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Marvellous Techniques for IELTS CORLL) chubien Kirk Kenny een nee Noni ain reer a oad Fare ome earn eo and the impossible possible. ena This book makes IELTS Writing cereus Deel ny elm aU Rena Treasure. Now, Glorify Future Ren reamees s Seba ev RRC Nhan Tri Viet eens Une a UL Chi bién Kirk Kenny Chuyén ngtt phan chi giai Nguyén Thanh Yén Céng ty TNHH WHA XUAT BAN TONG HOP. Nhan Tri Vigt THANE PHO HO CHi MOVE Muc luc Nhang diéu can biét vé bai thi Viét IELTS 1, Dang thutc céa bai thi Viét IELTS 2. Cach chém diém bai thi Viét IELTS 3. Céc bude lam bai thi Viét IELTS Task 2 4, Nhitng diéu can uu y Ky ning lam bai thi Viet Task 2 Chuong 1 Céc tidu chi cham diém Bai 1 Xéc dinh huéng luyén tp dua trén céc tiéu chi cham diém Bai 2. Tim hiéu cach chém diém cita gidm khao qua bai luan cu thé Chuong 2 Luyén ky nang viét nhanh Bai 1 Tu duy va logic 1, Ba cach giip ben tim y va luan cdf cho bai viet 2. ¥ wing quyét dinh diém sO bai thi 3. Sumach lac Bai 2 Tuvanga 1. Ti 2. New Bai 3. On tap cdc diém ngur phdp trong tam 1. Ba 18i nget phap co ban 2. Viét cau phitc — ky nang quan trong trong bai thi Viét IELTS Task 2 Chuong 3 Van nghi Juan Bai 1 15 ng va mau cau dinh hinh b@ cue bai nghj Iwan 1. Visao ban cén sit dung 15 ngit va mau cau mau? 2. Ging gidi 15 nga va mu céu méu dinh binh b6 cuc bai van nghi lun 10 i 29 30 30 33 34 Bai 2. Van nghj luan vé cdc chii dé thuting gap 66 1, Chit dé gido duc 66 2. Chu dé méi trung 69 3. Chii dé khoa hoc va kf that 5 4, Chi dé v8 trach nhigm ctia chinh phit déi voi ede vin dé xa hoi 79 5. Chi dé xa hoi 83 6. Chi dé van héa, 16i song 93 Bai 3. Bai ludn trinh bay nguyén nhan va gidi phép/hé qué 104 1. Nhdng diém can hnu y trong bé cy bai ludn. 104 2. Chia khéa dé tim hodc chon yf cho bai Inan 1s 3, Bai lun méu trinh bay neuyén nhan va giai phdp/hé qua theo bé cuc bon (hoc nam) doan 106 Chuong 4 33 bai luén mau vé cdc chu dé thudng gap MI 1. Chi dé gido dye nz 2. Chi 48 xa hot 124 3. Chi dé van hoa 141 4, Cha dé mdi trutng, ~ 1B 5, Chi dé hoa hoc va kj 167 6. Chit dé vé trach nhigm cia chinh phi trong viéc gidi quyét cfc vin dé trong nude va quéc té 7 Chuong 5 Nang cao kj nang viét luan 193 1. Nhung cau van dac sdc trong Cambridge IELTS 194 2. Nhiing cau tric cau va cach din dat dac biét 195. Ky nang lam bai thi Viet Task 1 Chuong 1 Task 1 dang A - bai viét mé ta biéu a6 201 Bai 1 Khai quat vé bai viet mo td biéu dé 202 1, Tiéu chi chim diém 202 2. Kign thic co bin vé van biéu a6 206 3, Ba cfu tric céu quan trong 4, Bén sai Lim Idn trong bai viét m6 ta biéu 46 Bai 2 M6 ta cdc loai biéu dd |. Biéu dé cét (bar graph) . Bang (table) }. Biéu dé tron (pie graph), dé thi (ine graph) i. Biéu dé mé tA tign trinh (flow chart) . Ban dé (map) Chuong 2 Task 1 dang G - bai vit dang 14 thu Bai 1 Khéi quét vé bai viét dang lé thu 1, Viét thy dya vao tri tuéng tuong 2. Dam bdo tinh can déi trong cu tic cde doan cia 1d thu 3. BS cue ld thir Bai 2 viet thr . Thu cam on That xin Wi . Thu Kkhiéu nai . Thu yeu cdu cho biét thing tin . Thu dé nghi . Thu xin nghi phép aYvaRweEE Phu luc 1 Céc dé thi mén Viét Task 2 trong nhiing ndm qua Education Environment Technology Government Society Culture/ Lifestyle aye ope Phy luc 2 Gidy lam bai thi mén Viét IELTS 209 209 210 210 212 213 216 219 221 222 222 222 223 224 224 225 226 228 229 230 232 232 233 234 234 235 236 238 Es as Nhting diéu can biét vé bai thi Viet IELTS 1, Dang thiic cua bai thi Viét IELTS Bai thi Viét IELTS gdm hai dang: dang hoc thuat (Academic, goi tat la dang A) va dang dao tao téng quét (General Training, goi tt la dang G). Méi dang d8 bao gm hai phan: Task 1 va Task 2. Task 2.cén thai gian nhiéu g&p d6i va so lugng tit cing nhiéu gin gp doi Task 1. Cn luu ¥ la Task 1 ctia hai dang dé nay cé thé loai hoan ton khac nhau. 150 tirtrd lén bai viet m6 t& bigu dé 250 tiv ré én bai viet nghj luan hoa béo cdo 1. Trong da s6 trudng hop, Task 2 yéu cau thi sinh viét bai nghj lun (argumentative essay). Dé thi duoc ra dudi hai hinh thtic; a. Dua ra mét quan diém va dat cau héi: # Do you agree or disagree? © To what extent do you agree or disagree? Vidu: Si eee ete terete Geri fenscc niwistelausy eee ye ra everyone cn teint Gera aca oe b, Bua ra hai quan diém, yéu cdu thi sinh phan tich c& hai quan diém nay va trinh bay § kin cia ban than: * Some say ... Others argue that ... What is your opinion? * Discuss both views and give your opinion. ** Express some reasons for both views and give your own opinion. * Do you think its advantages outweigh the disadvantages? (Cap ti advantages — disadvantages cé thé duge thay bing céc cap tir nhu: positives ~ negatives, pros — cons, merits - demerits, benefits — drawbacks.) 8 — Marvellous ‘echniques for IELTS Writing. Vidu: | Some people thinkat ks BCU ROM iienwitCaner alae aittnt tt CU a uae ut wie rsa attr aie: reticence Tau en 2. Trong mét sé tru@ng hop, Task 2 yéu cau thi sinh trinh bay nguyén nhan va gidi phap/hé qua, © Dé thi khéng dua ra quan diém ma chi néu mét hién twong nao dé va you cdu thf sinh phan tich nguyén nbn (causes), anh huding (effects) ciia hién tugng ad va dé xuat cée gidi phép (solutions). Ti khéa thudng thay trong dé thi dang nay [A What Herre Loa Ce itn b asc niaenn sc Marit Hiren curl ich yer ace etn Ya a 2. Cach cham diém bai thi Viét IELTS Trén phiéu lam bai bai thi Viét IELTS, phia dusi méi Task c6 phan nis sau EXAMINER’S USE ONLY EXAMINER Z fuxomeNorn] [so.orwonns] | PaNALTY TASK 2 FRI_[ec} JER] 1GRA| | Cerone evousen | [rcrami=| fooERLeNoTs] [NO.OF WoxDs| | PENALTY EXAMINER | [re] [ec] [tr[ [ora TASK 2 ‘OrF-TORIC wawonsen | [resamus Qua phan nay, chting ta biét dude cdc théng tin sau: — Bai viét cua thf sinh sé duoc hai giém khdo cham diém, (Diém sé ctia hai giém khio sé duge céng Iai va chia déi ra két qua sau cing.) ~ Gidém khéo chém bai theo bén tiéu chi: Task Response, Coherence and Cokesion, Lexical Resource vi Grammatical Range and Accuracy. ‘Marvellous Technigues for IELTS Writing ~9 eed > Néu bai nao khéng dd s6 ti theo quy dinh (underlength) - théng thudng la bai viét c6 d9 dai chi trong khodng ntta phiéu lam bai (10 dong) - thi giém khdo sé dém s& tit (No. of words) va can ctf vao dé dé quyét dinh trir bao nhiéu diém (penalty). ~ Bai viét lec dé (off-topic) sé duce dénh dau vao 6 nay (va sé duge chm riéng). — Gidm khao sé tri diém 4! t6 thi sinh da hoc thudc !dng ( hign bai viét c6 nhing cau rap khudn (dau hiéu ching .emorised) nhiing cau nay). — Bai viét cting bi tri diém nu che viét cia thi sinh khé doc (illegible). 3, Cac bude lam bai thi Viet IELTS Task 2 Néu da luyén tép nhidu, kh danh toan b6 thot gian cdn lat tap i thi sinh, yhanh chéng hodn thanh Task 1, sau d6 uung vao Task 2, Trinh tur céc buéc lam bai Viét Task 2: Dib 5 phi viet dany ‘Hay viét dan wt: iy in c6 thé viét bang tigng Vier hone tigng Anh. a thn, bai lun cit.cht yéuymot yidu poh 39 phut viet baltuan vi kidima tra bai viet Khi gidm thi théng bin. ‘Last two minutes!” chi dé Ja Iie ban phai viér phan két Iwan, Sau 46, hay doc lai rear bé bai viet v: Nei phip: xem lei diiu cau eo duve dit chinh xc hay khéng (dac bigt la dau phiy), kiém tra su ha hop gitia chu ngit va dong ti, trt wy ti trong ménh dé phy ghia hotc dai tt (it, chem) dé trinh Tip lai ti mio iém tra theo cdc myc sau: Titwing: hay ding cic tid 6 qué nhiéu lia Logie: say nghi xem « contrast dé lit: 'm cdc ti/cum tY nhu therefore, moreover, in cfu hay khong Ding xem nhe bude kiéss “+a, 64% trong st nhiéu trudng hop, vige kiém tra giép bai a tht sinh tang them vigt 10 — Marvellous Techniques for 17S Writing www. nhanteivi com 4, Nhting diéu can lnuy 1. Cach trinh bay bai luan © Khong can viét lai dé, © Khéng cn viet tiéu dé (title) cho bai luan. © Trinh bay theo kiéu toan khdi (full block form), tic khong viet thyt vao 4 vi tri mé dau méi doan, cdc doan cach nhau m9t dong. Uu diém cla cach trinh bay nay 1a bai viét c6 ché trong aé thf sinh c6 thé thém n6i dung khi can, gidm khdo dé théng ké so tir. 2, Viét rit gon, viét tat ® Khong ding kiéu viét nit gon nhue we're, can’t, don’t. © Cé thé dang cac cum tir viét tdt duoc sit dung phé bién trén thé gidi nhu: NBA, KFC, 1Q, WTO... Khong dugc viét nhting cum tit viét tét chi duoc diing phé bién & quéc gia noi thf sinh dang séng. 3. Viet sO © Khi mudn dign t4 sS lugng ter 10 tré xuéing, thi sinh phai viét bling chi, vi du: Ha Long Bay is one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, 4, Cach diing dau ngoac kép (“”) va cum tit thay thé dau ba cham (..) © Diing dau ngoac kép (*") khi viét tén téc phém no d6, vi du: “Avatar”, © Thi sinh khong dug diing dau ba chém (...) trong bai vigt ma phai diing cym tt thay thé to name just a few hodc and so on 5. Tit viét kiéu Anh va tit viét kiéu My * Thi sinh chi dugc chon mét kiéu viet déi vdi cac ti duge viét theo hai kiéu (kiéu Anh va kiéu Mj), teénh déing lan Ion ca tt viét kiéu Anh va tit viét kiéu My trong bai viét. Hay chu ¥ cach viét cdc tir dudi day. 1. -re va-er theatre! 0 theater Marvellous Techniques for 1E1.TS Writing ~ 11 2. -our va -or colourful colorful labour labor 3. -ise, -isation va -ize, -ization realise realize organisation, organization 4, -ce va-se Ticence license defence defense 5. Titviét kiéu My dugc tao ra dya trén viéc luge bé phu am, nguyén am nao a6 trong tirviét kidu Anh, programme program traveller sraveler 6, Cac dai tit va tinh ti sé hau I, my, we, our Cac dai tt va tinh tir sé btu néu trén khéng duge st dung trong bai viét hoc thuat cla sinh vién va nghién cfu sink nhimg duge ding trong mén thi Viét IELTS. Dé thi Viet IELTS c6 nhiing cu héi nhs Do you agree or disagree?, What’s your opinion? nén thi sinh c6 thé viét My view is that .., I do think that ... Lamu y 1a tréinh sit dung dai tit you - ban cé thé thay dai tit nay biing tit someone, one. 12 Marvellous Techniques for SELS Writing wiv 7. Lam quen mét sé bai luan mau Trong qué trink luyén tép, ban hay tim doc mot s6 bai viét miu, Ban cin hau y ba diém. sau khi chon doc bai viét mau: ~ Chon bai vit dat céc tiéu chi chém diém danh cho bai thi Viée IBLTS (de bai bdo tigng Anh khong thiét thyc dap ting yéu cau cia bai thi IELTS). — Khéng chon céc bai viét o6 s8 Iuong tir vuot qué s tir quy dinh va c6 nhéng c&u tric kh6 hiéu (céc bai nay s& khién ban cdm thay mét méi). ~ Chon nhiing bai cé bé cuc cla m6t bai ludn chudn. 8. Tranh sti dung mét cdch may méc cdc cau trong bai luan’ mau Khi lam bai thi Viét IELTS, ban c6 thé sit dung nhiing cau trong bai lun mau da doc. ‘Diéu quan trong 1a ban phai stt dung ching sao cho dat hiéu qua cao nhat. Néu nhing cu nay duge dat ding ché dé lam néi bat ¥ twang ciia ban, pha hop vdi ngi dung dé thi, pho hop véi céch dién dat ciia ca bai luan, hoac néu ban sit dung chting mét céch sing ta0, c6 thay d6i chuit it dé dién ta suy nghi cila riéng ban thi bai viét cia ban sé tré nén sinh dong. Tuy nhién, n€u toan bé bai viet ctia ban cdn non kém (cdc cau rai rac, y thiéu logic, nhiéu ché din dat king cing) nhung lai xudt hién mot vai céu sit dung cfu tric phitc tap va y dién dat that néi tri thi chéc chén gidm khdo sé nhfin ra la ban da sao chép van cua ngudi khac. 9. Xu hudng dé thi dugc ra ‘Théng thudng, cdc dé thi da ra trude day sé duge thay déi chut ft va duge ding cho ky thi lan sau. Vi du, dé thi ngay 17-9-2009 la: See rumor neve tay others Cee b oS Ectienils yea cinta st) io enicy DB thi ngay 16-12-2009 la: re wu li ese ene nha cent a Cee ec wow a. . Ylayvellows Techniques for IELTS Writing — 13, detail ae a Ca hai dé thi trén déu dé cp dén vin dé t6i pham. Do d6, bai viét ciia thf sinh 6 hai Ij thi ndy c6 thé c6 rat nhidu ¥ giSng hode gén gidng nhau. Didu cdn uu ¥ 14 khi thi, ban phai doc ky dé va bam sat yéu edu cita dé dé viét. Néu da tiing hoc thude nhitng cau lién quan dn ngi dung dé thi thi ban céing Khong duoc dua vao bai viet mét cach may méc. Mat khéc, dé thi Viét IELTS cén dam bao tinh cn bang vé sO lan xudt hién cia cdc chi &. Vi vay, néu dé thi trong vai thang gén day dé cap dén cdc chu dé nbu xa h6i, gido duc, van héa... ma chua dé cap dén chu dé méi trudng thi rat c6 thé chi dé nay sé xudt +hién trong dé thi viét 6 ky thi ké tiép. 10. Nguyén nhan khién bai thi Viét IELTS Task 2 cla ban khéng duge diém cao Bai van nghi luan (argumentative essay) cn phai cé “yéu t6 tranh lugn” (argue 6 nghia 18 manh lun). Khi viét thé loai nay, néu ban chi dua ra quan diém cia minh réi trinh bay cdc nguyén nan va vi dy dé lam 16 quan diém dé ma khong dé c4p dén quan diém déi lap thi bai viét sé khong cé site thuyeét phye, chua dap ung duge yéu cdu cia van nghi luan va tat nhién khéng dugc diém cao. 11. Can sti dung cac tit/cum ti néi thich hop dé fam bai viét mach lac Khi luyén thi IELTS, ban cén lam quen v6i cdc ti/cum tt néi dé lién két cau va doan lam cho bai viét mach lac. Chang han, dé bat dau y dé nhdt /ddw tién, nén ding céc ti/cum tit nhut: first, firstly, at the first place, to begin with, first of all; dé mé dau doan két bing tit idm Jai, ban cé thé stt dung cdc cum ti nu: in summary, in conclusion, to conclude, in short, all in al, in a nutshell... Néu quen sit dung cdc tir/cum tt ndy thi kkhi lam bai thi, ban sé viét chiing vira nhanb vita chinh xdc va dinh théi gian cling nhit tam tri dé vp trung vao nhimg néi dung quan trong hon. 14~ Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing www. nhantrivi 2 wosa} Nam 2006, ban t6 chiéc ky thi IELTS da cong bo bang tiéu chf cham diém chi tiét danh cho bai thi Viét. Bang miéu t4 nay gitip giém khdo cham diém m6t céch khich quan, gitip thi sinh cd co s8 dé hiéu vi sao bai viét ciia minh dat dim s6 ndo d6, dam bao su cong bing cho moi thi sinh cing nhur ting d6 tin cay cia cdc trutng dai Ligc trén thé gidi adi vdi két qua bai thi IELTS. '¥ nghia cia bing tiéu chi chém diém khong ding loi 6 8. ¥ nghta quan trong han [a né Ang vai trd nhu mot tém ban dé hudng din thi sinh biét cach hoc tiéng Anh va rén luyén ky nding diiny hudng. Digu nay khéng nhitng giip thi sinh c6 thé dat diém cao cho bai thi ‘Viet IELTS ma cdn c6 thé dat dn vinh d6 dap ting duge nhimg yeu cdu cita vigc hoc tap va lam viéc trong méi trudng sit dung tiéng Aah, Quyén sich nay duge bién soan dya trén cdc tiéu chi chim dim danh cho bai thi Viet IELTS. Chuong dau tién nay gidi thigu céc tiéu chi cham diém va nhiing yéu cdu cu thé cho ting miic diém nham gitip ban rén luyén ding hudng dé dat diém sé mong muda. Sau day la bang miéu ta chi tit céc muic diém ctia bai thi Viet Task 2 bling ting Anh, Dé higu rd hon, ban doc thém phin giai thich bang tiéng Vigt 6 céc trang tiép theo IELTS Task 2 Writing band descriptors (public version) es eee oes pee: i ete ice lee 9» fully addresses all parts of the _» uses cohesion in such a way that it 1 uses a wide range of vocabulary = uses a wide range of struc- task attracts no attention with very natural and sophisti- cures with full flexibility = presents a fully developed pos- skilfully manages paragraphing cated control of lexical features; and accuracy; rare minor tion in answer to the question rare minor errors occur only as errors occur only as slips? with relevant, fully extended ‘slips’ and well supported ideas g UM SLT sufficiently addresses all pars © Sequences information and ideas oF the task logically ® presents awelldeveloped = manages all aspects of cohesion well Fesponse tothe question» uses paragraphing sufficiently and with relevant, extended and appropriately supported ideas addresses all parts ofthe task = logically organises information and ® presents a clear position fdeas; there is clear progression throughout the response ‘throughout + presents, extends and supports ® uses a range of cohesive devices ‘main ideas, but there may be appropriately although there may be atendency tooyergencralise _ some under/over-use and/or supporting ideas may _» presents a clear central topic within each Jack focus paragraph * addieses all pars of the task = arranges information and ideas coherent- although some parts maybe ly and there isa cleat overall progression ‘moze fully covered than others » uses cohesive devices effectively, but co- ® presents a relevant position _hesion within and/or between sentences although the conclusions may may be faulty or mechanics! become unclear or repetitive = may not always use referencing clearly = presents relevant main ideas or appropriately but some may be inadequately» uses paragraphing, but nor always developed/unclear logically » uses a wide range of vocabulary fluently and flexibly to convey precise meanings ® skilfully uses uncommon. lexical items but there may be ‘occasional inaccuracies in word choice and collocation = produces rate errors in spelling and/or word formation ' usesa sufficient range of yocabu- lary to allow some flexibility and precision * uses less common lexical items with some awareness of style and collocation ‘= may produce occasional errors word choice, spelling and/or word formation * uses an adequate range of ‘vocabulary for the task attempts to use less common ‘vocabulary but with some inaccuracy = makes some errors in spelling and/or word formation, but they do not impede communication * usesa wide range of structures = the majority of sentences ate ertoriree ‘= makes only very occasional errors or inappropriacies * uses a variery of complex structures produces frequent error-free sentences + has good control of gram- mar and punctuation but may make a few errors = uses.a mix ofsimple and ‘complex sentence forms '» makes some errors in ‘grammar and punctuation but they rarely reduce communication eae ‘ eee Lee and Accuracy 5 w addreses the task only. 1 presents information with some organ- # usts a limited range of * uses only a Timited range of partially; the formatmay be sation but there may bea lack of overall vocabulary, but this is minimally structures inappropriate in places progression adequate for the task «attempts complex sentences «= expresses.a position but the _* makes inadequate, inaccurate or oversse * may make noticeable ertors in _buitthese tend to be les evelopment isnot always “of cohesive devices ing and/or Word formation accurate than simple clear and there may be no» may be repetitive because of lack of that ma cause some difficulty sentences conclusions drawn referencing and substitution forthe reader ‘= may make frequent ® presents some main ideas» may not write in paragraphs, or para- srammatical errors and ‘but these are limited and not graphing may be inadequate punctuation may be feuly; sufficiently developed there errors can cause some may be irrelevant detail difficulty for the reader 4 responds to the task only in a+ presents information and ideas bur these = uses only basic vocabulary which # uses only a very limited. ‘minimal way or the answer is are not arranged coherently and thereis__-may be used repetitively or range of sractures with tangential; the format may be no clear progression in the response which may be inappropriate for only rare use of subordinate inappropriate uses some basic cohesive devices but the task clauses ‘= presents position butthis is these may be inaccurate or repetitive» has limited control of word some structures are accurate unclear ‘© may not write in paragraphs or their use formation and/or spelling errors but errors predominate, and ‘» presemis some main ideas but may be confusing may cause strain for the reader punctuation is often faulty these are difficule to identify and may be repetitive, irrel- evant or not well supported pqUequrwmar pais ie # does not adequately address « does not organise ideas logically any part ofthe task + may use a very limited range of cohesive * does not express a clear devices, and those used may not indicate position a logical relationship between ideas 1 presents few ideas, which are largely undeveloped or irrelevant * barely responds to the task» has very little contro! of organisational ‘= does not express a position _—_‘features ‘= may attempt to present one ‘or to ideas but there is no development «answer is completely unrelated + fails to communicate any message tothe task does not attend 1 does not attempt the task in any way «= writes a totally memorised response ‘uses only a very limited range» attempts sentence forms cof words and expressions with _buterrors in grammar and very limited control of word punctuation