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Bête Israel:

Here are two very good videos regarding your history:

When you read Exodus 1:15-16, this is the same example of genocide against the Hebrews
which was copied by Hitler in WWII, Margaret Sanger with Planned Parenthood, etc. The AIDS
epidemic, gang epidemic, Crack cocaine epidemic, etc., were all genocides against the Ethiopian
Hebrews. I mentioned this in a previous message and I am happy you Bête Israel are finally
opening your eyes.

Hitler’s goal of a master race was never targeted against so called European Jews, but it was
targeted against Ethiopian Hebrews. Berlin for a long time has had a large Ethiopian population;
especially knowing the fact Moors who were also known as Berbers were Ethiopians who
conquered Western Europe. We know from history it was German rulers of Rome who
persecuted Israel, the Messiah, and who burned down the second Temple. This so called religion
of Judaism is purely a German religion; the language we think of as Hebrew is nothing more
than Yiddish (Ancient German) mixed with Hebrew, and this was possible because again
Germany is in western Europe and the Moors who were Hebrews from Africa conquered western
Europe and educated these peoples. Fact. They went into South Africa thinking they could push
around the Ethiopians there, but were completely caught off guard through the Ethiopianism
movement which quickly gained popularity in America which exposed their intentions and lies
against our people. Fact.

Many people continue to push false doctrine, especially those amongst our own people. What
the Jews failed to realize is that what they did in the dark would eventually come out into the
light, and their clever invention of the internet has backfired on their wicked plan. As I told
many of you, the Holocaust in WWII was a hoax. Italy with the support of Hitler attacked
Ethiopia in 1935, yet this attack on Ethiopia was covered up until 1939 when German
supposedly attacked Poland. Poland was the poorest country in Europe, so what point was it to
conquer it? Again this is propaganda to cover up the fact that they were really engaged in a war
with Ethiopia. These people have attacked Ethiopians since Ethiopia sat on the throne of ancient
Mizraim (Egypt). Ahmose I fought against them and expelled them completely from Ethiopia,
yet they came back and enslaved Ethiopia because of their disobedience to YHWH. Ethiopia has
to turn back to YHWH before they could ever live in peace as a people. Even King Solomon
who many you delight in and are proud of died a fool because he disobeyed YHWH.

Ethiopians these people are not Bête Israel, though they could be accepted in the family through
baptism and by accepting the blood of YAHshua (Jesus), in which many of you know, may never
happen. These people reject YHWH and even refrain from saying His name. We know from
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reading the Bible that the HOLY SPIRIT of YHWH will never flee from no one, yet people
through sin and ignorance flee from the HOLY SPIRIT of YHWH and then embrace the spirit of
the devil. The Messiah in John 8:12 teach us that if we continue in the HOLY SPIRIT, that we
will never abide in darkness; John 3:19-21 teaches us that it is man whom flees, or better yet
said, who rejects YHWH and prefers to walk in the spirit of the devil; John 12:45-48 goes on to
teach us that YHWH did not come to condemn the world, however if man rejects the HOLY
SPIRIT of YHWH, then man will be judged in the last days by the same HOLY SPIRIT he
rejected; in John 9:5 it teaches us that the HOLY SPIRIT of YHWH will always be the light of
this world; in John 12:35-36 the HOLY SPIRIT of YHWH encourages us to continue to walk in
the LIGHT of the HOLY SPIRIT; in John 1:1-11 it teaches us that the HOLY SPIRIT of
YHWH was sent to man, yet man rejected the HOLY SPIRIT; in John 16:7-8 it teaches us that
the HOLY SPIRIT of YHWH is sent to cleanse the world of sin. So based on these scripture we
know that the HOLY SPIRIT of YHWH will never FLEE from man, yet man FLEES from the
HOLY SPIRIT of YHWH. We know this to be true because when you refer to Matthew 13:24-
30 the HOLY SPIRIT teaches us of the parable in which a garden is planted with both a good
and a bad seed; according to Matthew 6:24 the HOLY SPIRIT of YHWH teaches us that we can
NOT serve two masters, for either we would hate one or love the other. Therefore when we
allow the devil to plant his bad seed next to YHWH's good seed, we have a choice of which seed
we want to take hold of our spirit, the good seed of YHWH or the bad seed of the devils, yet both
can't take hold of it. When we sin, we allow the devil to plant his bad seed in us, and YHWH
reminds us that we have allowed the devil to plant this bad seed next to His good seed. How do
we know this? Refer to John 10:27-28 and we read that the HOLY SPIRIT of YHWH teaches
us that His sheep hear His voice when He speaks; therefore when we as children of YHWH
stumble or fall by entering in the darkness and allowing the devil to plant his bad seed in us, the
HOLY SPIRIT of YHWH will tell us. If we are true sheep of YHWH, we would repent that sin
and for walking in darkness, and allow the HOLY SPIRIT to burn up that bad seed planted by
the devil so it can continue to clean and grow in you SPIRITUALLY. Remember the HOLY
SPIRIT seeks to clean up any unclean spirit it finds. However according to John 3:16 it is up to
unclean spirits to accept YHWH. The HOLY SPIRIT unlike the devil will never force Himself
on man, yet any unclean spirit who welcomes in the HOLY SPIRIT, the HOLY SPIRIT is
willing to come into that spirit to clean it up of the bad seeds of the devil.

We know from Deuteronomy 4:24 that the HOLY SPIRIT is a consuming fire, and from
Exodus 13:21-22 we know it was the HOLY SPIRIT of YHWH who led our people out of
darkness in Mizraim (Egypt). With that being said when you refer to Genesis 1:5, we read that
this same HOLY SPIRIT created Day/Night, and from Genesis 1:14-18 we see that this same
HOLY SPIRIT creating the Sun/Moon which was given to man to tell the time and to determine
the seasons of the year. However when you refer Matthew 27:45, Mark 15:33, and Luke
23:44-45 you see for three hours as YAHshua (Jesus) lie dying on the cross, there was complete
darkness over the entire earth. Why was there darkness for three hours? Well just refer back to
these scriptures in John 1:1-11, John 3:19-21, John 8:12, John 9:5, John 12:35-36, John
12:45-48, and John 16:7-8 in which the HOLY SPIRIT clearly teaches us that if man seeks the
LIGHT of the HOLY SPIRIT, then man would never walk in darkness, however man rejected
the HOLY SPIRIT thus why there were these three hours of darkness over the entire face of the
earth. Also we know that since there were these three hours of darkness over the face of the
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earth, that time as we know it, completely STOPPED. So for three hours YHWH was not in the
face of the earth. In this instance did YHWH flee from man or did man flee from YHWH?
Obviously man fled from YHWH thus why there were three hours of darkness on the entire face
of the earth. However when time started after the 9th hour, this is the moment in which the great
tribulation mentioned in Matthew 24:15-24, Mark 13:14-23, Luke 21:8-24, Revelation 6:1-11,
and Revelation 11:3-12 began. When you refer to Matthew 24:29-31, Mark 13:24-27, Luke
21:25-28, Revelation 6:12-17, and Revelation 11:13-19 we learn that time will STOP one more
time which is the end of times also known as the second coming of the Messiah YAHshua
(Jesus). The HOLY SPIRIT is coming, will you be prepared in time when it does?

Dnorwood70 the Ethiopian from the Ethiopian tribe of YHWDH (Judah)

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