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Global Parental Concerns

HPV Vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix

International Accounts of Adverse Reactions

Catherine Bell-Towers - Bendigo, Victoria

My name is Catherine Bell-Towers, I’m 27 and I live in Bendigo, Australia with my two beautiful
children, Kaylin and Jamie. I give permission for any of my story to be used in the further prevention of
the Gardasil slaughter. I write to you in memoriam of Amelia Rose and Tahni Ian. R.I.P my little
angels, this world was never meant for ones as beautiful as you.

I’m sitting here at 3.35am at my computer feeling ill, not only because my nerves won’t settle and I
want to tear my face off and my ears are popping in and out, but from reading all the other stories of
the young innocent lives this perversion of medical practice has affected. I miss the fact that I should
be rubbing my swelling belly and not my face. I miss the sun. I miss feeling crap at the end of the day
and not at the start of the day. I miss being me.

I always knew I had discoid lupus, even if it was mild as it runs in the family and the lupoid rash on my
hands, obvious, yet tolerable, was well under control with cortisone creams and pain killers if need be.
In some cases it is not worth taking the heavy steroids to get rid of it as the medication affects my
weight rapidly. It was never an every day thing.

I started my first hit of free Gardasil just before my 26th birthday in 2008. If I’d left it any later I would
have to pay for it. I was told there were no side effects. I can tell you my arm was sore for a good
week! The second round was somewhat the same, and the third, rather painful! The third shot was in
late February 2009. Running around after my two young children I had not noticed the rapid weight
loss I had, close to around 20 kgs in a few weeks. I suspected that I may be pregnant. Yes, sure
enough I was around 3 weeks. Probably over excited by the news of a 3rd addition to the family, we
broke the news to family, including our 3 year old girl. Why would we after having two very healthy
pregnancies expect anything to go wrong?

A week later the nightmare began. On the Monday I began bleeding. I had assumed this was a
breakthrough bleed and didn’t worry, but by the Thursday the bleeding had got heavier. Ultrasounds
through ED showed a happy beating baby at 5 weeks. No explanation to the bleeding, just ‘probably’
the placenta planting in the uterus walls.. The next Saturday I was grocery shopping and the fetus fell
out of me. I don’t even want to describe that moment. Ultrasounds, not that I needed one or anyone to
tell me what had just happened and to tell me it was okay, showed that my uterus was empty. We lost
our Amelia Rose at 5 weeks and 6 days. She was due next week.

Dealing with our grief, 10 weeks later (mind you the bleeding from losing the first baby was still off and
on) we discovered that I was pregnant again. But 8 weeks! I think I immediately went to the couch and
claimed bed rest! I didn’t do too much for the next two weeks, I spent most of that time in and out of
the emergency room. I would stand up and massive clots the size of golf balls would fall out of me.
Imagine how freaked out by every single occurrence, it was back in ED, every time for an ultrasound.
Every ultrasound showed a clot, getting bigger and bigger. I think I was there everyday. Maybe I
missed one or two days. I remember the Saturday night, I said to the kids father, ‘I’m going to bed I
just don’t feel right’. On the Sunday morning I woke feeling the same and found myself back in bed a
few hours later. Later that afternoon I became very unwell. My body went hyper and I couldn’t stop
vomiting. Back to ED. Ultrasound showed ‘Tahni’, 10 weeks and 3 days, deceased. The doctors said
‘his’ heart stopped beating because the blood supply was cut by the extremely large hematoma
outside the sack.

I had a D&C this time. Three days later I came down with pneumonia in my right lung. Back to ED. I
spent another week in a ward and I haven’t been back to the hospital since September. Every week
my days get worse. My lupus is in a flare. I have a nasty ‘butterfly’ shape on my face which looks like I
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have been stamped like cattle. The fluid traps on my palms are gross and debilitating. I have carpel
tunnel in my right arm, I can’t hold my children and even after typing all this I’m not sure if it’s on the
desk or I’m sitting straight.. No it’s on the desk resting and my wrist is just about nailed to the laptop!
My hair falls out in clumps and the scabs on the back of my head make me feel disgusting. Not to
mention the skin ulcers on my face, chest, legs and am now getting them on my back. Some days I
get up and I just can’t get it together. I am by nature, a go getter, very fit and the sort of person to
jump out of bed and open my curtains and make my bed first thing. I spend all day thinking about
getting back in it. If I didn’t have the kids or had family support to help me out I would. I sleep terrible,
waking in sweats and when I get up in the morning, usually about the first 6 hours of my day I’m not
sure what the temperature is, I just feel as if I have a fever. I sweat and I have goose bumps at the
same time. Similar to a hot flush I suppose. The sun is screaming at me when I’m in it. The migraines
start and my eyes water uncontrollably. After an hour or two of shopping and buzzing around in it I
feel burnt out. Push me and I bruise. I am asthmatic but I now get chest pains, not like an asthma
attack. They can extend through to my collar bone and shoulders some nights. If it rains my whole
body aches. I think I’m on my third consecutive ear infection. I could keep complaining about my daily
dramas and the fact that all I want to do is to be able to put foundation on properly on my skin but it all
seems mundane in comparison to the babies I lost. Not a day passes without me thinking what they
might have looked like, sounded like and what their smiles would have been like.

The doctors deny any connection with Gardasil, my experience and my condition. It’s all coincidental.
That will be right!! Yet they have nothing else to offer me but, it was ‘just a bad run’ or the ‘luck of the
draw’ and a referral to a rheumatologist. I wonder if the rheumatologist is also sitting in a room with
Gardasil advertising on every wall?

Felicia Beaumont (Nunawading, Australia)

My problems started a few days after my first Gardasil shot; though I didn’t connect them to it as I’ve
never had an adverse reaction to [or been allergic to] anything in my life. My symptoms include skin
problems, twitching, muscle cramps and stiffness, muscle weakness, ice pick headaches, brain fog
and concentration problems, as well as trouble with spelling and finding the right word. It took me
three weeks to think of the word ‘compromise’ (I could have looked it up, but I wanted to see how long
it took me). I was so tired for the 8 weeks after the first shot; it was like the life was sucked out of me.
Walking [for about 10 minutes] made me light headed and nauseous. I also have severe cramping in
my pelvic area and hot flashes.

As I hadn’t connected the problems with the first shot, I received the second shot 1 month later. This
made things much worse.

So, the skin problems: my face, neck, chest, and [top of] back and my scalp line were covered in
small, painful, but very noticeable yellow boils (which turned bright red once popped). The only way I
could get rid of them was to pull the hair follicle out of the middle of it. This meant I had to wax my
face (being my cheeks, nose, forehead, etc., etc., not a normal occurrence for me), squeeze the pus
and body fluid out and disinfecting myself. They were so bad that, once popped, my white blood cells
(yellow body fluid) would leak out my face. My white blood cells went screaming to my face to help
heal it, but they failed.

Six months after the first shot, I figured out that my skin problems were linked to another medication I
was taking before, during and after the vaccine [called Reductil – a diet pill]. I had no problems while I
was on it before I received Gardasil. I had to cover the affected areas in an anti-dandruff shampoo
[called Selsun] for 15 minutes, it helped, my skin has healed and I no longer feel the need to scratch
my face off. I had gone off Reductil for a month and noticed my skin had begun clearing up. Once I
started it again, the boils and the urge to scratch my face off came back. I decided myself to stop
taking my diet pill, think it was a wise idea.

Seven months later, I still twitch (mostly my head, fingers and random muscles); have brain fog,
concentration problems and difficulty finding the right word, as well as muscle cramps and stiffness.
My pelvic pain has been attributed to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), diagnosed with an internal

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I’d always had “period pain” whilst on my pill (have been on it for years to control pimples), but once I
had the vaccine the pain was 10 times worse and very debilitating. Having to stop at work to
concentrate on your breathing to make the pain go away is not easy or comfortable. Especially when
your colleagues are staring at you because you look like a ripe tomato after you’re done.

My GP had prescribed me an anti-inflammatory called Diclofenac (Voltaren in a pill), to help with my

pelvic pain (even though I was already taking a different anti-inflammatory called Celebrex for my
knee problem, which I wasn’t allowed to take concurrently with Diclofenac). It took 90 minutes to kick
in and even then it didn’t last long enough. My GP sighs and changes the subject when I blame the

In the last month I’ve visited a Gynaecologist, who reacts in a similar to my GP when I mention the
vaccine (the only person that went “oh, really?” when I mentioned the vaccine, was the Specialist
Women’s Ultrasound Doctor whom I saw two weeks ago). She has put me on a high oestrogen and
progesterone pill which, so far, has miraculously helped with my pelvic pain, but not obliterated it.

When I say ‘pelvic pain’, I’m not talking about that regular, dull ache and occasional sharp stab. My
pain was cervical dilation pain and a pain sort of like someone was squeezing my ovaries and my
uterus as well as giving them their own personal Chinese Burn (you know, when someone grabs your
forearm and twists each hand in a different direction?). Sometimes it’s one at a time, most times it’s
simultaneous. Even having a very high pain threshold, dealing with this pain, intermittently, 2-3 weeks
out of every month (for 7 months) makes you a frustrated and irritable person.

There is also something “wrong” with my cervix. I write it like that as two pap smears in a month have
shown my cervix to be normal. Me on the other hand (no pun intended), I can feel a small, hard bump
on it that wasn’t there before.

I have also noticed that I have acquired quite a few freckles. As I don’t frequent the sunshine for long
periods of time [because of 2nd and 3rd degree sunburn I received 2 years earlier], this is strange.
They’re on my face, abdomen and arms….so far.

Oh, and the areas of my skin that have tattoos swell and itch when it’s warm.

I do consider myself to be one of the “lucky” Gardasil victims, considering most girls are suffering so
much worse than I. I’m researching the best I can, ladies, so if you’re comfortable letting me know all
your symptoms and want some help with research, do not hesitate to let me know.

My thoughts and prayers are with you all. P.S. – I guarantee you there’s something I’ve left out. Good
ol’ brain fog.

Kristin Clulow- Newcastle, NSW

Firstly, I must make a disclaimer, although this is a website dedicated to Gardasil victims, there is no
medical proof that directly links my symptoms to the vaccine, however extensive personal research
and the opinions of highly trained medical professionals point to one trigger – Gardasil.

I am 26 years old. I had two shots of Gardasil – May and August 2008. From this time, my life
changed. Before I got sick, I worked four different jobs (100+ hours a week) – I worked at a top
accounting firm in business development/ marketing/ events, I managed a performing arts school
(450+ class enrollments), I worked in retail at a newsagents in customer service, and prepared tax
returns. I constantly ran between jobs – but loved it. I bought my first house at 21 as well as
renovating it, another house, and a three storey building. I was constantly on the go, always looking
for the next project. I had a degree – Bachelor of Business (double major in Industrial Relations /
Human Resources & Management), as well as completing various other courses. I was highly
regarded by my peers and management at my workplaces, and was always deemed to be an
excellent worker. I was quite good musically and artistically. I was at my final grade in piano and had
plans to finish my music studies and obtain teaching qualifications. I was fit and healthy, and was
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quite a tom boy, taking part in most things. I didn’t drink, smoke, take drugs or do anything that could
harm my body. I was not overweight (I am about 55kgs). I loved being outside, playing sport and
socializing with friends. I was extroverted and outgoing.

In March 2008, 2 months prior to my first shot, my marriage broke down, which is bound to cause
stress and a decrease in my immune system, which may have impacted on this. I moved house, got a
new job, and enjoyed my new found single life. In May, I got my first shot. Two weeks after this, I fell
at karate (playing leap frog for warm up) and broke my left foot. I should mention that I was quite
tough and didn’t often break bones or have injuries. I mean, we were doing exercises the week before
and I kept going even after blood was coming through my uniform from my scraped elbows. I didn’t
think it was broken, but knew I had an early meeting at the office the next morning, so I thought best
to get it strapped up right.

I broke the ‘little toe’ bone and was restricted to a moonboot and crutches and rest & elevation for 6
weeks (a fantastic fashion statement!). That didn’t happen. I started a new job as an Executive
Assistant to the Managing Director at a property development firm the next week, so I lived on
painkillers for the next few weeks and still went out most nights. I was due to go to Thailand in July but
I cancelled.

I didn’t relate anything at this point as being Gardasil related, I just put it down to being clumsy. I got
my second needle in August 2008, soon after I came off crutches. In September (fathers’ day
weekend, about four weeks later), my eyesight went. On the Thursday night, my eye began to hurt, so
I took my contacts out and put my glasses on. It continued to get worse on Friday, it became redder,
and my eyesight got worse so I went to the GP and an eye specialist who informed me that my
contact had scraped the skin off my eye. Mind you, it has never done this before or since. I was given
drops and cream and told not to see for the weekend. Me being me though, I had to work the next day
at the Newsagents, so I drove (stupid idea!) about 30 minutes where I was promptly told I was an idiot
and to go home and rest. My eye was in agony now so I did that. I was later informed that I could
have gone blind. My eyes cleared up and were fine. Everything then started to gradually happen. I
started feeling sick – like morning sickness (I assume) – nausea all day. I would look at food, know I
had to eat it, but would throw it up each night. I was so tired but couldn’t sleep at night. I would doze
on and off in the midst of throwing up. It must be noted that I loved food – I was not in any way bulimic
– but it felt like that. I thought it was just a bug and that I would quickly get over it. I went to the
doctors (the same place as I got the injection) and was told it was a pinched nerve and that I would
get over it.

I’ll mention at this point that I had told my GP about my marriage breakup and subsequent events,
and my broken foot, and they were aware of this prior to the shot, but still administered it – and did not
warn me of any potential side effects. I was going to physio for my foot so I could regain my balance
and coordination. I can’t recall why but I had to get marbles out of a jar one at a time and put them
back in. I struggled with this – weird I thought. The physio recommended that I go back to the GP and
get a referral to see a neurologist (once again, I sought assistance from the same people who gave
me the vaccine).

They said there was no proof of anything being wrong from their tests (mind you, it was an ear
examination and a knee reflex test). I was told it would be months before I could get in to see a
Neurologist. I was getting sicker by the day, and couldn’t understand why. It was just like I was being
poisoned. I was still working insane hours, and by this stage, had lost my handwriting, which is not
good when you’re in charge of organizing some very busy people! You learn to rely on your memory
and typing skills, and compensate however you can.

To make things worse, I was now dragging half of my body around as I had paralysis to my right side.
I lost the ability to run, dance, jump and was losing my ability to walk. I walked like a duck, could not
keep shoes on and I had no balance or coordination. I had to learn how to do everything with my left
hand. I was having vertigo blackouts and would fall down stairs (yes, I fell down concrete ones too). I
would see things, and know they were there, like a coffee table – but I would run into them. I could no
longer wear heels. I started getting tremors. This made it even more difficult to do things. My whole
body would shake; I couldn’t even carry a drink or plate of food without spilling it everywhere. I was
getting brain fog and double vision and oversight in my right eye

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In November, my granddad passed away. In the space of a few months, my world as I knew it had
disappeared – I had lost all that I knew – my husband, my job, my home, my health, a family member
– no one should have to go through this. I must mention also, that my immune system was shot. So
on top of this, I would get every cold and flu that surfaced. But I would be out of action with it for a
week and be impacted worse than everyone else. Everyone was telling me it was ‘stress’ – I knew it
wasn’t. Stress does not do this.

