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Primria Municipiului Bucureti

City Hall of Bucharest

Programul de
dezvoltare a
Program for


Primria Municipiului Bucureti

City Hall of Bucharest

Programul de
dezvoltare a
Program for


Capitolul 1 Transporturi, drumuri, sistematizarea circulaiei . . . . . .5
Infrastructura urban
z Pasaj suprateran Basarab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
z Sistem de parcare suprateran i subteran n Municipiul Bucureti . . . . . . . . .9
z Reabilitare strzi - Etapa I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
z Reabilitare strazi - Etapa II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
z Dezvoltarea unor noi coridoare de transport prin realizarea unor
strpungeri i penetraii n sistemul de strzi din Municipiul Bucureti . . . . . . . .12
z Modernizarea Pieei Eroii Revoluiei i pasaj pietonal subteran . . . . . . . . . . . .13
z Reabilitarea infrastructurii de baz n Centrul Istoric al Municipiului Bucureti .14
z Modernizarea infrastructurii liniilor de tramvai n zona de Sud-Vest a
Municipiului Bucuresti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
z Modernizarea infrastructurii liniilor de tramvai n zona
de Sud-Est i de Nord a Municipiului Bucuresti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
z Linie de metrou (legtur feroviar rapid) ntre staia Gara de Nord i
Aeroportul Henri Coand (Otopeni ) Bucureti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
z Implementarea sistemului de taxare automat pentru transportul public urban . .18
z Achiziionarea de mijloace de transport (autobuze,tramvaie,troleibuze) . . . . .19
Sistematizarea circulaiei
z Sistem de management al traficului i poziionare global a mijloacelor de
transport public de suprafa n Municipiul Bucureti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
z Elaborarea studiului de circulaie i up-gradarea Master Plan-ului JICA . . . . .21

Capitolul 2 Sisteme informatice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

z Extinderea Sistemului Informatic Integrat pentru Managementul Activitilor
din PMB la primriile de sector, regii i uniti aflate sub
autoritatea C.G.M.B. i furnizorii de servicii pentru municipalitate . . . . . . . . . . .26
z Sistem geospaial de e-government pentru planificarea i
controlul dezvoltrii urbane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
z Sistem de informaii publice (infochioc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

Capitolul 3 Protecia mediului i educaie ecocivic . . . . . . . . . . .29

z Realizarea hrii acustice a Municipiului Bucureti i a sistemului de
monitorizare a zgomotului . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
z Ecologizarea i dezvoltarea potenialului turistic de recreere i agrement al
parcurilor Cimigiu, Herstru, Carol i Tineretului din Municipiul Bucureti . .33
z Sistem de avertizare i alarmare n caz de dezastre n Municipiul Bucureti . .34

Capitolul 4 Evidena imobiliar i cadastral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35

z Modernizarea Hrii Generale a Municipiului Bucureti i realizarea
Sistemului Informatic de Cadastru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

Capitolul 5 Utiliti publice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39

Ap - canal
z Extinderea reelei de canalizare n zonele deficitare ale
Municipiului Bucureti n interiorul actualelor bazine de colectare . . . . . . . . . .42
z Extinderea reelelor de distibuie a apei potabile, n afara sferei de obligaii a
concesionarului, n zonele deficitare din Municipiul Bucureti . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43

z Reabilitarea ecologic a salbei de lacuri de pe rul Colentina n vederea

reintroducerii zonelor adiacente n circuitul turistic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
z Modernizarea i finalizarea Staiei de tratare a apelor uzate Glina . . . . . . . . . .45
z Contorizarea vnzrii de cldur i ap cald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
z Modernizarea a 10 centrale termice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
z Modernizarea punctelor termice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
z Reabilitarea reelelor termice primare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48

Capitolul 6 Investiii generale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49

z Complex de recuperare neuropsihomotorie Panduri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
z Reabilitarea infrastructurii educaionale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
z Magistrala de fibr optic pentru Municipiul Bucureti pentru transmisii de
fluxuri informaionale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
z Arena Bucuretilor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
z Esplanada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
z Splai Center/Venus Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
z Dezvoltarea urbanistic Izvor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58

Capitolul 7 Urbanism i amenajarea teritoriului . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59

z Studiu i proiect-pilot pentru mobilier urban . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
z Studiu peisagistic pe raza Municipiului Bucureti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64

Chapter 1

Transport, Roads, Traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Urban Infrastructure
z Basarab over-pass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
z Over-ground and underground parking systems in Bucharest City . . . . . . . . . .9
z Urban roads rehabilitation Ist Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
z Urban roads rehabilitation IInd Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
z Development of public new circulation lanes through the creation of
some punctures and interpenetrations in the road system of Bucharest City . . . .12
z Modernization of Piaa Eroii Revoluiei and the pedestrian subsurface lane . .13
z Rehabilitation of the main infrastructure in the Central Historical Site
of Bucharest City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
z Modernisation of the trams railway infrastructure in SouthWestern
area of the Bucharest City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
z Modernisation of the trams railway infrastructure in South-Eastern
and Northern area of Bucharest City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
z Underground- highspeed railway link between Gara de Nord Bucharest
railway station and Bucharest Henri Coand (Otopeni) Airport . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
z Implementation of the ticketing system for public urban transport . . . . . . . . .18
z Procurement of transport means: buses, trams and trolleys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
z Traffic management system and overall distribution of
public transport means operating on surface in Bucharest City . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
z Elaboration of the Study for Traffic and up-grade of JICA Master Plan . . . . .21

Chapter 2

IT Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

z Extension of the Integrated Processing data System for the Management

of the Activities within the Bucharest City Hall to the City Hall districts,
companies and units under the General Council of Bucharest Citys authority
and the Citys services suppliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
z Geo-space e-government system intended for Citys development
planning and survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
z Public Inquiry Office System (info-kiosk) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

Chapter 3

Environment Protection and Eco-C

Civic Education . . . . 29

z Execution of the acoustical Bucharest City map and of the noise

monitoring system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
z Ecologic operation and raise of the leisure and resource touristic potential
of Cimigiu, Herstru, Carol and Tineretului parks of Bucharest City . . . . . . .33
z Safety device and auto-alarm system in case of disaster in Bucharest City . . .34

Chapter 4

Cadastral and Real Estate Situation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

z Conditioning of the General Map of the Bucharest City and execution

of the Processing Cadastral data System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

Chapter 5

Public Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Sewage water
z Sewage Network Extension in the areas with deficiency
in the Bucharest City, into the current drainage basins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
z Extension of the potable water supply network over the lessees liability
scope, in the deficiency areas of the Bucharest City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
z Rehabilitation of the chain of lakes along Colentina River,
in order to give back the adjacent areas to the touristic circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
z Modernization and completion works to the wastewater treatment
Plant Glina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Heating System
z Modernization of 10 central heating stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
z Modernizing of district heating points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
z Rehabilitation of core heating networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48

Chapter 6

General Investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

z Panduri Health Clinic for Neuro-psychomotor Restoration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52

z Rehabilitation of the educational infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
z Optic fibre Main Line for Bucharest City intended for informational
flows transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
z Bucharests Arena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
z Esplanada Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
z Splai Center/Venus Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
z Izvor Area Urban Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58

Chapter 7

Urbanism and Territorial Lay Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

z Study and draft project for urban rearrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
z Cityscape Study on Bucharest City Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64

z Transporturi
z Drumuri
z Sistematizarea
z Transport
z Roads
z Traffic



Transporturile reprezint sursa stimulrii activitilor conexe (de producie, comer
etc.), influennd nivelul productivitii i al creterii economice n ansamblu, iar problemele de transport urban se amplific att din cauza mrimii teritoriului, a creterii
sferei produciei, a altor activiti, ct i n urma creterii numrului de autovehicule.
Dezvoltarea durabil nu poate fi conceput dect n contextul aglomeraiei urbane, n
cadrul creia municipiul are un rol activ i stimulativ la nivel regional i metropolitan.
Acest fapt, pe lng celelalte componente (industrie, energie, agricultur, turism), se
poate realiza prin mbuntirea n ansamblu a ofertei de transport public n Bucureti i
n zona metropolitan i prin realizarea condiiilor care s asigure o mai bun corelare a
ofertei cu cererea specific viitoare, coordonarea dezvoltrii i modernizarii dotrilor
existente i optimizarea exploatarii printr-un sistem de transport intermodal eficient.
Strategia municipalitii n domeniul transporturilor vizeaz, n principal, acele aciuni menite s conduc la prioritizarea transportului public concomitent cu dezvoltarea
i modernizarea elementelor componente ale acestuia. n acest sens se au n
vedere urmtoarele:
z promovarea ideii de utilizare integrat a multiplelor moduri de transport, cu scopul
de a asigura o mobilitate ridicat i de a controla ncrcarea traficului;
z implementarea Autoritii Metropolitane de Transport (ATM);
z continuarea procesului de reabilitare i modernizare a infrastructurii de transport
(linii de tramvaie, depouri etc.) i de dotare cu noi mijloace de transport (tramvaie,
autobuze, troleibuze);
z protejarea i revigorarea perimetrului istoric din centrul oraului astfel nct s
devin un punct de atracie comercial i de agrement;
z implementarea sistemului de taxare automat la transportul public de suprafa,
compatibil cu cel de la metrou, n scopul integrrii tarifare;
z implementarea sistemului de management al traficului i sistem GPS pe vehiculele
z mrirea progresiv, pe etape, a capacitii de circulaie a arterelor, n raport cu
creterea traficului, prin lrgiri de artere, realizarea de pasaje rutiere i pietonale;
z continuarea procesului de reabilitare i modernizare a penetraiilor existente i
crearea altora noi n zonele de sud i vest ale oraului, n vederea realizrii continuitii
celor dou autostrzi care converg ctre Capital;
z realizarea unor strpungeri majore n zone de mare afluen de trafic (BerzeiBuzeti, Hadeu Tudor Vladimirescu, Traian etc.);
z asigurarea spaiilor pentru mrirea capacitii de circulaie a arterelor, intersecii,
pasaje etc., n etapele premergtoare de execuie a obiectivelor.
z continuarea procesului de reabilitare i modernizarea strzilor prin promovarea a
noi proiecte cu finanare extern;
z completarea i nchiderea inelului principal de circulaie prin nceperea lucrrilor
la Pasajul Basarab;
z dezvoltarea unei strategii globale pentru amenajarea de parcri subterane i supraterane att n zona central a oraului, ct i n cartierele de locuine;
z promovarea unor noi proiecte de pasaje supraterane i subterane, inclusiv de modernizare a celor existente.

Transportation represent the source of stimulating the interfacing activities (production, trade etc.), influencing the level of productivity and the economic growth overall, and the urban transportation issues increase because of the territorys dimension, the
increase in the production area, other activities, as well as the increasing number of
The sustainable development of the Capital cannot be conceived other than in the
context of the urban agglomeration, within which the municipality has an active and
stimulating role both on a regional and metropolitan level. This fact, and the other components (industry, energy, agriculture, tourism) can be accomplished by an overall
improvement of the public transportation offer in Bucharest and the metropolitan area
and the achievement of the conditions to ensure a better correlation of the offer with the
future specific request, the coordination of the development and modernization of the
existing endowments and the optimization of the exploitation through an efficient intermode transportation system.
The municipality strategy regarding transportation aims mainly those activities,
which lead to the prioritization of the public transportation simultaneously with the
development and the modernization of its component elements. In this case, the following are taken into consideration:
z promoting the idea of the integrate use of the multiple transportation means, in
order to ensure a high level mobility and to control the traffic burden;
z implementing the Transportation Metropolitan Authority (TMA);
z reorganizing the surface public transportation by reforming it;
z continuing the rehabilitation and modernization process of the transportation infrastructure (tram lines, depots etc.) and the endowment with new transportation means
(trams, busses, trolley busses);
z systematizing and differentiating the existing public transportation network;
z protecting and revitalizing the historical area belonging to the center of the city in
such a way that it becomes a commercial and amusement target;
z implementing the automatic taxation system for the surface public transportation,
compatible with the one used by subways, in order to achieve a scheduled integration;
z implementing the traffic management system and the GPS system for the RATB
(public) vehicles;
z the progressive phase increase of thoroughfare traffic capacity according to the
traffic increment, by enlarging the arteries, constructing pedestrian and road passages;
z continuing the modernization and rehabilitation process for the existing penetrations and creating new ones in the west and south area of the city, in order to accomplish the continuity of the two highways which converge towards the Capital;
z implementing some major intersection points in the very crowded areas (BerzeiBuzeti, Hadeu-Tudor Vladimirescu, Traian etc.);
z to provide space and distance for enlarging the traffic capacity of the roads , crossroads, passages , e.g. in the previous steps of the projects achievement;
z the second part of the rehabilitation and improvement of the roads by promoting
new projects with external financing;
z the accomplishment and closure of the main traffic ring by starting the works for
the Basarab passage;
z the development of the global strategy in order to organize underground and on
ground parking places in the central area of the town as well as in the other districts;
z the promotion of new projects for the on ground and underground parking places
including the improvement of the existing ones;





Pasaj suprateran Basarab

Basarab over-pass

Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul const n realizarea unui
pasaj suprateran cu rampa de acces din
Bd. N. Titulescu n apropierea interseciei
cu Bd. Al. I. Cuza, supratraverseaz Calea
Griviei, apoi pachetul de cale ferat, Bd.
Dinicu Golescu, nscriindu-se apoi ntre
fronturile construite ale os. Orhideelor,
supratraverseaz i intersecia PlevneiOrhideelor-Giuleti i Podul Grozveti,
revenind la sol pe os. Grozveti

Gara Basarab Splaiul Dmboviei

z se realizeaz nchiderea inelului principal de circulaie;
z redistribuirea fluxurilor de circulaie
i reducerea distanei i a timpilor de circulaie pe direcia nord-sud;
z scderea consumului de carburani la
mijloacele auto;
z crearea a aproximativ 1000 de noi
locuri de munc.

