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Adaptation means anticipating the adverse effects of climate change and acting to prevent

or minimise damage, while exploiting potential opportunities.

They can cause, or taking advantage of opportunities that may arise. It has been shown
that well planned, early adaptation action saves money and lives later.
Examples of adaptation measures include: using scarce water resources more efficiently;
adapting building codes to future climate conditions and extreme weather events;
building flood defences and raising the levels of dykes; developing drought-tolerant
crops; choosing tree species and forestry practices less vulnerable to storms and fires; and
setting aside land corridors to help species migrate.
Climate change increases land and sea temperatures and alters precipitation quantity and
patterns, resulting in the increase of global average sea level, risks of coastal erosion and
an expected increase in the severity of weather-related natural disasters. Changing water
levels, temperatures and flow will in turn affect food supply, health, industry, and
transport and ecosystem integrity. Climate change will lead to significant economic and
social impacts with some regions and sectors likely to bear greater adverse affects.
Certain sections of society (the elderly, disabled, low-income households) are also
expected to suffer more. Climate change is threatening food production systems and
therefore the livelihoods and food security of billions of people
who depend on agriculture.
The study will help the country or provides framework for dealing with the current and
future impacts of climate change. To build adaptation to climate change into Philippine
policies and programmes, and make decision-making better informed by filling the
remaining gaps in knowledge about adaptation. Some of the problems in this study
include the type of site planning appropriate for this kind of development. Observation
and descriptive method will be used in conducting the research. Existing climate resilient
infrastructure around the globe will serve as a reference to guide the author of this study.
The overarching goal of this report is to provide a framework for approaching this
challenge by establishing baselines of knowledge on climate impacts, and plausible
theories about how to build longer term adaptive capacity and resilience. The specific
objectives are to provide a critical synthesis of the evidence and future scenarios of
climate change in the region by analyzing both the impacts of agriculture on climate
change and the impacts climate change is projected to have on agriculture. In addition,
the report offers an assessment of the policy and investment options for development
practitioners and policy makers, outlining strategies for coping with the threats of climate
change, and providing an understanding of the opportunities available to poor farmers
dealing with climate change. The remaining sections of this chapter outline a conceptual
framework for building climate change resilience in the agriculture sector in Asia and the

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