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Sun in Avin

Avin nak atra extend from 000 1320 in Arie and ha four pada indicating the four
ayana of life.
Pada 1
Pada 2
Pada 3
Pada 4

Ar 0 Ar 320
Ar 320 Ar 640
Ar 640 Ar 10
Ar 10 Ar 1320


Pr thvi

Mok a

D1 Lord

D9 Lord

Planetary Relationhip with the Sun in Avin nak atra:

Moon: Nature of the native i cruel and hi eye are large and alway red.

Mercury: the native live hi life peacefully and ha an admirable, amicable


Jupiter: the native enjoy a long life and i a politician.

Venu: the native i alway engroed in luxurie and i contantly eeking

enjoyment and comfort.

Saturn: the native i underprivileged, ignored, and unfortunate. He may be abandoned

by parent or kinmen and i brought up by another.

Pada Placement
If the Sun i in the firt pada then the native i long lived but behave like an old man, maybe
very traditional. He i a oft peaker, and enjoy hi life with the pleaurable company of
poue and children. If the Sun i in the very firt degree of Arie (0-1 i.e. akrnti birth),
then he will uffer from bone related dieae. The bhva of the Sun hall indicate the part of
the body which i very afflicted. There will be problem aociated with father or the native
uffer eparation from father.
If the Sun i in the econd pada then the native i not in good condition and uffer from
variou health problem and other affliction until 8 year of age. Generally, the Sun give
good reult in Avin nak a tra but if the Sun i in the econd pada then thee good effect of
exaltation are abent due to pada do a (of econd pada) a the Sun i in a nava owned by
Venu. The native may be ubject to inexplicable torment from dangerou thing like black
magic, evil incantation etc. He may alo uffer a cure from an unknown peron or a cure to
an elder may get directed to him. Such a cure trigger hi downfall time and again and he
uffer variou etback. Gradually, urpriing turn of event bring good fortune and
properity provided he ha the courage and enterprie to take the opportunity. If not, then he
can uffer from acute poverty and even become a beggar. He may be forced by circumtance

to leave hi home and country. Even the aociation of the Moon with the Sun cannot remedy
the ituation. However, the aociation of the Mar with the Sun will give the courage and
enterprie neceary to eize the opportunitie that lead to good fortune.
If the Sun i in the third pada then the native will be wealthy and properou but longevity i
threatened i.e. hort life i indicated by the Sun placement. In addition, he alo ha poor
health. Very often he become violent and can expre a mean treak.
Pada 4
If the Sun i in the fourth pada then Native i repected, intelligent, properou and leader of
hi ociety. He ha popularity at national level. He i piritual. Hi heart i filled with good
thought. He fulfill all reponibilitie in time and with excellence. He ha have to live out of
country or place of birth for work or poition. Hi luck change in old age. If the Sun i in the
eleventh (10-11) or twelfth (11-12) degree of Avin nak atra then it give better reult.


In the chart of Adolf Hitler, Sun i in Avini Nakatra Pada-3 which promie rajayoga but
poor health and longevity. Hitler had uffered from digetive problem hi entire life. Since
childhood hed been prone to crippling, painful tomach cramp during time of emotional
ditre. By the time hed reached hi early 40, the cramping had become more frequent,
often accompanied by violent bout of farting, along with alternate bout of diarrhea and
contipation. Hitler became a vegetarian in the early 1930: He didnt trut doctor, o rather
than eek profeional help for hi condition he tried to treat it himelf by eliminating meat,
rich food, milk, and butter from hi diet in favor of raw and cooked vegetable and whole
grain. After he placed himelf under Dr.Morell care, it wa jut a matter of time before hi
condition improved, and when relief finally came a few month later at about the ame time
hi eczema began to clear up- Hitler naturally attributed hi deliverance to Morell.
According to one etimate, by the early 1940, Hitler wa taking 92 different kind of drug,
including 63 different pill and kin lotion. Some medicine were taken only when pecific
complaint aroe, but other were taken every day. By the ummer of 1941, Hitler wa
popping between 120 and 150 pill a week on average. And on top of all the pill, Morell alo
adminitered injection -a many a 10 a day, ometime more. So many, in fact, that even

