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Situation # 01 Mr. A.

, a successful businessman
has a history of angina pectoris is admitted to
Maligaya Medical Center. Questions 1-5 refer to this
1) You informed him that the sensations of the chest
pain are similar to the following, EXCEPT:
a. Squeezing
b. Choking
c. bursting
d. heartburn
2) Nursing intervention for angina perctoris are the
following, EXCEPT:
a. relief of acute attacks
b. prevention of further angina attacks
c. Administration of Demerol injection for chest
d. Rest
3) You explained to him that the cause of his chest pain
he is experiencing is the result from:
a. pericarditis
b. Damaged mayocardium
c. hypertrophy of the coronary vessels
d. insufficient oxygenation of the myocardium
4) Which of these would not precipitate the cause of
angina pectoris
a. emotion
b. exposure to warm temperature
c. exposure to cold temperature
d. physical exertion
5) Drug of choice for angina pectoris:
a. Demerol
b. morphine sulfate
c. ponstan
d. nitroglycerin
Situation # 02 Cathy is brought to the hospital was
admitted to the hospital complaining of gnawing
pains in the stomach which was relieved in the past
by medications for upset stomach, a diagnosis for
peptic ulcer has been established.
6) Which of this manifestations is characteristic of
peptic ulcer?
a. dizziness after ingesting a large meal
b. persistent hunger in the morning
c. gnawing pain in the epigastrium when the
stomach is empty
d. muscle weakness and paresthesia
7) A diagnosis of peptic ulcer is confirmed by which of
the following tests?
a. cholangiography
b. tomography
c. gastroscopy
d. barium enema
8) Anticholenergic medication are used for patients with
peptic ulcer
a. reduces gastric secretions
b. increase gastric mobility
c. improve the flow of blood of the affected area
d. Reduces pain
9) Patients with peptic ulcer may receive an antacid
aluminum hydroxide gel. A disadvantage of this drug
is that it:
a. interferes with the absorption of phosphates
from the intestine
b. Prevents the absorption of fat soluble vitamins
c. Causes metabolic alkalosis
d. causes diarrhea
10) The most significant aspect of a teaching should
include the need to:
a. Continue his present dietary prescription
b. adjust his lifelong habits to reduce internal and
external stressor

c. Accept rest as the best method of healing ulcer

d. recognizes the inevitable complaints of the
Situation #03 Jose, 50 years old is diagnosed with
rheumatoid arthritis. Questions 11-15 refer to this
11) Which assessment finding should the nurse expect
for Jose,except
a. asymmetrical pattern of affected joints
b. positive rheumatoid factor titer
c. presence of Heberdens nodes
d. positive antinuclear antibody titer
12) The nurse discussed to Jose the nature of
rheumatoid arthritis. Which of the following
statements by the patient indicate a correct
understanding of the disease process?
a. the nodules behind my forearm is part of
rheumatoid arthritis
b. I have to be careful because my bones have
become brittle
c. I have been working very hard lifting heavy
objects in my work
d. my disease is normal aspect of my aging
13) Which type of exercise is recommended for Jose?
a. jogging
b. swimming
c. bicycling
d. skating
14) Which type of medication is most commonly used to
treat rheumatoid arthritis?
a. glucocorticoids
c. antimalarial drugs
d. gold salts
15) Before discharge, the nurse tells Jose that he should
pace his activities. An example of pacing activities
would be:
a. doing all her household chores in the morning
and resting in the afternoon
b. taking nap before going shopping
c. hiring a helper to do the housework
d. all of these
Situation #04 Ellaine, 53 years of age, is admitted
with the impression of hyperthyroidism. Questions
16 to 20 refer to this situation.
16) The physician ordered BMR. This test is to
a. the ability of the thyroid to utilize iodine
b. the ability of the thyroid to store iodine
c. the amount of oxygen/energy at rest
d. the amount of oxygen/energy after physical
17) The nurse informed her that the diagnostic test is
normally performed:
a. at hour of sleep
b. before super
c. Early morning
d. Before lunch
18) Preparation for the diagnostic test includes the
following, except:

