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Bernie Sanders Portland Rally Transcript and Videos

[Note: Herman M. Frankel, M.D. prepared this transcript of all speeches at the 82-minute
Bernie Sanders presidential rally in Portland, OR on August 9, 2015 before 28,000
people. Numbers in parentheses link starting points of successive parts of the transcript to
their locations in the video at
Source material and backup videos are listed at the end of this document.]
Emcee Symone Sanders, #BlackLivesMatter activist, National Youth Chair of the
Campaign for Juvenile Justice, and national press secretary for the Bernie Sanders
presidential campaign welcomes and prepares the audience of 28,000 people:
My name is Symone Sanders (cheers and applause), and I have the privilege of serving as
the chair of the Coalition for Juvenile Justices National Youth Committee, and I am also
going to campaign this week as a national press secretary! (Cheers and applause) Tonight,
I have the pleasure of serving as your emcee.
Now, I have, I have some good information that says there, there might be a little
disruption tonight: Theres a potential for a little disruption. So, I wanna be very clear.
This campaign is about bringing people together (cheers and applause). So if there
happens we hope there is not a disruption if there happens to be a disruption tonight, I
want everyone in this stadium to respond with a chant. Can you all do that for me? Can
you do that for me? (Cheers) OK, let me tell you what the chant is. We gotta be on one
accord. I want you to respond with a chant: We stand together Lets practice.
(Audience: We stand together!) All right. So in the event that there is disruption, that is
our response. (Cheers)
We have a couple of speakers tonight before we bring the man of the hour out. I want to
remind everybody to pull out your cell phones, if you havent already, go ahead and
follow the campaign on Twitter@Bernie Sanders. I want you to like our Facebook page
(just type in Bernie Sanders), and you can also text 82623 to get involved in the
campaign: text Bernie to 82623.
Yall ready to get this thing started? (Cheers and applause) How about right here, in the
back: Are you ready to get this thing started? (Cheers and applause)
OK! The first speaker I want you all to welcome to the stage is Dina Foley. Dina is a
proud union member, and active in IBEW Local 48. Give a round of applause for Dina
Foley! (Cheers and applause) (Hug)
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Dina Foley, member, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 48

Hi! My names Dina, and Im a proud member of the International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers Local 48. (Cheers) Woo! (Cheers) This is my first union job.
Throughout college, I worked various jobs in the service industries, and, like many
others, emerged with considerable debt, unsure if my college degree would do anything
more for me than take me from being a service worker to being a service worker who was
slightly better at Jeopardy. But I got lucky. I got to sign a union card. Now I have a living
wage, a voice at work, and more buttons than you can shake a stick at. (Cheers and
But these opportunities are dwindling, because organized labor poses a threat to
unchecked economic concentration and corporate greed, and Bernie Sanders is our best
hope in the political sphere for combating that greed and revitalizing the labor movement.
(Cheers and applause)
I support Bernie Sanders because of his unwavering commitment to leveling the playing
field for working people union or not by doing things like paying us a living wage
(cheers), rebuilding our infrastructure (cheers), and opposing free trade agreements like
NAFTA and the TPP (cheers and applause). I support Bernie Sanders because the rigged
political and economic systems have a disproportionately devastating impact on people of
color and women (sustained cheers and applause). And I support Bernie because I dont
think its idealistic to want the government to invest in our health and education
(sustained cheers and applause).
More than ever, we need a leader whos willing to fight the control that corporations have
over our political system (cheers and applause); a leader who will take action on climate
change, racial injustice, mass incarceration, and immigration reform (sustained cheers
and applause). Bernie Sanders is that leader! His values are aligned with the values of
working people. His record shows it. In Bernie, we have a champion for our collective
voice; and that is why I am so proud to have joined Bernies political revolution. Now
lets get out there and organize, to make Bernie the next president of the United States
(sustained cheers and applause)!
Symone Sanders
Lets keep the applause going for Dina Foley (Cheers and applause) Do we have any
union members in the room tonight? Any union members in the room? (Cheers and
applause) All right!
Well, next up, I want to bring to the stage Jaime Arredondo. Jaime is the SecretaryTreasurer of PCUN, Oregons farm worker union. Yall give a big round of applause to
Jaime! (Cheers and applause) (Hug)
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Jaime Arredondo, Secretary-Treasurer, PCUN (Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del
Noroeste) (See
Wow! Buenas tardes. Good afternoon. Well, Im a proud member of the farm workers
union, PCUN. Im more, even, a proud member of immigrant and farm worker parents,
one of which right now is now working the belt line of a processing plant, my mother
Gracias, Mama (cheers and applause)! As you can tell, I dont look like Bernie in many
ways. But I stand with Bernie Sanders as our nations next president because of the
values we share to give every family a fair shot including our immigrant families!
