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Analysis Guide

Novem ber 2005

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The cont ent of t his m anual is provided for inform at ion only , is subj ect t o change wit hout
not ice, and should not be const rued as a com m it m ent by Act ix. Act ix assum es no
responsibilit y or liabilit y for any errors or inaccuracies t hat appear in t his docum ent at ion.
Copyright Act ix 2005- 2008. All right s reserved. All t radem arks are hereby acknowledged.

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Cont ent s

1 I NTRODUCTI ON ......................................................................................... 4
2 OPERATI ONAL TASKS AND PROCESSES ............................................................. 5

SI TE I NTEGRATI ON AND I NFRASTRUCTURE TESTI NG .................................................... 7

D ETAI LED CALL SEQUENCE ANALYSI S .................................................................... 8
BENCHMARKI NG AND STATI STI CAL ANALYSI S ............................................................ 9
RADI O LI NK PERFORMANCE TROUBLESHOOTI NG........................................................ 10

3 FEATURE OVERVI EW ................................................................................. 12

3.1 ACTI X ANALYZER ........................................................................................... 12
3.2 APPLI CATI ON LAYERS ...................................................................................... 13
3.2.1 Neighbor List Analysis Module ............................................................... 14
3.2.2 CPI CH Pollut ion Analysis Module ............................................................ 17
3.2.3 Handoff St at e Analysis Module ( for scanner) ........................................... 19
3.2.4 Em ulat ed Act ive Set Module .................................................................. 22
3.2.5 CPI CH before RRC Connect ion Request Module ........................................ 23
3.2.6 CPI CH before call end or drop Module..................................................... 24
3.2.7 CPI CH dur ing call Module...................................................................... 25
3.2.8 CPI CH aft er call end or drop Module ....................................................... 26
3.2.9 Call Set up St at us Module ...................................................................... 27
3.2.10 Call Sequence Analysis Module ............................................................ 28
3.2.11 Call St at ist ics Module ( CS or PS) .......................................................... 29
3.2.12 Call Sust ainabilit y Module ................................................................... 30
3.2.13 Call Tim ing Analysis Module ................................................................ 31
3.2.14 File Sum m ary Module ......................................................................... 32
3.2.15 Coverage Sum m ary Module ................................................................ 33
3.2.16 Handoff Breakdown Analysis Module ( Handset ) ...................................... 34
3.2.17 SHO per event 1a- 1b- 1c Module .......................................................... 35
3.2.18 Overall BLER Module .......................................................................... 36
3.2.19 BLER Per call Module .......................................................................... 36
3.2.20 BLER during SHO Module .................................................................... 37
3.3 FI LTERS ..................................................................................................... 37
3.4 STATEFORMS ................................................................................................ 38
3.4.1 UMTS Dat a Event Navigat or .................................................................. 38
3.4.2 UMTS Dat a Session ............................................................................. 39
3.4.3 UMTS Throughput ............................................................................... 40
3.4.4 UMTS Top 10 Scan Measurem ent s ......................................................... 41
3.4.5 UMTS UE Act ive + Monit ored Set ........................................................... 42
3.4.6 UMTS UE Call I nform at ion..................................................................... 43
3.4.7 UMTS UE Measurem ent s Chart s ............................................................. 44
3.4.8 UMTS UE Radio Param et ers .................................................................. 45
3.4.9 UMTS UE Transport Channel I nfo ........................................................... 46
3.4.10 UMTS Voice Event Navigat or ( CS Only) ................................................. 47

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Act ix Analyzer UMTS Analysis Guide Novem ber 2005

I nt roduct ion 4

1 I nt roduct ion

I t is widely recognized t hat increasing product ivit y fuelled m uch of t he global econom ic
expansion of t he 1990s. Technological advances in soft ware and hardware usually enable
t hese product ivit y im provem ent s, alt hough t here is oft en a lag bet ween t he availabilit y of
t he new t echnology, and it s widespread accept ance and deploym ent by indust ry. This gap
is som et im es called t he product ivit y lag fact or.
Som e exam ples of t his include t he int roduct ion of aut om at ed bank t eller t echnology in t he
1980s in t he US. When t he t echnology init ially becam e available, it was only sparingly
deployed, and t he unit s were oft en placed inside bank buildings where t he product ivit y
enhancem ent s t hey offered were lim it ed. Likewise, unat t ended gasoline pum p t echnology
has been slow t o roll out in Europe, but as t he t echnology has becom e widely adapt ed,
huge efficiency gains have been realized.
The wir eless indust ry is now at a sim ilar point . I t underst ands t hat t he t radit ional laborint ensive t echniques for m axim izing perform ance and capacit y in wireless infrast ruct ure
are fundam ent ally lim it ed by a lack of st ruct ured algorit hm s t o det erm ine im provem ent s.
Act ix Analyzer offers t he possibilit y t o look at drive t est dat a and scanner dat a t o fully
opt im ize a UMTS net work. I t allows t he engineer t o underst and t he causes and reasons for
drop calls and access failures.
Analyzer offers an unprecedent ed capabilit y t o execut e a det ailed exam inat ion of m essage
flows and aut om at ing st at ist ical analyses of perform ance. Analyzer significant ly accelerat es
t he rollout , t roubleshoot ing and opt im izat ion of t he UMTS net work. Act ix has em bedded
int elligence in t he soft ware t o allow t he RF engineer t o visualize specific event s and
underst and real problem s occurring in t he net work.
Analyzer em bodies our ext ensive experience as t he m arket leader in opt im izat ion solut ions
for CDMA, UMTS and GSM. All of t he lessons learned and t he t echniques developed over a
10- year period have been incorporat ed int o t hese powerful, vendor- independent solut ions
for UMTS infrast ruct ure.
This docum ent provides an overview of t he key benefit s, applicat ions and feat ures of
Analyzer. For addit ional inform at ion, including whit e papers and ot her lit erat ure, please
refer t o www.act .

