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Int. j. econ. manag. soc. sci., Vol(3), No (12), December, 2014. pp.


TI Journals

International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences


Copyright 2014. All rights reserved for TI Journals.

Environmental Planning for Identifying, Analyzing and Solving

Environmental Problems of the City of Rasht Based on Applying
Creative Problem-solving Techniques
Fazilat Tahari *
Master of Art in Urban and Regional Planning, School of Architecture and Urbanism, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
*Corresponding author:



Environmental Planning
Environmental Problems
Environmental Degradation
Creative Problem-Solving Techniques
The City of Rasht and its Surroundings

Increasing and accumulating environmental problems in the city of Rasht and its surroundings and
consequently environmental degradation of this city indicates that on the one hand, the importance of correct,
radical and purposeful identification of problems and choosing problem-finding-problem-solving
procedures in this city's planning process has not been properly taken into account. On the other hand,
traditional urban planning approaches have not been efficient in dealing with these problems and solving
them. In response to these problems, some of the planning scholars have emphasized on the necessity of
integrating environmental problems in urban planning processes and transformation of urban planning from
traditional approaches to environmental planning approach. This paper addresses the issues of how to find
environmental problems, how to redefine and analysis them, how to solve them and how to enter into the
phase of prescription. To achieve this, the problem-finding process for the city of Rasht consists of combining
the results of two parallel paths: First- applying documentary method of research and determining problems
which can be found from the analysis of planning documents. Second- using descriptive method of research,
preparing and completing questionnaires and analyzing them with the assistance of SPSS software to detect
problems based on citizenss views. Then by applying the Creative Problem-Solving Techniques (Goal
Orientation Technique and Fish Bone Technique), these problems will be redefined and analyzed. Finally, the
results of Goal Orientation Technique and Fish Bone Technique will aid to apply the new approach of
environmental planning and design environmental plan to deal with environmental challenges of this city. The
results of this research shows the advantages of integrating creative problem-solving techniques and
environmental planning approach for redefining and analyzing environmental problems and developing
environmental plan to solve environmental problems of the city of Rasht.

1. Introduction
1.1 Statement of the problem and the importance and necessity of this research
Cities around the world and their surroundings (mostly in more developed countries) are facing with two groups of environmental problems
caused by horizontal growth and expansion of urban areas into valuable natural areas: First- natural environment degradation problems and
problems associated with it including destruction of farmlands and forestlands around the city, destruction of valuable natural ecosystems such
as rivers and wetlands, environmental pollutants emissions and dumping them in natural habitats, threats to wildlife habitats and biodiversity and
second- built environment degradation problems and problems associated with it including a wide range of problems related to urban planning
and management such as waste waters and surface waters disposal, solid wastes disposal problems, inefficient management of solid wastes
disposal, spreading various types of environmental pollutions, exposure of urban population to a variety of natural hazards and problems
associated with climatic change.
Environmental degradation resulted from extending and complicating the nature of environmental problems in the worlds urban areas indicates
that on the one hand, the importance of choosing problem-finding-problem-solving procedures in urban planning processes has not been
properly considered and developing problem-oriented urban plans has not been taken into account and problem-finding-problem-solving
methods and techniques in urban planning processes has not been applied [1]. On the other hand, traditional urban planning approaches are
inefficient in dealing with environmental challenges. In response to these problems, some of the planning scholars have emphasized on the
necessity of integrating environmental problems in urban planning processes and transformation of urban planning from traditional approaches
to a new planning approach that addresses the conservation of environment and natural resources by urban planning mechanisms. The reasons
for justifying environmental planning approach with two main and basic features: integrated and strategic, based on views of some of the
planning scholars are that the environment is not fragmented, so the policies that are supposed to deal with it cannot be fragmented [2]. So,
environmental planning approach based on adapting a problem-finding-problem-solving process and taking the advantages of strategic thinking
can be applied for solving problems and entering into prescription phase.
As a result of growing trend of urban expansion into its surroundings, the city of Rasht and its surroundings are facing with two groups of
environmental problems related to environmental degradation: First- problems such as destruction of farmlands around the city, invasion to the
protected natural areas due to urban sprawl (especially natural habitats around the city), environmental pollutants emissions (sewage and solid
wastes) in natural habitats of migratory birds and aquatic animals (forests, wetlands and streams) and exposure of biodiversity living there to risk
and second- problems such as inefficient infrastructures for collection, disposal and treatment of sewage, inefficiency of surface waters drainage
systems, discharge of sewage into rivers and thus contamination of drinking water resources, improper disposal of solid wastes and
consequences of inadequate urban green space that these problems altogether have led to environmental degradation of this city.
On the one hand, growing understanding of the importance of environmental issues, not only at the global level, but also in Iran and in Rasht and
on the other hand, inefficiency of urban planning approaches which have been applied in urban planning and management of this city, emphasize
on the importance of applying the new approach of environmental planning and designing problem-oriented environmental plan in the planning
process of this city, that can be based on correct, radical and purposeful identification of problems and adapting problem-finding-problemsolving procedures.

