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American Master

GREETING AND INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Morning Greeting ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Feeling Better Today ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Long Time No See.......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
With A New Employee.................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Directions To The Supply Shop .................................................................................................................................................... 6
With The General Manager ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
Directions To The Copy Room...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Directions To The Lunch Room .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Directions To One’s Office............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Directions To A Bank...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Asking For A Phone Number......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Getting A Phone Number............................................................................................................................................................... 6
Asking For A Client’s Information ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Asking For A Client's Address....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Farewell Before Christmas ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
Ending A Conversation .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Saying Goodbye.............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Finishing A Conversation............................................................................................................................................................... 7
Ending A Sales Talk ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Asking About Deadlines................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Asking For A Book Returned......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Something To Be Finished ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
Asking About A Schedule .............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Confirming A Schedule .................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Lunch Invitation ............................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Self - Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Meeting A New Boss ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Introducing Two New People ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Asking About An Accent ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Discussing A New Manager .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Trying To Get Adjusted .................................................................................................................................................................. 8
A Farewell Before Retiring............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Asking For A Fax Number ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Introducing The Company ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
MAKING APPOINTMENTS................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Calling A Group Meeting................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Appointment With A Client............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Bosses' Meeting.............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Scheduling An Interview ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
A Last Minute Appointment ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
Delaying An Appointment ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
Secretary Schedules A Meeting.................................................................................................................................................. 10
Meeting A Book Keeper ............................................................................................................................................................... 10
Making A Sales Appointment ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
Training Appointment ................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Next Week's Meeting.................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Setting Up A Lunch Appointment................................................................................................................................................ 10
Arranging A Group Meeting......................................................................................................................................................... 10
A Mandatory Meeting ................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Setting Up A Staff Meeting .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
A Maintenance Appointment ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Fax Machine Maintenance........................................................................................................................................................... 11
A Recruitment Appointment......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Reviewing Employment Contract................................................................................................................................................ 11
Scheduling Boss's Meeting.......................................................................................................................................................... 11
A Meeting About Bonuses ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
An Office Party .............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
A Job-seeking Interview............................................................................................................................................................... 11
A Job-seeking Appointment......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Meeting With An Accountant ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Schedule Ahead............................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Picking Up A Client ....................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Farewell Party Invitation............................................................................................................................................................... 12
Scheduling For Your Boss........................................................................................................................................................... 12
Buying Office Equipment ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
Arranging A Budget Discussion .................................................................................................................................................. 12
Setting Up A Birthday Party......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Meeting Your Assistant ................................................................................................................................................................ 13 1
American Master
MAKING REQUESTS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Asking For Help With A Meeting................................................................................................................................................. 13
Requesting Some Data ................................................................................................................................................................ 13
A No-smoking Warning ................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Asking Someone To Wait ............................................................................................................................................................ 13
Asking For Files Returned ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
Dealing With An Interruption ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
Ordering Stationary....................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Getting A Take-out Lunch............................................................................................................................................................ 13
Asking For A Re-calculation ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
Insisting On A Change ................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Reminding A Co-worker............................................................................................................................................................... 14
Getting New Equipment ............................................................................................................................................................... 14
Passing Along A Request ............................................................................................................................................................ 14
Reviewing New Resumes............................................................................................................................................................ 14
A Waiting A Signature .................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Arranging Overtime....................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Approving A New Purchase......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Asking A Co-worker For Help...................................................................................................................................................... 14
Preparing For Sales Meeting....................................................................................................................................................... 14
Co-signing An Approval Sheet .................................................................................................................................................... 15
Requesting A Phone Number...................................................................................................................................................... 15
Re-writing A Job............................................................................................................................................................................ 15
Problems With Samples............................................................................................................................................................... 15
A Recommendation Letter ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
Leaving A Little Early.................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Looking Over Some Letters......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Reminding About Tax Forms....................................................................................................................................................... 15
Making Early Reservation............................................................................................................................................................ 15
Giving A Help Hand ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Getting A New Computer............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Clarifying Final Details.................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Last Minute Details ....................................................................................................................................................................... 16
CUSTOMER SERVICE...................................................................................................................................................................... 16
An Angry Customer ...................................................................................................................................................................... 16
A Job Well Done ........................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Checking An Account ................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Tracking Down An Order ............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Complaining To The Boss ........................................................................................................................................................... 16
Product Upgrade........................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Uncertain About An Answer ........................................................................................................................................................ 17
Positive Feedback ........................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Re-issuing A Statement ............................................................................................................................................................... 17
With An Impatient Customer ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
Visiting A Customer ...................................................................................................................................................................... 17
With An Angry Customer ............................................................................................................................................................. 17
With An Angry Client .................................................................................................................................................................... 17
With A Very Upset Customer ...................................................................................................................................................... 18
Handling A Problem...................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Explaining To A Customer........................................................................................................................................................... 18
Put On Hold For Too Long........................................................................................................................................................... 18
A Disappointed Client................................................................................................................................................................... 18
An Irate Customer......................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Discussing An Ad's Music............................................................................................................................................................ 18
Explaining A Delay........................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Praise For Winning A Case ......................................................................................................................................................... 19
An Angry New Customer ............................................................................................................................................................. 19
After Helping A Customer ............................................................................................................................................................ 19
A Successful Restaurant Ad........................................................................................................................................................ 19
Unable To Answer A Customer .................................................................................................................................................. 19
A Good Office Space Design ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
Asking About A Refund ................................................................................................................................................................ 19
Impressive Feedback ................................................................................................................................................................... 19
A Compliment After Service ........................................................................................................................................................ 19
A List Of Complaints..................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Receiving A Compliment Letter .................................................................................................................................................. 20
Helping Out A Customer .............................................................................................................................................................. 20
Clarifying Personal Data .............................................................................................................................................................. 20
Reassuring Service....................................................................................................................................................................... 20
An Appreciation Phone-call ......................................................................................................................................................... 20 2
American Master
COFFEE BREAK ................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
Congratulations On Promotion.................................................................................................................................................... 20
Talking About Sports .................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Talking About A New-born Baby................................................................................................................................................. 20
Talking About Child....................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Talking About Vacation ................................................................................................................................................................ 21
Talking About Work Load ............................................................................................................................................................ 21
Getting Married.............................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Chatting With A New Employee.................................................................................................................................................. 21
Chatting About Sports .................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Complaining About Work ............................................................................................................................................................. 21
Sports Talk..................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Chatting About Child..................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Getting A Promotion ..................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Back From Vacation ..................................................................................................................................................................... 21
A New Exercise Class .................................................................................................................................................................. 22
First Day Of School....................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Trouble With Computer ................................................................................................................................................................ 22
Complaining About Overtime ...................................................................................................................................................... 22
Chatting With A Newly Wed ........................................................................................................................................................ 22
Chatting About A New Restaurant.............................................................................................................................................. 22
Inviting For A Cup Of Coffee ....................................................................................................................................................... 22
Offering A Cup Of Tea.................................................................................................................................................................. 22
Talking About Appearance .......................................................................................................................................................... 22
Talking About A New Pet ............................................................................................................................................................. 23
A Newly Received Award............................................................................................................................................................. 23
Birthday Party Invitation ............................................................................................................................................................... 23
PITCH AND PRESENTATION.......................................................................................................................................................... 23
A Strategy Presentation ............................................................................................................................................................... 23
Time Schedule Presentation ....................................................................................................................................................... 23
Presentation A New Design......................................................................................................................................................... 23
Presentation An Outlook .............................................................................................................................................................. 23
Presenting A Story Board ............................................................................................................................................................ 23
An Idea For Office Space ............................................................................................................................................................ 23
Presenting A Design Idea ............................................................................................................................................................ 23
Pitching An Old Idea..................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Suggesting A New Layout ........................................................................................................................................................... 24
A Suggestion On Sales ................................................................................................................................................................ 24
Self-recommendation ................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Suggesting An Ad Plan ................................................................................................................................................................ 24
Sharing An Idea ............................................................................................................................................................................ 24
Presenting A New Research ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
A Secretary's Pitch........................................................................................................................................................................ 24
Suggestions For An Intern ........................................................................................................................................................... 25
Recommending A Design ............................................................................................................................................................ 25
New Ideas From A Seminar ........................................................................................................................................................ 25
Presenting An Office Outline ....................................................................................................................................................... 25
Making A Complaint Together..................................................................................................................................................... 25
Discrepancies On The Budget .................................................................................................................................................... 25
Getting Support Signatures ......................................................................................................................................................... 25
A Pitch For A Good Cause .......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Making A Pitch To A Group ......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Presenting An Operating Budget ................................................................................................................................................ 26
Presenting A Tv Ad....................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Pitching A Promotional Event...................................................................................................................................................... 26
Investment Suggestions............................................................................................................................................................... 26
Market Targeting........................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Making A Pitch For A Project ...................................................................................................................................................... 26
Presenting A Package Design .................................................................................................................................................... 26
Promoting Yourself ....................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Presenting A Yearly Projection ................................................................................................................................................... 27
Presenting A New Strategy ......................................................................................................................................................... 27
DISCUSSING PROBLEMS .............................................................................................................................................................. 27
Warning An Employee.................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Waiting On A Client ...................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Criticism From Your Boss ............................................................................................................................................................ 27
Sorting Out Problems ................................................................................................................................................................... 27
A Persistent Sales Woman.......................................................................................................................................................... 27
Criticizing An Employee ............................................................................................................................................................... 27
Criticizing A Smoker ..................................................................................................................................................................... 27 3
American Master
Criticizing Lack Of Effort .............................................................................................................................................................. 28
Arranging A Holiday Schedule .................................................................................................................................................... 28
An Interview Problem ................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Solving A Problem With Bonuses ............................................................................................................................................... 28
A Snag In The Plans..................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Who's Going To Lunch First ........................................................................................................................................................ 28
Discussing Overtime Problems................................................................................................................................................... 28
Bonus Compaints.......................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Discordance About A Secretary.................................................................................................................................................. 28
Clarifying Some Tasks ................................................................................................................................................................. 29
A Delayed Lunch Order................................................................................................................................................................ 29
Advice On Client Relations.......................................................................................................................................................... 29
Disagreeing On A Project ............................................................................................................................................................ 29
Requesting Boss' Criticism .......................................................................................................................................................... 29
Talking Too Long Of A Break ...................................................................................................................................................... 29
Problems With Taking Credit....................................................................................................................................................... 29
A Different Opinion ....................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Angry Over A Change In Plans................................................................................................................................................... 30
Unveiling A Disagreement ........................................................................................................................................................... 30
Bad File Organization................................................................................................................................................................... 30
ON THE TELEPHONE....................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Calling For A Day Off ................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Wrong Department ....................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Lunch Invitation ............................................................................................................................................................................. 30
Getting A Ride After Work ........................................................................................................................................................... 30
Inquiring About Progress ............................................................................................................................................................. 30
Calling In Sick................................................................................................................................................................................ 30
Getting Instructions....................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Explanation For Being Late ......................................................................................................................................................... 31
Calling Your Boss From Outside................................................................................................................................................. 31
Reporting A Progress ................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Good News Over The Phone ...................................................................................................................................................... 31
Bad News Over The Phone......................................................................................................................................................... 31
Asking About Some Old Files...................................................................................................................................................... 31
Calling The President ................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Calling A Mail Clerk ...................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Calling A Supply Store ................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Calling The Printers ...................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Making A Rush Order................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Asking For Typing Help................................................................................................................................................................ 32
Calling A Contractor ..................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Calling The Finance Department ................................................................................................................................................ 32
Speaking With An Angry Client................................................................................................................................................... 32
Making A Flight Arrangement...................................................................................................................................................... 32
Rearranging A Flight..................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Calling A Courier Service............................................................................................................................................................. 32
Relating A Question...................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Checking On A Delivery............................................................................................................................................................... 32
Making Hotel Reservations.......................................................................................................................................................... 33
Confirming A Flight ....................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Arranging A Car To The Airport .................................................................................................................................................. 33
Arranging A Banquet .................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Ordering Lunch ............................................................................................................................................................................. 33
Good News To An Accountant.................................................................................................................................................... 33
Relaying A Compliment................................................................................................................................................................ 33
FINALIZING THE DEAL..................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Signing An Official Contract......................................................................................................................................................... 33
Finalizing A Deal On The Phone................................................................................................................................................. 33
Contract Signing............................................................................................................................................................................ 34
A Satisfied New Clients................................................................................................................................................................ 34
Closing A Contract........................................................................................................................................................................ 34
A Marketing Research Company................................................................................................................................................ 34
Purchasing Copy Machines......................................................................................................................................................... 34
With An Office Decorator ............................................................................................................................................................. 34
With An Overseas Client.............................................................................................................................................................. 34
About A Re-written Bid................................................................................................................................................................. 34
Approaching A Settlement........................................................................................................................................................... 34
A Happy New Client ..................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Concluding An Agreement........................................................................................................................................................... 35
With An Old Client ........................................................................................................................................................................ 35 4
American Master
Winding Up A Contract................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Closing A Deal............................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Let's Celebrate .............................................................................................................................................................................. 35
An Employee Contract ................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Finalizing An Interview ................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Finalizing A Promotion ................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Talking About A Finished Deal.................................................................................................................................................... 35
An Unbelievable Deal................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Finalizing On An Airplane ............................................................................................................................................................ 36
Signing The Revised Bid.............................................................................................................................................................. 36
Final Revisions.............................................................................................................................................................................. 36
A Few Last Questions .................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Setting Up A Signing Date........................................................................................................................................................... 36
Revising A Contract...................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Final Calculations.......................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Finalizing A Bid ............................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Working Out An Agreement......................................................................................................................................................... 36
Going Over An Agreement .......................................................................................................................................................... 37
Clarifying A Detail ......................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Reviewing A Corrected Contract................................................................................................................................................. 37
A Sales Agreement....................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Finalizing A Construction Deal .................................................................................................................................................... 37
There's An Agreenment That Needs To Be Reviewed ............................................................................................................ 37 5
American Master


Morning Greeting A. Excuse me, Mr. Emory?