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Operat ional Tasks and Processes 5

2 Operat ional Tasks and Processes

Act ix Solut ions em body our ext ensive experience as t he m arket leader in opt im izat ion
solut ions for CDMA, UMTS and GSM. All of t he lessons learned and t he t echniques
developed over a 10- year period have been incorporat ed int o t hese powerful, vendorindependent solut ions for cdm a2000, GPRS and UMTS infrast ruct ure.
Analyzers Rollout Verificat ion is a novel solut ion t o t he challenge of rolling out ,
t roubleshoot ing and opt im izing real UMTS net works. Analyzer m ay be used in field t rial,
benchm arking and operat ional set t ings t o aut om at e t he process of quant ifying net work
perform ance, t hereby m it igat ing t he risk of perform ance problem s during com m ercial
operat ion.
Analyzer offers an unprecedent ed capabilit y t o execut e a det ailed exam inat ion of m essage
flows and aut om at ing st at ist ical analyses of perform ance. Analyzer significant ly accelerat es
t he rollout , t roubleshoot ing and opt im izat ion of t he UMTS net work. Act ix has em bedded
int elligence in t he soft ware t o allow t he RF engineer t o visualize specific event s and
underst and real problem s occurring in t he net work.
Applicat ions addressed by Analyzer first becom e pert inent during t he new t echnology
rollout , as shown in Figure 1. Then, as first - generat ion t echnology is rolled out for soft or
com m ercial launches, Analyzer cont inues t o address a num ber of crit ical challenges. As
new sit es are com ing on air and m ore cust om ers are accessing t he net work, t he real
challenge for t he RF engineer is t o m axim ize t he coverage, capacit y and qualit y of service.
Analyzer offers a num ber of applicat ions applicable t o t hese ongoing challenges.

Verificat ion
S l
R& D
Tr ia ls

I nit ia l

I m m a t ur e
Buildou t

M a t ur e
Gr ow t h

Figure 1: Applicabilit y of Analyzer begins in t he I nit ial Rollout and cont inues t hroughout t he lifecycle of
t he net work deploym ent

Analyzer is a powerful t ool designed t o help t he RF engineer analyze dat a from scanner
and handset sources. I t gives a det ailed analysis during t he whole drive rout e. From
m issing neighbor t o pilot pollut ion det ect ion, t he different em bedded event s give an
absolut e advant age t o t he RF engineer in underst anding t he source of different problem s.
Figure 2 depict s som e of t he m aj or processes perform ed by engineering t eam s during t he
init ial rollout , im m at ure buildout and m at ure growt h phases; and indicat es t he key radiolink configurat ion t asks t hat are com m on across t hese processes. The following sect ions
provide an out line ( plus addit ional det ails) of t he processes and t asks t ypically perform ed
during t hose phases.

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Act ix Analyzer UMTS Analysis Guide Novem ber 2005

R& D / Tria ls
& Pla nning

I nit ia l

Sit e Ca libra t ion

I nit ia l Te st ing

Operat ional Tasks and Processes 6

I m m a t ure
Buildou t

M a t ur e
Gr ow t h

I nit ia l Cov e ra ge
Ana lysis

Subscribe r - Pe r ce ive d
Pe r for m a nce

Pr oce sse s

Ra dio Link
Pe r for m a nce

On- going
Opt im iz a t ion

Pow e r
M e a sur e m e nt s

Se r vice
Cove r a ge
Ava ila bilit y

N e t w or k
Gr ow t h

Sit e I n t e gr a t ion
Opt im iza t ion

Th r oughput
a n d Ra t e s
Ca lcula t ion

Sca n ne r a n d
Dr ive Te st s
Ana lysis

Pha se s

Ev e nt
D e t e ct ions

Ta sk s

Be nch m a r k ing

Figure 2: Scanner and Drive t est s analysis, Sit e I nt egrat ion and Opt im izat ion are perform ed as part of
crit ical processes in t he I nit ial Rollout , I m m at ure Buildout and Mat ure Grow t h phases

Analyzer allows t he user t o focus on t he following t asks for sit e int egrat ion and t est ing,
coverage analysis, t roubleshoot ing and opt im izat ion:

Sit e I nt egrat ion and I nfrast ruct ure Test ing

Benchm arking and St at ist ical Analysis

Det ailed Call Sequence Analysis

Radio Link Perform ance Troubleshoot ing

Event Det ect ion and Drive Test Analysis

The following sect ions describe t he high- level capabilit ies of Analyzer for each of t hese
applicat ions. Because Analyzer is based on an open archit ect ure plat form which includes
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Operat ional Tasks and Processes 7

user- definable query and open dat a im port capabilit iesit m ay be used for m any ad- hoc
t roubleshoot ing and perform ance analysis t asks beyond t hose covered in t his docum ent .