Project summary:
The project consists of the achievement
of an over-pass having the access platform from N. Titulescu Blvd., near the
crossroad with Al. I. Cuza Blvd., overcrossing Grivia Road, then the package
of railway lines, also Dinicu Golescu
Blvd. afterwards inscribing its track
between the built fronts on Orhideelor
Ave., also overcrossing the crossroad
Plevnei Road-Orhideelor Ave.-Giuleti
Road and Grozveti Bridge, with returning at ground level on Grozveti Ave.

Basarab Railway Station Dmbovia
River Embankment

z it is achieved the closure of the main
traffic ring road;
z redistribution of the traffic flows and
decreasing of the distances as well the
stay-on-traffic times, on North-Southern
z decreasing the fuel consumption for
z creation of close to 1000 new

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

178 mil. euro

178 mill. euro

Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul const n realizarea, ntr-o
prim etap, n regim de parteneriat public-privat, a unui numr de 23 de parcaje
(din circa 70 identificate) supra i subterane n zonele centrale ale Municipiului
Bucureti: Piaa Grii de Nord, Piaa
Ateneului Romn, Piaa Obor, Piaa
Sudului, Str. Edgar Quinet, Piaa Slii
Palatului, Piaa Amzei, Piaa Presei
Libere, Piaa Domenii, Piaa Walter
Mrcineanu, Piaa Hurmuzachi, Piaa
Dorobani, Parcul Herstru-Pavilion H,
Esplanada Gara Bneasa, Piaa Alba Iulia,
os. Stefan cel Mare-Blocul Perla,
Restaurantul Pescru, Bd. Magheru
(Magazinul EVA), Muzeul ranului
Romn, Piaa Charles de Gaulle, os.
tefan cel Mare-Aleea Circului, Str.
Barbu Vcrescu-Bd. Lacul Tei, Piaa

Project summary:
The project consists of the achievement, in public-private partnership, in the
first stage, of a number of 23 parking
locations (among near 70 identified locations) of underground and over-ground
kind in the central areas of Bucharest
City, as follows: Piaa Gara de Nord,
Romanian Athenaeum Square, Piaa
Obor, Piaa Sudului, Edgar Quinet Street,
Sala Palatului Square, Piaa Amzei, Piaa
Presei Libere, Piaa Domenii, Piaa Walter
Mrcineanu, Piaa Hurmuzachi, Piaa
Dorobani, Herstru Park H Pavilion,
Gara Bneasa Esplanade, Piaa Alba Iulia,
tefan cel Mare Ave.Perla building,
Pescru Restaurant, Magheru Blvd.
(EVA Store), the Romanian Vilager
Museum, Charles de Gaulle Square,
tefan cel Mare Ave.Circus Alley, Barbu
Vcrescu StreetLacul Tei Blvd.,
Universitii Square.



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



crearea de faciliti de parcare n

zonele aglomerate ale oraului;
z descongestionarea circulaiei rutiere
i pietonale de suprafa din zon;
z crearea a aproximativ 100 noi locuri
de munc.



Sisteme de parcare suprateran i subteran

n Municipiul Bucureti
Over-ground and underground parking systems
in Bucharest City

creation of parking facilities in the

crowded areas of the city;
z decongestion of pedestrian and vehicular traffic on surface in the area;
z creation of about 100 new employments.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

150 mil. euro

150 mill. euro



Reabilitare strzi Etapa I

Urban roads rehabilitation Ist Stage
Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul const n reabilitarea a 60 de
seciuni de drum selectate conform planurilor municipale pe anii 2002 i 2003.
n funcie de ndeplinirea anumitor
condiii preliminare (proiectare, execuie
reele etc.), cele 60 de strzi au fost grupate n 6 pachete.

Sectorul 1: Bd. Al. Ioan Cuza, Bd.
Banu Manta, Bd. Poligrafiei, Str. M.
Eminescu, Bd. I. Mihalache, Calea
Griviei, Str. Al. erbnescu, Str. Turda,
Bd. Mareal Averescu, Bd. Mrti, Calea
Giuleti, os. Chitilei, Bd. I. G. Duca,
os. Orhideelor, Str. M. Vulcnescu
Sectorul 2: os. Pantelimon, Str. Barbu
Vcrescu, os. Pipera
Sectorul 3: os. Gara Celu, Calea
Sectorul 4: Str. Sergent Iriceanu, os.
Vitan-Brzeti, Str. Gh. incai
Sectorul 5: os. Antiaerian, os.
Viilor, os. Alexandriei, Calea Rahovei,
Bd. G. Cobuc, Bd. Regina Maria, os.
Odoarei, Bd. Tudor Vladimirescu
Sectorul 6: Prelungirea Ghencea, Str.
Orhideelor, Str. Rzoare, os. Grozveti,
Bd. Ghencea, Bd. Iuliu Maniu, Str.
Lujerului, Str. Braov, Str. Virtuii, Str.

z creterea vitezei de deplasare a
autovehiculelor n condiii de siguran
sporit, ca urmare a modernizrii infrastructurii de transport
z creterea siguranei i confortului


Project summary:
The Project consists of the rehabilitation of 60 road sections, selected according with the Municipality plans for the
years 2002, 2003. Depending on the
accomplishment of some preliminary
conditions (design, network execution
and so on), the 60 streets have been
arranged into 6 packages.

1st District: Al. Ioan Cuza Blvd., Banu
Manta Blvd., Poligrafiei Blvd., M.
Eminescu Street, I. Mihalache Blvd.,
Griviei Road, Al. erbnescu Street,
Turda Street, Mareal Averescu Blvd.,
Mrti Blvd., Giuleti Road, Chitilei
Ave., I. G. Duca Blvd., Orhideelor Ave.,
M. Vulcnescu Street.
2nd District: Pantelimon Ave., Barbu
Vcrescu Street, Pipera Ave.
3rd District: Gara Celu Ave., Dudeti
4th District: Sergent Iriceanu Street,
Vitan-Brzeti Ave., Gh. incai Street.
5th District: Antiaerian Ave., Viilor
Ave., Alexandriei Ave., Rahovei Road, G.
Cobuc Blvd., Regina Maria Blvd.,
Odoarei Ave., Tudor Vladimirescu Blvd.
6th District: Ghencea Extension,
Orhideelor Street, Rzoare Street,
Grozveti Ave., Ghencea Blvd., Iuliu
Maniu Blvd., Lujerului Street, Braov
Street, Virtuii Street, Geniului Street.

the increase of the rolling car speed in
conditions of more safety, consequence of
the modernisation of transport infrastructure;
z the increase of the passengers safety
and comfort.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

32,4 mil. euro

32.4 mill. euro

Proiectul const n reabilitarea a circa

1800 de strzi totaliznd 790 km, care
reprezint 43,4% din ntreaga reea de
drumuri a Municipiului Bucureti, precum i reabilitarea reelelor de alimentare
cu ap i canalizare pe o lungime de circa
300 de km.
Lucrrile cuprinse n reabilitare
cuprind toate cele 6 sectoare ale
Municipiului Bucureti, organizate n 20
de pachete de strzi.

Project summary:
The Project consists of the rehabilitation of a number of near 1800 streets,
totalizing 790 km length, which represents 43,4 % from the entire road network
of the Bucharest City and also the rehabilitation of the water supply network and
sewage system in length of close to 300
km. The rehabilitation works covers all
the 6 districts of Bucharest City, being
arranged into 20 street packages.



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



z creterea vitezei de deplasare a

autovehiculelor n condiii de siguran
sporit ca urmare a modernizrii infrastructurii de transport;
z creterea nivelului de confort;
z mbuntirea calitii mediului prin
reducerea numrului de mbolnviri
cauzate de infectarea surselor de ap ca
urmare a inexistenei sistemului de
canalizare, precum i reducerea polurii
lacurilor i rurilor.

z increasing the rolling car speed, in

conditions of more safety, consequence of
the modernization of the transport infrastructure;
z increase of the comfort index;
z increasing the environment conditions through the reduction of the number
of health damages caused by the contamination of water sources, as a consequence
of the lack of sewage system, also the
reduction of pollution of lakes and rivers.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

450 mil. euro

450 mill. euro


Descrierea proiectului:


Reabilitare strzi Etapa II

Urban roads rehabilitation IInd Stage




Dezvoltarea unor noi coridoare de transport prin realizarea

unor strpungeri i penetraii n sistemul de strzi din
Municipiul Bucureti
Development of public new circulation lanes through
the creation of some punctures and interpenetrations in
the road system of Bucharest City
Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul const n realizarea de legturi ntre principalele artere ale oraului,
precum i racordri la autostrzile A1
(Bucureti Piteti) i A2 (Bucureti
Constana) :
z Penetraie Splaiul IndependeneiCiurel-Autostrada A1;
z ntregire Splaiul Unirii pe zona Bd.
Mreti Hanul lui Manuc;
z Penetraie i racord Splaiul Uniriiautostrada A2;
z Pasaj suprateran Doamna Ghica
os. Colentina;
z Artera D-na Ghica Bd. Chiinu;
z Strpungere Bd. Nicolae Grigorescu
Splai Dudescu;
z Supralrgire os. Pipera;
z Penetraie Bd. Ghencea Domneti;
z Strpungere Piaa Victoriei Bd.
Buzeti Str. Berzei Uranus;
z Pasaj denivelat subteran Str. I. I. de la
Brad Bd. Aerogrii.

The project consists of the creation of

links between the main citys circulation
arteries and also connections to A1
Highway (Bucharest-Pitesti) and A2
Highway (Bucharest Constanta), as follows:
z Inter-penetration Splaiul Independenei Ave. Ciurel Street - A1 Highway;
z Splaiul Unirii recruitment on the area
Mreti Blvd. Hanul lui Manuc;
z Inter-penetration and linkage Splaiul
Unirii A2 Highway;
z Over-crossing Lane Doamna Ghica
Colentina Ave.;
z Doamna Ghica Chiinu Blvd. Artery;
z Puncture on Nicolae Grigorescu
Blvd. Dudescu Splai;
z Pipera Ave. high enlargement;
z InterPenetration Ghencea Blvd.
Domneti village;
z Puncture Victoriei Square Buzeti
Blvd. Berzei Street Uranus;
z Subsurface Lane on I. I. de la Brad
Street Aerogrii Blvd.



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



creterea vitezei de deplasare a

autovehiculelor n condiii de siguran
sporit, ca urmare a modernizrii infrastructurii de transport;
z creterea siguranei i confortului


Project summary:

the increase of the rolling car speed

in conditions of more safety, consequence
of the modernisation of transport infrastructure;
z the increase of the passengers safety
and comfort.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

150 mil. euro

150 mill. euro

Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul const n modernizarea Pieei
Eroii Revoluiei, cuprins ntre limita proprietii Cimitirului Bellu la est i frontul
de blocuri de locuine adiacente pieei, pe
partea de vest, legtura spre partea de
nord, cu os. Viilor i Calea erban Vod
i spre sud pe os. Olteniei pn la Str.
ura Mare (inclusiv) i os. Giurgiului,
pe o suprafa de aproximativ 3,5 ha, prin
modernizarea carosabilului i reglementarea circulaiei.
Pasajul pietonal subteran va face legtura ntre cele dou trotuare ale pieei,
peroanele staiei de tramvai nou-create n
cadrul proiectului de modernizare a liniei
de tramvai i staia de metrou Piaa Eroii

Project summary:
The project consists of the modernization of Piaa Eroii Revoluiei, marked of
the Bellu Graveyard property limits on
the Eastern side and the blocks of flats
front adjacently to the square place, on the
Western side, the link to the Northern side
being with Viilor Ave. and erban Vod
Road and on the South side on Olteniei
Ave. till ura Mare Street (inclusively)
and Giurgiului Ave., on a platform of
about 3,5 ha, resting in the modernization
of the traffic road bed and traffic regulation.
The pedestrian subsurface lane will
make the connection between the two
square footways, the railroad platforms of
the new tram stations created within the
tram line modernization project and Eroii
Revoluiei underground station.



Piaa Eroii Revoluiei

Piaa Eroii Revoluiei



z creterea vitezei de deplasare a

autovehiculelor n condiii de siguran
sporit, ca urmare a modernizrii infrastructurii de transport;
z creterea siguranei i confortului
z descongestionarea circulaiei rutiere
i pietonale din zon.



Modernizarea Pieei Eroii Revoluiei i

pasaj pietonal subteran
Modernization of Piaa Eroii Revoluiei
and the pedestrian subsurface lane

z the increase of the rolling car speed

in conditions of more safety, consequence
of the modernisation of transport infrastructure;
z the increase of the passengers safety
and confort;
z decongestion of the vehicular and
pedestrian traffic flows.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated funds:

30 mil. euro

30 mill. euro





Reabilitarea infrastructurii de baz n Centrul Istoric al

Municipiului Bucureti
Rehabilitation of the main infrastructure in the Central
Historical Site of Bucharest City
Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul const n reabilitarea infrastructurii de baz a unei zone-pilot
ncadrate de Str. Lipscani, Calea Victoriei,
Splaiul Independenei, Str. Halelor, Bd.
I.C. Brtianu, ca parte a iniiativei municipalitii de revitalizare a acestei zone
istorice, care va include i restaurarea
cldirilor i msuri de stimulare a activitilor economice i sociale.

Project summary:
The project consists of the rehabilitation of the basic infrastructure of a pilotzone framed by Lipscani Street, Victoriei
Ave., Splaiul Independenei Road,
Halelor Street, I.C. Brtianu Blvd., as part
of an Bucharest Municipalitys initiative
in order to refurbish this historical site,
which will include also its buildings
restauration and measures to encourage
the economical and social activities.



