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We are to live like Jesus by working for oneness with one another, looking to the interests of

others above ourselves, and becoming obedient in service to be exalted in spirit.

Intro. "In your relationships with one another...." (v. 5)

• This letter deals with church conflicts and how to overcome them. In our relationships
with each other at church, we find a combination of: dealing honestly with those we like
best, being closed with those we don't know, and avoiding those we dislike. [Story]
• In our relationships with one another, Paul teaches us to have the same attitude of mind
that Christ Jesus had (v. 5). How do we do this? We do this by working for oneness with
one another, looking to the interests of others above ourselves, and becoming obedient in
service to be exalted in spirit.

Work for oneness with one another (2:1-2).

• We want unity in theory, but in practice? Maybe not.
• Overcome differences by emphasizing commonalities.
• Spiritual growth in Christ is reflected in our growth with one another.

Look to the interests of others above your own interests (2:3-4).

• We want our needs to be met...but so do our fellow Christians.
• Paul teaches us to look to others first.
• We find our true spiritual significance in loving and serving others, just as Jesus did.

Become obedient in service to be exalted in spirit (2:5-11).

• We want success in our spiritual growth without the hard work.
• Jesus taught us that exaltation only comes after obedience...for him, obedience led to
• Spiritual success comes through obedience...service to others.

Application: Put all your attention on Jesus and follow him wherever that leads.

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