2.1 Sit e I nt egrat ion and I nfrast ruct ure Test ing
Part of t he process in rolling out a net wor k is t o be able t o t est and int egrat e new sit es.
Analyzer provides t he following feat ures for sit e int egrat ion and infrast ruct ure t est ing:

The file sum m ary report allows t he engineer t o have a quick look at t he overall
perform ance during t he ent ire drive t est .
Em bedded chart s and graphs help t o visualize key param et ers like Ec/ No or RSCP
in t he act ive set .
Det ailed report s on call st at ist ics on cell by cell basis
User- definable queries allow creat ion of cust om ized st at ist ical analysis
Aut om at ed report generat ion cont aining st at ist ical sum m aries of key perform ance
indicat or

Figure 3: Chart s and graphs for UMTS sit e int egrat ion and infrast ruct ure t est ing

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Operat ional Tasks and Processes 8

2.2 Det ailed Call Sequence Analysis

Analyzer provides t hese analyses of call sequence and call set up procedures:

Det ailed call sequence analysis on a m essage by m essage basis

Aut om at ed report generat ion for visualizat ion of call sequence m essages
Aut om at ed report generat ion st at ist ical sum m aries of call set up problem s

Figure 4: St at ist ical sum m aries of call set up procedures and failure causes

Figure 5: Det ailed call sequence analysis

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Operat ional Tasks and Processes 9

2.3 Benchm arking and St at ist ical Analysis

Analyzer provides t he following feat ures for benchm arking and st at ist ical analysis:

Aut om at ed report generat ion for quick visualizat ion of call st at ist ics such as drop
calls, access failures, call sust ainabilit y, et c.
Working wit h different sources of dat a t o creat e hom ogeneous set of report s for
benchm arking
User- defined queries allowing easy access t o different st at ist ics

Figure 6: Chart s and graphs represent ing different call st at ist ics

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Operat ional Tasks and Processes 10

Figure 7: Various call st at ist ics filt ered by cells

2.4 Radio Link Perform ance Troubleshoot ing

Analyzer m ay be used t o diagnose and det erm ine rem edial act ion for key radio- link
configurat ion problem s, including:

Dist ant servers

Unnecessarily large neighbor list s

Too m any servers

Excessive soft handoff area

Figure 8: I dent ify problem s for UMTS radio net works by visualizing
pilot signals as lines draw n t o serving cells on a m ap

Radio Link Perform ance Met rics available from Analyzer will include t he following
at t ribut es, depending on t he specific vendor and specific source ( handset or scanner) :

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Operat ional Tasks and Processes 11

Mobile Transm it Power, Mobile Receive Power, BLER

Chip Offset and Delay Spread per SC

CPI CH Ec/ No and SC in Act ive and Monit ored set

CPI CH Ec/ No, Ec/ I o and RSCP per scram bling code

Ec/ I o, RSCP and Pat hloss for Nt h best SCs

Handoff St at e, Call I D

Figure 9: Chart s and graphs for a handoff st at e analysis

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Feat ure Overv iew 12

3 Feat ure Overview

3.1 Act ix Analyzer

Depending on t he licenses available t o you, Analyzer is able t o analyze cdm a2000, GSM,
GPRS and EDGE, as well as UMTS dat a. Analyzer provides a core set of capabilit ies t o
analyze net work perform ance dat a:

I nt erfaces t o a large num ber of net work perform ance dat a sources

Filt ering and binning m odule

Tim e- series and m ult i- dim ensional st at ist ical query m odule

Mapping, chart ing, and report ing m odules

Net work elem ent dat abase

Support for a wide variet y of wireless prot ocols from t he air- int erface t o t he core
net work

Finit e st at e event det ect ion engine

Dat a m erging and synchronizat ion / correlat ion m odule

Messaging and prot ocol st ack browser s

Open dat a im port and export m odule

Analyzers flexibilit y allows it t o be configured for a wide range of net work perform ancedat a analysis t asks.

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Feat ure Overv iew 13

3.2 Applicat ion Layers

Applicat ion Layers can be added t o Analyzer t o im plem ent t ask or applicat ion specific
funct ionalit y. Analyzer includes t he following applicat ion layers:

