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TOP Rules for Daytrading:

1) NEVER ever fight the trend (don't be a hero)

2) Always cut your losses quickly (you can always
Let your winners run BUT always remember to sell on the way up in partials to lock
gains which affords you to hold the rest longer!
NEVER averages down. Why add more to the misery? BUT he LOVES to average UP,
meaning he adds to a WINNING position!
never went to school so he's not book smart so he only needs to learn Chart Support &

Chart support&resistance are the two MOST

IMPORTANT chart indicators u will ever need to
know. Anything else just used to impress other fish
Others like to buy low & sell hi. That's way too hard for a fish. He finds it much easier to
buy high & sell HIGHER!
is trendy&HATES to buy stocks that are on sale! It's on sale cheap for a reason! Avoid
the clearance bins.Stick to hot plays
To survive one must adapt as the market adapts. A fish needs to also adapt thus now he
broke free and will be just known as THE Trading Fish
Trading w/o a Level2 is like THETradingFish fighting a shark. It's a MUST cost of doing
business. Google how to read a L2 to learn if needed
TradingFish bats for singles over & over. He never wants to ever strike out and be
forced out of the game. Consistency above all else!
TradingFish bats for singles but in the process will hit doubles triples &even
homeruns/grand slams!But it all starts from a single base hit

Choosing the right stock makes trading so much easier. I never trade stocks that are red
on the day unless I'm shorting (never fight trend)
When trading I choose GREEN stocks that have a bullish trending chart. When the
stock changes trend or turns red on the day get the eff out!
I'm a small fish in a sea of sharks. So I never fight where the whales want to take the
stock. Ride the trend wave and never fight the trend
It is OKAY to take losses. A small loss or break even is good! Remember, wannabe
heroes often die. Never turn a small loss into a huge one!
THE TradingFish is a LOVER & NOT a FIGHTER. He never wants to fight the trend. He
"lives to LOVE another day" (not live to fightAnother day)

It's very hard to make $1k but much easier to make

$100. So TradingFish tries to pick trades wisely to
gain $100 at a time. Patience is key
So TradingFish likes to just make many trades for smaller gains (bar for singles) vs
trying to swing for fences & most likely striking out

If TradingFish can gain just $100 per HOUR trading

(6 hour trading days) that means he will make $170k
a year! $50/hr is $85k/hr! Goldfish!
So a technique he can use is to just take smaller gains over&over. Lower gains but also
lower risk After a month he can buildUp his bankroll
Remember there are many ways to cook a fish and TradingFish don't want to be eaten
so he refines his strategy to himself. Not all will work
He often will implement multiple strategies depending on the stock. He can hold a core
position with good avg and trade around that core

By holding a core position he won't miss big moves. By scalping trading around that
core he will gain from the smaller movements as well.
But these are more advanced strategies. First goal is just to become consistently
profitable. So try diff methods out and see what is best
ALL strategies never break the golden bible rules of daytrading that were the first tweets
everPosted.Never fight trend and cut losses quick
TradingFish is agnostic thus he never uses the PRAYING method. Traders who pray
must have broken a cardinal rule and so will be punished!

I hated every minute of training, but I said "Don't

quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a
The more I play, the better I get. As @modern_rock would say "...practice till it becomes
a reflex."
TRADING CARD #277 Genuine confidence comes from hard work and hard
experience: putting in the time and effort to achieve mastery and getting knocked down
enough times to know - deep in your soul - that you have what it takes to succed
TRADING CARD #242 The game of speculation is the most uniformly fascinating
game in the world. But it is not a game for the stupid, the mentally lazy, the person of
inferior emotional balance, or the get-rich-quick adventurer. They will die poor. Jesse
Livermore (1877-1940), stock trader & speculator
TRADING CARD #226 Limiting losses os by far the most important trading component.
Capital is the inventory of a trader. Lose the inventory, business is over Peter Brandt,
commodities & forex trader

TradingFish 3 Day Rule: On 3rd straight days of

green, stocks tend to drop. To be safe I reduce my
position in partials each day beforehand

So day 1 should be largest position size then I

reduce some on day 2 which cushions me to hold
rest to day 3.Not all make it to day 3 beware
By selling partials on way up u will lock in PROFITS which will cushion you in case next
day is a down day. When RED for day I sell all out
It is ALWAYS BETTER to cry about lost potential than actual real money losses. If you're
always crying about lost potential you're WINNING!
TradingFish always reminds himself he can always REBUY the stock if he sells and is
wrong and stock keeps going up! Better safe than sorry!
Nothing is worse than when you're UP in a stock and let that turn into a loser. To avoid
that you sell on way up in partials! Money in bank!
Strong stocks tend to get stronger. Weak stocks will get weaker. AVOID clearance bin
shopping for stocks. They're cheap for a reason!