predominate formation and/or spelling and distort the meaning 1 errors may severely distort the message ‘= uscs an extremely imited range = cannot use sentence forms: of vocabulary; essentially io _ except in memorised phrases control of word formation : and/or spelling 1 can only use a few isolated words cannot use sentence forms atall Bai 1 X4c dinh huéng luyén tap dua trén cdc tiéu chi chém diém 1. Cac tiéu chi chdém diém va yéu cdu déi vdi thi sinh Bai thi Viét Task 2 duge chéim theo bén tiéu cht: Task Response, Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range and Accuracy. ‘Thy té khi lam bai thi Viet IELTS, thf sinh thudng cé hai diéu khé khin: khdng e6 ¥ tudng (van dé tu duy) va ‘tabng nhung khéng dién ta dugc bing tiéng Anh (van dé ‘gon ng). \Vén dé tu duy tuong ting voi tiéu cht cham diém thit nhét: Task Response. Khi khéng tim duge ¥ dé cé ndi dung dap ving yéu cu cia dé thi, thi sinh rt d8 viet lan man va két qua la bai viét lac dé hoac c6 b& cuc khéng hop ly. \Véin dé ng6n nga tuong ting voi ba tiéu chi chim diém cdn Iai. ~ Tiéu chi Coherence and Cohesion: thi sinh phai dua ra quan diém r6 rang, nhét quén trong toan b6 bai viét; cfu trusc phai an khdp véi cdu sau; cdc théng tin phai cé méi quan hé chat cha; sai viét phai dim bao tinh logic (céc doan phai dugc trién khai theo trinh tie hop If, doan sau vita phai cé su tiép néi véi doan trarée vita chuyén sang y khic). ~ Tiéu cht Lexical Resource: thi sinh phai cé vén tir phong phii, ti cp cao va mang tinh hoc thuat, déng thai str dung chuing chinh xéc. ~ Tiéu chf Grammatical Range and Accuracy: thf sinh phai biét stt dung da dang céc loai cu, dac bigt 1a cau phitc, viét ding ngit phdp, ding déu cau pha hop. 2. Luyén tp ky nang viét theo mtic diém 7 Da s6 tht sinh dy thi IELTS dat myc tiéu la bai thi Viét phai dat khéng dudi 6 diém. Muén dat két qué nay, ban phai luyén tap theo yeu cdu cita bai viet 7 diém. Thyc t& cho thay khong phai thf sinh nao cing dé dang dat duoc mnéc diém nhu muc tiéu da dat ra cho bin than true khi thi Néu myc tiéu ia ban [a bai viet phai duge 9 diém thi hay doc ky Chutong 5 cia phén nay, 22~ Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writ www. 1. Task Response 7 diém Néu doc tiéu chi Task Response 7 diém bang tiéng Anh thi ban sé thy rét tri tugng, Tuy nhién, néu so sdnh véi yeu céu mréc diém 5 va 6 thi ban sé hiéu r6 hon yéu cdu can 6 cho digm 7. Hay xem xét hai nhuge diém cia bai viét dugc néu trong thang diém 6 ~ Some parts may be more fully covered than others, Diéu ndy c6 nghta Ia bé cuc bai vigt khéng cn d6i, Cs thé ban tp trung qué miéc vao ludn cif thi nhat nhung lai vigt rat ft 6 luan cif thet hai. Citing cé thé ban phan béc quan diém déi lap rt manh mé nhumg lai trinh bay quan diém cila minh khéng dui séc thuyét phuc. ~ The conclusions may become unclear or repetitive (két ludn o6 thé khdng 8 rang hoac tring lap). ‘Trong khi dé, thang diém 5 chi ra I6i 6 bai viet Ia: addresses the task only partially, there may be no conclusions drawn, there may be irrelevant detail. Vi vay, muén dat 7 diém, bai viét cia ban phai c6 bé cuc cn d6i (trénh tinh trang cd doan gém bay cu, c6 doan chi cé hai céu); doan két lun phai hoan chinh ~ trong dé ban nhan manh quan diém da trinh bay hoac ggi mé nhimng van dé lién quan (nhetng trénh kip Iai mét céch don gin nhiing céu da viet trudc dé). Mat khéc, ban phai phan tich quan diém d6i lap cang nhv trinh bay moi khfa canh duoc néu trong dé thi, 2. Coherence and Cohesion 7 diém ‘Hay chu y muc thti ba trong tiéu chf Coherence and Cohesion 7 diém: presents a clear central topic within each paragraph. Diéu ds cs nghia la méi dogn trong bai viét ciia ban hai c6 cau trong tam. Cau trong tim o6 thé xust hign 6 ddu hodc cui mdi doan. Yeu cd. nay kh6ng hé dugc dé cap trong thang diém 5 va diém 6. Muic diém 7 cling yéu cau: clear progression throughout, trong khi mifc diém 6 chi yéu cau: clear overall progression. Ngoai ra, mic diém 7 con yéu céu: uses a range of cohesive devices appropriately. ‘Chiing ta thtt so sénh yéu cau nay vdi yéu cdu cia diém 9: uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention. Nhu vay, dé dat 9 diém, thi sinh phai str dung rét it cae tit néi nhu firstly, secondly, moreover, therefore, however, in conclusion. Nghia la n6i dung bai vigt dugc trién khai theo cach cac céu, cdc doan dugc lién két hoan toan ty nhién. Da 86 thi sinh khéng phai la nguBi Anh bin ngit vist rét kh6 dat dén trinh d6 nay. www Maryellous Techniques tor IELTS Writing -23 Do dé, ban nén luyén viét theo yéu cdu cia mic diém 7 - sit dung chinh xdc cdc tit néi dé lién két cdc cu, cdc doan trong bai viet. 3. Lexical Resource 7 diém So vdi tiéu chi Lexical Resource 6 diém, tiéu chi 7 diém cé thém hai yéu: cau: flexi- bility, precision. Tinh linh hoat nghta la tht sinh biét st dung tx déng nghia dé thay thé cdc tix da ding trutée dé trong bai viet. Chéng hen, & doan thit nhét, ban diing cum tit developing countries thi doan thif hai, ban phai thay bang cum tu these nations va dén doan thi ba, ban ding mét cum tit dng nghia khdc 1a poor regions. ‘Tinh chinh xdc chi don gidn 1a sit dung tu/nga xdc dang dé dién dat pha hgp vi néi dung cu thé duge dé cap trong dé thi. Chang han, véi chd dé lién quan dén chinh phi, ban viét ttt welfare; v6i chui dé bao vé méi trudng, ban viét ti environment-friendly. Luu ¥ la mic 6 diém va mtic 7 diém ed chung yéu cau: Jess common lexical items/vo- cabulary. Chang han, ban ding tix undermine thay tit damage, ding ti dilemma thay ti problem. Viée sit dung tit vung thinh thgo hay khéng sé quyét dinh két qua bai thi la 6 hay 7 diém. Néu ban chi stt dung nhting tit/ng@ don gian trong toan bé bai viét (do vén tit ngh@o nan) thi bai luan ctia ban chi duge 5 diém. Vé vide viét sai ti, ban c6 thé dgc bing tiéu cht chém diém dé thay su khac bi ‘thé gitta cdc thang diém. Tat nhién ban phai c gang viet tit chinh xéc. 4, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 7 diém ‘Tiéu chf nay chi ra rng ngo’i tinh chinh xéc vé ngit php, bai viét phai six dung nhiéu cu phic. Chiing ta hay so sinh céc chi tiét cia tiéu chi nay 6 ba thang diém 5, 6, 7: = 5 diém: c& gang ding cu phttc nhung sai nhiéu. ~ 6 diém: st: dung ph6i hop cau don va cau phifc (a mix). = 7 dim: sit dung da dang céc cau phic (uses a variety of complex structures). Vi vay, trong bai viét, ban phai st dung da dang ba loai ménh dé phu, vi dy: ménh dé danh nga, ménh dé tinh ngu va ménh dé trang ngt. Néu cé théi gian, ban cé thé tim esc bai lun miu dat 9 diém trong quyén Cambridge IELTS. Khing can doc ky, ban chi cdn dém s6 Iugng céc logi cu trong céc bai viet dé. Ban sé phat hién ra ring trung binh mdi bai ludn mu cé 12 cau, trong dé 6 hai cau don, 24 ~ Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing hai cau ghép nhau. ap, tdm cu cdn lai la cde céu phite chiéa céc loai ménh dé phy khéc Hién nay, ban t6 chtic ky thi IELTS chua céng bé cc thang diém 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, v.v. Ban hay doc ky cdc tiéu chi va céc yéu cau cu thé vita néu trén nhiéu lin dé nhé gidm Khdo IELTS cén bai viét nhu thé nao, ho chm diém va tri diém ra sao. ‘Trong thai gian tap viét lun, hay luén nhéc ahé ban than ring: Minh phai viet edu: trong tém cho dogn nay... Minh phdi ding ti déng nghia dé thay thé ti vita méi ding & trén... Hin gid minh da viét dugc hai loai ménh dé phy, cdn thiéu mét logi... Lam nhut vay thi vigc luyén tap hang ngdy cia ban mdi dat higu qua tét nha Cusi cling, khi da hiéa r6 chuong nay, ben hodn todn 6 thé ty chém diém cho bai luan céa minh, Marvetious echniques for IELTS Writing -25 Bai 2 Tim hiéu cdch chém diém clia gidm khdo qua bai luan cu thé Raereecosier Ge neater eek ime rt Aan ay ns i Rui tha bor rarer ra ‘What knowledge and skills should universities provide has been argued for many years. Some people think that the true function of universities provide knowledge for their own. purpose, but nowadays, more and more people point out that universities should pro- vide graduates with the knowledge and skills according to the workplace. “The frst reason for ur sities should provide these knowledge and skill isthe students’ needs. Obviously, the most of the students go to university purpose of is to get some knowledge and skills which could make them have the ability to get a job. Ifa university does not provide these knowledge and skills, the students might not get a job and they would be very disappointed. As a result, the university would lose its students. Moreover, providing knowledge and skills needed in the workplace maks a university progress. The new skills and information always are initiated in the workplace, so focus- ing on the needs of the workplace the university could get sound strategies to do research. and make it more mordenization Lastly, providing these knowledge and sills could benefit our country which usually gives, « financial support to universities. Having these knowledge and skills, students are more easy to get a job, and this can make our countries’ economy strong. In conclusion, can be said that providing the knowledge and skills which the workplace needs is every universities’ basic function. 26. Marvellous Techniques for IULT'S Writing Score: 5 Cpe cect ee Tor of repetition due’ to inadequate use of referencing: Gangs ouch Trich tit trang 169 cia quyén Cambridge IELTS 7 © Bai lun trén duge trién khai theo dan ¥ sau: — Quan digm: Chute ning cht: yéu cia dai hoc 1A cung cp kién thifc va ky nang lién quan dén viéc lam trong tutong lai cia sinh vién (dang tiéc 1a thi sinh khéng thé hién 16 quan diém nay 6 doan nh§p dé). ~ Nguyén nhan 1: Myc dich hoc lén dai hoc cia hoc sink Ia tim viéc lam trong tuong lai. — Nguyén nin 2: Kién thiéc va k¥ nang 6 noi lam viéc cén mdi mé. Néu chu trong. nghién cfu ndi dung nay thi dai hoc sé cng phat trién (theo céch dién dat cla thi sinh 1a hign dai héa). — Nguyén nhan 3: Dat nude sé dugc Igi vé kinh té khi sinh vién c6 viéc lam, itd mdi 6 thé dau tu vé ti chinh cho céng trinh nghién cfu. © Hay tim Idi trong nhting phan dugc gach dudi trong bai. © Doc ky nhaing ché in dam trong di nhdn xét cia gidm khdo. Day chinh [a nhing nhuge diém cia bai viét, cing lA nguyén nhén khign bai viét bi diém thip. © Cambridge IELTS 7 chi dua ra diém s6 cita bai viét nay 1A 5 diém chit khéng néi r6 diém s6 dé duge tinh nhu thé nao. Dé hiéu 16 quy trinh cham diém bai viét nay cia giém khdo, ban hay xem phén phan tich sau day. wow Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing -27 oe is Bai viet thién vé mot quan Task i digm: it does not address all Response parts of the question. Bai viet duge dénh gid e6 kha on nhiéu uu diém nhung nhuge coherence © i dim la: there is also a lot of repetition due to inadequate Cohesion use of referencing and substication. 400 chi Lexical chim lan: indicates limitations in im Resource diém range of vocabulary. chinh C6 ging ding cau phe nhung dang khong chinh xée (The answer includes atternpts at Grammatical complex sentence forms, Range and but...) Accuracy Va cau Anh gid eu6i cing rit xc dang: Nevertheless, there are examples of accurate com- plex structures. ee Bai vidt co tang cdg 252 ti (less yéutd Underlength ‘ es than 250 words). Céch tinh diém: ‘Tuong ting v6i tieu chi 5 digm: addresses the task only partially ‘Tung ting véi tig chi 5 diém: may be repetitive because of lack of referenc- ing and substitution C6 mot cum tit duge lap lai'chin Tuong ting vdi tieu chi 5 digm: uses a limited range 5 of vocabulary Tuong ting voi tiéu chi 5 diém: artempts complex 55 sentences but these tend to be Jess accurate ti 05 ~ Céng bn diém s6 tuong ving véi bon tiéu chi chém diém chinh, sau ds lay dim trung binh réi lam tron: (5 + 5,5 +5 + 5,5)/4 Nhu vay, diém sé cudi cing ctia bai viet nay la 5. 28 ~ Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing 5,25, lam tron thanh 5,5. ~ Xem xét cdc yéu té khdc va trit diém néu bai viét pham Idi: 5,5 - 0,5 www Bai 1 Tu duy va logic cut cho bai viét 1, Ba cach gitip ban tim y va lua’ Diéu kho dau tién ma thf sinh gap phai khi lam bai thi Viet la khng c6 y tung, thiéu ¥ tuéng hogc khéng tim duge luan cit. That ra thf sinh nao cing déu cd suy nghi. Nhung dé dién det suy nghi ay mét céch 15 rang cho ngudi khéc hiéu cing nhu tim ra hai lugn ett xéc dang, c6 stéc thuyét phyc trong vong nam phut Iai la mot ky nding dai héi ngudi hoc phai luyén tap khéng ngting mdi cd thé dat duoc. ‘Do céc théng tin trong tam trong cac dé thi Viét IELTS khéng gidng nhau nén khéng thé c6 ¥ tung va lun ctf dp dung cho moi dé thi. Tuy nhién, phan sau ctia tai liéu nay sé phan logi dé thi theo chi dé va gidi thiéu ¥ tuéng cing nhu luan caf lam sdng té chi dé dé, nhim thiét thyc giuip nhiing thi sinh “thiéu y tudng” cd thé tham khao, Tuy khong cé ¥ tuéng va luan ct c6 thé dp dung cho moi dé thi nhung van cé nhiing phuong phép hiéu qua gitip ban tim y va ludn cit cho bai viét mot céch nhanh chéng. Dui day la ba cach ma tai ligu ndy da van dung khi tim y va xéc dink lugn ett cho cdc bai viet mau dugc gidi thiéu 6 cac phan sau. 1. Lay con ngudi lam diém xudt phat khi xem xét van dé Dé thi vit vé chi dé nao ciing lién quan dén con ngudi. Chiing ta ting ho quan diém nao ciing déu vi quan diém d diing vé phia lgi {ch cla con ngubi, hoac dé cap dén nhéng si¢ vige, hinh déng mang lai cho con ngudi gi fch én hon. Trong cugc sing, Igi {ch eta con ngudi ludn gan lién vdi nhéng nhn cdu cin thiét va chinh dang. Dé lA nhu cdu vé mat thé chat (dugc séng khde manh), nhu cau vé mat tam ly (duge sing an toan, duge tén trong, muén thé hién svt tin...), nhu cdu vé vat chat (mun nang cao chift luong cuéc sng trén co s6 cdi thin thu nhdp), nbu cdu vé tinh thén (duge hoc hinh, vui choi, gidi tri...) Vi dy 1: prs oro nav acest wera orscrein cec areata ys tateiar tn Be ieee ‘N6i dung chinh cia bai viét: Xem tivi va choi tré choi dién ti qué lau sé co hai déi voi stic khée ctia tré em (xét vé mit thé chat). Néi dung trd choi hodc chuong trinh trén tivi Kh6ng lanh manh sé anh hung xdu dén sy phat trién tam ly cia tré (xét vé mat tam ly). 30 - Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing Vi dy 2: Siro seek Su ai ten rt Dealer taqencces | Se eho aeriiey han ain (eer oeentacnsctar ro) i NOi dung chinh ctia bai viét: Du lich thiic day nén kinh té cia dia phuong phét trién (cét vé mat vat chit), Du lich giip du khach mé réng tm nin, tich lay thém kign thiéc va von sng (xét vé mat tinh than). 2. Chia nhé van dé Khi dé thi dua ra van dé qua rng, ban c6 thé chia véin dé thinh nhiing noi dung hep hon dé dé tim y va luan cf. Ltic nay, ban 6 thé trinh bay ring viéc minh tén thanh hay phan d6i quan diém duoc néu trong dé thi cin thy thugc vao truéng hop cy thé. Trong mot s6 trudng hop, ban tén thanh quan diém dé; nhung trong mét sé trung hop khdc, ban phan &éi quan diém ds, Vi du 1: SU ats iC en ear rence ie ge Seto UR ear usar cress ars tor some benehit of attending college or un fe Reece atten heres ats Cera ou ie pntohes Gata gat Noi dung chinh ca bai viét: Céc mén hoc nh toén, dja ly phi hop véi phurong phép higc tryc tuyén. Nhung cdc mén hoc chi trong khé nang giao tiép va ddi hdi ngudi hoc hai thio lun nhém nhur tigp thi, quan I nguén nbén Iyc, ngoei ng lei phat hop véi phucing phap day va hoc truyén théing (tryc tiép tai lép). Vi du 2: Cee oanc autre at agate, nae bes Meare tei a ciecace eeu non Tyee eye ary (Cnicar (eons Oi dung chinh cia bai viét: Viéc phong chéng thién tai nhu bio, ld Iut dai hoi phai cd su dau tu cila chinh phd chi khong thé chi dya vao cdc c4 nan. Nhung tit c& cdc cong wwe a. Magvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing ~ 31 dan trong xa hi lai gop phén to Idn vao viée gidm thiéu tinh trang 6 nhiém méi truding do x4 rac bita bai hodc dé rac khéng ching noi quy dinh. 3. Dua vao cic tit trong tam Mot 36 dé thi dé cap dén khd nhiéu yéu 6, céc yéu t8 lai cé méi lién hé tuong déi phic tap. Dang dé nay trong oé vé r6i rm nhung khéng khé, Ban hay xéc dink xem dau a cdc ti trong tm trong dé thi rdi dya vao dé dé tim y va luan cit, Ror aie et ra! Nba acces | Uris ae oer Oi dung chinh ciia bat viét: Tac dong cia quing céo déi véi viée tiéu thy hang héa, muc dich/xu hugng mua s4m cia ngudi tiéu ding, méi lién hé gitta hang héa va nhu cdu cda xa héi. Dé trién khai n6i dung nay, ban cdn tra lai cdc cau hOi sau: Quang céo c6 téc dng dén muic nao trong viéc thtic dy tiéu thy hang héa?, Ngudi tiéu ding di mua sém vi that si cdn dang mot mén hing hay chi don thudn la vi thich mén hang 462, Cé phi moi mat hang déu dugc san xudt theo nhu cdu cia xa hoi? Vi du 2: Gere Ne seer aetan etre TN Test GeMreutauict cores Se uments ‘Noi dung chinh ciia bai viét: Sé ngudi tré thanh ngéi sao thé thao thanh céng khong nhiéu, Ho chi choi thé thao d6 tudi nhét dinh, phai canh tranh gay gét, chiu dp luc lin, dé bj chn thuong, gidm tudi tho do sit dung thé lye qua mtic (chang han van déng vién quyén anh), kiém duge nhiéu tién nhung it c6 thdi gian nghi ngoi, khé gidt kin chuyén doi tu. Trong khi d6, nguti lao déng lam viée 6 céc nginh nghé khéc 6 thu nhap én din, trénh duge nhting anh hudng tiéu cyc néi trén (ban cé thé néu thém dic diém cua cdc nganh nghé Khéc). 32— Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing www 2. ¥ tudng quyét dinh diém s6 bai thi Hay nh¢ rling bat ky ngon ngit ndo cting déu duge ding dé biéu dat te twéng, suy nghi cia con ngudi. Néu suy nght cla ban hoi hot thi dit c6 diing ngén tit hoa my, ban cfing khéng thé viét dugc bai lun hay. Nguac lai, néu c6 suy nghi sau sfc thi di ban trinh bay bing I6i viét méc mae, gid di, bai ludn ctia ban vin cé stic lay dng long nguti. Céu chuyén sau day sé cho ban thay str nghéo nan vé y tuding cita khong ft thf sinh. Khi gido vién yéu cau liét ké nhting loi ich cia mang Internet, céc hoc vién trong Idp lin ligt ké ra: cung cap théng tin nhanh chéng, thtic day viée giao hm vai ban bé, hé tro tim kiém tai ligu phuc vu cho qué trinh hoc tap hoac lam viée... Cho cdc hoc vién phat biéu hét, gido vién méi dua ra quan diém cia minh: Igi ich lén nhdt cda mang Internet 18 mang dén sit dan chi trong dai séng xa héi. Trong nhiing nam gan day, nhiéu viéc lam sai trdi, vi pham phép ludt hoae di nguige voi truyén théng van hda cia din téc da bi cong déng mang phan déi manh mé. Trén mang Internet, ngudi ta cting cé thé bay t6 sy tan thinh hodc phan d6i hnh déng nao dé. N6i cach khéc, mang Internet gitip moi ngudi thuc hién quyén phat ngén va gop phan tao ra khéng khf tranh ludn that sy trong xa héi. ho phat biéu thét ra chi a strl9p lai nhiing diéu ngudi kha néi Muén dat diém cao, diéu dau tiéa Ia ban phai thé hign duge suy nghi riéng trong bai lam, Muén viét ra duoc nhung suy nght riéng, ban ding bao gid tiép nhan mét cach thy dong théng tin trén cdc phuong tién truyén théng. Hay chiu khé quan sét nhiing sv viée dién ra hang ngay 5 xung quanh. Hay suy ngdim vé nhiing su viéc dé réi tap dua ra nhan xét, két ludn hodc ty tim nguyén nhan ly gidi cho sur xuat hién cita chuing. Chi khi duge dic két tir nhiing gi ban da trai nghiém, nghién ngim hodc trin tré thi ¥ tuéng cia ban indi that su sau séc, méi thé hién duge suy nghi cita riéng ban, mdi tao dugc su khéc biét cho bai viét cia ban. Hay luyén tap dé 06 y tudng hay va danh nam phut dé lap din ¥ true khi dat but viet. Ban cé thé tham khao céc bai ludn mau trong tai li¢u nay nhung dimg qué Ié thuéc vao ching. Trén dai nay khdng thiéu cai dep, chi thiéu con mat phit hién céi dep. Viét Juan eding vay. ¥ tuéng, luén cif danh cho bai luan khéng thiéu, vn dé chi la do ngudi hoc thiéu kd nang suy nghi déc lap ma thei Néu doc ky cau hoi trong dé thi, ban sé hiéu r6 nheing gi vita dugc trinh bay. Khi dat cau héi What is your opinion? hoac Do you agree or disagree?, r6 ring ngudi ra dé mudn biét quan diém ctia riéng ban va vi sao ban c6 quan diém dé. Do dé, trong bai thi, ban ding diing cum tir it is well known (moi ngubi déu biét) ~ giém khéo dau mun doc bai Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing ~ 33 viet cia ban dé biét nhiing diéu ma moi ngudi du biét! Tot nhat la ban hay ding nhing cum tr cho thay minh c6 suy nghi déc lap, chdng han: in my opinion, from my point of view, the way I see it, as far as | am concerned, my view is that... 3. Su mach lac Dé bai viét mach lac va cdc ¥ cs su lién két chat ché (dép ting tiéu chi Coherence and Cohesion), ban cn diing céc tir/cum tit lign két ede cfu, cdc doan (chuong sau sé trinh bay chi tiét v8 surmach lac cita bai viét theo yéu cdu thang diém 7). 