(Sustained cheers and applause)
For over a decade, organizations that represent low-wage immigrant workers like
PCUN, Causa have called for immigration reform that provides a pathway to
citizenship for our eleven million undocumented brothers and sisters contributing to our
communities every day (cheers and applause)! They are out there! They are out there
harvesting and processing our food, building our homes, cooking our meals, and doing
everything and anything they can to improve their childrens lives. They cant wait any
more! They cant wait any more! We need immigration reform now (cheers and
applause)! Senator Sanders supports immigration reform with a pathway towards
Now let me be clear. Latino voters are listening closely to what presidential candidates
have to say about the Obama administrations deferred action program that provides
temporary relief from deportation, and work authorization to undocumented youth. And
Im proud to say, Im proud to say that Senator Sanders strongly supports Deferred
Action for Childhood Arrivals, and the expansion of this program for the parents,
immigrant parents (cheers and applause)!
Senator Sanders, thank you for your stance on immigration reform. Thank you for your
support for the rights of farm workers to unionize (cheers and applause)! Im grateful we
have a candidate like you, that can cut through the hateful rhetoric of the Republican
Party, and instead offer a compassionate, rational stance to achieve justice and equality
for all families! S, se puede! Yes, we can! S, se puede! (Cheers and applause)
Symone Sanders
Thank you, Jaime! If you all like what Jaime had to say, I encourage you: Pull out those
phones, let Twitter know, let Facebook know! Did yall like what Jaime had to say?
(Cheers and applause) All right!
Next: I want to bring to the stage Mia Reback! Mia is a climate justice activist. Please
give her a warm welcome! (Cheers and applause) (Hug)
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Mia Reback, Community Organizer,
Hello, Portland! Thank you all for coming out this evening. What an amazing turnout!
My name is Mia Reback, and I am here tonight because as an activist, defending our
communities and the environment from corporate interests is my number one priority
(cheers and applause). Like Bernie, I believe that the degradation of our planet is one of
the most important challenges of our times (cheers and applause). Bernie has been a longtime ally of the environmental movement and an outspoken critic of corporate exploiters
and polluters (cheers and applause).
And I am also proud to be here today because of the broader political revolution
activating our country. One out of every [1:18] one that values all forms of life, and
focuses Americas energies on building our common wealth (cheers and applause). Just
last week in Portland, grassroots groups took on the second largest corporation in the
world: Shell Oil! (Sustained cheers and applause) Thats right! Woo! Volunteers in groups
like 350pdx, Portland Rising Tide, the Climate Action Coalition, and thirteen brave
Greenpeace climbers (sustained cheers and applause) these activists drew worldwide
attention to the growing problem of climate change as we blockaded Shells icebreaker
for forty hours (sustained cheers and applause) in what has been deemed in a historic
moment in the climate movement.
As we fight in the streets, Bernie is bringing our fight to the halls of US Congress. He has
been voting to defend the Arctic since the 90s, and recently signed on to legislation
introduced by Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley to ban Arctic drilling (sustained cheers and
applause). Bernie has fought hard to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Hes introduced laws
to repeal loopholes and subsidies that unfairly benefit the coal, oil, and gas industry
(cheers and applause). And hes been way out in the front in the fight against Keystone
XL Pipeline (cheers and applause).
Another reason I am proud to introduce Bernie Sanders is because he has a fifty-year
history of standing up for minority and civil rights (sustained cheers and applause). But
we must do more than work within our two-party system for justice. Everyone, and
especially white progressives, must take an active role to combat racism, and ensure that
black lives matter (sustained cheers and applause). Just this afternoon in Portland,
#BlackLivesMatter organizer Teressa Raiford was arrested during a peaceful rally for
racial justice. On the anniversary of Mike Browns murder, we must honor the
intersections of our struggles. I look forward to a growing climate justice movement that
works for racial, economic, and global justice (cheers and applause).
As our president, Bernie Sanders can bring our fight to the highest levels of government.
Please join me in a warm welcome for the next president of the United States, Bernie
Sanders! (Sustained cheers and applause)

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Emcee Symone Sanders, #BlackLivesMatter activist, National Youth Chair of the
Campaign for Juvenile Justice, and national press secretary for the Bernie Sanders
presidential campaign, introduces Bernie Sanders to the audience of 28,000 people:
Bernies not comin out just yet. Bernies not comin out just yet. Are you guys ready to
hear Bernie Sanders, all? (Cheers and applause) Wow!
