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Character, like a photograph, develops in darkness. Yousuf Karsh

Pulsatilla................................................................................................................................................ 1
Introduo.............................................................................................................................................. 3
From Vermeulens Prisma................................................................................................................. 3
Temas em Guy Loutan...................................................................................................................... 3
Sinopse.................................................................................................................................................. 4
Indicacoes agudas............................................................................................................................. 7
Didier Grangeorge................................................................................................................................. 8
Anja Heij.............................................................................................................................................. 10
Dr. Sharma........................................................................................................................................... 11
P Sankaran.......................................................................................................................................... 16
Sankaran The Soul of Remedies...................................................................................................... 19
Vermeulens Prisma............................................................................................................................. 20
Apndice.............................................................................................................................................. 25
Pulsatilla die Kuhschelle............................................................................................................... 25
Monographie............................................................................................................................... 25
Das Pulsatilla-Kind...................................................................................................................... 26
Pulsatilla in der Pubertt............................................................................................................. 27
Pulsatilla in einer Partnerschaft................................................................................................... 28
Pulsatilla und ihre Familie........................................................................................................... 28
Pulsatilla in der Schwangerschaft............................................................................................... 29
Andere Pulsatilla-Eigenschaften.................................................................................................29
Ein "typischer" Pulsatilla-Mensch sieht folgendermaen aus:....................................................30
Leitsymptome des Gemts:........................................................................................................ 31
ALLGEMEIN:............................................................................................................................... 31
Weitere verwendete Literatur :.................................................................................................... 32

52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 2

52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 3



Afetuosa; meiga; tmida. Sentimento de Abandono. Condescendente, submissa, no recusa nada.
Desejo de agradar. Compassiva, mas d para receber. Exigente (demanding). Muitos medos:
lugares fechados; lugares cheios; quando sozinho; escuro; loucura. Pode ser manipuladora para
chamar a ateno. Coloca a responsabilidade nos outros. Auto-piedade. Melhora pelo consolo.
Sintomas mutveis (changeable, shifting symptoms). Chilly, embora com absoluta intolerncia a
qualquer forma de calor. Chilliness during pains [yet aversion to heat].


Deseja amar como Deus unificando tudo em sua simplicidade. Veut prouver quil a bien sa place.
Tout se decompose, les choses nont plus de lien, ni elle, avec rien. Tout est un dcor de thatre.
Plus lien entre les choses, tout est decompos en elements. Fig par une ide fixe quil ne peut relier
rien. Netant plus en rapport avec rien, la partie dun tout , il ne sait ou is est parmi cette creation.
Perd ses repres. La croix Qui chasse le diable rtablilt lunit entre le ciel et la terre. Voulan aimer
comme Dieu toute chose et lui mme san que sela introduise en lui la composition, il ressent la
dcomposition entre ses parties, et entre lui et son environment. Le chat ne se lie pas, le chien oui.

52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 4


Pulsatilla nigricans, tambm chamada de Anemona pratensis, uma planta da famlia das
Ranunculceas. Tanto Dioscrides quanto os rabes, j empregavam-na, principalmente como
aplicaes externas para lceras imundas; inflamao dos olhos e problemas menstruais. Cresce
nos campos abertos da Europa. Para propsitos homeopticos utiliza-se o suco da planta verde e
fresca. Esta planta tem um gosto extremamente acre quando mastigada e corri lngua e faringe. A
atividade das Anemonas devido um leo voltil, o qual, quando deixado por algum tempo em
gua, convertido num corpo cristalino neutro chamado Anemonina, e um cido peculiar, chamado
cido Anemnico.

[Autoridades]: Hahnemann's fellow provers were: Friedrich Hahnemann; Hornburg; Michler; E.F.
Ruckert; Stapf. Symptoms are taken from the following sources: Bergius, Mat. Med.; Hellwing, Flora
Compana, Lips, 1719; Heyer, in Crell's Journ, ii; Saur, in Bergius, Mat. Med.; Stoerck, Ant. V., ln der
Pulsatilla. In the Frag. De Vir., Pulsatilla has 309 symptoms, in the 1st. Edition. 1073, in the 2nd.
Edition. 1163 in the last edition they are reduced to 1154 ( correcting the erroneous enumeration).
[Nmero de sintomas]: 1.322 sintomas na materia medica. 6.000 rubricas no repertrio do Ghesh.

Trata-se de um remdio eminentemente feminino; especialmente indicado para disposio suave,
gentil e condescendente. Estados contraditrios e alternantes. Extrema variabilidade dos sintomas.
Sintomas sempre mudando: nunca dois calafrios, duas evacuaes; muito bem uma hora, muito
miservel na seguinte. Dores errticas, variveis. Quando o primeiro srio problema de sade
referido idade da puberdade. Hemorragias, passivas, vicariantes, sangue escuro, facilmente
coagulando. Sensaes de peso; adormecimentos. As dores aparecem subitamente e desaparecem
gradualmente; rapidamente pulam de um lugar para outro. Um dos melhores remdios para comear
tratamento de um caso crnico. Todas as secrees das mucosas so suaves, brandas, no irritantes
(exceto o fluxo), espessas e amareladas ou esverdeadas. Ftidas. Principal remdio do sarampo e
suas sequelas. Profiltico do sarampo (C3 3vezes ao dia) . Piora geral pelo sol. Melhora geral
andando devagar ao ar livre.


Ansiedade noturna ao acordar como se houvesse cometido um crime.

Ansiedade como se estivesse para ter um ataque de apoplexia, noite, aps deitar,...

Preocupao ansiosa por sua sade.

Ansiedade com tremor, como se a morte fosse iminente.

Ele deseja agora por esta atividade e aps por outra, mas quando algo lhe dado no se

Invejoso, avarento, insatisfeito, vido, ele estaria satisfeito em ter tudo para si.

Sua cabea parecia muito quieta e sentindo tudo to vazio que ela parecia estar s em casa e
no mundo; no teria qualquer pessoa para falar, exatamente como se o meio ambiente que lhe
familiar no mais existisse, e no houvesse algum que lhe desse ateno.

52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 5

Ele no consegue se livrar de um pensamento que anteriormente teve.

Extremamente caprichoso e irascvel para tudo, mesmo consigo mesmo.

Tudo o desgosta; parece avesso a tudo.

Ela afunda num estado de tristeza e desespero por notcias desagradveis.

Extremamente melanclico, no responde, toma tudo pelo lado ruim, noitinha.

13.Evita o trabalho, irresoluto, com respirao suspirosa e uma sensao como se estivesse
fora de si.

Ansiedade pensa que ter seu futuro arruinado.

Ansiedade na regio do corao, com impulso suicida, e sensao ou tendncia ao vmito no


Ansiedade com tremor, como se estivesse para morrer.

Preocupao ansiosa por sua sade.

Preocupao por assuntos domsticos, de manh.

Disposio agitada, como se no cumprisse deu dever apropriadamente.

Negligencia seu trabalho, hesitante e indeciso, respirao soluante e perda da calma

Ao ouvir alguma notcia desagradvel ele se tornou comovido por tristeza e desespero.

Calor ansioso como se gua quente fosse jogada sobre ele, com testa fria.

Quando vem a noite...ele comea a temer fantasmas;... Medo do sexo oposto, do casamento, da

noitinha (por volta do por do sol), extraordinariamente mal-humorado, no responde, e

entende tudo de forma errada.

Falta de ateno, age com precipitao, de forma diferente da que deseja.

Disposio amvel, tmida, gentil, e submissa.

Ansiedade com tremores, como se estivesse para morrer.

Imagina que um homem nu est envolto nas suas roupas de cama; sonhos com homens.

Facilmente chega s lgrimas ou riso; demonstra estar bem uma hora, e miservel na outra.

Choro contnuo com grande melancolia e medo de perder a razo, ou pensa poder cometer o

Cansado da vida; pensa com prazer em afogamento.

32. Mania religiosa; v o diabo vindo para possu-la; o mundo est em chamas durante a noite;
medo, fria em surtos, ou est chorando...

33. Dor de conscincia religiosa e a respeito do sexo feminino; palpitao violenta na presena
de mulher; detesta e odeia sexo; precisa sair do caminho por medo de agredi-las; ele as olha
depreciando como se fossem seres malignos e est temeroso, considerando suas presenas
ofensivas para sua alma;...

34. ... Se desespera de salvar sua alma; no acredita que possa restaurar sua sade;...

35. ...teme todas as pessoas; considera a todos como inimigos, se desespera por
tudo;...;desconfia de todos;...

Humor silencioso; tendncia pena silenciosa com submisso.

As crianas so extremamente afetivas, e se manifestam por beijos e carcias.

Insnia devido a grande medo e inquietao ansiosa; desespero por sua salvao, procura ajuda
em reza constantemente;...

Desconfiana secreta e comportamento reservado; aparncia transtornada; insnia; procura por

sua cama no jardim; se esconde num canto para escapar de um homem pequeno e cinza que
quer arrancar sua perna;...

Aps leves emoes, respirao difcil; maus efeitos por pavor, mortificao ou alegria

TEMTICA: Negligncia do dever.

52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 6

SONHOS: Atemorizantes; de desgosto; voluptuosos; confusos; de gatos; de homens; bestas

pretas; caindo; ansiosos quando deitado sobre o lado esquerdo; tristeza com choro.


Pontadas errantes, irradiando para face e dentes; nevrlgicas com lacrimejamento do lado
afetado; tediosas, pulsteis; pressivas; rasgantes; doloridas; tediosas; constrictivas; de escolares
ao tempo da puberdade; cefalia por supresso da menstruao. [Agrava]: noite; pelo calor;
mudanas sbitas de tempo ou tempestades. [Melhora]: andando lentamente ao ar livre.

Dores mordentes; em queimao; em ferroada; rasgantes nos olhos. [Agrava]: luz e sol.
[Melhora]: aplicaes frias.

Dor nos ouvidos, noite, pulsteis; > aplicaes frias, > andando lentamente.

Sensibilidade dolorosa de parte posterior da garganta, como se em carne crua, com dor
repuxante nos msculos cervicais.

Pontadas; dor apertando; tensivas; pressivas, na regio epigstrica, melhora levantando e


Clicas abdominais com calafrios; dores abdominais flatulentas ou nevrlgicas; dores

repuxantes; rasgantes ou puxando para baixo bearing-down, com nusea, com calafrios.

Dores em queimao e cortantes no reto durante evacuao. Dores pressivas; como em

ferroadas e cortantes no reto aps evacuar.

Dores em queimao; agudas; constrictivas; em colo da bexiga, meato urinrio < andando; >
pela presso da mo.

Dor tipo parto, no lado esquerdo do tero, deve dobrar. Dismenorria, comeando na puberdade.

Dor em queimao no trax e regio cardaca.

Dores nos membros, migratrias. Caimbras. Dor citica. Queimao em solas dos ps.

Sensaes de pulsaes ou batidas em todo o corpo, pior com o movimento.

Como se estivesse numa atmosfera quente.

Como se visse atravs de uma peneira.

Como se estivesse danando; virando em crculo; como se casse.

Como se o crebro fosse rasgado.

Sensao de vazio na cabea.

De areia nos olhos.

Alteraes do paladar: amargo, bilioso, gorduroso, salgado, podre.

Como se uma pedra no estmago; na bexiga; no trax; ou no abdome.

Como se a lngua estivesse queimada.

Sensao de p ou de vapores de enxofre na laringe.

Sensao de queimao no meato urinrio, > banhando em gua fria.


[Desejos alimentares]: tnicos, salgados; queijo, cerveja ou bebidas alcolicas, doces, manteiga,
manteiga de amendoim, arenque. [Averses]: comida gordurosa, comidas e bebidas quentes,
gua, porco, po, leite, defumados, po de centeio leite, carne e gorduras. A criana recusa o
peito. Fome, mas no sabe de que.

Catarro e inflamao da trompa de eustquio com hipoacusia. Otites mdias purulentas.

Coriza aguda com calafrios constantes, perda do gosto e do olfato.

Conjuntivites agudas, pior pelo calor da cama ou do fogo.

Laringite por esquentar-se. tosse seca noite, com expectorao s de manh.

Parotidite com metstases para os testculos.

Transtornos gstricos por comida gordurosa ou gelados. Dispepsia com aperto, deve afrouxar as
roupas. Riso histrico aps as refeies.

52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 7

Cistites com dores vesicais paroxsticas. Prostatite. Blenorragia aguda. Enurese noturna.

Orquites e epidimite.

Amenorria. Supresso da menstruao por ps midos ou debilidade nervosa. Leucorrias.

Falsa gravidez. Galactorria em mulheres que no amamentam.

Asma, pior ao anoitecer, em crianas; por supresso de erupes.

Febre sem sede; Crises febris variadas, irregulares. Febre puerperal .Sarampo.

Fala, geme ou grita durante o sono. Dorme com as mos sobre a cabea. Ou os braos
cruzados sobre o abdomen e os ps puxados para cima.


Terol recurrente.

Fstula lacrimal.

Cistos serosos, induraes ou plipos na vagina.

Pneumonia por problemas hepticos ou durante o sarampo. Supurao aguda dos pulmes.

[Lados do corpo]: unilateral; sintomas vo de um lado para o outro sobre o qual est deitado. [Partes
do corpo]: afeta a mente; veias; membranas mucosas; respirao.

