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March 9, 2010

Dear Friends:

When this newsletter arrives on your computer, I will be getting ready to head
down to Florida for a brief vacation and to get away from New York and its cold
weather. We have not had it as bad as some of you in Germany but winter is
never wonderful (Which fool first talked about a “Winter Wonderland”?). In any
case, the sun is getting stronger here, the days are getting longer and the great
Passover holiday is only about a month away. Baseball spring training has
started –so better things are on the way.

Enough about the weather, let’s get on with the news…


AN ISRAELI CHANGE IN FOCUS – A step away from immigration and one

toward Jewish identity.

DUBAI AFFAIR – Who done it?

NORMAN FINKELSTEIN – Who invited him and why?

OBERAMMERGAU – 366 years old and still causing us problems.

GOOD NEWS & GOOD NEWS – 3rd and 5th place. Not bad!

A EURO LOBBY –IN ISRAEL? – What is it trying to do?

THE OTHER REFUGEES – There are two sides to every story including this

PEACE? – Another attempt in the Middle East? Any chance of success? I’ve
attached a very good analysis.


Some of you may remember Natan (formerly Anatoly) Sharansky, the most
famous of the Soviet Jewish “refuseniks” who, after many years of being
imprisoned in the Gulag, was released by the Russians in a celebrated
“exchange” in Berlin (1986) for two Soviet spies at the Glienicke Bridge.
Sharansky emigrated to Israel where he became a major political figure and

served with distinction in several Ministerial roles.

He has recently been appointed head of the Jewish Agency for Israel, a semi-
government agency which served as the pre-state Jewish government before the
establishment of Israel and later became the organization in charge of
immigration and absorption of Jews from the Diaspora.

According to Ha’aretz, “The Jewish Agency's main priority is no longer to bring

more Jews to Israel, but to help preserve Jewish identity worldwide, Jewish
Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky announced last week in a speech before
American Jews visiting Israel. If we have to think about the challenge we are
facing, it's how to keep all as one family - it's not enough to speak about aliyah
(immigration to Israel)," Sharansky said, adding that: "It's almost prohibited for
the head of Jewish Agency to say so, but it cannot be the goal to bring more
Jewish people ... We have to think globally”. These statements, which Sharansky
made in a speech in Jerusalem before participants of the Conference of
Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, were according to people
from the Jewish Agency the first time that Sharansky publicly placed Jewish
identity above immigration to Israel, though he did say before that the two issues
were equally important.

To in any way even equate immigration with anything else is a major departure
from the traditional position of Israel – and for it to be put on the table by
someone of Sharansky’s importance is truly earth shaking. It has been obvious
since long before Israel was established as a state that not all the Jews in the
Diaspora would pull up stakes and emigrate to a Jewish State. However, it has
always been the position of Israel – that they should. But to openly deny the
importance of the necessity is a major step for a very major Israeli who serves in
a very major post.

I’m not at all sure that many Israelis would agree with Sharansky. In fact, I doubt
that many would, at least, openly. However, the uncertain state of Jewish
commitment on the part of young Jews throughout the Diaspora is a genuine
problem and Sharansky is certainly correct in pointing it out. To read the entire
Ha’aretz story click here.


While the Dubai assassination matter has absolutely nothing to do with American
Jews (At least it looks that way even though with spy stories who knows?) I
thought I should mention it because it is a major item in both the American and
Jewish press. I haven’t done a survey but it is my guess that most here feel that
anyone who has killed two Israeli soldiers and was an arms buyer for Hamas is
fair game and got what he deserved. The major complaint that most European
countries have is not that this man was “taken out of circulation” but that their

passports were utilized in carrying out the deed. In my eyes – a minor complaint.

So far there is no direct evidence that the Mossad was involved even though it
certainly looks like one of their operations. I’m probably in the minority being that
I’m reserving judgment on “Who did it?” until more facts are known. So far, two
Palestinians have been arrested and turned over to the Dubai authorities. Who
are they and what did they do? Dubai now says there were more than 20
operatives involved in the killing. If you’ll pardon the pun – that seems to me like
overkill. I have my doubts (based on reading all the John LeCarre spy books) that
any self-respecting spy agency would commit so many of its people to this sort of
operation. Three or four seems more reasonable.

To muddy the waters a bit more, Ha’raretz recently reported that Hamas (not
exactly Israel’s best friend) “suspects the security forces of an Arab state were
behind the assassination of a senior group operative in Dubai earlier this year,
the Al-Quds Al-Araby daily reported on Tuesday.

Mahmoud Nasser, a member of Hamas' political bureau, told the newspaper that
slain commander Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was likely being tracked by agents from
Jordan and Egypt prior to the January 19 killing.”. Click here to read the story.