The 3 day rule is what turned TradingFish into a

GOLD fish! Study the charts of plays and you will
see it. This is my million $$ secret shhh
TradingFish became successful when treating trading like a JOB. With a job you don't
want to work for free. Need to PAY YOURSELF daily!
TradingFish didn't become a gold fish overnight. He spent years as a guppy building his
bankroll. Slow & steady while learning. No shortcuts

CONSISTENTLY green is BETTER than wild swings up and down. Consecutive green
days weeks adds up quick! Avoid large losses stay disciplined!

Like the masked magician, TradingFish has predators not liking revealing secrets for
free (3 day rule today secret)

So as homework look up past plays and see if you

can find patterns. Daytrading is all about pattern
recognition & discipline and NOT IQ !
PRO TIP: if you buy 10k of a .20 stock and sell it at .21 that makes you $100 off just a
$2k position. Do it another time you up a day's pay
When scalping Trading Fish likes to buy on the bid and likes to sell on the offer.
Patience is key you have many hours to pick that trade
It is to your advantage to keep adding to a WINNING position but always remember to
SELL! Don't get greedy and SELL in partials on way up
If you are averaging UP means you are making money. NEVER average down! If stock
goes under the price of any adds sell the add!
Logic keeps telling you to add you're down so avoid logic. Trading is kinda opposite of
logic. You want to buy STRONG stocks making highs!
Learn by paper trading. Write down on paper your buys sells or use online paper trading
account. Take it seriously and try these techniques
In all honesty trading is TOUGH. TradingFish lost all his money twice ALL due to
averaging down a loser to zero. Not all stocks bounce!
Simplest way to trade is to sell when stock becomes red on the day. Keep holding if it
stays greens. See 3 day rule TradingFish tweeted b4
AVOID trading midday unless you're more advanced. It's too risky and volume is bad.
Just trade the first hour last hour of the trading day.

A good simple technique is buy STRONG stocks 1/2

hour b4 close then sell 1/2 hour after the open. Stick
to green rule & remember 3 day rule
Read up on "trailing stop loss" online. It can be a working guy's best friend. It will sell for
you automatically BUT move up the sell price

Trailing Stop Loss may or may not only work on Nasdaq type stocks (and not pinkies
pennies otcbb) so check with your broker

Try these techniques I just laid out. Simple techniques tend to be the best. Don't over
complicate your strategy. KISS = KeepItSimpleStupid

A good simple strategy is buy STRONG stocks 1/2

hour b4 close then sell 1/2 hour after the open. Stick
to green rule & remember 3 day rule
That simple strategy I reposted is literally worth a million bucks. Why? Cause it has
made Trading Fish the GOLD fish he is today!
Remember stocks that are cheap are cheap for a reason!As a beginner AVOID stocks
that are tanking! Bottom fishing BAD
These markets will carve up all stubborn traders. Be flexible for all conditions! Notice
that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by
bending with the wind. - Bruce Lee
Knowledge will give you power, but character respect. - Bruce Lee
Today TradingFish took a $1200 loss on $MCIG cause he broke rules didn't sell once it
was red on the day. Waited but all it did was go lower
$MCIG gapped up and I held then it tanked to .78 and I didn't sell for small loss. Instead
I held all day and sold eod at the .75-.74 lows!
When it goes red = red on the day. Red on the day is a huge danger sign. U should sell
a little bit before it gets there. Once it red = dead
Green to red (green/red) is a huge trading indicator. When it hits red shorts attack and it
WILL spike down hard!
Red to green (red/green) is also a huge indicator as the stock was once weak (red) but
now crossed into strong (green) territory

The Green to Red is much more reliable indicator. It

usually tanks HARD once the stock turns red on the
day. This is a MAIN signal to watch!