[Causalidades]: Molhar os ps. Comer. Comida gordurosa. Sorvete. Tempestade. Ch. Supresses
de descargas. [Agrava]: Marcada agravao pelo calor. [Melhora]: eructaes; ser abanado;
elevando os ps. Afrouxando a roupa. Deitando.

Ausncia de sede em quase todos seus transtornos.
Sente-se dbil, pela manh, na cama, ao despertar. em ambiente quente.

Cyclamen um anlogo prximo; tambm faz diagnstico diferencial com Sepia, Nat-M , Thuja.


Causalidade: Molhar os ps. Comer. Comida gordurosa. Sorvete. Tempestade. Ch.

Sintomas caractersticos: Marcada agravao pelo calor. Desejo de ar livre. Estados

contraditrios e alternantes. Extrema variabilidade dos sintomas. Dores errticas, variveis.
Todas as secrees das mucosas so suaves, brandas, no irritantes (exceto o fluxo), espessas
e amareladas ou esverdeadas. Ftidas. Principal remdio do sarampo e suas sequelas.
Profiltico do sarampo (C3 3vzs ao dia) Catarro e inflamao da trompa de eustquio com
hipoacusia. Otites mdias purulentas. Coriza aguda com calafrios constantes, perda do gosto e
do olfato. Conjuntivites agudas, pior pelo calor da cama ou do fogo. Laringite por esquentar-se.
tosse seca noite, com expectorao s de manh. Parotidite com metstases para os
testculos. Transtornos gstricos por comida gordurosa ou gelados. Cistites com dores vesicais
paroxsticas. Prostatite. Blenorragia aguda. Orquites e epidimite. Asma, pior ao anoitecer, em
crianas; por supresso de erupes. Febre sem sede; Crises febris variadas, irregulares. Febre
puerperal .Sarampo.

Sensaes: Sensaes de pulsaes ou batidas em todo o corpo, pior com o movimento. Como
se estivesse numa atmosfera quente. Como se visse atravs de uma peneira. Como se
estivesse danando; virando em crculo; como se casse. Como se uma pedra no estmago; na
bexiga; no trax; ou no abdome. Como se a lngua estivesse queimada. Sensao de p ou de
vapores de enxofre na laringe.

Concomitantes: Ausncia de sede em quase todos seus transtornos. Sente-se dbil, pela manh,
na cama, ao despertar. em ambiente quente. Dorme com as mos sobre a cabea.

52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 8

Pulsatilla pratensis

For Pulsatilla, Mother is the sole point of reference. The umbilical cord has
never been truly severed, and if Mother is not there, the child finds a
substitute (a teddy bear, thumb-sucking, a favorite blanket, etc.).
Pulsatilla children are capricious; they cry easily but are quickly consoled:
"like an April day."
The absence of thirst is notable. As long as Pulsatilla babies are nursing
from the breast or the bottle, they will drink large quantities, but offer
them a cup or a bowl, and they are no longer interested. They will then
develop a habit of drinking very little. The recklessness of Pulsatilla
children, who will at times launch forth into adventure with a total lack of
fear, can seem paradoxical. But if these children are this adventuresome,
it is because they are thoroughly convinced that Mother will be there,
ready to intervene at the least sign of danger.
Another sign of this remedy is circulatory troubles: the skin is always
marked by a network of veins and capillaries which is aggravated in warm
rooms. With a bit of humor, we can imagine the Pulsatilla child tangled up
in its umbilical cord, and so showing signs of circulatory trouble. . . .
In the doctor's office, the Pulsatilla child is often with Mother Pulsatilla
and Grandma Pulsatilla, who show a liking for old-fashioned embroidered
blouses and blue clothing. Consultations are often for repeated colds,
otitis (inflammation of the ear), eczema, and asthma, the last often
appearing after removal of the adenoids.
Pulsatilla is a major remedy for "suppressions," the first unhappy
experience of suppression being the cutting of the umbilical cord that
linked mother and child. Following that are suppressions of warts by
surgery, of eczema by skin creams, of colds by removal of adenoids . . .
and the Pulsatilla picture is aggravated.
As for the digestive system, Pulsatilla children are averse to hot food, just
as they do not tolerate overheated air. They are equally affected by fatty
foods. On the other hand, they exhibit a desire for butter that they will
eat by the spoonful (Mercurius): butter, cream . . . the best of what
Mother offers. In the evening, the Pulsatilla child does not want to go to
sleep unless it is in Mother's bed. This becomes the source of numerous
family dramas when Father must give in and go sleep in the living room.
Mother Pulsatilla will give birth in her own mother's city, if possible with
the same doctor, and it is her mother who holds her hand in the labor
room. When the pediatrician arrives to see the new baby, the young
mother is in tears: "To think that we had to be separated!"
Pulsatilla is a major remedy for childhood illnesses such as rubella and
common measles, which, for the homeopathic pediatrician, play an
"abscess" role, allowing any remaining unhealthy fragments of the
mother-child relationship, or the oral stage, to be evacuated. It is also

52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 9

good to give a dose of Pulsatilla 15 CH after vaccination against rubella

and measles; this will eliminate harmful reactions.
Finally, Pulsatilla is an important remedy at puberty. At that time, the
young person revisits the stages of childhood, and whatever has not yet
been resolved may now be put in order. The adolescent has to leave his
or her parents one day. For Pulsatilla, separation imposed by certain
circumstances, such as going to school, is a very difficult experience.
Hives, acne, asthma, late onset of menstruation, and leukorrhea (whitish
vaginal discharge) are all in the clinical picture.

Four-thirty p.m. , the end of the school day, is "mothers' hour." Isabelle's
left ear is bothering her. She has a sore throat and green nasal discharge;
her fever is rising, she is not thirsty and wants to be left uncovered.
Isabelle clings tightly to her mother, not letting go even when she goes to
telephone the doctor. "Since school started, my child is always sick,
Isabelle is three-and-a-half years old; it is her first year in school. In the
morning, she lets go of her mother with great difficulty. Once her mother
is gone, she stops crying and goes to seek refuge in the teacher's lap. . . .
But this does not alleviate Isabelle's depression over being abandoned by
her mother. So she takes refuge in illness. Besides, when she is sick, she
can stay home.
With Pulsatilla, the colds disappear, and from that time on, Isabelle
leaves her mother with a smile at the school's front door.
James, 45 years old, is a passionate tennis player. However, for some
time now, he has suffered from pain in the right arm which keeps him
from playing and even wakes him at night. A rheumatologist specializing
in sports medicine is not able to provide relief; neither is the
mesotherapist (who performs a specialized therapy using injections of
minimal doses of medication near the site of the pain). The examination
reveals true varicose veins on the upper extremities, which points toward
Pulsatilla. "What was your childhood like? Tell me about your mother."
"My mother-I never knew her. She left my father early on and he sent me
to be raised in an institution run by nuns. . . ." His pains disappear with
Pulsatilla 15, 18, 24, then 30 CH, one dose per month in ascending order.
Cedric, four years old, comes to see me because he does not want to be
toilet-trained and refuses to sit on the bowl. I observe him: shy, bottle
and blanket in hand. "You are still giving him a bottle?"
"You know, Doctor, it's so much easier in the mornings."
"Give him a cup, take away the bottle-after all, cups and bowls go
together, you know!" As the psychologist Jacques Salom says, humor,
which allows us some "healing laughter,"* is a good tool to have in the
therapist's kit.

52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 10


This is almost exclusively a remedy for women.

It especially fits women with a soft, friendly and yielding character, who are easily in tears. The
remedy is made of the Anemone Pulsatilla, a dark purple flower of the Ranunculacea, which trims
her sails according to the winds.
Analogous to the constant moving flowers are the changeable moods and symptoms and the
hormonal changes of the people that need the homoeopatic Pulsatilla.
Pulsatilla-characters are very emotional, having changeable moods. A keynote for this remedy is a
forsaken feeling, the feeling of being left alone and denied. Pulsatilla's are very sensitive when it
comes to relationships. They tend to be dependent on someone, to shape themselves according to
the wishes and desires of a partner.
They are kind and soft and easy to persuade; they are not really assertive. But when they feel let
down or rejected they can be very irritable, sad and melancholic. They need attention and affection,
some warm relational womb. These people are seeking for connection, it are peacemakers,
caretakers of a warm atmosphere at home and they long for very close partnerships.
Pulsatilla's enjoy art and music and they will transform their house into a commodious nest. They can
be fastidious. They dislike quarrels and discussions, they cannot choose between several options and
they somehow hope that life itself will solve their problems. Pulsatilla's easily weep and crying
relieves their pain. But don't be mistaken: also silent grief is possible in this remedy. Tears can also
be used to achieve certain things.
With their strong need for attention and connection they easily fall in love. They can have many
successive relationships, or more than one relationship at the same time. Choosing a specific partner
is difficult ("I love them both!") but when they have made a final choice they are quite true. They can
also show a fear or aversion to marriage. Pulsatilla-people have a strong sexual force. At the same
time they can have rigid ideas about sex or religion, feeling guilty and sinful about their sexuality.
Pulsatilla's fear being alone, darkness and ghosts. The homoeopathic Pulsatilla shares many
characteristics with the astrological sign Libra.
Male Pulsatilla's are very soft men with a clearly developed female side. Symptoms are often
changeable and inconstant. Or they only affect one side of the body, or are moving to another part of
the body. Many symptoms affect the mucous membranes.
Characteristic are the yellowish-green secretions. The blood runs slowly, causing hemorrhoids,
varicose veins and a heavy and swollen feeling in various parts of the body. It is not surprising that
this remedy has many complaints concerning the female sexuality: PMS, menstruation problems, a
late and irregular menstruation with dark blood, milk in the breasts of women without children, serious
pain after giving birth. Men can have problems with the testicles or the prostate. Pulsatilla's often
have swollen body-parts, like a swollen belly or swollen feet. Many intestine problems, gas, and a
heavy feeling in the stomach. They dislike fat food. These people usually drink very little. They sleep
late at night and are very sleepy in the afternoon. They need more than one pillow to rest their head
on. Sleeping on their left side aggravates their complaints.
Although Pulsatilla's are chilly, they dislike warm air and warm rooms. They prefer an open window,
cold and being outdoors, exercising slow movements like walking. (Fast movements make them feel
too warm and too tired.) They feel better after crying.

52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 11




Pulsatilla Nigricans
Botanical Name: Anemone Quinquefolia. Common Name: Wind Flower. Medicinal Part: The whole
herb. Description: This is an exceedingly delicate looking plant, common in our woods. The slender
stem is from 4 to 8 inches high. The solitary flower is white inside and purplish on the outer surface.
- Constitutional Taint: Sycotic.
- Boericke describes this drug as Weather-cock among remedies. He says that the disposition
and mental state are the chief guiding symptoms to the selection of Pulsatilla. It is one of the
polychrests and one of the remedies most frequently used, as well as often abused.

Typical subjects:
Nash says , the disposition of Pulsatilla is almost the opposite of that of Nux Vomica. Nux Vomica is
called the mans remedy and Pulsatilla the womens remedy. This means simply that the complaints
of one are found oftener with men while those of the other are found oftener with women.
Therefore Boericke says that it is pre-eminently a female remedy. It is adapted to mild, gentle and
yielding disposition ; cries at everything; is sad and desponding; weeps about everything; can hardly
give her symptoms on account of weeping. And again, Sandy hair, blue eyes, pale face, inclined to
silent grief with submissiveness(Silicea is its chronic) Nash therefore says that here we have got a
description of the Pulsatilla temperament as near as words can express it, and it is a fact that when
you find it in a patient , no matter what the pathological condition, Pulsatilla will almost surely help.
There are few exceptions. So we learn not to put too much stress on pathological states to the
neglect of symptomatological conditions.
Prof. K.C.Bhanja addes in his book; Constitution: Drug Pictures Pulsatilla is also adapted to
Persons of slow, phlegmatic temperament; who are indecisive (cannot arrive a decision with any
degree of expedition); who are timid , of tearful disposition, with a tendency to inward grief and silent
peevishness. Women, who are inclined to be fleshy with scanty and protracted menstruation. Women
whose menses appears a few days after the due date. It is hardly applicable to persons, who form
their resolutions with rapidity and are quick in their movements.
Prof. Bhanja further says that the Determinative of Pulsatilla is that it is adapted to persons with
discouragement, indecision, dread of occupation . Envious, discontented, and covetous, exhibiting
itself in a wish to appropriate everything. Difficulty in expressing thoughts correctly while speaking
and tendency to omit letters when writing. Great flow of very changeable ideas. Morbid dread of the
opposite sex. Involuntary laughter and weeping.


1. Ever changing character: Symptoms are ever changing. Now two stools are alike. Colour and
character of stools are constantly changing. The patient is very well one hour, miserable the next.
Haemorrhages cease for a time and then flow again with redoubled force. The flow appears to have
stopped, but in a few hours returns. Intermittent flow of menses. When one set of symptoms comes
on, another vanishes.
2. Chilliness: Constant chilliness even in a warm room. It acts best when there is a disposition to
chilliness and adipsia(absence of thirst) Colic with chilliness, when mensturation is suppressed. We

52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 12

may add ; Coldness of hands, and feet, they seem dead. Pain are associated with chilliness.
Dysentery with mucous and blood, and associated with chilliness.
3. Thirstlessness: This note runs through nearly all diseased conditions. Mouth dry, yet thirstless. In
intermittent fever, there is no thirst during chill; no thirst during heat, or thirst begins as chill is over;
decreases as heat increases, there being entire absence of thirst during the height of paroxysms,
when fever subsides thirst begins; but the sweat stage is attended with great thirst. This thirst is,
indeed, of a crazy character and indicates Puls.
4.Metastatasis Metastasis of mumps to breasts or testicles.

