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Vinda Wahyu Kusuma

Pharmacy D
The punishment of death does not violate the Constitution
Drugs is an abbreviation of narcotic, psychotropic and addictive
substances. Drugs are drugs, materials, substances and is not classified
as food if drunk, inhaled, ingested, or injected can will cause a
dependency and affect the workings of the brain, as well as the vital
function of other organs (heart, circulatory, respiratory, etc.).
Drugs not come from Indonesia, but from abroad. Approximately 2000 BC
in Samaria opion known pollen or later known opium (opium = papavor
somniferitum). This flower thrives in highland areas above an altitude of
500 meters above sea level. The next deployment is towards India, China
and other Asian regions.
In 1806 a doctor from the Westphalian named Friedrich Wilhelim
sertuner find modifications opium mixed with ammonia was then known
as Morphin (named after the Greek god of dreams called Morphius).
60s - 70s opium's distribution center is located in the area "Golden
Triangle" of Myanmar, Thailand and Laos. With production: 700 thousand
tons annually. Also in the area of "Golden Crescent" of Pakistan, Iran and
Afghanistan on the Golden Crescent danAmerika. In Africa towards the
end of the 70s when the level is increasing pressure of human life as well
as technology support then special mixtures that opiate can also be in the
form of drugs.
Drug when used in accordance with the dose and according to the
purpose of the drug will lead to good effect. Lately there has been a
misuse of drugs. Many drugs on the market, such as marijuana,
methamphetamine, ecstasy, and pills koplo. Drug abuse is very dangerous
type of drug because it can affect the nervous system, resulting in
addiction and dependency, because it affects the nervous system. Drugs
lead to changes in behavior, feeling, perception, and consciousness. The
use of drugs in general and psychotropic substances that do not comply
with the rules can cause effects that harm the body.

For illegal drug dealers must get the death penalty. Drug dealers
have damaged the nation's next generation. Retentionist group argues
that supports the death penalty. The main reason is the death sentence
give effect to prevent against potential criminals of drug crimes. If realized
would be put to death, so at least the criminals will think a thousand times
before committing drug crimes.
Facts prove, when compared with developed countries that do not
apply the death penalty, Saudi Arabia, which enforces Islamic law and the
death penalty, has a low crime rate. Based on data from the United
Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in 2012, for example, the crime rate is
only 1.0 murders per 100 thousand people. Compare with Finland
amounted to 2.2; Belgium 1.7; and Russia 10.2.
The retentionist also rejected the abolitionist groups who say the
death penalty (against drug crimes) against humanity. Instead, they argue
precisely drug crime is an extraordinary crime that outraged humanity.
Drug crimes are crimes against humanity that claimed the right to life is
not just one person, but many humans. Retentionist group argues, the
death penalty against drug criminals does not violate the constitution as
has been stated by the Constitutional Court. In the United States too, the
death penalty does not violate the constitution. In the case of Gregg v
Georgia, United States Supreme Court stated: "The punishment of death
does not violate the Constitution."

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