TradingFish used Green2Red indicator when

shorting. The great setups are the promos that been
going up daily and is on day 3 or more!
There are ALWAYS exceptions to every rule and those type of stocks I always avoid
cause they're tok UNPREDICTABLE. We like PREDICTABLE plays
If stocks were predictable we will all be super rich! All we can do is play via probability
like VegasCasino house & over time we will be up
If a stock always gaps down then goes to green it goes on my avoid list cause it's way
too unpredictable.Stocks like $ERBB do that & fool me
Reason I avoid is if it gaps down I stick to rules and sell it. Imagine I hold and it wasn't a
fake and tanks more.So I just avoid the games

And also this is why I stressed the strategy of selling

at 1/2 hour after the open to avoid games. Buy 1/2
hr till close sell 1/2 after open
There are tons of diff ways to trade to make money you have to try some be it paper
trading or real and see for yourself. Keep a log book
Keep a log book of results and you can see over time your predictions of how the stock
moves up or down over a 3 day window. 3 day rule!
Trading is all about probability. I call pattern recognition. I recognize certain patterns that
been profitable and those are ones I trade
Only way is to keep doing it until it becomes REFLEX. Do it over & over until it becomes
habit and instinct. Like an elite sports athlete
So how do you make something a reflex? By doing it over & over daily. I looked at
million charts so it becomes instinct to me to recognize
It is very hard to list describe every setup as a reflex is instinctual and I just know.Big
banks pay billions for the dev of algos for this

So what we can do as humans is just to practice practice practice daily.Trading is a

mental sport Have to practice it daily else u get rusty

Ok the upcoming tweet is literally the million

dollar question : what is the BUY SIGNAL for the
3 day rule. It is break up of trend + volume
Search for a stock breaking out of a flat or
downtrend. There is often a day 0 that insiders
accumulate in silence before they break it out
Often I can only spot day 1 after the volume and chart already broke out.Day 0 spotting
is advanced and risky even for me since it's a guess

Easiest safest is to see day 1 and it's usually based

on VOLUME. Volume proceeds chart movement
every time.
And with that TRADING FISH has just gave you all the secret to trading the rest is
practice practice. #PayItForward
That my hard working friends is the secret it's as simple as that but oh so hard to
execute. TradingFish hopes u make it big one day
Now go out and scan you know how to scan. I put all the top ones (#trades) on chart
and see the 10 day and 5 day chart and try to spot them
Many FURUs will be pissed at the Fish for revealing so many secrets.I bet they are also
taking notes cause this is GOLD they don't even know
That is all for now. The TradingFISH has to go find food & avoid the other sharks who
try to eat him daily. I did post the real secret today

And remember u have to crawl before you walk before you can swim. Everyone wants
to fly but it takes time. Learn 2crawl first as core is key
Disclaimer: TradingFish makes $0 from this. You lose it's on you. I don't recc trading as
it's hard and MOST WILL LOSE! Don't blame the fish

Did a typo earlier meant to say : Volume

PRECEDES chart moves. Meaning spot the
increase in the volume you will spot the upcoming
How to avoid manipulation by market makers and algos? By trading only plays with high
vol. Thats why trading at open and close is best
when times of famine come, you go back to the BASICS. Take VERY small risks. Just
scalp with tight stops to make a living & feed yourself.
liquidity volume are keys to a good market. remember we are traders we trade the price
fluctuations. so you need movement BUT also liquidity
what is liquidity? it's being able to get in and out of trades. so you need a buyer as well
as sellers so you can complete your trade
Right now i'm literally trying to make $100 scalps. No hubris here , no ego. It's a job and
i'm going to grind today and all days like this
Stocks are NOT gambling! Each trade can be considered a "correlated" bet/parlay
where each subsequent trade has higher chance of success
in the gambling world "correlated parlays" are illegal cause you get such a huge
edge/advantage cause if 1 wins the next bet will likely win
This is why i say cut your losses quick cause the loser will keep losing. And let winners
run cause strong stocks tend to keep on going
There's no secret to making $$ trading. You have to work hard and put in your time. It's
all about experience. Whoever says otherwise SCAM!