1, Su mach lac gitia cdc doan ‘Trong bai vit cda ban, tix ddw tién chi xudt hign mot ln 6 doan mé dau, tir rém lai chi xuat hign mét lan J doan két ludn, do vay ban chi cdn hoc tu first v8 cum tin sum; tt hon niia (dién ta su tiép ndi, tang tin) c6 thé xudt hién hai ln nén ban cn hoc hai ti: moreover, besides; tir nhung (dugc ding dé néu ¥ déi lap) o5 thé xudt hién hai lin nén ban can hoc hai ti: however, but. 2. Su mach lac gitfa cae cau béi vi. ue t0 + (¢xim)-danh tik i 2 CYS tari So, + ménh dé orcas i sya. a6 “ei i at tn 20 tba saan) z dang ech ibs ena Cho nén Compared with sth. So vidi diéu gi dé, a By/In contrast, -. Trdi lai, «» (Diing 6 dau céu khi $0 ea Ha cau tude ¥a cau sau) i On the other hand... Mai Whe, [On the contrary, «. Tedi las x4! (Tit trai nghiae Vikewise) Fo Although +ménh dé Made dit... lespive + (cum) dank tit , mae dit. 34 - Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing Dé lam vige gi dé, Vids «. x Bai 2 Tu va ng 1. Tw ‘é nang cao kha nang stt dung tit, ban hay chvi y mét s@diém dugc trinh bay dudi day (duoc sap xép tir dé dé kh6). Nhing thi sinh muén dat 6 diém cén xem ky muc 1, 2; nhiing thi sinh mudn dat 6-7 diém cén xem ky muc 3, 4; nhiing thi sinh muén dat 7-8 diém cé thé tham khéo muc 5; nhiing thi sinh muén dat 9 diém cé thé tham khao muc 6. ‘Tit nhién nhiing kién thitc nay chua du dé ban hoan thanh bai viét. Bat du tit Chuang 3 trd di, cdc tit trong tam theo ting chii dé sé dutgc gidi thiéu, Néu hoc két hgp ca hai phéin ny thi ban sé c6 von ta tuong d6i dy di dé st dung hic lam bai thi. 1, Nhitng 16i chinh ta thudng gap ne Ree orden. modern hién dai powdays nowadays ngay nay opinon opinion ¥ high phenomenen _ phenomenon. hig rage. beatiful beautiful xinh dep goverment i ~ government chink phi enviroment environment mdi truing ~ Psocity Ce abe SS aa : techology technology cing nghé PO aedoniald 0° 8 Menai! ren cubicna hang thie Bi mhanh McDonald's 2. Cade danh tit khéng dém dude thudng ding information théng tin knowledge Ain thie news tin wie furniture dé dec equipment thiét bi homework bai rap 0d nha progress sw tidit bo traffic giao thang advertising hoat dong quéng ecio data (tir nay vén la dang s6 nhiéu cia tit datum nén khéng thé them -s nia) di Higu com Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing ~35 3. Nhung tit dong nghia thudng ding ene people the public individuals citizens n. nhiéungret the young juveniles. youth thank nién the old theelderly senior citizens the aged nui cao tdi workers employees staff clerks rn. nhén vin Tival competitor opponent. adversary contender n.d thal wait feature _avtribute characteristic quality n dae din outcome result consequence ne Ret qua lack shortage insufficiency nse thidu hut benchmark standard criterion niu chun great enormous _ considerable adj. nhiéu, déng ke practical feasible workable usable adj. thigt clues Bhd di important . essential crucial critical key pivotal adj... quan trong Produce generate create trigger pose. engender wt. tao ra solve resolve settle tackle handle deal with vt. gid quyét cope with use utilise employ exploit. harness wt st dung support sponsor back up subsidise finance we hd improve promote enhance _strengthen vt edi thién, nding cao facilitate boost change shift aker transform convert vt thay dé highlight emphasise underline underscore et. nhéin manh pay/draw attention 10 ignore neglect overlook underestimate wt. Rhéng dé ¥, bé qua 4, Tw c6 nghia sau sc Hay nha rang yéu cau danh cho bai viét 6 diém la: less common vocabulary. Nhu da da cap 6 Chucng 1, bai viét sé duge diém 5 néu thf sinh chi ding céc tt don gién, Muén dat 6 diém tré lén, ban phai diing cac tir ham chia ¥ nghfa sau sdc (it nhét la 2-3 te trong mét bai luan). Chang han, ban hay ding tir dilemma thay tix problem. Luu ¥ la tiép dau. aga di- cia tir dilemma mang nghia la hai, gdp déi nén ti nay chi thé tign thoai luGng nan, tinh trang khé xt; r6 rang ¥ nghia cla né sau sac va phic tap hon nhiéu so vdi tir prob- Jem. Nhang ti nhu vay xudi Tay. Hay hoc thuéc mét s6 te thudc dang nay dugc liét ké sau day. ién rat nhiéu trén cac tap chi khoa hoc phé thong 6 phuong 36~ Marvellous Teciiques for IELTS Writing 1. Danh tir dilemma {at's dar'lemo} strategy ['stretadi} infrastructure _['infrostrakt{a(e)] mindset ['maindset] compromise [‘kompromarz] paradox (Upeerodoks} synergy ['snadsi] inequality [,anr'kwolati] hierarchy Charara:ki] democracy —_[di'mpkrasi] 2. Déng tir collaborate [kallwebarert] manipulate [mo'nipjoleit] optimise {optcmarz) withstand ——_[wid'stiend] compensate _["kompenseit] undermine [,ando'marn} + jeopardise f'dsepadarz| deteriorate _[ttoriarent] impede [im'pisd] exaggerate —_[1g'zardareit] 3. Tinh tir Prosperous —_['prosparas} sustainable _[se'stornabl] optimistic [,opt'mrstik] potential [potent inevitable —_[inevitobl] sophisticated —_[so'fistrkeitnd] plausible Uploizabt] detrimental [,detrr'ment!] demanding [di'ma:ndip| overwhelming. [,vva'welmiy] www tink thé tigi thod lang nan chign hoe cost ha téng neduy sucthda hiép nghich Wy : sithop Ic sie khong bink déng ding cap ché dé dan chit hop tac thao tings diéu Rhién 164 sea da L # chéng choi % én bu hay hoai say nguy hidin : sanding edp cain wa phéng dai hin vink bén ving lac quan co tiém nang: hong thé trénh duge |tdt yeu phate tap hop Ws 6 hai doi hdi khdt khe lén lao/dp déo Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing ~37 4, Tit ghép (06 dau gach néi) win-win Lwn'win} adj. d6i bén cing cé loi cost-effective Lkostt'fektiv) adj. 6 sinh loi /hiéu qué kink te} eco-friendly Liskoo'frendli] adj. than thin od méi inaing multi-cultural (imaltrkaltfarat] adj. da van hoa eye-catching farketfig] adj. bat mat market-oriented orientated — ['muckita:riontid] adj. _Inaing déin thi mung thought-provoking [otpro'vaokig) adi. gai suy ue state-ofthe-art {sterovor'ex] adj. _rién tiéh nha know-how Mnoohao] bi guyét selfesteem, [selfi'stise] n. long tetrong 5. Danh tit duge ding lim dong tit ‘Trong tigng Anh c6 rat nhiéu danh ter duge diing lim ng tit. Khi duge ding dé dign ta hanh dong, cdc danh ti nay vita chuyén tdi chinh xdc théng tin ma ngudi néi mudn truyén dat vita givp cau tré nén sinh dong, gidu hinh anh, gay dugc dn tugng manh vdi ngudi doc. Hay tham khido cdc vi dy sau. © harbour (‘ha:ba(r)] n. ben cdng, vt. co (suy nght, cdm xtc...) We should not harbour prejudice or suspicion to cultures we do not understand. © pool [pu:l] n. ving (nti), vt. gop chung Only by pooling their resources can governments hope to overcome global warming. © mirror [‘mma(r)] n. guong, vt. phan anh Many of today's social problems are not new but mirror similar dilemmas from the past. « mask {ma:sk] n. mt na, vt. che gidw High test scores mask many students’ inability to communicate effectively in a second language. © hinge [hinds] n. ban 1é (cia), vt. phu thuéic v0 Humanity’s ability to achieve international peace hinges on ou ability to find com- mon ground. # Dridge fbrids|n. cay edu, vt. thu hep Governments must improve social welfare in order to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor lous Techniques for IELTS Writing www © shape [ferp] n. hinh dang, vt. dink hung University education should shape the mind and broaden horizons, I © tailor (‘tetla(e)} n. thg may, vt. tim ra Each country needs to tailor a solution which meets their own particular situation, # harness (‘ha:ns]n. béyén cumg, vt. sitdung By harnessing solar and wind energy, we can help our societies become more “green”. # curb [kab]n. shan ché; ot. han che’ In order to curb students’ appetite for computer games, parents and schools should come up with healthy alternatives. 6. Tw Latin Ban cé thé ding mét vai tir Latin trong bai viét dé thé hién trinh do tiéng Anh ciia minh. Nhung hay nhd rang viée nay c6 thé giuip ban lay thém diém ma ciing co thé khién bban bi mat diém, Néu bai viét cia ban sau sic, lap ludn chat ché, din dat lu lost thi vigc thém mot vai tit Latin ciing ging nhw thém hoa cho gam, lim tang gié tr cla bai lugn. Nhung néu ban viét qué kém, cau van r6i rm khign gidm kho phai vat dc suy nghi mdi hiéu néi bai viét cia ban thi viée st dung ti Latin chi cheing té ban hoc tit mét cach may méc. Vivay, ban hay ty dnb gis trinh dé cila minh trudc khi quyét dink hoc hay bé qua ndi dung dudi day * vice versa [, Language influences culture and vice versa. s'varsa] adv. nguere lai © per se [,ps:'set] adv. thuc chat That does not mean that watching television, per se, is problematic, ! © de facto {,der'fektao) adj. wrén thyc 1° English is the de facto international language, and people with good English skills can communicate with the world. © status quo [.stextos'kwao] mn. hign trang Less industrious people are merely content with the status quo. © per capita [po'kwpits] adj. theo dd nyuai Increased per capita income created for many families the option of living in a rural area and working in a city. www. Marvellons Teclniquos tor IELTS vriting -39 2. Nett Nhiéu thé sinh cho ring chi cén thud nhiéu tir dan va ndm vitng agit php la o6 thé lam t6t bai thi Vigt IELTS ma khdng thay duu tim quan trong cia céc ng trong bai Viet, Do 6, e6 khong it truding hop dit tim duge J, nhé duc cae ti Hién quan nhung thf sinh van dién dat khéng tréi chy hodc khéng viet duge cu suén sé. Ta 1a yéu t6 biéu y co bin, ngtt phdp quy dinh trat ty cde tit trong clu, va bé khung cila eéu chink Li cum dong tt lam vi ngd, Néu xem tir la vién gach, tim ngéi — vat Tigu dé xy dung toa nha - thi cum dng tira bic tudng nang dé taa nha. 1, Nhitng cym ti can ghi nhé danh cho thi sinh muén dat 6 diém Dui day la nung cum ti co bin nhait va duge str dung phé bign khi viét van, La y 1 ban hay sti dung chting mot cach linh hoat, dking ngt phdp. Ngoai ra, c& ging ghi nhd nhiing cum ti duge mé rong dua trén cdc cum tir nay, 1, solve the problem gidi guvét van dé Whoever created this problem should solve it: ‘Tham Khao: create / pose/cause the problem gay ra vn dé address / fix /tackle/ cope with / deal with the problem gidi guvét vdn dé 2. have an effect /influence/impact on sth. dish hing dén diéu gh : ‘The popularity of mobile phones has a great effect on people's daly life, ‘Tham khdo: have negative/ positive cts/impacts on anh huang xdu/tét dén ... have a serious impact on duh hueing nghiém trong déin.. have a direct impact on dul: hung sue wiép dén have the greatest impact on dni huaing [én nhat dén .. play arole in sth. cd vai td trong vige gi Universities play a role in training people for the workforce. ‘Tham khdo: play a critical ‘key role in sth. déug vai 176 guan trong trong vige gi have an important role to play déng vai id quan trong i 440 ~ Marvellous Teebniques foe 1EL S Writing 4, be responsible for sth. chiu trdch nhigm vé viée gi | ‘The government should be responsible for preserving cultural heritages. | ‘Tham khio: have a responsibility to do sth. co mach nhiém lam viée gi ef have/play a part in sth. déng mét vai trd song vie gi spend time/money (in) doing sth. dam thei gian /tién bac lam vide gi | Nowadays, we spend too much time (in) commuting to work every day. ‘Tham khio: spend time/ money on sth. dah thai gian/tién bac cho vite gh spend more time with families dank nhién thai gian hon cho gia dink 6. pay attention to sth. chi y diéu gi People begin to pay attention to the high unemployment, ‘Tham khao: pay more attention to sth, chi 3i mhiéu hon dén diéu gi i lay/ place emphasis on sth. nhdn manh diéu gi i % focus on sth. tp srung odo diéu gi 7. make contributions to sth. déng gdp cho vide gi Museums make contributions to exhibition, preservation and research of ancient arts ‘Tham khdo: make a great contribution to society dong gdp to ldn cho xd héi contribute to sth. gop phan véo viée gi 8, benefit from sth. hudng loi tit diéu gi People can benefit from low-carbon economy. Tham khao: be beneficial to sth. 6 loi cho didu gi do harm to sth. gdy hai cho diéw gi do good to sth. «6 Igi cho diéu gi be harmful to sth. cd hai cho diéu gi 9. make an effort to do sth. o6’gdng lant vige gi Every citizen should make an effort to protect our environment. ‘Tham khio: spare no effort to do sth. cé' héi stie dé’ lam vide gi make every effort to do sth. = do one’s best to do sth. co’ hét site dé’ lam viéc gi Marvellous Techniques for ELTS Writing ~ 41 10, take steps to di anh ede bude lim vide gi ‘The government must take sizps to curb the housing price Tham khao: take effective measures to do sth. dp dung cic bién phap hiéu qud dé’ lam vide gi take concrete actions to do sth. eS mhing hank déng cu thé’ dé’ lim viée gt 2. Nhiing cum tiv can ghi phd danh cho thi sinh muén dat 7 diém Néu muc tiéu ctia ban Ja det 7 diém 6 bai thi Viét IELTS, hay cé géng stt dung thinh thao nhiing cum ti dudi day. 1, improve people’s living standard cdi thién mute song ctia ngubi déin i The global trade has improved people's living standard 2. boost economic development day menh phat trign kink Modem science and iechnologies largely boost economic development worldwide. 3, keep pace with sth, hen hip diéw gi Higher education must keep pace with the fast-paced development of modern | ence. 4, adapt to sth. hi University graduates should learn to adjust and adapt to social environment. i oct diéu gi 5. enable sb. to do sth. high ai eo the lam vige gi Listening to music will enable people to feel relaxed. 6. provide sth. for sb. cung cdip edi gi cho ai 1 Watching TV and playing video games provide entertainment and pleasure for kids. 7. invest in sth. dau ur vio vide gi ‘The government should encourage companies to invest in exploiting renewable energy. 8. rely onsth. phi dhuic wiv didu gi Many regions of the world rely overly on the tourist industry to develop local economy. 42. Marvellous Techniques for JETS Writing 9. make the most of sth. 1d dung diéu gi ‘We should make the most of new technology to improve productivity. 10. relieve stress/burden gidm cdng thang /gdnh nang Regular exercise can relieve stress and reduce fatigue. 11. reach the balance between A and B dat diye swcdn bing git AvaB Nowadays, people must learn to reach a healthy balance between work and family time. 12. distinguish between A and B phdn biét A vd B Many youngsters lack the capacity to distinguish between right and wrong. 13. be involved in sth. sham gia véo viée gi Every citizen should be involved in environmental protection, 14, be filled with sth. chia day diéu gi ‘The newspapers and television are filled with the detailed description of crimes. 15. be addicted to sth. nghién diéu gi Now many kids are addicted to playing online games, 16, suffer from sth, chiudimg diéu gt Many employees suffer from mental illnesses due to keen competition in the modern | workplace 17. stem from sth. bat ngudn tie diéu gi Generally, most crimes stem from poor education and poverty. i 18. give priority to sth. wy tién viée gi ‘The government should give top priority to meeting people's basic needs, such as housing and medical care. i 19. raise the public's awareness of sth. ndng cao nhén rhiic xa héi vé diéu gi “The government should raise the public's awareness of conserving water. 20, enact laws ban hank luét ‘The government should enact laws to protect endangered wild animals, i wwew Hous Techniques for [ELTS Writ 3. Nhiing ngif can ghi nhd danh cho thi sinh muén dat trén 7 diém ‘Néu mudn bai viét dat trén 7 diém, ban phai hiéu r6 cach sit dung nhéng new dudi day trong céc vi du di kem. 44 Marvellous Techniques for IE 1 be worth doing dang lam ‘These are some of the solutions worth exploring, be superior to sth. 101 tom diéw gi Graphic reproduction of the magazines is superior to thet of newspapers. . be vulnerable to sth. dé bi t6n thuomg true diéu gi Children may be more vulnerable to offensive images on the media than adults. . be obsessed with sth. bi dim dnh bai diéu gi Modern people are becoming obsessed with material wealth. . be consistent with sth. nidt quan ogi diéu gi It offers a theory of education consistent with the aims of modern-day nursing practice be compatible with sth. thich hop ndi diéu gi Economic development can be compatible with environmental protection. i . be complementary to sth. bd sung cho diéu gi i Radio and TV, in many circumstances, are not competitive but complementary to cach other, and serve different people for various purposes. i . be indifferent to sth. thd. avdi didu gi i Parents cannot be indifferent to children's leisure activities. 'S Writing, Bai3 On tap cdc diém ngw phap trong tam Nhiéu thf sinh ném rt wing kign thiéc ngit phép trong qué trinh luyén thi dai hoc, cao ang. Nhung theo thdi gien, céc thf sinh nay quén dan kign thie dé do ft sit dung tiéng Anh va khong thudng xuyén rén luyén, Nbim thiét thyc gitip céc ban 6 nhu cau thi IELTS én tap duing trong tam va phuong phép, Bai 3 nay sé dua trén tiéu chi chm diém ctia giém khdo va yéu cdu a6i vdi bai luan va sé trinh bay mét sé diém ng@ phdp trong tam ma thi sinh cdn liu ¥ trong qué trinh 6n tap cho ky thi IELTS. Chi cdn 6n tap c6 trong diém, ghi nhd céc kién thie ngtt phap dé mit diém nhét va dé lay diém nhat, ban sé cé dugc su tu tin khi bude vao phing thi citing nhu 6 thé dat dugc myc tiéu dat ra cho bai thi Viet. 1. Ba li ngt php co ban 2 1, Danh ti dém dugc xuat hién d dang sé it nhung khéng c6 mao tit di kém Dog is friend. x Dogs are friends. ” A dog is a friend. V (Mgo tit khéng xéc dinh a ding éé chi ching loai néi chung) The dog is a friend. v (Mao tt xde dinh the chi m6t cd thé xéc dinh trong chting logi,) 2. Chui ngii va dong ti khong héa hop © The growing use of computers are causing enormous changes in work. x ‘The growing use of computers is causing enormous changes in work. ¥ (Chi: ngilé use chit khéng phii computers} © Watching TV and playing computer games is one of the most important children’s leisure activities. x Watching TV and playing computer games are one of the most important children's leisure activities. v (Khi and hoac both ching 3 dang s6 nhiéu.) and ... n6i hai ti/cum tir cing lam chil ngw thi dong wr duge Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing * Raising standards of literacy is the government's respor lity. ¥ ‘To rear children is challenging to parents. ¥ How we can cope with these problems és an interesting issue. (Danh dong tt, dong at nguyen mau cé to, ménh dé danh ngu lam cha ng di voi dong ti G dang 86 it.) International aid provide to the poor countries will cause them to lose dignity. x International aid provided to the poor countries will cause them to lose dignity. Providing international aid to the poor countries will cause them to lose dignity. (phai ding ding cdc dang d6ng tt trong cau) 3. Diing sai dau phay Dau phay khong thé néi hei vé céu dc lap. Mun néi hai vé cau déc lap, ban phai ching du cham phdy (;). (That ra con c6 mét diém agi phép nifa cing rit co bin. Dé Ia viet sai trat tyr tt trong céu phitc, Hay nha la trat ty tit trong cau phtfc hoan toan gidng trat ty ti trong cau tran thuat. Vi cau phiic sé duoc gidi thiéu riéng 6 phan tiép theo nén I6i nga phap nay khong due trinh bay 4 day.) 2. Viet cdu phic — ky nang quan trong trong bai thi Viet IELTS Task 2 Khi xem tigu chi chéim diém dinh cho phin ngtt phép, chting ta théy gidm khao chi kim tra hai diéu: Grammatical Accuracy (tinh chinh xdc) vi Grammatical Range (pham vi) Range 6 day chi pham vi cdu tric ngit php ma thf sinh stt dung rong hay hep va céu phitc o6 da dang hay khéng, Néu bai luan ctia ban kh6ng 6 Idi ngit php nghiém trong thi cin cit duy nhét dé gidm khdo cho digm & phan ngtt php chinh [8 viée stk dung cu tric cau. 1. Thé nao la cau phtic? Vé mat cu tntic, céu duge chia thanh ba logi: 1. Cau don (simple sentences): cdc thanh phan trong céu au do tit hodc cum tit dim nhiém, cau chi cd mot két cu chi vi. Vi du: I love you. 46 ~ Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing, wwe 2. Cau ghép (compound sentences): e4c thanh phan trong cu déu do tit hodc cum tir ddm nhiém, cau c6 hai két edu clrd vi (ménh 48) tré lén, cdc ménh 48 Ahéng phu thudc nhau. Vi dy: Love you, and you love me 3. Cau phtic (complex sentences): cau cé ménh dé phy nhu ménh 48 danh ngi, ménh é tinh ng va ménh dé trang ngi. Ménh dé phu la ménh dé phu thuéc, khéng thé ding ddc lap. Vi dy: I believe that you love me. (Ménh dé bat du bang that 1a ménh dé danh ngd lam tan ngtt cho déng tit believe trong cau.) 2. Thi sinh phai viét bao nhiéu cau phtic? Chong 1 cia phan Ky ning lam bai thi Viét Task 2 da néu y sau: trung binh méi bai Jun mau trong Cambridge IELTS duge diém 9 cé 12 céu, trong dé c6 hai cat don, hat cat ghép, tam cau cdn Iai li cu phitc chiéa cae ménh dé phu. Vi da s6 thi sinh khé c6 thé viét duc bai ludn 9 diém (12 cau, 270 tit, trung binh méi cu 06 24 tt, da sé cau 1a céu phtfc) va muc tiéu ma ching ta dat rala dat 7 diém nén bai Tugn can dugc thiét ké gdm cé 15 cau, khoang 270 tiy, trong dé c6 khodng tam cau phic, 3. Thi sinh cin sit dung bao nhiéu loai ménh 48 phy khi viét cau phic? Diéu nay cing da dugc dé cap trong Chuong 1 cia phdn Ky ning lam bai thi Viet Task 2. Cn nhac [ai mét lan nita 1a ban phai viét dugc ba loai ménh dé phu khac nhau. Ba s6 thi sinh quen ding ménh dé danh ngo déng vai trd tan nga (I think that ...), ménh dé trang ngit (if ..) va ménh dé tinh ng (people who ...) nhung khéng quen ding ménh dé danh nga déng vai trd cht ngi, ddng vi ng va bé nga. ‘Trong phan tiép theo, chting ta sé tim hiéu cdc vi du sti dung ba loai ménh dé noi trén. Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Weiting ~47 4, Ba loai ménh dé phy duisc diing trong cau phuic 1. Ménh dé danh ngit a. Ménh dé danh ngi dong vai trd tin nga Trong bon vi dy ben dudi, vi du 1 va 2 (chita mot ménh dé phy) va vi di 3 (chita hai ménh dé phu) Ta nhang cau quen thude véi tht sink. Vi du 4 chia ménh dé danh ngo dong vai tro tan ngd cla gigi tt. Trén thuc té, phn Idn thi sinh khéng quen ding dang céu nay thé nén ban cdn hu ¥ v8 luyén tap dé sit dung thank thao. * Many people believe that we have developed into a “throw-away society". © This means that change is not always a personal option, but an inescapable fact of life. © While there are both benchits and drawbacks to a multi-cultural society, it is safe to say that the pros outweigh the cons, (While mé diu ménh dé trang ngit va that mé du ménh dé danh ngt dong vai tro nic 10.) © Traditionally, the approach as been to punish criminals by placing them in prisons to pay for what they have done, (What mé déu ménh d& danh ngut déng vai tro tic tr cia gioi tt for) >. Ménb d@ danh ngit déng vai wd chu ngit Ménh dé bit du bing that hodc wh- duge diing nhs danh tit va déng vai trd chi ng ‘trong cau. Dudi day 1a ba ménh dé danh ngit duge diing lam chti ngtt ma ban can 6n tap dé sts dung trong bai thi Viét IELTS. © Ménh dé bit dau bang whether es bring more harm than good to us has caused a heated debate. controversial issue. © Whether universities should provide students with practical skills or academic know- ledge is a controversial issue. © Menh dé bat du bang that (chiing ta c6 thé chuyén ménh dé nay ra sau va diing chi: nga gid it 6 vj tri du cau) © {tis obvious that we are living in an information age. (= That we are living in an i mation age is obvious 448 — Marvellous Techniques for 1ELT'S Weting www. © It is obvious that investing in education is investing in one’s future. © Itis obvious that human activities have the greatest impact on the environment @ Ménh dé bit ddu bang what (Iuu g 1a khi lap Luan, dé khang dinh quan diém cia minh 1a diing dn déng thai bée bé quan diém d6i lap, ban hay diing offu trie cau: ménh dé bat dau bling what + not ... but...) ‘© What governments shou! development. 0 create policies to encourage low-carbon © What most companies and workfo contribute ideas. dis not robots, but creative people who can ‘© What the poor countries need most is not money, but advanced technologies and talents in some key areas. c. Ménh dé danh ngit déng vai tro déng vi ngit Ménh dé danh ngtt déng vai trd déng vi ngit la ménh dé dugc diing dé gidi thich cho danh ti, cum danh tir diing trude. Ménh dé nay bét ddu bing that va trong trudng hop nay, that tuomg duong vai dau gach ngang (-). ‘© Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the phenomenon that our kids are spending more time watching TV. (diing dé viét cu dau tién ciia doan thit nhiit) * [agree with the view that not only governments but every single citizen should do one’s part to fix this problem. (dung dé viét cau cudi cling ciia doan thit nhat) © ‘The fact that we have different languages demonstrates that we have different cultures. d. Ménh dé danh ngit déng vai trd bé ng (Cum ti duge in dam trong hai vi du dudi day la ménh dé danh ngi lam bé nga cho dong ti to be. © This is because it is the rich and powerful people in our society who are able to impose changes. © Another reason for thisis that old buildings, like native language, form a cultural identity and keep a unique record of a country. www Marvellous Techniques for [ELTS Wei 2, Ménh dé trang ngit ‘Trong ting Anh 06 rat nhiét loai ménh dé trang ngi. Dé lim bai thi Viet IELTS Task 2, ban chi cdn dn tap hai loai: ménh dé trang ng chi didu kién (bat Adu bling if) va ménh dé trang ngdt chi su d6i Igo (bt Au bing while ny). a. Ménh dé bat dau bang if © Ifa student wants to learn about job-speci classroom to get it formation, they do not need to sit in a * Ifa person loses a job but can get assistance, or a minority still has an equal opportunity of success, then we can say this country is advanced. * Many medications and procedures currently in use would not exist if animal testing were banned. (Khi muén ¢@v: dinh hoge dién ta sy viée it cd kha nang xay ra, ta ding cau diéu kign loai 2.) b. Ménh dé bat du bing whi © White people tr ition: iritize caring, sharing and generosity ne more selC-absorbed and self-concerned. life and work, modern peopic seem 1 © While the economic development has made our life more comfortable, it has also polar- ined the society in the distribution of wealth le traditional buildings might look ni user-friendly, ‘om the outside, they are often not very 3. Ménh dé tinh ngit Hay 6n tap ba loai ménh dé tinh ng sau: a. Ménh dé tinh ngi bay dtiu bing who (bé nghta cho danh tit/cum danh tit chi ngudi) Those who .. © Those who feel that sx professionals with rea! tele is very few Students who ... © Students without teacliecs will surely be lost, but students who simply rely on teachers for knowledge are not rewly icarning 50 ~ Marvellous Techaiques for IELTS Writing Children who ... ® Children who enter school at an early age are generally more confident and independent than children who stay at home with their parents. b. Ménh dé tinh ngi bat dau bing that (bé nghia cho danh tit/cum danh tit chi suf vat, su vige) © Likewise, economics is a fundamental discipline that all vs societies to be stal move forward. © ‘The workload that could take months to finish by manual labor could be done flawlessly by robots in minutes, © How to handle criminals is a problem (that) all countries and societies face. (¢6 thé luge bé that khi that déng vai tré tan ngit trong ménh dé tinh ngit) ‘© Advertisement is an effective marketing tool (that) almost every company uses. c. Ménh dé tinh ng@t bat dau bing which, phfa trudc which Ia déu phéy (con duge goi la ménh dé tinh ngtt khong gidi han, bé nghia cho ménh dé ditng truéc) © fuel prices go up, either fewer people will drive or people will drive less, sense for reducing pollution, © Demand for various commodities creates a huge market for the local and international ich makes businesses, which in turn increases demand for the labor market. © Governments should develop and launch a good traffic control system, which can mor tor and facilitate traffic flows on major roads for better and safer road usage, reducing the chances of accidents Vay 18 ban da ndm duge céc logi ménh dé phu can st dung trong cau phic dé dat 7 diém 6 bai thi Viet IELTS Task 2. Néu diing thém mot s6 cach didn dat /cum ti nh not only ... but also ..., neither ... nor .., to0 ... 10 ..., hot to mention, regardless of, chic chan bai viet ctia ban sé réit dac sfc. www. Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing SL é Bai 1 15 ngu va mau cau dinh hinh bé cuc bai nghi luan 1, Visao ban can sti dung 15 ngv va mau cau mau? Day la nhiing ngi va mau cau duoc thiét ké dya theo céic yéu cdu cla tiéu chf tt 7 diém tré len, Céc ngu va miu céu 06 dinh nay thye chét 18 b6 khung dink hink b6 cuc bai luan, Tuy bém sit theo khuén mau nhung thi sinh hon toan c6 thé trinh bay ¥ kign cada minh mét céch ty do, Uu diém cita 15 ngg va mdu cdu mau nay 1a dim bio tinh logic cho bai viet, giip thi sinh suy nghi nhanh hon va viet luda dé dang hon. oan titans 1 Nowadays an increasing number 0 (eu chi a of people are concerned about. ih 2. However, whether... is a contro- F eee ch anteaameaci Néu ché 48 tranh juan ccho biét quan versial issue, diém cd nhn) 3, My view is that . Trinh bay quan diém cé nhan ins, itis obvious that .. ‘Nguyén nia thit nbd, eau trong tam ‘Trinh bay cy thé hon nguyén nhan Doan tht hai 5. ‘This means that... ae oe i vianén (neuf 16) ce Quan diém ngudi viet dua ra la. 06 6. $0, — 7. Moreover, Nguyén nan thit hai, cd trong tam ae seis an ind ig vidy oe Gidi thich vi au’ Khong phi djnh hoan ton quan. 10, That is not to say that... not. ae, aon a Seta ore ‘Thita nhga rng quan diém d6i lap ve Q tes 6 kehia canh hop ly nnhugng b9) eee Chi ra rang quan diém déi lap 6 Bae Khia canh bat hgp Ij 13, In sum, ... Nhée lai quan diém dé trinh bay Dang thoi cting khéng nén xem nhe niinim 14, Meanwhile, . Pe ten A ‘quan diém 461 ap (két nin) 15. By doing so, we can make sure Mé rong van 8 that. at 54 Marvellous Techoiiques for IELTS Writing Hay suy nghi cdc cau héi durdi day: © Thi sinh khéng néu truc tiép quan diém cd nhan trong cau cuéi cing cia doan tht nhat 6 duge khong? © Tai sao thf sinh phai néu vi dy 6 doan thit ba? Bai viét sé nhu thé nao néu thi sinh khéng tim duoc vi du pha hop? © Thf sinh khéng viét doan the te (thé hién sy nbugng b6) c6 dugc khéng? * Tai sao thi sinh phai viét cau mé rong van dé 4 doan két bai? Hay doc ky myc 2 tigp theo day va tim Idi giai dap cho céc cfu héi trén 2, Giang gidi 15 ngtt va mau cau mau dinh hinh bé cuc bai van nghi Tuan Dé thi ctia bai ludn dat diém 5 6 Chuong 1, phin Ky nang lam bai thi Viét Task 2 sé duge ding dé gisi thich céch sit dung 15 ngit va méu céu mau trong bai aghi luda. Dé: WRITING TASK 2 SGiesourdssooteisrdtar dang BNec tan amie Gur nic! Rete cts at ae eine enemy (at rcshn es ‘Give reasons for your answer and mclude any relevant examples from your own know i Maton Dan j: Quan diém: Chuic nang chil yéu cia dai hoc la cung cp kién thitc va ky nang cd thiét cho viéc lam trong tuong lai cia sinh vign. Nguyén nan 1: Muc dich hoc lén dai hoc cia hoc sinh la tim vigc lam trong tong Lai. wow Marvellous Techniques for VEL Wriing 55, ee Nguyén nhan 2: Nhung kin thifc va ky nang ma vigc lam doi hdi thudng méi mé, Chul trong nghién itu nhiing néi dung nay co thé thiic day nha trudng phat trién, Cau dau tién cia doan nhap dé: Gidi thigu béi cinh Hay viet cau déu tign cia doan nhap dé (va cd dog nhép da) that nhanh, that ngén gon va r6 rang. Ding mat qud nhiéu thoi gian dé suy nghi, can nhdc timg cau ting chet cho cau mé dau cGng nhe dogn nap dé ca bai luan, Phai danh nhiéu thai gian hon dé tim luan cif va vi du cho phan than bai Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the purpose of uni- versity education. 1. Hay ghi nhé cde mau cau sau: © Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the phenom enon that .. + Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the purposes that university education serves. © Nowadays, more and more students are concerned about what they will earn in universities. E : ‘© Universities are one of the most important institutions in modern society. 2. Néu khéng nght ra duge ngi dung cau thi nha trong khodng tht gian ng, ban 6 thé bé qua cu nay, néu tryc tiép quan diém cia minh va chi can viét hai cau cho doan mé dau. © Tagree with the view that... Reasons are as follows. i 3. Tét mhién chting ta cing c6 nhimg cach dign dat hay a8 cu Adu tién gay duge dn tugng manh véi giém khdo. Nhing céch din dat may s€ duge gidi thigu 6 chuong sau, Cau thi hai ctia doan nhap dé: Néu chu dé tranh ludn. Ban s@ néu chi dé tranh fuan théng qua viéc trinh bay hai quan diém déi lap. Dé thé hién hai quan diém nay 6 céu thtf hai cia doan nhap dé, ban c6 thé sii dung mét trong ba mau cu sau (va nén hoc thude cd ba mau cau): 56 — Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing A. However, whether ... However, whether universities should mainly provide job-related skills to graduates is 4 controversial issue. B. However, whether ... or... However, whether universities should mainly provide job-related skills or pure know- ledge to graduates bas caused heated debate. ‘Ngoai hai mau cau trén, ban c6 thé sit dung ménh dé danh nga dng vai trd chit ngit bat dau bang dai ti khéc: However, what kind of knowledge and skills universities should mainly provide to | graduates is a controversial issue. C. Some people state that ...; others believe that Some people state that universities should focus on giving access to knowledge; others believe that the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace are more important for uni- versity graduates. Cau thii ba cia doan nhap dé: Trinh bay quan diém cé nhin ‘Trong m6t s6 bai Iudn dat diém cao, ngudi viét thuting té 15 quan diém & doan két lugn. Céc vf dy va lugn cxf ¢6 siran khdp, céc ¥ duoc trién khai lién mach va két wan duoc nit ra hop logic. Ngudi doc bi thuyét phyc dan khi doc ede doan trong bai viét va cui cing tén thanh quan diém ma ngudi viét néu ra & doan két ludn. Mét s6 thi sinh di c6 ‘g4ng bat chudc Idi hanh van nay ahimng khéng thinh cng. Voi phan nhap dé va phan than bai khd map mi, gidm khdo phai doc dén hét bai mdi hiéu dugc phan nao n6i dung ma thi sinh muén trinh bay. Khi dé giém khdo sé phe [2: The position is not clear throughout. Vi khé bé cuc bai viét theo kiéu ¥ trudc chudn bi cho ¥ sau, ¥ sau dn khép véi ¥ trude nén ban can néu r6 quan diém cia minh 6 doan nhap dé. Diéu nay sé gitip gidm khdo do ‘mét mdi khi doc bai viét cia ban, bai néu gap nhiing cdu qué ti nghia 6 phan sau, gidm hao c6 thé da vo quan diém ma ban da trinh bay dé hiéu nhiing noi dung ban dién dat. ‘Maryellous Techniques tor 1 1S Writing ~ 57 ‘Mudn trinh bay quan diém ca nhan, ban chi céin hoc thuéc cdc mau cats dugi day: In my view, .. | ‘My view is that .., (+ ménh dé danh ngtr déng vai trd bé nga) i T agree with the view that ... (+ ménh dé danh ngtt déng vai trd déng vi ng@ for the following reasons. Vidy: My view is that job-related knowledge and skills should be the main focus of universities. 1, Néucaunéu chit dé tranh ludn cia ban la Some people state that ..; others believe | that ... thi & cau trinh bay quan diém cé nbn, ban 6 thé viét don gin hon: I mainly agree with the former/latter view for the following reasons. | 2, bang néu quan diém trung lap kiéu nhu There is value in both sides. Néu trinh | bay quan diém khong r6 rang, ban sé rift khé viét céc doan tig theo. Chi nhiing | ngudies ky nang viet xudt sc mei dam néu quan diém trung lap ngay tir dau, bai i bang cdch lap ludn rat logic va day site thuyét phuc & nhiing cau sau, ho sé giip gui doc dan nbn ra quan diém cla riéng ho. ‘Cau thi nat cia doan than bai thi nhdt: Cau trong tim cia doan Muc dich cia dogn thn bai thu nhét ia dling ly 1é dé thuyét phue ngudi doc. Hay stt dung mau céu It is clear that ... dé viét udn cit ma ban cho fa quan trong nhét. Trong mau cfu vita néu, that mé du ménh dé danh nga ding vai trd chi nget. Vi vay sau that, ban phai viét mot ménh dé hoan chinh, luu ¥ 1a ménh dé nay phai néu su that ma moi ngudi déu thita nhan. First, it is obvious that for most students, the purpose of receiving university education is to obtain practical knowledge and skills which will enable them to become qualified em- ployees in the future job market. an Hay hoc thuge nhimng cach dign dat sau dé viét cau trong tm cia doan than bai thit nhat: First, it is clear/obvious/true that | Pirst, there is no doubt that ... ‘One reason for this is that ... 58—Marvellous Techniques for |ELTS Writing Cau thi hai cia doan than bai thi nhat: Giai thich, mé rong cau trong tim ‘Sau khi viét céu trong tam ctia doan than bai, nhiéu thi sinh khéng biét viet gi 6 cau. tigp theo. Co thé ni day la cau khé viet nhat trong 15 ngé va mau cau mau. Ba mu cau dudi day dugc trinh bay dé ban Iya chon khi viét cu thté hai cua doan than bai thi nhat (Thye chat dé 1a ba huéng tu duy. Ban hay suy nghi theo ba hung nay trong hic lam bai thi), i. This is because ... (nguyén nhan ctia su viéc duige néu trong cau trong tam) This is because most of them, after graduation, will enter the workplace, earn a living, and support their own families, ii, This means that ... (két qua ciia sy vigc duge néu trong cu trong tam) ‘This means that the courses focusing on jobs will become the most welcomed subjects which the majority of students will select. iii, If... not... (nhiing anh hudng tiéu cyc néu xdy ra tinh hudng trai nguge v6i su vige duge néu trong cau trong tam (diing phuong phép phan chiing)) If universities do not pay enough attention to such skills, most graduates will not be able to find satisfactory positions in the workplace, leading to a higher unemployment rate MOt s6 tai lieu huting din ky nang viét luan khuy@n thf sinh ding céc cum ti du6i day dé bat dau cau thit hai cla doan than bai thif nbat. Diéu nay rét khong nén vi dé khién thi sinh viét lan man (tat nhién nhimg ngudi cé trinh a6 vist tot van 6 thé str dung). In other words, More precisely, More specifically, Cau thit ba cia doan than bai thi nhat Nhdc lai quan diém ca ban (44 duge trinh bay d cau cudi cing cia doan nhap dé). So, universities, as service providers, have to give top priority to these customers’ real needs. www.nhantriviet.c Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing ~ $9 bE gus trinh viét trésnén don gidn hon, ban c6 thé diing mau cau sau khi viét cau kkét thuic doan than bai thu abit. | Therefore, it is necessary/crucial/important for sb. to do sth. | Therefore, itis crucial for universities to give top priority to the students’ real needs. Cau the nhat cia doan than bai thi? hai Day la céu trong tam cda doan than bai thi hai, Cau nay néu nguyén nhin thif hai, nghia la ban cs thém mot ludn cif ntaa dé khdng dinh quan diém cia minh. Moreover, focusing on the job-related skills can benefit the university itself. C6 thé ding moreover, in addition, besides dé mé ddu cau thif nhat cia doan than bai thi hai, Cau thi hai cua doan than bai thi hai Day [a cdu vi dy dé lam 6 ludn cif vita trinh bay 6 cdu trong tam. Bai ludn cda nhiéu thi sinh thuéng cé nhuge diém 1a néu ly 1é qué nhiéu nhung lai thiéu vi du. Diéu nay din dén tinh trang cc ly 1é dua ra co thé tring lp hoac gin giéng nhau va bai viét khong dé lai an tuong cho gidm khdo. Vi vay, thf sinh nén o6 g4ng tim mot vi du pha hop dé trinh bay trong cau nay. Ngoai ra, viéc néu vi dy cén dp ting yéu cdu ciia dé thi (include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience). For example, the science fiction blockbuster “Avatar” has marked a milestone in the filmmaking industry and drawn massive interest in 3-D technology. ; | 1. Néu tirngarctia cau vita néu qué khd, ban c6 thé viét don gidn hon: For example, | 3-D technology has become a hot topic after the movie Avatar made the whole world crazy. Nén nhé ring nguyén nhan khién da sO thf sinh bj diém kém & mon | vViét khong phai Ia so huong tr, 60 ~ Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Weiting 2. Céc vi dy phai cy thé va phd hgp voi luan cif thi bai van méi gay duge dn tuong vdi gidm khao, Ban hay néu vi dy la nhing su kién dién ra & pham vi qué té, i cAng dién ra phé bign va cang gan thdi diém hién tai cang tét, Mét sé thf sinh ndu | nhong sy kign chi xay ra 6 qué gia minh sinh séng, lai xy ra céch day rat lau, tham chf tir théi xa xa. Digu nay hoan toan khong nén vi sé khién cdc gidm khao ngudi ban ngi cm thay khé hiéu. Cau thif ba ctia doan than bai thi? hai Trong cau nay, ban phai gidi thfch vi sao minh dua ra vi dy nao dé (cu thé 6 day la Avatar ya 3-D) 6 cau thi hai déng théi lap luan dé chiing minh cho luan ctf da trinh bay 6 cdu trong tm. Ifa university can quickly respond and consolidate teaching resources to offer courses about 3-D, not only will its graduates be more competitive in the job market, but the uni- versity itself will keep pace with the technological development and move forward. 