Before I bring out the man of the hour, I want to talk to you for a second and reflect for a
moment. Is that OK? (Cheers) Thank you.
A year ago today, Officer Darren Wilson shot and killed Michael Brown and left his body
lying in the street for four and a half hours. Following Michael Browns death, protesters
and activists took to the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, and they stayed in the streets for
three hundred and sixty-five days (cheers and applause), galvanizing young people to do
the same in Portland, Oregon, Washington DC, Chicago, Illinois, Los Angeles,
California, Dallas, Texas, Atlanta, Georgia, and numerous other cities across this country.
A year ago today, young people in America were galvanized in their determination that
these killings must end. And they stood up to exclaim that Enough is Enough! and
Black! Lives! Matter! (Sustained cheers and applause.)
Now, I think we can all agree we have come a long way as a country. But tragedies like
Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Sam DuBois, Sandra Bland, Trayvon Martin,
Oscar Grant, Walter Scott, and John Crawford are just constant reminders that we still
have work to do.
And we need people we trust leading this country to get the work done (cheers and
applause). We need new voices that are not afraid to speak truth about the injustices that
are plaguing people of color, and everyday hard-workin Americans. Its important, it is
important that we say Black Lives Matter (cheers), but its also important, its also
important that we have people in political office who will turn those words into action.
People who not only understand, but are ready to do something about the communities
across America that are still disenfranchised, and suffer from institutional and social
racism (cheers and applause). People who understand economic inequality and racial
inequality are parallel issues that must be addressed simultaneously! (Sustained cheers
and applause). People who are committed to preserving and protecting the right to vote,
reforming the juvenile justice and criminal justice systems so we are not locking up a
whole generation of people but we are instead ending, ending the disgrace that is the
mass incarceration of African-Americans in this country (cheers and applause). We need
people who realize that Dr. Kings dream was more than just being able to sit at the lunch
counter, but it also encompassed the possibility of owning the establishment (cheers).
When you look into your hearts, deep into your hearts, you know which candidate for
president will shut down the private prison industry (cheers). You know which candidate
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will have the courage to fight to end unjust mandatory minimum (prison sentences)
(cheers and applause), and the death penalty (cheers and applause); which candidate will
move swiftly to implement alternatives to incarceration for non-violent offenders (cheers
and applause); and which candidate will really use his Justice Department to protect
black lives (cheers and applause)!
So today, I encourage you to reflect on the lives of all those who have tragically and
unjustly lost their lives, especially those whose names we do not know. As we reflect, we
must commit ourselves to a multiracial political revolution that fights for racial justice,
social justice, and economic justice (cheers and applause).
Now, I dont know if youall heard, but I know a guy who is just the kind of person were
describing, and he happens to be running for president of the United States of America!
(Sustained cheers and applause)
Bernie Sanders and Jane Sanders arrive at the podium, and hug Symone Sanders.
(Sustained cheers and applause continue.)
Bernie Sanders begins his one-hour talk:
Thank you! (Cheers and applause) Thank you! (Cheers and applause) Thank you!
(Cheers and applause)
Woaw! Unbelievable!
This is an unbelievable turnout. Let me say, Dina, and Jaime, and Mia, and Symone, for
those wonderful introductions (cheers and applause). And that is what this campaign is
about: Its bringing people together! (Cheers and applause) We began this campaign all of
three and a half months ago and the momentum, as you can see tonight, has been nothing
less than extraordinary! Thank you for being here! (Cheers and applause)
We have had great crowds in my home town of Burlington, Vermont (cheers and
applause), in Minneapolis, in Denver, in Madison, in Dallas, in Houston, in Portland, in
New Orleans. Last night, we had 15,000 people our in Seattle (cheers and applause).
Portland, you have done it better than anyone else! (Sustained cheers and applause) This
is, by far, the largest crowd twenty thousand people! Thank you! (Sustained cheers and
Institutional racism, the criminal justice system, jobs, and education
And let me begin by reiterating a point that Symone and others have made; and let me
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make it very clear, simple, and straightforward. There is no president who will fight
harder to end institutional racism in this country (sustained cheers and applause), and to
reform our broken criminal justice system (sustained cheers and applause). Today, in
America, we have the unfortunate distinction of having more people in jail than any other
country on earth (boos). I want to see this country not have more people in jail, but have
jobs and education rather than incarceration (sustained cheers and applause).