UM TS Acce le r a t e d N e t w ork Rollou t Solu t ion

Neighbor List Analysis Module

CPI CH Pollut ion Module

Handoff St at e Analysis Module

Em ulat ed Act ive Set Module

UM TS CPI CH Le v e l Ana ly sis

CPI CH before RRC Connect ion Request Module

CPI CH during call Module

CPI CH before call end or drop Module

CPI CH aft er call end or drop Module

UM TS Ca ll Se t up Ana lysis

Call Set up St at us Module

Call Sequence Analysis Module

UM TS Ca ll St a t ist ics

Call St at ist ics Module

Call Sust ainabilit y Module

Call St at ist ics PS Module

Call Tim ing Analysis Module

UM TS Dr ive Te st Su m m a r y

File Sum m ar y Module

Coverage Sum m ary Module

UM TS H a ndoff Ana lysis

Handoff Breakdown Analysis Module

SHO per event 1a- 1b- 1c Module

UM TS Qu a lit y An a lysis

Overall BLER Module

BLER Per call Module
BLER during SHO Module

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Feat ure Overv iew 14

3.2.1 Neighbor List Analysis Module

The Neighbor List Analysis provides an aut om at ed approach for generat ing opt im al
neighbor list s and overcom ing m aj or service- degrading problem s such as m issing
The key com ponent s of t he neighbor- list analysis m odule are:
Generat ion of recom m endat ions for opt im al neighbor list set t ings based on UMTS/ WCDMA
scanner drive t est dat a.
I nt egrat ion wit h Net work Elem ent Dat abase t o audit exist ing neighbor list s and suggest
changes, and t o correlat e non- unique m easured dat a at t ribut es such as Scram bling Code
wit h unique ident ifiers such as Sect or I D.
The Neighbor List Module im plem ent s t he following algorit hm :
Ec/ I o m easurem ent s below a noise floor are filt ered out of t he dat a set before analysis.
User definable binning is used t o reduce t he num ber of m easurem ent s point s in each bin t o
creat e one value per bin opt ionally, no binning at all can be applied and t he analysis will
run on t he full dat a set .
At each point along t he drive t est , a list of prospect ive neighbors is accum ulat ed as
indicat ed in Figure 19. I f a neighbor signal is wit hin a user- definable t hreshold of t he best
server in t he act ive set , t hen it is considered as a pot ent ial neighbor.
Using t he geographic inform at ion in t he log file and t he SC, t he net work elem ent dat abase
is searched t o ident ify t he Sect or and Cell I Ds of t he SC.
A sym m et rical neighbor array is creat ed in m em ory which records t he num ber of t im es
each sect or I D is seen as a prospect ive neighbor of anot her sect or I D as shown in Table 1.
Once all bins in t he log file have been com piled int o t he sym m et rical m at rix, t he result s
are com pared against act ual neighbor list s cont ained in t he net work elem ent dat abase and
t he following are calculat ed:

a list of sect or I Ds included in t he m at rix, but not t he act ual neighbor list
a list of sect or I Ds included in t he act ual list but not in t he m at rix

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Feat ure Overv iew 15

N e igh bou r 2

N ot a N e igh bou r

Best Se r ve r

N e igh bou r 1

D r ive Test
Rou t e

Ex clu de d fr om An a lysis

Figure 19: Cell A is t he best server by CPI CH Ec/ I o. Cells B and C are w it hin a user- specified t hreshold
of Cell As Ec/ I o, and so are count ed as pot ent ial neighbors of A. Cell D is not wit hin t he required
t hreshold and so is not count ed as a prospect ive neighbor, nor is Cell E which did not have a
m easurable signal cont ribut ion at t his point in t he drive t est .

N/ A




N/ A



N/ A




N/ A

Table 1: A sam ple sym m et ric prospect ive neighbor array using sect or I Ds A, B, C, and D

Lim it at ions of t he algorit hm :

Result s are only produced in areas t hat have been t est ed, so t he t est areas should be
carefully considered before rem oving any Sect ors from t he neighbor list s
Drive t est s do not necessarily em ulat e t he radio environm ent encount ered by pedest rian
and in- building users; however , walk t est s and in- building t est s m ay be included in t he
analysis as desired

Result s are present ed in t he following applicat ion report s:

Neighbor List Sum m ary

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Neighbor List Audit

Recom m ended Neighbor List s

Figure 20: A sam ple Recom m ended Neighbor List s report

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Feat ure Overv iew 17

3.2.2 CPI CH Pollut ion Analysis Module

The CPI CH or Pilot Pollut ion Analysis uses an em ulat ed Act ive Set t o est im at e which pilot s
would have been act ively dem odulat ed by t he UE, and t hen det ect s ot her pilot s above a
user- definable t hreshold t hat cause excessive int erference. Please see t he Em ulat ed Act ive
Set Module sect ion for m ore det ails on how t he Act ive Set is est im at ed based on WCDMA
scanner m easurem ent s.

The pilot pollut ion algor it hm has t hese com ponent s:

Ec/ I o m easurem ent s below a noise floor are filt ered out of t he dat a set prior t o
User definable binning is used t o reduce t he num ber of m easurem ent s point s in
each bin t o creat e one value per bin opt ionally, no binning at all can be applied
and t he analysis will r un on t he full dat a set .
At each point along t he drive t est , CPI CH Ec/ I o dat a for each Scram bling Code is
used t o assign SCs t o an Act ive Set or a Pollut ion Set ( please see t he Em ulat ed
Act ive Set Module sect ion for m ore det ails) .
The Pollut ion Set consist s of all SCs t hat are not in t he Act ive Set , and have a
CPI CH Ec/ I o wit hin a user specified pollut ion t hreshold of t he st rongest CPI CH
Ec/ I o in t he Act ive Set ( see Figure 21) .
Using t he geographic inform at ion in t he log file and t he SC, t he net work elem ent
dat abase is searched t o ident ify t he Sect or and Cell I Ds of t he SC.
A pollut ion array is creat ed in m em ory which records t he num ber of t im es each
sect or I D is seen as a source of pilot pollut ion as shown in Table 2
All bins in t he log file are t hen processed int o t he pollut ion m at rix.

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Feat ure Overv iew 18

Pollu t ion Sou r ce
Act ive Se t

Act ive Se t

Act ive Set

D r ive Te st
Rou t e

N ot a Pollu t ion Sou r ce , or in
Act ive Se t

Figure 21: Cell A, B and C are part of t he Act ive Set , as det erm ined by t he Em ulat ed Act ive Set
m odule. Cell D has a CPI CH Ec/ I o wit hin a user- specified pollut ion t hreshold of t he Act iv e Set s best
server Ec/ I o, and so is count ed as a cont ribut or t o pilot pollut ion at t his point in t he drive t est . Cell E
has a CPI CH Ec/ I o t hat is not wit hin t his t hreshold and so is not a pollut ion source.

Se ct or I D

Pollut ion




Table 2: A sam ple pollut ion array indicat ing t he num ber of point s at which each sect or caused pilot
pollut ion for sect or I Ds A, B, C, and D

Result s are present ed in t he Pilot Pollut ion Analysis applicat ion report as shown in Figure
22. I n addit ion, Pilot Pollut ion m ay be geographically analyzed for each SC by accessing
t he Pollut ion_for_SC at t ribut e in t he workspace view.