1. Khi giai thich vi du, ban khong cén sit dung mu cau cé dinh ma cé thé din dat ty y. Digu quan trong la ban phi cho thay méi lién hé gida vi dy duge néu véi cAu trong tam. i 2. Ran ciing c6 thé néu thém vi du khéc (Another example is...), sau &6 gidi thich vi sao dua ra vi du nay. 3. Néu khong nghi ra duoc vi du hay thi hay viét cau thi hai va the? ba cla doan thin bai thit hat tuong ty cau chit hal va thf ba cila doan than bai thi nbét, Nghia Ia ‘mgt lin nita ban trink bay cy thé hon nguyén nhén 48 néu & cau trong tam dé Cau thi nhat cua doan than bai thi’ ba Vige viét doan than bai thit ba bay t8 sy nhugng bd sé cé hai loi ich. Thu abit, da s6 thi sinh suy nghi durge hai nguyén nhan dé bdo vé quan diém cia minh da that vat va néa rt kh6 c6 thé nght duge thém nguyén nhan thit ba. Khi dé, thf sinh céin suy nght theo Marvellous Techniques for fELTS Writing - 61 hursing khdc: tim nguyén nhan hodc vi du cho su ding hé quan diém aéi lap. Digu nay dé thuc hién hon nhiéu. Tht hai, khi dé cap dén quan diém doi lap, bai viét cua thi sinh sé trénh duoc trinh trang bi mat diém do pham Idi addresses the task only partially (xem bing tiéu chi chm diém). Ban nén hoc cé ba mau cau dudi day dé trinh bay quan diém déi lap va tay ting dé thi cu thé ma chon mét trong ba miu cau nay. A. That is not to say that ... not ... (quan diém d6i lap hoan toan v6 ly) | That is not to say that universities should not pay any attention to developing pure science and knowledge. B. It is also true that ... (mot s6 mat nao dé trong quan diém déi lap) It is also true that universities should develop pure science and knowledge. C. Those who harbor the view that ... believe that ... (mau céu nay bao gdm ménh dé tinh nga, ménh dé danh nga déng vai trd déng vi ngit va ménh dé danh ngit déng vai trd tan nga) Those who harbor the view that the main function of universities should be to sive access to the knowledge believe that the theoretical knowledge is the founda- tion of any practical skills. . Ban khong nén o6 géng hoc thug long va str dung mau eau C do cau 6 cil trie phiic tap v6i nhiéuménh dé phy dan xen, Néu hau hét calc cau trong bai viét cia ban o6 cau tic don gidn thi su xudt hign ca cu nay ~ cho dii ban viet hoan toan ding ng phap ~ sé khién giém khdo nhan ra day 1a cau bun hoc thudc long, 2. Néu bai viét dé cap dén nhimg diém thudn loi va diém bat Igi, ban cé thé stt dung cau sau This is not to say, however, that we should neglect the problems it has caused as acknowledging the positive impact only would be short-sighted. Cau thi hai cia doan than bai thi ba Hay suy ngbt vé mét s khfa canh hop ly trong quan diém déi lp (khi xem xét cdc ‘trudng hgp dac biét), trinh bay chi tiét hon cu thet nhét ciia doan nay. 62 Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing There are, of course, students interested in knowledge for its own sake, and they will later become scientists and scholars who will make greater contributions to our society. C6 thé ding of course hoac indeed dé mé dau cau thi? hai cita doan than bai thitba, | Cau thit ba cia doan than bai thi? ba G cau nay, ban c6 thé trinh bay noi dung nhu sau: cho dit nhs vay nhung quan diém d6i lap van khéng duing trong da sd trudng hgp, cho di tén tai nhing mat tiéu cuc ké trén nhumng sinh hudng tich eye van Ién hon. But unfortunately, these people are few. | © Cé thé mé dau cau thif ba cila dogn than bai thit ba bing céc tit nhut but, how- ever, yet, © Théng tin & doan thin bai thet ba Ia théng tin th yéu trong bai ludn. Vi vay ban dig danh qué nhiéu théi gian cho doan nay. I © Néu khong bist phan béc quan diém 46i lap nhu thé nao, ban cé thé viét ring quan diém ma minh dua ra vin hgp ly hon, But still, job-related skills are more important for most students. But still, the cons are far greater. Cau thit nhat cia doan két luan Dé md ddu doan két luan, hay nhéc lai quan diém c4 nhan. Ban 6 thé dién gidi lai cau Jun dé trong phan nhap dé, In sum|conclusion, the major function of universities should be providing most students with job-related skills, guaranteeing high rate of employment, and thus making the society function well, Maryellous‘lechniques for LELTS Writing -63 Thong thudng, diéu gay an twong manh nhat d6i véi gidm khdo sau khi doc bai luan ofa thf sinh nao dé la cdc vi dy va doan két lugn. Cau thit hai cua doan két Juan Day la cdu dé cap dén quan diém déi lap. Ban o6 thé trinh bay ndi dung sau: dng thoi cchting ta cting héng thé xem nhe quan diém déi lép hodc danh gid thp nhiing tac dong tidu cuc cia sy vige nao dé. Meanwhile, we should not ignore the other important roles universities are undertaking. © Trong bai Iudn ciia bai thi Viét IELTS, ban khéng duge viét doan van chi e6 mét cfu, Tinh trang nay thudng xay ra khi thi sinh viét dogn két Iuén, © Hay hee thuge mau cau: Meanwhile, we should not ignore/neglect overlook |underestimate sth.'s negative effects. Céu thi ba cia doan két luan ‘That ra chi cn viét hai cu trén 1a ban da cé mét doan két Iudn hoan chinh. Néw mun dat diém cao, ban phai viét thém mét cau nifa — hoac la cau tém tét ndi dung that in tugng hoge 1a cau md réng chi dé tranh luda. Only by doing so can universities maintain dynamic and sustainable development. | © vé dogn keét lun, tiéu chi 6 diém chi re nhuge dim la: The conclusions may become unclear or repetitive. Vi vay muén dat 7 diém thi khi viét doan két luan, ban khéng thé viét lai mot cdch don gién ma phai tom tét noi dung da trinh bay sao cho that an tugng hoac phai mé réng chi dé tranh ludn. {64 Marvellous Techniques for IELI'S Writing © Néu khong mé rong duge chi dé tranh lugn thi ban chi edn viét cau thit ba cla doan két lun theo mau cau sau; By doing so, we can ensure that ... Only by doing so can we make sure that .. © Néu thay cau nay c6 vé guong gao thi khéng nén viet. Dén day bai viét xem nhu da hoan tét. Ban néi cdc cu vdi nhau, doc lai mét lan nia va kiém tra theo céc néi dung da trinh bay 6 muc 3, phan Nhiing diéu edn biét vé bai thi Viét IELTS. Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the purposes that uni- versity education serves. However, whether they should mainly provide job-related skills or pure knowledge to graduates has caused heated debate. My view is that practical skills should be the main focus of universities. First, itis clear that for most students, the purpose of receiving university education is to obtain specific knowledge and skills, which will enable them to become qualified employees in the future job market. Thié is because most of them, after graduation, will enter the workplace, earn their living, and raise their own families, So, universities, as service providers, have to give top priority to these customers’ real needs. Moreover, focusing on the job-related skills can benefit the university itself: For example, the science fiction blockbuster “Avatar” has marked a milestone in the filmmaking industry and sparked massive interest in 3-D technology. If a university can quickly respond and consolidate teaching resources to offer courses regarding 3-D, not only will its graduates be more competitive in the near future, but the university itself will keep pace with the modern technological development and move forward, ‘That is not to say that universities should not pay any attention to pure scientific research. ‘There are, of course, students interested in theoretical knowledge such as math and philosophy, and they will later become scientists and scholars who will make greater contributions to our society. But unfortunately, these people are few. In sum, the major function of universities should be providing students with job-related skills, guaranteeing high rate of employment, and thus making the society fun: Meanwhile, we should not ignore the other important roles universities are undertak- mn well ing, Only by doing so can universities maintain dynamic and sustainable development. 8 lyn lopr : (290 words) Marvelous Techniques for IBLTS Writing — 65 Bai 2 Van nghi ludn vé cdc chu dé thudng gap 1. Chui a8 gido duc 1, Chia khéa dé tim hoac chon ¥ cho bai luan Khi xem xét cdc vin dé dat ra trong dé thi lién quan dén chit dé gido duc dé trinh bay quan diém cda minh, ban cé thé dya vao nam diém sau: dtic, tri, thé, my, lao déng. ‘Nhin chung 8 thi vai chindd gido ducinéi d aén ba Khia: | phuong phi phép day hoe e6 ;nhing ur digi va ‘nhugé dim: Five purposes of education: 1. Moral: Improve moral standard 2. Intellectual: Theoretical knowledge, independent and critical thinking, analysing skilis and problem-solving ability, communication and social skills; adapt to new environment 3. Physical: Develop physical fitness; healthy lifestyle 4, Psychological: Sclf-cultivation, an appreciation of art and literature 5. Work: Practical skills; improve career prospects, 2, Céc dé thi thudng gap Vidu Some people thinkousiva dies should provide Knowledge and skills lated to Ce roca te eM terete (et ree Ter ase ouaten ive aoercamuricn tary pers (66 — Marvellous Techniques for LELTS Writing Vidu 2: Roane oie desG ube nm at autacntaaen (iar ecard niann tS eo ee cacy OMe enor outa oneal tale Ratan Sees waren sclera muna cent tec mae leet ncy erry See ee eareane eva ture arlene Pesach eres Retest cian Ea) Vidu 3: Most countries spend lots Of money an education as they start to recbgnise its Coie ec oo tne Geass oni ices mntaac Tiassa Semen ae Sse eg omer ere ten See eth Detect Waoene) eins Physics ee ae Sa ean = Poet cet crea tents S onet tne ca tere tee) dy Bai tap: Hay tham khdo muc 1 va viét dan ¥ cho bai luan vé céc dé thi tren, 3, Tirva ngétlién quan theoretical {,01o'rettkl] adj, (thuge) ly thuyét practical ['praektukl] adj. (thu) the havah nurture ['na:tfa(r)} vt. nudi dating physical ['frzski] adj. (thugc) thé chat psychological [,satko'lndgtkl] adj. (thudc) tam by intelligence fun'tetidsons} n. arf shong minh intellectual [jinto'lektfual] adj. thudc tri dc, n. nguti trf thle motivate ["mootiveit] vt. thife dy qualify (‘kwolifat) v. dui diéu kién | phdm chat /ndng hue talent [‘telont] n. tai nding curriculum [ko'nikjolom] n. chong minh gidng day discipline [‘disoplin] n. 66 mén; ngdnh hoc __ MaryellousTeehniques for IELTS Writing ~67 subject [‘sabdgikt] nmin hoe adolescent [,da'lesnt] adj. 6 d6 tudi thanh thidu nién, n. thanh thie nién team spirit tinh than déng déi all-round [,9 adapt to sth. diéu chink dé phi hyp edi diéu gi mature [ma'tfoa(e)] adj. muing thank interactive [,ntor'ektry] adj. c6 tinh tuamg tie feedback ['Tidbek] n. yi high phan héi rawnd] adj. todn dién raise a family sui gia dink learn by rote hoc v¢t degree factory nhd may sdn xudi bang cap learner-oriented /orientated ['ts:nora:riontertid] adj. hiwing den nguii hoc impart knowledge iruyén dat high thaie obtain knowledge and skills tig thu high thie vd nhimng ky ndng practical and professional skills n/iiing ky ndng nghé nghiép va thuc 18° become qualified employees trdthanh mhiing nhén vien co wink dé chuyén man become competitive in the job market trd én camh tranh trong thi wuimg lao déng make contributions to social progress dong gdp cho sw phat trig cita xa hgi achieve life value dat due gid tri cuée song heavy burden of study and lack of sleep and physical exercise gdinh nang hoc hin va sw hiding Id shige vdn dong encourage students to think critically and independently Aiugyéin hhich sinh vién weduy phé phn va déc lip promote students’ physical, intellectual and emotional development thule dy sr phat ign v6 thé chdi, tr tug v6 cam sic eta sinh vién help foster in the young the morally sound values and outlook on the world and life Ghilp Lip tré nusi ding nhing gid wi 16 dep v6 dao due va quan diém vé thé’ gidi va crue sing A school is society in miniature. Trung hoc lé xd h6i thu nhé. 4, Bai luan mau theo bé cuc nam phan véi 15 nga va mau cau mau ‘Tham kbdo bai lun mau 6 myc 2 (Giing giai 15 ngit va mau céu mu dinh hinh bé cyc bai van nghj Iugn) cila Bai 1. 68 ~ Marvellou 2. Chu dé méi trudng 1. Chia khéa dé tim hodc chon § cho bai luan Mol trang mot trong nhuthg van'd® thu. Init si si ‘juin’ tam ctia thé got hién nay, Kht ndivé chi dé ndy) ng eit hay dong cum tit low-carbon. Viay, Kai @ap a8 then quan dén indi-trudtig; ban nén’dua eum tir vita neu vad bai vidi. Didu 4686 gidp gdm Khao nhan thay ban eting quan tam vA ném bat kip thdi nhiing vin 48 ma thé giéi dang Gi mat trong thi dal gly nay. Issues: Climate change, global warming Air pollution, increase in rubbish garbage Energy crisis, water shortage, deforestation Natural disasters: acid rain, sandstorms, drought, flood Rep Causes: = Population growth, industrial development, long-term human activities Solutions: 1. Global cooperation: reach the agreement, set international standards for environmen- tal protection ‘Make laws, encourage low-carbon economy Exploit renewable, green energy, invest in energy-saving technologies Promote environment-friendly products, lead green consuming habits Raise public's green awareness, encourage low-carbon lifestyle yay Khi xem ky céc dé thi viet IELTS vé cht dé m6i trudng trong nhiéu nam qua, chuing ta khéng kh6 dé nhén ra ring phan Idn dé thi dua ra quan diém sai Lim vé vigc bio vé m6i trudng hoac phuong dn léch lac dé gidi quyét cdc vn dé lién quan dén méi truémg va muc dich ciia dé thi la yéu cau thf sinh trinh bay nhiing y kién diing vé vin dé nay. Cac ¥ néu trén chinh la chia khéa gitip ban xc dinh quan diém dting dn va tim luin ct dé bao vé quan diém cia minh. Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing ~ 69 2. Céc dé thi thutng gap Vi dy 1: RSS Ureesia enero creer ote esTee TRS re eo Tet ee ee RCO TUrestoaparccrue vues prire es erases Men etUrecrne ne tec Tener year eat} Brienne eta aes One era reeiaere STATE ase Se RGA UTP Get Hbeneneconyrucat a Picnrer econ etee NETO Testes tern vere rat i Vi dy 3: Tine reece tobe eet neers ate Cars ea eed enter Bee Eee ener e ny? epee eter ea on teene eT ee Rom eminent Serine ts Creo Vidu 5: Meny people believe that the human society has deveiay Ceara ite rear rar neat ane one Vidy 6: Ser rue eee aC eA eR Tn Be eee sea eee SOME nR et eee Bai t§p: Hay tham khdo myc | va viét dan ¥ cho bai ludn vé cdc dé thi trén. 70 ~ Marvelious Techniques for 1ELTS Writing www 3. Titva ng@lién quan low-carbon [,loo'ka:bon] adj. cd Luong cachon thdip green [grizn] adj. thin thién oi méi ring environment-friendly [1n,varronmont'frendli] adj. than thign edi méi rung ccofiendly [ickoo'frendii] adj. chan thin vei mdi muon ‘ecosystem ['i:kouststom] n. hd sinh thi environmental protection vige biio 06 méi trang preserve [pri'za:v] vt. bdo ton sustainable development si phat trién bén vimg | deplete natural resources lim can kigt nguén tai nguyén thién nkién leave a carbon footprint dé’lai khi nha kinh discharge/release pollutants into the environment dhdi chat gdy d nhidm ra méi mratmg | greenhouse effect higu ting nha kink global warming ida twong ordi dat nong dn len discharge [dis'yfu:ds) wt. shi ra toxic [toksik] adj. dée contaminate (kon'temmeit] ot. gay 6 nhiém degrade [dr'grerd] v. xuding c deteriorate [di'tioriorest] v. lam xudng cap shortage ['fo:ttds] n. sw thidic hut lack [lek] ot, thiéte Acficiency [dr'frjnsi} n. suohigt hue fight climate change chéng lai sw bién dét khi han improve air quality cai thign chat hug Khong khi conserve energy bdo tn ndng ling renewable energies such as wind, hydro and solar power nliing nang hamg cé thé tdi tao nfwending amg gid, made vd mat irdi fuel-efficient vehicles xe dt kiéin nhién lidu take public transit, carpool or ride a bicycle sié dung phueng tign giao thing cong céng, di chung xe hoae di xe dap avoid using throw-away products irdnh sit dung nhitg san phéim ding mét lan i environment friendly products ede sdn phim thin thién adi moi muing eco-friendly alternatives/substitutions/replacements cée san: phim thay thé’ than thién di moi madmag sort the daily garbage phan logi nde thai hang nga} consume less and recycle more siéu thu it hon ve ti ch@ nhiéu hom were ¢ Macyelloas Tec ques for IELTS Writing - 71 4, Bai lun mu theo bé cyc nam phdn vdi 15 ngit va mau cu mu Vi dy I: WRITING TASK 2 Monae NO eC Dany ‘Quan diém:; Méi ngudi déu cé thé tham gia vio viéc bdo vé mdi truting. Nguyén nhin 1: Céc hogt dng ciia con ngudi cé tc déng ldn nhit dn m6i trading trong thai gian dai. Nguyén nhan 2: Nhiing hanh vi va mong muén cila dan oé anh hudng quan trong dén céc chinh sch cia chinh phu ciing nhu chién luge cla cing ty. Chang han, néu moi ngudi Khéng ding tui nylon va ly gidy thi cdc cng ty sin xudt nhiing sin phdm 6 sé chuyén sang sin xudt céc sin phdm thay thé thén thién v6i m6i trutng. Environmental protection is one of the most important challenges almost every country is facing, However, whether only governments and big firms have resources and powers to preserve our environment is a controversial issue. My view is that every single citizen could also make a huge difference. First, it is clear that it is human activities that have the greatest impact on the environ- ment throughout the history. Both environmental contamination and conservation are the long-term process, and no single government or big company can meet this chal- lenge alone, So, whoever created the problem should solve it; environmental protection needs every one of us to continuously participate in. Moreover, the public’s wills and behaviors have a critical influence on a government's policies and a company's strategies. For example, if everyone seys no to plastic shopping 72~Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing, bags and paper cups, the companies that manufacture such products will switch to environment friendly substitutes in order to survive in the market. ‘That is not to say that governments and large companies cannot positively contribute Indeed governments can enact laws and introduce programs to raise the public's low. carbon awareness; companies can promote green products to change the public's con- suming habits, But they also need every citizen's appreciation and support to bring good results, In sum, no effort is too small when we are protecting the environment. Meanwhile, local authorities and organizations must shoulder their responsibilty to develop low-carbon economy at the macto level. Only by doing so can we assure that we could hand this beautiful planet to our next generation, and the next generation after. (259 words) Vi du 2: 7 WRITING TASK 2 afore cnn yar lela ec oni caa att ees eri sro von thier (ren seaman cucu net Went at weiss people think it is wrong to-exploit anihmials for human purposes. Discuss botly Suerte ne tuenmieueiten eee Ou yee men ene regr ero me seen ci te ee esas a Baa Dany Quan diém: Set dung dng vat mét céch hop ly vi loi fch ctta con ngudli khong pha La vic sai trai. Nguyén nhan 1: Viéc sit dung dng vat nhu vita néu phi hop vdi quy luat ty nhién (natural law/ the law of the jungle) Nguyén nan 2: Déng vat cé nhing déng gép to én cho van minh nhan loai. Vi di chting ta nudi gia stic dé cé thitc An, két qua cia nhitng cugc thi nghiém trén déng vat da ww Mariéllous Techniques for IELTS Writing ~ 73 ctfu sng nhiéu mang nguti, thm chf ngudi ta nudi thif cung dé théa man nhu cau tam ly, néu stt dung déng vét vi loi ich cxia con nguéi la vi cde ca hang KFC hay McDonald's Jam sai tréi thi chuing ta nén déng ctta Chuyén §: Tat nhién, viec sit dung déng vat cho myc dich ca con ngudi khong phai hic nao ciing duing. Vi du; mét sf ngudi giét déng vat hoang da chi dé tiéu khién, mot s6 ngudi Ikhéc giét dng vat hiém vi b6 long dat tign ciia ching, hE —___— Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about animal protection and animal rights, However, whether we should utilize animals for the human purposes has caused heated debate recently. In my view, it is acceptable to reasonably exploit animals for the benefit of mankind and impossible to completely cut down the humans’ depend- ence on animals, First, it is clear that human beings are standing atthe top of the