So, maybe it was some other group and not Mossad that “Did it!” In any case I’m
waiting for more facts and consulting my Alan Furst novels to see if I can figure it


Norman Finkelstein is an American Jewish social scientist and author who is

notably anti-Israel and is violently (in words not acts) opposed to the stance of
almost all American Jewish organizations when it comes to Israel. Recently,
Benjamin Weinthal (a fellow Bronx native of mine who now resides in Berlin)
wrote in the Jerusalem Post, “Finkelstein, whose scheduled talk "One year after
the invasion of the Israeli army in Gaza and the responsibility of the German
government in the starvation of the Palestinian population" generated protests
and cancellations last week…, resulting, like Igor's hump, in a perpetual shift of
venue…Initially, he was scheduled to speak in the Trinitatis evangelical church in
Berlin, with organizational and financial support from the political foundations of
the Green Party, Left Party, German-Palestinian organizations, and a fringe
group of anti-Zionist Jews.

The Heinrich Böll Foundation, affiliated with the Green Party, pulled the plug on
its involvement and said in a statement: "We regret our decision... and because
of careless, insufficient research we made a fiercely bad decision. Finkelstein's
behavior and his theses take place, in our view, not within the framework of
justified criticism."

Weinthal points out, “It's not hard to explain the popularity of Finkelstein in
Germany: If the son of Holocaust survivors can equate Israel with Nazi Germany
and charge American Jewish organizations with exploiting the Holocaust to tap
into the guilt and financial chords of Germans, than Germans can breathe more
easily and alleviate their sense of guilt and connection to the Shoah.

Finkelstein's background serves as a social-psychological crutch that allows

many Germans to invoke his Jewish biography to insulate themselves from
accusations of anti-Semitism.

I do not totally agree with Weinthal’s sweeping generalization about “many”

Germans insulating themselves from guilt by supporting Finkelstein. I’m not sure
how really popular Finkelstein is or how many actually know (or care) who he is.

However, I do question the reasons why he would get an invitation in the first
place. The left wing institutions do seem all too anxious to connect themselves
with the “fringe” of the Jewish community – the fringe that is anti-Israel and anti-
the mainstream of American Jews.

I’m glad that the Böll Foundation and the others realized what a mistake it was to
invite Finkelstein to give a lecture and their mea culpa seems genuine. However,
shouldn’t agencies and individuals in Germany and elsewhere look at themselves

in the mirror before associating with these sorts of anti-Israel personages?

Granted, not every criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic, however, all too often they
are and so a little self-analysis might help make better decisions in the future.

Weinthal’s article covers more than Finkelstein. Read it by clicking here.


For my reading audience in Germany I do not have to explain what the

Oberammergau Passion Play is. If I am not mistaken, it is the grand daddy of all
such religious presentations and has an enormous international following.

Since 1980 AJC and other Jewish organizations have attempted to get the
people who put on the Oberammergau spectacular to filter out the most anti-
Semitic parts. There have been changes but AJC continues to evaluate it every
10 years when it is presented and make further suggestions. I believe there will
be eternal Jewish unhappiness with it as the story, as currently told, does not
lend itself to a positive view of Jews. A radical re-writing to take into account
more of what history has taught us about biblical times would be necessary.

In an earlier edition I printed part of my AJC colleague Rabbi Noam Marans’
critique of what he had experienced during a trip to Oberammergau. Somehow,
in a leap of faith the Play producers recently noted on their website that AJC and
the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) had somehow given their approval to the
2010 Play. Not true! AJC and ADL immediately issued a denial. It said, “Contrary
to misleading assertions that appear on the official website of the 2010
Oberammergau Passion Play and in subsequent erroneous media reports, the
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the American Jewish Committee (AJC)
categorically state that they have not endorsed or approved the 2010 German

ADL and AJC are asking play officials to remove the names of their respective
organizations and the names of their organizations’ representatives from the
official Oberammergau website and all Oberammergau press releases.

In a joint statement, Rabbi Eric Greenberg, ADL Director of the Department of

Interfaith Affairs; Rabbi Noam Marans, AJC’s Associate Director of Interreligious
and Intergroup Relations; and Rabbi James Rudin, AJC’s Senior Interreligious
Adviser, said:

“American Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defamation League have not

approved the 2010 Oberammergau Passion Play. After our rabbinic team met in
Oberammergau with the directors and church (Catholic and Lutheran) theological
advisor in October 2009, we made clear a number of issues of great concern
regarding the play’s text, visual images and significant plot changes that we
believe can transmit toxic anti-Jewish images and perceptions. We notified them
about our concerns in a Nov. 4, 2009 letter, and have never received a

“Although we engaged in significant discussions regarding a host of issues, it

would not be possible to render our final evaluation regarding the 2010 Passion
Play until a team of Christian and Jewish scholars can study a completed text
and translation and receive a clearer picture of the set designs, costuming
and plot changes. Until then we cannot offer a final evaluation of the 2010
Passion Play.”