Herman Goering, Hitler heir apparent and himelf a morphine

addict, wa tartled by their frequency and took to calling Morell the
Reich Injection Mater. Mot of the pill and hot that Hitler took
were unidentified and myteriou, but Dr. Koeter Anti-Ga Pill
came in a little metal container (like Altoid heath mint or Sucret
throat lozenge) that identified them by name and even lited the active ingredient: gentian,
belladonna, and an extract of omething called nux vomica.
The gentian wa harmle enough. But the preence of the other two ingredient in the pill,
plu the revelation that Hitler, on top of all hi other medication, wa popping a many a 20
of the anti-ga pill a day, wa tartling. Even if Dr. Morell had read the label on the tin, he
might not have known that nux vomica i a eed that contain a large amount of trychnine,
commonly ued a the active ingredient in rat poion. Belladonna, alo known a deadly
nighthade, contain atropine, a toxic ubtance that can caue excitement, confuion,
hallucination, coma, and death if taken in large quantitie. That what alarmed Dr. Geiing
when he aw the ix black pill itting on Hitler breakfat tray that morning in July 1944:
Without even realizing it, Hitler own peronal phyician had expoed him on a daily bai
to ignificant doe of not one, but two deadly poion.
Even after he learnt of the ingredient and topped taking o many pill, hi health did not
improve. Hi phyical and mental decline not only continued, it accelerated.He walked with
the low, halting huffle of a man thirty year older, dragging hi left leg behind him a he
went. He couldnt go more than a few tep without grabbing onto omething for upport.
Hitler head, arm, and entire left ide trembled and jerked uncontrollably. No longer able to
write hi own name, he igned important document with a rubber tamp. He could not lift
food to hi mouth without pilling it down the front of hi uniform and could not take a eat
without help -after he huffled up to a table, an aide puhed a chair behind him, and he
plopped down into it. Hitler mental tate had deteriorated a well. Hi thinking wa
muddled, hi memory wa failing, and hi emotion whipawed back and forth between long
bout of irrational euphoria (epecially irrational conidering how cloe Germany wa to
defeat) and fit of creaming, uncontrollable rage that lated for hour.
Finally the hort life indication alo happened when he committed uicide by conuming
cyanide on April 30, 1945. He wa 56 year old and in Dviaptati Rahu Daa Moon antara.
Rahu i in marana karaka thana in the 9th houe while the Moon join a marana karaka
Jupiter in the third houe. What i intereting i the conjunction of Venu, Mercury and
Jupiter with the Sun giving him all the magnetim, wealth and intelligence-power needed for
meteoric rie. While the conjunction of Mar give hi tremendou enterprie to achieve hi
ambition and grab all opportunitie that bring fortune, it alo enhance violence and mean
treak of the Sun in pada-3 of Avini nakatra. The apect of Saturn caue mifortune and
great fall, alo poverty i indicated. All thee will happen during their daa while the tama
indication increae with time after 28 year of age.

Sun in Bhara

Bharan nak atra extend from 1320 2640 in Arie and ha four pada indicating the four
ayana of life.


Nava Tattva Ayana

D1 Lord D9 Lord

Pada 1 Ar 1320 Ar 1640



Dharma Mars


Pada 2 Ar 1640- Ar 2000






Pada 3 Ar 2000 Ar 2320






Pada 4 Ar 2320- Ar 2640







Planetary Relationhip with the Sun in Bharan nak atra:

Moon: the native is very kind natured and has a rare quality of always
being of assistance to others. He employs many people for various
activities and businesses with the objective of making their lives

Mars: this association brings forth a very cruel streak invoking the god of
death, Yama, the devat of Bhara nakatra, that gives great dexterity in
the art of divide and rule called vidveaa tantra. It gives ability of
intervening with supernatural powers black or white magic depends on
lagna. His eyes are red when infused with that power, his body is strong
and healthy. He is the best of political advisers and protectors of the king.

