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Chapter one

1.0 introduction
This chapter will introduce the background of study, statement of the problem,
objectives, research questions, assumptions, delimitations, limitations and the importance
of the study.

1.1 background of study

The timber industry has been experiencing a decline in production. The table below
shows a simple illustration of how production have been declining since 2005.
Type of Number of Production Production Production Production
plant plants 2005 2006 2007 2008

Sawmill and 41 400000m3 390000m3 370000m3 365000m3


Treated 6 95000m3 92000m3 90000m3 85500m3


Wattle 1 4500tonnes 4480tonnes 4460tonnes 4455tonnes


Charcoal 1 9200tonnes 9190tonnes 9180tonnes 9178tonnes

Source: Retrieved from an article by Mabugu R on

According to Fichani, (2009), low production is a result of damages caused by fire,

animals, theft and pests. Nicolas and Beebe (1999), explained that once a plantation has
been established it will be necessary to protect it against weather, fire, pests and animals.
To protect plantations from the above mentioned threats, the forestry companies have the
necessary security systems in place. O’Brien, (2005) defined a security system as a
device or multiple devices designed, installed and operated to monitor detect or
communicate about activity that may pose a security threat in a location or locations on a
vessel or facility.

The security systems need to be effectively managed so as to reduce the lose of forestry
resources. However managers are facing many challenges in the process of managing
these security systems. These challenges include economic, political, environmental,
social and legal challenges.

Challenges in managing security systems

Social challenges
The neighboring communities imposes a great challenge on plantation security. There
have been instances of deliberate burning of plantations by the community due to some
conflicts between the community and the plantation owners. Many concession fires
undoubtedly arise from disputes over land ownership, conflict with rural communities
over water supply, recreational, fishing and hunting areas.

In areas where there are shortages of fire wood for cooking and heating, stealing from a
nearby plantation is almost inevitable. Sometimes villagers cut trees for poles used for
constructions of houses, kraals and fencing.

Grazing domestic animals has and continues to be a most destructive agent of forest. The
community let their animals into the plantation to graze and sometimes they cut the tree
branches for fodder.

Economic challenges
Because of the unstable economic conditions and the shrinking industry in Zimbabwe the
unemployment rate has increased. Unemployment is posing a challenge on the security of
most timber plantations as the unemployed people in the neighbouring communities,
deliberately burn the plantations to create employment, in the fire suppression and
subsequent replanting. Many people are ending up stealing timber from plantations and
sell it to some private outlets.

The hyper inflation in the recent years has resulted in many experienced workers leaving
their employment in search of greener pastures. This means that most of the plantations
are left with workers who are less experienced in the field of plantations security.

Environmental challenges
Many plantations are located at exit points to Mozambique. Border jumpers who will be
going to Mozambique take the plantations as a good hiding place and as they will be
traveling they make cooking fire which they sometimes left to result in forest fires.

In addition plantations are in rural remote and mountainous areas. This makes it difficult
to communicate using the cell phones or even the land lines.

The plantations are on steep slopes since the area is mountainous. Schindler L (1999),
pointed out that slopes greatly influence the speed of fire spread. Fuel breaks planted on
hill sides are much more quickly burned through than those on the flat ground.

Slopes also affect the speed of the firefighting team. Uphill movement of vehicles is very
slow and due to the steepness of the ground roads are sometimes affected by erosion
during the rainy season.

Political challenges

In many cases political violence poses great threat on the security of the plantation.
Political activists sometimes burn plantations for political reasons.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Companies in the timber industry have been adjusting their security systems to control
the problem of low production but significant losses are still recorded in the industry. The
researcher seeks to evaluate the challenges that are being faced by the management in
their endeavor to protect the plantations.

1.3 Objectives

To identify challenges faced on managing plantation security systems of a timber

producing company.

To investigate how the plantation security system of a timber producing company


To identify major threats on plantation security of a timber producing company.

To identify the loopholes of the systems and come up with recommendations.

1.4 Research questions

What are the challenges faced in managing plantation security systems of a timber
producing company?

How does the plantation security system of a timber producing company operates?

What are the major threats on plantation security of a timber producing company?

What are the loopholes of the systems in place and what could be done to overcome the
1.8 Importance of the study

This research is important as it seeks to give knowledge and crucial ideas to different
users which are the researcher, Midlands State University and the companies in the
timber industry

i. The researcher

This research was conducted in partial fulfillment of the Bachelor of Commerce Degree
in Business Management.

The researcher gained a great deal of knowledge and important ideas in the field of study.

The research assisted the researcher in sharpening and improving his skills and abilities
in research and all other academic fields.

ii. Midlands State University

The research will form part of the literature and research material for the University
library to be used by other students and academics.

This research also lays a platform for debate and further research in the area of study.

iii. Companies in the timber industry

The research will form a basis on how security systems can be effectively used to
improve output.

The companies will be able to identify the challenges in managing the security systems
and how to manage them.
Forestry companies will be able to increase production by dealing with the challenges
involved in managing the security systems.

1.5 Assumptions

The Wattle Company limited used as a case study is assumed to be a fair representation
of the forestry industry.

The information collected is adequate to make the research credible.

The respondents interviewed are assumed to be cooperative. Without enough cooperation

of respondent information gathered will be biased.

1.6 Delimitations

The research focuses on the Wattle Company limited in the eastern highlands of

The research is limited to the study of security systems of a forestry company.

The research will cover a period between 2005 and 2009.

1.7 Limitations

The research focused only on one forestry company as the researcher had limited time to
take into account all players.

The researcher had other commitments to meet hence less time than required was
available to carry out the research effectively.

The researcher did not have adequate financial resources to go around doing some field
research hence most of the research was desk research.
The literature used to compile the research was very limited and therefore was sourced
mostly from the internet.

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