food chain of this planet. As big fishes eat small ones, mankind uses animals for its own benefits, which is con- sistent with the natural law. So, it is hard to state that we are doing wrong by exploiting animals for our interests, Moreover, it is unrealistic to ban using animals. Regardless of our awareness, animals have made great contributions to the history of human civilization. We raise cattle for fo0d; the outcomes of animal experiments save many lives; people even keep pets to satisfy their psychological needs. If itis wrong to exploit animals for human interests, we should first close thousands of KFC’s and McDonald's franchises around the world, | becsuse they ae denyhterieg lovely chicken wo mabe asciney,Aisoperyege Clie should become a vegetarian, ‘This is not to say that it is always right for people to use animals for whatever purpose, | Some people hunt wild animals just for fun; others kill rare animals for their expensive | furs, Indeed, these behaviors are not only cruel and unnecessary, but actually against long-term interests of human race. Humans should shoulder their responsibilities of ‘maintaining the diversity of wild animals and the balance of ecosystem. In sum, using animals rationally for the benefit of humans is justified; meanwhile, some behaviors that are harmful to both animals and humans have to be prohibited. By doing 0, we can ensure that our next generation could also exploit the animal resource. (308 words) ‘4 Marvellous Techniques for ELIS Writing 3. Chu dé khoa hoc va ky thuat 1. Chia khéa dé tim hodc chon ¢ cho bai luan Tb th cbt yi hp @a anh hutbag odin Loa pe’ kf Chat hin af internet, computer, mobile phone, machinery) 46 vot eupe sng cla con neu. Ban tity ghi a jah ana chon ¥ phi hop'cho: ‘ote ava Positive impacts: 1, Improve work efficiency 2. Convenience; with the click of a mouse; cost-effective 3. Promote and facilitate communication 4, Obtain information in various ways, enrich one's knowledge Negative impacts: Tnvade one’s privacy Less quality family time, increasing work pressure Security issue, cybercrimes Questionable contents, pornography, violence Physical problems: radiation; weaken eyesight; less outdoor exercise Psychological problems: indulge in the virtual world, become solitary, be isolated from the real world, weaken the relationships with farnily members and friends ae eer 2. Céc dé thi thutng gap Vi du I: reas Pere estate cleric uios a eaa ons nt ts iia tte pliones. What forms do they lake? Do you axn benefits of the mobile phone? araear tana tte Vidu 2; Tis now possible to perform everyday tasks such as banking, shopping and busine: transactions without meeting people face to ince. What effects may it have on the RCM cuL Roe ne Sore Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing ~ 75 ah eee ureters tong Sue rect sec te acres CT eee te Vidu 4: ME ta nenatatine a talina eta ctn ban Tenn teensy tg ie Ro BUC Mr cubano anton at citings Wet ues ner nent ica BA 4p: Hay tham khdo myc 1 va viét dan y cho bai lun vé cdc dé thi trén, 3. Tirva ng@ lién quan surf the Net/Internet [net mang Internet hi-tech features niiing ddc diém cila céng nghé cao | website ['websait] n. trang web L convenient [kan'vizniont] adj. rién lot | productivity [,prodak'tivatil n. ndng sud | geographical barrier rio can dia by i digital ['didgutl] adj. by shudt so” | electronic [1,lek'trontk] adj. dién ni | virtual world thé gidi do | infringe the privacy xdm pham sw riéng ne pirate [‘parrat ] vt. én cdp ban quyén security [st'kjoorati] n. an nink 16— Marvellous Techniques for IELYS Writing eww radiation [rerdilerfnl m. sy bvie xa with the click ofa mouse oi mét edi nh chugt ina virtual world trong thé'gidi do an information age thoi dai shdng tin be lost in Bj lac trong .. i stay in touch with giit lién lac 06% .. : cause damage to one’s health géy hai cho sife Ride log on/in the Internet di néi Internet; n6i mang have/gain access to any information or knowledge sig cdin vai bat cx? chong tin hay kign tute nado cutting-edge technology Ay shude tign sid nai information explosion sic bring nd théng tin due to the proliferation of the Internet do sw pha trigh nhanh ela Internet with an increasing popularity of mobile phones 044 vige dién thoai di ding ngay caing pha bién innovation [na'verfn] n. swe déi mdi invention [in'venfa] n. phe mink s laboursaving machinery mdy méc tdi kid site lao déng i i biotechnology [,baraotek'nvladgil n. cng nghé sink hoc I telecommunications [,telika,mjusnu'kerfinz] n. vide thong space exploration cude thdm hiém vii tru hacker ["haka(r)] n. tin tc conventional method phiwong pheip théng dung face to face true tigp online retailer mvt phan phi (ban 1é qua mang netizen ['netizn] n. cwdan mang cost-effective [,knstr'fektry] adj. cd Iyi, sink loi blog [bing] n. trang ca nan trén mang cybercrime ('saibokraim) n. 161 pham wrén mang offensive [2'fensiv] adj. gay khd chi pornography (pa:'nogrofi] n. adn hda phdim Rhiéu dém violence ['varalons] m. bao lc illegal gambling bai bac bat hop phap questionable contents ndi dung déng ng wow Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing ~ 77 bie 4, Bai luan mau theo bé cuc nam phan véi 15 ng@ va mau edu mau WRITING TASK 2 Scrat Weed wag stare Cea ayeer sean aen ty rune ars ein ee 8 Gewe c seeranetin rect ventenats ial esate tetcn yfeeniuag Quan diém: Chinh swe phan ph6i cia cdi trong x3 h6i khOng hop ly, chit khéng phai kkhoa hoc ky thuat, la nguyén nhdn lam ting khodng cach gitu nghéo Nguyén nhan 1: Chinh phui cs trach nhiém gidi quyét céc vin dé xa hOi va dam bio ‘cong bang xa héi. Nguyén nhén 2: Khoa hoc ky thuat c6 thé rit ngén khodng cach gidu nghéo. Vi du: vige Jap website va kinh doank qua mang da giip nhiéu ngudi tré nén giau c6. ‘The applications of new technologies are one of the most important ways of making billionaires such as Bill Gates, However, whether the technology has also widened the gap between the rich and the poor is a controversial issue, My view is that the improper distribution system of social wealth, rather than modern technology, has caused such a social problem First, it is obvious that the government is the one most capable of and responsible for solving any social issue and ensuring social equality. This is because in order to bridge this wealth gap, the most effective and direct method should be taxation leverage, by which the government can use the rich people's tax money to subsidize the unfortunate. So, the technology should not become the scapegoat of the issue. Moreover, modern technologies indeed have provided great epportunities for the poor to get rich. For example, the Internet has already made many people become wealthy by setting their own commercial websites, Compared with traditional industries, which 78 — Marvellous Techniques for 1ELTS Writing require a large initial investment and higher operation cost, the Internet is a much better and cheaper platform to make a fortune for people from all social backgrounds. ‘Those who harbor the view that the technology has polarized the distribution of wealth around the world believe that the poor countries now are getting poorer due to lack of creative technologies to improve the social productivity. Of course, this is a real phe- nomenon. But paradoxically, the right solution for those nations is just to introduce advanced technologies from developed countries and inctease their education budget. In sum, modern technology plays a key role in filling the gap between the rich and the poor not only for individuals, but for nations as well. In the era of the knowledge-based economy, the one who is diligent, smart enough and can capitalize on knowledge and create knowledge will eventually prevail. (309 words) 4, Chu dé vé tréch nhiém ctia chinh phi adi véi cdc vain dé x4 hoi 1, Chia khéa dé tim hodc chon ¥ cho bai luan. ah ear a : . 1. “Every government’ basic obligations: ensure national security, stabilise the sédiety, enhance social welfare system, perfect the public facilities 2. Be able to pool and dominate various resources 3. Give top priority to investments on education, technology and basic human needs, then invest in entertainment facilities to increase emotional wellbeing and enrich one’s cultural life 2. Céc dé thi thudng gap Vidy 1: Pro eoo a unnecamaie Mee east Roigres eestor ncaa (ettartes, should not he run dy proft-makthg companies, Do the Pile ce telieya etree Poca wane ule see 4 ae Maryetlous Techniques for IELTS Writing ~79 en PR Vi du 2: ave seversiconacquences Guy government One SER Giaeie inns tects Meio h a rin nt eens a Ce ones Vi dy 3: PRUE uss tae aes vaca ate ts Noa seo stennieny Pete emhuic te ec Bae goer tee oa Soe eas anata: Popes eitaance sagt Cena: Ras eases : Sent i ee eoeon ie isons ened RGieeieameenernt Bra or tan tidn fordéveloped’countris Sone ioria Pikorruoe iis rata: a ne ies Paani aoa oer. Puget ost yoaeeot lena Wee ncietae iy rls ae oye UUs Watery sot untie Bai tap: Hay tham khéo muc 1 va viét dn ¥ cho bai lun vé eée dé thi trén, 3. Tirva ngif lién quan poverty [‘povati} n. siengiien hho budget 'badsui} n. rgda sich authority [9:'Gorati] n. wkd cém quyen implement [impliment] vt. thye hig supervise ['su:pavatz] v. gin st state-owned ['stertaond] adj. tude sd hitu ctia nhét nude private {'prarvat] adj. renin 80 — Marvellous Techniques for ILI Writing wow military [‘milotri] n. qudn déi, adj. (thawic) quan doi policy (‘pnlasi} n. chink scieh obligation [,nbli'gerfn n. nghia ow infrastructure ['infrastraktfa(s)] n. cosé ha tang investment [mn'vestmant] n. ste dave tre prioritise [prat'orotarz] wt. sa ién cho tax revenue doanh du te thud’ enact law ban hinh ludt welfare system hé thong phate lai basic human needs nhw edt cobain ctia con nguéi public service dich ow céng cng i public transport pliemg tién giao thing cong cng : affordable house nha 6 oi mic gid phai chang | health care service dich ow chem sée ste hhde impose censorship on ban hah chink sich kiém duyét trén .. NGO (Nongovernmental Organisation) 1 cluic phi chink phii non-profit organisation 16'clnée phi lof nhudn financial aid vién irg tai chink combat corruption chding sham nlitug bridge the gap between the rich and the poor die hep Rhodng cach givta newdi gidw od ngutbi nghéo create job opportunities tao ra ca hdi viée lam improve the quality of service cdi shién chat hang dich ow censure social equality bio ddim st binh dng xd hei 4, Bai ludn mu theo b6 cuc nam phan v6i 15 nga va mu céu mau WRITING TASK 2 Sate rua aye PC tote tiomer sa Sti agonal Gre renin iomeneeet atl areata Peete weit into: eucai. Gen cia ue nec) Meee ae 5 OS acta hoya ier ai tte is mre Mica ne eenaac ut ania ants Ee eataaet tate! | Re weeian ‘ Marvellous Tecteniques for IELTS Writing - 81 Pagan Dany Quan diém: Cac nude nghée rit can khoa hoc ki thuat va nhan tii. Nguyén nhdn 1: Khoa hgc ky thuét gitip nang cao nang suit lao déng cia toan xa hoi. ‘Nguyén nhan 2: Nudc gi o6 thé gitip nude nghéo béi dudng nh4n tai, dio tao chuyén gia. Vi du: nude gidu cp hoc béng hoac hé trg vé tai chinh cho sinh vién dén ti nhing mud nghéo. — EN Poverty is one of the most important problems many developing countries face. How- ever, what types of international aid are more effective for them is a controversial issue. In my view, what the poor countries need mostis not financial aid or loans, but advanced technologies and talents in some key areas, Jt is obvious that advanced technologies and science are the driving force behind the | log a rich nations. Hi-tech prod: . innovations, and good management can greatly improve the productivity of whole society and, hence, the wealth is accumulated at a high speed, Therefore, to help the poor, we hod better give them tools of making a fortune. can not only send expert teams to poor nations to infrastructures, but train talents and experts for ch counicies cau provide scholarships or financial help to the students from the poor regions, which some famous Westem universities are actually. doing, It is a build roads, dams, factories | | Moreover, the developed co | other them, The wiser way to deliver help. ‘This is not to say that under no circumstances should the rich countries provide aid in form of money. Of course, money definitely can help the country out of many urgent problems, But how can we assure that the money will be spent in proper ways? In conclusion, there are some other types of aid rich countries may choose to provide more efficient help. Meanwhile, if financial aid is offered, we have to make sure that the money is being spent on shat people really need and not on filing the pockets of cor- rupt politicians. (261 words) 82~ Marvellous Tech mniques for ELIS Writing, 5. Chu dé x4 héi DE thi cé thé yéu cdu thi sinh cho biét y kign vé vn dé nao dé dang dign ra trong dai séng xii hoi. Dé c6 thé la van dé lién quan dén mét d6i twong cv thé (ngudi gid, tré em, phy nit) hoac van dé cé anh hudng dén nhiéu ngudi (céng viéc va gia dinh, sy phat trién kinh té va qué trinh d6 thi héa, phuong tién truyén thong, qudng cdo, phong chéng t6i pham). 1. Ngudi gid 1. Chia khéa dé tim hodc chon § cho bai luén Gia héa dan s6 la van dé ma nhiéu nudc dang déi mat hién nay. Dé lam bai thi Viét vé van dé nay, thi sinh can ghi nhd cdc y dudi day. Rich experience in both work and life; good consultants Coaches, doctors; look after grandchildren Do some volunteer work. Medical care and pension pose a financial burden for government, * yee pe Labour shortage, economy hole 2. Cac dé thi thutng gap Vidu I: teenie oe cute sane meses Gee Cn amet cannot Ooo Ran act foe Reed rear Pr emit ae mien UNC Sire nadine (Sat tanto Cre hs Bai tp: Hay tham khdo myc 1 va viét dan ¥ cho bai ludn vé cdc dé thi trén. www Marvellous Techniques for 1EL! arenes Writing 83 3. Tirva ngé lién quan silver tsunami le hang lao ong 16 di ‘twilight life saéi xéchidu age {eids] ». gid di elderly [eldati) adj. cao tui? i senior ['sisnia(s)] adj. rie tui : demographics | demo'greefiks| n. so ligu thong ké dan sO retirement [r'taromont] n. syed fate pension {'penfia] n. duemg dace volunteer {ivplan'tio(t)] n, fink nguyen vién, adj. (thude) tink nguyén, v. tink nguyén expert (‘ekspact] n. clnpén gia 2. Tréem 1. Chia khéa dé tim hoae chon § cho bai luan Nhiing dac diém vé thé chat va tinh than ca tré em chinh Ia ludn ctf quan trong cho bai luda, Curiosity; imitate; quick to learn. Lack of self-control; unable to distinguish right from wrong Vulnerable te aegative influences Critical time of physica! aad psychological development Provide parental guidance, commit their guardianship pre n 2. Cée dé thi thudng gap Goi eS tecesges orbit neat carer ion en aos y one aaie leon aeons ce Bai tap: Hay tham khio myc I va viét dan ¥ cho bai lugn vé céc dé thi trén. Hous Techniques for IELTS Wraing eww 3, Tava ng@ lién quan impressionable {1m'prefanabl] adj. dé bi dnh hung vulnerable ['valnarabl] adj. dé bi tén thing addictive [a'éiktwv] adj. nghién curious ['kjaorias] adj. 16 md imitate [‘smutent} vt. bdt elnade naughty [‘no:ti] adj. nghich ngom discipline ['disoplm] n. yi [udt outdoor activity hoat déng ngodi trai couch potato ngubi ssi ngdy din mét odo tioi grow up Lon ler 4, Bai luan mau theo bé cuc nam phan véi 15 ngit va mau cau mau WRITING TASK 2 Sree eeu tenure Aer ule ‘ Some people beliove that time spent on television, video and computer games ca be beneficial to'ehitdren. Others believe this has negative effects oi a child Deuter ttans an SU een nt pac eta. uae stata eer iste eee Dan ¥ Quan diém: Xem tivi va choi trd choi trén may tinh trong khoang thdi gian dai sé rat cé hai cho tré em. Nguyén nhan 1: Viéc danh qué nhiéu thdi gian cho cdc hoat dng giai trf néi trén sé Anh huéng xu dén stéc khée va sy phat trién thé chat ciia tré. Nguyén nhan 2: Diéu nay cting tac dng tiéu cuc dén tam ly cting nhu cudc séng sau nay cia tré. Vi du; trd choi ban sting trén mdy tinh co thé khién tré ddn quen véi viéc sit dung hung khi va thyc hién hinh vi bao ly. we www Nagglloas Techniases fr ILS Writng 88 Reese - a | Watching TV and playing computer games are two of the most important children’s leisure activities. However, whether they bring more harm than good has caused heated debate. My view is that too much time spent on these surely has negative impacts on kids and parents have to sort out the appropriate programs for children and curb these activities, It is obvious that with the rapid development of science and technology, TV shows and video games are designed so vivid and attractive that it is much easier not only for kids but even for adults to get addicted to them, When children spend more time sitting in| front of a screen, they are isolated from the real world. They do not have enough time to socialize, to engage in outdoor activities which are crucial for their physical growth, Also, their eyesight will be weakened by staring at the screen for too long. Moreover, questionable contents on TV or computer games will result in unexpected implications on children’s later life. For example, many boys like playing computer shooting games including the most famous one called CS (Counter-Strike). While we are calling for world peace, cur kids are, through this game, learning how to use danger- ‘ous weapons skillfully, and get used to pulling the trigger without hesitation. No wonder it has been reported that recently one killer of school shooting in the US used to play | computer shooting games in his childhood. ‘This is not to say that parents should always keep their kids away from the screen, Of course, there are many educational and inspirational TV shows and computer games, which enable kids to have fun in learning process and facilitate their intellectual devel- ‘opment. But children have no idea of what kinds of shows and games are appropriate; adults must make a choice for them. | In sum, spending too much time on watching TV and playing video or computer games is definitely harmful to children. And parents should and must take time, regardless of how busy their schedule is, to guide and supervise these important activities. (344 words) 86 ~ Marvellous Techniques for 131.TS Writing 3. Phu ng 1. Chia khéa dé tim va chon ¥ cho bai luan ‘Thi sinh can dya vao nhiing diém khac biét gitta nam gidi va phy nd (vé thé chat, tinh cach, vai trd trong x héi) dé x4c dinh quan diém va trién khai néi dung bai luan, Gentle/tender/soft manner, less aggressive nature More patient, understanding; better communication skills ‘Not physically strong Role in raising children, taking care of the family, housework Pees 2. Céc dé thi thutng Vidu i: Seyi ayant antuai ee WrenGnys Camus into Spalsiiss Rocce trams (Oya Vidu 2: Pena cere ee nt Tee runertt GURU ven colar he cones he ciecrdin 2 Bai tap: Hay tham khéo muc 1 va viét dan y cho bai luan vé cdc dé thi trén. 3. Tit va nga lién quan gender ['dgenda(r)] n. gidi tink sex discrimination si phan biét gidi tink sex harassment sic guy réi tinh duc patient [‘pexfnt] adj, kién nhén aggressive [2'gtesty] adj. hung hang gossip ['gosip] vi. ndi chuyén phiém, n. chuyén tim phao housewife [hasswart] n. nga ndi mre pregnant (‘pregnant] adj. cf thai child bearing vige sink con child rearing vige nuéi day con www hug Maggllons Tectniques for IELTS Weng 87 4, Cong viéc va gia dinh 1. Chia khéa dé tim hoac chon ¥ cho bai luan Ngay nay, méi quan tam cia nbiéu ngudi dinh cho cng viée va gia dinh da cé su thay 8i so vai trudc kia. Dudi day la ba dac diém cia xa héi hién dai da dn dén su thay déi nay. 1. Keen competition makes employees work overtime. 2. Spend more time learning new technologies and upgrading knowledge and skills 3. Spend more time processing all types of information in this information age Asa result, the quality family time reduces. 