A. Hi Jane. How are you doing this morning? B. Yes, Christine?

B. I'm all·right, thanks. Just a little tired. A. Could you tell me where the copier is, please?

A. Late night? B. Sure. You just walk down this hallway. The
copy room is the second room on the right.
B. Yeah. I got home around two. Directions To The Lunch Room
Feeling Better Today
A. Excuse me, ma'am?
A. Hello, Mr. Macmillan.
B. Hi, Susan. How are you feeling today? B. Yes? What can I do for you?
A. Much better, thanks.
A. I'm new here and I can't seem to find the lunch
B. Glad to hear it. room.
Long Time No See
B. Oh, It's right downstairs. I'm going there
A. Hi, Jim. How are you? I haven't seen you for a myself. Just follow me.
while. Directions To One’s Office

B. I'm fine. I've been out of town. I just got back. A. Excuse me?

A. Where were you? B. Yes. Can I help you?

B. I was in New York for a wedding. A. Yes, please. I'm looking for Mr. Macmillan's
With A New Employee office. Do you know where it is?

A. Hi there! My name is Terry Graham. You're B. I'm sorry, I don't know. But the guard over
new around here, huh? there should know.
Directions To A Bank
B. Yes. My name's Mark Benson. I just started a
couple of weeks ago. A. Excuse me, young man?

A. Well, if there's anything I can do for you, let me B. Yes, ma'am?

A. Could you point me in the direction of the
B. Thanks! I appreciate that. bank? I've lost my way.
Directions To The Supply Shop
B. Certainly, ma'am. Just take these stairs down
A. Mary? Can you tell me where the supply shop to the first floor and turn left. You can't miss it.
is? Asking For A Phone Number

B. Sure. It's on basement level one. Turn right A. Richard? Do you have the number for that
when you get off the elevator. Chinese restaurant on the corner?

A. Great. Thanks a lot! B. Yeah, hold on a second. I've got it in my office.

Here it is, 553–2213.
B. No problem, John.
With The General Manager A. 553–2213. Great, thanks.

A. Hello, Ms. Barkley. How are you? B. No problem. Pick me up something to eat, too,
B. Fine, thank you, sir. It's nice to see you again. Getting A Phone Number
A. Christine?
A. Good to see you again, too. How's your B. Yes, Mr. Emory?
family? A. I need the number for John Reese's office.
B. Just one moment, sir. Here you are – 767-
B. Very well, thank you, Mr. Parker. 4512. 6
American Master
Asking For A Client’s Information Finishing A Conversation

A. When would you like me to send those plans A. All·right then, Ms. Montgomery, I'll get those
over to your office, Mr. Montgomery? plans over to your office by Thursday
B. It would be good if you could get them to me
by Thursday afternoon, Ms. Barkley. B. Great. That will give me time to talk with my
staff before I make a final decision.
A. That shouldn't be a problem. What is the exact
address, again? A. That's what I was thinking. I'll have them there
by Thursday.
B. 7880 Croften Avenue, Building 40A, Room
304. B. Good news. Thanks for getting things done so
Asking For A Client's Address quickly.
Ending A Sales Talk
A. Excuse me, sir? I just need a little bit more
information. Could you tell me your telephone A. Well, I'm glad I had a chance to see these
number and mailing address? samples. But I'm really not in a position to
make a decision right now.
B. Sure. My number is 545-8897, and I live at
908 Mulbury street. B. Would you like me to leave the samples with
A. That's 545-8897 and your mailing address is
908 Mulbury street. The zip code is 20310, A. Yeah, why don't you do that. And then you can
right? give me a call sometime next week.

B. That's right. B. Fine, Mr. Grant. Thanks for your time. I'll talk
Farewell Before Christmas to you next week.
Asking About Deadlines
A. I'm really glad I got a chance to talk to you
before you left, Mary. Have a safe trip. A. Hi, Mark! I was wondering if you finished that
presentation you were working on last week?
B. Thanks. Try not to work too hard while I'm
away! B. Just about. It should be done in the next
couple of days. Why?
A. Yeah, I'll try not to! See you after Christmas.
A. Mr. Rodriguez was asking me about it
B. Okay - - bye! Have a nice Christmas. yesterday.
Ending A Conversation
B. I'll give him a call.
A. Well, I'd better get back to work. I've got a ton Asking For A Book Returned
of stuff on my desk!
A. Stacey? Are you finished with that marketing
B. Me too. I'll see you after work, huh? book I lent you?

A. Yeah - definitely. I was hoping to catch a ride B. Oh - yeah, I don't need it anymore.
with you.
A. Great. Could you bring it in tomorrow
B. Sure. Meet me at five. morning? I've got a test on Thursday.
Saying Goodbye
B. Sure. Sorry about keeping it for so long.
A. Thanks for the advice, Mr. Macmillan. I'll keep Something To Be Finished
it in mind. I had better head off though. I'm A. Roger? I need those figures for accounting.
meeting my husband for dinner. Have you finished the calculations?

B. Sure. I'm heading off myself. Enjoy your B. I'm just finishing now, ma'am. I'll have them
evening. ready within the hour.

A. Thanks, sir. You too. Drive safely; I hear A. All·right, thanks.

there's a lot of ice on the roads.
B. You're welcome, ma'am. I'll call you when
B. Thanks for the warning! See you tomorrow! they're ready. 7
American Master
Asking About A Schedule Introducing Two New People

A. Excuse me, Mr. Emory? Mr. Macmillan would A. Tom, this is Mary Robbins. She's just come
like to know if you have the completed over from sales.
schedule for next week?
B. It's nice to meet you! Guess, we'll be working
B. Yes, I do, Susan. Just a moment. Here it is. together.

A. Thank you, sir. Sorry to trouble you. A. Yes, she'll be working closely with you on the
marketing end of things.
B. Not at all, Susan. Just tell him to leave it with
my secretary when he's finished with it. B. Good. Well, welcome aboard, Ms. Robbins.
Confirming A Schedule Asking About An Accent

A. When can you get the finished product to me? A. You have an unusual accent, Ms. Robins.
Where are you from originally? If you don't
B. We should have it put together by the end of mind me asking.
next week.
B. Not at all. I was born in Madrid, but I came to
A. Great! That'll be ahead of schedule! Good the States when I was a teenager.
A. I guess that must be what I'm hearing. I really
B. Well, as the saying goes - we aim to please! couldn't place it. Do you go back to Madrid
Lunch Invitation often?

A. Hi! Susan! I haven't seen you for ages! B. No. I haven't been back for more than ten
B. I've been really busy. How is everything? Discussing A New Manager

A. Oh, fine. Hey, why don't we grab a bite to eat A. Have you met the new manager in customer
and do some catching up? service?

B. Yeah, why not? I've got a little free time on my B. No, I haven't gotten over there in a few weeks.
hands. Where do you want to eat? How is he?
Self - Introduction
A. She. She seems to be doing a pretty good job.
A. Hi, everybody. I just want to make a brief Of course, anything would be better than that
introduction. I don't know how many of you last guy.
know me. I'll be taking over the marketing
division when John Jacobs retires. I've just B. You said it! I can't believe he lasted as long as
come over from American Vendors, Inc. where he did!
I was the Director of Sales from 1985 until this Trying To Get Adjusted
Meeting A New Boss A. Hi, how are you?

A. Good morning, Mr. Montgomery. I've been B. I'm fine, thanks. Just trying to get adjusted. It's
sent over from purchasing to fill in for Clare hard to keep track of everything around here.
A. That's for sure. You're new, too, huh?
B. Oh, really? Nice to meet you. I thought they
were going to leave here on my own! How B. Yeah. I just got here a couple of days ago.
long have you been with the company? How about you?

A. Oh, about seven years. Time flies, you know!

B. Does it ever! Well, let's get started. If you

could begin typing this letter now, I'll see what
else needs to be done. 8
American Master
A Farewell Before Retiring Appointment With A Client

A. Well, I guess that about it. Everything's packed A. I definitely want to meet with you, Mr. Parker. I
and ready to go. just need to sort out my schedule.

B. It's hard to believe you're really retiring. What B. Well, I know you're pretty booked up these
are you going to do with yourself? days. But, we've got to work fast on this.

A. Have fun! I plan to spend some more time with A. I realise that. We don't have anytime to waste.
my grandkids, and I might even go back to I can put you down for 9:20. Could you make
school. that, Mr. Marker?

B. Well, good luck. Give me a ring sometime, and B. Let me see. That's no problem, I'll see you
let me know how you are. then.
Asking For A Fax Number Bosses' Meeting

A. Excuse me, Mr. Macmillian? Could you tell me A. Hello, Mr. Rothman? This is Michael in Mr.
the fax number for Mr. Winthrop's office, Emory's office. He'd like to set up an
please. appointment with you to talk about buying a
new copier.
B. Sure. I have it right here. - - - 232-2453. If that
one doesn't work, try 232-2456. B. Sure. I'd be glad to. What time frame did he
have in mind?
A. Okay - that 232-2453, or 232-2456.
A. He'd like to do it as soon as possible, sir. How
B. That's right. about tomorrow at 2:45?
Introducing The Company
B. Mm, -yeah, that'll be great. Tell him I'll see him
A. Hi, John Philips? I'm Rose Green. I've been then.
asked to handle your training and introduce a Scheduling An Interview
little bit of the company to you. It's nice to
meet you. A. Mr. Carmichael, this is Ellen Bower calling
again. You had said I should call this week to
B. It's nice to meet you, too, Ms. Green. This schedule an interview with you.
company seems so big right now, I don't know
how I'll ever get used to it. B. That's right, Ms. Bower. How are you? I'm not
sure if I'll be able to fit you in this week, I'm
A. After a week, you'll be running around here afraid.
like a pro. Let me give you this list of
departments, first. Next to each department is A. I understand, Mr. Carmichael. I'd be glad to
its location and the name of the manager. make it some time next week.

B. Great – That'll be a big help, Ms. Green. B. All·right, then. Why don't we say next Tuesday
at 11:30 a.m.?
MAKING APPOINTMENTS A Last Minute Appointment

Calling A Group Meeting A. Joe, can you squeeze me in sometime today?

A. All·right. I want to bring everybody in on this B. That's a big order, Jane. I am really swamped.
project. When can we start working on this?
A. I know what you're saying, but I have to go
B. Well, we could probably get started with a over the books with you before I go see our
strategy meeting tomorrow morning at 8:00. tax guy.

A. I tell you what, 8:00 is no good for me. But why B. Right. Okay, let me see what I can do. How
don't you guys get started and I'll come by at about 1:30 right after my lunch meeting? It
around 8:45 or so. won't take more than a half-hour, will it?

B. That's fine with me. How much time are we

going to have to work on this? 9
American Master
Delaying An Appointment Next Week's Meeting

A. I'm afraid we are really short staffed this week, A. Let's meet before next week's meeting, Jane. I
Mr. Crandal. I'd like to accommodate you, but I want to kick around some ideas with you.
just don't think I'll have the time.
B. No problem. I've got a really light week.
B. Are you telling me you're not going to meet Anytime's fine by me.
with me?
A. Well, let's plan to get together next Monday
A. Not at all, sir. I'd just like to push it up to next afternoon--around three?
week. I'll have a lot more free time at the
beginning of next week. B. All·right, I'll put you in my book.
Setting Up A Lunch Appointment
B. Well, I don't like it, but I guess I don't have any
choice. A. I'll need to meet with you before you go on
Secretary Schedules A Meeting vacation, Alex. I have a few things to clear up.

A. Mr. Crane's office. Sandy speaking. May I help B. I'll be glad to. But my schedule is super tight
you? this week. I think the only time I have free is at
lunch on Wednesday.
B. Hi, Sandy. It's Walter Knight. I need to book
some time with Mr. Crane. A. That's fine. I can make that.