I went and saw my parents and stressed something was wrong. I must say, I am not a drama queen,
and will only go to the doctors when I am on my death bed. Mum got me in to see a doctor that same
week. I got in to see a GP straight away (Dr Ted Bennett) who knew there was something wrong but
to my immense frustration he couldn’t explain it. He simply wrote ‘bizarre’ on the referral and got me in
to see a Neurologist (Dr Michael Katekar) the next week. He sent me for an MRI scan, diagnosed me
as having MS (as my symptoms were similar – there was no evidence on my scans however), and he
admitted me to 3 days intravenous Methylpredisolone treatment. This treatment had little effect. I felt
sick, sweaty, but still somewhat the same.

I went for more scans as there was no proof that I had MS. I had heaps of tests, sought Eastern
methods of treatment and attempted everything to make myself feel better, all with no lasting
improvement. I had MRI / CT scans / X-Ray tests for (inter alia): Thyroid, Sarcoidosis, MS, Brain
Tumour, Stroke, Back Scan, Front Scan, 2 x Spinal Taps, Visual Evoke potentials, Sensory Evoke
Potentials, Brain stem Evoke response Audiomentry (Bera), 2 x EEG, Petscan, Many Blood tests for
Lupus & HIV (amongst others).

I gave up my executive assistant job role in December 2008 as I didn’t know what was happening to
me. I knew I wasn’t normal but didn’t know why. I had January off to rest and had to force myself to
get up off the couch – for an active girl that you couldn’t pin down, it was abnormal. I went to see a
Neurologist in Sydney (Prof. Michael Halmagyi) to get a second opinion. He told me that, in his
opinion, and the opinion of others, it was the vaccine. By June, sixteen girls had presented to him with
similar symptoms. They had all responded to Methylpredisolone treatment. I informed him that I had
this treatment in November but had not responded. He admitted me to hospital to have five days of
this treatment. To say that I was sick when I got out of hospital would be an understatement. I was
sweating, hallucinating, dizzy, less coordinated, couldn’t speak normally or eat normally. I went back
to my old job at the newsagents and felt sick every day.

The next few months (February 09 – July 09) showed further decline. My motor skills were getting
worse, my speech was much worse, as were the tremors. My days were jam packed full of work,
physio, doctors, scans – and meanwhile you’re still expected to eat properly, exercise, sleep 8 hours
a night, work 40 hours a week – it was impossible. I was wrecked carrying around half my body, trying
to speak semi-normal. I gave up work in July and thought, for the first time, my life is about me. For
the first time, I’m being selfish. And it felt good!

At the advice of Prof Halmagyi, Dr Katekar and Dr Michael Barnett (my immunologist) I went back to
hospital for 5 days of Human Immunoglobulin treatment, called Sandogoblin. This was administered
intravenously. This medication, which I believe helped save my life, had to be purchased from the
company that manufactures Gardasil in Australia. I also had a PET scan (Google it) a few weeks
before this and the results came back when I was in hospital – there were 2 main areas of concern –
my ovaries were overactive, and my cerebellum, which controls my motor functions, had switched off
– it wasn’t diseased, it had simply turned off, like a light bulb. There was no guarantee that this would
ever switch back on. I refused to believe it. I was so sick of being sick and that made me more

I had an immediate ultrasound of my ovaries, which showed that there was no problem. Every 28
days I have a ‘top up’ of this treatment (I now get a drug called Octogam which does the same thing)
and this, all being well, will continue indefinitely. I have improved gradually and slowly but it’s a lot
better than going downhill. My days are now filled with the gym (2 hours of cardio, weights, stretch,
aqua, swimming and hydro), Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, cooking and cleaning. I have
found that the Nintendo Wii is awesome for coordination, and the Singstar is great for speech. For a
list of any other exercises, please contact me – I’m happy to help! From a process of elimination I
have been diagnosed with an illness called ADEM (once again, Google it). Basically, the myelin
sheath that surrounds my nerves has been eaten away. Dissimilar to MS patients, the sheath should
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grow back with the help of the treatment and good old fashioned hard work exercises. This
diagnosed illness can be caused by a vaccine and cause paralysis down one side of the body.
From Google, a definition is as follows: Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is a
neurological disorder characterized by inflammation of the brain and spinal cord caused by damage to
the myelin sheath. The myelin sheath is the fatty covering which acts as an insulator on nerve fibers in
the brain. ADEM may occur in association with a viral or bacterial infection, as a complication of
inoculation or vaccination, or without a preceding cause. Onset of the disorder is sudden. Symptoms,
which vary among individuals, may include headache, delirium, lethargy, coma, seizures, stiff neck,
fever, ataxia, optic neuritis, transverse myelitis, vomiting, and weight loss. Other symptoms may
include monoparesis (paralysis of a single limb) or hemiplegia (paralysis on one side of the body). The
disorder occurs in children more often than in adults.

Last week, there was an article in a few Australian newspapers that links Gardasil to MS symptoms
and all girls with this have made a full recovery (music to my ears!). It must be noted that I, nor
anyone in the known history of my family has had MS or any such disease. The only issue that I had
was cysts on my ovaries as a teenager, for which I went on the contraceptive pill. There is a strong
history of cancer in my family (hence the injection being administered), but we have since found out
that Mum does not carry the gene, so it therefore cannot be passed on to me.

So, what is next? Although I am not currently working, my days are dedicated to exercise and therapy.
I have applied for University next year, to do a postgraduate degree – Master of Secondary Teaching.
This will be two years full time, which will allow me time to recover. I am continuing to improve, and I
am determined to get my health back to 100% – to wear heels, to play sports, and to dance. I cannot
wait to work again. I have lots of plans, including educating girls in a similar situation. Being sick has
made me realize the important things in life.

Elif’s Story

August 31, 2009 by Gertrude Green

My condition got worse after the second and especially the third vaccination (2008 July). As nobody
informed me of the adverse side effects, I unfortunately kept having the last shot. Simultaneously, I
also had a gynecological problem which ended up being a chronic inflammation and chronic pain

My first symptoms were numbness, pins and needles in the extremities, nausea, extreme fatigue,
dizziness, confusion, depression, seizures, trembling, metallic taste in the mouth I also had a major
candida outbreak, which is still present. It is unfortunately getting worse and worse, although I am on
a diet and I tried taking some antifungals, nothing appeared to be working and my immune system is
falling apart. I am currently diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, vulvodynia, and
my recent test results show that I am also developing an autoimmune disease, in addition to chronic
inflammations in my body.

For treatment and management, I am having to rest and avoiding food allergies to speed my
recovery. I have visited at least 10 doctors and none believed that the vaccination was the cause of
this. This broke my trust and made me vulnerable as I don’t know where to seek help from. Even
though I am convincing myself that maybe there is nothing to do but wait, I am developing new
symptoms and not knowing how to deal with managing and treating them. I recently developed an
inflammation in the back part of my head with severe pain and burning sensation, this is a new
symptom and again, confusing. This whole experience is very difficult to deal with, both emotionally
and physically. I do believe that things would be easier with less damage if medical professionals
were informed properly and careful with what they are doing. I really feel like a victim and still hoping
to find a solution and help.

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Jade - Adelaide

“I am well outside your area, from Adelaide, Australia in fact.”

“I am the grandparent of a beautiful young 16 year old girl, who has over the past 18 months had to
go through a complete life style change. The complete story is quite long and emotional but I will keep
it as brief as I can.”

“It all started in May 2007, about a week after her Gardasil injection was given to her, she started
getting severe lower abdomen pain on the right hand side, it was tolerated for a week or so then she
was hospitalised. No cause was found, however they decided to remove her appendix. She was no
sooner released from hospital when she started getting severe lower back pain and paralysis of the
legs. She was once again hospitalised and treated for pain management, this time her stay in
hospital was 6 weeks being released just before her 15th birthday in September 2007. She was
advised to get her second Gardasil injection, which she did and within 2 hours she had paralysis of
the legs, just gave out on her while she was walking along.”

“During the last twelve months, she has had continual back pain which starts at the lower back and
moves up her spine to her neck. She has lost the use of her legs on many occasions, but the feeling
usually comes back after a night’s rest. She has suffered severe body spasms of which she has had
absolutely no control, as well as chest pain and breathing difficulty”.

“About five weeks ago, one day after her 16th birthday she was taken to the Women’s and Children’s
Hospital here in Adelaide and was once again admitted. At this point she had no use of her arms,
legs and was unable to move her neck.”
“Thank you for reading my plea, both her parents and grandparents are being told by the system that
they do not know what is happening, how scary is this? Since September 2008 Jade has regained
the use of her upper body but still cannot use her legs. She is still in the hospital in Adelaide,
UPDATE 01/01/09: I have good news and not bad news but not good at the same time. Jade
was able to go home for Christmas. This is the good news and now for the not so bad news
Jade is on medication for the extreme pain, nerve problems and is still unable to use her legs.
I was told that the doctors planned to have her better by Christmas. No medical reason was
given for her discharge except it was Christmas.

Phillipa’s Story

December 8, 2008 by Gertrude Green

I am a fit healthy 26 year old woman. I exercise almost everyday, eat a healthy balanced diet, have
never smoked or taken drugs and only drink socially. On 15th October last year I experienced my first
bout of pancreatitis although at the time, I just thought it was a gastro virus. The stomach pain came
on quickly and lasted approximately 24hrs on and off. It was a bloating stomach pain that I have never
experienced before and at times I felt as if my stomach was going to explode. When the pain
eventually subsided, I experienced chest and shoulder pain for about 24hrs. I went to the doctors to
have this checked and she put it down to a virus.

On the 8th February, 2008 I suffered the same stomach pain again followed by chest pains. Two days
later this pattern repeated itself. I saw the doctor and again we put it down to being a virus because
I’d had the flu the week before and nothing else seemed apparent at the time. The third attack was
two months later (20/04/08). This time my doctor decided to test for pancreatitis. My amylase blood
result was 792 (normal levels are from 1-100) indicating I had suffered a bout of pancreatitis and
indicating that this was the cause of my previous episodes.

My doctor referred me to a gastroenterologist and after several tests (x-rays, CT scans and an MRI)
over several months and even a second opinion, no physical causes for pancreatitis have been found
(ie. alcohol, gallstones, physical defects, increased levels of calcium or triglycerides in my blood etc).

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Around this time, my mother heard an ABC radio report that the TGA was investigating three cases of
young girls experiencing pancreatitis after having had their Gardasil injections. I checked the dates of
my Gardasil injections against the stomach pains. My first injection (04/08/07) was trouble free as far
as I can remember. My second, on 06/10/07, was nine days before my first attack and the third on the
17/04/08 was 3 days before my third attack of pancreatitis. I reported this to the TGA and they are still
investigating the potential link.

On 24/08/08 (after I’d once again had the flu) I had an attack which was so severe, I was rushed to
hospital. My lipase level was 2913 (normal is 1-60) and I was placed on an IV and remained in
hospital for four days. Still no cause for the pancreatitis was found. I have now had 4 attacks of
pancreatitis over the past year…two of which occurred days after I received the Gardasil shots. I have
never had pancreatitis before and believe the link with the Gardasil injections is not a coincidence. I
want to highlight the need to investigate this link and hope to raise its profile as more cases may exist
however, as other women like me, haven’t either identified an attack as pancreatitis or associated the
potential link to the Gardasil injections.

Although I currently feel well, the pancreatitis has significantly affected my life over the past year and
especially my plans for the future. I was planning on travelling and working overseas next year but
now can’t get travel insurance. I would welcome any discussion on the topic as I think women need to
be made aware of the risks. Had I known of the potential link to contracting pancreatitis, I would
certainly have reconsidered my decision to have the Gardasil injections.

Candice Selakovic - Sydney

I am one of the many young people affected by the Cervical Cancer Vaccine. I had the vaccine back
in November, 2007 and within the month I suffered from significant side effects. The day after finishing
my Masters in Psychology, I woke up in my bed and I was paralysed on my right side. After studying
for 6 years, my career seemed to be over.

I was rushed into Campbelltown Hospital in Sydney Australia and was there for nearly 2 weeks, with
hospital staff investigating what might have happened to me. They found a lesion in my brain and I
lost significant function in my right hand. It took until April, 2008 to be diagnosed with Multiple
Sclerosis. My Neurologist discovered that I had Multiple Sclerosis after many tests following my
atypical presentation. I did not have any symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis before this event, and my
Neurologist has now found that Gardasil sparked a reaction within my immune system which brought
on my MS early.

Since this time, my Neurologist has been studying what has happened with me and several other girls
who have had Gardasil and has found that 13 girls (another possible two) in Metro Sydney, Australia
either already diagnosed with MS or previously without a MS diagnosis have suffered significant
reactions to the Cervical Cancer Vaccination.

I have done some research myself and have found that there are numerous girls around the globe
suffering from significant side effects and reactions to the Cervical Cancer Vaccine, ranging from
headaches, paralysis and even death. Some of the 13 girls that my Neurologist has discovered were
healthy without any neurological or immune system dysfunction, however reacted to the Cervical
Cancer Vaccine and now have since been diagnosed with MS.

If you look at some of the information and responses regarding the Cervical Cancer Vaccine, they
keep treating us as individual cases and deny any link with the Cervical Cancer Vaccine. I am not
saying that Gardasil caused my MS, however I did react with it and I now suffer from Relapse-
Remitting MS. I am required to work several positions as several work places become impatient with a
staff member who suffers from Chronic Fatigue and MS. I am currently working 3 different jobs and in
remission, but I fail to see the reason for me having to work twice as hard due to my disability.
Sometimes I feel that my 6.5 years of studying at university to become a psychologist has been
somewhat of a waste now I cannot work to my full capacity.

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Someone needs to highlight these issues within the media in a scientific and empirical method with
valid research. Some schools have drawn up pamphlets overseas warning parents of giving their
children the Cervical Cancer Vaccine. My Neurologist has published one paper in a peer reviewed
article documenting some of the cases and is currently drawing up another to publish in a larger

I do hereby allow this information to be published on your website. I would wish some feedback about
this, please do not hesitate to contact me…

Registered Psychologist (Educational and Developmental)

Elizabeth Snelling - Melbourne

I was a happy healthy 25 year old girl working full-time and studying and to complete a degree at
Monash University. I went to get my Gardasil vaccination after being prompted by the strong
government campaign. I was never asked whether I was pre-disposed to auto immune conditions,
had a compromised immune system or had any family history of such. If I had been asked I would not
have gotten the shot. After my first shot I had a really sore arm for weeks. I have never experienced
that before with other vaccinations but at the time I thought it a small price to pay to reduce the risk of
cervical cancer.