"I make money the old fashion way.. i EAAAAARRRRNNNN it"

- Wilfred Brimley (RIP)
These markets are quite difficult right now for OTCs so beware. No room for error for
those who fight the trend. When stock goes red get out
In fact, when stocks go red it is always a good idea to get out. If that stock bounces you
can always rebuy it. But don't hold & pray
When the market closes doesn't mean your learning ends. Pull up charts for the most
active stocks and see how it moves through the day
You can rerun trades in your head by looking at the chart for the day and think honestly
how you would have traded it. You can test yourself
Like athletes during practice they practice for all sorts of situations. So when time
comes they will automatically know how to react.

Here's a free resource to look at the most active

stocks. I like to sort by "Trades" to see what is most
SECRET is to sort on # trades. Thats true measure
of most active & liquidity shhh. Dang this took me
years to figure out why I give it away
Trading Fish's tips works on all stocks. However the resource link is to OTCs only. But
the concept is similar
So now you know where to look for most actives which you will know the liquidity now
(#trades) And so you are a little bit dangerous now!

So combine all you have learned with the rules and study charts of the most actives and
you can paper trade now. Learn & practice b4 trading
If you're nervous don't worry TradingFISH is also nervous. BUT he relies on pure instinct
and STOPS overthinking but just REACTS instead
That's where practice comes in. You practice practice practice so when the time comes
you can just react, Trading like a reflex!
@mrockrulez Here's another one for you people. It's cool that it does have NASDAQs
as well

The BEST gappers are usually weekend gappers.

Because the pumpers are out in force over the
weekend hyping up the stock !
There are no secrets to success. It is a result of
preparation,hard work, and learning from failure TradingFISH too
How to handle a big gap up: if I'm in it, I wait see if stock is still running then I have to
lock in some profits. Then do BalkyDanceOfJoy
Once the frenzy slows I can see if it held support for next leg or just a gap and crap
which I am ready to just sell all my position.
What locking in profits do is helps u hold the rest a bit longer since u REALIZED some
of the gain.So now if the stock goes down u cushioned
UNREALIZED gain is like an unrealized dream: it's meaningless till you realize it! TradingFISH
(How many times u up only to sell 4loss)
How to handle a big gap up when you're not in the stock: Scream Daaaang & DO
NOTHING! DO NOT CHASE right @ the open.WAIT for stock to settle

Stock gaps up & I want to buy it I can: 1) wait for it to settle, dip to see where support is
or 2) buy a little & get ready to sell QUICK
I say don't chase cause many don't have discipline to SELL QUICK once you're down.
But its ok to test waters& nibble to see how stock reacts
So when I chase I have my finger already on the sell button just in case stock dips.Then
I slap myself 4being stupid &chasing in first place
When chasing I actually risk but 1 tick. Cause if I'm not in the money immediately why
hold on since I'm stupid to chase in 1st place!

My real setups come from the day before. I'm already in something and wait for the
open to see how my positions react to sell OR ADD
If the position Im already in runs higher I have luxury of adding AveragingUP since Im
cushioned from a good core avg.BUT Never 4get toSell!
Notice the constantTheme: sell, lock in profits,sell. Many get too greedy & hold blindly.
Remember what theFISH says about UNREALIZED gains!

I hardly open new positions right @ open. Be patient

wait 2see how stock behaves & settles. If u miss a
play it's ok, there will be another!
As much as theFISH likes 2be a gunslinger, his style is veryDefensive. He likes 2attack
when odds are in his favor, always sticking to RULES
Aggression comes when theFISH is in the money and is risking HOUSE money! He will
add to a winning position risking some of house's money
He will risk only a portion up to maybe half of the gains. NEVER turn a win into a loss
cause of greed and ego.Book that win no matter what!

Why book the gain always? Cause u can always

REBUY if u sold too soon! Nothing wrong w/rebuying
stronger stocks higher! I do it all the time

And that is the secret to trading: buying strong

stocks on the bullish up trend. Don't mess with it
when trend changes. Study your charts!
Good place to learn charts below. I use intraday & 3
& 5 day charts when trading since I play only

p?id=chart_school:chart_analysis:chart_pattern s:price_channel_contin

Each person's Trade is diff so the timeframes vary BUT the ideas of chart support,
resistance & trends (bullish up or bearish down) applies
Like the FISH said before trading is all about pattern recognition. It's all probability of
something happening based on a specific event
What is that specific event?! Study your charts of the latest high flyers and you will see
similarities for yourself. Track plays for charts
Basically it's I saw this chart setup before & last time it did this so I will trade it like this. If
wrong cut losses quick.Nothing is 100%
So study charts for Monday. Look at the list of most actives on Friday via link tweeted
before and study charts & see what happens Monday!