A. Certainly, Mr. Knight. When would you like to B. All·right, then. I'll see you at noon on
meet with him? Wednesday.
Arranging A Group Meeting
B. Can you see what his schedule is like on
Wednesday? A. I'd like to set a fixed time for this meeting
Meeting A Book Keeper before we finish today. Can you all take a look
at your schedules?
A. Excuse me, Alex?
B. Thursday mornings are usually the slowest
B. What can I do for you, Kim? around here. Why don't we set it for Thursday
at 10:00 a.m.?
A. I was wondering if you could get together with
me to go over the payroll. A. That's out for me. I already have a standard
meeting on Thursdays at 9:30 a.m.! How
B. Sure, anytime. about Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 p.m.?
Making A Sales Appointment
B. That's all·right for my department. I don't know
A. Good morning, Mr. Emory. I was hoping to set how the rest of you feel.
up an appointment with you for sometime this A Mandatory Meeting
A. Paul? I need to work out a time to get together
B. Hmm. I'm pretty booked up this week. Let's with your people.
move it up to next week.
B. Does everybody need to be there? Hilary and
A. Fine, Mr. Emory. Would next Monday at 4:00 Jason are on vacation this week.
o'clock be all·right for you?
A. It would be best if everybody could be there.
B. Let me take a look. All·right, that's no problem. How about next week sometime?
See you then.
Training Appointment B. Let me take a look at the schedule. I'll get back
A. Paul, can I set up a time with you to go over to you this afternoon, all·right?
the training manual?

B. Sure. Let me just grab my calendar. All·right.

I'm free all day Tuesday - and Thursday
A. Tuesday morning is good for me. How about
10:30 in my office?
B. Okay. Sounds good. See you then. 10
American Master
Setting Up A Staff Meeting Scheduling Boss's Meeting

A. We're going to need everybody's input on this A. Excuse me, Bill?

project, so I'd like to fix a time to meet next
week and hear what you all have to say. B. Hi, Christine. How's it going?

B. I'd prefer to meet in the morning. I'm going to A. Fine thanks. Mr. Emory would like to meet with
be out of the office most afternoons next week. Mr. Macmillan tomorrow afternoon. Can you
take a look at his book?
A. I don't have any problem with that. Let's set it
up for 9:30 Wednesday Morning. We can carry B. Sure, just a second. - - All·right, what time?
it over to Thursday if we need to. A Meeting About Bonuses

B. That's fine. What do the rest of you think? A. Hi, Grant. How is everything?
A Maintenance Appointment
B. Pretty well, thanks. We've just been incredibly
A. Hello? Is this the Maintenance Department? busy! I need to set up a meeting for Mr.
B. Yeah, That's right. What can I do for you? Graham.

A. We're having a lot of trouble with our printer. A. Sure. What's it about?
Could you come and take a look at it
sometime this afternoon? B. He wants to go over the bonuses for this year.
He'll need to meet with Mr. Winthrop and Ms.
B. Let me see. Yeah, all·right. I'll be over about Montgomery. Can you set it up for me?
two. An Office Party
Fax Machine Maintenance
A. Mrs. Montgomery? I've been trying to figure
A. Excuse me, Richard? Are you busy at the out when we should have the New Year's
moment? party. Could you take a look at these dates?

B. Not really, Betty. What do you need? B. Sure. The twenty-ninth is out. I'll be out of the
office all day at a seminar. Either the twenty-
A. My fax machine's on the blink. Would you take eighth or the thirtieth is fine.
a look at it?
A. Well, why don't we make it the thirtieth? We
B. Sure. I just need to do one other job first. How can set it up from three to five. That way,
about if I come up around 11:30. everybody can just go home afterwards.
A Recruitment Appointment
B. Sounds good to me. You make up the
A. Excuse me, Mr. Emory? invitations! I've gotta run. I've got a meeting in
five minutes.
B. Yes, Ms. Rodriguez? How can I help you? A Job-seeking Interview

A. I wanted to see if I could arrange a meeting A. Thank you for your application, Mr. Sweeney.
with you to discuss recruitment. Mr. Jacob would like to set up an interview for
early next week. Do you have time?
B. Absolutely. I've been wanting to meet with you
about that. Let me just get my book. B. Yes, ma'am. I could come in any day next
Reviewing Employment Contract week, except for Friday morning.

A. Excuse me, Mr. Rodriguez? Could I speak A. Fine. Let me take a look at his schedule. He's
with you for a moment? free on Tuesday afternoon at 1:30. Could you
come in then?
B. I can't just now, Susan. Could we get together
this afternoon? What's it about? B. Yes. That would be fine.
A Job-seeking Appointment
A. Well, I'd like to talk about my new contract with A. Then, I'll see you next week, Ms. O'Brian?
you, if that's all·right. B. Yes. Let's say Tuesday at noon. Bring your
portfolio with you.
B. Oh, that's right. It's that time of the year, huh? A. Certainly. Is there anything else you would like
That's fine. How about if we meet at 3:30 this me to bring, Ms. O'Brian?
afternoon? B. No, that's all. I already have your resume. 11
American Master
Meeting With An Accountant Scheduling For Your Boss

A. Ms. Reynolds? Rick Murphy. I'm the A. Good morning, Mr. Winthrop. This is Sally
accounting manager for Macmillan and Emory, Parker. Mr. Emory's secretary. Mr. Emory has
Incorporated. asked me to set up a meeting with you.

B. Nice to meet you. How can I help you? B. Certainly, Miss Parker, let me get my book. My
secretary's out, and I can't keep anything
A. I would like to meet with you to discuss some straight!
discrepancies on our payroll account.
A. I understand. Would you like me to call you
B. Certainly, Mr. Murphy. Could you come to my back?
office this afternoon at 2:30?
Schedule Ahead B. No - That's all·right. How about the 30th at
4:00 p.m.? - Is an hour enough?
A. Well, Mr. Brooks. I'm sorry, again, for the Buying Office Equipment
delay, but we should have everything
completed by the time you get back. A. I do want to meet with you and take a look at
your catalog. We're redecorating and are
B. I certainly hope so. Can we arrange to meet going to add some things.
on the 27th? That should give you enough
time. B. Well, I'll be glad to help you out. I can come
out anytime on Tuesday or Thursday of next
A. Yes, sir. That's more than enough time. I do week.
appreciate your understanding. Why don't we
say 10:00 o'clock on the 27th? A. Let's put it down for 1:15 on Thursday. We'll
definitely need some new filing cabinets and at
B. Fine, Ms. Tan. I'll see you then. least one desk unit.
Picking Up A Client
B. Fine. I'll bring both our office furniture and
A. All·right, Ms. Crane, when will you be arriving equipment catalogs on Thursday.
in the city? Arranging A Budget Discussion

B. I should be coming in on the 11:30 morning A. Roger? Would it be possible to meet with you
flight. How far is the office from the airport? to discuss my department's budget?

A. Only 25 minutes or so. We'll send somebody B. Of course, Debbie. Let me look at my
to meet you. That's 11:30 a.m. Friday the schedule. I have some free time on the 12th.
15th? That's this Thursday at 9 a.m.

B. That's right. I'll be in the baggage area. A. All·right. That'll be fine. Can you put together a
Farewell Party Invitation rough idea of the kind of money I'll have
available for the next year?
A. Susan? We're having a farewell party for John
Anderson today. B. Certainly. I've already worked out a general
budget for all the departments.
B. What time? I'd like to go, but my calendar is Setting Up A Birthday Party
really full today.
A. Well, Cindy. We were going to try to surprise
A. We're starting at 12:00 and it'll go on for the you for your birthday. But you're just too busy!
rest of the afternoon. Can you tell me when you'll be free?

B. I'll try to make it. I should be able to fit some B. Oh, Brian. That's really sweet of you guys. I
time in around 3 o'clock. would love together with all of you. How about

A. Great. What time?

B. I'm free all afternoon. Why don't we meet at 1

o'clock in the lobby? 12
American Master
Meeting Your Assistant Asking For Files Returned

A. Karen? I need to go over few things with you. A. Mark? I need that file you took yesterday.

B. Certainly, Mr. Graham. When would you like to B. I'm sorry, Janet. I left it at home. I'll bring it
meet? back in the morning.

A. I was thinking about this afternoon, after the A. Mark! I told you yesterday afternoon that I
sales meeting. would be using that file today.

B. Fine, at 3:30? B. I know, Janet. I just walked out and forgot it

completely. I'll go home and get it at noon,
Dealing With An Interruption
Asking For Help With A Meeting
A. Excuse me, Ms. Montgomery?
A. Ruth? I have a big favour to ask you.
B. I'm sorry, Jeff. Please don't interrupt me right
B. How big, Catherine? now. I'm in the middle of the conversation.

A. Well, I was hoping you would cover for me at A. Oh. I'm sorry, Ms. Montgomery. I'll come back
the strategy meeting this afternoon. later.

B. But, I can't Catherine. I've got two committee B. That's all·right. I'll be finished in a little while.
meetings back to back this afternoon. Ordering Stationary
Requesting Some Data
A. Hi. Is this supply?
A. Susan? we're going to need those dates
before tomorrow. B. Yeah. This is supply. What can I do for you?

B. I know. I'm just waiting for confirmation on one A. This is Rachel in Human Resources. I need
of them. I can get them to you by tomorrow two boxes of company letterhead, one box of
morning. ballpoint pens, and a box of envelopes.

A. Yeah? All·right. Thanks, Susan. B. All·right. No problem. What's your extension?

Getting A Take-out Lunch
B. That's all·right.
A No-smoking Warning A. Hey, Cindy? Are you getting take out?

A. Excuse me, sir? I'm afraid this is a no-smoking B. Yeah, do you want something?
A. Yeah, thanks. Could you pick me up a chicken
B. What's that? salad sandwich, an order of fries, and a large
diet coke?
A. I'm sorry, sir. Smoking is not permitted in this
area. B. No problem. Do you have any cash on you? I
don't think I have enough.
B. Oh, sorry. I'll put it out. Asking For A Re-calculation
Asking Someone To Wait
A. Ms. Myers? Could you look at this please?
A. Would you please take a seat over there,
madam? I'll let Mr. Emory know that you're B. Certainly, Ms. O'Brien.
A. I think you should look over these figures
B. Thanks. I can wait here. again. There are some calculations that are a
bit off.
A. Well, it may take some time. Mr. Emory's at a
meeting at the moment. It would probably be B. Of course, Ms. O'Brien. I should have been
more comfortable over there. more careful. I'm sorry.

B. I see. All·right, then. Thanks. 13
American Master
Insisting On A Change A Waiting A Signature

A. I'm sorry, Brad. But you are going to have to A. Excuse me, Mr. White? I just need you to sign
re-do this. these before I leave.

B. What's the problem, Ms. Murphy? B. Sure, Sherry. Sorry to have kept you waiting. If
you hadn't told me, I probably would have just
A. It's badly organised. I can't present this to the forgotten all about them.
A. That's my job, sir. Just one more signature
B. I'm sorry, Ms. Murphy. I'll re-work it. Can I give here, please.
it back to you this afternoon?
Reminding A Co-worker B. There you are.
Arranging Overtime
A. Martin? Did you remember to bring back that
software I lent you? A. I hate to do this to you, Alice. But I'm going to
have to ask you to put in some more overtime.
B. Oh, Kate! I'm sorry. It completely slipped my
mind! B. Does it have to be this afternoon, Mr.
Fairbanks? I've already made plans.
A. That's okay, Martin. If you could just bring it in
tomorrow, I'd appreciate it. A. Well, I would have preferred to do it today. But
if you've already made plans, we can do it
B. Definitely. I'm really sorry. tomorrow.
Getting New Equipment
B. I'd appreciate that, sir. How long do you think
A. We're going to need a lot of new stuff after the you'll need me to stay?
holidays. Let's make a list. Approving A New Purchase

B. Fine, Mr. Richardson. What do you have in A. Mr. Philips? I have a request here from
mind? purchasing that needs your approval.

A. Well, to begin with, we're going to have to get B. Let me take a look. This is for a 486 computer
a new desk for you and I'd like to replace that with modem. Who's it going to?
old typewriter.
A. I believe it's going to Ms. Wilson's office.
B. Yes! I agree! We could really use another one!
I'll get on that right away! What else would you B. Get her on the phone, please. I need to clarify
like to order? this.
Passing Along A Request Asking A Co-worker For Help

A. Mr. Blake? Mr. Foster's on the phone. He'd A. Hi, Carlos. What are you doing this afternoon?
like to know if you can send over those training
manuals? B. Working. Why?