a. administration of laxative at HS
b. withholding breakfast
c. providing conducive environment to relax and
d. restricting fluids 12 hours prior to the test
19) Lugols solution was prescribed. The action of this
a. balances the amount of thyroxin in the

b. increases the amount of thyroxin in the

c. Decreases the amount of thyroxin in the
d. promotes the storage of hormone in the thyroid
20) Included in your plan for health teaching before
Esters discharge is to eat food rich in:
a. Iron
b. Calcium
c. Minerals
d. Iodine
Situation #05 - Jose, 30 yeas old, is admitted At ABC
Medical Center suspected of pneumonia. Questions
21 to 25 refer to this situation.
21) Assessment findings of bacterial pneumonia are the
following, EXCEPT:
a. hypoxia, cyanosis, pulmonary edema
b. recent history of upper respiratory infection
c. sputum rust colored or blood tinged
d. decreased tactile fremitus, presence of rales
22) The following are the appropriate nursing care,
a. position client in Fowlers position for comfort
b. force fluid
c. erythromycin 500 mg. QID
d. tepid sponge bath
23) When client experiences chest pain, the nurse
should encourage him to:
a. lie on the affected side
b. take a deep breath
c. cover his mouth when coughing
d. change position immediately
24) The best time to do postural drainage is:
a. after breakfast
b. before retiring
c. after waking up in the morning
d. before lunch
25) The rationale why IPPB may not be ordered for him
is because it:
a. decreases arterial oxygen saturation
b. increases in the tidal volume
c. decreases in the tidal volume
d. increases arterial oxygen saturation
Situation #06 - Herbert, 27 years old with asthmatic
attack is admitted in the medical ward. Questions 26
t0 30 refer to this situation:
26) Routine admission care is was done. Your
assessment findings are the following, EXCEPT:
a. tachycardia, cool and moist skin
b. tachycardia, warm and moist skin
c. ability only to speak a few words without taking
a deep breath
d. air hunger and presence of wheezing sound
27) With your assessment, which of these symptoms
would you expect to develop later?
a. cyanosis
b. lips pursed in an effect to exhale
c. use of accessory muscles for breathing
d. nasal flaring
28) Which has the less tendency to precipitate or trigger
asthamatic attacked:
a. mold, house dust
b. cold weather
c. air pollution
d. change in climate
29) The following are your nursing plans for Herbert,
a. give Bricanyl tablet to ease his breathing
b. keep his back always dry
c. keep the siderails up
d. force fluids to liquefy the secretions

30) The position that would make him more comfortable

a. orthopneic
b. sitting
c. supine
d. Fowlers
Situation #07 Mang Pablo, 65 years old is admitted
to the hospital with a diagnosis of Pakinsons
Disease. Questions 31-35 refer to this situation.
31) Mang Pablos symptoms are caused by:
a. cerebral anoxia
b. congenital abnormalities in neutral transmission
in the brain
c. an imbalance in dopamine and acetylcholine
d. an imbalance
32) Which clinical feature of the disease should the
nurse expect to see during admission assessment?
a. muscle flaccidity and lethargy
b. mask like face and shuffling gait
c. dry skin and drooling
d. swayback stance and muscle cramps
33) The physician orders 1 mg of Benztropine p.o.
Which findings suggest a favorable effect from this
a. decreased muscle rigidity
b. decreased dizziness
c. decreased tremors
d. deceased confusion
34) The most important nursing action during Mang
Pablos hospitalization is:
a. scheduling routine home visits by a nurse
b. scheduling of daily session with the speech
c. discontinuing all over the counter medications
d. maintaining daily exercise program
35) Which is the correct discharge instruction by the
nurse to the patients daughter?
a. provide client enough time to complete his ADL
b. assign s private nurse to be with the client
c. assist client in all ADL
d. serve liquid diet only
Situation #08 Marina is admitted to the hospital
with hyperglycemia, anxiety, hypokalemia, and
muscle wasting. She is diagnosed of Cushing
Syndrome. Questions 36 to 40 refer to this situation.
36) The following morning after admission, the nurse
notices that Marina seemed depressed. The
depression is probably caused by:
a. glucocorticoid excess
b. the patients fear of long hospitalization
c. androgen deficiency
d. the overdose of medication
37) The excessive production of adrenal hormones will
result in:
a. hyperkalemia
b. falling hair
c. elevated blood sugar
d. increased urine output
38) When caring for Melecio, the nurse should:
a. weigh her once a week
b. keep the bed rails down at all times
c. force fluid
d. protect patient from infection
39) Laboratory blood test revealed that Melecio
developed acute hypercalcemia. The nurse should:
a. Institute bed rest
b. administer calcium supplements
c. encourage fluid intake to >2000 ml/day
d. assess for signs of arthritis
40) Melecio had adrenalectomy. Which of the following
is not part of the post-operative care of the patient?
a. administer hydrocortisone succinateas ordered