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Feat ure Overv iew 19

Figure 22: The Pilot Pollut ion Analysis report indicat es t he worst int erferers sort ed by Scram bling Code

3.2.3 Handoff St at e Analysis Module ( for scanner)

The Handoff St at e Analysis m odule uses t he em ulat ed Act ive Set t o det erm ine t he handoff
st at e at each point along a drive t est . St at ist ics on handoff st at e m ay t hen be calculat ed
and present ed in a report form at . Excessive handoff st at e reduces capacit y and increase
infrast ruct ure cost s for a given t raffic level. Please see t he Em ulat ed Act ive Set Module
sect ion for m ore det ails on how t he Act ive Set is est im at ed based on WCDMA scanner
m easurem ent s.

The handoff st at e algorit hm has t he following com ponent s:

The Act ive Set of pilot s is det erm ined using t he Em ulat ed Act ive Set m odule
Using t he geographic inform at ion in t he log file and t he SC, t he net work elem ent
dat abase is searched t o ident ify t he Sect or and Cell I Ds of t he SC
Handoff st at e is calculat ed by det erm ining t he configurat ion of t he sect ors in t he
Act ive Set as shown in Figure 23
All bins in t he log file are t hen processed int o t he handoff st at e m at rix

Report s showing t he percent age of handoff st at e for each sect or and for t he t ot al drive t est
m ay t hen be calculat ed as shown in Figure 24.

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Sin gle- se ct or

Feat ure Overv iew 20

3 - w a y Soft e r

3 se ct or s
sa m e node B
Soft e r


2 se ct or s
sa m e node B
3 - w a y soft

Soft - soft er

2 se ct or s
sa m e node B

Figure 23: The Handoff St at e Analysis exam ines Sect or I Ds involved in call at a given drive t est point
and det erm ines which of t he above st at es applies, based on UMTS scanner dat a

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Feat ure Overv iew 21

Figure 24: A report show ing t he percent age of drive t est in each handoff st at e for scanner dat a

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Feat ure Overv iew 22

3.2.4 Em ulat ed Act ive Set Module

CPI CH Pollut ion Analysis and Handoff Analysis are bot h based on a calculat ed Act ive Set ,
which is det erm ined by t he Em ulat ed Act ive Set m odule. The Em ulat ed Act ive Set m odule
im plem ent s t he 3GPP handoff algorit hm and uses scanner Ec/ I o m easurem ent s in
conj unct ion wit h user- specific 3GPP handoff t hresholds t o em ulat e t he Act ive Set at each
point along a drive t est . Figure 25 shows a sam ple set of scanner dat a for t hree individual
SCs wit h color and vert ical lines indicat ing t ransit ions of pilot s int o and out of t he Act ive
Set .

Figure 25: Using Scanner Ec/ I o m easurem ent s t o im plem ent 3GPP handoff algorit hm s for t he Act ive

Figure 26 shows t he list of at t ribut es available for m odificat ion by t he user, as indicat ed in
t he 3GPP specificat ions:

Figure 26: Set t ing 3GPP handoff algorit hm at t ribut es including Report ing Range: Hyst eresis Event and
Tim e t o Trigger Event

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Feat ure Overv iew 23

3.2.5 CPI CH before RRC Connect ion Request Module

The CPI CH before RRC Connect ion Request m odule helps t he engineer t o underst and t he
environm ent right before t he call st art ed or t o be m ore precise, before t he first RRC
connect ion request happens. For every call in t he log file, t he report can show t he
following param et ers:

Call I dent ificat ion, based on t he at t ribut e Uu_Call_id

Sit e t he call was placed, based on t he at t ribut e ServingCellid

Tim e of t he first RRC Connect ion Request for a specific call

Scram bling Code t he call originat ed on, based on t he at t ribut e

Uu_Act iveSet _SC_0
Ec/ I o of t hat sam e Scram bling Code, based on t he at t ribut e
Uu_Act iveSet _EcNo_0
RSCP of t hat sam e Scram bling Code, based on t he at t ribut e
Uu_Act iveSet _RSCP_0 or t he calculat ed RSCP if t he regular RSCP values are not
present or were not logged.
Sit e, SC, Ec/ I o and RSCP of t he Monit ored Set if applicable
End result of t hat part icular call

For any of t hese param et ers, t he m odule searches 5 seconds before t he first RRC
Connect ion Request for t he specific det ails. I f it cannot find t he param et ers during t hose 5
seconds, t he value No Dat a is shown.
Figure 27 shows a t ypical analysis execut ed by t he CPI CH before RRC Connect ion Request
m odule. For t he engineer, it is an easy way t o look at t he condit ions before t he call st art ed
and t he end result .

Figure 27: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he CPI CH before RRC Connect ion Request m odule

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3.2.6 CPI CH before call end or drop Module

The CPI CH before call end or drop m odule helps t he engineer t o underst and t he
environm ent right before t he call ended or dropped. For every call in t he log file, t he report
can show t he following param et ers:

Call I dent ificat ion, based on t he at t ribut e Uu_Call_id

Sit e I D of t he act ive sit e when t he call ended or dropped ( at t ribut e Ser vingCellid)

Ec/ I o of t hat sam e Scram bling Code

Sit e, SC, Ec/ I o and RSCP of t he Monit ored Set if applicable

Tim e when t he call ended or dropped ( see event definit ions)

Scram bling Code of t he 1 st finger in t he Act ive Set

RSCP of t hat sam e Scram bling Code

End result of t hat part icular call

Figure 28 shows a t ypical analysis execut ed by t he CPI CH before call end or drop m odule.
For t he engineer, it is an easy way t o look at t he condit ions right before t he call ended.