I went in for my second shot and was never asked if I’d had any problems since the first shot. A few
weeks later I started having some problems with my legs. They felt stiff and walking wasn’t as easy
and it should be. I couldn’t get comfortable at night and my hands and feet kept cramping. I was also
experiencing moving pains and was in quite a bit of discomfort. I started to get regular physio,
massages and cupping therapy to alleviate my symptoms. I was also running (about 5kms a day) as I
thought this may help loosen me up if my pain was postural. It never occurred to me that it could have
something to do with my vaccination.

I went for my third Gardasil shot and was never asked about my health post the initial two
vaccinations. Within a week my knee became inflamed and then started collapsing underneath me.
My pains became debilitating and I could not sleep at night. All my joints were aching and even made
a clicking noise when I tried to go up or downstairs. My knees had a spastic feeling when I tried to
walk and my legs became very shaky. My knee seized up and locked in a bent position.

My doctor ordered some blood tests and they showed up a positive ANA test which is indicative of
some kind of auto immune problem. I was in a bit of a mess and was put on 25 mg of prednisolone
and referred to a rheumatologist. The rheumatologist told me that my problems were probably down
to ‘anxiety’. I have never heard of anxiety giving anyone an inflamed knee before but she was getting
paid the big bucks… I refused to accept what she was saying and so she ordered an MRI.

Apparently steroids (like prednisolone) can take evidence from your MRI’s so I had to stop taking
them in the lead up to the MRI. And then my world fell apart… I was so weak and shaky I could not
stand. My body was tingling and numb and all of my bodily responses felt delayed. I could not feel
strands of hair when I picked them up. My feet were cramping and I was dropping things. I was going
to the toilet all the time! My legs were jumping and giving me shocks and tremors almost like mini
seizures. And then I felt totally disconnected from my legs. My legs did not feel like they fitted on to
my body. I would walk and it didn’t feel like I was using my own legs.

My skin felt uncomfortable at times as though it was crawling and didn’t fit properly. I was also feeling
dizzy, tired and sick and could not follow the Doctor’s pen with my eyes. My eyes were jumping and
playing up randomly. I also got sick with some kind of gastro bug and I kept vomiting until I had to go
to E.D. My heart began racing and my legs were having problems and I experienced what they said
was a panic attack and I had to be sedated. Things only got better when I went back on the steroids.

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My MRI showed up a lesion of demyelination on my brain indicative of an episode of multiple sclerosis
and I was sent to see a neurologist. She explained to me that it was not a typical result and further
evidence would be needed for any kind of diagnosis. I did an evoked visual response test and
passed. The follow up MRI (6 months later) showed no progression of the demyelination since steroid
treatment and finishing Gardasil. I have changed some meds for neurological conditions, pain and am
slowly weaning off the steroids ½ a milligram at a time. Every time I reduce my dosage it knocks me
around and gives me chronic fatigue. So far I have reduced my dosage by more than half but I still
have a long way to go. At the rate I am going, all going well I will have spent about three years of my
life on steroids. I have my fingers crossed this will not result in diabetes or osteoporosis. I know I still
have a long hard fight ahead of me. I still have no formal diagnosis or medical explanation as to what
has occurred. However, my symptoms and vaccination timeline all point to one thing - Gardasil

Chescia Kimberley Tunley - Sydney

Our daughter’s nightmare following the first and subsequent Gardasil vaccinations –
April to September 2009

On Tuesday 28 April 2009, our daughter visited her GP’s rooms in order to have cold symptoms
checked – temperatures, congestion etc. Whilst there her GP asked whether she had the Cervical
Cancer vaccinations, to which she replied that she hadn’t due to being absent from school (being
chronically fatigued to the point where we had to withdraw her officially from year 12 in 2008). As the
free vaccinations were due to cease as of 30 June 2009, her GP suggested our daughter commence
the immunisation programme, and she therefore had her first vaccination. Her arm was rather sore
and she got an immediate headache.

She was asked to come back in a month to have the second vaccination.

On Tuesday 26 May she again visited her GP and had a second Cervical Cancer vaccination. Upon
leaving the surgery she almost fainted on the street and over the next few days experienced painful
headaches, hot and cold temperatures, she vomited a couple of times, blacked out momentarily, and
had stomach pains. She also started drinking large quantities of water which didn’t quench her thirst.
Over the next three weeks she progressively felt more unwell with headaches, fatigue and
experienced cold symptoms, ie congestion, cough, muscle aches and a sore throat.

Since then she has suffered seizures, which were described as “panic” attacks, respiratory issues,
leg, arm and facial tremors, she had periods of great thirst, she could not sleep, leg collapses, fainting
and more. She was attended by paramedics on 10 to 12 occasions and taken to hospital emergency
on 7 to 8 occasions. She has seen 3 GP’s, 3 neurologists, 1 psychiatrist, and a myriad of other
medical specialists. Almost all dismissed her symptoms as anxiety related. No one could explain,
however, how a 19 year old girl about to go on a 3 month overseas holiday would be anxious. God
bless the open minded medical profession!

A TV program on Gardasil and adverse reactions gave an insight into probable cause and since them
we have been able to track it all back to the 2 dose of Gardasil. My daughter is in a leading Sydney
hospital under the care of a top immunologist and neurologist and both state that in their opinion it is
likely that she has POTS syndrome or POTS syndrome type symptoms brought on by Gardasil. She
still has respiratory issues, leg tremors, tachachardia type issues, minor seizures.

An EEG taken 1 month after the 2nd dose of Gardasil showed disrythmia, however the most recent
EEG is much better,. But a bit like squeezing a balloon, as soon as you push one bit in, another issue
seems to emerge.
She remains in hospital, she walks maybe 150 metres a day and that exhausts her and we remain
hopeful that over time she will get better. To date we have resisted using medication.

Update: Chescia’s health was improving, she was being seen by Kenesiologists but it was
always known it would take some time for her to recover completely. She attended an outside
concert just the other week -lasted 1 song and was found unconscious in the toilet and had to
be attended by paramedics for 6 hours!
She is not strong and any effort to act/be normal on her part is paid for by setbacks to her
health. It will take a long time for her to recover.
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Marian Vickers and her daughter Zoe’s Story

July 20, 2009 by Gertrude Green

Most of my adult life I have lived with the knowledge that I am at increased risk of cervical cancer. As
a DES Daughter I have a lifetime risk of a rare clear-cell cancer of the cervix/vagina. This cancer,
causally linked to in utero exposure to DES, is aggressive, symptomless and the usual Pap smear will
not pick it up. I have to have an annual “DES examination” that involves colposcopy. (For more on
the DES story: )

In addition, also because of my DES exposure, I have a 4-fold increase risk of squamous-cell cancer
of the cervix – the cervical cancer the Pap smear is designed to detect. Since first finding out I am a
DES Daughter (nearly 30 years ago) I have learnt to live with this risk, to put it into perspective and
get on with my life. Part of this process involved becoming informed about cervical cancer by reading
medical journal updates. More important, however, was the sharing of experiences with other DES
daughters. In this way over the years members of DES Action have built up a unique knowledge base
and “expertise” of cervical cancer, from the consumer perspective.

So when there was news of a “cervical cancer “vaccine being developed, we naturally were very
interested and read up on it. However, the more we read, the less sense it made. It wasn’t a “cervical
cancer” vaccine but a part-vaccine for HPV. The unanimous consensus we came to was “Why
bother?” [As outlined in ‘Gardasil: All cost and no benefit.’] We were very concerned about the “hard
sell” the pharmaceutical industry was using to put pressure on the Government to have Gardasil listed
on the National Immunisation Program. But our greatest concern, based on our DES experience, was
the lack of evidence of long term safety of the drug. Could Gardasil, like DES, be a time-bomb with
serious, unforeseen adverse outcomes emerging months, years or even decades after the initial

At the time of writing this my 2 daughters were aged in their early 20s and therefore not part of this
school vaccination program. I might have mentioned in passing that I thought they didn’t need
Gardasil, but I didn’t make a big deal of it. What I didn’t realise was that the “hard sell” had been
extended and was directly targeting all young women. During 2007 every time my daughters went to
the doctor for some other reason, they were urged (one could almost say harassed) to have their
Gardasil shots. They each received letters from various medical centres they had attended in recent
years. These letters were sent out to all “eligible” young women urging them to have Gardasil while it
was free. (I only found this out later as my daughters were not living at home but sharing a unit a
couple of suburbs away.)

My younger daughter, aged 24 years, had the first 2 shots of Gardasil in late 2007. In March-April
2008 she had to take a number of sick days off work due to extreme tiredness and lethargy. She had
a test for glandular fever (it was negative) and upped her intake of vitamins. Luckily she didn’t get
around to having her 3rd shot of Gardasil and, after seeing what happened to her sister, she gives a
serve to any doctor who suggests it!

My elder daughter Zoe (Zoe’s story) was fit and healthy in May 2008 when she passed a thorough
medical examination. Two months later – and one month after receiving the 3rd Gardasil injection –
she was a housebound invalid: she couldn’t walk, drive or work. I bought her a “health diary” and she
recorded her symptoms, what she ate and what medication she was on. Looking back over this diary I
don’t know how we got through those following weeks. I’m just so impressed with Zoe’s strength of
character. Her symptoms started off with a terrible rash (urticaria) which she had every day for 7
months. Her face would swell up (angioedma) so she looked like a boxer who had lost a fight. Her
tongue had strange bald patches on it. She was having weekly blood tests. Initially these were normal
but then her CRP levels (an indicator of inflammatory disease) were elevated and getting higher by
the week. Her wrists and hands were swollen like severe rheumatoid arthritis. They ached and she
had trouble holding things. Her knees and ankles were swollen and aching. The soles of her feet were
so swollen she couldn’t walk and could only hobble short distances. There was inflammation of
connective tissue and more tests were ordered looking for Lupus. By the end of July she started
getting indigestion, gastric problems, severe abdominal pain and gastric reflux. She had 3 episodes
where her throat swelled up and she had trouble breathing. In early September, while being examined
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by a Rheumatologist, a suspected heart murmur was picked up and she was sent for more tests.
When she’d had the medical 4 months previously in May there was no heart murmur present.

Any one of these symptoms is painful and difficult to deal with. To have them occur suddenly, all at
once, and with increasing severity was distressing and very frightening -particularly when the
treatment (high doses of antihistamines) wasn’t working. During this time Zoe’s younger sister was put
under enormous stress as she had the responsibility of looking after Zoe on a day to day basis. A
breakthrough, in terms of understanding what was going on, came mid- August when we were given
information on Ketotifen, a mast cell stabiliser. Apparently people with chronic urticaria and
angioedma do not suffer from specific allergies, but rather an unstable mast cell system. According to
the fact sheet, the unstable mast cells leak histamine, prostaglandins and leucotrienes, which result in
other associated symptoms. For example, due to the release of these chemicals, patients also suffer
from headaches, tiredness, lethargy, irritability and difficulty in concentration. It can also affect the
gastro-intestinal tract causing cramping, bloating, indigestion, regurgitation, flatulence, intermittent
diarrhea and constipation. Many patients suffer from joint pains and muscle pain. These symptoms
are due to the inflammatory properties of leaked histamines, prostaglandins and leucotrienes. As the
Clinical Immunologist we saw in October explained, unstable mast cells underlie autoimmune
responses. So finally we had a diagnosis of Zoe’s condition that explained the symptoms – chronic
uritcaria/angioedma, an autoimmune response due to an unstable mast cell system.

Having a diagnosis was only the beginning of the journey. Doing a rush job on reading up on the
immune system and autoimmune disease left my head spinning. Quite by chance the ABC TV
program ‘Catalyst’ ran a special on ‘The Immune System’, 7 August 2008. The gist of the program
was that our immune systems are fantastically complex, responsive and adaptive. Science is only
now starting to unravel the wonders and complexity of the immune system.
Even more complex is the autoimmune response: this is when the body’s immune system defenses
turn back on itself and start attacking healthy cells and tissues. Autoimmune diseases include asthma,
rheumatoid arthritis, irritable bowel, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis. What triggers this
autoimmune response is unknown. Why some people get it and others don’t isn’t understood. That’s
why I get so angry when I think about Gardasil. Here we have a vaccine which deliberately meddles
with the individual’s immune system. It is a new type of vaccine never used before. It uses new
technology – recombinant DNA technology (which is like cloning) – to trick the immune system and
artificially rev it up. No thought of triggering an autoimmune response, all they look for are injection
site redness and fever within 24 hours. How dare they! Talk about irresponsible cowboys. Boys with
their toys!

I think the diverse and varied adverse reactions to Gardasil may be immune responses. Our immune
systems have evolved over eons. We are programmed with primitive survival reactions. Everyone has
heard of the “fight or flight” reaction. However it appears there may be a 3rd primitive programmed
reaction: “freeze”. When studying humans under extreme duress, researchers have found that people
often become lethargic, they freeze up, shut down, becoming limp and still. This may be a primitive
survival response – playing dead may discourage a predator from attacking. [Refer to ‘The
Unthinkable: Who Survives Disasters – And Why’ (2008) by Amanda Ripley] So maybe the many
reports of girls fainting or experiencing temporary paralysis can be explained as an immune response
– a response to the assault on the immune system by Gardasil.

It’s time to start asking questions of the drug manufacturers and the drug safety authorities.
Specifically, exactly what studies were done prior to its release to show Gardasil is safe, that it doesn’t
trigger immune/autoimmune responses? Where is the evidence of its safety?

Marian Vickers, Convenor DES Action Australia

Update on Zoe (in her own words)

“In November I saw a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner and had acupuncture. The rash
disappeared. I don’t know whether it was the acupuncture or a combination of acupuncture
and the Ketotifen, but something finally worked. I stayed on the Ketotifen for another 4 months
and remained rash free when I stopped taking it. However this whole experience left me
exhausted and depressed. I feel as if my life was put on hold for months. It is only now, more
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than 12 months later, that I have my health back. I am slowly building up my fitness to what it
was last year. I had to take over a month off work and could only work part time after that. Not
only did it cost me a lot financially in terms of being off work, I had to spend a fortune on
antihistamines, Ketotifen, painkillers, indigestion tablets, and assorted other drugs.”

“However when I read some of the other stories, I realise that it could have been much worse. I
just do not understand how something like this could be allowed to happen.
My advice to other young women: SAY NO TO GARDASIL!!!”

Jasmin Soriat
04.14.1988 - 10.12.2007
The 19-year-old succumbed to respiratory paralysis after she was vaccinated against HPV. “She was
fit, happy and fun-loving. She never had any serious illnesses, had no lung disease, and she never
smoked. There were also previously never problems with vaccinations.”