B. Oh, tell him I'll leave them at his office A. Well, I was just wondering if you would come
tomorrow afternoon. by and give a hand with the fliers for next
week's party.
A. He was hoping that you could drop them off
this afternoon. B. I'm sorry, Melissa. I really can't today. I've just
got too much going on. Maybe tomorrow.
B. I'm afraid that I can't do that. They're at the Preparing For Sales Meeting
printer's being copied. They'll be back
tomorrow before 1 o'clock. A. Rich! I'm glad I caught you. Mr. Carlton's just
Reviewing New Resumes come over here from the main office.
B. Yeah? What does he want?
A. I'm sorry to disturb you, Mr. Crane.
B. Yes, what is it, William? A. He needs to see the two of us to talk about
next week's annual sales meeting.
A. Could you please look over these resumes?
They've just come in. B. I haven't got two minutes at the moment. Can't
B. All·right, fine. Thank you, William. you go over things without me? 14
American Master
Co-signing An Approval Sheet B. Good news! I'll be glad to. When do you need
A. Albert? Could you co-sign this approval sheet? Leaving A Little Early
Accounting's getting really picky.
A. Could I trouble you for a minute, Mr. Graham?
B. I know. They've already sent back two
approvals I sent them. Where do I sign? B. Sure, Emily. How can I help you?

A. Right here. It's for that new fax machine we're A. I would like to leave a few minutes early today.
getting. Would that be all·right?

B. Oh, right. I remember. There you are. Hope B. That's fine. As long as you can get that report
you don't have as many problems as I had. typed up before you leave.
Requesting A Phone Number Looking Over Some Letters

A. Could you call Mr. Jacob for me, Sara? I need A. Mr. Emory? I'd appreciate it if you would look
to go over some stuff with him. over these letters before you leave today.

B. Of course, Mr. Roberts. But, could you tell me B. I'd be glad to. Just leave them on my desk. I
his extension number again? I haven't got all didn't expect you to finish so soon.
the numbers down yet.
A. Thank you, sir. I'll leave them here. If there are
A. Sure, it's 4-8-7-2. Don't worry. You're doing a no problems, I'll mail them out this afternoon.
fine job.
B. Great. Good work.
B. Thank you very much, Mr. Roberts. Reminding About Tax Forms
Re-writing A Job
A. Hey, Richard! I need those tax forms from you
A. These two sections need to be re-written, before five!
Jerry. The last guy that did this really mixed
things up. B. Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot about those completely.
I'll bring them by your office.
B. Yeah, I could tell that. That's no problem. I can
probably get it re-done by tomorrow. When's A. Okay. The sooner the better.
our meeting with the boss?
B. You bet. I'll swing by after lunch, okay?
A. Not until next week, I think, the 15th. Making Early Reservation

B. Then, we've got plenty of time. A. Mark? When are you going to give me those
Problems With Samples brochures?

A. John? Can you come over here for a second? B. What's the rush? You're not leaving for
another week.
B. Certainly. Mr. Emory. What can I do for you?
A. I know. But I want to make reservations this
A. I need you to take a look at these samples. I week.
think there are a few problems.
B. Okay. I'll bring them in tomorrow for sure.
B. Sure. Let me look over them and I'll bring them Giving A Help Hand
back this afternoon.
A Recommendation Letter A. Hi, Alex. Would you come with me to supply?
I've got to pick up a load of stuff and I'm afraid
A. Excuse me, Mr. Macmillan? I can't carry it all.

B. Yes, Ms. Ross? What do you need? B. Sure, Stacy. Let me just grab my coat.

A. I was hoping you would write a letter of A. Thanks. I appreciate the hand. I'd have to
recommendation. I want to enter a Master's make two or three trips on my own.
program in marketing. It's all on weekends and
evening. B. Don't mention it. I'm glad to help. 15
American Master
Getting A New Computer A Job Well Done

A. Mr. Emory? I think it's time to get a new A. Good morning, Phyllis Seymour speaking.
B. Hi, Ms. Seymour? It's Allan Parker. I've been
B. Why, Christine? I think the one we have is wanting to call you and thank you for all your
fine. help last week.

A. For the amount of work we do on the computer A. Thank you very much, Mr. Parker. But that is
these days, the one we're using is just too my job.
weak. We really need a higher model.
B. Well, I want to let your boss know that she's
B. Well, I'll think about it. I don't know whether better hold on to you! You're a hard worker.
accounting is going to agree to such a big Checking An Account
Clarifying Final Details A. Hi, this is Ralph Simmons. With whom am I
A. This is what my boss is expecting, Sandy. He
wants a detailed list of expenses and B. This is Paula Blake, Mr. Simmons. How can I
equipment costs. help you?

B. That's going to take a while to put together, A. I'm hoping you can sort a few things out for
Paul. me. Could you pull up my account?

A. The sooner the better, Sandy. I don't think he'll B. Certainly, sir. Just tell me your account
sign anything till he's got that in his hands. number please.
Tracking Down An Order
B. I'll get to work on it right away. Anything else?
Last Minute Details A. Excuse me, I'm sorry to trouble you. My name
is Susan Ransom, and I have placed several
A. Ms. Solomon? I thought we had agreed to orders with your company.
change this deadline.
B. Yes, Ms. Ransom? This is Karl Miller. How
B. I wanted to talk to you about that, Mr. Feng. may I help you?
Mr. Emory would prefer to keep the deadline
as is. We can start earlier if you'd like. A. Well, I wonder if you could track an order I
placed with you last month. It hasn't arrived
A. I'll have to think about that, Ms. Solomon. yet.

B. Certainly, sir. We can wait another day or two. B. Certainly, Ms. Ransom. Do you have an order
CUSTOMER SERVICE Complaining To The Boss

An Angry Customer A. I realise that you're a very busy man, Mr.

Emory, and I'm sorry to take up your time.
A. I am very sorry to hear that you've been
having so many problems, sir. B. I don't mind at all, Ms. Walker. Just tell me
how I can help.
B. Well, sorry isn't good enough! What can you
do to help me? A. Well, you know I've been dealing with your
company for a long time, and I'm really
A. Well, to begin with, I'd like to ask you a few disappointed by the service recently.
questions if I may?
B. I am very sorry to hear that, Ms. Walker.
B. Fine, whatever it takes to get this straightened Please tell me about it.
out! 16
American Master
Product Upgrade With An Impatient Customer

A. So, you would like to know how much it would A. Excuse me, miss?
cost to upgrade your current system, is that B. Yes, sir? How may I help you?
A. I arrived here at 8:30 this morning and I've
B. Yeah, that's right. I'd also like to know how been waiting since then for service! I need to
much extra equipment I'd have to purchase? place some orders.

A. All·right, ma'am. Let me do some calculations. B. I apologise for the delay, sir. Please have a
Could you wait a moment, please. seat here. I'll take your order.
Visiting A Customer
B. Sure. No problem.
Uncertain About An Answer A. Good morning Ms. Dunlop. My name's Vance
Fremont. I'm the customer relation's officer for
A. Ms. McPherson? I'm afraid I'm not sure on Walker Medical Service.
that. Is there a number where you can be
reached? B. Good morning, Mr. Fremont. Is there
something I can do for you?
B. Yes, 532-4121. How soon can you get back to
me? A. We just wanted to come by and thank you for
using our company, and to ask if you've had
A. I should be able to get this information for you any problems so far.
by this afternoon. I'll call you as soon as I
know. B. No, I haven't had any problems at all. I've
been very pleased with your service, thank
B. All·right. Please leave a message with my you.
secretary if I'm not in. With An Angry Customer
Positive Feedback
A. I need to speak with a manager!
A. I really appreciate your calling to tell me about
this problem, Mr. Roberts. B. I'm sorry, sir. But all of our managers are busy
at the moment. Would you please have a seat
B. I know I can count on you, Pat. You always in the waiting room?
have a way of getting things done!
A. I don't want to wait here all day! I've got things
A. Well, thanks for your vote of confidence, Mr. to do!
Roberts. I hope I can come through for you!
B. I understand, sir. I will let you know as soon as
B. I have no doubt. Thanks! a manager is able to talk with you.
Re-issuing A Statement With An Angry Client

A. Good morning. My name's Albert Moss. I A. Look! I've had enough! If you can't get this
wonder if you could help me? straightened out, I'm going to a different firm!

B. Certainly, sir. Please have a seat. What may I B. I understand why you're angry, Mr. Grant, and
do for you? believe me, we are doing everything in our
power to work this out.
A. I'd like to verify how much money I have on
account with you. I can't seem to find my last A. Well, obviously, what you're doing is not good
statement. enough!

B. That's no problem, sir. I can issue you a new B. If you could just give us a few more days, we
statement. May I have your account number, should be able to get this problem ironed out.
please? 17
American Master
With A Very Upset Customer A Disappointed Client

A. This is the last time I'm using your company. I A. I'm really disappointed in the quality of your
have never seen so much disorganisation! work, Ms. Patrick. I expected a better
B. I do apologise, Mr. Kane. There's really no
excuse for this. But I assure you this will not B. I am very sorry you feel that way, Mr. Garth. I
happen again! We have spoken to the realise that we've started off badly, but I think
salespeople involved. you'll be pleased with the refinished work.

A. That's not good enough! I just don't trust your A. Well, it certainly couldn't be worse than what
company to take care of business in an orderly you've been showing me.
B. I think you'll be satisfied with the quality of
B. You have every right to be upset, Mr. Kane, these designs, Mr. Garth. Would you like to go
but I do hope you'll reconsider. over to my office and take a look?
Handling A Problem An Irate Customer

A. What? You've lost the plans? How did that A. If I have to wait on more minutes, I'm going to
happen? take my business somewhere else! I have
been waiting to see Mr. Barkley for nearly 25
B. I am terribly sorry, Mr. Richardson. We sent minutes!
the plans by express mail to our branch in
Shanghai, but they appear to have gotten lost. B. I'm very sorry, Ms. Ferguson. Mr. Barkley was
called away to an emergency meeting. He
A. What are you doing about it? should be back any moment.

B. We are tracking the documents at the A. I wish you had let me know that earlier! I could
moment, and we have people working around have rescheduled my appointment!
the clock copying the plans.
Explaining To A Customer B. You're right, Ms. Ferguson. I didn't anticipate
how long it would take Mr. Barkley. Let me see
A. I don't understand this, Ms. Walker. When if I can reach him.
exactly are you going to finish this job? Discussing An Ad's Music

B. Well, it will probably take another few weeks, A. What were you thinking when you came up
Mr. Brooks. I realise it appears simple enough, with this jingle? It doesn't have anything to do
but there is a lot of red tape to wade through. with my product!

A. Fair enough, but I'm still a bit unclear about the B. We felt that it was on target, Mr. Baker. But,
details. Could you go over the main points with obviously, if you're not pleased, we can rework
me again? the song.

B. I'd be glad to, Mr. Brooks. Why don't you come A. You're going to have to. This one's out of the
into my office? question!
Put On Hold For Too Long
B. Fine, Mr. Baker. We'll get working on that right
A. Do not put me on hold again, please. away.
Explaining A Delay
B. I'm very sorry, madam. The phones have been
ringing off the hook. A. When are you going to give me the prototype
you promised?
A. Excuse me, but that's not my problem! I was
just put on hold for the fourth time! B. I apologise for the delay , Mr. Parker. We have
been waiting on a piece from one of our
B. I do apologise, madam. How may I help you? factories. We should be able to have it
completed by next week.

A. All·right. But, I hope it won't take any longer

than that!
B. I don't expect it, too, Mr. Parker. I appreciate
your understanding. 18
American Master
Praise For Winning A Case A Good Office Space Design

A. Good morning, Beck and Beck Legal Service. A. Richard? It's Marie Sinclair over at the design
May I help you? studio. How are you?

B. Phyllis? Is that you? It's Craig Masters. B. Just fine, Ms. Sinclair. Is there anything I can
do for you?
A. Mr. Masters! Hello. How are you?
A. You've done it already! I'm so pleased with the
B. I'm doing just great. I won my case and I just plans you created for my new office space.
wanted to thank you for all your hard work. Everybody in the office is excited.
An Angry New Customer
B. I'm glad you're pleased! I thought they suited
A. If I had known I'd get service like this, I would your office layout.
have gone somewhere else. Asking About A Refund

B. I'm sorry, sir. Could you tell me what the A. Excuse me, but I thought I was supposed to
problem is, please? receive a check for 2500 for merchandise I
returned to your company.
A. Let's start with the fact that no one has
responded to my calls or letters for the past B. I'm sorry, sir. Could you tell me your name and
three weeks! the products you purchased? I'll see what I
can find out.
B. I do apologise, sir. I hope I can help you.
Would you tell me what you have been trying A. Yes. My name is Greg Wilson and I returned a
to find out? laptop computer with a modem to you about a
After Helping A Customer month and a half ago.

A. Well, I hope that answers your questions, Mr. B. Just one moment, please, Mr. Wilson. I'll
Gardiner. Here's your printout. check in our files. Where did you purchase the
B. Thanks a lot! I really appreciate your Impressive Feedback
A. Good afternoon. Paul Lands speaking.
A. You're very welcome, Mr. Gardiner. I'm glad I
was able to help. Please call if you have any B. Mr. Lands? It's Roberta Myers calling. I've got
more questions. to thank you for the work you did on that
newspaper ad. It was a great piece of work.
B. I will. Thanks again!
A Successful Restaurant Ad A. I'm glad you liked it, Mr. Myers.