b. observe the patient for signs of hypoglycemia

c. administer apresoline to prevent hypertension
d. monitor the patient for hyponatremia
Situation #09 A Mary Anne, with a history of
Crohns Disease is admitted to the hospital.
Questions 41 to 45 refer to this situation.
41) Which of the following symptoms maybe exhibited
by a client with Crohns disease?
a. bloody diarrhea
b. narrow stools
c. nausea and vomiting
d. steatorrhea
42) Which of the following areas of the GI system maybe
involved with this disease?
a. entire large colon
b. sigmoid area only
c. entire large colon through the layers of mucosa
and submucosa
d. the small intestine and colon, affecting the entire
thickness of the bowel
43) Which of the following laboratory findings would be
anticipated for Mary Ann?
a. hyperalbuminemia
b. thrombocytopenia
c. hypokalemia
d. hypercalcemia
44) Mary Anne experiences rectal bleeding along with
15-20 watery stools per day. Which of the following
signs would be indicative of dehydration?
a. sunken eyeballs
b. decreased pulse rate
c. moist skin
d. pitting edema
45) Which of the following would be a priority focus of
care for a client experiencing an exacerbation of this
a. encouraging regular ambulation
b. promoting bowel rest
c. maintaining current weight
d. decreasing episodes of rectal bleeding
Situation #10 Melecio, was diagnosed of ulcerative
colitis 5 years ago is admitted to the hospital for
exacerbation of the disease. Questions 46 to 50 refer
to this situation?
46) Which of the following factors was most likely of
greatest significance in causing an exacerbation of
ulcerative colitis?
a. a demanding and stressful job
b. having a vegetarian diet
c. having a weight training program
d. walking I kilometer every day
47) Melecio was ordered for bed rest with bathroom
privileges. Which of the following is the rationale for
this restriction?
a. to conserve energy
b. to reduce intestinal peristalsis
c. to promote rest and discomfort
d. to prevent injury
48) Which of the following diets would be most
appropriate for Melecio?
a. high calorie, high protein
b. high protein, low residue
c. low fat, high fiber
d. low sodium, high carbohydrate
49) As part of the treatment plan, Melecio is prescribed
with steroids. The nurse should assess Melecio for
which of the following complications related to
steroid therapy?
a. peptic ulcer
b. hypoglycemia
c. tachycardia
d. renal failure