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



Revitalizarea uneia dintre cele mai

vechi zone ale oraului, prin:
z creterea calitii vieii locuitorilor;
z stimularea activitilor economice i
sociale din zon;
z crearea a aproximativ 1000 de noi
locuri de munc.

Revitalisation of one of the oldest citys

site, through:
z increasing the inhabitants living
z propelling the economical and social
activities in the area;
z creation of close to 1000 new

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

9,5 mil. euro

9.5 mill. euro

Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul vizeaz modernizarea infrastructurii reelei de tramvai n zona de
SudVest a municipiului Bucureti i const n reabilitarea a 112,3 km de cale tramvai simpl i a 4 depouri:
z Linia 41 de tramvai Bd. Ghencea
Piaa Presei Libere 19 km cale simpl,
inclusiv Depoul Militari;
z Linia 32 de tramvai Piaa Unirii
Depoul Alexandriei n lungime de 19,3
km cale simpl, inclusiv Depoul
Alexandriei ;
z Linia 35 Bd. Preciziei Bd.
Timioara, inclusiv Depoul Militari, n
lungime total de 25 de km;
z Linia os. Giurgiului Str. C-tin
Istrate, inclusiv Depoul Giurgiului, n
lungime total de 26,4 km;
z Linia 12 Calea Ferentarilor Calea
13 Septembrie, n lungime total de 17,2
km cale simpl, inclusiv Depoul Dudeti;
z Cal. Giuleti, de la os. Orhideelor la
bucla cap de linie 16 Februarie ;
z Bd. Ghencea Calea 13 Septembrie,
Str. Dr. Istrati, Str. 11 Iunie etc.

Project summary:
The project refers the modernisation of
the infrastructure of trams network in
South-Western Bucharest area and consists of the rehabilitation of 112,3 km of
one-way tram route, as well of 4 sheds,
actions distributed as follows:
z No. 41 tram route Ghencea Blvd.
Piaa Presei Libere 19 km length, oneway route, including Militari Shed;
z No. 32 tram route Piaa Unirii
Alexandriei Shed 19,3 km length, oneway route, including Alexandriei Shed;
z No. 35 tram route - Preciziei Blvd.
Timioara Blvd., including Militari Shed,
of 25 km total length;
z The route Giurgiului Ave. C-tin
Istrate Street, including Giurgiului Shed,
of 26,4 km total length;
z No. 12 tram line Ferentarilor Road
13 Septembrie Road - one-way route, of
17,2 total length, including Dudeti Shed;
z Giuleti Road, from Orhideelor
Street to the rail head ripple 16 Februarie;
z Ghencea Blvd. 13 Septembrie
Road, Dr. Istrati Street, 11 Iunie Street
and so on.



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



z creterea vitezei de deplasare a tramvaielor n condiii sporite de siguran;

z creterea frecvenei de succedare a
tramvaielor i scderea timpului de
ateptare n staii, precum i a duratei
z creterea confortului cltorilor i a
siguranei traficului ;
z crearea a aproximativ 100 de noi
locuri de munc.



Modernizarea infrastructurii liniilor de tramvai n zona de

Sud-Vest a Municipiului Bucureti
Modernisation of the trams railway infrastructure in
SouthWestern area of the Bucharest City

increase of the trams speed moving

in conditions of more safety;
z increase of the trams frequency succeed and reduction of the waiting time in
tram stations, as well of the trip duration;
z increase of the passengers comfort
and the traffic safety;
z creation of close to 100 new employments.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

126 mil. euro

126 mill. euro




Modernizarea infrastructurii liniilor de tramvai n zona de

Sud-Est i de Nord a Municipiului Bucureti
Modernisation of the trams railway infrastructure
in South-Eastern and Northern area of Bucharest City
Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul vizeaz modernizarea infrastructurii reelei de tramvai n zona de Sud-Est i
de Nord a Municipiului Bucureti i const n
reabilitarea a peste100 de km cale tramvai
simpl, astfel:
z Modernizarea liniei de tramvai pe B-dul
Mreti, ntre Bd. Dimitrie Cantemir i str.
Nerva Traian, inclusiv Pasajul Mreti i
podul peste Dmbovia;
z Modernizarea liniei de tramvai 16 pe Bd.
Basarabia, Calea Clrai, cu realizarea noii
bucle a reelei de tramvai de la Sfnta Vineri;
z Modernizarea liniei de tramvai pe os.
Chitila de la Bd. Bucuretii Noi la str. Meze;
z Modernizarea infrastructurii reelei de
tramvai pe Str. Progresului, ntre intersecia
os. Viilor - Str. Dr. Istrate i intersecia Str.
Progresului - Str. Rzoare;
z Modernizarea liniei de tramvai 34 de la
Big Berceni Calea Vitan i de la Depoul
Victoria pe Bd. Nicolae Titulescu pn la Bd.
Alexandru Ioan Cuza;
z Modernizarea liniei de tramvai pe os.
Colentina i Calea Moilor de la Helitube
pn la terminalul Piaa Unirii;
z Modernizarea liniei de tramvai pe Bd.
Aerogrii - Bd. B. Vcrescu - Str. Tunari;
z Modernizarea liniei de tramvai Str. ura
Mare - os. Olteniei - ROMPRIM.

Municipiul Bucureti

z creterea vitezei de deplasare a tramvaielor n condiii sporite de siguran ;
z creterea frecvenei de succedare a tramvaielor i scderea timpului de ateptare n
staii, ca i a duratei cltoriei ;
z creterea confortului cltorilor i a siguranei traficului ;
z crearea a aproximativ 90 de noi locuri de


Project summary:
The project refers to the modernisation of
the infrastructure of the trams network in
South-Eastern and Northern area of Bucharest
City and consists of the rehabilitation of 100
km length one-way tram route, as follows:
z Modernization of the tram railway on
Mreti Blvd., between Dimitrie Cantemir
Blvd. and Nerva Traian Street, including
Pasajul Mreti and the bridge across
Dmbovia River;
z Modernization of the tram railway no. 16
on Basarabia Blvd., Clrai Road, together
with the set up of the new tram network ripple
from Sfnta Vineri station;
z Modernization of the tram railway on
Chitila Ave., the section from Bucuretii Noi
Blvd. to Meze Street;
z Modernization of the tram network infrastructure on Progresului Street, between the
crossroad Viilor Ave. Dr. Istrate Street and
the crossroad Progresului Street Razoare
z Modernization of the tram railway no. 34
from Big Berceni Vitan Road and from
Victoria Shed on Nicolae Titulescu Blvd. till
Alexandru Ioan Cuza Blvd.;
z Modernization of the tram railway on
Colentina Ave. and Moilor Road, the section
from Helitube till Piaa Unirii tram railway
z Modernization of the tram railway on
Aerogarii Blvd. B. Vcrescu Blvd. Tunari
z Modernization of tram railway ura
Mare Street Olteniei Road ROMPRIM.

Bucharest City

z increase of the trams speed movement,
concurrent with more safety condiions;
z ncrease of the frequency in trams succeed and reduction of the waiting time in tram
stations, as well of the trip duration;
z increase of the passengers comfort and
the traffic safety;
z of close to 90 new employments.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs;

170 mil. euro

170 mill. euro

Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul const n realizarea unei conexiuni de transport rapid - linie de metrou - n
scopul de a favoriza dezvoltarea urban durabil a zonei prin fluidizarea major a traficului ntre Municipiul Bucureti i Otopeni, precum i n zona adiacent.
Aceasta linie rapid face conexiunea ntre
reeaua de metrou a oraului, prin staia de
metrou 1 Mai i Aeroportul Internaional
Henri Coand, trecnd prin zona
Aeroportului Bneasa i facilitnd n acelai
timp schimbul de pasageri ntre principala
gar feroviar (Gara de Nord) i aeroporturile
oraului. Linia se va dezvolta pe dou tronsoane:
z primul tronson - ntre limitele oraului n ntregime subteran, cu o lungime de 4,7 km
i 5 staii;
z al doilea tronson - linie de tren regional
cu lungimea de 8,95 km -, cu seciuni supraterane i subterane, n funcie de condiiile de
traseu urban i suburban pe care l traverseaz,
cu 8 staii.

Project summary:
The project subsists in the creation of a highspeed transport linkunderground line-in order
to positively react on the sustainable urban
development of the refered area through the
major traffic relieving between Bucharest City
and Otopeni, as well for the adjacent zone.
This high speed link makes the connection
between the underground citys system,
through 1 Mai subway station and Henri
Coand (Otopeni) International Airport, by
crossing Bneasa Airport perimeter and concurrently making easier the passenger flow
transfer between the main railway station
(meaning Gara de Nord) and the citys airports;
The link will be developed on two sections:
- the first section - between the citys
boundaries fully underground located, of 4,7
km length and 5 stations;
- the second section - as a regional railway
line of 8,95 km length -, presenting aboveground and underground sections, function of
the urban and suburban track conditions that
follow to cross, with 8 stations.



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City

4. Beneficii:


z dezvoltarea (accelerarea) activitilor

economice ntre Capital i zonele/localitile

situate pe tot traseul sau accesibile pe DN1;
z creterea calitii vieii prin sporirea
siguranei n deplasare, a confortului i
funcionalitii legturii aeroport-ora;
z se vor realiza economii de costuri prin
eliminarea costurilor combustibilului cca 3
euro/30 km cu autoturismul, fa de 0,3 euro
pentru cltoria cu trenul i metroul, rezultnd
o reducere cu 90% a costurilor. Se vor elimina, de asemenea, costurile adiionale importante rezultate din ntrzierile n trafic
(amnarea/anularea cltoriilor de afaceri, a
sejururilor cu biletele C.F.R. aferente etc.);
z micorarea timpului de deplasare i de
staionare, eliminarea ambuteiajelor, reducerea numrului de accidente;
z scderea polurii pe DN 1 ntre Bucureti
i Otopeni cu 30%;

Costuri estimate:
300 mil. euro (Etapa I)



Linie de metrou (legtur feroviar rapid) ntre staia Gara

de Nord i Aeroportul Henri Coand (Otopeni) Bucureti
Underground- highspeed railway link between
Gara de Nord Bucharest railway station and Bucharest
Henri Coand (Otopeni) Airport

- development (accelerating process) of the

economic activities rolling between the Capital
City and the areas/localities placed all along
this route or having access points on DN1;
- improving the living standard, by springing the safety movement, the comfort index
and the workability of the airport-city link;
- will result cost savings through the elimination of the combustible costs close to 3
euro per 30 km using the vehicle, set against a
value of 0,3 euro per travel with the train or
subway train, as resulting a 90% reduction of
costs. As well, will be eliminated the important additional costs resulted from the delays
occurred in traffic (postponement/cancellation
of business meetings, of holidays with the corresponding CFR tickets and so on);
- reduction of the travel time and stay duration, elimination of the traffic jams, limitation
of the number of accidents on traffic;
- reduction with 30% of the pollution index on
DN1 road between Bucharest City and Otopeni.

Estimated costs:
300 mill. euro (Ist stage)





Implementarea sistemului de taxare automat pentru

transportul public urban
Implementation of the ticketing system
for public urban transport
Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul const n implementarea unui
sistem de taxare automat pe mijloacele
de transport n comun de suprafa compatibil cu sistemul de taxare de la metrou.

Project summary:
The project consists of the implementation of an authomatic ticketing system for
the public transport means on surface,
compatible with the ticketing system
practiced on the underground network.



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



mbuntirea condiiilor de transport

prin eliminarea sistemului de taxare existent, inadecvat, i integrarea sistemului de
taxare la nivelul Municipiului Bucureti
pentru toi operatorii de transport public,
prin crearea condiiilor de utilizare de
ctre cltori a aceluiai titlu de transport
pentru toate mijloacele de transport public.

improvement of the transport conditions through the cancellation of the existing improper ticketing system and the
integration of the ticketing system functionning at Bucharest City level to all
public transport operators through the settlement of the conditions as the passengers use of the same transport titlle available for all public transport means.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

14 mil. euro

14 mill. euro

Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul vizeaz reabilitarea/mbuntirea serviciului de transport public
urban de suprafa cu autobuze, tramvaie
i troleibuze n municipiul Bucureti.
Achiziionarea n perioada urmtoare
(2006-2008) a 500 de autobuze, 50 de
tramvaie i 100 de troleibuze, care s
respecte, din punct de vedere tehnic,
normele actuale specifice ale Uniunii
Europene i care s prezinte faciliti pentru persoane cu dizabiliti, va conduce la
o cretere real a atractivitii pentru
transportul public etc.

Project summary:
rehabilitation/improvement of the urban
transport public service on surface rendered with buses, trams and trolleys in
Bucharest City.
The procurement in the close future
(2006-2008) of 500 buses, 50 trams and
100 trolleys, which technically observe
the UE current specific norms and to
come offerring facilities for the persons
with disabilities, will lead to an effective
raise of the citizens attraction towards the
public transport and so on.



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



creterea vitezei comerciale de

deplasare n condiii sporite de siguran;
z creterea frecvenei de succedare a
mijloacelor de transport i scderea timpului de ateptare n staii i a duratei
cltoriei pentru toate aceste moduri de
z creterea confortului cltorilor i a
siguranei traficului.