The last night

Meticulously the parents have reconstructed the final hours of Jasmin: “She was at a concert a
Spanish band, before midnight she was at a fast food restaurant, then drove with her flatmate home
by taxi to Döbling. Two o’clock in the morning drank some tea. Her girlfriend came by to check up on
her the next day but Jasmine, according to her friend who said, “She must have died a few hours
earlier in her sleep.” (This was a rough translation from German)

Comments from her parents Stefan and Barbara Soriat: We are grieving parents, we have
such loss and pain and nothing can make it better. However, we also feel a responsibility
towards the girls who still want to get vaccinated. A responsibility we cannot bear, so we are
willing to educate the public on the risks associated with this vaccine, Gardasil. Why our
beautiful daughter who was so healthy and fit before Gardasil died of respiratory paralysis we
will never understand. This in our opinion was a fatal complication due to this vaccination.

New Zealand
Jasmine Renata – Lower Hutt, nr Wellington, North Island

Hilary Butler - Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jasmine was a very healthy girl, with no history of any health issues at all. After her first Gardasil
vaccination (NJ02260) on 18th September 2008 Jasmine broke out with warts on her hands, and her
skin and moods changed. The warts were burned off on the 20th October, and didn’t come back. After
the second vaccination (NJ11440) on 18th November, her moods were worse, and the warts were
back within two weeks and were burned off on the 28th January 2009. After Jasmine’s third vaccine
(NJ11440) on 17th March 2009 like clockwork, within two weeks, the warts were back for yet a third
time. It should be noted that at the same time as the Gardasil vaccination, Jasmine was given
Depo Provera (birth control) by her doctor.

But we all know, because we’ve all been told this… that Gardasil has nothing to do with development
of either warts, or genital warts. We are told that they would have happened anyway. Yet the repeated
eruption of the warts, three times, after each vaccine cannot be coincidence. How many other girls
have had this happen and been told it wasn't related?

After each Gardasil vaccine, Jasmine’s mood and behaviour changed, but like all mothers of teenage
children, Jasmine’s mother Rhonda put that down to stresses in Jasmine’s life, and perhaps those
“social” things that teenagers chose not to talk about…. Every little symptom that Jasmine had, was
smoothed away with a variety of possible causes. Her chest pains were brushed to one side. Racing
heart beats ignored. The fact that she was waking up in bed with pillow sopping wet was considered

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at the time to be coincidental. The fact that she could no longer do simple tasks automatically, or
make decisions was puzzling, and worrying, ... but dismissed. That is until Jasmine died and the
jigsaw was pieced together. Then the blindingly obvious hit everyone in the face. Except the medical
profession, so it would seem
After Jasmine’s third Gardasil vaccination on 17 March 2009, Jasmine’s immune system really
struggled to cope with anything. Pretty much immediately straight after it, Jasmine’s temperament
became even more agitated and she was a lot snappier. She complained every so often about a
weak arm and tiredness during the day, but we thought that was her doing more shifts for other
people than in the past. She slept in the day, whenever possible.

However, the arm pain continued and she used to get pins and needles and tingling in her hands for
no reason. Jasmine started sleeping in, longer in the morning, and also going to sleep in the middle
of the day before her afternoon shift. She started dropping things.

She also started to eat more than normal, but wasn’t putting on weight.

From June 2009 onwards, Jasmine started to complain of feeling clumsy. She started saying things
like, “God, I’m getting clumsy!” and she was knocking things over, and dropping stuff. She
complained that she was dropping things at work as well. Her mood swings became more volatile.

About the same time, we started to notice that Jasmine’s thinking wasn’t right. For instance, she
asked me if I’d like her to grate some carrots. I said Yes, please. She got out the grater and the
carrot, looked at me, and said, “Which way up does the grater go?” Having grated carrots, cheese
and stuff hundreds of times before, that was a surprise. Even Jasmine would say something like,
“Gee how dumb is that!” This wasn’t a one-off. In other little things too, where in the past she’d just
do it, she didn’t seem to know how. It was like re-teaching a child.

And then she’d ask me, ‘What should I do with my money this week?” This was a girl who certainly
knew what to do with her money in the past. Looking back, it seems she’d just lose the plot
occasionally. She stopped being able to make her own decisions or work out how to do simple things.
She was even asking me whether she should do other people’s shifts at work. I got to the point
where I thought, “This girl is losing her marbles… where is her decision making gone? Why can’t she
do simple things any more?”

Around May, Jasmine started to complain of sore legs, and a sore upper back.
In July, Jasmine intermittently complained of chest pain, and a racing heart. We’d ask her if she was
stressed but she said she wasn’t. Her workmates have said that Jazz became very tired and grumpy.
She would snap at them, and complain about feeling unwell a lot of the time, and would talk about
having to fit sleep around her shifts.

At the beginning of August, Jasmine got a cold. Normally, her colds might last two days and she had
never needed anything for them before this one, but this one just got worse, and worse. She also
complained of a sore achy back and abdominal pain. And the warts returned again. Jasmine’s cold
never got better, and on 21 September, the day before she died, she was still complaining of a runny
nose which wouldn’t stop. She also had quite a few headaches during that cold, and leading up to
her death. Her skin changed, with a lot more pimples than normal, which really upset her. Jasmine
also talked about going to have more liquid nitrogen on the warts.

In a photo the day before she died, she didn’t look right. Her hair was lanky and she was very tired.
But even so, she was constantly hungry and eating a lot more than normal. Eating more than normal
didn’t seem to fit with a constantly tired sick girl, who had had a cold for more than six weeks. Jasmine
went downhill emotionally, physically and mentally, but no-one saw it for what it was, at the time
because … " these things don’t happen after Gardasil".

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Jennifer Robinson - Hamilton, North Island(age 19):

Vaccinated with Gardasil: Received two shots

Attends Dunedin University lives in Hamilton where she received the two Gardasil injections from the
nurse in her GPs office. She's a dancer and was healthy girl before her shots. Her first shot was last
February 2009 and she got really sick. Always a skinny girl put on 15 kilos in two weeks without
eating much. She had symptoms of lost feeling in her legs and needles tired all the time,
constipation, sore back, oily hair, bad skin, bloated.

After second shot in April she was ill and did see her University doctor. They told her she ate and
drank too much and wanted to put her on anti-depressants. She said no thank you. She doesn't
drink, eat too much or take drugs.

The first two shots she received from the nurse in her GPs office and when she went back and saw
her GP in June she told him what was going on and he recommended she not get the third shot.

In September 2009 she returned home and got alternative treatment from Dr. Paul Hume/ Osteopath
and she is doing well.

Amy Carline – Hamilton, North Island (age16)

Vaccinated with Gardasil: Received two shots - Batch No. last shot: G25X1 NJ46520
Amy is a special needs child and suffers from epilepsy. Despite this her paediatrician saw it
appropriate to give her the Gardasil injections. After the first injection she was home from school very
sick with flu like and nausea symptoms for five days. After the second injection on 13th July 2009,
within 24 hours Amy developed Bells Palsy. She was taken to the A&E department here in Hamilton
twice that day and she was referred to the Waikato hospital on the second visit as the Doctor thought
she had had a stroke. After a lot of tests like MRI and cat scans in which they had to put her right out
in the end as she was very distressed, they come to the conclusion that it was Bells Palsy and they
could not tell the grandmother if it was caused by the Gardasil vaccination. Amy was healthy when
she got the second shot of Gardasil.

Amy’s grandmother has contacted her local MP who doesn't want anything to do with it. She has
contacted MOH (Ministry of Health) they also advised that her symptoms were not related to the
vaccine and ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation) refuses to help pay for treatment as they say
it is not related to the vaccine. This grandmother is looking after her two granddaughters on the
benefit and cannot afford alternative treatment for Amy.

CARM (Centre for Adverse Reactions Monitoring) also told her it was not related to the vaccine- so
you see they are turning people away. They just do not want to know.

Stevie Richards – Waihi, North Island(age 16)

Hilary Butler - Thursday, January 14, 2010

Stevie had a history of being born premature, tonsils and appendix out; left alternating extropia,
(which got worse after Gardasil); allergy to citrus, and like her brother, didn’t handle the babyhood
vaccines easily. She spiked high temperatures and cried a lot. Stevie also has an anti-trypsin MZ type
deficiency, which meant that she was often prescribed antibiotics early in infections or they would
become very bad.

Stevie reacted to a MeNZB vaccine with nausea, clammy skin and shaking which lasted about 10
hours. There was nothing directly in her medical history which would have been a direct
contraindication to Gardasil, but enough to know that Stevie’s immune system beats to it’s own tune.
After Stevie’s first Gardasil vaccine (NH48330), on 2nd December 2008, two weeks later, Stevie had
a sore "dead" arm and developed "stabbing" headaches, and flu-like symptoms which were attributed

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to a coincidental viral infection. Stevie’s moods changed, in a way which wasn’t just teenager angst,
but were attributed to being sick.

After Stevie’s second Gardasil vaccine (NJ11440) on 10th March 2009, exactly within the same time
frame as the first vaccine, Stevie’s arm became sore and totally paralysed; she collapsed in the
bathroom with the pain intensity; and was sensitive to the light. Her headaches and flu symptoms
were so bad that the doctor wanted to hospitalise her in case it was meningitis. Stevie had elevated
eosinophils, rheumatoid factors and CRP. Stevie’s mother, Jackie, refused hospitalization because by
that time they were becoming very wary of the medical professions ideas of treatment. When asked
how she felt, Stevie replied, “I thought I was going to die”. The pain in the right arm was excruciating
right through the shoulder, under the armpit and in the ribs. The pain extended right down the right
side, to the top of the thigh. Stevie couldn’t move for a week. Again, her moods changed.
Added at Jackie's request:

1. Stevie became ill after being given the two jabs and I decided to phone the National After
Hours Doctor Service because I thought it was meningitis – she had all the symptoms except
the rash. They ruled it out, and that is when I connected it to Gardasil because of the right
side symptoms and her arm was dead.
2. The doctor did want to hospitalise her (at Thames Hospital) because they thought it was
meningitis, it was because of the pain & severity of the reaction. This visit to the doctor was
after the phone call to the National After Hours Doctor Service the night before. The visit to
the doctor confirmed it was a reaction to Gardasil and her symptoms were that of Guillian-
Barre syndrome.
3. Stevie collapsed in the bathroom because of the weakness in her legs.

Stevie’s allergies became markedly worse; her asthma markedly worse, particularly at night; her
extropia became worse, the arm pain was periodically unbearable, and whenever Stevie tried to do
exercise, she started to get chest pains which she described as "really tight and stabbing". Stevie also
developed stomach and low back pains. When tired her whole arm ached.

Stevie’s mother refused the third shot, unsurprisingly.

Having lost all trust in the medical profession who have nothing to offer for vaccine reactions anyway,
Stevie’s mother took her to a naturopath. With treatment, Stevie improved somewhat, then she
relapsed. With more treatment, she is now much better physically and does not have so many mood
swings, but still gets the chest pains (though not so bad) with exercise. The injection site is still
extremely sore to touch, and when she gets the chest pains, she can’t lift or move the arm where she
received the vaccine. Just like Jasmine’s mother, Stevie’s mother had difficulty in working out what is
part and parcel of teenager issues, and what was Gardasil-related. Now, she has no difficulty with

Update from Mum: I took Stevie to the same GP yesterday. Another lot of blood tests were
performed. She seemed to be testing her for Guillain Barre Syndrome with what she did at the
consultation and one of the blood tests was for muscle and/or nerve damage. She also
mentioned Lyme Disease. The symptoms are so very similar to that of Guillain Barre
Syndrome, except it starts at the right arm, goes down the chest & to the leg. Whereas from
what I have read yesterday and earlier last year it starts at the legs & moves up, both sides.
She said if it happens again – perhaps a neurologist may help and a referral to Thames
Hospital. In the meantime to do what worked last time. She said she has no idea and at a
loss. That’s what I figured, but I wanted it on her medical file. I also phoned the naturopath
and he sent me some stuff across - it’s called Gripp Heel/Rescue. This is what he gave her at
the first consultation early last year. There was an improvement within hours of first giving it
to her yesterday as there was last year.

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MacKenzie Walker - Wellington
(d.o.b. 13th November 1996)

Message from MacKenzie’s mum, Lee Walker

I was very sceptical regarding the vaccination to begin with but sadly did not do any research myself
on this. I do now regret not having done this.

I never even knew it had been given to girls in other countries before NZ. I decided to get my girls
vaccinated after talking to nurses, and of course they both said they did not want cervical cancer and
thought the vaccination would be the best idea. I was told by a nurse that this vaccine was costing
the government thousands of dollars so once my daughters had received the first, they would be
expected to finish the course of vaccinations. Very little was said about the fact it could “cost” them
their lives. There has also been very positive media coverage and advertisements about the vaccine
on TV. All positive.

I respected my daughters’ decision and went forth allowing them to get the first injection. Straight
after the vaccination my 16 year old Tori experienced a very heavy arm. She said it felt like a weight
was dragging her arm down. We stayed half an hour later to make sure the girls had no severe

Everything seemed fine until one week later when I picked my 13 year old daughter up from school. I
looked at her as she looked unusual, when I asked if she was ok, she started to cry and explained
she had felt tired and unwell all day and her hands were tingling like pins and needles. She explained
to me her teacher had expressed her concerns that day also, and felt MacKenzie wasn’t herself. She
had no facial expression on the left hand side of her face, her eye wouldn’t shut and she couldn’t
move her mouth on the left side. Her temperature was very high.

I took her immediately to the hospital. Five hours later Mackenzie was checked out. No tests as such
were done. At first they thought she had had a stroke? All we received from the doctor was a verbal
diagnosis. The doctor said MacKenzie had “Bell’s Palsy”. She was put on steroids and told she
should get well in 6-8 weeks. They then sent us home.

I asked the doctor if Kenzie could have reacted in any way to this vaccine. She would not say either
way, but simply brushed off my question. The doctor did express that it was very unusual to have
Bells Palsy this young.

MacKenzie still now has very tired spells. This is very unusual for her, she has always been a vibrant,
extremely happy, healthy girl. Never has she had medical problems. In fact she is asleep on the bed
now at 4.26 pm in the afternoon, very, very unusual for her. She will no doubt sleep a good 2 hours.
She does this daily. MacKenzie has never been on medication, in fact the vaccine is the only foreign
substance that has entered her body recently apart from the odd antibiotic as a little child.

It really concerns me the lack of information parents have had. We can’t simply make the right
decision until we know the full facts about this vaccination. IT NEEDS TO BE STOPPED!!! And now!
before any more of our loved girls are affected. I feel in my heart our girls have been used as “Lab
Rats”. My daughters will definitely not be receiving any more vaccinations.

Makayla Wood – Christchurch, South Island

(Age 14)

On 7th January 2010 her general practitioner gave Makayla her second shot of Gardasil. Makayla’s
GP was aware that she was four months pregnant at this time, however chose to still administer the
shot. On the 14 January 2010 (one week later) Makayla miscarried.

Here’s what Makayla texted me “Oh I was almost 4 months pregnant. They took bubba out of me and
didn’t give him back for me to bury him. They are doing tests.”