50) The symptoms of Melecios ulcerative colitis have

been present for 9 days already. The nurse
recognizes that Melecio should be assessed for
which of the following complications?
a. heart failure
b. deep vein thrombosis
c. hypokalemia
d. hypocalcemia
Situation # 11- Mrs. C is newly diagnosed with
Raynauds disease. Questions 51 to 55 refer tothis
situation .
51) On assessment, which of the following signs &
symptoms Mrs. A, will likely manifest?
a. cyanosis, hands cold to touch, pain & numbness
of hands, and foot exposure to cold
b. digital pain & ulceration, pain on the arch of the
foot, absence of pulse on dorsalis pedis
c. calf pain when the foot is dorsiflexed, leg is red,
warm and painful
d. feeling of heaviness, bluish, distended and
tortuous superficial veins, itching and mild
52) All of the following help prevent the attack, except:
a. dress warmly outdoors during cold weather
b. wear mittens when taking out foods from freezer
or refrigerator
c. consider moving to a location with a milder
d. eat food rich in fat
53) Which of the following drugs Mrs. Cs physician is
expected to prescribe?
a. verapamil
b. heparin
c. corticosteroid
d. epinephrine
54) The following is true about Raynauds disease,
a. women are more likely to have Raynauds
b. it is common in people living in warm climate
c. it is marked by brief episode of vasospasm
d. it is a disorders that affects the arteries
55) Which of the following statements made by the
patient on discharge requiring a need for further
a. it is important for me to dress warmly during cold
b. drinking a cup of hot coffee will help me relax
during stressful time in the office
c. it would be good to elevate my legs frequently
throughout the day.
d. although love to eat chocolate, I need to limit
them now
Situation # 12 Mrs. D. a 33 year old teacher is
brought to the hospital with symmetrical weakness
for her lower extremities. After thorough
examination, the physician diagnosed her of having
Gullain-Barre Syndrome. Questions 56 to 60 refer to
this situation.
56) The cause of Gullain-Barre Syndrome is which of the
a. a postoperative complication
b. gastroenteritis
c. a respiratory infection
d. unknown
57) Which of the following is the pathophysiologic
mechanism of GBS?
a. demyelination and degeneration of the myelin
b. pigmented neuron loss
c. defective impulse transmission between nerve
and muscle cells
d. an unexplained loss of basal ganglia cells

58) Routine assessment for Mrs. D should include

checking which of the following?
a. impaired gag and swallowing reflexes
b. impaired hearing
c. ptosis
d. facial twitching
59) Which manifestation of the patient should the nurse
report to the physician at once?
a. urinary output of 50 ml during the last 2 hours
b. confusion & drowsiness
c. tingling sensation in the arms and hands
d. muscle pain in the shoulder and thighs
60) Which nursing diagnosis should be the priority of the
nurses care plan?
a. risk for injury
b. impaired mobility
c. ineffective airway clearance
d. altered nutrition

c. echocardiography
d. endarterectomy
69) Discharge instruction for Miss F would not include
which of the following?
a. dont lock bathroom and C.R. doors
b. take prescribe medications on time
c. caffeine is strictly prohibited
d. Take shower and avoid tub baths
70) Miss F. is discharge on Phenytoin therapy. When
teaching Miss F. about her medication, the nurse
a. instruct client to take the drug on empty stomach
b. instruct her to avoid massaging her gums to
avoid bleeding
c. stop taking her medications if client has no
seizure attack for at least 2 years
d. instruct her to undergo complete blood count
testing regularly

Situation #13 - Mr. F. 52 years old, with history of

alcohol abuse for the 25 years is admitted to the
hospital. His medical diagnosis is cirrhosis of the
liver. Questions 62 to 65 refer to this situation.
61) Assement of Mr. F. if he develops ascites would
reveal all of the following changes, except:
a. bulging flanks
b. protruding umbilicus
c. bluish discoloration of the umbilicus
d. abdominal distention
62) Which Laboratory test indicates liver cirrhosis?
a. decreased RBC count
b. decreased serum acid phosphate level
c. elevated WBC count
d. elevated serum ALT
63) The major dietary treatment for ascites is which of
the following?
a. increase potassium
b. restricted sodium
c. high protein
d. replacing fluids
64) Which of the following laboratory values would the
nurse expect in a client, as a result of liver failure?
a. decreased serum creatinine
b. decreased sodium
c. increased calcium
d. increased ammonia
65) Mr. F.s esophageal varices bleeds. Sengstakenblakemore tube is inserted. The client experienced
difficulty breathing. Which of the following is the
nurses initial action?
a. deflate the esophageal balloon
b. encourage him to take deep breaths
c. notify the physician
d. monitor his vital signs

