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To asses stress, we employed the same tool as used in the

INTERHEART study.[20] Briefly, stress was defined as

feeling irritable, filled with anxiety, or as having sleeping
difficulties as a result of conditions at work (question 1) or at
home (question 2). We asked participants to report how often
they had felt stress, using the following response options: 1)
never; 2) some periods; 3) several periods; or 4) permanent
stress. An answer of 3) or 4) to either question was taken as
evidence of stress.
Rosengren A, Hawken S, Ounpuu S, Sliwa K, Zubaid M,
Almahmeed WA, et al. Association of psychosocial risk
factors with risk of acute myocardial infarction in 11119
cases and 13648 controls from 52 countries (the
INTERHEART study): Case-control study. Lancet.
In these days of 70 hour work weeks, pagers, fax machines, and
endless committee meetings, stress has become a prevalent part of
people's lives; therefore the effect of stress on blood pressure is of
increasing relevance and importance. Although stress may not
directly cause hypertension, it can lead to repeated blood pressure
elevations, which eventually may lead to hypertension.
WMJ. 1998 Dec;97(11):34-8.

Stress and hypertension.

Kulkarni S1, O'Farrell I, Erasi M, Kochar MS.

there is an association of autonomy and work-environment

with hypertension.
Babu, G. R., Mahapatra, T., & Detels, R. (2013). Job stress and
hypertension in younger software professionals in India. Indian
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 17(3), 101
107. doi:10.4103/0019-5278.130848
A significant number of health workers in this study is afflicted by
work-related stress and perceived work stress was found to be
significantly associated with higher hypertension prevalence.

Owolabi, A., Owolabi, M., OlaOlorun, A., & Olofin, A. (2012).

Work-related stress perception and hypertension amongst
health workers of a mission hospital in Oyo State, south-

western Nigeria. African Journal Of Primary Health Care &

Family Medicine, 4(1), 7 pages.
buat diskusi
Terdapat beberapa penelitian yang telah meneliti hubungan yang Pilates
dengan tekanan darah. Jago et al., (2006) tidak menemukan efek 4 minggu
Pilates yang signifikan terhadap tekanan sistolik dan diastolik pada
perempuan muda. Ali et al., (2010) tidak menemukan perubahan tekanan
sistolik dan diastolik yang signifikan pada penelitiannya tentang hubungan
Pilates dengan tekanan darah pada wanita obesitas. Guimares et al. (2012)
menemukan penurunan signifikan tekanan diastolik pada saat istirahat pada
pasien gagal jantung setelah melakukan Pilates 16 minggu. Marinda et al.
(2013) menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat penurunan yang signifikan pada
tekanan sistolik wanita usia 60 tahun. Penelitian Arslanoglu dan Senel (2013)
pada wanita sedentari usia pertengahan menunjukkan efek positif pada
tekanan sistolik setelah melakukan 8 minggu Pilates. Martins-Meneses et al.
(2015) pada wanita hipertensi yang mengonsumsi obat antihipertensi
menunjukkan perubahan yang signifikan pada tekanan darah sistolik dan

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