A. Linda? It's Michael Davenport. Your office B. I loved it! I'll definitely have more work for you
handled the advertising for my new restaurant: in the future.
“The Steak House”. A Compliment After Service

B. I remember, Mr. Davenport. I did most of the A. Is there anything else I can do for you, Ms.
design work. Are there any problems? Cozwell?

A. None at all, except where to put all the people! B. No, thanks. That'll do it for today, Joe. I don't
We've been packed ever since those ads know how you keep all this stuff straight.
came out.
A. Well, that's my job. Ms. Cozwell.
B. That's wonderful! Save a seat for me!
Unable To Answer A Customer B. And, you do it very well! Thanks again for your
A. Excuse me? Are you listening to me? help.
B. Yes, sir. I understand why you're upset, sir.

A. Well then, do something about it.

B. I am very sorry, sir. But, at the moment, there

is really nothing I can do. As soon as my
supervisor comes in, I will contact you. 19
American Master
A List Of Complaints Reassuring Service

A. This is my list of complaints, Andrew. I would A. Are you the manager here? I have been trying
appreciate it if you would look over them. to get some simple problems straightened out
on my account for the last two days. I'm
B. Certainly, Ms. Parker. Thank you for coming beginning to think nobody understands service
directly to me. You can count on me to act on here!
B. I do apologise for that, sir. Would you tell me
A. Well, I've used your firm for several years and your account number, and I'll see if I can
I've generally been pleased. It's just the last straighten things out for you.
few months that I've had problem.
A. Thank you. My account number is Z5852213.
B. Well, I will definitely do what I can to solve My name is John Hedges.
these problems, and improve our service.
Receiving A Compliment Letter B. Thank you, Mr. Hedges. Let me see what I can
A. Mary Ann, this is a letter from Mr. Smith. He An Appreciation Phone-call
worked with you last month.
A. Good morning, Mr. Gray. May I help you?
B. I remember. What does he have to say?
B. No, thank you. I just wanted to tell you how
A. Well, he just wanted to tell me what a good job much I appreciated your help the other day. I
you're doing, and to keep up the good work! know I gave you a bit of trouble.

B. That was really sweet of him. A. Not at all, sir. I'm glad I could help. Is
Helping Out A Customer everything all·right, now?

A. Let me just add these numbers up for you, and B. Yes. Everything's worked out fine, thanks.
I should be able to give you an answer.
B. Thanks. I'm sorry to give you so much trouble.
Congratulations On Promotion
A. It's no trouble at all, Ms. Liu. I'm glad to help.
Here. This should be the correct figure, 5,322 A. Hey, Jim. I heard you got a promotion!
units at 53 cents per unit.
B. Yeah, I'm going to be running the Walker
B. That sounds right. Could you jot that down for Avenue Branch.
me? Thanks.
Clarifying Personal Data A. Congratulations, guy.

A. All·right, Mr. Winston. Let me just clarify this B. Thanks. I appreciate it.
information: your date of birth is May 15, Talking About Sports
1942? And your social security number is 542-
31-2156? A. Guess what, Mark?

B. That's right, miss. Do you need anything else? B. What? What's up?

A. I just need to know your street address, Mr. A. Our softball team is in the finals! We're playing
Winston. the McGrath office on Saturday.

B. It's 2453 Bay Avenue. The zip code is 20143. B. Fantastic! I'll be there!
Talking About A New-born Baby

A. Hi, Sally! You're talking to the proud father of a

new baby girl.
B. Congratulations, Bob! That's great news.
What's her name?

A. We've named her Alice after my wife's

B. That's a pretty name. Give your wife my best. 20
American Master
Talking About Child
A. How'd it go? Did we win?
A. Hey, Philip! You won't believe this!
B. Nope, lost again. But, it was a good game.
B. What? What's on the good news? Complaining About Work

A. My son, Harvey just got into Harvard! He starts A. You look really wiped out.
next September.
B. I had meetings back to back all morning. Then
B. That's wonderful! You must be really proud of the printer broke in the middle of putting
him. together the Wix Soap presentation, and the
Talking About Vacation phone rang off the hook from the minute I
walked into the office.
A. You are going to be really jealous when you
find out where I'm headed for the holidays! A. Not a good day. I hate to tell you that Mr.
Emory wants to see the designs for the Polish
B. Don't tell me! I'm sure it's someplace warm Paste Ad tomorrow morning.
and sunny with great beaches!
B. I can't believe it! I guess I'll be here until ten
A. You got it! I'm going to spend two fabulous again tonight!
weeks in Hawaii. Sports Talk

B. You are so lucky! Send me a postcard! A. Sue? Do you want to join the softball team?
Talking About Work Load We need another player.

A. Thank God! I am finished writing that service B. I haven't played softball since I was in high
guide! It took me forever! school.

B. When did you finish? A. Come on! It'll be fun. We play every other
Saturday afternoon from May until August.
A. This morning! No more overtime, and no more
headaches! B. Okay. I guess I could give it a try.
Chatting About Child
B. Well, I'm glad to hear it. Have a cup of coffee.
Getting Married A. How's your little girl, Debbie?

A. Hello, Cindy. Congratulations! I hear you're B. Oh, she's just fine. She's so grown up now.
getting married.
A. How old is she?
B. Yes, Mr. Emory. Thank you.
B. Four and a half going on twelve!
A. When's the big day? Getting A Promotion

B. We're planning a June wedding, but we A. Hey Doug! How'd it go at that meeting
haven't picked a date yet. yesterday? I know you were pretty anxious
Chatting With A New Employee about it.

A. Hi, there, Philip. How's everything going? B. Fantastic! I got the promotion!

B. It's going pretty well, but I'm really tired. A. Great! When do you take over?

A. I don't blame you. You've had a busy first B. After the new year.
week. Take a rest! Back From Vacation

B. It's all·right. I don't mind being busy. A. Hi Jim! When did you get back?
Chatting About Sports B. Yesterday. I was really sorry to see it end. The
skiing was terrific.
A. Hey, Mark? What were you up to yesterday? I A. I'm really jealous! I won't be able to get
called you, but there wasn't anybody home. anytime off for at least another three or four
B. We went out to the stadium. Bob hadn't been B. Sorry to hear that! But I would definitely
to a game for a few weeks. recommend this place. 21
American Master
A New Exercise Class Chatting With A Newly Wed

A. Did you hear that they are going to start an A. Hi, Sandy! Do you have a minute?
exercise class after work?
B. Yes, John. I'm on my break. What's going on?
B. Oh really? When is it going to start?
A. Not much. I just wanted to see how you were.
A. Next month, I think. Are you going to sign up? How's married life treating you?

B. Well, I'd like to, but I'm going to have to look at B. Great, except for my mother-in-law!
my schedule. Sometimes I think I married her instead of my
First Day Of School husband! How about you?
Chatting About A New Restaurant
A. Has your son started school yet, Tom?
A. Hi, Alex. How are you doing?
B. Next week. It's going to be quite a shock for
him! B. Just fine, Karen. I'm just taking a breather from
all this paper work.
A. He'll get used to it. They always do. I still
remember when my daughter started. Are you A. I know the feeling. I'm calling to let you know
going with him on his first day? about this new Italian place I found. It's right
around the corner.
B. You bet. I wouldn't miss it.
Trouble With Computer B. I'll have to try it. You know how I am about
Italian food. What's the name?
A. The new computer software is driving me Inviting For A Cup Of Coffee
crazy! I really need a break!
A. John, wait a second! I was just heading
B. I know what you mean, Carol. I've had nothing downstairs for a cup of coffee. You want to
but trouble with it. They say it's supposed to come? I've got some good news!
be easy!
B. Sure. Let me just grab my wallet. You certainly
A. That's what I've heard. But as far as I do look happy this morning.
concerned, it takes a genius to figure it out.
Can you pass the sugar, please? A. I am. Don't worry about getting your wallet. It's
my treat.
B. Sure. Why don't you sit down for a minute?
You haven't taken a rest all morning. B. This is a first! You must have won the lottery.
Complaining About Overtime Offering A Cup Of Tea

A. You won't believe who's been elected to do A. How are you, Kim? I haven't seen you around
overtime on the Baker account: Me! I've for a few days.
already logged in 20 hours of over time.
B. Oh, I was out sick most of last week. I'm still
B. Wow! Why so much? I thought they were not completely over it. You'd better not get too
getting you an assistant. close.

A. They were supposed to, but so far nobody's A. I'm sorry to hear about that. Why don't you join
turned up, and I'm left on my own to do the me for a hot cup of tea? It'll be good for you.
work. This is the first break I've had all day.
B. Sure, why not? I could use the rest.
B. They're really running you into the ground. Talking About Appearance
Why don't you ask for some time off? You
could take a long weekend and go away A. Hi, Ellen. That outfit looks terrific!
B. Thanks, Jim. I didn't think guys paid attention
to stuff like that.

A. No, we just don't usually admit it!

B. Well, thanks for the compliment anyway! 22
American Master
Talking About A New Pet Presentation A New Design

A. Jack! Do you want to see a picture of my new A. I'd like to hear what your group has to say
puppy? about this. It's our basic design for a new toy
B. Sure. I thought people only showed off
pictures of their new babies, not new pets! B. How does it operate?

A. Well, this is my new baby. He's just as much A. It uses batteries and a remote control, but it'll
trouble. That's for sure! But, he's a lot of fun! be a lot faster and fine-tuned than most of
what's on the market.
B. I see what you mean. He's really cute. How old
is he? B. Sounds promising. How big is it going to be?
A Newly Received Award Presentation An Outlook

A. Philip! I was really glad to hear about your A. Generally, things look pretty good, but there
award. Congratulations! are a few trouble spots.

B. Thanks, Denise. Actually, I was really B. Give us an idea of the main problems.
surprised. I mean, there were a lot of qualified
people out there. A. Well, sales are doing pretty well, but
production has slowed down, and as a result,
A. Sure. But the work you did was really we're not keeping up with demand.
exceptional! You definitely deserved it!
B. That's going to create a backlog that could
B. Thanks a lot. I expect to see your name cost us. Who do you have working on that?
nominated pretty soon, too. You've been doing Presenting A Story Board
some great work!
Birthday Party Invitation A. We'll begin with a slow-moving shot of the
crowds, Ms. Lords. Then, we'll come in on a
A. Melissa? I'd like to invite you to my wife's close-up of our main actor.
birthday party.
B. Thanks, Frank. I'd love to come. When is it? B. Okay, so far, so good.

A. Her birthday is on the 9th. We're going to have A. The main actor will be drinking an ice-cold
dinner at a Mexican restaurant, and then Rocky soda and the rest of the crowd will be
maybe go out dancing. moving in towards him.

B. Sounds like fun. You can count me in! Just B. All·right. I like where you're going with this, but
give me directions to the restaurant. what kind of music are you going to have in
the background?

A Strategy Presentation A. Mr. Wilson? These are the ideas I had for
redecorating that upstairs office space.
A. Okay, let me run the main points by you first.
We plan to start out with small newspaper ads. B. Looks good, Mike. What do you think we're
Then we'll see what kind of response we get. going to need, equipment-wise?
Based on that we'll decide whether to run full-
page ads. If we don't get a positive response A. I'm expecting we're going to need two new fax
from the newspaper ads, we'll do some radio machines, a new laser printer and at least two
spots. Finally, we plan to put together two 30- top-level photocopiers.
second prime-time TV ads.
Time Schedule Presentation B. What are we planning on spending on this?
A. All·right, people, we'll begin work on this next Presenting A Design Idea
week. I want to see a rough design by
Thursday. A. Is this what you had in mind, Ms. Riley?
B. What's our deadline for the finished product?
A. I intend to have the final designs in Mr. B. It's got the right feel to it. What colours are you
Cartwright's office by March 12th. We'll need going to use?
to work fast on this.
B. How many people are you putting on this? 23
American Master
A. We'd planned on using a dark green with gray Suggesting An Ad Plan
lettering, but some of the team thought that
would be too serious. A. Excuse me, Mr. Randall? I'm sorry to trouble
B. I agree. I'd like to lighten it up a bit.
Pitching An Old Idea B. Not at all, Denise. Come in, please. What's on
your mind?
A. I think you're really going to like this, Jane. I've
been working on it for a while. A. I'd like to get some input from you on an idea
I've had. I was thinking of doing a full-page
B. All·right, Tom. What have you got? colour ad for the Rainbow Copier account.

