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Wa DEPTS Knowledge is the Only Reality Written by: Darren McKeeman and Harry Heckel Credits: Written by: Darren McKeemanand Harry Heckel Additional Material: Travis Williams, Phil Brucato and the Cult of the Dead Cow Developed by: Phil Brucato Edited by: Art Director: Richard Thomas Laura Letbetter Layout and Typesetting: Aileen E. Miles Art: Quinton Hoover, Scott Johnson, Joshua briel Timbrook, Jeff Wright Front Cover Art: Michael W. Kaluta Front and Back Cover Design: Aileen E. Miles R.LP.-I mean, Welcome! Horrorhasa name, and hername is Jennifer... yes, Jennifer Heartshorn, late of the blood-stained Shakespearean boards and gory battlefields of the live- action scene, has signed away her soul... 1 mean, joined the crew as the line developer for Wraith: The Oblivion. Let’sall give hera hand — just the rightone. Save the left hand for Kim Shropshire, who joins manic Mike Krause in the bloodpit of our sales depart- ment. With the coming of the Month of Fools, we at White Wolfare pleased to welcome these two intrepid souls into the fold of the Great White WolF. Long may they howl! 2 ‘Virtual Adepts Special Thanks to: Rich “Pumpkin King” Thomas, for his favor- ite CD soundtrack Aileen “Speed Demon” Miles, for her fast, Fury-us work, Welcome to the crew! Michelle “Oh, Bullerap” Prabler, for being pure as the freshly driven... Chris “Proctologist” McDonough, for his explosive wit Steve “Captain” Wieck, for pointing out a port in the storm. Josh “Gothic Splash” Timbrook, for watering the artistic desert with the ink of inspiration, Ben “Wow!” Monk, for buying the $6,000,000 hoax up to the bitter end. Larry “Lord of Lead” Schnelli, for playing Santa with the little people. CRP 4598 STONEGATE IND. BLYD. ae WTN., GA 30083 GANE STUDIO © 1994 by White Wolf, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the pur pose of reviews. Virtual Adepts and Mage the Ascension are trademarks of White Wolf, Inc. All characters, names, places and text herein are copy- righted by White Wolf, Ine The mention of or reference to any com: pany or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. Because of the mature themes involved, reader discretion is advised, Printed in Canada. VAIRTUAL AADEPTS Contents Prelude: Information Glut 4 Introduction: FYICYA 6 Chapter LO: Delusions of Grandeur 12 Chapter 2.0: Society of Loners 22 Chapter 3.0: "Does Not Work Well with Others” 34 Chapter 4.0: Initiates 46 Appendix LO 60 Appendix 2.0 64 Contents 3 Prelude: Information Glut By DarrenMcKeeman Flesh. Bone, Meat. Everything my body is, 1 hate I wake in the morning (or afternoon) and Thate that I can’e see well enough to hare my’ reflection. No matter how’ much I look at 9S everything, there just oesn'tseemtobeenough togoaroand. Of course right now i different Right now, I see a symbol of my hatred lying prone onthe table before me, screaming for mercy. 2 ‘Things are different witha computer. You can flood your senses with as much information as you can take: Many of us inthe Adeptsdo this co get the most out of ur brains. Ido it taget the most into it The story behind this isneprety. Back when we were in the Technocracy, we shared the Inforsiation Glut with Iteration. X: We weren't surprised ‘when itshowed upasone of themostviletorturesconceivable What could we do? The information would have leaked out somehious. Nobody can keep secretsfor long. Information isa living fotce that most people can’t fully comprehend. Ie wants tobe fre. Ir wants to be known, Tunderwent the torture when we defected, I stayed Behind to make sure the lst bit of data was downloaded and copied from the Technocracy databanks, and was one of the unlucky ones who got caught. Qur own rote was used against lust try and reprogram us into perfect citizens. The perfect citizen lying on the surgical table before me isamemberofthe Technocracy, what’spopulatly refered to as a Technomancer. He has information that Lwant, He has information I-yil gr. 4 -Wirtual Adepes The rote we perfected works directly on the brain of the subject. Essentially it re-runes your brain, making it more sensitive to stimulation. Allthe senses are heightened. Whee the Technocracy was through with me; my clothes felt like ~ razor wire and fiberglass soaked in aleohol. The food [are for ‘breakfast tasted like sulfurandacid, leonscantly felt asiflwere staring into fusion reactor, and I could smell the disgusting stench of my captors under the Cheap perfumes they used to ‘mask theirbody odor. My constant retchingeltas though my. body was turning itself inside out. Theydid this to ne fora ful year. [neatly died, They should have killed me. They let me go after thar hellish year, placing tne in an insane asylum. They could get no morepleasurefrom torturing the; [had grown: insensitive to theft rormure. A former col- Teague of mine fiddled with the hospital records, and got me ‘out. Adeptsnever abandon each other. spent nine months trying fo recover from the torture, as I slosly discovered the repulsion I had for my body The repulsion Lhave for my body isnothingcompared to my repulsion forthe piece of meat onthe table in ftoncof me. ‘He will kriow nothing of my pain. That’sone rhingtwillnot share with them. He's asking meallthe usta questions now: Like why I'mdoing this. What did he ever do to me. Who am JLywon’e tell hit the answers. His ignorance will sweeten his torment. Neatly a year of constant torture has warped me into a vestige of what I once was. The human brain isa strange and funny organ. Ie can compensate and adjust for anything. ‘When you're ababy, you can't sce things nonmallyeverything is upside dwn, because you're right out of the box. As you stow ollerafew days or months late, your brain “tricks itself into thinking everything is right side up. The same thing tesically happened to me. My brain “tricked” itself into thinkingthatextremeinput wasthe only inpucthere was. This was the way thingsare normally. [can'tfeel anythingnow.My nerves are deadened, and Lean only feel extremes. I spent my ‘whole frst night alone slicing my arms and torso with razor blades. was back on-line to the world, and I wanted desper- ately to feel something, anything, When I realized that the Jplades were 100 sharp tobe painful, [found some rusty knives By the time the other Adepts got back to our hideyhole, Iwas nearly dead. The slab of meat on the table isn't dead. He's not going to be dead fora long time. Adeprsstick together, that’sone good thing. They helped ame. New devices were invented so that] couldexperience the real world normally. Ive in che Net most of the ime; there youcantum up the volume, turn up the light,and turn up the sensation without anyone else noticing. When I have to get around in the teal world, Thave a special rig Lave to wear. ‘My sunglasses amplify ight so that I can see. I'm nearly blindbecause there fsnot enough light in the world tofeed my ~ huingry eyes. Hearing aids crank one hundred-cizhty decibels ingo mysharceredauditory nerves. Istillcan’cfeelorsmell. Did youknow that theskin isthe largest organ in the human boxy? T constantly bum myself on stoves. IF bad another year, | could turn myself back to normal Takobe crazy. 'vedone research on sensory deprivation and Idon’ethink I'd be able to handle the strain of going a year or so without feeling anything. Not after that year of hellish torture. So Llive in VR. know exactly who did this to-me. I know everything about them. F memorized every detail of their face, and every detail oftheir bodies, I've been following them in the Net ‘They could have the most sophisticated plastic surgery the Technocracy could dream up, and I'd still find them. Lknow theirsmell. This one on the table before me has that sel all ‘over him, Information Glurcan be good thing, in the righthands. Accelerated leamingand heightened senses.can help you out alot: Whenic allsintothe wronghands,itcan bedevastating, Iwill never beable to understand why the Technocracy wants todo that to every person. They are doing it to you, and you don’t even know it. IPs subtle, but there just the same. They flood your brain with images and information that they want you to believe. You are under attack from every angle — television, teachers, advertisements, you name it. My experi- ence taught me this. thank Kibo sometimesfor what they did to me, because now I am immune to their most powerful ‘weapons, T have afew Sons of Ether frienals working on the rest of my rig, The parts are coming in bits, starting with the most important senses: The time will come sehen my polycarbon exoskeleton is finished, and I will see, hear, fel, smell, and taste the whole world fully. Then I'll be ready. He tells me everything [need to know. Where my next victim is, What his name is now. I've picked his brain clean. Tive even discovered a few new parts of the Technocracy’s Time Table. They had to revise it horribly when we lef. ‘Though I really don't care about that nov, I remember it in ‘case it becomes useful later. Iehink thar theonly thing worse than what theydlid tome would besensorydeprivation. As! laydowntosleep, Ifindthat can’t rest without my hearing aids. If tke them out, my tind becomes totally aware that there is no sound, nothing reaching me, I start to panic, and I can’t move. Can you imagine what its like not fal anything? Thisis what | will, ddo with those bastards. A few years of floating ina tank isn't ‘good enough. | want to rewire their brain. “The meat on the table in front of me can't hear himself, can’t feel his voeal cords rearing from the strain of creaming. He can't see anything. He can’t feel. Fe thinks he's dead. | know. [ decide to jack into his auditory nerve, giving him a final message before [rum the lights out = Pmdoingthisto youl sy.Imgoingtodo to your bosses when I carch them. Your people tortured me, and now I'm payingback in full. 