To date (8 February 2010) Makayla has not had her baby returned so she can bury him, and she has
not been notified of any test results, or indeed what tests they are performing.
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Age when she was vaccinated: 14 years old
Town: Cantillana.41320
City: Seville (Andalucia), Spain
Illness: Left side of face paralysis.
Symptoms: When speaking her mouth turned to the right side and she had a remarkable loss of
strength in left palpebral (area between upper and lower eyelids). Nowadays her mouth is better but
she continues having loss of strength in her left eye.
Visits to Emergency Doors: On 26th December 2008 we went to emergency doors at the medical
Center in our town. They sent her urgently to the emergency doors of the Hospital Virgen Macarena
(Seville), where we stayed for hours.
Dates of vaccination: First shot 11/03/2008; Second shot 12/10/2008
Vaccinated with CERVARIX
Duration of the disease: From 26 December 2008 to present day.
Recovered: Her mouth is not twisted but she still has loss of strength in her left eye. Carmen Maria
was vaccinated with Cervarix on 11/03/08 on the first shot and 12/10/2008 on the second shot. After
her second shot, her arm became red and swollen on the puncture site, something that did not
happen to her with the first one. From that moment on, she complained of headaches, stifling
sensation and much more nervousness. On the 25 December she said she noticed that when she
was speaking her mouth twisted but we did not appreciate it. However on the following day we began
to notice something strange, so we went to the emergency doors of our health centre where they told
us that the girl may have facial paralysis and sent her to hospital. There it was corroborated that the
girl has left face paralysis and doctors said that it will diminish in a few months and the cause was not
known. In February, we went to the neurologist who ordered a test, its results were normal. In
November 2009, the Neurologist saw her and sent her to rehabilitation. The ophthalmologist and
otorrhino (the doctor who heals ear problems) have also valued her without diagnosing anything


Age when she was vaccinated: 13 years old.
City- Country Avila- Spain
Diagnosis: Incapacitated
Symptoms: Since Ornella got the vaccine she is unable to do physical education. Her medical tests
show a low level of potassium – she has tremors, she gets sick, she has headaches and has
experienced loss of sight and dizziness. After being admitted to the emergency unit of the hospital
she was discharged after 7 hours resting. She has been advised to see a psychologist but her mother
says her daughter is not a crazy girl. Her condition worsens almost always when she has her
menstrual cycle.
Dates of vaccination: 9/22/08 first shot and received the second shot on 11/24/2008. She did not
receive the third shot.
She was vaccinated with Gardasil. Batch: First shot NG432200; Second shot N643220
Not recovered: She still has crisis.
HPV vaccine has changed our lives.

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It is terrible we are always worried when she starts shaking and has tachipnea (rapid shallow
breathing) because we have to go to hospital. I believe that they should investigate a little since there
are children who have common symptoms. I hope they take care of them before it is too late.


Town- city- country: Alboraya 46120. Valencia. Spain.
Diagnosis Hospital Clinico de Valencia: initial paroxistic movements and pseudocrisis. Raquel was
unable to walk. Neurologist who is treating the girl at the moment has diagnosed: Demyelinitation, left
hemiparesis and ataxia as consequence of inflammatory process in the trunk or cerebellum due to an
auto-immune process. Pseudocrisis. Incapacitated
Symptoms: Seizures, loss of consciousness, headaches, tachycardia, disconnection towards
environment, loss of strength (mainly left side), blurred eyesight after the crisis, dizziness, joint pain
(mainly neck),vertigos, weakness in the legs, irregularities in the menstruation (she always had
regular periods, now this is not the case), loss of feeling in hands and knees, urticaries (skin
condition), incapacity to walk (after the crisis), incapacity to take physical exercise.
Visits to Emergency Hospital Doors 5/16/2009 ,11/7/2009, 11/26/09 Hospitals where she has
been admitted Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia , Casa Salud Hospital (Valencia)
Hospitalizations Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia: From 2/4/2009 to 5/6/2009 (she was
practically two months in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit). Hospital Casa Salud (Valencia) From
5/6/2009 to 5/13/2009
st nd
Dates of vaccination 1 Shot: 11/18/08; 2 shot 2/4/09
st nd
Vaccinated with Gardasil. Batch 1 Shot: NH45150 2 Shot NH 52670
Duration of the disease From the 2/4/2009 to today 2nd of February 2010.
Evolution of the Disease Five minutes after receiving the second shot she becomes dizzy, after ten
minutes she begins with tachycardia, temperature 38´2ºC and seizures, so the doctor decides to inject
a valium and call an emergency ambulance. She is removed to hospital where she stays at the
emergency doors from 14:00 to 18:00 (they make a TAC and a lumbar puncture) and finally she is
admitted to the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit as they cannot stop the seizures despite the fact that
she was given valium. That night she was intubated (attached to a breathing machine) because she
had an apnea – breathing problems and in a coma. The second day the doctors tell us that perhaps it
is an Encephalitis because the lumbar puncture was positive, so they prescribe her antibiotics. After
they repeat the test and say it is not Encephalitis. Our daughter stayed in the Paediatric Intensive
Care Unit practically two months. She was intubated on four occasions since she did not respond to
anticomicial treatment (an agent that prevents or relieves convulsions). Two days after our daughter
was in hospital another girl (the other Valencian girl) was admitted to hospital for the same symptoms
as our daughter: seizures, loss of consciousness. She also stayed in the Paediatric Intensive Care

Doctors give us different diagnoses, first they told us that it was a virus, after that the inflammation
had to be in the trunk, finally they told us that it was an immunological problem and for that reason
they give her corticoids (a steroid) and immunoglobulins. Drastically from the 15 of March the
specialists change their diagnosis to Pseudocrisis. When Raquel is on Ward we realise that she can
not walk. Doctors decide to withdraw anticomicial treatment, and from that moment on she begins
having seizures practically every day. She remains in Ward another month and she was discharged
from hospital without treatment and with ataxy – loss of the ability to coordinate muscular movement
(she was in a wheelchair as she could not walk at all). After we take her to another hospital, a private
neurologist states that she had demyelination* due to an inflammatory process on the trunk or

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encephalus, ataxy and left hemiparesis (weakness on one side of the body). *Dymelination is a loss of
myelin, the substance in the white matter that insulates nerve endings. He gives her anticonvulsive
treatment and a rebuilder of the myeline. After leaving that hospital at the end of May she begins a
rehabilitation programme (she stayed in a wheelchair for three months). At the end of July she begins
to walk. In October 2009 the neurologist prescribes to decrease the medication little by little. In
November (after six months without seizures) she has another crisis and after that she is unable to
walk. On the 27 November she has another crisis, so the neurologist increases the medication. Until
4 January 2010 she cannot walk. Now she goes practically every day to the swimming pool as
requested by the rehabilitator.
Not Recovered
From the day in which she received the vaccine, her life has changed totally. She does not remember
practically anything that happened in two months while she was in the Intensive Paediatric Care Unit.
When she was there she sometimes felt she was going to die. When they intubated (breathing
machine) her she suffered a lot. She could only see her parents for a little while a day. When her
family came to see her, she saw them through a window, she communicated with them with a
blackboard. When we thought she was recovered because they told us she was not going to have
more seizures and she was sent to an ordinary ward, there she became ill again and she was sent
back to the Intensive Paediatric Ward. She could not see her friends until she was better.

The first time she tried to walk, we realised she could not. She could not congratulate her brother on
his birthday as she was intubated, or speak to congratulate her grandmother or her cousin on their
birthdays. She has a very bad memory and cannot remember when she was in the Paediatric
Intensive Care Unit - (she cannot remember many things that happened to her during her stay in the
Paediatric Intensive Care Unit). When she was on the Ward she was happy because she was with her
parents but there was always a nurse with us. She was in hospital at Fallas (Valencian festivity) at
Easter and even on her birthday. We made a party to celebrate her birthday in hospital. After leaving
that hospital she went to another, luckily she was there only one week. When she arrived at home she
was in a wheelchair for three months, it was terrible, she could not go to school for five months, she
could not go out with her friends, she could not do the things other girls do at her age for six months.
She started taking medicines and a special diet.

In September she was happy because she started school, she had very good marks but in November
she was ill again, when she saw she was in hospital again she felt bad. More when she realised she
could not walk and she had to use a wheelchair again. She and all the family felt they were repeating
the nightmare no school, no friends, no walking. Often she wonders herself why this has happened to
her. She has grown very much, no longer she worries about trivialities.

All the family are living together to care for her, but it is very hard to see how your daughter is
suffering so much and you cannot do anything to help her, besides we feel that Health Authorities do
not care about what is happening to our daughter and the other ones. Really we feel disappointed and

Our daughter says she does not want another girl to suffer what she has suffered, that sentence is
always in our mind.

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Age when she was vaccinated: 14 YEARS
City, community and postal code: 03730 Javea-Alicante, Spain
Diagnosis Incapacitated:
Symptoms: muscular pains, joint pains, sleepiness in hands and legs, blurred vision and black
points, parestesias (tingling sensation) in left side of the face, immobility of arms and legs, pain in
neck, loss of hair, unable to walk
Visits to urgencies: often
Hospitals where she has been treated: Hospital La Fé Valencia and Marine Hospital Health of
Hospitalizations: First 16 days (La Fé Hospital) and after 14 days ( in Marine Hospital )
Dates of vaccination: 11/04/2008 with Gardasil.
Not recovered
After receiving the vaccine she got dizzy and she had very strong pains in her arm. She was two
months without being able to move her arm and since then she has felt an endless amount of
symptoms that come and go for more than a year. The last time she was admitted to hospital, doctors
talked about her possibly having multiple sclerosis, she could not walk and she had to use a
wheelchair. The mother says she has a business which almost every day she cannot take care of,
because her daughter needs a person with her to dress her, to take her to the bath, etc., and
accompany her to the doctors .


Age when she was vaccinated 14 years old.
City, community and postal code: Colmenarejo, 28270 Madrid, Spain
Symptoms: At the moment: Slight vasculitis in legs. Occasionally she has fatigue in her legs and
headache. Previous to October 2009: Vasculitis going from moderate to intense with very frequent
bouts in legs, gluteus (muscles) and forearms. Strong headaches and abdomen pain with duration
lasting for several days. Celia experiences extreme fatigue in legs and generalized fatigue in her
body. She also had very bad joint pain and when we went to emergency doors she was unable to
walk. Generalized deterioration in her mood (mood swings). Also there has been a lack of
concentration in her studies.
Visits to Emergency Doors In 3 occasions: Hospital of Torrelodones, Hospital of Moncloa and
Clínica Kirón Hospitals. A day hospitalized for accomplishment of tests and treatment. Rest with
consultation January-July. In addition a treatment with an immunologist in Gerona followed on from
the consultation. Hospitalizations 1/20/09 in the Kirón clinic.
Dates of vaccination 9/22/08 and 11/17/08 (on this date besides papillomavirus they injected adult
tetanus-difteria to her)
Vaccinated with Gardasil: Batch NG43220 and NG52730
Duration of the disease: From the 6 of January 2009 to the present time
Not Recovered.
Gardasil has changed our lives
Celia was an excellent sports girl in several sport disciplines (rythmic gymnastics and volleyball)
finishing champion of the Scholastic Community of Madrid in both, year 2008/2009. Last year she
could not do physical education (the teacher made an adaptation with a theoretical test). Due to her
fatigue she was practically all afternoons in bed trying to study with great difficulty and trying to
concentrate in order that she would pass her exams (the previous year she finished the course with
A’s and B’s), failing some subjects. Physically her condition has deteriorated and she has been sad all
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the year. She also had undergone special urine and hair analysis which revealed a lack of lithium and
other minerals in her body and that is what the doctor told her and which could explain her condition.
It should also be recognised that there are two doctors working on the chelation of the girls since most
of them have high levels of heavy metals. At a personal level her daily routine consists of taking all
her different medicines since her process began (January 2009) and since August she follows a diet
without gluten or casein (in milk products) and she has other food restrictions which makes it very
difficult for her in front of her friends (she takes with her to school the food which has been prepared
for her at home- before she ate in the school dining room). This year she has begun to practice
physical activity again, but with a much more moderate rate.


Age when she was vaccinated: 14 years old
City, community and postal code: Cantillana (Seville) Andalusia- Spain Diagnosis: We have not
as yet been given a diagnosis by the specialists following all the investigations and tests which have
taken place.
Incapacitated: Yes
Symptoms: Bad headache and bad pain in her right ear, deafness in this ear, blurred vision on the
right eye, deviation of the mouth towards the right side, lost feeling and sensitivity in her right arm
and in both legs. She cannot walk and she is in a wheelchair. Nowadays she is under a rehabilitation
programme and goes sometimes to school in an ambulance.
Visits to Emergency Doors: to the doctor's office of Cantillana innumerable times and to hospital 5
times .
Hospitalizations: 3; 1st from 02/02/09 to the 02/20/09, 2nd from 03/07/09 to the 03/24/09, 3rd
from10/14/09 to 11/18/09
st nd
Dates of vaccination: 1 Shot 10/21/08; 2 Shot12/01/09
st nd
Vaccinated with Cervarix: 1 Batch AHPVA015CM; 2 Batch: AHPVA019BD
Duration of the disease: From 10/21/08 to present day and getting worse progressively. Iraida
became ill immediately after her first shot but it was after her second shot that her condition
deteriorated. It started with pains in her ears, then with paralysis of her mouth, then on one side of
her face until other parts of her body lost sensitivity and she was unable to walk. She is still unable to
walk as at today’s date.
Not Recovered
My life has changed with the vaccine.
I did not know that a simple vaccine could spoil my life and that it could cause me so much damage.
The worse thing of all is that doctors tell me that I am pretending and I feel so bad. This is a nightmare
that I can not see an end to.


Age when she was vaccinated: 15 years old
City, community and postal code: Javea (Allicante) 03730 Spain.
Symptoms: fainting, stifling sensation, anguishes (on the following day after vaccination, but we did
not give importance to it) Urticaria on legs, thighs, pubis area (rash like hives). The hair began to
become rough and to fall out. The skin began to become dry. Then, nummular excema, seborrheic
dermatitis, trembling hands, respiratory fatigue problems, heat sensation in all the body have been
experienced - cramps in feet and hands. - cramps in legs and swelling in wrists, knees, feet,
diminishment of visual sharpness (loss of vision in left eye and annoyances in the right eye) began in
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the evening, on the following day she had recovered the vision. - Migraines, allergies (nickel), strange
noises in the heart, palpitations, dyspnea (shortness of breath), irritability. One day she got up in the
morning with her mouth twisted towards the right side (it lasted for hours). At this moment she does
not take any medication, because the doctor has realised that the medicines make her worse. Tests
to discard lupus, pruritus and vasculitis have been carried out (because the girl bruises easily). She
has been diagnosed with Mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus) - they had to give medication to her for
this condition). Warts appeared on her elbows and hands and the doctor took her off her medication
and these warts disappeared. It was like she had become allergic to all the medicines. An
appointment is being made for Lucia to see a neurologist.