Sometimes on the way to your dream, you get lost,

and find a better one
Many speak of Risk/Reward & it only applies to shorting imo. If u stick to RULES it
should all b OK. Long side R/R is fancy word for praying

"Be the change you want to see in the world."

@InvestorsLive #PayItForward
@modern_rock I'm up 115% this year from your guidance and its free! Your a good
man ... Again thank you fuck the day trade gurus

$FRTD now bounces well over my sells i bought at lod.I always leave $ on the table &
cry. BUT just means i'm making $ and i can always REBUY
Avoid the bottom picking game of a slow stock WALK DOWN. These are NOT simple
bounce play. It's very hard Rather wait for confirm of bounce
i stated over&over it's MUCH EASIER trading bullish stocks going UP than to try to
cherry pick tanking stocks. Sometimes doing NOTHING is ok
$PHOT i got .4927 avg just 28k shares for now. scalping for a few bucks

@modern_rock $PHOT this is where i add to the CORE hold & trade around it since i'm
up on my avg so far. This is what i call "averaging up"
$PHOT now i added more up to .50 and will trade around the core. So YES i always
reduce some on the way up in pieces.
I posted this $PHOT trade more in detail so the @mrockrulez fish can use it as an
example of "trading around a core" and "averaging up"
techniques used for trading around a core etc works well during moves UP bullish trend.
Walk downs bouncers much harder as bottoms r NOT set
$PHOT i sold some over .50 so it cushions me to hold the rest. and i can add back on
$PHOT was a harder example as it combines a bounce play too and the bottom is still
not set. .49 should be a stop out for this level
$PHOT they show huge 400k offer to shake u out & yes i sold .491 rest. The sells over .
50 helped cushion this fall. End of TradingAroundCore

glad the Trading FISH can help small fish escape being captured and fried up by the
sharks of the trading world...

I am a big short when the time is right. What I don't do is pretend I do it to help others. I
do it for personal GAIN $ & don't cry to SEC
The real big money for shorting are the higher priced OTC promos in dollar plus land.
But SEC has halted & stopped most of those plays :(
The only one who benefits from a super low price penny stock tanking are the market
makers who can short and also bounce daytraders like me
So when a .07 like $FRTD tanks its NOT due to retail shorts It's from longs selling as
they should do (RULES)when stock breaks under support

I have accounts where I can locate and borrow many stocks regardless of price but it's
NOT COST EFFECTIVE & a losing cause most of the time
KISS - KeepItSimpleStupid is how I am profitable daily. My BIGGEST losses are always
when I think I know better or overthink the obvious
If stocks were predictable we would ALL be RICH! - MR
(I never enter a trade w/preset targets. It's all dynamic changes like a girl's mood)

Guys, a Reverse Split R/S is BAD! Come on if the stock TANKS on a certain news you
can guess if news is bad/good by action of the stock
Just think about it -- most SIMPLE thing @modern_rock has EVER said has given me
an ah hah moment "add to winners" duh right?
This is what happens when u don't follow theFISH's RULEz @mrockrulez : Unrealized
Dream is a flash from a nightmare
My biggest pet peeve is ignorance stemming from LAZINESS. Before asking a
question, you should always try to find the answer yourself FIRST!
Success dont come from others constantly spoon feeding u. U get help to LEARN to
feed YOURSELF, then #PayItForward by helping 2 feed others!
"Uplisting" is a carrot used by hypers to lure u into buying a piece of shit stock & for u to
hold & keep adding to a loser
If u leave $$ on the table means you MADE MONEY! $SPLI I sold way b4 the high but I
got the MEAT of the move & that's what I do over & over!
I don't need to be the hero w/the absolute lowest buy or top sell, I am happy lowering
my risk by playing only the MEAT (middle) of the move
@modern_rock @mrockrulez guess what? $MNKD = 3day rule! thanks!
How to handle a halt? You avoid the sector let it settle from the initial grief & scared
mentality. Confidence WILL eventually return always
OTC halts are bad for EVERYONE. Stocks tank and then turn into a ghost town until
confidence returns. You need volume/liquidity to trade