've been followingthem,in the Net. Most ‘of my caprors went on to biguer things. | like thar, because they've got more to lose now. All of them are augmented in some way. ean see the information inthe chipsin theirbrains inthe Net. Through the Ner, I can access these chips. The chips give me accessto their brains. After a litle re-program: ming, [burn out the chip and the surrounding brain cells. ‘They'll live. They just won't be able to feel anything. Tcutthelink. Should { cuthisthroat?No. llsithearand Iistentohimn Hissereamisabeantifalsound,fulloftimbre and melody. There is no sound quite assatisfyingas the screaming ‘ofa Technomancer. I move quickly, rigging the IVs so that ‘can take care of him for a very long time. I wateh his brain ‘waves on my EEG display. He's probably going to die within afew monthsanyway. The daily shock and inability sleep will kill him. Uneil then, Pt have my own orchestra right here in this room, until he goes hoarse. I pour some water down his throat, just so he won't strip his vocal cords too soon Ie’s easy to think too much about these things when you can't feel anything. They killed my nerves. They should have killed all of me. Prelude 5 Introduction FYI CYA T's good to know that we can create our own memorable event swithowe waiting for freakish weather to break the mo- otony of tif = Sasquatch, Today's Delightful Surprise (an alterna tive press magazine) Subject: Frequently Asked Questions & Answers (FAQ) Message-ID: ‘Summary: -| This posting lists frequently asked questions anil answers about Virtual Adepts. It should be read by anyone who isnew to the Virtual ‘Adepts Sender: dante@erystal net (Crystalnet News) Organization: Virtual Adepts Chantry Network Date: Fr, 19 Nov 1993 11:00:14 GMT F Approved: answers-request@crystal-ner Archive-name: virwal_adepts/fin Lase- Modified: 1993)9/18 Version: 1.4 VIRTUAL ADEPTS FREQUENTLY ASKEDQUES- TIONS AND ANSWERS Version 1.4- 18 September, 1993 Right! This FAQ getssent out toevery Adept when it’s updated, but the people who need ir the most are the newbies. So if you're seeing this again, don't be alarmed. ‘You haven't been downgraded to laser status. Yer Forthoseof you whodon'tknow me, im Dante. T’smy dubious honor co write this little intro to the Virtual ‘Adept. We do this for the same reason end-users generate FAQs on their networks — so you won’t look stupid for aaskinga question youshouldknow. Anynew.questionsthat any Adepe thinks oughta be on here should be sent to He's keeping track of the ques- tions for me. We update this thing about once a year orso. ‘Onto the questions... gz Who and what are the Virtual Adepis? a: Well, thete’s no easy answer to that one. Loosely, roup of mages who have discovered the true nature of reality. Then again, just about any group of mages will tell-youthat. Introduction 1 ‘We're a group of mages who have specific ideas concem- ing reality. Through these ideas, we can mold reality to our every whim, Our model for reality is the world we ean create ‘with computers and electronics. We ean apply this type of analogy to the real world, effecting changes hat most people deem impossible Norall Virtual Adeptsuse computers, Some use pocket calculatorsei've even heard-of some-wiro mocieb-realieyon the programming of VCRs, (that is weird.) I's all the same idea, though. Information is reality’ lifeblood. This mes- sage you're reading now is aifecting reality in its own way. Read that last sentence abour.a thousand times and you'll get the idea. Change the information, and you change reality. That's the whole concept in a nutshell. Sounds simple, huh? Nothing's ever chat simple. ‘The Virtual Adepts ate the baddest daraned ching t0 happen to this ball of dir-since lightning up and created amino acids. We've got the know-how, we've got the resourees, and we've got the ELITENESS to bring every single mage out there 1o Ascension. Hell, we're going todo that for every SLEEPER too. .'dlike tasee one ofthe other groups of mages out there claim they ean do thae! They can't, because they aren’t as bad or ELITE as we are. They don’t know who they're messing with. We're simply the ELITE, Nobody else can touch us, see? Watch them try to hack oursystemsand get carved up by waterknives: Weare t00 ELITE to screw with. ‘Nuff said 8 Virtual Adepts ‘q: Who are the Tradit a Alright, that’s most new Adepts’ second most asked question. I'm going to try and oversimplify it: the Trade tions are the Good Guys, ‘That's not good enough for you? Great, Ler’s put it another way then. The Traditions are nine different bands of mages that Ihave formed an uneasy alliance with each other for the purpose of resisting the destructive influence of the Tech- noctacy. We joined the Traditions in the early 1960s, after wwe defected from the Black Hats and Mirrorshades, The “Traditionsaten’tback even we cantt-saveeveryone without their help. Of couse, these guys ean’e save the world by themselves, either. They're not bright enough. That'swhere we come in, We'll show them the way; they'll execute the program. Then they'll hank us for being so good. : What is the Technocracy? a: Here's the short form again: these are the Bad Guys. OK, that's sorta cheating, We know more about the Technocracy than any other member of the Traditions. We edt to be members of the Technocracy. For this reason, very few other people in the Traditions trust us. To thern, we still think like Technomancers. ‘Well, the Technocracy is made up of about five or six “Conventions” that have about the same purpose as the Traditions. When we left, there were five Conventions — we're not sure how many there are now. We're pretty sure thatall the old Conventions are still there: the Syndicate, the New World Onder, the Void Engineers, Iteration X and, the Progenitors. You'll probably run into representatives of all these Conventions at one time or another, and they're all going to try their damnedest to Kill you The Technoe- F racy hares Vircusl Jepts beyond any other Traditions, because v only Tradition that actually has hure them. We are still hurting them more than any other Fradition.-They'te just losers: Sore 100rers,in-the words af some of our younger members. 4: What does the Technocracy want? Who are they? IK. Here are some things the Technos want: they “want to-enslave humanity. Actually, they wanna make D everything “perfect” and “utopian.” hing. They also want cocestroy the Traditions. Especially us Who ate they? Next time you meet a government official, next time you vant, next time you ‘pmieeear coke and hart scientist; you'll know. You just have ‘to meet them to know. But the best definition is that the Technocracy is “them.” Anytime you can't find an ad- ‘equate word to describe it, use “them” or “they”. Like the — Church of the Subgenius says, “Find out who they are.” Who actually likes me for being an Adept? lah Next question a: What's the point in being an Adept if everyone acivil a rey a? ail! a: r’snotlikeyouchosetobean Adept. Wechose you.) ‘We knew you could handle it, because you've been dealing | with itall your life. You never quite fit in when youwerea | kid, Other kids bullied you, and you retaliated by finding _)3 ‘at more than they ditabouthow the worldworked: Don't lookat ie like these other people hate you —look at it hike they're jealousof you: They've got lors of reason to be, man. a: What is Ascension? g a Aight: This reat easy one eam go or about) this one all day too. Ascension is ELITENESS. Ofcourse, we want everyone to belie. We even want Sleepers to he elite. We want losers and lame phucksto be ‘lite We've gonna dit, too. How? Pm glad you asked This old reality is thrashing itself down, It’s about ta collapse. When it does, we're gonna be read. It's gonnabe ‘Armageddon for sure then, and we're gonna lead the promisedelite to Ascension. Only snot gonna be just one ‘undree! foreytour thousand; dust: We're gonna get body, and we're gonna herd them into a new reality virtual reality. This will be our improved version, like version 2.0 of reality, you know? We'te exploring it right 1 pS itready, we're gonna starewith the exodus. Thereare some whosay thar the end willeomeon july 5th, 1998, That’snot faroffthemark, lermetell you. We'recoming up on the end times real quick now. You just gotta help. When we'te chroughrand everybody'stiding nigh mn Reality V:2:0;you'll Wea eee) be sitting there drinking a Singapore Sling with a lide umbrella init, being fanned by harem girl. Why’ Because you're one of the sooper ELITE. 4g: How do I contact you guys ton'teall us, We'lleall you ctually, if you're new, ‘you've got someone watching you all-the time. This is 0 you won't get into too much trouble, After you've gotten, beyond the stage of needing guidance, you'll be instructed omhowts contaccus 4g: What am I supposed to believe here? a: Believe what you want, It doesn’t matter tous, The: only point is chat you are reading this right now. The known and that’s what the universe is all about. What you believe about this document may well prove to be false later on. If this had been written in the fifties, it would be false now. You do not have to worry about such things. The informa cow isall that matters: Ie’salive, and it’s mutating inside your head. Pretty soon, it'll bust out like some kind of virus and you'll have to tell someone about it. Just watch it and. make sure it’s nota Technocracy agent or a Sleepet. Everything that you-are-reading in this FAQ, at chis time, is true. Its guaranteed to be true up to.a year or two. from now. Something major might happen and we may. have to revise some of these paints: But I doube it What is the Net? Sorry, Tha’s anocher FAQ. T would say that isthe best hope for Ascension around toxlay for mages of any Tradition, but that'd be bragging, ‘The Net is the best hope for Ascension around today for mages of any Tradition.) 4: Why is the headquarters in Omaha? Isn’t that where the Wild Kingdom dude used tolive before he dic? a: We get so much mail about this one. I'm gonna explain itto you reat slow: Iestarted out here. We used to be part of the Technoc- racy. We were partofthe government. Wehadtohave alot of throughput for our data, and most of the military and civilian phone lines met in Omaha. Center of the country and all that. Well, the Technocraey never found out that ‘our Chantry existed virtually, otherwise they wouldve freaked. We haven’t had the opportunity to move it yet Don’t think we don't want to. Let me shoot some of the logisues ae your ‘We've got a huge amount of data in the Chantry. You can find almost anything there. We happen to have about amillion terabytes in one storage space alone. That's one of five hundred storage spaces. Now here is your first lesson in being a Virtual Adept. Itdoesn’t matter where the damn thing is! You can get toit from any wall outlet! What do you want? You want me to tell you it's in Silicon Valley? OK: Ie’ in Silicon Valley! ‘There! Tes the saine thing! Reality isbeingdictaredby what [tell yout Jack in over at Silicon Valley and see what I mean, you moron! Hopefully, you'll realize that it doesn’t matter where the headquarters is. It has no physical location. It doesn’t matter, 4g: What's with your attitude? Attitude is everything with being a Vireual Adept Remember that, sind you'll go far. Question authority and everything else you can think of, You are the ultimate authority, because youare processing the information we're throwing-ar you. If yourdon’r like my attitude; or-can'r match it, you shouldn't be @ Virtual Adept. 