fat then required. Remember that if your milk contains
0.5% less fat or SNF, you are paying up to 60 paise per pouch extra. Besides, it is not uncommon
to find artificial preservatives, not permitted by law being added to loose milk. This has been
authenticated in a recent campaign run by this Sangh, in which it was found that more then 60%
to 70% of milk sold by private traders and loose milk think again. By compromising on the
quality of milk you may be depriving your children of essential life building proteins and
nutrients that only pure, high quality milk offers.
Content of Milk

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