Fazilat Tahari *


International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(3), No (12), December, 2014.

1.2 The purpose of this research

The main purpose of this research as in insists on the identification of key environmental problems of the city of Rasht and its surrounding based
on analyzing objective data (planning documents) and subjective data (citizenss views), is to introduce a framework for dealing with
environmental challenges of this city, that integrates applying the new approach of environmental planning (with the basic feature of being
strategic) and designing environmental plans with the results of applying Creative Problem-Solving Techniques (Goal orientation Technique
and Fish Bone Technique).
1.3 The hypothesis
The hypothesis of this research is that the city of Rasht has environmental problems, if these problems are not identified in a correct, radical and
purposeful manner and continuity of current practices and traditional planning approaches in dealing with them, this city will face more and
more with environmental degradation and will be caught in a vicious circle of environmental problems and their consequences.



At first by applying documentary method of research, problems related to environmental degradation in the city of Rasht and its surroundings
will be identified (analysis of objective data). Then, by using descriptive method of research, preparing and completing the questionnaires,
citizenss views about these problems will be assessed and analyzed (analysis of subjective data). Simple random sampling method is used for
sampling from the population of Rasht. According to the size of the population and using Cochran formula, the sample size was determined to be
118.55. The information obtained and characteristics of the statistical sample are analyzed by using SPSS software and descriptive statistical
methods in the form of tables and diagrams. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient for determining the reliability of the questionnaire was determined
around 0.948, which means that the questionnaire is reliable. Then Creative Problem-solving Techniques (Goal Orientation Technique and Fish
Bone Technique) is applied for analyzing data. Environmental plan of the city of Rasht and its surroundings will be designed based on the results
of applying these techniques.


Case Study

Rasht is the capital city of the county and Guilan province, which is located in the central part of the county. The city of Rasht in its natural state
is a small fraction of Guilan plain that is located in the southern plains of the Caspian Sea. The northern and southern boundaries of this plain are
located between the Alborz Mountains and coastline and this plain covers the city of Rasht [3].