Situation #15 - Mrs. H., a school teacher, and your

neighbor is a known IDDM. Questions 71 to 80 refer
to this situation.
71) Mrs H. asks you what drug to take for her diabetes.
Your best response is which of the following?
a. must try alternative medications
b. consult other doctors
c. take herbal medicine
d. has to follow the prescription of her physician
72) One day, you saw Mrs. H. eating a big piece of cake.
As a concerned neighbor and a nurse, Which of the
following would you tell her?
a. why are you hard-headed?
b. its okay to have a big piece
c. stop eating that cake
d. remember you are taking medicine for Diabetes
73) The day after you saw Mrs. H, ate a big piece of
cake, she told you that she is not feeling good. You
tell her to:
a. go to the doctor immediately
b. drink a glass of orange juice
c. inject your insulin now
d. check your blood sugar
74) Upon assessment, she was found having
hyperglycemia. You tell Mrs. H to:
a. increase fluid intake
b. have a complete bed rest
c. take her prescribed insulin
d. go to her doctor right away
75) Mrs. H. was prescribed with NPH, a special diabetic
diet and regular walking exercise. The nurse caring
for Mrs. H. provided the following health teachings,
a. eat before exercising and take a midnight snack
b. eat high fiber foods and avoid sweets and
c. it is most likely that you will experience
hypoglycemia around four hours after injecting
your insulin
d. if you injected insulin in the morning, avoid
exercising in the late afternoon.
76) The following are nursing interventions when
administering insulin, EXCEPT:

Situation #14 - Miss G. is admitted to the hospital

due to successive episodes of seizures. Questions
66 to 70 refer to this situation.
66) Miss G. says, I see flickering lights right before I
have seizure. This phenomenon is known a:
a. postictal state
b. tonic phase
c. Aura
d. clonic phase
67) Miss G. went into seizure few minutes after
admission. The nurses most appropriate action is
which of the following?
a. turn the patient on her side
b. insert a padded tongue blade
c. administer phynetoin IM
d. call the physician immediately
68) To help in the diagnosis, which procedure would the
nurse expect the patient to undergo?
a. electrocardiography
b. electroencephalography

a. administer at room temperature

b. rotate site of injection
c. aspirate cloudy insulin before clear insulin to
combine in one syringe
d. shake insulin vial gently to redistribute insulin

77) To prevent lipodystrophy due to insulin injection, the

nurse should instruct the patient to do the following,
a. inject insulin at room temperature
b. rotate the site of injection
c. inject insulin between lay
78) Mrs. H. developed hyperthrophic lipodystrophy. The
nurse provides Mrs. H. the following instructions,
a. rotate the site of injection
b. avoid injecting in the area for at least 6 months
c. avoid injecting insulin until the lipodystrophy
d. do not inject insulin straight out from refrigerator
79) Mrs. H. complained of decreased sensations in her
legs and feet. The priority nursing diagnosis would
a. altered mobility
b. risk for impaired skin integrity
c. high risk for infection
d. ineffective individual coping
80) Topics to be included as priority health teaching to
Mrs. H. include which of the following?
a. nutrition and diet therapy
b. daily foot care
c. good daily exercise
d. prevention of complication
Situation # 16: Rod, 56 year old, is admitted to the
hospital with COPD. He says that he had been
smoking for the past 30 years. Questions 81-85
refers to this situation.
81) COPD is a group of lung diseases characterized by
abnormal movement of air in and out of the lungs.
Which of the following is not a COPD disorder?
a. pulmonary embolism
b. asthma
c. bronchitis
d. emphysema
82) Which manifestation is characteristic of patient with
a. persistent breathlessness with prolonged
respiratory phase
b. hypermobility of the diaphragm
c. periods of apnea alternating with periods of
d. improvement in pulmonary ventilation during
periods of moderate physical activity
83) The doctor gave a Do not give oxygen The basis
for this is that the administration of oxygen at this
point of time may produce:
a. bronchial spasm
b. pulmonary hypertension
c. overdistention of emphysematous alveoli
d. respiratory arrest
84) The nurse when instructing the patient how to do
pursed lip breathing should not emphasize to do it by
the following ways:
a. inhale through the nose, exhale though the
b. exhale twice as long as inhaling
c. with mouth open, inhale deeply and exhale
d. do it in sitting position
85) Which order by the physician will you clarify first
before carrying out?
a. diazepam to reduce anxiety
b. albuterol to cause bronchodilation
c. Cefixime to treat infection
d. steroid to reduce inflammation and mucus.
Situation: #17 - Mang Tonyo, 40 years old has a
long history of Buergers disease. Questions 86 to
90 refer to this situation.