Jupiter: the native has a helping nature which brings prosperity, popularity
and political success. He is very well educated with high qualifications and
can serve well as a caring physician, a bureaucrat or senior politician.
Whatever the field, wisdom is what he has with a kind soul.

Venus: the native has a low life, living with people of low values. He
misuses his money with characterless friends in all sorts of frolicking.
While this gives a great friend circle due to his loose pocket, it also shows
a complete waste of time in this planet.

Saturn: the native is lazy, craving for unearned wealth which can make
him a robber or a gambler always seeking lotteries and other fantastic
schemes for making quick money. However, he will be endowed with
patience and can silently wait for the opportune time.

If the Sun i in the firt pada the peron i highly educated, full of good thought and wie.
He ha interet and capability for undertanding human mind with the knowledge of
pychology and atrology. He i fortunate with abundant properity and enjoy an excellent
reputation. He ha an attractive peronality and excellent behaviour. If there i a mark, pot or
ign caued naturally or by a wound in near hi eye or on face, it i lucky and ward off

other evil. He can become a pecialit in medicine, law, hubandry etc. He become a
ucceful buineman if the Sun i in the 15th degree (14-15) and a manufacturer if in the
16th (15-16) degree. Buinee aociated with land like fertilizer, agricultural
implement, clothe for worker, flower or fruit harvet and even hotel or building.
If the Sun i in the econd pada then hi upbringing ha been poitive and happy childhood
with a good family that ha a good ocial poition. He get great pleaure from hi children
and hi wife. He get unexpected wealth which can be udden inheritance from unexpected
relation or udden buine gain through political friendhip and uch thing. He uffer
from dieae of throat or private part. Women can expect uteru problem. He profit from
trade and commerce aociated with all ort of good and water. If the Sun i in the 18th
degree (17-18) ratija dieae (i.e. dieae from kill in the art of love-making) afflict
him. If the Sun i in the 19th degree (18-19) then eriou kin dieae are indicated.
If the Sun i in the third pada then the native ha to truggle very much in life. Sun indicate
rjabhan ga nca-yoga i.e. even if a king he loe kingdom and uffer penury. There will be a
time when he ha enormou wealth, but he all that goe into other hand primarily due to hi
extravagance and largee. All planet become negative and none of the mahda or antara
give any repite becaue the primary fall i caue by the Sun, the graha-adhipati (lord of all
planet). If he tart worhip of the Sun either during it mahda or it antara, then he can
regain ome of the lot wealth and poition jut a Savitr i regained her huband from Yama.
When the Sun ha fallen (nca-nava), of all the graha Mar become the mot malefic.
Accident cauing breakage of kull and uch advere ituation can occur during the da of
Mar in addition to buine loe and debt. Income reduce to a bare trickle. A trong and
poitive Mar can aggravate the fall of the Sun uhering in good profit and income and
increaing wealth and properity. Trait like aggreion and impatience will be een when
Mar i very trong.
If the Sun in the fourth pada then the native ha coniderable uffering in childhood. Either
hi father ha an untimely death or there i eparation from father. Unle other planet ait
the native, he live the life of a beggar with no food and helter. A ingle poitive planet can
protect him. If the lagna lord i not trong, hi condition deteriorate dratically, yet he doe
not beg for a living and intead become totally dependent on other who are indicated by
that one poitive protective planet.