Achiziionarea de mijloace de transport:

autobuze, tramvaie i troleibuze
Procurement of transport means:
buses, trams and trolleys

raise of the moving speed (commercial-connected parameters) in conditions

of more safety;
z increase of the frequency in transport
means succeed and reduction of the waiting time in tram stations, as well of the
trip duration for each of these transport
z increase of the passengers comfort
and traffic safety.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs;

268 mil. euro

268 mill. euro




Sistem de management al traficului i poziionare global a

mijloacelor de transport public de suprafa
n Municipiul Bucureti
Traffic management system and overall distribution
of public transport means operating on surface
in Bucharest City
Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul const n realizarea unui sistem de control al traficului general,
incluznd crearea unei zone de 100 de
intersecii dintre interseciile inelului
principal de circulaie i ale axei NordSud, supravegheate computerizat, cu
posibilitatea modificrii ciclurilor de
semaforizare i de a interveni n timp real
n cazul unor perturbri de trafic.
Pentru mbuntirea productivitii
parcului de maini destinate transportului
n comun i pentru reducerea costurilor de
funcionare se va instala un sistem modern de management, pentru localizarea
poziiei fiecrui vehicul fiind folosit GPS
(Sistemul de Poziionare Global).

The project consists of the implementation of an overall traffic survey system,

including creation of an area of 100 crossroads under electronic survey, between
the crossings of the main traffic ring and
the North-South axis, with the possibility
to operate changes over the traffic light
cycles and intervening in real time in case
of traffic perturbations.
In order to improve the efficiency of
the vehicle park intended for local transport and to reduce the costs of functioning, will be settled a modern management
system, using GPS (Global Position
System) in order to detect the traffic location of each vehicle.



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



mbuntirea condiiilor de
desfurare a traficului rutier, micorarea
blocajelor de circulaie i reducerea consumului de combustibil;
z creterea siguranei circulaiei rutiere
z administrarea eficient a serviciilor
de transport public;
z crearea unui numr de aproximativ
100 de noi locuri de munc.


Project summary:

improvement of the on-road traffic

parameters, traffic jams limitation and
reduction of the fuel consumption;
z increase of the traffic roads safety;
z an efficient management of the public transport services;
z creation of close to 100 new employments.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

20,5 mil. euro

20.5 mill. euro

Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul const n Elaborarea
Studiului de circulaie i up-gradarea
Master Plan-ului JICA pentru oraul
Bucureti, respectiv:
z corelaia dintre urbanism i nevoia de
z concentrarea economic i segregarea spaial a mediului urban i periurban;
z dezvoltarea durabil a transporturilor
n mediul urban;
z identificarea unor soluii pentru:
- reducerea i restructurarea nevoii de
- satisfacerea mobilitii urbane cu
resurse minime;
z susinerea unei politici integrate de
amenajare teritorial, urbanism i transporturi n care transportul public s fie
z reevaluarea proiectelor prioritare
pentru Oraul Bucureti, propuse n
Master Plan-ul JICA, precum i a celor pe
termen mediu i lung - n contextul actual
al mediului socio-economic i de afaceri.

Project summary:
The project consists of the Elaboration
of the Study for Traffic and the up-grade
of JICA Master Plan intended for
Bucharest City, respectively:
z the connection between city planning
and the exigence for mobility;
z the economic aggregation and the
z split in urban and urban-sorrounding
z sustainable development in transport
field for the urban territory;
z identification of remedies in order to:
- reduce and revise the exigence for
- comply the need of urban mobility
using few possible resources;
z stand for an integrated policy in
urban planning, in city planning and
transports, which give priority to the public transport;
z re-assessment of the priority projects
proposed for Bucharest City in JICA
Master Plan, as well of the middle and
long term projects, in the context of the
social economical and business current



Pentru Municipiul Bucureti

Intended for Bucharest City



z mbuntirea condiiilor de transport

z reevaluarea proiectelor prioritare

pentru Oraul Bucureti, propuse n

Master Plan-ul JICA, precum i a celor pe
termen mediu i lung.



Elaborarea studiului de circulaie i up-gradarea

Master Plan-ului JICA
Elaboration of the Study for Traffic and up-grade
of JICA Master Plan

z improvement of the transport conditions

z re-assessment of the priority projects
proposed for Bucharest City in JICA
Master Plan, as well of the middle and
long term projects.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

2 mil. euro

2 mill. euro


z Sisteme
z IT Systems




Implementarea societii informaionale, utilizarea pe scar larg i dezvoltarea sectorului tehnologiei informaiilor, precum i informatizarea administraiei publice locale,
component a reformei administraiei publice locale, reprezint obiective strategice, componente eseniale ale programului politic i economic al guvernului i condiii majore
pentru integrarea Romniei n structurile europene. Pentru ndeplinirea rolului su major
n modernizare i informatizare la nivelul administraiei publice a Municipiului Bucureti,
Primria Municipiului Bucureti a elaborat Strategia de informatizare a administraiei
publice locale a Municipiului Bucureti, care cuprinde trei etape majore :
1. Implementarea unui Sistem Informatic Integrat pentru Managementul Activitilor
n Primria Municipiului Bucureti;
2. e-Bucureti - Sistem Informatic Integrat pentru Administraia Public Local i
servicii extinse ctre ceteni;
3. Extinderea (comunicarea) la nivelul regiilor naionale, alte uniti ale administraiei publice centrale.
Prima etap, implementarea n Primria Municipiului Bucureti a Sistemului
Informatic Integrat pentru Managementul Activitilor se afl n faza de finalizare, opt
din cele zece subsisteme fiind n exploatare curent din 2004.
Misiunea celei de-a doua etape const n realizarea unui Sistem Informatic Integrat
care s gestioneze n mod unic toate categoriile de date i informaii existente la nivelul
administraiei publice locale a municipiului Bucureti, s rspund cerinelor definite
de oricare dintre instituiile incluse n sistem, s asigure informarea corect, complet
i n timp util a factorilor de decizie, orientat ctre ceteni, oferindu-le acestora servicii
prin internet. n acest sens se au n vedere urmtoarele:
z extinderea Sistemului Informatic Integrat implementat n P.M.B. la primriile de
sector, regii i uniti aflate sub autoritatea C.G.M.B. i furnizorii de servicii pentru
z realizarea Sistemului Interactiv Teritorial de Informare a Cetenilor (SITIC).
Proiectul i propune implementarea unui sistem informaional menit s ofere informaii
publice ctre ceteni, folosind mediul electronic, urmrindu-se mbuntirea calitii
informaiilor i serviciilor oferite cetenilor. Accesul la aceste informaii se va putea
face electronic, prin intermediul unei reele de 100 de terminale informatice amplasate
la sediile unitilor de sub autoritatea C.G.M.B., la sediile PMB, iar restul n locaii
prestabilite, cu flux mare de ceteni (instituii publice, piee, staii de metrou etc.);
z realizarea unui sistem geospaial de e-government pentru planificarea i controlul
dezvoltrii urbane. Proiectul, cu impact direct asupra cetenilor, urmrind s le
faciliteze accesul la serviciile publice, va identifica acele servicii pe care municipalitatea le poate oferi acestora direct prin internet, accesnd portalul PMB. Proiectul dezvolt componenta de PORTAL a Sistemului Informatic Integrat, exploatnd informaiile structurate n bazele de date.
z - Portal regional
z integrarea componentei educaionale n Banca de date urban a Municipiului

The informational societys implementation, the large scale use and development of
the informations technology sector as well as the local public administrations evolution in IT which is a component of local public administrations reform, represent
strategic objectives, essential components of the political and economical program of
the Government and important conditions for Romanias integration in the European
Structures. In order to fulfil its important role in IT evolution at the Bucharest
Municipalitys Local Administration level, Bucharest City Hall has elaborated the IT
strategy of Bucharest Municipality Local Public Administration, strategy that has 3
major steps:
1. The implementation of an Integrated Informatics System for the Management of
the Activities in Bucharest City Hall;
2. e-Bucureti - Integrated Informatics System for the Local Public Administration
and extended services towards citizens;
3. The expansion (communication) at the national administrations level, other units
of the central public administration.
The first step, the implementation of the Integrated IT System for the Activities
Management in Bucharest City Hall, is almost finished, 8 of the 10 subsystems being
already used since 2004.
The second step is the achievement of an Integrated IT System, which uniquely
administrates all the existent data and information at the Bucharest Municipalitys local
public administration level. All this in order to be in agreement with all the requirements of the institutions included in the system, to ensure the correct, complete and in
time report for the decisional forums and to have a direct orientation towards the citizen by offering information on the internet. For this, the following things are taken into
z the expansion of the Integrated IT system implemented in Bucharests City Hall,
as well as in all the districts city halls, administrations, units under the authority of the
Bucharest Municipality General Council and municipalitys services providers;
z the achievement of Territorial Interactive System for Citizens Information (TISCI).
The project will implement an IT system meant to offer public information to the citizens through the electronic environment, in order to improve the quality of all information and services offered to the citizens. The access to this information will be done
electronically through a network of 100 IT terminals placed inside the units under the
authority of Bucharest Municipalitys General Council and the rest in the already established locations with a large number of citizens (public institutions, markets, subway
stations, etc.):
z the achievement of a geospace system of e-government for the planning and control of urban development. The project (with a direct impact on the citizens, wants to
ensure them an easy access to the public services) will identify those services which the
municipality can offer the citizen, directly through the internet (PMB portal);
z - Regional portal;
z the integration of the educational component into the Bucharest Municipality
Urban Data Bank.






Extinderea Sistemului Informatic Integrat pentru

Managementul Activitilor din PMB la primriile de sector,
regii i uniti aflate sub autoritatea C.G.M.B. i furnizorii
de servicii pentru municipalitate
Extension of the Integrated Processing data System for
the Management of the Activities within
the Bucharest City Hall to the City Hall districts, companies
and units under the General Council of Bucharest Citys
authority and the Citys services suppliers
Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul const n iniierea aciunilor
necesare pentru realizarea unui Sistem
Informatic Integrat
z la nivelul administraiei publice
locale a Municipiului Bucureti, pe de o
parte, i pe de alt parte,
z la nivelul fiecrei autoriti incluse n
acest studiu: primrii de sector, regii,
uniti din subordinea C.G.M.B., companii furnizoare de servicii locale.

The project consists of starting the

needed actions in order to build an
Integrated Processing data System:
z for public local government of the
Bucharest City, on the one side, and, on
the other side,
z for any authority case included in this
study, City Hall districts, companies, units
under the General Council of Bucharest
Citys authority, local services suppliers



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



identificarea situaiei existente n

cadrul fiecrei instituii menionate i stabilirea necesarului informatic pentru
fiecare unitate;
z elaborarea specificaiilor funcionale
i a arhitecturii sistemelor conceptuale n
vederea integrrii;
z elaborarea planului de realizare a
comunicrii ntre sistemele informatice
ale autoritilor publice locale din
Municipiul Bucureti;
z asisten tehnic n elaborarea caietului de sarcini i evaluarea ofertelor.


Project summary:

z identification of the current situation

within every referred institution and set
up of the needed processing data systems
in each unit case;
z carry out the functioning specifications and configuration of the theoretic
systems in order to carry out the interconnection;
z carry out the plan for execution the
communication between the processing
data systems of the public local authorities in Bucharest City;
z technical assistance in order to carry
out the Tender Documentation and
appraisal of the offers.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

223.770 euro

223,770 euro

Sistem geospaial de e-government pentru planificarea i

controlul dezvoltrii urbane
Geo-space e-government system intended
for Citys development planning and survey

Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul const n:
z Identificarea acelor servicii pe care
municipalitatea le poate oferi ceteanului
direct prin internet, accesnd portalul
z Dezvoltarea unei componente de
PORTAL a Sistemului Informatic
Integrat, exploatnd informaiile structurate n bazele de date.

Project summary:
The project consists of:
z Identification of those services that
the Municipality may offer directly to citizens via Internet, by accessing the
Bucharest City Hall site;
z Development of one PORTAL component of the Integrated Processing data
System, by operating the information
organized in data basis.



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



Va furniza cetenilor un ghieu unic

electronic pentru servicii municipale,
cum ar fi adrese potale, certificate de
urbanism, autorizaii de construire, i le
va permite acestora s urmreasc on-line
stadiul solicitrilor lor.


Will endow the citizens with a sole

electronic inquiry office for municipal
services, such as postal addresses, planning certificates, building permits and
will give them the possibility to view online the stage of their inquiry response.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

271.497 euro

271,497 euro



Sistem de informaii publice (infochioc)

Public Inquiry Office System (info-kiosk)
Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul const n implementarea unui
sistem informatic menit s ofere cetenilor informaii publice.


The project consists of the implementation of a processing data system intended

to offer public informations to the citizens.


Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



accesul la informaii se va putea face

electronic prin intermediul unei reele de
infochiocuri, transferul de informaii
dintre P.M.B. i ceteni urmnd s fie
efectuat prin internet.


Project summary:

the acces to the needed informations

will may be carry out in electronic manner through the mediation of an infokiosk network, the transfer of informations between Bucharest City Hall and
citizens following to be rendered via

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

2.983.400 euro

2,983,400 euro

z Protecia
mediului i

z Environment
Protection and




Pentru Municipiul Bucureti, problema polurii mediului a cptat un aspect prioritar; creterea numrului de vehicule n tranzit sau rezidente n capital a nceput s
creeze probleme serioase att sub aspectul fluenei circulaiei, ct i al polurii sonore
i a calitii aerului.
Aceast situaie de ansamblu a condus la apariia i agravarea n timp a problemelor
de mediu ale Municipiului Bucureti, cum ar fi:
z gradul ridicat de poluare a aerului, tipic perimetrelor urbane (traficul rutier,
nclzirea rezidenial proprie, activiti industriale, termocentrale etc.);
z inexistena unei staii oreneti de epurare a apelor uzate;
z ridicarea nivelului pnzei de ap freatic, n urma realizrii tunelelor de metrou i
casetrii rului Dmbovia;
z calitatea necorespunztoare a apei din salba de lacuri a rului Colentina;
z numrul insuficient de staii (8) din sistemul de supraveghere a calitii mediului;
z diminuarea suprafeelor de spaii verzi de la 12 mp/locuitor n 1990 la cca 9
mp/locuitor n prezent, precum i repartizarea inegal a acestora pe teritoriul oraului;
z inexistena unor sisteme ecologice de tratare a deeurilor urbane;
z poluarea sonor mare, nivelul de zgomot depind valorile maxime admisibile n
majoritatea zonelor oraului;
z necorelarea planurilor de urbanism cu cele de protecia mediului.
Adoptarea i implementarea unei strategii coerente privind calitatea mediului este un
proces complex, care implic diverse analize tehnice, coordonarea i cooperarea ntre
participanii la aceast aciune, cum ar fi: agenii economici, asociaiile patronale industriale, organizaiile civice locale, oficialitile locale i publice. Procesul de dezvoltare
i aplicare a unei strategii pentru calitatea mediului este specific zonei i condiionat de
o serie de factori:
z extinderea geografic a zonei de aplicare;
z reglementrile de mediu existente i aplicabile;
z tipurile de surse de poluare i controlul acestora;
z starea i evoluia calitii aerului;
z situaia instituional i factorii implicai decizional;
z activitatea i implicarea societii civile.
Astfel, strategia n domeniul proteciei mediului are n vedere:
z ecologizarea i dezvoltarea potenialului turistic de recreere i agrement al parcurilor i grdinilor Capitalei;
z refacerea zonelor verzi;
z realizarea hrii acustice a Municipiului Bucureti.