A. We'll leave in a simple one-liner with this B. Are they prepared to put out that kind of
picture. Then, once we grab the audience, we money, Denise? That's the only thing that
can tell them the details. would worry me.
Sharing An Idea
B. That sounds great.
Suggesting A New Layout A. Mr. Murphy? I've got a few thoughts I wanted
to share with you, if you don't mind.
A. Mr. Clayton? I'd like to talk to you about some
new ideas I have. B. Of course not, Ms. Porter. Please come in and
have a seat. What were you thinking?
B. Of course, Candice. Go right ahead.
A. Well, I was thinking that it might be a good
A. Thank you. I've been thinking that we ought to idea if you went around and got to know
re-structure things around here. There's a lot people a bit. Since you're new here, it might
of talent going to waste in our offices. help people to adjust.

B. I see your point. But, where would you start? B. That's a good idea, Ms. Porter. I'll start on it
A Suggestion On Sales this afternoon.
Presenting A New Research
A. Mr. Forester? I'd like to make a suggestion.
A. Here's that research I was telling you about,
B. Yes, Ms. Miller? Mr. Cromwell. I think you'll find it pretty
A. Well. I think we ought to be putting more
energy into sales. We've got a strong client B. What's the general idea?
base, but with so many new companies
opening up, we could lose business. A. Well, basically, it implies that a lot of the work
we've done so far in this field is good but still
B. I appreciate your talking to me, Ms. Miller. I'll behind the rest of our competitors.
give some thought to it.
Self-recommendation B. Does it make any suggestions on how to pull
ourselves up?
A. Excuse me, Mr. Crosby? Could I talk to you for A Secretary's Pitch
a moment?
A. All·right, Mary. That should do it. Thanks.
B. Certainly, Ms. Wang. What can I do for you?
B. You're welcome, Mr. Sinclair. Mr. Sinclair, I
A. I'd like to talk to you about taking over for Mr. just wanted to add something to the list.
Zhang in the engineering department, when he
leaves this June. A. What's that, Mary? I thought it was pretty
B. I'll be glad to consider it, Ms. Wang. Why don't
you have a seat and we can discuss it. B. Well, I think it's time we add it a laser printer
and a modem to our computer system. Right
now, I still have to do our special printing jobs
outside of the office. It would save us a lot of
time and money. 24
American Master
Suggestions For An Intern Making A Complaint Together

A. Before we finish up, Cecilia. I wanted to run A. Good morning. Susan speaking.
something by you.
B. Susan, have you heard the news? They're
B. Sure, John. What is it? planning to ask everyone in this department to
do overtime instead of hiring a new
A. What would you think about bringing in an accountant!
intern? I know we've never done it before, but
we're busy enough now. I think it would be a A. That's crazy! We need to speak to Mr. Foster.
good idea. We've been working non-stop already. Will
you come with me to speak to Mr. Foster?
B. I agree with you. Who did you have in mind?
Recommending A Design B. You bet. I'm just as upset as you are.
Discrepancies On The Budget
A. Here's that design Paul put together the other
day, Louise. Why don't you take a look at it? A. I think you'll agree once you see these figures,
B. What do you think of it, Jake?
B. Well, I still think there are some problems. I
A. I think it's pretty solid work. He's got some don't know how you're going to cover all the
good ideas and a firm grasp of the main visual expenses.
A. Look over here. I've already calculated the
B. I see what you mean. All·right, I'll take it back cost of equipment, furniture, and the additional
to my office and take a closer look. salaries.
New Ideas From A Seminar
B. Yeah, but what about utilities? We still have
A. Thanks for sending me to that seminar, Mr. electricity, water, and telephone lines to
Simpson. It was really fascinating. In fact, I consider.
came back with a few ideas. Getting Support Signatures

B. Oh, yeah. Like what? A. Linda, have you seen it?

A. Well, they talked a lot about teamwork, and I B. No. What is it?
was thinking we ought to do more with that
around here. A. It's my proposal for a non-smoking policy in
the office. I know you don't smoke and I was
B. That wouldn't be a bad idea, Laura. Did they hoping to get your signature in support.
have any suggestions?
Presenting An Office Outline B. I'd be glad to. It's about time.
A Pitch For A Good Cause
A. Take a look at this, Joe. I've put together an
outline for our new office design. What do you A. Paul, this is the sign up sheet for the charity
think? race. You're going to join us, right?

B. Hmm. It looks pretty good. What are you B. Well, I am really busy these days.
planning to put over in that corner?
A. Come on, we need everybody we can get and
A. Well, I wanted to talk to you about that. The after all, it's for a good cause.
way I see it we can either move the new
computer over there or install a coffee counter. B. Okay, I guess you're right.
Making A Pitch To A Group
B. I think the counter would be a good idea. That
way, people will take more breaks in the office, A. All·right, guys. We need to pull together on this
not outside. one. It's going to take a lot of work.
B. What are your expectations?

A. I intend to put this department on the top of the

list! All we need is a little more effort and we
can be first in sales.
B. That sounds like a good idea. Let's go for it. 25
American Master
Presenting An Operating Budget Market Targeting

A. These numbers represent our potential profit A. Alex? Let me run something by you.
next year. And this here is our total operating
budget for 1995. B. Sure. What's up?

B. That seems a lot lower than last year. Are A. I think we need to gear that new cleaner to a
profits down that much? younger crowd, maybe 25 to 35, what do you
A. Well, it's deceptive. Profits are steady at the
moment, but if you take a look here you'll see B. Well, it's worth thinking about. Let's talk about
that sales have dropped off quite a bit. it at the strategy meeting this afternoon, okay?
I've got to run.
B. So, without a significant increase in sales, Making A Pitch For A Project
we're facing a dismal year, huh?
Presenting A Tv Ad A. We've been working on this project for a
couple of weeks now, Mr. Brooks. I think you'll
A. In the first frame, we'll show a picture of the be pleased with the results.
product surrounded by the bright light. Then
we'll fade into a shot of our presenter. B. Well, let's have a look.

B. I think I see where you're headed. What's the A. This is how we'll begin - - - and then we'll finish
punch line? with some computer-generated photographs of
the product. What do you think?
A. We plan to finish up with this shot of the
product and the line: “You can count on us to B. I think you got the right idea. There are just a
be wherever your washing needs are!” few details to work out.
Presenting A Package Design
B. Can you shorten that line? And I'd like you to
finish up with a different image. A. Mr. Macmillan. I've got a new idea for the
Pitching A Promotional Event design of the Wix soap package. I think you're
going to like it.
A. Picture this, Mr. Statler. We'll have 5000
balloons and thousands of ribbons B. All·right. Show me what you've got.
surrounding the entrance on opening day.
A. Here it is. The outer circle would be in yellow
B. What are you going to do about crowd control? and the centre would be in metallic blue. What
do you think?
A. We'll have guards post it at the entrances and
near the main gate. But I don't anticipate much B. It looks good. Have you shown it to the rest of
of a problem. The main point is to attract the guys?
attention. Promoting Yourself

B. That's true. All·right. I'll leave it in your hands! A. Hi, Ms. Montgomery. I'd like to put my name in
Investment Suggestions for John Jacobs' position.

A. It's a pretty straightforward situation, Mr. B. I didn't know you were interested. How much
Philips. You'll need to invest half of your funds sales experience do you have?
in securities and the other half in real estate.
A. Actually, quite a lot. Before I started with this
B. I'm a bit worried about real estate at the company, I was an Assistant Sales Director at
moment. Rothmans, the department store.

A. I promise you. Right now there couldn't be a B. Why don't you bring me a copy of your
better deal! Trust me! resume, and we can talk about it.

B. Well! You've always been right, before, you've

got a deal. 26
American Master
Presenting A Yearly Projection B. I was supposed to do that? I thought Sharon
was responsible for that.
A. This graph represents our profits from last
year, and this one will give you an idea of the A. No, Liz. I asked you specifically. Don't you
profits so far this year. remember?

B. Do you have any projections for the next six B. I'm really sorry, Mr. Samuels. I really don't
months? remember that.
Sorting Out Problems
A. Yes, John. This third one charts the expected
profits through the end of the year. I think A. Rachel? I'm not sure how you want to handle
you'll all agree that we have some problems to this account. I think there are a few things to
deal with. be sorted out.

B. Agreed. But it still not as bad as we had B. I agree, Toni. I think the biggest problem we're
anticipated. facing is how to bring it in under budget.
Presenting A New Strategy
A. That's true. But even beyond that, there's the
A. I've got that presentation put together Mr. question of meeting the deadlines they've set.
B. Right. Look. Why don't we make a list of the
B. Great. Let's take a look. problems we're dealing with. It'll be easier to
work through them that way.
A. Well. The target group will be young women A Persistent Sales Woman
between 18 to 30, and these figures here
represent our expected marketing budget. A. I don't have any time to spare Jenny.

B. Sounds good. Any ideas on the packaging? B. I understand you're a busy man, Mr. Black. I
just wanted to show you these samples.
A. No, I'm sorry. I've told you I don't have any
Warning An Employee more time and I mean it. I'm afraid you're
going to have to go.
A. Listen, Christine. You can not afford another
day off. You've called in sick five times in the B. I see, Mr. Black. I'm sorry to have taken up so
last three weeks. much of your time, sir.
Criticizing An Employee
B. I know, Mr. Douglas. But I really am sick.
A. Janet? You still have not given me those files
A. Well, I want a note from the doctor on this one. I've asked you for.
And, to be honest, if this continues, we may
not able to employ you here. B. I'm sorry, Mr. Myers. I've just been so busy
B. I understand, sir. I'll bring a doctor's note in
tomorrow. I am sorry, Mr. Douglas. A. I really don't want to hear your excuses, Janet.
Waiting On A Client We're running a busy office here. You're going
to have to keep up.
A. Alex! What are you guys doing over there?
B. You're right, sir. I apologise. I'll get those files
B. What do you mean, Janice? for you now.
Criticizing A Smoker
A. I've been waiting for a response on the Blake
Building design for nearly two weeks. A. John. I've asked you not to smoke in here! I
don't want to see you smoking in my office
B. I'm sorry, Janice. But we've been waiting on again.
the client. It's out of our hands at the moment. B. I'm sorry, Ms. Fairbanks. I won't let it happen
Criticism From Your Boss again.

A. Liz. You were supposed to have had those A. That's what you said the last time! If you want
contracts typed up by now. to smoke, you'll have to use your break time
and go outside!
B. I understand, Ms. Fairbanks. 27
American Master
Criticizing Lack Of Effort Who's Going To Lunch First

A. Allan. I am really disappointed by your lack of A. I'm heading off to lunch, Sue. See you in a bit.
effort on this project.
B. Jake! I thought we said yesterday that I would
B. Look, Sally. I've put just as much work into this go to lunch first. You remember? I need to be
as anybody else. in the office at 1 o'clock.

A. No, I'm sorry. I disagree. I don't think you've A. I forgot. And I already made plans for lunch…
been working at full speed at all.
B. I'm sorry, Jake, but we did decide this
B. Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. yesterday. If I don't go now, I won't be able to
Arranging A Holiday Schedule eat lunch at all.
Discussing Overtime Problems
A. Mr. Martin? I need to talk to you for a minute.
A. Excuse me, Mr. Graham? I have something I
B. Certainly, Ms. Emory. Is there a problem, sir? need to discuss with you.

A. Well, I'd just like you to help me with the B. I'm in a bit of a hurry, Louise. Can it wait?
holiday schedule.
A. I would really appreciate it if we could talk for a
B. Fine, Mr. Emory. Let me just grab a pad and few minutes now. It's about the overtime
pen. you've asked me to put in.
An Interview Problem
B. All·right. Why don't you have a seat? What's
A. Well, I really just have two problems with this. the problem?
Bonus Compaints
B. Yes, sir?
A. Ms. Montgomery? Do you have a moment?
A. I'm concerned about your lack of marketing
experience and, frankly, your age. You're B. Sure, Brian. What's on your mind?
pretty new at all this.
A. I'm a bit upset about this year's bonus. I was
B. I can understand that. Let me see if I can really expecting a little more. Are there any
clarify some things for you. problems with my work?
Solving A Problem With Bonuses
B. No, not at all, Brian. This year, we've had to
A. Grant? Can we talk about this bonus plan of cut back. I'm hoping next year's going to be
yours? I've got a few problems with it. better. I hope you can understand.
Discordance About A Secretary
B. Sure, Richard. What's on your mind?
A. Hello, Mr. Kramer. Could you spare a minute?
A. Well, to be honest, I just don't think we're
going to have enough funds to give the kind of B. That's about all I can spare, Karen. What do
bonuses you have in mind. you need?

B. Well, why don't we sit down and work out the A. I need to talk to you about that new secretary
numbers? We can always scale down the you've hired. I think I'm going to have some
bonuses if we have to. problems working with her.
A Snag In The Plans
A. Jason. There's a snag in the plans for the B. She seems to be quite qualified. If it's a
Hoover Centre. personal problem, I'd prefer it if you would
work it out between yourselves.
B. What's wrong? I thought everything was set.