Brothers and sisters, this country today faces more crises than in any time since the Great
Depression of the 1930s. And what we are going to do, and what we understand, is that
when problems are caused by dumb public policy, good public policy will resolve it; and
today, were comin together to develop good public policy! (Sustained cheers and
Income and wealth inequality
And today we say, loudly and clearly, that this great nation belongs to all of us, not just a
handful of billionaires! (Sustained cheers and applause). Today, we live in the wealthiest
nation in the history of the world; but few people understand that or feel that because
almost all of the wealth is controlled by a handful of people; and together we are going to
change that (sustained cheers and applause). Our, our country today has more income and
wealth inequality than any other major country on earth, and the gap between the very
rich and everyone else is worse today than at any time since 1928 (boos). In my view, the
issue of wealth and income inequality is the great moral issue of our time (cheers and
applause), and we are going to inject the issue of morality into politics today (sustained
cheers and applause). There is something profoundly wrong when the top one-tenth of
one percent owns almost as much wealth as the bottom ninety percent (boos). There is
something profoundly wrong when over fifty percent of new income generated today
goes to the top one percent (boos). There is something profoundly wrong when in recent
years we have seen a proliferation of millionaires and billionaires, yet the average
American is working longer hours for lower wages and we have, shamefully, the highest
rate of childhood poverty of any major country on earth. That has got to change. That will
change! (Sustained cheers and applause) This campaign is sending a message to the
billionaire class: Yes, we have the guts to take you on! (Sustained cheers and applause)
An economy that works for working people, not just billionaires
Our message, our message is, to the billionaire class: You are not gonna continue to get
huge tax breaks when children in America go hungry! (Sustained cheers and applause)
You are not going to continue shutting down factories in America and sending out jobs
abroad when millions of Americans are in desperate need of good-paying jobs!
(Sustained cheers and applause) You are not going to continue to hide your billions in
profits in the Cayman Islands and Bermuda when we have enormous unmet needs here!
(Sustained cheers and applause) The greed of the billionaire class in corporate America is
destroying this country. Enough is enough! Its going to end! (Sustained cheers and

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But when we talk about the economy, it is not just the grotesque level of income and
wealth inequality. It is the tragic reality that in this great country, the middle class, once
the envy of the entire world, has been disappearing for the last forty years (boos). Despite
exploding technology and increased worker productivity, median family income today is
almost five thousand dollars less than in 1999 (boos). In my state of Vermont and here in
Oregon, it is not unusual to see people, not just workin one job, workin two jobs,
working three jobs, trying to cobble together some income and some health care. That is
not what the American economy should be! (Sustained cheers and applause) We need an
economy that works for working people, not just billionaires! (Sustained cheers and
Unemployment, jails, jobs, and education
Lemme tell you something that is often not discussed. Every month government comes
out with a statistic on unemployment. Last statistic said that official unemployment was
5.3 percent. But what they forget to tell you is that statistic did not include those people
who have given up lookin for work, those people whore workin part time, and added all
together, real unemployment is over ten percent (boos)! And lemme tell you something
almost nobody talks about. And that is we have a huge and tragic situation regarding
youth unemployment in America (cheers and applause). Last month, I asked the
Economic Policy Institute to do a study to find out what real youth unemployment and
underemployment was in America. And this is what they came up with. For kids who are
high school graduates between 17 and 20, if youre white, real unemployment: 33
percent. If you are Hispanic, real unemployment: 36 percent. If you are AfricanAmerican, real unemployment for those kids: 51 percent (boos). We cannot turn our
backs on an entire generation of young people! (Sustained cheers and applause) And if
anybody thinks that those outrageously high unemployment numbers for our young
people are not connected with the fact that we have more people in jail than any other
country, you would be sorely mistaken. So my view, my view, is that instead of investing
in jails and incarceration, what about jobs and education for the young people! (Sustained
cheers and applause)
I do not want the United States to continue to have the distinction of having more people
in jail more lives ruined than any other country. I want our country to have the
distinction of having the best-educated population on earth! (Sustained cheers and
Decent and fair wages, fifteen-dollar minimum, and pay equity for women workers
And when we talk about the economy, let us be very clear. Millions of our fellow
Americans are working at wages that are much, much too low (cheers and applause).