Figure 28: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he CPI CH before call end or drop m odule

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3.2.7 CPI CH during call Module

The CPI CH during call m odule helps t he engineer t o underst and t he environm ent during a
part icular call. For every call in t he log file, t he report can show t he following param et ers:

Call I dent ificat ion

Most com m on Scram bling Code of 1 st finger in t he Act ive Set

Average RSCP during t he ent ire call

Most com m on Scram bling Code in t he Monit ored Set

Average RSCP during t he ent ire call

Sit e I D of t he m ost com m on act ive sit e ( sit e associat ed wit h t he scram bling code
of t he fir st finger in t he act ive set )

Average Ec/ I o during t he ent ire call

Sit e I D of t he m ost com m on m onit ored sit e ( sit e associat ed wit h t he scram bling
code of t he first finger in t he m onit ored set )

Average Ec/ I o during t he ent ire call

End result of t hat part icular call

Figure 29 shows a t ypical analysis execut ed by t he CPI CH during call m odule. For t he
engineer, it is an easy way t o look at t he average condit ions during t he call.

Figure 29: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he CPI CH during call m odule

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3.2.8 CPI CH aft er call end or drop Module

The CPI CH aft er call end or drop m odule helps t he engineer t o underst and t he environm ent
right aft er t he call ended or dropped. For every call in t he log file, t he report can show t he
following param et ers:

Call I dent ificat ion

Sit e I D of t he act ive sit e when t he call ended or dropped

Ec/ I o of t hat sam e Scram bling Code

Sit e, SC, Ec/ I o and RSCP of t he Monit ored Set if applicable

Tim e when t he call ended or dropped

Scram bling Code of t he 1 st finger in t he Act ive Set

RSCP of t hat sam e Scram bling Code

End result of t hat part icular call

Figure 30 shows a t ypical analysis execut ed by t he CPI CH aft er call end or drop m odule.
For t he engineer, it is an easy way t o look at t he condit ions right aft er t he call ended.

Figure 30: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he CPI CH aft er call end or drop m odule

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3.2.9 Call Set up St at us Module

The Call Set up St at us m odule offers a general overview on how and when t he call failed.
The norm al call sequence should go like t his:

RRC Connect ion Request ( MOC)

or Paging Type1 ( MTC)
RRC Connect ion Set up

RRC Connect ion Com plet e

MM CM Service Accept

MM CM Service Request ( MOC) or

Paging Response ( MTC)

Aut hent icat ion Request

Aut hent icat ion Accept

Securit y Mode Com m and

CC Set up

Radio Bearer Set up

CC Alert

Securit y Mode Com plet e

CC Call Proceeding

Radio Bearer Set up Com plet e

CC Connect

I f all m essages are received properly, t he call is a success. I f it fails t o reach t he CC

Connect , it should be pegged as a call failure and t his m odule should give t he reason for it .
Refer t o sect ion 3.2 Event Definit ions for m ore det ails.
Figure 31 shows a t ypical analysis execut ed by t he call set up st at us m odule.

Figure 31: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he call set up st at us m odule

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3.2.10 Call Sequence Analysis Module

The Call Sequence Analysis m odule offers a general over view on how call failed and when
t hey failed. This m odule has t he sam e st ruct ure and analysis as t he call set up st at us
m odule except for a few differences. I t doesnt sum m arize as what is t he cause of t he
failure. On t he ot her hand, it gives t he call sequence wit h det ailed inform at ion on ever y
call and t he out com e of it . I t gives t he engineer t he possibilit y t o look at individual calls on
a m essage- by- m essage basis.

Figure 32: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he call sequence analysis m odule

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3.2.11 Call St at ist ics Module ( CS or PS)

The Call St at ist ics Module helps t he engineer t o have a quick look at t he overall
perform ance during a specific drive t est . The following param et ers' st at ist ics are defined in
each file:
Tot al Num ber of calls: Num ber of Mobile Originat ed Calls ( MOC) + Num ber of Mobile
Term inat ed Calls ( MTC) . This includes all calls, even failures.
Successful I ncom ing Calls: Num ber of successful Mobile Term inat ed Calls ( MTC) . To be
successful, a call needs t o follow t he call sequence as m ent ioned in sect ion 3.2
Successful Out going Calls: Num ber of successful Mobile Originat ed Calls ( MOC) . To be
successful, a call needs t o follow t he call sequence as m ent ioned in sect ion 3.2
Tot al Successful Calls:
Successful I ncom ing Calls +
Successful Out going Calls
Connect ed Percent age: Tot al
Successful Calls/ Tot al num ber
of calls * 100
Call Failures I ncom ing:
Access Failure for a Mobile
Term inat ed Call ( MTC) as
defined in sect ion 3.2
Call Failures Out going:
Access Failure for a Mobile
Originat ed Call ( MOC) as
defined in sect ion 3.2
Access Failure Rat e: Tot al
Access Failures/ Tot al num ber
of calls * 100
Tot al Drops: Tot al num ber of
dropped calls. A dropped call is
defined as one of t he
Drop Rat e percent age: Tot al
Drops/ Tot al Successful Calls *
Tot al Com plet ed Calls: Tot al
num ber of com plet ed calls. A
com plet ed call is defined as
t he following:
Success Rat e: Tot al com plet ed
calls/ Tot al Successful Calls *

Figure 33: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he

Call St at ist ics Module

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3.2.12 Call Sust ainabilit y Module

The call sust ainabilit y

m odule helps t he
engineer t o have a
quick view at t he call
durat ion for all calls
during t he drive rout e.
The st at ist ic is
calculat ed on a per call
basis and is t he
difference in t im e
when t he call ends and
when t he call st art s.
More precisely:
Call Sust ainabilit y =
Tim e when RRC
Connect ion request
happens ( or paging
t ype 1) Tim e when
call drops or ends.
Figure 34 shows t he
call sust ainabilit y
st at ist ics and t he call
durat ion dist ribut ion.