She had a reaction with the first shot: itch in eyes, swollen eyes, swollen mouth, difficulty with
language etc… She began to feel tired, once she became dizzy. She no longer can do sport. She
was a bright student and began having problems with concentration and learning. Lucia was having
problems with sleeping, and there were strange noises when she was breathing, sleepwalking, and
on occasion there were strange actions like taking to falling asleep on the carpet. She has many
moments of confusion. At the moment she is no longer allergic to NICKEL (this is a very rare thing
because it is not normal for allergies to come and go). Now she has digestive problems and she is
having a gluten free diet daily. The palms of the hands are coloured pink and they are very hot. From
the first moment after the vaccination she felt joint pain and headaches as well as having broken
nails, which do not grow. She also suffers from bleeding gums and toothaches. For the past 18
months, she has been attending the doctor, emergency unit at the hospital and specialists and this
was just after a single shot of Gardasil.
Diagnosis: Diabetes, Encefalea (headache). Loss of sight in her left eye, next day she could see,
but had blurred eyesight in her right eye. Also has arterial tension.
Not incapacitated
Visits to Emergency Doors: to the doctor more than 40 times and emergency doors of Denia
Dates of vaccination: 22 July 2008 with Gardasil. Batch: NG39340
Not recovered.
HPV Vaccine has changed my life
Ever since I had the Gardasil vaccination my life has changed so much and is so different to what I
was like previously as now I cannot do half of the things I did before. In July 2008, after receiving the
vaccine I began to have diseases I had never had before and symptoms that I do not know from
where they came. One day my hair started to fall out, according to the doctors this vaccine has given
me a seborrheic dermatitis and I have been tested for allergies which shows that I am allergic to
nickel (heavy metals). From that moment to the present day I have had to go to emergency doors
several times because I do not feel well and I always have headaches, joint pains, attacks of anxiety,
difficulties in breathing, alterations in the temperature of my body (that is to say, that I always feel hot
although it is cold). It is very hard for me to write since my hands are swollen. I have also experienced
problems with my eyesight. I sometimes lose my sight and everything is blurred. In conclusion my life
is not like it was before since now I must always take medicines when I am not well, but they all give
me adverse effects, and as a result I do not take anything at all because I become worse. What is
more I have to follow a special diet and I cannot now eat things that I like.

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Age when she was vaccinated: 14 years old.
City, community and postal code: Madrid, Madrid, 28024 Spain.
Diagnosis: None, or vasovagal (syncope) instability
Incapacitated: sporadic with relative immobility.
Symptoms: Dizziness, faintings, loss of consciousness, nystagmus (involuntary eye movement),
painful weakness in legs, loss of strength, cramps and tingling in legs, insomnia, cannot taste salty
flavours, relative loss of thermal sensitivity. Small menstrual periods.
Hospitals where she has been treated: Hospital Clínico San Carlos Madrid.
Hospitalizations: from 5th February 2009 to 10th February 2009, from 18th February 2009 to 4th
March 2009.
st nd st
Dates of vaccination: 1 shot: 9/19/08; 2 shot 12/4/08 (Adverse reaction after 1 shot; she
recovered and received 2 shot but suffered more serious adverse reactions after the second
Vaccinated with Gardasil: Batch: 1st shot: NG43220 2nd shot: NH55880
Duration of the disease: 16 months (from first dose to the present time)
Not recovered
She was vaccinated with Tetanus, which is a GlaxoSmithKline product, and Gardasil together on

My life has changed very much. For many months I was suffering dizziness and fainting and I
sometimes suffered loss of consciousness, for that reason I could not go to school or live a normal life
as I used to do. I was also admitted to hospital and was there for almost a month. Ever since I
received the vaccine I have lost strength and physical vitality and cannot do any exercise. At the
moment I am no longer suffering from dizziness but I suffer from painful cramps in my legs which
prevent me from sleeping and getting a good rest. Consequently I sometimes feel tired and for this
reason I cannot go to school. I also have very irregular periods (and don’t have them very often).
Others: I cannot taste salty flavours and I have alternative sensitivity to the cold/heat.


Age when she was vaccinated: 14 years old.
City, community and postal code: Seville, Andalusia 41230, Spain
Diagnosis: She is still without diagnosis.
Incapacitated When she has seizures, she stays in bed two or three days without being able to walk.
Symptoms: A strong pain in her neck, seizures of different periods of length, right side without
sensitivity or mobility after crisis.
Visits to Emergency Doors: more than 50 times.
Hospitals where she has been treated: UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL VIRGIN MACARENA
st th rd nd th
Hospitalizations: 1 from 26 November to 3 December (2008). 2 from 30January to 11
rd th th th th
February (2009), 3 from 23 March to 27 March (2009), 4 from 27 March to 30 March (2009).
Dates of vaccination: 13 November 2008.
Vaccinated with Cervarix: Batch AHPVA015CM .
Duration of the disease from 20th November 2008 to present day.
Not recovered
Her life was a happy life before vaccination, like any other 14-year-old teenager, with a lot of hope for
the future. She had never before been ill, she rarely had a cold, she loved sport and she loved doing
sport with her friends. She is a very kind and polite girl. She is also very helpful. She is a well-known
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girl in our town. But from the 20th November her life changed completely, and with the start of the
seizures this has caused great anxiety for our daughter and for all the family. She has had so many
visits to hospital, has had to stay in bed without being able to go out walking every day or have fun
with her friends and attend the many festivities which take place in our town. She has not been able
to lead her life as she used to, is unable to do many things and perhaps the most hurtful thing is that
they do not want to recognise that she is a victim of this vaccine and up to the present day the doctors
cannot identify what is wrong with her. In short, this vaccine has changed the life of all our family and
we feel so helpless.


Age when she was vaccinated: 14 years old
City, Community and Postal Code: Castillblanco de los Arroyos- Sevilla 41230- SPAIN
Symptoms: Seizures, syncopes, loss of hair, loss of strength on right arm and leg. She has pain in
the right inguen (groin). She experiences headaches, blurred eyesight, chest pain, anxiety.
Visits to Emergency Doors: 12
Hospitals where she has been treated: Virgen Macarena de Sevilla
Hospitalizations: 9 days
st nd
Dates of Vaccination: 1 shot 11/13/08, 2 shot 12/17/08
Vaccinated with: Cervarix Batch AHPVA015CM/ AHPVA018BF
Duration of the Illness: approximately 12 months
Not recovered
HPV Vaccine has changed my life
After the third month of receiving the second shot of the vaccine I started fainting and that is when the
seizures started. My life has changed a lot because I cannot do the things I used to do.


Age when she was vaccinated: 17 years old
City, Community and Postal Code: Selaya 39696- Cantabria. SPAIN
Diagnosis: Chronique migraine
Incapacitated: she suffers strong headaches everyday
Symptoms: Headaches, nausea, dizziness, tiredness.
Visits to Emergency Doors: 02/17/2009; 03/12/2009; 03/16/2009; 03/25/2009
st nd rd
Dates of Vaccination: 1 Shot 07/7/2008; 2 Shot 01/5/2009; 3 Shot 04/30/2009
Vaccinated with: Gardasil – Batch 3 shot NH52670
Not recovered
HPV Vaccine has changed my life
On the third shot of the vaccine my forearm became swollen and I had headaches.
It is true that from the first shot I was not feeling well and I had headaches, but my mother said it was
normal. The headaches did not stop but I started having them every day and they were stronger than
the previous ones, my doctor advised me to go to the optician to find out if it was caused by a sight
With the third shot everything was different, my forearm was swollen, it hurt the injection site too much
and I started having strong headaches that went together with nausea and feeling dizzy. I was several
days in bed. The doctor diagnosed headache due to stress, and he prescribed analgesics, but
although I took them my headaches got worse and worse and for that reason he sent me to the
My friends told me that I was feeling bad since I got the vaccine.
Up to now nobody has confirmed that my illness has a direct relation with the vaccine, which annoys
From January 2009 I have had headaches every day, in all this time I have only felt well on 23 and
24th October, without any pain. I could not often attend High School. The last time I went out at night
with my friends was on New Years Eve 2008.

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Now I am enrolled in the University of Navarra, which allows me to be near the University Clinic.
Suffering constant headaches and studying is very hard, and it makes me feel anxious, I feel very


City, Community and Country: Moraleja de Enmedio- Madrid – Spain
Diagnosis: Convulsive crisis.
Symptoms: Seizures, tiredness, headaches and pain in her legs
th th
Hospitalizations: She was admitted to hospital for 7 days (From 6 November to 13 November
Dates of Vaccination: 1st Shot 10/09/08; 2nd Shot 12/9/08. The seizures began between the two
Vaccinated with: Gardasil
Duration of the Illness: From 11/6/08 till the present day
Not recovered
On 6 November 2008, she got up and suddenly she lost consciousness, she began throwing foam
from her mouth and having very strong seizures. She moved all her body and she lost bladder control.
We called an ambulance and she was admitted to Hospital. Doctors made all sort of tests because
she was unconscious for 6 minutes. She was seven days in hospital. Doctors diagnosed convulsive
crisis but they did not know the cause of them.
Since 13 November 2008, when she was discharged from hospital, she has treatment with
Depakine, an anti-convulsive treatment which is controlling her seizures. Carmen still does not feel
very well, has headaches, pains in her legs and she is very tired.


City, Community and Country: Valencia, Spain
Symptoms: Loss of consciousness, seizures, strong headaches, joint pain, problems with her
kidney, syncopes, blurred eyesight, dizziness, fainting, weakness in her legs, chest pain, angustia
(nausea), loss of strength, strong pain in her feet, incapacity for doing physical exercise.
Visits to Emergency Doors: on several occasions
Hospitals where she has been treated: Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia.
Hospitalizations: From 6th February 2009 to 27th March 2009.
Dates of Vaccination: 2nd shot 6th February 2009.
Vaccinated with Gardasil
Partially recovered
HPV Vaccine has changed my life
Karla is a girl who has never before been ill. On 6th February at 8:30 am she went to school in a
perfect state. At 9:30 am she got the second shot At 10:00 am while she was in the playground of
the school, she fainted and lost consciousness. For half an hour she did not answer, so they called an
ambulance. She started with temperature, seizures and she lost her sight. From that moment on the
nightmare began, she was admitted to the same hospital, first at Emergency Doors and after in the
Paediatric Intensive Care Unit. While we were at Emergency Doors a doctor called the School
Headmaster and the parents and asked them not to discuss the fact that there was another girl who
also had a reaction to the HPV vaccine in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit at the same time as

Her stay in hospital lasted nearly two months with several admissions to the Paediatric Intensive Care
Unit. She was even intubated (on a breathing machine). She also had problems with her kidney.

The doctors gave us several diagnoses: they said it could be a toxic reaction, an immunological
reaction (for that reason she was given immunoglobulin). Drastically, they changed their mind and
said it was a psychological problem, that she had “Pseudo crisis”.

Nowadays, Karla is at home, she has been suffering strong headaches, although she is much better
now. But she cannot have a normal life like other teenagers of her age, she could not go to school for

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three months, she could not go to the cinema with her friends since she had always muscular pains in
her feet, tremors in her hands and other symptoms that we did not expect and which came suddenly.
We always had to be on alert.

We want to say to all families who have teenagers that they should not allow their daughters to have
this vaccine. See what happened to our daughter. NO HPV VACCINE, PLEASE!


City, Community and Country: Burjasot-Valencia – Spain
Symptoms: Last 4th February 2009, Maite received the second shot of Gardasil HPV vaccine. The
same day, after the shot, she fainted (at the Health Center) and she had side effects such as
tiredness and pains in her legs. After two days, as the symptoms became more severe, we went to
emergency doors of the hospital “Arnau de Villanova” (Valencia) on 6 February, the physicians
carried out medical tests and they diagnosed a possible adverse reaction to the HPV vaccine. She
always had a cold. On 12th February, we went back to emergency doors as her condition deteriorated.
More medical tests were carried out by the hospital physicians. This young girl spent a whole month
not being able to walk and was very anxious, so she had to take a lot of medicines. When she went to
school she had to go back home after one hour because she was not feeling well. She was ill for two
months, so she could not do the things she used to enjoy doing.
Now she is recovered.


st nd rd
Age when vaccinated: 12 years old. 1 shot 11/22/07; 2 shot 1/24/08; 3 shot 5/22/08.
Vaccinated with Gardasil
Nerea is now 14 years old. In March 2008, after receiving the HPV vaccine, she fainted three times
and her arm was swollen. From that moment on she became ill, very tired, with 37ºC temperature
and mainly with headaches. She has lost her hair, and she always has a pain in her throat.
In May and June 2008, she had mouth-genital aftosis (her mouth and genital parts of her body were
covered with a sort of fungus which has been very difficult to treat), the doctors said it was due to a
lowering of her immune system. From September 2009, she has had syncopes in which she loses
consciousness and falls down. Every time they are more frequent and stronger. She is admitted to
hospital for two weeks, physicians carry out medical tests and they are all normal. The doctors inform
her that she does not have either of the two conditions, narcolepsy or epilepsy. She is a bit down, as
the doctors say that her condition could be psychological.
She had a completely normal life before receiving the vaccine, with her friends and good marks at
school. Now she is not the same girl.


Vaccinated with Gardasil
City, Community and Postal Code: Santurtzi(Vizkaya) 48980 SPAIN
Symptoms: pain, deformity and functional impotence on fingers of her hands; stiffness of both wrists
and pain when they are mobilized, elbow deformity; muscular stiffness and contractures, tightening of
extremities, loss of consciousness, jerking, seizures, dizziness, syncope, feeling sick, parenthesias,
blurred sight, angustia, ataxy, hemiparesy, tiredness, chest pain, problems of concentration,
impossibility to walk, loss of strength, incapacity to do physical exercise.
Emergency Door Visits: From 6/25/09 to 11/19/09: 12 visits to emergency doors and admitted to
hospital between 11/2/09 to 11/5/09; 9/12/09 and 9/14/09
Dates of Vaccination: 1st Shot 10/21/08; 2nd Shot 12/2/08; 4/27/09. HPV vaccine was given along
with Heptatitis B
Duration of Illness: From the 11/10/08 to present day.
Not Recovered
Doctors say that it is psychological. The mother relates she is a normal girl and she has not had
problems before being vaccinated.

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Age 27
Town, City, Postal Code: 05004 Avila. Spain.
Previous medical history: Complex comicial crisis (Epilepsy)
Vaccinated in June 2008
On 14th November 2008, Ana was admitted to hospital for dizziness, nausea, blurred eyesight,
feeling of syncope without losing consciousness and having great difficulty in using her legs. The
medical tests that came back were all normal. She had episodes of being unable to connect with the
doctors and reply to any of their questions and then could not remember any of this later. On 15th
November 2008, she had an episode of parasthesia on right side of her face and this was followed by
Ana having a migraine. On 16th November, she received word from the neurologist that the
neurological test was normal.
Diagnosis: The doctor explained to Ana that the symptoms she was experiencing did not have any
connection with her existing medical problems and that he was finding it difficult to try and establish
why she was feeling so ill as all the tests he had carried out so far all came back negative. After this
Ana was moved to another Hospital in Madrid, where after being subjected to more medical tests they
did not find anything wrong and for that reason they advised her to go to see a psychiatrist.