People should not, in this country, have to work fifty or sixty hours a week in order to
survive. (Sustained cheers and applause) The federal minimum wage of seven and a
quarter is a starvation wage. It has got to be raised to a living wage! (Sustained cheers
and applause) I applaud those cities Seattle, Los Angeles, and others who have raised
the minimum wage to fifteen bucks an hour (sustained cheers and applause), and that is
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exactly what we will do at the federal level: fifteen bucks for all Americans! (Sustained
cheers and applause)
Brothers and sisters, it is not a radical idea to say that in this country, if somebody works
forty hours a week, that person should not be living in poverty! (Sustained cheers and
applause) And when we talk about decent and fair wages, there is another injustice that
we must address in men talkin to the guys now stand with the women and demand
pay equity for women workers! (Sustained cheers and applause)
There is no defensible reason why women are making seventy-eight cents on the dollar
compared to men. That has gotta change! (Sustained cheers and applause)
Family values
Now, I know that many of you have herd my Republican colleagues talk about (gesturing
quotation marks) family values. They just lo-o-ove families. But you and I know what
they mean by family values. What they mean is that women in this country should not
be able to control their own bodies; and I disagree! (Sustained cheers and applause)
What they mean is that women are not smart enough to be able to purchase the
contraceptives they need. I disagree! (Sustained cheers and applause) And what they also
mean when they talk about their family values is that our gay brothers and sisters should
not be able to marry and enjoy all of the benefits of citizenship. I disagree! (Sustained
cheers and applause) I have four kids and seven beautiful grandchildren. My wife, Jane,
and I have been married for twenty-seven years. We believe in family (cheers and
applause). But our view of family values is just a little bit different than the Republican
view. In my view, when we talk about family values, we must end the international
embarrassment of the United States of America being the only major country on earth
that does not guarantee workers paid medical and family leave! (Sustained cheers and
So let me tell you what that family value really means. Today, here in Oregon, or
Vermont, a woman is having a baby. That is an enormous day for that woman, for the
dad, pretty big day for the baby as well. But heres the story, and I want you to think
about this. This really gets to the heart of what family values are about. If that woman,
and that family, have sufficient income, she will be able to stay home for weeks, and
months to love that new baby, to bond with that baby, and that is maybe the most
important thing that a human being can do. (Sustained cheers and applause) But and
heres the but. If that woman, in Vermont, in Oregon, does not have sufficient income,
that woman will be forced to separate herself from her newborn baby and go back to
work in five days, eight days, two weeks (boos). That is not a family value! (Boos) And
that is why I will fight for twelve weeks of paid family and medical leave! (Sustained
cheers and applause) Allowing a mom, and a dad, to know their newborn baby is a family
value if that expression means anything. (Sustained cheers and applause)
As a result of the collapse of the American middle class some of you know, some of
you dont. But in America today, our people work longer hours than do the people of any
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other major country: eighty-five percent of men workin more than forty hours, sixty-five
percent of women working more than forty hours. And yet, there are new jobs being
offered every day that have zero paid vacation. We need every worker in America to have
two weeks paid vacation! (Sustained cheers and applause) And we need paid sick leave
for every American worker as well! (Sustained cheers and applause)
Creating decent-paying jobs and leading the effort against the disastrous TransPacific Partnership
When pollsters ask the American people what is on their mind, the answer always is jobs.
People are worried about the fragility of the economy. If theyre fifty-five theyre worried
theyll be fired tomorrow, replaced by somebody half their age, and half their wage. If
they are young, high school graduate, college graduate, very difficult to find the kinds of
work that pays them the wages they need. In my view, we need a major federal job
program (cheers and applause), a program which rebuilds our crumbling roads and
bridges and water systems and wastewater plants! (Sustained cheers and applause)
In America, our infrastructure should not be collapsing. We have introduced legislation
one trillion dollars over five years creating up to thirteen million decent-paying jobs
(sustained cheers and applause). And when we talk about jobs, its not only the need to
create jobs, its the need not to lose jobs (cheers). You are looking at a senator and a
former congressman who voted against NAFTA, CAFTA (sustained cheers and applause,
drowning out next few words); and I will help lead the effort against the disastrous TransPacific Partnership! (Sustained cheers and applause)
Financial system
Corporate, corporate America has got to understand that the time is now to invest in the
United States of America, and not countries all over the world. (Sustained cheers and
applause). And, brothers and sisters, when we talk about greed, when we talk about
arrogance, when we talk about thievery, these are just some of the words to describe what
goes on in Wall Street (cheers and applause). The greed, relentlessness, and illegal
behavior of Wall Street rolled this country into the worst economic downturn since the
Great Depression (cheers and applause). And today, I find it interesting, by the way, that
we see kids getting criminal records for having marijuana, but the CEOs of these large
institutions get away with nothin! (Sustained cheers and applause)
How does it happen, how does it happen, that when the CEOs and the big-time
executives on Wall Street destroy the economy, resulting in millions of Americans losing
their jobs, their homes, their life savings, nothin happens to them except they end up
makin more money now than they did before? That is gonna change! (Boos)
The truth is today that most of the major financial institutions are bigger now than they
were when we bailed them out because they were too big to fail (boos). In my view,
number one, we have got to reestablish Glass-Steagall (sustained applause and cheering),
but most importantly, we have got to break these financial institutions up (sustained

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applause and cheering). If a bank is too big to fail, that bank is too big to exist. Break it
up (sustained applause and cheering).