Environmental pollution has become an important issue for Bucharest City Hall; the
increase of number of vehicles in transit or resident in capital has begun to generate
serious problems both in respect of traffic fluency, phonic pollution and air quality.
This general situation has led to arising and getting worse in time of environmental
issues of Bucharest City Hall, as follows:
z high level of air pollution, specific to urban perimeters (road traffic, own resident
heating, industrial activities, thermo-stations and so on);
z inexistence of urban treatment plant of waste waters;
z the increase of ground water level, as a result of underground tunnels building and
of the constructions work under the Dmbovia river;
z the inadequate quality of water from the lakes group of Colentina river;
z the insufficient number of stations (8) of supervising system of environmental
z reducing the verdure spots surfaces from 12 sq.m/inhabitant in 1990 to around 9
sq.m/inhabitant and in present, as well as unequal distribution of those on town territory;
z inexistence of ecological systems of urban waste treatment;
z high level of phonic pollution, the noise level exceeds maximum values accepted
in most of Bucharest areas;
z non-correlation of urbanism plans with environment protection.
The adoption and implementation of coherent strategy regarding the environmental
quality is a complex process which involves various technical analysis, coordination
and co-operation between the participants at this action, such as economical agents,
industrial associations of employers, local civil organizations, local and public officials.
The development and application process of a strategy for environmental quality is specific in the area and it is conditioned by a series of factors:
z the geographical extension of the application area;
z the environmental settlements in force;
z the types of pollution sources and its control;
z the state and the evolution of air quality;
z the institutional situation and factors of decision-making;
z the activity and implication of civil society.
Thus, the environmental protection strategy has the following objectives:
z ecological development of tourism potential of relaxing and entertainment in parks
of gardens of Bucharest;
z rehabilitation of verdure spots;
z drawing of the acoustic map of Bucharest City.





Realizarea hrii acustice a Municipiului Bucureti i

a sistemului de monitorizare a zgomotului
Execution of the acoustical Bucharest City map and
of the noise monitoring system

Descrierea proiectului:
HG nr. 321/14.04.2005, privind evaluarea i gestionarea zgomotului ambiental
oblig administraiile publice locale s
realizeze hri strategice de zgomot, pn
n anul 2007, i planurile aferente de aciune pentru reducerea efectelor duntoare
provocate de zgomotul ambiental, pn n
anul 2008, i reprezint transpunerea
Directivei 2002/49/EC.

The Government Decision no. 321/14th

of April 2005 concerning the appraisal
and the management of the sourrending
sound enforce the local public governments to carry out strategic noise maps till
2007 and the corresponding action plans,
in the scope of reducing the harmful
effects caused by the sourrending noise
till 2008 and represents the transpose of
Directive 2002/49/EC.



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



reducerea efectelor duntoare provocate de zgomotul ambiental;

z elaborarea unui plan local de aciune
pentru gestionarea zgomotului i a
efectelor acestuia;
z cunoaterea zonelor critice din punctul de vedere al intensitii zgomotului i
localizarea lor conform hrilor strategice
de zgomot;
z traficul poate fi redirecionat astfel
nct poluarea fonic s fie diminuat;
z se poate estima amplasarea local a
zonelor verzi i a panourilor fonoabsorbante.


Project summary:

z reduction of the harmful effects

induced by the sourrending noise;
z elaboration of a local action plan
intended to manage the noise and its related effects;
z identification of the critical zones
respectfully of acoustic power and their
location according with the strategic noise
z the traffic could be re-oriented, as to
obtain an abatement of the acoustic pollution;
z could be assessed the local positioning of the green areas and the soundabsorbent panels.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

3 mil. euro

3 mill. euro

Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul i propune creterea atractivitii turistice a patru parcuri din
Bucureti prin mbuntirea infrastructurii existente i diversificarea facilitilor
oferite turitilor romni i strini, n vederea asigurrii premiselor dezvoltrii

Project summary:
The project prospect for the augmentation of the touristic attractiveness of four
parks in Bucharest City, through the
improvement of the existent infrastructure
and the spread of facilities range
addressed to the Romanian and foreign
tourists, in order to reunite the requisites
of a sustainable development.



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



z reabilitarea sistemului de iluminat de

siguran i extinderea sistemului de iluminat ambiental;
z reabilitarea i extinderea sistemului
de irigaii al parcurilor;
z reabilitarea reelei de alei interioare a
z curarea lacului din Parcul Carol i
reabilitarea cuvetei lacului Cimigiu;
z reabilitarea vegetaiei existente i
plantarea de specii noi, conform MasterPlan-ului de dezvoltare a fiecrui parc;
z reabilitarea i realizarea unor locuri
de joac pentru copii, att n aer liber, ct
i nchise, care pot fi utilizate de-a lungul
ntregului an;
z reabilitarea debarcaderelor;
z reabilitarea serelor.


Ecologizarea i dezvoltarea potenialului turistic de

recreere i agrement al parcurilor Cimigiu, Herstru,
Carol i Tineretului din Municipiul Bucureti
Ecologic operation and raise of the leisure and resource
touristic potential of Cimigiu, Herstru, Carol and
Tineretului parks of Bucharest City

z rehabilitation of the preventer lighting system and the extension of the lighting ambient effect system;
z rehabilitation and extension of the
parks irrigation system;
z rehabilitation of the internal layout
parks alleys system;
z implement cleaning operations to
Carol Park lake and rehabilitation of the
basin of Cimigiu lake;
z regeneration of the existent vegetal
fund and plantation of new species as the
Master-Plan for development of each park
z rehabilitation and installing both
open-air and covered recreation locations,
which can be used all along the year;
z wharves rehabilitation;
z glass houses rehabilitation.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

13,2 mil. euro

13.2 mill. euro



Sistem de avertizare i alarmare n caz de dezastre

n Municipiul Bucureti
Safety device and auto-alarm system in case of disaster
in Bucharest City
Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul const n:
z realizarea unui cadru de date omogen
n interiorul Municipiului Bucureti, care
va sta la baza planificrii interveniilor
compatibile cu resursele disponibile;
z organizarea unui sistem de msuri
care s reprezinte baza pentru elaborarea
unui inventar al zonelor cu risc ridicat ale
municipiului i pentru fundamentarea
unui sistem de prognozare a apariiei unor
evenimente inundaii, poluare, incendii,
cutremure, blocri i accidente de trafic,
poluare, terorism etc. , n scopul adoptrii unor msuri de intervenie pentru
reducerea efectelor.

The project consists of:

z creation of a unitary data basis
framework all over the Bucharest City
territory representing the bottom of the
action priority according with the available resources;
z set up of a system of measures to represent the basis of evolving an inventory
of the higher risk citys areas, intended
also for funding a forecasting system
related to the come on of some disorderly
events such as: floods, pollution, fire
blazes, earthquakes, jams and traffic accidents, in the goal to carry the intercession
measures in order to limit the contingent



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



z reducerea impactului la dezastre

privind inundaiile, cutremurele, incendiile etc.;
z creterea capacitii operaionale de
intervenie a autoritilor responsabile;
z reducerea pagubelor n caz de


Project summary:

z reduction of the impact face to disasters in case of floods, earthquakes, fire

and so on;
z increase of the operational intercession capacity of the authorities in charge;
z limitation of prejudices in case of

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

30 mil. euro

30 mill. euro

z Evidena
imobiliar i
z Cadastral and
Real Estate



Administrarea i dezvoltarea unei localiti nu se pot realiza n mod corespunztor
fr existena unei reprezentri fidele a teritoriului acesteia.
n prezent, teritoriul Municipiului Bucureti este parial acoperit cu harta analogic
(pe hrtie) la scara 1:500, realizat n perioada 1975-1990, precum i o hart la scara
1:15.000, derivat din cea la scara 1:500 existent att n format analogic, ct i digital.
Din punctul de vedere al coninutului, harta utilizat n prezent, dei corespunztoare n
momentul realizrii sale, nu mai reflect realitatea din teren (exist numeroase cldiri
construite chiar nainte de 1990 i artere de circulaie care nu sunt figurate). Harta utilizat n prezent este realizat ntr-un sistem cartografic de proiecie definit n anul 1933
i care nu mai corespunde sistemului oficial de proiecie utilizat n restul rii.
Printre consecinele negative ale inexistenei n prezent a unor date actualizate, sistematizate i uor de manipulat privind teritoriul, se numr:
z ntrzieri n rezolvarea problemelor aprute;
z disfuncionaliti n relaia dintre ceteni i administraie;
z un grad ridicat de incertitudine privind efectele directe i secundare ale unor decizii
care presupun intervenia n teritoriu;
z adoptarea unor coeficieni de siguran supradimensionai, care acoper erorile de
z imposibilitatea adoptrii unor decizii corecte, n absena datelor complete privind
situaia terenurilor i a construciilor din perimetrul localitii;
z ngreunarea procesului de implementare a unor proiecte de mare anvergur cu
finanare extern i apariia pe cale de consecin a unui risc ridicat de pierdere a
surselor de finanare disponibile.
Activitatea tuturor entitilor care conlucreaz la asigurarea funciilor vitale ale
localitii implic, ntr-o anumit msur, cunoaterea poziiei n teritoriu a subiectelor
specificate de interes. Astfel, o hart a localitii este necesar pentru: activitatea curent a primriei; administrarea domeniului public; transportul n comun de toate categoriile; protecia civil; serviciile de urgen (pompieri, asisten medical etc.); poliie;
asisten sanitar; protecia mediului, colectarea, evacuarea i depozitarea deeurilor;
ntreinerea arterelor de circulaie; proiecte de urbanism; administrarea i ntreinerea
patrimoniului istoric i arhitectural; exploatarea i ntreinerea reelelor edilitare;
ntreinerea fondului locativ; dimensionarea unitilor de nvmnt colar i precolar;
asisten social; turism.
Strategia n domeniul imobiliar i cadastral are n vedere dou obiective majore:
z actualizarea i modernizarea Hrii Generale a Municipiului Bucureti i realizarea
sistemului informatic de cadastru;
z reactualizarea planurilor cadastrale ale Municipiului Bucureti la scara 1:500 i




The administration and development of a locality cannot be realized in a proper manner without the existence of a faithful representation of its territory.
In the present, the Bucharest City territory is partial covered with the analogical map
(on paper) on a scale of 1:500 realized in the period 1975-1990, as well as a map on a
scale of 1:15.000, derived of that on a scale of 1:500, which exists both in analogical
and digital format.
From the content point of view, the map which is utilized does not reflect the reality
from the field (there are many buildings, constructed before 1990 and thoroughfares
which are not represented). The map utilized was realized in a map-drawing system of
projection, established in the year 1993, and it does not correspond to the official projection system utilized in the rest of the country.
The negative results of the lack of updated, methodical and easy to handle data
regarding the territory are:
z delays in resolving the issues that appear;
z dysfunction between the citizens and administration;
z a high level of uncertainty regarding the direct and secondary effects of some decisions that suppose the intervention in the territory;
z the adoption of some supra-dimensional safety coefficients in order to cover the
estimations miscalculations;
z the impossibility of adoption of some correct decisions, in the absence of completed data regarding lands and constructions situation of the locality;
z the burden of the implementation process of some full-sized proportions projects,
with extern finance and the appearance consequently of a high risk of loosing the
available finance source.
The activity of all entities, which co-operate in order to assure the essential functions
of the locality, involves the knowledge of the position in the territory of specific themes
of interest. Thus, a map of locality is necessary for: the current activity of the City Hall;
the administration of the public sector; all categories of common transportation; civil
protection; emergency services (fire brigade, medical assistance, etc.); police; sanitary
assistance; environmental protection, gathering, waste disposal; the maintenance of
thoroughfares; urbanism projects; the administration and maintenance of the historical
and architectural patrimony; the exploitation and maintenance of public networks; the
maintenance of the housing fund; the dimensioning of education units for scholars and
pre-scholars; social assistance; tourism.
The strategy in the real estate and cadastral sector is focused on two main objectives:
z the up-dating and modernization of the General Map of Bucharest City and the
realization of the data processing cadastral system and
z the putting up-to-date of cadastral plans of Bucharest City on a scale of 1:500 and



Modernizarea Hrii Generale a Municipiului Bucureti i

realizarea Sistemului Informatic de Cadastru
Conditioning of the General Map of the Bucharest City and
execution of the Processing Cadastral data System
Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul are ca principale obiective:
z stabilirea unui sistem eficient de evideniere securizat a titlurilor de proprietate, sistem care poate fi extins la nivel
z conceperea unui sistem de cadastru
general, care s ofere informaii clare i
corecte cu privire la fiecare parcel, entitatea de baz a cadastrului general;
z implementarea unui sistem simplu,
sigur i eficient (din punctul de vedere al
costurilor implicate) de tranzacionare a
bunurilor imobiliare.