86) The nurse caring for Mang Tonyo understands that

which of the following findings in the patients record
are both causative and aggravating factor in the
development of Burguers disease?
a. history of hypertension since 35 years old
b. cigarette smoking since 18 years old
c. mother has DM
d. unmarried and sexually active
87) Which of the following should the nurse not ask to a
patient with tentative diagnosis of Buergers
a. Does your leg hurt you when you walk?
b. Do you experience stiffness after sitting for more
than an hour?
c. Do you experience burning pain in your legs
when you are cold?
d. Do you notice any change in the color of your
88) On assessment, which finding will the nurse not find
on the patient?
a. absence of pedal pulses
b. tingling sensation
c. pain in the calf muscles
d. swollen ankle and knees
89) Appropriate nursing diagnosis for the patient would
not include:
a. high risk for impaired skin integrity
b. fluid volume deficit
c. high risk for activity intolerance
d. altered tissue perfusion
90) Nursing measures to improve the patients condition
would include:
a. administering vasodilators q 4 H
b. elevating the leg while in bed rest
c. applying warmth to the involved extremities
d. keeping the patient in bed rest
Situation # 18- Sam, 63 years old is admitted to the
hospital with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).
Questions 91-95 refer to this situation.
91) Nursing assessment of the patient with BPH would
most likely reveal:
a. hematuria, urinary frequency, dribbling
b. flank pain and decreased caliber of urine stream
c. urinary frequency, nocturia, decreased force of
urine stream
d. hematuria, urinary hesitance and pyuria
92) The doctor ordered for TURP under spinal
anesthesia. Before surgery, the nurse should tell the
patient that:
a. he may receive continuous bladder irrigation
(CBI) after the procedure
b. the procedure may cause impotency
c. sterility is a common complication of this
d. the physician will remove the entire prostate
during the procedure
93) When Sam was returned to his room after TURP, he
has a continuous 3 way bladder irrigation. The
nurse notes that the drainage is dark red without
clots. Which of the following actions should the
nurse take?
a. increase the rate of irrigation
b. notify the physician
c. continue monitoring the drainage
d. irrigate the catheter manually
94) Because of the position of Sam during the
procedure, the nurse should assess him
postoperatively for:

collapse of the lungs
water intoxication

95) Discharge instruction of a client after prostatectomy

will not include:
a. call physician immediately when urine turns
b. avoid alcoholic beverages
c. do not take aspirin for pain
d. no sexual intercourse in the next 6 weeks
Situation # 19 - Mang Nano is admitted to the
hospital with a diagnosis of acute renal failure.
Questions 96 to 100 refer to this situation.
96) Nursing interventions for acute renal failure should
include all of the following, except:
a. administering oxygen
b. give the patient antiemetics
c. provide proper skin care
d. restrict fluid intake
97) Mang Nano becomes confused, irritable and drowsy.
This manifestations should alert the nurse for
a. hypernatremia
b. hypocalcemia
c. hyperkalemia
d. uremia
98) Which of the following is the most important action in
assessing fluid status of Mang Nano?
a. monitor urine specific gravity
b. measure fluid intake and output
c. weigh daily
d. record frequency of bowel movements
99) Kayexalate was prescribed by the doctor for the
patient. The nurse understands that in Mang Nanos
condition, the medication is given to treat:
a. cardiac complication
b. uremia
c. edema
d. hyperkalemia
The most common causes of chronic renal
failure are the following, except:
a. diabetes mellitus
b. hypertension
c. glomerulonephritis
d. urinary tract infection


Angina pectoris
Peptic ulcer disease
Rheumatoid arthritis
Myocardial infarction
Parkinsons Disease
Cushings Dss
Crohns Dss.
Ulcerative colitis
Raynauds disease
Guillaine Barre Syndrome
Liver cirrhosis
COPD/ emphysema
Buergers disease
Benign prostatic Hyperplasia
Acute renal failure


Nursing Care on CVA


Pap Snear
Fluids Electrolytes / I & O
Health Promotion
Infection / Safe
Nursing Theories
Chest tube
Oral Care / Hygiene
Blood Transfusion
Nursing Process


Care of the newborn

IDDM / Diabetic mother
Tetralogy of Pallot
Perinatal Care
Menstrual Cycle
Signs of Pregnancy
Care of Pre Schooler
Growth and Development
13. Care of Toddlers

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