A. Well, it was. But the contractor's just told me

he's not going to be able to finish by the
twentieth, as planned.

B. Maybe we could work out an overtime

schedule. It's definitely worth it to finish by the
twentieth. 28
American Master
Clarifying Some Tasks Requesting Boss' Criticism

A. I'm not sure what you expect me to do, A. Mr. Farmington? Would you take a look at
Michelle. You've not been very clear about any these catalogue ads that Roger did? I don't
of this. think we can use them.

B. I'm sorry, Clint. Maybe I didn't make myself B. Hmm. I see what you mean. Have you spoken
clear enough. We should get together to with Roger? He usually does better work than
discuss this. this.

A. Yeah. I think that would be a good idea. I'm A. I know, Mr. Farmington. But, I'm not sure that I
really in the dark on everything. should bring this up with him. I think it would
be better if you spoke to him.
B. Fine. Let's meet this afternoon. I'll draw you a
better picture of the situation. B. All·right. Leave these ads with me. I'll speak to
A Delayed Lunch Order him this morning.
Talking Too Long Of A Break
A. Hello! We've been waiting for our lunch for
over an hour. Did you forget our order? A. Greg. I want to speak to you for a minute.

B. I'm sorry, sir. Could you tell me your name and B. Yes, Ms. Gray. Is there something wrong?
order again, please? I'll check on the delay.
A. I'm afraid there is Greg. I don't mind you taking
A. The name's Stanley Morris and the order was a break, but you've been away from your desk
for two chef's salads. for twenty-five minutes already.

B. Thank you, Mr. Morris. Please wait one B. I'm sorry, Ms. Gray. I must have lost track of
moment and let me check on the order. Would the time. I'll get back to work now.
you like anything to drink, sir? On the house. Problems With Taking Credit
Advice On Client Relations
A. Mary? I'd like to talk to you for a second,
A. Carla. I know you're kind of new in this please.
business and I want to give you some advice.
B. Okay, Mark. What's up?
B. Yes, Mr. Michaels?
A. I'd like to know why you're always taking credit
A. You have to listen to what the client asks for. for work we've done together like that line in
What you have just shown me is not at all in the new Ice Cream ad?
line with the client's wishes.
B. That was my line, Mark. I know we work on the
B. I'm sorry, Mr. Michaels. Could you tell me ad together, but that was definitely my line.
where the problems are exactly? Maybe I A Different Opinion
misunderstood the client's intentions.
Disagreeing On A Project A. Blake! I have to talk to you!

A. Mr. Crandall. I'm sorry, but I really don't see B. What, Hillary? I'm really in a hurry!
the value in doing this entire project over from
scratch. It would take a lot of work. A. I know, Blake. But you've been avoiding me all
morning and we have got to talk about this
B. That's certainly true. But, that's what this job is deal with the McKinsey Food Company.
all about, Maria. There's no doubt that this
project is unacceptable. B. I've been busy, Hillary. We can set up a
meeting to talk about the deal, but I still feel
A. I agree. But I think that we can handle the the same way. I don't think it's worth it.
problem by making a few major changes. I'd
appreciate it if you would give me a chance.

B. All·right, Maria. I'll give you until tomorrow at

4:00 to produce a satisfactory piece of work.
But otherwise, you'll have to re-do it. 29
American Master
Angry Over A Change In Plans Lunch Invitation

A. Susan! Why didn't you tell me that you were A. John Martin.
taking over the Silk Company account?
B. Hi, John. It's Emely. How's everything?
B. I thought you knew, Todd. It was decided last
week. I guess you weren't at the meeting. A. Great, thanks. What's up?

A. You know I wasn't at the meeting. I was B. Oh, I was just thinking about getting a bite to
meeting with Mr. Wei about this account! I've eat. Have you had lunch yet?
been on this for a month and a half. Getting A Ride After Work

B. I'm sorry, Todd. But Mr. Emory felt that it was A. Good morning, personnel. May I help you?
going too slowly, and that it needed a fresh
start. He should have told you. B. Hi, could I speak to Nancy please?
Unveiling A Disagreement
A. This is she. Paul?
A. John? I have to say I was bothered by the way
you handled the meeting today. B. Yeah, it's me. Can you give me a lift after
B. How so? I thought it went fine. Inquiring About Progress

A. I think it would have been better if you had A. Good afternoon. Jason Emory speaking.
given us more of a chance to give our
opinions. B. Hi, Jason. It's Elizabeth Montgomery. Have
you got those plans drawn up yet?
B. I'm sorry. I thought we were all pretty much in
agreement. A. Yeah. They were just sent over to your office.
Bad File Organization You should have them in about half an hour.

A. Where's the James file, Christine? B. Thanks a lot. Sorry to trouble you.
B. I had it right here a minute ago, Mr. Emory. Calling In Sick
Umm. Just a minute…
A. Hello, Ms. Murphy?
A. Christine. I know you're new here and there's
a lot to learn. But you are going to have to B. Yes? Who's calling?
learn to keep your work in better order. We
can't afford to lose an important document. A. It's John Anderson. I'm afraid I'm going to be
out sick today. I've got a nasty cold. I hope you
B. Yes, sir. I apologise for that. - - Here's the file don't mind, ma'am.
you were looking for, Mr. Emory.
B. No, that's no problem. I'm sorry to hear you're
ON THE TELEPHONE not feeling well. Get some rest. If you need to
see a doctor, let me know.
Calling For A Day Off Getting Instructions

A. Hello, Mr. Compton? This is Susan Miller. A. Hello, Mr. Rodriguez?

B. Hi, Susan. What can I do for you?
A. I'd like to take tomorrow off if that's all·right B. Yes. Is this Paula?
with you.
A. Yes, sir. I've just dropped those slides off at
B. Let me take a look. Just a second. That's no the Winthrop office. Do you need anything else
problem, Susan. See you on Wednesday. while I'm out?
Wrong Department
A. Good morning. Macmillan and Emory. May I B. No, that's all·right, Paula. Why don't you get
help you. something to eat, and I'll see you this
B. Is this the accounting department? afternoon.

A. No, I'm sorry. You've reached Mr. Macmillan's

office. Let me just put you through to
B. Thanks. I appreciate that. 30
American Master
Explanation For Being Late Asking About Some Old Files

A. Hello? A. Hi, John? It's Susan Miller.

B. Ms. Montgomery? This is Richard Thomas. I'm B. Hi, Susan. What's up?
sorry to bother you at home, but I've got a bit
of a problem. A. Do you know where that memo about office
procedures is? I want to give my secretary a
A. Oh? What's wrong? copy.

B. My daughter's just banged up her knee pretty B. I'm sorry. I have no idea. I haven't seen that
badly and I'm going to have to take her to the for ages.
hospital. I'll be about two hours late. Calling The President
Calling Your Boss From Outside
A. Good morning. Could I speak with Mr. Willard
A. Good morning, Mr. Johnson's office. Cindy please?
B. This is he. Who's calling, please?
B. Hi Cindy. It's Michael Kurt. Is Mr. Johnson in?
A. This is Chris Emerson speaking.
A. No, I'm sorry, Mr. Kurt. He's stepped out for a
bit. Would you like me to have him call you? B. Hello, Chris. how can I help you?
Calling A Mail Clerk
B. Yeah, that will be great. I'm on extension 4283.
Reporting A Progress A. Mail Room. Karen speaking.

A. Mrs. Reynolds? This is Martin Gross calling. B. Hi, Karen. This is John Williams in the
purchasing department. Can you check to see
B. Hi Martin. What can I do for you? if there's a package down there for me?

A. Well, I've got the spreadsheets you asked for, A. Certainly, Mr. Williams. Just one moment,
but I'm still waiting on some data from please.
B. Thanks, Karen.
B. That's all·right. Bring me over what you've got. Calling A Supply Store
Good News Over The Phone
A. Office Supplies, Inc. Robert speaking. May I
A. Hi, Is this Rich? help you?

B. Yeah, who's calling? B. Hi, Robert. This is Janet Reese calling from
American Advertising. We placed an order
A. It's Alex … Have I got some great news! We with you about a week ago.
got the Baker account. It's all ours.
A. Yes, Ms. Reese. I remember, you spoke with
B. Fantastic! I can't believe it! That's the biggest me. Is there a problem?
account we've gotten so far!
Bad News Over The Phone B. Well, it still hasn't gotten here, and my boss is
pretty angry about it.
A. Rachel? This is John Emory speaking. Calling The Printers

B. Yes, Mr. Emory? A. Print Shop.

A. I've got some bad news. All the plans sent B. Hi, is this Steven?
over to the McGrath Corporation have been
rejected. We're going to have to start from A. No, ma'am. This is Sean. Steven's out sick.
B. Oh, sorry to hear that. Listen, I've got a rush
B. I thought they had already agreed to order. Can you help me out?
everything. That's going to take weeks to
rework. 31
American Master
Making A Rush Order Making A Flight Arrangement

A. Print shop. Sean speaking. A. Good morning. Is this American Airlines?

B. Hi, Sean. It's Mary in Mr. Emory's office. I B. Yes, sir. My name is Ellen. How may I help
placed an order for 1000 bound copies of a you?
staff manual last week.
A. I need to get a flight to Chicago on the 7th in
A. It usually takes 2 to 3 weeks to complete a job the morning. Can you give me a hand?
like that.
B. Certainly, sir. There's a flight at 8:35 a.m. and
B. Well, I was hoping you would do me a big one at 10:45. Which would you prefer?
favor. That was supposed to be a rush order, I Rearranging A Flight
forgot to tell you. I'm getting a lot of flak from
my boss. A. Hi, United Airlines? This is Elizabeth Parks
Asking For Typing Help calling. I have a reservation on the 2:30 p. m.
flight to Shanghai this afternoon.
A. Kevin? Hi, it's Elizabeth. I have a big favor to
ask you. B. Yes, Miss. Parks? How may I help you?

B. How big, Elizabeth? Last time you said that, I A. Well, I'd like to reschedule my flight for the
ended up working ovetime 3 nights in a row! tomorrow morning at 9: 05. Is that possible?

A. Well, I've got a huge load of typing and Mr. B. I'm very sorry, Miss Parks. But the 9:05 flight is
Blake has insisted I get it done by tomorrow completely booked. I can put you on a waiting
afternoon. list if you would like.
Calling A Courier Service
B. All·right, Elizabeth. But this is the last time.
Calling A Contractor A. Alpha Beta Courier Service? This is Louise
Walker calling from The Marketing Company.
A. I have been trying to reach you for the last
three days! B. Good morning, Ms. Walker. What can I do for
B. I'm sorry, Mr. Brunt. I've been out on a site for
the last week. A. We need to deliver some documents to our
Monroe street branch. Can you come by and
A. Well, I need to know the specifics about the pick them up?
medical center project. We start building in
under two months. B. Of course, Ms. Walker. Could I have your
account number, please? And, when do these
B. I understand, sir. I'll come by tomorrow documents need to arrive?
morning to talk to you about it, if that's all·right. Relating A Question
Calling The Finance Department
A. Please hold on one moment, Mr. Bradley. I'll
A. Finance, Angie speaking. ask Mr. Blake. Mr. Blake?

B. Hi Angie. It's Tom Reynolds here. Can you tell B. Yes, Sandra? What do you need?
me if my tuition fees for this semester have
been approved? A. Mr. Bradley would like to know if that Wham
candy jingle is finished yet.
A. Yes, Mr. Reynolds. They were approved
yesterday. You can pick up the check today. B. They're putting the finishing touches on it now.
It should be ready by the day after tomorrow.
B. Oh wow! Thanks a million, Angie! Checking On A Delivery
Speaking With An Angry Client A. QuickServ Delivery. May I help you?

A. Hello. I need to speak with Allan Cartwright. B. Hi, this is Sharon in Mr. Reynolds's office. One
B. This is he. May I help you? of your delivery men picked up a package here
A. I certainly hope so, I am about to stop doing about an hour ago.
business with your office. A. Yes, is there a problem? Ma'am?
B. I'm very sorry, Madam. Can you tell me what B. Well, it still hasn't reached its destination. I
the problem is over the phone or would you wonder if you could track it down for us. Mr.
like me to go to your office. Reynolds is a bit concerned. 32
American Master
Making Hotel Reservations Ordering Lunch

A. Good afternoon. Is this the Romley Hotel? A. Hi, is this the Bread and Cheese Deli?
B. Yes, ma'am. How may I help you?
B. Yes, madam. May I help you?
A. I need to place an order for a couple of
A. Yes. I'm calling from Westwood and sandwiches and drinks. Can you deliver?
Westwood Attorneys. I need to make a
reservation for Mr. Alex Brent. B. Yes, we do deliveries for orders over 15 dollar,
B. Fine, madam. When will Mr. Brent be arriving, Good News To An Accountant
and how many nights will he be staying?
Confirming A Flight A. Good morning, Mary? It's John Kramer calling.
You remember you handled my tax forms for
A. Good morning. This is Ms. Red in Mr. me?
Farnsworth's office. I'd like to cofirm a flight for
Mr. Farnsworth. B. Of course, Mr. Kramer. How are things going
these days?
B. Certainly, Miss Reed. What is the flight
number and date of departure, please? A. Better than ever! You won't have to worry
about “finding” extra money for me anymore!
A. It's flight 420 to Canton on April 17th at 3:20 p. We made nearly a quarter of a million in profit
m. The name is Roger Farnsworth. That's F-A- last year!
B. Congratulations! I'm really glad to hear it! That
B. Thank you, Miss Reed. Please wait one should make balancing the books a lot easier!
moment while I confirm the flight. Relaying A Compliment
Arranging A Car To The Airport
A. Good morning. Sales Division. Alex speaking.
A. Good morning. Rent-A-Car Agency. May I help B. Alex, it's Nancy over in Marketing. I've got
you? some good news for you.