Berndt Andreas Baader

Andreas Baader was born as the only child of historian and archivist Dr.
Berndt Phillipp Baader. His father Berndt Baader served in the German
Wehrmacht, was captured on the Russian Front in 1945, and never
returned. The Bharani problem of missing father was activated early
when he was barely 2 years old. Andreas was raised by his doting mother,
aunt, and grandmother but that would not make up for the strictness
required to discipline a boy born with Kala Sarpa Yoga having an exalted
Sun in the 5th bhava (very intelligent) but in the 3rd pada of Bharani
naksatra. Normally we would have expected this problem for the 4th pada
of Bharani, but when we look carefully, we notice that the only planet
aspecting the Sun (rasi drsti) is Mars from Aquarius (parakrama).
His first deadly crime was on the night of Apr 2, 1968 when he set fire to
two departmental stores causing $2 million damage. Even though
convicted in 1968 with his girlfriend, they made a grand escape and
toured many countries. Lagnesa Jupiter in the 7th house shows great
instability and one who will travel all around. This can be meaningful if the
lagnesa is strong, but with Kala Sarpa Rahu dominating the chart and with
Jupiter in zero-digbala, it is obvious which direction this chart is moving in
CRIME. To add to the woes, there is a graha-malika yoga cought up
inside the Kala Sarpa Yoga and a bad one at that starting from the Sun in
rajabhanga nica yoga of Bharani 3rd pada to Rahu in Cancer. Now add Sun
and Rahu together as the start and end of the yoga and we see a great
fire that threatens to destroy so much.
More infor can be had from Wikipedia or this wonderful History Channel
recommended Website. These very planets Sun and Rahu aspect AL3
creating dushta-marana yoga and ensure that he too shall die by the
bullet (Sun) in prison (Scorpio is 12H showing prisons). Of course he did
not commit suicide as the proceedings would like us to believe the cops

had their revenge and knew that if he got out again because of some legal
loophole, there would be no stopping this human-anaconda.

Sun in Kttik

Kr ttik nak atra extend from 2640 Arie to 10

Tauru and ha four pada indicating the four ayana
of life.



Tattva Ayana

D1 Lord D9 Lord

Pada 1 Ar 2640 Ar 3000

Sagittarius Agni

Dharma Mars


Pada 2 Ta 000 Ta 320






Pada 3 Ta 320 Ta 640






Pada 4 Ta 640 Ta 1000







Planetary Relationhip with the Sun in Kr ttik nak atra:

Mars: the native is capable of removing every impediment. He has good

earnings due to his enterprise and courage.

Mercury: the native has interest in music and arts and is very talented. He
has a decent personality and is very likeable.

Jupiter: among his family he is the best. He is very good in political

strategy and leadership which can lead him to being a minister or topmost
adviser. He has ample wealth and financial resources to fulfill all desires.

Venus: the native has very attractive and beautiful eyes. The beautiful,
well-formed body becomes the topic of discussion making him a celebrity.

Saturn: both the health and wealth of the native are poor. Due to fights
and internal strife within the family, his home life becomes intolerable and
gradually the entire life becomes meaningless as everything (including
work, business etc.) collapses.

If the Sun i in the firt pada and ha the aociation of any benefic planet then the native ha
a normal life. Hi wealth gradually improve and he become wealthy. He i bleed with
many children. Without apect or the apect of malefic planet can dratically change the
ituation making him poor and underprivileged. He take to learning vedic atrology,
palmitry or other ecret knowledge but hi partial learning (bookih knowledge without a
guru) i not helpful. Hi eyeight weaken with time but he i bleed with excellent appetite
and i very fond of food. Hi life can take a dratic turn due to ome hazard like fire accident
or electricity etc.
If the un i in the econd pada the native ha a very long life. He i bleed with children,
grandchildren and may even live to ee great-grandchildren. Properity and fame come a age
advance. The native ha a harp brain and i intelligent. He become the follower of ome
adhu (aint) and get piritual knowledge and inight. The native i fond of muic, art and
drama. If the native get proper education in childhood then he can become a kin pecialit
(doctor, healer, maage therapit etc.) or a chemit.
The un in the third pada indicate a peron who live life a a petitioner or a beggar. He
uffer from unnatural or incurable dieae. If other negative combination are preent then
thi add to the danger of blri t a (premature death). The native earn money through
buinee like makeup artit, hair dreing, barber or anything to do with leather like cobbler
or buine involving leather product. With malefic planetary influence, even profeion
like protitution can become the vocation and danger of exually tranmitted dieae or
death due to the ame can happen.
If the un i in the fourth pada of Kr ttik nak atra, the native live a normal life and belong
to the lower cla. The native erve other. If malefic planet influence the un, the native
can be unfaithful or even a murderer. Hi mind ha cruel thought and he caue great hurt to
hi wife and children. He wate money and time indulging in alcohol (drug etc.), gambling
and uffer from water-related (circulation or water-borne) dieae.