Theoretical Foundations

4.1 Environmental Planning approach

Environmental planning is based on the theoretical base of ecological concept that in turn the ecological concept is a subset of ecological
planning [4]. Environmental planning as an activity involves use of bio-physical and socio-cultural information to suggest opportunities and
constraints in relation to land development in a manner that seeks to explain the fitness of the environment to support a given function and may
be defined as the initiation and operation of activities to direct and control the acquisition, transformation, distribution, and disposal of resources
in a manner capable of sustaining human activities with a minimum disruption of physical, ecological, and social processes [5]. It can be defined
as the appropriate arrangement of time and space for human activities within the environment in order to achieve the coordination needed in the
development of the environment, the economy and society [6]. Environmental planning is a comprehensive social and political process and the
essential dimensions and features of it are "integrity" and "strategic. Land-use policy is but one element of environmental planning, along with
energy policy, waste management, water resource management, pollution control and so on [2].
4.2 Environmental Plans
Environmental plans are directed toward the environmental challenges that face the community. Environmental plans are the main instruments
for integrating environmental variables in the urban planning processes. Thus, while we recognize that environmental variables are
interconnected, our general approach to the environment is to fix symptoms one at a time (i.e. protecting water, protecting air, protecting land)
[5]. Local Environmental Plan is a legal instrument that imposes standards for controlling developments [7].
4.3 Problem
A problem shows the gap between where we are or what we have and a desired outcome or a desired place [8]. In other words, when a
"problem" is meant that there is a difference between the two concepts of "what is" and what is desired [9]. A problem is also expressed as an
identifiable "distraction" from "what should be" [10]. The problem arises when a person is motivated toward a goal but his or her first attempt to
achieve it is not satisfactory [11]. The distinctive feature of the "problem" is that there is a goal but it is not clear how to achieve it, therefore,
when there is a problem that needs doing, but it is not clear what should be done. So when there is an obstacle in reaching the target, problem
arises [9].
4.4 Environmental problems
When there are changes in quality or quantity of an environmental factor that these changes directly or indirectly affect human health and wellbeing in a detrimental way, there is an environmental problem. Environmental issues are harmful effects of human activity on the bio-physical
environment [12] that can be analyzed in two groups:
First- Natural environment degradation and related problems such as threats to ecosystems, forests, natural resources and biodiversity, depletion
and deterioration of natural resources and uncontrolled exploitation of them, desertification, land pollution, destruction of natural habitats,
deforestation, land degradation (erosion of soil resources) and problems associated with climatic change [13].
Second-built Environment degradation and related problems that include a wide range of problems related to urban planning and management
such as urban sprawl, failure to management of solid wastes disposal, inefficient management of toxic chemicals, inefficient management of
hazardous wastes disposal [14], inefficient management of water resources, inefficient use of energy resources, pollution, risks associated with
development in areas susceptible to natural hazards and discomfort of residents of these areas and increasing pressure on natural resources due to
population increase [12].


Environmental Planning for Identifying, Analyzing and Solving Environmental Problems of the City of Rasht Based on Applying Creative Problem-solving T...
International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(3), No (12), December, 2014.

The most critical environmental problems of urban areas in developing countries include problems such as access to basic environmental
infrastructures and services, Pollution from urban wastes and pollutants emissions, loss or degradation of natural resources and exposure of
urban population to natural and man-made dangers [15].
4.5 Problem-finding
Problem-finding is an activity to recognize decision-making opportunities for each decision-maker and process of adoption of each problem,
which leads to identify problems (including information about the source, structure and timing to solve the problem). Problem-finding is tracing
problems to needs, values and beliefs that problem-solver chooses them as decisions or choice opportunities. The problem-finding process is one
of the prerequisites to diagnose problems. This process includes systems that contain subsystems with information systems that collect, process
and store information and will be used to find problems and to regulate problem-solving process [16].
4.6 Problem-solving
Problem-solving is an activity involves to choose actions for solving problems including items such as correct regulating values and beliefs,
seeking the appropriate options, selecting and evaluating options and choosing the option that seems to have the ability to solve problems. If the
problem is defined as any situation in which there is a difference between "what is" and "what could be, the process of problem-solving will
change the condition that is not "it should be" to the condition that "should be". In reality, when there is a problem that there is a goal and there
are also ways by which the goal can be reached, but it is not clear how to achieve it. In this case, the problem-solving process is used that each
phase of it is reformulation of the main problem according to determined goal [17]. In other words, problem-solving is a thinking and behavior
that we get involved for obtaining the desired outcome we are looking for. Outcome could be achieve a certain goal or find a satisfactory answer
to a question [8].
4.7 Creative problem-solving
Creative problem-solving is the mental process of creating a solution for a problem. Independent and innovative solutions are created in creative
problem-solving. Creative Problem-solving with the recognition of the fact that discovering a problem needs to a curious mind [18], believes that
correct recognizing a problem and finding it have an importance equal to problem-solving [19]. Problem-solving approach is a methodological
framework that have been designed to aid problem-solvers by using creativity to achieve goals, overcome obstacles and increase the possibility
of adding creative performance [20] and will guide problem-solvers for coordinated use of creative and critical thinking skills, individually or in
groups, to understand the challenges and opportunities, to create ideas, to develop effective plans, to solve problems and manage changes [21].
Creative problem-solving involves two kinds of thinking: creative thinking and analytical thinking, but rather, more emphasis is on creative
thinking. This model is also creative in the sense that can help a person to find new ways to deal with the problem, that a person has no previous
experience about them [22].
4.8 Creative Problem-solving Techniques