Kent says , the Pulsatilla patient is an interesting one, found in any household where there are plenty
of young girls. She is tearful, plethoric and generally has little credit for being sick from her
appearances; yet she is most nervous, fidgety, changeable, easily led and easily persuaded. While
she is mild, gentle and tearful, yet she is remarkably irritable, not in the sense of pugnacity, but easily
irritated, extremely touchy, always feels slighted or fears she will be slighted; sensible to every social
influence. Melancholia, sadness, weeping, despair, , religious despair, fanatical; full of notions and
whims; imaginative, extemely excitable. She imagines the company of opposite sex a dangerous
thing to cultivate, and that it is dangerous to do certain things well established in society as good for
the the human race. These imaginations belong to eating as well as thinking. They imagine that milk
is not good to drink, so they will not take it. They imagine that certain articles of diet are not good for
the human race. Aversion to marriage is a strong symptom. A man takes it into his head that it is an
evil thing to have sexual intercourse with his wife and abstains from it. Religious freaks; an especial
tendency to dwell on religious notions; fixed ideas concerning the Scripture; he misuses and
misapplies the Scriptures to his own detriment; dwells on sanctification until he becomes fanatical
and insane; thinks he is in a wonderfully sanctimonious state of mind, or that he has sinned away his
day of grace. This goes on until he becomes insane on other subjects and then the tendency is to sit
day after day in a taciturn way. He will not answer questions unless hard pressed, when all he will say
is Yes or No, or he will merely shake his head. Puerperal insanity in a women who was mild, gentle
and tearful, later sad and taciturn, and then she sits in her chair all day answering nothing or merely
nodding her head for Yes or No.

The Pulsatilla headache is a throbbing congestive headache; much heat in the head, ameliorated by
the application of cold, by external pressure and sometimes by slow motion, aggravated by lying and
sitting quiet. >by walking slowly in the open air; becomes worse towards evening and gradually
increases through the evening and night, worse from the motion of the eyes and from stooping. The
pains are often constricting, throbbing and congestive. Periodic sick headaches, with vomiting of sour
food. Headache when he overeats. Though he likes ice-cream, he has headache and congestion of
the stomach after eating ice cream.

Catarrhal conditions of the ear. Otorrhoea. Thick bland discharge; offensive odor Pulsatilla is
commonly indicated in earache of children; when the child is a gentle, fat, plump, vascular red faced
child always pitifully crying. Kent says ,if it is case of earache in a nondescript child Pulsatilla will
also prove to be a temporary remedy, so closely is it related to pain in the ear. Pains in the ears in the
evening or in the night > by walking slowly about the room.

- Thick, profuse, yellow, bland discharges. Itching and burning in eyes. Lids inflamed, agglutinated.
Styes. Ophthalmia neonatrum. Sub Acute Conjuctivitis, with dispepsia < warm room.The patient is
always rubbing the eyes; whether or no there is mucus in the eyes it matters not; but it is a sensation
of gauze before the eyes > rubbing.


52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 13

Coryza: stoppage of right nostril, pressing pain at the root of the nose. Pulsatilla is more indicated in
an advanced stage of cold in the head, what is known as a ripe cold, hence it should not be given at
the beginning of a cold, for it is never indicated. There is no sneezing or excoriating discharge with
Pulsatilla. The discharge is thick, yellow, muco-purulent, and, above all, bland. The loss of smell is
present in chronic and acute catarrhs. The patient feels himself fells better in open air and <warm
room.Pulsatilla is very useful in hay fever associated with above symptoms.

The face is sickly, often mottled, purple, intermixed with yellow and unhealthy colors; venous puffing;
sensation of fulness; often a red face, like that of health, and the patient gets no sympathy; face often
flushes; flushes of heat to the face; at tims a sunken look; dark rings about the eyes; sallow, green,
chlorotic. .Mumps and inflammation of parotid glands. If a women suffering with mumps takes a
decided cold the breasts swell, and there is an inflammation of mammary gland. Girls take cold the
swelling of the parotid subsides too soon, and the corresponding mammary glands swells, sometimes
both swell; or it may begin in one and go to the other. In men it is the testicle. Pulsatilla is one of the
most important remedies in this form of metastasis it breaks up complaints that flit about.

Pulsatilla like Nux Vomica is a great remedy for disorders of digestion. Symptoms- Bad taste in the
mouth, especially early in the morning, or nothing tastes good, or no taste at all.(Bryonia, bad taste
with coated tongue and thirst; Pulsatilla-no thirst).Great dryness of the mouth in the morning, without
thirst; wants it washed frequently. Frequently licks the dry lips Crack in middle of lower lip. Yellow or
white tongue, covered with a tenacious mucus. Toothache is > holding cold water in mouth (Coff.)
Offensive odor from mouth (Merc.,Aur.)Alterations of taste, bitter, bilious greasy, salty, foul. A striking
feature of Puls. Is that he never wants water despite the fact that his mouth is dry.

Stomach disordered from cakes, pastry, rich food; particularly fat pork. (fat, meats generally.)Nux
Vomica patient is not disturbed by fats, but on the contrary likes them and they agree. With Nux
Vomica warm food agrees best; with Pulsatilla cold things .So Pulsatilla patient is averse to fat food,
warm food and drink. Flatulence. Dislikes butter(Sang.) Pulsatilla produces and cures jaundice.
jaundice in consequence of chronic susceptibility to hepatitis and derangement of secretion of bile.
With looseness of bowels, duodenal catarrh., disordered digestion; feverishness and thirstlessness
after quinine.

Many troubles seem to manifest themselves in the abdomen by bloating, distension of the abdomen,
flatulence, colicky pains, rumbling, fermentation of food, and from disorders of menstruation or
diarrhoea. Bloating after eating, especially after fats and rich food.

Rumbling, watery; < at night . No two stools alike. After fruit (Ars. Chin.) Dysentry ; mucus and blood
with chilliness; May be indicated in diarrhoea from fright; The stools are greenish yellow and

Increased desire; worse when lying down. Burning in orifice of urethra during after micturition.
Involuntary micturition at night, while coughing or passing flatus. After urinating, spasmodic pain in

First medicine to be thought in cases of Amenorrhea. It is indicated where the menses flow by fits
and starts, or when the suppression is due to wetting of the feet; also, in delayed first menses in

52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 14

chlorotic girls. The mother comes to him saying her daughter has suffered since her first menses;
when she went in swimming, or got her feet wet, and has suffered since. The doctor says the parts
are undeveloped and she must be operated on. Puslatilla has established a normal flow in a few
It must be carefully distinguished from Dulcamara, which has menses suppressed from getting the
feet wet, but whose temperament is not that of Pulsatilla. Bayes remarks that in amenorrhoea with
anaemia great judgement is required in the selection of the dilution, which ought to vary from 30th to
the ist., according to the sensitiveness of the patient. Jahr ranks Sulphur with Pulsatilla for
insufficient pale menstruation . The Pulsatilla patient is disinclined to exertion, with poor appetite and
longing for acids, is apt to faint easily and suffers from a tremulous anxiety. Senecio is also useful in
amenorrhoea with chlorosis. Tardy menses, too late, scanty, thick, dark , clotted, changeable
intermittent flow of blood. Leucorrhoea milky which becomes watery, acrid and burning from being
retained in the vagina. It is a mucous, thick, creamy, white leucorrhoea sometimes replacing menses,
with chilliness, disposition to lie down and lowness of spirits. Leucorrhoe as in chlorotic subjects. Pain
in back; tired feeling. Diarrhoea during or after menses.
Exaggerated sexual daesire; nymphomania; wild, beside hereelf with sexual thoughts, uncontrollable
sexual desire. Kent says that he has seen Pulsatilla cure a great many girls of 16 or 18 years.

Orchitis; pain from abdomen to testicles. Thick yellow discharge from urethra; late stage of
gonorrhoea. Stricture; urnine passed only in drops, and stream interrujpted. (Clematis) |Acute
prostatitis. Pain and tenesmus in urinating worse lying on back.

Respiratory:The chest, respiratory organs, and cough furnish some most troublesome symptoms. Bronchitis,
pneumonia. Dry, teasing cough and dyspnoea; wants the windows open, aggravated lying down.
Cough gagging and choking. Copious expectoration in the morning, of thick ,yellow-green mucus.
Dry, teasing cough at night worse lying down. Chronic loose cough after measles. Whooping Cough.
In the larynx we have many symptoms ; constriction, tickling causing cough. Dry, teasing cough,
<lying and in a warm room. Cough worse at night.
Bronchitis with loose morning and dry evening cough.
Dyspnoea; oppression from walking fast or becoming overheated after eating; stopped up nose. After
emotions. Asthma of children from suppressed rash or in women from suppressed menses. Urine
emitted with cough.

Sleeps with hands over head. Cannot sleep on the left side as it increases the palpiotation and
suffocating . Late falling asleep; sleeplessness on account of flushes of heat. Wide awake in the
evening; first sleep restless. Wakes un refreshed. Irresistible sleepiness in afternoon.

Kent says that in curvature of the spine Puls. Is of great value. Shooting pain in the nape and back,
between shoulders; in sacrum after sitting. Sensation of cold water poured down back.
Extremities: All the limbs are painful, drawing, tearing pains in the limbs, better from motion and after
motion. Worse from a warm room and better from cold applications. Swelling of veins in the arms
and hands. Varicose veins of the limbs like Fl. Ac. Rheumatism of joints; pain in joints as if
dislocated. Sciatica <in the evening and better from slowly moving about. Feet burn, and he must put
them out of bed. Sols burn and are bruised when walking. Marked restlessness and twitching of the
limbs and feet. , numbness of the limb lain on; wandering pains in all the limbs.

Urticaria, after rich food with diarrhoea, from delayed menses, worse undressing. Measles. Acne at
puberty. Varicose veins.

52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 15

Chilliness, even in warm room, without thirst. External heat is intolerable. Chill about 4 p.m.
Intolerable burning heat at night with distended veins. Chilly with pains, in spots, worse evening.
During apyrexia, headache, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, nausea.

Worse in Sun, from heat, rich fat food, after eating towards evening, warm room ,changes of
weather; lying on left or on painless side, when allowing feet to hand down. Better, open air, motion,
cold applications, cold food and drinks, thought not thirsty.

Follows well after: Kali-bi, Lyco, Sep. Sil, Sullph. Complementary: Kali-m,Lyco,.Sil, Sulph-ac, Arg.nit.
Notes:Silicea is the chronic of Pulsatilla in nearly all complaints.
One of the best remedies with which to begin the treatment chronic case (Calc.Sulph).
It is called for in treating patients who are anaemic or cholorotic who have taken much iron, quinine
and tonics, even years before.
- Ailments which owe their origin to quinine, mercury, sulphur and tea-drinking require Pulsatilla for
antidoting the bad effects thereof.
- Potency: 30, 200,1000, up to CM .
- Summary of Indications: Anxiety States insomnia womens dosorders allergic disorders
childhood exanthemata.

