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First Day at Techmentry

I’m really nervous about starting school this year. I’m starting the 2nd

grade and it’s my first year at Techmentry and I left all of my other friends

back at RAM. We only moved here to the city of CSS because my dad got a

new job or else we would still be living in HTML. Bummer. Our new house is

different than the other one but once we get all of our electronic devices

moved into our new home then life in CSS might be better. It’s the night

before I start Techmentry tomorrow and my mom and dad are telling me

stories. Daddy says that Techmentry here in CSS is way different than the

technology in HTML. They aren’t telling me much but there’s a surprise for

me because my birthday is on Tuesday. That’s 2 days from now! I’m going to

bed now so I can get up and get ready for my first day at Techmentry.

My strobe light alarm clock woke me up I’m an only child so I’m spoiled

rotten and I like it that way! As I look at the Megabyte sunrise, I’m also

putting on my rechargeable clothes (clothes that die, you can put on the

charger) so I won’t be late for my first day of school.

My mom yelled, “Gigabit” and told me to hurry up and get downstairs

for breakfast. She asked me if I wanted my nibbles over my trilobites (any

other kid would have preferred scrambled eggs) or if I wanted my nibbles

over a gigabyte (we are not a normal family. We eat technology things for

I told her I preferred a megabyte over a gigabyte but I would eat

whatever she had fixed for breakfast. She said she loved trillobits over

gigabytes and she wanted me to have a scrumptious breakfast before

heading to Techmentry for my first day.

My father yelled, “Gigabit, only ten more minutes till the Blog gets

here.” I rushed to eat my trillobits over gigabytes and brushed my teeth with

Nanobot toothpaste and I was ready to go.

The Blog bus has finally arrived. As I get on the Blog, I noticed the

children are different than the ones who lived in HTML because they have

backpacks the size of 3GB. I sat in the back of the bus all alone. My backpack

was different than the ones that the children on the bus had. All of these

children had a backpack with a television in it. They could watch any

television show they wanted to right on their backpacks! Wow, I couldn’t

believe my eyes! We just now arrived at school and we are sitting in the bus

waiting area waiting for other students to arrive. This was so cool! You had a

seat with your name on it and when you sat down on it headphones dropped

down to listen to the music you like. You didn’t have to listen to what other

people liked. You could listen to whatever you wanted! The lights faded and

black lights came on signaling for us to report to our classes. Whoa! How

cool! It’s time to report to our classes. RAM didn’t even have a lighting

system like Technomentry.

The long awaited first hour class has arrived. The teacher has a PDF

file in which he takes attendance. As I arrived to class I was in the classroom

all alone. In my first hour class, we have I-PADS! You can type in what you

may need for notes and it will save right to your I-PAD. Then you can take it

home to study with. The purpose of the I-PAD is so students can pay more

attention in class and pass. The I-PAD is really cool. My teacher’s name is Mr.

Bandwidth. What a cool name! He instructed the class whenever he calls on

us to answer a question we can write CSS encryptions it on the desk and it

will show up on the white board. Cool! With thirty seconds remaining in first

period we packed up our belongings and are getting ready to go to the next

class. Math!

Math class has now started with Miss Wiki. She seems really nice. As

she goes through class expectations, she gives us a calculator number and

this is the calculator we are to use all year. If anything gets damaged on it

she’s going to charge us $50 MHz. I thought this was the coolest calculator

I’d ever seen before. Miss Wiki doesn’t have a phone in her room because

she put in a special request to have them built into the calculators. So, if I

have to call my mom, I can just use my calculator. I just dial 9 and my

calculator will call out. How awesome! Starting tomorrow, we’re going to

learn how many nibbles are in a bit and how many bits are in a byte. That

should be easy. Converting memory usage on the computer is great itself!

World War 1 and World War 2 are what we’re learning this week in Mr.

Browser’s Social Studies class when to my surprise my desk had asked me

to log on. I was wearied on whether or not to log on. I raised my hand and he

called on me, “Yes, Gigabit?”

“Mr. Browser, I want to know why my desk just asked me to log on.” I stated.

He replied, “Gigabit, this is where you do your assignments. On the laptop

that’s built into your desk.”

“Whoa! How cool! I’m liking this school already!” I exclaimed.

Mr. Browser continued giving the class expectations and then all of a sudden

a Trojan Horse had shut down his class. Wow! I had never seen anything so

exciting like this since I left HTML. He explained to the class what was going

on tomorrow we would be learning about the virus, the Trojan Horse.

All of my old friends at RAM think I’m a Miss Smarty Pants because; I’m

taking a higher level science class here at Techmentry. I’m taking

nanobiology. I’m going to learn a lot from Mr. Wall-E. He actually has a mega

timer in his room. It’s so we can see the nanoseconds fly by. He has a lovely

room filled with lots of learning materials. He’s starting the year off with the

dissection of nanobots. This is really cool. I like his class too.

It’s lunchtime! I’m liking this lunchroom. It has the same exact seating

as the bus waiting area. You can listen to the music you like and not what

people influence you to listen to. On the menu for today’s lunch is
Defragmentation Soup. Lunch takes exactly 25 Hyper Terminals. It doesn’t

seem long but it’s a good lunch.

I’m on my way to Geography with Miss Database. She takes

attendance on flow charts. She claps her hands and then our headphones go

into our ears. We learn in her class by a podcast. She just sits there and

watches us do our work and if we have a question, she’s there to answer it.

Pretty cool things happen in new schools. If you just give yourself time to

adjust in a new school, then it can be a lot of fun.

Are you kidding me? I have more classes to take? I’m about to head to

Spelling with Miss USB. She knows everything about spelling. She had us to

write five words on our spelling paper and I missed a few. She gave us a

couple of rules to follow when it comes to take our spelling test. You’ve got

to remember I before E except after C. I love spelling.

In orchestra, I play a non-traditional musical instrument. I play the

floppy disk keyboard. This has to be my favorite instrument because the

keyboard loads new information every time I play a new song. I feel like it’s a

frenzy to learn how to play it but not really. My instrument is easier to play

than the scanner. My orchestral director has a plethora of ideas that will

become about in orchestra this year. Mr. Binary sure does have a back-up

plan for everything.

My next class is Art. My teacher’s name is Mr. Virus. Now, I promise

you he doesn’t have a virus, it’s just his name. Today in Art we learned how
to draw pixels on the first day. In all of my other classes, I had to listen to the

teachers discuss classroom expectations and how they would start new

material tomorrow. Not in Mr. Virus’ class, he told us to have fun and

experiment with pixels.

Whew! The day is almost over. I’m in PE. We run, jump, skip and play.

We just didn’t do a lot in PE today because the PE teacher Miss CD-ROM was

sick. Tomorrow, we are going to see who can run the fastest micro-

processors. This is my last class and I can’t wait to get home and tell my

parents about my first day at my new school. I was very shy today but that’s

okay. I’ll make new friends tomorrow. Starting my first day here at

Techmentry wasn’t so bad after all. What was there to be nervous about?

Nothing because as you know, when you’re the new kid in school, you don’t

fit in quite well on the first day. Techmentry is pretty rad. I’m waiting for the

Blog to come back and get me. I forgot to mention, in the driver’s mirror,

there is a daily blog that we can read. How cool. It will be different tomorrow.

I like the city of CSS better than the city of HTML. Technology has changed

from the time my dad went to school, till now. My….how technology has


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