4g: Where are the parties? a: Get in touch with some of the fringe groups. They throw the hest parties; about twice » yenr- IF you're in for | something a bit more mellow, there's a monthly Tribunal _ where you can brag about hacking the local MeDonald’s | computer and look real lame. That's happening every | month at the HQ. Better yet, just wait for someone to ‘mention one; Be too coo! to bring 1eup to someone else: ‘Well, that’s the end of the questions. I've tried to answer them as best can. You may find my style of writing alittle bit more confusing than I do. If this is the case, sit clown innachairand recite the first word thatpopsinto your head until it becomes a meaningless sound. Then you can read this again. end FAQ file na { \ (og oo NN 4 Chapter LO: Delusions of Grandeur Sarcastic, mod. — Syn. scornful, mocking, ironical, sa- taunting, severe, de hostile arrogant, cynical, corrosive, contemptuous, biting, harsh, grim Sardonic, mad. — see sarcastic Webster's New World Thesaurus If] were amember of one ofthe other Traditions, wouldn't erst the ‘deprs ether. Our beliefs are alien t0 all those who wallow in the mire of tion, We are subverting whole generation of Sle system; who wouldn’t be wary of that kind of power? conservatism and ea to our ways and Electric Death, Virtual Adept master April 15, 1990 Memo on Virtual Adepts by Lars Mjolnir, Order of Hermes Until recently, the Virtual Adepts have not proven themselves to be trustworthy allies. Many among our Tra dlcions still regard them askance. The following papers In this digital age of computers and technology, the Virtual Adepts have sought to understand reality in terms that can be interpreted easily by machines. To this end, they have formulated the theory that all of reality is made Lup of information, and thar magick results when one manipulates that information. They use the virtual reality Net to prove their point, to demonstrate that consensual reality isnot important, that only the information received by a person’s senses is important. Some Masters may recall the fuss some years ago when the Virtual Adepts presented their “10th Sphere of Paradigm” argument to the Council go. The particulars of this proposal (docu: mented in the Council minutes, volume MXVI, pages 114-128) detail the Adepts’ concept of information as an essential component of reality. The Council rejected this idea, but we are certain to hear more about it Ihave g: Tradition until the present. I believe these documents tell ‘he story much better than anything [could write. As faras hered correspondences from the roots ofthis, Ian tel, these lerters and memos are genuine. The source of each, when available, is listed above the entry. This capsule history, Ibelieve,showsthar the Adeptsare experts at manipulation and are not to be trusted. January 15, 1850 From: The Honorable Sir Anthony Wainwright RE: The Difference Engineers ‘have completed my observations of the Difference Engineers, as per your request. This odd little Clique has virtwally tno importance at the moment, save that they appear to be an offshoot of the Sons of Ether. Charles Babbage’s mechanical computational machine fell short of practical applications, but these ingenious tinkerers have improved on the design and. given it a steam-based powerplant. In their hands, itis now a capable calculator. Their mastery over certain natural forces approaches what we would earefully call “magick.” Their analogies to telegraph transmissions have given them an insight into the Correspondence effect that rivals that of the Seekers of the Void. They also seem to be of the opinion that a major technology is about to be unleashed upon the world that will be in ‘every home, and greatly enhance our control capabilities, More about this later. They also claim to have discovered a new sphere of influence. | scoffed at the idea, but | also listened to my subject. We said that the Difference Engineers have discovered the basis of the “Information Sphere.” They iad happened upoi it white exploring the possibility of using the Difference Engine as a means of information storage andretrieval, After listening carefully, 1 am of the opinion that my interviewee was out of his mind. This seems to be a common trait. One final note: The Difference Engineers have told me that they are 98% certain that a new technology will emerge within thirty years that willbe installed in every home, This description sounds like some offshoot of the telegraph. If is tre, thew we cannot afford to miss such an opportunity. Vadvise our honorable Guild partners to start work immediately on 4 way to promote this new technology. We mast also make eertain that people do not understand how it works. With one of these “telephonograph devices in every home, there is a goed ehance that we may be able to monitor every word Spoken in every household. We can stamp out subversion at its root, thus bringing ourselves further along our time table. Ee eo i ee RE: Report on Science Fiction Literature e that the Virtual Adepts are ne allo. Vs mhhinganll th slot in "science fiction,” am Through the use of the talopbe' consi H.G. Wells on auphini and many society inl warnings have be taug lesson for the ieve that the 1 Adepts are nsofarpecinll arable dalagin more trouble than ut ns ane wething on m stem bo continue to keep a tight re telequnh lal While thei hem, it would take o} style of the story to ¢ These “science fiction’ writers have cone Nome OH, (tH up with a number of good ideas, we must admit. Front Grospry eine, Closteian ne writer known as Verne had a useful one — a aces ite eassoco. + bel SaPeRLAE “Te Sais Washes Bose ie should pursue this concept to demystify the Lt Tre Comerare Hisllar xerions to the pooulace. ‘he papular RE: Tre Temperave: Mpeonat notion that the moon is nade ieee ie \ ena cepart-Te yo 01 The. e€6ezTs 06 he Temperaree simply just t Se alloweds > MpiemeaT in Nba Ameren A group o€ celgous Gonites bas sronosp! To oF 0 il passed prt alabal aks ‘9-Tre US This bs mong Gils we eroy Tike aboToe D) There is OOM cer tansTy TST Tere is STi Seomand Gor dla D) Tre Spas hos Toe drones in pla Theaigh The Maa, 3) Tere is a 8% drone TAT The pening i eid omy Bie Te cake curving (eiTeging) vill presoure The splerynedl Afb flan — & OOM drove 16 wo pressure 4) There is 0 OMe dronce Twat The people. wil axepT Tis enn AA, len 8 cess orb Sp see enfin is Gre BS) Teer co SO dence TST Tre sonerest aging in Bore Cra FE) A ation ben Bate ery. ony ‘preston. yours pepe @) Tis wil ad Te owbnbderee When we THAT using This egprej eof The oes oC Te pep with a 5% To vera, < \ urge yoo size Tis appt at A prone. igs Fir Pane ecg Recep oi be i Cnn, re NET vichey ames aes Tae Sse gg et Ps gprs, Tree's haw Reta ar Uatntag, “ zap TT wl on ad Te crak Trere se Pala, Chey sriThing ele sping on There Tha Throws oniunkren vores niger ATT. eqyaTon, We hope T Bas Bt 9GGZ Te aktTan ToT leg op gO akg See Se Groen drat, WaT This vores, we Boot Yo We Pf bomen oot ort ana Seb Tre answer Frat Grosiey Mra, Clean Ti Te. Earlene RE: The “Steck Marker Coast a ‘il bitleen sung Tre Gis o€ The Shek Molar wach ond we Wane re To 0 Sew aeons D) The Stik Myckar ofTeon ic Guwed Wessel ithe on GeadowXss ary oegiThe Gents awh oc o dp-amcthe pees o€ expres Tigger 9 wild uehasTon D Vins Renster snoy CaPTver kenysT The wTeeraTonal eavreany, Ganwiy may Take 3 bard WT, ae Teeny a Te pay reste Ge"The Great the, MepeGily, Their vew leakerr Wil bevtble Te help Treen yiTrer Tis Seprescert 3) This cou les ay Bask Tae To aifablel a galernmraAT That axld oMzeand axe ch wad qaieenwarls Goh cxinor oat Passe rate Thad we re very racely wrong in a predTine OueTuck ea as lover supeda. on tae open cur Sofa la baa, sa Te muptly, 6€Tre Seaton January 4 Fror To: The Cont RE: The War in Europe en following the hb itl olution to ‘economically speak New tual adept We will call a eymposium to matters of import within a year. 25, 2942 ger “Henatrode” whe Conventions ‘Bs The War and Hitler y I would 1ike to announce the death of He was killed in a London Twill be this i ay direct release, I do not zelich telling you what must. opportunity 0 denounce the actions of Adolph Witier and Gersany. Uany men of science have deen persecuted and killed through the Kazi's techno~ Logical ignorance. They alco seem infected with @ Hationalism that destroys any chance they have of progress. To then, all men are not equal. The “master race” and “Ubexnencch” concepts aze azath~ ‘ena to the professed goals of the Technooracy. Someone did not do the necessary research. Second, reports and information we are receiy- ing indicate thet saooive destruction of hunan live 4e underiay in Poland and Germany. Tue objects 02 ‘this genocide axe Jews, whom the Harse regard We in the Virtual adepte see thio as a moral outrage of the highest proportions. Ve also condexn Iteration X’8 use of the situation to conduct experinents. ie adepts are not vitnout power, and ve will ake ourselves heard in the next few months ii we aust. December 1, 1942 Roger “Meaatrote” Thackery mo! Virtual adepts Et Japan Our plot to get the U.5. eens to be imainent. We have that all 0.5 involved in the var espionage dai rejected by the goverment. Japan has assuredly declare war on the U.3. acter the attack. ‘The U.S, must enter the war. That bastard Hitler must be stopped —at any cost. Please note that this iniorsation is extremely sensitive. I: any of the other Conventions iound out about our 1ittle plan, 4S would become diszicuit for any of us to lead normal Lives. January 20, 1944 From: Central Control To: The Conventions RE: World War I We would like to announce a major shift in our position regarding Germany and the