Thakur Natwar Singh


among his family he is the best. He is very good in political

and leadership which can lead him to being a minister
topmost adviser. He has ample wealth and financial
resources to fulfill all desires.

The fourth on of Thakur Govind Singh of Deeg and hi wife

Thakurani Prayag Kaur, Singh wa born in the princely tate
Bharatpur to an aritocratic Jat family related to the ruling dynaty
of Bharatpur. He attended Mayo College and Scindia School, Gwalior, both traditionally for
Indian princely clan and noble, and took an undergraduate degree at St. Stephen College,
Delhi. He ubequently tudied at Corpu Chriti College, Cambridge Univerity and wa a
viiting cholar for a period at Peking Univerity in China. The Sun i in the econd pada of
Krttika nakatra which i conidered the mot fortunate of all the four pada. Given the right
education the native will make a mark for himelf in life.
The Sun i conjoined lagnea Mercury and Jupiter in the ninth houe enhancing the reult
harp brain and i intelligent. Read the impact of Jupiter on the Sun in Krittika. Singh
joined the Indian Foreign Service (IFS) in 1953 [Sun daa Jupiter antara] and erved for 31
year. In 1984 [Rahu daa Mercury antara], after reigning from the Indian Foreign Service,
Singh joined the Congre party and wa elected to the 8th Lok Sabha from Bharatpur
contituency in Rajathan.In 1985 [Rahu daa Mercury antara] he became the Miniter for
Steel and Coal and in 1986 [Rahu daa Venu antara] he became the miniter for External
Affair. Venu ha parivartana rajayoga with Jupiter that influence the Sun in Krittika
nakhatra. Hi fortune noedived in the lat part of the Rahu daa, Sun antara to the end in
1991, a Rahu ha a malefic apect on the Sun.
He wa elected to the Rajya Sabha from Rajathan in 2002 [Jup daa Ven antara]. The
Congre party came back to power in 2004 [Jup daa Moon antara], and Prime Miniter
Manmohan Singh appointed Natwar Singh the Miniter for External affair (23 May 2004).
However Mar i a very malefic planet in thi chart being in debility in the eventh bhava
from arudha lagna. It ha rai drti on the Sun which i very damaging epecially a it i a

debilitated malefic, and a dire malefic for Virgo lagna. On 27 Oct 2005 in Jup daa Mar
antara the oil for food candal urfaced which forced him to reign and gradually he wa
puhed into retirement. He got into a war of word with Sonia Gandhi and in Augut 2014
[Sat daa Ketu antara], Natwar Singh autobiography which promied to be a ay-it-all,
One Life i Not Enough, wa releaed. Ketu alo ha rai drti on the Sun and i another
malefic for Virgo lagna. I gue when a politician publihe memoir it mean retirement.
Sun in econd pada promie children and grandchildren he ha a on, Jagat Singh (b.
Augut 1968 Mar daa Rahu antara) and a daughter, Ritu Kaur (b. November 1970 Mar
daa Saturn antardaa). He ha two grandon from hi on Hanut Singh (b. 1995) and
Himmat Singh (b. 1997). Unfortunately hi daughter-in-law committed uicide by jumping
from the balcony of her room at the Delhi Hyatt Regency Hotel and later hi daughter Ritu
hanged herelf in her bedroom on 9 May 2002. Atmakaraka Venu in kaya bhava in
Gandanta can bring a lot of orrow from daughter, daughter-in-law when it i 9th lord.
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