The project set as the main goals:

z implementation of an efficient system for the securing register of the ownership titles, system which can be extended
at national level;
z conceive of a general cadastral system able to offer definitely and correct
informations concerning any lot, the basic
unit of the general cadastral register;
z implementation of an easy, certain
and efficient system (in terms of costs
involved), serving to real assets transaction.


3. Location:

Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



z realizarea unei hri moderne i

actuale a Municipiului Bucureti i a
localitilor nvecinate, in format digital,
compatibil cu tehnologia sistemelor informatice geografice (GIS), avnd gradul de
detaliere i exactitate corespunztor scrii
de 1:500;
z posibilitatea completrii ulterioare a
hrii de ctre toi utilizatorii interesai cu
datele specifice domeniului lor de activitate;
z st la baza dezvoltrii mai multor sisteme informatice geografice (GIS), integrate i corelate, la nivelul Primriei
Generale, al primriilor de sector i al
localitilor nvecinate, n vederea asigurrii compatibilitii i posibilitii
comunicrii reciproce.


Project summary:

z achievement of a modern and actual

map of the Bucharest City and also for the
adjacent localities, in digital format, compatible with the geografic Informatic systems (GIS) technology, having the detail
and precision capacity in order to 1:500
topo scale;
z the posibility for further map completion by all interested users, providing
data from their specifc activity field;
z serves as a base for many geo-informatic (GIS) integrated and interconnected
systems, at the General City Hall level,
also for districtual City Halls and adjacent
localities, in order to ensure the compatibility and interactive comunication possibilities.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

4,3 mil. euro

4.3 mill. euro

z Utiliti
z Public




Reeaua de distribuie a apei potabile n Municipiul Bucureti este de tip inelar.
Tipurile de conducte existente sunt realizate din font, oel, azbociment, beton precomprimat, PVC, n lungime de 1700 de km artere i conducte de serviciu i cca 500 de km
conducte de branament, avnd o vechime cuprins ntre un an i 110 ani. Canalizarea
are o vechime de peste 100 de ani, iar unele dintre aceste canale sunt nc utilizate.
Apele uzate menajere i industriale i apele atmosferice sunt colectate ntr-o reea de
canalizare de tip unitar. Fiind ajutat de 12 staii de pompare amplasate n zonele depresionare, reeaua de canalizare transport efluenii la extremitatea sud-estic a oraului,
unde se afl staia de epurare Glina, n prezent nefuncional.
Strategia n domeniul alimentrii cu ap potabil i canalizare are ca scop continuarea procesului de extindere, modernizare i reabilitare a urmtoarelor obiective:
z modernizarea tehnologic a staiilor de tratare Arcuda i Rou;
z reabilitarea staiilor de repompare (38) i a staiilor de hidrofor (180);
z reabilitarea reelelor i a vanelor din reeaua de ap potabil, cuprinznd 60 de km
reea de ap potabil, 2000 de vane de sectorizare pe reea, 20 de km reea de
z extinderea reelei de distribuie a apei i de canalizare, cuprinznd peste 30 de km
de extindere a reelei de ap potabil i 26 de km extindere a reelei de canalizare;
z reabilitarea i modernizarea staiei de tratare Crivina;
z punerea n funciune a staiei de epurare a apelor uzate Glina.
n domeniul managementului deeurilor urbane, se are n vedere promovarea unor
proiecte care vizeaz colectarea selectiv, procesarea i valorificarea acestora.
Strategia privind reabilitarea i modernizarea sistemului de termoficare vizeaz
urmtoarele obiective:
z realizarea unui sistem de termoficare fiabil i flexibil, cu asigurarea continuitii
serviciului de furnizare i optimizarea acestuia pe termen scurt;
z automatizarea punctelor termice din sistemul centralizat de nclzire;
z nlocuirea schimbtoarelor de cldur din punctele termice i conducte de transport;
z extinderea programului de contorizare cu contoare de ultim generaie i la cele
2000 de scri de bloc contorizate nainte de anul 2000;
z modernizarea i reabilitarea reelelor primare i secundare, n scopul reducerii
z modernizarea, optimizarea i eficientizarea funcionrii centralelor termice proprii

Bucharest City drinking waters distribution network is ring-shaped. The existing

pipes types are made of cast iron, steel, asbestos-cement, pre-compressed concrete,
PVC, having a length of 1700 km in service pipes and arteries and of approximately
500 km in branching pipes and being between 1 and 10 years old. The sewerage is over
100 years old and some of these sewers are still used. The used domestic and industrial waters and the meteoric waters are collected in a unitary type sewerage network.
The sewerage network transports the effluents to the southeastern extremity of the
city where Glina water treatment plant is located (currently not functioning). It is supported by 12 pumping stations, which are placed in the depression areas.
The strategy in the field of drinking water supply and sewerage has as a purpose continuing the expansion, modernization and rehabilitation process of the following locations:
z the technological modernization of Arcuda and Rou treatment plants;
z the rehabilitation of the re-pumping stations (38) and hydrophore stations (180);
z the rehabilitation of the pipes and slide valves from the drinking water network
comprising 60 km of drinking water network, 2000 of sector slide valves on the network, 20 km of sewerage network;
z the expansion of the water supply network and sewerage comprising over 30 km
of drinking water network expansion and 26 km of sewerage network expansion;
z the rehabilitation and the modernization of Crivina water treatment plant;
z starting Glina used water treatment plant.
Promoting projects that aim at selective waste collection, processing and recovering
are taken into consideration in the field urban waste management.
The strategy regarding the rehabilitation and modernization of the heating system
aims at the following objectives:
z to have a flexible and viable heating system by ensuring the continuity of the supply service and its short-term optimization;
z the automation of the heating points from the centralized heating system;
z replacing the heating change devices from the heating points and transportation
z expanding the metering program using last generation meters also to the 2000
blocks that were metered before 2000;
z the modernization and rehabilitation of the primary and secondary networks with
the purpose of reducing the losses;
z the modernization, optimization and efficiency process of the heating plants owned







Extinderea reelei de canalizare n zonele deficitare ale

Municipiului Bucureti, n interiorul actualelor
bazine de colectare
Sewage Network Extension in the areas with deficiency
in the Bucharest City, into the current drainage basins
Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul are ca obiect creterea confortului urbanistic al locuinelor de pe
strzile necanalizate i dezvoltarea
socioeconomic a zonelor lipsite de infrastructur.

The aim of the project is to increase the

planning comfort of the inhabitants living
on default sewage arteries and the social
and economic development of the areas
with lack in infrastructure



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City





creterea nivelului de confort;

mbuntirea capacitii de preluare
a debitelor de ape uzate prin extinderea
reelei de canalizare;
z reducerea numrului de mbolnviri
cauzate de infectarea surselor de ap ca
urmare a inexistenei sistemului de
z crearea a noi locuri de munc.


Project summary:

increasing the comfort standard;

improving the capacity to undertake
the waste water flows through the sewage
network extension;
z decreasing the number of health
damages due to the water sources contamination as consequence of sewage network default;
z creation of new employments.

5. Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

20 mil. euro

20 mill. euro

Descrierea proiectului:

Project summary:

Proiectul are ca obiect creterea confortului urbanistic al locuinelor pe

strzile lipsite de reea de alimentare cu
ap i dezvoltarea socioeconomic a
zonelor lipsite de infrastructur.

The aim of the project is to increase the

urban comfort of the inhabitants living on
default sewage arteries and the social and
economic development of the areas with
lack in infrastructure



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City




creterea confortului urbanistic;

dezvoltarea socioeconomic
zonelor lipsite de infrastructur.



Extinderea reelei de distribuie a apei potabile, n afara

sferei de obligaii a concesionarului, n zonele deficitare
din Municipiul Bucureti
Extension of the potable water supply network over
the lessees liability scope,
in the deficiency areas of the Bucharest City

increasing the planning citys com-


social and economic development of

the areas with lack in infrastructure.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

11 mil. euro

11 mill. euro




Reabilitarea ecologic a salbei de lacuri de pe rul

Colentina, n vederea reintroducerii zonelor adiacente
n circuitul turistic
Rehabilitation of the chain of lakes along Colentina River,
in order to give back the adjacent
areas to the touristic circuit
Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul const n:
z reabilitarea salbei de lacuri de-a lungul rului Colentina, pentru reintroducerea lor n circuitul turistic;
z mbuntirea microclimatului urban,
prin amenajarea i ntreinerea luciurilor
de ap din interiorul oraului Bucureti;
z mbuntirea calitii vieii pentru
locuitorii oraului, ca rezultat al reducerii
factorilor de risc pentru sntate;
z crearea condiiilor de baz pentru
dezvoltarea infrastructurii, suport pentru
turismul urban, n vederea atragerii a noi
investiii n sfera turistic a oraului.

The project refers to:

z the rehabilitation of the chain of
lakes along Colentina River, in order to
give them back to the touristic circuit;
z improving the urban microclimate
through arrangement and proper maintain
operations for water lustres part of
Bucharest citys area;
z improving the living standard for the
citys citizens, consequence of the reduction of the health risk factors;
z creation of the basic conditions for
infrastructure development as a support
for the urban tourism, in order to attract
new investments in touristic citys component.



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



z mbuntirea microclimatului urban;

z reducerea factorilor de risc pentru

z mbuntirea calitii vieii;
z atragerea a noi investiii n sfera turistic a oraului;
z dezvoltarea infrastructurii, suport
pentru turismul urban.


Project summary:

z Improvement of the urban microclimate;

z Reduction of the health risk factors;
z Improvement of the living standard;
z Attracting new investments in touristic citys component;
z Infrastructure development as support for urban tourism.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

50 mil. euro

50 mill. euro

Proiectul const n finalizarea

lucrrilor la staia de tratare a apei Glina

Project summary:
The project consists of the completion
works to the wastewater treatment plant Glina



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



z reducerea, n general, a polurii

mediului i apei rului Dmbovia, n aval
de staia de tratare Glina;
z refacerea faunei i a florei rului
Dmbovia n zona de sud-est a Capitalei;
z crearea a aproximativ 100 de noi
locuri de munc.

z reduction as a whole of the environment and of Dmbovia River water flow

pollution, in downstream of Glina wastewater treatment plant;
z remaking of Dmbovia Rivers
fauna and flora in the South Eastern side
of the Capital City;
z creation of close to 100 new employments.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

300 mil. euro

300 mill. euro


Descrierea proiectului:


Modernizarea i finalizarea Staiei de tratare a apelor uzate Glina

Modernization and completion works
to the wastewater treatment Plant Glina

Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul const n achiziionarea i
instalarea de contoare i valve la fiecare
dintre cele 15.000 de scri i 6.000 de
blocuri cu apartamente cu conectare la
centrele de distribuie i la departamentul
de facturare al operatorului municipal de
distribuie a cldurii.

Project summary:
The project consists of the procurement
and istallment of meters and valves for
each of 15.000 block staircases as well as
6.000 blocks of flats with connection to
the delivery heating stations and to the
fees accounting compartment of the
municipal operator charged with heat distribution.



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



z modernizarea sistemului centralizat

de termoficare al municipiului Bucureti;
z mbuntirea condiiilor de mediu i
de via pentru ora i locuitori;
z reducerea cheltuielilor de ntreinere
pentru cldur i ap cald menajer ale

z modernisation of the centralized system for heating supply of Bucharest City;

z improvement of environment and life
conditions for the city and its inhabitants;
z reducing the maintenance expenses
for domestic heating and hot tap water of
the consumers.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

50,5 mil. euro

50.5 mill. euro


Contorizarea vnzrilor de cldur i ap cald

Metering of sales of heating and hot tap water




Modernizarea a 10 centrale termice

Modernization of 10 central heating stations

Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul are ca obiective:
z modernizarea i eficientizarea
funcionrii centralelor termice aflate n
exploatarea RADET, n scopul reducerii
costurilor i pentru asigurarea suportabilitii serviciului la clienii alimentai cu
energie termic din aceste CT;
z creterea eficienei energetice;
z adaptarea la cerinele privind protecia mediului.

The project goals consists of:

z the modernization and the effectiveness functionning of the central heating
stations under RADET exploitation in
order to decrease the costs level and to
ensure the service toleration to the clients
which benefit of the thermic energy supply from these central heating stations
z the energetic efficiency growing;
z the fitting with the demands concerning the environmental protection.



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City





scderea costurilor;
creterea calitii serviciului public
de alimentare cu energie termic;
z eficientizarea energetic a centralelor
prin reducerea consumurilor specifice de
combustibili i energie electric;
z reducerea noxelor n limitele admise
de legislaia n vigoare.


Project summary:

reduction of costs;
raising the quality of the public service for thermic energy supply;
z better energetic efficiency of the central heating stations through deflation of
the specific consumption of fuel and electric energy;
z abatement of the remnant products as
to frame them in the accepted limits of
current law provisions.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

42,6 mil. euro

42.6 mill. euro

Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul const n:
z retehnologizarea, modernizarea i
dezvoltarea punctelor termice din
RADET, n scopul creterii randamentului
energetic global, cu reducerea costurilor;
z asigurarea calitii serviciului n concordan cu Strategia Naional i Local
i alinierea la standardele internaionale n

Project summary:
The project consists of:
z re-engineering, modernization and
development of RADET district heating
points in order to increase the overall
energetic efficiency, concurrent with cost
z ensuring the quality of the service,
concordantly with the National and Local
Strategy lines and also conformity with
the international related standards.



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



reducerea cu 90% a pierderilor de

cldur din punctele termice;
z reducerea cu 40% a pierderilor
z creterea cu 10% a randamentului la
z reducerea costurilor;
z creterea gradului de accesibilitate a
populaiei la acest serviciu;
z implicaii pozitive asupra mediului;
z asigurarea confortului.



