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1) According to political History, the most important things are

those moments which are considered important to the
fatherland. That is why this kind of History focuses on the
battles, governments, dates and biographies of the great man
of history, because it is considered that according to their
personalities history might develop one way or other.
2) The concept of force of labor in capitalism is divided in
necessary labor (the real needs of people, such as food,
shelter, health, etc.) and surplus labor (all the labor
accumulated in the forms of buildings, savings, machines,
3) The ones who turned powerful, economically, are the big
enterprises. They made it by the process of concentration of
capital, this is, the reduction of small enterprises that go
into bankruptcy after an economic crisis, and the growth of
big enterprises.
4) The three conditions that made possible the development of
capitalism in England were:
a) A group of merchants with money, ready to invest in
commercial production;
b) Many thousands of people without any land to produce foods
and ready to be employed for a salary;
c) A big market in which the products made by the capitalits
might be sold.
5) One of the new forms of organization in industrial
production, developed by Taylor, is called scientific
management. This method controlled every single move the
worker did to produce a piece. It also appeared the the
assembly line, made by Ford, which sped up the work because
the workers did only one single thing all day.
6) Urbanization changed men direct relationship to nature,
accelerated the production, increased the times in life and
created a new urban man, much more isolated and
individualistic than rural man.
7) The principles of capistalism are:
a) Governments are chosen by peoples votes, but after
elections, people cant participate in decisions
b) The base of social progress is the progress of private
individuals and private enterprises
c) The success of society is the success of thousands of
8) Capital and labour fight each other because they have
different interests: owners want to pay the less possible and
workers demand a minimun wage and better work conditions. The
Belle poque was a period during 1815 to 1848 that had a very
low social conflicting.
1) Political history is very lineal in time. Its founder in
Argentina was Bartolom Mitre, who founded the teaching of
this kind of History at schools.

2) Generally, necessary labor can be defined as the one that

humankind needs to survive (food, shelter, health, education,
entertaiment). Surplus labor, on the other hand, can be
defined as the accumulated labor in the form of buildings,
savings, machines, etc.
3) To protect themselves from concurrency, capitalists created
boards to arrange common prices, trusts formed by many
enterprises, and alliances againts rebel workers.
4) The XVIII Agrarian Revolution was a process where the
peasants were expulsed from their land, in order to turn open
fields into private properties. So, this families had to go
to the cities looking for a wage job.
5) The new key inventions were: telephone, radio, photography
and films, the type writer machine, the modern steel, tanks,
planes and canons, tractors and housing elements, such as the
refrigerator and the washing machine.
6) The new workers that surged in cities are called whitecollar men. These were non-manual salary workers and they
worked in offices, Banks, big shops, administration,
hospitals and many other non-productive works.
7) The ideology of English burgois society was determined by
individualists ideas, and some of them had to do with
religin. To save yourself or die, have faith in god, and
these were the ideas sustained by, for example, politicians
and priests.
8) Workers comitted in different types of struggles: direct
conflicts due to economical issues, by doing strikes, or
political fights agains the capistalist power, in the form of
the active participation in trade unions or political
commitement in working class parties.

1)The social history is based in the method of political economy,
this means that it does not focus in the leaders of facts, but in
social conflicts and technology development. It appeared in the
1950 decade.
2) In pre-capitalist ages, the ruling class were the noblemen, who
were the owners of land and took rural taxes (in money or in
products) from the peasantry.
3)To fight workers, big enterprises formed alliances against
workers activism: they created black lists of conflictive
workers, to make sure they didnt get a job anywhere. They also
joined in trusts as a demonstration of the power of capitalism.
4) The Agrarian Revolution had two consequences that were
essencial for the development of Industrial revolution:
a) It increased productivity in land, and so, the capacity to feed
lots of people living in the cities;
b) It left thousands of unemployed people, that had now to be
employed in big cities.

5) The two new energy sources surged during the 2nd Industrial
Revolution are the electricity and gas-oil power force. They both
made possible the increase of speed of manufacturing and they were
also less risky than the previous system.
6) The process of urbanization brought more isolation to humankind
because in big cities people didnt know everybody as they used to
in small villages or little towns. The development of the
telephone also did reduced face to face relationships.
7) Because of the development of industry, the USA spread their
American way of life, and idea of progress based in mass consume
and the main ideas of capitalism.
8) From 1917 to 1921 the Russian revolution had place. The
bolshevick party took the power in Russia and it did away with
capitalism: they socialized private property and it started to be
controlled by the state of cooperatives.
1) The most important things that social history studies are the
social processes and tecnology development, which are
considered the ones that determine the politics and ideas of
a society.
2) In the global process, the average salary can be determined
by the medium needs of people (food and shelter, health,
education and entertainment) and the capacity of capitalist
economy to pay it. Trade unions got to increase the salaries
by struggling for them.
3) The USA government tried to fight monopolies to control their
power, and so they created the Sherman Act, which was a law
against trusts. Despite this, this law never ran and
capitalism won the battle.
4) Those categories related to capitalist society seem obvious
to us because after the fall of socialists regimes capitalist
societies are nowadays the only form of production and
5) After the 2nd industrial revolution the cities were
modernized, the first skyscrapers of 10, 15 or more stories
were built, as well as railroads and routes. It also changed
the social structure: the new urban man felt more isolated,
since he didnt know everybody as he used to in small
villages, and he also was less communicated. Besides, men
lost their relationship to nature.
6) Before de 2nd industrial revolution, people from different
social clases used to live in the same quarter or even the
same building. This was considered offensive by the burgeois,
so it started a process of separation of social classes in
urban space.

7) Workers associations are commitements that surged from the

ideas of a more communitarian or socialist life, in contrast
to the main ideas of capitalism, which were quite
8) After the Russian revolution, the idea of communism started
to be feared because it was no longer felt as a utopic, that
is why the state became an active mediator betweet labor and

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