We need a financial system in which banks invest in small and medium size businesses,
helping people buy their homes, not an island unto themselves (applause and cheering).
Citizens United
My friends, let me be as blunt as I can, and tell you something that I think most of you
already know: And that is, as a result of the disastrous Supreme Court decision on
Citizens United (sustained boos), as a result of that decision, the American political
system has been totally corrupted, and the foundations of American democracy are being
undermined (applause and cheering). What the Supreme Court said to the wealthiest
people in America, they said, Guys, you already own much of the economy, youre
already fantastically wealthy, but now were going to give you the opportunity to buy the
United States government (boos). And that is exactly what they are about to do if we do
not stop them! (Sustained cheers and applause). If you can believe it, one family, the
Koch brothers, an extreme right-wing family (sustained boos) this is a family, the
second-wealthiest in America that wants to end, wipe out, Social Security, Medicare,
Medicaid, the EPA, the postal system (boos). They think a seven twenty-five minimum
wage is too high. They want to abolish the concept of the minimum wage (boos). This
one family in this election cycle is spending more money than either the Democratic
Party or the Republican Party. When you have, when you have a multbillionaire family
spending more money than either of the two major political parties that is not democracy,
that is oligarchy, and that has gotta end! (Sustained cheers and applause)
What we are fighting for and let me be straightforward in telling you this we are
fighting to maintain our democracy, and prevent our government from being owned by a
handful of billionaires and the politicians they employ! (Sustained cheers and applause)
I have made very few campaign promises during this campaign, but I want to repeat one
promise to you that I have made: and that is, my nominees to the US Supreme Court will,
in fact, have a litmus test. And that test will be that they will have to tell the American
people that their first order of business on the Supreme Court will be to overturn Citizens
United (sustained cheers and applause).
Public funding of elections
But brothers and sisters, not only do we have to overturn Citizens United if we believe
as I do and I know most of you do that America must be vibrant democracy, a
democracy which has one of the highest voting turnouts in the world, not one of the
lowest (cheers and applause), a democracy in which any person in this arena tonight
regardless of his or her political views a progressive, a conservative, no matter what
you are I want you to be able to run for office without begging billionaires for
campaign contributions (sustained cheers and applause). And that is why, that is why we
must move to public funding of elections (sustained cheers and applause).
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Universal right to vote
And when we talk about democracy, I want to touch briefly on another issue. A few days
ago I was at an event with Martin Luther King III and the Southern Christian Leadership
Conference, one of the important civil rights groups in America. And what we talked
about were two things. Number one, we celebrated the victory, fifty years ago, of the
Voting Rights Act (sustained cheers and applause). And what the Voting Rights Act did is
it said that every American, regardless of the color of your skin will have the right to vote
(sustained cheers and applause). But as many of you know, two years ago the Supreme
Court gutted a very important provision of the Voting Rights Act and immediately
afterwards, states all over the country began to make harder for people to vote, moved
toward voter suppression (boos). Now my view: Voter fraud is a very serious crime, and
people who commit it should be punished; but, the good news is, there is almost no voter
fraud in America (sustained cheers and applause). But what these Republican governors
and legislatures did is come up with all kinds of road barriers to make it harder for people
of color, poor people, old people to vote. Suddenly, you had to have all kinds of voter
identification. Voting lists were purged if you didnt vote in the last few elections. And
their goal was very clear: Their goal was to make it harder for people who would vote
against them to participate in the political process. That was their goal (boos). You know,
I am a politician, and Ive run in a lot of elections. Ive won many and Ive lost some. But
it has never occurred to me that the way to win an election is to deny people who disagree
with me the right to vote (sustained cheers and applause). And let me be as clear as I can
be. Those people who dont have the guts to run on their ideas, who think the only way
they win an election is by denying people who disagree with them the right to vote, are
cowards (sustained cheers and applause). If you run for office, have the guts to stand
behind your ideas; dont be afraid of people comin out and voting against you!
(Sustained cheers and applause)
And as president, one of my highest priorities will be to end all of this voter suppression.
Well pass universal, universal voting rights so that everybody, when they are eighteen,
will be able to vote (sustained cheers and applause).