Goal Orientation Technique for finding and redefining problems

Techniques applicable in the process of problem-finding and problem definition lead to obtain new perspectives on the problem or redefine it.
Goal Orientation Technique is applied for redefinition of the problem and can help us to obtain a properly defined problem. It has four phases:
First- determining the general problem and formulating a general statement of the problem.
Second- determining the goal of solving the problem (what is the purpose? And after solving the problem where we want to be?).
Third- determining the needs, constraints and obstacles in achieving the goal (Which barriers and constraints are on track to meet the goal?).
Forth- formulating a new statement of the problem [17].

Fish Bone Technique for analyzing problems

The first and probably the most common method used to analyze the problems by problem-solver groups is "Fishbone Diagram" that also known
as "Cause and Effect Diagram ". This diagram is a tool for separating cause from effect and is a great help to problem-solving groups to look into
the problem as a whole. Fish Bones Technique involves the following steps:
First- defining exactly the effect and writing it completely on the diagram.
Second- drawing bones of fishs main rib and determining the titles of main areas of the problem on them.
Third- remembering brainstorming rules.
Forth- using brainstorming rules and procedures for the preparation of a list of causes related to effect.
Fifth- developing comments on the diagram.
Sixth- estimating the main causes of the problem [19].



5.1 Identifying and analyzing environmental problems based on objective and subjective data
Given the fact that many of the decision-making attitudes believe that regulating and discovering a problem or problem-finding is more
important than problem-solving, in order to test the feasibility of problem-finding in the city of Rasht, that based on it we can establish problemsolving or prescription activities, two parallel paths of problem-finding is adapted. The proposed problem-finding process for the city of Rasht
consists of combining the results of two parallel paths: First- analysis of planning documents and second- Completing and processing
questionnaires with the aim of detecting the environmental problems in Rasht based on citizens opinions. In case of going through such a
process (or similar processes that can provide the necessary conditions for problem detection) can be entered into the territory of prescription or
5.1.1 Objective analysis: analysis of planning documents
In the first path of problem-finding, those environmental problems are determined that can be found from analysis of the planning documents
from 2001 up to now. The environmental problems of the city of Rasht and its surroundings which are extracted from the planning documents1
are shown in table 1.

Planning documents in ultra-urban levels are: National Document of Development of Guilan 2005, Rasht city development plan documents 2004, Planning documents in urban levels
are: Rasht Comprehensive Plan 2007 and Thematic Plans are The future development of the sewage network 2001 and Development of drinking water and related ancillary facilities

Fazilat Tahari *


International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(3), No (12), December, 2014.

Table 1.Environmental problems of the city of Rasht and its surroundings based on analyzing planning documents
Areas of Subject
Environmental Pollutants

Solid Wastes

Urban and Environmental


Beyond Urban Areas

Contamination of surface
waters and ground waters
Discharge of environmental
pollution into natural
Insufficient funding for
implementing projects related
to sewage treatment and
municipal solid wastes disposal
Destruction of water resources
Exhaustion of existing irrigation
Lack of installations for
disposal and treatment of
industrial wastewaters
Poor quality of existing

Natural Disasters and Climatic


Severe erosion of soil resources

Limitation of land in city for

Natural Environment

Changing land use of

forestlands to other uses
Endangering the aquatic life by
unauthorized removal of sand
from the river bed
Fragility of the environment as
a result of population settlement
and economic activities
Failure to comply the
regulations of preservation,
restoration and exploitation of
natural resources
Threats to forests and farmland
as a result of physical spread of
The influx of immigrant
populations from rural areas to
urban areas
Lack of programs about
environmental protection
Lack of public participation
Lack of clear administrative
rules and regulations and failure
to comply the rules about
exploitation of natural resources
Lack of funds for Preparing

Comfort of Living

Urban and Environmental

Environmental Problems
Level of planning documents
Urban Areas
Discharge of sewage and solid wastes
into rivers
Sewage infiltration to ground waters
Air Pollution
Soil contamination due to discharge of
raw sewage