I always say "You only need to get rich ONCE". So i never ever risk 100% on
ANYTHING. When investing i always assume 100% loss just in case!
People have diff trading strategies. I stopped being arrogant to think my way is best.
Some invest, swing, or scalp. Do what works FOR YOU!
Unfortunately it may take a HUGE loss or 2 or 10 b4 u realize what you've been doing is
not working out. There's No perfect system xcept HFT
Any time you hear someone use the words "no brainer" "guaranteed" "easy" "obvious"
regarding the stock market you know they are a scammer

U don't need 2be an "expert" 2be successful at

trading.Learn the ruleZ so u dont have to repeat
mistakes of an expert
BUT what I DO KNOW is when to sell: I sell before others do, leaving money on the
table. I rather cry about lost potential versus LOST MONEY
There are many who would believe what they believe regardless of evidence presented.
I realized long ago i rather make $$ than to be right!
Trading is so simple yet INSANE: if ur making $$ keep doing what ur doing. But if ur
losing $$, doing the same thing over over will do what?
Sell in May go away. This year it's:
"Sell in April,
take your money off the table!"
- Modern_Rock
EASIEST way to play a bounce is WAIT for stock to close GREEN on teh day. Then you
use the 3 day rules to trade out of the confirmed bounce

the 3 day rules works for tankers too. today is day 2 of $SPLI flush. So it's ok if wait for
tomorrow to see capitulation & avoid headaches

Or you can buy dips in small partials.Dont go all in at once. nibble nibble. There are
many ways to trade Or JUST AVOID tankers altogether
If you don't learn from your mistakes you will bound to repeat them. Don't be inflicted
with Dj Moo

LUCKIER YOU BECOME -@richardbranson

This rule supersedes ALL in any situation: ALWAYS

CUT LOSSES! DO NOT average down a loser!
ALWAYS cut your losses Live to fight another day!
Notice the ONLY money to be POSSIBLY made was the open $VTPI on the way UP!
The rules applied. No money made on way down. Best to just avoid
Hate to give this advice as these dilution paper selling plays are DEADLY but notice
$VTPI only bounced eod when VFIN seller LEFT the offer
So on pure paper selling scam, determine the mm that is selling if u can & wait for him
to get off the offer b4 even thinking about buying
Some of these never bounce for more than couple of ticks trapping bounce players in.
So best to avoid & always stick to rulez about selling
Review what TheFish says about TradingAround A Core cause that doesn't break the
"Long & Strong" motto cause you still in BUT lock gains too

And always remember it is BETTER to MISS a play

or to sell EARLY, missing out on potential gains than
it is to CHASE and LOSE real money!
Remember we like to Average UP (adding to winning
positions). Means we're in the money!We never
Average DOWN cause we should cut our losses!

Learn resistance & support. Good place to buy are

at near support and to sell b4 resistance. If support
falls SELL if resistance breaks BUY
But based on rulez, you should buy on the
UPTREND only. So buy when stocks prices are
moving higher and not when it dips. That's what i do!
SECRET: They say buy low sell high Thats WRONG
& BS! Fish says "buy high & sell HIGHER!"
Chasing what u think 2b the low is how u get
When I started trading I listened to BS trading advice
of CNBC. It's WRONG! DO NOT average down!
That's how u go BROKE! Cut losses instead!
Amazing how successful trading is counter intuitive: we want to buy things on sale
which is WRONG for trading.Stocks r on sale for a reason!
TheFish makes it really simple by trading strong stocks. Sure it's high BUT stick to rulez
like 3 day rule, cut losses & you be ok.

Always remember the best part of the trade is the

MEAT! Sure we may buy higher & sell b4 the top,
BUT we won't stress & guess. EAT the MEAT!

When I say MEAT it's middle of the stock trend move. Many TRY to TIME the top & end
up getting STUCK cause they greedy!Fish sells ON WAY UP!

Remember, learning doesn't

stop when the market closes.
As students study the hot
plays for the past week and
see how the ruleZ would
At the end of the day, months, years, decades it comes down to pattern recognition and
trading as a reflex!
Crazy how it all comes together
Last thought of day: the Fish has lots of students who are always there to help one
another learn concepts & apply them to real live stocks.
How to trade pending events? "Buy on rumor, sell on news" is the best way to trade.
Buy then sell on the ramp (for anticipated good news)
Holding thru earnings is risky for daytrader (non long term investor) as it's gambling.
Best to wait 4news 2come out & trade the volatility
In the words of @modern_rock "its better to miss the move than try and anticipate the
move and get smoked. You only have to get rich once!"