2. Céc dé thi thudng gap Vidu i: rae girea uname ans oe Peco ecg Reuecenueuitien cnt inl this would lead to many prob- Bai tp: Hay tham khao muc 1 va viét dan ¥ cho bai luan vé cdc dé thi trén. 3. Tirva ngii lién quan ‘workaholic wkathohik} ni ham cong tiée vide intense/fierce/keen competition st-canh tranh dit déi career path con dining sw nghitip fastpaced [fa:st'peist] adj. 10 di mhanh lifestyle [anfstarl]n. Ibi sding fatigue [fa'ti-g] n. se mét méi, x. mét stress [stres} n. si cdng thang workplace ['warkpleis] n. nai lam vide colleague ["kuli:g) 1. dong nghiép i Job-hopping ssh hopra nr nang mhdy ode | £88 ~ Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing, 5. Sy phat trién kinh té va qua trinh do ¢ 1. Chia khéa é tim hode chon g cho bai luén Nauti lao dong di cu tir néng thén ra thanh thi I mét trong nhing van dé nong bing cla xd hi. Chinh téc d6 tang trudng kinh té nhanh chéng 6 khu vuc thanh thi cing voi su mat cn bang trong phat trién kinh té gitta cdc ving mién 1A nguyén nhan dan dén tinh trang nay. Advantages: 1. More job opportunities, higher income 2. Better living conditions and infrastructures Disadvantages: 1, Widen the gap between the rich and the poor 2. At the cost of environment: 2. Cc dé thi thuéng gap Vidu I: Eo tra nse vets Warts ies Mima ceteris Rieti ice tena te Se ene tests tena Vi du 2: enor ag ee Aan Ceca St nun aee eR w a Piney amiss rosea tors should be consi at rant mttor ceoawrt ty Cie sees sioreerrit a shorsrehent ain oat Bai tp: Hay tham khdo muc 1 va viét dan y cho bai lun vé céc dé thi trén. 3, Tirvangd lién quan rural areas oiing ndng thdn suburb ['sabacb] n. ngoai dkanh urbanisation {,s:bonat'zexfi] n. quad trink dé thi hoa metropolis [mo'trnpolis] n. thanh phd’ lén i population density nid: d6 dan so wow yellous Teebnigues for IELTS Writing ~ 89 nae traffic congestion sictde neltdi giao thong have access to tig can ov infrastructure ['infrasteaktjol| n. cosd he sdng wellbeing ['welbisig] n. uh trang khde mani ‘widen the gap between urban and rural areas di rng khodng edich gita thank thi vd nong thin 6. Phuong tién truyén thong 1. Chia khéa dé tim hodc chon ¥ cho bai lun Hay ghi nko mét tich eye va tiéu cye cila phuong tién truyén théng duc trinh bay dudi day, Functions: 1. Provide all kinds of information, ranging from current affairs to entertainment news 2, Disclose social problems, monitor and push the government to deal with them Problems: 1, Over-n 2» ‘ort negative stories to hook viewers and maximise profits jead the public's view and mood with distorted and false informatic 2. Cav dé thi thudag gap Vidu 1: BICC EUea Ne cceg eget nica tee tart igh) reteer i emule tem evar oe tit) Gries ntl itantachier ifs) to jubsamepedple think we cannot trast journalists. Glia eevee wewyuetiiteonan ects Bai tgp: Hay tham khdo muc 1 va viet dan y cho bai lugn vé céc dé thi trén. 90 — Marvellous Techniques for #21-°S Writing, 3. Tirva ngitlién quan press [pres] n. bifo chi coverage ['kavarids] n, tin te fair [fea(r)] adj. céng bing cater for audiences phue vw cho kin gid hook [hok] ot. ta hit unveil [,an'veil]v. tigi 16 supervise ['su:pavaiz] v. gidm sdt mislead |ims'li:d] ot. Mtas ddn dd sai exaggerate [1p'z2edsarent] v. phong dai public opinion dic ludn 7. Quang céo 1. Chia khéa dé tim hoae chon ¥ cho bai luan ‘Tuong ty phuong tién truyén thong, quang cdo cd mat tich cue va cling cé mat tiéu eye. Hay ghi nhd céc y duse trinh bay dudi day. Functions: 1, Bridge the gap between consumers and manufacturers 2. Evoke impulse buying, boost sales, and promote economic development Problems: 1 Add to the cost of the products 2. Claim product's advantages only; unjust 3. Unwelcome information 2. Céc dé thi thudng gap Vidul ee M USL ators Gene ans taco eta the power of advertising but not the real need of the society where such products are sold. To what extent do you Ceecieet Bai tap: Hay tham kho myc 1 va viét dan y cho bai lufin vé cc 8 thi trén. www Maryellous Techniques for ELTS Waiting ~91 3. Tiva ngitlién quan commercial {ka'ms:[]] n. guadiny cao public service advertising giving caio dich ov cong céng advertiser [‘edvatarza(n)] n. cing ty qudng cao promotion [prolmoofal 2. gucing ed marketing tool céng cy tig shi target audience déi namg khan gid shopaholic [,fopo'bulik] n. sin dd wwe sion induce [an'dju:s] ot. dngvéi phine stinmulate ('stimjoleit] vt. dich hich purchase decision quvéi dint wna hang 8. Phong ching téi pham 1. Chia khéa 4é tim hoc chon § cho bai luan Causes: Poor education, unfortunate family, poverty, character flaw Solutions: 1. Education, job training, employment; enhance welfare system 2. Severe punishment 2. Cc dé thi thudng gap Vidu 1: pigranrkea an Pe Govurtvantieqee rn ta, case igus eke cae Matus esta Hd be olfered: To what extent do yor 3 Bai tap: Hay tham khao muc | va viét dan y cho bai luan vé cdc dé thi trén. 92~ Marvello echniques for TELTS Writing www.nhantrivietcom 3. Titva ng@ lién quan criminal [‘krimunl] n. ké pham t6i juvenile delinquency hénh vi pham ti cia offender [o'fenda(r)] n. nga of phant gui vi thétah nidn innocent ["inasnt} adj. 20 ii threat to public safety de doa sican toan punish (‘pantf] vt. ining phat catia céng ching jail [aserl] m. nha et preventive measure bién phap phang ngita commit a crime pham di deterrent effect tae dung ngan chan | 6. Chi dé van héa, 16i séng ‘Chiing ta c6 thé chia chti dé van héa, Idi s6ng trong dé thi Viet IELTS thanh tam khia canh: mac, an, d, di lai, nghé thuat, ng6n ng@, hién tugng da van héa, vén dé lién quan én nbn sinh quan. 1, Mac 1. Chia khéa dé tim hog chon § cho bai luan 1, Basic human needs were met; inevitable trend. 2, Self-expression; reflect characters, taste, likes 3. Following fashion blindly is a waste of time and money. 4. Keep up with the Joneses, fulfil one’s peacockery 5. Associate clothing with social status and wealth, become snobbish 2. Dé thi thudng gap eur acum natseioo tite atchoh tune iets los) laa tector Gein ouerercwe rere acti secre rout cu Bai tap: Hay tham khao muc 1 va viét dan y cho bai luan vé dé thi trén. 3. Tit va ngilién quan popularity [,popjo'larati] n. sw pho’ bién celebrity [so'lebrati] n. guar ndi tiéng fad [feed] (vogue) n. mdi self-esteem [,selfi'sti:m] n. long ne wong option ['vpfin] n. sveliva chon confident ['kunfident] adj. re tin gorgeous ['go:<3as] adj. léng Idy superficial [,su:po'fi1] adj. hai hot; bé ngodi . dress parade biéu dién trang phuc peacockery ['pi:knkari] n. thai dé vénh vdo Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing ~93 eee ee 2.An 1, Chia khéa dé tim hoe chon ¥ cho bai luan 1. Be consistent with fast-paced modern lifestyle 2. Standardised; strict quality control 3. Pose a threat to traditional food culture 4+ Less nutrient; high calories: junk food es ey Dietecoat Tico es anions icearn earrven yt earn earns fos gure tueea cay Gaccee tects t= Bai tgp: Hy tham khéo myc 1 va viét dan y cho bai luan vé dé thi trén. 3. Tivva ngdlign quan diversity [dai'va:satil n. serda dang nutritious [nju'trfost adi. bi diding meal {micl] n. bia dit recipe i'resopil n, dng tite iu cn unhealthy (an'hetBil adj, ov hai cha ste khde calorie [kelari] n, calo high-fat (Jhai'fiet] adj. 06 dopng chat béo cao franchise (‘frentfarz] n. cxfa hang niuamy guyén obese [eo'biss] adj. béo phi home cooking indir dn tai nha 3.6 1. Chia khéa dé tim ho&c chon ¥ cho bai luan ‘Traditional architecture: 1, Aesthetic value 2. Cultural heritage 94 ~ Marvellous Techniques for 18L.7'S Writing Modern architecture: 1, Raise the utilisation rate of land; population growth; consistent with the urbanisation trend 2. Modern technologies: lift, air conditioning; more comfortable 2. Dé thi thudng gap Nessa yie terion ue cueedaes sat ular isa eta e ju lel PaniGiomignuitinctimes cuit iea beac wy Gone ait yeni orn’ Bai tgp: Hlay tham khdo muc 1 va viét dan ¥ cho bai luan vé dé thi trén. 3, Titva ngttlién quan architecture ['e:kitektfo(r)] n. cdng erink kign irc aesthetics {i:s'Getrks] n. dhdm my hoc | user-friendly [ju:za'frendli] adj. dé svt dung : comfortable [‘kamftabl] adj. thodi mdi skyscraper ['skatskrenpa(r)] n. 13a nha choc tréi apartment {o'pactmant] n. cant id density (‘densati] n. mgt dé urbanisation [:bonar'zerfi] n. gud mink dé thi lida i concrete jungle hia ring béténg traditional style phong cach truyén thong. 4, Dilai 1, Chia khéa d€ tim hoc chon ¥ cho bai luan . Broaden one's horizon, entich one’s experience and knowledge . Boost local economy; hotels, restaurants, air industry Place a heavy burden on local environment . Over-dependent on tourist industry; unbalanced economic development = olone ‘ Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing - 95 Ma ive ein cise rere teehee eeens t teee ya Can PUT tat Gee cashiers Conan rmes ra te Pole etieres : : Bai tap: Hay tham khao muc 1 va viét dan y cho bai lugn vé dé thi trén. 3. Titva ngétlién quan tourism [wartzem] n. nganh du lich visitor ['vizita(r)] n. du Rhcich airline ['ealamn] n. hang hang Bhong ecosystem ['i:kousistom] n. i sinh shai aceract [a'tackt] vt. die hit experience [1k’spiorions] n. hindi nghiém discurb (4'sts:b] . guaiy ray burden ['bs:da] n. gank nang natural scenery phong edith thién nhién historic resort hlttedi tich lich sit : 5, Nghé thuat 1. Chia khéa dé tim hodc chon ¥ cho bai luan 1 Arts vary in different societies; science can be applied to the whole world. 2. Arts satisfy people's spiritual and emotional needs and enrich cultural life; science enriches material wealth. 3, Subjective vs. objective 2. Dé thi thudng gap Pete chan sarees nana win atau chy Paro iascc ace tayduat ac one austria ee Mime heh ter \nega ne Cie caer aa : Dea enon Bai t4p: Hay tham khdo muc I va viét dan y cho bai luan vé dé thi trén. 96 ~ Marvellous Techniques tor HELYS Writing 3. Titva ngii lién quan unique [jo'nick] adj. dy nha representative [,repri'zentatry] n. ngubi dai dign, adj. dai dign i poem ['povom] n. bit the painting [‘permuy] n. brie eranh music ['mjuczik] n. din nhac sculpture ['skalptfa(e)] n. te phim diéu khaie spiritual ['spiritfual] adj. (dude) tinh than pursuit [po'sjust] n. hogt déng theo didi ‘crosstalk ["krostark] n. 1diu nd 6, Ng6n ngit 1. Chia khéa 4é tim hode chon ¥ cho Ivan 1. A particular language was born from a particular culture. - 2. Understand the speaker's cultural background 3. Learn rules of grammar /and memorise vocabulary 4, Learning culture is-a waste of time. 2. Dé thi thudng gap Pontos ott ree aie canna taiieu acne cant boa eset wre usa ecresn ita ice Mowe et iuee wiammetiy. Ge Cis sa avers vee Bai tap: Hay tham khdo muc 1 va viét dan ¥ cho bai Iwan vé dé thi trén. 3, Tit va ng@ lién quan vocabulary [va'kebjolori] n. tir oxg grammar (‘gremo(1)] n. ng phdp dialect (daralekt} n. ping ngit idiom [idiom n° dae ngit memorise ['memararz] vt. tude long lious Techniques fer IELTS Writing ~97 derive from bat ngudn tit effectively and efficiently sid tye vd higu gud repetitive learning cach hes lap di hip lai learn by rote ge vet master a foreign language ‘ht theo mdt ngogi ngit 7, Hién tuong da van hoa 1. Chia khda dé tim hode chon ¢ cho bai luan 1. Inevitable and irreversible teond 2. Improve people's living standard 3. Enhance communication, appreciation and respect among different cultures 4, Tonmigrants' language bsrrier, culture shock Discrimination, religious conflict, public ocder issue 2. Dé thi thating gap Ce ueecrcee Bai tp: Hay thom Khdo w:uc ! va viét din y cho bai lun vé dé thi trén. 3, Titva ngitlién quan inevitable [in'evitabl] adj. mnulti-culeural {,malurkaltjorat{ adi, darodn hd 1g thé trdinh diape di yéie interdependent [,intads'pendent} adj. plu dhude tén man global village ngdi lary tore cai ethnic ('eOntk} adj. (ehude, custom f'kastoml n. phony religion [nhdgen} n. tue gio discrimination Jdskruim'netfajin. sve pha bide 468 ae culture shock ci s6¢ odin ect assimilate [a'simalert} at. ding hoa 98 ~ Marvellous Techniques for i" ‘r'eing 8. Van dé lién quan dén nhan sinh quan 1, Chia khéa dé tim hodc chon ¥ cho bai luin 1. Subjective feeling 2. People at different life stages with various likes from diverse social backgrounds surely do not have the same definition of happiness. My definition of happiness is... Hay hoan thanh bing trén bing cach viét dinh nghia vé hank phtic theo quan diém’ ciia ban, Néu khéng tim duge ¥ dé viét thi ban o6 thé tham khdo bai luén mu ciing Lei nbn xét & chung sau. 2. Dé thi thudng gap Tone 0 Ficheros itu Bai tp: Hay tham khdo myc 1 va viét dn ¥ cho bai ludn vé dé thi trén. 3. Tit va ngttlién quan subjective [sabldgektiv] adj. chal quan objective fab'ayektuv] adj abstract [‘xbstrekt] adi. khdich quan rine tiarng mindset ['maindset] n. terduy | ideology [,atdi'uladgi] n. hé ne tung r virtue [vs:tfu:] n. dvie cfm 16t : outdated values mhitng gid ori lac hu /I6i thot life goal muec tidu (trong cude) sing attitude etitiu:d] n. tdi do reality (ri'etati] n. shvee 08° Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing ~99 4. Bai lugn méu theo b§ cyc nam phan voi 15 ng@ va mdu cau miu WRITING TASK 2 Gorin Ry eda yee nan Seen) Biers i Ginetta Dany ‘Quan @iém: Toan cdu héa khéng nhting thic dy kinh t& phét trién ma cdn téc déng tich cyc téi vigc gitt gin ban sic dan tc va van h6a cia cde nude, Nguyen nhan 1: Céc cugc giao thuung vdi céc nud trén thé gidi (business contacts ‘around the world) déng gép rét nhiéu vao sy phat trién cia quéc gia. Nguyén nbn 2: Do thérig tin lién lac duge toan cu héa, ban séc din téc va vin héa cia mot nudc duge truyén bd ra thé gidi bén ngoai dé dang hon va nh§n dugc sy t6n trong va dénh gid cao cita cong déng cdc nude c6 nén tang x4 hdi va van héa khéc ohau. Vi du: ban sdc van héa Vigt Nam duge nang cao va gay &n tuong vi nhiéu quéc gia qua cfc loai hinh nghé thugt dan gian nhu mua r6i nude. ‘Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the effects which glob- alization exerts. Some believe that globelization surely benefits most countries in dif- ferent fields such as economy, education and politics; others, however, insist that it is diluting national identities. in my view, globalization not only boosts economic develop- ‘mene, but generally has positive effects on national identities. First, itis obvious that business contacts around the world contribute a lot to devel- ‘opment. Enterprises and their owners, sometimes from a foreign country, invest enor- mous amounts of money as well as technology into infrastructure and create many job 100 ~ Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing, www.nhantriviet.con went L ‘That is the reason why many developing countries make laws and policies to encourage international business and investment. Moreover, with globalized communication, national cultures and identities are more easily expressed to the outside world and get respected and appreciated by people from different cultures and social backgrounds. For example, water puppet shows have been introduced and widely been known in many countries recently. And because water pup- pet shows uniquely belong to Vietnam, Vietnamese identity has been enhanced and has impressed many people through this kind of performance. ‘Those who harbor the view that cultural contacts may threaten national identities may argue that now the younger generation living in big cities eat hamburgers, drink coffee, ‘work in skyscrapers and even speak English often, fueling a lifestyle si New York. But I think this just mirrors a modern lifestyle and does not mean that we are losing our cultural heritage. To protect our national identity does not mean that every ‘Vietnamese should drink tea every day and use chopsticks at every meal. ‘opportunities for local residents, which consequently improves people's living standards, lar to that in | at In sum, increasing business and cultural contacts do play an important role in a coun- try’s development. Meanwhile, a more prosperous economy facilitates the preservation - and recognition of national cultures and identities worldwide, se (311 words) Sau day a hai bai luan mau ntta nhiim gitip ban tham khao thém dé ciing 6 kién thitc da hoc. Vidu I: Oren Conor east Adsare avon erie ccs ich Rime en ccc Sos poisemanuienaay ides long-distance transport dusing shipping Do you Coy Dan ¥ Quan diém: Thuong mai toan cau cé Igi nhigu hon ¢6 hai, ‘Nguyén nhin 1: Thuong mai toan cdu tao ra nhiéu co héi viée lam to Ién cho cdc nude xudt khdu, www. Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing ~ 101 skasleicadee "Mile cas ‘Nguyén nhan 2: Nhé cé thuong mai ton cau, nhiing hang héa nhap khdu da dang i cdi thign mic sing cia ngubi dn. Vi du: chuing ta di xe hoi ca Buéc, xem phim do Hollywood sin xudt, an c& héi nhap khiu tir Nhat. Nees As global trade is becoming an irreversible trend, more and more people are concerned about its pros and cons, Some believe that it boosts economic development, while others Point out that itis not an economical model because shipping costs and tariffs will result in nothing but a higher price that consumers would have to pay, and fuel consumed during long-distance transportation will contaminate the environment. My view is that global trade brings us more good than harm, First it is obvious that global trade has created enormous job opportunities for the coun- try that exports In this world, some countries’ economy heavily depends on export, and in the meantime, there are some important products such as oil, which most countries have to import. So, global trade benefits both oil workers in Iraq or other oil producing countries and many other countries, which import it all over the world. | Moreover, thanks to global trade, various imported goods have improved peoples living standards. For example, we are driving cars manufactured in Germany, watching movies produced by Hollywood, eating salmon imported from Japan, and wearing clothes made in France of Korea, We cannot imagine what the life would be without such goods. It isalso true that global trade has caused some problems. Of course, it may intensify the commercial competition and the long-distance shipping has the negative impact on the environment. But, even if we could ban the global trade, these problems would still exist because people may choose to travel abroad to purchase such products. In sum, global trade offers a win-win situation for both importing and exporting coun- tries. Meanwhile, | believe with the development of science and technology, we can eventually figure out some ways to offset the drawbacks it has caused. (292 words) Vidu 2: PeonG ones came ecnersire printer atin mine natures tre olin rane eur acti serine con rectire ae oer Oi riya 102 ~ Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing Dan ¥ Quan diém: Phan lin céc thay 46i rghi va theo kip chting. léu dan dén két qua tich cy, va chuing ta nén thich ‘Nguyén nhén 1: Qué trinh déi mdi la thi duy nhat khéng bao gid thay déi. ‘Nguyén nhan 2: Nhiing thay déi, chang han nhu déi mdi vé khoa hoc, nhing phat minh kg thudt va hoc thuyét mdi, la anh huding én (driving force) dling sau su tién bé x4 hoi. ‘Vi dy, it ra hdu hét moi ngudi céing déu cé thé st dung mang toan céu dé tim théng tin howic dé gidi trf trong thdi dai thong tin nay. Ros ia Changes occur in every aspect of people's daly life, regardless of whether we want them tohappen or not. Some people, however, do not like changes, because changes bring un- familiar things, which means the possibility of making mistakes; others believe change is a good thing, In my view, the majority of changes lead to positive results, and we should adapt to and keep pace with them First, itis obvious that change is the only thing that never changes. Although we may avoid or refuse some changes that could occur, what we cannot do is to stop the whole world from changing. So, it is wiser to face the reality, appreciate these changes, and try to make the most of them. Moreover, the changes, like scientific innovations, technological inventions, and new academic theories, are the driving force behind the social progress. For example, com- puter technology has already changed the world and the way that people work, relax, communicate and even receive education. It has also improved the productivity of many industries. People have to accept this change and are at least able to use the Internet, in order to search for information or to relax i this information age. ‘That is not to say that any change contributes to good ending. When we enjoy benefits from changes, sometimes we lose more important things. Indeed, the invaluable trad- itional culture may fade away; many people are suffering from climate change; we are trying our best to protect the environment from negative changes. In sum, most changes are an inevitable fact of life and we had better develop an active attitude towards them. Meanwhile, we have to preserve what we believe is worth preserving, (281 words) www wus Tecliniques for IBLT'S Writing ~ 103 Bai3 Bai ludn trinh bay nguyén nhan va gidi phap/hé qua Khi viét bai ludn vé nguyén nan va gidi phép/hé qua, thong thutng tht sinh phdi trinh bay hai ngi dung (tuong cing vdi hai cau héi trong dé thi): nguyén nhan dan dén su xuit hign cia vin dé nao dé trong xa héi hién nay, nhiing hé qua hodc cc gidi phdp cho van dé do. 1, Nhting diém can luu ¥ trong bé cuc bai luan ‘Trong tam cia bai lun dang nay la phdn trinh bay nguyén nhdn, Mot khi nguyén nhan da duge thay 16 thi sé khéng khé tim ra cach gidi quyét. Mat khdc, gidm khdo cing hiéu ‘thi sinh khong thé dua ra cich giai quyét rét réo hay hon hao cho moi véin dé trong xa hi, va muc dich cia dang dé nay cht yéu la anh gid kh nang nh§n biét, phan tich vin dé cua thi sinh. Vi vay, trong bai luén nay, ban phai viét tt nhat hai doan & phan than bai: mot doan trinh bay nguyén nhan lam nay sinh vén dé va mét doan néu nhiing hé qua hoae cc gidi php. 2, Chia khéa dé tim hoe chon ¥ cho bai ludn Dé thi néu mét van dé xudt hién trong x4 h6i ngay nay. Diéu do cé nghia la vin dé nay ft xudt hién hode khng xudt hién trudc day. Vi vay, ban hay viét doan thit hai ciia bai lugn theo trinh ty sau: In the past, ... This is no longer always the case. Due to sth. .. now ... Khéng khé dé nbn ra ring nguyén nhén din dén nhiéu thay déi trong xa h6i li do céc yéu t6 nhu: ky thuat mdi (new technology), qua trinh dé thi héa (urbanisation), qué ‘inh toin cau héa (globalisation), loi song va lam viée v6i t6c d6 nhanh (fast-paced work and lifestyle). Ban cé thé trinh bay ning anh hudng hay hé qu ciia vain dé theo ba phuong dién la cd nhdn, gia dinh va xa héi hoac theo hai huGng [a tfch cuc va tiéu cuc. Néu dé thi yeu cdu néu cach gidi quyét van dé, ban cé thé viét rang viée giai quyét van dé doi hoi phai 6 su tham gia cia chinh phi, cc co quan hiu quan va ngudi dan (chinh phii o6 trach nhiém Idn nhat, cdc co quan héu quan phai o6 nhitng hanh déng thiét thyc, ngudi dan cdin ndng cao ¥ thiic, tich cyc tham gia gidi quyét vn dé). Sau day 14 bé cuc ctia bai luan yéu cau trinh bay nguyén nhan va gidi phap/ hé qua: sllous Techni 104 Ms ELTS Weiting 1. It seems to be an increasingly widespread Dogn thi nat problem /concern that .. 