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The reason no nation or army or person has ever defeated the Law and

Word of God is because, it is the Conscious of Mankind. To do away with it is

to cut off his own root to life itself. Man wants life but not the laws his
conscious demands of him, it is a paradox. Man knows to utterly destroy the
Bible is to destroy himself, even Satan knows that even He has access to
this life, via mankind and their conscious. I remember seeing a movie as a
kid where God was going to destroy the world and in the end it was Satan
who did what was needed to save it, because He said, without humanity he
has no more life or purpose. So we know the Bible is but the spiritual
reflection of the human conscience. Man cannot defeat himself, thus he
cannot defeat his conscience, it will always justify man or it will condemn
man. To end his conscience is to end himself, and to end life for himself.
People who tend to stay away from God, and religion and the Bible, are
simply running from their own selves, their own conscience, because they
know certain things they do is not right.
To speak of God instantly means the conscience is brought up before them
and they have to face that great judge in them. That's the part of God in
every living human being. So God and the Bible and His Christ will continue
to evolve and grow and expand and change in its form and deal with
mankind day after day. Those who deny it throughout their life will
ultimately face it on their death bed and it will stare them right in the face,
granting them passage to everlasting life, or eternal damnation. According
to their faith, according to their conscience so shall they be. The conscience
requires for a person to be free, there must be one who exceeds the human
efforts of good and bad, that has a greater authority to forgive and pay the
debt every human conscience owes, and the only human that had that
power and authority and took the penalty for evil and the human conscience
was Jesus Christ. He is the absolute only way out of the Law of Sin and
Death that dwells in the soul or the conscience of man.

There is a law in our members that reveals to us what is good and what is
evil, the human conscience is the Law of sin and death. All that man does is
judged by that conscience, accusing or else excusing himself. That's for this
life. He must rend the veil of that conscience and die to it by accepting the
greater good, the better sacrifice to inherit in its place the Law of Spirit and
Life, the Righteousness that comes from God, that exceeds all human
righteousness. Man is either under the law of his own conscience the Tree of

Knowledge of Good and Evil or He had died to that first birth and has
obtained a better sacrifice, even the Lamb of God that was sent to be slain
for the ones who would long to be free eternally. This is not about religion or
a church or some philosophy, this is about the core of who and what you
are. This deals with the root of you, the person you are and will be.
That's your "State of Being", no matter your money, your title, your name,
your popularity, you are only what your state of being expresses you to be.
You are either still under the Law and are equal to all mankind that remains
under the same law, or you have been born again and now you are in the
Spirit equal to the Saints of God and higher than the Angels. No one is
higher or better than another. We are all one, in our state of being. We all
face the same choices and decisions in life. We are either unregenerated
flesh destined for eternal condemnation, or we have obtained Great Grace
and had the blood of the sacrifice on our doorpost and we are free from the
Law and are found in Christ. This is every person, regardless of race,
gender, religion, nationality, color or creed. Every man has a conscience and
every man knows within himself He needs to be free, to find true peace and
real life. Freedom is only found in any man that has been born again. That
man is free in deed! All others are still in bondage to the beggarly elements
of this meager life, going through the motions that they have life when they
are simply following a grand illusion of their own minds, they go till the dart
strikes through their heart and they sear that conscience and shipwreck
their faith sealing their own doom. Christ is the only way to escape self, to
escape sin, to escape condemnation and to find real true eternal everlasting
life, peace, hope, faith and truth.
Patrick Henry Nichols I
Sept. 7. 2015
Hilton Head Island

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