When more than one rulez are valid you have to really consider what to do. Example
today is $MINE 3 day rule AND buy on rumor sell on news

The 3 day rule is a guide and not a fact. HOWEVER

every day past 3 days the bigger the dip/tank will be.
So beware and always lock in gains
A lot of 3 day rule FISH patterns are in effect today. See how the rulez apply to stocks.
Go and hunt the stock chart patterns and learn!
Trading is like fishing. Not all catches will be whoopers. You never know what is biting
on the other end until you pull up the catch.
So what I do is to cast out small baits and see what catches. Many minnows have
grown into whales by the time i reel in the catch!
Trading is like poker, you have to learn & know how to bet. When to bet, when to raise,
and when to fold. Avoid bad beats fby ollowing RULEZ
Problem many have is NOT FOLDING (cutting losses).Then they hold pray for a 1
outter miracle on the river. Then end up folding at the bottom
"I used to be the SMARTEST trader but I always lost cause everyone else was too
stupid. I started making $$ when I realized I wasn't." -MR
Buy at support, sell at resistance. Best advice you can get is free thanks to
@MRockTrades & @mrockrulez
How to trade Pumps? Just like any other stock by following THE Trading Fish rulez
@mrockrulez #MRockRulez work across any type of play
What does the FISH say about trading gaps? Just remember it's ok to buy high as long
as you SELL HIGHER and CUT YOUR LOSSES when wrong!
Many people try to differentiate a "type" of play. They think they're smarter than others.
BS treat them all the same: STICK to the RULEz!
Problem with trying to label a "type" of trade is your mind is already biased and set.
What if you're wrong & most likely you will be wrong!

How many people go broke get hooked and break all rulez cause last play was a huge
success. NOTE: That's how crack drug dealers operate too!
Trading can b super complex IF u allow it 2be. I try to KISS KeepItSimpleStupid. Lock in
gains. Control greed & ego 2 major causes of losses
Greed kills a ton of people cause they get pissed cause stock keeps going after they
sell. So on the next play they hold and stock tanks.
Ego kills the rest cause they don't want to sell for a loss because they know something
no one else does & others are dumb to sell so low
Summer OTC promotions are VERY tough as there are not many plays. So ALL EYES
will be on the play including SHORTS! Be on alert.
$VHUB today great example of how you should sell on the way up and not average
down cause some stocks just do not bounce!

@modern_rock is explicitly detailing the trades & mindset of how he trades day 1 of a
big promo for The Fish Academy so we can learn today
PRO TIP: i have 10 Level2 on $PGFY already set and already keyed in and ready to
trade. Always be prepared & a few steps ahead of everyone
Risk management is HUGE aspect of trading. Notice sizes I hold o/n. I'm riding house $
$ and NEVER go all in. You only need to get rich once!
Guys, trading is not about being "right", it's about making MONEY. Im wrong on trades
all day long but i cut losses QUICK & dont fight trend
Study $HEMP u see closing price is .0525 See how they try to accumulate below that.
Then HUGE SPIKE up into green: red/green indicator play

Rock @modern_rock is giving us a lesson on the $HEMP bounce now and how the
spike happened and reasons
Notice the previous days on $HEMP how they press lower highs and lower highs but
still red. And today is day 3 & it bounced, imagine that ;)

Some ask why $HEMP bounce now? One reason also is longer term chart you see it
was @ .05 before the huge move

So many over analyze trades. Learn the KISS Keep It Simple principles at @mrockrulez
I use only BASIC charting when I trade & my eyeballs
Unless you're into voodoo, magic, numerology, coin flipping, paper trading ... You NEED
to learn the basic concepts of charting! #MRockRulez