52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 16

Pulsatilla pratensis
I must mention that I came to know Puls. much better after I engaged a
lady doctor as my assistant. She was typically Puls. She would develop
different symptoms on different days. Today she would have headache,
tomorrow a backache, next day a throat pain, then a vertigo and so on.
But she had some constant basic symptoms. They were as follows:
1. Agg. from fat food. This would cause diarrhoea.
2. Agg. from sour foods. She would get headache and throat pain. Even if
one drop of lemon juice was put into her food without her knowledge, she
would have a violent aggravation.
3. Agg. in summer.
4. Agg. by cold and heat.
5. Generally thirstless.
6. Weeping on the least provocation. Even if a patient insisted on getting
an earlier appointment or if someone did not pay his fees or if some
patient was rude, she would weep.
7. Marked amel. by sympathy. If she received sympathy even her
headache would disappear.
8. Any emotional upset would cause symptoms like backache, throat
pain, fever, etc.
She responded to Puls. everytime and her general level of health
improved considerably and she put up 40 lbs in weight. I am grateful to
her for she made me understand this remedy better.
I remember my earliest Pulsatilla case.
There was a watch repairer who came and told me that he was suffering
from a complete loss of appetite for four years and was willing to try
Homoeopathy, though he had no faith in Homoeopathy or in me as I was
just a beginner, and because he had already tried the best doctors of
other systems. I took his case carefully and found no characteristic
symptoms at all. All that I could find was that he had complete loss of
appetite. If he ate even one slice of bread he would feel heavy the whole
day. He had no thirst at all and was spitting all the time due to salivation.
I looked up these three symptoms in Boger's Synoptic Key and I got Puls. I
gave him Puls. 30, 1dose without much hope. Two days later, he came to
see me again and I made him wait outside for two minutes. When I called
him in I found that he had gone. Later he came back and explained to me
that he had rushed to his house as he had felt desperately hungry.
Finding nothing edible at home he ate up all the curd which was the only
thing available then!
And now I shall describe a recent case of mine.
A young girl, Miss D., aged 17 years, came to me from some town in
Gujarat. She had oliguria. Her peculiar symptom was that even though
she would pass urine only once in 24 hours, that amount would still be
very scanty. This was going on for the last one year. If she travelled,
urination become even less so that she would not pass urine even once in

52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 17

24 hrs. But in spite of this, she had no discomfort or pain or swelling

anywhere in the body. Her other symptom was very scanty, black and
offensive menses. She had been examined by several doctors but no one
could make a diagnosis nor could anyone relieve her. I worked out the
case and it came to Kali-c and Puls. I gave her Puls. which did not act at
first. But after some doses of Opium (as it covered the lack of reaction,
infrequent urination and absence of discomfort) when Puls. was repeated,
it acted nicely. We had to go upto Puls. 50M and then she was cured.
Incidentally, the British Homoeopathic Journal has published an excellent
paper on Puls. by Dr. William Gutman. Dr. Gutman is a great thinker and
he comes up with excellent papers on various remedies. His paper on
Pulsatilla is a classic.
The Puls. patient is chilly but is agg. by warmth. I must confess here that
I do not give great importance to chilliness and warmth because I have
seen Sepia patients who are warm and Lachesis patients who are chilly.
Under the rubric "Cold and heat agg.", you will find remedies like Puls.,
Sep., Sil., Lach., etc., which we think are predominently agg. by cold or by
heat. Again our remedies were proved in countries with different climatic
conditions and we do not know how far they will apply here exactly. So,
unless the patient is very markedly aggravated by heat or cold, I do not
consider this.
I find some of the Puls. patients very irritable though according to the
book, classically Puls. is not irritable. The only difference is that when the
Puls. patient gets angry she weeps, as the following case will show:
"Mrs. V.P. , aged 40 years, was directed to me by a homoeopath from
Ahmedabad. She had been suffering for 8 years from recurrent coryza,
cough and itching of the palate, all usually agg. at night. Cough is agg.
lying down. Since the last 6 months she gets a swelling of limbs and face
which appears on and off. Gets attacks of pain and redness in the eye
near the outer canthus, right or left, on and off for the last 10 years.
Dysmenorrhoea since puberty. Pain is agg. after flow starts - more the
flow, more the pain. Has pain and heaviness in breasts before menses,
with scanty menses. Cramps in the abdomen 10 days before menses,
agg. left side and agg. turning to left side. Walking fast causes substernal
pain. Chilly. Feels cold especially in hands and feet. Seasickness. Appetite,
thirst, etc., normal. Aversion to milk. Sweats in the morning after rising.
Has poor sleep. Is irritable, oversympathetic and emotional. Weeps when
angry. Desires company. Is putting on weight.
Past Hist.: 10 years back had measles; dysentery in 1949, which recurs in
attacks every monsoon. Breast abscess after 2nd delivery. Tonsillectomy
21/2 years back is since then coryza is agg.. H/o shock due to brother's
death in an accident. Since then, very sensitive and not in good health.
Vaccinated often. X-ray (1951) showed lesion in lung and was treated with
anti-tubercular drugs. Fam. Hist.: Uncle had Tub. of bone. On Exam.
fingers and toes cold.
Her case was repertorized using Kent's Repertory and Phatak's Repertory
with the following symptoms:

52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 18

Grief, ailments from (K.p. 51); Sympathetic (K.p. 86); Menses, before agg.
(K.p. 1373) ; Abdomen, pain, menses, during (K.p. 559); Cough, lying agg.
(K.p. 785) ; Obesity (K.p. 1376) ; Itching, palate (K.p. 406) ; Motion slow,
gentle, amel. (Ph.p. 192)
Puls. alone covered all the symptoms.
Puls. 1M, 3 doses t.d. s. was given for one day and she felt 50 percent
better. As she did not respond further to Puls. 1M, she was given Puls.
10M, 3 doses t.d. s. She then reported continuous improvement till she
became well."
Recently I have been noticing that more and more patients of mine seem
to require Puls. Many patients come and give symptoms which lead up to
Puls. Sometimes I get a doubt as to whether I am prejudiced in favour of
this remedy. But as a good number of these patients improve on Puls., I
often wonder why this remedy seems to be more often needed. Is it
because Puls. antidotes the ill-effects of drugs and many patients come to
us after drugging?
Changeability is one of the characteristic features of Puls. Hence, Puls.
patients can be irritable and/or thirsty. (Ref. Kent's Repertory - Mind,
Irritability p. 58; Stomach, Thirst, Extreme p. 529.) Therefore, the
presence of irritability and/or thirst in a patient does not necessarily
contra-indicate Puls.
According to the homoeopathic principle, any symptom that is produced
by a remedy is an indication for that remedy. If Puls. has produced one
thousand symptoms, all these one thousand symptoms can be indications
for Puls.
Suppose a remedy has produced one thousand symptoms and out of
these one patient exhibits three symptoms, e.g. symptom No. 77,
symptom No. 93, and symptom No. 140, and if this combination of the
three symptoms is found in only one remedy, say Puls., then Puls. is the
remedy for this patient, whether the picture of this patient corresponds or
not to the picture of the remedy as described in the books or the picture
that you have in your mind. If these three particular symptoms are
covered only by Puls., whether the picture fits within your conception of
Puls. or my conception or Hahnemann's conception, Puls. is the remedy.

52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 19


Pulsatilla pratensis
Pulsatilla is a plant. The remedy belongs to the sycotic miasm. The main feeling in Pulsatilla is that of
softness. It is like the windflower which must bend to every gust of wind in order to survive.
Translated into the human situation, it is the feeling: "I will survive if I am soft and gentle, not hard
and rigid."
It is as if there is an inner weakness in the Pulsatilla woman which is not able to face the hardness of
the world. Consequently, she tries to cover it up by finding soft, caressing, gentle people from whom
she can get the tenderness she so badly misses and needs. In a sense there is a kind of childishness,
girlishness in Pulsatilla; she remains stuck at puberty and is afraid of even facing men, of facing
In order to get the affection she needs, she herself can be very affectionate and caring. She can
weep easily, is sympathetic. If she is not able to get what she seeks, she feels extremely forsaken, as
if alone in the world.
Pulsatilla can be servile, mild and submissive. What is less easy to see is the selfish motive behind
it. Behind this affection is greed, jealousy and the desire to get all the attention for oneself.
The patients are always ameliorated by weeping and from consolation even though sometimes they
can also have silent grief. There is a tendency to get easily frightened and to suffer ailments from
In my observation, most Pulsatilla persons seem effeminate. They are very dependent and seem to
invite a warm caress or a hug and words of sympathy. Their moods change easily. They can take
religiousness to the point of fanaticism. Pulsatilla can develop strong fixed ideas regarding religion
(Thuja) or about food.
In the physical sphere, Pulsatilla has pains and aches which are wandering and shifting in nature,
reflecting the feeling in the mind on the body, and never rigid and fixed like the complaints of Silicea.
Therefore Pulsatilla and Silicea are opposite to each other in expression, although the internal feeling
in both is "yielding". Silicea is so obstinate, rigid in his views and Pulsatilla so mild and irresolute.
Silicea is averse to consolation, Pulsatilla craves it. Silicea is so egoistic and Pulsatilla so humble.
Silicea is hard and Pulsatilla is soft. Silicea is chilly, cannot tolerate a draft of air and Pulsatilla is hot
and cannot live without fresh air. Pulsatilla grows on a sandy soil and is often indicated as an acute of
In Indian classical music, Raga Dhira Shankarabharanam, corresponding to the Raga Alhaiya
Bilawal, seems to correspond to Pulsatilla. It brings out feelings of warmth and of losing the warmth.
In the Indian proving of this Raga, the feelings of warmth and love came up strongly, while amongst
the western audiences, the feeling of sadness and loneliness came up more prominently.
Physical symptoms
The main physical confirmatory symptoms of Pulsatilla are as follows:
- Desires open air.
- Suffocation in warmth, closed room.
- Thirstlessness.
- Menses, stains, indelible.
- Several menstrual problems.
- Position in sleep is with hands over or under the head.
- They take long before falling to sleep.
- They crave what disagrees with them.
These are symptoms I have seen often.
- Carried, caressed, and, desires to be. ; - Delusion, alone, she is always.
- Delusion, world, she is alone in the. ; - Delusion, neglected his duty, he has.
- Despair, religious despair of salvation. ; - Fear, men, dread, fear of.
- Forsaken feeling. ; - Grief, silent submissiveness with.
- Selfishness. ; - Servile, obsequious, submissive. ; - Yielding disposition.
- Weeping, consolation ameliorates.

52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 20

- Ailments from jealousy.

- Childishness.
- Thirst: small quantities, for, often.

52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 21

Pulsatilla pratensis Puls.
Character, like a photograph, develops in darkness.
[Yousuf Karsh]

Pulsatilla pratensis. Anemone pratensis. Pulsatilla nigricans. Pasque Flower. Wind Flower. N.O.
CLASSIFICATION Pulsatilla belongs to the Ranunculaceae or Buttercup family. Comprising over
1800 species in about 50 genera, the family is centred in temperate and cold regions of the Northern
and Southern Hemispheres. The plants are mostly herbs, rarely woody climbers, such as Clematis.
The genera Anemone, Pulsatilla and Clematis do not produce nectar and are visited only for their
pollen. In Anemone and Clematis insects are attracted by brightly coloured sepals. The Buttercup
family is divided into two subfamilies: the Helleboroideae and the Ranunculoideae. The latter
comprises three tribes, of which the Anemoneae contains the genera Pulsatilla, Anemone and
GENUS The genus Pulsatilla comprises some 30 species of clump-forming, often densely hairy,
perennial herbs with pinnately or palmately divided leaves and large regular flowers that typically
bear 6-petal-like sepals [that are hairy on the outside], a whorl of nectaries, and numerous stamens.
Pulsatillas closely resemble Anemones and at one time were included under that genus.
SPECIES Pulsatilla pratensis [also known as Anemone pratensis] is the Pasque Flower, so called
because it blooms in Europe around Easter time. It can be found in dry grassland in central and
northern parts of Europe, preferring chalky soil. Pulsatilla pratensis is used interchangeably with
Pulsatilla vulgaris, as is Pulsatilla patens var. nuttaliana. Pulsatilla pratensis and Pulsatilla vulgaris
are very alike. Both grow in [alpine] meadows in cool regions of the Northern Hemisphere, hence
both are named 'meadow anemone'; both flower in early spring; both prefer a sandy habitat rich in
calcium; both are found in open situations; both grow 15-30 cm high; both are clump-forming; both
form a winter rosette; both are covered with silky hairs; the flowers of both have prominent centres
full of golden stamens; in both the flowers are followed by fluffy seed heads; both are called 'wind
flower' as well as 'pasque flower'; both colour iron blue and Easter eggs green; both contain
considerable amounts of protoanemonin; both are odourless and honeyless; both have an acrid taste;
both are variable in colour, ranging from purple to white; in both old plants resent disturbance
[transplanting]. The main difference lies in their flowers: those of P. pratensis are smaller, more
bluish, nodding, and bell-shaped, whereas those of P. vulgaris are larger, more reddish purple, open,
and erect. The nodding flowers of P. pratensis seldom open fully, but the flowering stalks straighten
up when the seeds ripen to facilitate their [wind] dispersal. Conversely, the flowers of P. vulgaris close
and fold over when evening approaches or rain threatens. This folded flower has been likened to a
tiny tent. Legend has it that fairies use these tents for shelter from the elements. Jahr claims that P.
pratensis differs from P. vulgaris in having a second flowering period in August or September, while P.
vulgaris has not. This is a dubious criterion since most pulsatillas will flower for a second time if the
weather conditions have been good.
NAME The common name was originally written 'passeflower' and was changed to 'pasque' by
Gerard in 1597; it refers to the plant's flowering around Passion Week [the week before Easter].
Traditionally the flowers opened at the command of the first mild breeze of spring. The name
Pulsatilla comes from L pellere, to drive or to shake, in allusion to the fact that the flowers are easily
moved by the wind. The flowers appear almost before any other vegetation has started, hence are
devoid of shelter and thus the slightest wind will move the flowering heads. The Mesopotamians
described the anemones as well as some other species in poetic manner as 'silver sheen' or 'waving
in the wind'. [Anemone comes from Gr anemos, wind.] Culpeper states that the flowers open only
when the wind blows, but is quick to add that "Pliny is my author; if it be not so, blame him." The
North American Blackfeet Indians thought that the wind flower [in this case Anemone multifida] was
"adapted for a windy place" and can be found "growing on hillsides where the wind strikes it." The
specific name pratensis means 'of the meadows'.
MYTHOLOGY The Roman goddess of flowers and spring, Flora, was, according to Ovid, originally a
nymph named Chloris who was loved by Zephyrus, the West Wind. At his kiss she was transformed
into Flora, and breathed out flowers that spread over all the earth. When Zephyrus fell in love with