war now known as World War Il. Thanks to information provided by the Viral Adepts, we now have proof that the Germans have Felton i7, 845 Seow fe ecifeni ane arateanate Ticedt raed otc talent ig acpi or te tic Tam wai etc qt ai produced by a laman bing, fom sll wing on a concept. September 19, 1947 From: Jared Thorne, Iteration x To: Central Control RE: Alan Turing T infiltrated a Virtual Adept conclave this day. It is not hard to do such a thing. They do ot meet face to face, but rather through telephone systens and their computers. With the proper Passwords, one can very easily eavesdro join of detection Tam convinced that the Adept naned Turing is dangerous. He is speaking of intelligent machines , and even in without fear and 2 new idea he calls ‘virtual reality.” While this idea on the whole is not bad, he is speaking of doing this within five years. These things are fot planned on the Time Table for at least fifty so sixty years. A plan like Turing’s could seriously destroy our ime Table beyond any hope of repaix Many of the Virtual Adepts are behind Turing. ‘They love him. He is now their virtual leader, their mst “elite, * as they say. Furthermore, they have been in touch with the Sons of Ether. These ATE Ta ay ert a tag jusinthe pce undertaken a massive search for magickal and mystical relics. Such relics are supposedly the birthright of the “Aryan Nation.” This is unacceptable to us. The occult influences Hitler will bring with him during the unification of the European continent can only erode our position. Therefore, we are withdrawing our support for Hitler and placing it firmly behind the Allis. Following our withdrawl, Hitler's defeat cannotbeany ‘more than year ortwoaway. He isbeginning tostretch the resources of his war machine, and the combined efforts of the Conventions should halt him in his tracks You have your orders. This is by Technocracy man date. Personal opinions mean nothing. We will tolerate no subversion in this matter. All Conventions will work for the defeat of Hitler. — Central Control The Adepts Rebel fiat 1 mages oe Squire ined! treet Clase ent) are forbidden to be contacted. T do not know what the Virtual Adepts are up to, but it seens quite Decenber 12, 1950 From: The Syndicate To: Alan Turing RE: VR Work It has cone to our attention that you have been working on a project that you call ual Reality.* It is our opinion that thie work is dangerous, and we order you to cease and desist at once. Failure to compl; bring heavy retribution upon you. We have private information that could irreparably damage your posi the British Government, and we will release it to them if yo mediately come Of this information, T can say tion in do not that we have compromising photographs of you and another man. We have several sets of these photographs. once you have ceased work, we will mail you all of our copies. until then, be warned. Chapter One 19 March 10, 1954 From: Central Control, NWO To: Men in Black You are hereby notified that Alan Turing has been determined to bea threat to the Technocracy. You are also hereby notified to terminate him with extreme prejudice It seems that no amount of cajoling on our part will stop hhim from building his virrual reality machine. When you terminate Turing, if you find any electronic device in his possession you are to destroy itand bring the remains to us. Any of his compatriots presentat the time of your raid will also be subject to the terms ofthis memo. There are to be no witnesses. dune 20, 2 From: The New World Order RE: Grave happenings. Things are not looking good. We have been hurt tremendously by the chery of the Virtual Adepts. tt eens that they have taken every piece jation about us and by us and ly disappeared. our een able to find any ny Virtual adept anywhere Aside from a few glers now in our custody, the Adepts have disappeared dare the Virtual Technocracy. any aden and punishable by death. Any Adept captured is to be terminated with extreme preju- dice. There will be no exceptions The Time Table has been shattered. we no choice but to revise it. many items on the Time Table will be pushed their cowardice Their acts of unpunished Many of the Adepts we have caught are being pumped for information. They are not talking. For this reason, any future Adepts caught will be killed. we are not interested in the means of execution, but we prefer that it be done elowly and painfully, as an example to The Virtual Adepts join the Traditions Septetnber 23rd, 1959 From: Julian Spence, Son of Ether To: The Council of Traditions RE: The Virtual Adepts ‘WeoftheSonsofEtherhave heen incontaer with theformer Technoctacy Convention known as the Vireual Adeprs. The ‘Adeptshave proven themselves to be useful to us, providing us ‘ithinformation thac wehadno idea existed. Webelieve thatthe Virtual depts would bea worthwhile ation tothe Traditions, and that the relationship would be mutually beneficial. The ‘depts must stop ther yeas of running from thei former Associ- ates And as we know, our Council has been one seat short since the Ahl+-Batin left some years back. We need aninth Tradition forthe Council the Virtual Adepts need sanctuary. believe that ve have acommon cause Weave been asked to make an informative proposal to theCouncil of Traditions, in exchange for the Adepts'admis- sion into the Traditions. Said proposal includes the Time Table ofthe Technocracy, projects in planning, and detailed reports on the Iteration X Machine Realm, Autocthonia. These have been provided to me by Roger Thackery of the Virtual Adepts. We anxiously await your answer. July 10th, 1961 Foon: The Council of Nine ‘To The Virtual Adepts RE: The Traditions ‘Weofthe Traditionsherebyextendto youanofferofamnesty and endship in ourorganization. We haveallocated resources the inclusion of your group into our Council of Traditions. The {allowing terms wil be met: 1)Yourgroup willbe onaprobationaryperiodffive(5) yeas 2)Youwill:umoverousasmuch information asposible on. Technocracy plans 3) You will occupy the ninth seat on the Council of Nine, ixbrcing as your Sphere the element of Correspondence (with which, Iam told, you are intimately familar). 4) You will provide us with regular reports on activities your ‘g0up is conehucting until the probationary period expires. July nth, 2962 From! Roger hackery Bo! She Gouncii of Traditions Hi Invitation We accept. Pebruary 10, 1979 Prom: Roger thackery 20: the raditions HR! The Hyper Intelligence Zech Mark IV We have deen sollowing reports of mages attacked dy machine-Like humanoids in the past iew monthe, and we have discovered the following. an up-and- ooning Adept naned Dante has brought me inzornation he captured tron Technocracy databanks in a daring raid, This particularly involves the Hyper Intel~ Ligence Tech lark IV, or FIT uark. Dante showed me the construction plane he Liberated From the central Iteration X computer. 1 expect then to change their plans as soon ai they find out we have them, but the plans should provide us with some advantage regardlece. The design specs for this machine involve vat~grow flesh placed over an arnature made of an alloy of adanantine and buckninsteriullerite. as you nay know, this coxb pation hag an extrenely high reciotance to normal, magick. We are analysing this new threat to the ‘Traditions in hopes of finding a weakness. January 20th, 1984 From: Bank of Maryland Collections Dept. To: Brik Trent — Final Warning — Dear Me. Trent; Our record indicate that your credit account i aver six months overdue and that the past-ue balance exeeeds $2,000. Our efforts to contact you have been unsuccessful. If you do not contact us within the next 48 hours, we will be forced to bring egal action against you. Please contact us at the number below. 24-hour service line: 1-800-292-1819 ‘Thank you for your patronage. Lydia MoKathaway, CollctonsRepresenatve, Bank of Maryland Chapter One a Chapter 2.0: ee Tere ei ky of Loners Anarchy, n. 1, {Disorder} rule; see disorder 2. [Abs disregard fo We v, lawlessness, let ‘em see you sweat! — Television advertisement To: Brian Hastings Blessed be! P'mpassing youa few of my notes gathered on my little “field trip” with the Virvual Adepts Asof now, they till consider me one of their ‘own; [couldn't get some of the info that I've recovered otherwise. | don't even want to think of what would happen to me if they found me out. Pm trusting you, Brian! Do not, under any circumstance ofyour let this letter out Jhtand don’t transfer it ontoany form of computer ord processor. [know that the Adepts are supposed to beourallies, ut f don'c think chey consider anyone but the Frankensteins to be their friend. Syn. tamil, chaos, mob of government] — Syn. political niilism, vowed hostility to goverment. ster's New World Thesaurus I think that we, ofall Traditions, can understand their attitude. The Black Hats have a heavy grudge against the Netheads, so the Adepts have a right to the chips on their shoulders. They really aren’t bad guys once you get to know them. All the: ime, realize that we've gor tokeep our own backs covered. Hence, this letter. If nothing else this data might give us an edge later if we need it All ofthis is stuff managed to pick up over the last six months. I'm keeping my cover for now and might have more to report in a month of so. The Adepts put up a big front, but they actually play things pretty close to the chest. think they'd shit ifthey knew how much I've discovered, but then again, they're the ones who're always saying that information wants tobe free! Anyway, hete's what I've got: Chapter Two If you're so special Why aren't you dead? —The Breeders, “ijust wannagetalong” The Virtual Adepts have their own dis- tinct and strange social structure. Don't let the “computer geek” facade fool you— they do have a fellowship. It just operates by unique rules. Status & Meetings Rank in the Adepts is gauged by how competent a petson is. The higher an Adept is in ability, the mote prestige she has. Ability isn’t always an easy thing to judge. Reality tamperingand Net-hackingare dangerous practices; good brag can confer almost as much status as the deed itself Adepts are masters of raggery —so much so that many do itunconsciously, Pride is second nature to the Adepts. fan Adept explainsa procedure to destroy the databanks of the Progenitors, few would be suicidal enough to