Modernizarea punctelor termice

Modernizing of district heating points

reduction with 90% of the thermic loss

in the district heating points;
z reduction with 40% of the mass loss;
z 10 % growing of the heating efficiency;
z costs reduction;
z increment of the citizens accessibility to this service;
z positive impacts to the environment;
z instate of the confort.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

90,4 mil. euro

90. 4 mill. euro




Reabilitarea reelelor termice primare

Rehabilitation of core heating networks
Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul const n:
z reabilitarea reelei primare de transport al energiei electrice, pentru
mbuntirea alimentrii cu energie termic a consumatorilor existeni n zon,
crearea posibilitilor de acces la sistem a
unor noi consumatori i mbuntirea
randamentului energetic;
z alinierea serviciului public de alimentare cu energie termic din sistemele
de producere i distribuie centralizate din
Municipiul Bucureti la standardele internaionale n domeniu.

The project consists of:

z the rehabilitation of the core network
for transport of the electric energy in
order to improve the supply of thermic
energy to the clients residents in the area,
setting the access possibilities to the system of new clients and improving the
energetic efficiency;
z conformity of the public service thermic energy supply by the generation and
distribution centralized systems in
Bucharest City with the international
related standards.



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



z asigurarea posibilitilor de livrare

pentru cantitatea de energie termic produs;
z asigurarea debitului necesar la consumatori;
z reducerea cheltuielilor necesare
pomprii agentului termic pe circuitul primar;
z creterea gradului de accesibilitate a
populaiei la acest serviciu;
z creterea calitii serviciului public
de alimentare cu energie termic.


Project summary:

z ensuring the possibility of delivery

the mass of thermic energy provided;
z ensuring the needed debt to the
z reduction of the required expenses to
ensure the pumping of the heating agent
in the core circuit;
z increment of the citizens accessibility to this service;
z increase of the quality of thermic
energy public service supply.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

64,19 mil. euro

64.19 mill. euro

z Investiii
z General




Programul n domeniul investiiilor generale vizeaz, n principal, obiectivele:
z Realizarea proiectelor:
- Arena Bucuretiului- proiectul const n realizarea funcional a unei sli polivalente de cca 16.000 de locuri, prin utilizarea unor tehnologii moderne i a facilitilor
tehnologiei specifice acestei funciuni;
- Esplanada - proiectul are ca obiect dezvoltarea imobiliar de tip dal urban,
cu realizarea de funciuni de birouri, rezideniale, comerciale i sociale. Se vor realiza
cca 500.000 mp de suprafa desfurat;
- Splai Center/Venus Center - proiectul reprezint o dezvoltare imobiliar cu
funciuni diverse att rezideniale, ct i comerciale, de birouri i culturale.
z Complex de recuperare neuropsihomotorie Panduri, oseaua Panduri nr. 22:
- realizarea complexului a fost preluat de PMB n anul 1994, s-au realizat toate
corpurile care compun complexul, au structura de rezisten finalizat, sunt nchise i
finisajele realizate n proporie de 70%. Lucrri exterioare realizate n proporie de
- complexul este format din 7 corpuri cu funciuni distincte, legate ntre ele cu corpuri de legtur, circulaia ntre corpuri fiind asigurat prin spaii nchise, ascensoare i
rampe. Structura de rezisten este din beton armat cu tmplrie exterioar i interioar
din PVC. Finisaje, pardoseli din gresie, mochet i PVC, perei i tavan zugrveli
lavabile etc.
z Reabilitarea infrastructurii educaionale n municipiul Bucureti: executarea
lucrrilor de ntreinere i reparare a bazei didactico-materiale a peste 100 uniti de
nvmnt preuniversitar, n concordan cu Strategia Educaional Naional, care
consider sistemul educaional un factor strategic al dezvoltrii Romniei pe termen
scurt, mediu i lung.
z Lucrrile care vor fi executate vor consta n construirea de cldiri noi, n consolidri i modernizri ale cldirilor, instalri de cablaje noi pentru reele de calcul,
instalarea de centrale termice i hidrofoare, reabilitri de instalaii termice, de gaze i
de ventilaie, instalaii electrice i de telefonie, instalaii sanitare, amenajri i reabilitri
de laboratoare i ateliere, terenuri de sport i bazine de not, cantine, sli de mese, spltorii, sli de sport, de festiviti, de dans, amenajri i reabilitri de curi interioare, alei,
spaii verzi, spaii de joac etc.
z Dezvoltarea n Municipiul Bucureti a unei magistrale de fibr optic pentru transmisii de fluxuri informaionale n condiii optime de securitate, vitez, trafic i acuitate

The program for general investments has as main objectives:

z Project accomplishment:
- Bucharest Arena. The project consists in the construction of a multifunctional
hall with a capacity of 16,000 seats using new technologies and facilities specific to this
- Esplanada. The projects objective is real estate development (flagstone type)
with the achievement of residential, social and commercial offices. We will achieve
500,000 sq.m surfaces.
- Splai Center/Venus Center. The project represents real estate development
with different functions, residential, commercial, cultural offices.
z The Panduri neuro-psychometry recovering center located on Panduri Avenue no. 22:
- in 1994 the recovering center was taken over by PMB and all the buildings were
finalized and the finishing done in a 70%. The exterior works were made in proportion
of 50%;
- the complex is realized from 7 buildings with specific functions joined together
with transition buildings. Between the buildings the transit is assured through enclosed
spaces, elevators and ramps. The structure is made of reinforced concrete and both the
inner and outer carpentry is PVC.
z The rehabilitation of the educational infrastructure in Bucharest city: maintaining
and repairing the material-didactic data base of more than 100 pre-university education
units in accordance with the Educational National Strategy that considers the educational system a strategic factor of Romanias development on short, medium and long
z The construction works will consist in building new edifices, consolidations and
improvements of the existing ones, installation of new network cables, installation of
heating stations and water pumps, rehabilitation of electrical, thermal, gases and ventilation, telephony, plumbing, decoration and rehabilitation of laboratories and workshops, playing fields and swimming pools, canteens, mess halls, laundry-rooms, gyms,
ball rooms, dance rooms, decoration and rehabilitation of inner courtyards, alleys,
green areas, playgrounds.
z The development of a principal fiber optic network meant to offer optimal speed,
traffic and precision in Bucharest City





Complex de recuperare neuropsihomotorie Panduri

Panduri Health Clinic for Neuro-psychomotor Restoration
Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul const n:
z finalizarea lucrrilor la complexul
care a fost preluat de PMB n 1994;
z realizarea celor 7 corpuri care compun complexul, avnd finalizat structura
de rezisten, iar finisajele realizate n
proporie de 70%.

The Project consists of:

z completion works to the health clinic
who has been undertaken in 1994 by the
Bucharest City Hall;
z execution of the 7 (seven) building
assemblies which compose the health
clinic having already finished the resistance structure, but the brush-up works are
70% finished.



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



creterea nivelului serviciilor medicale

de specialitate oferite.


Project summary:

increasing the quality of sanitary speciality services.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

13,3 mil. euro

13.3 mill. euro

Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul const n executarea
lucrrilor de ntreinere i reparare a bazei
didactico-materiale a peste 100 de uniti
de nvmnt preuniversitar .
Lucrrile care vor fi executate vor consta n construirea unor cldiri noi, n consolidarea i modernizarea cldirilor, instalarea de cablaje noi pentru reele de calcul, instalarea de centrale termice i
hidrofoare, reabilitarea de instalaii termice, de gaze i de ventilaie, instalaii
electrice i de telefonie, instalaii sanitare,
amenajri i reabilitarea de laboratoare i
ateliere, terenuri de sport i bazine de
not, cantine, sli de mese, spltorii, sli
de sport, de festiviti, de dans, amenajarea i reabilitarea de curi interioare,
alei, spaii verzi, spaii de joac.

Project summary:
The project consists of the maintenance
and repairing execution works for the
didactic staff from high schools education.
The works are going to be made consist
of the erection of new buildings, consolidation and modernization of the present
buildings, installation of new equipment
for computers, installment of heating stations and boilers, rehabilitation of heating
and gas equipment, new electrical and
phone cables, new sanitary equipment,
endowments, labs and workshops rehabilitation, sport fields and swimming pools,
canteens, washing rooms, sport halls,
dance halls, festivity and dance halls,
rehabilitation of the school yards, alleys,
green areas, playing yards.



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



z asigurarea educaiei de baz pentru

toi locuitorii de vrst colar ai oraului;
z modernizarea nvmntului profesional i tehnic;
z sporirea eficienei procesului instructiv-educativ;
z stimularea i motivarea elevilor i
cadrelor didactice pentru performane


Reabilitarea infrastructurii educaionale

Rehabilitation of the educational infrastructure

z ensuring the basic level education for

each school age citizen of the city;
z modernisation of the professional
and technical formation;
z increase of the educational and training process efficiency;
z students and didactic bodies stimulation and motivation to reach school performances.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

150 mil. euro

150 mill. euro



Magistrala de fibr optic pentru Municipiul Bucureti

pentru transmisii de fluxuri informaionale
Optic fibre Main Line for Bucharest City intended
for informational flows transfers
Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul i propune extinderea sectorului de comunicaii de date prin crearea
unor magistrale de fibr optic de mare
capacitate, care s poat fi folosite pentru
transport IP, precum i a altor semnale,
cum ar fi audio/video/voce/date.

The project prospect for the extension

of data communications branch, through
creation of mega capacity optic fibre main
lines, which can serve to IP convey, as
well for other signals such as
audio/video/voice/data signals.



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



z satisfacerea nevoilor de comunicaie

ale pieei romneti;
z dezvoltarea unei reele de distribuie
a serviciilor pe teritoriul Municipiului
Bucureti i pregtirea infrastructurii pentru noi servicii, care s transforme internetul dintr-un mediu pasiv de informare
ntr-unul activ, pregtit pentru comerul
z construirea unor reele proprii ct
mai flexibile i cu arie de acoperire ct
mai mare, prin dezvoltarea de soluii integrate date/voce, n domeniile serviciilor
IT, telecomunicaii, Call center, broadcast
radio i tv.


Project summary:

z comply with the communication exigencies of the Romanian market;

z implement a network for spreading
this service all over the territory of
Bucharest City and preparing the infrastructure in order to carry new services,
which convert the Internet from a passive
informational media into actively one,
worthy for web commerce;
z execution of most flexible own networks and having cover area so largest as
possible, through developing integrated
data/voice solutions, in IT services,
telecommunications, call center, broadcast radio and tv domains.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

1 mil. euro

1 mill. euro

Bucharests Arena

Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul const n realizarea funcional a unei sli polivalente cu cca 16.000
locuri, prin utilizarea unor tehnologii
moderne i a facilitilor tehnologiei
specifice acestei funciuni.
Evenimentele care se vor desfura aici
vor fi de natur cultural, sportiv, expoziional etc.

Project summary:
The projects consists of the execution
of a Polyvalent Hall of close to 16,000
places capacity, using particular modern
technologies and technological facilities,
distinctives for this endowment type.
The events which will be unfolded here
will be ones of cultural, sportive, exhibitional nature and so on.



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



aducerea unei funciuni - total deficitare astzi n Bucureti - la o capacitate i

o dotare tehnic de nivel mondial (modularitate, acustic i tehnic specific


Arena Bucuretilor

converting a Bucharest endowment - at

present entirely deprived - as to reach a
world standard of capacity and technical
equipment (modulation, acoustics and
functional specific techniques).

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

45 mil. euro

45 mill. euro



Esplanada Project
Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul are ca obiect dezvoltarea
imobiliar de tip dal urban, cu
realizarea de funciuni de birouri, rezideniale, comerciale i sociale. Se vor
realiza cca 500.000 mp suprafa

Municipiul Bucureti zona Biblioteca
Naional Pota Vitan

The aim of the project represents the

real estate development of urban slab
type, concordant with the execution of
offices, residential, social and commercial
functions. Will be organized close to
500,000 sq.m evolved surface.

Bucharest City National Library area
Vitan Post Office



realizarea unei zone de interes major

pentru ora, care mut o parte din presiunea pe Centrul tradiional i dezvoltarea capacitii de asigurare a serviciilor urbane ctre populaie, ca i preluarea
i satisfacerea necesarului de spaii rezideniale i birouri;
z taxe i impozite pe care le va preleva.


Project summary:

creation of a site of extremely interest for the city, which transfer a part of
pressure manifested upon the Traditional
citys Centre and raise of the capacity to
ensure the public services to the citizens,
as well the taking over and accomplish of
the residencial places and offices locations request;
z related fees and taxes which will be

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

650 mil. euro

650 mill. euro

Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul reprezint o dezvoltare imobiliar cu funciuni diverse, att rezideniale ct i comerciale, de birouri i

Project summary:
The project represents a real estate
development with different functions: residential, commercial, for offices and cultural.



Mun. Bucureti - Splaiul Independenei

Bucharest Municipality



z dezvoltarea n aceast zon a oraului

a potenialului rezidenial, precum i a
celui de dezvoltare a capacitii de birouri
i a unitilor culturale (cinematografe,
sli de expoziie etc.);
z dezvoltarea urbanistic i comercial
a zonei se va materializa n venituri la
bugetul local din taxe i impozite;
z se va avea n vedere i eventualitatea
obinerii unui venit minim garantat din
exploatarea spaiilor libere


Splai Center/Venus Center

Splai Center/Venus Center

z the residential development potential

in this area of the town as well as the
offices capacity and cultural units development potential (cinemas, exhibition
halls, etc.);
z the urban and commercial development of the area shall materialize into
incomes for the local budget from fees
and taxes;
z it will be taken into consideration the
obtaining of a minimum guaranteed
income from the exploitation of the free

Costuri estimate :

Estimated Costs:

350 mil. euro

350 mill. euro



Dezvoltarea urbanistic Izvor

Izvor Area Urban Development
Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul are ca scop satisfacerea cerinelor obiective ale oraului de revitalizare a zonei din jurul cldirii
Parlamentului. n acest scop, pentru
realizarea noului Centru al Capitalei,
Municipalitatea va dezvolta n aceast
zon un mare pol urban.
ntregul ansamblu va fi alctuit din
patru zone distincte i va fi traversat de un
mare bulevard (Bulevardul Uranus), n
lungime total de 1,5 km, urcnd de la
Podul Hadeu pn la Bulevardul G.
Cobuc cu cca 18 metri diferen de nivel.