Physical and functional deterioration of

wastewaters collection and disposal
Lack of green space
Lack of proper drainage system for
collection and disposal of rainwaters
Destruction of natural ponds due to
urban constructions

Heavy floods from mountains

Difficulty of disposal of surface waters
due to low slope of the city
Lack of soil permeability
High rainfall and river flooding during
High groundwater levels
Low resistance of soil
Emergence of pond areas in the city
Destruction of aquatic species caused by
discharge of sewage into rivers
Destruction of Pheasant habitat, Eynak
wetland habitat and biological species
living there

Thematic Plans
Open disposal of sewage

Physical and functional deterioration of

water distribution system
Shortage of water resources
Only 70 to75percent of the population
of Rasht have been serviced by water
distribution system
Incomplete sewage infrastructure and
lack of service to the entire city
Erosion of pipes and leaking waste
waters from Connectors into ground

5.1.2 Subjective analysis: analysis of citizen's views

The second path of problem-finding is based on information taken directly from the population of the city of Rasht. In order to tracing
environmental problems based on citizen's views, questionnaires are designed, completed and processed. In the second path of problem-finding,
causes of the environmental problems are also discussed. Three types of questions have been considered in the questionnaire of this research for
identifying citizen's views about environmental issues:
First- assessing the importance and seriousness of environmental problems which is shown in Figure 1.
Second- assessing citizen satisfaction from city management measures to deal with environmental problems which is shown in Figure 2.
Third- assessing willingness of citizens to participate in dealing with environmental problems which is shown in Figure 3.


Environmental Planning for Identifying, Analyzing and Solving Environmental Problems of the City of Rasht Based on Applying Creative Problem-solving T...
International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(3), No (12), December, 2014.

Figure 1. Distribution of respondents according to the relative importance of environmental problems. Source: Findings

Analyzing the results of the first type of the questions indicates that, environmental problems raised in the questionnaire have high importance,
or in other words are quite important.

Figure 2. Assessing progress of urban management measures in dealing with environmental problems based on citizens views. Source: Findings

Fazilat Tahari *


International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(3), No (12), December, 2014.

Assessing citizens satisfaction from urban management measures indicates that these measures have been evaluated almost no progress or little

Figure 3. Assessing the willingness or inclination of citizens to participate in dealing with environmental problems. Source: findings

Analysis of the results of the third type of the questions implies that a significant percentage of citizens are very inclined or inclined to
participate in dealing with environmental problems.
The outcome of combining the results of two parallel paths: first- analysis of planning documents and second- completing and analyzing
questionnaires is the final statement of the environmental problems of Rasht which is shown in table 2.
5.2 Applying Goal Orientation Technique
The process of applying Goal Orientation Technique aimed to redefine the problems and provide a clear and correct definition of the
environmental problems in Rasht is shown in table 2.
Table 2. The final statement of the environmental problems and applying Goal Orientation Technique aimed at redefining the environmental problems of Rasht.
Source: Findings

Areas of Subject


Solid Wastes

First step: general

statement of
environmental problems
Discharge of waste
waters and solid wastes
into rivers

Second step: the aim of

solving the problem

Water pollution

Protection of high quality

of water resources

Pollution and poor

quality of drinking

Access to safe drinking


Problems related to
collection, disposal and
recycling of solid

Improving collection,
disposal and recycling of
municipal wastes and
Reducing production of
toxic and hazardous
wastes and reducing
adverse environmental
impacts of incineration of
solid wastes

Toxic and hazardous

wastes and incineration
of solid wastes

Protection of river


Third step

Spending the
funds for
cleaning up
and restoration
of rivers in
other projects
Lack of
of water
resources and
their pollution

Infiltration of
waste waters
to water
solid wastes

municipal and

Forth step: a new statement of

the problem

Implementation of
clearing and
dredging projects in
existing urban
management system

Destruction of river

Exploitation of
existing water
resources /
Exhaustion of
sewage discharge
systems and leakage
of waste waters into
water resources
Operating current
water supply system

Degradation of water

Giving priority to
protecting the natural
environment rather
than solid wastes
Establishment of
current waste
incineration plants in
natural habitat

Inefficient water supply


Inefficient system for

collection, disposal and
recycling of solid wastes

Harmful consequences of
toxic wastes and incinerators
on the natural environment


Environmental Planning for Identifying, Analyzing and Solving Environmental Problems of the City of Rasht Based on Applying Creative Problem-solving T...
International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(3), No (12), December, 2014.