test the theory. However, if the idea sounds plausible enough, and if the Adept can show proof of the raid by producing an ‘operator's manual or some such, then that particular Adept wins some grudging respect and status. He would still have that respect if others later found out that he had actually collected his "proof" from the trashcans outside the build- ing in the physical world, A good many Virtual Adepts avoid physical contact with anyone. They figure thae they can get anything they want done from the comfort and privacy of thei lars When most Adepts are seen in public, it’s usually a clever ruse, Many detest personal contact so much that they program sophisticated holograms that actas proxies, These holograms often project aholographic simulacrum through Correspondence, ancl only function in close proximity to some kind of technology. The simulacrums aren't part larly vulgar magick, as long as some Sleeper doesn't shake hands with one. Other than ability, thete is no real power structure to any Virtual Adept faction. Irs largely a popularity contest. A powerful Virtual Adept may call a meeting and expect at least half of the Adepts in the world ro artend, while a small-time operatormight “invite” thesame numberthrough lies and innuendo, Most of the Adepts gather twice a year in reality at a central location to meet and “put a face” to those people they talk to over the wires, These meetings usually begin with impassioned ranting about rights and theories, then tum gradually into debaucheries that would arouse a Cultist of Ecstasy. Few outside the Tradition attend without an invitation; I was the only non-Adept that [ could recognize. These parties, I think, blow offsome of the steam that comes from being a persecuted minority 24 Virtual Adepts Among the Traditions, the Virtual Adepts are second only to the Cult of Eestasy in the use of perception altering chemicals, They use plenty of stimulants and toy around with drugs reputed to make 2 person smarter. These “smart drugs” are usually just vitamin supplements, but a few are experimental medicines developed for seating Alzheimer's Disease or narcolepsy. Thisabuse, think, can be attributed tothe Tradition’ respect forsuperhuman ability. Abilityis ractically synonymous with intelligence to the Adepts Most of the mages who dabble in this area end up burning themselves out very quickly, and to that end most drug users are looked upon with disdain by their “straight” counterparts. A good many of the Adepts who choose not toexperiment with drugs fear correctly thatsmart drugs are products of the Progenitors, created to rot the Adepts from within. More and more Adepts are beginning to see drug use asa curse rather than a blessing. The Virtual Adepts meet twice a year at the Crystal Palace, the Tradition’s main Chantry, to discuss combat strategies. These meetings have no real structute, and consist mostly of ranting and trophy-waving by Adepts who've struck a blow against the Technoctacy. These meetings focus the Tradition members toward theit com- mon goals — the raising of consciousness and the downing of the Technocracy. Because the meetings occur in virtual reality, not realspace, most of the Adepts in the World can attend. Meeting times are often posted with stolen access codes in the vittual conclave called the Spy's Demise Some Adepts even confer in the Demise itself, but that's risky proposition, The place is heavily watched. Handles, Icons, Lames and Elites Most Adepts do not use their real names. Instead, they come up with short, easy-to-remember “handles” to iden tify themselves. This helps. preserve their anonymity and allowsthem todisassociate themselves from their mundane lives. Like the icons they create in virtual reality, these handles let the Adept live out fantasy lives. Netheads use handles when conferring in chat mode —"talking” online like Sleepers do. Most Adepts can also project their consciousnesses or even their physical bodies into the Net, creating “icons” of themselves. These icons ccan adopt the form of anything the creator desires, within reason, although identification codes make outright decep- tion difficult, Net projection takes some degree of time, skill and risk, so hacker mages simply chat online unless there's some reason to do otherwise. This anonymity forms a cornerstone in the Adepts! anarchistic social structure. Because a mage in virtual reality can shuffle identities with ease, Adepts can speak their minds without fear of alienation. Many of the Adepts I'vemetare pretty shy people in person, but they et fly with they're in the Net. Since Virtual Adepts tend to base social structure on ability, they have coined a term for extraordinarily gifted people — “elite.” Adepts at the bottom of the torem pole or who have otherwise screwed up are called “losers,” “rodents,” “posers” or, worst ofall, “lam: al kinds of outrageousness wh ‘These distinctionsaresimultaneously tongue-in-cheek and serious. To an Adept, eliteness is an epitome, the be- alland end-all of everything. “Eliteness" defies words, but tmost Adepts will rant for hours on the subject when asked aboutit. Certain factionsof the Virtual Adepts, reacting to these fervent ravings, ridicule eliteness; they still cherish it, but ealize that pride alone will not make them elite — they'll achieve immortality and eliteness without forcing everyone else to acknowledge it. The flip side of eliceness is being lame. All kinds of things can make one lame — misuse of magick, stupid or excessive flaming, bragging beyond your proven ability, lying online (and getting caught), breaking your word to another Adept, pulling off petty pranksasif they were abig deal. An Adept marked by lameness can only redeem himself with some spectacular stunt. This mockery pushes Adepts to try harder — not a bad thing when everyone's inst you. At the same time, much of the posturing struck ime as a pretentious waste of time and effort. Ie seems to work for them, though. I guess that’s what matters Forthe record, an Adept whosells out to the Technoc- racy isn’t lame; he's dead. Protocols ‘The Hacker's Code of Ethics ‘The Virtual Adepts remember their Sleeper roots and thehackersubculture that so many sprang from, and live by a loose code that dictates a certain moral conduct more than anything else. Most Adepts follow this code — those who donot are regarded as “lames.” These codeshave been distilled over the years by many different Adept groups, but can be traced back to the turn of the century and the invention of the telephone. ‘The social structure of che Virtual Adepts is held together by these loose codes, common passion for techno- tmagickanda pervasive us-against-the-world siege mentality Being a solitary group, Virtual Adepts share few customs. They do, however, have a few quirks worth mentioning Virtual Adepts tend to look for the quickest way todo anything; their handwriting reflects this — it's usually unintelligible. Most Adepts prefer to type and avoid handwriting altogether. When typing, they often spell words with sound-alike letters and numbers, as opposed to the common spellings. This, I'm told, reduces the time spenttyingand makes transmissions harder to crack. Mat agencies scan computer document for certain “key words"; ifthose words are “misspelled”, the scan misses them. Many The Mighty Hacker Commandments | 1 Information should be fe. If]. Random | Hacker finds out a piece of information thatis not previously known, he disseminates ic amongst his colleagues 2 — Data is not to be destroyed. Learn from ‘what you see, but do not destroy it. Leave it for | others to see | 3 —Never ler them know you're there. All |_ hackers take great pains to cover their tracks in any )- system. This usually means learning as much about | the system in question as possible. This isone of the | many exceptions to rule number two — you may have to destroy data to cover up the electronic | paper trail you've created 4—Never stop learning. There's alwayssome- thing new to learn. Technology moves so fst that there’sno way youcanstop leamingand stay on top of everything 5 —Spreal the word. Open the eyes ofevery- ‘one around you, or at least try. The Technocraey has the guns, but we can still have the numbers. hhacker mages change their handles often for the same The Adepts have many strange holidays that don't coincide with other acknowledged holidays. They cel: ebrate the end of World War Il, the invention telephone and the birth-and- ° ° o o o Prone Paradox Prime Spirit Time Health Bruised Hurt Injured Wounded Mauled Crippled Incapacitated Experience eee Study Points Revisionist £( va mow he en Writer See ee oe domineering, and you have frequent conflicts Tate wih be aes Gaeging with her, She tempts you with the power you history Procedures that he's programmed to, inall he both wield over other people's thoughts and memories. Sometimes you stil give in to her. Roleplaying Tips: You've done yourtime in the bureaucratic slave pits —no one is totell youwhattodo again! Yourclothes, hairand vocabulary are calculatedly outrageous. Flam bayantly defy the mouse you once were. Your Whatever I write, the people wil be Avatar has a Technocratic bent and at the people believe ecomes serugzles to control you, but your reality. I'm an old pro at this — Vireual Adept buddies have taught sed to do it for the govem ment all the time. Can you recall the past? The present? The future? I can control what youremember. I'm theone who cesitall down, Lam the Kitty ley of the Traditions Prelude: You were just another government zombie leading a torally poincless life Hears and sees Megadeth, “Hook in Mouth” Quote: I've gor the real power, man you the value of free will Your command of esor emotions. k through writing, you can use a variety of coincidental effects. Your tar ‘gets may believe that the power ‘of your prose has led them to rnewconclusions, Youneed not People derided you for being a civil nt. “You don’t need brains to work for the government.” Yeah, right. You hac an uncanny knack bepresentcochangeanother's mind — you ean shift your senses and power anywhere hard copy of your writing for shaping opinions, though. exis People took what you wrote pretty seriously, Too seriously. One day the Men in Black paid you a call Your Awakening was pretty Equipment: Portable sword-processor with micro-printer, flashy