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the beautiful nymph Anemone, Flora became jealous and transformed Anemone into the wind flower.
Abandoned by Zephyrus, she was left to the mercy of Boreas, god of the North Wind.
CONSTITUENTS Protoanemonin [converted into anemonin on drying], triterpenoid saponins,
tannins, volatile oil. The volatile oil was formerly known as 'pulsatilla camphor' or 'anemone
camphor'. "The American Pasque Flower [A. patens var. wolfgangiam], formerly known as A. patens
var. nuttaliana, was recognized as a source of the drug Pulsatilla. This plant is also designated as
Pulsatilla hirsutissima. ... Dioscorides revered A. nemerosa, A. stellata, and A. coronaria in the form
of external plasters or baths for skin ulcers and inflamed eyes. Pliny advocated their use for
toothache and swollen gums. The Chinese employed A. pulsatilla for ailments ranging from dysentery
to madness. Many Anemone species have been studied in the laboratory, both for their chemical
content and for the effects of their extracts in animals and in the test tube. They are all remarkably
similar in their chemical and pharmacological properties, a majority of the effects being explained by
the presence of a simple chemical compound known as protoanemonin, which is converted to the
active substance anemonin. Anemonin is highly active against a large number of different diseaseproducing micro-organisms, has sedative powers, lowers blood pressure, stimulates the gallbladder,
relaxes smooth muscle of the gut, allays pain, and in pure form will produce a vesicant [blistering]
effect on the skin or mucous membranes. This latter effect has not been observed when sufficiently
dilute water extracts of the Anemone species are used, because the anemonin itself is diluted. There
is enough of this substance present, however, to slightly irritate the mucous membranes, giving rise
to an expectorant, and perhaps a diuretic, effect as well."1
FOLK MEDICINE Wind flowers were sown usually "in the gardens of the curious", says Culpeper,
and served various medicinal purposes. "The leaves provoke the terms mightily, being boiled, and
the decoction drank. The body being bathed with the decoction of them, cures the leprosy. The leaves
being stamped and the juice snuffed up in the nose, purges the head mightily; so does the root, being
chewed in the mouth, for it procures much spitting, and brings away many watery and phlegmatic
humours, and is therefore excellent for the lethargy. Being made into an ointment, and the eyelids
anointed with it, it helps inflammations of the eyes. The same ointment is excellently good to cleanse
malignant and corroding ulcers."2 Although less commonly used now in herbal medicine, it is still
considered a valuable remedy for cramping pain, menstrual problems and emotional distress. "It is
considered a specific treatment for spasmodic pain of the reproductive system, both male and
female, and is given quite frequently for pre-menstrual tension and period pain, esp. when these are
accompanied by nervous exhaustion. In France, it has traditionally been used for treating coughs and
as a sedative for sleep difficulties. Pasque flower is also used to treat eye problems such as
cataracts. The fresh plant is not used because it is strongly irritant."3
AMERICAN PULSATILLA Pulsatilla patens var. nuttaliana is the North American pulsatilla species,
known under a multitude of Latin and common names. It flowers around Easter time - whence its
name Pasque flower - and is common in the northern states and Canadian provinces. The pasque
flower is the state flower of South Dakota. The Dakotas call the pasque flower 'hokshi-chekpa
wahcha' [twin flower] because each plant usually has only two flowering stalks. The Lakota name,
'hoksi cekpa' [child's navel], refers to the flower bud, which is similar in colour and form to a baby's
navel in the healing process. The Blackfeet know it as 'napi' [old man], because the greyish, silky
seed-head resemble the heads of old men. The pasque flower was used as medicine by many Indian
tribes. "Blackfeet women boiled the plant and drank the tea to speed delivery in childbirth. The
Blackfeet also bound the crushed pasque flower leaves, which contain a vesicant, on some injuries
as a counterirritant. An Omaha informant told ethnobotanist Melvin Gilmore that the crushed leaves
of the pasque flower were applied externally as a counterirritant for rheumatism, neuralgia, and
similar diseases."4 Taken as a medicine, the pasque flower calms, soothes and heals the nerves.
"The sensation is very similar to the feelings of childlikeness and youthfulness which are common in
childhood. In the medicine wheel it is an herb of the south, of the newness and springtime of life, an
herb of youth. 'When an old Dakota first finds one of these flowers in the springtime it reminds him of
his childhood, when he wandered over the prairie hills at play, as free from care and sorrow as the
flowers and the birds. He sits down near the flower on the lap of Mother Earth, takes out his pipe and
fills it with tobacco. Then he reverently holds the pipe toward the Earth, then toward the sky, then
toward the north, the east, the south and the west. After this act of silent invocation he smokes. While
he smokes he meditates upon the changing scenes of his lifetime, his joys, his sorrows. His hopes,
his accomplishments, his disappointments, and the guidance which unseen powers have given him in
bringing him thus far on the way, and he is encouraged to believe that he will be guided to the end.
After finishing his pipe he rises and plucks the flower and carries it home to show his grandchildren,
singing as he goes, The Song of the Twin Flower, which he learned as a child, and which he now in
turn teaches his grandchildren.' [Gilmore, Uses of Plants by the Indians of the Missouri River

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Region.]."5 Pulsatilla patens var. nuttaliana, along with the European species P. pratensis and P.
vulgaris, was officially listed in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia from 1882 to 1905, and in the National
Formulary from 1916 to 1947. Hale has advocated the idea that these three pulsatillas are closely
allied, if not synonymous, in their chemical composition and therapeutical effects. He concluded:
"The American Pulsatilla will in time become an important remedy. I believe it will soon be almost
universally used instead of the foreign species. In fact, I see no necessity for using the latter while
the indigenous species grows in such abundance."6
- PROVINGS [1] Hahnemann - 6 provers; method: unknown. [2] Lembke - selfexperimentation; method: tincture in increasing doses. [3] Robinson - 9 provers [8 females, 1
male]; method: 30th [4 provers], every night, every second morning, or every third morning [not
stated for how long], 200th [4 provers], single dose, every third morning, or night and morning
[not stated for how long], one prover "took every second morning, in order, the 1000th, 200th,
30th, and 12th." [4] Clover et al - 52 provers [31 females, 21 males], 1978; method: 3x. "The
trial was planned to last for three months, with provers taking one tablet twice daily and recording
the effects on the diary sheets given them. Each prover had a set of tablets labelled with their
trial number and month 1, 2 or 3. It was a conventional double blind cross-over arrangement,
except for the first month which was a placebo control run-in phase. Consequently in the second
and third months provers were taking either medicated or plain sac lac tablets for a whole month.
... Of the 52 volunteers, 30 returned diary sheets completed to some degree. Of these, 18
contained data recorded over the full 3 month period and were suitable for inclusion in the final
evaluation of the adults. ... Of the 6 systems with the highest symptom frequency ratings in the
active month, all except one, the urinary and reproductive system, had even higher figures for
one of the placebo months in the same symptom category. Hence we have again to admit that
this trial failed to demonstrate specific effects attributable to Pulsatilla 3x. ... Hence to modern
statistically trained doctors the case for Pulsatilla 3x could be said to be unproved in this trial. ...
The results obtained in this trial are another indication that somatic effects are influenced, not
only by physiological responses to medicines, but also by more subtle dynamics such as group
pressure and individual responses to the circumstances in which a remedy is presented. We
submit that the evidence of the trial response is one of the most important results of this study."7
[1] Weiner, Weiner's Herbal. [2] Culpeper's Complete Herbal. [3] Chevalier, The Encyclopedia of
Medicinal Plants. [4] Kindscher, Medicinal Wild Plants of the Prairie. [5] Buhner, Sacred Plant
Medicine. [6] Hale, New Remedies Vol. II. [7] A.M. Clover, S. Jenkins, A. Campbell, and M.D.
Jenkins, Report on a proving of Pulsatilla 3x; BHJ, July 1980.
and GENITO-URINARY ORGANS]. Respiration. Right heart. * RIGHT SIDE.
- Modalities: Worse: WARMTH [AIR; ROOM; clothes; BED; WARM FOOD; WARM DRINKS].
[left]; painless side; with head low. EATING [RICH FOOD; long after; FATS; ice cream; eggs;
overloading stomach; PORK; fruits; pastry]. PUBERTY. PREGNANCY. Before menses. During
menses. Iron. Quinine. Dangling feet. Violent emotions. Wet weather. Better: COLD; FRESH,
OPEN AIR. Uncovering. ERECT POSTURE. Gentle motion. After a good cry. Cold applications.
Rubbing. Hard pressure. Lying with head high. COLD DRINKS; COLD FOOD.

Main symptoms
EMOTIONAL; TEARFUL [alternating with laughter].
"The medicinal employment of pulsatilla will be all the more efficacious when, in affections for
which this plant is suitable in respect to the corporeal symptom, there is at the same time in the
patient a timid, lachrymose disposition, with a tendency to inward grief and silent peevishness, or at
all events a mild and yielding disposition Especially when the patient in his normal state of health was
good tempered and mild [or even frivolous and good-humouredly waggish]. It is therefore esp.
adapted for slow, phlegmatic temperaments; on the other hand, it is but little suitable for persons who
form their resolutions with rapidity, and are quick in their movements, even though they may appear
to be good tempered." [Hahnemann]
M YIELDING, submissive, can't refuse anything.
Wants to PLEASE [e.g. by being fastidious].
Sympathetic, but gives to receive.

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May have rigid, moralistic, [religious]-dogmatic ideas [in a deeper stage].

M Demanding.
"In her dependence, however, she can place severe demands on the time, solicitude and emotional
reserves of friends, relatives, and acquaintances. In family, amorous, and even friendly relationships,
she seeks ever more support until, at length, others feel they are captives. At first they want to reach
out in compassion, with a 'Poor thing, let me help you' impulse - which she allows. But with time this
becomes burdensome. In her tender affection she entwines them in chains of velvet, but they are
chains nonetheless, and those wishing to withdraw their support are beset by feelings of guilt.
Pulsatilla's need for support is so strong and real that others are reluctant to make her assume
responsibility for herself, even though the protection she seeks is not necessarily in her best interest."
M Can be manipulative to get attention.
Places responsibility on others.
"Pulsatilla self-pity is seen in the touchiness of adolescents who are offended when someone looks
at them the wrong way and imagine that others are talking or laughing at them behind their backs;
also in the young girl who, seeking to arouse sympathy in the listener, weeps while recounting the
problems of her social life: that she has no friends and that nobody likes her. ... ... At times her very
voice connotes self-pity. The sweet and slightly imploring, 'Will you help me? - I do so need support'
announces this constitutional type even over the telephone. Once recognized, this special pleading
or plaintive, even beseeching, inflection is hard to miss. ... A subliminal self-pity may emerge in
subsequent visits to the physician; in an unconscious manner to hang onto her illness Pulsatilla
eagerly describes what is still amiss. Characteristically these patients first tell their little aches and
pains to evoke the physician's sympathy; only at the end of the interview do they describe their
overall improvement. Some will even reiterate at length how poorly they felt prior to the prescription,
instead of focussing on how much better they feel now." [Coulter]
"For Pulsatilla, Mother is the sole point of reference. The umbilical cord has never been truly
severed, and if Mother is not there, the child finds a substitute [a teddy bear, thumb-sucking, a
favourite blanket, etc.]." [Grandgeorge]
G Changeable, shifting symptoms.
"They change in an erratic fashion that may baffle the beginner in homoeopathic prescribing. The
patient may be mild and pleasant one minute, peevish and tearful the next; for a while cheerful and
apparently quite well, only to begin weeping copiously because she feels so miserable. No two stools
are alike; one evacuation may be greenish-yellow and slimy, the next of pure white mucus, again a
soft stool mixed with mucus or looking like stirred eggs. Chills run up the back, are confined to one
side of the body or constantly change location; heat and chill are mixed or occur simultaneously;
pains constantly change location. Inflammation, pain and swelling suddenly cease in one joint, only to
appear in another. When this symptom is observed in a case of arthritis, there are few other
remedies to select from."1
G Chilly, yet absolutely INTOLERANT of any form of HEAT.
CHILLINESS during PAINS [yet aversion to heat].
"Chilliness, ordinarily a common symptom, becomes highly characteristic of Pulsatilla by reason of
its constant association with other Pulsatilla complaints and the modalities affecting it. Chilliness with
pains in any part of the body, increasing with the severity of the pains; chilliness from emotional
excitement; external chilliness and internal heat with diarrhoea after fright; anxiety with shivering,
chattering of the teeth and hot flushes; inward chilliness in a warm room, or when warmly clad,
passing off in the open air."2
G FATS and rich food, particularly meat fat, pork [aversion + <].
May either love or hate butter [cold fat].
DIGESTIVE problems.
< Eating to SATIETY.

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Craving for open air [wants windows and doors open].
> Walking slowly.
G < At beginning of motion.
> Continued motion.
G Pains DISAPPEAR GRADUALLY - after sudden or gradual appearance.
G Fulness of VEINS.
Varicose veins.
G Never well since puberty.
"Puberty is the first stage of true psychological emancipation from the family, which Pulsatilla does
not seek. She trusts her omniscient parents and does not fight against them to assert her
independence. In her resistance to maturation, she acquires a host of unexplained little aches and
pains: last week in the knee, yesterday in the head, today in the chest, tomorrow in the abdomen. In
this way she remains reliant on her parents' support, at times even developing into something of a
malingerer. Many of her later legitimate ailments, such as chronic headaches, bladder infections,
allergies or painful menses, can be traced to a preadolescent or early adolescent period of inception."
P Chronic nasal catarrh.
Discharge thick yellow, greenish, offensive.
< Warm room.
> Open air.
Obstruction of nose at night.
[1-2] Harvey Farrington, Pulsatilla nigricans [Pulsatilla pratensis]; Hom. Recorder, 2nd quarter 1934.