Urban and

Natural Disasters and

Climatic Characteristics

Low supply of green


Increasing urban parks

Failure to
relevant funds

Physical and functional

deterioration of sewage
discharge system, water
supply system and
surface water drainage
Lack of efficient
systems for disposal and
treatment of industrial
waste waters

Enhance functional
efficiency of urban

Scope of
Necessity of
Inefficiency of
systems on
adherence to
the rules
Probability of
an earthquake

Equipping the industries

with industrial waste
waters disposal systems

Failure to avoid the risk

of earthquakes and lack
of supervision on urban
constructions despite
low resistance of soil
and the probability of an
Difficulty of surface
water disposal and
sewage disposal
because of low slope of
the city and low
permeability of soil

Reducing harmful
consequences of natural
disasters and climatic
characteristics on the
urban environment
Efficient urban
infrastructure in
coordination with the
climatic conditions

Urban climatic

Uncontrolled urban
development and
destruction of natural
environment due to
urban sprawl
Failure to comply
regulations relating to
preservation, restoration
and exploitation of
natural resources
Loss of aquatic species
caused by sewage
discharge into rivers
and unauthorized
exploitation of sand
from riverbeds

Conservation of natural
resources, wildlife
habitats and biodiversity


Compliance with the

regulations relating to
protection of natural

with rules
with rules

Comfort of Living

Reducing comfort due

to urban density and
traffic congestion

Reducing urban density

and traffic congestion

The influx of
migrants from
rural areas to
urban areas


Burning fossil fuels and

indiscriminate use of
nonrenewable energy

Supply of various,
renewable and sustainable

demand for

Urban and

Poor public

Interaction between urban

management with citizens
and industries

Lack of transparent and

administrative rules and
regulations and failure
to comply with
regulations relating to
exploitation of natural
Inefficiency of
developing urban
environmental plans and
inefficient enforcement
and monitoring systems

Enhance the effectiveness

of enforcement and
monitoring system for
implementation of
environmental rules

Failure of
to motivate
Weak legal
basis for

Natural Environment

Prosperous rivers and

diversity of plant and
animal life

Increasing efficiency of
urban management system
to identify the necessity of
developing and
environmental programs

Lack of
work forces in
public sector

Giving priority to
commercial land
uses rather than
urban green spaces
Use of existing
infrastructures and
necessity to repair

Poor quality of urban green


Industrial activities
even in the absence
of a disposal and
treatment system

Influence of industrial
pollution on the natural

Horizontal and
vertical development
and expansion of the

Vertical development without

regard to safety principles in
urban constructions

Establishment of
existing surface
waters drainage
system and sewage
disposal systems in
current climatic
Lack of appropriate
spaces within the city
for constructions

Lack of conformity between

urban infrastructures and
climatic conditions

The necessity of
exploitation of
natural resources to
meet human needs

Sustainable use of natural


The necessity of
exploitation of
natural resources to
meet human needs/
Inefficiency of the
current sewage
disposal system
increasing population
and vehicles
within the current
urban transport
Mismatch between
supply and demand
of renewable energy
Low level of
awareness of citizens
and industries
Rules enforcement
and monitoring
within the current
administrative and
regulatory system

Destruction of natural
habitats and extinction of
biological species

Development and
implementation of
programs within the
current urban
management system

Extending environmental
pollution due to inefficient
urban infrastructures

Horizontal urban

Environmental pollution
caused by crowds and

Unsustainable use of energy

resources and failure to
supply energy from
renewable sources
Inefficiency of the public
sector in attracting citizens
Inefficiency of rules
enforcement and monitoring
system in the case of
environmental protection

Inefficiency of organizational
mechanism for formulation
and implementation of
environmental programs

Fazilat Tahari *


International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(3), No (12), December, 2014.