Figure 34: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he

call sust ainabilit y m odule

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3.2.13 Call Tim ing Analysis Module

The Call Tim ing Analysis gives various t im e st at ist ics on differences bet ween specific
m essages. I n cases where t he RRC Connect ion Request t erm inology is used, it relat es t o
t he first RRC Connect ion Request m essage t ransm it t ed.

Figure 35: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he call t im ing analysis m odule

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3.2.14 File Sum m ary Module

The file sum m ary m odule helps t he
engineer t o visualize quickly t he
cont ent of a file. The t hresholds for
t he coverage and qualit y chart s are:

Good: RSCP > - 80 dBm
Fair: - 80 dBm > = RSCP > = - 95 dBm
Poor: - 95 dBm > RSCP

Qualit y:
Good: Ec/ I o > - 8 dB
Fair: - 8 dB > = Ec/ I o > = - 15 dB
Poor: - 15 dB > Ec/ I o

Figure 36: Exam ple of a log file analyzed

by t he file sum m ary m odule

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3.2.15 Coverage Sum m ary Module

The file sum m ary m odule helps t he engineer t o visualize quickly t he st at ist ics relat ed t o
t he st rongest RSCP and t he st rongest Ec/ No for a part icular file.

Figure 37: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he

coverage sum m ary m odule

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3.2.16 Handoff Breakdown Analysis Module ( Handset )

The Handoff St at e Analysis
m odule for handset uses t he Real
Act ive Set from t he handset t o
det erm ine t he handoff st at e at
each point along a drive t est .
St at ist ics on handoff st at e m ay
t hen be calculat ed and present ed
in a report form at . Excessive
handoff st at e reduces capacit y
and increase infrast ruct ure cost s
for a given t raffic level. Please see
sect ion 3.2.3 for m ore det ails on
t he Handoff St at e Analysis for

The handoff st at e algorit hm has

t he following com ponent s:
Using t he geographic inform at ion
in t he log file and t he SC, t he
net work elem ent dat abase is
searched t o ident ify t he Sect or
and Cell I Ds of t he SC
Handoff st at e is calculat ed by
det erm ining t he configurat ion of
t he sect ors in t he Act ive Set as
shown in Figure 23 Sect ion
All bins in t he log file are t hen
processed int o t he handoff st at e
m at rix
The Act ual SHO Overhead
represent s t he sum of all soft handoff configurat ions

Figure 38: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he

handoff st at e analysis for handset

Report s showing t he percent age

of handoff st at e for each sect or
and for t he t ot al drive t est m ay
t hen be calculat ed as shown in
Figure 38.

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3.2.17 SHO per event 1a- 1b- 1c Module

The SHO per event 1a- 1b- 1c m odule gives a brief sum m ary about t he different t ypes of
handoff t hat occur in a file. I t shows quickly t he num ber of:
Addit ion: Event 1a
Rem oval: Event 1b
Replacem ent : Event 1c

Also, it report s t he num ber of com plet ion for each of t hose event s and calculat es a
percent age of success.

Figure 39: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he

soft - handover perform ance m odule

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3.2.18 Overall BLER Module

The overall BLER ( Block Error
Rat e) m odule gives a brief
sum m ary about t he
dist ribut ion and st at ist ical
analysis of BLER for an ent ire

Figure 40: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he Overall

BLER m odule

3.2.19 BLER Per call Module

The BLER per call m odule
gives a sum m ary of t he m ain
st at ist ics associat ed wit h t he
BLER on a call- by- call basis.
The m axim um value
The m inim um value
The average value for t hat
part icular call

Figure 41: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he BLER per

call m odule

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3.2.20 BLER during SHO Module

The BLER during SHO ( soft handover) m odule provides st at ist ics on t he downlink t ransport
channel BLER aggregat ed across all SHOs and on a call- by- call basis ( not e t hat only t he
calls wit h BLER m easurem ent s during t he SHO procedure will be included in t his report .

Figure 42: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he

BLER during SHO m odule

3.3 Filt ers

Filt ers can be added t o Analyzer t o im plem ent t ask or applicat ion- specific funct ionalit y.
Analyzer includes t he following pre- defined filt ers:

Poor Mobile Receive Power

CPI CH_RSCP_in_Act iveSet [ 0] < - 95 dBm
High Mobile Transm it Power
UeTransm it t edPower > 0 dBm
Low Mobile Transm it Power
UeTransm it t edPower < - 30 dBm
High Mobile Receive Power
CPI CH_RSCP_in_Act iveSet [ 0] > - 80 dBm
Poor Ec/ No
CPI CH_EcNo_in_Act iveSet [ 0] < - 15 dB
High Ec/ No
CPI CH_EcNo_in_Act iveSet [ 0] > - 8 dB

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3.4 St at eform s
St at eform s can be added t o Analyzer t o im plem ent t ask or applicat ion- specific
funct ionalit y. Analyzer includes t he following st at eform s:

UMTS Dat a Event

UMTS Dat a Session

Navigat or

UMTS Throughput

UMTS Top 10 Scan

Measurem ent s
UMTS UE Act ive + Monit or ed Set

UMTS UE Call I nform at ion

UMTS UE Radio Param et ers

UMTS Voice

UMTS UE Measurem ent s Chart s

UMTS UE Transport Channel I nfo

Event Navigat or

3.4.1 UMTS Dat a Event Navigat or

The UMTS Dat a Event Navigat or st at eform allows t he engineer t o view t he ent ire drive t est
wit h j ust one quick look. During a dat a session, it is possible t o keep t rack of t he following
event s:

GPRS_PDPCont ext Act _Successful

GPRS_At t ach_Successful

GPRS_PDPCont ext Act _Failure

GPRS_PDPCont ext Deact _Successful

GPRS_Det ach_Successful

Event _Task_St art

While keeping t rack of t he current SC in t he act ive set . Figure 42 shows an exam ple of
t hose different event s at different m om ent s in t im e wit h t he t rack at t he t op showing t he

Figure 43: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he

UMTS Dat a Ev ent Navigat or St at eform

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3.4.2 UMTS Dat a Session

The UMTS Dat a Session st at eform allows t he engineer t o view t he dat a t est ing inform at ion
collect ed during a dat a session.

Figure 44: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he

UMTS Dat a Session St at eform

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3.4.3 UMTS Throughput

The UMTS Throughput st at eform chart allows t he engineer t o view t he applicat ion and I P
downlink t hroughput graphically for t he ent ire drive t est . This inform at ion com es from t he
dat a t est ing inform at ion collect ed during t he drive t est .

Figure 45: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he

UMTS Throughput St at eform

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3.4.4 UMTS Top 10 Scan Measurem ent s

The UMTS Top 10 Scan Measurem ent s st at eform allows t he engineer t o view im port ant
det ails regarding t he scanner m easurem ent s. The following param et ers are displayed at
any specific m om ent during t he drive t est replay:

Top 10 Scram bling Code based on t heir Ec/ I o

Top 10 RSCP for t hese respect ive SC

Top 10 Ec/ I o for t hese respect ive SC

Global RSSI

Figure 46: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he

UMTS Top 10 Scan Measurem ent s St at eform

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3.4.5 UMTS UE Act ive + Monit ored Set

The UMTS UE Act ive + Monit ored Set st at eform allows t he engineer t o visualize rapidly t he
cont ent of t he act ive and m onit ored set s at any specific m om ent during t he drive t est . The
following param et ers are represent ed for bot h t he act ive and t he m onit ored set s.

The Scram bling Code

The RSCP for each of t hose scram bling code

The Ec/ No for each of t hose scram bling code

The Pat hloss if applicable

I t is a very quick way for t he engineer t o follow t he act ive and m onit ored set s. Using t he
replay t ool, t he engineer can follow t he drive t est and analyze very quickly any part icular
event s.

Figure 47: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he

UMTS UE Act ive + Monit ored Set St at eform

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3.4.6 UMTS UE Call I nform at ion

The UMTS UE call inform at ion st at eform allows t he engineer t o have a quick view at t he
following event s:

I MSI Mobiles I dent ificat ion

num ber used for t est ing
Called Part y Num ber called for
t hat part icular t est / call
Calling Part y I n case of m obile
t erm inat ed calls, t he num ber of
t he part y t hat called
Call id The call ident ificat ion
based on t he UMTS call t racker
Call St at e The st at e t he m obile
is on. Different st at es are:

I nit

RRC Con Request

RRC Set up Com plet e

I dle

RRC Con Set up

Out going Call Set up

I ncom ing Call Set up


Securit y Mode Com m and

CC Set up

Aut hent icat ion Response

RAB Set up

Channel Reconfig

GSM Mode

I n Call

Securit y Com plet e

Aut hent icat ion Request

CC Call Proceeding

RAB Com plet e

Radio Bearer Reconfig


Figure 48: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he

UMTS UE Call I nform at ion St at eform

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3.4.7 UMTS UE Measurem ent s Chart s

The UMTS UE Measurem ent s Chart s st at eform allows t he engineer t o look at t he m ost
im port ant inform at ion in a log file. I t is very easy t o visualize rapidly t he following
param et ers:

EcNo Uu_Act iveSet _EcNo

TxPower UE_TxPow


SI R_Target Uu_Target SI R

Figure 49: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he

UMTS UE Measurem ent s Chart s St at eform

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3.4.8 UMTS UE Radio Param et ers

The UMTS UE Radio Param et ers st at eform allows t he engineer t o view radio param et ers at
a specific m om ent during t he drive t est . The available param et ers are:




SI R Target

Figure 50: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he

UMTS UE Radio Param et ers St at eform

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3.4.9 UMTS UE Transport Channel I nfo

The UMTS UE Transport Channel I nfo allows t he engineer t o visualize t he BLER per channel
and also t he aggregat e BLER.

Figure 51: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he

UMTS UE Transport Channel I nfo St at eform

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3.4.10 UMTS Voice Event Navigat or ( CS Only)

The UMTS Voice Event Navigat or st at eform allows t he engineer t o view t he ent ire drive
t est wit h j ust one quick look. During a session, it is possible t o keep t rack of t he following
event s:

Uu_Out goingCallOK

Uu_Out goingCallSet upFail


Uu_I ncom ingCallOK

Uu_I ncom ingCallSet upFail

Uu_CallCom plet ed

While keeping t rack of t he current SC in t he act ive set . Figure 51 shows an exam ple of
t hose different event s at different m om ent s in t im e wit h t he colored t rack at t he t op
showing t he SC.

Figure 52: Exam ple of a log file analyzed by t he UMTS Voice Event Navigat or St at eform

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