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Die Auflistung der Namen der Pulsatilla soll dem Leser die verschiedenen Wesensmerkmale, die im
volkstmlichen Sprachgebrauch Eingang in die Namensgebung gefunden haben, vermitteln; und es
mglich machen, die Pulsatilla auch in fremden Gegenden wieder zu finden:
Pulsatilla pratensis Mill. = Anemonae pratensis L., Pulsatilla vulgaris Mill., kleine Kchenschelle,
Osterblume, Schlottenblume, Mutterblume, Wind-, Hackel-, Wei- und Wildmannskraut, Bisswurz,
Bergmndel, Tageschlaf, Bocksbart, scheues Mdchen, Windblume, Kuhschellenkraut, Schlafblume,
Wolfspfote, Klockenblume, Trolla, Merznbecherl, Haferblume.
Pulsatilla des pres (franz.), Meadow windflower (engl.), Pulsatilla (ital.), Kobjelde (dnisch), Kubjelle
(norweg.), Backsippa (schwedisch), Sasanka (polnisch), Son trawa (russisch), Koniklec (tschechisch),
Kkrcsin (ungarisch).

Pulsatilla gehrt der Familie der Ranunculacaen, den Hahnenfugewchsen an.
Flschlicherweise wird sie heute noch hufig der Gattung der Anemonen zugeordnet, aus der die
Botaniker sie schon seit vielen Jahrzehnten, wegen des groen Artenreichtums der Anemonen, als
eigene Gattung ausgegliedert haben. Der Name Anemone hat seinen Ursprung in dem griechischen
nemonos, das man mit Wind bersetzen kann. Die Pulsatilla wird durch den Wind verbreitet und
biegt sich mit dem strksten Wind ohne zu brechen. Pulsatilla kommt von dem lateinischen Wort
pulsare, was schlagen, stoen, luten heit und auf die Glockenform der Blte zurckzufhren ist.
Die Kuhschelle ist eine kleine, aber krftige und zugleich biegsame Pflanze, mit zarten violetten
Bltenblttern. Sie wchst bevorzugt in kleinen Gruppen an einem sonnigen bis schattigen Standort,
in sand- lehmigen Boden, je nach Art ist sie mehr oder minder Kalkliebend. Die Bltezeit erstreckt
sich ebenfalls je nach Art von Mrz bis August. Teilweise blht sie sogar schon wenn noch Schnee
liegt. Sie hat einen mehrjhrigen, starken, stigen, vielkpfigen Wurzelstock, der weit in die Tiefe
geht und ein versetzen selten unbeschadet berlebt. Die Stengel, Stengelbltter und Bltenbltter,
sowie der Fruchtstand sind stark beharrt. Die violetten Bltenbltter umgeben die gelben
Pollenscke, welche an langen Staubblttern dem Betrachter entgegenwachsen. Eine eigenart von
ihr besteht darin, das die ganze Pflanze nach der Befruchtung grer wird, fast ber sich
hinauswchst, aber nachdem der Wind die Samen fortgetragen hat, wieder in sich zusammensinkt.
Geschichte der medizinischen Verwendung
- Aus den violetten Bltenblttern der Pulsatilla kann man einen grnen Farbstoff gewinnen, der
frher zum Ostereierfrben benutzt wurde.
- Leeser berichtet: "Nach einemalten Aberglauben darf die Frhlingskchenschelle (Puls. vernalis
Mill.) nicht ins Haus, wenn die Gnse brten, weil sonst dei Brut in den Eiern ersticken wrde."
- Die Essenz der Frischen Pulsatilla wurde zur Herbeifhrung eines Abortes benutzt, wobei die Frau
jedoch hufig auch den Tod fand (A. Krger).
- Adalbert von Chamisso schreibt in seinem "Illustriertem Heil-, Gift- und Nutzpflanzenbuch": "Diese
Pflanze (Puls. pratensis), die ehedem officinall gewesen, besitzt eine ausnehmende Schrfe; wenn
man ihren Saft auspret, reichen dessen Ausdnstungen hin, die Augen zu entznden und mit
Trnen zu fllen. Man macht von diesem tzenden Safte Gebrauch und behandelt alte Wunden,
bsartige Geschwre von Pferden und anderen Haustieren... . Die Bauern in Schweden kauen die
Wurzel der Waldkchenschelle (Puls. Vernalis) als ein Mittel gegen Zahnschmerzen."

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- Eine frhe Erwhnung der Heilkraft der Pulsatilla findet sich bei Johann Becher, der in seinem 1663
erschienenen Parnassus-Medicinalis schreibt. "Sehr trocken/ hitzig ist das Kuchenschellenkraut/ Es
gleicht dem Hahnenfu/ zieht Blasen auff der Haut. Steht wieder Pestilentz/ treibt Schwei und auch
das Gifft/ Durch Kuchenschellenkraut/ viel nutzlichs wird gestifft. Kuchenschellenkraut gibt zum
Gebrauch die Wurzel, Bltter und den Saft. Wird hoch gepriesen wider die Pestilentz, so man ihrer
ein Quintlein schwehr alle Tage in warmen Trunckwein einnimpt/ hat im brigen gleiche Wirkung mit
den Hahnenfssen und Anemonen Rlein/ derentwegen es auch selbigen angehenckt worden."
- Der Erste der sich wissenschaftlichmit der medizinischen Wirkung der Pulsatilla auseinandersetzte,
war der Wiener Hofarzt Anton von Strck. Er verwendete fr seine Versuche Pulsatilla nigricans,
nach Leesers Ansicht knnen jedoch keine gravierenden Unterschiede in der Heilwirkung der
verschiedenen Pulsatillaarten (P. vulgaris, P. pratensis, P. nigricans) vorliegen. Von Strck fhrte im
Jahre 1771 Arzneimittelprfungen mit Pulsatilla am Menschen durch. Daraufhin empfahl er sie bei
verschiedenen Augenerkrankungen, wie grauer Star, Blindheit, Augeneiterungen und Hornhautfell;
gegen Syphiles, bei heftigen nchtlichen Gliederschmerzen und bei Lhmung. Desweiteren fiel ihm
die Anregung der Nierenttigkeit und die Erregungvon Durchfllen auf, und er wandte sie innerlich
und uerlich bei Geschwren und Flechten an. Wie schon Hippokrates vor ihm, erkannte von
Strck, da die Pulsatilla die Menses herbeifhrt und in Ordnung bringt. Auerdem war ihm ihre gute
Wirkung bei der Behandlung von Melancholie und Depression bekannt.
- Madaus nennt noch eine Reihe anderer Autoren die weitere Indikationen zur Anwendung der
Pulsatilla angeben
: - In die Nase getrufelt zur Reinigung des Hirns (Lonicerus 1564).
- Febris quartana und Pestilenz, wie auch zum tzen von Warzen, Mlern und faulem Fleisch
(Matthiolus 1626).
- Schneidender Kopfschmerz (Hahnemann).
- "... man legt die frisch zerquetschten Bltter der Kchenschelle auf das Hinterhaupt bei
Kopfschmerzen, Erkltungen und dergleichen, behufs der Ableitung auf die Haut."
(Augustinovitsch 1853)
- Die Kinder werden bei Schlaflosigkeit mit der Pflanze beruchert und bei Fieber legt man sie auf
den Puls (Annenkow 1878)
- "... ein Aufgu der Pflanze wird bei Rheumatismus, Hmorrhoiden, Kopfschmerzen und
Nachtblindheit gebraucht." (Goretzki und Wiljik 1885)
- Die Samen werden bei Steinkrankheit in abgekochter Form oder als Tinktur gegeben (Gornitzki
- Bei "der Erkrankung der Sexualorgane beider Geschlechter, z.B. der gonoohischen Epididymitis
und der Dysmenorrhoe, der Entzndung des Uterus und der Adnexe" wirkt Pulsatilla beruhigend
(Martel, Bazy, Dormand, Bovet).
- Pulsatilla bewirkt einen "hypnotischen Zustand mit Verminderung der Sensibilitt, (...), darauf folgt
ein Lhmungszustand, der sich fortschreitend von den Extremitten auf die Atmungsmuskulatur
erstreckt. Man beobachtet gleichzeitig ein fortschreitendes Nachlassen der Herzschlge ohne
Vernderung des Blutdruckes." (Ballon 1901) "Diese Beobachtungen berechtigen nach Leclerc
(1927) die Anwendung der Pulsatilla in all den Fllen, wo es notwendig ist, eine nervse Reizbarkeit
und schmerzhafte berempfindlichkeit zu mildern. Man gibt das Mittel bei krampfhaften Zustnden
der Genitalorgane, bei Neuralgie, Migrne, gegen die kardiovasculre Reizbarkeit und nervse

Das Pulsatilla-Kind ist zunchst, wenn man es kennenlernt, zurckhaltend und scheu dem Fremden
gegenber. Anders als seine Geschwister prsentiert es sich nicht direkt, um den Besucher
einzunehmen. Es hlt sich lieber etwas im Hintergrund, orientiert sich an seinen Bezugspersonen und
beobachtet aus dieser Sicherheit heraus.
Hat das Kind dann Zutrauen gefat, sucht es vorsichtig und zart den ersten Kontakt. Es bringt
vielleicht ein kleines Geschenk, schaut, wie der Besuch reagiert und freut sich, wenn dieser sich
freut. Fast immer wird das Kind auf sein feines Nherkommen hin aufmerksam und liebevoll
behandelt werden. Nun ist das Kind vollkommen offen und vertraulich. Es hat seine anfngliche
Scheu abgelegt, der Besuch wird in alle Geheimnisse eingeweiht, berall mithingenommen und alle
Sigkeiten und sonstigen Kostbarkeiten werden vertrauensvoll mit ihm geteilt.
Die meisten Besucher werden sich wohl bald von der lieben, leisen Art des Pulsatilla-Kindes um den
Finger wickeln lassen und ihr Herz ist gewonnen.

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Nun hat aber Pulsatilla ein sehr groes Liebes- und Zrtlichkeitsbedrfnis, die liebgewonnenen
Personen werden es bald zu spren bekommen. Anfnglich sitzt das Kind auf des Besuchers Scho
oder kitzelt ihn ein wenig, um ihn zu fhlen; dann wird daraus ein dauerndes Umarmen und ein Andem-Besucher-Kleben. Pulsatilla kann eine lebendige Klette werden, die sich ungern abschtteln
lt. Fr die Mutter oder den Vater, die immer bei dem Kind sind, wird Pulsatilla ein richtiger
"Dranhnger". Den ganzen Tag luft das Kind whrend der alltglichen Arbeiten der Eltern, von
einem Zimmer in's andere, hinter ihnen her. Besonders gro ist das Verlangen nach Nhe, wenn es
Pulsatilla nicht gut geht. Wenn es krank ist oder jemand nicht lieb zu ihm ist.
Bleibt das Pulsatilla-Kind mal alleine zuhause, hat es groe Angst, die Eltern kmen gar nicht wieder.
Es fhlt sich sehr verlassen.
Pulsatilla ist sehr harmonieabhngig. Streit zwischen den Eltern oder in der Gruppe, in der es sich
befindet, auch wenn mit ihm geschimpft wird, kann es gar nicht ertragen.
Es wird still, traurig und empfindlich. Die geringste Kleinigkeit bringt es jetzt zum Weinen, es ist
vollkommen aus der Fassung geraten, sein harmonischer Rckhalt fehlt ihm.
Schn ist, da man es ganz leicht wieder trsten kann. So schnell wie die Trnen gekommen sind, so
leicht kann man sie auch wieder wegwischen und ein Lachen auf das Gesicht zaubern, wenn man es
nur liebevoll in den Arm nimmt und ihm gut zuredet. Pulsatilla braucht und fordert diesen Trost. Wei
man das, ist es relativ einfach mit ihm umzugehen.
Zuweilen ist jedoch das Harmoniebedrfnis von Pulsatilla und die stndige Trostsuche sehr
anstrengend. Nie knnen Pulsatilla-Menschen einen Streit einfach mal stehen lassen, und man mu
sie wohl sehr liebhaben oder sehr geduldig sein, um das immer ertragen zu knnen.
Ist das Pulsatilla-Kind stndig einer sehr gespannten Stimmung ausgesetzt, z.B. dem Streit seiner
Eltern, so wird es wahrscheinlich krank. Es braucht eine wohlige, liebevolle und verstndnisvolle
Umgebung. Die Sicherheit in der Familie gibt ihm den ntigen Rckhalt, um nach auen hin agieren
zu knnen.
Das Pulsatilla-Kind ist die geborene "Puppenmutter". Den ganzen Tag macht und tut es fr sein
Pppchen, kocht und nht fr es und schleppt es berall mit hin. Im Gegensatz zu seinen
Geschwistern sorgt Pulsatilla wirklich fr seine Puppe, es vergit nicht, sie abends mit in sein Bett zu
nehmen, und auf der Reise mu die Puppe dabeisein. Vergit es die Puppe doch einmal, ist der
Schmerz gro.
Schwierig wird es fr Pulsatilla auch, wenn es mehrere Puppenkinder hat, jedoch nur eine Puppe mit
auf die Reise nehmen darf; welche Puppe soll es denn mitnehmen, und werden sie es ihr verzeihen,
wenn sie zuhause bleiben mssen?
Das Reisen ist berhaupt problematisch fr Pulsatilla. Leicht berfllt sie das Heimweh nach der
gewohnten Umgebung. Auch die Pulsatilla-Pflanze ist schlecht zu verpflanzen. Sie reist nicht gerne
von einem Ort zum anderen (im Gegensatz zu ihrem Tuberculinum-Pendant), wohler fhlt sie sich,
wenn sie sich auch an ihrem Urlaubsort nach einigen Tagen etwas eingerichtet und eingelebt hat.
Aber die wichtigste Voraussetzung fr ihr Wohlbefinden ist es, alle ihre Liebsten bei sich zu haben.
Die mssen mit verreisen, denn so ganz alleine fhlte sie sich vollkommen leer und verlassen.
Alle bisher beschriebenen Eigenschaften gelten gleichermaen fr Kinder wie auch fr Erwachsene.
Das Mittel Pulsatilla bekommen Mnner und Frauen, wobei mehr Pulsatilla-Frauen entdeckt werden,
weil das anlehnungs- und uerst harmoniebedrftige Wesen der Pulsatilla in unserer Gesellschaft
noch immer eher offen von Frauen gezeigt und gelebt wird.
Die zurckhaltende, empfindsame, liebevolle und harmoniebedrftige Pulsatillaart ist bei
Erwachsenen jedoch hufig nicht mehr so leicht zu erkennen, da Pulsatilla versucht, sich unserem
Zeitgeist anzupassen und etwas hrter zu erscheinen, als sie tatschlich ist. Nur die nchsten
Angehrigen kennen die Pulsatilla-Eigenschaften an ihnen... .