5.3 Applying Fish Bone Technique

The phase of analysis of problems can be done by Fish Bone Technique, a method which is based on creative thinking. One of the steps in
applying this technique is to prepare a list of the causes of the effect. Fish Bone Diagram for analyzing environmental problems of Rasht is
shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4(A)

Figure 4(B)


Environmental Planning for Identifying, Analyzing and Solving Environmental Problems of the City of Rasht Based on Applying Creative Problem-solving T...
International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(3), No (12), December, 2014.

Figure 4(C)

Figure 4(D)

Fazilat Tahari *


International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(3), No (12), December, 2014.

Figure 4(E)

Figure 4(F)
Figure 4. Applying Fish Bone Technique for analyzing environmental problems of the city of Rasht and its surroundings. Source: Findings

5.4 Designing Environmental Plan for the city of Rasht and its surroundings
Vision statement, goals, objectives and strategies of Rashts problem-oriented Environmental Plan that directed to identify and analyze
environmental problems are shown in table 3.

Table 3. Vision, goals, objectives and strategies of Rashts Environmental Plan. Source: Findings.
Subject areas






A city with clean air

and water for all

Reducing environmental

Reducing air pollution and continuous

improvement of air quality

Control on industries and vehicles fuel

consumption and mandatory regular
ispection of emissions and gradual
hardening of standards
Adding specific paths for high-occupancy
Protection of watershed areas by land-use
planning measures (zoning for protection
of water resources) and activities for
protection of water resources

Access to safe drinking water and

protect high quality of water resources


Environmental Planning for Identifying, Analyzing and Solving Environmental Problems of the City of Rasht Based on Applying Creative Problem-solving T...
International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(3), No (12), December, 2014.

Urban Solid Wastes

A city with minimum

wastes production and
maximum wastes

Reducing adverse
environmental impacts
of production of
municipal, hospital and
industrial wastes on
urban environment

Improvement of municipal solid

wastes collection, disposal and
recycling system and environmentallyfriendly recycling

Reducing production of toxic and

hazardous wastes
Reducing adverse environmental
impacts of wastes incineration


A city with efficient


Improvement of urban
and environmental

Increasing urban parks

Improvement of waste waters

discharge system and surface waters
drainage system

Natural Disasters
and Climatic

A city consistent with

climatic changes and
mitigation of climatic

Reducing adverse
consequences of natural
disasters and climatic
characteristics on the

Destruction of
Natural Environment

A city that uses natural

resources in a rational
and sustainable

Protection of natural
resources, ecosystems
and natural habitats

Improvement of industrial wastes

collection and disposal system and
preventing the entry of municipal and
industrial waste waters into rivers

Protection of farmlands, forests and

gardens around the city

Protection of wildlife habitats and


Comfort of Living


Urban Management

A city with high

Quality of life for
urban residents
environmentallyfriendly urban
structures due to the
efficient use of energy

Increasing the comfort

of living in urban
Energy production in an
friendly mode and
efficient use of energy

Reducing urban density and traffic


environmental policies
focused on the
Achieving efficient
development and
implementation of
environmental plans

Enhance functional
efficiency of urban
management and
environmental planning

Enhancing efficiency of rules

enforcement and monitoring system

supply of various, renewable and

sustainable energy systems

Enhancing functional efficiency of

environmental management system to
develop and implement environmental
Optimal allocation of funds to specific

Citizen Participation

Citizens who are

aware and willing to
participate in
protection measures

* There is no purpose mentioned about this issue.

Creating interaction
between urban
management with
citizens and industries

Strengthening role of citizens as the

core of environmental planning
process in Rasht
Achieving social equality in access to
high-quality natural and built

Increasing the volume of collected solid

wastes, increasing the proportion of
recycled wastes and pricing disposal
based on volume of wastes
Launch wastes recycling in landfill by
hardening of standards and restrictions on
production of toxic and hazardous wastes
by industries and hospitals
GIS analysis of potential landfill sites in
the city and its surroundings
Equipping incinerators with pollution
control equipments and regular
monitoring of emissions
Ensuring fulfillment of per capita of parks
and create interconnected network of
green spaces and corridors
Impose higher standards on the physical
and functional quality of waste waters
collection system and surface waters
drainage system
Planning for exploitation of surface water
Requiring industry to install sewage
collection and disposal facilities