i was hearing yesterday people saying $HEMP *always*

gaps, etc etc. When everyone is in waiting for the same
results usually it doesnt work
"Crowded" plays usually result in neg. results as everyone holds waiting for same
action. Looks like MM used that to ram $HEMP eod to sell
Of course this is all *HINDSITE* easy to say NOW! Unless ur an after-the-fact-FURU, I
preach ALWAYS trade by rulez: lock in gains on way up
$HEMP is a prime example of how greed plays a huge factor in breaking discipline and
KNOWING you should be locking in gains, but but but
HOWEVER, this is why we trade REAL stocks with REAL volume, not BS vol on thin
plays. If shit hits the fan, u can get out w/o losing it all
When i say real, i mean a natural play with VOLUME and LIQUIDITY and not some thin
stock where 1 person/1 small group pumps it to Scalp YOU
Once gain, it all goes back to risk management. That's why u MUST ALWAYS lock in
some gains on way up So it can provide cushion for downside
Getting comfy with trading does not come overnight. It requires practice and realizing all
rules work TOGETHER not just singular by itself
Stocks that keep going&going up w/o dips is scary to me. I like to see profit taking on
way up so no landslide of panic selling at same time
It's SO EASY to be Monday Morning QB FURU & explain stuff AFTER THE FACT. Only
thing i'm SURE OF is lock in gains on way up to cushion fall!

This reminds me of many of the pumps investors brain wash themselves into believing
to be "investments"

For OTC penny stock trading newbies this is a great writeup on LOI Letter Of Intent
buyout scams. eg imo $FRTD


Let me explain how retail shorting of low penny stocks works to clear up ridiculous
misinformation by pumpers

You can short OTC via $IBKR BUT requires $2.50/share maintenance meaning to short
100k need $250k in CASH! So $250k to short SMALL $2k $FRTD

FRTD - been a while since I've seen a good fake buyout scam. They used to be
pretty common about 2 - 3 years ago. The most famous of which during that time
were probably SAEI (which got suspended by the SEC largely because of the
fake buyout offer), SRGE (which got suspended by the SEC largely because of
the fake buyout offer), and SPPH (which got suspended by the SEC largely
because of the fake buyout offer).
This one is obviously a scam. It has all the red flags of a scam buyout offer.
Red Flag #1) They do not name the company making the offer. This is the most
obvious sign that the buyout offer is fake. Nothing but a fabrication by Thomas J.
Parilla to manipulate the market activity and the share price.
Red Flag #2) Unrealistic price. Why would a company pay $.12/share to buy
majority control of a company that was only trading at around $.01/share at the
open? Super easy answer here - They wouldn't.
Red Flag #3) FTRD has nothing to offer. Last reported they had $1,000 cash and
no revenues. They have no real business operations. They do not even have an
active website.
Red Flag #4) FTRD's scammy recent history - a fake entry into the marijuana
industry, lots of pumps/promotions, pump&dump chart, and some obvious

FRTD has already done a fake share buyback (again they have no cash to buy
shares off the open market), started fake new pot related business operations,
and has been leading on investors about becoming a fully reporting company.
Don't even get me started on the AFFW stuff.

Hopefully people that are trading FRTD understand what is really going on and
aren't falling for this fake buyout offer. They better be smart about trading the
price action and treating it as a flip play and nothing more. FRTD now has to be
considered a suspension risk and people will have to be prepared for the future
press release about the buyout offer being terminated.
In the past when scammy tickers did fake buyout offers they would often have
some delays to try to stretch out the hype and keep gullible investors chasing the
carrot as long as possible.
We'll probably see a "delayed" press release for FTRD when May 30th comes
and possibly even a new "delayed" press release after that before we get the LOI
is terminated press release. Assuming of course that FRTD hasn't been
suspended by the SEC by then which is now a very strong possibility since the
SEC is paying close attention to the marijuana tickers as mentioned in Friday's
SEC press release.
Rules of the OTC Fight Club:
1) you don't invest in OTC
2) you don't invest in OTC
3) fight is over when investor goes limp and is broke
$400/day is $100k/year? Be patient and pick a few good trades cause It's easy to make
$100/trade, MUCH harder to make $1k/trade! #MRockRulez
Free Lesson: Look at chart history and see patterns: eg $LQMT each day they run up
then sell sell all day long down

The power of the Fish 3 day rule applies to long side as well as shorting. You can trade
both sides: long day 1, reduce days 2-3, then short

Trading is all about pattern recognition & how to react to it w/high probability of success.
So WAIT for your preferred setups! #MRockRulez

Swings are good, but i have Rulez that supersede all:

1) NEVER fight trend
2) cut losses quick
3) always take gains along the way/partials

Are you losing cause:

-You chase and buy tops
-You hold too long dont sell
-Don't cut losses?
-Buy illiquid stocks?
-U avg down & lose

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