clothes, white-out, pad and pencil traumatic. The idea of deliberately 4 molding anothers’ thoughts went against your grain. The Bureau of Internal Security didn’t agree. Your Avatar didn, either. You still battle the bitch on occasion, now that you know what she is. You have the upper hand, for When the Reality Hack crs busted you free from the Red a en a na the Adepts. They, in turn, taught you how toharness your talents forthe greater good. And Strength @@000 Dexterity @@000 ——_®@000 Demeanor: Rebel Concept: Revisionist Writer Mentor: Cabal: ATTTIDULCS recrocemrenonenoere Social Charisma __ Manipulation Appeai ee INTIS Talents Alertne: Ath Awareness Brawl Intuition __ Intimidation Correspondence __ Entropy Forces Other Trail 00000 00000 — 00000 = 00000) 00000 00000 Backgrounds. Skills Drive _@0000 Etiquette ‘00000 Firearms Leadership, Meditation Mel Survival __ Technology Mental Perception Intelligence Knowledges mputer Cosmology Calture Enigmas Investigation Law Linguistics _ Medicine Oceult__ Science Advantages === Spheres __00000 @@000 ‘00000 Life Mind. Matter. Arete @@00000000 Willpower @eee080@0000 Q000000000 Paradox 13/9/5 Spher Prime Spirit__ Time Bruised Hurt Injured Wounded Mauled Crippled Incapacitated Experience Study Points The Cyberpunk that kid from the ne over to my ho an huompa passing planetoid. He's just wanna-be. Soare you. You suck! You should be glad I'm even this close to me. Information wants to be free, and you anal everyone else on ths pitiful orb are gonna have to deal that information is pissed abt being caged up Ieall started when you were online to meone broke into chat y you freaked. You cut the power, you & yanked the phone cord outta the wall. When you looked back at the'screen, they were still there, hey said. With up with your and found more fun than you'd ever had. Night into IBM's dumpsters for spare computer parts, and into AT&T's dumpsters for passwords and callin ‘numbers. On-line adventures be dreams, Then they decided to show you the real powver, the ultimate hack — hacking the universe You learned that you can say anything you wanted, Concept: Youwere anasty ittlesmart mouthed brat. Now you're a nasty little foul-mouthed brat You know a lot — you'ee very elite. You've had ‘your run in with the cops and the Men in Black. Nothing seates you now. Well, nothing except for Demonsced Elite Roleplaying Tips: You're smart, a lot smarter than your companions. Remind them allof this constantly. Goon about your right to free speech a lot. If somebody tells you a secret, tell everyone else youcan immediately. There's nouse in delaying the inevi- table. Magick: Subtle? Screw subrle! Your magick is flashy and vulgar, just like you. You know a little about a lot, but not enough about any one thing, so you depend P stic Marshmallow HEX, text leather jacket and Jolt Cola ack BCIRTUAL aDEPTS MAGE: The Ascension" Essence Concept: Cyberpunk Nature: Bravo Mentot Demeanor: Avant-garde Cabal: Name: Play: ATTIDULCS reronceesroncerroneE Physical Social Mental Strength @@@00 Charisma __ 1000 Perception Manipulation Scary @@@@O__ Intelligence Appearance @0000 Wits - Abilities = - Talents Skills Knowledge: Alertness Drive 0000 = Computert Athletics. Etiquette Cosmolog Aware Firearms Culture Brawl Leadership. Enigmas Dodge Meditation 00000 Investigation Expression. Melee__ @0000 | Law Intuition Research. 00000 Linguist Intimidation J 00000 Medicine Str 00000 Occult, Technology a Science Advantages =a Spheres Correspondence __! Life 00000 Prime Entropy. Mind. __.00000 Matter 48000 Forces Arele Health @00000000 Bnuised oo Willpower Hurt 1a @©000000000 Injured l1Q OQOOO000000 Ramen 20 x Mauled 20 Quintessence (Crippled 5a a. Incapacitated a Experience Study Points 6 oo®° Paradox Chaotician ones erence nite Asa game at first, you chatted your peers’ behaviorson your There are those who think hat laptop. After few simple experiments, you could predict Life is nothing left to chance many of their actions and reactions. There were answers A host of holy horrens within certain parameters, Finally you decided roleave the To direct our aimless dance university. You had a concept; now you had to affect the Rush, “Freewill” system. she sch ol , ot Everything affects everything ele, Be sensitive to ‘As you used the school's online account to e-mail i ai i pea ek go0d-byes to fellow scholars, you got a flashing transmis feleome to the club from deptl. You learned about magick, the Virtual Adepts and the Ascension War. You traded in your old laptop fora trinary deck and never looked back initial conditions. Read the patterns in seeming ran- dommess. Then tamper withthe system 3 Prelude: No one ever understood you. As you grew up, everyone was AS afraid of you, intimidated by your in a Lal telligence. You wanted freedom from 4, ‘Concept: You are an extraordinary physicist and mathematician, with an intuitive grasp of the sciences rather than straight book understandi You manipulate systems from a distance inst your caged life at home, so you skipped grades and were accepted into college before you had a driver's license. 1 of ‘engaging your enemies directly. Your computer con- tains systems for everything you need. At the university, you had the re- sources to search for the Big Concept, the one that aying Tips: You want others to understand reality'ssystems,so that they ‘can shape their own paths. You believe Ascension is possible, would let you under- stand everything However, as you studied you found more ques tions than answers. Ex- and every action could poten: tially cause it. This knowle drives you with an intensity that impresses your fellow images. You enjoy the intellec tual challenge of fighting the Technoeracy, and you try to convert Greyfaces, realizing how close you once were t0 istence seemed un) solvable,and therefore theirthinking. You findaspe- cial satisfaction in foiling the Technocracy by manipulating the flaws in their paradigm of uncontrol- lable You didn’t want to accept that reality. You carry a gun, be- some things were beyond cause i's an effective way to stimulate almost any- thing. Magick: Your Corre spondence understandingis rudimentary, but your of Matter and Entropy makes up for it. Use your grasp of patterns to change them or break them down. Equipments Laptopeom puter, pistol, leather jacket, hand-held radio scanner you. Your intellec- tual quest couldn't end in failure — it was all you had. During a tear filled night inan empty parkinglot, youwrestled with your inner self. Fi knowle nally,atdawn, youcame toaconclusion. You de cided to accept che fact thatthere were variables in the universal equa: tion, Bur you could account for the xf MAGE: The Ascension™ Essence: Dynamic Con Nature: Architect. Mentor : Chaotician Chronicle: Demeanor: Fanatic Cabal: Attributes Phy: Social Mental Strength 10000 Charisma Dexterity 200 Manipulation tamina @@000 = Appe Perception Intelligence Wits — \ce I Abilities Talents Skills Knowledges Alertness, @0000 Drive 00000 Computer. @e000 Athletic: 00000 Etiquette 00000 = Cosmology. Awareness. 00000, 00000 Culture Brawl 00000, 00000 _ Enigma: Dodge e000 —@@800 Investigation Expression___ 0000 Law Intuition @e000 Linguistics Intimidation 00000 Medicine 1 Survival Oceult__ Technology Science Advantages ===ee sess Spheres Life 00000 Prim 5 Mind 00000 Matter. e000 Correspondence Entropy Forces Arete Health @@@0000000 Bnuised 00 Willpower Hurt 10 © 000800000 Injured AQ Q900990000 Wounded 20 Mauled 20 Crippled 50 Incapacitated Q The Mad ee ee In realspace, your body crumpled. You saw a silicon Simulator mot ar lngoec x ke nar ct away the gogglesand took you back. Youspent the morni the Digital Revolution is whipping through our lives ke 4 emergency room, and theafternc a Bengali typhoon — while the mainstream medias still groping = They said the experiment was a failure. You knew cleaningout your for the snooze button , you built a simulator in Wired Magazine Spending your life sa Quote: Ittakes Nature thousands of to improve reality. 1 can duplicate reali and mate it better in seconds. Show me a sho has that hind of power Prelude: When you were young, you dreamed about being a filmmaker You wanted to make a movie with a Yj positive utopian visio lesigning computer late teens. Virtual reality replaced your dreams of film. Instead of showing the your apartment. You found another portal, a conduit, and the silicon woman. After she told you about the Digital Webandsold you on the Virtual Adepts, she diss Wandering the electronic landscape ofthe discovered that many of youronline friends were Adepts, and they welcomed you into theircommunity. Now, you intend to bring Ascension by takingeverything, copying ic, and making it better The private sector considers you a failure pioneer. If only they knew. You want to duplicate every thing online: buildings, landsca world utopia, you would give it to to participate in your Roleplaying Tips: Everything s back to constructing a new world. You fight the Technoc racy and collect Tassfor your future virtual realm, them. You wanted to take the real world with you on your odys- A pioneering VR company hired you. The job paid well, and repli. ccatingthe world became your life. For enter- your firing, you have no respect for corporations. tainment, you You feel uncomfortable explored a dozen electronic services with sexual relations in realspace, but are unin. hibited online. Most of and soon piled up questions about things you didn’t re- online When the explore ratherthanal fe cady ter of destroy. Your software was ready, you ‘magick is strong in the Net, but weak in dem nstrated the VR suit f realspace: Use your powers presidentofthecompany attended, and all eyes | fixed on you. Then the unexpected happened, | something that you hadn't programmed. A indirectly, with as little violence as possible Equipment: Camera, com puter, virtual reality suit, a massive software collection, \Va dozen glowing electronic por- talshimmered in frontof | youreyes. Youmovedto- ward itand left your body 58 Virtual Adepts MO AgIRT UAL ta DEPTS MAGE: The Ascension™ Cabal: Demeano - Attributes : oner Social Mental Charisma Perception Manipulation Intelligence Appearance Wits Abilities Skills Knowledg @0000 Sonne Paradox CL 5 Backgrounds: 7 Freebie Points: 15 oN Drive _ Computer Etiquette Cosmology, e000 Firearm Culture 00000 Brawl 00000 _ Leadership. Enigmas @@000 Dodge 00000 Meditation Investigation @0000 Expression. @0000 Melee Law 00000 § Intuition Linguistics 00000 Intimidation Medicine 00000 00000 © Survival Occult 00000 @0000 Technology Science — @e00 mae ACV alla Qe sree roe Spheres Correspondene: 000 Life 00000 Prime Entroy 00000 Mind. @@000 Spirit : 00000 Matter. 