Public funding of higher education
Brothers and sisters, all of you are aware that we live in a highly competitive global
economy, and if this country is gonna survive economically we need the best-educated
workforce in the world! (Sustained cheers and applause). And today, what is going on
with regard to higher education is a national disgrace. We have, in America today,
hundreds of thousands of bright young people, people who have studied hard, people who
are qualified to go to college. But they cannot go to college for one reason: their families
lack the money! And that is wrong! (Cheers and applause) It is not only unfair to those
young people who want the opportunity to become doctors and engineers and teachers,
but it is dumb if we are concerned about the future of our economy. (Sustained cheers and

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And that is why I have introduced legislation which does two things. First, it says that
every public college and university in America will be tuition-free (sustained cheers and
applause). That not only makes life easier for people who were thinking of going to
college, but Ill tell you what else it does in a very profound way. There are kids today in
Portland, there are kids in Burlington, Vermont who, in the third or fourth grade, they
know that theyre never going to make it to the middle class. Their parents have never
gone to college, they dont know anybody who has gone to college, and theyre sitting
around saying, Why should I study hard? What difference does it make? Who cares if I
drop out of school, or not? When we tell every kid in America that if you study hard,
you take school seriously, you will be able to go to college, that will revolutionize
education in America! (Sustained cheers and applause).
And the other part of that legislation deals with another hugely consequential issue. There
are millions of American today who are suffering under the burden of outrageous student
debt (cheers and applause). And some of them are here tonight (cheers and applause). A
couple of years ago I had a meeting in Vermont, (and) met with a number of young
people. And there was a woman who had committed the great crime of wanting to
become a doctor, go to medical school, and practice primary care for low-income people:
exactly the kind of doctors we need. She came out of medical school three hundred
thousand dollars in debt (boos). I was in Iowa a few months ago, met a woman who just
graduated dental school we have a dental crisis in America, we need more dentists she
left school four hundred thousand dollars in debt (boos). And all over this country, people
graduate school forty, fifty, sixty thousand dollars in debt, and they are paying interest
rates of seven, eight, ten percent (boos). Now, I dont understand how someone can
refinance their home today at two or three percent, and someones paying ten percent
interest rates on student debt! (Sustained cheers and applause)!
So this legislation deals with that issue in two ways. First, we are goin to allow people
with student debts to refinance at lower interest rates (sustained cheers and applause).
Second of all were gonna get the government out of profiteering on student loans
(sustained cheers and applause). It makes no sense to me that we have millions of people
who are paying twenty, twenty-five percent of their limited income on student loans. That
is going to change (Sustained cheers and applause).
Our moral responsibility to move our energy system away from fossil fuel to energy
efficiency and sustainable energy
When we talk about our responsibilities as human beings, as people who inhabit this
planet, as caretakers to the earth, we must understand that we have a moral responsibility
to leave this planet habitable for our kids and our grandchildren (sustained cheers and
The scientific community and Im on both the energy committee and the environmental
committee and we talk to these guys all the time they are virtually unanimous in telling
us climate change is real. It is caused by human activity; it is already causing devastating
problems; and we have a small window of opportunity to transform our energy situation
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and our energy system before the situation becomes much worse (cheers and applause).
And what they tell us is if we do not act boldly in the next few years, this planet of ours
our only planet will be between five to ten degrees Fahrenheit warmer than it is today
by the end of the century (boos). And what that means picture what it means: more
drought, more floods, more extreme weather disturbances, more rising sea levels, more
acidification of the ocean, more international conflict as people fight for limited resources
of water and land. Our moral responsibility is to leave the world work with China, work
with Russia, work with India (sustained cheers and applause) to move our energy
system away from fossil fuel to energy efficiency and sustainable energy (sustained
cheers and applause).
A Medicare for All single payer program
And when we talk about issues facing our country, please understand that we remain the
only major country on earth that does not guarantee health care as a right to all people.
The Affordable Care Act has made some progress. But, but 35 million still have no health
insurance, and more are underinsured with high deductibles and high copayments. It is
my view that health care is a right for all people (cheers and applause), and that is why I
believe we must move toward a Medicare for All single payer program! (Sustained cheers
and applause).
Health care benefits, Pell grants, nutrition programs, Social Security, and benefits
for veterans
I am the ranking member of the Budget Committee, which means I lead the Democrats in
opposition. And let me tell you a word its important that you know what the priorities
are of the Republican Party. During the budget process, what they passed was a budget
which recommends to the Appropriations Committee to throw 27 million people off of
health insurance (boos). And when you ask them what happens to those people who no
longer can get the Affordable Care Act or Medicaid how many will die, how many will
suffer, how many will end up in the hospital when they should not have to be there their
answer, basically is, We dont care. (Boos) At a time when families cannot afford to
send their kids to college, they cut Pell grants by 90 billion over a ten-year period. At a
time when families are struggling to put food on the table, (and) half the kids in public
schools are on free or reduced lunch programs, they made billions of dollars in cuts in
nutrition programs. We have got to tell the Republicans, and their corporate sponsors, that
those are not the priorities of the American people! (Sustained cheers and applause).