After one month, Ana was discharged from hospital without a clear diagnosis. She went to a private
neurologist, and was given CMP forte (rebuilder of myeline) but nobody gave her a diagnosis. Some
spoke of a possible Guillain-Barre disorder, others considered she might have polyneuropathy
(immune-mediated inflammatory disorder of the peripheral nervous system) but nothing was

After being discharged from hospital she started rehabilitation, at first she could not move her legs at
all but little by little she recovered mobility and strength. Ana was in rehabilitation until September
2009. In one year she spent most of her time in a wheelchair then she used crutches. By August
when she was practically recovered, she still had balance problems and walked very slowly. During
this period of time she felt her body was very funny (strange sensations). She had no menstrual cycle
for more than four months and was experiencing vaginal infections and swelling of gums and
hypersensitivity (when somebody touched her legs they hurt her very much) on her legs. She
eventually recovered sensitivity and mobility to her arms and legs, the worst part was recovering
sensitivity to her feet. She also had breathing infections, infectious mononucleosis, a lot of colds,
urticarias, and blurred eyesight which seemed to occur mainly in the afternoons.

On 18th October 2009, she was admitted again to hospital as she was experiencing loss of sensitivity
on the left side of her face and then to the right side of her face. She could stand up but walking was
difficult. The investigations which were carried out by the doctors were all normal, no neurological
problem was discovered. .She again was encouraged to see a psychiatrist.

After suffering her relapse, she has turned back to rehabilitation and has all these symptoms: cramps
affecting her legs and hands, vertigo, hallucinations and not able to taste or smell things. Her left leg
has recovered and this happened before her right one.

On 18th October 2009 she had another relapse and she could not walk for 15 days, on 26th
December Ana had another one and again on the 9th January.
She has been admitted in hospital 5 times.

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Ashleigh Cave (d.o.b 10.4.1996)

Currently in Alder Hey Children's Hospital

Eaton Road
L12 2AP
(as at 25.8.09)
Update as at January 2010:
Ashleigh is out of hospital, attending school on a part time basis but still has to make use of
her wheelchair. She is still not a very well girl.
Date of Admission to Alder Hey Hospital: 24 October 2008

Background medical history

Noonans syndrome
Mild Pulmonary Stenosis
Recurrent Infections possible lowered immune system
Blood Clotting Disorder
other minor health issues

Ashleigh had her vaccine of Cervarix (1st dose only) at her secondary school on 15th October
2008 and became ill within half an hour with symptoms of intense head pain which made her scream
out. In the next few days she felt light headed and dizzy. She then developed pain in legs. She
collapsed 5 times in the next 48 hours. She went with family to London to visit friends but worsened
and was admitted into Frimley Park Hospital, Surrey for two days.

Discharge note said:

Vertigo and generalised myalgia. Probably due to vaccination. Dr J Fisher St2 Paeds
She gradually deteriorated with bad leg pain and could no longer walk.
She was admitted to Alder Hey hospital on 24th October 2008 where she has remained. She was
admitted with pains in arms and legs, crawling on all fours to the toilet as not able to stand or walk.
Pain severe.

Dr Curran of Alder Hey Hospital stated that in his opinion this was not caused by the vaccine.

Is currently having physiotherapy

Since admission has had chest infection and UTI.
*Dr Richard Newton Consultant Paediatric Neurologist examined Ashleigh on 13 March
2009.(reference and further information regarding Dr Newton and his conclusions at end of
Ashleigh’s story)

Ashleigh’s condition today – as at August 2009

Ashleigh is still in Alder Hey. She is now incontinent and has been seen by incontinent services in
reference to having a catheter. They have decided to try her on a bladder control programme first.
She is continuing to have recurring urine infections especially after contracting e - coli in hospital.
Ashleigh is now managing to stand with a walking frame and manages a few steps. Progress is very
slow. She is hoping to go back to school in September part time but will need a full time help.

Sadly the family will have to move, as their current house is still unsuitable for Ashleigh.

Social services still continue to blame mother and she is not allowed to see charts or Ashleigh’s
medical records. Although Ashleigh does manage a few steps with a walking frame she has been told

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she is likely to need the wheelchair for years to come.

The hospital have started, after 10 months to do more thorough testing to find out exactly what is
causing her problems.

Cheryl Cave, Ashleigh's mother is understandably angry at the way she and her daughter have been
treated not only by the system which she feels has failed them both but by Alder Hey Hospital and the
NHS as a whole.

Reference to Dr Newton and his conclusions after his visit to see Ashleigh on 13 March 2009:

*Dr. Richard Ward Newton

Paediatric Neurology
Private surgery

Royal Manchester Children's Hospital Pendlebury

M27 4HA Manchester (Greater Manchester)

Phone1: 0161 794 4696

Phone2: 0161 727 2555


Elected to the 2006-2010 Board of the EPNS

Consultant Paediatric Neurologist, Manchester Children's Hospitals, UK
Under-graduate - London
Higher specialist training, Manchester Children's Hospitals
Fields of clinical and research interest
Clinical: Promoting effective Clinical Networks with a special focus on children with epilepsy
Research: Psychosocial aspects of cerebral palsy prevention
Febrile seizures, infantile spasms (UKISS study).
Longitudinal cohort study of Down's syndrome (atlanto axial instability and thyroid function)
Neuroimmunological basis of peri-infective encephalopathy; predicting CNS leukaemia relapse; foetal
ventriculomegaly – outcome.

Immediate Past President, British Paediatric Neurology Association (previous National Training
Adviser and Treasurer)
Past President, European Association of Learning Disability Medicine (MAMH).
Producer BPNA Distance Learning Course.
'Dr Richard Newton Consultant Paediatric Neurologist examined Ashleigh on the 13th March 2009.

He concluded that she had a well documented adverse event to vaccine.

He said

“By far the most likely explanation of Ashleigh's illness is that initially she had an adverse
event following vaccination”.

He added

“Rehabilitation usually brings about good results although the fix is often not quick,
particularly when the illness has gone on for five months or more.”

In contrast, 14 December 08

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'Dr Andrew Curran, a consultant paediatrician at Alder Hey hospital, said yesterday: 'I can say with
complete certainty that she is demonstrating no pathological reaction to her vaccination.'
The drug safety watchdog, the MHRA, has been notified of the case. It does not believe the cervical
cancer jab brought on Ashleigh's illness.'

Freda’s & Grace’s comments and thoughts:

When an eminent doctor such as Dr Newton gives his considered opinion that the Cervarix
vaccine was responsible for the adverse reaction that Ashleigh was suffering from then you
have to ask some serious questions “Why did Dr Andrew Curran not consider this to be a very
strong possibility considering the fact that this young girl started to become ill within a very
short period of time after having had this vaccination. It has to be remembered that Ashleigh
also has a history of medical problems which were never considered to be important, even
although the nurse at the school was advised of her medical conditions. A point perhaps not
known in the UK is that Dr Diane Harper, who was involved with GlaxoSmithKline, in the
Cervarix trials has made it known that if there is an adverse event within 42 days of being
vaccinated, then serious consideration has to be given to the vaccine having caused the
illness. There is documented proof of Dr Harper saying this.

Allegedly, it appears the Alder Hey wish to lay the responsibility for this young girl’s illnesses
at the door of Cheryl Cave. This is very difficult to try and understand where this is coming
from as it appears that young Ashleigh was paralysed, if she could not walk, and now is being
affected by loss of bladder control, which we would have considered is something that would
happen where there are no feelings in the lower part of your body.

We are concerned that there is no mention of hair and nail tests having been taken, or of
homeopathic assessment and treatment options, or whether she has been tested for
hypersensitivity for aluminium, which would have been a firm contraindication. Scientists at
Keele University, Staffs, have published papers showing that silica-rich mineral water provides
a natural antidote to the burden of aluminium in the body and this information, plus warning
about the HPV mass vaccination programme, has been published online for several months
(also in the NHS library).

There has to be a thorough investigation of the way Cheryl Cave and her daughter have been
treated by the doctors and staff at Alder Hey Hospital; either this young was paralysed or was
not; either she has lost bladder control or she has not; either she was admitted to Frimley
Park Hospital or she was not.

Grace Filby Freda Birrell

(email: (email:

Sarah Chandler – Surrey

This is an extract from the article in the Daily Mail dated 5 April 2009

Sarah Chandler, 12, has chronic fatigue syndrome. She felt lethargic after the first jab but her
condition worsened after the second jab.

And a spokesman for GlaxoSmith-Kline says: 'We understand that every adverse reaction related to
vaccination is distressing for the girl and family involved and we take these reports seriously. We work
closely with the MHRA to monitor any reactions to the vaccination. 'The majority of adverse reactions
reported have been related to the process of injection, rather than to the type of vaccine, i.e. the most
common side effect is soreness at the site of injection, which you would expect to see in any

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vaccination programme.” 'We remain confident in the safety profile of Cervarix which was extensively
tested through clinical trials and has been licensed for use in girls and women in the UK.'

But that is of little comfort to Cathy Chandler from Surrey, whose 12-year-old daughter Sarah has just
been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. Her illness began a week after her first injection in
September 2008, and she has barely attended school since November.

'I know I can't prove the connection, but I'm as certain as I can be,' says Cathy.

Sarah had the second in a course of three Cervarix jabs in October. She felt ill and lethargic following
the first dose. But after the second, her condition deteriorated. She was listless and her throat felt,
and still feels, as if something was stuck in it. Antibiotics did nothing to ease it.

'It took me a while to make the connection to Cervarix, but once I had it all made sense,' says Cathy,
53, a part-time administrator. 'I panicked and thought, "What's happened to her? What have they

In recent weeks, her health has improved enough for her to attend school for nine hours a week, but it
looks unlikely that she will be back full-time for many months.

While Sarah's doctors have never said they believe the vaccination is the cause, they have not ruled it
out. Sarah's doctor advised against her having the last injection of the course.

'Sarah was worried about missing it,' says Cathy, 'The doctor explained that as HPV is sexually
transmitted, you can reduce your risk of contracting it by avoiding unprotected sex, when the time

But Cathy adds: 'She didn't say Sarah's illness was linked to the HPV vaccine in particular - any
vaccine could potentially have had the same effect.'

Lucy Davies
I've heard Lucy speak again
By courtesy of:
Grace Filby BA(Hons) Cert Ed FRSA
Winston Churchill Fellow
Science & Engineering Ambassador
1 Howard Road
+44 (0)1737 217013

A bit of good news just made my day yesterday! 18 weeks ago at the end of September, 14 year old
Lucy in Nuneaton totally lost her voice with an extremely sore throat, just the day after GSK's
'Cervarix' jabs were given to her year-group at school in the Government's mass vaccination
campaign about HPV. She suddenly became extremely lethargic, and yet she was normally a
competitive swimmer (30,000 km per week), very fit, with a good social life and academically doing
very well indeed. She had no voice at all for 7 weeks and currently she needs a wheelchair to get to
classes at school. It doesn't take a genius to put 2 and 2 together and work out that the jab was the
trigger for this extreme reaction. During this time she may have had a mild seizure, or even a stroke,
and has suffered a trembling right hand and right leg with walking. Fortunately, with some
prior information through my investigations during 2008-2009, I was able to put Lucy's parents in
contact with Dr Chris Exley at Keele University, Staffordshire. He is doing pioneering research about
the toxic effects of a metal still used in vaccines as an adjuvant - aluminium. His international team
have found that mineral water which is rich in silica (ortho-silicic acid) is the natural antidote - it
physically takes aluminium out of the cells of the body.
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As a result of this, Lucy has been drinking a 1.5 litre bottle of silicon-rich mineral water (from a well-
known volcanic area) every day. This is not an advertisement.

The good news is that last week, Lucy's voice returned. Cause and effect, or pure coincidence? I am
told it is just 95%. Of course it was audible for me on the phone as she spoke happily in the
background after school yesterday. It was a real delight to hear her father say that now he has a
smiling little daughter again. Walking is still extremely slow. Perhaps with time and continued use of
silicon-rich mineral water, any poison will be washed through. Then Lucy can return to her
normal vigour and enjoy being a healthy, bright, British teenager and competitive swimmer again.

I can't help thinking that some toxins were injected with the new vaccine because there are
numerous reports of adverse effects from parents and children world-wide. It is a shame that some
doctors with a public voice don't trust reports of patients' experience, yet they expect us to trust

Fortunately, Lucy is getting better! She now has her voice back 95% which is just wonderful.

Stacey Jones - Bilston, West Midlands

th th th
Received three Cervarix vaccinations – 15 November 2008; 24 January 2009; 16 May 2009
(Age 17 at time of vaccination)

Extract from The Telegraph newspaper dated 3rd October 2009

“Stacey Jones, 17, suffered her first epileptic seizure days after having the Cervarix injection, which is
being offered to all schoolgirls under a Government programme.”

“In the weeks which followed, she had dozens more fits, which caused such severe brain injury that
she has been admitted to a rehabilitation unit, which is helping her to relearn basic tasks like making a

“The parents of the teenager, from Bilston in West Midlands, are convinced that the final vaccination
triggered swelling in the brain, which has been diagnosed as the cause of her neurological problems.
Julie and Kerry Jones say that as a result, their “happy-go-lucky” girl became paranoid and violent,
leaving her family in despair”.

“When the teenager became increasingly emotional in the weeks following her first two jabs, in
November and January, her parents thought their easy-going daughter was finally succumbing to
adolescent mood swings. But within four days of her third injection on the 16th May 2009, Stacey
suffered an epileptic seizure, followed by 17 more in the following week. The fits continued for
months, while the teenager became increasingly disturbed and psychotic, hearing voices and making
murderous threats. Doctors said the epilepsy was caused by swelling of the brain, but the family (at
that time) has been given no explanation as to how the damage occurred.”

“In September 2009, Stacey was admitted to an NHS rehabilitation unit for brain injury, where she is
relearning simple tasks. Seizures are minimised by five types of medication, but the teenager’s
memory has been badly damaged. Mrs Jones, 44, said: “She was such a lovely, happy go-lucky girl,
now she is just a shell. I really feel she has been used as a guinea pig. I don’t think there is enough
evidence that the vaccination programme is safe – this all happened days after Stacey was given the
vaccine and we don’t have any other explanation for what triggered her brain injury.”