00000 Time Other Trait: Arete. Health 00000 @@00000000 Bruised oa _ 00000 bie j 10 injured 10 S008 Wounded 20 ~~ 60000 Mauled 20 —_______ 00000 Crippled 5u Incapacitated a Backgrounds The strongest reason fr the people to retain the ight to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. —Thomas Jefferson | Magick This section contains some hard and soft ware for Virtual Adepts. More information, q rotes, Talismans and samples of Adept slang. can befound in the virtual reality sourcebook, Ml Digical Web. Rotes Encrypt Thoughts (1 Mind, | Life, 2 Prime) This rote was created by the Cypherpunks to protect heir brains from prying mages. Cypherpunks value the sanetity oftheir infor and take great pains to ensure that they are not being spied upon. The mage prepares the program and sets a public “key” for the encryption he is placing on his thoughts. From that point ‘on, no person may read his mind without thinking of the he mage may allow friends to read his thoughts, but not enemies The Cypherpunks will not usually give out their “keys" to “key” or password the mage has set. In this way, people who are not using this rote already. [Each success subtracts two successes from any outside party's attempts to read the beyond countermagick. The Prime magick distupts mind Adept’s mind, above and reading attempts.) Degrade Order (2 Entropy, 2 C Time) This rote was de ‘orrespondence, 3 oped by the Chaoticians to re search the effects of Chaos on complex systems, such asthe human body. [e works by applying pressure froma two direc tions —addingmoreEntropy into the system tobe degraded, Appendix One 61 and accelerating Time to watch the effects. For example, if this rote were used on a flower, it would appear to wither and die in about thirty seconds. This compresses a relative life span ofa system into about thirty seconds to a minute (Correspondence isu effet away from the 8 upon the size, complexity and distance to the target. A flower would be difficulty 5, while a person would have a9 ‘or 10 difficulty.) Information Glut (Correspondence 2,Mind 3, Time 2) This rote allows a Virtual Adept to enhance any one sense of his body. This lets him “tutn up the volume” and hear things he normally couldn’t hear, or increase his ability to comprehend sensory inputhe receives. While the Virtual Adepts use the rote to accelerate their computer comprehension, the Technocracy uses it as a highly spe- Cialized instrument of torture, as itaffects the mind rather than the body. There are many other uses for this rote, from night vision to tracking people by scent ed in this rote to keep the field age. Difficulty modifiers are based [Each success gives the subject a temporary + 1 to his Perception Ability for a scene. “Harcwiring” with Life 4 can make the effect permanent (see Prelude) Holographic Projector (Correspondence 2, Forces 3, Mind 3, Prime 2) Through this rote, the Adept ean project a hologram (oricon) of herself wherever she desires. Since holograms are nothing but patterns of light, the persons perceiving this hologram must be fooled into thinking there isactually a person there. Through use of the Mind discipline, the Adeptalso projectssmell and sensory data tothe holoy “audience.” This rote rarely fools mages, supernatural be ings or detection devices, but four or more successes might con them for a turn or two. [The Prime in this rote fuels the created Forces which form the hologram. The hologram is an illusion, and cannot affect or touch other partiesin any wa beharmed, either. A variant on this rote, using Correspon- dence 3 and Forces 2, allows the mage to project an icon using her Avatarand ambient Force energies (Forces 3 and Prime 2 are still needed to create these energies from nothing). This icon appears in any roughly human-si shape the Adept desires, but the mage, tied as she is to the icon, will take any damage the icon sustains. This icon may affect reality, bur the n IF body remains helpless at her keyboard Computers Tenjary working with human beings and have a stimulating relationship with them Hal, Arthur C. Clarke, 2010: Odyssey 2 Computers are more than just foci or Talismans for Virtual Adepts — many become Familiars in the most liceral sense (see Book of Shadows: The Mage Players Guide for the new Familiar Background). Even “regular” wee cree eee eee eee eer eee Icons, Icon creation requires a roll of Intelligence + Computer, difficulty of 8, with four or more suc- cesses required, often performed as an extended action. In the Net, icon creation isa coincidental effect once the mage’s consciousness inside; the Holographic Projector rote is necessary to pro- duce an icon in realspace. A mage can change his icon’sappearance by rolling Manipulation +Com- puter, difficulty 6. Assumed shapes donot change ‘aitsalthough Appearance and Intimidation may be raised by a number of dots equal to the number of successes on the Manipulation + Computer (maximum of 5 in either one) Within the Digital Web, an icon can be identified by.a pattern code somewhere on its person, Realspace icons have no such codes, but may be detected as fakes with a roll of Perception + either Awareness, Alertness or Subterfuge, de- pending on the circumstances. Masquerading as someone else requires periodic rolls of Manipula- tion + Subterfuge, with difficulties likewise depending upon the circumstances. computers are prized by Adepts. Being Technomancers, the Virtual Adepts require some kind of technological focus for their magicks, even into the higher levelsof Arete (5 or even more). The Mage book Digital Web contains more derails on mundane and magical computers The Systems Standard computer equipment is often inadequate for magick. Such devies are too limited to process magickal ind too fragile to withstand the strain of reality warping. These limitations add to the time necessary to work magick, restrict the Spheres used to the first and second ratings only (the chips cannot comprehend the logistics of high-level magicks) and shorten the life of the ‘computer itself. Fortunately, the Adepts take care of their own. Mentors often help theit prc pura” theie systems. “Thereare usually several thingsa Virtual Adepr willdo co upgrade a computer before he uses it. The computer usually undergoes a rigorous testing (called burn-in), at- tuning it to the specific Adept using it. The computer is then magickally enhanced, turning it into a Trinary computes, a unique focus (Mage, pg. 178-179), Computers storing Quintessence and capable of their own indepen: dent magickal effects are considered Talismans. Gadgets ‘When many people think of foci for a Virtual Adept, they think of a standard laptop computer or a keyboard CPUJCRT arrangement. This couldn't be further from the truth, While the center of this arrangement s usually going to be some kind of computer module, there will always be a number of alternative input and output devices for Virtual Adepts to utilize. The following options are much more portable than the traditional keyboard rig PowerGlove: (One of the most obvious replacements for the tradi tional keyboard isa PowerGlove, aspecial glove fitted with sensors that relay the motion of a hand back to the com- puter. Mages using Correspondence 2 can work their computers from a distance with these devices. Heads-Up Display: This display consists of a video monitor built into the side of a pair of mirrorshade glasses. This allows the mage to watch video output in addition to whatever isin front of her: she doesn’t have to take her eyes off the enemy to see itherrote isrunningon the computer. This, combined with a PowerGlove, is the choice of many combat mages today. Musical Instruments: Musical instrumentsare alsoaltemnative formsof input forthe Virtual Adept (though many Adeptsare notoriously tone deaf), Musical instruments that patch into computers through MIDI ports are pretty expensive but mages rarely worry about funds. Through the musical instrument, the character can “intone” rotes that have magickal properties and might even form some kind of song. Voice Recognition and Output: The field of voice recognition has come a long way, | evenifit hasn't progressed to the level depicted in 2001: A | Shace Odyssey. A portable computer with a voice recogni- ___are very neatly intelligent. While most computers __ ___problems for_a_computer. Fuzzy (on, off and negative on) to represent informa- tion In this way, Vireual Adepts get considerably ‘more processing power and have machines that are able to handle only “yes” or “no” as concepts, the computers of the Virtual Adepts can also “accepe "maybe" due to their trinary nature. This allows the computer to use “fuzzy logic” as a ——problenrsotving oot Farry togie ti whar hom — beings use when they think about concepts like ——wwarm,”-“cool,?