We are not gonna cut Social Security. We are going to expand Social Security (sustained
cheers and applause). We are not gonna cut benefits for veterans. We are going to make
sure that every veteran gets the health care benefits that theyre entitled to (Sustained
cheers and applause).
Bringing people together for a political revolution

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What this campaign is about is bringing people together for a political revolution (cheers
and applause). It means that while we may have differences of opinion on this or that
issue, it is imperative that all of us stand together for our kids and our parents, and create
a nation in which everybody, everybody, everybody lives in dignity (sustained cheers and
Comprehensive immigration reform and a path toward citizenship
And when we, when we talk about everybody, that must include 11 million
undocumented people in this country (sustained cheers and applause). These people can
no longer live in the shadows, can no longer be exploited, can no longer have their
families divided (sustained cheers and applause). We need comprehensive immigration
reform and a path toward citizenship (sustained cheers and applause).
War as a last resort, not a first resort
All of you know that this world is a crazy and dangerous world. We see horror after
horror. We see what ISIS does, we see the barbarities, we see people getting blown up all
over the world. And nobody, I can assure you, has a magical answer to solving these
issues. The other day, I talked to the president about his proposal to bring forth a process
for Iran not to be able to get a nuclear weapon but to do it without going to war
(sustained cheers and applause).
I am the former chairman of the Senate Veterans Committee, and I learned a lot. I
learned a lot about the costs of war. I learned that recently, just recently, in Afghanistan
and Iraq we lost 6700 brave men and women. I learned, and met with men and women
who came home without limbs, without arms, without eyesight, without hearing. I spoke
to some of the 500,000 people who came home with PTSD, (or) with traumatic brain
injury. The cost of war is real; it is terrible. I believe, I believe, that war should be the last
resort, not the first resort (sustained cheers and applause).
I cannot tell you, as somebody who voted against the war in Iraq (cheers and applause), I
cant tell you, I cant promise you that the agreement negotiated by the president and
Secretary of State Kerry will work. I cant promise you that. It was a complicated
agreement involving China, and Russia, and Germany, UK, and France, and Iran. But I
think we have got to give that process a chance! (Cheers and applause) Before we go to
war! (Sustained cheers and applause)
Summary and conclusion
(Cheers and applause after each sentence)
Let me close by begging you to think big, not small. I want you to think of what this
great country can be. We can be and this is not utopian wishes, this is reality can be a
nation which joins other nations around the world in guaranteeing health care to all
people, as a right. We can be a nation in which (when) working parents go to work they
know that their babies and their kids are in quality, affordable child care. We can be a
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nation in which every American, regardless of his or her income, can get a college
education. We can be a nation -- not where seniors today who are living on twelve,
thirteen thousand dollars a year cannot afford their medicines or to heat their homes we
can be a nation in which every senior lives out their lives in dignity and security. We can
be a nation where everyone regardless (of) their race, their religion, their disability, or
their sexual orientation realizes the full promise of equality that is our birthright as
Americans!! (Sustained cheers and applause)
(Cheers and applause after each sentence)
Brothers and sisters, this is the nation we can create when we stand together and not let
people divide us. We cannot be divided by black and white, by native-born and by
immigrants, by gay or straight, by male or female.
They have unlimited sums of money. They own much of this country. They control much
of the media. They are very powerful; but we have something that they do not have. We
have a united people! (Sustained cheers and applause) And when we stand together, (and)
not let little things divide us up when we stand together, when we say, Enough is
enough! This country belongs to all of us! when we do that, there is nothing we cannot
accomplish. Thank you all very much! (Sustained cheers and applause).
Bernie Sanders and Jane Sanders wave, turn to all parts of the audience, applaud, and
leave the podium.
(Sustained cheers and applause continue.)
. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .
Source material and backup videos
Video of rally from start to end: (1:21:53)
Backup video of rally from start to end (from 1:18:56 to 1:24:52 of a 2:55:16 video):
Backup video for Dina Foleys presentation:

Backup video for Jaime Arredondos presentation:
Backup video for Mia Rebacks presentation:
Backup video for Bernie Sanderss presentation: (1:02:28)
Backup video segments for Bernie Sanderss presentation:
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