Pulsatilla ist ein hufig angezeigtes Mittel fr junge Mdchen in der Pubertt. Sie kichert und lacht,
ist albern und geschwtzig, schwrmt heute fr dieses, morgen fr jenes. Der typische
"Himmelhochjauchzend-zu Tode betrbt"-Zustand der Pubertierenden entspricht der wechselhaften
Launigkeit, die den Pulsatilla-Menschen immer zu eigen ist. Deshalb kann eine Pulsatillagabe helfen,
wenn der Weltschmerz zur Depression wird. Die krperlichen Beschwerden der Pulsatilla-Menschen
beginnen hufig in diesem Alter. Es heit, Pulsatilla sei ein Mittel fr Frauen zwischen der Menarche
und dem Klimakterium. Eine andere Schwierigkeit beginnt fr Pulsatilla in diesem Alter: Pulsatilla,
die zu den Konstitutionen mit den grten Entscheidungsschwierigkeiten gehrt, wei nicht, welchem
Geschlecht sie sich zuwenden soll.

52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 29


Pulsatilla eines der Mittel, die in der Lage sind, problemlos mehrere Liebesbeziehungen einzugehen.
Sie ist mit ihren Gedanken und Gefhlen jeweils bei dem Partner, bei dem sie sich gerade aufhlt.
Fordert ein Partner eine Entscheidung von ihr, antwortet sie: "Ich hab' Euch doch alle beide lieb !"
Sie selbst ist jedoch durchaus eiferschtig. Ist sie in eine festen Beziehung eingebunden, die sie
ausfllt, oder hat sie eine eigene Familie, in der sie glcklich ist, so ist sie meist sehr treu.
In einer Partnerschaft kann Pulsatilla sehr abhngig sein. Abhngig von Liebe und Zuwendung des
geliebten Menschen. Je weniger sie meint, diese zu erhalten, oder je krnker sie ist, desto mehr
fordert sie diese. Mit lauter Liebesberschttungen und Liebesforderungen berfordert sie ihren
Partner hufig. (Sie kann ihn sogar dadurch verlieren.) Pulsatilla ist sehr sinnlich. In ihrem
Zrtlichkeitsbedrfnis verhlt sie sich nicht viel anders, als die Pulsatilla-Kinder es tun, und man kann
ihr nur wnschen, da sie einen Partner hat, der damit zurechtkommt und sie nicht schroff abweist,
weil es ihm der Zrtlichkeit zuviel wird. Da man deshalb abgewiesen werden kann, kann Pulsatilla
nicht verstehen, und sie welkt dann dahin.
Pulsatilla gibt und empfngt sehr gerne Zrtlichkeit, sie ist sehr hingebungsvoll. Allerdings mu sie
denjenigen (diejenige), dem (der) sie sich hingibt und ihre Liebe schenkt, auch lieben. Ihre Liebe
kommt von Krper und Seele und ist nicht verfhrerisch frivol, sondern warm, umhllend und
behtend. Sie schwelgt nicht in sexuellen Phantasien wie Phosphor, sie lebt auch, was sie empfindet.
Pulsatilla ist glcklich und gesund, wenn sie sich richtig geliebt fhlt.
Im allgemeinen ist das Zusammensein mit Pulsatilla-Menschen sehr gemtlich und angenehm, wenn
man nicht gerade allergisch auf Harmonie reagiert. Pulsatilla ist sehr anpassungsfhig und schafft in
ihrer freundlichen Art eine ausgeglichene Atmosphre. Sie vertrgt sich gut mit anderen und geht auf
diese ein. In der Beziehung geschieht letztendlich das, was sie will. Dies ist umso erstaunlicher, als
sie doch gar nicht so dominant erscheint. Pulsatilla kann eine penetrante Art haben zu schmollen.
Pat ihr etwas nicht, schweigt sie und setzt eine beleidigte Miene auf. Ihr Partner hat das geflligst
zu merken... . Des weiteren hat er sie zu fragen, was sie denn habe. Woraufhin sie erst einmal das
Schweigen fortsetzt. Erst nach einigen Bemhungen, in denen der Partner zeigen mu, da er nun
vollkommen aufnahmebereit fr sie ist und wirklich gewillt, sie umzustimmen und sie all seiner Liebe
und Zrtlichkeit versichert, lt sie sich herab, ihm mitzuteilen, was nun wieder vorgefallen ist.
Der Auslser fr ihre Verstimmung kann eine Kleinigkeit gewesen sein, vielleicht nur, da er sie
zuvor nicht freundlich oder nur abwesend angeblickt hat; sogenannte Lappalien, die jedoch ernst
genommen werden sollten, denn Pulsatilla fhlt sich wirklich tief verletzt. Nun bricht all ihre
Verzweiflung ber diese schlechte Behandlung aus ihr heraus, sie klagt und weint. Doch mit viel
Liebe wird ihr Partner sie bald wieder beruhigt und besnftigt haben. Wenn einmal etwas nicht nach
Pulsatillas Willen luft, sie nicht die gewohnte Aufmerksamkeit erhlt oder der Partner nicht bereit ist,
auf sie einzugehen, kann Pulsatilla zickig werden. Sie nrgelt und hat an Allem und Jedem etwas
auszusetzen. Nichts und niemand kann es ihr recht machen.
Pulsatilla begibt sich gerne aus der geborgenen Abhngigkeit von ihren Eltern direkt in die Sicherheit
einer Beziehung. Sie vermeidet es, eine Zeitlang auf sich gestellt zu sein und bleibt auf diese Weise
unselbstndig. Frau Coulter schreibt dazu: "Ein unabhngiger Pulsatilla-Mensch sei entweder durch
uere Umstnde, wie z.B. dem Tod der Eltern, oder aber durch eine Pulsatillagabe in den Zustand
der Selbstndigkeit versetzt worden". Verliert Pulsatilla ihren Partner und hat sie ihn noch so sehr
geliebt, so wird sie doch bald eine neue Beziehung eingehen, da sie alleine vor Kummer krank


Pulsatilla lebt fr ihre Familie. In der Gemeinschaft mit ihren Kindern und ihrem Mann (seiner Frau)
blht sie auf. Es ist dies wahrscheinlich die erfllteste und schnste Zeit ihres Lebens. Wie zuvor ihre
Puppenkinder versorgt sie nun ihre Familienmitglieder. Sie ist sehr aufmerksam, liebevoll und
verbreitet eine behagliche Atmosphre.
Ihre liebevolle Umsorgung kann sich allerdings bis in's "gluckenhafte Bemuttern" steigern und
Pulsatilla kann sogar unwirsch werden, wenn die anderen nicht so bemuttert werden wollen.
Sie pflegt sehr gerne Tiere, besonders natrlich, wenn diese krank sind und ihre Hilfe daher umso
mehr bentigen. Da kann sie endlich ihr Liebesbedrfnis ausleben. Pulsatillas Mitleid wird sich eher
auf ihre vertraute Umwelt beziehen und sich nicht wie z.B. bei Causticum oder Phosphor auf die
gesamte Menscheit ausdehnen.
Gehen die Kinder aus dem Haus, ist dies fr Pulsatilla hufig der Zeitpukt des Zusammenbruchs. Mit
der Leere, die die Kinder hinterlassen und damit, da sie nun niemanden mehr umsorgen kann,
kommt sie nicht zurecht.

52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 30

Eine andere Mglichkeit fr Pulsatilla, Gemeinschaft und Halt zu finden, kann eine religise
Gemeinschaft sein. Sie wird einfache, natrliche Richtungen, die ihr entsprechen, bevorzugen. Da
neigt sie allerdings zu einem gewissen bereifer, sie nimmt ihre Dogmen sehr ernst und gibt sich
diesen vllig hin. Oder sie wechselt wegen ihrer Entscheidungsunfhigkeit dauernd ihre


Wird eine Pulsatilla-Frau schwanger, so wird sie meist, den widrigsten Umstnden zum Trotz, ihr
Kind auch bekommen. Dagegen fllt ihr die bewute Entscheidung, ein Kind zu planen, wieder sehr
Pulsatilla blht in der Schwangerschaft auf, es ist die schnste Zeit ihres Lebens. Nach der Geburt
findet sich bei Pulsatilla "Weinen ohne Grund"3. So wie sie sich verlassen fhlt, nachdem die Kinder
aus dem Haus sind, bedeutet schon die krperliche Trennung von ihrem Kind nach der Geburt Trauer
fr sie.
Eine tatkrftige Frau, die nach der Geburt Schwierigkeiten hat, mit ihrer neuen Mutterrolle
zurechtzukommen, knnte mit Sepia verwechselt werden. Sepia jedoch ist eher aggressiv, weil sie
durch das Kind eingeschrnkt ist, Pulsatilla dagegen kann von ihrer Mutterschaft enttuscht sein, weil
sie ihren hohen Ansprchen an das Mutter-Sein nicht gerecht werden kann.
Pulsatilla wird bei Unfruchtbarkeit angewandt, bei Scheinschwangerschaft und neben vielen
Schwangerschaftsbeschwerden besonders zur Geburtsvorbereitung. Es bewirkt eine sanfte Geburt,
indem es die Hingabefhigkeit an die Geburt erleichtert. (Puls.D4 und Caul.D3,D4, 6 Wochen vor der
Geburt je 2x tgl. im Wechsel zu geben, mit Einschaltung von arzneifreien Tagen.
Bei Mnnern gibt es das Symptom des Schwangerschaftsneides, wie des Stillneides. Pulsatilla im
Verhltnis zu ihren Mitmenschen
Geht es Pulsatilla gut, kritisiert sie die anderen wenig, dazu ist sie zu tolerant und nachgiebig. Sie hat
viel Optimismus und gibt dadurch sich und anderen Mut. Ihrerseits ist sie aber auch leicht zu
entmutigen. Um ihre Leistungen zu steigern, braucht Pulsatilla Lob und Ansporn. Wird sie nur
getadelt, tut sie bald gar nichts mehr. Dagegen "akzeptiert sie konstruktive Kritik und gibt Fehler zu ",
sie ist ja immer um die Harmonie bemht und bereit, sich dafr zu ndern. Sie bereut ihre Fehler und
ist froh, wenn sie sie wieder gutmachen kann. Es fllt ihr nicht schwer, sich zu entschuldigen. Ihrem
Gegenber verzeiht sie immer gerne, und sie ist nicht nachtragend. Sie verbittert nicht und gibt somit
den Menschen immer wieder eine Chance, neu Freundschaft zu schlieen.
In einer Diskussion bezieht Pulsatilla selten einen festen Standpunkt, sie ist offen fr die
verschiedensten Ansichten ihrer Gesprchspartner - damit entspricht sie der Pflanze Pulsatilla, die
sich mit dem Wind hierhin und dorthin biegt und dadurch nie umknickt.
Erscheint ihr die Argumentation eines anderen als einleuchtend, so neigt sie dazu , diese zu
bernehmen. Sie kann auch "hartnackig und stur " sein, dies dann seltener in weltpolitischen Fragen
als in alltglichen Kleinigkeiten. Sie interessiert sich generell eher fr die persnlichen Dinge als fr
die allumfassendere Politik.
Wenn sie doch einmal in einen Streit gert, ist sie ganz verzweifelt, weint und nimmt alle Schuld auf
sich, bis sie den anderen dadurch zwingt, selbst auch Schuld einzugestehen. Wenn Pulsatilla
Probleme hat, mu sie diese mit vielen Leuten besprechen. Frau Coulter zitiert:" Ich habe ein langes
Gesprch mit mir selbst gefhrt und mit fnfzig anderen Leuten..."4. Obwohl Pulsatilla taktvoll und
feinfhlig ist, kennt sie, wenn es ihr schlecht geht, kein Ma mehr und sie berfordert ihre
Gesprchspartner. Fr Pulsatilla selbst sind diese Gesprche und die erhaltene Aufmerksamkeit

Pulsatilla gehrt zu den neidischen Mitteln. Meist bezieht sich der Neid auf Kleinigkeiten, so kann sie
z.B. Freneid entwickeln. Innerhalb ihrer Familie ist Pulsatilla selten neidisch, ihren Liebsten gnnt
sie doch das meiste. Eher richtet sich der Neid auf fremde Leute.
Pulsatilla klatscht und tratscht gerne, sie ist dabei nicht intrigant und bezweckt gegen niemanden
etwas Bses.
Sie ist neugierig.
Pulsatilla, die immer so schchtern dargestellt wird (das scheue Mdchen), ist ihren engen
Bekannten gegenber nicht schchtern. Da ist sie in ihrer Natrlichkeit sehr ehrlich und offen und
sagt geradeheraus, was sie denkt.

