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Experiment No.

Verification of conservation of angular momentum
Rotating platform, projectile launcher, projectile collision accessory, photogate/pulley system, DataStudio software, PASCO interface, rubber band, white paper, carbon paper, time-of-flight accessory, thread, meter stick,
mass and hanger set and calipers.

Purpose of the experiment

(i) To determine the muzzle velocity of the Projectile using conservation of angular momentum and
(ii) to verify the above result by using a projectile launcher.

Method I
Basic methodology
A projectile (ball) is shot into a catcher mounted on a revolving platform. The muzzle velocity of the ball is
determined by using the fact that angular momentum is conserved during the collision.


A ball launched horizontally, embeds in the catcher mounted on a revolving platform. The platform then rotates
to conserve the angular momentum during the collision. By principle of conservation of angular momentum, the
angular momentum L (with respect to the center of the platform) before the collision is equal to the angular
momentum after the collision:
L = mb v0 R = I ,
where mb is the mass of the ball, v0 is the muzzle velocity of the ball (to be determined), R is the distance between
the ball and the axis of rotation (see figure 1), I is the rotational inertia of the catcher, ball, and rotating platform
after the collision and is the angular velocity of the system immediately after the collision. Solving for the muzzle

Figure 1:
velocity of the ball gives:
v0 =

mb R

To find the rotational inertia experimentally, a known torque is applied to the object and the resulting angular
acceleration is determined. Now,
= I = r T,
where r is the radius of the step pulley about which the thread is wound (see figure 2) and T is the tension in
the thread. Also, since the linear acceleration a = r, can be determined by measuring a and r. By Newtons
second law,

Figure 2:
mg T = ma

or T = m(g a),

where m is the hanging mass from the thread wrapped around the base of the apparatus. Therefore,
I = mr2 ( 1).

Setup and Procedure to determine the angular velocity :

1. Find the mass of the ball and record it in the excel sheet.
2. Attach the ball catcher to the track using a rubber band as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3:

3. Clamp the Projectile Launcher to a sturdy table near one end of the table.
4. Level the base of the rotating platform as follows:
(a) Make the apparatus unbalanced by attaching the 300 g square mass (see figure 4) onto either end of
the aluminum track. Tighten the screw so the mass will not slide.

Figure 4:

(b) Adjust the leveling screw on one of the legs of the base until the end of the track with the square mass
is aligned over the leveling screw on the other leg of the base (see figure 4).
(c) Rotate the track 90 degrees so it is parallel to one side of the A and adjust the other leveling screw
until the track will stay in this position.
(d) The track is now leveled and it should remain at rest regardless of its orientation.
5. Adjust the angle of the Projectile Launcher to zero degrees so the ball will be shot off horizontally. See
Figure 5.

Figure 5:

6. Aim the launcher directly down the middle of the ball catcher using the sights inside the projectile launcher.
7. Attach the Photogate Head to the base. Connect the Photogate Head to a computer and run the DataStudio
program (procedure is given at the end).
8. Set up the program so that it measures and displays angular speed.
9. Load the Launcher with the steel ball on the long range setting.
10. Make sure the rotating platform is at rest and fire the ball into the catcher.
11. Record the angular speed of the platform and repeat for a total of five shots.
12. Measure the distance from the axis of rotation to the ball in the catcher.

Setup and Procedure to determine the rotational inertia I and muzzle velocity v0 :
1. Put about 20 g (record the exact hanging mass) over the pulley.

2. Using calipers, measure the diameter of the step pulley about which the thread is wrapped and calculate the
radius r and record it.
3. Wind the thread up and hold the Rotating Platform.
4. Let the Rotating Platform begin to turn and the mass descend toward the floor.
5. The linear acceleration a can be found by measuring the height h from which the weight is released and the
time tF for the fall, since a = (2h)/t2F . Therefore
2(I + mr2 )
and hence a plot of t2F versus h is a straight line. I can thus be obtained from the slope of this straight line.
6. Using the average angular speed, the rotational inertia and the distance r, calculate the muzzle velocity of
the ball and record it.

Method II


For comparison, the initial speed (muzzle velocity) of the ball is determined by shooting the ball horizontally off
the table and measuring the horizontal distance x through which the ball travels and the time required for the
flight, t. For a ball shot horizontally off a table with an initial speed, v0 , v0 = x/t (friction due to air is ignored).

Setup and Procedure

1. Setup the projectile launcher as in method I.
2. Put the ball into the Projectile Launcher and cock it to the middle range position.
3. Connect the time-of-flight accessory (ME-6810) to the PASCO interface and set the program to measure the
time-of-flight (procedure is given at the end).
4. Fire one shot to locate where the ball hits the table.
5. At this position, place the time-of-flight accessory.
6. Tape a piece of white paper to the accessory. Place a piece of carbon paper (carbon-side down) on top of
this paper and tape it down. When the ball hits the accessory, it will leave a mark on the white paper.
7. Fire about ten shots.
8. Measure the horizontal distance from beneath the point of projectile launch to the point where the projectile
hits the accessory.
9. Use the above ten trials to find the average muzzle velocity and record it.

Using the DataStudio software

1. Start the DataStudio programme and choose create experiment.
2. A picture of the Science Workshop 750 (SW750) will appear, asking you to add a sensor (it can have a
maximum of 4 sensors).
3. Identify which photogate goes to which sensor. For definiteness, let us assume that the photogate connected
to the projectile launcher goes to sensor 1, the time-of-flight accessory goes to sensor 2 and the photogate
attached to the rotating platform goes to sensor 3.
4. Click on sensor 1 in the picture and choose photogate. In the Measurements tab unselect all options.
5. Click on sensor 2 in the picture and choose time of flight.
6. Click on sensor 3 in the picture and choose smart pulley. In the middle Measuements tab, select
only Angular velocity, Ch 3 and choose rad/s in Unit of measure. Unselect all other options in the
Measurements tab.

7. In the bottom left panel, choose Graph. You should now see a graph of Angular Velocity (rad/s) ready to
be plotted against time.
8. Once your equipment is set, click Start on top and shoot the projectile into the catcher. After a few
seconds, you should see a plot of angular velociy vs. time. Record the value of angular velocity associated
with the first data point.
9. To measure the time-of-flight in the second part, choose time of flight, Ch 2(s) in the top left panel and
click Graph. Choose time of flight, Ch 2.
10. Click Start and shoot the projectile. A single data point will appear in the graph. The time-of-flight will
be the elapsed time, the y-value associated with this data point. Record this value.

Exercises and viva questions

1. Is kinetic energy conserved during the collision in method I?
2. Is total energy conserved during the collision in method I?
3. Is total linear momentum conserved during the collision in method I?


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