Update: Stacey’s form of encephalitis was a very rare form – Encephalitis – anti-NMDA-
receptor encephalitis which in effect is an antibody attacking the brain. This type in Stacey’s
case was not caused by an infection. Stacey’s mum makes these comments: When you go to
see your GP and medication is prescribed there is always a patient information leaflet in with
your medication. This leaflet gives you information about your medication and tells you about
the side effects that you can get when taking this medication. It will also give you a list of
serious side effects and it will tell you that if you suffer from any of these symptoms then stop
taking this medication immediately and seek medical advice. Stacey was suffering serious
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side effects after taking her epilepsy medication ‘Carbamazepine’ but it was not noticed by
trained nurses during her eight week stay in hospital. Her dad was the one who commented
that within 10 minutes of her having this medication she became aggressive.

Stacey has now been home from the special unit since Christmas and progresses slowly. She
is under the care of a neurologist and is still being taught basic skills by the staff at the special
unit, West Heath House, 54 Ivy House Road, West Heath, Birmingham. An Assessment
Review Report has been prepared on Stacey. The following are statements from this report
but further clarification can be made direct to the contributors at West Heath House, 54 Ivy
House Road, West Heath, Birmingham B38 8JW: Dr Tim Hull, Consultant Neuropsychologist;
Dr David Hacker, Clinical Psychologist; Louise Johnstone, Occupational Therapist; Sarah
Empson, Speech and Language Therapist; Marian Foley, Assistant Psychologist; Alice
Roblin, Assistant Psychologist.

Reason for referral: Ms Jones was admitted to West Heath House on 1 September 2009
following a referral by Alexa Hazel (Occupational Therapist, Community Neurorehabilitation
Team, West Park Hospital). Prior to this, Ms Jones was living at home with her parents. Her
parents reported difficulties managing her behaviour after she was diagnosed with
encephalitis in May 2009.

History of brain injury: Mrs Jones’ symptoms began on 16 May 2009 (date of third
vaccination). This was in the context of having recently received the third in a serious of
vaccinations for cervical cancer. Her mother also reported behavioural change following the
previous two vaccinations in November 2008 and January 2009. This related to emotional
liability and one uncharacteristic incident of physical aggression.

Following the vaccination on the 16 May 2009 there was a seven day history of severe
headache and disturbed sleep. On 22 May 2009 Ms Jones had a seizure whilst at home. She
was then admitted to New Cross Hospital for six weeks. During this time she experienced
further seizures and frequent episodes of agitation and physical aggression, night time
wandering and absconding. Brain imaging revealed abnormalities consistent with
encephalitis and she was subsequently treated with steroids. She has limited memory for her
time in New Cross Hospital.

Clinical history: Ms Jones medical and psychiatric history is unremarkable prior to the onset
of encephalitis in May 2009.
(Further information can be obtained from the authors of the Assessment Report as noted

Footnote by Freda Birrell: Stacey had reactions to the first and second vaccinations and
following her third vaccination on 16th May 2009 it should be noted that she had an immediate
reaction which was more severe then previously experienced. Four days later she
experienced severe seizures. Any reaction that has been experienced so quickly after
vaccination, or any other medication for that matter, has to be looked at closely as without
doubt there is usually a connection. It has to be said that if it was a severe reaction to a
medicine, like an antibiotic, the doctor would immediately recognise that an adverse reaction
to the medication had occurred. The same should apply to any vaccination reaction –
GlaxoSmithKline give a 30 day period in which if there is a serious event, then it should be
considered that there is every good chance that it is vaccine related.

Leah Mann – Nottinghamshire

(Age 18)

Extract from article in the Daily Mail dated 5th April 2009

And it's not just 12- and 13-year-old girls that may have been affected. Eighteen-year-old Leah Mann,
from Nottinghamshire had her first injection in January 2009.

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Ten days later, when she was at work in a fish and chip shop, she felt unwell and collapsed. When
she came to, she had no feeling from the waist down.

'It was terrifying,' she says. 'I went to hospital and while I was waiting to see a doctor the feeling in my
right leg came back. But it took two weeks for it to return to my left leg.'

Leah Mann, 18, now has regular seizures and had to give up her college course

More worryingly she now suffers full-blown seizures. Although doctors are at a loss to explain why she
has developed what appears to be epilepsy, they are more inclined to believe it is associated with the
antidepressant medication she had been taking (with no adverse side effects for more than a year)
than with the vaccine.

'I've had my driving license taken away and I've had to give up my college course,' she explains.

Leah had been studying equine management, but, because of her seizures, the college's insurance
can't cover her horse riding. She will remain housebound until her specialists find the right medication
to control her condition.

'It is five weeks since we last saw her neurologist, and she has had 30 seizures in that time,' says her
mother, Tracey, 42.

Leah adds: 'Looking back, I felt lucky to have had the injection. But why has my doctor not allowed me
to have the second and third doses?'

While GlaxoSmithKline says that 'Cervarix had to undergo rigorous testing with large numbers of
people in numerous studies' and was 'found to be generally well tolerated', questions over the safety
and efficacy of Cervarix remain.

Dr Richard Halvorsen, author of The Truth about Vaccines, says: 'The HPV vaccines have been
introduced at breakneck speed and, in my view, without adequate testing.

It is already the most profitable vaccine ever made and the worry is that it is being introduced too
rapidly, for the financial gain of its manufacturers and with too little regard for the health of our young

'These parents may never know for certain whether the vaccine caused their daughters' disabilities.’

'I would not encourage my own daughter to have it. At the moment we know far too little to be sure -
and we know far too little to roll it out on a national scale.'

However, those who know the devastation that cervical cancer can cause are in no doubt that the
benefits outweigh the possible risks.

Meanwhile, Robert Music, director of the cervical cancer charity, Jo's Trust says: 'Quite simply, the jab
could save your daughters' lives,'

Even among Cervarix's critics, you will not find anyone who disagrees with this sentiment. But those
whose health has deteriorated since they armed themselves against the disease would warn against
the blind acceptance of a wonder-jab.

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Natalie Morton following vaccination with Cervarix
Died 28th September 2009

VAERS Vaccination
363051 2009-09-28
ID: Date:
2009-09-28 Days
Age: 14.0 Onset Date:
later: 0
Gender: Female Submitted: 2009-10-27
State: Entered: 2009-10-27
Vaccination Manufacturer Lot Dose Route Site
Administered by: Other Purchased by: Other
Symptoms: Anaphylactic reaction, Cardiac arrest, Circulatory collapse, Death, Malaise,
Neoplasm malignant, Ventricular fibrillation
Write-up: This case was reported by a physician and described the occurrence of death nos in a
14-year-old female subject who was vaccinated with CERVARIX (GlaxoSmithKline). On the
morning of the 28 September 2009 the patient received unspecified dose of CERVARIX (1
injection). On 28 September, within 30 minutes after vaccination with CERVARIX, the patient
experienced a possible anaphylactic reaction (not confirmed). The patient collapsed and had to be
administered an adrenaline injection. The patient had to be resuscitated by the paramedics and
was taken to accident and emergency where they made another attempt to resuscitate the
patient. The attempt was not successful and the patient was declared dead on 28 September
2009. It was unknown whether an autopsy was performed. Verbatim text: On the 28th September
2009 a public health consultant reported that a 14 year old female patient was administered a
dose of CERVARIX ( Batch: AHPVA043BB, expiry: 09/2010) at school, in the morning of the 28th
September 2009 as part of a school immunization program. The consultant reported that within 30
minutes after the administration of the CERVARIX the patient experienced what they believed was
an anaphylactic reaction (not confirmed). The patient collapsed and had to be administered an
adrenaline injection, she had to be resuscitated by paramedics and was taken to accident and
emergency where they made another attempt to resuscitate the patient but it was not successful
and the patient was declared dead. There was no further information available at the time of
reporting. Follow-up information received via regulatory authority on 30 September 2009: The
patient was taking CERVARIX for the prevention of premalignant cervical lesions and cervical
cancer. The patient had no known allergies. She was being treated for migraines with propranolol
(unknown dose or presentation) but this has not been confirmed by patient's GP or family. The
patient received her first dose of CERVARIX (Batch Number: A1-IPVA043BB) at 10:45 on
Monday 28th September

Natalie Morton collapsed within thirty minutes of being vaccinated. It is known that Natalie
was undergoing medical testing for an unknown health problem. A post mortem was carried
out and it was discovered that Natalie had a tumour at her lungs and close to her heart. What
is incomprehensible is that this young girl left the house in the morning to go to school but
never returned. To have been suffering from such a severe condition and apparently not
showing serious symptoms is very difficult to comprehend. If she had been showing signs of
severe ill health then vaccination should never have taken place. The authorities have stated
that her death is due to her underlying illness and that Cervarix played no part in her death.
They cannot say that Cervarix did not bring on the death of this young girl, her system had to
be weakened by such a serious condition, just as we cannot prove that Cervarix caused the
death of Natalie. What we can state with 200% certainty is that Natalie, whilst undergoing
medical testing, should never have been vaccinated in the first place.

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Rebecca Ramagge - Reigate, Surrey

This is the background information based on Rebecca Ramagge. There is clear evidence to support
that arthralgia is a recognised side effect following vaccination. It should also be noted that
GlaxoSmithKline supports that arthralgia can be a side effect.

“As an example of a severe form of arthralgia which has been experienced after vaccination with
Cervarix, a young girl in Surrey called Rebecca Ramagge experienced joint aches after her first and
second vaccinations, was taken to the doctor and to the local hospital, and unfortunately did go for
her third vaccination. She entered the school hall on crutches, this can be verified as it was noted by
the nurse on her form, she received her third vaccination which sadly has taken her over the edge
and she is now a seriously ill young girl who suffers not only from severe joint pain but also from a
severe form of exhaustion and has great difficulty in walking and has to make use of a wheelchair. To
let you understand, Rebecca was a budding swimmer prior to being vaccinated and was a perfectly
healthy young girl, apart from having asthma. Now normally the reaction of Health Ministers would be
“this is very sad but purely coincidental”. Fortunately, this is not confirmed by Dr Jawad, Consultant
Paediatrician at East Surrey Hospital who categorically stated that joint pain was a side effect of the
Cervarix vaccination, a point that he later reiterated when the case was taken to debate in the House
of Commons in May 2009.”

There is further evidence of this condition relating to vaccines in an article which was written by Dr
Jawad and others and was published in the British Medical Journal in 2002, see link below:

This article was published in 2002 prior to the Cervarix vaccination programme and was research
carried out on another vaccine but the point Dr Jawad and his co-presenters of this paper made in the
last paragraph is “It would therefore be prudent to warn patients awaiting vaccination about possible
adverse effect on joint symptoms.” I should also point out that GlaxoSmithKline in their smallprint in
September 2008, under side effects, identify myalgia and arthralgia as being common side effects. If
the pharmaceutical company recognises this then there is something very concerning happening
within the DoH when civil servants brief the Minister incorrectly and provide her with false information.
It also will be very serious if this point is not picked up immediately by the FDA.

Lauren Smith – Surrey

(Age 13)

Extract from article in the Daily Mail dated 5th April 2009

Lauren felt lethargic and had numbness in her arms after the second jab and missed weeks of school.

Cathy (Chandler) is now in contact with Julie Smith, whose daughter Lauren, 13, attends the same
school as Sarah and has also missed weeks of school through illness.

After her second jab in November 2008, she developed a painful sore throat.

'She said she had numbness in her arms,' says Julie. 'She was very pale and was so tired she could
barely get out of bed.

'I made her go to school, but she was always in the sick bay.

'I have asked her GP repeatedly to note my concern over the vaccine, but they say her illness could
be caused by anything. She's through the worst of it now, but to hear that her friend Sarah has been
diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome is obviously worrying.'

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Carly Steele, Stockport
Aged 13 at time of vaccination

This is an extract from the Daily Telegraph article dated 15th March 2009

“Carly Steele has not felt right since receiving the cervical cancer vaccine.”
“Amanda Steele, Carly’s mum, first noticed a change in her daughter Carly last summer. The
normally exuberant 13 year old has lost all of her energy. Whereas normally she would have spent
her days outside on the trampoline, she now found it difficult to leave the sofa. It was even a struggle
to walk unaided to the bathroom.”

“The blackouts, when they came, were more worrying. Mother would find daughter out cold on the
floor of their Stockport home. Every joint in Carly’s body ached, and simple tasks such as washing
her hair became impossible. Carly, on the brink of womanhood, suddenly seemed more like a
toddler. At the time of writing this article, it is six months now since she last attended school. It is like
the light has gone out in her eyes,” says her mother. “It is absolutely heartbreaking to watch.”

“At first, the doctors blamed vertigo. Then came a diagnosis of the balance disorder Labyrinthitis.
Next, ME was suggested. Amanda is not convinced any of these conditions are implicated. What she
believes is that Carly’s condition is related to the cervical cancer vaccine she received last year.”
“The doctors all look at me like I am an idiot when I bring up the possibility of the jab having this effect
on her, but she was a healthy, happy girl before she had it and now she isn’t, and I simply can’t
believe that it has nothing to do with it.”

“Since the Department of Health announced a national vaccination programme against cervical
cancer last June, the scheme has rarely been out of the headlines.”
“Scientists who thought that the public would embrace the chance to immunise against the virus that
causes cervical cancer, human papillomavirus (HPV), were wrong. Not since MMR – and perhaps
because of that – has a simple injection caused so much controversy.”

The article goes on to speak about a young woman called Katie Brickell who because she was under
the age of 25 to have the smear test was refused a smear test each of the three times she asked
because she was too young. She eventually did receive the invitation on her 25th birthday but by that
time she was diagnosed with cervical cancer. She is angry because if she had been allowed to be
screened earlier this cancer could have been prevented. Katie says “I worry slightly that one effect of
the jab might be that in 10 years’ time, women won’t bother to go for their smear. And it is vital that
they continue, firstly so the effectiveness of the vaccine can be measured and secondly because the
vaccine doesn’t protect against all types of HPV”.
This is a crucial comment by Katie “THE VACCINE WOULD NOT HAVE SAVED ME FROM THIS
EXPERIENCE” – that is something to think about.

Update on Carly as at 26th January 2010: Carly’s mother passed on this information. Carly
was first vaccinated at the age of 12, she is sure it was October 2007 at the time that the first
trials were being carried out in the schools before the mass vaccination programme began.
No information was given to the parents whose children took part in these trials, no leaflets on
any of the more serious side effects – all that was said was “slight temperature”, “localised
swelling of the injection site.” After what happened to her daughter following being part of
this trial, Mrs Steele is convinced that all the children who have ever been vaccinated have
been used as “guinea pigs”.

Thankfully, after such a long time Carly is now recovering well that the poisons are leaving her
body – the young girl’s strength of character and determination has helped her in all of this.
Her mother will never forget the trauma that her daughter has been put through, or the
sleepless nights that she herself has had. However, she is convinced of one thing which
GlaxoSmithKline have never considered “this injection MUST NOT be given to children going
through puberty. I believe it to be a chemical bomb along with puberty. Something which was
not tried and tested.” That can be confirmed as the experimental work in the early stages of
this vaccine relating to safety was not conducted on a young age group – it started on 15 year
olds and over. This is well documented within the European Medicines Agency Report.

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