52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 31

Pulsatilla nimmt intensiv am Schicksal anderer teil. Sie liest gerne rhrselige Geschichten, und es tut
ihr geradezu gut, mitfhlend einige Trnchen zu vergieen.
Pulsatilla leidet unter vielen ngsten, besonders am Abend treten diese auf. Sie hat dann Angst,
alleine in ihrer Wohnung zu sein. berall, hinter jedem Vorhang und jeder Tre lauert das Bse. Sie
hat Angst vor der Dunkelheit, Angst vor Mnnern (bzw. vor dem anderen Geschlecht), besonders
nachts alleine drauen knnten die "bsen Mnner" ihr etwas antun. Sie hat Angst in geschlossenen
Rumen, sie ist sehr geruschempfindlich und schreckhaft. Sie hat Angst verlassen zu werden, oder
nicht geliebt zu werden.
Fhlt sie sich nicht geliebt, oder ein Streit ist unvershnt geblieben, so kann sie nicht einschlafen. Sie
kann berhaupt schlecht alleine einschlafen, am besten wird sie von ihrem Liebsten fest im Arm
gehalten. Hufig kann Pulsatilla vor Gedanken nicht einschlafen. Ein Gedanke kreist in ihrem Kopf
hin un her und lt sie nicht zur Ruhe kommen. Oder sie mu unaufhrlich an die vielen Dinge
denken, die sie am nchsten Tag zu erledigen hat.
Es gibt eine fr Pulsatilla typische Schlafhaltung: Sie liegt auf dem Rcken, hlt die Hnde ber dem
Kopf und hat die Beine angezogen.
Pulsatilla mu immer bei offenem Fenster schlafen - obwohl sie sonst immer unter kalten
Extremitten leidet - sie hllt sich dann vollkommen in mehrere Decken ein. Dabei werden mitunter
ihre Fe in der Nacht so warm, da sie sie rausstrecken mu.
Sie kann keine stickigen Rume vertragen und auch keine starke Sonne, da bekommt sie
Kopfschmerzen und wird launisch und gereizt. (Bei Regen und Feuchtigkeit erklten sich die Kinder
Die meisten Pulsatilla-Arten blhen im Frhling und so geht es auch Pulsatilla-Menschen am besten,
wenn sie sich in der khlen, frischen Luft bewegen. Die liebste Jahreszeit ist den Pulsatilla-Menschen
der Frhling. So wie die Pulsatilla-Menschen die Stimmungen wechseln, mgen sie auch gerne das
wechselhafte Wetter.
Pulsatilla kann mit ihren Mitmenschen "mit-krankwerden". Sie ist so aufmerksamkeitsbedrftig, da,
wenn eine andere kranke Person alle Aufmerksamkeit fr sich beansprucht, sie krank wird, damit ihr
auch wieder etwas Zuwendung gebhrt.
Pulsatilla als Patientin Kommt ein Pulsatilla-Patient zur Anamnese und ist der Pulsatilla-Typ nicht zu
sehr verdeckt, so kommt wahrscheinlich ein freundlicher und liebenswrdiger Mensch herein, der
auch den Therapeuten nach seinem Befinden fragt.


Er/sie ist blauugig, blond bis dunkelblond, hat dicke Haare, vor allem volle, sinnliche Lippen und ist
von straffem, weichem, molligem Krperbau (das Barockideal, sehr sinnlich, man kann an Rubens
denken). Der Krper ist hufig, wie bei der Pflanze, recht behaart. Die Haut ist bla, wobei die
Wangen wie die Hnde und Fe evtl. violettrot von variksen derchen durchzogen sind. Pulsatilla
neigt zu Krampfadern. Die Bewegungen des Pulsatilla-Menschen sind langsam, weich und sanft.
Die Leute errten leicht beim Erzhlen ihrer Geschichte, werden aber schnell wieder bla. PulsatillaKinder sind meist sehr zart, dnnhutig und feinhaarig. Manchmal sind sie auch etwas krftiger
gebaut, dann von dunklerer Haut- und Haarfarbe und meist viel trger als die zarteren Kinder.
Der Pulsatilla-Mensch wird sehr offen ber seine Beschwerden und sein Leben erzhlen. Er wird bei
intimeren Details errten und in der Anamnese sehr leicht weinen, wenn er an traurige Punkte in
seiner Geschichte kommt. Dies Weinen tut ihm gut und vergeht auch schnell wieder. Man darf
Pulsatilla-Patienten nie Suggestivfragen stellen. Sie werden es dem Therapeuten recht machen
wollen und das sagen, wovon sie glauben, da er es zu hren wnscht.
Es wird schwierig sein, klare Aussagen ber die Beschwerden der Pulsatilla-Patienten zu bekommen.
Alle Beschwerden sind "mal so -mal so", sie wechseln stndig Ort, Zeit und Art, und so beschreibt der
Patient sie auch. Nach anfnglicher Unklarheit ist dies ein guter Pulsatilla-Hinweis fr den
Pulsatilla wird in der Anamnese kaum zu einem Ende kommen. Immer fllt ihr noch etwas ein. Sie
hat dem Therapeuten vieles anvertraut und will sich in seine Abhngigkeit begeben. Sie wird
vielleicht kurz nach ihrem Besuch bei ihm wieder anrufen, sie braucht den Therapeuten nun, und er
hat fr sie da zu sein.
Pulsatilla ist ihm fr sein Dasein sehr dankbar und hufig bringt sie bei jedem Besuch auf nicht
aufdringliche Art ein kleines Geschenk mit, vielleicht einen selbstgebackenen Kuchen oder etwas
anderes Liebevolles.

52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 32

Sie besttigt dann gerne, wie sehr ihr der Therapeut und die Mittel geholfen haben, doch eventuell
mchte sie gar nicht ganz gesund werden, weil sie dann keinen Grund mehr htte, den Therapeuten
aufzusuchen, zu dem sich solch ein guter Kontakt entwickelt hat.


- Natrliche, freundliche, schchterne, sanfte, gefhlvolle Menschen.
- Nachgiebig, seltener aber auch stur.
- Neigt leicht zum Weinen. (Das trnenreichste Mittel; Weinen beim Erzhlen der Beschwerden.)
Leicht zu trsten. Weinen wechselt ab mit Lachen.
- Wechselnde Launen.
- Reizbar, mrrisch.
- Neigt zu Depressionen.
- Zweifelt an Genesung.
- Will getragen werden (mchte Zrtlichkeit, Aufmerksamkeit bekommen).
- Abhngigkeit.
- Starkes Harmoniebedrfnis.
- Scheu vor dem anderen Geschlecht.
- ngste, besonders abends im Dunkeln, vor dem Alleinsein.
- Kann vor Gedanken nicht schlafen.
- Macht sich Sorgen.
Krperliche Leitsymptome:

- Aussehen: blond, blauugig, mollig, sinnlich, helle Haut (Barockideal, Rubens).
- Puberttsmittel (geschlechtliche Reife verzgert; Blsse, Mattigkeit, Kopfweh, Frsteln, Mdigkeit).
- Klimakterium (Depressionen, Hitzewallungen).
- Stndiger Wechsel aller Symptome, Wechsel des Ortes, der Zeit, der Art und der Intensitt der
Schmerzen ("mal so - mal so")
- Folge von Masern, von Tuberculose.
- Am Anfang der Bewegung <, aber lngerdauernde Bewegung>, (langsame Bewegung>). - Friert
leicht, dennoch> durch kalte, frische Luft. < aller Beschwerden infolge von Durchnssung,
- Alle Absonderungen: milde, cremig, gelblich (weilich oder grnlich), nicht tzend, nicht riechend
(Schweie einseitig).
- < abends und vor Mitternacht, bei Schmerzen und Husten. < morgens, der nervsen Abspannung
und Verstimmung (nach Ruhe, Bettwrme, Zimmerluft).
- Schlaflage typisch: liegt auf dem Rcken, die Hnde ber dem Kopf (unter dem Kopf, auf dem
Bauch), und die Beine sind angewinkelt.
- Vorherrschende Angriffsseite: rechts
- Kopfschmerzen : Kopfschmerzen in Zusammenhang mit Magenbeschwerden (Unbehagen im
Magen und Brechreiz wie bei verdorbenem Magen). Schulmdchenkopfschmerz (durch geistige
beranstrengung). Kopfschmerz mit Weinen.
- Augenkrankheiten
- Neigung zu Otitiden
- Mund : bitterer Geschmack, (bler Geruch), trocken - dabei durstlos, Zungenbelag schmutzig-wei.
- Nase : "reifer Schnupfen" (dicker, gelber, belriechender Schleim, > frische, kalte Luft).
- Husten, > Aufsitzen; Asthma; Lungen-Tuberculose.
- Magen : Gastritis, Vllegefhl lngere Zeit nach dem Essen mit Brechreiz.
Kopfschmerzen statt Magenschmerzen. Unvertrglichkeit von fetten, vor allem fettgebackenen
Speisen (= akute Dyspepsie), Abneigung besonders gegen Schweinefleisch (= belkeit). Aber
Verlangen und Vertrglichkeit von Butter und Sahne. Verlangen nach frischen Speisen, wei nicht

52 Lies de Homeopatia GEHSH 33

Durstlos, auch bei Hitze und im Fieber (selten auch Durst) Leicht verdorbener Magen.
- Durchfall hufiger, Verstopfung ganz selten.
Jeder Stuhl ist anders.
- Hufiger Harndrang, unwillkrlicher Harnabgang.
Geschlechtsorgane :
Mnner : Hodenschwellung, Entzndungen der mnnlichen Geschlechtsorgane.
Sexualtrieb vermehrt.
Frauen : Sexualtrieb vermehrt.
- Regel zu spt, ausbleibend (besonders durch nasse Fe), zu schwach; stndig wechselnd in
Regelmigkeit, Strke, Aussehen, Schmerzhaftigkeit und Dauer.
Schmerzen bei Menses abwrtszerrend.
Beschwerden (Krmpfe, wechselnde Gemtslage, Kopfschmerzen) vor, whrend und bei
unterbliebener Menses.
- Fluor : sahnig mild oder scharf.
Fluor bei jungen Mdchen, in der Schwangerschaft.
- Mammae : Milchproduktion bei Nichtschwangeren (bei Mdchen vor der Pubertt), zu wenig
Milchsekretion. Brste schmerzend.
- Schwangerschaftsmittel : stellt normale Kindslage her, beugt Wehenschche vor. Bei
Erleichtert Hingabe an die Geburt.
- Lochien unterdrckt.
- Bei Abort.
- Fruchtbarkeitsmittel.
- Extremitten : Neigung zu Krampfadern.
- Rheuma (Ort und Art der Beschwerden wechselnd, beginnende Bewegung<, lnger anhaltende
Bewegung>, Klte>, Wrme<).
- Neigung zu kalten Fen (oder heie Fe).
Krankheitsfolgen nach durchnten Fen.
- Haut : Hautjucken, Nesselsucht, Masern, Frostbeulen.
Silicea und Tuberculinum sind "die chronische Pulsatilla".
Pulsatilla ist angezeigt bei "Vergiftung durch Chinarinde, Chinin, Eisenprparate, Quecksilber und



Otto Leeser: "Leesers Lehrbuch der Homopathie", 2. berarbeitete Auflage, 1987, Karl F.
Haug Verlag Heidelberg
Gilbert Charette: "Homopathische Arzneimittellehre fr die Praxis", Hippokrates Verlag,
Stuttgart, 1985
Julius Mezger: "Gesichtete Hom. Arzneimittellehre" Karl F.H Verlag, Saulgau (Wrtt.), 1950
G. Vithoulkas: "Essenzen hom. Arzneimittel"
Adolf Voegeli: "Leit- und wahlanzeigende Symptome der Homopathie", Karl F.Haug Verlag,
Heinrich Gerd-Witte: "Kompendium fr hom. Arzneisymptome"; Karl F. Haug Verlag,
Heidelberg, 1981
Samuel Hahnemann Schule, Mommsenstr. 45, Berlin

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