The Project has as goal to comply with

the objective citys exigencies in the sense
to refurbish the area around Parlamentului
building. In this purpose, in order to carry
out the new Capital City Centre, the
Municipality will develop in this zone a
strong urban pole.
The whole assembly will be composed
by four distinct zones and will be crossed
by a great boulevard (called Uranus
Blvd.), having 1,5 km total length, in
ascendent track from Hadeu Bridge till
G. Cobuc Blvd., with a level gradient of
close to 18 meters.



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



zona este destinat traficului auto,

noul bulevard Uranus va descongestiona
traficul n zona traversrii Rului
Dmbovia, a Bd. Naiunile Unite, a Cii
13 Septembrie i a Bulevardului G.
z ansamblul nou prevzut acoper o
multitudine de funciuni comerciale, culturale, multimedia i de birouri;
z n zon va fi amplasat - n cadrul
unui mare parc - viitoarea Catedral a
Mntuirii Neamului;
z ntregul ansamblu va deveni un complex al tiinei i tehnicii i al cercetrii


Project summary:

this area is intended for the vehicular

traffic use, the novel Uranus Blvd. will
relieve the traffic in the zone corresponding to Dmbovia River crossing, as well
of Naiunile Unite Blvd., 13 Septembrie
Road and G. Cobuc Blvd. crossing;
z the new envisaged assembly covers a
wide palette of commercial, cultural,
multi-media and offices functions;
z in this area will be located interiorly of a great park the novel cathedral
called Catedrala Mntuirii Neamului;
z the whole assembly will become a
fora of techniques and science and of
national research.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

2.200 mil. euro

2,200 mill. euro

z Urbanism i
z Urbanism
Lay Out




Principala preocupare n domeniul urbanistic o constituie implementarea prevederilor Planului Urbanistic General i ale Regulamentului Local de Urbanism n teritoriul
administrativ al Municipiului Bucureti prin elaborarea unor studii de amenajare a teritoriului i de urbanism.
De altfel, P.U.G. are ca int pentru dezvoltarea pe termen lung ,,afirmarea
Municipiului Bucureti ca o metropol european, avnd un rol specific regional, continental i intercontinental.
n vederea atingerii acestui deziderat, sunt stabilite urmtoarele obiective strategice:
z accentuarea identitii Municipiului Bucureti n concordan cu aspiraia sa de a
deveni metropol european;
z susinerea vitalitii i atractivitii Municipiului Bucureti potrivit rolului de
Capital a Romniei;
z dezvoltarea Capitalei ca o aglomeraie urban avnd un rol activ i stimulativ la
nivel regional i metropolitan;
z protejarea i valorificarea potenialului natural, arhitectural i urbanistic.
Reabilitarea unor zone urbane prin operaiuni de restaurare, renovare, reconstruire
produce efecte benefice, directe sau mediate, subtile, asupra calitii vieii rezidenilor
sau a altor utilizatori, exprimnd, dincolo de politica urban, i un set de politici sociale.
Reabilitarea Centrului Istoric va regenera calitatea tuturor funciunilor localizate n
zon, att pe cea rezidenial pentru locuitorii zonei, ct i pentru cei cazai temporar ca
De asemenea, restructurarea urban i reabilitarea zonelor destructurate
(BUCURETI 2000) sunt axate, n principal, pe msuri de reorganizare i remodelare
a spaiului, care vor produce att influene directe pozitive asupra confortului i gradului de satisfacie a celor care vor beneficia direct de utilizarea noilor funciuni urbane
datorit noilor structuri ale spaiilor publice, varietii de servicii oferite, noilor imagini
i efecte urbane -, ct i influene imediate asupra altor zone i categorii de populaie,
prin introducerea marilor suprafee de teren urban destructurat n circuitul economic,
social i cultural al oraului.
Reabilitarea urban a marilor ansambluri de locuine colective, bazat mai mult pe
operaiuni de renovare i completare a unitilor de locuit, dar i pe restructurarea
funcional i spaial-configurativ din punct de vedere urbanistic la nivelul complexurilor de locuit, va produce efecte pozitive att la nivelul confortului, ct i n plan
social, mbuntind gradul de comunicare i coeziune comunitar.

The main concern in the urbanism field consist in the implementation of General
Urbanism Plan and Urban Local Regulations provisions within the administrative area
of Bucharest municipality by setting out studies of territory arrangement and urbanism.
Otherwise, G.U.P. has as a target for the long-term development the assertion of
Bucharest Municipality as an European metropolis having a specific regional, continental and intercontinental role.
With a view to reaching this desideratum the following strategic objectives are established:
z emphasizing Bucharest Municipality identity in accordance with its aspiration to
become an European metropolis;
z supporting Bucharest Municipality vitality and attractiveness according to the role
of Romanias Capital City;
z development of the Capital City as an urban agglomeration having an active and
stimulating role at the regional and metropolitan level;
z protection and capitalisation of the natural, architectural and urbanism potential.
The rehabilitation of some urban areas, by way of operations of restoration, renovation, reconstruction, produces beneficial effects, direct or mediate, subtle, on the life
quality of the residents or of other users, expressing beyond the urban policy also a set
of social policies.
The rehabilitation of the Historical Centre will regenerate the quality of all functioning situated within the area, both the residential one and also for those temporarily
accommodated as tourists.
Also, the urban reorganization and the rehabilitation of the deconstructed areas
(BUCHAREST 2000) is focused, mainly, on the measures of reorganization and
reshaping of the area which will produce both directly positive influences on the comfort and satisfaction degree of those who will directly benefit of the new urban functionings utilisation due to the new structure of the public areas, variety of the offered
services, the new urban images and effects, and also immediate influences on other
areas and categories of population, by introducing the huge areas of urban deconstructed ground in the economic, social and cultural circuit of the city.
The rehabilitation of the huge assemblies of collective houses, based predominantly
on operations of renovation and completion of the inhabited units, but also on the functioning and area-configuration reorganization from the urbanism point of view at the
house complexes levels, will produce positive effects both at the comfort level and at
the social level, improving the communication and the communitarian cohesion degree.






Studiu i proiect-pilot pentru mobilier urban

Study and draft project for urban rearrangement

Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul-pilot const n aplicarea
rezultatelor acestui studiu ntr-o zon
urban concret, de interes major, i
anume n Zona Centrului Istoric al
Municipiului Bucureti, teritoriu delimitat
de arterele: Bd. Regina Elisabeta - Bd.
Carol Bulevardul Hristo Botev Bd.
Corneliu Coposu Strada Halelor
Splaiul Independenei Calea Victoriei.
Scopurile proiectului sunt:
z conturarea, la nivelul ntregului ora,
n general, i pe zona studiului-pilot (zona
Centrului Istoric), n special, a unei imagini spaial-configurative de calitate, n
acord cu standardele europene;
z asigurarea necesarului de mobilier i
stabilirea condiiilor tehnice i urbanistice
de amplasare a corpurilor de mobilier
z evaluarea necesarului de echipamente urbane care s satisfac nevoile de
dezvoltare ale comunitii;
evaluarea impactului asupra
ceteanului a soluiei de dezvoltare a
reelei de obiecte de mobilier urban;
z validarea/invalidarea propunerilor de
dezvoltare urbanistic a reelei de obiecte
de mobilier urban prin raportare la noile
tendine/interese ale comunitii i prin
evaluarea costurilor dezvoltrii urbane.


Project summary:
The draft project means to apply the
results of the study in an exact urban area,
of a major interest, meaning the Historical
Center area, territory limited by: Regina
Elisabeta Blvd. Carol Blvd. Hristo
Botev Blvd. Corneliu Coposu Blvd.
Halelor Street Splaiul Independenei
Victoriei Avenue.
The purposes of the project are :
z to outline, in a general manner at the
entire city level, and in particular on the
draft study area (Historical Center Area) a
quality SpaceConfigurative image,
according to the European standards;
z to ensure the necessary urban
rearrangement and to establish the urban
and technical conditions of placing the
urban rearrangement pieces;
z to evaluate the necessary urban
equipment, in order to satisfy the communitys development needs;
z to evaluate the impact on the citizen
of the development solution of urban
rearrangement pieces network;
z the validity/invalidity of urban development proposals of the urban rearrangement pieces network by referring to the
new tendencies/interests of the community and by evaluating the urban development costs.



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City


z obinerea unei imagini de calitate a
spaiului public, prin conturarea unui concept coerent de realizare a mobilierului
urban integrat;
z adoptarea unei decizii cu privire la
relaia stilistic dintre elementele de
mobilier urban si zonele urbane constituite, ndeosebi cele protejate;
z realizarea unor prototipuri pentru
principalele elemente de mobilier urban panouri de informare, staii de transport n
comun, puncte de difuzare a presei,
modul grup sanitar, fntn, puncte de
vnzare alimentare, indicatoare pentru
strzi, couri de gunoi, containere pentru
deeuri reciclabile, puncte de vnzare
pentru flori, rastel pentru biciclete, jardiniere, lampadare, bnci, bazine, pavaje
decorative, pergole, cabine telefonice
concepute difereniat, n funcie de caracteristicile zonei i n relaie cu monumentele istorice i de art din vecintate i
de gradul de saturare a spaiului public n
raport cu diferitele funciuni amplasate n
diverse zone.

z obtaining a quality image of the public environment, by drawing a coherent
concept of achieving the integrated urban
z adopting a decision regarding the stylistic relation between the urban
rearrangement elements and the constituted urban areas, especially those which are
z accomplishing some prototypes for
the main elements of urban rearrangements information panels, public transport stations, press booths, sanitary
booths module, fountain, supermarkets,
traffic signs, garbage cans, recyclable
waste containers, flower shops, bicycle
arm rack, flowers stands, lamp posts,
banks, basins, decorative paving, pergolas, phone booths- differently conceived,
according to the area characteristics and
in relation with the art and historical monuments in the neighbourhood, and according to the public environment saturation
level, taking into consideration the varied
functions in different areas.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

10.000 euro

10,000 euro


Grafica i procesarea computerizat: Aurel Paraschiv



Studiu peisagistic pe raza Municipiului Bucureti

Cityscape Study on Bucharest City Area
Descrierea proiectului:
Proiectul const n stabilirea unor
reglementri specifice de utilizare a
terenurilor (situate n limita administrativ a Municipiului Bucureti), crora le
este alocat funciunea de spaiu verde,
precum i selectarea aciunilor i a prioritilor de intervenie necesar/permis a fi
aplicate n organizarea spaiului public i
n conformarea construciilor, att n
zonele identificate ca aparinnd Zonei
V, conform P.U.G./R.L.U., ct i n
zonele verzi existente i cuprinse n alte
uniti teritoriale de referin.

Project summary:
The project consists of the set-up of
specific regulations for land use (located
at the administrative boundary of
Bucharest City), to whom is reserved a
green area function, as well the selection
of actions and intercession priorities
needed/accepted to be applied in the
arrangement of the public site and in
respect of the building profile conformity
both in the areas identified as being part
of Zone V, according to the
P.U.G./R.L.U. provisions, as well in the
existent green areas and included in other
territorial reference units.



Municipiul Bucureti

Bucharest City



z stabilirea direciilor i a prioritilor

de dezvoltare logic a elementelor de
cadru natural, raportate la dezvoltarea
oraului n ansamblul lui, n concordan
cu nevoile de contracarare a efectelor
adverse ale dezvoltrii urbane;
z reglementarea modului de utilizare a
terenurilor cuprinse n perimetrul zonelor
respective, n favoarea creterii indicelui
de spaiu verde raportat la populaia
unitilor teritoriale urbane;
z stabilirea condiiilor de realizare i
conformare a spaiilor plantate publice,
indiferent de categoria n care sunt
ncadrate, pentru fiecare dintre zonelepilot care vor fi studiate;
z studiul se va finaliza prin concluzii i
propuneri de intervenie ulterioar, care
vor viza ameliorarea bilanului teritorial
la nivelul diferitelor uniti urbane pn la
scara ntregului ora, prin amplificarea
indicelui de spaii plantate publice, dar i
printr-o mai adecvat distribuie a acestora.

z settlement of the directions and priorities for a logical elements of the natural
media development, in rapport with the
overall citys development, in concordance with the exigencies for counteract
the antagonistic effects induced by the
urban development;
z regulation of the modality of use the
lots covered by the respective perimeter,
positively influencing the raise of the
green area index, beside the population
number in the urban territorial units;
z determining the organization and
conformity of the public planted sites,
irrespective of their class range, for each
pilot-zone which follow to be examined;
z the study will be close up with conclusions and proposals for further intercessions, that refers to the improvement
of the territorial balance sheet at different
urban units level to the entire city level,
by springing the indicative of public
planted areas, but also by a more convenient distribution of them.

Costuri estimate:

Estimated costs:

50.000 euro

50,000 euro

Colectivul de redactare

Gheorghe UDRITE

Valentin TITU
Daniela Valentina MAGOPET


Cristian Sorin OLTEANU
Melania Dorina MIHAESCU



tel. +4021/ 305.55.35, 421/305.55.55, ext. 1252, 1241,142,124
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