“damp”-or-“smelly:”These-con- ceprsaren'ctough toa human being, burthey pose lows_a__ computer to grasp these concepts. tion circuit and voice output makes a powerful weapon. ‘These devices leave a mage’s hands free and can be set to recognize only the owner's voice. The drawbacks of such a system include confusion of signals (from other sounds, or a mimicking mage) and distortion (which could have deadly results) Message Padi There are “personal digital assistants” out today that, can recognize handwriting and be used to store commands. This sort of thing would be perfect for a Virtual Adept. With abuilt-in faxoramodem, itwould evenallow limited access to the Net, Appendix One Appendix 2.0: The Elite Dante The than deth — Andrew Hamilton wish I had a dime for every time I hear “virtual reality” now is. remember when VR wasn't ‘on the lips of every niewit with a PC. In the age enlighten the world, most of them think of new ways to destroy er. Mortal Kombat isn't reprehensible epic sof liberty to a generous mind is worse trol their enterta The realization that one needn't be subject 10 someone else's desires is hitting the mainstream. As soon as Sleepers realize that life is just one huge program and that they ean change it, all hell's gonna break loose Living with the idea that you can destroy a city block with athoughtisn’teasy. Humanity isn’tready for this ype of power So we've gor to fight the Mirorshades. I'l be damned i live in Hell V3.0. Cabrini Green, Chicago. Most people who live here end uptrapped between welfare shacklesanda neighborhood that marines couldn't survive. Most mothers would sooner abort a child than have one, but Andrea Collingsworth had higher aspirations. She prayed to God that He would watch over her child, Someone was listening, but he wasn't God. Virtual Adepts 64 Dr. Bens told Andrea that her child was in danger, that he would be bom mentally deficient and could never live a normal life, She could, however, help other methersby participating ina secret experiment to treat such disabilities. Andrea was paid ity thousand dollars to participate. She didn’ argue. Dr. Bens had never seen an unborn child whose Avatar had already Awakened. The Progenitor planned to discover how such a miracle was possible. For eight months, Andrea underwent a battery of tests. She didn't survive the birth of Desmond Collingsworth. Deael mothers tel no tales. Dante grew up inamiddle-clas family he thought washis ‘own, under constant surveillance by the Progenitors Irwasno surprise that he finished high school at the ae of eight, or that he graduated at the top of his class at Harvanl, or that he completed! medical school in five years. [cwasa surprise when the Virtual Adepts ran off with him. They called themselves the Lab R ach one Pro- genitor bor and bred. The Lab Rats taught Dante the ways of magick and the truth behind his birth. He left the group soor afterward; simple revenge wasn’t his style. Now he strikes at the Technocracy onadeeperlevel,stealingtheirammunition — children, Rescuing those earmarked for the Technocracy has become Dante's calling. Most he gives over into the care of Tradition allies. Some few he teaches himself. Perhaps the most well-known Tradition Master, Dante always has at least two students. Seudying under Dante is considered extremely elite Demonseed Elite You plana De You reach a Flo See thos Demonseed Elite Appendix ra keep my k-n« coming down on me from Dem All we can do is make assumptions from the wretched remains. A thirtcen-year-old with his intestines ripped out; fiberoptic cables twisted tightly around the pulp of what was «once his frontal lobe. The young geck’s forehead was branded “kclame,” the wordsstillsizalinginhisfreshly searedflesh when hhewasfound bleedingtodeath on the loorothis bedroom. His ULBR!" leftover ing wich over the :moniorstll glowed with the an ominous" from signing off the friend he had been ch: modem, His pal suffered a similar fate, DemonSeed Elite, in a physical manifestation, is said to prefer travelling ina giant orange monster truck with ties 30 feet high and 30 feet wide. The accuracy of these monster truckdlescripeionsmay leave somethingto bedesiredsince the witnesses were pissing their pantsatthe time of observance, though the monster truck theory is consistent with some reports of death, On several occasions, groups of dents were found squashed fla in the middle of aparking lotor open field The only clue to the cause of their sudden flatness was giant tread marksall over their bodies. [e’sasifa large truck fell rom thesky and crushed them into a 2-D state, then disappeared! Now you can believe this, take heed, and watch out for yourself, ornot. Hey, it's your life, Butasfor me, I'm gonna get con with eating my Alpha Bits, I'm no fool. No sree. Cathrine Blass/X-Cel Is this going to involve yaw human ecstasy? Zippy the Pinhead TO: MISSION TEAM 46701 FROM: AMALGAM PRIME SUBJECT: CATHERINE BLASS, AKA X-CEL It has come to our attention that the controversial entertainer knownasCatherine Blass (see N.W.O. file #46539 M6) is, in fact, the Virtual Adept terrorist known as X-Cel Blass (heteafter referred to as “the subject”) is to be pursued and detained for interrogation and re-education as soon as possible The subject fist achieved some fame amongcountercul- ture elements of the Masses some five years ago when her performance-art show “Rage on a Meathook” was banned in Washington D.C. for obscenity, sexual solicitation and slan- der, Operatives observing the show noted the subject's inventive use of technology at that time; in one portion the subject’s body was wired for sound, then flogged by an auxi- ence volunteer. Another segment had the subject demonstratingafour-octave singing rangebyshattering lasses ral spectacular effects (see file noted details), attributed at the time as technological are now clearly the work of coincidental magick. The Adept called X-Cel (name derived from a Mayan moon goddess; sce NWO. file #45698 A-12) has achieved some notoriety among users of the Net (General file #X1590 {6) for her mereiful acts and information-brokering tactics Void Engineer amalgam #52 reported being rescued by a viii storm by X-Cel, who then healed one Engineer's mental injuries using what was assumed to be Mind]Life treatments, Iteration X Operative #23 reports that X-Cel has compro 66 Virtual Adepts mised his cover on three separate occasions. Ac neither time did X-Cel demonstrate the hostility or violence associated with the Traditions. Subject Blais European/Hispanic female, 31 yearsold, 576" tall, weighing 134 Ibs. See enclosed visuals and file 539 M-6 for details. Psych profile indicates ageres sive tendencies, sexual deviance and antisocial amicus Subject X-Celappearsasa radiant nun in traditional Mexican garb and speaks witha sofily accented voice. As the enclosed Visuals show, she bears little resemblance to subject Blas. BlasyX-C logical profile indicate either multiple personality disorder oran ation. Approach with care; Reportto Regional Headquarters C when success Too Late, CABEZOS DE MieRDa! Its ALREADY Gone! — X-CEL isto be considered dangerous bur useful. Psycho- unhealthy degree of im b Concept: Nature: Mentor: Demeanor: Cabal: ere Attributes Physical Social Mental Strength @0000 Charisma @0000 Perception @0000 Dexterity _ @0000 = Manipulatio: (0000 Intelligence __ @O000 Stamina —@0000 Appearance @0000 Wits 0000 eee ADITCS seer cereemoncEr Talents Skills Knowledges Alertness 00000 Drive 00000 — Computer 00000 Athletic: 00000 — Etiquett 00000 — Cosmology 00000 Awareness 00000 Firearms 00000 Culture _ 00000 00000 Leadership. 00000 Enigmas 00000 00000 Meditation 00000 _ Investigation___O0000 Expression 00000 M 00000 Law 00000 Intuition 00000 care 00000 Linguistics 00000 Intimidation ___ 0000 h 00000 Medicine 00000 Streetwise 00000 Survival 00000 Occult 00000 Subterfuge 00000 Technology 00000 Science 00000 orem ACV aANlaQCS sree Spher Correspondence __@OO00 Life Prime Entropy, 00000 Mind. Spirit__ Forces OO00CO Matter. Time Other Traits Arete, Health OG0G8 0000000000 _ Bruised 00000 Willpower Hurt 00000 0000000000 Injured —— 00000 QO00000000 Wounded 00000 i Mauled 00000 Crippled < Incapacitated Experience OOoOcCOoOO Backgrounds ______ 00000 00000 00000 > ; 00000 °} . Study Points 00000 i 00000 Paradox 7/5. Abil grou RTUAL MAE PTS MAGE: The Ascension™ =x Merits & Flaws Merit Type Cost — Flaw Type Bonus Magick «== Rotes Talismans ssc cnc: Name Quintessence Appeareance HEUTE (COM Dal rere Weapon | Difficulty] Damage | Range | Rate | Clip | Conceal Mancaver Accuracy Damage Finch 6 Sitenath Grople 6 Sint Kick Swng + Balyshm 7 Special xm Armor: Aerts EF IS MAGE: The Ascension™ EEE Expanded Background . Awakened Contacts, Sleeper Contact Influence, Sleeper Allies, Awakened Resources, Mentor Familiar Chantry Acolytes Node(s) Gear (Carried) Equipment (Owned) Foci Computer Gear History: Awakening Goals / Des ings Quiets ern DOSCHIPLON sree TNT Age Apparent Age Date of Birth, Age of Awakening Hair Eyes tion, Height_ Weight Sex Appearance / Nature of Avatar eC ERECT V [SUAS see RE TIC IE Cabal Chart Character Sketch ic-Mail game of gladitorial combat. Each turn you to individual or team fights against the warriors of other rategies for your warriors and direct their training program so they'll get hetter and avoid permanent injuries. To enter the Blood Pit just send $10 to White Wolk Connect Well send you everything «rilcook and computer dak. This pe alo coves fn nail (a value of $10). Turns thereafter are only $1 That, pays for n your team. All you need is an IBM compatible computer, a modem and a fighting spirit A sia RT AD CRBS merce (AL HOS HOL é we? j oe NS Tia agains Givens ata O9 fern rts dag gar soe 4.0: ie me. Its ju: just.a-Games, Its) just.a,Game,. Its: just.a.Gamey. Its jus a just a just a Game. Its just a Game. Its just a Game. Its jus Its a.Gamez,. Its:just,a.Gamez;. Its: Justaa,Games. Its. juste. Gamed Its just a Game. Its just a Game. Its just a Game. Its just a Gamegq +> Ths; dustpa. Games are a Game. Its just a just,a-Games. Its; just.a.Game,, Its; juct.e-Game,. Its: just.a.Game.. Its jus just a + Its just a Game. Its just a Game. Its fug . Its just a Gam Its; just.a-Gamez,, Its: just.a-Game« ts: just.a.Game,. Its: Justa. Game, Its just a Its just a Game, Its just a Game just.a-Game,. Its; just a.Game.. Its, just.a-Game,. Its: just.a.Game. Its jug ts just a Game. Its just a Ga: agJust a Gane. f tted Game. Its gy Its;just.a.Games,. Its, just.a.Game+:. Its, just.a.Game.. Its: just.a.Ganey ta Game. just a Game. Its just a Saney Tts just a Game. It j just.a.Game.. Its; just.e.Gamey. Its; just.a.Game.. Its, just.a-Game,. Its jug i , just a Game. Its just a Game. Its just a Its just a Game. Its ju i Its; just.a-Game.r,, Its;justaa-Game). Its: just.a.Game«. Its: just.a.Gamey qeits just’a' cane. “Its just a Game. Its just a Game. Its Just a Gantul Jusboa. Game. just a.Game,. Its jus ust a Game. Its j just.a.Game.r,. Hts; just.a-Game.::. Tts;justoa.Game.. Ite: just.a.Gamey Don't runglh omey ‘w. Mama Tis; jusb.a.Game,. 1s) Ju usta “Gilie. “Its: just a Its J ible His se ; tie Ttsijust.aGame.. Its, juste. Game, Its. dust.a.Gamea). Its BP ARS Gkaeo*_ its. jswieg Ane’. Ths Juste thet ie. Sede oe 8 Mewe shige dust a. Gaite, LS Ga ss ye Le S293 "Vame. n Wants To Be taetalrsa meas toa Ge ve cramer cet aa eee esac eee AC Sarre BER a eee Me Eee eee a re eth See Mee eo Oleg Reg OC My sn cs tics of the Virdlial Adepts, the Pod eerie es foes resco ste ee cin ag avert Be ee S041 14 WAW-4060" $10.00 i ri i a. i HE

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