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I (6 )


II . (5 )
Ive got a cough. __________________________
Ive got a cold. ____________________________
Ive got an earache.__________________________
Ive got a stomachache. _______________________

III (2 )
1. Whats the matter?
A) My head hurts.
B) Its sunny outside.
2. I hope you feel better soon.
A) Goodbye.
B) Thank you.

IV must/ mustnt. (4 )
You ___________ have a shower.
You ___________ eat inside the pool.
You ___________ wear a swimsuit.
You ___________ jump into the pool

V some/ any (4 )
Jill has got _________ milk.
She hasnt got ________ sugar.
We need _________ bananas.
He doesnt need ________ juice.

VI . 2 . (6 )
A lot.
Salt and pepper?
Not much/ Not many. Flour?
A lot.
Olive oil?
Not much/ Not many. Honey?
Ann needs a lot of grapes.
She doesnt need many pears.

Not much/ Not many.

A lot.
A lot.
Not much/ Not many.


VII How much/ How many Not much/ Not many. (3 )

1. ______________ carrots are there? ______________
2. _______________ cheese is there ? _____________
3. _______________green peppers are there? ______________
VIII be going to. (5 )
1. Oscar and Eddy _______________ play tennis.
2. Wendy and Lin _______________ go sailing.
3. Hilda ______________ cook lunch.
4. Masid _____________ cycle in the park.
5. Cindy and Lin _____________ have a bath.

IX . . (5 )
1. play/ tennis/ Thursday? (visit Paul)
Are you going to play tennis on Thursday? No, I am not. Im going to visit Paul.
2. visit/ your cousin / Friday? (play hockey)
3. go/ cinema/ Monday? (buy some new clothes)
4. go/ holiday/ Sunday? (go sailing)
5. water / flowers/ Tuesday? (play soccer with Eddy)
6. read / book/ Saturday? (ride a bike in the park)
X (11 )

Excellent 5
Very good 4
Good 3
Enough 2
Not enough 1
Total_________ Mark ___________

38 45
30 37
21 29
12 20
0 11

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