2. [think that A and B are responsible for this. 1, In the past, .. ‘Néu nguyén nhan tht _ _2. “This is no longer the case. andl: nhting thay di Boen tit het] Duct ste eno din dm st hie 4, So, the root cause of this phenomenon, $88 van dé hién nay 1. Another important factor contributing to signa this phenomenon is that .. New nguyen, tt 2. For example, ... hai va vi dy 3. - ‘Doan thirtw (A); 1: In order to solve this problem, ‘Dé xuat chinh pind, cach gidiquyét 2. More importantly, ‘eo quan hifu quan va vin dé 3, Besides/Tast but not leas, gud: dan cn Jim gt Doan thif tu (B): 1. Of course, this issue is bringing some nega~ sia base cuthé nihing nhunganh hudng tive effects (to sb. sth.) anh huénghay hé qui cia vin dé 2 oka vin a8 1. In sum, several factors lead to . 2, We should take effective steps, including. and .., to tackle this modern-day: problem, ‘Doan thet nam (A) 1, In'sum, several factors lead to... ‘Doan th nam (B) 2., And the negative impacts of this trend are too Serious to be neglected. ‘Véi dé thi yéu cdu viet bai ludn dang nay, ban chi cén tra lai tat cd céc cau héi trong dé thi la dugc va khéng nhét thiét phai viét doan thit nam. Néu bai viét chua dui sé tir theo quy dinh, ban c6 thé viét thém doan tht nam ngdn gon, sit dung cdc cau mau trong bang trén. Maryellous Techniques for 1ELTTS Writing - 105 3. Bai lun méu trinh bay nguyén nhén va gidi phdp/hé qua theo bé cuc bén (hoac nam) doan Vi du I: _ Pies dé even cau trinh bay nguyen nhan va giai php) Dan y ‘Nguyén nhin 1: Ngay nay, do cng nghé phét trién, cae phuong tién lién lac tién ra d0i. Xung quanh mbi c4 nhain hic nao ciing tran ngép de loai phuong tién truyén théng. Neuyén nhin 2: Céc cng ty truyén thong tan dung va dang tai cdc tin chan dong dé kiém [oi nhudn. Céich gil quyét: Sy chi dao va can thigp ctia chinh phii cé thé ed téc dung. Mang ludi truyén théng khéng chi nén gid chtic nang la mét té chiéc kinh doanh ma cén phai nbn: tréch nhiém xa hi In hon. Khiin gid va dc gid nén hoc céch séng lac quan va chi dong quyét dinh nén xem hay nén doc ahitng tht theo ¥ minh. It seems to be a \creasingly widespread concern that the media coverage is filled with images of disasters and violence, and I think that advanced communication technologies and media companies are definitely responsible for this, In the past, people got to know what happened lately only by listening to the radio and reading newspapers. This is no longer the case, Due to advanced communication tech- nologies, individuals nowadays are surrounded by all kinds of media every moment, ‘They are being kept informed about what is happening worldwide almost simultaneously by thousands of websites, TV live shows, radio programs, and even mobile phone text messages. As a result, bad news now has hi-tech wings and is being heard more often than ever before. Another important reason leading to this phenomenon is that the ultimate goal of me- dia companies now is to seck maximum profits. Since bad news can draw much public attention for whatever reason, media companies of course make the most of i to boost sales and attract more advertisement. So we see 24-hour, non-stop news reports of air- plane crashes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and so on. 106~ Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing In order to solve this problem, in other words, to let the media provide more balanced coverage to the public, governments’ intervention and guidance can make a difference. ‘More importantly, media networks should not only function as a business, but take a larger social responsibility. Besides, the citizens should learn to live optimistically and actively. After al, itis we, the viewers, who decide what we like to watch and read, and more importantly, pay attention to. (262 words) Vi du 2; (Dang dé yéu cdu trinh bay nguyén nhan va hé qua cia van dé) p people are busy with work/and do not hav Peace rec amt 5 eee Goes a eran: Siege aga eats teeat Rae crags Dan ¥ ‘Nguyén nhan 1: Ngay nay, do thyc té bing né dn sé va toan cdu héa, con nguéi phai cash tranh kh6ng chi voi ngay cing nhiéu sinh vién tt nghiép trong nude ma con véi nhdng ting vién nudc ngoai cé nang lyc chuyén mén dé gianh dugc mét vi tri tét d noi lam vi Nguyén nhin 2: Céng nghé truyén théng va ky thuat lién lac tién tién - dién thoai di dong va mang toan cau - da va dang lam tang hiéu qua lam viéc nhung cing lam gidm bét thd gian ngudi ta dinh cho gia dinh va ban ba. Nhung anh hudng: Van dé nay dang gay ra nhing anh hudng tiéu cye dén cudc sing gia dinh va xa hdi. Ngudi chéng va vg cé thé sé mét mdi dén ndi khéng thé 06 duge nhiing Khodng théi gian danh cho gia dinh sau git lim viéc. Cm xcic vé tink ban va tinh yéu gitta ngudi véi ngudi phai nhat nhiéu hon. Chi sé GDP cao hon khéng hoan toan thé hién ring loai ngu8i sng khde manh va han phic hon. Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing ~ 107 tt seems to be an increasingly widespread concern that overwork is stealing our family time, And [think that the keen social competition and modern communication technol- ogy ate responsible for this. {In the past, itis not uncommon that the husband worked to eam money ~ breadwin- ner, while the wife stayed home to raise children — housewife. This is no longer the case, Nowadays, both men and women have to work to cover increasing cost of living. Also, due to booming population and globalization, people have to compete not only with more and more domestic university graduates, but with overseas qualified job appli- cants, in order to obtain a good position in the workplace. Meanwhile, employees have to work as hard as others and often work overtime to keep a decent job. So, the intense social rivalry is one of the root causes that make people have less quality family time. | Another important factor contributing to this phenomenon is the advanced communi- cation technology. For example, mobile phones and the Internet have increased work efficiency on the one hand, but on the other hand they have reduced the time people spend with those who they care about. In the past, we would visit our parents’ home and stay with them for several hours on a traditional festival, Later, as mobile phones became popular, we might give them a two-minute call in that case; now we could express our regards by sending a short message within seconds, Of course, this issue is bringing some negative effects to both family life and society. The husband and wife may be too tired to have quality family time after work, When they come back home too late, they cannot talk and play with their sleeping kids, While mater- ial wealth is accumulated, the feeling of friendship and love among people gets weaker. ‘The problem most families already have isa social issue. Although many countries deem a higher GDP the indicater of social progress, I personally do not think this figure can fully represent the greater happiness and wellbeing of the human tace. (344 words) ‘Trong mét s6 trudng hop, dé thi khéng yeu cdu thf sinh trinh bay gidi phap hay hé qui cia vin dé ma yeu céu cho biét yéu t8 ndo quan trong nit va yéu t6 ndo kém quan trong t6 cho sin hodc néu dinh nghia vé mét khdi niém ndo dé. Khi viet vé dé thi loai nay, thi sinh chi cn tra Idi ldn lugt céc céu héi trong dé la duge. Luu y 1a cdc doan trong bai ludn ¢6 thé c6 cau tric kha don gidn. Hay tham khio hai vi dy sau. hdt trong 86 céc y 108 — Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing Vidu ls NCsseo mist ad roo n CeuentGy cy at seein t Cinna mae mcm ur alec tence atte eet eerner Sis ea enna sc ateraceeng eciuiats ae Cpe okie oe oan thitba Cho bie moa hoe -quan tong tht ha vA Wf do Noh bit eke an rg ny ‘Doan tint Kétluan Vi du 2: piera au portant to individuals, but itis very hard to det Tea er Wu teat tne uat aint B6 cuc bai Iuan: Doan thi nhét Gigi thigu cha dé Neus 2: Nhung neue c6.c4 tinh: khée a, ‘nko ‘thu nhing nén ido aaehae nheu sé ¢6 dinh nghia vé henh phic khéc nhau. oan thitnam —Kétlugn Ban c6 thé tham khio bai lun mau cho hai dé thi trén 8 chuong tiép theo (33 bai lun miu vé céc cht d? thutng gip). Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing ~ 109 eo % Ban da hoc vé b6 cuc cita bai nghj ludn, da ndm dugc céch viét mdi doan véi sé cau c6 dinh la ba cu. Bay gi8, ban hay tam quén bé cue nay va thuding thee nhing bai luén mau 6 Ibi viét phéng khodng, ty do, thé hign kha nang tu duy sng tao va gy dugc én tuong manh vai ngudi doc. Chung nay sé gidi thigu 33 bai luan mu dat diém cao vé cdc chii dé thuing gap kem theo Idi nhan xét 6 cuéi méi bai. Day 1a nhitng bai viét dugc chon loc va chinh stta dé that sur hiu ich cho ngubi hoc, Céu tnic cau, ti nga trong bai khong qué khé, céc vi du khong qua phic tap, s6 tt khong qué nhiéu so véi quy dinh. Diéu dé c6 nghia la ban hoan toan 6 thé viét duge nhing bai luin nhu thé néu doc ky bai miu déng thoi thudng xuyén Juyén tap trong khoang théi gian nhat dinh, va khoang thdi gian nay c6 thé duge tinh bang ngdy, tun, thang - ti da 18 vai théng cht khong phai nhiéu nam nhu trudc na. 1. Chad gido duc 1. Muc dich gido duc Seog Neamt inset on ebaertt ata ise aul ta aol cue fe eps tose dS Poresviel asst eanen ate eepie GTN Sis mtg ua yre ues seh atau ter rec nrerOa e anes ocinumeu eo wins Universities are one of the most important institutions in modern society. Post-secondary education provides both knowledge and general skills and sometimes job-specific train- ing. But which of these two should be the main focus? While many people might think the focus should only be “jobs I believe universities play a larger social role, Let us consider that we live in an information age. If a student wants to learn about accounting or history or other job-specific information, they do not need to sit in a classroom to get it. Nowadays, anyone can get information and knowledge online and can learn on their own. So surely universities are not needed for this purpose Instead, what universities should focus on is developing critical thinking. Anyone can memorize facts and get on-job training, but not everyone can think and analyze. Thisis a far more important skill in the real world, To be able to process information, understand. it and use it, these are the skills our universities should focus on building, 112 Marvellous Techniques for IELU'S Writing www “That is not to say that universities should not pay any attention to the workplace. Of course, all graduates want to find good work Butif you ask most people in the workplace today, they will tell you that the specific skills required for their jobs were learned on-site. And if you ask most employers what they are looking for in employees, they will tell you that itis a mind that can “think outside of the box’ So while universities play a role in training people for the workforce, they primarily fanction as a place for training the mind. What most companies and workforces need is not robots, but creative people who can contribute ideas. Universities should be the driving force in nurturing such people (294 words) Quan diém cia ngudi viét: Trung dai hoc phai gitip sinh vién phat trign khé nang tur duy déc lap, bdi sinh vin cé thé ty hoc nhiing kign thite va ky nang lién quan dén cOng viée hodc rén luyén nhiing ky nang nay trong qué trinh lam viée. Hon nila, diéu ma c&c cOng ty cn hién nay la nhang con nguti séng tao, Trong bai viét, cau 4é lai an tung sau sfe nbat cho ngudi doc Ia cau thit hai cla doan cuéi cing: What most companies and workforces need is not robots, but cre- ative people who can contribute ideas. Tw robots — tir trong tam cla cau — ngdm din t& ring néu trudng dai hoc chi cung cfp kign thiic va nhing ky ming lién quan én nghé nghiép cy thé thi khi ra trudng, céc sinh vién sé gidng nhu nliing ngudi may duge “chic tix cing m@t khun”, nghia la khong c6 kha nang séng tao, khong c6 kha nang turduy déc lép, Robots tuy la tir thudng gap va rét quen thudc v6i thf sinh nhung trong trudng hyp nay, né tac duge diém nhiin cho bai ludn, thé hién Iéi viet sang tao va lim néi bat quan diém ciia ngudi vit. Maryeltous Techniques for IELTS Writing ~ 113, ae Hay doc lai bai luan mau é higu nghta va céch ding cla céc ti va ngit dudi day. Sau d6 ghi nhé va sit dung ching. workplace ['waikplers] n. noi lim vide fanction ['fagk{n] vi. 6 chi robor [‘roobut] n. ngiait middy nurture ['no:t{o(0)] vt. nudi ducing ding, n. che nang both .. and... cd. fdr learn about sth. hoc dé biét diéw gi ‘on one’s own andr minh focus on sth, tdp tng vao diéw gi critical thinking tireluy phan bién/phé phan Pay attention to sth, chié y ti diéu gi think oueside of the box (think creatively) seq nghi/neduy sing tao playarolein doing sth. déug vai ind trong viée gi i Griving force ive hong chink * Anyone can memorize facts and get on-job training, but not everyone can think and analyze. © So while universities play a role in training people for the workforce, they primar- ily function as a place for training the mind. * What most companies and workforces need is not robots, but creative people who can contribute ideas 2. Phuong phap day hoc Sage) meee calnbene tes ne Cuero earth SOC ateraneewnt cae cane uilelie entra ignea tarsi eT ee teal saint teen Tilo Secon ragaeineta aes crea; NATE Guise 114- Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing yee ice tae Pou utur ina so mnumet ale anit Ope emnuseey Using cetera tc nCtatan aie ta Se cates Secreta ae ce) seCrae Mar cue ey ates aetna acer emi ners ac UNesuny tikes ay piace ole aa ate ae te ees Tomo eh cr el sea g Sie non octcon rt ataipsemyararicr octets sheet cel attnra tS ate rautrs (Soret cece errs ton esa tga aa naire on tee toetetes) SUuatac ccs tore econ ae eit tttec me anans Dens cr at alee ut er neera acco Ale Rogen gt ae Meneses tore eo anu antst cae era crear ey eens siiesoa ech a uae Umea te tanieS ri Pours aamnisss Gee eye erro Ger Unease eit eect a ne uae Moe ns ence eras Ae ne enue ce arunsen (iti i cnt t ancat Does Ral setulae Ceara cnc Meetsn cast t age! 281 words) truyén thdng (day hoc tryc tiép tai Iép) déu co uu diém nén phai sit dung két hop c& hai phuong phép. Doan thi hai ban vé uu diém cia phuong phép day hoc trayén thdng; doan thit ba ban vé uu diém cia phuong phép day hoc ti xa; doan thi tu: més rong chii dé tranh lua (van dé khong phai la phuong phép nao tét hon ma la ching ta két hgp cé hai phwong php nhu thé nao). Cau cut cing ctia bai lugn (Students without teachers will surely be lost, but students who simply rely on teachers for knowledge are not really learning.) chinh ‘www Marvellous Techniques for IBLTS Writing ~ 115 J cau trung tam cla c& bai. Mc di cau luan dé & cudi doan nhap dé la there is value in both approaches nhung cau nay t6 r6 quan diém ciia ngudt viét va tré loi cau hoi 48 thi dura ra. Hay doc lai bai lun mau dé hiéu nghia va céch ding cia cdc tit va nga dudi day. Sau dé ghi nho va sti dung chiing. merit {'ment] n. wu diém approach [a'praot{] n. phiwmg phdp tiép can expertise [ekspo'tiz] n. st chuyén nghiép remote [1'moot] adj, xa xéi various ['veotias] adj. kde maw harness {'ha:mis] vt. khai the potential {pa'tenjl] n. tiém nang neglect (mu'glekt} wt. xem nhe/xao hing cling to sth. bm edo diéu gt L remote learning viée hoe titxa i pay for tuition déng hoc phi attend a school/classes vo hoc mot truing/dén lip in person dich than communicate with sb. giao tiép vai ai rely on sb. 16 thuée ai © Teachers can not only share knowledge, but assess, correct auud motivate students _ as well. So while we should hamess the potential of new technology that makes remote learning possible, we should not neglect the importance of traditional learning. Students without teachers will surely be lose, but students who simply rely on teachers for knowledge are not really learning. 16 ~ Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Weiting, Pesan meee MOT eicacr etna linportatiee. In your opinion, which two.of the following subjects ate the most CuI a eeu he nv sera Sune Liter Pipe ipastte tar Wien ees Physics perce ice fers hy Ithas been said that investing in education is investing in one’s future and this is true for both individuals and nations. It is always somewhat subjective to say which is more important: the humanities or sciences as both have value. However, I would like to make a case for the importance of maths and economics in this day and age, Let us begin with maths. Mathematics is a foundation subject which bridges many dif ferent fields, from physics and chemistry to the Internet and modern medicine. All of ‘our material advances in the 20th century could not have happened without advanced mathematics. To be sure, it will also play a critical role in meeting, challenges like global warming and space travel, to name just a few, in the future Likewise, economics is @ fundamental discipline that allows societies to be stable and ‘move forward. History is full of examples of kingdoms and empires that collapsed as their economies declined. Most obviously, we need to look no further than the current economic meltdown to see the importance of economics. The jobs and wellbeing of i dividuals and nations alike depend upon a deeper understanding of this field. ‘While all subjects have their merits, perhaps geography does not have the same import- ance it once did. Afterall, in our modern world, we have 3-D maps online, which allows us to see anywhere with the click ofa mouse. ‘To summarize, maths and economics are critical subjects in the 21st century. Govern- ‘ments must do their part to invest in these key areas and have qualified teachers, But noticeably, they need a balanced approach to education where they still produce artists, thinkers, historians, politicians, and so on, By doing so, they will ensure their people's prosperity and progress. (293 words) ‘Marvellous Techniques for IELTS Writing — 1017

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