B. Good morning. This is Paul Alexandra calling A. Oh yeah? I could use some. What's up?
from the Isis Advertising Firm. We need a car
to the airport for Mr. Phillips. B. Mr. Morris was so pleased with your sales
work on his account that he went straight to
A. Certainly, Mr. Alexander. When would Mr. the top with it. He wrote a letter about it to Mr.
Phillips like to leave? Macmillan!

B. Let me check. - - His flight's at 2:30 p.m., so FINALIZING THE DEAL

he should leave no later than 12 noon.
Arranging A Banquet Signing An Official Contract

A. Good afternoon. Lotus Catering Company. A. Ms. Robbins. Please sign here.
Lilian speaking. May I help you? B. Thank you, Mr. Fairly. I think we'll have a long
and prosperous future together.
B. Good afternoon, Lilian. This is Tom Baker over
at Beck's Trading company. We need to A. I agree. There's a lot we can do in the future
arrange a banquet for next Wednesday as partners.
B. Let's have a drink on it, Mr. Fairly. I know a
A. I see, Mr. Baker. How many people are you good place in the city.
planning to invite and how much would you Finalizing A Deal On The Phone
like to spend per person? A. All·right, Ms. Kramer. I'll fax the details to you
right away.
B. Well. We're expecting about twenty-five people B. Fine. I should be able to get a signed contract
and we'd like to spend no more than 20 dollars faxed to you by tomorrow morning.
a head. A. Good news! The sooner we get this out of the
way, the sooner we can get going.

B. No argument there! All·right, I'll get those

details over there! 33
American Master
Contract Signing
B. That's right! Here's my card. There's a beeper
A. Mr. Brown. Ms Montgomery just sent these number on this as well.
contracts over for you to sign. With An Office Decorator

B. Has the legal staff looked at them? A. Well, Susan. We should be ready to start in
another week or so.
A. Yes, sir. They don't see any problems.
Everything's in order. B. I am really excited about this.

B. All·right. Where's my pen? Then fax these A. I think you're going to be very pleased with the
back to Liz. final product. We should be able to get it done
A Satisfied New Clients in under a month.

A. Well, Ms. Montgomery said I would be pleased B. Great! Send me your bill, and I'll arrange the
with your work, and she was right. payment. We settled on $12, 000 as the final
cost, right?
B. Glad to hear it, Mr. Rice. I look forward to With An Overseas Client
working with you again. Here's your copy of
the contract. A. Thank you for travelling so far to work with me,
Mr. Song.
A. Thanks. If I have any questions, I'll get back to
you. B. Well, when I find the right company, I don't
care what length I have to go to!
B. Please do. You can always leave a message
with my secretary. A. I hope we can continue to do good work
Closing A Contract together. I'll contact you as soon as the
contract is typed up.
A. So, we're taking about an average workload of
4 to 5 jobs every year, huh? B. Wonderful! I'll speak to you then.
About A Re-written Bid
B. That's right. Can you handle that load?
A. We've rewritten the bid based on your
A. That won't be a problem. Let's put it in writing. specifications, Mr. Lee. I think you'll be
B. Fine. Let me call my secretary.
A Marketing Research Company B. Yes, it looks fine, Ms. Warner. Thank you for
your hard work.
A. When can we get started? I'm really eager to
get going on this! A. That's to be expected, Mr. Lee. If you could
sign here I'll give these to my secretary to
B. So am I. We have got a lot of ideas on how to copy.
go with this. I think you're going to be pleased!
B. Certainly. There you are Ms. Warner.
A. I'm sure I will! We've heard a lot of good things Approaching A Settlement
about your company.
A. Fine, Mr. Sato, that's that. Do you have any
B. Well, I hope we live up to our reputation! I do other questions?
think our research techniques are among the
best in the city. B. No, Ms. Coswell. Everything's clear. When can
Purchasing Copy Machines you begin work?

A. All·right, Mr. Ray. So you'll bring the two Xerox A. I'd like to get started by the beginning of next
Copiers over Thursday afternoon? month. We just need to make a few last
minute calls.
B. That's right. Then we'll do an initial
maintenance check on them. After that, we'll B. But you don't anticipate any problems, right?
come by every six months for a routine

A. Otherwise, if we have a problem, we can just

call your office, right? 34
American Master
A Happy New Client Let's Celebrate
A. It's been a new pleasure working with you, Mr.
Walker. I think we'll have a good future A. That'll do it, John. We're in business!
B. It's good to have that out of the way. Now, we
B. I agree, Ms. Marshall. I've been very pleased can get down to work!
with how smoothly everything has gone. Hope
you can keep up the good work! A. I agree. Now that it's all down on paper, there
shouldn't be any problems. You want to have
A. We intend to, Mr. Walker! Please let us know a quick drink and celebrate?
when we can help you out again.
B. I certainly will. Thanks again. B. Sure, why not? Let me grab my coat.
Concluding An Agreement An Employee Contract

A. Well, Ms. Green. I think we've ironed out all A. Well, this looks fine to me, Ms. Samuels. I'm
the wrinkles. As far as I'm concerned, we've ready to sign.
got a deal.
B. Great! Just put your name on the dotted line
B. Absolutely, Mr. Foster. Everything should be and we'll be set. I'll get my secretary to witness
smooth from here on. it.

A. Glad to hear it. You'll keep in touch? A. All·right. And then if you could just make a
B. Certainly, Mr. Foster. copy for me to keep in my records.
With An Old Client
B. Of course, Ms. Blake. I'll have that for you to
A. Well, you've done it again, Paula! You always take home today.
manage to work things out at the last minute. Finalizing An Interview

B. That's what I'm here for, Mr. Duncan. So, we A. Do you have any more questions, Ms. Song?
have a deal?
B. No, sir. I believe that you've answered all my
A. You bet! I'll send the signed contracts over questions. I'm just not certain when you'll need
tomorrow morning. me to start work?
B. Great! Shall we get some lunch.
Winding Up A Contract A. I was thinking that it would be best if you
A. Thanks again, Sue. It's been good working started after the new year, maybe january 4th?
with you.
B. That would be fine, Mr. Finley. Will training be
B. My pleasure, as always, Mr. Dean. I hope provided, sir?
you'll keep in touch and let us know how Finalizing A Promotion
things are proceeding.
A. Well, Ms. Li. We have been very pleased with
A. Absolutely, Sue. I'll give you a call next week your hard work these two years.
and let you know when we'll be breaking
ground. B. Thank you very much, Mr. Brown. I've really
enjoyed working here as well.
B. Fine. I look forward to hearing from you, Mr.
Dean. A. I think you'll enjoy it even more when you take
Closing A Deal over as assistant manager in the accounting
A. All·right, Ms. Bently. I'll have the contract
drawn up this week. B. I think so, too. I'm really looking forward to it.
Talking About A Finished Deal
B. Good. And I think we should try to meet early
next week to sign the contracts and go over a A. Karen, we did it! Take a look at this!
few final details.
B. What is it?
A. That would be fine. I'll have my secretary give
you a call at the end of the week to set up an A. Mr. Jeffry's just signed a contract for three full-
appointment. page ads and two 30 second TV spots.
B. Fine, Thanks. Then I'll speak to you next
week. B. Great! How did you talk him into it? 35
American Master
An Unbelievable Deal Setting Up A Signing Date

A. I can't believe it! A. This is the bottom line, Ms. Crofter. Is that
going to be acceptable?
B. What, Mike? What's wrong?
B. Yes. I don't think my people will have any
A. Nothing's wrong! I just signed a deal with problem with that.
Forester International. They are going to buy
half a million dollars' worth of equipment from A. When do you think we can sign the contract?
B. Give me a couple of days after we arrive. It
B. Fantastic! Let me buy you a beer. shouldn't take more than three days max.
Finalizing On An Airplane Revising A Contract

A. So, are we set then, Ms. Worker? A. Our legal team has taken a look at this, and
B. Yes, I'm satisfied with the contract as it stands. there are a couple of word changes we'd like
to make.
A. Excellent. Then, if you sign here, please. We'll
be finished. As soon as we land, I'll contact the B. All·right, Ms. Walton. Let's see what we can
architect. do. What's the first change?

B. Good. We can all get together to discuss the A. Well, take a look at page 6 of the agreement.
plans. See line 4?
Signing The Revised Bid B. Yes, I've got it here. What would you like to
A. We've revised the bid. Would you look it over, Final Calculations
Mr. Kline?
A. This adds up to 62 cents per unit. How many
B. Looks fine. The changes I asked for are all units are there going to be all together?
B. Six thousand, four hundred and fifty-eight. We
A. Good. If there are no other changes to be may add more later.
made, let's go ahead and sign the agreement.
A. All·right, that works out to $4,003.96. Once we
B. All right, can you pass me your pen? figure in other expenses and tax, it'll probably
Final Revisions read about $6000.

A. Did you have your lawyers look at the B. That's fine. We'll start with that order and see
agreement, Mr. Baker? where it goes.
Finalizing A Bid
B. Yes. We decided to keep it as it is, except for
one small change on the date here. I'd like to A. Here are the contracts, Mr. Kimoto.
make it the 14th. B. Thank you, Linda. Let me see. This looks
A. I can write that in, Mr. Baker. Any other
revisions? A. You might want to take a quick look at page 2,
line 15. We made one small change in the
B. No, that'll do it. Let me just find my pen. payment schedule.
A Few Last Questions
B. Hmm. I see. That's not a problem.
A. I just want to go over a few things, Peter. First Working Out An Agreement
of all, when are you planning to start
production? A. There are three small trouble spots, as far as I
see it, Ms. Green. One is the wording of this
B. We'd like to begin no later than the first month last paragraph.
of the year.
B. How would you like to word it, Ms. Richards?
A. I see. That shouldn't pose any problems. The
way I see it, we can do it all for under one A. Well, I'd like to take out this phrase here, and
million. What do you think? replace it with “prior to the date of delivery.”
B. That's about what I was thinking. Let's draw up B. I see. That shouldn't create any problems.
an agreement. What are the other trouble spots? 36
American Master
Going Over An Agreement Finalizing A Construction Deal

A. If you'll take a look here, Mr. Murphy, you'll A. This is fine, Roger. I'm very satisfied with the
see the changes I was talking about. results.

B. Hmm. Yes, I see. I don't have a problem with B. I'm glad to hear it, Ms. Caruso. Then we'll
that. But take a quick look at paragraph six on begin construction before the new year.
page twelve.
A. That sounds great. Just try to keep it within
A. All·right. I've got it. budget. That's the only thing I'm worried about.

B. I was wondering If we could re-word this to B. Rest assured, Ms. Caruso. That won't be a
reflect the third company's involvement. Our problem with us.
company doesn't want to be held fully There's An Agreenment That Needs To Be
responsible. Reviewed
Clarifying A Detail
A. This is the agreement drawn up by Ms. Lee's
A. Let's go over the details one last time, Peter. office, Mr. Tang.

B. Fine. Construction will begin on the 5th of B. Thank you, Melissa. Have you looked at it yet?
February, and we should be finished by the
following January. A. I glanced at it. It looks pretty good, but see
what you think?
A. That's right. And the budget is set at 2.5
million. Does that include staff-training and B. All·right. We'll talk after I've had a chance to
recruitment costs? review it.

B. No, those will be over and above the initial

budget. You remember, we discussed that last
time. We have a $250,000 budget set aside for
Reviewing A Corrected Contract

A. Here's the revised contract, Mr. Fillmore.

B. Thanks, Jane. What did Mr. Grayson's office

have to say?

A. They're satisfied with the contract now and

ready to sign.

B. Great! I'll take a look at it. If everything's okay,

we'll arrange to meet with them when we
A Sales Agreement

A. Well-then, Mr. Emory. If you'll just sign these

two copies, we'll be all set.

B. All·right – there you go. I'll keep this copy.

A. Yes, sir. That's fine. It's been good working

with you, Mr. Emory.

B. Thank you, Jane. I appreciate your getting

everything done so quickly. 37

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