Supervision on construction sites about

compliance with regulations and
Use of overlapping areas zoning for
protection of land features that are prone
to hazards
Use of financial incentives like transfer of
development rights and reducing
development within the hazardous areas
Determining the boundaries, marking,
definition and declaring protected natural
Hardening of standards and restrictions
on violating the boundaries of protected
areas and natural resources degradation
Use of overlapping areas zoning for
protection of environmentally sensitive
Budget for purchasing plant and animal
habitat areas and preservation easement
Creating partnerships with nonprofit
groups to keep important habitat areas
Creating protective open space system
around the rivers and watercourses
Enactment of mixed-use zoning
Promote use of traffic mitigation devices
in residential neighborhoods
Incentives to use of clean energy sources
in industries
Serious restrictions on use of fossil fuels
Reviewing local building codes to require
those materials and designs that are
energy saving
Implementation of standards and
regulations to ensure protection of
Granting executive authority to
municipalities by superior authorities for
implementation of legal regulations
Identifying and analyzing environmental
problems and preparing a report about the
environmental status of the city and its
Developing environmental plan
Allocate special funds to environmental
programs according to the thematic areas
in the city and its surrounding
Promoting environmental awareness of
citizens about environmental laws and
regulations, precious natural environment
and necessity of its protection

Fazilat Tahari *


International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences Vol(3), No (12), December, 2014.


Discussion and Conclusion

What distinguishes this research from other studies conducted in this field can be summarized in three important and key areas:
First: Distinction of the developed problem-finding-problem-solving method from other similar methods, that on the one hand, through a dual
path of a) applying documentary method of research and determining problems which can be found from the analysis of planning documents and
b) using descriptive method of research, preparing and completing questionnaires and analyzing them to detect problems based on citizenss
views, the correct, radical and purposeful identification of problems can be possible. On the other hand, with considering three types of questions
to identify environmental problems, this method addresses assessing the importance of environmental problems and tracing their causes based on
opinions of citizens, assessing citizen satisfaction from urban management measures and practices in dealing with environmental problems,
assessing willingness of citizens to participate in dealing with these problems. Therefor an effective framework was provided for identifying
environmental problems not only in Rasht and its surroundings but also in other urban areas of Iran and even in the world.
Second: applying environmental planning approach as a manner distinct from traditional approaches of urban planning which have already not
been considered and applied by other urban areas in Iran that have natural characteristics and environmental challenges similar to Rasht.
Therefore as a result of continuing, exacerbating and redeveloping environmental problems and degradation, pollution or destruction of natural
and built environment of the city of Rasht and its surroundings, applying new approach of environmental planning have been considered.
Third: Combining creative problem-solving techniques and environmental planning approach to identify and analysis problems that have
environmental nature and using results of creative problem-solving techniques in environmental planning to solve environmental problems of the
city of Rasht and its surroundings that have already not been considered by other urban areas in Iran that have natural characteristics and
environmental challenges similar to Rasht. As mentioned in theoretical frameworks of this research, environmental plans are focused on the
environmental challenges that face the community. Therefore by achieving new insights about environmental problems and determining their
main causes, vision, goals, objectives and strategies of Rashts environmental plan can be problem-oriented and can be directed towards
environmental challenges and solving them.
For the first time in the city of Rasht and its surroundings, the present study was conducted with the aim of identifying and solving
environmental problems. Consequences and results of this research can be used as a basis for planners, researchers and decision-makers in cities
with natural characteristics and environmental challenges similar to Rasht. Since urban planning and management mechanisms in many
communities with adapting traditional land-use planning approaches, although with the claim of comprehensive review, not only ignore
environmental problems (in surrounding environment of cities), but also continue to neglect urban problems (inter-urban problems). Therefore, it
is recommended in addition to doing widespread researches about problem-finding and developing problem-oriented urban plans, researchers,
planners, decision-makers and urban planning and management mechanisms should consider using new approaches of urban planning to solve
urban problems and adapting problem-finding-problem-solving methods and techniques.


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