To some, I guess, this matter is of no great importance. The producing of the

play began in 1634 and will continue no matter what AJC does or doesn’t do.
However, for thousands of people to experience it and have their anti-Semitic
mental visions (if they have them to begin with) reinforced is important. I hope the
producers think about it and do what they can to rid it of its worst excesses. At
this moment in history, I don’t think we can ask for more than that. To read the
AJC press release click here.


JTA recently reported that, “…in a February Gallup survey. Respondents were
asked to provide their opinions on a list of 20 countries that also included the
Palestinian Authority. Some 67 percent answered that they have a favorable
opinion of Israel, compared to 25 percent with an unfavorable opinion. Some 20
percent of respondents viewed the Palestinian Authority favorably; an
improvement over last year's total of 15 percent, placing it fourth from the
bottom. Iran continued to rank last, with a 10 percent favorable rating.

That’s good but not surprising news. Israel has always ranked high across the
board in the opinion of Americans. The numbers go up and down a little but the
approval rating remains high. Democracy, Western values and its connection to
Americans though its place in the Judeo-Christian tradition continue to make it a

The other good news is that Germany ranks 3rd in the opinion of Americans. Only
Canada and Great Britain rank higher (Israel ranks 5th). To read the story click


There is always a lot of talk here in the U.S. about the “Israel Lobby” as if it is
some sort of a unique undercover body. (It isn’t!) It now turns out that if it really
exists at all, it is definitely not unique. Seth J. Frantzman, a researcher at Hebrew
University has uncovered a European lobby in, of all places, Israel. Writing in the
Jerusalem Post he notes, “Amidst all the talk of an Israel lobby in the West,
people have ignored the growth of a lobby located in the Holy Land itself, the
European lobby in Israel.

The European Parliament adopted the European Initiative for Democracy and
Human Rights (EIDHR) in 1994. This was part of the European Union's broader
belief that "democracy and human rights are universal values that should be
vigorously promoted around the world." The initiative was supposed to promote
democratization through the promotion of "fair and free" elections and
mainstreaming "democratic values" through "accountability, transparency and

In 2007, a subtle change in the name of the EIDHR was made. The word
"initiative" was changed to "instrument." This seemingly banal change may be a
result of semantic arguments among EU staffers but it puts in words the
increasingly meddlesome way the EU has chosen to work within Israel…
Between 2002 and 2008, a total of $14 million was granted to various Israeli
NGOs through the EIDHR. My investigation of the NGOs that received funding
revealed that the lion's share of the money benefited two groups: Palestinians

and Israeli Arabs.”.

I’m sure that all this funding, in the eyes of some, is for good causes. In
democratic Israel it appears to be legal and the government has done nothing to
stop it. However, the record should show that the “Israel Lobby” is not the only
one trying to influence legislation and government policy. The Europeans should
not throw stones as sometimes they do. It seems that glass houses are not
unknown to them. Read the whole article by clicking here.


The Los Angeles Times recently ran an article “Israel: Recognition for Jews
displaced from Arab countries”. It’s very “journalistic” and not academic but
makes a point. It raises a very important question that many of us here in the
American Jewish community have been thinking about for years. Since 1948 and
the war between the brand new state of Israel and its Arab neighbors there has
been much talk about Arab refugees. Granted, there were many who fled what is
now Israel and have been holed up in refugee camps throughout the Arab world.
They have never been taken in as citizens nor given citizen rights by their host

At the same time (1948), many Jews who lived in Arab countries had their lives
and property threatened and also fled, many with merely the clothes on their
backs, to Israel. Of course, they were taken in, immediately given citizenship and
became normal citizens. Now, with, at least, talk in the air about a peace
process, what about the rights of the Jewish refugees? As the article points out, it
is not only financial remuneration that should be considered in thinking about
these people. They have lost the place of their historic culture.

Read the article and you will see that there are at least two sides to the Middle
East refugee saga. Click here.


Peace negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians are back on the table
engineered by the Obama administration. However, if they actually come to pass
they will be “indirect” with a middle man carrying messages back and forth
between the groups. It doesn’t sound very promising to me. None of the
underlying problems such as internal politics in both camps and the split between
Hamas and Fatah are settled. In order to better understand the where the
situation is at presently, I found a most comprehensive piece published by the
Washington Institute for Near East Policy. On March 4, 2010, David Makovsky,
Ziegler distinguished fellow and director of The Washington Institute's Project on

the Middle East Peace Process, testified before the Senate Committee on
Foreign Relations on the urgency of promoting "top-down" negotiations if the
Israeli-Palestinian peace talks are to regain momentum.

It’s about as informative as anything I’ve read. To read it yourself click here.

See you later in the month.

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